Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts

16.10.2013 23:43:19
Faq version 1.6 for Kingdom Hearts (Jap version) on ps2

/KK /kkk
/KKK /kkk
KKK /kkk III /ggg ~~
KKK/KKK III nnn I ggggg \DDD\ /oo\ IMN /M\
KKKKKK III I nn I gg g\ D DD o o IM MM MM
KKK\KKK III I nnn gggggg D DD \oo/ IM MM MM
KKK \KKK ggg /DD~~ /IM MM MM
\| /M/
\| \ /\ // /M/
\ \ii// / MM
======== MM
HhhhhhhH hhhhhhhH
Hhhh hhh hhh hhhH
Hhhh hhhhhh hhhH
Hhhh hhh hhh hhh hhhH
Hhhh hh hh hh hh hhhH
Hhhh hhh hhh hhhH
Hhhh hhhH
Hhhh hhhH
/ II /I II \ /////I
II II EEEEE /II III\ ~~~~~/ // I

Information of the faq and the game
Faq author= Yuna10
Faq/guide version = 1.6
Game's title=Kingdom Hearts
Release Date=28 th March 2002 (japan)
Players support= 1 player
Produced by=Squaresoft
Theme song by =Utada Hikaru "Hikari"
Progressing Status= 79 %
| Words from Author |
This is my faq/chart walkthrough for the japanese version of Kingdom Hearts
for Playstation 2.I made this guide mainly for helping people who got stuck
at certain point of the game ,hopefully this will be able to help them. I
try to make the whole guide in chart form so I can avoid spoilers. There are
also some translations of Items ,abilities and magic which is translated by
my friends and me.They are not 100% correct, if you find any errors, or a more
suitable names for them,feel free to contact me at
English isn't my mother tongue, I tried my best not to make too much grammar
mistakes in the faq.Hopefully my weak english will not cause any inconvenience
to the readers.You also need jis-viewer in your browser in order to view
japanese characters in the faq properly.If you have great infos/tips of the
game, and you can send me about it, you will get a credit in my faq.


(( Disclaimers ))
This faq is protected by international law, you cannot change / alter
anything in this faq. Please respect the author. Please do not reproduce
it in any forms and feel free to distribute it between individual. This
FAQ is for personal and private use only. DO NOT use this FAQ for profitable
purposes. If anyone wants to place this FAQ onto any websites, please e-mail
me first. Usually I would be most happy that people actually wanted to place
my FAQ onto their site. If I have given you the permission to place the FAQ,
please keep this FAQ as it is, do not change the author name and the
information here.

2002 copyright Yuna10

******************************Faq version*************************************

--Faq history
Faq version 1.0 -First time uploaded the faq, many parts are not yet
10/4/2002 complete.

Faq version 1.1 -Second time update, add mores infos and chart walkthrough
13/4/2002 until MONSTRO, add an item list.

Faq version 1.2 -No progression in chart walkthrough, first time uploaded
17/4/2002 Jap characters in the faq.

Faq version 1.3 -Fixes some errors and typos. New title arts. Finished
19/4/2002 the item combinations part. Added some jap fonts for
abilities an a new accessories list.

Faq version 1.4- Fixes more errors and more infos on summons. Added some
26/4/2002 tip submitted by people. More progression on walkthrough
Added a chart world map. Completed magic list.

Faq version 1.5- Added an Ansem reports list. Finally reach the end of the
10/5/2002 game(chart walkthrough).Changed the format of the
walkthrough a bit to make it looks better. Found out
the coliseum rank's appearance conditions.

Faq version 1.6- Many gummi ship updates. Corrected a few typos


Plans on next update \-----------------------------------------------------
Some people emailed me asking about the gummi ship details. I have put
all the things I know into the faq in the newest version. Hope it helps :)
I will add bosses strategy for coliseum special bosses soon.

Content |
Section 1
1.1-World Map Chart
1.2-Chart walkthrough

Section 2
2.1-Abilities List

2.2-Magic List
2.3-Summons List~
2.4-Equipments List
|_Weapons list
| \Sora
| \Donald
| \Goofy
|_Accessory List

2.5-Item list
\Battle items
\Menu items
\Key items
\Combination Items
\Ansem Report list

Section 3
3.1 Trinity Location
3.2 Item Combination guide
3.3 101 puppies quest
3.4 Coliseum Data
3.5 Gummi Ship
3.6 Side Quests
\Pooh's quests
\Hagaki list
\Hidden ending
\Hidden bosses


=========================| SECTION 1 |=========================

1.1 World Map chart

Warp Hole
/----------\ \ /-----Halloween--\ Warp hole
/ Wonderland / Town \ to traverse
/ \ / \ / town
Traverse town Deep Jungle || \ /
\ / \ Neverland--Hollow
/\ /\ Agrabah / Bastion
/ \ / \ \ / ||
Warp / \-Olympus-/ \ / \ / ||
Hole to Coliseum \----------/ \-Monstro-Atlantica ||
Hollow Warp Hole End of
BASTION AREA the world

***Certain places only appear after some events

To travel from town to town, you need to board on Gumi ship. After you have
been to the town once, you can use the WARP drive instead of NORMAL drive
and reach the town without playing the gumi ship mini game.

1.2 Chart walkthrough
|| MEZAME GARDEN ( Waking up garden )||
-After the opening, you can now control your character
with the left analog stick of the dual shock. There is
three weapons to choose from. Sora 's status
differ depend on which weapons that you have chosen.

-First battle with enemies Heartless, shadow. Press R1
button to log on an enemy/object. Press it again to log off.

-Destroy the box, and examine and enter the door.

-Talk to Selphie, Wakka, Tidus.

-Beat enemies, a save point appears.

-Follow the rainbow path that appears.

-A boss (darkside) appears at the end of the path.

\ Enemies of the area \

\ Bosses of the area \
Darkside - Not very hard,lock on its hand,keep attacking it.
When it raised its hand, press jump then attack its
hand again.

\ Abilities /magics /items gotten in this area \

\ Extra infos \
Below is the status of the various weapons you chosen at the beginning
**thanks to Lerie-chan for this
Sword and Shield Ap 1 Mp 2 Att 5 Def 2
Sword and Staff Ap 3 Mp 2 Att 5 Def 1
Shield and Staff Ap 3 Mp 2 Att 3 Def 4
Shield and Sword Ap 1 Mp 2 Att 4 Def 4
Staff and Shield Ap 3 Mp 3 Att 2 Def 3
Staff and Sword Ap 3 Mp 3 Att 4 Def 1

-Wake up from dreams, talking with Riku,Kairi

-Talk to Kairi,need to collect materials,2 woods, a large
cloth ,and a rope.(refer to extra infos for location)

-Fight with Tidus ,Wakka ,Selphie and Riku.[optional]

-A save point in the wooden house near Riku

-Talk to Kairi after collected all the materials. Cut scenes again.

-First cut scenes of Donald

-The next day, talk to Riku, give your new ship a name
[default name is Excalibur ]

-A race with Riku.

-Talk to Kairi, need to collect foods for your adventure on ship/raft
(3 mushrooms,2 wooden fruits,3 fishes, water, a sea dori egg)

-Talk to Kairi again. After that cut scenes with Kairi ,
Sora then Donald.

-After cutscenes,find Riku. Enemies appear in the area.[wood sword is
ineffective against them ]

-Riku is in the small island, talk to him.You get a keyblade after
an event. Head to secret cave that has just reveal a door to you.

-Cutscenes again,then fight Dark side again.

\ Enemies of the area \

\ Bosses of the area \
Tidus [optional] =He isn't too tough, do not get too close to him.
Always aim at him after he finished his combos. Jump
behind him when you got the chance.

Wakka [Optional] =Has a lot of Hp. Attack you with blitzball, usually
it is very easy to dodge. Attack him after he threw
the ball. When he is spinning his arm, he is gonna
use a more powerful blitzball throw at you. As long
as you dodge his blitzball and attack him at the
right time, he isn't tough.

Selphie [Optional]=She has less HP, and her attacks are weak. She
does not use her whips attack very often so she should
be a pushover.Her recovery time after attacking is very
long, which gave you a good chance to finish her.

Selphie +Wakka+ Tidus=After you beat them one by one,you can choose to
(optional) fight them 3 at once.This is kind of hard since
you need to face three of them. Tidus and Selphie
will always try get close to you. Focus on Tidus
first, but beware of Wakka's blitzball attack.
As for Selphie,she is very weak, beat her after Tidus
is gone. Always watch for Wakka's attack.

Riku [ Optional ] =He is strong,he has a 3 hit combo attack,and can counter
attack when he is guarding.He likes to jump at you then
uses the 3 hit combos. Always use jump attack at him,do
not compete with him directly, he is able to blow you off
easily if you did. You might need some potions for this

Dark Side [2 nd time ]= Same strategy used with the first time,aim at his
hand.He has a new attack now,which is quite
damaging.He charged energy in his hand,make some
ted energy balls falling from sky. If you are able
to beat Selphie ,Wakka and Tidus,this should an easy

\ Abilities /magics /items gotten in this area \

\ Extra infos \
Materials'location 1
Large cloth - It is inside the small wooden house above, access
to it through ladder, it is on the wall.
Rope - It is on the ship where Tidus was training there.
Woods - One is on the beach, another one is near Riku.

Materials's location 2
3 mushrooms= One is hidden among the grasses. One is in a cave
blocked by a stone, the last one is in the secret
cave which is behind Wakka.
Drinking water = There is a water flow under the broken bridge
near Riku.
3 fishes =Water near the beach.
Ocean Dori Egg= On the top of the tree near the wooden house
which has a save point in it.
Wooden fruit= Hit on those coconut looking trees until green fruits
fall down.

Here is a tip/hint submitted by David Tang
Hi there, just want to tell u that u can gain level in the destiny island
stage by fighting Tidus, Wakka & Selphie. I DO NOT mean by defeating them.
The trick is when u are in a fight with anyone of them, try to hit them as
they are ABOUT TO HIT U, u well get tech pts for that plus the boss will not
"die"(only Tidus & Selphie) which means inf. pts gaining if u r skillful. U
can easily become level 16, if u have the time & patient. I recommend
fighting Tidus as every hit gains 2tech pts. And this not a joke or what, u
need to have good timing in order to do it. This is the rough idea for u to
know what I am trying to tell, if u want more details just mail back to me.
Hope this is useful & thanx for setting up the walkthrough it sure helps a lot.


-Wake up, make your way into the accessory shop, talk to
Cid inside the shop. You are in street no:1 of the town now.

-Exit the shop, go into Street no:2 from the door behind accessory
shop. When you entered the screen, a short cut scene occurred.

-Visit all the places in the Street no:2 {u should see some
scenes showing that Donald and Goofy are in street no:2 as well)

-Go back into Street no 1,enter the accessory shop again. When you
walk out from the shop, battle with Leon(Squall).

-When you woke up,you are in one of the room of the hotel in street no:2.
After cut scenes, Heartless appears again.

-Go to Street no:3, Goofy and Donald joined in the team

-A boss [Guard Armor appeared].

-After the boss,Goofy and Donald officially join you now. Learn the
Fire magic and Dodge roll ability. Able to board on gumi ship now.(From save
menu, choose the gumi ship option].Before you leave, near the exit of the
Traverse town, there is a small blue little foot mark on the floor.
Examine it to learn blue trinity.

