Final Fantasy 9

Final Fantasy 9

15.10.2013 18:54:50
Complete Game Script
FINAL FANTASY IX: Complete Game Script
Version 1.1

By: “Soggy” Baatar
Created: September 17, 2001
Last Update: August 2, 2002

Table of Contents

I. Disclaimer
II. Versions
III. Introduction
IV. Game Script: Disc 1
- Alexandria
- Alexandria Castle
- Evil Forest
- Ice Cavern
- Village of Dali

<<< Disclaimer >>>

I have written this game script myself and nobody is going to steal my work. This written down script cannot be copied or posted without my permission! Just because this is a game script FAQ it doesn’t mean you can steal it and use it freely. I have spent late nights writing this script and if you steal my work I will nail you until you have no money left.
< Ahem > ... sorry about that.
If you want to post it in your web site please do ask me first:
If you see this game script FAQ anywhere please let me know. Thank you.
Right now these following sites can use my FAQ:


Version 1.0 - September 17, 2001:
Script Update:
- A small update.
Town Dialogue

Version 1.1 – August 2, 2002:
Script Update:
- Large Update. From Alexandria Castle to Village of Dali.


As you can see, this is the Final Fantasy IX script. In this FAQ, you can find your favorite quotes. It is still under progress but I hope you will enjoy! Now let’s begin.

Game Script: Disc 1

#| FMV |#
[In the middle of a sea storm, a lady and her child is seen on a small boat. The camera shows the lady and her child’s face. Suddenly a girl wakes up, apparently she was dreaming. The girl wipes her eyes and looks out the window. The camera pans out of her window showing Alexandria. Birds fly by followed by a ship, flying in the air. Inside the ship, a boy with a tail jumps down and enters a door.]

Boy with a tail: Sure is dark...

[The boy walks up a little.]

Boy with a tail: Guess nobody’s here yet.

[The boy lights a match and lights the candle in the middle of the room.]

???: Who’s there?!?

Zidane: It’s me, Zidane!

[Three guys comes out from the right side room and does a Tantalus handshake.]

Blank: Hey, Zidane! You sure are late!

Zidane: Sorry. So, where’s the boss?

Cinna: Ain’t here yet.

[A man with a dragon mask comes out from the left side room and attacks the four. The man rushes in forward and hits Zidane hard]

Masked man: Get some!

[The masked man goes up high and comes down]

Masked man: Gwahaha!

[and hits Blank. After that he tries to hit Marcus and trips over]

Masked man: Oww!

[The masked man tries to hit Cinna and falls over again]

Masked man: Ouch!

[After taking some slashing from the four the dragon mask splits up revealing Baku]

Baku: UGHUUA! Oh, my head! Go easy, guys!

Baku: Use a potion to restore HP!

Cinna: Whew

Marcus: Whew

Zidane: Whew

Blank: Whew

[Cinna lies down while the other three tries to hold their breath.]

Baku: Hey, fools!

[Walks up and pats Zidane on the head.]

Baku: You’re lookin’ a lot better!

[Turns around and slaps his stomach.]

Baku: Gwahahaha!

[Baku walks up to the right side of the room and waves his hand at the four.]

Baku: Alright! Let’s start this meeting already!

[Baku kicks the door and goes inside. Everybody runs inside the room. Baku enters the room and stands in front of the table. Zidane and Marcus sits at the table. Cinna lies on the treasure box while Blank stands next to the door.]

Baku: Here’s the plan!

[The camera zooms in to the table showing a model of Alexandria.]

Baku: Tantalus, the infamous band of daring thieves (that’s us), is headin’ to the Kingdom of Alexandria...

[Baku brings out a Princess Garnet’s doll.]

Baku: Our mission: to kidnap the heir to the throne, Princess Garnet!

[The camera goes into a different view. Cinna stands up.]

Cinna: I’ll take it from here, so listen up!

[Cinna brings out a model of their ship.]

Cinna: Our ship’s about to dock at Alexandria... And when it does, we’re gonna put on our costumes......and perform ‘I Want to Be Your Canary,’ the most popular play in Alexandria! Break a leg, Marcus! ‘Cause you’re playin’ the lead!

[Marcus stands up.]

Marcus: Leave the actin’ to me! Of course, the real kidnappers’ll be Blank and Zidane!

[The camera changes view. Blank brings out an oglop.]

Blank: I’ll distract the audience from backstage with these little buggers. I can’t stand oglops...

[Blank puts the oglop back.]

Blank: But I’ll manage so don’t worry about me. And that’ll be your cue, Zidane!

Zidane: Okay!
1. That’s when I kidnap Queen Brahne, right?
2. That’s when I kidnap Princess Garnet, right?

< 1. That’s when I kidnap Queen Brahne, right? >
[The camera angle changes. Baku brings out a Queen Brahne doll]

Baku: You bet! You’re gonna kidnap the fat-ass, butt-ugly Queen Br- What...what’m I sayin’!?
<> You will be taken back to the choice <>

<> Choose < 1. That’s when I kidnap Queen Brahne, right? > 2 or more times <>
Baku: That's right Your gonna kidnap the fat-ass, butt-ugly Queen...

[Camera angle changes back]

Baku: Alright, quit jokin’ around!
<> You will be taken back to the choice <>

<> Choose < 1. That’s when I kidnap Queen Brahne, right? > 64 times <>
Baku: That's right Your gonna kidnap the fat-ass, butt-ugly Queen...

[Ruby comes in and shouts at Zidane.]

Ruby: Zidane! I reckon you're more stubborn than a grumpy mule!
<> You will be taken back to the choice <>

< 2. That’s when I kidnap Princess Garnet, right? >
[The camera angle changes and Baku brings out the Princess Garnet doll]

Baku: You bet! You're gonna kidnap the most babe-ilicious beauty in all of Alexandria, Princess Garnet!

#| FMV |#
[People is seen walking around the city. A pointy-hat boy stops near the Heroine Statue. The boy looks up and sees the ship. Everybody sees the ship in amazement. The ship heads to the Alexandria castle. In the middle of the castle there is a big long sword. The camera changes view and the game’s name is seen.]


[The boy walks up the street and gets knocked over. The boy loses something from his hand. A little girl approaches the boy.]

Little Girl: Are you awright?

[The pointy-hat boy gets up. The girl gets the thing that the boy dropped.]

Little Girl: Here! You dwopped your ticket.

[The girl gives the ticket.]

Girl: Bye-bye!

[The little girl runs off. The boy runs up the street and gets knocked again.]

Rat Kid: Oww!

[The boy and the kid gets up.]

Rat Kid: Why you--get outta my way!!!

[The kid runs off. The pointy-hat boy also goes up and comes across some people.]

Herald: Honorable nobles of Treno... Castle Alexandria is this way!

[Herald blows a horn. Herald and the nobles head left. The pointy-hat boy also heads left and goes to the ticket booth.]

Pointy-Hat Boy:
1. Peek into the ticket booth
2. Cancel

< 1. Peek into the ticket booth >
Ticketmaster: Can I help you, son?

Pointy-Hat Boy: Uh... Umm...
1. Show ticket
2. What's showing today?
3. Tell me about Alexandria!
4. Leave

< 2. What’s showing today? >
Ticketmaster: This year’s performance is the masterpiece ‘I Want to Be Your Canary.’ The Tantalus Company is performing.
<> You will be taken back to the choice <>

< 3. Tell me about Alexandria! >
Ticketmaster: The Kingdom of Alexandria is a fine country, ruled by Queen Brahne.
<> You will be taken back to the choice <>

< 4. Leave >
[The pointy-hat boy leaves.]

< 1. Show Ticket >
[The pointy-hat boy shows the ticket.]

Ticketmaster: What’s this? There’s something odd about this ticket... Why, it’s another fake! I’ve seen so many today.

[The boy looks down and cries.]

Pointy-Hat Boy: Nooooo!

Ticketmaster: Now, now. Don’t cry. I know how you must feel. Here, I’ll give you these. Do try to cheer up now, hmm?

[The Ticketmaster gives the boy a Goblin Card, Fang Card and a Skeleton Card.]

Ticketmaster: Talk to Alleyway Jack to learn more about cards. Good luck, lad!

[The boy leaves the ticket booth and goes right. The boy goes down the alley and trips over. The Hippo, who was nailing a sign, misses and the sign’s one side falls.]

Hippo: Blast it!

[The Hippo goes down the ladder.]

Dante the Signmaker: Hey! You made me miss, you little klutz!

[Dante goes up and hammers the sign three times.]

Dante the Signmaker: Whew. That should do it.

[Dante goes down and stretches.]

Dante the Signmaker: Well, it’s been a long day.

[Dante leaves and the rat kid, who knocked the pointy-hat boy earlier, appears.]

Rat Kid: Hey, you! Shrimp! You're the one with the phony ticket, ain'tcha?

Rat Kid: I saw the guy tell you it was fake!
1. Y-Yeah, it's fake
2. N-No, it's not fake
3. Are you Alleyway Jack?

< 1. Y-Yeah, it’s fake >
Rat Kid: I'll let you see the show if you become my slave!
<> Continues with the game <>

< 2. N-No, it’s not fake >
Rat Kid: Liar! I'll let you see the show if you become my slave!
<> Continues with the game <>

< 3. Are you Alleyway Jack? >
Rat Kid: Do I look like that loser!? But I'll let you in to see the show if you become my slave!
<> Continues with the game <>

Rat Kid: Well, whaddya say?
1. Alright
2. N-No, I don't want to

< 2. N-No, I don’t want to >
[The boy shakes his head.]

Rat Kid: Okay... Later!

[The Rat Kid leaves.]
<> It does not do anything so choose the first choice <>

< 1. Alright >
Rat Kid: Awesome! Now for your first assignment! You go stand over there and see if anyone's comin'!

[The rat kid heads down and looks while the pointy-hat boy heads up and looks.]

Rat Kid: All clear?
1. Yeah, it's clear
2. I think someone's coming

< 2. I think someone’s coming >
Rat Kid: You 'think'!? I wanna know!!!
<> You will be taken back to the choice <>

< 1. Yeah, it’s all clear >
Rat Kid: Awesome! Engage according to mission parameters!

[The rat kid takes the ladder and runs off with it. The boy follows the rat kid.]

Rat Kid: Over here! Don't fall behind! Into the steeple!

[The boy follows the rat kid into the steeple.]

Rat Kid: Now we're gonna climb up this tower!

[The rat kid moves aside.]

Rat Kid: It's very dangerous. You go first.

[The boy tries to climb the ladder and looks up when suddenly a weird creatures falls on top of the pointy-hat boy.]

Pointy-Hat Boy: Oww!

Rat Kid: Ahahaha! What the heck was that!?

Weird Creature: Sorry 'bout that, kupo!

Rat Kid: That's Kupo. He's a moogle.

Kupo: Kupo!

Rat Kid: And this is slave number one! Try to get along, okay?

Kupo: Kupo! Pleased to meet you! I sorry. I enter you in Moogle Diary!

Kupo: If you want to save game onto MEMORY CARD, just ask us moogles, kupo! And you can regain health if you have Tent, kupo! You understand?
1. I understand
2. Once more...

< 1. I understand >
Kupo: Glad I can help, kupo!
<> Continues with the game <>

< 2. Once more... >
Kupo: If you want to save game onto MEMORY CARD, just ask us moogles, kupo! And you can regain health if you have Tent, kupo!
<> You will be taken back to the choice <>

Rat Kid: Alright, time for some upward mobility!

[The Rat Kid carries the ladder and climbs up.]

Rat Kid: Okay, come on up, slave!

[A weird tiger-looking moogle walks in.]

Stiltzkin: Kupo...? You here?

Kupo: Kupo! Stilizkin! Why that getup? You leaving, kupo?

Stiltzkin: Yeah, and this time I might be away for a long time.

Kupo: I'll miss you, kupo.

Stiltzkin: Now, don't you worry. I'll write.

Kupo: Okay, kupo!

Stiltzkin: Well, I'm off. Take care! Oh, and say hi to Mosh in the castle for me.

[The weird looking moogle goes off.]

Pointy-Hat Boy: Was that a friend of yours?

Kupo: Yes, kupo. A very special one, kupo!!!

[From above the tower...]

Rat Kid: Hey, slave! I thought I ordered you up here!!!

[The pointy-hat boy goes up the ladder.]

Rat Kid: Alright, the play's gonna start if we don't hurry!

[The rat kid goes over the little bridge that is connecting the two rooftops.]

Rat Kid: Come on! Get over here! Lemme guess... You're afraid of heights, aren't you? It's okay! Just pretend you're on the ground!

[The boy walks slowly across the little bridge.]

Rat Kid: Come on, already! We're runnin' outta time!

[The rat kid walks over an another little bridge.]

Rat Kid: Not again... Don't worry! It won't fall!

[As the boy walks slowly halfway through the bridge...the little bridge falls! The boy jumps to the rooftop just in time.]

Rat Kid: Hahahaha... I guess it fell. No point in worrying now, right?

[The kid runs up and stops.]

Rat Kid: Oh yeah, I almost forgot! I don't even know your name!

Vivi: Vivi

Rat Kid: So your name's Vivi, huh? Kinda funny name... My name's Puck! Pleased to meetcha!

[The two runs across through the rooftops and finally arrives at the outside of the castle’s roof.]

Puck: Whew... We finally made it!

[Puck puts down the ladder to make a bridge.]

Puck: After this wall, we'll be inside the castle! C'mon, let's go!

[Vivi follows Puck.]

#| FMV |#
[Nigh time. The castle is shown followed by Prima Vista. The band is playing and the audience watches. Vivi and Puck sneaks in behind the audience. Queen Brahne, fanning herself, smiles but the princess doesn’t smile instead she looks depressed. The Knight notices the princess and smiles. Then the knight points his sword at the ship. The play begins. Fireworks and music fills the air. Everybody is amazed. The audience claps. The captain looks at the princess and is shocked because the princess still looks depressed. The Queen dances around, as the firework and the music continues.]

[Baku comes out on stage and bows at the audience. The audience is still clapping.]

