Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth

Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth

14.10.2013 16:59:10
H O S H I G A M I : R U I N I N G B L U E E A R T H
Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth FAQ/Walkthrough Version 2.3
For Playstation(tm) (US version)
By: gyl127
Created: December 27,2001
Mail me at: gyl127@hotmail.com
Approx. Pages - 65 pages

Note: You can e-mail me for suggestions/contributions or comments so
as to improve the guide. They are most welcome and every bit of it is
well appreciated. This guide will be LONGER than anything that I've
done so please understand. Also, I will most likely to update this
guide every week or two so much more revision and updates are expected.
The table of content will be most likely the outline of the guide.
That's all for now. Thanks ^_^ and oh... please read the E-mail policy.

Now, for the walkthrough, this walkthrough is much like an outlined
form of every battle. Take note that I'll only specify only the main
battles meaning the strategy guide for the tower of trials won't be
found in the walkthrough itself but I'll separate it. Much like the
House of Session I'll have a separate topic for it so it won't be hard
for me.


This walkthrough/FAQ is created for personal use only. Noone can use it
for anything that gains profit. Specially Magazines, Game Guides,
Commercial Websites etc... You're not allowed to rip off part(s) of
this guide and put it on your own Walkthrough/FAQ. Anyone doing this is
guilty of "Plagiarism", it is an act of stealing and passing off of
ideas and words of another as one's own with out giving the proper
credit to the real source.

You are not allowed to use this Walkthrough/FAQ as a guide for you to
make your own Walkthrough/FAQ, you must do everything yourself and/or
have others give give info about your game and give them proper credit.
Though its okay to copy the layout.

You can put this Walkthrough/FAQ on your non-commercial or non-profit
website provided that not a single word or character has been edited or
removed and you MUS have MY permission before doing so.


Hello everyone! gyl127 here! To those of you who know me, welcome back!
This is my fourth guide at GameFAQs. Seeing that there aren't any guide
available out there yet so I decided to create one :) As with the
objective of other guides, I too would like to help out gamers out
there who want to know various infos about the game and others, beat
it. I'm not yet finished with my guides, but I'm sure I can finish it.
I love strategy game like this and I'll do my best to make this guide
as helpful as possible.

Now about the game. Imagine a game like Final Fantasy Tactics but this
time no magics, no job classes and no T.G. Cid :) hehehe...
Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth is a whole new world and yep your right
it's a whole new adventure. You take the role of Fazz, a mercenary who
lives in the land of Nightweld in the city of Dissoal. With your
friend Leimrey you were asked to work for the kigndom of Nieghtheld and
after several turns of event ending up into Fazz' own epic adventure.
Okay I won't spoil you anymore so let's start the guide!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| |_| | / \ / \ | |_| | | | / \ / \ | \ / | | |
| _ | | 0 | _ \ \ | _ | | | | _ / /_\ \ | V | | |
|_| |_| \_ _/ \_ _/ | | |_| |_| \_ _| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_|

Ruining Blue Earth



i. E-Mail Policy
I. Updates/Revisions
II. Game Information
A. Game Controls
B. Game Menus
C. Game Basics
- Moving About
- Attacking and Battle system
- The Deities
- Mercenaries
- Tower of Trials
- Coins
- Leveling Up
D. Character Stats
E. Negative Status
III. Character Information
A. Main Characters
B. Arch-Enemies
IV. Story
V. Walkthrough
A. Chapter 1 : Stir
B. Chapter 2 : For whom do you fight
VI. House of Session
VII. Shops
VIII. Items
A. Weapons
C. Armor
D. Accessories
E. Items
IX. Skills
X. Coin FAQs
XI. Seals
XII. Hidden Items Location
XIII. Getting special character
IVX. Gameplay Tips
XVI. Credits


For the past months, I've been receiving such a great number of
e-mails and some of them are quite annoying. So, this time I
decided to put up this e-mail policy for you if you want to send me
an e-mail. Here are the Do's and Don'ts regarding sending me an E-mail.

The Do's
1. Only send me a question, which cannot be found on my guide. I will
be more happy to help you with that.
2. When asking something be more specific in order for me to understand
what you're trying to ask me about.
3. Try to check for the latest version of this guide before sending
questions, contribution, etc. If your using a later version of the
guide, the answer(s) to your questions might have been answered already
and will be most likely to be ignored.
4. Label your e-mail with the following as the topic:
o for questions do something like this Question-Hoshigami
o for contributions do something like this Contribution-[plus the
name of what you'll be contributing] e.g Contribution-Coin Combo
o when correcting typos or misspelled words (don't ask some out there
are too picky) send me the section with the typo just label your
e-mail with Typo.
5. If your a GameFaqs Message Board user you can do your questioning
there I do hang around the GF Message Boards a lot so you may catch me
there. Doing so then just disregard the whole Do's and Don'ts hehehe.....
6. If it happens that I've forgot to give you credit for the contribution,
just e-mail me nicely and I'll respond to you immidiately.
7. If you find the #4 Do's annoying just do the ussual thing when emailing.
8. Be Nice ^_^

The Don'ts
1. Don't send any questions that can be answered from my guide. And
don't be so persistent in doing so.
2. I don't want seeing e-mails that got something like "Your guide is
so stupid", "My baby bro can do alot better". In short don't send me
nonsense e-mail that got nothing to do with the game or FAQ.
3. Don't say bad words. F$#k Y%u! and the likes.
4. And, don't send Chain letters! Please!
(Doing this, your e-mail will be most likely to be ignored)


Version .5 (Started: December 27, 2001)
Version .5 is what you see right now. Much work to be done
expect a lot of updates coming soon!

Version 1 (Started December 31, 2001)
Whew, Now for an update:
o Item List Update
o Character Information section Update
o Equipment FAQs Update
o Walkthrough section Update
o Character Setup (REMOVED)
o FAQs section (new section)
o Skill section Update (Made much better)
o Required level of characters added to walkthrough
o Shop List updated
o Getting Special Characters(new section)

* I haven't added the Hidden Item locations and the coin
FAQ it's not yet finished just wait for the next version

Version 2.3 (Started January 3, 2001)
School just begun I might not be updating alot but I'll
try to update this as often as I could. Few updates
for version 1.3:
o Shop List updated
o Character Info updated
o Hidden Item Location (New Section)
o Coin FAQ (New Section)
o Walkthrough update
o FAQ section update
o Gameplay Tips updated
o Equipment FAQs updated
o Corrected few typos
o House of Session minor updated
o Getting Special Characters updated
o Level cap of each battles added to walkthrough

Thanks to those people who have contributed and suggested!
I finally got an answer for the question about the two
secret deities! Look for them under the FAQ section and
their skill list under the Skill section.



_____ _____
| L1,2| | R1,2|
-------- ---------
/ _ \____________/ \
| _| |_ ___ ___ Tr |
| |_ _| |sel| |str| Sq Ci |
| |_| __ __ X |
| / \ / \ |
\ | AL |----| AR | /
\ / \__/ \__/ \ /
\___/ \___/

Here's a not so perfect image of an Analog Controller of the Sony
Playstation console. Here are the description of the different use
of the buttons.

D-Pad : Control the motion of your characters in the field,
Select menu items, options and selections.
Select : Brings up a cursor when on the status menu
Start : Scan through dialogues
Triangle : Open up action menu, Open up Town menu
Circle : Cancel, Shows movement range of enemy
Square : Show the attack range
X : Confirm, Accept, Check Status(in-Battle)
L1 : Scan through characters, Shows the enemy from the not
R1 : Scan through characters, Shows the order of turns
L2,R2 : Rotate the Camera


Here are the different menus in the game. I'll only give a brief
explanation for each of them as it is easy to learn how to use them.

1. Town Menu

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| | |
| | T O W N |
|_ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
| | |
|_ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
| | |
| | D A T A |
|_ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
| | |
| | OPTION |
|_ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|

Here's another not so good image of the town menu. The Empty box on
the left part are the pictures and the right ones are the menu itself.
The Town menu is where you could purchase or hire mercs as well as
visiting Deities at temples. The Organize Menu is for organizing or
equiping skills and stuffs. The Data Menu is for saving and loading
datas. Bringing up the Option Menu gives you the Setting, Tutorial
and opens up the House of Session.

2. Town Sub-Menu
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| | |
| | S H O P |
|_ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
| | |
| | C O I N S |
|_ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
| | |
|_ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
| | |
| | TEMPLE |
|_ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|

In the shop you could buy/sell Weapons, Armors and Items. The coin
shop is where you could puchase coins and seals, you could also
engrave seals to power your coins up. The recruit option is where
you could hire mercs to work for you. The temple is where you
could change or learn skills from your current Deity.

3. Organize Sub-Menu
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| | |
| | Equipment |
|_ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
| | |
| | Skills |
|_ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
| | |
| | Coins |
|_ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
| | |
| | I T E M |
|_ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
| | |
| | STATUS |
|_ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|

The Equipment option is where you could alter or change any
character's equipment. Any of the skills you've learned from
Deities can be equiped in this menu. Sam as with the coins
you could equip it to a character who'll be using it in a
battle. With the Item command you could use or look up to
any of your Items. This includes the use of Books acquired.
The status command is pretty self explanatory.

4. Data Sub-Menu
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| |
| S A V E |
|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|
| |
| L O A D |
|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|

Pretty simple, Okay for some... Save is where youe save
your game. Load, load your game pretty simple isn't it?

5. Option Sub-Menu
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| |
|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|
| |
|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|
| |
|House of Session |
|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|

The setting is where you could change your current game
settings like cursor speed etc... The tutorial option brings
up the Tutorial Menu where most of the terms and basic
knowledge of the game could be found. The House of Session
is where you must clear each room using aa 6-hit attack


The following sections will guide you through the basic in playing the game.
I would explain only those essential game basics need for beating the

1. Moving About
Just like the old Strategy games like Final Fantasy Tactics, Arc
the lad, Eternal Eyes, Saiyuki etc... You'll be in a world map with
your character walking in its place standing above the place they're
currently in. You got the cursor where you point it to the destination
your heading. Pressing the "X" button will make your character go
to that place. (Reffer to the Game Menu Section for the options on
the town menu)

Pressing the triangle button brings up the town command where you'll
be given option to choose from. Each town you'll be visiting has the
same items/weapons/armors on stock but it'll change eventually after
each chapters.

2. Attacking and Battle System

Battle System
Hoshigami has its unique battle system called *RAP System* or
Ready For Action Points. At the beginning of every battle each
character has a fresh 100 points, which will be deducted for
moving or attacking. Notice the bar when moving or making an
action while playing? That's the RAP gauge. The color green
symbolizes the used RAP while the red color is the RAP that
will be used up when performing the action. The more RAP you
use up the longer you have to wait before your next turn.

Character's turn can be seen on the upper right screen of the
battle field. It's arranged as to who's turn would come up or
pressing the R1 button shows the turns of every character
starting from who's going first with the number 1 and so on.

