Parasite Eve

Parasite Eve

17.10.2013 04:43:40
Complete Guide FAQ

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By: DaLadiesMan Steve Saunders
I have all messengers, see below for my user names on them
Date: September 17, 2000
Last Updated: October 6, 2000
Number of Updates to Guide: 12

-Square Soft for making such a wonderful game.
-Sony for publishing the game
-Game FAQs for posting this guide (hopefully)
-Me, for writing this guide.
-DBlake (iamnothing) for giving me moral support ^_^
-To all the great writers at GameFAQs
-The usual suspects (you know who you are)
-The official PE Strategy Guide, by Prima Games, for some of the boss help.
-Taerm ( for providing some of the items located in chests. And
yse, I did ³borrow² his St Francis Hospital¹s and Day 5walkthrough somewhat.. if
anyone wants me to change it, or has any complaints, let me know and I will
replay through the game to change the section.
-How Kwang Kee ( ­ Major thanks go out to him, as he let me
use his whole EX mode guide for my guide!!
-Neelon Rokk ( for the very helpful monster list. Much


1.0 Introduction ***COMPLETE***
1.1 Author's Information ***COMPLETE***
1.2 Revision History ***COMPLETE***

2.0 Frequently Asked Questions ***COMPLETE***

3.0 Walkthrough ***COMPLETE***
-Day 1
-Day 2
-Day 3
-Day 4
-Day 5
-Day 6

4.0 Guides
4.1 Characters Guide ***COMPLETE***
4.2 EX Guide ***COMPLETE***
4.3 Secrets Guide ***COMPLETE***
4.4 Boss Guide ***COMPLETE***

5.0 Lists ***COMPLETE***
5.1 Weapons List ***COMPLETE***
5.2 Armors List ***COMPLETE***
5.3 Items List ***COMPLETE***
5.4 Enemies List ***COMPLETE***

6.0 Other Misc. Stuff ***COMPLETE***
6.1 Links ***COMPLETE***
6.2 Credits ***COMPLETE***
6.3 My Other Works ***COMPLETE***
6.4 Future Plans ***COMPLETE***

7.0 Final Goodbye
7.1 My Closing Statement ***COMPLETE***
7.2 Finishing Statistics


Hello, and welcome to my Parasite Eve guide. Some of you may know me as being
only a reviewer, but I have written some FAQs over the past year, as well.
However, I have never decided to undergo the task of writing a complete guide
for a game. Most of my FAQs and Guides have been for wrestling games, and
consisted of basic move lists. However, I wanted to do a guide for a game,
something different from the average stuff I did.

So, I searched the web site and discovered that there was hardly any good
Parasite Eve guides. And none of the guides I saw could be described as
complete. So, I decided right then and there what guide I was going to work on.
I was going to do a Legend of Legaia guide, but I changed my mind and decided to
focus on Parasite Eve. If I enjoy writing this guide (and you enjoy reading it)
enough, I may do the Legend of Legaia guide.

Please note that this guide is not finished yet, and to keep track of its status
you should check out the revision history section, which follows the author¹s
information section. I am going to try my hardest to make sure I complete this
guide completely, some of you may know I did not do too well in completing my
Yo! Noid and Fester¹s Quest guides, which may still be worked on in the future.

I wrote a review for this game, and in case you are too lazy or whatever to read
it, I really enjoyed playing this game. If you have not played this game yet,
make sure to play it, and use this guide if you need/want to. The game is not
that tough, and is a fairly short game, but it is a true classic, so you should
definitely play it if you haven¹t already. And make sure to use this guide if
you do decide to play the game ^_^

Feel free to message me on any of my messengers.. just tell me you are
messaging me about my FAQ and I will definitely answer you as quick as I
possibly can!


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Name: Steve McFadden


My Web Pages Links:

GameFAQs Contributor Page Link:

GameFAQs alias: DaLadiesMan (formerly known as SmcFadden, I changed it though)

Yahoo Messenger: nicklacheysnightmare, mcfaddenvg or ilovestephmcmahon (same
account, different profiles)

AOL/AIM: McFaddenDaMan

MSN Messenger:

TOTALS as of 9/30/00
Reviews: 377 FAQs: this was my 43rd, I now have 44.

Feel free to message me on any of my messengers.. just tell me you are
messaging me about my FAQ and I will definitely answer you as quick as I
possibly can!


v1.0 (October 6, 2000): Whoo hoo! I am almost completely done with this guide
now! In fact, I have everything in it completed. So, why is it not the final
version? Well, for two reasons. One, I may still feel like adding new sections
and information. Two, I may want to update certain parts of this guide. Rest
assured that the next version of this guide will be the long awaited (at least
it is to me) final update of this guide. It¹s been fun, folks...

v0.9 (October 4, 2000): Well, I am not completely done with this guide yet, but
I am coming pretty close to finishing it. Again, all I need to finish now is the
secrets guide, and this guide is finished. Well in this update, I decided to add
How Kwang Kee¹s EX mode guide, as I felt he wrote a much better guide than I
could ever write. And yes, he just gave me permission a few minutes ago In an
email he sent me, so I am using it legally. I will probably do the secrets guide
and wrap up this entire FAQ tomorrow. It has been a blast, folks. I might just
go ahead and decide to do the Legend of Legaia guide. Definitely look out for a
WWF Smackdown 2 guide from me in the future, however, as I can all but guarantee
doing one of those.

v0.85 (September 30, 2000): I am oh so close to finishing this guide. I got the
Day 6 Walkthrough done, as well as the Boss Guide and EX Guide. All I have to do
is the Secrets Guide and Finishing Statistics, and BAM! This guide is done! This
is definitely my largest guide yet, and it got this way mainly because I updated
it so much! Therefore, I will probably finish the other FAQs I have been working
on. Because completing this guide is a good feeling to me. This is definitely my
best guide yet. I should completely be finished with it tomorrow, after I finish
up the secrets guide.

v0.51 (September 30, 2000): Minor changes, mostly new line art and changing of
some facts and information. I will be back later with another update, hopefully.

v0.5 (September 30, 2000): Good news and bad news. The good news is that I
finally got the Day 5 Walkthrough done. The bad news is that I had to use
taerm¹s walkthrough a lot for it. Why? Because the notes I had written about Day
5 when I was playing through the game got soaked in the rain! And I can¹t read
them any more! So, if anyone wants me to rewrite the Day 5 walkthrough (after
the Chinatown sewers and the Centipede boss), let me know and I will replay
through the game. I do have the Ultimate Being notes here, so I will finish the
walkthrough and boss guide up probably tomorrow. Then I can work on the other
sections of the guide, until the guide is finally finished! I hope to finish
this guide before next weekend, and I am pretty sure that is possible. All I
have to do is the EX Guide and Secrets guide, and those will not take that long
to do. I am also thinking of including my review to the game in here, so
everyone can see how good the game is, but I am still debating it at this time.
Like I was saying, the Day 5 Walkthrough, for the most part, is not written
completely by me. It is taerm¹s walkthrough, and I changed around some of it. I
hated to do it, so if anyone has a problem with it, please let me know and I
will definitely rewrite it.

v0.35 (September 28, 2000): Okay, can you now tell that I am trying to complete
this guide as quickly as I possibly can? ^_^. I got the Day 4 walkthrough
completed, and updated the Boss guide, as well. If you notice, the Day 4
walkthrough may seem a lot like one in another FAQ. Well, it is because I lost
my notes for that section. So I just tried my best on that section. But, I got
all my notes for Day 5 and Day 6, should be fun to write. This FAQ is now at
108K. Amazing, huh? Two days ago I was barely at 16K and now I am at 108, almost
109K.. it shows you how much hard word pays off in the long run! In minor news,
I added an updates to guide counter at the top, which just counts how much
updates I have done to this guide. No big deal, just thought I would point it

v0.31 (September 28, 2000): Minor update, thanks to Neelon Rokk
( for the very helpful monster list. Much appreciation!
Other than that, I did not get much accomplished, a few minor format changes. I
may update this guide later on tonight, I probably will not, however.

v0.3 (September 28, 2000): I got a lot of work done today on this guide, not bad
for an hour and forty five minutes work. First off, I got half of the
walkthrough done now. Well not really, but I did complete the walkthroughs for
both days two and three. I will probably do day 4 later on tonight, day 5 is
going to be the toughie, as there is a lot of information and stuff in that
section. But day six is pretty straight forward, so this guide may be done
sooner than I originally intended. Also, in other news, I decided to bring back
the boss guide. I had deleted it from the table of contents in one of the
earlier updates, but I decided to include it now. The boss guide is complete, up
to the end of Day 3. I will update the boss guide, along with the walkthrough,
so when the walkthrough is done, the boss guide is done too. I may start to work
on the secrets guide later, but I am not sure. I have been unsuccessful in my
one attempt to get this posted at GameFAQs so far, but maybe I will have better
luck this time. At least, I certainly hope I will. Another minor revision:
updated the table of contents, and updated the top section, where I now have
³Last Updated² and ³Date FAQ Originally Started² lines.

v0.2 (September 27. 2000): Woah, another September 27, 2000 update. I got a lot
of work done on this guide today, which probably means I won¹t bother with it
for a while. Anyways, I got the Day 1 Walkthrough done. One down, five more to
go.. look for me to be done with it in the next week or so. Assuming I actually
work on it every day, which is probably not going to happen, in all likleyhood.
Oh well. I also added an ***UPDATED*** tag next to the walkthrough section in
the table of contents to indicate it was updated. I will now submit an update of
this guide every time I get a day done, which will lead me to v0.8 or so. I will
use the last few updates to finish up the other sections. Sounds like a good
plan to me. Of course, I will probably go against the plan yet again. Oh well,
at least I am working on this guide a lot today. It has only been 8 days since I
started, and I already got nearly 55K done.. now that is impressive (at least in
terms of what I usually do). I just made the walkthrough look a lot nicer, which
now ends my updating for the evening. I hope to be able to update this guide
again soon, for now enjoy what I have already done!

v0.1 (September 27, 2000): Whew, what a huge update. I figure I might as well
try to get this posted at GameFAQs now that is how much work I did. First
things, I added ***COMPLETE*** next to the sections that are finished in the
table of contents, sort of like Dy$e¹s guides. So you will see what sections are
finished by looking at the table of contents. Anyway, I finished the weapons
list, completed the items and armors list, which means the lists section is now
dome. Rejoice! I also decided against doing boss guide and enemies list for now,
so I took those off the table of contents. I did decide to do a character guide
though, and that is now finished. All I have to do now is the walkthrough and
last two guide sections, and this complete guide is done!!

v0.002 (September 27, 2000): I don¹t know what got me to update this guide, but
I finally decided to update it slightly. I added line art, and added more to the
weapons list. May not seem like much to you, but the weapons list, armor list,
etc. is going to be a pain for me, so as soon as I finish those it is smooth
sailing from there. And hey, it¹s only 6 AM, maybe I can get some more work done
when I come home from school later. I will probably stay home today, which means
lots of updating time today. I hope I get a lot done today if I do stay home,
because I will probably not have much time to work on this guide after today, so
today should be a key day in the development of this guide.

v0.001 (September 19, 2000): This is not available for the public yet, it is
just for me to keep track of updates and how much I am updating per day. I got
the basic format of the FAQ up, and completed the Introduction, Conclusion, and
Frequently Asked Questions sections. So, that makes 3 of 7 sections completed. I
will work on the walkthrough now, and the walkthrough should be done eventually.
This guide is probably going to take me a while to complete, considering my lack
of time recently, with school, a new girlfriend, and a lot of other stuff to
deal with. But I will try my hardest to update this guide a lot. And I hope that
I will be able to eventually complete this guide, and I am going to definitely
work my hardest to update it as much as I possibly can, in the limited amount of
free time I have. And that, my readers, IS true!


Do you have a question about this game? E-mail it to me at
and you can get credited for it here! I will answer your question personally,
unless the answer can be found in the walkthrough. If the answer to the question
you ask can be found in the walkthrough or guide, I will delete the e-mail
promptly, and if you do not get a response from me it means READ THE GUIDE.

Total Questions: 0
Total Questions Answered: 0

I will post any questions here, right now I have none to ansUeR thkUeh*



Carnegie Hall
Weapons: P220 Handgun
Armor: N Protector

The game will start up as you see Carnegie Hall in the picture. A limo pulls up,
and out comes the heroine of the game, Aya Brea. She is going to see a play with
a date. When she gets out of the limo, you have a chance to rename her into
another name, if you wish. Once her date finishes talking, head inside Carnegie
Hall. Once you are inside, run to the opposite end of the room and enter the
double doors. This is where a cool scene takes place, and it is really an
amazing scene. After the scene, run to the front of the building, up the stairs
onto the stage, and walk up to the woman that is standing near the piano. You
will now enter into your first battle.

Level 1
40 HP
0 MP

This is probably the easiest boss battle in the game. First off, the actress
tends to do the same thing over and over again, which makes the battle easy to
predict after a while. Just learn the pattern and you will be okay. What is the
pattern, you may ask? Well, when you see green energy swirling around her, it
will start to show up in her hands. Just move away from it, then dodge it when
it shoots towards you. It should not hit you if you get the timing down right.
After you dodge the green shot she fires at you, just shoot her with one bullet.
She will get that green swirl around her again, just run around while waiting
for your AT meter to recharge, and avoid her shot again. Shoot her again, then
follow the same pattern. She will soon be defeated.

After this, there will be a scene where Aya Brea will experience a flashback.
Then the actress (suddenly named as Eve) escapes just as the scene ends. You
will see her run towards the left hand side, so just chase after her towards the
back of the stage. There will be a large hole there, so make sure to examine it.
Once you examine it, you may expect that you will suddenly fall down it, or
otherwise go down it. Nope. Instead, the cops will arrive. You can now jump down
the hole. I do not recommend jumping down the hole right away. I usually get the
Medicine 1 from the chest on the right hand side of the screen.

After getting the Medicine, I usually go back outside of Carnegie Hall, since
there are no random encounters or battles or anything else that would cause
concern. There is a paramedic and a cop outside here. The paramedic will heal
you, which may be necessary if you took a lot of damage during the battle with
Eve. The cop on the right hand side will give you an Ammo +6 when you talk to
him. The cool thing about this is, he does the same thing when you talk to him
again! In fact, you can get 60 free bullets just by chatting with him 10 times!
However, after chatting with him for the 10th time, he refuses to give you any
more ammunition.

After doing all this, you can now go back inside Carnegie Hall and head to the
hole. Just climb up the stairs to the stage again to get back to the large hole.
Once getting there, investigate it and you will go down. Once getting down
there, you will see a little girl, who laughs at you (!), and she will then run
away. The nerve of children today, I tell you. In any event, do you see the way
she ran? Go that way. You will encounter a hallway, in this hallway go left and
then up. Opening up any of the doors here is rendered useless, as they are all
currently locked up. You will need to get the keys for the doors in order to
open them up.

Keep going up and you will encounter another scene, this time it will be a scene
where an ordinary rat turns into a huge genetic freak. This will also be the
first regular battle, and don¹t think for a second that this is going to be a
simple battle, because the rat could prove to be a formidable opponent. After
killing the rat, go up a screen, and go through the door seen to the left. The
third locker from the left has a medicine 1 in it, so make sure to grab that.
After getting the medicine 1, a clown will approach you as you try to leave this
room to the room on the opposite end.

The clown will run out of the room, and suddenly you will hear a loud scream.
Something must have happened to the clown!! Gee, what creative writing by Square
Soft!! Open the second locker to get an Ammo +6, and go back out into the main
hallway. Run up to the north and proceed all the way down to the end and enter
the door on the left. There is a burnt body lying on the top of the desk. RPG
logic would tell you to search the body, so search it. Searching the body will
nab you a Theater Key, which opens one of the doors you passed by already. God
bless RPG logic. Actually, this time, you have to search it twice. The first
time you search it, it will just fall to the ground (whooo.. how scary!!), and
the second time you will get the elevator key.

The costumes on the right hand side of the room house a secret chest (well it¹s
not really secret, but I have to sound smart here) that contains a Medicine 1.
Get the Medicine 1 from the chest, because I told you to. Pulling open the rack
of clothes is funny because a parrot comes out of nowhere. That, ladies and
gentlemen, is the scariest moment of the entire game. Make sure to save you game
in this room. See that phone that is blinking a red dot? Just search it and it
will ask you if you want to save your progress. Make sure to save, because if
you die, it¹s back to the beginning for you.

Go back outside into the main hallway, and head south. Take the first door on
the left hand side of the screen to get an Ammo +6 from the cabinet. Is that all
that is in here? What do you think? Just head over to the desk to find a diary
sitting on top of it. Read the diary (isn¹t there some sort of unwritten rule
against that?) to find out more about the Actress (Eve) that you got into battle
with earlier. If you search some more in here, you will find the Rehearse Key.
Okay, you used a key to enter a room to find another key. How in the hell does
this make any sense? Who in the heck is clumsy enough to drop two fricking keys
in the same place? Am I the only one that seriously questions Square Soft¹s
intellect here?

Leave the room and head to the room on the opposite end and open the cabinet to
get another Ammo +6. You are seriously going to be loaded in ammunition for the
battles ahead, which can only be a good thing. There is another scary parrot in
here. I thought we weren¹t at Central Park Zoo yet. Might be my eyes, walk up to
the parrot for the added bonus of him basically attacking you for no reason. How
creative is that? Head out of this room (what a waste of time) and go south,
getting into some more random battles along the way. Have I mentioned yet how
much I love the battle system in this game?

When the screen changes, go through the first door on the left. Checking the
cabinet reveals another ³holy crap² moment when a rat attacks you. Apparently
the Zoo stage has been transported to here. Kill the rat, and check the cabinet
again for a P220 handgun (make sure to check it, I missed it the first time
through). Opening the chest gets you your first Defense +1 of the game. I
wouldn¹t waste it by using it on your current armor, since you are going to be
getting better armor soon.

Speaking of the better armor, it is located in the same room. Just go to the
upper left hand corner and search that wall that appears to be crumbling.
Amazingly, it crumbles!! Someone call a paramedic while I check my heart rate!!
Crawl through it and get your N Protector Armor, and equip it, as it is a heck
of a lot better than your other armor. You can use the defense +1 on this armor,
if you wish.

Go north a little bit and enter the door on the right hand side. Go all the way
south from this room, and open the chest. You either get a Medicine 1 or Ammo
+6. The game randomizes it, which makes it that much more exciting. Right. Leave
through the bottom door. You will come out in front of the corpse of the clown
you bumped into already. Don¹t search it (gasp, how dare they go against RPG
logic!), instead run north up the hallway and through the double doors at the
end. And guess who is there? It was Eve, Aya, it was Eve all along! BATTLE TIME!

Level 4
92 HP
0 MP

She may appear to be a little bit easier this time (yeah right), but in all
actuality she is quite tougher than she was the first time. You can handle her,
however, if you exercise a little bit of patience. She now has a few different
attacks. She is either going to chase after you and swipe you with her arm, move
towards you (just run away from her) or she will do her NEW energy blast! Wow,
how exciting. She uses both hands for this one, when she fires it just stand
still and the shot should go around you. Cool, eh? Just dodge her stuff and fire
at her when you can, and she will go down easy enough.

Behind the piano is another large hole. How fun, you would think this game takes
place in Los Angeles with all the earthquakes going on. Climb down the hole to

Weapons: M1911A1 Handgun
Armor: Kv Vest 1

Have fun, after you complete this dungeon you will be done with Day 1 for the
most part. No one ever said this was a long game..

To start off, just run forward. When you get to a place with steps on both
sides, check for a chest that is well camoflauged. It took me a few minutes to
find it. It is near the foot of the left stairs, and you get the M1911A1
handgun, to boot. So I advise getting the chest. Now go up the stairs and follow
the path as it winds around and then comes back down to the stairs on the other
side. I just wasted your time!! Just kidding, I actually earned you 2 revives.
You should be worshipping the ground I walk on now!!

OK I am calmed down now. Head back down the stairs and head north through the
main tunnel. That annoying brat little girl shows up and decides to laugh at you
some more, then she runs away again. Just wait until I get my hands on her! Do
not follow her this time, though. Instead, swing on by the back left corner of
the area for a chest containing Medicine 1 or Ammo +6. Check the back right
corner for a chest containing an Offense +1 (maybe if you really get lucky you
will get an offense +2, good luck on that though). Now move back a bit and head
down the east wall while running south. You end up in a secret room with a bunch
of chests.

Head to the main tunnel again and follow that annoying little girl. Continue
left through this side tunnel and you will see a locked gate to the north at the
end. Examine the device hanging by the left side of the gate, which turns out to
be a switch leading to open the gate, and a phone. Use the phone to save your
game, and make sure to dial 1-800-Collect to make mom happy (or something).
Press the switch and go through the opening. There is that slut Eve again! Cue
kick ass scene where she leaves and an alligator attacks. BATTLE TIME!

Level 7
120 HP for Head, 80 HP for tail
30 EXP for winning battle

When you start the battle, a message will pop up saying that the alligator
actually has two targets. So this is the first multi-targeted boss of the game,
in a sense. When the battle begins, keep your distance. The alligator will
charge at you and swing its tail at you. Avoid it and fire at the tail. Keep on
doing this until the tail is destroyed. Then the view changes and the alligator
changes his strategy. He uses that darn fire breath three times in a row, but it
is easily avoided after a while. If you get too close, he will swipe his claw at
you, causing serious damage, so just stay back. Use the back up, move in, fire,
back up strategy to win this battle easier. You will get the Kv Vest for winning
the battle.

The alligator dies, Aya leaves Carnegie Hall, and that Day 2 screen pops up.


NYPD Police Department 17th Precinct
Weapons: M16A1 Rifle
Armor: Cm Vest 1

You start off the day in the New York City Police Department. Talk to the men
standing there, then talk to Baker, who is the Police Chief. He will hand you a
mod permit, which you can use downstairs in the weapons storage area. Once you
gain control of Aya, leave Baker¹s office and head back to the place where you
started this day. Before going anywhere else, make sure to head to the lower
left hand section of the room, where a save telephone is located (it may be a
little hard to see at first, but it is there, trust me). I am just pointing this
out for when you may need it, since you really do not need to use it now (seeing
as how you just saved at the end of the 1st day).

Leave this room and go back into the main hallway. Take the first door on the
left to get to the locker room. Open the fourth locker on the right and get
either a Medicine 2 or Cure-P (I usually end up with the Medicine 2). Now open
the second locker to the right to get the Cm Vest 1 (equip it if you like). Now
leave the locker room, into the main hallway. Once you get back into the main
hallway, keep going up and take a left down the stairs. At the bottom of the
stairs, go down a bit, then enter the door on the left. There is a tool in the
chest on the right hand side.

Now go near the back of the room, around the counter, and open the chest there
to get a Medicine 1. I like this chest for a certain reason. The thing about
this one is, it refills every time you leave and re-enter the room. You can get
as much medicines as you want here. I advise taking about 2 or 3 right now,
because you will need to save some storage room for other items and equipment.
The chest in the front of the counter has an Ammo +6, and also refills every
time you leave the Police Department and come back.

Next up, talk to the man behind the counter. He introduces himself as Torres, as
part of the scene. At the end of the scene, he hands you the M161A rifle. After
he hands it to you, he asks if you have a mod permit. Using a mod permit adds an
extra slot to a weapon at your choice. I would hang on to the mod permit for
now, although you can use it right now if you wish. Wayne will then show up and
tell you how to do certain things, then he will offer to hold any items you do
not want, in storage. Now is a good time to get rid of the excess items you no
longer need/want (2 keys, Theater and Rehearse, a tool and mod permit if you
don¹t plan on using them).

Leave the Weapons Storage room and go back up the stairs. Go north at the top of
the stairs and you will run into Ben Dollis. Ben is the son of Daniel Dollis,
who is Aya¹s partner. See how the story is starting to take place? He is going
to run away from you (what¹s up with all the little kids running away from
Aya?), so just go back to Baker¹s office, where he will inform you about the
press conference.

The press conference will take place, and you have no control over it. Aya
screws up on it, and you will end up back in Baker¹s office. Baker will get a
phone call, and Nix will say something about a scientist at the museum of
natural history researching mitochondria. (The story continues to develop). You
will end up outside Baker¹s office. I would advise saving now, because you are
heading over to the Museum. When you are done saving, head outside into the main
hallway, and take the first door to your right. Exit the Police Department and
you will be on the world map for the first time. Head to the Museum of Natural

American Museum of Natural History
Weapons: none
Armor: none

Selecting the museum will automatically send you to a scene where Daniel and Aya
are driving in their squad car. I assume they are driving to the museum, but
only time will tell. Once they are done running their mouths about the
scientist, mitochondria, weight loss, and the lack of toughness on the 49ers
football team, you will end up in the museum (notice the unique chocobo flag
located conviently on the flag of the museum.. who said Square Soft wasn¹t

Run up the stairs and the guard will let you inside, since Aya is cute and all.
Once inside the museum, follow that fat blob Daniel up the stairs. He is running
pretty fast for a fat blob. The guard up here will ask you to sign in (probably
with phone number too). Go to the desk in the center of the room to sign up. Now
follow Daniel up the stairs (again). At the top of the stairs, enter the door he
is standing near. You will talk to that idiot Doctor Klamp about mitochondria,
and then he refuses to say any more (get used to that). At this point, leave the
museum and head back to the Police Department.

NYPD Police Department #17 Precinct
Weapons: none
Armor: none

Once you get back into the headquarters, follow Daniel inside, then go up that
hallway and enter the door at the end on the right hand side. Inside the room,
Captain Baker will inform everyone that Melissa will be playing tonight at
Central Park. Daniel will run off, and Captain Baker will tell you to watch over
him. He will also give you another Mod Permit, for no reason whatsoever. Nice
way to handle a story scene, Square Soft. Back in the main hallway, you will see
Daniel leave the building.

You will not want to follow him right now, though. First you are going to have
to get some goodies! Go down the stairs and head back into the Weapons Storage
Room. Get the medicine 1 and ammo from the chests if you want to, I always get
the ammo since it is free. I would give the Mod Permit to Wayne if you don¹t
plan on using it for the time being. You can always use it if you want, though.
After finishing here, you can leave the building, where Aya and Daniel, in a
squad car, zoom off. Head to Central Park.

