Street Fighter EX 3

Street Fighter EX 3

17.10.2013 22:45:01
Kairi's Charakter FAQ

Fighting Game - Street Fighter EX 3 - Playstation 2

Kairi's Character FAQ Version 2.0 - 11/15/2001

by Shin Gotenks


This Character FAQ is copyright of Elton Bruno, 2001. No one can sell, publish it on a magazine/publication/site/home page without my consent, copy and put it in a CD to sell, or make money with this document by any means, without my consent. You can use it in parts, only give me the credits. If you copy it and make another FAQ, give me the credits. The last version of this FAQ can be found in I'm talking specially to you guys, that copy the work of others and publish it in you magazine/site/publication and say foolish things like this: "This is the result of our hard work." or "Our equip bring this to you exclusively". I have only one thing to tell you: "Stay out of my way or I will crush you into dust!" Did you think the work of others is easy? Then you have to thing again when you stole it!

This is the second FAQ version I maked for this game, so I've learned something more how to make good FAQs. Forgive me if my last FAQ seems like a foolish work, but that was only my first work, so understand that I don't had much experience to make a FAQ, but this will be bether, sure of it! I've changed somethings on the visual, and added more combos, like the Momentary Combos.

If you want to send sugestions or critics, I'll have the pleasure of accept it. But don't send death threats (the last time I said it, someone send me three death treaths), and no spam (if you can get past Hotmail's filter,he he)! My e-mail is

---------------------------About Me----------------------------------

Since the last FAQ I write, some players asked me a couple of times for some information about me.
Yes, I am new on the bussiness of writing FAQs, then it's not weird you don't know anything about me.
Okay, here I go!

I'm a fan of fighting games. The first game I played was Street Fighter, so don't think I'm a novice. I've played various games of this style, I know ALMOST ALL of them (since the date I begin to play games, sure). I can mention Street Fighter, Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury, Ikari Warriors (the game where Ralf, Clark and Leona are from), Psycho Soldiers (Athena Asamiya and Kensou), Samurai Shodown, Red Earth, The King of Fighters, World Heroes, Tekken, Virtua Fighter, Fighters Megamix, Dragon Ball, Dead or Alive, Toshinden, Bushido Blade, Soul Edge/Calibur and much more.

But don't think I like only these games. I like RPGs and Action games too, so if you want some help on one game of these styles, ask me and I'll try to answer as sure as possible. Send e-mails quickly, because I don't receive much of them. My e-mail is

I'll not give personal info because it's not needed. But if anyone wants to contact me, write to the e-mail above.


First, you ask: "But why make a move list of a character like Kairi? It's not best to make one for Ryu, or Ken?" No,no,no. These guys have more FAQs than they need, then I've written one to Kairi, because I think he's the second best character in the game(the best is Shin Vega/Evil Bison). And, because they retired Gouki/Akuma from this game, I think he's the character that more resembles with Gouki/Akuma, my favorite character.

-------------------------Story--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Right. Street Fighter games doesn't have a good story, only something that relate all the characters to M.Bison or to Ryu. So this section is only some info I've got about Kairi. It is not all the info about him, because CAPCOM isn't very known for making good storylines for Fighting Games, but for the gameplay, the diversion. An example of it: did you have noticed that Ryu don't has a last name? He's only Ryu. Ryu? Ryu what? Only Ryu. Now good examples on names: Ken Masters, Carlos Blanka (Blanka's real name), Sakura Kasugano, Dan Hibiki, Skullomania (his name is very crazy, but I HATE THIS GUY) etc.

Kairi looks like only an impersonator of Ryu and Ken. If you've played Street Fighter EX plus alpha, you remember many of the new characters are only clones of Ryu and Ken with new Super Combos. Another thing: ALL the new characters of Street Fighter EX plus alpha impersonate someone (except Garuda, Skullomania and Hokuto), with only a few variations. If you didn't noticed it, may you need to use glasses, or wake up to see this world, if you're an air head.

I'll mention some of them and who they impersonate: Blair(Sagat), Pullum Puruna(Cammy, of course),Darun(Zangief),Allen/Kairi/Sakura (Ryu and Ken), Cracker Jack (Balrog, the boxer). So let's skip it and see Kairi's info:

------------------------Kairi's Personal Info------------------------

First name: Kairi
Last name: ???
Blood type: ???
Eyes: Red
Hair color: White
Personal marks: Scar in his face
Martial Art: The Animal Gods' techniques (Jackal, Dragon, Wolf)
Clothes: Only use white pants
Powers: Teleport, Blue Flames, Manifest the Animal God's powers
Enemy: ALL, except Evil Hokuto
Friend/Ally: Evil Hokuto
Personality: quiet, misterious, and sometimes crazy (when he manifests the power of the Jackal God)
Known history: Kairi only symphatizes with Evil Hokuto, I don't know why (see in the move list a surprise relationed to her). His objective is to control the Animal God's Techs. In Street Fighter EX plus alpha, he hasn't manifested it yet. But in Street EX 2, he gaves some signals of his disarray. Now, in Street EX 3, he's almost totally crazy, he can only control himself after discharging almost all of his energy (the Shouki Hatsudou Meteo Combo).


