London Racer

London Racer

14.10.2013 21:36:44

by J Woodrow

Version 1.1 - 20/04/2002

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Released: November 1999
Developers: Davilex
Publisher: -

[This game was released in the EU only]






Red buses. Red phone boxes. Red pillar boxes. Black cabs. Polite
policemen. This could only be London...

London Through the Looking Glass! No people, no noise, no dirt, no
graffiti, no tourists, no filthy pigeons, no filthy hot-dog vendors, no
traffic lights... in fact, no traffic. No traffic? Almost! Yes indeed,
this is some kind of Wonderland. The streets look familiar enough and all
the famous landmarks you would expect to see in Europe's largest city are
here - Big Ben, The Houses of Parliament, Tower Bridge and The Tower of
London, The Bank of England and Buckingham Palace, Piccadilly Circus
(wot, no lions?), Trafalgar Square, Regent Street and Oxford Street,
Westminster Abbey and St Paul's Cathedral among many others. The sun is
shining, the roads are bare and invitingly wide and you are equiped with
a meeeeean set of wheels... So what else can you do? Burn Rubber, Baby.

The concept is certainly appealing. You have a choice of fast cars and
the simple objective is to race around the streets of not only the
capital, but also sections of its orbital Motorway and on out into the
beautiful countryside via Windsor Castle and Stonehenge to and from the
University City of Oxford. All along the way you have to battle against
devious opponents and stay one step ahead of the law, evading speed
cameras and patrol cars which seem to wait at every turn.

Sound like fun?



It IS fun, but you have to make some pretty major allowances.

The list of driving games on the PlayStation is a very long one, and
direct comparisons are fairly pointless. If you have either of the Gran
Turismo or Driver titles, just about any Formula One game or anything in
the driving genre from Codemasters, then you will be severely
disappointed by this game if you are looking for a pure Driving
Experience. This ain't it.

But if you have ever dreamt of screeching through London's empty streets
in a no-holds-barred race, with a Supercar at your disposal with the
added bonus of giving the police the run-around, then this may be your
best chance short of some seriously criminal activity!

So let's get down to the important thing - what is the choice of cars?

Compared to GT, extremely limited, but still... They all have daft names,
so use your imagination:


NIME ......... 9166 Ooh, let me guess... MINI?
TRAFALGUAR ... 47000 I would think a JAG-U-ARE
OPAL ASTER ... 14000 'VEUXHELL' ASTER in the UK, surely?
BIETL ........ 19000 It's spelt fo-net-i-cally
BWM .......... 30000 UMM...
HORCH DD ..... 34000 A PORTIA of corsa (but it looks like a Trabant
from behind)

In time-honoured fashion, you start with the cheapest car and a small
budget, and the idea is to tune your car to win races and earn more cash
to upgrade and eventually purchase the better motors. For some reason,
someone seems to have put a decimal point in the wrong place, and after
only a couple of races you can afford everything, so that concept goes
straight out of the window.

The best thing is to forget the racing challenge and just admire the
scenery as you swerve your way through roadblocks and roadworks, leaving
a trail of flying cones and lamp-posts in your wake. The races are not
difficult and you'll win as often as not with no trouble anyway.

The backgrounds are certainly remarkable, if not entirely accurate, and
the team at Davilex have done a bang-up job in giving London a unique
atmosphere. I love the spoof names they have for those instantly-
recognisable typical High Street stores - 'Wichwool' building society,
'Nixons' and 'The Kink' electrical stores and 'Pizza blr' restaurant.
Branches of 'Diana's Diner' seems to occupy half of Oxford Street! They
have certainly captured that authentic street scene of permanent
roadworks on main routes and not a sign of a workman anywhere near them.

The artwork is superb, if necessarily limited; as is shown by the
repeated use of the same buildings in order to keep the memory overhead
down. All the major landmarks are very impressively rendered and the road
layout is fairly accurate if occasionally quite eccentric. This isn't
supposed to be an a map of London however, and for most people the fun
will be in just roaring down the main streets and negotiating all those
bends at speed. For those who love racing, the scenery is incidental...
which may be a problem, since the scenery is the best thing about this
game in my opinion.