Baku: Ladies and Gentlemen! Tonight's performance is a story that takes place long, long ago. Our heroine, Princess Cornelia, is torn from her lover, Marcus. She attempts to flee the castle, only to be captured by her father, King Leo. When our story begins, Marcus, having heard of this, crosses swords with the king. And now, Your Royal Majesty, Queen Brahne, Your Highness, Princess Garnet...noble ladies and lords, and our rooftop viewers, Tantalus proudly presents 'I Want to Be Your Canary'!

[Music plays and Baku bows down. Everybody claps.]

+=-=> The Play <=-=+

[Cinna, Zidane and Blank kneels down. Blank stands up.]

Blank: Bereft of father! Bereft of mother! Marcus! Thou hast lost even thy love!

[Cinna stands up.]

Cinna: Fortune hath escap'd thee! For what end shalt they live?

[Zidane stands up and swings his sword up.]

Zidane: For the sake of our friend... Let us bury our steel in the heart of the wretched King Leo!

Cinna and Blank: Aye!

[They run towards the screen. On the stage, lightning flashes. The three joins Marcus on the stage. The King Leo and his henchmen stands in front of them.]

Blank: We shall back thee, kinsman!

Marcus: Pray, sheathe thy swords! This villain is mine alone!

Cinna: Nay, kinsman! For I, too, have lost a brother to this fiend!

[King Leo swings his sword.]

King Leo: What ho? Out, vermin! Away! Thou darest bare thy sword before thee king!? All who stand in my way will be crush'd!

[The camera changes view. Marcus draws his sword and points it to the king.]

Zidane: Treacherous Leo, my kinsman's suffering shall not be in vain! For I shall instruct thee in his incomparable pain!

[They all fight. Blank and Cinna rushes in and attacks the two guards. Leo attacks Marcus.]

King Leo: Taste steel

[Marcus counters and swings. The swing connects, injuring King Leo. The king holds his wound.]

King Leo: Arrg...Grr...

[The king walks up the stairs.]

King Leo: Thou hast not seen the last of me, Marcus!

Zidane: Come back!

[Zidane tries to run after him but Blank steps in front of him and blocks the way.]

Zidane: Out of the way, Blank!

[Zidane slashes his sword at him. Blank jumps back.]

Blank: Consider this, Zidane! If Prince Schneider were to marry Princess Cornelia, peace would reign over both their kingdoms!

Zidane: 'Tis foolishness! If all were so easy, why, none would
suffer in this world!

[The two goes up the top and starts sword fighting.]

Zidane: Aha!

[Zidane slashes at Blank. Blank ducks.]

Blank: Mph!

[Blank slashes down. Zidane jumps. Zidane slashes at him but Blank ducks it.]

Zidane: Aha!

[Zidane swings his sword down but Blank avoids it with a back flip. The two fights around the stage and comes in front of the audience.]

Blank: En garde!

Zidane: Expect no quarter from me!

[The two sword fights.]

Blank: We shall finish this later!

Zidane: Come back here!

[The two runs into the castle. In a black room, the sound of punches is heard.]

Man: Argh!

Another man: Ungh!

Man: Ooof!

Another man: Unghaa!

[The screen comes to light. Two unconscious naked men is seen lying down at the corner of the room. Blank and Zidane wears the uniforms.]

Blank: Hehehe! Finished changing, Zidane?

[Zidane holds his helmet.]

Zidane: Yeah, but this helmet... It kinda smells...

[Zidane throws the helmet away. Blank holds his helmet.]

Blank: What are you talkin’ about!? My helmet totally reeks!

[Blank shakes his armor.]

Blank: My armor’s way too big...

[Blank scratches his back.]

Blank: And my back’s real itchy...

[Blank looks at his boots and starts to move.]

Blank: The boots are wet...

[Blank brings out his glove.]

Blank: My gloves are all slimy...

[Blank puts his hand into the pocket.]

Blank: There's cookie-crumbs in my pockets...

Zidane: Okay, I get the picture... You still have the package, right?

[Blank brings out an oglop.]

Blank: Don't worry! I won't screw up!

[Blank puts the oglop back.]

Zidane: Alright! First, I'll go pour some sleep potion into
Princess Garnet's teacup!

Blank: And I've got a special something for the lovely queen!

[Blank goes over to the corner and examines the two knight.]

Blank: Hehehe. They're sleeping so soundly!


[Zidane follows Blank out of the room.]

Blank: According to recon......the royal seats should be right
above these stairs!

Zidane: Got it!

[The crowd’s cheer is heard.]

Blank: Uh-oh! The scene where Marcus sneaks into Cornelia's chamber is about to start! Let's get this over with before the finale, okay?

[Zidane goes up the stairs and a hooded girl comes out. Zidane stops and looks at the hooded girl.]

Zidane: (Hmm? She sure is dressed funny...)

Hooded Girl: Umm... Would you please let me pass?

Zidane: Hmmm...
1. Let her pass
2. Examine her face

< 1. Let her pass >
[Zidane makes a way for her. The girl tries to go downstairs when suddenly Zidane runs and blocks her way.]

Zidane: Wait! Hold on a sec! Haven’t we met before?

[The girl shakes her head.]

Hooded Girl: No, I do not know you...

Zidane: Hmm...

[Zidane examines her.]

Zidane: Maybe you're right... I'd never let someone as pretty as you get away. Say, you wouldn't-

[Blank comes up the stairs.]

Blank: Hey, what's goin' on, Zidane?

[The girl sees Blank.]

Hooded Girl: I... I must go!
<> Continues with the game <>

< 2. Examine her face >
Zidane: Let's see...

[Zidane examines her face.]

Hooded Girl: Is there something on my face?

Zidane: Oh, no. You see... I just thought maybe you were the one I'd been waiting for all this time.

Hooded Girl: Excuse me? You were waiting for me?

Zidane: Yeah! I've dreamt of meeting you here ever since I was born!

Hooded Girl: Do you mock me?

Zidane: No, of course not...

Hooded Girl: Then, I shall take my leave of you!

[The girl tries to leave.]

Zidane: Just a sec!

Zidane: Haven't we met before?

[The girl shakes her head.]

Hooded Girl: No, I do not know you...

Zidane: Hmm...

[Zidane examines her]

Zidane: Maybe you're right... I'd never let someone as pretty as you get away. Say, you wouldn't-

[Blank comes up the stairs.]

Blank: Hey, what's goin' on, Zidane?

Hooded Girl: I... I must go!
<> Continues with the game <>

[The girl runs past Zidane and Blank. Making them spin. Zidane goes down.]

Blank: Who the heck was that!?

Zidane: Get up, Blank! That was Princess Garnet!

Blank: Are you serious!?!

[Zidane jumps down and goes after the princess followed by Blank. Meanwhile at the set of stairs, are the two red and blue Jesters, Zorn and Thorn.]

Zorn: We are in trouble!

Thorn: Trouble are we in!

Zorn: This is terrible!

Thorn: Our heads, Queen Brahne will have!

Zorn: We must hurry!

Thorn: Hurry, we must!

[The two jesters goes up the stairs]

Zorn: We are in trouble!

Thorn: Trouble are we in!

[Zorn tries to go outside]

Thorn: The right way, that is not!

Zorn: I know it is not the right way!

Thron: Really, do you?

Zorn: I really do!

Thorn: Wonder, I sometimes do.

Zorn: N-Now is not the time to wonder!

Thorn: Hurry to Queen Brahne, must we!

Zorn: We must hurry to Queen Brahne!

[The two go up the stairs, where the Blank, Zidane and the hooded girl scene happened. Thorn tries to enter the door where the princess came out of.]

Zorn: That is not the right way!

Thorn: N-Not the right way, I know!

Zorn: Do you really?

Thorn: Know I really do!!!

Zorn: I really wonder sometimes.

Thorn: Th-The time to wonder, now is not!

Thorn: Hurry to see Her Majesty, we must!

Zorn: We must hurry and tell Her Majesty!

[The two goes into the royal seats and tries to go near the queen.]

Zorn: Your Majesty!

[The knight blocks their way.]

Thorn: See the queen, we must!

Captain of the Knights of Pluto: Her Majesty is busy! Come back later!

Beatrix: Is it an emergency?

Thorn: An emergency, it is!

Zorn: A veritable emergency of terrible urgency!

Beatrix: Very well. I'll see what I can do.

Thorn: Very grateful we'll be!

Zorn: We’ll be very grateful!

Captain: Grrr! Curse that Beatrix! Always trying to one-up me!

Beatrix: So, what exactly is the problem?

Zorn: Her Royal Highness...

Thorn: Princess Garnet...

Zorn and Thorn: in danger!

Beatrix: I see. Wait right there.

[Beatrix walks over to the Queen.]

Queen Brahne: No interruptions! Can't you see I'm watching the

Beatrix: Your Majesty, I'm afraid Princess Garnet has-

Queen Brahne: Ah, yes.. She did leave her seat awhile ago.

Beatrix: Your Majesty, it seems that Princess Garnet has run off with the Royal Pendant.

Queen Brahne: Well, of all the... What could she be thinking!? General Beatrix!

Beatrix: Your Majesty!

Queen Brahne: And, Captain...uh...

[The knight comes over.]

Steiner: Steiner

Queen Brahne: Captain Steiner!

Steiner: Yes, Your Majesty!

Queen Brahne: Go find Garnet!

Steiner: Yes, my queen!

Beatrix: At once, Your Majesty!

[Stenier goes inside the castle.]

Steiner: Knights of Pluto! ASSEMBLE!!!

[Nothing happens.]

Steiner: Huh? Where is everybody!?

[The two knights that got robbed from their cloths comes out.]

Blutzen, Pluto Knight II: Captain, sir!

Kohel, Pluto Knight III: All present and accounted for, sir!

[Steiner jumps.]

Steiner: What are you talking about!? There's only two of you! Where are the other six!?

[Steiner runs downstairs.]

Steiner: Why, you useless good-for-nothings! I bring orders from the queen! Get dressed and go find Princess Garnet!

[The two Pluto knights runs off to get dressed. Steiner heads out the castle and hears the crowd’s cheer.]

Steiner: What!? The play seems to be a hit! But if we fail to find the princess before the curtain falls, Her Majesty will be most displeased... And we will be the laughingstock of Beatrix and her retinue! I must hurry!

[Steiner tries to go into the right tower but is blocked by an unknown Pluto Knight. Steiner then proceeds to the tower to the left of the castle. Steiner finally comes on top and holds his breath.]

Steiner: Whew... Fatigue rears its ugly head. No! I must persevere! The princess must be found!

[Meanwhile at the right tower, Zidane chases the princess.]

Steiner: Wait! Over there!

[Stenier sees Zidane chasing the princess.]

Steiner: It's Princess Garnet! Being hounded by brigands! Fear not, Princess! Your knight is coming!

#| FMV |#
[The princess stands on the edge of the tower, looks at Zidane and jumps off. Steiner goes ballistic but apparently the princess is holding a rope. Zidane gets a rope and goes after her. Steiner also tries to go after them but crashes into the wall of the ship and gets stuck. Zidane and Garnet lands safely on the ship]

[Zidane jumps into the ship.]

Zidane: Huh? Where'd the princess go?

[The princess jumps on Zidane.]

Hooded Girl: Woo!

Zidane: Owww...

[She runs up and then comes back making the band spin. The princess enters a room and bumps Ruby, making her also spin.]

Ruby: Whoa! Whut in tarnation!?

[Ruby falls down. Ruby stands up and looks at Garnet.]

Ruby: Hold yer horses, there!

[Ruby goes over to Garnet.]

Ruby: Whut kinda cattle you chasin', darlin'? You should at least say yer sorry!

Hooded Girl: Please pardon me. I was in a hurry, you see..

Ruby: And here I am, fixin' to get ready fer my big entrance!

[Zidane comes in.]

Ruby: Hey, Zidane! Did you see the way she hit me!? This cowgirl's wilder than a buckin' bronco!

Zidane: Just let me talk to her, Ruby!

[Ruby gets mad.]

Ruby: Come again, pardner!? Did you hear what I was sayin'!?

Zidane: Hey!

[The princess runs down the stairs to the cargo room.]

Zidane: Ruby! We'll talk later!

[Zidane goes after her and catches up with her. The princess stops.]

Zidane: Whew... Well, it looks like you've finally made up your mind. (Wow. We really had to improvise. But hey, we got her!)

Hooded Girl: Do you... do you work on this theater ship?

Zidane: (Aww... so she figured it out, huh?)

Hooded Girl: As you have no doubt suspected......the truth is that... I am actually...

[The girl pulls her hood up.]

Hooded Girl: Princess Garnet Til Alexandros, heir to the throne of Alexandria.

Garnet: I have a favor I wish to ask of you...

[Garnet holds Zidane’s hand.]

Garnet: I wish to be kidnapped...right away.

Zidane: H-Huh!? I don't... I mean...

[Someone knocks the door.]

???: Princess! Where are you!?

Garnet: Please... They've come for me!

[The princess pulls her hood down.]

Zidane: Aha... So that's what's going on... Alright! Leave them to me!

Garnet: Thank you. You have my gratitude.

[Zidane kneels down.]

Zidane: Alright then, Your Highness! I shall hereby do my best to kidnap you!

[Bows. Cinna enters.]

Cinna: What're you two doin'? Come on, this way!

Garnet: Aaah!

[Garnet hides behind Zidane.]

Zidane: Don't worry, Princess. It's my friend Cinna!

Garnet: Oh, really? I am sorry. You startled me.

Zidane: Well, with a face like his, I'd be pretty shocked, too!

Cinna: Man, that hurts! I wash up every morning, you know!

[Someone knocks the door again.]

???: Princess!?

Cinna: This way!

Zidane: Alright, we'll follow you!

[Garnet and Zidane follows Cinna into the room where the Tantalus group had their first meeting at the start of the game. The person who was knocking enters.]

???: Princess?

[Walks in.]

Steiner: Princess...

[Steiner goes left.]

Stenier: Princess!

[Runs up.]

Steiner: Princess...?

[Steiner shouts.]

Steiner: PRINCESS!!!? Princess?

[A Pluto Knight comes in.]

Steiner: Where have you been!?

Pluto Knight: Sir! I'm sorry, sir!

Steiner: Princess?

