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Battle Strategies and FAQ 1.0
By: Samuel Bunn
GameFAQs Screen name: Vyse the Legend


1. About
2. Thanks
3. Strategies
4. Newbie FAQ
5. Copyrights and Contact info

[1] -- About this FAQ --

I used to run the website, TribesArena, until Homestead changed their service
and the site was unfortunately shut down. Over time, I had collected allot of
strategies for Tribes, both from other people and myself. At the time of making
this FAQ, TribesArena has been down for quite a while, and all that it hosted
is gone. So I was reading on GameFAQs, and I saw that there was no FAQs for
Tribes, yet a demand for them. So, I decided to find the newest archived copy
of TribesArena and make all the information it hosted into a FAQ. I hope all
the loyal fans of Starsiege: Tribes finds this FAQ useful.

[2] -- Thanks --

Here I would like to thank everyone who submitted anything to the archive on

These people contributed to the Strategies list:

Dustin Frankel = 19 Strategies
Viper2219 = 1 Strategy
Cinnamon Bear = 1 Strategy
MooGooGaiPan = 1 Strategy
[D.Lord]EVIL INC = 1 Strategy
[HOL]Bahaumaut = 1 Strategy
Matthew C = 1 Strategy
Trojanman421 = 1 Strategy
And finally...
Myself = 22 Strategies

The strategies were one of the best parts of the site, and I hope that they
continue to help people thanks to this FAQ. I would like to thank everyone that
sent information in to TribesArena. Though I can't contact everyone anymore, if
you were one of the people above that submitted a strategy to the site, and you
do not want it in this FAQ, please contact me at
and I will remove it from the next version.

Thank you.

[3] -- The strategies --

----- Disk Launcher Dueling -----
When dueling with the Disk Launcher it is best to always try and stay above the
other player(s). Using the jetpack, fly above the other player and let 'em have
it! Charge them, Jump, Jet, Fly above and hit them from above and behind at
the same time! This is a must know fact. It can easily confuse someone when
caught off guard. Remember to shoot ahead of the player. Shoot where the will
be, not where they are, unless they are standing still, and shoot at their
feet, the Disk Launcher, is basically like the rocket launcher from Unreal
Tournament, except it cant shoot 5 disks at a time or fire grenades, Treat it
the same. Shoot at the enemy's feet, shoot ahead of them and for Pete's sake
watch out for the splash damage!

----- Sniping -----
One thing to remember when sniping... If you can see their red arrow, they can
see yours! If possible stay away so you can see them but they cant see you.
Also you will be very hard to spot if you blend in, if you stand on the top of
a hill, they will see a lump on the hill. But, if you stay a little below the
top of the hill, they will have a hard time finding you. Remember, they can
trace your laser back to you! So, staying in one place is like saying, "Hey,
I'm over here!" So unless you have a really good spot, it is a good idea to
move after a couple shots. As in many other games, head shots do more damage,
face shots do the most damage. The Laser Rifle does the most damage when fully
charged. The blue bar at the top is your energy, the same energy that your
jetpack uses, so it's not a good idea to use the Laser Rifle in a duel with
another player or in close combat.

----- Scout Bombing -----
Did you know you can make the scout a bomber? Well you can! Buy Light armor,
ammo pack, and all the grenades and mines you can fit. Fly over the enemy and
let 'em loose! You can make bombing runs and be very annoying. Just run in, let
it loose, get out, get more ammo, repeat. KaBoom!!

----- Elf Gun -----
News Flash... The Elf gun is actually useful. Helps take out turrets with ease.
Strafe around the turret, keep zapping it, throw grenades and BOOM!!! Another
good use is in dueling, don't laugh, if you and your opponent are flying at
each other, ZAP them to the ground. If you hit them they should have no jetpack
energy and should be a sitting duck. Pound them with what ever you have got.
That should teach them. Another quick use is if your opponent is really hurt.
This will be very annoying in close range because the elf gun autoaims to a
certain extent. They will be gone in a zap! Literally.