Shoot is a special Attack that pushes the target away. When
the attack guage is displayed press the Triangle Button to
toggle shoot mode. Since the shoot perimeter on the gauge
is at the middle you'll obviously be doing less damage to
the target but a successful shoot will push the target
two blocks away. This can only be done with close combat

Attack Session
Attack Session is another unique thing in Hoshigami. An
Attack Session ia a series of attacks, capable of inflicting
a large amount of damage. You could acces this through the End
option during your turn. When your in an Attack Session Mode
your Evade Rate drops to 30 - 40% making you an easy target.
Be aware that once your hit by an attack the Attack Session
Mode would wear off. Accesing the House of Session in the
Option Menu will help you into understanding how Attack
Session really works.

Also, through attack session you can acquire Items from
enemy who you perform the Attack Session with but the
chance of obtaining items are increased as the number of
sessions are done. 6 Attack Session would have higher
chance of acquiring items than doing just 2 attack session
or one.

3. The Deities
Remember Breath of Fire 3? Where you could sign yourself up under
a Master and that master gives you unique skills and stat bonus
when leveling up? It's much like Breath of Fire's Master System
but this time in Hoshigami you have 6 different Deities with
each of their unique skills and abilities.

To Start off, each characters and mercenaries have each of their
own default deities to start with. Notice something after hitting
somebody in the game? You got something like 9 dev. Like leveling
up you must gain devotion points before learning skills. Notice
the gauge in the Status Screen under the Devotion Level? That's
your Devotion Gauge once it reaches a hundred you level up your
Devotion Level.

Here's the List of the Deities andsome informations:

Amu - The spirit of Fire that symbolizes power. A worshipper
of Amu becomes proficient in Sword, and penalized in Bow and
Morning Star. Amu is opposed to Gote and Kashis.

Ema - The spirit of Earth that symbolizes the mind. A
worshipper of Ema becomes proficient in Rings, and penalized
in Axe. Ema is opposed to Amu and Sonova.

Sonova - The spirit of Force that symbolizes life. A worshipper
of Sonova becomes proficient in Axe, and penalized in Knife and
Boomerang. Sonova is opposed to Gote and Kashis.

Zeneth - The spirit of Water that symbolizes luck. A worshipper
of Zeneth becomes proficient in Spear, and penalized in Sword.
Zeneth is opposed to Amu and Sonova.

Gote - The spirit of Lightning that symbolizes wisdom. A
worshipper of Gote becomes proficient in Bow and Morning Star,
and penalized in Ring. Gote is opposed to Ema and Zeneth.

Kashis - The spirit of Wind that symbolizes speed. A worshipper
of Kashis becomes proficient in Knife and Boomerang, and
penalized in Spear. Kashis is opposed to Ema and Zeneth.

Skills can be learned from your deity at a temple. Once learned,
you must equip the skills for them to take effect.

Hoshigami has this element system which is their current deity.
A character who worship the spirit of Earth, Ema, would do a
more damage to the worshipper of its opposed element, Sonova.
Here's a diagram about the Elements I take their names as to
who's deity's property is it:

| Amu | Ema | Sonova | Zeneth | Gote | Kashis |
Amu | X | | @ | * | * * | |
Ema | | X | * * | @ | * | |
Sonova | @ | * | X | | | * * |
Zeneth | * * | @ | | X | | * |
Gote | * | * * | | | X | @ |
Kashis | | | * | * * | @ | X |


- Blank means Nuetral
* - This Element is Strong on....
** - This Element is Weak on......
@ - This Elements assists this...

4. Mercenaries
You can hire and dismiss mercenaries at a recruitment center.
Mercenaries gain experience and change equipment or deity
just like your main character. But if they are incapacitated
during battles or left unattended they will be remove from
your party at the end of the battle. This are much like
the soldiers hired in a soldier's office in FFT.

5. Tower of Trials
The Tower of Trial is where you can raise level or gain rare
seals. It's found ussually in any place on the world map. It
serves as the place for leveling up. The Tower of Trials is
made up of 20 floors(I think). Your progress through different
floors will be recorded for every 5 floors you've conquered.
Allowing you to continue where you have left of. After each
battle you'll recieve a rare seal and sometimes an item from
an enemy you performed with an Attack Session.

6. Coins
In Hoshigami Coins are the counter parts of magic usage or a
materia. Coins are made up of a special kind of metal who seals
elemental spirit in them. You must equip coins first before able
to use them.

Coinfeigm is a method of releasing the elemental spirit's power
found withing a coin. This is equivalent to casting a magic
spell in the world of Hoshigami.

7. Leveling Up
Leveling up is the same as all other games. You accumulate a
certain amount of experience points and when it reaches the
required number of experience you level up. Hoshigami has an
Experience guage which you have to fill up. Once filled you
grow into the next level. Depending on which deity the
character's worshipping, it increases a certain amount of stats
points which is permanent to the character. You could acces the
Status Menu to see the Experience guage.

Also, take note that you not only get experience from hitting
enemy or using coinfeigms you can also gain it through hitting
somebody not necessarily your enemy. Got the idea ^_^

"Remember the character who gives the last blow to the enemy gets
the most experience points..." - Seifer FF8


I'll explain the different character stats and how they affect gameplay.
When you access the status menu, a screen will appear that looks much
like this:

| ______________________________ ______________________ |
| | | | | | |
| | Lv. 1 [D.E.] [W.E.] | Char. | | [C.N.] | |
| | Hp 182/182 | Photo | | Dev. 1 [D.N.] | |
| | =================== | | | Dev ========== 0/100 | |
| |______________________|_______| |______________________| |
| | |
| EXP ================= 0/100 | |
| | |
| STR 10 Attack 20 | |
| SPI 10 Defence 20 | |
| CON 10 Hit 20 |_________________________|
| DEX 10 CF At 20 | |
| AGL 10 CF Df 20 | |
| LUK 10 Evade 20 | |
| Weight 20 | |
| Movement Cost 20 | |

D.E is where the Element of your worshipped deity is displayed.
W.E displays the type of weapon your equiped with equiping a bow
makes the W.E. show the figure of a bow. C.N.'s for the
character's name. D.N. for the Deity your currently worshipping.
Now for the stats: The first column with the STR, SPI are the
character's current stats while the second column is the
character's stats with the equipment affecting it.

Strength - this determines how much damage your character can
inflict on the enemy. It affects the attack stat.

Spirit - this determines how well the character use confeigms.
It affects the strength of spells.

Constitution - Constitution or simply defence, determines how
strong your defense against physical attacks is. Affects the
defence stats.

Dexterity - this determines how well can you hit your target.
Affects the Hit stat.

Agility - this determines the quickness of your character same to
speed. Affects both Hit and Evade stats.

Luck - this determine the percentage of damaging your enemy to
the max. This might be affecting the hit and/or evade rate stat.

Here's for the second column of stats: This stats are affected by the
current weapon/armor your wearing and based on the stats of the

Attack - this determines the power of your attack when hitting an

Defense - this determines how strong your defense against physical
attacks is. The higher it is the lesser the damage you get from

Hit - this determines the Percentage or probability that you will
hit your opponent.

CF At - or simply Coinfeigm Attack this determines the power that
you can inflict when using coinfeigms.

CF Df - or simply Coinfeigm Defence this determines your endurance
against Coinfeigm Attacks. The higher this stat is, the lesser the
damage you receive from coinfeigm attacks of enemies.

Evade - this determines the probabilty that you can evade a physical
attack of an enemy.

Weight - this determines the weight your character has with the
weapon and equipments you have.

Movement Cost - MC are deducted to the RAP system by moving about
the higher the MCost is the lesser you get to move.


In Hoshigami I think there are only Negative Effect. Most of them
are easily cured with an attack much like cancelling an Attack
Sessions. Small characters above the head of character attacked
with a negative status pops up whenever the nagative status
takes place. Here are the negative status in Hoshigami


The afflicted character takes damage periodically.

The afflicted character's hit rate and evade rate are penalized.

The afflicted character is unable to move.

The afflicted character is unable to counter attack or standby for an Attack

You lose control of the afflicted character. The character will act
randomly and be unable to standby for an Attack Session.

The afflicted character falls asleep and is unable to perform any
actions, including an Attack Session or a Counter Attack.

The afflicted character is unable to cast coinfeigms.


A. Main Characters

[High-Spirited Hero]
- A mercenary who grow up in the city of Dissoal. He grow up with
a girl named Tinn, who he fails to protect. After several turns of
events he will now have to face several dangers and be placed in a
grieve position as they go on an adventure that they'll never forget.

[Spearmaster in Soltitude]
- A long blonde haired mercenary that came to Nightweld a few years
ago... he weilds a spear and carries out his tasks with no mercy.

[Hearty, Hot-blooded Fighter]
- The prison guy. He'll be helping you to escape the Widden Prison
and later team up with you. He's a big guy with a big heart but
has a weakness for beautiful ladies.

[Follower of the Wind]
- A Priest who is sworn to guard the tower of wind. His knowledge
about the Ixian Civilization is too wide. He has a stone that is
said to be the thing the Velaimian was looking for, it's called
the Marselva. He's also a descendant of Kashis.

[Childhood Friend]
- Fazz' childhood friend or maybe more than that? He showed much
of affection to him but is to shy to show her true feelings for
him. She was kidnapped by Blackthorn during the destruction of

[Mysterious Heroine]
- A cheerful and a positive-minded girl who likes to try out
anything that looks fun. She has a strong will and believes in
herself. She'll hire you to be her bodyguard and there accompany
Fazz to uncover the secret behind the Marselva.

[Imperial Knight]
- He's a honorable knight from a noble family that was brought
to ruin as Fernandes rose to power. He first appear as a general
of the enemy side. He had both beaten Fazz and Leimrey at Dissoal.
And later on side up with Fazz and the rest of the party.

[Veteran Knight]
- Leader of Da Nante, the Royal Guards of Nightweld. He'll
hire you to work for Nightweld and later joins up with the
rest of the party.

[Legendary Weaponsmith]
- She's a woman who work as a blacksmith (something new ^_^)
Her ancestors are known for making weapons with special powers.
She resides at a tower where warriors have to test their skill
before earning the right to see her.

[Queen of Thieves]
- Leader of a gang of thieves that has taken advantage of the
war to wreak havoc on the continent of Mardias. She got this
cool personality and an obnoxious laugh ^_^

[Priestess of Water]
- A priestess who resides in the Temple of water. She's like
Silphatos but only a girl. She has a great magical power but
uses the spear for worshipping the deity Zeneth.

[Warrior of the Frontier]
- He's a former leader of a caravan based its operation near
Clair Oasis in Kramdell Desert. He's a very talented warrior
who can weild any weapon with equal ease. He tends to joke
around but is well versed in military affairs.

[The Warrior King]
- He's the king fo Gerauld. A very honorable and a valiant
warrior, who prefers fighting along side his men on the
frontline. He's good at any heavy weapon specailly Axes.

[The Great Sage]
- Mild-mannered gentleman who is rumored to be the wisest
sage in Mardias. He researches about the Ixian legends,
pecularly the stone called Marselva. Though you couldn't
get him to join he's still one of the main characters.