[At the right room...]

Zidane: Hey Cinna! This is a dead end!

Cinna: Hehehe. I thought this might happen...

[Cinna walks over to the table.]

Cinna: Open!

[The table goes up revealing a hidden hatch.]

Cinna: Sesame!

[The hatch opens.]

Cinna: So I set up this escape hatch!

[Steiner knocks on the door.]

Steiner: Princess!

Cinna: Come on! Jump inside!

[The three jumps into the hole. Steiner and the Pluto Knight comes in.]

Steiner: The princess must be down there!

Knight: I-I'll go first, sir!

[The Pluto Knight jumps in and gets stuck.]

Steiner: Hey!!! What do you think you're doing!?

Pluto Knight: Captain, sir! I'm stuck, sir!

Steiner: Grrrr! Blast it!!!

[Steiner runs out of the room.]

Pluto Knight: Hehehe. He bought it!

[The scene changes to Zidane, Garnet and Cinna.]

Zidane: Wow, you're really athletic, Princess. I think I'm falling for you!

Garnet: This is nothing. I have been training to escape the castle, after all.

Zidane: What a waste. If only you weren't a princess...

Garnet: We have no time for idle banter. Come, let us move on!

[The three runs off and encounters Steiner in the other room.]

Steiner: Aha! Princess! I, Steiner, have come to your rescue!

[The Pluto Knight comes inside the room.]

Pluto Knight: You needn't worry, Your Highness!

Steiner: Good work! This will be remembered as the Pluto Knights' finest hour!

Pluto Knight: Hehehe! Just relax, Princess. We'll get you outta here!

Steiner: WHAT!!!? You're not one of my knights!

Zidane: You can just...

Cinna: ...leave the princess...

Zidane, Cinna, and the Pluto Knight: us!

[A battle ensues between Steiner and Zidane’s party. Zidane, Cinna and Blank pummels Steiner. Steiner barely dodges the three’s blow.]

Steiner: I will never give up.
[Great force of energy forms around Steiner’s sword. Steiner shouts Armor Break and brings his sword down from up and swings it at the three. Zidane and Cinna jumps out of the way as the wave of energy swings by them and hits Blank (Pluto Knight). Resulting a broken armor and released oglops. Everybody goes ballistic.]

Cinna: I hate oglops!

Zidane: Now's our chance! Come on!

[Zidane and Garnet using the opportunity escapes. The scene then changes to King Leo, back on the stage, doing a monologue.]

King Leo: Tonight, I shall finally see my daughter Cornelia betroth'd to Prince Schneider! And then Prince Schneider and his kingdom will be mine! Gwahahahaha!

[Two guards walk onto the stage, holding Marcus.]

Zenero: Your Majesty!

Benero: We have caught an intruder!

King Leo: Why, my poor Marcus! Hark, lad. No matter how much thou dost treasure matter how deeply she might believe she doth love thee......never shall I see her marry a peasant such as thee!

[A bell rings.]

King Leo: When the bell strikes three... Under the axe thou shall be!

[The bell strikes a second time. Meanwhile, in the room where Zidane and Garnet escaped into.]

Garnet: What now? We cannot go any further!

Zidane: Hmmm...

[Cinna comes runs in.]

Cinna: Zidane! Get on Number Two!

Zidane: Okay! Princess Garnet, this way!

[Zidane and Garnet stands on some kind of a platform right when Steiner comes barging in.]

Steiner: Stop!

[Steiner hits Cinna.]

Cinna: Yow!

[Steiner also stands on the platform parallel to Zidane and Garnet's. Both platforms begins to rise upwards. Back on the stage, the bell rings a third time.]

King Leo: Futhermore!

[The two platforms rises up onto the stage. Garnet, Zidane, and Steiner joins the group of King Leo, Marcus, Benero and Zenero on stage.]

Zidane: (Guys! Just improvise!)

Steiner: Ho? What's all this?

[Marcus breaks free from the guards and runs up to Garnet.]

Marcus: Cornelia!

Garnet: (Um...)

Zidane: (Marcus is Cornelia's lover!)

Garnet: Oh, Marcus!

Zidane: (Yeah, you're doing great!)

Garnet: (Ahaha. I have studied drama, you know.)

Baku: (Okay, guys. Let's keep going. Brahne's still watchin', after all!)

Garnet: Oh, Marcus! I missed you so!

[Garnet hugs Marcus.]

Garnet: I wish never to leave thy side. Prithee, lead me from this place!

Zidane: See, King Leo? Thou shouldst give them thy blessing!

King Leo: Never! Never leave his side, thou sayest? Foolish banter! I'll not allow it! Cornelia shall marry none other than this man - Prince Schneider! Is that not so, Prince Schneider?

Steiner: M-Marry the princess? Me!?

King Leo: Aye! And this traitorous crew, I will put to death!

[Zidane and Marcus attacks the two guards.]

Benero: Too many of them!

Zenero: Run away!

[Benero and Zenero runs off the stage. King Leo approaches Garnet.]

King Leo: Pray, sweet daughter, come home to the castle with me.

Garnet: Nay, Father! I shan't return!

King Leo: Cornelia... Trouble me no more. This wedding is for thine own welfare. Be mindful of that.

Marcus: Not if I can help it!!! Now is my moment of vengeance! For my parents, and for my love, Cornelia...

[Marcus draws his sword.]

Marcus: I shall cut thee down!

[Marcus steps forward to stab Leo. Garnet goes in front of Leo and gets stabbed.]

Garnet: Ngh!

[Steiner begins to breakdown, thinking she was actually stabbed.]

Marcus: No... Cornelia!!!

Garnet: Mar...cus, forgive me. I still love my father...

King Leo: Cornelia!

Steiner: Princess!

Garnet: Prithee, forgive my selfishness, Father, and spare my sweet Marcus...

Marcus: What have I done!? Am I never to hear her loving voice again!? Am I cursed never again to feel her soft touch!? O, cruel fate! Thou hast robbed me of all I treasure!

[Marcus stabs himself.]

Marcus: Ngah!

Zidane: Marcus!

[The screen changes view to Queen Brahne.]

Queen Brahne: Oh, my! This year's show is splendid! Waaaaaaa! Why did she have to die!? Why!? (Now, where could Garnet be?) Boo-hoo-hooo!!!


Puck: Wow, what a show!

Vivi: Yeah, so sad...

Puck: I'm glad we climbed all the way over here. How ‘bout you, huh? Uh oh! Looks like trouble!

[Two Pluto knights chases Puck and Vivi]

Haagen, Pluto Knight VIII: Stop, you!

Weimar, Pluto Knight VII: Come back, trespassers!

[Puck and Vivi runs. Puck manages to escape but Vivi trips over and falls down.]

Puck: Fool! I'm outta here!

Haagen, Pluto Knight VIII: Fury!!!

Weimar, Pluto Knight VII: Come back here!

[Meanwhile at the stage...]

King Leo: Forgive me!!!

Steiner: Princess!!!

[Vivi runs onto the stage.]

Vivi: Leave me alone!

Haagen, Pluto Knight VIII: Stop!!!

Weimar, Pluto Knight VII: Come back here!

Vivi: Don't come any closer!

[Vivi casts fire which accidentally hits and burns Garnet's hood.]

Garnet: Ow! That's hot!

[Garnet throws off her hood.]

Baku: Zidane! It's time!

Zidane: Princess Garnet! Let's get outta here!

Steiner: What... What is going on!?

Garnet: Steiner! Don't follow me anymore!

Haagen, Pluto Knight VIII: Captain, sir! We await your orders, sir!

Steiner: Hmmm... Well... Umm... Errr... Princess! I'm afraid I cannot comply!

Garnet: Stubborn as always, aren't you?

Zidane: Come on, Princess. Let's ditch Sir Rustalot and get outta here!

Steiner: Princess, wait!

[Zidane makes his way to Vivi.]

Zidane: Hey, kid... You okay!?

Vivi: Y-Yeah. I just tripped, that's all...

Steiner: Princess, I cannot allow you to go! Seize them at once!

[Steiner takes a blow from Blank’s sword.]

Steiner: Only a flesh wound..

[At Prima Vista’s bridge..]

Cinna: Stabilizers configured!

Baku: Good!

Blank: Engine room is good to go!

Baku: Alright! We're movin' out!

Blank: Roger that!

#| FMV |#
[The Theater Ship begins to ascend. The Queen sees this and calls in for the spear cannons. Three spears flies through the air and hits the ship. The ship loses its balance and rams a nearby building. Another round of spears hits the ship. Some of the people on board collapses and falls down. The Queen Brahne jumps up and down, ordering the soldiers. A door opens above the Queen and a huge cannonball appears. The cannonball fires a big ball of bomb.]

[The bomb lands behind Steiner.

#| FMV |#
[The bomb explodes. Queen Brahne cheers. The ship comes out of the mist and sails through the air. Queen Brahne can’t believe it. She breaks her fan in half. The ship loses its power because of the explosion.]

Cinna: We're gonna crash!!!

#| FMV |#
[The ship slowly ascends down and crashes in a middle of a forest.]

[At Alexandria...]

Queen Brahne: Garnet... I never imagined you would do such a thing. Perhaps you're not such a helpless little girl anymore... Zorn!

[Zorn appears.]

Queen Brahne: Thorn!

[Thorn appears.]

Queen Brahne: Is our little experiment ready?

Zorn: Yes, Your Majesty. It is combat-ready.

Thorn: Easily terminate Princess Garnet, it can, Your Majesty.

Queen Brahne: I need her alive! Bring her back at once!

[Zidane wakes up in a middle of a forest. Zidane stands up and walks over to the edge of a cliff and sees the crashed ship. The screen shifts to Baku in the bridge. Baku and Cinna regains conscious.]

Baku: Oww... My back's killin' me. Are you alright?

Cinna: Yes, but the Prima Vista’s wasted.

Baku: Just our luck to crash in this forest... It’s gonna get interesting...

Cinna: What do you mean, ‘interesting,’ Boss? I hear no one’s ever made it outta here alive.

[Blank rushes in.]

Blank: Boss! There’s fire everywhere! It’s outta control!

Baku: Quit yer whinin’ and get it under control! And get the wounded outta here!

Blank: Alright!

[Blank runs out the room.]

Baku: Get our goods outta here, too: weapons, items, anything we can use! There’s no way we can survive if all our stuff is toast.

Cinna: I’m on it!

[Does the Tantalus shake and runs outside. Cinna lies down after carrying all the pile of supplies outside the ship.]

Cinna: Phew... I’m beat...

[Steps forward.]

Cinna: Hurry up and put out the fire! I can’t carry ‘em
all by myself!

[Zenero carries out a musician from the ship and drops him one the ground.]

Cinna: What the hell are they doin’!? The whole ship’s gonna burn up!

Zenero: They’re lookin’ for Garnet... Can’t find her anywhere. Maybe she fell off... Got squashed under the ship.

Cinna: This is great. First we kidnap her, then we kill her. We'll hang for sure.

[Zidane jumps down from the cliff and runs up to Cinna.]

Cinna: Zidane, I’m surprised you made it! I can’t believe you jumped off! You’re nuts, you know that?

Zidane: I didn’t jump off. I got thrown out from the impact. So, is everyone okay?

Cinna: Yeah. We’ve all got the devil’s luck. But if we don't find Princess Garnet, we're all dead meat.

- Meanwhile... Somewhere inside the Forest.

[Princess Garnet and Vivi runs up a hill.]


[Vivi trips and falls down.]

Princess Garnet: Are you alright?

[Garnet helps Vivi stand up. The two looks down the hill.]

Vivi: I-Is it still coming?

[Vivi steps back. A shadow bolts from above and stops on top of Garnet.]

Vivi: Watch out!

[The screen fades and shifts back to Zidane. Zidane decides to search the Princess and leaves Prima Vista’s crash site.]

+-----+-=-=-=+ EVIL FOREST +=-=-=-+-----+

[Zidane meets up with Vivi after searching for some time.]

Vivi: Sh-She’s in trouble...

Zidane: ...What the hell is that?

[Zidane runs up and sees Steiner fighting with a plant-like monster.]

Steiner: Release the princess at once!!!

Zidane: Yeah, like it’s gonna really listen to you. Come on!

[The two engages into battle with the monster. Zidane goes in Trance. A beams of light surrounds Zidane. Zidane starts to glow.]

Steiner: Wh-What is that light!?

Zidane: I don’t know. Somehow, it raises my power.

Steiner: Could it really be Trance...!? I’ve heard of it before! Trance is induced by a surge of emotion.

Zidane: Alright, let’s take him!

[Zidane meditates and shouts ‘Free Energy’. Zidane releases an incredibly powerful energy at the monster. The energy bolts at the monster, knocking him down hard. The plant-like monster disappears with the princess.]

Steiner: Princess? PRINCESS!!!

Zidane: What the heck? Where did they go?

Vivi: She’s gone...

[Steps forward.]

Vivi: I was too scared to cast any spells... That monster's
probably gonna eat her...

Steiner: How could I let this happen!?

Zidane: Don't worry. She's not dead yet. That monster was only a minion. He's probably gonna take her to his master.

Steiner: That means the princess might still be-Come! We must go find her at once!

Vivi: WHOA!!!

[Another plant grabs Vivi from above and captures him.]

Steiner and Zidane: !!!

[Zidane and Steiner goes into battle with the monster.]

Vivi: Let me go! Help me!

[Vivi casts Fire on the monster. A ball of flame strikes the monster. The monster shows resistance to Fire.]

Zidane: Magic seems effective.

[Zidane and Steiner, seeing the opportunity, goes in for a blow. The blow connects. Vivi casts another Fire. The ball of flame burns down the plant-like monster.]

Zidane: Nice.

[The monster releases Vivi and falls down on the ground.]

Vivi: Phew... Th-Thanks...

Zidane: Are you alright?

Vivi: Y-Yeah... I think so.

[The monster releases a green gas at Vivi and Steiner and dies.]

Zidane: !!!

Vivi: !!!

Steiner: UGH!

[Vivi and Steiner falls down on the ground.]

Steiner: P-Prin...Princess...

[The screen fades. Vivi wakes up on a bed in one of Prima Vista’s room.]

