

18.10.2013 08:37:19


| Explomaen FAQ/Walkthrough |
| By SS Nappa |

Author: Casper van der Veen
Residence: Veenendaal, Utrecht, Netherlands
E-mailadress: nappa_lover@hotmail.com.
Version: 1.0

---------------- 1 – Table of Contents ------------------

1. Table of Contents
2. Legal Disclaimer
3. Version History
4. Controls
5. Characters
6. Strategies
7. Single Player
· The Forest
· Pacman World
· The Ice world
· The Toys World
8. Multiplayer
9. Enemies
10. Item list
11. Cheats
12. Thanks & Credits

---------------- 2 – Legal Disclaimer -------------------

OK, let’s get this boring stuff out of the way first:


You may not sell this FAQ for money, no matter how much the amount of money
is. Not that I think anyone is willing to pay money for this, it’s just the
law. You can e-mail me with your questions if you have any. My e-mail
address is already written above of here, but I will repeat it. It’s
nappa_lover@hotmail.com. But please, read the FAQ first before you e-mail
me. I hate to copy what the FAQ says. It’s not here for nothing, you know.
You also may not publish it in any way (like in papers, magazines, etc.).
Anyone who ignores these rules can be arrested by the police, for it is a
violation of the law.


You can post this FAQ on your website, but you may not change or damage the
FAQ, it has to be in its original state. And, it needs to have my name on it
too. I also like to be told where you are gonna post it, so e-mail me first
before you post it on your website. Anyone who ignores these rules can be
arrested by the police, for it is a violation of the law.


© Copyright 2001 by Casper van der Veen also known as SS Nappa. All right
reserved by Casper van der Veen. Check above to see what this copyright
contains. Anyone who ignores this copyright can be arrested by the police,
for it is a violation of the law.

----------------- 3 – Version History -------------------

Version 1.0: This is the first and probably the only version. Maybe I’ll
update again because I still don’t know anything about two items, and maybe
I’ll find some more cheat because this FAQ was completely written without
Internet (I’ve just moved, so there isn’t cable yet :( ).

--------------------- 4 – Controls ----------------------

There aren’t so many controls for this game. These are the controls:

Enter: Place a bomb. You can only place 2 bombs at a time unless you find
the extra Bomb item

Shift: Jump. Pretty useless.

Ctrl: Throw or explode an item (this doesn’t work with every item)

Arrows: Control your Bomber.

Esc: Pause the game.

Note: For some reason my keys only work at the right side of the keyboard,
but I don’t know if that’s with every PC.

-------------------- 5 – Characters ---------------------

Bernie: The main character of the game. He’s a man with a yellow helmet and
a blue shirt. He is a professional Bomber

Angela M.: A girl with purple hair and pink clothes. She doesn’t look like
it, but she’s a good Bombergirl.

Robbie: A grey robot with some black/yellow spots. He also has square-eyes.
He must’ve been watching too much TV.

Visitor: A green alien with only one eye. Sent from another galaxy to help
the other Bombers.

Kuulio: Cool guy with sunglasses ad green hair and yellow/purple clothes. He
ran away from home to make money elsewhere.

Nato Joe: Soldier with green helmet and camouflage clothes. In the army,
this guy was specialized in bombs, so that’s why he’s here.

Jordan: Black basketball-player with three brown hairs, sunglasses and a
basketball suit. He didn’t get paid enough as a basketball player, so he
decides to take a job as a Bomber. They took him because he’s good with
round objects.

Sergio: Decent guy with slick black hair and a blue suit with a tie. He was
presenting a gameshow called: Conquer your Fears. But one day some guy from
the public said that Sergio himself didn’t have the guts to conquer HIS
fears. Sergio said he could. He was afraid of explosives, so he is now
working as a Bomber.

*** Create your own Bomber ***

Go to an empty file. You can only choose the faces of a guy in the game, but
you can give it your own name.

-------------------- 6 – Strategies ---------------------

* Here are some strategies to kill an enemy:


X – Wall
R – Rock
E – Enemy
B – Place where you should put the bomb


This way the enemy will be stuck in a corner and have no place to run away
from the bomb.


In here the enemy will also be stuck in a corner. This is really useful if
it takes two bombs to kill the enemy.


This way, you bomb the rock so the enemy will walk into the blast and dies.
This also works for extra points (10 for the enemy, 2 for the rocks).
Sometimes this trick doesn’t work

Another strategy is to, when you die and live again and are invincible for a
while, to put the bomb on the same space as the enemy is. Then the enemy
can’t run away anymore. You can also use this strategy when you have the
shield item.
Note: In the later levels an enemy can walk over a bomb.

------------------ 7 – Single Player --------------------

Here’s the walkthrough for the Single Player levels:

You first see your Bomber walking towards the woods. That’s also world 1.

