Age of Empires 2 - Age of Kings

Age of Empires 2 - Age of Kings

16.10.2013 02:20:19
Siege Guide

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---------------------------[ General Information ]----------------------------
Author (Pen Name): CGorman
Author (Real Name): Ciarán Gorman
Country: Ireland


Game: Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
Developer: Ensemble Studios
Publisher: Microsoft
Platform: PC (also available on PS2)


Type: Siege Guide
Version: Final
Completion: 100%
Date Created: 19th April 2002
Date Modified: 5th July 2004


This FAQ is copyright CGorman (Ciarán Gorman) 2002, and may only be used for
non-profitable causes, e.g. If you want this FAQ, just steal it
and I will sue you, because it is to be exclusively hosted through the
internet by Gamefaqs, and no other website or affliation, except of course
any website I may own. Use of this FAQ through other mediums such as print,
is available through nogotiation. "Age of Empires" is a copyright of Ensemble
Studios. The above ASCII Art is also (C) Ciarán Gorman 2002.


This FAQ may contain spoliers, mistakes etc., but any personal loss incured
by such is understood to be of your own free will and I hold no resposibility.


Please email me if you have a problem, I strive to answer all valid and
decent questions, and add them to my FAQs with credit for the individual who
asked the question. But I will not answer any foolish or ignorant questions, I
do not have time for such, as I can get up to 20 emails in one day, so please
think before you email me, and check out any other FAQs for the answer, and of
course read this one fully.
---------------------------------[ Contents ]---------------------------------
NB: For those of you using Internet Explorer 5+, by pressing CTRL and F and
entering the code, you can skip to a paticular park of the FAQ. The code
is formed by taking the number (e.g. 1.1) and adding - and the first
letter of the section (e.g. formations, f). So to get to the formations
section type:
4.1 - F

1.1........................................................Version History/Log
1.2..........................................................Reasons & Answers

2.0..................................................Attacking a Small Village
2.1..............................................Attacking a Stone Walled Town
2.2..........................................Attacking a Fortified Walled City

3.0.................................................Protecting a Small Village
3.1.............................................Protecting a Stone Walled Town
3.2.........................................Protecting a Fortified Walled City

4.0..........................................................Army Combinations

5.0........................................................Dealing with Towers
5.1.......................................................Dealing with Castles
5.2.......................................................Dealing with Archers
5.3......................................................Dealing with Cavalery
5.4.................................................Dealing with Siege Weapons
5.5..................................................Dealing with Unique Units

6.0.........................................................Starvation Tactics
6.1...........................................................Economic Tactics
6.2...................................................Simple Mass Destruction!

7.0............................................................Tackling Rivers
7.1...............................................Tackling Height Disavantages

8.0..............................................................Siege Weapons
8.1.......................................................Notable Technologies
8.2......................................................Notable Civic Bouases

9.2.......................................................Reader Contributions

----------------------------[ 1.0 - Introduction ]----------------------------
Hi, i've just had a extra-long weekend (no school Monday), so i've been
busy writting, mainly for Age of Empires II. So if you have any notes,
comments, or anything else (within reason, i'm not the only one to have been
offered everything via email, including the chance to click that
monkey thingy.) Anyways just send them to the listed address above, and
remember feedback is critical to the growth of a good FAQ. Thanks.

Ciarán Gorman,
-------------------------[ 1.1 - Version History/Log ]------------------------
Version: 1.0
Completion: 90%
Date/Time: 21th April 02'

- Wrote all of FAQ, but still a small bit of room for additions, like a tips

Version: Final
Completion: 100%
Date/Time: 31th July 02'

- Add a few little things like a tips section and added/removed/adjusted
comments, and tips from last version. Also added new ASCII art header!