I've changed this section because it doesn't looks good to me. These are chracteristics of gameplay, but the players use different names (or legends) to mention the commands, so I've used this one below.

WP-Weak punch (square)
MP-Medium Punch (triangle)
SP-Strong Punch (R1)
P- any punch
PPP-three punches at same time (L1)
WK-Weak Kick (X)
MK-Medium Kick (circle)
SK-Strong Kick (R2)
K- any kick
KKK-three kickes at same time (L2)
DB:down-back (diagonal)

The moves are written to be performed in the Left. To perform them in right, invert the commands (you know where is the left and the right, don't you?)


I've changed this section too because it looks so confuse, even to me. Forgive me if the same happened to you. Now I divided them in Throws, Normal Moves, Super Combos, Meteo Combos and Meteo Tag Combo. I've joined this section with the moves explanation section, to be less confuse.

Two notes: to create blue flames, reach the Level 3 on the Special Bar. This trick is very good, and the effect of some moves change. And, TO REACH LEVEL 6, YOU NEED TO ENTER ON A TAG BATTLE (when you have two fighters), and the fighter that's not Kairi must die, then you can reach Level 6. Example: Kairi and Ryu VS Ken and Nanase. Ryu needs to die to let Kairi reach the LEVEL 6, it's simply, it isn't?


--Kuteikaku: WP + WK
*Kairi holds the enemy and knock the enemy's head on the ground (that may hurt!), then kicks him far away. If you press any buttons quickly, the throw will inflict more damage to the enemy.

--Uraji Goku Guruma: B + WP + WK
*Kairi impersonates Ken's throw move, but the main difference is that Kairi don't use his foot to throw the enemy far from him.

2.Normal Moves

---Bukyaku: MP + MK
*This move all the characters have. Kairi will kick the enemy and break his defense, but this has a low succes rate than Street EX plus alpha or Street EX 2.

---Ryuujin Kyaku: D + MK or D + SK (only in air)
*It's the same move of Akuma/Gouki, with the same command, but the difference is that Kairi can rebut to the back side of the enemy continually, if you make the blow with D+SK instead of D+MK.

---Ryoubu: F + MK
*Only a knee hit, it can be canceled with some Super Combos (see the Super Combo Cancel section above).

---Mekkuu Zangeki: B,D,DB + P
*A great teleport move. But the teleport throws you to the air, making easy to the opponent to hit you. It can't be canceled with the Super Combos Garyuu Meshuu or Shinki Hatsudou Kai, like some players think. YOU PERFORM THE SUPER COMBO AFTER THE MOVE, NOT DURING IT. This can sound silly, but it's really true.

---Shinki Hatsudou: D,DF,F + P
*Single fireball attack. One strange thing about it: before Kairi makes the Meteo Combo Shouki Hatsudou, this fireball never moves from its place, but after you perform Shouki Hatsudou, the fireball will moves forward. I think it's because Kairi turns back to his normal form(the form he appeared on Street EX plus alpha).

---Mouryu Kasen: D,DB,B+K (then press B+K repeatedly)(use F+K to cancel)
*This is a sequence of four kicks, like the Ryu's, Ken's or Akuma's one. There is no difference. Only two things about it. One: you don't need to do D,DB,B+K four times, you only need to do D,DB,B+K one time, then press B+K repeatedly (different of Street EX plus alpha). Two: if you press F+K before the last kick, Kairi cancel this move. This is good to trick the opponent when he's blocking the attacks, only waiting for the last kick to crash you, I've did it many times, and it works!

---Maryuu Rekkou: F,D,DF + P
*The classic Shouryuken (or Dragon Punch, as you prefer). No differences to Ryu's Shouryuken. But if you reach the MAX LEVEL at the Special Bar (see the note at the start of this section), it'll turn it's effect like Ken's Shouryuken (multi-hit shouryuken).

3.Super Combos

---Shinki Hatsudou Kai: D,DF,F,D,DF,F + P (only in air)
*A super air-to-ground fireball. It's a multi-hit combo. I didn't found this Super Combo good, the Akuma's same Super Combo (at Street Fighter Zero 3) is more effective than this.

