Half-Life - Counterstrike - Deutsche Version

Half-Life - Counterstrike - Deutsche Version

29.09.2013 10:58:04
~ The UnOfficial Counter-Terrorist & Terrorist Training Manual ~ v 1.30
for Half-Life: COUNTERSTRIKE (6.0 & 6.1)
written by Terraknight(boynextdoor@gwapo.com)

:==================================================: TEAM MULTIPLAY GUIDE ]
:==================================================: i. FAQ DISCLAIMER: ]

You are not free to host a copy or any revision of this FAQ document.
You may provide a link to websites hosting them, but not to this document

What's my take on simulated violence and gore? It sucks. I think kids
should try and stay away from animated and simulated violence, especially
those not properly guided by their adult guardians. That way the media
wouldn't blame videogames as a bad thing per se when something bad happens
that involves licensed firearms and kids with a really hot temper having
access to those weapons.

Half-Life(c) is a trademark of Sierra. CounterStrike(c) is a trademark of
Team CounterStrike(credits @ end), the guys behind this great game.

:-----------------------------------------------------: ii. FAQ Copyright: ]

This FAQ and everything included within this file cannot be
reproduced in any way, shape or form (physical, electronical, or
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a reference in a bibiography within your term paper or thesis or
homework, fine.

This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Terraknight. All
copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not
specifically mentioned in this FAQ.

If you find this file altered in any way; posted in any other
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For all those vultures attempting to make their own FAQ using this
document-- all information here are exclusively gained from playing
Half-Life: Counterstrike on our neighborhood LAN, and this author's
personal opinions as well as observations. What you see here was first
seen here, and if you see something similar on other faqs, don't
patronize rip offs.

:-----------------------------------------------: iii. Table of Contents: ]

i. ) Disclaimer
ii. ) FAQ Copyright
iii. ) Table of Contents
iv. ) FAQ Revisions
v. ) What's New in Beta 6.0?
v.a) What's New in Beta 6.1?

A.) What is Half-Life CounterStrike?
B.) Who are the Counter-Terrorists?
C.) Who are the Terrorists?

Article 1.) Simulated Urban Warfare 101
Section 1.1: Breathing, you're a target.
Stop moving, you'll end up a dead one.
Section 1.2: My buddy is my body.
Section 1.3: Practice the Art of "One-Shot Kills"
Section 1.4: Cheat whilst you can.

Article 2.) Basic Weapons Training
Section 2.1: Handguns
f1.1-1 H&K USP .45 Tactical Pistol
f1.1-2 Glock18 Select "Burst" Fire
f1.1-3 Desert Eagle
f1.1-4 Sig P228
Section 2.2: Shotguns
f1.2-1 Benelli M3 Super 90
f1.2-2 Benelli XM1014
Section 2.3: Submachine guns
f1.3-1 H&K MF5-Navy
f1.3-2 Steyr Tactical Machine
f1.3-3 FN P90
f1.3-4 Ingram MAC-10
Section 2.4: Rifles
2.4a) Assault Rifles
f1.4-1 AK-47
f1.4-2 Colt M4A1 Carbine
f1.4-3 Sig SG-552 Commando
f1.4-4 Steyr Aug
2.4b) Sniper Rifles
f1.4-5 Steyr Scout
f1.4-6 A1 Artic Warfare Magnum
f1.4-7 H&K G3/SG-1 Sniper
Section 2.5) Machine Gun
f1.5-1 FN M249 PARA 5750
Section 2.6: Combat Knife
Section 2.7: Grenades
f1.8-3 Concussion "Flashbang"
f1.8-4 HE (High Explosive)
Section 2.8: Equipment
f1.8-1 Kevlar vest
f1.8-1 Kevlar vest
f1.8-2 Kevlar vest + Helmet
f1.8-3 Concussion "Flashbang" Grenade
f1.8-4 HE(High Explosive) Grenade
f1.8-5 Defuse Kit(CT Team Members only)

Article 3.) Advance Scenario Strategy
Section 3.a) The Assault Map(cs_assault) Trainer
a.1) Counter-Terrorists Deployment
a.2) Terrorists Deployment
a.3) Mission Map 1: CT Deployment
.3-1) Warehouse
.3-2) Office building
.3-3) Bridge
.3-4) Administration Building
.3-5) Blue cargo container
.3-6) Red cargo container
a.4) Outdoors: Counter-Terrorist Map Strategy
a.5) Outdoors: Terrorists Map Strategy
a.6) Mission Map 2: Terrorist Team HQ
.6-a) Main Gate
.6-b) Multi-level 1st floor
.6-c) Red cargo box
.6-d) The "redlight" corridor
.6-e) Security area
.6-f) Air vent
.6-g) Concrete Second floor
.6-h) Steel Second floor
a.7) Indoors: Terrorist Map Strategy
a.8) Indoors: Counter-Terrorist Map Strategy
a.9) Assault Map End Game: Check Mate

Section 3.b) The Dust Map(de_dust) Trainer
a.1) Counter-Terrorists Deployment
a.2) Terrorists Deployment
a.3) Mission Map 1: CT Deployment
a.4) Outdoors: Counter-Terrorist Map Strategy
a.5) Outdoors: Terrorists Map Strategy
a.6) Mission Map 2: Terrorist Team HQ
a.7) Indoors: Terrorist Map Strategy
a.8) Indoors: Counter-Terrorist Map Strategy
a.9) Dust Map End Game: Check Mate

xi.) Thank You Section
xii.) Cheater's Guild
xiii.) Console Commands
xiv.) The CS Team
xv.) Next Up
xvi.) Post Mortem

:-----------------------------------------------------: iv. FAQ Revisions: ]

version 1.30 :

1) Released de_dust map trainer, beta 6.1 cs_siege map trainers...

2) I corrected most the mispelled terms and some grammar and stuff that I
didn't bother to check after the releasing this doc's first version. Thanks
to everyone who bothered to email and point out the mistakes.

:---------------------------------------------: v. What's New in Beta 6.0? |
| +-==========================-+
| The following are excerpted directly from the Official CS Beta 6.0
| document released by counter-strike.net.
+------------------------------------------------------------------------> *
BETA 6.0
- added MAC-10 weapon
- added Steyr Aug weapon

- added new gametype: Assassination (as_x)
- added new gametype: Escape (es_x)

- added right and left handed weapons
- added new radar tracking for teammates
- re-added Night Vision Goggles

- added new Terrorist Snow player model
- added new CT French GIGN player model

- tweaked player speeds / acceleration
- added new radio commands
- redone mp5 model / animations

- added maps de_fang, es_jail, es_frantic,
as_oilrig, as_riverside, cs_747

- updated previous maps

New Beta 6.0 Commands:

+showradar (default) : Turns radar on.
-showradar : Removes radar from your screen.
nightvision : Bind this key to toggle NVG when purchased.

Misc 6.0 Notes:

Assassination Gameplay: One member of the CT team will serve as the VIP.
The object is to get the VIP safely to the pre-defined escape points. If
he dies, the CT's lose the round. If he makes it safely, the CT's win.
VIP has a unique skin, only carries a knife, and has ample body armor.
Certain weapons cannot be purchased by each team in this gameplay scenario.

Escape Gameplay: The T team starts out in a fortified location and must
"escape" to one of the pre-defined escape points. The CT's must
exterminate them before they can escape. The T's win the round once 50% of
the team has successfully escaped. They can also break into the armory to
steal weapons, or just get out of there. The two teams will switch roles
after every 8 rounds of play.

After buying NVG, you toggle it on/off by using the "nightvision" command.
Be warned that the NVG will not be effective on every hardware setup. It
may or not work well for you.

To switch between right and left hand weapons, go to:
multiplayer > Customize > Advanced Options
There will be a checkbox for you to select the hand of your choice.

:--------------------------------------------: v.a What's New in Beta 6.1? |

1.) H&K Navy and Steyr Tactical submachine guns' ammo capacity reverted
back to 30/120.

2.) Fixed some bugs here and there... too minor to worry about.

Bravo on keeping that 60 second buy window. It really makes the game
interesting on end games.

:-----------------------------------: A.) What is Half-Life CounterStrike? ]

Half-Life CounterStrike is made by Team Counter-Strike
(counter-strike.net) and not Sierra. CS is a mod-- a custom game made by
independent groups for play within the original Half-Life PC game. Thanks
for the guys behind the game for clearing that up.

What makes this game different is the way it simulates actual
anti-terrorism/urbanized warfare missions. If you've watch those police
swat videos, and actually liked them, you'd like this too. The thing is:
your PC must have a 3D accelerated video card to appreciate the smooth
angles and lines.

It's a refreshing change from "kicking the crap" out of your opponent
for no damn reason in Sierra's original Half-Life, and the other custom
games out there. If you're hooked up on broadband internet, this is the
most addictive of all the human shoot-`em-ups out there.

But still, frag scores are still the thing as well as team win scores
(more team wins, more money to buy ammo and guns and bombs).

Stuff I found totally unique to CS:

1) There's a time limit, to pressure both teams to frag each other or
complete the mission objectives.

2) Very good, non-dizzying and detailed animation. If you've got a 3D
accelerated Celeron or better PC, you'd enjoy all those details.

3) Very good rules of play regarding the team play aspect of the game.
Team Counter-Strike should be commisioned by the Pentagon; and make
CS their standard in urban combat simulators. :)

4) Excellent simulation of real guns, how they handle, fire and the
such. Gun hobbyists and marksmen would have a field day on these
qualities alone.

Pros: multiplay games are fast to load, got very smooth and detailed
animation, great physics and lighting engine... a good break from a year or
two of playing startegy games on LAN. You can also join in even in the
middle of a game.

Cons: still in beta, got some bugs in some maps, cheat codes spoil the
the game, game hangs when server press the "Start" button on the keyboard
or switches out of the game, map reloads automatically feature can't be
turned off, using the flashlight taxes the network. Wish it could remember
individual nicknames and settings. Wish they could include a switch for
that nasty automatic respwan to be off(it's bothering players to be
interuppted when the AI attempts to change maps in the middle of the game).