Version: Final
Completion: 100%
Date/Time: 5th October 02' & 30th September 03' & 5th July 04'

5th Oct 02' - Just a few basic changes and a bit of reformating.
30th Sept 03' - Added Internet Explorer quick jump system.
5th July 04' - Email change, updated general pieces of information.
-------------------------[ 1.2 - Reasons & Answers ]--------------------------
I just feel that it is needed that I explain my motives for writing this FAQ
for Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings

o The main motivation for writing this FAQ, is the fact that although an
excellent medievil game, Age of Empires II, lacks large battle sequences
due to a population limit, but thankfuly it makes up for this in several
other areas, including real-time sieges.
o One of the hardest parts of the game is taking over a city, or destroying
a castle, or wall.
o I believe it will help improve gameplay, and change tactics in this area
to a better level.
o I have the time and really want to write a guide for Age of Empires II: The
Age of Kings.
----------------------[ 2.0 - Attacking a Small Village ]---------------------
This should bring little difficulty, but just in case, here are a few tips
for beginners:

N.B. The following is an example of a Dark Age village with no walls, or real
defences being attacked by you when also in the Dark Age.

[1] Destroy housing, this will lower the villages population limit,
disallowing that player from creating new units, therfore reducing the
enemy's capabilitie's.
[2] Kill all villagers, this will stop further construction, hence less enemy
buildings to destroy, this also lowers the players score. Killing villages
stops the enemy from producing more resorces, which could be used to
develop the villages defences.
[3] Make sure that none of these villagers escape, as they could set up a new
village (well at least a barracks).
[4] When you have successfuly taken over a village, you can use there farms
and there mines, just by sending your villagers there.
[5] You can pull off a siege early on in the game with as little as 10
militias - by defeating or ruining an enemy before they get stronger, you
will have fewer enemies to beat later on in the game.
--------------------[ 2.1 - Attacking a Stone Walled Town ]-------------------
This stunt is far more difficult to perform as you will see, but a bit of
ingenuity can help.

N.B. The following is an example of a Castle Age city with Stone Walls,
and several major defences being attacked by you when also in the Castle


[1] Don't rush into battle, as you are definatly going to fail if you have not
[2] Take out as many defences as possible, before storming the Town. Use siege
weapons to do this, major targets such as castles and towers are number 1.
[3] Destroy as many other prime buildings as possible BEFORE entering the
[4] Before attacking, make sure you have as many upgrades as possible, because
one Paladin can kill about two knights.
[5] Before entering, knights are NOT totaly useless, they will protect your
siege weapons and archers. So have plenty.


[1] When faced with a large town with maybe a population of 80-90, first
make sure you "set up camp" by establishing a small base nearby, once
done order appoximitly 15 Knights, 5 Battering Rams, 5 Mangonels, 5
treuchets, 15 crossbowmen, and 10 Two-Handed Swordsmen. Keep these as far
away from the closest wall as possible.
Next once settled, order 5 more knights and use these to explore the
enemys forifications (i.e. simple walk around the town). Once done you
should have a decent view of his tower and castle locations and perhaps a
few other prime buildings.
Now set up your 5 treuchets near the wall, and take out all the towers,
and castles, this may take a long time, but really is worth it if you
want low casualties. Use your 5 extra knights (which will have been
injured) and 5 of your other knights to fend off attacks.
Once all prime targets have been destroyed, destroy the wall (or gate)
and enter the town with half of your army, use your treuchets to take out
the town centre and any other major targets you could not reach from the
wall. Finaly, use a cobination of knights and crossbowmen to take out
remaining units while destroying smaller targets with your siege weapons.

[2] If you are faced with a town that has a large portion of it protected,
by the sea, your main target will be, to use navel tactics. The first
thing to do will be to set up a dock nearby (perferabley two) and all,
the army buildings.
After finishing this, order, 10 crossbowmen, 50 Knights, 5 Battering
Rams and 5 mangonels. Also order 20 ships (mainly fireships and cannon
galleons) and about 5 transport ships (full upgrades).
Now send 3 of your ships to explore the coastline more. Once done, get
all your BATTLE ships and attack the docks, enemy ships and eventully the
town itself. You can land all of your units and have an all out battle
then. For the most part the knights will wreck chaos.
Please note that casualties will be high. You should gain control after
just about 5 minutes.

