Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

15.10.2013 01:09:02

=== OF ===









1. Introduction, Legal mumbo-jumbo, Update History
2. Metal Gear
(i) Plot Summary
3. Metal Gear 2- Solid Snake
(i) Plot Summary
4. Metal Gear Solid
(i) Briefing
(ii) "He'll be through here...I know it..."
(iii) "Call me 'Deepthroat"
(iv) "The brother of light...and the brother of dark..."
(v) "Furnace"
(vi) "We're not tools of the Government..."
(vii) "Les Enfants Terribles"
(viii) "You can't let yourself be chained to fate..."
(ix) Legend
(x) Epilogue
(xi) Conclusions
(xii) Observations
(xiii) Unanswered Questions
(xiv) 'Different Endings' - Otacon
(xv) Somewhat Frequently Asked Questions
(xvi)Themes of 'Metal Gear Solid'
*. The Perils of Nuclear Weapons
*. Tampering with the natural order
*. Independence
*. Confinement
*. Love
5. Game Characters
(i) Solid Snake
(ii) Roy Campbell
(iii) McDonald "Master" Miller
(iv) Liquid Snake
(v) Revolver Ocelot
(vi) Psyco Mantis
(vii) Sniper Wolf
(viii) Decoy Octopus
(ix) Vulcan Raven
(x) Big Boss
6. 'Metal Gear Solid 2 - Son's of Liberty'
(i) Prologue - Discovery
(ii) Legend
(iii) Metal Gear Raiden
(iv) "Laugh! And grow fat!"
7. Conclusion, Kudos and Contact Details.

----======== 1 ========----


When I started summarising Metal Gear Solid I had no idea
what I was getting myself into. When I started summarising it
in November, 2000 I was thinking it would take a month at the most. Its only after roughly 5
months work that I've realised what a bugger it was. When I had
finished up to Snakes battle with Psyco Mantis I *knew* why the
plot had never been completely summarised before- its WAY to
big and comprehensive. I intially thought that I could simply
summarise the demo theatre- but the characters spoke way to
quickly. So I ended up running the PSX through my VCR and
recording the demo theatre. Once it had been recorded I was
following the general cycle of watching for 15 seconds,
pausing, writting down in point form what was said, and
repeating the process. Watch, pause, write. Watch, pause,
write. Watch, pause, write...

This document is copyright 2001 by me, Grant Alan Morrissey.
No part of this document may be reproduced in any way, shape or
form, without my expressed permission. And so on. And so forth.
Tresspasers will be prosecuted...motorcycle riding
prohibited...employees must wash their hands...

All bad jokes aside, I don't think I can make it any clearer
that this thing was written by me and all work was done by me.
This document is one-of-a-kind so I'm sure its very tempting to
yoink it and use it somewhere else. Stealing this is unethical
and illegal. And, if you are souless and copy this without my
permission and wack your own name on it, rest assured. I WILL
FIND OUT. The Copyright notices strewn through this document
are here for a reason.

All recognizable concepts from the Metal Gear series are
copyright Konami, and their usage in this document does not
constitute a challenge to that copyright (heh yeah- like I
would) That last sentence was cut-&-pasted from Thomas Wilde's
Resident Evil FAQ (With the RE Stuff replaced by Metal Gear
stuff) I still meant what I said Konami! Please don't sue me!


April 1, 2002 - Big trouble in the Big Shell! Start of Plant
chapter summarised. I'm trying to do a better job with the
storytelling in MGS2 (as you may have noticed) Including more
direct quotes and more descriptions. Hope you like it. Various
sentences changed in the MGS summary (chapter names changed as
well) and the disclaimer was added to the very start of this

March 24th, 2002 - 'Tanker' chapter of 'Metal Gear Solid 2:
Sons of Liberty' has been summarised. A new FAQ and minor
updates. Some paragraphs deleted in the intro and conclusion.

December 1, 2001 - Thanks to Rob McGregor's transcript of 'In
the Darkness of Shadow Moses' it is now confirmed that I was
completely wrong about the ending of Metal Gear Solid,
regardless of how justified I was, and I suck. Henceforth, the
'Different Endings' have been swapped, the 'Why?' and 'The
Official Stance' sections erradicated, and I loose 10k from
this damn thing.

November 27th, 2001 - Its finally here. Excluding me. I've
updated with a summary of the opening stage's of Metal Gear
Solid 2: Son's of Liberty. Minor update's, regarding
particually MGS2, will continue over the next few months but
comprehensive coverage will have to wait until the PAL release
of the game in Feb 2002. For people who have just picked up
MGS2 and haven't played its predecessor I'm hoping this
document will help you get an understanding of the original
plot (and its characters)

October 12, 2001 - Some quick wording changes in the headings
(nothing special) I don't trust Hotmail so I've changed my e-
mail- if someone has tried e-mailing me before and gotten no
response, try again at my new address (
Don't go reading this thing for major changes this update cause
there are none - just some re-written paragraphs.

August whatever, 2001 - Added more chapters to MGS summary so
people have an easier time finding certain FMV summaries. More
'Observations' cause I thought that was the "forgotten" section
of the summary. Gone over the MGS summary for the kazzillioneth
time and fixed some sentences.

August 10th, 2001 - Cosmetic updates. I noticed every paragraph
in the MGS summary starts with the word "Snake" so I fixed
that. Got rid of my evil-online reference cause the site has
died for the trillioneth time. Added a new section the
'Different Endings' about Konami's current stance on the issue.

July 22nd, 2001 - 3 days later I got carried away again. Added
a little piece underneath the 'Metal Gear Solid' heading. New
section detailing the characters from MSG (and I mean DETAIL-
none of this 'Age: 20, Sex: Male, Nationality: British' BS)
And, guess what? MORE FAQS!!! Hooray for me...

July 19th, 2001 - Following the floodtide of e-mail I have
gotten about Liquid & the Hind I finally got around to making a
big deal about it. I fixed up 'The Best is Yet to Come' and
added some more FAQS (PLUS I placed them in chronological
order) From now on Updates to this document are going to be
fairly cosmetic until I get my grubby hands on MGS2 (Anyone
here have a spare PS2?...Anyone?...Hello?)

July 1st, 2001 - Updated the 'Son's of Liberty' section with
some basic information. Heaps more FAQ's added. I've added a
new section that deals strictly with the themes I believe that
the game raises.

May 30th, 2001 - 'Different Endings' section is UP! Both the
endings are summarised including a rationale on why I chose my
selected ending over the other.

May 17th, 2001 - Thanks to alert readers I recified some of my
FAQ's and Unanswered Questions (as well as added a few more).
Once again general odd's & ends added to this work.

April 27th, 2001 - Since the document got posted at Gamefaqs
(to my
immense surprise) I went crazy. The introduction and conclusion
has been totally re-written. Some completely new sections have
been added to the Metal Gear Solid section and I've added a
disclaimer to the document as well. Some grammar and spelling
errors were fixed in the summary of MGS as well as a few odd's-
and-ends. The document has been posted online as well (See

April 25th, 2001 - Document posted at Gamefaqs for first time.

----======== 2 ========----




The Year is 1995. Deep in South Africa, 200km north of
Garzburg, Outer Heaven- an armed fortress nation, established
by the legendary mercenary. He was feared in combat by both his
friends and foes as a hero and a lunatic. The "Western" nations
have found that a weapon of mas destruction capable of
rewritting war history is under development at Outer Heaven.
They have called upon the high-tech special forces unit FOX-
HOUND to take care of the situation. In response to this order,
Big Boss, the commander-in-chief of FOX-HOUND, sent Gray Fox,
the man with the code name "Fox" which is given to the best
member of the unit "Operation intrude N313"

After a few days, his last messafe being "Metal Gear..."
Gray Fox was missing in action. Taking the situation seriously,
the top men of the "West" again called for FOX-HOUND. Big Boss
selected Solid Snake, who had recently joined FOX-HOUND, as the
agent and entrusted everything to him.

Successfully making a solo infiltration to Outer Heaven,
Snake got in touch with local resistance members Schneider,
Diane and Jennifer. With their co-operation, Snake suceeded in
rescueing Gray Fox. Gray Fox laid out the terrifying facts
about "Metal Gear" Metal Gear was the development name of a
nuclear warhead-equiped twi-legged walking tank. It can walk
through over the toughtest terrains that would stop normal
tanks. It can conduct local warfare by itself with unique
weapons like its vulcan-cannon and anti-tank missiles. It was
indeed a new type of weapon that can conduct a nuclear attack
against any place on the face of the Earth from any l and

With Metal Gear, Outer Heaven was trying to establish its
military superiority over the entire world. In order to destroy
Metal Gear, Snake rescued Metal Gear's chief engineer Dr.
Pettrovich and his daughter, Elen, who was taken hostage to
force her father to continue with his development. Snake hears
from Dr. Pettrovich how to destroy Metal Gear.

However, as Snake approached the heart of Outer Heaven and
Metal Gear, well designed traps are set all around Snake- as if
his actions are being leaked to the enemy...
In the midst of the escalating battle, the leader of the
resistance, Schneider, fell into the hands of the enemy, and
Snake himself was injured through the deadly battles with Outer
Heaven's best mercenaries. But Snakes indomitable spirit lead
him to the 100th floor basement of the secret base where Metal
Gear was developed. Evading the powerful defense system that
wipes out all intruders, Snake ultimately succeeded in
destroying Metal Gear.

Snake tried to escape from Outer Heaven upon completing
mission. However, during the escape he was comfronted by one
man- FOX-HOUND's commander-in-chief Big Boss. Big Boss laughed
at the astounded Snake and told him the truth behind his
mission. While serving as commander-in-chief of FOX-HOUND Big
Boss also ran a mercenary dispatch company utilizing his
connections and capitals from his own years as a merc. He was
planning on to build this company a larger military
establishment, and he built Outer Heaven as its base. His
purpose for sending the rookie Snake was to cause information
confusion amongst the west. However, Big Boss miscalculated. He
never thought Solid Snake would make it this far...

Having lost Metal Gear, Big Boss activated the self-
destruct system of the underground base. While the countdown to
destruction continued, his screamed echoed in the emptiness


On the 100th floor basement, the battle between the 2 men
commenced- free of idealogy and politics. The armed fortress
nation Outer Heaven collapsed. The impenetrabe fortress made
from the best military technology and occupied by the toughest
mercenaries burned in flames. Behind him, the flames reached
skyward, as Outer Heaven fell leaving Solid Snake all alone...

----======== 3 ========----




1999, the world was facing an energy crisis. It was
obvious that the petroleum would run out faster than what was
expected. However, the development of an alternative energy
resource is far from completion. The price of petroleum has
skyrocketed and the world economy in confusion. The 21st
century was expected to be one of chaos. One mans invention
changed the entire situation. A Czech genius and biologist, Dr.
Kio Marv, invented OILIX, a microorganism that refines
petroleum to product a highly purified form of petroleum. The
world was filled with hope upon the discovery of this messiah
to solve the energy crisis, but at the same time the world
entered a time of tension regarding this new algae.

Just when the whole worlds attention was drawn to OILIX
and Dr. Marv, he was abducted by someone and disapeared.
Nations begun investigations immediatly and a name soon
appeared...'Zanzibar Land'... Zanzibar Land was a
democratic military regime that suddently appeared in central
Asia in 1997. When their uprising took place, the CIS Army,
formed around Russia, sent in a suppressive unit immediatly.
Zanzibar Land resisted by gathering a band of Mercenaries from
nations around the world and fortifying most of its land. As a
result, the CIS Army was repeatedly defeated, and Zanzibar Land
declared its independence. Due to the active role mercenaries
played, this war was called the 'mercenaries war' and Zanzibar
Land was referred to as an armed fortress nation. A military
nation with a group of strong mercenaries, surrounded by a
tough fortress.

According to the latest information, Zanzibar suppoedly
was armed
with Nuclear Weapons. The whole scenario was crystal clear. By
obtaining OILIX in addition to nuclear weapons, Zanzibar Land
was trying to establishits economoic and military superiority
over the entire world. Concerned about the situation, the
United States of America ordered Roy Campbell, Commander-in-
Chief of high tech special forces unit FOX-HOUND, to rescue Dr.
Marv. Campbell was a former member of FOX-HOUND. He brought
back Solid Snake, the man who single handedly brought down the
armed fortress nation of Outer Heaven 4 years ago, and asked
Snake to bring back Dr. Marv and OILIX.

Successfully infiltrating Zanzibar Land and with help from
angent Horry and others, Snake was able to go deep into the
fortress and meet again with Dr. Pettrovich, the chief engineer
of Metal Gear from Outer Heaven. He too was abducted to
Zanzibar Land and forced to develop another Metal Gear. He told
to surprised Snake an even more shocking fact. Big Boss, the
man Snake had defeated at Outer Heaven, turned out to be the
General Commander of Zanzibar Land.

Snake rescued Dr. Pettrovich in co-operation with Natasha,
Dr. Marv's guard and former Czech International Secret Police
agent, and then headed for the confinement facility deep in the
fortress to save Dr. Marv. When Pettrovich and Natasha crossed
the narrow suspension bridge over the deep valley, a missile
blew the bridge away. Natasha flew into the air because of the
explosion. While unable to do anything to save Natasha, Snake
started hearing a well-known voice "Hey Snake, were good
buddies. I can let you go. Just leave this place at once!" Gray
Fox. Snake saw Gray Fox controlling Metal Gear. The best
soldier in FOX-HOUND who, after the fall of Outer Heaven,
disapeared as if he followed Big Boss. Losing Natasha infront
of his eyes and letting Pettrovich get taken away, Snake
screamed "Fox! I will not give up!"

After a series of deadly battles with mercenaries, Snake
finally made it to Dr. Marv's confinement facility. However, he
arrived to late. He saw Dr. Marv's corpse and Pettrovich, who
could do nothing but just stand there. Pettrovich told Snake
that Dr. Marv could not withstand the repeated tortures because
of heart problems. Snake then recieved an emergency call from
Horry. The information she supplied was very shocking.
Pettrovich had been voluntarily visiting Zanzibar Land to
develop Metal Gear. The abduction of Dr. Marv was conducted
under the the directions of Pettrovich himself. After the truth
came out, Pettrovich attacked Snake, but Snake easily put an
end to him and obtained the structual plan of OILIX.

While trying to escape, Snake was confronted by Metal Gear
again, controlled by Gray Fox. The tremendous battle took place
in the underground base. Snake finally succeeded in destroying
Metal Gear. However, Gray Fox did not submit and challened
Snake to the final battle. In the midst of a minefield, Snake
and Fox fought without any weapons. A fist-to-fist duel
involving no hatred or murderous intent. During that moment of
purity the 2 were bound by forces transcending words and
emotions. Snake won the tough but pure battle against Gray Fox.
However, there was still someone else. Snake had to fight Big
Boss. Just like 4 years ago at Outer Heaven Big Boss was
waiting for Snake. "One who has experienced the tension of
battle can never leave the battlefield. I'am the one giving you
something to live for, and that is war" Snake was infuriated at
the arrogant Big Boss "There is only one battle I have to
fight. To free myself from you, to shatter the nightmare...Big
Boss, I will kill you!"

With the structual plan of Oilix, Snake and Horry escaped
Zanzibar Land on a rescue helicopter. Snake once again saved
the world. However, there was no smile on his face. Big Boss's
last words kept ringing in his head "Whoever wins, out battle
does not end. There loser is freed from the battlefield, the
winner must remain there and the survivor must live his life as
the warrior until he dies" Snake then disapeared into the
whitelands of Alaska...alone...

----======== 4 ========----


If I die in a combat zone
Tell all the people in homeland
That I did my best.

If I die in a combat zone
Tell that pretty girl of mine
That I bring best memories with me.

If I die in a combat zone
Tell all my best friends
That I died facing the gun.

If I die in a combat zone
I don't need my name on grave.
Etch instead that there was;
A man who lived, fought and died.


The Song of Mercenaries


The year is 2005. In the remote area of Alaska, located in
the Bering Sea, is the chain of islands known as the Fox-
Arcipelago. In there exist's Shadow Moses island- the location
of a top-secret nuclear warhead storage facility. During an
exercise on the Island involving ARMSTECH Inc. (Once the 2nd
largest arms manufacturer in the world and primarily involved
in the development of SDI and Rail guns) and DARPA (The Defense
Advanced Research Project Agency. A government department
involved in researching technology for implementation into
military systems and weapons), Next-Generation Special Forces,
lead by members of FOX-HOUND, invade the island and capture it.
There, they make the (somewhat puzzling) demands- they want the
remains of Big Boss. They state that if these demands are not
met- they will launch a nuclear weapon within 24 hours.

Understanding the seriousness of the situation, the
secretary of defense, Jim Houseman, call's upon retired FOX-
HOUND commander Roy Campbell to deal with the situation. In
turn, Campbell call's upon the services of Solid Snake (now a
dog musher in an isolated part of Alaska) Understanding Snake
would not simply hear him out, armed soldiers are sent out to
bring Snake in for a briefing. Within 5 hours of the terrorists
taking over the island, Snake has been stripped and is sitting
down, alone, in an isolation chamber.

Campbell comes in, he is quick and to the point, they are
in an extremely serious situation and only Snake can get them
out of it. Campbell introduces Snake to Dr. Naomi Hunter, FOX-
HOUND's chief medical officer, and she gives him a quick
injection. Campbell then briefs him on his 2 mission objects-
he is to rescue DARPA chief Donald Anderson & ARMSTECH
President Kenneth Baker and he is to, most importantly, access
whether or not the terrorists have the ability to launch a
nuclear weapon.

Snake is quick to point out that he hasn't even agreed to
the mission- Campbell wants to know whether living in Alaska is
all that great. All he is is a dog musher. He then elaborates
on the site- the disposal facility is a hardened underground
base. For Snake to infiltrate the base, air insertion is
impossible. Snake must go in through the water- a submarine
will go within a few miles of the island, but then will have to
launch a SDV (Swimmer Delivery Vehicle. The sub must stay away
from the island because it may be picked up on Sonar) Campbell
also informs Snake that, unfortunatly, weapon and equipment is
OSP (On Site Procurement. He cannot take anything with him)

The colonel explains that the President is in supervisory
control of the operation but the Secretary of Defense is in
operational control. A COG will not be issued until it can be
determined, by Snake, whether or not the terrorists can launch
a Nuclear Weapon. The National Security Agency and the Defense
Intelligence Agency will be working with them as well- but
Snake is not interested in "desk jockeys" Campbells agree's and
briefs him on Natasha Romaneko- she will act as an advisor on
the nuclear weapons present on the island.

Snake is curious- why is Campbell in on the mission? He
replies that he knows FOX-HOUND. Snake doesn't believe him- he
wants to know the real reason. Campbell apologises and admits
its because his niece is being held hostage. The day of the
revolt several soldiers didn't show up. Meryl was called in as
a replacement. She is Campbell's little-brothers daughter (he
died in the Gulf War and Campbell was charged with looking
after her) At this point Snake agree's to do the mission, on 2
conditions. The first one being that no secrets are kept from
him. He wants to know everything at all times. The second
condition being that he will only accept orders from the
Colonel and no-one else.

The retired operative ask's Campbell about the injection
Naomi gave him. Campbell gets Naomi to answer it- she knows the
soldiers in FOX-HOUND better than anyone else. She explains
that the injection was a combination of nanomachines and anti-
freezing peptites. They will stop his blood from freezing (even
at sub-artic temperatures) Many nanomachines are working in the
bloodstream to replace adreniline, sugar and nutrition (Snake
will not have to worry about food) Neotropics are present
(these will improve mental functioning) and benzadrine as well
(responsible for keeping him awake and alert for 12 hours) In
addition, the nanomachines will also keep the CODEC batteries

Snake wants to know why ARMSTECH and DARPA were present on
the island. Were they there for a new weapon? Campbell explains
he is not available to access that kind of information. Snake
wants to know if they can launch- Campbell says that they have
given a warhead serial number (seemingly the one they intend to
use) and that it has been confirmed. However, the PAL
(Permissive Action Link) system is present to prevent a launch-
but the DARPA chief knows how to stop it...

The colonel explains that the Next Generation Special
Forces aren't just "grunts" They are heavily armed and their 6
leaders are hardened veterans. The terrorists are demanding
cell specimins from a body (specifically, the individuals
genomic information) the terrorists apparently *need* this
information. The Next Gen Special forces were involved in the
human genome project and, henceforth, have been strengthened
through gene therapy. The military have indentified the genes
that make effective soldiers and can put these into regular
soldiers to make them better.

Following the fall of Zanzibar, as is explained the Snake,
Big Boss's body, though badly burned, was recovered. It was
possible to restore his DNA profile from a single strand of
hair. So far more than 60 soldier genes have been identified
and these are transplanted into soldiers. Superior soldiers
aren't just trained- hereditary factors are just as crucial.
The Next Gen Special Forces are mainly mercs from Outer Heaven-
the U.S. government bought out their contracts. They were
merged with Force 21 and have no real battle experience (they
are "video game players" as pointed out by Snake) All of the
Next Gen Special Forces conspired in the attack. The whole unit
went through the same gene therapy and feel closer than
brothers (Henceforth the title "The Son's of Big Boss") They
see the unit as their only family. Campbell explains that there
was no signs they were interested in partaking in an uprising-
they were all evaluated through random, psycological testing as
patriotic and upstanding soldiers. They all had IQ's over 180
and even, at strange intervals, partook in their own gene
therapy experiments.

The agent is then briefed on the worst part of the mission
- the FOX-HOUND members who are the leaders of the terrorists.
Snake is briefed on them Psyco Mantis (who is the worlds most
powerful tactioner of reading minds and moving objects with his
own mind), Vulcan Raven (A giant and shayman) Sniper Wolf (who
can stay in the same position, looking through a rifle scope,
for days or even weeks) Decoy Octopus (master of disguise)
Revolver Ocelot (Gun fighting and interrogation specialist) and
the leader of the terrorists...Liquid Snake...

This astounds Snake- someone with the same code-name?
Snake has his "brother" explained to him. Following being the
Youngest SAS operative to be employed in the Gulf War, and
penetraring Western Iraq for the Secret Intelligence Service,
Liquid Snake was captured and not heard from for several years.
He was rescued and joined FOX-HOUND after Solid Snake retired
to Alaska. Snake is greatly concerned and nervous about the
mission, and this is not helped when he is shown a picture of
Liquid...with a face exactly the same as him. Just as Snake is
leaving the room, preparing to prep for the mission, as an
afterthought, he ask's to borrow Naomi scissors. He begins to
snip his hair- he doesn't want to be mistaken for the
terrorist's leader...


Solid Snake arrives in the lower Dock of Shadow Moses
island via the SDV and surfaces in scuba gear just in time to
overhear Liquid Snake warn genome soldiers that "he" will be
through the area they are patrolling (obviously referring to
Solid Snake) before Liquid makes his way up in the freight
elevator. Snake makes his way through the guards and waits for
the elevator to return, then uses it to go to the surface. He
hides behind a storage block & contact's Campbell VIA CODEC who
alerts him as to how to go about infiltrating the main hangar
of the complex where Metal Gear is stored further on. At that
point a Russian Hind-D gunship (piloted by Liquid) takes off to
intercept F-16 fighters sent as a diversionary operation to
allow Snake to infiltrate the base. There is 18 hours left till
the deadline is reached.

Snake goes through the base and sneaks into the DARPA
chiefs (Donald Andersons) cell through the venting system.
There he confirms the worst possibility- the terrorists can,
indeed, launch a nuclear weapon. When Snake queries that the
island complex is a Nuclear weapon's storage facility, so the
terrorist's shouldn't be able to launch a weapon, Anderson
reveals that Shadow Moses Island is, infact, the site where a
new weapon is in development that will change the world with
its ability to launch a nuke from anywhere on the globe. The
weapon is a new version of Metal Gear known as Metal Gear Rex.
The original 2 weapons didn't lead to the project being
scrapped. It was actually the opposite - it led to a huge joint
venture between ARMSTECH and DARPA.

With the terrorists able to use Metal Gear to launch a nuke
Snake ask's if there is a way of stopping a launch. He is told
that there is the PAL safety system- 2 passwords are required
to override the safety mechanisms. Donald Anderson had one and
Kenneth Baker had the other. Psyco Mantis, however, discovered
Anderson's one with his mind probing abilities. A guard
(Johnny) hears Anderson talking and tells him to shut up.
Anderson, however, waves off the guard...
The DARPA chief then informs Snake of a safety mechanism that
can be employed to override even the passwords. Apparently
Kenneth Baker had the 3 keys required to do this and was being
held in the lower basement. After informing Snake as to the
means to find him Snake tells Anderson his intentions to get
him out of the cell and, ultimately, the compound. With that
Anderson begins to press Snake for details as to whether the
government will give into the terrorist's demands and whether
there are any other safety measures for Metal Gear. Snake
insists, in his usual nature, he doesn't know anything. With
that the DARPA chief begins to convulse violently, falls to the
ground and dies. Snake crouches at his side to confirm his
condition and contacts Naomi and Campbell VIA CODEC where both
parties conclude their belief that it was a heart attack that
killed Anderson.

