Parasite Eve 2

Parasite Eve 2

14.10.2013 08:44:29
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Final Version

For the Sony PlayStation

Unpublished work by Efrem Orizzonte (




This FAQ is based on the Italian version of Parasite Eve II.
Therefore, descriptions may not be the same as in the U.S. version of
the game. All translations were made by me.


4.1 Action screen controls
4.2 Battle screen controls
4.3 The main menu
4.4 The USE menu
4.5 Parasite Energy menu
4.6 Map
4.7 Other subscreens
7.1 Weapons
7.2 Ammo
7.3 Armors
7.4 Weapon Attachments
10.1 Akropolis Tower
10.2 Dryfield
10.3 The Shelter
10.4 Neo Ark
10.5 The Underground and the return to Neo Ark
10.6 Day Three
11. MAPS
13. FAQS


Version 1.0 [9-2/3/4-2000]
First release. Everything up to End of Disc 1. 14 sections so far.

Version 1.2 [9-7-2000]
2 big mistakes corrected, the Item max capability being the worst.
Changed some things here and there. Everything up to Neo Ark.

Version 1.3 [9-10-2000]
Changed Medical Wheel into Medicine Wheel. Some corrections. Slightly
modified the "P" in the title ASCII. Renamed Section 8. Everything up
to the final battle, Pierce's way excluded. Never released.

Version 1.4 [9-11-2000]
Completed walkthrough (Kyle's way) and started Pierce's way. Added
Section 14: Final Rankings and updated item lists.

Version 1.42 [9-12-2000]
Added Aya Special in the Armor section. Slightly modified Neo Ark
walkthrough. Added some things, went on with Section 14 and created
Section 15. The game is coming out tomorrow in the U.S.

Version 1.48 [9-14-2000]
Updated Sections 6, 10 and 14. No major changes, due to lack of time
(school is about to start, you know).

Version 1.6 [9-15-2000]
Updated Sections 6 and 10, redrawn Lists.

Version 1.7 [9-16-2000]
Completed Section 14 and updated many lists thanks to GameSages and
JL Lee's FAQ. The game descriptions are still missing, because I have
to actually see those items... IF I will ever see them that is.
Updated Section 10 and everything up to Pierce's way final battle
(just have to see the ending). Corrected some things. Completed
Section 6 and corrected the Use of the four special Attachment Items
(Skull Crystal, Medicine Wheel, Ofuda, Holy Water).

Version 1.75 [9-18-2000]
Completed walkthrough. Updated Section 15 with Scavenger Mode.
Finally found the Hunter Goggles and added them to the list. Updated
Section 13 with the music list for the Shooting Gallery. Corrected
mistakes and added some little details here and there. The big part
is over, but I'll be working on Bounty and Scavenger Mode to get all
info on the missing parts.

Version 1.8 [10-4-2000]
Rearranged Weapons and Ammo sections. Found and added the Chicken
Plate, along with its location (check the Dryfield section). Updated
Newborn Giant ANMC section and added one attack of Parasite Eve.
Separated Gained Items from Extra Items in Battle Accounts (except
Shelter I... I forgot it :/ ) and added Kills Percentages. Corrected
a small mistake. Put in the number of slots for each Storage Box.
Added something in the Credits.
Any further update will only feature details on very special items.
Apart from these little details, that's it.

Version 1.9 [4-14-2001]
Check the walkthrough to find the answers to the two most frequently
asked questions. Just added them to stop you people from sending me
mails asking the same things over and over again.

Version 2 [4-24-2001]
All right people, you win. I can't believe this FAQ is so popular,
but it seems to be, so I decided to modify the names of the items so
that you US people can make full use of this guide. I made some more
corrections too.
I also want to say thanks to all the people who sent in compliments
and contributions, you made me want to keep up my work as a FAQ
writer. Thanks a lot.

Final Version [6-3-2001]
I corrected the second frequently asked question. This will be the
last update.

Update [3-21-2002]
While working on the Italian version of this FAQ, I decided this one
deserved a major update. Size difference spoke this out loud. I have
almost completely revised the FAQ, pointing out items better and
adding some items I had missed. Thanks to Nemesis' and Ibrahim
Ghouth's FAQs, I could provide enemies' stats and in-game item
descriptions (anyway, the latter are far from being complete). I have
also changed the name of the infamous Section 13 into "FAQs" to make
things clearer.

Enemy descriptions and strategies have been completely remade to be
more exhaustive and comprehensive. Boss strategies are now much more
complete, and so are battle accounts, which now list ALL the extra
items you can get. Plus, now all enemies have their official names.

Nightmare Mode has been unlocked and described, although I don't have
the time nor the will to test it.

If there's a way to further improve this FAQ, that would be a
complete listing of the English in-game descriptions. My translations
are pretty bad, but I don't have an English version of the game, so
if anyone can help, you're more than welcome. But remember, I need a
COMPLETE list, including Parasite Energy descriptions. Basically,
everything that isn't described as it is in the English version of
the game needs to be rewritten.


In the first Parasite Eve, Aya Brea was a New York police agent. In
December 1997, in Manhattan, she had to fight against creatures whose
mitochondria had begun to act on their own, causing horrible
mutations to their hosts and creating havoc in the city. The most
powerful and terrible of these creatures was Eve. After several days,
thanks to the special powers that her mitochondria granted her, Aya
Brea managed to defeat Eve. The creatures eventually escaped, but all
of them died. Anyway, no one knew for sure if the danger was
definitely over, so a special FBI division, the MIST (Mitochondrion
Investigation and Suppression Team), was created. Aya Brea moved to
Los Angeles and joined the MIST

In September 2000, Aya is sent to the Akropolis Tower, where
something very strange is going on. She doesn't know for sure what's
up in L.A., but she'll discover it very soon...

The nightmare isn't over yet.


Age: 27
FBI agent assigned to the MIST division.
Codename: NMC (Neo-Mitochondrion Creature) Hunter

She looks younger than she is due to the peculiar action of her
mitochondria. Say thanks to those mitochondria and to Squaresoft
character designers, because this is one of the most gorgeous women
ever seen in a videogame. She may be not so perfectly suited to a
monster-killing mission as Jill Valentine is, but she has more than
enough to cope with the monsters she'll meet. Unfortunately, she
doesn't have a voice (grrrr... EVERY damn survival horror game has
live-acting voices nowadays, why should Squaresoft always be an
exception? I mean, if they talked as much as in FFVIII I could
understand, but...). Please try not to faint in that CGI scene near
the end of Disc 1. And, as JL Lee pointed, she's a blonde, and she
has brains. Wow!

Age: 29
Mysterious man claiming to be a private detective.

I don't like this guy. He comes out of nowhere, does nothing most of
the time, and sometimes produces a handgun more powerful than Han
Solo's blaster. And he's stupid, too... he finds a blacked out Aya
and doesn't take advantage of the situation the way any other man
would :). You see... stupid.

Age: 31

Aahh, this is a good one. He's got brains and doesn't talk too much.
Plus, he finds info about everything, and he's very friendly to Aya.
I'd just like to see him in combat.

Age: 37
NMC Hunter

What would a story like this be without a guy like this? He lost his
family in the Manhattan accident back in 1997 and now everything he
wants to do is to destroy NMCs. Too bad he gets his arm injured very
soon (but not before he saves Aya's life at least once). He's been in
the FBI for quite a while, but he doesn't recognize a detonator when
he sees one. Hmmm...

Age: 50
MIST director and Aya's supervisor

Another good one. He gives you orders and papers and _sometimes_
answers the phone when you call. He spends the rest of his time with
women (well, what else could he do?). I wonder if there's someone in
MIST doing his own job but Aya and Pierce...

Age: 56
Vietnam veteran. He lost a leg in the war and was decorated.

This guy is awesome. He's got two legs, a caravan packed full of
firearms, an incredibly intelligent dog named Flint, and he treats
women very kindly. Just awesome. You'll like it.


___/4.1 Action screen controls\______________________________________

D-PAD: moves Aya onscreen. Press Up to move forward, Down to walk
backwards, Left to turn left, Right to turn right.

Circle: - run (can't run backwards)
- cancel selections

Square: - raise weapon
- cancel selections

Triangle: visualize Parasite Energies

X: - check
- talk to people
- confirm selections
- open doors
- climb stairs

SELECT: visualize map

START: opens main menu

___/4.2 Battle screen controls\______________________________________

D-PAD: moves Aya

Circle: - cancel aiming
- close Attachments menu
- cancel Parasite Energy

Square: - aim closest target
- switch target (hold and press Left or Right to switch
target in the order you like)

Triangle: visualize Parasite Energies

X: - check
- confirm selection

R1: - shoot (main attack)
- reload

R2: shoot (second attack, if available)

SELECT: vibrations ON/OFF

START: open Attachments menu

___/4.3 The main menu\_______________________________________________

| KEY ITEM |_________________________________________| PICTURE |
| P.ENERGY | HP 110/110 | |
| MAP | -------------- | OF |
| OPTION | MP 32/40 | |
| EXIT | ---- | AYA |
|____________| EXP 980 BP 3427 | |
| __ | __ |
| | | M39R | | | Tactical Vest |
| |__| | |__| |
| AMMO | HP +50 MP +10 |
| __ | |
| | | 9mm P.B. 20 | ATTACHMENTS |
| |__| | __ __ __ __ __ |
|__________________________________| | | | | | | | | | | |
| P.ENERGY | |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |
| Lv 1 Lv 1 Lv 1 Lv 0 | | | | | |
| Lv 0 Lv 0 Lv 1 Lv 0 | |__| |__| |

The main menu is accessed by pressing Start while in action mode. Use
the D-Pad to move the cursor and highlight a command, and press X to
access the sub-menus. This screen shows Aya's current points, her
current battle equipment, and the levels of the different Parasite
Energies. The bottom window briefly explains what the highlighted
command is for.

___/4.4 The USE menu\________________________________________________

| __ | __ |
| | | M93R | | | PA3 |
| |__| | |__| |
|__________________________________| __ |
| AMMO | | | Buckshot 132 |
| __ | |__| |
| | | 9mm P.B. 20 | __ |
| |__| | | | Recovery 1 |
| | |__| |
|__________________________________| __ |
| ARMOR | | | Recovery 1 |
| __ | |__| |
| | | Tactical Vest | __ |
| |__| | | | Recovery 2 |
|__________________________________| |__| |
| __ | | | MP Boost 1 |
| | | GPS | |__| |
| |__| | __ |
| __ | | | Combat Light |
| | | 9mm P.B. 420 | |__| |
| |__| | __ |
| __ | | | Flare |
| | | Recovery 1 | |__| |
| |__| |________________________________|
|__________________________________| TOTAL 15/20|

When you select USE on the main menu, the USE subscreen will appear.
Highlight an item and press X to open other subscreens.

WEAPON: press X and the Weapons subscreen will appear. Select a
weapon and press X to confirm your selection. The selected weapon
will now be your current weapon.

AMMO/ARMOR: same as for WEAPON.

ATTACHMENTS: every armor allows you to attach a certain number of
items to it. In battle, you can't access the main menu, so the only
items you can use are the Attachments. Select an empty space to move
an item from the Item list to the Attachments list.

ITEM: select an item and press X to get three options: Use, Move,
Waste. Select Use to use the item, Move to change its position in the
list, and Waste to get rid of it. At the bottom of the list there's
the Arrange command: if you select it, the items will be arranged in
this order: Energy restoring items, Healing items, Weapons, Ammo,
Special Items.

TOTAL: shows you the number of items you're carrying. Aya can carry a
maximum of 20 items.

***Important note: highlight an item and press Triangle to get a
detailed description of it. When you find a never-seen-before item,
its icon will be a question mark. In this case, select it and press
Triangle to understand what it is and get its real name in the

___/4.5 Parasite Energy menu\________________________________________

| EXP 2224 MP 42/42 |
| __ | __ |
| | | Pyrokinesis Lv 1 | | | Metabolize Lv 1 |
| |__| | |__| |
| __ | __ |
| | | Combustion Lv 1 | | | Healing Lv 1 |
| |__| | |__| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| __ | __ |
| | | Necrosis Lv 0 | | | Antibody Lv 1 |
| |__| | |__| |
| __ | __ |
| | | Plasma Lv 1 | | | Energyshot Lv 0 |
| |__| | |__| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Description | MP Usage |
| | 14 |

Select a Parasite Energy and press X to get two options:
Recover/Upgrade, Cancel. Recover activates a Parasite Energy,
upgrading it to Level 1. Upgrade powers up the Energy, leveling it
up. Cancel closes the options window, allowing you to select another
Parasite Energy. Press Triangle if you want a detailed description of
the Energy.

___/4.6 Map\_________________________________________________________

If a location has more than one floor, press Left or Right to see the
maps of the other floors.

Press Triangle and Aya will give you a hint about what to do next.

The GPS (Global Positioning System) usually shows you the areas you
have already visited. If you find a map of the area, Aya will
transfer data to the GPS and you'll be able to visualize the whole
area on the map. Dark grey areas are the ones you've never been to.
An area occupied by enemies is colored in red. If an area is shown in
white, it means you've killed every enemy in it. However, only open
spaces will be colored in white. Rooms will always be light grey.
Plus, some areas may not be red, but that doesn't mean that you won't
be sneak attacked when you enter them.

You can't access an area marked with a red X.

The arrow represents Aya and the direction she's facing.

Locked doors are marked with a key, but you must try to open them in
order to make the key appear on the map.

A glowing red dot shows your destination.

a "T" in a green square symbolizes a telephone. Telephones are save
points. Keep in mind that the presence of a save point doesn't mean
that the area can't be accessed by enemies.

A "B" in a yellow square symbolizes a storage box, where you can
store items you don't need at the moment. Remember that these box,
unlike the ones in Resident Evil, are NOT connected. Each box holds
the items you put in it, and those items will NOT be found in other

___/4.7 Other subscreens\____________________________________________

KEY ITEM: shows you your Key Items. These are special items such as
keys, cards, magazines, etc. They're not counted as regular items,
and you can carry as many as you want. Highlight one and press X to
use it, or press Triangle to get a detailed description of it.

OPTION: in this subscreen you can customize the game. You can change
parameters such as SOUND EFFECTS (Stereo/Mono), MUSIC (3/2/1/OFF),
CURSOR (Memory/Standard), VIBRATIONS (ON/OFF), MOVEMENTS (Walk/Run),


Unlike the first episode, Parasite Eve II features real-time battles.
When you get close enough to an enemy, or aim it from a distance thus
revealing your will to fight, the screen will briefly flash and
become black and white for a moment, while you hear a heartbeat.
Then, the battle will begin.

In the top left corner of the screen you can see Aya's current HP and
MP. If the GPS is attached to your armor, a motion detector will be
shown in the top right corner of the screen. Aya is in the center of
the detector; the top half of the circle is the area she's facing,
while the bottom half is the area behind her. Enemies are represented
by yellow dots; if you target an enemy, the dot representing it will
turn purple. In the bottom right corner you'll see your current ammo.

If you press Square, Aya will target the closest enemy. Tap Square to
switch between targets, from the closest to the farthest. If you hold
Square and press Left or Right, the target will move in that
direction, allowing you to target the enemy of your choice.
In some screens you'll find some background parts that can be shot,
such as pipes, electric cords, etc. You can usually shoot them to
affect the enemy.

Press R1 to shoot the targeted enemy. A number will appear, showing
the damage received by the enemy. If an enemy is not targeted but it
gets between you and your target, it will be hit as well. If the
targeted enemy is hiding behind something, Aya will shoot it anyway
and waste ammo, so be sure there's nothing between you and the enemy.
Some weapons have more than one attack. In this case, press R2 to use
the secondary attack. If this attack uses different ammo than the
main attack, both ammo will be shown onscreen.

When you run out of ammo, press R1 to reload. If you have any
attached ammo, you can reload at any moment during the battle. Be
aware that if you get hit while reloading, your weapon will not be
reloaded. You need a couple of seconds to reload, so get some
distance between you and the enemy if you run out of ammo. If you
want to use different ammo for your current weapon, you need to
attach them to the armor and select them on the Attachments window.

Each weapon shoots within a specific range. The closer the enemy, the
greater the damage. The only exceptions to this are long range rifles
and grenades.

Press Triangle to visualize the available Parasite Energies in the
bottom right corner of the screen. Press Left and Right to choose
one. Its action range will be shown in green on the motion detector.
Press X to use the selected Energy and the ATP bar will appear at the
bottom of the screen. When it's fully depleted, Aya will use the
Parasite Energy. She can't move while combining ATP, and if you get
hit the summoning of the Parasite Energy will be stopped.

Some enemies can immobilize you: should this happen, rapidly press
the D-Pad to break free.

After the battle you earn a certain amount of EXP, BP, MP and
sometimes HP. Some Battles will earn you an item, which you can take
or waste, or exchange with one you already have. If you run away
during the battle, you will lose 10 BP, but you will also get 1 MP.
However, there are certain situations when you can get out of the
location without starting a battle; in this case, you don't lose BP
even if there are enemies nearby.

Some enemies can inflict you a status ailment. When this happens, the
status ailment icon will be shown below the HP/MP window in the top
left corner of the screen. There are 6 different status ailments:
/ \ SILENCE: Aya can't use Parasite Energy. Can be cured with
| ----- | a Stim.
\_ __/

/ ___ \ CONFUSION: controlling Aya's movements becomes difficult.
| |_/ | | Can be cured with a Stim, or with Metabolism PE.

_/\_/\_ BERSERKER: the power of the weapons increases, but you
| | lose HP while attacking. Only offensive PE can be used,
< > and their level is increases by one (3 is always the max
| | level). PE uses HP instead of MP. Can be cured with a
< > Stim.
|_ _ _|
\/ \/

|-| POISON: Aya loses HP. If she moves, HP loss is faster.
| | Can be cured with an Penicillin, or with Metabolism PE.

__ __
\ \ / / PARALYSIS: Aya sometimes stops while moving. Rapidly
\ \/ / press the D-Pad to regain some motion capability. Can
/ /\ \ be cured with an Penicillin, or with Metabolism PE.
/ / \ \
\ \ / /
\ \/ /
/ /\ \
/_/ \_\

_ _
_/_\ /_\_ DARKNESS: Aya can't target the enemy. Can be cured with
-|_|||_|- an Penicillin, or with Metabolism PE.
\_/ \_/

Using an Penicillin, a Stim or Metabolism will temporarily defend you
from further status ailments. When the battle ends, every status
ailment will be cured.


The peculiar action of Aya's mitochondria allows her to use special
powers called Parasite Energies. These powers belong to the four
elements: Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth. Aya has sealed most of her
powers inside her, so only one of them, Pyrokinesis, is available at
the beginning of the adventure. Using the EXP points gained from
battles, Aya can restore the other PE. Each PE can be upgraded up to
level 3. There's a total of 12 Parasite Energies, but only 8 are
available at the beginning. The third PE of each element appears
after the two other of the element have reached Level 3.