*** World 1: The Forest ****

This is where the game begins.

World: 1-1

Enemies: Red Helmet, Turtle

Walkthrough: Try to get the enemies in a corner and then bomb them. But
watch out for the turtles, ‘cause they can hide in their shell. After you
defeated all the enemies, the exit will open.

Items: Extra Bomb, Speed Up, ?-item

World: 1-2

Enemies: Red Helmet, Turtle, Green Helmet

Walkthrough: Well, it’s almost the same as world 1-1, but there only is one
more enemy, the Green Helmet. He looks like the Red Helmet. The only
difference is that he’s a little bigger, AND that it takes TWO bombs to
defeat him. Use my second strategy in Chapter 6 if that’s possible.

Items: Bigger Explosion, Heart, ?-item

World: 1-3

Enemies: Red Helmet, Green Helmet, Witch, Turtle

Walkthrough: Okay, now it’s starting to get hard. Witches can shoot fire, so
make sure you don’t stand right in front of them. They also have a good
side, the fire can also hit the other enemies.
To kill everyone else, you need to be smart, get them in a corner, make the
witches destroy them. Whatever you do, this level can take some time, so be

Items: Extra Bomb, Speed Up, Dizziness, ?-item

World: 1-4

Enemies: Glove, Pink Bunny, Cannon, Ant

Walkthrough: AAAAH!!! Only new enemies. If you have some trouble (and you
could have it with the Cannon and the Glove) check Chapter 9. The Pink
bunnies are fast, so you need to be fast too. Watch out for the cannon’s

Items: Bigger Explosion, Shield, Throw Bomb, ?-item

World: 1-5

Enemies: Witch, Green Helmet, Red Helmet

Walkthrough: There are a LOT of enemies in here, so you have a lot to do.
Try to get a lot together and then place a bomb so you’ll be sure to kill at
least one.

Items: Speed Up, Bigger Explosion, Extra Time, ?-item

After you defeat world 1-5 you see yourself walking to the Pacman World!

*** World 2: Pacman World ***

The second world. You’re in a computer. There are two new things: the
Teleporter and the Assembly Line. The rocks are now grey cubes

World: 2-1

Enemies: Yellow Ghost, Pacman

Walkthrough: The Yellow Ghost are pretty weak, but they always run away
scared as soon as they notice a bomb. But the ghost isn’t your biggest
problem, the Pacmen are.

Items: Bigger Explosion, Time Bomb, ?-item

World: 2-2

Enemies: Pacman, Yellow Ghost, Weirdo

Walkthrough: Okay, you need to use strategy on this one. Try to teleport
yourself to an enemy, place a bomb and teleport away again. This is only
possible if there is an enemy near the teleport.

Item: Extra Bomb, Speed Up, Slowmotion, ?-item,

World: 2-3

Enemies: Yellow Ghost, Pacman, Weirdo, Cannon

Walkthrough: This world’s full of Yellow Ghosts. There really are a lot. And
the cannon is back too, so you have a lot to worry about.

Item: Kick, Extra Life, Throw Bomb, Bigger Explosion, ?-item

World: 2-4

Enemies: Cannon, Turtle, Pacman, Yellow Ghost, Weirdo

Walkthrough: This is a pretty busy world, there are a lot of enemies. Just
finish the cannons first because he could kill you when you’re just busy and
you don’t that, now would you?

Items: Throw Bomb, Speed Up, Dizziness, ?-item

World: 2-5

Enemies: Pacman, Cannon, Witch, Weirdo, Turtle

Walkthrough: Again, a lot of cannons in here. Just kill them first like you
did before so you’re out of here to the Ice World!

Items: Bigger Explosion, Ghost, Extra Time, ?-item

After you defeat world 2-5 you see yourself walking to the Ice World!

*** World 3: The Ice World ***

In the Ice World you have something that looks like an Assembly Line, but
it’s ice you slide over and you can go to all sides, not just one side like
with the Assembly Line. The rocks are now white cubes.

World: 3-1

Enemies: Penguin, Snowman

Walkthrough: I know what you’re thinking: just two enemies, no big deal.
Well, then let me tell you something. Those snowmen are REALLY annoying.
They can just knock your bombs away and only a big blast will kill them. So
good luck!

Items: Extra Bomb, Ghost, ?-item

World: 3-2

Enemies: Penguin, Snowman, Weirdo

Walkthrough: Well it’s almost the same as the other levels, just more
enemies. Well, actually only the lot of snowmen is annoying, but if you have
some experience with them you should be able to do it.

Items: Shield, Bigger Explosion, Throw Bomb, ?-item

World: 3-3

Enemies: Cannon, Snowman, Penguin, Weirdo, Glove

Walkthrough: The glove and the cannon are back. Add some snowmen and some
stupid Penguins and Weirdo’s and you have a pretty hard time! You’ll have
some serious trouble solving this one, at least it took me some time. Thank
goodness there aren’t so much enemies.

