Shadow Hearts

Shadow Hearts

16.10.2013 20:13:59
This FAQ is Copyright 2002 by Phan Nguyen Khanh Dan


RELEASED : December 2001
VERSION : English

FAQ NAME : Shadow Hearts FAQ/Walkthrough
FAQ AUTHOR : Phan Nguyen Khanh Dan "Mysticcat"
FAQ version : 4.3
DATE : May 22nd 2002


1. Introduction.........................................Complete
2. Legal Junks..........................................Complete
3. Updates..............................................Complete
4. Characters...........................................Complete
5. Basic Terms..........................................Complete
+ Controls
+ Battle System
+ Advices
6. Prologue.............................................Complete
7. Walkthrough..........................................Complete
8. Equipment List.......................................Complete
+ Weapon List
+ Armor List
+ Accessory List
9. Item List............................................Complete
+ Item List
+ Valuable List
10. Ability List.........................................Complete
+ Yuri
+ Alice
+ Zhuzhen
+ Margarete
+ Keith
+ Halley
11. Library - Monster List...............................Complete
12. Library - Guest (NPC) List...........................Complete
13. Extra Section........................................Complete
+ Lottery Member List
+ Pedometer Service
+ Frequently Asked Questions
+ Review
+ Contact Info
14. Credits..............................................Complete


Why do I have make this damn little section ? - To show you where you can
find the info you need. Please read them carefully.

1) Introduction : Here I report my introduction about the guide and the
reasons why I write it.
2) Legal Junks : Rules to protect this author's Copyright, especially for
those who wants to touch this guide for different purposes.
3) Updates (SHOULD BE READ): Shows the updates of the guide with dates.
4) Characters : Introduction about the characters in Shadow Hearts.
5) Basic Terms : Show you the basic systems of the game before starting
to play it.
6) Prologue : Same as Storyline. But I added a flashback to the prequel
of this game - Koudelka, to show more details.
7) Walkthrough : Walkthrough of the whole game, including detailed steps,
collected items, Boss Strategies and Sidequests within. "Sidequests"
section includes most info about secret Fusion Monsters. The sections of
sidequests are inserted at the parts they are accessible in the
8) Equipment List : Shows all the equipments in the game, along with
their stats.
9) Item List : Shows all the Items in the game, including various Items
and Valuables, along with their usages.
10) Ability List : Shows all the abilities of the characters throughout
the game, including EVERY DETAIL ABOUT secret Fusion Monsters.
11) Library - Monster List : Shows all the monsters in the game, along
with their classes, following the game's library.
12) Library - Guest (NPC) List : Shows all the guests in the game, along
with their classes, following the game's library.
13) Extra Section :
+ Lottery Member List : Shows all the Lottery Members around the game,
their locations and their goods.
+ Pedometer Service : Shows all the items which you can get from
Pedometer Service, along with the amounts of steps required.
+ Frequent Asked Questions (IMPORTANT) : This is where the author
Mysticcat answers the most common questions from readers. If you can't find
info you need in the whole guide, so this is the only remaining place for
you. You MUST try checking this section before emailing me about anything.
And besides, this is my OWN FAQ SECTION. It has nothing to do with the
"FAQ" section of the game.
+ Review : Shows the author's review about the game.
+ Contact Info (IMPORTANT) : Shows you what you have to do to contact
the author. Besides, I also give you other related works of mine to serve
your referrence.
14) Credits : The author gives thanks to those people who have helped him
to make this FAQ/Walkthrough.




"Shadow Hearts" is created by Sacnoth, the same staff who made
"Koudelka" two years ago. This game is a sequel of Koudelka, with different
storyline and different characters. But we can see a little of Koudelka
Iasant's image in Shadow Hearts, and her son is one of your playable

Shadow Hearts was made by the same author of Koudelka. But it has
advanced features and seemed completely different from the prequel. If you
have played Koudelka, I'm not sure if you can get used to Shadow Hearts
soon. This game, in some respect, is similar to The Legend of Dragoon
created by Sony Computer Entertainment. The Legend of Dragoon has
Additional system used only in battles; but Shadow Hearts has Judgment Ring
system used as a tool to solve anything in the game, even in battles or in
usual puzzles. When you access any attack command, the Judgment Ring will
appear with waves on it. Each wave is one of the combo you have chosen and
you must press the Action button when the spinning hand - the indicator
passes the wave, as that hit of the combo is succeeded. Judgment Ring is
also used to solve puzzles or to unlock things.

I was a big fan of Koudelka. And the biggest reason which made me get
this game is that it's a sequel of Koudelka and made by the same creator.
But when I have played it, I was a little disappointed because it seems
separated from Koudelka, and being The Legend of Dragoon's clone. But that
doesn't mean this game doesn't have its own advantages. So what are they ?
Let's play the game.




I put this part in the first after Introduction for that people can see
and read it easily. I have done this with all of my previous FAQs.

This guide is Copyright and owned by the author Phan Nguyen Khanh Dan
"Mysticcat". As a guide posted on Websites, you may easily download it from
the click name, use it on your sites, or sell, publish it in many ways. As
the author of this guide, I just have some Disclaimer if you want to do
anything with my property :

- This guide can't be copied, altered or anything like that without having
the author's permission. If you want to use it in your websites or doing
anything on the guide, just email me at and wait for my
answer. I'm not a very mean guy, and I'm willing to let you use it if you
can obey this rule.

- Furthermore, this guide ABSOLUTELY CANNOT be sold, be repbulished as your
guide, gift, magazine and so on. The author has made this guide for NON-
PROFIT only, and so do you.

Available sites, and only these sites can host my FAQ :

- GameFAQs : Http://
This is a very popular gaming site of the huge community of gamers. If
you want to find cheats and guides, this site ABSOLUTELY has all what you

- Neoseeker : Http://
This is a big gaming site about everything : News, Game Guides, Cheats,
Hardwares, Screenshots, etc.

- Playstation Cheats : Http://
An Europian gaming site about PSX/PS2 games.

- Cheat Code Central : Http://
A site always updated with hottest cheats and codes, and others.

- IGN : Http://
A huge gaming site in Internet, updated with hot news and other cool

*NOTES* ----------------------------------------------------------------
Anybody or any sites who have used the guide with my permission, please
frequently check and get the latest updates at I don't
have time to give the updates to all of you each time. Besides, GameFAQs is
the site which put the best display of my FAQ. So please check there and
get it. If you feel that you can't do this work, so you shouldn't ask to
use the guide.
Thank you.

Thank you for reading this. I really do not want to rude. But I myself
have ever had my guide plagiarized or used illegally at least once. And I
don't want it to happen again.




- Version 4.3 (July 8th 2002)
Added Weapon/Armor Locations in "Equipment List" section.
Added a new important question to "Frequent Asked Questions" section :
Where to get Ultimate Weapons & Armors ?
Change a little of format.
I have received this question several times from readers, as they can't
figure out where to find them.
It seems that Shadow Hearts is the most annoying game I have ever
written for. Each episode is a problem when you don't know what is the best
time to do it, and you fail.

- Version 4.1 (July 6th 2002)
Fix the steps to get the good ending.

- Version 4.0 (July 5th 2002)
Added missing info : Prizes of Pit Fight 2 and the secret item Crystal
Fixed mistakes.

- Version 3.8 (July 1st 2002)
Fix mistakes.
I have also added a new question in "Frequently Asked Questions". This
question is very important, as I put it in the last of the section. Please
refer to it.

- Version 3.7 (June 30th 2002)
Fix spelled mistakes.

- Version 3.6 (June 27th 2002)
Aaahhhhhhhhh !!!...
Tons of people send me the same questions, while I have already posted
the latest updates with all the answers as fast as I can : "Why can't I get
Seraphic Radiance ? I have done all the sidequests."
I have updated again, and let me give you this note : YOU MUST MASTER ALL
Another note for you : Read the "CONTACT INFO", then MESS UP THIS GUIDE
TO FIND WHAT YOU NEED. I'll just answer your emails if your questions are
not answered in my guide.
I have also added a small section called "Content Guide" under the Table
of Contents. After receiving many of readers' emails with the same
question, I have intended to open this section, to show you where to find
the information you need.

- Version 3.5 (June 26th 2002)
Although I have replied many emails from readers. But the same questions
are still sent to me. This time I have written the answers more carefully
and detailed. So please notice this :
+ For questions about the third spells of Lv3 Fusion Monsters, please
refer to "Ability List - Yuri's section" or "Frequently Asked Questions".
+ For questions about how to obtain different Fusion Monsters, please
refer to "Ability List - Yuri's section".
+ For questions about Seraphic Radiance, please refer to "Sidequests"
section put in walkthrough - Sidequest 11 AND refer to "Ability List -
Yuri's section" for more details.

- Version 3.4 (June 25th 2002, night)
Corrected a major mistake.
In the first time playing through this game, I have got all Fusion
Monsters, and never thought that there was a relation between Seraphic
Radiance and Amon. But there truly is. A reader has emailed me, saying that
he couldn't get Seraphic Radiance without having got Amon. But in the the
"FAQs" section, I have answered that it was possible. I have committed a
big mistake. And at least one reader has got my wrong answer. I'm really
sorry about that, and I'll try to limit this kind of mistakes as much as I
can. Thank you !

- Version 3.3 (June 25th 2002)
Fix mistakes.

- Version 3.2 (June 24th 2002)
Added "Lottery Member List"
Added "Pedometer Service"
Both new parts are located in "Extra Section".

- Version 3.0 (June 23rd 2002)
I have just finished "Kowloon Fortress", added before "Kuihai Tower"
walkthrough. Check it out. Besides, I have also fixed some related
mistakes, and added some missing items in the lists.

- Version 2.8 (June 22nd 2002)
I have replayed the game and added some missing bosses' HP in the first
part of the walkthrough. I have also received a contribution from Vincent
Tan - a Chinese reader, about the Sea Turtle secret. Thank you very much
for your contribution. Now my only missing part is Kowloon sidequest. I'll
try to complete it as soon as possible. Thanks to Vincent.
With this update, I have also added some more notes to boss strategies,
to make them more detailed and useful. I have also fixed some bosses' HP
which are so much incorrect.

- Version 2.6 (June 19th 2002)
More mistakes fixed.
More info and notes added.

- Version 2.5 (June 18th 2002)
"Last words" section is changed into "Extra Section", updated.
More info about Seraphic Radiance added.

- Version 2.2 (June 16th 2002)
I was busy watching... World Cup 2002 and that was the reason why it
took me a lot to complete this game (^_^). Okay, this is the version of
Some mistakes fixed.
More strategies added.
I have committed a mistake in the Shadow Hearts prologue, about the year
when Koudelka took place. Sorry about that !

- Version 2.0 (June 14th 2002)
Equipment List completed.
The whole FAQ basically completed.

- Version 1.5 (June 9th 2002, night)
Monster List basically completed.
NPC List basically completed.
Item List completed.

- Version 1.2 (June 9th 2002)
Walkthrough completed. I have fixed some mistakes and added Seraphic
Radiance's HP though.
Ability List basically completed.

- Version 1.0 (June 8th 2002)
Walkthrough basically completed.
Basic Terms basically completed.

- Version 0.7 (June 5th 2002)
Walkthrough 70% completed.

- Version 0.5 (May 22th 2002)
FAQ started...
I have just got the game. I decide to play it, writing this guide at the
same time. I'm so willing to complete this guide as soon as possible.




Age : 24
Gender : Male
Class : Darkness
Type : Harmonixer
Unique Skill : Fusion Art
Weapon : Knuckles
Ring Difficulty : Easy
Hit Point : Very High
Magic Point : High
Sanity Point : Very High
Background : He is the son of a Japanese man and a Russian woman. His
father was lost when he went to the army. Yuri witnessed the demons took
his mother away. Being a Harmonixer like his father, Yuri has got some
special ability, especially the mysterious Fusion Art. He can transform
into a monster with strong power and unique skills. During his journey, he
has been controlled by a mysterious voice who orders him to do this and
that. Very that voice orders him to accompany Alice Elliot.
In my opinion, Yuri is the best character of all (It's of course as he is
the hero of this game). He has strongest power of physical attacks and
defense, and the other stats are highly regular. He mostly has no weakness.
His Fusion Art gives him various types of spells with different functions.
In general, he may be the most perfect character in the game. And it's
completely worth when you are forced to control him during 90% the game.

Age : unknown
Gender : Male
Class : Darkness
Type : Harmonixer/Japanese Colonel
Unique Skill : Fusion Art
Weapon : Knuckles
Ring Difficulty : Easy
Hit Point : Very High
Magic Point : High
Sanity Point : Very High
Background : He was Colonel Ben Hyuga, Yuri's father. He is NOT a main
playable character, but you take control of him once in the game. Being a
colonel in Japanese Army, he always left Yuri and his mother for a long
time and came back in winter. But then one time, he has left and then never
came back. Yuri lost his father since then, and he has never got any info
about him. In the past, Ben has bought Yuri a fox mask as a toy for the
little son. And now, Yuri meets a Fox Faced guy coming from the darkness,
whom he called "Father"... But there's no warranty that it was Ben Hyuga.
You'll find who Fox Face really is after playing through the game.
About his status, Ben Hyuga is the same as Yuri, but he has very high
level and strong skills. His only Fusion Monster is Czernoborg - the
ultimate Dark Fusion Monster. But later, you'll also meet him again, but
with the ultimate Fusion Monster - Seraphic Radiance.

Age : 20
Gender : Female
Class : Light
Type : unknown
Unique Skill : White Magic
Weapon : Spellbooks
Ring Difficulty : Medium
Hit Point : Average
Magic Point : Very High
Sanity Point : Very Low
Background : Being the key to world domination, Alice Elliot is the
target of all ambitious evil, including "Roger Bacon" - our ultimate enemy.
His father was killed miserably by Roger Bacon to protect his daughter.
Then Alice was sent off and accompanied by the Japanese Army to escape. But
Roger Bacon was always after her. Then she was saved by Yuri Hyuga. Alice
holds some special power of Light that Bacon needs her to become the
ultimate Lord of this world.
Alice is a female character, it's no doubt that magic is her advantage.
She has great magical attack/defense and agility, but pretty weak against
physical attacks. But if you equip her with suitable accessories, she may
be able to become a useful character.

*In Japanese version, this girl's name can be also translated "Aris". But
all the same.

Age : unknown
Gender : Male
Class : Fire
Type : Sage/Adept
Unique Skill : Yin and Yang
Weapon : Staff
Ring Difficulty : Fairly Hard
Hit Point : High
Magic Point : Very High
Sanity Point : Low
Background : He is a famous sorcerer who is sent to get rid of demons. 15
years ago, he was with Colonel Ben Hyuga and Zhen who came to destroy the
Demon's Gate Invocation of Dehuai. Now he still keeps preserving the
harmony with Ben's son - Yuri Hyuga.
This is my least favourite character. He has great advantages about
magic, but he is extremely weak against physical hits, even weaker than
Alice. His SP is not very high though. I only use him when attaking
multiple enemies by magic because his Orge Flamedance just takes a few MPs.
Besides, I don't see any better use of him. But later in the game, Zhuzhen
will become more subordinate with the appearances of Halley and Keith.

*In some version, his name can be "Li Zhuzhen". But they are all the same.
Just a small difference in spelling.

M A R G A R E T E G. Z E L L E
Age : unknown
Gender : Female
Class : Water
Type : Spy
Unique Skill : Secret Weapons
Weapon : Pistol
Ring Difficulty : Medium
Hit Point : High
Magic Point : High
Sanity Point : Low
Background : She was a spy sent to stop the crazy action of Japanese
Army. In the game, she is expert of collecting information and
investigation. Her code name in missions is Malkovich.
In my opinion, Margarete is a usable character. She is pretty regular at
all stats, as she has no certain advantage. Her status is regular enough to
keep her alive. None of them is too weak or too strong. Generally, she is
an average character.

Age : unknown
Gender : Male
Class : Earth
Type : Vampire
Unique Skill : Valentine Rituals
Weapon : Sword
Ring difficulty : Medium
Hit Point : High
Magic Point : High
Sanity Point : High
Background : Blonde-haired Keith Valentine is a vampire who may be
thousand of years old. He lives in the scary Blue Castle located near
Bistritz village, Europe. People only knew about him as a monster who was
master of the castle. Nobody saw him. Being a vampire, he spends such long
life that he feel bored. So then he has slept for 200 years, until Yuri
came to "wake" him up.
Keith is my second favourite character after Yuri. He has pretty high
physical strength and justified magical power. Besides, he has no healing
spells, but he can heal himself by using vampire's blood sucking. But most
of his spells are mainly attacking hits.

*Why are there so many people whose surname is Valentine : Jill Valentine
in Resident Evil, Vincent Valentine in Final Fantasy VII, and now Keith
Valentine in Shadow Hearts ???

Age : about 15
Gender : Male
Class : Wind
Type : London Rat
Unique Skill : Exercising Supernatural Powers
Weapon : Slingshot
Ring difficulty : Fairly Easy
Hit Point : High
Magic Point : Very High
Sanity Point : Average
Background : He is the son of the powerful witch Koudelka Iasant and
American traveller Edward Brancket. Being a witch, his mother was kidnapped
by Friar Knights when he was little. He soon became an orphan. But somehow,
he inherited his mother's unwashed power. But he is too young to control
it. Halley now is the leader of London Rats - the group of wandering
orphans in London. But he still desires to find and reunite with his
mother. Halley joins your party, mainly because of storyline more than
certain reasons. It seems that Halley is a connecting character between the
prequel Koudelka and Shadow Hearts.
Like Margarete, Halley has no certain advantage. But I think he may be
stronger than Margarete, and he may mainly specialize magic. But Halley's
defense is not very high, as he can be damaged a lot and easy affected by
status abnormalities. But at least, Halley is not as weak as Zhuzhen.

* I have just guessed Hallet's age is about 15. Of course, after playing
Koudelka again. I have taken a look at other Shadow Hearts guides before
mine, and I saw that most the authors said Halley's age was unknown or
about 16. But I'm sure that his age must be 15 or less. It can't be more. I
have replayed Koudelka, and I found that Koudelka took place in 1898 (the
same time with Dehuai's last Demon's Gate Invocation), while Shadow Hearts
is in 1913. In the exploration in Nemeton Monastery, Koudelka Iasant knew
Edward Brancket. Let's give up the theory that Koudelka got married with
Edward and gave birth to Halley in the same year. So until now, Halley must
be 1913-1898=15 years old or less.


He comes to wherever you go. He is a weapon specialist and he works as a
service of yours. You meet him to level up your weapons (Attack Power and
Hit Areas) and reform your party. He is not a playable character. You have
him after Zhuzhen joins your party.

Age : about 1000
Gender : Male
Class : Darkness
Type : Demon/Warlock
Weapon : None
Background : "Roger Bacon" is the first villain you meet during the
opening movie. He is your ultimate enemy of the game though. The reason I
put his name into "...", because there is still some mystery about this
character's true identity.




* Thanks to this game for all below info.

CONTROLS \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Control Type | 3D type
Direction Buttons | - Up : Go north
| - Down : Go south
| - Left : Go left
| - Right : Go right
Playing Buttons | - Triangle : Cancel
| - Square : Open Menu screen
| - Cross : Action/Enter command/Talk
| - Circle : Run (while Direction buttons are pressed)
| - R1 Trigger : Flee (in battles)
| - L1 Trigger : Flee (in battles)

BATTLE SYSTEM \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Status Explanation | - HP : Hit Points. Represents a character's hit
| points. When a character's HP reaches 0, that one
| is immobilized.
| - MP : Magic Points. Represents magic points. They
| decrease when you use magic.
| - SP : Sanity Points. Represents sanity points.
| Battles can wear out the sanity of the most
| seasoned fighter. You lose 1 SP with each turn.
| When SP reaches 0, that character loses control,
| goes "berserk", and you cannot control him/her.
Attributes | - Str : Strength
| Known as character's physical attack power.
| Characters who have high str can deal big damage
| on enemies.
| - Vit : Vitality
| Known as character's physical defense power. This
| affects character's longevity against physical
| hits.
| - Agl : Agility
| Known as character's speed. A character with high
| agility can perform multiple actions to an
| opponent's one.
| - Int : Intelligence
| Known as character's magic attack power.
| Characters with high Int can deal magic with big
| damage on enemies. In this game, magic is Special
| Skill.
| - Pow : Power
| Known as character's magic defense power. This
| affects character's longevity against magical
| hits.
| - Lck : Luck
| Known as character's fortune. A character may not
| even be aware of his/her good fortune. It affects
| them in many unnoticable ways.
| - Others :
| + P-Atk : Physical Attack, goes with Str.
| + P-Def : Physical Defense, goes with Vit.
| + S-Atk : Special Attack, goes with Int.
| + S-Def : Special Defense, goes with Pow.
| + P-Avd : Physical Avoid, goes with Agl.
| + S-Avd : Special Avoid, goes with Agl.
Fight Commands | - ATTACK : Aim for the hit area, and press X
| button three times. Hit the button when the
| indicator sweeps through one wave. There are three
| waves on a Judgment Ring, being a combo of three
| hits of the characters. The fine red waves at the
| end of each wave is Critical Hit when you are able
| to hit at them.
| - SPECIAL SKILLS : Each character has different
| Special Skills, as their second commands are
| different too :
| + Yuri : Fusion
| Turn into Fusion monster.
| + Alice : White Magic
| Using White Magic you have learnt.
| + Margarete : Secret Weapons
| Using Secret Weapons you have learnt.
| + Zhuzhen : Yin & Yang
| Using Yin & Yang magic you have learnt.
| + Keith : Rituals
| Using Rituals you have learnt.
| + Halley : ESP
| Using Exercising Supernatural Powers you have
| learnt.
| - ITEM : Select Item and press X button on the
| hit area.
| - DEFEND : Get ready to defend against the
| enemy's attack.
| Beside the above basic commands, you can also
| press Left button to get "Forward" command and
| right button to get "Back" command.
| + Forward : Move to front row.
| + Back : Move to back row.
| - FLEE : From Battle Command menu, press R1 or L1
| button to prompt the "flee" command. Press X to
| escape from battle. Be warned this may not work
| under certain circumstances.
Special Battles | - Back Attack : Your party is attacked from the
| back. Within Back Attack, the enemies have turns
| first.
| - Cross Attack : Your party is attacked from both
| front side and back. You must kill enemies in both
| sides in order to end the battle.
Classes | There are seven classes : Light, Darkness, Earth,
| Water, Fire, Wind and Non-class.
| All characters and enemies have classes.
| - Fire is the opposite of Water.
| - Wind is the opposite of Earth.
| - Light is the opposite of Darkness.
| - Non-class has no opposite.
| Apply this rule to fight the enemies when you know
| their classes. If you deal damage with opposite
| class, the damage will grow stronger.
Status Abnormalities | 1) Berserk
| When a character's SP falls below 0, he or she
| goes Berserk and cannot be controlled. Berserkers
| don't gain EXP at the end of battles, and they
| may attack allies and use items excessively.
| Removed : Pure items or Anne's Cross.
| 2) Poison
| A character afflicted by Poison receives damage
| each time his or her turn comes around.
| Removed : Mermaid's Tear, Special Skills
| 3) Silence
| A character afflicted by Silence can't use
| any Special Skills. Silence removes itself
| automatically after a certain number of turns.
| Removed : Faerie's Sigh, Special Skill
| 4) Paralysis
| A character afflicted by Paralysis can only
| use items or defend against attacks. Paralysis
| removes itself automatically after a certain
| number of turns.
| Removed : Angel's Feather, Special Skill
| 5) Confusion
| A character afflicted with Confusion loses
| control, attacks enemy and allies indiscriminately
| and uses items excessively. If the inflicted
| character receives damage, Confusion is removed.
| Removed : Holy Mother Bust, Special Skill
| 6) Petrification
| A character afflicted with Petrification loses
| turns and loses all command functions.
| Removed : Imp's Fang, Special Skills
| 7) Instant Death
| A character afflicted with Instant Death loses
| all HP immediately and becomes immobilized.
| Removed : Special Skills, various types of
| Talismans.
| 8) Knockback
| Knockback occurs as an additional effect of
| Special Skill. Knockback attacks blow a front row
| member to the back row.
|**In another hand, you can remove the status
| abnormalties by ending the battle. When you return
| to field, no matter what abnormality you have got
| in battles, they are all cancelled, unlike some
| common RPGs (Final Fantasy, Legend of Dragoon,
| etc) where some abnormalities are still preserved
| in field.**
Judgement Ring | 1) Narrow - Tight Ring
Abnormalities | When a Narrow Judgment Ring is inflicted, the
| Hit Area decreases by half. Narrow removes itself
| automatically after a certain number of turns.
| Removed : Phoenix Tail, Special Skill
| 2) Haste - Fast Ring
| When Haste is inflicted, the bar that circles the
| Judgment Ring accelerated to twice the normal
| speed. Haste removes itself automatically after a
| certain number of turns.
| Removed : Phoenix Tail, Special Skill
| 3) Shrink - Small Ring
| When inflicted with Shrink, the Judgment Ring
| shrinks in size. Shrink removes itself
| automatically after a certain number of turns.
| Removed : Phoenix Tail, Special Skill
| 4) Irregular Speed - Irregular Ring
| When inflicted with Irregular Speed, the bar that
| circles the Judgment Ring changes its speed at
| random. Irregular Speed removes itself
| automatically after a certain number of turns.
| Removed : Phoenix Tail, Special Skill
| 5) Blind Ring - Invisible Ring
| A character inflicted with Blind Ring can't see
| the Hit Areas on the Judgment Ring. Blind Ring
| removes itself automatically after a certain
| number of turns.
| Removed : Phoenix Tail, Special Skill
| **The same with status abnormalities, Judgment
| Ring abnormalities can also be removed by ending
| the battle.**
For more Information, you can refer to the game's Menu Screen, Help
section. It's very useful. Here I just list the basic things and those
which are not explained carefully in the game.

| | ADVICES \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~|
| | - Remember to explore carefully whenever you come to a new place. | |
| | Unlike any RPG games, the scattering items are neither shining nor | |
| | interactive. The only way to know their appearances is running | |
| | around, until there's a question mark "?" appearing on Yuri's head. | |
| | Then press the X button, Yuri soon does the suitable action. | |
| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |
| | - Talk to people if you can. Sometimes they give you precious items.| |
| | Or they can be members of Lottery Association which you can ask to | |
| | play lotto and get rewarded items. | |
| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |
| | - Your main character is Yuri Hyuga, who is affected by the power of| |
| | darkness. You asked to go to the Graveyard to kill the accumulating | |
| | dead souls, called "Malice" and to acquire Fusion Monsters. So I | |
| | advise you to go to the Graveyard often at Save Points whenever the | |
| | Malice turns its colour. When the Malice turns red, that means it | |
| | has come to its max limit. If you fight the Malice at that time, | |
| | your enemies will be extremely powerful. So don't let it become | |
| | full. Fight whenever its colour changes. About acquiring Fusion | |
| | Monsters, you come to the Graveyard whenever a class gets full. Then| |
| | in the Graveyard, the tombstone with full class will glow. Touch it | |
| | to fight the Fusion Monsters. If you win, you'll acquire the Fusion | |
| | Monster. Try to do this often until you have all the Fusion Beasts. | |
| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~|




Before Shadow Hearts, Koudelka was created by as a prequel, also the
first work of Sacnoth - known as an Ex-Square team. I'd like to do a
flashback to the prequel, before entering Shadow Hearts :

P R E Q U E L - " K O U D E L K A "

A rich mason who had had his wife lost in a miserable accident, bought a
monastery in Wales to do a strange experiment. That was Nemeton Monastery,
and that man was Patrick Heyworth. He bought something strange from some
street vendor - the Emigre File, known as one of the forbidden books of the
Vatican. This document said about some ritual used to revive dead creature.
And Patrick used it to revive his wife Elaine Heyworth. In order to do the
experiment, he had to choose a deserted and isolated location like Nemeton
Monastery and did secretly. He did the experiment with the help of two
helpers. Within a short time, Patrick had kidnapped and sacrificed more
than two hundred innocent people to the Cauldron of Life - which was used
to revive his wife. Patrick was living in fear as he had touched blood.
Finally, his experiment was successful, and as a result, his wife was truly
taken back to life. But... it wasn't his beloved Elaine. It was a demon.
All hope had been lost. Patrick knew that he had been punished by the God,
for his crazy love. He suicided to go to see his real wife. But it's not
over yet, as the whole monastery became a hideout of blood-thirsty demons.