:------------------------------------: B.) Who are the Counter-Terrorists? ]

They are the good guys. Your mission as CTs is to rescue hostages,
prevent C4 bombings, and defeat the enemy ny reducing them to a mere body

Your standard uniform consists of a night-urban camouflage jumpsuit.
Depending on the nationality of your team, you could be wearing either a
helmet or a gas-mask. You should stick more to dark areas that blends well
with your camo. It's your job to go in and get the hostages, so unless the
Terrorists are confident or stupid or both, don't think that the Terrorists
would come looking for you.

:--------------------------------------------: C.) Who are the Terrorists? ]

These self-proclaimed bad guys are into schemes ranging from
kidnapping to bombing to assasinations to jail break outs. They have two
very cool costumes available: the Urban Camo and the Middle East get-ups.
I find their designs refreshing compared to the black night camo of the

Lots of maps gives advantages to the Terrorists, like The Dust and The
Train maps where your mission is to plant C4 bombs at your designated
targets, before the CTs wipes out your team and/or defuses the planted

:---------------------------------| ARTICLE 1. SIMULATED URBAN WARFARE 101 ]
| +-======================================-+
| So it's your first time to play this game, and you know what you're
| doing because you've played other shoot-`em ups before, right? Well,
| here's some few pointers to help you start off that career in urban
| combat, without the messy stuff of neophyte kill rates and the "sir yes
| sir" atrocities of military boot camps.
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+> *

Section 1.1: Breathing, you're a target. Stop moving, you'll end up a dead

The lesson here is plain and simple: whether you're on the Terrorists'
side or the Counter-Terrorists, whatever weapon you have on you, you have
to get moving. Bullets have a funny way of reaching their target,
intentional or not. Never stay around in the same place if you want to
survive and win each round. If you're having difficulty zeroing on a
moving target, so does your enemy.

Since the PC monitor doesn't actually match a real man's field of
vision, moving around keeps your eye attached at those little details which
could mean kill points for you in long games: like the burst fire of a far
away Artic equipped sniper.

You should also make it a habit to strafe while firing at a moving
target. Its really assuring to know that whether or not you're facing
multiple opponents all at once, they would have trouble with a very nasty,
hard to frag opponent(that's supposed to be you).

But what if you're carrying those heavy, hard-to-move with rifles? Then
switch weapons with your other hand, switch back and forth between knife,
the pistol and your primary weapon. Keep your firing hand on the mouse and
the cross hairs on the target, then strafe in random patterns. Never jump
while strafing, since jumping will reduce your movement to half-step,
whether left or right.
| What weapon should I choose? | |
+==============================+ |
| Unlike other Half-Life games, CS takes into factor the |
| importance of a weapon's weight in affecting the player's |
| overall moving capacity and speed. Knives and grenades are the |
| lightest weapons, followed by handguns. Shotguns are considered |
| lighter than submachine guns because they lack a magazine that |
| hold huge amount of ammo. In fact, this is why submachine guns |
| and rifles are heavy-- they need bigger, heavier parts and |
| casings to handle the damage and rate of fire this weapons are |
| designed for. |
| |
| Here's their order of priority, starting with the lightest |
| on top, the heaviest at the bottom: ("<=>" means equal) |
| |
| Combat Knife <=> Grenades |
| |
| H&K USP .45 Pistol <=> Glock18 Select Fire |
| Desert Eagle <=> Sig P228 |
| Benelli M3 Super 90 <=> Benelli XM1014 |
| |
| Ingram MAC-10 |
| H&K MF5-Navy <=> Steyr Tactical Machine |
| FN P90 |
| |
| AK-47 <=> H&K G3/SG-1 Sniper |
| Steyr AUG |
| Colt M4A1 Carbine <=> Steyr Scout |
| Sig SG-552 Commando <=> A1 Artic Warfare Magnum |
| |
| FN M249 PARA 5750 |
| |
| If your primary weapon is causing you to slow down, and you |
| think you're vulnerable-- switch to your pistol or knife using |
| your other hand. Make sure that you keep a hand at your mouse, |
| using a free hand to switch back and forth your weapons, as well |
| as move around. |
| |
| You should also consider the damage and the rate of fire of |
| the weapon you're choosing. For example, rifles have |
| `automatic' rate of fire-- all you have to do is press the fire |
| button until the ammo in the magazine runs out and it |
| automatically change; & manual fire-- where your character stop |
| to load another bullet to his gun's chamber. This is why your |
| sniper's scope view zooms out while using the Artic or Steyr |
| Scout and not while using the Carbine, Commando, and G3/SG-1 |
| Sniper rifles. |
| |
| While you might think automatic rifles have distinct advantage |
| over manual load rifles, this is where the amount of damage |
| factor comes in. Since the automatic rifles are designed to |
| pump out more bullets per second than other rifles are, their |
| punching power is not quite as good and constant with each |
| bullet it fires. |
| |
| This means you need more than a few hits on your target before |
| they get fragged. This `automatic' feature also results in a |
| nasty recoil which shakes the crosshair up a little with each |
| fire. Not a good thing if you're strafing and dodging bullets |
| yourself. The Carbine is the only rifle which suppress this |
| recoil effect, but punching power is sacrificed in the process. |
| |
| Here's their order of priority, starting with the weapon |
| having the highest damage on top, with the lightest |
| damage at the bottom. |
| |
| A1 Artic <=> Direct hit HE grenade |
| Knife <=> Steyr Scout <=> Medium blast HE grenade |
| |
| FN M249 PARA 5750 |
| |
| H&K G3/SG-1 Sniper |
| Sig SG-552 Commando <=> Colt M4A1 Carbine |
| Steyr AUG |
| AK-47 <=> Benelli M3 Super 90 <=> Benelli XM1014 |
| |
| FN P90 |
| H&K MF5-Navy |
| Steyr Tactical Machine <=> Ingram MAC-10 |
| |
| Desert Eagle |
| Sig P228 |
| H&K USP .45 Pistol <=> Glock18 Select Fire |
| |
| Shotguns and the lone machine gun are amazing crowd-control |
| weapons which cuts down a mass of opponents in no time. But |
| they lack the authority Artic rifles and other rifles bring. |
| Shotguns are fearsome upclose, but a opponent backing up can |
| frag any anyone with a shotgun in a considerable range. |
Against an experienced sniper, switch to your knife then zig-zag your
way towards him. If you've played MechWarrior games before, circle the
enemy, while firing away with a pistol, shotgun, even a knife-- but never a
rifle or a machinegun.

Nevermind the fact that you have to shoot down an unaware target, and
they started calling you "back fighter". There's nothing cooler than to
watch a shootout reduced to a mere "rubout"-- someone distracts the
opponent while the other sneaks up behind with knife in hand, and an evil
grin on his face.

Section 1.2: My buddy is my body.

Always pair off with somebody prior to an actual encounter. Two moving
targets moving in random patterns are difficult targets for almost all type
of weapons-- especially the rifle equipped sniper.
| Should I turn the `Friendly Fire' option off? | |
+===============================================+ |
| The Friendly Fire option is there as an option to give players |
| as much realism as legally and technologically possible. |
| Turning it off, provides an oppurtunity to kid off with your |
| team mates without any harm or damage. It also allows you to be |
| a little careless when pulling that trigger even when you have a |
| team mate in front of you. Unchecking the "Friendly Fire" |
| equals more fun. |
| |
| Turning on this option, is for serious gamers only. I think |
| LAN game tournaments should strictly enforce this option, since |
| this really increases the level of gameplay. |
Since you're either tailing or leading a pair, remember not to "line-up"
up with anyone-- no matter where you think the bullet/s would be coming
from. The Artic rifle has the ablility to pierce through from one end of
the map to the other end. I also found out that if you got people
"sandwiched" in between two opposing forces during skirmishes, that guy is
good as dead. Even if the friendly fire option is off, teammates
"accidentally" firing into another teammate while the opponent is firing at
it also, leaves the third person-- the one sandwiched in between, a ghost.

Remember, the faster you could kill with a weapon without sacrificing
the overall mobility and comfort in handling that gun, the better the
chances you'd end up with a better score.

Section 1.3: Practice the Art of "One-Shot Kills"

It takes considerable team wins and kills to rack off enough dough to
buy the Artic rifle. If you're planning to train yourself to be a sniper,
acquaint yourself well with this weapon. Find how can you use it with
efficiency, and use it's weakness to your advantage.

One good advice is to first learn on when pull the trigger. Sounds
weird, but I've seen to many people get fragged on end games because they
thought they've got the target on their crosshairs. Unfortunately for
them, when they were actually reloading, that's the time they got hit.

Wherever you can, use those dark areas in the map where visibility is
low, but there's enough space to strafe and move around. But as I always
say: "Never stay put in one position for too long."
| Should I turn the `Auto Aim' option off? | |
+===========================================+ |
| If the server got the autoaim on, go somewhere else. The |
| autoaim screws your actual aim, making it very difficult for you |
| to frag somebody at a distance. It suppose to work by sucking in |
| the cross hairs when it comes near a target, but you really don't |
| need it. (it works well when your targets are up close, but by |
| then you don't need help hitting a large target any more.) |
Learn how to frag people at distances of over 30 meters without using
the 4x scope, if available. That saves you time from fumbling for buttons
to push while you're busy dodging bullets and fragging another person.

Learn how to switch weapons, if the situation demands for it. And if an
opponent is actually chipping your life away while getting close, back
away. And back away wisely.

If you're being attacked in an open field, lead the aggressor to a
narrow corridor or alley. That way you can guess where he's going to come
from, and anticipate by moving your crosshairs to that direction. If the
enemy have the advantage of being on a high ground, HE grenade him to
death, or take cover in someplace perpendicular to his location. He'll
have a hard time aiming that rifle 90 degrees down, of course, by then
you'll see his animation before he see yours and you can take the first
shot(3D cards work by processing nearby objects in 3D, and far away objects
in 2D, that way it could run efficiently. Problem is, you could look
through corners at certain angles because 2D objects don't have depth to
begin with.)

There's nothing really hard in hitting your target, even if your moving
yourself. If he's approaching you to take advantage of your weapon's
weakness, don't use the scope and wait his animation become big enough for
you to hit, maybe at 10 to 15 meters. When he moves in closer than that,
use your handgun.

