Um Jammer Lammy

Um Jammer Lammy

14.10.2013 09:19:24
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Um Jammer Lammy
Sony PlayStation, by SCEI (1999)

FAQ v1.1
Last Updated on May 12 2001
By Ryouga (


[Legal Disclaimer]

This document is Copyright 2001, Ryouga ( and may not
be reproduced in any form without permission. Furthermore, this document may
not be altered, edited, or sold without approval. If these terms are violated,
proper legal action will be taken.

Webmasters: If you want to use this document on your site, e-mail me and ask.
I'm always happy to let people use my work, so long as they've been given
permission. Any site found to be using this document without consent will be
asked to remove it or suffer legal consequences.

This document is unofficial and is in no way affiliated with any company.


(I) [Introduction]

(II) [Controls]

(III) [Menus]

(IV) [Gameplay]

(V) [Lammy Solos]

(VI) [Parappa Solos]

(VII) [Jam Sessions]

(VIII) [Secrets]

(IX) [Other Song Lyrics]

(X) [FAQ]


(I) [Introduction]

- MilkCan Live! -

Meet Lammy. She's the guitar-slinging megastar of the all-girl band, MilkCan.
Lammy's always late. But she better not be late today, or she'll mess up her
band's first live gig. Not to mention she'd be letting down her friends and
her fans, and that spent practicing would be wasted!

So it's up to you to help Lammy make it to her big gig on time. You'll make
Lammy strum her guitar, but she can only play like a superstar when and if
you press the buttons in rhythm. If you don't play well, Lammy doesn't play
well. On the other hand, if you ride the rhythm, Lammy will rock like a
superstar. When you clear the first stage, you can jam will Rammy, Lammy's
rival, to clear the next stage; or compete against Rammy in a guitar duel.
Depending on the stage, when it's cleared, you'll get an "Effecter" for your
guitar. By using the Effected, you can change the sound of your guitar,
making Lammy's playing even more cool. But if it gets too weird, the sound
will hurt your ears!

- Characters -
Lammy: Lead Guitar
Where Lammy goes, mosh pits follow. Normally, she is shy and somewhat
nervous when she is in front of people. But, when she has her guitar,
she turns into a totally different person. She has a lot of confidence
and surprises everyone with her bold and daring riffs.

Ma-san: Drums
She is a bookworm and her favorite reading genres are mysticism and
economics. Ma-san has a tiny body, but has unthinkable strength, and
when she plays her drums, the sound tears the house down. She doesn't
have a boyfriend, but loves celebrities. Her father owns a pharmacy. Go

Katy Kat: Lead Vocals & Bass
MilkCan's hip feline front vocalist. Very spirited and active, and very
fashionable; she is a natural leader. Katy is a little bit breezy, but
she actually tries hard and puts a lot of effort into the things she does.

Rammy: Guitar
Rammy plays as a free studio musician. She wants to be in a band, but is
paranoid and tends to be tardy, so she is easily fired. But, Rammy has a
pretty good technique that may take her to stardom.

Parappa: Rap Vocals
Parappa is a friend of Katy's. He and his friends PJ Berri and Sunny Funny
want to help Katy prepare for MilkCan's first live show.

The Teachers
There are many difficulties that Lammy has to face when she is trying to
get to ger gig. No one knows if they are trying to get in her way or to
help her, but here they are:
Stage One: Chop Chop Master Onion
Stage Two: Chief Puddle
Stage Three: Cathy Pillar (& USA Baby)
Stage Four: Captain Fussenpepper
Stage Five: Paul Chuck
Stage Six: Teriyaki Yoko
Stage Seven: Katy Kat


(II) [Controls]

- The Controller Is In Your Mind! -
The difference between the Dual Shock and the digital controller is the use of
the Left Stick and the vibration feature.

Digital Controller
The PlayStation digital controller is like a classic guitar. This controller
is recommended for people who want to play powerfully and dramatically by
using a lighter controller.

Practice Position
Sometimes you should try changing how you hold the controller. Depending on
the stage, you may need to hit the buttons with a lot of speed and force. If
this happens, you can place the controller on the floor and play using your
index fingers or other fingers that still have energy in them.

Dual Shock Analog Controller
When you use the Dual Shock analog controller, it provides two different
functions. First, the vibration functions provides the exact timing to tell
you when to being playing. The second function is is that you can operate
Effecters with with more precision by maneuvering the Left Stick.

Vibration Function
The Dual Shock controller provides the vibration function. The player's
controller is given a small shock at the beginning of Lammy's turn
throughout the game. Even if you're entranced by the music, the shock can
get your attention and remind you to start rockin'. But if you sleep through
the jolt, maybe you should GO TO BED!

- Controls -
Direction Pad: Select options, Use Effecter
Left Stick: Use Effecter
Right Stick: Not used

Select Button: Change Effecter (You must have an Effecter first)
Start Button: Give up

,A,X,O,L,R Buttons: Play
L2 Button: Bend pitch down
R2 Button: Bend pitch up

Note: There's really no "A" button on the PlayStation controller, but since
the letter "A" looks more like a triangle than anything else, it's just
easier this way.

- Effecters -
Flanger: A fire truck's siren. Gives the guitar a fun sound.
Harmonizer: A caterpiller. Changes the guitar's sound in many ways by
moving the Direction Pad or the Left Analog Stick. Gives the
guitar a soft sound.
Wah Wah: A set of false teeth. Gives the guitar a strange sound.
Distortion: An axe set in a stump. Gives the guitar a powerful sound.
Reverb: A Teriyaki Yoko lighter. Gives the guitar a moving sound.


(III) [Menus]

- New Game -
Starts the game in Stage One as Lammy in Solo mode.

- Menu -
Enters the Menu screen:
Hi-Score: View the top three high scores from every Solo and Team

Vibration: Set the Vibration of a Dual Shock controller On or Off.
Subtitle: Set the song lyrics subtitles On or Off.
Level: Set the game difficulty to Normal or Easy. Easy Mode
only goes up to Stage 6, so it's best used for

Stage Select: Play any unlocked Solo, Team or Battle game.
Replay: You can save Replays after completing a Stage, and then
play them back anytime as a movie with this option. This
takes one free block on a Memory Card.
Load & Save: Load or Save game data from a memory card.

- Special -
This special Sound Player lets you play the background music from any of
the game's Seven Stages as either Lammy or Parappa, and at any Rating

While the music plays, Lammy, Katy, Parappa, Rammy, Ma-san, and PJ Berri
jam on-stage. Pressing buttons will make them pose as music plays in the
background. The pose depends on the background music:
 Button: Lammy L Button: PJ Berri
X Button: Katy R Button: Ma-san
A Button: Parappa
O Button: Rammy


(IV) [Gameplay]

= Solo Performance =

The screen looks sort of like this:

| 1 +---------2--------------+ |
| +------------------------+ |
| |
| |
| 3 5 |
| |
| 4 |
| |
| 6 |
| +-------------7--------------+ |
| +----------------------------+ |

1. Turn Window
Tells you whose turn it is.

2. Rhythm Bar
This tells you the buttons to push and the timing of when to push the

3. Lammy
This is you (player one), the main character of this game.

4. Rating Meter
The Rating Meter starts at "GOOD", and if you play bad, you rating goes to
"BAD". If you are really terrible, you go to "AWFUL". When you get worse
than awful, it's game over. On the other hand, if you are doing really
great, it goes to "COOL", and your teacher will disappear and you get the
stage to yourself. When a Rating is blinking, it means you are halfway to
a rating change. Doing well will bump you up a Rating, but failing will
keep you at your current Rating.

