Jade Cocoon 2

Jade Cocoon 2

14.10.2013 16:30:01
Jade Cocoon 2
Walkthrough and FAQ(Well... mostly)
This guide is not completely spoiler free. I will mark them, though.

I. Contents:-
~Legal Junk
~Revision History
~About JC2
~Parameters and stuff
~Beast Hunter Arena stuff
-Tiny strategy hints on going up BH level
-Those BH Tournament thingies. Aren't they hard?
~Hints and Misc. Info
-Small things on merges
-Small things on Genuses
~Wanna build the ultimate team?
~Spoilers and Stuff
-Final Boss
-Post-game Stuff

No real place to put this, since this is really a shameless plug of mine:
http://jadecocoon2.cjb.net This is the Jade Cocoon 2 chat. Go there, there's
plenty of stuff that I'm learning from the guru of it all, Svenn. You
can learn more from him in 1 hour than you can learn from me in 1 day. Go.

II. Legal Junk

This document was created by Rocky Valkryie and Copyright of him. I think so.
If you're going to use it, or plagarize from it, well... at least do it right. Okay?
Contact information: RockytheHercules@yahoo.com Please don't flood my mailbox, or I
might get mad and send you a crapoload of stuff back. If you have questions, suggestions,
or corrections, send them there. Otherwise, just leave me alone. Please? ;_;
GameFAQs is copyright of Jeff "CJayC" and Jade Cocoon 2 belongs to Genki/Ubi Soft and
I do not claim it for my greedy paws. I think that's all. (All rights reserved.)


III. Revision History
-Today. 01/28/02 Started. Okay then.
-Today. 02/02/02 Update #2.
-You guessed it. Today. 2/06/02
-What day is it today? 2/17/02 I put in almost everything I left out before
which I'm planning to put in. Don't expect too many more updates and such.

IV. About JC2

I've heard people complain about this game without knowing what it is. Meaning,
they complain that Jade Cocoon 2 is not the traditional RPG they expected. Meh. Jade
Cocoon 2 is, in my opinion, part of the Monster-Raising sub-breed of the RPG genre. Jade
Cocoon was the great RPG back in the day, for the PSX that was compared to Pokémon
excessively. But so what? It was a good game, and so is this. JC and JC2 are close to
being incomparable, though, because they're so different; I think this game is most
comparable to Digimon World 2. (opinion, don't stone me to death) Easy solution:
Don't like Monster-raising, don't buy JC2. Enough rambling.


V. Parameters and stuff

This part is pretty XDable, since it seems so simple. Meh, but I'll explain
anyways. Here goes:
-Skill(SK) are physical attacks like Shockwave and Life Blast.
-Magic(MG) are magical attacks like soldote and vahludide
-Hit Points(HP) are how much your overall endurance is. It's factored with
the VIT and SPR to calculate how many hits you can take.
-Mana Points(MP) are the points you use to use abilities. If you run out of
these, you'll stop using abilities and start using your beasts' normal attacks.
-Strength(STR) how much damage your beast can deal with SK type attacks.
-Wisdom(WIS) is how much damage your beast can deal with MG type attacks.
-Vitality(VIT) physical defense; defense against SK attacks.
-Spirit(SPR) magical defense; defense against MG attacks.
-Speed(SPD) these measure a few things. 1)The average of all the beasts on
one side of the formation decides who goes first. 2)This measures your accuracy and
evasiveness. 3)This also seems to(I'm not 100% sure) measure the chance for you
hitting critically.
~Poison- Deals either 20 or 30 damage per post-turn.
~Stun- This beast is temporarily immobilized.
~Sleep- This beast is temporarily useless. Until it wakes by itself or it
is hit.
~Confusion- There is a chance that this beast will hit itself or one of its
~Dark- Your beast suffers from lowered accuracy.
~KO- Your beast is knocked out.
~Stone- Your beast is turned to stone and is useless till the stoning is

VI. Beast Hunter Arena stuff

-Tiny strategy hints on going up BH level-

Level 1- I don't think there IS one. But if there is, it should've been easy.
Level 2- At this point, you should be able to manage for your 1st merges. So, my advice is
that since you have 3 beasts anyways, give them all fire-type moves and kick their
butts in 1 turn each. It should work well.
Level 3- 4 on 4. I think it should go a bit like this: Wind side should have a sleep-
inducing move, and one beast to attack. Then pummel away with the fire side.
Level 4- Same as level 3, but possibly with support on the Earth or Water side.
Level 5- Tough. I'd fill up the whole of the fire and earth row. Try to get that one snake-
like gara's move, the one that raises power every turn, on 2 beasts, and get a barrier
move on another one. Think that's all.

