Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

15.10.2013 16:49:33

---------------FAQ FOR THE SPECIAL STORY MODE------------------------
Written by Kelvin Leen and "Dio" Kenneth Chan
Email questions or other discovery at :

A brief foreword ---
Hello, fellow Jotaro or Dio wannabes ....
Welcome to the much awaited game of 1999, JOJO's Bizarre
Adventure has truly made a mark in the arcades and now has
come home for the Playstation .... I must say that it's one
title that's worth the wait !

I'm no Jojo fan mind you, but my co-writer is. He waited for
ages for the home version, and meanwhile still beating the crap
out of the Arcade version at the local aracades .... I only watched
the OVA version of Jojo which was based on the 3rd season of the comic.
I admit that while the comic's artwork really stinks like hell, the
OVA version is ten if not fifty times better !

I really must say that the Arcade fighter should have been drawn the
way the OVA was drawn, for those who say the OVA, you know how different
Dio was in the comic verus the OVA ! Another thing is, there was much
taken out of the comic in the OVA version ... but at least the game
was smart enough to follow the comic version ...

I think I had enough of typing my foreword ... let's get down to
business !!! OHLA !

The SP STORY option is based clearly on the comic version of Jojo's
Bizarre adventure. For fans, you'll now play those moments of wild
conflicts and great battles as all of Jotaro's ally !


---------THE SP STORY MODE------------------------------------------------
This mode is a mode where you are playing as any possible ally to Jotaro
Kudo, the main lead of the whole comic series.
Note that as I'm not a complete Jojo fan, I only know the place and
roughly what happens there, but I can't really give you the acutal
insight into the situation. Maybe on another update, but for now
I just want to tide players over the Story mode !

1st stage - Japan
The Police station :
Jotaro is being arrested and locked inside the police station's jail.
Joseph and Avadol visits Jotaro and Avadol fights Jotaro after blasting
the cell's gates open.

Type of situation : 1 on 1 battle
Level of diffculty : Real easy

2nd stage - Japan
The local hospital :
Jotaro will proceed to this venue and meet up with Kakyoin who is already
mind controlled by Shadow Dio already.

Type of situation : 1 on 1 battle
Level of diffculty : Real easy

3rd stage - On the way to Hong Kong
On board the plane :
The team which consist of Jotaro, Joseph, Avadol and Kakyoin will meet up
with a grey bug inside the plane. This is a bug known as the Grey Fly,
possesses the Tower of Grey stand. Kakyoin will face it.

Type of situation : 1 on 1 battle
Level of diffculty : Easy

*The fly is real fast, much faster than Kakyoin in my ways, and has a
hammering attack that connects many times in a row and damages plenty !

*Kakyoin can also take chances by shooting the Grey Fly via
mid air, It might not connect much hits, but will keep the bug away
from you.

4th stage - Hong Kong
A park
The team arrives in Hong Kong and bumps into an already possessed
Polnareff and Avadol steps into fight him.

Type of situation : 1 on 1 battle
Level of diffculty : Easy

5th stage - Heading for Singapore, South China Sea
On board a ship
The team is taking a boat ride to Singapore, and encounters Captain
Teneil, the owner of the Dark Blue Moon stand. He goes after Jotaro
and you'll enter your first minigame of the SP Story mode.

Type of situation : Avoid the punches
Level of diffculty : Easy

*The rule is simple. There will be directions given for you when
the enemy is going to punch or attack you. Before the blow connects,
move to any of the given directions and you'll be safe.

*Jotaro is given 100 hit points in this game. Every blow reduces 20
hit points. 5 chances is all you have.

*Aim for a "S" grade as this is an easy minigame. You'll gain more
Jotaro Ability points and Secret points with every "S" grade.

6th stage - Heading for Singapore, South China Sea
On board the ship
A really funny part of your adventure is here. The team meets up with
an intellegent Gorilla in the ship. Look at that Gorilla and hammer it!

Type of situation : Sock my face with your punches
Level of diffculty : Tricky but easy

*Okay, You will given crosshairs for aiming here, move that with your
control pad. The other button to press is your Heavy punch button which
is to punch. When the Gorilla appears, move your crosshair to it and
hammer your punches on it.