The handling of all the cars is unremarkable. They make impressive engine
noises and the tyres squeal in a most gratifying way, but the speedo
seems a little eccentric at times. Get used to being stopped by the
police every five minutes as well, although you have only two (improbably
courteous) warnings before you are stopped a third time and the round is

Watch out for your racing opponents - they'll flick you into a wall like
an elastic band given half a chance, and they inflict massive amounts of
damage with just a couple of hits. When your car is wrecked, then once
again it is all over. There is a clever idea in the inclusion of roadside
garages through which you simply drive at speed for an instant repair if
your damage meter gets too high. You should spend your first prize money
on a 'turbo' which can get you out of trouble quickly.

Forget the cars in the garage, daft names or not - show me where can I
buy a police car! No matter what you are driving and at whatever speed,
they catch you easily, turbo or no. If you hit anything they ALWAYS ram
your backside. You can't ram them and it's not always easy to drive
around them although you clearly have enough room... And just what is
that tripe they come out with when they pull you over? Page 37 of "So You
Want to be a Policeman" says quite clearly that there is only one
recommended script for a Traffic PC in this situation:

"So this is YOUR car is it Sunshine? Well then, I suppose you won't
have any trouble telling me the Registration Number, will you?"

Instead you get:

"This is your FIRST warning..."

It sounds like your mate's Dad asking if he can explain the bottle of
Pale Ale that seems to be missing from the cocktail cabinet.

"This is your SECOND warning. One more and you're finished!"

(Wooo-ooo! Get HER!)

"This is your THIRD warning. You're coming with us."

Back to the Videogame shop for a refund with any luck.

Well, I don't want to be too hard on this game. It's like kicking a
puppy. I say again that it isn't fair to compare it with AAA titles.
Those have a bigger budget and better programmers, and that is probably
reflected in the respective price of the games. Which is not to ignore
the fact that there are some major flaws in this one...

The whole game is plagued by 'seaming' and 'pop-up'. You would think
there is an earthquake opening up the road, as trees flicker with
lightning. Buildings spring out of nowhere and sometimes you wonder where
you will drive next, until another piece of motorway appears beneath the
wheels of the car floating in the distance ahead. You get used to this
after a while and it even becomes quite endearing - seeing Buck House
burst into view out of a clear blue sky as you belt along the Mall makes
one quite proud to be British.

The PlayStation version of London Racer seems glitchy too - sometimes you
get 'stuck' to the pavement and have to crawl along at microspeeds until
a helpful Copper rams your backside to unstick you. On several occasions
on the London City run I somehow wound up on the other side of the
buildings, and it is like a Magic Carpet ride as your car floats along an
invisible road with only the distant background screen for company until
you hear sirens and paper buildings pop up to let you know you have found
your way back to the racetrack and you can burst through another wall to
rejoin the action. Bizarre.

The collision detection in any case is frankly ludicrous. You will hear
crunching metal when there isn't anything within 10 feet, especially
around trees.

A few of these phantom hits added to the rest you'll be taking, and soon
enough black clouds emit from the bonnet like Indian Smoke Signals and
you'll have to switch to another view as you now can't see a bloody
thing. Try the 'far' back view as at least then you'll see the Cops
coming. They are like the Terminator: They absolutely will not stop -
EVER!- until they spin pathetically and harmlessly across the other side
of the road.

You can't outrun them and you can't bash them out of the way. You can't
even drive around them sometimes, as they seem to have an invisible
forcefield which causes you to come smashing to a halt if you get within
10 feet or so. If you carry just a little bit of speed then they stay on
the 'proper' side of the road, but if you stop or slow down too much they
take the opportunity to bash you from behind. They pull up behind you and
start issuing a stern talking-to even as the rest of the pack are
crashing the lot of them aside to muscle through and race off while you
are still detained! I mean, where's the Justice?

Mind you, they don't seem to want to follow you the wrong way up a one-
way street (because that's breaking the law isn't it?) They will still
magically appear and bash into you if you somehow crash up there though.
Cars and buses coming the other way are not your friends - if they can
drift into your path at the last moment they will. Expect them to head
your way going past any roadworks, especially if you have a police car on
your tail.

The only recommended avoiding action when you pick up the inevitable
pursuer is to let him catch you quickly and stay just in the middle of
the road and slightly to the right. He will overtake on the inside and
pull across to block just that side of the road. Simple.