-Those BH Tournament thingies. Aren't they hard?-
Yes they are. Some of them, at least. The normal ones aren't. Or at least I hope they
aren't. But after you collect the 4 new forest orb thingies, you get new tournaments, and
these are anything but easy. Oh, and of course, after beating the 4, you get... yet another
one. I don't have specific tactics for the other beast hunter arenas, though, like the genus-
specific ones, and Club Acid. =P So sue me, I suck.
-Auto Left/Right Tournament:- These are pretty tough. What you need: Luck. I suggest starting
with the Wind formation, and giving them Samakilna and Ad Salhnit, along with whatever other
move. Then just follow through and be sure to pack Barrian and Mitrea in the Earth formation.
You just majorly play 2 sides for support and the fire and water sides for offense. The fire
side should be like soldote/soldote/shockwave or something and the water one should sort of
be like Yagiluna/Yagiluna/Selahmite.
-Two Side Tournament:- Complicated. I suggest using 2 completely opposite sides.
Support/Offense. Maybe Water/Fire. If you're doing this, be sure to give the one side
very strong hit-all moves. Like Soldote.
-Merge Limited:- These are just like some others, but can't be evolved that much.
Just get your beasts to lvl 15, merge and go at once. As long as they don't have imago.
-Grand Slam:- This is it. The final one. These are just plain old simple beast
hunter battles. Beware, though. The last fight will be with... Wu. This battle is hard.
I don't really remember what I did, but he is beatable. At least by 7 merge beasts. =P

VII. Hints and Misc. Info

| Small things on Merges |
Lesson 1: Evolution
On the status screens of the divine beasts, there is an evolution bar at
the top right corner. The two red spaces are the goals that need to be
reached in order to reach the next step of evolution. If you've passed
or are on the first red space, you'll be able to evolve into the 3rd
form, and if you reach the final space, the red one, you'll be able to
fully evolve you beast. This is how the evolution bar change is
determined: First, take the evolution power of the seed beast. Then if
the original monster and seed beast genus is the same, add 1 to that,
if it is also the same species, add another 1 to that. That is the number
of bars the evolution bar goes up. The only other modifier is if you merge
a beast with a beast other than the original beasts elemental type. In
this case, subtract 1 from the evolution power number to get the points gained.
When exactly you merge is determined by your exp. level and how many turns
the beast was used in the battle.

Lesson 2: Modifiers and Moves
First up, modifiers. There are positive ones, like water power, strength up 3
and others, and negative ones, like stun x, late bloomer and etc. They
disappear 4 merges after they are created. You cannot have more than one of
the same modifier, but you can have more than one of the same type.
Ex: You can't have 2 Strength up 3s, but you can have Strength up 1, Strength
up 2, and Strength up 3. Next, moves. You can have a total of 2 moves, in 2
different formations. You cannot get a move of the complete opposite element
of the beast's own natural element. You also cannot have 2 moves of the same
element. You cannot have 2 moves of different elements. Ex: If you have a
fire-type mau, you cannot have a water move, and you can't have an earth move
and wind move at the same time. If you have an earth move and merge the fire
mau with a wind beast, you lose the earth move and gain the wind one.

Lesson 3: Control
There are 2 modifiers that completely control the evolution of a beast.
Larvalize, which leaves your beast in its larval stage till 4 merges later, and
imago, which leaves your beast in its latest possible adult form till 4 merges
later. That means, if it is possible for the beast to go to it's final form, it
will put it in its final form to stay. Ah. And someone tells me today what happens
when you get both of them on there. Thanks to Hieu Dao for telling me this.
What happens is that the first of the two that you get will be the one that sticks
till one or the other disappears.