It was about 1898...
There was no many info known about Koudelka Iasant. But I can tell you
that Koudelka had got the special mystical power since she was born, as if
she was given by the God. Because of this unwashed power, the villagers got
rid of her. She lived by herself and grew to be a powerful witch, within
her power. Being a witch, she heard the calling of the dead souls in
Nemeton Monastery. And she came there to see what was happening. In her
exploration, Koudelka teamed up with Edward Brancket, an American traveller
and James O'Flaherty - a Walsh vicar who was sent to explore the place
either. On the way, she also met the mysterious alchemist called Roger
Bacon, who has been hundreds of years old. All of them has finally found
the origin of the demons in monastery, which was Elaine's cauldron, and
they finished it up...


More than ten years later, in 1913...
There was a strange murder happened in Europe. The victim was Father
Morris Elliot who was killed miserably and his corpse was scattered. This
seemed like an action of some vengeance. Elliot's daughter - Alice Elliot
was be able to escape. She was protected by Japanese Army to leave. But
it's not over yet...




- This walkthrough only contains main episodes, shows you what you have to
do and quick boss strategies. I don't tell you details about scattering
items or anything like that. So remember to check any new places you come.
- I also don't tell you much about the scenes or FMV films. You watch them
yourselves okay ?
- This is the most important note : I do write the HP of the bosses in the
game in my effort. The correct bosses' HP is written according to using
Margarete's Scout to scan them. But the INCORRECT HP (with the "~" before
it) is estimated by Mysticcat himself. Being an ESTIMATED number, it's not
100% exact. But you can partly rely on them to determine when the bosses
will be defeated. If some numbers are incorrect too much (over the
justified limit), you can email me for fixing. All your contributions are
appreciate. In the first versions of the FAQ, the HP and MP may not be
filled enough, as I play the game and write it simultaneously. I'll try to
fill the unknown numbers when I replay the game after beating it. Please
sympathize me and enjoy the FAQ ! Besides, I cannot give HP of those
battles which you are supposed to lose, okay ? In this kind of battle, your
life is decided by turns, not by HP.

Your game will begin with an impressive FMV scene. Alice Elliot is on the
train to escape from her father's murder. She is guarded by the Japanese
soldiers. But then Roger Bacon comes in, using demonic magic to kill the
soldiers barbaricly and catches up Alice. But a Rude Hero has come in and
then Roger Bacon soon realizes he is not ordinary, and runs away. You take
control of Rude Hero.

Monsters : Wind Shears
Boss : Roger Bacon

Nothing major. Just run south to the next compartments as much as you
can, until you come to Alice's compartment (which have the soldiers'
corpses). Check the corpses to grab some Thera Leaf and Mana Leaf. Then the
Rude Hero realizes that Roger Bacon has run to the top of the train.

Rude Hero catches up with Bacon. Then you begin a fight :

HP : ???
MP : ???
Class : Darkness
Strategy : He seems very powerful. But there's no way to defeat him. You
just try to fight him as much as you can, until Bacon plays the finishing
touch on you : Revelate which damages 999 HP. No way to live, but don't
worry. It's NOT game over.

After that, Roger Bacon gives you some comments and takes Alice away. But
then Alice's brooch glows, causing a shining light that surprises Bacon.
Within that moment, Rude Hero gives Bacon a punch and brings Alice away
from him. They jump off the train (Let's look at Roger Bacon. What a demon
he is !)

Monsters : Vampire Bats, Venomous Spiders, Wolves
Boss : None

The mysterious voice asks Rude Hero to protect Alice Elliot. She has
woken up. Seeing Rude Hero, she is frightened and runs away. You take
control of Rude Hero again. Just chase after Alice.

In the next area, go along the path to the west until Rude Hero finds
Alice lying on the ground. They have a talk again and now Alice accepts to
join him. They introduce themselves. The default name of Rude Hero is Yuri
Hyuga, you can change if you want. But I advise you to let the default
name. The girl is Alice Elliot. Then you take control of Yuri and Alice.
There's a Mermaid's Tear on the left river edge. After that, run to the
next area on the east.

Alice and Yuri try to find a way to continue their journey. Let's take a
look at the whole area. You can save at the shining Save Point on the right
if you need to. There are two shining points. First, pass the bridge and
check the nearer shining thing you see. Yuri says that it can't be used. So
you make a turn to examine the second shining point. Yuri will say if there
were a valve handle, he could make it. Then return to either shining thing
to get the valve handle. Run to the second shining point and do some ring
games to use it. It's just like you did in battle. Try to succeed, then the
gate in the previous area will be opened. Alice says that they will take a
rest here.

Monsters : Evil 1, Evil 2, Evil 3, Evil 4
Boss : Fox Face

Alice has been sleeping, and Yuri wants to rest too. But some guys from
the darkness appears and annoy him. Yuri calls that guy "Father" and after
the talk, you fight him.

HP : ???
MP : ???
Class : Darkness
Strategy : Just like the previous fight with Roger Bacon, you can't win
this battle. Try to suffer Hyuga's attacks until he defeats Yuri.

No matter what, you are taken to the Graveyard (maybe the Hell). When you
take control of Yuri, go around the area and find a shining tombstone.
Examine it, and you'll fight a boss : Raging Tiger. I don't consider Raging
Tiger as a boss. It is Yuri's Fusion Monster. Fighting Fusion Monsters is
not very hard. It's as easy as battling the regular monsters. You try to
beat it as usual. Then Yuri will acquire a new Fusion Monster : Raging
Tiger. Now he belongs to you.

Here you will find tombstones of classes : Fire, Water, Earth, Wind,
Darkness and Light. Raging Tiger you have just acquired is from Earth
tombstone. But now you have nothing to do with them. Go left until you find
a gate with four masks guarding. Come and talk to them. They will tell you
about the Malice. Yuri has killed a lot in his life. The souls of the
fiends he killed come here, accumulating gradually to become a powerful
evil spirit. The accumulated souls are called the Malice. The Malice is
very the symbol on the bottom right corner of the Menu Screen. You can read
the "Help" menu in Menu Screen to get more details. So now that, you have
to come to this Graveyard often to kill the accumulated Malice. You can
only enter this place at Save Points, with Yuri only (If Yuri is not in
your party, you can't go to the Graveyard).

Talk to the masks and fight the Evil 4 - the current accumulated Malice.
After that, you'll receive an item from the masks and leave the Graveyard.
Alice has woken up Yuri. There you go.

Now you can take a walk around this area. You can find a Mana Seed and a
Leather Belt. If you like, equip this Leather Belt to either character.
Then make your way back to the previous screen.

Monsters : Green Flyers, Canus, Zombie
Boss : Hellcats, Felinus, Yamaraja : Earth

Find the position where you found the Mermaid's Tear. The flooded water
here has been drained, and now you can use the rising edge to cross the
river. In the next screen, go forward the village.

At the village gate, there are two odd children who welcome you. They
dislike rude Yuri, but Alice's sweetness makes them let both of them come
in. Step to the village. You can talk to people here and check around the
ground for some stuffs. You can find an Angle's Feather and Bronze
Arrowhead. Go north to the next screen. Check the well to get a Pure Leaf.
Here there's a blue wandering guy who will sell items and equipments to
you. Talk to him when you need anything. Then head forward to the final
screen. You've come to a shrine.

There are a lot of skulls scaterring around the shrine. They scare Alice.
But Yuri calms her down and then a villager will tell you that the Mayor
wants to see you. Go back to the previous screen and enter the left house.
But then you realize that there's something wrong with the village. They
want to eat both Yuri and Alice to sacrifice to their blessing god :
Yamaraja. Both of you are locked. After that, you must fight the two "kind"
children. Their true selves are cat pixies.


+ Hellcat 1 :
HP : 45 HP
MP : ???
Class : Light

+ Hellcat 2 :
HP : 45 HP
MP : ???
Class : Light

Strategy : Easy as pie. Just attack them as usual. Yuri will wipe them
all. The only difference between the two Hellcats is that the left one is a
bit stronger than the right one.

After fighting, get out of the house.

You then realize this village has proved its true self, a "Hell". The
background is covered red like blood. But don't worry, the wandering
peddler is still here and you can ask him for some needed stuffs. Let's run
toward the Yamaraja's shrine. You will again meet the old Mayor - who has
shown her true self as a cat demon. She soon disappears and you must find
all the ways to catch her up. Get back to the well area.

Run around for a while until the cat demon appears again. After talking
to her, run south to the shop area, talk to the cat demon again. Now let's
get to the gate.

You'll meet two new people here. Talk to them. One of them is a sorcerer
named Liu Zhuzhen. He will join you to support. The other one is Meiyuan.
This guy also has service for you : Changing your Judgement Rings and
Switching your party (Switching party is only available when you have four
or more characters joining you. Now you can't do it). After preparing
yourself, I suggest you should run around the village more to collect EXP
and gain Spirit Elements. It will be useful for you to level up to grow
stronger, and to acquire Fusion Monsters quickly when an element is

Do whatever you want. Finally, come to Mayor's House again. On the way
you go, the demon cat Felinus will continue to annoy you. But now she seems
very strange, unlike the previous times. Just go to her house and Zhuzhen
will explain everything. He asks you to find a Metal Vessel and a Torch to
make the cat show its self. Then leave the house for a while.

The wandering peddler now is standing next to the house. You can ask him
where the Metal Vessel ands Torch are. He tells you that the Metal Vessel
can be found in shops, and there are some torches near the gate. So go find

The shop area is just before the gate screen. Come there and check the
shops on the left side. You'll find a Metal Vessel there. You are asked to
do some ring game to get it (suck !?). Then come to the gate. The Torch is
just next to Meiyuan on the right.

After collecting all required things, get back to the Mayor's House and
examine the altar. Zhuzhen will use the things you found, along with his
material to make Felinus appear. Then you must fight her.

HP : ~250
MP : ???
Element : Wind
She is just a piece of cake. Attack her as usual. Pay attention to Alice
who has the least SPs. Gain her SPs when necessary. Felinus has an only
attack : Wind Fang, which causes mediocre damage on all party members. As
Felinus is Wind-classed, you can have Yuri transform into Raging Tiger
(Earth-classed) to deal with her.

After defeating Felinus, Yuri tells you to face Yamaraja. So get out of
the house and head to the shrine soon. Accept to examine the shrine, then
you'll fight Yamaraja soon :

HP : ~300
MP : ???
Element : Water
He is not very hard to fight. Just beat him as usual and heal your party
whenever necessary. Be careful when he makes your rings tight. You can cure
this abnormality if you have Phoenix Tails. But if not, try to get used to
the tight rings. Be careful with his Flash Flood, which can kill Zhuzhen
within two hits (Flash Flood is Water-classed, while Zhuzhen is Fire-
classed). Yamaraja's physical attacks can cause Alice or Zhuzhen to instant
death though, cuz both these characters have low vitality. Have Yuri
transform and be the main attacker. Have Alice heal, and Zhuzhen can heal
or attack, depending on how the situation is. Have Zhuzhen attack when you
make sure that he's had his HP fulfilled. His Ogre Flamedance is very
effective against this boss.

When you have finished the battle, the village will return to itself as
it was : no monster and no blood. Go to the gate and get out. Yuri and
Alice say goodbye to Zhuzhen. When you return to World Map, choose to go to

Monsters : None
Boss : None

Alice is sleeping and Yuri doesn't want to wake up. So run around and
talk to people here. You may find the Silent Peddler who may provide some
good equipments for you. A man on the left of the mountain is a member of
Lottery Association. Talk to him. If you have got a Lottery Ticket, he will
give you a ring game to get a rare item. If you miss, you can also get a
Tissue either. You can also have some talk with the dog too.

After talking to everyone, return to Alice and she will wake up herself.
Then take her with you and go the left way to leave the screen. You've come
to a path. Check around the ground for some stuffs. Then go to the shop
near there. Then you'll witness a scene : A spy called Malkovich who is
standing on the rooftop, wants to play a joke with the Japanese Army. She
is putting a bomb somewhere in Fengtian, and prepares to operate it...

You are in the shop. Talk to people here and buy whatever you want.
Prepare yourself carefully here, because you gonna get troubles soon.

After finishing, leave the shop. And... BUMP !!!

Malkovich didn't want to damage innocent people. She just wanted to joke
the army. But you were nearly involved. She got down to wake you, as the
soldiers have seen you. Check around the hole for some stuff. After
Malkovich escapes through the hole to sewer, let's follow her.

Monsters : Mutant Frogs, Fire Bat, Frog God, Kappa, Water Tiger
Boss : None

There's a Gold Hourglass around the right staircase going to the water.
Check around there to find it. First, you should take the left path first
and go forward. When you come to the cross road, choose the left way. But
the left way is split into two paths by a pool. Choose the lower left path,
go to its end to open a treasure chest with a stuff inside. Then get back
to the cross road and take the upper left path. Go along this path until
you see a broken wall part. Yuri and Alice saw something inside the hole.
Then they find out it was the dog Yuri saw near the fountain. Alice wants
to take the dog to get out with her.

Here you may hear the sound of gun shots. Let's get back to the cross
road. That was Malkovich. She may have been attacked by monsters. After
this event, she will join your party with her real name : Margarette. Let's
continue the journey.

Now go south to return to the first screen of the sewer. Take the right
path and head to the cross road again. Then turn right. Go along the path,
you'll find Save Point. Save and clear the Malice if you want. Then go to
upper path and try climbing the ladder. The party realizes that there has
been a seal locking their way out. So they must find something to unlock
it. But then another bomb of Margarette has destroyed some part of the

After that, you get down and go left to the corner. Then run north to
find a treasure chest. Grab the stuff inside. Now return to the entrance
again and take the left path. But now just head north as far as you can.
You'll see the destroyed part. Check the glowing platform to get the
Sealing Stone. Then return to the escape ladder again, use the Sealing
Stone you've got to unlock the seal. Then you have to battle some enemies :
A Water Tiger and two Kappas. They are just pieces of cake. But I remind
you to kill the Kappas first, because they are weaker than the Water Tiger,
and they can heal themselves. Say goodbye to the Sewer.

Monsters : Elite Guards
Boss : Beast Dog

There's a long talk and then you must fight some Elite Guards sent by
Lieutenant Colonel Kawashima. After killing them, the party then realizes
that the dog Alice has brought was controlled by Dehuai. It transforms into
a beast and fights you :

HP : ~500
MP : ???
Element : Fire
Just fight him as usual and heal whenever necessary. This battle, I
think, was pretty long. And my only trouble was that Alice and Margerete
has gone berserk. So then keep an eye on characters' SPs, use Pure Leaf or
Pure Seed to heal whenever they gonna be out. Beast Dog's Breath of Fire is
pretty dangerous, especially to Margarete who is Water-classed. You can
increase Yuri's physical damage by having Margarete cast Aqua Edge on him.
Have Yuri transform (Man Dragon is recommended if you have got him) and
attack; have Alice heal or cast Blessed Light to attack (if you have) and
have Margarete attack or support.

After the battle, let's see how our friends escape (Laugh out loud !!!)
You'll also return to Yuri's past as he sleeps. You'll see the true face of
the Fox Face boss you had saw before - Colonel Ben Hyuga. But that's just
his guess. At this time of the game, Fox Face is still a mystery for Yuri.
He thinks that it's his father Ben Hyuga, but he doesn't get the true
person behind the fox mask.

You have come to Dalian Port.

Monsters : Frog God, Water Creeper
Boss : Yamaraja - Wind

The miserable airplane has been wrecked, and now you get off at Dalian
Port. Let's check around the ship for a treasure chest. There are many
items scattering on the ground around here. So try to pay attention. Run to
the man who is beside the grass. He asks for your help to find his lost
turtle for him. Accept to help him if you want, then enter the grass. Just
run around the grass until you see a question mark on Yuri's head. Then
press the X button, Yuri will try to catch the turtle he saw. But he will
fail at the first time. Don't worry. Try to run around to find it again.
Yuri will succeed in the third time. After that, talk to the man and he
will thank you by giving you a gift. When you have finished, run to the
left to enter Dalian village.

Here you can talk to people if you want. There's a hidden treasure chest
in the bottom right corner. Try to find and grab it. Let's enter the left
house. This is also a shop.

Talk to people here to know what is happening in the village. They tell
you the story about a ghost named Li Li who is cursing the village. There
is a man who is standing behind the wall on upper right. He will sell items
to you if you ask him. Buy whatever you want. One of the people here will
tell you to see Sea Mother - the only protector of the village. She is in
the inn. Get out of the shop and run to the left where a child is running.
Enter the door to the inn.

Here you see Sea Mother trying to treat Yen Yen - a villager who was also
cursed by Li Li. But it was out of her effort.

After the scene, get downstairs. You can talk to the shop owner to buy
some weapons. Then get upstairs.

Sea Mother has gone. You can enter the room she was in to check for some
stuffs. From now you can ask the innkeeper to rest with some cost. Of
course, resting fulfills your HP and MP, like any RPGs you have played.
When you have finished, leave the inn.

The night has come, and now you feel the scary atmosphere of the village.
Run around to the right, then you will get the first meet with the poor
ghost Li Li. She appears just in front of you, and Alice soon gets cursed
(How annoying she is !) and loses consciousness. After the scene, she'll
soon be brought to the shop and cured by Sea Mother. The old woman says
that her power is not strong enough to get rid of the curse in Alice. And,
then, she tells you about Li Li's tragedy, as the reason why she still
haunts the village even though she has died. A pretty long video clip is
used for the story. If you don't like, just skip it by pressing Start

Zhuzhen - the person who is sent to treat Alice has entered. You meet him
again. And this time he joins you to save Alice and to get rid of the
horror in Dalian. Let's leave the shop. Your party now is Yuri, Margarette
and Zhuzhen. Now what you have to do is to find the origin of the monsters
here. Save if you need, then get out of the village area by running north,
return to the ship port.

Here you'll find a glowing circle on the ground on the upper right of the
screen. Examine it, and you'll fight a boss :

HP : ~600
MP : unknown
Element : Earth
Well, this boss fight begins to be tough. I wonder why this boss is
"Yamaraja : Wind", while his true class is Earth (???). Your key to defeat
this boss is using Magical Attacks. This Yamaraja is strong against every
physical effects. Even though Yuri is the strongest character, his damage
caused on the boss isn't over 10 HP. Try to use Zhuzhen's Ogre Flamedance.
And about Margarette, I think that you haven't got any Secret Weapons which
are used to attack right ? So let her be the healer or supporter. Have Yuri
transform into a Fusion Monster (I recommend Tornado, as this monster is
the opposite class of Yamaraja : Wind) and use Special Attacks. Pay
attention to MP and SP bar. If either of the above is going to run out,
heal it soon, or you'll get a serious trouble.

After defeating the boss, get back to the shop where Alice is. She has
been recovered. Then Lt. Colonel Kawashima comes either. But don't worry.
Everybody doesn't know that it's Kawashima, as she comes to support Yuri's
party to go to Shanghai after they finish up here. She lends you her ship
to go on. You'll get a rest in the inn.

After waking up, walk around the place for some stuffs. Meiyuan is also
here too. You can ask him to fix your rings if you like. Then get down the
stairs to Weapon Shop. Run to the end of the border until you see a child
who is blocking your way to the shop. Talk to him now, and he will let you
in. You can find a Flare Brooch in the chest here (If you had talked to
this child before fighting the boss, he would have refused to let you
pass). Leave the inn.

Talk to the woman who is drying fish. Then she will give you some Dried
Fish and ask you to give it to Sea Mother in the shop.

After handing the fish to Sea Mother, get out and talk to the woman
again if you like. But before that, Sea Mother has said something strange
like "Where the turtle looks, take three steps". "Turtle" here means the
restaurant you are in. If you know Chinese and look at the sign board of
the restaurant, it says "Sea Turle Restaurant". From the entrance of the
restaurant, take three steps AWAY (leftwards from your point of views).
Then press X. Yuri collects some cash on the ground, and you must do a
Judgment Ring test. If you make it well, you'll get the max cash (2000g).
If not, the prize will be lowered.

**Contributed by Vincent Tan**

Do you remember the man who lost the turtle ? He is still standing there.
If you talk to him, he'll give you a choice to play a mini-game or not. Try
accepting to play. You receive a hoe. And now your work is to run around
the grass, find a dig items. Whenever the question mark appears on Yuri's
head, dig that position by pressing Action button. The difficulty here is
that you must succeed completing the Normal Ring each time you dig. The
prize items are not huge, but they are useful (Thera Leaves, Pure Leaves,
Mana Leaves, etc).

After you have been bored, go to the ship deck (There's a silent Silent
Peddler standing on the pier. Talk to him and get stuffs if you want). Talk
to the guy who is standing beside Margarette. You set off.

Monsters : White Woflings, Orge Flames
Boss : Li Li

Before coming to Shanghai soon, let's take a look at life on the boat.
Everyone is all pleasant, resting quietly, except one guy : Yuri. Yeah... I
also couldn't believe that Yuri is the type of those who get seasick. You
can save if you want, then take control of Yuri (Poor kid, he can't even
run). Go upstairs now.

Margarette is just next the the stairs. Have a talk with her. Then let's
see what "rude" Yuri does next. He throws out a lot before Margarette
because of the damn seasick. Then go along the left path. When you come to
a door on the way, you can stop for a while to hear Kawashima and Kato
talking to each other. But Yuri won't hear anything. Then just get going
until you find Zhuzhen on the left end of the ship. Talk to him now.

After the talk, go right and get downstairs with Alice and have a talk
with her. Then you can go up again, go to the room where Kawashima was to
grab a Lottery Ticket on the top corner. Let's get out and team up with
your party. Li Li again shows herself on the ship, as well as Sea Mother is
there too. Li li will soon be sealed temporarily. And after the scene, you
are standing at your starting point. Talk to people here and save. Then get
on. Enter Kawashima's room. Both Kawashima and Kato are getting troubles.
You'll take a battle with some Orge Flames. After that, leave the room.
Team up friends on the left. You will have to take some more battles, but
they are just pieces of cake. After the scene, Zhuzhen and Sea Mother are
standing there. When you have been ready, talk to them to get in work. But
I remind you to go around the ship for a while to encounter random battles
to level up.

When you have been ready, talk to Sea Mother to continue. But then not
only does Li Li come, but also Dehuai. He gathers the pain in Li Li to make
her exist and she fights you :

HP : 590
MP : 500
Element : Darkness
Fighting this form of Li Li is not very hard. But she has two attacks :
Dark Messenger and Paralyze. Dark Messenger is used on single character,
which can cause a serious damage, especially on Alice as she is Light
elemental. Try to heal her whenever she loses too many HP. If you have got
accessories which immune to Paralysis, equip them before getting in battle.
If not, try to use the items which cure Paralysis if you get. But I think
this battle is not hard. To increase your physical damage, you can have
Alice cast Holy Edge on the attacker.

Oh ho ! Dehuai will destroy all your effort...

HP : ~700
MP : ???
Element : Darkness
This Li Li is a little tougher than the previous form. Instead of Dark
Messenger, she casts a similar hit called Hate Storm. But this spell
attacks all your characters. Besides, she doesn't get anything newer.
According to my estimation, her HP is a little stronger. So just fight her
as usual. But she still can paralyze you. So remember that, and equip anti-
Paralysis accessories. Also, pay attention to characters' SPs, especially

After thar, Sea Mother will use all her last strength to calm Li Li and
send her to the Nirvana. Along with that, she dies too, because of her old
age and lost strength. Dehuai returns to his hideout. And you continue to
head to Shanghai - Huayuan.

Monsters : Random monsters in Pit Fights
Boss : Wugui of Kowloon

When you first enter, there is a scene told by Zhuzhen about 15 years
ago, when he first came here. He was hooked by Wugui of Kowloon, and then
Colonel Ben Hyuga came to help him. Then you take control of Ben Hyuga -
Yuri's father. Be cheerful now. Ben Hyuga is very strong, as he has reached
Level 40. His attacks are the same as Yuri's. You fight the Kappa soldiers
first. Just beat them as usual. Easy as pie right ? After that, you move to
fight Wugui of Kowloon.

HP : ~350
MP : ???
Element : Darkness
Fighting this guy is as easy as fighting regular enemies. Just don't use
Special Attacks on him because he drains all of them. Damage him by
physical attacks. Ben Hyuga is level 40 at this time, so you can easily
knock out Wugui.

Well then, you'll return to the present. Yuri's party is staying in a
hotel in Huayuan. You take control of Zhuzhen now. Leave the current room.
There's a Silent Peddler just outside. You can ask him for some service.

Go down the stairs. There's a Save Point here. Save if you want. Then
leave the hotel.