Blank: You guys are lucky. If it weren’t for Zidane, you’d both be dead. Some of the monsters in this forest reproduce by planting seeds in other animals. And when the seeds sprout, it’s hasta la vista: you become beef jerky.

Vivi: Um... A-Am I gonna die?

Blank: No. You’re gonna be fine. Here, drink this. It’ll remove all the seeds from your body.

[Vivi drinks the medicine.]

Vivi: Ugh...eeyuck...

[The camera shifts to Steiner and Zenero.]

Steiner: Princess... I’m coming right now...

[Steiner tries to walk down the stairs but gets blocked by Benero.]

Benero: ...Stand aside! Room behind you. Go.

Steiner: The princess... is in grave danger! Do you intend to ABANDON HER!?

Benero: You’re in no condition.

Zenero: Don’t worry about the princess. The boss’ll think of something.

[Zenero turns Steiner around.]

Steiner: Hey!

[Benero pushes Steiner inside the room.]

Steiner: Stop!

Zenero: Get some rest.

Benero: Yeah, and take that medicine I gave you.

[Steiner walks in.]

Steiner: Dammit... I can’t just stand here... The princess’s life rests in my hands. What can their boss possibly accomplish!? This medicine... It smells terrible. And the color... This is obviously poison! Ugh... I can’t take it anymore... God help me!

[Drinks the medicine.]

Steiner: Hey... Not bad.

[At the bridge...]

Baku: Forget it. Monsters born out of Mist are crawlin’ everywhere.

Zidane: So what? There’s nothing out there we can’t handle.

Baku: Yeah, but what are we gonna do about the wounded?

Zidane: We can take ‘em with us.

Baku: How are we gonna carry all of them? Trust me. We go out now, and we’ll all get wasted.

[Baku turns his back to Zidane.]

Baku: My boys come before the princess, you know. It’s
too bad...

Zidane: !!!

Baku: We’re gonna stay put ‘til everyone recovers. You better not set one foot outside this ship. You got that!?

Zidane: I can’t believe you’re abandoning her! You’re nothing but a big coward!

[Zidane walks out. Baku turns his head to look at Zidane.]

- Meanwhile... Steiner’s room.

Steiner: Hmm...

[Looks around.]

Steiner: The structure is in poor condition. Perhaps I can break out by ramming into the wall.

[Steiner thinks.]

Steiner: ............

[Runs down.]

Steiner: FIRE! FIRE!!! LET ME OUT!!! UGH! I’m still not feeling well...

[Sits down on the table.]

Steiner: What’s this?

[Reaches out and brings out a doll.]

Steiner: What an ugly doll... ‘Princess Garnet, age 15’!? H-How dare they write the princess’s name on such a ragged doll!? Besides, the princess is not 15! She’s 16! ...Princess...

- Meanwhile... At Alexandria

[Ruby in bar.]

Ruby: Where’d everybody go? And whut am I supposed to do now?

- Meanwhile... Outside Prima Vista.

Cinna: It should be here somewhere.

[Searches around the pile of supplies.]

Cinna: Huh...? Damn! Where is it!? What happened to my Garnet doll!? Man. How am I supposed to sleep now...?

[Falls down on the ground.]

Cinna: Geez... Poor little doll... The fire probably caught it.

[The camera shifts back to Zidane. Zidane makes his way inside Vivi’s room to check on him.]

Vivi: Oh...

[Vivi stands up.]

Vivi: Th-Thank you for helping me.

Zidane: Ah, don’t mention it. Besides, it was your black magic that saved the day. You know, you’ve got some major power for such a little guy.

Vivi: ......

Zidane: What’s wrong...? Are you peeved at me because I called you little? Hey, you’re a great mage with great powers, alright? To hell with looks. It’s what’s inside that counts.

Vivi: I’m sorry. When that monster caught her, I couldn’t do anything...

Zidane: Hey, don’t worry about the princess. I’ll get her back. I promise.

Vivi: Thank you, Mr. Zidane.

Zidane: Whoa, that’s the first time anyone’s called me ‘Mr.’ Just call me Zidane, alright?

Vivi: Okay...Zidane.

[Zidane leaves the room.]

Zidane: Geez... He was pretty down... Maybe I shouldn’t have made that promise. I don’t even know if I’ll be able to find her...

<< Flashback >>
[Zidane remembers his first meeting with the Princess.]

She was cute...
Then again, maybe I only thought so because she’s a princess.
No... She was definitely cute.

I never felt so strange...
Maybe fate brought us together...
I can’t explain it...

End of Flashback

Zidane: Man, I can’t stop thinking about her... What am I donna do...?
1. Go look for her
2. Forget it

< 1. Go look for her >
Zidane: Yeah! What’s there to think about!? She’s cute...and she’s in trouble. That’s all that matters.
<> Continues with the game <>

< 2. Forget it >
Zidane: ...The boss is right. The guys come first.

[Zidane enters the bridge.]

Zidane: Geez. I don’t know what to do...

<< Flashback >>
[Zidane remembers the one where Garnet asks her to kidnap her.]

I don’t know why I was chasing her so hard.
I didn’t really care about our plan at that point.
And it wasn’t just because she’s such a doll.

I can’t explain it.
I’m just drawn to her so strongly...

End of Flashback

Zidane: This is crazy. I don’t even know her. What am I gonna do...? Yeah! What’s there to think about!? She’s cute...and she’s in trouble. That’s all that matters.

[Walks down the stairs.]
<> Continues with the game <>

Voice: ...There you are.

[Blank appears.]

Blank: Why do you look so serious? Uh-oh... What are you up to this time?

Zidane: I’m gonna take that knight and the black mage to find the princess.

Blank: You’re crazy! Man, you don’t even know what’s out there. Besides, there’s no way the boss’ll allow that.

Zidane: I know...

Blank: Sheez... Why do you always gotta play hero? The boss is gonna kill you. Well, what are you waiting for? Go talk to the boss.

[Zidane makes his way to the meeting room.]

Baku: AH! AAAH! AAACHOOO!!! Took you long enough... I fell asleep, darn it. So, you’re leaving, eh?

Zidane: Yeah... I promised Garnet I’d kidnap her.

Baku: Gwahaha! I didn’t ask you why! I can’t blame you, though. She’s damn beautiful. I guess that’s reason enough! Well, I hope you’re ready! ‘Cause I’m gonna bust you up for breaking’ the rules.

Zidane: Alright.

[Baku steps forward.]

Baku: Okay, get your butt over to the cargo room. We got more room there.

[Baku kicks the door open and exits. Zidane follows.]

Baku: You ready!?

Zidane: Anytime!

Baku: I ain’t holdin’ back.

[Baku cracks his knuckles. Zidane gets ready. The two engages in battle.]

Baku: Bring it on! ARGHHH!

[Baku takes the upper hand and scores a hit on Zidane. Zidane goes flying down on the ground.]

Baku: Gwahaha!

[Zidane stands up and swings his right arm at Baku’s face. Baku ducks the blow.]

Baku: Rrrragh!

[And headbutts Zidane. Zidane falls down on the ground.]

Baku: You gotta fight better than that!

[Zidane stands up and punches Baku.]

Baku: Gwahahaha! That tickles!

[Zidane pummels Baku again and again.]

Baku: YEOWWW! Alright, you win.

[The two stops.]

Baku: I’ll be damned...

[Baku walks over to Zidane.]

Baku: Bravo!

[Baku punches Zidane on the stomach.]

Baku: Go find your princess! Gwahahahaha...

[Baku leaves. Zidane falls down on his knees, holding his stomach.]

Zidane: Damn, that hurt! He pulled his punches ‘till that last one.

[After winning Baku, Zidane heads to Steiner’s room to free him.]

Steiner: ............

Zidane: Come on. You’re too old to be playing with a doll.

[Zidane walks over to Steiner.]

Steiner: Silence! A scoundrel like you could never understand! I’m just overwhelmed with concern for the princess! If only you rogues hadn’t kidnapped her... This is all your fault! If anything should happen to the princess, I will have your head!

Zidane: Take it easy. Geez... I’m gonna go look for her now. I’ll let you come with me if you promise to be good. What do you say, Rusty?

Steiner: RR...RUSTY!!!? I am Adelbert Steiner, Captain of the Knights of Pluto, and I will never work with you conniving thieves!

Zidane: Captain? I figured you were a private, what with that cheap, rusty armor... Look, this has nothing to do with Tantalus. It’s something I decided to do on my own. I just wanna save Garnet.

Steiner: Hmph...! You had better not be lying! Because if you are, I won’t hesitate to kill you!

Zidane: Yeah, yeah. I’m counting on you, Rusty.

Steiner: Make no mistake. I’m only going with you to rescue the princess! I will deal with you personally when this is over!

Zidane: ...Whatever.

Steiner: It may be difficult with just the two of us. We should seek Master Vivi’s help as well.

Zidane: Why are you calling him ‘Master’?

Steiner: You fool. That black mage has unimaginable powers... I don’t want to get him involved, but alas, it can’t be helped. We need Master Vivi’s powers to rescue the princess.

Zidane: Alright, let’s go talk to Vivi.

[The two heads to where Vivi is.]

Zidane: Well, Vivi, we’re ready to go look for the princess.

Vivi: Really!? That’s great! Be careful, okay?

Zidane: Actually, we want you to come with us, too.

Vivi: Huh!? B-But I can’t do anything.

Steiner: Hardly, Master Vivi. Your magic was highly effective against that monster. In all honesty, I hold your power in greater esteem than I do this scoundrel’s.

Vivi: B-But...I’m scared. I couldn’t even move last time.

Steiner: Please, Master Vivi. For the sake of Princess Garnet and all of Alexandria, I humbly request your assistance!

Zidane: Come on! You’re a black mage, for crying out loud! Show us what you’ve got! Alright, let’s get going.

Vivi: ...Okay. I’ll... try my best.

Steiner: Thank you, Master Vivi.

[Zidane walks out. Vivi tries to exit but Steiner stops him.]

Steiner: Master Vivi...

Vivi: Yeah?

Steiner: It’s about your black magic. I wish to try an experiment.

[Steiner kneels down.]

Steiner: (I was wondering if...)

Vivi: Magic sword...? Okay. I’ll give it a try.

[The two exits the room. Zidane makes his way down.]

Blank: Sheez... you really dig her, huh?

Zidane: I can’t sit around knowing a girl’s in trouble. Goes against my nature.

Blank: Whatever. You’re full of crap.

Zidane: Ohhh.... I get it. You’re jealous that I’m gonna get me a sweetie pie.

Blank: Pshhh... She’s not even my type.

[Blank reaches in and brings out a bottle.]

Blank: I came down here to give you this.

Zidane: You’re always thinking about me...but I won’t need a love potion to reel this one in.

Blank: Why don’t you get your mind off girls for a second? This is the medicine I gave to that black mage and the knight. It’s sort of like a seed remover.

Zidane: Cool. This’ll really come in handy.

Blank: Why am I always helping you..?

[Zidane receives Blank’s medicine.]

Blank: Oh yeah. Here’s a little tip from the boss.

Don’t forget to set your abilities.

Leaving the band is your business, but you better keep training! Learning more abilities is gonna make you even stronger.

Good luck,

Zidane: Hey, Blank, how do you set abilities again?

Blank: Man, how can you forget? It’s so basic. Open the Menu, select Ability, select Equip, and choose the abilities you wanna set.

Zidane: Thanks, Blank. I’ll see you when I see you.

[Zidane leaves.]

Blank: How about never?

[Steiner and Vivi meets up with Zidane outside. The trio leaves the crash site and searches the princess around the forest.]

- Inside of Prima Vista.

[The band plays in the cargo room.]

Conductor: Okay, let’s really liven up this place!

Violinist: Yeah, let our music do the fighting against these monsters!

Cymbalist: This oughta boost morale.

Drummer: This is great!

Trumpeter: Brrum, brrrum, brrrruuum!

[Baku walks in.]

Baku: Hey, not bad!

[Baku makes his way to the door.]

Baku: I’m gonna go take a look around. Stay on your toes. We’ll be leaving soon.

Conductor: Alright.

Violinist: Okay, Boss!

Drummer: Okay, Boss!

Cymbalist: Okay, Boss!

Trumpeter: Brrruuuum!

[The screen fades. The trio comes across a scpring.]

Zidane: Hmmm... No sign of any monsters here.

[Zidane walks down and sees the spring.]

Zidane: A spring...

[The party rests for a moment.]

- Meanwhile... Inside Prima Vista.

Blank: Are you sure about this?

Baku: Yeah, don’t worry. We’ll be outta here soon, too. Here, take this map. It’s gonna be a long trip back to Lindblum...

[Blank takes the map.]

Blank: Alright. I’ll see you later.

Baku: I’m countin’ on you!

[The screen blacks out. After taking a rest at the spring, the trio heads deeper inside the forest. After wondering for some time, the trio finally finds Princess Garnet and a Huge Plant.]

Vivi: There she is!

Zidane: So, this is the master.

Steiner: Princess!!! You stay out of this! Alexandria would be disgraced if a mere bandit should rescue the princess.

Zidane: You think you can handle him on your own?

Steiner: ......

Zidane: Let’s get him, Vivi!

[The three commences in battle with the monster. Vivi and Steiner tries their Magic Sword. Steiner runs at the monster, Vivi releases Fire on Steiner’s sword. As Steiner’s sword connects on the monster, blaze of Fire burns the monster. The monster attacks with his right stem at Zidane. Zidane counters the blow and cuts the stem with his dagger.]

Blank: Whew, I made it just in time. Step aside, I’ll take care of this.

[Blank rushes in, avoiding the monsters stems, stabs his Iron Sword on the monster. With that the monster goes down.]

Blank: Zidane, give her the stuff.

[Zidane gives the medicine to Garnet.]

Steiner: Princess, please try to drink all of it.

Vivi: Is she gonna be okay?

[The ground rumbles.]

Blank: Oh, man! What now!?

[The ground cracks open a big hole. Two plants swarms up from the hole. One plant blocks the entranceway.]

Blank: Sheez! We’re gonna be surrounded!

Zidane: Let’s get out of here!

Blank: GO!

