Chrono Trigger

Chrono Trigger

15.10.2013 18:57:19
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Current Size: 331.7K
Email Backlog: 0
Print Status: OK
Best Viewed in Tex Edit Plus, Courier New, Size 10.


By: Psycho Penguin
AIM Name: HeShootsHeGores

Guide started: 08/30/01
Finished: 10/19/01
Last Updated: 10/19/01
Number of Updates: 7

Legal Disclaimer: You may reproduce this guide for NON PROFIT ONLY. I don't
care who you are. If I am not making money with the guide, then you shouldn't
either, especially since I worked so darn hard on it. If you decide you want to
reproduce this guide for non profit uses, and I don't know about it, I will
Rodney King your ass! All you have to do is email me at
and tell me exactly what you wanna do with my guide. You want to put it on your
site, go for it, as long as you keep it EXACTLY the same. Otherwise, there will
be a fight, and I know there's gonna be a fight, cuz I am gonna start it! You
can turn this guide into HTML if you want, I don't care, just make sure none of
this info is deleted or changed. If you want to print this guide out, go for
it. I wrote this guide to help people with this incredible game! Just make sure
to use this for your own use, and not go around putting it on eBay. As long as
you keep this guide the way it is, I don't care if you post it on your site.
Just KEEP IT THE WAY IT IS. Thank you.

E-mail Rules: I am a very flexible guy when it comes to emailing me. You can
email me at if you want to chat with me, since I like
talking with people. If you have a gameplay issue or question, email me at One last note: Only email me about the game at , all emails about Chrono Trigger sent to my other
e-mail adresses will be deleted and/or ignored. Thanks to all those that have
emailed me so far, I appreciate it! Check my email backlog. If it's filled up,
you may have to wait a while before you get a response. I check my email once
in a while. Please wait for a response, because I will respond to all emails.
Please read my guide before asking questions, thats why I have a FAQ and Reader
Tips section. I will only post your question/tip in my guide if it is good, and
has not been answered in this guide. Thanks.

One last note: Only email me about the game at for game
questions, or for reader tips and suggestions. All
emails sent to my other email addresses about the game will not be answered.
Thanks to all those that have emailed me so far, I appreciate it!

1. Check my email backlog. If it's filled up, you may have to wait a while
before you get a response.

2. I check my email once in a while. Please wait for a response, because I will
respond to all emails.

3. Please read my guide before asking questions, thats why I have a FAQ and
Reader Tips section.

4. I will only post your question/tip in my guide if it is good, and has not
been answered in this guide.

New plan: all questions can be sent to, and if you have
anything you would like to add to the guide, send it to This is because it is too tough for me to separate
stuff people want me to add to the guide from basic questions. if you send any
reader tips to or any questions to, they will be deleted. Thanks for understanding.

Basically: for FAQ posting requests and personal emails, for game questions and other things like that, and for tips, suggestions, corrections, etc.


Instant Message Rules: Unlike a lot of authors I know, I love getting IM's from
fans and for people with questions. My AIM name is HeShootsHeGores, and I go on
it a lot. Just remember this. If you contact me on one of the instant
messengers, and I do not respond, it probably means I am busy. I am always
talking with my girl, and friends, so sometimes I just ignore some instant
messages from people I do not know. Be nice, and I will talk to you, just don't
come out and ask the question and be all rude if I do not respond in five
seconds, otherwise I probably will just block you. I will answer all e-mails
about the game, however.


-The following readers for giving me information.
None, yet.

-The following people, just because I want to credit them.
CJC: For hosting this guide and for giving me a second chance.
Yakuza: For being my first online friend, and for believing in my FAQ skills.
Jenn: My beautiful and loving fiancee who supports me in doing my guides
because she either accepts the fact I am a loser, or believes in my FAQ writing
skills. Either way, I love her.
Adrenaline SL: For being my best GameFAQs friend and always supporting me and
my guides, even though she knew I sucked then, and now I am getting better, and
a lot of that credit goes to her. Thanks a million, hun! ^.^
Andy007: For updating my site with me, although he doesn't as much as he
should. :)
Dyse Murder and SCCAN85: For being my two best GameFAQs buds, and for
believing in my skills. Good luck with the Grandia guide, Dyson.
Dingo Jellybean: I don't care how much problems I have had with him, have
with him, or will have with him in the future, he's still cool.
Cassey, Ashley, Megan, Wendy: You guys know why.

-The following websites for hosting this guide. (If they ever come back)

-The GameFAQs Chrono Trigger message board, for they asked some of the
questions found in the FAQ section of this guide.

-Finally, me for typing up this guide.

............................. THE TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................

I. Introduction
II. Revision History
III. Game Basics
IV. Characters
V. Frequently Asked Questions
VI. Walkthrough
A. Millenial Fair - 1000 A.D.
B. The Queen Returns - 600 A.D.
C. The Queen is Gone - 600 A.D.
D. We're Back - 1000 A.D.
E. The Trial - 1000 A.D.
F. Beyond the Ruins - 2300 A.D.
G. The Factory Ruins - 2300 A.D.
H. The End of Time
I. The Village of Magic - 1000 A.D.
J. The Hero Appears - 600 A.D.
K. Tata and the Frog - 600 A.D.
L. The Rare Red Rock - 65,000,000 B.C.
M. Footsteps! Follow! - 65,000,000 B.C.
N. The Masamune! - 600 A.D.
O. Magus's Castle - 600 A.D.
P. Forward to the Past - 65,000,000 B.C.
Q. Unnatural Selection? - 65,000,000 B.C.
R. The Magic Realm - 12,000 B.C.
S. Break the Seal! - 65,000,000 B.C.
T. The Guru On Mt. Woe - 12,000 B.C.
U. What Lies Beyond? - 12,000 B.C.
V. Lavos Beckons - 12,000 B.C.
W. The New King - 12,000 B.C.
X. The Time Egg - 2300 A.D.
Y. The Fated Hour - The End of Time
Z. The Final Battle - 1999 A.D.
- ******* Side Quests
1. The Rainbow Shell
2. The Sun Stone
3. The Black Omen
4. Cyrus's Ghost
5. Robo's Home
6. The Sunken Desert
7. Ozzie's Fort
VII. Boss Guide
VIII. Lists
- Single Techs
- Double Techs
- Triple Techs
- Weapons
- Armor
- Helmets
- Accessories
- Items
- Enemies
- Endings
IX. Shop Guide
X. Other Information
- Credits
- Contact Information
- Other Information
XI. Conclusion
- Final Statement
- Planned For Next Update
- Finishing Statistics

----/----/----/----/----/ I. INTRODUCTION /----/----/----/----/----/

Hi, gang! It's me, Psycho P, back with another guide, this time for one of the
real classics of all time, Chrono Trigger. Playstation version. As some of you
may know if you read my recently posted Chrono Trigger for Playstation review,
I didn't like it too much, mainly because of the loading times. I still did
this guide anyways. I really hated doing this guide, so I am sorry if the
final work is kind of disappointing. I especially rushed through the end of the
guide, and I apologize for that, I just wanted to get it over with. Email me
with any questions, and enjoy the guide I didn't enjoy doing!

-Psycho Penguin (Personal things only)

----/----/----/----/----/ II. REVISION HISTORY /----/----/----/----/----/

v0.50 - October 19, 2001 - 331.7K
-Holy cow is all I have to say!
-First I finished the single techs and double techs list.
-I then added the lists and added some side quests.
-I then finished the walkthrough and boss guide.
-I then finished the side quests and updated the boss guide.
-I finished off everything else, and now the guide is done!
-I took out the secrets/mini games section, and added a update number tracker.
-Finally, I can forget about this guide. I really disliked doing it..

v0.45 - October 6, 2001 - 243.0K
-I got fired from my job yesterday for no reason. :(
-Sorry I haven't worked on this guide in a while. I was busy with other things.
-Walkthrough updated through the end of the What Lies Beyond? quest.
-Boss Guide updated throug Dalton.
-PLANNED FOR NEXT UPDATE: Walkthrough updated through the end of the The New
King quest, first 2 side quests added, endings list added, introduction added,
and maybe some game basics work.

v0.40 - September 19, 2001 - 222.7K
-This is a really major update!
-Walkthrough updated through the end of the Unnatural Selection? quest.
-Boss guide updated through Azala and Black Tyrano.
-3 new FAQ's added.
-Status Abnormalities added to game basics section.
-Format has been updated a lot.
-I divided the techs list into three lists and added the Single Techs list.
-I added the Helmets list.
-Wow, I just noticed this guide is almost EXACTLY 100K larger than it was this
time last night. Cool.
-PLANNED FOR NEXT UPDATE: Walkthrough updated through the end of the Lavos
Beckons quest, first 2 side quests added, endings list added, and I will do
some game basics section work.

v0.30 - September 18, 2001 - 122.7K
-Well, I am starting to like this guide more and more. It is getting pretty fun
to do. I just worked on it a lot.
-Walkthrough started and updated through the end of the The Hero Appears quest.
-Boss guide started and updated through Zombor. I really like the boss guide
format although a bunch of losers are gonna complain about it.
-Weapons list started and completed.
-I added my new email rules.
-PLANNED FOR NEXT UPDATE: More game basics section work, walkthrough updated
through the end of the Magus's Castle quest, and I will add the introduction,
conclusion, and other information sections. Stay tuned!

v0.20 - September 6, 2001 - 70.7K
-I still hate this stinking guide, but I am slowly starting to like it more.
-I found a walkthrough format I like.
-Shop guide added, armor list added, and enemies list completed.
-That took a little while.. went quicker than I expected.
-PLANNED FOR NEXT UPDATE: I may just add the introduction, I will do some
serious walkthrough work, and I will add the weapons list.

v0.10 - September 2, 2001 - 46.0K
-I hate this stinking guide.
-I tested about 300 different walkthrough formats and still haven't found one I
-Enemies list updated M to P.
-Controls added.
-Damn, that took forever. Like I said, this guide is gonna take a while.
-PLANNED FOR NEXT UPDATE: Introduction added, more game basics work,
walkthrough started, armor list added, and enemy list updated R to T.

v0.05 - August 30, 2001 - 34.6K
-I finally decided to start on this stinking guide.
-Format done. Top part of guide completed.
-Accessories list completed.
-Enemies list completed through A to L.
-That took a long time.. this guide might take a while!
-PLANNED FOR NEXT UPDATE: More enemies list work, introduction added,
walkthrough started, game basics list started. Should be fun! *groan*

----/----/----/----/----/ III. GAME BASICS /----/----/----/----/----/

----Here is a section of game basics in the game.----

[------------------------] CONTROLS [------------------------]

_____ ______
| L1,2| | R1,2 |
------- --------
/ _ \____________/ \
| _| |_ ___ ___ /\ _ |
| |_ _| |sel| |str| [] (_)|
| |_| __ __ __ >< |
| / \ | | / \ |
\ | AL |----| AR | /
\ / \__/ \__/ \ /
\___/ \___/

Directional buttons - Character movement / cursor movement in menu screens.
Left analog stick - Not used.
Right analog stick - Not used.
X button - Confirm / talk / examine / enter buildings
Circle button - Cancel / dash (when holding down)
Triangle button - Open main menu screen.
Square button - Open character exchange screen / open time gauge screen when in
time machine
L1 Button - Escape from battle (when held down with the R1 button) / operate
time gauge / operate item screen
L2 Button - Not used
R1 Button - Escape from battle (when held down with the L1 button) / operate
time gauge / operate item screen
R2 Button - Not used
Select Button - Opens the world map on the world map screen.
Start Button - Pause / Resume
Analog Mode Button - Not used.
Soft Reset - Press the L1, L2, R1, R2, Start, and Select buttons at the same

[------------------------] STATUS ABNORMALITIES [------------------------]

During combat, your characters can sometimes be inflicted with a status affect
that can weaken their ability to continue fighting. All these status effects
end when a battle is over, and can be healed during battle or blocked entirely!

BLIND: It lowers your hit percentage considerably.
CHAOS: Confuses you into attacking your own allies. Can be removed by attacking
the character that is affected with it.
LOCK: You are unable to perform techniques.
POISON: Hit points slowly decrase. Your attacks are weakened.
SLEEP: Lowers your guard, prevents you from attacking. It can be removed by
attacking the character that is affected by it.
SLOW: It increases the time you have between attacks.
STOP: It immobilizes and disables the character. They can't do much of anything
in this state.

----/----/----/----/----/ IV. CHARACTERS /----/----/----/----/----/

----Note: These were taken straight from the manual. I hope no harm is done, as
the descriptions of the characters were really good.----

Crono lives in Truce Village in the year 1000 A.D. with his mother. He is a
content teenager until his friend Marle mysteriously disappears in an
experimental teleportation device. He courageously takes on the task of
traveling through time to find his lost friend. A fine swordsman, Crono
demonstrates extraordinary skill with the katana.

Marle lives in the year 1000 A..D in Guardia Castle. Posing as a commoner,
Marle is actually Princess Nadia of the kingdom of Guardia. Her mother, Aliza,
died when she was young and she now lives with her father, the king of Guardia.
She meets Crono and Lucca at the Millenial Fair in Leene Square. She despises
royal life and longs for the freedom of common life. Her beauty is matched only
by her desire for freedom from royal burdens.

She lives with her parents near Truce Village in the year 1000 A.D. More
comfortable around books and machinery than around people, she does not have
many friends her own age. A brilliant inventor, Lucca creates a device known as
a telepod that is said to be instantly able to transport a person from one
location to another. She uses her cunning and creativity to make new inventions
and weapons.

A valiant knight of the Guardia kingdom in 600 A.D., Frog relinqushes his post
as the queen's protector after failing to prevent the disappearance of the
queen, Leene. Frog is looking to avenge the death of his falling comrade. He is
a powerful swordsman who wields the mythical sword, Masamune.

Ayla, a feral caveswoman from the distant past, is the chief of Ioka Village.
She is seeking allies to defend her village against the threatening dino-human
Reptites. Recruiting Crono and his friends, Ayla and her people must overcome
the Reptites for control over history itself. On the battlefield Ayla is
unmatched in raw power and ferocity.

Robo is searching for his long past and striving to improve his future. Upon
finding the broken down machine, Lucca repairs Robo. In return, the robot
chooses to fight alongside Crono and his friends. Robo uses advanced weaponry
from the future to strike fear into all who challenge him.

Magus lives in the year 600 A.D. but may have come from some other era. Magus
is bent on destruction for reasons yet unknown. A master of Shadow Magic, Magus
is a dark force to be reckoned with.

----/----/----/----/----/ V. FAQS /----/----/----/----/----/

----Here is some questions I made up off the top of my head.----

1. Why does Chrono Trigger have such long loading times?
A: This is a really good question. I have no clue why the game is so much worse
than the Japanese one. My best bet is that someone in Square decided to focus
all their energy on the Final Fantasy 4 disc, since it was horrible in Japan,
which is why Final Fantasy Anthology did not include Final Fantasy 4. However,
the loading times in Chrono Trigger in Japan were super. They did a flip flop
when it came to America, however. I don't know why, it just did. It is truly
2. Do you like the PSX version of Chrono Trigger?
A: Hell no. They fucked up with the game too much. The loading times are
unbearable. The anime scenes are okay I guess, but there's one problem I have
with this game. Playing an hour of it seems like playing four. For Final
Fantasy 4, I could play eight hours of it straight and not even notice, because
the battles and everything loaded so quickly. But for Chrono Trigger, I can play
an hour and have it seem like a lot longer, because of the loading times. That's
the main difference.
3. Can I enter the Black Omen in 2300 A.D.?
A: You can go inside the entrance area, where the laser things are, but the
door won't open, so you technically can't go INSIDE it.
4. What order do you reccomend doing the side quests in?
A: Rainbow Shell, Son of Sun, Black Omen, Upgrading Masamune, Geno Dome,
Fiona's Forest, and Ozzie's Return.
5. Who is the old man at the End of Time talking about when he mentions about
someone close to him needing help?
A: Queen Zeal
6. How do I get Melchoir to make the Rainbow Dress?
A: You have to get the sun stone and then he will make it for you.
7. How do I get Melchoir to make the Prism Dress?
A: Help Marle's dad through the trial after doing the Rainbow Shell sidequest.
8. What enemies can I still tabs from?
A: Some of the enemies in the Black Omen carry them.
9. Should I fight Magus with Frog?
A: Sure. He is a useful party member, sure, but I never really used him
anyways, and it's fun to fight him. And the boss music rules. =)
10. How early in the game can I get an ending?
A: Well, you have to beat the game to see the first ending, then you can use
the New Game Plus ending and see endings as soon as Leene Square..
11. How come I can't leave Crono in all the ages and have a party full of
A: I'm sure it has something to do with game challenge.. and he would have kept
dying anyways.
12. How come when you get Robo back he is on the exact level he was before?
A: He was probably just resting. You will notice a lot the people never get
into battles during scenes.. Tifa during the Mt. Nibel thing in FF7, for
13. How come Crono died and how come you couldn't go back 10 minutes to revive
A: That would be pretty much impossible I believe, due to the fact the time
machine only took you to weird time periods, not 10 minutes back, more like 65
million years.. besides, I guess they REALLY wanted to kill Magus..
14. How many endings are there?
A: 15
15. How many characters do you get throughout the game?
A: 7
16. What are some weak points of the game in your opinion?
A: I feel that the only main problem with the game is the limited amount of
options you have in the battle screen. You only get 999 maximum Hit Points and
99 maximum Magic Points, for instance. Also, it just strikes me as odd. The
whole battle system could have been upgraded. It's not as bad as Chrono Cross,
but at least CC had the right ideas about maximum Hit Points and attacks, etc.

----/----/----/----/----/ VI. WALKTHROUGH /----/----/----/----/----/

----Here is the walkthrough for the game. What? Enjoy!----

[------------------------] MILLENIAL FAIR [------------------------]
[------------------------] 1000 A.D. [------------------------]
Items: 200G, Tonic, 100G, 300G, Shelter, Power Tab, Pendant
Enemies: Avian Chaos, Beetle, Gato, Hetake
Bosses: None

You start off the game in Crono's house. Go downstairs and talk to the mom
twice to get 200G. Exit the house, then go south to the Mayor's Manor. You can
get a TONIC, 100G, and 300G from here, plus you can learn some helpful tips
from the kind people. You can go to Porre via the ferry to get a SHELTER,
otherwise go to the Guardia Forest.

This place really isn't that bad. There are a few enemy fights along the way
but none are too tough. Just use this place to gain levels and get used to the
combat system. I got Crono to Level 4 before leaving here, but I have no life,
so yeah. There is a POWER TAB to the far right of the entrance, you have to
beat some enemies up and then touch the blue sparkling thing. You can actually
exit and keep coming back to get more and more if you wish.

There are some mini games you can play here. Check the mini games section for
more details. Go up a screen, and you will run into this girl. Make sure to
talk to the girl before getting the PENDANT. Hand it to her and she will be so
happy she lap dances for you (heh) then joins the party. Go to the south square
and do not sell the Pendant. Also, make sure not to eat the pink bag. You see
the cat? Go to the lower eastern part of the north square, and the little girl
will tell you she lost her kitty. Find the cat, and bring it to the little
girl. Talk to either of the girls in the center fountain, then go up, and wait
for Marle, don't even touch a button. When she is done, go up and watch the
scene. Something has gone horribly wrong, and apparently Marle has been
teleported back in time!

[------------------------] THE QUEEN RETURNS [------------------------]
[------------------------] 600 A.D. [------------------------]
Items: Power Glove, Tonic, Power Tab, Shelter, 100G, Bronze Mail, Tonic, Ether
Enemies: Blue Eaglet, Blue Imp, Poly, Roly, Roly Rider
Bosses: None

Beat up the Blue Imps, then go left out of the screen. Go up, then left, then
defeat 2 Blue Imps. Go down and get the POWER GLOVE and TONIC from the two
treasure chests. Go down and right, to fight the 2 Blue Imps and 1 Roly. Defeat
them, then exit the Truce Canyon.

Stock up on new weapons, then go to the Truce Inn and talk to the soldiers. Buy
a cider for the man to hear his story.

Go up, then right to fight 1 Green Imp and 2 Rolys. Go down and right to get
the POWER TAB. The trap down below sets off a group of Roly Riders. Go up,
right, up, left, and touch the bush, fighting the 3 Rolys along the way. Either
an enemy will come out, or a little furry white thing in one which leaves a
SHELTER. You can actually keep exiting and coming back for more if you wish. Go
left and fight the 2 Roly Riders, then down to fight 3 Blue Eaglets, but they're
kinda tough. Just warning you. Go up, and before you exit fight the 3 Roly
Riders, then exit north, ignoring the path to the right, as it leads to a dead

When you enter, the Queen will allow you to enter, much to the soldiers'
dismay. Talk to the King in the throne room, and he will go upstairs. Follow
him, while getting 100G from the treasure chest, then get the BRONZE MAIL from
the treasure chest in the king's chambers. Return to the throne room, and
follow the right path up, getting chests, then talk to the guard on top. Now
watch the scene with Marle and Lucca. You have to save the queen to rescue
Marle for the future. I am loving that storyline.

[------------------------] THE QUEEN IS GONE [------------------------]
[------------------------] 600 A.D. [------------------------]
Items: Tonic x3, Revive, Maiden Suit, Ether x2, 100 G, Bromide, Steel Saber,
Speed Belt, Iron Sword, Power Tab, Defender, Mid Ether,
Enemies: Diablos, Gnasher, Hench, Mad Bat, Naga-ette
Bosses: Yakra

Go to the Cathedral, which is to the left of the Castle. To get there, exit
south via Guardia Forest, then go left and up to the cathedral. When you enter,
run up and touch the shining blue dot. The nuns will turn into Naga-ettes. Beat
them up, then Frog will come in and join your party. He's a really cool
character. Play the organ in the upper left hand corner to open up the secret

Go up the stairs on the right side, then through the first door. The dumb
creatures will consider you to be monsters wearing human uniforms, so follow
the Diablo when it leaves. Go down through the south door and beat up on the
enemies that attack you. Diablos will now lead you right, to a statue of Magus.
Move along the side of the room to get the chests.

Now go all the way back to the entrance. Go up the stairs on the left side. Go
in through the door and fight the 3 Hences. Beat them, then open the drawer in
the upper left hand corner. You will get the BROMIDE, but 3 Naga-ettes will
attack you. Defeat them, then exit the room. Go right, up, and left. Push the
button to go through the door, and make sure to get the STEEL SABER from ther
treasure chest. Go in and get the POWER TAB from the bucket. Now, go back out
and down the stairs. Go down the center lane, where you will have to fight
three sets of enemies (2 Diablos, 2 Gnashers and 2 Diablos, 2 Naga-ettes and
Gnashers) then go through the door.

Save your game here, go up and left to get the SHELTER, then go down the
stairs, which will turn into a trap slide. Beat up the Hench, then go up and
defeat the 2 Mad Bats. If you push the button, that is. So don't push it, as
the Mad Bats don't give very much experience anyways. Gp up and take out the
Mad Bat and three Henches, then get the items from the treasure chests. Go all
the way right, fighting the 2 Henches and 2 Mad Bats along the way, then down
through the door. Go down, push the switch, and fight the 2 Diablos and 1 Mad
Bat. Go down and fight the 1 Hench and 1 Mad Bat and collect the chest. Now, go
all the wau up, then left through the center door. Equip Frog with the Iron
Sword, and go through this room, fighting three sets of enemies (2 Henches, 2
Naga-ette, and 2 Henches) then in the next room you will have to face Yakra.

======================================================== / YAKRA / =============
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 920 / -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 50 / -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 5 / -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 500 / -------------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
This boss really isn't that tough. Have Lucca attack with either Fire magic or
normal attacks, or have her use Tonics on injured party members when needed.
Frog and Crono should attack with their X Strike Dual Tech. If you don't know
how to do it, just wait for both their meters to fill up, and it should say
"Comb." instead of "Tech". Go to double tech, and Dual Tech should be
available. He ain't that bad.

After you defeat Yakra, open the left chest to release the real Chancellor,
then get the MID ETHER from the chest on the right hand side. Go to the bottom
of the room and you will be back in the castle.

Watch the scene, then follow Frog to the foyer. Talk to him, and then go back
to the throne room. Talk to the king, then go back to the Queen's chambers, and
Marle will be back. Go back to Truce Canyon and go back to 1000 A.D.

[------------------------] WE'RE BACK [------------------------]
[------------------------] 1000 A.D. [------------------------]
Items: None
Enemies: None
Bosses: None

You can stay here and get silver points and stuff if you want. Otherwise, go to
Guardia Castle.

Watch the scene, where Crono gets accused of kidnapping Marle, despite what she
claims. Yikes.

[------------------------] THE TRIAL [------------------------]
[------------------------] 1000 A.D. [------------------------]
Items: Ether x6 (Not Guilty verdict only), Mid Tonic, Bronze Mail, Shelter x3,
Ether x2, 1500G, Lode Sword
Enemies: Blue Shield, Decedent, Guard, Omnicrone
Bosses: Dragon Tank

Hopefully you have been following this guide up to ths point. If you have, then
you should get a Not Guilty verdict. This is how you get a Not Guilty verdict.
- After you bump into Marle, talk to her, then get her pendant. Otherwise,
you will seem greedy.
- When Melchior offers to buy her pendant, say NO! Otherwise, it will make
you seem like you only want money.
- Don't eat the old man's lunch. If you do, he will testify against you,
which does not help your case any at all.
- Lead the kitty back to the little girl. If you do, she will take your side.
If you don't, she'll basically call you a meanie.
- Wait patiently for Marle to choose her candies before Lucca's expirement.
If you do, you will seem interested in her.
- When you are asked during the trial, say that it was all your fault and you
are not interested in Marle's wealth.