-Exit through the gate to the world,in search of Kairi and the king mickey
with Donald and Goofy now.

\ Enemies of the area \
Shadow ,Soul Jar

\ Bosses of the area \
Leon [Squall] -His can deal quite some damage with his gunblade.
Always try to dodge his gunblade trigger damage.
He will also run away if you try to do combo attack
on him.I found that when he is taunting,you will have
a chance to attack him.He really can't deal much damage
with his normal combo attack because it is slow, and you
will be able to evade it in a second.His upper guard
is low,try to jump and attack him.As long as you got the
timing to evade his gunblade fire attack,he is not a

Guard Armor -This boss has a lot of parts.Hands,legs,body .But
since you have 3 characters now,it is not a problem.
Donald will cast cure on you when your hp is low. The boss
will sometimes step on you with the legs ,jump to evade it.
Just focus on the hands and legs parts first,then finally the
Body.It will spin its body sometimes which will prevent you
to attack it.Always have atleast 2 or 3 potions in hand
befor boss battle.

\ Abilities /magics /items gotten in this area \
Magic learned : Fire ,after Donald and Goofy joined you
Ability learned : Dodge Roll ,Goofy taught you after he joined.
Blue trinity ,trinity step learned

\ Extra infos \
Trinity is a special command that is only useable when Goofy,Donald are
with you on a foot mark looking iron throughout the game.There are different
colours of trinity marks in various towns and dungeon.You can only access to
certain marks after you learn that trinity.(eg:if you had only learned blue
trinity(trinity step),you will not be able to use trinity command on other
trinity mark except the blue one }

***There is a house in Street no:2,there are 2 doggies in the house.
You will begin your side quests from now in search of their children.
They are scatter over the world,dungeons. Once you have found certain amount
of their children,come back here and meet them.They will give you rewards.


From now,you can do the 3 following quests in any order,but I suggest you do
The WonderLand 's quest first since its bosses and enemies are easier...

-After landing, you will see a rabbit is in hurry reporting to a queen .
Follow him to a small room.

-After some cut scenes, talk to the DOOR there, and a table with 2 potions
on it revealed. After that, you will see there is a bed beside of the DOOR.
Push it in.

-Get close to the table, click on the bottom command to drink the Potion and
your characters become smaller. Enter through the hole that revealed behind
the bed.

-After some scenes about Alice,you are required to collect evidence to prove
that Alice is innocent.

-There is a save point in the room.

-Enter the forest of Pass to search for evidence, the entrance is in the same
room as well. Enter the room, scenes with Cheshire cat. If you are able to
collect 3 evidence, it will give you something nice.

-There are many hidden treasures in this Pass forest, some of them you are
only able to get them later in the game.

-I am yet to find all the evidences. But I did found some. There is an evidence
in one of the flowers(you need to feed them what they want, some of them
want potion while others want ether].Feed one of the flowers near the entrance
an ether,you will become big again. Step on a wood switch to make another
mushroom tower rise up. Now hit on the big tree to turn it around. Log on
the red fruit above it, hit on it to make it drop to the floor. Eat the fruit
to become small again.Now you can access to two exits of the room,both of the
exit should lead to a place with an evidence.

-When you found 3 evidences,Cheshire cat will appear and teach you
the blizzard magic.

-Now go back to the room of the queen of heart.Talk to the tramp knight
infront of her, and select the option to start the judging again.

-There are 5 boxes to choose for,choose anyone of them.Battle with tramp knight.

-Cutscenes showing Alice disappeared.Go into the Pass Forest again.Cutscenes
with Cheshire cat.Go into the new exit which is once blocked by a huge rock.

-On the dining table ,there are 7 seats there. Sit on them to get presents
from the table. You are unable to get the treasure chest on the 2 nd floor
of the house now ,so do not waste energy.

-Enter the door of the house.Cutscenes of Cheshire cat.

-Light on the two lamps at the middle of the room.Cut scenes with Chesire

-Return to the room with a table and potions on it.Go on the top of the table.
Conversation with Cheshire cat and boss battle with trick master.

-After your victory, cut scenes showing Sora lock the keyhole of this whole
land. Gotten another piece of Navigumi kakera [navigumi pieces]

\ Enemies of the area \
coming soon

\ Bosses of the area \
TRAMP KNIGHTS =The red tramp knights seem to be stronger. Anyway try not
to waste time to beat them .They will be revived after
certain time even if you manage to beat them down.
Including the Queen herself.Focus your attack on the thing
With 3 wheels which control the cage which Alice was in.

Trick Master = This boss is tall. Normally you won't be able to use
your combo attack on it very effectively unless it bends
down.Try to jump onto the higher place [table], use magic
or jump attack on it until it bends its body down.
When it bent down,keep doing combo attacks on it,and it
will be gone soon.

\ Abilities /magics /items gotten in this area \
Blizzard = Learn it from Cheshire cat after finding 3 evidences for Alice.

\ Extra infos \

-Go inside to the lobby, talk to Phil there.

-There is a save point in the lobby.

-Move the big rock, and conversation with Phil.

-Talk to Phil again. Accept his test.(destroy all the barrels
in time}

-Learn the spell ,Thunder.

-Now go to the entrance of the Coliseum. Hades gives you
an Entry Ticket. Go back into lobby again.

-Talk to Phil again, you are able to take part in Coliseum
battle now. After the first battle you will have event with
Cloud. In the final battle, you will have to fight Cloud.

-Boss cerberus appears. After the battle, Phil admire you by
giving you Hero License. Leaving to the Coliseum entrance.
Event with Cloud, learn ability Sonic Break from Cloud.

\ Enemies of the area \
- -

\ Bosses of the area \
Cloud- He is fast and strong. He likes to charge toward you at
tremendous speed, which is quite destructive. He also
has a move which looks like his BRAVER move in ff7 and stab
his sword to the ground. Try to use dodge roll more. Always
use dodge when he charged at you. Maybe cause of Sora
is a lot shorter than him, when I used Sora and doing combo
in front of him ,he doesn't rebel my attack like other bosses
do. Stand in front of him when he is doing combo on you, use
the guard action, and you are able to break his combo easier.
After you dodged his charges, use magic at him. So remember
to have some Ethers and potions prepared.....

Cerberus-This boss is huge. Focus the attack on its head. When it use
fireballs at you ,try to evade it by hiding to its back.
I have seen people saying that this boss is weak at fire.
I can't confirm this, so try at your own risk.It also has an attack
that chase after you. Jump and keep attacking its head until your
Mp gauge recover and then stay away from it while keep using fire
Spell at it.When your mp gauge is empty again, keep attacking him
To restore your mp gauge. Repeat this and you should beat him.

\ Abilities /magics /items gotten in this area \
Thunder = Phil gave you after you passed his test.
Sonic break = At the end of the quest.

\ Extra infos \
** You can always come back to fight for the Cups/trophy.
There are 4 type of them. Getting to Rank 1 to each of
them usually gotten you new magic or precious items.

-When you reached here, Donald will have an argue with Sora.

-Landed in the big house on the tree. Sabo will attack you. Tarzan
came and saved you. Tarzan joined you, now searching for
Donald and Goofy.

-Cut scenes of Donald and Goofy. Regain control of Sora.
From the house, jump to the bottom of the Jungle.

-Arrived at a shady place, there is a save point in the corner.
Exit by jumping into the big hole.

-Landed at the camp site, enter the tent. Talk to Jane who
is in the tent.

-After events, you need to find 6 pieces of slides now. Goofy and
Donald rejoined. The 6 pieces of slides are easy to find. They
are the small card looking thing scatter all over the camp site.
There are a few cards that is on the top of the tent.

-Collected all the slides, go back into the tent and examine the
projector. After that cut scenes with Clayton, take the left exit,
to a swampy water area with hippopotamus. Basically there are two
exits to take here .****There is a vine which u can climb on it near
the entrance. Another exit is far from the entrance, where you need to
jump on hippopotamus 's back to get to it.

-For now, take the exit that is far from the entrance of the screen.
Now you will have events with the gorillas.

-After the event, exit to the swamp area again. Now take another exit.
You will have to learn how to swing from vines to vines.
At the end you should reach a place, where there is a vine you can
climb to reach upper area.

-You need to go to the big house on the tree now. You will reach the
wide area of the tree where you will see some flowers on ground
which can only be opened by magic. One of the exits lead to the house on
the big tree. After the event of Donald stopping Clayton from hunting the
gorilla, return to the tent again.

-Cut scenes again, Clayton exit from the tent. Exit the tent and
Heartless appears again. Now go through every area that heartless
appeared in it. You will receive some rewards from the gorilla in each
area after you clear the heartless. The area include the bamboo place,rocky
wall area,camp site,house on the big tree,Wide area of the big tree.

-After helping all the gorillas, go back into the tent again and talk to
Jane. After you heard the gun sound, leave the tent, head to the
Bamboo place, Sabo the tiger appears again.

-Cutscenes. Return to the tent and Jane is no longer there. Head to the
swamp area, take the exit near the entrace again. Go to the wide area on
big tree. Destroy the big black fruit to save Jane.

-Head to the camp site again. This time go to back rocky wall area.
Boss battle with Clayton. Gotten healing power, get the first healing
spell Cure.

-Cutscenes after boss battle, reached a new area. Go inside to the
Waterfall cave. Enter the hole that is on the top of the waterfall cave.

-Found the keyhole. Gotten another navi gumi kakera[pieces].
Event takes place. After that scenes of the evil side of the game
show up. Gotten new weapon for Sora.Learn Red trinity as well.
Your quest in DEEP JUNGLE is complete now.

\ Enemies of the area \
coming sooon..

\ Bosses of the area \
Clayton -First you need to beat him, along with a few other heartless
enemies, finish off the heartless first. Then concentrate on him.
He will only have a chance to attack you a lot if you stay far
off him.So always get close to him,attack with your combos.
Sometimes he will run away and use potion on himself,so chase
After him,at short range he will most probably can't use his
gun attack very effective.After that he will reveal his second
form,he is on the air.But still not too tough,use magic on him
while hitting him with your weapon.At the lizard revealed itself,
it will shoot some laser that always chase after.It is hard to
evade it ,so try to save energy and blast the boss instead.
Other than the Lizard,you also have to beat Clayton with full Hp
again,but still have potions and ethers ready,always watch your
hp and the Clayto will be a goner.

\ Abilities /magics /items gotten in this area \
Magic spell Cure =gotten after beating Clayton in the DEEP JUNGLE.
Red trinity learned, trinity smash.

\ Extra infos \

***Now you have visited all the places in this world already. Donald suggested
your party to see Leon now. So you need to go back to Traverse town again.


-Before you continue this, make sure you have learned the Red trinity.

-Talk to Yuffie who is in STREET NO 1.She told you Leon is training
under water tunnel entrance.

-In street no:2,enter to the place behind the Hotel. Near
the underwater tunnel entrance, there is a red trinity mark.
Use trinity here to get into the underwater place.

-Talk to Squall twice, he will give you an item named Shine
of the land.

-Go back to Street no:1,talk to CID in the accessory shop.

-Go to Street no:3,there is a door with flame mark there,
cast fire spell at the door, it should be opened.

-Enter the small house, cut scenes with a magician.
{The empty house has become Bookstore of Magic }

-A Fairie appears in room, talk to her. She will make the
item Shine of the land into your summon magic Simba.

