WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It

WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It

15.10.2013 01:08:02
Chris Benoit (Bio, Stategies, Moves)
Game - WWF Smackdown!: Just Bring it
Content - Chris Benoit (Bio, Stategies, Moves)
Author - Paul Myers
Email - Sikok93453@aol.com
Created - 12/21/01
Finished - N/A
Last Updated - 12/24/01

1) Introduction
2) Revision History
3) Plans
4) Bio/Stats
5) Strategies
6) Movelist
7) Suggested Move Changes
8) Thanks
9) Links
10) Legal Stuff

1) Intro

This is my very first finish of an FAQ, I chose Chris Benoit because I
like his style of wrestling. While making this I found out a LOT of
stuff I didn't know, and all that stuff just made him cooler. I am
making this FAQ to give you all the information you need to play as
Chris Benoit, hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it... and

2) Revision History

1.0 Just Started, got most of the stuff in here, just need to
finish it
1.5 Added a "Revision History" and worked a little on the
things in here
2.0 Cleaned up the FAQ a bit, getting started on the "suggested
move changes" section
2.5 Cleaned up the FAQ a LOT, added a place for the type of
move and damage of move for each attack, added a links
section, still not finished yet
3.0 Done with the whole thing, I may add something later,
correct typos here and there, but for the most part I am
3.5 Added one more thing I just thought of, the effect of the
moves, added the "Plans" section to tell you what i have in
store, this will update a lot probably. Also added the "...
and poop" thing on the introduction... I'm not going to
send the next update in until I am done

3) Plans

1) Eventually goind to add what moves KO an opponent
2) Going to add descriptions of each move so you know what
your using and if you got it right

4) Stats/Bio

(thanks to The Wolverines Den and WWF.com)

-Stats- (thanks to The Wolverines Den)
Name: Chris Benoit
Real Name: Chris Benoit
Other Aliases:
Wild Pegasus
Pegasus Kid
The Crippler
The Canadian Crippler
The Wolverine
The Human Buzzsaw
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 229 lbs.
Birthdate: 5/21/67
Birthplace: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Favorite Quote: "Prove me wrong!"
Pro Wrestler since 1985
Career Highlights:
Stampede British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight Championship (4)
Stampede Tag Team Championship (4)
UWA Light Heavyweight Championship
CWA Tag Team Championship
IWPG Junior Heavyweight Championship
Top of the Super Junior Tournament '93
Super J Cup '94
Super Grade Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Tournament
The Best of Super Junior Tournament '95
ECW Tag Team Championship
WCW Tag Team Championship (3)
WCW TV Championship (3)
WCW US Championship (2)
WCW World Championship
WWF Intercontinental Championship (3)
WWF Tag Team Champions

Finishing Move (press L1):
(Crippler) Crossface (Face the Groggy Opponent)
TEC 3 - 7
Give Up

Signature Moves:
Knife Hand Chops
Diving Headbutt
Dragon Suplex
German Suplex

-Bio- (thanks to WWF.com)
Chris Benoit's journey to the top has ended right where it should - on
top - in the World Wrestling Federation. There is no doubt that this
young man has already proven he can achieve extraordinary things inside
the squared circle, and now that he's with the WWF, his career may hit
heights few have seen before.

5) Stategies

If you look at the movelist a choice should be obvious... Work on the
arms, he has a lot of cool looking armbar attacks, if not then work on
the head, either one works, although I personally work on the arms.

6) Movelist

Controls: Name of Move
TYPE min -(through) max (damage)

POW = Power
SPE = Speedy
TEC = Technical
ROU = Rough Neck

Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
L2: Taunt Chris Jericho
Down + L2: Taunt Chris Jericho
Left + L2: Taunt Chris Benoit 2
Up + L2: Taunt Chris Jericho
Right + L2: Taunt Chris Benoit 2
Winning Move: Chris Benoit
Entrance Moves: Chris Benoit
Entrance Movie: Chris Benoit
Entrance Music: Chris Benoit