No matter what verdict you get, you are still sentenced to 3 days in jail.

Save your game, drink from the mug to gain back lost HP and MP, and check the
bucket for 6 MID ETHERS if you were proven Not Guilty. You can either wait 3
days patiently now, or break out. If you break out, you will have to fight
alone. If you wait, you have Lucca too. I reccomend waiting. If you do, you
will be taken to the chamber, but Lucca will rescue you. Snab the BRONZE MAIL
from the treasure chest, then go out of the room.

Free the man in the guillotine and then search the guard twice for a MID TONIC.
The next guard, charge at him from behind then get a MID TONIC from him.
Otherwise you will have to fight him. Go through the southwest door, and then
fight the Guards. In the next room, fight the Blue Shields. Wait for them to
turn sideways into Yoda Des, then beat them up. Take the southeast exit, and
cross the bridge. Knock the guard out when he isn't looking, then go in the
room to get two MID TONICS and two ETHERS.

Beat the Omnicrone up, and go back to the execution area. Take the northwest
exit. Head across the bridge, then go southwest this time. Inside the first
cell is a SHELTER, and in the second cell is a corpse. Go back to the other
room, then take the northwest exit. Enter the cells, then go in the second one.
Climb in the hole, then climb down to the bottom. Get the SHELTER, and climb
through the hole to get 1500 G and the LODE SWORD. Equip it on Crono, then go
back to the top cell. Go back to the previous room. Take the northeast exit,
climb two flights of stairs, and search the soldier to get five MID TONICS.
It's all good. Read the DRAGON TANK MANUAL, save, then head across the bridge.
Watch the scene.

======================================================== / DRAGON TANK / ======
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 260 - Head /
------ -------------------------------------------------------- HP: 600 - Body
/ ------
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 208 - Base / ------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 40 ------ / ------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 5 ------ / ------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 500 ------ / ------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
This boss can be pretty tough if you don't know how to beat it. It has some
pretty powerful attacks, including a missile attack and a bomb attack. The
missile hits one party member, but the bomb attacks a whole group, whatever is
in the radius. Anyways, have both characters attack the head until it is
defeated. Don't use any techs until the head is defeated. Once it is, use Fire
Whirl on the other two parts. Cyclone would work too if Lucca needs to heal

Go down the tower, collecting a SHELTER along the way. When you get to the
bottom, soldiers will chase you to the front door, where Marle will make her
return. Go into Guardia Forest, then through the Time Gate.

[------------------------] BEYOND THE RUINS [------------------------]
[------------------------] 2300 A.D. [------------------------]
Items: Berserker, Lode Sword, Lode Bow, Ether, Seed, Mid Ether, Mid Tonic, Bike
Key, 600G, Rage Band, Bolt Sword, Power Tab, Mid Tonic, Race Log
Enemies: Bug, Bugger, Crater, Edger, Meat Eater, Mutant, Nereid, Octopod, Proto
2, Rat, Shadow
Bosses: Guardian/Bits, Sir Krawlie

Just exit here, then go south to Trann Dome.

Talk to the man and he will sell you items. Buy what you need/want, then go
into the Enertron which restores lost HP and MP. That's really all to do here.
Go to Lab 16 now.

LAB 16
The rats in here steal a Tonic from you then run away, so don't go near them.
You can't fight them. Go up, then right and fight the 2 Octopods and 1 Meat
Eater. Go down, right, and up, avoiding the two rats, and get the BERSERKER
from the treasure chest. Go down, left, up, left, and up some more, and fight
the 3 Craters and 1 Meat Eater. Continue along the path, fighting enemies and
getting items, then eventually you will exit.

Go in and talk to Doan, who will tell you that his people are having trouble
reaching their food supply in the basement. Talk to people, buy items if you
need to, rest in the Enteron, then save your game. Examine the panel in the
first room, where Lucca will say you need a password to enter. Climb the ladder
to the left instead, then cross the high beams to the north, and read the note
that is attached to the rat statue. Exit from the north, and the alarms will
sound. Boss time.

======================================================== / GUARDIAN, BITS / ====
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 1200 ------- / ----
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 300 ----- / ----
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 5 -------- / ----
-------------------------------------------------------- GOLD: 1000 ----- / ----
-- STRONG VS: Fire -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
This boss battle can be pretty tricky if you do not know what to do. I have a
secret to win this battle pretty easily, however it is also pretty dangerous.
First, let me tell you about why this battle is pretty tough. The Guardian is
the body, and it has 2 Bits along with him. When you attack the body with 2
Bits active, the body will counterattack with this massive Delta attack.
Therefore, it is best you destroy the two bits first, then focus on the Body.
However, he will count from five to zero, and he will launch 2 more Bits. My
technique to winning this battle is defeating one Bit and leaving one there.
The machine cannot do as much damage, and it cannot counterattack or launch
more Bits. Have Crono and Lucca do Fire Whirl while Marle heals, and you have
this battle won.

You will now be in the storage room. Sadly, it has been destroyed, and all
that's left is a SEED. Get the MID ETHER and go back a few rooms down. Chase
the rat south, and you will get the password from him. If you miss it, just go
back up and try again. The password is L1, R1, and X, but the password won't
work until you capture the rat. Enter the password into the computer, then walk
through the right door.

In here, go up and fight 1 Bugger and 2 Rats. Keep going up and get the chest.
Go down, left up the stairs, then go up, following the path. Once you get all
the way up, go down the stairs and fight the Bug. Go down and fight another
Bug. Go down, right up the stairs, then go all the way up into the next room.
When you enter the room, you will have to face a Proto 2. Go through this room,
fighting lots of Proto 2's, Rats, and Buggers, then go all the way to the upper
right hand corner room. In here you can get a bunch of treasure chests. Go in
the room to the left and watch the scene. Now, exit here, and talk to the
people in the dome, who will give you the BIKE KEY in exchange for the Seed.
Good deal. Now, you can either continue along the path and go to Lab 32, or
take some side paths first, which net cool items.

Move left, beat the Edgers, then get the 600 G from the treasure chest. Go left
some more, then go down, and two frogs will be talking. What is it with this
game and frogs? Follow them down the ladder. Go left and avoid anything that
makes noise through this path. Climb up the ladder at the end. Go up and take a
right into the passageway. Press the switch at the end, then go back out. Go up,
then right until you are stuck. Go down and through the door. Watch the frogs,
then get the RAGE BAND and equip it on Crono, now you will fight Sir Krawlie.

======================================================== / SIR KRAWLIE / =======
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 500 ----- / -------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 100 --- / -------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 5 ---- / -------
-------------------------------------------------------- GP: 500 ----- / -------
-- STRONG VS: Fire -- --WEAK VS: Shadow -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
This battle is pretty damn easy. Have Crono and Lucca combine to do the Fire
Whirl double tech, while Marle heals. The only damaging attack Sir Krawlie does
is the attack which reduces a character to 1 HP, so have Marle ready to cast
Aura at any time.
-- WIN: Mid Ether --

After you win this battle, go down and left to get a BOLT SWORD. Press the red
button, then climb the ladder.

Run up the side quickly to get a POWER TAB before the winds knock you over.

Not really much to do here. Just notice the sealed door and talk to the old
man, because you will be coming back..

LAB 32
This is where the path picks back up. Get the MID TONIC from the treasure
chest, then go up. You will be surrounded by enemies, and then Johnny will
challenge you to a race. Beat him, using all your nitros towards the end, then
go left and get the RACE LOG from the treasure chest. Exit here and go to the
Proto Dome to the south.

Go through here, and get Robo. He will tell you to go to the Factory, so let's
go there, shall we? Make sure to bring Lucca instead of Marle.

[------------------------] THE FACTORY RUINS [------------------------]
[------------------------] 2300 A.D. [------------------------]
Items: Robin Bow, Mid Tonic, 400 G, Mid Ether x2, Shelter x2, Ether x2, Bolt
Sword, Titan Vest, Plasma Gun, Hammer Arm
Enemies: Acid, Alkaline, Bug, Debugger, Proto 3
Bosses: R-Series

I hate this place majorly so I am gonna divide it into sections so it is easier
to follow. I am not going to name any battles here unless I feel like it, since
there are quite a few and it's tough enough to explain this place as is. Robo
will deactivate the security beams, then go right and take the conveyor belt
up. Fight the Acid, using the Slash tech to win easily. Avoid the green pools
as you go through this area. Fight the 3 Debuggers, then read the sign on the
wall. You will need a password to get to the Lab, where the power generator is.

Take the right elevator down to the factory. Go left and climb the ladder into
the doorway. Go straight up until you are stopped, then head right until you
are stopped again. Grab the MID ETHER here, then go back to the two ladders you
saw earlier. Go down the left one, and follow the path to the end to get the
ROBIN BOW from the treasure chest. Climb back up, then go down the right
ladder. When the robots go by, head left real quick, then hop on the steps. Get
the ETHER, then when you finally get to the end, go south. Defeat the Bugs,
climb the ladder, cross the top walkway, and head right. Get the MID TONIC,
then enter the door.

Collect 400 G and the MID ETHER, then examine the control panel. Memorize the
combinations you learn here, then exit. Go left, then enter the door at the
end. Beat up on the robots and get the ETHER and SHELTER, then examine the
controls. Punch in one of the combinations you learned a little earlier. The
crane will remove the two barrels. Return to the main room, then go west to the
furthest door on the bottom. Get the BOLT SWORD, and examine the control panel
to get the password for the Lab area.

Return to the lobby, then go in the left elevator this time. On Level 2, go up
and enter the Monitor room. Defeat the Acids and Alkalines, then touch the
control panel to open a hatch in the floor.

On Level 3, go left and then down. When you get to the laser, open the northern
door. Inside this room, touch the control panel. Get the items from the chests,
then take the ladder in the corner of the room down.

On Level 4, follow the hallway up until you get to a sealed door. Get the
PLASMA GUN in the chest, equip it on Lucca, then touch the control station and
enter the password you learned in the factory section. Walk into the generator
room and press the button. Go back quickly, and you will be stopped soon
enough. This is a sad scene because these are former friends of Robo..

======================================================== / R-SERIES / ==========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 180 -- / ----------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 480 - / ----------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 6 -- / ----------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 600 --- / ----------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
Make sure Crono has the Rage Band equipped, as he will counterattack
frequently, making this battle go by quicker. The bad part about this battle is
Robo isn't in it, so you only have Crono and the other person you brought along.
If Marle is with you, have Marle continue to heal while Crono does Cyclone over
and over again. If Lucca is with you, do the Fire Whirl dual tech, aiming it at
the center robot. If anyone needs to be healed, have Lucca use tonics while
Crono does Cyclone. But you shouldn't even need to heal, as two Fire Whirl
attacks can win this battle for you.

After this, Lucca will repair Robo and the party will use the time gate.. and
will land in.. THE END OF TIME???

[------------------------] THE END OF TIME [------------------------]
[------------------------] ------- [------------------------]
Items: None
Enemies: None
Bosses: None

The old man will explain to you that since you brought four people with you,
the time gate screwed up and you landed in the end of time. You need to only
bring three people. Choose Crono, Lucca, and Marle for now. Touch the shining
blue dot on the left hand side to refill HP and MP, then save your game. Go
back towards the pillar of lights, then the old man calls you back. Enter the
room above the Lamp post, and then slowly walk across the room clockwise three
times. Talk to Spekkio again, and he will teach everyone their first magic
spell! Awesome. He then asks you if you want to try them out. If you do so,
keep using the magic you just learned. If you win, you get 1 Magic Tab and 5
Ethers, unless you are over Level 19, which is doubtful.

================================== / REWARDS / =================================
Level 1 through 19 - Magic Tab, Ether x5
Level 20 through 39 - Magic Tab, Mid Ether x5
Level 30 through 39 - Magic Tab, Full Ether x5
Level 40 through 98 - Magic Tab, Speed Tab, Power Tab, Elixir x10
Level 99 - Magic Tab x10, Speed Tab x10, Power Tab x10, Mega Elixir x10

Talk to the old man, and go to Medina Village in 1000 A.D.

[------------------------] THE VILLAGE OF MAGIC [------------------------]
[------------------------] 1000 A.D. [------------------------]
Items: Speed Tab, Magic Tab, Mid Ether, Ether x2, Mid Ether, Magic Scarf, Taban
Vest, Mid Ether x10
Enemies: Cave Bat, Diablos, Hench, Jinn Bottle, Octoblush, Omnicrone, Rolypoly,
Bosses: Heckran

You will enter here via the closet in the Blue Imps' house. Since when do
enemies get a house? Ah well. As you try to exit, the Mystic reports that a
human lives west of Medina Village. Okay. Go to the Elder's House and get the
SPEED TAB on the counter, then go upstairs and get the MAGIC IMP.

Just get the MID ETHER here and leave.

Go west until you find the house. Buy some items here, then he will tell you to
go through the Heckran Cave.

Enter here and fight the 2 Henches. Go up, left, then down the ladder. Get the
chest, then go left and fight the Jinn Bottle and 3 Octoblushes. Go down here.
In the next room, go down and fight the 2 Tempurites, then go down. Go left
here, and fight the 3 Rolypolies, then the 3 Cave Bats, to get the MAGIC SCARF
from the treasure chest. Go back here, in the other room go left, get the
chest, fight the 4 Tempurites, then get the chest in the upper left hand
corner. Now, go all the way down. In this room, fight the 2 sets of enemies (4
Rolypolies, 3 Cave Bats), then go into the next room. Go up here, fight the
Jinn Bottle and 3 Octobrushes, then go through the door. Go right, then up and
go through the door. The Heckran is in here.

======================================================== / HECKRAN / ===========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 2100 -/ -----------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 250 -/ -----------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 10 -/ -----------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 1500 -/ -----------
-- STRONG VS: Attack -- --WEAK VS: Magic -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
The only way to really beat this boss is by using magic, so make sure to bring
in Crono/Marle/Lucca for the best results, as Robo can do barely any damage in
this battle. Have Crono use Lightning, Lucca use Fire, and Marle use Ice one
turn then Aura the next turn. Simple, right? Well nothing's that simple, silly.
The Heckran will sometimes turn into a shell, sorta like the Whelk in Final
Fantasy 6. If you attack the heckran while he is in the state, of course he
will counterattack. Therefore, just wait for him to get out of the shell. Now
would be a good time to heal, as well. When he goes back to normal, go back to
the usual routine.

Jump into the whirlpool north of here, and you will be near Lucca's house.

Go inside and go to the upstairs right bedroom. Talk to Lucca's mom. Her dad
will enter and give her some money. Go downstairs and talk to her dad, Taban,
to get the TABAN VEST.

If you helped Fritz out while escaping the prison, go to Truce Market and he
will give you ten MID ETHERS. Buy some stuff, then go to Leene Square.

Do what you like here, then go through the Time Gate.

Go through the new time pillar to 600 A.D.

[------------------------] THE HERO APPEARS [------------------------]
[------------------------] 600 A.D. [------------------------]
Items: Ether, Jerky, Power Tab x2, Gold Helm, Magic Tab, Mid Ether x2, Mid
Tonic, Shelter, Magic Scarf
Enemies: Deceased, Gnawer, Ozzie, Tadpole
Bosses: Zombor

Just find out what happened.

Go to the bridge, where the people need rations. Go to the castle now.

Talk to the Chancellor, and then visit the King upstairs. Head down to the
kitchen, and take the ETHER from the chest. As you are approaching the front
door, the Chef will give you the JERKY and a POWER TAB. Now, go back to the

Give the captain the Rations, then talk to him again to get a GOLD HELM. Run
across the bridge. When you fight the battles, aim the magic for the enemy,
then hit Ozzie with physical attacks. He will run away each time. At the end of
the bridge, you have to fight yet another boss.

======================================================== / ZOMBOR / ============
-------------------------------------------------------- / Top /-------------
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 960 -/ ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 350 / ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 10 / ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 1500 -/ ------------
-- STRONG VS: Lightning/Fire -- --WEAK VS: Shadow/Water -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
-------------------------------------------------------- / Bottom / ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 800 -/ ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 0 -/ ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 0 -/ ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 0 -/ ------------
-- STRONG VS: Shadow/Water -- --WEAK VS: Lightning/Fire -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
First, you will want to take out the top half. It is weak against Shadow and
Water, so have Marle pound it with Ice while Crono and Lucca use physical
attacks. Once it is defeated, it will reduce one character's MP to zero. Have
Crono use Lightning or techs on the bottom half to eventually win this battle.

Stop by the Elder's house. Toma has just accepted a new job. Follow him to the
Dorino Inn, and talk to him. On the north side of Dorino is a house which
contains a shiny dot. Talk to the guy, give him the Naga-ette Bromide, then get
the MAGIC TAB from where the dot is.

Go south of Dorino and get the two MID ETHERS from the house.

Go inside the market for a POWER TAB. Buy the Gold Suit and Beret here, then go
to the Cafe and talk to Toma. Talk to all the people in here.

Go through here, getting the chests and beating up on enemies. At the top, go
above the bush that keeps moving, then move down into it. A hidden ladder has
been discovered, it seems! Open the container near the ladder to get a MAGIC
SCARF, then move into the center of the room, where Frog will greet you. Talk
to him and your next quest is mentioned.

[------------------------] TATA AND THE FROG [------------------------]
[------------------------] 600 A.D. [------------------------]
Items: 300G, Mid Ether x4, Gold Helm, Mirage Hand, Silver, Silver Stud, Gold
Suit, Shelter, Ether, Revive x2, 600G, 500G, 300G, Mid Tonic x2, Earring, Speed
Tab, Magic Tab, Bent Sword, Hero Medal, Bent Hill
Enemies: Bellbird, Free Lancer, Gnawer, Goblin, Ogan, Tadpole
Bosses: Masa and Mune, Masamune

It seems like Tata, the "legendary hero" is in here, but he runs away from weak
enemies. Some hero, eh? Take out the two sets of enemies here (2 Goblins/2
Bellbirds, Goblin/Ogan) then go up to the next screen. Go through this screen,
defeating enemies and getting the treasure. Same goes for the next screen, it's
a straight forward path. The next screen has no enemies, just a treasure chest.
The next screen has a battle (2 Free Lancers) and a treasure chest. The next
screen has a bunch of tough battles. Lucca's fire magic ability will really do
you well here.

In the next screen, get the 300 G from the treasure chest, then curve up to the
top of the waterfall. Defeat the enemies here (2 Free Lancers/Bellbird), get the
MID TONIC then go down the stream. Fall down the left waterfall to get the
SILVER STUD, then go right and jump down to get the SILVER EARRING. Go back to
the mountaintop and go left. Cross the bridge, and keep talking to the monster
you see until you get a MAGIC TAB from it. Keep going until you get to the save
point, rest and save here. Get the MID ETHER from the chest, then go left and
search the corner for a hidden SPEED TAB. In the next screen, beat up on the
enemies and get the GOLD SUIT from the treasure chest. The next scren houses a
boss fight. Enjoy.

========================================================== / MASA / ============
========================================================== / MUNE / ============
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 1000 / ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 400 / ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 4 / ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 600 / ------------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
I reccomend using Crono/Lucca/Robo as your party for this boss battle, as you
can get some good single and double techs out of that party. Have two party
members combine to attack one enemy with a double tech, while the other heals
every round. You only need to defeat one of the two for the battle to end. They
will counterattack with the X Strike tech, which does some damage but not as
much as you might expect. This is really just a warmup for the next battle.

======================================================== / MASAMUNE / ==========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 3600 --/ ----------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 500 --/ ----------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 10 --/ ----------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 1500 --/ ----------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
This boss is actually pretty easy. It isn't strong or weak against any
particular attacks, so just pound away, although it does do a pretty powerful
counterattack sometimes, so keep your eyes out for it. When the monster starts
to store its energy, you should have Crono perform the Slash tech right away,
as that will break it. The monster can do some pretty nasty things, but nothing
too bad. If you have the Crono/Lucca/Robo team, have Lucca heal every once in a
while while Crono and Robo combine to do Rocket Roll that round.
-- WIN: Bent Sword --

When you win this battle, the brothers will teleport you out of the mountains.

Let's see how the old hero is doing, eh? Go to his house and talk to him. He
will give you the HERO MEDAL.

Remember where Frog was standing before? Stand there and touch the glowing
thing and a BENT HILT will pop out. Apparently, the word "MELCHIOR" is engraved
onto it, so you need to go back to 1000 A.D. to talk to Melchior.

Go back to Truce Canyon, then use the time gate there to go back to the End of
Time, then use one of the pillars to go to 1000 A.D. Go to Melchior's Hut. He
will tell you that he can make the Masamune using the items you have, but you
still need to get the Dreamstone. Sadly, that hasn't been seen since
prehistoric times. Fortunately, you have the power to go back in time, so it's
time to go back to the prehistoric ages!

Go here and warp back to prehistoric times.

[------------------------] THE RARE RED ROCK [------------------------]
[------------------------] 65,000,000 B.C. [------------------------]
Items: Berserker, Dreamstone, Tonic, Third Eye
Enemies: Amphibite, Anion, Croaker, Ion, Kilwala, Nu, Reptite, Rain Frog,
Bosses: None

Your party will be in mid air, and when you land, you will be attacked by some
Reptites. Beat them up, then go through this area, clearing out enemies. Soon,
you will meet up with a prehistoric woman. She invites the party back to the
village. Make sure to get the BERSERKER on the left before leaving this area.

To get here, go right and then up, to the set of four huts. Go to the upper
left corner and talk to the Chief. Ayla will order a celebration in your honor.
As the party starts, talk to Ayla, Kino, then your two party members. Keep
talking to everyone and soon Ayla will challenge you to a soup drinking
contest. If you win, you get the DREAMSTONE! Keep pressing the X button and you
should win. If not, try again. The party will go to sleep. When they wake up,
they discover that someone has taken both the Gate Key and the Dreamstone. Uh
oh. Return to the Chief's Hut and talk to Ayla. She will join your party. Bring
Robo along too, Marle would be a good idea but Robo can heal as well. Basically,
bring either Robo or Marle along with Crono and Ayla.

You can go here to get items you can trade in Ioka Village, but it's optional.
The Nu here has a THIRD EYE, which increases your evade rate.

[------------------------] FOOTSTEPS! FOLLOW! [------------------------]
[------------------------] 65,000,000 B.C. [------------------------]
Items: Mid Tonic x3, Mid Ether x4, Revive x2, Full Tonic x2, Shelter, Heal,
Ruby Vest, Rock Helm, Elixir, Full Ether, Gate Key, Dreamstone
Enemies: Evilweevil, Fly Trap, Gold Eaglet, Kilwala, Megasaur, Red Eaglet,
Reptite, Runner, Shiitake, Winged Ape
Bosses: Nizbel

This is a very confusing area due to the graphics, so I will do my best to lead
you through. When in doubt, just follow the footsteps. When you enter, talk to
Kino and he will tell you why he took the Gate Key. Get the MID TONIC from the
chest, and then fight two sets of enemies (2 Gold Eaglets, 3 Kiwalas). Keep
going right then fight the Winged Ape. Go down, then left, fighting more
enemies. Then, go down and you will exit here.

In the first room, you should know what to do. In this room, let the
Evilweevils dig holes so you can find some treasure chests. Once you get to a
room with 2 Evilweevils you have to fight, go down the hole. Fight the
Megasaur, then go down the hole. There are two chests and four sets of enemies
in this room. Go right after you are done in here. Go up, fighting two sets of
enemies, save your game and heal, then go up. DO NOT GO LEFT. IT WILL LEAD YOU

======================================================== /NIZBEL / =============
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 4200/ -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 500/ -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 10/ -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 0 / -------------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Lightning -- -- CHARM: 3rd Eye --
First, have Crono perform Lightning on the boss. This will take off its
defenses so it is vunerable. Then attack it with your strongest attacks. After
two or three rounds, he will let off this powerful electrical shock. Have Crono
and the healer perform a double tech that heals the entire party at once, once
the boss does this attack, otherwise you will be in danger of losing the
battle. After the shock happens, you have to use Lightning again. Follow this
pattern and you will win the battle.

Now the team has the Gate Key back.

Return to Mystic Mountain, and use the time gate there. Now, go to 1000 A.D.

He will now be able to fix the blade. Go downstairs when he does, and he will
make the Masamune!

[------------------------] THE MASAMUNE [------------------------]
[------------------------] 600 A.D. [------------------------]
Items: None
Enemies: Gremlin, Vamp
Bosses: None

Frog will now join your party once you show him the Masamune. Bring Lucca along
for the party, and go to the Magic Cave, which is east of Fiona's Village.

Just go through here, beating enemies. It's really simple.

