Tokyo Extreme Racer Zero

Tokyo Extreme Racer Zero

14.10.2013 21:36:22
Wanderers FAQ
********************Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero Wanderers FAQ***********************

Technical stuff I gotta do:
Version 5.0
Date: 2002
Author: SIMSteven
A GameFAQs Strategy Guide and ONLY for GameFAQs and those I have given
permission to. I will put their names on the bottom so don't lie!

This is a must for any FAQ, and if you haven’t noticed by now I’ll spell it out
for you:
C-O-P-Y-R-I-G-H-T (C) N-O-T-I-C-E-!!!!!!!!

HAVE I MADE MYSELF CLEAR?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I just HATE people who copy/plagiarize other people’s work and call it their
own. What is plagiarism you ask? It’s the technical word for the stealing of
other people’s work. It’s also ILLEGAL in every state and country. Patchwork
plagiarism is also illegal. This means that someone copies someone else’s work,
changes a few words and/or paragraphs, and claims that it is an original work.
In other words: DON’T DO IT without my permission!!!!!!

My E-mail is Just e-mail me and there'll be a good chance
that you get to use my work as long as you tell me who you are, where you're
from, and where you'll put it. Make sure that I give you a response as well.
Also, make sure to give me the credit for doing the work and do NOT alter it in
any way, shape, or form. Also, when you e-mail me, put "Tokyo Xtreme Racer
Zero" in the subject heading or you will be ignored. Okay?! OKAY!!

Now, as for my FAQ. It is based on HIKARU2001's FAQ, but is much, much
different. I used his FAQ and gave a total face-lift. I made so different that
it isn't considered patchwork plagiarism. I even asked the folks at GameFAQs if
it would be ok to post this FAQ. They said yes as long as it "was an original
work based on another FAQ and I would give them full credit." It looks pretty
original to me, and right now I'm giving him full credit, so there.

**********Table of Contents**********

1) Version history
2) About Wanderers
3) The best Wanderer car
4) Money, money, money
a) Ultimate Money Trick
5) Autopilot (mileage trick)
6) Make this Wanderer your first priority
7) It's Wanderer Time!
8) FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
a) Introduction
b) The Wanderer, [insert name here], won't race me! Why?
c) I have the miles, but I am still having problems!
d) How do I get the best parts?
e) The regular rival, [insert non-Wanderer name here], won't race me. Why?
f) How do I reset my PS2 clock?
g) I have a car settings question!
h) What's the best car?
i) Is nitrous (N2O) in this game?
9) Other Info (Many Questions Can Be Answered Here)
a) About this info...
b) The rest...
10) People who I given my permission to use this FAQ
11) Credits

**********1) Version history**********

Version 5.0: Big update. Add a FAQ section. Added my "Other Info" section.
Altered Road Master's requirements. Changed "Make this Wanderer your first
priority" to "Make these Wanderers you first priority." Added more to "Money,
Money, Money." Also added the Ultimate Money Trick. Added more to Autopilot
(mileage trick). Changed the look slightly so sections are easier to find.

Version 4.0: My FAQ is spreading like butter. 3) has the right
to use my FAQ. I cleared up Tomorrow Again and Last Flight. I've been getting
e-mails about them, so I added more info.

Version 3.0: Expanded on the Autopilot Trick. I added this: 6) Make this
Wanderer your first priority. I thought that when I posted this FAQ the first
time, I corrected all my mistakes. Apparently not. I looked it over and found
those mistakes had mysteriously reappeared. I fixed them. Also, I fixed Loyal

Version 2.0: Altered Lightning's and Late Night Cinderella's requirements. If
you can help me find their unknown requirements, let me know. Also, has been added to my list of sites that can use my FAQ.

Version 1.1: My FAQ is spreading all over the web! has the
right to use my FAQ!