[Steiner carries Garnet out to the exit. Zidane follows.]

Blank: What are you waitin’ for!?

[Vivi and Blank runs out. The party runs through the forest. Zidane stops the look back.]

Blank: What are you doin’!?

Zidane: Something’s wrong...

Blank: What?

Zidane: The entire forest is coming after us. Blank... Take care of everyone.

Blank: (What did he mean by that?)

[The two unites with the party.]

#| FMV |#
[Hundreds of monster chases the party down the forest. The tension starts to build as the monster starts to petrify. One of the monster catches up with Zidane. Blank pushes Zidane aside and gets caught by the monster. Zidane turns around to look at Blank. As Blank gets petrified from below, he brings out the map Baku gave him and throws it at Zidane. The map goes flying by Zidane. Having no choice, Zidane runs down and grabs the map. Steiner, Garnet and Vivi makes it outside. Hundreds of thorny stems flings through Zidane. Zidane bolts out of the way and barely dodges. He jumps through the exit just in time as the forest completely blocks the exit and petrifies.]

Zidane: Dammit!!! That idiot! Blank...

[Zidane pounds on the petrified forest. Night falls and the party starts a fire.]

Vivi: I hope she gets well soon...

[Steiner points at Zidane.]

Steiner: This is all his fault! Have you nothing to say, you filth!?

Garnet: ...Oh..

[Garnet sits up.]

Steiner: P-Princess!!!

[Vivi jumps up and down in excitement.]

Garnet: ...Steiner? ...How did I survive...? You brought me here?

Steiner: It is my sworn duty to protect you at any cost.

Zidane: What are you talking about? It was Vivi’s magic and my dagger that got you out of there, Princess.

Garnet: I thank you both.

Steiner: That monkey deserves no praise! None of this would’ve happened if you and your band hadn’t abducted the princess! And how dare you claim that you have rescued her!? When we get back to Alexandria, I will-

Garnet: Steiner... I left the castle of my own will.

Zidane: What a coincidence, eh? We wanted to snatch her, and she wanted to be snatched.

Steiner: Impossible!

Garnet: It’s true.

Zidane: So what do you say, Rusty? Friends? Come on, let’s just enjoy this camping trip while it lasts.

Steiner: Camping-you imbecile! Surely even you must know something about the Mist. The vicious monsters it spawns! The abnormalities it stirs in the mind and body! Princess, we must leave this dangerous place at once.

Zidane: You’ve gotta be kidding. She hasn’t even fully recovered yet.

Steiner: Silence! Who asked for your opinion!?

Zidane: Alright, tell me... How do you plan to get out of here?

[Zidane walks down.]

Zidane: We’re standing in a valley surrounded by tall cliffs. And last I heard, North Gate and South Gate were sealed off.

Steiner: .........

Zidane: Yeah. That’s what I thought.

[Steiner shakes his fists.]

Steiner: Grrrrr...

Zidane: The princess can barely walk right now. You went through this. You should know. I think we should rest here for now.

Steiner: I will never follow your-

Zidane: Steiner!!! State your sworn duty!

Steiner: What else!? To protect Princess Garnet Til Alexandros! ...Very well. Until the princess recovers, I will guard this place with my life.

Zidane: Sounds good to me. Vivi, let’s get some rest.

[The two sits down beside the fire. The next morning, Zidane stands before the petrified forest. Princess Garnet comes.]

Zidane: How are you feeling?

Garnet: Good...thanks to that medicine you gave me. Could this be...?

Zidane: Yeah, I was surprised, too. After we beat that big plant-guy, the forest got completely petrified.

Garnet: Vivi told me that we were able to escape because of your friend.

Zidane: ...His name is Blank.

Garnet: We must go help him.

Zidane: We can’t do anything for him right now.

Garnet: But...I can’t-

Zidane: we’ll come back for him. I’m sure there’s a way to cure him. Let’s get going. According to the map that Blank gave me, there’s a cavern to the south of us. Maybe we can get above the Mist through that cavern.

[Garnet holds her stomach.]

Zidane: Are you alright?

[Garnet nods.]

Zidane: Everything’s gonna be fine. Trust me.

[The party gets ready to leave. A moogle comes.]

Vivi: Look! There’s something coming!

Monty: Wait! Kupo!

[The moogle flies over to Zidane.]

Monty: I’m impressed, kupo! First time I’ve seen anyone escape from Evil Forest. You all must be strong, kupo! But don’t get cocky, kupo. Lots of stronger monsters ahead. Before you go out to the world, Mogster will teach you a few things.

[Mogster teaches the party lessons.]

Monty: I have a gift for you, kupo. Take this flute.

[Zidane receives the Moogle’s Flute.]

Monty: With this flute, you can call us anywhere in the world, kupo. Press [] to play it. Happy trails! Kupo!

Garnet: Thank you.

Monty: Kupopo!

Vivi: Bye!

Monty: Kupoo!

[Vivi and Garnet leaves the area. Zidane slaps Steiner’s back to wake him up and leaves the area. Steiner wakes up and looks back.]

Steiner: !!!

[Steiner looks around.]

Steiner: What the... Who goes there!?

Monty: Your friends already left, kupo.

Steiner: Princess, wait!

[Steiner runs after the party. The party arrives at the designated place.]

Vivi: U-Um...

Zidane: What’s up, Vivi?

Vivi: Have you ever heard of the Ice Cavern?

Zidane: Sure... Is this the place?

Vivi: I think so... It’s supposed to be near Evil Forest.

Garnet: I’ve heard of it. It’s supposed to be a beautiful place, covered in ice.

Vivi: My grandpa told me about this place. He said the cavern takes travelers to the top of the Mist.

Steiner: Bravo! Master Vivi’s grandfather must be quite a scholar! We must thank him upon escaping the Mist!

Vivi: My grandpa used to teach me lots of things, but he passed away...

Steiner: Oh... Forgive my indiscretion.

Vivi: Don’t worry about it.

Zidane: Well...why don’t we go inside?

-=-=] ICE CAVERN [=-=-

[The party goes inside.]

Garnet: Oh...! What a beautiful place! Seeing the actual cavern is so much better than reading about it!

[Garnet sees a flower.]

Garnet: Oh, how pretty... I wonder what kind of flower this is?

Steiner: Princess! Please, don’t touch anything!

Zidane: Can we get moving? I’m freezin’ here.

[The party goes deeper inside the ice cave. The party comes across a frozen wall.]

Zidane: Huh? What’s this...? What a strange wall... There’s gotta be something behind it. Hey, Vivi!

Vivi: Y-Yes?

Zidane: Can you break this wall down with your magic?

Vivi: I...I’m coming.

[Vivi uses Fire and melts down the wall.]

Zidane: Whoa! I knew it! See? There might be other walls like this... I’m counting on you, Vivi!

Vivi: S-Sure!

[The party walks through the hole and explores deeper. Vivi uses Fire to melt down several walls and finally comes out to outside area. The party barely walks through the blizzard.]

Zidane: Vivi, hurry up, or you’ll be left behind!

Vivi: I...I’m coming.

[The four proceeds upwards. Vivi goes the wrong direction.]

Garnet: Oh no!

[Vivi falls down a short cliff.]

Steiner: Master Vivi! Are you okay?

[Steiner tries to rescue Vivi but falls down from the same cliff.]

Zidane: Yo, Rusty! You’re not alright, are you? What happened to you guys?

[Zidane jumps down to where Vivi and Steiner is. Zidane kicks Steiner.]

Zidane: Hey, Rusty! Have it or lose it!

[Zidane kicks Steiner harder.]

Zidane: Get up! ...It’s no use.

[Garnet falls down from the coldness. Zidane climbs up the cliff and sees Garnet.]

Zidane: Oh no! Garnet! Not you, too?

[Zidane walks over to Garnet.]

Zidane: Garnet? She’s out cold... Shoot... I’m falling asleep...

[Zidane falls down. A bell rings.]

Zidane: What’s that sound...?

[Zidane barely manages to stand up.]

Zidane: It came from over there... Is somebody there...?

[Zidane makes his way slowly up the hill.]

Voice: Why didn’t you fall asleep?

[Zidane looks up and sees a black mage with wings.]

Black Waltz No. 1: You should be dead by now...

Zidane: Are you the one causing this blizzard?

[The black mage jumps down and lands near Zidane.]

Black Waltz No. 1: Hee-hee-hee... That’s right!

[The two goes into battle mode. The black mage rings a bell.]

Black Waltz No. 1: Ice Giant, Sealion... Come before me!

[A huge like icy serpent appears.]

Black Waltz No. 1: Go, Sealion!

[Having no strength, Zidane quickly throws his dagger at the unsuspecting mage. The dagger hits the mage.]

Black Waltz No. 1: Ugh...! Sealion, kill him for me!

[The mage rings his bell and dies. The monster Sealion, calls upon Tsunami, a huge wave. The wave sends Zidane flying. Zidane recovers from the hit and Trances. He meditates all his strength and energy and releases. A huge Tidal Flame appears from back of Zidane and hits Sealion. The monster goes down and vanishes.]

You defeated No. 1, but No. 2 and
No. 3 will reclaim the princess!

[The blizzard subsides.]

Zidane: Wh-Who’s there?

[Zidane looks around.]

Zidane: Oh, whatever... I’ve gotta go back and check on them!

[Zidane runs back to the party. The camera pans up. Two Black Waltz look-alike stands on the hill. Vivi, Steiner and Garnet regains conscious.]

Garnet: Zidane!

[Vivi and Steiner climbs up the cliff. Zidane comes.]

Zidane: Hey, there. Everybody okay?

[Steiner walks over to Zidane.]

Steiner: You! What just happened?

Zidane: It was no big deal.

Steiner: You’re hiding something!

Zidane: Hey, nothing happened. You heard me.

Steiner: You...didn’t touch the princess, did you?

Zidane: Just what are you accusing me of?

Garnet: Steiner, he said nothing happened. Why are you being so rude?

Steiner: My apologies, Princess.

Garnet: Well, I’m glad everyone is safe. Shall we move on?

[Zidane thinks.]

Garnet: Zidane? Is something bothering you?

Zidane: No... It’s nothing.

[The party climbs on top and comes outside the cave.]

Garnet: We made it through the Mist! Oh, the sun feels great!

Zidane: Look, there’s a village.

[The camera pans and shows the village.]

Zidane: I think I’ve been there before...

Garnet: It sounds like you’ve been everywhere, Zidane. The only other worlds I’ve visited are in books. You may have been to that village. Let’s go visist.

[Garnet walks down the hill.]

Zidane: Wait. Hold it. You’re a princess! You can’t just go rushing in there. People are looking for you. You need a new identity.

[Steiner jumps and pushes Zidane. A dagger falls down from Zidane as Zidane almost falls down the high cliff and barely manages to stay on balance.]

Steiner: Insolent fool! The princess need not sneak around! Besides, we’re heading back to the castle. You leave her alone. And you will address her as ‘Princess’ from now on, you silly peasant!

[Garnet picks up Zidane’s dagger from the ground.]

Zidane: Dammit, Rusty! Why don’t you just shut up? Who do you think you are? I don’t take orders from a stuck-up jerk like you!

Vivi: You guys!

Garnet: Stop it, you two! ...Steiner, I do not intend to return to the castle. And I do see Zidane’s point. I need a new name...

[Garnet thinks for a moment.]

Garnet: Zidane... What is this called?

[Garnet shows the dagger to Zidane.]

Zidane: That? That’s a dagger. All knives of that length are called daggers. Short swords are a bit longer. The big sword you hold with both hands is called a broadsword. And...

Garnet: Oh, okay... I understand now.

[Garnet turns around and looks at the dagger.]

Garnet: So this is called a ‘dagger’...

Steiner: Princess! It’s a weapon! Please be careful.

Garnet: I’ve decided! From now on, my name is Dagger. I will be called Dagger from now on. What do you think, Zidane?

[Garnet turns back to face the party.]

Zidane: Is that okay with you?
1. Yes
2. No

< 2. No >
Garnet: I’ll pick a different name. Let’s see... I will be called from now on. Is that better?
<> You will be taken back to the choice <>

< 1. Yes >

Zidane: Great, Dagger. Now, let’s work on your speech... Try to sound more casual. Like me.

Dagger: I shall try.

Zidane: No, no, no...

[Zidane looks at Vivi.]

Zidane: (What would Vivi say...?

Vivi: ?

Zidane: Just say... ‘Alrighty.’

Dagger: A-Alrighty!

Zidane: You’re getting the hang of it!

[Zidane looks around.]

Zidane: Well... Let’s go.

[Dagger nods. The party walks down the hill and arrives at the village. Vivi sees the windmills.]

Vivi: Gee whiz, a windmill!

Zidane: Vivi, the inn is this way!

Vivi: Aw, do we have to? ...But I wanna go see the windmill.

Zidane: I know. But let’s get some rest first. We also need to decide what to do next.

[The four heads inside the inn. Two boy appears.]

A Boy: Did you see that?

Another Boy: I sure did.

----- VILLAGE OF DALI -----

[The innkeeper is sleeping.]

Zidane: Sleeping on the job?

[Zidane nudges the man. The man wakes up.]

Innkeeper Hal: Oh, I’m sorr...y.

[The Innkeeper looks at Vivi strangely. Zidane thinks he is staring at Dagger.]

Zidane: Hey, I know she’s cute, but it’s rude of you to stare.

Innkeeper Hal: Oh, I-I wasn’t looking at the young lady. I was just... The room is right over there.

[The man points the room]

Innkeeper Hal: Make yourselves at home.

[Zidane walks up to enter the room.]

Dagger: Um...Zidane? Where will I be staying?

Zidane: In the same room. Where else?

Dagger: But, Zidane... I mustn’t...

Zidane: I understand how you feel, but these country inns don’t have private rooms.

[Zidane opens the door to the room.]

Zidane: Get inside, everyone.

[The four walks inside the room. Steiner searches the room. Vivi stretches.]

Zidane: Tell me one thing before we go to sleep.

[Zidane walks over to Dagger.]

Zidane: Why did you wanna leave the castle, Dagger?

Dagger: If the theater ship hadn’t crashed...