[------------------------] MAGUS'S CASTLE [------------------------]
[------------------------] 600 A.D. [------------------------]
Items: Mid Ether x4, Magic Tab x2, Lapis, Speed Belt, Revive, Magic Scarf,
Shelter x2, Dark Mail, Mist Robe x2, Doom Finger, Barrier x2, Slasher
Enemies: Decedent, Flunky, Grimalkin, Groupie, Fat Hench, Juggler, Omnicrone,
Outlaw, Roly Bomber, Save Point, Shadow, Sorcerer, Vamp
Bosses: Flea, Slash, Magus

When you enter here, you will have the choice of going left, right, or down the
middle. Go right first, and get the MID ETHER from the top. Along the way, you
will see a bunch of children, and ghosts of people you have met in the past
haunt you. Wow, this castle is pretty freaky. Go left and get all the treasure
chests in here. Go down the center now, where you will see a save point. It
wasn't there before.... hmm. Walk on it and here's Ozzie. He will send some
monsters after you. Beat them up. Now, go back to the right wing. The Children
will turn into some Shadows. Beat them and get the BARRIER they were
protecting. Go up some more, beating up on Sorcerers, and soon you will be up
to the first boss battle in here.

======================================================== / FLEA / =============
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 4120/ -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 500/ -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 10/ -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 1000/ -------------
-- STRONG VS: Magic -- --WEAK VS: Phys. Attacks -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
The party I reccomend most for this battle is Crono/Frog/Robo. I will tell you
why in just a little bit. When you start the battle, you will see a question
mark next to Flea's name. This should be your signal that something is not
right. If you haven't figured it out, this is not the real Flea. Therefore, do
not waste any magic points beating up on this monster. When this monster is
destroyed, it will reduce the magic points of one character to zero. That
bastard. Then the bat that has been following you around the whole time will
turn into the real Flea. Quickly use a Full Ether on the character's whose
magic points have been reduced to zero. I mentioned earlier that the party I
reccomend for this boss battle is Crono/Frog/Robo. Here's why. Crono and Frog
can do some strong physical attacks, as can Robo, who can also heal the party.
See, Flea is immune to magic attacks, so just handle it with physical attacks.
The most annoying attack Flea does is the damn Chaos attack, which turns one of
your characters confused. This is annoying. Have Crono and Robo do Rocket Roll
while Frog either heals or attacks with Frog Stomp. Crono and Frog can also
combine to do X-Strike if you wish.

Now, go to the left ring and you will soon have another boss to fight.

======================================================== / SLASH / =============
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 5200/ -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 500/ -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 10/ -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 1500/ -------------
-- STRONG VS: Magic -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
This battle is also split into two parts. I consider this guy to be slightly
tougher than Flea, just because he has some strong attacks and is stronger
against physical attacks than Flea is, while also having the same immunity to
magic that Flea has. In the first battle, just attack normally and do X-Strike
once in a while if you wish. Just don't waste too many of your magic points,
because you're gonna need them. In the second battle, he will pull his sword
out, which means he now has strong ass magic defense. Just hit him with
physical attacks. Have a party of Crono/Lucca/Robo for this battle. Have
Crono/Lucca combine to do Fire Sword while Robo either attacks or heals. You
can also have Crono/Frog/Robo with Frog healing and Crono and Robo combining to
do Rocket Roll. It's really up to you.

Get the SLASHER he leaves behind, and equip Crono with it. Save your game and
then go back to the entrance. Go to the save point again and this time you will
be transported into another area. Go through here, beating up on four sets of
enemies (2 Henches, 2 Henches/2 Grimalkins, 2 Henches/2 Sorcerers,
Vamp/Roly/Juggler). At the end, Ozzie will call for Flea and Slash, but you
already defeated them. Hehe. So, he just runs away. Get the MIST ROBE from the
treasure chest, then go into the next room.

In this room, Ozzie will set up a series of blades for you to walk across.
Basically, wait for the blade to fall, then walk on the belt, so as the blade
goes up, you will be going under it. Get the DARK MAIL from the treasure chest
along the way. At the end, get the DOOM FINGER and equip it on Robo if he is in
your party, then go to the next room.

This room will have you in a series of steps in what appears to be the outside
of the castle. Go through here, beating up on enemies (5 sets of
Roly/Juggler/Vamp) and soon you will be in the next room. In here, go straight
down and fall down the trap door to get four treasure chests, but three battles
as well. Go through any of the doors back to the other room. Watch out for trap
doors here, and go into the next room. There are a bunch of Outlaws, Roly
Bombers, and Jugglers in this room. In the next room, fight the 3 sets of
enemies (2 Outlaws/2 Groupies, 2 Outlaws/2 Jugglers, 4 Jugglers) then go into
the next room. More enemies await you in this room. In the next room, get the
two chests then fight Ozzie. Just aim for the chains. Use the save point to the
right. The one on left takes you to a corrdior which leads you to Magus.

======================================================== / MAGUS / =============
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 6666/ -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP:1500/ -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 15/ -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 3000/ -------------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Masamune -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
This is, without a shadow of a doubt, the biggest and toughest boss battle to
date. And considering some of the boss battles there have been already, that's
saying a whole lot. What party do I reccomend for this epic battle?
Crono/Lucca/Frog. The tough part about this battle is you really don't know
what his magic weakness is, since he has this special ability that allows him
to basically change between magic defenses at will. Therefore, to start off the
battle, have Crono cast Lightning magic on Magus. If it works, you will know he
is weak against Lightning. If it doesn't, there will be a message showing you
exactly what type of magic he is weak against. Therefore, you win either way.
Once you know what magic he is weak against, keep on using that magic spell. If
you do not like the type of magic he is weak against, have someone hit him with
a physical attack, then he will change his magic defense. Sometimes he will
change it when you hit him with a magic spell, but it does not happen as often
as it does when you hit him with a physical attack. Have Crono and Lucca
combine to do Fire Whirl (have his weakness be Fire) whole Frog attacks every
round with the Masamune. Yse, it will change his magic dfense, but it also
LOWERS it, which means your magic will do more damage. It also does a decent
amount of damage to Magus in its own right. Soon, a message will say "Magus
risks casting a spell". Now, anything will go. Cast your most powerful attacks
on him. His barrier does not exist any longer, but you still need to defeat him
pretty quickly, because if you don't, he will cast Dark Matter, which is a
powerful attack. Have Frog become the healer at this point and you should win
this tough battle. Good luck!

After the battle, the party is sucked into a time vortex!

[------------------------] FORWARD TO THE PAST! [------------------------]
[------------------------] 65,000,000 B.C. [------------------------]
Items: Mid Ether, Mid Tonic, Meso Mail
Enemies: Avian Rex, Cave Ape, Shist
Bosses: None

Kino will rush in, so follow him.

Ayla will obatin permission to fly the Dactyls.

Fight the Cave Ape/2 Schists, then go up and fight the 2 Avian Rexes. Go up the
ladder, then left and down, then right. Fight the 3 Schists. Go up, then right.
Fight the 2 Caves Apes/2 Schists, then go up the ladder. Go up, then up the
ladder. Go left, down, right, and fight the Cave Ape/2 Schists. Go up the
ladder, follow the path and fight the 2 Avian Rexes. Go up the ladder, then go
to the next screen. Go up here and you will get the Dactyls. Bring Frog along
with Ayla. The Tyrano Lair is in the southeast corner of the world map.

[------------------------] UNNATURAL SELECTION? [------------------------]
[------------------------] 65,000,000 B.C. [------------------------]
Items: Mid Ether x2, Full Tonic, Full Ether, Tonic, Revive, Cera Topper x2,
Meso Mail
Enemies: Avian Rex, Cave Ape, Reptite, Terrasaur, Volcano
Bosses: Nizbel II, Azala/Black Tyrano

When you enter here, go through the right skull and down the stairs. Defeat the
Reptites, then push the button on the door, allowing the prisoners to escape.
Keep going, beating up on more enemies, When you see Kino, talk to him, and
Ayla will break him out. Go back in his cell to get a MID ETHER, then follow
him back up to the entrance, where he opens the left skull. Go through it.

In the next room, step on the left and right floor buttons to drop the monsters
into the pit rather than fight them. You can always fight them if you want, of
course. Go through the right doow, then cross the balcony. Check the left pod
for a FULL TONIC, but don't check the right one. You won't like the results.
Return to the other room, and fight the monsters on the right hand side. Go
through the left door, and cross the balcony to the strange floored room.

Use the warp zones here to move across the room, getting chests and fighting
enemies. In the next room, go to the top and go to the open doorway on the far
right hand side. Inside here are two switches and a giant skull. Press the
right switch, and the giant skull will open. Step inside the skull to get a
FULL ETHER from the right pod, then push the switch on the back wall. The gate
you passed on the balcony is now open, so go back there. Move around the boss
to get to a save point, then go fight Nizbel II.

====================================================== / NIZBEL II/ ============
------------------------------------------------------ HP: 4200 -/ ------------
------------------------------------------------------ EXP: 880 --/ ------------
------------------------------------------------------ TECH: 15 --/ ------------
------------------------------------------------------ G: 0 -----/ ------------
-- STRONG VS: Not Available -- --WEAK VS: Lightning -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
The only thing you can attack this boss with is Lightning. If you use any other
attack, its defense and magic defense will rise. Have Crono and Ayla use Volt
Bite, which not only is strong, but it also gets stronger and stronger each
round. Can't beat that. Frog should heal each round, especially since Nizbel II
will unleash its electrical shock, like it did in its first battle, but this
time it will do so EVERY round. Nizbel II can also inflict the poison status
effect on a character, so make sure to heal that character as soon as possible,
as poison is something you do not want to deal with, especially in a boss battle
like this one.

Go upstairs and go to the far right, then enter the door. Push the middle
switch to make a save point appear. Rest and save. Do not push the other two
switches, instead touch the skull to get a FULL ETHER, then push the wall
switch to open the gate onto the balcony. Take the MID ETHER and CERA TOPPER
from the pods, then prepare for a tough boss battle.

======================================================== / AZALA / ============
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 2700 / ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 1800/ ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 25 / ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 0 / ------------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Power Tab --
======================================================== / B.TYRANO / ==========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 10,500 / ----------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 0 ---/ ----------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 0 ---/ ----------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 0 ---/ ----------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing-- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Power Tab --
The first thing you need to worry about in this battle is Azala, which is on
the top of Black Tyrano. The only reason you need to worry about him first is
because the Black Tyrano will be invunerable until Azala is defeated. However,
the Black Tyrano will pull off some nasty attacks in the process. Just beat up
Aazala with magis spells, then magic Techs. After Azala is defeated, it will
hit a character with a HP Break attack which can do some damage. Heal the
character that was hit with it, then perform regular attacks on the Black
Tyrano until you get a message that says that its Defense has lowered to power
up an attack. Now is the time to start doing some heavy damage, so do some
powerful attacks here. When you strike, Tyrano will do a roar which will do
some minor damage. It will start counting down, and when it gets to zero, it
will hit each character with a powerful flame attack. If you have on Ruby
armor, the damage will be less than normal. If not, you will get some major
damage inflicted. Have someone heal while resuming normal attacks, and once its
defenses go down, you should be able to beat it before it pulls off another
flame attack.

Go back to the End of Time and enter the new time gate.

[------------------------] THE MAGIC REALM [------------------------]
[------------------------] 12,000 B.C. [------------------------]
Items: Speed Tab, Magic Tab, Black Rock
Enemies: Nu
Bosses: Golem

Go right, into the dome. Step onto the pad inside and you will be in Zeal.

Just talk to everyone in here.

Exit Enhasa, then go up, to the pad. Go down into the surface, and then go up.
Teleport up and you will be in the center of Zeal.

Go all the way left, across Zeal, and visit the area with the large airplane.
Talk to all the guards, and Dalton will appear.

Kajar is basically a castle where magic is studied. Everyone here seems up to
date on the origin and property of spells. Go to the upper right corner of the
area, enter the doorway, and search the lower right hand corner to get a SPEED
TAB. Talk to the Nu in the upper left hand corner of this room. You need to
open up three books in a certain order. The order you need to open them up is:
water, wind, fire. The water book is in the upper left corner, the wind book is
near the bottom right corner, and the fire book is in the center of the room,
near the Nu. Go in the doorway that opens. Examine the doll to get a BLACK
ROCK, then read the note in the upper left hand corner. That's all to do here.

Just like Kajar, there are also three magic books here that need to be opened
in order. The water book is in the right hand side. The wind book is in the top
left corner. The fire book is on the reception desk at the front of the castle.
Go through the door you opened. Beat up on the Nus in here, and have Ayla charm
a Mop from one of them if you want. When you defeat them, you get the MAGIC TAB
and SPEED TAB. That's all to do here.

At the base of Mount Zeal is an entrance. Keep following the path until you get
to Zeal Palace. You can get a MAGIC TAB here by scratching the Nu here, then
going back to Kajar and scratching the Nu that wouldn't talk to you before.
Enter the upper right chamber. Go right, into a bedroom. Watch the scene, then
follow the lady into the middle door. A few feet up the corridor, watch the
scene. Go back to the lobby, and enter the upper left doorway, move the Nu out
of the way, and enter. Go up to the red dot, then go back to the room you were
in before. Dalton summons a monster to defeat you. Boss time!

======================================================== / GOLEM / ============
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 7000 / ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP:1000 / ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 35 / ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 2000 / ------------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Everything -- -- CHARM: Magic Tab --
Just have Ayla steal a Magic Tab from it, and then let Glolem defeat you. Every
RPG seems to have one of those bosses which are supposed to beat you, and Chrono
Trigger's boss like this is Golem.

Now, you are back in the Time Gate, but 12,000 B.C. seems to be sealed. Time to
break the seal!

[------------------------] BREAK THE SEAL! [------------------------]
[------------------------] 65,000,000 B.C. [------------------------]
Items: Power Tab x2, Lumin Robe, Elixir, Hit Ring, Gold Earring, Charm Top,
Full Ether x2, Wallet, Magic Tab, Gold Stud
Enemies: Beast
Bosses: Blue Beast/Red Beast/Mud Imp

Get back on the Dactyls, and fly to the Mystic Mountains and use the Time Gate.

Talk to the Old Man and go to 2300 A.D.

Arris Dome: In the center of the sealed room, get the POWER TAB.
Trann Dome: To the left of the treasure chests is a MAGIC TAB.

Go up until you get to the door. Use the Pendant to break the seal. Open the
seal at the end of the next path. Go up from the device, and head back towards
the entrance. Do you remember the sleeping Nu you saw when you entered? Well,
he will tell you how the Epoch works, then he allows you to name it. Cool.
Break the seal with this machine and go back to 12,000 B.C.

Move into the Terra Cave. On the top floor, there is a shop with some good
items, so make sure to stock up. Go down, on the fourth floor there is a house
where the owner lets you rest for free. Proceed down to the nottom floor and
use the save point. In the next place, called the Beast's Nest, get the POWER
TAB from the right side, then keep going up until you face some Beasts.

======================================================== / BLUE BEAST / ========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 5000 --- / --------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 954 --- / --------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 22 --- / --------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 2800 --- / --------
-- STRONG VS: Water -- --WEAK VS: Fire -- -- CHARM: Mermaid Cap --
======================================================== / RED BEAST / =========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 5000 -- / ---------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 0 --- / ---------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 0 --- / ---------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 0 --- / ---------
-- STRONG VS: Fire -- --WEAK VS: Water -- -- CHARM: Elixir --
======================================================== / MUD IMP / ==========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 1200 - / ----------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 0 ---/ ----------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 0 ---/ ----------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 0 ---/ ----------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Speed Tab --
This boss battle is a pain in the rear end, and the sad part is it's probably
the easiest boss battle you will encounter for the rest of the game. The
problem with this battle is that the Mud Imp can heal the two Beasts.. but they
can't be damaged effectively until the Beasts are defeated. See where the fun
factor of this battle comes into play? Crono can attack either Beast
effectively, so have him attack one or the other while Marle and Ayla either
double team or Heal. Have Marle and Ayla use Twin Charm while Crono uses
Lightning 2. Once the enemies have been depleted of their items, have Crono and
Marle do Ice Sword 2, which should also damage the Mud Imp. Once the Red Beast
is gone, have Crono and Ayla do Volt Bite on the Blue Beast. Once he's
defeated, just pound away on the Mud Imp.

Return to Terra Cave and sleep at the Inn. Save your game and go to Mt. Woe.

[------------------------] THE GURU ON MT. WOE [------------------------]
[------------------------] 12,000 B.C. [------------------------]
Items: Lode Helm, Shield x2, Lode Vest, Barrier x3, Lapis x2, Full Ether x2,
Shelter, Time Hat, Magic Tab, Ruby Knife
Enemies: Bantam Imp, Gargoyle, Man Eater, Rubble, Stone Imp
Bosses: Giga Gaia

This is a very good place to gain tech points and experience points, mainly
tech points. Go up and fight the Rubble. Go up and fight two Bantam Imps. Go
up, across the chain, and fight the Rubble. Now, go right, back down, and left
across the chain. Go up and fight the 2 Bantam Imps. Go up into the next
section. Go right, and up, and fight the 2 Gargoyles. Go up, and fight the 2
Bantam Imps/Gargoyle. Go right, across the chain, and fight the Rubble, then
get the two chests. Go back left, all the way to the left, and fight the 4
Gargoyles, then get the chest. Go right, then down, and left. Fight the 2
Bantam Imps and then get the treasure chest.

Go back right and cross the chain directly to the right. Fight the 2 Stone
Imps/2 Gargoyles. Go down and fight the 2 Bantam Imps/2 Gargoyles. Go down the
chain, and fight the 2 sets of enemies (4 Gargoyles, 1 Rubble). Go right and
get the chest, then go into the next screen. Go up and get the treasure chest,
then go right, across the chain, and fight the 3 Gargoyles, then get the
chests. One is on the bottom and one is on the top. Go back across the chain,
and go up and fight the 4 Maneaters. Go up the chain, go all the way up, go
left and fight the 3 Gargoyles, then go down, fight the 2 Maneaters/4
Gargoyles, then get the two treasure chests. Now go up, then right, across the
chain, and fight the 3 Gargoyles. Then go up, the boss is in the next room.

======================================================== / GIGA GAIA / =========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 9500 -- / ---------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 3000 - / ---------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 30 -- / ---------
-------------------------------------------------------- GOLD: 3000 / ---------
-- STRONG VS: None -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Speed Tab --
Reccomended party: Crono/Frog/Ayla. This boss can be pretty damn tough if you
are not careful, but there is a technique ithat can be used to defeat him. Giga
Gaia will start off the battle by doing a couple of powerful attacks. Have Frog
heal the party, while Crono and Ayla combine to do Volt Bite on the Left Arm.
Have Frog do Leap Splash on the Left Arm, while Crono and Ayla combine to do
Volt Bite again, and the Left Arm will go down, meaning the attack power of
Giga Gaia will go down. Just go after the Head now, as Giga Gaia's right arm is
only used for healing. The left arm will come back soon, so just use Volt Bite
on it again and it will go down. Beat up on the Head until you win the battle.

Back in terra Cave, wait until after Dalton kidnaps Schala, then speak to
Melchior, who will give you the RUBY KNIFE. Go to the Skyway now.

[------------------------] WHAT LIES BEYOND? [------------------------]
[------------------------] 12,000 B.C. [------------------------]
Items: None
Enemies: None
Bosses: Dalton

Go straight to the room Schala was in before, use the Pendant to open the
sealed door, and fight Dalton.

======================================================== / DALTON / =========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 3500 -- / ---------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 1000 - / ---------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 30 -- / ---------
-------------------------------------------------------- GOLD: 2500 / ---------
-- STRONG VS: None -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Power Meal --
This is a pretty easy battle. Just beat up on him with your strongest attacks
and he will go down quickly. Note that if you domn't defeat him quickly enough,
he will knock out a character with Iron Orb, so just revive the chracter and
then go back to doing your strongest attacks. Triple techs help, but three
Single Techs actually do more damage than one Triple Tech.

[------------------------] LAVOS BECKONS [------------------------]
[------------------------] 12,000 B.C. [------------------------]
Items: Rune Blade, Aeon Suit, Aeon Helm, Kaiser Arm, Star Sword, Shock Wave,
Sonic Arrow, Demon Hit, Magic Tab, Elixir
Enemies: Barghest, Blue Scout, Jinn, Lasher, Mage, Red Scout, Scouter, Thrasher
Bosses: Golem Twins

After the tough battle, go back to the main room of the palace and use the blue
pod to heal yourselves. Talk to the woman close to the pad who is trying to
decide whether or not to burn a sapling. Tell her that you like plants and to
secretly plant the sapling. Return to the throne room and enter the gate that
Dalton used to teleport down to the Ocean Palace. Use the save point and talk
to Mune.

Go into the large room. In the center of the room are a RUNE BLADE and AEON
SUIT. Get the, and then press the two buttons in the upper right and upper left
corners, which extend platforms in a large chamber to the south. Once you have
pushed both buttons, move to the lower left room and go down. Get the STAR
SWORD at the bottom, then go back to the doorway and head left. Go around the
outside of the chamber until you can see a chest, then go through a hidden
doorway to get the DEMON HIT. Go back to the center of the room and push the
floor byutton in the middle. This opens the south exit. Go right, getting the
KAISER ARM along the way.

Go through the south exit you opened up, and go through the south door here. Go
down the long steps, fighting enemis. Masa will be at the bottom, so talk to
him, then go downstairs. Use a shelter and save your game here. Step onto the
elevator and defeat the enemies. Touch the left orb to make the elevator go
down, and fight off the enemies that attack you as the elevator is going down.
In the bottom chamber, push switches on both sides of the chamber, then push
the middle butoon. Take the ELIXIR from the chest, then use a shelter and save.
Boss time!

======================================================== / GOLEM TWINS / =======
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 7000 -----/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 2000 ---/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 70 -----/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 4000 -----/ -------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Everything-- -- CHARM: Elixir --
Have Crono/Lucca/Frog for this tough battle. Have Crono use Confuse or Luminare
each round. After this, Lucca should cast Hypno Wave, which might put one or
both of them to sleep. They will copy Crono's attack, but they won't be able to
counterattack. Have Marle heal the other two. Repeat the strategy and victory is

Watch the scene, where Lavos basically makes mincemeat out of the party. The
party will awaken int he Last Village.

Visit the other two huts in the Last Village. Speak to the Elder at the top of
the area, then Dalton kidnaps the party!

[------------------------] THE NEW KING [------------------------]
[------------------------] 12,000 B.C. [------------------------]
Items: Character 1 Equipment, Character 2 Equipment, Character 3 Equipment,
Party Money, Party Items, Magic Tab
Enemies: Basher, Byte, Turret
Bosses: Golem Boss, Dalton Plus, Magus

You will awaken in a cold cell and you will not have any items or anything.
Hmm. Climb up the ladder. Go back inside, and it will be tough to fight without
weapons. Hopefully Ayla is in your party. If not, you must avoid the guards at
all costs. Go in the shaft, and move to any lit place and press X to bend down
and see where you are. Move right, then all the way up, then left, then up,
then left, and go down the ladder. You will get back the main character's
equipment now. Be sure not to wake up the guard!

Now, to get the other two character's equipment. Go back to the area above your
cell. Move left until you stop, then all the way down. Go back to your cell, and
approach the door. A guard will enter. Defeat him, then exit the cell and head
left to the next room. Defeat the 3 Bashers and you will get your money back.
Exit the room, then ride the conveyor belt down. Press the switch, go left, and
get the third character's equipment back. Press the switch again, go up the
belt, past your cell, and defeat the two guards. Go up the ladders and you will
get the second character's equipment back. Now all you need is your items.
Re-route the conveyor belt, and go in the room to the left to get the ITEMS,
then exit here.

Climb the ladder at the very north end. Go in the air ducts, and move all the
way right. Go around the dark corner and get the MAGIC TAB. Go back to where
you got the items, and exit back into the wing. Move out to the wing and you
will have to fight a couple of bosses.

======================================================== / GOLEM BOSS / ========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 15,000 -/ --------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 2,500 -/ --------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 40 ----/ --------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 2,000 ---/ --------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
Well, this is the easiest boss in the game. Just defeat it before it runs away
if you want experience points and stuff. It won't ever attack you.

======================================================== / DALTON PLUS / =======
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 3500 ----/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 2500 ---/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 40 -----/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 2,000 ----/ -------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Power Meal --
This battle isn't that bad, either. Just pound away with your strongest
attacks, and have one character heal from time to time.

Travel up on the world map to the tip of the continent. Go to the top and
examine the shining dot. You can either fight Magus or defeat him. It's more
fun to fight him, and he's not that tough.

[------------------------] THE TIME EGG [------------------------]
[------------------------] 2300 A.D. [------------------------]
Items: Chrono Trigger, Chrono Clone, Ruby Armor, Silver Rock, Magic Ring, Wall
Ring, Dash Ring, Taban Helm, Taban Suit, Safe Helm/Swallow, Speed Tab, Power
Ring, Power Tab, Magic Ring, Giga Arm, Brave Sword, Wall Ring, Star Sycthe,
Vedic Blade, Dark Helm, Memory Cap
Enemies: Krakker, Lavos Spawn, Macabre
Bosses: None

Travel to the End of Time using the Epoch. Speak to the Old Man, try to leave,
and he will call you back. He will give you the CHRONO TRIGGER.

Go to 2300 A.D. and land near the Keeper's Dome. Talk to the Nu.

Speak to Crono's mom, and she will allow you to take Crono's CRONO CRONE.

There are several areas you can get items at. Here is a list.

MAGIC CAVE: Magic Ring
HECKRAN CAVE: Wall Ring, Dash Ring
LUCCA'S HOUSE: Taban Suit, Taban Helm
FOREST RUINS: Safe Helm or Swallow
GUARDIA FOREST: Speed Tab, Power Ring

Talk to the Nu and now you can go to Death Peak.

