NHL 2001

NHL 2001

14.10.2013 08:46:38
N H L 2 0 0 1

NHL 2001 Game Guide & FAQ
For Playstation One (PAL/UK version)
By: AlaskaFox(Ronan Murphy)
Created: April 14, 2001
Date last Updated: April 20, 2001
Version 1.01
Mail me at: frozenfox@hotmail.com
Home Page: http://www.delta-blue.net


This Game Guide / FAQ is created for personal use only. You must not use it
for anything that gains profit. Specifically Magazines, Game Guides,
Commercial Web Sites. You’re also not allowed to rip off part/s of this
Game Guide / FAQ and put it on your own Game Guide / FAQ. Anyone doing this
is guilty of "plagiarism", the act of stealing and passing off of ideas and
words of another as one’s own without crediting the source.

You also cannot use this Game Guide / FAQ as a guide for you to make your own
Game Guide / FAQ, you must do everything there is to do in the game yourself
or have others give info about your game and give them proper credit. You can
copy the layout though.

You can put this Game Guide / FAQ on your non-commercial or non-profit web
site provided that not a single character has been edited or removed and you
MUST have permission from me in order to do so. You can also, print a copy of
the entire FAQ / Guide or a part of it, provided you only use it for personal
purposes. Remember "You don’t have to steal, just ask." - B.O.F.III


i. Disclaimer
I. Updates/Revisions
II. Game Information
A. Game Controls
B. Game Menus
III. Playing Strategies
A. Defensive Strategies
B. Offensive Strategies
C. PP/PK Strategies
D. Coaching Strategies
IV. Teams/Players
V. Lists
A. Injury List
B. Penalty List
C. Commentary List
D. Records
E. Awards List
VI. In-Season
A. Create A Player
B. Getting New Players
C. End Of Season
VII. Credits/Outroduction


Current Progress:

Guide: 12% complete
File Size:
Total e-mails: 0 since April 2001

Version 1.01 (Started: April 14, 2001)

- Game Information Added
- 6 Defensive Strategies Added
- 12 Offensive Strategies Added
- 1 Record Added
- Awards List Added
- 10 Commentaries
- 1 Create A Player



Menu Controls:
Up/Down Highlight menu items
Left/Right Cycle Choices/Move Sliders
X Select/Go to next screen
Triangle Return to previous screen

Gameplay Controls:

With Puck:

D-Pad Skate, Pass & Shot Direction
X Pass
Square Shoot
Triangle Deke (feint to the side to trick the goalie/defender)
Circle Speed Burst
L1 Left Spin Deke
L2 Line Change menu(if Line Changes are ON)
R1 Right Spin Deke
R2 Icon Pass

Without Puck:

D-Pad Skate in Direction
X Change Player
Square Poke Check
Triangle Big Hit
Circle Body Check
L1 Slide Block(dive to block the shot/pass)
L2 Line Change
R1 Select Last Defender
R2 Icon Select

Goaltending:(only if manual goalie is set to ON)

Select Control Goalie
Square Save Attempt(without puck), Shoot(with puck)
Circle Poke Check(without)
X Pass

Fight Controls:

Square Left Jab/Uppercut
X Left Jab
Triangle Right Jab
Circle Right Hook


1. Game Setup Menu

Quick Start:
Starts a game with two pre-selected teams. Chose which team you want to be
and start your first NHL 2001 game. Hardly ever used, only when you want to
play a friend to show/test your skill.

Basic Settings:
Starts an Exhibition Game. You can select the Teams, Difficulty Level,
Period Lengths, Penalties, Big Hits, Fighting, Offsides, Icing,
Two Line Pass, Injuries, Rink Type and Over Time. Used for two-player and
multi-player games, and to get you used to playing NHL 2001 before
starting a Season/Playoff.

Advanced Options:
See Adavnced Options Menu below. This is the most used option.

NHL Challenge:
Check how your NHL Challenge is doing. The NHL Challenge allows you to get
bonus points to use on your created players. You need a USERLOG to do the
NHL Challenge.(PSone version only, not in PC or PS2 versions)

Inside EA Sports:
Look at other products by EA Sports. Could they not have used the space
taken up by this to add more options???