B. Arch-Enemies

???Unknown Voice???
Appears as Blackthron's Master. He's currently manipulating
the war himself.

[Knight of Death]
Reveals himself as a general of the Valaimian army at
first. He's the one who took Tinn and the one responsible for
destroying Dissoal, Fazz's home town. As Reuperl describes
him earlier "A large man clad in black armor and an iron mask,
who wield a greatsword with ease"

// NOTE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// This part won't be complete until I've completely beaten //
// the game so it may take a while. //


The World of Hoshigami
The continent of Mardias is currently divided into 3 countries.

Kingdom of Nightweld
Located on the continent's western side, Nightweld has the longest
history. This peaceful kingdom is in direct descent from Ixia founded
by King Sarnus. It is said that the present king of Nightweld is a
direct descendant of King Sarnus, but the validity of this is
uncertain. Due to Nightweld's advocacy towards multiculturalism,
many residents are minorities or are of mixed racial origins. People
believe that Ixian blood is very scarce or even lost in present
Nightweld (even the king lacks the physical characteristics of an
Ixian).The king is a very good-natured person who tends to put his
focus away from military issues. That is why many high-spirited
youths become mercenaries and actively participate in such duties
as bodyguards and patrols. It has a temperate climate, and the
landscape is dotted with ruins from long ago.

Valaimian Empire
The Valaimian Empire, located at the center of the continent,
currently has the strongest influence on the continent. It used
to be a culturally underdeveloped country, isolated from its
neighbors by the Kamdell Desert to the east and the Clair Mountains
to the west. The king of Valaim had no plans of invading the other
countries, but after Fernandes took control of the government, the
country was transformed into a huge, militaristic empire. Fernandes
introduced Coinfeigms - the method of utilizing power stored in the
mystical metal called manatite - for war, putting Valaim in military
supremacy (currently, all three countries use Coinfeigms in battle).
It is a mystery as to how Fernandes learned of how to use Coinfeigms.
The balance of power between the three countries is stable at the
moment. However, Valaim has been conducting investigations on the
Ixian ruins recently, resulting in numerous skirmishes with Nightweld.

Kingdom of Gerauld
Gerauld is a peaceful, pastoral country located in northeastern
Mardias. The cold, northern region is heavily forested while the
southeast is tropical. Gerauld is known to construct weapons and
armor of exceptional quality from the materials yielded from its
rich ore beds. Its current ruler is King Zelstan. Several decades
ago, the Valaimian army invaded its southern border, the area that
is now believed to produce high-quality manatite. Because of this
incident, anti-Valaim sentiment runs high in the entire population
of Gerauld.

The Valaimian army began advancing their troops to two locations
in Nightweld: Lar Dellue, remains of the capital of ancient Ixia,
and the Tower of Wind, which was also constructed in the Ixian era.
In response, Nightweld placed the Order of Da Nante at Lar Dellue
and assigned its leader, Reuperl, to the defense of Aus, capital of
Nightweld. However, Nightweld lacked the military strength and
could not afford to send any troops to the Tower of Wind. Reuperl
meets with Fazz and Leimrey, well-known mercenaries in Nightweld,
and asks them to defend the tower from Valaim.


Before, we get on with the walkthrough I'll explain how the
walkthrough goes so you won't have any hard time dealing with it.
In the walkthrough I'll categorize the enemies into 3 a soldier or
somebody who deals in close combat somtimes I take boomerang thrower
as soldiers. Mages and Bow users are wel... pretty self-explanatory.
The required level is used as guide for what level must you be on a
certain level/stage. The level cap is used as a guide for the enemies
level on the certain stage.

C H A P T E R # 1 S T I R

3000 years after the pact between the elemental spirits and
humans, the ancient spirit will return and engulf the earth
in a great calamity.

Behold, he who bears my blood and that of Sarnus will rise
from Kersillius. Together with the six Hoshigami he will
vanquish the spirit and restore peace on earth.

Aus, Capital of Nightweld
A scene between Fazz and Leimrey about the sudden audience
requested for them. After a short talk they entered the castle.

Aus Castle
Rueperl will introduce himself and ended up pissing Leimrey
for talking about his past. You'll be given two options:

"Let's hear what he have to say"
"Yeah, I think you're right"

Whatever you choose you'll be prompted to hear it anyway
After some talk you'll come up with another option:

"I can't say no to a king"
"You've gotta be kidding"

Choose one of them. I think It won't affect anything just
the dialogue. After the dialogue you'll be given the

*Note: Giving Reuperl nice answers will possibly affect
whether he'll be joining you or not late on the game so
I suggest picking the top answers for both question.

*You'll be given the following from Reuperl*

Mercenary: Weapons: Armors:
Chester Short Sword - 2 Feigm Robe - 3
Esab Carmine Ring - 2 Cloth Armor - 7
Krista Spear - 3
Trieni Morning Star - 1 Accessory
Medilleve Dagger - 1 Pointy Hat - 1
Trish Stone Axe - 1 Head Gear - 2
Hannaway Boomerang - 1 Lucky Charm - 1
Aisha Short Bow - 1

Coins: Manual:
Gaiga Sonova's Codex - 1

Item: Money:
Recovery Seed - 5 10,000G.

Town of Dissoal
You'll get another scene here where you'll first meet Tinn,
Fazz' childhood friend. Tinn, will make Fazz promise to
come back alived and she'll be waiting for him.

Outskirt of Aus
A scene where Leimrey and Fazz are training. Fazz will be
saying that he still can't beat Leimrey and something about
not changing a bit. After that a mercenary will be reporting
that they've spotted the Valaimian soldiers approaching at
Seitan Hills but before doing that Leimrey will be explaing
some of the game basics to Fazz. After that you'll be brought
to the world map. Before attacking those Valaimian soldiers
might as well get familiarize with the battle system at the
Tower of Trials, west of Aus.

Tower of Trial
The Tower of trial is consisted of 20 floors. It saves the
current floor for every 5 floors you've cleared. I've listed
the first ten floors down.

Floor # - Nos. of enemy - Weapons/Armors that can be
- Enemy Level acquiried through Attack Session

# 1 - 3 enemies - Small Sword, Dagger, Morning Star
- level 1 Cloth Armor x3

#2 - 4 enemies - Short Sword, Spear x2, Stone Axe
- level 1 Cloth Armor x3

#3 - 3 enemies - Boomerang x2, Morning Star
- level 2 Cloth Armor x3

#4 - 5 enemies - Short Sword x2, Carmine Ring,
Spear x2, Cloth Armor x4, Feigm Robe
- level 2

#5 - 6 enemies - Dagger x3, S.Axe, S.Bow, C.Ring
- level 2 Cloth Armor x5, Feigm Robe

#6 - 7 enemies - Dagger , C.Ring x2, S.Bow x2, S.Axe
- level 3 S.Sword, Cloth Armor x5, F.Robe x2

#7 - 6 enemies - S.Bow x3, C.Ring x2, Spear, M.Star
- level 3 Cloth Armor x4, Feigm Robe x2

#8 - 6 enemies - Javelin, Stone Ring, Ball and Chain
- level 4 Ceramic Knife, Leather Armor x5,
Feigm Robe

#9 - 6 enemies - Cermamic Knife, Long Bow x2,
- level 4 Broad Sword, Ball and Chain, S. Ring,
Leather Armor x5, Feigm Robe

#10 - 6 enemies - Hand Axe x2, Broad Sword x2,
- level 4 Ball and Chain, Blue Cutter
Leather Armor x6

There! it's the first ten floors. First thing's first level 7
of your characters including Fazz and Leimrey to level 4 or 5.
Trust me! Doing so will make the following battles easier
without using a single healing item. Level them all up a bit
and try to obtain better armors and weapons for your characters.
Like, get a broad sword for Fazz, the javelin for Leimrey
and a Hand Axe for Romleth erm... for the new guy you'll be
gettin later on. Also equip them with the leather armor if
you've obtain them. If you did so you'll have much seals
on stock and a huge supply of cash. If my estimations are
correct you'll probably reach around 150,000G to 400,000G
for leveling 7 characters up to level 4 or 5. With that
Money you can play with you coins engraving and combining them
for better coins and/or supply yourself with as much healing
fruit or a recovery seed. Doing so gives you the experience
for battling and some skills for your characters.

Now, your ready for the battle to come... too much that is.

After doing all that preparation. Save, then proceed to your
real destination... Seitan Hills

Seitan Hills [1st Battle]
Required level: 3
Level Cap : 2 some remains at level 1
Well for the first battle it'll be very easy. Considering that
you made the leveling up like I told you so. You'll be fighting
for the first time Valaimian Soldiers. Sajiri will be leading
the Valaimian troops under Sir Alveen's order.

Enemies Mission Objective
------- -----------------
Sajiri Defeat Sajiri
8 Soldiers

This battle, like I said would be very easy. Deploy all 7
characters arranging all the heavy armored/high HPed char.
on the front line and char. like bow/magic users at the back.
Just start pulverizing them like bugs. A level 1 soldier won't
do much damage or even won't hit you at all. Just pick them
one by one killing Sajiri the last. After the battle a scene
follows. Fazz and Leimrey set Sly and Sajiri free. Now, your
next mission is in the Tower of Wind so proceed to the next

After the scene you'll be prompted to another screen. A secret
Voice talking to a masked knight, Blackthorn.

Tower of Wind [2nd Battle]
Required level: 4
Level Cap : 2
The second battle would be very easy. Just place 2 quick
character up at your front line. In my knowledge yuor best
bet would be Leimrey and Fazz they're not just quick but has
high evading rate.

Enemies Mission Objective
------- -----------------
12 Soldiers Rescue Silphatos
2 Mage
1 Bow User

Here you have to rescue Silphatos. Set your characters up
Have your Front line character storm the front and assign
two of your soldiers to whip-up those pesky enemy soldiers
by your sides. Don't worry about Silphatos he's aleady in
level 4. The only thing that will hit him is a CF attack
or a lucky hit. Just have him shoot out with his own CF
attack the mage then those pesky soldiers. He has his own
cure coin so don't worry.

After the battle another scene will take place. Silphatos
will introduce himself and ask you to spend the night in the
tower. The next morning Silphatos will reveal a very
disturbing message. Fazz was in great shock after hearing
that Dissoal is destroyed. Leim warned him that it may be
a trap but Fazz, in rage he quickly ordered the party to
head for Dissoal.

Dissoal [3rd Battle]
Required level: 7 or 8
Level Cap : 6
When you reach the town a short scene will take place. Alveen
giving order to vanquish the band of mercenary.

Enemies Mission Objective
------- -----------------
11 Soldiers Defeat all enemies
2 Mage
1 Bow

This battle would be easy if you've passed the required level.
This battle is rather easy. When the battle starts have Fazz
alone take care of the 3 enemies near them if you think he
can't do it by himself assist him with an Archer or a boomerang
thrower. Its wise to have at least one mage for your cause and
a good coin. Have the rest of the party gang up the front and
pick the enemies one at a time. If Fazz whipped the 3 enemies
quick enough have him join the party. The mage won't do much
damage in this battle but be sure to heal somebody when needed.