This is pretty much the final dungeon of the game. Dash up and talk to the
Poyozo Doll, which turns into a tree. Stand directly behind it and keep walking
into the underside of the tree. Go right and get the POWER TAB, get behind the
tree, dash up to another tree, and stay behind it until the wind dies. Go left
and get the MAGIC RING. Climb up the ladder and go right. Go down to the
southeast and get the WALL RING, go up the slope and go down to the bottom save
point. Enter the cave and defeat the Lavos Spawn.

Get Robo's GIGA ARM and go north. Follow the path back into the cave. Get the
BRAVE SWORD and keep going down. Once you get to the ledge, go up and touch the
dot. A new cave opens in the lower section. Go back to the save point and go
into the new cave. Exit the cave, fight a Lavos Spawn, and then go left. Talk
to the Pozoyo Doll, and go left, making sure to hold up as you walk across.
Press the dash button to go across. Once you are through, get the VEDIC BLADE,
go down, and talk to the Poyozo Doll. Go left, climb down the ladder, get the
chest, use the save point, fight the Lavos Spawn, then push the Lavos Spawn up,
then climb up the shell, and climb the ladder. Watch the scene! Now, only one
more thing to do!

[------------------------] THE FATED HOUR [------------------------]
[------------------------] END OF TIME [------------------------]
Items: None
Enemies: None
Bosses: None

Decision time. You can either beat Lavos now or do the side quests.

[------------------------] THE FINAL BATTLE [------------------------]
[------------------------] 1999 A.D. [------------------------]
Items: None
Enemies: None
Bosses: Lavos

======================================================== / LAVOS /==============
You have to fight nine forms of Magus, taking the shape of previous bosses. Use
the same strategies to take them out. I would cut and paste the strategies, but
that's a waste of time and space. Just take the first nine out.

======================================================== / LAVOS /==============
This is when the fun begins. To take out the first form, use strong magic
attacks, to destroy the left arm first, then use strong magic attacks to take
out the left arm. After both arms are defeated, use strong double and triple
techs to take out the head. Then the Core will be exposed. This guy can be a
real pain. Basically, you have to take out all three, but as usual, the pods
will come back to life. Take out the middle one first, then go to work on the
right pod. When the middle core comes back to life, defeat it again, then fight
the right one again. The left one, you should not worry about until the right
one is defeated. Once you defeat the right pod, and the left pod, destroy the
core and you will win!


[------------------------] SIDE QUESTS [------------------------]

----Here are all the side quests in the game. You don't have to do any of them,
and can do them in any order you wish.----

[------------------------] THE RAINBOW SHELL [------------------------]
[------------------------] Side Quest #1 [------------------------]
Items: Toma's Pop, Speed Tab, Sight Cap, Power Tab x3, Full Ether, Blue Rock,
Zodiac Cape, Lapis x3, Frenzy Band, Hyper Ether x4, Elixir x2, Prism Shard,
Full Ether, Yakra Key, Prism Dress (or 3 Prism Helms), Prism Specs, Rainbow
Enemies: Fossil Ape, Gigasaur, Gnasher, Leaper, Lizardactyl, Naga-ette, Rubble
Bosses: Rust Tyrano, Yakra XIII

Go to the Cafe and talk to Toma. He will give you TOMA'S POP and he will also
tell you how to use it. Now, use the Epoch to go to 1000 A.D. Go northwest of
Choras, and find the grave of Toma. Find the SPEED TAB behind the headstone,
then pour Toma's Pop on the grave. His spirit will rise out of the grave! He
tells you to go to the Giant's Claw. Use the Epoch to go back to 600 A.D. and
travel northwest until you see the Claw.

Enter, and read the note. Now, go into the next room. Go down, and open the
chest, defeating the enemies and getting a SIGHT CAP for your troubles. Go down
the ladder to the right. Go through the room until you see three switches and a
skull. Use the top switch to reveal a save point, then pull the bottom left
switch and a cat will fall. Drop down to the level below, then pull the left
switch to open the skull. Enter the skull that you opened to get a POWER TAB.
Go down to exit this room.

Go left and climb down the ladder. Get the FULL ETHER on the left, then go all
the way right to get a POWER TAB. Climb back up the ladder, go left, then down,
cross the path and get the BLUE ROCK on the far right, then go down to exit the
room. Go down the south ladder and go all the way left, and search the corner
for a hidden chest containing a ZODIAC CAPE. Go down, and open the right chest
to get a LAPIS, then go down the ladder and go out through the left cave. Enter
the left skull, go up, and press the left floor switch, then enter the left door
to get a FRENZY BAND. Exit this room. Move right, and exit through the right
door. Go right into the small chamber and open the right pod. Exit the cell and
head left, going up the stairs. Get the POWER TAB from the top, and open the
skull. Go back down, and then go right. Use the save point, then open the old
cell that Kino was in. Go through the hole, equipping everyone with Ruby armor,
and get ready for a tough boss battle.

======================================================== / RUST TYRANO / =======
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 25,000 --/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 3,800 --/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 40 -----/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 2,000 ----/ -------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Red Mail--
Wow. This guy is just like the Tyrano you fought before, so I will cut and
paste that strategy now and then add stuff on. Perform regular attacks on the
Black Tyrano until you get a message that says that its Defense has lowered to
power up an attack. Now is the time to start doing some heavy damage, so do some
powerful attacks here. When you strike, Tyrano will do a roar which will do
some minor damage. It will start counting down, and when it gets to zero, it
will hit each character with a powerful flame attack. If you have on Ruby
armor, the damage will be less than normal. If not, you will get some major
damage inflicted. Have someone heal while resuming normal attacks, and once its
defenses go down, you should be able to beat it before it pulls off another
flame attack. That being said, just equip everyone with Ruby armor and you only
have to worry about his spitting a character out attack, and that doesn't hurt
too much and can be healed easily. Just use your strongest techs. He has a lot
of hit points so it will take a while, but you can win.

Go up from here and you will see the Rainbow Shell. The party won't be able to
lift it, so go down and the scene will switch to Guardia Castle. Exit the
castle, go to 1000 A.D., then go back in the castle.

Move up the right passage and get a HYPNOETHER from the chest as you go up.
With Marle in the party, talk to he guards and they will let her go in after
she complains a lot. Typical girl, eh? =). It looks like the Chancellor is
trying to frame the king, so let's go get the Rainbow Shell! Return to the
first floor, and there will be a new passage for you to go in, so go in it. Go
through here, killing enemies, and you will eventually get the PRISM SHARD.
Cool. Return to the courtroom, but you won't be allowed in, so go around to the
back. It turns out the Chancellor is really Yakra, so boss time.

======================================================== / YAKRA XIII / ========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 18,000 -/ --------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 3,500 -/ --------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 40 ----/ --------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 2,000 ---/ --------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: White Mail--
Well, this guy is pretty easy as long as you protect yourself against Charm and
Chaos attacks. Because he will definitely try to pull those off a lot, like the
idiot that he is. Well, actually that's a good strategy. Just have everyone use
their strongest attacks, and he should be defeated soon enough. Make sure Marle
keeps the party healed, because he will do a final attack that does 200 points
of damage to everyone.
-- WIN: Megalixir --

Watch the scene, and then get all the items from the castle, then go to the
courtroom and examine the shiny pot to get the YAKRA KEY. Go back to the next
tower and unlock the chest. The real Chancellor will pop out. Return to the
room where the Rainbow Shell is kept and speak to Melchior. You can get either
one PRISM DRESS or three PRISM HELMS, and if you have the Sun Stone, you can
get PRISM SPECS and RAINBOW, which is Crono's ultimate sword.

That's the end of this side quest. Finally ^.^

[------------------------] THE SUN STONE [------------------------]
[------------------------] Side Quest #2 [------------------------]
Items: Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Wonder Shot, Sun Shades
Enemies: None
Bosses: Son of Sun

Go to 2300 A.D. in the Epoch, equip everyone with Ruby Armor, then go to the
island to the far south. A boss is in here.

======================================================== / SON OF SUN / ========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 2100 ----/ --------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 3800 ---/ --------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 40 ----/ --------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 2000 ----/ --------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Fire-- -- CHARM: Black Mail --
-- STRONG VS: Everything -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Elixir --
This is a pretty tough boss. As you can see, there is a main boss, with orbs
floating around it. One of the orbs is the actual boss. Have each character
attack an orb. Have one character attack an orb, and wait for the attack to be
completed. If no damage is done, the boss will retailiate. Then have the next
character attack the next orb. Once you hit an orb that does damage, keep
attacking it until it switches, then repeat the process.

Grab the Moon Stone, then exit here. Go back to the prehistoric times and land
on the northeastern continent. Enter the Sun Keep and place the Moon Stone in
the light.

Travel to 2300 AD and enter the Sun Keep, where the stone is gone! Head back to
1000 A.D., enter the Sun Keep, and fly around the world and you will see a
twinkling in the mayor's house in Porre. Head back to 600 A.D. and you will see
why he stole the Stone, his family is poor. Go to 1000 A.D. and purchase some
jerky at the barkeep for 9,900 Gold. Return to 600 A.D. and hand the jerky to
the housewife. Go back to 1000 A.D. and the Mayor will return the Stone to you.

Return to the Sun Keep and put the stone in it again. Go back to 2300 A.D. and
put Lucca in your party. The Moon Stone is now the Sun Stone! Now, she makes
the WONDER SHOT and SUN SHADES using the Sun Stone.

That's the end of this side quest. ^.^

[------------------------] THE BLACK OMEN [------------------------]
[------------------------] Side Quest #3 [------------------------]
Items: Megalixir x6, 30000G, Magic Seal, Elixir x2, Vigil Hat, Nova Armor,
Haste Helm, Zodiac Cape, Power Seal, Speed Tab x4, White Rock
Enemies: Alien, Blob, Boss Orb, Cybot, Flycops, Goon, Incognito, Laser Guard,
Martello, Metal Mute, Panel, Peeping Doom, Ruminator, Side Kick, Synchrite,
Thrasher, Tubster
Bosses: Mega Mutant, Giga Mutant, Terra Mutant, Lavos Spawn, Queen Zeal, Mammon
Machine, Zeal

You have to enter it in the past. I reccomend a party of Crono, Ayla, and Frog.
Go to the shiny dot at the bottom to reboard the Epoch at any time. Go up and
fight the enemies. Soon, you will face the first of SEVEN bosses in here.

======================================================== / MEGA MUTANT / =======
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 8450 -----/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 900 -----/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 50 -----/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 1500 -----/ -------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Vigil Hat --
Basically, just kill off the top half, then the bottom half. It should only
take a few rounds. Make sure to have Ayla Charm an Elixir and Vigil Hat here
before killing off the boss.

Go north, killing off enemies. Use a Shelter at the save point, then keep going
up until you get to a teleport pad. You are taken to another level. Ride the
elevator down, then go through this room and get all the items in here. Search
the center of the upper most wall for a hidden door. Go through it, then go
left to the cone of light, and then Charm a Power Tab from the Tubster. You can
get as many as you want using this strategy, since it reappears. Go in the next
area, and get the ZODIAC CAPE in this room. Then go right into the next area.
Go down, and get the SPEED TAB in the lower right hand corner. There's another
one in the next room. Use the teleport pad, then the save point, then get ready
for another boss fight.

======================================================== / GIGA MUTANT / =======
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 5800/4950 / -------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 1500 ----/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 80 -----/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 2000 -----/ -------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Wall Ring/Hit Ring --
Make sure not to use any physical attacks in this battle, as the Giga Mutant
has a really high resistance to them. Have Crono keep using Luminare, as that
is the only thing that Giga Mutant seems to be unprotected against. Take out
the top half first, since it likes to take away a character's MP, and you'll
need MP to kill this boss.

Go back to the previous save point, then go up to another teleport pad. Go up
the next elevator, and go up, fighting more enemies. Defeat the four panels to
open up another save point. Use a shelter and save.

======================================================== / TERRA MUTANT / ======
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 7800/20000 / ------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 2000 -----/ ------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 100 -----/ ------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 3800 ------/ ------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing ----WEAK VS: Nothing ---- CHARM: Muscle Ring/Power Soul --
This is a really interesting battle. It's another one of those two part bosses.
Basically, the upper part can only be hit by magic, and the lower half can't be
hit by anything, and will reduce your HP to 1 if you try to hit it. Use multi
target techs to take out both halves, and just reduce the hit points of the top
part until the boss is defeated.

======================================================== / LAVOS SPAWN / =======
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 10,000 ---/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 2450 ----/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 120 ----/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 2500 -----/ -------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing ----WEAK VS: Nothing ---- CHARM: Haste Helmet/Safe Helm --
Don't attack the shell. Have Crono use Confuse and Ayla do Triple Kick on the
head as the other party member heals. If you attack the shell, you will not
like the results. ^.^

After the two battles, go up and defeat the five panels, and the final save
point will appear. Use a shelter and save. If you go on, you will be face to
face with Lavos, so go back to the beginning of the Black Omen.

======================================================== / QUEEN ZEAL / ========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 12000 ---/ --------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 0 ------/ --------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 0 -----/ --------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 0 -------/ --------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Megalixir --
My friend told me this strategy, which can apparently also be found in Brady
Game's guide. Have Ayla (w/Dino Tail), Frog (w/Frog Squash) and Crono in your
party. Queen Zeal's first attack will bring everyone's hit points down to 1.
But the Dino Tail and Frog Squash techs are stronger when you have less HP, so
they will do a ton of damage! Combine these with Crono's Luminare and you can
win the battle in two rounds!

======================================================== / MAMMON MACHINE / ====
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 12000 -------/ ----
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 0 ----------/ ----
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 0 ---------/ ----
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 0 -----------/ ----
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Megalixir --
Spend the first few rounds of the battle getting everyone back to full HP and
MP. You can always have Frog do Frog Squash, have Mammon kill him, and bring
him back to life, which means you already took out a good chunk of the
Machine's HP. I did that. Keep everyone's HP up, because the Machine will
counterattack with a huge magic attack after he is hit with a few magic spells
and techs. Just keep using magic attacks, don't use physical attacks or techs,
and keep everyone healed, and you should be just fine.

======================================================== / ZEAL / ==============
Face HP: 20,000 Right Arm HP: 28,000 Left Arm HP: 28,000
Experience: 0 Tech Points: 0 Gold Pieces: 0
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing
-- CHARM: Right Hand - Prism Helm Left Hand - Prism Dress Hand - Megalixir --
Wow. You will notice that there are two hands and a head. Don't attack the
hands, just focus on the head. If you attack the hands, they will counterattack
and reduce your character's HP to 1 or MP to 0. She will also do the attack that
takes everyone down to 1 HP, so heal immedately after she does that. Keep using
Megalixirs and other powerful things to heal, as she will kill you if you are
not careful. Keep using your strongest attacks on her head and you will
eventually win.

Dat be the end of dis side quest, G ^.^

[------------------------] CYRUS'S GHOST [------------------------]
[------------------------] Side Quest #4 [------------------------]
Items: Tools, Hyperether x2, magic Tab x2, Power Tab x2, Elixir x2, Shiva Edge,
Valkerye, Moon Armor, Nova Armor, Kali Blade, Siren
Enemies: Base, Defunct, Departed, Reaper, Sentry
Bosses: None

Travel to Choras in the western continent. In 1000 A.D., the ghost of Cyrus
will be in the Northern Ruins northwest of the town. Go to 600 A.D. and head to
the Cafe. Talk to the man drinking at the table. Fly to 1000 A.D. and speak to
his descendent at the bar. He claims that his wife has his tools. Go to his
house and his wife will give you his TOOLS. Return to the man drinking in 600
A.D. and he will leave the Cafe. Follow him to his house and he will tell you
to go to the Northern Ruins.

Leave all the chests in here for now. Take care of all the enemies in here. Go
back to the village and call for the repairmen. Pay him 2000 G to fix the
Ruins, go back there, and they are fixed. Place Frog at the head of your party,
and go into the lower levels. Go to the Grave of Cyrus. The Masamune will be
upgraded. Awesome! Pay the repairmen 2000 more G, then go to 1000 A.D. and get
all the chests in here, then go back to 600 A.D. and get them all again!

That be all for this ^.^

[------------------------] ROBO'S HOME [------------------------]
[------------------------] Side Quest #5 [------------------------]
Items: Full Tonic x2, Lapis x2, Elixir, 50,000 G, Poyozo Doll x2, Hyper Ether,
Full Ether x2, Vigil Hat, Megalixir, Magic Tab, Power Tab, 15,000 G, Terra Arm,
Crisis Arm
Enemies: Debuggest, Laser Guard, Proto 4
Bosses: Atropos XR, Mother Brain/Displays

Robo must be in the head of your party. Go in and step on the conveyor belt,
fighting enemies. Go up and touch the charge pod, which is located next to the
door. Press the switch to open it, then leave it for a moment. Go all the way
left, then up to the Information Panel. Do not fight the 3 Proto 4's, as one
will be charged with electricity and will open a pod for you. Get the FULL
TONIC and 50,000 G. Go back to the Information Panel and defeat the two Proto
4's. Get the FULL TONIC, and move Robo to the right panel. Go over to the pod
and enter. Head to the door west of the charging pod. Go to the top three
panels, press the left and right ones, and charge Robo and move to the open
pod. Enter the small room and get the POYOZO DOLL. Search the green pad for a

Go back to the southern section, and go right. The door across from the chute
leads to an elevator going up, go up, get some chests, then go in the elevator.
When you exit, use the save point, then enter the door, and go up, taking the
top elevator down. Move to the bottom and deactivate the laser. Go across the
belt, and open the pod to the right. Return to the elevator and go left, and
press the bottom switch, which changes the direction of the belt. Go back to
the pod, and go around the bottom floor to the belt, go north and left into the
pod. Examine the guard and it will start to follow you. Lead it to the far left,
and the other guard will be locked in place. Get the POYOZO DOLL and VIGIL HAT.
Go to the southeast elevator and go up. Use the save point and defeat the
enemies. Get the LAPIS, then there will be a boss fight with.. Robo's

======================================================== / ATROPOS XR / =======
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 6000 --- / -------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 0 ---- / -------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 0 ---- / -------
-------------------------------------------------------- GP: 0 ----- / -------
-- STRONG VS: Fire -- --WEAK VS: Shadow -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
Keep using Robo Tackle. Heal when needed. That's all.

Return to the save point, go back and go toward the laser beams. Get the
MEGALIXIR and MAGIC TAB, then go left and down the ladder. Get 15,000 G and go
up to get a FULL ETHER. Go back to the ladder and go left. Then place the dolls
in the green pads on both sides of the door, and the door will open. Go through
it, and a boss will appear.

======================================================== / MOTHER BRAIN / ======
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 5000 ------/ ------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 3000 -----/ ------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 40 -----/ ------
-------------------------------------------------------- GP: 3000 ------/ ------
-- STRONG VS: Fire -- --WEAK VS: Shadow -- -- CHARM: Blue Mail --
Make sure to take out two Displays first and leave one. Then attack the Mother
Brain with single target techs. Make sure not to attack the other Display and
you should do fine. Make sure to keep healing.

Get the TERRA ARM and CRISIS ARM and this side quest is as over as my writing
career after this mess. ^.^

[------------------------] THE SUNKEN DESERT [------------------------]
[------------------------] Side Quest #6 [------------------------]
Items: Lapis, Full Ether x3, Aeon Suit, Elixir, Full Tonic, 5000 G, Hyper
Ether, Muscle Ring, Aeon Helm, Memory Cap, Power Tab
Enemies: Hexapod, Mohavor
Bosses: Retinite

Go to 12,000 B.C. and find the woman at the Last Village Square. Tell her to
plant it, and then talk to Fiona, and head out to the desert.

Go up onto the sands. The party is dropped into a large chamber. Just get all
the chests in here, then go to the lower chamber. Step onto the sand floor, and
go back to the entrance and stand on the stone platform and wake for the shaking
to stop, then fight the boss.

======================================================== / RETINITE / ==========
Core HP: 1,000 Upper HP: 5,000 Lower HP: 4,800
Experience: 2,600 Tech Points: 100 Gold Pieces: 2,000

CORE: Weak vs. Nothing, Strong vs.: Absorbs Lightning, Fire, and Shadow, Charm:
Speed Tab

UPPER: Weak vs Water, Strong vs. Nothing

LOWER: Weak vs Water, Strong vs. Nothing
Heal everyone as much as possible, because he attacks a lot. Cast an ice spell
to lower the defense, then cast powerful physical techs. His defense will soon
rise again, so when it does, just cast another Ice spell on him. Destroy the
top half first, then defeat the bottom half.

Place Robo in the party and talk to Fiona. Allow Robo to stay, and go back to
1000 A.D.

Save your game and enter the cathedral. At the top here, Robo is in disrepair,
but Lucca repairs him. Yay. During the night, Lucca wakes up. Move to the
right, enter the red time gate and you will be in Lucca's house. Read Lucca's
note, then go down the steps, do not go through the door. At the bottom of the
steps, enter the north door and read Talban's note. Exit the kitchen, now go
through the door. Go to the shining dot on the machine and touch it. Press L1,
Circle, R1, and Circle. The machine stops! Lucca now is in the present, and
Robo will give you the GREEN DREAM.

This side quest is OVA, foo. ^.^

[------------------------] OZZIE'S FORT [------------------------]
[------------------------] Side Quest #7 [------------------------]
Items: Full Ether, Goom Cape, Gloom Helm, Doom Sickle, Magic Tab, Dash Ring,
Sight Cap
Enemies: None
Bosses: Great Ozzie/Super Slash/Flea Plus

Ozzie's fort is in 600 A.D. Enter and meet him. Follow him north, beat up on
the monsters he summons, then go through this place until you meet him. Time to
kill him!

======================================================== / GREAT OZZIE / =======
======================================================== / SUPER SLASH / =======
======================================================== / FLEA PLUS / =======
Great Ozzie HP: 6,000 Super Slash HP: 4,000 Flea Plus HP: 4,000
Experience: 7,500 Tech Points: 80 Gold Pieces: 2,800
STRONG VS.: Nothing WEAK VS.: Nothing
CHARM: Great Ozzie - Ozzie Pants Slash - Slasher Flea - Flea Vest
Take them out in this order: Super Slash, Flea Plus, Great Ozzie. As usual, do
your strongest attacks and make sure to keep healed at all times. Don't worry
about charming items in this battle unless you want to collect all the items in
the game or something, because the items are completely worthless for the most

Collect the DASH RING and SIGHT CAP, then go up, chasing him. Attack the switch
behind him in the next battle, and the party will be dropped into the previous
room. Run back, and the cat will throw the switch. Return to Medina Village in
1000 A.D. and everything is back to normal.

That's all for this side quest. If you were doing them in my order, go beat
Lavos now. ^.^

----/----/----/----/----/ VII. BOSS GUIDE /----/----/----/----/----/

----Here is the boss guide for this game. What? Enjoy!----

Note: For the people that complain about how this format is "filler friendly",
I wanna make this perfectly clear: Go to hell. I love this format so I am
sticking with it, not because it gives me a few extra K, because this guide is
large enough as it is, but because this is my first somewhat creative format.
If you got a problem with it, I got a problem with you. G'day.

======================================================== / YAKRA / =============
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 920 / -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 50 / -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 5 / -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 500 / -------------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
This boss really isn't that tough. Have Lucca attack with either Fire magic or
normal attacks, or have her use Tonics on injured party members when needed.
Frog and Crono should attack with their X Strike Dual Tech. If you don't know
how to do it, just wait for both their meters to fill up, and it should say
"Comb." instead of "Tech". Go to double tech, and Dual Tech should be
available. He ain't that bad.

======================================================== / DRAGON TANK / ======
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 260 - Head / ------
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 600 - Body / ------
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 208 - Base / ------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 40 ------ / ------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 5 ------ / ------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 500 ------ / ------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
This boss can be pretty tough if you don't know how to beat it. It has some
pretty powerful attacks, including a missile attack and a bomb attack. The
missile hits one party member, but the bomb attacks a whole group, whatever is
in the radius. Anyways, have both characters attack the head until it is
defeated. Don't use any techs until the head is defeated. Once it is, use Fire
Whirl on the other two parts. Cyclone would work too if Lucca needs to heal

======================================================== / GUARDIAN, BITS / ====
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 1200 ------- / ----
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 300 ----- / ----
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 5 -------- / ----
-------------------------------------------------------- GOLD: 1000 ----- / ----
-- STRONG VS: Fire -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
This boss battle can be pretty tricky if you do not know what to do. I have a
secret to win this battle pretty easily, however it is also pretty dangerous.
First, let me tell you about why this battle is pretty tough. The Guardian is
the body, and it has 2 Bits along with him. When you attack the body with 2
Bits active, the body will counterattack with this massive Delta attack.
Therefore, it is best you destroy the two bits first, then focus on the Body.
However, he will count from five to zero, and he will launch 2 more Bits. My
technique to winning this battle is defeating one Bit and leaving one there.
The machine cannot do as much damage, and it cannot counterattack or launch
more Bits. Have Crono and Lucca do Fire Whirl while Marle heals, and you have
this battle won.

