Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

14.10.2013 16:58:32
FAQ/Walkthrough für den EXTREME Modus
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
For the Playstation 2 console

FAQ/Walkthrough for EXTREME Mode


By: Morph at for

v.Final - This is the final version of the FAQ. No more updates will be made
to this FAQ at all. Only one addition anyways =)

v1.6 - Fixed a couple of dogtag labelling errors. Thanks to wangchung's post
I found that there is an error to tag 031 and also tag 053.

v1.5 - One little addendum about how to do the president, very good submission!

v1.0 - Finished the game! The FAQ is done!

v0.8 - Beat Fatman after 4 hours, got to Shell 1. Time to take a break.
SaveGame is now at 7:56:01

v0.7 - Finished the tanker at 1hr 52 min. Disarmed all of C4 on plant stage.
SaveGame is now at 3:52:04.

v0.6 - Continued with the game, and got up to getting all the dogtags for
tanker area. 1hr 36 min 30 sec on savegame.

v0.5 - Created the FAQ on 12/03/2001, for the purpose of guiding people through
Extreme Mode. Not very complete, got up to finishing Deck-D, crew's quarters.
59 minutes on SaveGame.

I. Introduction
II. Tanker
III. Plant
IV. Misc Information
- How to "hold em up"
- How to "get the tags"
- How to beat the "tough guy"
- Contact information
I. Introduction

I believe in content, so this guide is going to be ALL content. It'd guide you
through the hardest possible mode in what I'd like to believe to be the best
game created so far for PS2.

This guide WILL not help you play the game. To even play extreme mode, you
would've had to finish the game at least once already. So I don't believe
that you need help with the basics of control. What this guide will contain
is how to get through each section of the game undetected, and also to collect
each and every dogtag along the way. The guide will not utilize things such
as stealth, unlimited ammo, and radar, so it will be easier for you if you do
have such items. Yes, no radar. Pure 100% sneak mode.

On with the extremeness of the game. If you beat this, you are as good as
you can get in MGS2.
II. Tanker

Aft deck -

Dog Tags:
001 - Dave Cox
002 - Pawel Majewski
003 - Mathieu Trepanier

As soon as you start, back up from where you are and go into FPV to look at the
guard staring down at you. Wait till he walks away before proceeding to the
right side of the ship. Go up the first set of stairs for a Chaff Grenade.

Leap down from the railing and go press yourself up against the wall in the
middle of the stairway. From this vintage, you can use the right analog stick
to look at the guard. You can take Pawel Majewski's dog tag when he is walking
away from you to his other patrol point or when he is looking out into the
harbor. After 7 shakes, Pawel gave up a 15xM9 rounds. Get the bandage on this
level. If you want Pentazemin, its on the bottom level. Remember that guards
sleep lightly in extreme, so be cautious if you take too long.

Go up the stairs from Pawel and meet the guard named Mathieu Trepanier. He is
on set patrol points from the other set of stairway to the set of stairway you
just came up from. You should be able to see him coming on the level where
Pawel is. If he is at your set of stairways, wait till he turns to go back
and get his dogtags. If you don't see him, I advise you to wait until you do
see him. If you feel good about it, you can hide between the columns that you
could see when you first look up from where you start. After 8 shakes,
Mathieu gave up a bandage.

Proceed on to the other side of the ship, and you should see Dave Cox
patrolling at the bottom. Becareful as you are going down the stairs, he could
stop at the last set of stairs and look up to see you coming down. But if he
presents a problem to you... consider playing easier modes =) Dave gave up
a yummy ration after only 1 shake.

Proceed into the nearest door.

Deck-A, crew's quarters

Dog Tags:
006 - Louis K Stevenson

Becareful running around because Louis the guard got a bigger patrolling area.
Not only does he go from side to side, he also patrols the doors infront of
the locker area. You should be able to see him as soon as you turn inside.
After about 10 shakes, he gave up a bandage.

Deck-A, crew's lounge.

Dog Tags:
009 - Travis J Lujan
010 - Brendan M Randall
011 - Chris D Bernd

This will be the first difficult in the long running of difficult rooms that
you will have to face. There are two methods to approaching every room.
1) Take out all the guards with M9 first, and wake em up to get dogtags
2) Take them out one by one in lonely places.

The choice here is up to you. You must remember that guards sleep lightly,
so don't go taking them down with M9 and forget about them.

Remember also that you probably have a cold. Sneezing will make em come.

When you first entered the door, Snake will press himself against the wall
and look at the guards. When the FMV is over, do the same, and knock on
the wall. As soon as you do that, do a roll to the other side of the door
way so the closest guard will look on the other side while you are behind
him. When you see his face, hold him up, then drag him back toward the
stairway, and hold him up again to learn that he is Travis Lujan. After
4 shakes, he gave up M9 bullets. Shoot him again for good measures =)

Hold yourself up against the wall to see the next guard patrolling, when
he is walking backaway from you, run toward the stairway leading up and
press yourself while ducking next against the stairway. When he is going
away again, run to the wall to the left of the stairway and wait for him
to come back. When he does, sneak up behind and drag him toward
Travis until you are on the other side of the stairway. Now hold him up
and take Chris Bernd's dog tag. Chris is a good soldier, gave up a
ration after 8 shakes. Tranq him again on his butt.

The final guard is located on the other set of stair to the far left from
where you first came in. After you took care of Chris, wait by the
railing looking down at the stairway, and soon, Brendan Randall will come
rushing up the stair and start yawning. Get his tags and and after a
shake, he gave up a ration! Down the stairs is a box of USP bullet,
you don't need it. Behind the bar is a box of M9 bullets, grab that.
Move up to the next level.

Deck-B, crew's quarters

Dog Tags:
007 - Michael D Rogers
008 - Gianluca Peruzzo

The first guard is looking at his shadows. When you approach, a FMV plays.
Don't pay it any attention, just go and hold him up and get his dog tag. If
you want to play it safe, you can wait till he walks away from you. Michael
holds a bandage that I got after 5 shakes.

Gianluca is near the front of the ship. He patrols the same places as
before, so run up near the front and press yourself against the wall to look
at him strut. When he is walking away from you, hold him up and grab his tag
and shoot him in the head. After 11 shakes, he ain't givin up nothing, so I
gave up.

Deck-C, crew's quarters

Dog Tags:
None yet

Move past the camera by first going up the hall till you see the camera. Press
yourself up against the wall and move under the camera directly. When the
camera is moving almost to 90 degree angle to point directly in front of you,
shimmy past the camera for a tiny bit and then run to the stairway.

Chaff Grenade in locker, move up the stairs for more fun and excitement.

Deck-D, crew's quarters

Dog Tags:
012 - Chantelle M Blair
013 - Eduard V Fernandez

The first thing you'd notice different about extreme, is that the guard you
first see in this area moves to the right, not left to the dining area.

And the first thing you will do, is to RUN REALLY FAST toward the guard, and
grab her! If you achieve choke hold, drag back toward stair a bit,
if you threw her instead, point a gun at her as she gets up to hold her up.
Chantelle will give up her dog tag to you. As soon as you get the dog tag,
move back to the stairway, away from the corridor. You should hear the far
end door closing and opening to indicate the far south guard is coming up to
check on Chantelle. If you DON'T hear the sound in about 20 seconds, that
means guard isn't coming.

If the guard IS coming, just wait, when he enters the door, he'd want to
kick Rochelle and wake her up. When he is about to, hold him up then
run infront of the guard to get Eduard's dog tag.

If the Eduard isn't coming, then open up the door to the dining
room to see the guard moving back and forth, tranquilize him because you
need a real gun to get his tag. Then drag his sorry harden butt into
the kitchen area. Go back to where Rochelle is, and press yourself up
against the wall closest to Eduard then knock on the wall. Eduard will
want to come check up on the noise so run to the stairway and wait.
When you see Eduard's head, hold him up and get his dog tag.

Move on up to the next level to fight Olga by running past the camera.

Navigational deck, wing

Dog Tags:
000 - Olga Gurlukovich
004 - Cory A Noll

Time to fight Olga, refer to my EXTREME MODE BOSS to take her down. Without
radar might be a bit tough, but, you can do it! ^_^

After you take her down, proceed to the back of the ship and see a short FMV
of Cory coming out into the rain. Just run up and hold him up and get his dog
tag. Easy as cake. After a few shakes, got a M9 bullet from him. Get the
thermal goggle if you want it by climbing the stair, and the wet box in the
front of the ship. Move into bridge when done and grab the USP bullets.

Go down to Deck D again and give a lesson to the tough guy.
Deck-D, crew's quarters

Dog Tags:
014 - Yoji Shinkawa
015 - Niko Ionixx Horn

When you first come down the stairs, be VERY careful, because there is a guard
patrolling from the bomb to the corner. The route doesn't cross the stairs,
but he can STILL see you at the right moments when he is turning to walk.

