Diablo II: Lord of Destruction

Diablo 2 - Lord of Destruction

18.10.2013 05:09:40
Prefix- und Gegenstände Liste
=================================================== V1.1

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1. History
2. Magic Item Properties
2.1 Prefixes
2.11 Character Statistic Modifiers
2.12 Character Attack Modifiers
2.13 Other Modifiers
2.2 Suffixes
2.21 Character Statistic Modifiers
2.22 Character Modifiers
2.23 Other Modifiers
2.24 Prefixes and Suffixes Determined By Level
2.241 Prefixes
2.242 Suffixes
2.25 Charges
2.251 Prefix Charges
2.252 Suffix Charges
3. Rare Item Words
3.1 First Word
3.2 Second Word
4. Unique Items
5. Property Explanation
6. Credits
7. Contact Info
8. Legal Stuff

|Please do not copy, in any way or form, this guide, as it has been |
|put together by the hard work of me and other individuals. IF you |
|do decide to steal it, I know where you live, and I will hunt you |
|down. Please ask for permission to put this guide up before you do.|
|If you DO put up my guide on your site, you must give credit to me |
|and update regularly from GameFAQS. Thank you. (See "Legal Stuff") |

This guide can be found in the following places:



The latest version of this guide is ALWAYS found at GameFAQS.




Just a warning - I am updating this ALL the time, i.e. every time I play
DII: LOD, so when I say *update* it's when I feel there has been enough work
to warrant a new version number or some major change I decide to do.

V 0.1 - Started this guide when I noticed the prefixes and suffixes do give
certain set properties. (26 Nov 2001)
V 0.2 - Hah! Update on the same day! I decided to add unique items.
(26 Nov 2001)
V 0.3 - Visual update, added about 20. (Working on this!) (27 Nov 2001)
V 0.4 - Lots of new prefix/suffixes added. (29 Nov 2001)
V 0.5 - Ditto. (2 Dec 2001)
V 0.6 - I have now included some from Diablo II: Lord of Destruction after
actually getting LoD. (30 Jan 2002)
V 0.7 - Rearranged the Unique and Rare Items, a few more prefixes,
increased range, etc. (8 Feb 2002)
V 0.8 - More stuff. Yadayadayada. You get the idea. (26 Feb 2002)
V 0.9 - Probably the largest update I've done. Added lots of stuff, property
explanation, prefixes and suffixes that are determined by level,
and the list goes on. (6 Apr 2002)
V 1.0 - Added examples, went into a more extended explanation and got a number
of new prefixes. There won't be an update for quite some time because I
have exams coming up. (22 May 2002)
v 1.1 - Finally got back into playing D2 after other random RPGs. A lot of new
information too, thanks to a regular contributor, Creeping Death.
(23 October 2002)



Yes, you can tell what unique properties magic items give you by looking at
just the name. Properties are listed in alphabetical order of their effect.
The values here are just the range that I have gotten - the values you can
get may vary in up to ten points/percent/whatever. Magic item names appear
in blue. Also, magic prefixes/suffixes that give things like warcries and
shadow disciplines only work for the specific class - i.e. warcries are
Barbarian Only and so on. And a final note, magical properties are also used on
determining the properties of charms, and some of the properties in here are
charm specific as well.

Note (where applicable) : AR = Attack Rating
Lv = Level
Res = Resistance
s = Seconds
Enh = Enhanced

EXAMPLE (Not a real prefix):

Damage To Angels modifiers: -Blak Omen's +13-666% Damage and
+13-666% To AR Against Angels

This means that the prefix "Blak Omen's" will give +13-666% Damage and +13-666
To AR Against Angels - but in reality it may actually be +702% + 10 AR because
I may not have the entire range for the prefix/suffix. Also a range within a
range is possible - for example the lightning damage prefix "Static" could
come up with 1-70 Lightning Damage.

Another thing that has come up is prefixes and suffixes on charms. In this
I have put both the values of the charms and normal items together - however,
as a general rule charms usually have a lot less of an effect.

2.1 Prefixes

2.11 Character Statistic Modifiers

All Resistances modifiers: -Shimmering All Res 3-12%
-Rainbow All Res 8-11%
-Scintillating All Res 12-15%
-Prismatic All Res 16-20%
-Chromatic All Res 22%

Cold Resistance modifiers: -Azure Cold Res 5-10%
-Lapis Cold Res 12-20%
-Lapis Lazuli Cold Res 12%
-Cobalt Cold Res 21-28%
-Sapphire Cold Res 25-49%

Defense modifiers: -Stout +1-7 To Defense
-Blanched +8 To Defense
-Burly +14-30 To Defense
-Ivory +14 To Defense
-Bone +20-39 To Defense
-Stalwart +23-45 To Defense
-Faithful +xxx To Def (Based On Chr Lv)

Enhanced Defense modifiers: -Sturdy Enh Defense 12-30%
-Strong Enh Defense 31-40%
-Glorious Enh Defense 41-50%
-Blessed Enh Defense 51-64%
-Saintly Enh Defense 67-80%
-Holy Enh Defense 81-100%
-Godly Enh Defense 116-165%

Fire Resistance modifiers: -Crimson Fire Res 5-10%
-Burgundy Fire Res 11-19%
-Garnet Fire Res 12-28%
-Russet Fire Res 13-20%
-Ruby Fire Res 40%

Lightning Resistance modifiers: -Camphor Lightning Res 5-15%
-Ocher Lightning Res 5-16%
-Tangerine Lightning Res 5-17%
-Coral Lightning Res 22-30%
-Ambergris Lightning Res 26%
-Amber Lightning Res 37-38%

Life modifiers: -Sparking +17 To Life

Mana modifiers: -Lizard's +1-13 To Mana
-Snake's +6-10 To Mana
-Zircon +8 To Mana
-Jacinth +11 To Mana
-Serpent's +13-19 To Mana
-Turquoise +19-20 To Mana
-Drake's +21-27 To Mana
-Dragon's +31-38 To Mana
-Wyrm's +41-59 To Mana
-Great Wyrm's +66-75 To Mana
-Bahamut's +92-106 To Mana
-Mnemonic +xxx To Mana (Based On Chr

Poison Resistance modifiers: -Beryl Poison Res 8-9%
-Jade Poison Res 9-30%
-Viridian Poison Res 15-29%
-Emerald Poison Res 34-49%

Stamina modifiers: -Rugged +6-39 Maximum Stamina
-Chestnut +11 Maximum Stamina
-Maroon +21 Maximum Stamina
-Vigorous +26-30 Maximum Stamina

2.12 Character Attack Modifiers

Attack Rating modifiers: -Bronze +3-20 To AR
-Bright +10 To AR and
+1 To Light Radius
-Nickel +10-14 To AR
-Sharp +11-19 To AR and
10-19% Enhanced Damage or
+1 ???? Damage
-Iron +22-39 To AR
-Fine +24-40 To AR and
22-29% Enhanced Damage
-Tin +25-34 To AR
-Steel +42-60 To AR
-Warrior's +42-59 To AR and
35-40% Enhanced Damage
-Silver +61-78 To AR
-Soldier's +62-77 To AR and
43-45% Enhanced Damage
-Argent +81 To AR
-Gold +83-100 To AR
-Knight's +83-99 To AR and
Enhanced Damage
-Platinum +102-119 To AR
-Lord's +111-113 To AR and
66-70% Enhanced Damage
-Meteoric +123-150 To AR
-Strange +161-256 To AR
-Weird +357-404 To AR
-Hawkeye +xxx To AR (Based on Char Lv)
-Visionary +xx% To AR (Based on Char Lv)

Cold Damage modifiers: -Snowy Adds 3-28 Cold Damage
-Shivering Adds 4-43 Cold Damage
-Boreal Adds 20-61 Cold Damage
-Hibernal Adds 39-92 Cold Damage

Damage To Demon modifiers: -Lunar +10-24% Damage and
+39-48 To AR Against Demons
-Arcadian +28-40% Damage and
+60-84 To AR Against Demons
-Unearthly +93% Damage and
+129 To AR Against Demons
-Celestial +137% Damage and
+394 To AR Against Demons
-Elysian +158-189% Damage and
+239-261 To AR Against Demons

Damage To Undead modifiers: -Consecrated +27-124% Damage and
+36-74 To AR Against Undead
-Pure +91-115% Damage and
+93-159 To AR Against Undead
-Sacred +144-191% Damage and
+202-236 To AR Against Undead
-Hallowed +221-225% Damage and
+267-268 To AR Against Undead

