

17.10.2013 19:28:38


Additional Features for the Arcade Mode:
Complete the first 3 levels in story mode to unlock the Village, Chemical Plant, and Planet-X levels in arcade mode.
Dr. Katje Nadir, Fingers McKenzie, Ravelle Velvet, Sebastian Photon, Dr. Seth
Graven and Angel Perez Bots are unlocked as Bots in arcade mode.

Complete the 1935 Tomb in Story Mode under the easy difficulty setting.

Chinese Chef:
Complete the 1970 Chinese Level in story mode under the easy difficulty setting.

Badass Cyborg:
Complete the 2005 Cyberden Level in story mode under the easy difficulty setting.

All weapons:
Pause the game, then hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press X, X,Triangle, Triangle.

View Credits option:
Successfully complete story mode on the easy difficulty setting to unlock a "View Credits" option on the main character selection screen.

Paintball mode cheat:
Completed the 1935 Tomb story level in under 1 minute to unlock the Paintball mode cheat.

Normal difficulty:
Unlock the Graveyard level in arcade mode.

Hard difficulty:
Unlock Eyes Mummy as a playable character in arcade mode.

1970 Chinese story level:
Complete the level on the normal difficulty setting to unlock the Site level in arcade mode. Complete the level on the hard difficulty setting to unlock Suit Hoodlum as a playable character in arcade mode.

2005 Cyberden story level easy difficulty:
Successfully complete the level in story mode to unlock the 1950 Village, 1985 Chemical Plant, and 2020 Planet X levels in story mode; Dr Seth Graven. Dr Kate Nadir, Fingers McKenzie, Ravelle Velvet, Sebastian Photon, Angel Perez, and Badass Cyborg as playable characters in arcade mode; and Badass Cyborg, Siamese Cyborg, and Female Cyborg as Bots in arcade mode.

2005 Cyberden story level normal difficulty:
Complete the level to unlock the Streets level in arcade mode.

1950 Village story level:
Successfully complete the level in story mode on the easy difficulty setting to unlock the 1950 Village level in arcade mode; and "Period Horror" as a Bot Set in arcade mode.

1950 Village story level normal difficulty:
Complete the level to unlock the Castle level in arcade mode.

1985 Chemical story Plant level easy difficulty:
Successfully complete the 1985 Chemical Plant level in story mode to unlock the 1985 Chemical Plant level in arcade mode; "Usual Suspects" as a Bot Set in arcade mode; and Lumberjack, Malehood, and Waiter as Bots in arcade mode.

1985 Chemical story Plant level normal difficulty:
Complete the level to unlock the Bank level in arcade mode.

2020 Planet X story level easy difficulty:
Successfully complete the 2020 Planet X level in story mode to unlock the 1965 Mansion, 2000 Docks, and 2035 Spaceways levels in story mode; 2020 Planet X level in arcade mode; Peekabo Jones, Mary-Beth Casey, Jacques Misere, Olga Strom, R108, and Gretel as playable characters in arcade mode; "Space Opera" as a Bot Set in arcade mode; and Tuxedo Cyborg, Red Alien, and Green Alien as Bots in arcade mode.

2020 Planet X story level normal difficulty:
Complete the level to unlock the Spaceship level in arcade mode.

1965 Mansion story level easy difficulty:
Successfully complete the 1965 Mansion level in story mode to unlock the 1965 Mansion level in arcade mode; "Horror Shocker" as a Bot Set in arcade mode; and Fishwife Mutant, Hick Hyde, Insect Mutant, Overall Mutant, Police Zombie, Girl Zombie, Skull Zombie, and Jacket Zombie as Bots in arcade mode. Note: Set "Auto Aim" to toggle, leave it on, and crouch to get easier head shots to complete this level easier.