Zidane: It would’ve arrived at the neighboring regency of Lindblum. You were gonna leave Alexandria!? I see. If you hadn’t been caught, you would’ve reached Lindblum by now.

[Zidane thinks.]

Zidane: But now... We’ll have to cross South Gate on foot. Border crossing, huh?

Dagger: Zidane, please listen. There is a reason I must leave this kingdom. I cannot tell you why... But...please...

Zidane: I understand... I’ll get you to Lindblum somehow.

Steiner: I’ve heard enough!

[Steiner steps forward.]

Steiner: Princess, you cannot truest the words of a thief! He may expose you to even more danger, like he did in Evil Forest! I beg of you, Princess. Please return with me to the castle.

Zidane: I know I screwed up in Evil Forest. But there’s no doubt in my mind now. I’ll protect Dagger with my life!

Steiner: Don’t be ridiculous! It is I who protect the princess, now and forever!

Zidane: Then tell me. How do you intend to take her back to the castle?

Steiner: I-I will think of a way...

Vivi: Zzz... Zzz...

[Steiner, Zidane and Dagger looks at Vivi.]

Steiner: Master Vivi...

Zidane: He was tired. But you had to go on a tirade.

Steiner: What!?

Zidane: Let’s go to sleep.

[The next morning. Zidane hears a girl singing.]

What a...beautiful voice...
Who’s singing...?

[Zidane gets up from bed and stretches.]

Zidane: I’ve never heard a song like that before... ...Was that Dagger singing? Oh, everyone’s up already. I wonder where they went?

- Outside the inn.

[Vivi walks up. Two boys stares at Vivi.]

A Boy: !

Snot-nosed Gudo: Ouch...! What’s going on?

[The snot-nosed kid sees Vivi.]

Snot-nosed Gudo: Hey, you’re...!

[The two boys runs off. The snot-nosed kid follows them.]

Vivi: ......

[Vivi walks up.]

Vivi: (Are they... avoiding me?) ......

- Meanwhile... In the Field

Dagger: I wonder... I wonder if the castle is okay? That was quite a ruckus...

[Dagger walks left.]

Dagger: Mother went too far. She didn’t have to fire at the ship, even if she did it to rescue me... I wonder how many people got hurt? I hope the damage wasn’t too severe.

[Dagger walks down.]

Dagger: Some people could’ve died... Like in Evil Forest...

[An old lady walks comes.]

Old Lady: You’re in my way, kiddo.

Dagger: (Kiddo?)

[Dagger turns around and sees the old lady.]

Dagger: Oh, my apologies... I mean, I’m sorry.

[Dagger makes a way for the old lady.]

Old Lady: Kids these days!

[The old lady tends her corps. Dagger stares at the old lady.]

Dagger: What are you doing?

Old Lady: Can’t you see what I am doing? I’m killing the bugs on the crops.

Dagger: You’re...killing the bugs?

Old Lady: Yeah, that’s what I’m doing! Bugs are just like monsters! They destroy our crops if you leave them be!

Dagger: (Crops?)

Old Lady: There’s one!

[An oglop jumps from the crops. Dagger catches the oglop.]

Dagger: Oh, an oglop! Oglops eat vegetables?

Old Lady: You’re a strange one. Most girls hate oglops.

Dagger: Is that so? It’s just that I haven’t seen too many of them... (Wait. Zidane told me to try to blend in...) (Maybe I should act like I don’t like oglops.) (1, 2, 3.) Aaahhh!

[Dagger throws the oglop away.]

- Inside the Hotel...

[A cat meows. The cat jumps down and jumps up on top of the counter.]

Innkeeper Hal: Oh, it’s you... What should I do? I don’t wanna give in to my brother, but everyone else’s makin’ money ‘cept me......... Hey, wasn’t that customer traveling with...? I won’t have to give in if I tell him about them!

- Inside the Weapon Shop

[Dagger stands inside the shop.]

Dagger: (I must speak with this girl and learn how common folk speak.)

[Dagger slowly walks over to the counter.]

Shopkeeper Eve: Welcome!

[The girl bows her head.]

Dagger: Um, yes, can we talk for a bit?

Shopkeeper Eve: Talk?

Dagger: What should I say...?
1. I’m from the country
2. Show me what you’re selling

Dagger: Um...

[A boy comes in rushing before Dagger could say anything.]

Pasty Yacha: Eve!!!

Shopkeeper Eve: Yacha! Can’t you see I’m with a customer?

Pasta Yacha: But I just heard something awesome!

Dagger: (Awesome?)

Shopkeeper Eve: Can’t you see I’m working?

Dagger: Um, please... I mean, don’t mind me. (Here’s a chance to listen in on some conversation.)

Pasta Yacha: Thanks, lady! I was gonna say...

[The screen fades. Zidane walks out from his room and enters the Weapon Shop.]

Zidane: Dagger... (What’s she looking at?)

[Zidane walks beside her and looks at the same thing. Dagger doesn’t notice Zidane a bit. After a while, Dagger sees Zidane.]

Dagger: Zidane!?

Zidane: You got a fever or something? Your face is all red.

Dagger: I-It’s nothing. I’m fine.

Zidane: You’re acting strange...

Dagger: What?

Zidane: I get it!!! You changed the way you talk!
1. You’re doing great!
2. You still sound funny, though

< 1. You’re doing great! >
Dagger: Thanks
<> Continues with the game <>

< 2. You still sound funny, though >
Dagger: I just started! I’ll master it soon enough!
<> Continues with the game <>

Dagger: I did fine in the play, didn’t I?

Zidane: Oh yeah, I thought...
1. You were Ruby!
2. You sure know how to fake it!

< 1. You were Ruby! >
Dagger: I’m a big fan of Lord Avon’s plays. I have-I mean, I’ve seen all of them. ‘I Want to Be Your Canary’ is one of my favorites!

Zidane: Oh yeah?

Dagger: Is Ruby the young lady with the strange accent?

Zidane: Uh, yeah.

Dagger: Should I talk more like her?

Zidane: What? No, no. She’s really finicky about her speech. She always laughs at us whenever we try to mimic her. So you should just be yourself, Dagger.

Dagger: I understa...

[Zidane nods.]

Dagger: Alrighty!

Zidane: Ha ha...

Dagger: Tee hee.
<> Continues with the game <>

< 2. You sure know how to fake it! >
Dagger: Fake!? How insensetive! I love Lord Avon’s plays. I’ve seen all of them. ‘I Want to Be Your Canary’ is one of my favorites. I even have all the lines memorized! I shall...I’ll learn soon enough.

Zidane: Geez, you don’t have to get mad. I’m sorry.
<> Continues with the game <>

Zidane: We need to decide what to do from here. Will you go back to the inn?

Dagger: What about you?

Zidane: I’m gonna look for Vivi and Steiner.

Dagger: Alrighty. I’ll catch you later.

Zidane: (Good! You sound just like a regular village girl.)

[Dagger nods.]

Zidane: (Crossing the border might not be so tough after all...)

[Dagger turns around and looks at the shop girl.]

Dagger: Thanks. I had fun!

[Dagger bows down and walks out.]

Shopkeeper Eve: She was a strange one.

[Zidane steps out and finds Vivi watching a windmill.]

Zidane: Hey, Vivi. What’s up?

Vivi: Zidane! N-Nothing, I was just thinking.

Zidane: Ah, I see.

Vivi: ?

Zidane: You met a girl!

Vivi: No, no! Nothing like that!

Zidane: What? Don’t tell me you don’t like girls!

Vivi: I never really thought about stuff like...that.

Zidane: I’m always thinking about girls. I’m popular with ALL the ladies in Lindblum.

[Zidane kneels down.]

Zidane: Come to me if you have any girl trouble, okay?

Vivi: S-Sure. Thanks.

Zidane: Okay, then. We need to decide what to do. I asked Dagger to head back to the inn. Would you mind going back there, too?

Vivi: Sure, I’ll head back.

Zidane: So, what were you staring at?

Vivi: Nothing. But I keep hearing a sound like ‘kweh.’

Zidane: That’s the sound chocobos make...

Vivi: ......

Zidane: ......

[Both stares at the windmill.]

Zidane: I’ll see you back at the inn!

Vivi: Okay!

[Zidane leaves the area.]

Vivi: What are chocobos...?

[Vivi hears another kweh sound.]

Vivi: Chocobo!?

[A man comes out and snatches Vivi.]

Vivi: Aaah!

[The man takes Vivi and disappears from the area. Zidane walks down to the inn.]

Zidane: Huh? I’ll just let Steiner be and go back to the inn.

- Meanwhile... Inside the Inn.

[The cat meows.]

Innkeeper Hal: Hee hee hee...! Oh, the look on his face! He sent someone to pick it up right away! All I need to do now is keep quiet until the quests leave... Gotta pretend I’m asleep! Hee hee hee...!

[Zidane enters the room.]

Zidane: Did you wait long? I asked Vivi to head back. He should be back soon. How do you like this village? Pretty different from the castle, I bet.

Dagger: Yes. The kids are very energetic, and there are so many things to see. I’ve never walked around so freely before in my life! But... Where are all the adults?

Zidane: Yeah... I used to see them tending the farm next to the village.

Dagger: But that farm is tiny.

Zidane: Yeah. There’s something strange going on... We’ll leave once Vivi gets back.

Dagger: But... What about Steiner?

Zidane: I have a good plan for crossing South Gate. It’s gonna be easy! They’re not looking for the rest of us, so we’ll just hide you!

[Zidane back flips and lands on his bed.]

Zidane: Forget about Rusty. Leave everything to me!

[The screen blacks out.]

- In a Pub.

Voice: Firewood stacking duties are complete!

[Steiner comes out from the back room.]

Steiner: I await your command!

Dutiful Daughter Slai: It’s my job to clean the bar. Why are you doing all this?

Steiner: S-Sorry. Well, now that you have time, would you introduce me to some adults, like your father?

Dutiful Daughter Slai: My father won’t be back until nightfall. All the other men are also working. They don’t come here during the day.

Steiner: Pubs are supposed to be a prime source of information...

[Steiner thinks.]

Steiner: Ahem! I need not ask an adult. Let me ask you a question! I need to know about what transportation method people use in this village. I cannot tell you the reason, but there is someone I must escort to the castle.

Dutiful Daughter Slai: Are you from Alexandria Castle?

Steiner: Indeed! I command the queen’s Knights of Pluto! I am Adelbert Steiner, Captain of the Knights of the Pluto!

Dutiful Daughter Slai: Knights of Pluto...? Oh. Well, if you’re from the castle, I guess it’s okay to tell you... Please go to the observatory on top of a mountain on the outskirts of the village. An old man named Morrid lives there. He takes care of the cargo ship.

Steiner: Cargo ship!? So, that piece of junk flies to this village! Thank you!

[Steiner salutes and tries to leave.]

Dutiful Daughter Slai: Wait!

Steiner: Yes?

Dutiful Daughter Slai: Thank you for cleaning.

Steiner: Nay, it is I who should thank you for your assistance. I must make haste!

[Meanwhile, at the inn.]

Zidane: ...As it turned out, it didn’t matter that we snuck into their mansion. But the Kings were hiding something in their mansion...

[Zidane looks at Dagger.}

Zidane: What’s wrong? Am I boring you?

Dagger: Oh, no. Your story is very interesting. But I’m concerned about Vivi. Why isn’t he back yet?

Zidane: You’re right. He is late. I’m not worried about Steiner, but Vivi, I’m not so sure about. Let’s go look for him.

[Zidane and Dagger steps out of the inn.]

Zidane: Wait a minute... Last time I saw Vivi, he was standing over there.

[Zidane and Dagger comes at the place where Zidane saw Vivi. Zidane and Dagger hears a chocobo.]

Zidane: Did I hear a chocobo? Vivi said he heard a chocobo here.

Zidane: Is someone crying...?

Zidane: It’s coming from the hole...

[Zidane walks over to a hole nearby. Zidane kneels down to listen.]

Zidane: Vivi...?


Zidane: Vivi! Where are you? Are you underground? Can you move?

They told me to stay here...

Zidane: Are you hurt?


Zidane: Don’t worry, we’ll get you out. We’ll hurry, so stay where you are, okay?


[Zidane stands up.]

Zidane: What’s going on in this vilalge...? There’s gotta be a way into the underground somewhere. Let’s look for one.

[Dagger nods.]

Dagger: Okay!

Zidane: It seems like such a quiet village...

[The two steps inside the building to the left. Zidane sees a hatch.]

Zidane: Heh, isn’t this obvious?

[Zidane opens the hatch.]

Zidane: There’s a cool breeze...
1. Go down
2. Don’t go down

[Zidane and Dagger climbs down.]

Zidane: This isn’t... ...just a regular underground storage facility.

Dagger: What’s going on?

Zidane: (Shhh!)

[Zidane slowly walks and sits down beside a big barrel. Zidane and Dagger hears a conversation between two men.]

Man: Why is it moving...? Is it true that the mayor’s brother found it?

Young Man: I guess they reconciled. His brother’s one of us now.

Man: ...Wasn’t he on the old lady’s side before?

Young Man: Oh, about abandoning the farm? He probably only said that because he was fighting with the mayor. Who cares? We need more workers anyway. Hey, let’s put this in a box.

Man: I guess the guys at the castle will take care of it.

Dagger: (The castle...!?)

Young Man: Yup. We’re only in charge of production.

Dagger: !

[Dagger slowly walks near Zidane.]

Man: Gotcha.

Young Man: Come along, now.

[Dagger sees the big barrel beside her.]

Dagger: (The pattern on this barrel...)

[The two men comes out from the shed with Vivi.]

Young Man: Hurry up!

Zidane: (Vivi!) (That bastard!)

[Zidane tries to attack.]

Dagger: (Zidane! Wait!)

[Daggers pulls Zidane back.]

Zidane: (Geez! Hey!)

[Vivi walks and stops.]

Vivi: ......

[The man hits Vivi on the back and signals him to move on. The two men takes Vivi into a different area.]

Zidane: What is it!?

Dagger: Did you see the large barrel next to the shed? I’ve seen the exact same pattern on some of the barrels at the castle. This place must have some kind of connection with Alexandria Castle. I must know what it is! So please... I beg of you, don’t cause any trouble just yet.