[3] When faced with a town on an island of its own, again your main target
will be via the sea. You probably won't need a special camp for this, as
you only need a few ships.
First order about 30 knights, 5 battering rams, and about 20 war ships
(try to make a good combitation, e.g. 10 fireships and 10 galleons etc.)
this is all you should need to conquer the town.
Next take out all there towers and navy with your boats, this will be
difficult, but is not impossible. After that use your remaining war ships
to take out places such as farms, mines etc., this will stop them from
rebuilding things due to a lack of resources.
After you have ruined there ecomony, destroy any remaining defensive
buildings like archerys or castles. By now they should be ruined in every
sense, but to fully take over, let your knights and battering rams have a
go. You should only have to make about two trips with one boat to do so.
------------------[ 2.2 - Attacking a Fortified Walled City ]-----------------
Attacking a city such as this will be a far more difficult, as there will
probably be a full scale militery centre and hugh defences.

N.B. The following is an example of an Imperial Age City with Fortified Walls,
and several major defences being attacked by you when also in the
Imperial Age.


[1] If there is even a slight river flowing through the city, use it. A river
can either be a enemy that slows you down, or perferably a path straight
into the city centre, so make sure its the latter.
[2] As usual Castles and towers are your biggest enemy, so if you can break
these defences, you've pretty much won.
[3] Always establish a base nearby, because you will need a very quick supply,
of soliders if you are to conquer a large city with fortifcations.
[4] Focus on destroying there ecomony just as much as there army, because just
like in real life, if they run out of food or resources they are
[5] An equel combination of acrchers, knights and siege weapons can be great.


[1] When faced with a large Fortified city, with few extras (g.g. no rivers
etc.,) a smart move would be to decide to base an attack from two sides.
The main reason being to take them by surprise.
The first thing, is to establish TWO army bases, one on either side of
the city. Make sure there out of the enemys line of sight.
Once done create a balanced army of 30 knights, 20 crossbowmen, and
a large varity of siege weapons (30) for each base (total 160.) Also make
sure you have adequate resources, because you probably will end up
ordering another 100 units during the siege.
Now as always, explore the area around the enemy city. Once done use
one of your two armys to destroy the main towers and castles (obiviously
from outside the wall) Then use the other to walk straight in and wreck
chaos (suicide) you then can use team A to finalise the takeover.

[2] If the City is on a seperate island, you may consider a different
method than for taking over the town on an island. First this time, don't
start from your home, build a small base on a close island or even at the
end of that island if its big enough.
Your orders should be 50 knights, and ...thats it! Other than 30 ships.
Use the ships to destroy the wall and other defences, and then just let
the knights stroll in, as you know taking on a city can cause mass
casualties and sadly this cannot be avoided.
---------------------[ 3.0 - Protecting a Small Village ]---------------------
As you know, protecting a village at the start of the game is the hardest
point, because its at its weekest, so here's a bit of help.

N.B. The following is an example of a Dark Age village with no walls, or real
defences being attacked by an enemy, also in the Dark Age.


[1] You're main chance of survival, is to fill your town centre with
villagers, as this will allow it to shoot the enemy with arrows, quite
[2] Always have at least five milita at the ready, in-case of attack early on
in the game.
[3] Use a villager as bait to loar an enemy away from the town, until you can
fight back.
[4] Research the nest age as fast as possible!
-------------------[ 3.1 - Protecting a Stone Walled Town ]-------------------
Stone walled towns are the most common you will play with in the game, so
here's a bit of help to keep them.