Although the natural instinct is to burn around each track as fast as you
can go, in fact it is sometimes better to enter into the spirit of the
game and pace yourself against the other racers. They will slow down on
approaching a waiting patrol car and cruise past as though butter
wouldn't melt; go along with them and once you are a little way past,
just open her up and you are off again. Only a few of the tracks reward
full speed, and it will be a lot more of a challenge if you try to set
yourself the target of not alerting a single patrol car and still
maintaining enough speed to beat your opponents. Trickier than you might

The masterstroke of the programmers is the inclusion of numerous Gatso
speed cameras sneakily placed just where they'll catch you out. These are
eminently destructible! Now, THAT is surely something we all want to do
in real life, so load up the disc and here's your chance...


1: M 2 5 S O U T H

You start the game with a budget of £2000. Your car is a 'NIME' which
even the cat can see is a Mini. You had me fooled there boys. (Just how
much DOES an official licence cost?) Like all the other cars, this is
impressively modelled and rendered, but very dull to drive. You might as
well blow the entire budget on an upgrade, as pretty soon you'll have
money coming out of your ears and nothing to spend it on.

You can upgrade anything or everything but it doesn't make any difference
- whichever car you choose it still handles like a pudding.

I can say that, having driven on just about every major motorway across
the UK, at all times of the day and night, from Aberdeen to Brighton,
Cardiff to Kent; the worst motorway drivers without fear of contradiction
are those on the M25. I don't know why, but I think it is because that
motorway doesn't actually go anywhere but around London. Most drivers
seem to be using it for short hops of a few miles, and having faced the
frustration of 15mph stop-start driving to get to it, they leave common
sense on the slip road and revel in the novelty of a motorway, just like
they've seen on telly. You can actually see the chaos build as they shoot
across to the fast lane (that's what that outside lane is, everybody
knows that), and then race up behind other cars and start flashing their
lights, and then when that lane becomes too congested with other
Thickears they switch lanes to try to make headway (and they don't know a
Left indicator from left luggage). In some parts that motorway is four
lanes wide, and many times for no good reason I have found all four come
to a halt. By then of course, Brain of Britain is long gone. Road rage?
Show me the queue.

How refreshing then, to find the M25 in this game to be about as busy as
6a.m. on Christmas morning. Just what we have always dreamed of, and
almost worth the purchase price for this experience alone. It looks very
convincing - close your eyes a bit and you could almost be there - so top
marks to the development team for scenic authenticity.

For this first level, the police don't seem interested as you blast by...
In fact your opponents are the biggest hazard, as they certainly get a
bit snippy when you pull in front and they will buffet you from behind
and try to run you off the road.

Use all that space on the opposite carriageway to cut the corners and
stay clear of the others, and about the only things to watch for on the
road itself are a couple of lane closures (apart from a peculiar glitch
sometimes that seems like an invisible brick wall somewhere on the left
at the start). Just keep an eye out for the roadsigns and pull over to
the left in good time to clear the roadworks. You get a taste of things
to come with that horrendous pop-up: trees march towards the horizon and
also a police roadblock springs up out of nowhere just before the end.
Keep your wits about you and you'll just win with probably the yellow
Bietl a very close second.

The chap who translated the 'Menue' must have a touch of dyslexia or a
Chinese dictionary, as you are now awarded Price money.

First place = £ 7500
Second = £ 5000
Third = £ 2500
Fourth = £ 1500 (This is with the standard NIME)

Actually, you don't need to be too disappointed with your placing in any
of the rounds, as you get 'bonus' money for doing something or other
which far outweighs the Prize money. I'm not setting any challenges here
(you don't need any tips or a proper walkthrough to finish this very
simple game), but just to let you know what to expect, this is a typical
Results board:

TOTAL TIME : 02:13
PRICE MONEY : £ 7500
BONUS : £ 0
FINES : £ 000
NEW BUDGET : £ 9500


2: L O N D O N C I T Y

Oxford Street
Centre Point
Covent Garden
Waterloo Bridge
Westminster Bridge
Parliament Square (incl. Big Ben)
Trafalgar Square
Piccadilly Circus
Regent Street
Oxford Circus