What you need to do is, when he is at the corner where you can't see him, go
down the stairs and press yourself against the wall to the left of the stairs.
Knock on the wall and immediately go up the stairs just a bit so the guard
won't see you. When you see the guard, hold him up, and point your gun at
his head, if he starts to shake, then shoot him in the head. If he doesn't
shake, lower your gun and drag him a back toward where the bomb is, BUT not
all the way that the other guard will see you. Now, hold him up again, and
run past him as if you would get his dog tag, and hold him up once more.
When you run past him, it'd cause a chain reaction, as the guard on the other
side of the bomb will hear you and come to investigate.

Quickly tranquilize the current guard and Go back up the stairs again until
you see the new guard's head, hold him up, and tranquilize him too.

Now, move past the bombs by crawling through the lasers and you'd come up to
the other side. Go to the dining room door but don't go in when the door
opens, just look in in FPV and wait till the guard is not looking your way.
Run into the room and duck under the kitchen counter on the north side.
You should be under a white panel next to a air duct/vent. Now look past
the counter and you should see the guard walking around, when you see your
chance, hold him up and shoot him in the arm to get Yoji's dog tag.

Tranquilize the guard, and shoot out the annoying camera, then go back to
the first room to either re-tranquilize the guards or kill them. Now,
drag Yoji past the north door, past the stair way down, and to the hall
where you can see the bombs. Drag Yoji up toward the room where BOX1
is but only a lil bit, so his toes are stickin out on the horizontal
hall way. Shoot out the control box for the bombs, and now, go up into the
room where BOX1 is, and as soon as you get the door to open, and steps
in a bit, go south down to where the bombs are, and wait.

Soon, you'd see a guard coming to kick Yoji in the balls. Hold him up, and
get Niko's tags.

Deck-C, crew's quarters

Dog Tags:

005 - Joshua D Casnocha

Soon as you go down the stairs from Deck-D, you'd see guard walking toward the
camera. Don't try to get past the camera AND hold up the guard. It is
unnecessary risk. Notice the lights and the shadows on the ground, stand
back enough so that when the guard comes back, he won't see you. Joshua
should just walk on past where you are so you can hold him up easily.

After few shakes, he gave up a box of USP bullets. Shoot out the camera and
move on down to Deck-B.

Deck-B, crew's quarters

Dog Tags:
You got em already

Down the stairs, goto the hall, look at the shadow. When shadow fades, tranq
the guard, or kill him, and move on down to Deck-A.

Deck-A, crew's lounge

Dog Tags:
You got em already

When you first come into the room, equip M9. Fire at the guard walking toward
you in the head. Go down the stairs a bit, and look to where the bar is. A
guard should be there, and he'd probably notice you immediately. Shoot him on
the chest, or wherever you can, and he'd pause in his track. Go back up the
stairs a bit and he'd collapse soon. After that, move on down to Engine Room.

Engine room, starboard

Dog Tags:
018 - Masataka Nishiyama
019 - Michael M Wong
021 - Manabu Nakamura
022 - Simon P Sargent
023 - Yosuke Kamezaki
024 - Clarke A Baldwi
025 - Hideki Sasaki

As you go closer into the Raven toy room, there is a door to your left. Go
into it slowly, and hold up the first guard. He'd give up Clarke A Baldwi's
tag. I recommend killing them all, so they won't come back to haunt you.

Anyway, look out with FPV into the space where the first guard is looking at
and you'd notice three different guards on the other side patrolling.
Proceed south and when you get down the first segment of stairs, you'd see a
guard down the next flight of stairs patrolling north and south. When he is
at his southern most point, go down the last segment of stairs and wait till
he is moving north. Run and hold him up as he is doing that. DO NOT Run
past him and shove him to get the gun into his face. Drag him back and run
around him to get the gun into his face. IF, you do run into him, shoot him
in the face quick as you can, and retreat back to the stairway. The guard
on the bottom flight will come up and kick the sleeping guard

Let him get kicked, for you have failed ! Let them go back to their routine.
And drag him, and go AROUND him to hold him up. Masataka Nishiyama will
give up his dog tag to you eventually.

Move on slowly down the stairs, and you'd notice a guard standing against
a column. He'd look back and forth on the same spot. Look toward him using
FPV. If you can see flashlight on his gun, he is looking toward your side,
wait till you don't see it, and hold him up to get Michael Wong's tag.

If you moved Michael from where he was standing guard from, drag him back.
Now, walk south past two big boxes to the right and a small box to the left
and look in FPV. The next guard should notice you immediate. If the guard
isn't there, wait for him. He'd come. When he comes, he'd be more interested
in waking up Michael than to investigate the new intruder.

Hold him up, and grab Manabu Nakamura's dogtag.

Move to the next set of engines, and stop from be going up the small stairway.
Press yourself back against the small wall to see two guards patrolling. If
you don't see two guards, keep waiting for them to show up. One should be all
the way up top, and the other one patrolling through the level you are on, and
up to one level below the very top guard.

For sake of simplicity, you can shoot both with tranq darts, and wake them up
one by one by shaking em for goodies. And finally hold em up for dog tags.
But, for practice sake, lets do it the hard way.

If the guards are right on top of each other, wait until the guard on the
lower level moves to the red section. Run up both stairways
Whenever you feel is the right time, move up the small stairway, AND the big
stairway to reach the level under the topmost guard. Move through a small
connecting bridge and you should see guard under you as you do this.

Hang from the railing, and look down using FPV to make sure of landing spot.
Land behind him, and run up to him to hold him up to get Yosuke Kamezaki's
dog tag.

Now move up the stairway and hide in the little dark niche before going up to
the topmost area and wait till you see the last guard. When his face is away
from you, run up stair and hold him up. You'd get Simon's tag.

Move into the door that Simon is guarding and activate the FMV of the guy
fixing the door. Stay at where you are, even after FMV, and just wait till
he gets past you. Hold him up, shoot him in the arm, and get Hideaki's dog

Now, stand on the top of the left most box, and stand on R2+L2 to get at the
bomb control on top. Then close the locker door to get at the control on the
right wall. Then move forward, but not too far, and get at the control on the
left wall. Move on past to Deck-2, portside.

Deck-2, port

Dog Tags:

016 - Adnan Hadzic
017 - Shu Tajima
018 - Stuart J Batchelar

As soon as you get into the door, run as fast as you can north. When you pass
the dead guy on floor to your right, keep running and keep in mind that you
will be hiding in the next big room. As soon as you see a guy ahead of you,
veer right and go into the lighted room. Hide in the north wall, NOT the
south and press yourself up against the column to see out into the hall way.

You'd see the head of his gun eventually, and soon, he'd move on pass. Run
after him and hold him up to get Adnan's dog tag. Now move on north until
you see the lighted room and the corner up ahead. Stop short of entering the
room until you see the guard. Wait till the right moment, and step up to hold
him up. He'd hand you Shu's dog tag.

Now, look up ahead and you'd see the sleeping guard. He is no different in
extreme, he is still sleepy. Move on until you are in the white lighted room
and wait till he says nothing... to.. report.. and you see big Z's. Just go
and hold him up at that point and he'd give you Stuart's dog tag.

That's all the dog tags for Tanker! =)

Deck-2, starboard

Dog Tags:

Welp, this is the fun area. You have to kill multiple soldiers that sit and
shoot at you from behind an invisible barrier. You have two different boxes
to hide behind. People usually do this with no problem, but here are some
methods you can do this.
1) When ducking and hiding behind a box, you can pop up and fire in FPV.
2) Use M9, one hit will take one down, even when it isn't immediate.
3) If they are coming for you, use USP to stop them cold, if you are going for
0 kills, then punch em!

Practice makes perfect, it isn't very hard =)

Hold No 1

Dog Tags:

This is easy. Go down stairs, crawl under projector, go across the area to
the far end door. Becareful of metal grating, as it'd alert the guard to your

Hold No 2

Dog Tags:

This is easy too. Crawl under projector to get to the right side. Get behind
the box with the grating to the right of it. Wait till the projector changes
side. Go down toward Hold No 3. Becareful before you reach the final grating
the guard will walk to the right, crossing your path. Take him out with M9
to feel more comfortable about it.

Hold No 3

Dog Tags:

When you first go in, aim M9 toward the computer terminal to your right, and
put the guard to sleep. Take the picture of the right front side. Move to
center, take a picture. Move to the left front, take a picture. Move up to
the Marine words, take a picture. You done all this before, so should be
easy for you. Move on back to the terminal, and pat yourself on the back for
finishing the tanker.