----- Sneaking past indoor turrets -----
You know those little indoor turrets, the ones that look like metal turtles,
well you can sneak past them. They use motion sensors, so if you stop, they
stop. As soon as the turret pops up, stop walking, after it goes back down,
repeat. This is useful on levels like Scarabrae where indoor turrets guard the

----- Blowing up turrets without mortars -----
I have found out just how easy destroying enemy turrets without mortars. If you
read "Elf Gun" you would of seen a small description about this, but here I
will go into more detail. First, get an energy pack, disk launcher, grenade
launcher, an elf gun and all the mines and grenades you can fit. Run up to a
turret with the elf gun. Start shooting it as soon as you are in range and
dodge the turret's fire. When the turret stop shooting that means it does not
have enough energy to fire. Throw a grenade, when it explodes, so should the

----- Blowing up missile turrets without turrets -----
Ok, this time get the same outfit as above; find the enemy's missile turret,
jump right on top of it. Then fly straight up into the air (Don't worry, it
can't hit you if your right above it.) While flying up, look down, drop
grenades, drop mines and after the mines hit the turret, shoot a disk or two.
Be careful, If a disk hits a mine it will explode. You don't want a mine that
you just dropped to blow up in your face.

----- Ha, look at that newbie shooting with the targeting laser! -----
Many people don't know what the targeting laser is. Its name should be a small
hint. Here's what it does. When you shoot the targeting laser at a target, you
see a number. That number is how far away you are from your target. Sound
useless, doesn't it? Think again, other players using Mortars or grenade
launchers will see the range also, but, It will also show them where to aim for
the perfect shot!

----- Death from above!!!! -----
First, send someone in to take out their anti air defenses. Then get a HPC,
Load that thing full of Heavy Mortars and circle around their base and lob
those things down on them. If you do it right you can keep them from repairing
all together.

----- Flag Defense -----
If you are going to survive a CTF level like raindance, you should set a couple
of plans: 1. Have a group of people guarding the flag, When I go on flag
defense I stand right on the flag. My arms are a snipers rifle, chaingun and
disk launcher. Why? Many people/teams use scout capping extensively. When they
come flying straight at your flag you can nail them in the head. Always mine
your flag when you will not be there, but please, warn your team "V+F+M"
especially if Team Damage is on.

----- Flying Mines of death -----
Have you ever dueled someone, you have full health and you are killed by one
disk? Those aren't super disks, what has happened is this: If there is someone
on the ground what you can do is fly above them, drop a mine and right before
it hits, shoot a disk at it! A direct mine should kill any light armor, but
when you add the power of the mighty disk, you could just about kill any medium

----- Die! Die! Die! -----
Grab a ammo pack and a bunch of mines, run around the enemy base and drop them
everywhere, especially around high traffic areas such as the base entrance. If
you feel really low you can mine the spawn points. You low down little man.

----- Surprise Capturing -----
If your team has the enemy flag, camp inside the place where the enemy flag
rests. Once your team captures the flag, immediately run up and grab the flag
and race toward your base. The enemy never expects their flag to be taken THAT

Sent in by : Dustin Frankel

----- Remote Turret Base Defense -----
Place remote turrets away from the entrance to your base, like on the ledge
that hangs over the entrance. Players usually lob a few grenades down into
your base to get rid of them.

Sent in by : Dustin Frankel

----- Backup Pulse Sensors -----
Always have a few remote pulse sensors lying around just in case the enemy
destroys the main one. Two good places are on the roof of the vehicle
replicator and on the roof of where the flag rests.

Sent in by : Dustin Frankel

----- Waltz right in -----
If you place Sensor Jammers outside the enemy base, most of their outdoor
turrets will not shoot at you if you are in the Jammers cover range.

----- Take it slow -----
Before entering the enemy's base, be sure to throw a few grenades in to get rid
of any remote turrets or unsuspecting players lying around.

Sent in by : Dustin Frankel

----- Boom, Ha Ha Ha! -----
Sometimes mining your generator is better than remote turrets. Be sure to
place them really close together, so if one goes off, they all go off.

Sent in by : Dustin Frankel

----- K.I.S.S : Keep it safe stupid! -----
You really should destroy the enemy generator from a distance so you don't get
killed by debris.

Sent in by : Dustin Frankel

----- Operation : Heavybash -----
NEVER attack a heavy head-on. But if you do, be sure to bring a plasma rifle,
disc launcher, a grenade launcher, and a shield pack. Use booster to get above
the heavy and drop your grenades and discs. The plasma rifle works wonders
with close range. Use the shield if you need it, which you probably will.

Sent in by : Dustin Frankel

----- Guard you repairmen -----
Whenever you repair something, be sure to have someone guard you. You are out
in the open, and a great target for snipers.