You start this first street race on a suspiciously bare Oxford Street.
Where are the pavements packed with confused shoppers and tourists and
leafleteers and beggars and pickpockets, and the man holding a sign that
says 'Golf Sale'? Where are the tacky Souvenir shops and the dusty
'Closing Down - Everything Must Go' signs and the rip-off 'Mock
Auctions'? No sign of Selfridges or all those other world-famous stores
down the Posh End either... This should alert you to the fact that we are
not going to get the "Metropolis Street Racer" level of realism here, and
sadly nothing like the level of handling of the cars in that remarkable

Pretty much the best fun to be had in London Racer are the full-throttle
powerslides you can pull (just a little bit like MSR, and Gran Turismo
too come to that) as you sweep down off Waterloo Bridge, and then again
at the next turn onto Westminster Bridge just past the garage; ideally
with patrol cars spinning harmlessly all about you. Now you have a nice
long stretch unhindered by the law, so you can repeat the trick at
Parliament Square as you turn onto Whitehall - this time with the added
bonus of wiping out another Gatso. It is also fun to bop traffic cones
and bollards out of the way as you meet them.

The collision detection on the run behind the National Gallery becomes
truly bizarre. Maybe the pavement is made of rubber or something, because
you'll ricochet off invisible obstacles like a drunk on a Saturday night.

The Gatso just before Piccadilly Circus seems to be a hologram (too often
you'll pass straight through it), but you can knock it down if you slew
across it at an angle. It seems a bit odd that the police don't mind if
you knock a camera down right in front of them, or pass by trailing a
lamp-post from your bumper, but a couple of ticks over 30mph and the
sirens are on. Why aren't they out catching proper criminals?

It may be wise to ease off so as not to bring the pack of police cars
with you around Oxford Circus, as there are roadworks down Oxford Street
just before the end of the lap, and you will have buses and traffic
coming at you head-on, forcing you into the path of any pursuers.

TOTAL TIME : 07:25
PRICE MONEY : £ 7500
BONUS : £ 10000
FINES : £ 100
NEW BUDGET : £ 26900


3: C O U N T R Y R O U T E T O O X F O R D

Windsor Castle
Maidenhead Bridge
Marlow Bridge & Church
Wallingford Castle and Church

Just past the very first arch is a red road sign that seems to be made of
concrete - Keep Left!

The road is very narrow in parts, and you'll have your hands full
fighting off the attentions of your opponents (the Beemer seems
particularly aggressive), so it is best to file past the first patrol car
sedately to leave you in peace on the open road.

Although you can knock all the cameras down, stick to the task of
leapfrogging the other cars. It seems to make no difference whether you
drive fast or slow; they are always on your shoulder ready to zip past.
Make a full-speed dash past the second batch of patrol cars and you
should be over the finish line before they catch up with you.

TOTAL TIME : 02:57
PRICE MONEY : £ 7500
BONUS : £ 10000
FINES : £ 200
NEW BUDGET : £ 44200


4: O X F O R D

Exeter College
All Souls College
University Church (St Mary's)
Merton College
Examination Schools
Queen's College Chapel
Bridge of Sighs
Radcliffe Camera (Bodleian)
St Peter's
Trinity College
Balliol College
Ashmolean Museum

The narrow streets of Oxford's one-way system are a nightmare to drive,
just as in real life but for a different reason. Putting the pedal to the
metal is not likely to bring success here.

You can easily overtake after the first bend as you weave your way
through the traffic, and keep to the pavement on the right so you can
demolish the Gatso. It is now wise to slam on the anchor to cruise at not
much more than 40mph past the first patrol car (it seems better to be
easing off than accelerating if you pass at this speed), and you can give
it a burst of power to stay in touch with your opponents then ease off
past the second waiting there on the grass, and repeat the trick for the
third. This leaves you unhindered to blast along the narrow passage
before you once again yank the handbrake (Triangle) to crawl past the
fourth patrol car and then you can roar off again once around the corner.
If you pick up any of these boys, then I recommend making a dash for it
and collecting the whole lot of them. The street is very narrow, and as
they will inevitably slide across your path somewhere, you may as well
take the punishment and have the lot of them caution you at once rather
than one after the other.