N.B. The following is an example of a Castle Age town with Stone Walls, and
several major defences being attacked by an enemy, also in the Castle


[1] Filling your town centre, is still a wise move in the Castle age, as is
filling towers, for the same effect.
[2] Archers can be surprisingly helpful either side, so make sure its
[3] Towers are as good as ten archers and take longer to kill/destroy, so
start building as many as you can.
[4] Since a siege can be costly, make sure all gold and stone mines remain
active and out of the enemys reach.
[5] Do the same for farms.
[6] A constant flow of soliders attacking your enemy will make victory seem
easy, so get approximitly 20 of those.


[1] Attacking : 10 knights, 15 archers (easy)
Town Location : Plain, no river or special features.

The first major move is to send out ALL fighting units that you already
have. This should fend them off for a minute or so. Your towers will do
the rest.

[2] Attacking : 30 Knights, 20 archers (medium)
Town Location : Plain, no river or special features.

Now this is'nt as easy. First try to send out already made units. Then
order at least 20 knights, and 20 archers. This should fend them off for
the best part. But they will be still attacking while you wait for your
new army, so start constructing a castle near your wall where you are
being attacked, this should buy you some time.
Next you could loar them inside and let your town centre take care of
them, but only if you think its wise, so perferably you could come up
behind them with your new army.

[3] Attacking: 50 knights, 40 archers, 10 siege weapons and a backup base,
Town Location: Plain, no river or special features.

This would be the worst case senario, but don't worry theres a way out,
first make sure that you have all gates locked (think of what those
knights would do!) then order as many of anything as you can as quickly as
you can. Then set up some siege weapons just inside your main wall (you
may need to construct a second wall,) and aim for there archers and siege
Next perpare your growing army, to go out the back gate and attack the
enemy, they will certainly be beaten, but they will have decreased the
enemys army. Just keep doing this from then on and you will be fine.
-----------------[ 3.2 - Protecting a Fortified Walled City ]-----------------
When you have risen to your height and built up an impressive empire, you
should not have too many enemys - only one or two major ones. So heres how to
protect yourself from them.

N.B. The following is an example of an Imperial age City with Stone Walls, and
several major defences being attacked by an enemy, also in the Imperial


[1] Start by doing the basics, lock the gates, ring the town centres bell and
then get ready for the big stuff.
[2] By the time you have a large city, you proably will have chopped holes in
your defences if you used a forest as a part of your wall, if so fix the
[3] Enemys will struggle to get in, but they can cause havoc from outside due
to seige weapons, if so use your massive resources to construct towers and
castles every were beside walls, this will be fairly expensive - but worth
[4] Create as many soldiers as you can, gold is no limit, use only the top
types of soldiers like Paladin.


[1] Attacking : 20 Paladin, 15 Longbowmen (easy)
Town Location : Plain, no river or special features.

Just use your large army and several towers, it will be easier than you
think. If that fails you just repeat yourself by sending out more troops.

[2] Attacking : 30 Paladin, 20 Longbowmen, 10 Siege Weapons with large flow
flow of replacement soldiers (medium)
Town Location : Plain, no river or special features.

There are several choices, your best bet however is to use your own
achers/siege weapons or basicaly any unit that shoots over a wall. After
you have eliminated the Palidins, send out your cavalry who will kill off
the weak longbowmen and destroy the siege weapons.
Once the replacement soldiers arrive from the enemy base, use all your
army to eliminate the treat, it should be easy. After that find the enemys
war structures and destroy them to prevent more attacks.

[3] Attacking: 50 Paladin, 40 longbowmen, 20 siege weapons and a backup base,
with heavy defences and plenty of more soldiers. (difficult)
Town Location: Plain, no river or special features.

It sounds difficult - but in fact is not really all that hard - if
managed right. Start by using your large army behind your walls to
eliminate the main archers/siege weapons. Then continue doing so until you
have a nice army built and have wasted a lot of their resources due to
their constant need to make need units.
Get your new army to go out the back gate (while the other continues to
defend) and find the enemy camp from were the new units are coming,
destroy the camp and build a few towers their to avoid reconstruction of
the camp. Don't worry about your own casulties.
--------------------------[ 4.0 - Army Combinations ]-------------------------
Army combinations are important in sieges, I would use the following to avoid
cross fire.