5. The Teacher
The teacher will sing for you as an example. When it's your turn, you need
to answer and copy the singing with your guitar.

6. Score
The score reflects your guitar-strumming skills.

7. Subtitles
The shows you the movie screen conversations and lyrics to the songs. Go
ahead and sing along!

- How To Play -

Live vicariously as a cool rock star. You are Lammy, the hit female guitarist
in the up and coming band called MilkCan. So, when you push the buttons,
you'll play the guitar, just like Lammy! The teacher shows you the example
songs, and you answer with the guitar, get it? The game goes like this:

Teacher's example -> your guitar -> Teacher's example -> your guitar -> and so on

Basically, getting with the rhythm and pusing the buttons will work just
fine. Which buttons do you press? Well, on top of the screen you will see the
buttons spaced out in rhythm, so follow that. All right!

- Turn Order -

1. Watch the Turn Window
Whomever's turn it is to play, their face will appear in this window. When
the window shows Lammy's face, it is your turn to play.

2. Watch the Rhythm Bar
O, , A, X, L, and R are the kinds of buttons that are going to be shown on
the Rhythm Bar. This shows you when to push which button and the timing of
when you should press them.

3. First the Teacher
When the Teacher's example begins with the music, the Teacher's face icon
moves across the Rhythm Bar. After that, Lammy's face icon will move across
the Rhythm Bar will the same button presses that the Teacher went over.
When Lammy's face icon goes over a button icon, it's time to press that

Basically, you press the buttons to the rhythm. If your beat is good enough
and you get a GOOD Rating by the time the song ends, you pass to the next
level! If you bomb and the Rating goes to Bad or Terrible by the time the song
ends, the Teacher will make you start over. Practice makes perfect!

- Freestyling: Getting A COOL Rating -

The ultimate goal for each Stage is to jam really well and reach the fabled
"COOL" Rating. But you can't be that cool by just following the Teacher's
examples all the time. You've gotta freestyle your playing while following
the beat. The easiest way to freestyle is to press a button multiple times
more than needed, while following the beat. It's kind of hard to explain,
so here are some examples:

(Example 1: Basic Freestyling)
Let's say something like this comes up on the Rhythm Bar:

O - - - O - - - O - O - O - O -

You could try something like this:

O O O - O O O - O O O O O O O O

See? All you have to do is follow the song's beat and press the button
along with it. DON'T just jam the buttons randomly at any pace or
you're to drop to AWFUL in no time. Get it? Got it? Good!

(Example 2: Squeezing In More Notes)
Here's something a little more complex:

A - O - - - X - - - 

And here's some freestyling that could take its place:

A A A - O O O X X -    

In this one, buttons were pushed before and after the verse started
and finished. You CAN play before Lammy's face icon goes over the
Rhythm Bar, which gives you even more time to squeeze in more notes
and get a higher score.

(Example 3: Less Can Be More)
Okay, sometimes lines with huge amounts of notes that can be tricky
to play at a decent pace. These kind of lines are just BEGGING to
be freestyled. Take a look at this first line of Stage Three:


Now pressing the A Button that quickly for that long can throw
off your timing or wear you out. Instead of trying to hit EVERY
beat there, try leaving some out, like this:

A - A - A - A - A - A - A A A A

Now the freestyled verse not only gives you more time to think
between beat and lets you hit them more dead-on, it scores you
more points for originality!

- Fever Mode: Cooler Than COOL? -

Okay, so you've mastered the game with COOL ratings for each Stage; what's
next? Fever Mode, of course! After you beat a Stage and go back to play it
again, a special screen will come up as it loads, which has a bunch of special
button press patterns. These are listed below under each Stage.

First, get a COOL rating. Then start to play the verses shown on the
Fever charts. If done right, the background will go all colorful and
psychadelic while Lammy earns HUGE points! It's not easy, but you can earn
really high scores and brag about them later.


(V) [Lammy Solos]


Stage One: Now Wait A Minute! Who Is That?!

Kick, Punch, you all remember
Chop chop back again, yes forever,
You have many challenges comin at ya'
First is a fire, don't retire, now

A -
O -
X -
And Down, again now
A -
O -
X -
And Down,

Listen to me now as I do my chore,
Nobody ever talks to me no more,
But if a baby were to come, crying out loud,
Do you think you could play and calm it down?
Or, if you're on a plane, how would you play?
Throttle up and down, or away
I just wanna know, can you really go
With that guitar in hand, I don't know.
Comin at ya,

Fly high,
 - - - 
Sky high,
 - - - 
Cry loud,
X - - - X
Shut up,
X - - - X
Fly, Cry,
 - - - X
Pick, Burn,
A - - - O
Pick, Cry,
A - - - X
and Fly, Down,
 - - - 

Shake it to the right, shake it to the left,
I be the only masta that will give
All the necessary skills to build a guitar,
So you can play in an island, you come far!

Chop, that wood!
R -
Choke real good
L -

Pick Chop Burn!
A - R - O
Cry Fly Choke!
X -  - L
Burn Cry Slide!
O - X - X
Chop Pick Fly!
R - A - 
Choke Fly Pick!
L -  - A
Cry Chop Down! Ha ha,
X - R - 
Pick Burn Cry!
A - O - X
Cry Fly Chop!
X -  - R
Pick Burn'n Cry!
A - O - X
Fly Chop Choke!
 - R - L

A - O - X -  - - - R - L
A - O - X -  - - - R - L

A | - A A - A R - - |
O | - O - O R O O - |
X | X  A O - X  - |
 | -   O -   - |
L | - L - - R - R  |
R | - R R R R - - - |


Stage Two: B,back Off! You're in the Way!