1965 Mansion story level normal difficulty:
Complete the level to unlock the Mall level in arcade mode.

2000 Docks story level easy difficulty:
Successfully complete the 2000 Docks level in story mode to unlock the 2000 Docks level in arcade mode; "Law and Order" as a Bot Set in arcade mode; and Male Soldier, Female Soldier, Gasmask Soldier, Male SWAT, Female SWAT, and Gasmask SWAT as Bots in arcade mode. Note: There are a lot of snipers in high perches by the waterfront, so be alert in this level.

2000 Docks story level normal difficulty:
Complete the level to unlock the Compound level in arcade mode.

2035 Spaceways story level:
Successfully complete the 2035 Spaceways level in story mode on the easy difficulty setting to unlock the 2035 Spaceways level and "Space Opera" as a Bot Set in arcade mode. Complete the level on the normal difficulty setting to unlock the Warzone level in arcade mode.

Challenge mode:
Successfully complete story mode. Now you can compete in different challenging situations.

Challenge 1-A Behead the Undead level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock "The Living Dead" as a Bot Set in arcade mode and the Challenge 1-B Putrid Punchout level.

Challenge 1-B Putrid Punchout level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock Green Zombie and Brown Zombie as playable characters in arcade mode and the Challenge 1-C Dusk Of The Dead level.

Challenge 1-C Dusk Of The Dead level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock Police Zombie, Skull Zombie, and Jacket Zombie as playable characters in arcade mode and the Challenge 2-A Flock Around The Dock level.

Challenge 2-A Flock Around The Dock level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock Duckman Drake as a Bot in arcade mode and the Challenge 2-B Pro Am Duck Shoot level.

Challenge 2-B Pro Am Duck Shoot level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock the "All Enemies Are Ducks" cheat and the Challenge 2-C Crispy Duck level.

Challenge 2-C Crispy Duck level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock Duckman Drake as a playable character in arcade mode and the Challenge 3-A Tin Man level.

Challenge 3-A Tin Man level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock Robofish as Bot in arcade mode and the Challenge 3-B Lobster Run level.

Challenge 3-B Lobster Run level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock the "All Enemies Are Robofish" cheat and the Challenge 3-C Bowl Them Over level.

Challenge 3-C Bowl Them Over level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock Robofish as a playable character in arcade mode and the Challenge 4-A Shame If Something Got Broken level.

Challenge 4-A Shame If Something Got Broken level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock the Challenge 4-B Don't Wait Around level.

Challenge 4-B Don't Wait Around level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock the "Enemy Bricks" cheat and the Challenge 4-C Brick Flung High level.

Challenge 4-C Brick Flung High level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock the brick as a weapon in arcade mode and the Challenge 5-A First Impressions level.

Challenge 5-A First Impressions level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock The Impersonator as Bot in arcade mode and the Challenge 5-B Lasting Impressions level.

Challenge 5-B Lasting Impressions level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock the "All Enemies Are Impersonators" cheat and the Challenge 5-C Who's he Trying to Impress? level.

Challenge 5-C Who's he Trying to Impress? level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock The Impersonator as a playable character in arcade mode and the Challenge 6-A Barrel Blast level.

Challenge 6-A Barrel Blast level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock the Challenge 6-B Bodyguard level.

Challenge 6-B Bodyguard level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock Gasmask SWAT as playable character in arcade mode and the Challenge 6-C Heist level.

Challenge 6-C Heist level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock Veiled SWAT as a Bot and playable character in arcade mode and the Challenge 7-A Shop 'Til You Drop level.

Challenge 7-A Shop 'Til You Drop level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock Ginger as a Bot in arcade mode and the Challenge 7-B Sorry, Was That Your Bag? level.

Challenge 7-B Sorry, Was That Your Bag? level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock "All Enemies Are Gingerbreads" cheat and the Challenge 7-C Everyone Must Go! level.

Challenge 7-C Everyone Must Go! level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock Gingerbead as a playable character in arcade mode and the Challenge 8-A Girls 'n' Boys level.

Challenge 8-A Girls 'n' Boys level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock Fun-Bunny as a Bot in arcade mode and the Challenge 8-B Dinner Dates level.

