Ridge Racer 5

Ridge Racer 5

15.10.2013 14:49:24

Ridge Racer V (US Version) for Sony Playstation 2 FAQ
By: "A" Tadeo
Created: May 15, 2001
Final Version
Updates: May 26, 2001
Mail me at: aaron20@edsamail.com.ph
Home Page: http://surf.to/aaronph


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This is one of the nicest racing games I’ve played. Although, I like the Gran
Turismo Series a lot more (Can’t wait for GT3). Anyway, this racing game will
fill you in for your craving for a racing game. You can do lots of stuff. You
can modify your cars’ design, you can choose your engines and more. You can
race your way to receive new cars and new engines. Plus, you can unlock the
hidden tracks after winning in Extra GP races. Another good thing about Ridge
Racer V is that you can go head to head with split-screen action. The controls
are easy, and everything is detailed (especially the tracks). All in all, a
fun racing game worth your time and effort to buy.


I. Updates/Revisions
II. Game Information
A. Game Specs
B. Modes of Play
1. Versus Mode
2. Team Mode
a. Race
b. Design
c. Garage
d. Records
C. Standard Mode vs. Extra Mode
D. Duel Mode
III. Grand Prix
IV. Time Attack
V. The Duel
VI. 99 Trial Mode
VII. Tracks/Cars Unlocking Guide
VIII. Cars and Engines
IX. Tracks (including tips)
X. Driving Tips
XI. Music Tracks
XIII. Credits/Acknowledgements


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Final Version (Started: May 25, 2001)
- Complete Engine List
- Music Tracks

Version 1.1 (Started: May 16, 2001)
- The Time Attack, Duel, and 99 Trial Sections
- More Cars and Engines
- More things to unlock
- FAQ Section Started


A. Game Specs

Game Name: Ridge Racer V
Developer: Namco
System: Sony Playstation 2
Encoding: NTSC U/C
Game ID: SLUS-20002
Media: CD-ROM
Features: 1-2 Players, PS2 Memory Card 420 KB, Digital and Analog Controls,
Vibration Function, *Touch Sensitive, NegCon and JogCon compatible

* - Touch sensitivity takes advantage of the Analog Buttons of the Dual Shock
2 controller. The lighter you press the accelerate button (X), the lighter the
gas pedal is being stepped upon while you ride.

B. Modes of Play

1. Race
In the race mode, you can enter 3 sub-modes. The Grand Prix mode where you
duke it out with 14 other cars in 4 rounds (w/ different tracks, 3 laps each).
Here in the Grand Prix, you can unlock the tracks of the game. You’ll also be
able to acquire new cars. There are 5 Grand Prix races: Standard Basis GP, The
Heroic GP, Blast GP, Knight GP, and the Throne GP (go to unlocking section for
more info). In extra mode, you can choose your cars and engines from your own

The next one is the Time Attack Mode where you are alone against the clock.
Try to beat the best lap times and the best overall time of the tracks for the
challenge. Finally, there’s the Free Run mode where you can test your car on
different tracks to let you familiarize them, thus giving you more advantage
in future races.

2. Design
The Design mode is basically for changing your team name (if you want), and
changing the color setup of your car/s. You can select from predetermined
color combinations, or create your own color combination as to what you think
suit your car.

3. Garage
In Garage Mode, you can view your acquired cars and engine and get a very
brief description about them. Also, you’ll be able to view the trophies and
medals you acquired throughout the game.

4. Records
Here, you’ll see the best lap times and best overall times from all of the
tracks in the game. Try to beat them in Time Attack mode.