*As you might notice, you have 2 life bars at the bottom. The gorilla
will throw junk at you, so punch those away as well. Sock as many
blows onto the gorilla's face as possible, the fella's dead sooner or

*When the gorilla's life is very low, a little girl will appear sometimes.
Be careful not to punch her or you lose life as well.

7th stage - Singapore
Hotel room
The team arrives in Singapore finally and check into a hotel. Polnareff
finds something amiss about the room, and true enough, somebody's
hiding in the room ! He's inside the fridge and his name is Devo.
You will use Polnareff to fight.

Type of situation : 1 on 1 battle
Level of diffculty : Moderate

*For the benefit of those who never really played the Arcade version or
mode, Devo's stand in hidden in that little doll on the ground.

*Once Devo's stand is activated, Devo himself cannot block. The doll can
be very deadly if you do not know where to block. Go for Devo as he is a
larger target than the Doll.

8th stage - Singapore
Jotaro meets up with Kakyoin in the sewers. But did you notice that he's
yellow instead of Kakyoin's trademark Green jacket ? Obviously it's
an imposter ! You'll fight this imposter with Jotaro.

Type of situation : 1 on 1 battle
Level of diffculty : Freaking Easy

*Yellow Temperance may have a little bit of Kakyoin's attacks but they
are not powerful compared to the original one. Jotaro will kill him in
seconds if his attack misses !

9th stage - India, Calcutta
Village slums
Kakyoin and Polnareff meets a cowboy in this place. Polnareff will
take the cowboy on.

Type of situation : 1 on 1 battle
Level of diffculty : Moderate

*Hol Horse has an assistant name the HANGED MAN. This stand had previously
murdered Polnareff's sister and thus this fight, you will see Polanreff
stabbing some guy, who is acutally the HANGED MAN's stand owner.

10th stage - India, Varanasi
Somewhere in India
Joseph is apperently being hunted down in this section of the story. He
meets up with an ugly looking Stand or Stand owner ? Please enlighten
me on this part if anyone knows what's going on.

Type of situation : Avoid the punches
Level of diffculty : Moderate

*The first part is to avoid a bullet. I don't have to give hints on that.

*You'll be given 4 directions to avoid rather than the usual Left or Right

11th Stage - India, Delhi
On the road
The team is travelling by car and suddenly meets up with a car that blocked
and overtook them. Polnareff complains about the situation and the car later
gives way ... only to let the team's car face an incoming truck !

Type of situation : Avoid the attacks
Level of diffculty : Moderate

*All of the attacks from ZZ are pretty fast, so avoid will care.

12th Stage - Multan, Afghanistan
In a hotel room
The team checks into the hotel. An old lady appears and calls on Jotaro.
However Jotaro has given a fake name on the hotel's register, and asks
the old lady why she knew his acutal name.
This old lady by the way is the mother of the HANGED MAN stand owner.

Type of situation : Action minigame + 1 on 1 battle
Level of diffculty : Easy

*The first part is to fight against a certain amount of zombies
coming Jotaro. The amount left to fight off is located at the right
edge of the screen.
There are basically 3 types of zombies to fight off :
Pale Orange man : They just come at Jotaro slowly.
Pale Red woman : These jump at Jotaro so be careful.
Green baby : These are really hard to hit, Use your fast punches to
hit really low or they will bite you fast !

*The second part involves Enya and the zombies. Attack Enya and also
avoid her stand, which is the Skull and hands floating above the screen.
Not really easy but still you'll win with ease.

13th Stage - Karachi, Afghanistan
Some village / Joseph's body
The team encounter porblems when a stand enters Joseph's body and
wreck havoc ! Kakyoin and Polnareff enters into Joseph's body to
try to rid the microscopic stand known as the LOVERS.

Type of situation : Shooter
Level of diffculty : Hard

*Your main control here is Kakyoin's stand. Polnareff is working as
your attacker and human shield. REMEMBER THIS POINT !

*As Kakyoin, you will shoot Emerald blast and Polnareff will charge over
and do multi-slashes. To shoot Emerald blast, press and hold Heavy Punch.
To slash, press the Stand button. These are the only 2 things you MUST
get in your head when playing.

*Kakyoin is the one in charge of the health bar here. Polnareff has unlimited
health so use him to block everything that shoots to you ! Don't let Kakyoin
get hurt here !