Lv 1:
Fire shot. Actives mitochondria in the cells of the hands, causing
the outburst of a high-temperature shot. Causes burns.
MP used: 8 ATP time: 22 Exp. cost: - Bonus MP: 1

Lv 2:
Power and range up. Advanced stage, with greater range. Shoots two
simultaneous shots that incinerate the target.
MP used: 7 ATP time: 22 Exp. cost: 1250 Bonus MP: 1

Lv 3:
Power and range up. Highly advanced stage, with greater range. Emits
multiple shots that cause the evaporation of the target.
MP used: 6 ATP time: 22 Exp. cost: 3000 Bonus MP: 2



Lv 1:
Puts the enemy on fire. Actives mitochondria in the enemy's skin,
causing its combustion. Causes burns and difficulty of cutaneous
MP used: 14 ATP time: 38 Exp. cost: 750 Bonus MP: 1

Lv 2:
Range up. Advanced stage, with greater range. Puts the enemy's lungs
on fire, causing internal burns.
MP used: 14 ATP time: 30 Exp. cost: 1750 Bonus MP: 1

Lv 3:
Range up. Highly advanced stage, with greater range. Burns body fat,
melting the enemy like a candle.
MP used: 14 ATP time: 22 Exp. cost: 4000 Bonus MP: 2



Lv 1:
Small conflagration. Uses radioactive isotopes found inside microbes
to cause nuclear fission. The explosions cause epidermal burns.
MP used: 30 ATP time: 50 Exp. cost: 3000 Bonus MP: 1

Lv 2:
Medium conflagration. Advanced stage. Uses radioactive isotopes to
cause a nuclear fission. The explosion reduce the target to ashes.
MP used: 30 ATP time: 40 Exp. cost: 4000 Bonus MP: 2

Lv 3:
Great conflagration.
Highly advanced stage. Uses radioactive isotopes to cause nuclear
fission. Destroys the target at molecular level.
MP used: 30 ATP time: 28 Exp. cost: 5000 Bonus MP: 4



Lv 1:
Cures status ailments. Generates antibodies through mitochondrial
energy and immunizes the target. Acts against bacilli, but isn't
always effective.
MP used: 7 ATP time: 36 Exp. cost: 500 Bonus MP: 1

Lv 2:
Quickly cures status ailments. Advanced stage. Increases blood white
cells production against the action of the bacilli, but needs time.
MP used: 5 ATP time: 28 Exp. cost: 1250 Bonus MP: 1

Lv 3:
Instantly cures status ailments. Highly advanced stage. Increases
corporal metabolism. Locates, neutralizes and eliminates bacilli
MP used: 3 ATP time: 18 Exp. cost: 3000 Bonus MP: 1



Lv 1:
Recovers some HP. Increases mitochondria, powers up energy production
and restores strength. As a result, mitochondria become weaker.
MP used: 12 ATP time: 42 Exp. cost: 750 Bonus MP: 1

Lv 2:
Recovers HP. Advanced stage. Regenerates lost cells. As a result, the
body's mitochondrial energy decreases.
MP used: 12 ATP time: 30 Exp. cost: 1750 Bonus MP: 1

Lv 3:
Recovers many HP. Turns mitochondria into energy, causing fast
MP used: 12 ATP time: 18 Exp. cost: 4000 Bonus MP: 1



Lv 1:
Absorbs HP from close enemies. Indirectly controls mitochondria of
nearby organisms, thanks to which it produces energy that increases
MP used: 20 ATP time: 44 Exp. cost: 3000 Bonus MP: 1

Lv 2:
Absorbs HP from nearby enemies. Advanced stage. Directly controls
mitochondria of nearby organisms, producing energy that increases
MP used: 18 ATP time: 36 Exp. cost: 4000 Bonus MP: 1

Lv 3:
Absorbs HP from enemies around. Highly advanced stage. Fully controls
mitochondria of nearby enemies, increasing vitality.
MP used: 16 ATP time: 28 Exp. cost: 5000 Bonus MP: 2



Lv 1:
Electric discharge. Conglobates mitochondria in the hands, releasing
electric discharges. The target's epidermal cells gangrene.
MP used: 7 ATP time: 38 Exp. cost: 500 Bonus MP: 1

Lv 2:
Electric discharge. Range level up. Advanced stage, with greater
range. Destroys the target's internal organs cells.
MP used: 7 ATP time: 30 Exp. cost: 1250 Bonus MP: 1

Lv 3:
Electric discharge. Range level up. Highly advanced stage, with
greater range. Destroys the bone cells of the target.
MP used: 7 ATP time: 22 Exp. cost: 3000 Bonus MP: 2



Lv 1:
Knocking down explosion. Activates mitochondria, producing discharges
that generate high-temperature ions. The waves of the explosion knock
down the enemy.
MP used: 6 ATP time: 18 Exp. cost: 750 Bonus MP: 1

Lv 2:
Knocking flat explosion. Advanced stage. Produces ions that cause a
powerful detonation. The waves of the explosion knock the enemy flat.
MP used: 5 ATP time: 18 Exp. cost: 1750 Bonus MP: 1

Lv 3:
Cutting down explosion. Highly advanced stage. Generates ions that
cause a powerful detonation. The waves of the explosion cut down the
MP used: 4 ATP time: 18 Exp. cost: 4000 Bonus MP: 2



Lv 1:
Temporary stop. Activates mitochondria, creating an electric
discharge. Immobilizes nearby enemies, destroying their nervous
MP used: 18 ATP time: 38 Exp. cost: 3000 Bonus MP: 1

Lv 2:
Temporary spasm. Advanced stage. Programs the accelerate death of the
nervous cells and causes spasm to the nearby target.
MP used: 18 ATP time: 38 Exp. cost: 4000 Bonus MP: 2

Lv 3:
Lasting paralysis. Highly advanced stage. Programs the accelerate
death of the nervous cells and paralyzes the nearby target.
MP used: 18 ATP time: 38 Exp. cost: 5000 Bonus MP: 4



Lv 1:
Limits physical damage. Uses mitochondria to suck up the Earth's
magnetism, creating a protective covering against the enemy's
MP used: 6 ATP time: 36 Exp. cost: 500 Bonus MP: 2

Lv 2:
Prevents physical damage. Advanced stage. Sucks up the Earth's
magnetism, creating a covering capable of cutting in half the enemy's
attacking power.
MP used: 5 ATP time: 28 Exp. cost: 1250 Bonus MP: 2

Lv 3:
Nullifies enemy attack. Highly advanced stage. Sucks up the Earth's
magnetism, creating a covering which neutralizes the enemy's attack.
MP used: 4 ATP time: 18 Exp. cost: 3000 Bonus MP: 4



Lv 1:
Increases ammo speed and effectiveness. Increases ammo speed, thanks
to the electromagnetic force created by mitochondria.
MP used: 10 ATP time: 36 Exp. cost: 750 Bonus MP: 2

Lv 2:
Stopping power and bullets speed up. Advanced stage. Increases ammo
speed and changes their structure to increase their Stopping Power.
MP used: 9 ATP time: 28 Exp. cost: 1750 Bonus MP: 2

Lv 3:
Increases ammo speed and power. Highly advanced stage. Increases ammo
speed and every shot fires cancerous mitochondria.
MP used: 8 ATP time: 18 Exp. cost: 4000 Bonus MP: 4



Lv 1:
Spinning protection sphere. Creates a magnetic field in which rotates
a superconductor, against which the enemy collides.
MP used: 15 ATP time: 36 Exp. cost: 3000 Bonus MP: 2

Lv 2:
2 spinning protection spheres. Advanced stage. Creates a magnetic
field in which rotate two superconductors, against which the enemy
MP used: 15 ATP time: 28 Exp. cost: 4000 Bonus MP: 4

Lv 3:
Rotating attack ellipse. Highly advanced stage. Creates three
superconductors which rotate elliptically in a magnetic field,
hitting the target.
MP used: 15 ATP time: 18 Exp. cost: 5000 Bonus MP: 9


___/7.1 Weapons\_____________________________________________________
---------------------------|HAND WEAPONS|----------------------------


Weight: 68
Rate: 5

Based on an Okinawan design. Masters can attack continuously.




Caliber: 9mm
Capacity: 20 rounds
Weight: 117
Range: 50
Rate: 110

Semi-auto 9mm, fires 3-round bursts.

OPERATION: R1: 9mm P.B./Hydr/Sptn (Burst)
R2: 9mm P.B./Hydr/Sptn (Single)



Caliber: 9mm/Flash
Capacity: 30/50 rounds
Weight: 288
Range: 55/5
Rate: 80/2

9mm submachine gun. Flashlight attached.

OPERATION: R1: 9mm P.B./Hydr/Sptn (Burst)
R2: Flash

Price: 6980 BP



Caliber: 9mm/Flash
Capacity: 60/50 rounds
Weight: 306
Range: 55/5
Rate: 80/2

Submachine gun MP5A5. Double magazine, with 30 more bullets.

OPERATION: R1: 9mm P.B./Hydr/Sptn (Burst)
R2: Flash



Caliber: 9mm/Flash
Capacity: 90/50 rounds
Weight: 324
Range: 55/5
Rate: 80/2

Submachine gun MP5A5. Triple magazine, with 60 more bullets.

OPERATION: R1: 9mm P.B./Hydr/Sptn (Burst)
R2: Flash



Caliber: 9mm
Capacity: 100 rounds
Weight: 227
Range: 40
Rate: 90

Full-auto 9mm w/high ammo capacity.

OPERATION: R1: 9mm P.B./Hydr/Sptn (Burst)



Caliber: 9mm
Capacity: 7 rounds
Weight: 87
Range: 70
Rate: 80

Semi-auto 9mm w/ special loader.

OPERATION: R1: 9mm P.B./Hydr/Sptn (Single)

Price: 680 BP


P08 (w/ S magazine)

Caliber: 9mm
Capacity: 32 rounds
Weight: 100
Range: 70
Rate: 80

P08 w/ Snail magazine. Increased ammo capacity.

OPERATION: R1: 9mm P.B./Hydr/Sptn (Single)



Caliber: 9mm
Capacity: 12/50 rounds
Weight: 92
Range: 120/4
Rate: 90/3

Semi-auto 9mm w/silencer. Flashlight attachment.

OPERATION: R1: 9mm P.B./Hydr/Sptn (Single)
R2: Flash



Gauge: 12ga
Capacity: 3 rounds
Weight: 270
Range: 30
Rate: 2

Pump-action 12-gauge shotgun.

OPERATION: R1: Buckshot/Firefly/R.Slug (Single)

Price: 1000 BP



Gauge: 12ga
Capacity: 7 rounds
Weight: 420
Range: 40
Rate: 24

12-gauge short-range shotgun. Powerful, but bulky and heavy.

OPERATION: R1: Buckshot/Firefly/R.Slug (Single)



Gauge: 12ga
Capacity: 20 rounds
Weight: 550
Range: 50
Rate: 36

12-gauge smooth-bore shotgun. Repeater.

OPERATION: R1: Buckshot/Firefly/R.Slug (Single)

Price: 12500 BP



Caliber: Blade/12ga.
Capacity: -/12 rounds
Weight: 579
Range: 2/100
Rate: 2/36

Ultra high frequency particle blade. Blade with shotgun attachment.

R2: Buckshot/Firefly/R.Slug (Single)

Price: 10000 BP (Replay Mode)



Caliber: 5.56mm
Capacity: 30 rounds
Weight: 254
Range: 500
Rate: 85

5.56mm assault rifle. Customizable with attachments.

OPERATION: R1: 5.56 Rifle (Triple)
R2: 5.56 Rifle (Single)

Price: 2450 BP



Caliber: 5.56mm
Capacity: 60 rounds
Weight: 274
Range: 500
Rate: 85

Assault rifle M4A1. Double magazine, 30 more rounds.

OPERATION: R1: 5.56 Rifle (Triple)
R2: 5.56 Rifle (Single)



Caliber: 5.56
Capacity: 90 rounds
Weight: 294
Range: 500
Rate: 85

Assault rifle M4A1. Triple magazine, 60 more rounds.

OPERATION: R1: 5.56 Rifle (Triple)
R2: 5.56 Rifle (Single)



Caliber: 5.56mm
Capacity: 30 rounds
Weight: 284
Range: 500/2
Rate: 85/3

Assault rifle with attached bayonet.

OPERATION: R1: 5.56 Rifle (Triple)
R2: Cut-bayonet



Caliber: 5.56/40mm
Capacity: 30/1 rounds
Weight: 390
Range: 500/250
Rate: 85/1

Assault rifle with attached 40mm grenade launcher.

OPERATION: R1: 5.56 Rifle (Triple)
R2: Grenade/Riot/Airburst (Single)



Caliber: 5.56/Stun
Capacity: 30/40 rounds
Weight: 339
Range: 500/2
Rate: 85/4

Assault rifle with attached Stungun.

OPERATION: R1: 5.56 Rifle (Triple)
R2: Electric discharge



Caliber: 5.56/Laser
Capacity: 30/60 rounds
Weight: 488
Range: 500/420
Rate: 85/2

Assault rifle with attached laser.

OPERATION: R1: 5.56 Rifle (Triple)
R2: Laser



Caliber: 5.56/Flame
Capacity: 30/30 rounds
Weight: 437
Range: 500/6
Rate: 85/2

Assault rifle with attached flamethrower.

OPERATION: R1: 5.56 Rifle (Triple)
R2: Flamethrower



Caliber: 5.56
Capacity: 200 rounds
Weight: 685
Range: 400
Rate: 100

Portable light machine gun. Heavy firepower and a large clip.

OPERATION: R1: 5.56 Rifle (Burst)
R2: 5.56 Rifle (Single)

-------------------------|GRENADE LAUNCHERS|-------------------------


Caliber: 40mm
Capacity: 1 round
Weight: 260
Range: 350
Rate: 1

Pistol-sized 40mm grenade launcher.

OPERATION: R1: Grenade/Riot/Airburst (Single)

Price: 1680 BP



Caliber: 40mm
Capacity: 12 rounds
Weight: 900
Range: 350
Rate: 12

40mm launcher w/revolving magazine.

OPERATION: R1: Grenade/Riot/Airburst (Continuous)

Price: 23500 BP



Caliber: 44Mag.
Capacity: 6 rounds
Weight: 168
Range: 60
Rate: 70

Large .44 caliber revolver. Slow reload, but it's worth it.

OPERATION: R1: 44 Magnum/44 Maeda SP (Single)

Price: 2850 BP (Replay Mode)

--------------------------|SPECIAL WEAPONS|--------------------------


Caliber: 20mm
Capacity: 100 rounds
Weight: 881
Range: 1000
Rate: 7

Electromagnetic Rail Gun. Allows high-acceleration fire.

OPERATION: R1: Rail gun

Price: 20000 BP (Replay Mode)

___/7.2 Ammo\________________________________________________________


9MM P.B.

Caliber: 9mm
Power: 10
Capacity: 500

9mm caliber full metal jacket round. For handguns and submachine


Price: 50 x 30 BP



Caliber: 9mm
Power: 15
Capacity: 500

9mm hollow-point round. Soft tip increases tissue damage.


Price: 50 x 50 BP



Caliber: 9mm
Power: 20
Capacity: 500

9mm fragmentation round. Fragments rupture vital organs.


Price: 50 x 80 BP



Gauge: 12ga
Power: 40
Capacity: 200
Special: Explosion

12-gauge shotgun scatter shot. Spreads 9 lead shots in a burst.


Price: 10 x 60 BP



Gauge: 12ga
Power: 90
Capacity: 200
Special: Piercing

12-gauge shells for rifles. Stable trajectory (one shot).


Price: 10 x 120 BP



Gauge: 12ga
Power: 70
Capacity: 200
Special: Incendiary

12-gauge shotgun incendiary shot. Ignites flammable target.


Price: 10 x 90 BP



Caliber: 40mm
Power: 270
Capacity: 100
Special: Burst

40mm fragmentation grenade. Shoots fragments over a wide area.

APPLICABLE WEAPONS: Grenade Pistol/M4A1 Grenade

Price: 4 x 280 BP



Caliber: 40mm
Power: 60
Capacity: 100
Special: Flash

40mm special acoustic round. Emits a glaring flash and loud noise.

APPLICABLE WEAPONS: Grenade Pistol/M4A1 Grenade

Price: 4 x 80 BP



Caliber: 40mm
Power: 220
Capacity: 100
Special: Explosion

40mm aerial burst grenade. Arcs and explodes in the air.

APPLICABLE WEAPONS: Grenade Pistol, M4A1 Grenade

Price: 4 x 450 BP

---------------------------|RIFLE BULLETS|---------------------------

5.56 RIFLE

Caliber: 5.56mm
Power: 22
Capacity: 800

5.56mm full metal jacket round. For rifles and light machine guns.


Price: 80 x 100 BP

--------------------------|MAGNUM BULLETS|---------------------------


Caliber: 44Mag.
Power: 70
Capacity: 500
Special: POISON

Anti-NMC .44 magnum round. Contains toxic mitochondria.




Caliber: 44Mag
Power: 40
Capacity: 500

44 caliber bullets. High destructive power.


Price: 50 x 100 BP

___/7.3 Armors\______________________________________________________


ADD. HP +10
Attachments: 3
Special features: Resist PARALYSIS

Aya's favourite jacket. With special protective fiber.



ADD. HP +5
ADD. MP +20
Attachments: 3
Special features: MP Recovery/Resist PARALYSIS

NMC Hunter reinforced vest. Can be worn under regular clothing.

Price: 1680 BP



ADD. HP +40
ADD. MP +10
Attachments: 5
Special features: Motion detector/Resist SILENCE

Heavy police body armor. Helmet amplifier prevents Silence.

Price: 3250 BP



ADD. HP +50
ADD. MP +10
Attachments: 7
Special features: Quick fire/HP recovery

Bullet-proof SWAT vest. Includes an emergency first aid kit.



ADD. MP +10
Attachments: 6
Special features: Resist POISON

Good desert jacket. Has attactments, but poor protection.



ADD. HP +60
Attachments: 5
Special features: Resist impact/HP recovery

Old-style pilot vest. Attenuates blows.



ADD: MP +20
Attachments: 4
Special features: Quick fire

Holster worn over a T-Shirt.

Price: 2580 BP



ADD. HP +20
Attachments: 6
Special features: Resist POISON/HP recovery

Body armor in current military use. Includes an emergency first aid

Price: 2980 BP



ADD. HP +100
Attachments: 5
Special features: Resist IMPACT/Resist PARALYSIS

Explosive squad body armor. Resistant to explosions and heat.

Price:4580 BP



ADD. HP +20
ADD. MP +20
Attachments: 6
Special features: Resist POISON/Resist PARALYSIS

Environmental NBC protection suit. Suitable for long-term wear.

Price: 3980 BP



ADD. MP +50
Attachments: 4
Special features: Medical inspection/Resist CONFUSION

Neo-mitochondria labsuit. Includes remote ANMC analyzer.

Price: 4580 BP



ADD. HP +60
ADD. MP +30
Attachments: 8
Special features: Motion detector/Medical inspection

New "Land Warrior" system. Display with motion detector.

Price: 12800 BP



ADD. HP +30
ADD. MP +50
Attachments: 7
Special features: Quick fire/MP recovery

Special jumper designed by Jodie. Has many resources against ANMCs.