======================================================== / SIR KRAWLIE / =======
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 500 ----- / -------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 100 --- / -------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 5 ---- / -------
-------------------------------------------------------- GP: 500 ----- / -------
-- STRONG VS: Fire -- --WEAK VS: Shadow -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
This battle is pretty damn easy. Have Crono and Lucca combine to do the Fire
Whirl double tech, while Marle heals. The only damaging attack Sir Krawlie does
is the attack which reduces a character to 1 HP, so have Marle ready to cast
Aura at any time.
-- WIN: Mid Ether --

======================================================== / R-SERIES / ==========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 180 -- / ----------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 480 - / ----------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 6 -- / ----------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 600 --- / ----------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
Make sure Crono has the Rage Band equipped, as he will counterattack
frequently, making this battle go by quicker. The bad part about this battle is
Robo isn't in it, so you only have Crono and the other person you brought along.
If Marle is with you, have Marle continue to heal while Crono does Cyclone over
and over again. If Lucca is with you, do the Fire Whirl dual tech, aiming it at
the center robot. If anyone needs to be healed, have Lucca use tonics while
Crono does Cyclone. But you shouldn't even need to heal, as two Fire Whirl
attacks can win this battle for you.

======================================================== / HECKRAN / ===========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 2100 -/ -----------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 250 -/ -----------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 10 -/ -----------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 1500 -/ -----------
-- STRONG VS: Attack -- --WEAK VS: Magic -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
The only way to really beat this boss is by using magic, so make sure to bring
in Crono/Marle/Lucca for the best results, as Robo can do barely any damage in
this battle. Have Crono use Lightning, Lucca use Fire, and Marle use Ice one
turn then Aura the next turn. Simple, right? Well nothing's that simple, silly.
The Heckran will sometimes turn into a shell, sorta like the Whelk in Final
Fantasy 6. If you attack the heckran while he is in the state, of course he
will counterattack. Therefore, just wait for him to get out of the shell. Now
would be a good time to heal, as well. When he goes back to normal, go back to
the usual routine.

======================================================== / ZOMBOR / ============
-------------------------------------------------------- / Top /-------------
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 960 -/ ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 350 / ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 10 / ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 1500 -/ ------------
-- STRONG VS: Lightning/Fire -- --WEAK VS: Shadow/Water -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
-------------------------------------------------------- / Bottom / ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 800 -/ ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 0 -/ ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 0 -/ ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 0 -/ ------------
-- STRONG VS: Shadow/Water -- --WEAK VS: Lightning/Fire -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
First, you will want to take out the top half. It is weak against Shadow and
Water, so have Marle pound it with Ice while Crono and Lucca use physical
attacks. Once it is defeated, it will reduce one character's MP to zero. Have
Crono use Lightning or techs on the bottom half to eventually win this battle.

========================================================== / MASA / ============
========================================================== / MUNE / ============
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 1000 / ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 400 / ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 4 / ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 600 / ------------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
I reccomend using Crono/Lucca/Robo as your party for this boss battle, as you
can get some good single and double techs out of that party. Have two party
members combine to attack one enemy with a double tech, while the other heals
every round. You only need to defeat one of the two for the battle to end. They
will counterattack with the X Strike tech, which does some damage but not as
much as you might expect. This is really just a warmup for the next battle.

======================================================== / MASAMUNE / ==========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 3600 --/ ----------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 500 --/ ----------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 10 --/ ----------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 1500 --/ ----------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
This boss is actually pretty easy. It isn't strong or weak against any
particular attacks, so just pound away, although it does do a pretty powerful
counterattack sometimes, so keep your eyes out for it. When the monster starts
to store its energy, you should have Crono perform the Slash tech right away,
as that will break it. The monster can do some pretty nasty things, but nothing
too bad. If you have the Crono/Lucca/Robo team, have Lucca heal every once in a
while while Crono and Robo combine to do Rocket Roll that round.
-- WIN: Bent Sword --

======================================================== /NIZBEL / =============
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 4200/ -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 500/ -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 10/ -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 0 / -------------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Lightning -- -- CHARM: 3rd Eye --
First, have Crono perform Lightning on the boss. This will take off its
defenses so it is vunerable. Then attack it with your strongest attacks. After
two or three rounds, he will let off this powerful electrical shock. Have Crono
and the healer perform a double tech that heals the entire party at once, once
the boss does this attack, otherwise you will be in danger of losing the
battle. After the shock happens, you have to use Lightning again. Follow this
pattern and you will win the battle.

======================================================== / FLEA / =============
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 4120/ -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 500/ -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 10/ -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 1000/ -------------
-- STRONG VS: Magic -- --WEAK VS: Phys. Attacks -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
The party I reccomend most for this battle is Crono/Frog/Robo. I will tell you
why in just a little bit. When you start the battle, you will see a question
mark next to Flea's name. This should be your signal that something is not
right. If you haven't figured it out, this is not the real Flea. Therefore, do
not waste any magic points beating up on this monster. When this monster is
destroyed, it will reduce the magic points of one character to zero. That
bastard. Then the bat that has been following you around the whole time will
turn into the real Flea. Quickly use a Full Ether on the character's whose
magic points have been reduced to zero. I mentioned earlier that the party I
reccomend for this boss battle is Crono/Frog/Robo. Here's why. Crono and Frog
can do some strong physical attacks, as can Robo, who can also heal the party.
See, Flea is immune to magic attacks, so just handle it with physical attacks.
The most annoying attack Flea does is the damn Chaos attack, which turns one of
your characters confused. This is annoying. Have Crono and Robo do Rocket Roll
while Frog either heals or attacks with Frog Stomp. Crono and Frog can also
combine to do X-Strike if you wish.

======================================================== / SLASH / =============
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 5200/ -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 500/ -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 10/ -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 1500/ -------------
-- STRONG VS: Magic -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
This battle is also split into two parts. I consider this guy to be slightly
tougher than Flea, just because he has some strong attacks and is stronger
against physical attacks than Flea is, while also having the same immunity to
magic that Flea has. In the first battle, just attack normally and do X-Strike
once in a while if you wish. Just don't waste too many of your magic points,
because you're gonna need them. In the second battle, he will pull his sword
out, which means he now has strong ass magic defense. Just hit him with
physical attacks. Have a party of Crono/Lucca/Robo for this battle. Have
Crono/Lucca combine to do Fire Sword while Robo either attacks or heals. You
can also have Crono/Frog/Robo with Frog healing and Crono and Robo combining to
do Rocket Roll. It's really up to you.

======================================================== / MAGUS / =============
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 6666/ -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP:1500/ -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 15/ -------------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 3000/ -------------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Masamune -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
This is, without a shadow of a doubt, the biggest and toughest boss battle to
date. And considering some of the boss battles there have been already, that's
saying a whole lot. What party do I reccomend for this epic battle?
Crono/Lucca/Frog. The tough part about this battle is you really don't know
what his magic weakness is, since he has this special ability that allows him
to basically change between magic defenses at will. Therefore, to start off the
battle, have Crono cast Lightning magic on Magus. If it works, you will know he
is weak against Lightning. If it doesn't, there will be a message showing you
exactly what type of magic he is weak against. Therefore, you win either way.
Once you know what magic he is weak against, keep on using that magic spell. If
you do not like the type of magic he is weak against, have someone hit him with
a physical attack, then he will change his magic defense. Sometimes he will
change it when you hit him with a magic spell, but it does not happen as often
as it does when you hit him with a physical attack. Have Crono and Lucca
combine to do Fire Whirl (have his weakness be Fire) whole Frog attacks every
round with the Masamune. Yse, it will change his magic dfense, but it also
LOWERS it, which means your magic will do more damage. It also does a decent
amount of damage to Magus in its own right. Soon, a message will say "Magus
risks casting a spell". Now, anything will go. Cast your most powerful attacks
on him. His barrier does not exist any longer, but you still need to defeat him
pretty quickly, because if you don't, he will cast Dark Matter, which is a
powerful attack. Have Frog become the healer at this point and you should win
this tough battle. Good luck!

====================================================== / NIZBEL II/ ============
------------------------------------------------------ HP: 4200 -/ ------------
------------------------------------------------------ EXP: 880 --/ ------------
------------------------------------------------------ TECH: 15 --/ ------------
------------------------------------------------------ G: 0 -----/ ------------
-- STRONG VS: Not Available -- --WEAK VS: Lightning -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
The only thing you can attack this boss with is Lightning. If you use any other
attack, its defense and magic defense will rise. Have Crono and Ayla use Volt
Bite, which not only is strong, but it also gets stronger and stronger each
round. Can't beat that. Frog should heal each round, especially since Nizbel II
will unleash its electrical shock, like it did in its first battle, but this
time it will do so EVERY round. Nizbel II can also inflict the poison status
effect on a character, so make sure to heal that character as soon as possible,
as poison is something you do not want to deal with, especially in a boss battle
like this one.

======================================================== / AZALA / ============
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 2700 / ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 1800/ ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 25 / ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 0 / ------------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Power Tab --
======================================================== / B.TYRANO / ==========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 10,500 / ----------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 0 ---/ ----------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 0 ---/ ----------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 0 ---/ ----------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing-- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Power Tab --
The first thing you need to worry about in this battle is Azala, which is on
the top of Black Tyrano. The only reason you need to worry about him first is
because the Black Tyrano will be invunerable until Azala is defeated. However,
the Black Tyrano will pull off some nasty attacks in the process. Just beat up
Aazala with magis spells, then magic Techs. After Azala is defeated, it will
hit a character with a HP Break attack which can do some damage. Heal the
character that was hit with it, then perform regular attacks on the Black
Tyrano until you get a message that says that its Defense has lowered to power
up an attack. Now is the time to start doing some heavy damage, so do some
powerful attacks here. When you strike, Tyrano will do a roar which will do
some minor damage. It will start counting down, and when it gets to zero, it
will hit each character with a powerful flame attack. If you have on Ruby
armor, the damage will be less than normal. If not, you will get some major
damage inflicted. Have someone heal while resuming normal attacks, and once its
defenses go down, you should be able to beat it before it pulls off another
flame attack.

======================================================== / GOLEM / ============
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 7000 / ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP:1000 / ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 35 / ------------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 2000 / ------------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Everything -- -- CHARM: Magic Tab --
Just have Ayla steal a Magic Tab from it, and then let Glolem defeat you. Every
RPG seems to have one of those bosses which are supposed to beat you, and Chrono
Trigger's boss like this is Golem.

======================================================== / BLUE BEAST / ========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 5000 --- / --------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 954 --- / --------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 22 --- / --------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 2800 --- / --------
-- STRONG VS: Water -- --WEAK VS: Fire -- -- CHARM: Mermaid Cap --
======================================================== / RED BEAST / =========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 5000 -- / ---------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 0 --- / ---------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 0 --- / ---------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 0 --- / ---------
-- STRONG VS: Fire -- --WEAK VS: Water -- -- CHARM: Elixir --
======================================================== / MUD IMP / ==========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 1200 - / ----------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 0 ---/ ----------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 0 ---/ ----------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 0 ---/ ----------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Speed Tab --
This boss battle is a pain in the rear end, and the sad part is it's probably
the easiest boss battle you will encounter for the rest of the game. The
problem with this battle is that the Mud Imp can heal the two Beasts.. but they
can't be damaged effectively until the Beasts are defeated. See where the fun
factor of this battle comes into play? Crono can attack either Beast
effectively, so have him attack one or the other while Marle and Ayla either
double team or Heal. Have Marle and Ayla use Twin Charm while Crono uses
Lightning 2. Once the enemies have been depleted of their items, have Crono and
Marle do Ice Sword 2, which should also damage the Mud Imp. Once the Red Beast
is gone, have Crono and Ayla do Volt Bite on the Blue Beast. Once he's
defeated, just pound away on the Mud Imp.

======================================================== / GIGA GAIA / =========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 9500 -- / ---------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 3000 - / ---------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 30 -- / ---------
-------------------------------------------------------- GOLD: 3000 / ---------
-- STRONG VS: Fire -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Speed Tab --
Reccomended party: Crono/Frog/Ayla. This boss can be pretty damn tough if you
are not careful, but there is a technique ithat can be used to defeat him. Giga
Gaia will start off the battle by doing a couple of powerful attacks. Have Frog
heal the party, while Crono and Ayla combine to do Volt Bite on the Left Arm.
Have Frog do Leap Splash on the Left Arm, while Crono and Ayla combine to do
Volt Bite again, and the Left Arm will go down, meaning the attack power of
Giga Gaia will go down. Just go after the Head now, as Giga Gaia's right arm is
only used for healing. The left arm will come back soon, so just use Volt Bite
on it again and it will go down. Beat up on the Head until you win the battle.

======================================================== / DALTON / =========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 3500 -- / ---------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 1000 - / ---------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 30 -- / ---------
-------------------------------------------------------- GOLD: 2500 / ---------
-- STRONG VS: None -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Power Meal --
This is a pretty easy battle. Just beat up on him with your strongest attacks
and he will go down quickly. Note that if you domn't defeat him quickly enough,
he will knock out a character with Iron Orb, so just revive the chracter and
then go back to doing your strongest attacks. Triple techs help, but three
Single Techs actually do more damage than one Triple Tech.

======================================================== / GOLEM TWINS / =======
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 7000 -----/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 2000 ---/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 70 -----/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 4000 -----/ -------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Everything-- -- CHARM: Elixir --
Have Crono/Lucca/Frog for this tough battle. Have Crono use Confuse or Luminare
each round. After this, Lucca should cast Hypno Wave, which might put one or
both of them to sleep. They will copy Crono's attack, but they won't be able to
counterattack. Have Marle heal the other two. Repeat the strategy and victory is

======================================================== / GOLEM BOSS / ========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 15,000 -/ --------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 2,500 -/ --------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 40 ----/ --------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 2,000 ---/ --------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
Well, this is the easiest boss in the game. Just defeat it before it runs away
if you want experience points and stuff. It won't ever attack you.

======================================================== / DALTON PLUS / =======
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 3500 ----/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 2500 ---/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 40 -----/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 2,000 ----/ -------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Power Meal --
This battle isn't that bad, either. Just pound away with your strongest
attacks, and have one character heal from time to time.

======================================================== / RUST TYRANO / =======
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 25,000 --/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 3,800 --/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 40 -----/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 2,000 ----/ -------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Red Mail--
Wow. This guy is just like the Tyrano you fought before, so I will cut and
paste that strategy now and then add stuff on. Perform regular attacks on the
Black Tyrano until you get a message that says that its Defense has lowered to
power up an attack. Now is the time to start doing some heavy damage, so do some
powerful attacks here. When you strike, Tyrano will do a roar which will do
some minor damage. It will start counting down, and when it gets to zero, it
will hit each character with a powerful flame attack. If you have on Ruby
armor, the damage will be less than normal. If not, you will get some major
damage inflicted. Have someone heal while resuming normal attacks, and once its
defenses go down, you should be able to beat it before it pulls off another
flame attack. That being said, just equip everyone with Ruby armor and you only
have to worry about his spitting a character out attack, and that doesn't hurt
too much and can be healed easily. Just use your strongest techs. He has a lot
of hit points so it will take a while, but you can win.

======================================================== / YAKRA XIII / ========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 18,000 -/ --------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 3,500 -/ --------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 40 ----/ --------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 2,000 ---/ --------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: White Mail--
Well, this guy is pretty easy as long as you protect yourself against Charm and
Chaos attacks. Because he will definitely try to pull those off a lot, like the
idiot that he is. Well, actually that's a good strategy. Just have everyone use
their strongest attacks, and he should be defeated soon enough. Make sure Marle
keeps the party healed, because he will do a final attack that does 200 points
of damage to everyone.
-- WIN: Megalixir --

======================================================== / SON OF SUN / ========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 2100 ----/ --------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 3800 ---/ --------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 40 ----/ --------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 2000 ----/ --------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Fire-- -- CHARM: Black Mail --
-- STRONG VS: Everything -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Elixir --
This is a pretty tough boss. As you can see, there is a main boss, with orbs
floating around it. One of the orbs is the actual boss. Have each character
attack an orb. Have one character attack an orb, and wait for the attack to be
completed. If no damage is done, the boss will retailiate. Then have the next
character attack the next orb. Once you hit an orb that does damage, keep
attacking it until it switches, then repeat the process.

======================================================== / MEGA MUTANT / =======
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 8450 -----/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 900 -----/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 50 -----/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 1500 -----/ -------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Vigil Hat --
Basically, just kill off the top half, then the bottom half. It should only
take a few rounds. Make sure to have Ayla Charm an Elixir and Vigil Hat here
before killing off the boss.

======================================================== / GIGA MUTANT / =======
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 5800/4950 / -------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 1500 ----/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 80 -----/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 2000 -----/ -------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Wall Ring/Hit Ring --
Make sure not to use any physical attacks in this battle, as the Giga Mutant
has a really high resistance to them. Have Crono keep using Luminare, as that
is the only thing that Giga Mutant seems to be unprotected against. Take out
the top half first, since it likes to take away a character's MP, and you'll
need MP to kill this boss.

======================================================== / TERRA MUTANT / ======
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 7800/20000 / ------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 2000 -----/ ------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 100 -----/ ------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 3800 ------/ ------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing ----WEAK VS: Nothing ---- CHARM: Muscle Ring/Power Soul --
This is a really interesting battle. It's another one of those two part bosses.
Basically, the upper part can only be hit by magic, and the lower half can't be
hit by anything, and will reduce your HP to 1 if you try to hit it. Use multi
target techs to take out both halves, and just reduce the hit points of the top
part until the boss is defeated.

======================================================== / LAVOS SPAWN / =======
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 10,000 ---/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 2450 ----/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 120 ----/ -------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 2500 -----/ -------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing ----WEAK VS: Nothing ---- CHARM: Haste Helmet/Safe Helm --
Don't attack the shell. Have Crono use Confuse and Ayla do Triple Kick on the
head as the other party member heals. If you attack the shell, you will not
like the results. ^.^

======================================================== / QUEEN ZEAL / ========
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 12000 ---/ --------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 0 ------/ --------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 0 -----/ --------
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 0 -------/ --------
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Megalixir --
My friend told me this strategy, which can apparently also be found in Brady
Game's guide. Have Ayla (w/Dino Tail), Frog (w/Frog Squash) and Crono in your
party. Queen Zeal's first attack will bring everyone's hit points down to 1.
But the Dino Tail and Frog Squash techs are stronger when you have less HP, so
they will do a ton of damage! Combine these with Crono's Luminare and you can
win the battle in two rounds!

======================================================== / MAMMON MACHINE / ====
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 12000 -------/ ----
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 0 ----------/ ----
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 0 ---------/ ----
-------------------------------------------------------- G: 0 -----------/ ----
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing -- -- CHARM: Megalixir --
Spend the first few rounds of the battle getting everyone back to full HP and
MP. You can always have Frog do Frog Squash, have Mammon kill him, and bring
him back to life, which means you already took out a good chunk of the
Machine's HP. I did that. Keep everyone's HP up, because the Machine will
counterattack with a huge magic attack after he is hit with a few magic spells
and techs. Just keep using magic attacks, don't use physical attacks or techs,
and keep everyone healed, and you should be just fine.

======================================================== / ZEAL / ==============
Face HP: 20,000 Right Arm HP: 28,000 Left Arm HP: 28,000
Experience: 0 Tech Points: 0 Gold Pieces: 0
-- STRONG VS: Nothing -- --WEAK VS: Nothing
-- CHARM: Right Hand - Prism Helm Left Hand - Prism Dress Hand - Megalixir --
Wow. You will notice that there are two hands and a head. Don't attack the
hands, just focus on the head. If you attack the hands, they will counterattack
and reduce your character's HP to 1 or MP to 0. She will also do the attack that
takes everyone down to 1 HP, so heal immedately after she does that. Keep using
Megalixirs and other powerful things to heal, as she will kill you if you are
not careful. Keep using your strongest attacks on her head and you will
eventually win.

======================================================== / ATROPOS XR / =======
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 6000 --- / -------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 0 ---- / -------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 0 ---- / -------
-------------------------------------------------------- GP: 0 ----- / -------
-- STRONG VS: Fire -- --WEAK VS: Shadow -- -- CHARM: Nothing --
Keep using Robo Tackle. Heal when needed. That's all.

======================================================== / MOTHER BRAIN / ======
-------------------------------------------------------- HP: 5000 ------/ ------
-------------------------------------------------------- EXP: 3000 -----/ ------
-------------------------------------------------------- TECH: 40 -----/ ------
-------------------------------------------------------- GP: 3000 ------/ ------
-- STRONG VS: Fire -- --WEAK VS: Shadow -- -- CHARM: Blue Mail --
Make sure to take out two Displays first and leave one. Then attack the Mother
Brain with single target techs. Make sure not to attack the other Display and
you should do fine. Make sure to keep healing.

======================================================== / RETINITE / ==========
Core HP: 1,000 Upper HP: 5,000 Lower HP: 4,800
Experience: 2,600 Tech Points: 100 Gold Pieces: 2,000

CORE: Weak vs. Nothing, Strong vs.: Absorbs Lightning, Fire, and Shadow, Charm:
Speed Tab

UPPER: Weak vs Water, Strong vs. Nothing

LOWER: Weak vs Water, Strong vs. Nothing
Heal everyone as much as possible, because he attacks a lot. Cast an ice spell
to lower the defense, then cast powerful physical techs. His defense will soon
rise again, so when it does, just cast another Ice spell on him. Destroy the
top half first, then defeat the bottom half.

======================================================== / GREAT OZZIE / =======
======================================================== / SUPER SLASH / =======
======================================================== / FLEA PLUS / =======
Great Ozzie HP: 6,000 Super Slash HP: 4,000 Flea Plus HP: 4,000
Experience: 7,500 Tech Points: 80 Gold Pieces: 2,800
STRONG VS.: Nothing WEAK VS.: Nothing
CHARM: Great Ozzie - Ozzie Pants Slash - Slasher Flea - Flea Vest
Take them out in this order: Super Slash, Flea Plus, Great Ozzie. As usual, do
your strongest attacks and make sure to keep healed at all times. Don't worry
about charming items in this battle unless you want to collect all the items in
the game or something, because the items are completely worthless for the most

======================================================== / LAVOS /==============
You have to fight nine forms of Magus, taking the shape of previous bosses. Use
the same strategies to take them out. I would cut and paste the strategies, but
that's a waste of time and space. Just take the first nine out.

======================================================== / LAVOS /==============
This is when the fun begins. To take out the first form, use strong magic
attacks, to destroy the left arm first, then use strong magic attacks to take
out the left arm. After both arms are defeated, use strong double and triple
techs to take out the head. Then the Core will be exposed. This guy can be a
real pain. Basically, you have to take out all three, but as usual, the pods
will come back to life. Take out the middle one first, then go to work on the
right pod. When the middle core comes back to life, defeat it again, then fight
the right one again. The left one, you should not worry about until the right
one is defeated. Once you defeat the right pod, and the left pod, destroy the
core and you will win!

