Spider-Man 2

Spider-Man 2

15.10.2013 18:58:56
Spiderman 2: Enter Electro
FAQ/Walkthrough Ver. 1.2

By: Romy N. Junio Jr.
e-mail: emil41@lycos.com

This FAQ/Walkthrough is made to help anyone who has a problem with the game
feel free to use this in any way it can help you, just don't make money from
this or alter its contents OR I will hunt you down... hehehe...



1. Version History
2. A Couple of Blah...blahs...
3. The Game
4. New Features
5. Controls
6. a. Spidey's Moves
b. Power-ups
7. Walkthrough
8. The Extras
a. Comics
b. Costumes
c. Characters
9. Next Update
10. Credits

1. Version History

Ver 1.2 (10/31/01): Second Update: some minor corrections in the FAQ, completed
the comics and costumes. And maybe I've written all the things you need to know. But, I
still won't put the cheats... you should finish the game by yourself... (Cheating is only for
kids...) hehehehe

Ver. 1.1 (10/27/01): First Update: Cleared the game in normal, found
the Negative Zone and Prodigy Costumes, I've received lots of e-mails
from other Spidey fans about other costumes but I haven't got the time to test
them myself so I won't include them for now... the comics are almost completed (ALMOST!!! I
need one more! The very last one!) and got some info on the Amazing Bagman and Venom 2

For the Webmasters... I have received your e-mails(in case your wondering), I apologize for
not being able to answer your e-mails... (I'm busy with my schoolwork...) All webmasters are
given permission to post this FAQ, just remember to give due acknowledgments...(e-mail me...
just to let me know that you have posted my FAQ... k?)

Ver. 1.0 (10/21/01): Just finished the game last Friday, started the
walkthrough. But i'm still clearing some of the confusions in the game...

2. A Couple of Blah...blah's

Okay... before we start... let me tell you that this is only the second
walkthrough that I made... so don't go e-mail me just to tell me that I'm a
bad FAQ writer... I made this walkthrough to help you guys out there(I'm a nice
guy...hehehe) so don't go alter this or you'll .................. (Only GameFAQs and I
the right to do so...)

For Webmasters... I allow you to put this on your site... just don't alter it
and remember to put my name on it ok?!...

Enough about that... On to the game...

3. The Game

Oh Yeah... Our friendly Neighborhood superhero is back! And he's in for a
shock when he takes on Electro in Spiderman 2: Enter Electro. It is a sequel to
the popular game Spiderman (and I know that most PSOne owners have seen and
played the game)... This game is made by Activision... and Vicarious Visions...
and Marvel

The Story: (Taken straight from the back of the CD case)

Spiderman's old nemesis, the powerful Electro, has returned. Someone needs to
unplug this villain once and for all. As Spider-Man, it's up to you to give
Electro the shock of his life!

Gameplay: The game is basically, a 3-d platform game, but unlike others, you
can explore most of the environment, the graphics may not be too sweet... but
this is not the case... the game is packed with tons of secrets, that will
surely keep you occupied...

Difficulty: depending on which difficulty you play, the enemies differ in
number and strength. also, there are some secrets that only appear on certain
difficulty, and costume, so you have to play the game many times to make the
most out of it...

A BIG NOTE: Spidey 2, have 2 versions, so if there are some difference with my guide and
your game, there is a probability that we have different versions of the game. But so
far, the only difference I've noticed is the Purple Serum Puzzle in Spidey Vs. Lizard
stage. (See Walkthrough), and also the names of some levels, namely, Crash Flight!,
Downward Spiral(changed to Corkscrew) and Top of the World. And the final boss battle,
the two towers were changed and in the latest version, there is only one tower, making it
much easier... duh!

4. New Features

Every sequel has something new right?

Here is a quick info:

Training: Well, the training area is much more interesting 'coz you'll take
on the X-men's DANGER ROOM... this is definitely for the beginners, as you master
Spidey's abilities, you will be guided by Prof. X himself and the lovely Rogue.

Challenge Mode: This one's much like a time trial mode... try it! It's fun! You
can challenge your friends or yourself... I heard that the Prodigy costume can be
unlocked here... I'm not sure where...

Instant Action:
Need to say more?

Parker's Portfolio: This one is a gallery of Spidey's boss battles, depending
on the difficulty, every defeated boss will unlock a picture. There are 4 for each boss.
(Thanks to GLC for pointing this out!)

Bugle Headlines: This one is a gallery of all the Bugle Headlines in the
game, you can view them. Some of the headlines can be unlocked by either finishing the
level or by deliberately failing on some levels.

Create-A-Spider: The title says it all! (Although you can make the most out of it
if you have unlocked about 70% of the costumes) Try, using Peter Parker, with Stealth mode
and unlimited webbing!

5. The Controls

The controls are pretty much the same as in the first (so for those who have
played the first game there should be no problem, the only difference is the use of L2
button.), here's a quick recap:
BTW: It's analog controller compatible!

