R-Type Delta

R-Type Delta

17.10.2013 20:51:35
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for Playstation
FAQ/Walkthrough by Terry Bradshaw
April 15, 2002 - Version 0.7
Copyright Terry Bradshaw 2001, 2002
All rights reserved.

I. Legal Info
II. Version History
III. About the Author
IV. "One-Hit Wonders"
V. General Tips
VI. Information
A. Story
1. Rest
2. Observation
3. Crisis
4. Sortie
B. Menus
1. Main
a. Start Game
b. Register Pilot
c. Memory Card
d. Option
e. War Record
f. Stage Select
2. Pause
C. Items
1. Pow Armor
a. Laser Crystals
b. Bits
c. Missiles
D. Controls
E. Weaponry
1. Force
2. Wave Cannon
3. Delta Weapon
F. Warships
1. R9 aII Delta
2. RX-10 Albatross
3. R13 Cerberus
4. Pow Armor
G. Contacts (Stages)
1. <1st> Lethal Weapon
2. <2nd> Deformation
3. <3rd> Gigantic Attack
4. <4th> Invasion
5. <5th> Evil
6. <6th> Awakening
7. Life
VII. Cheats & Extra Info
VIII. Credits

I. Legal Info
This FAQ/Walkthrough, in its entirety, is my (Terry Bradshaw's) property.
Until further notice, information from this document CANNOT be used in
another. This document is FREE and for PUBLIC use, only.

II. Version History
04/15/02 - Version 0.7: Completed Contact

01/13/02 - Version 0.6: Completed <5th> & <6th> Contacts
Completed Gallery
Cheats & Extra Info update
Notes & Stage Select updates

12/27/01 - Version 0.5: Completed <3rd> & <4th> Contacts
Verified Pow Armor acquisition
Changed Legal Info & About the Author
No response from IREM

10/19/01 - Version 0.4: Completed <2nd> Contact

10/17/01 - Version 0.3: Completed <1st> Contact
Removed notice from section 6
Trying to contact IREM for enemy names

10/12/01 - Version 0.2: Completed Notes
Found out some sections are incorrect
Left a notice in section 6

10/10/01 - Version 0.1: The beginning of my first FAQ!
Completed sections 1 - 6F, and 7

III. About the Author
My name is the same as the former Pittsburgh Steeler. :)

Back in Fall of 2000, I didn't have a shooter game so I went to various sites
in search of two games I had heard about, Square's Einhander and Taito's G-
Darius. I couldn't find Einhander or G-Darius at any store and I didn't want
to buy from online. I almost lost hope in finding a good shooter when I came
across a copy of R-Type Delta (at my local Ingles supermarket, no less) for
$9.95. I haven't come across another copy since.

After getting creamed a few times, I looked around GameFAQs for codes. I'll
admit that I'll cheat on a video game if it's hard enough. When I saw the
scant list of FAQs for this game, I decided that I would eventually make one
of my own.

That time has come.

IV. "One-Hit Wonders"
No, I'm not talking about music groups that made one song that gave them their
15 minutes of fame and then vanished. This is about video games in which you
(your character) can lose a life, in well, one hit.

Actually, these games are not that difficult. It's just the frustrating fact
that one hit can kill you. However, we can't stop playing them for the sheer
goal of getting as far as we can... unscathed.

Some of the best video games in the world are "one-hit wonders". They usually
come in shooter form; either on the ground gunning through a battalion of
soldiers, or in the air or space facing an armada. Also, most have sequels to
keep you coming back for more.

Some of the most popular:
Pac-Man Donkey Kong
R-Type Darius
Raiden Strikers
Galaga Contra
Metal Slug Super Mario Bros.
Ghouls & Ghosts/Ghosts & Goblins Sonic the Hedgehog

I know some of these games don't come across as "one-hit wonders". Think of
it like this, if you can lose a life by one hit, in your BASIC state, consider
the game you are playing a "one-hit wonder".

BASIC State Examples
R-Series Warship without Force or Bits (R-Type)
Small Mario (Super Mario Bros.)
Silverhawk without shield (Darius)
Sonic without shield and zero rings (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Sir Arthur in his underwear (Ghouls & Ghosts/Ghosts & Goblins)

V. General Tips
Now to get into what this document is really about, R-Type Delta. In order to
succeed in this game, here are a few tips to know, and always remember that
this is only a video game.

* If this is your first time playing, DO NOT SET YOUR HEART ON BEATING THIS
This game is difficult. Get used to it. It can and will give you fits. Time
is of the essence, and in this game, you will need plenty of it. Don't be
ashamed if you switch the difficulty to EASY (Actually, you should in order to
complete some objectives.). Try your best, but mainly get a feel of the
layout of each stage until you can commit them to memory. You need skill, but
experience is better. If there is one thing to cheer about, it's that the
difficulty of this game pales in comparison to the prequels.

* Caffeine free
Don't have a Coca-Cola & coffee cocktail before playing this game. Dodging
enemies and their projectiles will increase your blood pressure enough. There
is no need for the extra caffeine.

* Get used to Speed 4, FAST!
You will be avoiding a lot of projectiles, mostly by the enemy. Projectiles
travel fast so you should travel faster. This will also help compensate for
slowdown during the game.

* Use the Force, Luke.
If you have an invulnerable Force that can stop most enemies and their
firepower, then for goodness sake, use it. Why dodge projectiles when your
Force can absorb them and charge your Delta Weapon meter, too? Don't get
cocky, though. Some projectiles will go through the Force and kill you.

* Charge!
Your Delta Weapon is your last resort, but it won't do you any good if it's
not charged to 100%. Have your Force absorb every projectile it can and ram
it into the enemy if need be. Try to get along without activating it for as
long as possible just in case what's up ahead is more difficult, (and most
likely , it is) but don't hesitate to use it if you're about to be toast.
When you do use the Delta Weapon, try to find other ways to get past that

VI. Information
A lot of the information comes straight from the R-Type Delta manual itself.
However, I do add my two cents here and there. Terms I have made up are in
quotes (" ").

Beware, there are SPOILERS.

A. Story---------------------------
-----1. Rest------------------
It is the year 2163. The transdimensional fighter R9-Arrowhead has returned
from its mission to destroy the evil at the center of the Bydo Empire. Badly
damaged, it has been rescued by the battle cruiser Croque-Monsieur, and
brought back to Earth's orbital space fortress, Aegis.

-----2. Observation-----------
Astronomers in Central Asia watched as strange objects began to fall from the
sky. As the objects approached closer to the Earth, they shrank in size and
disappeared from sensors. The astronomers, assuming the objects to be
meteorites, paid them no further attention.