Let's get on, let's get on
A - O - - - A - O
Fight the fire, come on now
A - O - - - X - - - 
We gotta put it out quick
A - O - - - A - O - - - X
That's what I'm talkin bout,
A - O - - - X - - - 

Hold the hose real tight and get ready for a real fight,
A - - - A - - - O - O - X - X -  -  - L - R
Give these people a show and let's show 'em something that's right.
A - - - A - - - O - O - X - X -  -  - L - R

(Having fun)
I've been doing this for years let me tell you a little something
(With the funk)
A - O - X - X - O - A - A -  - L
(Having fun)
It's a bit of a rush and a bit of a dash!
(With the funk)
A - O - X - X - - - O -  - 

Put it on the fire, real good, Put it out cold and feel good
O - O - X -  - - - L - R - - - A - A - O - X - - - L - R
If you don't think you're the one, fireman's daily work can't be done
O - O - X -  - - - L - R - - - A - A - A - A - O - X 

We be on a role, puttin on a show, lettin people we're like, no other
A - O - X - A - O - X - A - O - X -  - - - - - - - L - R
Water over here, and over there, so the fire won't spread and go no further
A - O - X -  - - - O - X -  - L - R - L - R - L - R

Hold the hose real tight and get ready for a real fight
A - - - A - - - O - O - X - X -  -  - L - R
Give these people a show and show 'em something that's right
A - - - A - - - O - O - X - X -  -  - L - R

(Having fun)
I've been doing this for years let me tell you a little something
(With the funk)
A - O - X - X - O - A - A -  - L
(Having fun)
It's a bit of a rush and a bit of a dash!
(With the funk)
A - O - X - X - - - O -  - 

Put it on the fire, real good, Put it out cold and feel good
O - O - X -  - - - L - R - - - A - A - O - X - - - L - R
If you don't think you're the one, fireman's daily work can't be done
O - O - X -  - - - L - R - - - A - A - A - A - O - X 

Let's get on, let's get on
A - O - - - A - O
Where's the fire, it's out now
A - O - - - X - - - 
Time for lunch, let's go out quick

A | - - A A - A O - |
O | O - A O - O - O |
X | X - - X X - R R |
 |  - -    - - |
L | L R - L R - O - |
R | R - - - O R - O |


Stage Three: After School Sale

(Now put these kids to sleep, will ya!?)

Ma ma ma ma.....
Pa pa pa pa.....
Gimme some milk, gimme some food
A A A A - - - O - O O O
Gimme the car, one dat goes voom!
X X X X - - -  -   

(Now put these kids to sleep, will ya!?)

I need to potty, or I'll be real naughty
A - A A A - A - O - O O O - O O
Somebody hold me, somebody hug me
X - X X X - X -  -    - - 
Ma ma ma ma.....
A A A A - A A
Pa pa pa pa.....
O O O O - O O
Somebody come over quick
I'm gonna start a trick
Cuz here I go
Didn't you know
I am a kid
With no control

(Now put these kids to sleep, will ya!?)

I think my diaper is wet
I think the bed gon be next
I wanna go, I need to go now
X - X X X - X X
How much longer, I don't know now
O - O O O - O O
You are the person who's @#$%A&!
A - - A A - - A L L L L L L L L
Or was it Mama or @#$%A&!
O - - O O - - O R R R R R R R R

(Now put these kids to sleep, will ya!?)

Hey hey Papa, I been good
L L L - L - L - L - L
Now can I please have my food?
R R R - R - R - R - R

(Now put these kids to sleep, will ya!?)

Papa can I go and have the toy that make that funny sound-a?
Mama can I eat the food that make me feel like million dolla?
X X     X X     X X  
I wanna go to bed right now Mama
O O O O - O O O - O - O O
Buy me that toy before that oh please Papa
    -    -    

A | A - - A - A A A |
O | O - - O O - O O |
X | X - - X X - X X |
 | -       - |
L | - L L - L L L O |
R | R R R - - R R R |


Stage Four: Now Which One Is My Left Hand?

Look up in the sky, gimme all you got, never give it up, Soldier!
A A A - O O O - X X X - 
Get up in the morn, run around the track! Show me what you got, Soldier!
   - X - X - O O O - A

Did I eat my drink??
A - - - - - O - - X - - 
I thought milk was pink??
 - - - - - X - - O - - A
Auto pilot on, auto pilot off!
A A R - A A L
Little bit of this, little bit of that!
O X  -  X O

Now do you like munchies?
A X - O - 
I wonder where lunch is??
 O - X - A

1 2, 3 4, 5 6!
A O - X  - R R
Always give it your best!
A - - X  - L L

My knee's in pain
O A -  X
So is my brain
 A - O 

Look up in the sky, gimme all you got, never give it up, Soldier!
A A A - O O O - X X X - 
Get up in the morn, run around the track! Show me what you got, Soldier!
   - X - X - O O O - A

I thought I just made some coffee for me
A R - L O - - L X - - R L
I want some apples and berries to eat
X L - R O - - R A - - L R

Now it's time to move on, it only gets much harder so carry on!
A - - A - - A - O - - O - - - - X X - -  - -  - - R - L - L
You think I'm old now, I got the skills to beat you and knock you out!
A - - A - - A - O - - O - - - - X X - - X - -  - -  - R R R

My knee's in pain
O A -  X
So is my brain
 A - O 

Throttle up, flaps down!
R - A - L - X
Power up, gears down!
O - A -  - X

I'm getting sleepy...
L R - A
I want my sheets
X R - L

Auto pilot on, auto pilot off!
A A R - A A L
Little bit of this, little bit of that!
O X  -  X O

Now do you like munchies?
A X - O - 
I wonder where lunch is??
 O - X - A

1 2, 3 4, 5 6!
A O - X  - R R
Always give it your best!
A - - X  - L L

In the old days, I was a hero but look at me, I'm learning just how to fly
A - - A - - - - O - - O - - - - X - X -  - - - R - - L
I'm still wondering, when we get to rest, I'm hungry, I'm sleepy, don't
wanna die
L - - L - - - - R - - R - - - -  - - - X - - - O - - A

A | - - A A - O O O |
O | O O O - A A - A |
X | - - X X - O O O |
 |  - A A -  - A |
L | L L - L L - O O |
R | R - - X - X X X |


Stage Five: You Said Anything, Didn't Ya?

Get up, turn your chainsaw on
A - - - O - -  - - X
Power off, power on
A - - - X - - A - - O
Now let's start with this tree here
 - - - X - - A - - O
Low gear, high gear
X - - -  - - A - - 

Come on hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry hurry
A - - O - - - - -  - - - X - R - - - L
No need to worry, worry, the tree's gonna grow back surely
A - - - O - - - - - X - - -  - L - - - R
All I wanna hear's you've come over here. There's no foolin around with deers
A - O - A - X -  X  - - - - R - - R - R - L
Chop all of 'em down, every single one of 'em down. We're gonna make a good
guitar with all of the timber around
A - - - O - X - - X  -  - - L - - L - L - - - R - R - R


Rockin to the beat of the sun
X - -  - - O - A - O
Knowin we're here for the fun
O - - A - - X -  - X

We're gonna make a good guitar,
R - L - A - O
by givin all you got
L - R - X - 

Come on girl,
L - - - X
Hurry it up girl
R - - - X

OK turn it down, turn it up
O - - - - -  - - X - - 
Make sure batteries are charged up!
 - - - - - X - - O - - A

Give it all you got, every little muscle that you got inside your little
bo, body
A - - - O - A - - - O -  - X - X -  - R - R - - L
I don't wanna hear, that you got no time or you're in a hurry to your gig,
gig, gig
X - O - - - X - - - O -  - A - A -  - L - L - - R

All I wanna hear's you've come over here. There's no foolin around with deers
A - O - A - X -  X  - - - - R - - - R - R - L
Chop all of 'em down, every single one of 'em down. We're gonna make a good
guitar with all of the timber around
A - - - O - X - X  -  - - L - - - L - L - - - R - R - R


Jammin, hard slammin, loud banging
O - - - - - L - X - - - R - R
Rockin, rollin all night long
 - - - - - X - - L - - L - O