After the battle another scene with Alveen introducing himself.
Fazz then challenge him with out a word and got beaten same as
to Fazz after seeing Leim defeated.

Widden (Valaimian Underground Prison) [4th battle]
Required level: 3
Level Cap : 2
When Fazz wakes up he'll meet the prison guy Romleth. And after
a short dialogue you'll be asked about Tinn.

"...just a childhood friend"

Pick the top choice for it'll affect the later parts of the
game I won't spoil it. Now another short dialogue and Romleth
will bust you out of the jail. Now, a battle will take place.

Enemies Mission Objective
------- -----------------
5 Soldiers Break out of jail

You won't be needing any strategy in this battle. This is the
easiest battle in the game. If your feeling a bit "no-mercy"
type of feeling have Fazz kick their sorry butt. But if your
feeling mercyful this time just have Romleth get them all.
You win by defeating all enemies, which's better, or by
moving on front of the exit.

After the battle one of your mercenary will meet you up on the
streets and report that Aus is Besieged by Valaimian Forces.
But Before that Romleth will offer you his help.

"Thank You"
"I can't let you"

Don't be hard headed and pick the top choice. No questions
asked. Having him alive for until the late chapters is
needed for another special character to join.

World Map
Now, some chores before heading for the next battle.
o Equip yourself with your equipments first
o Power your coins up
o Level Romelth and the rest of the party to level 8 or 9

Now, after doing all those chores head for Widden Valley
for the next battle.

Widden Valley [5th Battle]
Required Battle: 8 or 9 won't hurt
Level Cap : 7
Now here's an average battle but if you pass the required
level it won't be much of a trouble.

Enemies Mission Objective
------- -----------------
13 Soldiers Defeat all enemy
2 Bow Users
2 Mages

A bow user and a mage is camped at the top of the waterfall.
You start at the bottom so watch the sky for falling arrows.
Don't just dash in and start bashing head under the waterfall
which serves as a shield for the arrows falling. Have all
your close combat units start doing a quick assault with your
mage(s) with them. Romleth would be useful here just have him
move last, which always happens. Have Fazz on the front line
and have your mage assist him. I'm assuming that if you followed
this the enemies would be attacking your frontline and leaving
their back open. Now, its Romleth's Job to go all the way through
them and start hitting them at their back which by now could
almost kill them with a hit. Now, its your long ranged units job
to clean up dying enemies or to damage them.

After winning the battle proceed to the Tower of Wind. A long
scene with Silphatos will take place. He'll explain what might
happen in the near future and introduce you to an item called
Marselva. After that you'll be asked if you could defeat Valaim.

"I'll do it"
"I don't know"

Pick the top choice. I think it affects something on the later
parts of the game so I won't spoil that much. Bunch of
dialogues will follow and another option will pop up, you
either accept Silphatos in or not your given these options:

"I gladly accept your offer"
"Thank you, but..."

Choose the top choice. Silphatos now joins the party. Give him
some good coins (two to be exact) and level him up. He got a
great CF At power and has high evade and hit percentage he'll
be great for swift assaults. Now head to the next area for
another battle.

Seitan Hills [6th Battle]
Required level: 7
Level Cap : 6
You'll be battling low leveled soldiers compared to your
level 8 or 10 characters.

Enemies Mission Objective
------- -----------------
10 Soldiers Defeat All Enemy
3 Mages

You won't be needing any tactics or strategy here. From
afar you could hit their front line with heavy coinfeigms
and your Archer(s) can pick on dying enemies.

Now, for your real mission, head for Aus but before doing
that level everyone up to 10 or 11. Power your coins up and
refresh your item stock. Also, try getting the Ring Mail
Armors and other good weapons on the higher leveled floor
of the tower of trials. If you think your ready head for

Outside the Castle of Aus [7th Battle]
Required level: 10
Level Cap : 9 only Alveen's on lvl. 10
After having an easy time at the last battle you ended up
with a nice challenging one. This will be the first time
you'll battle with Alveen the guy who beat you up back
at Dissoal so its pay back time!

Enemies Mission Objective
------- -----------------
Alveen Defeat Alveen
10 Soldiers
5 Mages

I suggest bringing 2 good mages in this battle with coins
that has an AOE of at least 5. You start of by blocking
the bridge with characters like Fazz, Romleth and somebody
like Silphatos who has a high evade rate. And the rest
would either be an Archer or a mage. Use the 3 guys I've
mentioned to block the bridge so your long range fighters
could do their part well. Your Archers would have to take
on the enemy mages on both sides picking one off then the
other. Your mages should be on a good side where they
could blast off enemies freely. With a powerful coin you
can one-shot-kill an enemy. Alveen should be attacking by
now and the mages behind him backing him up with their
blinding spell. Once Alveen tried attacking your frontline
hit him with all you've got a powerful coin could kill him
in a shot.

Ones the battle's won Fazz will have a short interrogation
with Alveen. He'll be asking stuffs about Leim after the
talk Fazz will let Alveen go. In the castle a scene with
Reuperl will follow. After the talk and the informations
given to you by Reuperl you'll be asked for another favor
to Ask the Gerauld for their support on Neightweld.

"It depends..."

Choose the second answer. It'll affect whether Reuperl
will join you or not the same as with the earlier questions
asked to you by Reuperl. Now this is the end of Chapter 1.

To be continued...

Note: I'm now typing the walkthrough from paper. Expect continuous
walkthrough updates.


Hey! This's the House of Session section. This will help out any gamer
who wishes to beat the House of Session with ease. You could access the
House of Session any time at the world map. Doing so brings you the
director Sajiri and his House of Session.

Explanation: Ther are 10 rooms in the House of Session. If you clear a
room you could advance to the next room. After clearing a room you
could go back to the cleared room and beat it again.

You'll find Sajiri in each of the room. To clear the room you need to
kill Sajiri with a 6-hit Attack Session. As you progress, you'll have
to deal with other guys who's gonna get into your way of performing the
session, so watch out for them.

Also, Sajiri will provide you with the characters you'll be using in
the battle so don't worry. After completing the House of Session you'll
get an item from him at the last room through Attack Session.

Room #1

Characters to use: (All in level 1)
Fazz : 3
Tinn : 1
Elena : 2
Leimrey : 4
Rueperl : 5
Romleth : 6
Alveen : 7

Enemy: (Level 1)
Sajiri: Hp 100/100

You'll get the following character for the first room. I've numbered
them accordingly to the order of their turns meaning Fazz will be the
3rd character to perform a turn then, Leimrey etc... The Room looks
like Chess board the glowing orange floor is where you could put you
characters in place. Remember you must defeat Sajiri with a 6-hit
Attack Session. Here's what it look at first.


The O are for the empty blocks and the X ar for the free space where
you have to put your characters down. Since this is the first room
expect this to be easy. Arrange your character into this order:


I used the numbers that symbolizes their turns so it would be easier.
1 would be Tinn then, 2 would be Elena and so on. Go it? Good, now make
character 1 to 5 End their turn with Session facing Character 6.Then
make character 6 End its turn with a Session facing any direction. If
you followed everything character 1 to 5 will be facing character 6 and
character 6 will be facing somewhere. Notice that character 7 haven't
got its turn yet? Yep! He'll be the last (Before Sajiri) Now have
character 7 attack Sajiri with a *shoot* and there you beat the Room 1.

Room #2

Characters to use: (All in level 1)
Fazz : 3
Tinn : 1
Elena : 2
Leimrey : 4
Rueperl : 5
Romleth : 6
Alveen : 7

Enemy: (Level 1)
Sajiri: Hp 100/100

Again following what I've been saying I don't need to explain
everything again. Now, Room 2 would look like this:


Now, place everyone into this order:

1 O 3 O 2
4 O 5 O 6

Have char. 1 walk one block up and end with a session facing
Sajiri. Have char. 2 walk one block up and end her turn with
a session facing char. 6. Now, make character 3 walk up and
end with a session facing char. 2. For character 4 end his
turn facing char. 1. Char.5's turn end, and Session facing
char. 4. It's char. 6's turn end it facing char. 5. If you've
done it right you'll have something that looks like this:

1 O 3> O 2
^ v
4 O <5 O <6

The arrows are where you characters should be facing. Now
have char. 7 attck sajiri with a *shoot* and that clears
room #2

Room #3

Characters to use: (All in level 1)
Fazz : 3
Tinn : 1
Elena : 2
Leimrey : 4
Rueperl : 5
Romleth : 6
Alveen : 7

Enemy: (Level 1)
Sajiri: Hp 100/100

The room looks like this:


Arrange your char. be one this postition:

1 O
O 5

1 must move a block to the right then down once. 2 and 3
follows moving down once. 4 and 6 will just hold their
position. Now, just have 5 move in place then follow the
strategy in room #1.

Room #4

Characters to use: (All in level 1)
Fazz : 3
Tinn : 1
Elena : 2
Leimrey : 4
Rueperl : 5
Romleth : 6
Alveen : 7

Enemy: (Level 1)
Sajiri : Hp 100/100
Wooden Doll : Hp 999/999
Wooden Doll : Hp 999/999
Wooden Doll : Hp 999/999

Yep! you're looking at it right 999Hp. You don't have to
kill them just do what I tell you and you'll beat this
stage with ease. The room would look like this:

X Wooden Doll
Wooden Doll X
X Wooden Doll

Now, just arrange you char. into this:

4 O Wooden Doll
Wooden Doll O 3
2 Wooden Doll

Just attack those Soldiers with *shoot* then follow the
steps on the first room and there you beat Room #4.

Room #5

Characters to use: (All in level 1)
Fazz : 3
Tinn : 1
Elena : 2
Leimrey : 4
Rueperl : 5
Romleth : 6
Alveen : 7

Enemy: (Level 1)
Sajiri : Hp 100/100
Wooden Doll : Hp 999/999
Wooden Doll : Hp 999/999

Now, here's a challenge. You first of start like this:

Wooden Doll O O S O O Wooden Doll


This one would be tricky so follow my instructions carefully.
Arrange your units like this: Putting Leimrey and Tinn to
the outer ends.

Wooden Doll O O S O O Wooden Doll

1 5 6 2 7 3 4

The order would be like that namely Tinn, Rueperl, Romleth
Elena, Alveen, Fazz and lastly Leimrey. Wait for 2 whole
turns then have everyone spread in this position:

5 O 2 O 3
1 O 6 O 7

Notice that I didn't put Leimrey on the group because
mainly he'll be the shooter. Have character 2 lure
Sajiri down by ending her turn with an Attack Succession
facing her back. In that way Sajiri will be chasing
after her. Just don't mind those wooden dolls. Treat
them like well... ah... wooden dolls. Once, Sajiri
takes the bait have character 2 who'll be Elena join
the formation since Leimrey got to take the 4th turn
you'll have the chance to shoot Sajiri into the session.