[1] A+K; An archer and knight make a great theme (in large numbers) when
taking on an enemy base, the archer can weaken distant units, and the
knight can finish them off.
[2] A+K+S; Archer, Knights and siege weapons make a great combination, the
siege takes out large (in hitpoint) units while the knight and
archer protect it.
[3] I+A; Infantry (e.g. champion) and archers make a great them, mainly
because they both have different skills and walk at the same pace.
[4] S+K; A very effective combination in an intense siege, the siege unit,
takes out the towers and castles, while the knight protects it from
other cavlery units.
-----------------------------[ 4.1 - Formations ]-----------------------------
The following are some clever formations, I am aware that you can't create
a formation as such in the game, but you can set them up as so, with attack
ability disabled, and then put on again.

A. B.
============================= =============================



KEY =============================

= = Wall/Tower/enemy K K K C C C K K K C C C K K K
K = Knight S A S A S A S A S A S A S A
C = Champion K K K K K
A = Archer
S = Siege Unit K T K K T K
T = Treuchet

A. = As you can see this is a large formation, full of knights at the front,
and missile (archery, siege) at the back, there is also a back up at the
B. = Again full of knights, this time there are fewer archers, and more
champions, this would be common if you were trying to knock down a gate
and invade. At the far back there are 3 treuchets.
C. = In the third formation there are 2 well protected treuchets at the far
back and several siege weapons clustered in the centre near the knights
and archers.
------------------------[ 5.0 - Dealing with Towers ]-------------------------
As you know, towers can be an amazingly annoying part of a siege. So here
are some of my best tips:

[1] The easiest way to destroy towers is to use long-range trebuchets, but
sadly, these are expensive and only avaliable in the latter ages of the
[2] Battering rams can be very efficent, but only if there is something to
distract the towers attention.
[3] Mangonels are also good, but only in great numbers, but still worth a try.
[4] When knights are put in large groups, they really, can be usefull, but
only in really big groups, at least 10.
------------------------[ 5.1 - Dealing with Castles ]------------------------
This is probably the hardest part of taking over a city by siege, so heres
more help.

[1] Again trebuchets are the best choice, mainly because of there great range,
and strenght.
[2] A combination of knights and siege weapons can be very efficent in most
[3] 10 battering rams on there on are the most efficent method other than
------------------------[ 5.2 - Dealing with Archers ]------------------------
When I say archers, I am more so talking about those annoying english
longbowmen, who we all have met before. So here's a bit of help.

[1] The most efficent unit against longbowmen or archers is obviously the
knight, but since you will have rather thick walls between you and them,
the only good chance you will have is to use skimishers and mangonels.
[2] Although it may seem smart, trust me units such as cavalry archers and
monks, will be pathetic against archers and longbowmen.
[3] Another great solution is to destroy the archers source! The archery
------------------------[ 5.3 - Dealing with Cavalery ]-----------------------
Remember the time you had a hugh siege army ready complete with 10
trebuchets, and then out of nowere 20-something knights came out and knocked
your great army down in 3 minutes flat? Well try to advoid it by listening to
the following.

[1] Of course the best way to kill off your enemy cavalery, is to get your
own, a few knights should fend em' off.
[2] It seems wierd, but pikemen are quite efficent against those knights, as
are camels.
---------------------[ 5.4 - Dealing with Siege Weapons ]---------------------
Just because you have loads of siege weapons, does'nt mean they won't have
20 Onagers fighting back, so be perpared!

[1] A constant return of fire from siege units is one of the few things you
can do.
[2] Archers although slow and weak, can damage siege weapons in great numbers.
[3] The obvious method to beat siege weapons, is to use knights, so the second
you gain access to there city, unleash your knights.
----------------------[ 5.5 - Dealing with Unique Units ]---------------------
It is amazing how well the computer use's unique units, especially
longbowmen, Teutonic Kinghts and Throwing Axemen, so here's a few counter
attacks of your own.