Snakes rises from the DARPA chief's side and hears the muffled
sounds of a struggle in the next cell. Within a few moments his
cell has unlocked. Leaving it Snake has a gun pointed at his
head by the "guard" on duty. When Snake looks at the guard he
can tell from the shaking gun pointing at him that she is
"green" and plays on her inexperience by taunting her. When
things between them reach the tensest stage enemy guards swarm
the cell. Snake fights back immediately. The female guard just
stands there unable to say a word. While shooting the soldiers
Snake shouts at the female soldier "What are you doing? Shoot!
Don't be afraid!" As if woken up, she immediately begins
shooting the guards storming the cell with her FA-MAS and soon
the threat has been eliminated. She walks to the door of the
cell block and sarcastically thanks him for his help and begins
jogging to the elevator. Just as Snake begins persuing- she
turns around and shoots blindly into the area Snake was running
through, he dodges the bullets and she escapes through the
elevator. Snake looks to where she was...and hallucinates a man
with a gas mask on floating at the elevator. The mysterious
figure implies he had been controlling her at that point and
disappears. Snake contacts Naomi to ask her about it and she
informs him that it was most likely "psychometric interference
coming from Psyco Mantis.." (As in, the brainwaves and thoughts
of Psyco Mantis became un-controlled and found their way into
Snake's mind)

Snake takes the elevator downstairs into the armory of the
compound and uses C4 explosive to gain access to a secret area
where the ARMSTECH president is being kept prisoner. When he
arrives in the large room he see's the president tied to a
large central pillar. Upon closer inspection it is revealed the
pillar is booby trapped with wires that would set off C4
explosive connected amongst the central column. At that point a
gun shot is fired at Snakes feet...which he instinctively jumps
back from...and he comes face-to-face with Revolver Ocelot- Fox
Hounds torture and weapon's specialist. After a tense standoff
Snake battles Ocelot and drives him to bay. When Ocelot hides
behind a pillar to reload "...but I'm only gettin' warmed up" a
quick, mysterious figure, with a metallic exoskeleton and a
long samarai sword, jumps out of nowhere and cuts off his right
hand (with its gun still in it) as well as cutting Kenneth
Baker down from his trap. Ocelot retreats and Snake confronts
the figure demanding to know who it is- "I'am like you", it
says, "without a name..." it then shakes uncontrollably and
retreats. Kenneth Baker seemed to have identified the figure as
he was still regaining himself after being cut down. Helping
the ARMSTECH President to his feet, Snake sits him down against
a wall and questions him about metal gear.

Baker, to, gave the terrorist's his password. Psyco Mantis
didn't succeed because of surgical implants inside the ARMSTECH
President's brain that protected him from psycic probes.
However, Revolver Ocelot used physical torture to get Baker to
talk and, in the process, broke his arm. Baker is surprised and
angry to hear the Anderson gave his password due to the mental
probes of Psyco Mantis- because he received the same surgical
implants as Baker. He is also angry when he hears that Anderson
died of a heart attack- saying its impossible and is led to
believe that Snake came to the island to "shut them up"
Calming him down, Snake ask's Baker about the 3 card keys he
apparently has in his possession and Baker says that he gave
them to a young female soldier who refused to take place in the
rebellion and was incarcerated. Baker also says he was in
contact with the soldier VIA the stolen guards CODEC and tells
him he could contact her by finding her number "on the back of
the CD case"
Baker also tells Snake there may be one person who could find
out a way to stop Metal Gear. Its chief engineer, Hal Emmerich,
might know a way to stop or even destroy the weapon.

Baker elaborates on the history of Metal Gear. With the
end of the nuclear age at the turn of the century it would be
thought it would mean the end of the arms race- not so. Infact,
the threat of nuclear war is greater than ever he says. With
nuclear waste storage buildings filled to capacity uses for the
material's had to be found. Greater pounds of MUF (Material
Unaccounted For) are being reported every year and Russian
nuclear engineer's had nowhere to turn, except terrorism, to
find employment in their fields. This proves the existence of a
well- maintained black-market for nuclear weapons. Since pretty
much any nation could afford to have a nuclear weapon's program-
a new launch system of overwhelming power was required.
ARMSTECH suffered badly due to cut back's in the military
and their failure to produce the next line of fighter jets. The
construction of Metal Gear was the company's last hope.
However, the construction of Metal Gear was financed
confidentially by the Pentagon so mainstream-Government
exposure to the project was unlikely. This means that the
capabilities of Metal Gear are not restricted by "bureaucrats
and hard liberals" But where that didn't work- bribes were

The exercise on Shadow Moses island was to test Metal
capabilities with a dummy warhead- after that the Metal Gear
program was to be formally adopted. Baker gives Snake the sole
remaining copy of metal gears test data- the main hard drive
was destroyed by gunfire. The terrorist's also don't know of
the existence of the disk.
Snake ask's Baker about the mysterious Ninja that cut off
Ocelot's hand- since Baker seemed to have identified him. As
Baker is explaining the cyborg to be "FOX-HOUND's dirty little
secret" and experimental genome soldier he begins to convulse
like the DARPA the process talking to himself about
how the Pentagon "actually went and did it!" His last words,
before he succumbs to a heart attack are "Their just using you
Speaking to Campbell and Naomi via CODEC both parties agree
that Baker died from what appeared to be a heart attack just
like Anderson. Snake ask's Naomi about the Ninja and she
stresses that no-one like it is in FOX-HOUND.

Making contact with Meryl, Snake gets her to open the door
of the hangar which will take him to the Nuclear Warhead
Storage Building. She informs Snake that the island is owned
and operated by a dummy corporation of ARMSTECH (It is a
civilian base) Meryl also confirms to Snake her inexperience
and her naive views on what she believed she had to become a
soldier. Snake convince's Meryl to settle down for awhile and
ask's her to meet him in the Nuclear Warhead Storage Building.
Snake goes through the hangar door but while going across the
field on the other side of it he receives a CODEC call from an
unknown person called 'Deepthroat' who warns him that a tank is
behind a blast door on the otherside of the snowfield waiting
to ambush him. Sure enough, when Snake moves on a blast is
fired at him (which he just manages to dodge) and a tank roll's
out from behind the blast door. The man controlling the tank is
Vulcan Raven. Snake confuses the Tanks electronic's systems
with chaff grenades and manages to kill the gunner of the tank
(a genome soldier) to destroy the it. Solid Snake uses a card
key stolen from the body to access the Nuclear Warhead Storage
Building. Vulcan Raven, inside the tank wreckage, communicates
with Liquid Snake and Revolver Ocelot (he actually names the
latter "General Ivan" in this instance- a reference to "Ivan
the Terrible" A Russian historical figure) He warn's the 2 not
to underestimate Solid Snake- he is a worthy adversary.


Making his way through the storage building Snake comes to the
computer labs on floor B2...and stumbles upon a metallic
hallway filled with corpses of genome soldiers...they appeared
to have been cut with a blade. Then a barely-alive soldier
stumbles around the corner saying it was a ghost...just as
another soldier is impaled on the blade of a Katana
a molgy, barely seeable figure...who walks into the computer
labs. Snake follows and see's it confronting a quivering,
terrified scientist- so scared he soil's his pants. The Ninja
makes it clear to Snake that he has not taken sides (is not
there to help Snake or work against him- he is "from a world"
where such terms are meaningless) But, however, seeks battle
with Snake. With that the scientist runs into a storage closet
and the ninja and Snake begin a tense hand-to-hand combat duel
(The Ninja believes that it is foolish to use weapons- "hand-to-
hand is the basis of all combat")

By the end of it the cyborg Ninja's suit is malfunctioning
electric field's are stabbing out from all over his body. When
the ninja is finally defeated it begins to suffer the same
effects as the DARPA chief and ARMSTECH President. But instead
of retreats. Snake realizes who the Ninja is and
contact's Campbell via CODEC- the Ninja is Grey Fox. His old
war Buddy from Zanzibar and Outer Heaven- believed dead. Naomi
admits that he should've died but didn't. The body of a soldier
from Zanzibar was used by Naomi's predecessor Dr. Clark into
gene-therapy experiments. For 4 years he was drugged, and
fitted with a prototype exoskeleton, purely for experimental
purposes. The records say that the "ninja" died in a explosion,
along with Dr. Clark, 2 years ago. Naomi ask's if Snake will
kill the Ninja- he says he would prefer not...but that might be
what he want's...

Snake walk's over to the closet where the scientist hid.
convincing him to emerge he confirm's the scientist's identity
as Metal Gears Chief Engineer Hal Emmerich. When Snake ask's
Emmerich about Metal Gear he explain's that its a mobile TMD
(Theatre Missile Defense) to be used for defensive purposes.
Angry, Snake grab's him by the collar and aggresively tell's
him the terrorist's intention to use Metal Gear as a launch
system for a nuclear warhead. Emmerich is shocked to find they
plan to put a warhead in a TMD launcher. He convinces Snake he
didn't know what Metal Gear was really used for by saying the
armament of Rex was built a different department- supervised
personally by President Baker who also supervised the assembly
of the final unit. Because he wasn't involved with the armament
directly Emmerich doesn't know what Rex is truly capable of and
only know's it is armed with a rail gun (which uses magnets to
fire projectiles at extremely high velocities), a laser and
vulcan cannon.

According to Emmerich, Metal Gear has a launcher on its
back for 8 missiles. Snake questions this saying that if it
just used standard warhead's then all the test data should have
been collected before the exercise on Shadow Moses Island and
Otacon realises Metal Gear's co-developer Rivermore National
Labs was working on a new technology that, up until that point,
had only been tested in virtual environments. The test on
Shadow Moses Island was for the new technology. Emmerich
realizes the mistake he made in being so naive in the
construction of Metal Gear and begins to blame himself (This is
made all the more worse through his families connection to
nuclear weapons- his Grandfather worked on the Manhattan
project and his father was born on August 6th 1945- the day of
the Hiroshima bombing)

Emmerich to pulls himself together (thanks to some not-so
urging from Snake) and the operative ask's him about Rex's
location, which Emmerich explains is in a underground
maintenance base north of the Island. Emmerich also say's that
since they haven't sent for him for a few hours they must be
ready to launch. Snake tell's him to go and hide and contact's
Meryl to get her to look after him, but before she can answer
she is spotted by guards and communication with her is abruptly
cut off. Emmerich explains that if he want's to find her he has
to look in the only place where she will be by herself. Snake
ask's where that is and Emmerich blatantly tell's him not to be
so naive. Emmerich also tell's Snake to take his keycard so he
can progress further through the base and as he is handing it
to him Snake begins to worry about whether he will suffer the
same affect's as the DARPA Chief and ARMSTECH President.
Emmerich gets all defensive with Snake's sudden, caring change
of character and is seemingly fine. He also tell's Snake to
call him 'Otacon' (Which stands for Otacu Convention- a person
who likes Japan Animation or 'anime') Otacon originally got
into science to make robot's like the ones in the cartoons.
Otacon tell's Snake his CODEC frequency and then goes off- with
the ability to hide easily because he has a stealth unit the
same as the ninjas.

Making his way out of the lab and upstairs - Snake spot's
entering the female bathroom and follows her. Inside she sneaks
up on
him (again) and he confirms her identity with a few sexist
comments. She talk's to Snake about her Uncle and himself and
the glory days of FOX-HOUND- they were real heroes and there
was no such thing as gene-
therapy, they didn't need it. Snake detests what she says
saying that the only heroes he knows are dead or in prison.
There are no heroes in war. All Snake believes is he is a man
that is good at killing- nothing more. He has no ambition, no
ultimate goal. He establishes himself as a cold individual who
feels his best and most alive when his taking other lives.
Meryl is shocked, to say the least, at this revelation of his

Changing the subject Snake informs Meryl of no progress
being made in the negotiations & how, essentially, its all up
to Snake. They find they have 2 options- initiate the safety
system or destroy metal gear itself. However, to use the safety
system, they need the 3 card keys- Meryl has the first one but
the location of the other 2 is a mystery. Meryl works to try
and convince Snake to let her go with him- she knows the base
better than him and can act as a navigator. Snake is
apprehensive knowing that Campbell would want Meryl to be safe
& that she would slow Snake down as well. He allows her after
she simply says he can shoot her if she does.

Meryl walks over the mirror and looks at herself- talking
how she believed in following her fathers footsteps by becoming
soldier (She thought she could understand him better by
following that course in her life) She had never used make-up
or been like other girls- she had had her heart set on the
military her whole life. It had been her driving force. By
being through the experiences on Shadow Moses island she came
to realize something- up until that point she had never TRULY
looked at herself. She had never made her own dicisions. She
had always viewed herself as someone who had to follow. She
cries, feeling the emotion of what she just realized. Snake,
in a disciplined and confident manner, gets her to bring
herself together. This is a war- there is no losing. They will
die if they do. Realizing the importance of their actions Meryl
brings herself together & tell's him that they have to take the
commander's room in order to get to where Metal Gear is being
stored- the overland route is blocked by glaciers. They leave
the bathroom and find all of the guards have left- and as they
make their way to the commanders room Meryl begins acting

When they get inside Meryl points her gun at Snake and, as
possessed, stumbles towards him coldly yet seductively
muttering sexual phrases to him. Just when she is less than 2
feet from him a man in tight leather and a gas mask flashes
behind her, floating. Psyco Mantis. The worlds best tactitioner
of physical movement with the mind and controlling of others
minds with his own. Realizing Meryl is under his mental control
and will shoot him if he doesn't act, Snake knocks her out.
After a few quick taunt's Mantis makes his appearance
again and
begins fighting with Snake. He dodges his attacks as if he knew
were coming. In a fierce yet extraordinarily difficult hand-to-
combat duel Snake manages to outsmart Mantis (thanks to
Campbell's help) and defeats him.

Mantis, defeated and sprawled on the ground, is approached
ominously by Snake. Realizing he will die soon Mantis tell's
Snake he
will look into his future. He then uses an out-of-body
experience to
explain to Snake the way to get to where Metal Gear is being
through a secret door behind a bookcase. Asking Mantis why he
is helping him Mantis explains that he has read thousands and
thousands of minds & how each one contained the same selfish
and disgusting desire- to reproduce. To pass on their DNA.
Everyone was focused on the future.

Mantis helped Snake because he is different- he has no
future, no past- he lives in the moment. Mantis holds onto the
belief that they aren't meant to bring each other happiness-
from the moment we enter the world we are here to bring each
other nothing but pain & misery (this is based on his awful
experiences as a child- his mother died giving childbirth to
him. When he looked into his fathers mind he saw nothing but
hate & disgust for him. This analysis of someone else's mind
and the hidden elements within it waked up Mantis's own
subconscious and made him kill his father. The power that was
released from him during that episode wiped out his whole home
town, of 1000 people, and horribly scarred his face making him
lose his eye's and nose)

Mantis somehow "bonds" with Snake because he understands
they both have buried past's and they don't enjoy looking back
on them. Mantis explains why he became involved in the siege of
the island, he didn't believe in Liquid Snake's ideals, he just
wanted to kill as many people as he could. Meryl is disgusted
and nearly hit's Mantis but Snake gets her to stop- Mantis
doesn't have much time left. This prompt's Mantis to look into
Meryl's mind & he find's Snake hold's a large place there.
Nearly dead Mantis makes a last request- to have his mask put
back on. With it other people's thoughts force their way into
his mind and he is in his own "world" His last act is to move
the bookcase blocking the doorway with his telekinetic power's-
he admits its the first time he used his powers to help someone
and it feels "kinda nice"

Rising from his side Snake makes his way to the secret
prompting Meryl to follow. She stay's where she is, uncertain
of herself after Mantis manipulated her the way he did. Snake
disciplines her telling her never to doubt herself- just learn
something from it and let it make her stronger. Meryl agree's
and begins to ask Snake something, about what Mantis said, but
Snake gets defensive and impatient. Reconsidering her questions
& considering its a bad idea to ask, she ask's him different
questions about his personal life- which only results in
indirect and emotionless answer's that reveal he was raised by
many people and is, essentially, a loner. Meryl expresses her
sympathies and pity at his lonely, sad persona and Snake leaves
the room through the secret doorway. Meryl follows.

Traveling through wolf-dog cavern's the 2 of them come to
the communication's towers. A large, wide pathway lead's to the
entrance. Just as they begin to make their way to the cavern's
a laser-sight is pointed at Meryl. Snake yell's at her to get
down, but he is to late, Meryl is shot in the left thigh.
Falling to her knee's she is shot again in the right thigh. Now
on the ground she reaches for her pistol which she dropped- and
is shot again in the arm. Realizing the seriousness of her
mistake Meryl tells Snake to leave her and run. Or,
furthermore, shoot her so he can go on with his mission. He
tell's her to save her strength. In the pain of the gunshot
wound's Meryl realizes the mistakes and the untutoredness of
her feelings of being a soldier. However, she selflessly
beckons Snake to run off and never forget her. Campbell
contact's Snake and inform's him that the sniper is trying to
lure him out so that he can pick him off. Naomi add's that the
sniper is most likely Sniper Wolf- FOX-HOUND's best shooter.
Campbell begins to tell Snake how to go about saving Meryl- but
Snake can tell he is getting alarmed and panicked. Snake
reassures him that he will save Meryl- but Naomi scrutinizes
him. Saying that his gene's are that of a soldier- not a
savior. Snake barks back that he works on instinct (not on his
genes) and that he will save her- he doesn't need an excuse.

Backtracking to the armory Snake aquires a PSG-1 sniper
rifle and heads back to where Meryl was shot- but she has
dissapeared. However, Snake can't investigate and must deal
with Sniper Wolf. He uses his sniper-rifle against wolf and
defeat's her. He makes his way towards where she retreated to
look for clues as to where Meryl went- but at the door to the
base of the communications tower he is surrounded by soldiers
and is confronted by Wolf. After she affectionately toy's with
him he is knocked out and dragged off.


The unconscious operative awakes to bright, circular
lights. Snake finds that he is lying down on a metallic bed
with his arms and legs shackled by modern locks. Worst still,
he has been striped of his equipment and is lying down half-
naked. He then overhears a man telling others not to kill him-
it seems he want's no more accidents like the DARPA chief. Then
the man begins to talk to Snake- unaware he is awake. Snake
"stole" what was rightfully his- his birthright. He always knew
he would meet Snake and finally they do- the brother of light,
and the brother of dark. Liquid Snake. Liquid agrees to have
some of his DNA taken while he is still alive- and use it to
correct the gnome soldiers mutatons but not to "cure" them.
Apparently Big Boss's DNA is required for that. With that
Ocelot realizes Snake is awake and tilt's the bed from 180
degree's to a full 90- parallel with Liquid Snake. Solid comes
face-to-face with Liquid for the first time. The first
revelation made to Snake by Liquid is that they are the last
surviving son's of Big Boss. He also realizes that 8 hours have
past since the start of the mission- there are 10 hours until
the deadline is reached. Oblivious to Snake's presence the FOX-
HOUND parties in the room- Ocelot, Liquid & Wolf discuss the
Ninja. It has killed twelve men- how did it learn of the
incident? Ocelot conjectures that there must be a spy amongst

Liquid receives a call from Vulcan Raven and must go to
deal with more negotiations- he order's Ocelot not to screw up
with Solid Snake like he did with "the chief". He also observes
the seriousness of their current situation- Mantis is dead.
They also have to find out what killed "Baker and Octopus"...he
then leaves with Ocelot's correction that its an interrogation
about to be conducted on Snake- not a torture. Ocelot asks
Sniper Wolf, who was quietly hanging off in the background, if
she want's to stay. She declines- citing she has to feed her
wolves. She leaves and Ocelot & Snake are left alone. Snake
asks Ocelot about the new technology on Metal Gear- Ocelot
suggests Snake contact's Campbell for the full story. He asks
Snake about the optical disk that Baker would have given him-
Snake doesn't answer. Instead, he asks if Meryl is OK. Ocelot
say's she is- but they are about to play a game. When the pain
becomes to much for Snake he can submit and it will end...but
if he does he will kill Meryl.

Snake resist's Ocelot's torture with Meryl's life at
stake. He is taken to a cell in order to regain his strength.
Inside he finds the DARPA's chief's corpse- drained of blood,
apparently dead for days. Campbell contact's Snake and tell's
him that the government won't give into the terrorist's
demands. Snake gets annoyed- telling him to stop playing dumb.
He tell's him to talk about the new kind of warhead for metal
gear. He asks why Campbell can't "tell the grunts" & how deep
the cover-up goes. Campbell admits that up until the previous
day the President had not been briefed on the Rex project. The
President could not be informed of the Rex project because the
next day himself and his Russian counterpart are due to sign
the Strategic Nuclear Missile Reduction Treaty-3 (START)
Campbell explains that that is the reason for the terrorist's
deadline- although START-2 hadn't even been ratified or the
issue's of TMD's dealt with. If the deadline for the attack
went public, when START-3 was due to be signed, it could
compromise the Presidents reputation & America's place as a
dominant world superpower. Campbell pleads with Snake to stop
the terrorist's insisting he is the only one who can. The
government simply can't give into their demands (The President
had been vocal in his opposition to eugenics' experiments- so
the genome armies can't go public at any cost) Campbell then
tells Snake not to worry about the safety keys- his priority
now is to destroy Metal Gear itself.

Once again Snake is taken into Ocelot's chamber and
"interrogated" However, this time he simply can't last out
against the pain he is enduring. He submits to Ocelot's
torture. Snake is dragged back to his cell. Campbell contact's
Snake, and he is overcome with feelings of doubt when telling
Campbell that he gave into the torture. He couldn't save Meryl-
how can he save the world? Snake gave in...he sacrificed her
life to save his own. Campbell reassures Snake she knew the
risks- she was a soldier. Naomi also reminds Snake he has a
mission to do, he has to stop blaming himself. After a long
pause Snake asks Naomi to talk about herself to get his mind of
the pain from the extreme-electric shock's his body sustained,
as well as the guilt he feels. She say's that it isn't a happy
topic for herself. Snake tries to compel her to talk by telling
her the story of the man who once claimed he was his father-
Big Boss. She is even more shocked to find that Snake killed
Big Boss knowing that. Asking how he could, Snake emotionlessly
replies that he just needed killing, Big Boss wanted it. Snake
also explains that that action was the hidden trauma that
Mantis was talking about before he died- the one they share in
common. Naomi explains that she never had any family at all-
only a big brother that put her through school- he was much
older and they weren't even blood related. Naomi ask's, as did
Meryl, if there is a woman in Snakes life. He say's he feels
like he can trust no-one after all his war experiences. Naomi
then ask's if Snake has any friends- he without hesitation
replies 'Roy Campbell' (who is surprised to hear that after all
the lies he has told him) and one other man who taught Snake
alot- Frank Jaeger. Gray Fox. Naomi is very shocked by this
revelation- she is aware of their final battle. Snake counter's
that they were just professional's on opposite sides- it was
nothing personal. Jaeger showed him that ropes while Snake was
still 'green' However, they didn't know each other well (Snake
believed it was like an unwritten law not to talk about
personal lives) Snake asks Naomi why she got into genetics'
which she explains was because she wanted to analyze her fate-
she never knew her parents and she she could analyze where she
came from.

Snake fool's a guard, who caught a cold off Meryl and went
to the bathroom, into coming into his cell. He kill's him and
escapes. He makes his way through the facility back to where
Meryl was shot. He run's past the blood-soaked ground but then
turns around and walk's back to the spot where she was shot. He
remembers her final word's to him & her willingness to
sacrifice herself in order to help Snake complete his mission.
"I was a fool. I wanted to be a soldier. But war is ugly,
there's nothing glamorous about it." She had said in enormous
pain and lossing a great deal of blood "
yourself. Go on living and don't give up on people. Don't
forget me" she had implored...

As his despair sinks in Snake receives a CODEC call from
Campbell who reassure's Snake that he knows he did all he
could. He say's Meryl was a soldier and was prepared for that.
She joined up of her own free will. But Snake say's his wrong-
she felt she had to become a soldier to better understand her
father. He also say's that Meryl was never prepared for real
combat. Snake's old mentor, FOX-HOUND survival instructor
Master Miller, then interrupt's their conversation. He tell's
Snake he can have regret's- its only natural. But he can't let
it interfere with his mission. Mei Ling, Snake's communications
support person, back's him up. Then Naomi join's in adding that
Meryl must be special to Snake. Snake moves around a direct
answer (yet again) and in doing so reminds Campbell of a
personal joke about Naomi's Grandfather. Apparently he rose as
high as Assistant Director of the FBI during Edgar Hoover's
time. Naomi add's that he was Japanese. However, Master Miller
is skeptical, and presses Naomi for details. She answer's in a
UN-confident manner the questions then abruptly wishes Snake
good luck and disconnects.