*Note: You could do this Technique with either Leimrey
or Tinn. Since they're spear wielder they could shoot
anyone with a better range.

To be continued...


Listed below are the list items sold on shops. I includes
weapons, armors and items. You can only buy new weapon/armor
or item after each chapters right now this list are the ones
found at chapter two as you progressor beating the last chapter
and carrying on towards the new one you'll be presented new
varieties of items that could be of use to you.

Chapter 1

Weapons Armors
------- ------

Carmine Ring 490G. Feigm Robe 570G.
Dagger 530G. Cloth Armor 380G.
Short Sword 580G. Pointy Hat 400G.
Stone Axe 940G. Head Gear 480G.
Spear 840G.
Boomerang 560G.
Morning Star 560G.
Short Bow 1140G.

Recovery Seed 500G.
Healing Fruit 2000G.
Eyedrop 200G.

Coin Seal
---- ----
Grulla 1020G. Fire 800G.
Grulla 1320G. Earth 800G.
Gaiga 1020G. Force 800G.
Gaiga 1320G. Ice 800G.
Bonga 1020G. Lightning 800G.
Bonga 1320G. Wind 800G.
Blisu 1020G.
Blisu 1320G.
Laira 1020G.
Laira 1320G.
Zel 1020G.
Zel 1320G.
Cure 1020G.
Cure 1320G.

Chapter 2

Weapons Armors
------- ------

Stone Ring 850G. Feigm Robe 570G.
Carmine Ring 490G. Leather Armor 650G.
Ceramic Knife 710G. Cloth Armor 380G.
Dagger 530G. Lucky Charm 500G.
Broad Sword 1140G. Pointy Hat 400G.
Short Sword 580G. Head Gear 480G.
Hand Axe 1620G.
Stone Axe 940G.
Javelin 1540G.
Spear 840G.
Blue Cutter 1220G.
Boomerang 560G.
Ball and Chain 850G.
Morning Star 560G.
Long Bow 1600G.
Short Bow 1140G.

Recovery Seed 500G.
Healing Fruit 2000G.
Eyedrop 200G.
Unbind 1000G.

Coin Seal
---- ----
Grulla 1120G. Fire 800G.
Grulla 1420G. Earth 800G.
Grulla 1720G. Force 800G.
Gaiga 1120G. Ice 800G.
Gaiga 1420G. Lightning 800G.
Gaiga 1720G. Wind 800G.
Bonga 1120G. Shadow 100G.
Bonga 1420G.
Bonga 1720G.
Blisu 1120G.
Blisu 1420G.
Blisu 1720G.
Laira 1120G.
Laira 1420G.
Laira 1720G.
Zel 1120G.
Zel 1420G.
Zel 1720G.
Cure 1520G.
Cure 1370G.
Cure 1720G.
Re Lite 1320G.
Re Lite 1720G.
Spika 1020G.
Spika 1320G.

Chapter 3

Weapons Armors
------- ------

Thorned Ring 1680G. Mithril Coat 1560G.
Stone Ring 850G. Feigm Robe 570G.
Carmine Ring 490G. Ring Mail 930G.
Main Gauche 1300G. Leather Armor 650G.
Ceramic Knife 710G. Cloth Armor 380G.
Dagger 530G. Lucky Charm 500G.
Bastard Sword 2240G. Pointy Hat 400G.
Broad Sword 1140G. Open Face 990G.
Short Sword 580G. Head Gear 480G.
War Hammer 2940G.
Hand Axe 1620G.
Stone Axe 940G.
Bardiche 2760G.
Javelin 1540G.
Spear 840G.
Steel Wing 1880G.
Blue Cutter 1220G.
Boomerang 560G.
Solid Thorns 1410G.
Ball and Chain 850G.
Morning Star 560G.
Glitter Arrow 2660G.
Long Bow 1600G.
Short Bow 1140G.

Recovery Seed 500G.
Healing Fruit 2000G.
Eyedrop 200G.
Unbind 1000G.
Braven 1000G.

Coin Seal
---- ----
Grulla 2020G. Fire 800G.
Grulla 2120G. Inferno 1800G.
Greis 1820G. Earth 800G.
Gaiga 2020G. Land 1800G.
Gaiga 2120G. Force 800G.
Gaiz 1820G. Impact 1800G.
Bonga 2020G. Ice 800G.
Bonga 2120G. Glacier 1800G.
Bondes 1820G. Lightning 800G.
Blisu 2020G. Thunderclap 1800G.
Blisu 2120G. Wind 800G.
Blista 1820G. Mistral 1800G.
Laira 2020G. Shadow 100G.
Laira 2120G.
Laicle 1820G.
Zel 2020G.
Zel 2120G.
Zephard 1820G.
Cure 1970G.
Cure 2020G.
Cure Re 1820G.
Re Move 1420G.
Re Move 1920G.
Re Lite 1920G.
Re Lite 1920G.
Spika 1920G.
Spika 1920G.
Depin 1420G.

To be continued...


Here's the Item section of the guide. This mainly include
weapons, armors and of course Items. Items are very essential
to any RPG in order to beat it you need Items. In Hoshigami
new equipments are obtained by buying and obtaining through
Attack Session.


* arranged by category


Attack 3 CF At 9 Hit 20 Weight 5
Defend 0 CF Df 4 Evade 20 Cost 26
Effect: None
Ring with leather strip wrapped around it.


Attack 8 CF At 17 Hit 22 Weight 7
Defend 0 CF Df 10 Evade 22 Cost 26
Effect: None
Ring chiseled from a hard rock.


Attack 13 CF At 25 Hit 24 Weight 9
Defend 0 CF Df 16 Evade 24 Cost 26
Effect: None
Wide-banded ring made of iron.


Attack 18 CF At 33 Hit 26 Weight 11
Defend 0 CF Df 26 Evade 26 Cost 26
Effect: None
Ring with 6 thorns placed aroung the gem.


Attack 40 CF At 137 Hit 48 Weight 41
Defend 10 CF Df 55 Evade 51 Cost 26
Effect: Poison 25%
Ring made from clear red stone.


Attack 40 CF At 175 Hit 65 Weight 56
Defend 0 CF Df 100 Evade 68 Cost 26
Effect: CF Dmg -30%
Ring with Ixian script etched on its surface.


Attack 9 CF At 5 Hit 45 Weight 12
Defend 0 CF Df 0 Evade 15 Cost 27
Effect: None
A short, double-edged weapon.


Attack 17 CF At 10 Hit 68 Weight 15
Defend 0 CF Df 0 Evade 16 Cost 35
Effect: Arm Master
Knife with high durability.


Attack 25 CF At 15 Hit 56 Weight 18
Defend 0 CF Df 0 Evade 17 Cost 27
Effect: Absorb 30%
Concealable knife used by Assasins.


Attack 34 CF At 20 Hit 54 Weight 21
Defend 0 CF Df 5 Evade 18 Cost 27
Effect: Phys Hit +10%
Dagger used for parrying.


Attack 116 CF At 83 Hit 104 Weight 52
Defend 10 CF Df 44 Evade 37 Cost 35
Effect: Phys Evade +30%
Knife which contains Kashis' will.


Attack 11 CF At 0 Hit 35 Weight 18
Defend 0 CF Df 0 Evade 12 Cost 32
Effect: None
Short-bladed sword that can be weilded with ease.


Attack 21 CF At 0 Hit 33 Weight 21
Defend 0 CF Df 0 Evade 11 Cost 32
Effect: None
Sword with a broad blade for cutting.


Attack 31 CF At 0 Hit 41 Weight 24
Defend 0 CF Df 0 Evade 12 Cost 32
Effect: None
A long double-edged sword.


Attack 41 CF At 0 Hit 39 Weight 27
Defend 0 CF Df 0 Evade 8 Cost 32
Effect: None
Heavy sword designed to crash the enemy's armor.


Attack 130 CF At 37 Hit 90 Weight 59
Defend 10 CF Df 12 Evade 33 Cost 32
Effect: Champion
Sacred sword imbued with the strength of Amu.


Attack 190 CF At 32 Hit 117 Weight 58
Defend 0 CF Df 27 Evade 41 Cost 32
Effect: Coin Break 10%
Sword made from the shard of elemental wisdom.


Attack 14 CF At 0 Hit 25 Weight 28
Defend 0 CF Df 0 Evade 5 Cost 40
Effect: None
Axe made of polished rock.


Attack 36 CF At 0 Hit 27 Weight 31
Defend 0 CF Df 0 Evade 5 Cost 40
Effect: None
A small, one-handed axe.


Attack 38 CF At 0 Hit 29 Weight 34
Defend 0 CF Df 0 Evade 5 Cost 40
Effect: None
Metal club with fanged head.


Attack 50 CF At 0 Hit 31 Weight 37
Defend 0 CF Df 0 Evade 6 Cost 40
Effect: None
Hammer with a breakline blade fore tearing armor.


Attack 146 CF At 20 Hit 67 Weight 66
Defend 10 CF Df 17 Evade 13 Cost 40
Effect: Decoin 25%
War axe blessed by Sonova.


Attack 12 CF At 0 Hit 30 Weight 21
Defend 0 CF Df 0 Evade 20 Cost 36
Effect: None
A light polearm designed for thrusting.


Attack 21 CF At 0 Hit 32 Weight 24
Defend 0 CF Df 0 Evade 22 Cost 36
Effect: None
A short, metal-tipped spear.


Attack 30 CF At 0 Hit 34 Weight 27
Defend 0 CF Df 0 Evade 24 Cost 36
Effect: None
Polearm with an axe blade, a spear poin and a pick.


Attack 39 CF At 0 Hit 37 Weight 30
Defend 0 CF Df 0 Evade 26 Cost 36
Effect: None
An elongated battle axe.


Attack 133 CF At 60 Hit 68 Weight 62
Defend 10 CF Df 16 Evade 51 Cost 36
Effect: Sandman 25%
Lance that holds the power of Zeneth.

Throwing Weapons:

Attack 10 CF At 2 Hit 25 Weight 11
Defend 0 CF Df 0 Evade 0 Cost 35
Effect: None
Flat, V-shaped weapon that returns to the thrower.


Attack 19 CF At 5 Hit 27 Weight 14
Defend 0 CF Df 0 Evade 0 Cost 34
Effect: None
Throwing card made of steel plate.


Attack 28 CF At 8 Hit 24 Weight 17
Defend 0 CF Df 5 Evade 0 Cost 34
Effect: None
Small boomerang made of silver.


Attack 37 CF At 0 Hit 36 Weight 20
Defend 0 CF Df 0 Evade 0 Cost 34
Effect: None
Steel boomerang with sharpened edge.


Attack 116 CF At 52 Hit 62 Weight 51
Defend 0 CF Df 12 Evade 52 Cost 34
Effect: Acc Guard
Boomerang that fires with the swiftness of kashis.

Morning Star:

Attack 8 CF At 2 Hit 25 Weight 23
Defend 1 CF Df 3 Evade 15 Cost 33
Effect: Cures Sleep
Spiked metal ball that is attached to a shaft by a chain.