2. Advanced Options Menu

Select Mode: Exhibition, Season, Playoff, Tournament or Shootout
Select Level: Beginner(Easiest), Rookie, Pro, All Star(hardest)
Rules: Set the Game Rules(e.g. Icing, Fighting, Period Length)
Options: Set the Game Options(e.g. Speed, Camera, SFX)
Rosters: Edit Lines, View Rosters, Trade Players, and more
Stats Central: Check User Stats, Team Stats, and Player Stats
Configure Controller: Change the button functions
Load/Save: Load or Sve Rules, options, User Logs, Seasons, and Playoffs

3. Game Rules / Options

RULES:(defaults in CAPS)
Period Length: 5(def.), 10 or 20 minutes.
Penalties: Use the slider to change the frequency of penalties. The
farther it is to the right, the more penalties there are.
Big Hits: Use the slider to change the amount of Big Hits.
Fighting: Changes the frequency of fights. Leave close to the left.
Offsides: Turns Offsides on or OFF
Icing: Turns Icing on or OFF
2 Line Pass: Turns 2 Line Passing on or OFF
Injuries: Turns Player Injuries ON or off
Rink Type: Changes the Rink Type between: AUTO(def), NHL, or Interntnl
Tie-Break: AUTO, Contiuos OT, Shootout OT, Shootout, or Single OT

To Be Completed

4. Season Central Menu
This is also for Playoffs and Tournaments.

NHL Challenge: Lets you check your NHL Challenge Stats.
Matchups: Check the Matches for any day.
Calender: View Team Scedules for each month
Team Reports: View Team Form, Top Scorers, Hot/Cold Streaks, Injuries,
and Suspensions for any team.
Stats Central: View Standings, Team Stats, Player Stats, User Stats,
League Leaders and Career Stats
Rosters: See Rosters Menu, below
Save Season: Lets you save your season.
More Options: Change Rules and Options

5. Rosters Menu

View Rosters: View Team Rosters, and check individual Player Bios
Edit Lines: Change your lines to suit your style
Circle: Switch Lines
L2/R2: Change Line Groups
X: Select Player
Trade Players: Swap players between teams.
Circle: Switch Sides
L/R: Change Teams
X: Select Players
Start: Initiate trade(both teams must agree to trade)
Waivers: Place players on Waivers list, and take others off.
Custom Teams: Build your own Teams for Exhibition matches.
Buttons: Same as Trade Players
Player Management: Create new players, Edit Created Players, Delete Created
Players, and Edit Jersey Numbers
Load/Save Rosters: Load and save rosters, or restore original rosters.


This section is to help you to win games more easily, and so that you can
trash your friends. If you wish to add your favourite strategy, send your
answers on a postcard to the usual address(or email me if you find it easier)


(1) The Big Hit
Get control of one of your Big Hitters(their name/number will be
red), and just Big Hit(Triangle) the player with the puck or the
one in front of your goal(There always is one)
Difficulty: 2/5

(2) The Dive
When your opponent is shaping up for a slapshot, and you are too
far away to hit him, press R1 to dive infront of the goal to block
his shot.
Difficulty: 3/5

(3) Gain Advantage
This may be obvious, but it helps. When you have the puck, go
behind your own net, and wait there until one or more opposition
players comes to get the puck. When they come behind the net,
skate off with the puck, and you will have one more player than
your opponent.
Difficulty: 2/5

(4) 2-Liner
This is both Defensive and Offensive. Defensive because you clear
the puck away, and Offensive because you get an attack.
(When using Player Lock, or in multi-player games). Have another
teammate upfield(preferably the 2nd player) or yourself in 1-player
Get the puck to a computer controlled player on your team, and with
the upfield player press X to call for the puck, and if 2-Line
Passes are switched off it's a guarenteed breakaway.
Difficulty: 3/5(risk of interception)

(5) Loose Netting
Sorry, I'm running out of ideas here. This one is kinda difficult.
Get control of one of your Big Hitters(the red guys) and press X
to dive into one of your goalposts. This can sometimes get you a
"Delay of Game" penalty.
Difficulty: 5/5

(6) Goalie's Poke Check
(Use this with Manual Goalies) When opponent has a breakaway, press
select to control the goalie. When the player gets close, press
circle to check the player and get the puck.
Difficulty: 4/5


(1) One-Timer #1
Get the puck to your R/L Winger, stay close to the boards, when
you get to just before the goal, pass it into the centre and if
your centre is there(or one of your defenders), press Square to
One-Time it into the net. If you're lucky!