Snake makes his way up a massive communications tower-
which he must pass in order to make it to the Metal Gear
storage hangar. But when he reaches the top the large
communications dish is blown up- as well as the bridge
connecting the 2 rooftops. Then Liquid Snake appears in the
Hind D gunship. He taunt's Snake with the helicopter's
loudspeaker and Snake makes the only escape possible- by
abseiling down the side of the building. He succeed's and
arrives at the mid-section platform connecting the 2 tower's.
He takes the bridge across
to Tower B and rises through the tower. However, near the top,
he comes across Otacon. Otacon ask's Snake if he ever loved
someone. Snake is confused- did he come all that way just to
ask him that? But Otacon rephrases- asking if love can bloom
even on the battlefield. Snake says it can, he believes it can
bloom anywhere, anytime. But if you love someone you have to be
able to protect them. Snake asks Otacon to fix the elevator in
Tower B so he can access the bottom of the Tower to which he
says he'll take care of it. Meanwhile Snake has to swat down a
bothersome fly...

Reaching the roof of Tower B Liquid surprises Snake by
appearing suddenly in the Hind. He shines his spotlight on
Solid Snake and bid's farewell to his "brother" Solid demands
to know why his calling him that- "I'am you!" Liquid says "I'm
your shadow! Why don't you ask your father? I'll send you to
hell to meet him!!!" Snake uses a newly acquired Stinger
missile launcher to shoot down the Hind. After many hit's the
chopter finally crashes "See you in hell Liquid" he says. A
large fireball climbs up the side of the building and disapates
above Snake "that takes care of the cremation..." he remarks.
Snake then makes his way to the base of the tower B and notices
a parachute in the trees. He recieves a CODEC call from
Campbell and the 2 discuss Snakes find. They both conjecture
the parachute was left in the tree as a warning to Snake...from

He has little time to recover from the relevation that
Liquid may still be alive as he is soon sniped on the
snowfield. He call's Otacon who confirms it is Sniper Wolf who
is shooting at him. However, Otacon sounds happy. When
questioned Otacon pleads with Snake not to kill her. He claims
she's a good person. Snake, of course, disagrees with him
trying to make him see she's a merciless killer. However, Wolf
interrupts the CODEC conversation. She taunt's Snake and
order's Otacon not to g et in their way. In a silent yet deadly
battle across the expansive snowfield Wolf is murdered by
Snake. Believing her to be dead he makes his way to the
warehouse where Metal Gear is being stored, however, on the way
he see's a lone figure spawled on the ground.

Lying down and coughing up blood Sniper Wolf is nearly
dead. She say's she waited for the moment all her life. She is
a sniper- all she does is wait. Wolf, with her last strength,
urges Snake to kill her. She can't be saved- Snake has to put
her out of her misery. Wolf explains that she was a Kurd- she
always dreamt of dying in a peaceful place like the snowfield.
She was born on the battlefield- gunshots and screams her
everyday sounds. Hunted like dogs- that was her whole life.
Everyday she would wake up and find a new family member or
friend of her's dead. The government's of the world turned a
blind eye to her suffering. Then one day he appeared- her
savior. Her hero- "Saladin" (Big Boss) She was taught to see
war as a Sniper- through the len's of a rifle scope as an
observer. She joined the terrorist's to take her revenge on the
world. She believed now that she had shamed her people in the
name of vengeance. She sold her body and her soul & is less
than a whore.

Snake assures her of what she is and what she stands for.
People like Snake (mercenaries) are called "The Dogs of War"
and he agree's with the reasoning behind it. They are up for
sale to the highest bidder. But Wolf is different- untamed &
solitary. She's not a dog- she's a wolf. Snake's reassuring
attitude prompts Wolf to ask him if he is "Saladin", but he
ignores her question and asks Wolf why she spared Meryl's life.
Wolf says she was never her target & she doesn't kill for
sport. Wolf has tired herself out and urges Snake to "set her
free" (calling him "hero") Just as Snake stands, his SOCOM
pointed at her head, Otacon arrives. She beacon's to her rifle,
which she dropped on the ground, and Otacon brings it over. She
believes the gun is a part of her and it must be with her when
she dies. Now that she believes everyone is there she ask's,
with her last ounce of strength, for Snake to put her out of
her misery. Otacon turns his back and block's his ear's
muttering goodbye to her. Snake shoots her in the forehead with
the sound of the gunshot echoing throughout the snowfield.
Snake then places her handkerchief, which he acquired earlier,
on top of her head covering the bullet wound. Otacon ask's why
he is returning it- to which Snake simply replies he has no
more tears to shed. This distresses Otacon greatly. Snake
reinforces that they're out of time- he has to act. He tell's
Otacon to get away from the island & get a new start on his
life. But Otacon say's he want's to help him, but Snake tell's
him to hide and stay in touch. But just as Snake is walking off
and nearly out of sight, the snow covering him up, Otacon
yell's to him- what are the terrorist's fighting for? What is
Otacon & Snake fighting for? What was Wolf fighting for? Snake
yell's back that if they make it through the incident he'll
tell him.


Snake makes his way past through the entrance to the
underground base & the blast furnace of the facility. But as he
is catching a large freight elevator down the bottom of the
base he receives a CODEC call from Master Miller. Before
anything he ask's Snake to make sure the conversation is
secure. Snake ensures it is which prompt's Miller to say he was
in the FBI and, because of that, has found many error's in
Naomi's story about her Grandfather. He says it was all a big
lie. Snake is disbelieving and Miller add's to his story that
Naomi might be a spy. He informs Snake of the exact error's in
Naomi's story about her grandfather- which are well founded.
Miller observes that with the mysterious deaths of the ARMSTECH
President & the DARPA Chief and the mysterious Ninja- to many
strange things are happening. Snake suggests that she might be
behind it- Miller say's either that or she is with the

Snake makes his way off the elevator and gets into the
underground storage warehouse. On top of the massive crates of
the room a dark, massive figure begins to lurk- with a large
ammo back on his back and 20mm Cannon in his arms. Vulcan
Raven. He begins to taunt Snake & mentally paralyses him then
control's a bird to place the "mark of death" on his cheek.
Vulcan begins to elaborate on Snake's history- stating that
Eastern blood flow's through his vein's and his ancestor's were
raised on the plains of Mongolia. Apparently the Japanese & him
are cousin's. Vulcan metaphorically comment's that although
Snakes & Vulcan's are not the best of friends, nethertheless it
will be a glorious battle. This causes Snake to try and reason
with Vulcan- it isn't glorious, its just plain killing.
Violence isn't a sport. Alas, it is to no avail.

The deadly battle between Snake & Vulcan Raven ravages on
for several minutes. Snake hides himself amongst the boxes
while Raven shoot's overwhelmingly with his cannon. However,
Snake comes out the victor. Raven, his strength depleted,
brace's himself against a wall for support. He begin's to
reinforce "the boss's" idea that his existence in the world is
no longer needed. His body, as well as his spirit, shall leave
so that he may return to mother Earth and become one with the
ravens. Vulcan scream's out Snake's name & declares he will be
watching him. Then, like Mantis, he assist's Snake by giving
him a security clearance card. Raven explains that he is
helping him because Snake is not one that was created by nature-
Snake & Liquid are from a different world that Raven does not
wish to know about. Before dying Vulcan say's he will give
Snake a clue, when Snake saw the DARPA Chief die in front of
him, it wasn't the DARPA chief at all- it was Decoy Octopus. He
was able to deceive Snake, but he couldn't deceive the angel of
death. Snake is confused- why did he impersonate the chief? Why
go to all the trouble? Vulcan simply states he must solve the
rest of the riddle himself. At that point the birds that
surrounded Raven in the warehouse begin to converge on him and
start eating at his flesh. Snake turn's his back on him and
begins to walk off as Raven is quickly pecked away and his
words haunt Snake with his belief that there is always an end
to slaughter in the natural world. Snake is different- his path
is littered with the corpses of the people he has killed. They
will haunt him forever and he will never have any peace. The
next time Snake turns around Raven's body is gone and there is
only the remnants of his large machine gun.

Miller contact's Snake about Naomi. Before the monitor can
be switched off Campbell interrupts and ask's what it is about
Naomi. Miller reluctantly let's him in on their speculation
about Naomi. Miller reveal's that Dr. Naomi Hunter is not Dr.
Naomi Hunter at all. There was once a Naomi Hunter- that
disappeared in the middle east. Campbell ask's who she is-
Miller reluctantly suggests she's a spy to
him. Master speculates she may have been sent to sabotage the
operation. Campbell also suggests she might have been part of
the uprising. Master goes further to suggest she might be part
of a different group altogether. Master say's she must be
arrested. When Campbell say's their in big trouble if she is
with the terrorist's- Master angrily ask's Campbell if it has
anything else to do with the deaths of the DARPA Chief &
ARMSTECH President. Campbell doesn't know. In any case, Master
say's, Naomi can't be allowed to participate any further in the
operation. But Campbell say's the mission can't be completed
without her, this confirms something to Snake, he is hiding
something. Campbell tell's Snake to give him sometime, when he
is questioned about this.

Filled with feelings of doubt Snake arrives in the massive
hangar where Metal Gear is stored. However there are no guards
there. Otacon call's Snake & Snake ask's him about this- Otacon
speculates that they might be ready to launch. He also say's he
hasn't found out about the PAL safety system- his found
something just as good. He accessed the secret Metal Gear file
and found the secret technology on Rex- the warhead is fired
from the railgun like a projectile. The missile's won't use
fuel so, henceforth, it isn't considered a missile. This means
it can get around all kinds of international treaties. But the
even more shocking fact is its a stealth weapon. Although work
had been conducted on a stealth missile since the 70's they
could only develop it now because the propulsion system would
show up on radar. The warhead's are also surface piercing so
they can reach into hardened bunkers. Otacon also say's that if
word got out of Metal Gear it could delay START-3, possibly get
the US denounced by the UN & even bring down the President.
Snake ask's the colonel if he knew about the real
capabilities- Campbell admits he did & doesn't make excuses.
Otacon say's the result's of the exercise were better than what
they expected- but he can't find the actual data. Snake say's
he had it- but Ocelot took it (seemingly much to Campbell's
dismay) Snake ask's for Otacon's opinion on whether they can
launch or not- Otacon say's they can most probably. The dummy
warhead's are designed to be identical to the real ones so they
should launch fine. Otacon gets back to trying to find out how
activate PAL by looking through Baker's files.

Snake makes his way up and over metal gear arriving at the
command room where he see's Liquid & Ocelot talking. He hides
and overhears the pairs conversation. Liquid confirms that no
response has been given from America and changes the prime
target, at Ocelot's question, from Tuniton, Russia to Lochnaw,
China. When Ocelot questions why the change Liquid states he
wouldn't want to upset Ocelot & Galouchovich (its their
homeland) but Ocelot is skeptical & Liquid say's its really
because if they nuke a major population centre "the game is
over" However, Lochnaw is a nuclear test site (it can still be
covered up) If Lochnaw is attacked Washington will be worried
about the retaliatory strike- which would mean top-secret talks
between the 2 countries resulting in America having to divulge
the existence of a new & advanced type of nuclear weapon. This
would also mean a breach of the CBTB (Comprehensive Test Ban
Treaty. A treaty reached by the UN at the Geneva conference
abolishing all forms of Nuclear Testing) meaning America's
reputation would be in ruins and several nations would flock to
the terrorist's wanting to purchase Metal Gears information off
them. Liquid is sure this plan will ensure the President gives
into their demands. Ocelot reiterates their demands- Big
Boss's DNA & 1 billion dollars. Liquid reveals that the money
can be used to cure the genome soldiers & he is also including
something called the "Foxdie" vaccine as part of the deal..
Ocelot observes that Foxdie killed Decoy Octopus & the
ARMSTECH President. It seems that it affect's older people
first, according to Ocelot. He speculates that maybe it didn't
affect Mantis because of his mask, and Liquid speculates it
didn't affect Wolf because of all the tranquilizer's she
continuously took. Maybe its due to the amount of adrenaline in
the blood? Maybe because Foxdie is experimental?

Liquid changes the subject regarding their ally in the
terrorist attack- Colonel Serge Gurlukuvich. He ask's if they
have heard from him. Ocelot say's that Galouchovich still has
doubt's over the capabilities of Metal Gear, they can talk
after the test launch is successful & Liquid observes his very
cautious nature. But Ocelot reassures him- Gurlukuvich wants
Metal Gear so bad he can taste it. He say's that if Russian
wants to regain its strength as a military superpower they need
a weapon that can't be detected- they need Metal Gear. However,
Liquid is irritated at Gurlukuvich plans to use nuclear
weapon's as a way to restore their superiority- his army is in
shambles. Liquid feels Galouchovich is more worthy of the title
of "politician" than "warrior" However, Ocelot defends him,
revealing that Gurlukuvich was the one that gave them the Hind
Russian Gunship and most of their heavy firepower. Liquid
suggests that they join forces with Gurlukuvich- he has over
1000 soldier's under his control. An alliance is just what's
required- since Mantis died the genome armies brainwashing has
begun to wear off. An alliance could boose the morale of the
soldiers. Ocelot say's they can still escape- but Liquid
refuses- They are going to dig in. He reaffirms their position-
they can launch a nuclear missile, to anywhere on the planet,
that can't be detected. They also have spare warheads. Once
they have Big Boss's DNA & the money- the world will be theres!
Ocelot ask's about Gurlukuvich's position in all this- Liquid
simply states he has no interest in the rebirth of "mother
Russia" Liquid is going to revive Big Boss's dream "from this
day call this place 'Outer Heaven!'"

Ocelot spot's Solid Snake on the video monitor but
continues talking with Liquid about the PAL safety system. They
discuss how, since it is the only thing that can stop them
launching, its the number one priority. However they conclude
that Snake doesn't have it in his possession. Ocelot also ask's
Liquid about "the girl" asking if he want's her killed. Liquid
refuses- knowing that Solid Snake care's for her & that can be
used to exploit a weakness in him. At that point Snake receives
an CODEC call from Otacon. Snake learns that Otacon has
accessed the top-secret files of Metal Gear. Otacon tell's
Snake that if the PAL is used when the warhead is active, it
deactivates it. And vice- versa. When Snake questions that he
only has one key Otacon surprisingly say's he already has all 3
keys. The one card, it seems, is made of a Shape Memory Alloy.
It changes shape at different temperatures- all Snake has to do
is use it at room temperature, cool it and use it & heat it up
and use it. When Snake looks into the command room to see the
terminals that Otacon directs him to use the cards in Ocelot
see's his arm and shoots at him. This causes Snake to drop the
card into a drainage ditch. Liquid spot's Snake when he runs
after the card & taunt's him from behind bullet-proof glass. At
that point a red alert goes off and Snake must fight his way
past genome soldier's that Liquid has alerted. Snake makes his
way back to the command room at a later time, when Ocelot &
Liquid have left, and uses the key at room temperature. He then
makes his way to the warehouse where he fought Vulcan Raven &
cools the card there.

After he uses the cooled card & he makes his way to the
blast furnace, the hottest place in the facility, Snake
receives a CODEC call from Master Miller who, once again,
ensures that the CODEC monitor is off. Miller states he has a
good friend in the pentagon and used him to find out about a
assassination weapon called Foxdie. Miller ask's Snake if he
knows about it- but Snake can only say he heard Ocelot & Liquid
mention it. Miller say's its a virus that targets & kill's
specific people. He also can't bring himself to deny that fact
that the manner it kill's people is to similar to the deaths of
the DARPA Chief & ARMSTECH President. It mimic's a heartattack.
Snake, also, can't believe that Naomi was behind it when he
understands what Miller is trying to say when he ask's if she
gave Snake any injections. But Snake know's she did- the nano
machines that monitor his body temperature & condition. Miller
speculates she was in the best position- however he doesn't
know her motive. When Snake ask's Campbell whats new with
Naomi, since he was going to ask him if he knew about Foxdie,
Campbell say's he placed her under arrest because she was
sending coded messages to the Alaskan base. Campbell is sure at
this point that she is with the terrorist's. Miller supposes
that since Naomi might be involved in the Foxdie incident the
vaccine must be around somewhere. Snake shrug's it off saying
he has more important things to worry about- but Miller worries
that Snake might have been infected with Foxdie as well. All he
can do, Snake says, is leave it up to the colonel.

Snake makes his way to the blast furnace and heats up the
card. On his way back to the command room, however, he receives
a CODEC call from Naomi. Naomi explains that she's using a
hidden CODEC. Snake ask's if what's was said about her was true-
she admits it is...but not everything was a lie. She did get
into genetics for a genuine reason. She didn't know her
parents, she doesn't even know who she is- she bought her
identification. She became involved in genetics because she
wanted to know her age, race. Anything at all. In Rhodesia
(what is now known as Zimbabwe) she was found sometime in the
80's- an Orphan. Due to the English owning the nation until
1965 there were many Indian laborer's around and she
conjectures that is where she got her skin color from. But she
isn't even sure about that. She becomes angry at Snake's
suggestion that she worry about herself now- stop worrying
about the past. No-one else has worried about her. Naomi say's
she was alone...until she met her big brother...Frank Jaeger.
Snake is shocked & amazed at this unexpected twist. Naomi
explains that she was nearly dead from starvation- but Jaeger
shared his rations with her. And Solid Snake was the man that
took away her only family. Jaeger & Naomi survived together- he
protected her. She was in Mozambique when Big Boss came. He
brought them to America. However, Jaeger & Big Boss returned to
Africa to continue to fight & thats when Snake destroyed her
only source of support.

Naomi says vowed revenge & joined FOX-HOUND. For 2 years
she waited, knowing that being in FOX-HOUND was the best way of
meeting Snake, and she became entangled in the current crisis.
She also say's she will get Liquid & the others. When
questioned by Snake Naomi admits she was partly wrong about him
& doesn't hate him. Snake also ask's if she killed her
predecessor, Dr. Clark. Naomi say's that Gray Fox did that- she
helped cover it up to look like an accident & helped Gray Fox
hide out. Snake ask's for her opinion on Fox- does he want to
kill him? Naomi say's she didn't understand before- but now she
thinks she does. Gray Fox believes in a final battle with Snake-
thats all he lives for. Snake can't believe it. Snake begins to
ask Naomi a question but she automatically finishes it off-
about Foxdie. She explains its a retro virus that target's &
kill's specific people by essentially carrying the virus along
the bloodstream to the heart. There it connect's with the heart
cell's & mimic's a heart attack. Snake ask's if it was
programmed into him- Naomi can't bring herself to answer. He
reassure's her that he doesn't blame her for wanting him dead-
but he still has a job to do. Naomi then reveals a shocking
fact...she wasn't the one that made the dicision to use Foxdie.
It was injected into Snake as a part of the operation. Just as
Naomi begins to tell Snake something else, something seemingly
more important, communication is abruptly cut off. She is
wrestled away from the CODEC & Campbell returns. He tell's
Snake he can't let Naomi make any more unauthorized
transmissions- she's not a part of the operation. Campbell
ignores Snake's enraged accusations of double-crossing &
demanding to know what Naomi said about Foxdie being a part of
the operation. Instead he order's Snake to stop Metal Gear-
that being the number one priority at the moment.

Filled with suspicion for Campbell Snake find's his way
back to the command room of Metal Gear. After he enter's the
3rd PAL key the siren's in the room begin to activate
acknowledging the acceptance of the 3rd key. But the computer
voice announces that the detonation code has been activated!
Angry & confused Snake gets a CODEC call from Master Miller-
who thanks him. He say's nothing can stop Metal Gear now & also
apologizes for getting him involved in "that silly shape memory
alloy business" Master explains that he couldn't learn the
DARPA chief's detonation code & even Mantis couldn't read his
mind and then Ocelot accidentally killed him. Because of this
"they" couldn't launch- and understandably "they" were getting
pretty worried. Thats when they decided they might be able to
use Snake. They believed they could get the info from him- so
Decoy Octopus was made to disguise as the DARPA Chief-
unfortunately Foxdie killed him. Solid angrily ask's if he had
it planned from the beginning to get Snake to plant the
detonation code- Master is shocked by his naivity. He feigns
that he can't believe Snake believed he got it that far by
himself. Once again Master ignore's Snake demand to know who he
is- instead saying that the launch preparations are complete.
Once the world glimpses the power of the weapon they will have
no choice but to hand over the Foxdie vaccine. Master observes
that the Pentagon's 'Ace-in-the-hole' is useless now. Their
plan to use Snake was successful- in the torture room. Master
is sarcastically amazed, Snake is the only one that doesn't
know, he pities him. Snake once again demands to know who he is
talking to- Master teases saying he will answer all when he
finds him- he very close by. Campbell then interupts- the man
Snake has been talking with hasn't been Master Miller, his body
was just found in his house. He looked like it had been dead
for 3 days, Campbell didn't know because his CODEC link with
Master was cut. However, when Mei Ling did a line
search, she found it was coming from inside the base! Snake
ask's who it is and before Campbell can answer Master say's, in
a totally different yet instantly recognized voice, "Me...dear
brother" He then take's off his sunglasses & undoes his pony
tail- revealing the face of Liquid Snake. At this shock
revelation Liquid tells Snake he can die- he has outlived his
usefulness. The command room door seal's and begins to fill
with poisonous gas. However, thanks to Otacon's hacking
skill's, the door is unlocked again and Snake run's outside.
There he see's Liquid & chases after him.


Solid Snake catches up with Liquid right next to Metal
Gears cockpit. The mercenary point's his gun at Liquid- but
holster's it on Liquid's simple question that he'd shoot his
own brother? Liquid discloses that he disguised as Master so
that he could manipulate Snake more easily. And he also admits
Snake did well- though the "boys at the Pentagon" would
probably be saying the same thing as well. According to Liquid,
Snake has lost his warrior's pride- justified by Liquid's
observation that Solid is following order's with no question's
asked. Snake is no more than a pawn. Rescuing the hostages &
stopping the nuke launch was a just a diversion, according to
Liquid. The Pentagon needed Solid Snake to come into contact
with all the terrorist's & kill them so that they could
retrieve Metal Gear undamaged as well as the bodies of the
genome soldiers- all Snake was was used as a tool to spread
Snake is shocked- does that mean that Naomi was working with
the Pentagon? Liquid say's that they thought she was- but she
obviously couldn't be controlled to easily. A spy Liquid knew
in the Pentagon revealed that Naomi changed the Foxdie program
before the operation- but Liquid doesn't know how or why. Snake
wonder's as well. Maybe she was arrested to find that out?
Liquid had no idea she was motivated by such petty revenge.
They still don't know what changes she made to the Foxdie
program- but that doesn't matter because Liquid has added to
vaccine to his list of demands. Snake ask's if there actually
is one- Liquid would assume there is but acknowledges that only
Dr. Naomi Hunter really knows.

It might not even be necessary, Liquid admits. Foxdie did
kill the ARMSTECH President & Decoy Octopus but Ocelot, himself
& Solid Snake remain uninfected. It might possibly be a bug-
but if Snake isn't infected then Liquid certainly has no reason
to worry. After all, he explains, there genetic code is
identical. Snake half say's & half ask's 'its true'- their
twins? Liquid say's yes but not ordinary twin's. They're linked
by cursed genes. Solid Snake received Big Boss's dominant
genes. Liquid got the flawed recessive genes. Everything was
done so that Solid could be the greatest. The only reason
Liquid exists so that Solid could be created. Liquid angrily
ask's Snake if he knows what its like to know you were garbage
from the day you were born? He got all the leftovers. Snake
shakes his head in pity. However, Big Boss chose Liquid. And
that's the reason Liquid is obsessed with Big Boss he ask's.
Like some kind of twisted love. Liquid shockingly say's 'Love?
Its Hate!' Big Boss would always remind Liquid he was inferior
& Solid Snake killed Big Boss with his own hands. He stole
Liquid's chance for revenge. Liquid want's to finish Big Boss's
dream- he will surpass him. He will destroy him. Solid say's
his just like Naomi- motivated by revenge. But Liquid concurs
he is not like Naomi- his proud of the destiny imbedded into
his genes. With that Liquid jump's into the cockpit of Metal
Gear before Snake can get a shot off at him. The tremendous
battle tank begins to tremble & begins to elevate on a raised
platform. It reaches into a large hangar and begins to sit.
Intimidatingly quiet.