Central Park
Weapons: M9 Handgun or P8 handgun, M203 Grenade Launcher
Armor: Sp Vest 1, Sv Vest 1

This is sort of a turning point in the game, as this is the first real dungeon
you have to prepare yourself for. Yes, Central Park can actually be considered
to be a dungeon in this game. How cool is that? Anyways, here in Central Park,
there is a huge wall of fire. Daniel will try to run in, but since he is human
he gets burned. And guess who gets to go inside instead?

Enter the park, go south a bit and you will see a parked car, with a phone (save
point). You can save if you want, then continue south. As you round the curve,
check the north side for a hidden chest containing ammo +6 or Medicine 1. Now go
back onto the main path and follow it north. At the next screen, keep going
right. You will see three gates. Check the gate on the left and you will get a
Medicine 1 or Ammo +6 (again). Check the gate on the right hand side for the
exact same thing. What a waste of time ^-^.

Now enter the center gate. In the next screen, open the chest that is near you
when you enter to get a M9 handgun or a P8 handgun. Either one is good, so make
sure to equip whichever one you receive from the chest. Go down the stairs and
circle around the fenced area, then take a left up the stairs. The screen
changes, and you will be able to see a phone straight ahead. Enter the door that
is right next to the phone. Inside the room, search the cabinet on the right for
a Sp Vest 1. Equip it, then turn right and open the drawer to get the Zoo Key.
Also, examine the stretcher from the top side and Aya will push it out of the
way. You can open up a cabinet here to get the kick ass Grenade Launcher, M203
style! Whooo!!!

Leave the room, and save if you want (I would recommend taking a few seconds to
save here). Keep heading right and enter the first door on your left. This door
will be unlocked because you have the Zoo Key now. Once you enter this gate, go
forward a bit and enter the forest area through the broken glass piece on your
left. Walk through the glass pathway on the right side and you can find some
chests containing a Medicine 2, Cure-P, and one chest contains a Defense +1 or
defense +2.

Go back outside and continue right. Instead of going north, open the chest
hidden behind a pillar for an Ammo +15, then keep going right. Go down the
stairs, look to the left for a chest containing a Tool (or Ammo +15). Now
continue to the right onto the next screen. This has got to be the epitome of
fun. Continue right, then go north up the stairs, then head north a bit and left
to go through an opening that is partially hidden by the roof.

Here, open the chest on the bottom left for a Medicine 2 (or Ammo +15). Go to
the right hand side of this area and there will be a red chest (wow) containing
an Ammo +15. Now go across the bridge on the north side of this section. Walk
onto the main path, go south, and then take the left path and head north through
the gate. This has got to be one of the more easier mazes I have ever seen in a
role playing game.. it will change soon enough, though.

Ignore the path that goes off to the left (we will be back there soon enough)
and continue to go north. In the next screen, continue north into the
Ampitheater. You should be able to tell now that we are nearing the end of the
Central Park fun. After watching Eve and regaining control of Aya, run back to
the right and into the previous screen. Run to the right through the door
labeled ³Backstage². Eve will flee, so follow her.

At this previous screen, go back to the south and take that path I told you not
to take before. It is to the left, so basically go south then take the path on
the left. Take the stairs up the structure. At the top of the stairs, search the
bottom right part of this area (which means you need to be underneath the top
part, in the bottom right hand corner) to find a chest containing a Revive. Now
search the upper left part for a chest containing an Ammo +15. Now continue
going north from the stairs.

You will see an oddly placed phone here and there will be another chest with an
Ammo +15. We are really loading up on ammo, eh? What is this, World War 3? In
any event, go back down the stairs and head left. The little girl will run away
from you for the fifth or so time. You can choose to follow her, but then you
will miss out on all the great items that can be found around here. So, let¹s
take a moment to find all the items here before following the annoying little
girl that always runs away when you confront her.

At the first intersection, take the south path. Follow it as it winds around
around to another intersection, in which you should go east. Continue along the
path as it bends south, then go left at the intersection. It bends back south
and leads you into another intersection, this one has four paths. Take the path
going to the Northeast to find a chest with an Ammo +15, then go back to the
intersection and take the west path to the next screen.

When you arrive at the new screen, there will be a red chest near you on the
north side of the road. Open it for a Sv Vest 1, equip it if you wish, then
continue west along the path. Cross the little bridge and take the stairs down
to get a Defense +1. Follow the path and keep going west at the intersection. At
the next intersection, instead of following that annoying little girl, head
north. Take a left at the intersection and go south to find a chest with a Tool
or Super Tool.

Go back up, left, and follow the path south, then continue west. Follow the long
path down and cross the bridge. When you get to the fountain, instead of going
up the stairs, go north from a fountain under the bridge. You will find two
chests containing a Defense +1 or Tool, and a PE +1 or CR Evade +1. After
picking up these items, continue going north. You will eventually run into a
phone. Save, because you are about to enter into battle with a boss (and a
pretty tough one, at that). When you have saved, head into the next screen where
you see a giant worm. BATTLE TIME!

Giant Worms
Level 13
120 HP, 150 HP, 180 HP, 210 HP

This Boss consists of four Giant Worms working in unison to bring about Aya¹s
destruction. At first, they are pretty slow and lazy, and they may or may not
attack. When they do attack, their projectiles are easily avoided. This is also
the best time for you to do some damage to the giant worms. Pick away at each of
the worms, but try not to destroy any of them. Once you have inflicted a lot of
damage to each of them, go ahead and finish one off.

The three remaining worms will grow in size, but will not regain their lost HP.
Continue to kill them off one at a time, until only one remains. Each time you
kill one, the remaining worms will grow larger and become more aggressive. Their
attacks will also get harder and harder to dodge. Just wait for a worm to appear
and attack, and then shoot a single round into its side. Shooting two is often a
waste, because the worms sometimes disappear before Aya can get off a shot.

When only one worm remains, it will take on a whole new attack pattern. It can
either shoot a spiked ball at Aya, attempt to grab her, or sweep the area using
its body. Keep a distance between Aya and the worm, and it will not attempt to
bite her. The spiked ball should also be easier to dodge now. The big problem,
however, is the sweeping attack. The only way to dodge it is to be as far away
from the worm as possible. However, this also means you will be out of range
when it is your opportunity to attack. Therefore, you will just have to bite
your lip and take the damage, relying on your Parasite Energy and Medicines to
save you. Just attack quickly with as many shots as you can, and the remaining
worm should fall easily.

After the fight, return to the pay phone and save again. Then cross over the
Giant Worm area and get ready for one seriously nasty ride.

Level 14
330 HP

This fight is tough, but only because Eve has Aya pinned down in the back of a
carriage. Try to keep as much distance between Aya and Eve as possible. Do this
by sticking to the four corners and watching Eve¹s shadow when she is not on
screen. Eve can hurt Aya by touching her or by bombing her from above. The
touching attack is no problem, just keep your distance. I advise standing on the
opposite end of the carriage during this attack.

To avoid the boom attack, as soon as Eve releases her energy, run to the
opposite corner and the attack should miss. If you are not in a corner when the
attack hits, you will have a tough time dodging the blast since it covers most
of the carriage. Counter Attack Eve whenever she floats back to the ground after
having used her bombing attack. You should be able to easily get off two shots
before Eve¹s next move.

After you beat Eve and she runs away, enjoy the following scenes, and there is
the Day 3 screen. Two down, four to go..


Weapons: M11 machine gun, Club 2, G19 Handgun
Armor: Cr Vest 1

The day begins with Aya waking up in a little house in Soho. There are some nice
graphics in this house, for sure. I especially like the little flaming trash
can. The exit is to your right, but before leaving, pick up the Ammo +30 in the
black chest by the door. You will see Maeda sitting outside, and then Daniel
will come up in front of the house. Head left, then check the floor around that
trash can for a Trading Card. At the next screen, try to open the door for the
Gun Shop. It is locked, so Daniel takes matters into his own hands by shooting
down the door.

Go inside the Gun Shop. No window shopping here, as everything is free! Right
when you enter, there is a camoflauged chest just to the south of the entrance
that contains a Bullet Cap +1 (or Bullet Cap +2 if you stand on top of your head
for 10 seconds). Go left and you will find another chest to your left that
contains a Tool. Now head to the Northeast corner of the shop and start picking
up the items in the chests. You will get a decent amount of items in here. Once
you pick up all the items in here, leave the gun shop, go back to the screen
where you started, and go right.

You will arrive at a Pharmacy. Take all the items in here, there is a decent
amount of them, and all are easily found for the most part. Make sure to enter
the upper left hand corner of the store for a CR Evade +1. Once you are done,
head to the front of the store. Walk behind the counter and pick up the Defense
+1 (or Defense +2 if the 49ers go on a winning streak). Now save and leave the
pharmacy. Return to where the squad car is waiting, and enter the car from the
Passenger¹s side.

American Museum of Natural History
Weapons: none
Armor: none

Just follow the story here, when you are done head back to the Police

NYPD Police Department #17 Precinct
Weapons: M92F Handgun, SG550 rifle, M9-2 Handgun
Armor: Cm Vest 2, N Jacket

You will find the Headquarters in disarray upon entering the station. Daniel
will run inside, so follow him in. Maeda will give you another worthless good
luck charm, which means absolutely nothing to the success in the game. After
receiving it, go inside. Go south and take a left to enter the locker room.
Check the lockers and the cop on the ground for some items. The second locker
from the right will have a Medicine 3, and the fourth locker from the right will
have a Cure-P or Medicine 2, but only if you did not open it on Day 2. Talking
to the fallen cop twice nets you an Ammo +6. Head back to the main hallway and
go south to the detective¹s office.

You will see Warner on the ground. Oh my, what could have possibly done that to
him? Talk to him twice and he will give you Ammo +15. Use the phone to save,
then return to the main hallway. Take the stairs down to the basement, and then
enter the Weapons room. Wayne will give you Torres¹s handgun, which is pretty
strong but it also has some weaknesses. Dropping off a lot of stuff here is a
good idea.

Leave the weapons room and go to the kennel, which is just north of the weapons
room and on the same floor. You will see Cathy lying on the ground. Talk to her
and she will tell you what happened. Talk to her again and you will get Ammo +6.
Just how does that work, anyways? Now go back up to the main floor. At the top
of the stairs, go north. You will see Nix in the background. Talk to him, and he
will tell you about Shiva, and this time he just gives you the Ammo +15. It¹s
about damn time. Instead of going up the stairs, head north to get the Cm Vest
2. Then go back to where Nix was, and head up the stairs.

Talk to the cop and he will give (gasp) you the ammo +6. Pass through the gate
and enter the door on the immediate right of the screen. There are some chests
in here, get them. Now go back into the main hallway, and head south, then head
west. In the next screen, enter the door to your north. The monsters will jump
out of the window, beat hem and get the Medicine 3 from the chest. Enter the
door at the north side and get the glimmering object, which turns out to be the
Storage Key.

Go back outside. At the T-Intersection, go left and enter the room there. You
will find a Medicine 3 and a CR Evade +1 (or 2 if the Red Sox beat the Cubs in
the World Series) in the bottom right hand corner, and you can also save your
game here. Once done, go back outside. Go north at the intersection and up the
stairs. View the Full Motion Video scene, then at the top of the stairs, take
the door to the right. You will find a Lab Tech who will heal all your wounds
only once. Make a decision to get healed or not, then go back outside and north
until you arrive at yet another intersection. There sure are a lot of those in
this game.

The fallen officer here will give you his Locker Key. It is about damn time. Now
go north through the double doors. Kill the monster here to get the SG550 rifle.
Then get the defense +1 from the chest, and talk to the cop for an Ammo +6. Go
to the upper right corner of this room, through a hard to see door, and pick up
the N Jacket in a small room. Go back and get healed by the Lab Tech if you
didn¹t before, and go back down to save.

Back at the intersection on the third floor, go east now. Now up the steps, you
can go forward and into the Morgue. In there, you can fight a battle and win a
few Medicine 3s and Full Cure. Or you can go left and fight the boss. The choice
is up to you, as usual. I would advise getting into the battle, then using the
Medicine 3s you win during the boss battle.

Level 18
400 HP (bottom, target 1), 200 HP (left, target 2), 300 (right, target 3)
1000 EXP for winning

Sheeva now has three heads and a heck of a temper, and she has several modes of
attack. Her lunge attack can cause as much as 60 points of damage, and her
ground attack is extremely tough, typically causing a little over 80 points of
damage. To make things even tougher, she shoots energy beams from the center of
her body.

Dodging the lunges is easy ­ just do not stand still in any one spot for too
long. The energy beams are also fairly easy to dodge if you keep moving and
staying out of corners. The real challenge is dealing with the ground attack.
The only way to dodge it is to be as far from Sheeva as possible, and this only
works if Shiva is in the opposite corner, which rarely happens. You can,
however, use the Barrier Parasite Energy to reduce or nullify damage, although
you will have to rely on medicines to heal Aya.

Concentrate your attacks on Sheeva¹s middle head (Target 1). It heals the other
two heads, so it is best to take it out first, and quickly. Once that head is
destroyed, you can destroy the other two fairly easily. Win the battle and you
will receive the M9-2 Handgun.

With the mutated Sheeva dead, go up to talk to Baker and Ben. Daniel will come
in shortly, and the Day 4 screen appears. 3 down, 3 to go..


NYPD Police Department #17 Precinct
Weapons: MPK5 machine gun
Armor: none

You will start off this day in Baker¹s office. Go outside to the main hallway
and enter the locker room, which is on the left-hand side. Use the Locker Key to
get the Trading Card. Go to the basement and, at the bottom of the stairs, go
north to the end of the hall and enter the Storage Room. You will find the big
old weapon known as the MPK5 machine gun. Equip it if you want, I would advise
equipping it though.

There is also an Offense +1 here, but you probably got that in Day 3. Talk to
Wayne, who is now the head man in charge since Torres is gone. There will be
some new options available to you, and the Trading Cards you picked up act as
Mod Permits now. Go up to the top floor and enter the Crime Lab. You will find
Maeda here. Go up to him and speak to him, then take the ammo +30 from Daniel,
and leave the headquarters. Next stop: St. Francis Hospital.

Saint Francis Hospital
Weapons: M79 Grenade Launcher, Micro UZ or M10 Handgun, G3A3 rifle, G23 handgun
Armor: B Vest 1, Sp Jacket

Head right a little bit and chat with Maeda. He will give you another useless
good luck charm before you enter the hospital. This time it is the Mayoke. Now
enter the hospital. Inside, take note of the telephone on the counter, because
you will be using it a lot. Go down to the waiting area, then up to the left,
and open the chest between the two elevators for an Ammo +15. Go up now, and
then take a left. Press the elevator button, then go inside. Press the button
inside and you will arrive at the basement.

Exit the elevator, then go down. Go up at the next screen, and then take the
first door on your right. The fun is just getting started here, as now you can
examine the glittering object on top of the shelf to get the Fuse 1, which will
come in handy. Then open the chest in the bottom right hand corner to get the
M79 grenade launcher. Search for the chest in the top right hand corner of the
room for an Ammo +30, then just leave by going out through the door in the upper
right hand corner.

Go up and follow that annoying little girl (yet again), and instead of
attempting to go through the locked double doors, go left towards another room.
Get the medicine 3 in the chest, then open the desk drawers on the right hand
side for a Autopsy Key, then use the phone to save. It is really important that
you save now, just in case you die in the upcoming sections of this tough
dungeon. Now leave the room through the right exit, pick up the defense +1, then
go through the door at the bottom right.

Keep going down, past the pathway that leads to the elevators, and
then take the first door on the right side (Aya will discard the Autopsy
Key now). Snatch the Offense +1 (or Offense +2 20% chance) in the bottom
right corner. Get the tool in the chest that's just a bit north, then go
through the door on the north side. Here, just go straight ahead, pick up
the Fuse 2 on top of the cabinet. There's also a chest in the bottom left
that contains a B Vest 1 (sometimes you'll get a Cr Evade +1, but I have never
gotten it). Check the burnt body for the Blue Cardkey, then leave the Autopsy

Back outside, run up all the way to the end of the hall and then turn
right (don't enter the door). Go up, and use the Blue Cardkey to unlock
the door. Go through the opened doors. Instead of chasing after the girl,
open the chest near the entrance for a Micro UZ or M10 machine gun. Go
down and examine the glittering object for an Offense +1 (20% chance of
getting Offense +2). Return to where you saw the annoying little girl, skip the
doors you entered from, and take the next door on the right. Go through the
glass doors and get the tool in the chest at the left. Check the desk on the
south side for a Medicine 2, then get the Fuse 3 at the bottom right, and
then leave through the doors you came in. This maze is really boring me right

Head north and you'll find the fuse box. Put in all three fuses,
repair the wires, then toggle the power on. Now go right, enter the
elevator and return to the main floor. Go back to the lobby and use the
phone to save, then enter the room to the north. Rescue the patient and
the doctor, then search behind the moved shelf at the north side of the
room for a Trading Card. Now check for a chest hidden behind the curtain
and beside the middle bed for a PE +1 (20% chance of PE +2 instead). Now
enter the other room at the bottom right. Save the nurse, get the Green
Cardkey from her, pick up the Sp Jacket from the chest lying beside the
right bed, then go back to the lobby.

Go left, past the elevators, and use the Green Cardkey to open the
doors. Run north, then enter the first door on your left. Go all the way
to the bottom of the room, then go to your right, pick up the Ammo +30,
and turn the handle on the leftmost valve. Leave this room, then open a
chest in the upper right corner for a Bullet Cap +1 or Range +1. Return
to the elevators and go up to the 13th floor.

At the 13th floor, you can keep running south to get a view of the
Chrysler Building. When you're done, take the door on the left (you can't
go through the right door because of the body). Get the G3A3 rifle from
the chest in the bottom left corner. Check the cabinets for a Tool. Now
walk up to the red arrow pointing right, turn right, and push the machine
out of the way, then press the red button that was previously concealed.
Also, check some of the desks on the north wall for a Medicine 3. Go
through the now opened doors.

There's a CR Evade +1 in the chest (or CR Evade +2 20% of the time).
Now go to through the hallway at the northeast. In the next screen, enter
the door on your right. A chest on the desk against the right wall
contains an Ammo +30. A little bit up there's a Cure-M in a chest on a
stool. Now examine the glittering object on the floor near the phone.
You'll find something out, and you'll also get a Junk. Go a little bit
right and then examine that shiny object to get an Elevator Key. Now
save, leave the room, and go north to the elevator. You'll arrive on the
roof, and then you'll be attacked by a boss. IT¹S BATTLE TIME!!

Spider Woman
Level 22
400 HP (first stage), 500 HP (second stage)
6500 EXP for winning

A large arachnid is waiting for Aya on the roof, and it is tough enough to find
a shoe big enough to smash this bug. In the first stage of this fight, try to
keep your distance from the Spider Woman. She will shoot webs at Aya that cause
damage and stiffness, which impairs your movement. The webs will remain on the
ground for several seconds after they have been shot and will still harm Aya
when touched. If you do get caught in a web, the Spider Woman will close in and

You will need a weapon with some range for this part of the battle. A rifle
works well, because its range is good enough to shoot over a web and still hit
the Boss. Between web shots, the Spider Woman will shoot flames. These are easy
to dodge if you keep your distance. When the webs disappear, put some distance
between you and the boss, because it is about to shoot three more webs.

After causing this boss significant damage, the view switches and you will fight
more of a close range battle with the Spider Woman. If you want, you can switch
to a short-range weapon with a faster reload time, like a handgun. Continue to
avoid the webs and fireballs and plug away at the boss in between its attacks.
It should fall quickly, leaving you with a G23 handgun.

As soon as Eve departs, run to the southwest corner to avoid the crash by
jumping onto the yellow scaffolding. A spider will attack Aya and send her
plummeting to Earth. Kill it quickly and Aya will throw the switch to end her

NYPD Police Department #17 Precinct
Weapons: none
Armor: none

As soon as you arrive at the Precinct, head down to the Weapon¹s Department and
unload some of your stuff. When you are finished, return to Baker¹s office to
get the latest news on the case. The Day 5 screen pops up. 4 down, 2 to go..


Chinatown and Chinatown Sewers
Weapons: M79-2 grenade launcher, M1911A2 handgun, M870 shotgun, M203-3 grenade
launcher, Club 3, M79-3 grenade launcher
Armor: Cr Protector, B protector

The day begins at the map of New York City. Your first stop in this long day is
Chinatown. When you get to Chinatown, keep going north until you reach the next
screen. Go north a bit and head to your left to get a chest, which contains a
Medicine 3. Next, head right, across the street, and get the chest, which
contains a PE +1 (or PE +2 when Jay Fielder wins NFL MVP). Go back into the
street and continue going north. In the next screen, go up and open the chest,
located near the left lamppost, to get an M79-2 grenade launcher. Go down a
little bit and pick up the Offense +1 in the chest. Save at the phone.

Keep going right until you find a secret area. Get the M1911A2 handgun in the
chest, and the Tool. Leave and go back into the street, where you should
continue north. You will meet up with that prick Maeda here. He will give you
another useless good luck charm. This time it is the Narita. Now pick up the
Ammo +30 in the chest in the upper left hand corner, then go down the sewers.

When you get to the bottom of the sewers, go right to an intersection, then go
down. In this tunnel, keep on heading downwards until you run into the next
intersection. Get the M870 shotgun from the chest on the south platform, then go
down some more until you come to an archway on the left hand side. To the right
hand side of you is a chest, which contains an Offense +2 or Defense +2, so make
sure to get it. Then go through the archway to the right hand side.

You are now in another tunnel. There is a shiny object on the ground that turns
out to be a tool. Get the Tool, then keep going north. At this intersection,
take the right path and you will run into a dead end. Get the Offense +1 or
Defense +1 in the chest, then head back to the previous screen. Go left at the
intersection now, and continue left until the next crossroads. Keep going left
at the intersection, and then go north at the next one.

Get the shiny object on the ground, which turns out to be a Range +1. Once you
get it, go back south to the previous intersection, and go left instead. In this
intersection, there are three ways you should go. Go west and get the grenade
launcher from the chest. Go south and you can pick up a Medicine 3. Then head
north to continue through this maze. Go north at the intersection and examine
the glittering item and you will get a Super Tool. Return south and then head
west. The object on the ground is a Cure-D.

Continue west at the intersection until you reach a dead end. Get the Medicine 4
here, then go back east, and then south. Get the Cr Protector in the chest at
the end of the tunnel, then go through the south exit. Go all the way south
until you can go south no longer, then climb up the ladder. At the top of the
ladder, go right, past the T-Intersection and open the chest for the Club 3. Now
go south from the intersection into the next screen.

Go forward and you will find the people from Central Park, and this time they
are all slimy. Definitely sick, but also cool in a strange sort of way. When you
regain control of Aya, first go right, then climb down the ladder. You will then
have to fight 2 of the alligator bosses you fought earlier. After beating them,
head up back the ladder, then go up, and take a right at the corner and go up
the stairs. At the top, enter the door in the upper right corner. Get the Ammo
+30 from the chest, then save via the phone.

Now examine the control panel. You will have to do this properly. Turn on the
power, activate both pumps, then turn off the power. Go through the door on the
north hand side. Cross the tunnel and enter the door on the other side, then run
up the stairs and through the door at the top. Cross the train tracks, then
climb up the platform. Get all the chests, and make sure to save via the phone.
Jump down the platform to get to the tracks on the left hand side, then go
north. Go right at the next screen to get a Medicine +3. Go right to the next

Level 26
500 HP (1st stage), 250 HP (head), 180 HP (tail), 120 HP (body), 120 HP (body)
10000 EXP for winning

The centipede¹s first stage has a major weakness. If you can stay along its
side, it will not be able to hit you with two of its attacks (biting and
electric bolts). However, you will still need to worry about its poison attack.
If you constantly move, you can dodge it. However, you must keep your eyes open
or you might run into it.

After causing enough damage, the Centipede will split into four parts that
circle the screen. At this point, I find it helpful to have a long-range weapon,
like a rifle. With this type of weapon, you can stand in the middle and hit the
mini-pedes, regardless of their position. When you target one of his minipedes,
make a mental note of its target number. By doing so, you will not feel like you
are playing three card monty, and you can kill each one off quickly.

If you examine the body parts more closely, the four parts consist of the head,
the tail, and two middle parts. The only poisonous part is the head. In fact,
you will probably spend a lot of Parasite Energy on Detox and Heal 3 until you
kill off one of the body parts. With one out of the way, run to the empty space
it previously occupied anytime the remaining parts stop to attack. This will
help you dodge them. When you win this fight, you receive the M79-3 grenade

After killing the boss, run to the right until you bump into a train,
go up, around and to the right of it, then go down, past it, and into a
train at the bottom right corner of the screen. There are three chests in
here. You'll find a B Protector, and one chest with a Tool. The third
chest contains either a Tool or a Super Tool (5% chance). Leave the
train, then go north to the bridge. Run across the bridge and examine the
body of the guard for the Gate Key.

Aya will notice the slime going towards the museum. Now go left, and that's the
end of disc one. Put in disc two, and go back to the subway. Run all the way
back to the train stop platform (where the phone was). Go south from the phone,
and then go up the stairs under the EXIT sign and you'll arrive back at the map
of New York City. Before you go anywhere else, you should head back to the
Police Department and drop off all your stuff.

Pier Number 3 Warehouse
Weapons: PPK handgun, M203-2 grenade launcher, AT4 rocket launcher
Armor: Cm Protector, Sp Protector

This area is completely optional, but if you go here, you can get some
good items, and also build up some levels in the process. If you decide
that you don't want to go, then skip this section and head straight to
the museum.

Upon going through the gate, swing to your right and open the chest
for a PPK handgun. Search somewhere behind the sliding metal door for a
Tool, then go up. The screen will shift and you'll be at the front of the
warehouse. Run up the steps and enter.

Go forward and check your left for a chest that contains the Cm Protector, then
continue north to the next screen. Here, you'll see a cat chasing a rat, and
then after some mutations, the rat will chase the cat away, heh. Kill the
mutated rat, then check the bottom right corner for a shiny object which turns
out to be a Warehouse Key. Go up a little bit and under the bridge. Right after
you pass the bridge, there's a chest to your right among the rubble that
contains a M203-2 grenade launcher. Even though the chest is in plain sight, you
might have trouble spotting it because it's camoflauged so well. Now go through
the door on the north side.

Keep going down and then enter the door under the red light. Head
left and open the chest for the Sp Protector, then go near the bottom
right corner and open the chest for a Rocket (hint hint). Go up the
stairs on the left side and save before continuing through the left door.
Also, after saving, go to the right of the phone, climb up the ladder and
open the chest for an Offense +2 or Offense +3 (10% of the time). Now go
through the left door.