Lesson 4: Chromes
I don't exactly know what causes this and etc. I DO know, though, that there
is some randomness to it. I've only experienced 1, and here's what I observed:

Its speed went up from 48 to 265
Its HP went down from 358 to 186
(obviously) it changed from green to chrome
Magic attacks did not affect it(it makes the GUARD thing)
Hit-all magic spells did, though
No status ailments affected it
It didn't get hit very much
It guards against its own spell(Mitrea)

I'm not sure this is all or if any of this makes any sense, but that's what I

Lesson 5: Power
I repeatedly misunderstood this part, so I redid it based on what I know. That
isn't much, but it's what I know. =/ Merging at level 20 will result in a specimen
with higher stats. No argument there. But, if you merge at level 20, you wasted
time to get those higher stats because you could have taken a quicker time
to gain small levels at the next merge. For example, if you had 2 identical
beasts, and they reached level 15 at the same time, if you merged one and
didn't merge the other, what you'd have gained in merging at level 20 would be
wasted, because all levels up are the same and you just used more time to
level up in a higher level. Meaning if the level 15 one level to level 20, the
merged one might have gained enough to get to level 13 or 14. So, you should
merge at level 15. I believe that that is Svenn's theory. Goryus' theory, I
think, is that you should level to level 20, because it makes you have higher
stats altogether, just until the point where the difference is insignificant
and you can freely merge at level 15. My theory is the opposite: Merge at level
15 till you can evolve into the 4th form, giving it ONLY good modifiers, then
only merging it at level 20 for power. Whichever method you choose, more power
to you.

| Small things on Genuses |

Alcos are fast, most have medium-high strength and/or wisdom. But they run out of
MP fast, and and die pretty quickly too. You can use these well in the corners,
since you can use their speed well in speeding up more than one formation. I
prefer keeping them in the Water/Wind corner, since the water beasts tend to be
slow, and give them samaklina and Vahludide. Good modifiers are MP up 3, Mp up 2,
Hp up 3 and Str up 3.

Bugs are great. They're strong, fast... and when used properly can Stun their way
to a quick victory. But they die quicker than a dying horse on PCP. I tend to use
2 of the mosquito ones to stun punch(or something like that) to death. The other
varieties are mediocre, but do well to do status-ailment inflicting moves. Good
modifiers include Str up 3, Str up 2, Spd up 3, and Spd up 2. If I'm not mistaken,
Speed up your evasion, so...

Nas have ultimo-high wisdom, making them probably the greatest MGers, and they can
take magic attacks well, too. But when hit with physical blows, they can be pretty
crappy. Give it Vit up 3, Hp up 3, Wis up 3 and Spd up 3. They also can be great
in the corners with Vahludide and Ulvilude. Strong.

Slimies... I don't know. I don't like these. At all. But they tend to have pretty
high HPs and MPs. I'm give them recovery stuff, like that reviving move, medinite,
sehlamite, tishalite or any others like those. Give them Mp up 3, Hp up 3, Spr up 3,
Vit up 3 so they'll last long in battle.

Garas are very physical. They're like the physical version of Nas, but without the
ultimate power. Good HP, as well. They can be either the physical power in the water
rows or simply the support platform you need in the earth row. I like to give them
Mitrea and sit them right in the middle of the earth row, with things like HP up 3,
Vit up 3, Spr up 3 and MP up 3 to make its stay a memorable one.

Leifs have good power and spirit, and when used properly, you may actually be able
to use tackle and all those moves. With boosts on its Vit and maybe speed or attack,
they can be some of the more useful beasts you can get. They're good for middles of
rows... maybe the middle of the earth row, or even the fire row. I tend not to put
them in the water row because They don't really fit in there. They're very good at
absorbing blows if given the proper modifiers.

Kus are very versatile. They're fast and strong. The little ones with the spikes
are very good MG users, the boar ones are very strong, and the dog-looking ones
are sort of good with both. Very very good. Kus should be given Spd up 3, Spd
up 2, Str/Wis up 3 and Str/Wis up 2. I like to give Kus Berserker, as well.
They're very good, and especially useful in the middles of the rows.

Ogs are strong and have high HP. They can kill a lot of things in very short times.
I tend to give them the Fire/Earth corner to make full use of their great HP and
Strength. Give them strength modifiers and maybe speed modifiers. Then give them
very strong hits, and if you have one of the kus in the middle of your fire row,
you should be dealing major damage very quickly.

Maus are well-balanced. And look weird. They're good in a lot of situations. I find
that they are useful in almost any situation. You can put them in corners as well
as middles. Depending on where you want to use them, use modifiers to match the
positions. And the moves, too.

Dracs are my favorites. Strong, good MG power, high HP and MP, actually my 3 highest
HP beasts are Dracs. Dracs are somewhat slow, though, if you have to nitpick, but
the Wind type Drac is quite fast, and if you give it HP up 3, Str/Wis up 3, Speed up 3
and Speed up 2, it'll be near-perfect. The earth-type Drac is also very good. Give it 2
HP modifiers and 2 Str modifiers and stick it in the middle of the earth formation with
a strong hit, and if you have mitrea, it will be over faster than I can sing yakee doodle.