----/----/----/----/----/ VIII. LISTS /----/----/----/----/----/

----Here is a list of all the.. lists in the game. What? Enjoy.----

[------------------------] SINGLE TECHS [------------------------]

----Here is a list of all the single techs in the game. What? Enjoy! It is done
by character, in the order you learn them.----

=================================== / CRONO / ==================================

Name of Technique: Cyclone
Description: Spin-cut nearby enemies
Target: Circle
Magic Points Used: 2

Name of Technique: Slash
Description: Slash attack
Target: Line
Magic Points Used:

Name of Technique: Lightning
Description: Attack using Lightning
Target: 1 Enemy
Magic Points Used: 2

Name of Technique: Spincut
Description: 2x Damage
Target: 1 Enemy
Magic Points Used: 4

Name of Technique: Lightning 2
Description: Strikes all enemies
Target: All Enemies
Magic Points Used: 8

Name of Technique: Life
Description: Bring ally back to life
Target: 1 Ally
Magic Points Used: 10

Name of Technique: Confuse
Description: Attack enemy w/Confuse 4 times
Target: 1 Enemy
Magic Points Used: 12

Name of Technique: Luminare
Description: Ultimate damage on all enemies
Target: All Enemies
Magic Points Used: 20

=================================== / MARLE / ==================================

Name of Technique: Aura
Description: Restore ally's HP (Some)
Target: 1 Ally
Magic Points Used: 1

Name of Technique: Provoke
Description: Confuse enemy
Target: 1 Enemy
Magic Points Used: 1

Name of Technique: Ice
Description: Attack enemy w/Ice
Target: 1 Enemy
Magic Points Used:

Name of Technique: Cure
Description: Restore ally's HP (more)
Target: 1 Ally
Magic Points Used:

Name of Technique: Haste
Description: Makes character faster x2
Target: 1 Ally
Magic Points Used: 6

Name of Technique: Ice 2
Description: Damages all enemies w/Ice
Target: All enemies
Magic Points Used: 8

Name of Technique: Cure 2
Description: Restores ally's HP (Full)
Target: 1 Ally
Magic Points Used: 10

Name of Technique: Life 2
Description: Revive and restore all HP
Target: 1 Ally
Magic Points Used: 15

=================================== / LUCCA / ==================================

Name of Technique: Flame Toss
Description: Hits all enemies on a line
Target: Line
Magic Points Used: 1

Name of Technique: Hypno Wave
Description: Puts enemies to sleep
Target: 1 Enemy
Magic Points Used: 1

Name of Technique: Fire
Description: Fire damage on one enemy
Target: 1 Enemy
Magic Points Used: 2

Name of Technique: Napalm
Description: Damage enemies in bomb area
Target: Circle
Magic Points Used: 3

Name of Technique: Protect
Description: Ups ally's physical defense
Target: 1 Ally
Magic Points Used: 6

Name of Technique: Fire 2
Description: Fire damage on all enemies
Target: All Enemies
Magic Points Used: 8

Name of Technique: Mega Bomb
Description: Damage enemies in bomb area
Target: Circle
Magic Points Used: 15

Name of Technique: Flare
Description: Strongest fire magic attack
Target: All Enemies
Magic Points Used: 20

=================================== / FROG / ===================================

Name of Technique: Slurp
Description: Restores ally's HP (some)
Target: 1 Ally
Magic Points Used: 1

Name of Technique: Slurp Cut
Description: Snag and slash enemy
Target: 1 Enemy
Magic Points Used: 2

Name of Technique: Water
Description: Damage enemy w/water
Target: 1 Enemy
Magic Points Used: 2

Name of Technique: Heal
Description: Restores allies' HP (More)
Target: All Allies
Magic Points Used: 2

Name of Technique: Leap Slash
Description: Leap slash an enemy
Target: 1 Enemy
Magic Points Used: 4

Name of Technique: Water 2
Description: Damages all enemies w/Water
Target: All Enemies
Magic Points Used: 8

Name of Technique: Cure 2
Description: Restores ally's HP (full)
Target: 1 Ally
Magic Points Used: 10

Name of Technique: Frog Squash
Description: Low HP = greater damage
Target: All Enemies
Magic Points Used: 15

=================================== / ROBO / ===================================

Name of Technique: Rocket Punch
Description: Punch enemy
Target: 1 Enemy
Magic Points Used: 1

Name of Technique: Cure Beam
Description: Restores ally's HP (some)
Target: 1 Ally
Magic Points Used: 2

Name of Technique: Laser Spin
Description: Laser Spin on all enemies
Target: All Enemies
Magic Points Used: 3

Name of Technique: Robo Tackle
Description: Tackle enemy
Target: 1 Enemy
Magic Points Used: 4

Name of Technique: Heal Beam
Description: Restore all allies HP (some)
Target: All Allies
Magic Points Used: 5

Name of Technique: Uzzi Punch
Description: Hit enemy with Multi Punch
Target: 1 Enemy
Magic Points Used: 12

Name of Technique: Area Bomb
Description: Damage enemy with melt beam
Target: 1 Enemy
Magic Points Used: 14

Name of Technique: Shock
Description: Damage all enemies with Maximum shock
Target: All Enemies
Magic Points Used: 17

===================================== / AYLA /==================================

Name of Technique: Kiss
Description: HP (some) and Status restored
Target: 1 Ally
Magic Points Used: 1

Name of Technique: Rollo Kick
Description: Rollkick an enemy
Target: 1 Enemy
Magic Points Used: 2

Name of Technique: Cat Attack
Description: A savage cat attack
Target: 1 Enemy
Magic Points Used: 3

Name of Technique: Rock Throw
Description: Stone an enemy
Target: 1 Enemy
Magic Points Used: 4

Name of Technique: Charm
Description: Steal from enemy
Target: 1 Enemy
Magic Points Used: 4

Name of Technique: Tail Spin
Description: Damage enemies with Tailspin
Target: Circle
Magic Points Used: 10

Name of Technique: Dino Tail
Description: Low HP = greater damage
Target: All Enemies
Magic Points Used: 15

Name of Technique: Triple Kick
Description: Damage enemy with triple kick
Target: 1 Enemy
Magic Points Used: 20

=================================== / MAGUS / ==================================

Name of Technique: Lightning 2
Description: Damage enemies with Lightning
Target: All Enemies
Magic Points Used: 8

Name of Technique: Ice 2
Description: Damage enemies with Ice
Target: All Enemies
Magic Points Used: 8

Name of Technique: Fire 2
Description: Damage enemies with Fire
Target: All Enemies
Magic Points Used: 8

Name of Technique: Dark Bomb
Description: Damage enemies with Dark Bomb
Target: Circle
Magic Points Used: 8

Name of Technique: Magic Wall
Description: Ups ally's magic defense
Target: 1 Ally
Magic Points Used: 8

Name of Technique: Dark Mist
Description: Damage enemies with Dark Mist
Target: All Enemies
Magic Points Used: 10

Name of Technique: Black Hole
Description: Power of Life/Death
Target: All Enemies
Magic Points Used: 15

Name of Technique: Dark Matter
Description: Black Magic damage
Target: All Enemies
Magic Points Used:

[------------------------] DOUBLE TECHS [------------------------]

----Here is a list of all the double techs in the game. What? Enjoy! It is done
by character, in the order you learn them.----

Name of Technique: Aura Whirl
Characters (MP): Crono (2), Marle (1)
Description: It restores some of all allies' HP.
Target: All Allies
Required Techs: Cyclone, Aura

Name of Technique: Ice Sword
Characters (MP): Crono (4), Marle (2)
Description: Ice sword attack
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Spincut, Ice

Name of Technique: Ice Sword 2
Characters (MP): Crono (12), Marle (8)
Description: Ice sword attack
Target: Circle
Required Techs: Confuse, Ice 2

Name of Technique: Fire Whirl
Characters (MP): Crono (2), Lucca (1)
Description: Flame Whirl attack
Target: Circle
Required Techs: Cyclone, Fire Toss

Name of Technique: Fire Sword
Characters (MP): Crono (4), Lucca (2)
Description: Fire Sword attack
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Spincut, Fire

Name of Technique: Fire Sword 2
Characters (MP): Crono (12), Lucca (8)
Description: Fire Sword attack
Target: Circle
Required Techs: Confuse, Fire 2

Name of Technique: Rocket Roll
Characters (MP): Crono (2), Robo (3)
Description: Rocket Roll multi-attack
Target: All Enemies
Required Techs: Slash, Laser Spin

Name of Technique: Max Cyclone
Characters (MP): Crono (4), Robo (3)
Description: Crono's Max Cyclone
Target: Circle
Required Techs: Spincut, Laser Spin

Name of Technique: Super Volt
Characters (MP): Crono (8), Robo (17)
Description: Super Volt attack
Target: All Enemies
Required Techs: Lightning 2, Shock

Name of Technique: X Strike
Characters (MP): Crono (2), Frog (2)
Description: Attack enemy w/X Strike
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Cyclone, Slurp Cut

Name of Technique: Sword Stream
Characters (MP): Crono (4), Frog (2)
Description: Attack enemy w/Sword Stream
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Cyclone, Slurp Cut

Name of Technique: Spire
Characters (MP): Crono (8), Frog (4)
Description: Attack enemy w/Spire
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Lightning 2, Leap Slash

Name of Technique: Drill Kick
Characters (MP): Crono (2), Ayla (2)
Description: Drill Kick
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Cyclone, Rollo Kick

Name of Technique: Volt Bite
Characters (MP): Crono (2), Ayla (3)
Description: Attack enemy w/Volt Bite
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Lightning, Cat Attack

Name of Technique: Falcon Hit
Characters (MP): Crono (4), Ayla (4)
Description: Crono's Falcon Hit
Target: Horizontal Line
Required Techs: Spincut, Rock Throw

Name of Technique: Antipode
Characters (MP): Marle (2), Lucca (2)
Description: Attack enemies w/Antipode
Target: Circle
Required Techs: Ice, Fire

Name of Technique: Antipode 2
Characters (MP): Marle (8), Lucca (8)
Description: Attack enemies w/Antipode 2
Target: Circle
Required Techs: Ice 2, Fire 2

Name of Technique: Antipode 3
Characters (MP): Marle (8), Lucca (20)
Description: Attack enemies w/Antipode 3
Target: All Enemies
Required Techs: Ice 2, Flare

Name of Technique: Aura Beam
Characters (MP): Marle (1), Robo (2)
Description: Restore allies' HP (some)
Target: All Allies
Required Techs: Aura, Cure Beam

Name of Technique: Ice Tackle
Characters (MP): Marle (2), Robo (4)
Description: Attack enemy w/Glacier
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Ice, Robo Tackle

Name of Technique: Cure Touch
Characters (MP): Marle (5), Robo (3)
Description: Restore all of Allies' HP
Target: All Allies
Required Techs: Cure 2, Cure Beam

Name of Technique: Ice Water
Characters (MP): Marle (2), Frog (2)
Description: Attack enemies w/Ice Water
Target: All Enemies
Required Techs: Ice, Water

Name of Technique: Glacier
Characters (MP): Marle (8), Frog (8)
Description: Massive Ice attack
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Ice 2, Water 2

Name of Technique: Double Cure
Characters (MP): Marle (5), Frog (5)
Description: Restore all of allies' HP
Target: All Allies
Required Techs: Cure 2, Cure 2

Name of Technique: Twin Charm
Characters (MP): Marle (1), Ayla (4)
Description: Steal from enemy twice.
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Provoke, Charm

Name of Technique: Ice Toss
Characters (MP): Marle (2), Ayla (4)
Description: Attack enemy w/Ice Toss
Target: Circle
Required Techs: Ice, Rock Toss

Name of Technique: Cube Toss
Characters (MP): Marle (8), Ayla (4)
Description: Attack enemy w/Cube Toss
Target: Circle
Required Techs: Ice 2, Rock Throw

Name of Technique: Fire Punch
Characters (MP): Lucca (2), Robo (1)
Description: Burn enemies w/Fire Punch
Target: Circle
Required Techs: Fire, Rocket Punch

Name of Technique: Fire Tackle
Characters (MP): Lucca (8), Robo (4)
Description: Burn enemy w/Fire Tackle
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Fire 2, Robo Tackle

Name of Technique: Double Bomb
Characters (MP): Lucca (15), Robo (14)
Description: Robo's Max Bomb attack
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Mega Bomb, Area Bomb

Name of Technique: Red Pin
Characters (MP): Lucca (2), Frog (4)
Description: Burn enemy w/Flame Slash
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Fire, Leap Slash

Name of Technique: Line Bomb
Characters (MP): Lucca (15), Frog (4)
Description: Bomb enemies on a line
Target: Horizontal line
Required Techs: Mega Bomb, Leap Slash

Name of Technique: Frog Flare
Characters (MP): Lucca (20), Frog (15)
Description: Ultimate 2x Damage
Target: All Enemies
Required Techs: Flare, Frog Squash

Name of Technique: Flame Kick
Characters (MP): Lucca (2), Ayla (2)
Description: Burn enemy w/Flame Kick
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Fire, Rollo Kick

Name of Technique: Fire Whirl
Characters (MP): Lucca (8), Ayla (10)
Description: Burn enemy w/Fire Whirl
Target: All Enemies
Required Techs: Fire 2, Tail Spin

Name of Technique: Blaze Kick
Characters (MP): Lucca (8), Ayla (20)
Description: Burn enemy w/Blaze Kick
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Fire 2, Triple Kick

Name of Technique: Blade Toss
Characters (MP): Frog (2), Robo (3)
Description: Frog's Blade Toss
Target: Horizontal Line
Required Techs: Slurp Cut, Laser Spin

Name of Technique: Bubble Snap
Characters (MP): Frog (2), Robo (4)
Description: Robo's Bubble Snap
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Water, Robo Tackle

Name of Technique: Cure Wave
Characters (MP): Frog (5), Robo (3)
Description: Restores all of allies' HP
Target: All Allies
Required Techs: Cure 2, Heal Beam

Name of Technique: Slurp Kiss
Characters (MP): Frog (1), Ayla (1)
Description: Restores all of allies' HP, as well as status.
Target: All Allies
Required Techs: Slurp, Kiss

Name of Technique: Bubble Hit
Characters (MP): Frog (2), Ayla (2)
Description: Attack enemy w/Bubble Hit
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Water, Rollo Kick

Name of Technique: Drop Kick
Characters (MP): Frog (4), Ayla (20)
Description: Inferno Toss
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Leap Slash, Triple Kick

Name of Technique: Boogie
Characters (MP): Robo (4), Ayla (4)
Description: Halts all enemies
Target: All Enemies
Required Techs: Robo Tackle, Charm

Name of Technique: Spin Kick
Characters (MP): Robo (4), Ayla (2)
Description: Attack enemy w/Spin Kick
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Robo Tackle, Rollo Kick

Name of Technique: Beast Toss
Characters (MP): Robo (12), Ayla (4)
Description: Hurl an enemy
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Uzzi Punch, Rock Throw

[------------------------] TRIPLE TECHS [------------------------]

----Here is a list of all the triple techs in the game. What? Enjoy! It is done
by character, in the order you learn them.----

Name of Technique: Delta Force
Characters (MP): Crono (8), Marle (8), Lucca (8)
Description: Elemental damage/multiple
Target: All Enemies
Required Techs: Lightning 2, Ice 2, Fire 2
Required Items: Not Available

Name of Technique: Lifeline
Characters (MP): Crono (15), Marle (15), Robo (3)
Description: Revive and restore allies' HP all at once
Target: All Allies
Required Techs: Lightning, Life 2, Heal Beam
Required Items: Not Available

Name of Technique: Arc Impulse
Characters (MP): Crono (4), Marle (8), Frog (4)
Description: Attack w/Ice Slash
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Spincut, Ice 2, Leap Slash
Required Items: Not Available

Name of Technique: Final Kick
Characters (MP): Crono (8), Marle (8), Ayla (20)
Description: Attack w/Final Kick
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Lightning 2, Ice 2, Triple Kick
Required Items: Not Available

Name of Technique: Fire Zone
Characters (MP): Crono (4), Lucca (8), Robo (3)
Description: Crono's Fire Zone
Target: Circle
Required Techs: Spincut, Fire 2, Laser Spin
Required Items: Not Available

Name of Technique: Delta Storm
Characters (MP): Crono (8), Lucca (8), Frog (8)
Description: Elemental attack to multiple enemies
Target: All Enemies
Required Techs: Lightning 2, Fire 2, Water 2
Required Items: Not Available

Name of Technique: Gatling Kick
Characters (MP): Crono (8), Lucca (8), Ayla (20)
Description: Attack w/Gatling Kick
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Lightning 2, Fire 2, Triple Kick
Required Items: Not Available

Name of Technique: Triple Raid
Characters (MP): Crono (2), Frog (2), Robo (4)
Description: Delta Attack
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Cyclone, Slurp Cut, Robo Tackle
Required Items: Not Available

Name of Technique: 3D Attack
Characters (MP): Crono (2), Frog (2), Ayla (20)
Description: Delta Attack
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Cyclone, Slurp Cut, Triple Kick
Required Items: Not Available

Name of Technique: Twister
Characters (MP): Crono (2), Robo (3), Ayla (10)
Description: Trio Whirl to multiple enemies
Target: All Enemies
Required Techs: Cyclone, Laser Spin, Tail Spin
Required Items: Not Available

Name of Technique: Spin Strike
Characters (MP): Robo (4), Frog (4), Ayla (10)
Description: Damage with Whirl Jump Cut
Target: 1 Enemy
Required Techs: Robo Tackle, Leap Slash, Tail Spin
Required Items: Silver Rock

Name of Technique: Grand Dream
Characters (MP): Frog (15), Marle (15), Robo (3)
Description: Physical Attack w/New Masamune
Target: All Enemies
Required Techs: Frog Squash, Life 2, Laser Spin
Required Items: Gold Rock

Name of Technique: Omega Flare
Characters (MP): Magus (8), Robo (3), Lucca (20)
Description: Ultimate Laser
Target: All Enemies
Required Techs: Dark Bomb, Laser Spin, Flare
Required Items: Blue Rock

Name of Technique: Dark Eternal
Characters (MP): Magus (20), Marle (8), Lucca (8)
Description: Ultimate Dark Bomb
Target: All Enemies
Required Techs: Dark Matter, Ice 2, Fire 2
Required Items: Black Rock

Name of Technique: Poyozo Dance
Characters (MP): Marle (1), Lucca (1), Ayla (10)
Description: Damage w/Magic and Chaos
Target: All Enemies
Required Techs: Provoke, Hypno Wave, Triple Kick
Required Items: White Rock

[------------------------] WEAPONS [------------------------]

----Here is a list of all the weapons in this game. What? Enjoy! It is done by
character, weakest weapon first.----

=================================== / CRONO / ==================================

Name: Mop
Description: None
Attack Power: 1

Name: Wood Sword
Description: None
Attack Power: 3

Name: Iron Blade
Description: None
Attack Power: 7

Name: Steel Saber
Description: None
Attack Power: 15

Name: Lode Sword
Description: None
Attack Power: 20

Name: Bolt Sword
Description: None
Attack Power: 25

Name: Red Katana
Description: Magic +2
Attack Power: 30

Name: Flint Edge
Description: None
Attack Power: 40

Name: Slasher
Description: Speed +2
Attack Power: 43

Name: Aeon Blade
Description: None
Attack Power: 70

Name: Demon Edge
Description: 1.5x hit on magic enemies.
Attack Power: 90

Name: Alloy Blade
Description: None
Attack Power: 110

Name: Star Sword
Description: None
Attack Power: 125

Name: Vedic Blade
Description: None
Attack Power: 135

Name: Swallow
Description: Speed +3
Attack Power: 145

Name: Kali Blade
Description: None
Attack Power: 150

Name: Slasher 2
Description: None
Attack Power: 155

Name: Shiva Edge
Description: 4x damage with critical hits
Attack Power: 170

Name: Rainbow Sword
Description: 70 percent critical hit rate
Attack Power: 220

=================================== / MARLE / ==================================

Name: Bronze Bow
Description: None
Attack Power: 3

Name: Iron Bow
Description: None
Attack Power: 15

Name: Lode Bow
Description: None
Attack Power: 20

Name: Robin Bow
Description: None
Attack Power: 25

Name: Sage Bow
Description: None
Attack Power: 40

Name: Dream Bow
Description: None
Attack Power: 60

Name: Comet Arrow
Description: None
Attack Power: 80

Name: Sonic Arrow
Description: Casts a random slow spell.
Attack Power: 100

Name: Siren
Description: Casts a random stop spell.
Attack Power: 140

Name: Valkerye
Description: None
Attack Power: 180

=================================== / LUCCA / ==================================

Name: Air Gun
Description: None
Attack Power: 5

Name: Dart Gun
Description: None
Attack Power: 7

Name: Auto Gun
Description: None
Attack Power: 15

Name: Plasma Gun
Description: Casts a random stop spell.
Attack Power: 25

Name: Ruby Gun
Description: None
Attack Power: 40

Name: Dream Gun
Description: None
Attack Power: 60

Name: Megablast
Description: None
Attack Power: 80

Name: Shock Wave
Description: Casts a random chaos spell.
Attack Power: 110

Name: Wonder Shot
Description: Damage varies.
Attack Power: 250

=================================== / FROG / ===================================

Name: Bronze Edge
Description: None
Attack Power: 6

Name: Iron Sword
Description: None
Attack Power: 10

Name: Masamune
Description: None
Attack Power: 75

Name: Flash Blade
Description: None
Attack Power: 90

Name: Pearl Edge
Description: 1.5x damage on magic based enemies.
Attack Power: 105

Name: Rune Blade
Description: Magic attack increases by 4.
Attack Power: 120

Name: Demon Hit
Description: 2x damage on Magic based enemies.
Attack Power:

Name: Brave Sword
Description: None
Attack Power: 135

Name: Masamune II
Description: None
Attack Power: 200

=================================== / ROBO / ===================================

Name: Tin Arm
Description: None
Attack Power: 20

Name: Hammer Arm
Description: None
Attack Power: 25

Name: Mirage Hand
Description: None
Attack Power: 30

Name: Stone Arm
Description: None
Attack Power: 40

Name: Doom Finger
Description: None
Attack Power: 50

Name: Magma Hand
Description: None
Attack Power: 70

Name: Megaton Arm
Description: None
Attack Power: 90

Name: Big Hand
Description: None
Attack Power: 105

Name: Kaiser Arm
Description: None
Attack Power: 120

Name: Giga Arm
Description: None
Attack Power: 135

Name: Terra Arm
Description: None
Attack Power: 150

Name: Crisis Arm
Description: Damage significantly increases when Robo is under 10 HP.
Attack Power: 1

=================================== / AYLA / ===================================

Name: Fist
Description: None
Level: 1

Name: Iron Fist
Description: Random chaos spell/critical hit rate up.
Level: 73

Name: Bronze Fist
Description: 9999 damage for critical hits.
Level: 96

=================================== / MAGUS / ==================================

Name: Dark Scythe
Description: None
Attack Power: 120

Name: Hurricane
Description: None
Attack Power: 135

Name: Star Scythe
Description: None
Attack Power: 150

Name: Doom Sickle
Description: Attack increases when an ally is deceased.
Attack Power: 160

[------------------------] ARMOR [------------------------]

----Here is a list of all the armor in this game. What? Enjoy! It is done by
defensive power, weakest first.----

Name: Hide Tunic
Description: None
Defensive Power: 5
Equipped By: Everyone

Name: Karate Gi
Description: None
Defensive Power: 10
Equipped By: Everyone

Name: Bronze Mail
Description: None
Defensive Power: 16
Equipped By: All Guys

Name: Maiden Suit
Description: None
Defensive Power: 18
Equipped By: All Girls

Name: Iron Suit
Description: None
Defensive Power: 25
Equipped By: Everyone

Name: Titan Vest
Description: None
Defensive Power: 32
Equipped By: Everyone

Name: Taban Vest
Description: Increases speed by 2.
Defensive Power: 33
Equipped By: Lucca

Name: Gold Suit
Description: None
Defensive Power: 39
Equipped By: Everyone

Name: Ruby Vest
Description: Cuts fire damage in half.
Defensive Power: 45
Equipped By: Everyone

Name: Dark Mail
Description: Magic Defense +5
Defensive Power: 45
Equipped By: All Guys

Name: White Vest
Description: Absorbs 50 percent of Lightning attacks.
Defensive Power: 45
Equipped By: Everyone

Name: Black Vest
Description: Absorbs 50 percent of Shadow attacks.
Defensive Power: 45
Equipped By: Everyone

Name: Blue Vest
Description: Absorbs 50 percent of Water attacks.
Defensive Power: 45
Equipped By: Everyone

Name: Red Vest
Description: Absorbs 50 percent of Fire attacks.
Defensive Power: 45
Equipped By: Everyone

Name: Meso Mail
Description: None
Defensive Power: 52
Equipped By: Everyone

Name: Mist Robe
Description: None
Defensive Power: 54
Equipped By: Females

Name: Lumin Robe
Description: Magic Defense +5.
Defensive Power: 63
Equipped By: Females

Name: Flash Mail
Description: None
Defensive Power: 64
Equipped By: Males

Name: White Mail
Description: Absorbs Lightning attacks.
Defensive Power: 70
Equipped By: Everyone

Name: Black Mail
Description: Absorbs Shadow attacks.
Defensive Power: 70
Equipped By: Everyone

Name: Blue Mail
Description: Absorbs Water attacks.
Defensive Power: 70
Equipped By: Everyone

Name: Red Mail
Description: Absorbs Fire attacks.
Defensive Power: 70
Equipped By: Everyone

Name: Lode Vest
Description: None
Defensive Power: 71
Equipped By: Everyone

Name: Aeon Suit
Description: None
Defensive Power: 75
Equipped By: Everyone

Name: Raven Armor
Description: None
Defensive Power: 76
Equipped By: Magus

Name: Ruby Armor
Description: Cuts fire damage by 80 percent.
Defensive Power: 78
Equipped By: Everyone

Name: Taban Suit
Description: Speed +3.
Defensive Power: 79
Equipped By: Lucca only

Name: Zodiac Cape
Description: Magic Defense +10.
Defensive Power: 80
Equipped By: Females

Name: Nova Armor
Description: Protects status.
Defensive Power: 82
Equipped By: Males

Name: Gloom Cape
Description: None
Defensive Power: 84
Equipped By: Magus

Name: Moon Armor
Description: Magic Defense +10.
Defensive Power: 85
Equipped By: Males

Name: Prism Dress
Description: Cuts magic attack by 1/3.
Defensive Power: 99
Equipped By: Females

[------------------------] HELMETS [------------------------]

----Here is a list of all the helmets in this game. What? Enjoy! It is done by
defensive power, weakest first.----

Name of Helmet: Hide Cap
Description: None
Defense: 3
Equipped By: Everyone

Name of Helmet: Bronze Helm
Description: None
Defense: 8
Equipped By: Everyone

Name of Helmet: Iron Helm
Description: None
Defense: 14
Equipped By: Everyone

Name of Helmet: Beret
Description: None
Defense: 17
Equipped By: Females

Name of Helmet: Gold Helm
Description: None
Defense: 18
Equipped By: Males

Name of Helmet: Rock Helm
Description: None
Defense: 20
Equipped By: Everyone

Name of Helmet: Cera Topper
Description: None
Defense: 23
Equipped By: Everyone

Name of Helmet: Taban Helm
Description: Magic Defense increases by 10.
Defense: 24
Equipped By: Lucca

Name of Helmet: Glow Helm
Description: None
Defense: 25
Equipped By: Males

Name of Helmet: Lode Helm
Description: None
Defense: 29
Equipped By: Everyone

Name of Helmet: Doom Helm
Description: None
Defense: 29
Equipped By: Magus

Name of Helmet: Sight Cap
Description: It prevents Chaos.
Defense: 30
Equipped By: Everyone

Name of Helmet: Memory Cap
Description: It prevents Lock.
Defense: 30
Equipped By: Everyone

Name of Helmet: Time Hat
Description: It prevents Stop and Slow.
Defense: 30
Equipped By: Everyone

Name of Helmet: Aeon Helm
Description: None
Defense: 33
Equipped By: Everyone

Name of Helmet: Mermaid Cap
Description: It cuts water damage by 50 percent.
Defense: 35
Equipped By: Everyone

Name of Helmet: Rainbow Helm
Description: It cuts lightning damage by 50 percent.
Defense: 35
Equipped By: Everyone

Name of Helmet: Dark Helm
Description: It cuts shadow damage by 50 percent.
Defense: 35
Equipped By: Males

Name of Helmet: Haste Helm
Description: 50 percent less time between attacks.
Defense: 35
Equipped By: Everyone

Name of Helmet: Vigil Hat
Description: It protects against all status effects.
Defense: 36
Equipped By: Everyone

Name of Helmet: Safe Helm
Description: It cuts physical damage by 33 percent.
Defense: 38
Equipped By: Everyone

Name of Helmet: Prism Helm
Description: Defense increases by 9, locks status.
Defense: 40
Equipped By: Everyone

Name of Helmet: Gloom Helm
Description: It protects against all status effects.
Defense: 42
Equipped By: Magus

Name of Helmet: Ozzie Pants
Description: It causes confusion.
Defense: 45
Equipped By: Everyone

[------------------------] ACCESSORIES [------------------------]

----Here is a list of all the accessories in this game. What? Enjoy!----

Name of Accessory: Amulet
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It protects against all the status effects during battle.