-----3. Crisis----------------
Before long, the electronically controlled weapons systems in a number of
cities went haywire and several abnormal heat signatures were detected by
astronomers. Bydo influence caused control of the orbiting annihilation
platform, Moritz-G, to be lost and it was subsequently unleashed upon the

-----4. Sortie----------------
The Moritz-G descended on a city in Asia. Its planet destroying capability
has not yet activated, but its self-defense system has thwarted all attempts
to approach it. An emergency military operation has been put into effect, and
the test fighter R9 Delta has been assigned to the attack force.


B. Menus---------------------------
This is a rundown of every selection in every menu. Selecting EXIT on a menu
takes you back to the previous menu.

-----1. Main------------------
If you press Left or Right while on the Main menu, you can switch between the
available pilots on the Memory Card and GUEST.

-----a. Start Game-------
Begins a new game for the pilot's name in the upper-right corner of the Main
menu screen. If your Memory Card has no R-Type Delta data on it, you will
have to go to Register Pilot. If there is no Memory Card or it's full, you
will be unable to save and the default pilot name will be GUEST.

-----b. Register Pilot---
When playing for the first time, you must register a pilot name. Up to 3
pilots can be registered. One block of data on your Memory Card is required
to save.

-----c. Memory Card------
This is where you can change pilots and save your file.
--Register Pilot
(same as above)

--Change Pilot
If you have more than one pilot, you can select which pilot's data you want to
use. The number of deltas below a pilot's name is the number of Notes the
pilot has earned.

--Delete Pilot
Delete a pilot's data.

--Data Load
Load data from a Memory Card.

--Data Save
Save current settings to a Memory Card.

--Auto Save
When turned ON, current settings are automatically saved when you change
settings in a menu and at the end of a game. When turned OFF, data can only
be saved using the Data Save option.

-----d. Option-----------

Turns vibration ON or OFF on a Dual Shock controller.

--Key Config
Change default button settings.
+ Normal Fire (Square): Press to fire and hold to charge the Wave Cannon.
+ Rapid Fire (R2 or Circle): Hold for rapid fire.
+ Force (X): Attach/Detach Force.
+ Delta Weapon (Triangle): Fire Delta Weapon.
+ Speed Up (L1): Increase Warship's speed.
+ Speed Down (L2): Decrease Warship's speed.
+ Default: Reset all buttons to their default settings.

Listen to in-game sounds/music. Adjust sound effect (SE) and background music
(BGM) balance. Select between Stereo and Monaural sound settings.

-----e. War Record-------
This is where you can view your overall game progress.
--Your Record
Shows various records for the current pilot since inception.
+ Times Played: Number of times you've started a game, including STAGE SELECT.
+ Hours Played: Total time played.
+ Destruction Rate: (Total Enemies Destroyed/Total Possible Enemies)*100
+ Wave Cannon Energy Used: Points earned using the Wave Cannon (see Notes).
+ Times Delta Weapon Used: Total uses of the Delta Weapon.
+ Avg. Score Per Ship: Sum of Final Scores from every Game/Times Played. (???)
+ High Score: Highest score achieved.

Displays the high scores for each of the seven stages, type of Warship used,
and difficulty setting for the current pilot.

Select a stage from the best score menu and press X; a password will be
displayed. Send your password via e-mail to . The
best R-Type Delta scores will be displayed on Agetec's home-page at

Displays top 10 score rankings, type of Warship used, and difficulty setting
between all pilots on a Memory Card.

As your piloting ability improves, your journey towards the rank of Ace Pilot
is recorded here.

For most Notes, you must complete the game while satisfying a certain
requirement. Multiple Notes can be earned at one time. You do not need to
earn all the Notes in order to earn the rank of Ace Pilot.

Earning all the Notes will take time. This and the Gallery are ploys to
increase the game's replay value. They are self-explanatory, but I do provide
information on some of them. Notes I have earned are marked with (X).

+ Page 1
Accumulate at least 20 hours with one pilot.



You can use Soft Reset to accumulate the number of times played. As soon as
the hangar (Warship select) screen comes on, use Soft Reset and it will count
as a play. However, once you pass 100, the Note will not register until you
actually start a game and beat it or get a Game Over.
If any part of your Playstation or disc is damaged in any way from using this
shortcut, you can only blame yourself. I damaged my controller in the


Complete the game on NORMAL or HARD difficulty or play at least 100 times.




+ Page 2
Depending on the charge of the Wave Cannon and size of the enemy, you are
awarded points.




Complete the game without having to continue. With the invincibility code,
this Note and the next two are in the bag. Seriously though, at least try to
earn this Note without resorting to invincibility.

Logically, if you can complete the game without getting killed, you satisfy
the requirement for this Note and the one above.

This is slightly untrue. I'll explain in Contact. Bits and missiles
are fine, but useless with the invincibility code.

This is a confusing Note. When you hold the Normal Fire button (Default:
Square) to charge the Wave Cannon, you automatically fire a normal laser shot.
If this shot killed an enemy, would it disqualify you from earning the Note?
Also, would having a Force be means of disqualification?

Just use the Rapid Fire button (Default: R2 or Circle) when firing.

Once you satisfy a requirement, depending on Warship and difficulty setting,
you will earn 1 of 12 background images for your effort. Most of them
involve completing the game. If you haven't earned a particular gallery
picture, my descriptions (in parentheses) should give you a rough idea on what
it looks like. Selecting QUIT from the Pause menu will disqualify you from
earning an image.

01 04 07 10
02 05 08 11
03 06 09 12

01: (2 R9s - front view) Given.
02: (R9 - rear-left view) R9 on NORMAL.
03: (R9 - front-right view) R9 on HARD.
04: (RX - bottom view) Play with the RX once.
05: (RX - bottom view) RX on NORMAL.
06: (RX - front-right view) RX on HARD.
07: (R13 - left view) Play with the R13 once.
08: (R13 - right view) R13 on NORMAL.
09: (R13 - front-left view) R13 on HARD.
10: (R9, RX, & R13 top view) Acquire the Note, OVER 20 HOURS SPENT IN COMBAT.
11: (Pow Armor - front-left view) Acquire the Note, PLAYED OVER 100 TIMES.
12: (2 Pow Armors - face to face) Pow Armor on HARD.

When you complete the game with a R-Series Warship or Pow Armor, you can
replay its ending from this menu.

-----f. Stage Select----- *****UNVERIFIED*****
I am unsure, but it's either after 20 hours of gameplay for a single pilot or
after completing the game with every Warship (including Pow Armor) you will
earn this.

This is the best way to gain experience on each stage's layout without having
to start from <1st> Contact.

Even though it's redundant, you can earn extras ONLY if you select Stage 1,
since it is the same as selecting Start Game.

-----2. Pause-----------------
During gameplay, press Start to pause the game and change options.
Exit pause menu and return to the game.

+ Previous Menu: Return to original pause menu.
+ Adjustment: Adjust screen position.
+ Vibration: (same as above)
+ Cockpit: Select between 3 different cockpit configurations.
Type 1 - Displays Delta Weapon energy in percentage and gauge form.
Type 2 - Displays Delta Weapon energy in percentage form only.
Off - No display.
+ Key Config: (same as above)

After confirmation, you will return to the title screen.