Now that we come oh so far
A - O - A - O
Tell me just who you are
X -  - X - 
Are you my shining star?
A - O -  - X
Let me see your guitar
X -  - O - A

A | A R - R A - - A |
O | O O - - - R R - |
X | - X X O O - - - |
 |    O -  O - |
L | L X - X O - O O |
R | R R -  -  R  |


Stage Six: Vital Idol

I know you're the wild and violent flame
A - - - - - O - - A - - O - L - - X - - R - - X - - 
I still smell your smoke and I can't play straight with your game
A - - - - - O - - A - - A - L - R - X - L - R - X - 

That doesn't mean, that I'm yours, I'm not along, I'm not a fool, I have a lot
to give
L - - A - - R - - O - - L - - A - - R - - O - - X - -  - 
In any case, it's up to you, if you can show that you can give more than I
got to give
L - - A - - R - - O - - L - - A - - R - - O - - X - -  - 

It might be you, or maybe you, my mind is jumping back and forth and up and
R - - - L - - R - - L - - R - - A - - O - - X - -  - - A
Somebody come and rescue me before an angel comes to take me round and round
R - - - L - - R - - L - - R - - A - -  - - X - - O - - A

I only wanted you to, come over here, cuz I can think of something for me and
you to do
A A - O - O - - X - X - - - O - O - L X - X - R - R - R
If I can have another, another dream, the devil would come back to pick me up
with you
A A - O - O - - X - X - - - O - O - L X - X - R - R - R

I wanna be a girl, that has a lot to give, never caught alone, never shedding
L - - A - A - - O - - O - O - X - X - X -  -  - 
So I need a man that really understands every little thing and knows my fears
L - - A - A - - O - - O - O - X - - - X -  - - - 

It might be you, or maybe you, my mind is jumping back and forth and up and
R - - - L - - R - - L - - R - - A - - O - - X - -  - - A
Somebody come and rescue me before an angel comes to take me round and round
R - - - L - - R - - L - - R - - A - -  - - X - - O - - A

I only wanted you to, come over here, cuz I can think of something for me and
you to do
A A - O - O - - X - X - - - O - O - L X - X - R - R - R
If I can have another, another dream, the devil would come back to pick me up
with you
A A - O - O - - X - X - - - O - O - L X - X - R - R - R

I'm talking bout a lot of fire
A - - X - L
I'm talking bout no getting tired
R - -  - O
Forever and ever
O - - - 
Together forever
X - - - A

A | A A A - - A - O |
O | - O - - O - R L |
X | X  -   -  - |
 |   O O - X X - |
L | - L - -  -   |
R | R  L - - R   |


Stage Seven: MILKCAN, That's Us!

No cuttin' corners
She's on the border now

No shedding tears,
X - A - - - O
Goal is real near
O -  - - - A
Trying to shift
A - - - 
Into gear
O - - - X
That's when I see ya comin',
A - - X - -  - - - - O
Prevent me from running
 - - O - - X - - A - R

Get up get up trying to psych myself
A - - A - - X - X - O - - 
Cuz it doesn't work with no one else
O - - O - -  -  - X - - A
All of this hype all around
A - X - - -  - - - O
Seems like a waste of time
 - L - - - X - O - A

From uptown to midtown, trying to get downtown
A - - O - - X - -  - - A - -  - - X - - O
But I'm not getting close, I'm just running running round
A - - X - - O - -  - - A - - X - -  - - O

Always at my best,
A - -  - - O
Giving it my best
X - -  - - O
I don't need no rest,
X - - A - - R
It's my test now
O - -  - - R - - L
And I'm in a beat,
A - -  - O
That's very unique
 - - X - - O
And I know that I,
A - - X - - L
I'm running for me
O -  - - R
Got to move
L - X - - A
With the groove
R -  - - O
I got to go on
L - R A
I got to move on
A - L R
I got to get on

No cuttin' corners
She's on the border now

I'm facing all the problems that'll get me
X - A - O - X - A - L - R
Cuz I don't really wanna spend the time see
O - X - R - L -  - A - 
All of this hype from all around,
O -  - - - X - - - A
Seems like a waste of time
A -  - - - X - L - 

Let me tell you, let me give everybody little something
L - - A - - L - -  - - - X - - L - O - A
In life, you just can't keep going around cutting corners
L - - A - - L - - X - - - O - - A -  - X

Always at my best,
A - -  - - O
Giving it my best
X - -  - - O
I don't need no rest,
X - - A - - R
It's my test now
L - - R - -  - - O
And I'm in a beat,
O - -  - A
That's very unique
O - - X - - 
And I know that I,
L - - X - - A
I'm running for me
R - -  - O
Got to move
A - X - - L
With the groove
O -  - - R
I got to go on
A - R L
I got to move on
R - L A
I got to get on

No cuttin' corners
No cuttin' corners
She's on the border now

A | - A A - A - O O |
O | - O O O O O O - |
X | -     - - - |
 | -     -   |
L | - - -    L L |
R | - R R R R - - R |


(VI) [Parappa Solos]


Stage Two: On Monday

Uh yes, welcome to the fire
(Uh yes, welcome to the fire)
A - - O - - X - L R 
This has been my long desire
(This has been my long desire)
A A - O - X X - 
Come, help me put this out
(Come, help me put this out)
A - - O - - X - - 
Bring it down without a doubt
(Bring it down without a doubt)
A -  - X - - - O

Lookin up high I see all the smoke, you better help me put this out without
a choke
(Lookin up high I see all the smoke, you better help me put this out without
a choke)
A - A - O - - O - X - - X - -  -  -  - L - - L - R - - R
Push the button, and just pull the chain, Then out comes heavy pouring rain
(Push the button, and just pull the chain, Then out comes heavy pouring rain)
A - - A - - L - O - - O - - - - X - - X - - R -  - - 

(Having fun)
Squirt it down lower, Squirt it up high
(With the funk)
(Squirt it down lower, Squirt it up high)
O - R - X - - -  - L - A
(Having fun)
Squirt it to the left, and squirt it to the right
(With the funk)
(Squirt it to the left, and squirt it to the right)
X -  - L - O O - - A - R

Slam the water smack right on the fire, extinguish the flame cuz that's
my desire
(Slam the water smack right on the fire, extinguish the flame cuz that's
my desire)
A - - A - - L - O O - - R - - X - - - - R -  - -  - L
Come on now the fire's almost out, then you're on your way just leave and go
(Come on now the fire's almost out, then you're on your way just leave and go
A - - A - - O - O - O - - - - - X L X L X L  -  - 

We be on a role, puttin on a show, letting people know we jam together
(We be on a role, puttin on a show, letting people know we jam together)
A - A - L -  -  - L - X - X - L - - O - R
Give it all you got with all your might, you better not go down without a
(Give it all you got with all your might, you better not go down without a
A - A - A - - A - - L - - O - - X - X - X -  - - - R

Lookin up high I see all the smoke, you better help me put this out without
a choke
(Lookin up high I see all the smoke, you better help me put this out without
a choke)
A - A - O - - O - X - - X - -  -  -  - L - - L - R - - R
Push the button, and just pull the chain, Then out comes heavy pouring rain
(Push the button, and just pull the chain, Then out comes heavy pouring rain)
A - - A - - L - O - - O - - - - X - - X - - R -  - - 