There are a lot of items scattering in this crowded place. The Weapon
Shop is a stand on the right way. You can talk to people here for some fun.
If you like to wander for a while, take the right path to go. You'll reach
another area. There's an Item Shop with a child who is welcoming, on the
left side of the path. Don't forget to search some scattering stuffs here.
If you keep running to the south, you'll reach the harbor with the
Smuggler's Boat. There's nothing new on the ship, but if you can find a
Lottery Member at the Save Point room of the ship. So don't ignore it.
After you have finished everything, return to the first screen of Huayuan
where the hotel is. Take the south way.

You can search for Pilgrim's Staff - a weapon of Zhuzhen here. Just go
down as far as you can. You can grab a Mana Seed beside the right barrels.
Then get down the left staircase to reach the bar. You'll see a scene of
Kawashima and Suketani.

Once you enter the bar, find a Lottery Ticket on the left barrels. Then
go to talk to the man behind the bar. He will tell you about the change of
this place. Zhongyun Zhen - an old friend of Zhuzhen who has gone to
conquer the last Demon's Gate Invocation with Zhuzhen and Ben Hyuga, was
not the owner of this place anymore. And then you confront that hated Wugui
of Kowloon again. Soon Wugui will cast some Kappas to challenge. These guys
are pieces of cake. You can use Orge Flamedance to hit all enemies. Kill
them as usual. You may take two Kappa battles. But then Wugui will fight
you himself.

HP : ???
MP : ???
Element : Darkness
At least you are still supposed to lose this battle. Don't use Special
Attacks (Yin & Yang) against him, as he will drain it all. Just attack as
usual and try to keep you alive until he plays the finishing hit "Game of
Death" which kills you at once.

Well, Zhuzhen loses anyway. He is picked up by Wugui, but then Yuri
comes. Hehehe... another Hyuga... Wugui has got lose from Hyuga 15 years
ago. Now let's give him that shameful feeling as Yuri Hyuga :

HP : ~350
MP : ???
Element : Darkness
Well, old weak Zhuzhen could do nothing on this evil guy. But Yuri can.
Wugui will soon cast "Game of Death" at the beginning of the battle. But
Yuri soon immunes to it. This battle is pretty easy, as you fought as Ben
Hyuga. Use physical attacks on Wugui. Yuri is strong enough to finish this
guy quickly. Just heal when necessary. But I think you can defeat him fast
before he could do anything on you. Wugui's often attacks are lengthening
his arms to touch you. But Yuri is all strong against them. Beating Wugui
as Yuri is not as easy as beating him as Ben Hyuga (Of course, Ben Hyuga
has reached Level 40, while Yuri is currently just a piece of cake with

Well, Wugui still can't defeat Hyuga. He will retreat soon. After a few
scenes, you'll be back to your room in the hotel. Then you take control of
Yuri. Leave your room. Now you can enter the right room which was locked
before. You can go in to talk to Kawashima and Kato if you want. When you
have finished, leave the hotel.

Let's get into the Zhen's bar again. I'm not sure if there is a Lottery
member here. Try talking to people. You can find Meiyuan here too. Talk to
him if you need his service. Then you can get in the green curtain on the
north. That is Zhen's Pit Fight. You enter here to get in battles to get
prizes. Just talk to Zhen who is standing in the ring. He will ask you to
pay 300g for battles, and choose a fighter. You can only pick one who is
currently in your party. About getting in Pit Fights, I think the best
character is Yuri. If not, you can choose Keith Valentine, cuz they are the
strongest characters. But now you don't have Keith, so pick Yuri for more
percentage of victories. You'll encounter monsters soon. If you lose, the
game WON'T be over, you are just knocked out without receiving anything. If
you win, Zhen will ask you to get in the next battle (without preparation).
Answer "Yes" if you desire to get the prize. This is very similar Gold
Saucer - Battle Arena of Final Fantasy VII. If you won 10 continuous
battles, Zhen would reward you 5000g. And then Qiuhua will give you a gift
which was a memento Colonel Ben Hyuga gave her 15 years ago - the Anne's
Cross. In fact, it was good luck charm that Anne (Yuri's mother) gave
Hyuga. Now Qiuhua thinks that it should belong to Hyuga's son. Anne's Cross
is a useful accessory that can automatically heal the wearer's SPs. You can
equip it for Alice. With this thing, once the wearer has gone berserk, a
ring will appear and if you hit the indicator correctly, you'll be added
with 3 or 4 SPs. If you fail, your character still stays berserk.

At this time of the game, getting in Pit Fights is not easy. Before
encountering, make sure that the selected character must have perfect
health (Rest in the inns or use Tents at Save Points to do this, or you can
heal that character manually yourself). My best recommended character for
you are Yuri Hyuga as he is the strongest one currently.
After that, make sure that you have some equipped accessories which
prevent some character' status abnormalities and ring status abnormalities.
The most frequent status abnormalities I have got are : Silence
(Character), Paralysis (Character), Tiny Ring (Ring), Tight Ring (Ring),
etc. Or at least, you should store some items which can prevent them, like
Faeri's Signs, Angel's Feathers, Phoenix Tails, etc. Of course, you mustn't
forget popular healing items : Thera Leaves, Thera Seeds, Mana Leaves, Mana
Seeds. Most of the battles are not very hard. But sometimes you may get
strong enemies which often take you a long time to beat it. So store some
Pure Leaves and Pure Seeds either. They are not completely useless.
As Yuri, you should equip the Fusion Monsters with use healing spells
which you have. I recommend Heaven's Fiend, Man Dragon or Inferno. Heaven's
Fiend and Man Dragon are pretty useful for healing. And you can use Inferno
to cure status abnormalities.
Well, let's get in battle. Most of the given monsters are the regular
ones you frequently see. They are just pieces of cakes, and you just fight
them as you often do. The real difficulty of Pit Fights is that bosses and
unique enemies are available too. You can face bosses Yamaraja : Earth,
Yamaraja : Wind, Li Li (Monster form) etc. And rare enemies are often
Custom Wind Shear and Prototype Wind Shear. Regular Wind Shears are pieces
of cakes. But those special Wind Shears are extremely nightmares. They are
even stronger than the above bosses at this time :
+ Bosses : The bosses here are mostly the ones you have already faced, but
they grow stronger as you have increased your level. Just fight them as you
did. The only difficulty is that you fight as single character, not in
party like you really did. Transforming into Fusion Monsters may be partly
+ Special Wind Shears : It's really hard now. I'm afraid of these guys
more than the bosses. It took me tons of MP to use healing spells and tons
of healing items at the first time I beat them. They have strong HP as well
as the bosses. But their defense is pretty great, and their attacks are
fatal too. One shear of them can take you from 40-90 HP, and they can make
combo attack too. They often cause Ring status abnormalities to restrict
your attacks. But it's lucky that these abnormalities are not very serious,
as you can still use the rings (I'm just afraid of Invisible Ring). The
only advice I want to tell you is healing and healing. Heal whenever you
are taken away too much HP. Or at least, keep your HP above 150, because a
combo attack of them can kill you instantly. As my experience, Prototype
Wind Shear is a little weaker than Custom Wind Shear. But generally, they
are all dangerous.
Generally, I advise you to challenge this Pit Fight AFTER beating Temple
Ruins. At that time, your level will be higher, and you'll grow stronger.
Beating it now is not easy, especially the Special Wind Shears and bosses.

When you feel bored, let's get out of the bar. It's time for you to leave
this town. Head to the north path to come to Temple Ruins.

Monsters : Python, Sea Gremlin, Raging Spirit, Puppet Guard,
Succubus Queen, Brain Sucker.
Bosses : Xieshi, Baigu, Qinggu, Yamaraja - War

Choose to go to Temple Ruins. You'll have to pass some conversations
before taking control of the characters.

First, run north until you find some altar-like spot. Examinie it by
pressing X button. Zhuzhen will go out and try to think what he has to do
next. You take control of Yuri again. While Zhuzhen is thinking, don't
bother him. Return to the first screen and take the left path to go to
another screen. Kawashima and Kato are all here. There's also a Save Point.
You can use it if you want. Ask Kato to buy weapons and items if you need.
After preparing, return to Zhuzhen and talk to him. The old sorcerer will
open the secret staircase soon. And you get down.

You have entered a cave. Then a cat-like child suddenly appears. He is
Master Xiaofang. This child will tell you about the coming challenges they
must pass. Then Xiaofang will split your party into two groups : Men group
(Yuri and Zhuzhen) and Women group (of course, Alice and Margarete). The
first challenge is for Men Group. Xiaofang opens the left door. Control
Yuri to get in.

Each challenge is labyrinth. Then you end up at an altar chamber where
you will fight the gatekeepers - the bosses to continue. Each labyrinth has
three levels. You come to different levels by using the Green, Yellow and
Red teleport devices. Green device takes you to the first level, Yellow one
takes you to second level and Red one takes you to the final level. But on
the way, you may find some Purple teleport devices. These purple ones just
take you to another position in the same level.

Boss : Xieshi
Sealed Command : Item
You must pass a labyrinth to reach the end. During your travelling here,
you'll face random battles and a lot of treasure chests. Most of the chests
here contain precious items. But some of them are fake treasures either
(Empty Chest). With random battles, remember that your "Item" command has
been sealed. That means it's impossible to use items in battles. But don't
so worry, you still can use them in regular state. So try to heal your
characters carefully after ending a battle, if they lose too many HP. The
labyrinths are not very hard to pass through, although you may feel
confusing when you first enter. But I assure that you'll be fine. First,
grab the Tent in the treasure chest when you have first begun. Then enter
the challenge by using the Green device. Here I list all the items you can
get in this labyrinth :

- Level 1 :
+ Bronze Arrowhead
- Level 2 :
+ Tea of the Healer
+ White Tiger Hair
+ Bronze Dagger
+ Talisman of Mercy
+ Bell Bracelet
+ Mana Seed
- Level 3 :

Well, you are not forced to get all the stuffs.
When you have entered Level 2 and Level 3, Master Xiaofang will welcome
you and sell items and weapons to you. I advise that when you come to Level
3, you should prepare carefully and buy items. Then run north and just
enter the last door. You have come to an altar. There's a Save Point here.
I suggest you should save here, use Tent and clear Malice if it has been
full, because you will fight the boss without using items. When you have
been ready, examine the altar and accept to fight :

HP : ~600
MP : ???
Element : Fire
Strategy : This boss looks really weird (Koudelka's rule). Remember that
you can't use items here. The boss often uses one attack : Flaming Arm of
Death. The damage caused by this attack is not very serious. But sometimes
it can cause Silence. So if you can, equip the accessories which prevent
this abnormality before encountering. Have Yuri and Zhuzhen attack as
usual. If you need healing, let Yuri transform into a Fusion Monster (I
recommend Heaven's Fiend, cuz its healing spell can heal all characters. Or
you can choose Man Dragon - who has the opposite class of Xieshi). This
battle is not hard.

When you win, your challenge is temporarily stopped now. Let's get back
to the ladies and begin with their challenge. You'll take control of Alice
and your door is the right one. Enter it.

Boss : Baigu
Sealed Command : Special Skills
Remember to get the Tent in the treasure chest in the beginning. Then
just go as you did in Challenge #1. The labyrinth now is different and
darker. But it's not difficult. These are the items :

- Level 1 :
+ Black Tortoise Fang
- Level 2 :
+ Thera Seed
+ Western Belt
+ Voodoo Doll
+ Silver Hourglass
+ Gold Hourglass
+ Witch's Broth
- Level 3 :

Just like the previous challenge, Xiaofang will watch your back during
the labyrinth. And you last meet him in the beginning of Level 3. Talk to
him to buy items if you need. Go to the altar room. Remember to save. If
you are more careful, use a Tent. Then examine the altar to get in battle :

HP : ~400
MP : ???
Element : Light
Strategy : Well, Sacnoth is good to create outlandish monster, although
less skilful than Koudelka monsters :) Ladies always have higher priority
to get in easier boss than the men's. This boss just has about 300 HP as I
estimated, and his frequent attack is Shining Arm of Death. The damage is
not a matter, but the effect is : Paralysis. Equip some accessories with
anti-Paralysis function. Or store some Angel's Feathers in your inventory.
Have Alice heal and Margarete attack. Heal the characters when you lose too
many HP.

You end up here as the ladies. Now return to the men - the people who
will end the entire palace.

Boss : Qinggu
Sealed Commands : "Item" and "Special Skills"
This time is harder, as all your strong and important commands have been
locked. You can't even do anything better than attacking and defending. The
random enemies are not very difficult. Your only matter is the boss Qinggu.
But first, let's get pass the labyrinth, like you did in previous times.
Remember to get the Tent in the beginning :

- Level 1 :
+ Thera Seed
+ Soul Benediction
+ Mana Seed
+ Leonardo's Bear (IMPORTANT)
- Level 2 :
+ Seal of Wisdom
+ Pure Seed
+ Studded Cap
- Level 3 :

During Level 2, Xiaofang will appear. If you have a Lottery Ticket, talk
to him and he will reveal to be a Lottery member. Play the Lottery game if
you like.
In Level 3, Xiaofang is also here too. Now I advise you to buy at least
thre Leonardo's Bears now. You'll need them badly in future boss fight.
Although you don't need them now, you MUST NOT miss them. Let's go to the
final altar. Well, this time you really need careful preparation. Save
here, use Tent and clear Malice. Then when you have already prepared,
examine the altar. Input the Wook Token into its place. Then the boss will
come :

HP : ~550
MP : ???
Element : Water
Strategy : This battle would be a piece of cake, if your important
commands were not sealed. Now it becomes a true nightmare, because you
can't heal HP and cure anything. All of Qinggu's attacks affect all Yuri
and Zhuzhen : Large Whirlpool will cause average damage and Ring status
abnormalities; Icy Breath damages you heavily. But you can't cure, that's
the problem. Try to suffer and attack Qinggu like insane, like crazy, like
hell. Nothing could make you better now, so the only solution is ATTACKING.
Kill Qinggu as fast as you can. You'll be fine soon.

You have completed your challenges. And now it's time for you to meet the
holder of all those above things : Master Xifa. He will give you a rare
item (Fruit of Yggdrasil) and unseal all your sealed commands. Then you
will have a talk with him. He was also a person who involved the
Valorization of Dehuai. But then Dehuai will do evil again : He kills
Master Xiaofang and causes earthquake, kidnapping Alice while everyone is
in confusion...

Dehuai has gone along with Alice. Master Xifa seemed injured. And he
tried to use all his last strength to recover Yuri, Zhuzhen and Margarete.
Then he dies. Dehuai must pay for all of this. You are brought back to the
entrance to escape. You'll have a free chance to prepare again. REMEMBER TO
EQUIP LEONARDO'S BEARS TO ALL CHARACTERS. If not, you'll get an unworth
end. Then control Yuri go around the bottom right corner. When a question
mark appears on his head, press the X button. Then Wugui of Kowloon will
jump out from there and show himself now :

HP : ~840
MP : ???
Element : Darkness
Strategy : This guy plays a very familiar hit : Game of Death. Remember
this hit, which Wugui used to defeat Zhuzhen. This hit affects the whole
party. That means there are 90% that all the characters will get Instant
Death and "Game Over". So then Leonardo's Bears are your friends now. With
it equipped, you'll be all safe. Huh, it's not all. With "Game of Death"
failed, Yamaraja will use Nightmare instead, which causes damage on all
characters. Again, I recommend you to have Yuri transform into Heaven's
Fiend, to heal the whole party when necessary. Another thing : This
Yamaraja is Wugui himself. That means he can drain all of your magics and
Special Skills. So remember to use Physical Attacks only. This battle is
not hard within your carefulness :)

After that, you are brought back to Huayuan.

Monsters : Corporal, Sergeant
Boss : None

You find yourself back to Huayuan hotel. When you take control of Yuri,
Zhuzhen and Margarete will tell you to go to the room next door. So leave
your room and get in Kawashima's room (You are forced to meet her). Then
Kawashima will tell you her true identity of being a Lieutenant Colonel in
Japanese Army.

After that, leave the hotel. The Silent Peddler has gone downstairs, and
the Save Point is still at its place. Once you go out of the hotel, you
can't get in again until you finish the next events. Let's go to Zhen's bar
again. You'll see another scene : a tough scene between Suketani and
Kutsugi. Meiyuan is still here, so you can talk to him for some service.
Then leave the bar.

Take the right path. You'll see Sergeant Kato running in a hurry. He
tells you that Kutsugi killed Suketani. Before dying, Suketani told Kato to
give Yuri something hidden in the Smuggler's Boat. Now Kutsugi's soldiers
are guarding around Shanghai. If you talk to them, they will fight you. No
matter how much you fight, they are still there. So if you want to level
up, just talk to them. If not, ignore and you'll be safe. Take the right
path, then run south to the Smuggler's Boat. Do you still remember where
Sea Mother was from ? The lid on the left bow of the ship. Open that lid,
and you'll find Yawang Gate Key - the only key to Kuihai Tower to rescue

Now Kutsugi is after Kawashima, and you must save her soon. You can back
to the hotel, and dash into Kawashima's room. Kutsugi has been here, and he
will cast two Sergeants to fight you. They are just pieces of cakes. Attack
them as usual. When you win, Kutsugi will retreat soon.

There is a scene between Alice and Dehuai. You will have chances to make
choice for Alice. No matter what you choose, nothing major happens. The
difference is the way how Alice will be tortuned. But if you choose the
first choice for all Dehuai's questions, you may obtain a sidequest.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FIRST SIDEQUEST : KOWLOON FORTRESS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Monsters : Dark Judge, Namida, Blue Orge, Red Ogre, Happy Creeper,
Speckled Creeper.
Boss : Cursed Puppet

This is the only hidden sidequest in Asia section. This is also the only
time for you to do this sidequest. Once you step to Europe section after
beating Kuihai Tower, you won't have chance to do this sidequest anymore.

In order to obtain this sidequest, you must choose the first choice for
all Alice's answers. After that, when you have already saved Kawashima from
Kutsugi and taken to Kuihai Tower, you have Yuri get back to Shanghai -
Huayuan. Then go to the Smuggler's Boat, talk to the guy who is standing on
the pier above the boat. He tells you that the boat now is usable. Get down
the boat, and then you'll be asked to set off or not. Answer yes. You'll be
soon taken to Kowloon Fortress, owned by Wugui.

It seems that people here don't know that Wugui has got killed. There is
a Silent Peddler who is standing on the left side. Talk to him if you need
something. He does sell some cool and expensive stuffs like Zodiac
Bracelet, Cosmic Bracelet, etc. After preparing, enter the fortress through
the red gate. One of the men here is a Lottery Member though.

Be careful that the monsters in Kowloon are pretty difficult to fight,
except Namida. Go along the path. Open to the left chest to grab a Mana
Root. Then go up. Go up the first right stairs first. In the next screen,
get down the ladder, then climb up the next right one and enter the green
door. Check the shelf on the bottom screen, you'll obtain Wugui's Room Key.
Then climb up the ladder on the right, and run to the left end. There is a
chest containing a Face Guard. Then go out. In the corridor, go up the
final stairs. Keep going up and head left. Go up the next stairs until you
come to a floor with a yellow door. The other side has been blocked, so
enter the door. Check around the drums for a Seal of the Soul. Then run to
the other side and go out by the next door. You have passed out the
blockades. There's a treasure chest containing a Thera Root in the red
cage. Grab it, then keep going up again. Until you come to the another
floor, pass the wood bridge. Grab Pure Root inside the treasure chest, and
find a Lottery Ticket on the yellow mess on the upper right. Go upstairs
again (don't forget the treasure chest with Soul Benediction inside) until
you see the Save Point. Save here, and remember to equip all your
characters with Leonardo's Bears. Besides, equip some more accessories
which increase Physical Attack Power. Then enter the room. This must be
Wugui's Room. If you have got the key, you'll be asked to enter or not.
Accept to enter when you have prepared carefully.

When you enter, you'll see some terrible sight. Roger Bacon appears,
holding Wugui as a toy. Wugui has already died, now he's just a puppet of

HP : ~1100
MP : ???
Element : Darkness
Strategy : In fact, this is Wugui himself. That means he still absorbs
Special Skills. So avoid casting your Special Skills in this fight and
attempt to Physical Attack. Wugui also plays his old spells : "Game of
Death" and "Nightmare". Both these hits can cause Instant Death, but
Nightmare has damage caused on all characters though. That's the reason why
all your party members must have Leonardo's Bears equipped. Have Yuri and
Margarete use Physical Attacks as main attackers. Have Zhuzhen use items to
heal and support, cuz he is pretty weak at physical strength. If you have
got Zhuzhen's Nourishing Potion, use this as the quickest spell to heal a
character's HP fully. This battle is not very hard if you calm. If you are
afraid that only Zhuzhen is not enough to heal when all your characters get
damaged, have Yuri transform into Heaven's Fiend and use Sacred Remedy to
heal all allies at the same time.

Wugui gets his real death. And Bacon says goodbye to you and disappears.
You can check around Wugui's Room for some... scary things. There's nothing
major in this room. Now Kowloon Fortress doesn't have anymore monsters, you
can walk freely here.

ND OF SIDEQUEST~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Once you have done, return to the Asia Map and head to Kuihai Tower to
continue your destiny.

Monsters : Vegeance Demon, Mournful Demon, Rage Demon, Shadows,
Man-snakes, Badger Devil, Water Tiger
Bosses : Yamaraja - Stone, Dehuai, Yamaraja - Calamity

Your party will soon be taken to the gate of Kuihai Tower. You can find a
Seal of Life on the left of the screen, and a treasure chest with Third Key
on the right. Remember to prepare yourself carefully. Then go up to enter
the gate. You'll soon face a boss :

HP : ~1500
MP : ???
Element : Fire
Strategy : This boss mainly uses physical attacks and some spells to
increase his defense and evasion. His physical attacks are pretty heavy, so
remember to heal the beaten characters. This is my form : Zhuzhen is weak
at physical attacks, so have him cast magic like Life Sucker to damage
Yamaraja or Nourishing Stone to heal. Of course, Yuri will be the main
attacker. Have Yuri use physical attacks on Yamaraja. If you feel
necessary, feel free to transform into Fusion Monsters. If you want to do
so, choose Water elemental monster for higher damage. To increase Yuri's
damage on the boss, you can have Margarete cast Aqua Edge on Yuri.
Margarete will be the healer in battle. Sometimes you can also have her
attack in spare turns.

Now let's enter the tower.

Save here if you want. You have got the Black Tortoise Votive Picture (I
will write VP for short) at the gate. Now take the right staircase and go
up. You soon see an altar. Put the Black Tortoise VP into the altar. The
door on the right will be unlocked. Get in it. Keep going up until you find
a chest containing Blue Dragon VP. Then return, get down the stairs to the
main hall.

From the main hall, take the left path to go to a room. On the left of
the room, you can find an Erotic Book (This is a valuable item. You can get
it or not. But if you have desire to obtain Yuri's ultimate Fusion Monster,
DON'T FORGET IT). To find Erotic Book, just run around this area until a
heart appears on Yuri's head (^_^), then press the X button to grab it.
Then check around the right device to get a Red Phoenix VP. Grab it, and
the way out will be sealed. Input the Blue Dragon VP instead, then leave

Return to the main hall and now take the left staircase. You also see
another altar and a locked door. Put the Red Phoenix VP on the altar to
unlock the door. Enter it. You'll find a chest containing White Tiger VP.
There's a sealed staircase here too. But now get back to the main hall and
return to the room where you found the Erotic Book. Take out the Blue
Dragon VP and input the White Tiger VP instead. Then bring the Blue Dragon
VP to the main hall. Examine the main altar next to the Save Point and
input the remaining VP. You have finished your work and all the seals are
unlocked. Let's get back to the room where you found the White Tiger VP and
go upstairs.

There's a staircase on the left side. But before, let's get down another
small staircase which is next to it. You will find treasure chest
containing a Talisman of Wisdom. Then go up. Now feel free to go up the
next stair to meet Alice. You'll have to fight a monster cast from Dehuai
first :

HP : 700
MP : 400
Element : Fire
Strategy : He is just like a regular enemy for you. Just attack him as
usual. You can have Margarete cast Aqua Edge on Yuri to increase his
physical damage.

After that, you take control Yuri. Go up to confront Dehuai.

HP : 1700
MP : 700
Element : Fire
Strategy : Dehuai has two kinds of attacks : Fast Ring and Blaze/Magnard.
Fast Ring makes your ring indicator speed up. But you still can use the
ring, and if you get used to the speed, there's nothing to worry. Magnard
or Blaze is similar to Zhuzhen's Orge Flamedance, but bigger and stronger.
Magnard is stronger than Blaze, and he often casts it when you deal big
damage enough. Heal whenever you lose too many HP. Dehuai is also Fire
elemental, so have Margarete cast Aqua Edge on Yuri. As Magnard can damage
all the characters heavily, you can have Yuri transform into Heaven's Fiend
to heal the party soon, cuz both Blaze and Magnard damage all party
members. The Special Attack of Heaven's Fiend is NOT bad against Dehuai
either. Your trophy will be Hermit's Staff - a new powerful weapon for

When Dehuai has gone, Alice will get freed. But she seems to lose her
energy. The Mysterious Voice sounds on Yuri again. But this time, it
recovers Alice. What a strange thing ! You'll have to form your party for
the next fights. I like to form Yuri, Alice and Margarete. But damn it,
Zhuzhen MUST be in the party. So the third character is changeable. Both
Margarete and Alice are good in my opinion, so I think you can choose
whoever you like. After that, Lt. Colonel Kawashima will take her army to
Kuihai Tower to support you. After the scene, let's get down the stairs.
There are two soldiers at the entrance. Talk to them to prepare yourself.
One soldier sells you stuffs. Remember to buy three Mirror Bracelets and
equip them to all your fighters. The other soldier is a Lottery member.
Play Lottery with him if you have tickets. You should also grab some Imp's
Fangs too.

When you have been ready, go upstairs and go to the terrain to fight
Dehuai again. He will transform...

HP : ~2000
MP : ???
Element : Non-class
Strategy : This is your final Yamaraja boss. So try all your effort. Its
Crimson Flame can damage the whole party very heavily. About this, you
should have Yuri transform into Heaven's Fiend again to heal everybody at
the same time. Being Heaven's Fiend, I think Exorcist Arrow is not a bad
idea. Use it against Yamaraja. The speciality of this battle is that the
boss likes to cause Petrification on the characters. That's the reason why
I remind you to equip Mirror Bracelets. This is a pretty tough battle, cuz
it takes you pretty long to beat it. But if you heal and attack well,
there's no problem to worry. You can have Zhuzhen do Life Sucker or heal as
you want. And the remaining character who is either Alice or Margaret, I
suggest to have her be the healer. Especially when you choose Alice, pay
attention to her SPs. Or at least you should have Anne's Cross equipped to
her before getting the battle. Her berserker has troubled me a lot in the
battle, as I lose my healer. This healer can be also used to heal Yuri and
Zhuzhen's MPs when needed.