C. Items---------------------------
Using only a puny laser and Wave Cannon isn't the best way to fight the Bydo.
You need to increase your arsenal. The faster you destroy the enemy, the
longer you stay alive. When you die, you lose all items.

-----1. Pow Armor-------------
These little robots carry your items. Destroy them and an item will be
released. Although they don't shoot, they kill if you run into them.

-----a. Laser Crystals---
Upgrade your Force and fire a variety of lasers. They come in 3 colors; RED,
BLUE, and YELLOW and can be upgraded to 3 levels.

Remember, different situations warrant different weapons.

I will go into more detail on what weapon each Laser Crystal color will give
in the Warship section, but in general, when the Force is attached to the
front of your Warship:

RED - Power: Only fires forward and has a wide firing range. It's the only
color that allows your Bits to fire as well.
Best RED - Pow Armor and R13

BLUE - Versatility: Can get into odd angles that RED cannot. Mostly fires
from the top and bottom. Although weaker than RED, it's better in cramped
Best BLUE - Pow Armor

YELLOW - Combination: Has aspects of RED and BLUE, but not enough to be of any
potential use. In most cases, you are better off without it, but there are
some situations where it is beneficial.
Best YELLOW - R13

If playing on EASY, you will always begin with a Level 1 Force.

If playing on NORMAL or HARD, you do not start with a Force.

You only have to get 3 Laser Crystals (2 for EASY) in order to have a Level 3
Force and they do not have to be the same color.

Example (<1st> Contact)
Laser Crystal 1 (RED): Level 2 Level 1
Laser Crystal 2 (BLUE): Level 3 Level 2
Laser Crystal 3 (BLUE): Level 3 Level 3
Laser Crystal 4 (YELLOW): Level 3 Level 3
Laser Crystal 5 (RED): Level 3 Level 3

Notice that from Laser Crystal 3 (Laser Crystal 2 on EASY) and on (assuming
you didn't get killed), you have a Level 3 Force. Only the weapon changes.

-----b. Bits-------------
A maximum of two Bits can be collected. The first will attach to the top of
your Warship and the second one will attach to the bottom.

Bits are mini-Forces that protect you from some enemies and projectiles. They
can destroy weak enemies instantly, but cannot charge your Delta Weapon meter.
If you know where a formation of enemies is about to appear, place a Bit in
their path and they will never touch you. Be careful though, they may fire
first and kill you.

-----c. Missiles---------
Enables you to fire missiles. You can use only one set of Missiles.

You need all the firepower you can muster to defeat the Bydo Empire. Missiles
can get to enemies that your normal arsenal can't reach. They also pack an
extra kick when combined with your weapons. They come in full-homing, semi-
homing, or non-homing (air-to-ground) variety, depending on your Warship.


D. Controls------------------------
Directional Buttons - Move Warship, Select Items
Square - Normal Fire, (Hold) Charge Wave Cannon
X - Confirm Items, Attach/Detach Force
Triangle - Cancel Items, Fire Delta Weapon
Circle - (Hold) Rapid Fire
L1 - Speed Up: 4 levels of speed (Default: Speed 2)
L2 - Speed Down
L3(press Left stick) - Unusable
R1 - N/A
R2 - (Hold) Rapid Fire
R3(press Right stick) - Unusable
Start - Start Game, Pause
Select - Unusable

The button assignments can be changed from any KEY CONFIG menu.

Soft Reset - press L1, L2, R1, R2, Start, and Select simultaneously.


E. Weaponry------------------------
-----1. Force-----------------
If you do not have a Force and you pick up a Laser Crystal, the Force will
appear on-screen. This module can cause damage to enemies and absorb enemy
attacks - the Force, unlike your craft, is indestructible. It can be attached
to either the front or back of your Warship enabling different modes of fire.

When detached from your Warship, your Force will fire standard lasers (R13
excluded) when your Warship is firing. The Force level determines the amount
of lasers fired.

Force Level Attached Detached
1 N/A 1x Laser
2 Weak 2x Laser
3 Strong 4x Laser

-----2. Wave Cannon-----------
Hold the Square button to charge the Wave Cannon's energy. The Wave Cannon's
energy level is indicated by the beam gauge at the bottom of the screen. The
longer the button is held down, the more powerful the energy release will be.
For an enhanced energy release, hold the button down until the beam gauge
flashes red.

When charging the Wave Cannon's energy, your Warship can only fire missiles,
if they are equipped, so make sure you use it at the right time.

-----3. Delta Weapon----------
The Delta Weapon's energy level rises with the amount of enemies you defeat
and the amount of enemy fire absorbed by your Force module. The Delta
Weapon's energy gauge is displayed at the bottom left-hand side of the screen.

Charging the energy level to its maximum will automatically upgrade the Force
module and allow the Delta Weapon to be activated. Press the Triangle button
to release the stored energy, causing serious damage to all on-screen enemies.

The Delta Weapon cannot begin charging or be activated until you have acquired
a Force.


F. Warships------------------------
Three different types of R-Type Warships are available when you begin a game.
After you satisfy the requirement for a particular Note, one more Warship will
become available. Press Left or Right to cycle through the available craft at
the launch hangar, and X to confirm your selection.

During the game, the Force on the R9, R13, or Pow Armor will rotate counter-
clockwise when you press Right and clockwise when you press Left. When
playing with the RX, press Right to open the tentacles and Left to close them.

-----1. R9 aII Delta----------
The R9 aII Delta comes equipped with a diffusion Wave Cannon, which
concentrates and then disperses its energy using a special catalyzer. It is
also equipped with the same Wave Cannon found on the R9 mass-production

This is the closest thing to the original R9. Good Warship to begin with or
if you want something nostalgic.

Canopy Color: Blue
B-Energy: 2.8 bydo
Wave Cannon: Releases charged energy at enemies directly in front of the
Warship with devastating force.
Delta Weapon: Nuclear Catastrophe - Creates a nuclear fusion using the
molecules surrounding the Warship, causing extreme damage to the
Missile: Homing - Two simultaneously launched missiles home in on the enemy.
Force: Standard - Highly reliable module, due to the extensive combat data
gathered form its use in previous missions. When detached from the
Warship, it can fire lasers in as many as 4 directions.
Laser Crystals:
--Air-to-Air (RED)
Powerful laser fired in the direction that the Force is attached.

--Reflective (BLUE)
Fires in 3 directions simultaneously. Reflects off of geographical

--Air-to-Ground (YELLOW)
Fires both above and below the Warship, and travels along the edge of
geographical formations.

-----2. RX-10 Albatross----------
The RX model is a unique prototype developed by the Air Force in collaboration
with the aircraft manufacturer, McGwire Co. Ltd. It's surface is finished
with a mirror coating which acts as a countermeasure against optical weapons.