Sent in by : Dustin Frankel

----- Be ready -----
Always be ready for an aerial attack by keeping a plasma rifle with you at all

Sent in by : Dustin Frankel

----- The enemy likes to shoot at flags -----
Try to keep away from the main road and defenses while capturing the flag. No
one will look for you if you have left the mission area, but don't go too far!
When you have the flag, DO NOT try and deal with the players in hot pursuit
trying to get their flag back. Wait until you get to your base and rush inside
it. Let the base turret do the rest. (Quickie : Leaving the playing area, when
it beeps, will strip the flag from you. Be Careful when going to the outskirts
of the map.)

Sent in by : Dustin Frankel

----- Raindance strategy -----
To keep the enemy away from ever entering their base and taking their mind off
of the flag, have two light armors escort one or two heavies into the enemy
base. Destroy the generator, and camp on the ledge that holds the command
center computer. Be sure to have mortars. From there you will see everyone
who enters and everyone who exits. Good way to rack up kill points while your
team members capture the flag over and over!

Sent in by : Dustin Frankel

----- Chain Reaction -----
Once the enemy's generator is down, destroy the turrets and pulse sensors and
place remote turrets around them. This will help take the enemy's mind off the
flag so your team can capture it! And, you can even place remote turrets in
the enemy base, away from the entrance, to make the enemy even more annoyed!

Sent in by : Dustin Frankel

----- I see you! -----
Sneak up behind the enemy base and place pulse sensors back there. You can
then go back to your base, get another one, and proceed. Make sure there is
something to distract the enemy with, though, like a surprise attack or

Sent in by : Dustin Frankel

----- Ha Ha! Look at the surpassed on their faces! -----
In order to make a good surprise attack, once you start the mission, instruct
all the players on your team to attack the enemy base immediately. Don't get
new guns or any thing. You can get into a scout if you want. Lead your
"troops" to the enemy base, and attack them. While they are getting new stuff,
you are blasting them and capturing their flag! It would be a good idea to
capture their flag first and then bust in. Whenever I did it, they always
seemed to look surprised...

Sent in by : Dustin Frankel

----- Bet ya didn't see that one coming! -----
If the enemy has your flag, hightail it to their flag and capture it. Then
haul it back to your base. This will force the enemy to try and get it back,
and will increase your chances of your team destroying the guy with your flag
and returning it.

Sent in by : Dustin Frankel

----- Renegades Raindance Strategy -----
If you are playing raindance on a rengades server (where you can be a Scout,
Spy, Sniper, Engineer, Burster, Cyborg or Alien,) become a spy, grab a cloaking
device and run to the enemy base on the edge of the mission area. When you get
to the enemy base, turn on he cloaking device, find the flag and grab it. Then
let your team know you have the flag by hitting V+F+H and run along the edge of
the mission area. Once you are out of the sites of the enemy, turn off the
cloaking device. This only works if the enemy is nowhere near you or else they
will see you. Don't jet
through the enemy base or your cloaking device will wear off.

Sent in by : Viper2219

----- Over here... NOT! -----
Have one of your teammates follow you to the enemy flag. Before you capture
it, instruct your teammate to run once YOU capture the flag, tell him to run
like he has the flag. While he is running, run into the room behind the flag.
Wait until the enemies are focused on your teammate and then sprint out and get
to your flag!

Sent in by : Dustin Frankel

----- Boom times two. -----
Once you destroy the enemy generator, place mines around it. The guy who goes
to repair the generator will never know what hit him!

Sent in by : Dustin Frankel

----- Beam me up Scotty! -----
If you have the option of placing teleportors somewhere, place one in your
base, then buy another one and place it behind the enemy base. This is a tough
task, so have someone escort you. Once it is placed, your teammates will be
able to capture the flag with great ease, make quick attacks, or one large
surprise attack. But be sure you don't build up suspicion by running from the
back of their base to the front again. This will tell them that something is
up. They will then do the same to you. Be sure to check your base closely for

Sent in by : Dustin Frankel

----- I am safe in my base.... KABOOM.... Ow... -----
Lay mines around the entrance to the enemy base. Don't place them close
together though. I won't have to tell you what happens next.

Sent in by : Dustin Frankel

----- GRAVE ROBBERS?!? -----
Ok, It sounds strange, but, Always walk over the dead bodies. You can pick up
heath packs, ammo, grenades and mines that the dead guy didn't use. This is
extremely useful when you are in the enemy's base and you don't want to go back
to your base for supplies.