Enhanced Damage modifiers: -Cinnabar 5-8% Enhanced Damage
-Sharp 10-19% Enhanced Damage or
+1 Maximum Damage and
+11-19 To AR
-Jagged 14-19% Enhanced Damage or
+1 Maximum Damage
-Deadly 23-30% Enhanced Damage
-Fine 22-29% Enhanced Damage and
+24-40 To AR
-Vicious 31-40% Enhanced Damage
-Warrior's 35-40% Enhanced Damage and
+42-59 To AR
-Brutal 42-49% Enhanced Damage
-Soldier's 43-45% Enhanced Damage and
+62-77 To AR
-Massive 51-64% Enhanced Damage
-Lord's 66-70% Enhanced Damage and
+111-113 To AR
-Savage 73-79% Enhanced Damage
-Merciless 84-97% Enhanced Damage
-Ferocious +101-159% Enhanced Damage
-Knight's Enhanced Damage and
+83-99 To AR
-Cruel 215-289% Enhanced Damage

Fire Damage modifiers: -Fiery Adds 1-55 Fire Damage
-Smoldering Adds 26-86 Fire Damage
-Condensing Adds 135-235 Fire Damage

Flee modifiers: -Screaming Hit Monster Flee 12-25%
-Howling Hit Monster Flee 18-50%
-Wailing Hit Monster Flee 100%

Lightning Damage modifiers: -Static Adds 1-115 Lightning Damage
-Glowing Adds 1-125 Lightning Damage
-Buzzing Adds 1-224 Lightning Damage
-Arcing Adds 1-336 Lightning Damage
-Shocking Adds 1-462 Lightning Damage

Mana After Kill modifiers: -Triumphant +1 To Mana After Each Kill
-Aureolic +2 To Mana After Each Kill
-Victorious +4-5 To Mana After Each Kill

Minimum Damage modifiers: -Red +1 To Minimum Damage
-Scarlet +2-4 To Minimum Damage

Maximum Damage modifiers: -Jagged +1 To Maximum Damage or
14-19% Enhanced Damage
-Sharp +1 To Maximum Damage or
+11-19 To AR and
10-19% Enhanced Damage
-Carbuncle +4 To Maximum Damage
-Vermilion +15 Maximum Damage
-Screaming +xx To Maximum Damage
-Fool's +xx To MD (Bsd On Chr Lv) and
+xxx To AR (Bsd On Chr Lv)

Poison Damage modifiers: -Septic +6-10 Poison Dmg Over 2-3 s
-Foul +12-15 Poison Dmg Over 2-3 s

-Pestilent +50-275 Poison Dmg Over 5-6
-Corrosive +80-202 Poison Dmg Over 4-8 s
-Toxic +150 Poison Dmg Over 5 s

2.13 Other Modifiers

A special mention to Fernando Lee (see the Credits) for about 75% of the info
in this section. Thanks a lot!

Amazon Skill modifiers: -Maiden's +1 To Amazon Skills

Assassin Skill modifiers: -Magekiller's +1 To Assassin Skills
-Witch-Hunter's +2 To Assassin Skills

Barbarian Skill modifiers: -Slayer's +1 To Barbarian Skills
-Beserker's +2 To Barbarian Skills

Bow and Crossbow modifiers: -Fletcher's +1 To Bow And Crossbow Skills
-Bowyer's +2 To Bow And Crossbow Skills

Cold Skill modifiers: -Chilling +1 To Cold Skills
-Freezing +2 To Cold Skills
-Glacial +3 To Cold Skills

Combat Mastery modifiers: -Fanatic +1 To Masteries
-Raging +2 To Masteries
-Furious +3 To Masteries

Combat Skill (Barb) modifiers: -Expert's +1 To Combat Skills
-Veteran's +2 To Combat Skills
-Master's +3 To Combat Skills

Combat Skill (Pal) modifiers: -Lion Branded +1 To Combat Skills
-Hawk Branded +2 To Combat Skills
-Rose Branded +3 To Combat Skills

Damage to Mana: -Vulpine 7-12% Dmg Taken Goes To Mana
-Dun 10-11% Dmg Taken Goes To Mana

Damage Recieved Modifiers: -Amicae Damage Reduced By 9-14

Defensive Aura modifiers: -Preserver's +1 To Defensive Auras
-Warden's +2 To Defensive Auras
-Guardian's +3 To Defensive Auras

Druid Skill modifiers: -Shaman's +1 To Druid Skills
-Heirophant's +2 To Druid Skills

Elemental Skill modifiers: -Natural +1 To Elemental Skills
-Terrene +2 To Elemental Skills
-Gaean +3 To Elemental Skills

Finding Magic Items modifiers: -Lucky 1-2% Btr Chnc M. Item Find
-Emerald 5% Btr Chnc M. Item Find
-Felicitious 8-9% Btr Chnc M. Item Find
-Fortuitous 11-13% Btr Chnc M. Item Find

Fire Skill modifiers: -Burning +1 To Fire Skills
-Blazing +2 To Fire Skills
-Volcanic +3 To Fire Skills

Heal Stamina modifiers: -Tireless Heal Stamina 25-50%

Javelin and Spear modifiers: -Harpoonist's +1 To Javelin And Spear
-Spearmaiden's +2 To Javelin And Spear

Lightning Skill modifiers: -Sparking +1 To Lightning Skills
-Charged +2 To Lightning Skills
-Powered +3 To Lightning Skills

Light Radius modifiers: -Bright +1 To Light Radius and
+10 To AR
-Glimmering +1 To Light Radius
-Glowing +2 To Light Radius

Magic Damage Received modifiers:-Devious Magic Damage Reduced By 1

Martial Arts modifiers: -Shogukusha's +1 To Martial Arts
-Sensei's +2 To Martial Arts
-Kenshi's +3 To Martial Arts

Necromancer Skill modifiers: -Summoner's +1 To Necro Skill Levels
-Necromancer's +2 To Necro Skill Levels

Offensive Aura modifiers: -Captain's +1 To Offensive Auras
-Commander's +2 To Offensive Auras
-Marshal's +3 To Offensive Auras

Paladin Skill modifiers: -Monk's +1 To Paladin Skill Levels
-Priest's +2 To Paladin Skill Levels

Shadow Discipline modifiers: -Mentalist's +1 To Shadow Disciplines
-Psychic +2 To Shadow Disciplines
-Shadow +3 To Shadow Disciplines

Shapeshifting modifiers: -Spiritual +1 To Shapeshifting Skills
-Feral +2 To Shapeshifting Skills
-Communal +3 To Shapeshifting Skills

Socket modifiers: -Mechanic's +1 Socket In Item
-Artisan's +2-3 Sockets In Item
-Jeweler's +2-3 Sockets In Item

Sorceress Skill modifiers: -Angel's +1 To Sorceress Skills
-Arch-Angel's +2 To Sorceress Skills

Stack Size modifiers: -Compact Increased Stack Size
-Thin Increased Stack Size

Summoning (Druid) modifiers: -Trainer's +1 To Summoning Skills
-Caretaker's +2 To Summoning Skills
-Keeper's +3 To Summoning Skills

Summoning (Necro) modifiers: -Golemlord's +3 To Summoning Skills

Trap modifiers: -Entrapping +1 To Traps
-Trickster's +2 To Traps
-Cunning +3 To Traps

Warcry modifiers: -Sounding +1 To Warcries
-Resonant +2 To Warcries
-Echoing +3 To Warcries


2.2 Suffixes

All the Suffixes have "of" before them.

2.21 Character Statistic Modifiers

Dexterity modifiers: -Dexterity +1-3 To Dexterity
-Daring +1-6 To Dexterity
-Skill +4-5 To Dexterity
-Accuracy +7-8 To Dexterity
-Precision +10-13 To Dexterity
-Perfection +16 To Dexterity
-Nirvana +22-30 To Dexterity

Energy modifiers: -Knowledge +5 To Energy
-Brilliance +7-10 To Energy
-Sorcery +11-14 To Energy
-Wizardry +16-20 To Energy
-Enlightenment +22-27 To Energy

Freeze Duration modifiers: -Thawing Half Freeze Duration

Life modifiers: -the Jackal +1-4 To Life
-Spirit +3-8 To Life
-the Fox +6-9 To Life
-Life +7-18 To Life
-the Wolf +11-20 To Life
-Hope +14 To Life
-Sustenance +17-35 To Life
-the Tiger +21-28 To Life
-the Mammoth +31-40 To Life
-Vita +32 To Life
-the Colossus +44-59 To Life
-the Squid +61-80 To Life
-the Whale +81 To Life
-the Elephant +xx To Life and
+xx To Mana (Based On Chr Lv)
-the Centaur +xx To Life (Based On Chr Lv)

Mana modifiers: -Energy +2-4 To Mana
-the Mind +4-8 To Mana
-Sorcery +14-18 To Mana
-the Elephant +xx To Mana and
+xx To Life (Based On Chr Lv)
-Memory +xx To Mana (Based On Chr Lv)

Poison Length modifiers: -Remedy Poison Length Reduced by 25%
-Amelioration Poison Length Reduced by 50%
-Defiance Poison Length Reduced by 75%

Stamina Drain modifiers: -Transportation 90% Slower Stamina Drain and
30% Faster Run/Walk

Strength modifiers: -Virility +1-4 To Strength
-Strength +2-3 To Strength
-Might +4-5 To Strength
-the Ox +6-9 To Strength
-the Giant +11-13 To Strength
-the Titan +17 To Strength
-Atlas +25-29 To Strength