Version 1.0: Basic version. It's basically everything here

**********2) About Wanderers**********

Wanderers are racers in TXR0 that have certain, specific requirements that have
to be fulfilled in order for you to race them. Some requirements are easy to
meet, and some are not. In order to race the last guy in the game, you'll need
to beat all of the Wanderers. That's basically it.

**********3) The best Wanderer car**********

The Viper (Type-VGTS)! This car easily meets the requirements for several
Wanderers. It's a foreign luxury car (2 Wanderers), a 2-seat car (1 Wanderer),
and is a car-specific requirement for one other Wanderer. It also has kick-butt
power so if you upgrade it properly, it'll be one of the best cars in your

Where can I get the Viper?
Location #1: Bloody Mary --- Wanderer
Location #2: Any team member of Team Thunder Dragoon.

**********4) Money, money, money**********

Guess what you get for beating a Wanderer? A lot of money! Guess what you get
if you race them several times in a row? A lot more money! Generally, a
Wanderer will give you a 3rd less money for each re-race. That means, if a
Wanderer gives you around $11,000 on the first race, he/she will give you about
$4,750-$5,250 on the second race. Re-race every Wanderer many, many, many times
to get LOTS of money. Sometimes I can rake in $150,000+ a night. Woooooow.

Apparently, someone asked me "How do I re-race?" Simply put, after the race,
you slow down or stop and wait for the rival to catch up. Then, you race.

a) Ultimate money trick
Ok, this is a way to get lots of money and a strategy to follow if you want to
get all of the Custom cars in one file. This is more for people who've played
through the game once and are playing through the game again, though. It'll
take up a lot of time to finish this file.

In the beginning of the game, get the CE9A (Lancer Evo. 3). Take it and race
all of your rivals for 25 miles (ex. slow down, let them catch up, race, repeat
until you Trip reads 250). (Note: Try to focus on the Rolling Guys.)

During this time, you should be doing a lot of Autopilot (more on this in the
next section.) You'll want to do this so you can get the Level 7 Engine for
your Lancer. Also, shop for the Level 4 muffler, some Drive Train parts
(Transmission, Clutch, Suspension, and Tires), and lighter aero parts (go for
the Hood and Mirror and anything else to make the car look cool). Then, race
Rolling 1 for 50 miles. You should have enough money to buy the Level 3 Engine
(If you've been doing a lot of Autopilot, you should have about 1000 miles by
this time.) Don't race anymore team leaders because you'll want that Level 7
Engine. But you'll need about $245,000, so read on.

Next (following my FAQ) race some Wanderers such as Lightning, White Panther,
Garage Door, Illusion B, and Caffeine Addict. (Note: You don't have race them
all, maybe just 2 or 3.) Race them all for 100 miles. By this time you should
have more than $300,000. This is enough to buy the Level 7 Engine, Level 8
Muffler, and Level 5 Body Tune. You now have a killer racing machine.

Now you can proceed to beat more and more rivals using the following strategy:
Race all normal rivals for 25 miles.
Race all team leaders for 50 miles.
Race all Wanderers for 100 miles. (Or more if you're willing to risk it.)
Race all Devils and Zodiacs for 100 miles. (Or more if you're will to risk it.)

Note: Some Devils/Zodiacs/Wanderers may be too tough to beat for 100 miles. Try
buying better cars, like the R34RVM. You may even want to waste days to race
ZERO and get his Porche (On day 365). Just don't forget about Street Gambler
(see "6) Make these Wanderers your first priority"). Also, try racing Night
Wolf (a Wanderer) and get his car. It'll be a big help in the beginning of the

By the end of the game you should be rolling in money. You should be able to
get every Custom car, max it out, and have a 50 car garage with maxed out cars.
(wx. Don't forget the you must get 1860 miles with each car in order to get the
best upgrades.)

