Pop'N Tanks

Pop'n Tanks

17.10.2013 19:51:27

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G U I D E Ver. 0.5

By Edsa M A (edsa_m@hotmail.com)


This document is copyright by Edsa Midiotomo 2001 All right reserved.
The content of this guide is for private and personal use only. You may
distribute this guide freely as long as it's distributed as it is. You
may not use this guide for any commercial use.
If you would like to post this guide on your page, do email me!
Give credits where it is due.

You could always find the newest version of this guide at gamefaqs.com

POP'N TANKS! and all related characters are trademark of ENIX.

|Version updates|

Version 0.1 14/07/2001

- First posting of this guide.
- Finished story mode player & tanks section.
- Need help for storyline and weapon names.
- Sorry, no Tank World yet!

Version 0.5 30/07/2001

- Second posting
- Fix up the ASCII title a bit
- Tank World section added.
o added 'Introduction to TW'
o added 'General gameplay
o added 'Things you do in TW'
o added 'Your competition'
- Updated the 'control' with menu controls.
- Added the 'What the author have to say' section.
- Added some more hits for the boss battle.
- Fix minor typing error.
- Small cosmetic fixes here and there.
- More plea of help typed in ^_^

|What the author have to say|

Well, i've added the Tank World section. Sorry for the long delay.
I haven't recived any response, mails on suggestion, contribution, etc.
maybe there is only a few gamers that play this game...(sigh).
I'll try adding up a FAQ section if there are any questions to answer.
Yep, that is your job readers! send in your question! I also need help
in translating some of the items and battle arenas. If you can
help, please do so, and of course you'll get full credits.
I'm also thinking to make a complete item list for each of the tank in
TANK WORLD, maybe you could help out? Since the list is going to be big
i need all the help i could get.

Well that's all from me. See you next update and dont forget,
E N J O Y !

|Table of contents|

- Desclimer
- Version updates
- What the author have to say
- Introduction
- General gameplay
- Controls
- Game modes
- Story mode characters and tanks
o Introduction to TW
o General gameplay
o Things you do in TW
o Your competition
- End notes
- Credits


Welcome to my POP'N TANKS! guide. I've started this guide mainly
because this game doesn't have one...in over 2 years (I know some games
in gamefaq's bounty is older but, hey). It's a sad thing though, because
this game has so much to offer. I'll try my best to give you that and more!


Q: So what is a "POP'N TANKS!" (PNT!) already?
A: PNT! is a game released in 1999 by Enix. This is a tank battle game,
a fun, addictive, and cute tank battle game.

Q: CUTE?!?
A: Yep, this is not you're usual tank battle with dark and sinister
weapons that can shred the very existence of every living thing on
earth and gothic-mean-looking-nightmare-producing-tank designs.
This game is the very opposite of the above. The tank design is SD
(super deformed, think: Choro-Q) with cute colourful textures and cool
hand drawn anime characters as the pilots. Hey, one of the tanks is a
caramel pudding with a strawberry on top complete with breadsticks!

Q: How about the battle system?
A: The battle system consists of 2 rounds. Your objective is to empty the
energy bar of your enemy. In the case of a time out, the tank that
has the most energy wins.

Q: How do you empty the energy bar of your enemy?
A: ...

Q: Can you customise your tanks?
A: YES...YES..YES!!! You could do just that by playing Tank World. More
on this later.

Q: Can you play your customised tanks besides in Tank World?
A: Yes, but only on CUSTOM BATTLE mode, more on this later.

Q: What's your favourite tank?
A: As of now, my favourite tank is my cusomise Mk II JAMBOE-X tank.
complete with a sleek pink finish.

Q: Hey you haven't told me how to empty the energy bar of the enemy?
A: ...

Q: Answer me damnit!
A: ... Let me show you... BANG-DOR-GABOSYAAA-BLAAAR-KABOOM!! happy?!?

Enough with the small talks and lets get the guide going, shall we?

|General gameplay|

As stated above, this is a tank battle game. The person who win
2 rounds win the match. In order to win a match you must empty your
enemy's energy bar. How? shoot them of course!