The homing feature is nice but the weapons seem to be weakest of all the
Warships. Also, it would be nice if you could control the opening and closing
of the tentacles with a button instead of motion. The RX is good for defense
since the tentacles can absorb projectiles.

Canopy Color: Purple
B-Energy: 3.3 bydo
Wave Cannon: Generates energy within the enemy causing fatal damage.
Delta Weapon: Negative Corridor - Generates a distortion in time and space
causing serious damage to many enemies.
Missile: Chain Reaction - Capsulated missile that detonates upon contact with
the enemy or the ground.
Force: Tentacle - This module's laser control accuracy has been enhanced with
bio-neural circuitry. When it is detached from the Warship, it
automatically searches for targets, firing only when you do.
Laser Crystals:
--Sting Ray (RED)
Can be concentrated or dispersed.

--Hound Ray (BLUE)
Locks onto powerful enemies.

--Snail Ray (YELLOW)
Bends like a tentacle.
I believe it should be called "Squid Ray"... for obvious reasons.

-----3. R13 Cerberus----------
Built by the military manufacturer Warelic Co., Ltd. and different in
structure from the conventional R-series models. Equipped with a lightning
Wave Cannon, which adds a homing feature to the conventional Wave Cannon. The
lightning Wave Cannon senses the target and fires on it accurately.

Best Warship to use, IMO. Even though the Force cannot fire when detached
from the Warship, the anchor feature can charge your Delta Weapon meter very
fast and every weapon is versatile.

Canopy Color: Black
B-Energy: 4.2 bydo
Wave Cannon: Lightning - Seeks out the enemy and destroys it.
Delta Weapon: Hysteric Dawn - Tears open a dimensional rift, which blows the
enemy out of space and time.
Missile: Photon - An accelerating missile, fired horizontally (semi-homing).
Force: Anchor - The claw-shaped rods bite into objects the come in contact
with as a means of destroying that object. It is linked to the Warship
by a flexible beam of energy which is useful in damaging enemies and
absorbing their fire.
Laser Crystals:
--Shade ? (RED)
A powerful laser that changes its power and attack area depending on the
Warship's movements.

--Search ? (BLUE)
Able to bend by 45 degrees in order to target an enemy.

--Terminate ? (YELLOW)
Accurately fires on all enemies around the Force module.

* Before I get to the Pow Armor, I want to discuss why the RX should be named
the R13 and vice-versa.

<>First, compare the RX and R9.
--Both have Force modules that can fire when detached from the Warship.
--Both are similar in color.
Since the RX Force module can home in on enemies, while the R9 Force module
only copies your vertical movements, it deserves the higher insignia, '13'.

<>Now, the RX and R13.
--The R13 Force module cannot fire when detached from the Warship.
--Both are different in color.
Since the R13 is so different from the basic design of a R-Series Warship it
should have 'X' instead of '13' as its insignia.

-----4. Pow Armor-------------
The Warship you receive after you acquire the Note, SHIP #4 CAN BE USED, turns
out to be the one that carries your items. It's the successor to the R9.

If you like the R9, you will love this Warship. If you notice, the canopy
color is different from other Pow Armors and it cannot walk.

Canopy Color: Pink
B-Energy: N/A
Wave Cannon: "Bydo Assault" - A charged Bydo energy is fired causing high
amounts of damage. The amount of the charge also determines the
energy's size and speed.
Delta Weapon: "Bydo Wrath" - A full-screen "Bydo Assault" that demonstrates
the power of the Bydo.
Missile: "Big Baby" - Functions just like the R9's homing missiles, but can
destroy more enemies before exploding.
Force: Bydo - When detached from the Warship, it can send out a flurry of
lasers while spinning.
Laser Crystals:
--Air-to-Air (RED)
Same as the R9, but instead of firing circular waves, it fires "EKG zigzags"
which have a wider range.

--Reflective (BLUE)
Same as the R9, but sends out 6 lasers simultaneously, instead of 3.

--Air-to-Ground (YELLOW)
Same as the R9, but bounces along geographical formations.


G. Contacts (Stages)---------------*****INCOMPLETE*****
This section was done with NORMAL difficulty in mind. However, in time, this
will turn in to a HARD difficulty section.

Until you earn more, you start the game with 5 credits in reserve. There are
no extra lives, and you always start from the same checkpoint, whether you
lose a life or use a credit.

Each Mini-Boss and BOSS will be rated on a general difficulty scale (1 - easy,
10 - hard).

If you do not destroy a Mini-Boss or a BOSS within a certain time limit, it
will retreat. For a Mini-Boss, time starts when it appears. For a BOSS, time
starts from the beginning of the music.

-----1. <1st> Lethal Weapon---
The annihilation platform, Moritz-G, is out of control and about to destroy
all the cities on Earth. In urban areas, the Warships struggle desperately
with Mecha-Bydo intruders. Defend the Earth at all costs!

Get into the habit of completing this stage on any difficulty without dying.

Laser Crystals: (RED) - 2 Missiles: 1
(BLUE) - 2 Bits: 1
(YELLOW) - 1
Mini-Boss(es): Gaines - humanoid mech
"Turret Ship" - large multi-turret ship
Contright or Contrite - giant mechanical snake
BOSS(ES): Moritz-G - annihilation platform

Fly into a destroyed city in Asia and stop Moritz-G... for good.
After fighting a few formations of "Magentas" you will get Laser Crystal 1
(RED). About 3 seconds later, you will run into...
Mini-Boss: Gaines Target: None
Time Limit: 0:12 Difficulty: 1

A minute hasn't even passed and you have to face a Mini-Boss. Fortunately,
it's pretty easy. Gaines will fire a beam and travel upward or downward
depending on your altitude. You can interrupt it's chance to fire by firing a
charged Wave Cannon blast. It will fire three times before retreating.
You will then continue fighting a formation of "Blue-Greens" and 5 large
turrets. Now you will get Laser Crystal 2 (BLUE) and fight a "BG-Walker" and
a stationary carrier full of "Blue-Greens". You can destroy the carrier
before the "Blue-Greens" come out if you wish.

Be careful, because two "BG-Walkers", one from the left and right, will come
out with some "Blue-Greens". There will also be a "M-Walker" launching
missiles. Do not shoot at the cube on the platform. Instead, place your Force
on it and you can charge your Delta Weapon meter.

At this time you should also have Missiles 1. A few "Blue-Greens" and a "BG-
Walker" should come as well. Some "Blue-Greens" will come out of the sky and
ground to attack you with a "BG-Walker" to follow. Collect Laser Crystal 3
(BLUE) and prepare to fight...
Mini-Boss: "Turret Ship" Target: None
Time Limit: 0:40 Difficulty: 2

Quickly put the Force on the back of your Warship. Destroy the turrets while
absorbing their firepower. Place the Force on your Warship depending on where
you are in relation to "Turret Ship" to absorb its shots. After one trip
around, it will reveal a large cannon. The cannon will lock on and fire at
your current position. Simply dodge the blasts. If you are quick, you can
destroy "Turret Ship" before it can use the cannon.
Now you should be over buildings fighting some "Blue-Greens", "BG-Walkers",
and "Magentas". Before you take a drop, destroy the "M-Walkers".