Button In-Game Menu

Directional Buttons Movement Menu selection

Start Pause Ok or Start(?!)

Select Stealth(if you are N/A
wearing the Dusk or Spiderman
2099 costumes)

Triangle ( /\ ) Basic Web-shot Cancel

X button Jump OK
Kid Mode:
Press twice to web swing

Circle ( O ) Kick N/A

Square ( [] ) Punch N/A

L1 Web Target(First Zoom In(for
Person View) Viewer)
Green--ok, mostly on walls
Red -- no effect
Yellow -- target ok
Blue -- target ok, mostly objects

L2 Target Cycle Zoom Out (for

R1 Web Zip-line N/A

R2 Web Swing N/A

6.a. Spidey's Moves

Spidey's moves are the same as the first(see controls) but here are also some
which requires button combinations:

1. Trap Webbing (hold /\)-- Spidey shoots his webbing to bind the target. This is
good for minor enemies but not on bosses. If you have the freon cartridge, it can freeze
the enemy.

2. Web-Yank: Spidey shoots a web on the enemy/object and pulls them towards
the specified direction.

a. Yank towards Spidey: /\ + down
b. Yank left: /\+ down + left
c. Yank right /\+ down + right

3. Impact webbing(/\ + up): Spidey shoots a ball of webbing toward the target.

4. Web-gloves (/\ + left): Spidey uses his webbing to wrap his fists for
additional damage.

5. Web-dome(/\ + right) : Spidey uses his web to make a dome which acts as a
shield, press again for shockwave attack. Useful for clearing out enemies when you're

6. Special Yank(?!) -- can be performed by pressing punch or kick (O or [])then
pressing triangle (/\) immediately. Looks cool and does more damage than regular web-

7. Grab -- (/\ + [], can be done when near an enemy) -- this is my favorite move
in the game. There are two kinds:

a. The head thonk(?!) -- this one's funny! after grabbing your enemy press
[]and Spidey will climb on the enemy's back, press [] repeatedly for multiple thonks!

b. The spine break(?!) -- press O instead of [], spidey will kick the
enemy in the back. I think it was on the spine.

8. Jump attacks-- can be performed when near an enemy

a. Jump Punch -- X then []
b. Jump Kick -- X then O

6.b. Power-ups

Here are the power-ups in the game, only some of the special cartridge can only
be seen on certain levels:

Blue Spider Symbols: Web Cartridge, this has a max of ten. Only some suits limits
you to only two.

White and Red Spider Symbols: Health Power ups. Replenishes your health.

Light Blue Spider Symbols: Freon Webbing. Freezes enemies just like ice!

Yellow and Green Spider Symbols: Electrically Charged webbings. Perfect for short
circuiting those nasty drones.

Gold Spider Symbols: "Ah the old trusty Spider-Armor" -Spidey.

Purple Spider Symbols: Serum cartridge, used to defeat the Lizard.

The Magnesium Webbing isn't found in the game, I guess there's no need for it,
'coz there aren't any symbiotes here... but I want to burn those thugs... ;(

7. The Walkthrough

After the basics, let's proceed to the walkthrough... I finished this game once,
and it was on the normal difficulty. I have also found some of the comic books, and some
appear only on a certain difficulty, don't worry, I have included it, and if I say NONE:
it means that there is NO comic in that difficulty. I have completed it, thanks to the
people who took the time to share their knowledge of the game!

Mission: Follow Beast and show him what you're made of
Comic: Kid: none
Easy: It's sitting on top of the second crane, halfway through the stage... too
-- Spectacular Spider-Man #197.
Normal: Near the end of the level, on a rooftop where there are 3 boxes, yank
them and you will find a comic book under one.-Ultimate Spider-Man #1 (White
Hard: Same as Normal Mode

This stage is relatively an introduction to some of Spidey's "can-do", for
those who played the first game, almost all the things here are the same,
except for Beast(in the first game it was Black Cat, right?)... for the
beginners, don't fret if you die the first time, you'll get it surely on the
second time.

The important thing here is to follow the Spidey Compass.

After this you have a choice of either going to the Danger Room for more
training or proceeding with the game... if you feel you're ready... continue
with the game.

Mission: Defeat 10 thugs, stop the fire at the cafe, stop the car from burning,
and follow the spidey compass.
Comic: Kid: Under one of the trashcan in the basketball hoop area - Web of Spider-
Man # 100.
Easy: none
Normal: Near the end of the level, when you are climbing the tall building,
check the rooftop of the building left to it. the comic should be there. -
Amazing Spider-Man vol. 2, # 13
Hard: none

At the start you'll be attacked by two thugs, take care of them and head
right, you should see a coffee shop, it will explode and two thugs will run
out from it. Take care of them. now you need to put out the fire. Web-yank the
cap off the fire hydrant and it should do the trick. After that go to the
center of the stage and you'll be ambushed by four thugs. If you can't find it,
make your way by the rooftops, it shouldn't be hard to find. Take care of the
thugs here. Notice that there is a basketball hoop here, find the basketball on
one of the roof tops, and you can play hoops by throwing it on the hoop. If you
make it the first time, a health power up will appear. After that, go to the
northwesternmost part of the stage, and you should see two more thugs, Beside a
car, the car will catch fire, take care of the thugs then web the car to stop
the fire. After that, follow your spidey compass to end the level. Note: if
your low on health, look for power ups, they are scattered all over the level.