Before you go to battle you got to select your tank. Each tank has
4 statuses and they're different from tank to tank. You can see the
tank's status in the story mode's tank selection and Tank World's
factory. The stats are:

:This determine the damage caused by the cannon shots.
The longer the bar, the better to kick some butt.
: This is for the damage of the special weapon.
The longer the bar, the more damage your specials will be.
: The speed of your tank. Longer means speedier & faster.
: Determine the quality of the tank's armor. Longer bar means
better defence


Your arsenals consist of cannon shells and machine guns. Like real
tanks, the shells need to reload. If you ran out of shells the circle
beside the energy bar will be red (empty), you must wait for it to
turn white before you could shoot cannon shells again.
You can check your shells below your energy bar. When you need to reload,
use your machine gun!
Many of the cannon shells have additional attribute when it hits,
such as Panzer-Sinamon's ice blast. It freezes the enemy for a brief
time. Other attributes are fire, electricity, thunder, missile, etc.
You'll know when your enemy is hit by you when you see a red 'HIT!'
mark on the bottom right of the screen.


T.A is different from tank to tank. It usefulness also differ from
tank to tank. Few of these abilities are useful, like Type-38's Spin
Dash, others are plain useless or too hard to use, like Petit's Stomp.
All T.A cause knock down if it hits.


This is the equivalent of bombs is shooter games. You can do a LOT of
damage to the enemy and it also differ from tank to tank (unique move).
There is a catch, you need to charge up before unleashing this baby.
If you're hit while charging, it'll cancel the move. You get a stock
of 2 specials every round so use it wisely, but don't get stingy either.
You'll know when your enemy is going to lauch a special when you see
blue rays coming from the tank or see a 'DANGER' mark on screen.
You'll know when your enemy is hit by you when you see a red 'HIT!'
mark on the bottom right of the screen.


In battle you can be 'knocked down'. This happens when you get hit
many times in a row (think: combo...dizzy animation). Your tank will
be blast to the air and slams to the ground. After a brief pause
you'll get control of your tank. At this time your tank is invincible
(the tank is blinking) YAY...but, you can't use your specials or tank
ability (oh pooh!). You can only shoot cannons and machine guns until
it wears off.


In PNT! you'll get to battle in all sort of arena with different
terrain ranging from lush forest, down town area, to spooky caves.
The arena can be your friend or your foe. Friend because you could hide
from enemy attacks behind the many objects there. Foe because it can
hurt you, such as the lava at the Tarin mining area. You'll need to add
some strategy in your battles by using the arena. For example, the walls
at Gaidenberg castle are indestructible so you can hide there to cover
yourself from enemy attack. Here's another one, shove your enemy to lava,
lakes, ponds, etc. to slow 'em down, then

In each arena they'll be hidden item boxes. The boxes are hidden inside
the obstacles scatered in the arena. These boxes can really help you in
the heat of battle. There are 2 kinds of boxes, health item and bomb item.
They add health and bomb stock respectively.


For menu and chioices throughout the game:

D-Pad : Select option, menu, part, etc.
Circle : Confirm button
X : Cancel button

Piloting your tank is a snap, but you'll need to practice to handle
it like a pro. Learn to strafe with your tank. Its very usefull!
Here's the control (BTW, you can't change the configuration):

D-pad UP : Move the tank forward
D-pad Down : Move the tank backward
D-pad Left : Turn the tank left
D-pad Right: Turn the tank right
Triangle : Machine gun
Circle : Tank ability
Square : Shoot cannon
X : Special weapon / BOMBS
L1 [hold] : points cannon to left ,use it for strafing.
R1 [hold] : points cannon to right,use it for strafing.
L2/R2 : turn to face enemy

Here are some additional commands:
Dash : Tap UP UP
Crouch : hold L2+R2 ; Really don't know what this is use for.

Is there anymore???
Maybe ;)

|Game Modes|

When you start the game, you'll be treated with a FMV that briefly
introduced the cast of the game. After that, came the main menu
The main menus are:


Here's a brief explenation of each mode:

This is where PNT! really shines. In this mode you get to create your
own tank (based on the default tanks) to customise and compete in the
tank world's tank competition. You're objective is clear, to be #1.
More on this mode later.