-There is a book, which is accessable by now, and it is an
optional quests.[I will include this in side quests section}

-Leave the house to street no:3. Cut scenes with Riku.
There is an empty house called small house in street no:3.
Enter the house and talk to Cid.

-Leave street no:3 to street no:2.Take the upper left path in Street no:2.
At the end you will arrived in a factory /machines room. Exit the room.

-Climb on the ladder, you will see red trinity mark on the wall.
use trinity on it, and it reveals a bell to you. Ring the bell 3 times in
a row,and a keyhole appeared.

-Boss fight.After that cut scenes take place.Gotten another Navigumi pieces.
Learn magic AERO. Return to street no:1,talk to Cid. There is a warp
hole between the connection path of Olympus Coliseum and Deep Jungle now.
That is your next destination.

\ Enemies of the area \

\ Bosses of the area \
Opposite Armor=This boss has a lot of parts.And this time it has 2 forms.
By now you should beat its first form easily.The first form
is the same with guard armor.Its second form is much deadlier.
Destroy its legs first, after that it will launch some
energy at you at tremendous speed,which is destructive.
Use dodge roll to evade it as soon as possible.Instead of
running away,get close to its body and stay below of its
main body.Now even if it launches energy at you,it can't
hurt you as long as you dodge under of its body at the
right timing.Keep hitting its body while having some potions
to aid you.

\ Abilities /magics /items gotten in this area \
Simba Summon =gotten Item from Squall,take it to the Fairie(godmother)
Aero =After locking the keyhole of the the traverse town

\ Extra infos \
*** After this,you can go to OLYMPUS COLISEUM to get the spell Gravity
after you get to rank 1.


-Cut scenes of Mareficent and Jaafar.

-Arrived Agrabah,go to Aladdin's house in second screen(save point).Examine
the magic flying carpet inside. It flies away.

-Unlock the hidden keyhole in Aladdin's house

-Meet Jasmine in another place in the same city, cut scenes with her and
Jaafar .Battle with enemies heartless.

-Leave the city,meet the magic carpet in the desert.

-Arrived at another place,save Aladdin by beating all the enemies.

-Cut scenes take place.Go back to Aladdin house again.The road is blocked now.
There is an entrance above the store room {store room has save point in it)

-There are many treasures boxs in the city,some of them are only accessable
later in the game.

-Now there is an exit the screen at right most of the screen {opposite of
Aladdin's house },and you will reach a new screen through the exit.There is
a keyhole in the screen,unlock it to open a gate/door in the previous screen.

-Go back to the previous screen.The door/gate at the left side of you,which
was locked justnow ,has been opened.Take the exit.

-Cut scenes again.Boss fight with Pot centipede.After that leave the city again.
The magic flying carpet gets you to another place.

-Examine the magic cavern entrance {tiger head).Boss fight with tiger head.

-Enter the tiger 's mouth which is an entrance.

-Get to the exit which lead to the underground at right side of the screen.
{actually when you fall into those big deep holes, you will reach the
underground place too.)At the underground water place, there are many
statues which is higher than you can reach. You can command Aladdin's monkey
to do the job {trigger the switch on statue }

-Make your way to the room with large pillar ,log on the pillar and use Fire
magic at it. After that cut scenes took place and door in treasure room

-Get back to the entrance of the cavern again. From now you should not
fall into those big deep holes .The whole dungeon is pretty straight
forward. There is only one way which lead you to Jaafar if you avoid
falling into those holes.

-At the end you will reach the Treasure store room{a save point).

-The gate to the room of the lamp is opened now. Boss fight with Jaafar.
Magic blizzard upgraded to blizzara after the boss.

-Jump into the hole,boss fight with Jaafar again. Gotten Fira after the

-Exit the whole dungeon with magic flying carpet.Cut scenes with Aladdin.
Gotten summon Genie and learn green trinity ,a desire lamp weapon.

-The whole quest is complete.

\ Enemies of the area \
coming soon..

\ Bosses of the area \
Pot Centipede - Basically,the main parts of the boss are its head and its back.
Its body is formed by those pot enemies around the area.Do not
attack the head when it was charging bolt on it.Magic
blizzard and thunder works quite good on it.After you attacking
it for a while,its head and tail will be separated from its
body.And you can take the time to attack the pots now.When
most of the pots are destroyed,it will run to another area,
summonning those pots enemies to form its body again.Focus on
tail and head.Although it always rebels your attack,but you
can still do quite some damages on it.Sonic break works quite
well in this battle as well.Its electric damage is deadly,
save more mp for the spell cure.{need more infos on this boss)

Tiger Head - Its weakness spot is its eyes.But when it raised the head,it is too
high for your character to reach it.It can ' vomit' some heartless
enemies from its mouth.And the deadliest one ,is probably those
laser came from its eyes,and it will chase after you.{not too hard
to evade but there are a lot of them).First,get the chance to
When you are doing combo to its eyes,you will most probably fall to
the ground very easily.Stand in between its eyes will grant you
lesser chance to fall down.The strategy is like this,do a combo
to its eyes,then stand back to the are between its eyes again.
Repeating this and you can beat this one easily.

Jaafar - Genie will be your enemy this time.You can't attack genie,so don't
waste time on trying.He couldn't deal too much damage on you though.
Jaafar has some deadly magic spells though,always have potions ready
if you are unable to evade it.At first Jaafar will be on the air,
which is too high for you to hit him.Sometime he will come down to do
some combo attack to you,which is weak and easy to evade.You can
take the chance,jump and do combo at him.Always watch for his magic
spell attack,some of them are fast and hard to stay away from.

Jaafar {genie} - This boss isn't too hard,but it took a lot of times to beat
him down.His main weakness is the Lamp,which is with his
pet,a parrot.Aim at the parrot,and chase after it to attack
the lamp.As for the boss himself,he doesn't has too much
attack pattern.He will be doing the fireball storm attack
the most,which is slow and not too deadly.But the most
annoying part is,when you are chasing after his parrot,he keep
throwing the fireball at you.So always watch out for his
fireball.I have heard of people keep using blizzara on
the boss himself,and it can deal damages on him.So try it
at your own risk.

\ Abilities /magics /items gotten in this area \
Green trinity,trinity tower
Weapon for Sora ,Desire lamp

\ Extra infos \

-Swallowed by the whale.

-Cut scenes with Pinocchio. Follow him to the boat. Ignore those treasure
chests as for now, you won't be able to get them until later.

-Talk to Geppetto, follow Pinocchio to the stomach part 1 entrance .
Event with Riku.

-Chasing after Riku, this part is confusing and hard to explain.
Just enter the stomach parts in the following order.
Stomach part 2 => stomach part 3 => stomach part 2 => stomach part 5=>
Stomach part 6 => stomach part 5 => stomach part 4
(big thanks to lery chan for this ^_^)

-Enter the intestine part,Boss fight,parasite cage.Riku aids you in the fight.

-After the event,you start at the save point near Geppetto. Learn
group ability,HIGH JUMP, equip it and you will be able to jump higher.
And you can get many of the treasure chests u missed justnow.

-Get all in chests I told you to ignore justnow....

-Now in the same screen,there is a higher entrance to the stomach of the whale
which you can't enter justnow.Since you can jump higher now,enter through that

-Fight parasite cage again, became stronger this time.

-Learn magic STOP after the boss. Leave the whale.

\enemies of the area \
coming soon

\ Bosses of the area \
Parasite cage 1 -This is easy. Riku will be with you in this battle.
Put some distances between you and it ,use fire on
it.Its weakness is its head,log it on and run behind
it use jump attack on it.

Parasite cage 2 = This time it became stronger.It releases poison
breath to poison your characters.Run to the higher
places,use fira on it.No special strategy against
it,just remember to heal with cure,then attack it
to recover mp,then use fira on it,and it will be gone

\ Abilities /magics /items gotten in this area \
Spell Stop

\ Extra infos \


-Arrived and meet the mermaid Ariel. Learn how to swim from Sebastian.

-Follow after the fish to complete the swimming tutorial.

-Battle with heartless. Ariel joined you after the battle.

-Now follow the path to go to the undersea wide area .

-There are many shells looking treasure chests there. Some of them
can only be opened by normal attack while some other you need to use
certain magic to open them.

-You need to go to the Triton castle now. There will be some trident
looking sign to guide you to the castle.

-Enter one of those caves, you will reach a fast stream at the end of it.

-If you follow the fast stream, it will take you to the undersea wide
area again. But along with fast stream, there is another cave which will
lead you to the Triton castle, try to swim into the cave.

-You will reach another wide area {undersea area 2).The entrance to
the castle will have a trident mark beside it.

-Event with TRITON castle king.

-Leaving the castle, going to Ariel 's hidden room.

-You will see a Triton sign in the room, that's the keyhole of this
land, but you are unable to do anything now.

-Go back to the undersea wide area. Board on the dolphin and follow
it to the sunken ship area.

-Get an item named Royalty's crystal in the sunken ship.
Now get swim back to Ariel's hidden room. Examine the triton
sign. Cut scenes took place.

-After Ariel and Ursula events, go back to Triton castle.
Event with triton king got wounded and trident stolen.

-Go back to the sunken ship area.Beat the shark and examine the
switch beside the rock. The lobster Sebastian will activate the
switch for you.

-Proceed through the entrace to the Ursula's place. Boss battle with
Ursula and her minions.

-After the battle,gotten an ability named Mermaid kick. You are
able to swim through those fast flow-stream now without rely on the

-Swim back to the fast stream area, proceed with the Mermaid kick
ability ( pressing x for a few times ).Go inside the area with
???? mark.

-Ursula boss battle. After the battle, gotten Ansem report and
lightning spell upgrade. Go back to hidden room of Ariel, event
and locked the keyhole of this land. Quest completed.

\enemies of the area \
coming soon

\ Bosses of the area \
Ursula and her 'FISHIE'=A boss with the annoying Ursula.She likes to swim
Around to distrat your attention, while her pets
like to annoy you with some spinning attack, which
looks lame. Don't bother to hit her pets,they can be
revived ( actually not revived, if their hp is zero,
they will be in dizzy status, after some short time
they are back and will spin infront of you again )
Ursula has a big pot in the middle of the screen.
Attack the pot with magics. Ursula will sometimes
throw different potions in it making the colours
of the pot changed. This will make the element of
pot changed, but I think you should be able to figure
Out which magic to use when the colour changed.
You can try to attack Ursula if you wish,it will do
very very very less damge, if you are out of MP,
hit her pets continously until your mp gauge recover.
(only if you are sooo stingy until you are hesitate
to spend even an Ether in a battle )

Huge Ursula = Wow, this boss is very large and very DESTRUCTIVE. Eh?
What do you think of? I don't mean her attack,I mean her face
is very destructive -_- (she looks like . . .) Other than her
looks,none of her attack is really damaging. Anyway,have your
potions and cure spell ready. Swim to her head, attack her
with your keyblade. When she scream 'I AM MAD NOW!!',she will
unleash some lightning attack around you,beware of that.
You can choose to evade it or not evade it. Cure immediately
after the attack if you don't wish to evade it. Launch fire
on her if you have more mp. She also has a few bubbles attack
from her mouth. Use mermaid kick to evade it if you want.

\ Abilities /magics /items gotten in this area \
spell Thundera
Ansem report

\ Extra infos \

-From the start point, follow the passage to the center of the town.

-At the center of the town, a small cut scene occurred.

