Tekken Tag Tournament

Tekken Tag Tournament

18.10.2013 04:06:14
Quick Wang FAQ
Quick Wang Strategy Guide
Version 1.0
6:25 PM 4/27/00
By: Robby Stone AKA Siroccoh
Email: siroccoh@lanset.com

Author's Note: I just wanted to make a quick Wang guide to help all of those poor confused
souls out there who wonder why Namco went to the trouble of bringing back the old geezer
from the depths of Tekken 2. I will not be going over every move in his arsenal, being that
this is suppossed to be a QUICK reference guide, but rather only go over the moves that
Wang should use to to not get his ass beaten. There will be no explanations about the game
system here, no conventions. As you can see I designed this to be as compact and to the
point as possible, as well as it being designed for the above-average player who wants to
learn about a no to little risk fighting style with Wang. I'm also willing to revise this
if I find out some more stuff from you other Wang users out there, so don't be afraid to
tell me off about my guide here or give me any advice. I'm willing to listen and I will
be happy to respond to your comments.

Disclaimer Notice: Don't go off posting this anywhere without my written consent, don't
go off publishing this anywhere and not giving me credit. You can print this off for
personal use if you wish, but don't go around selling it, since I didn't make this for
some lazy-ass bum to go around printing off my hard work to make a buck or two. Hell, if
anyone should be getting paid for this FAQ, it damn-well better be me. Overall, just don't
do anything that would be known as plagarism. If you'd like to take something out of this
FAQ for one of your own, just be sure to state your source in HMLA format (ok, you don't
have to worry about the HMLA thing).

-- Table of Contents --

- Wang's Basic Moves
- Wang's Throws
- Wang's Special Moves
- Wang's Juggles
- Slapping People Around With Your Wang
- Credits
- Personal Info

-- Wang's Basic Moves --

--> 1
8 frames. Leads into G-Clef Cannon, which juggles on CH. No frame disadvantage.
- Just about any other move listed in this FAQ, except for df+1+2 and db+2.

--> 2
10 frames. Twice as much damage as 1, and gives more advantage on contact.
- a buffered df,DF+2+4
- 1
- d+1

--> 4
10 frame kick execution! Floats on CH, which can be followed up with f+2 for easy damage
(and is the only time when f+2 should be used).
- 1
- df+4
- f+2 (on CH)

--> d+1
Standard ducking jab with 8 frame execution, no recovery, basically used for interrupts.
- FC+1
- WS+1
- FC,df+4
- cc, 1

--> df+4
Hits mid, 12 frame execution, good distance, good recovery, even better recovery on
contact or CH.
- 1
- d+1
- db+4
- QCF+2 (on contact)

--> WS+1
This move is quick, is the only WS move Wang has that doesn't leave him in complete
disadvantage when blocked, but it does lack range, so make very sure not to whiff this
move, that is unless you like getting WGF'ed to death.
- 1
- d+1
- df+4
- db+4

-- Wang's Throws --

--> df,DF+2+4
If you want to be a good Wang user (heheh), you HAVE TO get this motion down. Hands
down, this is Wang's absolute best throw, let alone probably the best throw in the
game. Double button escape, the best range of any of Wang's throws, insanely mad
follow-ups, can be tagged off of (hence the insane follow-ups), looks totally cool
(this move is so funny to see as the finishing move of the round), and just reeks of
absolute intimidation towards your opponent. Also, even when you screw up on the motion,
most of the time you'll perform his normal 2+4 throw anyways, which isn't that bad either,
due to the position that that throw puts your opponent in. If you don't believe me about
the power of this throw, go read Peter Hahn's excellent Waning Moon FAQ (yes, this move is
so good it got a FAQ of its own).
- Too many to mention, see Han's Waning Moon FAQ

--> Opponent's Left Side, 1+3_2+4
This side throw is also extremely powerful due to some of the really great tag-in follow-
ups you can perform. Otherwise it is just a normal side throw, with a single button
escape, and I'm pretty sure it does something like 40 damage.
- Tag-in with other character, experiment
- Ganryu or Jacks: uf+3+4
- King or A. King: Ground Throw
- Kuma/Panda: ff+2~5, ff,N+4<--(Wang tag-in slide)
- Yoshi: 1+2, u~uf, 1+2
- Pretty Much Anyone: ff,N+4<--(tag-in slide)

