Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

16.10.2013 07:40:35


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"Don't damn me if I speak a piece of mind".

Metal Gear Solid is a trademark of Konami. All rights reserved.


Before starting to read further, put to play _Highway to hell_ by ACDC. I'm in a
highway to hell!.


Unofficial espionage book, By GheddonLN and RMcGregor

This guide was started on December 12, 01
This guide was last updated on January 15, 02

Version : FINAL

"Break on through to the other side" or so I understand.


0.1 Prologue
0.2 Versions
0.3 Credits
0.4 Characters
0.5 Basics
0.6 Walkthrough
0.7 Weapons
0.8 Items
0.9 Enemies
0.10 Previous stories summary & complete
0.11 Dog-Tags
0.12 Fun/Curious stuff.

-Closing statement

0.1 P R O L O G U E

First off, welcome to another FAQ by me, GheddonLN. My fifth one in fact.
Even before I could lay my hands on this jewel, I was thinking: "Gotta... make...
a guide... for it". So, I put the disk on the PS2, and started played. I took out
my notebook, and started to write down everything and then re-typed it on the PC.
Is something I really enjoyed, because, after all the typing, you feel glad of
making such a guide, by yourself...

Prepare yourself, soldier, because is Snake is back to kick ass and take
names. And unlike other sequels---Final Fantasy---MGS has changed. Snake looks a
little more bulked up, and has long hair. But that's in terms of graphics. MGS-SoL
has evolved in everything you could imagine. Now guards talk to others by radio,
and if their communication is cut down suddenly, they alert others. They now are
worth it!. The environments are totally interactive, as you can destroy things,
you leave wet-shoes marks, and Snake even bleeds!.

In graphical terms, Konami really did a great job. Snake character looks
insanely good, as well as other players. Controls are as simple as always, and you
should have no trouble whatsoever with them. All of the in-game dialogues have
voice-acting(yes, like in MGS1) and you have new ways to attack and kill your

Overall, the best game in the PS2 thus this far, along with Devil May
Cry(IMHO). Now I gotta wait for FFX!.

- GheddonLN

0.2 V E R S I O N S

Version # - 0.1

Date - 12/10/01

File info - Most of the appendixes as well as intro-things done
- A little bit of the guide is done, too

File size - 28.2KB


Version # - 0.2

Date - 12/13/01

File info - The walkthrough is up to the plant chapter
- All appendixes done(except of the "PREVIOUS STORIES") although a
few require updates.

File size - 42,8KB


Version # - 0.3

Date - 12/14/01

File info - I fixed the FAQ's layout
- I changed the weapons section. Now it only contains weapons I
know of.
- I fixed the walkthrough

File size - 54,8KB


Version # - 0.5

Date - 12/24/01.

File info - Merry Christmas to you, north americans!. Merry Christmas to my
Colombian partners!. Merry Christmas to my latin sidekicks!. And merry Christmas
to this FAQ!.

- I updated the FAQ(and I also rewrote most of it).
- Added the DOGTAGS(I know it looks like DEngel's list, but I made it with my
own hands).
- Added more items
- Fixed the weapons section layout.

File size - 119,2KB.


Version # - 0.6

Date - 12/25/01

File info - Walkthrough has been completed!.
- Added the Fun Sruff section
- Added more characters to the Char. Section
- Added the H.F.B to the weapons list
-Added more enemies to the "ENEMY LIST" section.

File size - 129.5KB.


Version # - 0.7

Date - 12/26/01

File info- Tomorrow I'm going to see "Señor de los Anillos"("Lord of the Rings").

- I've finished MGS2 today... and then finished it again in easy difficulty.
- Now, let's talk about the updates. Updated MGR(X3) strategy.
- Added info about the cinemas that follow the fights aginst the RAYs.
- Added Solidus' strategy.
- Added the Ending.
- Updated both weapons and items lists(just a bit).
- Updated enemies list(updated AG soldiers strategies).
- Fixed other things.

File size - 138,8


Version # 0.8

Date - 12/31/01 (12:00 - This is true!).

Info - Added contributions about Campbell.
- Added the text dump(By AUrbina)
- Changes the FAQ layout a bit.

File size - ????KB


Version # 0.89

Date - 1/6/01

Information - Removed the text dump
- Added the previous stories summary
- Reformatted the FAQ completely

File size - ????KB


Version # 0.92

Date - 1/14/02

Information - Changed the ASCII art atop.
- Added more contributions about Campbell.

File size - ????KB


Version # FINAL

Date - 1/19/02
Information - Added the previous story transcript(and co-authored with Rob)
- No more contributions will be accepted from now on.

File size - ????KB

0.3 C R E D I T S

To Konami(
For creating one of the best games in the PS2.

To CjayC(
For posting my FAQs on his wonderful site.

To The MGS2 instruction manual
I must accept I "stole" some things from it.

To everybody who e-mailed my about Campbell
For clearing my doubts.

To me
For writing this FAQ :)

0.4 C H A R A C T E R S


| S O L I D S N A K E |
| The mercenary who infiltrated Shadow Moses a long time ago is back. This time, |
| however, he is not part of the group FoxHound. He's now a member of the group |
| Philantropy, conformed by he, Otacon and Mei Ling(I believe). He infiltrates |
| the tanker "discovery" in order to see if a new metal gear is in development. |
| After the incident in the tanker, he dies. Or so you think... |
| O T A C O N |
| Anime fanatic Otacon is back, as part of the team Philantropy. His main job is |
| to support Snake giving him tips, strategies and general information. He also |
| acts as the game saver. |


| R A I D E N |
| Raiden, the newest member of Fox Hound, has as mission to infiltrate the off- |
| -shore facility big shell and rescue the president and other hostages, and to |
| disarm the terrorists by any mean necessary. He has taken extensive VR training|
| (300 missions), but he still has a lot to learn about loyalty, friends and |
| love. |
| C O L O N E L C A M P B E L L |
| Colonel Roy Campbell has been taken out of retirement to direct the infiltration
| to the facility BIG-SHELL. He's the commander in chief, and will contact you |
| via CODEC. His messages are normally useless information or very basic tips, but
| sometimes he REALLY helps you. |
| R O S E M A R Y |
| Rosemary is Raiden's girlfriend and was employed by Foxhound in the last minute|
| as an analyst. She will save your game. She will also talk with Jack about their
| lives as boy and girlfriend ad other stuff. |
| I R O Q O U I S P L I S K I N |
| Raiden meets Plisking in the transformer room of Strut B during a gunfight with|
| Vamp. Plisking shows a lot of similarities with Snake(his voice actor is also) |
| David Hayter). He is in charge of defusing Shell's 2 bombs and will support you|
| via codec. |
| P E T E R S T I L L M A N |
| Peter Stillman is the bombs pro who supposedly has to defuse the C4s all over |
| the BIG-SHELL. Because his team was wiped out, he now must join forces with |
| Raiden and Pliskin to defuse every C4 in the facility. He gives the duo a series
| of instruments used to defuse C4 and will aid them via CODEC. |

| O L G A G U R L U K O V I C H |
| Olga Gurlukovich, even though a woman, is one of the best soldiers the Gurlu- |
| -kuvich army has. Extremely skilled using handguns as well as the "scout knife|
| with a surprise" technique characteristic of the Spetznatz, which consists on |
| fooling the enemy with a knife and then shooting with the handgun. Snake fights
| her in the Tanker, and we'll see more of her during the Plant. |
| S E R G E I G U R L U K O V I C H |
| Sergei is the leader of the Gurlukovich army Olga is part of. He was the one |
| Ocelot was supposed to meet after the Shadow Moses incident. He joins forces |
| with Revolver Ocelot in order to steal the marines prototype of a metal gear, |
| METAL GEAR RAY. Unfortunately, Ocelot has other plans and dismisses him. |
| R E V O L V E R O C E L O T |
| Revolver Ocelot is the same one you fought against in Shadow Moses and is the |
| same one who got his arm chopped down by the ninja gray fox. Strangely, in this
| new adventure, he does have his right arm(which is Liquid's arm by the way). |
| He's the one in charge of the MGR stealing process, along with Sergei. He |
| , sometimes, suffers some kind of psychological attacks thanks to Liquid's arm|
| F O R T U N E |
| Fortune, whose real name is Helena Dolph Jackson, is the son of the commander |
| Scott Dolph. She is a cocoa skinned hottie who owns an incredible rail gun. |
| She's lucky in war and nothing else. She can escape harm's way by deflecting |
| bullets, missiles, explosives and other. This is easily explained because she |
| has an electro magnetic shield around here which makes bullets lose their track
| and explosives to defuse themselves. |
| V A M P |
| Vamp is that bloodsucking freak everybody talks about. He uses knives as |
| weapons, and kills every one he find with them without mercy. He's apparently |
| Fortune's boy, and was Dolph's(Scott) lover(he's bisexual). He can walk above |
| water, deflect bullets with his knives, evade them and survive head shots. |
| R I C H A R D A M E S |
| Richard is mentioned as Natasha's ex-husband in the book she wrote. He's sent |
| by the government to keep track on the president's action and to ensure he |
| doesn't betrays America. He also supplies Raiden information about the la-li- |
| lu-le-lo and about Metal Gear RAY. He dies soon after that. |
| S O L I D U S S N A K E |
| The leader of the terrorists group sons of liberty that took over the big |
| shell offshore facility. He is trying to obtain liberty for everybody, but in |
| a wrong way. He wants to kill to obtain liberty!. What's more important, he |
| wants to take out the la-li-lu-le-lo and show them what is he made of. |
| E M M A E M M E R I C H |
| Emma is Otacon's stepsister and a genious in the field of computer. She's part |
| of the Arsenal Gear's AI creation team, and at the same time, she's the one who|
| programmed the virus disk used to corrupt Arsenal's GW system. She dies during |
| a touching scene which includes Emma and Otacon. |

0.5 B A S I C S

******************************** GETTING STARTED *********************************

After you press the START button in the screen with Snake's face, you'll be
confronted with several options. This may trouble you, but don't despair. Here I
am to help you to go through this menus.
| NEW GAME | I suppose you should know what the expression "new game" |
| | signifies, ub?. You'll start from zero, with initial gear |
| | etc, ect, ect. Do I have to explain you what New Game means?|
| LOAD GAME | After you start a game and save in your 8MB memory card |
| | you'll be able to load your game. You'll appear in the last |
| | area you saved your game on. |
| OPTIONS | Adjust different in-game settings such as sound, vibration |
| | screen brightness, blood option, etc. You can also select the
| | Dolby Surround option to make certain cinemas sound better |
| SPECIAL | You can access some extra stuff the game has for you, |
| | including Metal Gear Solid(tm) storyline(divided in three |
| | different books), look at your dog tags, photos taken and |
| | and others. |

| O P T I O N S M E N U |
| With this options you'll be able to turn on or off the Dual Shock(tm)2 controller|
| vibration. |
| With this options, you'll be able to customize the solition radar the way you |
| want it to be. |
| RADAR TYPE I | Radar does appear during intrusion view. Ideal for beginners |
| RADAR TYPE II | Radar does not appear during intrusion view. Ideal for normal |
| | players. |
| NO RADAR | Radar does not appear at all. Ideal for veterans or people |
| | looking for a greater challenge. |
| With this options you'll be able to turn the caption on or off. |
| With his options, you'll be able to change the control style used during first|
| perspective. |
| NORMAL | If you select normal style, when you move the stick up or down, the |
| | camera will move in that direction. |
| REVERSE | If you select reverse style, when you move the stick up or down, the |
| | camera will move in the opposite direction. |
| With this options, you'll be able to change the way items are displayed in the|
| item menu. |
| GROUP VIEW | Items of the same class will be lined up. |
| LINEAR VIEW| Items will be lined up in no particular order. |
| You'll be able to change the style you do quick changes used for items and |
| weapons. |
| Use this options to change the screen position(wither wide screen or normal) |
| Use this options to adjust the TV you are using brightness to fit the game's |
| color scheme. |


Basically, this section explains how to play Metal Gear Solid(tm)2.
| B A S I C E X P L O R A T I O N |
| Metal Gear Solid is a huge game, with big maps to explore. Even though the |
| exploration is not the game's "core", is very important to do so. Always search|
| for air ducts, behind boxes, in seemingly out of reach areas etc. and you may |
| the Ration you were needing or a weapon. Always explore. |
| L O C A L G U A R D S |
| Nearly every area you visit will have guards in patrol. Guards duty is to ensure
| nobody wrecks the order their bosses have created. They follow a certain patrol|
| route over, and over again, until they either go to sleep or start to goof |
| around. If they hear a noise, or a bullet(silenced), their filed of vision will|
| go yellow and they'll start to look around. If they don't find anything, they'll
| return to their patrols. |
| |
| If the manage to find you, then you're in trouble. They'll shoot at small burst|
| of bullets at you, and then call for backup. At that moment, every mofo in the |
| room will be after you, as well as the backup unit, a group whose job is to |
| seek and destroy. If you try to escape, they'll follow you. Always play stealthy
| so you don't end up with the army after you. That is bad for your health. |
| A T T A C K I N G W/ W E A P O N S |
| Even though Metal Gear's main them is stealth, you are going to find yourself |
| using weapons more than you think. Normally, is just better to use the M9 and |
| send the guard into wonderland, as they pose no threat. Other guards require |
| they use of fire weapons because they're in certain position or area. Either way
| when you gotta use a weapon, you gotta use a weapon!. |
| |
| Now, when you've select your victim's, you must select the weapon to use. |
| Examine the terrain the guards you're going to kill are located on. If there are
| several guards, using silenced weapons is your best bet, as other guards may not
| even notice one of their pals is dead. Using a weapon like the PSG1 in a place |
| filled with guards is a bad idea(too sonorous). If there is only a guard, use |
| any weapon you want(NOT the Stinger, it alerts everybody) and kill he. |
| T H E S O L I T O N R A D A R |
| The soliton radar is that square located on the top right portion of the corner|
| It is a very easy to understand device. It shows radarizated version of the map|
| you're currently on. It shows walls, boxes, computers and others. It also shows|
| the location of guards and yours(it doesn't shows items, sadly). It's mainly |
| used to elaborate different stealth strategies and ways to evade guards. Guards|
| are represented as red dots with a blue field of vision(if you step on it, you |
| will enter alert mode). You are represented as a white dot. |
| |
| Depending on the items or situations you're on, other kind of signs may be shown
| on the radar. Having the MINE DETECTOR active will cause stealth-equipped |
| claymore to appear on the screen(along with their field of vision). Having the |
| SENSOR A equipped will make the radar to show the "yellow stuff" which represent
| the C4s scent. Laslty, while underwater, you'll also see "blue stuff" which |
| represent breathing points. |
| |
| Lastly, the radar also has different statuses. The first is NORMAL. It is when |
| guards are following their patrols and everything is normal. Nobody knows you |
| are around. The second is caution. Guards know _somebody_ is here, and will |
| look for him with more effort. They'll also abandon their patrols. The other |
| status is ALERT. Guards know you're there, and will try to nail you, and shoot |
| you. The backup unit will also try to kill you. Hide. Lastly, there is the |
| evasion status. During evasion, the backup unit will search for you for a short|
| period, and then will activate CAUTION. During EVASION they may also perform |
| a clearing(they'll look for around for you in the spots they think you are) |
| L O C K - O N T A R G E T S |
| Lock-on targets will grant you a pinpoint accuracy and will ensure that every |
| bullet you deploy will hit its target. To lock on, pres the L1 button. Raiden |
|(Snake) will then point his gun at the nearest guard. Press S to shoot at him |
| and see how it doesn't fail. If you lock-on at enemies, you'll also be able to |
| run with your currently equipped weapon. Always use the lock-on technique. |
| F I R S T P E R S O N P E R S P E C T I V E |
| The First person perspective(FPP) lets you aim at your enemies better, as well |
| as increment your chances of winning a gunfight and to perform terrain |
| reconnaissance. To enter FPP, press the R1 button. You'll then see through Jack
| /Snake's eyes. During FPP, you can also shoot with your weapons. R1 with L1 is |
| the best way to fight gunfights. To lessen the damage you'll receive, pres the |
| R2/L2 buttons to strafe and evade bullets. FPP must be used during all kind of |
| gunfights(unless you want to run). |
| H A N G I N G |
| When there is not other way to escape, and guards are tying to nail you, you |
| you should try to hang. Hanging will normally make guards forget you, and some |
| times they will just nail you and try to make you fall. To hang, get near a |
| railing, and press the T button. You'll then be hanging. When you do so, the |
| grip gauges will also appear. It represents the muscular power of the character|
| you're currently playing with. When the bar is empty, the character you are |
| using will fall. Depending on the height, you may just lose generous amounts |
| of health, or you may die. To fall automatically, press X while hanging. |
| C H O K E H O L D |
| The chokehold or neckcrush is one of the most effective ways to kill, but at |
| the same time, on of the hardest. To apply the chokehold, get near a guard back|
| without weapons equipped. Be sure you're VERY near him, and then press S. If |
| you are not near enough, you'll grab him and throw him. If you are near enough,|
| you'll grab him in a chokehold. Press the S quickly if you want to destroy his |
| neck, or hold it if you want just to grab him and drag him around. You can use |
| chokehold guards to prevent others from shooting and as a shield. |

| F R E E Z E ! |
| REQUIREMENTS | A fire weapon(the bigger, the better). |
| Be sure the guard has his back turned at you. Then, approach him silently and |
| point your gun at him. Snake(or Raiden) will yell "FREEZE!". Ta-dah, you froze |
| a guard(also called to hold up). Now, do whatever you want with him. Shoot at |
| his nuts, head or feet to see what happens. You could also release your weapon |
| and put yourself in front of him. Then, point your gun at his head or crotch. |
| He'll then start to "dance" and give you his dog tags or items he may be |
| carrying. |
| |
| Oh, and one piece of advice: Never de-equip your weapon in front of a frozen |
| guard. |
| S H A K E D O W N ! |
| REQUIEREMENTS | A dead/dozed/knocked out guard. |
| First, knock out a guard(punch him to death), kill him(shoot as his head or nuts
| or doze it(use the M9/PSG1-T) and his body will be lying around. This body will|
| alert guard(in case is dead; dozed/knocked bodies normally don't alert them). |
| So, you could drag the body!. Get near the slumped body, and press S. Hold the |
| button and use the Left Stick to move it around. And why not collect the items |
| they were carrying! Grab the bodies and release them to shake them and make them
| release their items, such as rations, bandages or ammo. |
| S U R P R I S E ! |
| REQUIREMENTS | A wall, a weapon, a victim. |
| First off, flatten against a wall, and make sure you have corner view(you can |
| see what's around the corner) and that a guard is around. Equip a weapon, slide|
| towards the edge of the wall, and press SQUARE. Snake will suddenly jump out |
| Surprise!. Start shooting at the enemy until he is dead(if the enemy is near |
| enough, you may end up freezing him). Fast tap will normally result in instant |
| death whereas slow tap will result in a wounded guard who'll call for backup. |
| T R A N Q U I L I Z E R G U N |
| REQUIREMENTS | The M9 or PSG1-T and a victim. |
| Firs off, be sure you have one of the weapons listed above. Second, select your|
| victim. When you do so, tranquilize him!. That's it. Is better to do so as it |
| takes less effort, ammo and you feel as a good(and professional guy). Always |
| try to hit them in the head, because with 45 bullets you can take 45 that way. |

__________ ~~ __________
| ===L2=== | _| | ===R2=== |
| ===L1=== | | | | ===R1=== |
* * PS * *
/ UP \ playstation / T \
| | | | | | \
| | | | | | \
/ \ DOWN / _____ _____ \ X / \
/ * * / \ / \ * * \
| ------------|-------|--|-------|---------------- |
| / \_____/ \_____/ \ |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\_________/ \___________/

Not the best PS2 controller image around, but a decent one though.

R1 BUTTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Used to access First person view.
R2 BUTTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Used to cycle through weapons and to
L1 BUTTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Used to lock on a target.
L2 BUTTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Used to cycle through items and to
LEFT STICK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Used to move Snake.
RIGHT STICK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Used to move camera during corner view.
SELECT BUTTON. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Used to activate the CODEC.
START BUTTON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Used to pause game and bring out current
Area name.
X BUTTON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Used to crouch.
CIRCLE BUTTON. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Used to pucnh.
SQUARE BUTTON. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Used to fire weapon.
TRIANGLE BUTTON. . . . . . . . . . . . .Used to perform actions such as opening
Doors and hanging from railings.
D-PAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Used to move the main character.


| The R2 button is used to cycle through the weapons inventory. Press and hold it|
| and use the d-pad to select your weapon. While in first person view, pressing |
| R2 will make Snake to strafe right. Also used to peek left while in corner view|
| Use the R1 weapon to change the camera from third person view to first person |
| view. While in first person view, you can fire your guns with the square button|
| and strafe using the R2/L2 buttons. |
| The L2 button function is to show you the items inventory. Press and hold this |
| button, and use the d-pad to search for the item you're needing. While in FPP |
| use this to strafe left. Also used to peek left while in corner view. |
| Use this button to lock on at your enemies and ensure your weapons will hit |
| them. Use this in combination with the R1 and SQUARE buttons to develop good |
| strategies and increment your chances of winning a gunfight. |
| The left stick is used for general movement. Use it to move Snake throughout the
| map. While swimming, move the stick towards the direction you want to go, and |
| the main character will head there. Also used to slide through walls you're |
| flattened on. Used to move camera during first person view and when using the |
| digital camera. |
| The right stick is used to move the camera while in corner view. No further use|
| that I know of. |
| Use this to access the CODEC(used to contact your friends). While in the CODEC,|
| use the d-pad or left stick to cycle through frequencies(press right or left) |
| or to access frequencies saved in the CODEC memory(press down). |
| Use this button to pause the game so you can go and discharge those beers that |
| are mortifying you. While paused, the game wills show the name of the are you're
| on in Japanese and in English. In the plant, it'll also show the map |
| Use this button to crouch. While crouching, move the Left Stick to crawl in the|
| direction you move the stick. If you're running, press the X button and you'll |
| perform a diving somersault(Snake's case) or a Roll(Raiden's case). |
| Press this button to punch. A single tap will make Snake punch once, two taps |
| twice, and three taps will make him to punch twice, and finish with a roundhouse
| kick that will knock out guards. |
| The action button everybody is talking about. It is used to perform nearly |
| thing in this game. Use it to open lockers, hatchdoors, grab Emma's hand, hang |
| from railings, hold breath while underwater and others... is THE button |
| The square button is used to fire the weapon you have equipped. Hold it to |
| trigger the laser aim(certain weapons only). When you hold the S button, release
| it slowly to prevent Snake from shooting. For automatic weapons, press the |
| button hard to fire nonstop or lightly to fire calmly. |
_________ __________
| |__________________________________________________________| |
|_________| |__________|
_________ A D V A N C E D C O N T R O L S __________
| | | |
| ___ | | ____ |
| | | |__________________________________________________________| | | |
|__| |__| |__| |__|

| Regardless on how many pressure you apply when moving the left analog stick, |
| Snake my run or may walk silently. Moving the stick lightly will make Snake to |
| walk slowly but silently, ensuring nobody will hear his footsteps. Moving the |
| stick with full force will cause Snake to run. While running, Sbake footsteps |
| are clearly heard, so don't be surprised if a guard discovers you. |
| The diving somersault(also called ROLL in Raiden's case) is an extremely useful|
| move. You can escape enemy's fire with it, pass form one shadow to another, or |
| fool a guard. Not to mention that hitting a guard with any of this moves will |
| momentary stun him/her. To perform the diving somersault/roll, run, and when at|
| top speed, press the X button. |
| Crouch is useful to hide and to fight gunbattles. You could crouch just to hide|
| behind a box, or to escape harm's way. You could also crouch behind a box to |
| reload or to fool the guards. See, crouching is very useful. To crouch, press |
| the X button. While crouching, move the left analog stick to crawl. Press X |
| again while crouching or crawling to stand up again. |
| As stated before, hanging is an useful way to escape guards and to reach certain
| areas. To hang, press TRIANGLE in front of a railing. When you start to hang, |
| the grip gauge will appear(see: "gauges"). Use the d-pad, the let stick or the |
| R2/L2 buttons to move while hanging, and the L2/R2 buttons at the same time to |
| pull-ups(after 100 pull-ups, you'll increase your grip level). Press the T to |
| return to surface, and use the X to stop hanging(you'll fall). You'll also |
| fall if your grip gauge is completely depleted. |
| To flatten against a wall, point the left stick towards the wall you want to |
| flatten on. Keep the "flattening direction" pressed, and move the left stick |
| either right or left to move in those directions. Move towards a corner, and use
| either the R2 or L2 button to peek left or right(respectively) and the S button|
| to do a surprise attack. |
| During gameplay, press the R1 button to access FPP. While in FPP, use the S |
| button to fire your gun and the L2 and R2 buttons to strafe left or right |
|(respectively) and press both buttons(R2+L2) to stand on your tip toes. |
| Certain doors are hatched, and require extra strength to be opened. Get near a |
| hatch door, and press the Triangle button. After while, the door will then open|
| You could hold the T button to make the hatch open slowly or tap it fast to |
| make the hatch open fast. |
| There are lockers and bathrooms in this game, and both can be used to evade |
| guards. Open the locker or bathroom by pressing the TRIANGLE button. After the |
| door has been opened, enter the locker and walk towards it to close the door |
| and hide inside it. Press R1 to zoom in while in a locker, and the L2/R2 to move
| strafe left and right. Lastly, press TRIANGLE again to exit the locker/bathroom|
| Stand in front of the panel next to the elevator's door and press the Triangle |
| button. You have called for the elevator!. Now, wait. When the elevator arrives|
| get inside it and look for a panel in the left corner of the elevator. Stand in|
| front of it and ad you'll be then able to select the floor you want to go. |
| Select the floor you need to go, and then stand in awe. |
| Choking. Ah, yes. This is one of the most effectives ways to kill somebody, but|
| one of the hardest techniques to perform at the same time. To choke, get near a|
| guard's back(_very_ near) and press SQUARE. Now, you could hold the S button to|
| grab the guard in a chokehold. Or press the S button rapidly to choke the guard|
| If you decide to grab the grab the guard in a chokehold, you can move with the |
| guard grabbed by moving the left stick. Release the S button to release the |
| enemy. |

-----------------------IN WATER CONTROLS

| LEFT STICK | Use to left stick to make the Raiden move. Move the stick up or |
| | down to move in those directions, and left and right to move in |
| | those directions. |
| CIRCLE | Use the circle button to make Raiden dive underwater. See below |
| | for underwater controls. |

| CIRCLE BUTTON | Use the circle button to swim. If you just hold the circle |
| | Raiden will swim slowly. Tap the circle button rapidly to make |
| | him swim a lot faster. |
| X BUTTON | Use the X button to do a premature stop. If you're near enough |
| | the underwater floor, you'll stand on it. |
| RIGHT STICK | Use the right analog stick to do a quick turn. |
| TRIANGLE | Press this button and Raiden will hold his breath. Therefore |
| | your O2 gauge will deplete slowly. |

| The blade, unlike other weapons, is not used by tapping the SQUARE button. To |
| attack with it, you need to move the right analog stick in different ways(to |
| perform different attacks, obviously). Tap the right stick(R2) and Raiden will |
| swing the blade vertically. He'll do a sting like swing. Move the sticks up, |
| down, left or right to swing the blade in those directions. Finally, move the |
| right stick in a circular way(do a 360º rotation with the stick) to do a spin |
| attack. |
The radar is used to strategize about the ways you should evade guards and learn
the different ways to play stealthy. The radar shows in a simple fashion, the
current terrain you're on. It shows walls, boxes, NODES(on the plant chapter). It
also shows the guards around, as well as dead bodies, and your main character.

The radar has several statuses. It depends on what actions you take, and what you
do to guards. For instance, alerting guards in any way will at least grant you a
caution mode. See below for more information about the different stances the radar

NORMAL STANCE: We say we're in normal stance if we are not seen by a camera or a
soldier. While in normal stance, guards have a certain walking pattern.
| CAUTION MODE: Guards will start their routines again. They'll be more
| careful though, and some guards may be added. You can use the radar.
| They'll not be searching for you, nevertheless, they'll tighten their
| search for something... strange.
| EVASION MODE: If player escapes, guards will start searching for Snake.
| This period is evasion mode. Radar is not available. If player hides for
| too long or guards search for too long, radar will shift to CAUTION MODE.

ALERT MODE: If player is spotted by a camera or a guard, radar disappears and
alert mode is triggered. During alert mode, guards will come after ya. To
terminate alert mode, you can:

* Kill guards
* Escape from them
* Hide

If you do any of these, the red bar under the ALERT mode will start to decrease.
If it hits zero, the player will enter in the evasion mode.

| G A U G E S |
| ____________________________________ |

| LIFE GAUGE | The life gauge represents Snake's health. Each hit you receive, |
| | either by a gun, a physical hit or falling from a big height will
| | deplete a little bit of the bar. Once it hits zero, Snake is dead
| BOSS LIFE'S GAUGE | The boss's life gauge is the health the boss has represented
| | as a bar. Each hit you land on them will deplete their life|
| | gauge(keep in mind that only fire weapons will deplete this|
| | bar. Once the bar is empty, boss dies and battle ends. |
| STUN GAUGE | The sun gauge represents the resistance bosses have against the |
| | M9 shots and physical shots. So, hitting a boss with a M9 bullet|
| | or a punch will make it to lose portions of his/her stun gauge |
| | Once the stun gauge is depleted completely, you win the fight. |
| GRIP GAUGE | The grip gauges represents your physical strength. This only |
| | appears while hanging. The grip gauge is depleted with time. As |
| | you hang, the gauge depletes slowly. Once it is completely empty|
| | you'll fall to whatever is below you. |
| O2 GAUGE | This represents the amount of air you have left while underwater|
| | Obviously, this only appears while underwater. The gauge will |
| | deplete as long as your underwater. Once it is completely empty,|
| | you'll start losing health from your life bar. Press T rapidly |
| | to make the O2 consumption slower. |
| PAL LIFE GAUGE | This represents Emma's or Snake's health. As she/he receives
| | hits, either physical or from a weapon, it'll deplete. If it
| | reaches zero, you lose(Game Over). |

| D I F F I C U L T I E S |
| _________________________ |
| |
| ---VERY EASY--- |

Very easy is what it says: A very easy game. There are few guards around, and they
have terrible aim and do little damage. They also take a lot of damage. Bosses
have the smallest life bar and take a lot of damage when you hit them. You'll find
more items and you'll be able to hold a lot more of items.
| |
| ---EASY--- |

A difficulty not for beginners, but for people who have played action games but
not any metal gear. In this difficulty, enemies are still scarce, and they take
below-the-average damage. Bosses' life bars are also a bit longer, and they take a
bit less damage. You still find lots of items and your item/bullet capability is
big also.
| |
| ---NORMAL--- |

A difficulty for people who know what an action game is and what metal gear is.
There is a normal number of guards, and they take adequate damage. Bosses have
normal life bar and take adequate damage. You find less items than in the two last
difficulties, and your item/bullet capability is dastrically reduced compared to
Very easy.
| |
| ---HARD--- |

A difficulty for veterans in metal gear. There are lots of guards, and they take
small damage. Bosses have longer bars and take less damage. You find much less
items and your item/bullet capability is really reduced.

| |
| ---EXTREME--- |

The insane difficulty. You find extreme amounts of guards, they take liiiiittle
damage, bosses have extreme bars(and yours is almost non-existent), items are
extremely hard to find(and rations can only be found by shaking guards) and you
can hold FEW items and bullets.


Checkpoints are areas in where you'll appear if you select the "continue"
option in the GAME OVER menu. This points are also where you appear depending on
where you save your game. Checkpoints are normally an area entrance, or an area
prior to a boss.
| \
| CODE FREQUENCIES \ (Tanker chapter)
| Otacon(141.12) | Otacon will give you various tips and other info. |
| Otacon-Save(140.96)| Otacon lets you Save your game |

(Plant chapter).

| Colonel(140.85) | He gives you various tips about movement and so |
| Rose(140.96) | Jack's girlfriend lets you save your game |
| Pliskin(140.80) | Solid Snake will give you more advanced tips |
| Stillman(140.25 | He'll give you information about how to defuse C4 |
| Emma(140.52) | When you call her, Raiden will ask if she's OK. |
| Otacon(140.12 | Call for Otacon and he'll give you tips and others |

0.6 W A L K T H R O U G H

== T A N K E R C H A P T E R ==

---------------------------- [ LANDING POINT ] ------------------------------

[ ENEMIES ] : Laser-eyed soldier.
[ ITEMS ] : Rations

After we presence the intro cinema, we'll be able to control Snake. First thing
off, check your inventory. You don't have much, but is enough. For now. The weapon
you start with is the M9, a fixed beretta with knockout bullets. Equip it.

Now, there are three guards in this place. There are two patrolling the upper part
of the ship, and one of the left side. You gotta find a way inside the ship. There
are doors in the upper part, which is guarded by two guards. There is other door
on the lower part, which is guarded by one guard. Got the picture. Is easier down.

First thing: be sure one of the guards above doesn't spots you. If they do... bad
things happen. To avoid so, get as far as possible from the upper level balcony.
After you did so, head to the rightmost part of the ship. Grab the item at the
bottom, and backtrack to the entrance.

Now, head left. There is a guard patrolling the area, but he should pose no threat

---------------------------- [ DECK-A, CREW QUARTERS ] ----------------------

[ ENEMIES ]: Laser-eyed soldier
[ ITEMS ]: N/A

Finally, we're inside the ship. This is the way I selected when I playing, so I
guess you gotta follow me. Before moving on, you may want to de-wet yourself, so
you won't leave footprints, and therefore, you won't alert guards. To do so, press
X repeatedly.

Now, let's move on. From the door you arrived, head right towards a wall. When you
bump into the wall, you'll know you gotta head downards. Keep heading down until
you bump into another wall. Now, you'll spot a room. You could head right and
ignore it, but, I recommend to explore it.

This is the locker room. Inside, there are lockers(duh!). Open every one of them,
and grab the items you may find. If there is one locked, try punching it to see if
it opens. Before going out, check the top-most locker in the left-most set of
lockers. This one has a poster of a Japanese girl In bikini. If you enter the
locker, and close it, you'll have the picture very near from you. Press R1, and
Snake will kiss the poster. Yes, anywhere. Pervert.

Now, let's keep moving. From the lockers room, keep heading right until you bump
into a wall. Then head all the way up. Warning!. To the right is guard. Dispose
him, and keep heading right, until you can head downwards. Then, look for a door
and go through it.

---------------------------- [ DECK-A, CREW LOUNGE ] ------------------------

[ ENEMIES ]: Laser-eyed soldier
[ ITEMS ]: Stun Grenade.

As you enter, you'll spot stairs in front of you. If you take them you'll be able
to access the engine room. But that's not our destination this moment, so... You
can grab a Stun grenade there, though.

In the room on the west, there are three guards. There is one that patrols the
stairs, and the other are in the lounge. If you're very bad playing this game,
this could be hard. If you're rather good, then is easy.

There are two ways to work on this: the hard one, and the easy one(ohhhhhhhh). The
hard one consists on taking out your M9, and take each guard to wonderland. And
the easy one, wait the guard patrolling the stairs turn his back at you, and then
climb up the stairs as fast as you can.

Either way, head through the rightmost door.

-------------------------- [ DECK-B, CREW QUARTERS ] ------------------------

[ ENEMIES ]: Laser-eyed soldier
[ ITEMS ]: Ration up-left-down-left*first-stairs

This portion of the tanker is rather complicated, as it has various exits. There
are two set of stairs in this area. One is blocked, and the other one takes you to
the next destination. Both of them have doors, and each one of them takes you to
the landing point.

Now, let's move on. From the entrance head up. Yep, all the way up. Then, head
left until you see you can go down. So, what are you waiting, go down!. As you
descend south, you'll spot an opening to the left. Go through it, and climb the

-------------------------- [ DECK-C, CREW QUARTERS ] ------------------------

[ ITEMS ]: Ration

After you enter, Snake peeks around the corner and spots a surveillance camera
guarding the hallway. This camera is very easy to avoid, however. Flatten against
the wall the camera is located on, and head right. Grab the ration in the locker,
and climb the stairs.

------------------------- [ DECK-D, CREW QUARTERS ] -------------------------

[ ENEMIES ]: Laser-eyed soldier.
[ ITEMS ]: BoxA, Ration, USP ammo.

Believe it or not, this portion of the ship HAS a few goodies. To obtain them, you
must do a bit of exploration. From the entrance stairs, head down and then all the
way right. You could either head down, or up. Down, the path is blocked by a laser
barrier. Step on it and the ship goes ba-boom. Bad thing. So head up and enter the

This room contains what the guards eat, apparently. You can find a CARDBOARD box
and a RATION in this room. If you take too long to leave, a guard will kick in.
He'll goof around, and then fall asleep. You can fire a bullet through the fruits
stand to kill/doze him, but be ready to run if the shoot doesn't kills/dozes him

Now, from the door that leads to this room, head down and take the first left you
can. Head all the way left and go through the door. This is where the guards eat,
apparently. There is a RATION on the top-leftmost part of the room. To continue,
you must go through the bottom-right door. The door is guarded by a camera that's
is easily avoided. There is also a USP ammo box by the camera. Nevertheless, you
can't grab it. So go through the door, and climb the stairs.

------------------------------- [ THE BRIDGE ] ------------------------------

[ ENEMIES ]: None
[ ITEMS ]: M9 ammo, RATION

Snake kicks in, and looks around. No one is guarding this room, apparently. There
are a few marines dead, though. Snake checks the ships course, and contacts
Otacon. After talking with his friend, he spots a woman in the left side of the

After you gain control of Snake, grab the items in the room(namely M9 ammo), and
go through the leftmost door. Be ready for a doozy.

------------------------------ [ BATTLEDFIELD ] -----------------------------

BOSS ENEMY: Olga Gurlukovich SP(shot points): 8.
Olga, as your first boss, should pose no problem. She's a bit tough though. Key
word: bit. First off, hide behind a wall. Olga will talk about her childhood
before getting serious. While she moves around, activate FPP, and look for her
head. When you find it, tap S to inflict major damage.

If you stay in a same spot for too long, she'll throw a grenade. Evade it, and
then return to your position. Keep behind the boxes, and always in FPP. You'll
suddenly get a clear shot at her head. Is just patience what you need.

Now, let's talk about what she does. Apart from shooting, grenading you, she also
tries to protect herself. First thing she does: shoots the green cape and uses it
to make you miss your shoots. Shoot at the cape bottom part to send it flying, and
therefore, decreasing Olguita's defense. After a while, she'll move a light and
will decrease your accuracy VERY notably. Shoot at the light, and problem solved,

After the battle, Snake checks Olga sleeping body, and takes an ammoless USP.
While checking the beautiful USP, a Cypher suddenly arrives. It watches Snake, and
then leaves. Snake immediately calls for Otacon, and then you can move. It's
goodie time!. From the door that takes you back to the bridge, head right. Climb
the ste of stairs you see, and you'll be on the bridge roof. You'll also see a
_big_ ladder. Climb it all the way to the top, and grab your prize: the thermal

Now, to continue with the game, please. Head back to the Deck-A, crew lounger. The
guards you disposed of early are back unless their necks were broken. Either way,
go down the stairs. Yeah, the one that I told you that leads to the Engine room.
Go through the bottom room.

-------------------------- [ ENGINE ROOM-STARBOARD ] ------------------------

[ ENEMIES ]: Laser-eyed soldier
[ ITEMS ]: Ration, USP ammo, M9 ammo.

As you advance into the room, Snake will suddenly spot Vulcan Raven shadowy
figure. Strangely enough, the shadow is not moving. Advance into the room, and
you'll notice that the "shadow" is a toy shadow!. Grab the USP AMMO here if your
USP is still thirsty. Open the lockers for more goodies(and to find another dead
body). Now, go through the door and head all the way down making use of the
stairs, and disposing of guards.

Grab the ammo on the bottommost part of the screen, and go through the little
bridge. Grab the ration, and go down, left and upstairs. Go up, left, down, left,
up and left. In this room, go to the place where there are three hatchlockers.
You'll see a laser barrier.