**********5) Autopilot (mileage trick)**********

Many Wanderers require you to have lots of miles on your car(s). One way to get
those miles is to simply drive around. However, that takes forever. If you
want to get those miles, set your car on Autopilot. To do this, get into a
race. Win or lose (I prefer to win) and don't touch the controller. Let the
game take over and let it sit for several hours. You'll get a few hundred
miles. Your car will drive around at about 70 miles per hour. It'll take
about 26.5 hours. Do you know where to look to see how many miles you have?
Simply push L2 (not R2) in the Garage.

Note about mileage: When you're out driving, you'll have a Tachometer (TRIP) and
an Odometer (ODO). The TRIP measures by .1 miles, so 1000 would be 100 miles.
The ODO is the grand total of all the miles on the car. This is another place
to see how many total miles you have.

One big advantage of doing Autopilot is that fact that you can get the best
parts for your car that are unattainable by any other means. Once you get
1860 miles on your car, you can buy the Level 7 Engine, Level 8 Muffler, and
Level 5 Body Tune. You cannot get these parts from neither the Devils nor
Zodiacs. Also, you must do this with each car. You can't get the parts for
all your cars just by getting the miles on one car.

WARNING! If you plan on selling your car, make sure you don't do this trick.
The miles will greatly reduce the resale value of your car. Example: The final
boss's car sells for 600K. If you give it the miles and the best parts, it will
sell for 80K. You would have to spend about 1.2 million to buy and fully max
out his car. Not a great deal. You'd waste about 1.1 million.

Quick Race Mode will also allow you to get the miles. This is an easy way to
get the miles without having to dump money on parts you won't need to buy
anyways. The downsides to this is you won't win money for the race (hey, you're
actually saving money instead), you won't rack up a win, and the days won't
advance (if you're waiting for ZERO).

**********6) Make these Wanderers your first priority**********

#332, Street Gambler, is the Wanderer that takes the first priority in being
defeated. He requires that you have to have all the digits in the day to match.
This makes him extremely rare. So, in reality, he starts out at "The day must
be a multiple of 11." Then, once you hit day 100, it becomes "The day must be a
multiple of 111." Ouch. Get this guy over with at all costs. Your reward is a
custom C-class truck. It's the only truck in the game and it's the only C-class
custom car.

Another Wanderer that causes problems is ZERO. His requirement is that you're
on or past day 365. Simply put, take it slow. Take it one rival every night.
However, always hit "Free Run" after every battle because you might have a
leader or Devil/Zodiac to race.

The last Wanderers to pay attention to are Windy Fanfare and Eternity. Windy
Fanfare requires you to have $3 million and Eternity requires you to have
$1 million. After you beat Speed King or White Charisma, you will get several
million dollars. Make sure to beat these two before spending it all! (By the
way, there's also Cutie Pie and Fearful Princess. The most you'll need for
these two is $300K. It isn't too hard to make that much money.)

**********7) It's Wanderer Time!**********

Alright. It's time to get down to the nitty-gritty.

**********Kanjyo Inner Loop Route C1**********

#314 - Lightning
The day must be a multiple of 3.
Note: Another requirement has not been found yet, but some people (myself
included) have reported that he will cancel the battle.
I now know that the requirement is to get a certain number of wins. How many is
still unknown. I do know this because I didn't do anything else when I tried to
race him. Previous theories were to beat a certain number of teams. I did not
beat any team leaders when I raced him, so this proves false. Another theory
was to beat a certain number of team members. Well, I only beat 2, and other
people had more than that so this is also false. I did, however have about 25
wins by day 3. Then, on day 3 I was able to challenge him. So you need 25 or
less wins. I'm estimating 5 or 10, possibly 15.

#315 - White Panther
The day must be a multiple of 5. That's it.

#316 - Garage Door
The day must be a multiple of 7. You need the license plates of either 3-0
(Shinagawa), 3-1 (Adachi), or 3-2 (Nerima). To get this, press O at the car
change screen. Go to the next screen and you should see a big list. Start at
the top-left. This is 0-0. Go down 3 and right 0, 1, or 2 times. Look at the
bottom of the screen. It should say either Shinagawa, Adachi, or Nerima.