Cross the bridge and enter the door on the other side. In the bottom
left corner of this room you'll find an Offense +2 or Defense +1. A chest
in the topright corner contains a Tool. The one in the topleft corner has
an Offense +2 or a Defense +2. There's also a chance you'll get a Defense
+3 (10% of the time). Once you've picked up all the items, go down the
elevator. Slide yourself down to the bottom, then go left. You'll be attacked by
the boss. IT¹S BATTLE TIME!

Level 32
856 HP (head), 420 HP (claws)
2510 EXP for winning

The Crab has three parts to it, two claws and the head. What you should
do is always stick to its side. It shoots out bubbles in a cone-shaped
direction in front of it that hits twice and lowers your defense. If
you're to its side, it won't hit you. It also has two physical attacks.
One is where it thrusts both its claws outward, and the other is a grab
and smack you to 1 HP move, but both can be avoided as long as you're to
its side. It has one more move where its eyes pop up and shoot lasers.
You can't avoid this if you're to its side, so once you see the eyes come
out, get as far away as you can from it.

If you get hit by them, then heal and get back to its side. Kill the claws
first, then go for the head. Once the claws are gone, the defense of the head
lowers. If you have Burst effect on your weapon, then you might be able to hit
both claws with one attack. Chances are that the far claw will be out of
range, though.

Note that you won't always be directly at its side because it's constantly
moving away from you. As long as you keep following it, though, you'll be safe,
because it stops when it's about to attack, giving you time to move in. Don't
attack it while it's moving, wait instead until it has attacked, and then
counter. When you win, you'll get the AT4 rocket launcher (ooh).

Once the crab is gone, go to the northwest. Watch the steam patterns.
When you think you've got it down, go in (while there's no steam), pick
up the shiny object (Tool), and get out. Return to the bottom right and
climb back up the elevator lift. Now leave the warehouse. If you're
thinking of equipping the AT4 right now, don't, because you won't find
rockets in abundance as you do Ammo. Save it for the boss fights.

American Museum of Natural History
Weapons: G22 or P220-2 handgun, M203-4 grenade launcher, MP5PDW machine gun,
M500 shotgun, Maeda's Gun, M8000 handgun, M9-3 handgun
Armor: N Suit, Sv Protector, B Jacket 1, Cr Vest 2

After finishing the warehouse, go to the museum. You may also want to
stop by the department first and drop off all your extra stuff.

Enter the museum now. In the lobby, head towards the top left, and
follow the person who slipped behind the door (save before you follow).
Run to the left in the next room and then go to the bottom left corner.
Off screen in the corner is a chest that contains a Medicine 4. Get it,
then take the door on the left. Go to the bottom left corner in this next
room and open the chest behind the frog exhibit for a Medicine 3. Enter
the doors at the north. You'll see the figure disappear behind a locked
door, and then you'll have to fight a pair of dinosaurs.

Once you kill them, go north near the middle of the room, and then check your
left and right side for chests. The left chest contains a Tool or Medicine 3.
The right chest contains either the G22 or P220-2 handgun. Go back south, return
to the lobby, and then save again. Take the north exit from the lobby, under the
stairs. In the next screen, you're in an area with lots of green growth. Examine
the machine on your right and you'll get a little quiz. Answer it correctly and
you'll get a prize. Answer incorrectly and you'll get a chance at another not-
so-good prize (check below for the answers).

When done, continue north while pressing against the "wall" on your right. After
a little bit of running, Aya should be able to get through, now go south and
east to get to a hidden room. Pick up the Ammo +30 and answer the next quiz. Now
go through the door on the right. Open the chest under the fire alarm for a
Defense +1, then go south to the opposite side and open that chest for an
Offense +1. Now run to the bottom right corner and get the N Suit in the chest,
then go south a little, turn to face the west side, and push the box out of
the way to reveal another room. Get the Trading Card and the Tool, then
go back to the green area. This time, go all the way north.

When you get out of the green area, continue north through the
passage, then turn left at the end. At the new screen, you'll see another
quiz here. Take it, or don't, then continue left and beat up the
scorpion. After it's gone, go left to the next screen. Take a right at
the canoe in the center of the room, going through the north exit. Go to
the bottom right corner, at the foot of the stairs, and open the chest
for an M203-4 grenade launcher. Instead of going up the stairs, go north
around them. When you get to the next screen (the place with all the
heads), just try to leave, and you'll be attacked by three armadillos.
Kill them, return to the previous room and now go up the stairs.

At the top, you'll see another quiz in the upper right corner. Go
south for a bit, then look to your left and right for two chests that may
be partially hidden. The left chest contains a CR Evade +1 or PE +1, the
right chest has an Offense +1 or Defense +1. Now go through the north
exit. Walk around the exhibits and take the door on the upper right
corner. Climb down the ladder, pick up the Offense +1 or Defense +1 in
the chest, then go through the door. Pick up the tool hidden by the left
head, then climb back up the ladder to the second floor.

Climb up to the third floor now. Pick up the Rocket in the chest, then
go through the door back inside. Take the quiz in the lower right corner,
then go through the exit at the southwest. In the next room, you'll find
another quiz in the bottom right corner. Take it, then leave the room
through the south. You'll see some stairs to the second floor. Go down
them, pick up the Revive inside the chest, then go back to the third
floor. Now take the exit to your right.

Inside the next room, a pterodactyl will crash into the room and
attack you. Kill it off, pick up the Medicine 4 in the chest, then
continue going right. When you get to the room with the fall dinosaur
fossils, go south (or continue to go south, rather). Take the door on the
west side of the room. Open the chest for the Sv Protectorby the smashed
window, then climb through the window. Run across the ledge to the right,
jump down to the second floor, and then climb through the window.

After going through the window, go through the east door. You'll find
yourself outside of Klamp's Office, but it's locked, so take the path
leading north. Check under the tent labeled Museum Shop for a Defense +1
and a Tool, then continue north. Run down the long hallway and take a
left at the end. At the red carpet area, take the door on the north.
Examine the monitors, and examine the blinking object to the right of the
monitors, then deactivate the alarm. Open the chest on the left for an
MP5PDW machine gun, then use the phone to save (finally!).

Before leaving the room, stand in front of the alarm, then run to the
right. When you can go right no more, head south (you're off the screen),
and then examine everything around there until you appear in the
elevator. Move it to the fourth floor. You'll come into a secret room
where you can pick up some various items. Among them are the Tool, M500
shotgun, B Jacket 1, and Cure-D. Now go back to the second floor. Leave
the monitoring room and head back to Klamp's office (go right from the
red carpet area).

In Klamp's office, just watch the events as they happen. You'll come
out with the Klamp Key and Maeda's Gun. Outside of the office, go through
the door at the bottom left. Also note that the stairs are no longer
blocked, but don't go up them. In the next room, keep going left and
unlock the door with the Klamp Key. Do the quiz in this room, then take
the door north. When you come up in the next room, walk to the center of
the room and you'll be attacked by the Triceratops. IT¹S BATTLE TIME!

Level 33
750 HP (1st stage), 900 HP (2nd stage)
50,000 EXP for winning

The Triceratops can cause a lot of damage in a short period of time. Its bolt
attack can inflict as much as 150 points of damage, as can its charge attack.
Make sure you have plenty of health at all times, and use your Parasite Energy

At first, the Triceratops will charge toward Aya so fast that she will not be
able to dodge it unless you use Haste. When it wears off, continue to reuse it.
At the start of the fight, the Triceratops will only charge at Aya once, and
then wander around. However, as you cause more and more damage to it, it will
increase the number of times it charges in a row. Choose your slots wisely, or
you could be left standing in his path.

Dodging the bolt attack is easy. As soon as it begins to charge up the attack,
run over and stand close to and just a bit to the side of the Triceratops¹s
head. When you find the correct spot, the bolt will harmlessly pass around Aya.
Once the beast¹s head is gone, it becomes susceptible to cold attacks. This
being the case, you might want to equip a weapon with Freezing Rounds. The
Triceratops¹s freezing attack slows down considerably, so you will not need to
use Haste anymore. Also, this ammo causes it to shoot balls nearly nonstop. Use
the same strategy to dodge the bolts, and the dinosaur should quickly fall.

With the Triceratops dead, go back down the stairs to the lobby and save again.
Do _not_ go south otherwise you will have to fight another boss without saving!
After you've saved, go back to the Triceratops room and try to go south. You'll
be knocked all the way down to the first floor. Pick up the Ammo +30 and
Medicine 4, then run to the right. You'll be attacked by the T-Rex. IT¹S BATTLE

Level 35
2400 HP

This guy is even tougher than the Triceratops (that is, if you thought
the Triceratops was tough). In the beginning, it will work on shooting
flames at you. The flames cover nearly the entire room in front of it, so
if you don't want to be burned, then stay behind it. The best thing to do
is stay near its left side and more behind than in front of it. That way,
when it shoots the flames, you won't have to worry about getting into

Sometimes it will jump to the other side of the screen and
follow with the flame attack. When it does that, just quickly run back to
position so you won't get hit. The flame attack can hit multiple times at
about 150 damage each, and you can take up to 750 damage if you're
standing in front of it when it fires, so you definitely don't want to
get hit. Its other moves consist of a normal biting attack which is
easily dodged and one where it shoots two bolts of energy at you. It's
not as easily dodged, but the damage is bearable.

To dodge, watch when it's about to shoot the balls, then start running away from
it. When they actually start coming at you, start running towards it and then a
little bit to the side. To kill it, just keep shooting at it from its side with
your strongest handgun (using anything else is too risky as they fire too
slowly) or machine gun. If you happen to have Liberate by now, use it,
and the battle will be over. You'll get the M8000 handgun when you win.

Run to the bottom left corner, then enter the doors at the south wall.
You'll end up back in the lobby. Save, then go into the elevator and go
to the fourth floor. There's a chest here that contains a Full Cure or
Full Recover. Get it, then go back into the elevator and head to the
second floor.

Out of the elevator, go west two rooms, then go north. Head up the
stairs back to the Triceratops room. Now go south (you won't be rammed
this time) to the next room. After the "earthquake", you'll notice the
window on the west side is shattered. Go through it, then turn south.
You'll find two chests with a Tool and an M9-3 handgun inside. Also,
before going up the stairs, go north again, down the stairs, and south to
the room with the quiz. You'll find broken glass in this room, too. Go
through it and head to the bottom left corner of the room. In the two
chests you'll find a Cr Vest 2 and a Super Tool. After getting them, go
back to the room where the "earthquake" occured and up the stairs.

Go through the door on the north, and watch the events take place. Aya
will automatically leave the Museum after that. View all the cool FMV's
and Aya will be brought to an aircraft carrier outside of New York City.
Eventually you'll be able to save, and after that, you'll be at the
Statue of Liberty.

Also, here are the answers to the Quiz questions in the Museum.

-How many animals are hiding?

-The name of the organelle that appeared in the first organism?

-What was the nutritional source of the first organism that lived 3.9
billion years ago?
Nitrogen oxides from volcanoes

-The mitochondria creates ATP (adenosine triphosphate) within the cell.
How much energy is this equivalent to?
200,000 V per cubic cm

-By taking mitochondria, which uses oxygen as its nutritional source,
into the body and living with it symbiotically, the bacteria has
acquired a tremendous amount of energy. What was the consequence?

-In 1987, Cann & Wilson released a theory stating that humans were
derived from Mitochondria eve. Which organism is thought to be
Mitochondria Eve?
An African female

-25 Million years ago, oxygen increased in the air. Why?
Photosynthesis by bacteria

The Statue of Liberty

You will land at the base of the Statue of Liberty. Before going north,
check everything you can think of, because the upcoming battle is tough.
Once you're ready, go north and you'll confront Eve for the final time.

Level 37
1900 HP (Top), 1750 HP (Middle), 1600 HP (Bottom)
0 EXP for winning

There are three parts to Eve, so you should use a weapon with the Burst
effect (probably a shotgun unless you moved it to another). Also, if you
have it, now is a good time to use your AT4 rocket launcher. Eve has many
attacks. One is where she shoots a pair of energy balls at you, four
times in succession. You can dodge them by standing in between them, but
it's much easier to avoid them by continuously running to either side.
She also sprays needles around the whole screen in a circular fashion.
Just run away from them, but angle yourself so that you're also running
towards Eve.

(Simple Geometry has it that as the radius of a circle becomes smaller, the
circumference gets smaller. The closer you are to Eve, the less distance you
have to cover, giving you more time to outrun the needle spray. If you're
farther away, and you don't get close, then you'll probably get hit.) And then
there's a move where Eve spins around in place and shoots boomerangs in the air
which rain down back on Aya.

They're pretty hard to dodge, but if you get directly under Eve, then you
shouldn't get hit. Just remember to back off when she stops firing. Eve
also has several close up attacks. You can tell when they're coming when
waves of energy eminate from Eve's "tail". The only way to avoid this is
to STAY AWAY from her the instant you see her. If you're far away enough,
then her melee attack won't come out. If you get caught, though, then
you're in trouble.

Among her melee attacks are a multi-hit hurts-a-lot move, another multi-attack
which doesn't have as many hits, but confuses you, and one where she just smacks
you to one HP. The strategy to beat Eve goes as follows. Run in a counter-
clockwise direction around Eve.

Make sure you're always moving. When she attacks, position yourself
correspondingly so that you don't get hit (easier said than done, but do
your best). Once her attack comes out, get in range, and then shoot her.
The bottom section has the least HP, so get rid of that first. By the
way, you should have the Liberate spell at this point. Use it. It will
help a lot. When yon win, you'll have to fight Eve in a different form.

Level 35
2200 HP
0 EXP for winning

This fight is a little bit easier, but Eve is still deadly. Now she can fly
around the screen so fast that Aya sometimes has trouble drawing a bead on her.
This also makes it easier for Eve to fly in and out of your targeting dome, so
be careful when you shoot! Never shoot more than twice, I will tell you why

Eve has three basic attacks. Her physical attack is a quick blow that can hit
Aya and poison her. It is tough to dodge because it is so fast. Just keep moving
at all times, and she should get off with only one hit. Eve can also hit Aya
with a paralysis attack that cannot be dodged. Two things can happen with this
attack: Either Aya will get paralyzed, thus stopping her mobility, or she will
just get slowed down. Both effects are harmful, so you should use a Cure-M or
Medic to get rid of the effect.

Eve¹s final ­ and deadliest ­ attack is her energy javelin. Occasionally, she
will fly off screen and the camera will show a close up view of her as she
throws her javelin. This attack inflicts area damage, so the closer Aya is to
the impact point, the more damage she will take. This serves as a prime example
of why you need to keep Aya mobile. Eve loves to paralyze Aya and then hit her
with the Javelin, which can cause 400 plus points of damage.

The key thing to remember when Eve launches her energy javelin is that you still
have control of Aya even though you cannot see her. It is best to stay in a
corner so that when Eve begins to launch her attack from the sky, you can run to
the opposite side. Do not stop running until the attack has exploded! If you can
get away far enough, Aya will not take any damage!

Earlier I mentioned that you should only shoot Eve twice each turn. That is
because you never know when Eve is going to try the javelin, and you cannot
control Aya when she is shooting. If you have programmed Aya to shoot several
shots and Eve takes off, you will miss Eve and Aya will not move until she is
done shooting even though you cannot hear or take the shots. So take quick shots
and never get stuck in one place for too long.

To make things really quick, use the Parasite Energy Liberate. This will cause
over a thousand points of damage to Eve, but it will also deplete all of Aya¹a
Parasite Energy. It is, however, still worth the risk. After the attack, you
will only need to hit Eve a few more times to finish her off.

There you go, you beat her, the Day 6 screen pops up. 5 down, 1 to go.. ^_^


Navy Cruiser
No Weapons
No Armor

The day begins with Aya standing by the rail of a navy cruiser. After
talking to Daniel a bit, go through the door to your left. You'll see
Wayne and Maeda talking. When Maeda leaves, talk to Wayne and drop off
all your excess equipment and pick up any Medicine you might have. When
you're done, Wayne will offer to rename one weapon and one piece of armor
at your choosing. Once done, use the phone on the left to save, then
leave the room. Some more scenes will take place, and after a while, the
final battle will commence.

The Ultimate Being
Level: 37
HP: 1500
EXP: 0
The Ultimate Being looks pretty revolting. Don't let that stop you,
though. In fact, this battle is quite easy. All he does is float around
like a pansy and attack occasionally. His attack is a shockwave that
eminates from himself, spreading out to damage everything within a
certain radius. To avoid it, all you have to do is to figure out which
corner he's furthest from, and run there before he attacks. If he shoots
the wave before you get to the corner, then don't worry. As long as
there's some distance between you two while it fires, then you can outrun
it as long as you keep heading for the corner.

After it fires, run up to it and shoot it. You can fire quite a few shots. Three
or four is fine, but if you're really paranoid, you can stick with one shot, but
there's really no need. After firing, the Ultimate Being will float around
someplace else, in which you should move to the corresponding corner and
prepare for the next attack, then repeat the pattern. It also has an
attack that is unavoidable and brings you down to 1 HP, but luckily, it
is used very occasionally. When you see it about to do its 1 HP attack
(it drops to the ground), then you could cast a Barrier at that instant.
It uses up less PE than healing yourself back to full.

The Ultimate Being
Level: 37
HP: 1500 (Top), 950 (Bottom)
EXP: 0
There are two parts to this boss. It's also fairly easy, though not as
easy as the previous form. Its attack is a pair of lightning bolts it
shoots from its hands four times in a row. You can either get between
them or just avoid them altogether. Getting between them is a bit
difficult because it swings the bolts in a direction, and so you'll have
to move with them. If you can get outside of the bolts (on the other side
of the direction he swings it), then you won't have to worry about it.
Remember, however, that he shoots four times in a row, so don't let up if
you've managed to dodge one, keep running circles around him (the
opposite direction the bolts are going).

Also, the closer you are to it, then the easier it is to dodge (and it also has
a chance of going over you, missing you completely). Actually, it's best to stay
close to it, and once you see the bolts about to come out, start moving. Its
other attack is just three bolts that sort of home in on Aya, but they can be
dodged easily. After dealing enough damage to one section, both sections
split apart and move and attack independently. This stage is a lot
harder. The flying part will either try to run into you or shoot a string
of bullets at you.

It follows you as it shoots, so just run as fast as you can away from it. If
that wasn't bad enough, the part that's crawling on the ground will shoot a
purple beam that reaches from one corner all the way to the opposite corner. It
can also sweep its purple beam around the screen. To dodge, just run away from
the beam while at the same time running towards the baby (so you can outrun it
faster). If you kill the baby first, then the other part will die, too, and the
battle will end. If you kill the flying section, you'll still have to kill the
baby. For a quick battle, as always, use Liberate.

The Ultimate Being
Level: 38
HP: 3500
EXP: 0
This form reminds me of Tyrant from Resident Evil 1. Anyway, it's
probably the toughest form, also. It has several moves. One is a two-hit
combo. It quickly rushes up to you and hits you twice. You can avoid this
by running away from it when you see it start to speed up. As it
approaches you, it will stop to attack you. If you keep running, it will
land behind you. As for the second attack, after the first one comes out,
angle yourself away and to the side when you run, and the second attack
should miss you by a hair.

It has another attack where it flies to one corner and shoots several large
balls at you that. When you see that it's about to fire, start running towards
it. If you're really close to it, then the balls will miss you. You might get
hit for about 15 points of damage, but it's preferred than losing 250 HP. Oh,
yeah, this one also has a 1 HP attack and a half HP attack.

The Ultimate Being
Level: ??
HP: 8000
EXP: 0
This form is pretty easy. It has four extensions that can't hurt you, but
fly around and shoot easily avoidable lasers. Each shot you hit it with
does 1 point of damage. It's best to switch to a machine gun now, as they
can shoot up to 7 times in a row. Just dodge and shoot, and you'll
eventually kill him.

Just kidding! Once you do about 20 damage, Daniel will come down and
throw you some special bullets. You'll automatically switch to Maeda's
Gun, loaded with the special clip. Each hit here does 999 damage! Kill

So now the Ultimate Being is dead... not quite. You now have to find the engine
room and destroy the ship, and the Ultimate Being with it. Once you regain
control of Aya, RUN to the door on your left (where you talked with Wayne).
Inside the room, Aya will notice the map and realize she has to go to the engine
room (okay, so I spoiled it, sorry). Go through the door that was blocked

Go through the door and immediately start running up. At the intersection, turn
left. At the next screen, go UP. It may look like left is the way, but trust me,
hold UP in the control pad and go through the door on your right at the end of
the hallway. In the next screen, hold right for just a fraction of a second,
then go down the stairs. Go through the door on the left.

In the next screen, immediately head right, then go up at the T-intersection. At
the end of the passage, climb down the ladder. At the bottom of the ladder, go
down and access the control panel. The Ultimate Being will crawl near you after
you do that. You'll have to do something scary... run around the Ultimate Being,
then turn left. It will freeze for a moment, however, allowing you to run past.
Go down now and then up the ladder.

At the top of the ladder, keep running down and go through the door.
Continue going down to the end of the hall, then through the door on your left.
In the next screen, run to the left for a fraction of a second, then go up the
stairs (or rather, DOWN them), then through the door on the right. At the final
screen, keep running left. Make it through the door, and you've finished the

After watching the ending and the credits, you'll be awarded a mess of
Bonus Points, and also be given the option of saving the game so that you
may begin again in the EX Mode. The EX Mode is theoretically the same as
the normal game. The difference is that you can access the Chrysler
Building when you get to the World Map now. Also, the enemies in the game
become harder and they have more HP than before. Oh, and did I mention
you keep all the items you picked up in the normal game? Even though the
enemies are tougher, with the M8000 handgun in possession, you can breeze
through the game up to about day five.

I can now officially say,


== 4.0 GUIDES ==


Age: 25
Height: 5¹3²
Weight: 106 lbs.
Description: Aya is a rookie cop who has not yet proven herself or develop a
cop¹s instincts. Her partner and mentor, Daniel Dollis, is always watching out
for her, but he is sometimes a little too protective. Aya has spent most of her
life in foster homes due to a horrible car wreck that claimed the lives of her
mother and sister.

Age: 32
Height: 5¹11²
Weight: 114 lbs.
Description: Melissa is a budding actress plagued by medical conditions and
problems. Although she finally landed a role that could be her big break, her
need for constant medication could end up getting in the way.

Age: 42
Height: 5¹11²
Weight: 209 lbs.
Description: This dedicated officer has been on the police force for many years.
Now with a new partner to guide and protect, he is more dedicated than ever.
Although he is a devoted father, he often sacrifices family time for his job.
His dedication to the profession has contributed heavily to his current family

Age: 35
Height: 5¹7²
Weight: 115 lbs.
Description: Maeda is a Japanese scientist who flew to New York as soon as he
heard about the Eve incident. He is very knowledgeable about Eve¹s past attacks,
and wants to help put an end to her madness.

Age: 37
Height: 5¹7²
Weight: 141 lbs.
Description: Doctor Klamp is a research scientist who spends most of his time
locked away inside his lab at the Museum of Natural History. He holds key
information that could help put an end to Eve once and for all, but as usual he
is not talking.

Age: 41
Height: 5¹7²
Weight: 243 lbs.
Description: Captain Baker joined the police force at the same time as his old
friend, Daniel Dollis. As time passed, Baker¹s career took off and he lost touch
with most of his friends. Now he is seen as a tough, cold character who lost
touch with the little guys.

Age: 27
Height: 5¹7²
Weight: 148 lbs.
Description: Wayne is a rebellious young cop with a passion for firearms. His
passion is so powerful that he actually collects gun trading cards. It may be
his ultimate goal to create his own line of high-powered weapons. Wayne is
responsible for the police station¹s Weapon Department.

Age: 48
Height: 5¹3²
Weight: 137 lbs.
Description: Torres works closely with Wayne and does his best to keep Wayne¹s
gun obsession under control. Torres is a seasoned cop, but his career took a
sudden turn after he lost his daughter in a gun mishap. Sworn to never fire
another gun again and to help keep the gun problem under control, he took a job
in the police station¹s weapon department.

Age: 8
Height: 3¹11²
Weight: 71 lbs.
Description: Ben is the son of Daniel and Lorraine Dollis. He hangs out at the
police station sometimes, but lately is just been trying to get his father¹s

Aya¹s mother; killed in a car accident.

Aya¹s sister; killed in a car accident.

Daniel Dollis¹s ex wife.

A seasoned cop with a lot of attitude.

An open-minded cop.

A warmhearted and always helpful cop.

== 4.1 EX GUIDE ==

Actually, the Chrysler Building is the thing most worth noting in the
EX-mode. Start a new game through EX-mode, and the Chrysler Building will
be on the map of New York City. You can go there any time during Day 2
(which is the first time you see the map of the city) and on. It is not
wise, however, to go there in the beginning of the game. Although you'll
have your best weapon and armor from last game, you do not keep your
levels, and even a good armor does not offset low hit points. Also, you
should accumulate a large amount of ammunition before entering, otherwise
you'll run out after climbing the first few floors.

A good way to go about this is to play through the game again. The
monsters, although they are tougher (more HP, harder attacks), are pretty
easy since you have the M8000, and you also get a mass amount of bonus
points at the end of each day. By the time you kill the T-Rex again,
you'll be at least level 30, collected a lot of ammunition, weapons, and
armor. Don't go to the top floor of the museum, otherwise you won't be
able to go back to the map of New York City before the game ends.

Now you're ready to enter the Chrysler Building. Notice that the
monsters here are much harder than the ones you'll find elsewhere, and
they give low experience, too, making this a bad place to gain levels. On
every floor is a storage room where you can find good items, an elevator
that requires a key to operate, and stairs to the next floor. Every ten
floors is a boss fight, and when you win, you'll get the key to operate
the elevators for the previous ten floors.

Each "package" is randomly determined for every ten floors. You might find
one package on the second floor, or on the ninth floor, but never on the
nineteenth floor. Also, for every Offense, Defense, PE, CR Evade, etc.,
you may get a +1, +2, +3 or +4 each time you pick up, so I won't bother to
include that from now.