----- Remember... Repair Kits. -----
You always spawn with one Repair Kit. It is not a Repair Pack, so don't get
mixed up. A Repair Kit gives you about 25% health. They are very useful when
dueling. Most newbies (some experienced players) don't know about them. So they
don't use them. Meaning, when you kill them you can pick theirs up, use them
and stay in the enemies base much longer. See what key you have set to "Use
Repair Kit" It is under Options / Controls / Inventory / Use Repair Kit.

----- Plan B -----
I do this mostly in base games. At the start of a game buy a Portable
Inventory Station, go low profile around the parameter of the level to the back
of the enemy base and place it there. And if the Inventory Stations are out at
my base, I just go around the perimeter to my Portable Inventory Station. But
make sure you come in from different sides of the base or they will think
something is back there.

Sent in by : Cinnamon Bear

----- Don't Worry - Play Happy! -----
Here's some tips to keep the people on the other team from getting too annoyed.
1. Don't place turrets by the enemy spawn points, if you do that and the admin
of the server is around you'll have an furiously annoyed team and a admin
looking for you at the same time. Mines go ahead and put them down.
2. Don't camp on the ledge inside an enemy base on Raindance. Because that's
just as bad as spawn killing.
3. It's just a game. You don't have to do whatever that is nessacaery to win.

Sent in by : MooGooGaiPan

----- Motion Sensors 101 -----
Motion sensors are a must. Since they let turrets see cloaked and jammed
targets. A good place to put them is inside enclosed areas like generators
where you put force fields anyway. Since motion sensors can "see" through walls
and stuff they don't have to be right next to the turrets to work. Cameras are
good to use for the same reason. Of course, they need a line of sight to work.
If you place them next to the motion turrets, they will let the motion turret
"see" the enemy even if they don't move. Remember that in mods that use the
camera model for turrets, most of the time they can still serve the purpose of
"seeing" enemies that a camera does as well as shoot for itself.

Sent in by : [D.Lord]EVIL INC

----- Gnatting -----
This strategy relies on using the SCOUT armor provided by RENEGADES.

I call this 'gnatting', because gnats are generally pests. Except this one
can kill you. Get the laser rifle and the thunderbolt. You'll
automatically get the energy pack. Also pick up mines. Save this to one of
your free slots, so that you can quickly change to this form.

1> You are FAST. You can float like a butterfly, and sting like a bee. You
need to use that to your advantage, as it doesn't take much to swat you. If
you get injured, just fly away, and try to snipe at a safer distance or hide
out of sight using a mountain. Most likely, they will try to get you. If
two come after you, then that's one more that could have been attacking your
base or defending theirs.

2> With the laser rifle, the scout can be a somewhat okay sniper. Having
no ammo means not having to run back to base. You can target the enemy, or
try and destroy their deployments. However, the beam points directly to
you, so you can't hide forever. Which is not always a bad thing if you like
drawing away the enemy. Just run around, shooting up all you can, then let
them get angry as they try to get you.

3> That brings us to the Thunderbolt. It's like an ELF, only worse (to the
enemy, that is). It can lock on to the enemy, which allows you to shock the
daylights out of an opponent, as well as messing up their energy supply.
Cyborgs, which have shield beacons, are good targets, since the Thunderbolt
drains the source of their shields. As a scout, you actually have the
ability to use the Thunderbolt while flying without dropping like a stone,
so it is a good weapon for attacking in mid-air.

4> In tandem with #3, the Thunderbolt is 1/2 of the best choice for taking
out defenses. All enemy turrets use energy for both shields and weaponry.
By draining it with the thunderbolt, you can get it to stop firing on you.
Drain it even more, and you can damage it. Deployed objects can be
destroyed with a Thunderbolt. HOWEVER, do not destroy missile and plasma
turrets with the Thunderbolt. They have a large blast radius when they die,
and can take out a good chunk of you. Drain, then switch to another weapon
and fire from afar.

5> You have concussion grenades, which forces everyone away from the
detonation point. The use is two-fold. You can use it on an enemy as a
disorienting weapon. In close proximity, it can send almost anyone for a
ride, either taking them by surprise or messing up their aim. In addition,
it can be used as a quick getaway. Drop a grenade, and get in the direction
you wish to go. Less damage than a rocket jump, and can propel your

6> Rockets are NOT your friend. They are murder on scouts, having a rather
large blast radius. Same with Vulcans. They can chew your guy up in a
single second, even far away. Rail guns are another sore spot. One
successful hit can kill you, so keep moving. You are extremely vulnerable,
so use your strengths to compensate for your weaknesses.