VIII. Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there an 'Eternal Corridor' like in Jade Cocoon 1?
A) Well, not exactly, no. After finishing the game and getting the ending, etc. you
will gain acess to 4 new forests, and 4 forests after those. But that's about it.

2. What is the most powerful monster/best species?
A) There is none. You can certainly choose favorites, but they are all pretty good.
If you're still looking for the ultimate monster, chances are you've already found
yours and you're just still looking.

3. How come when you merge, you don't change the appearance like in JC1?
A) Well, with the number of beasts and the alternate colored ones, and all those
names, it's quite possible that the makers ran out of memory space. There are a lot
of great-looking graphics as is, and of course, there's the voice acting thing, which
takes up a world of memory. I'm just speculating, though.

4. My main character(Kahu) evolved into a kalma and kicked some beast arse.
Should I be worried?
A) Not that I know. When you lose your middle-beasts, opponent beasts attack you and
this _may_ trigger you to evolve temporarily and kick the carp out of the opponent
beast. It misses a lot, at least for me. I have not had an experience where this is
negative, but if it ever does turn out that way, tell me.

5. How do the characters in the game know about stuff outside the game?
A) Like when Choco mentions you using game enchancers? Or when Nico says you looked
stuff up in the internet? Well... they must be psychic or something.

6. Is there anything to do after beating the game?
A) Indeed. There's plenty to do. I'm not going to spoil it for anyone, though. Just
you wait and see. There's plenty more.

7. How does the battle system work?
A) Well... you have up to 3 beasts on each 'side' and they each have up to 2 moves.
They can use one move per turn/per side. It is turn based, and you attack by sides.
Depending on the side, the move used will be different. You can NOT choose who you
will attack and you can't use normal, plain attack-like moves. You just keep using
up all your MP, till it's gone, then you attack with the normal attack.

8. So can I make my beasts just attack with their normal attacks?
A) Well, actually, you can. Just waste their MPs, or use either: a)Man 2 Man book
or b)Battle Tiara. I believe both work. They can be used up, though. I'm not sure
if I got the names right, and I'll correct myself if they aren't.

9. Too many people are asking me this, so I'll explain it. How do you read the
evolution meter?
A) Meh. The empty spaces are the evolution bars YET TO BE FILLED. The yellow ones
are the ones that are already filled. The red ones are markers, which show how many
more evolution 'points' you need to get to the next evolutionary level. When the
first red one turns yellow, you can turn into your 3rd form, and when the last one
turns yellow, you can turn into your 4th form.

10. I've tried everything and I only have 7 beast amulet spaces. Can I make it 8?
A) Yes. After the normal portion of the game.

11. Why don't you put out a complete list of all the divine beasts, skills and stuff,
modifiers and what you can get from those item merging plants?
A) Boy. With all those things, I'm horrible at it. Ask someone else. I have a horrid
memory and I'm not good with those things anyways. This is not a 100% strategy guide,
so I'm probably not going to come out with them in the next millenium. =P

12. What are the best attacks?
A) Well, unlike the other people at GameFAQs, I have my very unusual preferences.
Of course, I'm not too keen on the names, so I might get them wrong, or confuse their
names with lesser versions. If I'm wrong, tell me via e-mail. You'll get your name
in here, don't worry.
Here goes:
Water: Yagiluna, Selahmite, Tishalite, Limenite, Skill Hold, Anandia
Wind: Ad Salhnit, Stun Attack, Dark Attack, Total Loss, Samakilna, Sadoon
Fire: Forbida, Killer Chance, Shockwave, Kamikaze Attack, Soldote
Earth: Mitrea, Barrian, High Spirits, Ulvilude, Libarid

There are are some other questionably useful ones, like Fossa Magna, that petrification
spell, the instant death spell, Explode, among others. I prefer not to use these skills,
but you may have a different opinion. It's not that they're worse, I just don't like to
use them as I would these. Personal opinion, please don't mutilate me for it.