Switching weapons enable you to move without feeling heavy with your
Artic. You could also remind yourself not to repeat your strafing pattern,
and to include crouching movements and even use a 3D dimensional enviroment
to your advantage. Sometimes people tend to forget the objects in 3D have
depth, and using this tip could help you frag people behind door and walls,
above and below buildings, and especially while on the move.

And there's one thing: adjust to a higher mouse sensitivity whenever
you equip yourself with the Artic. That helps alot in zeroing on a target
50 meters away and on the move, since you need so little mouse movement to
adjust your crosshairs.

Section 1.4: Cheat whilst you can.

Having to cheat your way through this game is pretty easy, since as of
this faq version, CS is still in beta. Almost all the maps contain some
sort of bug which, everyone CT or Terrorist, can take advantage.

For example, Terrorists have the distinct advantage in some maps where
the mission forces the CS deep into its opponent's home court. The
advantage lies in the fact that a) Terrorists can reload their armor, ammo
and grenades if the battle is taken into their homecourt; b) Since CT have
to move into a much smaller space, snipers have a disadvantage against
strafers; and c) it's hard to coordinate a well-planned, tactical strike--
especially over the internet based games.

Cheating doesn't really have to be entering a bunch of codes to gain
advantage, it's using every trick in book to gain some.
| Are you `Trigger Happy'? | |
+==========================+ |
| Most CS beginners tend to misuse the automatic weapons-- guns |
| which wait all the bullets in the magazine to be fired before |
| being reloaded then chambered. What they do is spray off bullets |
| at the opponent's direction and pray that they frag them first. |
| One observation-- once they pull trigger, they never let go, even |
| if they're firing at air. Most of time, it doesn't end that way. |
| |
| The lesson here is that accuracy is very important, make sure |
| that all the bullets you've fired counts. If both of you are |
| strafing and firing at each other at circles, take the necessary |
| action to put a stop at it. Most of my opponents online always |
| wonder why I always frag them first even if they're equipped with |
| a much powerful weapon(MP5-Navy vs Commando) even at long |
| distances. |
| |
| Don't waste your bullets firing at nothing, and someday you'll |
| thank yourself for breaking the habit. |

Low on cash to actually buy an Artic? Buy a reliable handgun, load up
on spare ammo, armor and grenades. Then go on a kamikaze strike using the
Flashbangs as a diversion, then use the HE to chip away their health, then
finish off with some well placed "head shots". This strategy works better
with a team mate leading the way, since you could use the help on
firepower. You might find some good guns the "fallen ones" might have left

Aside from scavenging for weapons, use the hostages as bait. Whether
you're a CT or Terrorist, those hostages provide good cover on one on one
firefights. Remember, if you kill an hostage, that's a whopping deduction
to your cash count. But if you can make the enemy kill the hostage instead
of you, you're good and he's pissed off.

Speaking of head shots, keep an automatic weapon at head level while
firing and strafing at the same time. All the submachine guns are good for
this purpose; their high rate of fire makes it sure you could place some
hits at the head area.

"What you see, what you hear, what you feel...
when you leave, Leave it here." - Silence Creed

+--------------------------------------: ARTICLE 2. BASIC WEAPONS TRAINING ]
| +-=================================-+
| Guns are very sensitive tools of mass destruction. It doesn't pay to
| just point, shoot and reload everytime you come face2face with an
| opponent. If that works for you when you play Quake3 and UnRealT, you're
| outta your mind to survive in this game.
| Remember to master the art shooting while you and, in most cases, your
| target is moving. Make it a habit to switch in between weapons on the
| run. Sometimes different situations call for different rules, and in
| this case-- your heavy primary weapon is no use against an knife wielding
| opponent strafing his way closer to his next kill score.
+-----> * <----------------------------------------------------------------:

Section 2.1) Handguns -secondary weapon- is one of your two standard issue
weapons. Handguns are in a specific weapons class which deals large
amounts of damage at close range. They are light and accurate up to 20
meters, and has very high priority at about 2 to 5 meters. They also carry
small magazines, and it must be made a habit to reload them before and
after encounters. Damage is reduced with increasing range, but accuracy is
very high due the weapon's light and easy handling.

f1.1-1 H&K .45 Tactical Pistol
Unit Price : $ 500
Ammo Price : ?
Bullet Size : ?
Type : .45
Shots&Max : 12&?
Reload Delay: 1-2 secs.
Handling : High
Weapon Class : rate of fire
Sp. Function : N/A
Rate of fire : semi-automatic
Accuracy(while standing): Accuracy(while strafing):
5meters: 10/10 8/10
15m : 8/10 6/10
50m : 6/10 4/10
100m : 4/10 1/10

This handgun is the standard counter-terrorist issue. Its a caliber .45
pistol fitted with a flashlight just below the nozzle and a silencer. It's
light and fast to reload. It's simply amazing to use especially at a far
away target that auto-assault weaponry can't seem to take down. Strafing
is no problem with this weapon, and take care to back up whenever faced
with a "Burst Fire" wielding opponent. One thing though, if your opponent
has his pistol at "burst mode" chances are he might run out of ammo from
his magazine earlier than you would, if you'd keep firing your weapon like
a deranged psycopath.

E-mailed Comment from Alan Veerman:
" The HK .45 Tactical Pistol you have listed in your FAQ is incorrect. The
USP Tactical is actually a civilian-ized version of the HK Mk23, Mod 0, more
commonly known as the "SOCOM" (after Special Operations Command, by whom the
design was comissioned for an offensive handgun weapon system). This weapon
was specifically designed to be issued to special forces units, unlike the
USP Tactical.

" Denoting a weapon as "silenced" is also incorrect. It is suppressed. The
Hollywood conception of silencing the report of most weapons is not based in
any reality; suppressed weapons are actually quite loud. In the case of the
Mk23, Mod 0, the suppressor for the weapon produces only 132db of noise when
fired dry, and a mere 122db when wet, about as loud as a .22 caliber pistol.
Though it is in conflict with your listing in the game, the SOCOM also only
holds 12 cartridges of .45 ACP ammunition, and not 14.

" By the way, it should be mentioned just for references' sake that a
civilian version of the Mk23, Mod 0 was produced called the Mark 23. It was
an overrun of the initial production set for the US Military, and had a 10
round civilian magazine, and no suppressor (although one could buy a fake
suppressor, listed as a barrel extender for 139$ US). It is not to be
confused with the USP Tactical, although all three were chambered in .45

f1.1-2 Glock18 Select "Burst" Fire
Unit Price : $ 400
Ammo Price : ?
Bullet Size : 9mm
Type : 19
Shots&Max : 20&120
Reload Delay: 1 sec.
Handling : High(semi), Decent(burst)
Weapon Class : Rate of fire
Sp. Function : Burst Mode
Rate of fire : selectable automatic/semiautomatic
Accuracy(while standing): Accuracy(while strafing):
5meters: 8/10 6/10
5m : 6/10 4/10
50m : 7/10 1/10
100m : ?/10 ?/10

Oh boy, terrorists are really that lucky. This one is the Terrorists'
standard issue handgun. And you have reason to fear them(early in the
game) is because of this weapon.

The Glock Select Fire handgun was designed with one thing in mind: as a
cheap alternative to submachine guns. It's the perfect secondary weapon
for those who want the kevlar ripping action of submachine guns but while
in the process of saving up money for an Artic sniper rifle. One thing
though: keep your gun on semi-automatic mode while in close range
encounters with a knife wielding opponent.

Why? You don't want to run low on ammo while fighting someone at close
range do you? Since strafing while firing your weapon reduces the accuracy
of your fire(not all the bullets you fired at burst mode hits the opponent)
it's imperative you back away from someone with a knife, and never run in

Comment from Alan Veerman:
" Glock 18 magazine sizes come in 10, 17 ,19 and 33. It is chambered in in
9x19 Luger (the round type more commonly referred to as simply "9mm"). I'd
disagree with the statement that a machine pistol like the Glock 18 was
invented as an "cheap alternative to the submachine gun," but that's more my
personal opinion. "

Terraknight: " What I actually meant was players could opt to buy the Glock
Select Fire and load it up with ammo instead whenever they feel the need to
hoard some cash... thus the `cheap alternative' tag."

f1.1-3 Desert Eagle
Unit Price : $ 650
Ammo Price : ?
Bullet Size : .5
Type : armor piercing
Shots&Max : 7&48
Reload Delay: 2 secs.
Handling : Low
Weapon Class : Power
Sp. Function : N/A
Rate of fire : semi automatic
Accuracy(while standing): Accuracy(while strafing):
5meters: 8/10 4/10
15m : 6/10 3/10
50m : 3/10 2/10
100m : ?/10 ?/10

I must admit that the Desert Eagle has never been my type of weapon. It
is slow to reload, feels heavy when fired at medium range. It can punch
through into anything, just like a rifle, but lacks the short range
priority of the combat knive and the decent range of other handguns, no
thanks to its very shaky recoil and large weight. But it's pierces through
concrete. And only 7 ammo?!? Oh my, do you expect to frag anyone moving
at random patterns with only that much?

f1.1-4 Sig P228
Unit Price : $ 750
Ammo Price : 50
Bullet Size : 9mm
Type : 19
Shots&Max : 13&54
Reload Delay: 1.5 secs.
Handling : High
Weapon Class : Power
Sp. Function : N/A
Rate of fire : semi automatic
Accuracy(while standing): Accuracy(while strafing):
5meters: 10/10 6/10
15m : 10/10 10/10
50m : 6/10 5/10
100m : ?/10 ?/10

I have found this handgun to be a very reliable weapon, especially
during skirmishes still early in the game. The rate of fire is fairly
decent, and is a better alternative than your standard issue weapons. If
you're thinking of gaining an early lead on scores, make this weapon a
habit; if not the buying HE grenades.