These are only a few of the tricks applicable to the Scout. It requires a
little more skill than the Cyborg, since you don't have all the fancy
explosive weapons, grenades that act like mortars, and shields that don't
constantly drain your energy. But if it is used right, you can do
significant damage.

Sent in by : [HOL]Bahaumaut

----- Keep Moving -----
I have noticed that when you are dueling or fighting in general, it is best to
stay moving even if you're not heading where you want to go. This makes your
movement more erratic and harder to predict. That means you won't get hit as

----- Another word on disk dueling -----
Specified loadouts for this strategy:
Light armor
disk launcher
plasma gun
sniper rifle
energy pack
3x grenades
3x mines

If you are battling a light or medium armor they will probably be flying
in the air quite a bit, especially if they are experienced players.
THERE IS A WAY TO BEAT THEM! All you must do is fly up in the air with
them, try to dodge from right to left to avoid bullets/disks then right
as they come down to land, fire a disk at the spot of which they will
land at, and at the same moment let loose a grenade;
the disk will halt them and damage them, and the grenade will finish 'em
off. If you are battling a medium armor and you have spotted them first,
swap to laser rifle and grab a headshot (or body shot--but it will be
slightly harder) and I guarantee you they will charge.
Fly. Fly high, Fly Well. Because it's a medium it won't have the energy
that a light will, even with an energy pack. As soon as it lands, fire
either a disk or two plasma shots at the spot its gonna land at.
As soon as those shots hit, he is either dead (from that good ol
headshot) or you need to drop a few mines in his path. Detonate the
mines quickly be shooting a disk in their general direction. Boom, no
more enemy.

Sent in by : Matthew C

----- Exploding dead guys! -----
Almost every experienced player will walk over the bodies to get ammo,
grenades, etc. But, when you kill them, walk over the body and lay a mine.
When a player goes to get the ammo, they will get more than they expected! It
is best to do this when raiding the enemy base / being raided by the enemy, and
they are low on ammo. They will never know what hit em! Unless you have Presto
Pack and the message "Concussion Victim #" message. So, If you know someone is
doing this, shoot the bodies before you walk over them.

----- Kamikaze Scouts! -----
I really love doing this, Buy a scout, and find an enemy or even better, an
enemy heavy. Start flying straight at them, be sure not to get shot at, and
jump out right before you ram them. You will most likely take damage, and they
will most likely die. This works with LPC's and HPC's as well, you just go
slower. This is hilarious if you can waste a heavy that is running to your base
right from behind him! You can also take out LPC's and HPC's full of heavies!

----- Refill Portable Inventory Stations Energy? -----
Yes, it's possible! If you sell stuff while on the porta invie, it will go to
the invie's energy. So if you goto a normal Inv. Station, Buy all the most
expensive stuff, an ammo pack and all the ammo you can hold, you can go back to
the porta invie and sell it. Giving you more energy in the station. Also, if
you have a porta. Ammo station around, you can go let it refill your ammo then
sell it in the invie!

----- Vehicles & your ticked off team. -----
When there are crowds of people at the vehicle station, lots of people get
angry. They start shooting at the vehicles, stealing other people's vehicles,
etc. Stealing a vehicle is only legal when 1. Your flag has just been taken,
you are much closer to the vehicle pad and you will be going after the flag
runner. 2. REVENGE. Also, there is no reason to fire on your own team's
vehicle. Even with team damage turned off, you will still be able to damage and
destroy friendly vehicles by shooting at them.

----- Good mining locations! -----
Here are some good places to put mines :

1. On their vehicle pad.
2. On top of their stations
3. On top of their Repair Pack.
4. On top of dead bodies
5. Under their own flag.
6. High traffic areas.
7. Shadows.
8. Places where they don't expect them.
9. Around Corners.

----- Flag Duels. -----
Here is an easy way to get back your flag, Flag Duels! Only requirement is that
you have their flag. (1st) Ask who has the flag, if you have downloaded presto
pack, you will already know. Then, check out the scoreboard and be sure that
you won't be fighting the player with 40 more points than anyone else. (2nd)
Ask the player with the flag if he/she would like to duel. If they accept, you
will have to agree on where to hold the duel. Once everyone is ready, armed and
in position, (3rd) One of the players will throw a grenade, (AKA nade by a
bucha players) once the grenade explodes, the fight starts! Whoever wins will
be able to return their teams flag to their base and capture the flag. However,
if you know that a flag duel is going to take place, go hide around where the
enemies flag would be and wait... If your guy wins, wait for him to capture the
flag. If your guy looses, you will be able to snatch it right back!