You have completed Dehuai, but it's not over yet. Bacon is still there,
and he is the true nightmare of you. He called the Ultimate Being -
Seraphic Radiance and now it destroys the whole Shanghai. Yuri desperately
rushes into the giant monster to stop it, and disappears before Alice.

Now you have finished Asia section. Your next turn is in Europe, six
months later from that day...

Monsters : Birdman
Boss : None

Alice, Zhuzhen and Margarete are working as a famous service exorcists in
Europe. Now Margaret is away, you take control of Alice and Zhuzhen.

Go north and enter the second house (Of course, the first house can't be
entered). There's a man who is sleeping, sounding "Zzz...zzz...". He is a
Lottery Member. So talk to him if you need.

When you have entered the house (which is a bar), Zhuzhen goes to the
restroom. As Alice, talk to everybody in the bar. The old woman can sell
you stuffs if you want. After talking to all people, Zhuzhen will come up
to team up with you. Then a strange man will enter the bar to ask for your
service. He introduces himself as Terry who comes from Bistritz village. He
tells you that his village has recently been occupied by monsters from
somewhere. He doesn't know where the monsters came from, but the suspicious
location is the haunted Blue Castle on the easthern of the village. Alice
accepts to help him. They tell him to get back to his village, they will be
after him when Margarete teams up. But just some seconds later, we hear
Terry's cry outside. Let's leave the bar.

Run to the north, and you soon know what happened : Terry got killed by
two Birdmen. They are just regular enemies, so just strike them as usual.
One or two hits can kill them soon. Then the party decides to set out
without waiting for Margarete.

There are some stuffs around the area. So run around to find them. You
can also have the Silent Peddler and Meiyuan as your service. After
preparing, run south and leave Prague.

Monsters : Birdman, Mailman, Police Dog
Boss : None

You'll soon see a Save Point on the left. Check the left pillar there for
a Mana Seed. Enter the village now.

In the first area, everything is pretty quiet. You can see a Weapon Shop
on the top right. But now the shop owner is still frightened by the
monsters and you can't have his service. So run right to the next screen.

You can talk to people inside the two houses on the north, but they will
refuse to talk to you politely. The remaining house on the south is Terry's
house. Enter now. You'll be asked if you are a monster or not :) Don't be
stupid to claim to be a monster !

You'll have a talk with Michelle (Terry's wife), Nina (Terry's daughter)
and the Mayor Kevin. They talk about the monsters and the haunted Blue
Castle. But Nina claims that there's no monster in the Blue Castle. After
that, you'll be asked to go out. Now the village has been covered by red
fog. As the Mayor said, the monsters begin to appeat randomly now. And you
will get in battles. Return to the first area of the village.

The top left house is very the Mayor's House. But there's nothing major.
Now you can buy stuffs from the right shop I told you. Again, run right to
the second area. Talk to the people inside the two houses on the north.
They will tell you about some research that Kevin is doing creepily. After
that, you can get back to Nina's house again.

As a naive child, Nina tells you everything she knows, even about the
Blue Castle. She told you that the master of the castle was very kind to
her, and she doesn't think that the monsters came out from there. Then she
gives you the East Gate Key. You can check around her house to get a Moon
Card and a Moon Swallow. From now you can access Nina's shop to buy items.
Prepare yourself here. Then leave.

Run to the right as far as you reach the east gate. Use the key to unlock
and enter. You have left the village and now go to Blue Castle.

Monsters : Hollows, Garm, Gremlin
Boss : None

You must pass a forest before entering the castle. There's a Cosmic
Bracelet in the cave behind the left tree that you can clearly see. Then
just run into the forest.

The next screen is the castle gate. But before that, find the way to the
right and you'll find Meiyuan here. Around this place, you can find a chest
containing Thera Leaf and a Star Swallow somewhere around here. Now let's
enter the castle. Er...oh... it won't open. Leave now, but... Hehehe,
something wrong : You will soon be able to enter the gate. I think some
invisible guy has done this.

Alice will spot that invisible guy soon when she enters the castle. Run
forward to the Save Point. You can save here if you want. There's a chest
on the left side. Run around for some pretty battles. From the Save Point,
run to the left. Then head south as far as you can and run right. Then
you'll see a staircase going down. Why not stand there ? Get down now.

Er... a coffin room. First, you see a corpse lying on the north wall.
Let's check the corpse. It says that you must pray the eight coffins in the
room following the right order, then some door will open. First, run pass
the eight coffins to the south. Alice and Zhuzhen will be surprised about
the ninth coffin which has been opened. Then the invisible guy appears
behind you again. Alice spots him, and now Zhuzhen has believed her. But
the guy soon runs away. And you, you must stay here to solve the coffin
puzzle. Examine the coffins first, and these are the dead people in the
coffins :

Maria Leon
Frank Edgar
Steven Robin
Abel Helen

The order is the alphabetical of the names. So the order must be Abel ->
Edgar -> Frank -> Helen -> Leon -> Maria -> Robin -> Steven. Pray the
coffins following the order. And you'll hear a sound informing that some
door has been opened. Get out of this place.

Now, get back to the Save Point. Go down the RIGHT stairs and enter the
door there. It has just been unlocked by the coffin puzzle.

This is a royal throne room. You can examine a painting of happy family.
But generally, there's nothing major. Then leave. The invisible guy will
come in and "talk" to you. He shows up himself as a royalist in the castle,
a "Bored Vampire". He gets bored because he has spent such a long life in
this place (yeah, because he is a vampire). He said that he has slept for
200 years. I guess he was sleeping in the opening coffin we saw. When
hearing about Bistritz and Nina, he wants to join you. His default name is
Keith Valentine. From now he is a new member of your party. The monsters
didn't come from here. Now you're back to Bistritz.

Monsters : Birdman, Mailman, Police Dog
Boss : Tindalos

Back to Bistritz now and enter Nina's house. What a trouble ! It seems
that Kevin sensed the danger from you exorcists, so he took Michelle with
him to complete his mysterious research. Now you must stop him now. Let's
leave and head to the Mayor's House. If you can, call at the Weapon Shop to
buy Keith a new weapon. Then enter Kevin's house.

Michelle is here. And Kevin reveals everything : He is making a research
on summoning monsters, with the help of Terry. Yes, the monsters truly
originates from his research. Terry saw the danger of the research, he
tried to find the exorcists for their help, and got killed by Kevin's
monsters. Another purpose of Kevin is to research on the vampires by
examining the Blue Castle. And Keith Valentine shows him what a vampire is

HP : ~2500
MP : ???
Element : Fire
Strategy : It is Kevin's transformed. This battle is pretty regular, but
beware of the boss' physical hits. It can take you tons of HP. It also has
Fire Breath - which causes Fire elemental damage on all the characters.
Have Alice support and heal. Sometimes, her Blessed Light might be a little
effective with the boss too. Have Zhuzhen cast Life Sucker if you have got
this spell, and Nourishing Potion when you need to heal him soon. With
Keith, you can offense and defense simultaneously. Keith's Drain Touch and
Blood Sucker are pretty useful in this fight. Generally, try to heal up the
characters whenever necessary. (I think this battle would be easier with
Yuri in the party).

You have rescued Michelle, and now the village is back to normal. You
have a talk in Nina's house. Then you end up in outside. Keith will tell
you to go to Kevin's lab again. The person inside the second house of this
area is a Lottery Member. You can talk to him if you have some Lottery
Tickets. Now let's get back to The Mayor's House.

Keith will reveal you about some monster sealed inside the Blue Castle.
It is very the big left door you couldn't unlock in the castle. Keith says
he is more powerful that how he looks. He transforms into a monster to hit
you. Alice and Zhuzhen doubt it could be Yuri Hyuga. So the whole party has
been teamed up with Alice, Zhuzhen and Keith. Let's go to the Blue Castle

Monsters : Garm, Gremlin, Hollow, Dead Knight
Bosses : Yuri, Fox Face

Let's enter the Blue Castle. This time you get up to the Save Point, but
now you go to the left and examine the big door there. Keith will unseal it
and you enter. I got tired of going through this place. When you have just
entered, check the left side to find a Lottery Ticket somewhere. You have
to get a very long spiral staircase to the top of the castle. There's
nothing major besides random battles. There are three rooms along the
staircase : The first one has a Pure Root; the second room has a Headgear
and Lottery Ticket; the third one has a Seal of Force and Tent.

In the top, there is a Save Point. I remind you to use this Save Point,
because you'll encounter a hard battle (as Keith said) and a long scene
about the characters. Then enter the jail...

HP : ~1600
MP : ???
Element : Darkness
Strategy : Yuri acts similarly to his normal action. He plays his attack
combo frequently onto single characters. Of course, the damage caused by
him is as well as his strength. In my game, he attempted to attack Zhuzhen
most, then Alice. Have Alice support and use healing spells. But her
Blessed Light is pretty effective with Yuri, cuz she is the opposite class.
Zhuzhen casts Life Sucker to damage Yuri, along with Nourishing Potion to
heal himself when necessary. Just two combos of Yuri can kill either
Zhuzhen or Alice. Keith can stand a little longer. Have Keith use physical
attacks or cast Drain Touch/Blood Sucker to keep his HP up. Don't worry,
Yuri only has one attack. When you damage him enough, he will transform
into Death Emperor - his standard Fusion Monster. This time, he is a little
stronger, and he can cast Dark Messenger. Beware of Instant Death, and
Leonardo's Bears may be useful. Just remember to heal the characters as
soon as they lose HP. Everything will be fine.

After that, Alice will taken to the Graveyard in Yuri's mind. You can
examine the tombstones to find out what Yuri thinks about Alice. He is so
lovely ! Then head to talk to the four masks. They'll tell you what has
happened to Yuri. Then Alice accepts to offer her soul to save Yuri from
the death. The masks will open the north gate. And you control Alice to go
there. Er... Yuri is making a grave for himself. He is in confusion and he
wants to die. Fox Face is there to encourage him. But Alice is opposite.
She tries to stop Yuri and gets hit by Fox Face. Yuri realizes the
situation and gets rid of Foz Face. They begins a duel :

HP : ~600
MP : ???
Element : Darkness
Strategy : This battle is not so long. But Fox Face has learnt a new hit
"!!!" which wipes your HP to remain 1. But he often uses combo attacks
which is the same as Yuri's, but this attack is not very fatal. As Fox Face
is Dark classed, I have Yuri transform into Heaven's Fiend. If you have got
Baldo (Level 2 Light Monster), transform into it is better. Use the
attacking spell of the Fusion Monster you transform to hit Fox Face. He
will be defeated after some hits. You can transform into any Fusion
Monsters you like. This is just my recommedation, cuz I like Light
monsters. If you are good enough, no need to transform. Beat him as usual
and use healing items after being damaged by "!!!". Fox Face often plays
this hit when he is going to die. If you need more safety, use healing
items after "!!!". If you are desperate enough, no need to heal, just shoot
a strong Exorcist Arrow (or the attack spell of the monster you transform)
to end him now.

After that, Yuri teams up, and you soon are taken back to outside of Blue
Castle. Keith wants to join you till the end of the journey to spend his
long life more excitingly. Return to the World Map and back to Prague.

Monsters : None
Boss : Arcane Olga

Hm... finally you have been home. Let's enter the bar and have a talk
with everybody. Then Yuria will go to the women's toilet. Talk to the man
at the bar. He says that Yuria has been in the toilet for a while, what is
happening to her. He asks you to come in to see her. Of course, you must
take control of a woman : Alice. Yuri will wait outside. Enter the women's

First, check the two stalls as the question mark appears on Alice's head.
There's no Yuria. Then you check the mirror on the left. Nothing unusual.
Then check the two stalls again. No one inside. Check the mirror...
something wrong. Check the stalls again, and then check the mirror again.
The true maker has appeared : Arcane Olga. She jokes with you through the
mirror and then fights :

HP : ~600
MP : ???
Element : Darkness
Strategy : Olga specializes magical attacks. Her physical hits don't
matter. It seems that she has all the strong spells which Yuri's Fusion
Monsters have : Icy Breath, Blaze, Nova, etc. Each of them can cause a
fairly big damage, but not fatal. Alice may be weak at physical strength at
this time, so have her cast Blessed Light. My perfect Blessed Light has
damaged 174 HP of Olga. Just keep this up, and gradually heal Alice when
she loses too many HP. As you just have only Alice fight, the boss herself
is not hard.

Yuri comes in to help. But the Arcane Olga soon disappears. Before that,
she revealed that she had been sent by Roger Bacon. Yuria is all right.

Margaret leaves a message saying that she has gone to Rouen. So let's get
there to find her. You have a chance to switch your party though. There's a
Lottery Ticket in the Men's toilet. So don't forget it. Leave Prague.

Monsters : Bifronzes
Boss : None

After a talk, let's enter the top left house which is the inn. Remember
to search for Lottery Ticker on the box near the woman in purple on the
left of the screen.

Talk to the innkeeper. He will recognize Alice as Elliot's daughter. Then
the party will rent a room and rest. Yuri is taken back to the Graveyard
again. There's nothing major to do. Just talk to the Masks. They inform
Yuri that Alice has offered her soul to save him, and she is gonna die. You
also a see a small tombstone which has just been built beside Dark
tombstone. You'll be back to Rouen inn. Zhuzhen and Keith are talking. And
you look for Alice. Her room is next to you. You can go in to check, but
she won't be inside. Leave the inn.

Run to the top path. In the next screen, you'll find Alice doing
something. At this place, her father protected her from being killed by
Roger Bacon. That event has impressed her a lot. After that, Roger Bacon
and Arcane Olga will show themselves and introduce. Margarete is back too.
And you must fight their servants. Your party now is Yuri, Alice and
Margarete. Bacon sends two Bifronzes to fight you. They look like Wind
Shears and they are not stronger too much. Just fight them as fighting any
regular monsters. One or two hits can kill them soon. And it's just a waste
of time and SP to transform into Fusion Monsters.

Roger and Olga will retreat soon. You have a talk with Margarete after
long time no see. Margaret gives Yuri some comments, along with some
teasing (Hehehe, poor Yuri !)

The Silent Peddler is standing on the bottom right. You can ask for his
service. Get back to where Bacon and Olga were. On the left of the path
there is a Huge Jug. Get back to where Bacon and Olga were, check the top
right barrels to grab a Lottery Ticket. Go upstairs and try to open the
"sucking" door. You must do a Spin Ring 3. Don't worry. It's harder than
Normal Ring but easier than Push Ring. Like you do the Normal Ring, you hit
the action button whenever the indicator is passing the three waves. But
unlike the Normal Ring, the Spin Ring 3 will repeat three times and you
must do that action three times. You'll make it.

Enter the church. Go to the main hall. Father Doyle appears soon. As you
wish, he tells you what he knows about the appointment of Alice's father,
and the powerful warlock named Albert Simon. But when he is saying
something important, Arcane Olga has come and killed him to cover the
clues. You must fight her now :

HP : ~3500
MP : ???
Element : Dark
Strategy : Like the previous fight, Olga can randomly play any strong
hits which Yuri's Fusion Monsters have. I have no idea about them. Just
remind you to defend and heal whenever necessary, because most of these
hits attack all party members. This time, Olga has got a new move called
"Black Fog". This hit causes big damage on all party members, along with
strong "Poison" effect. If you can, equip any anti-Poison accessories, or
have a lot of curing items. But if you forget those things, DON'T BE
IMPATIENT. You still can survive this battle without preventing "Poison"
effect. Unlike any other familiar RPGs, the "Poison" effect in Shadow
Hearts is not as fatal as it must be. Each turn, it just takes a very very
little HP, which is enough for you to survive without removing it. When all
your party members get poison, have Alice use healing magic and try to
survive the battle within the effect. Just fight as usual and don't worry
too much about the Poison. Just heal when you have too many HP lost. You'll
get pass soon. Honestly, I myself was completely defenseless from Poison in
that battle. But I have got passed EASILY without removing it. Besides,
beware of Olga's Mind Assault which drains your MP.

After the fight, you have nothing more to do now. Leave Rouen and go to
London. In London, enter Old Castle Street.

Monsters : None
Boss : None

The first house you saw is very the inn. But you can't enter it now. Look
around the street : There are two men talking to each other. The third
person is sitting, playing something. That's a Lottery Member. Talk to him
if you want to play Lottery. One of the two talking people may sell you the
Sun Card though. Now go forward to the next screen. Go pass the bridge, and
you will have a talk with Joshua and Chris - two of the London Rats. They
thank you for having saved them from trouble. But then you realize that all
your cash has been stolen. What happened ! The thieves must be those damn
kids. Let's talk to the wandering man. He will tell you to meet the bar
owner to know about the London Rats. Let's enter the bar, which is the door
in this side of the bridge.

Ask the bar owner and he tells you about those kids. They are the orphans
which were not taken to the orphanage. They live around London, stealing
things from people to live. Their leader is an orphan whose default name is
Halley Brancket (Well, if you have played the prequel Koudelka, "Brancket"
must be a familiar surname). You can change his name if you want. After the
talk, you can buy stuffs from the Silent Peddler who is sitting on the left
of the bar. Then leave.

Return to the first screen and enter the first house which is the inn.
The three Yuri, Alice and Margarete will report how they get lost of money
to Zhuzhen. After that, Zhuzhen keeps talking to Keith. And you leave.

Now what you have to do is to get back all the lost money. But where is
the rats' hideout ? Let's look at the ruined house towards you. Run to
there for another screen. There's a Demon Earrings on the bottom left of
the grass. Now go around and check for a door which is lying on the ground.
To get this thing up, you must do a Push Ring. It's pretty freak, but
you'll make it if you try. Then the door will be taken out, revealing a
ladder to secret underground. Get down it.

This is London Rats' hideout. Check around and you may find a Lottery
Ticket on the right on the floor. Let's pay attention to a small staicase
on the left of the ladder. Get on it to get on the wood bar. Go along the
bar to the right. There's a Save Point on the way though. At the end of the
way, climb up another ladder.

There is a Soul Benediction across the wood white box. Then go up the
next staircase. You'll find Joshua and Chris. Chris apologizes for what
Joshua has done. While Margarete is punishing the kid, Halley Brancket
appears. He apologizes for everything and returns the wallet back to you.
Well, some money is missing. But at least, you have got back your cash :)
Halley will explain to you why the orphans refuse to be sent to the
orphanage, as it's a cursed place. But your party has come here to find out
about Albert Simon. Halley will join you.

You'll be compensated with a Crucifix - a useful accessory. In the
current room, there's a Talisman of Purity in the top right corner, and a
Warning Device in the top left. After finishing here, leave the hideout to
the street.

Enter the mansion beside the ruin house - Old Carl's mansion. You will
have a talk with the freak old man about Albert Simon, but nothing helps.
In his house, you can find a Seal of Force and a Lottery Ticket in the left
shelf. A few more steps, you can find a Kirin Scales too. Then leave the
house, and run right to get out of Old Castle Street. Enter the Orphanage.

Monsters : None
Boss : None

When you intend to come in, Halley refuses to go with you, because he
doesn't want to be taken. He waits for you outside, and you just enter.

The owner of the orphanage, known as Jack, tries to kick you out. After
that, he asks his servant to be careful of you.

Monsters : None
Boss : None

After some talk, let's leave the inn and go to the bar again. You can
check the counter for a Mana Extract. Search around the ruined house
carefully, you can find an Oak Slingshot (a weapon of Halley) though. Then
enter the hideout again. Go everywhere in the hideout, you'll see the all
the kids have disappeared. It seems that this involves the cursed
orphanage. Let's leave here and enter the Orphanage soon.

Monsters : Larmgelg, Banshee
Bosses : Night Stalker, Jack, Mammon

When you have come, Jack's servant will soon welcome very "politely" :

HP : 2500
MP : 10
Element : Wind
Strategy : Wow, if you have played Koudelka, this monster is not strange
for you. It's a hanging man with three heads stuck to one another. He has a
pistol as his very strong weapon. Your party must have Yuri and Halley as
unchangeable characters. Have Yuri transform into your favourite Monster.
Have Halley casts attacking spells. His Aqua Blade may be effective. The
third character, I recommend Keith or Margarete. Margarete might get "On
Switch" this time and this hit is pretty powerful against the boss. Keith
is the opposite class of Night Stalker, so his attacks might be strong too.
Night Stalker is not very tough. He spends most of his time to increase his
stat. But beware of his physical attacks. Remember to heal when you get

After that, you'll get Kid's Room Key. Enter the left room on the first
floor. You'll find Joshua and some other kids and you have Guest Room Key.
Then search the room for a Seal of Luck, a Monkey Paw and a Pure Extract.
Leave this room and go upstairs. Use the key to enter the left room.
Examine the pile of books on the table and do a Normal Ring to read it.
You'll see the date "5 March 75", then Yuri will wonder what month March
is. If Yuri says so, that means this date will be used later. Write it
down. Then examine the room if you want to check some stuffs. Leave this
room and head to the right door. This door requires a dial code to be
unlocked. Let's remember the date that Yuri wondered :"5 March 75". If you
write "March" in number, you have "5375". This is very the code and just
enter it (Note that you can only enter the code once you have seen the

Let's check all the stuffs you see in the room. The painting has a date
"3 July 54", and then Yuri wonders again. That means this will be your next
code. There's a Monk Earrings in the upper left. You can read Jack's Diary
if you want. It's not very necessary. Then leave the room. Go down the
stairs and enter the new code to the middle door on the first floor. The
code is answered like the previous one : "3 July 54" = 3754. Is that okay ?

You have entered Jack's experiment room. Here Chris has been being used
as a specimen for his project : making his mother return to life. If you
have played the prequel Koudelka, this experiment is the same as Patrick
Heyworth's and was stopped by Koudelka Iasant - Halley's mother. Chris is
controlled to step to the cauldron to revive the dead. And Jack will fight
you, as you are trying to stop him. Halley gets insane, and the Mysterious
Voice sounds again :

HP : ~2700
MP : ???
Element : Water
Strategy : Fighting this guy is easy, but be a little alert. Beat him as
usual. His only attack is slashing. I have had Yuri transforming into Baldo
to use Nova against him and heal as well; Halley uses Aqua Blade and Air
Shot to attack and uses Heal to heal; Margarete attacks by On Switch and
cure status abnormalities when necessary. Keep this up. When Jack gets
enough damage, he begins to use Thera Seed (just one) and gets a new
powerful attack "Slash". This attack can cause critical damage on a single
character, so don't forget to heal.

You are forced to beat a second boss battle without preparing after
killing Jack. That means you must prepare everything before encountering
Jack. Equip some Mirror Bracelets for your characters. That's the least you
should do. This battle will be much tougher. Let's get back to the prequel,
when Elaine Heyworth returns to life as a demon. Jack's mother now is the

HP : ~4000
MP : ???
Element : Earth
If you have equipped Mirror Bracelets, don't worry about her
Petrification. If not, make sure that you have some Imp's Fangs in your
inventory. Then if you have Alice or Margarete in your party, if they don't
get hit, use them to cure Petrification (Use Alice's Wish or Margarets's
Pain Killer). Mammon is Earth elemental, so Halley's Air Shot must be the
most effective. Keep Yuri transform into a Fusion Monster to fight and heal
at the same time, and do the same with Halley. If you feel that Halley
loses too many HP and needs emergency treatment, have him use Heal to
himself soon. Mammon's Shockwave can hit all the characters. Howling can
heal above 500 HP for her, but she just heals herself once, so don't be
impatient. Needlerain can cause critical damage on single character. Beware
of this attack and heal whenever necessary.

After that, Chris is saved, and you are back to London Rats' Hideout.
Here you'll find that the Mysterious Voice which sounds in Yuri is Halley's
mother : Koudelka Iasant. If you have played the prequel of this game, this
woman isn't strange for you. Koudelka is the main heroine of the prequel
and she is a powerful mystical witch. Halley tells you about his past and
he thinks that his mother must be in Calios Mental Hospital. So it's your
destination. After the talk, leave London and head to the hospital.

Monsters : Specter, Meat Eater, Doom, Bugs
Bosses : Rausan, Olga

When you first enter, Yuri says this hospital looks more like a fortress.
Many patients who were sent here couldn't escape alive. Then two guards
soon block you, and you must fight them. They are actually monsters. Let's
see the weird Specters (!!?). Just kill them and enter the hospital. You
can find a Laurel Slingshot in the guards' room, and a Demon War Necklace
on the right.

Once you are inside, you see several doors on the way. But now they are
locked. If you check them, you'll see that they are carved with heart
shape. Head toward the upper left to get a Bronze Coin (the glowing thing
on the ground), then turn right to the next screen. Another bunch of locked
doors ! You can check the shape of their keyholes if you want. There are
four shapes : Heart, Diamond, Club and Spade (Remember the doors in
Resident Evil 2 ?). Each keyhole has its own key. But now you have no key,
just head right to another screen.

This may ne tortune room. If you check the tortune chair in the center of
the room, Halley says he feels his mother has been ever here. Nothing in
this room, just go north to the sickroom.

This is the room where there was a talk between Roger, Olga and Rausan -
the owner of this hospital. But when you get left, you'll be welcomed by
Specters. Just fight them as usual. Then take the Silver Coin above the
corpse. You can use the Save Point here if you need. Examine the dead Friar
Knight's body for the Heart Key. You know what you do ? Let's return to the
first screen of the corridor to unlock the doors with heart-shaped

These rooms mostly have similar design. In the first room, you can find a
Key to Success in the right treasure chest and a Club Key. The second room
has a Fruit of Yggdrasil. After that, back to the corridor, head right to
the next screen.

Use the Club Key to open the doors with club-shaped keyholes. The first
room you'll find a Diamond Key. The second door is locked by Spade Key. The
third door now is accessible, and you can search for a Gold Coin. And the
fourth droom has Platinum Coin and a Lottery Ticket on the top right.

Go back to the sickroom with the Save Point. Put the four coins you
found into the four fountains in the four corners of the room. Each
fountain needs a certain coin. Just try putting each coin until it is
accepted. When you finish, the secret door to basement will be opened
(where Bacon went). Enter it.

Run to the end of the corridor. There's a room which is locked by a thick
door. The Mysterious Voice sounds again, as Koudelka is inside. But Rausan
will come to stop you :

HP : ~3500
MP : ???
Element : Fire
Strategy : Rausan turns into pregnant woman to fight you. His magical
attacks are Blaze, which is not dangerous. Just keep your HP up with this
hit. Rausan can cast Elder Sign too to increase his stat. The matter is the
Silence - the most annoying and and frequent attack of him. One of this hit
damages you, causing Silence though. If you have, equip anti-Silence
accessories or store some Faerie's Signs. Besides, there's nothing major
about this fight. I have Yuri transforming and use the third Special
Attacks against him. Halley uses attack spells, along with Heal spell when
necessary. The third character is optional on your choosing. So have this
one either heal or attack.