Ok, to go through it, you'll need to destroy the panels. You need the USP to do
so. Don't worry, you won't alert guards. So take out your weapon, access FPP, and
look for the panels. They have green lights on them. There is one on the bottom
right portion of the hallway, by the door. There is another one to the right,
hidden under the locker. For the last one, climb the panel right of the lockers,
and access FPP. You'll notice a panel high, covered by C4s. Use your dynamite
marksmanship, and then go through the hallway.

---------------------------- [ VERRAZANO BRIDGE ] ---------------------------

[ ENEMIES ]: Laser-eyed soldier, attack squad.
[ ITEMS ]: Ration, M9 ammo, USP ammo.

As you arrive, somebody starts talking. During that moment, you can't access the
CODEC. Who cares, after you can access the mighty device, save your game.
Basically, head forwards. All the way forwards. There will be a few resting
places in where you'll be able to grab some items. You'll suddenly have to take a

After a while, you'll reach a place in where Snake will spot various guards doing
stuff(they're locking doors and talking to their commander, not that!.). One of
them spots ya, and battle starts.
BOSS ENEMY: Attack Squad SP: 4 per soldier
Keep crouching when two or more of the soldiers are firing. Take the bottommost
guard first, and then go for the right one. End with the left one. Only two shots
per de-crouch(after two shots, start crouching), and always take the bottommost
first. I really like to use the R1+L1 button to have a better perspective and aim
at my enemies.

Afterwards, Snake makes his way to the holds. A lone guard blocks him, and then is
killed by Ocelot. Apparently, Ocelot has a plan...

------------------------------- [ HOLD # 1 ] --------------------------------

[ ENEMIES ]: Every marine in the room.
[ ITEMS ]: M9 ammo.

As you enter the room, Snake will contact Otacon to inform about the situation.
After you can move, head down the ladder to the bottom floor. There are Lots of
marines here, and if you bump into one, every one of them points his rifle at you.
Obviously, Snake can't kill 1 marine while other 60 shoot at him, so, if you're
spotted, is game over.

To advance, you must head to the leftmost part of the room. To do so, get very far
from the marines(so, be as near to the bottom of the room), and left. You'll meet
the proyector. Crawl to move on. When you finally hit the left part of the room,
climb the stairs and grab the M9 ammo. Then head all the way up and through the

------------------------------ [ HOLD # 2 ] ---------------------------------

[ ENEMIES ]: see above
[ ITEMS ]: None.

In this hold, you'll a pretty tough time, but with practice, you'll be able to
cross it. First off: Marines don't look only in one direction. Sometimes they
look, sometimes they look right. They change direction after the room goes
completely dark. So, if they're looking left, and the room goes dark, they'll
start looking right. I also noted that the general sometimes gives them a recess,
in where the marines will start looking in every direction, or the general gives
them exercise, ordering them to move their head the direction he says.

Now, you start on the left side of the room. To advance, head forwards, until bump
into a pile of boxes. Before doing a thing, access FPP and look through the
opening. Wait for a soldier to get near, and doze him. Good. Now me must cross the
blocked bridge. To do so, you must go around the silver pump. The silver pump is
"protected" by three marines. Doze the marines, and then rush to the door at the
end of the room(is hidden by the boxes).

----------------------------- [ HOLD # 3 ] ----------------------------------

[ ENEMIES/ITEMS ]: see above

Finally, we meet MGR in person. The captain is also here, too. Ok, we need four
photos: one of MGR front right, front left, front, and one of the MARINES
insignia. Keep in mind that front-left doesn't means "take a photo of its left
arm". It means, a photo of the FRONT-left. I'll explain this later.

Now, position yourself in the left part of the room, take out your camera, and
start aiming. Our first picture is the "front-left". The front left is the left
part of MGR "head". Take the photo, and Snake should say "alright". That means the
photo is good. If he says nothing, then try again. In the same side(left), head
forwards until you can't advance. Take your camera again, and search for the
Marines insignia. Take a photo of it.

After doing so, double back to the entrance door, and head right until you're
positioned in the center of the room. Take your camera, and take photo of the
MGR's front. When you finish with it, head right towards the workstation. Don't
use it, though. Instead, take a photo of the MGR front right(right part of its
head), and then access the workstation. If your photos were good, Otacon will
accept them and a cinema will start.

After the colonel dismisses the marines, Ocelot kicks in. He says, in essence,
he's gonna take the MGR. No wise guy, he's not gonna steal it, he's gonna take it
BACK. Ohhhhhhhhh. Because the Colonel life is threatened, the marines point their
guns at Ocelot. Sergei Gurlokovich kicks in, and takes the colonel...

The rest of the "ending" cinema is up to you to discover. Save your game, but
don't remove the disk!.

== P L A N T C H A P T E R ==

----------------------------- [ LANDING POINT ] -----------------------------

It's been two years after the Tanker incident. The oil spilled by the Tanker made
necessary a offshore cleaning facility. This facility is called the BIG-SHELL, or,
if you prefer, the plant chapter. Raiden will access the plant by water. When he
arrives, he contacts colonel Campbell. Indeed, he's a fox hound member. When you
finally control him, time to rock n' roll.

Because there are no guards around, follow the instruction manual tip and get used
to the controls. Roll and swim is what you should get used to, as they're new
moves for you. Open the lockers in the room for more items. Also, look for an air
duct by the pool. Go through it and grab the ration on the other side. When you
did so, go through the room only door. Go up the hallway and then right

In the next area, Raiden will spot somebody. Look at his clothes... we know who he
is. The guards that were around here are in the floor, but they're not dead.
Before doing anything, you need to activate your radar. Access the NODE(input your
name, birthday, nationality etc.). After accessing it, the guards start to revive.
Hide in the middle of the room, and wait the elevator to arrive. When it does,
take it. The colonel will give you a briefing of the mission. The terrorist group
sons of liberty has taken over the big-shell. Their leader, Solid Snake. WHAT?!
You scream. Shuddup and keep playing.

---------------------------- [ STRUT A-ROOF ] -------------------------------

When you arrive here, Raiden will finally take out his mask. Colonel will also
introduce you to Rose, Raiden's girlfriend. She's gonna be Foxhound's data
analyst. And she's is the one who'll save your game. Raiden doesn't likes this
idea, but is Campbell's decision.

Now, let's talk 'bout Rose. I'm not gonna make any profiles HERE, but I gotta say
that is quite boring having to save your game, because she doesn't know Chinese
proverbs like Mei-ling and Otacon. She, however, will talk with "Jack"(Jack &
Rose... sounds like Titanic _). Suddenly, Raiden will ask her about Solid Snake,
and remember what happened in April 30th. Cool.

We gotta move. Look for the top-left fence. You found it?. Good. Now, crawl
through the opening it has. Then, go through the door.

---------------------------- [ STRUT A-PUMP ROOM ] --------------------------

Go down the stairs, and head a bit right. Raiden will spot a guard, and the node.
Because there is a guard around, and you don't have weapons, you need to use your
head. And because I'm your head, herw is what you should do: flatten against a
wall, and press CIRCLE. When the guard moves to see what it is, access the node
and then rush to the stairs on the bottom right part of the room. Grab the Chaff
Grenade, and return back to the main room.

Now, you can go to STRUT F, I think, if you take the top-right door, and grab a
couple of items(as well as the M9) there. Our next destination, is, however, the
AB connecting bridge, which is accessed via the top-left door in this room.

-------------------------- [ AB CONNECTING BRIDGE ] -------------------------

As you arrive this area, Raiden peeks around the wall and spots two guards
guarding the connecting bridge. Raiden contacts Campbell, and the colonel suggest
you to use the hanging mode. You could also use the M9 to sleep both guards.
Hanging is easier.

To hang, cross the first portion of the bridge and search for a railing in either
the left side or right side. Get near the railing, and press the T(Triangle)
button. Raiden will hang from the railing. When you do so, get as close as you can
to the door leading to Strut-B, and get back to the bridge when no guard is
around. Then, go through the red door at the end of the bridge.

-------------------------- [ STRUT B-TRANSFORMER ROOM ] ---------------------

As you arrive this room, you'll spot several dead guards. They were killed in
Ninja fashion, but you'll learn that they were not killed by the Ninja. Raiden
will go through the door and spot several guards, aiming at something. Suddenly,
knives start falling from the ceiling, and one of them impales into a soldier's
head. The other two start shooting frenetically, but they can't hit their verdugo.
Then, suddenly, another one goes down. Now there is only left.

The assassin reveals himself. A gothic figure with long hair and vamp teeth. And
that's his name, Vamp. He deflects all bullets shot by the soldier, and positions
on his back. He withdraws his knife, and performs a cutting process on the
soldier's neck, waist and hands. Creepy. Now, keep seeing the cinemas. After a
while, we'll meet Pliskin, a man who has a tremendous resemblance to Snake. His
voice is also performed by David Hayter... so what else you want?. Is Snake.

After a bit of chatting, you'll receive the SOCOM pistol, and Pliskin's frequency.
After you can move, access the NODE on Snake's, er, Pliskin's right, and head
towards the door at the right end of the room. Go through the red-door afterwards.

-------------------------- [ BC CONNECTING BRIDGE ] -------------------------

As you arrive in the bridge, you'll spot several soldiers in the middle of a
guinfight. They are trying to hit Fortune, woman who's lucky in war and nothing
else. She can escape death without even knowing it. Grenades defuse against her
presence, as well as C4. She can't die... and she wants to be killed. Guards
_can't_ kill her, so she gets pissed off. Another bad day... she points her
Railgun at her stupid executioners, and sends them to the better land. Then she

After you close your mouth and you can't move, cross the bridhe. Well, there is
nothing else to do :).

--------------------------- [ STRUT C-DINING HALL ] -------------------------

Enter the bathrooms located in the left and right sides of the room. Open every
door and collect the freebies in there. You'll also find a poster in one of the
bathrooms. When you're done, walk through the middle hallway. The first door you
come across is blocked, while in the next one, you'll meet Pete Stillman.

While talking with the bombs pro the colonel was talking about, Plisking kicks in.
Stillman talks with them, and tells them about Otacon. After a bit of talking, he
presents you with a C4, and the way to defuse it. After the chat ends, you should
have the COOLANT SPRAY and SENSOR A. Then you can move.

There is a C4 in this room. Getting to it is gonna be a bit hard since there are
guards around. The C4 is located on the women's bathroom. The women bathroom is
the right one. To find it, position yourself in front of the mirror, and then
access FPP. Look above you. There is a C4. Freeze it. After you do so, go through
the door rightwards of the room Stillman is located in.

---------------------------- [ CD-CONNECTING BRIDGE ] -----------------------

What else you can do?. Cross the bridge!.

------------------------- [ STRUT D-SEDIMENT POOL ] -------------------------

Immediately after you enter, you'll spot C4 stinks in your radar. Let's look for
it. Move forwards and look for a set of stairs going down. Go down, and head
rightwards. Access the NODE, and then head all the way left. Yeah is a dead end.
You, wise guy, open the blue door in the floor(the second one from right to left),
and cool down the C4.

After doing so, climb back the stairs, and in the first floor, head right. There
should be a door. Guess what?. Go through it.

--------------------------- [ DE CONNECTING BRIDGE ] ------------------------

Let me think... cross the bridge!.

--------------------------- [ STRUT E-PARCEL ROOM ] -------------------------

This room is home of two sentries. Each one of them are easily avoided. Wait the
one near the door move, and then head right. Be sure nobody is looking and head
down. All the way down until you see an opening to the left. Got through it, and
climb the stairs. Then go through the door.

--------------------------- [ STRUT E-HELIPORT ] ----------------------------

Advance a little, and Radien will spot Olga. "Freeze" Jack screams. Olga doesn't
thinks a kid should freeze her(the only one that could freeze her is Snake
apparently), and flees. Raiden contacts Pliskin, and gets info about Olga.

Keep heading up to the area full of crates. Ignore/evade/doze the guards, and head
towards the stationary harrier. Crawl down, and search for a C4. Freeze it down.
Raiden calls for Stillman. The good old man says he feels this is a trap... what
is going on?!.

After doing this, it's time to backtrack a bit. Head back to the STRUT B-
TRANSFORMER room. There is another C4 here, but it is very well hidden. So, listen
carefully. Look for a set of lockers in this room. In fron of the lockers, there
should be a door. Go through it, and look to your left. There should be an opened
door. Close it. There is the C4!. Freeze it, and let's move on.

------------------------------- STRUT A-PUMP ROOM ---------------------------

Again, the C4 here is a little tough to find, so I'll give you extra directions.
In this room, there is a node. From there, head forwards until you bump into a
wall. From the wall, head right until you find a door. Go through it.

In this room, there is a guard and a camera. Break the guard's neck(or doze him if
you want), and then take a look at the room. There are two set of stairs: one on
the left, and one on the right. Take the right, and crawl through the openings
until you arrive in the central pump.

OK, again, listen carefully. In the middle, is the pump. To the left and right,
tubes. Crawl. And go through the left side. There is the C4!. Freeze it. After
doing so, Raiden calls for Stillman. Pete finally reveals that he didn't crippled
his leg, and that he's heading towards the strut h in shell 2.

After defusing the C4 here, head towards STRUT F(take the connecting bridge in the
top-right part of the room). No wait, we have something to do,

------------------------------ STRUT-C, DINING HALL ---------------------------

Remember where Stillman hid himself. There is a SENSOR B there. You must grab it
now unless you want the game to be a bit harder. I've talked.

-------------------------------- STRUT F-WAREHOUSE --------------------------

If you took my advice and used the AF connecting bridge, you should arrive
upstairs, I believe. Because you have a LV1 security card, search for items
upstairs(I think there is none; I just can't remember). After finishing your
exploring, head downstairs.

Downstairs is where the C4 is located. But before looking for it, we should do a
bit of exploration. In the bottommost hallway, there are two rooms. One of them is
home of the NODE and the CARDBOARD BOX, while the other has the MINE DETECTOR. In
the one with the NODE, there is a duct. It is located south from the node. Go
through and grab the items on the other side: SOCOM SUPRESSOR and SOCOM AMMO.

Now, let's look for the C4. The C4 is in the left side of the room. It is
protected by some boxes. So, how do I freeze it?. Head upstairs, and position
yourself above the boxes. Use the hanging mode, and then press X. You'll fall
inside the C4's room!. Freeze it, and hear Stillman.

After freezing the C4, climb the upper box, and then the right set of boxes to
exit the C4's room. Afterwards, head towards the FA connecting bridge.

------------------------------ THE LAST AND MIGHTY C4 -----------------------

As soon as you arrive in the bridge, Stillman calls for you. While talking with
him, Pliskin intervenes. He freezes his last C4... DANG!. Because every baby C4
was frozen down, another C4, bigger and badder, was activated. It's your job to
make sure it doesn't blows!.

Head towards STRUT A-PUMP ROOM, and from there, head to STRUT A-ROOF. Take the
elevator down. In the middle of the ride, Stillman calls for you. He says Fatman
got his number, and the place he's on is gonna blow. Yeah wise guy, he's gonna
die(there are 30 seconds left, so...). After chatting a bit, he stands silent, and
then you'll hear a blow. Damn.

After you arrive in what I called landing point, head towards where Raiden
arrived(to the pool, in other words). Now, look for a submersible. You found it?.
Yes, you did. Look his down part. There is a C4 there!. Freeze it. Woah, that was

When you can move, head back the elevator. Somebody is coming. After a while, that
"somebody" arrives. Is Fortune. She starts babbling about her misery, and then
spots you. It looks like she is sad because you're not Snake. Anyway, he points
her gun at you. Damn.

You can't beat her. She has a shield, remember. Just move around evading her
shots. Keep in mind that every thing in this room can be destroyed, so they'll not
protect you forever.

After the scene, Vamp arrives. Raiden shoots Fortune, but the bullet is deflected
and hits Vamp. He's dead. Raiden takes the elevator, and goes up and suddenly...
Vamp ain't dead!. He survived a HEAD SHOT!. Damn, I hate that guy >_<.

------------------------------ YET ANOTHER C4... ---------------------------

After you arrive in the STRUT-A roof, Colonel calls for you. There is another C4
in the heliport!. Time to rock-n-roll. The best way to get there is to take this

STRUT-A, PUMP ROOM: Head towards the AF connecting bridge in the top-right side of
the room.

AF CONNECTING BRIDGE: Cross the bridge.

STRUT F, WAREHOUSE: Take the EF bridge that is on the north part of the upper

EF BRIDGE: Listen carefully. There are C4s all over the place. Activate your
M.Detector and grab/avoid them(you can grab them if you have the time).

STRUT-E, PARCEL ROOM: Head towards the heliport taking the stairs on the top-right
part of the room.

HELIPORT: In the upper area, freeze down the C4 right in the middle.

After freezing the C4, Fatman will appear. After Jack and Fatman have their talk,
the battle starts.

BOSS ENEMY: Fatman SP: 7-8
First thing: Fatman will put C4 all over the arena, and shoot at you. If he
crashes on you while skating, you'll lose health. So, first thing, make sure there
is not C4 to defuse. If it is like that, search for him. When you find him, aim at
him(L1) and fire repeatedly until he falls in the ground. When he's in the ground,
hit him in the head. Repeat a couple of times more, and he should die.

After you beat FATMAN, he'll say there is one C4 left for you to take. "Is very
near" He says before dying. At first, I thought the C4 was FATMAN himself. I used
the coolant spray, but nothing happened. I thought for a moment, and then I moved
FATMAN's body. I found a DOG TAG, and the C4!. So, move his body, grab the DOG
TAG, and freeze the C4.

Head towards the exit door. Before you can get near it, a Ninja appears. Is Mr
X!. He talks with Raiden. He says he's a messenger form the patriots, and blah,
blah, blah. After all the talking, he gives you:


And then he leaves. Well, before heading into the Shell's core, we gotta collect
an AK. The AK, as well as ammo for it, is in the STRUT F. Search every room you
can unlock. You should collect the M4 and the AK. You only need the AK, though.
Now, let's head to the core, shall we. The core is in the EF connecting bridge.
Take the left bridge, and use your card key to enter it.

-------------------------------- SHELL 1 CORE -------------------------------

As soon as you enter, disguise yourself. Before moving on, I have an advice for
you: Don't bump into guards or else they'll discover you. And don't de-equip you
AK unless you wanna die. That's it.

Move around and search for the elevator. Take it.

------------------------------ SHELL 1 CORE-B2 ------------------------------

When you arrive, you'll spot you can go either left, or right. Either way, you
gotta go around the big, big room. Enter the fabled computers room, and access the
NODE. Grab the D. Mic. Here, and head back to the elevator. This time, head to the

------------------------------- SHELL 1 CORE-B1 -----------------------------

Head right, and use the NODE. Now, wait until the patrolling guard gets near the
room with the NODE. Wait him to turn his back at you. De-equip your weapon, and
put him into a chokehold position. Drag him to the retinal scanner. You'll
automatically enter.

In this room, you gotta look for Ames. His location is random, I believe. All I
can say is that he has long brown hair, and looks a bit old. Is better to use the
D.MIC., and hear everybody's heartbeat. Ames' sounds like a ringing phone, so you
should have no trouble whatsoever finding him. When you find him, press TRIANGLE.
A series of sequences will occur, and you'll get the LV3 CARD KEY.

There will be a moment in where Ocelot will start getting near you. Equip your AK,
and STAND STILL. Ames dies afterwards, and soldiers will come. Ocelot is about to
kill you, when Mr X appears!. Woah!. Raiden gets the hell outta here.

After you get to control him, everybody her will look for you. I recommend you to
wait until the caution mode is over. Hide in the elevator to do so. After the
CAUTION mode has been lifted, head back to the first floor. Head back to the EF
connecting bridge.

Now, head to the STRUT F. Here, open all the doors, and collect the grenade
launcher and the PSG1. After doing so, head back to the EF bridge and head towards
the STRUT E, parcel room.

From there, take the upper-left door to the STRUT D, SEDIMENT POOL, and go through
the door on the north part of the room.

----------------- SHELL 1-SHELL 2 CONNECTING BRIDGE --------------------

You gotta destroy all the control units in the room to advance. The first one is
very easy to see, as it is located in the pump right in front of you. Use your
handgun to destroy it. The second and third panels are located in the floor by the
laser barrier. Crouch to improve your aim, and use your handgun to destroy them.
The fourth and fifth panels are located at the end of the bridge, by the Shell's 2
door. In the right, and left side of the door. Use your PSG1 to destroy this ones.
The sixth is a bit tricky. Look for a bulk of pigeons right below of the fifth
panel(the one located to the Shell's 2 right). Shoot at it with your PSG1. The
seventh one is also very though to hit. It is hidden behind the SONS OF LIBERTY
flag. Find It with the scope, and then shoot at it. The eighth one is located next
to the second pump, on the left side. Use the PSG1 to destroy. The ninth one is
behind you, above the door leading back to STRUT D. The last one is the toughest.
Search for the Cypher hovering around, and shoot to the control unit it has
equipped- DON'T shoot to its camera unless you wanna die.

After destroying every control unit, try to cross the bridge. You are suddenly

As soon as the battle starts, Snake will throw a Stinger missile launcher. Grab it
as well as it ammo. Then, look for the Harrier. When you find it, lock-on and
shoot a missile. That's what you should do.

Now, let's talk about its attacks. It mainly throws bullets at you, or ramn you
suddenly. Sometimes, it disappears, and then appears unleashing a barrage of
missiles. Suddenly, it unleash several explosives that will wreck the bridge. As
far as I know, they cannot be avoided.

After the fight, the big plane crashed onto the bridge and crushes it. You may
think the Harrier will sink in the ocean, but a little surprise awaits.

Pliskin finally reveals himself after Solidus un-masked him by calling him
"Snake". From now on, you'll see "Snake" instead of "Pliskin" in the codec

But we have enough of cutscenes, is time to comeback to the gameplay. As you can
see, the bridge has been wrecked, making it impossible to cross. You must search
for another way to enter SHELL 2. From Raiden's "after battle" position, head
right. Hang from the semi-broken railing and head right until you're above the
yellow pipe. Then press X.

You must cross the pipe to the other side. Unfortunately for you, sea gulls did
their stuff on it, so you'll have to evade sh!t patches. If you do step in one,
you'll end up sleeping with the fishes. Therefore, do your best to evade the crap.

On the other side of the pipe, climb the right ledge. The left one will go on
flames afterwards. You must cross the bridge conformed by floor panels. As you
step on them, they'll fall, so you musta move VERY fast. When you arrive at the
other side, hang from the railing. Position yourself above the bridge below. Press

As you land in the bridge, two sentries appear in the bridge next to you. They,
after hearing all the ruckus, gotta do a bit of investigation, don't you think. To
safely cross the bridge, doze them. Access FPP, and land a hit on their heads.
Afterwards, move forwards. You'll suddenly spot a gap. This one is easily avoided.
Just perform a roll to pass above it. As you advance, you'll spot another. For
this one, hang from the nearby railings, and head right. Then take the ladder.

-------------------------------- STRUT L-PERIMETER ----------------------------

As you arrive here, you'll spot that the area is composed by several windows.
Guards will occasionally look through them, and if they spot you, Cypher comes to
the rescue.

The best, and actually safer way to cross to the other side, without the risk of
being spotted, is to crawl. So, press X and begin crawling rightwards. Keep
heading right, and don't worry about guards. In the middle of the road, floor
panels will begin to fall. Do not worry about them, and just crawl as fast as you
can. When you reach the other end, you'll meet with seemingly-Impossible-to-cross

To pass through it, flatten against the wall, and slide to the other side. When
you find an obstruction, press X to crouch, and then keep sliding to the right.
When you arrive at the other side, you may keep moving.

As you advance, a guard will suddenly appear. He needs to burst out the pain. And
he can't wait. The urinals will fall on the bridge below him, and if you're not
cautious, the yellow liquid may fall on you. Your controller shakes if it is like
that. Weird. If you don't want to risk your body's health, shoot at him. The poor
guy will be scared, and then leave. Keep moving.

Droop down to the walkway below. Grab the AK AMMO and the RATION on the
otherside. Then search for an opening n the left side of the bridge, which leads
to the top bridge. There is a CYPHER that may catch on you if you're not careful,
so, wait it to make its appearance, and blast it into oblivion.

In the upper bridge, you should spot a small bridge leading to an even smaller
room. This bridge is being guarded by Cyphers. There are two methods to cross it.
First method: Grab the chaff grenades located on the right side of the upper
bridge, chaff down the flying devices, and cross the bridge using your skills(YOUR
skillz, not mine). Second method: Bring the Cyphers happiness with M4. Your

-------------------------------- SHELL 2 CORE- 1F -----------------------------

As you arrive, you'll see Olga again. Watch the scenes, and then move on.
Downstairs is group of crates, as well as SOCOM AMMO and M9 AMMO. Use them to fill
your weapons magazines. In the hallway to the other side is a room located on its
right. Inside there are two surveillance cameras, which you must destroy so you
can use this room in future occasions. On the left side of the hallway is a small
passageway which contains a set of CHAFF GRENADES.

Continue up the hallway. As you advance, you'll spot a rest room. Inside, M4 AMMO
and access the NODE in order to activate your solition radar. North of the rest
room is the elevator you're searching for. Before taking it, go and check its
right side. Collect the M4 AMMO. Then, take the elevator to the B1 floor.

-------------------------------- SHELL 2 CORE- B1 -----------------------------

This floor has been completely flooded due to the incident Pliskin and Stillman
caused. Oh crap!. Anyway, before advancing, access the NODE next to the elevator.
Then submerge the murky depths...

Because we're going to grab the NIKITA RC MISSILE LAUNCHER, then my directions are
going to take you there. The first area is in which you can swim upwater. As you
arrive the other end, submerge and head forwards. Keep heading forwards through
the hallway, to its end. Grab the box that contains the NIKITA RC ML, and head
back to the elevator.

------------------------------- SHELL 2 CORE- 1F ------------------------------

Now that you have in possession the NIKITA, you may free the president. Full the
NIKITA missile capability by grabbing the NIKITA MISSILES by the set of crates
downstairs. Now that you mention this set of crates...

Climb atop them, and equip your newly acquired killing device. Fire a missile with
the SQUARE button, and make it go through the upper ventilation duct. Guide it
across it, until you can guide through an opening located on the right. Remember,
our target is not the prez, to direct the missile to the big blue "locker" and let
the game do the rest.

After destroying the generator, the path to the president is safe. Go trough the
now not-so-electrified floor, and enter the room. After you meet the prez,
Jonathan will prove he's "rare stuff" by grabbing Raiden's nuts(nothing to
say...), and then give you information you haven't supplied. He says the terrorist
are working on a new destruction machine called the ARSENAL GEAR, and the MGRs are
used as protection. So there is not only one MGR... there are a crapload of 'em.

As you talk with the prez, you'll also collect verbal info about the patriots.
According to Jonathan Jhonson, the group now as the "la-li-le-lu..." is the one
who controls the United States of America. The president is just a helpless pawn
who is taken to the White house by the patriots decision!. Jhonson also reveals
that he betrayed the country just to acquire more power... the same power of the
patriots he says.

As you talk with him, he'll suddenly get Fortune-ish and ask you to kill him. When
Jack asks why, he says he gotta die before the last vital code is taken. He wants
to prevent catastrophe. He doesn't wants to see children dying. Raiden doesn't
wants to bring happiness to the supreme leader of the U.S(or so you think).
Ocelot, however, thinks the prez should die and kills him. After the rest of the
sequences, you can move. And check your inventory---there is a VIRUS DISK on it

Now comes one of the toughest parts of the game... to explain on a FAQ. Head back
to the B1 of Shell 2 core, and submerge into the murky depths again. This time
around, instead of only grabbing the NIKITA, you need to "break on through to the
other side!. Yeeha!.". Ok, ok, I'll calm down. Sorry, but I can't give you verbal
directions. If you want those, check my savior's *perfect* walkthrough for this
game. I'm talking about AdrenalineSL, of course. Damn, she rocks.

I, however, will throw you some tips. First and primordial, take every breath
point you see. Breath points are represented in the radar as blue "stuff". While
underwater, you can identify it because there is light coming out from them. When
you spot one, swim upwards to take a break and replenish your O2 gauge. You don't
have to do this everytime you find one, but its recommended to do so when its at
least half-and-a-bit full.

There are also several underwater bombs located throughout the way. You don't have
to have direct contact with it to lose health. Just get _very_ near from it, and
it'll suddenly explode, taking chunks o' health from your life guage. GheddonLN
says: stay away from this bombs.

When you finally break on through to the other side, break on through the door,
and prepare to break on through an enemy. Did I said I like "The Doors"?.


Vamp will submerge in the water and swim for a while. Take out your Stinger, and
wait Vamp to come out. Wherever he lands, either in the first or second floor,
shoot a missile. If he lands above you, you may want to use the M4 for best
results. Remember to use FPP always!.

Now, let's talk about his attacks. The most annoying consists on catching your
shadow, making you a moveless puppet. Jam the LAS to release yourself from the
curse. The other consists on throwing several knives almost non-sto at you. They
be easily avoided by running around, or even strafing while in FPP. He also runs
at you after getting out of the pool and stabs you. To prevent this, withdraw the
M4 and shoot at him before he gets near you.

And one last piece of advice. Don't fall in the water!. If you do, you never come

After beating the bloodsucking fella, he goes underwater. He ain't dead, I
believe. Anyway, go through the door marked with a LVL 4 security level(the LVL4
PAN card was given to you by the prez, remember?). Grab the RATION, and submerge
the murky depths. Again.

Follow the same tips I gave to you before. You should arrive in the locker room
everybody is talking about. First thing you should do, is, of course, to activate
your Solition Radar by making use of the NODE upstairs. Afterwrads, you may look
for Emma. I'll let you find her for yourself. If you want a tip, fire a NIKITA
missile by a locker door. If you hear Emma's scream, then... what are you waiting
for!?; open the door!.

Advanced tip: Middle door.

After you meet with her, she goes Otacon-ish and fills her pants with urinals.
Eyuuuuck. She thinks Raiden is one of the bad guys, but he starts to warm up after
a while. You must take her back to the room you fought Vamp on. Drive back to the
aftermentioned room, but be sure to always(ALWAYS) use the breath points.

When you arrive the room in where you fought Vamp, you'll learn more about Emma
and Otacon. They were the best brother and sister, it looks like. They even played
"The house". Otacon being the husband and Emma the wife. What did they do inside
"The House"?. Is up for your imagination.



Ok, ok, I gotta accept this section is a wannabe of AdrenalineSL's "Useless
Trivia". But, as stated before, she's my mentor(sort of), so don't damn me.

So, the curious stuff I'm talking about has to do with Rose. I called her after
the caht with Emma in Vamp's room, and she suddenly got jealous!. She starts
asking Jack if he thinks that Emma is cuter than her and other kind of thinks. Oh
Rose, Emma has to be about 5 years younger than Jack!. What were you thinking,




After the chat with Emma, call for Snake several times. Otacon will spit the guts
and tell you info related with Emma and himself.


After you can move, you must take Emma and her cute ass to the southern door of
the room. Be careful, though, as the left side of the room is covered with
CLAYMORE. Use your mine detector to know their location and grab them.



If you approach the C4s with Emma, your controller will start to rumble(if it Is a
DualShock(tm) one that's ir). What is this!?. Check the cell-phone the Ninja gave to
you, and you'll see a message "There are CLAMORE mines. Be careful!". Clamore?.
What the hell is Clamore!?. I know is a typo, so don't start sending me e-mails
telling me what Clamore is.


After you cross the southern door I was talking about, there will be another chat
with Emma and Raiden. In this dialogue, you'll discover that Emma is the one who
programmed the VIRUS DISK you have in hands. So, this explains why she knows who
to use it perfectly.

After the chat, you may cross the flooded room. There is a breathing point with
the PSG1-T on it, so check every one of them.

As you arrive the other side of the ocean, try to drag Emma near the bugs. When
you do so, she gets far from them and screams "Bugs!". To cross the bugs, you have
two options: Use the coolant spray to create a path for Emma and her royal ass, or
knock out her and drag him through the endless sea of roaches.



After Emma makes a display of her bugs-phobia, get near the little buggers. Your
control will start to rumble. Check the cell phone and this message will appear:
"Use the Coolant spray to drive the bugs away". Why, if I can have the pleasure of
smacking her down and taking her across the bugs?.

That was truly evil o_O


Take the lift back to the 1F.

RETURN TO 1F-------

At first, you may think this is the toughest portion of the game, because you have
to play with Emma stealthy. After four tries, I found that it was pretty easy, and
believe it or not: fun.

Start up by leaving Emma in the elevator. Go out the elevator and go towards the
rest room. Don't enter on it just yet!. Wait the guard inside it to turn his back,
and neck-crush him. Take the body to the room right of the elevator. Is
recommended to take Emma, too. You can also hide her behind the lockers in the
rest room. Your decision.

Go through the long hallway, and enter through the hallway that had a chaff
grenade in the past. The guard inside will give you his back, so neck-crush him,
and take his dead body to the stock up area(right of the elevator). You can obtain
M4 AMMO by shaking this guard.

Now, keep heading towards the stairs at the bottom of the hallway. When you get
near them, a guard will appear. If any dead body is around, or Emma is around,
then the game will kick into alert mode. But because you're following my
directions, you should have no problems. Immediately after he arrives, head back
to the rest room. Wait the guard to pass by one of the opening, and land a M9 shot
on his head. Take the sleeping body to the stock-up site, and score a headshot
with the SOCOM to prevent him from doing any harm.

Now, continue towards the stair. Hide behind the pile of crates. There should be a
guard to other side. Wait the guard to start sleeping, and land a M9 shot in his
head. Take his sleeping body towards the stock-up point, and send him to
wonderland by scoring a headshot with the SOCOM handgun.

There is one more to go. This time, backtrack to where you started, and grab Emma.
Take her all the way to the crates, and go up the stairs by the right side. As you
break on through on the other side(the hallway that leads to the prez room, if you
want more reference), you should spot a guard. Hide behind the crates, and wait
him to turn his back at you. Then, jump-out and land a SOCOM shot on his head.
Yeah, a SOCOM shot, not M4's.

Now you're free to leave. As you can see, it was pretty easy. It was also fun,
wasn't it?. Before leaving, enter into the prez's room. His dead body is not here,
but, who cares?. He was "Rare Stuff" anyway... Grab the goodies inside the room
which include RATION, M9 AMMO, M4 AMMO and SOCOM AMMO, if I remember correctly.

------------------------------ KL CONNECTING BRIDGE ---------------------------

There is one Cypher guarding the newly reconstructed bridge. Pop out your AK, and
make the mechanical device sleep with the fishes. Don't try to cross the bridge,
though, as another Cypher will appear. Repeat. Then cross the bridge.

The path to STRUT-L is blocked by flames. Before doing a thing, wait the
patrolling guard to show his head at you. Then land a headshot with any weapon you
want, except the M4. Yeah, use the Stinger if you want to. Now we must deal with
the flames.



When you get near the flames, your control starts to rumble. Check your cell phone
and it'll say: "Use the Coolant Spay to put down the flames". Great tip, whoever
it was. Because taking Emma across hell and trying to make her roll to put down
the flames wasn't the best idea.


Follow Whoever's tip, and use the Coolant spray to put the flames down. Keep the
SQUARE button pressed: putting down the flames takes a WHILE, so don't despair.
When you do so, cross to the other side. The door that leads to STRUT-L is level 5
security. Damn!. Don't worry!. Emma has the LV5 PAN card in her hands and gives it
to you without complaining!. I love this girl :).

----------------------- STRUT-L, SEWAGE TREATMENT FACILITY --------------------

As you start, grab the items by the right side of the room, and go through the
middle hallway. To the other side, there are two guards. One of them never moves
from his position, whereas the other does a short patrol. Doze down the one
patrolling the area. Then, equip the AK, and start blasting the other. If you keep
press the SQUARE button, he won't even know what happened to him. Cross the semi-
circle shaped hallway and open the hatchdoor.

------------------------------- STRUT-L, OIL FENCE ----------------------------

Emma has to cross the oil-fence by her own. Guards, Cyphers and even Claymores are
posted around the place. To defend Emma, you must use the PSG1 as Snake states. I
also hope you have at least, 5 Pentazemins. I had 8, and I used 5, so I think five
ins enough.

Start up by eating a Penta and equipping the Thermal Goggles. Then equip your
PSG1. Ready to rumble, wise guy?. Start up by blasting the Claymores positioned on
Emma's path. There are four in total. After doing so, zoom in the guard directly
north of you. Score a headhsot for best results. Take down the other guard east
from where you are.

By this point, your main job is to keep regenerating Cyphers and Guards far away
from Emma. Keep in mind that alert and Caution mode goes out when every sentry
shooting at Emma is dead. When Snake offers his help, be sure to accept it.

As Emma walks through the oil-fence, Vamp suddenly attacks. He grabs Emma by the
neck, and the easiest battle in the game will start.

BOSS ENEMY: Vamp SP: About 3.
Pop up a Pentazemin, and aim at Vamps head. Then press the SQUARE button about 4
times nonstop. Vamp dies. Did I say this battle is easiest in the game?

After the blood-sucking freak goes to the wonderland, Snake runs and grabs Emma(he
dispatches two Cyphers in one hit. Awesome!). Emma was seriously wounded by the
Romanian freak. Now, you must return to the computers room. As you gain control of
Raiden, head back to the Strut-E, Parcel Room. Don't worry, is a short way towards


There is only one guard here. Enter the LV5 security door by the bottom of the
room and grab the DIGITAL CAMERA. Then go through the door that leads to the EF


Dispatch the three cyphers, and embark a hanging ride on the bridge that leads to
the Core. You must use the hanging mode in order to get to the other side. If
Raiden's muscles are calling for oxygen, head back to the bridge, but get back to
hanging mode ASAP as the floor panels will start to fall. Then enter the core.

SHELL 1 CORE-1F-----------------

Don't worry about cameras and guards. Cameras are inactive, and there is not a
single soul in the area. When you reach the two way hallway, go through the one
filled by sea bugs. Enter in the elevator, and watch the insanely long sequences.


After Emma dies, and the Virus fails to complete itself, the trio decides to do a
bit of work. Otacon's mission is to rescue the hostages. He's still a bit
depressed, and cries a while before moving one with his mission. As Snake and
Raiden are about to leave, Solid calls for the Ninja, who unmasks him-herself. Is
Olga Gulukovich. Raiden receives a High Frequency blast and is sent to the heaven.

He's not dead.

Not yet. Mwhaaaaaaaaa.


Raiden awakes and finds himself being held hostage by Solidus and Ocelot. Solidus
reveals the amazing truth about Raiden's past. So he had field experience, uh?.
It's truly evil to send children to the war. Suddenly, Solidus will grab Raiden's
throat with one of his tentacles. Mash the TRIANGLE button to keep Raiden alive.

After a while, Olga kicks in. She reveals the even more amazing truth about the
patriots and herself. She liberates you. Finally, you're free. This is not going
to be a pleasure ride, however. Because Raiden's hand are a it compromised, you
won't be able to chokehold soldiers. You're able to punch, however. Be sure not to
stay on a single place for too long, or you'll start to Sneeze.

Let's move on. Go through the door on the top-right side of the room. Access the
NODE to turn on your Solition Radar, and then move on.

----------------------------- ARSENAL GEAR- JEJUNUM ---------------------------

The place is filled with guards, and you must play stealthy. I'll leave this
portion of the game for you to explore. I really didn't pay necessary attention in
this area, so directions I don't have. Good luck!.

------------------------- ARSNENAL GEAR- ASCENDING COLON ----------------------

Keep answering all of Campbell's weird calls, until one of Rose's kicks in. After
she discloses the truth, Snake arrives. He has with himself everything you had in
position before you go caught. Cool. He also gives you the H.F.B., a sword given
to you by Olga. Practice with it. You can also obtain Snake's fog tag. Knock his
lights out, and then shake his body. There you're.