Price: 8000 BP



ADD. MP +100
Attachments: 10
Special features: MP generation/MP recovery

Robe from a mitochondria-worshipping cult. It's impregnated with NMC

Price: 3000 BP (Replay Mode)

___/7.4 Weapon Attachments\__________________________________________



Use: Add P08 Capacity +25

P08 magazine. Increases ammo capacity.



Use: Add MP5 capacity +30

MP5A5 magazine. Increases bullets by 30 units.

Price: 3980 BP



Use: Add M4A1 Capacity +30

M4A1 magazine clip holder. Increases ammo capacity by 30.

Price: 1800 BP



Use: M4A1 Attachment

1,200,000 V-power shotgun. Attachment for M4A1.

Price: 3270 BP



Use: M4A1 Attachment

40mm Grenade Launcher. Custom M4A1 attachment.

Price: 2130 BP



Use: M4A1 Attachment

Small flamethrower. Attachment for M4A1.

Price: 5180 BP



Use: M4A1 Attachment

Close combat bayonet. Custom M4A1 attachment.

Price: 980 BP



Use: M4A1 Attachment

Laser rifle. Attachment for M4A1.

Price: 7500 BP



Use: Add Attachments +1

A large belt pack. Increases # of armor attachments.

Price: 10000 BP (Replay Mode, Scavenger Mode, Nightmare Mode)



Use, Attachment: Recover 80 MP/Recover 20 HP

Energy drink. Recovers HP and MP.

Price: 120 BP (Replay Mode)



Attachment: Inflict DARKNESS

Disposable defense weapon. Blinds enemies in front of you.

Price: 60 BP



Attachment: Induce BERSERKER

Disposable eau de toilette spray. Scent releases latent powers.

Price: 190 BP (Replay Mode)



Attachment: Inflict DARKNESS

Disposable self-defense weapon. Inflicts darkness to the enemy.

Price: 150 BP



Use: ??? (Increases the least Exp needing Water PE's level by 1)
Attachment: ??? (Reduces damage received by 1/4)

The label says "Holy Water". Attach this and see what happens.

Price: 5000 BP (Replay Mode)



Attachment: Resist DARKNESS

Special-filter goggles. Prevent darkness if attached.

Price: 1000 BP (Replay Mode)



Attachment: Resist SILENCE
Use: Add. Max MP +1

Keeps the lips wet. Cures Silence if attached.

Price: 5000 BP (Replay Mode, Scavenger Mode, Nightmare Mode)



Attachment: Resist CONFUSION/Resist BERSERKER

MD Player w/ "whale songs" disc. Prevents Confusion, Berserker.

Price: 1000 BP (Replay Mode)



Use: ??? (Increases the least Exp needing Wind PE's level by 1)
Attachment: ??? (Sometimes enemies drop extra items)

Indian amulet. Attach this and see what happens.

Price: 27800 BP (Replay Mode, Scavenger Mode, Nightmare Mode)



Use: Recover 30 MP
Attachment: Recover 25 MP

Spring Water. Restores some MP.

Price: 320 BP



Use: Recover FULL MP
Attachment: Recover 100 MP

Sparkling mineral water. Recovers MP.

Price: 580 BP



Use: ??? (Increase the least Exp needing Earth PE's level by 1)
Attachment: ??? (Increases PE power by 1/2)

Japanese amulet. Attach this and see what happens.

Price: 5000 BP (Replay Mode)




Anti-bacterial medikit. Cures Darkness, Paralysis, Poison.

Price: 80 BP



Attachment: Inflict PARALYSIS

Disposable self-defense weapon. Use to stun surrounding enemies.

Price: 100 BP



Use, Attachment: Add. Max HP +5/Recover FULL HP

Protein compound medicine capsule. Full HP recovery. Max HP + 5.

Price: 10000 BP (Replay Mode, Scavenger Mode, Nightmare Mode)



Use: Recover 50 HP
Attachment: Recover 45 HP

Multi-vitamin tablet. Heals some HP.

Price: 100 BP



Use: Recover 100 HP
Attachment: Recover 90 HP

Analgesic capsule. Recovers HP.

Price: 180 BP



Use: Recover FULL HP
Attachment: Recover 150 HP

Nutritious substances. Recover a lot of HP.

Price: 350 BP



Use, Attachment: Recover FULL HP and MP

Blood substitute. Restores HP and MP to the max.

Price: 200 BP (Replay Mode)



Use: ??? (Increases the least Exp needing Fire PE's level by 1)
Attachment: ??? (Increases damage to enemy by 1/4)

Skull shaped S. American Crystal. Attach this and see what happens.

Price: 5000 BP (Replay Mode)




Restores nerve function. Cures Silence, Berserker, Confusion.

Price: 80 BP


This section contains brief info about the enemies, plus the points
you earn from each enemy when you defeat it. It does NOT tell you how
many HP the enemies have.



Artificial Neo-Mitochondrion Creature. It's the first enemy you meet
in the game. Not particularly strong. Their weak point is their back,
and if you manage to attack them from behind, the amount of bullets
used for the kill will be significantly lower. Such creature comes in
4 different flavors, as follows:
1) Lesser Stranger: walks towards you. Stops and lunges at you to
bite you when close enough.
2) Grin Stranger: side-jumps while approaching. It's hard to target
because it jumps very quickly.
3) Great Stranger: runs towards you instead of just walking.
4) Odd Stranger: the most common type of Stranger you'll meet after
the Akropolis Tower mission. Easily recognized by the black circular
spot on its back. If it gets close enough, it bites and doesn't let
go for many seconds, allowing other enemies to close in and attack as
well. Dangerous in close quarters.
To get rid of a Stranger, wait for it to come close, then as soon as
it tries to bit, move away, get behind it, and shoot away for some
good damage. If you don't feel confident enough, just shoot the hell
out of them.

Lesser Stranger: HP 180 EXP 34 BP 34 MP 3
Grin Stranger: HP 160 EXP 42 BP 48 MP 4
Great Stranger: HP 180 EXP 44 BP 100 MP 5
Odd Stranger: HP 180 EXP 42 BP 82 MP 4



One of the lesser creatures, can be potentially dangerous if it comes
in large groups (which happens quite often). They'll approach you as
soon as you attack them or fire with a noisy weapon. If they touch
you, or if you touch the black powder they drop when they're
destroyed, you'll be inflicted the Blind status and be immobilized
for a moment, which is more than enough for quicker, stronger enemies
to hit you.
Butterflies will die to just anything, so try to kill them as fast as
you can. If the area is swarming with them, use a Flare or Apobiosis
to kill them all in a single hit.

HP 1 EXP 2 BP 20 MP 1



Another weak, but potentially dangerous enemy. They come in large
groups, and move pretty fast too. Their bite will Poison you and
immobilize you for a moment, exposing you to further attacks from
other enemies. Kill them from afar, or use Plasma for a quick kill.

HP 18 EXP 4 BP 22 MP 1


FATTY (Fat ANMC, aka Brute)

These creatures are big and very resistant. Keep them at a distance,
because they have an incredibly long arm that can reach several feet
ahead. Sometimes a critical hit will make them drop to the ground -
if this happens, subsequent critical hits will keep them on the floor
if they can't stand up again quickly enough.
They'll come at you if they spot you, but they're incredibly slow, so
you can easily overrun them. If you're close and tone of them starts
to stretch its arm, quickly get behind it, but be aware of the
poisonous green liquid it can shoot from its shoulders.
If Energyshot is in action, every hit will interrupt their current
Later in the game you'll meet a different kind of Fatty, called Green
Fatty, or Mossback. Their color is green and their arm is even longer
than that of regular Fatties. If you get too close, Mossbacks lift
their shoulders and emit a green gas that inflicts the Blind status.

Brute: HP 280 EXP 152 BP 102 MP 5
Mossback: HP 450 EXP 204 BP 152 MP 6



Caterpillars are green in color, while Maggots are white. As you can
imagine though, color isn't the only difference between the two - in
fact, Maggots are tougher, more dangerous, are much more easily
These creatures can be found sleeping on the ground, or they can hang
down from tree branches and drop to the ground when you get close.
They crawl around and, as soon as they're close enough, they lunge
and then jump like springs towards you. Maggots can jump very far,
and they'll spit a cloud of poisonous gas should you get too close to
their face.
Fortunately, Pyrokinesis makes things a great deal easier. The
Caterpillar or Maggot hit by Pyrokinesis will get burned and will
keep on losing HP until it dies. Moreover, every other Caterpillar or
Maggot that touches a burned one will get burned as well. So, just
burn one and lure the others to touch it, then get behind a corner
and just wait for them to turn to ashes.

Caterpillar: HP 80 EXP 6 BP 28 MP 1
Maggot: HP 160 EXP 16 BP 68 MP 1



Bats love surprise attacks, and come in HUGE groups. If they bite
you, you'll be immobilized until you manage to break free - this
leaves you defenseless against other enemies and can be very
To fight Bats effectively, keep at a distance and use a weapon that
allows you to kill more than one at a time, such as the M93R or
Buckshot shells. Combustion also works well. If you can hide into a
narrow passage, you can take them out one by one before they reach
you. Combat Lights and Pepper Sprays will stun them, Flare will put
them on fire, and Plasma will destroy them.
Sometimes you may meet groups of Bats sleeping against a wall - if
this happens, you can destroy them all before they even notice you're

HP 1 EXP 5 BP 18 MP 1



You'll meet them only once, in the Akropolis Tower bridge area. If
you activate the bridge you can kill them by just squashing them
under your boots, but in the water they're actually invincible - they
move too fat to be targeted, and they can inflict the Poison status,
along with dealing a good amount of damage.

HP 1 EXP 6 BP 36 MP 1



Aaaahhhhh! How could they even THINK of such a monster? This one
almost gave me nightmares. Horse body, but almost human face and RED
eyes. Very ugly and quite disturbing.
Battling Chasers can be hell, especially if you're playing Bounty
Mode or something harder. When they see you, they scratch the ground
with their hooves, then charge you at full force. If you get hit,
you'll lose an immense amount of HP and you'll get knocked down to
the ground for some infinite moments, allowing other Chasers to hit
you as well. To dodge this attack, wait until the Chasers starts
running, then move away. If a running Chaser hits an obstacle, it
will lose 15 HP. If you're too close, the Chaser will head-butt you
and drop you to the ground.
Chasers may sometimes be found sleeping - in that case, just don't
get close and you'll be able to leave the area without initiating
combat. Unfortunately, it's very easy to meet one or more Chasers in
very tight areas, which makes these monsters a true nightmare to
fight against. Grenades, plasma and Apobiosis will knock them to the
ground momentarily.

HP 200 XP 75 BP 50 MP 4



Scorpions are most commonly found in Dryfield, but they can also be
found in some areas in Neo Ark. They live in large groups, usually in
open areas, where they hide under the sand until you get close, at
which time they come out and attack. If there are other enemies in
the area, scorpions will usually come out as soon as one of the other
enemies is defeated.
Scorpions will come close to you to sting you, and if this happens,
you'll be afflicted with the Poison status. When they die they live
behind a pool of green ooze, which is poisonous as well, but will
disappear after a while. They' will leave no green pool if they're
killed with a shotgun. Plasma will stun them for a moment, while
Apobiosis 3 will instantly kill them all.
An interesting thing to note is that scorpions usually don't follow
you if you go too far from them, which allows you to take them out on
smaller groups.

HP 68 EXP 20 BP 8 MP 1



Bone Sucklers are creatures of the night, and you'll first meet them
in Dryfield. They're unbelievably frail, so much that the slightest
hit is enough to kill them. Unfortunately, when they die they explode
with great violence, damaging everything in the blast radius, you
included. This can be very problematic as this creatures are usually
found in tight areas.
They also have another attack, consisting in an ankle grab (which
immobilizes you) followed by self-destruction. If you can get rid of
the ankle grab the Suckler will deflate without exploding, but any
other Suckler that touches the blood pool left behind will explode.
These creatures come in two different types: pink ones are called
Bone Sucklers, while red ones are called Blood Sucklers. Blood
Sucklers deal much greater damage when they explode, although they're
just as delicate as their less evoluted form.

Bone Suckler: HP 1 EXP 6 BP 20 MP 3
Blood Suckler: HP 1 EXP 8 BP 28 MP 4



You won't believe how annoying these creatures can get. They attack
in groups and can be very dangerous at times, especially in harder
modes. They look like pink, giant moths with a long nose, and are
nothing but evoluted Blood Sucklers. You'll meet them at Dryfield at
Once you wake them up, the entire group will start flying towards
you. If you can inflict enough damage they'll fall to the ground and
be totally unable to attack any more, but if you don't do this
quickly enough they'll get close and start stinging you from above.
Use items such as Flares, Combat Lights, or Pepper Sprays to make
them fall and cease to be a threat. Just don't let them get close or
you'll be in big trouble.

HP 50 EXP 12 BP 36 MP 2



Extremely annoying and extremely dangerous in any mode other than
Normal or Replay. These critters are quite tough to beat and keep
jumping here and there, trying to surround you. If they jump at you
they'll inflict insane amounts of damage, and to make things worse,
they live in packs in tight areas. They can also hear very well, and
if you run instead of walking they'll hear you and immediately turn
to attack. If they get close they'll grab your ankle and immobilize
you, along with taking away many HP.
Scavengers are very susceptible to light, so if you use a Combat
Light or a Flare you'll stun them for several precious moments. If
you hit one while it's in mid-air you'll inflict a heavy critical hit
and send it flying backwards. If you dodge a jumping attack, the
creature will fall to the ground and stay there for a couple of
seconds before getting up again.
Sometimes you'll find them sleeping, but they'll wake up if you run
instead of walking. The best situation is when you see them crouching
and emitting their peculiar sound, as if they were eating or
something - this happens when there's strong light in the area, which
prevents them from moving. In this case you can happily shoot them
all without them even noticing. Combustion works well on large

HP 85 EXP 10 BP 62 MP 2



A yellow, black-striped spider. They can cloak, thus making
themselves invisible. When invisible they can't be targeted, but you
can make them visible if you use a Combat Light, which also stuns
them for a long time, usually long enough to kill them.
If a Stalker gets close enough, it will swipe at you with its arm,
dealing great damage. Anyway, it can't move if you keep on shooting
it. They can sometime walk on the ceiling and drop down on your face,
immobilizing you and hurting you pretty badly. Be careful when you
have to fight 2 or 3 at the same time - use a Flare to make things

HP 180 EXP 106 BP 36 MP 5



There are four different types of lasers. Unless you've deactivated
the security system in the Pod Service gantry, lasers will pinpoint
you as soon as you enter their shooting range; if you use a noisy
firearm, they'll all pinpoint you the moment you shoot.
The color of the pinpoint laser determines the type and the quickness
of the attack - Red lasers take the longest to shoot, while White
(Shooters) will fire almost immediately. Colored lasers inflicts
different status ailments, specifically Confusion (Yellow), Paralysis
(Blue) and Silence (Red). If you keep on moving, they'll shoot the
spot they were pinpointing the moment they stopped moving, so they
should miss you unless you're clumsy. White lasers are much more
dangerous, because they will track you and keep shooting until they
need to reload.
It is possible to use lasers to your advantage, so that they hit the
enemies instead of you, but they'll deal poor damage and it's not the
easiest thing to do. The best weapons to deal with lasers are the
P229 and the AS12.

Red: HP 70 EXP 21 BP 33 MP 1.5
Blue: HP 70 EXP 19 BP 22 MP 1
Yellow: HP 70 EXP 15 BP 0 MP 0
Shooters: HP 70 EXP 15 BP 0 MP 0



Slimes are barely visible until you get close - you can barely make
out the head, which looks like a bunch of black dots. They're immune
to all weapons, with the exception of Grenades and M4A1 attachments.
The absolute best to deal with them is Necrosis, which inflicts an
amount of damage far superior to that Slimes can withstand; however,
if you use Parasite Energies ALL the slimes in the area will
immediately come after you.
If they touch you, Green Slimes inflict Silence, Red Slimes inflict
Berserker; both drain you of MP. After you've been touched, Slimes
can shoot energy balls at you from a distance.
Red Slimes are quite tougher than Green ones. The good thing with
Slimes is that they leave tons of MP when they're defeated.

Blue: HP 80 EXP 12 BP 86 MP 8
Red: HP 280 EXP 16 BP 420 MP 30


DIVER (Water ANMC, aka Hydra)

Easy to deal with if it's alone, quite a nuisance in group. They
stick their neck out of the water, then sparkle and spit an
electricity ball that hurts quite a lot. It's not easy to fight two
or three at a time, unless there's a lot of room (which doesn't
happen often). Divers keep on tracking you until they shoot, so wait
for them to shoot and then move away.
Hitting them with a shotgun will force them to interrupt their
attack. But most important, Divers are EXTREMELY weak against Fire,
so much that hitting one with Pyrokinesis 3 means instant kill.
Necrosis works well, too.

HP 200 EXP 70 BP 88 MP 3



A rather strange, disturbing creature. If you shoot him, it will lay
on its back and start laughing horribly. If you don't, it will crawl
towards you and, if close enough, jump at you. They can sometimes
hang from the ceiling, but a single shot will make them fall to the

HP 110 EXP 20 BP 40 MP 1


SLOUCH (long-armed ANMC)

This creature lies on the floor and doesn't move, but its arm is long
at least 4 times its body and can reach you even from great
distances. Its swipes hurt a lot. If you're too far it spits a green
drool that will Poison you if you touch it. Just shoot from afar and
you'll be safe.

HP 120 EXP 15 BP 35 MP 3



This ANMC is made up of two distinct parts, a head and a body. The
body can't be damaged until the head is alive, but it has only 1 HP.
The head will pop out immediately if it receives a critical hit, or
if you shoot it with a shotgun.
When whole, this monster crawls on the floor and can hit you if you
get too close. If you run past it very fast, you can clearly hear it
say "Eh?" and see it turn its head to look for you. Spooky.

HP 250 EXP 19 BP 112 MP 3



AAARRRGH! I HATE these guys! They walk around as if they were drunk,
then suddenly they stop and prepare a yellow energy ball that once
shot will follow you with impossible accuracy. The ball can Poison
you, and it HURTS!!!
Not only that, these enemies are extremely tough too: Parasite
Energies deal very little damage (Fire doesn't even scratch them),
and weapons can't do much more. And then, they can HEAL THEMSELVES
with a blue energy sphere that will restore 100 of their HP every
It's not over yet: they can also hit you with their long arm if
you're too close, which will kill you instantly in Scavenger and
Luckily, there are a few tricks you can use against these nightmarish
creatures. The first one is the M4A1 Hammer: just stun them with
electricity and they'll drop like stones, allowing you to pump in
more bullets. Necrosis will do this every time they're trying to
shoot or heal, but you'll have to use it a couple of times since it
wears off fast.
If there's only one of them around (not likely), you can try to stay
behind its back when it's about to shoot, so that he'll miss you
(they can't shoot backwards). STAY ALERT! These are among the most
dangerous enemies in the game.

HP 400 EXP 105 BP 158 MP 8


SUCKLERCEPH (rolling head)

These creatures can be very, very dangerous if you don't kill them
fast. They roll towards you and explode if touched or killed. The
explosion will damage other enemies as well as you, and hurts
They sometimes turn invisible while rolling, and as such can't be
targeted. If you're very good at moving, you can slightly touch them
on their side while running: if you manage to do this well, they'll
deflate and disappear without exploding. Critical hits will kill them
instantly. Flares and Apobiosis will paralyze them for a while.