III. Plant

In the plant episode, don't even bother looking for Rations. They exists on
shaken guards, and gifts from Snake only.

Strut A, Deep Sea Dock

Dog Tags:

Get the shaver if you want it, it's next to the crawling air duct. Get it by
using hanging from railing method. Move on by opening the hatch, oo, ahh!

Goto the node, and do the stuff. Resist the temptation to turn on radar.

Now is the hard part but once you figure it out, it's not so bad.. Run south
and go hide in the middle of the box formation. Barrels will be to the north,
and boxes to both side. The fact that one guards don't move and two walks
slowly, makes it difficult to get by this without killing them. Killing
is time independent, you do it as you like. Killing is time critical.

To kill, knock on the right wall, and run behind to the southern rightmost
box. The guard will come investigate, and when his back is turned, go choke
him to death. Drag the dead guard in between the middle boxes and the south
right boxes. And go back into the middle of the boxes and knock on the left
inner wall. What'd happen is, the guard will come to check it out, but sees
the dead body and goes to look at him. When he is past your hiding point,
go choke him. Now, approach the last guard via the leftern path slowly, and
he'd say, "who's there!" Wait till you see him approaching, run to the other
side and up the elevator.

To NOT kill, it's not as difficult as you would think. Hide in middle until
the rightmost guard is sitting at same place and elevator has arrived. Now,
knock on inner left wall, and run out to hide behind outer right wall. When
the guard is looking in at where you knocked, run around him and choke/drag
him. Drag him so there is line of sight to where he was patrolling, then
release him and beat the snot out of him. This will attract the attention of
the rightmost guard and the northmost guard, giving you a small window of
opportunity to run via the rightmost side and up into the elevator.
(I tried quite a few variations, this is the only one that works for me)

** Addendum 2/14/2002

There is an easier way to clear the first room without killing anyone in the

After Snake knocks them out, the guards will stay unconscious until you access
the node and talk to the colnel.

Before accessing the node, drag the three soldiers into the room that your
started in (the one with the shaver) Then either just leave them on the floor,
or lock them inside the three lockers, just to be safe. Then go access the
node and stand right in front of the evelvator. It will come before they even
make it back to the room, since they’re too busy trying to be sneaky and

- The above is brought to you by Ian A. Pretty nifty trick I must say =)

Strut A, roof

Dog Tags:

Get the bandages on top of the box, and go through the hole in the fence.

Strut A, Pump Room

Dog Tags:
None - You ain't got a weapon yet fool!

You don't really need the "node," but if you want to, knock on wall, run via
other side, and talk to the dang node. Exit to FA Connecting Bridge. We
want our M9!!

FA Connecting Bridge

Dog Tags:

Goto the left bridge balcony and duck there to wait for the Cypher. When he
goes down, run past the bridge. There is also a guard patrolling down on 2nd
level of the bridge. He could come up to 1st level, so make sure you don't
run into him.

Strut F, warehouse

Dog Tags:
None - You don't want to mess with them yet!

Run past the "nothing here" guard, and grab your M9, and go back out to FA

FA connecting Bridge

Dog Tags:
None - You can try to get the tag now, but without SOCOM to take out the
Cypher... you can always come back =)

Run past the bridge like before when the Cypher isn't looking. The guard on
the bottom bridge would come up to the top level to take a peekaboo, but only
if you wait too long. So when the Cypher is going down, run for it.

Strut A, pump room

Dog Tags:
None - He is a tough guy, you don't got no SOCOM to take out his arms yet.

Come into the room, and wait till you see the guard in sight, near his
patrol point earlier. Use knock, Raiden Flip, kick and punches, whatever...
and get to AB connecting bridge.

AB connecting bridge

Dog Tags:
None - Just wait till you get SOCOM and the coolant, life is easier then.

Upon hitting the bridge, just tranquilize both guards. Or one. Whatever makes
your life easier.

Strut B, Transformer room

Dog Tags:
None - None means, there aren't any guards here.

Move on past and get to BC Connecting Bridge, collect ammo if you like.
(SaveTime 2:31:34)

BC Connecting Bridge

Dog Tags:

Move on to Strut C

Struct C, Dining Hall

Dog Tags:
009 - Toru Kawakami (Tough guy) [Dunno]
010 - Adam J Sarpolis [M9 bullets]

From now on - I shall explain how to take out each guard with M9. Once a
guard is sleeping, simply wake them up with coolant and hold them up from
behind. Run to the front and get the dogtags. Because of this, I will not
go into detail about getting dogtags from each of them. But if there are
special considerations necessary, it'd be included.

Watch long movie, and... when done, move up to the watermelonds and look
southwest to see guard patrolling, coming towards you. Take him out with M9.
Go activate your node for fun, and then exit through the door to the southeast
of where Stillman is hiding. Now, goto the corner of southeast and wait till
you see the guard. Hit him with M9 too. Get both dog tags, and neutralize
the one bomb in women's restroom near ontop of the mirror to the ceiling.

Move south to BC connecting bridge, we want the SOCOM silencer ASAP.

BC connecting bridge

Dog Tags:
None... yet

Avoid Cypher, run past.

Strut B, Transformer room

Dog Tags:
006 - Lee M Mccowan [Socom Bullets]
007 - Hiro Miyajima [M9 Bullets]

Upon entering the Strut B, go to the closest door to get into the central room.
When the door opens, look in to see guard walking away from you. Pump a M9
into back of his head. Stay at where you are, and the other guard will notice
you. Pump a M9 on his head when you get a clear view of his head. Get
their tags.

Disarm the bomb behind the locker door immediate to the left of the door you
came in from. Now, with your trusty SOCOM, take out the two camera in the
hallway and proceed to AB connecting bridge.

AB connecting bridge

Dog Tags:
004 - Josef Karsch [M9 bullets]
005 - Emmanuel Y L Passian [Ration, after 15 shakes]

Both are easy target for M9 in the head. Take em down and grab their tags.
Move into Strut A

Strut A, Pump facility

Dog Tags:
002 - Shinji Yamashita (Tough Guy) [Bandage]
003 - Ryan T Cronkight [M9 Bullets]

The initial guard is still patrolling the same points, take his tag. Don't
worry about other guard hearing the gunfire. Move into the next room with
caution. Open up the door, and don't go in. Wait until you see the guard
walk past the door, pump him with a M9.

The bomb at this level is at the same place, go up the stairs, and crawl until
you see red pipe. Crawl down under the red pipe directly and disarm bomb.

If Shinji calls for backup, wait till caution goes away and then proceed to
the roof.

Strut A, roof

Dog Tags:
001 - Takeshi Sato (Dunno, gave up)

Go up the the north part where the railing is and the bird poopies. Stand
there looking south till you see guard. He'd notice you too, but you'd pop
him with a M9 before he could do anything.

Move southeast till you are against the fence and look past the fence to find
bombs. Disarm it and move back down.

Strut A, Pump facility

Dog Tags:
You got em

Same patrol points, move past him to FA connecting bridge.

FA connecting bridge

Dog Tags:
032 - Kenichiro Shigeno (Tough guy) (M9 bullets)

Take out the Cypher with SOCOM. And move forward on the bridge to see the
second level. The guard should walk toward you soon and stop. When he starts
to move again, go forward on bridge, and hang on railing on the guard's side
and jump down. Then immediately, run up the bridge and hold the guard up.
Move on past to Strut F, warehouse.

Strut F, warehouse

Dog Tags:
027 - Marco O Scherrer (M9 Bullets)
028 - Edmond V To (Socom Bullets)
029 - Chevinals Thomas (Ration)
030 - Hiroshi Yokote

Fun place =) When the first guard you see start to move away from you, go
choke/drag him to where you got the M9. Hold him up, and get his tag. DO
NOT BUMP INTO HIM while you are doing this. Now, wait... and head moncho will
want to know wheres the status report. They'd be unable to locate him,
allowing you to take out the whole building now.

Go out the room, and hide behind the small box till you see the other guard
on the same level as you. When you do, M9 his head. Now, from the top
vintage point, M9 both guards patrolling at the bottom. Get the tag from
the other top guard first. Then, get the other two tags on the bottom floor.
Now go back and retraquilize all the guards.

Goto where the node is, get activated, and then GET the box, and now, crawl
through the duct right next to the box and find the SOCOM silencer.

Grab the mine detector as well. Proceed to disarm the one bomb.

The bomb is at the same place as before, in the middle of the left most stack
of boxes. Instead of on the west wall though, it is on the south boxes.

Proceed on to the EF connecting bridge

EF Connecting bridge

Dog Tags:

Take out three Cyphers. One immediately above you when you first arrive. One
floating around out infront. And one to the leftside toward Shell 1. M9 the
guard on the topside and proceed to grab all the Claymores.