Floors 2-10

PE, M79-4 grenade launcher, Kv Jacket
Bullet Cap, Range, Rocket Ammo, Tool
CR Evade, Offense, USP-2 handgun, Tool
M1911A4 handgun, Sp Vest 2, Tool, Tool
CR Evade, M16A2 rifle, Tool
P38 T Card, CR Evade, PE, P228 handgun
CR Evade, Sv Jacket
Defense, PE, P226 handgun
Bullet Cap, Offense, Offense

Floors 11-20

Defense, Cr Jacket
Tool, Treasurebox (monster)
M203-5 grenade launcher, Tool, Tool
Bullet Cap, M96 handgun, Tool
Kasul T Card, Offense, Rocket Ammo
Defense, Club 4, Super Tool
AM44 handgun, P229 handgun
PE, Sp Suit 1
Bhawk T Card, Range, Full UZ machinegun
Kv Suit 1, Tool

Floors 21-30

Tool, Treasurebox (monster)
PPKS T Card, Tool, Tool
Bullet Cap, Tool, Super Tool
CR Evade, Mark 23 handgun, Super Tool
Offense, M870-2, Tool
Defense, Type64 rifle
Cm Jacket, Treasurebox (monster)
M1 T Card, Offense, B Jacket 2
CR Evade, Range
M79-5 grenade launcher, Sv Suit 1, Tool

Floors 31-40

Bullet Cap, PSG-1 rifle, Full Cure, Tool
Cm Suit 1, Full Recover, Tool
Defense, Sv Suit 2, Rocket Ammo, Tool
BAR T Card, MK5 T Card, MP5A5 machinegun, Sp Armor 1
Tool, Treasurebox (monster)
MP44 T Card, Treasurebox (monster)
MG42 T Card, CR Evade, Defense, M1911A5 handgun
Range, Maverick shotgun
Kv Armor 1, Treasurebox (monster)
Tool, Treasurebox (monster)

Floors 41-50

M29 T Card, SAR rifle, Tool

M73 T Card, PE, AT4-1 rocket launcher, Super Tool
Bullet Cap, Tool
Cr Suit 1, Treasurebox (monster)
USP-3 handgun, Treasurebox (monster)
Offense, Range, Cm Armor 1, Rocket Ammo, Tool
Treasurebox (monster), Treasurebox (monster)
Tool, Treasurebox (monster)
B Suit 1, Treasurebox (monster)
Offense, G20 handgun, Sv Armor 1, Tool

Floors 51-60

Type38 T Card, CR Evade, Sp Armor 2
MP5SD6 machinegun
B Suit 2, Treasurebox (monster)
M712 handgun, Treasurebox (monster)
PE, S12 shotgun, Cr Armor, Full Recover
Treasurebox (monster), Treasurebox(monster)
Full Cure, Treasurebox (monster)
FA-MAS rifle, Treasurebox (monster)
Defense, Range
Tool, Tool, Tool

Floors 61-70
PE, M500 shotgun, M500-2 shotgun, Full Recover
Defense, Treasurebox (monster)
Treasurebox (monster), Treasurebox (monster)
Range, XM177E2 rifle, Full Cure, Tool
Treasurebox (monster), Treasurebox (monster)
Bullet Cap, Cm Armor 2, Super Tool
M96R handgun, B Armor, Tool, Super Tool
Type3 T Card, Treasurebox (monster)
Eagle T Card, PE, Club 5, Cr Armor 2
Offense, M203-6 grenade launcher, Sv Armor 2

Every ten levels there is a boss. They can get pretty annoying since
you can't save before the fight. Kill them to get the keys to the

10th Floor

Level: 24
HP: 1000
EXP: 100
This spider is the same as the one you fought on the roof of the hospital.
It should be pretty easy by now, especially since you have a good weapon.
There's also less room to move around, so the fireball is a little harder
to dodge, but you can always heal.

20th Floor

Level: 29
HP: 1200, 1200
EXP: 300
Again, these guys are just like the one you fought against in the Carnegie
Hall Sewers. Each have only one target, and although there are two of
them, the fight should still be easy.

30th Floor

Level: 34
HP: 1500 (first stage), 1200 (head), 800 (tail), 600 (body), 600 (body)
EXP: 800
This is the same as the boss you fought in the Subway on day five. I don't
know what more to say. :( Actually, the first part is pretty easy. Just
stick to its side and it won't be able to hurt you by lunging. The fight
gets hard when it splits up into four separate parts. Kill one part as
quickly as you can so you'll take less damage when you get hit. Also, if
he head hits you, you'll be poisoned, and if the tail hits you, you'll be
blinded. Same strategy, though. If you don't get hit, you won't be

40th Floor

Level: 39
HP: 1600 (first stage), 1600 (second stage)
EXP: 2,500
Again, this is the same Triceratops you beat in the Museum on day five.
For some reason, this boss is easier than the one on the 30th floor. Using
the Mark 23, I killed the first stage before it got two attacks out. In
the second stage, the triceratops attacks more often, and uses only the
lightning bolts, and no longer charges. Still, it should be no trouble.
And although this is like the one you fought in the Museum, freezing
rounds do no special damage to it.

50th Floor

Level: 49
HP: 4200 (main), 1200 (hatchling)
EXP: 5,000
Ah, finally an original boss here. At first, only one roach appears, and
it has only one attack, which is swiping you with its antenna. To avoid,
_simply_ run away from the roach if it's approaching you. It will run up
to you, and then attack with its antenna. If you start running by the time
the attack is already coming out, you won't make it. After you deal a
certain amount of damage, the roach will fly into the air and another
roach will hatch out of an egg. The groundling roach is just like the
original one when it was on the ground. The now airborne roach attacks by
shooting white fire at you. There's nothing special you need to do to
avoid it. Just don't get hit by it.

60th Floor

Level: 59
HP: 6400 (head), 1600 (claws)
EXP: 10,000
The Crab is very similar to the crab in the Warehouse. Note that this one
moves a LOT faster, so you have to use Haste to keep up. Otherwise, the
strategy is the same as before. Stay to its side, kill the claws first,
then the defense of the head lowers, then destroy the head. Although its
eye lasers are nothing to worry about, the bubble attack does an insane
amount of damage, so you should be extra careful when dodging.

70th Floor

Level: 74
HP: 12000 (Main), 600 (Small), 1200 (Large)
EXP: 20,000
This battle is really tough. Hopefully you saved up a good amount of
Medicine 4 and Revives during your flight up the last ten floors. The main
bee (the largest one) has three attacks. The first is where it shoots a
wall of orange light at you, and then two sickles fly out after it. Just
one hit from one of them alone deals over 500 damage. The wall is pretty
easy to dodge if you're not caught shooting, so don't go crazy firing at
it. Whichever side of the screen you're standing on, the bee will move to
the top of that side, and fire the wall at you. From here, just run to the
opposite side of the screen, and the wall should come out once you're out
of range.

Continue running and the sickles will miss you, also. The second attack is
unavoidable once it comes out. It paralyzes you for several seconds, allowing
the other bees to get licks on you, and then a white light deals around 400
damage to you. Not much you can do about this. But I _think_ the main bee uses
this only when it's in the center of the screen _and_ when you're in front of
it. The third attack is a lame swipe with its leg which is easily avoided. As
for the small bees, they fly around stinging you occasionally. Again, they're
easy to dodge unless you're caught shooting.

Getting hit by the stingers will poison you. The small bees can also heal the
main bee for 200 points of damage.

Unfortunately, once you kill the small bees, more take their place. Also,
there are large bees that don't appear as often. They're pretty easy to
avoid since they're so slow, but they have range attacks to use when
you're far away. Getting hit by their ranged attacks will confuse you.
Each bee alone isn't too tough, but all of them in one fight makes a very
tough battle. It's best if you have the burst effect on your weapon so you
can hit the main bee and the healer bees with one shot, otherwise it will
take forever to take away all 12000 of its hitpoints.

77th Floor

Level: 99
HP: 45000
EXP: 0
Ahh, the final showdown with Eve. This battle is really tough. Hopefully,
you've been stocking up on Medicine and Revives, and that you've upgraded
your weapon pretty good (300+ Attack) or else the fight will be over
quickly (for you). Anyway, the first thing you should note is that Eve has
a little helper. You should NEVER attack Eve while the helper is on the
screen, or else the helper will heal Eve in increasing increments (1000,
2000, 3000, etc). Basically, you should only attack Eve right after she
completes an attack, or immediately after the helper has left the screen
(make sure its shadow is completely gone before you start shooting, just
to be safe).

In the beginning, Eve will float around, and then teleport right next to you.
Quickly run away from her. Eve will teleport and appear right next to you again,
and immediately follow with an attack. To dodge this attack, run a clockwise
circle around Eve. Once she misses her attack, shoot her as much as you possibly
can, but stop when she teleports (away from you, this time). After teleporting
away, Eve will float around again, and may use her teleport attack on you again,
or she may also call down her helper to inflict a status ailment on you. Once
you bring Eve down to two-thirds of her hitpoints, Eve will start using another

The helper will come down and charge Eve up for an attack. When this
happens, Eve will float to a corner, charge up, and then fly to the other
side of the room, ramming you, and knocking you down to 1 HP and removing
all status benefits. I found this impossible to dodge, even with haste.
However, after charging up, Eve will be stunned, allowing you to get a
good deal of hits on her. Once she regains composure, though, stop firing,
and wait to see what she'll do next. Also, Eve's teleport attack will have
another hit. First, she'll teleport near you and attack (still run
clockwise to dodge it), and then teleport near you again and kick at you.
To dodge the kick, you have to run counter-clockwise. I found it possible
to dodge only with haste on. When Eve is at a third of her hit points,
she'll use her charge-up ramming move without her having to call on the
helper. In addition, the teleport attack will have another attack. After
the kick comes out, she'll teleport near you again, and try to hit you
with a somersault kick. Dodge this by running to the side in either

When I saw Eve teleporting right next to me, I immediately casted Haste so
I would be able to dodge the following attacks more easily. After she
missed, I would shoot her until she teleported away. When the helper came
down, I'd wait until it left, then start shooting Eve again. When I saw
Eve preparing for her charge-up attack, I'd switch to a different armor,
and then switch back to get my PE moving again. After getting hit, I'd
cast Preraise (just in case), let the autocure kick in, and shoot her
about six times. Sounds pretty simple, right? Well, seeing as how she has
so many hitpoints, it might take a while to kill her. Theoretically, she
should not be able to kill you, since you can dodge all but the 1 HP
attack, but you should bring plenty of Medicine just in case. Good luck!
It took me half an hour to beat her...

Name : How Kwang Wee #### #### T M
Icq : 18346565 # # #
E-Mail : #### ### # # # . #####

[PE logos by Kwang Wee (c)]

This P.E FAQ is meant for personal usage and can only be reproduced
electronically. This FAQ can be altered as long as the disclaimer
remains unchanged and in effect. This FAQ is owned and drafted by me.
Feel free to distribute the FAQ. Do not try to gain credit upon my faq
or else I will sue you. This FAQ must not in anyway be distributed for
any profitable intentions.

# Introduction
# Version Info
# Having the Ex-Game Mode
# Ex-Game Information
# Beginning Walkthrough
- Level 2-10
- Level 10 (Boss)
- Level 11-20
- Level 20 (Boss)
- Level 21-30
- Level 30 (Boss)
- Level 31-40
- Level 40 (Boss)
- Level 41-50
- Level 50 (Boss)
- Level 51-60
- Level 60 (Boss)
- Level 61-70
- Level 70 (Boss)
- Level 71-77
- Final Encounter (Final Boss)
# Secrets
- Rare Trading Cards
- Junk Collection
# Ultimate Weapons
- Ultimate Weapons Stats
# Weapons in Chrysler Bd
# Armors in Chrysler Bd
# GameShark Codes
# Tips and Tricks
# Ending Song Lyrics [Added]
# Legal Info / About this FAQ
# Credits

# I N T R O D U C T I 0 N
SYSTEM : Sony Playstation
TITLE : Parasite Eve
GENRE : Cinematic RPG
DEVELOPER : SquareSoft Japan

Main Purpose of this guide is to help players have a in depth info
on winning the Ex-Game quest in due of the Chrylser Building. This
will be a lot more harder than the normal mode duh. So please be
mental prepared on what you will be facing with....returning bosses
that packs a lot more punch. Maybe I'm too bored and that's why I
decided to write something to pass the days. Although I do programming
you know C++ and others.....blah blah, it's getting quite bored ^_^.

# V E R S I O N S
Ver 1.0 (2/1/99) - Basically it's new and mainly contains the basic
Ver 1.1 (23/1/99) - Added a few more details on the Chrysler Building
Ver 1.2 (13/2/99) - Completed most of the walkthrough bosses on how to
defeat them
Ver 1.3 (16/2/99) - Included the List of items which can be found
Ver 1.4 (8/3/99) - Added detailed Navigation at the Chrylser Building
Ver 1.5 (12/5/99) - Corrected most of the typos and minor grammar
mistakes in the FAQ
Ver 1.6 (10/6/99) - Clarified and deleted typos and grammar errors

# H A V I N G T H E E X - G A M E M O D E
When you have finished the normal mode (therefore winning from the
ultimate being), let the ending credits play till the end.
When done, you will receive 3000 bonus points for completing and
you will be prompted to save your game. It will save the data as
"Clear Data" and this will open the option on the main menu to enable
you to play the EX game. Then begin the Ex game and not to mention
with your own personalized weapon and armor and this including a new
location which is available on the world map. (The Chrysler Building)

# E X - G A M E I N F O R M A T I O N
The Chrysler Building consist of 77th floors and unique items are found
on every floor. On every 10th storey (Meaning 10th,20th,30th storey),
you will encounter bosses. No save points will be available in the
building though. I would recommend you that you replay the normal
game to build up your PE and HP. Or if you prefer to act macho and
says "Nah what's so tough about that damn Chrysler Building ?". Then
you should pray you can stay alive & kicking on the 1-10th storey haha.

At first you are only allowed to explore the building by walking the
stairs which I find it a chore. This torture will end after you find
a Chrysler Key which is found by defeat the boss on every 10th floor.
This will allow you to use the lift to go back to the outside world
to save your game (highly recommended) or discard your inventory
every time your defeat the boss for each 1-10 floors......

That means for example if you defeat the first 10th floor boss, you
will receive the key for the 1 to the 10th storey...... if you defeat
the 11-20th storey, you will get the 11-20th storey and so on. The
items and monsters in the building is randomized except for the
bosses which is on the every 10th levels.

If you really managed to complete the quest. Therefore up till
77th storey, reward yourself with the 2nd ending movie!! Oops.

PS. If you played FFVII (Final Fantasy 7 you should know the concept).

# B E G I N N I N G W A L K T H R O U G H
Items and location of monsters found are randomize thus I'm not able
to accurately say out what kind of items you can get. But because of
replaying the same levels, I'm able to give most of the items which
is found. May not be the same (list of items which you can get).

Most statistics are based on the P.E game itself. Any errors in it may
or not be any fault. Anyway if you have any doubts please e-mail me.
I will be glad to enlighten you.

PS. (Of course not me who is replaying. Most are contributors who take
the time to tell me. See the Credits Section of the other authors)

Any errors please e-mail me. Thanks ^_^

L E V E L 2 - 10
Starting Level - Easy
Enemies Encountered - Troodons
- Bats
- Rats
- Crows

Items Found - Offense +1-4
- Cr Evade +1-4
- Tool
- Sp Vest2
- Kv Jacket
- M79-4 (Gl)
- Pe +1-4
- Range +1-4
- Sv Jacket
- Bullet Cap +1-4
- Defense +1-4
- Rocket Ammo

* I M P O R T A N T
* Collecting Junk - See Secrets (Junk Section) for details
* Rare Trading Card Obtained - P38 T Card
See Secrets (Rare T Card) for details

This level should be easy for most of the players and should survive
the couple of floor without dying. And this is the best time to
collect the mysterious or legendary folks lore of the ultimate
weapon !! (hheheh too much of an exaggeration). See the secrets
section on how to get yourself a much stronger weapon in the game.
But you must collect 300 junk before attempting the task.

Just make sure Aya has a lot of hp and items like revive or medicine.


Exp - 100
Level - 24
Hp - 1000
Bp - 128/30

Strong Against - Cyanide, Acid, Tranq, Scan, Slow, Confus, Steal, Heat
Average Against - Freeze
Aya's Status - No Escape

Item retrieved - Chrysler Key 1
Steal - Nil
Attk - Arm, Fire, Web

This boss fight is somewhat identical to the one which you encounter
on the rooftop of the hospital. It should be a easy fight if Aya
acquire a high level and a average weapon in hand. Try to use some
range weapon like a handgun for better chances. After defeating this
beast, get your Chrysler Key 1 and take the lift to save your game
or just put your items away.


L E V E L 11 - 20
Starting Level - Easy
Enemies Encountered - Moles
- Bats
- Monkeys
- Snakes

Items Found - Cr Jacket
- Super Tool
- Club 4 (Mw)
- Defense +1-4
- Tool
- Sp Suit 1
- Treasure Box
- M203-5 (Gl)
- M96 (Hg)
- Bullet Cap +1-4
- Defense +1-4
- Offense +1-4
- Kv Suit 1
- Full Uz (Mg)
- Pe +1-4
- Am44 (Hg)
- Super Tool
- Rocket Ammo

* Important
* Rare Trading Card Obtained - Kasul T Card
- Bhawk T Card

It's getting somewhat tougher. If that's what you think..then have
a second thought on whether you want to continue this gross and
sickening adventure...... else it's nothing compared to the ones
in higher levels.

The Treasurebox when you open chests in the area will attack you
immediately causing around 300+ damage and if your Aya couldn't take
that much, I suggest you keep your hands off that tempting chests...
the montser are very tough you know. Or try to use Medicine to keep
Aya's hp in top condition.

*New New - Treasurebox are extremely weak to tranquilizers.
Hit them with tranq rounds to finish them off.


Exp - 150
Level - 29
Hp - 1200
Bp - 256/30

Strong - Cyanide, Acid, Tranq, Confus, Freeze
Average - Slow, Steal
Weak - Heat
Aya's Status - No Escape

Items Retrieved - Chrysler Key 2
Steal - Nil
Attk - Scratch, Tail, Beam, Tailbeam

The boss consists of two alligators which is similar to the boss
encountered in the sewers. In my opinion, they are a bunch of
losers. Just keeping firing and they should be down in no time.
Get the Chrysler Key 2 from this battle.


L E V E L 21 - 30
Starting Level - Average
Enemies Encountered - Spiders
- Snakes
- Flyman
- Plants

Items Found - Cm Jacket
- Super Tool
- M79-5 (Gl)
- Defense +1-4
- Tool
- Cr Evade +1-4
- Treasure Box
- Mark 23 (Hg)
- M870-2 (Sg)
- Type64 (Ri)
- Defense +1-4
- Offense +1-4
- B Jacket 2
- Sv Suit 1
- Super Tool
- Bullet Cap +1-4

* Important
* Rare Trading Card Obtained - Ppks T Card
- M1 T Card

In this area, it is best to take note of the plants and the snakes.
This is especially if they come in large numbers. The plant's
attack is quite unavoidable since they can reach they whole screen.
Snakes also pose a danger since they carry poison attack. Use Detox
or Cure-p will do the trick. You can also steal Cure-p from them.
Anyway be more cautious in your movement and the battle should end
quickly. Remember they carry items like Medicine 2, Medicine,
Cure-P which is valuable to your quest.


* The Centipede consists of 4 parts

Exp - 800
Level - 34
Hp - 1200
Bp - 104/28

Strong - Cyanide, Acid, Tranq, Confus, Freeze ,Heat ,Slow, Steal
Weak - Freeze
Aya's Status - No Escape

Items Retrieved - Chrysler Key 3
Steal - Nil
Attk - Bite1, Bite2, Tail, Bomb, NewHp

M I D D L E , M I D D L E , T A I L
----------- ----------- -------
Exp - 0
Level - 34
Hp - 600
Bp - 100/35

Strong - Cyanide, Acid, Tranq, Confus, Freeze ,Heat ,Slow, Steal
Weak - Freeze
Aya's Status - No Escape

Items Retrieved - Nil
Steal - Nil
Attk - Bite1, Bite2

* The 2 Middle and Tail of the Centipede have the same stats
Except that the Hp for the tail is 800 and it's Bp is 80/35.

Ok. It's this guy that you fought in the train tunnels if you
remember. He's a piece of cake if you know how to deal with him.
Just use the same old strategy against him. Just stick to it's
side so it can't hit you with it's bite and bolts. Always move
so that you can dodge most of it attacks. Once the Centipede
split into 4 parts, concentrate on 1 part especially the head
since it's the only one that is poisonous.

After that get your Chrysler Key 3.


L E V E L 31 - 40
Starting Level - Average
Enemies Encountered - Cats
- Chameleon
- Flyman
- Mixedman
- Plants

Items Found - Psg (Ri)
- Super Tool
- Mp5a5 (Mg)
- Sp Armor 1
- Defense +1-4
- Tool
- Cr Evade +1-4
- Treasure Box
- M1911a5 (Hg)
- Kv Armor 1
- Maverick (Sg)
- Defense +1-4
- Sv Suit 2
- Super Tool
- Bullet Cap +1-4
- Rocket Ammo
- Full Cure
- Cm Suit 1
- Full Recover
- Range +1-4

* Important
* Rare Trading Card Obtained - Mk5 T Card
- Bar T Card
- Mp44 T Card
- Mg42 T Card

The flyman and chameleon doesn't pose any threat to you actually.
It's the cats and plants which does. As I said try to move about
to avoid their attacks as they can cost a nasty wound on you.
Beware of the cat's heat-seeking balls as well as those from the
Mixedman. They are equally annoying. If would be great if you have
Burst on your gun so they can kill off multiple enemies. This is
especially useful in dealing with the Chameleon and other creatures
that moves very quick which is hard for Aya to target. This not
only end up losing more ammo, and may allow the enemies to take
the chance to deal a blow to Aya.


W / H E A D
Exp - 2500
Level - 39
Hp - 1600
Bp - 200/21

Strong - Cyanide, Acid, Tranq, Confus, Freeze ,Heat
- Slow, Steal, Freeze
Aya's Status - No Escape

Items Retrieved - Nil
Steal - Nil
Attk - Head Attack,Beam

Exp - 0
Level - 39
Hp - 1600
Bp - 200/21

Strong - Cyanide, Acid, Tranq, Confus, Freeze ,Heat
- Slow, Steal, Freeze
Aya's Status - No Escape

Items Retrieved - Chrysler Key 4
Steal - Nil
Attk - Head Attack,Beam

* Triceratops comes with head and after it will be headless. hehe
You only get the key from the body.

You fought a similar boss in the Museum and this time it is much
tougher. This is because the damage done to Aya is much higher.
Anyway make sure you got yourself a powerful weapon and with the
same strategy, this big guy shouldn't be too hard on your life.
Get the Chrysler Key 4 from the battle.


L E V E L 41 - 50
Starting Level - Average/Hard
Enemies Encountered - Parrot
- Armadillo
- Frog
- Scorpion
- Pterodactyl

Items Found - Sar (Ri)
- Tool
- Offense +1-4
- Rocket Ammo
- Cm Armor 1
- Range +1-4
- Pe +1-4
- Super Tool
- At4-1 (Ri)
- Bullet Cap +1-4
- Treasurebox
- Cr Suit 1
- Usp-3 (Hg)
- B Suit 1
- G20 (Hg)
- Sv Armor 1

* Important
* Rare Trading Card Obtained - M29 T Card
- M73 T Card

Another easy levels that you can take the chance to regain your PE
energy. Most enemies encountered here are easy to deal with. Provided
that you have a strong weapon and agility. Always dodge their attacks
Take the following monsters for example frogs, armadillos, parrots
are easy targets. Else cast Haste to play safe if you are scared.


Exp - 5000
Level - 49
Hp - 4200
Bp - 321/18

Strong - Cyanide, Acid, Tranq, Confus, Freeze ,Heat
- Slow, Steal, Freeze
Aya's Status - No Escape

Items Retrieved - Chrysler Key 5
Steal - Nil
Attk - Punch,???? (fire)

Exp - 0
Level - 49
Hp - 1200
Bp - 0/0

Strong - Cyanide, Acid, Tranq, Confus, Freeze ,Heat
- Slow, Steal, Freeze
Aya's Status - No Escape

Items Retrieved - Nil
Steal - Nil
Attk - Nil

Just make sure you avoid the cockroach antennas and you should be
ok. Try to move around and at the same time look out for any sneak
attacks. Deal enough damage and the cockroach will become a flying
one. A larva will be released and hatched into another roach.
Try to hit them using burst effect for faster killing. As I have
said earlier, agility is the most important factor.


L E V E L 51 - 60
Starting Level - Average/Hard
Enemies Encountered - Ratman
- Armadillo
- Rat-enlarge
- Rat
- Squirrel

Items Found - Cr Evade +1-4
- Sp Armor 2
- Rocket Ammo
- Mp5sd6 (Mg)
- B Suit 2
- Treasurebox
- M712 (Hg)
- S12 (sg)
- Pe +1-4
- Full Recover
- Cr Armor 1
- Full Cure
- Fa-Mas (Ri)
- Range +1-4
- Defense +1-4
- Tool

* Important
* Rare Trading Card Obtained - Type38 T Card

Well, it's getting hard around here. Especially with the presence
of squirrels, large rats. I hate the squirrels...... especially they
escape after dealing a considerable amount of damage to you.
Armadillos and rats are nothing, but watch out for the attacks of
ratmen. I'm not meaning they are hard to deal with but their
explosive energy sux. Try to stay out of corners where the balls
is at most effective.


L E V E L 60 - B O S S (CRAB)
Exp - 10,000
Level - 59
Hp - 6400
Bp - 240/39

Strong - Cyanide, Acid, Tranq, Confus, Freeze ,Heat
- Slow, Steal, Freeze
Aya's Status - No Escape

Items Retrieved - Chrysler Key 6
Steal - Nil
Attk - Punch,Bubble,Arm

C R A B L E F T , R I G H T C L A W
Exp - 0
Level - 59
Hp - 1600
Bp - 148/33

Strong - Cyanide, Acid, Tranq, Confus, Freeze ,Heat
- Slow, Steal, Freeze
Aya's Status - No Escape

Items Retrieved - Nil
Steal - Nil
Attk - Punch,Bubble,Arm

* The left , right claws have the same stats.

This battle may prove to be a tough challenge to some. I was quite
surprised by it movement which no doubt increased significantly.
I recommend most players to cast haste. Otherwise you are sure to
lose out to the Crab's attack. Keep your eyes on the bubble attack
as they can deal a whole lot of hits from you. The Beam attack
fortunately stays the same in attack and shouldn't pose any serious
danger to you. The tactic is the same as what you all probably have
used during your encounter with a similar one at the warehouse.
Make sure you cast haste to have at least a chance to win this
battle. Stick to one of it's side and use burst effect on your
weapon. You can also cast barrier to help you in case the tactic
may not work out well.