Metal Gear has finally been activated. Liquid mocks Snake
who can do nothing against the overwhelming fire power of the
nuclear equipped walking tank. Snake gets Otacon's advice via
CODEC that if he destroys the radome it will disable all
sensor's & force Liquid to open the cockpit and shoot inside it
to destroy metal Gear. Snake, while dodging insistant missile
attack's and heavy machine gun fire, manages to hit the radome
enough to make the large weapon to start to shudder. It finally
surges to a halt and rests. For a few moments it sit's still-
until Liquid mockingly congratulates "Nice try!" Just as the
tank regains its feet and begins to stomp towards Snake Gray
Fox decloaks and lands on the ground in front of him. Just as
the foot is about to step on Snake Fox jumps underneath the
foot and hold it- stopping the immense machine from taking
another step. Fox, underneath the staggering weight, admits he
was the one who contacted him called 'Deepthroat' He also
observes how Snake looks terrible & has aged well. Snake turn's
around and runs & when the weight of Metal Gear becomes to much
Fox uses the weight to spring himself out into a series of
intricate flips- firing his plasma cannon at the radome. This
causes Liquid to loose the pair of mercenaries as they hide
behind a cargo container.

As Metal Gear hastily searches for them amongst the
immense hangar Snake asks Fox what he want's - to which he
replies that his a prisoner of death and only Snake can free
him. Snake tell's Fox he has to stay out of this- for Naomi's
sake. She is hell bent on taking revenge for Fox and only he
can stop her. Fox say's he can't because he was the one that
killed her parents. He was young and couldn't bring himself to
kill Naomi as well. So he took Naomi and treated her like his
own blood to soothe his guilty conscience. They might have
seemed like a happy brother & sister- but everytime he looked
into her eyes he saw her parents eye's staring back at him.
Gray Fox makes his last request to Snake- tell Naomi Fox was
the one that murdered her parents. At this point Liquid spot's
them behind the container- Fox say's their out of time. He then
tell's Snake he'll stop it from moving. Running out from behind
the container, in a stunning display of skill & bravery, Liquid
goes up against the immense weapon. After shooting its radome
and losing his arm, yet continuing to fight, Fox jumps 30m up
onto a ledge bringing him at the same level as the cockpit.
Just as he flip's around and is about to shoot Metal Gear run's
full-speed into him- the cockpit pinning him up against the
wall. Liquid mocks Snake over the loudspeaker- "Are you just
going to watch him die?" Summing up all his strength Fox uses
his one arm, free from being pinned, to shoot the radome and
finally destroy it. The cockpit opens and Liquid, now unable to
pin Fox against the wall, comments on how Fox is indeed worthy
of his codename. Fox urges Snake to fire the stinger at the
pair to destroy metal gear- but Liquid say's he'll murder fox
as well. Snake can't bring himself to fire the Stinger at the 2
as Fox mutter's his last words of being taken from Zanzibar &
the battle, neither dead or alive. An endless shadow, in a
world of light. The tip of Metal Gear nudges Fox from the ledge
and brings him crashing to the ground. Liquid finally put's an
end to Fox by stamping him on the ground. Under its giant foot-
Fox say's his final words.

"Snake...we're not tool's of the government or anyone
else. Fighting was the only thing...the ONLY THING I was good
at. But atleast...I always fought for what I believed in."

He then bids Snake farewell, and is crushed by Metal Gear
as it
begins to trudge again towards Snake. Firing his stinger in
anger and
grief Snake manages to execute enough rocket's into the
cockpit, sending Metal Gear crashing towards to ground. It
erupts in a violent explosion and site's dead on the hangar.
the force of the explosion propels Snake backwards into the
hard, metal wall. Just before he loses consciousness he spot's
Liquid slowly & patiently walking towards him.


Snake wakes up to find himself on top of the "head" of
Metal Gear
with his hands tied with Liquid Snake standing over him. He
comments how he is still alive "I cannot die as long as you
live" remark's Liquid. Snake is unfazed and rub's in the fact
that Metal Gear is destroyed- now Liquids revolution is a
failure. But just because Metal Gear is destroyed, Liquid
say's, doesn't mean he's done fighting. Snake asks Liquid what
he really want's- to which Liquid replies he want's a world
where warriors are honored as they once were "Thats how it
should be!" remark's the leader of the insurrection. Snake says
that was Big Boss's dream- but Liquid corrects that it was his
dying wish. When Big Boss was young, during the Cold war, the
world needed people like him. They were valued and desired.
Things, though, are different now. With the bureaucrats &
hypocrites running the world war isn't what it used to be.
People like Solid & Liquid Snake are losing their place in a
world that no longer needs them. The whole world contempts
their very existence. Liquid lays out his plans- after he
launches the weapon and gets 1 billion dollar's they can bring
chaos & order "back to a world gone soft" Liquid plans that
conflict's & conflicts will begin & reunite hatred's- then they
can expand their "sphere of influence"

However, Snake say's that as long as there are people
there will be wars. The problem, Liquid says, is balance. Big
Boss knew the correct balance- this is what made him such a
great warrior. "Is that the only reason?" ask's Solid Snake.
"Its reason enough...for people like us..." remark's Liquid.
Snake quickly retort's he doesn't want a world like that-
Liquid say's his lying. Why is he here then? Why does he follow
orders while his superiors betray him? Liquid answer's it for
him- he enjoys the killing. Solid can't believe what Liquid has
said about him. But he can't argue it- he has killed all of
Liquid's comrades. Liquid has seen his face when he did it-
filled with the joy of battle. He say's they can't deny it-
they were created to be that way. Solid questions the use of
the word "created" and Liquid explains.

'Les Enfants Terrible' (The Terrible Children) the project
was called & was started in the 70's. It was a plan to
artificially create the most powerful soldier possible. The
model for that was taken from what was then known as the best
soldier in the world- Big Boss. He was wounded in combat and in
coma when he was brought in. Solid & Liquid were created from
his cell's with a combination of 20th Analogue cloning & the
superbaby mechanism. The superbaby mechanism involved
fertilizing a egg with Big Boss's cells & letting it divide
into 8 cloned babies. These were then transferred into a uterus
but later 6 of the babies were intentionally aborted to promote
strong feutal growth. Liquid & Solid were originally octuplets-
6 babies were sacrificed so they could be created. Liquid says
they were accomplices in murder before they were even born.
Liquid & Solid both has the DNA but their creators weren't done
yet. Liquid was used as a guinea pig to create a phenotype in
which all the dominant gene's were expressed- to create Solid
Snake. Liquid got all the recessive genes & Solid took
everything away from Liquid before they were born.

Liquid then goes further to reveal that they are not the
only children. The genome soldiers are Big Boss's as well,
carrying his genetic legacy. With the completion of the human
genome project, the mysteries of humanity were laid bare with
Big Boss's DNA. With that they found nearly 60 "soldier" genes
covering everything from strategic thinking to the "proverbial
killer instinct" These soldier genes were then injected into
the Next-Generation Special Forces- that is how they became
"genome soliders" But they were the results of numerous
sacrifices...specifically human experiments. In 1991, the Gulf
War, the military secretly injected soldiers with 'soldier
genes' The so-called 'Gulf War syndrome' that hundreds of
thousands of returning servicemen reported was a side affect of
the experiments. When Solid laugh's what Liquid say's off, with
the statement that it was really caused by exposure to depleted
uranium in the anti-tank rounds, Liquid say's that was just a
cover story the Pentagon made. The poison gas detection units &
anti-serin injections were all just lies used to cover the
experiments. Solid also realizes that that means the Gulf War
babies, that vets of the war have reported, are their brothers
& sisters as well. Solid interpret's this to mean that the
genome experiments were a success- but Liquid angrily confirms
it was a failure.

Liquid uses the 'assymetry theory' to explain why it was a
failure. Nature favors the assymetry theory. All species that
have gone extinct show signs of symmetry and Liquid & Solid
Snake do as well. They are all on the verge of death at a
genetic level. They don't when or what disease will occur-
thats why they need Big Boss's genetic information. Solid is
humorously touched- Liquid want's the information to save his
"family" but Liquid puts it into perspective- in nature animals
that don't mate with each other to help each other- they do it
to survive because they want to pass on their genetic
information. Autism amongst blood relatives is a response to
natural selection (called the 'selfish gene' theory) Solid is
amazed- Liquids gene's are telling him to save the genome
soldiers? Liquid says you can't fight your genes- its fate. All
living things are created for the sole purpose of passing on
their genes. Liquid will follow what his genes tell him. He'll
go beyond it & break the curse of his heritage. And to do that
he must kill Solid Snake.

Liquid tell's Snake to turn around- Meryl is lying down
unmoving. Snake is shocked & tensely asks Liquid if Meryl is
alive- he replies that she was a few hours ago, and the poor
girl kept on crying out his name. Liquid is disappointed in her-
falling in love with a man with no name. Solid says he has a
name, but Liquid barks back "No!" They have no name, no past,
no future. And even if they did it wouldn't be theres- they are
just copies of Big Boss. Snake doesn't care- he just wants
Liquid to let Meryl go. Liquid says he soon as their
finished. "We're almost out of time" Not from Foxdie, Liquid
reassures, because the Pentagon apparently knows of Metal Gears
destruction & are launching a BDA. Liquid prompt's Solid to
call the Colonel if he wants the full details.

Snake CODEC's Campbell and ask's him what the Pentagon is
trying to do- Campbell say's the secretary of defense has taken
over the mission & is on his way via AWACS to bomb the place.
Not only that, B2 bombers have just lifted off from nearby
Galena base armed with Surface Piercing Nuclear Bombs. Snake
frantically tell's Campbell that Metal Gear is destroyed, but
Campbell reveals that the secretary of defense knows that Naomi
double-crossed them & is worried about Foxdie. Now that there
is no more danger from Metal Gear, he will do whatever is
necessary to cover it up. Snake understands- the strike will
wipe out all the evidence as well as anyone who knows anything.
Campbell tell's Snake not to worry- he'll stop the strike. He
is still officially in charge of the operation & if he issues a
delay order it will confuse the chain of command & buy some
time to give Snake a chance to escape. But Snake is worried- if
Campbell does that he will be seriously reprimanded. Campbell
say's its OK. The truth is FOX-HOUND was already the subject of
an undercover investigation & Meryl was transferred to the
island, just before the terrorist attack, as a way of
manipulating him. They forced Campbell to co-operate in
exchange for her life. Snake is moved as he finally realises
why Campbell had to lie to him...he tell's Snake to get out.
Helping him is the least he can do after all the lies. Just as
he tell's Snake he is ordering the bombing run to be cancelled,
he is wrestled away from the CODEC. For a few brief seconds
their is the muffled sounds of a struggle- until Jim Houseman,
the secretary of defense, appears on the CODEC.

Houseman explains that Campbell has been relieved of duty.
He is under arrest for leaking Top-secret information & for the
crime of High treason. He comments how Campbell truly believed
he was in charge of the operation. He also reassures Snake
there won't be a speck of evidence left on the island- the
President would want that. Snake asks if the President ordered
it- Houseman generalizes the President is a busy man- Houseman
has complete authority. Snake also asks how they'll explain a
nuclear attack in the middle of Alaska- to which Houseman
reassuringly replies they've prepared a convincing cover story.
They'll simply say the terrorist's exploded a nuclear device.
Snake also observes that they'll be murdering everyone &
Houseman says he might reconsider if he got the optical disk.
The metal gear test data. When Snake say's he doesn't have it
Houseman say's its OK. Solid & Liquid Snake are an
embarrassment from the 70's. They are America's dirty little
secret & they can't be allowed to live. He farewell's Snake
citing he must have alot of "catching up" to do.

Liquid unties Snakes hands. Liquid then walk's over to
Meryl, looking down on her he clenches his fist's in rage.
Snake stole everything from him. Only Snake's death can satisfy
him & return to him what is rightfully his. He comments how she
will make a beautiful sacrifice. Liquid then gestures a box
next to her body- a nuclear device timed to go off at the
moment of her death. He then set's the box for 3 minutes and
activates it. In a purely hand-to-hand battle, Snake manages to
overcome his "brother" and throw him off the top of Metal Gear.
Liquid bays Solid Snakes name as he falls off into the top of
the weapon into the infinite abyss below.

Snake runs over to Meryl and unties her. He gently lifts her up
by her shoulders and says her name....she comes to and
instantly embraces him. He asks her if she's OK, to which she
replies it wasn't to bad. She didn't submit to the torture...or
things worse than that... Meryl says that fighting against the
terrorist's when she was captured made her feel closer to
Snake. He gave her strength despite her fears. She had held
onto a single hope throughout all the pain and suffering- a
pain that kept her alive. She wanted to see him again. Snake
and Meryl affectionately stare at each other as Otacon calls by
his CODEC. Snake confirms she is OK and Otacon is extremely
relieved to hear this.

Snake informs Otacon that the whole complex is to be
bombed soon and they must evacuate. Otacon informs Snake of the
parking garage located next to the hangar- with a goods tunnel
leading to the surface. He reassures Snake that he will also
take care of the security devices located along their escape
route. But Snake wants to know what Otacon will do- Otacon says
he is staying. Snake is angrily concerned for Otacon- staying
behind is suicide. Otacon says he is the only one who can take
care of security- he MUST stay. Otacon says he is a complete
person now- he doesn't have to worry about the past anymore. He
has found a reason to live. This prompts Snake to thank Otacon-
who is genuinely flattered by the sincere comment.

Disconnecting, Snake can't bring himself to explain to
Meryl what Otacon is doing. He simply says he is fighting his
own battle to be the man he wants to be. Snake jumps off the
top of Metal Gear and uses pieces of debris to reach the
ground. Meryl jumps into his arms as she gets down. They enjoy
each others company for a second before the wreck of Rex begins
to violently shudder. Snake observes how they most probably
won't have a love scene after all and Meryl is sarcastically
disappointed. Making their way out, Snake finds his sneaking
suit, and manages to escape the hangar (with one final look
back) before an immense chunk of metal collapses infront of the


In the garage, Snake holds genome soldiers at bay as Meryl
fights to get a jeep working. When she does Snake climbs aboard
and mans the gun turret and she drives them through a goods
tunnel towards the surface. Just as they are nearing the exit
Snake hears an unmistakable voice call out his name which
echo's down the tunnels. Liquid drives up behind them and
starts to shoot at them. Snake manages to return fire, but as
they emerge out of the exit they crash and are pinned by the
weight of the jeep. Snake, in a sudden change of character,
quirkily observes Liquid emerging from the jeep with a FA-MAS
in his hand. As he walks over to Snake and points the barrel at
his head he suddenly is struck by an invisible blow, he falls
to the ground on his knees and his body finally, violently
strikes the ground. FOXDIE has killed him. Solid Snake,
however, if both Solid and Liquid have the same DNA...that
means his time will be up soon as well. Snake also notices the
air raid hasn't begun...where are all the bombers?

Right on cue, Campbell call's by CODEC. He informs Snake
that Jim Houseman has been arrested- Campbell managed to get in
contact with the President and inform him of Metal Gear, the
training exercise, the "whole thing". All of it was Houseman
acting alone. Campbell was reinstated in control of the mission
and the bombers were ordered to return to base. He observes
that Washington wasn't stupid enough to use Nukes to bury a few
secrets. Snake tells Campbell that Meryl is fine and he can
barely control his joy. Campbell is compelled to apologize to
Snake for keeping so many secrets from him- Snake interjects
that it is OK. Campbell is also compelled to remind Snake, as
he did at the start of the mission, that he isn't a Colonel
anymore. Campbell tells Snake of a nearby snowmobile (Mei Ling
found it on Satellite photos) it would be good to use it to
escape- the jeep they escaped in sunk into the ocean and they
officially died when that happened. Campbell tells Snake of a
helicopter on nearby Fox-island they can use to escape in.
Snake thanks him one last time, for all of his support, calling
him Roy.

Campbell reassures Snake that he'll take care of Hal
Emmerich who is still on the island. Campbell himself and Mei
Ling will be OK as well- they have all of Mei Lings data from
the mission on a hard copy. When Snake observes he will run out
of battery power soon Campbell sadly observes that they
probably won't meet again. Snake reassures Campbell that he
will pay him a visit sometime. But Snake has to ask him one
last thing...about Foxdie. Campbell responds, before Snake can
even ask, that Meryl was not in the Foxdie programming and she
will be fine. When Snake ask's about himself, Campbell says he
will get Naomi to answer that question (She has been released
and is in good health)

Naomi has heard about what happened to Frank Jaeger. Snake
gives her his final message- he wanted her to forget about him
and get on with her own life. She chokes back tears as Snake
also tells her Frank said he would always love her. Snake tells
Naomi that Jaeger just saved him and, most probably, the entire
world. Naomi says maybe it was for the best- maybe he has found
some peace. He has never been himself since Zanzibar...he had
been like a ghost...
Snake finally ask's Naomi about FOXDIE- if Liquid Snake died
shouldn't he to? Naomi doesn't answer, instead she urges Snake
to use FOXDIE as an incentive to appreciate what he has now-

Snake helps Meryl recover herself from for injuries from
the jeep crash and, as they make their way down to the snow
mobile, Naomi
explains the nature of DNA and life to Snake. Each person has
their fate written into their DNA when the are born- but that
isn't all there is to life. Naomi has realized that- she'd been
to focused on using DNA to learn about her past. DNA at its
best can be used to determine *potential* strengths. It is up
to the person to decide their strengths. They can't let
themselves be chained to fate. Whether Snake is involved in the
FOXDIE program or not isn't important- he has to choose LIFE
regardless. And live. Naomi intends to do that as well. As
Snake and Meryl find the snowmobile and push it out of its
hidden cave, Naomi states that ones hopes and dreams are passed
VIA our dreams to our children. Life works in that way- living
is a link to the future. Loving and teaching is how the world
is changing- and Naomi has realized that.

And Snake and Meryl climb on the snowmobile. Snake
observes, in a optimistic tone, how he had lived only for
himself up till that day. Survival was the only thing he cared
about and he only felt the most alive when staring death in the
face. Now maybe his genes (as they might have been governing
his past) are telling him to live for someone else. Someone
like Meryl. She is speechless, yet happy. She asks him where
they are going- but the use of the name "Snake" prompts him to
tell her to call him by his real name "David" He comments how
its time to look for a new path in life. His sure they will
find it. Filled with a new appreciation for life, and observing
how Alaska has never looked more beautiful to him, he rides of
with Meryl into the rising sun...


In the 1980's, there were more than 60,000 nuclear warheads in
the world at all times. The total destructive power amounted to
1 million times that of the Hiroshima A-bomb.

In January 1993, START2 was signed and the United States and
agreed to reduce the number of deployed strategic nuclear
warheads to
3500 - 3000 in each nation by December 31, 2000

However, as of 1998, there still exist's 26,000 nuclear
warheads in the world.


Sometime after their escape, Revolver Ocelot, the sole
terrorist survivor, communicates with an inaudible person. He
informs the individual that the whole unit was wiped out except
Otacon and Snake. FOXDIE should become activated soon. The
warhead data was collected by Ocelot and his cover is stll
intact. No-one knew his real identity, except the DARPA Chief,
but he is dead anyhow. According to Ocelot the inferior one was
the winner- Liquid though he was the lesser one until the very
end. No-one knows that the person Ocelot is communicating with,
Solidus, is the 3rd one...

Ocelot then bids goodbye to "Mr. President"....


Based on the ending of Metal Gear Solid we can safely say the
following things:

1) Solid Snake, Hal Emmerich & Meryl Silverburgh have survived.

2) Psyco Mantis, Vulcan Raven, Sniper Wolf, Decoy Octopus,
Liquid Snake, Kenneth Baker and Donald Anderson are dead

3) Metal Gear Rex has been destroyed

4) The hard-data on Metal Gear's test exercise has been
acquired by
Revolver Ocelot. He is the only survivor from the terrorists.

5) Campbell is still in operation control of the mission,
replacing the
Secretary of Defense. He will be, most likely, controlling the
briefing and aftermath of the operation. His work is far from

6) The President has been briefed by both the terrorist's,
*and* the
force's working against them, about the situation. He is the
only person who has heard the story about the terrorist action
from both sides.

7) Big Boss's DNA is still in government possession. In fact,
government did not give into any of the terrorist's demands.

8) More generally most of what Liquid talked about in Metal
control room, with Ocelot listening, has gone up in smoke.


1) For those of you wondering- the total time of all of the
cutscenes in Metal Gear Solid runs at about 3hrs and 30
minutes. This is equivalent to watching 'Saving Private Ryan'
or 'Ben-Hur'

2) Funny how Campbell, despite the fact he is a retired
Colonel, showed up for duty in his Army uniform and Berret.

3) Those of you interested in an early peak of 'Solidus Snake'
take a look at the pictures in the Commanders room. It seems
that Houseman is up there but it remains a mystery who the
other people are.

4) The ability to do this was probably limited by the PSX's
polygon power...but wouldn't it have been more interesting (and
symbolic) if Snake & Otacon had left on a husky sleigh? It
would have also made Naomi's words (and the visual) make more
sense at the end of the credits.

5) FOX-DIE, FOX Island, Gray FOX, FOX-HOUND, "...FOX
hunting...", FOX archipelago...any I missed?

6) 'Buffy: The Vampire Slayer' season 5 finale, at the very
end, remind you of MGS at all? With her urging to her sis to
choose life and live, and the way in which that BIG THING
happened (you know what I mean- I don't want to spoil it for
you if you don't know) was simular to the cinematic after you
kill Vulcan Raven?


1) Naomi helped "Frank" hide for 2 years- but what was he doing
in that time? Surely a person, with such an advanced
exoskeleton, wouldn't stayed couped up in a house or equivalent
space for that amount of time?

2) This is the most obvious one...but what is Revolver Ocelot's
affiliation with the "President"? Why was he working for him?
Why is he a double-agent? There are lots of questions to do
with this and they'll obviously be answered In 'Son's Of

3) The DARPA Chief & ARMSTECH President weren't the only
people present on the island. Important government and
officials were present also. Where were they and all the other

4) What is to become of the bodies of all of the FOX-HOUND
members? Will they be taken to be used in gene-therapy
experiments as well?

5) What's to happen to the wreckage of Metal Gear Rex? Surely
technology from the weapon is still able to be obtained from
the remains...?

6) Why wasn't Snake affected by FOXDIE at the same time as

7) Liquid detailed in his monologue on the top of Metal Gear
that the 2 of them were bore from a uterus. Who was Liquid &
Solid Snakes mother?

8) Did Big Boss ever know of Liquid Snake's existence? If he
did...why didn't he ever tell Snake? (Realistically I can see
the logic in him not telling him- but its still an issue)

9) Why did the DARPA Chief know Revolver Ocelot's true
identity? (Maybe something to do with the fact he was
"accidentally" killed during the interrogation?)


Snake runs over to Meryl and undoes he wrist ties. He gently
lifts her up against his chest...and she slumps in his arms.
Snake is overcome with grief and rage. He screams her name out.
He angrily ask's her to forgive him. He hits the top of Rex
feeling worthless for giving into his fear and pain. He sold
her life to save his own. He says he's nothing. His a
loser...and was never a hero. As Snake tenderly apologises to
her Otacon arrives and say's she can't forgive him. She's gone.
Snake reminds himself and Otacon that it was because of
himself. Otacon understands- blaming himself makes it easier.
It keeps the pain at a distance. Snake is enraged- she's dead,
he lost. Otacon calmly ask's if Snake is going to stay and die
along with her.

Otacon reminds Snake that people die...but death is not
Otacon lost Wolf...but that wasn't defeat. They'll be together
forever, their love didn't die. Life is more than a game of win
or lose. Otacon wants to live. He walks over to Snake and
places a hand on his shoulder, drawing him away from Meryl's
body. Otacon reassures Snake that they can escape in the nearby
parking garage (Otacon has released all the locks) Otacon
promises this to Snake. Snake, in turn, relises that Otacon has
hanged. Otacon says he is through regretting the past- life
isn't all about loss. The hangar begins to shake and
collapse...but Otacon isn't scared. He beckons them to destroy
it. They can't destroy the human spirit. Snake gets himself
together and speaks to her body. He hopes she is still watching
him. Maybe he can still prove himself to her...

Climbing down the wreckage, Snake retrieves his sneaking
suit as Otacon runs out of the hangar. Just as Snake is nearly
out the door, he turns around for a final look back on Rex and
remembers Meryl's innocent body lying on top of it. He turns
around and runs out of the hangar as a giant piece of shrapnel
collapses over the door...