Challenge 8-B Dinner Dates level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock the "All Enemies Are Bunnies" cheat and the Challenge 8-C Bone Grab level.

Challenge 8-C Bone Grab level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock Farrah Fun-Bunny as a playable character in arcade mode and the Challenge 9-A I Can't Hear Anyone Screaming level.

Challenge 9-A I Can't Hear Anyone Screaming level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock TimeSplitters as a Bot Set in arcade mode; TimeSplitter, and TimeSplitter (Same name, different character) as bots in arcade mode; and the Challenge 9-B Flight Delay level.

Challenge 9-B Flight Delay level reward:
Successfully complete all challenges to unlock TimeSplitter as a playable character in arcade mode.


Extra Funktionen im Arcade Modus:
Gewinne die ersten 3 Level im Story Modus um folgende Level im Arcade-Modus freizuspielen: Village, Chemical Plant und Planet-X. Dr. Katje Nadir, Fingers McKenzie, Ravelle Velvet,
Sebalstian Photon, Dr. Seth Graven und Angel Perez Bots sind nun im Arcade-Modus freigeschaltet.

Gewinne den 1935er Tomb-Level im "Story Modus" auf einfacher

Chinesischer Chef:
Gewinne den 1970er Chinese-Level im " Story Modus" auf einfacher

Gewalttätiger Cyborg:
Gewinne den 2005er Cyberden-Level im "Story Modus" auf einfacher

Allee Waffen:
Unterbreche dals Spiel und halte L1+L2+R1+R2 gedrückt. Drücke X, X, Dreieck, Dreieck.

Credits Optionen anschauen:
Beende den Story Modus unter einfacher Schwierigkeit, um eine "View Credits" Option im Spieler Auswahl
Bildschirm freizuschalten.

Paintball Modus Cheat:
Beende den 1935 Tomb Story Level in einer Zeit unter 1 Minute.
Spielst Du den Level auf normaler Schwierigkeitsstufe, kannst Du den Graveyard Level im Arcade Modus freischalten.
Wenn Du die schwere Schwierigkeitsalstufe wählst, schaltest Du Eyes Mummy als spielbaren Charakter im Arcademodus

1970 Chinese Story Level:
Beende den Level auf normaler Schwierigkeitsstufe und Du erhälst den Site Level imArcade Modus. Beende den Level
auf schwerer Schwierigkeitsstufe um Suit Hoodlum als spielbaren Charakter im Arcade Modus zu erhalten.

2005 Cyberden Story Level leichte Schwierigkeitsstufe:
Beende den Level im story Modus, um 1950 Village, 1985 Chemical Plant, und 2020 Planet X Levels im story Modus zu
bekommen; Dr Seth Graven. Dr Kate Nadir, Fingers McKenzie, Ravelle Velvet, Sebalstian Photon, Angel Perez, und Badalss Cyborg als spielbaren Charakters im Arcade Modus; und Badalss Cyborg, Siamese Cyborg, und Female Cyborg als Bots im Arcade Modus.

2005 Cyberden story Level normale Schwierigkeitsstufe:
Beende den Level um Streets Level in Arcade Modus zu erhalten.

1950 Village story Level:
Successfully Beende den Level in story Modus on the einfacher Schwierigkeitsstufeg um 1950 Village Level in Arcade Modus;
und "Period Horror" als Bot Set im Arcade Modus zu erhalten.

1950 Village story Level normale Schwierigkeitsstufe:
Beende den Level um Calstle Level in Arcade Modus zu erhalten.

1985 Chemical story Plant Level leichte Schwierigkeitsstufe:
Beende den 1985 Chemical Plant Level im story Modus, um 1985 Chemical Plant Level im Arcade Modus zu erhalten; "Usual Suspects"
als Bot Set im Arcade Moduszu erhalten; und Lumberjack, Malehood, und Waiter als Bots im Arcade Modus zu erhalten.