Get the Chrysler Key 6 from the battle.
By now you should get about 12 Rare Trading Cards. Get back to Wayne for
the super tool kit or wait for another 2 T Cards later on.


L E V E L 61 - 70
Starting Level - Hard/Ex
Enemies Encountered - Rat
- Bear
- Dogman
- Poison-Snake
- Bacterium

Items Found - Pe +1-4
- M500-2 (Pg)
- Xm177e2 (Ri)
- Tool
- Range +1-4
- Full Cure
- Full Recover
- M500 (Sg)
- Defense +1-4
- Treasurebox
- Super Tool
- Cm Armor 2
- Bullet Cap +1-4
- B Armor
- M96r (Hg)
- M203-6 (Gl)
- Offense +1-4
- Sv Armor 2
- Club 5 (Mw)
- Cr Armor 2

* Important
* Rare Trading Card Obtained - Type3 T Card
- Eagle T Card

Take care guys. This level is what I think quite damn hard to pass
for most people. Experts need not voice out. It is not because
the enemies are that powerful, but because of their attacks.
Better don't take things easy. Make sure you have lots of Medicine
2,3,4, Revives and Cure-P. Poisonous Snakes is already a headache,
here comes dogman and bear to keep you company. Their hits can cost
your life if you are not careful. It is hard to dodge from them and
you will find it hard to end the battle as quickly as you will want
to. One advice, make sure you have plenty of curing stuffs in your
inventory to keep you alive. But when you get the M203-6 (Cyanide-
Grenade Launchers), it's time for payback time ^_^ and you should
feel nothing can stop you.

* OK you should have gotten yourself 14 T Cards. It is highly advised
you go back to Wayne to get the Ultimate Weapon for your next Boss.
Well the next boss may prove to be too much if you can't get Aya's
butt moving and blasting off ammo at the right time.


L E V E L 70 - B O S S (STING BEE)
Exp - 20,000
Level - 74
Hp - 12,000
Bp - 400/58

Strong - Cyanide, Acid, Tranq, Confus, Freeze ,Heat
- Slow, Steal, Freeze
Aya's Status - No Escape

Items Retrieved - Chrysler Key 7
Steal - Nil
Attk - Bee Attack/Sting, Wall, Energy hit

Exp - 128
Level - 74
Hp - 1200
Bp - 300/37

Strong - Cyanide, Acid, Tranq, Confus, Freeze ,Heat
- Slow, Steal, Freeze
Aya's Status - No Escape

Items Retrieved - Chrysler Key 7
Steal - Nil
Attk - Bee Attack/Sting

Exp - 0
Level - 74
Hp - 600
Bp - 30/12

Strong - Cyanide, Acid, Tranq, Confus, Freeze ,Heat
- Slow, Steal, Freeze
Aya's Status - No Escape

Items Retrieved - Nil
Steal - Nil
Attk - Bee Attack/Sting

Prepare yourself for a hard battle against this cunning and moronic
enemy. This is fortunate that this Boss appears only in the Ex-Game,
Otherwise it may be too hard for some to defeat. Take note that you
have to make sure you make it to get the Chrysler Key 7. If not, you
have to replay the whole level since you can't save till you defeat
the Stinger Bee.

Ok let me say out this Battle in detail so that most people may have
a certain chance in surviving this frustrating and seemingly difficult
battle. A personal comment, after this fight, don't you think that Bees
are really a pest ? Hell, just a serious thought which I think maybe
it true ^_^

You will encounter 3 types of Bees in the fight, namely the small,
worker and the queen bees .

Small Bees - They are the ones which really pissed me off right from
the start of the battle. They would come to Aya and try to sting her
which I always have to decide whether to ignore them or just keep
firing at the queen. What's more I have to use detox or others to
heal from poison from their stings. Anyway they are generally not
much a true threat to Aya since you can dodge their attacks quite
easily as they move quite slow. But what I hate them is when they
start to heal the queen bee at 200 hp per interval. Damn, this really
wasted my effort of hitting the queen earlier. So I suggest that you
use burst effect on your weapon and use it on the queen and the small
bees as soon as they are close to the queen. Take them out in large
number. Otherwise it will be a snail battle to take out the queen.
She has a large hp of 12,000 in case you don't know !! But take note
of the recurring small bees that will be regenerated once you kill
their brothers.

For the worker bees which is obviously larger than the small ones,
they not a threat either, except that they have range attack. But
luckily they usually attack you when you get too close. In known of
their hp, they may take some serious hits before they meet their doom.
But be careful not to fall into a mess whereby you have to dodge the
queen's energy attack and the worker bees hits. You may be in Hell
before you know it. Small hits may accumulated to be one huge
damage that Aya can't afford to defend. It took me 1-3 times of
strategic planning before I won this battle. Actually I just kept
running around and dodging and at the same time firing like hell for
the first time and I died.......... Duh

To defeat the queen bee, you have to make sure you know how her attack
goes round and how to avoid them 80-90% of the time. She will mainly be
in the center dozing and obviously make it an easy target. However
if you suffer her blows, those devastating hits may kill you in no time.
Make sure you have a lot of healing items in your inventory to cure
you in the midst of the battle. It is not known if anyone have beaten
this round without using any items. Her first attack come with a energy
wall or barrier which you can usually dodge it unless you are caught
firing like a mad person. If that is true, prepare to receive some nice
present from the boss, 500+ points of damage per hit. Try to stick to
the other end of the side to avoid the energy wall. The 2 sickles mainly
won't cause you any harm if you are quick in avoiding.

Another attack from the queen will render you paralyzes Aya for a couple
of seconds. Don't think it's just that, this will result a 400+ hit to
Aya. This attack is inevitable. Hell, you must be thinking how are you
to win this damn battle ? Well try to cast anything that might reduce
the hit effect like barrier which I think may come in useful. Also pray
that the other bees don't be so curious as to come to check up on you,
otherwise prepare to receive more hit from those pests. As said earlier,
this is unavoidable.

The other attack is just a simple and harmless one. So don't worry
about it. For this battle, it is advisable that Aya's level is about
35 and the weapon attack should be 450+ and armor shield be about 230+.
This may increase your chance of winning this battle quickly and

Recommended items at hand - Revives, Medicine 2,3,4
Get the Chrysler Key 7 from the battle.


L E V E L 71 - 77
Just make your way to fight the final boss of the Chrysler Building.
Take your time to admire the beautiful scenery around you as this may
be your last presence. It might be gross to look at the levels ^_^.

Make sure your are mentally prepared in terms of your equipment and items
ESPECIALLY lots of healing items !!

M U S T - H A V E I T E M S
Revives, Full Cure, Full Recover, Cure-#, Medicine 3,4
(Must have a lot !!!)



L E V E L 77 - F I N A L B O S S (MAYA/EVE)
M A Y A / E V E
Exp - ?????? (unknown ^_^ ?)
Level - 99
Hp - 45,000
Bp - ???/??

Strong - Cyanide, Acid, Tranq, Confus, Freeze ,Heat
- Slow, Steal, Freeze
Aya's Status - No Escape

Items Retrieved - Nil
Steal - Nil
Attk - ???????

Here, Eve lies in her territory waiting for your presence. This battle
may take forever for those not well prepared and may even die within
seconds ^_^

Eve in this battle have improved in speed using teleport and she's
got a companion to help her with. I started by using Liberate on her
for a few times and change your armor to speed up your PE gauge.
Your weapon should deal about 300-400+ damage and your armor defense
should be 200-300+. This will ensure that Eve's hit won't cost your
life in a split second. Try to use Liberate frequently to keep Eve
from staying too long. Use PE Liberate when Eve is not too strong
in its attack in the beginning. First few attacks won't be a threat
and Eve will levitate and teleport near you to have a sneak attack
at the start.

One thing to take note is never shoot off your weapon at Eve when the
companions is on the screen. If you do so, this will result the cursed
fool to heal Eve in thousands of hit damages. If this happens, you may
have a difficult time sending Eve to doomsday. And all your previous
attacks will prove futile. I was taken aback by it the first time I
encountered this. So I restarted and took care to attack Eve when the
thing starts to leave the screen. Once that happens, try to blast off
your ammo at Eve and use Liberate at intervals. Remember to interchange
your armor for faster PE recharge as Liberate reduce Aya's PE in a large

Attack Eve vigorously when she is not in attack status like when she is
teleporting or just attacked you. Just be careful of the teleport attack
and the companion will sometime inflict negative status ailments when
Eve summons the thing to deal with you. Once Eve gets healed by the
thing which I prefer to call it, attack Eve and use revives for any
unexpected hits. Use Liberate as often as you can.

When you have done enough damage to Eve if you can, the thing will come
to Eve's aid gives her steroids (hell) and cause her to charge up and
cause a inflicting damage that reduce your hp to 1. I used haste and
barrier just for the possible preventative measure but to my disbelief
I still got hit ^_^

Let the Auto-Heal do the healing and you are back to business ^_^
At this time, Eve will be in a vulnerable status from the charge attack.
Make use of this moment to dump all your ammo on her till she levitates

Then the levitating business comes again but in much more aggressive
attack....... Eve will try to hit you twice now. Dodge her teleport
attacks although it's kinda hard to do so. But with much practice, you
should be able to do that. But another thing is you may need to use
revives in case you can't dodge her and her hits should be more than
enought to get rid of you. She will repeat the attacks on you and at
this time, use liberate timely and if you are running low on PE, use
shot attack on her. The thing will come and the charge up thing comes
again, taking all but 1 hp, just keep repeating the same attack
strategy, attack her when she is recovering from the charge thing,
avoid her rush attack when teleporting and so on.

Cast preraise if you find yourself dying..... and you will be alright
once more. Preserve your revives and Meds for a success. Anyway just
keep note of Eve's attack and you should be able to Exterminate her
once and for all. That's all people. Hope my FAQ help you in some way.

And if you win, congrats !!


# S E C R E T S - R A R E T R A D I N G C A R D S
Remember those trading cards you got from the normal game ?
You could get it from the Ex-Game (Chrysler Bd)but in rarer ones.

Trading cards are used for modification of your equipment from
Wayne in the weapon department. For a single rare TC (trading card),
Wayne will offer to upgrade 2 pieces of equipment for you. But the
most interesting ones which all of us will want is when you give Wayne
the whole 14 rare TCs you find in the Chrysler Bd. In return, he will
give you a super tool kit that gives you limitless supply of super
tools to modify weapons and armor till you drop.

The Names of the TCs (15 of them)
- Eagle T card
- Mp44 T card
- P38 T card
- Mg42 T card
- Bhawk T card
- Kasul T card
- Type3 T card
- Ppks T card
- M1 T card
- Mk5 T card
- Type38 T card
- Bar T card
- M29 T card
- M73 T card
- Gsp T card

Or if you have given him only 12 or so, when you ask Wayne about
his rare trading cards collection, he will give Aya a tool kit.
What's the difference you may ask ? Well it's quite same in
contrast to the super tool kit except it is an limitless supply
of normal tools...... duh

For me I only managed to find up till 13......the last one well
I forgot which one. It has been half a year since I played the
game....oh bother.

# S E C R E T S - J U N K C O L L E C T I O N
I'm sure everyone have collected what so called Junk items right ?
At first I was skeptical about it and want to discard it off since
it was really taking too much space in my inventory and I'm beginning
to feel it's really a useless kind of items until I discover they
have some or great uses !!! Man lucky I didn't or else I have to
replay all over. Well not all over but it's gona be tedious to
collect all over just because it's gona be recycled to make a fine
exterminator tool for me.

By collecting 300 piece of junk...... OK no complains..... I know
it's way to crazy to collect 300 of them and you might curse me
but it is worth the effort I tell you !!. If you give them to
Wayne that is in charge of the weapon department in the police
station, he will offer to turn them into a powerful weapon not
found anywhere in the game. Man it the only one of it's kind
in the world !!

He will ask Aya to select it's choice or you can let Wayne
do the job. (but it is recommendable that you let your fingers
do the selection as Wayne has the possibility of making your
300 piece of junk into a large chunk of junk !!). Other than
what Wayne choose, they are the best weapons that even 10 Eve
won't be your match.

PS. You should be able to collect Junk easily in the Ex-Game.

# S E C R E T S - U L T I M A T E W E A P O N
OK...... talking about the weapons that you will be able to construct
from the 300 piece of junk are as follows

Self-Selection (Aya)
- Handgun (De50ae7)
- Shotgun (M10b)
- Machine Gun (P90)
- Rifle (Mag)
- Grenade Launcher (Hk40)
- Rocket Launcher (Law80)

Auto-Selection (Wayne)
- Ppsh41 (Mg)
- Sp1c (Hg)
- Usp-tu (Hg)
- Ak-47 (Ri)
- Super Junk --- *
- Duper Junk --- Forget about will lose even more wif these

S - Statistics CB - Critical Bonus
B - Base
P - Plus
ROF - Rate of Fire

De50ae7 125 123 2 56 55 1 17 15 2 x2 8/9 -
Sp1c 120 118 2 69 67 2 20 18 2 x2 2/6 -
Usp-tu 116 115 1 88 87 1 31 25 6 x5 3/9 Counter
Mag 152 151 1 185 185 0 21 20 1 x2 4/7 CB
Ak-47 155 155 0 154 152 2 24 23 1 x5 6/8 Counter + CB
Hk40 116 115 1 70 70 0 9 8 1 x1 6/6 -
P90 122 122 0 53 51 2 201 200 1 x10 5/7 Random Shot
Ppsh41 80 78 2 76 75 1 71 71 0 x10 2/6 -
M10b 120 120 1 70 70 0 7 6 1 x3 4/7 Burst
Law80 220 200 20 210 210 0 1 1 0 x1 0/0 -

# W E A P O N S I N C H R Y S L E R B U I L D I N G
S - Statistics CB - Critical Bonus
B - Base QD - Quick Draw
P - Plus RS - Random Shot
ROF - Rate of Fire CE - CounterAttack Enemy

Club4 80 78 2 10 10 0 0 0 0 N/A 3/3 CB,Item,CE
Club5 102 100 2 10 10 0 0 0 0 N/A 2/2 Item,QD

M1911a3 50 50 0 62 62 0 9 8 1 x5 2/7 -
M1911a4 68 68 0 63 62 1 9 9 0 x1 2/8 -
M1911a5 86 85 1 63 63 0 11 10 1 x1 2/5 -
Usp 52 51 1 56 56 0 10 9 1 x3 2/4 -
Usp-2 58 58 0 59 57 2 11 11 0 x1 2/7 -
Usp-3 76 75 1 58 58 0 13 12 1 x2 2/3 QD
P226 63 63 0 57 57 0 12 11 1 x2 2/6 -
P228 59 59 0 56 55 1 13 12 1 x1 2/6 -
P229 71 71 0 56 56 0 13 13 0 x3 1/7 -
M96 77 75 2 59 59 0 16 14 2 x1 5/5 -
M96r 89 88 1 59 59 0 20 20 0 x2 2/4 Cmd x3
Am44 78 78 0 58 58 0 13 12 1 x1 2/8 -
Mark23 82 81 1 61 60 1 13 13 0 x3 2/3 QD
G20 65 65 0 62 61 1 14 12 2 x1 2/3 Counter
M712 87 85 2 64 63 1 11 10 1 x1 2/2 Counter

M16a2 55 53 2 124 124 0 19 18 1 x3 2/4 -
Type64 51 50 1 114 114 2 16 14 2 x3 4/5 CB
Psg-1 75 0 0 120 120 0 19 18 1 x2 5/5 -
Sar 86 85 1 136 135 1 16 16 0 x1 2/3 -
Fa-Mas 119 119 0 169 168 1 26 26 0 x3 6/7 -
Xm177e2 99 99 0 159 158 1 17 16 1 x1 5/6 CB

M203-5 68 68 0 65 65 0 7 7 0 x1 5/6 -
M203-6 81 80 1 68 67 1 8 6 2 x1 4/4 Cyanide
M79-4 61 59 2 65 65 0 10 10 0 x1 4/5 -
M79-5 75 75 0 69 67 2 8 8 0 x1 5/5 -
M79-6 94 94 0 69 68 11 11 0 1 x1 4/7 -

Full Uz 68 68 0 50 49 1 43 42 1 x10 3/4 RS
Mp5a5 68 67 1 48 48 0 29 28 1 x2 2/4 RS
Mp5sd6 89 89 0 52 52 0 32 31 1 x3 4/7 RS

M870-2 63 63 0 64 63 1 5 5 0 x1 7/7 Burst
M500-2 76 75 1 67 67 0 6 6 0 x3 5/9 Burst
Maverick 82 82 0 71 69 2 7 7 0 x1 5/6 Burst
S12 98 97 1 72 72 0 9 8 1 x1 6/6 Burst

At4 128 128 0 202 202 0 1 1 0 x1 0/0 -

# A R M O R S I N C H R Y S L E R B U I L D I N G
S - Statistics AC - Auto Cure
B - Base AH - Auto Heal
P - Plus PL - PE Light
AD - Attack Down IB - Inventory Bonus
AU - Attack Up ATD - AT Down
A-D - Anti-Darkness ATS - AT Slow
A-S - Anti-Stiffness HU - Hp Up
A-C - Anti-Confusion
A-P - Anti-Poison

Kv Protector 41 40 1 33 32 1 20 18 2 2/2 -
Kv Jacket 46 46 0 45 45 0 21 21 0 2/3 -
Kv Suit1 56 55 1 56 56 0 28 27 1 2/3 -
Kv Armor1 70 69 1 68 67 1 32 30 2 2/3 -

Cm Jacket 42 42 0 50 48 2 35 35 0 3/4 AH
Cm Suit1 52 52 0 58 57 1 35 35 0 3/4 AC
Cm Armor1 52 52 0 56 55 1 38 37 1 4/4 AH, AC
Cm Armor2 89 88 1 97 96 1 41 41 0 5/6 PL, AD

Sp Vest2 50 49 1 41 41 0 25 24 1 2/3 -
Sp Suit1 60 58 2 52 52 0 29 29 0 2/4 -
Sp Armor1 75 75 0 70 69 1 33 32 1 2/6 -
Sp Armor2 87 86 1 80 79 1 40 39 1 2/6 AU

Sv Jacket 42 42 0 40 38 2 33 33 0 2/3 IB+1
Sv Suit1 47 46 1 42 42 0 40 38 2 3/6 IB+2
Sv Suit2 52 51 1 45 45 0 41 41 0 3/8 IB+2
Sv Armor1 66 65 1 62 62 0 47 45 2 2/8 IB+4
Sv Armor2 79 78 1 70 69 1 49 48 1 4/9 IB+4

B Jacket2 55 55 0 62 61 1 32 30 2 2/5 A-D
B Suit1 48 48 0 55 54 1 27 27 0 3/4 A-D, A-P, A-S
B Suit2 70 69 1 76 75 1 34 34 0 2/6 A-C, ATD
B Armor 85 85 0 86 86 0 45 45 0 6/6 A-P, A-S, AD

Cr Jacket 44 43 1 45 45 0 34 33 1 4/7 -
Cr Suit1 65 65 0 68 67 1 39 37 2 4/5 HU, ATS
Cr Armor1 92 91 1 90 89 1 43 42 1 5/7 HU, ATS, AU
Cr Armor2 107 106 1 104 102 2 51 48 3 7/10 HU

# G A M E S H A R K C O D E S
Here are the gameshark cheats for the Chrysler Quest.
I would like to thank the Gameshark Code Creator's Club for their
gameshark codes.

Website :
Take a look for other codes of your favourite games !!

These codes were taken from the CMGSCCC ( site. I bear
no responsibility to the codes if anything should happen to your
system in any way once you use the codes for yourself. All I can say is
take extra precaution to codes and I'm not sure if all the codes are
reliable. If it doesn't work for you, maybe your gameshark ver is
outdated or you entered the codes wrongly. Don't send mail asking me for
the problems incurred during you play PE using these codes.

This list of codes is just for the item modifying. Remaining codes are
freely available at Game Shark Codes Creator's Club.

Codes Made & Tested on 2.4 Version Game Shark
IMPORTANT - The question marks means the type of items you wish to place.
look below for the items available.

Slot 1 800C0E48 00??
Slot 2 800C0E4A 00??

Slot 3 800C0E4C 00??
Slot 4 800C0E4E 00??

Slot 5 800C0E50 00??
Slot 6 800C0E52 00??

Slot 7 800C0E54 00??
Slot 8 800C0E56 00??

Slot 9 800C0E58 00??
Slot 10 800C0E5A 00??

Slot 11 800C0E5C 00??
Slot 12 800C0E5E 00??

Slot 13 800C0E60 00??
Slot 14 800C0E62 00??

Slot 15 800C0E64 00??
Slot 16 800C0E66 00??

Slot 17 800C0E68 00??
Slot 18 800C0E6A 00??

Slot 19 800C0E6C 00??
Slot 20 800C0E6E 00??

Slot 21 800C0E70 00??
Slot 22 800C0E72 00??

Slot 23 800C0E74 00??
Slot 24 800C0E76 00??

Slot 25 800C0E78 00??
Slot 26 800C0E7A 00??

Slot 27 800C0E7C 00??
Slot 28 800C0E7E 00??

Slot 29 800C0E80 00??
Slot 30 800C0E82 00??

Slot 31 800C0E84 00??
Slot 32 800C0E86 00??

Slot 33 800C0E88 00??
Slot 34 800C0E8A 00??

Slot 35 800C0E8C 00??
Slot 36 800C0E8E 00??

Slot 37 800C0E90 00??
Slot 38 800C0E92 00??

Slot 39 800C0E94 00??
Slot 40 800C0E96 00??

Slot 41 800C0E98 00??
Slot 42 800C0E9A 00??

Slot 43 800C0E9C 00??
Slot 44 800C0E9E 00??

Slot 45 800C0EA0 00??
Slot 46 800C0EA2 00??

Slot 47 800C0EA4 00??
Slot 48 800C0EA6 00??

Slot 49 800C0EA8 00??
Slot 50 800C0EAA 00??

Quantity Digits to Item Slot Position Modifier Codes
01 - BULLETS +6
02 - BULLETS +15
03 - BULLETS +30
10 - CURE-M
13 - DEFENSE +1
14 - JUNK
16 - TOOL
18 - ITEM 24
19 - ITEM 25
20 - OFFENSE +4
21 - RANGE +1
22 - RANGE +2
23 - RANGE +3
24 - RANGE +4
25 - BULLET CAP +1
26 - BULLET CAP +2
27 - BULLET CAP +3
28 - BULLET CAP +4
29 - DEFENSE +1
2D - CR EVADE +1
2E - CR EVADE +2
2F - CR EVADE +3
30 - CR EVADE +4
31 - PE +1
32 - PE +2
33 - PE +3
34 - PE +4
3F - CLUB 1
40 - CLUB 2
41 - CLUB 3
42 - CLUB 4
43 - CLUB 5
44 - M84F
45 - M9
46 - M9-2
47 - M9-3
48 - M8000
49 - M96
4A - M96R
4B - P220
4C - P220-2
4D - P228
4E - P226
4F - P229
50 - M1911A1
51 - M1911A2
52 - M1911A3
53 - M1911A4
54 - M1911A5
55 - P8
56 - USP
57 - USP-2
58 - USP-3
59 - MARK 23
5A - G19
5B - G23
5C - G22
5D - G20
5E - M712
5F - PPK
60 - AM44
62 - PPSH41
63 - SP1C
64 - USP-TU
65 - AK-47
66 - DE50AE7
68 - M870
69 - M870-2
6A - M500
6B - M500-2
6D - S12
6E - M10B
6F - M11
70 - M10
71 - MP5K
72 - MP5PDW
73 - MP5A5
74 - MP5SD6
76 - MINI UZ
77 - FULL UZ
78 - P90
79 - M16A1
7A - M16A2
7B - SG550
7C - SAR
7D - G3A3
7E - TYPE 64
7F - XM177E2
80 - PSG-1
81 - FA-MAS
82 - MAG
83 - M203
84 - M203-2
85 - M203-3
86 - M203-4
87 - M203-5
88 - M203-6
89 - M79
8A - M79-2
8B - M79-3
8C - M79-4
8D - M79-5
8E - M79-6
8F - HK40
90 - AT4
91 - AT4-1
92 - LAW-80
94 - M92F
95 - DRESS
96 - N VEST
99 - N SUIT
9B - KV VEST 1
9E - KV SUIT 1
A0 - SP VEST 1
A1 - SP VEST 2
A4 - SP SUIT 1
A5 - SP SUIT 2
A8 - SV VEST 1
A9 - SV VEST 2
B0 - CR VEST 1
B1 - CR VEST 2
B4 - CR SUIT 1
B5 - CR SUIT 2
B8 - B VEST 1
B9 - B VEST 2
C0 - CM VEST 1
C1 - CM VEST 2
C4 - CM SUIT 1
C7 - CM SUIT 2
D0 - FUSE 3
E2 - M1 T CARD
E4 - MP44 T CARD
E6 - M642 T CARD
E7 - M29 T CARD
E8 - M73 T CARD

# T I P S A N D T R I C K S
These tricks are mainly for the Ex-Game. Thanks to
GameSages ( for the info provided.
Contributor's name will be shown at the Credits Section.

Defeating Eve in the Ex-Game
Chrysler Building Boss Strategy

Instead of using the Parasite Energy
Liberate, which only does 1000-1200 HP
of damage, try using Energy Shot.
You'll do a astounding 3500-5000 HP of
damage provided Aya's level is about

I tried it on the Boss and found out
it worked quite well ^_^

Selecting the Ultimate Weapon (Recommended)
Choose the RIFLE as your Ultimate weapon
when you have collected the 300 junk and
bring it to Wayne.

Then add the following abilities to your rifle
for maximum benefits.