Walk/Run Speed modifiers: -Inertia 5-7% Faster Run/Walk
-Haste 20% Faster Run/Walk
-Transportation 30% Faster Run/Walk and
90% Slower Stamina Drain
-Acceleration 40% Faster Run/Walk
-Pacing Fast Run/Walk
-Speed Fastest Run/Walk

2.22 Character Attack Modifiers

Amplify Damage modifiers: -Amplify Damage 5% Chance To Cast Lv 1
Amplify Damage On Attack

Attack Rating modifiers: -Light +15 To AR, +1 To Light Rad
-Radiance +30 To AR, +3 To Light Rad
-the Sun +5% To AR, +5 To Light Rad

Attack Speed modifiers: -Readiness 10% Increased Attack Speed
-Fervor 15% Increased Attack Speed
-Alacrity 20% Increased Attack Speed
-Swiftness 30% Increased Attack Speed
-Quickness Greatly Incr Attack Speed

Cast Rate modifiers: -The Apprentice 10% Faster Cast Rate
-The Magus 20% Faster Cast Rate

Chain Lightning modifiers: -Chain Lightning 5-8% Chance To Cast Lv 3-5
Chain Lightning On Attack

Cold Damage modifiers: -Frost Adds 1-3 Cold Damage
-Frigidity Adds 1-4 Cold Damage
-the Icicle Adds 2-4 Cold Damage
-the Glacier Adds 3-11 Cold Damage
-Winter Adds 5-17 Cold Damage

Firebolt modifiers: -Firebolts 5-10% Chance To Cast Lv 3-8
Firebolt On Attack/Striking

Fire Damage modifiers: -Flame Adds 1-6 Fire Damage
-Fire Adds 1-11 Fire Damage
-Passion Adds 2-9 Fire Damage
-Burning Adds 5-18 Fire Damage
-Incineration Adds 7-53 Fire Damage

Ice Bolt modifiers: -Ice Bolt 5% Chance To Cast Lv 3
Ice Bolt On Attack

Knockback modifiers: -the Bear Knockback

Life Steal modifiers: -Leech 4-6% Life Stolen Per Hit
-Locust 6-7% Life Stolen Per Hit
-Lamprey 8% Life Stolen Per Hit

Lightning modifiers: -Lightning 5% Chance To Cast Lv 3
Lightning On Attack

Lightning Damage modifiers: -Shock Adds 1-8 Lightning Damage
-Ennui Adds 1-12 Lightning Damage
-Lightning Adds 1-16 Lightning Damage
-Thunder Adds 1-32 Lightning Damage
-Storms Adds 2-81 Lightning Damage

Mana Steal modifiers: -the Bat 4-7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
-the Wraith 6-7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
-the Vampire 8-9% Mana Stolen Per Hit

Maximum Damage modifiers: -Craftsmanship +1 To Maximum Damage
-Ire +2-5 To Maximum Damage
-Quality +2-11 To Maximum Damage
-Maiming +3-4 To Maximum Damage
-Slaying +6-7 To Maximum Damage

-Wrath +6-8 To Maximum Damage
-Gore +8-10 To Maximum Damage

-Carnage +11-15 To Maximum Damage
-Slaughter +15-20 To Maximum Damage
-Butchery +24-40 To Maximum Damage
-Evisceration +44-52 To Maximum Damage

Minimum Damage modifiers: -Worth +1-2 To Minimum Damage
-Measure +2 To Minimum Damage
-Joyfulness +2-4 To Minimum Damage
-Excellence +3 To Minimum Damage
-Performance +4-12 To Minimum Damage

Monster Defense modifiers: -Puncturing -16-19 To Monster Def Per Hit
-Bashing -27 To Monster Def Per Hit

Monster Heal modifiers: -Vileness Prevent Monster Heal

Nova modifiers: -Nova 10% Chance To Cast Level 3
Nova On Striking
-Nova Shield 12% Chance To Cast Level 4
Nova On Striking

Poison Damage modifiers: -Blight Adds 2-7 Pois Dmg Over 2-3 s
-Venom Adds 4-21 Pois Dmg Over 3-4 s
-Pestilence Adds 12-50 Pois Dmg Over 4-5
-Envy Adds 20 Pois Dmg Over 2 s
-Anthrax Adds 100 Pois Dmg Over 6 s

Target Defense modifiers: -Piercing Ignore Target's Defense

2.23 Other Modifiers

Attacker Damaged modifiers: -Thorns Attacker Takes Damage Of 1-2
-Malice Attacker Takes Damage Of 2
-Spikes Attacker Takes Damage Of 2-6
-Razors Attacker Takes Damage Of 7-9
-Swords Attacker Takes Damage Of

Block modifiers: -Blocking 15% Faster Block Rate and
10% Incr Chance Of Blocking
-Deflecting 30% Faster Block Rate and
20% Incr Chance Of Blocking

Charged Bolt modifiers: -Charged Bolt 10-14% Chance To Cast Lv 3-5
Charged Bolt When Struck

Damage Received modifiers: -Health Damage Reduced By 1
-Absorption Damage Reduced By 2-3
-Protection Damage Reduced By 2
-Life Damage Reduced By 4-7
-Life Everlasting Damage Reduced By 15-24

Finding Magic Items modifiers: -Prosperity 5-10% Btr Chnc M. Item Find
-Chance 6-13% Btr Chnc M. Item Find
-Fortune 20-25% Btr Chnc M. Item Find
-Luck 26-35% Btr Chnc M. Item Find

Frost Shield modifiers: -Frost Shield 5% Chance To Cast Lv 3
Frost Nova When Struck

Gold Received modifiers: -Greed 5-59% Extra Gold From Mnstrs
-Avarice 10-26% Extra Gold From Mnstrs
-Wealth 73-118% Extra Gold From

Hit Recovery modifiers: -Truth 7% Faster Hit Recovery
-Balance 8-12% Faster Hit Recovery
-Equilibrium 17% Faster Hit Recovery
-Stability 24% Faster Hit Recovery

Indestructible modifiers: -Ages Indestructible

Item Requirement modifiers: -Freedom Requirements -15%
-Ease Requirements -20%
-Simplicity Requirements -30-40%

Life Replenish modifiers: -Regeneration Replenish Life +2-5
-Regrowth Replenish Life +6-10
-Revivification Replenish Life +11-15

Light Radius modifiers: -Light +1 To Light Radius, +15 To AR
-Radiance +3 To Light Radius, +30 To AR
-the Sun +5 To Light Radius, +5% To AR

Magic Damage Received modifiers:-Warding Magic Damage Reduced By 1
-the Sentinel Magic Damage Reduced By 2
-Guarding Magic Damage Reduced By 3
-Negation Magic Damage Reduced By 4-6

Self-Repair modifiers: -Self-Repair Repairs 1 Durability In 33 s
-Restoration Repairs 1 Durability In 20 s

Quantity modifiers: -Replenishing Replenishes Quantity
-Propagation Replenishes Quantity

2.24 Prefixes and Suffixes Determined By Level

Some of the prefixes and suffixes increase in potency as you level up. Here is
a listing of how much they do at each level, which is rather incomplete but
it'll get there. Some day. The equations listed are my calculation from the
that I have gathered so far - it might be wrong, so for definite results look
the listing.


Sumo's (+Life)
|Armour - +600 Life/Lv| <- Every level the character is, he/she will gain 600
|Other - +200 Life/Lv| <- Every level the character is, he/she will gain 200

If a Level 56 barbarian with a base HP of 600 equips a Sumo's Ancient Armour:

New HP = Base HP + (600*LV)
New HP = 600 + 33600
New HP = 34200

However, if the same character equip's a Sumo's Light Belt:

New HP = Base HP + (200*LV)
New HP = 600 + 11200
New HP = 11800

2.241 Prefixes
Faithful (+Defense) | Lv | Increase |
_________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
|Armour - +3 Defense/Lv | 1 ????
|Other - +1 Defense/2 Lvs| 2 ????
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 3 ????
4 ????
5 ????
6 ????
7 ????
8 ????
9 ????
33 +99 (Armour)
42 +126 (Armour) or +21 (Boots)
43 +129 (Armour)
44 +132 (Armour) or +22 (Shield)
45 +135 (Armour)
46 +138 (Armour)
47 +141 (Armour)
48 +144 (Armour)
49 +147 (Armour) or +24 (Boots)
50 +150 (Armour) or +25 (Boots)
55 +165 (Armour) or +27 (Boots)
58 +29 (Boots)
62 +31 (Boots)
63 +31 (Boots)
64 +32 (Boots)
66 +198 (Armour)
67 +33 (Boots)
69 +34 (Boots)
Fool's (+Max Dmg, AR) | Lv | Increase |
47 +23 MD, +775 AR
Hawkeye (+AR) | Lv | Increase |
______________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
|+6 To Attack Rating/Lv| 1 ????
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 38 +228
40 +240
41 +246
42 +255
55 +330
67 +402
68 +408
Mnemonic (+Mana) | Lv | Increase |
42 +31
Screaming (+Max Dmg) | Lv | Increase |
56 +42
Visionary (+% AR) | Lv | Increase |
_______________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
|+1% To Attack Rating/Lv| 1 +1%
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 2 +2%
3 +3%
4 +4%
5 +5%
6 +6%
7 +7%
8 +8%
9 +9%
10 +10%
11 +11%
12 +12%
13 +13%
14 +14%
15 +15%
16 +16%
17 +17%
18 +18%
19 +19%
20 +20%
21 +21%
22 +22%
23 +23%
24 +24%
25 +25%
26 +26%
27 +27%
28 +28%
29 +29%
30 +30%
31 +31%
32 +32%
33 +33%
34 +34%
35 +35%
36 +36%
37 +37%
38 +38%
39 +39%
40 +40%
41 +41%
42 +42%
43 +43%
44 +44%
45 +45%
46 +46%
47 +47%
48 +48%
49 +49%
50 +50%
51 +51%
52 +52%
53 +53%
54 +54%
55 +55%
56 +56%
2.242 Suffixes