#317 - Speed Drinker
Defeat #323: Illusion B. Beat the Speed King.

#318 - Lonely Wolf
Defeat Lonely Survivor from Gesellschaft.

#319 - Steam Storm
You must be past or on day 180. You must drive a foreign luxury car. A good
car is the Viper (Type-VGTS).

#320 - Invincible Artist
He's parked at Yaesu (the little side-road that you normally don't go on.) To
get him to appear, multiply the tens digit and the ones digit of your day. Take
the ones digit from that number and see if it is a 2. Example: Day 126: 2x6 =
12. Drop the 1 and you get 2. This process is known as the calc process. This
would be a calc 2.

#321 - Lost Freak
The day must be a multiple of 7. Drive the car Type-W30. This is a C-class car
and is available at any time. This is an MRS Spyder. His car is maxed out so
be on your toes.

#322 - Bloody Mary
Defeat #321: Lost Freak. With Lost Freak off the streets, she can breathe again
and come out to play. ;) This is a good way to get the Viper early in the

**********Kanjyo Outer Loop Route C1**********

#323 - Illusion B
The day must be a multiple of 3.

#324 - Caffeine Addict
The day must have the number 3 as a digit. Here are some examples: 300, 213,
133, 3, 43, etc.

#325 - Magazine Freak
You must be past or on day 30. No other requirements.

#326 - Machine of Inferno
The day must be a multiple of 10. Use a car with the drive-train of FF. A good
car is the Eclipse that Code F has. He's from Team Alpha.

#327 - Anguish Barbarian
He's parked at Yaesu (the little side-road that you normally don't go on.) To
get him to appear, multiply the tens digit and the ones digit of your day. Take
the ones digit from that number and see if it is a 4. Example: Day 146: 4x6 =
24. Drop the 2 and you get 4. This process is known as the calc process. This
would be a calc 4.

#328 - Waist Master
Own 6 cars at one time and you can race him.

#329 - Master Position
He comes out between 21:00 - 23:00. That's 9:00 P.M. and 11 P.M. Try resetting
your Playstation's clock. You must drive a foreign luxury car. A good car is
the Viper (Type-VGTS).

#330 - Pretty Affair
The day must be a multiple of 7. You must beat the Speed King. You need the
license plate 4-3 (Shonan). To get this, press O at the car change screen. Go
to the next screen and you should see a big list. Start at the top-left. This
is 0-0. Go down 4 and right 3. Look at the bottom of the screen. It should
say Shonan.

#331 - Devil Driver
He comes out between 2:00 - 4:00. That's 2 A.M. and 4 A.M. Try resetting your
Playstation's clock. At your garage, push R2. Look at the Total Distance. It
must be above 1243 miles.

***********Shinkanjyo CCW (Counter-clockwise)**********

#332 - Street Gambler
Every digit in the day must match. Here are some examples: 11, 22, 333, 4444,
99, 88, etc. Try to beat him before day 100.

#333 - Green Wild
The day must be a multiple of 7. You need the license plate 9-1 (Naniwa). To
get this, press O at the car change screen. Go to the next screen and you
should see a big list. Start at the top-left. This is 0-0. Go down 9 and
right 1. Look at the bottom of the screen. It should say Naniwa.

#334 - Dark Desperado
Your car must have very few miles. My guess is that you must be below 26 miles.
I raced him when I just hit mile 25.

#335 - Eternity
Get a million dollars in your pocket and you can race her.

#336 - Mosquito Lemon
Beat Red Shadow from Team RATT. In the American version, this is the only
requirement. I believe in Japan you have to drive a Mitsubishi. That could be
the A-class series of Lancers. They all start out as Type-C. (Try getting your
first car as type CE9A)

#337 - Fearful Princess
Get $100,000 in your pocket and you can racer her.