(2) One-Timer #2
When you have a breakaway, keep going across the front of the
goalie, and then when your winger arrives pass it to him, and
press Square to get an easy goal (if you did it right).

(3) One-Two (One-Timer #3)
When your centre has the puck and is going towards goal, and you
have a winger to your side. Press X to pass to him, but as the
puck reaches him, hold X to pass it back to your centre, and then
you can one-time the 'keeper.

(4) Rebound
When you have one of your Big Shooters at the Blue Line, hold
Square to Slapshot the puck into the net, and the goalie will save
this but he wont be able to stop that little wrist-shot! This is
one of the Strategies I use most.

(5) Rebound...Rebound...Rebound
Get your Big Shooter to slapshot it in again, and if the goalie
saves the wrist shot, he wont be able to hold on, and the next
shot should light the lamp.

(6) Breakaway #1
When you have a breakaway, try to fool the goalie by moving left
and right and by pressing the Triangle button(but DON'T use the
circle button, you wont have enough time if you do), and he should
come out of the goal. Then, move to the side and score easily.

(7) Breakaway #2
Get a breakaway, move near the right faceoff circle if your player
is right handed, or the left one if he's left handed. Then hold
Square to power up the slapshot, but when it reaches full power
press X to stop the shot. The goalie should be down, having
thought you were shooting, and you should just be alble to tip it
into the open net.

(8) One of the easiest goals(also known as the Faceoff Goal)
When you have a faceoff in your opponents end(at his goal). Just
keep pressing X and hold L/R(whichever direction the goal is).
The puck should go to your player waiting to one-time it in.

(9) Wraparound(sorta)
Get the puck behind the opponents net, and come around the front
with the puck, and go to the opposite side of the net and slap it
in. Sounds harder than it is.

(10) One-Timer #4 - a.k.a Fake Timer
In the oppoenents end, with one player hold Square as if going for a
slapshot, but when you reach the end press X to stop the slapshot,
and immediately press X again, then Square for the reciever to
one-time it into the net.

(11) Floater
You just got to love the name! Only works on the counter, and just
after faceoffs in the centre circle. This is the funniest way to
score and is sure to annoy the hell out of human opposition. From
just behind the blue line(at one of the sides, you can't be in the
centre, because it has a better chance of working), Tap Square,
and the puck should sail over the goalies head and into the net.

(12) Off the Keeper
Sometimes the opposition do this for you. It's extremely rare for
this to happen. From behind the net, press X to pass it to one of
the players in front of the net, with luck it will hit off the
goalie and go in.


Coming Soon


Coming Soon


Coming Soon


I'm currently compiling these, the Penalty one should be up next update, the
Injury one soon also.


In Progress


Next Update


This is for the individual player comments. Send in any I don't have.
You can also correct any mistakes, as I have made many.
Each player is in alphabetical order in the team he started 2000/01 at.



"Igor Kravchuk is one of the most important players to his team. Well Bill,
I look at the Plus/Minus, and Kravchuk has always been a Plus Player."



"When you talk about special players, there is none as special as the one who
has done this. Dominik Hasek is superb, and he's the only player to have won
the Hart Trophy for MVP twice."

"As one of the Buffalo Sabres captains, Michael Peca joins a list of greats
such as ???????????? and Pat La Fontaine."

"Miro Satan had to move around alot before he became a permanent fixture at
Buffalo. He played in the Czech League, the Slovak League, the American
League, the International Hockey League, and even in the NHL with the
Edmonton Oilers before joining Buffalo."



"Like most players around the world when Sami Kaponen isn't playing for his
club team, he's playing for his country. And that would be Finland, where he
picked up a bronze medal at the Olympics."



"Joe Sakic's career has had 2 very different halves. In his first 6 years his
team never once made the playoffs, but in the last 6 they never missed the




"We knew Paul Kariya was made for NHL when he won the ???????? Trophy for
best collegiate player.......