Move onto Strut E.

Strut E, Parcel Room

Dog Tags:
019 - Yoshiyuki Koido (Tough guy)
020 - Tsunehiko Shibata (Tough guy)
021 - Ryan Sheffer [Bandage]
022 - Carlos X Luna [M9 bullets]

When you first enter the Strut, Rose will start talking to you. When done,
walk a bit foward and to the left and the guard will notice you standing.
Go press yourself up against the north wall and when he peeks in, hold him up.
Now, go and shoot out the two cameras on the two poles that you see.

Position yourself on the southwall, and look north to see two guards standing
at far north. As soon as one of them say "nothing here..." M9 him, then the
other as well. Now, go north until you are in line of sight with the middle
guard. When you see him, M9 him.

Now, as fast as you can, drag the two northernmost guard behind the big
yellow box eater that's closest to the door to DE connecting bridge. The
trick is to hide them from the head honcho's investigation team. If you are
fast enough when finished with dragging both, try to drag the middle guard
south also to hide him from the other guards.

If not, then just hide out till the team goes away. M9 the middle guard
again and proceed to collect your tags. Remember to M9 the 1st guard near
the doorway before he wakes again. Also that there is another camera on the
pole near DE Connecting bridge door that you should take out.

When you got all the tags, M9 all the guards again just to make sure they
stay down, and stand near conveyor belt and listen for beeps. When you hear
em, whip out your coolant and find the bomb on a moving box. M9 all the
guards once more and move up to the roof.

Strut E, Heliport

Dog Tags:
024 - Emmanuel Phung (Socom bullets)
025 - Michael A Hare (M9 bullets)
026 - Alan J Harries

After the FMV sequence, go up the stairs and follow the edge of the heliport
clockwise. Constantly looking in FPV to scan for the two guards on top. When
you spot them, take them down with M9.

You'd find the bomb under the harrier, ontop of the landing gear anchors.

After disarming it, go down the stair and head to the left and you'd see the
last guard. M9 him then approach, or carefully approach and stick him up.

Strut E, Parcel Room

Dog Tags:

As soon as you enter room, take out the guard standing by the stairway with
M9. Then, shoot the guard that you see immediately down the hall way.
This'd either 1) trigger a reaction from the other guard or 2) doesn't do
anything. If 1) then, wait until he is calling for help, then run as close
to wall as you can via the northern route to DE connecting bridge.
If 2) then, shoot him too, and move to DE connecting bridge.

DE connecting bridge

Dog Tags:
017 - Mathhew C Miller (Socom bullets)

You should be able to see him on the farside of the bridge. If you don't,
then he is at the second level. Either way, take a M9 to his head. Enter
Strut D via the topside.

Strut D, Sediment Pool

Dog Tags:
013 - Matt J Van Leeuwen (Socom bullets)
014 - Mathew B Boyett (Pentazemain)
015 - Collis R Williams (M9 bullets)
016 - Nobumitsu Tanaka (Tough guy)

When you first enter room, tranquilize the right most guard first. Then the
middle guard thats standing around. Then, move further up and tranquilize the
guard thats approaching the rightmost guard. Drag the two guards that you M9d
into the center. If by chance, you got lucky and the last guard not yet M9d
noticed you and try to rush you, M9 him too and drag him to the center.

Now, one by one, get their dog tags. One very important thing to remember,
check their Zzzs! If getting low and you aren't getting his tags, re-M9 him!

If the last guard kept ignoring you, and you got all the other 3 dog tags,
M9 him after he says "nothing here.." and get his tag too and drag him to
the middle. When the other guards comes , hide in the middle =)

Disarm bombs now by going to where the last guard that you M9ed was first
patrolling and lift up the panel. The other bomb is found under the first
door that you came in at first. Access it by going to the next level down
and crawling toward the door from the middle. You should see it stuck
under the walkway. The last C4 is found under the panel down at the bottom
of the stairway on the lowest level of walkway. Remember to retranquilize
them as you disarm!

When done, goto CD connecting bridge.

CD Connecting bridge

Dog Tags:
011 - Jyunpei Hirano (ration)

Take out the camera thats on top of you. Then, press yourself against the
wall to look out at the guard. He is probably coming toward you. Wait till
he goes away before poppin a M9 on the back of his head then move onto Strut C

Struc C, dining hall

Dog Tags:

Go up to where Stillman was hiding and grab the Sensor B. I found the area
to be deserted. I don't recall killing the guards... so I'm thinking that
it is natural for it to be deserted at this point. If I'm wrong, please
email me.

After you get the Sensor, you have 200 seconds to get to bottom of Strut A.
I find it pretty easy to get to Strut A... Anyway, head for BC Connecting

BC Connecting Bridge

Dog Tags:

Get on the bridge and equip your SOCOM. Take out the Cypher. Keep runnin to
Strut B

Strut B, transformer Room

Dog Tags:

I hope you've already taken out the cameras like I told you earlier. If not,
take em out now. If so, keep runnin to AB connecting bridge. Don't go into
the rooms. The 2 guards are in there.

AB connecting bridge

Dog Tags:

I prefer to wait a bit on this and take out the guard on the left when you
face Strut A. But, if you want to hurry, you can run and M9 the guard on
the right. Do make sure you do this fast, since the guard on the left will
see you if he is close enough. You could play it safe and M9 both of em.

In any case, do it and move to Strut A.

Strut A, pump room

Dog tags:

The guard is still there, patrolling same points. Ignore him, kill him,
strangle him, whatever. Move up to the roof of Strut A.

Strut A, roof

Dog Tags:

Goto the elevator from when you first came from. Step on and go on down.
Pete goes boom.

Strut A, bottom floor

Dog Tags:

Go on south and through the door, and get to where you first pop up from in
the very beginning of the game. The place with the sub and the pool of water?

Now, here is the tricky part. The developers know where you think the bomb
is.. under the Sub! But it isn't. There is a ladder leading down to the
water. It is the only ladder you can use to get out of the pool. From the
ladder go left and down a bit to see a small light fixture on wall column
and a storage shelf. Look in FPV to above and right of the light fixture.
Disarm the bomb with coolant.

Time left after disarm - 112 seconds

Now, move on over to the main elevator room and fight Fortune.

Use the extreme boss faq to get through her if you are having problems. I
like using the box tactic, it's very cute =)

After you dodge all her rail fires, Fatman decides to challenge you. You
have 200 seconds to reach Strut E, roof (Heliport).

Strut A, roof

Dog Tags:

Becareful of the claymore mines on both side of the stairway down. One is
immediate to entering the cage down the stair and the other isn't much farther
along on both side.

Strut A, Pump room

Dog Tags:

When you get down from the stair, if you choose the right side near the FA
connecting bridge, becareful about the guard. He changed his patrol point to
the hall going toward FA bridge exit. So press yourself up against the wall
to peekaboo at him. Take him out when time is right. If you choose the
left side near the AB connecting bridge, look down to see a guard standing
RIGHT on the bottom of the stairway. But, since you see him first, M9 his

Get over to FA connecting bridge in both cases.

FA connecting bridge

Dog Tags:

There is a lone guard here, he starts up on the bridge and move down the
stairs. Keep a tab on him, and move into Strut F warehouse.

Strut F, warehouse

Dog Tags:

If I didn't mention this before, I'd say it now. Do NOT get too close to the
hallway of where the first guard you see is patrolling, stay near the lvl3
card door and not go any further. He has good eyes and probably will spot
you if you get too close. When he turns to leave, M9 his head. When you
walk up a bit more, you'd notice the other guard on the other side. M9 him
too for safety sake. Make sure both guard are on the bottom floor before
running onto EF connecting bridge. If you don't see them, one might be
coming up to the top floor. You don't want to get hurt here, so don't get

Move on to EF connecting bridge

EF Connecting bridge

Dog Tags:

This is a good place to use Chaff grenade. 3 different cyphers here, one
near the doorway where you first came in (and would probably see you if you
step out too far), and others far off toward Shell 1 and Strut E.

Use the chaff grenade, I highly recommend it. After using it, take out the
guard thats walking up the stairway on the far end of Strut E Heliport.
Run fast as you can, and into Strut E.

Strut E, Parcel Room

Dog Tags:

Now this is the fun room. 4 guards here still. All at the same places. This
time, you got a time limit. If you are fast enough, you can M9 the guard
behind the conveyor belt before he notices you. If you aren't, then use
the strategy previously used. Then, M9 the two guards at the far end, is not
too hard. Then, M9 the guard thats guarding the stairway. Move on up
after this. Oh, if you are really fast, you can M9 the guard of the stairway
and, really fast, M9 the far end guard on the right side first (he is making
a call to his boss), then M9 the other guard and run up.