- Command +2 or +3
- Burst
- First Strike
- Critical Attack Up
- Acid
- Tranquilizer
- Cyanide

# E N D I N G S O N G L Y R I C S
OK I managed to get hold of the lyrics of the ending song for
Parasite Eve and I thought you might like it. So enjoy ^_^

Siento que estuve un viaje
y que vengo de lejos
tanto espere este momento
y no se si fue obra de dios
o fue mi voluntad

Y juro que pude escuchar como en suenos
aquella voz que me dijo despierta
Y senti la fragancia
de un sueno perdido

A la deriva entre olas que vienen y van
como suenos mi
puedo traer de regreso a mi
las memorias
que llevo guardadas muy dentro

Ultra somnia ultra memorias
Arbor sacra mala dulcem maturum ferens
Ultra somnia ultra memorias

Arbor sacra, mala dulcem, maturum ferens
Maturum ferens

Si no hay mas nada que hacer
Soro ver la tristeza
Si no hay mas nada que hacer
sino solo esperar lo que venga y nos llegue
a pasar

tan solo esperar que termine la fiesta
y nuestra historia se vaya borrando
y nos deje sin nada poder esperar
A la deriva entre olas que
vienen y van
como suenos mil
puedo traer de regreso a mi
las memorias
que tengo quardadas muy dentro

Alicubi apud memorias longinquas
Aliquid intra me espergiselt

Amorem indulgentiam
Maerorem dolorem conguoscebit
Omnia terminabit

Eras semper prope me
luro ut esses prope me
Puedo jurar que estuviste si
cera de mi

Hay que entender
y comprender
cuando el pecado nos cubra con su cancion
La tierra sufrira sufrira de verdad
Hay que entender entender

No olvides no
Nunca jamas
Que cielo y tierra, el mar y el sol la vida
nos dan
cuando el color de la maldad
llene esta tierra veras dies lrae
y todo se acabara

# L E G A L C R A P / T H I S F A Q
First of all, this is my debut FAQ on Cinematic Rpg and there are more
areas which I may have to correct for examples typos or wrong info.
This is mainly because the FAQ is quite lengthy and I'm not sure whether
most of them are error-free. If you find any strange or anything not
comprehensive, please inform me by e-mail ( or the
ones which are shown at the beginning of this FAQ.

Any comments or suggestions are warmly welcome regarding about this FAQ.
This FAQ is protected under copyright (c) law and any unauthorized copying
or production in other media will lead to severe punishment. You are
strictly reminded that my hard work won't be just stolen and let you off
so simply. In other words, you must not tamper with my FAQ, re-edit and
claim it as your own.

Permission must be seeked in regarding about using my FAQ on your site
or any place which I deem as illegal.

Updating of the PE faq may be done if I can afford the time and depends
on the info which is not available on my FAQ. I may consider putting
it on my site if possible, but that remains to be considered. But if
I find any tricks or new strategy in regarding the Bosses may be added
in. So any one with new strategy may inform me and credits will be given
to those deserved it. Also I have another PE FAQ about the statistics
of the enemies you encounter in the Ex-Game coming up pretty soon. So
please look out for it. But it may not be so soon as yet.

And what's more Parasite Eve 2 will be coming out pretty soon and
I may be doing a much more detailed FAQ on it and also I will be
doing a FFVIII FAQ also. Actually I'm currently working on it with
my friends so I may have so much time to spare. And I may totally
end the updating.

This FAQ is strictly for personal use as in you refer to it if you are
"stuck" during your game. It is not meant to be sold or use it for
profitable purposes. Anyone found doing that will be made known and will
be dealt with severely. So if anyone knows someone who is doing that
please inform me thx.

As I said, please feel free to e-mail regarding any enquiries about
Parasite Eve or anything under the sun. It would be great if it is about
Final Fantasy........ Man I like the game series so much......
Thanks SquareSoft !! For developing great games everytime without fail !!

# C R E D I T S
First of all, let me salute to SquareSoft for making yet another
masterpiece. I like almost every game that Square has developed.

Thanks to the following people for contributing to my FAQ.

- Lina for explaining much more detail and story about Parasite Eve

without her, I may have forgotten most of the strategy and walkthroughs
- Jonathan for contributing the tricks and ways to defeat the bosses
I myself couldn't have completed the FAQ without him.
- The CMGSCCC for their gameshark codes for Parasite Eve.
- Chen Xun for helping me with the stats on the bosses.
- Joanne and LingLing for their precious info about PE ^_^
- Those others who have helped me with other details in this PE faq.
I greatly appreciated that
- To Gamefaqs for giving me ideas on the disclaimer and Scott Ong
for his way of writing. Thx for your help ! Without them, I couldn't
have finished this FAQ.
- Belinda and John for their help with the item list in the Chrysler
Building. And also their help with the armors list.
- Thxs to everyone who take time to read my FAQ.
- Thanks to Daisaku Kusama for his info about
the battle of the last boss. Some references were based from him.
You can find his FAQ at
- GameFaqs for putting up my faq at



I'm sure you've noticed the "junk" you pick up throughout the game. This may seem a bit
unusual to get worthless items in the game, but their is a point to it.

If you manage to get 300 peices of Junk, and take them back to Wayne,
he will give you something very good for your effort...a very powerful new gun.

When you do get 300 junks, he will give you a choice:


You only get to make one choice, but here's what you will get for each decision:
NOTE: It isn't advisable to leave the decision up to Wayne, he'll give you a weaker
gun or more worthless junk.

CATEGORY Weapon Attack Range Bullets Rate Of Fire Slots Specials
-------- --------- ------ ------- ------- ------------ ----- --------
HANDGUN: DE50AE7 125 56 17 x2 8/9 None
SHOTGUN: M10B 121 70 7 x3 4/7 Burst
MACHINEGUN: P90 122 53 200 x10 5/7 Random Shot
RIFLE: MAG 152 185 21 x2 4/7 Critical Bonus
GRENADE LAUNCHER: HK40 116 70 9 x1 6/6 None
ROCKET LAUNCHER: LAW80 220 210 1 x1 0/0 None
LEAVE IT TO WAYNE: PPSh41 (MG) 80 76 71 x10 2/6 None
LEAVE IT TO WAYNE: SP1C (HG) 120 69 20 x2 2/6 None
LEAVE IT TO WAYNE: USP-TU (HG) 116 88 31 x5 3/9 Counter
LEAVE IT TO WAYNE: AK-47 (RI) 155 154 24 x5 6/8 Counter &
Critical Bonus
LEAVE IT TO WAYNE: Super Junk (Completely Worthless)
LEAVE IT TO WAYNE: Duper Junk (Completely Worthless)


There are 14 Rare Trading cards in the EX Game. For each one of these you get, Wayne will
upgrade 2 weapons. If you get 12 of the cards, he'll give you a TOOL KIT (unlimited tools)
and if you get all 14 cards, he'll give you a SUPER TOOL KIT (unlimited super tools)!


One big problem with your Parasite Energy (especially when you start to use Liberate)
is that the more you use it, the slower it recharges. There are two ways to give it a
bit of a "jumpstart". The first way is to change you armor in mid-match. Since the
ammount of P.E. you have is related to the type of armor, switch armor and you switch
your ammount of P.E., which is basically resetting it. A second way of "jumpstarting"
your meter isn't as easy. If you have a "Revive" on you or have used the P.E. power that
reraises you, when you die you are brought back and your P.E. recharges as if it was at a
new rate.


There are two cute little FF references in the game. The first is the sign outside the
Musuem at the world map. The second is the birds in the Musuem's prehistoric bird

== 4.4 BOSS GUIDE ==

Level 1
40 HP
0 MP

This is probably the easiest boss battle in the game. First off, the actress
tends to do the same thing over and over again, which makes the battle easy to
predict after a while. Just learn the pattern and you will be okay. What is the
pattern, you may ask? Well, when you see green energy swirling around her, it
will start to show up in her hands. Just move away from it, then dodge it when
it shoots towards you. It should not hit you if you get the timing down right.
After you dodge the green shot she fires at you, just shoot her with one bullet.
She will get that green swirl around her again, just run around while waiting
for your AT meter to recharge, and avoid her shot again. Shoot her again, then
follow the same pattern. She will soon be defeated.

Level 4
92 HP
0 MP

She may appear to be a little bit easier this time (yeah right), but in all
actuality she is quite tougher than she was the first time. You can handle her,
however, if you exercise a little bit of patience. She now has a few different
attacks. She is either going to chase after you and swipe you with her arm, move
towards you (just run away from her) or she will do her NEW energy blast! Wow,
how exciting. She uses both hands for this one, when she fires it just stand
still and the shot should go around you. Cool, eh? Just dodge her stuff and fire
at her when you can, and she will go down easy enough.

Level 7
120 HP for Head, 80 HP for tail
30 EXP for winning battle

When you start the battle, a message will pop up saying that the alligator
actually has two targets. So this is the first multi-targeted boss of the game,
in a sense. When the battle begins, keep your distance. The alligator will
charge at you and swing its tail at you. Avoid it and fire at the tail. Keep on
doing this until the tail is destroyed. Then the view changes and the alligator
changes his strategy. He uses that darn fire breath three times in a row, but it
is easily avoided after a while. If you get too close, he will swipe his claw at
you, causing serious damage, so just stay back. Use the back up, move in, fire,
back up strategy to win this battle easier. You will get the Kv Vest for winning
the battle.

Giant Worms
Level 13
120 HP, 150 HP, 180 HP, 210 HP

This Boss consists of four Giant Worms working in unison to bring about Aya¹s
destruction. At first, they are pretty slow and lazy, and they may or may not
attack. When they do attack, their projectiles are easily avoided. This is also
the best time for you to do some damage to the giant worms. Pick away at each of
the worms, but try not to destroy any of them. Once you have inflicted a lot of
damage to each of them, go ahead and finish one off.

The three remaining worms will grow in size, but will not regain their lost HP.
Continue to kill them off one at a time, until only one remains. Each time you
kill one, the remaining worms will grow larger and become more aggressive. Their
attacks will also get harder and harder to dodge. Just wait for a worm to appear
and attack, and then shoot a single round into its side. Shooting two is often a
waste, because the worms sometimes disappear before Aya can get off a shot.

When only one worm remains, it will take on a whole new attack pattern. It can
either shoot a spiked ball at Aya, attempt to grab her, or sweep the area using
its body. Keep a distance between Aya and the worm, and it will not attempt to
bite her. The spiked ball should also be easier to dodge now. The big problem,
however, is the sweeping attack. The only way to dodge it is to be as far away
from the worm as possible. However, this also means you will be out of range
when it is your opportunity to attack. Therefore, you will just have to bite
your lip and take the damage, relying on your Parasite Energy and Medicines to
save you. Just attack quickly with as many shots as you can, and the remaining
worm should fall easily.

Level 14
330 HP

This fight is tough, but only because Eve has Aya pinned down in the back of a
carriage. Try to keep as much distance between Aya and Eve as possible. Do this
by sticking to the four corners and watching Eve¹s shadow when she is not on
screen. Eve can hurt Aya by touching her or by bombing her from above. The
touching attack is no problem, just keep your distance. I advise standing on the
opposite end of the carriage during this attack.

To avoid the boom attack, as soon as Eve releases her energy, run to the
opposite corner and the attack should miss. If you are not in a corner when the
attack hits, you will have a tough time dodging the blast since it covers most
of the carriage. Counter Attack Eve whenever she floats back to the ground after
having used her bombing attack. You should be able to easily get off two shots
before Eve¹s next move.

Level 18
400 HP (bottom, target 1), 200 HP (left, target 2), 300 (right, target 3)
1000 EXP for winning

Sheeva now has three heads and a heck of a temper, and she has several modes of
attack. Her lunge attack can cause as much as 60 points of damage, and her
ground attack is extremely tough, typically causing a little over 80 points of
damage. To make things even tougher, she shoots energy beams from the center of
her body.

Dodging the lunges is easy ­ just do not stand still in any one spot for too
long. The energy beams are also fairly easy to dodge if you keep moving and
staying out of corners. The real challenge is dealing with the ground attack.
The only way to dodge it is to be as far from Sheeva as possible, and this only
works if Shiva is in the opposite corner, which rarely happens. You can,
however, use the Barrier Parasite Energy to reduce or nullify damage, although
you will have to rely on medicines to heal Aya.

Concentrate your attacks on Sheeva¹s middle head (Target 1). It heals the other
two heads, so it is best to take it out first, and quickly. Once that head is
destroyed, you can destroy the other two fairly easily. Win the battle and you
will receive the M9-2 Handgun.

Spider Woman
Level 22
400 HP (first stage), 500 HP (second stage)
6500 EXP for winning

A large arachnid is waiting for Aya on the roof, and it is tough enough to find
a shoe big enough to smash this bug. In the first stage of this fight, try to
keep your distance from the Spider Woman. She will shoot webs at Aya that cause
damage and stiffness, which impairs your movement. The webs will remain on the
ground for several seconds after they have been shot and will still harm Aya
when touched. If you do get caught in a web, the Spider Woman will close in and

You will need a weapon with some range for this part of the battle. A rifle
works well, because its range is good enough to shoot over a web and still hit
the Boss. Between web shots, the Spider Woman will shoot flames. These are easy
to dodge if you keep your distance. When the webs disappear, put some distance
between you and the boss, because it is about to shoot three more webs.

After causing this boss significant damage, the view switches and you will fight
more of a close range battle with the Spider Woman. If you want, you can switch
to a short-range weapon with a faster reload time, like a handgun. Continue to
avoid the webs and fireballs and plug away at the boss in between its attacks.
It should fall quickly, leaving you with a G23 handgun.

Level 26
500 HP (1st stage), 250 HP (head), 180 HP (tail), 120 HP (body), 120 HP (body)
10000 EXP for winning

The centipede¹s first stage has a major weakness. If you can stay along its
side, it will not be able to hit you with two of its attacks (biting and
electric bolts). However, you will still need to worry about its poison attack.
If you constantly move, you can dodge it. However, you must keep your eyes open
or you might run into it.

After causing enough damage, the Centipede will split into four parts that
circle the screen. At this point, I find it helpful to have a long-range weapon,
like a rifle. With this type of weapon, you can stand in the middle and hit the
mini-pedes, regardless of their position. When you target one of his minipedes,
make a mental note of its target number. By doing so, you will not feel like you
are playing three card monty, and you can kill each one off quickly.

If you examine the body parts more closely, the four parts consist of the head,
the tail, and two middle parts. The only poisonous part is the head. In fact,
you will probably spend a lot of Parasite Energy on Detox and Heal 3 until you
kill off one of the body parts. With one out of the way, run to the empty space
it previously occupied anytime the remaining parts stop to attack. This will
help you dodge them. When you win this fight, you receive the M79-3 grenade

Level 32
856 HP (head), 420 HP (claws)
2510 EXP for winning

The Crab has three parts to it, two claws and the head. What you should
do is always stick to its side. It shoots out bubbles in a cone-shaped
direction in front of it that hits twice and lowers your defense. If
you're to its side, it won't hit you. It also has two physical attacks.
One is where it thrusts both its claws outward, and the other is a grab
and smack you to 1 HP move, but both can be avoided as long as you're to
its side. It has one more move where its eyes pop up and shoot lasers.
You can't avoid this if you're to its side, so once you see the eyes come
out, get as far away as you can from it.

If you get hit by them, then heal and get back to its side. Kill the claws
first, then go for the head. Once the claws are gone, the defense of the head
lowers. If you have Burst effect on your weapon, then you might be able to hit
both claws with one attack. Chances are that the far claw will be out of
range, though.

Note that you won't always be directly at its side because it's constantly
moving away from you. As long as you keep following it, though, you'll be safe,
because it stops when it's about to attack, giving you time to move in. Don't
attack it while it's moving, wait instead until it has attacked, and then
counter. When you win, you'll get the AT4 rocket launcher (ooh).

Level 33
750 HP (1st stage), 900 HP (2nd stage)
50,000 EXP for winning

The Triceratops can cause a lot of damage in a short period of time. Its bolt
attack can inflict as much as 150 points of damage, as can its charge attack.
Make sure you have plenty of health at all times, and use your Parasite Energy

At first, the Triceratops will charge toward Aya so fast that she will not be
able to dodge it unless you use Haste. When it wears off, continue to reuse it.
At the start of the fight, the Triceratops will only charge at Aya once, and
then wander around. However, as you cause more and more damage to it, it will
increase the number of times it charges in a row. Choose your slots wisely, or
you could be left standing in his path.

Dodging the bolt attack is easy. As soon as it begins to charge up the attack,
run over and stand close to and just a bit to the side of the Triceratops¹s
head. When you find the correct spot, the bolt will harmlessly pass around Aya.
Once the beast¹s head is gone, it becomes susceptible to cold attacks. This
being the case, you might want to equip a weapon with Freezing Rounds. The
Triceratops¹s freezing attack slows down considerably, so you will not need to
use Haste anymore. Also, this ammo causes it to shoot balls nearly nonstop. Use
the same strategy to dodge the bolts, and the dinosaur should quickly fall.

Level 35
2400 HP

This guy is even tougher than the Triceratops (that is, if you thought
the Triceratops was tough). In the beginning, it will work on shooting
flames at you. The flames cover nearly the entire room in front of it, so
if you don't want to be burned, then stay behind it. The best thing to do
is stay near its left side and more behind than in front of it. That way,
when it shoots the flames, you won't have to worry about getting into

Sometimes it will jump to the other side of the screen and
follow with the flame attack. When it does that, just quickly run back to
position so you won't get hit. The flame attack can hit multiple times at
about 150 damage each, and you can take up to 750 damage if you're
standing in front of it when it fires, so you definitely don't want to
get hit. Its other moves consist of a normal biting attack which is
easily dodged and one where it shoots two bolts of energy at you. It's
not as easily dodged, but the damage is bearable.

To dodge, watch when it's about to shoot the balls, then start running away from
it. When they actually start coming at you, start running towards it and then a
little bit to the side. To kill it, just keep shooting at it from its side with
your strongest handgun (using anything else is too risky as they fire too
slowly) or machine gun. If you happen to have Liberate by now, use it,
and the battle will be over. You'll get the M8000 handgun when you win.

Level 37
1900 HP (Top), 1750 HP (Middle), 1600 HP (Bottom)
0 EXP for winning

There are three parts to Eve, so you should use a weapon with the Burst
effect (probably a shotgun unless you moved it to another). Also, if you
have it, now is a good time to use your AT4 rocket launcher. Eve has many
attacks. One is where she shoots a pair of energy balls at you, four
times in succession. You can dodge them by standing in between them, but
it's much easier to avoid them by continuously running to either side.
She also sprays needles around the whole screen in a circular fashion.
Just run away from them, but angle yourself so that you're also running
towards Eve.

(Simple Geometry has it that as the radius of a circle becomes smaller, the
circumference gets smaller. The closer you are to Eve, the less distance you
have to cover, giving you more time to outrun the needle spray. If you're
farther away, and you don't get close, then you'll probably get hit.) And then
there's a move where Eve spins around in place and shoots boomerangs in the air
which rain down back on Aya.

They're pretty hard to dodge, but if you get directly under Eve, then you
shouldn't get hit. Just remember to back off when she stops firing. Eve
also has several close up attacks. You can tell when they're coming when
waves of energy eminate from Eve's "tail". The only way to avoid this is
to STAY AWAY from her the instant you see her. If you're far away enough,
then her melee attack won't come out. If you get caught, though, then
you're in trouble.

Among her melee attacks are a multi-hit hurts-a-lot move, another multi-attack
which doesn't have as many hits, but confuses you, and one where she just smacks
you to one HP. The strategy to beat Eve goes as follows. Run in a counter-
clockwise direction around Eve.

Make sure you're always moving. When she attacks, position yourself
correspondingly so that you don't get hit (easier said than done, but do
your best). Once her attack comes out, get in range, and then shoot her.
The bottom section has the least HP, so get rid of that first. By the
way, you should have the Liberate spell at this point. Use it. It will
help a lot. When yon win, you'll have to fight Eve in a different form.

Level 35
2200 HP
0 EXP for winning

This fight is a little bit easier, but Eve is still deadly. Now she can fly
around the screen so fast that Aya sometimes has trouble drawing a bead on her.
This also makes it easier for Eve to fly in and out of your targeting dome, so
be careful when you shoot! Never shoot more than twice, I will tell you why

Eve has three basic attacks. Her physical attack is a quick blow that can hit
Aya and poison her. It is tough to dodge because it is so fast. Just keep moving
at all times, and she should get off with only one hit. Eve can also hit Aya
with a paralysis attack that cannot be dodged. Two things can happen with this
attack: Either Aya will get paralyzed, thus stopping her mobility, or she will
just get slowed down. Both effects are harmful, so you should use a Cure-M or
Medic to get rid of the effect.

Eve¹s final ­ and deadliest ­ attack is her energy javelin. Occasionally, she
will fly off screen and the camera will show a close up view of her as she
throws her javelin. This attack inflicts area damage, so the closer Aya is to
the impact point, the more damage she will take. This serves as a prime example
of why you need to keep Aya mobile. Eve loves to paralyze Aya and then hit her
with the Javelin, which can cause 400 plus points of damage.

The key thing to remember when Eve launches her energy javelin is that you still
have control of Aya even though you cannot see her. It is best to stay in a
corner so that when Eve begins to launch her attack from the sky, you can run to
the opposite side. Do not stop running until the attack has exploded! If you can
get away far enough, Aya will not take any damage!

Earlier I mentioned that you should only shoot Eve twice each turn. That is
because you never know when Eve is going to try the javelin, and you cannot
control Aya when she is shooting. If you have programmed Aya to shoot several
shots and Eve takes off, you will miss Eve and Aya will not move until she is
done shooting even though you cannot hear or take the shots. So take quick shots
and never get stuck in one place for too long.

To make things really quick, use the Parasite Energy Liberate. This will cause
over a thousand points of damage to Eve, but it will also deplete all of Aya¹a
Parasite Energy. It is, however, still worth the risk. After the attack, you
will only need to hit Eve a few more times to finish her off.

The Ultimate Being
Level: 37
HP: 1500
EXP: 0
The Ultimate Being looks pretty revolting. Don't let that stop you,
though. In fact, this battle is quite easy. All he does is float around
like a pansy and attack occasionally. His attack is a shockwave that
eminates from himself, spreading out to damage everything within a
certain radius. To avoid it, all you have to do is to figure out which
corner he's furthest from, and run there before he attacks. If he shoots
the wave before you get to the corner, then don't worry. As long as
there's some distance between you two while it fires, then you can outrun
it as long as you keep heading for the corner.

After it fires, run up to it and shoot it. You can fire quite a few shots. Three
or four is fine, but if you're really paranoid, you can stick with one shot, but
there's really no need. After firing, the Ultimate Being will float around
someplace else, in which you should move to the corresponding corner and
prepare for the next attack, then repeat the pattern. It also has an
attack that is unavoidable and brings you down to 1 HP, but luckily, it
is used very occasionally. When you see it about to do its 1 HP attack
(it drops to the ground), then you could cast a Barrier at that instant.
It uses up less PE than healing yourself back to full.

The Ultimate Being
Level: 37
HP: 1500 (Top), 950 (Bottom)
EXP: 0
There are two parts to this boss. It's also fairly easy, though not as
easy as the previous form. Its attack is a pair of lightning bolts it
shoots from its hands four times in a row. You can either get between
them or just avoid them altogether. Getting between them is a bit
difficult because it swings the bolts in a direction, and so you'll have
to move with them. If you can get outside of the bolts (on the other side
of the direction he swings it), then you won't have to worry about it.
Remember, however, that he shoots four times in a row, so don't let up if
you've managed to dodge one, keep running circles around him (the
opposite direction the bolts are going).

Also, the closer you are to it, then the easier it is to dodge (and it also has
a chance of going over you, missing you completely). Actually, it's best to stay
close to it, and once you see the bolts about to come out, start moving. Its
other attack is just three bolts that sort of home in on Aya, but they can be
dodged easily. After dealing enough damage to one section, both sections
split apart and move and attack independently. This stage is a lot
harder. The flying part will either try to run into you or shoot a string
of bullets at you.

It follows you as it shoots, so just run as fast as you can away from it. If
that wasn't bad enough, the part that's crawling on the ground will shoot a
purple beam that reaches from one corner all the way to the opposite corner. It
can also sweep its purple beam around the screen. To dodge, just run away from
the beam while at the same time running towards the baby (so you can outrun it
faster). If you kill the baby first, then the other part will die, too, and the
battle will end. If you kill the flying section, you'll still have to kill the
baby. For a quick battle, as always, use Liberate.

The Ultimate Being
Level: 38
HP: 3500
EXP: 0
This form reminds me of Tyrant from Resident Evil 1. Anyway, it's
probably the toughest form, also. It has several moves. One is a two-hit
combo. It quickly rushes up to you and hits you twice. You can avoid this
by running away from it when you see it start to speed up. As it
approaches you, it will stop to attack you. If you keep running, it will
land behind you. As for the second attack, after the first one comes out,
angle yourself away and to the side when you run, and the second attack
should miss you by a hair.

It has another attack where it flies to one corner and shoots several large
balls at you that. When you see that it's about to fire, start running towards
it. If you're really close to it, then the balls will miss you. You might get
hit for about 15 points of damage, but it's preferred than losing 250 HP. Oh,
yeah, this one also has a 1 HP attack and a half HP attack.

The Ultimate Being
Level: ??
HP: 8000
EXP: 0
This form is pretty easy. It has four extensions that can't hurt you, but
fly around and shoot easily avoidable lasers. Each shot you hit it with
does 1 point of damage. It's best to switch to a machine gun now, as they
can shoot up to 7 times in a row. Just dodge and shoot, and you'll
eventually kill him.

Just kidding! Once you do about 20 damage, Daniel will come down and
throw you some special bullets. You'll automatically switch to Maeda's
Gun, loaded with the special clip. Each hit here does 999 damage! Kill

Level: 24
HP: 1000
EXP: 100
This spider is the same as the one you fought on the roof of the hospital.
It should be pretty easy by now, especially since you have a good weapon.
There's also less room to move around, so the fireball is a little harder
to dodge, but you can always heal.

Level: 29
HP: 1200, 1200
EXP: 300
Again, these guys are just like the one you fought against in the Carnegie
Hall Sewers. Each have only one target, and although there are two of
them, the fight should still be easy.

Level: 34
HP: 1500 (first stage), 1200 (head), 800 (tail), 600 (body), 600 (body)
EXP: 800
This is the same as the boss you fought in the Subway on day five. I don't
know what more to say. :( Actually, the first part is pretty easy. Just
stick to its side and it won't be able to hurt you by lunging. The fight
gets hard when it splits up into four separate parts. Kill one part as
quickly as you can so you'll take less damage when you get hit. Also, if
he head hits you, you'll be poisoned, and if the tail hits you, you'll be
blinded. Same strategy, though. If you don't get hit, you won't be

Level: 39
HP: 1600 (first stage), 1600 (second stage)
EXP: 2,500
Again, this is the same Triceratops you beat in the Museum on day five.
For some reason, this boss is easier than the one on the 30th floor. Using
the Mark 23, I killed the first stage before it got two attacks out. In
the second stage, the triceratops attacks more often, and uses only the
lightning bolts, and no longer charges. Still, it should be no trouble.
And although this is like the one you fought in the Museum, freezing
rounds do no special damage to it.