-Ready Moves-
X: Benoit Punch
ROU 1 - 3
X + X: Chop
POW 1 - 5
X + X + X: Clothesline 2
POW 2 - 6
Down + X: Drop Kick
SPE 1 - 4
Down/(Right/Left) + X: Toe Kick
ROU 1 - 3
Left + X: Snap Jab
ROU 1 - 3
Up/(Right/Left) + X: Stone Cold Punches 1
ROU 1 - 3
Up + X: Clothesline 2
POW 2 - 6
Right + X: Chop
POW 1 - 5
O: Irish Whip
0 - 0
Down + O: DDT 2
POW 2 - 6
Left + O: Scoop Slam 2
POW 2 - 6
Up + O: Club to Neck 2
ROU 2 - 4
Right + O: Snap Suplex
TEC 2 - 6
O: Irish Whip
0 - 0
Down + O: Dragon Screw 2
TEC 2 - 6
Left + O: Pendulum Backbreaker
POW 2 - 6
Up + O: Stomache Crusher
POW 2 - 6
Right + O: Suplex 2
POW 2 - 6
O: Irish Whip
0 - 0
Down + O: Northern Lights Suplex
SPE 3 - 6
Left + O: Arm Drag & Armbar
TEC 2 - 6
Give Up
Up + O: Flipping Armbar 2
TEC 2 - 6
Give Up
Right + O: Rolling Armbar
TEC 2 - 6
Give Up
-Back Attack-
O: Irish Whip
0 - 0
Down + O: High Angle Backdrop
POW 2 - 6
Left + O: Benoit German Suplex
TEC 3 - 7
Up + O: Dragon Sleeper
TEC 2 - 6
Right + O: Release German Suplex
TEC 2 - 6
O: Irish Whip
0 - 0
Down + O: German Suplex Pin
SPE 2 - 5
Left + O: Benoit German Suplex
TEC 3 - 7
Up + O: Abdominal Stretch 1
TEC 2 - 6
Give Up
Right + O: Multiple German Suplex
TEC 3 - 7

X: Angrey Stomp
ROU 1 - 3
Up/Down + X: Knee Drop
ROU 1 - 3
Left/Right + X: Elbow Drop
POW 1 - 5
O: Raise
0 - 0
Down + O: Pin Fall
0 - 0
Left + O: Armbar 2
TEC 2 - 6
Give Up
Up + O: Abdominal Stretch 2
TEC 2 - 6
Give Up
Right + O: Armbar 3
TEC 2 - 6
Give Up
O: Raise
0 - 0
Down + O: Pin Fall
0 - 0
Left + O: Sharpshooter
SPE 3 - 6
Give Up
Up + O: Leg Lock 3
TEC 2 - 6
Give Up
Right + O: STF
TEC 3 - 6
Give Up

X: Turnbuckle Clothesline
POW 2 - 6
D-Pad + X: Turnbuckle Clothesline
POW 2 - 6
D-pad + X: Knee Attack
ROU 2 - 4
O: Irish Whip
0 - 0
Down + O: Superplex
TEC 2 - 6
Left + O: Big Chop
POW 2 - 6
Up + O: Superplex
TEC 2 - 6
Right + O: Mudhole Stomping
ROU 2 - 4
O: Raise
0 - 0
D-Pad + O: Mudhole Stomping
ROU 2 - 4
-Back Attack-
O: Irish Whip
0 - 0
Down + O: Super Backdrop
SPE 2 - 5
Left + O: Turbnuckle Toe Kick
ROU 2 - 4
Up + O: Super Backdrop
SPE 2 - 5
Right + O: Turnbuckle Toe Kick
ROU 2 - 4

-Rope Opponent-
-Rope Down-
O: Throw to the Rope
ROU 2 - 4
-Rebound Attack-
X: Elbow Attack
ROU 1 - 3
X: Dropkick to Knee
TEC 1 - 5
-Ring Side-
X: Valting Body Press
TEC 2 - 6
-Jump Down Over-
[], X: Dive Through Ropes
SPE 2 - 5

Right + X: Double Axe Handle
ROU 1 - 3
Left + X: Front Dropkick
SPE 2 - 5
X: Diving Headbutt 1
ROU 2 - 4
Down + X: Elbow Drop
POW 2 - 6
Up + X: Knee Drop
ROU 1 - 3