HP 70 EXP 6 BP 12 MP 3


SKULL STALKER (invisibile head)

Very rare, probably found only two or three times in the whole game.
It's a head that it's invisible until you get close or use a Combat
Light to turn it visible. It explodes if touched, but it can't hurt

HP 1 EXP 2 BP 32 MP 1



This easily wins the award for The Most Annoying Enemy in the game.
These disgusting bugs crawl all over Neo Ark the way maggots crawl on
dead meat, and just like maggots, they come in huge packs. They're
absurdly resistant to most weapons, thanks to a rock-hard carapace
that absorbs damage like a sponge. Stick to hitting them in the back
and you'll be still there by the time flying cars are affordable. A
if that weren't enough, it's ridiculously easy for them to hit you -
many times you'll think there's enough space between you and them to
shoot, but instead, you'll be hit. Very frustrating, believe me.
Their weak point is their belly, but to hit it you'll have to turn
them upside-down. This can be done by using Plasma, Apobiosis, the
M4A1 Hammer or, best of all, a shotgun. Once on their back they'll
stay motionless for a while, allowing you to tear them to pieces.
One curious thing about Black Beetles is that, if they don't hit you,
you can exit the area without initiating combat.

HP 280 EXP 15 BP 53 MP 1



Very similar to the infamous venom-spitter from Jurassic Park, both
for its looks and its bad attitude. These suckers come out of the
jungle, sneak attacking you (you can't target them until battle has
begun). If they're close, they'll give you a powerful, horned
headbutt. If far from you, they will either charge you like bulls or
jump and slash like true Velociraptors; if successful, either attack
will hurt you like hell and send you flying to the ground for several
Their back is very weak, but it's not easy to hit because they turn
very quickly (although if you can hit it, killing them will be much
easier and faster). Doing this against two of them at the same time
is almost impossible. The best way to deal with them is to use the
M4A1 Hammer and electrocute them, making they fall backwards and
allowing you to pump'em full of lead. Moreover, a critical hit will
stun them for a moment.
While fighting a Horned Stranger, do your best not to go to a point
where another one is supposed to come out, because fighting two of
them at a time is hard.

HP 420 EXP 115 BP 200 MP 5



There's only a few of these, but they're painful. When they "attack",
the screen becomes wavy and you lose 1 MP. The bad thing is that you
always have to deal with worse things when you find them, so they
have the time to dry you out of MP. Make them your primary target.

EXP 150 BP 0 MP 0


Here they are! The big badasses. The most powerful non-boss enemies
in the game. In Normal, Replay, and Scavenger Mode you'll meet them
only in the later parts of the adventure, but in Bounty and Nightmare
Mode, they're very common. They come in four varieties:

-PAWN: Green Golems. They're the weakest (and easiest to kill) Golems
around. They can be either armed with a light sword or a grenade
launcher. Sword Pawns come running at you and perform a wide slash
with their weapon. To dodge this, run past them on the non-armed
side. If you don't feel confident enough, you can break their attack
with a powerful attack (Grenades, Javelin, R.Slug, M4A1 Hammer) or
something that can paralyze them (Pepper Spray, Apobiosis).
Shooting Pawns pinpoint you with a red laser, then shoot a burst of
small grenades that can inflict the Blind status. They can also hit
you with their arm if you get too close, but there's absolutely no
reason to get close. Avoiding their attacks and killing them from a
safe distance is waaaaay too easy.
A nice trick to perform when you have to fight a Sword and a Shooter
Golem is this: lure the Shooter to pinpoint you, then get the Sword
between you and the red laser. The grenades will hit the Sword Golem,
dealing great damage and making your life a lot easier.

-ROOK: Grey Golems. These hi-tech Golems are a more powerful and
dangerous version of the Pawn Golems. They're completely wrapped in a
metal armor, which prevents them from being stunned by weak attacks
such as Pepper Sprays.
Rook Golems differ from Pawn Golems in two ways. First, they have a
flash attack which they perform by stopping in their tracks and
crossing their arms. When released, this attack inflicts you the
status Silence. Second, Rook Golems have a kind of shield that
absorbs all damage when they're running, shooting, or using the flash
attack. This shield can be broken if it takes enough damage, but it's
not necessary to do this if you're patient and skilled. Anyway, once
you've broken the shield they're vulnerable at just any moment.
About Rook Shooters, remember two things: first, they shoot two burst
of grenades instead of one; second, their grenades inflict Paralysis,
which is much worse that Silence.

-KNIGHT: Purple Golems. When you enter the zone they're invisible,
and will initiate battle in one of two different ways according to
how you cross the area. If you walk around in the open, leaving your
back unguarded, they'll grab you by the neck; if this happens, bash
the controls to break free or you'll be Poisoned. After the grab the
Golem will be confused for some time.
The second attack is the double air slap: you'll hear a buzzing sound
and a red laser pointing at you, then the Golem will run at you, jump
and slap the point where you were standing when he jumped with both
his arms. Move away to avoid this attack, which can Poison you as
well. The Golem will perform this attack if you're in a big open
space, such as a long corridor, and he's far away from you.
After the first attack, get in a place where you can set your back
firmly against a wall and the Golem can't attack you with the running
slap. Now the enemy will start projecting holograms of himself. Turn
up the volume of your TV and listen carefully. If you hear nothing,
it's a clone - don't shoot or the real Golem will immediately appear
and slap you. If you hear a buzzing sound, aim and shoot - this will
break the Golem's attack and stun it for a while, allowing you to
hit. Keep an eye on your ammo - you don't want a Knight Golem to
reappear while you're reloading your weapon.

-BISHOP: Red Golems. They're a tougher and MUCH faster version of the
Knight Golem, and quite possibly the fastest enemy of the game. Their
speed makes them very difficult to fight, because reloading with one
of these guys around requires perfect timing. Furthermore, Bishops
tend to appear in the flesh instead of creating holograms, because
they're absolutely evil and like to HURT you! a lot. Their attacks
inflict Paralysis, so if you're hit, you're probably done for good,
unless you're either very skilled or very lucky. Anyway, if you kill
a Bishop Golem you're in for some serious reward. Just be careful.

PAWN: HP 425 EXP 125 BP 100 MP 5
ROOK: HP 482 EXP 250 BP 400 MP 8
KNIGHT: HP 600 EXP 300 BP 1000 MP 6
BISHOP: HP 800 EXP 400 BP 2500 MP 7



___/10.1 Akropolis Tower\____________________________________________

September 4, 2000 8.18 PM
M.I.S.T. Center, Los Angeles

After the opening credits, Aya will hit the wrong target. Her current
training session will end, and Pierce will ask you whether you want
to continue or not. Refer to The FAQs for details on the Shooting
Gallery training. When you're done, choose not to continue and leave
the room.

You have 100 HP, 30 MP, 200 BP, a M93R, a Tonfa Baton, a GPS, a
Recovery 2, and Parasite Energy Pyrokinesis as your base stats and

After another room, you'll meet Pierce. Hal has just called.
Something's going on at the Akropolis Tower. The SWAT agents are
already there, but M.I.S.T. intervention is required, and Aya is the
only Hunter available at the moment.

Go to the Arsenal. If you won something at the Shooting Gallery, your
prizes will be here. Jodie will ask you whether you want them now or
not. Leave them here for now. Buy some Recoveries if you want, but
leave everything else behind, because you're gonna find plenty of
items at the Tower. Now go to the Parking.

On the shelf in the northeast corner of the room you'll find a
[RECOVERY 3]. If you take it, another one will be here when you
return to the M.I.S.T. There's also a telephone in this room. When
you're done, talk to Pierce and choose to leave, or go back to the
Shooting Gallery if you want to give it another try.


September 4, 2000 8.56 PM
Akropolis Tower, Los Angeles

After the CGI, walk ahead. You can check the body if you want. Go
ahead until the game takes over, and read the dialogue between Aya
and the policeman. Then, go on. Aya will look at the crashed
helicopter. Walk to the policemen and witness another cut scene.

Now you're in the West Elevator Hall. Just go to the Square (hmmm...
Square... curious, huh?). After the CGI, check the body below the
Magnum sign for a [RECOVERY 1]. Check the North side of the circular
structure to find the map of the Tower. Then, approach the telephone.
After a brief scene, use the telephone to contact HAL. When you're
done, open the door to the East Elevator Hall.

Walk ahead until the game takes over (they could have spared that
"Freeze!"... after that I was almost expecting to hear them talk...
and all I got was written speech... :( ). After the chitchat, you'll
receive the [CAFETERIA KEY]. Go back and climb down the steps to the
South side of the room. There's a box of [9MM PARABELLUM] on the
bench. This box provides you the max amount of ammo you can carry,
and you can use it whenever you want. Come back here if you have less
than 150 bullets. Also check the body opposite the bench for a
[RECOVERY 2]. Now go to the Patio.

A scene will take over, and then your first fight will begin. Kill
the Humanoid, and talk to the SWAT member. After the dialogue, unlock
and enter the Cafeteria.

Walk ahead and you'll witness an incredibly disturbing CGI (after I
saw it for the first time, I decided I wasn't going to sleep again
for the rest of my life). Then, the first Boss battle will begin.

-----[BOSS 1]--------------------------------------------------------


This guy is too stupid to be real. You may fight it normally, but why
take unnecessary risks at this point in the game? Turn around and
have a table between you and the monster, then just target it and
shoot it down. You can use Pyrokinesis to make things even easier.
You'll end the fight unscathed.

HP 350 EXP 300 BP 200 MP 30

ITEMS: Recovery 2
EXTRA: MD Player


Check the dead monster to find the [METALLIC IMPLANT]. Then, try to
leave the Cafe and a scene will take over. After that, go back to the
Square and use the telephone. Then, go back to the Cafe once more.
Take the [SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL] from the table and leave through the
back door.

In the Rear Corridor, check the yellow box on the wall to find a
[BLUE KEY]. Enter the Kitchen. There's a [STIM] in the fridge, and a
[RECOVERY 1] on the dead body. Go to the Control Room. Read the paper
with the music notes on the wall, and take note of it. Go to the
console on the North wall and press the + button twice, then use the
bottom buttons to have a look around the place. Next, check the East
wall and use the Blue Key into the left keyhole. Go to the Fountain.

Check the area opposite the statue to find a hidden path that will
lead you to a box containing a [PROTEIN CAPSULE]. Use it. Unlock the
two gates of the Fountain (begin with the West one). Now go to the
Forked Road. Check the body for some [PENICILLIN], then go to the

After the fight, search the body on the bench for a [TACTICAL VEST],
then go to the Promenade. Kill the two Fatties, then check the small
weather station opposite the escalator for some [GRENADES]. Go ahead,
and a brief scene will occur. Check the body at the end of the hall
for an [MP5A5]. Equip this new weapon and enter the Sanctuary.

After the scene, pick up the [RED KEY] from the floor, then go to the
Roof Garden. Watch the scene, then go behind the statue and check the
door TWICE to get the [BLACK CARD] from the floor. Twice, got it?

Leave and go back to the Control Room. Use the Red Key in the right
keyhole, then go to the Fountain and look inside it to find a

Go to the Bridge, and insert the code to raise the bridge. If you
can't figure it out, look for it in The FAQs. Go on and open the door
at the other end of the bridge. Save before you climb up the stairs
to the Heliport.

Follow the path until you reach the elevator. Check it until you
don't get any new comment, then go back whence you came. After a cool
dialogue, the second Boss fight will begin.

-----[BOSS 2]--------------------------------------------------------


No.9 has many different attacks. He has two sword attacks - the first
being a simple sword slash, and the second being a flaming sword
attack. If announced by laughter, this second attack is even more
powerful, so much that it can actually kill you in a single swipe if
you're cornered at the end of the catwalk. On the other hand, if No.9
lights up his sword, but doesn't laugh, it means he's about to jump
attack, so move away.
No.9's final attack is a paralyzing grenade. He will only shoot it if
you're very far from him, but don't worry - when you see it coming,
just take a couple of steps ahead and it'll soar past your head. Just
don't breath its smoke or you'll be Paralyzed.

Start the battle by unloading a full MP5A5 clip on him, and also
using Pyrokinesis if you're quick enough. Now No.9 will try to attack
you - so run around the corner, reload, and run slightly past the
electric cord on the wall. Make this cord your target. No.9 will turn
the corner as well, and he will shoot one or two grenades. Dodge
them, then step back, still targeting the cord. Now the enemy will
come running at you - wait until the very last moment, then shoot the
cord and No.9 will be electrocuted and lose 180 HP. Now it's time to
shoot another full clip, and another Pyrokinesis burst maybe.
Time the cord attack perfectly - if you shoot too late, No.9's body
will prevent you from shooting the cord, and if you shoot too early,
he will simply jump past the cord.

Repeat the procedure with the next two cords. The third cord comes
paired with a steam outburst: shoot it as well and you'll inflict
huge damage. If you did everything correctly, by no means No.9 can
still be on feet. However, if he's still attacking, shoot very
quickly, because at this point he'll go for the Flaming Sword, which
can kill you in one or two swipes.

HP 1600 EXP 500 BP 800 MP 30


Take the elevator up to the helicopter landing pad, and watch the cut
scene. The mission is over.

* *
* *
* Total battles: 24 *
* *
* Patio: 4 *
* Cafe: 3 *
* Rear Corridor: 2 *
* Forked Road: 3 *
* Observatory: 3 *
* Promenade: 3 *
* Roof garden: 2 *
* Fountain: 1 *
* Bridge: 1 *
* Heliport Corridor: 1 *
* Heliport: 1 *
* *
* GAINED ITEMS: Pepper Spray, 2x Recovery 1, Recovery 2, MP Boost 1,*
* Penicillin, Grenade, 2x 9mm Hydra *
* EXTRA ITEMS: Recovery 1, MP Boost 1, 9mm Hydra, 3x 9mm Spartan, *
* Airburst *
* *

___/10.2 Dryfield\___________________________________________________

September 5, 2000 1.44 AM
M.I.S.T. Office, Los Angeles

HAL listens to Aya and Rupert's report, then he shows Aya an article
about cattle mutilations in Nevada. He suspects NMCs are at work
there, so he sends Aya to investigate. He'll give you 4 files: [MAP],
them all - otherwise, HAL won't allow you to continue. Rupert's got a
broken arm, so he won't be joining you. You'll have to go alone.

After the scene, you'll be in the M.I.S.T. parking. From now on you
can use Aya's Sedan's trunk as a storage box for items you don't need
(30 slots). Inside it you'll find three items in exchange for the
three SWAT combat items you picked up at the Tower: a [RINGER'S
SOLUTION] for the MP5A5, a [BELT POUCH] for the Tactical Vest, and a
[PROTEIN CAPSULE] for the Grenade Pistol. Unfortunately, you can no
longer keep those SWAT items with you, but I think the trade is fair

Talk to Pierce to have some info on that Metallic Implant you found
in the ANMC brain. Then, go to the Arsenal and buy everything you
want. Ask Jodie to store the Shooting Gallery prizes into the car
trunk. This is your last chance to test your skills at the Gallery,
so do it now if you feel the need to. I suggest that you buy the M4A1
since it can come in handy in many situations - and you may use it
right here, at the Shooting Gallery, to make your life easier. Prizes
are pretty good, so do your best.

If you picked up the [RECOVERY 3] the first time around, there's
another on the same shelf. When you're done, talk to Pierce and
choose to leave.


September 5, 2000 12.13 PM
Mojave Desert, Nevada

Aya parks her Sedan at the Dryfield Gas Station. There's an infinite
box of [9MM PARABELLUM] just near the car, and a telephone near the
General Store door. The shop is locked, so all you can do is to go to
the Main Street.

Take some steps ahead, and prepare for a nasty surprise. After the
battle, explore the nearby rooms. Room 1 holds no items, but you'll
find a [PENICILLIN] in the cupboard in Room 2, and a [RECOVERY 1] in
the waste paper basket in the toilet in the same room. Now go to the

Search the place for some [BUCKSHOT] shells, then enter the toilet.
After another gross scene, you'll have another battle. No items here,
but check the wall with the writing "Hasta manana" to find an
interesting clue. It sounds like this:

"Solve my riddle before you go.
How many phones in Dryfield's streets?
Then proceed, go down below.
To sunless molehills where red blood sleeps."

You'll easily figure it out as soon as you get to the place the
writing refers to, so don't worry too much if you think it makes no

Go back to the Main Street, and open the small gate near the ice
vending machine to enter the Driveway. Go to the end of the alley and
look for a [RECOVERY 1] - then check the well for a fight, if you
want to kill everything. When you're done, enter the Factory.

Check the East wall near the car to find a switch. Move it, then use
the buttons on the panel in the southwest corner to clear a path to
the Garage. Check The FAQs for the solution. Don't forget the
[R.SLUG] shells in the car's trunk. Enter the Garage.

Meet Gary Douglas. He's not happy the FBI sent in such a young girl,
but he agrees it's better than nothing (either Douglas can't see very
well, or he's not a man). After the usual chitchat, you'll receive
the [MOTEL KEY NO.6]. Go to that room.

Room 6 has a telephone, and a storage box (10 slots) with a
[PENICILLIN], two [STIMS], and 50 [9MM PARABELLUM]. Go to the room
balcony for another cut scene. Then, go down the ladder.

This is a tricky place. Fight the two horses (no... not those eyes
AGAIN!). What's up? Well, it seems the battle isn't over yet. Follow
the path until you find a switch, and activate it. Now you have 30
seconds to enter the inner area before the gate closes again, so
don't stop to fight the horses on the way (alternatively, you may
want to kill the horses outside, then re-open the gate after the way
is clear). When you're in, 6 horses will attack you, 2 at a time. Let
them hit the electrified fence, or use Pyrokinesis for easy kills.

After the battle, climb up the ladder. There, you'll meet Kyle
Madigan, who wants to cooperate with you. When he's gone, have a look
at Dryfield, then climb the nearby ladder to find ANOTHER dead body,
but this time you'll have a very close look at it. Search it for the
[CORPSE KEY] (which opens the Saloon) and a [RECOVERY 1]. Go back
down, activate the switch and get outta here.

Open the South door in the Courtyard to enter the Saloon Storeroom.
Pick up the [BOTTLECAP MAGNET] from the fridge, and look for a
[RECOVERY 1] near the other door.
Go to the Saloon to find the map of Dryfield and a can of [COLA].
When you're done with everything, go to the Back Alley.

Use the intercom and Gary will tell you to take the [FACTORY KEY].
Check the nearby grill to find the key, and use the Bottlecap Magnet
to get it. Open the Factory and reach the Trailer Coach.

Gary will sell you goodies if you need them, and you can use his
telephone to save the game. Here's what you can buy here:

M4A1 Rifle-------------2450
Rifle Clip Holder------1800
Grenade Pistol---------1680

9mm P.B.---------------30 per 50
Buckshot---------------60 per 10
5.56 Rifle-------------80 per 100
Grenade----------------280 per 4
Riot-------------------80 per 4

Shoulder Holster-------2580
PASGT Vest-------------2980

Recovery 1-------------100
MP Boost 1-------------320
Combat Light-----------60
Pepper Spray-----------100

Choose the second option to go on with the story. After the dialogue,
leave the Trailer. Get the [WIRE ROPE] in the Junkyard and go to the
Driveway. Use the Wire Rope in the well and go down.