Name of Accessory: Bandana
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It adds one point to a character's speed rating.

Name of Accessory: Berserker
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It prevents a character from being controlled during battle.

Name of Accessory: Black Belt
Equipped On: Lucca, Magus, Marle
Use of Accessory: It enables the three characters to perform the "Dark Eternal"
triple tech attack.

Name of Accessory: Blue Rock
Equipped On: Lucca, Magus, Robo
Use of Accessory: It enables the three characters to perform the "Omega Flare"
triple tech attack.

Name of Accessory: Charm Top
Equipped On: Ayla
Use of Accessory: It increases the chances of her charming items from enemies.

Name of Accessory: Dash Ring
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It adds three points to a character's speed rating.

Name of Accessory: Defender
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It adds two points to a character's vigor rating.

Name of Accessory: Flea Vest
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It adds twelve points to a character's vigor rating.

Name of Accessory: Frenzy Band
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It gives you an 80 percent chance of a counter attack blow
against a foe.

Name of Accessory: Gold Earring
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It increases the character's maximum Hit Points by 50 percent.

Name of Accessory: Gold Rock
Equipped On: Frog, Marle, Robo
Use of Accessory: It allows the three characters to perform the "Grand Dream"
triple tech attack.

Name of Accessory: Gold Stud
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It decreases the character's MP reducal by 75 percent.

Name of Accessory: Green Dream
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: One time re-animate, once a battle.

Name of Accessory: Hero's Medal
Equipped On: Frog
Use of Accessory: When paired with the Masamune, it increases critical hits.

Name of Accessory: Hit Ring
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It adds ten points to the character's strike rating.

Name of Accessory: Magic Ring
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It adds six points to a character's magic rating.

Name of Accessory: Magic Scarf
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It adds two points to a character's magic defense rating.

Name of Accessory: Magic Seal
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It adds five points to magic defense and maximum Magic Points.

Name of Accessory: Muscle Ring
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It adds six points to a character's vigor rating.

Name of Accessory: Power Glove
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It adds two points to a character's power rating.

Name of Accessory: Power Ring
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It adds six points to a character's power rating.

Name of Accessory: Power Scarf
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It adds four points to a character's power rating.

Name of Accessory: Power Seal
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It adds ten points to a character's defense, power, and

Name of Accessory: Rage Band
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It gives you a 50 percent chance of counter attacking against
a enemy.

Name of Accessory: Ribbon
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It adds two points to a character's strike rating.

Name of Accessory: Sight Scope
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It reveals the enemy's Hit Points during a battle.

Name of Accessory: Silver Earring
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It increases the character's maximum Hit Points by 25 percent.

Name of Accessory: Silver Rock
Equipped On: Ayla, Frog, Robo
Use of Accessory: It allows the three characters to perform the "Spin Strike"
triple tech attack.

Name of Accessory: Silver Stud
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It reduces the character's Magic Points reducal by 50 percent.

Name of Accessory: Speed Belt
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It adds two points to a character's speed rating.

Name of Accessory: Sun Shades
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It enhances the character's Attack Power in combat.

Name of Accessory: Third Eye
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It doubles a character's Evade rating.

Name of Accessory: Wallet
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It turns experience points into gold.

Name of Accessory: Wall Ring
Equipped On: Everyone
Use of Accessory: It adds ten points to a character's magic defense.

Name of Accessory: White Rock
Equipped On: Ayla, Lucca, Marle
Use of Accessory: It allows the three characters to perform the "Poyozo Dance"
triple tech technique.

[------------------------] ENEMIES [------------------------]

----Here is a list of all the enemies in this game. What? Enjoy!----

-----------------------------------{ A }----------------------------------------

Name of Enemy: Acid
Hit Points: 10
Experience Gained: 33
Gold Gained: 20
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: Barrier
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Lightning
Location: Factory Ruins in 2300 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Alien
Hit Points: 1,350
Experience Gained: 804
Gold Gained: 1,100
Tech Points Gained: 8
Stolen Item: Magic Tab
Gained Item: Shield
Weakness: None
Location: Black Omen

Name of Enemy: Alkaline
Hit Points: 9
Experience Gained: 45
Gold Gained: 40
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Lightning
Location: Factory Ruins in 2300 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Amphibite
Hit Points: 100
Experience Gained: 66
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 0
Stolen Item: Horns x2
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Hunting Range in prehistoric times

Name of Enemy: Anion
Hit Points: 152
Experience Gained: 72
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: Feather x2
Weakness: None
Location: Hunting Range in prehistoric times

Name of Enemy: Atropos XR
Hit Points: 6,000
Experience Gained: 0
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 0
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Geno Dome in 2300 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Avion Chaos
Hit Points: 45
Experience Gained: 4
Gold Gained: 18
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: Tonic
Weakness: None
Location: Guardia Forest in 1000 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Avion Rex
Hit Points: 327
Experience Gained: 129
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 3
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: Feather
Weakness: Lightning
Location: Tyrano Ruins in prehistoric times

Name of Enemy: Azala
Hit Points: 2,700
Experience Gained: None
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: None
Stolen Item: Shield
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Tyrano Lair in prehistoric times

-----------------------------------{ B }----------------------------------------

Name of Enemy: Bantam Imp
Hit Points: 250
Experience Gained: 222
Gold Gained: 250
Tech Points Gained: 6
Stolen Item: Alloy Blade
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Mt. Woe in 12,000 B.C.

Name of Enemy: Barghest
Hit Points: 450
Experience Gained: 376
Gold Gained: 400
Tech Points Gained: 8
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: Shield
Weakness: None
Location: Ocean Palace in 12,000 B.C.

Name of Enemy: Base
Hit Points: 88
Experience Gained: 377
Gold Gained: 650
Tech Points Gained: 8
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Northern Ruins in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Basher
Hit Points: 150
Experience Gained: 377
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 8
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Blackbird in 12,000 B.C.

Name of Enemy: Beast
Hit Points: 830
Experience Gained: 204
Gold Gained: 450
Tech Points Gained: 5
Stolen Item: Mid Ether
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Terra Cave in 12,000 B.C.

Name of Enemy: Beetle
Hit Points: 12
Experience Gained: 3
Gold Gained: 15
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Guardia Forest

Name of Enemy: Bell Bird
Hit Points: 94
Experience Gained: 27
Gold Gained: 100
Tech Points Gained: 0
Stolen Item: Heal
Gained Item: Heal
Weakness: None
Location: Denadoro Mountains in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Bit
Hit Points: 200
Experience Gained: None
Gold Gained: None
Tech Points Gained: None
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Arris Dome in 2300 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Black Tyrano
Hit Points: 10,500
Experience Gained: 1800
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 25
Stolen Item: Magic Tab
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Tyrano Lair in prehistoric times

Name of Enemy: Blob
Hit Points: 1,050
Experience Gained: 753
Gold Gained: 1,250
Tech Points Gained: 0
Stolen Item: Magic Ring
Gained Item: Barrier
Weakness: None
Location: Black Omen

Name of Enemy: Blue Beast
Hit Points: 5,000
Experience Gained: 954
Gold Gained: 2,600
Tech Points Gained: 22
Stolen Item: Mermaid Cap
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Fire
Location: Terra Cave in 12,000 B.C.

Name of Enemy: Blue Eaglet
Hit Points: 16
Experience Gained: 3
Gold Gained: 32
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: Heal
Weakness: None
Location: Guardia Forest in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Blue Scout
Hit Points: 300
Experience Gained: 234
Gold Gained: 250
Tech Points Gained: 8
Stolen Item: Shield
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Water
Location: Ocean Palace in 12,000 B.C.

Name of Enemy: Blue Shield
Hit Points: 24
Experience Gained: 11
Gold Gained: 45
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: Tonic
Weakness: None
Location: Guardia Castle in 1,000 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Boss Orb
Hit Points: 850
Experience Gained: 750
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 0
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Black Omen

Name of Enemy: Bug
Hit Points: 89
Experience Gained: 26
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: Heal
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Arris Dome and Factory Ruins in 2300 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Bugger
Hit Points: 100
Experience Gained: 18
Gold Gained: 45
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Lightning
Location: Arris Dome in 2300 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Byte
Hit Points: 192
Experience Gained: 378
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 8
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Blackbird

-----------------------------------{ C }----------------------------------------

Name of Enemy: Cave Ape
Hit Points: 436
Experience Gained: 123
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 3
Stolen Item: Fang
Gained Item: Fang
Weakness: None
Location: Tyrano Lair and Dactyl Nest in prehistoric times

Name of Enemy: Cave Bat
Hit Points: 108
Experience Gained: 28
Gold Gained: 40
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: Revive
Gained Item: Mone
Weakness: None
Location: Heckran Cave in 1000 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Crater
Hit Points: 80
Experience Gained: 15
Gold Gained: 35
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Lab 16 in 2300 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Croaker
Hit Points: 100
Experience Gained: 66
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 0
Stolen Item: Fangs x2
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Hunting Range in prehistoric times

Name of Enemy: Cybot
Hit Points: 1,800
Experience Gained: 728
Gold Gained: 750
Tech Points Gained: 16
Stolen Item: Hyper Ether
Gained Item: Power Meal
Weakness: None
Location: Black Omen

-----------------------------------{ D }----------------------------------------

Name of Enemy: Dalton
Hit Points: 3,500
Experience Gained: 1,000
Gold Gained: None
Tech Points Gained: 30
Stolen Item: Power Heal
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Zeal Palace in 12,000 B.C.

Name of Enemy: Dalton Plus
Hit Points: 3,500
Experience Gained: 3,500
Gold Gained: None
Tech Points Gained: 40
Stolen Item: Power Heal
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Blackbird

Name of Enemy: Debugger
Hit Points: 120
Experience Gained: 600
Gold Gained: 24
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Lightning
Location: Factory Ruins in 2300 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Debuggest
Hit Points: 1,024
Experience Gained: 452
Gold Gained: 450
Tech Points Gained: 8
Stolen Item: Elixir
Gained Item: Shield
Weakness: Lightning
Location: Geno Dome in 2,300 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Deceased
Hit Points: 110
Experience Gained: 38
Gold Gained: 20
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Zenan Bridge in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Decedent
Hit Points: 67
Experience Gained: 12
Gold Gained: 90
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Lightning and Fire
Location: Guardia Castle in 1000 A.D. and Magus' Lair in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Defunct
Hit Points: 1,450
Experience Gained: 518
Gold Gained: 500
Tech Points Gained: 18
Stolen Item: Elixir
Gained Item: Elixir
Weakness: Fire
Location: Northern Ruins in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Departed
Hit Points: 1,650
Experience Gained: 555
Gold Gained: 500
Tech Points Gained: 18
Stolen Item: Elixir
Gained Item: Lapis
Weakness: None
Location: Northern Ruins in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Diablos
Hit Points: 50
Experience Gained: 10
Gold Gained: 60
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Cathedral in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Display
Hit Points: 1
Experience Gained: 0
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 0
Stolen Item: Elixir
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Geno Dome

Name of Enemy: Dragon Tank (Body)
Hit Points: 600
Experience Gained: 40
Gold Gained: 500
Tech Points Gained: 5
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Guardia Castle in 1000 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Dragon Tank (Head)
Hit Points: 266
Experience Gained: None
Gold Gained: 500
Tech Points Gained: None
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Guardia Castle in 1000 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Dragon Tank (Wheel)
Hit Points: 208
Experience Gained: None
Gold Gained: 500
Tech Points Gained: None
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Guardia Castle in 1000 A.D.

-----------------------------------{ E }----------------------------------------

Name of Enemy: Eger
Hit Points: 160
Experience Gained: 18
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Magic/Shadow
Location: Sewer Access in 2300 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Evil Weevil
Hit Points: 158
Experience Gained: 81
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: Dream Gun
Gained Item: Feather
Weakness: None
Location: Reptite Lair in prehistoric times

-----------------------------------{ F }----------------------------------------

Name of Enemy: Fat Hench
Hit Points: 180
Experience Gained: 93
Gold Gained: 200
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Gire
Location: Magus' Lair in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Flea
Hit Points: 4,120
Experience Gained: 500
Gold Gained: 1,000
Tech Points Gained: 10
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Magus' Lair in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Flea Plus
Hit Points: 4,000
Experience Gained: None
Gold Gained: 2,000
Tech Points Gained: None
Stolen Item: Flea Vest
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Ozzie's Fort in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Flunky
Hit Points: 390
Experience Gained: 127
Gold Gained: 170
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Magic
Location: Magus' Lair in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Flyclops
Hit Points: 900
Experience Gained: 575
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 10
Stolen Item: Gold Stud
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Black Omen

Name of Enemy: Fly Trap
Hit Points: 316
Experience Gained: 86
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: Dream Bow
Gained Item: Petal
Weakness: Physical Attacks
Location: Reptite Lair in prehistoric times

Name of Enemy: Fossil Ape
Hit Points: 1,800
Experience Gained: 533
Gold Gained: 15
Tech Points Gained: 15
Stolen Item: Mega Elixir
Gained Item: Lapis
Weakness: None
Location: Giant's Claw in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Free Lancer
Hit Points: 110
Experience Gained: 139
Gold Gained: 125
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: Barrier
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Denadoro Mountains in 600 A.D.

-----------------------------------{ G }----------------------------------------

Name of Enemy: Gargoyle
Hit Points: 260
Experience Gained: 216
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 6
Stolen Item: Big Hand
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Mt. Woe in 12,000 B.C.

Name of Enemy: Gato
Hit Points: 76
Experience Gained: 10
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: Power Meal
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Leene Square in 1000 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Giga Gaia
Hit Points: 9,500
Experience Gained: 3,000
Gold Gained: 3,000
Tech Points Gained: 30
Stolen Item: Speed Tab
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Mt. Woe in 12,000 B.C.

Name of Enemy: Giga Mutant (Top)
Hit Points: 5,800
Experience Gained: 1,500
Gold Gained: None
Tech Points Gained: 80
Stolen Item: Wall Rung
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Black Omen

Name of Enemy: Giga Mutant (Bottom)
Hit Points: 4,950
Experience Gained: 1,500
Gold Gained: None
Tech Points Gained: 80
Stolen Item: Hit Ring
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Black Omen

Name of Enemy: Gigasaur
Hit Points: 2,250
Experience Gained: 584
Gold Gained: 450
Tech Points Gained: 15
Stolen Item: Ruby Armor
Gained Item: Barrier
Weakness: None
Location: Giant's Claw in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Gnasher
Hit Points: 90
Experience Gained: 8
Gold Gained: 70
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: Tonic
Weakness: Fire
Location: Cathedral in 600 A.D and Guardia Castle in 1000 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Gnawer
Hit Points: 210
Experience Gained: 26
Gold Gained: 300
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Cursed Woods in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Gobin
Hit Points: 146
Experience Gained: 32
Gold Gained: 80
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Denadoro Mountains in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Gold Eaglet
Hit Points: 400
Experience Gained: 32
Gold Gained: 80
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: Ether
Gained Item: Feather
Weakness: None
Location: Forest Maze in prehistoric times

Name of Enemy: Golem
Hit Points: 7,000
Experience Gained: 1,000
Gold Gained: 2,000
Tech Points Gained: 15
Stolen Item: Magic Tab
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Zeal Palace in 12,000 B.C.

Name of Enemy: Golem Boss
Hit Points: 15,000
Experience Gained: 2,500
Gold Gained: 2,000
Tech Points Gained: 40
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Blackbird in 12,000 B.C.

Name of Enemy: Golem Twins
Hit Points: 10,000
Experience Gained: 2,000
Gold Gained: 4,000
Tech Points Gained: 70
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Magic
Location: Ocean Palace in 12,000 B.C.

Name of Enemy: Goon
Hit Points: 2,800
Experience Gained: 850
Gold Gained: 800
Tech Points Gained: 15
Stolen Item: Nova Armor
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Black Omen

Name of Enemy: Great Ozzie
Hit Points: 6,000
Experience Gained: 7,500
Gold Gained: 4,000
Tech Points Gained: 80
Stolen Item: Ozzie Pants
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Ozzie's Fort

Name of Enemy: Green Imp
Hit Points: 21
Experience Gained: 4
Gold Gained: 21
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: Tonic
Gained Item: Tonic
Weakness: None
Location: Truce Canyon and Guardia Forest at 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Gremlin
Hit Points: 110
Experience Gained: 51
Gold Gained: 70
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Magic Cave in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Grimalkin
Hit Points: 120
Experience Gained: 114
Gold Gained: 180
Tech Points Gained: 3
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Magus' Castle in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Groupie
Hit Points: 390
Experience Gained: 113
Gold Gained: 210
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Magic
Location: Magus' Lair in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Guard
Hit Points: 60
Experience Gained: 10
Gold Gained: 70
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Guardia Castle in 1000 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Guardian
Hit Points: 1,200
Experience Gained: 300
Gold Gained: 1,000
Tech Points Gained: 5
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Arris Dome in 2300 A.D.

-----------------------------------{ H }----------------------------------------

Name of Enemy: Heckran
Hit Points: 2,100
Experience Gained: 250
Gold Gained: 1,500
Tech Points Gained: 10
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Heckran Cave in 1000 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Hench
Hit Points: 49
Experience Gained: 11
Gold Gained: 135
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Magic
Location: Cathedral in 600 A.D., Medina Village in 1000 A.D., Heckran Cave in
1000 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Hetake
Hit Points: 14
Experience Gained: 3
Gold Gained: 16
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: Tonic
Gained Item: Tonic
Weakness: None
Location: Guardia Forest in 1000 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Hexapod
Hit Points: 1,000
Experience Gained: 408
Gold Gained: 600
Tech Points Gained: 15
Stolen Item: Barrier
Gained Item: Lapis
Weakness: None
Location: Sunken Desert in 600 A.D.

-----------------------------------{ I }----------------------------------------

Name of Enemy: Imp Ace
Hit Points: 54
Experience Gained: 11
Gold Gained: 45
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Truce Canyon in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Incognito
Hit Points: 110
Experience Gained: 378
Gold Gained: 2,000
Tech Points Gained: 10
Stolen Item: Muscle Ring
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Black Omen

Name of Enemy: Ion
Hit Points: 152
Experience Gained: 72
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: Feathers x2
Gained Item: Feathers x2
Weakness: None
Location: Hunting Range in prehistoric times

-----------------------------------{ J }----------------------------------------

Name of Enemy: Jinn
Hit Points: 450
Experience Gained: 303
Gold Gained: 400
Tech Points Gained: 8
Stolen Item: Lapis
Gained Item: Lapis
Weakness: None
Location: Ocean Palace in 12,000 B.C.

Name of Enemy: Jinn Bottle
Hit Points: 97
Experience Gained: 34
Gold Gained: 50
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: Shield
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Heckran Cave in 1000 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Juggler
Hit Points: 450
Experience Gained: 128
Gold Gained: 220
Tech Points Gained: 3
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Various
Location: Magus' Lair in 600 A.D.

-----------------------------------{ K }----------------------------------------

Name of Enemy: Kiwala
Hit Points: 160
Experience Gained: 42
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: Petal
Gained Item: Petal
Weakness: None
Location: Mystic Mountain and Forest Maze in prehistoric times

Name of Enemy: Krakker
Hit Points: 500
Experience Gained: 378
Gold Gained: 300
Tech Points Gained: 8
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Death Peak in 2300 A.D.

-----------------------------------{ L }----------------------------------------

Name of Enemy: Laser Guard
Hit Points: 400
Experience Gained: 346
Gold Gained: 120
Tech Points Gained: 8
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Geno Dome in 2300 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Lasher
Hit Points: 666
Experience Gained: 365
Gold Gained: 850
Tech Points Gained: 8
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Ocean Palace in 12,000 B.C.

Name of Enemy: Lavos
Hit Points: Lots
Experience Gained: None
Gold Gained: None
Tech Points Gained: None
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Final Place

Name of Enemy: Lavos Spawn #1
Hit Points: 10,000
Experience Gained: 2,450
Gold Gained: None
Tech Points Gained: 120
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: Haste Helmet
Weakness: None
Location: Black Omen

Name of Enemy: Lavos Spawn #2
Hit Points: 4,000
Experience Gained: 747
Gold Gained: None
Tech Points Gained: 120
Stolen Item: Elixir
Gained Item: Elixir
Weakness: None
Location: Death Peak

Name of Enemy: Leaper
Hit Points: 800
Experience Gained: 410
Gold Gained: 360
Tech Points Gained: 10
Stolen Item: Elixir
Gained Item: Shield
Weakness: Magic
Location: Giant's Claw in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Lizardactyl
Hit Points: 1,950
Experience Gained: 444
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 100
Stolen Item: Red Mail
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Giant's Claw in 600 A.D.

-----------------------------------{ M }----------------------------------------

Name of Enemy: Macabre
Hit Points: 582
Experience Gained: 427
Gold Gained: 500
Tech Points Gained: 6
Stolen Item: Full Ether
Gained Item: Ether
Weakness: Lightning
Location: Death Peak

Name of Enemy: Mad Bat
Hit Points: 18
Experience Gained: 75
Gold Gained: 75
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Cathedral in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Mage
Hit Points: 480
Experience Gained: 300
Gold Gained: 550
Tech Points Gained: 8
Stolen Item: Barrier
Gained Item: Lapis
Weakness: None
Location: Ocean Palace in 12,000 B.C.

Name of Enemy: Magus
Hit Points: 6666
Experience Gained: 1500
Gold Gained: 3000
Tech Points Gained: 15
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Masamune
Location: Magus' Lair in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Mammon Machine
Hit Points: 18,000
Experience Gained: 0
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 0
Stolen Item: Mega Elixir
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Black Omen

Name of Enemy: Man Eater
Hit Points: 250
Experience Gained: 253
Gold Gained: 750
Tech Points Gained: 6
Stolen Item: Pearl Edge
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Mt. Woe in 12,000 B.C.

Name of Enemy: Martello
Hit Points: 1245
Experience Gained: 554
Gold Gained: 400
Tech Points Gained: 10
Stolen Item: Hyper Ether
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Black Omen

Name of Enemy: Masa
Hit Points: 3600
Experience Gained: 500
Gold Gained: 600
Tech Points Gained: 4
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Denadoro Mountains in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Masamune
Hit Points: 3600
Experience Gained: 500
Gold Gained: 1500
Tech Points Gained: 10
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Slash
Location: Denadoro Mountains in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Meat Eater
Hit Points: 75
Experience Gained: 10
Gold Gained: 60
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: Ether
Weakness: Fire
Location: Lab 16 in 2300 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Mega Mutant (Top)
Hit Points: 4600
Experience Gained: 900
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 50
Stolen Item: Elixir
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Black Omen

Name of Enemy: Mega Mutant (Bottom)
Hit Points: 3850
Experience Gained: 900
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 50
Stolen Item: Vigil Hat
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Black Omen

Name of Enemy: Megasaur
Hit Points: 830
Experience Gained: 147
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: Aeon Blade
Gained Item: Fang
Weakness: Lightning
Location: Reptite Lair in prehistoric times

Name of Enemy: Metal Mute
Hit Points: 1980
Experience Gained: 685
Gold Gained: 1100
Tech Points Gained: 16
Stolen Item: Power Meal
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Black Omen

Name of Enemy: Mohavor
Hit Points: 400
Experience Gained: 348
Gold Gained: 550
Tech Points Gained: 15
Stolen Item: Shield
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Water and Shadow
Location: Sunken Desert

Name of Enemy: Mother Brain
Hit Points: 5000
Experience Gained: 3000
Gold Gained: 3000
Tech Points Gained: 40
Stolen Item: Blue Mail
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Geno Dome in 2300 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Mud Imp
Hit Points: 1200
Experience Gained: 954
Gold Gained: 2600
Tech Points Gained: 22
Stolen Item: Speed Tab
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Terra Cave in 12,000 B.C.

Name of Enemy: Mune
Hit Points: 1000
Experience Gained: 400
Gold Gained: 600
Tech Points Gained: 4
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Denadoro Mountains in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Mutant
Hit Points: 300
Experience Gained: 22
Gold Gained: 30
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: Full Tonic
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Shadow
Location: Lab 16 in 2300 A.D., Lab 32 in 2300 A.D.