Strut E, Heliport

Dog Tags:
053 - Peter Stillman

Freeze the bomb, and get ready for some fun! Since there is no radar, and
my extreme boss faq doesn't really include a strategy for no radar extreme..

- If he is standing still and you are close, punch him, but don't hesitate
to use SOCOM. Memorize where SOCOM bullets are at, so you can grab
em when you are low.
- Disarm the bombs as soon as he plants them, but if you can shoot him down
as he is planting, do so! If you fail at bringing him down, disarm the
bomb first, don't go chasing after him until bomb is disposed.
- When searching for a bomb, first look at the 3 sides that you can see, and
then look at the top. If you don't see the bomb, look on the blind 4th side
and then crawl down on the bottom.
- Shelves have 3 different levels, bomb could be on all three.
- Barrels could also have bombs
- Shelves with tarps, some hides the green light, remember where they are
so the next time he plants em, you know where to look.

The variations are so extreme, that there isn't a specific way to do it.
I tried many different methods of planting claymores, but none of them work
very well.

At the end, I find myself disarming bombs that he set as soon as he plants
them and when he is going from places to places, I would take him down with
SOCOM. It is a long battle, kinda like Vamp if you aren't cheating. It is
a rough ride due to lack of SOCOM bullets. I would get more SOCOM bullets
whenever I run below the amount needed to take him down (around 5-10 shots)

If you work at it, you can beat him. I did it, with M9 no less. After you
beat him, shake him to get Stillman's tag and drag him and disarm bomb.

Move south to see FMV. When done, go back into Strut E.

Strut E, Parcel Room

Dog Tags:

When I first got back down, all the guards are still sleeping, so yours
should be too. If not, M9 em all again. From here, I used BOX2 and got on
the conveyor belt at the south end. At the southernmost platform, hit the
action button to climb on, and equip a box. Now stay still, and the belt
will stop. Equip Box 2 to be transported to Strut B. From here, goto
BC connecting bridge.

BC connecting bridge

Dog Tags:
008 - Drew J Elmer (Socom bullets)

Here is a Cypher and a guard on bridge. Take out Cypher with SOCOM, then
M9 the guard. Remember to get the tag. Move on to Strut C Dining room

Strut C, dining room

Dog Tags:

Wait for the hall way guard, M9 him and move on to CD connecting bridge

CD Connecting Bridge

Dog Tags:
012 - Kyle S. Carrigan

Other Guard -- It is worth noting that he has Ration =)
Maybe because I didn't get it last time that he has em. Anyway, M9 both of
em, get one tag from one of the guard. The one closer to Strut D probably is
the one that you are looking for. After you got it, move to Strut D.

Strut D, Sediment Pool

Dog Tags:

This should be simple enough, especially after beating fatman without radar.
You DID beat him without radar right? It feels so good after you accomplish
it. Anyway, M9 all of em, or whoever will be on your path, and move on to
DE connecting bridge.

DE connecting bridge

Dog Tags:
018 - Alex C Wilson (Ration)

Take out the guard on the ledge of Strut E first, he is overlooking the entire
place and must be taken care of.

Both guards are on the 2nd level of the bridge. What I would suggest you do
is to walk forward till you see one of the guards, and when their backs are
turned, go down a bit on the stairway and M9 both of em through the railings.

Move on back to Strut E now

Strut E, Parcel room

Dog Tags:

When you come into the room, wait till the guard closest to you is making a
report. When he is doing that, just run south till you hit the wall and then
east to exit to EF connecting bridge.

EF connecting bridge

Dog Tags:

3 Cyphers to take care of, or chaff grenade it. Step out of the Strut E area
slowly, and turn around to look at the top. You should see the guard up on
top of the railing, looking down on you again. M9 his behind and move on to
Strut F.

Strut F, warehouse

Dog Tags:
031 - Beri B Pottstam

Mucho fun to be had again. I recommend NOT going down the stairs. For it
leads to blindsightness. Stay up top, and press yourself against the wall.
Look into the main area and you'd probably see a guard's flash light, but not
the guard himself. You'd also see the guard at the far end, making reports.

M9 the far end guard, and the other guard. Look down below and M9 both down
on the 1st floor. Go grab the M4 assault rifle fast as you can, and then enter
the AK-74u room via the left door, and the guard will have his back turned
against you. Hold him up and get his dog tag.

Exit via the right door. Open the door by pressing yourself against the wall
and look outside. If the coast seems clear, go out and look around in FPV
again. Now, push yourself against the wall right to the next of the door
way to look up the stairway. If you see a guard, wait for him to come down
before going up. If you don't see a guard, go up slowly and check FPV
as much as you can so you don't bump into him. He wouldn't look down the
stairway immediately, so as soon as you see him, M9 his head.

Move on out to EF connecting bridge.

EF connecting bridge

Dog Tags:

Patrol guard is there again up on the very top. You can ignore him if you
want. Move on to Shell-1 via the bridge. Remember the bottom of the bridge
will crumble. Hang from railing or run fast, or shuffle past against railing.

Shell 1 Core, 1F

Dog Tags:
033 - Kaori Yamada
034 - Ryan J Crane
035 - Gareth J Lewis
036 - Andreas R Ramsauer

Since you can equip your "BDU" and your AK-74u, there really is nothing to
fear from these guards. Take out the first camera directly above you when
you first came in... then what I did was I head south to the locker area.
Before entering the door to the locker, I pressed myself against the door
frame and knocked on the wall. This attracted the attention of one guard
out of the two, when he is looking at the corner of the doorframe,
I choked/dragged him into the locker room and held him up there.

Remeber to equip your AK again!

I went out and did the other guard on the same route using the same method.
Then I took out the 3 cameras, and proceeded north. There is a guard
patrolling the northern hallway, just hold him up or M9 him first.

Move on to the other end, I moved all the way south to take out the camera
first, then held up the guard.

After you got all 4 dog tags, make sure you have your BDU and AK equipped
and go hit the elevator button. Make your way down to Shell 1 Core, B2.

Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room

Dog Tags:
040 - Daisuke Nishimura
041 - Viana Siles Mauricette (Bandages)
042 - Chen Yung Kok (Ration)
043 - Anthony J Barrit (AK ammo)

Move into the main computer area by going down the stairs. When you come
upon the hallway that leads to the computer room with lockers lined on the
walls, look around in FPV to find the guard patrolling outside. Hold him up
and get the 1st tag.

Move south into the opening to the computer room, remember to have your AK
equipped as you get ready to M9 all their butts.

M9 the one thats closest to you first, then the other that might see the
one you just M9ed, then the last one. It should be pretty simple to M9 all
of them. Now grab their tags one by one. Remember when you spray coolant
on the guards, that you make sure you aren't spraying into two guards at the
same time and wake both up. When done, grab the directional mic and move up
to Shell 1 Core, B1. Becareful about the guard outside now, he might be
running around the hallway at 2x the speed. Stick to the wall and don't run
into him!

Shell 1 Core, B1

Dog Tags:
037 - Justin A Cagle
038 - Christopher S Korte (AK ammo)
039 - Mashiro Yoshinaga (AK ammo) (Tough Guy)

After the FMV with the retinal scan, move on down to the retinal scanning
door and push yourself against the wall opposite to the door. Knock on the
wall and it'd bring a guard fast. Move away from the area, and when the
guard arrives, hold him up. Remember to have your BDU and AK equipped!
If you run into the guard, make sure you M9 him fast cause when you bump into
him, it'd bring another guard running. If other guard coming, equip AK again
and BDU and hold him up when he gets here.

If you don't run into the guard, proceed inside the room, from the corner
where you can see the guard staring at FHM of Charlie's Angel but not the
other guard deep inside, M9 him from behind and re-equip the AK to move in.

Move up to beside the last guard and hold him up from his back/side. Grab
the remaining 2 dog tags and move back out to where the first guard is.

Wake up the guard outside, and hold him up as he rises. De-Equip your gun and
go up against him to drag/choke him. Drag him so he faces against the retinal
scan mechanism and you should get in no problem.

After you get in, get the Thermal goggle from the stage and then find Ames.
Don't use the D Mic and ask whoever you think it might be, just have the AK
equipped and look at each of the guy's hair.

Ames is not bald. Ames have alot of brown hair. He is wearing a suit with
red tie. When you find someone that looks like Ames, look on the back of
the head, it should be bushy and cover his entire neck and down to his coat.

When you are pretty certain its Ames by the look, make sure no guards are
have immediate line of sight to you and equip to D Mic and push the action
button. Watch the long sequence.