-Met Jack (the skeleton guy),follow him to the lab.
Event with the professor, now you need to collect material for the

-Talk to the professor with the 'MEMORY'. Now leave the lab, go to
a place with a coffin,after defeating all the hearts,you will meet
Sally. Gotten item ' wasurenagusa ' from Sally.

-Go back to lab, give the item wasurenagusa to the professor.

-Now you need to find the Elder of the Halloween town.
Return to where you met Sally,examine the coffin and you will
reach another new area.Now talk to the elder, you have to
examine the cemetery in the order of ghosts appearing on them.
You will gotten an item after that.

-Proceed to the lab again, talk to the professor. After that
cut scenes took over, the 3 kids stole the 'HEART'.

-Chasing after them, Zero(doggy?) hinted that the 3 kids escaped
through the area with a coffin. (where you met Sally )

-Go to the small hill where you can see the full moon.
(pass through the area where Elder was with a door )

-At the small hill, log on targets and you will find a small cemetery mark
that can be activated. Now you will be able to get passed the small hill
of full moon.

-Enter the gate to the big Boogie house. The path is pretty straight
forward. So just keep going until you reach the top. At the middle
of the path, you will find an elevator looking port which can be
activated by the fire spell. Get on the port and go to the top
of boogie's house.

-Now boss fight ( BOSS???) with the 3 kids. A save point and a lever
appeared. Activate the lever. Now you have more areas to go outside.
Go out of the room, jump down at the left of the door, you will reach
Boogie's main room's door.

-Boss fight with Boogie after the events. After that boss fight with the
gigantic Boogie. Gotten Ansem report 6,and gravira spell after that.
And also an accessory Sacred.

-Return to the lab, events with professor and Jack. Gotten pumpkin head.

-Quest completed.

\enemies of the area \
coming soon

\ Bosses of the area \
Boogie = You have to fight him on the wheel, and your normal attack
can't reach him. He will summon heartless on the wheel to
attack you sometimes. He also has an attack where he throw
fire bombs at you. He also has many other attacks on the
wheel like blade cutting on the wheel (stay calm and count
the timing ,when the blade was raised, run through it.)
Be patient and settle all the heartless on the wheel first,
After that the switch will glow on the floor, step the
the glowing switch closest the Boogie and you can jump up
and attack him now. After awhile you will be dropped down and
just repeat the strategy again. Cure when needed. Summons
are also helpful in this battle.

Large Boogie - He is large, but not powerful at all. And this doesn't
seem like a boss fight. Actually you only need to beat
all those shadow dark sphere on the large Boogie's body.
Climb on his body and you only need to destroy all the
dark spheres.

\ Abilities /magics /items gotten in this area \
Spell Gravira - gravity magic upgrade
Pumpkin head - weapon
Seperated page ( for Pooh's quests )
Acessory Sacred

\ Extra infos \

-Reached the pirate ship. Event with Riku.

-You are a prisoner now. Events with Peter Pan and looking for Kairi
and Wendy now. Peter Pan joined.

-Got out of the room, proceed until you reach an the cold ice store
place .Climb up above.

-Kairi's cut scene. After that looking at the ceiling above, a big hole
on the edge of net. Going up through the hole. Go to the Captain's room.

-Activate the green trinity in the captain's room. Cut scene
and fight with the dark Sora.

-After the battle, examine the hole near the captain's bed.

-Separate with Peter Pan and met Wendy in a room. Return to the
Captain's room, exit through the main door.

-Event with the Captain and some punishment is going on.
Gotten an ability to fly on air in NEVERLAND .( Peter joined )

-Battle with Heartless. Battle with the Captain.
Gotten Cura magic, Ansem report 8 .

-Now you reach the clock tower. Set the clock to 12 . Locked
keyhole of the land, gotten Navi gumi.

-Talk to Peter and Wendy, gotten Tinker summon, and Fairie

\ Enemies of the area \

\ Bosses of the area \
Dark Sora - This boss isn't tough. He is basically the weaker Sora.
He has a keyblade attack and splitting image technique.
Do not scared of his splitting image technique, the fake
shadow will be gone after 1 hit. You should have a few
good attack ability now, like final break. Use it on him.
If you have combo plus, he will be even easier to settle.
He can counter attack at you at awesome speed though.
So while you are doing combo at him, cast Aero to yourself.

Captain - His combos attack are great.Unluckily his defense isn't that
great. Since you can fly in this battle, and he can't fly
so he couldn't cause too much troubles to you. Do not get
too close to him sometimes. And if you are flying ,you better
use magic spells on him. That is cause of, when you were flying
on air, you will have not any great/destructive combo techniques.

\ Abilities /magics /items gotten in this area \
Summon tinker
Cura magic
Ansem report 8
Navi gumi
Weapon for Sora Fairie Harp

\ Extra infos \

-Now you need to return to this town again.

-Talk to Cid at street no : 1. Gave him the navigumis .Event took place,
Sora recalled something about Kairi.

-Get back the navi gumi from Cid. Now board on gumiship and a new place
on world appeared.

-After Neverland, you will reach Hollow Bastion

\ Enemies of the area \

\ Bosses of the area \

\ Abilities /magics /items gotten in this area \

\ Extra infos \

-Talking with Donald and Goofy.

-After awhile, you will have event with Riku and Beast.
No keyblade and Donald ,Goofy leave you after the event.
Beast joined your party .

-Use the elevator to reach to the front of castle.

-Take the right road, and you will reach an area with water
after the elevator riding ( or jump down directly ).

-Touch the bubble floating on the air to the right of you.
You will reach another place with a save point.

-Proceed through the path, use special command to let Beast
break some walls at certain places along the road for you.

-See another bubble, touch it again and you will reach an
are with gate locks and switches.

-Pass through a few gate and you will get to touch a bubble
and reach a place with a switch. Activate the switch and
you will see another platform floating up.Go up on the platform
and trigger another switch above. You can enter the castle through
the frontal door now .

-Make your way all back to the frontal door of the castle again.

-Entered the door and Beast left your party after events.
Cutscenes with Riku and Donald ,Goofy rejoined you. Get keyblade
back and boss fight with Riku.

-Learned White trinity after the battle. Beast rejoined.

-Unable to enter the large door now. Take the left way and reached
the bookstore library. Grab the no:8 scroll , put it back to the
the place with red book series.

-Access to floor two now.Gotten book scroll 6 ,put it back to its
original place.( if you can't read the jap, you can try to put the books
and see if the colour of the book is match with others )
And now return all the books to their right place.

-After you moved the books back to their places, a cupboard will move
and reveal a switch. Click the switch and the door on second floor will
be opened.

-You need to gather 4 emblems to open the main door which you was unable
to enter justnow.
1 ==activate red trinity of a statue to push to the ground, exposed an
2 ==use fires on to light up all the cups on second floor
3 ==break the pots at both sides of the statues
4 ==push the statue to move it from one direction

-Enter the main door after gotten the 4 emblems. Riku 's event and
board on the elevator after that. Head left and you will find yourself
in at the left side of the entrance now. Follow the road, and then
board on the huge elevator. When you were boarding the huge elevator,
you will have to fight heartless. After that examine the elevator
switch thing in the object to move the huge elevator again.

-After landing proceed through the path ( the path is straight forward )
At the end you will need to board on elevator to go up again.
Now keep on going and at the end you will reach a place with two
huge blocks. ( moveable by switches ) There is an entrance hidden
under the huge blocks which lead you to the treasure chest,( not anything
precious,just triangle gumi )

-Aftr passing the huge blocks, you will enter the 'praying hall'

-Riku and Mareficent scenes took place. Battle with Mareficent and
gotten Ansem report 4 after that . A save point appeared after that.

-An purple entrance appear. Enter it.

-Cut scene and battle with Riku and Mareficent Dragon.
After the battle and talk with Riku , gotten flame's shine.
Exit through the purple entrance, and a new exit near
save point appear.

-Take the new exit and follow the passage to a wide room.
Talk to Riku and battle with Ansem ( Riku ) alone .After the
battle, learned Ragnarok

-After the battle ,long cut scene take place.
You are a heartless now. Return to the entrance hall of
the castle. Cut scenes and Sora reappears.

-Escape from Hollow Bastion automatically.

\ Enemies of the area \

\ Bosses of the area \
Riku - He is very fast, and he has some jumping attack sword combos.
If Sora's defense is low, you will lose this battle very
easily. And you will not be able to match him in your combo
strength. Dodge roll behind him, and try to attack him from
behind, but beware of Riku 's speed. If you are able to lead him
to do combo on Donald and Goofy, you can easily sneak behind him
and attack him. Remember to use cure immediately when your HP
is lower than half .

Mareficent - She is usually stand on a high place, and she will cast
magic on you while moving from the place. But you can jump
on the high platform easily. She is vulnerable to physical
attack . She will summon heartless sometimes. Attack her
from face to face. Sometimes she will use an magic which
will chase after the targets. Cast Aero, use some
destructive ability like Last anakam to hit her. She will
be gone very fast. Remember to have Libra ability
equipped to see her HP.

Mareficent dragon - The dragon is very destructive and very tough.
Have the destructive combo like Last Anakam paired
With Aero protect magic, keep hitting her head
for best effect.Its breath attack is very devasting
and might be able to kill you in a few seconds.
It will chase after you as well. A powerful boss
indeed.My strategy is, try to get to the dragon's back.
When you are on its back, it can't really do anything to
you. And use last anakam on her. After that you will
be sure to fell down on floor again. Try to heal more
often and get chance to climb on its back. On ground
you will not be able to attack it. Have aerial sweep
ability equipped and jump attack the dragon head if
you can jump on its back. But last anakam is still the
best,I manage to beat it easily with a few last anakams.

Riku ( Ansem )- He is the basically , the more powerful version of Riku
with more sword skills and more powerful moves. Do not
waste time to cast magic on him, he can reach you faster
before you can even press the button. Cure spells are an
exception though. When he was attacking you, use reflect
guard. He also has some dashes attack towards you. Jump
and use the super glide ability to evade it. As always,
Last Anakam + Aeroga (if not aerora also works) are the
best and most damaging combos.

\ Abilities /magics /items gotten in this area \
Summon's item Flame's shine
Ansem Report 4

\ Extra infos \
those bubbles on the air, if your characters touch them, you will be
able stay in the water for awhile, and you can get some treasure chest
under the water. But you need to aware of ,it only lets you stay underwater
for very short time .

to open and obtain chests floating on the air, cast Gravity magic on

-Talking with Leon and others in street no: 3 small room.

-Cid entered the event. After that go back to street no:1
and talk to Cid. Looking for navigumi.

-Need to return to Underwater tunnel (where Squall was training sword skills)
Cut scenes with Kairi. Examine the drawing on the wall to receive navigumi.

-Talk to Kairi again, gotten promises guard.

-Return and talk to Cid again. Gave him the navigumi and more dialogue
is going on.

-Exit the town, return to world map, a warp hole appears near
Traverse town and connected to Hollow Bastion.

\ Enemies of the area \

\ Bosses of the area \

\ Abilities /magics /items gotten in this area \
Promises Guard

\ Extra infos \


-Arrived at Hollow Bastion again from a new warp hole near Traverse town.

-When you reach here, you will have scenes with Beast.

-Enter the 'Praying hall' again, talk to all the princesses.

-Exit Praying hall to the area where you fought Ansem
Enter the dark valley warp place. Boss battle

-After the battle, cut scenes with Squall and others.
Locked the keyhole of Hollow Bastion.