#338 - Dumb yet Smart
Get a 2 seat car and get in front of him. He likes to be the challenger. A
good car is the Viper (Type-VGTS). You could beat him easily with a stock
Viper. He's a calc wanderer, but is not parked. To get him to appear, multiply
the tens digit and the ones digit of your day. Take the ones digit from that
number and see if it is a 4. Example: Day 172: 7x2 = 14. Drop the 1 and you
get 4. This process is known as the calc process. This would be a calc 4.
NOTE: He will not re-race you so you can't get much money from him.

#339 - Wild Heart
The day must be a multiple of 3. You must have at least 100 wins.

#340 - Road Master
Drive 3107 miles (use the mileage trick.) Another option is to get 1860 miles
on one car and to race him with that car (although if this doesn't work, get the
3107 miles instead).

**********Shinkanjyo CW (Clock-wise)**********

#341 - Glamour Girl
Own 25 cars at one time and you can race her.

#342 - God Year
Get a car that has less than 124 miles on it. Unequip your muffler (level N).

#343 - Raspberry Kiss
The day must be a multiple of 10.

#344 - Craft Man
The day must be a multiple of 7. Drive a completely black car. The primary and
secondary colors are to both be 0,0,0.

#345 - Cutie Pie
Get $300,000 in your pocket and you can race her.

#346 - Storm Screamer
Defeat Rain Master from Dry Cruise.

#347 - Uncrushable Alexander
Do the mileage trick (up at the top of this FAQ) and get 1860 miles on your car.
Race her with that car. (Yes, it's a HER).

#348 - Silver Ruler
The day must have the number 3 as a digit. Here are some examples: 300, 213,
133, 3, 43, etc. I didn't test to see if they took out the Mitsubishi
requirement in the American version. Anyways, it would be the same as #336,
Mosquito Lemon. A good car would be the CE9A (Lancer).

#349 - Night Wolf
He comes out between 1:00 - 3:00. That's 1 A.M. and 3 A.M. Try resetting your
Playstation's clock.

**********Wangan North Bound**********

#350 - Max Energy
He's parked at the Showajima Junction. It's sort of in the middle of Wangan.
Look for three dots that are close together. Take the bottom dot. To get him
to appear, multiply the tens digit and the ones digit of your day. Take the
ones digit from that number and see if it is a 2. Example: Day 226: 2x6 = 12.
Drop the 1 from 12 and you get 2. This process is known as the calc process.
This would be a calc 2.

#351 - Jet Skater
The day must be a multiple of 7. At your garage, push R2. Look at the Total
Distance. It must be above 1243 miles. Drive the RX-7 with the car type as
FD3RS. I heard that you car also you Late Night Cinderella's custom car.

#352 - Crying Baby
The day must be a multiple of 3. Beat the Speed King. Drive either Datsun
(Type-S30Z or S30ZG).

#353 - Tomorrow Again
Do the mileage trick (at the top of this FAQ) and equip a level 8 muffler. That
means that you'll have to have 1860 miles on your current car. He's a calc
wanderer, but is not parked. To get him to appear, multiply the tens digit and
the ones digit of your day. Take the ones digit from that number and see if it
is a 4. Example: Day 346: 4x6 = 24. Drop the 2 and you get 4. This process is
known as the calc process. This would be a calc 4.

#354 - Healthy Hero
Have less than 124 miles on car. Get a year 2000 model car. My favorite is the
Lancer Evolution VI, (Type-CP9A6M).

#355 - Late Night Cinderella
She comes out between 0:00 - 1:00. That's midnight to 1:00 A.M. Try resetting
your Playstation's clock.
Note: Another requirement has not been found yet, but some people have reported
that she will cancel the battle.
Take a look at the very first Wanderer: Lighting. The same hidden requirement
that he has is the same as LNC's. This hidden requirement is a certain number
of wins. The exact number is unknown, but it should be below 400. I think it
will be at or above 250, though. So it should be somewhere between 250 and 400.
Anyone want to find this out for me? I usually have about 2000+ wins before I
race her. *Grins*

**********Wangan South Bound**********

#356 - Unbalanced Heart
Have less than 32 miles on your current car.