Pull away in an orderly fashion after this so that they don't get back on
your case too soon. Once they leave their waiting positions, the police
cars cruise the circuit very slowly, so watch out for those white cars on
the next lap. You shouldn't lose too much time as you pursue the others,
who rather improbably have just barged through the Coppers without so
much as an "Excuse me". There are two very sharp left-hand turns with
pointy buildings which will catch you every time if you try to carry too
much speed through them, and this is where the police like to take the
chance to bash you.

There is also a tight gateway leading into the Bodleian, and if you hit
the pillar there you'll stick like Velcro. Once you negotiate this and
the other gate leading back to the main road, you can open her up again
and easily avoid the rest of the police cars. A sneaky trick often played
by the yellow Bietl when he is right behind you here is to catapult you
through this gate so that you have no choice but to flash past the
waiting patrol cars there and get chased. - Hey, what about HIM? Not only
Speeding, but Dangerous Driving too! I don't know... What can you do?
Luckily, Broad Street is - well - 'broad', so tempting the police car to
an early spin is easy. Not so if either of the next pair follow you all
the way back to the Starting line...

The entrance to the garage along that last straight is annoyingly
protected by invisible forcefields around the trees and pavements, so a
high-speed refit is not recommended.

Slow but sure wins this race, so take a few moments to admire the
fabulous aerial perspective of those Dreaming Spires in the morning
light, and say goodbye to Oxford with yet more cash swelling your

TOTAL TIME : 05:23
PRICE MONEY : £ 7500
BONUS : £ 20000
FINES : £ 0
NEW BUDGET : £ 61910


5: C O U N T R Y R O U T E T O L O N D O N

Avebury Stone Circle
Typical English country sites (i.e. pubs and garages)

Don't forget to check that damage is on zero. You have to spend that cash
on something! (There is no garage on this route.)

It doesn't seem that you can knock the speed cameras down on this little
run in the country, and there isn't much else to do except look at the
scenery. This is worth it anyway, because the pop-up becomes truly
spectacular. The canopy of trees seems to be cast by Spiderman - just
watch as a web of branches is spun above your head. Drop the anchor
emerging from the trees, as there are a load of police cars waiting on
the roundabout. Perhaps they are expecting New Age Travellers to turn up
at nearby Stonehenge? Don't let some sneaky opponent cannon you at speed
past these guys because there is enough to cope with because of all
traffic coming your way.

Stonehenge itself is a hoot. Maybe it was built by a Druid Tommy Cooper,
because "Just like that!" cardboard cutout monoliths pop up from nowhere.
Avebury is improbably nearby and there is a repeat performance.

The map for this track clearly shows a White Horse somewhere at the
start, which is also shown on the cover artwork for the PC version, but I
couldn't see it here. I'm getting the feeling that this game has only
half the features of the PC one... And come to think of it - where is the
Lotus from the opening credits?

POSITION : 4 (They took me on the final turn, honestly!)
TOTAL TIME : 03:11
PRICE MONEY : £ 1500 (For coming LAST?!)
BONUS : £ 20000 (No, really - you shouldn't...)
FINES : £ 100 (No problem. There you go, mate)
NEW BUDGET : £ 77150 (A Jag please, and something for the Missus)


6: P A R K A N D P A L A C E

Westminster Abbey
Houses of Parliament
Big Ben
Horse Guards Parade
Admiralty Arch
The Mall
Queen Victoria Memorial
Buckingham Palace
Wellington Arch (Hyde Park Corner)

The challenge here is to keep your thumb on the X for the whole 2 laps.

TOTAL TIME : 07:06
PRICE MONEY : £ 7500
BONUS : £ 22000
FINES : £ 800
NEW BUDGET : £ 105850


7: M 2 5 S O U T H

Is it just me, or is this section not exactly the same as the first, only
with a different sky? And just where is The Dome? We were promised a Dome
and I want one.

TOTAL TIME : 02:14
PRICE MONEY : £ 7500
BONUS : £ 22000
FINES : £ 0
NEW BUDGET : £ 135350


8: T H A M E S

London Bridge station
London Dungeon
HMS Belfast
Tower Bridge
Tower of London
Bank of England
St Paul’s
Cannon Street Station
London Bridge

My favourite section, but only because I live nearby. The normal queue of
Benetton kids outside the London Dungeon at the start seems to be
missing, and then there is some ingenious mapping to include a drive-by
of HMS Belfast. The Gatso there is a little tricky to line up as you are
coming off the bend, unless you scrub off some speed first.