When you reach the Underground Passage, use the nearby switch and go
back to the Water Hole, where a [PROTEIN CAPSULE] can be found in the
hole in the wall. Go back to the Underground Passage and fight the
next Boss.

-----[BOSS 3]--------------------------------------------------------


A very nasty Boss indeed, and one of the hardest if you're not
equipped for the battle. If all you have is Parabellum rounds, then
prepare for a long and hard battle. If you have the Rifle, things
will be much easier.

The biggest problem with this monster is that he can cloak himself
and become perfectly invisible, except for the faint blur that can
help you detect it - but it's just not enough to target it. To turn
it visible, you'll need a Combat Light, or a Flare - this will stun
it for a moment and make it drop to the floor like a stone. Necrosis
will do the same effect, along with a little damage. Plasma can help,
too, but you'll have to aim very well.

The Boss's attacks are very painful. He can swipe at you with its big
legs, or it can grab you and slam you on the tunnel ceiling, which
Confuses you and causes a LOT of damage. The best strategy is to use
a Combat Light as soon as the battle begins, then run to the small
passage that leads to the Cellar. As long as you're there, the Grey
Stalker can't reach you and will keep on going back and forth,
waiting for you to come out. You can't target it from here, but you
can just point your weapon ahead and shoot when you see the Boss
walking on the floor in front of you. If you're using the Rifle,
however, the battle will be much faster, especially if you have the
Hammer. But in Bounty, Scavenger, and Nightmare Mode, this battle
will be your worst nightmare.

HP 450 EXP 800 BP 500 MP 15

ITEMS: Protein Capsule
EXTRA: Firefly


Go to the end of the hall and push the switch, then go to the Cellar.
If you have the P08, take a look at the small showcase on the wall
near the table. Examine it twice and you'll find a ["SNAIL" MAGAZINE]
for the P08.

Now search the box for a [FLARE], then go back to the switch and move
it again. Go back to the cellar and read the paper on one of the
casks near the box to find another riddle:

"Now solve my riddle two.
How many urinals in Dryfield's loo?
Once you know, to the next place,
A haunted house where only the sun dares show its face."

Now go back to the Passage and climb the ladder. You'll be in the
General Store. Look for a [COLA] and a [RECOVERY 3], unlock the front
door, and go to the Dilapidated House Street.

The first House hides a [BELT POUCH], and there are some [FIREFLY]
shells near the door of the Dilapidated House. However, the house is
locked from the inside, so enter the second House. Check the cupboard
on the East wall and you'll easily find out what you need.

Go back to the Trailer Coach, talk to Gary, and choose the new
option. Gary will allow you to use his tools, so go to the Garage and
pick up the [MONKEY WRENCH]. Go back to House 2 and use the Monkey
Wrench to open a passage to the Dilapidated House. Check the South
wall in the small passage to find the third riddle:

"Solve my riddle before you go.
How many barrels in the mole-dens' center row?
Once you know, go to the room,
Where at 21 years a boy met his doom,
Where you can see yourself."

Go ahead and after a while you'll have to fight a familiar face...

-----[BOSS 4]--------------------------------------------------------


He's back! This time though, the battle will be mush more a matter of
strategy. No.9 will laugh hysterically if you shoot him, and he's
capable of performing very wide sword slashes, so he can reach you
and hit you even in the farthest corners. Furthermore, he will block
every Parasite Energy that you'll shoot right in his face; for PEs to
work, you'll have to shoot him in the back.

Basic strategy sees you running from one corner of the room to
another, shooting like crazy so that No.9 is forced to anticipate his
attack and miss you with his sword swipe. After he has attacked, run
behind him, use Pyrokinesis, and then run to the next corner.

However, you'll be safer if you follow Gerard Schiela's strategy. See
the big hole in the plaster on the East wall? When No.9 is at the
other end of the room, stay right in front of that hole and shoot. If
No.9 makes no more than two steps ahead of the sun ray that shines in
through the window, he'll surely miss you - otherwise, you'll have to
move. As for the opposite side of the room, stand in the doorway and
keep shooting as No.9 comes for you. If at any moment you can see any
part of his legs, step back or you'll be hit. When you're in the
small passage behind the doorway, No.9 will come for you. As soon as
you can see him, quickly run past him and to the opposite wall again.
Keep doing this until you win. Just never stay too close to No.9 or
he'll grab you and slam you to the ground.

HP 1100 EXP 800 BP 300 MP 50

EXTRA: Gunblade


Give your fingers some relax while you witness a flashback and a
stupid man getting punished for his dumbness, and the same man trying
to apologize.

Now you have to go back to the Gas Station. Kyle will come with you
and help you against the monsters. He has his own HP bar, and if he
dies, it's Game Over.

After the scene at the Gas Station, go to the Trailer Coach and
choose the third option. Gary will give you the [LOBBY KEY]. Go to
the Lobby if you have some brains.

The Lobby is a save room. Now you have to solve a slightly hard
puzzle. Check all the papers in the room to find clues, and check
Room 1 and 2 as well. Then, use the cash register and insert the
code. As usual, the solution can be found in The FAQs. Get the
[BRONCO MASTER KEY] and go open the locked doors in the Main Street.

Room 3 hides an [MP BOOST 2]. In Room 4 you'll find the last riddle
written on the mirror:

"Solve my riddle, if you dare,
Organs of sense under bristly hair,
Seen with how many silver plates in the Bronco's lair?
Once you know, go from there
To a jet-black door 'neath the moon's cold glare."

Room 5 has another [BELT POUCH].

Go to the Loft and find the safe in the corner. Use the four numbers
suggested by the four riddles to open it and find some [HOLY WATER].
Find the solution in The FAQs. After that, pick up the [JERRY CAN]
and go to the Gas Station to fill it with [PETROL]. Bring it to Gary,
who's working in the Garage.

Go to the Saloon to have a chitchat with Madigan (this is important
if you're going for the best ending), then go to Room 6, save, and
use the bed. Then you'll be treated to a CGI feast you'll never
forget. After that, prepare for a BIG fight.

-----[BOSS 5]--------------------------------------------------------


This colossus has four different attacks, all of which are very
dangerous and life-consuming.
The first attack, and the most typical, is the Flamethrower, which
consists in a huge burst of flame from his mouth. This attack is
preceded by a short outburst - as soon as you see it, start running
down the balcony and don't stop until it's ceased.

His other attacks both involve his long, long arm. The first one is a
powerful punch from above, which will pound you to the ground if it
connects, and the second is a big slap which will send you flying
towards the wall with unbelievable violence should it hit you. Both
of these attacks can hurt you pretty badly, and they will almost
surely hit you if you're standing in the middle of the balcony.
Fortunately, you can be totally safe from them if you stay in the
small corridor leading to the stairs, or in the corner between the
two branches of the Balcony.

In his last atttack, Burner will grab you, lift you up in the air,
squeeze you like an orange, burn you, AND finally throw you against
the wall with almost enough violence to send you straight through it.
This attack can be completely avoided only if you're standing in the
corridor to the stairs - no other place offers you total safety, as
Burner can reach you even if you're squeezing yourself into the North
corner. If he does grab you, quickly press the D-Pad to loosen his
grip and get a chance to shoot him straight in his mouth - this will
hurt him a lot, and can sometimes save you from the upcoming flame.

I strongly suggest using the Rifle for this battle. Stay in the
corner near the door to the Loft, as this is the best place to avoid
all the attacks - Grab excluded, but you have many chances to avoid
that as well if you stay there. Use Energyshot to power up your
bullets, and try using Necrosis to prevent Burner from using the

This is a time battle. If you can't deal enough damage within 3
minutes, Burner will retire as soon as he's had enough, and Gary's
dog, Flint, will die. This is a major branching point. If you can
hurt Burner enough within the first three minutes of battle, Flint
will live, but you'll have to bring Burner down. The clue you're
looking for is the scene where the monster lifts a hand to its
bloodied face - if you see this scene, then Flint is safe.

Whatever the outcome of the battle, when he's defeated Burner will
break the Balcony in two with his powerful punch, isolating Room 5
and the stairs from the rest of the passage. Keep this in mind when
you'll come back to check this floor later.

HP: 4650 totally - 3000 to weaken him/make him run away

If you win: EXP 2000 BP 1000 MP 100
ITEMS: Protein Capsule

If he leaves: EXP 1000 BP 0 MP 0
ITEMS: Recovery 2
MP Boost 1


Now you must go and see Gary and Flint in the Main Street. When
you're there, Gary will give you the [TRUCK KEY]. Now go to the
Garage and have some serious chat with Kyle. Then...

- If Flint is alive: go to the Trailer. Gary will give you the [M950]
(it's in the metal box). He will then sell you anything you need.

- If Flint is dead: go to the Junkyard and check the green Limo (the
car nearest to the Trailer's door) to find the [CHICKEN PLATE].

When you're done, go back to the Garage and speak with Kyle to leave.

* *
* *
* Total battles: 90 *
* *
* Main Street: 4 *
* Room 1: 4 *
* Room 2: 4 *
* Driveway: 3 *
* Toilet: 4 *
* Parking: 5 *
* Balcony: 5 *
* Water Tower Courtyard: 5 *
* R&G Saloon: 3 *
* Saloon Storage Room: 4 *
* Back Alley: 4 *
* Garage: 4 *
* Junkyard: 4 *
* Water Hole: 3 *
* Underground Passage: 3 *
* Cellar: 3 *
* General Store: 4 *
* Dilapidated House Street: 4 *
* House 1: 3 *
* House 2: 2 *
* Dilapidated House: 3 *
* Gas Station: 3 *
* Room 3: 2 *
* Room 4: 2 *
* Room 5: 2 *
* Loft: 3 *
* *
* GAINED ITEMS: 5x 9mm Hydra, 3x Combat Light, 4x Flare, 2x MP Boost*
* 1, 5x Recovery 2, Recovery 3, 3x Firefly, MP Boost 2, Riot *
* EXTRA ITEMS: 5x 9mm Spartan, Penicillin, Recovery 2, Flare, 2x *
* MP Boost 1, 2x MP Boost 2, 3x R.Slug, Grenade, Lipstick *
* *




___/10.3 The Shelter\________________________________________________

September 6, 2000 12.06 AM
Mesa on the outskirts of Dryfield, Mojave Desert

Kyle is SERIOUSLY wounded - but don't worry, he can't die now. Fight
the first horse and Kyle will leave. Then you'll have to fight 10
more horses, 2 at a time. Don't waste any bullets or MP here - just
stay close to the pit near the fence and wait for a horse to charge
at you. Get out of the way before you get hit and it will fall to its
doom. Repeat for all horses. DON'T get pushed down the pit by a

After the battle, use the truck to store your items if you need to
(20 slots), then enter the mine and go west as far as you can. When
you find the hole in the bridge, check it, then go back and enter the
Forked Tunnel. Move the lever of the cart to open a path to the [OAK
BOARD]. Take it and use it at the Gorge to proceed. Enter the Refuge.

In the Refuge there's an infinite box of [9MM PARABELLUM], and a
telephone. Check the panel on the east wall and remove the [JUMPER
PLUG]. Put it in the second hole from above and move the switch to
open the gate outside. Get out and enter the Cavern.

-----[BOSS 6]--------------------------------------------------------


This big Papa Horse is pretty quick and resistant, but I think his
minions can give you much more problems at times. The Blizzard Chaser
will attack just like regular Chasers, but with some differences. For
instance, its aim is remarkably worse, and second, he prefers to run
away from you rather than coming after you. So, when he runs away, go
after him, and one of three things will happen:

a) The monster will charge you as soon as you're in its line of
sight. Keep running and swivel slighly to one side. It'll go for a
headbutt, but it'll miss.

b) The monster will stop in the middle of a passage, and it'll wait
there. If you enter its field of vision, it will attack you, and
should it miss, it will start turning around, looking for you. If it
finally finds you, it will bite you. When it's performing this
attack, stay right behind it so that it'll eventually go for the bite
- but it will miss.

c) The monster disappears from view, but suddenly you hear it
neighing. A moment later, it will drop from above. Keep on moving to
avoid being pounded. As you can see, moving is the secret for success

If the Blizzard Chaser doesn't run away, it may try to bite you.
Watch out for this attack, as it can hurt you plenty.

There are two ways to dispose of this Boss:

1) Use the four barrels you can find at the four corners of the room.
Each one of them has 30 HP, and they're very resistant, but they'll
eventually explode if you can damage them enough. If the Boss is near
a barrel when it explodes, it will receive 400 HP damage. However, I
suggest that you don't use the barrels just now.

2) Just shoot it. If you're using the Grenade Pistol, every hit will
make it fall to the ground. Anyway, every weapon is fine.

HP 500 EXP 300 BP 200 MP 10


After the battle, you'll find the [P229] and another [JUMPER PLUG].

-----[BOSS 7]--------------------------------------------------------


Just two differences from the first battle. First, the Boss has far
more HP; second, its bite can now Poison you.

Now is the time to make good use of those barrels, so to have it
easier and to spare ammo. However, you'll have to be very precise,
since the Boss is now somewhat fiercer, and it will move away from
the barrels fast.

EXP 500 BP 300 MP 30

ITEMS: Recovery 2


Check the motorbike in the southwest corner, and try to push the
switch. It won't work. Go back to the Refuge and check the panel
again. Remove the first plug, and put it into the first hole from
above. Put the other into the last hole from above. Move the switch
and go back to the Cavern. Now push the switch by the motorbike and
the door to the Secret Passage will open. Go there.

Walk ahead and you'll meet another nasty monster.

-----[BOSS 8]--------------------------------------------------------


Too many Boss fights in too short a period. Oh well, Square loves
these things. It seems this is the sequels place: 2 horses and
another spider... they're running out of ideas.

Have your P229 equipped. As soon as the Boss appears, use the Flash.
The Boss will turn visible, and it will fall to the ground. It _can_
hit you while it's on the ground (the way it can turn around to hit
you if you're standing behind it is amazing!), so as soon as it
falls, use Plasma. Now just shoot it until it either tries to hit you
or return up on the ceiling. If it tries to hit you, use Plasma; if
it goes up again, use the Flash once more and repeat the process.
Easy, ain't it? If you have the M4A1 Hammer, it will do the same
effect as Plasma.

Oh, by the way, the Boss has two attacks - a poisoning swipe, and a
VERY painful grab that can Paralyze you as an added bonus. Nice guy,
huh? Too bad it won't have a chance to use them... unless you get
clumsy and screw things up, of course.

HP 1000 EXP 600 BP 300 MP 15

ITEMS: Belt Pouch
9mm Spartan
EXTRA: MP Boost 2


Now go on until you reach the elevator, and use it to go down.

Make your way to the Storeroom through the Southeast Passage B1. The
Storeroom holds an infinite box of [9MM PARABELLUM], and a [RINGER'S
SOLUTION] somewhere on the shelves near the door. Take the North exit
and reach the Sleeping Quarters. Have a close look around, because
this is an important room. Go to the Main Corridor B1, and to the

In this room you can buy some good stuff, here's a list:

M4A1 Rifle-------------2450
Rifle Clip Holder------1800
Grenade Pistol---------1680

9mm P.B.---------------30 per 50
Buckshot---------------60 per 10
5.56 Rifle-------------100 per 80
Grenade----------------280 per 4
Riot-------------------80 per 4

Combat Armour----------3250
NBC Suit---------------3980

Recovery 1-------------100
Recovery 2-------------180
MP Boost 1-------------320
Combat Light-----------60
Pepper Spray-----------100

It would be a very wise choice to buy the Hammer. Also, consider
buying the Grenade Pistol if you didn't before.

When you're done, use the Black Card you found much earlier to open
up the Armory. In this room you'll find three infinite ammo boxes for
[9MM PARABELLUM], [9MM HYDRA], and [BUCKSHOT]. Then, look for the
[SP12] in the back of the room, and unlock the door to the Storeroom.
After that, go to the Sterilization Room. Here you'll find a
telephone, and a Storage Box (20 slots) containing 20 [BUCKSHOT
SHELLS] and 8 [GRENADE]. Go to the North Hall B1, watch the scene and
take the elevator down.

If you want to kill everything, go down the second elevator and
destroy the lasers, then go back up. Go to the Breeding Room, and
have a look around if you don't like to sleep well. In this room
you'll find ANOTHER [9MM PARABELLUM] infinite box, and a [STIM] in
the first cell, as well as a [COLA] just right of the entrance door.
Now proceed through the East door and watch a cool scene, then go
back to B1 and try to go back to the Main Corridor. The system will
try to sterilize you. As soon as you regain control of Aya, turn
around and check the garbage chute. Choose the second option and
share the fate of Luke Skywalker and company (didn't this happen in
FFVII too?).

When you land, search the garbage for infinite [9MM PARABELLUM] and
[9MM HYDRA], then proceed and a scene will occur. Yes, it seems that
Square programmers really dig Star Wars.

-----[BOSS 9]--------------------------------------------------------


This Boss is quite fun to fight IMO. These are the things he can do:

1) He shrugs, then he opens his mouth and starts vacuuming anything
in sight. If he sucks you in, it's Game Over, so stay away from
2) After the vacuuming, some water jets will drop from above. Keep an
eye on their shadows on the floor, and get out of the way.
3) He moves his left leg, then shoots green smoke that can Poison
4) He moves his right leg, then throws three balls of a sticky
substance. If these get you, you'll be unable to move from that
spot for a while. Glutton usually uses this attack after the green
5) He screams, and two Mad Chasers jump out of the garbage. He'll
suck them in with the next vacuuming, recovering 100 HP from each.
Then, he'll spit their remains at you with tremendous force,
hurting you a lot. Kill the Mad Chasers before he can eat them.
6) He sticks his tongue out, then he slams it on the floor. When he's
about to do this, move aside to avoid being hit. If the tongue
gets you, it'll put you in Berserker status.

This sucker's weak point is his mouth. His shoulders can also be
hurt, but damage will be so low, you'd better ignore them. The only
problem is, the mouth can be hurt only when it's open, which happens
when Glutton is performing attacks 1, 5, or 6. If he's vacuuming, run
away from him, then turn around and shoot. If he's about to use the
tongue attack, get to one side and shoot. After every vacuuming,
water jets will fall, but the camera angle will adjust so that you
can see their shadows better.

I suggest that you use Hydra bullets or the Rifle, coupled with
Energyshot. After you've dealed some damage, Glutton will take some
steps ahead. If the battle goes on for long, he'll get so close to
the exit he won't be able to vacuum garbage anymore. At that point,
he'll be using attacks 3, 5 and 6 a lot. Hit him when he uses the
tongue attack. If you move around well, you won't get hit even once.

HP 3000 EXP 500 BP 200 MP 100

ITEMS: Recovery 3
5.56 Rifle
EXTRA: Airburst


Go through the East door, and it's replay time again.

-----[BOSS 10]-------------------------------------------------------


Let's put an end to this, OK? Don't waste bullets and just run to the
small alcove in the wall. Step on the pressure plate and wait for the
platform to rise. Meanwhile, hug the wall to avoid trouble.