(Having fun)
Squirt it down lower, Squirt it up high
(With the funk)
(Squirt it down lower, Squirt it up high)
O - R - X - - -  - L - A
(Having fun)
Squirt it to the left, and squirt it to the right
(With the funk)
(Squirt it to the left, and squirt it to the right)
X -  - L - O O - - A - R

Slam the water smack right on the fire, extinguish the flame cuz that's my
(Slam the water smack right on the fire, extinguish the flame cuz that's my
A - - A - - L - O O - - R - - X - - - - R -  - -  - L
Come on now the fire's almost out, then you're on your way just leave and go
(Come on now the fire's almost out, then you're on your way just leave and go
A - - A - - O - O - O - - - - - X L X L X L  -  - 

Uh yes, welcome to the fire
(Uh yes, welcome to the fire)
A - - O - - X - L R 
Fire's out, I'm not a liar
(Fire's out, I'm not a liar)
A - - O - - L L - - A
Time for lunch, yeah, I'm outta here

A | - A A - A A A - |
O | - O O O - - O - |
X | X X - X X X X - |
 |  -   - - -  |
L | - L L - L A - - |
R | R L - R - - R - |


Stage Three: On Tuesday

(Now put these kids to sleep, will ya!?)

Ma ma ma ma, ma ma ma ma
(Ma ma ma ma, ma ma ma ma)
A A A A - A A - A A
Pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa
(Pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa)
O O O O - O O - O O
Gimme some milk, gimme some food
(Gimme some milk, gimme some food)
A - A A - - - - O - O O
Gimme the car, one dat goes voom!
(Gimme the car, one dat goes voom!)
X - X X - - - -    

(Now put these kids to sleep, will ya!?)

I need to potty, or yes I'll be naughty
(I need to potty, or yes I'll be naughty)
A A A A - O O - O - O O
Somebody hold me tight somebody hug me
(Somebody hold me tight somebody hug me)
X - - X - X X -  -  
Ma ma ma ma.......
(Ma ma ma ma.......)
Pa pa pa pa.......
(Pa pa pa pa.......)
Somebody come here quick
(Somebody come here quick)
X - - X X X
I'm gonna start a trick
(I'm gonna start a trick)
   - -  

Here I go,
(Here I go,)
A - A A
Didn't you know
(Didn't you know)
O - O O
I am a kid,
(I am a kid,)
With no control
(With no control)

(Now put these kids to sleep, will ya!?)

I think I'm wet
(I think you're wet)
I think you're next
(I think I'm next)
I need to go you know,
(I need to go you know,)
Can't hold much longer you know
(Can't hold much longer you know)
O O O O - O
Are you the person who's name's Parappa Rappa?
(Are you the person who's name's Parappa Rappa?)
A A A A - A A L L L L L
Or was it Ma ma ma....
(Or was it Ma ma ma....)
O O O R R - R R R R R

(Now put these kids to sleep, will ya!?)

Hey hey Papa, don't you think I'm good?
(Hey hey Papa, don't you think I'm good?)
L L - L L - L - L L L L
Now can I please have my food?
(Now can I please have my food?)
R - R R - R - R - R R

(Now put these kids to sleep, will ya!?)

Papa can I have the toy that make the sound?
(Papa can I have the toy that make the sound?)
Mama can I have the food that taste good?
(Mama can I have the food that taste good?)
  X X   X X  - X
I need to go to bed for real mama
(I need to go to bed for real mama)
O O O O - O O - O O - O
But buy a toy for me before Papa
(But buy a toy for me before Papa)
    -   -  - - 

A | A - - A - A A A |
O | - - - O O - O O |
X | - X X - - - X X |
 |  - -  - -   |
L | L L L - - L - L |
R | R - R R - - - R |


Stage Four: On Wednesday

Set up the flaps, turn the lights, fasten your seat belts, for the fight!
(Set up the flaps, turn the lights, fasten your seat belts, for the fight!)
A - A - O - O - X X X X -  
Get up in the morn, run around the track, show me what you got Soldier!
(Get up in the morn, run around the track, show me what you got Soldier!)
   X - X - O O O - - A

Did I eat my drink??
(Did you eat your drink??)
A - O - X 
I thought milk was pink??
(You thought milk was pink??)
 - X - O A

Auto pilot on, auto pilot off!
(Auto pilot on, auto pilot off!)
Little bit of this, little bit of that!
(Little bit of this, little bit of that!)
O X  O X A

Just gimme your munchies
(Just gimme your munchies)
A X - O - 
I wonder where lunch is?
(I wonder where lunch is?)
 O - X - A

Wear your bullet proof vest!
(Wear your bullet proof vest!)
A O - X -  R
Always give it your best!
(Always give it your best!)
L - -  - X O

I'll miss my train
(You'll miss your train)
O A -  X
I'll miss my brain
(May I help you?)
 A - O

Set up the flaps, turn the lights, fasten your seat belts, for the fight!
(Set up the flaps, turn the lights, fasten your seat belts, for the fight!)
A - A - O - O - X X X X -  
Get up in the morn, run around the track, show me what you got Soldier!
(Get up in the morn, run around the track, show me what you got Soldier!)
   X - X - O O O - - X

Bring all the food and the drinks all for me
(Bring all the food and the drinks all for me)
A R L O R - L X - R - L 
I want some apples and blueberries to eat
(I want some apples and blueberries to eat)
X L R O - - L R - A - L R

You think I'm old, you think I'm cold, I may be bold, you're right, I never
had the gold!
(I think you're old, I think you're cold, You may be bold, I'm, right, You
never had the gold!)
A A A A - - O O O O - - X X X X - -   - - R R - L - L
But I don't care, even if I don't have hair, the only thing that matters
in life's to take care!
(But you don't care, even if you don't have hair, the only thing that
matters in life's to take care!)
A A A A - O - O O O - O O - X X - X X  -   - R R - R

I'll miss my train
(You'll miss your train)
O A -  X
I'll miss my brain
(May I help you?)
 A - O

Throttle up, flaps down!
(Throttle up, flaps down!)
R - A - L - X
Power up, gears down!
(Power up, gears down!)
O - A -  - X

I'm losing beats
(You're losing beat)
L R - - A
I want my sheets
(You want your sheets)
X R - L L

Auto pilot on, auto pilot off!
(Auto pilot on, auto pilot off!)
O A X  R L
Little bit of this, little bit of that!
(Little bit of this, little bit of that!)
L R  X O A

Just gimme your munchies
(Just gimme your munchies)
A X - O - 
I wonder where lunch is?
(I wonder where lunch is?)
O  - X - A

Wear your bullet proof vest!
(Wear your bullet proof vest!)
A O - X -  R
Always give it your best!
(Always give it your best!)
L - -  - X O

Do you think that I'm old enough to fly, I don't know son, I just wanna try
(Do I think that you're old enough to fly, I don't know that, you just wanna
A - A A - A A - O - O - - O O - X X X - X -  - -  - 
I'm still wondering, when I die, I hope I get to eat I hope I don't cry
(You're still wondering, when you die, you hope you get to eat you hope you
don't cry)
L L - L - - - - R - R R - - -   - X X - X X O O O O - A