"In Hockey there are Big Deals and there are 'Big Deals'. Just ask Pavel Bure
who was involved in a big one, he was traded from Vancouver to Florida in a
nine-player deal in January of 1999."






"When you're talking about New Jersey Devils' scoring lines, one name always
seems to come up. Patrick Elias seems to have.....






"Well Jim? What do Metallica, Austin Powers, and Frank Sinatra got in common?
They're all favourites of Finnish Defender ???? Numminen.









All records on All-Star Level

Most Goals in a Game X XXX
Most Goals in a Period X XXX
Most Goals in a Season XXX XXX
Most Assists in a Game X XXX
Most Assists in a Period X XXX
Most Assists in a Season XX XXX
Most Points in a Game X XXX
Most Points in a Period X XXX
Most Points in a Season XXX XXX
Most Total Goals in a Period X XXXX
Most Total Goals in a Game XX XXXX
Most Shutouts in a Season XX XXX
Most Shorthanded Goals in a Game X XXX
Most Shorthanded Goals in a Period X XXX
Most Shorthanded Goals in a Season XX XXX
Most Power Play Goals in a Game X XXX
Most Power Play Goals in a Period X XXX
Most Power Play Goals in a Season XX XXX
Most Playoff Points XX XXX
Most Playoff Goals XX XXX
Most Playoff Assists XX XXX
Longest Winning Streak XX XXXX
Longest Computer Winning Streak 14 Anaheim
Best Season Record XX-X-X XXX
Best Playoff Record XX-X XXX
Most Penalty Minutes in a Game XX XXXX
Largest +/- in a Season XXX XXX
Fastest Goal X sec XXX
Fastest Two Goals XX sec XXX
Fastest Three Goals XX sec XXX
Goal w/ Least Amount of Time Left X.XX sec XXX
Largest Comeback X-X to X-X XXXX
Fastest 50 Goals XX Games XXX


Stanley Cup
Awarded to the victor if the playoffs.
Past Winners-
99/00 New Jersey
98/99 Dallas
97/98 Detroit
96/97 Detroit
95/96 Colorado

Hart Memorial Trophy
Awarded to the player judged to be most valuable to his team
Past Winners-
99/00 Chris Pronger
98/99 Jaromir Jagr
97/98 Dominik Hasek
96/97 Dominik Hasek
95/96 Mario Lemieux

Art Ross Trophy
Awarded to the player who leads the league in scoring points at the end of
the regualar season
Past Winners-
99/00 Jaromir Jagr
98/99 Jaromir Jagr
97/98 Jaromir Jagr
96/97 Mario Lemieux
95/96 Mario Lemieux

Maurice "Rocket" Richard Award
Awarded to the player who amasses the most goals in a season
Past Winners-
99/00 Pavel Bure
98/99 Teemu Selanne

James Norris Memorial Trophy
Awarded to the defenseman who demonstrates throughout the season the greatest
all-round ability in the position
Past Winners-
99/00 Chris Pronger
98/99 A MacInnis
97/98 Rob Blake
96/97 Brian Leetch
95/96 Chris Chelios

Calder Trophy
Awarded to the player selected as most proficient in his first year of
competition in the NHL
Past Winners-
99/00 Scott Gomez
98/99 C Drury
97/98 S Samsonov
96/97 B Berard
95/96 D Alfredsson

Vezina Trophy
Awarded to the goalkeeper judged to be best at his position as voted by the
general managers of each of the NHL Clubs
Past Winners-
99/00 Olaf Kolzig
98/99 Dominik Hasek
97/98 Dominik Hasek
96/97 Dominik Hasek
95/96 J Carey

Lady Byng Trophy
Awarded to the player judged to have exhibited the best sportsmanship and
gentlemanly conduct combined with a high standard of playing ability
Past Winners-
99/00 Pavel Demitra
98/99 Wayne Gretzky
97/98 R Francis
96/97 Paul Kariya
95/96 Paul Kariya

Frank J. Selke Trophy
Awarded to the forward who excels best in the defensive aspects of the game
Past Winners-
99/00 Steve Yzerman
98/99 J Lehtinen
97/98 J Lehtinen
96/97 Mike Peca
95/96 Sergei Federov