When the platform is up, run towards the next alcove and aim at his
mouth. When he starts vacuuming, shoot him. Your goal is to make him
step completely on the platform. When he's there, step on the
pressure plate in the second alcove to lower the platform, then step
on it once more to end the fight with style.

If you prefer, you can also shoot him to death. This will take
longer, but it will net you a couple more items. It's your choice.

HP 3000 EXP 700 BP 200 MP 100

ITEMS: Recovery 3
Eau de Toilette (if you don't use the trash compactor)
Airburst (if you don't use the trash compactor)
EXTRA: MP Boost 2


Now you have 5 minutes to go through the South door. That's a lot of
time, so go back to the Dumping Hole and check that new metal box for
the [MEDICINE WHEEL]. Then you'll be attacked by a horde of small,
stupid monsters. Clean the two rooms and get outta here before it
gets too hot. Say thanks to Kyle and save if you want, then go to the

Make your way to the ladder and climb it. Check the panel on the
south wall and read the clue:

"Check for occupants before opening [Flood Gate].
Let the rats, roaches, and spiders drown, but first...
Count their legs, enter the total, and raise the lever."

Understand? Go to the control panel and enter the code. Check The
FAQs for the solution. After the water has been lowered, search the
room for an [MP BOOST 2], then get out. Go back to the Upper Sewer
and check the advice near the door, which is about the Full Moon
Gate. It says that the code is the age of that moon. Go where the
previous ladder was and enter the code, which can be found, as usual,
in The FAQs. Go back to the Incinerator Control Room, and save if you
want. Now you have to make a choice.

You can continue the adventure with Kyle's or with Pierce's help. If
you choose Pierce, go through the Full Moon Gate now, but first kill
all monsters on B3 and B4. If you prefer Kyle, go to the Elevator
Hall B3 and take the elevator up. I'll describe the two routes

Interestingly enough, if you follow the Pierce route the enemies will
give you HP when defeated, which won't happen if you choose Kyle's

Take the elevator up. Kyle will give you [YOSHIDA'S CARD] and tell
you a password, then he'll leave. You're in Elevator Hall B2. Go
through the Full Moon Gate and return to Dryfield. Kill everything
there, and pay a visit to Gary, who has some new stuff for you. These
include the following:


9mm Hydra-------50 per 50
Firefly---------90 per 10

EOD Suit--------4580

Now get back to the Shelter.

Go to the Full Moon Gate and go through it. Kyle will leave you. If
alive, Flint will be outside the well.

Go to the Water Tank and help Pierce up there. He will give you the
SUV KEY. Go to the Gas Station and open the land rover for a

Now go to the ice vending machine, take some ice, and bring it to
Pierce. Do this three times to receive a [COLA], an [MP BOOST 2], and
the [OFUDA]. After that, go to the Trailer Coach, where Gary has
lotsa new stuff for you. The prices are high, but the things are
cool. You won't find much more later.

Here's a list of the new goodies Gary has for you:


9mm Hydra-------50 per 50
Firefly---------90 per 10

EOD Suit--------4580

When you're done here, return to the Shelter.

* *
* *
* Total battles: 14 (15) *
* *
* Underground Passage: 1 *
* Cellar: 1 *
* House 1: 1 *
* House 2: 1 *
* Gas Station: 1 *
* Main Street: 1 *
* Room 3: 1 *
* Balcony: 1 *
* Room 5: 1 *
* Toilet: 1 *
* Saloon Storeroom: 1 *
* Water Tower Courtyard: 1 *
* Loft: 1 *
* Garage: 1 *
* (Water Tank: 1) *
* *
* GAINED ITEMS: Belt Pouch *
* EXTRA ITEMS: Eau de Toilette *
* *
* *NOTE: numbers between brackets are for Pierce's way* *
* *

Go to the Northeast Passage B1 and meet Bowman. Kill him. It's just
like any other Brain Stinger. He will leave [BOWMAN'S CARD] behind.

Go to B2 and use the card you found to open a path to the Operating
Room. Bowman's card opens the door in the Elevator Hall, while
Yoshida's card opens the door in the Northeast Passage.

In the Operating Room you'll find a [RINGER'S SOLUTION] and some [EAU
DE TOILETTE]. Now go to the Laboratory, which has a telephone and a
Storage Box (10 slots). Look at the computer on the table. It's been
infected by a virus, so even if you know the password (it's on the
background...) it won't work. What to do?

Take a look at the board and you'll have some reminders of FFVII.
Check it again and you'll learn that Yoshida borrowed the magazine
"Aeris". Go to the Sleeping Quarters and check his bed for [AERIS
(SEPTEMBER ISSUE)]. READ it _VERY CAREFULLY_, then go back to the
Laboratory and write down the new password. You can find it the FAQs.

Choose option D and you'll be asked three questions. You must give
the correct answer to all of them. The questions will be sorted from
the following list:

1) What name is given to the theory that humankind's origin lay in
one ancestral species in Africa?
A) Mitochondria Adam
B) Mitochondria Eve
C) Mitochondria First

2) What is the name of the desert above this facility?
A) The Gobi Desert
B) The Mojave Desert
C) The Arizona Desert

3) Who was declared responsible for the Manhattan incident?
A) G. Robert
B) K. Maeda
C) H. Klaup

4) Which agency supervises MIST?

5) Which neo-Mitochondritis victim caused the N.Y. Blockade incident?
A) Melissa Pearce
B) Mary Pearce
C) Melanie Pearce

6) Which organism possess mitochondria?
A) Bacteria
B) Crustaceans
C) Cyanobacteria (algae)

7) Which of these organelles contain genetic information (DNA)?
A) Golgi bodies
B) Mitochondria
C) Endoplasmic reticula

8) What do mitochondria produce by combining glucose, lipids, and

9) Name the town located behind the Nevada Laboratory.
A) Drytown
B) Dry Valley
C) Dryfield

10) Gene transmission in mitochondria is?
A) Maternal
B) Paternal
C) Atavistic

11) Which method alters genes by delivering DNA via an artificial
A) Carrier
B) Vector
C) Track

The answers are in The FAQs. Anyway, if you've read the Scientific
Journal found in the Cafeteria back at the Akropolis Tower, you
shouldn't have any problems.

Once you have given the answers, prepare for a shocking revelation.
Then, the phone will ring. The person you decided to have with you is
at the other end of the line, and tells you to join him at the Pod
Service Gantry. Go there.

After the chitchat, go where the telephone is and check the monitors.
One of them has some orange buttons. Check the first, the third and
the fifth camera angle, and press the Operate button on each. Now go
to the first elevator in the Main Corridor B2 (Kyle won't let you go
anywhere else anyway) and take it down. After a scene, you're on your
own again. Go back up and kill everything, then come back here.

Pierce will have a long talk with you, along with a tutorial on how
to operate this room. Operate on the first, the third and the fifth
camera angle to clear the way to Neo Ark. You will also receive the
[MICRO DEVICE]. Go to B2 and use the north elevator in the Main
Corridor to enter Neo Ark.

* *
* *
* Total battles: 79 (80) *
* *
* Mesa: 3 *
* Tunnel Entrance: 3 *
* Tunnel: 3 *
* Forked Tunnel: 2 *
* Gorge: 3 *
* Cavern: 3 *
* Secret Passage: 2 *
* Southeast Corridor B1: 3 *
* Storeroom: 3 *
* Northeast Passage B1: 3 *
* Sleeping Quarters: 3 *
* Main Corridor B1: 3 *
* Southwest Corridor B1: 2 *
* Golem Control Room: 1 *
* North Hall B2: 3 *
* Septic Tank: 4 *
* Main Corridor B2: 3 *
* Breeding Room: 4 *
* Dumping Hole: 2 *
* Garbage Incinerator: 2 *
* Lower Sewer: 3 *
* Upper Sewer: 4 *
* Water Supply: 1 *
* Reservoir: 1 *
* Elevator Hall B2: 2 *
* Northeast Passage B2: 2 *
* North Hall B1: 2 *
* Elevator Hall B1: 2 *
* Operating Room: 2 *
* Southeast Passage B2: 2 *
* Elevator Hall B3: 1 (2) *
* Northwest Passage B1: 1 *
* Underground Parking Corridor: 1 *
* *
* GAINED ITEMS: Recovery 3, 9mm Hydra, 4x 5.56 Rifle, 6x Firefly, *
* Recovery 2, MP Boost 1, MP Boost 2, Stim, Penicillin, 2x Protein *
* Capsule, R.Slug, Eau de Toilette, 9mm Spartan *
* EXTRA ITEMS: 2x 9mm Spartan, R.Slug, Airburst, Belt Pouch, Firefly*
* *
* *NOTE: numbers between brackets are for Pierce's way* *
* *

___/10.4 Neo Ark\____________________________________________________

Welcome to Jurassic Park! Well, you HAVE to admit that the
Observatory must have been inspired by that film, as well as the
whole place, apart from the Pyramid and the Shrine. Anyway, let's get

Take the way South and make it to the West door of the shrine. Check
the windows on the way to learn something about your enemies. When
you're there, look at the hieroglyphs just opposite the door, and
take note of them. They are:
RED: 1) Egyptian god 2) _/\ 3) Blank eye 4) |_ _| + Dot
YELLOW: 1) Fish 2) Eye 3) X in circle 4) Crown + Dot
BLUE: 1) Leaf 2) Knife 3) Boat 4) Acorn + Dot

Now go back into the Shrine and enter the chamber opposite the
coffin. Check the wall and you'll find a panel that has 15 colored
plates, and a circle in the lower-right corner. At first, the plates
are placed like this:

R1 R2 R3 R4
Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4
B1 B2 B3 B4

Now, take a better look and you'll see three colored bars at the
edges of the panel. The red one is diagonal, the blue one is
horizontal, and the yellow one is vertical. That's the way you have
to place the colored plates, in their right order. You can only align
one color at a time. Remember that, after the alignment, the dot in
the lower-right corner MUST be visible. This is kinda hard when you
have to align the red plates. However, this is what you get:

B1 B2 B3 B4 -> The coffin opens, revealing an [MP BOOST 2].

Y4 -> The alcove is shut and three Black Beetles enter the room from
Y3 a secret hole in the ceiling.

R1 -> The door to the Power Plant is unlocked.

When you're done, go to the Power Plant.

-----[BOSS 11]-------------------------------------------------------


Ack! These things are getting uglier and uglier, aren't they?
However, this one's a chinch. You'll notice that no matter how much
you hurt it, it continuously restores itself. So what to do? Well,
destroy the lasers, then find and destroy the control panel. After
that, shoot the big thing and the battle will soon end. You can do it
even faster if you use Pyrokinesis.

HP 250+250 EXP 200(+90) BP 100 MP 100

ITEMS: Recovery 3
EXTRA: MP Boost 2


Now go North and reach the Pyramid. Check the column and move the
stone disc 4 times to align it properly. Then take note of what you
see, and proceed to the Pavilion via the Submarine Tunnel.

At the Pavilion, check the stone plate and take note of the
inscriptions. Return to the Pyramid and check the wall on the right
side of the stairs to find the final clue. Climb the stairs and
"dance". If you don't know what to do, The FAQs will tell you in

Move the lever and the bridge will move, giving you access to the
Island. Go there, open the manhole and climb down the ladder. Fight
the 5 Divers, then it's Boss time again.

-----[BOSS 12]-------------------------------------------------------


When it comes out of the water, shoot it once or twice, then be
prepared to run. As soon as you see sparks flying, start running
around the room to avoid its only attack, which looks a lot like
Burner's flame, but lasts shorter. Attack when you can and the battle
will be no sweat. You can really make it out unscathed. Also remember
that Divers are very weak against fire. Pyrokinesis and the M4A1 Pyke
can really make a difference against this Boss.

HP 2000 EXP 400 BP 1000 MP 15

ITEMS: Protein Capsule
EXTRA: MP Boost 2


Check the reddening pool for a [SKULL CRYSTAL]. Go back to the
Pyramid and move the bridge back. Go to the Garden and look at the
stone plate. Take note of everything, then go to the Pyramid again
and "dance" to unlock the Power Plant. Go there via the Garden. Check
the back of the stairs for an infinite box of [HYDRA BULLETS], then
climb the stairs.

-----[BOSS 13]-------------------------------------------------------


This one may be even uglier than the first. Dispose of it the same
way. No problem.

HP 250+500 EXP 400(+90) BP 200 MP 100

ITEMS: Ringer's Solution
EXTRA: MP Boost 2


After this easy fight, go back to the Shelter.

* *
* *
* Total battles: 42 *
* *
* Speakers Room: 2 *
* Savanna: 3 *
* Shrine: 2 *
* Power Plant: 3 *
* Forest Zone: 7 *
* Woodland Path: 9 *
* Pyramid: 3 *
* Pavilion: 3 *
* Bridge: 3 *
* Garden: 2 *
* Island Bridge: 2 *
* Island: 2 *
* Submarine Tunnel: 1 *
* *
* GAINED ITEMS: Recovery 2, Recovery 3, Eau de Toilette, Ringer's *
* Solution *
* EXTRA ITEMS: 2x MP Boost 2 *
* *
* *NOTE: the two battles in the Speakers Room are counted here, but *
* you must fight there BEFORE and AFTER the first visit to Neo Ark* *
* *
* *NOTE: you may count less battles in the Forest Zone and the *
* Woodland Path if you fight two Dilophosaurs at a time. I counted *
* each one of them as a battle* *
* *

___/10.5 The Underground and the return to Neo Ark\__________________

Take the other elevator to the Speakers Room, and take the elevator
you'll find down there. On floor B6 you'll find more Speakers, and
the little girl you've seen so many times before. Follow her to the
Training Room.

-----[BOSS 14]-------------------------------------------------------


Wow, this is a HARD training! You really have to be a one man army to
win this fight. Have with you your best weapons, and be happy if
you're a Grenade Pistol fan.

First of all, destroy the two speakers. Every time you destroy one,
the big guy will be stunned and won't attack. This is also what
happens if you use the Grenades, and it will spare you a tough

If you don't have the Grenades, take a deep breath and be warned that
800 5.56mm bullets won't be enough for this thing, unless you
"dilute" them with Energyshot. Forget any shotgun but the AS12.
Anyway, if Energyshot is level 3 already, you can use just any kind
of ammo - all, except for Parabellum, of course.

This Boss has many attacks:

- The purple lasers: one, two or three at a time. You know they're
coming because the Boss will form a purple sphere between his hands.
Hug the South wall when you see lasers coming. For the single one,
wait on one side until it's almost hit you, then run to the other
side of the wall. For the double laser, stay in the center of the
screen. For the triple laser, try to position yourself between the
middle laser and one of the two lateral ones. The single laser can
cause Paralysis, the double lasers can cause Confusion, and the
triple lasers will cause Blidness.

- The spheres: he forms a golden sphere, then throws some small
spheres at you in a parabolic trajectory. Just move out of the way.

- Combustion: this one is VERY painful. The Boss raises his arms
(when he's doing this, he receives double damage) and starts to form
a red sphere. Then, suddenly, he releases a huge wave of fire that
swipes the whole room. This attack can't be avoided, but you can
interrupt its execution if you manage to deal enough damage to the
Puppet Stinger before he uses it.

There are many things to know for this battle. First, the little girl
will periodically recover 80 HP for the Boss. You can't do a thing
about this, so just accept it and move on. Second, if you stand
behind him, the Boss can't hit you with double or triple lasers.
Third, and best of all: if you touch the Boss, the energy field
surrounding him will make you fall to the ground, also granting you
invincibility until you're back on your feet. This is the only way
you have to avoid Combustion - just time it well, and the attack will
miss you. You can do this to avoid all attacks, but you'd waste time,
so don't do it too often.

Energyshot helps tremendously during this battle, so make full use of
it. Stay as close to the Boss as you can - but no so much that you
can't see what attack is coming. Time every move very well, and he
shouldn't be so hard to beat. The only thing that can really get to
your nerves is the fact that the Boss has so many HP. When it finally
crumbles, feel free to celebrate.

HP 4000 EXP 1000(+300) BP 500 MP 100

ITEMS: MP Boost 2
Eau de Toilette
EXTRA: Ringer's Solution


Go to the Nursery and watch the long scene. Then, the telephone will

The line goes dead.

Pierce is at the other end of the line and briefly speaks with you.
Then, suddenly, the line goes dead.

Search the room for an [MD PLAYER] and a [RINGER'S SOLUTION], then
talk to Kyle until he suggests to leave, and try to move toward the
exit. Another scene will occur, and you'll be in the Growth Room.

Quick! Search the Northwest corner of the room for a [PROTEIN
CAPSULE], then check the cylinder opposite Eve. Then, talk to Eve and
WALK (and I mean WALK) towards the elevator. Make sure Eve is
following you, and activate the elevator as soon as she's on it. If
she dies, it's Game Over.

You'll get out of the Elevator in a familiar place. Go to the
Submarine Tunnel and meet an old enemy, then the Golems will
officially be there for you to fight. Fortunately, it seems that in
their blind, mindless fury they have seriously weakened Neo Ark's

Make your way back to the Shelter. You can now return to Dryfield to
kill a new batch of monsters. Go to the Pod Service Gantry and switch
off the Security Lasers again, then go to the Underground Parking.

Go to the telephone in the Pod Service Gantry, and check it to find
[PIERCE'S MESSAGE]. Read the message and use the telephone to call

Check the panel right of the east door and pick up the [CAR KEY],
then check the panel. Press the red, green and yellow button, then
press CALL. This will bring up a box containing a [BELT POUCH]. Now
return to the panel and press the blue and the yellow button,
followed by CALL, to bring the jeep to this floor. Check it and
choose to use it. Use Yoshida's or Bowman's Card in the panel near
the closed gate to open it. Hop on the car.

Go to the Vehicular Airlock and check the motorbike for the [TEDDY
BEAR], then go to the Guardroom and use the switch. Go to the Bulwark
and use the panel to open the gates. Get out and watch the cool CGI.