All suffixes start with "of".

the Centaur (+Life) | Lv | Increase |
33 +24
41 +30
the Elephant (+Life, Mana) | Lv | Increase |
55 +27 To Life, +13 To Mana
Memory (+Mana) | Lv | Increase |
1 ????
2 ????
3 ????
4 ????
5 ????
6 ????
7 ????
8 ????
9 ????
10 ????
11 ????
12 ????
13 ????
14 ????
15 ????
16 ????
17 ????
18 ????
19 ????
20 ????
21 ????
22 ????
23 ????
24 ????
25 ????
26 ????
27 ????
28 ????
29 ????
30 ????
31 ????
32 ????
33 ????
34 ????
35 ????
36 ????
37 ????
38 ????
39 ????
40 ????
41 +30
2.25 Charges

This entire section is only for Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, as it is one
of the new features.

Charges are a way of using skills that would normally be outside the scope of
your character. The number of charges indicates how many times you can use the
skill before all the charges are depleted and you cannot use the skill until
the item is 'recharged' by repairing it. The higher the level of the skill and
the more charges you have used, the more expensive it becomes to recharge an

2.251 Prefix Charges

I don't think there are any but this is here just in case.

2.252 Suffix Charges

All suffixes have "of" before them.

Charged Bolt modifiers: -Charged Bolt Level 1 Charged Bolt (22 Charges)
Confuse modifiers: -Confusion Level 1-3 Confusion (22-82 Charges)
Dim Vision modifiers: -Dim Vision Level 1 Dim Vision (22 Charges)
Enchant modifiers: -Enchantment Level 1 Enchant (11-22 Charges)
Fire Bolt modifiers: -Fire Bolt Level 1 Fire Bolt (22 Charges)
Holy Bolt modifiers: -Holy Bolt Level 1 Holy Bolt (22 Charges)
Poison Dagger modifiers: -Poison Dagger Level 1 Poison Dagger (22 Charges)
Telekinesis modifiers: -Telekinesis Level 1 Telekinesis (22-33 Charges)
Ice Blast modifiers: -Ice Blast Level 1-2 Ice Blast (25-33 Charges)
Exploding Arrow modifiers:-Exploding Arrow Level 1 Exploding Arrow (33 Charges)
Fire Ball modifiers: -Fire Ball Level 1 Fire Ball (33 Charges)
Ice Arrow modifiers: -Ice Arrow Level 1 Ice Arrow (33 Charges)
Magic Arrow modifiers: -Magic Arrow Level 1 Magic Arrow (33 Charges)
Multiple Shot modifiers: -Multiple Shot Level 1 Multiple Shot (33 Charges)
Nova modifiers: -Nova Level 1 Nova (33 Charges)
Bone Spear modifiers: -Bone Spear Level 1 Bone Spear (67 Charges)
Charged Strike modifiers: -Charged Strike Level 1 Charged Strike (67 Charges)
Dim Vision modifiers: -Dim Vision Level 1 Dim Vision (67 Charges)
Teeth modifiers: -Teeth Level 1 Teeth (67 Charges)
Bash modifiers: -Bashing Level 2 Bash (25 Charges)
Blizzard modifiers: -Blizzard Level 2 Blizzard (37 Charges)
Ice Blast modifiers: -Ice Blast Level 2 Ice Blast (25 Charges)
Sacrifice modifiers: -Sacrifice Level 2-3 Sacrifice (25-27 Charges)
Ice Bolt modifiers: -Ice Bolt Level 2-3 Ice Bolt (25-41 Charges)
Cold Arrow modifiers: -Cold Arrow Level 3 Cold Arrow (41 Charges)



Rare items are always two word items, and their names appear in a light yellow.
A quick explanation - string together a first word and a last word and you will
get a likely name for a rare item. For example, Grim Knuckle could be a rare
ring. However, I do not have every single suffix relation, so Knuckle could
also refer to something like a Circlet. (If you are aware of any not listed
here please contact me.)

The properties of these items are randomly selected, so even if a rare object
has the same name as another one, it may not have the same properties.
The odds of getting two exact identical copies of a rare object without
duping are very depressing but nevertheless, it is possible.