Section 2.2) Shotguns -primary weapon- are weapons made to provide maximum
damage for close quarter combat involving multiple targets. It has pellets
for bullets, which scatter in varying directions, hitting anything in its
This weapon is suitable for use in narrow corridors or rooms, and
against submachine wielding beginner type opponent-- it has the fastest
reload time compared to all weapons, but has the magazine of a handgun.
Like the handgun, the shotgun's maximum damage will reduce at increasing
distance. Use this weapon specifically for large crowds of opponents at
extremely close range, nothing more.

f1.2-1 Benelli M3 Super 90
Unit Price : $ 1700
Ammo Price : ?
Bullet Size : Pellets
Type : Shotgun Shell
Shots&Max : 7&48
Reload Delay: 1/4 second
Handling : Decent
Weapon Class : Damage
Sp. Function : N/A
Rate of fire : manual
Accuracy(while standing): Accuracy(while strafing):
5meters: 9/10 7/10
15m : 4/10 4/10
50m : 1/10 1/10
100m : ?/10 ?/10

This is actually the short range version of the XM1014 shotgun. The M3
Super 90 is the traditional "get-close-to-me-and-I'll-blow-you-up" shotgun
available to hunters. But this one doesn't pack bird pellets, though.

f1.2-2 Benelli XM1014
Unit Price : $ 3000
Ammo Price : ?
Bullet Size : Pellets
Type : Shotgun Shell
Shots&Max : 7&48
Reload Delay: 1/2 second
Handling : Decent
Weapon Class : Spread Damage
Sp. Function : N/A
Rate of fire : semi-automatic
Accuracy(while standing): Accuracy(while strafing):
5meters: 10/10 7/10
15m : 7/10 4/10
50m : ?/10 1/10
100m : ?/10 ?/10

For some reason, I never found the time to use the earlier version of
the Benelli shotgun when CounterStrike first came out. I think its because
shotguns are overhyped weapons, just imagine the number of times they were
described as power weapons especially by Scwharzenneger in "Terminator 2".

This shotgun's got some good points though. It's quick to load, handles
very good, and a better crowd control weapon. If you're facing multiple
targets all at once and and you decide to take as much opponents with you
as you can before being fragged yourself, this is the perfect weapon.
| To adjust your mouse's sensitivity without leaving the game: |
| Type in the console |

Section 2.3) Submachine Guns -primary weapon- provide maximum rate of fire
without the low priority handling of machine guns and automatic rifles.
They are good middle-ground choices as weapons, provide decent damage at
medium range, and does little to hamper player movement. They are designed
to rip apart kevlar, but their weak punching power does not pierce through
concrete, doors, even galvanized roofing(unlike rifles).

f1.3-1 H&K MP5-Navy
Unit Price : $ 1500
Ammo Price : 20
Bullet Size : ?
Type : ?
Shots&Max : 30&120
Reload Delay: 1.15 secs.
Handling : High
Weapon Class : rate of fire
Sp. Function : N/A
Rate of fire : automatic
Accuracy(while standing): Accuracy(while strafing):
5meters: 10/10 10/10
15m : 7/10 9/10
50m : 5/10 5/10
100m : 1/10 ?/10

This is my personal weapon of choice. It's quick to reload, feels light
and easy to aim, and shreds kevlar to strings. Coupled with a few grenades
here and there to help in the crowd control, this inexpensive weapon got
speed, strafe and kill points written all over it. I actually saw the
first Die Hard movie, and noticed that Bruce Willis' opponents are using
this type of weapon.

Alan Veerman:
" Lastly, there is a large mistake in the listing of HK's submachine gun,
the MP5. You list HK's masterpiece as the "HK MF-5, Navy." This is WAY OFF,
though the N does stand for Navy, the proper listing is of course HK MP5N
(notice no hyphen for MP5, and N denotes the particular absence of buttstock
and trigger grouping available on this variant: safe, semi-auto and full
auto). It is chambered in 9x19 luger, and has a staggered 30 round magazine.
There are over 100 variants of the MP5, some of which use 10mm and .40 S&W,
but the MP5N specifically refers to HK's model for the US Navy and special
forces, described above.

" For reference, the MP in MP5 stands for "Maschinenpistole." The
suppressed version of this weapons, the MP5SD, stands for "Maschinenpistole,
Schall Dõmpfer."

Terraknight: " My apologies on that `F' thing. This is clearly a typo error
that I overlooked prior to Alan's e-mail. I am a creature of the night, I
do all my articles/docs/faqs up until past midnight, and most of the time,
until early dawn. Thanks for the proof read. "

f1.3-2 Steyr Tactical Machine
Unit Price : $ 1250
Ammo Price : ?
Bullet Size : ?
Type : ?
Shots&Max : 30&120
Reload Delay: 1.5 secs.
Handling : Decent
Weapon Class : rate of fire
Sp. Function : N/A
Rate of fire : automatic
Accuracy(while standing): Accuracy(while strafing):
5meters: 10/10 8/10
15m : 9/10 8/10
50m : 7/10 6/10
100m : 6/10 4/10

I've got my reservations when it comes to silencer equipped weapons.
While they are quite good guns(in term of shredding kevlar), they hide the
tell-tale flash and gunshot when firing, but don't pack that much punch
than the H&K MP5-Navy and FN P90. It's good at taking out opponents in the
dark, but it keeps you from moving around and preventing yourself from
being a sniper's target as well. This gun is light and easy to aim though,
so it's easy to aim for the head area for easy kills.

f1.3-3 FN P90
Unit Price : $ 2450
Ammo Price : $ 50
Bullet Size : 28mm
Type : 5.7
Shots&Max : 50&100
Reload Delay: 2.25 secs.
Handling : Fair
Weapon Class : Rate of Fire
Sp. Function : N/A
Rate of fire : automatic
Accuracy(while standing): Accuracy(while strafing):
5meters: 8/10 8/10
15m : 8/10 7/10
50m : 7/10 3/10
100m : ?/10 ?/10

When I first started playing CS, this is the first gun I'd regularly go
out and buy. It has plenty of ammo, have a really insane power and rate of
fire similar to a machine gun and aims well while strafing. This weapon
has one problem though, its shaky recoil.

The FN P90's design makes it obvious that it tries to solve that problem
by placing the second handle perpendicular to its nozzle. That way, it's
supposed to stop shaking, enough for you to get a decent shot. But by the
time you have, you're so low in ammo you have to duck behind cover and

FN P90 have distinct advantage against players using assault rifles
upclose, especially the Commando and AK-47 rifles. While the FN P90 lacks
the power of longer guns, it has more ammo in its magazine(50/Reload)
against the 30 or so bullets that the rifles have. And since rifles are
designed to be fire at a stationary position, this submachine gun can out
flank rifles anytime.

f1.3-4 Ingram MAC-10
Unit Price : $ 1400
Ammo Price : $ 50
Bullet Size : ?
Type : .45 caliber
Shots&Max : 30&90
Reload Delay: 1.25 secs.
Handling : Decent
Weapon Class : Rate of Fire
Sp. Function : N/A
Rate of fire : automatic
Accuracy(while standing): Accuracy(while strafing):
5meters: 9/10 8/10
15m : 8/10 9/10
50m : 7/10 4/10
100m : ?/10 1/10

The MAC-10 is a pretty decent weapon similar in design with the FN P90.
It's magazine loading with .45 caliber rating-- which means it has the
punching power of the H&K pistol. It does have this nasty recoil effect
which makes it an underdog against my all time fave, the H&K Navy
submachine gun. In fact, the sharks in my place have a hard time adjusting
to the weapon, but maybe it's all psychological or something.

Overall, it's a fairly decent and inexpensive weapon which deals a
little better damage than the Steyr Tactical but still isn't at par with
the FN P90 in terms of all-around punching power.
| If you're running for cover from a much more aggrressive |
| opponent, NEVER run with your backs turned towards the enemy. I |
| find that move very idiotic, since you could do more in |
| protecting yourself by switching weapons, and out strafing the |
| opponent until you frag him. |
Section 2.4) Rifles -primary weapon- are the safest choice when equipping
for the long battle ahead. They are designed for far away targets as well
as piercing through walls and doors(in an attempt to hit someone behind
those structures).

2.4a) Assault Rifles - assault rifles have automatic fire, heavy handling,
and the reload time of a slowpoke. Attempting to strafe while handling
this baby is an attempt at vanity, so remember to switch to your knife
whenever you're reloading and heading for cover.

f1.4-1 AK-47
Unit Price : $ 2500
Ammo Price : ?
Bullet Size : 39.5mm
Type : 5.45
Shots&Max : ?
Reload Delay: 2 secs
Handling : Fair
Weapon Class : Assault Rifle
Sp. Function : N/A
Rate of fire : automatic
Accuracy(while standing): Accuracy(while strafing):
5meters: 10/10 8/10
15m : 10/10 6/10
50m : 8/10 6/10
100m : 7/10 4/10

This piece of metal is pretty good. Lots of firepower up front and is
more stabilized than the FN P90. It's quite surprising that it's pretty
light and handy in those heavy firefights like duck and cover situations.
The reload time is pretty nasty though, as well as the fact it doesn't
carry a sniper scope, unlike the other guns available in its class.

f1.4-2 Colt M4A1 Carbine
Unit Price : $ 3100
Ammo Price : ?
Bullet Size : ?
Type : 5.56
Shots&Max : 30&120
Reload Delay: ?
Handling : Decent
Weapon Class : Heavy Assault Rifle
Sp. Function : 2x scope
Rate of fire : automatic
Accuracy(while standing): Accuracy(while strafing):
5meters: 9/10 9/10
15m : 9/10 7/10
50m : 7/10 7/10
100m : 6/10 5/10

The Colt M4A1 Carbine is only available to CT team members. This weapon
is a classic, reliable and very accurate, even with the single zoom scope.
I think it's the perfect weapon for those type of people which prefers to
fight at a distance and under dark, near zero visibility. I'd pay alot
myself to see the faces of my opponents after they fell victim to this
silent, and invisible deathscythe.

f1.4-3 Sig SG-552 Commando
Unit Price : $ 3500
Ammo Price : ?
Bullet Size : ?
Type : armor piercing
Shots&Max : 30&120
Reload Delay: ?
Handling : Decent
Weapon Class : Heavy Assault Rifle
Sp. Function : 2x scope
Rate of fire : automatic
Accuracy(while standing): Accuracy(while strafing):
5meters: 10/10 9/10
15m : 10/10 7/10
50m : 9/10 6/10
100m : 6/10 2/10