1985 Chemical story Plant Level normale Schwierigkeitsstufe:
Beende den Level, um Bank Level im Arcade Modus zu erhalten.

2020 Planet X story Level leichte Schwierigkeitsstufe:
Beende den 2020 Planet X Level im story Modus, um 1965 Mansion, 2000 Docks, und 2035 Spaceways Levels im story Moduszu
erhalten; 2020 Planet X Level im Arcade Modus zu erhalten; Peekabo Jones, Mary-Beth Calsey, Jacques Misere, Olga Strom, R108,
und Gretel als spielbarer Charakters im Arcade Modus zu erhalten; "Space Opera" als Bot Set im Arcade Modus zu
erhalten; und Tuxedo Cyborg, Red Alien, und Green Alien als Bots in Arcade Modus zu erhalten.

2020 Planet X story Level normale Schwierigkeitsstufe:
Beende den Level, um Spaceship Level im Arcade Modus zu erhalten.

1965 Mansion story Level leichte Schwierigkeitsstufe:
Beende den 1965 Mansion Level im story Modus, um 1965 Mansion Level im Arcade Modus zu erhalten; "Horror Shocker" als
Bot Set im Arcade Modus zu erhalten; und Fishwife Mutant, Hick Hyde, Insect Mutant, Overalle Mutant, Police Zombie, Girl Zombie, Skull Zombie,
und Jacket Zombie als Bots im Arcade Modus zu erhalten.

1965 Mansion story Level normale Schwierigkeitsstufe:
Beende den Level, um Malle Level im Arcade Modus zu erhalten.

2000 Docks story Level leichte Schwierigkeitsstufe:
Beende den 2000 Docks Level im story Modus, um 2000 Docks Level im Arcade Modus zu erhalten; "Law and Order" als Bot Set
im Arcade Modus; und Male Soldier, Female Soldier, Galsmalsk Soldier, Male SWAT, Female SWAT, und Galsmalsk SWAT als
Bots im Arcade Modus zu erhalten.

2000 Docks story Level normale Schwierigkeitsstufe:
Beende den Level, um Compound Level im Arcade Modus zu erhalten.

2035 Spaceways story Level:
Beende den 2035 Spaceways Level im story Modus auf einfacher Schwierigkeitsstufe, um 2035 Spaceways Level und "Space Opera"
als Bot Set im Arcade Modus zu erhalten. Beende den Level auf normaler Schwierigkeitsstufe, um Warzone Level im Arcade
Modus zu erhalten.

Challenge Modus:
Beende den story Modus. Jetzt kannst Du verschiedene Challenges bestehen.

Challenge 1-A Behead the Undead Level:
Beende alle challenges, um "The Living Dead" als Bot Set in Arcade Modus und den Challenge 1-B Putrid Punchout Level
zu erhalten.

Challenge 1-B Putrid Punchout Level:
Beende alle challenges, um Green Zombie und Brown Zombie als spielbare Charaktere im Arcade Modus und den Challenge 1-C Dusk Of The Dead
Level zu erhalten.

Challenge 1-C Dusk Of The Dead Level:
Beende alle challenges, um Police Zombie, Skull Zombie, und Jacket Zombie als spielbare Charaktere im Arcade Modus und
den Challenge 2-A Flock Around The Dock Level zu erhalten.

Challenge 2-A Flock Around The Dock Level:
Beende alle challenges, um Duckman Drake als Bot im Arcade Modus und den Challenge 2-B Pro Am Duck Shoot Level zu

Challenge 2-B Pro Am Duck Shoot Level:
Beende alle challenges, um den "Alle Feinde sind Enten" Cheat und den Challenge 2-C Crispy Duck Level zu

Challenge 2-C Crispy Duck Level:
Beende alle challenges, um Duckman Drake als spielbarenr Charakter im Arcade Modus und den Challenge 3-A Tin Man Level
zu erhalten.