Pick from 8 character to battle it out in his/her story. Be sure to
watch those FMV, some of them are hilarious.

1 or 2 players pick a tank and battle it out via split screen on your
chosen arena. The tanks you could choose are the ones in the story

2 players only. You get to battle with your customised tank from TANK
WORLD. Just load your tank from the memory card and blast away! You
can even load the same tank data to make a mirror match battle!
In this mode you get to customised your tank before a battle just like
in TANK WORLD there'll be 4 options here:
- Battle Start: Start battle!
- System: Load P1 or P2 Tank World custom tank data
- P1 Setting: prepare and set up P1 tank (same as Factory in TW).
- P2 Setting: prepare and set up P2 tank (same as Factory in TW).

Inside you'll find:
SOUND [Mono] [Stereo]
Battle timer [2 Min.] [3 Min.] [Unlimited]


In story mode you get to pick one of the 8 characters with their
respective tank. The opponent varies from person to person, but always
consist of 6 battles with the 6th being a boss battle. Until now, I
don't know if the Boss, Tarin and his Tarinsenkan, is playable.
I'll try my best to describe the character's tank and it's attacks
in this section. Here's the layout:

Name : --the character's name--
Tank : --the tank's name--
Cannon : --type of cannon on the tank--
T.A : --Tank Ability. Activated by pressing circle (O)--
Special : --Tank's special weapon. Activated by pressing X--

The names of the tank abilities and specials are my own so they're
not accurate.

__/ FILE PNT! - 01 \________________________________________________

Name : Puel
Tank : PT "Petit" Mk I
Cannon : Red fireball
T.A : [Stomp]
The Petit Mk I launches to the air and stomp the enemy.
Special : [Mega cannon]
The Petit Mk I shoot out a charged fireball at the enemy
This special is semi-homing.

The Petit Mk I is one of the balanced tanks in the game, but it's
T.A not very effective. If you miss, your tank will spin around and
leave you wide open for any attack. It's special has medium speed and
range. This is an all-around tank, good for beginners to try out.

__/ FILE PNT! - 02 \________________________________________________

Name : Bit-Man
Tank : PT "Petit" Mk II
Cannon : Missile
T.A : [Stomp]
The Petit Mk II launches to the air and stomps the enemy.
Special : [Rocket Pack]
The Petit Mk II launches 8 homing missiles on the enemy
that blows up on impact.

The Petit Mk II has better defence than Mk I, but it's also slower.
The missiles blow up when they hit the ground. So if your missiles
doesn't hit the enemy, the blast might.
Like the Mk I, Mk II's stomp is still hard to use. Mk II's special is
something else though. It's fast, it's damaging, and the blasts can
can do multiple damage on the enemy. This is one nasty special.I LOVE it!

__/ FILE PNT! - 03 \________________________________________________

Name : Puela
Tank : Forglan
Cannon : Grenade bomb
T.A : [Top spin]
Forglan spins forward and knock the enemy down.
Special : "Have a nice day!"
The Forglan drops a HUGE bowling bomb that explode on
impact while Puela wishes you a good day.
(Awww...isn't she nice ^_^)

Forglan is faster than the Petites. The cannon shots are great for
long range shooting and it lobs like a real grenade. Its T.A is best
used when cornered because, like the Petit's stomp, when it finishes
the attack it turns the tank away from the enemy making easier escape.
Forglan's special is cool to see but it's too slow to be use effectively.
Oh yeah, did i mention that the special also CHASES you around until it
hit you or you hit it?

__/ FILE PNT! - 04 \________________________________________________

Name : Vokkle
Tank : Malgopork
Cannon : Blue fireball
T.A : [Boar charge]
The Malgopork rushes to the enemy sending them flying.
Special : [Bomb circle]
The Malgopork throws 8 skull-faced bombs encircling the
enemy. It'll explode after a brief period of time or if
the enemy touches it.