A | A - - A A A A A |
O | O O - O - X X - |
X | X - O - O O - O |
 |    - -   - |
L | L - - L - - L L |
R | R R - O - O O - |


Stage Five

Get up turn your chainsaw on,
(Get up turn your chainsaw on,)
A O - - A - X - - - 
It's time to get your power back on
(It's time to get your power back on)
 X - -  - O - A - O

Now let's start with this tree over here
(Now let's start with this tree over here)
X -  - X - A - O - - A
Cuz I know we need to get in high gear
(Cuz I know we need to get in high gear)
O - A - O - -  - X - 

Come on hurry, I need you to hurry, I thought you're in a hurry but don't
(Come on hurry, I need you to hurry, I thought you're in a hurry but don't
A - - L - - O O - O - L - - X X X - - L - - - -  - - R
No need to worry, cuz I know the deal, the trees'll grow back for sure,
that's for real
(No need to worry, cuz I know the deal, the trees'll grow back for sure,
that's for real)
 - - L - - X - X - - X - - O O - O - O - - R - A - - R

Ain't this fun? Having fun in the sun, I love rockin' to the beat just for fun
(Ain't this fun? Having fun in the sun, I love rockin' to the beat just for fun)
X - X - O - O - - O - A - -  -  -  - - L - - L
Don't forget uh, I mean for real, My chainsaws rule with the world with appeal
(Don't forget uh, I mean for real, My chainsaws rule with the world with appeal)
X - - - X - - O - - O - - A A - -  -  -  - L - R


Rockin with the beat, rollin with the heat
(Rockin with the beat, rollin with the heat)
A - O -  - - X - - R - L
Rolling up high in the sun
(Rolling up high in the sun)
L - R - X - - -  - O

Turn it to the side,
(Turn it to the side,)
O - A - X
hold it up high
(hold it up high)
 - O - A
Turn it up high
(Turn it up high)
O - O - A
Hold it to the side
(Hold it to the side)
 - A - X

We gonna make a good guitar with this wood
(We gonna make a good guitar with this wood)
X - - A - O -  - - R - - L
So give it all you got girl, I mean for real
(So give it all you got girl, I mean for real)
L - - R -  - O - - A - - X

Come on hurry, I need you to hurry, I thought you're in a hurry but don't
(Come on hurry, I need you to hurry, I thought you're in a hurry but don't
A - - L - - O O - O - L - - X X X - - L - - - -  - - R
No need to worry, cuz I know the deal, the trees'll grow back for sure, that's
for real
(No need to worry, cuz I know the deal, the trees'll grow back for sure, that's
for real)
 - - L - - X - X - - X - - O O - O - O - - R - A - - R

Ain't this fun? Having fun in the sun, I love rockin' to the beat just for fun
(Ain't this fun? Having fun in the sun, I love rockin' to the beat just for fun)
X - X - O - O - - O - A - -  -  -  - - L - - L
Don't forget uh, I mean for real, My chainsaws rule with the world with appeal
(Don't forget uh, I mean for real, My chainsaws rule with the world with appeal)
X - - - X - - O - - O - - A A - - -  -  -  - L - R


Rockin with the beat, rollin with the heat
(Rockin with the beat, rollin with the heat)
A - O -  - - X - - R - L
Rolling up high in the sun
(Rolling up high in the sun)
L - R - X - - -  - O

Now we come far,
(Now we come far,)
O - A - X
Tell me who you are
(Tell me who you are)
 - O - A
You must be a star,
(You must be a star,)
X -  - O
let's see your guitar
(let's see your guitar)
A - R - - L

A | A A - A - - L - |
O | O - O O -  - - |
X | X - X X - X - R |
 |    -   -  |
L | L - - L L L - - |
R | - R R - X - X X |


Stage Six: On Thursday

I still feel and smell your smoke and I can not play, straight with your game
(I still feel and smell your smoke and I can not play, straight with your game)
A - - O - - - A - - O - - L - X - - R - - X - -  - 
Cuz I know that you're gonna behave, like a child from the world way up above
(Cuz I know that you're gonna behave, like a child from the world way up above)
A - A - L - O - O - - - R - X - X - X - -  -  - - 

In any case, it's all up to you, if you can just show me just what you can do
(In any case, it's all up to you, if you can just show me just what you can do)
A - - A - - O - O - - R - - X L - X X - - -  -  R - L
I sure hope that you ain't no bluff, I've seen many many of those, I've had
(I sure hope that you ain't no bluff, I've seen many many of those, I've had
A - - L - X X A - - L - - O - O - R - R - -  -  - 

Somebody come and rescue me quick, or I'm gonna be the angel's next pick
(Somebody come and rescue me quick, or I'm gonna be the angel's next pick)
 - - - R - - R - -  - L - - O - A - A -  - - X - - X - L
You don't wanna see me get hurt, My friend's been mean to me that's for sure
(You don't wanna see me get hurt, My friend's been mean to me that's for sure)
 - -  - - X - - X - L - - A A - R - - - - O - O - - L

If I can have, have another wish, I want a man to join my next dish
(If I can have, have another wish, I want a man to join my next dish)
O - -  - -  - - X - L - - - A - - A - - O - R - L
But if I can't have another one, I'll turn my back, and go on the run
(But if I can't have another one, I'll turn my back, and go on the run)
 - -  - - O - O - - R - - A A - - L - - - X - X - R

In any case, it's all up to you, if you can just show me just what you can do
(In any case, it's all up to you, if you can just show me just what you can do)
A - - A - - O - O - - R - - X L - X X - - -  -  R - L
I sure hope that you ain't no bluff, I've seen many many of those, I've had
(I sure hope that you ain't no bluff, I've seen many many of those, I've had
A - - L - X X A - - L - - O - O - R - R - -  -  - 

Somebody come and rescue me quick, or I'm gonna be the angel's next pick
(Somebody come and rescue me quick, or I'm gonna be the angel's next pick)
 - - - R - - R - -  - L - - O - A - A -  - - X - - X - L
You don't wanna see me get hurt, My friend's been mean to me that's for sure
(You don't wanna see me get hurt, My friend's been mean to me that's for sure)
 - -  - - X - - X - L - - A A - R - - - - O - O - - L

If I can have, have another wish, I want a man to join my next dish
(If I can have, have another wish, I want a man to join my next dish)
O - -  - -  - - X - L - - - A - - A - - O - R - L
But if I can't have another one, I'll turn my back, and go on the run
(But if I can't have another one, I'll turn my back, and go on the run)
 - -  - - O - O - - R - - A A - - L - - - X - X - R

Time comes for me, for me to have fun
(Time comes for me, for me to have fun)
O - O -  - -  - - A - L
But I don't like fun in the sun
(But I don't like fun in the sun)
X - X -  - A - - R - - O
Talkin bout no gettin tired
(Talkin bout no gettin tired)
A - - X - X - R
Staying close and in the fire
(Staying close and in the fire)
A - X - R - R
Nonstop and never ending
(Nonstop and never ending)
O - - - - O - 
Always the strong defending
(Always the strong defending)
X - - X - A

