Silent Hill 2

Silent Hill 2

14.10.2013 22:18:12


This FAQ's Newest Version Can Always Be Found At: GameFaqs -

If you want to post this FAQ on your site feel free to do it , just send me an
E-mail saying where you posted it (Just Respect The Legal Stuff Below).


01: Table of Contents.
02: Introduction.
03: The Insane People.
04: The Prison Folks.
05: The Orosco Family.
06: The Others * . *(Not The Nicole Kidman Movie).
07: Frequently Asked Question.
08: Legal Stuff * . *(ZzzzZzzZZZ Booring ZZzZZZZZ).
09: Updates.
10: Contact Me / Thanks.


Welcome To My Secondary Character FAQ !

This FAQ is based on what's in the game , so a character may have almost no
information on him while another has tons of details written , and don't expect
some weird theories about characters that has no evidence to back it up . I
didn't write stuff on most of the main characters since President Evil's Plot
Guide has excellent profiles of the main characters and I didn't want to compete
with him (PS : Read every word of his Faq before reading mine to know what's
going on). I don't have an Xbox , so I have yet to play the "Born From A Wish"
scenario , so don't expect profiles of the two new characters untill the PS2
hits north america (if it does).

Now For The Profiles *SPOILERS* ...


*Jack Davis :
Mental Patient At Brookhaven Hospital , he attempted suicide 3 times in a short
period of time . While he is normally calm , he can becomes extremely violent
when attempting suicide. He is the one who wrote the suicidal journal on the
hospital roof , and is an early explanation to the player of the mental illness
Angela Suffers From (Split personality , she wants to commit Suicide).

*Joshua Lewis :
Mental Patient At Brookhaven Hospital , he can become really violent and
dangerous when angry . He has a strong persecution syndrome , which makes him
think everyone hates him . Like Jack Davis , he also is an early explanation to
the player of the mental illness Eddie suffers from , which is described as a
complex of persecution ("He was making fun of me with his eyes").

*Joseph Barkin :
Mental Patient At Brookhaven Hospital , he believes he caused the death of his
daughter . He feels immense guilt and suffers from a Psychotic breakdown and
Paranoid delusions. While normally calm , he can get violent when excited.
He cares about a piece of hair that belonged to his dead daughter (Louise) ,
which he swore to protect . He is again an early explanation of the mental
problems of James , who also suffers from extreme guilt and delusions
(Don't remember he killed Mary , Not sure when Mary died , etc). He spells
like a four year old (Kinda like me , hehe) and was the one who stole the key
from the prison director and buried it in the park.

*The Hospital Director/Doctor :
He was in charge of the mental patients and was mostly interested by Joseph
Barkin. He wrote an interesting memo about the "illness" that Barkin suffered
from and that these delusions were where he was happy . He also seemed to
suffer from some mental problems he could have inherited from the patients ,
since in the letter he leaves near the wrench , he talks about an abyss in the
historical society and that he saw that "thing" (pyramid head?). He also seems
to know James and his fate , even if he had never met him in the game (demonic
influence ?). He is probably the "blood writing guy" described below , since
some blood writing appeared at the same time as a letter and wrench were
dropped near the restaurant.

*Blood Writing Guy :
Probably the hospital doctor mentioned before , seems like his style to write
these comments. He had to be alive at least till he wrote the "If you want to
see Mary" comment in the cafe at night , and both the writing in blood and the
letter has the same themes (the damnation of James and the abyss/hole).

*Walter Sullivan :
Killer Of Billy And Miriam Locane , which he killed and chopped into pieces
with an axe. He said to a friend that he saw the red devil (Pyramid Head) and
that he was going to punish him . He eventually got caught by the police , but
he killed himself in his cell , burying a spoon two inches deep in his neck.
His tombstone now lies in what I would call "The Catacombs Of The Damned" ,
along with an unknown "Myriam K. - Traitor" , a drunken criminal , many
tombstones too scratched to read and three freshly digged graves (James, Eddie
and Angela Written on them).