Attack 18 CF At 3 Hit 27 Weight 26
Defend 2 CF Df 3 Evade 16 Cost 33
Effect: Cures Sleep
Morning Star with a large, round metal ball.


Attack 28 CF At 4 Hit 29 Weight 23
Defend 2 CF Df 4 Evade 17 Cost 33
Effect: Cures Sleep
2 double-bladed axes connected by a chain.


Attack 38 CF At 5 Hit 31 Weight 32
Defend 2 CF Df 4 Evade 18 Cost 33
Effect: Cures Sleep
Morning Star with bladed spikes.


Attack 168 CF At 22 Hit 255 Weight 86
Defend 12 CF Df 15 Evade 42 Cost 40
Effect: Blind 25%
Morning Star which emanates Gote's Anger.


Attack 9 CF At 3 Hit 30 Weight 13
Defend 0 CF Df 2 Evade 0 Cost 37
Effect: None
A small-sized bow that is easy to use.


Attack 18 CF At 4 Hit 32 Weight 16
Defend 0 CF Df 2 Evade 0 Cost 37
Effect: None
A large bow designed for long range attack.


Attack 27 CF At 5 Hit 34 Weight 19
Defend 0 CF Df 5 Evade 0 Cost 37
Effect: None
Compact bow made of several different materials.


Attack 36 CF At 4 Hit 37 Weight 22
Defend 0 CF Df 5 Evade 0 Cost 37
Effect: None
Bow that shoots arrow that glisten brightly


Attack 136 CF At 25 Hit 78 Weight 54
Defend 0 CF Df 28 Evade 23 Cost 37
Effect: Blind 25%
Bestow's Gote's accuracy on the weilder.


* arranged by category


Attack 0 CF At 0 Hit 0 Weight 13
Defend 3 CF Df 8 Evade 15 Cost 0
Effect: None
Preferred robe of the coinfeigm users.


Attack 0 CF At 0 Hit 0 Weight 28
Defend 15 CF Df 41 Evade 18 Cost 0
Effect: None
A sturdy coat made of mithril silver.


Attack 0 CF At 20 Hit 0 Weight 60
Defend 60 CF Df 111 Evade 69 Cost 0
Effect: Refined CF
Rob blessed by Ema.


Attack 0 CF At 15 Hit 0 Weight 62
Defend 70 CF Df 92 Evade 69 Cost 0
Effect: Immobile Guard
Robe blessed by Zeneth


Attack 0 CF At 10 Hit 25 Weight 56
Defend 106 CF Df 98 Evade 79 Cost 0
Effect: Decoin Guard
Robe blessed by Kashis.


Attack 0 CF At 25 Hit 0 Weight 78
Defend 118 CF Df 170 Evade 135 Cost 0
Effect: Coin Guard
Holy garb blessed by Elvilla


Attack 0 CF At 0 Hit 0 Weight 16
Defend 7 CF Df 0 Evade 5 Cost 0
Effect: None
Unencumbering armor made of cloth.


Attack 0 CF At 0 Hit 0 Weight 24
Defend 20 CF Df 12 Evade 7 Cost 0
Effect: None
Armor with metal ring sewn to leather backing.


Attack 0 CF At 0 Hit 0 Weight 32
Defend 25 CF Df 16 Evade 8 Cost 0
Effect: None
A suit of Armor made of bronze.


Attack 20 CF At 0 Hit 0 Weight 66
Defend 130 CF Df 62 Evade 40 Cost 0
Effect: Confuse Guard
Plate mail blessed by Amu.


Attack 10 CF At 0 Hit 0 Weight 68
Defend 137 CF Df 56 Evade 35 Cost 0
Effect: Refined Attack
Vest blessed by Sonova.


Attack 5 CF At 5 Hit 35 Weight 64
Defend 124 CF Df 68 Evade 40 Cost 0
Effect: Fear Guard
A Full body armor made of bronze.


Attack 25 CF At 0 Hit 41 Weight 85
Defend 160 CF Df 140 Evade 77 Cost 0
Effect: Weapon Guard
War garb blessed by Vugtis.


* arranged by category


Attack 0 CF At 2 Hit 0 Weight 2
Defend 1 CF Df 5 Evade 0 Cost 0
Effect: None
A tall, pointed hat with large brim.


Attack 0 CF At 0 Hit 0 Weight 4
Defend 5 CF Df 3 Evade 0 Cost 0
Effect: None
Leather helm that reduces the damage to the head.


Attack 0 CF At 0 Hit 0 Weight 12
Defend 12 CF Df 6 Evade 0 Cost 0
Effect: None
Helmet that provides wide angle view.


Attack 0 CF At 0 Hit 0 Weight 1
Defend 4 CF Df 4 Evade 4 Cost 0
Effect: None
A charm for safe return.


Attack 0 CF At 0 Hit 10 Weight 3
Defend 0 CF Df 0 Evade 0 Cost 0
Effect: Phys Hit +20%
Black stone that hones the wearer's awareness.


Attack 0 CF At 0 Hit 0 Weight 10
Defend 0 CF Df 0 Evade 5 Cost 0
Effect: Hawk's Eye
Stone that allows wearer to see Hidden object.


Recovery Items:
RECOVERY SEED - Restores 50 Hp
HEALING FRUIT - Restores 100 Hp

Status Recovery Items:
EYEDROP - Cures Blinding
UNBIND - Cures Immobility
BRAVEN - Cures Fear

To be continued...


Skills can be learned from your deity at a temple. Once learned,
you must equip the skill for the skill to take effect. From time
to time you can only equip 3 skills so only equip something
that's useful. Here's the skills you'll be recieving from
the following deity.


Devotion Lv. Skill Learned: Description:

# 1 Amu's Aid Amu grants divine protection

# 2 Counter 10% 10% chance of counterattack

# 3 Phys Damage +10% Physical damage increase by 10%

# 4 Confuse Guard Protect from confusion

# 5 Arm Master Critical area widen

# 6 Threaten 10% 10% chance of fear/hit

# 7 Sleep Guard Protect from sleep

# 8 Counter 20% 20% chance of counterattack

# 9 Arm Break 10% 10% chance of armor break/hit

# 10 Champion Hit/evade/damage up when Hp is low

# 11 Threaten 20% 20% chance of fear/hit

# 12 Counter 30% 30% chance of counterattack

# 13 Phys Damage +20% Physical damage increase by 20%

# 14 Weapon Break 10% 10% chance of weapon break/hit

# 15 Mail of Amu
# 16 Sword of Amu Equipment section of the guide>



Devotion Lv. Skill Learned: Description:

# 1 Ema's Aid Ema grants divine protection

# 2 Absorb 10% Absorb 10% of damage inflicted

# 3 CF Damage -10% Coinfeigm damage recieve -10%

# 4 Poison 10% 10% chance of poison/hit

# 5 CF Damage +10% Coinfeigm damage increase by 10%

# 6 Blind Guard Protect from blind

# 7 Absorb 30% Absorb 30% of damage inflicted

# 8 Equip Coin +1 Number of coins equiped +1

# 9 CF Damage -20% Coinfeigm damage recieve -20%

# 10 Poison 25% 25% chance of poison/hit

# 11 Refined CF Refine Coinfeigm cost -20%

# 12 Absorb 50% Absorb 50% of damage inflicted

# 13 CF Damage +20% Coinfeigm damage increase by 20%

# 14 Lizard's Leg Necessary for ritual of light

# 15 Robe of Ema
# 16 Ema Ring Equipment section of the guide>



Devotion Lv. Skill Learned: Description:

# 1 Sonova's Aid Sonova grants divine protection

# 2 Hp 10% Total Hp +10%

# 3 Phys Damage -10% Physical damage recieve -10%

# 4 Decoin 10% 10% chance of CF disability/hit

# 5 Hp +20% Total Hp +20%

# 6 Poison Guard Protect from poison

# 7 Firm Stance Protect from shoot

# 8 Hp +30% Total Hp +30%

# 9 Acc Break 10% 10% chance of Acc break/hit

# 10 Phy Damage -20% Physical damage recieve -20%

# 11 Decoin 25% 25% chance of CF disability/hit

# 12 Refined Attack Physical attack cost -20%

# 13 Hp +50% Total Hp +50%

# 14 Coin Break 10% 10% chance of Coin break/hit

# 15 Axe of Sonova
# 16 Sonova Vest Equipment section of the guide>



Devotion Lv. Skill Learned: Description:

# 1 Zeneth's Aid Zeneth grants divine protection

# 2 Luck 10% Luck increase by 10%

# 3 Dealer Bonus money increse slightly

# 4 Charm 10% 10% chance of confusion/hit

# 5 Immobile Guard Protect from Imobile

# 6 Sandman 10% 10% chance of sleep/hit

# 7 CF Success +10% Coinfeigm success rate +10%

# 8 Luck +20% Luck increase by 20%

# 9 Trader Bonus money increase

# 10 Charm 25% 25% chance of confusion/hit

# 11 Luck +30% Luck increase by 30%

# 12 Sandman 25% 25% chance of sleep/hit

# 13 CF Success 25% Coinfeigm success rate +25%

# 14 Bat's Wing Necessary for ritual of dark

# 15 Zeneth Robe
# 16 Zeneth Lance Equipment section of the guide>



Devotion Lv. Skill Learned: Description:

# 1 Gote's Aid Gote grants divine protection

# 2 Exp +10% Acquired EXP increase by 10%

# 3 Phys Hit +10% Physical hit rate +10%

# 4 Hawk's Eye Hidden Item becoms visible

# 5 Blind 10% 10% chance of blind/hit

# 6 Fear Guard Protect from fear

# 7 Exp +20% Acquired EXP increase by 20%

# 8 Phys Hit +20% Physical hit rate +20%

# 9 Armor Guard Protect armor from breaking

# 10 Blind 25% 25% chance of blind/hit

# 11 Counter 50% 50% chance of counterattack

# 12 Exp 30% Acquired EXP increase by 30%

# 13 Weapon Guard Protect weapon from breaking

# 14 Gote's Anger
# 15 Bow of Gote Equipment section of the

# 16 Gote's Armor guide>



Devotion Lv. Skill Learned: Description:

# 1 Kashis' Aid Kashis grants divine protection

# 2 Dev 10% Acquired DEV increase by 10%

# 3 Jump +1 Climbing ability increases by 1

# 4 Phys Evade +10% Physical evasion rate +10%

# 5 Immobile 10% 10% chance of imobile/hit

# 6 Decoin Guard Protect from CF disability

# 7 Dev +20% Acquired DEV increase by 20%

# 8 Jump +2 Climbing ability increases by 2

# 9 Acc Guard Protect Acc from breaking

# 10 Immobile 25% 25% chance of imobile/hit

# 11 Phys Evade +20% Physical evasion rate +20%

# 12 Coin Guard Protect coins from breaking

# 13 Dev +30% Acquired DEV increase by 30%

# 14 Kashis' Breath
# 15 Kashis' Robe Equipment section of the

# 16 Kashis' Will guide>



Devotion Lv. Skill Learned: Description:

# 1 Counter 50% 50% chance of counterattack

# 2 Merchant Bonus money increases dramatically

# 3 Phys Dmg +30% Physical damage increases by 30%

# 4 Phys Dmg -30% Physical damage received -30%

# 5 Arm Break 25% 25% chance of armor break/hit

# 6 Wpn Break 25% 25% chance of weapon break/hit

# 7 Acc Break 25% 25% chance of accessory break/hit

# 8 Coin Break 25% 25% of coin break/hit

# 9 Life and Death Hit/Evade/Damage up when HP is low

# 10 Seven Pains Causes all negative effects/hit

# 11 Seven Guard Protects from all negative effects

# 12 Counter 100% 100% chance of counterattack

# 13 Break Guard Protects all items from breaking

# 14 Star Blade
# 15 Vugtis' Garb Equipment section of the guide>

# 16 Break All Breaks all items/hit



Devotion Lv. Skill Learned: Description:

# 1 Luck +50% Luck increases by 50%

# 2 Phys Hit +30% Physical success rate increases by 30%

# 3 Equip Coin +2 Number of coins equipped +2

# 4 DEV +50% Acquired DEV increases by 50%

# 5 Seven Guard Protects from all negative effects

# 6 Jump +3 Climbing ability increases by 3

# 7 CF Dmg -30% Coinfeigm damage received -30%

# 8 Absorb 100% Absorbs 100% of damage you inflict

# 9 Phys Evade +30% Physical attack evasion rate +30%

# 10 CF Dmg +30% Coinfeigm damage increases by 30%

# 11 Break Guard Protects all items from breaking

# 12 CF Success +30% Coinfeigm success rate +30%

# 13 EXP +50% Acquired EXP increases by 50%

# 14 Elvilla's Garb
# 15 Celestial Ring Equipment section of the guide>

# 16 Final Guard-----Seven Guard + Break Guard



Now, here's what everyone's waiting for the "Coin FAQ" as you progress
in the game using coinfeigms/coins are very essential so as to beat
the game. The outcome of a battle could be decided before it even
begins with how powerful your equiped coins are. At the very beginning
of the game you can start engraving or powering your coins through
engraving them with seals. The more powerful the coin gets the better
chance of your mage to deal much damage or even kill them with one hit.
Okay, enough with that much talk and lets get on with our bussiness.
Refer to the Seal Section for more deatils about seal and the basics.

In the circle of deities in the tutorial menu.

---> Gote -----> Amu ----
/ \
/ V
Ema Zeneth
^ /
\---Sonova <----- Kashis <---/

It's not much of a circle but that would work. If you go over the
Tutorial Section again you'll learn that Sonova is weak on Ema while
Ema's weak on Gote. The circle forms 2 triangles the first one is
Gote, Sonova and Zeneth or Lightning, Force and Water. The other
one is Amu, Ema and Kashis or Fire, Earth and Wind.

Gote Amu
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
Sonova - - - Zeneth Ema - - - Kashis

First keep in mind the triangle formed in the circle. Take a coin
and identify where it belongs whether triangle one or two. Engrave
the other two coins which will give you better result. For example
let's take the Zell coin, its a wind coin, identify whether it
belongs to triangle 1 or 2. The element of wind is under triangle
two, now we're done with the identifying. Take it to the engraving
menu and engrave the two other element that makes up the triangle
namely fire and earth. Engrave them whether by 1 seal engrave or by
2 seals engrave. Now with that knowldege you can power your coins
up. The triangle formula raises the MCP and the POT of the coins.

A coin levels up when it reaches a certain amount of stats. You
can level them up through twin engraving. By following what's
said above.

Now, for raising the AOE or Area of Effect of the coin. I found
out this. To raise the coins AOE refer to the two triangles again.
Pick a coin you wish to raise its AOE. Now take it to the engraving
section. Engrave the other end of the triangle a level 1 seal and
the level 6 seal of other end. For example, you picked a water
coin, Blisu. Identify the triangle it belongs. Remember the two
ends of thge triangle. A Water coin would have Lightning and Force
element for it's two ends. Take the Water coin to the coin shop
and engrave. Pick the level 1 seal of either the lightning or the
force element seal and the level 6 seal of either of the two. If
you'll raise a Blisu's AOE you'll be combining this lightning and
an impact seal or a thunderclap and force seal. Now, I think that's
clear ^_^!

For improving the range of a coin. Pick a coin you wish to improve
its range. Refer to the two triangles again and identify where it
belongs. Take it to the coin shop and engrave it. A level 1 seal
and a level 2 seal is needed for it. They must be from the other
ends of the triangle. Example! You picked a Zaicle coin. Identify
it where triangle it belongs. Obviously it belongs to the first
triangle. Take it for engraving. Take note of the two ends of the
triangle since its a lightning coin the other ends should be
Force and Water. For raising the range a level 1 seal of either
the force or water seal is needed and a level 2 seal of either
of the two. If you do understand this right your guess would
be right as mine you'll probably use this seals, either a
force(level 1) and blue(level 2) or ice(level 1) and
yellow(level 2).

Now that's done! Remember to save before leveling or powering
your coins up you could end up with the coin you don't want.


Enough talk let's get this on! Okay, I'll start of with the
basics. Before you start engraving your coins I'll explain how
the level of seals works. I've compiled 8 different seals for each
element/deity. The level goes like this:

Level 1 = Basic element
Level 2 = Color of Element/Deity
Level 3 = Advanced Element
Level 4 = Deity's Crest
Level 5 = Deity's Weapons (excluding light and dark)
Level 6 = Much more advanced Element
Level 7 = Natural Element of the Deity
Level 8 = Deity's Emblem

Here's the list of the seals in order according to their level.

Amu Ema Sonova
--- --- ------
Fire Earth Force
Red Brown Yellow
Flame Russet Brimstone
Amu Crest Ema Crest Sonova Crest
Sword Sorcery Axe
Inferno Land Impact
Entity Spirit Chaos
Amu Emblem Ema Emblem Sonova Emblem

Zeneth Gote Kashis
------ ---- ------
Ice Lightning Wind
Blue Purple Green
Glacier Spark Breeze
Zeneth Crest Gote Crest Kashis Crest
Spear Bow Dagger
Frost Thunderclap Mistral
Tundra Mirage Tempest
Zeneth Emblem Gote Emblem Kashis Emblem

Elvilla Vugtis
------- ------
Light Darkness
White Black
Purity Night
Ell Crest Tys Crest
Harmony Domination
Halo Shadow
Life Death
Ell Emblem Tys Emblem

Hidden Items Location

Like most of SRPGs around most of them got a hidden item lying
around the battle map. This section is intended to help gamers to
find them all or just to help them get a rare item from a battle
field. Most items are good like getting a good weapon early in the
game. I've talked about how will I describe or point out the exact
location of the Hidden Item. I'll be using an X and Y axis for
easier search for the hidden item though you could find them
yourself through the use of Cat's Eye and the Hawk's Eye ability.

o o
o o
o o
o o
o o
Y - o o
9 - o o
8 - o o
7 - o o
6 - o o
5 - o o - 5 X
4 - o o - 4
3 - o o - 3
2 - o o - 2
1 - o o - 1

It's quite hard to explain the location of the items so I'll add
the following instructions:
1. At the very start of the battle do not rotate the battle field
because I'll base the location of the item through the default
position of the view in battle.
2. I won't describe much of the certain place so follow the X
and Y axis thingy carefully. Like I won't describe what the area
looks like or whatever.
3. If you do have the Hawk's Eye ability or the Cat's Eye
accessory you can go on searching for the items with out the guide.
4. Let's take (01,02) as the location of the hidden item. The Y
axis would be the 01 and the X would be the 02.
5. Sometimes you must have the Jump+1 skill to reach the item.
6. Sometimes the item's on the lower level if not on top.
7. Remember that in every story battle there's the maximium of 2
hidden items found.

Okay, that's enough instructions so let's go on with the section.

Battle Number Hidden Item Location:

#1 Eyedrop 06,13
Grulla 08,04

#2 Tempest 10,05
Boomerang 02,12

#3 Leather Armor 09,11
Eyedrop 17,07

#4 Hand Axe 07,02

#5 Stone Ring 08,09
Ema Crest 15,07

#6 Blue Cutter 09,14
Entity 06,11

#7 Open Face 12,07
Zepherd 08,17

#8 Green 15,02
Ring Mail 09,09

#9 Nut of Vigor 09,01
Halberd 10,09

#10 Iron Ring 16,03
White 08,10

#11 Bronze Mail 08,16

#12 Blista 16,02
Thundra 04,12

To be continued...


Getting special character

Like most of the Strategy/RPGs out there it contains special or a
secret character that got better stats or ability than a normal
character. In Hoshigami here's a list of some of the special
characters that you could get to join your party and how to get
them join.

o After the prison battle you'll be given to choices to whether
accept him or well... accept him ^_^ You'll get too choose:

"Thank you."
"I can’t let you..."

o He'll offer you his help, like Romleth. You'll choose with
either of the two but end up getting him only with different
conversation but only for the first few lines.

"I gladly accept your offer."
"Thank you, but..."

o At the beginning of chapter 2 head for Dissoal and a scene
should take place you'll be ask two questions. Pick the second

"Sorry, find someone else"
"How much will you pay me?"

o If you miss her on the chapter 2 she'll join you in chapter 3
she'll be in Tus, just after completing the water temple

o After the battle in Queld that ends the chapter 2 you'll
get the chance of whether "Send a messenger" and the other
answer. Pick the "Send a messenger" answer. On the first
meeting with Jacqueline select the answer "A Woman of such
beauty..." (I think that's the choice). Then, After the
battle at Fort Sappharl pick the "I want to help them"
answer. After the battle at Lake Ecroga (or something like
that) you must have Tinn or Elena and select the "That's
enough" answer a few conversation follows then pick the
answer "Well..." then the answer "What's the matter?"
then the "Elena/Tinn, hold on" and there you have Jacqueline.

o You must meet her first on top of Hephaitos' Tower.
You'll be given two questions I missed the otehr one
but pick the answer "I know what you are saying".
After beating the battle at Kamdell, return to the
tower and talk to Chroma. She'll request you to
recover her stolen weapons in the tower. After
recovering every item talk to Chroma again and
pick the 2nd answer (I think...) It's the one
that says "No, not at all" answer.