----------------------- ARSENAL GEAR- ILEUM-SIGMOID COLON ---------------------

I put both sections in one, because both area the same. In the Ileum, a Cypher
spots the duo, and alerts nearby guards. They start falling like raindrops during
an "aguacero"(haven't got the traduction, it's an Spanish therm). You could use
the M4 to dispatch them, but then, there are this guys with a sword who'll deflect
your bullets for sure. Use the H.F.B. To perform a one hit kill, press R3. It'll
pierce through the guard's body, and kill him in one hit. After Raiden performs
the attack, you're open to be attacked, though. It is worth the effort, so don't

In the Sigmoid Colon, guards fall from the nowhere, and start attacking. Is the
same jazz, so don't worry.

After you beat the guards, watch the cinemas. You'll end up in a cool looking
circular platform. Solidus' voice is heard from afar. Practice with the H-F-B, and
the speech will suddenly end. Solidus will then send at you three MGR for you to
dispatch. What can I say?. Let's break on through!.

This battle will be tough. Or so I thought at first. It's actually pretty easy. At
first, the three MGR will be motionless. They'll rely on shooting from their
railgun a couple of bullets at you. They'll also shoot homing missiles. Check
below for info on how to evade these attacks. Here I'll explain how to take down
the mechanical lizards.

Start up by taking out your Stinger portable missile launcher. Then, instead of
aiming at the MGRs head, shoot at his knees. This will make him open his big
mouth. While the mouth is open, shoot a missile into it. That'll rack-up insane
damage. Start up by attacking the middle. After it goes down, one comes to replace
it. WHAT?!. Don't worry. Keep killing them as they come. The battle will
eventually end. Good luck.

Now, let's talk about their attacks. First, they'll point their shoulders at you.
Then they'll spread a crapload of bullets in a cone shape. Use the roll to evade
them, easily. The second attack that you'll probably notice is the homing missile
they shoot from their back. Three per MGR. I'm being serious. Evade them by
running amok. They're also easy to evade.

Other attacks come whether you're near them or not. Being near of the MGR will
trigger either the high pressure hydro attack, or the stomp. The h.p.h.a is when
the NGR suddenly open his mouth and throws a blue laser. It's "cutting water"
according to Otacon. The stomp is when RAY tries to stomp you. Both attacks can be
avoided by rolling.

The ultimate attacks, Is, not-so-obviously, the worst. When the RAYs start to
move, one of them will suddenly "crouch", and stand motionless. Prepare, because
the baby missiles are coming for you. The baby missiles are deployed from RAY's
knees, and follow you. Evade them by WALKING. I normally walk to evade one, and
then roll to fool the other. It works I can say. Just be sure you're not hit.
They'll follow you, and are worth a lot of damage.

After the fight, Raiden is about by one of the RAYs, Olga kicks in. The big lizard
stops in the middle of his stomp attack. Solidus kicks in and dismisses Olga with
a headshot. He then sends one of the MGRs to catch Raiden, but they go haywire.
The'll suddenly attack Solidus. Demonstrating his abilities, he finishes off the
RAYs with an assault rifle without getting hit.

After a while, you'll find yourself above RAY. The players will talk. As the chat
drags on, Ocelot reveals that the whole thing was an "exercise". A Shadow Moses
recreation. Raiden was Snake... Dead Cell FOXHOUND... and as a curious tidbit,
Olga represented the Ninja. She died against a MGR. Well, sort of. Oh, well let's
move on.

As the cinemas drag on, Ocelot will send all the payload RAY has against
Fortune(who was baldy hurt before). Fortune proves that she IS Lady Luck and sends
all the missiles out of her way. She then reveals that her name is Helena Dolph
Jackson. She then gives it up. Ocelot is about to kill everybody around, but then
Liquid reveals himself. He talks with the Snakes, and the leaves. Solid follows
him. Now Solidus and Jack are all alone.

Now, just keep seeing the cinemas, and eventually, a long CODEC talk between the
Patriots(The Colonel is one of 'em. Or so I undertood...). This CODEC talk main
theme is the "self" and the "truth" and what you life for, and what you're. I
listened the whole message and found it rather interesting. But it turns really
boring at times(near the end). After the long chat, more truths are revealed, and
the final battle starts.

BOSS ENEMY: Solidus Snake
This battle will be very easy. No, really, it depends on how you fight him. And
with the right strategy, you should have no problems. And for the Rations... one
is enough. Two if you grab the one in the battlefield.

Anyway, as usual, I'll give you the strategy I used, and then talk about the boss'
attacks. I got one thing to say: Equip the B.D.U if you want to see a B.D.U
equipped Raiden in the ending. I know this is off-them, but who cares. Let's talk
about the strategy. Get near solidus, and press R3. Then get far from him. He
should perform a counterattack. After he finishes his counter, stab him. That is
the way to fight him. Hit run. Well, that's the SAFER way, and it'll ensure you
won't need more that 1 or 2 Rations.

There are other ways to diminish Snake's life gauge. You can get near him, and
rotate the RAS. Before performing the spin, Raiden will perform several slashes.
Some of them, including the spin, will hit Solidus. You can also do this after
Solidus perform a counter. Is faster, but I consider the one above safer.

After half of Solidus health has been depleted, he'll take off his tentacles, and
will becoming a bit tougher. He'll perform several dashes(see below) and then
stop. When he stops, he'll slash towards you. This is what I called Homing Dash.
See below. When he starts to dash towards you, perform a stab(press R3 and you'll
receive him with it if you're good enough. From now onwards, he'll also use the
Sting(see below). Good Luck. The battle is easy though.

Now, as promised, let's talk about his attacks. Because he's the final fella
you'll fight, he has several attacks. The first and simplest consists on using his
tentacles to attack you. Depending the way he uses it, he may throw yo off
balance, damage you, or grab Raiden by the neck. If he does so, jam the LAS while
pressing TRIANGLE repeatedly to keep yourself alive.

The other attack I'll talk about also involves the use of the tentacles.
Basically, he'll throw you about six missiles. Just roll to evade them.. You must
be really bad if you get hit. Really.

The other attacks make use of his twin swords. Mainly, he uses combo attacks,
amongst others. There is the double-down-slash, that is when he swings both of his
swords downwards. He also performs a two and three hit combo, in a slow way. He
also does a variation of the three hit combo, which is basically the 3 hit combo
much more faster. All of these attacks can be evaded by being far enough from him.

Now comes the Dash. Suddenly in the fight, he'll dash towards any direction. If he
rushes you during the move, you'll receive damage. After he performs the dash, a
flame barrier will be left behind. If you touch it, you'll suddenly be on fire!.
Roll to put the flames down.

After he takes out his tentacles, he'll have three more attacks. The simplest and
easiest to avoid is the Sting. He slashes his sword towards you fast. It's like
when a bee sting you. It's like Devil May Cry's Stinger. Be sure you're far enough
from him to evade it.

Repetitive dashing is a variation of the Dash. Solidus will perform several dashes
nonstop. Deal with them as they come. After he performs the last R. Dash, he'll
suddenly stop, and dash towards you. The attack can be evaded if you roll, or if
you greet him with a stab. I called this attack Homing Dash. You'll know he'll
perform it when he says things like "let's go" or "alright" or even "die".

That's enough for Solidus, I guess. Good luck wise guy. After beating the big guy,
kick back and enjoy the ending.

******************************** ENDING CINEMA ********************************

| After landing the last hit on Solidus, you'll presence a cinema in where |
| Raiden and the big guy will trade hits. Solidus misses one and Jack stabs |
| him. Solidus then knows he's been defeated. He walks towards the edge, and |
| throws his swords along the way. He then stands in the edge and looks up to |
| the sky, and then lets his body hit the floor. |
| |
| When Solidus falls, he tries to reach Washington's arm. He tries to grab |
| hand of the one who could free he and his cause 200 hundred years ago. His |
| body gives up before he can do so, and dies, Solidus Snake dies in the Fed- |
| -eral Hall in the 2009, April 30th. |
| |
| Raiden is then in the streets. He's looking at Solidus dead body, I think. |
| Suddenly, the screen gets filled with walking people. The local cops |
| surround Solidus body so anyone of the curious can get near of him. "Who am |
| I really?" a puzzled Jack asks to himself. Snake suddenly kicks in and gives|
| he the answer. He's whoever he wants to be |
| |
| After the chat with Snake, Raiden finally decided to start again. To change |
| his new, to get new memories. He then throws out his DogTag(and the name, |
| nationality, blood type and sex you gave him with it). Snake then says he'll|
| look for the Patriots. When Raiden asks if he can be counted in, Snake says |
| no, because Jack has people to talk with |
| |
| Raiden then spots Rosemary amongst the multitude. She's calling for Jack. |
| Still puzzled, he walks towards Rosemary. When he gets there, he looks for |
| Snake. The parrot Otacon had while he went for the hostages suddenly flies |
| atop a building, in where two shadowly figures can be detected. Jack then |
| asks Rosemary about who he's really. Rose answers "I wouldn't know" "But we |
| will find out together, shall we?" |
| |
| The game then shows several real time scenes in where both Rose and Jack |
| talk about thing worth passing on and what life means. Then the credits roll|
|in(hey, Otacon is actually a trademarked name of Otacorp, and Konami bought |
| its right; so, Otacon doesn't mean anime fanatic!.) After the credit, Snake |
| again speaks about things worth passing on. Then the game title appears, and|
| the screen turns black |
| |
| Then we hear a CODEC(or telephone) call between Hal and Snake. Hal says he |
| finally discovered the info about the patriots, and that one of their |
| biggest contributions was inside the list. When Snake asks where they are, |
| Hal answers that in Manhattan... but there is a catch. They're all dead. A |
| hundred years ago. WHAT?. And Liquid escaped... I think all this is the |
| glimpse Hideo gives us about METAL GEAR SOLID 3 *PUT NIFTY SUBTITLE HERE* |

Before turning off the game console, you may want to save your game. That way, you
may be able to use the DIGITAL CAMERA you got in the plant during the tanker by
loading this clear file. You'll also get a CLEAR CODE. Input It at
to get your stats

|*** THE END *** |

0.7 W E A P O N S
|_______________________________| EQUIPPED W/ SUPRESSOT AND LASER SIGHT. |
| The M9 is a useful weapon. |________________________________________________|
| In the tanker chapter, you'll start with it. In the plant chapter, it is found |
| at the location given above. The M9 shoots non-harming bullets that will put |
| enemies to sleep after hitting them. Its normally better to hit them in the |
| head. That way, they'll fall immediately. The M9 is one of the weapons you'll |
| use a lot due to its multiple features such as silencer, laser sight and |
| usefulness. |
|_______________________________| EQUIPPED WITH LASER SIGHT. |
| The USP, compared to the M9, |________________________________________________|
| is a very useless weapon. Because you find it in the tanker only, its usefulness
| is limited to shooting panels and holding up certain guards. The handgun is not|
| very powerful, but with a decent fire rate and laser sight(as well as a lantern|
| ) is a great weapon, even though you'll only use it a few times. |
| The stun grenade was an item is used a lot in the first metal gear solid. But |
| now, is just useless. That's mainly because when you throw it, it'll alert a |
| nearby guard(their field of vision will turn yellow) and after exploding, it'll|
| alert every mofo in the room. This reduces its usefulness. It, however, can be |
| used when you want to get freedom and need to take out a crapload of guards. |
| The chaff grenade, an item used a lot of times during MGS1 has been brought |
| back from the death. This grenade emits some kind of rainy stuff which will |
| electronic devices such as cameras and cyphers. During the tanker it is almost |
| not used. During the plan, you'll use it quite a lot of times thanks to the |
| presence of Cyphers and cameras. It is pretty much useless, though. |
|_______________________________| EQUIPPED WITH LASER SIGHT. |
| The SOCOM handgun, which is a | SUPRESSOR MUST BE FOUND |
| plant only item, is one of the|________________________________________________|
| best weapons you'll have. It is light, can be suppressed(to ensure you'll be |
| able to kill gaurds without worrying for the others) has a laser sight and |
| decent power, as well as fire rate. In the plant, you'll find yourself killing |
| a lot of guards, therefore, it's one of the most useful things you'll find in |
| the game. You'll also use it against some bosses. Oh, and don't forget it'll |
| let you save other, stronger weapons ammo. |
|_______________________________| ROOM. |
| The AK machine gun is not the | SUPRESSOR MUST BE FOUND. |
| best weapon you'll come accros|________________________________________________|
| but not the worse, nevertheless. As a machine gun, it'll fire fast and power |
| full bullets that will make mincemeat of guards rapidly. You'll find yourself |
| using the SOCOM instead of this weapon, unless you want to make your way to |
| freedom by force(i.e., want to escape ALERT MODE). It can be equipped with a |
| suppressor, so it's a rather decent weapon. Can be used along the STUN GRENADE |
| to escape guards. |
| The M14 machine gun is basically a copy of the M14. They're the same weapons, |
| in a certain way. The only difference is that this one doesn't have suppressor,|
| which makes it not-so-useful. This weapon is mainly used to take down Cyphers |
| and in conjunction with the AK during the sigmoid colon ileum scene. It can also
| be used along the stun grenade to escape guards. |
|_______________________________| THE HARRIER. |
| The stinger missile launcher is________________________________________________|
| really useless. Its usefulness is reduced to the fight against the Harrier and |
| the six metal gear rays(it can also be used against Vamp). You won't use it |
| again, I guarantee that. Why?. Because its explosion alerts nearby guards |
| immediately(it'll kill the guard immediately, though). Use it if you want a |
| sentry to give you his dog tag very badly. |
| The NIKITA is the most useless weapon you'll find in the game. You'll only use |
| it when you need to rescue the president. Otherwise, is only used to make guards
| drop their dog tags easily. |
| An empty weapon magazine used to distract guards attention. U-S-E-L-E-S-S |
| A grenade launcher that deploys grenades in an arc pattern. When the grenade |
| hits floor, it'll explode. This is weapon, otherwise is useless. DANG, STOP |
| MAKING USELESS WEAPONS!. You may use it against Vamp, the metal gear rays, or |
| to hold up guards and make sure they drop their dog tags. |
|_______________________________| ASCENDING COLON |
| Ah, yes, the high frequency |________________________________________________|
| blade. Its name is not just a funny name. Basically, each swing you with this |
| sword is worth a lot of swings. This metallic beauty, is then, one of the best |
| things you'll ever see. The different kind of combos you do with it normally |
| enemies in on hit. The problem is that its range is not good as well as its |
| speed. |
| This item is give to you by Stillman after you first met him in Strut C, dining|
| hall. When you select this item, you'll go into first person view. While in |
| first person view, use the square button to shoot the spray. Its usefulness is |
| only reduced to that. Defusing C4s. Oh, and to drive away bugs. |
| This is not a weapon, but its located on the weapons menu. Its used to hear |
| sounds normally un-hearable to the naked ear. This includes heartbeats and |
| conversations. |

0.8 I T E M S


"Metal ready to eat". Select the ration in the items menu, and tap CIRCLE. You'll
automatically recover health. Keep a Ration equipped, that eay, when you die,
you'll revive.

Absorbent pad used to stop the bleeding. Select it in the items menu, and tap
CIRCLE to use it and stop the bleeding(only use it while bleeding).

Opens doors of equal or lower security level of the card(a LV5 will open 5-4-3-2-
1) if equipped.

LV1 = Given By Stillman
LV2 = Given by the Ninja(after beating Fatman).
LV3 = Given by Ames after finding him in the SHELL 1 CORE B1-HALL.
LV4 = Given by the President Jhonson.
LV5 = Given by Emma after finding the door leading to SHELL 2 STRUT L.

Select it in the items menu and Snake will use it as a "hat". You can use it to
fool stoopid guards or move around.

1 = Found at the supplies room in Deck-D(Tanker)
2 = Found at the right of where you fought Olga(Tanker).
3 = Found at the bottom left door in the STRUT-F 1F(Plant).
4 = Found at the STRUT-E PARCEL ROOM.
5 = Found at Arsenal's Gear Jejunum.

If you know more, please contact me.

Special lens used for long-distance terrain reconnaissance. Zoom in with the
CIRCLE button and zoom out with the X button.

= You start with this.

Special lens that can detect different kind of thermal signals, such as lasers,
life forms and C4 explosives.

= Found at the bottom of the pool you start on(Plant).
= Found at your sniping position in Strut L oil fence.
= Found at the top of the ladder in the are you fight Olga(Tanker).

When enemies are near, this will make your controls to rumble. Other vibrations
such as Snake heart-pounding will be off when you select this.

= You start with this(Tanker/Plant).

Equip this along compatible weapons to silence them.

= Found at the bottom-right room of STRUT F 1F(SOCOM).
= Found in the wrecked bridge after the fight with the harrier.

Disk used to corrupt Arsenal Gear. Can only be used by Emma Emmerich.

= Given by the president.

Special cell phone modified so player can receive e-mails. Equipped with vibration

= Given by the Ninja
[ B.D.U ]

Disguise that matches Shell's 1 core guards uniform. Equip AK to complete the

= Given by the Ninja.

Special sensor used to find Fatman's odor-full C4s. While equipped, C4s scent is
displayed on the radar.

= Given by Stillman.

Special sensor used to find Fatman's odorless C4s. It beeps when a C4 is near.

= Found at the room Stillman was hiding on.

Special sensor that detects claymores and displays them in the solition radar.

= Found at the bottom right room at STRUT F 1F.

Used to take photos that can be sent to Otacon using the workstation.

= You start with this.

Used to take photos. Unlike the normal camera, when you take a photo with this,
you'll be able to save it on your memory card and check it in the SPECIAL menu.


5.7 E N E M I E S
/ \
+++ Laser-eyed soldier +++

Aspect: Soldier with guerrilla-type uniform, cotton mask and laser eyes.
Weapon: Semi-automatic assault rifle(I say its an Ingram).
Best weapon: USP-SOCOM
Shots: 4.
Strategy: Well, it's a million times better to dodge 'em, but if you are caught in
a gunfight, somersault your way out of their fire range, and get 1 or 2 free shots
before they start shooting again. You can also use the M9 when they're not seeing
you and flee. After a while they'll go down.

/ \
+++ Backup Unit A +++

Aspect: Soldier with army-soldier uniform and cotton mask. Appears if other guards
call for them. Their range of vision is red.
Weapon: Assault rifle.
Best weapon: USP.
Shots: 5.
Strategy: The backup unit is normally a 5-6 soldier grupito that comes to blast
you. If you want to fight 'em, hide and when sneak on their back. Aim with L1 and
make 'em eat lead. You can also neck-crush lone soldiers or sleep 'em.

/ \
+++ Backup unit B +++

Aspect: Same as above plus a shield.
Weapon: Assault rifle
Best weapon: Hmmmmm... probably a fast one.
Shots: Never tried to fight 'em...
Strategy: ...because they have a shield. The can stop must of your bullets and the
other will crush you. What I recommend is you to equip something fast, use a
corner as protection and start shooting. They won't be able to take much of these.
/ \
+++ Olga +++

Aspect: Russian woman, with commando-ish trousers, short white gray hair.
Weapon: USP
Best weapon: M9(you have no choice!).
Shots: Didn't count 'em.
Strategy: Olga, as your first boss, should pose no problem. She's a bit tough
though. Key word: bit. First off, hide behind a wall. Olga will talk about her
childhood before getting serious. While she moves around, activate FPP, and look
for her head. When you find it, tap S to inflict major damage.

If you stay in a same spot for too long, she'll throw a grenade. Evade it, and
then return to your position. Keep behind the boxes, and always in FPP. You'll
suddenly get a clear shot at her head. Is just patience what you need.

Now, let's talk about what she does. Apart from shooting, grenading you, she also
tries to protect herself. First thing she does: shoots the green cape and uses it
to make you miss your shoots. Shoot at the cape bottom part to send it flying, and
therefore, decreasing Olguita's defense. After a while, she'll move a light and
will decrease your accuracy VERY notably. Shoot at the light, and problem solved,

/ \

Aspect: Loads 'o soldiers with assault rifles and grenades.
Weapon: Assault rifle, hand grenade.
Best weapon: M9 or USP.
Shots: 4 per soldier.
Strategy: Keep crouching when two or more of the soldiers are firing. Take the
bottommost guard first, and then go for the right one. End with the left one. Only
two shots per de-crouch(after two shots, start crouching), and always take the
bottommost first. I really like to use the R1+L1 button to have a better
perspective and aim at my enemies.

/ \
+++ Big-shell sentry/Gurlukovich sentries +++

Aspect: Soldier with white clothes.
Weapon: Assault rifle
Best weapon: neck-crush-anything-
Shots: 3-4.
Strategy: Snek to their backs and crush their necks. You could also sleep 'em or
blast their brains out. Either way, they're easy.

/ \
+++ Fatman +++

Aspect: Fat-man with anti-bomb suit and skates.
Weapon: C4 and fast-shooting handgun.
Best weapon: SOCOM.
Shoots: 7-8
Strategy: First thing: Fatman will put C4 all over the arena, and shoot at you. If
he crashes on you while skating, you'll lose health. So, first thing, make sure
there is not C4 to defuse. If it is like that, search for him. When you find him,
aim at him(L1) and fire repeatedly until he falls in the ground. When he's in the
ground, hit him in the head. Repeat a couple of times more, and he should die.
/ \
+++ Harrier +++

Aspect: Do I have to tell you how a Harrier looks like?.
Weapon: Missiles, railgun.
Best weapon: Stinger.
Shoots: ---
Strategy: As soon as the battle starts, Snake will throw a Stinger missile
launcher. Grab it as well as it ammo. Then, look for the Harrier. When you find
it, lock-on and shoot a missile. That's what you should do.Now, let's talk about
its attacks. It mainly throws bullets at you, or ramn you suddenly. Sometimes, it
disappears, and then appears unleashing a barrage of missiles. Suddenly, it
unleash several explosives that will wreck the bridge. As far as I know, they
cannot be avoided.

/ \
+++ Vamp +++

Aspect: Man with long hair, vampire teeth and scars all over his chest, as well as
a bullet mark on his head and stomach.
Weapons: Knives.
Best weapon: Stinger, M4.
Shoots: ---
Strategy: Vamp will submerge in the water and swim for a while. Take out your
Stinger, and wait Vamp to come out. Wherever he lands, either in the first or
second floor, shoot a missile. If he lands above you, you may want to use the M4
for best results. Remember to use FPP always!.

Now, let's talk about his attacks. The most annoying consists on catching your
shadow, making you a moveless puppet. Jam the LAS to release yourself from the
curse. The other consists on throwing several knives almost non-sto at you. They
be easily avoided by running around, or even strafing while in FPP. He also runs
at you after getting out of the pool and stabs you. To prevent this, withdraw the
M4 and shoot at him before he gets near you.

And one last piece of advice. Don't fall in the water!. If you do, you never come
/ \
+++ Backup Unit C +++

Aspect: Futuristic soldiers with yellow "lens" and super fast rifles.
Weapon: Super fast rifle.
Weapon to use: M4.
Shoots: ?
Strategy: Be sure you have equipped a Ration when they come storming. They're
normally a three soldiers grupito who'll break havoc on you. Try your best to
evade their bullets, and smash the SQUARE button until they come down. They'll
keep appearing, so run when you can!.

/ \
+++ A.G's sentry A +++

Aspect: Futuristic soldiers with yellow lens, cool looking uniforms and jumping
Weapon: Super Fast Rifle.
Weapon to use: M4-AK
Shoots: One.
Strategy: Ok, listen up. They move very fast and like to jump a lot. The first
area you fight them is in an area full of crates. Hide behind one, and wait them
to shoot up. Then unleash a few bullets on them. Try to keep the SQUARE button
pressed so they won't hide again. They're very easy. You may want to war a body
armor while fighting them.

/ \
+++ A.G'S sentry B +++

Aspect: Futuristic soldiers with yellow lens, cool looking uniforms
Weapon: H.F.B variation.
Weapon to use: H.F.B/M4-AK/STINGER
Shoots: One.
Strategy: Because of their bullet-ricochet capability, you may want to use the
H.F.B and stab them to death. If you're a weapons-man, use the Stinger. They won't
be able to ricochet a missile, that's for sure. If you use the M4 or AK, foe into
FPP, and smash them on their feet.

/ \
+++ Vamp +++

Aspect: The same Vamp with a bullet mark on his head and stomach, as well as
several scars on his chests.
Weapon: Knife.
Weapon to use: PSG1.
Shoots: About 3-4.
Strategy: Pop up a Pentazemin, and aim at Vamps head. Then press the SQUARE button
about 4 times nonstop. Vamp dies. Did I say this battle is easiest in the game?

/ \
+++ MGR(x3) +++

Aspect: Big metallic bipedal with nuclear strikes capabilities.
Weapon: Railgun, Missile launcher, Mouth-Laser device.
Weapon to use: Stinger.
Shoots: This battle will be tough. Or so I thought at first. It's actually pretty
easy. At first, the three MGR will be motionless. They'll rely on shooting from
their railgun a couple of bullets at you. They'll also shoot homing missiles.
Check below for info on how to evade these attacks. Here I'll explain how to take
down the mechanical lizards.

Start up by taking out your Stinger portable missile launcher. Then, instead of
aiming at the MGRs head, shoot at his knees. This will make him open his big
mouth. While the mouth is open, shoot a missile into it. That'll rack-up insane
damage. Start up by attacking the middle. After it goes down, one comes to replace
it. WHAT?!. Don't worry. Keep killing them as they come. The battle will
eventually end. Good luck.

Now, let's talk about their attacks. First, they'll point their shoulders at you.
Then they'll spread a crapload of bullets in a cone shape. Use the roll to evade
them, easily. The second attack that you'll probably notice is the homing missile
they shoot from their back. Three per MGR. I'm being serious. Evade them by
running amok. They're also easy to evade.

Other attacks come whether you're near them or not. Being near of the MGR will
trigger either the high pressure hydro attack, or the stomp. The h.p.h.a is when
the NGR suddenly open his mouth and throws a blue laser. It's "cutting water"
according to Otacon. The stomp is when RAY tries to stomp you. Both attacks can be
avoided by rolling.

The ultimate attacks, Is, not-so-obviously, the worst. When the RAYs start to
move, one of them will suddenly "crouch", and stand motionless. Prepare, because
the baby missiles are coming for you. The baby missiles are deployed from RAY's
knees, and follow you. Evade them by WALKING. I normally walk to evade one, and
then roll to fool the other. It works I can say. Just be sure you're not hit.
They'll follow you, and are worth a lot of damage

/ \

Aspect: Man with an eyepatch on his right eye, big muscles, tentacles and gruff
Weapon: Twin blades and tentacles.
Weapon to use: H.F.B(do you have choice?).
Shoots: A crapload of them.
Strategy: This battle will be very easy. No, really, it depends on how you fight
him. And with the right strategy, you should have no problems. And for the
Rations... one is enough. Two if you grab the one in the battlefield.

Anyway, as usual, I'll give you the strategy I used, and then talk about the boss'
attacks. I got one thing to say: Equip the B.D.U if you want to see a B.D.U
equipped Raiden in the ending. I know this is off-them, but who cares. Let's talk
about the strategy. Get near solidus, and press R3. Then get far from him. He
should perform a counterattack. After he finishes his counter, stab him. That is
the way to fight him. Hit run. Well, that's the SAFER way, and it'll ensure you
won't need more that 1 or 2 Rations.

There are other ways to diminish Snake's life gauge. You can get near him, and
rotate the RAS. Before performing the spin, Raiden will perform several slashes.
Some of them, including the spin, will hit Solidus. You can also do this after
Solidus perform a counter. Is faster, but I consider the one above safer.

After half of Solidus health has been depleted, he'll take off his tentacles, and
will becoming a bit tougher. He'll perform several dashes(see below) and then
stop. When he stops, he'll slash towards you. This is what I called Homing Dash.
See below. When he starts to dash towards you, perform a stab(press R3 and you'll
receive him with it if you're good enough. From now onwards, he'll also use the
Sting(see below). Good Luck. The battle is easy though.

Now, as promised, let's talk about his attacks. Because he's the final fella
you'll fight, he has several attacks. The first and simplest consists on using his
tentacles to attack you. Depending the way he uses it, he may throw yo off
balance, damage you, or grab Raiden by the neck. If he does so, jam the LAS while
pressing TRIANGLE repeatedly to keep yourself alive.

The other attack I'll talk about also involves the use of the tentacles.
Basically, he'll throw you about six missiles. Just roll to evade them.. You must
be really bad if you get hit. Really.

The other attacks make use of his twin swords. Mainly, he uses combo attacks,
amongst others. There is the double-down-slash, that is when he swings both of his
swords downwards. He also performs a two and three hit combo, in a slow way. He
also does a variation of the three hit combo, which is basically the 3 hit combo
much more faster. All of these attacks can be evaded by being far enough from him.

Now comes the Dash. Suddenly in the fight, he'll dash towards any direction. If he
rushes you during the move, you'll receive damage. After he performs the dash, a
flame barrier will be left behind. If you touch it, you'll suddenly be on fire!.
Roll to put the flames down.

After he takes out his tentacles, he'll have three more attacks. The simplest and
easiest to avoid is the Sting. He slashes his sword towards you fast. It's like
when a bee sting you. It's like Devil May Cry's Stinger. Be sure you're far enough
from him to evade it.

Repetitive dashing is a variation of the Dash. Solidus will perform several dashes
nonstop. Deal with them as they come. After he performs the last R. Dash, he'll
suddenly stop, and dash towards you. The attack can be evaded if you roll, or if
you greet him with a stab. I called this attack Homing Dash. You'll know he'll
perform it when he says things like "let's go" or "alright" or even "die".

That's enough for Solidus, I guess. Good luck wise guy. After beating the big guy,
kick back and enjoy the ending

| Fox Hound agent Solid Snake infiltrates Outer Heaven, a fortress-nation deep |
| in the heart of South Africa, and destroys their prototype weapon Metal Gear |
| a walking tank with nuclear capability. In the process, he discovers that the |
| leader of Outer Heaven is no other than Big Boss, the supreme commander of |
| FoxHound, and puts end to his former comrade twisted schemes. |

| After surviving the Outer Heaven incident, Big Boss escapes to Zanzibar Isle |
| and sets up an independent military regime with the hope to create a world of |
| strife, the only kind of world a born soldier can truly enjoy. At the request |
| of Foxhound, Solid Snake infiltrates Zanzibar island and again destroys Metal |
| Gear, which had been transferred to Zanzibar Island following the collapse of |
| Outer Heaven. He triumphs once again in a final, decisive battle with Big Boss |
| and ensures the downfall of Zanzibar Island. |

| On Shadow moses, a remote island off the coast of Alaska, FOXHOUND leads an |
| armed uprising and seizes the new Metal Gear REX in the single biggest act of |
| terrorism. At the request of the government, Col. Roy Campbell, the former |
| commander of Fox Hound summons Solid Snake out of retirement and sends him to |
| infiltrate Shadow Moses in one last solo covert operation. |
| |
| Snake must penetrate deep into the heart of the nuclear weapons facility. Aiding
| him in his missions are doctor Hal Emmerich a-k-a Otacon, a former Metal Gear |
| developer, Meryl, Col. Campbell's niece, and team of the top specialists in the|
| field, who communicate Snake with the CODEC. In the middle of his battle against
| the members of FOXHOUND, Snake encounters a Cyborg Ninja, who thirsts only for |
| battle. The Ninja true identity turns out to be Grey Fox, Snake's former FOX |
| HOUND partner who defected to the enemy and fought against Snake in Zanzibar |
| island. After destroying Metal Gear Rex, Snake confronts the head of the terro-|
| -rists group, Liquid Snake. Each of the Snakes, Liquid and Solid carry the genes
| of the 20th's century greates soldier, Big Boss. With the support of the Cyborg |
| ninja, Solid Snake fights a decisive battle with Liquid Snake. After a long |
| protracted struggle, Snake finally defeats Liquid and leaves the legacy of |
| Shadow Moses behind him. |


This is not GheddonLN's work!. This is Rob's work, so credit him!!!. Credit him
goddamit! :)

Metal Gear Solid Previous Story Transcript (From Metal Gear Solid 2)
Transcribed by Rob McGregor (
Last (And Probably Final) Update - 27/11/01


- Introduction

A group of people I know (especially those from Europe waiting for the
game as well as a few people wishing to quote areas of it for others)
have been waiting for this to appear online, and so it's taken one simple
minded idiot with a lot of time on his hands to write this all down.

Many thanks to HellRaiser for his help with this,
getting the capture I could work with, it wouldn't have been possible
without him :)

I hope you find it helpful especially if you were waiting for someone to
be bothered to write it all out. :)

With going back through Nastasha's book I'm thinking that some people
might like to see a glossary of terms added to this document for
reference once I'm fully finished. Some of the abbreviations are used
over and over and some words even I didn't know the meaning of and
needed to look up.

Thanks to all the people who've e-mailed me saying thanks for the
transcript or even offering to help out. I really appreciate it :)

Hello to all the guys at and who've
helped me along with my interest in the Metal Gear series, and to those
who've let me take a break from working on to indulge
my interest in writing this out. I'm sure I'll get right back to work
on the site as soon as I finish this.

And thats what I'll be doing now... :)


- Legal

Seeing as I really have nothing to do with writing this text, and mealy
transcribing it to people, I don't want to claim anything but recognition
of the time and effort I spent to do so.

If people wish to include this for other guides, though I have no idea
why, they may do so as long as they credit the fact I spent a few hours
writing this all out.

To anyone else who tries to write it out themselves... good luck. It's a
lot of work.


- Update History

19/11/01 - First Edition. Includes File #1 - Book Review, File #2 -
Conspiracy File, and the first 20 pages of File #3 -
Nastasha's book.

22/11/01 - Second Edition. Includes 104 more pages of File #3.
I had hoped to add more, but couldn't due to time restraints.
I'll continue to update this file as I have free time in
the coming week. Suggestions to add the brief histories
of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake from in Metal
Gear Solid are also being considered.

25/11/01 - Third Edition. Waiting for the Euro special pack of Silent
Hill 2 to arrive to my door, so I've spent part of the
weekend I've had free typing up the next 100 pages. I also
added the previous operations files from MGS for Metal Gear
and MG2: Solid Snake.

27/11/01 - Forth Edition. Finished the final pages of Nastasha's novel.
The file is complete. This will be the final document update
however I may come back to this in the future and add a
glossary... who knows.


- Previous Story Contents

1. Metal Gear (MGS)
[13 Pages - Complete. A brief synopsis of the storyline of the
original 1987 Metal Gear game for the MSX home computer.]

2. Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (MGS)
[19 Pages - Complete. A brief synopsis of the storyline of the sequel
to Metal Gear, also for the MSX home computer.]

3. The New York Mirror (MGS2)
[11 Pages - Complete. A review of Nastasha Romanenko's book on the
Shadow Moses incident from Metal Gear Solid. This also appeared in
the MGS2 demo with Zone of the Enders.]

4. The Shocking Conspiracy Behind Shadow Moses (MGS2)
[129 Pages - Complete. A book about one slightly crazy UFO fanatic's
uncovering of Nastasha's book from a disc sent to him, and the events
that happen when he tries to follow the truth of the Shadow Moses

5. MGS: In the Darkness of Shadow Moses: The Unofficial Truth (MGS2)
[324 Pages - Complete. Nastasha's book in its entirety, which covers
the storyline from Metal Gear Solid. There are a lot of new facts
uncovered throughout.]

[Total = 496 Pages]


- Metal Gear

Page 001| The year 1995. Deep in South Africa, 200km
| north of Gaezburg. Outer Heaven -- an armed
| fortress nation established by the legendary
| mercenary. He was feared in combat by both his
| friends and foes as a hero and a lunatic.
| The "Western" nations have found out that a weapon
| of mass destruction capable of re-writing war history
Page 002| is under development at Outer Heaven. They have
| called upon the high-tech special force unit FOX-
| HOUND to take care of the situation. In response to
| this order, Big Boss, commander-in-chief of FOX-
| HOUND, sent Gray Fox, the man with the code name
| "FOX" which is given to the best member of the unit,
| "Operation Intrude N313"...
Page 003| After a few days, his last message being "Metal
| Gear...", Gray Fox was missing In action.
| Taking the situation seriously, the top men of the
| "West" again called for FOX-HOUND. Big Boss
| selected Solid Snake, who had just recently joined
| FOX-HOUND, as the agent, and entrusted
| everything to him.
Page 004| Successfully making a solo infiltration to Outer
| Heaven, Snake got in touch with local resistance
| members - Schneider, Diane, and Jennifer.
| With their cooperation, Snake succeeded in
| rescuing Gray Fox. Gray Fox then laid out the
| terrifying facts about Metal Gear. Metal Gear
| was the development name of a nuclear
Page 005| warhead-equipped two-legged walking tank. It
| can walk through even the roughest terrain's that
| would stop normal tanks. It can conduct local warfare
| by itself with unique weapons like its Vulcan cannon
| and anti-tank missiles. It was indeed a new-type of
| weapon that can conduct a nuclear attack against
| any place on the face of the earth, from any land
Page 006| surface...
| With Metal Gear, Outer Heaven was trying to
| establish its millitary superiority over the entire
| world. In order to destroy Metal Gear, Snake
| rescued Metal Gear's chief engineer, Dr. Pettrovich
| and his daughter Elen, who was taken hostage to
| force her father to continue with his development.
Page 007| Snake hears from Dr. Pettrovich how to destroy
| Metal Gear. However, as Snake approached the
| heart of Outer Heaven and Metal Gear, well-
| designed traps are set all around Snake -- as
| if all his actions are being leaked to the enemy...
| In the midst of the escalating battle, the leader
| of the resistance, Schneider, fell into the hands
Page 008| of the enemy... and Snake himself, was injured
| through the deadly battles with Outer Heaven's
| best mercenaries.
| But Snake's indomitable spirit lead him to
| the 100th floor basement of the secret base where
| Metal Gear was developed. Evading the powerful
| defense system that wipes out all intruders,
Page 009| Snake ultimately succeeded in destroying Metal
| Gear.
| Snake tried to escape from Outer Heaven upon
| completing the mission. However during the
| escape he was confronted by one man -- FOX-
| HOUND commander-in-chief Big Boss. Big Boss
| laughed at the astounded Snake and told him of
Page 010| the truth about his mission.
| While serving as the commander-in-chief of FOX-
| HOUND, Big Boss also ran a mercenary dispatch
| company, utilizing his connections and capital
| from his years as a merc.
| He was planning to build this company a larger
| military establishment, and he built Outer Heaven
Page 011| as its base. His purpose for sending the rookie
| Snake to Outer Heaven was to cause information
| confusion against the "West."
| However, Big Boss miscalculated. He never
| thought that Snake would make it this far...
| Having lost Metal Gear, Big Boss activated the
| self-destruction system of the underground base.
Page 012| While the countdown to destruction continued,
| his scream echoed in the emptiness.
| "You have gone to far. Too far!"
| On the 100th floor basement, the battle between
| two men commenced -- free of ideology and
| politics...
Page 013| The armed fortress nation, Outer Heaven,
| collapsed. The impenetrable fortress made from
| the best military technology, and occupied by
| the toughest mercenaries burned in flames.
| Behind him, the flames reached skyward, as Outer
| Heaven fell, leaving Solid Snake all alone...


- Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake

Page 001| 1999, the world was facing a energy crisis.
| It was obvious that the supply of petroleum would
| run out faster than expected. However, the
| development of an alternate energy resource is
| far from completion. The price of petroleum has
| skyrocketed and the world economy is in much confusion.
| The 21st century was expected to be one of chaos.
Page 002| One man's invention changed the entire situation.
| A Czech genius and biologist, Dr. Kio Marv, invented
| "OILIX" a micro-organism that refines petroleum to
| produce a highly purified form of petroleum.
| The world was filled with hope upon the discovery
| of this messiah to solve the energy crisis but at
| the same time the world entered a time of tension
Page 003| regarding this new algae.
| Just when the whole world's attention was drawn to
| OILIX and Dr. Marv, he was abducted by someone
| and disappeared. Nations began investigations
| immediately, and a name soon appeared...
| "Zanzibar Land."
Page 004| Zanzibar Land was a democratic military regime
| that suddenly appeared in Central Asia in 1997.
| When their uprising took place, the CIS army,
| formed around Russia, sent a suppressive unit
| immediately. Zanzibar Land resisted by gathering
| a band of mercenaries from nations around the
| world and fortifying most of it's land.
Page 005| As a result, the CIS army was repeatedly defeated,
| and Zanzibar Land declared its independence.
| Due to the active role mercenaries played, this war
| was called The Mercenary War and Zanzibar Land
| was referred to as an armed fortress nation.
| A military nation with a group of strong mercenaries,
| surrounded by a tough fortress...
Page 006| According to the latest information Zanzibar
| supposedly was armed with nuclear weapons.
| The whole scenario was crystal clear.
| By obtaining OILIX in addition to nuclear weapons,
| Zanzibar Land was trying to establish its economic
| and military superiority over the entire world.
| Concerned about the situation, the United States
Page 007| ordered Roy Campbell, commander-in-chief of
| high-tech special forces unit FOX-HOUND, to
| rescue Dr. Marv. Campbell was a former member
| of FOX-HOUND. He brought back Solid Snake,
| the man who single handedly brought down the
| armed fortress nation of Outer Heaven 4 years ago,
| and asked Snake to bring back both Dr. Marv
Page 008| and OILIX. Successfully infiltrating Zanzibar Land, and
| with the help of CIA agent Horry and others Snake
| was able to go deep into the fortress and meet
| again with Dr. Pettrovich, the chief engineer of
| Metal Gear at Outer Heaven. He too was abducted
| to Zanzibar Land and was forced to develop
| another Metal Gear.
Page 009| He told the surprised Snake of an even more
| shocking fact. Big Boss, the man Snake had
| defeated at Outer Heaven, turned out to be the
| general commander of Zanzibar Land.
| Snake rescued Dr. Pettrovich in cooperation with
| Natasha, Dr. Marv's guard and former Czech
Page 010| International Secret Police agent, and then headed
| for the confinement facility deep in the fortress
| to save Dr. Marv.
| Later when Pettrovich and Natasha crossed the narrow
| suspension bridge over the deep valley, a missile
| blew the bridge away.
| Natasha flew into the air because of the explosion.
Page 011| While unable to do anything to save Natasha, Snake
| started hearing a well-known voice.
| "Hey Snake. We are good buddies. I can let you
| go. Just leave this place at once!" ...Gray Fox.
| Snake saw Gray Fox controlling Metal Gear.
| The best soldier in FOX-HOUND who, after the fall
| of Outer Heaven, disappeared as if he followed
Page 012| Big Boss. Losing Natasha in front of his eyes
| and letting Pettrovich get taken away Snake
| screamed "Fox! I will not give up!"
| After a series of deadly battles with mercenaries
| Snake finally made it to Dr. Marv's confinement
| facility.
Page 013| However, he arrived too late. He saw Dr. Marv's
| corpse and Pettrovich, who could do nothing
| but just stand there.
| Pettrovich told Snake that Dr. Marv could not with-
| stand the repeated tortures because of heart
| problems. Snake then received an emergency call
| from Horry. The information she supplied was very
Page 014| shocking. Pettrovich had been voluntarily visiting
| Zanzibar Land to develop Metal Gear.
| The abduction of Dr. Marv was conducted under
| the directions of Pettrovich himself. After the truth
| came out, Pettrovich attacked Snake, but Snake
| easily put an end to him and obtained the structural
| plan of OILIX.
Page 015| While trying to escape, Snake was confronted by
| Metal Gear again, controlled by Gray Fox. The
| tremendous battle took place in the underground
| base. Snake finally succeeded in destroying
| Metal Gear. However, Gray Fox didn't submit
| and challenged Snake to the final battle.
| In the midst of a minefield, Snake and Fox fought
Page 016| without any weapons. A fist-to-fist duel involving
| no hatred or murder intent. During that weird
| moment of purity, the two were bound by forces
| transcending words and emotion.
| Snake won the tough but pure battle against
| Gray Fox. However, there still was someone else
| Snake had to fight -- Big Boss. Just like 4 years
Page 017| ago at Outer Heaven, Big Boss was waiting
| for Snake.
| "One who has experienced the tension of battle
| can never leave the battlefield. I am the one
| giving you something to live for, and that is war."
| Snake was infuriated at the arrogant Big Boss.
| "There is only one battle I have left to fight. To free
Page 018| myself from you, to shatter the nightmare... Big
| Boss, I will kill you!"
| With the structural plan of OILIX, Snake and Horry
| escaped from Zanzibar Land on a rescue helicopter.
| Snake once again saved the world.
| However, there was no smile on his face. Big Boss's
Page 019| last words kept ringing in his head.
| "Whoever wins, our battle does not end. The loser
| is freed from the battle field, but the winner must
| remain there. And the survivor must live his life
| as a warrior until he dies."
| Snake then disappeared into the white lands of
| Alaska, alone...


- The New York Mirror

Page 001| "In the Darkness of Shadow Moses:
| The Unofficial Truth"
| Author: Nastasha Romanenko
| Reviewed by George Franklin
Page 002| Some topics in the recent American past have
| the immediacy and power that still engage
| our collective imagination. Names like, "The
| Grassy Knoll," or "Roswell," roll off our tongue
| with deliberates reserved by most other
| nations for holy lands. With this new non-
| fiction account from Nastasha Romanenko,
| Shadow Moses -- the scene of a nuclear siege
| two years ago -- is set to join their ranks.
Page 003| Official history states that the takeover of
| a nuclear weapons disposal facility on a
| lonely outpost in the Fox Islands, Alaska was
| the work of a radical right-wing group. Their
| demands for the release of group members
| incarcerated in federal penitentiaries were
| never met, and the incident was speedily
| resolved by the successful deployment of a
| commando unit. B.S., the author asserts.
| Romanenko says that she served as an advisor
Page 004| to the Nuclear Emergency Search Team, and
| deconstructs what she claims to be a cover-up
| story by the government with precision.
| According to the author, Shadow Moses Island
| was nothing less than the U.S. Army's testing
| grounds for a top-secret weapon known as
| Metal Gear REX, an all-terrain bipedal tank
| with advanced nuclear capabilities. As for
| the facilities takeover, Romanenko alleges
Page 005| that it was the U.S. military's own shadowy
| "wet-works" force, known as "FOXHOUND,"
| that staged an armed insurrection in a bid
| for REX's possession.
| The government responds to this crisis by
| sending in a lone operative, a former FOX-
| HOUND member known only by the code name
| "Solid Snake," into Shadow Moses.
| His infiltration is aided by a remote mission
Page 006| control team consisting of an unidentified
| "Colonel Campbell." a FOXHOUND medical chief
| "Naomi," a radar and electronics expert "Mei
| Ling" (supposedly a teenager), and the author
| herself. Once on the island, "Snake" joins
| forces with Metal Gear's developer-turned-
| prisoner "Otacon" to eradicate the weapon of
| mass destruction.
| Among the other remarkable characters that
Page 007| make an appearance in Romanenko's expose
| is another FOXHOUND commando, a revolver-
| virtuoso called "Shalashaska" a.k.a. "Revolver
| Ocelot." One of the most controversial
| allegations in the book deals with this
| figures connection to a disavowed Russian
| militia led by a "Colonel Gurlukovich,"
| Romanenko paints a bleak picture of a
| thousand-strong, highly disciplined army
| with nuclear weaponry operating covertly
Page 008| within the American border. Even more
| irresistible to conspiracy scholars and
| students of recent history is her thinly
| veiled suggestion that the whole affair
| was planned from the beginning by certain
| forces inside the U.S. government.
Page 009| The U.S. Army and the usual suspect of
| federal agencies have issued a statement
| denouncing the book as a complete fabri-
| cation. However, with a number of detailed
| eyewitness accounts that back up the author's
| assertions cropping up daily on the Web, the
| denials serve more to enhance the book's
| growing reputation. "Shadow Moses" is an
| engrossing read for casual and serious
| readers alike, and promises to involve
Page 010| readers in a meaty debate over the truth
| of the matter for many years to come.
| Excerpted from the literary review column
| "All Booked Up", The New York Mirror
Page 011| (Advertisement for MGS/MGS VR Missions)


- The Shocking Conspiracy Behind Shadow Moses

Page 001| The Shocking Conspiracy
| Behind Shadow Moses
| by Gary McGolden
| The island of Shadow Moses lies due north
| of Alaska's Fox Islands, deep in the Arctic
| Circle. Above one of its rocky cliffs stands a
| cabin normally used for meteorological
| surveys, and it was here that I found myself,
Page 002| seated on a chair with my hands bound behind
| my back and a burlap sack covering my entire
| head. A blizzard rages outside, and the cabin
| was a dark, silent patch somewhere inside the
| storm. I could sense at least four men around
| me.
| They had been interrogating me for what
| felt like hours now.
| The burlap sack is pungent with the traces
| of coffee beans. In the biting cold of the cabin,
Page 003| images of Brazil come to me unbidden; alleys
| coiled through with vivid, untended profusion
| of flowers, children with skin like frothy
| chocolate, sunshine capable of burning out
| the cornea, erupting between palm fronds.
| I can feel my sense starting to fail.
| The man in the front of me asks for the
| second, or the hundredth, time.
| "I'm going to ask you again. What's in the
| optical disc?"
Page 004| "Told you, I don't know. I just found it,
| okay?"
| "You're lying, you bastard!"
| A fist explodes into the pit of my stomach,
| bringing up a peanut butter sandwich of many
| hours ago along with the rusty taste of blood.
| The relentless beating and numerous knife
| cuts of the past hour have my whole body
| screaming with pain, but I refuse to tell them
| what they wanted. I had too much invested at
Page 005| this point, too many days of dangerous
| investigation into the story of a lifetime. There
| was no way I was going to give it all up at
| this point.
| "That's enough."
| A voice spoke up from somewhere in the
| back of the cabin.
| "We have the disk back. Just get rid of him
| so we can get out of this place."
| Even in my current sorry state, I was still a
Page 006| journalist. He had said, "We have the disc
| back." That meant that my hosts were the
| original owners of that optical disc. The last
| piece of the puzzle was in it's place; I knew
| beyond a shadow of doubt that everything
| recorded on the disc was true, and that the
| conspiracy I had suspected did in fact exist.
| At that moment, I heard a window shatter.
| The raging storm outside seemed to gain
| entry to the cabin in an instance, and I heard
Page 007| thin screams from the captors that encircled
| my chair. The next second, they had already
| fallen heavily onto the floor.
| The brief confusion ended before I regained
| enough presence of mind to even panic.
| Whoever was now here, whatever had
| happened, my tormentors were obviously out
| of commission. But now I could hear measured
| footsteps approaching across the floor.
| If this person had just saved my life, who
Page 008| was it? Or was I about to share the others'
| fate? The footsteps came to a halt in front of
| me, but strangely enough, I did not feel any
| sort of a presence nearby.
| The burlap was slowly lifted from around
| my head, pulled off by an unseen hand. The
| stinging night air cooled my face, and my
| eyes gradually regained focus in the darkened
| room.
| And I could finally see who it was that stood
Page 009| before me.
| Just out of the sight of most of its citizens, a
| massive conspiracy determines the working of
| this nation.
| Weapons of mass destruction secretly
| developed by the military.
| Super-soldiers re-engineered into war
| machines through genetic manipulation.
| A killer virus that only targets specific
| individuals with deadly accuracy.
Page 010| Tanks that walk rather than roll, and carry a
| nuclear payload.
| A covert organization, the third and the
| most powerful political party, my encounter
| with which landed me in this chair in the
| Alaskan winter...
| All of these are a part of the truth I found
| sealed within the optical disc, and I intend to
| share what I have learned in the pages to
| follow. That includes everything I now know
Page 011| about our government, and the secret arena
| where an even greater power pulls the
| strings. This is the truth many have glimpsed
| but never dared to talk about.
| Everything detailed in this book actually
| happened, and after I lived it, my world was
| no longer the same safe place I knew. Neither,
| I promise, will be yours if you have the
| courage to keep going.
Page 012| It all began a month ago --
| A month before my dramatic escape from
| death on Shadow Moses, I was having late
| breakfast in my apartment in New York.
| Ever since and alien abduction episode in my
| childhood, I'd been plagued by a
| persistent ringing in my ears.
| A large patch of mud was my undoing.
| I slipped, fell and was knocked unconscious.
| When I came to, it was already dawn.
Page 014| Later, I was trying to see the bump on
| the back of my head in the mirror when I saw
| "IT" instead. A small hole, about the size of a
| pinprick, had been made behind my ear. You
| learn a little something when you watch as
| much TV as I did. There was no doubt that I
| had been abducted by a passing UFO, and
| had spent the hours while unconscious with
| alien beings! Unfortunately, no one in the
| area recalled seeing a UFO, and not a single
Page 015| person had the sense to listen to my story. I
| realize now that this was the day I decided to
| uncover truth for a living, and become a
| journalist.
| But back to the present day. It turned out
| that the ringing wasn't in my ear, but from the
| doorbell. The thing shrieked somewhere south
| of a baritone bat sonar, barely within the
| range of human hearing. Blame the mangling
| it took from a particularly displeased visitor.
Page 016| Outside the door was the mailman, and in
| the mailman's hand was a thick manila
| envelope. On the envelope was a label,
| addressed to me.
| A letter bomb!
| I pressed my ear against the envelope and
| concentrated hard. But not a tick from the
| thing. Of course, no one uses analog watches
| in bombs these days. That's why they call it
| the Digital Age. In fact, why would there even
Page 017| be a watch in a letter bomb? The point is that
| the unlucky recipient opens it, and the bomb
| goes off. Which means that it's actually the
| completely silent envelopes that are
| dangerous. I knew that opening that flap
| would send my eggs to the big omelet in the
| sky, but you don't get to be an investigative
| journalist for thinking inside the box.
| I tore through the bottom of the envelope
Page 018| instead.
| *Riiip*
| No!
| The contents of the suspicious envelope
| dropped to the floor with lightning speed!
| In this world, you can never be too careful.
| Let this be a warning to you, readers: when
| circumstances compel you to open an
| envelope from the bottom, turn it upside down
| first. As a rule, I discovered, objects fall
Page 019| down, and this is what happened to the
| contents of my lethal envelope, straight down
| into a half-eaten depth of a delivery pizza
| forgotten on the floor. I don't recall when
| exactly this food item arrived on these
| premises, but the thing was definitely a
| museum piece by now.
| Fortunately, it wasn't a bomb but an optical
| storage disc, now liberally smeared with
| peanut butter. This disc was the kind that
Page 020| comes in a clear plastic casing, through which
| the rainbow sheen of the circular unit shone.
| I gazed into it awhile, thinking of the UFO from
| that fateful day.
| Anyway, I fished the optical disc out, noting
| the lack of a label. A quick wash at the sink
| got rid of the crud it had accumulated.
| The disc was drying by the window as I
| hunted through the now-harmless envelope
| for clues. A single sheet of Xerox paper was
Page 021| stuck to the inside and it read:
| "From the desk of MAX SMITHSON, Editor-in-
| Chief, MEGASURPRISE magazine
| I'm mailing you this optical disc that was sent
| to the edit department. It's right up your alley,
| see if you can turn up something more. We'll
| do a book if you get enough stuff together.
| This is your chance for a comeback, so don't
Page 022| screw it up."
| Max is an old friend, and used to manage
| most of my book deals way back when. We
| hadn't seen each other much since I gave up
| writing. Not that that he has the right to tell me
| about comebacks and screwing up, but I find
| myself growing excited by the prospect of
| writing another book. But there was a
| problem, and it was a big one.
Page 023| How the hell was I going to get the disc's
| content?
| My next-door neighbor is a starving college
| student, and I hit him up for the use of his
| computer now and then. I banged on his door
| and screamed repeatedly until he scuffled up
| to the door half-asleep. Once inside, I made a
| beeline for the piece of junk and stuck the
| disc into the drive. The icon appeared on the
Page 025| display with a gentle whir. The file name read:
| "In the Darkness of Shadow Moses".
| But an urgent click on the icon only brought
| up an error message. What nefarious scheme
| was this!? What secret encryption was
| preventing me from accessing the data!? I
| clicked again and again with the same result,
| and started to gnaw on the keyboard in
| frustration. The starving student come running
Page 026| over, wailing about his equipment. He typed in
| some moon-man language, avoiding patches
| of my spit, and a frighteningly cheerful
| application startup screen appeared on the
| display. Then lo and behold, I finally laid my
| eyes on the dense mass of text, the contents
| of the disc!
| At the very top it read: "'In the Darkness of
| Shadow Moses' by Nastasha Romanenko"
| The starving student was being scholarly
Page 027| and trying to read the text over my shoulder.
| I knocked him out with a punch to the solar
| plexus and devoured the file's content. It was
| like a blow to the head with a frozen tuna; my
| brain was reeling from the shock. The file was
| fill of wild stuff: top-secret conspiracies,
| incredible genetic experimentation, cold-
| blooded military deployment of classified
| weapons. This was the most incredible
| stuff I had ever come across.
| Most readers should be aware of the series of
| strange military actions involving an island
| father north of Alaska's Fox Island, some
| two years ago. The island was called Shadow
| Moses, and received a series of well-
| documented but never-explained visits of
| obvious significance. USS Discovery, an Ohio
| class ballistic missile submarine, was ordered
Page 029| away from its designated training area and
| was confirmed offshore of Shadow Moses
| Island. It joined an E-3C AWACS that had
| already and suddenly been deployed to the
| area, with none other than Jim Houseman, the
| National Security Advisors, aboard. Sixteen
| hours later, 6 F117 Night Hawks with full a
| payload took off from the Galena AFB for
| Alaska.
| Various theories were placed into circulation
Page 030| by the media at the time. Some journalists
| insisted it had been a foiled invasion
| attempt by a foreign state, other suspected a
| coup d'etat by a part of the U.S. military. I
| myself wrote an opinion piece for a magazine
| explaining that Shadow Moses was the Ellis
| Island for the "Greys." This diminutive grey
| race is after all the most famous of our alien
| neighbors, notorious for having secret bases
| all over planet Earth.
Page 031| But according to this file, we had all been
| off our marks.
| What had instead unfolded on Shadow
| Moses was the most major terrorist incident
| in history, and apocalyptic scenario born out of
| a government-developed superman project
| and a doomsday weapon of the same origin.
| On that fateful day, the nuclear weapons
| disposal plant on Shadow Moses had suddenly
| been seized by an irregular operations squad
Page 032| called "FOXHOUND", aided by a group of
| next-generation super-soldiers. And what
| they threatened was no less than a nuclear
| strike against the mainland United States!
| So how is it that we're still alive?
| Apparently we have a man known only as
| "Solid Snake" -- an his solitary infiltration
| of the disposal facility -- to thank for i.t
| Believe it or not, this is only the tip of
| the iceberg as far as the Shadow Moses incident
Page 033| is concerned. This disc contains many more
| horrifying facts such as a major government
| conspiracy, a classified weapon described
| as a "walking nuclear-capable tank", and
| advanced genetic manipulation projects. Many
| of these hidden dealings were discovered by
| Solid Snake as he carried out his mission, and
| it is now my job to relate these facts to you
| the readers.
| But it is still a little too premature to do
Page 034| so? The content of the disc may after all be
| nothing more than fiction, or even a delusion.
| After all, who exactly is this Nastasha
| Romanenko?
| A quick search of the Web turned up a few
| illuminating facts about this elusive writer.
| Nastasha Romanenko was at one point with
| the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency). At the
| time of the Shadow Moses incident, she
| appears to have been a freelance military
| analyst, having already resigned from the
| Agency. Nuclear and weapons technology
Page 036| would certainly be right up her alley, and in
| the disc she states that she took part in Solid
| Snake's mission support. Her exact role was
| as a member of NEST (Nuclear Emergency
| Search Team), providing field expertise via
| the radio. Her intimate involvement in the
| mission giver her a complete and clear grasp
| of the facts surrounding the case despite the
| government's successful cover-up.
Page 037| A look at Romanenko's curriculum vitae and
| body of papers makes her anti-nuclear stance
| more than obvious. That, along with all the
| other facts about this person, suggests that
| unless she suffered a sudden chemical
| imbalance or is plotting a second career as a
| Hollywood screenwriter, Nastasha Romanenko
| does not indulge in expounding conspiracy
| theories for its own sake.
| All very interesting. So where is Nastasha
Page 038| Romanenko now? I decided to give Global
| Elements Inc., the book's publisher a call.
| Below is a complete transcript of the
| conversation.
| Me: "Hello. Listen, you leftover carnival
| prize, what do you know about a woman
| named Nastasha Romanenko?"
| Whoever it was: "Hey, your village called.
| They want their idiot back. And watch
Page 039| your language, freak." Click.
| Clearly, they're hiding something. Why else
| the abrupt response and the hasty hang-up?
| I was on the trail of something important.
| Something dangerous. If the content of the
| disc was true, this Nastasha Romanenko was
| definitely the Woman-Who-Knew-Too-Much.
| Her life would be in danger, and she must
| either have gone to ground or was already
Page 040| dead. That brief telephone conversation spoke
| volumes: there was contract out on her life!
| If this was the price of speaking the truth as
| described in that disc, the picture was
| complete. But was everything she wrote really
| true?
| I went back to my apartment and packed a
| bag. I was headed for Shadow Moses.
| I took a plane out to the northernmost
| domestic airport and went to see my cousin
| John-Dee.
| John-Dee is a hardcore Alaskan and a big-
| eye tuna fisherman. When I asked him to drop
| me off at Shadow Moses Island during one of
| his trips out to sea, he turned pale and a
| nervous tick started up at the corner of his
| eye.
Page 042| "Shadow Moses? Are you nuts? All the
| other guys say the place is crawling with the
| military. If you get even close to the shore
| they shine these huge searchlights in your
| face, and some of my buddies even got
| interrogated once!"
| I felt the sudden chill of fear along with a
| certainty that I was on the right track.
| "You're a wuss, you know that? Try being
| abducted by a UFO, that'll teach you what's
Page 043| really scary."
| "I got a family, you know? I'm not about to
| go messing around with The Man!"
| "OK, you get me as close as you can then.
| I'll swim the rest of the way."
| "Swim? You're gonna turn into frozen tuna
| treat."
| "Don't worry about that. I have an idea."
| We sailed out for Shadow Moses Island that
| day.
| It was colder than the dairy section and the
| boat pitched like a subway derailment on
| caffeine. I shook constantly from the cold,
| retched peanut butter into the sea, then
| downed some more to keep warm. A few days
| passed in this pleasant fashion until John-
| Dee, drawing lines on his charts, turned to
| me.
| "I'm sorry man, but this as far as I can
Page 045| go. If you really want to do this thing, you're
| going to have to find your own way."
| There were at least 20 miles to Shadow
| Moses according to the charts. But John-Dee
| was already a blubbering wreck, and I didn't
| have the heart to strong-arm him. I steeled
| my nerves.
| "It's okay. Help me get ready."
| The plan was brilliant. I'd gutted a super-
| size tuna and stuffed some inflated balloons
Page 046| inside, along with a small oil lamp to keep the
| interior toasty. I would cover the length of my
| body with the fish and dog-paddle my way to
| the island. Any oxygen shortage could quickly
| be remedied thanks to the balloon, and my
| landing would appear to be nothing more than
| a large dead fish swept ashore. All I had to do
| was slip out of the tuna undetected and
| investigate the hell out of the place.
| Absolutely brilliant.
Page 047| I bore the fishy stink of the tuna skin with
| proper journalistic aplomb and walked to the
| edge of the ship's deck. The Arctic wind was
| numbing even through the wetsuit, but I bade
| John-Dee a hearty farewell and jumped into
| the sea. But right then, disaster struck!
| Actually it was the tuna spine. Its bony
| mass conked me hard on the back of my head
| from the force of the landing. I tried to right
| myself, but I was jammed tight against the
Page 048| balloons. The tuna started to sink rapidly, and
| I kicked my legs wildly as about a gallon of
| seawater rushed into my lungs. To add insult
| to injury, the lamp fell over, shedding its
| cover. I could feel the heat of the exposed
| flame dangerously close to my face, and smell
| the singed hair. This is why I hare traveling.
| But after what felt like hours, I found myself
| ashore on Shadow Moses Island.
Page 049| Let's take a moment here to review what
| happened on the island on that fateful day.
| Romanenko's disc provides a complete
| answer.
| Shadow Moses was no ordinary weapons
| disposal facility, but served as a secret
| military training ground among other things.
| On that day, the wetworks commando unit
| known as FOXHOUND and the next-generation
| Special Forces group were conducting joint
Page 050| exercises.
| FOXHOUND is an "irregular" squad of elite
| soldiers, equipped and armed to the teeth
| with the latest technology. There were longtime
| -- and strictly behind-the-scenes -- players
| throughout recent history, engaging in
| sabotage, selective assassinations and other
| covert military operations. Wherever the
| United States could not officially intervene,
| whether it was a civil war, regional unrest or
Page 051| other types of low-intensity conflict,
| FOXHOUND was there. It's unlikely, however,
| that an average citizen has ever heard of them
| before; these commandos remain a top-secret
| government project.
| And then there's the next-generation
| Special Forces unit. This is a cutting-edge
| anti-terrorist force newly organized to cope
| with terrorist incidents specifically involving
| weapons of mass destruction typified in
Page 052| nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare. They
| drew heavily from former mercenary ranks,
| and are on a diet of rigorous VR training
| guided by the FORCE 21 concept. The result is
| combat capability, which is rumored to
| surpass even those of the Delta Force and
| DEV GRU (formerly known as Seal Team 6).
| Most frightening of all, these soldiers have
| supposedly been manipulated at the genetic
| level to increase their combat performance.
Page 053| They were the purebreds among the dogs
| of war, and they turned on their masters with
| a surprising demand. Having seized the
| civilians that were on hand, they demanded
| that the government turn over to them the
| body of FOXHOUND's founder and combat
| genius, the so-called "Big Boss." The
| government had 24 hours to comply or
| a nuclear strike would be initiated. But what
| would motivate them to make such a demand,
Page 054| and how did they intend to make good their
| threat of a nuclear launch?
| With these questions still unanswered, the
| government decided on a seemingly reckless
| course of action. For this daunting task of
| stopping a nuclear strike and freeing the
| hostages from the clutches of these ultimate
| soldiers, they sent in a single man. His name
| was Solid Snake -- no other than a former
| member of the now-renegade FOXHOUND and
Page 055| a legend among mercenaries for single-
| handedly bringing down the fortress cities of
| Outer Heaven and Zanzibar Land.
| Your reaction is probably one of incredulity.
| "Just one guy?" You may wonder. "They
| decided to gamble the future of the entire
| world on a single mercenary?"
| I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment.
| But there is more to this mission than meets
| the eye, as I was later to discover.
| Snake was delivered to the island by USS
| Discovery, an Ohio class ballistic missile
| submarine. He may have been the lone field
| operative, but there was a distinguished
| mission control team in contact with him by
| radio.
| The overall control of the mission rested
| with Colonel Roy Campbell aboard the USS
Page 057| Discovery. As a former commander of
| FOXHOUND and Snake's CO during the 1999
| Zanzibar Land standoff, he was forcibly called
| out from retirement to deal with this latest
| crisis.
| Also aboard the Discovery was Dr. Naomi
| Hunter, a genetic engineering expert with the
| commercial biotech firm ATGC Inc. She was in
| charge of FOXHOUND's gene manipulation
| program.
Page 058| Mei Ling, the architect of the mission's state-
| of-the-art radar and communication systems,
| was the third team member. Apparently
| something of an engineering wunderkind, she
| developed this next-generation communication
| technology while still as student at MIT. At the
| time of the mission, she may have still been in
| her teens.
| McDonnell Miller, a former FOXHOUND
| survival instructor, was the only land-bound
Page 059| member of the mission control team. Unlike
| the other four, Miller was working out of his
| home in Alaska at his own request.
| Lastly, Nastasha Romanenko, the author of
| "In the Darkness of Shadow Moses," rounded
| out the team as an expert on nuclear and
| other weapons of mass destruction.
| The first task faced by Solid Snake upon his
| infiltration of Shadow Moses Island was the
| rescue of the hostages. Two of the captives in
| particular were considered top-priority, but
| neither survived the mission. Though Snake
| successfully freed both men, they died
| suddenly in an identical manner. At the time,
Page 061| the mission control team tentatively attributed
| the deaths to heart attacks -- a diagnosis
| that was to prove starkly incorrect.
| The first hostage was Donald Anderson, the
| head of DARPA (Defense Advanced Research
| Projects Agency), the R&D body of the U.S.
| Department of Defense. The organization is
| responsible for planning and overseeing the
| development of new weapons technology.
| The other VIP hostage, Kenneth Baker, was
Page 062| the president of ArmsTech, one of the largest
| and most powerful defense subcontractors in
| the country.
| An overseer of the U.S.'s war technology
| and a powerful arms producer don't just
| happen to meet in an out-of-the-war military
| outpost. No one reading this account can fail
| to realize that these two had no business in a
| nuclear weapons disposal plant. And since
| neither Anderson nor Baker was in the habit
Page 063| of enjoying winter picnics, Romanenko's
| assertion that there was a new weapon
| secretly being developed on the island rings
| all the more true. According to her, there was
| indeed such a weapon, and it was close
| enough to completion to warrant a field test.
| But what exactly was this new weapon?
| Metal Gear. I'm not sure it's a term that
| many of you have heard. I know it only as a
| kind of a journalistic urban legend while I was
| still a beat reporter. It was a phantom bipedal
| tank that moved with unprecedented speed
| across difficult terrain such as mountains,
| desert and swamps, firing nuclear warheads
| from locations that were previously
| impossible. Once this weapon rolled off the
Page 065| assembly line, nuclear strikes could be made
| from almost any adverse terrain, and the
| tactical nuclear map for the whole world
| would be rewritten.
| This nuclear-capable bipedal tank is said to
| have lurked in the wings of both Outer Heaven
| of South Africa and Zanzibar Land in
| Central Asia. One theory holds that the
| development had progressed to a working
Page 066| prototype stage, but the weapon never
| materialized on the world arms stage. In a
| strange coincidence or a casual connection, it
| was none other than Solid Snake who saved
| the world from the threat of Metal Gear during
| both incidents.
| But history does indeed repeat itself, and
| the specter of Metal Gear rose once again --
| in the state-of-the-art weapons development
| program of Shadow Moses Island.
Page 067| When I reached this point in the narrative,
| I suddenly checked myself. Wasn't Metal
| Gear's time effectively over? Ever since the
| collapse of the Soviet Union late last century,
| the idea of mutual assured destruction and
| the arms race to maintain this dangerous
| status quo had been fading into obsolescence.
| The START2 treaty signed by both
| superpowers had already started to chip away
| at the nuclear stockpile even back then.
Page 068| In fact, the disposal facility at Shadow Moses
| had been built to disarm and temporarily store
| many of these same warheads. With the very
| idea of nuclear weapons under serious
| scrutiny, why would the military invest in the
| development of a nuclear-capable tank?
| Or was there something more to this
| weapon?
| Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you
| Metal Gear REX, the newest of its kind.
| Almost forty-five feet in height, equipped with
| Vulcan cannons and laser array and shielded
| by a cutting-edge composite armor, rendering
| the unit practically impervious to even HEAT
| (High Explosive Anti-Tank) warheads. And I
| haven't even gotten to the truly scary part of
| this thing.
Page 070| The crown jewel of this Shadow Moses
| Metal Gear was its rail gun technology. The
| gun was designed to fire nuclear warheads
| clear of the atmosphere, where they would
| automatically align themselves to the target
| and ride the optimal trajectory back down to
| Earth.
| "So what?" you may think. "There's a big
| fat missile flying in from the sky. Who cares
| where it came from? Just shoot the damn
Page 071| thing down." But here's the catch: You won't
| be able to find any of REX's warheads, let
| alone shoot them down. Don't believe me?
| The facts bear me out.
| Normally, ballistic missiles go through four
| phases from launch to impact. The first is the
| boost phase, which consists of the time
| between the missile's launch and the point at
| which it leaves the atmosphere and exhausts
| its supply of rocket propellant. Following the
Page 072| burnout, the rocket enters the post-boost
| pause that concludes with the separation of
| the reentry vehicle that contains the warhead.
| The third stage is the midcourse phase, in
| which the reentry vehicle separates and
| achieves a controlled descent back into the
| atmosphere. The warhead's reentry into the
| atmosphere and its arrival at the target mark
| the fourth and terminal phase.
| Current missile defense systems are
Page 073| alerted to incoming ballistic missiles by
| detecting the rocket burn during the missile's
| boost stage. However, Metal Gear's missile
| technology employs a rail gun rather than
| conventional rocket propulsion to achieve
| boost-stage acceleration. As a result, there is
| nothing for existing missile defense systems to
| detect.
| The rail gun's effectiveness is nothing short
| of amazing, with a range of over 3000 miles,
Page 074| rivaling that of mid-range ballistic missiles.
| It reliably homes in within 170 feet of the
| target 50% of the time, placing it in the same
| class as high-end ICBM's. The ability of a
| Metal Gear to conquer virtually all terrain
| means that the rail gun can launch a stealthy
| nuclear strike from almost any spot on the
| globe.
| This invisible attack would make it
| impossible for anyone to pinpoint the origin of
Page 075| a given missile even in the event of a strike.
| Without a clear aggressor to retaliate against,
| the concept of mutual assured destruction falls
| apart. Without the fear of MAD, the existing
| rules of nuclear non-engagement would no
| longer apply.
| It also wouldn't matter if the whole world
| knew that a nuclear missile would be launched
| from Shadow Moses Island; the missile
| defense system was helpless against the new
Page 076| breed of ballistic missiles. This was exactly
| what the terrorists counted on in unleashing
| Metal Gear REX and its all-powerful nuclear
| weapon against the world.
| Anyway.
| I trudged through the cave, sweating under
| the weight of my trusty tuna. Soon, the rocks
| gave way to smooth walls and a row of bright
| lights. I had finally arrived -- this was no
| doubt the cradle of insurrections, that military
| facility which Solid Snake so brilliantly
| penetrated, the eye of the storm that
| threatened to engulf the world!
Page 078| Fortunately, there was not a soul to be
| seen. I could, however, hear a faint cry
| amidst the whistle of the wind.
| "Gary, help me -- "
| I couldn't believe my ears. How could
| anyone on a remote island that I'd never
| visited know my name? I took a good
| cautious look around and saw a familiar
| figure among the steel pillars in the corner.
| It was -- John Dee!
Page 079| My cousin, who'd so carelessly pitched me
| overboard into the subzero water only few
| hours ago, was now sitting on the ground, tied
| to a post. What had happened?
| "Help, Gary -- "
| I trotted over to where he was calling
| pathetically, the tuna heavy on my back. He
| smiled weakly when he saw me.
| "What the hell happened to you, John-
| Dee?" I asked, crouching down next to
Page 080| him.
| "I dunno. Right after I let you off, this black
| helicopter came around."
| "A helicopter?"
| "Yeah. A kind of squarish black one. The
| next thing I know, I'm tied up here... Gary,
| why're you still wearing that fish?"
| Was there more to this as I'd suspected?
| Who was responsible? The military? Or that
| mysterious group mentioned in the disc, the
Page 081| one whose authority outstrips even that of the
| President of the United States?
| My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden
| gunfire. I instinctively pulled the tuna over me
| again.
| "Gary, you gotta help me! Untie me, will
| ya!?"
| Where was the shooter? The bullets were
| wildly ricocheting off the posts, making it
| impossible for me to pinpoint the origin.
Page 082| If I stayed put, I was dead meat. What should
| be my next course of action?
| "Untie me, man! Gary!"
| "Don't call me Gary! I'm just a tuna!" I
| started to run, dodging bullets and sprinting
| up the stairs. I was unstoppable, speeding
| away like a gazelle in a large fishskin.
| Farewell, cousin John-Dee. There are
| responsibilities greater than your safety that I
| must shoulder. Mine is a high and lonely path.
| Let's take this moment to review Solid
| Snake's footsteps. The nuclear weapons
| disposal facility that he had infiltrated was
| crawling with terrorists, and engaging the
| enemy was unavoidable. This was a
| battlefield, no mistake about it.
| Snake's progress had been impeded at
| every step by the patrolling squads of super-
| "genome soldiers," and such formidable
Page 084| FOXHOUNDs as Psycho Mantis, the master of
| psychokinesis and mindreading, the chameleon
| -like Decoy Octopus, the chaingun-wielding
| giant Vulcan Raven, and Sniper Wolf, one of
| the best marksman in history. The following is
| a profile of individuals whose involvement with
| the government conspiracy seems to be the
| most intimate. The information should help
| make the terrifying truth about this case
| more clear.
Page 085| - Revolver Ocelot
| An ex-Spetznaz, also known as
| "Shalashaska." After the collapse of the
| Soviet Union, he found lucrative contracts
| as a mercenary in conflict-ridden regions
| throughout the world. His activities led to his
| recruitment by the U.S. government, and
| his entry into FOXHOUND. As his code name
| indicates, he is a brilliant marksman whose
| preferred weapon is a revolver.
Page 086| Ocelot challenged Snake when he came
| looking for Kenneth Baker, the President of
| ArmsTech Inc. But the battle never reached
| the conclusion Ocelot wanted due to the
| sudden intrusion of the stealth camouflage-
| clad cyborg-Ninja. The Ninja's sword cut a
| deadly arc right through Ocelot's right arm,
| and Ocelot retreated in agony.
| The Russian sharpshooter also served as a
| liaison between his terrorist band and a
Page 087| Russian militia led by the renegade Colonel
| Gurlukovich. According to FOXHOUND leader
| Liquid Snake's master plan, the Russian militia
| would join them on Shadow Moses after the
| nuclear strike had been launched. They would
| then commence and all-out assault on the rest
| of the world from their safe retreat on the
| island. With nuclear missiles that could neither
| be detected nor defended against, over a
| thousand first-class Russian soldiers, next-
Page 088| generation genome commandos and the
| combat skill and tactical cunning of
| FOXHOUND, this new army's objective was
| nothing short of World War III.
Page 089| - The Ninja
| The mystery figure equipped with a
| reinforced exoskeleton and stealth camouflage
| confounded Snake as well as the terrorists
| with his superhuman strength and agility. His
| interest seems not to have been what was
| happening within the facility; evidence
| suggests that he was there solely to engage
| Snake in battle. It was through such an
| encounter that Snake realized the identity of
Page 090| the Ninja.
| His name had been Gray Fox, and he was
| supposed to have been killed by Snake, his
| best friend. This may seem surprising, but the
| dead coming back tom life is a fairly routine
| occurrence. There are examples throughout
| the world to prove the fact. When a Roland
| Grace's grave was relocated in 1952, there
| were deep gouge marks discovered on the
| inside of the Hungarian farmer's casket lid.
Page 091| It looked as though the dying man had tried to
| claw his way out of the coffin. On a brighter
| note, a Japanese man called Jin-emon
| Natakama walked out of a stalactite cave in
| 1914, a full ten years after he had gone
| missing while exploring the same cave. His
| family was doubly astonished to discover that
| he had apparently not aged a day since they
| last saw him. All this makes complete sense to
| me, and it should to you as well in a moment.
Page 092| Two words: pyramid power. I have no doubt
| that Gray Fox was forced to undergo the same
| revival process by military scientists in the
| course of their horrific genetic experiments.
Page 093| - Liquid Snake
| I know exactly what you are thinking as you
| hear the name of the man who led the Shadow
| Moses uprising -- and my answer is yes.
| Solid Snake, our hero, and Liquid Snake are
| none other than twin brothers.
| They are not, however, twins in the usual
| sense. This is yet another manifestation of the
| U.S. military's dangerous love affair with
| genetic engineering. The two Snakes are
Page 094| fighting machines created through the
| so-called Project "Les Enfants Terribles"!
| The rumors that the government is
| attempting "mass-production" of super-
| solders are numerous and persistent. Just the
| other day, I came across something called
| "D-People-E-O," a humanoid combat droid.
| Development on the outer shell had gone off
| without a hitch, but the unit had to have a
| human being inside to function, which
Page 095| decreased its utility somewhat. The military
| finally realized the fact late in the game, and
| pulled the plug. There was also a plan to use
| a well-known psychokinetic's DNA material to
| breed an army of gifted soldiers.
| Unfortunately, someone pointed out that there
| is indeed no spoon -- at least not in a normal
| combat situation.
| Solid and Liquid Snakes, however, were
| successfully created from their "father" Big
Page 096| Boss' genetic material. They were literally
| born to be extraordinary soldiers, and it was
| no surprise that when they finally met, the
| result would be a titanic confrontation.
| I hauled myself and the tuna up the steps,
| dodging the invisible sniper. The spiral
| staircase seemed to go on forever. Just as I
| was about to give up the climb, I saw the exit
| to the roof.
| I pulled open the door and lurched into the
| faintly lit gloom. The subzero wind felt
| soothing on my overworked body. I laid the
| tuna down and sat down next to it, trying to
Page 098| catch my breath. The enemy may purse me
| even here, but I had nothing left in me to run
| with.
| I pulled out my hip flask of peanut-butter-
| and-bourbon, and took a long swig. The fiery
| liquid slid down my throat, hot and thick.
| Peanut butter is my Waterloo. When I was a
| kid, I was a wuss who couldn't eat peanut
| butter like other red-blooded children.
| One day, I decided to confront this weakness
Page 099| of mine, and put myself on a peanut butter
| overload; anything I put in my mouth had to
| have peanut butter on it. I piled the stuff on
| everything from chilidogs without onions --
| my favorite dish -- to spearmint gun to my
| first girlfriend's lips.
| The inevitable result was that I came to hate
| peanut butter. If I didn't much like it before, I
| now loathed it with abandon. If I could gather
| the entire world supply of peanut butter and
Page 100| dump it in the Bermuda Triangle, I would.
| As it is, all I can do is eat as much of the
| stuff as I can. Peanut butter, I will always hate
| you.
| How does that song go?
| "And I-ai-ai will always hate you-u-U-u"
| No, that's not it.
| "Will always -- "
| It must be another song I'm thinking of.
| Can't remember. Snow is starting to coat my
Page 101| shoes.
| Where was my tuna? Oh, there it is, right
| next to me.
| Bright light in my eye. Now I remember
| what day it is -- June 24th. The anniversary
| of my UFO abduction. Why am I so sleepy?
| And what is that sound?
| It was a chopper. A squarish black one, and
| it was coming closer.
Page 102| FOXDIE --
| If you recall, I wrote that the two hostages
| -- the DARPA chief Donald Anderson and
| ArmsTech president Kenneth Baker -- died of
| a heart attack while they were being rescued
| by Solid Snake. The actual cause of their
| death, however, was a specially engineered
| assassination virus called FOXDIE.
| FOXDIE is a retrovirus that kills only a
Page 103| select people; its development was passed
| onto Naomi Hunter from her predecessor.
| Once FOXDIE find its way into its target's
| system, the person dies almost immediately.
| It's practically a viral equivalent of
| spontaneous human combustion.
| Dr. Hunter had injected Solid Snake with
| this virus, and as he unwittingly made contact
| with his targets one by one, they fell prey to
| the retrovirus' power. But the decision to
Page 104| infect Snake was not hers -- that order in fact
| came directly from the Pentagon!
| The true object of the DOD was to
| selectively assassinate the perpetrators of the
| terrorist uprising. All Snake had to do was to
| come into contact with the targets; the mission
| objectives he was actually given --
| namely to stop the nuclear launch and rescue
| the hostages -- were nothing more than a
| smoke screen. By simply sending Snake in as
| a disease vector, the Pentagon stood to
Page 106| reclaim their expensive investments,
| Metal Gear and the bodies of the genome
| soldiers, with little risk of damage.
| The Pentagon also believed that FOXDIE
| would successfully cover up the incident by
| the virtue of its lethality. However, Naomi
| Hunter's reengineering of the virus cast grave
| doubts on the reliability of FOXDIE itself. Even
| though the nature of her manipulation was
Page 107| unknown, the Pentagon decided to take
| extreme measures to counteract this
| development.
| Alarmed by the news of Dr. Hunter's
| tampering, the then-Defense Secretary Jim
| Houseman personally took over as the
| mission's commander and headed for Shadow
| Moses on an AWACS. Around the same time, a
| bomber took off from a base in Galena,
| Alaska, carrying a payload of surface-piercing
| B61-13 tactical missile. The Defense
| Secretary had decided on a more direct
Page 109| approach to cover-up.
| Fighting nuke with nuke -- it was a
| rationale that smacked of a return to the arms
| race, and Snake was furious. He had already
| succeeded in destroying Metal Gear REX, and
| the terrorist incident was over for all intents
| and purposes. Was a nuclear air strike to be
| his prize for accomplishing all this?
| As it turned out, the air strike never
| happened. Somebody had countermanded
Page 110| Jim Houseman's orders. You may think that
| the only person with the authority to override
| the orders of the Secretary of Defense was his
| commander-in-chief, the President of the
| United States. But like most things in this
| account, the truth is far from obvious. The
| hand that stopped the nuclear strike was that
| of a shadowy secret society!
| But what kind of a group is it whose power
| outstrips even that of the American
Page 111| Presidency?
| When I came to, I was sitting in a weather
| station cabin with a burlap sack on my head
| and my hands tied behind my back. So this is
| the way it ends, I thought dimly. I haul myself
| all the way out to this pimple on the Arctic
| and died at the hands of an invisible
| executioner without finding out a thing.
| One of my captors moved in closer and
| started to rummage through my inside chest
Page 113| pocket. I cursed inwardly; this was where I
| carried Nastasha Romanenko's disc, the entire
| account of the Shadow Moses inside! My
| policy is, the best way to ensure that
| something doesn't get stolen is to have it with
| you at all times. Clearly, I needed to
| re-evaluate that one.
| The man easily found and seized the disc.
| "What is this?" He demanded.
| "Whatever it is, it's worth more than you."
Page 114| I responded with as much menace and dignity
| as the burlap on my head allowed.
| "Well, well, that is something..."
| What followed was both highly tedious and
| painful, and nothing of great significance was
| said until that electrifying statement, "We have
| the disc back."
| We've now come full circle since the start if
| my account, and caught up to the point where
Page 115| it originated. it was unclear how the disc had
| gotten to Max Smithson at MEGASURPRISE,
| but my captor's words indicated that the disc
| had originally belonged to them. Either that,
| or they were the ones who wanted it the most
| urgently. I took my courage in my hands and
| opened a dialogue with them.
| "You, you guys happen to be that secret
| society whose power outstrips even that of the
| American Presidency? Answer me, you
Page 116| artificial coloring on a cheap drugstore candy
| cane!"
| This had the exact effect I'd hoped for,
| namely to send them into a violent fit of rage.
| I must have hit pretty close to home. The
| contents of the disc were as good as verified
| -- this was indeed the secret society whose
| power outstripped even that of the American
| Presidency! In my delight, I hardly paid
| attention to the obscenities that were being
Page 117| screamed at me, nor to the distinct sound of a
| gun being pulled out of its holster.
| It was then that the cabin suddenly erupted
| into controlled chaos. It seemed only seconds
| from the time the window was smashed in to
| the moment I realized that my captors had
| been decimated and I was alone with my
| savior.
| Who was this human whirlwind? I was
| ready to lose my lunch from the curiosity and
Page 118| the terror. I could taste the peanut butter in
| my mouth, I could hear the enigma walk up to
| me, and lift the burlap sack off my head.
| I concentrated on the hammering of my heart
| for a moment, then slowly looked up.
| There was nobody there.
| I could see nothing, sense nothing. But
| someone was untying the ropes biting into my
| wrists. Invisible hands place themselves on
| either side of my head in a strange parody of
Page 119| a coronation. They deftly removed the
| bandanna I had earlier fashioned into a clumsy
| bandage for my bruised head; the faded
| piece of cloth was not my own, but a flotsam
| found on the beach. I reached for the unseen
| figure with my shaking hands, but with one
| quick flick of the bandanna, it was gone.
| But there were more surprises to come.
| As I gingerly moved my stiff body, I felt an
| unfamiliar bulk against my chest, and
Page 120| discovered the precious optical disc,
| miraculously recovered. Not only that, but
| there were enough backup copies to fill me
| with awe and pop the stitches on my flimsy
| pocket.
| I thought of my mysterious savior:
| possessed of superhuman fighting ability,
| invisible, and capable of burning discs in an
| instant. There was only one possible
| explanation.
Page 121| He had to be an alien, probably the little
| gray kind.
| And so I came in from the cold to my hole
| of an apartment in New York, my trusty tuna
| beside me. The landlord mentioned that my
| neighbor, the starving student, had gone
| missing recently. It could be that I was nosing
| around the wrong information from his
| machine. if I ever see him alive again, I should
| apologize.
| I am currently banging out this manuscript
Page 123| on an antique typewriter. This is the truth as
| described on the optical disc, and as
| elaborated and verified by my own
| experiences on that fearsome island.
| As this account draws to a close,
| my thoughts dwell more and more on
| Nastasha Romanenko, the woman who risked
| everything by recording the facts of the
| incident onto this disc. I think it was her way
| of giving voice to the victims of this mission,
Page 124| the casualties of nuclear weapons throughout
| modern history, and to all the lives disrupted
| and damaged by an elaborate government
| conspiracy. Her will was passed onto a
| counterculture journalist in New York City --
| that's me -- and the truth is now out there for
| all to see, just as she dreamed. Readers, the
| responsibility to disseminate the facts of the
| Shadow Moses incident is now yours.
| What will YOU risk to know the truth?
| This nonfiction work was based on the
| factual account written by Nastasha
| Romanenko, a military analyst who allegedly
| took part in a secret mission to counter a
| terrorist incident on Alaska's Shadow Moses
| Island. Her account was published in its
| original, unabridged form as "In the Darkness
| of Shadow Moses" after the successful
| publication of this volume.
Page 126| Gary McGolden, the author, is a journalist
| and a nonfiction writer who is best known for
| his past bestseller, "The Telekinetic Powers
| of the Lock Ness Monster - The True Energy
| Source of UFOs". The details of McGolden's
| adventures on Shadow Moses remain
| uncorroborated, but there are serious doubts
| as to his tuna-aided landing on the island.
| There is in fact ample evidence that he was
| swept out to another small island several
Page 127| miles south of Shadow Moses and failed to
| realize that fact.
| McGolden has seemingly vanished into thin
| air following his manuscript's arrival at our
| humble offices. While this has been a source
| of great pleasure to our accounting
| department, I sincerely hope that this
| notoriously fickle but talented writer is hard at
| work on a follow-up to this volume.
Page 128| Though certain aspects of the book require
| further fact-checking, this alone should not
| dissuade you of the veracity of many of its
| main assertions, nor should you dismiss the
| contents of Nastasha Romanenko's disc
| outright. Instead readers should approach
| this account with an open mind and a sense of
| adventure, much as Gary McGolden did when
| he first received the disc in the mail.
| I should note, however, that Gary was
Page 129| mistaken about one thing. I never mailed him
| that disc.
| Max Smithson, Editor-in-Chief