If you take the full 40 seconds to fight "Turret Ship", you will not be
attacked by the previous enemies.

During your descent, some "Violets" will come out of the screen to attack
before you meet...
Mini-Boss: Contright Target: Yellow center
Time-Limit: 0:45 Difficulty: 2

Avoid getting hit when it goes in and out of the screen and ground. Most of
its outer cover falls off in a couple of hits. If you want Laser Crystal 3
(YELLOW), go ahead (R13), but (BLUE) should be fine. You can also get Bit 1.
To make matters worse, throughout the battle you will fighting groups of
"Blue-Greens", "BG-Walkers", and "Magentas".
Whether or not you destroy Contright, you will fight a few more "Magentas"
before you get Laser Crystal 5 (RED) and reach...
BOSS: Moritz-G Target: Pink core
Time Limit: 1:45 Difficulty: 2

While you're chasing it, destroy the afterburners so you can have more
maneuvering room. After it turns around, go low because it will fire its beam
cannon. Then, blue semi-homing orbs will come from two cannons on the top and
bottom (which you can destroy). This cycle will repeat until you destroy the
core or Moritz-G retreats.

-----2. <2nd> Deformation-----
The reactor that once generated vast amounts of energy for various scientific
and military facilities was submerged during a Bydo attack. Deformed aquatic
creatures now inhabit this dark world.

This is the first time you will go underwater, but not the last. More enemies
will be coming from behind from now on, so watch out.

Laser Crystals: (RED) - 2 Missiles: 2
(BLUE) - 3 Bits: 2
(YELLOW) - 2
Mini-Boss(es): None
BOSS(ES): "Slugia" - female slug-like creature
"Suctor" - male creature that attaches to "Slugia"

Time to get your feet wet.
Those rifts moving in the water should not be taken lightly. When they
finally reach the front of the screen (notice the dorsal fin), a "Piranhon"
will jump at you. After destroying a few, you can get Laser Crystal 1 (RED)
while another set gets ready.

After the second set, you should enter the reactor. You will fight a
"Moldrin" that shoots spores at you. Also, some "Tortrons" will come from
both sides dispensing eggs. Have your bit kill the ones that come from
behind. Before you pass the waterfall, you can get Missiles 1. Before you go
underwater, there will be a large group of "Tortrons" and Laser Crystal 2
(BLUE). Watch out for the turrets and the 2 falling pieces of wreckage. Get
Laser Crystal 3 (YELLOW) if it will help. When you are closer to the bottom,
two groups of "Baby Flotnors" will come from behind.

Once everything settles and you start moving forward, some "Flotnors" with
"Baby Flotnors" in tow will attack. Continuing on, you will reach Laser
Crystal 4 (BLUE). There will also be "Hornitz" nests. The "Hornitz" are
small, so destroy them and the nests quickly. Place the Force on the back of
your Warship so you don't have to worry about the "Baby Flotnors" that come
from behind. Look out for the "Flotnors" that come out in front, as well.
Grab Bit 1 while you destroy the nests.

A set of Missiles 1 will soon come from behind. From here on it's just
"Tortrons" and "Piranhons". Laser Crystal 5 (RED) is a trap. Kill the
"Piranhon" that comes before you go after it. When you reach the end and dive
down, you get freebies: Laser Crystals 6 and 7 (BLUE) (YELLOW), Bit 2, and
Missiles 2. It is now time to fight.
BOSS: "Slugia" Target: Yellow core
Time Limit: 2:00 Difficulty: 2
BOSS: "Suctor" Target: Purple tip of appendage
Time Limit: 2:00 Difficulty: 3

Yes, these two have a gender. Depending on your weapon, you can destroy
"Slugia" before she can even attack. Your Bit can protect you from the purple
orbs that "Suctor" fires from his regenerating turrets. When they are both
aligned, "Suctor" lowers his appendage and grabs "Slugia". After "Slugia" is
raised, watch out because "Suctor" wants to crush you with her. "Slugia's"
fall is slow so you should be able to avoid it.

If one of them dies, the other goes into berserk mode. "Slugia" goes back and
forth firing yellow shots from her core and "Suctor" goes back and forth
lowering his appendage at you and firing orbs. Whether alone or together,
their cycles will repeat until they are destroyed or retreat.

-----3. <3rd> Gigantic Attack-
The super-carriers developed by scientists, and intended for use in the
transportation of space shuttles, have been taken over by the Bydo and now
threaten human existence. Unfortunately their makers designed them so well
that they are nearly indestructible.

Now this behemoth wants to turn you into scrap metal. Lovely.

Laser Crystals: (RED) - 2 Missiles: 0
(BLUE) - 1 Bits: 1
(YELLOW) - 2
Mini-Boss(es): None
BOSS(ES): "Trojan" - giant super-carrier

Oh well, the bigger they are...
Place the Force on the back of your Warship and stay in the upper-right
section of the screen. By staying here, you can attack the cannon and avoid
the missiles from the group of "M-Walkers". Your Force can absorb the cluster
ONLY after it separates. Laser Crystal 1 (RED) should have come. After about
10 clusters, go low before "Trojan" fires the beam cannon.

Is it me or is the beam cannon the same as Moritz-G's? I guess some of the
same parts were used in both of them.

Only place your Force in front when the cannon is destroyed. When you reach
the platform you can get Laser Crystal 2 (YELLOW). Some "BG-Walkers" will
come from behind, but will be stepped on. "Blue-Greens" and "BG-Walkers" will
arrive, and if the cannon is not destroyed, it won't be easy.

After destroying the group of "Silver Sentries", you will have to go under
"Trojan" after it steps off the helicopter pad. Your main target, for now, is
the afterburner (looks like a shower-head). Watch out for the "BG-Walkers"
that come from behind. Laser Crystal 3 (RED) should come in a few seconds.
Destroy the outer coverings of the legs. If you destroyed the afterburner or
not, the laser security system should come out. If you cross the faint
lasers, the system will fire. The afterburner will occasionally fire if it
hasn't been destroyed.

After 40 seconds, the security system will go away, put the Force on the back
of your Warship. A "BG-Walker" will come out, so watch out for it. When you
have enough space, go to the bottom of the screen and fly past the group of
"Silver Sentries". Their reflexes are slow so you should be able to blast
them before they can turn around. Place the Force on the front of your

If you do not have a Bit, this section will be tricky. Concentrate your
firepower on the rocket launcher after you rise to the top. Try your best to
dodge the volleys and destroy the "Magentas" that come out. Bit 1 and Laser
Crystal 4 (YELLOW) will come from the right and left, respectively. Destroy
the section next to the rocket launcher for extra points. Get Laser Crystal 5
(BLUE) because it will help on the BOSS (R13, stick with YELLOW). Take care
of the "Blue-Greens" that come from behind.