3.1 First Word


3.2 Second Word

Aegis - Gothic Shield, Kite Shield, Tower Shield, Unraveller Head,
Zombie Head
Badge - Kite Shield
Band - Ring
Bar - Brandistock, Glaive, Halberd, Mace, Morning Star, Pilum, Voulge
Barb - Battle Axe, Bardiche, Broad Axe, Hatchet Hands, Maiden Spear, Pilum,
Sabre, Scissors Katar, Scythe, Shamshir, Short Spear, Spear,
Throwing Knife, Quhab, Zweihander
Beads - Amulet
Bite - Claws, Dirk, Flamberge, Poleaxe, Scimitar, Scissors Katar,
Throwing Axe
Blazer - Greaves
Blow - Flail, Maul
Bludgeon - Flail, Grand Scepter, Grave Wand
Bolt - Crossbow, Javelin, Heavy Crossbow
Branch - Hunter's Bow, Long Staff, Short Spear, Short Staff, Short War Bow
Brand - Battle Axe, Great Maul, Short Staff
Breaker - Grand Scepter
Brogues - Chain Boots, Greaves, Light Plated Boots
Brow - Circlet, Crown, Full Helm, Jawbone Cap, Helm, Skull Cap
Buckle - Belt, Demonhide Sash, Light Belt
Carapace - Ancient Armor, Ring Mail, Studded Leather
Casque - Crown, Full Helm, Mask
Circle - Ring
Circlet - Antlers, Bone Helm, Full Helm, Great Helm, Skull Cap
Chain - Heavy Belt, Plated Belt
Clasp - Amulet, Belt, Sash
Claw - Heavy Gloves, Leather Gloves, Light Gauntlets, Katar, Scissors
War Gauntlets, Wrist Blade
Cleaver - Axe, Flamberge, Giant Sword, Gothic Sword
Cloak - Breast Plate, Chain Mail, Plate Mail, Studded Leather
Clutches - Light Gauntlets
Coat - Full Plate Mail
Coil - Ring
Collar - Amulet
Cord - Demonhide Sash, Heavy Belt, Sash
Cowl - Crown, Full Helm
Crack - Flail, Tomb Wand
Crest - Antlers, Bone Helm, Cap, Great Helm, Helm, Horned Helm, Spirit Mask,
Winged Helm
Crusher - Club, Grim Wand, Flail, Morning Star
Cry - Grave Wand
Dart - Crossbow, Short Spear, Trident
Edge - Dirk
Emblem - Ancient Shield, Amulet, Bone Shield, Demon Head, Gothic Shield,
Small Shield, Targe, Unraveller Head, Zombie Head
Eye - Ring
Fang - Falchion, Giant Sword, Lochaber Axe, Short Sword
Flange - Club, Leather Armour, Gothic Plate
Fletch - Reflex Bow, Repeating Crossbow, Short Battle Bow, Stag Bow
Flight - Composite Bow, Light Crossbow, Short Battle Bow
Finger - Chain Gloves, Leather Gloves, Ring
Fist - Gauntlets, Quhab
Fringe - Belt, Light Belt
Gnarl - Cudgel
Gnash - Axe, Battle Axe, Club, Cudgel, Hand Axe
Goad - Pike, Rune Staff, Spear
Gorget - Amulet
Grasp - Leather Gloves, Ring, Sharkskin Gloves
Greaves - Boots, Greaves, Light Plated Boots
Grinder - War Hammer
Grip - Heavy Gloves, Ring
Guard - Buckler, Grim Shield, Heraldic Shield, Small Shield, Spiked Shield
Gutter - Balanced Knife, Dagger, Gladius, Glaive, Great Sword, Falchion,
Gyre - Eagle Orb, Ring
Hand - Gauntlets, Leather Gloves
Harness - Belt, Sash
Harp - Crossbow, Reflex Bow
Hide - Breast Plate, Chain Mail
Heart - Clasped Orb, Eagle Orb, Jewel, Smoked Sphere
Hew - Axe, Bastard Sword, Broad Axe, Falchion, Shamshir
Hold - Chain Gloves, Ring
Hood - Cap
Horn - Balanced Knife, Crossbow, Dirk, Falcon Mask, Helm, Horned Helm,
Long Battle Bow, Short Bow, Skull Cap
Impaler - Short Sword, War Fork
Jack - Quilted Armour
Knell - War Scepter
Knot - Ring
Knuckle - Chain Gloves, Ring
Lance - Poleaxe, Spear
Lash - Sash
Lock - Belt, Plated Belt, Sash
Loom - Crossbow
Loop - Ring
Mallet - Club, Maul, War Hammer
Mangler - Hand Axe, Mace, Morning Star
Mantle - Breast Plate, Leather Armour
Mar - Battle Sword, Broad Axe, Executioner Sword, Sabre, Two Handed Sword,
War Spear
Mark - Amulet, Kite Shield, Spiked Shield, Tower Shield, Unraveller Head
Mask - Cap, Circlet, Mask
Master - Ring
Nails - Battle Scythe, Greaves, Light Plated Boots, Pike, Throwing Spear
Needle - Double Bow, Kris, Large Siege Bow, Pilum, Short Battle Bow,
Short Spear, Two Handed Sword
Nock - Short Battle Bow, Short Bow, Short Siege Bow
Noose - Amulet
Pale - Bardiche, Glaive, Trident
Pelt - Ring Mail, Quilted Armour
Picket - Lochaber Axe, Pilum
Prod - Brandistock, Pilum, Short Spear
Quarrel - Chu-Ko-Nu, Heavy Crossbow, Hunter's Bow, Long Battle Bow
Quill - Blade, Crossbow, Gothic Bow, Heavy Crossbow, Long Battle Bow,
Long Bow, Repeating Crossbow, Short Bow
Razor - Cestus, Great Sword, Hatchet Hands, Katar, Large Axe, Long Sword,
Sabre, Short Sword, Throwing Axe, Two Handed Sword, Wrist Blade,
Wrist Spike
Reaver - Balanced Axe, Large Axe
Rend - Broad Axe
Rock - Kite Shield, Tower Shield
Saw - Great Sword
Scalpel - Battle Dart, Broad Sword, Cinquedeas, Great Sword
Scarab - Amulet, Jewel
Scourge - Spetum
Scratch - Blade, Dirk, Glaive, Javelin, Scissors Katar, War Scythe
Scythe - Broad Axe, Double Axe, Two Handed Sword, Voulge
Sever - Dagger, Falchion
Shank - Chain Boots, Light Plated Boots
Shell - Bone Shield, Circlet, Crown, Heraldic Shield, Great Helm, Hawk Helm,
Helm, Horned Helm, Leather Armour, Kite Shield, Ring Mail, Skull
Tower Shield, Quilted Armour
Shield - Buckler, Heraldic Shield
Shroud - Breast Plate, Field Plate, Leather Armour, Ornate Plate
Skewer - Balrog Blade, Bardiche, Broad Sword, Kris, Sabre, Throwing Knife,
Throwing Spear, Two-Handed Sword
Slayer - Ancient Axe, Crowbill, Gothic Axe, Military Axe, Throwing Axe
Smasher - Club, Mace, Maul, Wirt's Leg
Song - Axe, Balanced Knife, Blade, Crossbow, Dimensional Blade, Dirk,
Fascia, Giant Sword, Jared's Stone, Long Battle Bow, Long Bow,
Long Sword, Military Axe, Katar, Scimitar, Spear, Spetum,
Throwing Axe, Trident, War Sword
Spawn - Balanced Axe, Double Axe
Spike - Bastard Sword, Executioner Sword, Short Sword, Spear, Stiletto,
Two Handed Sword
Spiral - Ring
Splitter - Throwing Axe
Spur - Chain Boots, Greaves, Light Plated Boots
Stake - Ghost Glaive, Lochaber Axe, Maiden Pike, Pike, War Javelin, Voulge
Stalker - Boots, Chain Boots, Greaves
Star - Grim Wand, Maul, Morning Star
Stinger - Broad Sword, Champion Sword, Composite Bow, Crossbow, Dagger,
Flying Knife, Long War Bow, Repeating Crossbow
Strap - Demonhide Sash, War Belt
Suit - Breast Plate, Chain Mail, Ghost Armour, Leather Armour,
Studded Leather
Sunder - Broad Axe, Francisca, Military Axe, Military Pick, Small Crescent,
Throwing Axe
Talisman - Amulet, Jewel
Thirst - Broad Axe, Cestus, Executioner Sword, Military Pick, Partizan,
Short Battle Bow, Short Spear, Voulge
Tooth - Balrog Blade
Torc - Amulet
Touch - Gauntlets, Ring, War Gauntlets
Tower - Akaran Targe, Buckler, Gothic Shield, Large Shield, Tower Shield
Track - Light Plated Boots
Trample - Battle Boots, Boots, Greaves, Sharkskin Boots
Tread - Heavy Boots, War Boots
Turn - Ring
Veil - Bone Helm, Circlet, Fanged Helm, Great Helm, Skull Cap
Visage - Avenger Guard, Horned Helm
Visor - Antlers, Bone Helm, Circlet, Crown, Great Helm, Helm
Wand - Grim Wand
Ward - Buckler
Weaver - Short Staff, War Staff
Winding - Belt, Sash
Wing - Amulet, Buckler, Gothic Shield, Heraldic Shield, Tower Shield,
Zombie Head
Whorl - Eagle Orb, Ring, Smoked Sphere
Wood - Bill, Javelin, Short Spear, Spetum
Wrack - Lochaber Axe, Spetum, Trident, War Javelin
Wrap - Ancient's Armour, Gothic Plate, Leather Armour, Scale Mail



These items usually have unique images and are very rare or are only available
in quests. Their names appear in a gold colour that is darker than rare items.
Here they are listed in alphabetical order, and items with an asterisk (*) are
quest items.

Unique items may have a range, so even though two unique items might be the
they may have different values.

+10 To Life
+10 To Mana
Poison Resist 25%

Combines with the "Staff Of Kings" to make the "Horadric Staff".

Defense - 18
Durability - 12
Required Level - 3
+30% Enhanced Damage
+30 To Attack Rating
+14 Defense
+15 To Life
+15 To Mana

Plated Belt
Defense - 52
Durability - 24
Required Strength - 60
Required Level - 29
30% Faster Hit Recovery
+88% Enhanced Defense
+30 To Defense
+5 To Strength
+10 To Dexterity
Damage Reduced By 3
Attacker Takes Damage Of 8

Leather Armor
Defense - 20
Required Strength - 15
Durability - 120
Fast Run/Walk
Adds 3-6 Fire Damage
+16 To Defense Vs. Missile
+25 Defense

One Handed Damage - 5 to 12
Durability - 22
Required Dexterity - 21
Required Level - 7
Sword Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
15% Increased Attack Speed
+25% Enhanced Damage
15% Life Stolen Per Hit
33% Chance Of Open Wounds
+15 To Life
All Resistances +15
+4 To Light Radius

Heavy Gloves
Defense - 5
Durability - 70
Fastest Hit Recovery
+40 To Life
+5 To Minimum Damage

Morning Star
One Handed Damage - 17 to 37
Durability - 72
Required Strength - 35
Required Level - 15
Mace Class - Fast Attack Speed
10% Increased Attack Speed
120% Enhanced Damage
50% Bonus To Attack Rating
5% Life Stolen Per Hit
25% Chance Of Open Wounds
+2 To Light Radius
+50% Damage To Undead
+3 To Sacrifice (Paladin Only)

Uh, another version...

Morning Star
One Handed Damage - 12 to 26
Durability - 255
Required Strength - 36
Mace Class - Fast Attack Speed
50% Bonus To Attack Rating
+2 To Light Radius
Enhanced Damage
Slightly Increased Attack Speed
150% Damage To Undead

I believe this is from an earlier version.

