

13.10.2013 18:05:17

Faq Ver 0.1 11/06/00
Written By Zeorhymer

I. DISCLAIMER -- Basic disclaimer and such. You can look through this
and hopefully the information provided can be of some use. There will
probably more faqs coming along with more in-depth stuff in it than
this one. Time is short so please don't e-mail me about questions
pertaining to the game. I don't have a good memory of things and more
than likely I won't be able to remember what I did to kill X boss. I'm
still new at writing these things so bear with me. Happy Summoning.


Joseph -- Born with the power to summon forth beings from another
dimension, he is the main character in the game. He will be the Jack-
of-all-trades character that you will play. You can train him in a
large variety of weaponry as well as good defensive magics. His most
unique power is the ability to summon monsters to fight for him in
combat. Be cautious when summoning monsters. Every time you use such
power, Joseph's total HP will go down. This greatly shortens his life.
The good news is that Joseph can gain it back when either you leave the
combat space (ie. from random encounters) or unsumming the creatures.
Keep a good eye on the summoned creatures. If it dies during combat,
Joseph will permanantly lose the HPs.

TIPS: Joseph may be the Jack-of-all-trades, but I used him like a
warrior through most of the game. He's skilled in many different types
of weaponry, but I tended to use the sword the most. To match his
combat abilities, Joseph can equip very powerful armors as well.
Combat wise he's a formidable warrior to be reckoned with. Don't lax
on his spell casting abilities either. He learns the ever important
Heal line of spells as well as the defensive Holy spells. Even though
you have a lot of HPs doesn't mean you can hack everything into pieces
and come out without a scratch. Healing spells will be used a lot
during the game.

Flece -- Stealth, secrets, assasin, thief, she is all this and much
more. With the ability to hide, sneak, and pick lock, she will be
invaluable to the party. Being a thief does have it's downfall. She
does not have very many HPs so battles will be treacherous. She also
lacks in the magic department, although she learns Dark spells very
late in her career to be much use.

TIPS: First and foremost, Flece is a thief, use her that way. Use her
in reconnaissance missions to learn the layout of the area before
tackling on the monsters within. Make sure she learns Sneak and Hide
to accomplish this mission. Another skill to improve for her would be
the Appraise skill. You may not think that this skill is very useful,
but you are dead wrong. Without this skill, many of the high end
weapons and armor will be unidentified and be totally useless. Max
this skill out early in the game so you'll be able to take advantage of
it. During combat, I found that backstab is pretty much useless. Sure
it works wonders when it hits, but most of the time I wasted lots of AP
healing her. Monsters seem to go for the ones either closest to them
or the one with few HP. To counter this, Bow weapons are very handy

Rosalind -- Daughter of Yago with an innate ability to manipulate
magical energy she is a powerful yet frail member of the party. Her
spellcasting ability surpasses that of Jospeh, but she cannot summon
creatures. Instead she has a wide array of both defensive and
offensive spells at her command. Due to her affinity for magic, she
cannot wear very much armor. As with many pure spellcasters, heavy
armor disrupts the magical fields when spells are being cast.

TIPS: As with lots of mages throughout many games, do not try to
combat hand to hand. Sure you can do it for a little bit, but it is
more advantageous to fight from afar. Throughout the game, she has
command over a vast amount of magic. Heal will be the most important
one to keep the party healthy and happy. Holy magic can do just as
much, but you would want to save those AP for damage spells since
Joseph can use Holy as well. AP will go down very quickly when using
spells. Best way to conserve those points would be to attack from afar
using a bow weapon. Even though she doesn't do much damage with the
bow, she has magic to back her up.

Jekhar -- Once a friend of Joseph, now just a bodyguard by the order of
the King, Jekhar is a strong warrior to have around. Right from the
start you know yo have the making of a tank when you see his HP. He
can take a beating and keeps on slicing. Not only can he slice and
dice, he can also take it like a man. Many heavy duty armors are
available to him to absorb all those punishing blows.