A | A A - A A - A - |
O | - O O O O - O - |
X | X - - X - - R R |
 |  -  - -    |
L | L L - L - L L - |
R | R R - R R - R - |


Stage Seven: On Friday

No cuttin' corners
She's on the border now

No time for tears,
(No time for tears,)
X - A - - O
the goal is near,
(the goal is near,)
O - -  A
I'm trying to shift
(I'm trying to shift)
A - - A 
to a higher gear
(to a higher gear)
O - A - - X

That's when I see, all of ya comin'
(That's when I see, all of ya comin')
A - - X - -  - -  - O
Just to, prevent me from running
(Just to, prevent me from running)
 - O - - X - - A - R

Facin' the problems that'll get me
(Facin' the problems that'll get me)
A - - - - A X - X - O - 
I don't wanna spend no time see
(I don't wanna spend no time see)
X - X - - O -   - A

I guess all the hype that I could handle
(I guess all the hype that I could handle)
X - - A - -  - - - X 
Was taken care of yes, when I was little
(Was taken care of yes, when I was little)
 - - O - - A - X X - L

But let me give you, a word of advice, it seems like a waste of time but
it's nice
(But let me give you, a word of advice, it seems like a waste of time but
it's nice)
A - - O - - X - -  - - - - A  - X - O - - A - R - - L
And in life, struggle will help you later, no cuttin' corners
(And in life, struggle will help you later, no cuttin' corners)
A - - L - - O - - -  - - L - - X - - O - - - X - - O

And I'm in a beat
(And I'm in a beat)
A -  - - O
Cuz I got the moves
(Cuz I got the moves)
X -  - - O
I don't need time to rest
(I don't need time to rest)
X - - A - - R
You know I got the groove
(You know I got the groove)
A - - X - - O

And I would give you my best
(And I would give you my best)
A - -  - - O
Running from east to west
(Running from east to west)
R - - L - - O

Got the moves y'all
(Got the moves y'all)
A - - X - L
Diggin' the groove y'all
(Diggin' the groove y'all)
O - -  - R
Hippity hop y'all
(Hippity hop y'all)
L - - X - A
Tippity top y'all,
(Tippity top y'all,)
R - -  - O
Go on
(Go on)
R - - O
Move on
(Move on)
L - - O
Get on

No cuttin' corners
She's on the border now

Facin' the problems that'll get me
(Facin' the problems that'll get me)
A - - - - A X - X - O - 
I don't wanna spend no time see
(I don't wanna spend no time see)
X - X - - O -   - A

All of this, hype from all around
(All of this, hype from all around)
O -  - - X - - A A
Seems like a waste of time with big sound
(Seems like a waste of time with big sound)
A O - X - -  - - A - O

But let me give you, a word of advice, it seems like a waste of time but
it's nice
(But let me give you, a word of advice, it seems like a waste of time but
it's nice)
A - - O - - X - -  - - - - A  - X - O - - A - R - - L
And in life, struggle will help you later, no cuttin' corners
(And in life, struggle will help you later, no cuttin' corners)
A - - L - - O - - -  - - L - - X - - O - - - X - - O

And I'm in a beat
(And I'm in a beat)
O -  - - A
Cuz I got the moves
(Cuz I got the moves)
O -  - - X
I don't need time to rest
(I don't need time to rest)
R - - A - - X
You know I got the groove
(You know I got the groove)
O - - X - - A

And I would give you my best
(And I would give you my best)
O - -  - - A
Running from east to west
(Running from east to west)
O - - L - - R
Got the moves y'all
(Got the moves y'all)
L - - X - A
Diggin' the groove y'all
(Diggin' the groove y'all)
R - -  - O
Hippity hop y'all
(Hippity hop y'all)
A - - X - L
Tippity top y'all,
(Tippity top y'all,)
O - -  - R
Go on
(Go on)
O - - R
Move on
(Move on)
O - - L
Get on

No cuttin' corners
No cuttin' corners
She's on the border now

A | A - - O - - O A |
O | - O - O - - O O |
X | - X X X X X X - |
 |     -   - |
L | - L L - L L L - |
R | - R R - A A R - |


(VII) [Jam Sessions]


= Jam Session (Cooperative Two-Player Mode) =

The screen for Jam Session is the same as Solo Performance, but with these

- Rhythm Bar
The Rhythm Bar will go like this:
Teacher -> Lammy -> Teacher -> Rammy -> and so on

- Rating Meter
The Rating Meter shows Lammy and Rammy's combined Rating.

- Score
Shows Lammy and Rammy's combined score.


= Head-to-Head Jam Sessions (Competitive Two-Player Mode) =

The screen for Head-to-Head Jam Sessions is the same as Solo Performance, but
with these differences:

- Rhythm
Like the Cooperative Jam Session, the Rhythm Bar will go like this:
Teacher -> Lammy -> Teacher -> Rammy -> and so on

- Rating Meter
Each player has their own Rating. If one player drops off below "AWFUL",
they automatically lose. But if you play really well and get a "COOL"
Rating, the other player will be frozen while you jam and steal their

- Score
Each player has their own score, which starts at 300. As both players play
through measures of the Rhythm Bar, the player with the higher score
will steal points from the other. If one player drops to 0 points, they
automatically lose.

In Lammy VS Rammy, both players use the same lyrics from Lammy's Solos.
In Lammy VS Parappa, Lammy will play lines from her Solos, and Parappa will
rap lines from his.


(VIII) [Secrets]

- Unlock Lammy & Rammy Stages
Complete Stage One as Lammy in Solo Performance to unlock Stage Two for
Lammy & Rammy. Complete a Stage with Lammy & Rammy to unlock the next one.

- Unlock Lammy VS Rammy Stages
Complete a Stage as Lammy in Solo Performance to unlock that Stage for Lammy
VS Rammy.

- Unlock Parappa Solo Stages
Complete all of Lammy's Solo Performance Stages to unlock Parappa's set of
Solo Performances.

- Unlock Lammy & Parappa Stages
Complete Stage One as Parappa in Solo Performance to unlock Stage Two for
Lammy & Parappa. Complete a Stage with Lammy & Parappa to unlock the next

- Unlock Lammy VS Parappa Stages
Complete a Stage as Parappa in Solo Performance to unlock that Stage for
Lammy VS Parappa.

- Unlock Sound Player -
Complete every one of the Solos, Jam Sessions, and Head-to-Head Jam Sessions
to unlock the Special option at the title screen. This is the Sound Player,
which lets you listen to any background music from the game and make the
characters pose.