Mission: Follow the Spidey Compass
Comic: Kid: none
Easy: None
Normal: none
Hard: after clearing the whole stage of thugs, go back to the bridge, the
comic should be there. - Amazing Spider-Man vol. 2, #29.

At the start take care of the thug here, then swing to the next rooftop. 2
more thugs are waiting, take care of them and swing to the next rooftop.
There's a ? on it. It will tell you that if you kill the thug, you can pass
safely. So, web-swing to the building on the right, and from there swing to the
thug with the Machine Gun safely, kill the thug and then destroy the Machine
Gun. Grab the health icon between the vents, if you need to. Then swing
towards the bridge, and take care of the thug. Cross the bridge, and eventually
you'll reach an area where your spider sense will act up (Spidey will say:
"Something's not right around here"). You need to take care of three M.G's
here. They're sitting on the rooftops, just be careful not to get hit. If you
need power-ups, there are some on the rooftops. After they are destroyed, it's
just a matter of following your compass to warehouse 66.

Stage 4: WAREHOUSE 66
Mission: Kill Thugs
Comic: Kid: none
Easy: It is under a barrel of gasoline right where you start the level. Just lift
barrel and it should be there. - Spiderman #85
Normal: none
Hard: none

This stage is fairly simple, just eliminate all the thugs (there are 15, i
think)here and it will end. Don't worry about health and webbings, there are
some lying around the whole stage, and some are under the crates, you need to
lift them to find it.

Mission: Stop Shocker, before the fire reaches the barrels and before he kills
you... :)
Comic: Kid: none
Easy: none
Normal: none
Hard: It is located near the flames, right behind Shocker's starting point. Be
careful...- Amazing Spider-Man #46.

This is the first Boss battle in the game. All you have to do is yank the
three big boxes hanging on the ceiling on Shocker. Make sure that shocker is
directly below them when you yank. Use your L2, to target them. If you miss,
don't fret, you can also throw the little crates on him. Although it seems very
simple, it won't be easy, it took me three tries before I beat him. (Or maybe,
I'm a little bit rusty)

Mission: Stop the bomb
Comic: No comic here... no wonder... it's much harder to find the keys!

Once you start the stage, take care of the thugs and proceed. When you get
past a sign, I think its Vicarious Visions, a scene will start, with four thugs
activating a bomb, seconds later... Spidey arrives and you need to find all 4
keys to deactivate it. There is a time limit, and if you're short on time, once
you find a key, return to the bomb to extend your time.

I believe that the locations are RANDOM, but I played the stage over and over,
and here is the most frequent location the keys will appear. NOTE: Every key is
guarded/held by a thug, there are two thugs per key, and you need to kill them
first before you can have the key.

KEY 1: On a rooftop on the right of the bomb, in line with the red panel. If it
isn't there, it's just below the building where the bomb is located.

KEY 2: On the streets below the Activision sign.

KEY 3: South of the Activision sign, somewhere among the rooftops.

KEY 4: Also south of the sign, on the streets, sometimes it appears near the
third key.

After you have the 4 keys, and the bomb is deactivated, the stage will end.

NOTE: Please confirm the locations... I'm not really sure, 'bout these... any
help will do, so e-mail me,thanks! Also, about that controversial Negative Zone costume.
It can be found here! Trust me. Just do the whole thing in Normal Mode. Collect all the
keys in one run (no pattern or color sequence to follow) and the costume will be
unlocked. I've done this several times and you only have a 2 out of 5 chance that you
will fail.

Stage 7: HANGAR 18
Mission: Destroy 6 MG's
Comic: Kid: Lift the crate on the left side of the hangar. - Peter Parker: Spider-Man
Easy: none
Normal: none
Hard: none

This level is a bit challenging. But no fear, 'coz you will have your first
taste of the Freon Cartridge. It's located near the upper left part of the
hangar. In any case, follow Spidey's advise to use the lamp posts as cover.
You'll be harder to spot there. Destroy(by impact webbing), Web (Trap webbing),
Freeze(if you have the freon cartridge), the MG's you dont need to kill the
thugs just stop the MG's. There are 6 of them, two are on the left, two on the
right, and two in the center. If you can't reach the MG's jump to another lamp
post and you can reach them. Use your L1 to target the lamp posts so you could swing
safely . After you have stopped all the MG's swing to the warehouse/hangar and its
mission accomplished!