Level: 49
HP: 4200 (main), 1200 (hatchling)
EXP: 5,000
Ah, finally an original boss here. At first, only one roach appears, and
it has only one attack, which is swiping you with its antenna. To avoid,
_simply_ run away from the roach if it's approaching you. It will run up
to you, and then attack with its antenna. If you start running by the time
the attack is already coming out, you won't make it. After you deal a
certain amount of damage, the roach will fly into the air and another
roach will hatch out of an egg. The groundling roach is just like the
original one when it was on the ground. The now airborne roach attacks by
shooting white fire at you. There's nothing special you need to do to
avoid it. Just don't get hit by it.

Level: 59
HP: 6400 (head), 1600 (claws)
EXP: 10,000
The Crab is very similar to the crab in the Warehouse. Note that this one
moves a LOT faster, so you have to use Haste to keep up. Otherwise, the
strategy is the same as before. Stay to its side, kill the claws first,
then the defense of the head lowers, then destroy the head. Although its
eye lasers are nothing to worry about, the bubble attack does an insane
amount of damage, so you should be extra careful when dodging.

Level: 74
HP: 12000 (Main), 600 (Small), 1200 (Large)
EXP: 20,000
This battle is really tough. Hopefully you saved up a good amount of
Medicine 4 and Revives during your flight up the last ten floors. The main
bee (the largest one) has three attacks. The first is where it shoots a
wall of orange light at you, and then two sickles fly out after it. Just
one hit from one of them alone deals over 500 damage. The wall is pretty
easy to dodge if you're not caught shooting, so don't go crazy firing at
it. Whichever side of the screen you're standing on, the bee will move to
the top of that side, and fire the wall at you. From here, just run to the
opposite side of the screen, and the wall should come out once you're out
of range.

Continue running and the sickles will miss you, also. The second attack is
unavoidable once it comes out. It paralyzes you for several seconds, allowing
the other bees to get licks on you, and then a white light deals around 400
damage to you. Not much you can do about this. But I _think_ the main bee uses
this only when it's in the center of the screen _and_ when you're in front of
it. The third attack is a lame swipe with its leg which is easily avoided. As
for the small bees, they fly around stinging you occasionally. Again, they're
easy to dodge unless you're caught shooting.

Getting hit by the stingers will poison you. The small bees can also heal the
main bee for 200 points of damage.

Unfortunately, once you kill the small bees, more take their place. Also,
there are large bees that don't appear as often. They're pretty easy to
avoid since they're so slow, but they have range attacks to use when
you're far away. Getting hit by their ranged attacks will confuse you.
Each bee alone isn't too tough, but all of them in one fight makes a very
tough battle. It's best if you have the burst effect on your weapon so you
can hit the main bee and the healer bees with one shot, otherwise it will
take forever to take away all 12000 of its hitpoints.

Level: 99
HP: 45000
EXP: 0
Ahh, the final showdown with Eve. This battle is really tough. Hopefully,
you've been stocking up on Medicine and Revives, and that you've upgraded
your weapon pretty good (300+ Attack) or else the fight will be over
quickly (for you). Anyway, the first thing you should note is that Eve has
a little helper. You should NEVER attack Eve while the helper is on the
screen, or else the helper will heal Eve in increasing increments (1000,
2000, 3000, etc). Basically, you should only attack Eve right after she
completes an attack, or immediately after the helper has left the screen
(make sure its shadow is completely gone before you start shooting, just
to be safe).

In the beginning, Eve will float around, and then teleport right next to you.
Quickly run away from her. Eve will teleport and appear right next to you again,
and immediately follow with an attack. To dodge this attack, run a clockwise
circle around Eve. Once she misses her attack, shoot her as much as you possibly
can, but stop when she teleports (away from you, this time). After teleporting
away, Eve will float around again, and may use her teleport attack on you again,
or she may also call down her helper to inflict a status ailment on you. Once
you bring Eve down to two-thirds of her hitpoints, Eve will start using another

The helper will come down and charge Eve up for an attack. When this
happens, Eve will float to a corner, charge up, and then fly to the other
side of the room, ramming you, and knocking you down to 1 HP and removing
all status benefits. I found this impossible to dodge, even with haste.
However, after charging up, Eve will be stunned, allowing you to get a
good deal of hits on her. Once she regains composure, though, stop firing,
and wait to see what she'll do next. Also, Eve's teleport attack will have
another hit. First, she'll teleport near you and attack (still run
clockwise to dodge it), and then teleport near you again and kick at you.
To dodge the kick, you have to run counter-clockwise. I found it possible
to dodge only with haste on. When Eve is at a third of her hit points,
she'll use her charge-up ramming move without her having to call on the
helper. In addition, the teleport attack will have another attack. After
the kick comes out, she'll teleport near you again, and try to hit you
with a somersault kick. Dodge this by running to the side in either

When I saw Eve teleporting right next to me, I immediately casted Haste so
I would be able to dodge the following attacks more easily. After she
missed, I would shoot her until she teleported away. When the helper came
down, I'd wait until it left, then start shooting Eve again. When I saw
Eve preparing for her charge-up attack, I'd switch to a different armor,
and then switch back to get my PE moving again. After getting hit, I'd
cast Preraise (just in case), let the autocure kick in, and shoot her
about six times. Sounds pretty simple, right? Well, seeing as how she has
so many hitpoints, it might take a while to kill her. Theoretically, she
should not be able to kill you, since you can dodge all but the 1 HP
attack, but you should bring plenty of Medicine just in case. Good luck!
It took me half an hour to beat her...

=== 5.0 LISTS ===

=== 5.1 WEAPONS LIST ===

Name: This is the weapon¹s name as it appears in the game.

Stats: Numbers in this column represent the weapon¹s current level of Attack
(power), Range, and Bullets (capacity).

Base: Numbers in this column cannot be removed from this weapon.

Plus: Numbers in this column can be transferred to another weapon using a Tool.

Attack: This represents how much damage the weapon can cause in a single attack.

Range: This determines how large Aya¹s targeting dome will be when attacking.

Bullets: This indicates how much ammunition the weapon can hold.

Rate of Fire: This indicates how many times the weapon can shoot in a turn.

Slots: The first number shows how many slots the weapon has when you find it.
The second number shows the maximum number of slots the weapon can have through

Specials: Any weapon effects the weapon may have are listed here.

Location: This is where the weapon can be found. Because the game randomizes
items, you may not always find a weapon in the listed location. However, each
weapon will appear in the listed spot when the game decides to drop it in. Alsom
when you see ³D#², this indicates the day of the game when you¹ll find the
items; plus, ³EX² means that you¹ll find the item in the EX portion of the game
only. For an explanation of the ³300 Junk², read the secrets section of this

ATTACK: Stats/Base/Plus
RANGE: Stats/Base/Plus
BULLETS: Stats/Base/Plus

Name: Club 1
Attack: 10/9/1
Range: 10/10/0
Bullets: 0/0/0
Rate of Fire: N/A
Slots: 1/1
Specials: None
Location: Starting Weapon

Name: Club 2
Attack: 26/24/2
Range: 10/10/0
Bullets: 0/0/0
Rate of Fire: N/A
Slots: 1/1
Specials: Item
Location: Soho (D3)

Name: Club 3
Attack: 38/38/0
Range: 10/10/0
Bullets: 0/0/0
Rate of Fire: N/A
Slots: 2/2
Specials: Item and Quickdraw
Location: Chinatown Sewer (D5)

Name: Club 4
Attack: 80/78/2
Range: 10/10/0
Bullets: 0/0/0
Rate of Fire: N/A
Slots: 3/3
Specials: Critical Bonus, Item, and Counterattack Enemy
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: Club 5
Attack: 102/100/2
Range: 10/10/0
Bullets: 0/0/0
Rate of Fire: N/A
Slots: 3/3
Specials: Item and Quickdraw
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: M84F
Attack: 12/10/2
Range: 51/51/0
Bullets: 6/6/0
Rate of Fire: x2
Slots: 1/4
Specials: None
Location: Starting Weapon

Name: P220
Attack: 15/14/1
Range: 55/55/0
Bullets: 5/5/0
Rate of Fire: x2
Slots: 1/5
Specials: None
Location: Carnegie Hall (D1)

Name: P220-2
Attack: 48/47/1
Range: 55/55/0
Bullets: 12/11/1
Rate of Fire: x3
Slots: 3/5
Specials: None
Location: Museum (D5)

Name: M1911A1
Attack: 17/15/2
Range: 60/60/0
Bullets: 6/5/1
Rate of Fire: x3
Slots: 2/6
Specials: None
Location: Carnegie Hall Sewers (D1)

Name: M1911A2
Attack: 48/48/0
Range: 61/61/0
Bullets: 10/8/2
Rate of Fire: x3
Slots: 2/5
Specials: None
Location: Chinatown (D5)

Name: M1911A3
Attack: 50/50/0
Range: 62/62/0
Bullets: 9/8/1
Rate of Fire: x5
Slots: 2/7
Specials: None
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: M1911A4
Attack: 68/68/0
Range: 63/62/1
Bullets: 9/9/0
Rate of Fire: x1
Slots: 2/8
Specials: None
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: M1911A5
Attack: 86/85/1
Range: 63/63/0
Bullets: 11/10/1
Rate of Fire: x1
Slots: 2/5
Specials: None
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: P8
Attack: 19/18/1
Range: 56/54/2
Bullets: 7/7/0
Rate of Fire: x1
Slots: 1/1
Specials: None
Location: Central Park (D2)

Name: M9
Attack: 17/17/0
Range: 54/53/1
Bullets: 9/8/1
Rate of Fire: x3
Slots: 3/6
Specials: None
Location: Central Park (D2)

Name: M92F
Attack: 29/28/1
Range: 51/50/1
Bullets: 11/8/3
Rate of Fire: x3
Slots: 3/10
Specials: None
Location: NYPD #17 Precinct (D3)

Name: M9-2
Attack: 39/38/1
Range: 55/54/1
Bullets: 11/10/1
Rate of Fire: x3
Slots: 2/7
Specials: None
Location: NYPD #17 Precinct (D3)

Name: G19
Attack: 32/30/2
Range: 58/57/1
Bullets: 10/8/2
Rate of Fire: x3
Slots: 3/5
Specials: None
Location: Soho (D3)

Name: G22
Attack: 51/49/2
Range: 60/60/0
Bullets: 11/10/1
Rate of Fire: x2
Slots: 2/5
Specials: None
Location: Museum (D5)

Name: G23
Attack: 48/47/1
Range: 60/58/2
Bullets: 10/10/0
Rate of Fire: x3
Slots: 2/7
Specials: None
Location: Hospital (D4)

Name: PPK
Attack: 47/45/2
Range: 49/48/1
Bullets: 12/12/0
Rate of Fire: x5
Slots: 2/4
Specials: Quickdraw
Location: Warehouse (D5)

Name: Maeda¹s Gun
Attack: 1/1/0
Range: 60/60/0
Bullets: 15/15/0
Rate of Fire: x2
Slots: 1/1
Specials: None
Location: Soho (D3)

Name: M8000
Attack: 57/57/0
Range: 58/58/0
Bullets: 12/12/0
Rate of Fire: x1
Slots: 3/5
Specials: Command x2
Location: Museum (D5)

Name: M9-3
Attack: 55/53/2
Range: 58/58/0
Bullets: 13/13/0
Rate of Fire: x3
Slots: 2/7
Specials: Command x2
Location: Museum (D5)

Name: MDE50AE7
Attack: 125/123/2
Range: 56/55/1
Bullets: 17/15/2
Rate of Fire: x2
Slots: 8/9
Specials: None
Location: Receive from Wayne (300 Junk)

Name: SP1C
Attack: 120/118/2
Range: 69/67/2
Bullets: 20/18/2
Rate of Fire: x2
Slots: 2/6
Specials: None
Location: Receive from Wayne (300 Junk)

Name: USP
Attack: 52/51/1
Range: 56/56/0
Bullets: 10/9/1
Rate of Fire: x3
Slots: 2/4
Specials: None
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: USP-TU
Attack: 116/115/1
Range: 88/87/1
Bullets: 31/25/6
Rate of Fire: x5
Slots: 3/9
Specials: Counter
Location: Receive from Wayne (Junk)

Name: USP-2
Attack: 58/58/0
Range: 59/57/2
Bullets: 11/11/0
Rate of Fire: x1
Slots: 2/7
Specials: None
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: USP-3
Attack: 76/75/1
Range: 58/58/0
Bullets: 13/12/1
Rate of Fire: x2
Slots: 2/3
Specials: Quickdraw
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: P226
Attack: 63/63/0
Range: 57/57/0
Bullets: 12/11/1
Rate of Fire: x2
Slots: 2/6
Specials: None
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: P228
Attack: 59/59/0
Range: 56/55/1
Bullets: 13/12/1
Rate of Fire: x5
Slots: 2/6
Specials: Counter
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: P229
Attack: 71/71/0
Range: 56/56/0
Bullets: 13/13/0
Rate of Fire: x3
Slots: 1/7
Specials: None
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: M96
Attack: 77/75/2
Range: 59/59/0
Bullets: 16/14/2
Rate of Fire: x1
Slots: 5/5
Specials: None
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: M96R
Attack: 89/88/1
Range: 59/59/0
Bullets: 20/20/0
Rate of Fire: x2
Slots: 2/4
Specials: Command x3
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: AM444
Attack: 78/78/0
Range: 58/58/0
Bullets: 13/12/1
Rate of Fire: x5
Slots: 2/8
Specials: None
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: Mark 23
Attack: 82/81/1
Range: 61/60/1
Bullets: 13/13/0
Rate of Fire: x3
Slots: 2/3
Specials: Quickdraw
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: G20
Attack: 65/65/0
Range: 62/61/1
Bullets: 14/12/2
Rate of Fire: x1
Slots: 2/3
Specials: Counter
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: M712
Attack: 87/85/2
Range: 64/63/1
Bullets: 11/10/1
Rate of Fire: x1
Slots: 2/2
Specials: Counter
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)


Name: M16A1
Attack: 35/34/1
Range: 112/110/2
Bullets: 16/15/1
Rate of Fire: x2
Slots: 1/3
Specials: None
Location: NYPD #17 Precinct (D2)

Name: M16A2
Attack: 55/53/2
Range: 124/124/0
Bullets: 19/18/1
Rate of Fire: x3
Slots: 2/4
Specials: None
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: SG550
Attack: 40/40/0
Range: 110/108/2
Bullets: 21/20/1
Rate of Fire: x2
Slots: 2/5
Specials: None
Location: NYPD #17 Precinct (D3)

Name: G3A3
Attack: 44/43/1
Range: 123/121/2
Bullets: 19/18/1
Rate of Fire: x1
Slots: 3/4
Specials: None
Location: Hospital (D4)

Name: MAG
Attack: 152/151/1
Range: 185/185/0
Bullets: 21/20/1
Rate of Fire: x2
Slots: 4/7
Specials: Critical Bonus
Location: Receive from Wayne (300 Junk)

Name: AK-47
Attack: 155/155/0
Range: 154/152/2
Bullets: 24/23/1
Rate of Fire: x5
Slots: 6/8
Specials: Counter and Critical Bonus
Location: Receive from Wayne (300 Junk)

Name: Type64
Attack: 51/50/1
Range: 114/112/2
Bullets: 16/14/2
Rate of Fire: x3
Slots: 4/5
Specials: Critical Bonus
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: PSG-1
Attack: 75/0/0
Range: 120/120/0
Bullets: 19/18/1
Rate of Fire: x2
Slots: 5/5
Specials: None
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: SAR
Attack: 86/85/1
Range: 136/135/1
Bullets: 16/16/0
Rate of Fire: x1
Slots: 2/3
Specials: None
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: FA-MAS
Attack: 119/119/0
Range: 169/168/1
Bullets: 26/26/0
Rate of Fire: x3
Slots: 6/7
Specials: None
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: XM177E2
Attack: 99/99/0
Range: 159/158/1
Bullets: 17/16/1
Rate of Fire: x1
Slots: 5/6
Specials: Critical Bonus
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)


Name: M203
Attack: 27/25/2
Range: 60/59/1
Bullets: 5/5/0
Rate of Fire: x1
Slots: 2/3
Specials: Explosive Rounds
Location: Central Park (D2)

Name: M203-2
Attack: 49/48/1
Range: 65/65/0
Bullets: 7/6/1
Rate of Fire: x2
Slots: 2/5
Specials: Explosive Rounds
Location: Warehouse (D5)

Name: M203-3
Attack: 50/49/1
Range: 71/71/0
Bullets: 7/5/2
Rate of Fire: x3
Slots: 4/5
Specials: Acid Rounds
Location: Chinatown Sewers (D5)

Name: M203-4
Attack: 58/57/1
Range: 67/67/0
Bullets: 8/7/1
Rate of Fire: x2
Slots: 5/7
Specials: Freezing Rounds
Location: Museum (D5)

Name: M203-5
Attack: 68/68/0
Range: 65/65/0
Bullets: 7/7/0
Rate of Fire: x1
Slots: 5/6
Specials: None
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: M203-6
Attack: 81/80/1
Range: 68/67/1
Bullets: 8/6/2
Rate of Fire: x1
Slots: 4/4
Specials: Cyanide Rounds
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: M79
Attack: 45/44/1
Range: 67/65/2
Bullets: 5/4/1
Rate of Fire: x2
Slots: 3/4
Specials: Tranquilizer Rounds
Location: Hospital (D4)

Name: M79-2
Attack: 46/45/1
Range: 68/68/0
Bullets: 6/4/2
Rate of Fire: x3
Slots: 4/4
Specials: Acid Rounds
Location: Chinatown (D5)

Name: M79-3
Attack: 54/52/2
Range: 69/68/1
Bullets: 6/5/1
Rate of Fire: x2
Slots: 3/5
Specials: Freezing Rounds
Location: Subway (D5)

Name: M79-4
Attack: 61/59/2
Range: 65/65/0
Bullets: 10/10/0
Rate of Fire: x1
Slots: 4/5
Specials: None
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: M79-5
Attack: 75/75/0
Range: 69/67/2
Bullets: 8/8/0
Rate of Fire: x1
Slots: 5/5
Specials: None
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: M79-6
Attack: 94/94/0
Range: 69/68/1
Bullets: 11/10/1
Rate of Fire: x1
Slots: 4/7
Specials: None
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)


Name: M10
Attack: 38/37/1
Range: 45/45/0
Bullets: 24/22/2
Rate of Fire: x7
Slots: 2/3
Specials: Random Shot
Location: Hospital (D4)

Name: M11
Attack: 33/32/1
Range: 42/42/0
Bullets: 21/20/1
Rate of Fire: x5
Slots: 2/2
Specials: Random Shot
Location: Soho (D3)

Name: MP5K
Attack: 36/35/1
Range: 43/43/0
Bullets: 24/23/1
Rate of Fire: x3
Slots: 1/4
Specials: None
Location: NYPD #17 Precinct (D3)

Name: Micro UZ
Attack: 40/38/2
Range: 43/43/0
Bullets: 19/18/1
Rate of Fire: x5
Slots: 4/4
Specials: Random Shot
Location: Hospital (D4)

Name: Mini UZ
Attack: 49/48/1
Range: 46/45/1
Bullets: 20/19/1
Rate of Fire: x5
Slots: 3/3
Specials: Random Shot
Location: Hospital (D4)

Name: Full UZ
Attack: 68/68/0
Range: 50/49/1
Bullets: 43/42/1
Rate of Fire: x10
Slots: 3/4
Specials: Random Shot
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: MP5PDW
Attack: 53/52/1
Range: 46/46/0
Bullets: 25/23/2
Rate of Fire: x7
Slots: 2/6
Specials: Random Shot
Location: Museum (D5)

Name: P90
Attack: 122/122/0
Range: 53/51/2
Bullets: 201/200/1
Rate of Fire: x10
Slots: 5/7
Specials: Random Shot
Location: Receive from Wayne (300 Junk)

Name: PPSh41
Attack: 80/78/2
Range: 76/75/1
Bullets: 71/71/0
Rate of Fire: x10
Slots: 2/6
Specials: None
Location: Receive from Wayne (300 Junk)

Name: MP5A5
Attack: 68/67/1
Range: 48/48/0
Bullets: 29/28/1
Rate of Fire: x2
Slots: 2/4
Specials: Random Shot
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: MP5SD6
Attack: 89/89/0
Range: 52/52/0
Bullets: 32/31/1
Rate of Fire: x3
Slots: 4/7
Specials: Random Shot
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)


Name: M10B
Attack: 121/120/1
Range: 70/70/0
Bullets: 7/6/1
Rate of Fire: x3
Slots: 4/7
Specials: Burst
Location: Receive from Wayne (300 Junk)

Name: M870
Attack: 49/48/1
Range: 60/60/0
Bullets: 7/4/3
Rate of Fire: x2
Slots: 7/7
Specials: Burst
Location: Chinatown Sewer (D5)

Name: M870-2
Attack: 63/63/0
Range: 64/63/1
Bullets: 5/5/0
Rate of Fire: x1
Slots: 7/7
Specials: Burst
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: M500
Attack: 59/57/2
Range: 63/61/2
Bullets: 7/5/2
Rate of Fire: x2
Slots: 8/8
Specials: Burst
Location: Museum (D5)

Name: M500-2
Attack: 76/75/1
Range: 67/67/0
Bullets: 6/6/0
Rate of Fire: x3
Slots: 5/9
Specials: Burst
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: Maverick
Attack: 82/82/0
Range: 71/69/2
Bullets: 7/7/0
Rate of Fire: x1
Slots: 5/6
Specials: Burst
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: S12
Attack: 98/97/1
Range: 72/72/0
Bullets: 9/8/1
Rate of Fire: x1
Slots: 6/6
Specials: Burst
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)


Name: AT4
Attack: 128/128/0
Range: 202/202/0
Bullets: 1/1/0
Rate of Fire: x1
Slots: 0/0
Specials: None
Location: Warehouse (D5)

Name: AT4-1
Attack: 186/186/0
Range: 232/205/30
Bullets: 1/1/0
Rate of Fire: x1
Slots: 0/0
Specials: None
Location: Chrysler Building (EX)

Name: LAW80
Attack: 220/200/20
Range: 210/210/0
Bullets: 1/1/0
Rate of Fire: x1
Slots: 0/0
Specials: None
Location: Receive from Wayne (300 Junk)

=== 5.2 ARMORS LIST ===

Name: This is the armor¹s name as it appears in the game.

Stats: Numbers in this column represent the armor¹s current level of Defense
PEnergy, and Critical.

Base: Numbers in this column cannot be removed from this piece of armor.

Plus: Numbers in this column can be transferred to another piece of armor using
a Tool.

Defense: This represents how well the armor protects Aya from being damaged.

PEnergy: This is how much PEnergy the armor adds to Aya¹s basic PEnergy.

Critical: This indicates how well the armor protects against critical attacks.

Slots: The first number shows how many slots the piece of armor has when you
find it. The second number shows the maximum number of slots the piece of armor
can have through modification.

Specials: Any special effects the piece of armor may have are listed here.

Location: This is where the piece of armor can be found. Because the game
randomizes items, you may not always find a weapon in the listed location.
However, each weapon will appear in the listed spot when the game decides to
drop it in. Also, when you see ³D#², this indicates the day of the game when
you¹ll find the items; plus, ³EX² means that you¹ll find the item in the EX
portion of the game only. For an explanation of the ³300 Junk², read the secrets
section of this guide.