This sleek and black weapon is everything you can imagine about standard
military hardware. It can pierce into almost anything, has fast rate of
fire, and the kevlar shredding power of the good `ol machine gun. Don't
run into any one-on-ones with Artic though, 9 out of ten says you're going

f1.4-4 Steyr AUG
Unit Price : $ ?
Ammo Price : ?
Bullet Size : ?
Type : armor piercing
Shots&Max : 30&90
Reload Delay: ?
Handling : High
Weapon Class : Heavy Assault Rifle
Sp. Function : 2x scope
Rate of fire : automatic
Accuracy(while standing): Accuracy(while strafing):
5meters: 9/10 8/10
15m : 9/10 8/10
50m : 7/10 7/10
100m : 7/10 4/10

This Beta 6.0 addition is a fine rifle that can be used for duck and
cover situations. Just like the AK-47 it performs extremely well in duck
and cover situations. It does have a sniper scope though, and that's enough
for me to like this rifle. A little tip: try firing at regular intervals on
sniper scope mode. Pretty handy for sniping submachine equipped opponents

2.4b) Sniper Rifles - this type of weapons serve one purpose only, take in
a kill point with as little ammo as possible. This feature is evident in
the Artic(One-shot dead) and the Steyr Scout(Two-shots dead) rifles. But
like all sniper rifles, they suffer from "vision impairment" at 4x scope
Sometimes you zoom in at the wrong time, at the wrong target, some
opponent would come out from nowhere with knife in hand getting ready to
stick it in you while you're still obviously occupied. Or, a submahine gun
opponent comes in close strafing for his life, firing and chipping away
some health points from you. If you're not good enough to back up, switch
weapons or something, say good bye to your precious, expensive rifle.

f1.4-5 Steyr Scout
Unit Price : $ 2700
Ammo Price : ?
Bullet Size : .385
Type : armor piercing
Shots&Max : 10&30
Reload Delay: 0.75secs
Handling : Decent
Weapon Class : Light Sniper Rifle
Sp. Function : 2x & 4x scope
Rate of fire : automatic
Accuracy(while standing): Accuracy(while strafing):
5meters: 8/10 7/10
15m : 9/10 8/10
50m : 10/10 8/10
100m : 10/10 9/10

The Steyr Scout is a better, lighter alternative to the Artic Rifle.
It's almost the same as an Artic Rifle, only it take at most two shots to
totally send your opponent into the next dimension, whether they have
Kevlar or not. Due to it's light weight and amazing damage, this fast
reloader is a match against it's automatic counterparts at 50 meters.

f1.4-6 A1 Artic Warfare Magnum
Unit Price : $ 4750
Ammo Price : ?
Bullet Size : .385 caliber
Type : armor piercing
Shots&Max : 10&30
Reload Delay: 2.5 - 3secs.
Handling : Low
Weapon Class : Heavy Sniper Rifle
Sp. Function : 2x & 4x scope
Rate of fire : manual
Accuracy(while standing): Accuracy(while strafing):
5meters: 10/10 4/10
15m : 10/10 7/10
50m : 9/10 9/10
100m : 9/10 10/10

The Artic Rifle is one of the meanest, badest guns in this game. When
used on target loitering in open spaces, mastery of this weapon is
essential to gain the upperhand in frag scores anywhere. Though the Artic
has very low priority in close combat situations, the knife, a good handgun
and even a mean supply of HE grenades can compensate for this.

The fact that the Artic can pierce through anything at its range, which
practically cover the whole map, opponents have to be in constant move for
this one. And since snipers usually operate from long distances from enemy
fire, they have the lowest `death' scores and the highest `kill' scores

f1.4-7 H&K G3/SG-1 Sniper
Unit Price : $ 5000
Ammo Price : ?
Bullet Size : 51mm
Type : 7.62
Shots&Max : 30&200
Reload Delay: 1.5 - 2secs.
Handling : Fair
Weapon Class : Automatic Sniper Rifle
Sp. Function : 2x & 4x scope
Rate of fire : Automatic
Accuracy(while standing): Accuracy(while strafing):
5meters: 10/10 8/10
15m : 9/10 9/10
50m : 8/10 6/10
100m : 7/10 5/10

I find the H&K Sniper a strange weapon. It provides the easy handling
of the Carbine and the Steyr Scout, and the sniper scope capabilities of a
manual load rifle. Extremely accurate while standing, I think it's a
little less powerful than the Commando. If you can live without the 4x
sniper scope, I recommend you pick the Commando or the Carbine. If you
want the high frag scores, master the Artic.

Section 2.5) Machine Gun
f1.5-1 FN M249 PARA 5750
Unit Price : $ 5750
Ammo Price : ?
Bullet Size : ?
Type : ?
Shots&Max : 100&200
Reload Delay: 1.75 - 2.5secs.
Handling : Low
Weapon Class : Automatic Machinegun Fire
Sp. Function : N/A
Rate of fire : Automatic
Accuracy(while standing): Accuracy(while strafing):
5meters: 10/10 6/10
15m : 9/10 4/10
50m : 7/10 3/10
100m : 3/10 1/10

One on one, this is one pathetic weapon. If you're going up against two
or more people, run around the map switching back and forth between your
knife and an Artic. This one sucks, unless you actually feel like fighting
your way through a mob-- like other Half-Life games.

Section 2.6) Combat Knife
Weapon select 3
Standard issue weapon
Using the knife is fairly simple, just get as close as you can to your
opponent, then rapidly press the fire button, which in my case, Mouse1.
Remember to strafe while striking though, your target may have some cover
fire lurking around. Make this weapon a habit whenever you find yourself
rushing out of enemy fire in order to reload.

Section 2.7) Grenades
Weapon select 4
HE Grenades
Grenades have plenty of uses. The perfect crowd control weapon, the
best weapon against opponents staging an ambush in dark, hard to hit areas
and the number reason why the CT teams are afraid to storm in and blast
every Terrorist faction to oblivion. Every person detailed to go guard the
exits should be equipped with one, and should be trained in throwing,
timing and other related skills to use this weapon with efficiency.

Section 2.8) Equipment

f1.8-1 Kevlar vest
Price: $ 800
+ 100 upper body armor
The Kevlar vest provides decent upper torso protection against all
weapons fire, but not against the Artic Rifle. If attempting close range
combat against a sniper though, it is advisable to at least wear one.
| Using the flashlight actually makes it harder for anyone who |
| is using a sniper scope to get a hit, both on LAN & 'Net games. |
| |
| Those additional light sources actually brings down ping |
| times, I don't know whether broadband multiplay games suffer |
| from the same thing. On our place's LAN, there where cases when |
| the mouse is harder to control, it's like the crosshairs are |
| jumping from one point to another, rather than sliding. |
f1.8-2 Kevlar vest + Helmet
Price: $ 1000
+ 100 body & head armor
The Kevlar vest provides decent upper torso protection against all
weapons fire, but not against the Artic Rifle. If your an Artic sniper
looking for long range duels with another of your kind, don't wear one. If
attempting close range combat against a sniper though, it is advisable to
at least wear one.
| How does Kevlar Armor work? | |
+=============================+ |
| It's funny how a piece of cloth could provide some protection |
| against a piece of metal propelled many times the speed of sound. |
| Yes, that's exactly what kevlar does, it resists the penetration |
| of bullets. Exactly how, you might ask? |
| |
| The principle behind it is fairly simple, stop the bullet by |
| absorbing the energy that makes the bullet move in the first |
| place. It's strength is behind its design, it stretches like a |
| trampolin mat with someone jumping on top of it. Instead of |
| actually stopping the bullet like a brick wall, it absorbs the |
| kinetic energy of a speeding bullet. No energy, no motion. |
| |
| That's why it still chips away health points when it hits you. |
| Even though the kevlar stops the bullets from punching a hole into |
| your body, it won't stop a rain of lead from beating the crap out |
| of you. In real life, you could get bruises and even break a rib |
| from getting hit with too many bullets at the same time. |
| |
| Shotguns are "one-shot" killers at 2m or less. Note that your |
| the integrity of your kevlar remains intact. You don't die b'coz |
| of bullet wounds, but the shotgun pellets inflict severe |
| concussion and internal damage. |
| |
| Damaged kevlar does more harm than good. Since kevlar armor |
| consists of a layer of material which leaves the bullet in the |
| vest, the overall strength of the armor is reduced. Since kevlar, |
| is only 4% elastic(it stretches up to 4/100 its size before |
| breaking) damage will cause that number to fall, meaning it would |
| lose its `trampolin' effect on bullets before being of any use. |
| |
| Armed authorities wearing kevlar usually removes them after |
| being damaged, even though it only got one bullet shot in it. You |
| should refill your armor too every respawn, as long as it's |
| damaged. |

f1.8-3 Concussion "Flashbang" Grenade
Price: $ 250
Max effective range: 6-8 meters
The Flashbang grenade provide excellent crowd control cover for any
purpose. Aside from depriving the opponent a visual field to work with, it
is an effective diversionary tool to provide ample cover for entrance,
blitz, then exit. Snipers positioned far from the field of explosion are
not affected by the blast at all. As the name implies, it "whites out" the
screens of every body looking at its direction, good up to 5 meters.

f1.8-4 HE(High Explosive) Grenade
Price: $ 300
Max effective range: 5-6 meters
The Flashbang grenade provide excellent crowd control cover for any
purpose. Aside from depriving the opponent a visual field to work with, it
is an effective diversionary tool to provide ample cover for entrance,
blitz, then exit. Snipers positioned far from the field of explosion are
not affected by the blast at all.

f1.8-5 Defuse Kit(CT Team Members only)
Price: $ 500
Defuse planted C4 bomb in security area. If successful, the CT team
wins. A must for all CT members playing "protect the base from C4 attacks"
maps like cs_dedust.

f1.8-6 Night Vision Glasses
Price: $ 1200
A useful alternative to the flashlight for increased visibility in
light areas.