Mission: Save the Pilot
Comic: Kid: none
Easy: none
Normal: After you Web one of the Plane's engine it will spin, ignore it, go
back to the first area, it should be under the net, beside the barrels, on
the left side. -- Peter Parker: Spiderman #90.
Hard: none

The key here is SPEED and lot's of it. You need to web the plane's engine in
order to stop it, but you can only do this on the last area. Clear a path for
it by firing impact webbing on the barrels and opening the doors. The engine
that's hanging in the second area, (after the door) area can be removed by
yanking it. When you're in the last area, web one of the engines until it stop,
the plane should start pinning around. Totally web the other engine and it's
mission accomplished.

NOTE: in normal mode the plane can take five hits from the barrels before it
explodes, in hard it takes only three, so don't worry about all of the barrels just make
sure that you lead
the plane to the last area.( But it can only take one hit from the door.)

Mission: Follow the Spidey Compass
Comic: Kid: none
Easy: none
Normal: It is on the side of the third building, from where you start, scale
the ledge and you should see it. (The side where you can't see.)-Amazing
Spider-Man # 185.
Hard: none

This stage very straightforward, just follow the Compass, and you'll get to
the end. Nothing much, except for the Spider-Armor. It's on one of the
buildings, can't remember where. Just be careful of the thugs, some carry

Mission: Enter the trainyard
Comic: Kid: none
Easy: Too easy! It is sitting on the platform of Area 1 towards the next area. -
Spectacular Spider-Man #157.
Normal: none
Hard: none

This is the first puzzle in the game. It's much like the gate puzzle on the
first game, where you need to follow venom.

Here's a quick run-thru:

There are four areas here, each area has 3 guards, take care of the guard on
each area, until you reack area 4. There is a switch on the far-side of the
wall, you need to power it up so you can open the gates. Here's how:

1. In area 4, press the reset button, its on the opposite side of where the
Gate Switch is located.

2. Go to area 3 and press both switches here.

3. Go to area 2 and press the right hand switch.

4. Go back to area 4 and press the switch beside the reset button.

If you did this right, all four squares in the main switch will be colored
green. You can now flip the main switch and end the level.

Mission: follow your compass towards the train.
Comic: Kid: none
Easy: none
Normal: Regardless of what it will do, Flip all the switches you will see. Then go
to the back of the train, near gate no. 3 in the area where the train left.
The comic
should be there. -- Peter Parker: Spiderman Vol 2, #22.
Hard: none

Be careful, the area is littered with guards, and they're willing to put an
end to your progress. Once you start, take care of the guards here. There's a
freon cartridge at far end of your starting point to help you out.

You need to get to the control room, just follow your compass, while taking
care of the guards along the way. Once there, flip the switch, there's a health
power up on one of the crates here. Exit the room and enter gate 1, there is
another control room here, flip the switch for gate 2, there are also 2 guards
here so be careful. After that, follow the compass to gate 2. You'll then come
to an area where the train will be leaving on gate 7, don't worry, you'll catch
up with it soon. Take care of the guards, and grab some power-ups on the
ledges, when needed. enter gate 5, take care of the guards and enter the next
control room, it is behind the large crane. Take care of the guards here and
flip the switch for gate 7. Unless you want to fight 3 more guards, don't
bother to flip switch for gate 6. After that, go back to main area, and enter
gate 7.

Mission: Get on the train.
Comic: None, so just focus on getting on the train, k?

There are two ways to finish this level:

The first one is to ignore Sandman completely, and throw all the barrels and
crates on the wall. Speed and timing is neccessary for this one. But I think
this one's much easier.

The second one is to throw barrels and crates on Sandman, and while he is
recharging, pick up the truck and throw it on the wall. On normal, one truck
should do the trick. Though this one's harder, it's much fun!

Stage 13: GANGLAND
Mission: Save the Hostages
Comic: Kid: none
Easy: none
Normal: Under the photocopying machine, where you save the first two
hostages.-Amazing Spider-Man #21.
Hard: After saving the hostage on the elevator, go back to the first area, the
comic should be there. Spectacular Spider-Man #220.

Once you start the level, take care of the two gangsters here. Then, target
the vent cover on the ceiling, yank or use impact web on it, and climb it.
Follow the vent towards its exit. Reinforce the cables of the elevator and then
flip the switch. This will free the hostage. After that,climb the wall left of
the switch, and enter the opening on the wall, your now on the next floor. Kill
the gangsters here, there are two, and the third one will attack you after you
take care of the two.

After that zip-line up the ceiling and proceed to the next area. You need this
to save the hostages. In the next area, 2 hostages will be guarded by a
gangster, use impact or trap webbing on him, and the two hostages can escape.
After that, still on the ceiling, go to the next area, web the two gansters
here, (hostages 3 and 4 will be freed here), then immediately drop from the
ceiling and take care of the last gangster, he is beside the bookshelf. The
fifth hostage will escape.