#357 - Toll Free
The day must be a multiple of 3. You have to drive a Viper (Type-VGTS)

#358 - Madness
Defeat Rival #318: Lone Wolf

#359 - Technician Guy
Have 10 cars in your garage.

#360 - Fast Phobe
He's parked in Haneda. It's an off-ramp near the far right part of Wangan. To
get him to appear, multiply the tens digit and the ones digit of your day. Take
the ones digit from that number and see if it is a 4. Example: Day 246: 4x6 =
24. Drop the 2 and you get 4. This process is known as the calc process. This
would be a calc 4.

#361 - ZERO
It must be on or past day 365.

**********Yokohane South Bound**********

#362 - SPEED BOX
The day must be a multiple of 5. Defeat #367: Iron Racer. Drive an NSX (Types
RPT7B, RPT6B, RPT7, or RPT6)

#363 - Mask
He parked at the end of an on-ramp somewhere in the middle of Yokohane. To get
him to appear, multiply the tens digit and the ones digit of your day. Take the
ones digit from that number and see if it is a 2. Example: Day 226: 2x6 = 12.
Drop the 1 from 12 and you get 2. This process is known as the calc process.
This would be a calc 2.

#364 - Windy Fanfare
Get 3 million dollars in your pocket. Then race her.

#365 - Start Dash
You must be on or past day 180.

#366 - Golden License
Defeat #334: Dark Desperado.

#367 - Iron Racer
The day must be a multiple of 5. Drive the classic C class cars. They can be
these cars: Skyline (Type-KPGC10), RX3 (Type-RX3), or the Datsun (Type S30Z).
The owners of these cars are Loyal Knight, Gentle Rain, and Craft Man

**********Yokohane North Bound**********

#368 - Exotic Butterfly
Defeat #399: White Charisma.

#369 - King of Eden
The day must be a multiple of 7.

#370 - Loyal Knight
The day must have the number 3 as a digit. Here are some examples: 300, 213,
133, 3, 43, etc. Have a level N engine. Defeat #371: Gentle

#371 - Gentle Rain
Do the mileage trick (up at the top of this FAQ) and get 1860 miles on your car.
Race him with that car.

#372 - Last Flight
The day must be a multiple of 10. Defeat Team ALPHA. Do 249 mph (or 400 kmph
for those of you with the import) in a single battle. You might have to end the
battle at this speed. Here's a hint on how to go that fast: get 1860 miles on
Speed King's car. Get the Level 7 Engine, Level 8 muffler, and Level 5 Body
Tune. That should help you get up to speed. Also, you might have to have those
mileage parts equipped on your car.

#373 - Silent Barbarian
Defeat #346: Storm Screamer.

**********8) FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)**********

a) Introduction
Before e-mailing me, look through this section and the next section to see if
your question is answered here.

b) The Wanderer, [insert name here], won't race me! Why?
Try re-reading the requirements again. Also make sure you've got the right FAQ.
Many people have confused my FAQ with HIKARU's FAQ. Then check this section
again. Still not working? My guess is that you'll need to race some more
rivals. Keep racing and try again later.

c) I have the miles, but I am still having problems!
Chances are that if you have the miles, you wouldn't have problems. Still
having problems? Then check to see if your game works with km, and not miles.
(To do this, push L2 on the main menu screen. Look at the bottom number.) Got
miles? Make sure the number is 1860. Need a number of total miles? Look at
the number on the R2 screen. Got km? Then multiply any number of miles by

d) How do I get the best parts?
Either defeat all of the Devils and Zodiacs or get 1860 miles on your car. The
1860 miles will get you a Level 7 Engine, Level 8 Muffler, and Level 5 Body
Tune. All of the other parts can be won by the Devils/Zodiacs.