Zidane: ...Alright. But I will start trouble if Vivi is in danger. Agreed?

Dagger: Sure.

Zidane: Alright, let’s go.

[Zidane and Dagger proceeds further. Zidane sees eggs coming out from a strange looking machine.]

Zidane: What the heck is that?

[Zidane runs up to observe.]

Dagger: Zidane!

[Zidane stops and runs back to Dagger.]

Zidane: What is it?

Dagger: Someone’s crying...

Zidane: ......

[Zidane jumps on a small barrel.]

Zidane: ...Vivi?

Vivi: Zidane!?

Zidane: It IS you!

[Zidane jumps down from the barrel.]

Zidane: I’ll get you out!

[Zidane tries to open the box where Vivi is.]

Zidane: Why would they stuff you in a box?

Dagger: How could they...?

Vivi: U-Um...

Zidane: We’ll talk later? Hooold on! ...It’s open!

[Zidane opens the box and frees Vivi.]

Zidane: What happened?

Vivi: After you left, some men kidnapped me and brought me here. They told me to stay put. I was so scared... I didn’t know waht to do. They asked me, ‘Why were you outside?’ and then they said, ‘The cargo ship isn’t even here yet.’ I didn’t know what they were talking about, so I didn’t say anything, and then they said, ‘Let’s put it in today’s shipment.’

Dagger: And they put you in that box?

Vivi: ...Yeah.

Zidane: Well, I’m glad you’re safe. Listen, Vivi. You gotta do something next time. You should try-screaming back or whatever.

Vivi: Screaming...?

Zidane: Yeah, like... ‘Get off me, you scumbag!’

Dagger: (Scumbag?)

Zidane: Like that! It surprises your attacker and empowers you!

Vivi: Huh... I see.

Zidane: I need to ask you a favor, Vivi. We want to check out what’s ahead. I know you might not be thrilled with the idea, but...

Vivi: ...Zidane, I wanna know more, too. Look... What is that thing?

[Vivi points at the huge egg producing machine.]

Zidane: Alright, we’ll all go together!

[The three goes near the machine and examines.]

Zidane: Is that... an egg? Is this machine... making eggs? This isn’t a Mist engine, but there’s Mist coming out of it...

[The trio follows the huge egg-like things on a conveyor belt. The three sees a chocobo powering the conveyor belt.]

Zidane: A chocobo and...gysahl greens? The chocobo is powering the conveyor belt... Why don’t they just use a machine to do it...?

[The three sees the huge-egg like things heading into a strange machine.]

Zidane: Here’s another strange machine... It looks kinda like the Mist engine on the theater ship.

[The trio heads inside a narrow passageway and tries to see through glass.]

Zidane: I can almost see inside....but I can’t see anything. I just hear some noise. Are the eggs.. hatching?

[The party steps forward to a new area.]

Vivi: Ahhh! What is this!?

[The party sees black mages attached to an upper conveyor belt. The black mages are larger and taller than Vivi. The black mages are being headed into a weird machine.]

Zidane: They’re... Some parts are different, but... (...They look like Vivi.)

Vivi: Wh-What is this...? Are they...dolls?

Zidane: !

[Zidane looks back.]

Zidane: (Someone’s coming!) Vivi! Dagger!

Dagger: Why...? Is my mother behind this...?

[Vivi and Dagger is too shocked to hear Zidane.]

Zidane: This is the only way!

[Zidane grabs the two.]

Dagger: Ahhh! What are you doing, Zidane!?

Vivi: Wh-Whoa!

[Zidane takes the two and hides inside the weird looking machine that the dolls are being dragged into.]

Dagger: Ahhh! ...Murf...!!!! ...!!!

Zidane: Sorry! But stay quiet!

[A man enters the area.]

Young Man: Hey! Did you say something?

[The camera pans up, showing the other side of the area with workers.]

Worker: Nope. Not me.

Young Man: Okay. Nevermind. It’s almost time. Hurry it up, will ya?

Worker: I hear ya!

[A box falls down through a hole on top of the weird machine.]

Zidane: Whoa!

Dagger: Zidane!?

[The box gets out from the other side of the machine and into a big barrel. Another box falls down.]

Vivi: Ahhhhhh!

Dagger: Vivi!?

[Meanwhile on top of the mountain summit.]

Steiner: Pardon me! I must escort a person of high rank to the castle! When will the cargo ship arrive?

Morrid: Hmm.. Looks good.

[The old man ignores Steiner and enters his home. Steiner follows the old man.]

Morrid: The smell of coffee relaxes me. How about a cup?

[Morrid takes a cup of coffee.]

Steiner: Oh, thank you. I am not here to drink coffee! Tell me when the cargo ship will arrive, or else the Alexandrian royal family will appropriate this property!

Morrid: And then what?

Steiner: I order you to tell me when the cargo ship will arrive! Tell meeeee!!!

[The old man turns his back to Steiner.]

Morrid: You’re not a very creative interrogator.

Steiner: I am just trying to do what is right!

[The old man turns back to face Steiner.]

Morrid: Who decides right or wrong? You?

Steiner: Anyone can tell right from wrong.

Morrid: Ha ha ha... Still as green as a pickle.

[Turns back.]

Steiner: When will the cargo ship arrive!?

Morrid: It’s already here. They should be loading it now.

[Steiner jumps.]

Steiner: Why couldn’t you tell me sooner!?

[Steiner turns back to run and stops. Steiner salutes.]

Steiner: Thank you!

[Steiner runs out of the house. Steiner runs down to the field and sees the cargo ship.]

Steiner: Ah! It is indeed the cargo ship! Now I can take the princess back to the castle! Now I must think of a way to get her on the ship... Wha!? There is something coming out of the ground!

[Steiner rushes at the ship. The camera shifts to the cargo ship. A chocobo carries out a big barrel from underground.]

Man: I wonder what they’re gonna use them for? We’ve been making lots of ‘em since they set up the factory six months ago.

Young Man: Who cares? This is a piece of cake compared to farming. Better money, too.

[The man turns around to check on things.]

Man: ......

[The man sees Steiner running towards them.]

Man: H-Hey! Is that scary guy in armor running toward US!?

[The young man steps forward to see.]

Young Man: ......

[Sees Steiner.]

Young Man: Let’s get outta here!

[The man shuts the underground door and locks it. The young man takes the chocobo away leaving the big barrel behind. Steiner arrives at the scene and sees the big barrel.]

Steiner: This barrel... What could be inside!?

[Steiner examines the barrel.]

Steiner: What could they possibly be shipping out from this village?

[The big barrel shakes and moves.]

Steiner: What the- Did I just see that batter move? Let’s see...
1. Poke it with a sword
2. Observe it some more

< 1. Poke it with a sword >
[Steiner takes out his sword.]

Steiner: Hyah!

[Steiner stabs the barrel.]

Voice from the barrel: OW!

[Zidane jumps out from the barrel.]


[Zidane lands on the barrel, holding his behind. Zidane sees Steiner.]

Zidane: What did you do that for!?

Steiner: You!!!

Zidane: You almost stabbed Dagger!

Steiner: The princess!?

[Zidane jumps up, lands on Steiner’s head and lands on the ground.]

Steiner: Ouch!

[Steiner falls down.]
<> Continues with the game <>

< 2. Observe it some more >
[Steiner examines the barrel.]

Steiner: I’ve seen this pattern somewhere before...

[The barrel moves again.]

Steiner: Ah! It’s moving!

Zidane: Alright! Give it another push!

Steiner: Aaargh! The barrel spoke!

[The barrel falls down and knocks Steiner.]

Steiner: Gragh!
<> Continues with the game <>

[Vivi, Zidane and Dagger meets up with Steiner.]

Steiner: Princess, what in the world is going on!?

[Steiner points at Zidane.]

Steiner: You scoundrel! Is this your doing!?

Dagger: Steiner, please!

Steiner: Yes, Your Highness...

[Steiner turns around. Dagger looks at Zidane.]

Dagger: Zidane, I don’t know what to say to Vivi. I never knew anything suspicious was going on at the castle...

Zidane: We still don’t know for sure. Let’s stay by Vivi’s side.

[Dagger nods.]

Steiner: (This is not the time to panic...) (I must get the princess onboard the cargo ship somehow.) (Then we can head back to Alexandria castle.)

Zidane: Yo, Rusty, do you know where this airship’s going?

Steiner: ......... L-Lindblum. Yes, to Lindblum.

Zidane: That’s convenient! Did you ask someone?

Steiner: Th-The old man in the shack told me! So it must be true!

Zidane: You’re acting strange...

Steiner: Something is heading this way.

[A Black Waltz flies in.]

The Black Waltz: Princess Garnet, the queen is waiting for you at the castle!

Zidane: You were all sent by the castle!?

Steiner: What? What are you talking about!?

Zidane: You were all unconscious from the blizzard. He said he was a Black Waltz!

The Black Waltz: Are you the one who defeated No. 1? I am Black Waltz No. 2! My power, magic, and speed make me far superior to No. 1! Resistance is futile! Come, Princess. The queen awaits!

Dagger: No! I will not return to the castle.

Black Waltz No. 2: Come with me, or you’ll regret it!

Steiner: Wait! I, Steiner, shall escort the princess back to the castle!

Black Waltz No. 2: Kee hee hee! You think I care? I won’t let you stand in the way of my mission!

[The Black Waltz prepares to fight Vivi, Zidane and Steiner.]

Black Waltz No. 2: Princess, stay there while I kill the others! I won’t let you get in my way!

[Zidane quickly runs at the Black Waltz and attacks. The black Waltz deflects Zidane’s blow by casting Thunder on Zidane’s dagger. The dagger is sent flying from Zidane’s grasp. Zidane reels back. Steiner slashes with his sword on the Black Waltz and injures him.]

Black Waltz No. 2: My mission is to take back the princess!

[The Black Waltz releases a Firaga. A flare of fire from the Black Waltz’s hand, sends the trio down on the ground, hard. Dagger quickly casts Cure on the party. The party regains conscious. Zidane takes up his dagger and strikes his dagger on the Black Waltz. The Black Waltz collapses on the ground.]

Black Waltz No. 2: Wh-Why...!?

Dagger: Black Waltz No. 2... Did my mother really send him to capture me...?

Steiner: It can’t be! There is no reason to trust the words of some bandit.

[Steiner points at Zidane.]

Zteiner: He was just another criminal, scheming to use the princess for some evil deed.

Dagger: Have I not been careful enough?

Steiner: Your noble upbringing cannot be disguised so easily.

Zidane: That’s not true at all. You haven’t been watching. Dagger is trying really hard. You’re the one with the problem! Walking around, yelling ‘Princess!’ everywhere...

[Zidane turns around and looks at Dagger.]

Zidane: About the border crossing...

Dagger: Yes?

Zidane: Why don’t we hitch a ride on this airship?

Steiner: !

Dagger: Sure, Lindblum should not be terribly far by, airship! I mean... ‘won’t be too far.’ But why don’t we get some rest before we go?
1. Rest at the inn
2. Depart now.

< 1. Rest at the inn >
Zidane: Okay. Let’s head back to the village. Vivi, you’ll be safe with me.

[The party heads back to the inn. Zidane goes up the counter and sees the innkeeper sleeping.]

Zidane: He’s out cold...

[Zidane nudges the man.]

Innkeeper Hal: Oh, I’m sorr..y.

[The man sees Vivi.]

Innkeeper Hal: ...Hmm? (I thought they’d captured it already.)

[Zidane thinks the man is staring at Dagger.]

Zidane: Hey, I know she’s cute, but it’s rude of you to star.

Innkeeper Hal: Oh, no, I wasn’t staring at the young lady... Th-The room is through that door...

[The man points at the room.]

Innkeeper Hal: (Stay calm!)

Zidane: ...?

[The next morning. The party heads back to the fields.]
<> You will be taken back to the choice <>

< 2. Depart now >
Zidane: Wait here while I ask the people inside if we can hitch a ride.

Steiner: I-I shall go ask them!

Zidane: Oh, really. How come?

Steiner: I-It is not for your benefit! I am only doing this for the princess!

[Steiner runs off.]

Dagger: Steiner... He was so adamant about going back to the castle before......... An airship full of barrels like the ones I saw at the castle... Steiner was against going... Zidane, is this ship really headed for Lindblum?

Zidane: No. It’ll probably take us straight to Alexandria Castle.

Dagger: But why...? Didn’t you just say we should get on the ship?

Zidane: Yeah, I know. Trust me!

Vivi: ...Zidane.

Zidane: What is it, Vivi?

Vivi: Those dolls they were making underground... Did you think they look like me?
1. Yes
2. Not really

< 1. Yes >
Zidane: Maybe a little... But they’re just dolls, Vivi.
<> Continues with the game <>

< 2. Not really >
Zidane: Not really. They’re just dolls, Vivi.
<> Continues with the game <>

[The ship’s engine starts.]

Zidane: It’s moving. What the heck is Steiner up to? Alright, we have to get on, Dagger.

Dagger: On a ship that’s not going to Lindblum!

Zidane: I don’t have time to explain.

[Zidane runs at the back of the ship and waves at the two.]

Zidane: This way!

[Vivi comes and climbs up on board. Dagger steps forward and stop to look at the ship.]

Zidane: Hurry up!

[Dagger shakes her head.]

Zidane: You have nothing to worry about. Hurry, before she takes off!

Dagger: But...

Zidane: I’ll take you to Lindblum. I promise!

[Zidane runs behind Dagger and pushes her near the ladder.]

Dagger: Fine, I’ll get on!

Zidane: It’s taking off!

[Dagger climbs up. Zidane also climbs up the ladder and touches Dagger’s behind.]

Zidane: Ooo, soft...

Dagger: Aaah

#| FMV |#
[The cargo ship lifts off and sails.]

[Vivi, Dagger and Zidane stands on the rear deck.]

Zidane: Come on, it’s not like I did it on purpose.

Dagger: Please, enough.

Zidane: There’s that royal tone in your voice again.

[Zidane turns his way to Vivi.]

Zidane: ...Are you okay, Vivi?