C. Standard Mode vs. Extra Mode

In Standard Mode, you’ll enter a race where Standard Cars are involved (i.e.
unmodified, factory model). You can choose a Standard Engine only. As for the
Extra Mode, you’ll be able to use your fast cars with turbo-charged engines.
It could be either an Extra Engine (Fast Engine, good for tricky tracks), or
an Oval Engine (Ultra-Fast Engine, good for endurance and straight/oval

D. The Duel Mode

In the Duel Mode, you’ll be able to race against one computer opponent. You
can then unlock cars when you win. The cars also include different CPU cars
you can race against with. This mode will test your guts against a tough


The Grand Prix mode is the main event in the game. There will be 5 grand prix
races you can choose from. When beginning, you can only choose the Standard
Basis GP where you have to choose a standard car with a standard engine. When
you win, the car will be yours. After winning the Standard Basis GP, you’ll
then be able to compete in the Extra GPs. First one would be the Heroic GP.
After winning from it, you’ll unlock the Blast GP. After winning the Blast GP,
you’ll unlock the Knight GP. And finally, winning the Knight GP will enable
the Throne GP (check below for more info about each of the GPs, including
their rules). Now remember, the Grand Prix races will always consist of 4
rounds with 14 competitors.


Competitors: 14
Cars: Standard
Engines: Standard
Rules: Normal

Round 1: Park Town (place 4th to advance to the 2nd round)
Round 2: Outer Pass (place 3rd to advance to the 3rd round)
Round 3: Above the City (place 2nd to advance to the final round)
Round 4: Bayside Line (place 1st to win the Grand Prix)

Prizes: Standard Basis GP trophy, Acquirement of car you selected, Extra GP

Competitors: 14
Cars: Extra or Standard (first time)
Engines: Extra
Rules: Normal

Round 1: Bayside Line (place 4th to advance to the 2nd round)
Round 2: Above the City (place 3rd to advance to the 3rd round)
Round 3: Outer Pass (place 2nd to advance to the final round)
Round 4: Park Town (place 1st to win the Grand Prix)

Prizes: Extra Heroic GP trophy, acquirement of Extra Car

Competitors: 14
Cars: Extra
Engines: Extra
Rules: Sudden Death

Round 1: Above the City (place 1st to advance to the 2nd round)
Round 2: Outer Pass (place 1st to advance to the 3rd round)
Round 3: Bayside Line (place 1st to advance to the final round)
Round 4: Sunny Beach (place 1st to win the Grand Prix)

Prizes: Extra Blast GP trophy, acquirement of Extra Engine, Sunny Beach Track

Competitors: 14
Cars: Extra
Engines: Extra
Rules: Reverse Tracks

Round 1: Greenfield (place 4th to advance to the 2nd round)
Round 2: Park Town (place 3rd to advance to the 3rd round)
Round 3: Outer Pass (place 2nd to advance to the final round)
Round 4: Above the City (place 1st to win the Grand Prix)

Prizes: Extra Knight GP trophy, Reverse Tracks Unlocked, Greenfield Track

Competitors: 14
Cars: Extra
Engines: Oval
Rules: Oval

Round 1: Airport Oval (Place first in order to win Grand Prix)

Prizes: Extra Throne GP trophy, Acquirement of Oval Engine, Airport Oval (and
Reverse) tracks Unlocked

Note: The number of your car will start at 99 when you begin racing at the
Grand Prix. As you win races, your number will decrease until you become
number 1. It’s sort of a ranking for your team.


Although it doesn’t seem that you can do anything in the Time Attack Mode
beside breaking records, you actually have to beat those times with the “R”
beside them. They are the best times for duel cars and if you beat that record
in both Standard and Extra Time Attacks you’ll unlock the duel mode with that
record holder. Example, you beat Devil’s records in the Standard and Extra
Time attack, he will challenge you into a duel. There are 4 racers here that
will challenge you to a duel (including Devil). Here they are and their
respective times and race info. I also included my time when I beat them.


Track: Greenfield
Standard Time: 4’ 54" 765
My Time: 4’ 48" 240
Extra Time: 4’ 25" 765
My Time: 4’ 12" 357

Angel’s car is the fastest in the game. But the downside to Angel’s car is its
acceleration. Most likely you’ll take the lead early on. But it would be very
hard to keep that lead with Angel in your trail.

Track: Sunny Beach
Standard Time: 3’ 30" 767
My Time: 3’ 20" 499
Extra Time: 3’ 11" 765
My Time: 3’ 00" 640

Devil has a car that has a slow acceleration. But when time comes, Devil’s car
will reach very high speed and will, very likely, overtake anyone in its path.