Now find the next vent, it is between the two bookshelves. Yank it and climb
up to the next floor. A gangster will be waiting on the next exit so be

After that, jump into the cubicle and immediately take care of the gangster
here. Two more hostages will escape. Then take care of the other three
gangsters. On your way to the exit, two thugs will pop out from the room,
defeat them. Then enter both room to free four more hostages. Use impact
webbing on the door. After freeing all the hostages, proceed to the exit to
complete the stage.

Mission: Defeat Hammerhead before he defeats you... duh!
Comic: Kid: none
Easy: none
Normal: none
Hard: Jump on the bar and lift the sign that says OPEN. Do this three times and
the comic will pop out. You gotta be quick though. - Amazing Spider-Man #114

Okay, this guy's tough but he's a total idiot without his gun, on the start,
avoid his head bash and immediately yank his gun off his hand, he will try to
head smash you, but if you're quick enough you can avoid it. Now, while he is
picking up his gun, punch and kick him. After some hits, you should jump out of
his way(he'll try to knock you it you're too near) And repeat the whole
process. When his life reaches half, he will smash the window, go back in so
you won't get shot by the helicopter, and repeat the same process until he is
defeated. Use the web-gloves for additional damage.

NOTE: When your Spider-sense reacts, Hammerhead will either shoot or headbash you. You
can also try to lure him into headbashing you, if you time it right, he will crash into
the wall, while stunned you can attack him. You can also, throw the pots on him. But this
one's harder.

Mission:1. Stop the boilers from exploding.
2. Turn off the turbines to have access on the vent system.
3. Open locked door to end level
Comic: Kid: After turning off all of the laser grids, go back into the vents, the comic
should be somewhere there. - Amazing Spider-Man Annual #21.
Easy: After stopping the 3 boilers, a comic should appear on the walkway in
this same room. -- Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 2,#30.
Normal: none
Hard: none

1. Stop the boilers

Once this stage begins, a drone will damage the boiler, stop the boiler from
exploding by pressing the green button on it. Then two more boilers will be
damage. Stop them and then take care of the three drones, you can yank them
down and they will crash, causing them to explode.

After that, exit the room towards the next area, take care of the drones along
the way.

2. Shut down the turbines

Now you have two shut down the turbines in order to enter the vent system.
There is an electrically charged cartridge beside the second turbine, take this
and take down the drones. After that, access the control panel beside the
lasers, you need to put the dots in a close pattern inside the green circle in
order to turn off the lasers (press O, [], and /\). After turning the lasers
off, enter the control room and flip the two switch here. This will shut down
the turbines and you will be able to climb the vents. Follow it towards the
next area.

3. Open Locked Door to end level

After entering the vent, follow it to the central control system, Spidey will
say that he needs to enter the door with a number 2 above it. Go to the
security area, laser grids are guarding the walkway, climb on the ceiling and
scale it, it is much easier to avoid the lasers this way. There are 2 drones
guarding it, zap them and then flip the 2 switches here, one will open the
door, and one will turn off the laser grid. After that, enter the door to the
next level.

Mission: Shut down all defense systems
Comic: Kid: none
Easy: none
Normal: After shutting the defense systems down, return to the first walkway,
the comic should be here. -- Amazing Spider-Man Annual #21, Alternate.
Hard:In a small area beneath the first walkway.--Spider-Man #25.

Once you begin, jump up and press R1 to zip-line up a platform, directly above
you, shoot the switch from there, this will shut down the first force field.
Jump down and enter the door, run towards the next, and flip the switch to open
the door again. Go to area 1. Here, you need to take down all three drone
generators. After doing so, destroy any drones and then hit the button this
will lower the second force field. There is also an electric cartridge in an
alcove on the left side of the room. Exit the room and proceed to Area 2, don't
forget to hit the switch in order to open the door. In this area, you need to
destroy the four laser turrets, use impact webbing on them from afar, be
careful 'coz they can take you down in a couple of hits. After destroying them,
hit the button on top of the pillar to lower the lasers, then hit the button on
the far end of the room to lower the third force field. After that exit and go
to area three, this one's a little bit tricky, access the panel on the left
side, press triangle repeatedly to raise the temperature then press circle to
lower the shield. Press X to exit then, destroy the drones, one by one, they
can be destroyed don't worry, just punch and kick repeatedly. After destroying
one drone, go back to the panel and raise the temperature again. Repeat this
until you have destroyed all the drones. This way, you can take time to hit the
3 buttons, without the threat of the drones. After hitting the three buttons,
hit the last button on the far end of the room. Exit the room and go back to
the center area, enter the elevator up to finish the level.

Mission: Climb to the top(Yes climb up! not down as the name implies!).
Comic: Kid: none
Easy: none
Normal: In the third set of the defenses, skip the buttons that turn off the
just climb up to the top, until you reach the moving door (which is closed
now) there is a ledge below it and the comic is there. --Amazing Spiderman #
Hard: none

This level makes use of your zip-line and L1 targeting ability. Timing is the
key here in order to avoid the defenses. Once you get past the closing
floor(?!), Climb towards the ledge with two screens, one is red and one is
green. Push the buttons, behind each of them, to turn off the moving laser
grids, this will open the next floor, but also turn on more defenses. Just be
careful and you can get past them, keep moving upwards, repeating the steps for
four more times, and you'll be able to reach the top. Don't fret if you fail
the first time, just try again and you'll get it.