- In the Darkness of Shadow Moses: The Unofficial Truth

Page 001| I dedicate this book to the casualties of
| Shadow Moses as well as to all those who
| suffered the tyranny of the nuclear weapons
| -- and to Richard Ames.
| Nastasha Romanenko
Page 002| PROLOGUE
| Shadow Moses Island: XX XX N, XX XX W
| Even the local fishermen rarely venture to
| this outcropping of land. Yet the incident of
| all incidents took place on this remote isle,
| north of Alaska's Fox Islands. A number of
| confirmed facts undermine the U.S. govern-
| ment's denial of the entire affair. Among those
| are the sudden appearance of the Ohio-class
| nuclear submarine USS Discovery off Shadow
Page 003| Moses, far away from its designated position,
| and an official record that shows that a
| squadron of six fully-armed F117 Nighthawks
| departed from Galena Air Force base for
| Alaska a scant sixteen hours later. In another
| possibly related event, and E-3C AWACS on
| emergency deployment to the Alaska area is
| said to have had none other than the then-
| National Security Advisor Jim Houseman as
| its on-board VIP.
Page 004| What exactly happened on Shadow Moses?
| There was no lack of rumors to account for
| this series of unusual military activities: an
| armed incursion, a coup attempt by a branch
| of the military and other theories made its way
| to the public table. I can state unequivocally
| that none of them came close to the truth.
| What actually took place was the single
| greatest terrorist incident in modern history.
| It was an act of political violence on a scale
Page 005| the world had never seen, a blow that
| threatened to send the Damocles' sword
| of nuclear warfare into a free-fall. Most
| significant of all, the attack stemmed from
| several so-called 'Black Projects' which
| the U.S. government had been conducting
| in top secret, away from public scrutiny.
| I have in my hand two optical discs. One
| contains the entire record of events that took
Page 006| place on Shadow Moses Island that fateful
| day; the takeover of a nuclear weapons
| disposal plant by an armed group. Other
| key points of this incredible record are:
| - The identification of the perpetrators as
| the government's own genetically-enhanced
| next-generation commandos and a covert
| special forces squad, FOXHOUND, with a
| long dark history of secret intervention
| - The existence of one Metal Gear REX, a
Page 007| bipedal nuclear-capable tank whose deve-
| lopment was one of the most classified
| projects of all time
| - The discovery of a massive government
| conspiracy
| - The activities of a former FOXHOUND
| operative who single-handedly took on this
| daunting situation and averted the crisis, a
| man who is known only by his code name:
| Solid Snake
Page 008| The other remaining disc holds the details
| of Project FOXDIE, a massive cover-up, which
| the U.S. government planned and executed in
| order to prevent exposure. There are, after
| all, forces within the U.S. government who
| seek to maintain the military power structure
| established in the last century, and will not
| hesitate to resuscitate the terror of nuclear
| arms in order to achieve that end.
| My intent is to expose their activity, and
Page 009| the entirety of the Shadow Moses Affair,
| through this book. Only then can we hope
| to free the coming generations from the
| damnosa hereditas of the 20th-century
| nuclear arms race.
Page 010| I looked up from the mass of documents at
| the sound of the doorbell. On the monitor in
| front of me was a half-finished status report
| on the resurgence of nuclear arms
| development in a certain Middle Eastern state.
| The UNSCOM (United Nations Special
| Commission) had officially requested a survey
| by the UN weapons inspectors, and had been
| refused entry; tensions were once again
| running high in the Gulf. As a military analyst
Page 011| whose specialty was nuclear arms, I was
| under contract from a think tank to produce a
| study of the situation. It was due the day after
| the next, and interruptions were definitely not
| welcome. I ground out my cigarette in the
| ashtray and stepped out of the study.
| All visitors to my house are checked via
| a surveillance camera and then let in through
| the heavy gate. The property itself is
| surrounded by a high wall. It may seem like
Page 012| overkill for a beach community, but security is
| a necessity in greater Los Angeles, if only to
| keep out the legion of swimsuit-clad tourists.
| However, there was nobody to be seen at
| the gate. It was either a prank, or the camera
| was malfunctioning.
| Reluctant to investigate but feeling unsettled
| nevertheless, I headed back to the study and
| sat back down at the computer to continue my
| work. Just then, someone spoke behind me.
Page 013| "You always were a little careless."
| I spun around, kicking my chair over. There
| was a man standing at the entrance of the
| study, slouching in a well-tailored suit.
| "Richard!"
| He caught my eye and grinned. Ignoring my
| surprise, he strolled into the room, gazing
| around at the pile of books and papers.
| "And still as disorganized as ever."
| He shrugged his shoulders in a familiar
Page 014| gesture, triggering a wave of memories laced
| with bitterness.
| Richard Ames and I were married, once
| upon a time. We were both young, and
| working for the DIA (Defense Intelligence
| Agency). We spent much of our brief marriage
| in disagreement over virtually every issue, and
| just as I come to realize that our union was
| a mistake, he disappeared from my life.
Page 015| A while later, I received the paperwork for
| divorce from his lawyer. There was a generous
| alimony offer involved, which I refused. Not
| only did I find the thought of owing him
| anything intolerable, I also wanted to prove
| that he was not the only one who could walk
| away without an explanation. The divorce was
| finalized without us ever meeting face-to-face,
| and we were legally strangers once again. In
| the fire years since, I quit the DIA and became
Page 016| a freelance analyst. I had not seen Richard at
| all, nor even heard of his whereabouts.
| "How did you get in here?" I demanded.
| After all, attempting to scale the wall or force
| the front door would immediately trigger the
| security system. But he refused to be ruffled.
| "If you're going to use a flimsy lock like that,
| may as well not bother. I'd recommend a more
| professional security setup."
Page 017| "Does the term 'breaking and entering' mean
| anything to you, Richard?"
| "You know law isn't my field of expertise,"
| he replied nimbly and peered over my
| shoulder at the report on the computer
| display.
| "Radio isotope projectile separator...
| uranium-235 production feasibility for high-
| speed gas centrifuge... This must be about
| that Middle East nuke development. Look like
Page 018| your career is going well. That's great."
| I pushed Richard aside and asked him flatly.
| "What do you want?"
| He took a step back and regarded me with
| a slightly mischievous smile.
| "What, you afraid I came back to give us
| another chance?" He let the silence linger as
| if to relish my reaction. Then, suddenly formal,
| he continued, "It's an official request from the
| DIA."
Page 019| He place a folder on the desk. "I'm asking
| for your cooperation as a member of NEST."
| NEST stands for Nuclear Emergency Search
| Team, a group that operates on the Depart-
| ment of Energy budget. It was established in
| 1974 to provide technological support to the
| FBI in areas of intelligence, investigation, site
| securement, damage containment, and medical
| response during incidents involving criminal
| threats of nuclear weapon use. Call it a band
Page 020| of experts on nuclear terrorism, if you will.
| NEST consists of independently contracted
| scientists from federally funded research
| entities like Los Alamos and Lawrence
| Licermore, and military specialists from groups
| dealing with nuclear arms issues. I happen to
| be one of the latter group.
| Richard was opening the file folder. "You've
| heard of Shadow Moses Island, I assume."
| I nodded assent. I had indeed heard of the
Page 021| remote place, north of Alaska's Fox Islands.
| Though it was hardly public knowledge, the
| island was home to a nuclear weapons
| disposal facility
| According to the terms of the START2
| (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty), the total
| number of tactical nuclear warheads owned by
| the U.S. and Russia were reduced to some-
| where between 3000 and 3500 in the later
Page 022| decades of the twentieth century. The outcome
| was a massive number of warheads in need of
| disposal when there was already a shortage of
| storage space for radioactive materials. As a
| result, warheads had to be kept somewhere
| before they could be dismantled and their
| radioactive elements extracted for long-term
| storage. The Shadow Moses facility was the
| answer. It was the crystallization of the forces
| of nuclear proliferation, political engineering
Page 023| that gives preference to delaying a solution
| rather than producing one and a hidden
| military agenda to preserve what it could of
| the old nuclear stockpile.
| Richard took out several photographs from
| the folder and handed them to me. They all
| appeared to be satellite captures of the
| nuclear weapons disposal plant on Shadow
| Moses Island, perhaps acquired from the NRO
Page 024| (National Reconnaissance Office). There were
| multiple human figures around the building
| structures.
| Richard broke the silence.
| "The disposal plant was seized by terror-
| ists." I looked up sharply at the news, but his
| next words left me speechless.
| "And the ringleaders are FOXHOUND
| members."
Page 025| An "irregular" team of the best commandos
| the military has to offer, armed with cutting-
| edge technology. That was FOXHOUND. The
| best of the best, and completely unknown to
| the public they ostensibly serve. Their function
| was to intervene in the kind of low-intensity
| conflicts the U.S. could not officially touch.
| They were the shadow soldiers of numerous
| regional conflicts and civil wars, shaping
| history with sabotage, selective assassination
Page 026| and other covert acts of war.
| Richard had more to say. "It's not just
| FOXHOUND that's involved in this. FOXHOUND
| was conducting joint exercises with the next-
| generation special forces, and they're a part
| of the takeover as well."
| The next-generation special forces is
| an aggressive anti-terrorism squad deployed
Page 027| to counter acts of political violence involving
| weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear,
| biological and chemical warfare methods. The
| combat philosophy is derived from the one
| used for Force 21, and most of the recruits
| come from a mercenary background. The men
| are intensively trained in VR environment, and
| their combat capability is estimated to be well
| beyond even those of Delta Force or the Night
| Stalkers. While the government categorically
Page 028| denies the accusation, there are persistent
| rumors that the men have been genetically
| enhanced to increase tactical advantage.
| FOXHOUND and the next-generation special
| forces. They were without a doubt the most
| skilled group of fighting men produced by the
| U.S., and they had hijacked a nuclear arsenal.
| Richard had more bad news.
| "There are also civilian hostages involved.
| Two of them happen to be the DARPA chief,
Page 029| Donald Anderson, and Kenneth Baker, the
| president of ArmsTech, Inc."
| The Defense Advanced Research Projects
| Agency is the research satellite of the U.S.
| Defense Department, charged with planning
| and leading the development of new weapons
| technology; AT happens to be one of the top
| three defense contractors in the country.
| There is no such thing as a coincidence,
| especially the kind that involves the head
Page 030| of those two organizations meeting in an
| out-of-way nuclear weapons disposal plant.
| I decided to be direct with Richard.
| "There was something going on in that
| 'disposal' facility, I take it? Let me guess --
| a demonstration of a new weapon."
| "How should I know? Shadow Moses is also
| a prime Northern Lights observation locale,
| you know." Whatever Richard knew, he wasn't
| telling. But his evasiveness only confirmed my
Page 031| suspicions. Whatever was going on, this was
| no ordinary terrorist incident. With that in
| mind, I moved onto another point.
| "What are their demands?"
| "They want a body. Not just any corpse
| though -- they want FOXHOUND's founder,
| Big Boss. Legendary soldier, best fighting man
| of the twentieth century, the whole works."
| "His body? Why would they want something
| like that so badly?"
Page 032| "No idea, but unless they have it within 24
| hours, they'll launch a nuclear strike," Richard
| glanced at the watch coolly, "So we have
| about 19 hours."
| "You don't seem too worried."
| "The DOD is already working on the
| situation."
| Just as I'd suspected. Richard always has a
| plan in place and the machinery in motion
| before opening up to someone else. All he
Page 033| asks from others is approval after the fact.
| "Shadow Moses is completely locked
| down. We had to rule out deploying an entire
| assault team. Instead, we're inserting a single
| operative to free the hostages and prevent
| the nuclear strike."
| "Impossible."
| "Possible -- for Solid Snake."
| Solid Snake...! The former FOXHOUND, a
| legend among mercenaries for single-handedly
Page 034| bringing down the fortress cities of Outer
| Heaven and Zanzibar Land. Yes, with Solid
| Snake in the picture, there was a possibility of
| success. But still...
| "USS Discovery, an Ohio-class nuclear
| submarine, is already in place with Snake
| aboard."
| So the plan was already a go. I looked
| Richard in the eye and held his gaze.
| "And what do I have to do with all this?"
Page 035| He grinned. "Snake may be a legend, but he
| knows jack about nuclear weapons. Which is
| why I'm asking you to be a part of mission
| support. We'll have you set up in no time."
| Right on cue, two men started to move a
| large piece of hardware, apparently communi-
| cation equipment, into the study. Richard
| nodded towards the bulky load.
| "I'd like you to be available to Snake for
| consultation via satellite linkup."
Page 036| As soon as the equipment was in place, an
| engineer type started to make adjustments. I
| could see another group of men setting up a
| satellite dish in the backyard. They were all in
| civilian clothes, but not a few of them had the
| build and the oddly-fitting jacket that marked
| them as armed military personnel. Clearly,
| refusal was not an option.
| But there was still something that puzzled
| me. NEST has a small investigative team, SRT,
Page 037| on standby at all times for immediate
| response. They were stationed at Nellis AFB in
| Las Vegas, just over in Nevada. Clearly, they
| were the natural choice for this assignment.
| And if not the SRT, the DIA also had a number
| of qualified nuclear weapon specialists.
| Richard had started to direct his men on
| where to set up the equipment, but I inter-
| rupted him.
| "Why me?"
Page 038| He turned and answered without missing
| a beat.
| "I need people I can trust. There's too much
| at stake."
| It was a lie. The Richard Ames I knew
| trusted no one. But it was clear that whatever
| the reason, he did not intend to tell me.
| "It's a good thing I was in. What would you
| have done if I weren't?"
| "You have to be somewhere. We would have
Page 039| located you."
| "I'm sure you would have."
| "So are you in?"
| I took a deep breath. "Of course."
| I don't enjoy being a pawn, especially
| Richard's, but I had no intention of standing by
| while nuclear terrorism was in progress. A
| nuclear strike takes an untold number of lives,
| all in a blink of an eye, Adults and infants,
| women and men, it kills indiscriminately. If
Page 040| there was a chance that I could do something
| to stay the hand on the nuclear button, I had
| to do it.
| "So everything is set..." Richard slapped a
| fist into the other palm.
| "Insertion was a success. Snake is on
| Shadow Moses." Richard walked into the
| study with the update he'd just received from
| one of his men.
Page 041| The study was almost unrecognizable,
| thanks in part to the racks of communication
| hardware. Cables snaked across every square
| inch of available space, and engineers and DIA
| agents were coming and going in controlled
| chaos. The place looked like what in now
| was -- a temporary mission control room.
| Richard laid a hand on my shoulder.
| "You should be hearing from him soon.
| You're clear on how to use the radio?" I
Page 042| nodded assent.
| While the engineers were busy setting up
| the equipment, I had been briefed on its use
| as well as the mission.
| Snake had been delivered to the general
| area of Shadow Moses Island by USS
| Discovery, and Ohio-class nuclear submarine.
| He was then ejected from the submarine on a
| swimmer delivery vehicle (SDV), which he
Page 043| abandoned once within the range of under-
| water listening devices located near the
| disposal plant. He would swim the rest of the
| way, in the freezing cold Bering Sea water.
| This last leg of the insertion struck me as
| nothing short of suicidal until I learned that
| Solid Snake was outfitted with a state-of-the-
| art sneaking suit and had been injected with a
| compound designed to prevent the onset of
| hypothermia. In addition, while Snake would
Page 044| be the only field operative involved, he would
| be in radio contact with a support team during
| much of the mission.
| The members of this support team drew
| from a wide range of backgrounds. The
| mission control officer was Colonel Roy
| Campbell, who would remain aboard the USS
| Discovery. I knew him by reputation alone. He
| was a former FOXHOUND commander, and
| Solid Snake's CO during the quelling of the
Page 045| 1999 Zanzibar Land uprising. He had retired
| soon after, but from the looks of things, he
| had been called out of retirement for this
| mission.
| Dr. Naomi Hunter, a genetic engineering
| expert on a temporary assignment from the
| gentech giant ATGC, was also on the team.
| She had apparently been leading the bio-
| engineering program for FOXHOUND. Richard
| matter-of-factly confirmed that both FOX-
Page 046| HOUND and the next-generation special forces
| had been undergoing genetic manipulation to
| enhance their combat capability. I have a diffi-
| cult time grasping what we have come to --
| modifying a person's essential genetic struc-
| ture for the sake of creating a better soldier.
| Also aboard the Discovery was Mei Ling,
| the inventor of the new radar and communi-
| cation system deployed for this mission. She
| was something of an engineering wunderkind,
Page 047| an MIT student who managed to turn the
| current protocol of secure communication
| completely on its head.
| The last of the support team was McDonnell
| Miller, a former survival instructor for FOX-
| HOUND. Unlike the rest of us, he had
| volunteered his services upon receiving news
| of the incident on Shadow Moses. Like myself,
| he was working via satellite linkup from his
| home in Alaska.
Page 048| The five of us were more than equipped to
| support Snake from our respective areas of
| expertise, but Snake was still the lone field
| operative and the mission was a desperate
| one. Despite that, Richard maintained that this
| was the most workable plan produced by the
| DOD situational analysis. In hindsight, perhaps
| I should have suspected something then. The
| signs of a conspiracy were there, cleverly
| disguised as it was in a seemingly reckless
Page 049| mission plan. But we failed to see it, and both
| Solid Snake and I were to regret out folly
| bitterly.
| "It's time Nastasha," Richard called out as
| the call signal came on. The line was already
| live as I nodded to him and took my position.
| I could feel myself growing keener, more on
| edge.
| "This is Nastasha Romanenko. Good to meet
Page 050| you, Solid Snake."
| "You the nuke expert that the Colonel was
| talking about?"
| The voice that responded over the radio
| was, above all things, calm. Here was a man
| operating alone out of a deeply hostile terri-
| tory, and I could sense nothing resembling
| tension or impatience in his tone. Instead, it
| was as level and unruffled as someone
| answering a routine telephone call at their
Page 051| office desk. Impressed, I continued on.
| "Correct. If you have any questions about
| nuclear technology, all you need to do is ask.
| My department is military analysis, so I should
| be able to provide support with weapons
| information as well. I was called into this
| mission as a Nuclear Emergency Search Team
| (NEST) consultant, and I'd like to emphasize
| that my cooperation was freely given. I have
| no intention of allowing any nuclear strikes on
Page 052| my watch, let alone the rogue kind. Let me
| work with you on this one."
| "...You get to the point fast, don't you?"
| "There's a missile that's about to fly. A
| nuclear strike can never be someone else's
| problem, and I'm not good at standing around
| twiddling my thumbs... Not that I can do little
| more than advise in this case."
| That fact was all too obvious. Snake was the
| one who was putting his life on the line in
Page 053| Alaska, and I was safe and sound in California.
| All I could do was talk over the radio.
| Snake's voice became less abrupt. "It may
| not seem like much, but it's enough. No one's
| asking you to come out here and fight. That's
| my job... Anyway, Nastasha, I'll be counting
| on your help."
| It was strangely comforting voice, a voice
| that inspired trust.
| "Same here." As I answered, I resolved to
Page 054| myself to do everything in my power to help
| him complete this mission.
| "The nuclear weapons disposal plant on
| Shadow Moses dates back to 2002. It was
| built solely for the purpose of temporarily
| storing nuclear warheads slated for
| disposal..." I started to brief Snake on the
| background of the disposal facility, running
| through the points he needed to know.
Page 055| My first short exchange with Solid Snake
| ever, I was beginning to understand why he
| was called the man who "makes the
| impossible, possible." The icy clam in the
| face of insurmountable difficult, the absolute
| confidence, made it suddenly seem possible
| that he would pull off this deadly mission.
| He had the power to make me believe.
| I grew conscious of Richard's gaze.
| "What?"
Page 056| "Oh -- just that you have a kind of glow
| about you when you're working. I like it."
| "A glow? Funny, you used to call it
| workaholism in the past. You found it very
| unappealing, I recall."
| "Time flies. People change their minds."
| "It's called nostalgia. You'll dislike it again
| soon enough."
| "Perhaps..."
| Richard continued to look at me.
Page 057| Solid Snake certainly managed to live up to
| his reputation. He adroitly wove his way
| through the enemy's patrols and infiltrated
| the nuclear weapons disposal plant, where he
| made contact with Donald Anderson, the
| DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects
| Agency) director. Throughout the mission, we
| had radio monitoring capability over Snake's
| every movement thanks to his internal nano-
| machines. It was through this access channel
Page 058| that I learned a shocking fact.
| Donald Anderson -- discovered in solitary
| confinement by Solid Snake -- confirmed that
| the terrorists had full nuclear capability, and
| that Shadow Moses Island was the site of a
| field exercise for Metal Gear.
| Metal Gear. The very mention of that name
| sent me reeling. It was the ultimate weapon, a
| nuclear-capable bipedal tank that could
Page 059| launch a rapid and accurate nuclear strike
| from virtually any terrain, from mountains to
| marshlands to the desert dunes. It could
| bestow the dubious privilege of initiating a
| mission strike from sites that were previously
| out of the question as launch locations. For
| that very reason, analysts had long predicted
| that if brought to fruition, Metal Gear techno-
| logy would rewrite the tactical map of the
| world.
Page 060| The are speculations that this Unholy
| Grail of weapons development was being
| pursued late last century in the South African
| fortress state of Outer Heaven, then in the
| ultra-nationalist sovereignty of Zanzibar
| Land in Central Asia. One source went so far
| as to claim that a working prototype had been
| produced, but the weapon never made it onto
| the world military stage; instead, it was
| destroyed by a special forces operative. The
Page 061| squad in question was FOXHOUND, and the
| operative was a man codenamed Solid Snake.
| I briefly wondered if it were some strange
| quirk of fate that had brought Snake into this
| latest incident, but I knew Richard too well.
| Snake had to have been called in because of
| his past battles. Whoever had planned this
| mission had been thorough, and the more I
| realized the fact, the less I liked it.
Page 062| A few years ago, I interviewed a high-
| ranking DOD official and led the conversation
| to the subject of Metal Gear. His response at
| the time was that the U.S. had very little
| interest in developing a weapon like Metal
| Gear (not that he officially admitted that such
| a thing as the Metal Gear existed - on a
| purely a hypothetical level, IF such a techno-
| logy were available). With the collapse of the
| Soviet Union, nuclear arsenals built to
Page 063| enforce the idea of mutually assured
| destruction had lost its justification, and the
| deterrent argument was losing ground. In the
| current "multilateral world order rife with
| smaller regional powers" as he put it,
| development priority lay with cruise missiles
| and smaller weapons with lower lethality that
| could be carried by stealth bombers.
| He also went on to note that Metal Gear,
| with its affinity for rough terrain, would be
Page 064| extremely difficult to discover and destroy.
| Hence, it was the perfect nuclear strike
| system for rogue states. He was deeply
| concerned that if such non-democratic
| sovereignties were to get a hold of Metal Gear
| technology, the resulting upset in the balance
| of military power would lead to a massive
| rupture in world order. It was a fear that I
| myself shared.
| An artifact of the Cold War. The devil's
Page 065| candy, created by nuclear proliferation. That
| was what Metal Gear seemed to be. So why
| was this weapon, a cutting-edge technology
| that was politically long-obsolete, being
| developed once again on American soil? It
| was possible that the Defense Department
| wanted to restore last century's nuclear
| strategy to the national agenda. Or did this
| new Metal Gear have something that set it far
| apart from Metal Gear as I knew it?
Page 066| Anderson had more to say. Metal Gear's
| launch key consisted of two separate pass-
| words, one held by Anderson himself and the
| other by Kenneth Baker, the president of
| ArmsTech. Anderson's own password was
| already in the terrorists' hands, and he feared
| that the same was true for Baker's. A
| renegade FOXHOUND psychic, codenamed
| Psycho Mantis, had literally read Anderson's
| mind and obtained the key.
Page 067| The bottom line was that the terrorists
| could activate Metal Gear and launch the
| missile whenever they pleased. The worst-
| case scenario had come true.
| However, Anderson revealed that there was
| still a way to prevent the nuclear strike.
| Kenneth Baker alone had the emergency
| override key that could be used to reenter the
| launch code and cancel the missile launch.
| Even if the terrorists had already completed
Page 068| preparations for a strike, the override would
| reverse the process.
| His only hope now riding on obtaining the
| override key, Snake attempted to leave the
| cell area with Anderson in tow. We heard the
| terrible cries over the radio at the same time
| Snake did. Anderson had suddenly started to
| clutch at his own chest in agony, and before
| we could even recover from our initial shock,
| he was dead. Dr. Naomi Hunter, monitoring
Page 069| the situation from onboard USS Discovery,
| tentatively diagnosed the cause of death as a
| heart attack.
| Snake walked out of the cell alone in search
| of Kenneth Baker, leaving behind what had
| until recently been Donald Anderson, chief of
| "All right, what exactly is going on here?"
| I confronted Richard as soon as I confirmed
Page 070| Snake's safe departure.
| "You know the situation. There was a Metal
| Gear field exercise being conducted on
| Shadow Moses. FOXHOUND and the next-
| generation commandos were in charge of the
| exercise, and now they're threatening to use
| the Metal gear to launch a nuclear strike."
| "Apparently, I didn't know about that
| particular situation."
| "If you say so."
Page 071| I glared at Richard, but he didn't turn a
| hair. He knew as well as I did that I could
| not abandon the mission. Even if I did
| refuse to cooperate further, there was an
| entire group of DOD personnel around me
| that would not permit that to happen. I
| briefly closed my eyes and brought the
| recent events into focus again.
| "What happened to Anderson? Why is he
| dead?"
Page 072| This time, I could see a trace of a reaction
| in Richard's eyes.
| "It's hard to say from our end. Naomi thinks
| it was a heart attack but -- I'll have his
| medical records pulled just in case." He
| turned and left the study, presumably to give
| orders to that effect.
| The sounds and the voices being broadcast
| from the radio told me that Snake was moving
| deeper into the complex in search of Kenneth
Page 073| Baker.
| Snake found the ArmsTech president in one
| of the underground levels. Kenneth Baker was
| bound to a steel girder along with multiple
| packets of C4 explosives. Before Snake could
| free Baker, he came face to face with the
| originator of this trap: a FOXHOUND operative
| called Revolver Ocelot. It seemed that he had
| anticipated Baker's rescue attempt upon
Page 074| receiving news of Snake's arrival.
| According to Naomi Hunter, the former
| director of FOXHOUND's genetic manipulation
| program, Revolver Ocelot is a former
| Spetznaz. He moved into OMON (Otryad
| Militsii Osobogo Naznacheniya, the Interior
| Ministry riot squad, AKA Black Berets) and
| the SVR (the Russian Foreign Intelligence
| Service) -- a successor to the KGB's First
| Chief Directorate -- after the collapse of the
Page 075| Soviet Union, but was unable to adapt to the
| new regime and dropped out. He cut a swath
| through the world's hot spots as a mercenary
| before being recruited by FOXHOUND. As his
| codename indicates, Ocelot is a master
| marksman with a marked preference for
| revolvers.
| We could hear the gun battle between
| Snake and Ocelot over the radio. Ocelot was
| using an antique Single Action Army revolver
Page 076| against Snake's SOCOM pistol. The first Single
| Action Army Revolver was manufactured in
| 1873. A small number of them are still in
| production today, but strictly for collectors
| and antique weapon fanciers; using this out-
| moded weapon for live combat is unheard of.
| But Ocelot seemed to invest the vintage gun
| with diabolical powers. He would purposefully
| fire against walls and the floor, weaving a
| tight web of ricocheting bullets around Snake,
Page 077| gradually hamming him in. All we could do
| was silently monitor the battle. However,
| Snake was slowly but surely gaining the upper
| hand by dodging the ricochets and exploiting
| the revolver's lengthy reload window. Finally,
| just as Snake was about to deliver the
| decisive blow, an explosion rang out.
| "My hand!" Ocelot's scream came a second
| later, followed by more explosions.
| "What the hell is going on!?" Richard
Page 078| cried.
| The controller in charge of the data sent in
| by Snake's nanomachine started a running
| commentary.
| "We don't know yet, I'm seeing a life sign
| other than those of Snake, Ocelot, or Baker."
| Explosions continued to boom out over the
| radio.
| "The unidentified fourth subject is knocking
| down girders. No sign of firearm use! What-
Page 079| ever it is, it's moving fast!" The controller's
| voice rose with excitement. "The speed is well
| above anything a human being should be able
| to handle."
| The situation was chaotic. I could make out
| Ocelot's voice through the roar of collapsing
| metal.
| "Stealth camouflage! Someone left a job
| only half done... As for you -- we'll continue
| this later!"
Page 080| It seemed Ocelot had left the area.
| The explosions went on one after the other
| as girders crashed to the ground. In the midst
| of the collapse, Snake confronted what we
| could only guess was the fourth life sign.
| "Who are you?"
| "I'm like you... I have no name."
| It was not human, but an artificial machine
| voice that answered. In spite of the metallic
| tones, there seemed to be in that voice an
Page 081| unspeakable pain. Baker's labored groans
| could be heard over the conversation.
| "You have a reinforced skeleton -- !?"
| Suddenly, the possessor of the metal voice
| let loose an animal howl. The shattering
| scream set the communication speakers
| screeching, and I instinctively covered my
| ears to shut out the maddened sound.
| The cry went on and on, then cut out as
| abruptly as it had begun. In the ringing
Page 082| silence, the controller's voice floated out, thin
| and hollow.
| " -- the fourth subject has disappeared."
| The words brought us out of a state of
| shock.
| "Can we track him?"
| "Negative. He's vanished, no traces."
| "Collect as much data as you can."
| "I have the full results on information
| relayed by the nanomachines. There's an
Page 083| electromagnetic pattern that resembles a
| stealth camouflage signature."
| "Stealth camo and reinforced exoskeleton..."
| Richard muttered, deep in thought.
| "Not everything is happening according to
| plan, I take it?" I inquired with some
| sarcasm.
| "It's within acceptable deviation. The
| mission will go on as planned."
| For a split second, his eyes betrayed his
Page 084| disquiet; then he quickly recovered his
| characteristic arrogance. "You just concen-
| trate on your job."
| Snake had called the fourth life sign the
| "Ninja." I could not help but wonder about the
| identity of the name's bearer, and what it was
| that accounted for the superhuman abilities he
| had just demonstrated.
| Far away on Shadow Moses Island, Snake
| was attempting to raise the shaken Kenneth
Page 085| Baker back on his feet. We could hear Snake
| asking him about the nuclear launch code,
| knowing the answer even as he spoke. Baker
| painfully acknowledged that he had volun-
| teered the information. He arm hung broken
| and useless by his side, presumable Ocelot's
| handiwork.
| According to Naomi Hunter's intelligence,
| Revolver Ocelot had served as a Special
| Interrogations Consultant in the Soviet gulags
Page 086| during his days with the Spetznaz. In other
| words, he was an expert in torture. There was
| no way that the weapons technology
| executive, an untrained civilian, could with-
| stand the techniques of coercion developed in
| the cells of Lubianka. We now had con-
| firmation that the terrorists possessed both
| launch keys. The situation was more desperate
| than ever.
| Baker's response to Snake's queries about
Page 087| the emergency override key was almost as
| grim. He had entrusted a soldier, a woman who
| had refused to join the mutiny, with it while
| they had been sharing the cell. I caught
| Snake's sudden murmur.
| "The Colonel's niece?"
| The "Colonel" was presumably Campbell,
| and Snake seemed to know something I
| certainly did not. I stole a glance at Richard
| but his expression was as closed as ever. He
Page 088| no doubt had known from the outset about the
| presence of Campbell's niece on Shadow.
| Snake was pressing Baker, asking him
| whether there was a way to stop the launch
| without the override code. The executive gave
| him a name: Dr. Hal Emmerich. If it were
| indeed the case that the launch codes were in
| hostile hands and the strike sequence had
| been started, it stood to reason that the only
| person who may know of a way to cancel the
Page 089| launch was the chief of Metal Gear's develop-
| ment program.
| As Snake promised to search out Emmerich,
| Baker handed him a single optical disc. It
| contained, he said, all the data from the
| training exercise.
| What exercise data? He had to be referring
| to the Metal Gear exercise. I saw Richard
| raise his eyebrow sharply.
| Baker, oblivious to the frenzy of speculation
Page 090| he had remotely set off, continued.
| "There's no need to feign ignorance. You
| were sent to retrieve this, and we both know
| it."
| I was now even more puzzled than ever. If
| Metal gear was being developed on Shadow
| Moses, surely the research data was backed
| up somewhere outside of the ArmsTech lab.
| Not only that, but why would the president of
| the company have been carrying the data
Page 091| himself? I was apparently not alone in my
| disconcerntment. Snake took the disc, obviously
| uncertain. It was clear that he, like myself,
| had not been briefed on the existence of the
| disc.
| The disc safely out of his hands, Baker's
| tones became pleading.
| "You have to stop them. If the truth got out,
| AT would be finished -- I would be
| finished -- "
Page 092| "But Metal Gear technology is already a
| known factor."
| "The core technology is, but that's not -- "
| Baker trailed off, suddenly pale with pain. "Oh
| God, what did you do to me...?"
| We could hear hid labored coughing as he
| gasped out.
| "It can't be... That thing. Damn Pentagon
| bureaucrats... I get it now... You son of a -- "
| He tried to lunge at Snake, but reeled back
Page 093| in a fresh wave of pain. Still clutching his chest,
| he fell down, dead. It was too similar to the
| last moments of Donald Anderson's life, and
| the fact had not escaped Snake. He was
| immediately on the radio with Campbell.
| "Colonel, you'd better be listening real well.
| This one dropped dead too."
| Snake demanded an explanation, but neither
| Campbell nor Dr. Hunter could provide an
| adequate one. Snake was clearly dissatisfied,
Page 094| but Campbell directed Snake to cooperate
| with his niece, Meryl. The only way left to
| prevent a nuclear strike was to obtain the
| emergency override key, and the key was in
| Meryl's hands. Snake walked away from
| Baker's body in search of the elusive
| commando.
| Kenneth Baker had been colluding with
| Donald Anderson, the DARPA chief, to secretly
Page 095| develop a new Metal Gear on the govern-
| ment's co-called Black Budget. My later
| investigations revealed that regular payments
| in the tens of thousands of dollars had been
| made to the corporate account of a firm for
| which Anderson's wife ostensibly acted as a
| consultant. The ArmsTech payoff into this
| dummy company had started several years
| ago. The total amount is difficult to estimate,
| but there is little doubt that Anderson had
Page 096| been bribed to the tune of an astronomical
| sum.
| Even the government Black Budget had
| limits, however. I recalled a rumor from some
| years before the Anderson payoff started. The
| CNO (Chief of Naval Operations) at the time
| had a classified pet project, and the scuttle-
| butt was that it involved the construction of a
| completely new type of battleship. Just what
| kind of a ship was never revealed, since the
Page 097| entire program fell apart after the CNO
| suddenly passed away. The unexpected death
| coincided with ArmsTech's launch of the Metal
| Gear development program. The Black Budget
| earmarked for the CNO's little project must
| have been freed up by his death; the question
| was whether it had been freed up for
| allocation to the new Metal Gear development.
| The manner of the CNO's death was officially
| ruled a suicide, but I could not help recall the
Page 098| theories to the contrary that had made its
| rounds back then.
| Whatever the background, Anderson and
| Baker's deaths could not be a coincidence.
| Anderson's dying words included a reference
| to the Pentagon, and I was certain that there
| was more to it than met the eye.
| "So now Baker is dead as well. Are you
| looking into his medical records too?" I asked
| Richard.
Page 099| "We'll do that. Just as a precaution." He did
| not seem particularly disturbed. "It may have
| been for the best, anyway. Having to babysit a
| senior citizen with a broken arm sure wasn't
| going to help Snake with his mission."
| "You haven't changed a bit, I see."
| "What?"
| "That bad-boy act of yours. You only talk
| like an insensitive jerk to divert attention from
| something. I wonder what you're hiding?"
Page 100| Richard turned away.
| "Nothing. There's nothing to hide."
| Having successfully made radio contact with
| Meryl, Colonel Campbell's niece, Solid Snake
| agreed to put off a rendezvous with her in
| favor of rescuing Dr. Hal Emmerich, the chief
| of Metal Gear development. He reached that
| lab just as the Ninja was attempting to attack
| Dr. Emmerich, and the two fighters
Page 101| immediately squared off.
| Snake and the Ninja launched into a silent
| hand-to-hand combat, a balletic exchange of
| blows that seemed almost to serve as a
| private dialog. The fighting seemed intermo-
| nable to us as we followed over the radio, but
| just as in the last encounter, the Ninja
| suddenly let loose an inhuman howl, and
| vanished into the maelstrom of its ragged echo.
| It was our second encounter with the Ninja,
Page 102| and we were as in the dark about him as
| ever. But Snake had recognized something
| during their battle, and he raised Campbell on
| the radio.
| "It's Gray Fox -- the Ninja is Gray Fox. I'm
| 100% sure."
| "That's impossible. You took him -- in
| Zanzibar Land -- " We could hear the
| perturbation in Campbell's voice.
| Naomi Hunter suddenly cut in.
Page 103| "Yes, he was supposed to have been killed.
| But he wasn't."
| Dr. Hunter revealed that her predecessor at
| the helm of FOXHOUND's genetic treatment
| program, one Dr. Clark, had been conducting
| human testing. Gray Fox, the alpha soldier of
| FOXHOUND and the only member allowed the
| FOX designation, was the subject. After he
| had been shipped back from Zanzibar Land
| mortally wounded, his superior physical