In the garage, Snake holds genome soldiers at bay as
Otacon fights to get a jeep working. When he does Snake climbs
aboard and mans the gun turret and he drives them through a
goods tunnel towards the surface. Just as they are nearing the
exit Snake hears an unmistakable voice call out his name which
echo's down the tunnels. Liquid drives up behind them and
starts to shoot at them. Snake manages to return fire, but as
they emerge out of the exit they crash and are pinned by the
weight of the jeep. Snake, in a sudden change of character,
quirkily observes Liquid emerging from the jeep with a FA-MAS
in his hand. As he walks over to Snake and points the barrel at
his head he suddenly is struck by an invisible blow, he falls
to the ground on his knees and his body finally, violently
strikes the ground. FOXDIE has killed him. Solid Snake wonders-
if both Solid and Liquid have the same DNA...that means his
time will be up soon as well. Snake also notices the air raid
hasn't begun...where are all the bombers?

Right on cue, Campbell call's by CODEC. He informs Snake
that Jim Houseman has been arrested- Campbell managed to get in
contact with the President and inform him of Metal Gear, the
training exercise, the "whole thing". All of it was Houseman
acting alone. Campbell was reinstated in control of the mission
and the bombers were ordered to return to base. He observes
that Washington wasn't stupid enough to use Nukes to bury a few
secrets. Campbell tells Snake he knows Meryl died. He then
tells Snake something that makes the loss even worse- Meryl was
Campbell's daughter. He had recently recieved a letter from
Meryl's mother, Campbell's deceased brothers wife, telling him.
Campbell was going to tell her the truth after the mission...

Campbell is compelled to apologize to Snake for keeping so
many secrets from him- Snake interjects that it is OK. Campbell
is also compelled to remind Snake, as he did at the start of
the mission, that he isn't a Colonel anymore. Campbell tells
Snake of a nearby snowmobile (Mei Ling found it on Satellite
photos) it would be good to use it to escape- the jeep they
escaped in sunk into the ocean and they officially died when
that happened. He also tells Snake of a helicopter on nearby
Fox-island they can use to escape in. Snake thanks him one last
time, for all of his support, calling him Roy.

Campbell reassures Snake that himself and Mei Ling will
be OK as well- they have all of Mei Lings data from the mission
on a hard copy. When Snake observes he will run out of battery
power soon Campbell sadly observes that they probably won't
meet again. Snake reassures Campbell that he will pay him a
visit sometime. But Snake has to ask him one last thing...about
Foxdie. Campbell says he will get Naomi to answer that question
(She has been released and is in good health)

Naomi has heard about what happened to Frank Jaeger. Snake
gives her his final message- he apparently wanted her to forget
about him and get on with her own life. She chokes back tears
as Snake also tells her Frank said he would always love her.
Snake tells Naomi that Jaeger just saved him and, most
probably, the entire world. Naomi says maybe it was for the
best- maybe he has found some peace. He has never been himself
since Zanzibar...he had been like a ghost...
Snake finally ask's Naomi about FOXDIE- if Liquid Snake died
shouldn't he to? Naomi doesn't answer, instead she urges Snake
to use FOXDIE as an incentive to appreciate what he has now-

Snake helps Otacon recover himself from for injuries from
the jeep crash and, as they make their way down to the snow
mobile, Naomi
explains the nature of DNA and life to Snake. Each person has
their fate written into their DNA when the are born- but that
isn't all there is to life. Naomi has realized that- she'd been
to focused on using DNA to learn about her past. DNA at its
best can be used to determine *potential* strengths. It is up
to the person to decide their strengths. They can't let
themselves be chained to fate. Whether Snake is involved in the
FOXDIE program or not isn't important- he has to choose LIFE
regardless. And live. Naomi intends to do that as well. As
Snake and Otacon find the snowmobile and push it out of its
hidden cave, Naomi states that ones hopes and dreams are passed
VIA our dreams to our children. Life works in that way- living
is a link to the future. Loving and teaching is how the world
is changing- and Naomi has realized that.

Snake & Otacon arrive at the snowmobile. After climbing on
Snake observes how, up until that point in his life, he had
lived only for himself. Survival was the only thing he cared
about. Otacon reminds Snake that everyone is like that- not
just him. Ignoring Otacon's perspective, Snake remembers how he
only felt alive when staring death in the face. All Snake wants
to do now is enjoy life, and Snake ask's Otacon about himself.
Otacon say's he feels like a new man. Snake is curious- will he
continue his research? Otacon decides he is finished with
science, he is now more interested in human psycology. The
whole reason he got into science was because he was not good
with people. He was scared of them and life. He believed he
could never understand them- people were to illogical. But now
Otacon has become sick of being a spectator- he is going to
enjoy life. His going to stand on his own 2 feet and hide no

Snake jokes- does this mean his done with his stealth
cammoflage? Otacon understands he will no longer need it, and
they share a laugh as he hands it over to Snake. Otacon
reminisces that they will both be saying goodbye to their loves
now as well, and when Snake doesn't reply, Otacon ask's Snake
if he wants him to drive the snowmobile. Snake refuses the
offer. Otacon ask's him where to and the use of the word
"Snake" prompt's Snake to tell him his real name is "David"
They both share a laugh at their names- Hal & Dave. Maybe they
should go to Jupiter...

When Otacon ask's Snake where to, David comments his
looking for a new path in life. His sure he will find it.
Starting up the snowmobile, they ride off into the rising


These are question's that I've taken from personal e-mails and
the Metal Gear message forums available on the net, they're
also question's that I've formed out of assorted pieces of
writting associated with the games.

Q. Who are you and what are you doing here?

A. I'm a student residing in Sydney, Australia. I'm the
predictable game & sci-fi nut-stereotype you associate with
lazy teenagers and, as of yet, there isn't much more to me than
that. I'm willing to bet in 5 years time I'm going to look back
on that sentence and wonder why I wrote it.
I've written this thing because I was annoyed that nowhere
on the net was ANY information on the plot of MGS. The closest
thing to it was the
walkthroughs that just gave general information on what
happened (but no detail's like FOX-DIE or anything) I thought
I'd do the legion of MGS fans on the net a favour and write
this up for them.

Q. Why does my manual say 'Sean Barker' did the voice of Solid

A. Because the name 'Sean Barker' is David Hayter's alias. will inform you that he used the same name for his
work on the emmy-award winning (not) 'Spider-Man: Unlimited'
Its a good idea to check out the site to see what work the
other voice actors have done (James Flinders' AKA Liquid Snake
who also has an alias [Cam Clarke], work is also fairly

Q. What exactly IS FOX-HOUND?

A. FOX HOUND is a specially formed special forces unit inside
NATO. Its duty is, under non-official combat status, to sneak
deep into enemy borders where no national intelligence can
enter, and collect information about enemy military forces.

All members of FOX HOUND have mastered various skytrooper
techniques and are thoroughly acquainted with secret invasion
techniques from under and over water, so they can sneak by any
kind of breaching path.

Moreover, they have masteries and knowledge of survival over
extended length in bushes, jungles and desert and maintain
skills in acute tailing, detonating operation, wireless
communication, seizing and reusing enemy weapons, collecting
information, various martial arts, emergency medical
operations, linguistic and hi-techs or essentially anything
required for being as a hi-tech special squad.

FOX HOUND members are never chosen as civilians, but are chosen
out of recruits and self-nominees from various special force

In the selection proceedure the aspirants initially receive
exams in 3 aspects - physical, psychological and intelligence;

Physical Exam

*. Basic physical ability
----> Short-range run
----> Uninterrupted 80 push-ups
----> Uninterrupted 100 situps
----> 50 meters free swimming
*. Underwater diving ability
*. Lone wilderness march (carry a backpack of 30kg, and
64 km of length in 15 hours)

Psychological Exam

*. Mental recovery
*. Concentration
*. Endurance
*. Self-control
*. ESP expectancy score
*. Marksman ability
*. Recognizing and making decision on emergency

Intelligence Exam

*. Language
*. Non-domestic geology
*. World situation
*. Hi-tech technologies
*. Medical in outdoors
*. Detonation operation
*. Concealed communication
*. Foreign weaponry
*. Drills

Those who passed the selection course have to take the
professional training courses:

*. Battlefield survival test (14 weeks)
*. Shooting practice (very high standard is required; 100%
to the target 548 meters away, 95% to the target
914 meters away)
*. Patrol
*. Conquering mountain terrain
*. Martial arts / Hand-to-Hand combat
*. Border crossing
*. Guerilla combat
*. Land navigation
*. Map reading
*. Escape - avoiding dangers
*. Field combat medicine (10 weeks)
*. Rebelling ranger practice
*. Weapons
*. Nautical control and navigation
*. Diving, underwater sneaking
*. Canoe
*. Parachute skydiving practice (4 weeks)
*. Assault paratroopers skydiving practice: H-A-L-O and H-
*. 11 normal skydiving exercises, 15 in full gear, 2 in
nighttime, 2 mass-tactical strategic diving.
*. Intelligence operation
*. Language and customs of destination country (4 weeks)
*. Sneaking technique
*. Improved flammable operation
*. Utilizing hi-tech arms
*. Communication (16 weeks)

(This was taken from the 'Metal Gear 2' manual with shoddy
translation & grammar fixed up- I'm still appreciative I got it

Q. When does MGS take place?

A. The year 2005. After you defeat Ninja Campbell says that
Jaeger died in a mine field 6 years ago. So I put 2 & 2
together (not literally) and got 2005. (As those events occured
in 1999. So, for the mathematically impaired, 1999 + 6 = 2005)

Q. Why was Liquid down in the Dock?

A. He says so himself. He expected Snake to be coming through
at any time. I was willing to bet that minutes before Snake
surfaced Liquid had been at the waters edge looking out for
him. Snake certainly had good timing.

Q. How was it possible for Ninja to be beaten by Snake? THE GUY

A. Ninja said he had come back to fight Snake. Thats all he
wanted. It would have been pretty anti-climatic if Ninja had
used all his strength and just hit Snake's head off his
shoulders. You could probably assume Ninja held onto not just
some mental humanity, but physical humanity as well. Let me put
it this way- Ninja would have reduced his strength to that of a
normal human male's in order to maintain an even fight. Because
an even fight was all he wanted.

Q. How come Otacon wasn't affected by FOXDIE?

A. Because the Pentagon didn't forsee Snake running into him,
so they didn't include Emmerich in its "programming"

Q. Why did Mantis control Meryl to make her try and seduce

A. He said on his deathbed that of the thousands of minds he
read they all had one thing in common- they were filled with
the selfish desire to pass on their seed. The thought and
concept of contraception totally disgusted Mantis. When he
controlled Meryl he wanted to put, what he believed to be, the
worst thought possible into her mind.

Q. (From Snesman64) Liquid said that when he moved the bookcase
for Snake it was the first time he had used his powers to help
someone- how could that be when he worked for both the KGB and

A. Well he could have, for all we know, just been working there
to get insights into the criminals and make it look like he was
PRETENDING to help the agencies. And, failing that, he did say
it was the first times he used his POWERS to help someone. Its
possible that he didn't use them when in the FBI/CIA (Yeah-
thats pushing it I know)

Q. Who's 'Johnny'?

A. The guard who got his ass kicked by Meryl and caught the
cold off. He got his name from having to go the the john (READ:
Dunny) every time Snake was taken back to his cell during the

Q. "Dunny"?

A. You American's know anything? Its the toilet.

Q. Who were the 'Kurds' Sniper Wolf referred to?

A. The Kurds are a band of tribal nomads, numbering about 26
million, that reside in parts of Iran, Turkey & Iraq. The
area's they inhabit all connect into a mountanous region known
as Kurdistan. Sniper Wolf is probably refering to the
repression of the Kurds during the Gulf War. The Kurd's had
always fought for independence and the fighting reached its
height at that point in time.

Q. Why didn't Snake get tired running up the stairs?

A. Because if he stopped running the world would end!
DDDUUUHHHHH!!! Actually, if you CODEC Campbell when you reach
the top you get a bit of mockery from him.

Q. There was no way Mr. Kojima was going to let Liquid die
there...but how in the hell did Liquid survive the Hind crash?

A. Its good that the characters atleast DISCUSS Liquids
survival. There are heaps of possibilities. If the chopper had
an ejection seat he would be cut to ribbons...and if not that
its possible the wreckage would crush him. So there are other

*.In some Twilight Zone crossover event (slightly
unlikely) Liquid turned intangible for a moment so that if
made himself into a spread-eagle position to promote wind
resistance and thus slow his descent the hind would be
able to
pass through him (or he passed through the Hind- if you
prefer). However, with his newfound intangibility, Liquid
would not likely still be susceptible to wind resistance and
that would mean that...NAH!
*. Liquid, with his oh-so-perfect (we assume) sense of
waited for the hind to twist when falling to the ground so
bottom of the hind was facing up. He then ejected,
straight towards the ground, inverted again so the
wreckage was
falling above him, shook off the dizziness resulting from
inside the spiralling, fiery ball of death, pulled the
managed to land the parachute clear of the wreckage in the
where he used his combat knife (or teeth) to cut/gnaw
through the straps of the parachute and fall to the ground,
avoiding a broken neck, arm, leg, big toe, right index finger,
Making his way over the fence, ahead of Snake, in a
which was either un-damaged during the crash, or simply a
one he had lying around, and warning Wolf and Raven about
Snakes soon-to- be-appearance (and giving Raven some more
rehersal time for climbing on top of the crates and
jumping down) he managed to disclose his plans with Revolver
Ocelot when Snake just happened to be near in typical arch-
nemesis fashion while avoiding any rabid wolves, polar bears,
wolverines and the rarely seen Alaskan pigeon of Death on
the way...

Please allow me to catch my breath...

Q. Why was there a blast furnace?

A. Alot of the FAQ's I have gotten can easily be answered IN
THE GAME. All it involves is calling up Campbell or something
around the time the event/place/whatever you are wondering
about occurs. In any case, if you call Campbell when you enter
the blast furnace he will explain that due to Shadow Moses
Island's location, and the lack of an airport to fly in goods,
a blast furnace was built to form the materials required to
construct the base.

Q. If Vulcan Raven could see into the future wouldn't he have
seen that Snake would defeat him? Why did he bother fighting

A. Raven is established very early as an honorable fighter. He
is simular to Ninja in a way- he doesn't care about the
outcome, he just wants to fight. He enjoys the battle
("violence isn't a sport!")

Q. (From Snesman64) If Liquid Snake needed Snake to activate
Gear...why did he and everyone else from FOX-HOUND try to kill

A. Yeah this is a good one. I noted that, before you fight
Metal Gear itself, in most of the circumstances where you fight
a boss (except for when you fight Liquid in the Hind & Rex and
Sniper Wolf the 2nd time) they never actually state their
intent to kill you. We'd just have to assume that they are
trying to convince you, when they battle you, that they are
trying to stop you (when they really aren't) I derived this
from Liquid's line "You didn't think you made it this far by
YOURSELF did you?"
If, when you as the player control Solid Snake, you die,
just have to assume that its because the boss made a mistake
(IE. Psyco Mantis with the original DARPA Chief) I mean...the
ending of Metal Gear Solid Snake LIVES. So, cannon wise, that
means any other events that may happen as you play the game
(like Snake, say, DYING) mean nothing. Snake never is defeated
when he battles a boss- maybe thats because they LET him win...

Q. Meryl has to die at the end of Metal Gear Solid! Heres a
completely implausable theory!

A. I don't like the fact that the official ending of Metal Gear
Solid is the one where Meryl lives any more than you do but
we're going to have to live with it. Nastasha's book says that
Meryl escaped and, since the book was written by Mr. Kojima or
someone hired by him, that means its official "cannon" material
and thats all there is to it.

Q. How does 'The Best is Yet to Come' Go?

A. The song was originally sung in Gaelic in an Irish studio
(by Aoife Ni Fhearraigh) The original lyrics I posted were
apparently mis-translated (if there is such a word) even though
they were the OFFICIAL translation. This was probably due to
the fact that the original lyrics got mixed up with the
Japanese language (or something like that) Its a fairly
appropriate song when you consider its about returning to
nature and simplicity. The stuff that is said in the song is
very simular to Solid Snake actually. Following is the Irish
lyrics and the english translation:

An cuimhin leat an gra || Do you remember the
Cra croi an ghra || Tormented love from the
Nil anois ach ceol na h-oiche || It wasn't but music at
Taim siorai i ngra || It is an eternal love
Leannain le smal || It is a misfortune
Leannain le smal || It is a misfortune
Lig leis agus beidh leat || Go now and be
Lig leis agus beidh gra || Go now and be in love
Cuimhne leat an t-am || Remember the time
Nuair a bhi tu sasta || When you were
An cuimhne leat an t-am || Do you remember the
Nuair a bhi tu ag gaire || When you were happy
Ta an saol iontach || Life is wonderful
ma chreideann tu ann || Can you believe it
Tug aghaidh ar an saoi || Your face says that
is sonas siorai inar measc || happiness
Ceard a tharla do na || Will go on forever
laethanta sin || What happened during
Ceard a tharla do na || days?
h-oicheanta sin || What happened during
|| nights?
An cuimhin leat an t-am || Do you remember the
Nuair a bhi tu faoi bhron || when you were sad?
An cuimhin leat an t-am || Do you remember the
Go siorai sileadh na ndeaor || when you were weeping
An ormsa na orainne a bhi || Myself and others were
an locht || fault
Ag mothu cailite s'ar fan || Our feelings were lost
Cen fath an t-achrann is || waiting
sileadh na ndeor || Why were we fighting
Ta ailleacht sa saol || so long?
Ma chuardaionn tu e || There is beauty in life
Ta gliondar sa saol || Do you believe
Cuardaimis e || there is beauty in
|| Believe me

Thanks to Aurora02 from the MGS Gamefaqs forum for the
lyrics. And then I extend another thank you to Damian Dennehy
in his
expertise of the Irish language for informing me of the gross
mistakes made in the translation of the OFFICIAL song lyrics
(Such as the fact that Irish & Gaelic language is the same
thing and, specifically, pointing out heaps of confusions
between the lines "t-am", meaning "time", and "gra", meaning


The plot of Metal Gear Solid is one that is filled
intricate plot twist's and side-stories. Although some of these
themes may be un-intentional on Kojima's behalf, the ones that
were plainly obvious will be included here. In that joyful
spirit I'am dedicating this section to elaborating on some of
the most obvious & apparent themes in the game.


One's encounter with Donald Anderson really opens their
eyes to
the state of nuclear weapons. Although MGS is set in 2010 it
uses a
context that seems to convey that the problem is just as strong
NOW as it is THEN. Mr. Kojima really wanted to enlighten us,
through a successful and well established entertainment medium,
what the current state of nuclear armament across the world is.
Metal Gear Solid put forward the "What if?" question. It
showed us the danger nuclear weapons represent to the world.
This is probably the most important theme in the game as the
Legend at the end provided us with an insight into the current
state of them. There are also several CODEC conversations
(Particually with Nastasha) about the dangers nuclear waste and
radiation pose to the world.


The history of Solid & Liquid Snake enlightened us to the
perils and moral non-enchantment of messing with nature. This
theme is made very prominent towards the end of the game (with
Liquid & Solid Snake) but also in the start at the briefing
(where we first hear about the Genome soldiers)
The negative consequences of tampering with the natural
order are symbolised through the revolt of the soldiers and
Liquid's not-so-good intentions for the world. ("This is what
will happen if we continue to play god! The world will be held
at ransom!")


It might not be so obvious- but independence was central
to alot of characters in this game. Meryl wanted to become a
soldier to understand her father better...but its only when she
was shot by Wolf that she realised the error of her ways. Her
lack of independence ultimatly cost's her her life.
However, at the end of the game we're seeing both Solid
Snake &
Otacon develop a new independent attitude to life. They want to
be their own selves now and cast-off the previous label they
had of themselves. The terrorists, also, want independence.
Thats what caused Liquid & the rest of FOX-HOUND to take over
the island.


This theme is mainly associated with Solid Snake. He is
trapped on the island and forced to do what he does best- kill.
There is no way around it. He can't escape. He is forced from
one place to another by Liquid's careful scheming disguised as
Master Miller. The whole game see's Snake confined physically.
However, he is also psycologically confined to a state of mind
that prevents him expressing the emotions that we take for
granted (like happiness, sadness etc) The only way he can
express it is through the only way he knows- aggression. Its
only at the end of the game, when he has achieved independence,
that he learns more about expressing emotion (like him laughing
with Otacon and reflecting upon how he will change his life)


Both Otacon and Solid Snake go through stages of this in
the game. The big question to do with this theme is "Can love
bloom on the battlefield?" This pretty much meant- can love
bloom where Snake & Otacon are trapped? It seemed to- for both
Otacon and Snake. That is what made Meryl's death even more
For Otacon love bloomed as well. Its unfortunate that it
elaborated on why Otacon loved Wolf (Watch the 'demo theatre'
people- maybe I missed something!) I also wonder whether his
love for
Wolf was mutual.

----======== 7 ========----


As I've mentioned, MGS went out of its way to supply
information on most of the main characters and make them more
than just one-dimensional heroes and villains. Considering
that, I felt it would be appropriate to summarise the
characters and their stories, as well as comment on what we can
tell about them based on what they have said.
There are several websites I have visited that have
information on the characters that the games or any kind of
official reading material do not mention. Apprehensively I'm
including that here as well even though it is questionable
whether it is "official" or not. I believe it is as all the
websites will tell the same consistent story.

Solid Snake

True name and family are concealed through "Classified
Security Codes" A former FOXHOUND squad member, he is Japanese-
British, with an IQ rating of 160. He is conversant in 6
languages, well trained in high-altitude skydiving, scuba-
diving and free climbing. Able to sneak anywhere, and under any
circumstances; he is "a man who can make the impossible
possible". The very man who famed the name FOXHOUND worldwide
through Operation Intrude N313. He retired, but was later
scouted by the CIA. He served as a deep cover agent in the
organisation but however, opposed to the bureaucracy of the
system, left after 6 months. Snake worked for a number of years
as a mercenary selling his skills to the highest bidder.
Earning enough money to semi-retire and needing a break due to
a large amount of political assasinations over the world, Snake
retired in deep seclusion in the central Canadian wilderness.
Only Campbell knew his location and scouted him out, quickly,
to re-instate him back into active service due to a volitile
situation developing in the middle east (later known as "The
Uprising in Zanzibar")

However, even though he was successful in the infiltration
Zanzibar land and retrieving OILIX, the traumatic events of the
end of the mission once again overwhelmed Snake and compelled
him to retire once again to Twin Lakes, Alaska. Living a cabin
in an environment of abundant Flaura and Fauna, Snake suffered
severe Post-traumatic stress as a result from his previous 2
missions. This led to him suffering intense confusion and
hallucinations- which he attempted to banish by racing Huskie

Roy Campbell

Ex-Commander of FOX-HOUND. Though already retired from the
armed forces, he has been called out because there was no other
commander who could get in touch with Solid Snake. He accepted
the mission on Shadow Moses islandin order to save his niece
Meryl. Though a civilian now, he showed up in a military
uniform wearing a beret.

Before entering the "former" FOX-HOUND, he served in the
US Marine Corps, Green Beret and Delta Force. In FOX-HOUND, he
was assigned to X.O. of the unit for his strategic planning
capabilities and his battle experience. After the death of Big
Boss, he discarded the code name system in the unit, and built
up the "new" FOX-HOUND making full use of various hi-tech
equipment including reconnaissance satellites. After being
discharged, he served as a special instructor of the Marines
Boots Camp. Friends with Master Miller. Called to persuade
Solid Snake, Campbell was originally against FOX-HOUND's
introduction of genetic treatment and that caused him to step
down from Commander post. After Campbell left, the commander-
less FOX-HOUND returned to the code name system.

McDonald Miller

Hired by Campbell as survival consultant for FOXHOUND
during the Outer eaven revolt. Born in the United States 60
years after his grandparents immigrated there, he has served as
a survival master in SAS, The Green Beret Squad, US Marine boot
camp, and most recently FOXHOUND. He also volunteers as a coach
in MERC SCHOOL (Mercenary School) twice a year. When he served
as a drill sergeant in FOX HOUND, he was referred to as a 'Hell
Master' and draftees called him "Master Miller" with respect.
He divorced his first wife (Nadine), and is currently residing
in Los Angeles with his daughter (Catherine). Miller is full of
ideas and is quite knowledgeable in the area of science.

Liquid Snake

Mastermind of the attack with a IQ of 180. Born through
the 20th century analogue cloning technology. Shares same
mother as Solid Snake. While Solid inherited the genes (traits)
of "light", Liquid did the genes (traits) of "dark". At birth,
Liquid was given from the US government to the British
government. This was to measure effects of acquired
surroundings and not only inherited traits. Under the tutelage
of MI5 he was educated and received battle training. He is
fluent in 7 languages such as English, Spanish, French, Malay,
etc and speaks Arabic like a native. Unlike Solid, he does not
serve in an official military but instead in the dark world as
a mercenary and assassin. Due to his appearance, which cannot
be with any nationality, as well as his superb fighting skills,
he was recruited by the British information agency (SIS) to act
as a sleeper in the Middle East for espionage and destruction
activities. To further vitalize his skills, he was put in real
combat in his teens. In his high teens he worked for the
British special force (SAS) to destroy the mobile launchers of
SCUD missiles in the Gulf War. During the mission he became a
POW of Iraq and disappeared. Due to his outstanding battle
skills he was brainwashed and used for terrorist activities in
the Middle East.