-Talk to the princesses to receive Firaga.

-A new path after Hollow Bastion appears. It leads to the last dungeon

\ Enemies of the area \

\ Bosses of the area \
Bahemoth - One of the legendary monster from ff series. It has quite
some HP. At the beginning you will see that you are unable
to damage it since its HP bar doesn't decrease. Actually
the fact is, it has more HP than the bar can show, that's
why when you are hitting it, its HP will remain at the
same point. In fact you are still dealing damage . When
it is charging some energy in its horn, It will launch a
powerful lightning attack which will chase after you.
Heal immediately after the attack. From its legs, try to
get to its back and attack its head. And it is invulnerable
when it was using the horn charging attack . After awhile you
will probably fall down on the floor, run behind it and climb
on its head and keep using with your damaging ability attack.
Be careful and do not get stepped by it.

\ Abilities /magics /items gotten in this area \

\ Extra infos \


-Dialogue of Goofy and Donald with Sora.

-Pass through the area, examine the chests along the path.

-Bosses battles along the path .

-Reached the end of the first area. Short cut scenes again.

-To get through this valley, just jump to the bottom of the screen.
(only if you do not want any of the treasures, if not you can try to get
all the treasure chests before going down )

-Touch the big hole with light and choose to jump in it.

-To get through the area, you need to defeat monsters in previous
towns. Just to remember ,touch the green light to proceed, after that
touch the purple light to enter battle. Repeat this until you found
a red light.

-Contact with the red light you will arrive at a mysterious place.
Examine the words in the lab and go back the warp whole and return to
where you came from.

-Boss battle. Learn party ability super glide after the boss.

-After the boss, you will see a big hole lead to the deep earth
area. Get to the deepest area. Now proceed and defeat the
heartless along the way. When you reach the end of the path, a lot
of heartless will appear and you have to keep defeating them until
all of them are gone. New exit appeared and you are in the final resting
place 's room with a save point.

-After you enter the door, you will not be able to return here anymore.
So do all your preparation.

-You are in destiny island now. Go to the mysterious place where
there was Sora and Kairi's drawing to trigger the event.
Battle with Ansem.

-After the battle, Donald and Goofy are out from your party.
Sora will have boss battle with Dark side alone. After darkside,
Solo battle with Ansem again.

-After the battle, you will arrive at another strange dimension.
Long bosses battles with true Ansem. (Read bosses of the area for
more info )


\ Enemies of the area \

\ Bosses of the area \
Bahemoth - One of the legendary monster from ff series. It has quite
some HP. At the beginning you will see that you are unable
to damage it since its HP bar doesn't decrease. Actually
the fact is, it has more HP than the bar can show, that's
why when you are hitting it, its HP will remain at the
same point. In fact you are still dealing damage . When
it is charging some energy in its horn, It will launch a
powerful lightning attack which will chase after you.
Heal immediately after the attack. From its legs, try to
get to its back and attack its head. And it is invulnerable
when it was using the horn charging attack . After awhile you
will probably fall down on the floor, run behind it and climb
on its head and keep using with your damaging ability attack.
Be careful and do not get stepped by it.

Black wing demon - You will fly on air and battle this boss. He might
Use fire breath attack occasionally. He will also
blow you far away off him sometimes. Keep attacking
his head. He will also surround himself with flame,
which can't deal too much damage to you. Approach
him from his back, and then combo attack his head
with Donald and Goofy, and this one will be another

Ansem ( first form ) -Ansem has an evil heartless to support him from
back. When you are far off him, he will unleash
some discs to you while he will use light attack
when you are near him. The ability RAGNAROK is
very useful in this battle . Have Ragnarok and
Aeroga are the best combo you can use on him.
When you are out of MP, jump attack works well
on him also. But he likes to rebel your attack
often. Heal more often and this boss shouldn't
be too hard. Have more Ethers in your inventory
so you can use the Ragnarok attack. He is always
float on air though, and he can move around faster
than you can attack him. Sometimes he will also
command the heartless to grab your from behind.
His heartless will also block the damage for him.

DarkSide ( Heartless ) - This boss is really a 'HEARTLESS'. He is same as
Before, just his attacks are more damaging this
Time. Log on his hand, keep attacking it and it
Is a piece of cake.

Ansem ( Second form ) - Ansem is stronger this times. He is basically the
same first form Ansem with a few extra attacks.
This time Donald and Goofy is not with you and
Sora need to fight him alone. Ragnorak and Aeroga
are still very useful in the battle . Other than
the attacks from his first form , now he has an
attack which he storms towards you with tremendous
speed. Hard to evade but it only does very little
damage to you. He will also always activates shield
that will rebels your attack. When the scenery
around you grew dark, he will use some devastating
dark energy attack that will chase after you. Keep
running around to evade it.

\ Abilities /magics /items gotten in this area \

\ Extra infos \
A the first area of the final dungeon, there are invisible walls along the
way .To pass through the area examine the chests along the way.
Many of the chests will lead you to battle with a few monster. After
defeating the monster, the you can the path to proceed. And there will be
quite a some bosses battle (bahemoth) when you proceed through .

The super glide ability allows you to fly around with great speed.



@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@
@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@
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@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@
@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@
@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@
@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@@@

2.1 Ability List $$
Every characters in the game has AP points.To equip abilities you need to spend
ap points on them.Ap points can be increased through leveling ups and accessory.
While new abilities are learn through leveling ups and events.


DODGE ROLL ƒhƒbƒWƒ[ƒ‹
AP Consume=1
MP Consume=none
Description=Dodge enemies attack.
How to learn= Goofy taught you when he joined

COMBO PLUS ƒRƒ“ƒ{ƒvƒ‰ƒX
AP Consume=1
MP Consume=none
Description= Add one more attack to your combos.
How to learn=

LIBRA ƒ‰ƒCƒuƒ‰
AP Consume=1
MP Consume=none
Description=showing the logged on target/enemies current HP
How to learn=

AP Consume=1
MP Consume=none
Description=Charge at enemies with your weapon,doing medium damage.
How to learn=After the events in OLYMPUS COLISEUM,from Cloud.

FINAL BREAK ƒtƒ@ƒCƒiƒ‹ƒuƒŒƒCƒN
AP Consume=3
MP Consume=
Description= Give the forward enemies the final deadliest finishing strike
How to learn=

AP Consume= 1
MP Consume=
Description= Attack strength UP.
How to learn=

AP Consume=3
MP Consume=
Description= Mp recovery speed faster.
How to learn=

AP Consume=1
MP Consume=
Description= add one more combo to your air combo.
How to learn=

AP Consume=2
MP Consume=
Description=Give enemy on air a strong jump attack.
How to learn=

COUNTER ƒJƒEƒ“ƒ^[
AP Consume=2
MP Consume=
Description= counter attack at enemy when they attack you
How to learn=

AP Consume=
MP Consume=
Description=Throwing your weapon at enemies like boomerang.After the throwing,
special command RAID is available,if you click it at the right
time ,nother throw will be made.
How to learn=

AP Consume=3
MP Consume=
Description=Critical hits on enemies
How to learn=

AP Consume=2
MP Consume=
Description=Press square button to guard and rebel enemies attack.
How to learn=

PRIZE UP ƒvƒ‰ƒCƒYƒAƒbƒv
AP Consume=2
MP Consume=
Description=more Munnies and other recovery spheres dropped by
How to learn=

AP Consume=
MP Consume=
Description=Ultimate combo attack on enemy.
How to learn=

AP Consume=
MP Consume=
Description=Doing the deadliest air combo at enemies.While doing awesome
Damages at enemies,special command Impact ƒCƒ“ƒpƒNƒg
available for use.If you trigger the impact button at
the right time,special attack which looks like Flare ray
will chase after enemies doing another great damaging attack.
How to learn=

LUCK UP ƒ‰ƒbƒNƒAƒbƒv
AP Consume= 3
MP Consume=
How to learn=

AP Consume=
MP Consume=
How to learn=



AP Consume=
MP Consume=
How to learn=

AP Consume=
MP Consume=
How to learn=

AP Consume=
MP Consume=
How to learn=

AP Consume=
MP Consume=
How to learn=

AP Consume=
MP Consume=
How to learn=


( )
| |
magic | mp consume | effect/description | location
Fire | little | Cast small fire | Donald taught you
| | ball at enemy | when he joined you
| | |
Fira | little | Cast strong flame | After beating Jaafar
| | at enemy | In Agrabah
Firaga | little | Cast a very strong | After you locked the
| | flame towards enemy | keyhole of Hallow
| | | Bastion and talking
| | | to the princesses.
Blizzard | little | Release small icicles | After you collected
| | at enemies. | 3 evidence Cheshire
| | | cat taught it to you
| | |
Blizzara | little | Release icicles at | After beating Jaafar
| |enemies who r far from | in Agrabah.
| | you. |
Blizzaga | little |Charge ice energy at | Beat Bahemoth at the
| |enemies who are far | Hades cup rank in Olympus
| |away. | Coliseum.
Thunder | 1mp | Cast small bolt at | Get through the barrel
| |enemies around caster | contest,destroy them in
| | | time.
Thundera | 1mp | Cast strong bolt at | Beating Ursula in
| | enemies around self | Atlantica.
Thundaga | 1mp | Cast strong lightning | Beat Cerberus in the
| | on enemies around | Hades cap rank in Olympus
| | self | Coliseum.
Cure | 1mp | Heal HP of 1 person | Beat Clayton in
Cura | 1mp | Heal more HP of 1 | Beat the Captain in
| | ally. | Neverland.
| | |
| | |
Curaga | 1mp |Recover Hp of a person | After locking
| | | the keyhole of
| | | Hollow Bastion, return to
| | | the library ,talk to Aeris
| | | for a few times to learn
| | | this
Aero | 2mp |Casting Barrier around | Lock the keyhole of
| |1 person. Reduce | Traverse Town after
| |damages | beating boss.
Aerora | 2mp |Cast stronger barrier | Trigger the yellow
| |around 1 person,reduce| trinity in NEVERLAND.
| |damages. |
Aeroga | 2mp |Cast damage reducing | Find all 101 Dalmation.
| |shield around self, |
| |rebels attacks and |
| |magic damages. |
Stop | 2mp |Freeze enemies action | Beat the boss in MONSTRO
| | | twice.
Stopra | 2mp |Freeze enemies action | in 100 acre forest
| |in a larger area |
| | |
Stopga | 2mp | Stop enemies action | Beat the hidden boss of
| | for certain time in | NEVERLAND.
| | largest area |
Gravity | 1mp |Reduce snemies' Hp by | Win the Phil cup in
| |XX%.Small graviball. | OLYMPUS COLISEUM
Gravira | 1mp |Reduce enemies' Hp by | Beat Boogie in Halloween
| |XX%.Medium graviball | Town
Graviga | 1mp |Reduce enemies' Hp by | Beat Hades in OLYMPUS
| |xx%.Huge Graviball. | COLISEUM

\ 2.3 Summons list \
|To use summon in the game, press the magic menu, the lowest command is |
|summon. There will be a MP BAR for the summon. When the MP BAR is zero |
|the summon will disappear and you can only summon once for a summon |
|beast per battle . |
| |
|attempt to command your summon beast attack the enemies. If you didn't |
|log on enemies, their special command is not useable. |
| |
Mp consume= 2
Description/effects=Summon Simba the king of the land.Special command
Charge ƒ`ƒ„[ƒW
available for use when Simba is with you
Dealing great howling damage at enemies.
**** There is a special charge bar for Simba, the longer
you charge the charge gauge,the more damages it can
deal,but if an enemy attack you when you were charging,
you will be stopped.