Page 104| abilities and combat skills had marked him as
| an ideal test subject for genetic manipulation
| and skeletal reinforcement experiments. He
| was listed as killed in action, but kept alive in
| a lab.
| I could not help but note with some surprise
| the emotional tone in which the normally
| collected geneticist described these events.
| When Snake asked why she had not volun-
| teered the truth of the Ninja's identity earlier,
Page 105| Naomi had only a terse reply.
| "It was classified information."
| According to records she had seen, the
| subject -- Gray Fox -- had died in an acci-
| dental lab explosion two years ago. I turned to
| Richard.
| "Is this true?"
| "What's true?"
| "The accident in the lab."
| "It's true. The cause of the explosion was
Page 106| never determined. Dr. Clark died in the
| accident, and the only remains they could find
| of Gray Fox were fragments of the reinforced
| skeleton."
| "So Naomi wasn't the only one who knew
| about this and didn't say anything."
| "It was classified information," Richard
| mimicked.
| Snake secured Dr. Emmerich after the
Page 107| Ninja's departure. Amazingly enough, the
| engineer had believed Metal Gear to be a
| portable tactical missile defense system,
| rather than a nuclear-capable tank. It was a
| peculiar irony that the chief developer himself
| had been unaware that the project was one of
| offense, rather than defense.
| On discovering that he had been deceived,
| Dr. Emmerich volunteered his expertise to
| Snake. He mentioned his grandfather's
Page 108| involvement in the Manhattan Project, and the
| ethical termoil the man had carried with him
| to the end of his days as a result. Ironically
| enough, the older scientist's son, Hal
| Emmerich's father, was born the day the
| atomic bomb had found Hiroshima.
| "Three generations -- sometimes I wonder
| if nuclear warfare is out personal albatross,
| an inherited pathology."
| We could hear the pain and the regret in
Page 109| Dr. Emmerich's voice. He seemed genuinely
| upset that the technology he had developed
| purely for the furthering of knowledge and
| betterment of mankind had been exploited for
| weapons development.
| You may call me harsh, but I felt little
| sympathy for him. Technological and scientific
| innovation need not have direct bearing on
| nuclear or virological research to contribute to
| the making of weapons of mass destruction.
Page 110| After all, the Ninja was born of genetic engi-
| neering and cybernetic research, which could
| easily have healed a civilian rather than
| improved upon a solider. A scientist cannot
| pleased naiveté to the practical products of their
| own research. The consequences must be
| anticipated, and the ethical burden of a newly
| developed technology must ultimately rest
| with the individual researcher. I wondered if
| Dr. Emmerich would ever realize that onus.
Page 111| Freed from the laboratory where he was
| being held, Emmerich cloaked himself with a
| stealth camouflage of his own making and
| promised to keep out of sight. With the stealth
| camo, he could easily evade the terrorists'
| surveillance.
| His rescued charge safe, Snake departed
| for a rendezvous with Meryl.
| Snake's objective was to meet with Meryl
Page 112| and re-enter the launch code using her over-
| ride key, outwitting the FOXHOUND psychic
| Psycho Mantis all the while. To this end, he
| headed towards the hangar where Metal Gear
| was being stored.
| The best laid plans... Meryl was ambushed
| on the way by the FOXHOUND sharpshooter
| Sniper Wolf. Snake, attempting to rescue the
| wounded commando, was himself captured.
| He was taken to the terrorist command post
Page 113| still unconscious, stripped of all his gear.
| However, his cochlea-implant radio passed
| unnoticed, and we could hear the terrorists'
| conferring about the incapacitated operative.
| We gathered from their talk that the prepera-
| tions for the nuclear launch were complete.
| Richard was unusually intent on identifying the
| individual terrorists in the room. From the
| voices involved in the conversation, we
| confirmed the presence of Sniper Wolf,
Page 114| Revolver Ocelot, and the leader of this
| uprising himself, Liquid Snake.
| What little I knew of Liquid Snake was
| troubling, and it came entirely from a slim file
| folder Richard showed me just prior to
| mission commencement. The man with the
| same designation as Solid Snake was
| recruited into FOXHOUND after Solid Snake's
| departure from the unit. His fighting skills
Page 115| were formidable, and he quickly rose to
| leadership position in FOXHOUND's field
| operation team. His real name, place of origin
| and other information remained classified.
| Only a single photograph accompanied the
| documents, and I had not be able to contain
| my astonishment at the sight of it.
| "It's not a mistake. That IS Liquid Snake,"
| said Richard, echoing my thoughts.
| "But -- how?"
Page 116| The face in the photo was the spitting
| image of Solid Snake.
| "I wouldn't know. But once the two Snakes
| run into each other, something may come out."
| His words were noncommittal, but Richard's
| tone spoke volumes.
| And now, the two Snakes -- Solid and
| Liquid -- had indeed come face to face. But
Page 117| Liquid had little to say.
| "So long, brother." He called out before
| turning and walking away. The voice was full
| of hatred, but there was also something in it
| that seemed to confirm and gleefully
| anticipate another meeting. Why this was so
| was as mysterious to me as the reason he
| called Solid Snake "brother." I would not find
| out the truth until a little later.
| What awaited Snake after his brief
Page 118| encounter with Liquid was Ocelot's KGB-
| tested "interrogation" techniques. Ocelot
| apparently had no interest in extracting
| information, but rather appeared to be
| enjoying the acts of torture for their own
| sake. Snake's ragged gasps echoed from the
| radio in the silence of the control room.
| The heart rate and other physiological data
| transmitted by his nanomachines graphically
| demonstrated the extent of his suffering.
Page 119| All we could do was listen and wait.
| After Ocelot was done, the battered Snake
| was taken to a cell. Campbell soon established
| radio contact with him, but Snake had some
| hard questions for his former CO instead.
| He had realized that Metal Gear was a nuclear
| delivery system, and for once, Campbell was
| at a loss for an answer.
| "So you did know about this all along..."
| Snake rasped out bitterly.
Page 120| Campbell continued to be silent. It was all
| the confirmation Snake needed.
| "You should have told me."
| "...I'm sorry."
| "Pawns don't need to know, is that it?
| You've changed." Campbell had no rebuttal to
| Snake's barbs.
| According to Campbell, even the President
| had apparently been unaware of the existence
Page 121| of Project Rex until the day before. To make
| matters more complicated, he was due to
| meet with the Russian president the following
| day for the formal signing of START3.
| The treaty stipulated further reduction of
| the nuclear arsenal, picking up where START2
| left off. The agreement would reduce the
| number of Russian and American tactical
| ballistic missiles to somewhere between two
| thousand and twenty-five hundred, and the
Page 122| signing was a historic event that had been
| made possible by long and arduous process.
| If the fact that a new nuclear weapon was
| being developed by the United States were
| made public, there was a significant chance
| that the signing would never take place.
| Worse still, the loss of confidence in
| America's commitment to non-proliferation
| could create international turmoil.
| The government clearly had every
Page 123| reason to keep the situation under wraps,
| and there were ample indications that the
| terrorists had counter on the fact. The
| timing of this takeover as well as the
| twenty-four hour deadline said as much.
| Campbell continued to plead his case with
| Snake.
| "Snake, you've got to stop them."
| "Sing it to someone else."
| "You're the only hope we have."
Page 124| "All right then, tell me what this new war-
| head is about."
| "I told you, I don't know."
| "I don't believe you."
| "..."
| "If the situation is so desperate, why don't
| you accept their demands? Give them Big
| Boss' body. It's just a corpse."
| "That's not an option..." Campbell was
| floundering under the barrage of Snake's
Page 125| questions.
| "Is there a reason you can't comply with
| that demand? A reason you haven't told
| me?"
| Naomi broke in as Campbell fell silent.
| "The President's passed a number of
| policies that severely restrict genetic engi-
| neering on humans. He can't afford to have
| the public know about the military's use of
| genetically-enhanced soldiers."
Page 126| "Is that really all there is to it?"
| Campbell did not reply.
| I received a call from Snake soon after.
| Captive, alone in enemy territory, unable to
| trust his own mission controllers to tell him
| the truth -- there was little I could say to
| help a man in Snake's situation. "Capture
| does not mean defeat. Stay vigilant for a
| chance to escape, and don't give up."
Page 127| I had doubts about the effectiveness of
| these words coming from someone with no
| combat experience, but it was the best I could
| offer. We had no choice but to trust in Snake's
| abilities.
| As I closed the radio channel, I caught
| Richard studying me.
| "Yes?"
| "You're very -- passionate about this job."
| "Do you object? It's the job you forced on
Page 128| me, after all."
| "No, but I admit that I'm a little jealous."
| "Ah, the jealousy act. Yes, I know that one
| too."
| Richard averted his eyes.
| "I wouldn't call it an act. If -- no forget it."
| He lit a cigarette. Chesterfield. The same
| brand as Humphrey Bogart.
| "You still smoke the same brand."
| "You know me. Once I decide I like
Page 129| something I can't kick the habit. Cigarettes,
| line of work, woman -- everything." He didn't
| look at me as he replied.
| The torture was conducted again and again,
| solely for the purpose of breaking Snake. He
| held out each time, but his strength was
| steadily ebbing, and the voice we heard over
| the radio was growing more labored.
| "Naomi, talk to me. I need something to
Page 130| distract me."
| "What do you want me to talk about?"
| "Anything."
| "I'm not good at finding things to talk
| about..."
| "Tell me about yourself."
| "About me...? That's not so easy."
| "You got any family?"
| "...It's not a very happy story."
| "I don't have any family -- I guess there
Page 131| was one person, someone who called himself
| my father."
| "Where is he?"
| "Dead. I killed him."
| I was even more taken aback by what
| Campbell volunteered next.
| "You're talking about Big Boss."
| "What? Big Boss was your -- ?"
| "No reason you should have known."
| Campbell elaborated to Naomi. "It was six
Page 132| years ago, in Zanzibar Land. Snake and I are
| the only ones who know about it now."
| "Oh god -- was Big Boss really your
| father?" Naomi still seemed disbelieving.
| "That's what he said, and that's all I know."
| "You knew and you still killed him...?"
| "Yeah."
| "Why?" Naomi asked fiercely. There was a
| pause before Snake answered.
| "Because that's what he wanted. And what I
Page 133| wanted."
| "But it's still -- patricide."
| "Yeah, I know. My personal nightmare
| too..." Snake's voice was the faintest we had
| heard.
| "Is that why you left FOXHOUND?"
| "Maybe. I can't deny that it felt good to lose
| myself. It's easy to do that in Alaska..."
| After a moment of silence, Naomi confided
| in a low voice.
Page 134| "I don't -- really have a family of my own
| either. I have a brother who put me through
| college, that's it. He's not a biological
| brother -- and a lot older than me."
| "Where's he now?"
| Naomi's reply was deeply pained.
| "He's gone..."
| There was deep sorrow in her voice, and, I
| thought, something more.
Page 135| "A stepbrother who put her through
| school -- I wasn't told about that," Richard
| muttered. There was suspicion in his voice,
| and, puzzlingly enough, a hint of anger.
| I opened the personnel profile on Naomi.
| Naomi Hunter. Born New York City, 198X.
| Ph.D. in genetics. Recruited by the industry
| giant ATGC soon after completing doctoral
| program, moved to California's so-called
| Biotech Bay area. Led several genetic therapy
Page 136| programs, until recruited by FOXHOUND to fill
| the post of chief geneticist as a result of her
| accomplishments in this field. Parents died in
| car collision when Naomi was two years old.
| One brother, ten years her senior, a U.S.
| Marine. Killed in training-related accident
| when Naomi was seventeen.
| Richard thought for a minute, then scribbled
| something in his notebook. Summoning one of
| his men, he tore the page out and handed it
Page 137| to him.
| "Wire this message to the skipper of USS
| Discovery. And make sure Campbell doesn't
| know about it."
| "What are you plotting now?" I knew even
| as I asked that Richard would not respond.
| The torture was repeated time and again,
| but Snake managed to take advantage of the
| guard's waning vigilance and escape. The
Page 138| location and the fate of his fellow hostage,
| Meryl, eluded us.
| Evading the intense manhunt that followed,
| Snake still refused to stray from the course
| that lead to the Metal Gear hangar. What drove
| him? Guilt for Meryl's capture and an urge to
| avenger her? A sense of duty to the mission?
| The will to stop the carnage of a nuclear
| strike? None of them seemed to apply to
| Snake. He was an enigma. We could do little
Page 139| but watch over him as he ran, wounded and
| exhausted.
| After successfully taking on Sniper Wolf as
| she reemerged for an ambush, Snake closed
| in on the Metal Gear hangar only to discover
| Vulcan Raven blocking his way. The giant
| FOXHOUND operative, armed with a fighter-
| plane Gattling gun, was a daunting enemy.
| In the end, however, Snake eventually
| prevailed.
Page 140| The stricken Raven, leaning against the
| wall, started to speak as Snake approached
| him.
| "There are some breeds of snakes that
| nature never intended... I think you and the
| Boss belong to one of those. Go and settle it
| with him... I'll be watching how it ends."
| The dying Raven then dropped the
| bombshell.
| "I'll give you one clue. The man who died in
Page 141| front of you wasn't the DARPA chief. It was
| Decoy Octopus -- one of us FOXHOUNDs. He
| was a master of disguise... I guess the Grim
| Reaper was the only one he couldn't fool."
| "Is he dead?"
| Raven did not answer Snake's sharp query
| Snake tried another tack.
| "Why go to all that trouble and impersonate
| Anderson?"
| Raven smiled faintly.
Page 142| "That's all the clue you're going to get.
| Everything else, you'll have to figure out
| yourself."
| A few minutes later, Vulcan Raven died.
| Richard was chagrined.
| "So that's how it was. They had us
| completely fooled."
| "Why would Octopus impersonate
| Anderson?" I asked.
Page 143| "I don't know. Maybe to get information out
| of Snake."
| "That would mean that they knew Snake was
| coming."
| Richard stubbed out the cigarette without
| answering. His face was expressionless, but I
| knew exactly what he was thinking.
| We had a leak.
| While Richard and I were talking, a call was
| made to Snake.
Page 144| "Snake, it's me -- "
| "Master?" Snake answered. It was
| apparently Master Miller.
| "I need to talk to you about Naomi Hunter.
| Turn the monitoring off -- "
| Miller had barely finished his instruction
| before Campbell cut in.
| "What about Dr. Hunter?"
| Miller made an exasperated sound. It was
| clear that he had not intended Campbell to
Page 145| hear what he had to say.
| "Colonel, is Naomi there?" Snake asked.
| "No, she's trying to catch up on her sleep."
| "Okay..."
| Campbell turned his attention back to
| Miller.
| "What were you saying about Dr. Hunter?"
| "All right. Maybe it's better that the Colonel
| hears about this now." Miller said resignedly.
| "Go on," urged Snake.
Page 146| "That's not the real Naomi Hunter you're
| working with, Colonel."
| "What!?" Campbell raised his voice,
| astounded. Miller continued coolly.
| "Naomi Hunter does exist. Or rather, she
| did. She went missing in the Middle East some
| time ago. This impostor must have gotten a
| hold of her identity somehow."
| There were a number of ways to obtain
| someone's Social Security Number and commit
Page 147| an identity theft, certainly. But Dr. Naomi
| Hunter an impostor -- !
| "Who is she really then!" Campbell was
| agitated, but Miller remained cool as ice.
| "Probably a spy."
| "A spy!"
| "Yes -- sent in to ensure this mission's
| failure."
| "Are you saying she's one of the terrorists?"
| Campbell's tone was disbelieving, but Snake
Page 148| backed up his former instructor.
| "I don't want to believe it either, Colonel.
| But it's true that she's a FOXHOUND
| personnel..."
| "...So it would not be surprising if she took
| part in this insurrection." Campbell finished
| dully, as though Snake's words had crystal-
| lized his own doubts.
| "Or she could be working for another
| organization," Miller suggested.
Page 149| "Another -- ? No, that's not possible..."
| As Campbell trailed off, Miller spoke up, his
| tone ruthless.
| "Take her into custody, Colonel."
| "What!"
| "It's clear that Naomi Hunter is working
| against us. Interrogate her and find out what
| her objective is."
| "If she really is their spy, we're in serious
| trouble..." Campbell murmured.
Page 150| Miller pounced on the gravity of the
| Colonel's tone.
| "What are you talking about?"
| "N-Nothing in particular..." Campbell tried
| to recover himself.
| "Campbell, did you give her access to some
| other line of classified information?"
| "..." Campbell remained silent, but Miller
| pressed on.
| "Does it have anything to do with the way
Page 151| the DARPA chief or the ArmsTech president
| died?"
| "Look, I don't know what you're talking
| about."
| Clearly, Campbell knew something. It was
| equally obvious that he had no intention of
| revealing what he was privy to. Perhaps
| sensing that fact, Miller dropped the pursuit
| abruptly.
| "In any case, it's too dangerous to retain
Page 152| her in the mission."
| "H-hold on a minute. She is an integral part
| of this mission. In fact, we can't afford to
| proceed without her," Campbell was being too
| insistent about Dr. Hunter's value. I had to
| wonder if it was indeed the case that he had
| trusted her with highly classified information.
| Snake was also suspicious.
| "More secrets, Colonel?"
| "Give me time. I'll have her background and
Page 153| movements re-checked..." That was all
| Campbell could say.
| "Hurry. Find out what she wants as quickly
| as possible," Miller was unrelenting.
| "...Of course." Campbell agreed reluctantly.
| "Snake, just give me some time."
| "Time is something I wasn't give a lot of."
| Snake growled bitterly.
| "What's the deal?" I said to Richard.
Page 154| "Is Miller right about Naomi?"
| "I don't know, to be honest. It's obvious
| there were things in Dr. Hunter's past that
| I didn't know about. I'm having them go over
| her background again."
| Richard was visibly upset, a rare
| occurrence. I suddenly wondered there had
| been something between him and Naomi.
| Richard lit a cigarette and continued in a
| more composed tone.
Page 155| "But if what Miller said about Naomi is true,
| it raises questions about him in turn."
| "Why do you say that?"
| "He's supposed to be in his cabin in
| Alaska."
| "So I hear."
| "How did he manage to find out so much
| about Naomi -- by himself and from the
| middle of nowhere -- when the DIA investi-
| gators couldn't?" Richard called one of his
Page 156| men over and ordered them to look into
| Miller's activities.
| "You check up on even one of your own?"
| I asked as the agent hurried away.
| "How do you know he's one of our own?"
| Richard shot back, blowing a stream of
| smoke.
| "Should I assume you don't trust me
| either?"
| "You're the one who doesn't trust me. Never
Page 157| have." He said quietly, and ground his
| cigarette into the ashtray.
| Snake had finally reached the Metal Gear
| hangar, and stood in the shadow of the
| machines fifty-foot-tall bulk. But considering
| Metal Gear's state-of-the-art composite
| armor and Snake's limited arsenal, it was
| improbable that he could destroy the tank
Page 158| while evading enemy patrols. The most
| practical avenue of attack was to re-enter
| the launch code using the override key and
| thereby cancel the scheduled nuclear strike.
| As Snake methodically searched for the
| code entry interface, Emmerich radioed in. He
| had been making himself useful by breaking
| into Baker's protected files. From these, he
| had pieced together the true nature of Metal
| Gear and its prototype warheads.
Page 159| According to Emmerich, the weapon used a
| built-in rail gun to fire the ballistic missiles
| clear of the atmosphere. The missile would
| then automatically realign itself, and reenter
| the atmosphere on its designated trajectory
| toward the target.
| I understood exactly what all this meant,
| and the knowledge left me cold.
| Normally, ballistic missiles go through four
| phases from launch to impact. The first is the
Page 160| boost phase, which consists of the time
| between the missile's launch and the point at
| which it leaves the atmosphere and exhausts
| its supply of rocket propellant. Following the
| burnout, the rocket enters the post-boost
| phase, which concludes with the separation
| of the reentry vehicle that contains the war-
| head. The third stage is the midcourse phase,
| in which the reentry vehicle separates and
| achieves a controlled descent back into the
Page 161| atmosphere. The warhead's reentry into the
| atmosphere and its arrival at the targets mark
| the fourth and terminal phase.
| Current missile defense systems detect
| incoming ballistic missiles by scanning for the
| rocket burn that takes place during the
| missile's boost stage. However, Metal Gear's
| missile technology employs a rail gun rather
| than conventional rocket propulsion to achieve
| boost-stage acceleration. As a result, there is
Page 162| nothing for existing missile defense systems to
| detect.
| The rail gun's effectiveness is nothing short
| of amazing, with a range of over 3000 miles,
| rivaling that of mid-range ballistic missiles. It
| reliably homes in within 170 feet of the target
| 50% of the time, placing it in the same class
| as high-end ICBM's. The ability of a Metal
| Gear to conquer virtually all terrain means
| that the rail gun can launch a stealthy
Page 163| nuclear strike from almost any spot on the
| globe.
| This invisible attack would make it
| impossible for anyone to pinpoint the origin of
| a given missile even in the event of a strike.
| Without a clear aggressor to retaliate against,
| the concept of mutual assured destruction falls
| apart. Without the fear of MAD, the existing
| rules of nuclear non-engagement would no
| longer apply, and the world would fall into
Page 164| chaos.
| Snake had a few things to say to Campbell
| after learning the truth. He knew as well as
| anyone that if the fact that the U.S. had been
| developing a new breed of nuclear weapons
| were made public on the eve of START3,
| negotiations would break down and U.S. would
| suffer a devastating embarrassment.
| "Did you know about this, Colonel?"
Page 165| "I really am sorry, Snake."
| "You really have changed..."
| "I won't offer any excuses..."
| "Snake, you've got to hear this,"
| Dr. Emmerich broke in, ignoring Campbell.
| "The new missiles were complete in simulation
| only. That's why they had to perform this
| exercise -- to get field data that would back
| up their simulation results."
| "How did the exercise go?" Snake asked.
Page 166| Emmerich's reply was discouraging. It seems
| to have gone better than they expected, but I
| can't find any of the data. There isn't a trace
| of the thing on the entire network. You'd think
| it's backed up somewhere, but zilch."
| "It's on the optical disc that Baker gave
| me."
| "You mean you still have it!" Campbell
| exclaimed hopefully.
| "No, Ocelot took it." Snake replied bitterly.
Page 167| It must have happened when he was a
| hostage. Did this mean that Ocelot had known
| of the existence of the exercise data before-
| hand?
| "This doesn't look good..." Campbell
| murmured, deep in thought.
| I glared at Richard.
| "You knew about this too, didn't you?"
| "Knew what?"
Page 168| "The small matter of this new nuclear
| weapon technology."
| Richard shrugged.
| "If I'd told you, would you have
| cooperated? You probably would have tried
| to leak it to some media contact. And that
| would have forced out hand..." He left it at
| that. Would he have had me killed "in the
| interest of national security"? Something
| like that, I supposed. In the world Richard
Page 169| inhabited, preserving secrets always merited
| higher consideration than human life.
| But I was a privy to that secret now. What
| would happen once the mission ended? I left
| a chill go down my spine as I considered the
| possibilities.
| Richard was quietly puffing on his cigarette.
| He had too many men with him, working for
| him every moment. There was no way I could
| simply walk out of this house.
Page 170| But I had something up my sleeve as well,
| and I was not about to let myself be exploited
| without a fight. I looked over at my PC. The
| screen saver had kicked in, and geometric
| patterns flitted across the dark monitor.
| I slipped my PDA into my pocket and
| headed for the bathroom to send some mail.
| One of Richard's men trotted over with a
| slip of paper. Richard studied it, and after
Page 171| some consideration, raised Campbell on the
| radio.
| "What can I do for you, Major Ames?"
| Campbell's tone was openly hostile, but
| Richard paid no heed.
| "Colonel Campbell, I'd like you to start
| interrogating Naomi Hunter."
| "Interrogate her? What are you talking
| about?" Campbell said sharply.
| "There are suspicious points about
Page 172| Dr. Hunter's background, as you've heard. I've
| therefore sent one of my men over there to
| talk to her, but she seems reluctant to
| cooperate." Richard lit another cigarette.
| "But she's taking a nap." The Colonel
| insisted.
| "Actually, she's not."
| "What?"
| "In reality, she's been taking into my agent's
| custody."
Page 173| "How -- dare you!" Campbell barked
| angrily. Richard was unfazed.
| "If, as Master Miller charged, Naomi Hunter
| has falsified her identity and is in communi-
| cation with the enemy, there are serious
| repercussions. I trust you understand."
| "FOXDIE..." Campbell groaned.
| FOXDIE? This was something new. This
| mission was like an onion, with layer after
| layer of secret intent.
Page 174| "She won't talk to my agent. She may talk to
| you. Find out from Naomi who she is and what
| her objective is."
| "Absolutely not. I don't take orders from
| you. And I'm having Dr. Hunter freed
| immediately."
| "What makes you think you can do such a
| thing?" replied Richard, exhaling a cloud of
| smoke.
| There was a long silence.
Page 175| "Who exactly the hell are you?" I could head
| the barely suppressed rage in Campbell's
| voice. "The DIA wouldn't have the authority to
| send a man into a Navy submarine and hold
| someone prisoner."
| Richard did not answer. Campbell
| continued.
| "And that's not the only thing. Nothing has
| been done through the usual channels,
| including the way you induced Snake and I to
Page 176| cooperate. This mission isn't even official
| business, is it? So who else can mount such a
| major operation..." Campbell suddenly broke
| off, as though struck by something. "Is it
| possible that -- the Patriots?" He murmured.
| Richard ignored Campbell's outburst.
| "Does it matter what I am? It doesn't
| change the fact that your life, not to mention
| your precious Meryl's life, is in my hands.
| Isn't that right?"
Page 177| This time it was Campbell's turn to be silent.
| I had never suspected that his participation in
| the mission had been arranged by force. The
| Colonel was literally fighting for his, and his
| niece's, life.
| "Think it over carefully, Colonel," Richard's
| voice was the coldest I had ever heard.
| There was no reply from Campbell.
| "And Snake has no need to know about any
| of this; we need his full cooperation at this
Page 178| point. Just tell him that Naomi was a terrorist
| spy and was apprehended while sending them
| a coded transmission."
| "Do you expect me to betray a friend, keep
| him in the dark?" Campbell objected
| furiously.
| "A friend? Are you referring to Snake?"
| Richard smiled coolly. "Do you really think he
| considers you a friend anymore?"
| He had hit a sore spot; Campbell had no
Page 179| answer. Richard moved in for the kill.
| "You've already lied to him too many
| times."
| "Against my will, under your threats!"
| Campbell was roaring, but Richard barely
| seemed to register his anger.
| "Certainly, but that's not an issue. You
| were, after all, giving him false information
| and relaying false orders to him of your own
| accord. Then there's FOXDIE..."
Page 180| I could almost see Campbell grinding his
| teeth in frustration and rage.
| "Do you still have the right to call yourself
| his friend?"
| There was nothing Campbell could say.
| "You will cooperate with us. Understood?"
| "Understood..."
| The transmission ended.
| "Who are the 'Patriots'?"
Page 181| Richard looked away towards another
| direction at my query.
| "What are you talking about?"
| "Don't B.S. me."
| He turned towards me. His gaze was icy.
| "Nothing you need to know about. By the
| way, not that I need to remind you, but don't
| mention to Snake things that don't concern
| him."
| "And if I do...?" Richard's stony silence
Page 182| answered my uncompleted question. I was too
| far into this business, and suddenly seemed to
| sense danger everywhere.
| "What do you intend to do with me once this
| mission is over?"
| "Nothing."
| "Don't expect me to believe you."
| Richard allowed himself a brief, oddly said
| smile.
| "I suppose I can't."
Page 183| In the meantime, Snake was inching towards
| the launch code entry interface. At that point,
| he received a call from Master Miller.
| "Snake, we need to talk about Naomi
| Hunter."
| "The Colonel's looking into that."
| "Turn the monitoring off."
| "All right, it's off. Mission control is out of
| the loop. You want to tell me what this is
| about?"
Page 184| Snake believed that he had switched us off,
| but I could still hear everything. Radio
| malfunction? I guessed not. Someone had
| made sure that nothing could get past mission
| control, ever. I had a more than good idea
| who that someone was.
| But Master Miller obviously did not.
| "Sorry about that. I didn't want Campbell to
| overhear."
| "What is this about?" Snake repeated.
Page 185| "I have a contact at the Pentagon. He told
| me that a new -- assassination tool had been
| recently developed under DIA guidance."
| I looked over at Richard, but he pretended
| not to notice.
| "Assassination tool?" Snake was asking.
| "Snake, have you ever heard the term
| I tensed. There was that word again. First
| Richard, then Campbell, now Miller.
Page 186| "It seems to be a virus that can target
| specific individuals. I don't know the details."
| Miller continued.
| Richard remained expressionless next to
| me.
| "So? What are you getting at?" Snake
| raised his voice slightly, sounding annoyed by
| Miller's roundabout methods.
| "They share common features."
| "What shares common features?"
Page 187| "The deaths. The ArmsTech president and
| the DARPA chief -- or I guess I should say
| Decoy Octopus. They both died of what looked
| like a heart attack, right?"
| "Yeah?"
| "Well, it seems that a death by FOXDIE
| virus looks like a case of heart attack."
| After a moment, Snake spoke up.
| "Are you saying that Naomi was the one
| who set this up?"
Page 188| "Snake, think. Did Naomi give you any kind
| of a shot?"
| "The nanomachines..." Snake murmured.
| Snake had in fact been injected with nano-
| machines and anti-hypothermia compound
| before the start of the mission. Was Miller
| suggesting that there was a killing virus in the
| mix as well?
| "One thing's for certain: she's in the best
| position to perform this kind of sabotage. But
Page 189| we still don't know her motive or objective..."
| "What about the Colonel...?" Snake asked
| after a lengthy silence, his tone brooding and
| full of doubts.
| "I don't know. And I don't think he's interro-
| gated her yet either."
| "All right. I'll ask him."
| Once he was off the radio with Miller, Snake
| called up Campbell.
Page 190| "Colonel, any new developments with
| Naomi?"
| "I've -- just had her taken into custody."
| "What?" Snake said incredulously.
| "She was sending a coded transmission to
| an Alaskan location. I don't want to believe it
| but -- she's definitely one of the terrorists."
| Campbell sounded anguished.
| "Are you sure?"
| "There's very little doubt. She's being
Page 191| interrogated right now."
| "What kind of interrogation?"
| "I don't want to resort to force, but we
| don't even have thiopentothal on hand..."
| "Let me know if you learn anything."
| Unaware of the machinations behind this
| latest development, Snake ended the commu-
| nication.
| I longed to tell him the truth, but knew that
| Richard and his men would never allow that to
Page 192| happen.
| Despite his growing doubts, Snake
| continued to penetrate deeper into the
| hangar. He had almost reached the code
| interface when a call suddenly came in.
| "Snake, can you hear me? It's Naomi..."
| "Naomi!?" Snake exclaimed in surprise.
| "What are you -- !"
| Richard tensed and leaned forward.
Page 193| "I managed to get to another transmitter.
| The Colonel and the others haven't noticed
| yet." Naomi whispered rapidly.
| "Naomi, is it true? What the Colonel says?"
| "...yes. But not everything I told you is a lie.
| Some of it was the truth." Her voice was
| sorrowful.
| "Who are you really?"
| "I don't know. I don't know what my parents
| looked like even, or what they were called. I
Page 194| bought the name I use, the whole identity,
| with hard cash. Remember I told you why I
| was so fixated on genes? That was the truth."
| "Because you wanted to know who you
| were. That's what you said."
| "Yes... I don't know what I am. My ethnic
| background, age..."
| "Naomi -- "
| There was a pause before Naomi started
| speaking again in a rush.
Page 195| "I was picked up in Northern Rhodesia, in
| the 80's, I was an orphan."
| "Rhodesia? During all the guerrilla
| warfare?"
| "Zimbabwe used to be a British colony, you
| know. There was a sizable Indian population
| there then. Maybe that's where I get the color
| of my skin, but I'm not even sure of that."
| "Naomi, why dwell on the past? If you can
| understand who you are now, isn't that all that
Page 196| really matters?"
| "Understand what I am myself? No one
| could ever understand me, least of all myself,"
| Naomi's voice was suddenly defiant.
| "I was always searching for myself, alone.
| Until I met my brother and Him."
| "Your brother?" Snake asked.
| "Yes. Frank Yeager."
| "What did you say?" Snake was taken
| aback.
Page 197| "He was a child soldier too. He found me
| almost dead of starvation on the bank of the
| Zambezi and fed me from his own small ration
| of food."
| Child soldiers. It is not rare for children to
| participate in war as combatants in many of
| the most conflict-ravaged regions of the
| world. This is especially true for those
| developing nations where minors account for
| the majority of the entire population. A harsh
Page 198| regimen can and does turn innocent children
| into the most brutal of soldiers. In many
| cases, various drugs are used to numb the
| natural fear response. The result is an
| marks them out for posting to the frontlines of
| the fiercest battles and to scouting duties in
| the minefields.
| "Yes, the man you destroyed is my brother.
Page 199| Frank Yeager, my only family." Naomi said
| quietly.
| "That's impossible -- Gray Fox is your
| brother? Snake could not hide his pertur-
| bation.
| "We managed to survive hell together, all
| because he protected me. He was everything
| to me. He was the only witness to my
| existence, and the only one who made me feel
| like a real human being."
Page 200| "Gray Fox brought you to the States?"
| "No. We met -- Him in Mozambique."
| "Him?" Something seemed to click within
| Snake. "You mean Big Boss?"
| "Yes. He led us here, finally made us free.
| But Frank went with Big Boss, back to the
| wars. And when he came home to me, he
| was -- " Naomi broke off. The silence spoke
| of smoldering anger, of irreparable loss.
| "I promised myself that I would get you. You
Page 201| broke my brother, you as good as killed him.
| That's why I joined FOXHOUND. Because I
| knew that I would run into you sooner or
| later..."
| "Well, you've got your chance now." Snake
| seemed to be taking all this in stride. He was
| no doubt accustomed to being the target of
| the enmity of others.
| "Yes -- I've waited two years, you know."
| "Just for a chance to kill me?"
Page 202| "Exactly. Two whole years, waiting for you
| and no one else. Yearning for revenge. It's
| almost like being in love."
| "You still hate me?"
| " -- I wouldn't say that." There was a trace
| of hesitation in Naomi's voice. "There are
| some things about you that I misunderstood."
| "Was it -- did you kill your predecessor?
| That geneticist who was using Gray Fox for his
| experiments?"
Page 203| "You mean Dr. Clark? No, it was Frank that
| killed him. I covered up the whole thing, kept
| my brother safe."
| A uneasy silence fell.
| "Is the Ninja -- Gray Fox -- here to kill
| me?"
| "I don't think so. Frank is here to fight you,
| nothing more. I couldn't make sense of it at
| first, but I think I know now. A kind of a duel.
| He lives only for that, I think."
Page 204| "Fox..." Snake murmured, as though
| remembering the man who had once been his
| comrade.
| "Tell me something, Naomi," he said a short
| while later.
| "It's about FOXDIE, isn't it?" she said in a
| low, pained voice. It's a retrovirus. Kills only
| the designated person by first infecting the
| macrophage. FOXDIE is engineered with an
| oxygen chain that responds only to a specific
Page 205| DNA pattern."
| "The oxygen is what recognizes the target
| DNA sequence?"
| "Once the recognition oxygen responds,
| FOXDIE repurposes the macrophage's cellular
| structure to create TNF-alpha," Naomi had
| regained her old calm as she fielded Snake's
| question.
| "What does that mean?"
| "It's a type of cytosine -- a peptide that
Page 206| triggers cell death. The TNF-alpha travels
| through the blood stream to the heart, where
| it binds to the receptors of cardiac cells."
| "And that causes a heart attack?"
| "The affected cells undergo rapid apotosis.
| And then the owner of that heart - dies."
| "Apotosis -- I remember that. Programmed
| cell death for damaged cells," Snake
| murmured. The tense silence descended once
| again.
Page 207| "Naomi -- "
| "Yes?"
| "I know you programmed me to die."
| "Naomi remained silent.
| "Do I have any time left?" Still no answer.
| "Naomi, you have every right to take my
| life. But I can't die just yet. I still have work to
| finish."
| "You have to listen -- I'm not the one who
| decided on the use of FOXDIE," Naomi burst
Page 208| out.
| "Not -- you?"
| "It was a part of the mission plan to infect
| you with FOXDIE. I wanted to tell you that..."
| Naomi broke off, then suddenly made up her
| mind to continue. "I'm not being honest with
| myself."
| "Naomi?"
| "What I really wanted to tell you was --
| Snake -- I -- " Naomi was struggling for
Page 209| words when suddenly, a male voice barked
| behind her.
| "Freeze! Step away!"
| "No!" Naomi cried out sharply. She must
| have been spotted by one of Richard's toughs.
| I could hear the sound of a scuffle over the
| radio.
| "Snake..." With that last gasp, Naomi faded
| out of earshot.
| "Naomi!?" Snake called out but it was
Page 210| Campbell that answered him.
| "Snake, I can't permit you to communicate
| with Naomi."
| "What are you talking about!"
| "She's officially out of the mission!"
| "What did you do with her? How was
| infecting me a part of the plan? Colonel, let
| me talk to her!"
| "I can't do that, Snake. She's been
| confined."
Page 211| "Colonel -- you sold me out, didn't you!" I
| could hear the rage in Snake's voice.
| "Don't waste your energy thinking about
| things you can't change," Campbell said, his
| voice carefully guarded against any emotion.
| "Stopping the Metal Gear is your first priority,
| don't forget that."
| "I can't believe Naomi was Gray Fox's foster
| sister..." Richard murmured bitterly.
Page 212| "Are you happy? You know who she is now
| after all."
| "I wouldn't say that." Richard's expression
| was complex.
| "She said she wasn't the one who deployed
| FOXDIE." I decided to risk putting out a feeler.
| Richard said nothing, and that told me
| everything I needed to know.
| "It was you, wasn't it?"
| "Yes..." I was taken aback by his ready
Page 213| admission. "FOXDIE was one of my projects."
| "And Naomi?"
| " -- Was a top-notch professional. The
| FOXDIE research had hit a brick wall when
| she pitched herself to us. She'd somehow
| heard that we were looking for a genetic
| engineering expert. As soon as she joined the
| team, the project took off in a major way."
| Richard paused, then plunged ahead.
| "I assigned her to lead the development
Page 214| effort. When the virus was finally engineered,
| it was she that named it FOXDIE."
| "What I thought was dedication to the work
| was actually thirst for vengeance. She didn't
| let that slip, not once." He murmured ruefully.
| I knew what his relationship had been with
| Naomi when I studied his face.
| "You were seeing her."
| "She was using me." He corrected and gave
| a hollow laugh. At that point, one of his men
Page 215| came tearing over. After an urgent whisper,
| Richard's face grew grim.
| "What happened?"
| "Master Miller wasn't Master Miller."
| Richard was visibly shaken.
| "What?"
| "The man I sent to investigate Miller just
| reported in. He found Miller murdered in his
| home, up in Alaska."
| "Who was it that we were talking to