*To use Polnareff, you'll just press Stand button, and if you move your
controller, he will also attack that particular direction and stay locked
facing that direction. I advice to always keep him IN FRONT and press
Stand button WITHOUT MOVING ANY DIRECTION AT ALL. He can be a quite a
bane at times when you make mistake.

*Kakyoin can improve his blast attacks by collecting powerups. Every time
he gets hit, he loses a power level. His maximium is 4 level points.
Polnareff is always at level 2 and cannot improve.

*When fighting Steely Dan's 1st form, just shoot and avoid all possible hits
fired from his pincers. Duck fast and keep firing and sending Polnareff at
him only when he's facing you face to face in front.

*His first form will turn red when it has suffered a lot of damage.

*His second form is really the tough one, as it is protected by two tube like
veins. Blast and slash any of the two, but once one disappears, duck high or
low as the tube will appear above or below you. It will swing around and cause
much damage.

*Once the veins disappears and Steely dan is left unprotected by the veins, send
Polnareff charing in and slash ! He can inflict much more damage than just shooting
from Kakyoin ! It will later recover it's vein and you'll have to blast one
vein down again.

*This second form of Steely Dan can take hell lot of damage so be calm and tackle
it in a cool manner. It might take more than 10 tries so please have plenty of
time to play this part !

14th stage - Abu Dhabi, Afghanistan
The team is in the desert and somebody's turing up the heat on them !

Type of situation : Hunt for the image
Level of diffculty : Hard

*The main window is your view. You have a crosshair to shoot at
any object. Use the heavy punch button to shoot.

*The mirror image is at the right side of the screen, and look at
what you see inside. The image is acutally from the main window
but it is inverted. Look for the non-inverted version in the
main window and shoot the location.

*It is very easy to lose here if you shoot the wrong spot. Your life
bar is above the main window. The timer is on your right corner screen.

*For Comic fans, the key here is not to fire at the sun, this is not
as easy as the comic edition !

15th stage - ?????
The team finds an abandoned child and takes a rest. However, they
seemingly end up in a dreamworld with a stand, which acutally belongs
to the baby they had earlier found !!! Kakyoin discovers the truth and
battle the Stand here.

Type of situation : 1 on 1 battle
Level of diffculty : Tricky but easy

*Using Kakyoin to defeat Death 13 is easy if you can fire Emerald shots
at it non-stop. You might get PERFECT this round if you are able keep
things that way.

16th stage - Red Sea
A field
Polnareff finds a lamp and a strange looking genie appears to grant
wishes. Polnareff wishes for his late sister to be resurrected. The
wish is granted with a twist ... his sister is a zombie ! Avadol
steps in to stop the madness.

Type of situation : 1 on 1 action battle
Level of diffculty : Moderate

*You'll have to attack Cameo but it/he's protected by a zombie
of Polnareff's sister and a carbon copy of Avadol himself. They
are quite a pain, but get to Cameo and keep pummeling him non
stop ....

17th stage - Jiddah
A field
The team takes a break and encounters Midler. Jotaro will step
in put an end to her presence.

Type of situation : 1 on 1 battle
Level of diffculty : Easy

18th stage - Abu Simbel
This minigame is taken straight out of the Arcade mode. Jotaro's
team is being delivered Iggy the dog, and as the helicopter leaves.
After a short while the helicopter crashes and the team arrives
to investage the crash.
To their horror, a blob of water is the main cause of the problem
and Jotaro is off to defeat the Stand owner.

Type of situation : Bonus stage
Level of diffculty : Moderate

*Avoid all contact with water here and make it as quick as possible
to your goal, which is marked out by the meter at the right side
of the screen.

*Mainly these are all the water you will encounter in the minigame :
Patches of water that attack as hands (Different Heights)
Patches of water that shoot out at another patch
Patches of water waves
Patch of water that will suck you into the ground for damage

19th stage -Aswan
The team encounters a pair of ugly people, named Oingo & Boingo.

Type of situation : Avoid the punches (Objects)
Level of diffculty : Moderate

20th stage - Komombo
Polnareff walks past a man wielding a sword. They turn and eyes
meet and the man challenges Polnareff to a duel. Of course being
a proud Frenchman, Polnareff accepts the duel.

Type of situation : 1 on 1 battle
Level of diffculty : Moderate

*Chaca is quite a powerhorse in this duel, so please be careful.