Tower Bridge is very narrow, and if there is a bus coming to force you to
swerve, you'll get battered for sure if there is a police car on your
tail, so perhaps it is best to creep past the one waiting there unless
you like to live dangerously. You can demolish those beautiful Victorian
cast-iron lamp-posts as you sweep the left pavement on the other side for
the speed camera. It is nice not to have a close escort, as you may need
to swing left into the garage around the corner for running repairs.
Judge which side of the Monument to take very carefully, as the turn
after it is sharper than it first appears if you are forced to the right
by traffic and the pavement is 'sticky' too. You can give it the gun all
the way past the next Gatso, as the street is more than wide enough to
shake off the chasing Cop cars. The only tricky part is not to get
snagged by the wall alongside St Paul's.

There is another ingenious mapping trick at the end of the lap, where at
one moment you are coming the 'wrong' way past the entrance to London
Bridge Station and the next you are blasting down a startlingly accurate
Tooley Street. Wonderful. You should win this round easily with a decent
car and that's it.

POSITION : 2 (Got me on the last bend AGAIN...)
TOTAL TIME : 07:28
PRICE MONEY : £ 5000
BONUS : £ 32000
FINES : £ 0
NEW BUDGET : £ 172350

Just look at the rubbish 'plastic' Cup you are awarded! What does it say?
"THE WINNINNER OF ALL"? Maybe it got lost in translation from the Dutch.

For some reason, you can't select your choice of track even after having
completed the game, so if you want to relive any of those racing moments,
you will be forced to battle your way through the other sections first. I
managed the above scores in the bog-standard NIME with no upgrades at all
(just repair bills), in under an hour without trying particularly hard.
Value for money? You decide.



So how can London Racer be improved? (Sensible suggestions only - these
things are already in the game, they just need to be implemented a little

Make the prize worth winning
Award only enough money for a hard-fought third place to afford just the
least improvement to the car that allows you to go a little faster next
time. Then you can challenge for second place, and this in turn awards
just enough to buy an upgrade to your car to realistically go for the win
at last... This means that the race should really BE a race, and be
nearly impossible to win without earning the upgrades first.

Make the prize money reflect the purchase price of a better car
After only a couple of tracks, you get showered with so much cash that
you buy all the cars, max. them out and you still get even more money
after the next track and nothing left to spend it on.

Make the speeding fines really hurt
Who cares about £100 fines when you get £30000 just for finishing? Make
the prize money only a Monkey or so and we have the incentive to knock
those cameras down on the first lap. Perhaps add in on-the-spot fines for
being cautioned; again, these should really hurt so that you need to
avoid every encounter instead of breezing past the patrol cars and merely
taunting them.

Make the police chases more interesting
As soon as you hear the sirens, you must face the inevitable. They WILL
catch up and overtake you. Always. Why?

If you crash, they will ram you. Always. Why?

You cannot damage them. Why not?

Why don't they take even a teeny tiny bit of interest in the others?

Make collisions more realistic
The collision detection is always frustrating, sometimes infuriating and
often plain surreal. Invisible walls, force fields, giant kerbs, concrete
road signs, transparent trees, disappearing buildings...

Make the Artificial Intelligence better
All right, so this IS asking a lot, but your opponents especially seem so
robotic that it is almost criminal. They just shoot off and stick in a
pack, so that you can overtake on the first couple of bends and then they
always sit only just behind you, ready to overtake on your first mistake,
whichever car you have or whatever speed you drive at.

Bearing in mind that the racing environment (even though it looks great)
is so poor, I would ask Davilex: "Was that really the very best you could
do? Were you yourselves truly satisfied with the game?" Perhaps it's just
me - their corporate website trumpets the fact that they have sold
100,000 units (for PSX and PC) in the UK, but I would guess that is
because of the knockdown price, and not because of wildfire
recommendations. I wonder how many of those customers would agree that
although the background artwork is generally very impressive, just about
everything else lets the game down. I say this without satisfaction, as I
really, really wanted this game to be good; in fact I was hoping for
Great, but maybe in the end I should just settle for OK, which is really
all it is. Improvements please.



Released: November 1999
Developers: Davilex
Publisher: -


© J Woodrow 2002

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