*Guards And Executionners :
The guards seemed to treat the prisoners like if there were scum , and seemed to
think that they deserved to be killed for their crimes. A guard wrote about the
prisoners and how they always begged for mercy , even when they could not speak.
The executioners were even worse , but , to their defense , they gave you the
choice between skewering and strangulation ! The scratched stone at the beginning
of the game tells you that the executioners used to wash their weapons in the
swamp , and that the swamp was nicknamed "Blood Swamp" due to all the blood in
the water. A painting in one of the prison's room talks about "The Crimson And
White Banquet For The Gods" . This means the prison staff were worshipping the
dark god Samael , and , knowing that detail , you can imagine what the prisoners
had to endure . The creature known as "Pyramid Head" is a representation of the
executioners , check out President Evil's SH2 plot guide for more details on PH.

*The Prisoners :
A Few prisonners still haunt the prison cells , groaning as James aproches .
Xander Aaxtious E-Mailed me an audio clip of the invisible prisoner's groans
playing backwards and , to my surprise , the monster says "Are You Sure ?".
Don't ask me why an invisible monster likes to shout "Are You Sure ?" backwards.
There was a prisoner who used to practice black magic in his cell , another one
who painted three paintings (See the F.A.Q section below).


*Angela Orosco :
Daughter of Thomas Orosco . Since when she was really young , her father molested
her , leaving her mentally scarred for life . When she got older , she tried
to run away from home , but her father managed to get her back , and continued
to rape her until the day she stabbed him with a knife . She feels guilty and
is considering killing herself with the same knife she used to kill her father.
The developpers said in the "Making Of DVD" that Angela was supposed to be 18
years old , but that her traits and voice were specifically made to make her look
weird. For info on the painting in the stairs of fire room , check out the
F.A.Q section below.

*Thomas Orosco :
Lumberjack , He was eventually killed by his daughter, who he raped and beat up
during most of her childhood. The murder was called a "crime of passion" , and
no proof was found that could incriminate Angela. He probably lived in the Apt
building in Silent Hill.

*"Mama" Orosco :
The mother of Angela , loved by her daughter even if she said she deserved what
happened to her. She probably lived in the Apt building in Silent Hill.
Vejiitassj4 sent me an E-mail explaining that she might have been the one who
killed Thomas, so I decided to add it here since Its an interesting theory ,
but doesn't have much concrete proofs in-game.

*"Brother" Orosco :
No Info Available , he can't even be identified on the Orosco family picture
because a torn piece of the picture hides the spot where he probably was.


*Rachel The Nurse :
She was the nurse in charge of Mary And Laura at the hospital. Mary had given
her two letters , one for James , one for Laura and asked her to give them to
both when she was going to die . However , Laura managed to take both letters
from Rachel , so James never received the letter. What he received was only a
part on the letter (that didn't exist , check the envelope after you meet
Laura in the hotel and the letter will be gone , which probably means Samael
tricked James into believing his wife was alive to make him visit Silent Hill).

*Notebook Corpse and his Friend :
He saw monsters , but his friend didn't. He wrote some useful details about
the monsters and advises in a notebook. He got killed and his body now rests
near the pet cemetery. Nothing More Known.

*Guy That Lived In The Trailer and Map Guy :
The guy in the trailer was invited by someone (Blood writing guy ?) to meet
him at Bar Neely's. In bar Neely's , a map that shows the exploration done by
somebody can be found . Another map can be found near a corpse when you try
to reach the Lakeview hotel from the main road, which was surely made by the
same person who did the first one . But this corpse can't be the blood writing
guy since he later wrote another bloody comment in the bar , so , chances are
that he's the Trailer Guy , who failed to escape town.