21th stage - Komombo
After Chaca's defeat, Polnareff takes the sword to a nearby town
and visits a barber. What ends up to be a trim, turns into a
trip to hell as Khan the barber attacks Jotaro with the sword !

Type of situation : 1 on 1 battle
Level of diffculty : Moderate

*Khan may be round and fat but pretty damaging in close contact !
Keep away and attack !

22nd stage - Komombo
After Khan falls and the Anubis sword broken, a curious Polnareff
picks up and wields the sword. Making things really worse, he
attacks Jotaro as a dual stand user !

Type of situation : 1 on 1 battle
Level of diffculty : Moderate

23th stage - Luxor
DUAL POSSIBLITY ---- Choose any of the following :
MARIAH (Stand : BAST) - Use Joseph and Avadol (Jospeh fights)
ALESSI (Stand : SETHAN) - Use Jotaro and Polnareff (Polnareff fights)

Only one will do the fighting, the other is related to the story.
These are all fight related matches. As for the storywise, I need
some updating here.

24th stage - Giza
The team arrives in a cafe where they are enquiring about Dio's
whereabouts. Nobody seems helpful and they leave. As they leave,
a man calls out to them saying he might have something interesting that
the team will want to know about.
He will gamble with the team, and if they CAN win him, he will tell
them what is needed.

1st type of gamble :
Which meat will the cat eat ?
Darby vs Polnareff
Level of diffculty : IMPOSSIBLE

*You are to choose which meat the cat will pick up to eat, however based
on the story, the cat will eat BOTH the meat placed out to it !
*Polnareff has his soul turned into a Casino token

2nd type of gamble :
The overflowing drink
Darby vs Joseph
Level of diffculty : IMPOSSIBLE

*No matter how good you think you are, this party still follows the
comic and cartoon, Jospeh loses his soul to Darby.

3rd type of gamble :
Darby vs Jotaro
Level of diffculty : Hard

*For those who do not gamble at all (Like me), this is a part where you
need to either understand the rules or you know how to play poker.
*Darby cheats and there is a little possibility that you'll
win against him.
*There is a number of rounds to survive against him, you will must play
until there is a conversation between Jotaro and Darby. This is more
of a survival card game than to win against Darby.

25th stage - Cario, Egypt
The party encounters Hol Horse, and this time, Hol Horse's partner is
Boingo (hiding in a box). Hol Horse is back with more vengence and
Polnareff seeks to settle this fool !

Type of situation : 1 on 1 battle
Level of diffculty : Moderate

*Hol Horse's attacks are a bit stronger than before, beware of the
sudden apperance of pipes, that's his super attack !

26th stage - Cario, Egypt
Iggy will be used in this battle against Pet Shop, a bird who is also
a stand owner !

Type of situation : 1 on 1 battle
Level of diffculty : Moderate - Hard

*Depending on how good you are with Iggy, Pet Shop can be a menance from
the attack with it's attacks. Good Luck with him !

27th stage - Cario, Egypt
Dio's castle
The team finally arrives and finds Dio's castle. The team is being split
into 2 groups of 3 members, you get to choose :

1st team walkthrough :
The team will encounter Darby's brother, Terence on the way to look for

Type of situation : Avoid the punches/objects
Level of diffculty : Moderate

*From what I understand, Terence is really fast in this minigame, do well
and you should be able to keep a good S record !

The team will now meet up with Dio as the story progresses on, and
the acutal fighting begins.

1st fight :- Kakyoin's death and the secret of Dio's stand
Dio vs Kakyoin
Cario city, rooftops
Type of situation : 1 on 1 battle
Level of diffculty : Hard

*Dio is really fast, ruthless and damaging ! Your safe bet is to keep tripping
Dio down and shoot your blast from afar !
*Keep Dio away and you'll be shooting at him with peace.

Kakyoin dies in this part as he wanted to see the true power of Dio's stand.
Dio activates it and pauses time. In this stopped time, Dio's World stand
punches Kakyoin to death and seeks to kill Joseph for his blood.

2nd fight :- Joseph's desperate escape
Dio vs Joseph
Cario city, Streets
Type of situation : 1 on 1 battle
Level of diffculty : Hard

*As the previous, Dio is still going after you like a wild boar. Keep your
moves for any openings after Dio misses his attacks. Otherwise block
and throw him if possible.