Items: Extra Bomb, Heart, Extra Time, ?-item

World: 3-4

Enemies: Glove, Snowman, Penguin, Weirdo, Witch

Walkthrough: Okay this one’s harder than 3-3 because there’s a witch and
there are more enemies (snowmen, weirdo’s, penguins, everything!). Good

Items: Speed Up, Slowmotion, ?-item

World: 3-5

Enemies: Glove, Snowman, Weirdo, Cannon

Walkthrough: Okay, this is a pretty hard level, about just as hard as the
previous ones. Try to find the Extra Life item. This is also the only Ice
level without Penguins.

Items: Kick, Extra Life, Dizziness, ?-item

After you defeat world 3-5 you see yourself walking to the Toys World!

*** World 4: The Toys World ***

The Assembly Line is back in this world, that’s actually it. And the rocks
are now pawns.

World: 4-1

Enemies: Jokerbox, Ant

Walkthrough: This world’s really FULL with enemies. There may be only two
different kinds, but there are a lot of them though! And the Jokerbox is
pretty hard to defeat too!

Items: Heart, Ghost, ?-item

World: 4-2

Enemies: Jokerbox, Ant, Pink Bunny

Walkthrough: Another tough level. The Pink Bunny’s back, but there are a LOT
of Jokerboxes, and I think that’s your main problem. You will also have a
fence for the first time in this level. You can push it so you can walk
around it, but you can’t push it from all the sides.

Items: Extra Bomb, Extra Life, Dizziness, ?-item

World: 4-3

Enemies: Jokerbox, Ant, Pink Bunny, Robot

Walkthrough: This one’s pretty hard too. Thank goodness there aren’t so much
Jokerboxes. Take care of the Robot first.

Items: Bigger Explosion, Slowmotion, Extra Time, ?-item

World: 4-4

Enemies: Robot, Pink Bunny, Jokerbox, Turtle, Ant

Walkthrough: A LOT of enemies. You need to think with strategy here. There
are a lot of corners, try to get the enemies there. Good luck, you’ll need

Items: Extra Bomb, Shield, Heart, ?-item

World: 4-5

Enemies: Jokerbox, Robot, Pink Bunny, Cannon

Walkthrough: 4 Jokerboxes, 4 Robots, 2 Pink Bunnies and 2 Cannons. Can you
handle it? Try to spare all of your lives, make no sacrifices, ‘cause you’ll
be sorry later. Get some guys in corners, the usual. Check my Strategies
Section again if you like and go for it!

Items: Time Bomb, Ghost, Throw Bomb, ?-item

After you defeat world 4-5 you will be congratulated that you solved all
levels in Explomaen. After that, you see yourself walking towards the sea
and you will be able to record a High Score if you have enough points.

| Congratulations! You’ve beaten the game Explomaen! |

------------------- 8 – Multiplayer ---------------------

This chapter isn’t so big. You can play multiplayer mode with up to 4
players. If you want to play with 4 players you better have two Joysticks,
or else it’ll be busy at the keyboard. With 3 players you can better have 1
Joystick and with 2 players you don’t NEED a joystick, it’s handy though.
You can also play over Internet, which is more fun because if you’re alone,
you can play against 3 players.
There are 5 Worlds you can pick: Forest, Pacman, Ice, Toys and Random. If
you choose Random you never know what world you’ll get, so if you like
surprises choose it.
Note: If you want to play online you need to be logged in BEFORE you start
the game.

--------------------- 9 – Enemies -----------------------

*** Ant ***

Description: A big ant
Bomb it takes to defeat: 1
Worlds it appears in: 1-4, 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4
Specialities: They’re pretty quick.

*** Cannon ***

Description: A cannon on wheels
Bombs it take to defeat: 1
Worlds it appears in: 1-4, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 3-3, 3-5, 4-5
Specialities: It can shoot bombs

*** Glove ***

Description: A white glove with eyes
Bombs it take to defeat: 2
Worlds it appears in: 1-4, 3-3, 3-4, 3-5
Specialities: It takes two times to defeat it

*** Green Helmet ***

Description: A pear with feet and eyes and a green helmet
Bombs it take to defeat: 1 or 2
Worlds it appears in: 1-2, 1-3, 1-5
Specialities: It takes one or two times to defeat it.

*** Jokerbox ***

Description: A box with a head coming out
Bombs it takes to defeat: 2
Worlds it appears in: 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5
Specialities: It can hide in its box and knock your bombs away.

*** Pacman ***

Description: A round head, just like Pacman
Bombs it take to defeat: 2
Worlds it appears in: 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5
Specialities: It takes two times to defeat it.