-- Wang's Special Moves --

--> 1~1,1
Only use on CH (which happens a lot due to the fact that the first move in the string
has only 8 frames of execution), as then it will be a guaranteed juggle, or else a good
opponent will block the rest of the string and get you on guaranteed minor counters.
Otherwise, if not on CH, just stop at the first 1.
- Juggle (on CH)
- 1
- d+1
- df,DF+2+4
- df+4

--> df+1+2
One of the most powerful okizeme moves in the game, damage-wise. Too bad it's really
slow, so it isn't guaranteed after too many knockdown moves. The only time to use it
is after a db+2 or CH db+4,2 juggle that leaves the opponent lying FD/FA on the ground.
Otherwise don't bother. I've heard it is also guaranteed after a WS+4, but since the
WS+4 has such shitty recovery, I never really use that move.
- None

--> SS+1+2
Can we say crazy guard stun? 27+ advantage on a blocked hit! As you can imagine there
are some extremely kick-ass follow-ups to this move. Also causes stun on CH.
- QCF+2
- ff, df,DF+2+4
- db+2 (only when blocked)

--> QCF+2
Wang's Deathfist. Okay, so it doesn't do as much damage as Paul's, but it knocks the
opponent backwards when blocked, it is basically all Wang has concerning power moves,
and sets up a nice little charging game when it does hit. Only 13 frames, and is pretty
safe to just stick out there.
- Charge! (when it connects)
- 1 (when blocked)

--> df+2,1
Much more useful for Wang than it is for the Changs, since Wang lacks quick, low recovery,
juggling moves (plus the Changs can use 1~2~1 instead). Just don't try to use anything
after you get this move blocked, otherwise you'll be eating jabs all day long. Instead
just block. Mainly used as a minor counter retaliation move (this move is guaranteed after
Julia's uf+4).
- Juggle (on contact)
- B
- b+1+3_b+2+4

--> db+2
The ONLY ONLY ONLY (did I put in enough ONLY's?) time to use this move is if your opponent
is sloppy enough to whiff their attack. Definitely use it then, as there is a mad crazy
juggle you can get after this connects. Oh yeah, and I'm pretty sure this is guaranteed
after a BLOCKED (mabye also a CH) SS+1+2.
- Juggle (on contact)
- Pray (when blocked)(and no, Wang does not have a move where he prays ^_^)

--> FC,df+4
Don't even think about using the rest of this string, as it is horribly slow and Wang will
usually miss the other character anyways. The FC,df+4 is Wang's sole FC SPECIAL move that
actually has some benefit to it, so use it once in a while. But once again, I stress that you
should not over-use this move, since you'll get low parried REAL FAST against good competition,
and that is never a good thing.

--> db+4,2
I usually only use this a FEW TIMES per round, and never follow through with the 2 part of
the string unless I am TOTALLY certain that the db+4 part hit on CH. But when the db+4 does
CH, follow through with the 2 to set up Wang's most powerful juggle.
- df+4
- 1
- d+1
- db+4 (If you really wanna piss em off, but watch out for low parries)

--> f+4
Somewhat slow execution, but great recovery, especially since it knocks the opponent back
quite a bit. Also juggles if it connects.
Juggle (on contact)
- QCF+2
- QCF, 1
- QCF, df,DF+2+4
- QCF, d+1

--> b+1+3_b+2+4
I have to say Wang's reversal is probably the best one in the game due to the fact that
it can reverse all left punch attacks WITHOUT BEING CHICKENED!!!! That means whenever a
Mishima comes in with 1,1<2 or a Chang throws out a 1~1,1 or Anna whips out an uf+1,3, you
can reverse as long as you like. I'm gonna find out whether or not Wang can reverse double
input commands that are left side chickened (such as Kuma's f+1+2) and still not get
- db+4 (also follow-up with the ,2 portion if opponent rolls)
- d+4 (also follow-up with the ,1 portion if opponent rolls)

--> df
Learn when to use this move. And once you become proficient at recognizing low attacks
from your opponent (especially in strings like Julia's 4,4) ALWAYS use the low parry.
I can't remember the last time I blocked low instead of using df instead. It gives Wang
so much advantage in his defensive game that this is a MUST to be able to do.
- uf+4
- df+2,1 (?)

-- Wang's Juggles --

db+2 and CH db+4,2 follow-ups:
1, db+4,2, df+1+2 (!)

F+4, uf+4, and CH 1~1,1 follow-ups:
1, 1, d+4,1 (!)
1, 1, db+4,2
1, 1, 1, QCF+2
1, 1, 1, f+1+2
D+2, FC,df+4,3

df+2,1 follow-ups:
QCF+2 (!)
ff, 1, d+4,1
ff, 1, db+4,2

CH 4 follow-ups:
f+2 (!)