*Eddie's Kills :
Eddie killed a dog , then shot someone he probably knew from his football years
in the apartment (football posters in the Apt. , "hard time playing football"
comment) , then he stuffed him in a fridge. The rest of the corpses found in the
streets may be linked to Eddie , while most of the corpses found that were shot
"execution style" have surely been killed by Eddie (You don't see allot of
monsters carrying guns , do you ?).

*Corpses At The Bottom Of The Lake :
Tragedies happened in Toluca Lake , one where 14 people on a boat never returned
to shore. The local newspaper claimed they probably sinked , but none of these
corpses were ever recovered. The article about another incident is clipped out,
but it seems that the corpses under the lake tried to grab some sailors and drag
them into the water . There is also a memorial for the victims of the plague that
now lies beneath the lake (Victims Of A Plague In a Lake ?).

*Myriam K. :
"Traitor" , she was probably executed and now lies in the catacombs in the prison
labyrinth with other sinners . She is not the same as the Myriam chopped into
pieces with an axe by Walter Sullivan (Myriam Locane). Clueless about this one !

*Felon That Drank His Last Bottle Of Ale :
Buried in the Catacombs , don't ask , I have no idea who he is !! James liked to
drink and Thomas Orosco was an alcoholic , but none of them fit the bill.

*Statues In The Park :
Jennifer Carroll was victim of persecution by the Christians , she is now buried
in the park . The Statue also says "What happened here shall never be forgotten".
The other statue is a memorial to Patrick Chester , Son Of Edward Chester , who
died for liberty and for the people. War Hero ? No clue why they are included in
the game.

*Tim , Lyne , Uncle David :
Tim And Lyne lived together in room 209 of the Apt. Building while David lived
in room 109 . Weird whispers can be heard sometimes in the room where Lyne lived ,
nothing else I can add except that David liked coin so much he made a puzzle out
of it , which is a pain in the ass on Extra difficulty level.

07- *Frequently Asked Questions*

* What's the deal with Laura ?

Well , there are two theories . One is that she is a pure little girl , and
that her purity the reason why she doesn't seem to see monsters. The other
theory is that , like Lisa in Silent Hill , she is dead and is used as a spirit
to make James question himself. Personally , she really seems like a
"Snotty Little Brat" , so I find it hard to believe she is a pure ,
gentle little girl.

* What's the meaning of the three paintings in the prison ?

They are quite mysterious . The "Burning Man" painting is the only one that I'm
sure of . If you examine it closely , you will recognise the Lakeview
Hotel (Same Shape). During the last part of the game (After you play the tape) ,
the hotel is all burned up and wet (probably from the fire dept flooded the
building with water). There's even a special camera angle where you see a switch
saying "Pull in case of fire" (In the burned corridor with yellow investigation
tape everywhere). This means the hotel once burned , and that it is either
destroyed today (Freaky) or it has been reconstructed. One might wonder who
started the fire (Angela ?) .The other two paintings are still not understood.

* What the hell is that weird thing in the burning hallway ?

There are two weird-looking statues on both sides of the room , each depicting
someone trapped under a white cloth that seems to have been sewed to trap the
victim inside. It looks like a girl , and since it appears when we see Angela
for the last time , it probably has something to do with her hopeless situation.
Someone E-mailed me saying it seemed like it showed someone being raped with
her sheets put on her face (sorry I forgot who it was) , and it would make
alot of sense.

* How did Eddie managed to get a pizza ?

He probably always has a pizza in his underpants , like James carries 600
pounds of weapons in his pocket.

* Who Are You ?

Classified Information ! Many People Died Trying To Uncover My Identity , So I

* Is Silent Hill 3 Coming Out ?

Yes , PS2 , same team developping it , YIPPIE !!!


This Document Was Made Entirely By "JAMES MASON" , So You Can't Make Profit
Selling It ! Feel Free To Print This Document For You Personal Use Or For A
Friend . Stealing The Content Of This File Is Illegal Due To Copyright Laws ,
But Feel Free To Use Parts Of This Text If Need Arise , Just Remember
To Write Who Wrote This Piece Of Junk.