Page 216| then -- !" But there was no one who could
| provide an answer to that question.
| Around the same time on Shadow Moses,
| Snake had finally made it past the enemy's
| defenses and successfully re-entered the
| launch code. But something was amiss: as the
| code was accepted, an alarm was triggered.
| "Launch code entered," An electronic voice
| intoned. "All systems ready. Standby for
Page 217| missile launch."
| Snake stared around him, aghast.
| "No! I just overrode the launch authori-
| zation!" He cried. His questions were
| answered by an unexpected source when a
| radio call came in.
| "Thank you, Snake." It was Miller -- or
| rather, an impostor who had taken the
| murdered man's identity. "The launch prepa-
| rations are now complete. Nothing can stop
Page 218| Metal Gear now."
| "Master, what's going on!"
| "We're very grateful to you. Not only did
| you bring the key, you just entered the launch
| code for us as well."
| "What?"
| "We never did get his part of the code from
| the DARPA chief. Even Mantis' abilities
| couldn't break through, and Ocelot managed
| to kill Anderson off before we could try
Page 219| anything else..."
| As Snake listened in horror, "Miller"
| continued.
| "You see, we couldn't launch the missile.
| Not even a warning shot. We were dead in the
| water, with nothing to back up our demands."
| "Master, what are you saying?"
| "With the launch code out of our reach, we
| had to fall back on another plan. We decided
| to have you work for us, Snake."
Page 220| "What?"
| "Having Decoy Octopus impersonate the
| DARPA chief was a part of it. We were trying
| to extract information from you but -- FOXDIE
| got to him first." "Miller" said savagely.
| "Are you saying this whole thing was
| fixed?" Snake asked through clenched teeth.
| "And it was all to get me to unlock
| the launch sequence..."
| The terrorist's mocking laugh rang out.
Page 221| "Did you think you got this far thanks to
| your own abilities? Think again."
| "Master, what about you? Are you a spy?"
| The other continued as though he had not
| heard Snake's question.
| "But everything is ready for the launch now.
| Once they get a taste of the new warhead, the
| White House will have to hand over the
| antidote. And they'll have nothing on us any-
| more, ever again."
Page 222| "Have nothing on you? What do they have
| on you now?"
| "The Pentagon's already accomplished what
| it set out to do with you. It happened right
| there in that torture chamber. You're the
| only one who's in the dark. It's not fun, is it,
| Snake?" He sneered.
| "Who are you!?"
| "I'll tell you -- if you manage to get to me."
| "Where are you?"
Page 223| "Very close, Snake. Very close."
| Campbell suddenly broke in.
| "Snake, that's not Miller!"
| "Hello Campbell. It's a little late for that,"
| the impostor said mockingly.
| "Master Miller's body was discovered at his
| home. He's been dead three days. We didn't
| know sooner because the communication was
| down. According to Mei Ling, the transmission
| is originating inside that base."
Page 224| "Then who are you?"
| "You've been talking to me all along -- "
| The man responded. " -- Snake." His voice
| suddenly changed, and I knew who it was. So
| did Snake.
| "Liquid" Snake broke off communications,
| and started to run.
| Metal Gear had already been activate by
| the time Snake reached it. Liquid was about to
Page 225| climb into the pilot's seat when Snake called
| out to him, the barrel of his SOCOM pointed
| straight at Liquid.
| "Liquid!"
| "Are you going to shoot your own brother?"
| Liquid remained languid.
| "Why did you impersonate Miller?"
| "To manipulate you, of course." Liquid said
| conversationally as though the two were
| discussing the weather. "It worked too. You
Page 226| did exactly what we needed you to do."
| Snake's indignity was compounded by
| Liquid's next comment.
| "I'm sure your master at the Pentagon
| agree."
| "Why do you keep mentioning them?"
| "You don't even question the orders that
| you're given any more, hm, Snake? Where's
| your pride? A warrior, reduced to a pawn."
| Liquid sighed exaggeratedly. "All this --
Page 227| stopping the nuke, rescuing hostages --
| it's a charade."
| "Charade?" Snake was taken aback.
| "All the Pentagon wanted was to
| effect a meeting between us." Liquid
| explained, obviously enjoying Snake's
| reaction. "That's how the ArmsTech
| president and Decoy were gotten rid of."
| "Can't be..."
| "Actually, it can be. The point was to
Page 228| selectively kill us off and retrieve our
| extremely expensive genetically engineered
| corpses along with Metal Gear. You were sent
| in by the Pentagon merely as a FOXDIE
| vector!"
| Snake was in shock.
| "That's -- insane. And Naomi -- was she
| working with the Pentagon all along...?"
| "That's what they thought. But she it seems
| she wasn't quite as soft as they read her to
Page 229| be."
| "What do you mean?"
| "I have ears at the DOD. Naomi apparently
| managed to make some tweaks to the virus
| right before the mission. Her motive and
| objective are unknown."
| I heard Richard's impatient grunt beside
| me.
| "Is that what you had Naomi arrested for?
| To discover why she did what she did?"
Page 230| Snake challenged.
| "Very good. It's disappointing that it was
| nothing more than a run-of-the-mill revenge
| scheme. But we still don't know what kind of
| changes she introduced to FOXDIE."
| Liquid fell silent for a moment, then
| continued.
| "But enough of that. I've already added
| FOXDIE antidote to my list of demands to
| Washington."
Page 231| "There's an antidote?" Snake asked in
| surprise.
| "There should be. Hunter would be the only
| one to know but even that may not be
| necessary."
| "Why not?"
| "You've successfully infiltrated the facility.
| We've all been infected with the execution
| virus according to their plan. Octopus and the
| ArmsTech president died of it for certain. But
Page 232| neither myself nor Ocelot -- not to mention
| you -- have shown any signs of infection..."
| "You're saying there may be a flaw in
| FOXDIE's targeting program."
| "Who knows. But as long as you're healthy,
| I'm safe. We share the same genetic code
| after all."
| "So we are -- "
| "Twins, yes. But not in the ordinary sense.
| We're the flip sides of a counterfeit genetic
Page 233| coin. 'Enfants terrible'..." Liquid's voice grew
| hoarse with anger. "You lucked out. They
| handpicked all of our father's superior traits
| for you."
| Snake was silent. His father, Big Boss, was
| a part of the past he wanted to leave behind,
| a past tainted by the crime of patricide. But
| Liquid was not finished.
| "Everything that was undesirable, I got. Or
| should I say that I was everything undesirable.
Page 234| Left over -- from the creation process that
| was designed to produce you. The only
| reason I came into being was so that you
| could be born."
| "How could I be the superior --
| specimen?"
| "Oh, but you are. And I'm the dregs. You
| couldn't begin to understand what it was like
| starting out life as genetic garbage!" The
| hatred and rage in Liquid's voice shook us,
Page 235| and left Snake speechless.
| "But it was me that out father chose."
| Liquid said slowly and purposefully.
| "Is that why you're obsessed with Big
| Boss? Some kind of twisted love?"
| "Love? Hatred, my brother. He chose me
| knowing that I was biologically inferior. Now
| I'm about to pay him back for that crime!"
| Liquid laughed, mocking Snake's
| bewilderment.
Page 236| "You couldn't understand that either.
| Someone who got the chance to kill his own
| father wouldn't! You managed to deprive me
| even of that revenge. But I will accomplish
| what our father dreamt of and never achieved.
| That's how I'll kill him -- by surpassing him."
| Liquid ended his proclamation by leaping into
| Metal Gear's cockpit. Snake fired a burst from
| his Socom, but the bullets ricocheted off Metal
| Gear's armor.
Page 237| "Damn!" Snake gnashed his teeth as Liquid
| called out mockingly from the cockpit.
| "Snake, count yourself lucky. You get to die
| by the greatest weapon the world has ever
| seen. It's the least I can do for my brother."
| Metal Gear, already in activation mode,
| started to stir. A high-pitched noise, like the
| whine of a turbo engine, began to sound as
| Liquid's voice boomed out of the amplifier,
| "I'll give you an advance showing of what
Page 238| the rest of the world will learn soon -- that
| the 21st century will belong to a devil they
| don't know!"
| Metal Gear struck at Snake like a living
| thing. Its state-of-the-art composite armor
| was virtually impregnable to all but high-yield
| explosives like HEAT (High Explosive Anti-
| Tank). But Dr. Emmerich had advised Snake to
| take out the radome and knock the sensors
Page 239| offline in a bid for survival.
| Snake struck again and again, but he was
| fighting a difficult battle, given Metal Gear's
| immense firepower and agility. Finally, one of
| Metal Gear's huge feet lashed out towards
| Snake in a crushing blow.
| "It's time to die, Snake!" Liquid called out.
| The foot hit the floor with a deafening crash.
| Snake, however, had escaped. Someone had
| pulled him out of the foot's path at the last
Page 240| second.
| "Get out of here now!" The voice was a
| familiar one.
| "Grey Fox!" Snake cried out.
| The Ninja -- or rather Gray Fox --
| launched a fiery arc towards Metal Gear,
| destroying the radome. The tank froze in
| confusion for a second, and Snake and the
| Ninja found cover during that brief lull.
| "Why, Fox? Why are you helping me?"
Page 241| "I'm a captive, Snake. Death is my prison
| You're the only one who can release me..."
| Gray Fox replied, his voice clear and sane.
| "Fox, don't involve yourself in this business
| anymore. Think about Naomi. She's destroying
| herself trying to avenge you..."
| "Yes... Naomi..."
| "You're the only one who can stop her,"
| Snake urged, but Gray Fox's reply was
Page 242| discouraging.
| "No, I can't..."
| "Why not?"
| "I'm the one that killed her parents." Gray
| Fox's stark words stunned Snake. "I was just
| a child myself, and I couldn't stand to kill her
| too. I took her with me because it was the
| only way I could think of to assuage the guilt.
| I raised her to satisfy my half-baked
| conscience, but she gave me the love and
Page 243| respect I didn't deserve -- called me her
| brother."
| "Fox -- "
| "We may have looked like a happy little
| family, but I was terrified every time she
| looked me in the eye -- that she would see
| the truth. Tell her for me, will you? Tell her
| that I'm the one who took her family from
| her, not you."
Page 244| Many former child soldiers are permanently
| traumatized by their horrific war experiences.
| It was possible that Gray Fox's compulsions --
| whether it be taking in his victims' orphaned
| child or returning again and again to the
| battlefields with Big Boss -- had its roots in
| his childhood scars.
| "There you are!" Liquid called through
| Metal Gear's speakers. A concentrated volley
| of Vulcan cannon fire followed, the rounds
Page 245| closing in on Snake and the Ninja.
| "It's almost time to finish this," Fox cried.
| "I'll slow him down!"
| "Fox!" Before Snake could stop him, Gray
| Fox leapt out into the open and went for Metal
| Gear. We could hear the roar of Metal Gear's
| Vulcan cannon.
| Gray Fox's reinforced skeleton gave him a
| faster reflex, and he dodged the volley. But
| the next second, his body had been plucked
Page 246| up by Metal Gear's massive jaw.
| "Fox!" Snake's shout reverberated
| throughout the hangar.
| Metal Gear's engine revved louder and Fox's
| reinforced skeleton creaked audibly.
| "How long will his bones hold out? Hm,
| Snake? Are you going to abandon him?"
| Liquid taunted. But Fox was far from dead.
| "A cornered fox is one of the most
| dangerous animals!" Laser fire burst from
Page 247| Fox's right arm and Metal Gear's radome
| exploded. Liquid was now blind, since Metal
| Gear's cockpit was completely sealed from the
| outside.
| "They didn't give you a Fox rank for nothing,
| old comrade. But this is where it ends!"
| Liquid's unamplified voice called out. He had
| apparently discarded the cockpit hatch to use
| his own eyes and ears in lieu of sensors.
| The next thing we heard was an explosive
Page 248| crash. Was Gray Fox now under Metal Gear's
| foot? My fear was confirmed by the ominous
| and unmistakable sound of Fox's reinforced
| exoskeleton creaking under pressure. At the
| same time, we heard Fox's gasping voice.
| "Finally -- I can finally die, and with you
| as my witness. After Zanzibar Land they took
| away the fight from me... I wasn't dead but
| didn't... didn't feel alive. So futile... for such a
| long time. But finally it's over..."
Page 249| Fox's voice was down to a whisper now.
| "Snake! We're not just tools for politicians
| and generals! All I did with my life... was
| fight... but at least it was my choice...
| Goodbye, Snake."
| With a dull crunch, his reinforced skeleton
| finally gave away.
| "FOX!!" Snake screamed. Liquid laughed.
| "He was a fool. It was over the moment he
| begged for death." He ground Fox's battered
Page 250| corpse underfoot with Metal Gear, then
| bellowed.
| "Do you get it now! You can't protect
| anyone, let alone yourself! Die!" Metal
| Gear's Vulcan cannons roared into action.
| But with all sensors offline, the fire lacked
| it's previous accuracy.
| Robbed of his old friend and comrade,
| Snake gave free rein to his rage. Taking up a
| Stinger missile launcher, he fired at Liquid,
Page 251| sitting exposed in his cockpit. It was a direct
| hit; even the composite armor could not
| protect against a shot that penetrated into the
| cockpit itself. It's piloting system destroyed,
| Metal Gear abruptly spun out of control and
| pitched towards the ground with a deafening
| screech. A massive explosion followed
| seconds later.
| Snake, caught in the blast, was bodily
| thrown across the hangar and knocked
Page 252| unconscious.
| Snake was still out cold, but his radio was
| was online. We could hear smaller explosions from
| the wreck of the Metal Gear, and the sound of
| flames greedily sucking up the leaking fuel.
| Snake showed no signs of coming around.
| A few minutes later, a sound of footsteps
| emerged from the general chaos. It was
| moving towards Snake. There was a faint
Page 253| murmur.
| "Snake -- it's not over yet." It was Liquid's
| voice.
| "Snake!" I yelled into the radio, but Snake
| did not stir. "Isn't there anyway to wake
| him?" I asked Richard, but he shook his head.
| Liquid had reached Snake's side, and to our
| surprise, picked up Snake's limp body. He
| started to carry Snake, heading in the
| direction of Metal Gear's prone form.
Page 254| We listened, helpless, in a tense silence. It
| was Snake's battle; there was next to nothing
| we could do.
| Liquid had now climbed onto Metal Gear's
| back, where he carelessly laid Snake down.
| He apparently planned to simply wait for his
| adversary to regain consciousness.
| "So -- " Liquid said. Snake was still out of
| action.
Page 255| "I know you're listening. You have a radio
| implant in this one." It was clear that Liquid
| was talking to us.
| "You think you've pulled off FOXDIE. Think
| again. You're never going to kill me with a
| thing like that. Never."
| The knowledge that he was already infected
| with the killer retrovirus made no difference to
| Liquid Snake. It was a force of will that
| commanded respect.
Page 256| "You have no idea how excited I am --
| knowing that you're still out there. Revenge is
| a candy I've been deprived of too many
| times..." The hatred in Liquid's voice was
| chilling. "You -- 'Patriots'...!"
| At that moment, Snake let out a groan. He
| was starting to surface.
| "He's almost ready. Listen, all of you. When
| I've settled the score with this one, I'm
| coming after you next. I'm going to end your
Page 257| miserable lives in a way that'll make even the
| Reaper's stomach turn..."
| "I'll look forward to it," Richard murmured
| starkly.
| Snake groaned again. He was apparently
| awake.
| "Still a light sleeper, huh?" Liquid said to
| Snake conversationally.
| "Liquid -- you're alive?"
Page 258| "You won't get rid of me, not as long as
| you're breathing."
| "Sorry your insurrection was a bust," Snake
| commented.
| "Do you think that I'll give up my fight just
| because we've lost Metal Gear?" Liquid had
| lost none of his confidence.
| "Your fight? Snake shot back. "What's
| your real objective here?"
| "To make sure that the age of warriors
Page 259| comes again. Warriors like us, Snake."
| "That's Big Boss's pet delusion all over
| again."
| "No, his legacy!" Liquid exploded at
| Snake's words. "All throughout the Cold
| War -- during the times of turbulence -- the
| whole world wanted us. Gave us our due. We
| were needed!"
| He fell silent, as if to mourn for the days
| that were no more.
Page 260| "That's all changed. Hypocrisy and
| fraudulent peace are replacing warfare. There
| is a terrible emptiness that comes from losing
| and arena for your gifts. And the terror that
| you will become a dinosaur, no longer useful.
| You must know that fear better than anyone."
| Snake had no reply to Liquid's entreaty. I
| wondered whether Liquid's words had found
| their mark.
| "The prototype nuclear warheads will
Page 261| provide me with the leverage to acquire my
| campaign funds. The funds will make more
| global acts of terrorism possible. Violence
| begets violence, and this complacent world
| will erupt into confusion. Violence, mistrust
| and conflict will compound each other and
| create more hatred -- and our sphere of
| usefulness, the ecosystem of war, will grow
| larger and larger."
| "As long as human beings are around, there
Page 262| will always be war, somewhere in the world."
| Snake argued. "There's no need to create
| more."
| "It's a question of balance," Liquid
| responded in a flash. "The balance that our
| father fought for..."
| "And that's the only reason you need to do
| this?"
| "It's more than enough for me. And for you
| too."
Page 263| "That's not the kind of thing I want. Not
| now, not ever!"
| Liquid laughed at Snake's dogged refusal.
| "You're lying. Why do you think you're
| here? You've been lied to, betrayed by your
| own team. But you still wouldn't abandon the
| mission. Why?"
| Snake could not answer.
| "I'll tell you why," Liquid continued.
| "Because you enjoy it. The thrills. And the
Page 264| kills."
| "No, that's not -- !" Snake was struggling
| for words, but Liquid cut in.
| "Are you going to deny it? You've killed
| dozens of my men today."
| "But that was..." As Snake faltered,
| Liquid laughed in contempt.
| "Every time you delivered the kill shot, your
| face brightened up."
| "No!"
Page 265| "There's no reason for you to deny your own
| killer instincts. That's what we were created
| for, after all."
| "What we were -- created for?"
| It was all the encouragement Liquid needed
| to reveal the details of a secret project known
| as "Les Enfants Terribles."
| It was the 1970s. The U.S. had not yet
| awoken from the nightmare of Vietnam War
Page 266| when a plan was hatched by key figures in the
| government to artificially create the ideal
| soldier. The man selected to serve as the
| genetic template for the project was the most
| famous living mercenary of the time, Big Boss.
| Big Boss was, however, incapable of
| reproducing, a result of past war injuries. As
| a result, his body cells were harvested for a
| cloning attempt. In addition to the existing
| "analogue" cloning protocol, the program
Page 267| incorporated the so-called "super-baby"
| technique.
| The super-baby technique involves carefully
| dividing the fertilized egg who's nucleus had
| been switched with that of the donor cell. The
| result is usually eight zygotes which are then
| implanted in a surrogate's uterus. Six of the
| embryos are strategically aborted over a
| period of time in order to boost the growth of
| the remaining two.
Page 268| "We started out as octuplets." Liquid
| relfected.
| "Octuplets..." Snake was clearly taken
| aback.
| "Six of our brothers were killed so that we
| could be created. We've been causing death
| and destruction even before we breathed
| outside air."
| "That left the two of us. Two zygotes that
| shared the same DNA. But there was one
Page 269| more sacrifice to be made. One of the
| embryos was engineered to manifest the full
| potential of its genetic makeup -- at the
| expense of the other one, which was purpose-
| fully relegated to the bottom of the curve. You
| are what you are, Solid Snake, thanks to the
| death and deprivation of your brothers!"
| Liquid surveyed the stunned Snake and
| smiled.
| "But if you think that I'm the only sibling you
Page 270| have left, think again."
| "What?"
| "The genome soldiers. They were bred from
| our father's DNA too. The only difference is
| that they're not analogs of him like we are."
| Liquid went onto tell an astonishing story.
| The Human Genome Project, concluded late
| last century, the "Les Enfants Terribles"
| Project and the intensive study of Big Boss'
| genetic samples had led researchers to many
Page 271| of the secrets of the so-called "soldier genes."
| The isolated traits for initiative, discipline and
| other tactically desirable characteristics had
| been secretly integrated into the genetic
| structure of next-generation special forces
| soldiers.
| "All those commandos you murdered on this
| base were your brothers."
| "The genome soldiers -- !"
| "Incomplete creatures, certainly, forcibly
Page 272| grafted with a piece of Big Boss' genetic
| sequence. But still family. They share in the
| family dysfunction too - their lives also cost
| someone dearly."
| "How so?"
| "Human experiments." Liquid hissed angrily.
| According to Liquid, the military had
| secretly started "treating" its men with the
| soldier gene when the 1991 Gulf War broke
| out. The unexplained "Gulf War Syndrome"
Page 273| among the returning personnel was apparently
| one of the gene therapy's unfortunate side
| effects.
| "That means that those Gulf War Babies born
| to vest are -- ?" Snake asked, stunned.
| "Exactly. Our earliest siblings."
| "And the next-generation special forces
| were the finished product?"
| "Finished?" Liquid sneered. "Hardly.
| They're defective. We all are. On a path to
Page 274| extinction, if you will!"
| "What did you say?"
| "You ever heard of the law of biological
| asymmetry? There's a natural tendency
| towards left-right asymmetry. On the other
| hand, species that ran out of genetic diversity
| and are on path to extinction start showing
| complete symmetry. That's what's happening
| to the genome soldiers. And to us."
| Snake stared at Liquid in bleak shock.
Page 275| "Every one of us is dying on a genetic level.
| The question is when the decline will start.
| That's why I need out father's body, to get
| some answers."
| "You expect me to believe," Snake asked,
| "that you demanded Big Boss' body so you
| can save yourself and the genome soldiers?"
| "Siblings start out life competing, but they
| always band together against outside threats.
| Why do you think that is?"
Page 276| Liquid waited for Snake to respond, but the
| latter said nothing.
| "It's because they share your genes, and by
| helping them, the chances of your genes
| making it to the next generation are bettered.
| Natural selection favors nepotistic species.
| The instinct to help our own kind is an
| inherited trait."
| "Your DNA is ordering you to help these
| genome commandos?" Snake said skeptically,
Page 277| but Liquid agreed in reverential tone.
| "No one can go against their genetic
| destiny. We were born for the sole purpose of
| recreating our father's DNA in its basest and
| most ideal incarnations. I will follow my
| destiny -- and surpass it. I can break my own
| biological curse, and that's why I'm going to
| kill you, Solid Snake..." He spoke quietly, but
| it was clear that he meant every word.
| He suddenly called out in a different tone.
Page 278| "Look behind you!"
| "Meryl!?" Snake exclaimed. Meryl was
| apparently lying behind Snake. I guessed that
| she had been brought there before Liquid had
| carried Snake onto the roof.
| "Is she alive?"
| "I wouldn't know. She was definitely
| breathing a few hours ago, though. She kept
| calling your name, over and over again."
| Liquid said coolly.
Page 279| "Meryl..."
| "She's a fool to fall for a man who doesn't
| even have a name."
| "I do have a name."
| "No, you don't. And no past and no future!
| That's the way it is for us!" Liquid shouted.
| "The only thing we do have are instructions
| written in our father's genomes!"
| "Liquid, let Meryl go!"
| "After we settle things between us. We're
Page 280| just about out of time."
| "Are you talking about FOXDIE?"
| "No, then Pentagon. It seems that the DOD
| came to a decision when they heard about
| Metal Gear's destruction. They're not even
| interested in a Bondar report at this point.
| Ask your shadow Campbell if you want. He
| likes to listen, doesn't he?"
| Snake raised Campbell on the radio.
Page 281| "Colonel, can you hear me?"
| "I'm here."
| "What's the Pentagon up to? You'd better
| tell me, Colonel."
| "The Defense Secretary's personally taken
| control of the mission. He's on a AWAC
| heading your way."
| "For what?"
| "An air strike." Campbell replied bitterly.
| "WHAT?"
Page 282| "That's not even the bad news. A bomber
| just took from the Galena AFB. It's carrying
| the B61-13 surface-piercing missiles."
| "Christ, Metal Gear's already been
| destroyed." Snake raised his voice. "Doesn't
| the Defense Secretary know that?"
| "He knows. But because of Naomi's
| betrayal, he no longer has any faith in
| FOXDIE's effectiveness. Your taking out
| Metal Gear means that the threat of nuclear
Page 283| strike has been removed, and he's free to
| ensure a direct and complete cover-up of
| the whole affair."
| " -- By blowing up all the evidence and
| everyone who knows anything sky-high with
| a nuclear bomb." Snake finished angrily. But
| Campbell's next words were unexpected.
| "Don't worry, Snake. I'll halt the air strike."
| "What?"
| "It may be a technicality, but I'm still the
Page 284| field controller for the mission. If I call in an
| order to halt the strike, it should wreak
| enough havoc with the chain of command to
| buy you some time. Use it to get out of there."
| Richard called one of his men over and
| muttered an order. There was little doubt that
| it was for Campbell's arrest.
| Snake and Campbell, ignorant of the
| roomful of ears who were listening in on their
| exchange, were still talking.
Page 285| "Colonel, you know what would happen to
| you... ?"
| "It's all right, Snake. But you should know
| something. There was a top-secret internal
| investigation being conducted into FOXHOUND
| these past few months. Meryl was transferred
| out to Shadow Moses the day of the
| insurrection -- as a hostage to ensure my
| cooperation."
| "What a -- " Snake broke off in disgust.
Page 286| "Now, go Snake."
| "Are you sure about this? You'll lose
| everything you've worked for."
| "I'm sure. And this way, I get to keep the
| things that are really important -- and that I
| would otherwise lose."
| "Colonel -- "
| "All right, I'm putting in an order to halt the
| strike. This is the point of no return... What
| the hell!?"
Page 287| Campbell gasped. It seemed that Richard's
| men were trying to restrain him. The only
| thing we could hear over the radio were gun-
| shots and unintelligible noise. I was once
| again a helpless spectator of a life-or-death
| struggle.
| Mei Ling burst in abruptly, as though she
| had seized the microphone.
| "Snake!!"
| "Mei Ling, what happened to the Colonel!"
Page 288| "I don't believe this -- !"
| "Tell me what's going on!"
| "Snake! The Colonel!" Mei Ling's voice
| was lost in the shower of static before she
| could reveal more. Instead, an unfamiliar
| male voice started to speak.
| "This is Jim Houseman, Secretary of
| Defense. Roy Campbell was just relieved of
| duty."
| "Let me talk to Colonel Campbell!"
Page 289| "He's been arrested for compromising
| national security. He'll be charged with
| treason."
| "That's insane!"
| "No, it was Roy Campbell who was insane
| if he truly believed that he had any real say in
| this mission."
| "You -- !" Snake was seething, but
| Houseman went on nonchalantly.
| "The nuclear strike will go forward as
Page 290| planned. The sea will take care of what little
| there is left. It's what the President wants."
| "So this an executive order?"
| "The Presidency of the United States is a
| very, very busy job. Let's just say that I take
| full responsibility for this strike."
| "How are you going to explain to the media
| why you dropped a nuke on American soil?"
| "Don't worry, there's a cover story ready. A
| band of terrorists took over the Shadow
Page 291| Moses facility, and were extremely careless
| with their nuclear missile."
| "You'll be killing your own genome
| commandos -- all the researchers too."
| "Donald is already dead..." Houseman
| suddenly said with genuine sorrow in his
| voice.
| "So you didn't plan on killing the DARPA
| chief after all." Snake asked.
| "He was my closest friend."
Page 292| "And the rest of the poor bastards stranded
| here aren't, so to hell with them, is that it?"
| "That depends. If you transfer the contents
| of the optical disc over to me, there may be
| room for negotiation."
| "What disc?" Snake feigned ignorance, but
| Houseman was not so easily put off.
| "The disc that contained the full exercise
| data. Donald was supposed to personally
| bring it back."
Page 293| "I don't have it..."
| "Hm. That's unfortunate." Houseman said
| calmly. "The fact remains that the two of you
| are a liability. You belong to an age no one
| cares to go back to, and you have the
| potential to needlessly embarrass this great
| nation. No, you cannot be permitted to ever
| leave that island. Take the time until the air
| strike to catch up. Then rest in peace -- you
| are a ghost of the Cold War, after all."
Page 294| The transmission ended.
| "So there's no way out for either of us," O
| heard Liquid laugh as he approached Snake.
| "We'll settle the score before the cavalry
| arrives."
| Snake rose to his feet.
| "You've taken everything from me," Liquid
| said. "And I will reclaim it all -- including my
| rightful biological heritage -- right here."
Page 295| The two Snake's closed in on one another.
| The final battle was about to begin.
| Snake and Liquid had engaged each other in
| a fierce hand-to-hand combat, but Richard
| had other things to attend to. He had one of
| his men open a radio channel.
| "Yes, what is it?"
| I realized with surprise that the person he
| had called was none other than the Secretary
Page 296| of Defense Jim Houseman.
| "An air strike was an unwise decision."
| Richard sounded displeased. "With a nuclear-
| armed Stealth bomber airborn, a complete
| cover-up is no longer an option. 'They' are
| not happy with this."
| "It's the only way to destroy the evidence.
| The results will bear out the correctness of
| my decision."
| "There will be no results. I've already
Page 297| aborted the air strike."
| "How -- dare you...!" Houseman started to
| roar, then suddenly petered out. He no doubt
| had remembered the powers-that-be that
| stood behind Richard.
| "What do you intend to do then?" He asked
| with barely suppressed rage.
| "There is another viable way to salvage the
| situation."
| " -- Make me take the fall? I don't think
Page 298| so!" Houseman's voice shook with fury.
| Richard sighed exaggertedly.
| "You don't think so? It seems, Mr.
| Secretary, that Colonel Campbell is not the
| only one who 'truly believed that he had any
| real say in this mission.'"
| "What are you saying?" I heard the sound
| of scuffling on the other end. "Hey, what do
| you think you're doing! Get your hands off of
| me!"
Page 299| Houseman had apparently been restrained.
| It was exactly the same scenario that had
| played out during Campbell's arrest.
| "You have several choices," Richard
| explained with something resembling pity.
| "It's up to you which ending this particular
| story has. I myself would suggest a quiet
| retirement from public life..."
| "You'll pay for this, Ames. I swear to God..."
| Houseman spat out as he struggled vainly
Page 300| against his captors.
| "Personally, I don't condone rough
| measures. I hope you'll come to the same
| decision." Richard ended the call.
| The transmission from Shadow Moses
| was still active. Liquid's dying scream
| tore through the speakers.
| "Looks like things are wrapping up
| nicely over there," Richard murmured.
Page 301| Richard cleared all of the personnel
| out of the study. We were now alone. I
| could hear Snake and Meryl over the wires. It
| seemed that he had succeeded in rescuing her
| in time.
| "Now the question is, what am I going to do
| with you?" Richard said as he turned away
| from the radio.
| The time had come for me to make my
| movie; I walked up to my computer.
Page 302| "This machine has been recording every-
| thing that went on in this study and relaying it
| out to a remote location. Once there, the data
| was immediately back up on an optical
| disc.
| It was no bluff. It was just a more covert
| version of a real-time remote conferencing
| system. Because of my work, I frequently
| must acquire information from such unsavory
| types as black-market arms dealers and Mafia
Page 303| members who specialize in plutonium
| smuggling. The recordings were my standard
| insurance policy.
| "I've already sent a message to the collo-
| cation administrator. He'll give the disc to my
| media contact if he can't get in touch with me
| by a certain time." That had been the mail I'd
| secretly sent from my PDA earlier.
| "If anything happens to me, the contents of
| the disc will be all over the world."
Page 304| But Richard was unfazed. I started to feel
| apprehensive as he calmly lit another
| cigarette.
| "You mean this disc?" He took out a
| shining optical disc from his inside jacket
| pocket and slid it into my PC's drive. A few
| quick clicks of the mouse and the playback
| started. I stared at the slightly grainy footage,
| horrified. The audio seemed overly loud in the
| silent room.
Page 305| "You should be hearing from him soon.
| You're clear on how to use the radio?"
| Richard's voice was raspy in playback, but it
| was definitely the data I had secretly collected
| and sent out.
| "How...?"
| "You shouldn't underestimate me," Richard
| said as he ejected and pocketed the disc.
| "Everything in this house has been vetted
| and monitored since the operation started.
Page 306| Nothing got in or out without my knowing
| about it -- including electronic signals. That
| e-mail you sent from the bathroom never got
| to its destination."
| He'd seen right through me. With that
| realization, I felt strength leaving my body.
| The game was up.
| "But even if you had managed to get this
| data out into the world, that wouldn't have
| guaranteed your safety. No one would have
Page 307| believed yet another conspiracy theory, least
| of all the press."
| "Your -- people would have made sure of
| that, I'm sure."
| Instead of answering, Richard stubbed out
| his cigarette and slid his right hand inside his
| jacket. There was an awkward bulge there, in
| the clean line of his tailored jacket. It was
| where he kept his gun holstered.
| Cold sweat trickled down my back. I was
Page 308| slowly backing away from Richard, and I did
| not even realize the fact until my back hit the
| wall. There was no way out.
| "Are you really prepared to kill me?" I
| could not hide the tremor in my voice.
| "You should know the answer to that." He
| said quietly, looking me straight in the eye.
| The he pulled his hand out from under his
| jacket, and I instinctively shut my eyes.
Page 309| But even after what felt like an eternity, the
| muffled shot and the pain I was expecting did
| not come. I warily opened my eyes, and saw
| what was in his hand. It was not a gun, but a
| disc.
| "Everything you ever wanted to know about
| FOXDIE." Richard walked up to me and placed
| the disc in my hand.
| "As I said, a recording of what took place in
| this room won't guarantee your safety. There's
Page 310| no solid proof, just talk. It can easily be
| denounced as a fabrication and covered up."
| "But the FOXDIE data is a different story,"
| he continued. "This disc contains everything
| about that project, from its origins to the
| names of every individual involved. As long as
| you have this as an insurance, they won't be
| able to touch you."
| "Why, Richard?"
| He did not answer my question.
Page 311| "You'd better get out of here quickly. Your
| car's just out back."
| "What about you?"
| "That's not something you need to worry
| about."
| "But -- "
| "You don't need me, Nastasha. And I have
| things to take care of."
| "Why are you doing this?" I asked again.
| "You'll figure it out someday. Do what you
Page 312| have to do all right?" He suddenly held me
| close and put his lips on mine.
| As we broke apart after a long kiss, he
| whispered in my ear, "I wanted to do this
| again, just one last time." Then he gently
| eased me away.
| "Now go. Hurry." There was gravity in his
| voice that allowed only one response. I
| nodded, and sped out of the room.
| That was the last I ever saw of Richard
Page 313| Ames.
| After I fled from California, I went into
| hiding. There has been no sign of pursuit, for
| now.
| The terrorist incident on Shadow Moses
| Island came to a conclusion with the
| destruction of Metal Gear and the death of
| Liquid Snake. The United States government,
| however, has not yet officially acknowledged
Page 314| the incident. The roster of the dead included
| Liquid Snake, Psycho Mantis, Sniper Wolf,
| Decoy Octopus and Vulcan Raven. Revolver
| Ocelot's body was never recovered, but his
| personnel file was closed with notation,
| "Missing in action." FOXHOUND had, in effect,
| been decimated. The survivors from the next-
| generation commando unit were all removed
| to the Peace AFB in New Hampshire,
| ostensibly for training. As far as I know, they
Page 315| remain prisoners there to this day. The
| government has repeatedly denied allegations
| of genetically engineering super-soldiers, but
| rumors that the research continues remain
| persistent.
| The deaths of Donald Anderson, the DARPA
| chief, and Kenneth Baker of ArmsTech ended
| the development of a new Metal Gear. The
| Metal Gear REX unit itself had been all but
| completed under Hal Emmerich's leadership,
Page 316| but my source at Lawrence Livermore
| indicated that the rail gun warhead delivery
| system had not been fully operational.
| Apparently, there had been some serious
| issues with the rail gun's targeting accuracy.
| This was no doubt the reason Baker had
| entrusted Snake with the exercise data, and
| Jim Houseman, the Secretary of Defense, had
| so aggressively pursued its whereabouts. The
| data is now lost, and the development
Page 317| program has been closed down. I dare to
| dream that the new nuclear delivery system
| will never see the light of day.
| A few days after the incident, I heard on the
| news that Houseman had shot himself. The
| suicide was attributed to a temporary nervous
| breakdown related to job stress. Supporting
| statements from family and subordinates were
| widely aired. The air strike order for Shadow
| Moses was glossed over as an unfortunate
Page 318| evidence of the late Defense Secretary's
| unraveling mental state. I remembered
| Houseman's words from the final hours of the
| mission, and thought I knew what had really
| happened. He had refused to take the fall, and
| paid for the defiance with his life.
| The record of the Shadow Moses Incident
| and the FOXDIE data disc that Richard gave
| me are still under my vigilant guard. The FOX-
| DIE program data covers Naomi's careful
Page 319| analysis of the unauthorized reconfiguration
| she had made to the virus. The information
| showed that Snake was indeed one of the
| targets for the deadly retrovirus, but the
| incubation period had been changed to a
| wildcard value. Even Naomi herself did not
| know when the virus would awaken within
| Snake. It must have been the best revenge
| she could think of, condemning him to live in
| this fearful limbo.
Page 320| Colonel Roy Campbell was released after
| the Defense Secretary's own arrest, and is
| once again enjoying his retirement.
| Mei Ling also made it safely out of
| the mission, and is back in academia.
| Dr. Hal Emmerich did not return to
| ArmsTech following his rescue from Shadow
| Moses. His whereabouts are unknown, but
| there is some indication that he made his way
| to England where he has family members.
Page 321| Snake and Meryl appear to have success-
| fully made it off Shadow Moses Island. I could
| however find no traces of them; I hope that the
| same is true for those who have an interest in
| seeing them silenced.
| Naomi Hunter was formally taken into
| custody after the incident's conclusion. Three
| weeks later, as she was undergoing debriefing
| in a certain facility, she escaped. She has not
| been heard of since. Official were closed-
Page 322| mouthed about the circumstances of the
| escape, but inquiries into other quarters
| elicited the fact that someone had broken
| Naomi out of the base. I know of only one
| person who could have breached the base's
| tight security and successfully led someone to
| freedom.
| And then there was the matter of Richard
| Ames.
| I called in a favor and had an inquiry made
Page 323| to the DIA about one Major Richard Ames. The
| Agency's response was that there was "no
| DIA personnel fitting that name and des-
| cription." Buying my safety and freedom
| had been a costly act for Richard.
| It was then that I decided to go public with
| what I knew.
| By exposing the conspiracy, I may be
| putting myself in renewed danger. But I am
| through with being a spectator, and objective
Page 324| bystander. The powerlessness I felt watching
| Snake's solitary war on Shadow Moses has
| been a bitter wake-up call. This time, I am
| determined to make a stand. This is my war
| now -- to tell the truth about what happened
| on that island. That is my responsibility and
| privilege as a survivor, and a cause for which
| I am prepared to give my life.