How to get=After getting red trinity, goto Traverse town, find Leon
in the underwater tunnel.Gotten an item named Shine of the land.
Go into street 3,use the spell FIRE on the door with FIRE icon
on it. Go into the small house, talk to the Fairie (Godmother)
who appears in the house.(Bookstore of magic)


Mp consume= 2
Description/effects=Summon the almighty genie.Special command ' Showtime
is available where Genie unleash some magics and
special attacks on enemies a few times in a row.
**** remember to press L1 and aim for enemies before
pressing the command.

How to get=After beating Jaafar, Aladdin gives it to you.


Mp consume= 1
Description/effects =the little deer running around and making
enemies drop a lot of items on the battle
field. No special command available.

How to get= Get an item named Natural's shine from Pooh's quests, go back
to bookstore of magic, talk to the fairie again.


Mp consume= 3
Description/effects=A'BIG/GIGANTIC/HUGE' fire dragon appear on your head.
Uses fire breath on enemies, can deal quite some
damages to enemies.

How to get=Gotten Flame's shine after beating Mareficent dragon.
Meet fairie again in the bookstore of magic.


Tink (tinker bell)
Mp consume= 3
Description/effects=She will keep restoring you and your allies J[
and prevent Sora from Death once.

How to get= After the NEVERLAND quest, she will join you automatically


Mp consume=2
Description/effects= water spread attack at enemies.

How to get=Gotten water'shine in MONSTRO treasure box. Take it back
to fairie again,and you will be able to summon the flying


| 2.4 Equipments List |

***I will only list the three main characters'weapons. Other characters,
they are not useable in all places and most of `they only have a weapon.
Name // power // Infos/description // Location



Wooden sword // 1 // start with this // --

Kingdom Chain // 3 // A basic keyblade // automatically gotten it
ƒLƒ“ƒOƒ_ƒ€ƒ`ƒG[ƒ“ through story...scenes.

Examination // 4 // Max mp+2,magic and summon power //
ƒGƒOƒUƒ~ƒlƒCƒVƒˆƒ“ Increased alot

Desire Lamp // 6 //

Pumpkin // 7 // A long keyblade,doing critical combos on/After beating
Head enemies. Boogie and get
ƒpƒ“ƒvƒLƒ“ƒwƒbƒh from professor.

Fairie Harp // 8 // Max mp +1,magic and summon strength up

Lastly Sword // 8 // Max mp +2 ,magic and summon power
ƒ‰ƒXƒgƒŠƒ\[ƒh increased alot

Promises // 9 // Max mp +1 ,magic and summon strength up
Guard Critical combos

Metal Chocobo //10 // a very long and powerful keyblade
ƒƒ^ƒ‹ƒ`ƒ‡ƒRƒ{ Max mp -1,nearly unable to do any critical

Past's memorial // 11 //a mysterious and strong keyblade.//Hollow bastion
‰ß‚¬‹Ž‚肵Žv‚¢o Max mp -1 Riku event
second time)
LionHeart // 10 // Max mp +1,summon and magic power up//Beat Cloud and
ƒ‰ƒCƒIƒ“ƒn[ƒg Squall in Hades
UltimaWeapon // 12 // The ultimate weapon by combining all the//From
ƒAƒ‹ƒeƒ}ƒEƒGƒ|ƒ“ power of all keyblades. combination


Magic user's staff // 1 // start with this

Morning Star // 2 //has good magic power but low attack

Mage staff // 3 // specially made for magic, MAX mp +1

Battle Mace // 4 //higher attack but max mp -1

Critical Mace // 9 // specially made for battle with great attack
ƒNƒŠƒeƒCƒJƒ‹ƒƒCƒX Power,Max mp -1

Solid Mace // 7 // a special mace for knight mage,emphasize attack
ƒ\ƒŠƒbƒ‹ƒhƒƒCƒX power .MAX MP -1

Wisdom Staff // 5 // max mp + 1,but attack power is abit low.

High stick // 4 // staff that boost magic power of the user.

Lord Fortune // 6 // both magic power and attack power support
ƒ[ƒhƒtƒH[ƒ`ƒ†ƒ“ are high,mp+2

Rod of Dream // 8 // max mp + 2,mysterious strong staff.

Grand Mace // 9 // a mace for magic knight,has the greatest
ƒOƒ‰ƒ“ƒhƒƒCƒX attack power,mp -1

Save the Queen // 9 // a legendary staff that has both the highest/Beat
ƒZƒCƒtƒUƒNƒC[ƒ“ attack power and magic power,mp+2 Hades cup



Knight's shield // 1 // start with this

Stout Shield // 1 // shield that emphasize defense
ƒXƒ^ƒEƒgƒV[ƒ‹ƒh rebels strong attack

Golem Shield // 3 // emphasize both defense and attack

Mithril Shield // 4 // good at both defense and attack.

Smasher // 3 // a shield that give user ability to smash
ƒXƒ}ƒVƒ„[ enemies.

Platina Shield // 6 // great attack and defense power

Gigas Fist // 7 // a great shield that has great attack
ƒMƒKƒXƒtƒBƒXƒg power like gigas's fist

Adaman Shield // 5 // a shield that emphasize defense
ƒAƒ_ƒ}ƒ“ƒV[ƒ‹ƒh power more than attack power.

Genji Shield // 8 // super strong defense and attack//Beat Yuffie in hades
Œ¹Ž‚̏‚ cup

Hercules shield // 9 // a mysterious,but has super high // Beat Hercules
ƒwƒ‰ƒNƒŒƒX‚̏‚ attack power shield. in hercules cup

Save the king


Name / description and infos
Ability pierce raise AP

Gaia bangle Max HP and defense up

Omega Art Max mp/strength/defense up

Chaos ring dark elemental damage reduced by 80%
Raise a little bit defense.The more you equip
the greater the effect

Inferno brace Fire/dark elemental damage reduced by 80 %
Raise abit defense.

Element ring fire/ice/thunder elemental damage reduced by
80%.Raise a little bit defense.The more you equip
the greater the effect.

Energy bangle Max HP/defense raised

Angel ring Max HP/defense raised

Engineer Pierce AP/defense raised

Over Ray Max HP/MP raised abit.Magic and summon power also

Crystal Crown Max Hp,Mp,strength,defense power,magic power,
Summon power ,Max AP all raised

Three stars Fire/ice/thunder damages reduced by 80 %
Raise defense,the more you equip the greater

Thunder ring Thunder elemental damages reduced by 80 %
Raise abit defense.

Thundara ring Thunder elemental damages reduced by 80 %
Raise defense.

Thundaga ring Thunder elemental damages reduced by 80 %
Raise a lot of defense.

Save the heart Max hp/defense raised,dark elemental damages
Reduced by 80 %,the more you equip the greater

Spill brave Max HP/attack raised abit.

Sacred Fire/ice/thunder damages reduced by 80 %
Raise AP.

Buster chain Strength /defense raised

Power chain Strength raised

Fire ring Reduced fire damages by 80 %

Fira ring Reduced fire damages by 80 %

Firaga ring Reduced fire damages by 80 %

Force brace Max mp / defense up
Raise a lot of magic power and summon power.

Blizzard ring Ice elemental damages reduced by 80%.Defense
raised abit.

Blizzara ring Ice elemental damages reduced by 80%.Defense

Blizzaga ring Ice elemental damages reduced by 80%.Defense
raised a lot.

Flare Stamp Fire elemental damages reduced by 80 %.Defense
and Ap raised.

Brave chain Attack and defense raised a lot.

Ribbon ALL damages reduced by 80%. The more you
equip the greater the effect.

Magic brace MP raised.

Master pierce Max AP /defense raised a lot.

Protect necklace Defense raised abit

Protera necklace Raise defense

Protega necklace Defense raised alot


# 2.5 ITEM LIST #

Battle items (useable in battle)
name of the item /buying price/ effect
Potion / 25 / cure 30 hp of an ally

Hi-Potion / 60 / cure 50 hp of an ally

Mega-Potion / -- / cure 30 hp of all allies

Ether / 100 / Heal 3 mp of an ally

Mega - ether / -- / Heal 3 mp of all allies

Elixir / -- / Recover HP/MP of an ally

Last elixir / -- / Recover HP/MP of all allies


Menu item (items that useable only in menu when no enemies )
name of the item /buying price/ effect
Tent / 150 / Recover hp of all allies

Camp set / 300 / Recover hp of all allies,Recover 3 mp for all allies

Cottege / -- / Recover HP/MP of all allies

Power Up / -- / Max str + 1

Guard Up / -- / Max DEF + 1

AP UP / -- / Max AP + 1


Key Item
Separated page one of the rewards to for the 101 puppies quest.
Separated page In MONSTRO, stomach part 6
Separated page Underground water passage at Magic cavern
‚¿‚¬‚ꂽƒy[ƒW of AGRABAH
Separated page HALLOWEEN TOWN ,the lab (among the books)
Separated page ATLANTICA, Ariel's hidden room

Combination Items

Shards of strength
Magic Stone of
Shards of force
Magic stone of force
Complete Crystal
Burning shards
Burning magic stone
Freezing shards
Freezing magic stone
Shards of thunder
Magic stone of thunder
Shining crystal
Empty shards
Empty's magic stone
Empty's crystal
Shards of freshness
Freshness magic stone
Freshness crystal
Full Water
Destructive Wind
Mithril shards

Ansem reports list @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

Ansem report no 0 = After Agrabah quest.

Ansem report no 1 = Second time return to Hollow Bastion, talk to Aeris
a few times to receive this

Ansem report no 2 = Atlantica quests.

Ansem report no 3 = Second time return to Hollow Bastion, talk to Aeris
a few times to receive this

Ansem report no 4 = Hollow bastion ,defeat Mareficent dragon.

Ansem report no 5 = Second time return to Hollow Bastion, talk to Aeris
a few times to receive this

Ansem report no 6 = Defeat the 3 kids in Halloween town

Ansem report no 7 = Defeat Hades at Hades cup in Olympus Coliseum

Ansem report no 8 = Defeat the Ship Captain in NeverLand

Ansem report no 9 = Second time return to Hollow Bastion, talk to Aeris
a few times to receive this


================================|SECTION 3|===================================


Blue Trinity [Trinity Step}
TRAVERSE TOWN ------------Street no:1,near the bar
|----------Street no:1,near the 'DOOR EXIT TO THE WORLD'
|----------Street no:3
|----------Street no:3,House of the magic bookstore.

WONDERLAND -----------In pass forest
|---------In pass forest

OLYMPUS COLISEUM -----------Entrance of the coliseum, left statue
|----------Entrance of the coliseum,right statue

AGRABAH ------------ Bazaar area,middle of the screen.
|----------Magic cave dungeon,the room of silent.

DEEP JUNGLE ------------Camp site,near the entrance to the swamp
| area.
|----------Wide area on the tree,it is one screen
before the big house one tree.

MONSTRO ------------Stomach part 5
|----------Gullet part, middle of the screen.

H0LLOW BASTION------------At the underground jail.