He can withstand the cold and heat due to his experience
in the Arab nations and deserts. Fox hunting in the Middle East
is actually jackal hunting. After the UPRISING OF ZANZIBAR (and
after Solid Snake left the unit) he joined FOX HOUND, an
official unit for the first time. There he became the battle
leader of FOX HOUND.


Ex-Spetsnaz (Russian SAS- specialising in reconnaissance,
sabotage and assassination) After the fall of the Soviet Union,
he joined the Russian police. Then he joined the special
tactics division of the SVR, which was formally the KGB
Administration Headquarters No.1. However, he did not adapt
well to the old KGB system, and he was scouted by the US and
joined FOX-HOUND.

A gun nut who loves cowboy movies and spaghetti Westerns.
He uses a revolver (single action army) and shoots with one
hand (western style). He is an amazing gunfighter and has the
ability to recochet bullets with surprising accuracy (he hates
wasting bullets) He fought mainly in Afghanistan, Eritrea,
Mozambique, and other local dispute areas in Central Asia. This
is when he met and was scouted by Big Boss who was running his
mercenary business in Africa. During his Afghan days, his
helicopter was shot down by an Afghan guerilla with a stinger
missile, and to this day he suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress


Has powerful psycho-kinesis powers and the ability to read
people's minds. In his childhood, for the first time he dove
into the mind of his father and found out that his father hated
him. This was because his mother died when giving birth to him.
He then finds out about the different facets (the "parasite")
in one's conscience. This shock changed his personality & the
feeling of despair within himself woke up his subconscious and
made him kill his father. The power that
was released from him during that episode wiped out a whole
town of 1000 people. The KGB was impressed by his ESP abilities
so they took him in and trained him. He is from the "dormitory
school" known for training former Soviet agents. The KGB was
the organisation he first used his powers for. Losing his
position in the Soviet Union after its crumble, he moved to the
US and served in the FBI for a short period of time. There he
was in charge of several cases in the agency. He dove into the
minds of serial murders and ended up uniting with such minds
(after going beyond the threshold of the element of crime),
becoming a serial killer himself. He then became a freelance
espionage agent and was scouted to join FOX-HOUND.

In order to prevent his own destruction with his ESP
powers, he keeps another personality (the parasite) within
himself. He is called Mantis because of this mental parasite in
him. By mentally living together with this single-celled mental
parasite, he can somehow manage to keep his original self. He
wears a gas mask to hide his facial burns he suffered when
wiping out the town. The mask is also necessary to protect his
self from spiritual powers and thought powers in the air. In
his youth he was a muscular athlete, but since the awakening of
his ESP powers he had no reason to act physically, making him
lose his muscles and leaving him with just skin and bones. Due
to his childhood trauma, he has no happy memories. When he
assassinates he dives into the target's mind and "deprives" the
target of his likes. He is also known as the dream robber.


Sniper Wolf comes from an Iraqi tribe called the Kurds
(Kurd in Turkish means "wolf"), a rather poorly treated people.
Towards the end of the Iran-Iraq War in 1988 a five-year-old
Sniper Wolf watched a gas attack on her village by Saddam
Hussein's troops, who killed her parents and siblings. More
than 3,700 people died in this attack. As an orphan, she was
taken in by the Iraqi Ministry of Internal Affairs, and was
trained rigorously. In 1991, during the internal fighting in
Iraq after the Gulf War, she fled to a Kurdish refugee camp. It
was here that Big Boss witnessed her skill on a visit with the
U.S. Secretary of State, and hired her as an operative. In the
U.S., she received counselling and deprogramming (ridding the
Iraqi brainwash she was given), leaving her with only fighting
abilities. She was extremely grateful for this gesture,
comparing Big Boss to Saladin (who defeated the Crusaders in
the 12th century).

On September 3, 1996, the U.S. sanctioned missile attacks
on the Iraqi military due to its intervention in Kurdish
residential areas (known as the August 31 Intervention). After
this, the southern flight prohibition area was expanded to 33
degrees north. This was not done to protect the kurds in the
north, but for strategic benefit of the Pentagon. This caused a
major refugee problem, similar to the one experienced at the
Iraqi borders in the spring after the Gulf War. Wolf was
disgusted by this incident and moved to join Big Boss with
whatever plans he decided to hatch. Finally, she was scouted by
Liquid Snake, and joined FOX-HOUND as a sniper.

With exceptional sniping capabilities, Sniper Wolf strikes
stunning pose. Her care for her appearance extends to the time
she takes when executing her target. She has such incredible
patience that she can keep aiming at her target over a week
without eating or drinking. This dedication stemmed from her
formative years, when she learned sniping techniques from a
Gurkha in Nepal, the world's most accurate sniper. Employing
the PSG-1 Sniper Rifle, she also uses special mercury ordinance
(bullets packed with mercury) to not only wound her victims but
poison them as well. However, her malicious tendencies are
tempered by her love for animals, as she cares for wolf dogs.
This is possibly because she sees something of herself in the
rossbred wolf dogs - a strong, almost nomadic personality. As
she firmly states, "Wolves only howl when necessary." She also
sees freedom in Solid Snake's indulgence in dog sled racing.


Decoy Octopus was born in Mexico and grew up worshipping
Hollywood make-up, animatronics and special effects. When he
became an adult he moved to California and became an actor. His
mimicry and special effects skills were so accurate that the
CIA approached him and he took up their job offer. It was
through his work with them that he began to work with FOX-
HOUND. Octopus can speak over 10 languages including German,
French, Spanish, Polynesian and even Ebonics (The "jibe"
language the old lady speaks in Mel Brooks' "Flying High!")
When Octopus is assigned someone to impersonate his background
check of the individual will include that of the persons habits
and their home country's culture & history. In order to
maintain the most realistic physical identity he has shaved his
cheek, jaw and nose bones, as well as cut off his ears.

Octopus can walk in any manner he chooses by dislocating
joints. This means he can also slip through narrow spaces. His
sense of touch can be controlled enabling him to grip very hot
or cold items. His metabolism must also be changed when
impersonating someone, which means he must constantly use
steroids. When on a long term mission Octopus will even use the
persons blood as well as recieve a bone-marrow transplant.
However, the consequences of these missions are severe as
Octopus almost completely forgets who he really is (as he has
almost completely became the person he imitates) He always
ask's the military for thorough mental de-programming after a
mission is completed.


Handles a gatling gun (normally equipped on jet fighters)
as easily as a small rifle. Can withstand extreme cold because
of his amazing physical prowess. Has a birthmark of an raven on
the forehead and a tattoo of circuit wiring (actually
PETROGLYPHS) all over the body. Eskimos and Indians worship the
raven as the creator. An elite soldier who graduated from the
University of Alaska. When frozen, he walked across the Bering
Strait and visited Russia, making his connections with Russia
strong. He knew Ocelot well in his GRU days. Took part in a
special missions in the former Soviet Union. He was demoted
upon the coup in Moscow in 1993. Like fellow members of this
secret unit, he leaves Russia. He then joins the mercenary
dispatching company "OUTER HEAVEN" and is introduced to FOX-
HOUND by Revolver Ocelot.


Former general troop commander of FOX-HOUND. An American
who participated in LRRP (Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol) in
Vietnam, and afterwards, exploited his superior skills in SOG
(Special Operations Group), the Green Berets and the Wild
Geese. He has completed more than 70 missions. In the late
80's, he participated in several regional conflicts and race
liberation wars. He was heralded as a true hero and made the
front covers of popular magazines in many countries. Following
being diagnosed sterile due to war injuries the US goverment
highly valued his warfare ability and coverly agreed with Big
Boss on a external fertilization program (a project code-named
the Son's of Big Boss: Les enfant terrible, and also known as
the Eve project) using external DNA procedures. Despite its
inhuman nature, the US military deemed this necessary during
the Cold War period.

The loss of an eye prompted him to retire from the front
line to concentrate on military education and training. The
1990's arrived and he was nominated as general planning
commander of the international special forces squad FOX-HOUND.
Then, "BIG BOSS", transformed by greed and dreams of absolute
power, managed to take control of Outer Heaven (A military
fortress nation in Salzburg) and tried to establish world
domination. He was stopped by Solid Snake in operation N313. He
was defeated by Snake, once again, after fleeing to the middle
east and developing the armed fortress nation Zanzibar Land.
His remains were taken into possesstion by the U.S. Government
for gene-therapy experiments.

----======== 6 ========----




Miserable and wet weather envelop's the big apple. On the
George Washington Bridge a lone figure stalk's the sidewalk;
enveloped in a trenchcoat, smoking a cigarette. As the car's
race past him, in a un-focusable blur, the figure instantly
breaks out into a sprint. Within second's the coat has been
discarded and the figure is almost invisible- the light bending
off him. He then, without hesitation, leaps off the bridge and
is jerked as a bungee cord breaks his fall. Almost as soon as
it began, the figure has been violently jerked around and lands
in a crouch on the deck of the tanker 'Discovery' in a flurry
of explosive lightning. From a helicopter, a safe distance
away, the face of a familiar and dangerous adversary observes
his seemingly imminent arrival...

Taking cover behind an anchor motor, the weathered and
veteran infiltration specialist Solid Snake contact's his
support, Hal Emmerich (Otacon) Snake explains the un-subtle
approach to landing on the tanker- his camoflage unit broke
upon landing. The 2 quickly discuss their new employment in the
private sector- no unwanted "presents" (Snake hasn't forgotten
Naomi Hunter & FOX-DIE) Snake is also concerned about Mei Ling-
the equipment she readily takes from the S.S.C.E.N (U.S. Army
Soldier System's center) will get her caught one day. Otacon
and Snake then focus- after the incident on Shadow Moses island
Revolver Ocelot sold the Metal Gear test data on the open
market. Because of that, anyone with enough money (including
both private enterprises and government's) has their own Metal
Gear program. A new Metal Gear prototype had been constructed
to blow all the other one's out of the water (literally). This
new prototype was amphibious and, because of that, is in the
juristiction of the United State's Marine Corps.

Otacon tell's Snake why they are here and what they are
doing- their goal is to collect evidence of the new Metal Gear
development and expose it to the world. Although they are part
of a United Nation's sanctified group (named "Philanthropy")
they are still fringe- so Snake and Otacon have to be careful
with what they do. Otacon help's Snake investigate his
equipment. As Snake is testing out his digital camera he
notices the marines on patrol- wearing no visible weapons or
uniforms. Otacon reminds Snake of the secret-nature of the
transportation and the easy visibility of the ship (even from
the shoreline) These marines can't arouse suspicion. Snake then
ask's Otacon about his source of the information regarding the
transportation of the Metal Gear and Otacon explains that he
hacked it out of the Pentagon's top-secret files. The
infiltration specialist is worried it is a trap, but Otacon is
confident that they are safe. As Snake views the water line
higher than it should be (the cargo should have been removed by
this point) Otacon reminds Snake that the new Metal Gear would
be quite heavy and weight down the ship. This prompt's Otacon
to explain to Snake how the best way is to get into the cargo

Snake then observes the security on the boat. Special
Operation's Counter-Terrorist force's are trained to watch for
threat's from the stern- security should be much tighter. As if
someone heard his words, Snake hear's low flying helicopters
and starts looking around. Using his camera again and viewing
the marines he spies them quickly and cold-bloodedly murdered
by soldier's dressed in camoflaged overalls. Snake dryly
comments "...looks like we're not the only ones after Metal
Gear tonight" Wondering if they are hijacking the boat or not,
Snake ask's Otacon how many people it would require to take
over the ship. The specialist informs Snake that, since the
ship is computer controled, only about 18 people could do it.
Spying the invader's further, Snake view's a man who seem's to
be giving out orders, and judges from his appearance that he is
Russian. Transmitting a photo to Otacon for confirmation of the
identity both Snake & Otacon are left guessing as he
disconnect's CODEC communication and begins to make his way to
the bridge...

Making his way through the tough & experienced soldier's
who have taken over the ship, Snake quickly find's himself at
the bridge. Cautiously entering, he see's bodie's strewn across
the consoles. He spots outside the "Kasatka" - Russian
choppers. Quickly checking the navigation console Snake
confirms the tankers destination to be 35 degree's longtitude
and 58 degree's latitude. When he tell's Otacon this, it is
found this is 500 miles off the coast of Bermudas - in the
middle of the Atlantic. Otacon is quick to conjecture that this
means the project must be ready for solo testing. Because the
test's will be conducted outside the range of the Naval fleet
this means that no assistance will be required and the project
must be solely a marine corp one. As the 2 discuss that
position, however, Snake is interrupted from a noise outside...

Leaving the bridge Snake hide's behind some crates and
spies a female figure communicating with someone on a radio.
Snake is hesisitant to fire because she reminds him remarkably
of Meryl- so he listen's in on her conversation. She makes it
clear, to the person on the radio, that the control room,
communications and engineering have all been secured as well as
all the entry point's to the ship. But she is worried about the
vehicles pilot. He is the only one who underwent V.R. training,
she is assured. He is the only one who can do it. The person on
the radio changes the subject- ordering the female to leave the
ship. The person she is communicating with has a bad feeling
about the mission and he remembers that she promised she would
leave. She beg's the man- telling him that she has nowhere to
go. But he reminds her that she is carrying his grandson...and
abruptly disconnects. She disapointingly gestures a helicopter
with a large arm wave and it signal's back, she begins to wait
for it to pick her up.

Snake pounces. From the crate Snake jump's out and point's
his weapon at the girl. Cooly & professionally Snake order's
her to drop her gun- she does so.
"Who are you?" ask's Snake. The girl slowly lift's her head and
takes off her cap
"We are nomads" she replies. The girl then begins to toy with
Snake- asking if he would shoot an unarmed woman. "I'm a nomad
to" retort's Snake. She is obviously surprised by his response
and he order's her to drop her knife. As she slowly moves to
get rid of the weapon the rain stops and the girl, Olga, makes
a note of this. The ship rock's and she take's this opportunity
to throw the knife. Snake instinctively dodges the blade,
moving faster than what his vision can see, but loses sight of
her. Pulling a spare gun from her holster, she begins firing at
Snake and the 2 battle for their lives. Snake has to dodge both
her gunshot's and explosives from the professional but he
defeats Olga by hiding behind large crate's and blasting away
at her with all of his skill.

Carefully approaching her body Snake crouches beside her and
take's her gun. But he is startled and looks see a
Cypher drone spying on him...what is a tool of the United
State's Army doing up there? It flies off...

Snake contact's Otacon on the CODEC and tell's him that the
ship is definitly under their control. Snake is pretty sure the
invaders are Russian and Otacon proves this by confirming the
identity of the man giving order's that Snake saw. His name is
Sergei Gurlukovich- one of Revolver Ocelot's allies. Snake can
remember that both Liquid Snake and Revolver Ocelot discussed
him 2 years previously on Shadow Moses Island. Liquid proposed
an alliance with Gurlukovich's forces, to boost morale, as
their brainwashing from FOX-HOUND member Psyco Mantis wore off.
However, it is most likely this alliance was never made as
Liquid Snake was defeated shortly after it was proposed. The 2
Philanthropy members are worried now, things aren't going to be
as simple as they seem, the cypher Snake saw is just one thing
that has confirmed that. Otacon then confesses to Snake how he
got the intelligence about the tanker- it was an anonymous tip.
However, Snake is curious, Otacon has never trusted tips before
so why now? Otacon explains that the sender of the tip was
"E.E"- which is what Otacon's nickname was for his little
sister who he has not seen in more than 10 years (Her name is
'Emma Emmerich') Otacon tries to justify it though as he did
break into the Pentagon's files to confirm the information
sent. An un-easy Snake begins to make his way down to the

The interior of the tanker is just as heavily guarded as
the outside and Snake sneaks through the crew's lounge, outside
and the engine room in order to make it to the hold. However,
when he reaches the surrounding corridor he finds that most of
the doors to the holds have been welded shut. Sneaking through
the corridor Snake comes to the one door that hasn't been
sealed but stops short and crouches behind a box. A trio of
soldiers swoop in from a hatch and secure the door. The leader
of the group then communicates with Gurlukovich telling him
that the stern hatch and the lift have been secured. The
soldier tell's Gurlukovich that the head of the marines has
just started his speech, but Gurlukovich tell's the soldier
that he must finish his prep before the end of it.
Acknowledging this order, the soldier also tell's Gurlukovich
that all communication's with the hold's have been severed.
Gurlukovich orders them to secure the only entrance, which they
just secured, with their lives. And, lastly, they are ordered
to ensure that his daughter is kept safe.

They obey and begin to scan the corridor Snake is hiding
in. The lead soldier spots him. Equiped now with his USP Snake
put's an end to the soldiers in a fierce fire-fight and before
any more can come he edges his way through the door that they
secured. A soldier, which escaped the battle unscathed, sneaks
up behind him and locks the door preventing any chance for
Snake of escape. As the soldier is finishing locking the door a
figure approaches him from behind. Lifting up his rifle he is
relieved to find it is one of his allies.
"Oh Shalashaska. Why are you here? We thought you were with the
colonel" he ask's.
Before the soldier can flinch Shalashaska draw's his weapon and
points it at the soldier's head. Realisation and fear wash over
his eyes as he is shot straight through the forehead.
Collapsing on the ground in a bloody heap Shalashaska walk's
casually past and secures the door. Then he turns around and
walks back to the corridor. However, before leaving he looks at
the soldiers body:
"The Colonel will be joining you shortly. Comrade" he says in a
genuinly spiteful tone.

Snake arrives in a large hold and looks down on a group of
dozens of Marines looking up at a speech being given on a large
projector screen. Otacon call's Snake and ask's him if he has
made it to the holds. Snake says he has except it has taken
longer than expected- they have passed the Verrazano bridge
checkpoint (it was announced on a loudspeaker when Snake
entered the corridor surrounding the hold) and he will have to
be "picked up" somewhere else. Otacon is also amazed to hear
that they may be changing course. Snake sums it up in one "If
they get their hands on Metal Gear we're going right off the
fringe" Looking down on the holds again Otacon is dissapointed
to hear Snake say that Metal Gear is not in that hold- he will
have to sneak to the bow. These marines won't know that the
tanker has been taken over because the access to the decks are
"They have some serious defenses here. I doubt the recent
revials want to blast their way through the marines either..."
Snake says as he looks closely at the marines.
"I wonder where they're headed?" Otacon asks
"I don't know...not the beach thats for sure..." Snake un-
humoursly jokes.

Otacon tells Snake to take 4 reconnaisance photos of Metal
Gear Ray- from the front-right, front-left, front and a close-
up of the 'Marines' insignia on the weapon. As Otacon says-
"the photo's need to speak louder than the governments
plausable denials"
After giving Snake these instructions Otacon reveals that
someone is monitoring their transmission. What is creeping
Otacon out, above everything else, is the fact that no effort
is being made to interfere with them- the interested parties
are just listening in. Because of this unexpected complication
Snake is instructed to use a workstation to transmit the
pictures through (not VIA the CODEC) Snake is instructed on how
to use the terminal and told he has 7 minutes to take the
photo's and transmit them (Otacon has read the speech, being
given in the hold, and approximated its length to about 7

The 2 holds that must be passed through, in order to reach
Hold 3 where Metal Gear Ray is being held, are filled with
marines that are listening to the speech. These marines are
completely oblivious to the carnage on the top decks as all
communication lines and access points have been cut off. Snake
must tip-toe around the edges of these holds, and crawl under
the video projectors, in order to reach Hold number 3. However,
when he reaches there, a part of him undoubtly wishes he
wasn't. Infront of him, the large behemoth Metal Gear Ray sit's
eerily still. Major Scott Dolph stands on a walkway just
underneath its cockpit giving the speech to a small group of
soldiers (the speech is being broadcast from there into the
other 2 holds) Snake is quick to take the 4 photographs
required and and transmit them from the computer terminal in
the corner of the hold (a specially created computer program
named 'Sprite 2.21' is used with a cartooney Otacon asking for
"...any CODEC moments?")

Just as the transmission of the photo's is being completed
Major Dolph completes his speech "We, the marines, will lead
the charge into the new world order with Metal Gear Ray" he
triumphantly declares. He then salutes and dismisses his
soldiers. However, as Dolph and the soldiers hold their salutes
a lone clapping sound comes from behind Metal Gear Ray.
"Gift of the silver tongue. They say thats the mark of a good
officer...and of a liar!" remarks Shalashaska as he emerges
from behind the weapon. "Americans are too in love with the
sound of their own voices to speak the truth!" he angrily
remarks. Dolph orders the man to identify himself and no less
than a dozen soldiers run up beside him- all training their
guns on Shalashaka.
not worried in the slightest, he replies "I'am Shalashaska!
Also known as Revolver Ocelot!" Snake hears this and his mind
instantly flashes back to Shadow Moses Island. He remembers his
showdown with the former FOX-HOUND operative and the cold-
bloodedness he displayed when he tortured both Snake and other
"What do you want?" an un-easy Dolph asks
"This machine will be quite useful" a relaxed Ocelot answers
with a spread of his arms
"What are you planning to do? Steal this thing?"
"Steal? No, I'm taking it back!" Ocelot says

Before Dolph can dwell on Ocelot words a hand reaches up
behind the Major and jerks him back. Sergei Gurlukovich, who at
one point was labelled a "politician" and not a "warrior" by
Liquid Snake, holds a gun to Dolph's head. All the guns are
then trained on Gurlukovich and Ocelot is briefly forgotten-
until he orders no one to move. Ocelot declares that he has
wired enough Semtex onto the tankers key structural points to
blow it out of the water & all he needs to do is a press the
button on the control unit in his hand. The marines begin to
edge back.
"Thats needs to die needlessly" Ocelot re-
assures as half-a-dozen of the terrorists, dressed in
camoflaged fatiques, abseil down and train their guns on the
marines. A few start work on untying Metal Gear Ray from its
restraints. The camera's remain trained on the fiasco as the
marines in the other holds, watching over the large screens,
look around to each other in fear and confusion.

Dolph is being held tightly by Gurlukovich and wants to
know whats going on- he ask's what does Gurlukovich want with
Metal Gear?
"I was raised in Snezhinsk. Formerely known as Chelyabinsk-70
the nuclear research outpost. After the end of the cold war my
home was bought out by the American's" he says
"Is there a point to this sad story?" an unmoved Dolph ask's
"Not that you would understand" an angry Gurlukovich says
pushing the gun hard into Dolph's temple "land, friends,
dignity. All sold to the highest bidder."
The colonel explains that the technology, materials, everything
on Ray is Russian in origin. "Russia will rise again...and Ray
is the key" he confidently remarks
However, Revolver Ocelot is also unmoved, he didn't go there to
sell Metal Gear he says. He came to take it "the
A furious Gurlukovich ask's if he has sold him out- but Ocelot
says he was never employed by Gurlukovich in the first place!
"Are you in league with 'Solidus'"? Gurlukovich demands to know
"No hard feelings Colonel...mother Russia can rot for all I
care" Ocelot says
"But when Ocelot? When did you turn?" a now desperate
Gurlukovich ask's
"I'm glad you noticed comrade...I abandoned her during the cold
war" Ocelot sarcastically emphasises the 'comrade'
Now beyond any idea of what to do next Gurlukovich
instinctively pushes Dolph towards Ocelot. In a swift motion
the ex-Spetsnaz member throw's his dark trenchcoat off and
draws his revolver- shooting Dolph in the thigh and Gurlukovich
3 times in the chest. Continuing to hold his revolver at the 2
suffering bodies Ocelot observes "looks like you were long
overdue for retirement" and he drops his gun. Before the 4
members of Gurlukovich's forces, surrounding Ocelot, can do
anything he draws his other revolver and shoots all of them in
a swift circular motion. The stunned marines look on. Ocelot
informs them that the tanker is still in the lower New York
harbour- they can make it to shore if they swim for their
lives. With that he detonates the semtex and the holds begin to
flood with water.

The soldiers in the other 2 holds begin to run for their
lives- the ones that aren't killed by the initial explositions
are under threat of drowning if they can't ascend the ladders
to the decks. However, clouds of explosives and dangerous
vibrations rock these parts of the ships making movement nearly
impossible. In the confusion of the explosions Ocelot climbs a
ladder onto the catwalk and calmly makes his way to the cockpit
of Ray. The surviving marines fire their rifles at him narrowly
missing but Ocelot is unfazed. Snake, who has seen the entire
incident from behind a crate, wades through the waist-deep
water going past the escaping marines. Running up to Ray's feet
Snake points his gun up at Shalashaska- who is making his way
to the cockpit "Ocelot!" he yell's over the sound of the
entering water. Before Ocelot can respond his right arm, the
one he lost at the start of the Shadow Moses incident, begins
to move around as if it has a mind of its own. Ocelot grabs it
obviously in pain.