Secondary weapon: keyboard key "2"
Primary weapon : keyboard key "1"
Combat knife : keyboard key "3"
Grenade : keyboard key "4"

:---------------------------------: Article 3. ADVANCE SCENARIO STRATEGIES ]
+-------+-> Section 3.a) The Assault Map(cs_assault) Trainer <-+===========*
| What should I know about the Assault Map, whether I'm a Terrorist or a CT?
| Secure all exits first, and report in all attempts to get out or in,
| whether its an opponent or not. Dark, shadowy areas are good places to
| set up ambushes and sniper placements. If you're strapped for cash, this
| map is a perfect for gun vultures who would rather wait out for the
| fallen to leave their guns behind.:)
| If your team is successful, the cash equivalent of the hostages would
| be added to every team member's account. Kill the hostages, you get
| $ 1000 bucks off your cash.
| Why play in the assault map?
| Gameplay is fast and furious in this map, and expect all skirmishes to
| end withing 4-3 minutes, with each team having a maximum of ten members
| each. It's also a good map to train all possible skills-- sniping,
| strafing, movement under heavy enemy fire, proper use of grenades, and
| terrain strategies.
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+> *

a.1) --> Counter-Terrorists
Deployment Area: Just outside enemy HQ, near counter-strike surveillance
Your Objective : Rescue three scientists deep within enemy headquarters
or eliminate all your opponents with extreme prejudice
within the given time.

a.2) --> Terrorists
Deployment Area: Inside an empty, dilapidated warehouse
Your Objective : Prevent your opponents from rescuing the hostage inside
your security room.

a.3) Mission Map 1: CT Deployment

W <== 9
WWW WW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~W WWW <== 8
ss ## WWW
ss >>>>>HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHssss Symbol Legend:
Wh |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <== 6 W : A wall
Wh +-------------------sssshW >, ^ : Angled Elevation
sh HH ----h<======== 5 H : Roof, High Area
Wh hhhshhh HH HH h s : Dark Area, Low Visibility
Wh hWWWWWh HH h<======== 4
Wh hWWWWWh LHHD----DHW L : Ladder
Wh hhhhhhh HHHHHHHHHW<======== 3 # : Obstacle, crates
Wh HHHHHHHHvW v : Air Vent exit
sh # HHHHHHHHHW<======== 2 D : Main Exit, Normally Open
Wh * HHHHHHH HHHHHHHHdW d : Back Exit, Single Bias
Wh LHHHHHHH L -W<======== 1 * : CT Van
: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW......... h : not so high wall
e . d . c . b . a . Coords
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ 0/0

(a.3-1) Warehouse--> Terrorist HQ (Perimeter: a/1, b/1, a/4, b/4)
The warehouse was designed to provide the Terrorists as much advantage
as they can get. Early in the game, a complete counter-terrorist unit can
gain early advantage by manning the surveillance van; eliminating members
of the opponent one by one; and by utilizing quick, successive and well
planned strike which would chip away the scattered terrorist defence.

Main Exit : Half opened garage door fronting elevated bridge, a closed,
darkened bridge underpass with a half-opened fence gate. It
has a two-level cargo container vans on top of each other
located at the corner of its perimeter with a ladder leading
up to the roof. Provides sufficient cover from sniper fire
from the bridge. Symbol: D----D

Vent Exit : a multi-level vent exit only a crouching person could enter.
it leads to a elevated platform inside the building. Once
inside, there is a second air vent right in the middle and
above the passage leading to a steel grating just above the
security area. Symbol: v

Backdoor : a one-way kitchen door that opens with an annoying sound
effect which telegraphs the location of the activity. When
entering, it is advisable to have some cover fire to drown
the noise, and a solid gameplan to strike fast then get the
hell out of there. It's exit leads into a small two-man
alley. Symbol: d

Ladder : Two ladder leading to the main gate via the red cargo
containers, and one just in beside the back exit. Symbol: L

Others : the warehouse has a two-level roof, with slanted elevations
along its perimeter. Sniper positions here have the
advantage of cover against bridge positioned snipers.

(a.3-2) Office building--> Perimeter (d/0, d/1)
This building is strategically located to provide cover fire to four
directions: the warehouse rooftop, the bridge, the back exits and the main
exits of the warehouse.

CT Van : Use your "Use Equipment" key to toggle the surveillance
screens inside the van. You must lead the the rescued
scientists here to win the game. It also provides cover from
enemy fire from the bridge exit and warehouse rooftop.
Symbol: *

Crates : Two blue colored crates arranged to provide cover from
incoming enemy fire from the back and main exits direction.
Symbol: #

Ladder : Exit leading up to the office building roof and down to the
CT van. Symbol: L

(a.3-3) Bridge--> Area (a/7, b/7, c/7, d/7)
The bridge has a angled ramp exit going into behind a building fronting
the warehouse main exit. Perfect view of the of the office building
rooftop, a view of part of the warehouse rooftop and back exit alleys. Not
much cover from enemy fire here, except from behind the administration
building(Area d/3, d/4) and the dark area at the end of the bridge(area

(a.3-4) Administration Building--> Area (d/3, d/4)
That building behind the blue cargo container box where most counter-
terrorists are deployed. It provides suitable cover from enemies exiting
from the back exit, the roof top, and the bridge. It has an elevated
perimeter which is inaccessible from the ground level, but provides a way
out if you ever find yourself stuck on top of the blue cargo box. (Which
by the way is possible by jumping off the two level red cargo containers
after climbing the ladder beside it.)
The tip here is not to jump from the blue box, just run towards the
direction of the administration building. Jumping will chip away at both
your health and armor numbers.

a.3-5) Blue cargo container--> Area (c/4)
The blue cargo container which lies parallel the red one and creates a
small corridor leading into the warehouse main entrance. It hides the
people coming from and into the main exit, and is the perfect stage for
ambush attacks by anyone.

a.3-6) Red cargo container--> Area (b/4)
One of the two ways going up the warehouse roof. It's a double decker
cargo containers on top of each other with a ladder going up to the roof.
It is placed exactly at the corner of the warehouse's outer perimeter, and
provides good postition for ambush or get away.

WWW WW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~W WWW
ss WW W WWW Mission Map 1: Tactical Positions
Wh |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wh +-------------------ss5shW ~the numbers note possible
8h 10 14 ----h locations of players taking the
Wh hhhshhh HH HH 4 offensive.~
Wh hWWWWWh 13 3 h

a.4) Outdoors: Counter-Terrorist Map Strategy
1.) Securing this area as a possible sniper lookout is an advantage. It
provides visual cover for all three warehouse exits, as well as an elevated
field of vision which is difficult to match. Unlike the warehouse rooftop
& bridge however, this area is vulnerable to repeated HE grenade attacks
from below, doesn't have offer enough room to strafe, and cover from enemy
fire in order to reload.

2.) The vent entrance is a popular option when penetrating the enemy
stronghold. It has alot of disadvantages though: a) people in the vent
can only exit out of it one at a time, the rest inside are sitting ducks
and the one out of it is in for an ambush; b) people can just HE grenade
the vent and kill everyone inside; c) rifle ammo can rip through the vent
from inside the warehouse and kill the anyone in the vent.

3.) When going inside via the main gate, stick to the sides of the
elevated platform inside, each spotting snipers from above, the sides and
especially in front of you.

4.) A strategic rifleman position for those who are spraying bullets
through the warehouse walls. This also provides a good position to stage
an ambush against all opponents attempting to exit the warehouse via the
big garage gate.

5.) This dark space just below the bridge is perfect place for snipers
who are taking out opponents inside the warehouse. Don't stay in this
place too long, it's exposed to enemy fire from above-- the red cargo boxes
and the warehouse rooftop itself. You'll also find out that terrorist
grenades from inside the warehouse can chip away your health in this

6.) The bridge position is important in so many ways. It's a good
position to take out snipers and opponents from the back exit alley, the
warehouse rooftop, and the office building rooftop. It also provides more
than enough space to strafe in, unlike the office building which is
vulnerable to he grenade attacks from below, with no other alternative
exits but the ladder and jumping off.

7.) The darkest area in the whole map, perfect for H&K Sniper users or
Carbine riflemen who thinks they can shoot it out against an Artic on top
the warehouse roof. Just watchout for the guys coming out the back exit.

8-9.) Two dark areas with similar conditions like the one near the foot
of the bridge. The one fronting the blue box can easily toss HE grenades
to chip away at opponents exiting the warehouse. The one at the backdoor
can provide some wide angle cover fire at the roof area.

10.) Either stage an ambush behind the blue box or the little dark area
at the side of the administration building. Or...

11.) Wait it out for some of your team mates to die and go get their
guns, or...

12.) Use any rifle to spray some bullets at the warehouse's back wall,
hoping some would actually hit your opponents inside. Or...

13.) Get on top the red cargo box, hold your position for an ambush, or
stage the ambush at the bottom of the ladder for all upcoming oponents.
You're exposed to opponents' grenades at this position though. Or...

14.) Jump off to the blue box and hold your ambush position there.
Effective for overstaying idiots who are at the end of the bridge. You
could spot snipe the back alley and the warehouse rooftop too.
| Things to remember when attempting to penetrate enemy hq: | |
+===========================================================+ |
| 1) Use HQ grenades to clear the entry points: whether it's the |
| garage door, the vent, or the back exit. There's nothing more |
| frustrating than ending up in a middle of an ambush. If you |
| feel like doing a kamikaze, carry an HE, enter via the back |
| door under the cover of rifle fire, throw them while inside, |
| then switch to your knife while you scamper away towards the |
| garage door. |
| |
| 2) Once in a while, the CT must attempt to enter through the |
| front gate... guns blazing. Since the Terrorist would be |
| scattered monitoring exits, they'd be running around confused |
| when you and your team suddenly all burst into the fron gate, |
| taking the Terrorist team one by one. There's nothing |
| frustrating than a good, well-planned guard duty gone to |
| waste. |
| |
| 3) Always proceed inside under the cover of weapons firing, a |
| diversion, or with the attitude of taking as much opponent as |
| you can before they got to you. Not much good on your scores, |
| but helps alot teamwork wise. |
a.5) Outdoors: Terrorists Map Strategy
1.) Since Terrorist deployment is so much nearer to the warehouse's three
exits, move to secure this exits or, armed with an Artic, go outside and
take a shot or two at a CT before hurrying back inside.