Red Trinity [Trinity Smash]
TRAVERSE TOWN ------------Street no:1,near where you woke up at the city.
|----------Street no:2,behind the hotel,at the underwater
| tunnel entrance.
|----------Street no:2,where you have to ring the bell.

AGRABAH ------------Magic cave dungeon, treasure store.(save point)

HOllOW BASTION ------Infront of the cow's statue.

HALLOWEEN TOWN ------Boogie's house road.

Green Trinity [Trinity Tower]
TRAVERSE TOWN ------------Street no:1,in the accessory shop.

DEEP JUNGLE -------At where you saved Jane,and there is a hole/exit
lead to a wide and shady area, covered by trees.
It is on the grasses,you need to look carefully for it.

WONDERLAND ------------At where you landed on this land,near the
| save point.

AGRABAH ---------Item store room, near save point.
(entrance of the city)

MONSTRO ---------

OLYMPUS COLISEUM ------------Near the entrace.

NEVERLAND -----------

HOLLOW BASTION --------Library,near the save point.

White Trinity [Trinity Detect}

WONDERLAND ---- Forest of pass.

OLYMPUS COLISEUM -----middle of the entrance.

DEEP JUNGLE -----at the place where Sora locked the keyhole in this land.

TRAVERSE TOWN -----at where you met Leon(Squall)at underwater tunnel,

AGRABAH ------Magic Cavern dungeon,near the entrance.

ANTLANTIC ------ the garden infront of Trition Castle.

NEVERLAND ------Pirate ship

Halloween Town -------at the hill where you can see the full moon.

HOLLOW BASTION -------Where you first time having cut scenes with Riku at the

YELLOW TRINITY (Trinity Shove )

TRAVERSE TOWN ---- At STREET 3,behind the magic library of Merlin(the wizard)

OlMPUS COLISEUM ------ Inside the lobby where Phil is.

AGRABAH -----In the magic cavern dungeon, the large room.

NEVERLAND ------ Pirate ship, it is in the first screen after you get
out from the room where you got locked in.



You can make a new accessory/item/weapon later in the moggle shop which is
above of the accessory shop in traverse town.You need to have learn green
trinity and trigger the green trinity in accessory shop.

This is the list of material you need for the combination items.

Cottege = Shards of freshness X 2 ‚¤‚남‚¢‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç
ƒRƒeˆêƒW Burning Shards x 3 ”R‚¦ã‚ª‚é‚©‚¯‚ç

Elixir = Burning shards x 2 ”R‚¦ã‚ª‚é‚©‚¯‚ç
ƒGƒŠƒNƒT[ Freezing shards x 2 “€‚­‚©‚¯‚ç
Shards of thunder x 2 ‚Æ‚Ç‚ë‚­‚©‚¯‚ç
Mithril shards x 4 ƒ~ƒXƒŠ‚é‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç

Energy Bangle = Shards of strength x 2 —Í‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç
ƒGƒiƒWƒoƒ“ƒOƒ‹ Freezing shards x 1 “€‚­‚©‚¯‚ç

Power Chain = Shards of force x 2 “¬‹C‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç
ƒpƒ[ƒ`ƒG[ƒ“ Shards of strength x 2 —Í‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç

Engineer Pierce = Shards of force x 2 “¬‹C‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç
ƒGƒ“ƒWƒjƒAƒsƒAƒX Shards of thunder x 1 ‚Æ‚Ç‚ë‚­‚©‚¯‚ç

Dark Ring = Empty shards x 2 “§‚¬’Ê‚é‚©‚¯‚ç
ƒ_[ƒNƒŠƒ“ƒO Shards of freshness x 1 ‚¤‚남‚¢‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç
Mithril shards x 2 ƒ~ƒXƒŠ‚é‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç

Mega Potion =Burning magic stone x 1 ”R‚¦ã‚ª‚é–‚Î
ƒƒKƒ|[ƒVƒˆƒ“ Freezing magic stone x 1 “€‚­–‚Î
Magic stone of thunder x 1 ‚Æ‚Ç‚ë‚­–‚Î
Mithril shards x 2 ƒ~ƒXƒŠ‚é‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç

AP up = Shards of force x 3 “¬‹C‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç
APƒAƒbƒv Magic stone of force x 2 “¬‹C‚Ì–‚Î
Mithril x 3 ƒ~ƒXƒŠƒ‹

Angel Bangle = Shards of force x 3 “¬‹C‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç
ƒGƒ“ƒWƒGƒ‹ƒoƒ“ƒOƒ‹ Shards of strength x 3 —Í‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç
Magic stone of freshness x 3 ‚¤‚남‚¢‚Ì–‚Î

Magic Brace = Burning shards x 3 ”R‚¦ã‚ª‚é‚©‚¯‚ç
ƒ}ƒWƒbƒNƒuƒŒƒX Freezing shards x 3 “€‚­‚©‚¯‚ç
Shards of thunder x 3 ‚Æ‚Ç‚ë‚­‚©‚¯‚ç
Mithril x 2 ƒ~ƒXƒŠƒ‹

Buster Chain = Shards of strength x 3 —Í‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç
ƒoƒXƒ^[ƒ`ƒG[ƒ“ magic stone of strength x 1 —Í‚Ì–‚Î
empty magic stone x 1 “§‚¬’Ê‚é–‚Î

Master Pierce = Empty shards x 3 “§‚¬’Ê‚é‚©‚¯‚ç
ƒ}ƒXƒ^[ƒsƒAƒX Empty magic stone x 2 “§‚¬’Ê‚é–‚Î
Magic stone of force x 2 “¬‹C‚Ì–‚Î

Mega Ether =Burning magic stone x 3 ”R‚¦ã‚ª‚é–‚Î
ƒƒKƒG[ƒeƒ‹ Freezing magic stone x 3 “€‚­–‚Î
Magic stone of thunder x 3 ‚Æ‚Ç‚ë‚­–‚Î
Shards of freshness x 5 ‚¤‚남‚¢‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç
Freshness crystal x 1 ‚¤‚남‚¢‚ÌŒ‹»

Guard Up = Empty shards x 5 “§‚¬’Ê‚é‚©‚¯‚ç
ƒK[ƒhƒAƒbƒv Empty magic stone x 3 “§‚¬’Ê‚é–‚Î
Empty crystal x 1 “§‚¬’ʂ錋»
Full water x 1 –ž‚½‚³‚ê‚邵‚¸‚­

Gaia Bangle = Shards of strength x 5 —Í‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç
ƒKƒCƒAƒoƒ“ƒOƒ‹ Magic stone of strength x 3 —Í‚Ì–‚Î
Freshness crystal x 1 ‚¤‚남‚¢‚ÌŒ‹»

Save the Heart =Shards of force x 3 “¬‹C‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç
ƒZƒCƒ”ƒUƒn[ƒg Shards of strength x 3 —Í‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç
Complete crystal x 1 ‚Ý‚È‚¬‚錋»

Rune Brace = Burning magic stone x 2 ”R‚¦ã‚ª‚é–‚Î
ƒ‹ƒ“ƒuƒŒƒX Freezing magic stone x 2 “€‚­–‚Î
Magic stone of thunder x 2 ‚Æ‚Ç‚ë‚­–‚Î
Mithril x 3 ƒ~ƒXƒŠƒ‹

Last Elixir =Shards of freshness x 5 ‚¤‚남‚¢‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç
ƒ‰ƒXƒgƒGƒŠƒNƒT[ Freshness magic stone x 3 ‚¤‚남‚¢‚Ì–‚Î
Freshness crystal x 1 ‚¤‚남‚¢‚ÌŒ‹»
Shining crystal x 1 ‚©‚ç‚ß‚­Œ‹»
Destructive wind x 2 ‚­r‚ê‚é‚©‚º

Power Up = Shards of strength x 5 —Í‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç
ƒpƒ[ƒAƒbƒv Magic stone of strength x 3 —Í‚Ì–‚Î
Complete crystal x 1 ‚Ý‚È‚¬‚錋»
Full water x 1 –ž‚½‚³‚ê‚邵‚¸‚­
Orihalcon x 2 ƒIƒŠƒnƒ‹ƒRƒ“
Force Brace = Shining crystal x 2 ‚©‚ç‚ß‚­Œ‹»
ƒtƒHˆêƒXƒuƒŒƒX Full water x 1 –ž‚½‚³‚ê‚邵‚¸‚­
Orihalcon x 3 ƒIƒŠƒnƒ‹ƒRƒ“
Destructive wind x 1 ‚­r‚ê‚é‚©‚º

Crystal Crown = Empty crystal x 3 “§‚¬’ʂ錋»
ƒNƒŠƒXƒ^ƒ‹ƒNƒ‰ƒEƒ“ Complete crystal x 3 ‚Ý‚È‚¬‚錋»
Shining crystal x 3 ‚©‚ç‚ß‚­Œ‹»
Freshness crystal x 3 ‚¤‚남‚¢‚ÌŒ‹»

Three Stars = Burning shards x 3 ”R‚¦ã‚ª‚é‚©‚¯‚ç
ƒXƒŠ[ƒXƒ^[ƒY Freezing shards x 3 “€‚­‚©‚¯‚ç
Shards of thunder x 3 ‚Æ‚Ç‚ë‚­‚©‚¯‚ç
Orihalcon x 1 ƒIƒŠƒnƒ‹ƒRƒ“
Shining crystal x 1 ‚©‚ç‚ß‚­Œ‹»

Ribbon = Burning magic stone x 5 ”R‚¦ã‚ª‚é–‚Î
ƒŠƒ{ƒ“ Freezing magic stone x 5 “€‚­–‚Î
Magic stone of thunder x 5 ‚Æ‚Ç‚ë‚­–‚Î
Freshness magic stone x 5 ‚¤‚남‚¢‚Ì–‚Î
Destructive wind x 3 ‚­r‚ê‚é‚©‚º

Ultima Weapon = Empty magic stone x 5 “§‚¬’Ê‚é–‚Î
ƒAƒ‹ƒeƒ}ƒEƒGƒ|ƒ“ Magic stone of strength x 5 —Í‚Ì–‚Î
Magic stone of thunder x 5 ‚Æ‚Ç‚ë‚­–‚Î
Full water x 3 –ž‚½‚³‚ê‚邵‚¸‚­
Destructive wind x 3 ‚­r‚ê‚é‚©‚º



3.3 101 puppies quest

Coming soon

--------------------------3.4 COLISEUM DATA-----------------------------------

The 10 th place of each cup is always Sora.(before you beat that cup.)
You also need to fulfill the conditions before the cup is available for

***** means enemies you need to be careful of

--------------------------- PHIL CUP ---------------------------------
Condition = Locked Traverse Town keyhole.
Rank Team Name
9 ----------------- Jungle Wise
8 ----------------- Monkey and Magic
7 ----------------- Big foot
6 ----------------- Magic alert
5 ----------------- Nightwalkers
4 ----------------- Heart Hitters
3 ----------------- Indomitable
2 ----------------- Wild cops
1 ----------------- Shadow Battalion

------------------------- PEGASUS CUP --------------------------------
Condition = Cleared Monstro 's quest
Rank Team name
9 ------------------ Ghost Bandit
8 ------------------
7 ------------------
6 ------------------ Bolt and Fang
5 ------------------
4 ------------------
3 ------------------ Pot and Barrel
2 ------------------
1 ------------------ Leon and Yuffie *****