Two Handed Damage - 12 to 27
Durability - 28
Required Dexterity - 50
Required Strength - 40
Required Level - 17
Spear Class - Fast Attack Speed
+54% Enhanced Damage
8% Life Stolen Per Hit
35% Chance Of Open Wounds
+10 To Strength
+26 To Life

Great Axe
Two Handed Damage - 22 to 26
Durability - 250
Required Strength - 63
Required Dexterity - 39
Axe Class - Normal Attack Speed
+4 To Light Radius
10% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+25 To Mana
+14 To Minimum Damage

One Handed Damage - 57 to 136
Required Strength - 68
Required Level - 39
Axe Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
30% Increased Attack Speed
+154% Enhanced Damage
Adds 30-50 Damage
35% Deadly Strike
25% Chance Of Open Wounds

Tower Shield
Defense – 43
Successful Blocking – 49%
Durability - 255
Required Strength - 75
Magic Damage Reduced By 4
Fire Resist 25%
+20 To Defense
+5 To Strength

Petrified Wand
One Handed Damage - 8 to 24
Durability - 15
Required Strength - 25
Required Level - 35
Staff Class - Normal Attack Speed
+1 To Necomancer Skill Levels
10% Faster Cast Rate
30% Faster Hit Recovery
+71 To Life at Level 57 (Based On Character Level)
Replenish Life +5
+71 To Mana at Level 57 (Based On Character Level)
150% Damage To Undead
+2 To Summoning Skills (Necromancer Only)

Chain Gloves
Defense - 27
Durability - 16
Required Strength - 25
Required Level - 15
+25 To Attack Rating
+28% Enhanced Defense
+15 Defense
200% Extra Gold From Monsters
35% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
+2 To Light Radius

One Handed Damage - 31 to 75
Durability - 72
Required Dexterity - 52
Required Strength - 25
Required Level - 31
Sword Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
20% Increased Attack Speed
+245% Enhanced Damage
6% Mana Stolen Per Hit
50% Deadly Strike
Hit Blinds Target
Slows Target By 30%

War Sword
One Handed Damage - 16 to 37
Durability - 44
Required Dexterity - 45
Required Strength - 71
Required Level - 29
Sword Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
+1 To All Skill Levels
20% Increased Attack Speed
20% Faster Hit Recovery
80% Enhanced Damage
+60 To Attack Rating
Poison Length Reduced By 50%

One Handed Damage - 20 to 64
Durability - 24
Required Strength - 25
Required Level - 25
Mace Class - Fast Attack Speed
+2 To Druid Skills
+195% Enhanced Damage
23% Bonus To Attack Rating
200% Damage To Demons
+200 To Attack Rating Against Demons
+15 Life After Each Demon Kill
150% Damage To Undead

One Handed Damage - 16 to 19
Durability - 24
Required Strength - 32
Required Level - 9
Axe Class - Normal Attack Speed
+60% Enhanced Damage
+8 To Minimum Damage
15% Bonus To Attack Rating
Hit Blinds Target
+4 To Mana After Each Kill

Defense - 44
Durability - 24
Required Strength - 60
Required Level - 29
+5% Enhanced Damage
Adds 1-6 Cold Damage
+30 Defense
Increased Max Mana 40%

One Handed Damage - 7 to 15
Required strength - 33
Sword Class - Fast Attack Speed
Durability - 160
+3 To Light Radius
+20 Defense
+30 To Mana

Full Plate Mail
Defense - 333
Durability - 70
Required Strength - 80
Required Level - 28
+120% Enhanced Defense
All Resistances +35
Attacker Takes Damage Of 10
+2 To Light Radius
100% Extra Gold From Monsters

Heavy Boots
Defense – 5
Durability – 70
Required Strength – 18
Faster Run/Walk
2% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Attacker Takes Damage Of 2

Broad Axe
Two Handed Damage – 10 to 18
Durability - 175
Required Strength – 48
Axe Class - Fast Attack Speed
60% Chance Of Open Wounds
+25 To Strength
Greatly Increased Attack Speed

Broad Sword
One Handed Damage - 16 to 30
Durability - 32
Required Strength - 48
Sword Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
10% Increased Attack Speed
+101% Enhanced Damage
+100 To Attack Rating
Adds 10-19 Fire Damage
+12 To Strength

One Handed Damage
Durability - 20
Required Dexterity - 58
Required Strength - 25
Required Level - 36
Dagger Class - Fast Attack Speed
199% Enhanced Damage
Adds 15-35 Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
35% Deadly Strike
+4 To Grim Ward (Barbarian Only)
+4 To Find Item (Barbarian Only)
+4 To Find Potion (Barbarian Only)

One Handed Damage - 6 to 15
Durability - 55
Mace Class - Fast Attack Speed
Adds 5-20 Fire Damage
+35 Defense
Fire Resist 40%
150% Damage To Undead

Short War Bow
Two Handed Damage - 12-13 to 25-28
Required Dexterity - 55
Required Strength - 35
Required Level - 18-27
Bow Class - Fast Attack Speed-Very Fast Attack Speed
+1 To Fire Skills
10% Increased Attack Speed
72-87% Enhanced Damage
+62-74 To Attack Rating
Adds 15-46 Fire Damage
+12 To Dexterity
Fire Resist 40%

Long Sword
One Handed Damage - 3 to 19
Durability - 220
Required Dexterity - 39
Required Strength - 55
Sword Class - Fast Attack Speed
5% Life Stolen Per Hit
5% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Adds 28-56 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds

Two Handed Damage - 104 to 209
Durability - 28
Required Strength - 101
Required Level - 37
Spear Class - Slow Attack Speed
+183% Enhanced Damage
Adds 20-40 Damage
45% Chance Of Crushing Blow
Repairs 1 Durability In 10 Seconds
Socketed (3)

Right-Click To Open

This "unique" item is special because it takes the space of a 2 by 2 square in
the inventory but can hold 3 by 4 squares. It can also "transmute" items and
create new items from existing ones, provided you have the correct items in
the cube.

One Handed Damage - 6 to 15
Durability - 55
Required Dexterity - 15
Required Strength - 15
Mace Class - Slow Attack Class
150% Damage To Undead

Two Handed Damage - 12 to 20
Durability - 50
Required Strength - 30
Staff Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
50% Increased Attack Speed
+10 To Life
+10 To Mana
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 10%
Lightning Resist 10%
Poison Resist 35%
150% Damage To Undead

Defense - 10
Druability - 12
Required Level - 5
Adds 3-6 Fire Damage
+15% Enhanced Defense
+6 Defense
+15 To Life
+15% To Maximum Fire Resist
Fire Resist +45%

Two Handed Damage - 15 to 25
Required Dexterity - 33
Required Strength - 40
Required Level - 18
Crossbow Class - Normal Attack Speed
20% Increased Attack Speed
Piercing Attack
50% Enhanced damage
+50 To Attack Rating
+30 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds
+20 To Dexterity

One Handed Damage - 1 to 15
Durability - 150
Required Dexterity - 35
Required Strength - 41
Mace Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
Adds 1-20 Lightning Damage
+40 To Attack Rating
Greatly Increased Attack Speed
150% Damage To Undead

One Handed Damage - 1 to 15
Durability - 150
Mace Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
6% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Adds 1-40 Lightning Damage
+40 To Attack Rating
Greatly Increased Attack Speed
150% Damage To Undead

Cedar Bow
Two Handed Damage - 28 to 77
Required Dexterity - 49
Required Strength - 53
Required Level - 33
Bow Class - Fast Attack Speed
Fires Explosive Arrows Or Bolts
Piercing Attack
+157% Enhanced Damage
Adds 40-180 Fire Damage
+3 To Bow And Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only)
+3 To Immolation Arrow (Amazon Only)

Although it does say "fires explosive arrows or bolts", it doesn't seem to fire
bolts (considering it's a bow). This is one of the best bows to combat those
pesky physical immunes in the later difficulties for an amazon as not only does
it have a good amount of elemental damage, but also adds to Immolation Arrow.

Two Handed Damage - 42 to 107
Required Dexterity - 61
Required Strength - 52
Required Level - 32
Crossbow Class - Normal Attack Speed
+186% Enhanced Damage
+27 To Maximum Damage
Adds 1-212 Lightning Damage
33% Chance Of Open Wounds
+30 To Life
56% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items

Light Crossbow
Two Handed Damage - 10 to 15
Required Dexterity - 27
Required Strength - 21
Crossbow Class - Normal Attack Speed
25% Deadly Strike
Enhanced Damage
Poison Resist 30%
+40 To Attack Rating
+10 To Life
+10 To Dexterity

Defense - 2
Durability - 12
+15 To Mana
Regenerate Mana 30%
All Resistances +5
+1 To Light Radius

Absolutely useless except to smash it for gems/runes and to finish a quest.