*** Penguin ***

Description: A black penguin
Bombs it take to defeat: 1
Worlds it appears in: 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4
Specialities: None

*** Pink Bunny ***

Description: A pink bunny head
Bombs it take to defeat: 1
Worlds it appears in: 1-4, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5
Specialities: None

*** Red Helmet ***

Description: A pear with feet and eyes and a red helmet
Bombs it take to defeat: 1
Worlds it appears in: 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-5
Specialities: None

*** Robot ***

Description: A grey robot, looks like Robbie a bit.
Bombs it takes to defeat: 1
Worlds it appears in: 4-3, 4-4, 4-5
Specialities: It can shoot fire.

*** Snowman ***

Description: A snowman
Bombs it take to defeat: 1
Worlds it appears in: 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, 3-5
Specialities: It can shoot fire and bombs and it can knock your bombs away.

*** Turtle ***

Description: A turtle with a green shell
Bombs it take to defeat: 1
Worlds it appears in: 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 2-4, 2-5, 4-4
Specialities: It can hide in its shell. If he does that bombs don’t hurt

*** Weirdo ***

Description: A weird guy with sharp teeth and a flapping head
Bombs it take to defeat: 1
Worlds it appears in: 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, 3-5
Specialities: It’s ugly :)

*** Witch ***

Description: A head with a witch’s hat and feet
Bombs it take to defeat: 1
Worlds it appears in: 1-3, 1-5, 2-5, 3-4
Specialities: It can shoot fire.

*** Yellow Ghost ***

Description: A yellow ghost
Bombs it take to defeat: 1
Worlds it appears in: 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4
Specialities: It runs away as soon as it sees a bomb

-------------------- 10 – Item List ---------------------

Here I will describe all items.

*** ?-item ***

When you get this item, you will be given an item, random chosen. You can
also get a trail of bombs behind you that’ll explode very fast. If this
happens, RUN AWAY! This item looks like a blue square with a ? on it.

*** Bigger Explosion ***

The explosion of your bombs will be bigger, so you’re able to whip more
enemies. This item looks like a blue square with a yellow explosion.

*** Dizziness ***

A stupid item. All buttons will be switched (right = left, left = right,
etc.). This item looks like a blue square with Bernie with stars around his

*** Extra Bomb ***

Instead of two, you can now lay down 3 bombs at a time. This item looks like
a blue square with a + and a Bomb on it.

*** Extra Life ***

You’ll get an extra life. This item looks like a blue square with a + and a
Bernie on it.

*** Extra Time ***

You’ll get some extra time. This item looks like a blue square with some
clocks in it.

*** Ghost ***

Even I don’t know anything about this item. If you know what it is, please
tell me. This item looks like a blue square with a ghost in it.

*** Heart ***

You will be able to let yourself get killed once without losing a life. This
item looks like a blue square with a + and a Heart in it.

*** Kick ***

Even I don’t know anything about this item. If you know what it is, please
tell me.

*** Shield ***

You’ll be invincible for a while. This item looks like a blue square with a
Bernie with a circle on him.

*** Slowmotion ***

You will walk very slow for a while. This item looks like a blue square with
a clock with a cross through it.

*** Speed Up ***

You’ll walk faster. This item looks like a blue square with a red stick on

*** Throw Bomb ***

You can now throw a bomb with Ctrl. This item looks like a blue square with
a Bomb getting tossed away.

*** Time Bomb ***

You can lay down a bomb with enter and explode it with Ctrl. This item looks
like a bomb with a green device next to it.

--------------------- 11 – Cheats -----------------------

The section where everyone has waited for. I found out all these cheats by
myself, so there might be some more later when I check the Internet.

*** More or less enemies ***

Go to the map Explomaen. You see a lot of Notepad files called 1-1.txt,
1-2.txt all the way to 4-5.txt. If you open one you see the names of the
enemies with a number behind them. Put them all to one to make it easy, or
all to 9 when you’re feeling bold. I have to admit it, I used this cheat on
World 4-4 and 4-5, but only those worlds, really.

*** More or less items ***

Go to the map Explomaen. You see a lot of Notepad files called 1-1.txt,
1-2.txt all the way to 4-5.txt. If you open one you see the names of the
items with a number behind them. Put them all to nine to make it easy, or
all to one when you’re feeling bold.

---------------- 12 – Thanks & Credits ------------------

I want to thank all of these people for helping me with my FAQ:

Myself, for writing this FAQ :)

All the visitors of this FAQ.

God, for supporting me while playing the game and while making this FAQ.

Soft Enterprises, for making this game.

My friend Henk-Reijer Rijstenberg, for bringing this game to my home and
installing it.

That’s it. If you have a question e-mail me at nappa_lover@hotmail.com. For
the rights you have for the document check chapter two.

Yours sincerely,

SS Nappa

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