Mission: Defeat Lizard
Comic: Kid: none
Easy: none
Normal: none
Hard: After the Lizard throws you to the next room, don't get the purple
cartridge, instead run to the third area, the comic should be there --
Spider-Man #44.

The Lizard isn't that hard to beat, but he is really fast. Once you start the
level, access the computer fast, you need to combine the 3 chemicals, to make
the serum. Just place the squares on the green areas, and your done. You need
to do this three times. You'll know you did it right if the letters A,B, and C,
on the lower right are all colored green. After that, select OVERRIDE
CONTAINERS and press X, then exit it. The Lizard will throw Spidey on the next
room, grab the purple cartridge and use it on The Lizard. If you hit him, he
will be stunned, this is your cue to punch and kick repeatedly, after a few
hits, jump away and go to the next room, the serum will be there, use it
again, and repeat the process until the Lizard is defeated.

NOTE: Songscreamer@aol.com e-mailed me and said that in his game, the serum puzzle
requires him to first access the OVERRIDE CONTAINERS, before proceeding to the serum
puzzle. Just want to make a note of it, in case you're having problems in the puzzle.

Stage 19: ACES HIGH
Mission: Destroy the Red detector thingies!
Comic: Kid: none so far
Easy: It is on the ledge of the last Red detector tower. The one without a
turret. Scale it downwards, you'll see it sitting on one of its ledges. -
Spider-Man #7.
Normal: It is behind the tall tower, with a radar on top with four laser
turrets. On the walkway, it should be there.-- Amazing Spider-Man #425.
Hard: It is on the ledge of the building where you start. Just climb down. -
Spectacular Spider-Man #66.

This one's very simple, but it's a little challenging though... You need to
take out the towers that track you. There are 5 of them I think, they're
sitting on the rooftops. And 1 large radar. You need to destroy or turn them
off, just follow the red lights, but be careful of the laser turrets and the
drones, they're the real threats. Don't worry there are power-ups to assist
you, just be patient and you'll clear this stage in no time.This stage should
be easy for you, after all, you've gotten this far!

Mission: Defeat Sandman
Comic: Kid: none
Easy: Lift the toilet,(?) or blue thing near the construction building. The comic
should be under it. - Peter Parker Vol. 2 # 16.
Normal: On top of the construction building, on the crane, stun Sandman before
getting it, because he can knock the building down. -- Amazing Spider-Man
Hard: none

This time you can finally take Sandman down! Hit the valve(the one with the
sign) to turn the water pressure up. When it is full, hit one of the valves on
the pipes and try to lure Sandman on the water. He will scream... that's your
cue to attack him. Use web gloves for added damage. Repeat the process and you
will defeat him.

Mission: Destroy the generator in the center room
Comic: Kid: none
Easy: It is behind the big golden Buddha in one of the rooms. - Amazing Spider-
Man Vol.2, 2001 Annual.
Normal: none
Hard: none

Sounds easy huh?! Yeah it is! if not for the samurais, the guy's are made of
steel so they're pretty tough, in any case once you defeat them, use their
remains to destroy the generator in the center area, throw the pieces on the
generator. Check every room for the samurais, once the generator in the center
area is destroyed... you can continue on to the next stage.

NOTE: There are some electric cartridge here, use them, they can take out the
samurais in one shot.

Stage 22: ROCK OF AGES
Mission: Climb to the top
Comic: Kid: none
Easy: On the hood of the car sticking out of the wall. It's directly above
the entrance. -- Amazing Spider-Man #422.
Normal: In the first alcove (it's where you can see a picture of a mammoth's
skeleton, I think), on the Ice Age Area. - Spectacular Spider-Man #258
Hard: none

You just need to climb to the top to clear the stage. Avoid the lightning
rings, slowly make your way to the top, grab some power-ups if you need to. If
your spider sense reacts, count 1, 2, 3, then zip-line(R1) to avoid the
lightning cascade. I suggest you do the counting so you can time the lightning
cascade, coz it can still hit you, if you are too early or too late. Once you
reach the top... it's time to take on Electro himself!

Mission: Defeat Electro
Comic: Kid: none
Easy: none
Normal: It is on the Earth Model. Hard to get though. -- Amazing Spider-Man
Hard: none

I haven't found out the right way to beat him, (if there is...) coz you will here
Spidey say " No tricks here Electro... just some serious pounding!". Coz usually He gives
you hint on how to beat the boss...

Well, what I did is just to jump on Electro's platform and hit him over and
if he pushes back, do it again. When he activates the laser, do the same trick, but
be careful of the lasers. They can cause some serious damage. Just make sure to
pick up some power-ups if your low on health. Eventually, Electro will fall
down. Use your web-gloves.