e) The regular rival, [insert non-Wanderer name here], won't race me. Why?
Got a team leader or Devil/Zodiac that won't show up? Race someone in their
area. Then, hit Free Run. They'll show up. As for Speed King and White
Charisma, race anybody. Is #400 not showing up? Remember, you've got to beat
all of the Wanderers.

f) How do I reset my PS2 clock?
MY GOD! I can't believe this is a FAQ! Can't you read a PS2 manual?!?!?!?!

g) I have a car settings question!
Don't ask me. Don't ask the message board. Simply put, don't ask. Settings
are sacred and nobody wants to give them out. My buddy on the message board:
r4X0r, has a site though. Copy and paste this to your browser:

h) What's the best car?
Well, it's your choice. Here's my top 5 list:
1) #400's Datsun 260Z AKA Fairlady 260Z
2) ZERO's/Abf911's (Abflug's Team Leader) Porche (They're have the same Porche)
3) Speed King's/Red Devil's Skyline
4) White Charisma's/Late Night Cinderella's RX-7
5) A Lancer EVO 3 or 6. Types CE9A and CP9A6M.

Refer to the Car FAQ if you have questions on which car is which. Note that the
NSX is not listed. In real life, this is a good car. In this game, it's a
piece of junk. Trust me, I know. There's a lot more cars out there that are
better than the NSX. The game, that is. Don't bash me or e-mail me with

i) Is nitrous (N20) in this game?
sorry. It's just that so many people ask this question on the message boards
that I have grown quite tired of hearing it. So, ahem, NO NAWWWSSSS! By the
way, NOS is a nitrous making company. Nitrous Oxide Systems. But then again,
it's such a common term that it might be the next Kleenex or Band-Aid. But this
is not an item that EVERYONE buys so just say N20.

j) Does TXR0 have [insert car name here]?
I will redirect you to the car FAQ. Note that the Datsun 280Z wrong on the FAQ.
It's a Fairlady 260Z. It's a Fairlady because the Americans renamed it Datsun.
But it's Japanese made so it's a Fairlady. It's a 260Z because of its

**********9) Other Info (Many Questions Can Be Answered Here)**********

a) About this info
This information is taken straight from the GameFAQs message board. There's a
thread that was started by Mad Dragon called "ATTN: New Players RE: Maximum
Upgrades." It has a lot of useful info and it's not just about maximum
upgrades. All posts will be displayed as they were originally intended.
However, I deleted the signatures because I didn't want to take up too much
space and because I didn't think they were necessary.

b) The rest...

Original Poster: Mad Dragon
"Do you think your car is maxed out? Chances are, it probably isn't. As you
progress through the game and defeat rivals, you unlock parts for your cars.
Once a part is unlocked, it is available for all cars (see "*" below).

Here is the complete list of parts and their max levels:

-Power Up
Engine: 6 (7*)
Exhaust: 7 (8*)

-Drive Train Tune
Transmission: 4
Clutch/Differential: 4
Suspension: 5
Tire/Brake/Wheel: 9

-Body Tune: 4 (5*)

-Aero Tune
F. Bumper: 5
Hood: 2
Mirror: 2
Over Fender: 1
Side Skirt: 5
R. Bumper: 5
R. Spoiler: 5

-Dress Up Tune
Grill: 2
Light: 1
Horn: 6

*These parts are only available to cars that have 1864+ miles (3000+ km).

If you have any questions about this list, feel free to ask."

Original Poster: r4X0r
"also note that you cant modify the grill on all cars."

Original Poster: Mad Dragon
"True. I forgot to mention that. You also can't modify the side skirts on the
old Z cars."

Original Poster: SIMSteven
"You can't change any aeros on the customs, as well."