When it's time to do somethin, equip the AK and stand still like before.
After Ocelot examined you thoroughly and Ames die, you should be out in Shell
1, B1. Since you have no stealth and no radar, here is the fun part =)

After the last codec conversation saying your cover is blown, wait in the
hallway that you first start in till you see the north end guard's gun barrel.
When the guard turns and barrel disappears, go up and pop a M9 in the back of
his head. Go on up to Shell 1, F1

Shell 1, 1F

Dog Tags:

Sit in the elevator till the caution mode is gone. You won't get far with
it anyways. Move down till you can see the hallway leading to the EF
Connecting bridge and wait. Eventually, a guard will come marching up to the
corner and take a M9 in the head from you. Now, push yourself against the
wall and look around the corner and you should see the other guard patrolling
down the far end. When his back is turned, you want him to wake up finding a
M9 sticking out from the back of his head. Run really fast to the EF bridge
before the south guard wakes up the guard you just popped fully.

EF connecting bridge

Dog Tags:

Welp, the Cyphers are even meaner around this time. One will notice you
immediately if you come out too far too fast. So stay at where you first
entered, and pop down a Chaff Grenade. Or if you really want to, look out in
FPV and see that the Cypher moved away from its initial position. Then, go
out and take out the Cypher using AK one by one. Why AK? Cause there is a
box of AK bullet right outside. When you are done cleaning them, pop a M9
into the guard on Strut E roof, then move past the bridge carefully again,
or run really fast -- depending on what you did first time around.

Go south to Strut F, warehouse for some weapons pick up.

Strut F, warehouse

Dog Tags:

Go through the warehouse and M9 all the guards as I've described in previous
section. Take out the walkie talkie guard first, then the other guard on the
same floor. Then both guard down on 1st floor. This time, a little different.
Drag the walking talkie guard into any one of the room so you can explore
more rooms freely. Wait till the guard say "no sign of missing man..."

Grab the PSG1, PSG1-T, M4, Grenade, Grenade Launcher, Claymore, C4, and
whatever there are available to you. Move back to EF connecting bridge when

EF connecting bridge

Dog Tags:

Don't forget to M9 the guard on the top! Move on to Strut E.

Strut E, Parcel Room

Dog Tags:

M9 the entire room, as prescribed before. Move on to DE connecting bridge.

DE connecting bridge

Dog Tags:

There is no way for you to shoot at the guard on the railing of Strut E
Heliport before you would get noticed. What you need to do is notice the
guard nearest you patrolling down under. When you see him move toward the
center of the bridge, climb on the railing to the south of the balcony
and drop down directly to the bottom level. Pump him with a M9 along with
his patrolling buddy.

When you are across, come back up the stairway and go into Strut D from the
top level.

Strut D, Sediment Pool

Dog Tags:

Just M9 all of em. Move onto Shell 1-2 connecting bridge now.

Shell 1-2 connecting bridge

Dog Tags:

North (Shell2)
| |
| |
| |
West | | East
| |
| |
South (Shell 1, where you are from)

No dogtags, just lotsa bomb control to take care of. And here they are...

1) - From where you first came in, turn around and it will be on the top of
the door frame.
2) - One directly infront toward north, on the 1st of the orange pillar thing.
3&4) - Two close to you, right after the small step down to the bridge.
5&6) - Two on top of the two Cyphers, use PSG1.
7) - Far end wall on Shell 2, to the left of the doorframe.
8) - Far end wall on Shell 2, to the right of the doorframe.
9) - On the actual bridge section, near Shell 2, bottom left corner, could
only see the side view.
10) - One behind the Sons of Liberty flag, make sure you hit it by watching
the flag waving.
11) - One behind flock of birds to the right and downof the Shell 2 doorframe.
Its on a ledge.
12) - One that you would be able to see if you go half way down the stair and
turn to the right to see the balcony wall. You could also see it by pressing
yourself against the right railing of the stairway.
13) - On the right hand side of the balcony, go into FPV and stand on tip toe
with R2+L2. You should see the controller on the bottom level of the bridge.
14) - One on the Shell 2's balcony wall on the left hand side. It is on the
outside wall, you should be able to see it if you stand on your left balcony
area and look in FPV. From the controller that is surrounded by 5 packs of
SEMTEX, it is do the bottom-left ON the wall, you can only see the side of it.

Thats all the bomb controllers. Now, you face the .. HARRIER!

Use the same strategy as the EXTREME BOSS FAQ, with the variation that in
between the time that he flies away to fire 2-locked missile or the missile
barrage, refill on your Stinger supply and jump down to the bottom level via
the hole on the bridge near the north side.

Remember each box of Stinger Missiles carry 10 ammo, so don't fill up until
you needs it.

Another thing is, you must know when he switches from one side to the other
when he is doing the machine gun of death. Notice it when the gunfire seems
to stop momentarily, thats when you need to switch side.

I used a ration, didn't wanna, but he caught me with a missile as I hit him
with a Stinger. Make sure you run out of Ammo completely before you kill
him with the last shot, so Stingy Snake will give you another box of ammo.
Time on Save - 9:23:39

Shell 1-2 connecting bridge

Dog Tags:

If you want to risk it, you can get the AK silencer by doing a Raiden Flip off
of the plank going toward Shell 2 door entrance. The landing platform is the
one with PSG1 box of bullet. It is a hard jump, but with practice, you can
do it! If you don't want to, take the sissy route via the hanging from
railing and going across the big tube. Don't slip on the bird doo doo.

If you do jump across, put out the fire with the coolant and get your prize.

Climb up and get on with it to Strut L Perimeter. Shoot the two guards with
PSG1-T or whatever your heart desires.

Strut L, Perimeter

Dog Tags:

Duck and crawl across the first area, then run across the peeing man, then get
up and over the bridge to see bunch of Cyphers. Take them out with SOCOM or
AK-74u. Jump over pot holes and shuffle over even bigger holes and proceed
into Shell 2 Core.

Shell 2, 1F Air Purification

Dog Tags:

Listen to Olga babble and head over to the elevator at the backside and go
down to Shell 2, B1.

Shell 2, B1

Dog Tags:

You are here to get the Nikita Missiles.
Swim straight across, get it and swim straight back and up to 1F again.

Shell 2, 1F Air Purification

Dog Tags:

This is where it gets pain in the butt and you just want to kill off the
president. He is a big pain in the neck here that whenever he sees a missile
he just want to hide right infront of the electrical panel. First, wake him
up! Goto the node room, and push yourself against the right wall to see
him sleeping. The bastard. Wake him up by shooting a nikita missile on the
wall. Now, proceed south and enter the room guarded by two gun-cameras.
Shoot out the camera and get on top of the box. Now, fire a nikita missile
and guide it to the hole on the right wall.

The path to the president is, go in straight and take a left immediately.
Upon seeing the grating, take another left. Now go right and up a small
ramp and go left from here. When you get to a big area, turn right and
keep turning till you see exit downward. Thats the president's room and
where his cowardly crotch touching piece of trashy butt is. Keep trying and
eventually, he'd stop running back to his place infront of the electrical
panel. If you know another method where he wouldn't run back to that place
so often, please email me.

A possible method is, as soon as you see the president, aim the missile to
his right shoulder, perhaps this makes him want to run to the left instead
of going back to his usual place.

After conversing with the president, go back down to Shell 2, B1 to rescue
Emma the cutie.

** Addendum 12/15/2001

-- This is a strategy on how to get the president's attention, it will
work good =)

"To safely rescue the president(in extreme) first shoot the wall near where he
is sleeping(with a nikita)from the hallway where the elevator is to wake him
up. Run into the crews lounge and knock on the wall opposite the soda machine
until he comes over. When he is right near the wall put a C4 on it and run
over to the vent. guide you nikita through the vent and as soon as your
missile is about to enter the room detonate the c4 and he'll investigate that
instead of running in front of the Nikita."
- Submitted by Brian M on 12/7/2001

Shell 2, B1

Dog Tags:

Memorize the layout of the pool well. You need to know where to swim. I
will attempt to guide you as best as possible. First time through, you can
tap triangle along with circle button to keep your air in.

From when you first go into water, take a right fork as soon as you see it.

If you want the Night vision goggle, take the first left door and NVG should
be deep into that one room. Swim out and continue leftward.

If you don't want the NVG, swim straight and then when you hit a wall,
with a girl wearing a white bikini, swim left. Now, as soon as you see a
left fork, take it, and then you'd see a mine. Avoid the mine and swim into
the right corridor that the mine is guarding. You should now see another
hot chick in bikini, take a left turn and see another hot chick, take a
right and swim down to the end and open up the hatch to see Stillman.