IX. Wanna build the ultimate team?

The only real question, isn't it? We all want to make the ultimate team. What
do we need to make sure of? What preparations do we have to make? Should this beast be
merged with that beast? Will merging this combination be good for my beast in the end?
This is a list of a few things you should keep in mind when you're going out to create
the ultimate killer team. (Or what you would believe to be the one... mine will always
be better... fuahahahhahaha... *gets cruxcified*)
-In case you didn't know, there is a slight, tiny difference between a beast
raised in battle, and one sitting for 10 hours in the kennel. It's not too significant,
but you want your beast to be perfect, right? Each time you get a new egg, save, then
hatch it, and if you want it to be part of your ultimate team, reset the game and put
the egg in the storage. This way, you can take it out and start raising it anytime
you have the time. Or you could just leave it sitting in the kennel till you have time
for it...
-Keep in mind the exp. needed for each level. The other FAQ, StGabriel's one,
has more info than I will ever have about exp. and stuff like that. He's smart. Do what
he says and merge when he tells you to. I prefer to level to 20 for the first 3 or 4,
and then start again with the 15, but whatever.
-Concerning modifiers and moves, this is a whole new discussion thingy. You'll
probably get to 6 merges before you start having convulsions just looking at the ammounts
of exp. to get to the next level. This means, you have 4+2. You have 2 merges to do
whatever before you really need to start planning. Isn't that great? You have leeway.
Use the first or second merge to get a good move with a worthless or negative modifier.
Then, depending on if you want this beast to be in the middle of a formation or one of the
corners, you should start to merge differently. This means at the 3rd merge, if you're
wondering at all.
-If the beast is going to be in the middle, it's simpler. You should've gotten
the good move at the first or second merge. Most of the good moves come with crap for
modifiers, so it should be good riddance to it. Now, all you need to do is get the
good modifiers from the other formations. Don't worry about cancelling moves and stuff,
it doesn't weaken your beast in any way.
-The corner beasts are tougher. You still have the 2 merge leeway, so use it
to get one of the moves. Be sure to get the move with the worse modifier first, though.
Before any merge, be sure that you are not going to change the position of the beast,
EVER. This messed like 5 of my beasts up. So when you're training, train them in the
formation they're going to be in. Remember that the last merge will give you the
probably unwanted modifier, so the modifier MOST IMPORTANT should be put on last. The
first one should be the one you need least. Or you could opt to not get the move, but
keep the modifier.
-Now, I've already stated some of my more favored moves in the FAQ section, but
if I jumble them all up together, do I have a perfect team? No. For example, if I use
Ad Salhnit and 2 attack moves in the Wind side, then I've just rendered the sleep move
near-useless. Remember that strategy is the key. Simple straegies like putting opponents
to sleep, then whacking them, work well. Just don't forget about abilities like Selahmite
and Libarid. Some more complex strategies might involve higher levels of thinking, but
the game is balanced so that almost every move has a counter.
-Matching! This is very important. It makes up like 60% of the strategy. Have
you ever heard the expressions "don't send a _______ to do a ________'s job"? Well,
that's the very essence of this. For example, if you put a bug in the middle a formation,
well... that would probably be a mistake. Bugs die quickly, and if you put them in the
middle of your formations, they will die and the beast hunter will get hit. Also, in
using moves, some are more suited than others. Do you send a Delagetchu to use soldote?
I don't think so. Remember their roles in the strategy. Don't just send them into battle
and hope for the best.
-Modifiers are very important. And role-specific modifiers are important above
all else. It's a divine mystery: Do you power up what you already have, or do you make up
for weaknesses and those kinds of things? For example, if you have that one squid Na, you
could opt to either boost its WIS higher, or boost its HP and MP or maybe even its VIT.
It's the choice a beast hunter must make. Also, don't only give your beasts
up 3. That's just limiting yourself. You can give them those, but those
are not the only good ones out there. There are other more useful ones like the HP regen,
100% anti-death, guts, ressurection, berserk... among others. ROLE-SPECIFIC. Just
remember their roles and plan from there.
-Teamwork. I can't stress this enough. I've battled a few beast hunters, I mean,
human ones, (or at least I think they're human, =P) and some of them just use a formation
till it dies out, then switch to another one, hoping for victory. I'll admit, this works
sometimes... but more often than not, they're a bit useless. All-out offensive teams are
also a bit... something. Keep in mind also the speed of the beasts. The slow ones might
have a use being slow. In fact, there are 2 specific times where I pulled out victories due
to my beast's slow-ness. I'm sure there are more, but I can only remember 2 of them.
(Smoking is hazardous both to your health and your sanity. Especially weed.)
-Don't just think offense. Even support roles are important. Timing is also very
important. Think before making moves. Hindsight is about as useful as a used diaper.
-Save. A lot. Early, often, every chance you get. All of us make mistakes, and
that's why pencils have erasers. At least till I take them off. Mistakes could lead you
to discovering something that you might have done wrong. But you don't need to keep the
-Ordinary mindedness is the way. That means just what it sounds like it means.
Don't think too complicated, in circles, spirals and all those things. Some people may
have very complex strategies, but there will always be a way to break them. More often
than not, it's so easy, it's practically laughing at you with the top of its head flying
off. Think, but not too hard.