Stage 24: TOP OF THE WORLD (Trade Center...)
Mission: Defeat Electro-God!
Comic: Kid: none
Easy: It is sitting on the ledge of the main tower. Near one of the conductors. -
Spider-Man #38.
Normal: none
Hard: After the main tower collapses, it will appear at tip. - Peter Parker
Vol. 2#2.

Electro is invulnerable in his lightning form...so this one can be pretty
annoying, you have to destroy the generators first, there are four of them,
destroy the capacitors beside it, there are two for each generator. After that
swing towards the tower and climb it, destroy the four conductors here, so
Electro won't be able to recharge his health.
After that, lure Electro into the previous building, where the 4 generators
are. Trick him into blasting the generator, once he hits it, he will become
vulnerable for a short time, so start ramming him with your punches and kicks.
Impact webbing can also help. Don't forget the web-gloves. If you're low on
health, go to the next rooftop and grab some power-ups. Then continue with
Electro. Be careful of his attacks and lightning mines, they do serious damage.
After taking much damage, Electro will recharge, but since you destroyed the
conductors, he can't... the tower will fall down. And Electro will be weakened.
Continue to trick him into blasting the generators, do this repeatedly until he

Congratulations! You just finished the game! Electro is beaten! Enjoy the

"This proves that good always win because evil is... DUMB!" -Spidey

8. The Extras

a. Comics - Okay, Now I can say that I'm done! Found all of them and I hope that you
did too... For an easier reference of the locations... check out Lapin Kulta's comic book
location FAQ... he did a great job doing it.

b. Costumes- here are all the costumes I found in the game, the
descriptions are taken straight from the game... next time I'll put Stan Lee's
comments too! Too bad, they didn't make the Spidey-Armor one of the Specials...
maybe in Spiderman 3!

1. Spiderman -- Regular Costume (The original red and blue, with webbings on
the armpits... If I remember it clearly, this was the costume he wore on most comic book
issues, and the old Spiderman cartoon.)

Game Powers: Super Strength, Super Agility, Stick to Walls, Spider Sense.
Comments: No enhanced Game Powers!

2. Spider-Phoenix - Special Costume (One heck of a suit!)

Game Powers: Invulnerability, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Web Swing
Comments: Swing Farther! Do Double Damage! Can't be hurt by enemies!
How to: Beat the game on hard.

3. Prodigy- Special Costume (A very cool suit, designed by Peter and MJ, this was
used to clear Spidey's name in one of the comic book issues)

Game Powers: Double Jump, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Web Swing
Comments: Can jump and swing much farther and attack with double damage!
How to: Defeat 100+ thugs in attack challenge mode.

4. Dusk - Special Costume (Black Spidey Suit, with similar powers to Spidey
Unlimited, though this one looks cool!)

Game Powers: Stealth
Comments: Press the Select button during ply to turn invisible! This will not
work on bosses
How to: Complete the Comic Collection

5. Insulated Suit - Special Costume (Perfect for Electro! Though sometimes it also
take some damage)

Game Powers: Enhanced Strength
Comments: This Suit does not conduct electricity and does double damge to all
How to: When fighting The Lizard (in hard mode) use only the serum shots on
him. 15 - 25 shots should do it. Don't fret if you can't do it the first
time... I
had a hard time getting this one! ( And I really do mean HARD!)

6. Alex Ross-Red - Special Costume (Spidey's suit having a little makeover!)

Game Powers: Double Jump
Comments:Cocept suit by Alex Ross and David Williams for the Spider-Man
Movie. Allows you to jump twice as high!
How to: Defeat Sandman on hard mode

7. Alex Ross-White - Special Costume ( White version of the Red suit by Alex Ross)

Game Powers: Enhanced Web Swing
Comments: Alternate Version of the Red Suit - This one can swing much
How to: Beat the game on kid mode

8. Venom 2-Earth X -- Special Costume ( It's Venom 2's symbiote costume...
Someone e-mailed me bout this, and somehow it has something to do with May Parker,
Spidey's daughter aka Spider-Girl)

Game Powers: Unlimited Webbing, Enhanced Strength
Comments: This costume gives double damage and doesn't run out of webbing!
How to: Finish the game once in Normal Mode

9. Negative Zone - (Black and white version of the regular suit. The red turns to
black and the blue areas turn into a light grey color!)

Game Powers: None
Comments: In Spiderman 90 our hero enters the negative zone to save three
children. This was his costume while he was there!
How to: Collect the 4 keys in Smokescreen in a single run. This means that you
don't go back and forth the bomb to extend the time. No color sequence
necessary just give it a shot, if it doesn't work for you, restart the

10. Symbiote Spidey - Special Costume (This is Venom's Symbiote... Spidey was the
first one to use it. And it was Spidey's favorite suit, before he found out that it was

Game Powers: Unlimited webbing
Comments: Play through the game without running out of webbing!
How to: Finish the game in easy mode

11. Spiderman 2099 -- Special Costume ( This is also included in the first
Spiderman game,it's the suit of Miguel O'Hara... did I spelled it right?...
as Spidey 2099.)