And finally I've reached the end...

Back to work on the website...

I hope you enjoyed the file...

Goodnight everybody...


5.9 D O G T A G S

%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%** TANKER CHAPTER %**%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%*%


# ID B.T Name Location
000 - 0923 | A | Olga Gurlukovich | Navigational deck, wing
001 - 0616 | B | Ross E Bowman | Aft Deck
002 - 0704 | ? | Abraham Carille | Aft Deck
003 - 0120 | O | Kaisser Ag Agnouche | Aft Deck
004 - 0430 | O | Arnaud Delaunay | Navigational deck, wing
005 - 1206 | B | Ryoji Makimura | Deck-A, crew's quarters
006 - 0928 | AB | Kim K Christensen | Deck-B, crew's quarters
007 - 1114 | B | Kevin S Purvis | Deck-A, crew's lounge
008 - 0225 | AB | Yasuhiro Miyamoto | Deck-A, crew's lounge
009 - 0307 | O | Micheal C Anthony | Deck-A, crew's lounge
010 - 1230 | A | Carlos Garci Garcie | Deck-D, crew's quarters
011 - 0618 | AB | Mineshi Kimura | Deck-D, crew's quarters
012 - 0228 | AB | Jonathan Hancock | Deck 2, port
013 - 0304 | O | Bryn T Kershaw | Deck 2, port
014 - 1205 | B | Micheal Hurkmans | Deck 2, port
015 - 0630 | B | Ken Ogasawara | Engine room
016 - 0218 | ? | Petro Kyrylenko | Engine room
017 - 0624 | AB | Aaron F Kopf | Engine room
018 - 0513 | ? | James P Fitzgibons | Engine room
019 - 0403 | A | Alexander Strigi | Engine room

%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%**% PLANT CHAPTER %**%**%**%**%**%**%**%**%*%***
000 - ???? | ? | Iroquois Plisken | Arsenal Gear, Ascending
| Colon
001 - 0325 | O | Carlos I Siu | Strut A Deep Sea Dock
002 - 0324 | O | Clinton J Heileman Jr | Strut A Deep Sea Dock
003 - 1213 | B | Mike J Newman | Strut A roof
004 - 0417 | AB | Rayyan A Said | Strut A Pump Room
005 - 0130 | A | Shigeo Okajima | Strut A Pump Room
006 - 0918 | O | Cord B Smith | AB connecting bridge
007 - 0816 | ? | Mario C Lopez | AB connecting bridge
008 - 0425 | O | Shuhei Tanaka | Strut B Transformer
| Room
009 - 0327 | ? | Momoko Kawai | Strut B Transformer
| Room
010 - 1129 | AB | Kengo Iwata | BC connecting bridge
011 - 0624 | ? | Daniel Modol | Strut C Dining Hall
012 - 0128 | O | Noriyuki Katsumura | Strut C Dining Hall
013 - 0131 | O | Tetsuro Sueyoshi | CD connecting bridge
014 - 0420 | O | Tony J Ylaranta | CD connecting bridge
015 - 0611 | O | Paul R Martin | Strut D Sediment Pool
016 - 0314 | ? | Leandro M Cardoso | Strut D Sediment Pool
017 - 0929 | A | Al J Josel | DE connecting bridge
018 - 1227 | A | Hyoko Hariyama | DE connecting bridge
019 - 1109 | AB | Barna K Olvedi | Strut E Parcel Room
020 - 1205 | A | Yuta Kunibe | Strut E Parcel Room
021 - 0620 | ? | Daniel C Bell | Strut E heliport
022 - 1011 | O | Yuki Miyata | Strut E heliport
023 - 0829 | AB | Nadim Daban | Strut F warehouse
024 - 0809 | AB | Timothy J Kane | Strut F warehouse
025 - 0609 | B | Allen J Chang | FA connecting bridge
026 - 0720 | A | Jean Luc Cougar | Shell 1 Core, 1F
027 - 0721 | AB | Luis A Fernandes | Shell 1 Core, 1F
028 - 0813 | A | Yuta Kiguchi | Shell 1 Core, 1F
029 - 0707 | B | Masafumi Okuta | Shell 1 Core, B1
030 - 0925 | O | Mathew R Bartz | Shell 1 Core, B1
031 - 0718 | A | Kunio Takabe | Shell 1 Core, B1
032 - 0409 | AB | Joey Simkins | Shell 1 Core, B2
| Computer Room
033 - 0627 | A | Sue G Westli | Shell 1 Core, B2
| Computer Room
034 - 0131 | O | Sam M Shrimpton | Shell 1 Core, B2
| Computer Room
035 - 0903 | O | Norihiko Hibino | Shell 1 Core, B2
| Computer Room
036 - 0308 | ? | Erik R Christy | KL connecting bridge
037 - 0920 | O | Jason C Patino | Strut L Sewage
| Treatment Facility
038 - 0107 | A | Maarten Van Der Zwan | Strut L Sewage
| Treatment Facility
039 - 0708 | B | Motoyuki Toshioka | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air
| Purification Room
040 - 0524 | A | Adrian Thein | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air
| Purification Room
041 - 0416 | A | Yuki Higuchi | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air
| Purification Room
042 - 1116 | A | Peter Stillman | Strut E heliport


=-=-=-= TANKER CHAPTER =-=-=-=
000 - 0923 | A | Olga Gurlukovich | Navigational deck, wing
001 - 1217 | O | Nicholas M Capone | Aft Deck
002 - 1228 | O | Donal L Gilliland | Aft Deck
003 - 0915 | AB | Joe T Holdren | Aft Deck
004 - 0513 | O | Shaun P Wilson | Navigational deck, wing
005 - 1031 | B | Jeff K Hui | Deck-A, crew's quarters
006 - 0806 | O | Mark W Bruce | Deck-B, crew's quarters
007 - 0123 | B | Yukho Wong | Deck-A, crew's lounge
008 - 1122 | ? | Anders E Leiro | Deck-A, crew's lounge
009 - 0209 | O | Skrakfus Mercio | Deck-A, crew's lounge
010 - 1206 | B | Gavin S Nash | Deck-D, crew's quarters
011 - 1108 | A | David S Eastwick | Deck-D, crew's quarters
012 - 0502 | ? | Kozaka Kh Henri | Deck 2, port
013 - 0630 | A | Marcin A Cieslinski | Deck 2, port
014 - 0207 | AB | Thomas P Dohm | Deck 2, port
015 - 0513 | O | Enrique Camacho | Engine room
016 - 0512 | A | Takashi Ohari | Engine room
017 - 0210 | ? | Max C Wood | Engine room
018 - 1123 | AB | John W Fleming | Engine room
019 - 0108 | B | Edward B Elston | Engine room
020 - 0303 | O | Christopher D Dadah | Engine room

=-=-=-=-= PLANT CHAPTER =-=-=-=-=
000 - ???? | A | Meryl Silverburgh | Arsenal Gear, Ascending
| Colon
001 - 0806 | A | Thomas G Cardner | Strut A Deep Sea Dock
002 - 0714 | AB | Matthew R Vogel | Strut A Deep Sea Dock
003 - 0716 | A | Megumi Nakaniihara | Strut A roof
004 - 0326 | O | Mathew A Bullock | Strut A Pump Room
005 - 0902 | B | Addam J Drew | Strut A Pump Room
006 - 0403 | ? | Yusuke Takada | AB connecting bridge
007 - 0505 | ? | Miles D Ashley | AB connecting bridge
008 - 0326 | O | Mark E Francis | Strut B Transformer
| Room
009 - 0309 | O | Kazuki Muraoka | Strut B Transformer
| Room
010 - 0828 | ? | Tom A Hutchinson | BC connecting bridge
011 - 0211 | A | Corey E Louden | Strut C Dining Hall
012 - 0605 | O | Ian J Andrews | Strut C Dining Hall
013 - 1109 | ? | Tim J Veldboom | CD connecting bridge
014 - 0202 | B | David C Ratanaseangsuang | CD connecting bridge
015 - 0608 | O | Nicholas J Schreiber | Strut D Sediment Pool
016 - 0821 | A | Achim Amaan | Strut D Sediment Pool
017 - 0101 | O | Tommy Blunt | Strut D Sediment Pool
018 - 0109 | A | Mariko Nakamura | DE connecting bridge
019 - 0819 | O | Emily Britt | DE connecting bridge
020 - 0613 | A | Daniel A Longworth | Strut E Parcel Room
021 - 0605 | ? | Caroline M L Gibson | Strut E Parcel Room
022 - 0324 | B | Yuki Sawada | Strut E heliport
023 - 0206 | A | Daijiro Takeshima | Strut E heliport
024 - 1017 | O | Abigail G Sanchez | Strut F warehouse
025 - 0213 | B | Evan A Ball | Strut F warehouse
026 - 0320 | A | Juergen Jur Goessnitzer | Strut F warehouse
027 - 0106 | B | Yuko Yano | FA connecting bridge
028 - 0812 | O | Rick Naylor | Shell 1 Core, 1F
029 - 0826 | ? | Jeremy A Davis | Shell 1 Core, 1F
030 - 1025 | ? | Zephan G Kirkpatrick | Shell 1 Core, 1F
031 - 1220 | O | Kenneth Wong | Shell 1 Core, B1
032 - 0321 | A | Michael D Craft | Shell 1 Core, B1
033 - 0502 | A | Stephen D Haynes | Shell 1 Core, B1
034 - 0711 | AB | Joshua A Crandall | Shell 1 Core, B2
| Computer Room
035 - 0316 | ? | Andrew J Baker | Shell 1 Core, B2
| Computer Room
036 - 1012 | ? | Andrew J Walker | Shell 1 Core, B2
| Computer Room
037 - 0721 | B | Kazunobu Uehara | Shell 1 Core, B2
| Computer Room
038 - 0522 | A | Thomas Szediak | KL connecting bridge
039 - 0627 | A | Shuichi Hata | Strut L Sewage
| Treatment Facility
040 - 1117 | O | Frank A Morales | Strut L Sewage
| Treatment Facility
041 - 1025 | AB | Lee P French | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air
| Purification Room
042 - 1103 | ? | Marcos A Gomez | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air
| Purification Room
043 - 0402 | A | Scott K Cleary | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air
| Purification Room
044 - 1116 | A | Peter Stillman | Strut E heliport


=-=-=-=-= TANKER CHAPTER =-=-=-=-=

000 - 0923 | A | Olga Gurlukovich | Navigational deck, wing
001 - 1025 | A | Kazuya Ikeno | Aft deck
002 - 0918 | A | Rodrigo Spinetti | Aft deck
003 - 0331 | ? | Bryan D Scheibe | Aft deck
004 - 0215 | AB | Ho Yeung Tsang | Navigational deck, wing
005 - 0829 | O | Hirosuke Moritomo | Deck-C, crew's quarters
006 - 1109 | B | Frank Gther | Deck-A, crew's quarters
007 - 0330 | ? | Marco G Brunato | Deck-B, crew's quarters
008 - 0116 | ? | Jesus Bibian Jr | Deck-B, crew's quarters
009 - 0508 | ? | Jordi C Aldea | Deck-A, crew's lounge
010 - 0517 | A | Sadaaki Kaneyoshi | Deck-A, crew's lounge
011 - 0407 | ? | Anthony D Callaghan | Deck-A, crew's lounge
012 - 0426 | AB | Craig M Weldon | Deck-D, crew's quarters
013 - 0803 | B | Ulf T Lundh | Deck-D, crew's quarters
014 - 0408 | A | Shinta Nojiri | Deck-D, crew's quarters
015 - 0812 | B | Jun Tanaka | Deck 2, port
016 - 1221 | O | Bernard A Reeves | Deck 2, port
017 - 1120 | A | Evan M Martin | Deck 2, port
018 - 1123 | B | Bruno A Montenegro | Engine room
019 - 0909 | A | Almerindo Lemke | Engine room
020 - 0211 | A | Satoshi Hirano | Engine room
021 - 0625 | O | Justin C Cumley | Engine room
022 - 0930 | ? | Kristian Lindin | Engine room
023 - 0602 | A | Mika Abe | Engine room
024 - 0731 | O | Tatsuya Takada | Engine room

=-=-=-=-=-= PLANT CHAPTER =-=-=-=-=

000 - ???? | ? | Solid Snake | Arsenal Gear, Ascending
| Colon
001 - 0908 | A | Christopher J Uzdanovich | Strut A roof
002 - 0420 | O | Christophe L Lallemand | Strut A Pump Room
003 - 0905 | O | Hurell F Lyons | Strut A Pump Room
004 - 0418 | O | Juntaro Saito | AB connecting bridge
005 - 0707 | A | So Toyota | AB connecting bridge
006 - 1123 | ? | Robert J Bryk | Strut B Transformer
| Room
007 - 0210 | O | Scott A Morgan | Strut B Transformer
| Room
008 - 0717 | O | George T Joseph | BC connecting bridge
009 - 0611 | A | Vahe V Varujan | Strut C Dining Hall
010 - 0813 | A | Mark Mugendi | Strut C Dining Hall
011 - 0405 | O | Irene C Carvalho | CD connecting bridge
012 - 0328 | O | Jools Watsham | CD connecting bridge
013 - 0822 | ? | Adam J Schick | Strut D Sediment Pool
014 - 1130 | O | Takayoshi Ogawa | Strut D Sediment Pool
015 - 1119 | ? | Jamie A Trumper | Strut D Sediment Pool
016 - 0205 | ? | Sergio Carranza | DE connecting bridge
017 - 0930 | O | Michiko Arai | DE connecting bridge
018 - 0704 | B | Takashi Mizutani | Strut E Parcel Room
019 - 1221 | O | Christian Cr Renner | Strut E Parcel Room
020 - 0617 | ? | Andy B Gilder | Strut E Parcel Room
021 - 1212 | A | Takashi Horikawa | Strut E heliport
022 - 0504 | A | Kevin T Petty | Strut E heliport
023 - 0218 | ? | Guilherme K Saran | Strut E heliport
024 - 0916 | A | Chen Yen Wen | Strut F warehouse
025 - 0115 | A | Caroline Frechette | Strut F warehouse
026 - 1113 | B | Rafael Estaregue | Strut F warehouse
027 - 1228 | A | Tomokazu Fukushima | FA connecting bridge
028 - 0915 | ? | Monte S Tate | Shell 1 Core, 1F
029 - 0617 | A | Stephanie Hattenberger | Shell 1 Core, 1F
030 - 0530 | A | Jason B Wray | Shell 1 Core, 1F
031 - 0112 | ? | Matt T Federspiel | Shell 1 Core, 1F
032 - 0713 | A | Iiro Karvinen | Shell 1 Core, B1
033 - 0922 | B | Ray A Holdren | Shell 1 Core, B1
034 - 0414 | A | Hiro Takada | Shell 1 Core, B1
035 - 0618 | O | Eric G Macway | Shell 1 Core, B2
| Computer Room
036 - 1020 | O | Ian J Roberts | Shell 1 Core, B2
| Computer Room
037 - 0707 | A | Alexandre Bertrand | Shell 1 Core, B2
| Computer Room
038 - 0630 | ? | Peter D Mccarthy | Shell 1 Core, B2
| Computer Room
039 - 0908 | O | Ichiro Kutome | KL connecting bridge
040 - 0523 | B | Yutaka Negishi | Strut L Sewage
| Treatment Facility
041 - 0831 | ? | Renata N Csio | Strut L Sewage
| Treatment Facility
042 - 0101 | O | Tony J Case | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air
| Purification Room
043 - 0318 | O | Paul M Blacketer | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air
| Purification Room
044 - 0128 | ? | Dennis J Krimpelbein | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air
| Purification Room
045 - 0612 | O | Stanley A Garcia | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air
| Purification Room
046 - 0928 | B | Charles P Quivers | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air
| Purification Room
047 - 0323 | ? | Sevak N Fair | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air
| Purification Room
048 - 1116 | A | Peter Stillman | Strut E heliport


000 - 0923 | A | Olga Gurlukovich | Navigational deck, wing
001 - 0209 | ? | Markus A Lindqvist | Aft deck
002 - 0103 | O | Kenichi Takashima | Aft deck
003 - 0801 | O | Thiago S Parra | Aft deck
004 - 0819 | ? | Chris J Matzdorf | Navigational deck, wing
005 - 0102 | A | Adrian B Scholvinck | Deck-C, crew's quarters
006 - 0228 | B | Julius Jun | Deck-A, crew's quarters
007 - 0302 | A | Kazuki Nisimura | Deck-B, crew's quarters
008 - 1030 | ? | Zhang Chao | Deck-B, crew's quarters
009 - 1007 | O | Vishal Kapur | Deck-A, crew's lounge
010 - 0107 | B | Victor A Cruz | Deck-A, crew's lounge
011 - 1021 | ? | Larry D Lionberger | Deck-A, crew's lounge
012 - 0602 | O | Celeste D Sauls | Deck-D, crew's quarters
013 - 0714 | O | Danielle E Ford | Deck-D, crew's quarters
014 - 0925 | O | Jennifer A Mauck | Deck-D, crew's quarters
015 - 0624 | O | Daniel A Olsson | Deck-D, crew's quarters
016 - 0817 | O | Youssel Fassi-Fihri | Deck 2, port
017 - 0315 | ? | Sean P Cullen | Deck 2, port
018 - 0525 | AB | Lars Crama | Deck 2, port
019 - 1230 | B | David Chau | Engine room
020 - 0102 | A | Philippe Ah Mouritzen | Engine room
021 - 0315 | B | Yoko Niiyama | Engine room
022 - 0128 | B | John V Teves | Engine room
023 - 0726 | B | Christian Nordstr | Engine room
024 - 1230 | AB | Jonathan Murphy | Engine room
025 - 1222 | A | Yuji Korekado | Engine room

=-=-=-=-= PLANT CHAPTER =-=-=-=-=

000 - ???? | ? | Liquid Snake | Arsenal Gear, Ascending
| Colon
001 - 0406 | O | Yamato Hagiwara | Strut A roof
002 - 0909 | ? | Chris Walker | Strut A Pump Room
003 - 0704 | O | Brian D Hagermann | Strut A Pump Room
004 - 0821 | B | Makoto Sonoyama | AB connecting bridge
005 - 0906 | AB | Christoph C Reinicke | AB connecting bridge
006 - 0820 | ? | Justin D Ebersole | Strut B Transformer
| Room
007 - 0120 | ? | William A Catacutan | Strut B Transformer
| Room
008 - 1016 | O | Natalie Yip | BC connecting bridge
009 - 0506 | ? | Kelsy L Clark | Strut C Dining Hall
010 - 0412 | AB | Bjoern Hiede | Strut C Dining Hall
011 - 0705 | A | Daniel Y Kato | CD connecting bridge
012 - 0106 | O | Alexandre Reis Cunha Dantas | CD connecting bridge
013 - 0730 | ? | Jason Enos | Strut D Sediment Pool
014 - 0715 | O | Josiah F Thorne | Strut D Sediment Pool
015 - 0803 | O | Yoshikazu Matsuhana | Strut D Sediment Pool
016 - 0408 | A | Claudia Cd Diessner | Strut D Sediment Pool
017 - 0309 | ? | Gary K Yong | DE connecting bridge
018 - 0804 | A | Devon V Tailor | DE connecting bridge
019 - 1018 | A | Chris Kramer | Strut E Parcel Room
020 - 0205 | B | Ikuya Nakamura | Strut E Parcel Room
021 - 0323 | AB | Andreas Ebeler | Strut E Parcel Room
022 - 0504 | O | James N Janovsky | Strut E Parcel Room
023 - 0604 | O | Nathaniel Lord | Strut E heliport
024 - 1001 | A | Chris M Flohr | Strut E heliport
025 - 0712 | O | Gary J Davidson | Strut E heliport
026 - 1229 | O | Carlos Kiho | Strut F warehouse
027 - 0406 | AB | Andrew N Bartlett | Strut F warehouse
028 - 0619 | ? | Tim U Chan | Strut F warehouse
029 - 0721 | A | Futoshi Satou | Strut F warehouse
030 - 1207 | A | Shinpei Murakami | FA connecting bridge
031 - 0307 | O | David Lesslie | Shell 1 Core, 1F
032 - 0813 | B | Brian R Strack | Shell 1 Core, 1F
033 - 1120 | A | Skip M Murray | Shell 1 Core, 1F
034 - 0929 | ? | Axel R Zijderveld | Shell 1 Core, 1F
035 - 0212 | ? | Kamran Keenan | Shell 1 Core, B1
036 - 0210 | A | Tomonori Morita | Shell 1 Core, B1
037 - 1120 | A | Julian Jd Dort | Shell 1 Core, B1
038 - 0918 | AB | Steven Schmitt | Shell 1 Core, B2
| Computer Room
039 - 0703 | AB | Michael O Kress | Shell 1 Core, B2
| Computer Room
040 - 0408 | B | Stephane Tudela | Shell 1 Core, B2
| Computer Room
041 - 0323 | O | Yoriko Shimizu | Shell 1 Core, B2
| Computer Room
042 - 0322 | A | Yun-Ho Kim | KL connecting bridge
043 - 1010 | AB | Jun Sukegawa | Strut L Sewage
| Treatment Facility
044 - 0105 | A | Joey P Gonzales | Strut L Sewage
| Treatment Facility
045 - 1117 | ? | Christopher Heck | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air
| Purification Room
046 - 1211 | ? | Martin Kuko | ?


=-=-=-=-=-= TANKER CHAPTER =-=-=-=-=

000 - 0923 | A | Olga Gurlukovich | Navigational deck, wing
001 - 0803 | O | Dave Cox | Aft deck
002 - 0208 | O | Pawel Majewski | Aft deck
003 - 0609 | B | Mathieu Trepanier | Aft deck
004 - 0406 | AB | Cory A Noll | Navigational deck, wing
005 - 0429 | ? | Joshua D Casnocha | Deck-C, crew's quarters
006 - 1031 | ? | Louis K Stevenson | Deck-A, crew's quarters
007 - 0818 | O | Michael D Rogers | Deck-B, crew's quarters
008 - 1121 | O | Gianluca Peruzzo | Deck-B, crew's quarters
009 - 1230 | A | Travis J Lujan | Deck-A, crew's lounge
010 - 1014 | B | Brendan M Randall | Deck-A, crew's lounge
011 - 1029 | O | Chris D Bernd | Deck-A, crew's lounge
012 - 1224 | B | Chantelle M Blair | Deck-D, crew's quarters
013 - 1031 | A | Eduard V Fernandez | Deck-D, crew's quarters
014 - 1225 | AB | Yoji Shinkawa | Deck-D, crew's quarters
015 - 0215 | B | Niko Ionixx Horn | Deck-D, crew's quarters
016 - 0403 | B | Adnan Hadzic | Deck 2, port
017 - 0928 | O | Shu Tajima | Deck 2, port
018 - 0307 | ? | Stuart J Batchelar | Deck 2, port
019 - 0402 | O | Masataka Nishiyama | Engine room
020 - 0307 | ? | Michael M Wong | Engine room
021 - 0327 | A | Manabu Nakamura | Engine room
022 - 0601 | A | Simon P Sargent | Engine room
023 - 1225 | O | Yosuke Kamezaki | Engine room
024 - 0531 | O | Clarke A Baldwi | Engine room
025 - 1116 | AB | Hideki Sasaki | Engine room

=-=-=-=-= PLANT CHAPTER =-=-=-=-=
000 - 0824 | A | Hideo Kojima | Arsenal Gear, Ascending
| Colon
001 - 0731 | O | Takeshi Sato | Strut A roof
002 - 0801 | B | Shinji Yamashita | Strut A Pump Room
003 - 1119 | AB | Ryan T Cronkight | Strut A Pump Room
004 - 0813 | A | Josef Karsch | AB connecting bridge
005 - 1130 | O | Emmanuel Y L Passian | AB connecting bridge
006 - 1027 | O | Lee M Mccowan | Strut B Transformer
| Room
007 - 0510 | AB | Hiro Miyajima | Strut B Transformer
| Room
008 - 0101 | ? | Drew J Elmer | BC connecting bridge
009 - 0330 | A | Toru Kawakami | Strut C Dining Hall
010 - 0205 | AB | Adam J Sarpolis | Strut C Dining Hall
011 - 1207 | A | Jyunpei Hirano | CD connecting bridge
012 - 1126 | A | Kyle S Carrigan | CD connecting bridge
013 - 0921 | AB | Matt J Van Leeuwen | Strut D Sediment Pool
014 - 1104 | O | Matthew B Boyett | Strut D Sediment Pool
015 - 0910 | ? | Collis R Williams | Strut D Sediment Pool
016 - 0109 | B | Nobumitsu Tanaka | Strut D Sediment Pool
017 - 0712 | B | Matthew C Miller | DE connecting bridge
018 - 0810 | ? | Alex C Wilson | DE connecting bridge
019 - 1219 | A | Yoshiyuki Koido | Strut E Parcel Room
020 - 0606 | B | Tsunehiko Shibata | Strut E Parcel Room
021 - 0313 | O | Ryan Sheffer | Strut E Parcel Room
022 - 1205 | A | Carlos X Luna | Strut E Parcel Room
023 - 0717 | ? | David A Ginepri | Strut E Parcel Room
024 - 0814 | O | Emmanuel Phung | Strut E heliport
025 - 1222 | O | Micheal A Hare | Strut E heliport
026 - 0615 | O | Alan J Harries | Strut E heliport
027 - 0728 | AB | Marco O Scherrer | Strut F warehouse
028 - 0727 | O | Edmond V To | Strut F warehouse
029 - 0421 | O | Chevrinals Thomas | Strut F warehouse
030 - 0703 | A | Hiroshi Yokote | Strut F warehouse
031 - 0103 | ? | Beri B Pottstam | Strut F warehouse
032 - 0110 | B | Kenichiro Shigeno | FA connecting bridge
033 - 0808 | O | Kaori Yamada | Shell 1 Core, 1F
034 - 0803 | O | Ryan J Crane | Shell 1 Core, 1F
035 - 0126 | O | Gareth J Lewis | Shell 1 Core, 1F
036 - 1228 | O | Andreas R Ramsauer | Shell 1 Core, 1F
037 - 0614 | B | Justin A Cagle | Shell 1 Core, B1
038 - 0602 | B | Christopher S Korte | Shell 1 Core, B1
039 - 0410 | B | Mashiro Yoshinaga | Shell 1 Core, B1
040 - 0816 | A | Daisuke Nishimura | Shell 1 Core, B2
| Computer Room
041 - 0128 | O | Viana Siles Mauricette | Shell 1 Core, B2
| Computer Room
042 - 0429 | AB | Chen Yung Kok | Shell 1 Core, B2
| Computer Room
043 - 0524 | AB | Anthony J Barrit | Shell 1 Core, B2
| Computer Room
044 - 0520 | A | Kaori Yae | KL connecting bridge
045 - 0105 | B | Isao A Sato | Strut L Sewage
| Treatment Facility
046 - 0401 | A | Ryan J Schettle | Strut L Sewage
| Treatment Facility
047 - 1016 | ? | Andy Lam | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air
| Purification Room
048 - 1013 | O | Hiroaki Yoshiike | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air
| Purification Room
049 - 0314 | A | Cedric Krolikowski | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air
| Purification Room
050 - 0210 | ? | Sebastian J Pitman | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air
| Purification Room
051 - 0831 | AB | Marl A Matuszeski | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air
| Purification Room
052 - 0306 | A | Xavier R Garcia | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air
| Purification Room
053 - 1116 | A | Peter Stillman | Strut E Parcel Room

5.10 F U N S T U F F

You should have hear of this, have you?. Basically, get inside a locker with a
female poster on it. Afterwards, press the R1, and you'll hear Snake kissing the
woman. Hilarious!.

While talking with somebody via Codec, press both R2 and L2. You'll suddenly hear
somebody making a "BUAAAAHHH" sound, or something like that. You can also hear
Snake saying, "YEAH RIGHT" and other stuff.

The other Codec trick I know of has to do with the analog sticks. Goof with them
while in a Codec conversation to see what happens.

As you access the AG'S Jejunum, Campbell will suddenly start to act strange. He'll
call for you every 2 second, and say strange things. This is explained because the
Campbell you know never existed. He's part of the AG's AI, and because AG's AI was
corrupted, Campbell got himself corrupted too.

My question to gamers: Was MGS1'S Campbell a real person?. Send me a e-mail with
"CAMPBELL" as a subject if you got the answer. You'll be credited.


By Steven Sacks:

Your question is easily answered by turning on MGS for
the PSX and going to Mission Briefing. Here you can
view videos of the Colonel walking around the room talking
to Snake, who is in the same room. Not to mention, Snake
and the Colonel have a long history together.

By Tim Vukman:

Campbell was a real person in Metal Gear Solid. If
you watch the briefing "tapes", then you can
occasionally see his shadow passing in front of Snake.
Also, as construction of Arsenal Gear assumably
couldn't have begun until the tanker incident provided
a reason for the Big Shell's construction, their
probably wouldn't have been an AI around to pretend to
be the colonel in MGS.

By Mike :

Well, there actually is no real indication of Campbell being fake in MGS1. Roy
Campbell retired from being in Fox-hound and in the MGS1 game, he was called
back to duty as operation commander for the mission. I personnally think that
Campbell was real in MGS1. I can prove this because Meryl Silverburgh was
Campbell's DAUGHTER (in MGS2 Meryl was not even discussed) and he showed feeling
towards her life unlike MGS2 where he wasnt concerned about anyone. Come on,
Campbell hated Snake in MGS2 and they were best friends in MGS1. Meryl was
alive in MGS1 and not fake. I think someone took out Campbell just like Liquid
did to Master Miller in MGS1 and took his Codec Number (in both versions they
are the same). Plus, Campbell never told me to stop and turn off my PlayStation
in MGS1.


PS Play MGS1. The plot is a lot better and the graphics are ok. I think that
MGS1 should be remade for PS2 with the graphics technology of today. The Bosses
were a lot harder and Metal Gear Rex is very very very hard if you dont know
what you are doing.

James Begley:

First off, Meryl does get mentioned in MGS2, I
believe. In the beginning of the Plant Chapter, right
after Raiden meets Pliskin/Snake, right after you get
his codec frequency, call it about 3 times. Nothing
important happens... yet. He's asleep. On the 4th or
so time, you'll catch him dreaming. You can hear him
mumble something, and then something that sounds like
"Meryl", right before he screams "Liquid!". That's my
interpretation of his mumble, anyway.

Anyway, on to Campbell. When he goes nutty and starts
referring to his past-life as a webworm as the "good
old days", and telling of purple stuffed worms in
flap-jaw space* and what-not, he says something about
seeing an orange object in the sky, and being
surrounded by light, and waking up at home. My theory
is, the Patriots (whom i still have yet to figure
ANYTHING substantial about) abducted the good Colonel,
recorded his genetic data, and reproduced him
digitally, as an AI... Before fighting Solidus, he
and Rosemary speak of their ability to digitize life
itself. As for what happened to the real Colonel, who
knows, maybe they Men-In-Blacked his ass, i dunno.
Your guess is as good as mine.

* Subliminal confirmation that the effects of magic
mushrooms can be digitally reproduced as well?


Yes he was real. The obvious reason being that he meets with Snake during the
briefing videos. This Cambell is what Raiden, rather WE remember about him. In
other words, the Patriots took all the Codec, or whatever, recordings and stuffed
them into the AI. Hope this Helps

Wesley Moore:

I read your MGS2 walkthrough at GameFAQs, and I read your question: "Was Cambell
in MGS1 a real person?". Well, I was wondering that myself. After beating MGS2,
you think "no". However, if you read the last article in the "Special" area of
MGS2, you'll find the answer.

The second one is 110. Just flip through that till you get to the end, and
exit(yes, I did read it all, but I won't bother explaining it). The third, and
last one, is 324 pages. At first, yes, my mouth did gape a bit, but, a bit
later, in a fit of sheer boredom, I read it(It's actually quite interesting;
just skip a page or two if it gets boring). Now, I couldn't remember the last
half of MGS1 clearly(only the basics), otherwise I may know the answer, so you
may want to contact someone with a MGS1 walkthrough, but here's what I found
It's written be Natasha(one of Snake's staff in Shadow Moses), giving a fairly
detailed account of Shadow Moses. Now, in the latter part of the story, when
Snake is getting close to destroying MGRex, The Colonel discovers a few things
that were not part of the original briefing, and finally straightens his
backbone and starts to tell Snake all about the FOXDIE virus and the abort the
mission, etc. However, Richard Ames(who, if you read this, you should guess is a
Patriot), yes, THE Ames, whispers something to his staff, which Natasha guesses
is orders to arrest Cambell. The Colonel gets on the Codec with Snake, but
before he can say anything, you hear(well, Natasha hears and tells us), that
there's fighting sounds and finally someone comes on saying the Colonel was
under arrest. Now, I don't know about 2009, but here in '02, computer programs
aren't quite advanced enough to be put under arrest, or to put up a fight.


Did you know about this?. During a cinema, press the R1 button. The camera will
suddenly zoom whatever it was pointing. Basically, it zooms into the thing right
in the middle of the screen. The thing the camera is looking at.


| The FAQ/Walkthrough for the game "Devil May Cry" was written by J.F Vargas|
| also known as GheddonLN. You may not copy whole or part of it, unless the |
| author gives you permission. You may not post it on a website of any class|
| unless you send a message to the author( and notify |
| him. You may not used this document to satisfy monetary needing. Therefore|
| this document may not appear on a magazine, on a promotional CD, or similar
| You may not steal the author's work. You can obviously print this document|
| and share it with your friends. Violating any of this rules will result |
| on a drastical legal action by me. You may end up with 10 years in jail or|
| print without having to e-mail me, of course). |


Shameless self promotion---other FAQs by me.


Skies of Arcadia(tm) walkthrough
Skies of Arcadia(tm) Elcian enemy strategy.


Harry Potter(tm) and the Sorcerer's Stone(tm) walkthrough.


Pokémon(tm) Crystal walkthrough(Spanish).


Metal Gear Solid(tm)2, Sons of liberty(tm) walkthrough.



Harry Potter(tm) and the Sorcerer's stone(tm) review


Pokémon(tm) crystal review.



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14.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Ending Analysis, AI & Evolution

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Script (Tanker Chapter)

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14.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Savegame zur PAL Version

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Walkthrough for the PAL Version

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14.Oktober 2013
MGS 2 Dog Tags List LV - Tank

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18.Oktober 2013
Big Boss Rank and Boss Guide

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17.Oktober 2013
FAQ für Boss Kämpfe im EXTREME Modus

17.Oktober 2013
FAQ/Walkthrough für den EXTREME Modus

14.Oktober 2013
Starte im Strut L Oil Fence

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16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Das Level "Betrieb" ist beendet auf dem Extrem Modus und alle dog tags sind freigeschaltet.

15.Oktober 2013
Musik und Lyrik Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020