After all that, you'd think that you're at the end, but you have to destroy
the secondary cannon before moving on. It fires spinning laser turrets. You
only have to worry about the bottom one until you pass the wall. Always
destroy the spinning turrets before attacking the cannon. After a few sets of
turrets, it fires spreads of fire balls, which will go through the Force. The
cycle will continue until the cannon is destroyed or leaves. Then you'll have
to face...
BOSS: "Trojan" Target: Laser cannon & Pink core
Time Limit: 1:10 Difficulty: 3

Watch the faint lines to find out where the lasers will travel and dodge
accordingly. After the laser cannon is destroyed, watch the faint line of the
core to find out where it will fire its beam cannon.

-----4. <4th> Invasion--------
A space fortress, altered by the Bydo, into a labyrinth of evil. Can you save
the fortress, thereby protecting the Earth's last line of defense?

The only totally vertical scrolling stage in the game turns out to be the
halfway point. There's someone speaking during certain parts of the music,
but I can't make heads or tails of it.

Laser Crystals: (RED) - 4 Missiles: 1
(BLUE) - 3 Bits: 1
(YELLOW) - 0
Mini-Boss(es): None
BOSS(ES): "Collector" - large ship with a pincer-drill nose

It's amazing. These Warships are so advanced, yet they can't turn around.
After admiring the view for a few seconds, you will be attacked by some
"Violet IIs", with Force-proof lasers. As you pass through the space debris,
more "Violet IIs" will attack from the top and bottom. Destroy the "Silver
Sentries" and get Laser Crystal 1 (BLUE), if needed. Watch the faint lines
from the laser turrets on the "Lasercon".

Destroy the dome before any enemies can come out of it. Be careful against
the "Silver Sentries" and the lasers flying about from the many turrets.
Laser Crystal 2 (RED) will pass by.

If you're quick, you can get Bit 1 after some "Silver Sentries" come out from
a dome nearby to the extreme left where two "Lasercons" are.

A group of "Violet IIs" will arrive. You will then notice a large piece of
wreckage with its afterburners still firing. A bay door will open and more
"Violet IIs" will come out. Now, destroy the wreckage. You will go through
sets of "Violet IIs" with U-Launch Missile Pods intervening. On the first
set, you can get Laser Crystal 3 (RED) and on the second set, you can get
Laser Crystal 4 (BLUE). After the final set of "Violet IIs", you will have a
few seconds before a "Blue Laser Pod", that has a Force-proof laser, comes
from above.

Try to destroy the dome on the left first, then the right. Take Laser Crystal
5 (RED) if needed. Don't get smashed or trapped by the rising platforms from
the background. Take out the dome and all the turrets and Blue-Greens you
can. Laser Crystal 6 (BLUE) is good for this part. Destroy the "Blue Laser
Pod" before entering the maze. Place your Force on the back of your Warship
and destroy the turrets on the left. Quickly come back to the center and
dodge the laser from the "Blue Laser Pod". Go to the right and another "Blue
Laser Pod" should come. Destroy it and go right. Continue on, destroying
turrets and "Blue Laser Pods" until you reach the opening, where you are safe
from them.

Among the space debris are Laser Crystal 7 (RED) and Missiles 1. Soon you
will see in the background a large ship activate it's pincer-drill nose and it
looks like you're it's next target.
BOSS: "Collector" Target: None
Time Limit: 2:35 Difficulty: 5

"Collector" starts by going in and out of the screen launching missile
volleys. Your immediate concern is dodging those missiles. The missiles can
be destroyed, but dodging is easier. After many missiles, it will then start
firing circular lasers at various altitudes. This is your chance to
retaliate. The lasers have a gap that you can use to maneuver. This cycle
will repeat until "Collector" is destroyed or retreats.

If you destroy "Collector", you'll notice that a R-series Warship escapes from
the explosion. A prelude to Stage 5, perhaps?

-----5. <5th> Evil------------
After their successful combat at the space fortress, your fellow pilots
drifted off course on their return journey home. They were caught in a
strange dimensional rift and their spirits were altered by the Bydo. They've
returned and have you in their sights!

This is the main underwater portion of the game. Sharp reflexes are an
understatement from here on out. Keep cool because you have bigger things to
worry about.

Laser Crystals: (RED) - 3 Missiles: 2
(BLUE) - 3 Bits: 2
(YELLOW) - 3
Mini-Boss(es): None
BOSS(ES): "Turret Ring" - rotating ring lined with turrets
Cyst or Gomander - dimension wandering organism
"Bydonaught" - large underwater menace

20000 leagues.
As soon as you begin, you are ambushed by a hoard of Goughers. Watch out for
the two "Brain Tubes" that come from behind. Get to the top of the screen so
you can deal with the "Magentas". You can get Laser Crystal 1 (YELLOW) before
more Goughers come. Laser Crystal 2 (BLUE) quickly comes at the bottom of the
screen right before the "Magentas" arrive. Watch behind you for the sudden
bump from a "Brain Tube". Bit 1 is hidden within the debris while you fight
even more Goughers.

Enjoy this brief peaceful moment before the set of slow-moving "Centidoes"
come. Also, completely destroy the "Regenbles" before they can regenerate.
Laser Crystal 3 (RED) will fall, but more "Regenbles" will arrive. A
formation of "Shellgades" will quickly travel the screen. Laser Crystal 4
(RED) will come as 2 "Centidoes" arrive from behind. You will have to fight
even more "Regenbles", "Shellgades", and "Centidoes" before you can get
Missiles 1. There's only one last assault from "Centidoes", "Shellgades", and
"Regenbles" before you have a short rest.

You will now enter the worst debris storm in the entire game. Destroy the
"Dimolds" that line the pipes on top and bottom. The only debris you can
destroy are the ones that have pink cores. Laser Crystal 5 (BLUE) will soon
pass. Quickly get past the two long rotating pipes before the "Magentas" come
from behind. When you have space, I find it easier if you go counter-
clockwise around the pipe. After getting back to the left side of the screen,
Laser Crystal 6 (YELLOW) should be there. Be careful because 2 sets of
debris, coming from all sides, will pass through the center of the screen.
Then, 2 see-sawing pipes, lined with "Dimolds" will come from behind.

You're finally at the end of the stage. The only problem is you have to face
3 BOSSES in a row. Each BOSS gets progressively harder and if you die on
either of them, you'll have to start from the first one.
BOSS: "Turret Ring" Target: Blue, non-firing, core
Time Limit: 0:40 Difficulty: 5

Before the ring powers up, a set of Pow Armors will fall from the top. Only
two have items Bit 2 and Missiles 2.