---Sairou Kyoushu: D,DB,B,D,DB,D + P
*Great Super Combo. It lifts the opponent with several hits, and ends in a tomahawk hit. It opens various opportunities to do heavy damage combos. The greatest thing: this Super Combo can dodge all the projectile moves, minus Sagat's Ground Tiger Shot.

---Garyuu Messhuu: D,DF,F,D,DF,F + K (only in air)
*It's only a Super Ryujjin Kyaku before an Super Ryoubu. This Super Combo is the most cancelable (this word exists?) Super Combo, but only if you cancel it when Kairi reaches the ground, and before he does the knee hit.

4.Meteo Combos

---Kyouja Renbu: WP,WP,F,WK,SP
*Craziest Kairi's Meteo Combo (also called The Mad Jackal Power Dance)! He runs to opponent's direction, holds the enemy and do MASSIVE damage to him, then scream and hold his own head, 'cause the pain of the Jackal Power. This is unblockable, but you can jump to dodge it (I recommend it) or hit him (I don't recommend it, requires VERY precise timing)

---Shouki Hatsudou: D,DF,F,D,DF,F + PPP
*Deadly Meteo Combo. Deadly for your enemy and for you too. An ENORMOUS ENERGY DISCHARGE that hits enemy several times. When Kairi does this move, almost half of his energy is drained, and he loses the hability to create blue flames, doesn't matter if he reaches the Level 3 on the Special Bar again, although, the effect of the move Shinki HAtsudou changes, it turns into a true-projectile move. Shouki Hatsudou is UNNEVITABLE (but still blockable). Only a few characters can dodge this move (Vega/M.Bison and Dhalsim), 'cause of their teleport moves).

5.Meteo Tag Combo
Some players (I don't know if are them all) can perform a different Meteo Combo, with his TAG PARTNER. To perform it, three conditions must be respected:
1-The character that performs the move needs to have Level 3 on Special Bar.
2-The tag bar (that blue one, in the top of the screen), needs to be full.
3-Only one player of the pair can activate the Meteo Tag Combo. It's simple: Ryu and Ken have a Meteo Tag Combo, but only Ken can activate this move, with the command D,DB,B,D,DB,B + PPP. Ryu can't make this move, only if Ken activate it first. The same thing for Kairi and Evil Hokuto.

I don't know the name of this move, so I call it:

--The Disastered Jackal Power Dance: WP,WP,B,WK,SP (only Evil Hokuto can do this move, her partner must be Kairi)
*Evil Hokuto initiates the sequence (with her Super Combo from Street EX plus alpha, remember?), then throws the enemy to Kairi (he's flying) and he throw the enemy down again.

One thing more: if you don't know, Evil Hokuto is not that Hokuto of the character select screen. To play as her, you need to perform the Super Combo D,DB,B,D,DB,B + K, and Hokuto will change into her evil form. Only note that if you perform ANY OTHER Super Combo after this one, she will turns to normal, but can change to her evil form again.

----------------------Super Combo Cancel-----------------------------
This topic explains which moves can be canceled with Super Combos. Yes, because some moves can't be canceled. So, let's go. In the left side, the move name. In the right (after the arrow) the Super Combos that cancel it. Problably this topic needs to be updated later.

-Kuteikaku ---> can't be canceled
-Uragi Goku Guruma ---> can't be canceled
-Bukyaku ---> Sayrou Kyoushu, Kyouja Renbu, Shouki Hatsudou
-Ryuujin Kyaku ---> Garyuu Meshuu, Shinki Hatsudou Kai
-Ryoubu ---> Garyuu Meshuu, Shinki Hatsudou Kai (if Kairi is with flame on hands, any Super Combo can be performed)
-Mekkuu Zangeki ---> can't be canceled (it's really true)
-Shinki Hatsudou ---> Sayrou Kyoushu, Kyouja Renbu, Shouki Hatsudou
-Mouryu Kasen ---> Garyuu Meshuu, Shinki Hatsudou Kai (the same thing like Ryoubu)
-Maryuu Rekkou ---> it's not worthwhile to cancel this move (even if you cancel it, the success rate is very low)
-*Shinki Hatsudou Kai ---> Garyuu Meshuu
-*Garyuu Meshuu ---> Shinki Hatsudou Kai
-*Sayrou Kyoushu ---> Shinki Hatsudou Kai, Garyuu Meshuu
-***Kyouja Renbu ---> can't be canceled
-***Shouki Hatsudou ---> can't be canceled


Now, my favorite topic: COMBOS, COMBOS, COMBOS! Some combos require special timing, others are very difficult to perform, so I divided them in: Normal Combos (easy to do), Hard Combos (a little hard) and Very Hard (precision timing or special conditions).If there's something like this "MK/MP" or "Maryuu Rekkou/Shinki Hatsudou" this means that any of the buttons/moves can be used in the combo. This topic needs some updates, then feel free to send your combos (no spam!) When you see [Momentary]it means the ending of this combo is a Momentary Combo, if you want to see more info about it, read a general FAQ.