Required Level - 7
+57-58 To Attack Rating
Magic Damage Reduced By 3
Attacker Takes Damage Of 3
15-16% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items

Defense – 5
Durability – 80
Required Strength – 25
50% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
Damage Reduced By 2
All Resistances +10
+20 To Mana

Required Level - 10
20% Faster Hit Recovery
Adds 3-6 Fire Damage
+10% Maximum Fire Resist
Fire Resist +50%
+3 To Light Radius

Defense - 39
Chance To Block - 45%
Durability - 21
Required Strength - 12
Required Level - 2
40% Faster Block Rate
20% Increased Chance Of Blocking
37% Enhanced Defense
+30 Defense
+2 To Strength
+10 To Vitality
+10 To Energy

Short Bow
Two Handed Damage - 4 to 10
Required Dexterity - 15
Bow Class - Fast Attack Speed
+2 To Light radius
3% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Enhanced Damage
+28 To Attack Rating
+10 To Life

War Axe
One Handed Damage - 25-43
Durability - 26
Required Strength - 67
Required Level - 18
Axe Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
30% Increased Attack Speed
+131% Enhanced Damage
+50 To Attack Rating
+38 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds
Poison Resist +50%

Gothic Plate
Defense - 177
Durability - 255
Required Strength - 70
25% Chance Of Crushing Blow
Hit Causes Monster To Flee
+45 Defense
+45 To Attack Rating

??? Handed Damage - 18 to 20
Durability - 50
Required Strength - 70
Required Dexterity - 49
Required Level - 26
???? Class - ???? Attack Speed
80% Chance Of Open Wounds
+15 To Maximum Damage
8% Mana Stolen Per Hit
80% Enhanced Damage

Short Sword
One Hand Damage - 7 to 8
Durability - 120
Sword Class - Fast Attack Speed
25% Chance Of Crushing Blow
20% Bonus To Attack Rating
+2 To Light Radius
+25 Defense
+5 To Minimum Damage

Long Staff
Two Handed Damage - 4 to 12
Durability - 30
Required Level - 9
Staff Class - Normal Attack Speed
+37% Enhanced Damage
50% Target Defense
+12 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds
100% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+10 To Mana
Poison Resist +50%
-1 To Light Radius
150% Damage To Undead

Military Pick
One Handed Damage - 6 to 10
Durability - 130
Required Dexterity - 30
Required Strength - 49
Axe Class - Fast Attack Speed
Hit Blinds Target
Regenerate Mana 20%
Adds 1-12 Lightning Damage
+50 To Attack Rating

Light Belt
Defense - 14
Durability - 14
Required Level - 12
+12 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds
+24% Enhanced Defense
+10 Defense
Replenish Life +5
Poison Resist + 25%
Poison Length Reduced By 50%

One Handed Damage - 11 to 25 (Barbarian Only)
Two Handed Damage - 27 to 60
Durability - 50
Required Strength - 47
Required Level - 19
Sword Class - Fast Attack Speed
10% Increased Attack Speed
+195% Enhanced Damage
10% Mana Stolen/Hit
4% Life Stolen/Hit
All Resistances +5%

Two Handed Damage – 8 to 20
Durability - 225
Required Strength – 41
Required Dexterity – 41
???? Class - Normal Attack Speed
30% Chance Of Open Wounds
Adds 12-23 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds
All Resistances +20%
+45 To Attack Rating

Chain Mail
Defense - 139
Durability - 45
Required Strength - 48
Required Level - 17
Adds 1-20 Lightning Damage
+83% Enhanced Defense
Lightning Resist 30%
Attacker Takes Lightning Damage Of 14

Two Handed Damage - 95 to 351
Durability - 25
Required Dexterity - 88
Required Strength - 110
Required Level - 39
Spear Class - Slow Attack Speed
20% Faster Hit Recovery
+171% Enhanced Damage
Adds 20-40 Damage
25% Bonus To Attack Rating
+84% Damage To Demons at Level 56 (Based On Character Level)
+25% Enhanced Defense
Replenish Life +20
+3 To Light Radius
+3 To Combat Skills (Paladin Only)

Two Handed Damage - 10 to 15
Durability - 45
Required Strength - 25
Staff Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
All Resistances +10%
150% Damage To Undead

Combines with the "Amulet Of The Viper" to create the "Horadric Staff".

Kite Shield
Defense - 17
Successful Block - 63%
Smite Damage - 2 to 5
Durability - 150
Required Strength - 47
Increased Chance Of Blocking
+3 To Light Radius
+15 To All Resistances
+1 To Paladin Skill Levels
Damage Reduced By 3

Great Maul
Two Handed Damage - 35 to 55
Durability - 255
Required Strength - 50
???? Class - Normal Attack Speed
Requirements -50%
Heal Stamina +25%
Greatly Increased Attack Speed
150% Damage To Undead

Flanged Mace
One Handed Damage - 46 to 71
Durability - 60
Required Strength - 61
Required Level - 39
Mace Class - Fast Attack Speed
Level 9 Frozen Orb (50 Charges)
+157% Enhanced Damage
Adds 5-10 Damage
Adds 63-112 Cold Damage
Freezes Target +3
Cannot Be Frozen
150% Damage To Undead

Beware - the Frozen Orb costs a heck of a lot to recharge so use it sparingly!

Skull Cap
Defense - 9
Durability - 18
Required Strength - 15
+1 To All Skill Levels
75% Extra Gold From Monsters
30-44% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items

Defense - 62
Required Strength - 70
Required Level - 29
20% Faster Run/Walk
+71% Enhanced Defense
+35 Defense
+5 To Strength
+5 To Defense
All Resistances +10
+2 To Vigor (Paladin Only)

Ceremonial Javelin
Throw Damage - 80 to 210
One Handed Damage - 80 to 155
Quantity - 140
(Amazon Only)
Required Dexterity - 109
Required Strength - 25
Required Level - 42
Javelin Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
+2 To Amazon Skill Levels
30% Faster Run/Walk
+192% Enhanced Damage
Adds 25-50 Damage
8% Life Stolen Per Hit
+20 To Strength
+20 To Dexterity
Increased Stack Size
Replenishes Quantity
+2 To Javelin And Spear Skills (Amazon Only)

The most sought after weapon for Javazons as it gives an increase to Skills,
steals life and increases Run/Walk speed.

Two Handed Damage - 32 to 67
Durability - 65
Required Strength - 65
Required Level - 25
Polearm Class - Fast Attack Speed
30% Increased Attack Speed
+69% Enhanced Damage
+57 To Attack Rating
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
+10 To Dexterity

Battle Axe
Two Handed Damage - 26 to 66
Durability - 40
Required Strength - 54
Required Level - 19
Axe Class - Normal Attack Speed
20% Increased Attack Speed
100% Enhanced Damage
Adds 1-40 Lightning Damage
All Resistances +15
+6 To Mana After Each Kill

One Handed Damage - 6 to 15
Durability - 20
Required Dexterity - 25
Required Level - 11
Dagger Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
30% Increased Attack Speed
+50% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
+10 To Dexterity
Fire Resist 25%
Cold Resist 25%

One Handed Damage - 3 to 7
Durability - 30
Required Dexterity - 25
Required Strength - 15
Dagger Class - Very Fast Attack Speed

Two Handed Damage - 13 to 15
Durability - 30
Required Dexterity - 20
Required Level - 8
???? Class - Slow-Normal Attack Speed
+10 To Minimum Damage
+35 To Attack Rating
100% Damage To Undead
Adds 3-6 Fire Damage
+2 To Light Radius

Leather Gloves
Defense - 14
Durability - 12
Required Level - 5
3% Mana Stolen Per Hit
3% Life Stolen Per Hit
17% Enhanced Defense
+10 Defense
+20 To Mana
Poison Resist +10%

Two versions...the one below is the initial version.

Leather Gloves
Defense - 2
Durability - 60
3% Life Stolen Per Hit
3% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Poison Resist 10%
+20 To Mana

This version has much less defense. Much less.

One Handed Damage - 2 to 11
Required Level - 19
Required Dexterity - 45
Durability - 24
Dagger Class - ????
+120 To Attack Rating
+180 Poison Damage Over 4 Seconds
Poison Resist 95%
+20% To Max Poison Resist
Cannot Be Frozen

Required Level - 29
+1 To All Skill Levels
Adds 1-12 Lightning Damage
+20 To Mana
Increased Max Mana 25%

Not only is this quite a good ring on its own (+1 To All Skill Levels) but an
"economy" has developed around it and on battle.net this is currency for
trading - for example a cracked sash could be worth two Stones Of Jordans or
SOJ's for short (though highly unlikely). It is a good ring for magic users due
to the "Increased Max Mana" and +20 To Mana.

Two Handed Damage - 14 to 63
Durability - 125
Required Dexterity - 45
Required Strength - 60
???? Class - Very Slow Attack Speed
+3 To Light Radius
15% To Maximum Fire Resist
Fire Resist 15%
Adds 12-18 Fire Damage
+60 To Attack Rating
+30 To Life

Chain Boots
Defense - 26
Durability - 16
Required Strength - 30
30% Faster Run/Walk
+36-40% Enhanced Defense
+12 Defense
+50 Defense Vs Missile
+10 To Life
50% Slower Stamina Drain

Studded Leather
Defense - 57-59
Durability - 32
Required Strength - 27
Required Level - 16
20% Increased Attack Speed
20% Faster Hit Recovery
25% Increased Chance Of Blocking
+25 Defense
+10 Strength
+10 Dexterity

Small Shield
Defense - 27
Chance To Block - 30%
Required strength - 22
Hit Blinds Target
-2 To Light Radius
+18 Defense
+20 To Life
+10 To Dexterity

Defense - 51
Druability - 250
Required Strength - 55
Half Freeze Duration
4% Life Stolen Per Hit
Poison Resist 50%
+8 Defense

Breast Plate
Defense - 131
Durability - 50
Required Strength - 30
Required Level - 20
+90% Enhanced Defense
+15 To Maximum Poison Resistance
Poison Resist +90%
Poison Length Reduced By 50%
+2 To Light Radius