[1] Since most of the unique units are infantry (on foot) you can use several
things against them, firstly, as you know these units are slow, so knights
are a great solution.
[2] Secondly, Archers will have a good chance at getting a direct hit 99% of
the time because of there slowness.
[3] Your own unique unit is usually quite equal to the enemys so try using
them to beat enemies.
-------------------------[ 6.0 - Starvation Tactics ]-------------------------
It is wonderful, that so many ture facts are included in the game, one of
the most noteable being that if you take away a persons food, you take away
that persons empire. So destroying an enemys farms, mills and shipyards can
really pay off. Ok you proably think i'm talking rubbish, because people only
need food to be created, not feed - but its still nice if they can't create
new units because they have no food.
--------------------------[ 6.1 - Economic Tactics ]--------------------------
It is really simple, destroy all an empires sources of income and you
destroy the empire! Get rid of gold mines, and you get rid of all new knights,
get rid of stone mines and say goodbye to new towers and castles, and get rid
of all lumber camps and no more nasty siege weapons!
----------------------[ 6.2 - Simple Mass Destruction! ]----------------------
OK, why play the game if you are'nt going to have fun, I personaly
recommend the following:

- 50 Knights or - 70 Knights
- 30 Archers - 10 Archers
- 20 Siege Weapons - 20 Siege Weapons
--------------------------[ 7.0 - Tackling Rivers ]---------------------------
Rivers really are'nt that bad, but if you don't control them then they are
a really big problem, so here is my advice:

[1] My first tip is to take out there docks ...again and again... they will
keep replacing them so its a big job.
[2] Build up at least a 10 strong band of ships, and use these to CONSTANTLY
patrol the river, this will alert you to any treats.
[3] Next start a navel campaign on any enemy structures near the river.
--------------------[ 7.1 - Tackling Height Disavantages ]--------------------
Its surprising, well not really, but it is really a threat, yes for every
one level elevation a tower is built on it adds one to its range, so my best
advice is to get these locations first! But since this will be hard, heres how
to bring down the enemys.

[1] Use force, you won't get a tower down with one archer, use brutal force,
so at least 5 units perferably knights.
[2] Several battering rams may work in some case's.
[3] Try the good old trebuchets they should ...will work!
---------------------------[ 8.0 - Siege Weapons ]----------------------------
The siege weapons are as follows:

Scorpion - usuful in open combat against enemy units.
Heavy Scorpion - usuful in open combat against enemy units.
Bombard Cannon - great for destroying enemy buildings and structures.
Battering Ram - good for destroying town walls and big structures such as
Capped Ram - good for destroying town walls and big structures such as
Siege Ram - good for destroying town walls and big structures such as
Mangonel - good for destroying enemy units that are clustered togeather and
buildings such as towers.
Onager - good for destroying buildings.
Siege Onager - good for destroying buildings.
Trebuchet - great for destroying buildings that fire back such as castles.
-----------------------[ 8.1 - Notable Technologys ]--------------------------
Technology = Place = Applicable for
Chemistry - University - Scorpion, Heavy Scorpion, Mangonel,
Onager, Siege Onager, Trebuchet.
Flecting - Blacksmith - Scorpion, Heavy Scorpion.
Bobkin Arrow - Blacsmith - Scorpion, Heavy Scorpion.
Bracer - Blacksmith - Scorpion, Heavy Scorpion.
Siege Engineers - Uinversity - Scorpion, Heavy Scorpion, Bombard Cannon,
Battering Ram, Capped Ram, Siege Ram,
Mangonel, Onager, Siege Onager, Trebuchet
Faith - Monestery - Scorpion, Heavy Scorpion, Bombard Cannon,
Battering Ram, Capped Ram, Siege Ram,
Mangonel, Onager, Siege Onager, Trebuchet
Conscrription - Castle - Trebuchet.
------------------------[ 8.2 - Notable Civic Bouases ]-----------------------
Celts ~ Siege Workshops 20% faster
Siege weapons Fire 20% faster
Franks ~ Knights +2 LOS (Line of Sight)
Knights +20% HPs
Persions ~ Knights +2 attack vs. archers
Saracens ~ Foot Archers +1 attack vs. Buildings
Cavalry Archers +3 attack vs. buildings
---------------------------------[ 9.0 - Q&A ]--------------------------------
Q: How do I stop my Trebuchets being destroyed so quickly?
A: Try placing 2 knights to each Trebuchet's or a similiar combination and
keep them as far away from the enemy as possible.