Track: Outer Pass (Standard), Above the City (Extra)
Standard Time: 3’ 49" 765
My Time: 3’ 41" 137
Extra Time: 3’ 52" 765
My Time: 3’ 40" 268

Pluto’s car has the best acceleration in the game. You’ll find yourself way
behind at the start of the game. But then, when you reach the corners, you’ll
often see Pluto stuck on them. Pluto’s car has a very poor handling. I tried
it myself and it doesn’t work for me at all.

Track: Park Town (Standard), Bayside Line (Extra)
Standard Time: 2’ 53" 765
My Time: 2’ 44" 266
Extra Time: 6’ 02" 765
My Time: 5’ 50" 502

Spirit has a weird car. Although it has the slowest car among the 4 duel cars,
its unprecedented handling is what makes it a winner. You’re fast, but can you
turn? Spirit can.


After defeating all 4 "R" players in the Time Attack, you can duke it out
head-to-head in the Duel Mode. You’ll race against them and you must place 1st
in order to win. Take note that you can only use your Extra Cars when you
battle them for the first time.


Track: Sunny Beach
Laps: 3
Opponent’s Car: Angelus
Rewards: Medal, Angelus Car and Engine

Track: Greenfield
Laps: 3
Opponent’s Car: Crinale
Rewards: Medal, Crinale Car and Engine

Track: Bayside Line
Laps: 3
Opponent’s Car: Rumeur
Rewards: Medal, Rumeur Car and Engine

Track: Above the City
Laps: 3
Opponent’s Car: Spectra
Rewards: Medal, Spectra Car and Engine

After beating all 4 of them, you’ll be able to enter the Battle Royal. You can
now compete with all 4 of them in your own Duel Car. The track used would be
the Outer Pass and you’ll have to race in 3 laps. Your rewards would be a
medal and the new 99 Trial Mode. Suggestion: I really recommend using the
Angelus Car. A soft touch with the directional button will do when cornering.
Just remember to let go of the accelerate button while turning, or else you’ll
find yourselves at the edge of the road.

After beating all 4 of them at the Battle Royal, you’ll be able to race at the
Endurance Race of Ridge Racer V, the 99 Trial Mode, plus you’ll get a medal.


In the 99 Trial Mode, you’ll race with 13 other competitors (for a total of
14) in the Sunny Beach Track for 99 laps. Take note that you have to a lot,
more or less, 1 hour and 45 minutes for this race. You can only use Extra Cars
in this race so, use the E.O. to your advantage.

After completing all 99 laps, you’ll be rewarded with, guess what, a medal.
All that work and time consumed will be rewarded by just one medal. If you
really want a complete collection of medal, finish this race.


Basically, this section will be your quickie guide in unlocking tracks and
cars. Here they are.

Unlocking Greenfield Track
- Win at the Knight Grand Prix

Unlocking Sunny Beach Track
- Win at the Blast Grand Prix

Unlocking Airport Oval Track
- Win the Throne Grand Prix

Unlocking your cars’ Extra Engine
- Win the Blast Grand Prix with your car

Unlocking your cars’ Oval Engine
- Win the Throne Grand Prix with your car

Unlocking the reverse tracks
- Win at the Knight Grand Prix

Unlock New Music from Mijk Van Dijk
- Race for a total of 250 miles

Unlock the Kamata Angelus Car (the best!)
- Defeat Angel’s record in the Time Attack for both standard and extra modes.
Then, defeat Angel in the Duel Mode.

Unlock the Rivelta Crinale Car
- Defeat Devil’s record in the Time Attack for both standard and extra modes.
Then, defeat Devil in the Duel Mode.

Unlock the Soldat Rumeur Car (the weirdest car!)
- Defeat Spirit’s record in the Time Attack for both standard and extra modes.
Then, defeat Spirit in the Duel Mode.

Unlock the Danver Spectra Car
- Defeat Pluto’s record in the Time Attack for both standard and extra modes.
Then, defeat Pluto in the Duel Mode.

Unlock the Battle Royal in Duel Mode
- Defeat each of the 4 duelers (Angel, Devil, Spirit, and Pluto) in Duel mode.