Swim into the room and you should see a hole directly infront of you toward
the top. Go through it and get a breath of air if you need it. Swim to
the left now and keep going to the end. Go up a bit in term of height of
the water and go thru the first hole you see. You'd also see another hole
beyond it, but ignore it. Take a right and go down to the end and grab
a pack of Stinger missile to use against Vamp. Now swim upward and thru
another hole to reach the hatch, open it and head right to face Vamp.

Shell 2, B1

Dog Tags:

Fight against Vamp. You can fight with the hard ways presented in the Extreme
Boss FAQ. Jerry is the man, so use his instructions if you want tough.

If you want it easy, it isn't that easy. There is limited ammo, so even with
20 Stinger missiles handy, you could probably only take him down to half
health. The rest of it, you must depend on alternative methods. What I did
was, to utilize Jerry's method until Vamp is more than half on health.
Then, there is the North and South railing of the pool (outer railing) that
you can hang from. I placed a claymore on both side of the walkway and then
a C4 in the middle of it. Now I wait. When he is in the pool, I try to
shoot him with AK or M4, and when he jumps out, I leap over and hang from
the railing immediately. Usually, he gets hit by the Claymore, saving you
the C4. When he gets hit, replace the Claymore. If he bypassed the
claymore, wait till he is almost upon you and then trigger the C4. Replace
them as you go. He should die without fuss.

If you want to kill him via M9, then, Jerry's method is the way to go...
good luck. I tried it for about an hour or so, and gave up because I know
there is an easier method. I usually could take Vamp down to lower than half
but when he starts to throw three knives, I have problem following and
dodging them.

After you are done, move on to rescue Emma.

Shell 2, B1

Dog Tags:

This is for getting Emma out of where she is. When you get into the water,
you don't really need ammunitions from the other rooms. So from where you
start, swim to the right and keep turning right until you see a long hallway.
Swim down all the way and take a left hand turn. Go deep and grab the body
armor and swim back out taking a right hand turn. Now take the right fork
immediately in the main hall and reach Emma's hiding place.

Start swimmin!

From where you start, take right turn until you see another T intersection,
take another right turn and you'd see another T intersection, take a left
and you'd be out of the first area.

After the conversation, yall are in the pool again. From where you start,
take a left turn through the hatch and then swim up and to the left to get
to the first air pocket. When you are ready to move, face the bottom of
your TV set, thats the direction you need to go, then swim down and across
the area then swim up to go across the fence, then down to get across
the second fence. Now swim to the left and you'd see door way out to where
Stillman is go for the air pocket. Then face toward the top of your TV set.
When ready, lets move on.

Swim as low and to the left as possible to avoid the first bomb, then take
a left hand turn at the intersection then a immediate right hand turn. Now,
swim across the corridor, and take a left hand turn when the intersection
come up and avoid the bomb! Now, after the door frame, take a right hand
turn and you'd see an air pocket waiting for you, make for it.

Now, face the upper right hand corner of your TV set, and swim down.
Swim straight through the corridor and then at the intersection, take a
left hand turn. And you are home free =)

Poor Emma had to swim across the entire thing two times so I could write this
down accurately. Spray the bugs, and move up to Shell 2, 1F.

Shell 2, 1F Air Purification Room

Dog Tags:
047 - Andy Lam
048 - Hiroaki Yoshiike (Tough Guy)
049 - Cedric Krolikowski
050 - Sebastian J Pitman
051 - Marl A Matuszeski
052 - Xavier R Garcia

Okie, here comes the tough part. Don't drag Emma along with you, go at it
alone to take out the guards already in place. From the elevator, go south
and west to the node room and press yourself against the wall to see a guard
walking past the other node room door going north. M9 the guard when he reach
the end of that patrol point. You don't have to see him go past, if you want
just look to the west and wait for him to show up. Get his tag, then drag
him down to very south and put him near where the Pentazemin is.

Now proceed eastward and go down the stairs. The next guard is looking
toward the other set of stairs. He is where the two ducts leading into the
president's room is (the two duct NOT inside the small room with the gun
camera). You should be able to sneak behind him and hold him up. After you
M9 him, drag him back toward where you came from and all the way to the south
west corner with the other guard. Make sure they both have 3 Zss... if not
retranq them. Grab Emma and walk her off the elevator and to the west.
Now this is important, look at the door that leads into the node room, and
the wall north of that leading to the elevator. If you notice, there is
a line that down to the node room from the point where where the north wall
bends up to accomodate the elevator. Take Emma past that line and stops.
Now, go over and across the door of the noderoom and push yourself against
the wall to look down the hall to where the two guards are sleeping and you
should see a guard coming toward you again like the very first guard. Take
him out as you did the first guard.

Now, drag him north to where the SOCOM bullet is. Take Emma south to where
the other two guards are and M9 them again. Go by yourself down the stair
and initialize the FMV of elevator coming down. Go back up as fast as you
can and sneak up behind him to hold him up for his dog tag and run back down
to where the guard that was staring up at the stairway used to be. (You can
Re-M9 the two guards by Emma here just to be safe, check the Zs).. There is
another guard there, becareful when going against him since he isn't looking
up at the stairway. M9 him first then grab his tags and go back to where
Emma is. Check the Z's on the two guards, they should be expiring. Re-M9
them and drag Emma down the stairs and nearly all the way up the stairs.

From there, go up the stairs alone and across the hall to behind boxes. A new
guard should pop out from the connecting bridge. Hold him up from behind and
grab his tags. Get Emma and move on out to KL connecting bridge.

KL Connecting bridge

Dog Tags:
044 - Kaori Yae

Take out the two cyphers, if you want to be safe, use a chaff grenade first
then peek out to take out the Cyphers. Then, go across the patched bridge
and at the T intersection, look at the side without fire to see a guard coming
up on the bridge. He should be turning around, so you can hold him up easily.

Go back and grab Emma and get into Strut L.
Strut L, Sewage Treatment Facility

Dog Tags:
045 - Isao A Sato
046 - Ryan J Schettle

Two guards inside the place. Take em from behind with M9 and get their tags
one by one. Oh, since Vamp, none of the guards have any ration. So, I didn't
bother shaking em. I don't think they do from the first time I beat extreme.
I would shake em while they are alive and shakin in their boots. Then I
would shake em when they are sleepin, then I would shake em when they are
dead. They didn't wanna give me ration... so, oh well. Moving on to the
sniping of the guards while protecting Emma section.

Strut L, Oil fence

Dog Tags:

Here is another fun place =) First off, equip Thermal Goggles and snipe out
the claymore thats on Emma's first path. Then snipe the 1 guard at the 1st
pole. Then snipe out any close by Cyphers. Wait a bit, and you will see
numerous guards start popping out from all edges of the pole, use a Pentazemin
and take out all 4 guards. You still have Pentazemin on, so use your thermal
goggle again and look past the 2nd pole to the final oil fence area that
Emma will be walking on. Take out the claymores that you can currently see.

Try to take out as many as you can. Then look back at Emma, while you are
going back, take out as many Cyphers as you can. As Emma is disappearing
around the pole, take out the guard that comes out on the upper floor.

Now, take care of the Cyphers, they are wanting to ambush Emma on the
next set of fences. Also take care of the next guard on the 2nd pole.
Soon, you'd see guards popping up from all over, use another Pentazemin
and take care of em all. After this set, move to the right most area that
you can move to and equip your thermal goggle again. Find the one mine
that is so close to one of the poles that you KNOW the developers tried
to hide it. If you can't see it, move around a bit in the area.

Now, remember to take out the guard that appears on the upper floor when
Emma gets on it. Its like pole 1. After you did that, just take care of
any Cyphers that come along and you are home free.

As for Vamp 2, you can do it, use Pentazemin, aim for the head, and smack
him good.

Now you have 180 seconds to get to Shell 1's elevator. Not to hard
considering you are already at Strut E all of the sudden.

Strut E, Parcel Room

Dog Tags:
023 - David A Ginepri

Go up the stairs and you'd see the guard jamming to his tune. He is facing
your direction, so to make it quick and painless, go up and around the area and
hold him up from the side. Grab his dog tag and proceed to EF connecting

EF connecting bridge

Dog Tags:

Cyphers are everywhere, but the guard thats usually up on top of the Heliport
isn't there anymore! Yay! Take care of the Cypher with SOCOM or AK or Chaff
and move into Shell 1 Core.

Shell 1 Core

Dog Tags:

There are a couple of Claymores left in the hall, grab em if you lie, or just
move to the top and get into elevator.

Next thing you know, yer in Arsenal Gear! Whoope!

Arsenal Gear, Stomach

Dog Tags:

Against Solidus' tentacle...

Use your fingernail tip to scrape against the triangle button back and forth,
fast as you can! Because you are using the fingernail tactic, it should be
pretty easy.