TIPS: Jekhar can use any and all the weapons in the game, but the most
useful ones are the swords. Axes may be tempting with their large
damage, but I found it difficult to chain attacks with them. It's just
a personal taste whether or not you like weapons of mass destruction.
Concentrate skills on a couple of weapons as well as Heavy Arms.
You'll need Heavy Arms skill in order to equip all those godly armor.
It's obvious that he will do the gruntwork in fighting so keep him well
healed and covered with protective magic like Bless to keep him going.


The basics of the battle system is covered in the instruction manual.
Tips for battle is simple...chain, chain and chain. In order to leave
a battle relativly unscathed, you must master the chain attacks. It
may be deceptively simple, but takes a bit to master. Not only do you
have to figure out which chain you are going to use, but the type of
weapon is very important. The faster the weapon that you have
equipped, the more times you swing. This in turn means that you have
more opportunities to perform a chain attack. Be careful when
switching to a high damage slow swing weapon. More often than not, the
slowness of the weapon you are using will throw off your timing and
miss the chain attack.


Still reading over my notes...Come back later....


ARMORS: There are many varieties of armor scattered throughout the
land. Many can be purchased in towns or from merchants that dot the
landscape. There are some powerful armor which can only be found by
solving the mini-quests which are presented to you. Take note that not
everyone can equip all the protection gear. To top it off, your
character must meet skill requirements in order to equip some of these
equipment.. (NOTE: The price listed is the price needed to BUY the
item even though some cannot be bought. The sell back price is roughly
2/3 of the buy price.)

Jo = Joseph F = Flece R = Rosalind Jk = Jekhar


Name Price Protect Who Attributes
Battle Boots 7500 15 Jo Double Attack + 2
Boots of Stleath 50000 10 F Sneak + 2
Dragon Boots 500 7 R Magic Resist + 1
Felinus Feet 20 5 F
Heavy Boots 200 7 Jo, Jk, F
Hero's Sabaton 50000 15 Jk HP + 15
High Leather Boots 50 5 All
Leather Boots 20 3 Jo, F, Jk
Magus Boots 10000 10 R Magic Resist + 2
Mellifluous Scoh 20 7 R Magic Resist + 2
Nobleman's Sabaton 25000 15 Jo AP + 10
Reinforced Boots 500 10 Jo, F, Jk
Sabaton 1000 13 Jo, Jk
Servant's Boots 5 1 F
Springsteel Boots 5000 15 Jo, F, Jk
Steel Heeled Boots 20 7 F
Studded Boots 300 10 Jo, F, Jk
Summoner Sabaton 50000 15 Jo AP + 15
Tough Boots 20 7 Jk
Warrior's Boots 25000 15 Jk HP + 10


Name Price Protect Who Attributes
Blue Pants 20 6 Jo
Chainmail Legs 5000 10 Jo, F, Jk
Cloth Pants 20 7 Jk
Felinus Pantaloons 5000 3 F Sneak + 1
Hero's Leggings 10000 20 Jk Axe + 1
Leather Breeches 100 8 All
Magus Leggings 10000 10 R Magic Resist + 1
Prowler Leggings 10000 5 F Sneak + 2
Silk Breeches 100 3 F, R
Studded Leggings 20 5 F
Studded Pants 500 10 All
Summoner Legs 10000 15 J Summon + 1