Unlock the 99 Trial (Endurance) Mode
- Win the Battle Royal Duel Racing


* - in alphabetical order


Manufacturer: Kamata
Mode: Duel
Type: Grip
Engine: KA-CLMX
Length: 175 in
Width: 83 in
Height: 42 in
Weight: Unknown
Transmission: 7 Speed
Top Speed: 368 mph (589 kph)

Stats: _______________
Acceleration: |_______________|___
Speed: |___________________|
Handling: |________________|


Manufacturer: Rivelta
Mode: Duel
Type: Drift
Engine: R765DV
Length: 193 in
Width: 86 in
Height: 44 in
Weight: Unknown
Transmission: 7 Speed
Top Speed: 284 mph (454 kph)

Stats: __________________
Acceleration: |__________________|
Speed: |__________________|
Handling: |____________|

Manufacturer: Himmel
Mode: Standard
Type: Grip
Engine: HM36DRST
Length: 180 in
Width: 78 in
Height: 48 in
Weight: 2,072 lbs.
Transmission: 5 Speed
Top Speed: 290 mph (334 kph)

Stats: _____________
Acceleration: |_____________|
Speed: |_____________|
Handling: |_________|


Manufacturer: Kamata
Mode: Standard
Type: Drift
Engine: KA-30FR
Length: 178 in
Width: 72 in
Height: 48 in
Weight: 2,315 lbs.
Transmission: 5 Speed
Top Speed: 172 mph (275 kph)

Stats: ______
Acceleration: |______|
Speed: |______|______
Handling: |_____________|


Manufacturer: Kamata
Mode: Standard
Type: Grip
Engine: KAK18FT
Length: 154 in
Width: 69 in
Height: 49 in
Weight: 1,940 lbs.
Transmission: 5 Speed
Top Speed: 150 mph (240 kph)

Stats: _____
Acceleration: |_____|
Speed: |____|_______
Handling: |____________|


Manufacturer: Rivelta
Mode: Standard
Type: Grip
Engine: R1 6C
Length: 175 in
Width: 76 in
Height: 46 in
Weight: 2,337 lbs.
Transmission: 6 Speed
Top Speed: 175 mph (280 kph)

Stats: ________
Acceleration: |________|
Speed: |________|____
Handling: |_____________|


Manufacturer: Soldat
Mode: Duel
Type: Grip
Engine: GC118SLM
Length: 138 in
Width: 65 in
Height: 49 in
Weight: Unknown
Transmission: 5 Speed
Top Speed: 233 mph (373 kph)

Stats: ___________
Acceleration: |___________|
Speed: |___________|______
Handling: |__________________|


Manufacturer: Rivelta
Mode: Standard
Type: Drift
Engine: R4CT
Length: 175 in
Width: 83 in
Height: 46 in
Weight: 2,469 lbs.
Transmission: 6 Speed
Top Speed: 200 mph (320 kph)

Stats: _______
Acceleration: |_______|_____
Speed: |_____________|
Handling: |_______|


Manufacturer: Danver
Mode: Duel
Type: Drift
Engine: 16D-GZTE
Length: 225 in
Width: 85 in
Height: 45 in
Weight: Unknown
Transmission: 6 Speed
Top Speed: 249 mph (398 kph)

Stats: _____________________
Acceleration: |_____________________|
Speed: |_____________|
Handling: |_____|


Manufacturer: Danver
Mode: Standard
Type: Drift
Engine: 6D-GE
Length: 183 in
Width: 74 in
Height: 49 in
Weight: 2,910 lbs.
Transmission: 4 Speed
Top Speed: 186 mph (298 kph)

Stats: __________
Acceleration: |__________|
Speed: |_______|_____
Handling: |_____________|


Manufacturer: Kamata
Mode: Special
Engine name: KA-CLMX
Type: Craymel V8 DOHC

Manufacturer: Rivelta
Mode: Special
Engine name: R765DV
Type: V12-DOHC 4 Turbo

Manufacturer: Himmel
Mode: Standard
Engine name: HM36DRST
Type: Horizontal 6 cylinder SOHC air-cooled

Manufacturer: Himmel
Mode: Extra
Engine name: HM36TEO
Type: Horizontal 6 cylinder SOHC air-cooled Turbo