You'll get the Spade Key after the battle. Being a child, Halley can get
through the small hole on the left to enter the room and he meets his
mother. Yuri and the other person can't. So you take control of Yuri to get
back to the second corridor. Still remember the remaining locked door ? Use
the Spade Key to unlock it now. There's a bed which is good enough to rest.
You can rest here to fulfill your HP & MP. When getting up, check the
treasure chest for the Dungeon Key. Then leave. There's small scene showing
something glowing in the box, and the scene about Halley and Koudelka.
After that, I think you should get in the room again, to grab the strange
glowing thing : The Fire Gravestone. Then head back to the room with Halley
and his mother.

Halley and Koudelka are being tortuned by Roger Bacon. Let's get in with
them. Koudelka sacrifices herself to Roger in order that he will free
Halley. They both disappear, and you fight Arcane Olga. This is the last
time you beat her, so do your best :

HP : ~4000
MP : ???
Element : Darkness
Strategy : Remember Black Fog ? So don't forget to equip anti-Poison
accessories. This time Olga attacks similarly as she did in the second
battle. And don't forget she still casts Fusion Monsters' special attacks
though. But it's not a matter if you perform well.

This time, Olga dies before your eyes. You'll be automatically back to
London Rats' hideout.

Halley was shocked after the event. As Yuri, go down to the entrance room
with Chris and Joshua. Talk to Joshua to get the Oath Grail (This item is
useful if you do sidequest. You don't need to take it if you don't like).
Let's look at the wood floor again : on the left, you see a strange small
red bar. Let's get on the wood bar, then take the red bar to the next
screen on the left. You'll enter Pit Fight 2 - Sharon's Pit Fight. This is
a special ability of Sharon of summoning monsters. Like the first Pit Fight
of Zhen, you need to take over 10 continuous battles to get the prize. Pit
Fight 2 will be more difficult, and has new types of Wind Shears. I suggest
it's not a good time to encounter now. I myself came back here when I
reached Level 53, then all the enemies became pieces of cake. Of course,
you can encounter whenever you want. But higher level will make it easier
for you to get pass the fights.

At this time of the game, getting in Pit Fights is not easy. Before
encountering, make sure that the selected character must have perfect
health (Rest in the inns or use Tents at Save Points to do this, or you can
heal that character manually yourself). My best recommended character for
you are Yuri Hyuga as he is the strongest one currently.
After that, make sure that you have some equipped accessories which
prevent some character' status abnormalities and ring status abnormalities.
In this pit fight, the most important accessory I want to recommend, is
Crucifix, which will protect you from most status abnormalities. Next, you
should also have Pocket Watch equipped, to prevent Ring Status
Abnormalities. Or at least, you should store some items which can prevent
them, like Faeri's Signs, Angel's Feathers, Phoenix Tails, etc. Of course,
you mustn't forget popular and powerful healing items : Thera Seeds/Thera
Roots, Mana Seeds/Mana Roots. Most of the battles are not very hard. But
sometimes you may get strong enemies which often take you a long time to
beat it. So store some Pure Leaves/Pure Seeds/Pure Roots either. They are
not completely useless.
As Yuri, you should equip the Fusion Monsters with use healing spells
which you have. I recommend Sandalphon and Amon (if you have). Sandalphon's
healing spell is extremely useful, and its Pulse is not bad though. Amon's
hits are truly strong and powerful, and you can use them to defeat special
Wind Shears in fastest time. If you haven't got Amon yet, use any Level 2
or Level 3 Fusion Monsters you like.
Well, let's get in battle. Most of the given monsters are the regular
ones you frequently see. They are just pieces of cakes, and you just fight
them as you often do. The real difficulty of Pit Fights is that bosses and
unique enemies are available too. You can face bosses Rausan, Mammon, Soul
Block, etc. And new rare enemies are often Full Armor Wind Sheat. Regular
Wind Shears are pieces of cakes. But those special Wind Shears are
extremely nightmares. They are even stronger than the above bosses at this
time :
+ Bosses : The bosses here are mostly the ones you have already faced, but
they grow stronger as you have increased your level. Just fight them as you
did. The only difficulty is that you fight as single character, not in
party like you really did. Transforming into Fusion Monsters may be partly
helpful. Mammon is truly the most annoying enemy of all. She has very high
HP as she was, and she often heals herself when you are trying to damage
her to death. Just beat her before she can heal more than your damages, and
beware of her Needle Rain which can cause critical damage. If you engage
the fight later in the game, it'll much easier.
+ Special Wind Shears : Be careful of them as you did in Pit Fight 1.
These Wind Shears are stronger (one of their attack can cause a damage of
100+ HP, of course they are hit along with Ring status abnormalities.

In this Pit Fight, depending on which character you choose to fight, if
you win 10 continuous fight, Sharon will give you different prizes, which
are pretty rare and useful items.

This Pit Fight 2 is pretty cool. If you could win it with different
characters, you would get different prizes :

Yuri Hyuga : Seventh Key
Alice Elliot : Crucifix
Margarete G. Zelle : Tissues
Liu Zhuzhen : Silver Hand
Keith Valentine : Belt of Thor
Halley Brancket : Metal Jacket
All characters : Crystal Ring

Good luck !

Let's get out of the hideout and come to the bridge. Halley is here,
being shocked by the event. After Yuri gives him some advices, Alice says
that she has to check something again in Rouen. Yuri and Halley don't stop
her. But then they decide to follow her though.

Monsters : None
Boss : None

You take control of Alice. Head to the north path. There's a Lottery
Member standing here. Play with him if you have tickets. Then get to the
back door of the church. This time you must play a Push Ring to get in
(suck ?!!).

Once you enter, go to the main hall and examine the altar. There's a Seal
of Soul. Then enter the right door. Get in the first room to grab a Jasper
Cape. Then leave and get in the second room. Check the left shelf to find
Doyle's letter. Then you have to do a Spin Ring 3 to take a picture from
the letter. Oh no, it's the picture of Doyle and Roger
Cardinal Albert Simon !!! No, they are the same... Then Bacon - who is
truly Albert, will come to see you. Don't worry. This is just a talk.
Albert will tell you everything. So the Cardinal Albert Simon whom Alice's
father was waiting for, is truly the man calling himself Roger Bacon who
did kill him.

**So some of you may wonder who the real Roger Bacon is. If you have
played the prequel Koudelka, you have already got the answer. If you
haven't, just continue this game, you'll meet him soon.**

When Albert has gone, Yuri will come, and you are back to hideout. You
have to choose a party to go to your next destination.

Monsters : Guinea Pig, Sin, Straight, Inverse
Bosses : Albert Simon, Amon (Fusion Monster)

At the first sight, go left to examine the weird house. This construction
is strange and may be movable. There's a Light Gravestone at the end of the
stairs, on the right of the purple machine. Then leave this house. Outside,
go north to the monastery ruin. In the next screen, there's a treasure
chest near the far left tombstone, containing a Mant. of Nobility (The
tombstone is James O'Flaherty - a familiar character in Koudelka, right ?)
After finishing, enter the ruin now.

You will have a talk with a "Strange Creature". Anybody who has played
Koudelka, won't feel strange about this old man. You'll have a chance to
rename "Strange Creature". But that doesn't make sense, cuz he will reveal
his true name soon : Roger Bacon (??!). Well, sorry to tell you, this man
is the true Roger Bacon, in Koudelka and in this game though. When Roger
has gone, let's go around the ruin for a while. You may find a Talisman of
Power. Get back to the strange house. Roger is here now. He says he will
take you to Albert. Then you have a free time to prepare. Now you can use
the purple machine to buy items and new equipments for characters. Then
head to the ruin when you have finished.

Roger has opened a basement in the centre of the ruin. Just talk to him
and go down.