Here's the list of the weapon stolen form her:

1. Armsbreaker (Knife)
2. Shichishitou (Sword)
3. Soul Reaper (Axe)
4. Brionac (Spear)
5. Crescent (Boomerang)
6. Nullifier (Morning Star)
7. Jewel Eater (Bow)
8. Promise Ring (duh)

The first seven are on floors 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 of
Hephaitos' Tower. Sajiri has them equipped. The ring belongs
to Chroma. You get it when she joins the party. The
Shichishitou is invaluable (Seven Pains).

o After the battle at the Temple of Water you must keep
Leia alive until clearing the battle. During the
conversation with Leia tell her "I can't do that" Now
continue on with the game before going for the Temple of
Fire return to the Temple of Water. Series of questions
would be asked answer them in this way "But..." then
"True..." lastly "Even then".

o During the prison scene where Romleth ask you who
Tinn was answer him "...special". Recruit Elena at
the start of Chapter 2 or before the Savah Canal
Battle. A conversation will take place after the
battle. Elena will ask you something and answer
"Yes I was" at the battle at Fort Yugo select any
of the answer. Choose "Alright..." for a shorter

o If you don't have Elena at the battle at Fort
Yugo. Your last chance of getting Tinn will come
up after the battle at Lar Dullue. You must answer
"Alright..." to make her join.

o At the Temple of Fire be sure to have Gomes last
the battle. At the conversation with him at Clair
Oasis answer him "Certainly" or "Actually..." then
the "Alright" answer.

o You must first have Tinn recruited at Fort Yugo
and recruit Leia. During the conversation with Leia
before she joins you pick "Even then" Then, at the
Temple of Fire conversation pick either of the choice.
After the battle with Leimrey at Kamdell pick
"No, Leimrey"

o First you must go through the Clair Oasis conversation.
After the battle with Alveen at Fort Le Sulle pick
"Come with us"

o At the very beginning of the game you must choose the
following answers "Let's hear what he has to say" and
"I can't say no to a king" Anohter conversation with him
after the Castle of Aus battle and pick the "Alright"
answer. At another battle at Aus have Reuperl survive
the battle. After the Lar Dullue battle and before
reaching the Ixian temple give him this answers:
"No" then "Alright or "Okay, but..." then "Alright".

o First have Luke, Reuperl, Silphatos, Elena, Leia,
Alveen, and Tinn recruited into your party. After the
Lar Dellue battle before reaching the Ixian Temple
visit Layeta then select on of the following message:
"Thank you very much" or "I'm sorry..." then
"That's right..."

o You must first have the tower of Vugtis appear on the
world map(Look for question #13 for the way to have the
Vugtis tower appear). And you must have Leia, Elena and
Jacqueline in your party. After leaving Layeta in the
beginning of Chapter 6 and before going to the Ixian
Temple, visit the Temple of Water and select "Of course
not" answer.

o At the last chapter of the game you can hire the two
in the recruitment center. They appear at random and
they got better stats than an ordinary merc.


These are some of the simple strategies that can help you in the
game. You can add in your own strategy just e-mail it to me and
I'll credit you for it.

1. Early in the game you could obtain stronger weapon by doing
an attack session on the enemies on floor 8 and up. You'll
have some strong weapons early on like Broad Sword etc...
same goes for the armors.

2. Equip only the abilities that are useful. You don't have to
equip all the new stuffs you could stick to the old ones and
replace them when something better comes up.

3. Stock up with healing items right away. You'll never know
when you'll be needing them.

4. Ones you got enough money, start engraving seals to power
your coins up. And try experimenting on it. Then, level up
when required levels are meet.

5. Before leveling a coin up, save before doing so. Some times
it won't turn out the way you like it to be.

6. Everytime you get a new character in your party level him
up quickly so that you won't see him get his ass kicked.

7. The House of Sessions can help you get familiar with the
Attack Session command so try beating it.

8. You could find rare seals and its fir free just by conquering
a floor in the Tower of Trials.

9. Use your knowledge of the game for your advantage. You know
computer can't beat a human brain.

10. Always try to hit your characters at the back. It not only
gives you a higher hit% it also gives as much damage as well.

11. When you level up on Dev. always check what your new skill
is at a temple.

12. Use teamwork, assist one another. Remember no Man's an

13. If you notice that Fazz keeps getting nailed by magic
and dies frequently because of it make him a mage.

14. Alveen makes for a good mage because of his speed.
He'll get to cast long before anyone else does.

15. Zaji, the boss found on top of the Tower of Trials
sometimes carries a coin which can be upgraded to level 5.

16. If you have trouble getting the item you want from Zaji
break the equipment you don't want by using Wpn brk, Arm brk,
Acc brk, and Coin brk.

17. Turn the navigation setting off for easier gameplay.


1. Where can I find this Walkthrough/FAQ?

This guide is originally found at hhtp://gamefaqs.com and will
be updated and be posted there. You can also find an unedited,
unaltered, unchanged and updated version of this guide at the
following sites:


2. How do I level my characters up?

The only place where you could build the levels of your characters
are the Tower of Trials found almost anywhere on the world map.

3. How can I find hidden items?

There's a skill called "Hawk's eye" and an Item called "Cat's Eye"
both will help you see hidden items on the battle field. It can be
identified as the sparkling area on a block on the batte field.

4. What will happen if my character dies on a battle?

You could bid him good bye for good. Once a character dies on a
battle he/she's completely dead unless you got a revive coin
for him.

5. Help! My character die how could I revive him?

There's a coin that can revive a character that was killed on a
battle. Too bad you can get it late in the game. The coin is
called Re Vin coin.

6. What will you get after finishing all 40 rooms in the
House of Sessions?

After conquering all 40 rooms you'll recieve a manual called
"Life and Death"

7. I'm sick of all the "Proceed?" questions after each turns how
do I get rid of them?

Under the Setting Menu turn off the Navigation option.

8. How many ending those Hoshigami got? I beat the game and I got
the crappy forest ending.

I'm on my second game right now and the guys on the board said
something about a hidden ending where you find out the "truth"
behind what's going on, and who's responsible. Am trying to
find that ending.

9. What's the use of the Deity Aid skill?

On my experience the Deity Aid skill protects you from attacks
made by an enemy who worship a deity that oppose yours. For
example equiping Sonova's Aid on an Ema character will take less
damage from a Sonova character than the damage recieve with out
the Aid Skill. Same with this example: A Sonova character
with an Ema's Aid skill equiped recieves less damge from attacks
made by Ema characters.

10. Does the deities affects your stats when leveling up?

Yes, it does affect your stats. A character who worship Amu
recieves a stat bonus on strenght. Same like having a character
who worship Gote, that character, when it level up recieves a
bonus on its dexterity stat.

11. I hear that the Divine Aid skills gives you stat bonus when
leveling up. I'm a bit confused so could you explain this to me.

Here's what Death of Nation found out:

Divine aid skills give you bonuses to different attributes upon
level up. I tested this with a gameshark. I had a fire generic
reach level 5 with no divine aid and stats of-
str 24
spi 16
con 22
dex 15
agi 18

The same generic with Amu, Ema, and Sonova's aid equipped and
leveled up to 5 he had stats of

The last two were only higher because he got better levels in
them I think, but there was a pretty big jump in the others.
You get an extra point to whichever attribute is associated
with that deity aid.

The deitys go like this
Amu = Str
Ema = Spi
Sonova = Con
Gote = Dex
Kashis = Agi
Zeneth = Luk

Therefore, you can better customize characters when leveling
up by sessioning divine aid skills from enemies and having
them equipped when leveling up. Now that I know this I think
I'll go through the game leveling Fazz with Amu, Ema, and
gote aids, giving him better attack, magic defense, and hit
rate, as that's what dex affects. LOL, I knew those skills
had to do something else besides just hitting other elements

o You need to clarify the use of aids, though. For example,
an Amu aid adds nothing for a worshipper of Amu, but if you
change deities it continues to give you the STR gains that
you normally get. Thats why you should change all of your
characters immediately! Equipped with their starting aid
and the bonus from their new deity they improve faster.

12. What's a level cap?

According to my knowledge of the game a level cap is similar to
the ones on FFT where when you go to a certain story battle the
enemy levels up for as much as they could/allowed so as to be
able to give you more challenge much like in FFT when you enter
a battle and your highest level character's on lvl. 30 with that
your enemies are on the same level. The level cap is for the
enemy to be able to fight with you evenly but you can also break
the cap.

13. How do I make the Tower of Vugtis appear on the world map?

After the battle in the city of Queld choose to "Send a messenger".
And in the city of Kamdell battle pick the "Let's go to the temple"
answer. And on Chapter 6 after clearing Aus battle the tower will
appear only if you have a character who worship Vugtis.

14. Is there a deity of the light or dark?

Yes! Now, finally somebody got a way to worship them! The darkness
deity is the one called Elvilla and the light deity is Vugtis! I
owe this stuff to a TeamXK ^_^

15. How do I get to worship the deity of light/dark?

Vugtis (as deity)
1) Have a character equip the following skills:
a. Amu’s Aid (Amu Lv. 1)
b. Sonova’s Aid (Sonova Lv. 1)
c. Bat’s Wing (Zeneth Lv. 14)
2) Visit the temple at Marfa or Widden (using the town command).

Elvilla (as deity)
1) Have a character equip the following skills:
a. Kashis’ Aid (Kashis Lv. 1)
b. Gote’s Aid (Gote Lv. 1)
c. Lizard’s Leg (Ema Lv. 14)
2) Visit the temple at Aus or Tus (using the town command)

Ones again a I owe this part to TeamXK! ^_^



o Thanks to Atlus and Max Five for this game. It was great!

o Thanks to my Family for their troubles trying to make me
stop playing the game.

o To "A" Tadeo's cool layout. Sana mapagbibigyan mo ako!

o Thanks to the guys on the Gamfaqs: Hoshigami Message Board.
They got something going on there that might help you out.

o Thanks to Nate Wisdom for the tips about
Chroma and a bunch of helpful tips.

o Thanks to Chiron, and Death of Nations for the stuffs about
the Divine Aid skills.

o Major Thanks to "ATLUS" for the tip on getting most of the
characters that I can't recruit to join like Zelstan, Leimrey,
Luke. And for tip on the Best Ending and for the way to get
Vugtis and Elvilla for a deity (the dark and light).

o Thanks to TeamXK for sharing us what's been mentioned above
he just said to thank Atlus for it but I'll thank you for
bringing that on GameFaqs ^_^.

o Thanks to Hoshigami Guru for
sharing some of his gameplay tips.

o Thanks to Zero Skill for most parts
and verification of the Special Character section.

o John Liu for helping me in the stuffs
like the level cap and coin levels.

o "Vincent" for a little tip about
coin engraving.

o Major Thanks to the Official Hoshigami site
for giving me advance knowledge on the game and a lot of stuffs
like those cool character titles, descriptions and the story.

o And last but absolutely not the least, thanks to GameFAQs where
you can view and download this walkthrough/FAQ. CjayC deserves all
the credits given to him. Congratulations!

Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth(tm)
is a registered trade mark of Atlus and Max Five, co. Ltd.

Playstation(tm) and its accessories
are registered trade marks of Sony Computer Entertainment America

The Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth Walkthrough/FAQ
Copyright December 2001
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14.Oktober 2013
guide is for the advanced levels

14.Oktober 2013
NTSC zu PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version

15.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
22.Oktober 2014
24.Juli 2014
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
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01.April 2020
01.April 2020
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24.März 2020
24.März 2020