Bone Shield
Required Strength - 25
Defense - 31
One Handed Damage - 3 to 6
Durability - 40
+39% Enhanced Defense
+10 Defense
Poison Resist 20%
3% Mana Stolen Per Hit
20% Faster Cast Rate
+5 Mana After Each Kill

Short Siege Bow
Two Handed Damage - 35 to 77
2% Chance To Cast Level 5 Amplify Damage On Striking
Fires Magic Arrows
+150% Enhanced Damage
xx% Deadly Strike (Based On Character Level, 1% Per Level)
All Resistances +40

Long Battle Bow
Two Handed Damage - 3 to 18
Required Dexterity - 50
Required Strength - 40
Bow Class - Fast Attack Speed
Fires Magic Arrows
Cold Resist 26%
+36 To Attack Rating
+30 To Mana
Increased Attack Speed

Two Handed Damage - 16 to 57
Durability - 55
Required Dexterity - 47
Required Strength - 75
Required Level - 28
Polearm Class - Slow Attack Speed
24% Enhanced Damage
50% Chance Of Open Wounds
Prevent Monster Heal
Hit Blinds Target +3
Freezes Target
Slows Target By 50%
-50 To Monster Defense
+3 To Light Radius

Well, we have a discrepancy. Either there are two versions of the Woestave from
different versions of Diablo or this is a bug, but Creeping Death swears that
saw different properties for the Woestave. I suspect it is the versions.

Two Handed Damage - 12 to 45
Durability - 255
Required Strength - 75
Required Dexterity - 47
Polearm Class - Normal attack speed
Slows target by 50%
+2 To Light Radius
15% To Maximum Poison Resist
Poison Resist 15%
Adds 7-28 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds

Anyone who has any information on this, please tell me - contact details at the
bottom of the FAQ. Thanks. ^^"

Bone Helm
Defense - 35
Durability - 200
Required Strength - 25
+1 To Necromancer Skill Levels
5% Life Stolen Per Hit
Poison Resist 25%
+10 To Mana


To the request of those who are totally confused with some of the properties
that you can get with special items.

Better Chance - This increases the chance (in a percentage) of getting a magic,
of Getting rare or unique item. However there is a common misconception
Magic Items that getting 100% will mean that you will always get a special
item. Bad news here - you DON'T. It increases the chance as a
multiplier, that is, if you had a 10% chance to get a special
item from a Fallen Shaman and you have items that give you 100%
better chance of getting magic items, you do not get a 110%
chance of getting a magic item - rather, you get 10 times 2 -
20% chance. Note that the effect is cumulative, if you have two
items that both give a chance, you add the chance together then
multiply by the monster's base chance.

This works on Bosses, Chests, Barrels, Hollow Logs, Loose
and things like that. It works on hirelings too (but in that
case the %MF is added, ie your chance + mercenary chance if the
hireling makes the final kill).


Chance of Magic Item Drop - 5% For Monster

Amazon with Tarnhelm and Langer Briser equipped kills a camel.

Tarnhelm - 30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Langer Briser - 56% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

30 + 56 = 86%

Original Monster Chance * Added Chance --> 5 * 1.86

New Chance Of Getting Magic Items --> 9.3%

Crushing Blow - Crushing Blow gives the chance that you will make the monster
you hit lose 50% of its current life. This does not work on
special monsters (super uniques, uniques, champions, etc.), is
at half effectiveness on bows and the probability for Crushing
Blow stacks.


Camel 150/200 HP

Barbarian with Hone Sundan equipped hits the Camel.

Hone Sundan - 45% Chance Of Crushing Blow

( 150 (Current Life) - 105 (Normal Attack) )/2 (Crushing Blow)

End HP = 22.5

Deadly Strike - This functions much like the Amazon's Critical Strike or with
a Barbarian's weapon mastery - if it is successful, you will
deal double damage. For example, a club that gives +50% Deadly
Strike means that there is a 50% chance for you to do double
damage. Note that this is cumulative with the Amazon's Critical
Strike so Amazons with Critical Strike and Deadly Strike can
get a whopping 400% damage bonus - and so can Barbarians with
weapon masteries.


Barbarian with Coldsteel Eye equipped and Lv 16 Sword Mastery

Lv 16 Sword Mastery - +103% Damage
- 20% Chance for Critical Strike
Coldsteel Eye - 50% Chance for Deadly Strike

Normal Damage - 31-75
Sword Mastery - 62.93-152.25

Chance to do Deadly Strike - 50% (Damage 125.86-304.5)
Chance to do Critical Strike - 20% (Damage 125.86-304.5)

Chance to do both together - 0.5 * 0.2 ==> 10%
Damage when done together - Base Damage * 2 * 2

Damage done in this example - 251.72-609

Therefore there is a 10% chance that this Barbarian will do
252-609 damage and a 70% chance to do 126-305 damage.

Hit Causes - The monster runs away very fast - you will know that this has
Monster Flee worked if you see some weird things dangling over its head when
you hit it.

On Attack - When you just attack, regardless of whether you hit or not.

On Striking - This means when you actually damage (hit) the monster.

Open Wounds - Open Wounds gives a percentage that on a successful hit, a
monster will bleed uncontrollably and gradually lose HP. It
looks really great, and sometimes when the monster dies it will
keep bleeding (think spurting blood fountain).



Thanks goes to:

William C. (the_next_willennium@hotmail.com) - Various
§*Néô-Knitéôwl*§ (kniteowl_55699@hotmail.com) - Various
Kyosuke (volarath34@hotmail.com) - Unique - Goldskin, Ripsaw
Hunter - Rare - Song (War Sword)
Heliogabolus (al.sim@tinternet.com) - Suffix (Regrowth +8)
BigWillie (santahasreindeersthatcanfly@hotmail.com) - D2:LoD Help, Uniques
Fernando Lee (blood_s3m@yahoo.co.uk) - Various, an insane amount
Creeping Death (marian_dumitrache@fx.ro) - Lots of uniques/rares

GameFAQS (http://www.gamefaqs.com)
Blizzard (http://www.blizzard.com)



Okay, here is where you can submit suggestions, recommendations, information,
and the like. The following things will be ignored -

*Chain Letters/Chain Anything/Spam
*Anything Potentially Useless

The following will be accepted -

*Criticism - not flames
*Suggestions for improvement
*Corrections (just because I wrote this guide doesn't mean I'm perfect)
*Questions, as long as they are relevant and politely asked
*Random Questions, as long as they are politely asked

You can ask for help in Diablo II, but I won't guarantee I'll know the answer.
I got up to Act I Hell with my Bowazon, but I will endeavour to help. Take note
that I DO use an Amazon, so I may not be able to answer in-depth questions
about assassins or whatever as such. Perhaps try asking on the GameFAQS boards
instead, or reading some other faqs from GameFAQS.

Here goes!

Email - darketernal_13@hotmail.com
ICQ - 116736221
MSN Messenger - darketernal_13@hotmail.com

Also as a final note - things with ???? are required fields that I do not know.
If you have the answer please email/contact me. Thanks. (Note that I need a lot
of help with the level dependent prefix/suffix). I also need some information
on diminishing returns and any formulas/equations related to that.



This FAQ Copyright 2001 (C) Henry Chong.

Diablo II and Diablo II: Lord of Destruction is (C) Blizzard 2001.
This guide is in no way affiliated with Blizzard, Blizzard North or any other
company involved with Diablo II and Diablo II: Lord of Destruction.

This guide may be reproduced and distributed for personal use on the terms

- Credit is given to the author of this guide (me).
- This guide is not altered in any way, shape or form.
- This guide is not sold for a profit or used in monetary exchanges.

This guide may be posted for public display on the terms that:

- Credit is given to the author of this guide (me).
- This guide is not altered in any way, shape or from.
- This guide is not sold for a profit or used in monetary exchanges.
- The webmaster or person in charge MUST update this guide regularly.
(The most recent version can be found at http://www.gamefaqs.com)

If you do not agree with the above terms, please remove your copy from your
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Failure to meet with these guidelines will result in serious penalties.


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Megatrainer (für v1.13c)

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Diablo Clone guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Wegen der Größe nun gezippt
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The Flaming Druid Guide
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Engl. Leitfaden

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17.Oktober 2013
PvP Paladin Guide
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PvP Sorceress Guide
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Concentrator Guide
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18.Oktober 2013
Encyclopedia of Character Sub-classes
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17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für Mana, HP und Statuspunkte (für dt. v1.09d)

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Oktober 2013
PvP Barbarian Guide
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17.Oktober 2013
PvP Paladin Guide Version 2
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18.Oktober 2013

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Spezial-FAQ für den Druiden
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16.Oktober 2013
Amazon (Bowazon) FAQ
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18.Oktober 2013
Prefix- und Gegenstände Liste
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18.Oktober 2013
Erlaubt das Editieren von Erfahrungspunkten, Statuspunkten und Fertigkeitspunkte (für v1.09d)

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
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24.März 2020