--------------------------- Hercules Cup ---------------------------------
Condition = Locked keyhole in Neverland
Rank Team Name
9 -----------------
8 -----------------
7 -----------------
6 ----------------- Stray Phantom
5 ----------------- Mad Triumph
4 ----------------- Cloud *****
3 -----------------
2 -----------------
1 ----------------- Hercules *****

--------------------------- Hades Cup ------------------------------------
Condition = Locked keyhole of Hollow Bastion
Rank Team Name
49 ----------------- Shadow Brothers
48 ----------------- Wild Dance
47 ----------------- Terrible Foot
46 ----------------- Dirty Claw
45 ----------------- Mad triumph
44 ----------------- Yuffie *****
43 ----------------- Outlaws
42 ----------------- Dark Garrison
41 ----------------- Bad Union
40 ----------------- Bahemoth *****
39 ----------------- Red Death
38 ----------------- Blue Death
37 -----------------
36 ----------------- Mad Fangus
35 ----------------- Spider and Magic
34 ----------------- Optical Trick
33 ----------------- Magic Force
32 ----------------- Shadow Summoner
31 ----------------- Mystic Mage
30 ----------------- Cerberus *****
29 ----------------- Sky Raiders
28 ----------------- Funeral
27 ----------------- Terrible Fist
26 ----------------- Shadow Storm
25 ----------------- Avengers
24 ----------------- Dark Knight
23 ----------------- Black Flap
22 -----------------
21 -----------------
20 ----------------- Cloud and Leon *****
19 ----------------- Trio the Rage
18 -----------------
17 -----------------
16 ----------------- Dark Storm
15 ----------------- Death Wing
14 ----------------- Violent Bunch
13 ----------------- Heavy Warriors
12 ----------------- Interceptors
11 ----------------- Elder Force
10 ----------------- Hades *****
9 ----------------- Night Rave
8 ----------------- The Reclaim
7 ----------------- Invisible Fair
6 ----------------- Mad Mushroom
5 ----------------- Black Storm
4 ----------------- Twin Mirage
3 ----------------- Shadow Trooper
2 ----------------- Final Battalion
1 ----------------- Rock Titan *****

Gummi ship is used to travel between town to towns. You can customize your
gummi ship, by using the gummi block you gotten from dungeons and the gummi
ship mini game. To make a new gummi ship, you can either design a new ship
yourself, or you could use the ship models given to by various characters.
During the gummi ship mini game, you can obtain various gummis. Here are the
effects of different gummis.

Shield == >> Recover HP of the gummi ship

Energy == >> Laser weapon gauge recover.

Barrier == >> Recover defense power of barrier gummi on gummi ship.

Special == >> Recover all gauges/parameters of gummi ship

------------------------------GUMMI BLOCK MENU-------------------------------

|Gummi factory|---- You can customize or make a new ship here
| Gummi Ship |---- Change names,info of your ship
| Collection |---- List of the ship model and gummi blocks you have now
| Help |---- Explaination of a gummi parts,gummi ship control
| Tutorial |---- Explaination on making/customizing gummi ship
| Exit |---- Exit Gummi block menu

|Gummi Factory|
When you select this option, you will see a display of list of ship models
You have. You can either create a whole new design of ship or you create
a ship according to the model plan. Models of ship are obtained from various
place. During the mini game of gummi ship, you might encounter a new type
of gummi ship as you proceeding. If you manage to destroy the ship, you will
get its model plans. You can also obtain a few models plan from Geppetto
new house in Traverse town. If you are going to make a new ship, you will
need COM.LV model plan to record the new design of your own ship. (Can be
bought from CID) After you have made a new ship and you choose exit, the game
will ask if you wish to save your new ship design on COM.LV model plan. If
you do not save your ship model data on COM.LV, you will lose all your hard
works. There are three types of COM.LV. They are COM.LV 1,LV 2 and LV 3.
COM.LV3 could let you record up to 10 gummi ship designs with max 200 gummis
each design.

-Use the R1/R2 button to change the mode to Gummi block selection
mode first , select the gummi you want then you can start to make your ship.

-After you are done, you can try to switch the mode to Gummi ship testing mode
to test the weapons of the gummi ship. Basically the gummis are categorized
into a few group.( SHIP ENGINE, SHIP COCKPIT, SHIP WEAPON, WING and more)

-To place a gummi blocks, select a gummi with 0 button and cancel the placement
of a gummi by reselect it with circle button.

-The change gumi allow your ship to transform into another ship during gummi
ship mini game .

R1 / R2 buttons = Choosing between Gummi block selection mode,
Gummi ship customizing mode or Gummi ship testing mode.

Select= trigger help menu

Start = Exit screen

L1 = Gummi up
L2 = Gummi down

Square button = Select the whole gummi ship's gummis

Circle button = Select a gummi or place a gummi/cancel a placement of gummi

Controll pad direction = Move gummis in varous direction.

Analog control stick left = rotate the selected gummis

Analog control stick right = rotate the whole gummi ship plans.

| Gummi ship |
In this menu you can choose to board on which gummi ships ( if you have more
than one ) or changing your ship's name. You can also see the equipments and
the transformation of the ship

menu translation
Gummi ship ========== Riding ( choose to board on which ship )
======= Changing Name ( change name of ship )
======= Equipments ( view equipments of the ship )
======= Transformation ( view the ship transformation,your
ship will be able to transform into another ship
during gummi ship mini game )

| Collection |
Below are the list of gummi blocks and model which will be displayed in
the collection menu. You can buy most of them from Cid 's ship near the end
of the game.

Gumi name description
Thunder gummi / small shot , low attack power

Thundera gummi / medium shot , average attack power

Thundega gummi / Huge shot , high attack power

Comet gummi / small laser , average attack power

Meteor gummi / medium laser , high attack power

Ultima gummi / big laser , ultimate attack power

Fire gummi / small engine with low power

Fira gummi / small engine with average power

Firaga gummi / medium engine with average power

Flare gummi / medium engine with high power

Holy gummi / Huge engine with super power

Cure gummi / Item recovery rate up

Curaga gummi / Item recovery rate up more.

Rise gummi / recover abit HP of gumi ship when HP is 0

Arise gummi / recover HP completely when gumi ship HP is 0

Protect gummi / shield with low defense power

Shell gummi / shield with average defense power

Dispel gummi / shield with high defense power

Aero gummi / normal wing of ship

Aerora gummi / wing that slightly raise the ship control ability

Aeroga gummi / wing that raise more ship control ability

Levitate gummi / wing that raise ship control ability

Tornado gummi / wing that raise more ship control ability

Haste gummi / gummi ship temporary speed booster

Hastega gummi / gummi ship temporary super speed booster

Drain gummi / automatically get a gummi far away from you

Aspil gummi / automatically get more gummis far away from you

Change gummi / allow your ship to have transformation

Teleport gummi / allow your ship to have warp function

Libra gummi / radar that search through the front area

Libra gummi / radar that search search through all the areas

Barrier gummi / cover a part of a ship

Wall gummi / cover all parts of the ship

Esuna gummi / - - - ? ? ?

Kingdom model / default model

Yuffie model / gotten from Geppetto

Aeris model

Leon model

Sabotender model

Sylph model

Shiva model

Carbunkle model

Bomb model

Remora model

Imp model

Sting ray model

Ifrit model

Odin model

Atamos model

Golem model

Leviathan model

Diablos model

Ramuh model

Alexander model

Omega model

Geppetto model

Lamia model

Dogu model

Magu model

Ragu model

Goblin model

Siren model

Serpent model

Colour Spray / change the colour of gummi blocks

Colour plate / Return the colour of gummi blocks to its original

COM. LV 1 / model plan = 1 , gummi = 100

COM. LV 2 / model plan = 5 , gummi = 150

COM. LV 3 / model plan = 10 , gummi = 200

3.6 Side Quests
Pooh's quest
To lock the key and complete all quests ,you need to find 5 separated pages.
Refer to the item list,key item section to see where to find them all.

Hagaki list ƒnƒKƒL
There are 10 hagaki(post cards) in the TRAVERSE TOWN.
If you manage to find them out, and post them into the mail box in
TRAVERSE TOWN, you will receive some nice items as reward

1. Above accessory shop roof
2. The blue trinity near the cafe ( after Donald and Goofy joined )
3. From the locker near the door from street 1 to street 2
( After you met Squall )
4. Street no:2, clock pointed at 6.54 inside the trick house

Hidden Ending
There is a second hidden ending of the game, to get the ending you
need =

Found all the puppies
Has all the Ansem reports
Locked keyholes of all lands
Has the weapon PAST MEMORIES ( do not need to equip it )

Actually it is a short preview video ,just like another side another story
of final fantasy 10 international. But it looks cool . . .

Hidden bosses
There is a hidden boss (PHANTOM) in NEVERLAND,the clock tower.
To meet the boss,go back to NEVERLAND the ship, talk to Tinker
(in 1 of the rooms) and have **** Peter Pan**** in your party.
To beat the boss you need to have a strategy. When it cast Doom on your
character ,stop the clock at the clock tower by casting STOP magic on it to
prevent death of that character.Stop magic will wear off after sometimes,so
watch the clock and cast stop again after the magic wore off.DIED character
could not be brought back in the battle(all cure spells won't work).
As for the boss,when you see a white /blue flame on it,use normal attack.
When it is blue,you use blizzard spells on it.Yellow for thunder.Red
for fire.


Before you lock the keyholes of NEVERLAND at clock tower,you can
adjust the clock of the clock tower to make various doors opened to
get the treasures inside.

1.00 Orihalcon

2.00 Power UP

3.00 Pieces of mithril

4.00 Power UP

5.00 AP UP

6.00 Mithril

7.00 AP UP

8.00 Guard UP

9.00 Orihalcon

10.00 Guard UP

11.00 Pieces of mithril

12.00 Last elixir

Sliding area
After the event in DEEP JUNGLE, and you can go back to sliding area
to start a real sliding game where you have to pick up those
fruits along the course .There are 5 courses at total. There will be
rewards for each course you have cleared.

| Area 1 = AP UP |
| Area 2 = Orihalcon |
| Area 3 = Last elixir |
| Area 4 = Guard Up |
| Area 5 = Power Up |

------------------------------ CREDITS ------------------------------------
Squaresoft 2002
Thanks to them for making such a great game.

My friend who always help me in translation.

Lery chan
Thanks for providing me soo much infos of the game.

Ayumi chan
For telling me how to input jap fonts in faq.thanks to her.

Kuro sama
Giving me a complete list of abilities

Remind me and borrow me some infos taken from his previous jap

He gave me some of the translation of the items and things.

For giving me infos of his jap web pages.

GAMEFAQs site(Http://
For hosting my faqs.

Giving me the correct spelling for many of the Disney characters.

For telling me how to use NJstar

Pointed out some mistranslations.

David Tang
Thanks to him for giving out some nice leveling up tips early in the

Checking the faq for me and corrected some errors. . .

A few people in gamefaqs board
Pointing out some mistranslations of weapons, forgot their name.

A few other game sites for hosting my faq

For reading my hard works.

If you have helped me in this faq and I didn't put ur name on it,
you can email and tell me about it.

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Dt. FAQ im Word-Format

17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Secret Guide

17.Oktober 2013
Pilzjagd FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Boss FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
22.Oktober 2014
24.Juli 2014
11.Februar 2016
09.November 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020