2.) It would be possible that there would be a few of CTs heading for each
exit. Use HE and Flashbang grenades at your discretion.

3.) The warehouse rooftop is an important place to secure. If you're
deployment is at the 2nd Floor, near the airvent entrance, grab a buddy and
head out to the rooftop. At the warehouse rooftop, secure the following
a.) Office Building rooftop above the CT van.
b.) Dark areas near the CT van, at the foot of the bridge, and the area
of the administration building.
c.) The bridge
d.) Back door alley
The important thing is that you have a buddy or two to serve as your
"guards" when some CT attempts to climb on to your location using the red
box ladder or the back alley ladder. The Office building location is
the next important location to secure, since it's the most useful spot for
the CTs and the hardest fire upon from below.

4.) Use the red and blue cargo boxes as a useful cover when you're
attempting a grenade throwing spree against CTs still in the deployment
area. The blue and red cargo boxes forces people entering and exiting via
the main to "line-up", perfect for automatic rifle fire.

5.) If you're about to frag some sniper stuck in the bridge, switch to
your knife, arm yourself with an HE, then move in for your kill. If you
really care to time your weapon firing in between the sniper's reload,
you'll win.

6.) Be careful whenever you're near the CT deployment area. There's alot
of shadows in there, and their camo match their enviroment to a tee. You
could reload your ammo in two areas outside: near the red box at the
warehouse's corner and the other near the the back exit corner.

7.) Use the dark area below the bridge to stage an ambush. The
half-opened fence serves as a cover for nasty CTs attempting to sniper
their way from outside the front gate.

a.6) Mission Map 2: Terrosist Team HQ

Ground Floor:
+----D-----D-------+ Legend:
| | | B | D-----D : Half-opened garage door
| HH| |P B |____._____ Main exit, Front gate
| HH| | P | HHHH, HH : Cargo container
| | | ssss| HH
| | | |P +ssss| P : pillar supporting second
|____| |_______| |ssss| _ second floor structure
|ssss| |sssssss|P |ssss| s , s : angled surface leading to
|ssss| |sssssss| |ssss| - elevated platform.
| | | B |P +----| B : boxes, crates
|L | | | .____| L : Ladder
|B | HHHH| |P | | : walls
|B___|____d|_______|____| . , + : corners
d : swing door, back exit,
2nd Floor:
=, [] : one person air vent,
crouching position, steel
+----D-----D+--^^-------+ # : airvent exit from the
| +---------+ ## | outside, rooftop
| |HH +--[]--+ |_____ ## : steel grating exit
| |HH [] | | | inside security area
| | [] | |ssss| | } : metal platform w/handrail
| | [] | |ssss| fronting the other 2nd flr
| | #====L===L |ssss| with crouching hole into
| | | |ssss| security area; and ladder
| | | |ssss| near back exit
| } B | +----| ^^ : Sliding door, security
|L ________|____.____| area
|B HHHH | hhh : (3)Three Hostages

Updated Hostage Room for cs_assault release version Beta 6.1:

| h| Legend:
| h| + : corners
| +-----------+ |, - : walls
| h| h : hostages
| h| ^^|^^: sliding doors

(a.6-a) Main Gate
1st floor: Half opened garage gate leads into a road up to the back of
the warehouse. It ends with a blue cargo box on top of a red cargo box.

(a.6-b) Multi-level 1st floor
The area at the back of the warehouse is actually lower than the floor
surrounding the front entrance. There is an angled elevation connecting
the two somewhere in the middle. If you're standing right in the middle of
the road leading to the front gate, you'll be seeing a red cargo box, and a
bunch of glass on your left. While on your right is a box of crates, and
an entrance with a red light leading up to the second floor.

(a.6-c) Red cargo box
The red cargo box covers the back exit from view, as well as the first
thing somebody would see up front when entering the garage gate. It is
placed near the warehouse corner, but there is enough space for a person to
move along its sides fronting the warehouse wall. It has an elevated view
of the garage gate.

(a.6-d) The "redlight" corridor
This is the floor below the concrete 2nd floor accesible via the angled
ramp near the two crates up front. Not much here, but it provides some
cover for those times when you need to reload your weapon's ammo.

(a.6-e) Security area
The small room that serves as a junction of the steel and concrete
platforms. It has a sliding automatic door which also serves as an
entrance to the room where the hostages are. Beside the sliding door,
there are three panels that serve as surveillance cameras located outside
the warehouse, very similar to what the CTs have in their van. If you
actually explode an HE here, you could injure some of the hostages.

(a.6-f) Air vent
Hollow steel tunnel that can be used as CT entrance. It has two levels:
with the second vent running from above and middle of the first one. The
main vent exits to the concrete platform in the 2nd floor. The second one
runs into a metal grating that can be destroyed by any weapon, and exits
through the security area ceiling.

(a.6-g) Concrete Second floor
Provides excellent guard position for the air vent and the front gate.
It has access from the 1st floor via ramp at the end, and the small hole
leading to the steel platform. If you try to right strafe at the end of
the 2ns floor, with the ramp just at your left, you can float up until you
reach the front of blue cargo box on top of the red box.

(a.6-h) Steel Second floor
The steel second floor is located parallel to the second floor, and can
be accessed through a ladder at the back of the warehouse near the red
cargo box and the "duck" or crouch hole which leads to the security area.
It is basically a poorly-lit steel platform placed at the opposite side of
the warehouse with handles at the side.

The strategy behind this area is to place yourself in the corner, where
the light is so poor you can hide in the shadows while guarding the back,
front and air vent exits. If someone is entering via the air vent and a
spotter repoorts it through the radio, align yourself with the vent and
spray rifle fire into the area. If he exits via the security area, use the
same strategy. Try not to stay too long in this area though, your position
is compromised against Artic equipped snipers in the bridge and those
sneaking in from the back door.

a.7) Terrorist Map Strategy.

1.) Have two persons man the airvent exits: one at the security area
while the other at the other exit. Destroy the grating on the security
area airvent exit, so you can throw HE grenades inside to flush out your
opponent. One common mistake: staying right in front of an open air vent
exit. If you can spray some bullets into the vent using a rifle, so can
your opponent.

2.) Use grenades and rifle fire to clear the back alley. Time your
grenade throwing expedition so you won't waste money.

3.) Have at least two persons manning the front gate. Both could carry
Artic rifles; or one with a Commando, and the other with an Artic. If
someone could spare the cash, have that third person throw HEs to the
outside from the red cargo box or the crates found in the elevated

4.) If you've got a few, brave men, secure your hq's rooftop. Then clear
the Office building of snipers, the bridge, and all dark areas. There's a
spot at the roof where you could buy your ammo too.

5.) Teach yourself to take the first shot whenever you're deployed near
the back or front exit, especially if you're armed with an Artic. Both
exits provide good covers, the back alley and the cargo boxes at front, for
you to take out unsuspecting CTs who are still buying they're weapons and

6.) You don't have enough cash, scavenge for weapons by tailing your
teammates on guard duty. Get yourself some kevlar and extra ammo for your
hand gun.

7.) If everyone goes out, EVERYBODY MUST GO OUT. CTs are no match if
your team held these three positions: the red and blue cargo boxes at
front, the back alley, and the warehouse rooftop.

a.8) Indoors: Counter-Terrorist Map Strategy

1.) Once inside, head out to the hostages. Even though you can't rescue
them right now, at least you've got yourself some money.

2.) Entering through the vent isn't such a bad idea, if you've got the
right tools. Equip yourself an HE or Flashbang to clear your exit, then
switch to your rifle shotgun to take out the enemy. If you plan on being a
little more covert, here's what imagine 007 gonna do. Sneak up on your
opponent and knife your way through him. Oh, by the way, look out for that
Terrorist on guard at the vent's second tunnel(that's above the ladder at
the vent's middle).

3.) The dark, shadowy area above the red cargo box is a perfect place to
snipe Terrorist scum once you exit the vent via the security area. Equip
yourself with a Carbine or an Artic for this purpose.

4.) Provided you finally entered the warehouse, be wary about being a
target of a crossfire. If you have a buddy with you, never move around in
a line, since rifle fire can go through both of you at the same time.
Avoid grenade attacks by switching to your lighter weapons-- the handgun or
the combat knife. And stay at the sides to protect yourself from enemy
fire from above.

5.) If you're fighting someone at the red box dark area, never fight him
from the security area, or through that crouch hole at the side of the
security area leading to the steel platform. Choose between the concrete
2nd and even the first floor as your position.

a.9) Assault Map End Game: Check Mate
While you have have trained yourself well to expect help from your team
mates, whenever your up for encounters with another group of opponents,
one-on-one duels on this maps are very difficult to win. Be a little too
careful, you end up with the a round in draw and with no cash. Be too
aggressive, then you lose the round for your team.

To tell you the truth, you don't stand alot of chance in beating more
than one opponent, especially if you're playing online on the Net. But if
you can stick to a principle, a strategy or style to win-- maybe you can
strike it rich, at least for that particular round.

Rule number one, and this rule applies to almost all maps, make the A1
Artic the weapon of your choice. It doesn't matter that it handles like a
cheap car, switching to lighter weapons when on the run could solve this.
Learning on how and when to fire this weapon will teach you a valuable
lesson on winning endgames, long-distance firefights reduce the odds of you
getting fragged, it also teaches you that every shot counts.

Rule number two, scatter your opponents by constantly moving around.
Never handle more than one enemy at the same direction at the same time.
Never stick to one area of the map, no matter how comforting that position
is. The idea is to frag your opponents one at the time, and at least avoid
getting yourself in unnecessary crossfires. Find elevated positions that
will force the opponent to fight you one at a time.

Never attempt to out strafe opponents on end games situations. It's
best to choose to fight your battles at long distances and with you
controlling some advantage in elevation(like the warehouse roof). Avoid
melees with automatic weapons at any range. If you're the remaining CT
seek refuge outside, while Terrorists can hide out in the warehouse's
second floor when still facing multiple opponents.