Game Powers: Enhanced Strength
Comments: Attacks will inflict double the damage on opponents!
How to: Finish the game twice in Normal Mode

12. Captain Universe -- Special Costume (Also in the first game, this turns
the every boss in the game a total wussy! Talk about Invulnerabilty, unlimited webbing
and double damge!)

Game Powers: Invulnerable, Enhanced Strength, Unlimited Webbing
Comments: Inflicts Double Damage. will not run out of web or take any
How to: Finish the game twice in Normal Mode

13. Spidey Unlimited -- Special Costume ( When Spidey was trapped on
counter-earth he wore this suit...)

Game Powers: Stealth Mode (Cool!)
Comments: Press the Select button while in game to toggle invisibility on
and off! Will not work on bosses!
How to: Finish the game twice in Normal Mode

14. Amazing Bag Man -- Special Costume ( Thanks to a lot of people for this one! -
After the Secret Wars, Spidey's costume was destroyed, he found the Symbiote costume and
later he had it tested by Reed Richards, on the Fantastic Four's base. However they found
out that it was alive, Spidey and Reed managed to pull it off him. But Spidey, didn't
anticipate the event, so he would be going home in his undies! So the FF decided to lend
him one of their old uniforms, but there was no mask available since the FF's identities
were open to the public. In the end they used a paper bag for Spidey's mask... and so the
Amazing Bag-Man was born!)

Game Powers: No Spidey Belt (Sheez!)
Comments: Can only hold two web cartridges! (Now that's a challenge! Try
to use him on hard!)
How to: Finish the game twice in Normal Mode

15. Scarlet Spidey -- Special Costume ( I have read this comic, Ben Reilly
wore this suit, because he thought he was Spidey. He was a clone of Parker's... more info
on this on the next update)

Game Powers: None
Comments: This costume was first worn by Ben Riley - who believed himself
to be the real Spider-Man!
How to: Finish the game twice in Normal Mode

16. Ben Reilly - Special Costume ( Another costume worn by Ben Reilly)

Game Powers: None
Comments: This costume was worn by Ben Reilly who took the place of Parker
once he believed he was a clone.
How to: Finish the game twice in Normal Mode

17. Quick Change Spidey -- Special Costume ( Parker wore a Jacket over a white
shirt, and I think it's the symbiote costume!)

Game Powers: No Spidey Belt ( you call that power?!)
Comments: Can only hold a maximum of two web cartridges
How to: Finish the game twice in Normal Mode

18. Peter Parker -- Special Costume ( Well, it's the AMAZING PETER PARKER!)

Game Powers: No Spidey Belt (but I think he have his camera!)
Comments: Can only hold a maximum of two web cartridges
How to: Finish the game twice in Normal Mode

19. Battle Damaged -- Special Costume (Ouch!)

Game Powers: None
Comments: After battling Electro our Hero is in a world of hurt!
How to: After defeating Electro for the first time, it will be worn by

c. Characters.

Coming soon!

9. Next Update

Characters, codes, bosses, and create-a-spider mode, what-if mode

10. Credits


Thanks to me for writing the FAQ... hehe

Thanks to GameFAQs for posting this...

Thanks to Gameline for selling me the game!

Thanks to Bas Veerman aka Lapin Kulta for lots of useful infos., check out his comic
location FAQ.

Thanks to Valvinzo@aol.com, Scott , legomaniac900@aol.com and GLC
for the info on the Amazing Bag-Man costume.

Thanks to Rafael Malho, Keith Lakoduk, Indra Febriana, Alexandro Flores, Bobby_D and
poetrainx@netscape.net for tons of useful infos. on the game.

Thanks to Adam Harris aka Dense < a.harris2luke@planetnamek.org > for the codes (which
will be in my next update) and for SECURITY REASONS! :).

Thanks to Songscreamer@aol.com, masked_sa@yahoo.com, michael Saxon, Godbold Jake,
Garth4781@aol.com, Kevin Frost, Nixxus Eddy, Carlos Navarro, D. Arsenault Jr.
LFB18@aol.com, Tom Henderson and Elaine Crease, (whoow!) for infos. about the
game.(Costumes, comics, cheats)

And to those whom I've forgotten to include (I misplaced the list...sorry)

Thanks to anyone who is reading this!

for comments, suggestions, infos. please don't hesitate to e-mail me! OK!

That's all!


Spiderman 2: Enter Electro Walkthrough
Copyright 2001
Romy N. Junio Jr.
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Portuguese FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Das ultimative Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro FAQ/Walkthrough

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Alle Levels, alle Kostüme, alle Zeitungen und alle Comics.

11.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor, Euro PAL-Version

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
22.Oktober 2014
09.November 2015
25.September 2015
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01.April 2020
01.April 2020
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24.März 2020