Original Poster: Mad Dragon
"Feel free to add other frequently asked stuff...
Like this:

I asked a Datsun aficionado I know on another board about the S30ZX (#400's
This is what he had to say:

'The HLS30 are the 240z cars.
The HLS130 are the 280zx cars.
I can't find model designations for the 280z line, but I have never seen
letters after the number designators on Nissan models. Don't know why the zx
would have been tacked on there [S30]...'

I told him all of the S30 cars' displacements, and he came to this

'It (S30ZX) would be a 260z. Engine code L26
The S30ZG is a 240 Z with the G nose kit. Engine code L24
The S30Z is the Japanese only market Z with a 2 liter straight 6. Engine code

It's the same basic body style, but in this case with an engine that was only
offered here for one year. Elsewhere in the world they never got the 280z.
They always just had 260z from '74 on. We got the 280 because the stricter US
emissions laws made the 240 and 260 powerplants too weak with the extra smog
equipment. Other markets didn't have that problem so they stuck with the
smaller motor.'

#400 drives a 260Z. Now we know.

Original Poster: SIMSteven
"When you get new parts:

Defeat and get:


Jack the Traitor Knife: Tires (6)
True Slide and Unhappy Angel: Muffler (5), Suspension (3)
Hard Weapon: Engine (4)
Fallen Blade and Blood Hound: Transmission (3)
Leader of R. Gangs: Tires (7)
Leader of Rythm Box: Aero Tune (3)
Dark Producer: Tires (8)
Mr. Sitar and Iron Heart: Engine (5), Body Tune (3)
Dying Star: Transmission (4) MAX!
Dreamy Ghost: Muffler (6)
Tail Gunner: Aero Parts (4)
Shadow Eyes: Suspension (4)
Speed King: Tires (9) MAX!


Midnight Rose: None
Golden Wind: Engine (6)
Dark Ringleader: None
Hard Lift/Riff and Blue Pressure: Body Tune (4)
No-crown King, Crying Pluto, and Red Devil: Muffler (7), Aero Parts (5) MAX!
Queen's Knight, Purple Meteor, and Exotic Eve: Suspension (5) MAX!
White Charisma: None
#400: None

1860 miles on a car = Engine (7), Muffler (8), and Body Tune (5)"

Original Poster: Mad Dragon
"Awesome post, Steve! Now we definitely need to keep this thread alive.

I'll add the auto-pilot procedure for getting 1860 miles (I still think it's
1864, but it's not that important):

After you win (or lose) a race in the career mode*, don't do anything, and
don't push any buttons on the controller. Your car will go into auto-pilot.
Let it run for a while (it'll take about a day to get 186X miles from
scratch). You can take out the disc and memory card, to reduce wear and tear
on the drive. If the game locks up when you eject it, put it back in and let
the game start running again. Before you exit auto-pilot mode, make sure the
disc is back in and the music/background reloads. If you didn't get enough
mileage (the ODO number will flash when you do), repeat the process. It's
time consuming, but it's worth it.

*This also works in the rivals menu. Just make sure you return to garage
afterwards. If you "retry," you will not gain the mileage."

A note from me: Quick Race Mode will also allow you to get the miles. This is
an easy way to get the miles without having to dump money on parts you won't
need to buy anyways. The downsides to this is you won't win money for the race
(hey, you're actually saving money instead), you won't rack up a win, and the
days won't advance (if you're waiting for ZERO).

**********10) People who I given my permission to use this FAQ**********


**********11) Credits**********

^ To GameFAQs for being my number one source of gaming info.

^ To HIKARU2001's FAQ for helping me out the first time around. Also for his
FAQ which was just a template for my FAQ.

^ And to the message board for help when I needed it most.

^ Something I want: How many wins it takes to race Late Night Cinderella.
Don't send me an e-mail about Lightning. I'll find that out myself.
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Getting Started Guide

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