Suddenly, as if it never happened, Ocelot has composed
himself. "Its been awhile brother!" he says in a completely
different, but eerily familiar voice.
"Who are you?" Solid Snake demands to know from below
"You know who I'am!" Ocelot says
"Liquid...?" Snake quietly ask's to himself.
"Not so young anymore eh Snake?" Ocelot says with a large arm
gesture. "Your drowning in time. I know what its like brother!
No wonder Naomi passed you over for the FOX-DIE program!" With
that the arm, once again, starts putting Ocelot into agony and
2 voices, emerging from the same body, scream "get out of my
mind Liquid!" Snake hasn't moved an inch and keeps his gun
pointed at the surreal person standing above him. Once again,
the figure composes himself.
"The price of physical prodigy!" Ocelot continues in Liquid
Snakes voice "Few more years and you'll be another dead clone
of the old man. Our raw materials are vintage brother. Big Boss
was in his late fifties when they created his 'copies'. But
I...I live on through this arm!" The tanker holds begin rocking
violently. Solid Snake loses his balance and falls off where he
was standing into the growing-depths next to him. Not far away
Gurlukovich mutters his daughters name as he succumbs to the
depths he is floating on. He will be joining Major Scott Dolph
who already floats lifeless beneath.

Taking advantage of Snake's loss of composure Ocelot
gracefully jumps up and climbs into the cockpit of Metal Gear
Ray. The behemoth comes to life and Snake, who has climbed out
of the water, stares straight up at it.
"You don't have what it takes after all!" Liquid's voice
announces over the machines loudspeaker. "Your going down with
this tanker!" a blast from Ray throws Snake against a wall and
knocks him out cold. Ocelot's attention is diverted from Snake
when a group of marines, trying in vain to stop the armory-on-
legs, take shots at it with their side arms, rifles and grenade
launchers. Ray slowly looks up at them and a flash of
realisation crosses the marines faces as Ray slowly raises a
leg up at them and slams it, in an impossibly quick motion,
into the catwalk where they were standing. As they scatter
Snake comes to and looks up at Ray "Otacon..we have a problem"
he comments. A laser then emits from beneath Ray's cockpit and
cuts a tear in the side of the hold. Water starts jetting in
and Snake is knocked back by one of Ray's movements. His still
body sinks into the depths. Ray begins to make its way to the
surface of the ocean and, when it emerges, jumps hundreds of
meters into the air. Snake emerges to, not nearly as
gracefully, and struggles for breath. Ray stands ontop of the
tanker wreckage and looks down- locating Snake wading on the
surface of the ocean. Ignoring him it jumps backwards into the
immense depths and slowly-but-surely starts moving off. Inside
the cockpit of Metal Gear Ray Revolver Ocelot, in his original
voice, communicates with a nameless individual. He informs this
party of where he will meet them and confirms that he took
evidence of Snake on the sea "...the cypher proved most useful.
I can't wait to see tommorows news flash. I'd say the Marine
Corp's plans are on indefinite hold" Ocelot then bids goodbye
to "Mr. President" and Ray speeds off into the depths...


"...Scientists had to make thousands of calculations to create
the (atomic) bomb and determine its effects...Computers and
atomic bombs, both products of World War II, grew up together."

Information Age: People, Information and Technology

National Museam of American History, Smithsonian Institute



2 helicopters carrying squads of Alpha and Bravo SEAL teams 10
fly under the bridge. A trio of N.Y.P.D. officers look on
curiously as the choppers make their way out to sea. As this
happens, 20 miles offshore, a man named "Snake" but not 'the'
Snake surfaces infront of the Big Shell containment facility
and quickly survey's the area, before submerging himself again.
As he carefully navigates through the underwater obstacles, and
the murky depths, the briefing he recieved run's through his
head. Colonel Roy Campbell had explained to him that
terrorist's had blown a hole in an oil tanker 20 miles off the
coast of Manhattan 2 years ago and, in the meantime, an oil
fence had been set up around it. At a later date the cleanup
facility known as 'The Big Shell' had also been constructed.
This had since become a landmark & a symbol of environmental
protection. 6 hours previously, to "Snake's" infiltration, this
complex had been taken over by members of the Navy SEALS
special anti-terrorist training squad 'Dead cell' Russian
private army members had also been involved in the takeover.
Campbell had explained that both of these were highly trained
groups and they had the Shell under their complete control. The
contingent of SEAL's arrive on the roof of a section of the Big
Shell and begin to rapel down. Snake swims through the
perimeter fence closer to the shell's foundation. However, he
finds he can do this with ease because he is surprised to find
that a hole is already in the fence- that someone has obviously
recently swum through. "Snake" remembers he had asked what
their demands were and Campbell had answered that they had
demanded 30 billion dollars cash. They would get that much
ransom to, Campbell explained, because there was a government
sponsored tour on at the time and a VIP from a major
conservation group had been captured as well as "the most
important person in a sense" had been there- President James
Johnson. If their demands were not met, Campbell revealed, they
would blow the Big Shell. Crude oil would ignite and spread out
over the ocean turning Manhattan into an inferno. If the
chlorides being used to decontraminate the sea water were to be
released the ecosystem would be wiped out and the planets sea's
would be turned into toxic waste.

"Snake" had been told he had 2 mission objectives- to
safeguard the President & other hostages, and to disarm the
terrorist's by "any means necessary" SEAL team 10, who were
obviously performing their operation at the same time as
"Snake", were conducting their own rescue operation. The
operation is not joint- the team is not aware of FOX-HOUND's
precense and "Snake" is ordered not to alert them that he is
there. He surfaces in the lower dock of the facility and
quickly climbs out- CODEC'ing Campbell with his internal nano-
machines. He calmly, almost too calmly, informs Campbell that
there are no sentries and he is inside strut A of Shell 1.
Campbell, also in an extremely calm voice, ask's "Snake" if
there were any problems. "Snake" replies that a new hole was
cut into the oil fence "Theres someone else besides me that
wanted to get in badly" Campbell disregards this and tells
"Snake" that SEAL team 10 has landed. He also tell's "Snake"
that, as a precaution, they are now changing his codename- it
will be now known as "Raiden" (pronounced 'Rye-den') Raiden
explains that he has covered infiltration in V.R. training and
remarks "I feel like some kind of legendary mercenary" Campbell
instruct's Raiden to make his way to the upper section of the
Big Shell (he can use the elevator at the end of the area he
surfaced in) The colonel then explains Raiden's sneaking suit
to him in order to build up his confidence. He explains that
the suit uses electrofibre technology (which was a by-product
of fibre optics research) The material is not much different
from rubber but does protect against a wide range of toxic
substances. The suit is filled with sensors and information
about the body (blood loss etc) is relayed between the suit and
nano-machines in his bloodstream. "There's alot of pressure on
my torso" complains Raiden. "Relax" assures Campbell. "It
places pressure on various internal organs to maximise
performace. Its called a 'skull suit'"
"Seems appropriate somehow" remarks Raiden.

Walking away from the pool he surfaced from and opening a hatch
Raiden spots a sentry. He can quickly conclude, from the guard
carrying an AN-94 assault rifle and a makarov, that the
adversary is Russian. He call's Campbell on the CODEC and
tell's him this. "Must be a Gurlukovich man" Campbell remarks.
"Gurlukovich?" ask's Raiden
"A Russian private army group that was in line to work with the
Shadow Moses takeover group 4 years ago" Campbell answers
"Whats their stake in this one?"
"They must have made a deal- an arrangement with the
terrorist's. They become a band of mercenaries, an army without
a country" he explains. He leaves Raiden to infiltrate the

Raiden sneaks into a small warehouse and hides around the
boxes. However, he notices an enemy sentry slumped on the
ground. Knocked out cold. He see's another one thrown from a
rising elevator and gets a glimpse at a man standing on it. He
is short and a grey sneaking suit. With thick,
messed up hair secured by a blue bandana...
The rookie infiltration specialist CODEC's Campbell and tell's
him there is definitly another intruder in the compound with
him. Its not a team, he explains, but it looks like a solo job
"Whoever he is...he's got some skills" remarks Raiden- noticing
all the sentries have been knocked out cold. Campbell
completely disregard's this possibility and tell's Raiden how
to go about accessing the soliton radar (a special node access
terminal is needed to turn it on) He quickly locates it and
presses his hand against the screen. Painful streams of
electricity run up and through his body for a few brief
second's before it subsides. He log's into the terminal and
turns on his radar. Using his nano's to contact Campbell Raiden
has the radar system and operation thoroughly explained to him.
It is then explained to him how he can save mission data & the
person who will be going about doing so. A girl named Rose
introduces herself calling Raiden "Jack". Raiden is angry at
this point- she isn't meant to be involved (Rose is his
girlfriend) Campbell explains that the FOX-HOUND analyst that
was meant to be looking after the mission was in an accident
and Rosemary was brought in as a replacement. Raiden whinges
and moans some more about it but Campbell has made up his mind-
she stays. End of story. "You familiar with the Shadow Moses
incident?" he asks "If theres a crucial detail that case taught
us, it was the power of the operatives will to survive" Rose
explains to Campbell that she will be keeping a record of the
conversational data and she clears up with him that she is not
required to follow his orders "outside her immediate duties"
With some words of encouragement she disconnects.

By now the guards that were knocked out by the mysterious
intruder have come to and are beginning to patrol the area
again. They immediatly place the compound on yellow-alert and
Raiden must sneak a short distance, through the perceptive
soldiers, to the lift up the back of the warehouse. As he takes
the lift up Campbell continues to brief him "The terrorists
call themselves 'Son's of Liberty'" he briefs "The name of
their leader is 'Solid Snake"
"The hero of Shadow Moses?" Raiden asks "So thats why you
changed my codename..."
"But he can't be 'the' Solid Snake. He died 2 years ago on that
tanker. After he blew it sky high" Campbell confirms
"Could he have survived?"
"Not a chance..."
When the lift reaches the top Raiden darts across to a stack of
boxes and hides behind them. Campbell tell's Raiden that SEAL
team 10 has landed on struts B & C (Raiden is on strut A) The
President was apparently spotted on strut B. Raiden is told
that the Big Shell comprises of a central core and 6 struts
surrounding this. There are 2 of these structers (they are
hexagon shaped and placed end-on-end) As Raiden is leaving the
roof he contact's Campbell and ask's about the SEALS. Campbell
re-iterates that they do not know he is there; "You know we
work in the dark and this mission is no exception. Only a few
people know about your presence here" Raiden is still edgy but
Campbell re-assures him that the dicisions and orders, although
top secret, have gone through both the Secretary of Defense and
the Vice-President. A slightly relaxed Raiden disconnects and
go's through Strut A. He takes a connecting bridge across to
Strut B and emerges into a hallway filled with corpses and

Edging down the hall & around the corner the unarmed Raiden
looks at the door into the generator room. Inside, 3 SEAL's
slowly patrol, their sense's tuned to max. Suddenly, out of
nowhere, 3 darts shoot down and hit one SEAL straight in the
side of his head. Collapsing into a bloody heap, the 2
remaining SEAL's completely panic and begin to shoot blindly
into the air. Then, a blur dart's down and strikes another SEAL
across the chest, he collapses too. The lone SEAL, his comrades
dead, continues to fire panic striken in all directions. Terror
and fear are covering his eyes. From the safety of the corridor
outside Raiden listen's to the subdued sounds of gunfire and
can't help but feel some remorse for the men he knows are
dying. The SEAL doesn't notice that up, suspended on the pipes
above him, the attacker crouches poised ready to murder his
last victim. It jumps down into a hunch infront of the SEAL &
looks up from the ground. The middle-aged man, with jet-black
hair and a goatee, snarls at the remaining soldier. The SEAL
begins to fire at the attacker. But he, in a move that defies
physics, dodges the bullets by spinning on a vertical axis all
the way to the SEAL. Darting around his side he cuts the SEAL's
wrist and wraps his arm around his victims throat. He cuts the
SEAL's throat with a large arm movement and the last victim
fall's to his knees. Blood spurts out from his throat like a
hose. The attacker patiently walks off as the radio unit on one
of the murdered SEAL's continues to ask if anyone is there.

As the sounds of the melee die down Raiden cautiously
enter's the generator room where the the SEAL's were murdered.
Sneaking around a unit Raiden looks into the corner and see's
the attacker suspending the body of a SEAL against the wall.
His body is being held inches off the ground. The attacker's
mouth is up against the SEAL's throat...and is sucking the
victims blood! The attacker hears Raiden behind him and turns
around with a snarl.
"What are you?!" ask's Raiden.
The attacker draws his blade from its sheath and makes a long
cut in his chest.
"Five today" The attacker, Vamp, says. "or rather...six..."
With that, Vamp jumps into the air and lands behind Raiden.
However, Vamp has done this so quickly that Raiden is still
looking up from where Vamp jumped from! Vamp slowly raises his
hand to take out Raiden...but is quickly stopped when another
party enters the room.
"Get down!" the 3rd person says. Raiden ducks and the man
sprays bullets behind Raiden's position. Raiden quickly turns
around and finds no-one is there. The man slowly edges into the
room and, in a voice that dictates anger, not fear or
apprehension, ask's "Where is he?" Scanning the room, the man
is dressed in the SEAL's combat fatiques and wear's a balaclava
over his head. He looks around at his eye level and down, but
fails to look up. Vamp jumps down and cut's the SEAL's wrist
making his gun fly across the room to Raiden. Raiden snatches
up the gun and points it at Vamp- who has pushed the SEAL onto
his knee's and is being held down by having his head drived
into his torso. Suddenly Vamp throws the SEAL, like a flimsy
rag doll, up against the wall with only his left hand and holds
him a foot off the ground. Vamp also has his hand wrapped
around the SEAL's head- making it impossible to breathe &
simply not able to resist Vamp's vice-like grip. Drawing his
face to the SEAL's neck he takes a quick breath in;
"HHHMMM...strange smell..." he remarks in a thick European
accent "You smell like Sol--has to be" He throw's the SEAL off
the wall and onto the ground.
"Shoot him! What are you waiting for?!" the SEAL yell's to
Raiden. The FOX-HOUND operative, who has watched this entire
sequence in awe, doesn't hesitate to shoot at Vamp. Raiden
empties a full clip trying to shoot Vamp, who dodges the
bullets simply by spinning, but as he empties the end of his
round Vamp recieves a call.
"Vamp?" a woman on his radio ask's
"Yeah Queen?" Vamp replies in a calm tone
"Are you all done cleaning up?"
"Yes...but wait till I tell you what I found..."
"Something interesting?"
"I'll tell you in person. Where are you?"
"In the central unit with the President"
"Be right there"
As Vamp has had this conversation the weakened SEAL had managed
to remove a clip from his pouch and slide it across the floor
to Raiden. By the time it had reached him, and been inserted
into the automatic assault rifle, Vamp had jumped off. He
teases Raiden by darting over him a few times...then he is

Raiden approaches the collapsed soldier and point's his
gun at him. Imploring him to calm down the SEAL slides over to
a generator unit and sits up against that. He removes his
balaclava. The face that Raiden see's, but doesn't realise, is
that of Solid Snake- the man who undertook the mission to gain
evidence of Metal Gear Ray on the tanker 2 years ago. Even more
surprising, he identifies himself as Lieutenant Junior Grade
Iroquois Pliskin. Raiden ask's Pliskin if he is a SEAL but he
doesn't reply. However he explains that he infiltrated the
facility by fastroping from a navy chopper. Raiden examines
Pliskin some more and see's a bug crawl out from underneath
him. Pliskin could only have gotten that bug if he was near, or
in, a vent...
Pliskin, who is sitting down against a unit, looks up at Raiden
who is standing over him. The suit is very familiar to Pliskin
and he ask's Raiden if he is with FOX-HOUND. Raiden is
obviously very surprised that Pliskin would have such a
knowledge of the top-secret unit and, apprehensively, answers
that "yes" he is with FOX-HOUND.
"FOX-HOUND was dispanded" Pliskin states. Raiden replies with a
questionable grunt and Pliskin tries another question;
"Where were you before FOX-HOUND? Delta force?" he ask's.
Raiden explains that he was a apart of the Armies Force 21
trials (which were about tactical I.T. deployment) He admits
that he has no real field experience but has had extensive V.R.
training which is indistinguishable from the real thing.
"A virtual grunt of the digital age...thats just great!"
remarks Pliskin sarcastically.
"Thats far more effective than live exercises" retort's Raiden
"You don't get injured in V.R. do you?" Pliskin asks "Every
year a few soldiers die in field exercises"
"Theres a pain sensation in V.R. and even a sense of reality
and urgency! The only difference is it isn't actually
happening" Raiden enthusiastically replies
"Thats the way they want you to think to remove you from the
fear that goes with battle situations" Pliskin explains "War is
a videogame...what better way to raise the ultimate solider..."

Raiden holds the rifle he used, against Vamp, to Pliskin and he
takes it. As he's doing this he recieves a CODEC call from
Campbell who ask's for a status report. Raiden explains that he
has seen SEAL team 10's Alpha squad be wiped out & there is a
single survivor. Campbell says that it looks like they took the
President somewhere else and ask's about the survivor. Raiden
tell's Campbell the survivors name but Campbell wants to know
if Pliskin has seen his face;
"This is a top-secret mission" he explains "No-one can know
we're involved"
"Its a little to late for that" teases Raiden.
The pair walk down a small flight of stairs to a body slumped
at the bottom of them. The corpse is that of a male's and is
dressed in a Navy uniform that implies the person held a senior
rank. As they study the body Pliskin becomes disoriented and
stumbles back onto the stairs. He know's he's like this because
Vamp cut his wrist and he lost a few pints of blood. He tell's
Raiden to give him a few minutes.

Raiden ask's Snake about the man that just attacked them. "That
blood sucking freak?" he contemptly expresses "That was Vamp"
Pliskin explains that he is Romanian and a wizard with knives.
"You won't see the way he moved in V.R." he remarks. Pliskin
also explains that Vamp is a member of dead cell. Raiden ask's
what 'dead cell' is and Pliskin explains the it was a special
forces unit created by ex-President George Sears. The name was
meant to reflect the unit's anti-terrorist functions. They
would launch unannounced assaults on government complexes for
"the ultimate terrorism simulation". "They were needed to show
V.R. troopers, like you, how to deal with the real thing"
Pliskin explains "But around the time their original leader
died in prison, the unit began to unravel" he reveals. They
were always close to the edge, but they went even further,
going after U.S. allies, even civilians. There are conservative
estimates that no less than 100 people died because of
"accidents" dead cell members made. The unit was out of control
and 6 months ago it was shut down. Pliskin now figures there
are 3 members left in the squad. Raiden ask's why 'Dead Cell'
were going after the big shell. "How the hell should I know?"
answer's Pliskin "They were on the lunatic fringe"

Raiden ask's Pliskin about the 'Dead Cell's leader Solid Snake
and Pliskin explains that the real Solid Snake died 2 years
ago. He then ask's Pliskin if the Big Shell's location was
where Snake died and he replies Snake sunk the tanker.
"But he's a legend!" counter-charges Raiden
"Legends are usually bad news. There's not a lot of difference
between heroes and mad men" Pliskin explains
"You saying Snake is still alive? And pulled another one?"
Raiden hopefully ask's
"No, Snake's not involved in this one. His body was positively
I.D'ed 2 years ago..."
Raiden ask's about the other forces that have obviously taken
over the facility & Pliskin says that they are former members
of the Soviet Military. Most likely Mercenaries. They were
required because 'Dead Cell' could obviously not cover all of
the shell by themselves. Pliskin is amazed- he was never told
any of this in the briefing...and came in alone as well?
Pliskin ask's Raiden what he's really doing at the Shell but
Raiden doesn't answer. The SEAL doesn't really care- his more-
than used to people not answering his questions. He takes out a
cigarette and offer's the pack to Raiden, who refuses. Pliskin
tell's him to keep them for luck. He also hands his SOCOM
sidearm to Raiden, who more than gratefully takes that. There's
a moment of awkward silence before the radio on Pliskin's back
"Come in Alpha zero. This is Bravo zero. Currently at the
bridge between struts B & C. The President is-- damn! I can't
hit this thing. Its like some bad dream..." The radio is
drowned out continuously by sounds of gunfire. Raiden anxiously
ask's Pliskin if he's going to answer, this time its Pliskin's
turn to ignore the question. Pliskin say's its best if Raiden
goes to the bridge because he needs some more time. Raiden
begins to walk up the stairs that Pliskin is resting on, then
he turns around and ask's Raiden what he's name is. Raiden
gives Pliskin the name assigned to him by Campbell.
"Raiden? Strange codename" replies Pliskin
"Make's up for the boring one my parents gave me" retorts
Raiden (Rose has been calling Raiden 'Jack' on the CODEC)
"Maybe I'll find out someday" Pliskin says with a signal from
his hand in farewell. He quickly passes out.

Leaving Pliskin to recover from the serious wound, Raiden
leaves the generator room and exit's the strut to access the B-
C connecting bridge. As he walks out the sound of seagull's
quickly get his attention, but then their squarks are drowned
out by the sound of automatic gun fire. As he walks out the
doorway, he notices straight ahead is the bridge to strut C,
but he also notices the junction halfway down that leads to the
central core. Raiden can see a group of SEAL's (Bravo team),
positioned on either side, are shooting at something down near
the core. As he edges out he see's that the soldiers are firing
at a woman. She calmy walk's out of the doorway and wields a
gun that is nearly as long as her entire body height. She walks
over and stands in position over the body of a man- Raiden
identifies him as the President. How the SEAL's could be
possibly missing this woman is beyond Raiden- until he see's
that the bullets are swerving around her! The placid look on
her face, as well as the gracefulness of the bullet's skimming
around her, make the scene seem very peaceful and tranquil. The
violent eruption of gunfire and seriousness of the situation
overshadow's this thought in Raiden's mind. Suddenly, the woman
"Come! Put me out of my misery!" she orders the SEAL's. They
continue to vainly shoot at her.
Although he is standing right next to them, Raiden's precense
has gone un-noticed to Bravo team. Right next to him, a SEAL
taps another one on the shoulder "This is impossible. Nothing
will hit her!" he says
"Is she the one they call Fortune?" the other SEAL ask's back.
Suddenly, the serenity and calm in the situation is dropped as
Vamp walks out from the central core and stands next to
Fortune. Knowing that Fortune is protecting him, he bends down
and effortlessly picks up the limb body of the President, one
handed, and places him over his shoulder. He picks up his
briefcase to. Vamp then carries the 2 asset's back into the
core. The SEAL's are now very anxious- their goal and mission
objective, as well as their leader, is being whisked away. They
quickly swarm Fortune. She stands at the end of a bridge no
more than one meter (3ft) wide. The men begin to scramble down,
single file, and the leader launches an explosive from the
undercarriage of his assault rifle. It lands right next to
Fortune's feet but fails to explode. She gently nudges it
aside. "Today is another bad day" she dispointingly remarks.
Suddently, a fork section expands from the barrel of her weapon
"Is there anyone here that can give me happiness?" she ask's
the SEALS's. Now too tightly grouped together to fall back, she
fires her weapon at Bravo team 4 times. The blasts, and
resulting explosions, from her rail cannon throw the SEAL's
back like pieces of tissue paper. The one's that aren't riped
to shred's by the laser blast's are simply blasted off the
bridge into the depths far below. The bridge section between
her and the SEAL's is completely wiped out. However, a few
meters of bridge continue to hang suspended in front of her
gradually tilting downwards. A SEAL grips the top of this
vainly hoping to pull himself up and Fortune just stares
straight down at him. The bridge breaks off and falls down,
along with the SEAL. A smoldering bird carcas then fall's down
next to Fortune "I'm so sorry my beauties. I'll see you again
someday" she apologises. Turning around, she walks back into
the central core, dozen's of birds caught up in the wash of the
explosion fall down to the ocean in her wake.