Name Price Protect Who Attributes

Bough-Kote 10000 15 Jo, F, Jk Piercing + 1
Chainmail Gaunt 10000 15 Jo, F, Jk
Cloth Gloves 100 5 Jo, F, Jk
Dragon Gauntlets 5000 15 Jo Ap + 10
Gloves of Pilfer 50000 12 F Pick Lock + 2
Hero's Gauntlets 50000 25 Jk HP + 15
Horseman's Gaunt 25000 25 Jk HP + 5
Iron Gauntlets 5000 10 Jo, F, Jk
Leather Armguards 20 9 F
Leather Gauntlets 500 9 Jo, F, Jk
Leather Gloves 250 7 All
Magus Gauntlets 5000 9 R Heal + 1
Mellifluous Mite 500 8 R
Midnight Gaunt 25000 10 F Pick Lock + 1
Nobleman's Gaunt 25000 15 Jo Summon + 1
Plate Gauntlets 25000 20 Jo, Jk
Reaver Gauntlets 5000 15 Jk Counter + 1
Servant's Gaunt 5 1 F
Shadow Gauntlets 10000 8 F Pick Lock + 1
Silk Gloves 50 3 All Magic Resist + 1
Springsteel Gloves 3000 13 Jo, F, Jk
Steel Gauntlets 20000 17 Jo, F, Jk
Summoner Gaunt 50000 20 Jo Summon + 2
The Black Hand 50000 10 F Backstab + 1
The Drangon's Want 10000 10 R Staff + 2
Thief's Gauntlets 5000 10 F Appraise + 1
Warrior's Gaunt 25000 20 Jk HP + 10


Name Price Protect Who Attributes

Adamant Bogu-Dou 50000 40 Jk
Arcticus Mantel 100000 35 R
Blessed Suncoat 250 16 Jo, F, Jk Magic Resist + 1
Boiled Leather 5000 30 Jo, F, Jk
Bone Jerkin 600000 35 R Holy + 2
Bougu-Dou 10000 35 Jo, F, Jk
Breastplate 100000 45 Jo, F, Jk
Brigandine Chest 50000 40 Jo, Jk
Burnt Robe 500000 35 R Fire + 4
Chainmail Tunic 10000 40 Jo, F, Jk
Cloth Shirt 20 5 F
Draco Robe 500000 40 R
Haramaki 10000 35 Jo, F, Jk
Hero's Chainmail 50000 40 Jk Ap + 10
Hero's Platemail 800000 65 Jk
Horseman's Plate 800000 55 Jk
Leather Armor 20 9 Jk
Leather Jerkin 500 20 Jo, F, Jk
Mellifluous Wrap 600000 45 R
Midnight Plate 800000 50 F Sneak + 1
Nobleman's Plate 600000 55 Jo
Padded Surcoat 1000 15 Jo, F, Jk
Platemail 500000 50 Jo, Jk
Quilted Holy Robe 200 6 R Holy + 1
Quilted Robe 20 5 R
Robe of Restore 600000 20 R Heal + 2
Servant's Blouse 5 1 F
Shadow Haramaki 50000 40 F Hide + 1
Shadow Platemail 600000 40 F Sneak + 1
Singed Robe 100000 30 R Fire + 3
Springsteel Leath 10000 30 F
Steelcore Bougu 50000 40 Jo
Studded Leather 1000 25 Jo, F, Jk
Summoner Chain 300000 40 Jo Summon + 2
Summoner Plate 800000 60 Jo
Tunic 20 7 Jo
Warrior's Plate 600000 60 Jk


Name Price Protect Who Attributes

Blinding Buckler 100 10 All Blind Charge (10)
Buckler 100 10 All
Decaying Bulwark 800 14 All
Defender Heater 5000 18 All Dodge + 1
Defender Kite 50000 200 All Dodge + 3
Defender Scutum 10000 20 All Dodge + 2
Guardian Heater 5000 18 All Parry + 1
Guardian Kite 50000 200 All Parry + 3
Guardian Scutum 10000 20 All Parry + 2
Heater Shield 1000 18 All
Kite Shield 10000 200 All
Round Shield 500 15 All
Scutum Shield 5000 20 All

RINGS: Rings are very powerful in the world of Summoner. They have
the ability to boost combat skills as well as enhance magical prowess.
Due to the powerful nature of such jewelry, each character may only
wear 2 rings at a time. There are also special rings which the
Summoner can only use. These rings allow him to call forth dangerous
and powerful being to fight for him.