CH SS+1+2 follow-ups:
db+2, 1, db+4,2, df+1+2 (!)
df,DF+2+4, fff, db+4,2, 1, db+4,2, df+1+2 (!)

Class 1 Juggle Starter follow-ups:
UF+4, db+4,2

-- Slappin' People Around With Your Wang --

I have to say that Wang is probably one of the few characters who can be played as a
"turtle" and compete against good players. Since Wang's strengths lie in CH'ing the
opponent, low parrying, and using his reversal (at certain points), he truly does possess
all of the weapons needed to establish a strong defensive game. Also remember to develop
your SS game, as then you can get off Wang's rather effective side throws and SS+1+2.

But that doesn't mean Wang can't turn on the offense either, since he does possess moves
like 1, df+4, db+4, and SS+1+2, which are all extremely effective at frustrating your
adversary and making them unsure at which height level you are going to attack at next.
But I find that Wang isn't a very strong custom stringer, and tends to be one of the main
reasons why people often over-look Wang as being a decent character. But I tend to find
custom strings to get repetitive at times, and often easily sidestepped.

Never forget Wang's throwing game. He has probably the most powerful throw in the game
with df,DF+2+4 when utilized correctly, and can completely turn the tables in your favor
if you get this move to connect. It is highly suggested by me that you should read Hahn's
Waning Moon FAQ for the best ways to set-up and follow-up Wang's Waning Moon throw.

For okizeme, I suggest sticking to using db+4, as it is really quick, and if you see the
opponent rolling when you hit them with the db+4 the ,2 will hit as well, making for VERY
good damage off of the ground. There are also a few situations where I use df+1+2 to hit
a laying opponent, but not too often. If the opponent is doing a lot of tech-rolling, I
will usually catch them with df+2,1 or df,DF+2+4 as they quick rise. Not much to it eh?

Also, there's the inherent taunting factor when using Wang. First off, the guys name is
Wang. C'mon, I can think of just about half a dozen different rather funny comments I
could say after winning a match with him. Plus he's an old man. Last, he's an old man
named Wang. ^_^ I think you can get an idea of what I'm aiming at here. Oh yeah, and if
you pick his costume where he doesn't wear that hat of his, Wang has to be easily one of
the funniest looking people in any fighting game, let alone Tekken.

As for picking a partner to compliment Wang, I really can't tell you who to play. That's
your decision. But if you want a character who plays alot like Wang and is CH oriented,
pick someone like Kuma or Julia. If you want an interesting familial team, pick Ling.
Hell, most characters work well with Wang. I really can't say who to use, but when I pick
a partner for Wang, these are the questions I ask myself: Does he/she have good follow-
ups after Waning Moon? Do I actually know how to use this character? Is this guy any fun
to play with? I apologize if this doesn't help you out with picking a partner, but it's
just about all I can advise. Sheesh, just have fun and pick the character you feel like

-- Credits --

Ainvar: For inspiring me find a character that everyone else doesn't play, and to learn
how to play a character with as little risk as possible.

Castel and all of the staff on Tekken Zaibatsu (www.tekkenzaibatsu.com): For having one
kick-ass site with all of the frame data that I'd ever need to find out what is guaranteed
after what-else and having such an organized BBS. Oh yeah, and the Combo Exhibitions rock

Peter Hahn: For making that completely awesome FAQ on the Waning Moon! Keep up the good work!

The Game Room: For being the place where I almost always go to play Tekken. 25 cent
continues own all!

All the Good Comp at Birdcage Game Room: You guys always seem to find something new to
impress me with, hopefully I've done the same for you guys as well.

-- Personal Info --

My name is Robby Stone for all of you people who couldn't read my name in the title, and
I happen to live in the Sacramento area. On the internet, I go by the alias of Siroccoh.
I'm about 6' tall, caucasian, skinny, and I don't tend to pick any specific characters all
of the time. I suck gameplay-wise (due to the fact that I only have about a year of true
experience under my belt), but I have enough observation skills and time on my hands to
figure out most of the little intracacies that make up Tekken, and am always happy to learn
new tricks that I haven't seen before. As mentioned before, I frequent The Game Room
(actually there's two of them, one in Folsom and one in Citrus Heights, the Citrus Heights
one has better comp) and if you're ever in the Sacramento area, be sure to drop on by one of
The Game Rooms, maybe you'll see me there.

The ultimate key to winning in Tekken is........practice....and good competition. Hope I
inspired you. ;P

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