Challenge 3-A Tin Man Level:
Beende alle challenges, um Robofish als Bot im Arcade Modus und den Challenge 3-B Lobster Run Level zu erhalten.

Challenge 3-B Lobster Run Level:
Beende alle challenges, um "Alle Feinde sind Robofische" Cheat und den Challenge 3-C Bowl Them Over Level
zu erhalten.

Challenge 3-C Bowl Them Over Level:
Beende alle challenges, um Robofish als spielbaren Charakter im Arcade Modus und den Challenge 4-A Shame If Something Got Broken
Level zu erhalten.

Challenge 4-A Shame If Something Got Broken Level reward:
Beende alle challenges um Challenge 4-B Don't Wait Around Level.

Challenge 4-B Don't Wait Around Level:
Beende alle challenges, um den "Enemy Bricks" cheat und den Challenge 4-C Brick Flung High Level zu erhalten.

Challenge 4-C Brick Flung High Level:
Beende alle challenges, um Brick als Waffe im Arcade Modus und den Challenge 5-A First Impressions Level zu erhalten.

Challenge 5-A First Impressions Level:
Beende alle challenges, um Impersonator als Bot im Arcade Modus und den Challenge 5-B Lalsting Impressions Level zu

Challenge 5-B Lalsting Impressions Level:
Beende alle challenges, um den "Alle Feinde sind Impersonators" Cheat und den Challenge 5-C Who's he Trying to Impress?
Level zu erhalten.

Challenge 5-C Who's he Trying to Impress? Level:
Beende alle challenges, um Impersonator als spielbaren Charakter im Arcade Modus und den Challenge 6-A Barrel Blalst
Level zu erhalten.

Challenge 6-A Barrel Blalst Level:
Beende alle challenges, um den Challenge 6-B Bodyguard Level zu erhalten.

Challenge 6-B Bodyguard Level:
Beende alle challenges, um Galsmalsk SWAT als spielbaren Charakter im Arcade Modus und den Challenge 6-C Heist Level
zu erhalten.

Challenge 6-C Heist Level:
Beende alle challenges, um Veiled SWAT als Bot und spielbaren Charakter im Arcade Modus und den Challenge 7-A Shop 'Til You Drop
Level zu erhalten.

Challenge 7-A Shop 'Til You Drop Level:
Beende alle challenges, um Ginger als Bot im Arcade Modus und den Challenge 7-B Sorry, Wals That Your Bag? Level zu

Challenge 7-B Sorry, Wals That Your Bag? Level:
Beende alle challenges, um den "Alle Feinde sind Pfefferkchen" Cheat und den Challenge 7-C Everyone Must Go!
Level zu erhalten.

Challenge 7-C Everyone Must Go! Level:
Beende alle challenges, um Gingerbead als spielbaren Charakter im Arcade Modus und den Challenge 8-A Girls 'n' Boys Level
zu erhalten.

Challenge 8-A Girls 'n' Boys Level:
Beende alle challenges, um Fun-Bunny als Bot im Arcade Modus und den Challenge 8-B Dinner Dates Level zu erhalten.

Challenge 8-B Dinner Dates Level:
Beende alle challenges, um den "Alle Feinde sind Hasen" Cheat und den Challenge 8-C Bone Grab Level zu

Challenge 8-C Bone Grab Level:
Beende alle challenges, um Farrah Fun-Bunny als spielbaren Charakter im Arcade Modus und den Challenge 9-A I Can't Hear Anyone Screaming
Level zu erhalten.

Challenge 9-A I Can't Hear Anyone Screaming Level:
Beende alle challenges, um TimeSplitters als Bot Set im Arcade Moduszu erhalten; TimeSplitter, und TimeSplitter (Gleicher
Name, verschiedene Spieler) als Bots im Arcade Moduszu erhalten; und den Challenge 9-B Flight Delay Level zu

Challenge 9-B Flight Delay Level:
Beende alle challenges, um TimeSplitter als spielbaren Charakter im Arcade Modus zu erhalten.

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