----- No more kamikaze plasma turret monkeys! -----
Just a little way to Blow up Plasma Turrets. Get as close as you can to
the thing, that's right as close as you can. The turret can't shoot at
you. Use a chaingun or non explosive weapon to weaken it. Then Jump
directly about the turret, it cant look straight up, and throw your
grenades and mines.

*Missile turrets can't see straight up either*

Sent in by : Trojanman421


[4] -- The Newbie FAQ --

----- What is a mod? -----
A mod is something that changes Tribes. They normally give you new Armors,
Weapons, Packs, Turrets, Vehicles, etc. Most mods start when you join a server,
but some mods like RPG or Screaming Fists require you to download files before
you can play them.

----- How do I buy / sell stuff? -----
To buy or sell stuff you must go to an Inventory station. You will see a list
of Items on the right to the screen, this is a list of items you can buy. On
the left is a list of items that you are carrying. You can sell item you are
carrying by double clicking them or hitting the Sell button. You can buy
something by double clicking items in the right list. If an item is green, you
can buy it. If an item is grayed out, you can't buy it.

----- How do I get a Laser Rifle? -----
To get a laser rifle you must be in Light Armor, the armor on the top of the
list, then you must buy an Energy Pack. Now buy a Laser Rifle. You can only use
a Laser Rifle if you have an energy pack.

----- How do I repair stuff? -----
To repair stuff, you must first have a repair pack. It has a red light on the
top. You can get one by buying one at a station or picking one up. Once you
have a repair pack, hit the "P" key to select it. Now that you have it
selected, shoot at what you want to repair. However, the repair pack has a very
short range.

-----How do I change classes? -----
This is asked from players that play Team Fortress Classic. The closest thing
to classes in Tribes is armors. Different armors can hold different weapons.
Such as the Light armor is the only armor that can have a laser rifle and the
heavy armor is the only armor that can have a mortar launcher.

----- How do I get a mortar? -----
The mortar is the most powerful weapon in Tribes. To use a mortar, you must be
in heavy armor. Only heavy armor can use the mortar. Read the buy / sell
section above if you don't know how to buy stuff.

----- What does the Targeting laser do? -----
The targeting laser looks like a useless green laser. But it is very helpful!
When you shoot the targeting laser at an enemy player, station or turret, other
players on your team using a grenade launcher or Mortar will see a range
finder, helping them make a dead-on shot.

----- How do I make stuff? (turrets, stations, etc.) -----
To deploy portable stations, turrets and other little stuff, first, buy the
object at a station. Second, find a place where you want to put it. Third, look
at the ground where you want to put it and press "P" If you get the message,
your in the way, jump and hit "P" Repeat until the object appears.

----- How do I get PrestoPack to work? -----
This is a question that I am asked, It is not very easy. I recommend going to they are the people that make PrestoPack and
would be the best to help you. Also, read the instructions to the bone and
follow them exactly.

----- How do I install skins? -----
To install a skin you must do this first, If the skin you got is in a .ZIP
file, you must unzip it. You can get an Unzipping program at If
the file was not zipped or you have unzipped the files, take the SKINNAME.VOL
and put it in the Tribes\base\skins folder. After you have done this, start
Tribes, on the screen where you select your player, select the skin. The other
players must also have the skin to see it.

----- How do I talk ( speaking in the game ) -----
This depends on what key you have it set to, the default is "V"
When you hit V you will see a list, hit the letter of the sub list such as "G.
Global" after this you will see another list with the words you want to say. So
" V G Z " would say "Doh!" You can hit the "ESC" key to close the menu.

[5] -- Copyright and contact information --

This FAQ is copyright. Do not post or publish this FAQ without my permission.
Do not alter this FAQ in any way. You can contact me at:

Thank you.

And to make things clearer... again, WAS my site.
Since it died, I moved all the information that could be used in a FAQ here.

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Er.... Fin :)

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Engl. FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
01.Dezember 2014
30.Dezember 2013
22.Oktober 2014
24.Juli 2014
29.August 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020