Raiden contact's Campbell and informs him that, now, both SEAL
teams Alpha and Bravo have been wiped out. Campbell informs
Raiden that the terorist's now posess a harrier aircraft and,
although they have that, the SEAL's got the terrorist's
attention and allowed Raiden to slip in un-noticed. That also
allowed Campbell to conjecture the Big Shell's defensive
capabilities. Campbell is now worried as the terrorist's may
elect to retaliate for the failed strike and blow the C4 placed
over the facility. Campbell instruct's Raiden to work on
removing the explosives placed over the shell- the President
can wait, this can't. He tell's Raiden to meet the Bravo teams
explosive's specialist, who wasn't involved in the battle, over
at Strut C. Raiden becomes increasingly worried- the Dead Cell
members are obviously a force to be reckoned with and what he
has just seen was theoretically impossible. Rose interrupt's
and gets Raiden to snap out of it "Nothing seem's real" he

Filled with feelings of fear and disbelief, Raiden quickly
makes it to Strut C and goes into the mess hall. Spotting a man
crouched next to an oven, Raiden point's his SOCOM at him and
orders the man not to move. Slightly on edge, as he's seen too
many bad things and too many people die, he refuses to take any
risk's. The man he holds up is dressed in a large blue coat
with 'POLICE' written on the back of it.
"You a cop?" Raiden asks. The man continues to crouch but
rest's his weight on a cane.
"I'm not NYPD" he explains "I came in with the Bravo team"
Then, its the man's turn to ask Raiden a question- demanding to
know who he is and wanting to know what happened to SEAL team
10. Raiden explains that they are dead and the man begins to
get up.
"Did I tell you you could move?" an impatient Raiden declares.
He then point's his gun away to another noise entering the
"Its OK- he's not one of the bad guys" Pliskin says casually
walking into the room "Don't go pointing that thing everywhere
kid" he remarks, unfazzed at having the gun pointed at him. The
man identifies himself as Peter Stillman and Pliskin recognises
the name almost instantly- he's a lecturer and a consultant for
the NYPD bomb squad. Stillman sums it up best; "...a poor old
man who got dragged along for this picnic"
"Thought you retired...?" Raiden ask's
"I did, can't keep up with everybody as you can see" he
explains, refering to his prosthetic limb. "A famous church got
wiped off the map thanks to me. There were to many lives
inside. All I lost was this leg"
Ignoring his plight for sympathy, Raiden ask's if Stillman is
the bomb disposal guy.
"Kid- this is 'the' bomb disposal guy" Pliskin replies. He goes
onto explain that if you open any book on explosives you'll see
his name somewhere inside. Stillman goes on to explain that he
was called out of retirement, even though he is 'ancient
history', because one of the terrorist's is a former student of
his- Fatman. Known as the 'emperor of explosives' Stillman
reveals that Fatman had such an aptitude with explosives that
he built an atomic bomb when he was just 10 years old.

"Are you two with SEAL team 10? I didn't see you at the
briefing..." Stillman asks. Caught between a rock and a hard
place Snake quickly dismisses the question explaining that the
pair are with another squad (Pliskin, knowing Raiden is with
FOX-HOUND, understand's that he can't explain why he is there
or who he is) Pliskin, however, introduces himself to Stillman
who, in turn, ignores Pliskin's outstretched hand and ask's him
if he has any bomb disposal experience. "Don't worry about me"
Pliskin assures then indicates Raiden "and he looks young but
he can do it" Raiden begins to say something but feels insecure
when the 2 men turn to him. Still ask's Raiden what his name is
and Raiden gives him his codename. Stillman also thinks its a
strange name. Standing infront of these 2, everyday
personalities with normal names and clothing, Raiden can't help
but feel a little embarrassed.
"Any other survivors?" ask's Pliskin
"There was also an engineer with me" explains Stillman "A
skinny guy...he went in with us. I haven't seen him since that
"Was he killed?" Pliskin ask's in a slightly-worried tone.
"I don't think so...I didn't find his body" Stillman was told
that the 'skinny guy' was a security systems architect for the
Big Shell. He was supposed to get them past the security
Understanding they have more pressing concern's Pliskin advises
them to worry about the bombs- and they'll have to do it
"I've never defused a bomb before..." complains Raiden. He is
cut short when he recieves a CODEC call.

Campbell is glad to hear that Stillman is safe and instruct's
Raiden to assist him in clearing the C4 from the structure.
Raiden is still worried at the prospect of bomb maintenence but
Campbell reassures him that if he follows Stillman's directions
he will be fine. Stillman is the best in his field. However,
Campbell once again order's Raiden to ensure that he keeps his
identity & objectives to himself. He is ordered to destroy the
bombs with Stillman's assistance and, with some words of
encouragement from Rose, he disconnect's. Stillman, Pliskin and
Raiden walk over to a buffet and Pliskin hold's a demo bomb
unit infront of them. He clears up that they will not be
dismantling the bombs- thats not for amatuers. Although
complete defusion is optimal they have to settle for a special
freezing measure. He explains that this will knock the
detonator out of commision for atleast 24 hours. Stillman
presses a button on the bomb and a red light starts flashing. A
soft beeping sound is also being emitted & he explains that the
bomb is now "live" Stillman then takes a small cannister of
what looks-like bug repellent and sprays it on the bomb. Within
seconds it has turned into a giant ice cube. He assures that
the coolant spray can be used from several feet away- but the
bombs are small and they're going to have to check everywhere.
Stillman then gives each of them a small cylinder- he explains
that it is an ion mobility spectrometre. These will help them
locate the bombs as they "sniff the C4's scent" (they actually
recognise the ionised gas released by the C4's) The area the
bomb is in will appear as a green blur on their radar. Rayden,
however, is curious- will Fatman, the one who undoubtly created
the bombs strewn over the structures, make all his bombs give
off a scent? Stillman is very familiar with Fatman's work and
knows that he gives the aesthetics (looks) of his bombs the
utmost importance, as well as different kinds of signatures.
All of his bombs have traces of cologne and the Ion sensor they
have picks up that scent spectrum.

"Is that something he learnt from you?" Raiden asks
"No, it was his own quirk. He wouldn't work by any rules except
his own. And he followed them like a religion. And common sense
wasn't one of his strong points. I thought I taught him
everything I knew. I had no children of my own and I thought I
found a son in him." Stillman sadly remarks "He had the right
stuff you know. There's something very unusual about an ability
like that. Even at Inidian head he got special treatment. I
remember some people called him one of the 'fatcats' Maybe
thats what started all this." confiding in the 2 men, Stillman
takes a deep breath. "I didn't teach him the most important
thing I had to tell him, there are some things you have to pass
on, the trick is to know which one. Right. All I taught him was
skill's. And now I have to stop him from using it to destroy us
Getting straight back into it, Stillman quickly explains the
use of the ion mobility spectrometer to them. He then explains
that he knows where Fatman would target if he wanted to destroy
the plant- he knows the structure. "I taught him the techniques
he uses. His idea's are based on my theories. Demolition is a
kind of ideology- it makes no exception for time or place"
Stillman easily conjectures that there will be C4 on each Strut
which means there are atleast 12 bombs. Pliskin volunteer's to
do Shell 2. Stillman gives him a level 3 card that will allow
him to access Shell 2 (the engineer gave him the card before he
copy any more for anyone else) Raiden is left to do shell 1. As
the 2 men begin to exit Stillman starts to walk with them. An
impatient Pliskin tell's Stillman to stay in the messhall "I
don't have time to babysit" he remarks. Raiden, slightly
impatient as well, suggest's that Stillman helps over the
CODEC. Stillman reluctantly agree's "Good luck to all of you.
This is a dangerous one" he remarks "Who dares wins" Pliskin
says back. He wishes Raiden luck and begins to walk out. As
he's walking out he says the word "semperfy"- more to himself
than to anyone else.

"That man's no SEAL" Stillman say's after Pliskin has left. "I
don't even think he's a Navy man. 'Semperfy'. Marine corp
talk." Stillman explains it further to Raiden- the headphones
that Pliskin wears are used by team leaders at command points.
The team leaders are usually kept away from the field as well.
And 'who dares wins' is the motto of the S.A.S.
"Is he one of the terrorist's then?" ask's Raiden
"No, somehow I don't think so. If there's someone to
suspect...I'd put my money on you"
Raiden wants to contest this, wants Stillman to know he's
wrong, but can't. He musn't risk blowing his cover. Somehow,
Stillman picks up on this and tell's Raiden to worry about the
bombs for the time being. He get's up and slowly walks into the
pantry. He points out its a good hiding spot- it has a lock &
plenty of food. When the door to it is nearly shut Stillman
gives Raiden some final words of advice; "Bomb disposal is a
face off with your own mortality. Don't let the fear get to
you. When you give into the fear the darkness comes..."
He slams the door shut. All of the sudden Raiden feels very
isolated & vulnerable.

Down the hallway, from the mess, is a woman's bathroom. Using
the ion mobility spectrometer Raiden effortlessly locates the
bomb in there and defuses it. Calling Stillman and telling him
he has defused the bomb, Stillman is very worried- Pliskin too
has reported the locations of the bombs and they aren't
effective demolition points (Raiden found the bomb attached to
the ceiling, above the sink) If they have the genuine intention
of blowing the Shell, then all Stillman has seen is a waste of
good explosives. "He couldn't have overlooked the fact I would
be called into this. There's something going on" he remarks.
Raiden goes back to the generator room, where he first
encountered Vamp & met Pliskin, and finds a bomb hidden behind
an open door to a control unit. He defuses that and goes back
to Strut A- where he first accessed the shell. He enters a room
he couldn't access previously (the pump room) and quickly finds
the bomb by crawling through some pipes. After "cooling" his
one he calls Stillman again. "This is all wrong. This is
something only an amateur would do" Stillman grows increasingly
worried- the bombs aren't in the right locations and aren't in
enough quantities. Raiden is told to watch his back and hurry
up- something isn't right.
Raiden walks across to strut F (a warehouse) and drops down
from a balcony, to behind some boxes, and defuses the bomb
there. He quickly sneaks out and arrives at the bridge between
struts F & E. As he begins to make his way across he recieves a
CODEC call from an unidentified party. The person warns him
that there are claymore mines on the bridge and he should use a
mine detector. The person, in a rusty, metallic voice
identifies themselves as 'Deepthroat'
"Deepthroat? You mean from Shadow Moses?" ask's Raiden
"Mr. X then" they reply
"Why did you contact me?" an apprehensive Raiden asks
"Lets just say I'm one of your fans"
Raiden quickly contact's Campbell to try and get some
information. Campbell, however, doesn't know anything. He
confirms that the call was not burst transmission- which meant
is came from inside the base. Campbell is certain that it is
absolutely not the man who used the some alias from Shadow
Moses island- Gray Fox (AKA Frank Jaeger. An ex FOX-HOUND
member who was the only operative worthy of the distinction of
being called 'Fox' After the fall of Zanzibar his body was used
for gene therapy experiments and was fitted with an
exoskeleton. He was revived and almost-definitly on the brink
of insanity when he fought alongside Snake in the Shadow Moses
uprising. He was killed there by Metal Gear Rex- which was
controlled by Liquid Snake at the time)

Raiden deactivates some mines blocking his way on the bridge
but doesn't waste any time making it across to Strut E (a
parcel room) and going up the stairs to the helipad on top.
However, as he goes outside and goes towards the stairs up to
the helipad he hears a conversation. A lady with short white
hair stands on top of the stairs on the radio.
"I've taken care of that annoying fly. Whats the situation
there?" the man on the other end asks. His voice dictates power
and projection.
"Buzzling. I saw a man dressed like a ninja just now" she ask's
in a thickly Russian-accent
"Its the only way to describe it. A kind of cyborg Ninja.
Complete with a sword."
"What?" he asks. The radio trembles with the power of his
"Are you hiding something from me?" she ask's.
"Olga. Are you sure it wasn't an Arsenal Tenchu?"
"Don't be a fool. Think I wouldn't know the difference?!"
Raiden can tell from her body language she is angry, though she
doesn't sound that way. "I've never seen gear like that. Ever."
"Alright. We'll intensify patrols. Anything else?"
"Actually, one more thing. You'll find it hard to believe
though. I saw a man hiding under a cardboard box"
"Where?" he skeptically asks
"On the connecting bridge to shell 2" there is a long pause.
Olga continues " you believe me this time?"
"I've seen someone use that box trick before. We'll lay a trap
on the Shell 2 connecting bridge" he finalises.
"Over and out then" She puts the radio away.
Raiden had always suspected there was more going on in the
shell than he thought and this confirms it. He needs answers.
Although he has no idea what he's going to do with her, he
follows his instincts and jumps out pointing his SOCOM at her.
He's at the bottom of the stairs, she's at the top & siloetted
by the sun.
"Freeze!" he yell's at her. He orders her to drop the gun. Olga
can't help but get a small feeling of deja vu. "Not a chance"
she remarks. Suddenly, she does a side flip off the stairs to
the bridge below. Raiden bolts up to the top where she jumped
down from. She's disapeared.
Raiden CODEC's Pliskin and tell's him he saw a Russian woman.
Pliskin is quick to assume it must be Olga Gurlukovich.
"How do you know?" a skeptical Raiden asks
"Unlike you, I've been briefed" Pliskin replies. He goes on to
explain that she isn't with Dead Cell but leads a Russian army.
She's led the group since her father, Sergei Gurlukovich, died
2 years ago. "Watch yourself with her" Pliskin warns "She's a
tough one"

Up on the helipad Raiden defuses the bomb underneath the
harrier jump jet. He call's Stillman and tell's him that much.
Pliskin interupts to inform Stillman that he's looked into
Strut H on Shell 2 & explains that there is C4 packed into the
strut. Raiden ask's if its possible that they are dummies but
Stillman confirms that they are a threat- just not enough of
one. The bombs Pliskin found would inflict serious structural
damage. The worst thing, Pliskin confirms, is the ones he found
were sensor proof- he only discovered them through luck.
Raiden, increasingly worried, ask's if there are any more.
Stillman volunteers to check it out himself but both Pliskin &
Raiden agree that he can't go anywhere. Stillman says he has no
choice- it has to be him. Raiden reminds him of his bad leg-
but Stillman says he can walk just fine. He can even run!
"What do you mean?" Raiden asks, confused
"That bomb, five years ago, I messed up. Even with all my
experience I lost it. And a church was lost in the explosion.
All those kids playing nearby to...these past five years I've
lived a lie" he confesses
"Lied?" ask's Raiden
"Yes, lied. I didn't lose my leg in the explosion" Stillman
reveals "So many dead...all because of my mistake! All I could
think about was hiding from the crime, shielding myself from
the public outcry. I wanted people to be sorry for me...for my
weakness..." Stillman faked being a victim himself because he
couldn't bear to face the families of the real victims
"I lived my lie so well I haven't answered to myself for my
sins. It was supposed to be a shield...and its become a shroud
instead. I've killed my soul by playing the victim. Instead of
protecting me its made my life more hellish"
"What good can that do to victims?" Pliskin, who had been
listening intently up till this point, asks.
"I know...I'm a coward!" he confesses.
Pliskin tries to re-assure Pete- they still need him to fix the
bombs. Stillman then begins to speak about Fatman.
"...his crimes are also mine. One of ommision, and one of
arrogance. No-one should teach the skill's I taught him without
a clear conscience. This is the only way I can defuse my own
sins" Stillman resolves.
Pliskin tell's Stillman that he has "taken care" of guards in
struts G & H of Shell 2. All the other ones are unsecured. Both
Raiden and Pliskin wish Stillman luck "Just don't ask for 'Peg-
Legged-Peter'" he requests "He's gone for good"

Raiden makes it to the sediment pool and locates the final
explosive hidden under a hatch. After freezing it he call's
Stillman and ask's him about the C4 at the bottom of Strut H.
Stillman explains it is sealed C4 in huge quantities. Raiden
ask's if there's another one and Stillman confirms for sure
there would be. It would be at the bottom of Strut A, Shell 1
(where Raiden first arrived) Stillman says that if the bottom
section of Strut H in Shell 2 were to be destroyed the entire
Big Shell would be well on its way to destruction. However, it
wouldn't sink immediatly- there would be 5 struts left to act
as support. However, if Strut A in Shell 1 sinks its an
entirely different matter. The structural integrity of the Big
Shell depends on a very exact balance- if both shell's were to
loose a Strut each they would tear apart. Stillman explains to
Raiden that he has a sensor which will find the scentless bomb-
he created it when he was locked in the pantry. Stillman
explains that he left it there and Raiden should go and get it.
Raiden run's back to the mess and gets the sensor from the
pantry & call's Stillman. He has examined the bomb further and
found that the detonator hasn't been activated but the sensors
are live. Stillman dwell's on this as Pliskin tunes in and
gives a commentary as he deactivates the final bomb on Shell 2.
As Pliskin is nearly finished spraying Stillman yell's "Wait!"
but its to late. Stillman understands- the big one he is
investigating was rigged to start counting down when all the
little ones were deactivated. Raiden is told to get to the
bottom of Strut A as that will be counting down too- he has 400

Darting through the sentries & through the Struts, Raiden
arrives at the lift that goes down to the dock on Strut A. It
is there the bomb would be located. As he takes the lift down
he recieves a CODEC call from Stillman. The man sounds
completely defeated. He explains he fell for a proximity
trigger. Stillman never taught Fatman that, nor the multiple
bomb trap. "Looks like he's far surpassed me as far as
explosive techniques goes" he remarks. Pliskin desperatly tries
convincing Stillman to get out, who knows its to late. He has
30 seconds left till the bomb detonates. He instruct's Pliskin
to get out of Strut H and Raiden to keep his distance. There's
a moment of difficult silence between the 3 men for a few
seconds before a thunderous explosion rips through the CODEC
and in the distance. Nothing but static then on the other end.

Running through the underground warehouse Raiden finds the
final C4 underneath a small underwater probe and defuses it
quickly. Campbell calls Raiden and congratulates him for a job
well done. "It was a sad loss to everyone" remarks Raiden.
Campbell agree's and gives him a damage report from the
explosion on Strut H- the duet for diverting contaminated
seawater was destroyed, the central section of Shell 2 is
flooding and an oil slick ignited on the surface of the ocean.
Raiden is relieved to hear that the shell is still stable and
the chemicals are in containment. He's informed of his next
objective- rescue the President. Raiden, feeling slightly more
secure now that a substantial threat has been neutralized,
makes his way back to the lift. When he is running down a
corridor, however, he gets another call from Campbell. He
tell's Raiden that a hostage has been executed in retaliation.
They were shot on the roof to make sure that a satelite caught
it. Raiden wants to rescue the hostages as they seem to be in
the most compromised position- but Campbell re-iterates that he
must rescue the President first and foremost. Angry that one
mans life is given priority over 30 others Campbell is unmoved
and tell's him he can't rescue them all.
"Not by myself" Raiden snaps back
"Are you expecting this Pliskin to come through?" Campbell
sarcastically ask's. He tell's Raiden that Pliskin has turned
his CODEC off. Campbell then tell's Raiden that Pliskin was not
a factor in the simulation and he must do the operation alone.
Raiden is curious- why does Campbell keep calling it a
simulation? Rose cuts in and tell's Raiden to relax. Raiden
then hopefully ask's Campbell about the SEAL's, or more
precisely, if any more squads will be coming in. Campbell
confirms that Raiden is their only hope. Another mission isn't
even on the drawing boards.

Raiden enters the warehouse but stop's short when he see's the
lift arrive at the bottom and a lady, with a massive gun, step
off. Thousands of cockroaches have converged at the entrance to
the lift. But when the lady, Fortune, steps off they move aside
for her. Raiden carefully peer's out at her. "I can't tell you
how happy I'am that your alive after all. I knew this moment
would come. Show yourself and finish me- like you finished my
father!" she urges. The lift doors behind her close and the
elevator goes up. "Otherwise you'll be the one to die" She
begin's to charge her weapon and point it at Raiden.
"Oh crap" he mutters. He dashes aside and dodges the long bolt
of plasma emitted from the gun. It is so powerful & hot that it
melts a hole in a metal crate. Jumping out from the side of a
box he points his SOCOM at her. Her eyes widen when she
realises he isn't who she thought he was. "This could be
interesting" she observes. "You've seen the fire of hell
haven't you? Maybe you can give me death!" she begs "My name is
Fortune. Nothing more, nothing else. And without a death to
call my own...hurry! Kill me please!" she begs. Raiden had seen
the uselessness of the SEAL's weapon's earlier but can't hide
and do nothing. He vainly shoots his SOCOM at Fortune in the
small hope that perhaps a bullet can get through. The rail
cannon destroy's everything in the warehouse, ignites
chemicals, topples a forklift and melts hole's in any
materials. As Raiden shoots at her she teases him by saying
things such as "Kill me!" or "put me out of my misery!" When
the room has been nearly completely destroyed, and Raiden has
only a few SOCOM rounds left, he recieves a CODEC call from
Campbell. He quickly explains to Raiden that Fatman just called
and said he placed a bomb on the heliport. He specifically
asked for Raiden. Worse, Campbell says a countdown has begun
with 400 seconds remaining. Raiden speaks his thoughts to
Campbell, guessing that Fatman is planning on taking the place
out "Looks like his agenda is different from that of Dead Cell"
he remarks...

Fortune stops firing and the smoke and dust in the warehouse
clears. The lift reaches the bottom again...and Vamp walk's
from it coming to a stop next to Fortune.
"I'll take over Queen" he smoothly offers
"What is it?" she asks
"It seems out friend Fatman is out of control"
"He'll actually try to destroy this place?" she contemplates
"Yes. This could unravel everything we've planned"
"But why would he do such a thing?"
"Who knows. But he's nothing more than a stereotyped mad bomber
now. He's completely lost sight of out ideals. And with it his
loyalty to Commander Jackson..."
"Alright" Fortune resolves "I'll take care of the wayward soul"
the barrel at the end of Fortune's cannon shortens "It wasn't
him. I expected more of this one. Really" She sounds genuinly
"But he couldn't kill you I see?"
"Completely useless" she agrees
"Then he's all mine" Vamp sadistically says, stepping forward.
"Later Vamp" Fortune says.
All of the sudden, Raiden jumps out from the side of the box.
"NOW!" he yells. He shoots bullet after bullet at Fortune, all
missing. 2 that move around her haphazardly hit Vamp in the
head and chest. He collapses to the ground with a violent thud.
Fortune, taken aback by the speed of the attack, quickly
crouches next to him and shields his body. Raiden continues to
fire but bullets continue to miss. Raiden gives up on trying to
hit her.
"Vamp...are you gone?" she whispers at him. She begins to
stroke his face "No...NO! That death was meant for me! Why am I
the only one who can't die?! Alone again...cheated out of death
again?!" She begins to weep on his body. "How long will you
force me to live? How much longer dead? You've punished me
Raiden approaches her and points his useless SOCOM at her
crouched body. She ignores him and Raiden carefully walks
around her.
"I thought you could give me peace. But you couldn't kill me
either" Raiden is unsure as to whether she is speaking to him
or not, but he ignores her and gets onto the lift. It begins to
go up & Raiden rest's all his body against the lift wall. For
some reason, the relief at being out of there is overpowering.
Down below, as her tears fall onto Vamp's face, the man's eyes
shoot open
"There's no need for sorrow Queen" he placidly remarks. Fortune
stops crying and hapiness beams over her face. He looks up at
her, his head gently cradled in her arms, "I died once
already...I can die twice..."


APRIL, 2002.

----======== 6 ========----


Writting this thing has been damn-near addictive for me and
there's nothing more fulfilling than spending a year and a half
writting this and getting all the positive words I have
recieved from people. Thanks to all those who have e-mailed me
with their words of feedback and encouragement.

More specifically a big thanks to Dan Birlew for starting
the concept of a "plot guide", Thomas Wilde for letting me rip-
off the concept from him, Aurora02 (gamefaqs nickname) and
Damian Denehy for the information on 'The Best is Yet to Come'
and to Maarten ter Huurne for his translation of the manual of
'Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake' (his website is worth a read at

The online version this document is dead now as I gave up
on using HTML. If your computer, for some stupid reason, hates
TXT and loves HTML the site is still up (just not going to be
updated) and is available at:


Of course, this document is availble in .txt format (in order
of sites you should check for updates) at:

I'm happy for anyone with a MGS website to host this as well
because it'd obviously be a win-win situation for both of us.
However, please contact me before doing so.

My e-mail address for now is If you have
any queries about this document (gripes and suggestions) or any
queries about the games that I haven't covered here please
don't hesistate to contact me.

Grant 'Dispicable Moose' Morrissey

COPYRIGHT 2001. Grant Morrissey.

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14.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Ending Analysis, AI & Evolution

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Script (Tanker Chapter)

14.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Savegame zur PAL Version

17.Oktober 2013
Walkthrough for the PAL Version

15.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
MGS 2 Dog Tags List LV - Tank

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15.Oktober 2013

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18.Oktober 2013
Big Boss Rank and Boss Guide

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13.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
FAQ für Boss Kämpfe im EXTREME Modus

17.Oktober 2013
FAQ/Walkthrough für den EXTREME Modus

14.Oktober 2013
Starte im Strut L Oil Fence

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Das Level "Betrieb" ist beendet auf dem Extrem Modus und alle dog tags sind freigeschaltet.

15.Oktober 2013
Musik und Lyrik Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020