X: Clothesline 6
POW 2 - 6
D-Pad + X: Elbow Attack
ROU 1 - 3
O: Irish Whip
0 - 0
D-Pad + O: Turn Behind
0 - 0
O: Neckbreaker
POW 2 - 6
D-Pad + O: Rolling Clutch Pin
SPE 1 - 4
-Back Attack-
O: Bulldog
ROU 2 - 4
O: School Boy
TEC 1 - 5
-Squating Attack-
X: Benoit Elbow Drop
ROU 1 - 3
D-Pad + X: Dropkick to Knee
TEC 1 - 5
O: Power Slam
POW 2 - 6
Up/Down + O: Flapjack
POW 2 - 6
Left/Right + O: Whirl Back Breaker
SPE 3 - 6

-Double Team-
O: Double Suplex 2
SPE 3 - 6
Down + O: Dropkick & Rolling Clutch
TEC 2 - 6
Left + O: Double Suplex 1
TEC 3 - 7
Up + O: Double Clothesline
POW 3 - 7
Right + O: Double Dropkick
SPE 3 - 6
O: Irish Whip
0 - 0
Down + O: Backbreaker & Leg Drop
TEC 3 - 7
Left + O: Mudhole Stomping
ROU 2 - 4
Up + O: Powerbomb
POW 3 - 7
Right + O: Body Splash & Whip
POW 2 - 6

-Tripple Moves-
D-Pad + O: Suplex & Crossbody
POW 3 - 6

-Special 1-
L1: Crossface
TEC 3 - 7
Give Up
Face the Groggy Opponent
-Special 2-
L1: Diving Headbutt 2
SPE 2 - 5
The Opponent on the Ground:
The Player on the Top Rope

7) Suggested Move Changes

Before you read this remember that this is MY suggestions, you do not
have to do this, this is just what I did.

Ring Out Move: Roll Down
Down + L2: Chris Benoit 1
Up + L2: Chris Benoit 1

-Ready Moves-
X: Benoit Punchches
ROU 1 - 3
X + X: Powerful Chop
POW 2 - 6
X + X + X: Benoit Punches
ROU 1 - 3
Up + O: Rib Breaker
POW 2 - 6
Any Armbar you think looks cool
??? ? - ?
Give Up
-Back Attack-
Right + O: Reverse Brainbuster
TEC 2 - 6
Up + O: Dragon Suplex Pin
SPE 3 - 6

Up/Down + X: Stone Cold Elbow Drop 1
POW 2 - 6
Any Armbar you think looks cool
??? ? - ?
Give Up
Left + O: Deathlock with Bridge
SPE 2 - 6
Give Up
Up + O: Any Leg Lock you think looks cool
??? ? - ?
Give Up

D-Pad + X: Clothesline & Bulldog
ROU 2 - 4
Down + O: Double Underhook Superplex
TEC 2 - 6
D-Pad + O: Foot Choke
POW 2 - 6
-Back Attack-
Down + O: Spider Suplex
TEC 2 - 6
Right + O: D-Von Neckbreaker
ROU 3 - 5

-Rope Opponent-
-Rope Down-
O: Irish Whip
ROU 1 - 3

O: Neckbreaker Drop 2
SPE 2 - 5
-Back Attack-
O: Leg Breaker
TEC 2 - 6

-Double Team-
Down + O: High Angle Backdrop
SPE 3 - 6
Up + O: Hip Throw
SPE 3 - 6
Right + O: Kick to Stomache
ROU 3 - 5

8) Thanks

The Almighty Bob Costas: For doing... something
Me: Cause I have a god complex
WWF: Cause they might suck but they make good games
THQ: Because they make the best Wrestling game this side of the
The Wolverines Den: For the Bio information
To nobody, cause I did all this by myself :P

9) Links

WWF Superstars: Chris Benoit
The Wolverines Den
Game FAQs
My Homepage

10) Legal Stuff

Blah Blah Blah... THQ... Blah Blah Blah... They own the rights to this
game... Blah Blah Blah... WWF... Blah Blah Blah... They own the rights
to themselves... Blah Blah Blah... Me... Blah Blah Blah... Don't take
any of this without my permissions... Blah Blah Blah... Yeah... So there

and the most important thing of all... a fake copywrite

Copywrite 2001 Sikok93453
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