There's a Save Point here. Roger will open the judgment ring gate. When
you feel you have been alright, enter it to begin your seeking. Remember
that you can get back here anytime to be fully healed by Roger.

~~~~~~~~~~~OPTIONAL PART~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I put this in an Optional Part because you can do it or not. If you
follow this part, you'll be able to get extra items and Fusion Monster
Amon. If not, just abandon this part and go through the cave until you
reach the end, where Albert is waiting for you.

- In this entrance screen, head left
- When you go pass the wall, you can read some notes carved on it. It says
the treasure chests are sealed with different color seal. If you want to
unseal, just make the flame have that color. Remember it okay ? Then
continue to go left.
- In this screen, choose the right path.
- Go pass the slime bridge.
- You see a chest. This is NOT a treasure chest. Open it. It will rebel a
chest in another area. Get back to the entrance.
- From the entrance, go right.
- Go down the right stairs.
- You can read the note on the wall to know the order of the rebelling
chests. But now just open the closed chest. The barrier mist will be
cleared. Then press the blue switch which has just been revealed. A blue
flame will be burnt on a pillar. That means you can open a chest which is
sealed by blue seal.
- Go back to the previous screen.
- Go north and open the chest (which has just been sealed by blue seal) to
grab a Mind's Eye.
- Go back to the entrance screen.
- Keep going right and right, until you see another slime area. Head to the
upper left to find a red switch. Push it, and the flame will change color.
Then you can open the chest beside, containing a weapon of Alice. From this
screen also, go down.
- In the next screen, you'll find a big red flame, but now you have nothing
to do with it. Just leave it, and go down, then head right to the next
- You'll see the flame pillar. Just continue to head right.
- In the next screen, go up the left staircase.
- Light up the green switch. The flame will change color.
- Head back to the place where you got Mind's Eye. The second chest has
been unsealed. You'll get a Coat of the Sage.
- Go to the blue switch and this time you turn it off. The flame changes
- Go to the flame pillar area, then head right. You'll find an unsealed
chest which previously was sealed by yellow seal. Grab the Seal of
- Head back to the area with the huge red flame. Now you'll get a
Destruction Stone dropping from the flame. This is the stone used to unseal
the powerful Fusion Monster Amon. You MUST get this before fighting Albert
and Amon.

ND OF OPTIONAL PART~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Keep going right and right until you reach the last area with a Save
Point. I remind you to prepare here. On the two sides of the judgment ring
gate there are two chests containing a Punk Jacket and a Seal of Strength.
Don't forget them. Then enter the gate. Keep going up until you see Albert
and Koudelka...

HP : ~3000
MP : ???
Element : Dark
Strategy : One of the most annoying hit of Albert is Holy Chest - which
causes a serious damage and takes out your SP. Keep an eye on Alice. You
should equip her with Anne's Cross and pay attention once she is going to
run out of SP. Remember "Revelation" ? He also casts this hit in this
battle. This time you won't be killed so easily like the last time. But it
can cause Instant Death, so Crucifix and any anti-instant death accessories
will be well appreciate. He can use spells which increase his stat though.
When he runs out of HP, he will turn into Amon, like Yuri does. Attack him
as usual, and have Alice heal frequently. If you have got Sandalphon or
level 3 Fusion Monsters, just transform to defeat him quickly. But I
recommend Sandalphon, cuz its healing spell may be useful in the next boss

No time to spare...

HP : ~4000
MP : ???
Element : Non-class
Strategy : Keep attacking him as usual. Atomic Dust causes damage on all
characters. And Demon Rays can kill a single character instantly. To
prevent sudden death, keep your HP above 300. Alice's Arc may be useful.
Have Yuri use Pulse, or any attack spells of Lv3 Fusion Monsters to finish
the battle quickly. The second character can attack or heal along with each

After the fight, you'll soon see an impressive Full Motion Video about
the "float". You'll get Fusion Monster Amon if you have got the Destruction
Stone from Optional Part. If not, YOU WON'T HAVE ANYMORE CHANCE TO OBTAIN
Then you'll be taken to Roger's hideout. Roger asks you to try his teleport
machine. Then you have to do a Spin Ring 5.



Do this or not, it's all up to you. The ending you get, will depend on
how you do this quest. You still remember that : Alice did offer her soul
to the Death in order to save Yuri's life when he was insane. So now have
you ever thought what would happen til the end ? You'll lose Alice, and
that's a bad end. So if you want to get the good ending, you must do
something to save her. Be sure that you can only do this AFTER beating
Albert Simon in Nemeton Basement.

This time of the game is the best time to do that. You MUST do this
before talking to Roger next time. So now this is it. Maybe you still
remember the useless thing Joshua gave you to apologize for what he did :
the Oath Grail. Let's find it in "Valuables" section and read. If you read
it carefully, finally you'll find some order given : Grail, Gold, Staff,
Sword. They are very the four masks in the Graveyard : Grail is Hate mask,
Gold is Fear mask, Staff is Envy mask, and Sword is Anger mask.

The first thing you must do is NOT clearing the Malice anymore. Just
leave it to be accumulated, until it grows red (its max limit). Then find a
place with random battles (I recommend Blue Castle). Try to encounter as
much as you can, until you fight the Masks. What you have to do is fighting
them follow the order : Grail, Gold, Staff, Sword. Unfortunately, they
appear in random. But don't worry, they won't stop appearing until you get
the right order. In the first time you beat them, they are very powerful
and their hits can cause critical damage. But if you try, you'll overcome
them easily. But after you kill each mask once, the next time they will
appear as "dead" souls, which each has only 1 HP and you kill them very
easily. Keep seeking and fighting them until you get the right order. Then
if you want to know whether you have done right, let's find the nearest
Save Point and get back to Graveyard, check the new small tombstone beside
Dark Tombstone. If Alice's name is carved on it, that means you have
succeeded the first step.

***Contributed and corrected by readers Poganin and Sanji Todoro***
Many readers have emailed me about a fact that Alice's name may be carved
on the tombstone soon after you fought the first mask. That means checking
it may not tell you that you have finished the masks by the right order. So
then I repeat again : Fighting the Masks FOLLOW THE RIGHT ORDER is the MOST
IMPORTANT STEP to get the good ending. Poganin has contributed a method to
do this easily : At first, try to engage the battles until you fight Grail
Mask. After killing it, keep encountering again. If the next Masks appear
out of order, flee away from battle. Then just encounter until the right
ones appear and beat them. Avoid the wrong ones and beat the right ones
until the order is completed : Grail, Gold, Staff and Sword.

About the next step, let's refer to the next Optional Part.

Go back to London Rats' hideout and go upstairs. Halley and Koudelka are
talking to each other. Nothing special. He just asks for his mother's
permission to continue the journey with Yuri. After that, get to Nemeton
Monastery and talk to Roger in his house. He says that the machine has been
completed and he lets you rest for a while before setting out...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OPTIONAL PART : GETTING THE GOOD ENDING (NEXT)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Alice will be taken back to the Graveyard. If you really want to obtain
the good ending, I advise you to examine all the Fusion gravestones and
even Alice's gravestone BEFORE talking to the masks (Of course, you MUST do
Step 1 before this). The Fusion gravestones will let you know what Yuri
thinks about Alice. It's just stupid, but he really likes Alice (^_^). Then
REMEMBER to check Alice's gravestone. After that, you can talk to the
masks. They will open the gate to your executioner : Atman (Disgusting
figure !!!).

If you have done well all the steps, Yuri will come to help Alice. If
not, you'll fight Atman as Alice only and all your effort to get the good
ending becomes failure. Fighting Atman with Alice is impossible as you have
nothing to lose.


#1 Fighting as Alice : You only have Alice to fight Atman. It's hard to
overcome. But just try to suffer until he casts Eradication, which takes
999 HP of Alice. This hit beats Alice's mind about her father's death. But
no game over though, because you are supposed to be lose. With this fight,
you still get the bad ending.

#2 Fighting as Alice and Yuri : Have Yuri transform into a Lv3 Fusion
Monster to fight Atman. I recommend Sandalphon, because Atman's other hits
can damage all of you and sometimes lower your SP though. Have Alice heal
and defend only, while Yuri attacks. Have Yuri cast the attack spells of
the Lv3 Fusion Monster you choose (I cast Pulse, which damages Atman 400-
500 each time). Try to keep this up. If the two of you lose too much Hp,
use Alice's Arc or Sandalphon's Revive if you have. This time, Eradication
only works like any ordinary attacks. It's not cause Instant Death like the
above battle. It just takes some of Alice's HPs. So take care.

After the fight, you'll be back to the real world. There is an extra film
that Alice tells Yuri what she has honestly thought about him.

Then if you want to make sure which ending you have got, just get back to
the Graveyard again and check the small tombstone. If it is carved with
"Atman, rest in peace", that means you have succeeded. Atman is the dead
one, and Alice has been saved. Here you can talk to the masks again to get
the Seven-Eyed Mask - an powerful accessory. They will inform you that you
have no more business here, because you have killed their protector Atman.
The Malice will turn blue as it was and since now it never changes color

*If you failed to get the good ending (Yuri doesn't come to help Alice
fighting Atman) and wondered where you did wrong, I give you two reasons of
failures which are the MOST COMMON :

1. You did not do Step 1, or you failed to beat the Masks following the

2. You did not examine Alice's gravestone and Fusion gravestones before
talking to the masks to meet Atman in Step 2. I'm not very sure if the
Fusion gravestones are important, but you MUST check Alice's gravestone.
Many people have failed just because of this small episode.


When you have already taken a rest, from now you can ask Roger to take
you to the Neameto by his machine. Let's try now in the first time. Then
you are asked to do a Spin Ring 5.

When you have been taken to Neameto, if you don't want to do sidequests,
just continue the journey. If you still want to do something, use the
Yellow Teleport to land.

Maybe this is a good time for you to collect what you haven't got and do
extra sidequests. Do them or not, it's up to you.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OPTIONAL SECTION : SIDEQUESTS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sidequests in this section :
(*) Codex of Lurie
1) Yuri's ultimate weapon
2) Gravestones
3) Keith Valentine's subquest
4) Kawashima's Death
5) Margarete's subquest
6) Tragedy in Dollhouse
7) Book of Rituals
8) Mini-game in Orphanage
9) Ancient Ruins
10) Cave Temple
11) Yuri's Ultimate Fusion Monster
12) Margarete's Ultimate armor

Let's begin with the simplest sidequest :

(*) C O D E X O F L U R I E

Codex of Lurie is one of the three secret books which are necessary for
you to access some later sidequests. After the conversation between Halley
and his mother in London Rats, make your way back to Nemeton Basement,
where you fought Albert Simon. The Codex of Lurie was dropped here, glowing
on the floor.

1) Y U R I ' S U L T I M A T E W E A P O N

You can do this AFTER getting the Codex of Lurie. At first, you must tell
Roger to take you to Nemeato first, beat Soul Block and next bosses to make
sure if you can. Before encountering Messiah, use a Yellow Teleport to get
back. Talk to Roger again. This time Roger will want to try with the
machine with himself. You again operate the machine for him, but now it's a
Spin Ring 10 >:( cuz the old man wants to go to the... Moon. If you
succeed, Roger will travel for a while. A moment later, he will get back a
give you a gift as a proof he got on the Moon : The Nightbird Claw - aka
Yuri's ultimate weapon.
There are some given ideas saying that you can only get Yuri's ultimate
weapon after doing Sidequest 9, 10. I must give up these ideas, because
many players have failed to ask Roger about getting the ultimate weapon,
with unknown reason. So I think the best time for you is after you have got
the secret books, completed some more major sidequests and beaten the three
keeper bosses on Neameto.

2) G R A V E S T O N E S

In order to get Lv3 Fusion Monsters, Yuri must have their Gravestones to
unlock the seals within them in their tombstones. These are the locations
of all the Gravestones :

Do you remember the jail in Blue Castle where Yuri teamed up ? Make your
way back to there after Yuri team up, you'll find the Dark Gravestone (the
glowing thing on the floor).

I have told you how to get this in walkthrough. It's at the right end of
the second floor in Roger's house in Nemeton.

I have told this in walkthrough also. In Mental Hospital, just go to the
room which is unlocked by Spade Key. Then rest on the bed. Then leave the
room to see the cutscene between Halley and his mother. Go in again, you'll
find the Fire Gravestone in the chest.

This locates in Rouen. Go there and enter the inn. Then go upstairs and
enter the room which you have stayed in the first time you came here. There
are a man and a woman who are shouting at each other. Talk to each of them,
then leave the inn. Get back to the church (Of course, you can only enter
the church by getting through the backdoor). Go to the main hall, then
enter the right room. Go in the second room. Yuri will hear a sound from
the first room : That man has come here to ask for "god"'s advice. Yuri
will pretend to be the god, and give him advice : Choose the second choice
that the man will learn grumbling. Then he leaves. And you, leave too. Get
back to the inn and enter the man's room. He will soon recognize your
voice, then thanks you by giving you a gift : the Water Gravestone.

Enter Bistritz and go to Nina's house and talk to her. Nina tells you
that she has found some strange seeds and decided to plant it. Then you go
out. It's the glowing plant you see just in front of Nina's house. Examine
it and Yuri may water it. Sometimes you can grab a Thera Leaf here though.
After thar, leave Bistritz. Then enter again. Go to Nina's house. If you
see Nina watering the the plant, that means you have done well. Now just
talk to her and she gives you the Earth Gravestone. If you don't see Nina
(she's still in the house), you must repeat the above action until she goes
out and waters the plant.

Go to Prague and enter the bar. You talk to the man who is standing
beside the bar. He'll tell you that someone has gone to the Men's toilet
for a long time, and hasn't gone out. He thinks of the same accident which
happened to Yuria. Then you enter the men's toilet. Examine the second
stand. You'll hear some voice inside. It seems that the guy inside is
"stuck" with "it". He seems difficult. Yuri asks if something happens. The
guy can't answer soon. And Yuri prepares his fists for the next accident.
But then the man asks if he's got any Tissues :D . I think that you must
have some Tissue to give him. If not, play some Lottery game and try to
lose to get it. Give it to the man. Then leave the toilet. When you leave
the bar, the man will chase after you and give you the Air Gravestone (he
hasn't washed his hand LOL)

Located in Nemeton Basement. Read its walkthrough.

STONE OF REBIRTH (for Seraphic Radiance)
Located in Ancient Ruins. Read Sidequest 11 and refer and "Ability List"
- Yuri's section to know more details.

2) K E I T H V A L E N T I N E ' S S U B Q U E S T
You can only do this after having got the Earth Gravestone. This time,
come to Bistritz again and have Keith in your party. Then enter Nina's
house and talk to her. Nina tells Keith that she saw some wandering golden
light around the Blue Castle. After that, leave Bistritz and come to Blue

Enter the castle and now get down to the coffin room. Head to the open
coffin, Keith will soon see a familiar one of him : a Golden Bat. I still
don't know much about why Keith calls the bat "brother". But the Golden Bat
says that the legendary Demon Sword Tyrving will belong to Keith if he
defeats him. If not, he must die...

HP : ~1200
MP : ???
Element : Non-class
I'm not sure about his HP. But first, he gives you 5 turns to beat him
without being hurt. Just try to complete Keith's Judgment Ring. Don't try
to be perfect if you can't. It'll be easier if Keith's level is 35+. At
first, try to damage the bat's 900+ HP within 5 turns. Then it'll give you
an extra turn. Just damage him. Then he will hit you. I don't know if this
attack is lucky or has been arranged. But I think if you could have damaged
1000+ HP of the bat, Keith might succeed avoiding this hit. Sometimes you
can die here (Keith fails to dodge) if you can't satisfy the given damage.
If Keith succeeds, you can be sure that a GOOD seventh turn will bring you
the victory. With this last turn, you MUSTN'T fail.

Then Keith will get the Demon Sword - his ultimate weapon. There is an
extra video clip showing Keith's happiness to have the legendary sword.

4) K A W A S H I M A ' S D E A T H
Maybe you still wonder what happened to Lt. Colonel Kawashima and her
servant Kato after you left Shanghai. Then this subquest will tell you

Go back to Rouen and enter the inn. Do you a see room just left next to
the staircase ? You couldn't enter this room, but now you can. Get in it,
and find Meiyuan. Meiyuan gives you a letter from Qiuhua. She writes to you
about what happened to Kawashima and Kato. Now Kato is in very bad state,
as he regrets that he couldn't protect Kawashima from being killed by her
father. Then Meiyuan will give you the Coat of the Adept - ultimate armor
of Zhuzhen.

5) M A R G A R E T E ' S S U B Q U E S T
It's in Rouen again. Have Margarete in your party, and enter the church
through the backdoor. Then head to the main hall. There's a film about her
confession with Yuri and she gives you the Pearl Ring. Besides, if you can
win the Lottery game here (the man in the north way), you can get the 10
Gauge - Margarete's ultimate weapon.

6) T R A G E D Y I N D O L L H O U S E
Make sure to have Alice in your party. Get back to Prague again and enter
the bar. You'll have a new customer who is a man named Ewan. Ewan asks for
your exorcist service to explore his house : the Dollhouse, which he says
to be haunted. At this time, leave Prague. Dollhouse location will soon
appear in the Europe Map.

Still have Alice in your party. If not, Yuri will refuse to go. Then you
take control of Alice.

At first, you see two doors. The entrance door and the storeroom door on
the below left. You can't enter the storeroom door now. Check around it to
find Oracle Earrings. Enter the entrance.

In the house, examine the clock on the left to find a Crank. There's a
Save Point here. Get in the right door from the Save Point. There's a
Lottery Ticket somewhere in the room. Go to the north light way to outside.
You should find a fountain. Check the left of the fountain until Alice
finds a key under water. Then you must do a Push Ring to get the key. It's
little tricky, so try on. You'll have the Storeroom Key. Go back outside
and use the key to enter the Storeroom. There's a Silver Hand on the upper
right shelf. Then descend the ladder on the opposite side.

You've come to the cellar. You can check them if you want. Don't forget
to get the Slide Plate among those wine containers. Then get back to the
house. This time, you go upstairs. Try to find a projector and use the
Slide Plate on it. You'll see a picture of Lillith and a doll. There is a
date : December 24. Then leave this room and go downstairs. Head to the
right door. You'll see a new valve near the fireplace. Examine it and input
the new code you have found : 1224 (December 24). Then go back to the
cellar, and get in the new door on the top right. You have input the code,
so just enter the next door.

This is your final destination in the haunted house. Examine everything
you see in the room. Something horrible : Everything is a mess; the doll is
looking at you, smiling; there are words written by blood on the wall and
papers etc. But nothing happens. Then try to exit the room. The maker of
the mess will show itself soon :

HP : ~7500
MP : ???
Element : Light
Strategy : This sidequest has such strong hit points at this time. If you
have played Koudelka, Orb Chaos' design is very like a monster in that
game. Have Yuri transform into a Lv3 Monster. I recommend Czernoborg if you
have. Have Alice support and the third character attacks or supports. It
can cause Status Abnormalities and it can use Fusion Monsters' spells
though (Battle Cry, Accelerate, etc). This battle is not very hard, but
it'll take a pretty long time to beat it. So try to survive the battle. I
mostly focus attacking, only Alice heals and support.

After the fight, you'll get a weapon for Alice. You can leave now.

If you like, let's get back to Prague to inform Ewan. But when you come,
you'll know that he was a ghost who tried to go back to the earth to ask
for your help. The cursed doll (Orb Chaos) has lost its only friend Lillith
and felt lonely. So it had Ewan as its toy to play, and he got killed. I
guess the blood words you saw in the doll's room might be written by Ewan.
He has disappeared, leaving some blood words on the floor. It says "Thank
you". The truth is that he has already died.

7) B O O K O F R I T U A L S
Have Alice and Zhuzhen in your party, and go to Nemeton Monastery.
Forward the ruins. Zhuzhen tells you that he wants to pray James
O'Flaherty's tombstone for a while. Then Yuri and Alice come to ruin to
"talk" to each other. There's a video clip that Yuri tells Alice about his
past. Then it seems that Alice has loved him, but Zhuzhen interrupts. He
says that he has found something very special : the Book of Rituals (has NO
relation with Keith's Rituals). Let's leave now.

8) M I N I - G A M E I N O R P H A N A G E

Let's go back to the Orphanage to visit the kids. There's no monster here
anymore. Let's enter the Experiment Room and talk to the boy here. He asks
you to play "Hide and Seek". Within 1 minute, you must find four of his
friends who are hiding around the mansion and report to him. When you
accept, the time begins to count. Leave the room now.

The four kids' locations are random. But following my experience, they
can be in these locations :

- Kid's room, on the left of the top left bed.
- Kid's room, just between the two horizontal beds on the left. This child
can't be seen from your sight. You must check carefully to make her reveal.
- The bottom right corner, Main Hall 1st floor.
- The right end of 2nd floor corridor.
- The left room on 2nd floor, behind the tables.
- The right room on 2nd floor, upper right of the screen.

That's it. Try to search those locations carefully. One of the kids will
tell you that you have found the wrong person. But don't believe, he just
lies. Once you have found enough four children, it's NOT over yet. Within
the remaining time, you must get back to Experiment Room and report to the
boy soon. If you do promptly, you'll win. The boy will stay aside, and you
climb up the cauldron. Ahhhhh !!!... a child is rising from the cauldron.
Don't worry, he just jokes. And he will give you the Emigre Manuscript (If
you have played Koudelka, this is very the secret file of Patrick

9) A N C I E N T R U I N S
Monsters : Asp, Basilisk, Sweeper

You must do Sidequest 9 in order to do this one. Go to the World Map,
open the Menu screen and examine the Book of Rituals in "Valuables"
section. Then turn off Menu screen, the "Ancient Ruins" will soon appear in
Europe Map. Let's enter it.

Enter Ancient Ruins. In the first hall, you'll see a down staircase
flooded by water. Yuri says he sees something beneath the water when you
examine it. The left door is locked from inside. So get to the right way.

Open the chest to get Angel Earrings. You see three ways with three
torches. This is some kind of labyrinth. If you go the wrong way, you'll be
taken to the beginning. So pay attention to the color of the torches and go
by this order : Red - Orange (Dark Yellow)- Yellow - Green - Cyan - Blue -

After passing all the above ways, you'll be back to the hall by the
locked door. The water has been drained, and you get down the stairs.
There's nothing here besides a treasure chest in the center of the room.
Open it to grab Gold Thread Coat and leave Ancient Temples now (Don't try
to enter the labyrinth again, or you'll be taken back).

In the World Map, examine the Book of Rituals again. This time the words
said in the book is different. So enter Ancient Ruins again.

Like the previous time, the water rises up again. And you enter the
labyrinth again. This time the order is : Purple - Blue - Cyan - Green -
Yellow - Orange - Red.

Get back to the hall, and go downstairs. This time there's no treasure
chest. Instead, a God !!!

HP : ~4000
MP : ???
Element : Non-class
Strategy : Fighting this one is much easier than fighting Cherubim in the
next sidequest. Both physical and magical attacks are appreciate. He has
Divine Punishment, which causes serious damage on all party members and
some status abnormalities. So equipping Crucifixes may be helpful. Just
beat him as usual.

It's time to say goodbye to this place. You have nothing to do here
anymore. Let's head to the next sidequest.

10) C A V E T E M P L E
Monsters : Buggy, Penalty, Oingo

You must do Sidequest 8 in order to do this one. Let's go to the World
Map. Open the Menu screen and read the Emigre Manuscript. Then there will
be a new location shown on the Britain Map : Cave Temple. Let's enter now.

Examine the first hall you enter. On the left wall there's something like
a map. I think this must be the map of this area, because the main zone is
a labyrinth. So then be careful, or you'll get lost :

- Get in the double door.
- Go to the north door and grab the Priest Earrings from the chest, then go
- Take the left door.
- Go to the north door.
- Go left.
- Go south twice.
- Go left.
- Go to the north door and grab a Lottery Ticket in the room. Then back
- Go to the left door.
- Go north.
- Go left.
- Go to the final north door and obtain the Mantle of Shivering - an armor
of Keith.
You have completed one chapter of the Cave Temple, and you'll soon be
taken out to the beginning. No matter how much you get in again, you are
still taken back. So leave the temple now.

In the World Map, let's read the Emigre Manuscript again. You'll see that
the document has got changed : Now it tells you to turn to the right way,
not left. So you can enter the Cave Temple again.

This time you can enter the labyrinth. The map now is useless.

- Get in the double door.
- Get in the north door to grab the Fifth Key, then back out.
- Take the right door.
- Go north.
- Go right.
- Go down twice.
- Turn right.
- Get in the north door to grab the Key to Success and back out.
- Go to the right door.
- Go north.
- Go right.
There's a Save Point here and I recommend you to use it now. If you have
Tents, it should be used too. Then enter the north door. Just some more
steps okay...

HP : ~10000
MP : ???
Element : Non-class
Strategy : This wouldn't be a hard battle if you are allowed to attack by
all what you have. Cherubim is the same as Seraphim, but MUCH stronger. But
remember, Cherubim can absorb Special Skills, and you have no other way
besides physical attacking. ~10000 HP is really a big number to deal by
physical attacks. I have sit during twenty minutes to defeat this boss.
Don't waste Yuri's SPs to transform. Just use his physical attacks. I think
you should have Alice in your party, because her Arc and Resurrection will
be very important in this battle. The third character should be balanced
between attacking and healing (I recommend Halley or Keith, because these
two have good strength and can heal themselves). Cherubim also has the
beloved "!!!" hit which wipes a character's HP. So beware of that. Its
physical attacks are dangerous though. Sometimes Cherubim can play "Divine
Punishment" which is its strongest attack, stronger than Seraphim's. At
this time, I think this hit can take out 200+ HP of each character and
cause some Status Abnormalities. So having Crucifixes equipped to the party
members may be helpful. It may take you a long time to defeat Cherubim. So
remember to survive.
In some ancient language, "Cherub" means lovely angels. But don't think
the same way with this Cherubim.

After the fight, you'll get the Holy Peak Staff - Zhuzhen's ultimate
weapon. Now you have nothing to do here. So leave.

11) Y U R I ' S U L T I M A T E F U S I O N M O N S T E R

You are going to do a sidequest which you'll face Yuri's ultimate Fusion
Monster. For IMPORTANT details about this Fusion Monster, I advise you to
visit "Ability List" - Yuri's section and read the notes about this special
monster. I wrote it below Fusion Monster list.

If you have got the Erotic Book in Kuihai Tower, now it's time to use it.
Before that, make sure that you have got Book of Rituals, Codex of Lurie
and Emigre Manuscript and already done Sidequest 9 and 10. If not, Roger
won't extract the Erotic Book for you. In "Valuables" section, examine the
Erotic Book and then give it to Roger Bacon immediately. Then Roger will
extract the "Pulse Tract" and give it to you. Let's examine the Pulse
Extract, and then enter Ancient Ruins.

The Pulse Tract says something about moon, sun, garden, etc. It's the
order of the colored torches you must go. Let's enter the labyrinth and go
follow this order : Yellow - Red - Green - Purple - Blue - Red - Cyan. Then
you'll be back to the main hall, as the water beneath has been drained. Go
down, open the chest to grab the Stone of Rebirth. Examine this stone, then
find a Save Point and go to the Graveyard.

Just head to the north gate where is Yuri's childhood. Examine the tree
and see the sunset. Remember to equip your STRONGEST equipments. Then
leave. A familiar voice will sound behind the tree, as Yuri recognizes that
is his father - Colonel Ben Hyuga.

Ben Hyuga and Seraphic Radiance only appeared when you have got all the
forbidden books and done all the sidequests (Ancient Ruins, Cave Temple,
etc) and another important thing : You MUST HAVE GOT Amon and all previous
Fusion Monsters (Lv1, Lv2 and Lv3). Seraphic Radiance is the ultimate
Fusion Monster, so that you must master all the previous monsters,
including Amon, in order to get the ultimate one.

Although Hyuga has died, he always watches over his son Yuri. Do you
remember Yuri's disappearance in the end of Asia section ? The god which
was planned by Dehuai and absorbed Yuri, was very this thing - Seraphic
Radiance - the ultimate fusion monster. Yuri was saved, because Ben Hyuga
took Seraphic Radiance into himself to protect his son. And now it's time
for Yuri to grow his talent to his father and possess the ultimate fusion
monster :

HP : ~2000
MP : ???
Element : Darkness
Strategy : Ben Hyuga only uses physical attacks against you, so you can
win him easily. Transforming or not is your choice. But I advise you to
leave it for the next battle. Attack Ben Hyuga as usual and heal whenever
you lose too many HP. One combo of Ben Hyuga can take away 150+ HP of

When you defeat Ben Hyuga, he says that you have grown very much, and he
is proud of you. And now it's time for you to confront the ultimate power
of Fusion monster :

HP : ~5000
MP : ???
Element : Non-class
Fighting Seraphic Radiance wouldn't be difficult if you could fight with
your partners. So I can say : Seraphic Randiance is the hardest boss in the