* *
* *
* Total battles: 2 *
* *
* Corridor: 1 *
* Training Room: 1 *
* *
* GAINED ITEMS: MP Boost 2 *
* EXTRA ITEMS: Recovery 3 *
* *
* *NOTE: the battle in the Speakers Room has been counted in the Neo*
* Ark section* *
* *

* *
* *
* Total battles: 12 *
* *
* Bridge: 1 *
* Pavilion: 1 *
* Forest Zone: 1 *
* Woodland Path: 1 *
* Pyramid: 1 *
* Island Bridge: 1 *
* Island: 1 *
* North Promenade: 1 *
* South Promenade: 1 *
* Savanna: 1 *
* Shrine: 1 *
* Power Plant: 1 *
* *
* GAINED ITEMS: 4x 9mm Spartan, 2x Riot *
* EXTRA ITEMS: 3x 5.56 Rifle, Grenade, 9mm Spartan *
* *

* *
* *
* Total battles: 11 *
* *
* Water hole: 1 *
* Driveway: 1 *
* Back alley: 1 *
* Water Tower Courtyard: 1 *
* Parking: 1 *
* Room 1: 1 *
* Room 2: 1 *
* General Store: 1 *
* Dilapidated House Street: 1 *
* Dilapidated House: 1 *
* Junkyard: 1 *
* *
* GAINED ITEMS: Airburst *
* *

* *
* *
* Total battles: 30 *
* *
* Main Corridor B2: 1 *
* Elevator Hall B2: 1 *
* Elevator Hall B3: 1 *
* Lower Sewer: 1 *
* Upper Sewer: 1 *
* Water Supply: 1 *
* Reservoir: 1 *
* Southeast Passage B2: 1 *
* Operating Room: 1 *
* Northeast Passage B2: 1 *
* Breeding Room: 1 *
* Septic Tank: 1 *
* North Hall B2: 1 *
* Elevator Hall B1: 1 *
* Southeast passage B1: 1 *
* Storeroom: 1 *
* Main Corridor B1: 1 *
* Southwest Passage B1: 1 *
* Golem Control Room: 1 *
* Secret passage: 1 *
* Cavern: 1 *
* Gorge: 1 *
* Sleeping Quarters: 1 *
* Northeast Passage B1: 1 *
* Northwest Passage B1: 1 *
* Underground Parking Corridor: 1 *
* North Hall B1: 1 *
* Airlock: 1 *
* Vehicular Airlock: 1 *
* Bulwark: 1 *
* *
* GAINED ITEMS: 4x 5.56 Rifle, 5x Airburst, 2x Riot, 2x 9mm Spartan,*
* Penicillin, Belt Pouch, MP Boost 2, R.Slug *
* EXTRA ITEMS: Antidote, Riot, 2x 5.56 Rifle, 2x 9mm Spartan, MP *
* Boost 2, Ringer's Solution *
* *

___/10.6 Day Three\__________________________________________________

September 6, 2000 6.37 PM
White House, Washington D.C.

Just a sad scene here, one you've probably seen in many movies.

September 6, 2000 3.52 PM
Mojave Desert, Nevada

After the scene, explore the Tent. You can find a map of the Shelter,
4 [AIRBURST] grenades and a [RINGER'S SOLUTION]. Save if you want.
Get out. If Flint is alive, he'll give you [DOUGLAS' LETTER] in a

Talk to Rupert to receive the [MONGOOSE] and 25 [MAEDASP] bullets.
Check the area behind Rupert to gain access to three old Storage
Boxes: the Sedan trunk, the motel cupboard, and the truck trunk. Talk
to the soldier just outside the Tent to gain permission to use the
infinite ammo boxes, which provide [9MM PARABELLUM], [9MM HYDRA], and

IF, and only IF, you read Pierce's message AND called Jodie
immediately afterwards, she will be outside the Tent. Talk to her.
Check the area behind her to gain access to three old Storage Boxes:
the Sedan trunk, the motel cupboard, and the truck trunk. Talk to the
soldier just outside the tent to gain permission to use the infinite
ammo boxes, which provide [9MM PARABELLUM], [9MM HYDRA], [BUCKSHOT],
[GRENADES], and [5.56 RIFLE].

Go round the truck to find a soldier who'll sell the following items:

SMG Clip Holder---------3980
M4A1 Rifle--------------2450
Rifle Clip Holder-------1800
Grenade Pistol----------1680

9mm Spartan-------------80 per 50
44 Magnum*--------------100 per 50
Firefly-----------------90 per 10
R.Slug------------------120 per 10
5.56 Rifle*-------------100 per 80
Grenade*----------------280 per 4
Airburst----------------450 per 4
Riot--------------------80 per 4

Turtle Vest**-----------1680
PASGT Vest--------------2980
Combat Armour-----------3250
Tactical Armour---------12800

Recovery 1--------------100
Recovery 2--------------180
Recovery 3--------------350
MP Boost 1--------------320
MP Boost 2**------------580
Combat Light------------60
Pepper Spray------------100

*Kyle's route
**Pierce's Route

If you have the Mongoose, stock up on Magnum rounds. Most important,
buy the Tactical Armour.

Show Flint the Teddy Bear and he'll follow you inside the Shelter.

Go to the Golem Freezer and speak with Pierce until he's got no more
to say.

Go inside and reach the Suits Room. After the scene, you can go back
to the Underground Parking to find the militaries. If you saved
soldier Ironheart with Flint's help, you'll be able to buy some more


*Kyle's route
**Pierce's route

After that, you can visit the now-crawling-with-Golems Neo Ark for
some more EXP and goodies.

* *
* *
* Total battles: 12 *
* *
* South Promenade: 1 *
* Savanna: 1 *
* Shrine: 1 *
* Power Plant: 2 *
* North Promenade: 1 *
* Forest Zone: 1 *
* Pyramid: 1 *
* Pavilion: 1 *
* Island Bridge: 1 *
* Island: 1 *
* Bridge: 1 *
* *
* GAINED ITEMS: 5.56 Rifle, 2x Riot, 5x Airburst, Protein Capsule, *
* 9mm Spartan *
* EXTRA ITEMS: 2x 9mm Spartan, 2x 5.56 Rifle, Riot *
* *

Your final destination is the Pod Service Gantry. Save before you go
there, because you won't be allowed to do so later. When you're
there, watch the long scene and finally learn what this mess was
about after all. After that, you'll exit the Service Gantry with a
deep wound. Heal it, then go to the Pod Bottom for the final showdown
- but watch out for the final Bishop Golem in the Elevator Hall.

-----[BOSS 15]-------------------------------------------------------


This one may seem impossible at first, but you can beat it with
relative ease if you have good timing and know what to do.

This colossus provides you several targets:

1 Head EXP 100 BP 500
1 Neck EXP 100 BP 500
2 Arm Gas Shooters EXP 0 BP 0 (each)
2 Arms EXP 1000 BP 5000 (each)
1 Belly EXP 200 BP 500
1 Bottom EXP 700 BP 2000
2 Tails EXP 800 BP 3000 (each)
1 Core EXP 300 BP 500

The Core is his vital point, and will be uncovered after you destroy
two of the other parts. This means that you only have to destroy
three parts to win the battle. Beaing Head and Neck the most
dangerous, it would be wise to get rid of them, but as you can see,
the "facultative" body parts are also the ones that will give you
more points.

Now, let's check out the Boss' many attacks.

a) Head: it periodically shoots a beam of red light that will split
into two beams. These will converge and diverge until the attacks has
ceased. Damage is average, and it can be avoided by running away or
by standing in a low spot, where it can't reach you.

b) Neck: it periodically emits a circle of yellow light that will
swipe the whole area around the neck. Damage is rather high, and the
attack can also inflict Darkness. It can be easily avoided if you
stay in the lower part of the arena.

c) Arm Gas Shooters: they will sometimes emit some green, poisonous
smoke. It will hit you if you're standing by the Boss at arm level,
so stay behind him or in alow spot to avoid being hit.

d) Arms: if the Boss raises one arm and swings it near his head, he's
going to slap you. This attacks has a great radius (about 100
degrees) and can reach you if you're standing in front of the Head.
To avoid it, you must stay in a low place, or behind the Boss. Damage
is not to be underestimated.

e) Belly: you can target it only if you are in a very low place.
Abyway, if you're close enough to hit it, you're also close enough to
be hit. Its attack consists of a parabolic squirt of a paralyzing
liquid. You can avoid it if you're quick.

f) Tails: they'll drop paralyzing liquid too, if you stay too close
to them. Attack them from higher places. They can also physically hit
you, but only after you've splitted them in two. When they've been
destroyed, their base can also shoot paralyzing liquid.

g) Core: the Core has the most powerful attack in the entire game.
When it opens - which will happen if you're standing anywhere within
the 180 degrees in front of the Boss - the Core will charge up a
light beam that will hit everything in front of it with devastating
power. Damage can easily amount over 100 HP. With the exception of
the first one, all such attacks will be executed with the Boss
rotating towards the place where you're standing Running away is the
only way to avoid this attack.

Now, some strategies for the fight.

- Level 3 Antibody and Energyshot will be your best friends in this
battle. You should cast them as soon as the battle begins, and recast
them the very moment their effect wears off. This is necessary until
you're familiar with the enemy's attacks and movements - at that
point, you might as well forget about Antibody, at least in Normal
mode. Other PEs that may turn out useful are Fire PEs - actually, the
Boss is pretty weak against Fire. In fact, once the Arm Gas Shooters
have been taken down, each Arm can be destroyed with a single Level 3
Pyrokinesis. Inferno works tremendously well, too.

- Once the Core is exposed, your biggest concern is to avoid its
attack. If you've only destroyed Head and Neck, the enemy will rotate
pretty fast, making it difficult to escape the Core Beam. The only
way to slow down the Boss' rotation is to destroy his appendixes, and
especially the Belly. Once the Belly is destroyed, the Boss' turning
rate will slow down considerably, giving you the speed advantage
against the Core Beam.

- Once you've taken out the Arm Gas Shooters, the Arms will become
vulnerable. However, their vulnerability depends on the weapon you're
using. Unless you're using Grenades or Pyrokinesis, each Arm can be
damaged for up to 100 HP per attack - after that, an Arm will be
invincible for some time. If you have the Mongoose, consider using
something else to destroy the Arms.

- When a tail has received enough damage, it will split into two
halves. Each half provides a single target, and after they've been
destroyed, the base of the tail will still be alive. The Ultimate
ANMC's tails are like the heads of the Hydra - after a while, they'll
regrow as nothing had happened. The only way to avoid their
regeneration is to destroy their base before they can respawn.

Use fast-shooting weaqpons for this battle, like the M249 or the
Mongoose. Make good use of your Parasite Energies, as their help is
invaluable here. If you don't feel like taking down the whole
monster, the best way you can do him in is to stand your ground and
shoot down Head, Neck and Core as soon as possible. With the Holy
Water attached and Antibody 3 in use, you should make it using only
two Recoveries.

HP 9000+

Head, Neck & Core: EXP 500 BP 1500 MP 200
All: EXP 5000 BP 20000 MP 200

ITEMS: Ringer's Solution
EXTRA: 9mm Spartan


After this seemingly impossible fight, find the glowing light and use
Yoshida's or Bowman's card on the panel to activate the bridge. A
scene will occur and the final confrontation will begin.

-----[FINAL BOSS]----------------------------------------------------


There she is, once more. But she's not as hard as the two previous

Eve has the following attacks:

- The Dive: She's not on the bridge, and she flies high where you
can't see her. In this case (which always occurs at the beginning of
the battle), don't stay on the bridge. Eve will come down and pound
the center of the bridge hard, creating a powerful wave. But you must
NEVER stay on the bridge, so you'll likely see this only once.

- The Spheres: She's in the center of the bridge and flies high, then
she floats near you. If she does this, she's going to release some
light spheres that will give you all sorts of status ailments. So, if
she does this, immediately cast Metabolize. If Antibody is on, the
spheres will do little damage.

- The Charge: Colored dots appear around Eve. If you see them, you
know she's going to rush where you're standing and disappear in a
sort of teleporter, where the screen becomes wavy. Run to avoid the
first attack, then wait for a while, and start moving again before a
section of the screen gets wavy again - which is the signal she's
going to burst out again for a double attack (she bursts out, then
comes back in). If she hits you with this attack, she'll
rematerialize in the center of the bridge. She will do that as well
after a number of attacks, usually never more than four.

- The Chant: Eve is on the center of the bridge, and the screen
begins to shimmy while your MP raise. When the shimmying stops, a
powerful energy wave will hit you and deplete all of your MP, as well
as putting you in Silence. If you hit her for at least 200 HP when
she's casting the attack, it will be aborted.

- The Clone: She shines for a moment. If she does this, it means
she's creating a clone of herself. The clone is translucent, and it
will just come to you and slap you, paralyzing you with its attacks.
Two grenades are more than enough to destroy a clone. One grenade can
sometimes hit it for 999 HP damage! Anyway, remember that the real
Eve attacks you as well while the clone is onscreen, so try to beat
the clone ASAP.

- The Kamikaze: Eve floats at the end of the bridge nearest to you
and stops for a moment, then charges one of the slopes that converge
on the bridge. Stay on the bridge to avoid this attack.

- The Slap: Eve floats to you and slaps you just like her clones. Can
paralyze you.

The best weapons against Eve are grenade launchers (especially the
MM1), the Mongoose with MaedaSp bullets, and the M4A1 Javelin. Make
full use of Level 3 Antibody and Energyshot. If you have Level 3
Lifedrain, you'll be able to abort many of her attacks.
When the battle begins, there's a 99% chance that Eve will perform
the Dive, so immediately run to the end of the bridge. After that,
she will start using all of her attacks randomly. She will usually
perform the Chant when she reappears on the bridge after a series of
This battle has 3 distinct phases. You'll know you've passed on to
the next phase if you're using a grenade launcher, as Eve will start
to lose pieces of her clothing. She will only use clones in the third
and final phase. When you can see sparks around Eve's body, she's
very close to the end.

HP 10000+

EXP 5000 BP 10000 MP 100

Clones: HP 999 EXP 300 BP 1000 MP 0 (Each)


* *
* *
* Total battles: 11 *
* *
* North Hall B1: 1 *
* North Hall B2: 2* *
* Septic Tank: 1 *
* Main Corridor B2: 1 *
* Elevator Hall B2: 1 *
* Southeast Passage B2: 1 *
* Northeast Passage B2: 1 *
* Breeding Room: 1 *
* Pod Bottom: 2* *
* *
* GAINED ITEMS: Riot, 2x Airburst, 2x 9mm Spartan, 5.56 Rifle, *
* Protein Capsule, Ringer's Solution *
* EXTRA ITEMS: 5.56 Rifle, Javelin *
* *
* *NOTE: these battles are not counted in the Kills Percentage. *
* *

After the battle, there's a scene with Kyle.

The game ends here.

September 7, 2000 9.05 PM
White House, Washington D.C.

One more scene at the White House to know more of the truth, then a
beautiful epilogue with drawings from the manual.
If you didn't meet Pierce in the Golem Freezer, that's it. But if you

September 1, 2001 7.16 AM
Nature Museum, New York
The final CGI, as good as the others and showing the Good+ ending of
the game.

11. MAPS


| |__________
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_|_| |_| |/_________/_|
|_|_ _\ B | | |
| | | | 37 | | |
|_| |_|___T_________|_| |
| | | \___36|
_|\|_______| 32 |_



| |__________
| 39 _\_______40\
|__________| \ |
| |
| |_
| _|
| |
| |_
| _|
| |
| |____
|/___41||| -> TO B4
| _| ______
| |_________|42_|||| -> TO B4



__________________| _________44\________46 ___/ -> TO DRYFIELD B1
_|||||| 43 / | | |____ | |
|____________________|\|_______ | | | | |
|_____________| | | | |- | | |
| |_| |- |___| |
| \ |45 _\___|



_| |
| | |
| | 50 |
_______| | |
| \_49_T| |
| | |__ |
|48 | |_|
_ ________| |



_______________ _________
| ______ | |52_____ |
| | B | |__________| |__ __| |____
| | 57 | / 55 / 53 \ | / 51 |
| |_T____| \______\ _______|_________|
| | |\54|
| 56 | |___|



| 12 \_______11_______\_ ___8_____\______ 7\
| ____ | |\| \ |
|\| |\| __ | |______ | |
| | |15 / \ |______ 9| | |
|_|__ | |/ 16 \ | | ___| |_
| 13 | |\| / | | / |
| __| | ___/ ________| | / |
| | \_/ | ________| / ___|
| | |\| | 2 | |
| | | | | | 1 |
_|\| | \__________ \ |___|
__| |_ \ 10 | \ |
| 14 |_________ \___________| \___ _|
|_________\ ___ | | |
|__| | | | |_______ | |
| | 6 | | ___ 5| | |
| |___| | | | |_______________________/ 3|
|_________\_| | _____\____4_____\_________/
| |
/ \




Computer magazine. Features a special article about the prevention of
second-generation viruses.

Where? Sleeping Quarters, Shelter B1.



Card dropped by the SWAT imitator.

Unlocks the Armory on Shelter B1.

Where? Roof Garden, Akropolis Tower (check the back door twice).



Key with blue haft.

Unlocks escalator in Akropolis Tower.

Where? Rear Corridor, Akropolis Tower.



A promotional item in the shape of a cola bottlecap. There's a magnet
on the back.

Used to get the Factory Key in the Back Alley in Dryfield.

Where? Saloon Storage Room, Dryfield.



Magnetic card. Belongs to Fred Bowman, chief researcher at Neo Ark.
The picture shows a nervous-looking middle-aged man.

Used to access the Southeast Passage B2 in the Shelter.

Where? Northeast Passage B1, after killing the talking ANMC.



An aluminum key. It has a Motel Bronco tag, with a label that says

Opens all rooms in the Motel.

Where? Bronco Motel Lobby, Dryfield.



Cafeteria key from SWAT officer.

Opens the Cafeteria at the Akropolis Tower.

Where? East Elevator Hall, Akropolis Tower.



Key with plastic case. To be inserted in an appropriate slot.

Where? Underground Parking, Shelter.



The small tube that hung around Flint's neck. There's a message

Where? Flint brings it to you at the Tent.



An iron key. It's covered with rust.

Opens the Factory in Dryfield.

Where? Back Alley, Dryfield.



Attachment: Motion detector
Position control device. Motion detector included.

Where? You have it at the beginning of the game.



A bag of ice. On sale at the automatic vending machine.

Where? Ice vending machine, Main Street, Dryfield.



Metal container used to transport gasoline.

Where? Loft, Dryfield.



A plug for a wiring board.

Used to bring power to the two gates in the East and West Mine.

Where? 1)Refuge



An aluminum key. It has a Motel Bronco tag, with a label that says

Opens the Bronco Motel lobby.

Where? Gary Douglas gives it to you in the Trailer.



Map of Mojave Desert.

Where? Given to you by Hal after Akropolis Tower Mission.



Object implanted in NMCs skull.

Where? On the dead ANMC in the Parthenon Cafe, Akropolis Tower.
(Later) In the Pod Service Gantry in the Shelter (Pierce



MIST ID badge. Looks a lot like a FBI badge.

Where? You have it at the beginning of the game.



MIST civilian disinfirmation manual.

Where? Given to you by HAL after Akropolis Tower mission.



Authorizes any search in Dryfield. Includes private property

Where? Given to you by Hal after Akropolis Tower Mission.



An adjustable wrench that fits any size nut or bolt.

Used to access the Dilapidated House in Dryfield.

Where? Garage, Dryfield.



Key to a guest room in the Bronco Motel. The tag has a big number "6"
on it.

Opens Room 6 of the Motel.

Where? Gary Douglas gives it to you in the Garage.



An oak board 8' in length. The corners show excessive wear.

Used to create a bridge in the East Mine Gorge.

Where? Forked Tunnel, East Mine.



Gasoline (2 gallons). This should get the truck running.

Used to refill Gary's truck.

Where? Gas Station, Dryfield.



Torn note. Contains a message written in MIST code. It's difficult to
decipher because it's been written in a hurry.

Where? Pod Service Gantry, Shelter B1.



Key on a skull shaped key chain.

Stops water in Akropolis Tower Fountain.

Where? Sanctuary, Akropolis Tower.



An aluminum key with the engraving "G&R."

Opens the G&R Saloon.