The Malgopork has the fastest speed plus very manuverable, but it's
other stats are low. Its cannon shots are identical to the Petit Mk I,
but with blue fireballs instead of red. Its T.A is very useful in a
pinch, like ramming your enemy while they charge for a special. Its
range is short though.
Malgoporks's specials is a mixed package, it can be very useful or
just plain suck! There are gaps between the bombs, so the small tanks
can slip through it unharmed. But when it hits, 8 bombs will detonate
sequentially and MIGHT give you multiple hit on your enemy.

__/ FILE PNT! - 05 \________________________________________________

Name : Domina & Hekkle
Tank : Panzer-Sinamaon
Cannon : Ice blast
T.A : [Spinning blade]
The PZ rushes to the enemy with blades spinning around it.
Special : [Banana revenge]
The Panzer-Sinamon leaps to the air and throws 3 banana
sickle bladed boomerang bombs(?)

Don't be fooled by it's cute appearance, this tank can packs a mean
punch. For starter, this tank is fast, the Ice blast is effective for
slowing down the enemy and when it doesn't hit, it makes nice crystals.
The spinning blade is good 'cause it's fast and it does send your enemy
flying. The special is another mixed package it can be very deadly or
plain lousy, depends on the terrain. If the arena is flat and wide,
this special shines, but If it is small and full of obstacles (Castle
Gaidenburg), the enemy can safely hide behind the obstacles.
The armor on this tank is low (what did you expect from a pudding?).

__/ FILE PNT! - 06 \________________________________________________

Name : Ferina
Tank : Dorilger
Cannon : Electric chain
T.A : [Drill charge]
With drill spinning, the Dorilger rushes to the enemy.
Special : [Proton cannon]
A giant glowing ball that detonate on impact making a
HUGE explosion.

The highest point from the Dorilger is it's very high power. Its
special is THE most powerful in story mode. How powerful you say? well,
it can wipe out 1/3 of Type 38's energy bar in one shot, and Type 38
has the highest armor stat. The Dorilger's T.A is good for ramming your
enemy, knocking them down for a quick escape.

__/ FILE PNT! - 07 \________________________________________________

Name : Gunt
Tank : Long Tom
Cannon : Twin missile launcher
T.A : [Rush charge]
Similar with Malgopork's and Dorilger's rush. It's fast
but it slow in recovering (almost all T.A is slow in re
Special : [Mine-orning star]
Gunt throws a big ball of spike that act like a morning
star. The enemy will be flatten when it hits.

This is the Zangief in this game. It's slow but it has the highest
attack stat compare to others in story mode. It's defence is 2nd best,
only surpassed by Type-38. The special falls to the useless bin. It's
weak, it's short and it's silly looking. The best way to beat your enemy
senseless is with the Oh-so-magnificent Twin missile launcher.

__/ FILE PNT! - 08 \________________________________________________

Name : Date
Tank : Type-38
Cannon : Fire grenade
T.A : [Flaming spin charge]
Engulf in flames, Type-38 spins forwards knocking anything
in it's way.
Special : [Flamethrower]
Type-38's cannon become a flamethrower for a period of
time, toasting anything in its way (hmm.. Deja vu).

Type-38 has the highest armor stat, giving it the best defence there
is. It's cannon shot can hit twice making this tank efficient (and
powerful too!). Its T.A is, once again, good for escapes and dealing
damage. The Special does multiple damage and if you sway your cannon,
you can make a fire barrier around your tank.

__/ FILE: TOP SECRET \________________________________________________

Name : Tarin
Tank : Tarinsenkan
Attacks : Yellow fireball
Homing lasers
Spinning battle ship

I know his the boss, I know he isn't playable but his here because he
is in the story mode. Nothing much is known about him or his tank
besides he is the ruler of Tarin and his tank is actually a huge
amphibian battle ship with insane armor and crazy arsenals.
The Boss Battle is the last battle in story mode. This battle is unique
because it only consist of 1 round and always with unlimited time.
This means you got to destroy the boss to finish story mode and watch
the ending (sorry, no time-up victory allowed).
You'll battle in a very large square area (did I mention the battle
ship is so HUGE?) with 2 health-ups and 2 bomb-ups on it's corner.