X. Spoilers and Stuff


Levant turns evil when he summons the evil in you, and so you must beat
him to the crapper. First comes a Levant/Water Drac combination. Very evil. I
would alternate using the fire side(on the Drac) and either the wind side or the
earth side, depending on which side you have stronger attacks on(on Levant) and
use the water side to heal when neccessary. Try not to use your books yet. It's
not as bad as the impending battle, though. These two alternate, so it is very bad.
When you hurt the drac suficciently, it'll alternate back to Levant and when it
changes back to Levant, a great deal of its HP comes back.(not all) When you're
done, there's no resting period, and there's no chance to give the beasts any
HP or MP replenishing items in between.

FINAL BOSS- PART 2(Lillith Kalma +Mini Kalmas)

What comes out is a FULLY-EVOLVED kalma. Pure evil. And it summons 2 kalma
which will evolve in a matter of turns and so if you don't kill it in the first
turn, you'll have plenty of trouble. They'll keep evolving, getting healed, getting
stronger. And if they're the earth ones, ouch. Every time you kill the smaller
kalma, they'll be summoned again. The larger one is even tougher, and it changes
color every now and then. Suggested tactic: Hopefully you brought plenty of attack
up and inciting books and it should end well. Also, make sure that one of your fire
beasts has an all-hitting move like soldote. Inciting book+Strong MG user+Inciting
book= First turn smaller-kalma kill. That will leave your 2 other strong attackers
a chance to hit the bigger kalma. Do this till you run out of MP. Hopefully you still
have some books left, too. Now switch to the water side and stall out. Tishalite is
useful to have. Switch back when the MP is up again and repeat the Inciting book+Fire
formation thing. When you run out of books or one or two of your fire formation beasts
die, switch to the wind side. If you have good strong attackers here, that's really good.
When they run out, turn to the earth side. When all else fails, stall out with the water
side to replenish your attackers. That's all my advice.

*SPOILERS*After the Game...*SPOILERS*

This is another overly popular question. What can you do after the game? Well...
-8th beast amulet space thingy.
-You can finish beating the crap out of those genuss-specific beast hunters.
Then you can go to the 6th forests after beating 8 of them, and get going to the
genus-specific arenas. You'll see when you get there.
-More jobs. Better jobs. Some jobs can give you much better stuff than you can
get any other way.
-2 more forests per element. Longer and more stages per area.
-4 new orb-ish things. These unlock...
-...some of the beast hunter tournaments. Most are unlockable by beating the
lower denominations of the tournaments. They're number specific.
-3 "new" beast hunters. Mint, the new sweet knight, Oouuoo or something like
that and... (since it's been marked as spoilers anyways) HUMAN CURE.
-(obviously) more kalma.
-Complete 2P Battle Arena Character list.
-There are other stuff, but I'm too lazy to mention them.
-Club Acid, where if you bring all your Sweet Knights paraphernaelia of one
Sweet Knight, you can battle some opponents for Sweet Knights action figures.
-More new stuff at Kikinak and Co.'s

XI. Credits

Svenn(svenn@cablespeed.com) For dedicating so much of his valuable time to JC2,
for helping me and correcting my mistakes. Also, he provided a good part of knowledge
of the misc. stuff I have on here. Thank you.
Goryus(Goryus@hotmail.com) He's the best. And he provided me with a couple
thousand answers on the JC2 boards which helped me get at least slightly enlightened.
GameFAQs(www.gamefaqs.com) If this is on there, then CJayC deserves 00ber thanks.
Genki and/or Ubi Soft(www.jadecocoon2.com) They made the game, so they deserve
like 70% of the thanks. ;p
Anja and Chris(www.psxcodez.com) They get this FAQ too. If they'll have it.
Hieu Dao(neo_crimson17@yahoo.com) For giving me the skinny on one of the things
in the modifiers parts.
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