Where? On the corpse on top of the Water Tank, Dryfield.



Mendel -- popular science journal. (This month's feature:
Mitochondria. A hot topic these days.)

Where? Parthenon Cafe, Akropolis Tower.



Key to the land rover. Has a small German puppet attached to the key

Where? Water Tank, Dryfield II, from Pierce.



Well-loved teddy bear. One of it's eyes is missing.

Give to Flint outside the Shelter to save soldier.

Where? Vehicular Airlock, Shelter.



A truck key with a tattered leather key chain. It's been well used.

Where? Gary gives you after the battle with Flamethrower.



Twisted wire rope. It's twisted around a pulley.

Used to go down the well in Dryfield.

Where? Junkyard, Dryfield.



Magnetic card. Belongs to Kazrov Yoshida, computer programmer. The
picture shows a young man wearing glasses.

Used to access the Operating Room in the Shelter.

Where? Kyle Madigan gives it to you if you take the elevator with
him (Kyle Route ONLY).

13. FAQs

Q. Tell me about the M.I.S.T. Shooting Gallery.

A. If you choose to train here, first select a music track between...
| NORMAL MODE: Crazy King, Ambush, Pick Up The Gauntlet |
| REPLAY MODE: Crazy King, Eager For Blood, Heaven-Sent Killer |
| BOUNTY MODE: Crazy King, Pick Up The Gauntlet, Crawling Waste |
| Emperor |
| SCAVENGER MODE: Crazy King, Quadrumanous Leader, Hunter Moon |
| NIGHTMARE MODE: Yellow Rain, Rebel Forces, Genic Reactor |

Then, choose a weapon and a difficulty level. Every level is designed
to train you to specific combat strategies, from the basics to real
battle simulation. Here's what you'll find in each level:

- Level 1: static yellow targets. Designed to teach you how to aim
and shoot.

- Level 2: moving targets with differentiated resistance. Again, all
you have to do is to aim and shoot.

- Level 3: battle simulation designed to teach you how to use the GPS
effectively. There's a great variety of targets, including humans. If
you shoot human targets, you'll lose points.

- Level 4: more sophisticated battle simulation, with Parasite Energy
use and MP-restoring items. Plenty of targets.

- Level 5: actual combat simulation. Combined use of weapons, PEs,
and GPS is required. Targets will hurt you with their flash if you
can't kill them fast enough. Although very sophisticated, this
simulation can't give you the feeling of a real battle.

These are the targets you'll find in the training session:
Yellow Target: 200 Pts
Brown Target: 400
Red Target: 600
Bacterium: 600
Bear: 1600
Monkey: 900
Rat: 500
Scorpion: 2400
Snake: 500
Spider: 1300
Bee: 3000
Crow: 600
Woman: -3000

According to how well you did in a practice level, you'll be awarded
100, 200, or 300 BP. If you do well enough to hit the expected score,
you'll win a prize which you can claim from Jodie at the Arsenal.
Here's the list of expected scores and prizes for each level:

Level 1
Expected Score: 9800 Prize: 50x Hydra Bullets

Level 2
Expected Score: 16800 Prize: Ringer's Solution

Level 3
Expected Score: 46000 Prize: Hunter Goggles

Level 4
Expected Score: 60000 Prize: Lipstick

Level 5
Expected Score: 55000 Prize: Shoulder Holster


Q. How do I solve (insert puzzle name here)?

A. Here's the list of all the puzzles in the game, and how to beat



The first three notes are Do (1), Re (2), Mi (3). The unnumbered
notes are Sol, La, Do. So, the code is 561.



Press Up and Turn on the control panel. Go to the shutter and press
the red switch. Unlock the gate nearby and go back to the control
panel. Press Turn and you can now access the Garage.



A note in the room says you must press #, then input 4 numbers and
press TOTAL. Another note starts with # and says that at Tombstone,
Holiday was 30 and Earp was... . If you look at the picture in this
room, it says "Tombstone 1881". Now go to Room 2 and look at the
picture to find out Earp's birth year (1848). Do a simple calculation
and you'll find out that at Tombstone, Earp was 33. Now go to the
cash register and press #3033 TOTAL.



There are 4 telephones in Dryfield.
There are 4 urinals in the Dryfield public toilet.
There are 8 barrels in the middle of the Cellar.
There are 7 mirrors in Dryfield.

So, the code is 4487.



Rat: 4 legs
Spider: 8 legs
Beetle: 6 legs

4+8+6= 18



15 (the full moon can be seen 15 days after the new moon)



The password is MELISSAMAYA. Follow the magazine's instructions to
find out that the new password is...




1)B 2)B 3)C 4)B 5)A 6)B 7)B 8)A 9)C 10)A 11)B



This is what the stone plate at the Pavilion shows:

6B R3
W2 Y5

So, the correct sequence is: Blue 6, White 2, Red 3, Yellow 5. Step
on the plates in this order (6 times on Blue, and so on).



This is what the stone plate in the Garden shows:

10B Y2
5B Y11
3B Y8
1R W9
7R W6
12R W4

So, the correct sequence is: R,Y,B,W,B,W,R,Y,W,B,Y,R. Step on the
plates in this order.


Q. Where is the Black Card?

A. I've been asked this question so many times I can hardly believe
it. Even if I stated this clearly enough in the walkthrough, I'll
repeat it: to find the Black Card, you must check the door behind
the statue in the Akropolis Tower Roof Garden TWICE. Moreover, you
HAVE to see the scene with the man disguised as a SWAT in that
room, and this can only be done if you access the Roof Garden
immediately after the scene with Rupert in the Sanctuary. If you
go there after exiting the Sanctuary, you won't see the scene, AND
you won't find the Black Card.


Q. Where is Yoshida's Card?

A. Yoshida's Card can ONLY be found if you decide to follow Kyle. If
that's the case, Kyle will give you Yoshida's Card on the elevator
after you've explored the sewers. However, if you decided to
follow Pierce, you will NEVER find Yoshida's Card.


Q. How do I get the best ending?

A. There are 6 must-do's in order to get the best ending:

1)Meet Kyle in Dryfield's Saloon at night, BEFORE going to bed.
2)Kill Burner so that Flint lives.
3)Go past the Full Moon Gate with Kyle.
4)Meet Pierce at Dryfield, and give him Ice three times.
5)Read Pierce's Message in the Pod Service Gantry after Neo Ark I,
and call Jodie immediately afterwards.
6)Meet Pierce in the Golem Freezer when you return into the


Q. I fought less battles than you listed in the Battle Account. How
can I kill 100% of the enemies?

A. Every time an important event occurs (e.g., you beat a Boss, you
meet a new character, you solve a puzzle, etc.), enemies will
respawn in certain areas. If you want to kill 100%, you must kill
enemies in ALL red areas before you move on to the next important
event. If you don't, you won't be able to fight certain battles,
and you'll miss 100% kills.

The following is a list of all key moments after which enemies
will respawn, and before wich all red areas must be cleared in
order to achieve a total wipeout.

1)After Beating the Greater Stranger in the Cafeteria
2)After speaking with HAL and Pierce on the phone
3)After saving Rupert in the Sanctuary
4)After using the Red Key

1)After meeting Douglas
2)After meeting Kyle
3)After the battle with No.9
4)After receiving the Lobby Key
5)After getting the Bronco Master Key
6)After giving the Petrol to Douglas
7)After the battle with Burner

1)After beating the Blizzard Chaser
2)After metting Bowman
3)After the fight with Glutton
4)After you've returned to Dryfield
5)After using the computer in the Laboratory
6)After the dialogue in the Pod Service Gantry

1)After beating the Proto Generator
2)After moving Bridge
3)After examining the stone tablet in the Garden
4)After the second Pyramid dance
5)After beating the Beta Generator

1)After meeting Eve
2)After meeting the militaries

To avoid screwing up the order of these actions, follow my
walkthrough step by step.


Q. How is my final BP score determined?

A. Every item you have in your active inventory or in any Storage Box
counts in the final BP tally. Every item that has a price in the
Item list will add half of its price to your BP total. Moreover,
you can get the following BP bonuses:

GPS------------------------500 BP
Tonfa Baton----------------500 BP
M93R----------------------1000 BP
Mendel (Settember)-------10000 BP
Black Card---------------10000 BP
SP12----------------------1990 BP
Aeris (Settember)---------5000 BP
Tactical Vest-------------1060 BP
Bowman's Card------------30000 BP
Yoshida's Card-----------30000 BP
Pierce Rescue Bonus------30000 BP
Teddy Bear---------------10000 BP
Rescue Ironheart---------30000 BP


Q. Have I seen that before?

A. Yes, probably. Parasite Eve II is packed full with quotes from
movies and games. Here are the ones I could find. Some are just
opinions, but some other just can't be denied.

- The SWAT agents massacre at the Akropolis Tower remembers me of
_The Terminator_, and maybe _Die Hard With A Vengeance_.

- Rupert saving Aya in the Cafeteria is quite surely a quote from
the original _Resident Evil_, apart from the fact that Rupert
looks much smarter than Barry.

- Strangers are similar to the Aliens from the omonimous movie.

- I don't think there's a magazine with that name, but Mendel was
the man who first discovered the principles of genetics.

- HAL is the name of the AI from Stanley Kubrick's _2001: A Space

- The pinball in Dryfield's R&G is called _Einhahder_, just like a
shooter from Squaresoft (thanks to Andrea Santoni for this

- Scavengers are very similar to Gremlins from the omonimous
movie (I'm not so sure that the original title is that, though).

- No.9 and the other Golems are clearly designed after Darth Vader
(first quote from Star Wars)

- The garbage chute scene is also from Star Wars, and was also
seen in Final Fantasy VII.

- The monster in the garbage incinerator (third quote from Star

- The trash compactor (fourth quote from_Star Wars_)

- Sword Golems have THE lightsaber (fifth quote from Star Wars)

- Neo Ark IS Jurassic Park. Denying this is a cardinal sin.

- After the shower scene, we see the water in the shower trembling
from Burner's steps. This may also be from Jurassic Park.

- Cloud e Aeris's names from Final Fantasy VII can be read on the
board in the Laboratory, Shelter.

- The Gunblade is Squall Leonheart's weapon in Final Fantasy VIII.

- The second scene with the President recalls the movie _The Rock_

- The cannon satellite looks a lot like the Zeus Cannon seen in
the movie _Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within_


Thanks to GameSages for this chart. At the end of the game, your
current EXP and your TOTAL BP (including the items you have with you
and in the boxes) will be shown. In your next game, you will be able
to buy three items determined by your final EXP score, which consists
of your current EXP plus the EXP points you used for Parasite

| EXP | Items | RANK |
| 400001+ | Gunblade, Ringer's Solution, Eau de Toilette | S |
|200001-400000| Hyper Velocity, Hunter Goggles, MP Boost 2 | A |
|75001-200000 | MM1, Airburst, Recovery 3 | B |
| 72001-75000 | M249, .44 MaedaSP, Cola | C |
| 69001-72000 | Mongoose, .44 Magnum, Skull Crystal | D |
| 66001-69000 | AS12, R.Slug, Firefly | E |
| 62001-66000 | Aya's Special, 9mm Spartan, Ofuda | F |
| 57001-62000 | Javelin, MD Player, Holy Water | G |
| 51100-57000 | Pike, Lipstick, Tactical Armour | H |
| 44001-51000 | Hammer, Belt Pouch, MP Boost 1 | I |
| 16001-44000 | M203, Protein Capsule, 9mm Hydra | J |
| 14511-16000 | M9, M4A1 Clip, Flare | K |
| 14510- | Monk Robe, Medicine Wheel, Recovery 2 | L |

If you get the same rank twice in a row, you'll be awarded the rank
that comes immediately before in the chart. If you get S-Rank twice
in a row, you'll get L-Rank, and for subsequent replays you'll get
higher ranks, going up the chart from L-Rank up to S again.

If you keep on using the same save file every time you play Replay
Mode, previous rank you have gotten will accumulate with subsequent
ones. This means, for example, that if you complete the game with E-
Rank the first time, then play Replay Mode twice on the same save
file and get A-Rank and S-Rank, the next time you play Replay Mode
you'll be able to buy the bonus items from Rank S, A and E. So, in
the end you may be able to buy just anything you want at the
beginning of the game.


When you finish the game, you will be prompted to save. The saved
game allows you to play the adventure in different modes the next
time. These include:



Mission level: Easy OO | HP 100
Condition: Good OOOOO | MP 30
Enemy level: Easy OO | EXP 10% of Next Replay Bonus
Supply level: Rich OOOO | BP 10% of Next Replay Bonus

The same game you've just played, but with some differences:

- You start with 1/10 of the EXP and BP you had when you finished the
previous game.

- You can buy the three items determined by your final EXP score in
the previous game.

- You can buy the Parasite Energies you had when you finished the
previous game. This time, they will cost an amount of BP equal to the
amount of EXP used to bring them to the level they were at. So, if
you had, say, Lv2 Inferno, you can buy it for 5000 BP.

- Parasite Energies require only 40% the regular EXP to be powered

- When you use a telephone, you can check the statistics of your
previous game about Weapons and PE usage, and about the game in
general. Check the Weapons, and you'll see how much you've used each
weapon. Same for Parasite Energies. About the Game, you can see how
many times you completed it, how long it took you to complete, etc.

How to get? Complete the game.



Mission level: Normal OOO | HP 100
Condition: Good OOOOO | MP 30
Enemy level: Strong OOOO | EXP 5% of Next Replay Bonus
Supply level: Normal OOO | BP 5% of Next Replay Bonus

Bounty Mode is TOUGH. You get no extra items. You start off with 5%
of the EXP and BP you had at the end of your previous game. Powering
up Pes requires only 80% of the EXP needed in Normal Mode. Weapons
are much less effective, and enemies are stronger. Moreover, you'll
often meet more powerful monsters than those found in Normal Mode,
and Golems will be pursuing you SINCE THE AKROPOLIS TOWER MISSION!
Fortunately, you'll find less, but better items.

Bounty Mode requires good, well-polished fighting tactics. You can't
just stand your ground and hope to take down the enemy before it gets
to you - two hits may well be enough to kill you. You'll have to
refill ammo frequently, and to SAVE OFTEN!!! You'll learn how to
effectively use Parasite Energies to your advantage. Of course,
Bounty Mode will net you tons of EXP and BP that will soup up your
Next Replay score.

If you complete Bounty Mode, your final EXP and BP score will be
multiplied by 3, and your rank will be upgraded by 1.

How to get? Just complete the game.



Mission level: Hard OOOO | HP 100
Condition: Exhausted OOOO | MP 10
Enemy level: Normal OOO | EXP 1% of Next Replay Bonus
Supply level: Very poor O | BP 1% of Next Replay Bonus

Scavenger Mode is HARD. You start off with only 10 MP, and 1% of the
total EXP and BP you had at the end of your previous game. Parasite
Energies require only 80% of the EXP points you'd need in Normal Mode
to be upgraded. Shops have dramatically changed - as an example,
here's the list of goodies on sale at the M.I.S.T. Arsenal:


Riot----------------80 per 4

Shoulder Holster----2580
Belt Pouch----------10000

Protein Capsule-----10000
Combat Light--------60
Pepper Spray--------100
Medicine Wheel------27800

As for enemies, they're the same as in Normal Mode, even if slightly
more resistant to your attacks. Anyway, your main problem - apart
from an obvious lack of ammo and weaponry - is your extreme weakness.
One or two hits will do you in, no matter what enemy you're
confronting. Also, you'll have to stick to Parabellum rounds to fight
just anything until you get to the Shelter, and you won't be able to
reload weapons that use batteries or fuel until the final stages of
the game. You'll have to carefully plan your every move, purchase,
and battle. If you play Scavenger Mode after beating Bounty Mode two
or three times in a row, you _may_ be able to afford the Medicine
Wheel. This would be great, because if you have the Medicine Wheel
attached when you fight No.9 at Dryfield, after the battle you'll
receive the Gunblade.

If you complete Scavenger Mode, your final EXP and BP score will be
multiplied by 5, and your rank will be upgraded by 2.

How to get? Complete the game with 69001 EXP or more.



Mission level: Very Hard OOOOO | HP 50
Condition: Sick O | MP 30
Enemy level: Very Strong OOOOO | EXP 0
Supply level: Poor O | BP 0

Nightmare mode is EXTREME. You start off with 50 HP and 30 MP. You
get NO bonus EXP or BP whatsoever. Shops are exactly like they're in
Scavenger Mode, and so is your resistance to enemy attacks (if not
worse). Enemies are the same you can find in Bounty Mode, and their
attacks are stronger than ever. This translates into instant death if
anything touches you during the whole first half of the game, and
into endless ammo refilling - and ultimately, into extreme
frustration. I'm too lazy to give it a try, but if you need help,
check out Gerard Schiela's Nightmare Mode Guide at
It will tell you everything you need to know to beat Parasite Eve
II's hardest challenge.

If you can somehow complete Nightmare Mode, your final EXP and BP
score will be multiplied by 10, and your rank will be upgraded by 3.

How to get? Complete Scavenger Mode.


Thanks to...

Squaresoft: they made the game, and quite well too.

JL Lee for providing the most complete FAQ for the Japanese version
of the game, which spared me some trouble with the translations and
the locations of the items, as well as with the stats of the most
hidden weapons. Unfortunately, it seems that the other versions are a
bit different.

Ibrahim Ghouth for the English names of items and weapons, and for
enemies' stats. for telling me the enemies' official names.

Gerard Schiela for his wonderful Nightmare Mode Guide. This excellent
document was vital in refining battle strategies against each enemy.

GameSages for providing the Final Rankings chart and the way to get
Scavenger and Nightmare Mode, and the Bonus Ratings for completing
the special modes. These saved me a LOT of time.

James and LucasR for telling me about the Snail Magazine for the P08
in the Cellar, Dryfield.

Nemesis for some in-game descriptions from the U.S. version.

Andrea Santoni for telling me about the Einhander pinball in the

Jeff "CJayC" Veasey at GameFAQs for posting my FAQs on his site.

Me, for writing this FAQ.

Everyone who e-mailed me for info: thanks a lot for reading, guys.
It's nice to be writing for you.

You: you read the FAQ.
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15.Oktober 2013
Speed Guide FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Important Stuff

15.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Ende des Spiels und alle Filme freigeschaltet

16.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Nightmare Mode

14.Oktober 2013
Speed Guide

17.Oktober 2013
End of the Game Save. Start a new Game with the Gunblade equipped.

18.Oktober 2013
Alle Modi und Extras sind freigespielt.

17.Oktober 2013
Spoiler Free

14.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the European PAL Version (KW).

17.Oktober 2013
Unofficial Guide

15.Oktober 2013
Patch für die Europäische Französiche PAL Version (HLG).

11.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Spoiler Free FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die Europäische Französiche PAL Version (PDX).

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Hinweise
10.Oktober 2008
10.Oktober 2008
2 Hours Speed Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Speed FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Bouny Mode FAQ

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die Europäische [deutschsprachig]e PAL Version (BAD).

16.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die Europäische spanische PAL Version (PDX).

17.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor, Patch und +12 Trainer für die Europäische [deutschsprachig]e PAL Version (PDX).

16.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
13.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020