-----------------------------------{ N }----------------------------------------

Name of Enemy: Naga-ette
Hit Points: 60
Experience Gained: 8
Gold Gained: 80
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Fire
Location: Cathedral in 600 A.D., Guardia Castle in 1000 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Nereid
Hit Points: 138
Experience Gained: 22
Gold Gained: 100
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: Ether
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Lightning/Shadow
Location: Sewer Access in 2300 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Nizbel
Hit Points: 4200
Experience Gained: 500
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 10
Stolen Item: 3rd Eye
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Lightning
Location: Reptite Lair in prehistoric times

Name of Enemy: Nizbel II
Hit Points: 4200
Experience Gained: 880
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 15
Stolen Item: 3rd Eye
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Lightning
Location: Tyrano Lair in prehistoric times

Name of Enemy: Nu #1
Hit Points: 1234
Experience Gained: 248
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 30
Stolen Item: Mop
Gained Item: 3 Petals, 3 Fangs, 3 Feathers/Magic Tabs, Speed Tab
Weakness: None
Location: Hunting Range in prehistoric times

Name of Enemy: Nu #2
Hit Points: 1234
Experience Gained: 124
Gold Gained: 15
Tech Points Gained: 15
Stolen Item: Mop
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Enhasa in 12000 B.C.

-----------------------------------{ O }----------------------------------------

Name of Enemy: Octoblush
Hit Points: 80
Experience Gained: 28
Gold Gained: 35
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Magic
Location: Heckran Cave in 1000 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Octopod
Hit Points: 130
Experience Gained: 12
Gold Gained: 10
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: Mid Ether
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Attacks and Lightning
Location: Lab 16 in 3200 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Ogan
Hit Points: 146
Experience Gained: 32
Gold Gained: 80
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: Shield
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Fire
Location: Denadoro Mountains in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Omnicrone
Hit Points: 218
Experience Gained: 22
Gold Gained: 55
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: Ether
Weakness: None
Location: Guardia Castle in 1000 A.D., Medina Village in 1000 A.D., Magus' Lair
in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Outlaw
Hit Points: 182
Experience Gained: 104
Gold Gained: 90
Tech Points Gained: 3
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Magus' Lair in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Ozzie
Hit Points: Who knows?
Experience Gained: 30
Gold Gained: 100
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Zenan Bridge in 600 A.D.

-----------------------------------{ P }----------------------------------------

Name of Enemy: Pahoehoe
Hit Points: 250
Experience Gained: 210
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 0
Stolen Item: Petal
Gained Item: Petal
Weakness: None
Location: Hunting Range in prehistoric times

Name of Enemy: Panel
Hit Points: 1875
Experience Gained: 800
Gold Gained: 550
Tech Points Gained: 12
Stolen Item: Speed Tab
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Black Omen

Name of Enemy: Peeping Doom
Hit Points: 1
Experience Gained: 378
Gold Gained: 450
Tech Points Gained: 10
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Black Omen

Name of Enemy: Poly
Hit Points: 99
Experience Gained: 7
Gold Gained: 35
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: Ether
Weakness: None
Location: Truce Canyon in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Proto 2
Hit Points: 128
Experience Gained: 96
Gold Gained: 50
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: Tonic
Weakness: Shadow
Location: Lab 32 in 2300 A.D., Factory Ruins in 2300 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Proto 3
Hit Points: 256
Experience Gained: 33
Gold Gained: 50
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: Full Tonic
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Shadow
Location: Factory Ruins in 2300 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Proto 4
Hit Points: 1024
Experience Gained: 477
Gold Gained: 800
Tech Points Gained: 8
Stolen Item: Elixir
Gained Item: Barrier
Weakness: Lightning
Location: Geno Dome in 2300 A.D.

-----------------------------------{ R }----------------------------------------

Name of Enemy: Rain Frog
Hit Points: 100
Experience Gained: 66
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 0
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: Fangs x2
Weakness: None
Location: Hunting Range in prehistoric times

Name of Enemy: Rat
Hit Points: 45
Experience Gained: 18
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Shadow
Location: Arris Dome and Sewer Access in 2300 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Reaper
Hit Points: 1,450
Experience Gained: 474
Gold Gained: 700
Tech Points Gained: 18
Stolen Item: Elixir
Gained Item: Elixir
Weakness: Fire
Location: Northern Ruins in 12,000 B.C.

Name of Enemy: Red Beast
Hit Points: 5,000
Experience Gained: 954
Gold Gained: 2,600
Tech Points Gained: 22
Stolen Item: Elixir
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Water
Location: Mt. Woe in 12,000 B.C.

Name of Enemy: Red Eaglet
Hit Points: 400
Experience Gained: 69
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: Feather
Weakness: None
Location: Forest Maze in prehistoric times

Name of Enemy: Red Scout
Hit Points: 300
Experience Gained: 234
Gold Gained: 250
Tech Points Gained: 300
Stolen Item: Barrier
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Shadow, Fire
Location: Ocean Palace

Name of Enemy: Reptile
Hit Points: 336
Experience Gained: 108
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: Mid Tonic
Gained Item: Mid Tonic
Weakness: None
Location: Tyrano Lair in prehistoric times

Name of Enemy: Reptite
Hit Points: 92
Experience Gained: 72
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: Magma Hand
Gained Item: Petal
Weakness: Magic
Location: Mystic Mountain, Reptite Lair, and Tyrano Lair in prehistoric times

Name of Enemy: Retinite
Hit Points: 11,000
Experience Gained: 2,600
Gold Gained: 2,000
Tech Points Gained: 100
Stolen Item: Speed Tab
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Sunken Desert in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Roly
Hit Points: 24
Experience Gained: 3
Gold Gained: 25
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: Tonic
Weakness: None
Location: Truce Canyon and Guardia Forest in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Roly Bomber
Hit Points: 99
Experience Gained: 72
Gold Gained: 100
Tech Points Gained: 3
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Magic
Location: Magus' Lair in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Rolypoly
Hit Points: 50
Experience Gained: 31
Gold Gained: 50
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: Heal
Weakness: None
Location: Heckran Cave in 1000 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Roly Rider
Hit Points: 30
Experience Gained: 5
Gold Gained: 40
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Truce Canyon and Guardia Forest in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: R Series
Hit Points: 180
Experience Gained: 480
Gold Gained: 600
Tech Points Gained: 6
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Cyclone
Location: Factory Ruins in 2300 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Rubble
Hit Points: 515
Experience Gained: 1,000
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 100
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: Mid Ether
Weakness: None
Location: Giant's Claw in 600 A.D. and Mt. Woe in 12,000 B.C.

Name of Enemy: Ruminator
Hit Points: 1,500
Experience Gained: 422
Gold Gained: 400
Tech Points Gained: 18
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Black Omen

Name of Enemy: Runner
Hit Points: 196
Experience Gained: 48
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: Horn
Gained Item: Horn
Weakness: None
Location: Mystic Mountain and Forest Maze in prehistoric times

Name of Enemy: Rust Tyrano
Hit Points: 25,000
Experience Gained: 3,800
Gold Gained: 2,000
Tech Points Gained: 40
Stolen Item: White Mail
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Giant's Claw in 600 A.D.

-----------------------------------{ S }----------------------------------------

Name of Enemy: Save Point
Hit Points: 10
Experience Gained: 144
Gold Gained: 100
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Magus' Lair

Name of Enemy: Scouter
Hit Points: 300
Experience Gained: 250
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 9
Stolen Item: Lapis
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Lightning
Location: Ocean Palace in 12,000 B.C.

Name of Enemy: Sentry
Hit Points: 1,280
Experience Gained: 467
Gold Gained: 400
Tech Points Gained: 8
Stolen Item: Hyper Ether
Gained Item: Hyper Ether
Weakness: Fire
Location: Northern Ruins in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Shadow
Hit Points: 1
Experience Gained: 14
Gold Gained: 50
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Magic
Location: Magus Lair in 600 A.D, Arris Dome, Lab 16, and Lab 32 in 2300 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Shist
Hit Points: 250
Experience Gained: 94
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 3
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: Petal
Weakness: None
Location: Dactyl's Nest in prehistoric times

Name of Enemy: Shitake
Hit Points: 158
Experience Gained: 111
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: Petal
Gained Item: Petal
Weakness: Magic
Location: Reptite Lair in prehistoric times

Name of Enemy: Side Kick
Hit Points: 1,250
Experience Gained: 500
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 100
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Black Omen

Name of Enemy: Sir Krawlie
Hit Points: 500
Experience Gained: 100
Gold Gained: 500
Tech Points Gained: 5
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Shadow
Location: Sewer Access in 2300 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Slash
Hit Points: 5,200
Experience Gained: 500
Gold Gained: 1,500
Tech Points Gained: 10
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Magus' Lair in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Son of Sun
Hit Points: 2,100
Experience Gained: 3,800
Gold Gained: 2,000
Tech Points Gained: 40
Stolen Item: Black Mail
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Sun Palace in 2300 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Sorcerer
Hit Points: 220
Experience Gained: 111
Gold Gained: 220
Tech Points Gained: 3
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Fire
Location: Magus' Lair in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Stone Imp
Hit Points: 300
Experience Gained: 126
Gold Gained: 300
Tech Points Gained: 6
Stolen Item: Mid Ether
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Mt. Woe in 12,000 B.C.

Name of Enemy: Super Slash
Hit Points: 4,000
Experience Gained: 2,000
Gold Gained: 2,000
Tech Points Gained: 20
Stolen Item: Slasger 2
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Ozzie's Fort in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Synchrite
Hit Points: 2,250
Experience Gained: 755
Gold Gained: 900
Tech Points Gained: 12
Stolen Item: Gold Earring
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Black Omen

-----------------------------------{ T }----------------------------------------

Name of Enemy: Tempurite
Hit Points: 88
Experience Gained: 32
Gold Gained: 45
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Heckran Cave in 1000 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Terrasaur
Hit Points: 1,090
Experience Gained: 253
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 4
Stolen Item: Lapis
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Magic
Location: Tyrano Lair in prehistoric times

Name of Enemy: Terra Mutant (top)
Hit Points: 7,860
Experience Gained: 2,000
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 100
Stolen Item: Muscle Ring
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Black Omen

Name of Enemy: Terra Mutant (bottom)
Hit Points: 20,000
Experience Gained: 2,000
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 100
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Black Omen

Name of Enemy: Thrasher
Hit Points: 666
Experience Gained: 250
Gold Gained: 250
Tech Points Gained: 8
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Ocean Palace in 12,000 B.C. and Black Omen

Name of Enemy: T'Pole
Hit Points: 150
Experience Gained: 26
Gold Gained: 30
Tech Points Gained: 1
Stolen Item: Mid Tonic
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Cursed Woods in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Tubster
Hit Points: 1,250
Experience Gained: 2,150
Gold Gained: 800
Tech Points Gained: 20
Stolen Item: Power Tab
Gained Item: Elixir
Weakness: Fire
Location: Black Omen

Name of Enemy: Turret
Hit Points: 700
Experience Gained: 1,500
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 50
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Blackbird

-----------------------------------{ V }----------------------------------------

Name of Enemy: Vamp
Hit Points: 120
Experience Gained: 65
Gold Gained: 70
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Magic
Location: Magus' Lair in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Volcano
Hit Points: 257
Experience Gained: 222
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 7
Stolen Item: Lapis
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Water
Location: Tyrano Lair in prehistoric times

-----------------------------------{ W }----------------------------------------

Name of Enemy: Winged Ape
Hit Points: 450
Experience Gained: 123
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 2
Stolen Item: Ruby Vest
Gained Item: Fang
Weakness: None
Location: Reptite Lair and Forest Maze in prehistoric times

-----------------------------------{ Y }----------------------------------------

Name of Enemy: Yakra
Hit Points: 920
Experience Gained: 50
Gold Gained: 600
Tech Points Gained: 5
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Cathedral in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Yakra XIII
Hit Points: 18,000
Experience Gained: 3,500
Gold Gained: 2,000
Tech Points Gained: 40
Stolen Item: White Mail
Gained Item: Mega Elixir
Weakness: None
Location: Guardia Castle in 1000 A.D.

-----------------------------------{ Z }----------------------------------------

Name of Enemy: Zeal (Black Omen)
Hit Points: 12,000
Experience Gained: 0
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 0
Stolen Item: Mega Elixir
Gained Item: Mega Elixir
Weakness: None
Location: Black Omen

Name of Enemy: Zeal (Giant Face and boots)
Hit Points: 20,000
Experience Gained: 0
Gold Gained: 0
Tech Points Gained: 0
Stolen Item: Prism Dress, Prism Helmet, and Mega Elixir
Gained Item: None
Weakness: None
Location: Black Omen

Name of Enemy: Zombor (top)
Hit Points: 960
Experience Gained: 350
Gold Gained: 1,500
Tech Points Gained: 10
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Shadow and Water
Location: Zenan Bridge in 600 A.D.

Name of Enemy: Zombor (bottom)
Hit Points: 800
Experience Gained: 350
Gold Gained: 1,500
Tech Points Gained: 10
Stolen Item: None
Gained Item: None
Weakness: Lightning and Fire
Location: Zenan Bridge in 600 A.D.

[------------------------] ENDINGS [------------------------]

----Here is a list of all the endings in the game. I will not go into too much
detail on them, this is basically just a short list. Enjoy!----

Don't forget that these are the endings you get in New Game Plus.

Name of Ending: Beyond Time
How to Get Ending: You can get this after resurrecting Crono. There are various
things that can change this ending, such as if Frog defeated Magus, Lara is
walking, or if Magus is in your party.
Features Unlocked: New Game Plus, Endings Menu

Name of Ending: Magus Victorius
How to Get Ending: If you lose against Magus in Magus' Castle, he will summon
Features Unlocked: None

Name of Ending: Worst Ending
How to Get Ending: Basically, just get a game over.
Features Unlocked: None

Name of Ending: Reunion
How to Get Ending: After defeating Dalton, return to the End of Time and use
the bucket to confront Lavos. Crono must be dead in order for you to get this
Features Unlocked: New Game Plus, Art Gallery, Present Monster Data

Name of Ending: The Dream Project
How to Get Ending: In the Millenia Fair, touch the dot on the right hand side
in the pods, instead of the one on the left.
Features Unlocked: Middle Ages Monster Data, Triple in Tech Showcase

Name of Ending: The Successor of Guardia
How to Get Ending: Defeat Lavos with Crono and Marle by using the dot on the
right hand side in Lucca's pod, after defeating Yakra in 600 A.D.
Features Unlocked: Future Monster Data, Single in Tech Showcase

Name of Ending: Good Night
How to Get Ending: Defeat Lavos right when entering the End of Time, before
defeating Zombor on Zenan Bridge.
Features Unlocked: Treasure Map for Dark Ages and End of Time, Music Box tracks
11 through 20.

Name of Ending: Legendary Hero
How to Get Ending: Defeat Lavos after defeating Zombor and before getting the
Hero Medal from Tata.
Features Unlocked: Dark Ages Monster Data, Music Box tracks 21 through 30.

Name of Ending: The Unknown Past
How to Get Ending: After Tata gets chased out of the Mountains, get the Hero
Medal from him, then go to Truce Canyon, back to the End of Time, and defeat
Lavos using the bucket.
Features Unlocked: Treasure Map for Present, Music Box tracks 31 through 40.

Name of Ending: People of the Times
How to Get Ending: Defeat Lavos after defeating Nizbel and getting the Gate Key
Features Unlocked: Treasure Map for Middle Ages, Music Box tracks 41 through 50.

Name of Ending: The Oath
How to Get Ending: Defeat Lavos right after giving Frog the Masamune.
Features Unlocked: Music Box tracks 51 through 60.

Name of Ending: Dino Age
How to Get Ending: Defeat Lavos after you defeat Magus and are transported to
the prehistoric times.
Features Unlocked: Prehistoric Age Monster Data, Treasure Map for Future.

Name of Ending: What the Prophet Seeks..
How to Get Ending: Defeat Lavos after the fall of the Tyrano Lair and before
Schala opens the magic seal in the Ocean Palace.
Features Unlocked: Dual in Tech Showcase, Treasure Map for Prehistoric Ages.

Name of Ending: A Slide Show?
How to Get Ending: Follow Schala through Zeal Palace until she opens the door
with her pendant, then go back to the End of Time and defeat Lavos. Make sure
not to use the Pendant at the Mammon Machine.
Features Unlocked: Boss Data, Music Box tracks 61-69.

----/----/----/----/----/ IX. SHOP GUIDE /----/----/----/----/----/

----Here is the shop guide for this game. What? Enjoy!----

[------------------------] LEENE SQUARE [------------------------]
Iron Blade - 350
Lode Sword - 4,000
Karate Gi - 300
Bronze Helm - 200
Tonic - 10
Heal - 10
Revive - 200
Shelter - 150

[------------------------] TRUCE (1000 A.D.) [------------------------]
Red Katana - 4,500
Robin Bow - 2,850
Plasma Gun - 3,200
Hammer Arm - 1,200
Titan Vest - 1,200
Tonic - 10
Mid Tonic - 100
Heal - 10
Shelter - 150

[------------------------] DORINO [------------------------]
Tonic - 10
Mid Tonic - 100
Heal - 10
Revive - 200
Shelter - 150

[------------------------] IOKA TRADING HUT [------------------------]
Ruby Gun - 3 petals and 3 fangs
Sage Bow - 3 petals and 3 horns
Stone Arm - 3 petals and 3 feathers
Flint Edge - 3 fangs and 3 horns
Ruby Vest - 3 fangs and 3 feathers
Rock Helm - 3 horns and 3 feathers

[------------------------] MEDINA VILLAGE [------------------------]
Iron Blade - 65,000
Steel Saber - 65,000
Demon Edge - 65,000
Lumin Robe - 65,000
Flash Mail - 65,000
Glow Helm - 65,000
Tonic - 2,020
Mid Tonic - 20,200
Full Tonic - 65,000
Heal - 2,020
Revive - 40,400
Shelter - 30,300
Ether - 65,000

[------------------------] PORRE MARKET (1000 A.D.) [------------------------]
Steel Saber - 800
Iron Bow - 850
Dart Gun - 800
Karate Gi - 300
Bronze Mail - 520
Bronze Helm - 200
Tonic - 10
Heal - 10
Revive - 200
Shelter - 150

[------------------------] ARRIS DOME [------------------------]
Auto Gun - 350
Iron Suit - 800
Iron Helm - 500
Tonic - 10
Heal - 10
Revive - 200
Shelter - 150

[------------------------] MELCHIOR'S HUT [------------------------]
Red Katana - 4,500
Robin Bow - 2,850
Plasma Gun - 3,200
Hammer Arm - 3,500
Titan Vest - 1,200
Tonic - 10
Mid Tonic - 100
Heal - 10

[------------------------] IOKA TRADING HUT [------------------------]
Dream Gun - 3 petals and 3 fangs
Dream Bow - 3 petals and 3 horns
Magma Hand - 3 petals and 3 feathers
Aeon Blade - 3 fangs and 3 horns
Ruby Vest - 3 fangs and 3 feathers
Rock Helm - 3 horns and 3 feathers

[------------------------] MEDINA VILLAGE [------------------------]
Iron Blade - 262
Steel Saber - 597
Demon Edge - 12,684
Lumin Robe - 4,850
Flash Mail - 6,342
Glow Helm - 1,717
Tonic - 8
Mid Tonic - 75
Full Tonic - 523
Heal - 8
Revive - 150
Shelter - 112
Ether - 597

[------------------------] TRUCE (600 A.D.) [------------------------]
Iron Blade - 350
Dart Gun - 800
Karate Gi - 300
Bronze Helm - 200
Tonic - 10
Heal - 10
Revive - 200
Shelter - 150

[------------------------] TRANN DOME [------------------------]
Auto Gun - 1,200
Iron Suit - 800
Iron Helm - 500
Tonic - 10
Mid Tonic - 100
Heal - 10
Revive - 200
Shelter - 150

[------------------------] IOKA VILLAGE [------------------------]
Tonic - 10
Mid Tonic - 100
Heal - 10

[------------------------] FIONA'S SHRINE [------------------------]
Sight Cap - 20,000
Memory Cap - 20,000
Time Hat - 30,000
Vigil Hat - 50,000

[------------------------] PORRE (600 A.D.) [------------------------]
Gold Suit - 1,300
Beret - 700
Tonic - 10
Mid Tonic - 100
Heal - 10
Revive - 200
Shelter - 150

[------------------------] TERRA CAVE [------------------------]
Demon Edge - 17,000
Comet Arrow - 7,800
Megablast - 9,800
Megaton Arm - 15,000
Flash Blade - 18,000
Lumin Robe - 6,500
Flash Mail - 8,500
Glow Helm - 2,300
Tonic - 10
Mid Tonic - 100
Full Tonic - 700
Heal - 10
Revive - 200

[------------------------] ENHASA [------------------------]
Tonic - 10
Mid Toic - 100
Full Tonic - 700
Heal - 10
Revive - 200
Shelter - 150
Ether - 800

[------------------------] LAST VILLAGE [------------------------]
Star Sword - 25,000
Sonic Arrow - 10,000
Shock Wave - 11,000
Kaiser Arm - 21,000
Rune Blade - 24,000
Hurricane - 35,000
Aeon Suit - 9,000
Aeon Helm - 7,800
Tonic - 10
Mid Tonic - 100
Full Tonic - 700
Heal - 10
Revive - 200
Shelter - 150
Ether - 800
Mid Ether - 2,000

[------------------------] CHORAS (600 A.D.) [------------------------]
Tonic - 10
Mid Tonic - 100
Full Tonic - 700
Ether - 800
Mid Ether - 2,000
Heal - 10
Revive - 200
Shelter - 150

[------------------------] KAJAR [------------------------]
Tonic - 10
Mid Tonic - 100
Full Tonic - 700
Heal - 10
Revive - 200
Shelter - 150
Ether - 800

[------------------------] BLACK OMEN [------------------------]
Mid Tonic - 100
Full Tonic - 700
Mid Ether - 2,000
Full Ether - 6,000
Hyper Ether - 10,000

[------------------------] CHORAS (600 A.D.) [------------------------]
Tonic - 10
Mid Tonic - 100
Full Tonic - 700
Heal - 10
Revive - 200
Shelter - 150
Ether - 800

[------------------------] LAST VILLAGE [------------------------]
Tonic - 10
Mid Tonic - 100
Full Tonic - 700
Heal - 10
Revive - 200
Shelter - 150
Ether - 800

----/----/----/----/----/ X. OTHER INFORMATION /----/----/----/----/----/

----Here is a list of the other information about me and this guide.----


-The following readers for giving me information.
None, yet.

-The following people, just because I want to credit them.
CJC: For hosting this guide and for giving me a second chance.
Yakuza: For being my first online friend, and for believing in my FAQ skills.
Jenn: My beautiful and loving fiancee who supports me in doing my guides
because she either accepts the fact I am a loser, or believes in my FAQ writing
skills. Either way, I love her.
Adrenaline SL: For being my best GameFAQs friend and always supporting me and
my guides, even though she knew I sucked then, and now I am getting better, and
a lot of that credit goes to her. Thanks a million, hun! ^.^
Andy007: For updating my site with me, although he doesn't as much as he
should. :)
Dyse Murder and SCCAN85: For being my two best GameFAQs buds, and for
believing in my skills. Good luck with the Grandia guide, Dyson.
Dingo Jellybean: I don't care how much problems I have had with him, have
with him, or will have with him in the future, he's still cool.
Cassey, Ashley, Megan, Wendy: You guys know why.

-The following websites for hosting this guide. (If they ever come back)

-The GameFAQs Chrono Trigger message board, for they asked some of the
questions found in the FAQ section of this guide.

-Finally, me for typing up this guide.

-------------{CONTACT INFORMATION, MY OTHER GUIDES, ETC.}-----------------------

All my other guides and reviews can be found on my contributor page.

All my unposted FAQs can be found on the following websites.

Here is how you can contact me via e-mail or instant messengers.
-Yahoo Messenger: nicklacheysnightmare
-AIM: MeganIzMyAngel or HeShootsHeGores
-AOL addy:

----/----/----/----/----/ XII. CONCLUSION /----/----/----/----/----/

Thanks for reading my guide. I worked very hard on it, and all e-mails are
appreciated and will be responded to! Finally, this guide is over with! It was
really tough and I did not enjoy writing it, and I think the final product is
kind of crappy. How did I do? Please email me with comments. Thanks!

-Psycho Penguin - Personal - Game Related

Copyright 2000-2001 All Rights Reserved
This guide is the property of the author and may not be used in any way
Without the permission of the author. If you would like to use this FAQ
On your web site, just email the author and let me know that you are, I
Only ask that you give full credit where it is due, and that this guide
May never, ever be altered in any way, no banners, ads or anything! The
Guide may never be used in any magazine, book, other guide or any other
Form of distribution without the permission of the author. Pieces if it
may not be used in other guides without the permission of the author, I
Would also like to say that all of the information contained in this is
The property of the author, and it was all compiled by the author, only
If there is credit given for a section was it not compiled by the me, I
Would then ask that you contact the credited person, instead of sending
Email to me about the use of the information. So basically, if you ever
Want to do anything with this guide, aside from read or print it out, I
Am asking that you ask permission. By the way, if you print this out, I
Will ask that you please keep it all together with this disclaimer. Ok.

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Dieser Patch bewirkt, dass im Spiel hauptsächlich Midi-Musik anstelle der Wave-Dateien abgespielt wird

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