+----------+-> Section 3.b) The Dust Map(de_dust) Trainer <-+==============*
| What should I know about the Dust Map, whether I'm a Terrorist or a CT?
| The Dust Map is a defuse the C4 bomb scenario that take place in an
| Aztec City. After spawning in positions neutral to the targets, the
| Terrorist team must proceed and escort a member carrying a C4 bomb to be
| placed on one of the two targets. Primary target is a bunch of crates
| located at the far exit of an old tunnel, an open courtyard marked by a
| big "X". The secondary target is a fortified location similar to the
| first one; it's where the Counter-Terrorist team is deployed.
| Why play in the de_dust map?
| While the Terrorists are given the advantage here, it's a fun little
| map where you could focus on fragging the opponents rather than finding
| them. I find this map very appealing since both teams could act
| aggressively in offense; and when that happens, you get intense games
| that would leave you talking about it hours after your last game. Very
| addictive, just hope they add a pop-up help text on the HUD for
| inexperienced CTs who have trouble defusing the darn bomb.
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+> *

~ Still on the works!!! ~

:--------------------------------------------------------: xi. IoU Section ]

- K Megura, for the FAQ copyright section. I know you wrote that
specifically for your work, but I ripped it off nevertheless. Hey, all
your FAQs are great stuff and I think your copyright section should serve
as a standard for all upcoming FAQs. His own FAQs also helped me improved
my EX skills, which way back then really, really sucked. Thanks alot man!

- Ska, (macx_manila@hotmail.com) for the great inputs and by testing the
CounterStrike Beta 6.1 over the neighborhood LAN. Also gave alot of
interesting map summaries and opinion on proper weapons handling. Thanks
alot man!

- Alan Veerman (saimius@hotmail.com) for that great e-mail about real
gun tech specs and other stuff. Appreciate the effort, nice to hear from
another university student... glad to recieve more of your comments,

- Office Plus! internet and pc game center, located here at Bicutan, Pque
City Phils. Great, clean place that satisfies all your CS gaming needs.

- If more people are interested in helping complete this faq, please share
your comments. If you want to make an opinion regarding about anything
found in this document, e-mail this author with the necessary title in the
message's subject box.

- Thanks to you, dear reader for reading and/or downloading this faq. I
hope this effort has helped you to enjoy and appreciate CS. I will try my
best to update this document as often and necessary as I could. Thanks
for flooding my e-mailbox with feedbacks, I'll try to reply to them asap
in between work.

:---------------------------------------------------: xii. Cheater's Guild ]

Code works up to beta version 5.2 of Half-Life: CounterStrike. You
also have to be the server, meaning your pc should host the game in order
for this to work. Haven't tested it on Beta 6.0, since I have yet to play
that version. I don't have exclusive rights to these cheat codes, because
I got them from the guys playing in my neighborhood. If they got it from
the internet, some magazine, I still don't know.

Enter the console on the server machine and enter sv_cheats 1. Then,
change maps by typing changelevel de_dust (or any other map). Finally,
enter one of the following codes at the console to activate the
corresponding cheat function.

If you want Artic sniper rifle, type: givespaceweapon_awp. I've seen
this one work. It looks like it's raining Artic rifles in one spot of
the map, ad infinitum. This means there's this endless supply of free
rifles piling on top of each coming from heaven like manna. This would
affect both teams though.

If you want to adjust gravity, type: sv_gravity <-999 to 999999>.
Adjust the gravity too low, you end up fighting in a moon enviroment.
Your grenades float when thrown, bullet flight paths are complete
straight and you don't recieve damage no matter how high you jump.
Very high gravity means deaths whenever you jump, wherever.

If you want $16,000 dollars, type: impulse101. Go figure.

If you want to see other players' frag chart, type cl_hidefrags 0.
There is supposed to be an option in the Customize menu about showing
enabling this feature, but Beta 5.2 version kinda ignores this.

If you want the cool x-ray vision, type: gl_zmax.
In Beta 6.0, there's a one-key shortcut that can do this. I think you
can bind this to a key.

Customize movement(client and server commands):
cl_forwardspeed <99999>
cl_backspeedspeed <99999>
cl_sidespeed <99999>

TerraK: "The folowing console commands tweak player speed. I rarely use
them, only in occassions when I'm not playing on my own neighborhood LAN,
or on a system you're not too familiar with. Pretty handy if you're an Artic
sniper guy, since everybody I know who's profficient in the use of that darn
weapon use this command everytime they start a game. Ideal setting for all
commands is 32000."

TerraK on cheat codes: " I agree with some guys out there who e-mailed me
that they're not big fans of cheaters. But remember that publishing cheat
codes is a double-edge sword. You know the codes exist; and you could take
steps in kicking cheaters out of the network. =)"

:-------------------------------------------------: xiii. Console Commands ]
| Here's a quick list of commands you can tweak and toggle to enhance your
| CS gaming experience. Obtained from counter-strike.net, by Cliff Davis
+------------------------------------------------------------------------> *

Server Options:

mp_limitteams (default 2)
Maximum number of players that one team can have over the other. To
entirely disable team limiting, set to 0.

sv_restartround (default 0 sec)
Time until the game restarts fresh, or 0 to not restart. This will reset
all frags, scores, weapons and money to default. Use this to coordinate
clan matches.

mp_autokick (default 1)
Enable automatic team-killer banning and idle client kicking.

mp_chasecam (default 0)
Limit observers to chase modes.

mp_c4timer (default 45 sec)
C4 timer duration. Minimum of 15, maximum of 90.

mp_freezetime (default 6 sec)
The length in seconds of the Freeze period at the beginning of rounds. Set
to 0 to disable.

mp_roundtime (default 5 min)
The maximum length a round can last, in minutes. Minimum of 3, maximum of

mp_friendlyfire (default 0)
Set to 1 to enable friendly fire, 0 to disable.

mp_timelimit (default 0 min)
Period between map rotations.

mp_footsteps (default 1)
Set to 1 to enable footsteps, 0 to disable.

mp_flashlight (default 1)
Set to 1 to enable the use of flashlights, 0 to disable.

sv_sendvelocity (default 0)
Set to 1 to enable complex server physics and decals ( for low lag
situations), 0 to disable.

Client Options:

rate (default 2500)
This command controls how much information you recieve from the server you
are connected to. For a 14.4 connection set your rate to 1500, a 33.6k
connection should be 3000, a 56k 3500, an ISDN should be 5000, and all
connections faster than that should be between 5000 and 9999.

cl_observercrosshair (default 1)
Set to 1 to enable crosshairs in Observer mode, 0 to disable.

cl_hidefrags (default 1)
Set to 1 to hide all frag/death counts on the Scoreboard but your own, 0
to show.

hud_centerid (default 0)
Set to 1 to center auto-ID text on screen, 0 to have auto-ID text in the
bottom left corner.

Infokey settings. Type "setinfo" to check the status of all infokey
settings. To change one, type "setinfo ".

+showradar (default)
Turns radar on.

Removes radar from your screen.

Bind this key to toggle NVG when purchased.
i.e. bind z nightvision
InfoKey Keynames:

dm (default 1)
Set to 1 to display map briefings after loading new levels, 0 to disable.

ghosts (default 0)
Set to 1 to see ghosts when in Observer mode, 0 to disable. Disabling
ghosts can potentially improve lag in high lag situations.

ah (default 1)
Set to 1 to enable auto-help, 0 to disable. Auto-help gives the player
hint messages throughout the game.

From the e-mail:

Serpent Snake of Malaysia e-mailed me about:
r_netgraph (default 0)

Here's my evaluation of the command:
TerraK: " What does command do is run an interactive network ping ratings in
your HUD. There's stuff like your like how fast your animation is,
FPS(frames per second) and a graphs that shows realtime network activity in
a certain direction. Pretty useful for zeroing in on opponents and
detecting ambushes. Try inputting a numerical number up to 5 for different

:-------------------------------------------------------: xiv. The CS Team |

Name | Gooseman
E-mail | gooseman@counter-strike.net
Position | Project leader, Head modeler, Head coder, Head-job

Name | cliffe
E-mail | cliffe@counter-strike.net
Position | 2d-graphics, sound effects, QA, PR, game design, etc.

The Mappers:

by MacMan

Zaka zaka@mbnet.fi

by Jo Bieg

by TYR

by KaRRiLLioN

by Barney (aka Narby)

by Chris Mair

by Bluestrike

by Andrew Aumann

by Markus

by N0TH1NG

by N0TH1NG

by CryptR

by Davej (Curtains)

by Hobbit


The texture Artists:

Chris Ashton (aka Macman)

Ido Magal

HUD Ammo Sprites:

Splash and Console 2d Art:

:------------------------------------------------------------: xv. Next up ]

Version 1.40 preview:

- Fill out the de_dust map trainer.

- A seperate Advance Weapons Trainer in the works.

:-------------------------------------------------------: xvi. Post Mortem ]

The LAN neighborhood where I rent out the system to play multi-player CS
games only carry original CS 6.1 add-ons. I don't know where to get
additional software patches on misc stuff like naked hostages, bloody
knives et. al. Nor am I interested in acquiring such software,
b'coz they're purely aesthetic anyways.

Flames, comments, suggestions, are most welcome & shall be acknowledged.

The official Half-Life: CounterStrike webpage--> counter-strike.net
CSSkins--> http://skins.counter-strike.net/
Anarchy Design--> http://anarchy.counter-strike.net/
CSNation--> http://csnation.counter-strike.net/
CSClanworld--> http://clanworld.counter-strike.net/
Counter-Server--> http://server.counter-strike.net/

Please visit www.inquirer.net--> I actually write here too, as a 2bU!
correspondent. 2bU! is available every Thursday on PDI online.

"The Unofficial Counter-Terrorist & Terrorist Training Manual" v 1.30
for Half-Life: CounterStrike PC game, copyright 2000 by Terraknight
First published Online on GameFAQs(www.gamefaqs.com) April 2000
ASCII-Text file Attributes: Monospaced text edited. 77 Columns, 105693 KB
~"This document's latest revision is always found at GameFAQs"~

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Hinweise zu den Maps de_nuke; de_dust; de_prodigy;cs_militia;de_train;cs_siege und cs_italy

01.Oktober 2013
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29.September 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
13.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020