Manufacturer: Himmel
Mode: Oval
Engine name: JEGER J58 TEO
Type: Horizontal 6 cylinder SOHC air-cooled Twin-Turbo

Manufacturer: Kamata
Mode: Standard
Engine name: KA-30FA
Type: 6 cylinder DOHC

Manufacturer: Kamata
Mode: Extra
Engine name: KA-30FRF
Type: Inline 6 cylinder DOHC

Manufacturer: Jeger
Mode: Oval
Engine name: J52FT
Type: Inline 6 cylinder DOHC Turbo

Manufacturer: Kamata
Mode: Standard
Engine name: KA-18FT
Type: Inline 4 cylinder DOHC

Manufacturer: Jeger
Mode: Extra
Engine name: J20F
Type: V6 DOHC

Manufacturer: Kamata
Mode: Oval
Engine name: KA-43TFT
Type: Inline 4 cylinder DOHC Twin Turbo

Manufacturer: Rivelta
Mode: Standard
Engine name: R1 6C
Type: V6 DOHC

Manufacturer: Vect
Mode: Extra
Engine name: VCT18
Type: V6 DOHC Twin Turbo

Manufacturer: Vect
Mode: Oval
Engine name: VCT24
Type: V6 DOHC Twin Turbo

Manufacturer: Soldat
Mode: Special
Engine name: GC118SLM
Type: V6 DOHC

Manufacturer: Rivelta
Mode: Standard
Engine name: R4CT
Type: Horizontal 12 cylinder DOHC

Manufacturer: Vect
Mode: Extra
Engine name: VCT33
Type: Horizontal 12 cylinder DOHC

Manufacturer: Vect
Mode: Oval
Engine name: VCT36
Type: Horizontal 12 cylinder DOHC

Manufacturer: Danver
Mode: Special
Engine name: 16D-GZTE
Type: V8 SOHC Super Charger

Manufacturer: Danver
Mode: Standard
Engine name: 6D GE
Type: V8 SOHC

Manufacturer: Jeger
Mode: Extra
Engine name: J40TT
Type: V8 DOHC Turbo

Manufacturer: Jeger
Mode: Oval
Engine name: J62TT
Type: V8 DOHC Turbo


* - alphabetical order

Note: All of these tracks have their reversed counterparts.

Length: 17,037 ft (5.19 km)
Difficulty: Average

Driving Tips: This track has quite a lot of curves so practice here for better
handling of your car. Another thing to watch out here is the tight hairpin-
line turn near the middle of the track. Early side-breaking will save you.
This track has an easy homestretch.

Length: 11,246 ft (3.43 km)
Difficulty: Easy

Driving Tips: This is probably the easiest track in the game. All you need to
do is to gain speed by avoiding the walls and the edges of the track. Just be
careful in the turns as you might over steer the car and lose control because
of your high speed.

Length: 25,688 ft (7.83 km)
Difficulty: Average

Driving Tips: Zigzag and a few tight turns is what this track is made of.
Familiarizing your cars zigzag ability will give you an advantage in this
track. Watch out for the tight right turn after the first zigzag. Also, look
out for a sharp zigzag near the end.

Length: 19,201 ft (5.85 km)
Difficulty: A little difficult

Driving Tips: This track has uphills and downhills, so remember the tips for
these types of roads. In approaching uphills, slow down so that you’ll be able
to turn at a corner. In downhills, early-breaking is recommended as you’re
gaining speed. You’ll encounter this in the bridge area.

Length: 14,878 ft (4.53 km)
Difficulty: Average

Driving Tips: The Outer pass is a shortened, Bayside Line track. Basically,
all you need to watch out for are the zigzag and tight turns.

Length: 11,574 ft (3.53 km)
Difficulty: Average

Driving Tips: This track only has a few tight turns but there’s one hairpin
turn near the middle. This track also has an easy homestretch.

Length: 13,477 ft (4.11 km)
Difficulty: A little difficult

Driving Tips: Another shortened track. This one’s the small version of the
Greenfield Track. Just watch out for the uphill and downhill turns as well as
the zigzagging throughout the track.


Here are some driving tips that can help you race through the tracks of the
game, as well as let you win the race.