"Turret Ring" will force you to the right side of the screen where your
standard laser fire and missiles cannot reach, but if you have a Force, you
can launch it into the center of the ring and try to make it destroy "Turret
Ring" for you or activate your Delta Weapon.

If you don't have a Force, you only have a sliver of a chance of surviving
this BOSS. There are two large "shields" protecting "Turret Ring". As you're
about to run out of space, you can barely slide under one of the shields and
get past as "Turret Ring" travels to the other side.

Whether you destroy "Turret Ring" or not, you're only 1/3 done. After another
shower of Pow Armor, this time from below, you can get Laser Crystals 7 - 9
(YELLOW) (RED) (BLUE). You'll now have to fight...
BOSS: Cyst Target: None
Time Limit: 1:05(destroyed) Difficulty: 5

As Cyst goes in and out of the screen there will also be "Astereels" to cause
trouble. Only the red sections of the "Astereels" can be destroyed.
The "Astereels" usually come in sets of two and when one set leaves, another

At first, Cyst will come from the right side of the screen. Every time it
appears on the screen, there is a small window in which you can damage it.
Take care of the "Astereels" and when Cyst leaves, place your Force on the
back of your Warship. Try to attack Cyst and the "Astereel" at the same time
in one spot as you make your way to the right side of the screen. If done
right, another "Astereel" will enter from above and you will be damaging it as
well. Destroy the two that come from the left side. You should be able to
finish Cyst off, but if you don't...
BOSS: "Bydonaught" Target: Silver core
Time Limit: 1:32 Difficulty: 7

"Bydonaught" will finish the job for you with its beam cannon. This ship
comes in two parts and both are lined with turrets so you should destroy those
quickly along with the beam cannon. You will have to go to the very top or
bottom of the screen and zoom past this piece as it drifts away. Concentrate
on the core as it rotates around the screen and keep firing so you don't get
hit by the blue orbs. After a while, the turrets will be firing Force-proof
fire balls. Try not to get trapped. You will have to fight "Bydonaught"
until the core is destroyed or it retreats.

-----6. <6th> Awakening-------
The R-series fighter-development project has lost all communications with the
outside. The pilots are fighting to expel the parasitic Bydo, and are
beginning to get the upper hand. The pride of the R-series fighter pilots is
about to awaken.

Many enemies explode into a bloody mess when destroyed.

Laser Crystals: (RED) - 1 Missiles: 1
(BLUE) - 4 Bits: 1
(YELLOW) - 1
Mini-Boss(es): "Capsulon" - partially shielded mass with turrets
"D-series Warships" - doppelgangers of the R-series Warships
BOSS(ES): "Subkeratom" - the monstrosity on the cover of the manual

Now they've brought it to the doorstep. Time to open up a can.
You'll start off destroying a formation of "Magentas". Some "Pogo Brains"
will also come. Whenever you see "Pogo Brains", watch out for ones that come
from behind. Laser Crystal 1 (BLUE) will be among the group. Pay attention
to the ceiling because an Eve will fall through it. The yellow orbs that they
fire are Force-proof. Get behind it and blast away. Another Eve will come
from behind on the ceiling. You will have just enough space to get behind
this one, too. There will also be "Magentas" to contend with.

"Pogo Brains" will be coming from the ceiling off of a platform. Before
another Eve comes, you can get Bit 1. Again, watch your back for "Pogo
Brains". You will see another platform with "Pogo Brains" coming from the
ceiling, but this time you can destroy them before they reach the ground. An
Eve will come charging on the ceiling. You should be able to destroy it
before you run out of space. Laser Crystal 2 (YELLOW) should arrive. You
fight a few more "Pogo Brains" before you fully enter the corridor.

Place your Force on the back of your Warship before the "Blue-Greens" come
from behind. Laser Crystal 3 (BLUE) is a good choice. As you destroy the
fans, "Pogo Brains" will come from both sides. After you destroy all the
"Pogo Brains", place your Force in front and look behind because...
Mini-Boss: "Capsulon" Target: Unshielded center
Time Limit: 1:10 Difficulty: 9

"Capsulon" is coming. The difficulty is misleading. Actually, if you could
fight "Capsulon" by itself, it would only have a difficulty of 1. Sadly, this
is not the case because you have to attack "Capsulon" while going through the
deadliest section in the entire game.

Before "Capsulon" forces you out of the corridor, destroy the turrets and the
"Blue Greens" that come from the hole in the ceiling. Move ahead and destroy
the turrets, "BG-Walkers", and "M-Walkers". When the "BG-Walkers" fall from
the ceiling, prepare to move to the top of the screen. Take care of the
"Blue-Greens" that come out from the hole above you.

You're relatively safe up here, but stay alert. "Pogo Brains" will be
dropping from the holes in the ceiling. Quickly destroy the Eve ahead. Laser
Crystal 4 (BLUE) should have arrived. When you have a chance, periodically
attack "Capsulon" from behind. Further along, Missiles 1 will drop from a
hole. Get it quickly before "Pogo Brains" start falling. "Magentas" will
also be flying around on the bottom. There will be two holes that are
relatively close to each other. This is your cue to get behind "Capsulon"
because if you stay up top, a "Pogo Brain" will hit you from behind.

You will reach a section with "M-Walkers" and you will be surrounded by
"Silver Sentries". When you're about to enter the corridor, if you haven't
destroyed "Capsulon", it will move ahead and leave.
Place your Force on the back of your Warship to take care of the "Silver
Sentries" that come from behind. You can get Laser Crystal 5 (BLUE) if you
want. There will be "BG-Walkers" on top of the corridor and "Silver Sentries"

"Blue-Greens" will come from the top-left and bottom-right of the screen. If
you have two Bits, place one near the bottom-right and your Force should
protect you from the others. If you have one or no bits, place your ship in
front of where the bottom-right ones will come out and hopefully your Force
will absorb the lasers from the ones behind you. Soon after the "Blue-Greens"
are destroyed, you will find out exactly where you are.
Mini-Boss: "D-series Warships" Target: None
Time Limit: 0:25 Difficulty: 5

Not only have the Bydo invaded the base, they have also made doppelgangers of
the R-series Warships and Force module. They fire Force-proof fire balls like
"Trojan's" secondary cannon. The red one (leader) periodically fires a set of
loosely homing shots at your direction. A fully charged Wave Cannon blast can
destroy the other two at the same time. After that, destroy the Force and
finish off the leader. If you can destroy the leader first, then the others
will retreat.
Before you reach the BOSS, go ahead and get Laser Crystal 6 (RED). Every R-
Type player should remember this next BOSS incarnation, but if you don't and
you have a manual, just look on the cover.
BOSS: "Subkeratom" Target: Blue heart
Time Limit: 3:30(no escape) Difficulty: 10

To me, it looks like a mix between Dobkeratops from R-Type and Subtom from R-
Type II. Watch that tail! As soon as it's heart turns light blue, obliterate
it with anything but your Delta Weapon. It will begin coughing up sets of
four "Bylarvae". After the "Bylarvae" shell is destroyed, get away from it
because it's invulnerable to everything, even the Delta Weapon. After every
two sets of "Bylarvae", the tail will come from behind. Sometimes, it will
help you escape the "Bylarvae".