Vivi: Feels like I’m going to get sucked into the sky...

Dagger: Let’s go inside, Vivi.

[Dagger opens the door, Vivi walks in.]

Dagger: I trust you, Zidane.

[Dagger walks inside.]

Zidane: I get the feeling she doesn’t quite trust me yet... Maybe she’ll reward me with a kiss or two if I try hard enough.

[Dagger comes running outside the rear deck.]

Zidane: (Wow, already!?)

Dagger: Zidane...!

Zidane: What is it? Something wrong?

Dagger: It’s Vivi...

Zidane: Vivi?

[The two runs inside. Zidane sees the black mages, that were produced on the underground in Dali, walking moving and working. Vivi tries to talk to them.]

Vivi: U-Um...

Zidane: ...! Wow, they’re alive, and they’re moving around! So, the mages built in the village bring back the new ones?

Vivi: Hello?

Dagger: Oh, Vivi...

Zidane: Vivi! Vivi!!!

[Vivi walks up to Zidane.]

Zidane: Were you able to talk to any of them?

Vivi: No... It’s like... ...they don’t even... ...see me at all... I tried... ...again and again... ...but... ...they won’t even turn around.

Zidane: Vivi.

[Zidane turns to Dagger.]

Zidane: I need to go upstairs for a little bit. I gotta turn the ship around before it reaches the castle.

Dagger: ......

Zidane: Keep an eye on Vivi, okay?

[Dagger nods. Zidane climbs up the stairs to the deck. Zidane sees Steiner, his head buried on the ground.]

Steiner: How could this happen...? What am I to do...? I never expected things to go so badly... I cannot believe the ship took off without the princess! What will I say to Queen Brahne...?

Zidane: What the heck were you doing? You almost took off without us!

Steiner: That is because... this ship’s crew... !

[Steiner stands up from the ground and sees Zidane.]

Steiner: Why, you..! Where is the princess!?

Zidane: In the engine room.

Steiner: She is on the ship!?

[Zidane nods.]

Steiner: All is well, now. This ship is returning to the castle. You will be hanged for the kidnapping of a member of the royal family! Enjoy your freedom while you can.

[Zidane walks inside the bridge. Steiner guards the hatch to the engine room.]

Steiner: At last! Queen Brahne is sure to be pleased. However...the princess would be have been left behind without the thief’s aid. I shall petition for a life sentence on his behalf. Yes, that would be the honorable thing! But that was because the crew wouldn’t listen! I must run a background check on them. Ah, yes. It is my duty as a knight!

[The ship rumbles and moves.]

Steiner: Wh-What the-

#| FMV |#
[The ship takes a fast turn into a different direction. The camera pans up. Another Black Waltz stands and looks at the ship. His wing spreads. The camera shifts in front of the Black Waltz’s face. The Black Waltz’s eyes narrows as lightning bolts quivers around.]

[In the bridge, Zidane steers the wheel. The black mage who was steering the wheel before, watches Zidane.]

Black Mage: ............

[Steiner comes inside the bridge.]

Steiner: Y-Y-Y

Zidane: What’s wrong? Something stuck in your throat?

Steiner: Y-You insolent fool! Turn the ship around!

[Steiner swings a fist at Zidane. Zidane jumps back just in time to avoid the fist.]

Steiner: Graaagh!!!

[Steiner tries to hit Zidane again but misses.]

Steiner: I will have your head for that!

[All the black mages surrounds the bridge.]

Zidane: Hey, I think we upset them.

[Steiner turns around and sees the black mages staring at him and Zidane.]

Steiner: But they didn’t respond to anything until now...

[Points at Zidane.]

Steiner: You’re the one who started this trouble!

[Steiner turns back to the black mages.]

Steiner: I apologize! Please wait while I take this fool into custody and turn the ship around.

[The black mages turns around.]

Steiner: Wh-What’s wrong!?

[The black mages leaves the bridge and walks up to the deck. The camera changes back to the deck. Vivi and Dagger climbs out on the deck. Dagger walks up to the bridge. The Black Waltz lands on the ship. Vivi turns around and sees the Black Waltz.]

Vivi: No...!

[The Black Waltz sends a lightning bolt on Vivi. The lightning bolt strikes Vivi.]

Voice: Vivi!

[Dagger comes in running at Vivi.]

Dagger: Are you okay!?

The Black Waltz: So, No. 2 was defeated by a small child! You are no match against my power! Kwahahaha! Princess, stay there while I eliminate this child!

[The black mages walks in and protects Vivi.]

Black Waltz No. 3: Are you protecting him?

[The black mages blocks the way to Vivi.]

Black Waltz No. 3: ...Nonsense. You are no different from mindless dolls! What can you do?

[Dagger grabs Vivi and drags him out of the scene.]

Black Waltz No. 3: Get out of my way! Do you dare to fight a Black Waltz?

[The black mages forms a ball of fire on their hands.]

Black Waltz No.3: I said, get out of my way!

[The Black Waltz sends a quick lightning bolt at the black mages.]

#| FMV |#
[The Black Waltz goes ballistic and fires off lightning bolts everywhere. The black mages gets swayed away by the lightning and hits the bridge windows. The glass shatters. The black mages falls off from the ship. The barrels of black mages on the ship flies off. Vivi Zidane, Dagger and Steiner witnesses the scene. The Black Waltz flies in front of the party. His eyes glows.]

Steiner: Wh-What cruelty!

Vivi: ...Aaahhh!

[Vivi runs out from the bridge to confront the Black Waltz.]

Steiner: Master Vivi, I shall assist you!

[Steiner follows Vivi outside.]

Zidane: Hey, you guys! Dagger!

Dagger: Y-Yes?

Zidane: We’ll take care of the Black waltz. You steer the ship. Things are gonna get even more dangerous from here on. It’s not too late to turn back. You can go back to the castle or cross South Gate into Lindblum. It’s your choice!

[Dagger nods.]

Zidane: I’ll be with you either way! But try not to crash the ship!

[Zidane runs out to join the two.]

Dagger: Be careful, Zidane!

Zidane: I’ll be fine!

[On the deck, Vivi and Steiner confronts the Black Waltz.]

Vivi: Why...? Why would you do such a thing!? Weren’t they your friends!?

Black Waltz No. 3: You fool. Do I look like some lowly black mage soldier?

Steiner: Even if they weren’t your allies, what you did was reprehensible!

[Zidane joins the two.]

Black Waltz No. 3: Kwahahaha! Worry not about them: many more are being produced even now!

Zidane: What are you?

Black Waltz No. 3: Ah, the princess’s bodyguards have gathered! How very convenient!

Zidane: Answer me!

Black Waltz: It wouldn’t do you any good if I answered, since you’re all going to die! Kwahahaha! I will eliminate any who stand in my way!

[The Black Waltz attacks the party. The trio jumps just in time to avoid a deadly lightning. Zidane grabs his dagger and sweeps it at the Black Waltz. The Black Waltz easily dodges the attack and sends a quick lightning bolt on Zidane. Zidane hits the ground.]

Black Waltz No. 3: You think you can defeat me?

[Vivi seeing this and witnessing the deaths of the black mages, goes into trance. Vivi goes ballistic, sending rounds and rounds of Fire at the Black Waltz. The Black Waltz barely dodges some of the Fires. Vivi sends of another rounds and rounds of Fire and Blizzard. The Blizzard and the Fire spells connects on the Black Waltz as Black Waltz feels the world of pain. The Black Waltz falls down on his knees after taking lots of hits from Vivi’s magic.]

Black Waltz No. 3: You... You scum...! I exist only to kill!

[The Black Waltz jump off from the ship and flies off.]

Steiner: Just how many Black Waltzes do we have to fight!? This is becoming ridiculous!

Zidane: I think that was the last one.

Steiner: How do you know!? Are you..!?

Zidane: He said ‘Waltz,’ right? Don’t you think No. 3 would be the last one?

Steiner: ?

Zidane: (I can see South Gate... She’s gonna go for it!)

[Zidane goes back to the bridge. Vivi stays on the deck and stares at one of the black mage’s hat, hanging on the ship. Meanwhile, Zorn and Thorn sees the cargo ship sail on their small airship.]

Thorn: That, I did see!

Zorn: Did you see that?

Thorn: Our black mage enhancements!

Zorn: Our enhanced black mages! All defeated?

Thorn: Betrayed us, Steiner did! It is all his fault!

Zorn: Huh?

Thorn: Unstable, the ship becomes! Don’t let go of the steering wheel!

Zorn: No. 3 is coming back!

Thorn: True is it!? Hurray!

Zorn: But something is wrong... It’s broken!!!

Thorn: Made its magic too powerful, we did!

Zorn: There’s nothing we can do now!

Thorn: Depart shall we!

Zorn: We shall depart!

Thorn: Run away!

Zorn: Run away!

[The two jesters jumps and flies off. The Black Waltz lands on the airship.]

Black Waltz No. 3: I exist only to kill!
I exist only to kill,
I exist only to kill,
I exist only to kill...!

[At the cargo ship, in the bridge. Zidane walks in.]

Zidane: Do you see South Gate?

Dagger: Yes!

Zidane: South Gate is a huge gate built exclusively for airships, but... ...maneuvering through it could be tricky. Do you want me to do it, Dagger?

Dagger: I want to do it on my own...

Zidane: Alright... We don’t have clearance. They might close the gate on us. It should be okay, though. Security was totally lax when I came through here on the theater ship. It’ll be fine, Captain Dagger!

Dagger: Roger!

[Zidane examines the engine.]

Zidane:’s old, but the engine’s got power.

[Steiner runs in.]

Steiner: We must turn back!!! Princess! Please turn the ship around! The Black Waltz is heading straight toward us on an airship!

[Zidane walks outside to see.]

Steiner: He might crash into us!

[Zidane runs in.]

Zidane: Dagger, Rusty’s right! It’s headed straight for us! Punch it! Go through South Gate!

[Steiner jumps in shock.]

Steiner: Don’t be ridiculous! What if the gate closes on us!?

Zidane: There’s no way we can outmaneuver him in this cargo ship! We’ll slide in before the gate closes and shut him out! That’s our only chance! Rusty! Turn the power up to max with that lever over there! Dagger, stay on course no matter what!

Dagger: Okay!

Zidane: I know we can make it!

[Zidane walks over to the lever.]

#| FMV |#
[The cargo ship heads straight for South Gate. The Black Waltz flies in full speed towards the cargo ship. Vivi stares at the one of the black mage’s hat. The Black Waltz misses the cargo ship by inches and hits the hat that was hanging on the ship. The hat flies off. The Black Waltz turns his airship around and chases the cargo ship. The Black Waltz comes near Vivi and forms an energy on his hand. The Black Waltz prepares to strike but Vivi counters and strikes first with his Fire and falls down. The Fire spell knocks down Black Waltz and his airship. The Black Waltz recovers from the hit and chases the ship again. The South Gate closes their gate. The cargo ship makes it inside the entrance gate followed by Black Waltz’s airship. Zidane goes out and tries to pull Vivi inside. The cargo ship bumps in one of the walls, sending Vivi out of the ship. Zidane catches Vivi. The Black Waltz catches up and prepares to strike his lightning bolt on Vivi. Apparently the fire Vivi released earlier on got his engine as well. The Black Waltz looks back and sees his engine on fire. The airship blows. The cargo ship barely makes it out of the exit gate. The gate closes as the Black Waltz’s airship crashes into the gate.]

[Zidane examines the engine.]

Zidane: I think we pushed it a little too hard.

[Zidane stands up and looks at the shocked three.]

Zidane: Why so silent, people? We made it! Come on, cheer up!

Dagger: South Gate was badly damaged... It was my fault, wasn’t it..?

Zidane: Don’t worry about it! They’ll fix it up in no time.]

[Steiner points his finger at Zidane.]

Steiner: You idiot! The cargo ship was wrecked, we lost all the cargo, and South Gate was destroyed! I can’t believe I played a part in this debacle!

Dagger: Steiner.

Steiner: Yes, Princess!

Dagger: I didn’t mean to get you involved... But you saved us. I thank you.

Steiner: Such kind words! I am not worthy! Well, now I’ve made up my mind! I vow to protect you, Princess, until we return to the castle!

Zidane: How do you feel about that, Dagger? He’ll follow you to the end of the world.

Dagger: It’s okay, Zidane. Hey, I can see the main gate of Lindblum!

Steiner: That’s Lindblum Castle!? How gigantic...!

Dagger: The city of Lindblum is inside the castle.

Zidane: (I guess Dagger and I will go our separate ways once we reach Lindblum...)

Steiner: I see...

Zidane: (Just when we where beginning to get close...)

Vivi: ...Zidane. mages and I... Are we...the same...?

Zidane: ......

Dagger: ......

Steiner: I don’t understand, Master Vivi. Just what seems to be the problem...?

Vivi: ...I don’t know.

Steiner: Master Vivi, why would those mages be the same as you? And why would it matter if they were...?

Zidane: Rusty’s right!

Steiner: ?

Zidane: You’re an individual, no matter what happens, Vivi!

Vivi: R-Right!

Zidane: Let’s get out to the deck, Vivi!

[Zidane runs out.]

Vivi: Why?

Zidane: You’ve gotta see Lindblum above! It’s the best! Look, the Falcon’s Gate is right in front of us!

----------( ‘-‘ )----------
--------- (#)$(#)----------
---------(#)===(#)--------- ©

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Complete Game Script

15.Oktober 2013
Ozma FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Secret Boss Hints

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Character Guide

11.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch for the US NTSC Version (ADR).

15.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
engl. Hinweise
10.Oktober 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Oktober 2008
Alle Spieler auf Level 99, alle Gegenstände und Fähigkeiten.

13.Oktober 2013
Tetra Master

13.Oktober 2013
Boss Guide

13.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013
Quina's Blue Magic

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
English to Japanese

16.Oktober 2013
Part 1 Guide

17.Oktober 2013
Boss Guide

11.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch for the European French PAL Version (TXC)

16.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the European French PAL Version.

15.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch for the European French PAL Version (HYD)

15.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the European German PAL Version.

18.Oktober 2013
No Nonsense Guide

13.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Quina's Abilities

13.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020