game, even much harder than Meta God, because you're all alone. In my
experience, I can defeat Meta God WITHOUT Extract items, Fruit of Yddrasils
or Tea of Holy Ones. But I did use a lot of them to survive from Seraphic
Radiance battle. So then, if you are preparing to encounter Ben Hyuga,
especially this is your first time, be sure to have a lot of healing and
extract items. Better than that, have Yuri reach as high as level you can.
Level 50+ is enough. To get Thera Extracts, you can equip the Pedometer
(and Accelerator if you have) and walk in areas which have monsters. A few
steps (100 steps) can earn a Thera Extract for you and then just ask the
Silent Peddler. To get Fruit of Yggdrasils is a little harder, and you must
do this while you were still in Cave Temple. Wander there as much as you
can to encounter Oingoes. If you have, equip those accessories with item
chance increased function. Then you may obtain some Fruit of Yggdrasils
from those monsters. The Teas of the Healer/Holy One can be found from
Lottery Game. Read my "Lottery Member List". If you still have some Lottery
Tickets, find those members who have these items and try to get them.
In this fight, great vitality (Vit) is very important to suffer Seraphic
Radiance's hits. That's the reason why I told you to equip your strongest
equipments (which raise Defense Power). Next, I recommend you to transform
into Amon - as your current strongest fusion monster who gives you the most
extra attack/defense power. In my game, Seraphic Radiance only uses two
hits : Physical Attacks and Malcto. Seraphic Radiance's physical hits are
similar to Yuri's : There are three hits, the first hit damages the most
(150+ HP), the second and the third are nearly equal (about 70+ HP), but if
you equip strong equipments and transform into Amon, those damages may be a
little less. Malcto is a spell : It drains your HP, then uses your lost HP
to heal Seraphic Randiance. That's all. The difficulty of this battle is to
keep you alive. In my opinion, I think you shouldn't hesitate to use Tea of
the Holy Ones or Fruit of Yggdrasils to heal when you need them badly. This
battle somehow may be even harder than the final battle. You also need some
items or accessories which preserves your SPs though (Equipping Huge Jug is
a better idea than equipping Small Jug or Anne's Cross, although it's
weaker. You won't have time to heal your SP. Small Jug gives you a lot of
extra status points, but it wastes double of your SPs; Anne's Cross just
helps you to heal SP when it runs out, while it still wastes your turn, and
each turn there are only 3 or 5 SPs healed. In this battle, each of your
turn must be used suitably. If not, you'll get big troubles later). If Yuri
went berserk, you would get in confusion. In this fight, being impatient
does no good. When your HP is being done to be lower, never hesitate to
heal, no matter what you want. Attacking is not very hurry, but keeping you
alive is more important. Just try to be fast before Seraphic Radiance
accumulates Malcto to heal itself.

If you win, the powerful fusion monster - Seraphic Radiance - will belong
to you. There will be an extra video clip about Ben Hyuga.

You'll be surprised that the Seraphic Radiance you can fuse to is not
like it was when you fought it. It has very the face of Yuri and a pair of
wings behind him. Be proud of it ! No Harmonixer had been able to conquer
Seraphic Radiance until Yuri did it. Seraphic Radiance is also the only
Fusion Monster which can give the max damage of 999 HP at this time. You're
great !!!

If you lose, no game over. But Yuri will be taken back to where he was,
with 1 HP remaining. But Ben Hyuga and Seraphic Radiance are still in the
Graveyard waiting for you, and you can return to the Graveyard whenever you
want to defeat them until you possess Seraphic Radiance.

12) M A R G A R E T E ' S U L T I M A T E A R M O R
You must have the Pedometer equipped all the time to have enough steps
(The Silent Peddler gives it to you in the first time you meet him). When
you have the max number of steps, have Margarete in your party and find the
Silent Peddler. He'll give you a Leather Suit for her.

ND OF SIDEQUESTS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Now are you ready ? Let's ask Roger Bacon to take you to the Neameto to
reach the battle of destiny.

Monsters : Enkidu, Emptiness, Hangman, Arcmine, Enigma, Keeper
Red Cap, Cockatrice, Black Widow
Boss : Soul Block, Hate, Scapegoat, Messiah, Meta God

Go up to the next floor and take the right staircase. Just keep going up
until the characters split and have a talk. After some moment, Yuri kicks
the damn thing and the result is that he and another party member is
trapped (Mine was Zhuzhen). The other ones are out. So you are asked to
choose one of the free four ones to be your controllable character. Then
choose a party to go with that one. After that, get down and back to the
beginning again. This time you take the left staircase.

Go up and up until you come to a triangular hall. Touch the triangle on
the wall. Yuri and the other one will be freed. And now you must take
control of Yuri. Let's get to the left staircase and team up with your
party, then choose the right party of yours. Go along the upper right way
and go upstairs, until you face a boss :

HP : ~7500
MP : ???
Element : Light
Strategy : This guy is a bit like Yamaraja : Wind. He immunes to physical
attacks. So have tons of MPs to fight him. This boss has some familiar
spells of Yuri's Fusion Monsters, so be ware. Have Yuri transform into a
Lv3 Fusion Monster and fight. Have Alice heal and attack by Blessed Light
or Advent. The third character is optional, but I recommend Halley or
Margarete. Have this one attack and heal simultaneously. This is not a hard

When you beat Soul Block, there are three circles appearing at that
position : Save Point (cyan), Teleport Device (Yellow) and Change Party
Device (pink). You use the yellow device if you still have something to do
on the land. Use the pink device if you want to reform party. Use Save
Point to save. Then continue the journey.

From this point, go to the lower right to the green area. Light up the
green pillar, then go back to the triangular hallway and go to the lower
way to find a Crank Slingshot. Go up to the Soul Block area again. The next
right path has a chest with Brsrkr Earrings. The next has a Seal Vitality
on the left and the blue light. Light it up and reach the blue area will be
opened. Grab the Sage Staff and Silver Thread Coat. Go back outside and
take the top left staircase. Here there are Seal of Aura and a Lottery
Ticket. Go next, find Rubber Suit and Monk Earrings. Keep going until you
see two staircases on two sides. Go up either staircase and...

HP : ~7000
MP : ???
Element : Dark
Strategy : Equip Pocket Watches and Crucifixes now. Hate has the lovely
Black Fog which deals damage and Poison on all party members. Its Hate
Storm causes damage and Paralysis along with Invisible Ring. If you equip
enough those accessories I tell, this boss is a piece of cake. Have Yuri
transform, Alice/Halley heal and the third character can attack or heal,
depending on the situations.

You'll be given three devices too. Use them if you need. But I recommend
you not to forget the Save Point :).

Keep going up and up until you come to a completely strange. Just keep
going until you are teleported to another. Zhuzhen will explain about these
"wrap spaces" which are impossible to see. This time, you'll be wrapped
away by these invisible spaces on the way. So it's hard to move freely. I
don't have a detailed walkthrough for this part. But there are two treasure
chests you can find on the way, containing Fifth Key and V-Blade Blodauth.
Your final destination of this area is the high staircase on the center of
the room. When you have finished, try to reach that staircase and go up...
to fight the last keeper :

HP : ~7600
MP : ???
Element : Wind
Strategy : Wow, this boss is pretty annoying. His Slash can swing all
three characters with serious damage. And Deathtouch, it can kill a single
character instantly (about 350+ HP). In my game, he always attempts to
Alice to play this fatal hit. It's better to have Alice as the healer than
Halley or any other characters. Have Yuri transform into Sandalphon, as he
can heal the party if anything happens to Alice. Sandalphon's Pulse is
effective against the boss though. Have the third character attack. Alice's
Arc is very useful in this fight, especially when the whole party is hit by
Slash. You try to keep her alive though.

This is your last chance to use the devices. So think carefully. Use a
Tent here. Then make sure of your party. Use all the seal items (Seal of
Strength, Seal of Aura, etc) you have, cause your final battles are coming
continuously and you won't have any free chance to use them later. When you
have been ready, head up to the next screen and talk to Albert Simon.
Albert will transform into a frustrating monster to kill you :

HP : ~9000
MP : ???
Element : Non-class
Strategy : I have chosen Yuri, Alice and Halley in this fight. Have Yuri
transform into Sandalphon to get convenient between healing and attacking.
Have Alice use Arc to heal and use Advent to damage Messiah. Have Halley
use Shock Maxto attack and sometimes use Heal to cure himself. This battle
is not hard, but annoying, because Messiah often casts "Holy Chest" in the
beginning of the battle. This hit causes serious damage on all party
members, lowering half your maximum SPs though. After this hit, I assure
that Yuri won't have enough SPs to transform into a Lv3 Fusion Monster. If
you want to keep attacking physically, leave him and have Alice heal only.
If you want to transform, have both Alice and Halley use at least two
perfect Pure Roots on Yuri. It's your choice. Crucifix may be important in
this battle, cuz Messiah can make Petrification. If you want to increase
Yuri's strength, equip him the Seven-Eyed Mask. If your party is different
from mine, I recommend you my familiar tactic : Yuri is the main attacker,
Alice/Margarete/Zhuzhen is the healer, Keith/Halley is balanced between
attacking and healing.

It's too late for Albert to regret what he has done. Before dying, he
atones by taking you to the god of destruction. You'll have no free time.
But don't so much worry, your HP and MP will be fully healed when the final
battle begins, and you'll have an extra chance to reform the party. Let's
fight :

HP : ~12500
MP : ???
Element : Non-class
Strategy : I have lost this battle once, and my experience after that
lost battle : CRUCIFIX IS THE KEY TO VICTORY. Why ? If I remember well,
besides Time of Judgment, Meta God's frequent attacks are : Scarlet Abyss,
Black Abyss, White Abyss, Yellow Abyss, Verdant Abyss and Blue Abyss. The
similarity of these hits are causing a damage of 200+ HP on all party
members. The difference is the color, along with different STATUS
ABNORMALITIES. Each hit causes a different status abnormalities.
Fortunately, Instant Death and Knockback are not in the list. So Crucifix
is YOUR FRIEND now. If you just have two Crucifixes, equip them to Yuri and
Alice/the healer. The third character should be equipped with Zodiac
Bracelet AND Cosmic Bracelet, then he/she can immune to the important
pains. With those Abyss hits, have Alice cast Arc to heal or have Yuri cast
Revive (in Sandalphon's form). My painful experience is that I waste turns
to cure status abnormalities (because I did not equip any anti-
abnormalities things), while Meta God keeps attacking us by her fatal hits,
so then Crucifixes are very important. It also made me have no turn to heal
the characters' SPs, and the result was that Yuri went berserk and killed
the whole party by Pulse. This is my tactic (My party is still Yuri, Alice
and Halley) :
When you have made your characters immune to status abbormalities, the
only problem of this battle is : Your HP and MP. Meta God doesn't care much
about draining your SP (Black Abyss is the only hit that takes out your SP,
so beware. But I think Meta God rarely casts it), because she loves your MP
better. In the beginning, she will cast Time of Judgment, which takes away
200+ HP and 150+ MP of each party members. So then having Mana Roots is
very important. Try keeping Alice's MP because she is the healer, who keeps
your party survive. Yuri may have no MP and attack Meta God by physical
hits, but Alice MUSTN'T have no MP. Have Yuri transform into Sandalphon to
heal (Revive) and attack (Pulse). Have Alice use Arc to heal. If you get a
spare chance for her, you can have her cast Advent to deal damage on the
boss. Have Halley cast Shock Max to attack and use items to heal (His Heal
magic is not very effective in this battle). If your third character is not
Halley, have him/her cast his/her strongest spells. Now don't feel pity to
use precious healings in your inventory. Use all of them to keep you alive.
And another advice for you : KEEP AN EYE ON CHARACTERS' SANITY POINTS,
especially when you have those characters with little SP like Alice or
Margarete. Don't take my painful experience again, when Yuri went berserk
and killed the whole party. When you see that SPs are gonna be out, don't
hesitate to use Pure Roots on that character AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. If you
want to prevent losing SPs LEAST, equip Anne's Cross or Huge Jug on the
characters. Then you can take out a little of your worry about SPs.
I have also had another arrangement too. In this tactic, Yuri is
completely the main attacker, both Alice and Halley/the third character
heal and attack, depending on the situations. This time, have Yuri
transform into Seraphic Randiance (if you have this Fusion Monster) who can
deal greater damages on Meta God. The rest of this tactic is similar to the
above one. Seraphic Radiance can also heal though, so have right decisions
in suitable situations.
Besides, if you have defeated Seraphic Radiance in sidequest without so
many difficulties, you are sure to be able to defeat Meta God easily. This
is my opinion.

If you beat Meta God...


Then you'll know what ending you get. If the ending has no Alice and the
narrator is Yuri, it's the bad ending. And if the narrator is Alice, you
get the good ending. Alice says she will make her life with a "new family".
Maybe, she'll make it with Yuri ? :)





* In this Weapon List, I write extra points of Physical Attack (P-Atk) and
Special Attack (S-Atk) basing on the standard points of characters'
starting weapons, also their weakest weapons. Besides, these below points
are mostly correct when your weapon A-Lv and H-Lv are zero. The Extra
Features are the extra status abnormalities added to the weapon. These
features sometimes don't work well with strong enemies or those enemies who
immune to it.
The first weapon of each one's list is that one's standard weapon. The
last weapon is his/her ultimate weapon.
For more details about ultimate weapons' locations, please refer to
"Frequently Asked Questions" section.

WEAPONS | P-Atk | S-Atk | Extra Features | Possible Location
Leather Gloves | - | - | None | Start with
Knuckle Blade | +10 | +8 | None | Shop
Steel Claw | +21 | +17 | None | Shop
Hand Needle | +30 | +18 | None | Kowloon Fortress
Brass Knuckle | +60 | +53 | None | Shop/Fox Face
Silver Talon | +74 | +66 | None | Shop
Silver Wolf Fang | +76 | +65 | None | Nemeton
Nightbird Claw | +80 | +78 | None | From Roger Bacon

WEAPONS | P-Atk | S-Atk | Extra Features | Possible Location
Small Bible | - | - | None | Start with
Shooting Star Tone | +8 | +13 | None | Shop
Tone of the Moon | +17 | +23 | None | Shop
Tone of the Sun | +40 | +39 | None | Shop
Ever Bible | +53 | +64 | None | Shop
Grand Bible | +65 | +77 | None | Shop
Holy Book-Martyrs | +72 | +84 | None | Nemeton
Holy Book-Flesh | +85 | +98 | None | From Orb Chaos

WEAPONS | P-Atk | S-Atk | Extra Features | Possible Location
Oak Staff | - | - | None | Start with
Hexagonal Staff | +18 | +11 | None | Shop
Pilgrim's Staff | +7 | +24 | None | Shop/Huayuan
Hermit's Staff | +31 | +39 | None | From Dehuai
Oracle's Staff | +45 | +61 | None | Shop
Four Gods' Staff | +67 | +67 | None | Shop
Sage Staff | +75 | +83 | None | Shop
Holy Peak Staff | +86 | +88 | None | From Cherubim

M A R G A R E T E G. Z E L L E
WEAPONS | P-Atk | S-Atk | Extra Features | Possible Location
Mini-Gauser | - | - | None | Start with
Type 94 Pistol | +2 | -2 | Confusion | Sewer/Shop
Nanbu Pistol | +11 | +8 | None | Shop
Zeruel | +48 | +47 | None | Start in Europe
Drave | +55 | +47 | None | Shop
12 Gauge | +60 | +60 | None | Shop
Mauser Prototype | +70 | +70 | None | Shop
10 Gauge | +80 | +75 | None | Lottery in Rouen

WEAPONS | P-Atk | S-Atk | Extra Features | Possible Location
Antique Rapier | - | - | Instant Death | Start with
Royal Estoc | +12 | -1 | None | Shop
Silver Crescent Sword| +40 | +20 | None | Shop
Deathblade, Jiru | -15 | +35 | Instant Death | Hospital
Executioner Sword | +55 | +26 | None | Shop
V-Blade-Blodauth | +57 | +40 | None | Neameto
Demon Sword Tyrving | +62 | +48 | None | Blue Castle
| | | | (sidequest)

WEAPONS | P-Atk | S-Atk | Extra Features | Possible Location
Slingshot | - | - | None | Start with
Oak Slingshot | +4 | 0 | Poison | Old Castle Street
Laurel Slingshot | +4 | +8 | None | Hospital
Steel Slingshot | +8 | +15 | Paralysis | Shop
High Alloy Slingshot | +15 | +15 | None | Shop
Improved Slingshot | +16 | +15 | Petrification | From Joshua
Crank Slingshot | +24 | +20 | None | Neameto 2rd floor
Volt Snipe | +33 | +28 | None | From Seraphim


* Like Weapon List, I write extra points of Physical Attack (P-Atk) and
Special Attack (S-Atk) basing on the standard points of characters'
starting armors, also their weakest armors.
The first armor of each one's list is that one's standard armor. The last
armor is his/her ultimate armor.
For more details about ultimate armors' locations, please refer to
"Frequently Asked Questions" section.

Cotton Shirt | Men | Start with
Cotton Blouse | Women | Start with
Leather Vest | Men | Shops
Leather Skirt | Women | Shops
Studded Harness | Men | Shops
Studded Bustier | Women | Shops
Chainmail Vest | Men | Shops
Silk Bolero | Women | Shops
Red Leather Jacket | Men | Shops
Jasper Cape | Women | Shops/Church
Stygian Robe | Men | Shops
Snow-White Robe | Women | Shops
Heretic's Coat | Yuri | Nemeton Basement
Father's Coat | Yuri | Graveyard, after beating S.Radiance
Silver Thread Coat | Alice | Neameto 2nd floor
Gold Thread Coat | Alice | Ancient Ruins
Coat of the Sage | Zhuzhen | Nemeton Basement
Coat of the Adept | Zhuzhen | From Qinhua (Read Sidequest section)
Rubber Suit | Margarete | Neameto 2nd floor
Leather Suit | Margarete | Obtain 10000 Pedometer steps
Mantle of Nobility | Keith | Nemeton Ruins
Mantle of Shivering | Keith | Cave Temple
Punk Jacket | Halley | Nemeton Basement
Metal Jacket | Halley | London Rats, win Pit Fight 2 as Halley

Well, this is the detailed list of characters' armors extra stats.

ARMORS |P-Def |S-Def |P-Avd |S-Avd | Extra Features
Cotton Shirt | - | - | - | - | None
Leather Vest | +10 | +10 | +1 | +1 | None
Studded Harness | +21 | +19 | +2 | +2 | None
Chainmail Vest | +36 | +34 | +4 | +4 | None
Red Leather Jacket | +48 | +55 | +5 | +5 | None
Stygian Robe | +71 | +69 | +7 | +8 | None
Heretic's Coat | +76 | +65 | +10 | +11 | Half Darkness damage
Father's Coat | +83 | +77 | +14 | +12 | Half Dark/Light damage

ARMORS |P-Def |S-Def |P-Avd |S-Avd | Extra Features
Cotton Blouse | - | - | - | - | None
Leather Skirt | +9 | +11 | +1 | +1 | None
Studded Bustier | +19 | +21 | +2 | +2 | None
Silk Bolero | +34 | +36 | +3 | +4 | None
Jasper Cape | +56 | +57 | +5 | +5 | None
Snow-White Robe | +69 | +71 | +8 | +7 | None
Silver Thread Coat | +72 | +78 | +11 | +10 | Half Light damage
Gold Threat Coat | +74 | +86 | +11 | +15 | Half Dark/Light damage

ARMORS |P-Def |S-Def |P-Avd |S-Avd | Extra Features
Cotton Shirt | - | - | - | - | None
Leather Vest | +10 | +10 | +1 | +1 | None
Studded Harness | +21 | +19 | +2 | +2 | None
Chainmail Vest | +36 | +34 | +4 | +4 | None
Red Leather Jacket | +48 | +55 | +5 | +5 | None
Stygian Robe | +71 | +69 | +7 | +8 | None
Coat of the Sage | +71 | +79 | +10 | +11 | Half Fire damage
Coat of the Adept | +76 | +84 | +11 | +15 | Half Fire/Water damage

M A R G A R E T E G. Z E L L E
ARMORS |P-Def |S-Def |P-Avd |S-Avd | Extra Features
Cotton Shirt | - | - | - | - | None
Leather Vest | +10 | +10 | +1 | +1 | None
Studded Harness | +21 | +19 | +2 | +2 | None
Chainmail Vest | +36 | +34 | +4 | +4 | None
Red Leather Jacket | +48 | +55 | +5 | +5 | None
Stygian Robe | +71 | +69 | +7 | +8 | None
Rubber Suit | +83 | +75 | +11 | +10 | Half Water damage
Leather Suit | +81 | +79 | +14 | +12 | Half Fire/Water damage

ARMORS |P-Def |S-Def |P-Avd |S-Avd | Extra Features
Cotton Shirt | - | - | - | - | None
Leather Vest | +10 | +10 | +1 | +1 | None
Studded Harness | +21 | +19 | +2 | +2 | None
Chainmail Vest | +36 | +34 | +4 | +4 | None
Red Leather Jacket | +48 | +55 | +5 | +5 | None
Stygian Robe | +71 | +69 | +7 | +8 | None
Mantle of Nobility | +78 | +72 | +10 | +11 | Half Earth damage
Mantle of Shivering | +87 | +73 | +13 | +11 | Half Wind/Earth damage

ARMORS |P-Def |S-Def |P-Avd |S-Avd | Extra Features
Cotton Shirt | - | - | - | - | None
Leather Vest | +10 | +10 | +1 | +1 | None
Studded Harness | +21 | +19 | +2 | +2 | None
Chainmail Vest | +36 | +34 | +4 | +4 | None
Red Leather Jacket | +48 | +55 | +5 | +5 | None
Stygian Robe | +71 | +69 | +7 | +8 | None
Punk Jacket | +73 | +77 | +10 | +11 | Half Wind damage
Metal Jacket | +78 | +82 | +12 | +14 | Half Wind/Earth damage


* Explanations :
PAt : Physical Attack (P-Atk)
PDe : Physical Defense (P-Def)
SAt : Special Attack (S-Atk)
SDe : Special Defense (S-Atk)
PAv : Physical Avoid (P-Avd)
SAv : Special Avoid (S-Avd)

Each character is allowed to wear three accessories. Most accessories can
be worn by all characters, but some of them can only be possessed by
certain characters or certain genders.

ACCESSORIES |PAt|PDe|SAt|SDe|PAv|SAv| Extra Features
Bandana | |+2 | | | | | Raises Defense Power
Leather Cap | |+4 | | | | | Raises Defense Power
Studded Cap | |+6 | | | | | Raises Defense Power
Face Guard | |+8 | | | | | Raises Defense Power
Headgear | |+9 | |+2 | | | Raise Def by making fearless
Circlet | |+8 | |+3 | | | Raise Def with magic protect
Seven-Eyed Mask | |+9 | |+10|+5 | |
Comet Mask | |+10| |+6 |+5 | |
Leather Belt |+2 |+ | | | | | Raises Attack Power
Casual Belt |+4 | | | | | | Raises Attack Power
Western Belt |+6 | | | | | | Raises Attack Power
Metal Belt |+8 | | | | | | Raises Attack Power
Lion Guard |+9 | |+2 | | | | (used for men only)
Charming Pareo |+8 | |+3 | | | | (used for women only)
Belt of Power |+10| |+6 | | | |
Belt of Thor |+9 | |+10|+6 |+5 | |
Shell Bracelet | | | |+1 | | | Render Poison ineffectual
Bone Bracelet | | | |+1 | | | Render Confusion ineffectual
Rosewood Bracelet | | | |+1 | | | Render Paralysis ineffectual
Bell Bracelet | | | |+1 | | | Render Silence ineffectual
Mirror Bracelet | | | |+1 | | | Render Petrification
Zodiac Bracelet | | | |+2 | | | Render Paralysis + Petrified
Cosmic Bracelet | | | |+2 | | | Render Poison+Silent+Confuse
Spikes | | | |+1 | | | Render Knockback ineffectual
Pocket Watch | | | |+1 | | | Render J.Ring abnormalities
Will Powder | | | |+1 | | | Render SP lowering
Leonardo's Bear | | | |+1 | | | Render Instant Death
Crucifix | | | |+5 | | | Render status abnormalities
Moonstone Ring |-3 |-3 |+3 | | | | Half Light damage
Obsidian Ring |-3 |-3 |+3 | | | | Half Darkness damage
Amber Ring |-3 |-3 |+3 | | | | Half Earth damage
Pearl Ring |-3 |-3 |+3 | | | | Half Water damage
Carnelian Ring |-3 |-3 |+3 | | | | Half Fire damage
Lazurite Ring |-3 |-3 |+3 | | | | Half Wind damage
Crystal Ring |-2 |-2 |+3 | |+3 | | Half Non-classed damage
Diamond Ring |-1 |-2 |+3 | | | | Half all (except non-class)
Star Brooch | |+1 | |+1 | | | Can escape even berserked
Anne's Cross | |+1 | |+1 | | | SP healed when berserked
Voodoo Doll | | | |+3 | | | Revive character once
Weird Bottle |+3 | | | | | | After KO, 3-hit, 2x strength
Huge Juge |-10|-10|-10|-10| | | SP decreases 1 every 2 turns
Small Juge |+10|+10|+10|+10| | | SP decreases 2 every turn
Jade Lariat | |+1 | | | | | Hit Area up to 20%
Coral Lariat | |+1 | | | | | Indicator sweeps 20% faster
Mind's Eye |+5 |+5 | | | | | Hit Area invisible, P-Atkx2
Flash Badge |+2 |+2 | | |+25|+25| Agl+25, indicator speed x 2
Iron Clogs |+2 |+2 | | |-15|-15| Agl-15, half indicator speed
Brigand Earrings |+1 | | | | | | Money+20%, item chance-20%
Pirate Earrings |+1 | | | | | | Money-20%, item chance+20%
Thief Earrings |+1 |+1 |+1 |+1 | | | Money+20%, item chance+20%
Demon Earrings |+5 |-5 | | | | | All physical damage +20%
Warlock Earrings | | |+5 |-5 | | | All special damage +20%
Monk Earrings | | | | | | | Exp+20%, SP gains down 20%
Berserker Earrings | |+2 | | | | | HP increases 20%
Oracle Earrings | | | |+2 | | | MP increases 20%
Angel Earrings |+2 | | | | | | SP increases 20%
Priest Earrings | | |+2 | | | | MP consumption down to 20%
Flare Brooch |+2 |+2 |+2 |+2 | | | SP consumption down to 20%
Cotton Underpants | |+10| | | | | Cuts Physical damage in half
Black Silk Panties | | | |+10| | | Cuts Magical damage in half
Demon Ward Necklace| | | |+1 | | | Reduces random battles
Warning Necklace | | | | |+5 | | Avoid Back attack
Warning Device | | | | |+5 | | Avoid Back and Cross attack
Pedometer | | | | | | | Count steps in dangerous area
Accelerator | | | | | | | Double Pedometer steps





Name Usage
Thera Leaf Restores 75 HP (Perfect is 90)
Thera Seed Restores 150 HP (Perfect is 180)
Thera Root Restores 300 HP (Perfect is 360)
Thera Extract Fully restores HP.
Mana Leaf Restores 50 MP (Perfect is 75)
Mana Seed Restores 100 MP (Perfect is 150)
Mana Root Restores 200 MP (Perfect is 240)
Mana Extract Fully restores MP.
Pure Leaf Restores 3 SP.
Pure Seed Restores 6 SP.
Pure Root Restores 10 SP.
Pure Extract Fully restores SP.
Tea of the Healer Restores 75 HP and 50 MP.
Tea of the Holy One Restores 300 HP and 200 MP.
Fruit of Yggdrasil Fully restores HP and MP.
Witch's Broth Restores 50 MP and 3 SP.
Priest's Wine Restores 100 MP and 6 SP.
Alchemist's Water Restores 200 MP and 10 SP.
Eye of Ouroboros Fully restores MP and SP.
Talisman of Luck Restores Unconscious person's HP 30%.
Talisman of Mercy Restores Unconscious person's HP 50%.
Talisman of Wisdom Restores Unconscious person's HP 30% and 50 MP.
Talisman of Purity Restores Unconscious person's HP 30% and 3 SP.
Talisman of Power Fully restores Unconscious person's HP, MP and SP.
Mermaid's Tear Cures Poison.
Holy Mother Bust Cures Confusion.
Angel's Feather Cures Paralysis.
Faerie's Sigh Cures Silence.
Imp's Fang Cures Petrification.
Soul Benediction Cures all Status abnormalities.
Tent Restores all allies. Only usable at a Save Point.

Name Usage

Phoenix Tail Cancels out all Judgment Ring abnormalities.
Bronze Arrow Head User's hit area doubles.
Bronze Dagger All allies' hit areas double.
Silver Hourglass User's indicator sweeps half as fast.
Gold Hourglass All allies' indicators sweep half as fast.
White Tiger Hair User's hit area is cut in half, Atk Power doubles.
Blue Dragon Horn All allies' hit areas cut in half, Atk Power x2.
Black Tortoise Fang User's indicator sweeps twice as fast, Atk Powerx2.
Red Phoenix Talon All allies' indicators twice as fast, Atk Powerx2.
Star Swallow Makes user's attacks All Critical Hits.
Moon Swallow Makes all allies' attacks All Critical Hits.
Kirin Scale User's Hit area doubles, indicator sweeps half-speed
Monkey Paw Indicator speed becomes irregular, Attack Power x3.
Silver Hand User's hit area increases to 100%.
Key to Success Atk Pow increases with continued successful actions.
Third Key Max 3 sweeps of indicator with successful action.
Fifth Key Max 5 sweeps of indicator with successful action.
Seventh Key Max 7 sweeps of indicator with successful action.

Name Usage
Seal of Life Max HP increases 3 to 5 points.
Seal of Aura Max MP increases 3 to 5 points.
Seal of the Soul Max SP increases 1 to 2 points.
Seal of Strength Str increases 1 to 3 points.
Seal of Vitality Vit increases 1 to 3 points.
Seal of Speed Agl increases 1 to 3 points.
Seal of Wisdom Int increases 1 to 3 points.
Seal of Force Pow increases 1 to 3 points.
Seal of Luck Lck increases 3 to 5 points.

Name Usage
Tissues For blowing noses and other wiping.
Lottery Ticket Used to play Lottery Game.


1. Talisman
Glowing Stone. A memento from father. When hero awakes as a Harmonixer,
the light changes from blue to yellow to red and displays current Malice

2. Pendant
This pendant was given by father Elliot. In the train, it emits a
powerful mystical light that rescues our hero.

3. Sluice Gate Handle
Once a part of a sluice gate, it is now completely rusted over.

4. Anti-cat Powder
Smelly Chinese herb infused with catnip.

5. Torch
Bundle of dried twigs. Used as a light source.

6. Metal Bowl
Foul-smelling bowl once used by a pathologist.

7. Jewel
The "Sealing Stone". Creates mystic barrier.

8. Salt-dried Fish
Dried mackerel for the dedicated fish-lover.

9. Wood Token
Ancient token representing "Wood".

10. Yawang Gate Key
Key to "Yawang Gate" leading to Kuihai Tower.

11. Wugui's Room Key
Key to Wugui's Room in Kowloon Fortress.

12. Blue Dragon VP
Painting containing the power of the Blue Dragon.

13. White Tiger VP
Painting containing the power of the White Tiger.

14. Black Tortoise VP
Painting containing the power of the Black Tortoise.

15. Red Phoenix VP
Painting containing the power of the Red Phoenix.

16. East Gate Key
Key to gate separating Bistritz and forest.

17. Kid's Room Key
Key for entering the orphans' room.

18. Guestroom Key
Key to mansion's guestroom.

19. Heart Key
Bizarre key to mental hospital.

20. Club Key
Bizarre key to mental hospital.

21. Diamond Key
Bizarre key to mental hospital.

22. Spade Key
Bizarre key to mental hospital.

23. Bronze Coin
Bronze coin from hospital. Oddly scratched.

24. Silver Coin
Bronze coin from hospital with bird symbol.

25. Gold Coin
Bronze coin from hospital with demonic crest.

26. Platinum Coin
Bronze coin from hospital with dragon symbol.

27. Dungeon Key
Key carved from the bone of some animal.

28. Oath Grail
Grail from which Death drank soul.

29. Crank
Crank for the starting some kind of machine.

30. Storeroom Key
Old key found near water-spitting lion.

31. Slide
Discovered at the doll museum.

32. Snake Card
Card with a picture of a snake. Useful in shops.

33. Moon Card
Card with a picture of the moon. From Bistritz.

34. Sun Card
Card with a picture of a snake. Bought in London.

35. Star Card
Card with a star picture, found in Shanghai.

36. Eternity Card

37. Earth Gravestone
Stone with same wavelength as the Earth Tombstone.

38. Water Gravestone
Stone with same cold feeling as Water Tombstone.

39. Air Gravestone
Stone with same qualities as the Air Tombstone.

40. Fire Gravestone
Stone with same hotness as the Fire Tombstone.

41. Light Gravestone
Stone with same spirit as the Light Tombstone.

42. Dark Gravestone
Stone with same evil spirit as Darkness Tombstone.

43. Destruction Stone
Stone imbued with unmatched power.

44. Stone of Rebirth
Ultra-mysterious stone found among the ruins.

45. Codex of Lurie
Secret Book of summoning the Other Gods.

46. Book of Rituals
Old book engraved with an image from Mountain Olympus.

47. Emigre Manuscript
Legendary manuscript. Its fragrance has changed.

48. Erotic Book
Naughty magazine : "Shanghai Angels".

49. Pulse Tract
Bacon's treasured old manuscript.





Yuri is the main character of this game who is the strongest and most
perfect. His Special Skills are strange and strong though. Being a
Harmonixer, Yuri can fuse into monsters with unique powers, called Fusion
Monsters. Each Fusion Monster has its own characteristics and spells. Yuri
himself is Dark-classed. But when he transforms into a Fusion Monster, he
will become the class of that monster. For example : If Yuri transforms
into Heaven's Fiend, he will be Light-classed.

Each time Yuri can be equipped with three Fusion Monsters. Just open Menu
Screen, select "Equipments" and select Yuri. Then choose "Soul" on the
right margin. Then equip the Fusion Monsters. In battles, you can only use
the Fusion Monsters which have been equipped. The others can't be

You begin to obtain Fusion Monsters after facing Fox Face and talking to
the Masks in the Graveyard. Since then, you'll have a new function after
EXP result after battles - the Soul Energy. The Soul Energy includes six
classes : Darkness, Light, Water, Fire, Earth and Wind. Depending what