When the heart is destroyed, an inner beast will come out. Do not get caught
in the tail, or you will be crushed. The beast will continuously fire a
curved beam that will release orbs and then leave. It's very hard to avoid
the beam so dodge as best you can or use your Delta Weapon. Keep firing at
the beast, and hopefully it will be destroyed.

At around 3:20, if you haven't destroyed the heart, "Subkeratom" will stop
coughing up "Bylarvae". You will start to move closer to "Subkeratom", and if
it isn't destroyed by 3:30, you will be crushed.

-----7. Life-----------
Space and time are distorted as the entrance to a different dimension suddenly
appears in the Earth's orbit. Escaping the evil energy forms, the pilots and
their Warships set their targets on the last enemy... Bydo Core. Let the
final dance begin!

You are now entering the Bydo Zone. Leaving is a different matter.

Laser Crystals: (RED) - 3 Missiles: 1
(BLUE) - 3 Bits: 1
(YELLOW) - 3
Mini-Boss(es): None
FINAL BOSS: Bydo Core - the big kahuna, the CEO, the head honcho, the big
enchilada, the one who wears the pants, etc.

Look who's talking... in reverse?
A bright light invites you to an altered dimension and flows around in the
background. As you go through the stage, the background will fluctuate
between themes.

You are now in the "Destruction" zone. Soon after you enter the stage, you
will have to take care of some "Crystal Wombs". Laser Crystal 1 (YELLOW)
should be floating around. Occasionally, the amount of maneuvering room will
change because of the moving floor and ceiling.

When you see the space shuttle in the background, you will have entered the
"Aeronautic" zone. Laser Crystal 2 (RED) will come from behind. Bydo Core
will appear for the first time and will visit you throughout the stage.
Although you can't harm it now, you can destroy the "Bydopoles" that come out
from it. The "Bydopoles" will also be a nuisance. As you pass over Bydo
Core, you can get Laser Crystal 3 (BLUE).

After Bydo Core comes from above, you will enter the "Math" zone. When
destroying the double helixes, concentrate on one area. After the first
double helix, there will be some "Crystal Wombs" and Laser Crystal 4 (BLUE)
will pass by. After the second double helix, there will be more "Crystal
Wombs" and you can get Laser Crystal 5 (YELLOW). While you're going through
the set of four double helixes, you can get Bit 1 and Laser Crystal 6 (RED).

Before you fully enter "Bydo Central", "Crystal Wombs" will come from above
and below. Bydo Core will visit you from behind. After it leaves, Missiles 1
will come from behind as well. "Bydopoles" will flow everywhere and "Crystal
Wombs" will be coming out of the pods. Bydo Core will stop by again and you
can get Laser Crystals 7 - 9 (YELLOW) (BLUE) (RED). When it leaves, you will
face a few more "Crystal Wombs" and "Bydopoles". Bydo Core will pay one last
visit, but this time it won't go away.
FINAL BOSS: Bydo Core Target: I. None
II. None
Time Limit: I. 1:30 (no escape) Difficulty: I. 5
II. Varies (no escape) II. 8

I. "Bydo Shell"
Make your way to the left, watching out for the "Bydopoles". When the battle
starts, "Bydopoles" will flow from Bydo Core in your direction. Bydo Core
will also shoot multiple orbs as you rotate counter-clockwise around it. All
you have to do is keep firing. If you have a full dose and you want to use
it, activate your Delta Weapon. If after two revolutions you haven't
destroyed the "Bydo Shell", it will envelop the screen and crush you.

II. "Force Core"
After you destroy the "Bydo Shell", the light that opened the dimension will
infect your Force.

If you were able to destroy the "Bydo Shell" without a Force (invincibility),
then a Level 1 Force will come from behind and be infected.

Bydo Core will draw the Force to itself and in the process drain all of the
Delta Weapon energy out of it. After the Force and Bydo Core merge to become
"Force Core" it will float around the screen. "Force Core" is totally
invulnerable and to make matters worse; you have to fight off a full screen
army of "Bydopoles".

The Delta Weapon meter will fill as "Force Core" floats around the screen.
The time it takes for the Delta Weapon meter to reach maximum is difficulty
dependent. All you can do is fight off the "Bydopoles" and activate the Delta
Weapon as soon as you can. If you don't activate the Delta Weapon after
"Force Core" finishes two revolutions, the floor and ceiling will come
together and crush you.

VII. Cheats & Extra Info
Everyone has a view about cheating on video games with codes, guides, devices,
and the like. IMO, it's a video game, not your taxes. Besides, using these
codes don't disqualify you from earning anything.

It should only be used to earn these Notes:
If you haven't played the game much, don't suck the excitement out of it by
overusing this.

During gameplay, Pause, hold L2 and press:
Right, Right, Left, Right, Left, Left, Right, Left, R2, Up, Up, Down, Down,
Up, Down, Up, Down, R2
To deactivate it, just enter the code again. The code only lasts until the
end of the stage so you must reenter it on the next.
--Max Items
During gameplay, Pause, hold L2 and press:
Left, Right, Up, Down, Right, Left, Up, Down -> Triangle - 99.9% Dose
-> Square - Level 3 (RED)*
-> X - Level 3 (BLUE)*
-> Circle - Level 3 (YELLOW)*
*Provides Missiles and 2 Bits.
--Look Around Warship
In the hangar (Warship select), go to a Warship, hold L1, L2, R1, or R2 and
use the Control Pad to move around the Warship. Press Triangle or let go of
the held button to return to normal view.
--After you have played a certain number of hours with a pilot, you will earn
more goodies.
3 hours - 9 credits
6 hours - Free Play
20? hours - Stage Select

VIII. Credits
Agetec, Inc. (Ascii Game Entertainment Technology)
Irem Software Engineering, Inc.
--for creating this game and the information from the R-Type Delta manual

Sony (Sony Computer Entertainment of America)
--can't play this game without a Playstation

--for the one code that rules all

--for the Max Items codes and Gallery information

--for Warship viewing code

--for gender of 2nd Contact BOSSES, other enemy names, and full name of the RX

MWalsh (R-Type Delta FAQ)
--for Note list

--creator of GameFAQs

me, TBradshaw
--for creating this FAQ/Walkthrough

<><>END OF FILE {RTypDlt.doc}<><>
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17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Alle Missionen, alle Schiffe und alle Waffen sind freigeschaltet.

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

17.Oktober 2013
+14 und PAL/NTSC Selektor für die japanische NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013
+13 Trainer für die Europäische PAL Version

16.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats
10.Oktober 2008
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.Dezember 2014
13.Dezember 2013
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01.April 2020
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24.März 2020
24.März 2020