2nd team's walkthrough =
Dio's castle
The party seem to be walking in a maze of some sort and Iggy seems to have found
a mystery about the maze, it's a stand !

Type of situation : Seek and kill
Level of diffculty : Hard

*Like the earlier minigame, you are supposed to hunt for Kenny G. The same rules
more or less appiles, except that Kenny G is moving around the stage. Use the
mirror at the right to judge where he could be and hit that location.
*Acutally, if you wait long enough, Kenny G will appear for a brief moment and
vanish, so hit him fast. Don't try waiting as timing is really short !

Dio's castle
The party arrives in some sort of a hallway. Avadol cast a spell to locate
any nearby Stands, but finds none. However, a strange Warp hole appears
near him and he pushes Polnareff to safety ... only to be swiped away by the
strange warp itself.... leaving a pair of hands on the floor.
The warp unfolds itself to be Vanilla Ice, Dio's most powerful right hand man.
He is questioned by Polnareff where he sent Avadol to, but the answer was
simply to his death. (Avadol is out of the team)

Vanilla Ice vs Polnareff
Type of situation : 1 on 1 battle
Level of diffculty : Moderate-Hard

*Unlike the arcade version, this Vanilla Ice's moves are all blockable and he
can be knocked out of most his moves. Still pretty hard to fight ....

Iggy also risk it's own life to save Polnareff and dies. After Vanilla Ice dies,
Polnareff sees the spirit of Avadol float away to the heavens and Polnareff
swore he will make Dio pay for his partners' death.

Cario, An alleyway
Dio vs Polnareff
Type of situation : 1 on 1 battle
Level of diffculty : Moderate

As Jotaro battles Dio, he gets knocked down into an alley and Dio seeks to kill
Jotaro. Just as he tries to land a fatal blow onto Jotaro, Polnareff appears to
stop Dio and (Unlike the comic and cartoon, he just stabbed Dio's head)
the two will fight.

Polnareff will tell Jotaro that both Iggy and Avadol had passed on and this
enrages Jotaro.

The last fight :- The final
Cario city, Bridge
The final clash as Dio manages to suck Joseph's blood to enhance himself. Jotaro
arrives too late to stop this, and knows that he will have to kill Dio to settle
the score.

Type of situation : 1 on 1 battle
Level of diffculty : Moderate

After this, you will get the ending, which is closely related to the comic version.
Your tough fight is over, thanks to you and your late buddies who have helped you
in your journey !
You deserve a break ! Enjoy the ending !

Last note :
By the time you finish, your Jotaro ability points should already be well over
500 points ... which entitles you to one more character and a slew of stuff like
a Card game, a book to play all the minigames with any character, record your
endings, sound test selation and finally a gallery section to view all the
artwork from the game.

>From what I understand the secret characters are as follows :
Earn 500 points to get him

Earn 1000 points to get him

Earn 1300 points to get these two

Earn about 1450 points to get him
(This version of Kakyoin is just normal, except for the sunglasses and a gold
suit instead of his green one)

You can replay any of the missions by choosing SP mode and selecting the continue
option. There are extra stages dealing with each character's past, relating to
Shadow Dio available for selection. This is where you are going to earn extra
points to gain the special characters.
When replaying your previously played missions, you are supposed to earn a
better ranking to increase your Ability points. For unplayed events, they
work as per normal in the SP story.

*Always remember to save as it is not easy to play this mode and complete it !
Hope you'll have fun reading and completing the whole game soon !

********************************HELP NEEDED***************************************
Please assist me with the story and also keep me informed about any stuff
relating to the Ability points or new ways to complete hard stages. Do
exchange infomation about the game to make this walkthought really complete !

As for the info on the secret characters, I would like to thank another FAQ
writer on the infomation. Please read his FAQ for more info on the moves.
I will try to look for more stuff and update when I have more info
coming in.

Please send your mail on the game ! I will credit you !
Thanks to :
CAPCOM - Finally having the brains to better the game !
JUMP COMICS - For publishing this hit comic
Kenneth Chan - For having a playstation, the OVA of JoJo's venture and showing
me the stages
Kelvin Koh ( - The other FAQ author who's doing a solid
job on the moves sheet FAQ
And you .... for reading this FAQ ! THE WORLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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