Q: What is the quickest way into an enemys city?
A: The gate is always the easiest to knock down because it opens several gaps
not just one like when a wall falls.

Q: Do you recommend any other guides?
A: Please read JChamberlins wonderful guide to this game, it really is great
and covers so much.
--------------------------------[ 9.1 - Tips ]--------------------------------
o Always use a large combination of units, because a bunch of archers are
going to be slaughtered unless there are knights to help and so on.
o Use your brains, don't just make a few commands and sit back, theres always
a way of reducing your own casulties.
o Use towers and outposts to detect upcoming sieges, a few minutes of time to
get ready can be a great advantage.
-------------------------[ 9.2 - Reader Contributions ]-----------------------
I recieved the following from a guy called UltimateSage:

Ok, There is a unit on the game that when put in a large group, is invicible.
It's quite simple, the Briton's elite longbowman. I played online, kept my
strategy of nothing but elite longbowman (at least two full groups of them)
and 4 trebuchets, ive won 79 straight games. It's really easy too, because
once you get them fully upgraded, there is no need for food. The archers and
trebuchets cost gold and wood.

So the strategy is simple, have the following army: 2 groups (like you assign
the groups by ctrl then a number) of elite longbowman, 4 trebuchets, and 3-4
monks. This strategy is really good against multiple people. Just put your
trebuchets in the middle of your 2 longbowman groups, and have your monks hang
back. Have the trebuchets take out castles, town centers, and guard towers
while your longbowman are protecting, then once the building is destroyed,
rush the longbowman into the destroyed area to pick off any leaving units. Use
your monks to heal after the battle and take over any leftover buildings.

Trust me about the elite longbowman being invicible. Some guy knew my
strategy, so he built 70 elite cataracts and 10 catapults (the one on wheels
that throws rocks) and challenged my 75 elite longbowman. At the end of the
battle, all of his people where dead, and 5 of my guys were hurt with one
dead. Trust me, they're unbeatable.
------------------------------[ 10.0 - Credits ]------------------------------
Please let me thank the following for their contribution to the making of
this FAQ.

o Me for writing it.
o You for reading it.
o Microsoft for printing the game.
o Ensemble Studios for making the game.
o Gamefaqs for there constant inspriation and the commitment of CJayC.
o UltimateSage for his contribution.
-------------------------------[ 10.1 - Thanks ]------------------------------
Just wanted to say thanks for reading my FAQ, I hope it has been helpful in
as many ways as possible. If not please tell me why at

Ciarán Gorman.

Quote: "the legendary CGorman" - Aaron Baker, FAQ Writer

(C) CGorman 2002 & 2003 & 2004
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Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Ressourcen, sofortiges Upgrade und schnelles bauen (für v1.1.1.0)

18.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. Hinweise

17.Oktober 2013
Karte aufdecken, Population-Limit

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Ressourcen-Trainer

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Dt. Materialtrainer

17.Oktober 2013
Ressourcen-Trainer (für v2.0a)

16.Oktober 2013
Dt. Mega-Trainer - kann 21 Manipulationen ausführen

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Alle Ressourcen auffüllen

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Karte für den PC Dash
PC Dash

16.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Alle Missionen auswählen können

16.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Alle Ressourcen auffüllen (engl. Version)

16.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020