DEFENSE: Stats/Base/Plus
PENERGY Stats/Base/Plus
CRITICAL: Stats/Base/Plus


NAME: N Vest
DEFENSE: 10/9/1
PENERGY: 8/8/0
CRITICAL: 13/13/0
SLOTS: 2/2
LOCATION: Starting armor

NAME: N Protector
DEFENSE: 12/11/1
PENERGY: 9/9/0
CRITICAL: 18/16/2
SLOTS: 3/4
LOCATION: Carnegie Hall (D1)

NAME: N Jacket
DEFENSE: 35/34/1
PENERGY: 29/28/1
CRITICAL: 19/19/0
SLOTS: 3/5
LOCATION: NYPD #17 Precinct (D3)

NAME: N Suit
DEFENSE: 44/43/1
PENERGY: 36/35/1
CRITICAL: 23/22/1
SLOTS: 2/6
LOCATION: Museum (D5)


NAME: Kv Vest 1
DEFENSE: 20/19/1
PENERGY: 12/11/1
CRITICAL: 15/15/0
SLOTS: 2/2
LOCATION: Carnegie Hall Sewers (Boss/D1)

NAME: Kv Protector
DEFENSE: 41/40/1
PENERGY: 33/32/1
CRITICAL: 20/18/2
SLOTS: 2/2
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)

NAME: Kv Jacket
DEFENSE: 46/46/0
PENERGY: 45/45/0
CRITICAL: 21/21/0
SLOTS: 2/3
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)

NAME: Kv Suit 1
DEFENSE: 56/55/1
PENERGY: 56/56/0
CRITICAL: 28/27/1
SLOTS: 2/3
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)

NAME: Kv Armor 1
DEFENSE: 70/69/1
PENERGY: 68/67/1
CRITICAL: 32/30/2
SLOTS: 2/3
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)


NAME: Cm Vest 1
DEFENSE: 16/15/1
PENERGY: 16/16/0
CRITICAL: 11/10/1
SLOTS: 2/2
LOCATION: NYPD #17 District (D2)

NAME: Cm Vest 2
DEFENSE: 31/30/1
PENERGY: 23/21/2
CRITICAL: 35/33/2
SLOTS: 2/2
LOCATION: NYPD #17 District (D3)

NAME: Cm Protector
DEFENSE: 37/36/1
PENERGY: 48/48/0
CRITICAL: 31/29/2
SLOTS: 3/3
LOCATION: Warehouse (D5)

NAME: Cm Jacket
DEFENSE: 42/42/0
PENERGY: 50/48/2
CRITICAL: 33/32/1
SLOTS: 2/3
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)

NAME: Cm Suit 1
DEFENSE: 52/52/0
PENERGY: 58/57/1
CRITICAL: 35/35/0
SLOTS: 3/4
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)

NAME: Cm Armor 1
DEFENSE: 52/52/0
PENERGY: 56/55/1
CRITICAL: 38/37/1
SLOTS: 4/4
SPECIALS: Auto Heal and Auto Cure
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)

NAME: Cm Armor 2
DEFENSE: 89/88/1
PENERGY: 97/96/1
CRITICAL: 41/41/0
SLOTS: 5/6
SPECIALS: PE Light and Attack Down
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)


NAME: Sp Vest 1
DEFENSE: 22/20/2
PENERGY: 50/49/1
CRITICAL: 19/18/1
SLOTS: 2/3
LOCATION: Central Park (D2)

NAME: Sp Vest 2
DEFENSE: 50/49/1
PENERGY: 41/41/0
CRITICAL: 25/24/1
SLOTS: 2/3
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)

NAME: Sp Jacket
DEFENSE: 35/35/0
PENERGY: 30/29/1
CRITICAL: 26/26/0
SLOTS: 2/3
LOCATION: Hospital (D4)

NAME: Sp Protector
DEFENSE: 39/38/1
PENERGY: 23/23/0
CRITICAL: 26/26/0
SLOTS: 2/3
LOCATION: Warehouse (D5)

NAME: Sp Suit 1
DEFENSE: 60/58/2
PENERGY: 52/52/0
CRITICAL: 29/29/0
SLOTS: 2/4
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)

NAME: Sp Armor 1
DEFENSE: 75/75/0
PENERGY: 70/69/1
CRITICAL: 33/32/1
SLOTS: 2/6
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)

NAME: Sp Armor 2
DEFENSE: 87/86/1
PENERGY: 80/79/1
CRITICAL: 40/39/1
SLOTS: 2/6
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)


NAME: Sv Vest 1
DEFENSE: 19/18/1
PENERGY: 16/14/2
CRITICAL: 19/19/0
SLOTS: 2/4
SPECIALS: Inventory Bonus (+1)
LOCATION: Central Park (D2)

NAME: Sv Protector
DEFENSE: 39/38/1
PENERGY: 36/35/1
CRITICAL: 30/30/0
SLOTS: 2/5
SPECIALS: Inventory Bonus (+1)
LOCATION: Museum (D5)

NAME: Sv Jacket
DEFENSE: 42/42/0
PENERGY: 40/38/2
CRITICAL: 33/33/0
SLOTS: 2/3
SPECIALS: Inventory Bonus (+1)
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)

NAME: Sv Suit 1
DEFENSE: 47/46/1
PENERGY: 42/42/0
CRITICAL: 40/38/2
SLOTS: 3/6
SPECIALS: Inventory Bonus (+2)
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)

NAME: Sv Suit 2
DEFENSE: 52/51/1
PENERGY: 45/45/0
CRITICAL: 41/41/0
SLOTS: 3/8
SPECIALS: Inventory Bonus (+2)
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)

NAME: Sv Armor 1
DEFENSE: 66/65/1
PENERGY: 62/62/0
CRITICAL: 47/45/2
SLOTS: 2/8
SPECIALS: Inventory Bonus (+4)
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)

NAME: Sv Armor 2
DEFENSE: 79/78/1
PENERGY: 70/69/1
CRITICAL: 49/48/1
SLOTS: 4/9
SPECIALS: Inventory Bonus (+4)
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)


NAME: B Vest 1
DEFENSE: 30/29/1
PENERGY: 35/35/0
CRITICAL: 20/20/0
SLOTS: 2/4
SPECIALS: Anti-Poison
LOCATION: Hospital (D4)

NAME: B Protector
DEFENSE: 33/32/1
PENERGY: 38/38/0
CRITICAL: 23/22/1
SLOTS: 2/3
SPECIALS: Anti-Stiffness
LOCATION: Subway (D4)

NAME: B Jacket 1
DEFENSE: 44/43/2
PENERGY: 49/48/1
CRITICAL: 28/27/1
SLOTS: 3/4
SPECIALS: Anti-Poison
LOCATION: Museum (D5)

NAME: B Jacket 2
DEFENSE: 55/55/0
PENERGY: 62/61/1
CRITICAL: 32/30/2
SLOTS: 2/5
SPECIALS: Anti-Darkness
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)

NAME: B Suit 1
DEFENSE: 48/48/0
PENERGY: 55/54/1
CRITICAL: 27/27/0
SLOTS: 3/4
SPECIALS: Anti-Darkness, Anti-Poison, and Anti-Stiffness
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)

NAME: B Suit 2
DEFENSE: 70/69/1
PENERGY: 76/75/1
CRITICAL: 34/34/0
SLOTS: 2/6
SPECIALS: Anti-Confusion, AT Down
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)

NAME: B Armor
DEFENSE: 85/85/0
PENERGY: 86/86/0
CRITICAL: 45/45/0
SLOTS: 6/6
SPECIALS: Anti-Poison, Anti-Stiffness, and Attack Down
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)


NAME: Cr Protector
DEFENSE: 41/39/2
PENERGY: 43/41/2
CRITICAL: 26/25/1
SLOTS: 2/4
LOCATION: Chinatown Sewers (D5)

NAME: Cr Jacket
DEFENSE: 44/43/1
PENERGY: 45/45/0
CRITICAL: 34/33/1
SLOTS: 4/7
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)

NAME: Cr Vest 1
DEFENSE: 29/27/2
PENERGY: 24/24/0
CRITICAL: 30/29/1
SLOTS: 2/3

NAME: Cr Vest 2
DEFENSE: 46/45/1
PENERGY: 43/42/1
CRITICAL: 31/31/0
SLOTS: 2/4
LOCATION: Museum, 2nd Floor (D5)

NAME: Cr Suit 1
DEFENSE: 65/65/0
PENERGY: 68/67/1
CRITICAL: 39/37/2
SLOTS: 4/5
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)

NAME: Cr Armor 1
DEFENSE: 92/91/1
PENERGY: 90/89/1
CRITICAL: 43/42/1
SLOTS: 5/7
SPECIALS: HP Up, AT Slow, and Attack Up
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)

NAME: Cr Armor 2
DEFENSE: 107/106/1
PENERGY: 104/102/2
CRITICAL: 51/48/3
SLOTS: 7/10
LOCATION: Chrysler Building (EX)

=== 5.3 ITEM LIST ===

KEY: Name of Item: Effect

Tool: Moves Equipped Parameter or Effect, stripped item discarded.

Super Tool: Moves Equipped Parameter or Effect, stripped item kept.

Tool Kit: An unlimited supply of Tools.

Super Tool Kit: An unlimited supply of Super Tools.

Junk: Broken Item, give to Wayne

Super Junk: Special Broken Item, useless

Duper Junk: Special Broken Item, useless

Ammo Crate: Holds ammunition for guns.

Rocket Crate: Holds rockets for rocket launchers.

Maeda Crate: Holds cellular ammunition for Maeda¹s Gun.

Mod Permit: Permit from Baker. Can be used to add a slot to a weapon or a piece
of armor.

Rocket Ammo: 9 Rockets for Rocket Launcher

Trading Card: Normal trading card (serves as Mod Permit)

GSP T Card
P38 T Card
B-Hawk T Card
Kasul T Card
M1 T Card
MK5 T Card
MP44 T Card
BAR T Card
MG42 T Card
M29 T Card
M73 T Card
Type38 T Card
Type3 T Card
Eagle T Card

Ammo +6: 6 rounds of ammunition for most guns.

Ammo +15: 15 rounds of ammunition for most guns.

Ammo +30: 30 rounds of ammunition for most guns.

DNA Bullets: Special ammunition for Maeda¹s Gun.


Medicine 1: Restores 45 HP.

Medicine 2: Restores 90 HP.

Medicine 3: Restores 180 HP.

Medicine 4: Restores 400 HP.

Full Cure: Cures all Negative Statuses.

Full Recover: Restores all HP.

Revive: Restores Life when Aya dies.

Cure-P: Cures and Prevents poison.

Cure-M: Cures and Prevents stiffness.

Cure-D: Cures and Prevents darkness.

Cure-C: Cures and Prevents confusion.


Offense +1: Increases Attack Power by 1.

Offense +2: Increases Attack Power by 2.

Offense +3: Increases Attack Power by 3.

Offense +4: Increases Attack Power by 4.

Range +1: Increases Attack Range by 1.

Range +2: Increases Attack Range by 2.

Range +3: Increases Attack Range by 3.

Range +4: Increases Attack Range by 4.

Bullet Cap +1: Increases Bullet Capacity by 1.

Bullet Cap +2: Increases Bullet Capacity by 2.

Bullet Cap +3: Increases Bullet Capacity by 3.

Bullet Cap +4: Increases Bullet Capacity by 4.


PE +1: Increases PE Defense by 1.

PE +2: Increases PE Defense by 2.

PE +3: Increases PE Defense by 3.

PE +4: Increases PE Defense by 4.

Defense +1: Increases Defense Power by 1.

Defense +2: Increases Defense Power by 2.

Defense +3: Increases Defense Power by 3.

Defense +4: Increases Defense Power by 4.

CR Evade +1: Increases Critical Evasion Percentage by 1.

CR Evade +2: Increases Critical Evasion Percentage by 2.

CR Evade +3: Increases Critical Evasion Percentage by 3.

CR Evade +4: Increases Critical Evasion Percentage by 4.


Item Name: Usage

Theater Key: Used to unlock the backstage of Carnegie Hall
Carnegie Hall (Corpse)

Rehearse Key: Used to unlock the rehearsal room backstage at Carnegie Hall.
Carnegie Hall (Melissa¹s Diary)

Zoo Key: Used to unlock the Central Park Zoo¹s gate.
Central Park Zoo (Desk)

Hamaya: Good luck charm from Japan (useless)
NYPD #17 (Maeda)

Storage Key: Used to unlock the Weapon Storage Room.
NYPD #17 Precinct (Interrogation Room)

Locker Key: Used to unlock locker in Precinct.
NYPD #17 Precinct (Dead Cop)

Autopsy Key: Used to unlock the Hospital¹s Autopsy room
Hospital (Morgue)

Elevator Key: Used to unlock elevator to Hospital¹s roof.
Hospital (Sperm Bank)

Gate Key: Used to unlock gate in Subway.
Subway (Dead cop)

Warehouse Key: Used to unlock door in Warehouse.

Mayoke: Helpful Good Luck Charm (useless)
Hospital (Maeda)

Fuse 1: used to repair the Hospital¹s fuse box
Hospital (basement)

Fuse 2: used to repair the Hospital¹s fuse box
Hospital (basement)

Fuse 3: used to repair the Hospital¹s fuse box
Hospital (basement)

Blue Cardkey: Used to unlock the blue door in the Hospital¹s basement.
Hospital (corpse)

Green Cardkey: Used to unlock the green door in the Hospital¹s basement.
Hospital (Nurse)

Narita: Good Luck Charm (useless)
Chinatown (Maeda)

Klamp Key: Used to unlock door in Museum.
Museum (Klamp)

Chrysler Key 1: Used to unlock elevator for floors 1-10
Chrysler Building (10th floor)

Chrysler Key 2: Used to unlock elevator for floors 1-20
Chrysler Building (20th floor)

Chrysler Key 3: Used to unlock elevator for floors 1-30
Chrysler Building (30th floor)

Chrysler Key 4: Used to unlock elevator for floors 1-40
Chrysler Building (40th floor)

Chrysler Key 5: Used to unlock elevator for floors 1-50
Chrysler Building (50th floor)

Chrysler Key 6: Used to unlock elevator for floors 1-60
Chrysler Building (60th floor)

Chrysler Key 7: Used to unlock elevator for floors 1-70
Chrysler Building (7 0th floor)

=== 5.4 ENEMIES LIST ===


The enemies in day one are found in Carnegie Hall and the Sewers beneath
Carnegie Hall.

12 hp / 21 hp
2 xp
Susceptible to poison, easily tranquilized, sensitive to heat, gets confused

Strategy: The Rat has two attacks, a bite and a flaming attack from it's tail.
To avoid the bite, just keep your distance. When you see the Rat charging up for
the flame attack, wait and start running away as the flames come towards you.
The flames will miss you as they are targetted to the spot you were standing on.

10 hp / 17 hp
1 xp
Susceptible to poison, susceptible to acid, sensitive to cold, objects easily

Strategy: The Parrot has a single attack in which it flies up to you and starts
to bite you. Just run away as she is slowing down near to you. Make an attack
yourself when the Parrot is hanging still in the air.

34 hp / 61 hp
4 xp
Sensitive to cold

Strategy: Keep your distance when possible keep to the sides and back of the
Frog so the tongue attack can't hit you. Has a tendency to hop around so keep
track of it and position yourself accordingly. As normal, make your attack when
the Frog just made it's attack so it is sitting still.


The enemies in day two are found in Central Park.

Yellow snake
32 hp / 57 hp
6 xp
No weaknesses

Strategy: The easiest of the Snakes as it can't poison you and you can walk over
it without hurting yourself. Has a bite attack in which it positions itself near
you and springs at you. Just run away and watch it bite thin air, then shoot it.
Often found together with Red snakes (five or six total enemies together)

Red snake
44 hp / 79 hp
8 xp
No weaknesses

Strategy: The larger of the Snakes, this one can poison you and you can't walk
over it without hurting yourself (I think). The attack pattern is the same as
the Yellow snake so the strategy is basicly the same. Often found with Yellow

Blue bird
35 hp / 62 hp
6 xp
Susceptible to poison

Strategy: The Blue bird will flie up to you and bite you if it can. Just run
away and wait for the Blue bird to hang in the air, then shoot it. Keep an eye
out for the other birds (they usually come in groups) so you don't get caught
off-guard by them as you shoot another.

57 hp / 102 hp
10 xp
No weaknesses

Strategy: The Monkey can hit you with it's small arm when you are to close and
will throw it's sickle-like arm at you if you are at a distance. The sickle
follows a circular pattern which can be avoided without too much effort once you
know the flight path. Just run out of the way and make an attack yourself.

60 hp / 107 hp
10 xp
Sensitive to heat

Strategy: The Plant can throw it's branches at you if you are to the front or
sides of it, and will release a poison cloud if you are up close. Try to stay to
the rear end of the Plant 9just watch the direction it moves in) to be safe.

75 hp / 134 hp
12 xp
Sensitive to heat

Strategy: The Bear will lunge at you if you are to the front and close to it.
When you are some distance away, it will charge up and release streams of
lightning towards you. To avoid those, try to get as far away as possible, or
get to the sides or back of the Bear.


The enemies in day three are found in New York City Police Department 17th

70 hp / 125 hp
26 xp
Susceptible to poison, easiliy tranquilized, sensitive to heat, gets confused

Strategy: Follow the same strategy as the Rats found in day one. The only
difference is that this Rat is tougher.

Blue bird
35 hp / 62 hp
6 xp
Susceptible to poison

Strategy: Follow the same strategy as the Blue birds found in day two. There are
no differences.

98 hp / 176 hp
39 xp
No weaknesses

Strategy: Will from time to time release a blue wave which will bring down your
defence and damages you. The further away you are, the more powerful the wave
becomes. Get closer to the Dog-man when this attacks comes out, but when the
wave is over, back off to get some distance or you will be attacked with it's

Yellow spider
78 hp / 140 hp
20 xp
Sensitive to cold, objects easily stolen, gets confused easily

Strategy: Can shoot webs from a distance that will slow you down when you get
hit. When you are too close, it will bite you. As long as you are not hit, you
can out-run this one. Just attack when the Spider made it's own attack.

Big dog-man
150 / 269 hp
55 xp
No weaknesses

Strategy: Larger and tougher version of the smaller Dog-man. The strategy is
roughly the same, but you may need to heal as the damage done by this one is
larger, and the area in which you fight is very cramped (only one appearance,
kind of a mini-boss).


The enemies in day four are found in St. Francis Hospital.

Blue slime
88 hp /158 hp
48 xp
Susceptible to acid, easily tranquilized, sensitive to heat, objects easily
stolen, gets confused easily

Strategy: Equip your weapon with the Tranquilizer effect to make fighting these
guys easy. Comes in large groups of up to five. They can shoot red balls at you
that cause poison, but the range is short. Just keep running to avoid them.

110 hp / 197 hp
86 xp
Sensitive to cold, poison attack

Strategy: Can release a puddle of green fluids around him which will slow you
down, just like the spider-webs. Is somewhat effected by the Tranquilizer
effect. Keep your distance to be safe from the green fluids.

120 hp / 215 hp
92 xp
Susceptible to poison, sensitive to heat

Strategy: Looks a bit like the Dog-man found in day three, but a bit sleeker in
appearance. It can shoot a single bouncing ball of fire from it's tail, that
will explode on impact. Just keep running and turning to avoid being hit.

170 hp / 305 hp
118 xp
Sensitive to cold

Strategy: Attacks with a orange-red wave that does minimal to no damage, but
slows you down. Will periodically release a ball from behind it's head that will
bounce around and damage you when you are hit. If the Spawn didn't release the
ball yet, target the ball first and then the Spwan itself, otherwise try to kill
the Spawn first, as a ball will dissapear after a little while. It is also
somewhat weak to the tranquilizer effect.

Spawn ball
44 hp / 80 hp
4 xp
Susceptible to poison

Strategy: See above.

Big blue slime
201 hp / 361 hp
60 xp
Susceptible to acid, sensitive to heat, objects easily stolen

Strategy: Bigger version of the once encountered earlier. This one also shoots
red balls to poison you, but not nearly as often as the smaller variants do. It
does however jump at you quite often. When the slime is about to jump, run away
and it will land where you were standing a moment ago, then shoot it. This one
can't be tranquilized.

Red spider
152 hp / 273 hp
20 xp
Sensitive to cold, objects easily stolen, gets confused easily

Strategy: No real strategy here as there is virtually no room to manouver (only
one appearance), so grit your teeth and squash this little spider.


The enemies in day five are found in China Town, the Sewers beneath China Town,
the Subway, Pier No. 3 Warehouse and the American Museum of Natural History.

135 hp / 242 hp
361 xp
Sensitive to cold

Strategy: They can fire three semi-homing balls of fire from there tail, so once
they are coming, run away and make some turns to avoid them. They will also spin
around, hurting you when you are close. They also have a bite attack, again only
used when you are close to them. Wait for the balls of fire to dissipate, then
fire away at them.

Red snake
99 hp / 178 hp
287 xp
Sensitive to cold, objects easily stolen, gets confused easily

Strategy: Follow the same strategy as the Red snakes from day two. The ones in
day five are just a little tougher.

112 hp / 201 hp
301 xp
Sensitive to heat, objects easily stolen

Strategy: They can emit sound waves that will momentarily blind you, but the
sound waves can be avoided if there is some room to manouver. Just run away and
to the sides, keeping an eye out for other possible sound waves from other Bats.
If there is no room to manouver, just get away from the Bat as far as possible.
Once the sound wave is gone, close in and fire away, but back away after your
turn. The Bat is sometimes tranquilized, but only for a very short while.

Blue frog
153 hp 275 hp
425 xp
Sensitive to heat

Strategy: Basically the same as the Frogs from day one, but they are tougher and
their tongue attack also causes a Def. Down so kill it as quickly as you can to
avoid a lot of damage. Try to keep your distance and never stay directly in
front of it if this can be avoided. Sometimes the Frog will jump high and after
a short while, land on top of you doing considerable damage. Keep track of it's
shadow, and go stand somewhere else if possible.

215 hp / 386 hp
522 xp
Sensitive to heat

Strategy: These guys are the same as the Carnegie Hall Sewer boss, but it has
only one target (but there are two Crocodiles, one appearance only). The
strategy is roughly the same, that is try to stay to the back and sides of the

161 / 289 hp
462 xp
Sensitive to heat, sensitive to cold

Tends to burrow a lot, so time your shots well. Don't come to close ot it will
rake it's claws at you (twice in succession most of the time). Take a shot when
you see him coming to the surface, else the Mole will be burrowed again before
you can fire.

215 hp / 386 hp
135 xp
No weaknesses

Strategy: This rat can really pack a puch with it's flame balls and it's bite.
try to stay to the back and to the sides, and the balls of fire can be dodged
with easy. Don't come to close or you will take a nast bite. It can be poisoned.

Yellow spider
242 hp / 435 hp
185 xp
Sensitive to heat

Strategy: Like the other spiders, it can fire webs that slow you down. Also has
a nast bite when you come to close. Try to stay away a distance and when it
starts to fire it's web, run sideways to avoid it. Just don't step in it later

280 hp / 503 hp
1530 xp
Sensitive to cold

Strategy: Has only one attack, in which it lunges at you and tries to take a
bite out of you. Does moderate damage and can only be avoided if you are already
running to the sides when the attack comes out. At all times try to stay behind
and besides this one. It can be poisoned.

200 hp / 359 hp
896 xp
Susceptible to poison, objects easily stolen

Strategy: It jumps around a lot, and when it is near to you it flings it tongue
at you for some damage. Always keep running and keep your distance away, because
these critters are fairly quick.

430 hp / 773 hp
2036 xp
No weaknesses

Strategy: The Scorpion has three attacks. The first two are close combat
attacks, one with the tail and one with it's pincers. To avoid the tail, just
stick to it's sides. To avoid the pincers, stay some distance away from him,
even from the sides. The third attack is a purple cloud of poison that swirls
around the room, and is a little harder to dodge (try to squeeze into the
furthest corner). Luckely, the damage is bearable. Try to keep to the sides, as
the purple stream can't reach there. The Scorpion can be poisoned.

240 hp / 431 hp
1202 xp
Sensitive to cold

Strategy: The main form of attack is rolling into you, damaging you and making
you loose your attack in the proces. When you see them jumping up, run sideways
to avoid being hit. They can be tranquilized and poisoned.

320 hp / 575 hp
1829 xp
No weaknesses

Strategy: You can walk right under it without getting hurt. This is a great way
of avoiding it's breath attacks, one of which can cause darkness. It will also
sometimes rake at you with it's claws, so don't stay right under it.


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Name: Steve McFadden


My Web Pages Links:

GameFAQs Contributor Page Link:

GameFAQs alias: DaLadiesMan (formerly known as SmcFadden, I changed it though)

Yahoo Messenger: nicklacheysnightmare, mcfaddenvg or ilovestephmcmahon (same
account, different profiles)

AOL/AIM: McFaddenDaMan

MSN Messenger:

TOTALS as of 9/30/00
Reviews: 377 FAQs: this was my 43rd, I now have 44.

Feel free to message me on any of my messengers.. just tell me you are
messaging me about my FAQ and I will definitely answer you as quick as I
possibly can!

============== : GameFAQs : Final Fantasy Chamber

if you see this guide on a site like Cheat Code Central, let me know
ASAP, especially Cheat Code Central, because they have not earned the
right to host these guides, especially after hosting some of my other
ones without my permission!

-Square Soft for making such a wonderful game.
-Sony for publishing the game
-Game FAQs for posting this guide (hopefully)
-Me, for writing this guide.
-DBlake (iamnothing) for giving me moral support ^_^
-To all the great writers at GameFAQs
-The usual suspects (you know who you are)
-The official PE Strategy Guide, by Prima Games, for some of the boss help.
-Taerm ( for providing some of the items located in chests. And
yse, I did ³borrow² his St Francis Hospital¹s and Day 5walkthrough somewhat.. if
anyone wants me to change it, or has any complaints, let me know and I will
replay through the game to change the section.
-How Kwang Kee ( ­ Major thanks go out to him, as he let me
use his whole EX mode guide for my guide!!
-Neelon Rokk for the very helpful monster list. Much


Reviews: 375 FAQs: 43

WWF ATTITUDE Character Guides
Al Snow
D-Lo Brown
Triple H

WWF Wrestlemania 2000 Character Guides
Big Show
Blue Meanie
Gerald Brisco
Jerry Lawler
Jim Ross
Pat Patterson
Paul Bearer
Stephanie McMahon

WWF Smackdown Guides
Al Snow
Buh Buh Ray Dudley
Complete Guide
D-Von Dudley
Dudley Boyz
D-Lo Brown
Finisher Move Guide
Hardcore Holly
Triple H

Nintendo Entertainment System
Dragon Warrior
Fester¹s Quest
Yo! Noid

Sega Genesis
Phantasy Star 4 Shop Guide

Super Nintendo
Sony Playstation
Final Fantasy 5 Boss Guide

Sony Playstation
NHL '99 Complete Guide
Parasite Eve Boss Guide
Parasite Eve Complete Guide
WCW vs. the World Complete FAQ/Move List

My Guides will only be found on
------------------------------- : GameFAQs : Final Fantasy Chamber
there¹s some more too.. but I forget at the moment

if you see this guide on a site like Cheat Code Central, let me know
ASAP, especially Cheat Code Central, because they have not earned the
right to host these guides, especially after hosting some of my other
ones without my permission!


-Parasite Eve 2 (PSX) Spoiler-Free Walkthrough
-Legend of Legaia (PSX) Complete Guide
-Legend of Dragoon (PSX) Spoiler-Free Walkthrough

-Updating more of my review contest reviews
-Mario Tennis, Tales of Destiny, Chrono Cross, Parasite Eve 2

-Some here and there, not much though.

== 7.0 CONCLUSION ==


Thanks for reading my (crappy) guide to Parasite Eve! Hope this guide helped you
out with a classic game!!

Please note that this guide is not finished yet, and to keep track of its status
you should check out the revision history section, which follows the author¹s
information section. I am going to try my hardest to make sure I complete this
guide completely, some of you may know I did not do too well in completing my
Yo! Noid and Fester¹s Quest guides, which may still be worked on in the future.

Feel free to message me on any of my messengers.. just tell me you are messaging
me about my FAQ and I will definitely answer you as quick as I possibly can!


I¹ll have them posted when I finish the guide :)

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-Steve Saunders

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Parasite Eve Story FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Japanese Version FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Ende des Spiels

15.Oktober 2013
Alle Waffen beim letzten Kampf.

17.Oktober 2013
Japanische Version: EX Modus freigespielt.

17.Oktober 2013
Boss Guide FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Complete Guide FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Quick Access FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Secrets FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Last Boss FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Inventory FAQ

12.Oktober 2013
EX Survival FAQ

13.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

17.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
engl. Lösung
10.Oktober 2008
Hinweis zum EX-Game
engl. Hinweis
13.Mai 2008
10.Oktober 2008

Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
13.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020