Well if you've made it this far, you'll have no trouble defeating him.
I'll just help you with some tips, ok?
- Try to attack if from the front or the rear.
- Avoid the sides, this is where the attack come from. Just KEEP AWAY!
- Circle strafe your way to success.
- Use all your specials! Use it! You'll have 4 bombs in this battle.
- Pick up the health-up items!
- Try to always shooting at it, either with your cannons or guns.
- Practise using the L1/R1 button to sway your cannon sideways. It'll
help a lot. Use it for strafing the sides of the boss while shooting
at it.
- Avoid its attacks especially its spinning battle ship attack.

If you defeat Tarin, Congratulation! Now sit back and watch that nude
bastard run and of course, the ending.

I need help in storyline, if you know anything about this, then do
contact me!

__/ __________________ \_______________________________________________
___/ \________________________________________________

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for ....

Welcome to ...
\===| TANK WORLD |===/
> |,----------,| <
/=====' '=====\

Tank World (from now on TW), is basicly a big tournament battle. What's
so special about that? well, a lot really. Let me tell you about it:
- You can make your own profile (at least your name) and tank.
- You can customise and tune up your tank in your factory.
- You can read TW's Tank News for stories, challanges, and hints.
- You'll get to battle in new arenas!
- Your name will be on the papers! You'll be a star!
- A whole lotta good 'ol blasting fun!

|General gameplay|

First you got to enter your name, then pick your starting tank. This tank
is one of the 8 default tanks in story mode with its stats intact.
This means, if you choose Dorilger as your tank, you'll have a high POWER bar
from the start. Keep in mind that in the course of the tournament you'll get
upgrades that increases the tanks speed, attacks, weapons, etc.

After you're all set, the Tank World's main Menu shows up.



Here's a quick description:

Enter your tank in the tournament. You get to choose your arena!

A very interesting mode, if you could read japanese (wich i can't...sob).
This is the place to find out about news, hints & tips from other drivers,
see your rank, and accept challanges.
When you enter TANK NEWS there will be 3 option:
- News section. You can find challanges here (scroll to challanges).
- See your ranking. How well you did in the tournament?
- See your battle results. In here you'll find:
o Draiver's name.
o Tank's name.
o How many battles you've won.
o Your current class.

This is where you get to tune up your original tank. You can see the tank's stat
too. There will be 4 option here:
- Cannon partlist. Choose your cannon part and change the look of the tank!
- Special weapon partlist. Choose your specials, there's many to choose from!
- Powerful partlist. Weird name, it's basicly your accesories part. There
are a LOT of parts to choose from! ;)
- Paint. Make your own tank color scheme!

You can save, load and rename your tank, and only your tank, here.

|Things you do in TANK WORLD|


As you battle your way to be #1, you'll gain class promotions . You get a '
Class Up' every 5 wins in the BATTLE ENTRY. No, you wont get points winning
a challange. Higher class will also give you access to bonus arenas. It will
also unlock challanges. Notice the different cool looking badge for each class.
Here's an incomplete list of the classes:

| Sad Driver | you start with this |
| Second Driver | after 5 wins |
| Fast Driver | after 10 wins |
| Ace Driver | after 15 wins |
| Heavy Metal | after 20 wins |
| Buster Gunner | after 25 wins |
| Power Arm | after 30 wins |
| sabu kyaputain* | after 35 wins |
| Little Captain | after 40 wins |
| Task Captain | after 45 wins |
| Master Captain | after 50 wins |
| ??? | after 55 wins |
| ??? | after 60 wins |
| ??? | after 65 wins |

* = untranslated. If you know, help me!

Higher class means higher rangking. You'll be at the bottom of the rangking
board when you start a new game (rank 32 with the lowest class). You'll gain
ranks by winning in battle entries. Like Class, winning challange battles
does not count as battle winning. You can see your current class and ranks


Once in a while there is a light blue text on the news section of TANK
NEWS. This is a special battle challange. You'll get unique items from
this battles. From my expirience there's always a new challange every
time you 'class-up'. Keep in mind this is a one time battle only.
If you lose the battle you wont get the item...ever (maybe). So save
before go to a challange battle. Oh, almost forgot, you cant choose
your arena in a challange battle.