After Olga feeling up your nad with her wussy punch, Rose will call in saying
she wants to punch your nad too. When you are released, move to the right
until you reach Jejunum.

Arsenal Gear, Jejunum

Dog Tags:

When you can move, wait till the first guard looks away and move to the right
and up the stairs. Press yourself against the wall before reaching the very
top of the stairs and peek to the left. When the guard is going away, cross
the skybridge to the other side and go south. You should find a box there.

Move north until you cross two skybridges, you should now see a guard crossing
a skybridge and heading your way. Use the box you just found and duck under
it beside a cabinet thingie until the guard moves north. Follow him up and
when he stops, stop behind him. Wait till he moves onto the bridge and
continue north when he does.

When you get to the last skybridge, push yourself as you duck against the
small guard rail of the skybridge and look up with the right analog stick
to see the camera on the other side as well as a guard patrolling. When
the guard is going back toward the other side, look up at the camera.
When the camera is turning away from you, move in and get under the camera.
Equip the box and wait till the guard comes around again.

When the guard turns to leave, move to the very north end and wait for the
guard to come back. When he is looking toward the camera and moves toward
the camera, go past him and go through the door.

Arsenal Gear, Ascending Colon

Dog Tags:

Answer codec calls until Rose calls you. After that, when you get all the
clothing, start practicing your swordsmanship. Don't try to knock out Snake
now. Its useless and would only get yourself hurt. When done, its time for
some fun and excitement =)

Arsenal Gear, Ileum

Dog Tags:
000 - Hideo Kojima

Welp, here it is, fun and excitement! There are many ways to go about this,
in any case, equip your M9 and run backward a bit. Put Snake to sleep and
equip your PSG1/PSG1-T and snipe the top two snipers. If you can't see em,
use Thermal Goggles. Now, move to rightmost side, and you should see body
parts sticking out. Snipe em on the body part and wait till the drug kick
in. Use the Stinger weapon to check if any guard remain. Move in when

In the next section, have M9 equipped again, soon as Snake starts firing,
hit him again with a M9. Now, run back and wait till the sword wielding
guard comes upon you. You can take em out with either AKs, or use your HF
blade turned blue to take care of them. When no more sword people come,
start sniping again.

In the next section, just fall back and Snake should come with you. Now...
Snipe whatever you can and when you can't get the rest, move in with HF
blade! Or AK.

Here comes the hard part if you don't want to kill anyway. What you need
to do is, as soon as the final area begins, rush to the rightside, and
defend yourself against the sword wielding guards that are coming right now.

Now, what you will do is, use your Sniper and take out the guards that are
shooting at you all. There are 5 places that they can be. One is to the
very left, near a stairway. One is to the right of that, on the second
floor up, might be two guards there. One is to the bottom of that, behind
a box. And one is to the right of that, two guards hiding behind a box.
And the last one is to the top of that, a guard on second floor. You take
care of those shooters and Snake will kill all the sword wielding bastards
that come around. If for some reason, Snake isn't doing his job, whip out
your HF blade to take care of them. It shouldn't be too difficult, I was
able to take out all of them without using a ration. When my health is low,
I just ducked and regained health.

Oh, here is where you get the last dog tag, if you haven't gotten it yet.
Just shoot Snake in the face with a M9 and shake him good.

On to the next fun part =)

Arsenal Gear, Sigmoid Colon

Dog Tags:
You got em all, so we'd stop it with the dogtags =)

This is even more exciting. Arena of death! The problem with this area now
comes down to lack of ammo. If you waste it, you'd realize you won't be able
to get through it! Unless you are extremely proficient with HF blade.

HF blade works well enough, but the problem is getting too close and being hit
by people's punches.

What I did was I stood at the narrow alleyway leading up to the ladder to the
top, and I ducked there with AK, M4, Socom, everything I got in my arsenal,
and just aimed for the people without swords. Whenever people with swords
are stabbing at me, I stand up and kick/punch them. This got me through it
without using a single ration either.

If you have good tips on how to get through this section, I'd be happy to hear
about it!

On to the Metal Gear Ray battle!

Arsenal Gear, Rectum

Use the tactics laid out in the Extreme BOSS faq and you should get through
the level fine. The only exception is that whenever you are running low on
ammo, as you dodge the 3 locking missiles from rays, pick up a box of ammo.

So, have patience and get through 20 Rays. You can do it!

Did it by using 1 bandage, no ration. So it can be done =)
Save time - 13:01:23

Now, use the same method as last time to get thru the strangling Solidus.
I think it lasts about 30 seconds, I'm not sure. But my O2 meter went down
about by half. Now, watch more ending and prepare to fight Solidus.

Federal Hall

The FAQ for fighting Solidus could be found in the extreme bosses FAQ. He
isn't that hard =) Just becareful of his dual sword downward slash. I did it
without using a single ration. Not sure why I saved both of them this far
for... On a side note, you CAN block his rush attacks on the 2nd half. A
correction from the EXTREME Boss faq.

When you beat him, pat yourself in the back, you just achieved the near
impossible ! Yay ^_^

My end results --
PLAY TIME / 13 : 19 : 20

Best Record:

PLAY TIME / 02:38:16
USED ITEMS / Bandana
All 3 Wigs

Your result cannot be worse than mine. This is a result from testing all
various methods at going through a room, and also killing myself intentionally
whenever I get discovered or when I feel there is a better way of getting
through a room. It is all done to bring you this FAQ =) I'd love to know
your end results that you got from using this FAQ!

Thank you for playing MGS2!

IV. Misc Information
- How to "hold em up"

To surprise a guard from the front is difficult, and I'd advise you not to
attempt it. Normally, you would run up behind a guard without alerting him to
your presence, then hold down the square button (fire button). You can do
this with many different types of weapon. Just as long as you don't kill.
-- To easily hold a guard up, first you use M9 to make them goto sleep then
what you need to do is make it so when they get up after being sprayed by
the coolant, you'd end up behind them. As they get up, just have the gun
with the laser sight going over them.
-- Other method to holding them up includes Raiden Flip into them, and as
they get up, you hold them up from behind. Or punch and kick, and when
they get up, you hold them. You could also land on them. Another one is
when you release the strangle hold, just equip your weapon and hold them
-- A note, a guard that you already held up, if you drag them, and let
them go, they'd stay held up with their hands in the air.

** Addendum 2/14/2002

To punch to wake them up: Grab the unconcious guard by his legs, and move
your back to a wall. Turn around and drop the guard. His body should move
into the wall, pushing his head up against it. I think you roughly stand
over his crotch, and go into 1st person. Punch only the first strike(the
other punch and kick dont hit him). If you see him shake with the impact
of your fists, you're doing it right. If not, move closer or farther apart.
This is a little tough to get, but it works once you get used to it.
- Submitted by Shadowfax

- How to "get the tags"

Very simple, after you held a guard up, you must get infront of him, so he
could see the gun pointing at him. What you need to do, is while you have
the fire button held down, push and hold L1 -- and go in the direction you
want to go. Get infront, and go into FPV by pushing R1. Now, point the gun
in his face or crotch area, and he'd start to shake. You'd get dog tag that

- How to beat the "tough guy"

When someone that you point a gun to in the face doesn't shake with fear, he
needs to be taught a lesson. Change your weapon to something that really
hurts but doesn't kill him (ie, change from M9 to SOCOM, AK, M4, but NOT
Grenade Launcher), and then shoot him in the arms or legs. When you point
your gun at his face again, he'd change his tone.

- Contact information

If you have additional tips about stuff that would help in beating EXTREME
mode without RADAR/BANDANA/STEALTH or if you found grevious errors, please
write me an email at

Please do not send in tips like "You can see Jennifer's Panties." I welcome
any emails with proper subject headings =) I usually delete emails without
a heading nowadays due to viruses...

I'd love to know if there are easier ways to beat Fatman, the Arsenal Gear
Guard blood baths, and other things that make the fight easier.

And once again, if you went through this as I did, Congratulations!

Copyright 2001 - 2002 Chung Tsen
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14.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Ending Analysis, AI & Evolution

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14.Oktober 2013
Script (Tanker Chapter)

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14.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Savegame zur PAL Version

17.Oktober 2013
Walkthrough for the PAL Version

15.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
MGS 2 Dog Tags List LV - Tank

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18.Oktober 2013
Big Boss Rank and Boss Guide

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13.Oktober 2013

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FAQ für Boss Kämpfe im EXTREME Modus

17.Oktober 2013
FAQ/Walkthrough für den EXTREME Modus

14.Oktober 2013
Starte im Strut L Oil Fence

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Das Level "Betrieb" ist beendet auf dem Extrem Modus und alle dog tags sind freigeschaltet.

15.Oktober 2013
Musik und Lyrik Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020