Name Price Attributes
Anit-Magic 20000 Resist Magic + 5
Archer's 1000 Bow + 1
Berserker 5000 Axe + 1, Blunt + 1
Frigidis 5000 Resist Ice + 5
Haste 20000 Speed + 2 AP + 15
Luminous 500 Illuminates the area around the wearer
Onslaught 100000 Counter + 2, Critical Hit + 2, Empower
Pyros 5000 Resist Fire + 5
of Aggression 10000 Counter Attack + 1, Critical Hit + 1
of Blessings 2500 Holy + 2
of Control 50000 Push + 2, Kick + 2, Trip + 2
of Dexterity 2500 Dodge + 2
of Electrus 2500 Energy + 2
of Expertise 20000 AP + 25
of Flames 2500 Fire + 1
of Grounding 5000 Resist Energy + 5
of Health 5000 HP + 30
of Ice 2500 Ice + 1
of Invisibility 50000 Invisibility
of Mastery 100000 AP + 40
of Might 50000 HP + 30, AP + 10
of Power 300000 AP + 40
of Preservation 50000 Dodge + 1, Parry + 1, HP + 20
of Proficiency 5000 AP + 10
of Protection 2500 Parry + 2
of Puissance 100000 HP + 50, AP + 25
of Recovery 20000 HP + 50
of Repulsion 50000 Parry + 3, Counter Attack + 3
of Shadows 10000 Hide + 1, Sneak + 1
of Skill 100000 Sword + 1, Axe + 1, Blunt + 1, Heavy + 1
of Slaying 5000 Backstab + 3
of Speed 5000 Speed + 2
of Storms 10000 Energy + 4
of Swiftness 20000 Speed + 4
of the Gods 500000 Speed + 5, HP + 40, AP + 20
of the Night 2500 Dark + 2
of Thieves 2500 Pick Lock + 3
of Warding 25000 Dodge +2, Parry + 2
Swordsman's Ring 1000 Sword + 1

Ring of Darkness Dark + 3
Ring of Fire Fire +2, Resist Fire + 3
Ring of Forest Dodge + 1, Parry + 2
Ring of Four Winds AP + 30
Ring of Jade Magic Resist + 3
Ring of Light Energy + 2, Resist Energy + 3
Ring of Stone HP + 40
Ring of Water Ice + 1, Heal + 1, Resist Ice + 3


Name Price Attributes
Aeros Medallion 100000 Ice + 3, Energy + 3
Anti-Magic Torque 80000 Magic Resist + 3
Archer's Medallion 10000 Bow + 3
Bacite Medallion 7500 Holy + 1, Fire + 1
Barbarian's Torque 7500 Axe + 2
Battle Torque 300000 Hp + 60, AP + 30
Berserker's Torque 100000 Sword + 3, Heavy + 3
Blessed Necklace 2000 Speed + 1
Collar of Dexterity 7500 Dodge + 1, Parry + 1
Collar of Health 50000 HP + 30
Collar of Precision 10000 Critical + 2, Aimed Attack + 2
Elemental Necklace 2500 Fire + 1, Ice + 1
Farseeing Necklace 7500 Bow + 2
Fighter's Torque 7500 Sword + 2
Hellfire Necklace 100000 Dark + 3, Fire + 3
Medallion of Night 2500 Dark + 1, Energy + 1
Medallion of Power 10000 Push + 4
Medallion of Vigor 80000 HP + 60
Medallion of Anshu 500000 Regenerate
Necklace of Defense 7500 Dodge + 1, Parry + 1
Necklace of Stealth 25000 Sneak + 2
Shadow Medallion 100000 Sneak + 3 , Hide + 3
Summoner's Torque 50000 Summon + 3
Swordsman's Torque 10000 Sword + 3
Thermal Medallion 100000 Fire + 3
Thief's Torque 7500 Sneak + 2
Torque of Celerity 7500 Speed + 2
Torque of Bashing 7500 Blunt + 2
Torque of Haste 10000 Speed + 3
Torque of Time 25000 Speed + 2, Double Attack + 2
Warding Necklace 7500 Magic Resistance + 2

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