---Jump,MP or MK, D+MK, Shinki Hatsudou/Mouryu Kasen
*Jump with MP/MK, D+MK (when you reach the ground),then do Shinki Hatsudou or Mouryu Kasen x4.

---Jump,SP or SK, D+P, Maryuu Rekkou
*Jump with SP/SK, D+P (when you reach the ground), then Maryuu Rekkou.

---Jump,SP or SK, D+MP, Mouryu Kasen x4
*Jump with SP/SK, D+MP, Mouryu Kasen x4

---[Momentary] Jump,SP or SK, D+P, Shinki Hatsudou, kick of equal strenght as the Shinki Hatsudou
*Jump with SP/SK, D+P (when you reach the ground), Shinki Hatsudou, then a kick of equal strenght as the Shinki Hatsudou(e.g. perform Shinki Hatsudou with SP, then press SK)


---*Sayrou Kyoushu, *Shinki Hatsudou Kai, *Garyuu Meshuu
---jump, *Garyuu Meshuu, *Shinki Hatsudou Kai, *Garyuu Meshuu
---Mouryu Kasen x2(with WK),Shinki Hatsudou Kai
---Shinki Hatsudou, *Sayrou Kyoushu, *Garyuu Meshuu, *Shinki Hatsudou Kai
---jump,Ryuujin Kyaku (with MK), Ryoubu, Garyuu Meshuu, Shinki Hatsudou Kai, Garyuu Meshuu [perform Ryuujin Kyaku with SK don't allow Kairi to continue the combo]
---jump, D+MP/MK, Shinki Hatsudou (only with SP), Kyouja Renbu/Shouki Hatsudou


There's something different in this section. There are two special conditions that need to be respected. One:when you see [flames] before the combo, it means that Kairi needs to have his blue flames, or else the combo doesn't works. Two:when you see [Level 6] before a combo, it means that you may have 6 Super Combo levels (if you don't know how to do this, read the beginning of the MOVES section).

---[flames]jump,Ryuujin Kyaku,Ryoubu,Shouki Hatsudou
---[flames][level 6]jump, Garyuu Meshuu, Shinki Hatsudou Kai, Garyuu Meshuu, Kyouja Renbu (before Kairi hits the enemy with the knee hit of Garyuu Meshuu, perform Kyouja Renbu)
---[flames] jump with SK, D+MP, D+MK, Shinki Hatsudou (with SP), Kyouja Renbu

In this update I added some explanation, but only in the next release I will add more combos. I don't explanated the combos that doesn't need explanation. If you want more explanation about them, wait the other version of this FAQ or mail me.


So, this time I've got someone to give credits. This is the version 2.0, and I didn't make it alone now. Here are the credits:

-Myself --Shin Gotenks (or Elton Bruno, my true name) for testing and writing ALL this thing. E-mail :

-Brazilian Games Magazine "GAMERS"(no, it's not publicity),for the respect that it give to their readers, and the talent of their editors.(Que diabos estou fazendo neste planeta? O que é aquilo? Oh, não! É o Homem-Cueca, não, não me salve, seu mardito paga-pau dus inferno!)

-Nemesis Plus alpha (I don't know his e-mail) for sending to me the three death threats, and to lending this game CD to me.

-GAMEFAQS for publishing my Character FAQ.

-CAPCOM for creating this AWESOME GAME.



"Can you understand the feel of the things? No? I know why. First, turn on the switch that activates your common sense, your damned air head". :):):):):)

Shin Gotenks (what a poet/idiot!)

-------------------------Another FAQs--------------------------------

I didn't send another FAQs, but I pretend to send FAQs for these games (I wrote it, but it needs some corrections):

-Street Fighter EX 3 -Playstation 2- (a general FAQ, not a Character FAQ)
-Chrono Trigger -PSX/SNES- (an endings guide and a bosses guide)
-Guilty Gear X -DC-(Move List)
-Street Fighter III- Fight for the Future -DC-(move list)
-The King of Fighters 2000 0r 2001 -Arcade- (Move List)

It's over for now! Goodbye and thanks for reading this Character FAQ!
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