Here's a list of the arena where you could fight. Some of the arena
are accesible only as Challange Battle arena at first. Some arenas are
unlocked after you gain the necessary class (you reach the required total

| Mount Town | Default |
| Tarin Train Depot | Default |
| Millitary Base 107 | Default |
| Tarin Dessert | Default |
| Gaidenberg castle | Default |
| Tarin's Keep | Default |
| Tristan City | Default |
| Spirit Cave | Default |
| Yamane Village | Default |
| Tarin Forest | Default |
| Moon Surface * | win 10 battles |
| Sukeetaa warutsu * | win 20 battles |
| Tankuration * | win 30 battles |
| Battle arena 302 | win 40 battles |
| ??? | win 50 battles |
| | |
* = not sure/ untranslated. If you know, help me!


There are a total of 32 competitor in TANK WORLD, including you. You'll
get to face some of them in battles or in challanges. I haven't battle
with each of them yet, mostly its the same guys over and over again.
Below is a list of all the contestant and their tanks in no particular

| Name: Gunt | Name: Mr. Egypt |
| Tank: Long-Tom | Tank: Faraohaibaa * |
| Name: Sukaa misshiyu * | Name: Aya |
| Tank: Iron Maiden | Tank: 45 Shiki-1 Gakki * |
| Name: Vokkle | Name: Ein |
| Tank: Malgopork | Tank: Grand Slam |
| Name: Ferina | Name: Cymbal |
| Tank: Dorilger | Tank: Rock Armor |
| Name: Bit-Man | Name: Sniper |
| Tank: PT Mk II | Tank: Mk 2 - Bit |
| Name: Date | Name: Yayoi |
| Tank: Type-38 | Tank: Yayoi Chiyan A1 * |
| Name: Hekkle | Name: Bachiyura * |
| Tank: P Sinamon A2 | Tank: Andorakora * |
| Name: Puel | Name: Indoman |
| Tank: PT Mk I | Tank: |
| Name: Raid | Name: Michelle |
| Tank: Rider Tank | Tank: Utsusi - 200 * |
| Name: Domina | Name: Kastanyet |
| Tank: P Sinamon A1 | Tank: Bit Dance B1 |
| Name: Puela | Name: Takashi |
| Tank: Forglan | Tank: Utouto Batsu kun |
| Name: Dakuro aamii * | Name: Saori |
| Tank: Armageddon | Tank: Azusa NO 1 |
| Name: Kangoroo | Name: Tactics |
| Tank: Burakkuguusu * | Tank: Mk 2 Brain |
| Name: Miyuki | Name: Tambourine |
| Tank: Cherry Boma A | Tank: Rapman |
| Name: Tornmer | Name: Yaiba |
| Tank: DS Fox | Tank: Kyokou A3 |
| Name: Kokoro | Name: YOU |
| Tank: Kyokou A5 | Tank: YOUR TANK'S NAME |
| | |

* = not sure/ untranslated. If you know, help me!

|End Notes|

Well that's it for now!
I'll be adding and updating Tank world section and maybe got you
some juicy cheats and codes too, maybe.
Don't forget, if you see anything missing on this guide (which are a
whole lot) feel free to email me at . So if you
have any question, info, suggestions, donation, FFVII for PSX that you
never play anymore but still playable and want to give them to a guy
like me, etc. then dont hesitate! contact me!

|Credits and Thanks|

- for producing this game.

CJayC at Gamefaqs
- for 1st posting this guide on the web.

Other webmaster that hosted my guide.

[Your name here?]
- for [insert your contribution here]..hint,hint ;)

And You for reading this guide!


Pop'N Tanks (c) SYMBIO.PIXEL.NEWTON.???.ENIX 1999

Pop'N Tanks guide (c) Edsa Midiotomo 2001
D O N ' T S T E A L !

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