Conn Smythe Trophy
Awarded to the player judged most valuable to his team in the playoffs
Past Winners-
99/00 Scott Stevens
98/99 Joe Nieuwendyk
97/98 Steve Yzerman
96/97 M Vernon
95/96 Joe Sakic

William M. Jennings Trophy
Awarded to the goalkeeper(s) who played for the team with the fewest goals
scored against it.
Past Winers-
99/00 Roman Turek
98/99 Eric Belfour/Roman Turek
97/98 Martin Brodeur
96/97 Martin Brodeur/ Dunham
95/96 Chris Osgood/ Vernon

Bill Masterson Memorial Trophy
Awarded under the trusteeship of the PHWA to the NHL player who best
exemplifies the qualities of perseverance, sportsmanship and dedication to
Past Winners-
99/00 K Daneyko
98/99 J Cullen
97/98 J McLennon
96/97 T Granato
95/96 G Roberts

Lester B. Pearson Award
Awarded to the NHL's outstanding player as selected by the members of the
National Hockey League Player's Association
Past Winners-
99/00 Jaromir Jagr
98/99 Jaromir Jagr
97/98 Dominik Hasek
96/97 Dominik Hasek
95/96 Mario Lemieux

Presidents Trophy
Awarded to the team finsihing the regular season with the best overall record
Past Winners-
99/00 St. Louis
98/99 Dallas
97/98 Dallas
96/97 Colorado
95/96 Detroit

Prince Of Wales Trophy
Awarded to the team which advances to the Stanley Cup as the winner of the
Eastern Conference
Past Winners-
99/00 New Jersey
98/99 Buffalo
97/98 Washington
96/97 Philadelphia
95/96 Florida

Clarence S. Campbell Trophy
Awarded to the team which advances to the Stanley Cup as the winner of the
Eastern Conference
Past Winners-
99/00 Dallas
98/99 Dallas
97/98 Detroit
96/97 Detroit
95/96 Colorado



A 97 Rating Center(with Easy + Medium NHL challenge bonus points)
Experience: Superstar

Speed: 99
Acceleration: 99
Agility: 83
Balance: 99
Shot Power: 99
Shot Accuracy: 99
Deflections: 99
Faceoffs: 99
Passing: 99
Stick Handling: 99
Aggression: 40
Endurance: 99
Intensity: 40
Checking: 99
Toughness: 40
Leadership: 40
Off. Awareness: 99
Def. Awareness: 99


Coming Soon

So far I have:

Got a 95 L from an injured 88 D
Got a 92 D from an injured 88 D

My Brother has:

Got a 95 C from a 70 L
Got a 93 D from a 74 R


Coming Soon(when I get to the end of my 2nd year)


Since I didn't do an Introduction, I thought I'd do an Outroduction. Why I
didn't do an Intro is bacause you don't usually read it, you dive straight
into the Guide. So, because you don't see Outros(well I haven't anyway), I
thought you might actually read this.

I started this guide because: I love Hockey, and there was no Playstation
Guide available, and we all need guides(You down the back! Don't say you
don't use guides, cause you have and will, otherwise you wouldn't be
reading this). Since we only have one Irish Hockey Team, the only way I can
get involved in Hockey is by helping you guys(and watching it on TV).

I hope you like my guide, and that it helps you. Also if you want to help:

If you wish to send your own Strategies/Tips/anything, send them to:

-"A" Tadeo for the Layout and Disclaimer
-EA for making this game
-CJayC for putting this FAQ on his site (I hope he does, anyway)
-NHL and NHLPA for letting EA use the real players,teams,etc..(well, selling)
-Microsoft for Windows and Notepad
-Packard Bell for my PC(If I put them here will I get a new one?)
-You for reading it
-The guy who is gonna give me a PS2, so I can do the PS2 Version

©Ronan Murphy - AlaskaFox 2001

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16.Oktober 2013
SwapPatch für die US NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013
Punkte des Torhüter oder der Spieler einfrieren

14.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats
10.Oktober 2008
engl. Hinweise
10.Oktober 2008
PAL Patch für die amerikanische NTSC Version.

10.Oktober 2013
Verändere den Spielstand und die Spielerwerte

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020