1. In sharp turns, especially on hairpins and very tight U-turns, side braking
early will give you stability in turning. Example, when approaching a tight
Right Turn (after the Zigzag in Sunny Beach), go left near the ledge then
release the accelerate button. At that point, press right slightly until the
car makes it into the corner then press the X button hard to break away from
the turn.

2. Drifting is a good strategy especially against multiple competitors.
Drifting happens when (for example) your car is exactly behind one of your
opponents. There will be no air resistance, and thus, will give you a
temporary boost (that what the boost option is for) of speed. This is good in
catching up from behind.

3. Overtaking is an easy task in Ridge Racer V. You can easily overtake CPU
cars. They won’t care even if they know you’re going to pass by. Just drift
behind them and then overtake.

4. In approaching an uphill turn, don’t forget to slow down or else your car
will overrun the turn, therefore bumping onto the edge. As for the downhills,
side break early to be able to manage the turn.

5. Using the Rear View is very useful when you are being followed by another
car. Examine its moves and keep on blocking it. Don’t push right or left too
hard because that car might find an opening.

6. To turn on corners faster, stay on the inner lane. You’ll cover less
distance and less time.

7. Another issue in Ridge Racer V is over/under-steering. The most important
thing to do is to analyze first the handling capabilities of your car/s. This
way, you’ll know how much effort you should make when navigating turns. When
you over-steer (your car faces the wall of the inner lane), release the
accelerate button first then break for a moment if necessary. To recover from
under-steering (your car didn’t make the turn and bumped into the edge of the
track), just accelerate your car and drive straight.


Here are the music tracks that you can hear throughout the game. Note that
some of them need to be unlocked first. You can listen to them in the Music
Player or within the game itself.

Track # | Artist | Song
1 Boom Boom Satellites Fogbound
2 Takeshi Ueda DrftOvl
3 Kohta Daredevil
4 Sanodg Rarehero 2000
5 U Tsui Tsui
6 Kohta Euphoria
7 Sanodg Paris
8 U Lolo 1010
9 U Gammon
10 Kohta Samurai Rocket
11 U Hydroprism
12 Kohta Gripmillenium
13 Mijk van Dijk Burnout
14 Kohta Junx [Remix by Mijk van Dijk]
15 Mijk van Dijk Power Slider
16 Mijk van Dijk Nightride
17 Mijk van Dijk Electroglide


1. What’s the fastest car in the game?

After I unlocked the Kamata Angelus, I’ve never seen any car this fast (even
beats out the Suzuki Escudo of GT2) although this car has slow acceleration.
You’ll see what I mean after you unlock it.

2. How many cars are there in the game?

As of this update, I got 10 kinds of cars. 6 (Standard and Extra) and the 4
Duel Cars.

3. What's the point in getting more mileage?

You'll be able to unlock the music of Mijk van Dijk. Plus, you'll have
something to be proud of =).



- Thanks to Namco for creating an excellent sequel to their Ridge Racer
titles. It’s been fun.

- Thanks to the readers of this FAQ. This won’t be called such without anyone
using/reading it. Thanks very much!

- Thanks to my Sis for waiting patiently for me while I’m typing and playing.
She wants to use the PC and the PS2 also.

- And last but absolutely not the least, thanks to GameFAQs where you can view
and download this walkthrough/FAQ. CjayC deserves all the credits given to
him. Congratulations!

These are all that I would like to thank as of now. If I happen to forget
anyone, please inform me. I’ll check it out on my inbox if you really have
something to be credited (I never delete important ones). Note, that if the
same info is sent to me, it is on a first come first serve basis. Any
suggestions, comments, additions, etc. will be duly credited to you once
you’ve submitted one to me through my e-mail address written at the very top
of this Walkthrough/FAQ. Thank you very much!

Ridge Racer V (tm)
is a registered trademark of Namco

Sony Playstation 2 and its accessories (tm)
are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment America, Inc.

All other instances and products
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The Ridge Racer V FAQ
(c)Copyright October 2000
"A" Tadeo

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15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
engl. FAQ
10.Oktober 2008

14.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
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24.März 2020
24.März 2020