SILENT HILL and SILENT HILL 2 are copyright 1998, 2001 Konami Computer
Entertainment Company of Tokyo. All of the characters , situations and events
described in this text are property of Konami . I Love You Konami !!!

09- *Updates*

**Current Version**

4.0 Fixed Some Small Mistakes And Changed A Few Phrases That Looked Stupid.
Added The Prison Folks Section (Thanks To Xander Aaxtious).
Added The Frequently Asked Questions Section.
Changed Allot Of Stuff In Many Profiles (Added Stuff).

3.0 Fixed Some Small Mistakes.
Changed A Few Phrases That Looked Stupid.
Added Info On The Invisible Prisonners (Thanks Wirewyrm).

2.5 Added Info On The Second Statue In The Park.
Changed The Info On Angela's Brother Since He Is On The Photo (Hidden).
Added Some Info About The Blood Writing Guy (Corpse In Front Of Cafe).

2.0 : Added Info For Webmasters Wanting To Post This Faq On Their Sites.
Added A Theory About Angela's Mama (Thanks Vejiitassj4).
Fixed A Few Mistakes (Thanks Mincer).
Fixed Many Spelling Mistakes (Thanks Office 95 TM).
Added This Update Section.
Added Some Thanks At The End Of The Faq.

1.1 : Fixed A Few Mistakes (Thanks Brace).

1.0 : First Version Of This Document.


My E-mail Is:
My GameFaqs Board ID: James Mason

Contact me if you find out any of the stuff written in this FAQ is wrong , or
if you find out something I forgotten about a character that is really important
and you have proofs of what you are saying . Don't expect any updates unless I
find out more interesting stuff about the characters or have things that need to
be fixed .

***What I Want To Get In A E-mail:

Interesting Information Missing In A Character Profile (You Must Have Proofs).
Big Error In The Text (You can't even understand what I meant).
Big Error In Profile (Something Like If I Wrote Angela Was A Guy).
Why I Still Can't Read The Blanks In Texts After Having A Save With All Endings.
Pictures Of Ferrets Dressed As Famous Celebrities .

***What I Don't Want To Read:

Farfetched Theories That Has No Proofs (Cybill Is Laura?).
Common Spelling Mistakes I Made (English in not my Language , so don't complain).
Requests For Things Not In The FAQ (If It Isn't There , I Wont Add It).
Questions About The Game (Get A Walktrough Or Stick To The GameFaqs Board).
Thing That Has No Link To This FAQ (Porn , Politics , You Get The Point).
Praises Or Hate Mail (Don't Care About Either Of Them .... Well Praises Are Ok).
Webmaster Asking Me If They Can Post It (Read Under The Title).


My Thanks To : Konami (Silent Hill , Metal Gear , Castlevania)
MenomaMinx (Telling Me I Should Submit This Faq)
Brace And Mincer(Pointed Out Some Corrections)
Vejiitassj4 (Theory About Angela's Mama Killing Her Husband)
Wirewyrm (Theory About The Groaning Prisoners)
Doudou Camara (Teacher With A Funny Name , HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE)
Xander Aaxtious (MP3 Of The Prisoner Groaning "Are You Sure ?")
P. Lapointe (Because He Kick Ass At Counter-Strike)

And That Special Someone That Changed My Diapers And Spoon-Fed Me For Years !
Fabio , I'll Never Thank You Enough !
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FAQ / Komplettlösung Ver 1.0

30.April 2014
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15.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

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16.Oktober 2013
Deutsche Lösung

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Deutsche Schnellösung

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16.Oktober 2013
Making of DVD FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Alle möglichen Enden und alle Extra Otionen.

17.Oktober 2013
Plot Guide

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13.Oktober 2013
Item/Puzzle/Monster(Boss)/weapons/SPOILER FAQ

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16.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

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17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
11.Februar 2016
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020