- Lockout Bypass Code -
Use this GameShark code to be able to play either an American or Japanese
version of Um Jammer Lammy on a modified PlayStation:
D01DA7i_love_you_namenslogos/62 1040
801DA7i_love_you_namenslogos/62 1000


(IX) [Other Song Lyrics]

Birth Song (Stage Two Intermission)

Time for you and me to have a family
With a baby, we should live so happily
Could be a boy or girl whichever we don't mind at all
Our newborn treasure shall bring tons of love and peace to all, ur hur

You can give him food, change his diapers
You can pay the bills, do the dishes
You can babysit
Only if I'm it
Why don't we just flip a coin, naw
I will do the work
I'll be glad to do the work

Time for you and me to have a family
With a baby, we should live so happily
Could be a boy or girl whichever we don't mind at all
Our newborn treasure shall bring tons of love and peace to all, ur hur
Our newest little baby


Casino In My Hair (Stage 5 Intermission)

Where's that place that comes in pairs whenever I'm aware?
Casino here, casino there, casino in my hair
I wish my bear was in the air with no more time to spare
Casino here, casino there, casino in my chair

Surely purty honey, I love you so
If I had the money, it will be yours
I think about the barrels spinning inside of my head

Where's that place that comes in pairs whenever I'm aware?
Casino here, casino there, casino in my hair
I wish my bear was in the air with no more time to spare
Casino here, casino there, casino in my chair


Keep Your Head Up!! (Ending Credits Song)

It was the 36th time that he'd broken my heart
It was the 80th time that I'd fallen apart,
I knew from the start it was gonna be rough
But not as painful as this

Once I didn't have money,
Twice I forgot his name
Then I put on my make up wrong
My hair was a big mess and so was my dress

And I remember those nights
I was feeling real down but then a chance would soon come around

It was the 36th time that he'd broken my heart
It was the 80th time that I'd fallen apart,
I knew from the start it was gonna be rough
But not as painful as this

Once he asked for my number,
Twice he asked for my name,
But I was nervous and lost my mind,
I gave him a number but it was my Mom's

And I remember those nights
I was feeling real down but then a chance would soon come around

Gotta move on.....
I don't know
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know
Gotta move on but I don't think I can carry on no

I couldn't go on no, I couldn't go on
It seemed like my life was falling apart

It was the 36th time that he'd broken my heart,
Or was it 37 or 38.


(X) [FAQ]

- My game freezes at the "Now Loading" screen but the music keeps playing. Why?
You have a modified PlayStation, and the game is detecting it and shutting
down before the Stage can start. Either play the game on a non-modified
console, or get a GameShark and use the Lockout Bypass Code in
the Secrets section.

- I am not playing very well. What should I do to get better?
The most important step to doing well is to get a feel for the rhythm. Each
Stage has a different rhythm that you must get used to in order to press the
buttons right. Tap your foot, sing to the music, or do anything else to
feel the rhythm! Try playing Stage One over and over, or try the game's
Practice modes to master the rhythm!

- How do I get a "COOL" rating?
There's no 'set' way to get "COOL" rating; getting a total feel for the
music is the only way. Play through a level over and over, then freestyle
the button-pressing when you're confident enough and know the song well

- Okay, I finally got "COOL", but it went away. What am I supposed to do?
Getting to "COOL" for the first time can throw you off-guard cause there's
no Rhythm Bar to follow. Just do what you did to get the "COOL" rating in
the first place: FREESTYLE! That's the way to get the ultra-cool FEVER
mode going!

- What's with the loading screens with all the button shapes on them?
After you complete a Stage and play it later, it will show a special screen
while loading. This screen has a bunch of special button press patterns.
The trick behind these screens is to work your way up to a COOL rating,
then try these Rhythms! If you pull it off right, the background will go
all psychadelic and you'll earn HUGE amounts of points. That's called
Fever Mode, and its only point is to earn unbelievably high scores to
brag about later.

- What do I use the L2/R2 Buttons for?
Those buttons are used for bending the guitar's pitch. Real guitars have
stuff like tremor arms and chokings, and they change how the sound comes
out. That's what these buttons do, but they aren't necessary to clear a

- I want to play Jam Session or Parappa Solo on Stage One, but I can't. Why?
Stage One is actually a practice Stage. It's also inside Lammy's dreams, so
other characters wouldn't be able to get there.

- When I clear a Stage, the teacher gives me something, but what does it do?
Those are "Effecters". Once you get one, you can use it in any other Stage.
Pressing Select will cycle through all the Effecters you've collected. These
will change the sound of Lammy's guitar, but it really doesn't affect her

- Is Um Jammer Lammy on any other consoles?
No other consoles, but there is an arcade version in Japan, which is called
"Um Jammer Lammy NOW!". The game has large guitar-shaped controllers with
buttons on 'em. It's unlikely that any exist in America or elsewhere, but
you can take a look at one here:

- Is the American version of Um Jammer Lammy really censored?
Actually, it is:

In the Japanese version, after Stage 6, Lammy slips on a banana peel dropped
by P.J. Berri and dies. She goes to Hell and jams with Teriyaki Yoko to win
her life back.

In the American version, Lammy gets her belt caught on the door of Chuck's
store and gets shot back through time, landing on an island. Lammy gets
alternate camoflauge clothing in the American version for this Stage.

Also, a lot of the songs' lyrics were changed to remove any implication that
Lammy MAY have been sent to Hell. The first reference is during Chop-Chop
Master Onion's solo in Stage One:
US: So you can play in as island, you come far!
JP: So you can play in Hell, you come far!

And in Paul's Chuck's song in Stage Five:
US: Knowin that we're here for the fun.
JP: Choppin trees down for the fun.
(thanks to Melissa Cabral for pointing this one out)

Several words in Teriyaki Yoko's song in Stage Six were changed too. Here
they are:
US: You don't wanna see me get hurt, My friend's been mean to me that's
for sure
JP: You don't wanna see me get hurt, The Angel's been mean to me that's
for sure

US: If I can have, have another wish, I want a man to join my next dish
JP: If I can have, have another wish, I want the devil to join my next dish

That's about it. If you have a chance to play both versions, go for it. The
American version will make a heck of a lot more sense after seeing what was

- Is there a CD soundtrack I can get for this game?
Yup, quite a few, really.

First is the CD single "MilkCan: Got To Move!". This CD contains only the
song "Got to Move: Millenium Girl" from the game's last Stage.

Second is the "MilkCan: Make It Sweet!" soundtrack. This CD features the
songs from each of the game's seven Stages, minus the first Stage with Chop
Chop Master Onion. There are also some filler tracks and several other songs
from in the game. Also, most one of the songs are remixed to star Milk Can,
so almost all of the Masters have been ditched in favor of Katy Kat's voice.

Third is an obscure title called "I Scream!", which features Parappa and
PJ Berri in 6 remixes from the game.

Last is the "Um Jammer Lammy Original Soundtrack", which features all of the
songs and background music from the game. This one's the best out of all of
them, in my opinion, since it has all the original Lammy and Parappa Solos.


(XI) [Acknowledgments]

-Rodney Greenblat, for creating the awesome Parappa universe.
-SCEI and NanaOn-Sha, for making this wonderful game.
-CJayC, for his devotion to GameFAQs.

-The Game Software Code Creators Club, for the Lockout Bypass Code.
-Melissa Cabral, for the info about Paul Chuck's song lyrics changing in the
American version of the game.

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14.Oktober 2013

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10.Oktober 2008
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die für die US NTSC Version.

18.Oktober 2013
Patch für die Europäische PAL mehrsprachige Version.

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17.Oktober 2013
Patch für die PAL mehrsprachige Version.

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