classes of the monsters you defeat, the Soul Energy of that class will be
filled. For instance, after you kill two Water-classed monsters, the Soul
Energy of Water will be filled with two points. Just encounter and kill
monsters as much as you can to fill up the Soul Energy. For Level 1 Fusion
Monsters, you need to fill up 30/30 points for each class of Soul Energy.
When a class is filled enough or more than 30 points, it'll be lit up. Then
you take a Save Point to go to the Graveyard. The tombstone of the Fusion
Monster of that class is lit up too. At that time, just examine it and
choose to beat the monster or not. When you defeat the monster, it'll
belong to you as your new Fusion Monster.

Obtaining Level 2 Fusion Monsters is the same as you obtain the Lv1 ones.
But the difference is that you have to fill up your Soul Energy to Level 2
: 50/50 points. But if you can reach 50/50 points in Asia, you still can't
get the monsters yet. Why ? Because the game wants. You can't obtain them
until Yuri teams up with the party in Europe. At that time, if you have
overcome 50/50 points for the classes, they will be all lit up and you can
go to the Graveyard to fight them as usual.

Obtaining Level 3 Fusion Monsters is the same. But there are two
standards required :
- Your Soul Energy must be filled up to MAX LEVEL (70/70 points). That
means they can't be accumulated more.
- You must have special stones to unseal the Fusion Monsters from the
About the locations of the stones, I have written all of them in
"Sidequests" section of the walkthrough. It's the Sidequest 2. So refer to

There are two Non-classed Fusion Monsters : Amon and Seraphic Radiance.
About getting Amon, please refer to Nemeton Monastery walkthrough, in the
Optional Part. About getting Seraphic Radiance, please refer to
"Sidequests" section in walkthrough, Sidequest 11.

About what certain stuffs required to get Fusion Monsters, please read
the below list :

| Death Emperor | Dark | Start with | 1 | - None |
| Charon | Dark | Graveyard | 2 | - None |
| Czernoborg | Dark | Graveyard | 3 | - Dark Gravestone |
| Heaven's Fiend | Light | Graveyard | 1 | - None |
| Baldo | Light | Graveyard | 2 | - None |
| Sandalphon | Light | Graveyard | 3 | - Light Gravestone |
| Man Dragon | Water | Graveyard | 1 | - None |
| Dragner | Water | Graveyard | 2 | - None |
| Egil | Water | Graveyard | 3 | - Water Gravestone |
| Inferno | Fire | Graveyard | 1 | - None |
| Ifrit | Fire | Graveyard | 2 | - None |
| Forron | Fire | Graveyard | 3 | - Fire Gravestone |
| Tornado | Wind | Graveyard | 1 | - None |
| Icarus | Wind | Graveyard | 2 | - None |
| Seravi | Wind | Graveyard | 3 | - Air Gravestone |
| Raging Tiger | Earth | Graveyard | 1 | - None |
| Mad Bull | Earth | Graveyard | 2 | - None |
| Lobo | Earth | Graveyard | 3 | - Earth Gravestone |
| Amon | None | Nemeton | Max| - Destruction Stone |
| Seraphic Radiance | None | Graveyard | Max| - Stone of Rebirth |
| | | | | - Codex of Lurie |
| | | | | - Book of Rituals |
| | | | | - Emigre Manuscript |
| | | | | - All previous monsters, |
| | | | | including Amon, MUST have|
| | | | | been got. |
| | | | | - All related sidequests |
| | | | | must have been done. |
| |
| **Notes about getting two Non-classed Fusion Monsters** |
| - Amon : Please refer to walkthrough, Nemeton Monastery section. Amon |
| can ONLY be got when you have got the Destruction Stone BEFORE fighting |
| Albert Simon. If you get it after fighting Albert, the stone is useless |
| and you have no more chance to get it anymore. |
| - Seraphic Radiance : Please refer to walkthrough - Sidequest section. |
| Read Sidequest 11 "Yuri's Ultimate Fusion Monster". The big note is that|
| you MUST have the Codex of Lurie, Book of Rituals and Emigre Manuscript |
| besides the Stone of Rebirth. Seraphic Randiance only appears when you |
| have all of the above things. To make sure of this, you should also do |
| all the sidequests related to the books (Sidequest 9 and 10) BEFORE |
| getting in Sidequest 11 to obtain Seraphic Radiance. And... another |
| Radiance is the ultimate monster, and you must master all the other |
| monsters to succeeding fusing with it. Many people couldn't get this one|
| just because they missed the chance of getting Amon. So please notice |
| this and don't miss Amon if you have desire to possess Seraphic Radiance|

*As I said above, each Fusion Monster has its own status and different
from Yuri. When Yuri transforms into a Fusion Monster, he will have that
monster's status. Most of the Fusion Monsters are stronger than Yuri (That
means they give him extra status points when he transforms into them). I
have got the list of these extra points.
This list was got when Yuri is at pretty high level, which some of his
stats come to max limit. This limit may make some numbers of my list wrong,
especially the Str and Agl points. So if you spot anything mistakes which
are so serious and needed to fix, please email me.
In below section, I also note the needed SPs to transform into a Fusion
Monster. You must have enough those number of SPs to transform.

Extra Explanations
I just tell you the extra points of Str, Vit, Agl, Int, Pow and Lck. If
you ask me why not P-Atk, P-Def, S-Atk and S-Def, I answer that because S-
Atk/S-Def go with Str/Vit; S-Atk/S-Def go with Int/Pow. For instance, if
Str receives 7 extra points, so does P-Atk.

| FUSION MONSTERS | SP |~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~|
| | | Str | Vit | Agl | Int | Pow | Lck |
| Death Emperor | 16 | +4 | +4 | +4 | 0 | +6 | +3 |
| Charon | 32 | +9 | +8 | +7 | +4 | +11 | +9 |
| Czernoborg | 48 | +9 | +12 | +7 | +9 | +17 | +14 |
| Heaven's Fiend | 16 | -1 | -1 | +5 | +6 | +6 | +6 |
| Baldo | 32 | +4 | +4 | +7 | +11 | +10 | +10 |
| Sandalphon | 48 | +9 | +9 | +7 | +17 | +15 | +16 |
| Man Dragon | 16 | -1 | +5 | +5 | +5 | +1 | +6 |
| Dragner | 32 | +4 | +10 | +7 | +9 | +5 | +1 |
| Egil | 48 | +9 | +12 | +7 | +14 | +10 | +17 |
| Inferno | 16 | +5 | +6 | 0 | +3 | +3 | +4 |
| Ifrit | 32 | +9 | +11 | +4 | +8 | +7 | +8 |
| Forron | 48 | +9 | +12 | +7 | +14 | +12 | +13 |
| Tornado | 16 | 0 | +3 | +6 | +4 | +4 | +4 |
| Icarus | 32 | +5 | +5 | +7 | +9 | +9 | +9 |
| Seravi | 48 | +9 | +8 | +7 | +15 | +15 | +16 |
| Raging Tiger | 16 | +6 | +5 | +4 | 0 | +3 | +3 |
| Mad Bull | 32 | +9 | +10 | +7 | +4 | +8 | +7 |
| Lobo | 48 | +9 | +12 | +7 | +9 | +14 | +12 |
| Amon | 56 | +9 | +12 | +7 | +17 | +17 | +17 |
| Seraphic Radiance | 64 | +9 | +12 | +7 | +25 | +25 | +19 |

Finally, this is the most important part of Yuri's Ability section :
Fusion Monsters' Spells. Once you transform into a Fusion Monster, you have
that monster's commands and can only use its spells, known as Special

| Death Emperor | | |
| + Drain Wave | 1 | Take away a small amount of target's MP. |
| + Curse Attack |15 | Raises target's Special Atk power for 5 turns.|
| + Dark Messnger |20 | Attacks target with living darkness. |
| Charon | | |
| + Mind Assault | 1 | Take away a medium amount of target's MP. |
| + Devil's Deal |27 | Raise target's Special Atk Power for 5 turns. |
| + Nightmare |36 | Attack all enemies with a living darkness. |
| Czernoborg | | |
| + Spirit Pollution | 1 | Take away a large amount of target's MP. |
| + Release Magic |54 | Raise all allies' S-Atk Power for 5 turns. |
| + Revelation |72 | Atk all enemies with a deadly living darkness.|
| Heaven's Fiend | | |
| + Sacred Remedy |18 | Restore a small amount of all allies'HP. |
| + Wall of Resistance|15 | Raises target's Special Def power for 5 turns.|
| + Exorcist Arrow |20 | Attacks enemy with a holy arrow of light. |
| Baldo | | |
| + Grace |32 | Restore a medium amount of all allies'HP. |
| + Elder Sign |27 | Raise target's Special Def Power for 5 turns. |
| + Nova |36 | Attack enemies with a holy meteor of light. |
| Sandalphon | | |
| + Revive |96 | Restore all allies'HP, cure Unconsciousness. |
| + Sanctuary |54 | Raise all allies' S-Def Power for 5 turns. |
| + Pulse |72 | Wipe out all enemies with a holy light. |
| Man Dragon | | |
| + Rain Shower |18 | Restore a small amount of target's HP. |
| + Illusion |15 | Chance of avoiding Phys.Attack raised 5 turns.|
| + Flash Flood |20 | Damages target with high-pressure water flow. |
| Dragner | | |
| + Life Dew |32 | Restore a medium amount of target's HP. |
| + Mirage |27 | Chance of avoiding Phys.Attack raised 5 turns.|
| + Icy Breath |36 | Freezes all enemies by blowing an icy chill. |
| Egil | | |
| + Holy Tears |64 | Restore a large amount of target's HP. |
| + Iris |54 | Allies' chance of avoidong P-Atk raised 5turns|
| + Dragon Cry |72 | Damages enemies with a shower of ice needles. |
| Inferno | | |
| + Moxibuston |18 | Cure target's Poison, Paralysis, Confusion. |
| + Fighting Spirit |15 | Raises target's Phys. Atk power for 5 turns. |
| + Fireball |20 | Damages target by hurling a fire ball. |
| Ifrit | | |
| + Warming |18 | Cure Poison, Paralysis, Confusion, Petrified |
| + Ignition |27 | Raise target's Phys.Attack Power for 5 turns. |
| + Blaze |36 | Burn up all enemies with a flame. |
| Forron | | |
| + First Fire |18 | Cure all status, exceot Inst.Death and Berserk|
| + Battle Cry |54 | Raise all allies' P-Atk Power for 5 turns. |
| + Hellfire |72 | Raging flames that liquify all enemies. |
| Tornado | | |
| + Dancing Breeze |18 | Cure target's Poison, Paralysis, Confusion. |
| + Falcon |15 | Raises target's Agility. |
| + Wind Shear |20 | Slash the target with a blade of wind. |
| Icarus | | |
| + Calm |18 | Cure Poison, Paralysis, Confusion, Petrified |
| + Gale |27 | Raise target's Agility. |
| + Lightning |36 | Damages all enemies with a lightning bolts. |
| Seravi | | |
| + Purifying Wind |18 | Cure all status, except Inst.Death and Berserk|
| + Accelerate |54 | Raise all allies' Agility. |
| + Shock Barrage |72 | Damage all enemies with an intense shock wave.|
| Raging Tiger | | |
| + Moon Howl |18 | Restores a small amount of target's HP. |
| + Chi Shield |15 | Raises target's Phys. Def power for 5 turns. |
| + Flying Stones |20 | Attacks target with a hail of stones. |
| Mad Bull | | |
| + Howling |32 | Restore a medium amount of target's HP. |
| + Earth Guard |27 | Raise target's Phys.Defense Power for 5 turns.|
| + Rock Storm |36 | Attacks all enemies with a hail of rocks. |
| Lobo | | |
| + Shout |64 | Restore a large amount of target's HP. |
| + Charge |54 | Raise all allies' P-Def Power for 5 turns. |
| + Strike |72 | Brings a meteorite down on all enemies. |
| Amon | | |
| + Mind/Body Revival |65 | Restores HP and cure Unconsciousness. |
| + Demon Rays |15 | Damage target with demonic light. |
| + The End |20 | Inflicts heavy non-class damage on all enemies|
| Seraphic Radiance | | |
| + For Everyone |100| Raises all allies' attributes. |
| + For Tomorrow |120| Heavy damage on all enemies and heal allies. |
| + For Children |200| Super Damage on all enemies. |
| **PROBLEMS** |
| Some people have questioned me how to get the third spells of Lv3 |
| Fusion Monsters, they are just "???". So please read this : To get the |
| third spell of a Level 3 Fusion Monster, you first transform into that |
| monster. Then do anything to waste Yuri's SPs and make him go berserk. |
| Once Yuri goes berserk, he soon plays the third spell at his first turn,|
| and you have learned that spell. Not only Lv3 Fusion monsters, but Amon |
| and Seraphic Radiance are the same as well. |


Alice's Special Skill is White Magic - the holy power which heals the
party members and punishes evil.
She learns new spells by leveling up.

| Cure | 6 | Restores target's HP with a holy power. |
| Holy Edge | 8 | Adds Light class to target's Physical Attack. |
| Blessed Light | 22 | Makes a Light-class attack blessed by the gods. |
| Wish | 15 | Cures target except Unconsciousness and Berserk. |
| Gospel | 40 | Raises target's Phys. and Special Defense Power. |
| Arc | 80 | Restores all allies' HP fully with a soft light. |
| Resurrection | 65 | Brings target back to life and fully restores HP.|
| Advent |120 | Summons a guardian to heavily damage all enemies.|


Zhuzhen's Special Skill is "Yin and Yang" - Special Skill of oracle
called Absolute Sage. Heals and summons monsters.
He learns new spells by leveling up.

| Ogre Flamedance | 15 | Damages all enemies by hurling fireballs. |
| Sirocco Blast | 8 | Adds Fire class to target's Physical Attack. |
| Nourishing Potion | 22 | Makes a Light-class attack blessed by the gods.|
| Life Sucker | 30 | Attack with life draining darkness + Silence. |
| Corpse Arm | 55 | Arm from grave attacks all enemies + Paralysis |
| Fury Serpent | 70 | Attack all enemies with violent snows and flood|
| Thunder Roar | 90 | Attack all enemies with a severe thunderstorm. |
| Flames of Fudo | 120| Fudo's raging flames burn up all enemies. |

M A R G A R E T E G. Z E L L E

Margarete's Special Skill is Secret Weapons - A series of highly advanced
technologies used by an elite spy Malkovich (Margarete's code name). She
uses her cell phone to call in an attack.
She learns new skills by leveling up.

| Grenade | 20 | Hand grenade damages all enemies. |
| Aqua Edge | 8 | Adds Water class to target's Physical Attack. |
| Scout | 1 | Examine the target's class and HP. |
| Snipe | 38 | Hit the enemy's vital point with a sniper rifle. |
| Pain Killer | 20 | Cures target's status, except Ins.Death, Berserk.|
| On Switch | 65 | Drops something hard on target's head. |
| Bazooka | 95 | Damages all enemies with liquid nitrogen. |
| Diving Bomber |120 | Summons a dive bomber to rain down bombs. |

* "Scout" is similar to Scan spell which you often meet in Final Fantasy
games or common RPGs. Like the Scan spell, Scout is NOT always effective on
all enemies. Generally, most strong enemies immune to it. And at least, you
can only scan their Class/Element, while HP and MP are sometimes


Keith's Special Skill is Rituals - Special Skill that uses vampire
rituals passed down generations of Valentines.
He learns new skills by leveling up. Although Keith is Earth-classed
character, his skills are mainly Dark elemental.

| Drain Touch | 15 | Sucks a small amount of target's HP. |
| Earth Edge | 8 | Adds Earth class to target's Physical Attack. |
| Bat Dance | 33 | Calls pet bats to inflict damage on all enemies. |
| Blood Sucker | 54 | Sucks a large amount of target's HP. |
| Hecatoncheire | 70 | The giant Hecatoncheire causes a huge earthquake.|
| Apsaras | 80 | Damage enemies and cures all allies' statuses. |
| Larva | 96 | Heavy damage : plus Poison, Paralysis, Silence. |
| Gift |120 | God of Death gives all enemies a little present. |


Halley's Special Skill is ESP (standing for Exercising Supernatural
Powers). He possessed this horrible ability since birth, heirs from his
mother Koudelka Iasant.
He learns new skills by leveling up.

| Healing | 20 | Restores target's HP with the power of light. |
| Air Edge | 8 | Adds Wind class to target's Physical Attack. |
| Strong Earth | 40 | Earth damage on target , plus Petrification. |
| Aqua Blade | 50 | Inflicts Water damage on target, plus Poison. |
| Air Shot | 60 | Inflicts Wind damage on target, plus Confusion. |
| Black Hole | 75 | Darkness damage on enemies, plus Instant Death. |
| Reviver | 65 | Brings target back to life and fully restores HP.|
| Shock Max |120 | Summons a dive bomber to rain down bombs. |




It seems that I don't have enough effort to count the HP of each monster
as I did in my Tsugunai FAQ/Walkthrough (put in my contributor page in Shadow Hearts has so many monsters, and estimating the
bosses' HP is tired enough. Forgive me about that I can't help you to give
info about the monsters' HP. But I have tried all my effort to attempt to
the important bosses' HP. I think they have been useful enough for you to
play through the game.

Monsters Class Locations
Wind Shear Wind Train
Vampire Bat Dark Plains
Venomous Spider Earth Plains
Wolf Wind Plains
Hellcat Light Zhaoyang Village
Zombie Earth Zhaoyang Village
Green Flyer Wind Zhaoyang Village
Canus Water Zhaoyang Village
Felinus Wind Zhaoyang Village
Yamaraja : Earth Water Zhaoyang Village
Fire Bat Fire Fengtian
Shiki Bug Earth Fengtian
Mutant Frog Water Fengtian
Frog God Light Fengtian/Dalian
Kappa Water Fengtian/Huayuan
Water Tiger Fire Fengtian/Kuihai Tower
Elite Guard Wind Fengtian
Beast Dog Fire Fengtian
Water Creeper Wind Dalian
Yamaraja : Wind Earth Dalian
White Wolfling Water Struggler's Boat
Orge Flame Fire Struggler's Boat
Li Li Dark Struggler's Boat
Python Fire Temple Ruins
Sea Gremlin Wind Temple Ruins
Xieshi Fire Temple Ruins
Raging Spirits Light Temple Ruins
Puppet Guard Dark Temple Ruins
Baigu Light Temple Ruins
Succubus Queen Water Temple Ruins
Brain Sucker Earth Temple Ruins
Qinggu Water Temple Ruins
Yamaraja : War Dark Temple Ruins
Corporal Earth Shanghai
Sergeant Light Shanghai
Speckled Creeper Light Kowloon
Happy Creeper Dark Kowloon
Blue Ogre Water Kowloon
Red Orge Fire Kowloon
Dark Judge Earth Kowloon
Namida Wind Kowloon
Cursed Puppet Dark Kowloon
Yamaraja : Stone Fire Kuihai Tower
Vengeance Demon Wind Kuihai Tower
Rage Demon Water Kuihai Tower
Mournful Demon Light Kuihai Tower
Man-snake Earth Kuihai Tower
Shadow Dark Kuihai Tower
Badger Devil Fire Kuihai Tower
Yamaraja : Calamity Non-class Kuihai Tower
Birdman Fire Prague/Bistritz
Mailman Earth Bistritz
Police Dog Water Bistritz
Tindalos Fire Bistritz
Garm Dark Blue Castle outside
Gremlin Wind Blue Castle
Hollow Light Blue Castle
Dead Knight Dark Blue Castle
Bifronze Dark Rouen
Camazotz Wind Rouen
Larmgelg Water Orphanage
Banshee Fire Orphanage
Night Stalker Wind Orphanage
Mammon Earth Orphanage
Specter Light Calios Mental Hospital
Meat Eater Wind Calios Mental Hospital
Doom Earth Calios Mental Hospital
Buggs Dark Calios Mental Hospital
Rausan Fire Calios Mental Hospital
Olga Dark Prague/Rouen/Hospital
Straithe Water Nemeton Basement
Sin Light Nemeton Basement
Guinea Pig Dark Nemeton Basement
Inverse Earth Nemeton Basement
Amon Non-class Nemeton Basement
Golden Bat Non-class Blue Castle
Ghoul Water Dollhouse
Ghouler Fire Dollhouse
Spanky Wind Dollhouse
Orb Chaos Light Dollhouse
Buggy Wind Cave Temple
Penalty Light Cave Temple
Oingo Dark Cave Temple
Cherubim Non-class Cave Temple
Asp Water Ancient Ruins
Basilisk Fire Ancient Ruins
Sweeper Earth Ancient Ruins
Seraphim Non-class Ancient Ruins
Enkidu Dark Neameto
Emptiness Fire Neameto
Hangman Water Neameto
Soul Block Light Neameto
Arcmine Light Neameto
Enigma Earth Neameto
Keeper Wind Neameto
Hate Dark Neameto
Cockatrice Light Neameto
Black Widow Dark Neameto
Red Cap Fire Neameto
Scapegoat Wind Neameto
Prototype Wind Shear Fire Pit Fight 1
Custom Wind Shear Water Pit Fight 1
Full Armor Wind Shear Earth Pit Fight 2
Perfect Wind Shear Light Pit Fight 2
Evil 1 Non-class Graveyard
Evil 2 Non-class Graveyard
Evil 3 Non-class Graveyard
Evil 4 Non-class Graveyard
Gust Ein Non-class Graveyard
Gust Zwei Non-class Graveyard
Gust Drei Non-class Graveyard
Gust Vier Non-class Graveyard
Sword Mask Wind Full Malice
Grail Mask Water Full Malice
Staff Mask Fire Full Malice
Gold Mask Earth Full Malice
Sword Mask (undead) Wind Full Malice
Grail Mask (undead) Water Full Malice
Staff Mask (undead) Fire Full Malice
Gold Mask (undead) Earth Full Malice
Atman Non-class Graveyard
Messiah Non-class Neameto
Meta God Non-class Neameto
Seraphic Radiance Non-class Graveyard




NPCs Class
1. Albert Simon Dark
2. Fox Face Dark
3. Wanderer Meiyuan Light
4. Lieutenant Colonel Kawashima Wind
5. Dehuai Fire
6. Puppy Fire
7. Anne Hyuga Light
8. Young Yuri Dark
9. Colonel Ben Hyuga Dark
10. Sea Mother Water
11. Li Li Dark
12. Sergeant Seiji Kato Earth
13. Wugui of Kowloon Dark
14. Zhongyun Zhen Wind
15. Lieutenant Ken Suketani Light
16. Qiuhua Light
17. Master Xiaofang Earth
18. Master Xifa Earth
19. Major Kaoru Kutsugi Wind
20. Terry Earth
21. Michelle Water
22. Nina Wind
23. Kevin Fire
24. Arcane Olga Dark
25. Father Doyle Wind
26. Joshua Water
27. Chris Earth
28. Sharon** Light
29. Jack Water
30. Viscount Rausan Fire
31. Koudelka Iasant Fire
32. Father Elliot Light
33. Roger Bacon Earth

** In Japanese version, her name can be translated into "Shannon".





In order to get some cool and unique stuffs, you can meet the members of
World Lottery Association to play Lottery with them. The Lottery Members
ONLY reveal themselves when you have at least one Lottery Ticket. And they
are random people on your way. Bring a Lottery Ticket and talk to each of
the people you meet until one reveals to be a Lottery Member. Lottery
Tickets can be found everywhere in the game world. But they are always
hidden, and that's the reason why they are hard to find.
Playing Lottery is just like a Judgment Ring test. A Judgment Ring is
given with many waves : Red, Yellow, Blue and Green. If you hit one of the
waves, you'll get the prize of the given color. If you miss (the indicator
is hit in the empty space), you'll get Tissues.
Most of the items you found from Lottery games are UNIQUE items. Some of
them can't be found anywhere else. So then playing Lottery games well will
earn some cool stuffs for you.

Lottery Member #15
Where : Fengtian, Fountain
Goods : Jade Lariat
Black Tortoise Fang
Talisman of Mercy
Pure Seed

Lottery Member #14
Where : Dalian Port, Sea Turtle Restaurant before you set off to
Smuggler's Boat.
Goods : Pocket Watch
White Tiger Hair
Tea of the Healer
Pure Leaf

Lottery Member #13 : Sergeant Kato
Where : on Smuggler's Boat
Goods : Iron Clogs
Blue Dragon Horn
Witch's Broth
Pure Leaf

Lottery Member #12 : Sharp Van
Where : Save Point cabin of Smuggler's Boat, Huayuan.
Goods : Star Card
Red Phoenix Talon
Tea of the Holy One
Pure Seed

Lottery Member #11 : Master Xiaofang
Where : Temple Ruins, Ni Wan Palace labyrinth
Goods : Flash Badge
Kirin Scale
Priest's Wine
Pure Seed

Lottery Member #10
Where : The man in front of Kowloon Fortress
Goods : Mind's Eye
Moon Swallow
Talisman of Wisdom
Pure Seed

Lottery Member #09
Where : The Japanese soldier after Kawashima brings her troop to Kuihai
Goods : Warlock Earrings
Star Swallow
Soul Benediction
Pure Seed

Lottery Member #08
Where : The man in Prague street.
Goods : Berserker Earrings
Seal of Luck
Talisman of Purity
Thera Root

Lottery Member #07
Where : Bistritz, the second north house in second area, after you beat
Goods : Oracle Earrings
Seal of Life
Tea of the Holy One
Mana Root

Lottery Member #06
Where : The man in Rouen. He appears when you visit this place the second
Goods : Accelerator
Seal of Aura
Alchemist's Water
Pure Root

Lottery Member #05
Where : The guy sitting in Old Castle Street
Goods : Priest Earrings
Seal of Speed
Thera Extract
Thera Root

Lottery Member #04
Where : Calios Mental Hospital. You don't meet him in the first time you
came to save Koudelka. But if you return here the second time, check the
electric chair, there'll be someone sitting, revealing to be a Lottery
Goods : Eternity Card
Seal of Force
Mana Extract
Mana Root

Lottery Member #03
Where : The kid in Orphanage. After playing the mini-game "Hide and Seek"
(Read "Sidequest" section located in walkthrough), you'll find a kid in the
cauldron who gives you the Emigre Manuscript. After that, if you have
Lottery Tickets, talk to him again and he becomes a Lottery Member.
Goods : Crucifix
Seal of Wisdom
Pure Extract
Pure Root

Lottery Member #02
Where : The man in Rouen, after you get the Pearl Ring from Margarete
(Read "Sidequest" section).
Goods : 10 Gauge
Dice of Ceaser
Seal of Strength
Eye of Ourboros

Lottery Member #01
Where : Invisible man in Blue Castle. You should complete all the
sidequests related to Keith and Blue Castle (Earth Gravestone and Keith's
Ultimate Weapon). Then get back here with Keith OUT OF PARTY. Check the
throne room where you met Keith the first time. The invisible guy who is at
the throne, is Lottery Member No.01.
Goods : Thief Earrings
Key to Success
Seal of Vitality
Fruit of Yggdrasil

Lottery Member #00 : Roger Bacon
Where : After getting the Nightbird Claw from Roger, tell him that you
have used the bathroom and he reveals to be the ultimate Lottery Member.
Goods : Cotton Underpants
Comet Mask
Seal of the Soul
Talisman of Power


When you meet the Silent Peddler the first time, he'll give you
Pedometer for free. I advise you should wear it everytime you can. The
Pedometer will count your steps in "dangerous areas" - mean the areas with
random battles. Your steps are just like money to buy Silent Peddler's cool
stuffs. When you meet him, just ask to use the Pedometer Service. He'll
give you the list of the stuffs you can get, depending how many steps you
have reached. Steps in ordinary areas are not counted. To make this faster,
you can try to get the Accelerator from a Lottery Member (See the above
section) to double the Pedometer steps. Remember to equip it with the
character who is wearing the Pedometer.

| 100 | Thera Extract |
| 300 | Voodoo Doll |
| 800 | Weird Bottle |
| 1500 | Iron Clogs |
| 2500 | Flash Badge |
| 3500 | Moon Swallow |
| 5000 | Star Swallow |
| 6500 | Monkey Paw |
| 7000 | Silver Hand |
| 8000 | Belt of Power |
| 10000 | Leather Suit |

If you have reached 10000 steps, bring Margarete in your party and talk
to a Silent Peddler. With Margarete in your party, the Leather Suit will be
in the list as her ultimate armor.


These questions are sent by the players and readers. I answer the most
common ones here, that it won't take your time to email me so much. Please
take a look at this section before emailing me. And besides, this is my OWN
FAQ SECTION. It has nothing to do with the "FAQ" section of the game.

> Question : I fought a Mask and after I killed it I cleared my Malice but
now it won't charge. Is there anything wrong ?
< Answer : You have been attempting to obtain the good ending. Please read
my walkthrough for more details. The Masks still keep appearing until you
fight them follow the order : Grail, Gold, Staff, Sword. To stop them, you
can go back to the Graveyard and check the small tombstone beside Dark
Fusion tombstone. If Alice's name is carved on it, they will stop. From
now, your Malice won't work anymore.

> Question : How do you get the higher level spells for Lv3 Fusion
Monsters while they are just "???" ?
< Answer : Lv3 Fusion Monsters and Special Fusion Monsters all have that
third spell "???". To make them show the real spell, you have Yuri
transform into the Fusion Monster whose spell you want to find. Then do all
the ways to waste Yuri's SPs and make him go berserk. Once Yuri goes
berserk, he will play that spell soon and you've learned it. Of course, to
prevent coming troubles, you should cure him soon.

> Question : Where do I find the Codex of Lurie ?
< Answer : I have written this in my walkthrough. After fighting Albert
Simon in Nemeton Basement, you make a chance to return to the battlefield
where you found him and Koudelka. The Codex of Lurie is glowing on the
floor. Grab it.

> Question : What is the Codex of Lurie used for ?
< Answer : This is a good question. Currently I'm not sure about its use.
But following my friends' experiences, they claim that the Codex of Lurie
is also used to summon Seraphic Radiance. Read the Sidequest section in
walkthrough for more details. As my knowledge, the Stone of Rebirth is not
enough to make Seraphic Radiance appear. In order to get this Fusion
Monster, you must have all three forbidden books : Emigre Manuscript, Book
of Rituals and Codex of Lurie besides the Stone of Rebirth and do all the
related quests (Cave Temple and Ancient Ruins) before you intend to find
Seraphic Radiance.

> Question : Tell me the locations of the gravestones of Lv3 Monsters ?
< Answer : Please refer to "Sidequest section" in the walkthrough.

> Question : If I didn't get the Destruction Stone before fighting Albert
Simon in the ruins, is there no other chance to obtain Amon ?
< Answer : No, you WON'T have chance to obtain Amon after fighting Albert
without the Destruction Stone.

> Question : Where can I find more Crucifixes ?
< Answer : There are three Crucifixes you can find throughout the game :
- After returning the wallet to you, Joshua will give you a Crucifix to
- Play Lottery game (See the "Lottery Member List").
- Win Pit Fight 2 as Alice.

> Question : If I don't receive Amon, is it impossible to get Seraphic
Radiance ?
< Answer : Yes, it's IMPOSSIBLE. In order to obtain Seraphic Radiance, you
must do all major sidequests and secrets. Amon is also a major secret. And
if you missed it, you wouldn't be able to get the Seraphic Radiance.
Another explanation is : Seraphic Radiance is the ultimate Fusion Monster
which no Harmonixer has succeeded fusing with it before. So then in order
to fuse with it, you must have mastered fusing with all the previous Fusion
Monsters, including Amon.

**Thanks to a reader for this idea**

> Question : Can Roger Bacon join the party ? I hear that there's a code
to do this.
< Answer : My experience tells me that code is fake.

> Question : How many endings are there ?
< Answer : Two. It depends on if you save Alice or not, cuz she has
offered her soul to the death to save Yuri. Read the walkthrough, Optional
Section : Getting the good ending.

> Question : How do I get Yuri's ultimate weapon ? I have talked to Roger
Bacon, but he did not say that he wanted to go to the moon.
< Answer : First, you must wander in Neameto and kill Soul Block. But I'm
not sure about this. If you want to make sure, kill all the three keeper
bosses Soul Block, Hate and Scapegoat. Then go back and talk to Roger Bacon
again. He may reply about wanting to go to the moon. A reader has told me
that you should have the Codex of Lurie before talking to Roger.

> Question : Whenever I fight Atman, the disc is frozen. How can I treat
this ? (Or in the beginning of the game, in the train, whenever I encounter
random battles, the disc is frozen).
< Answer : I answer for both questions : Your discs may get glitched, and
you should go to the shops to exchange it or buy a completely new one.

> Question : I haven't played the prequel "Koudelka". Can you tell me
about this game ?
< Answer : "Koudelka" was the prequel of Shadow Hearts, developed by
Sacnoth and SNK and published by Infogrames. This game was made for
Playstation system. The heroine of this game was Koudelka Iasant when she
was young - Halley's mother in Shadow Hearts. To know about the story of
this game, you can refer to "Prologue" section which I made a short
flashback to it. Besides, I have also made a new FAQ called "Shadow Hearts
Plot Guide" located in GameFAQs site, containing all events of both games.
You can refer to it for details.

> Question : Is there any proof of connection between these two games ?
< Answer : This answer may contain spoilers. So whoever doesn't want your
game spoiled, avoid this. The answer is Yes, there are :
- The heroine of the prequel, Koudelka Iasant is represent in Shadow
Hearts, as Halley's mother, also the Mysterious Voice in Yuri's mind.
- One of the three forbidden books of the Vatican - Emigre Manuscript
was possessed by Patrick Heyworth in Koudelka, and it was the cause of
Koudelka's storyline. In Shadow Hearts, it is present again as the same
tragedy with Dr. Jack and his mother. It's also used as a sidequest.
- The true Roger Bacon of Koudelka game reappears later in Shadow Hearts
- Nemeton Monastery in Wales where Koudelka's storyline happened, now is
a ruin in Shadow Hearts, with the remains of the fight between Elaine
Heyworth and Koudelka Iasant.

> Question : I don't agree with your review. Shadow Hearts is not bad at
< Answer : Each player has his/her own opinion about the game he/she
plays. It is just my own opinion with my own look. And I think you can't
change it, although I respect your opinions. If you don't have your own
opinions about the game, why do you have to write a review ?

> Question : I can't do the Push Ring ?!
< Answer : Push Ring is the most difficult ring in my opinion. Within a
given amount of time, you must move the indicator to the wave, by hitting
miss one of those four things. You must be fast, but with regular speed. If
you just hit slower a little, the indicator will quickly run back to the
beginning. Another difficulty is to keep the indicator in the wave.
Sometimes, if you are "lucky", you can move the indicator to the wave
before the time is out. And now you must find all the way to keep it in the
wave until the time is out. In this case, just continue hitting the button
to move the indicator OVER the wave by a suitable space, neither so far nor
so near. When the time is less than 1 second, leave the button. The
indicator will run back. If your luck is big enough, it may stop in the
wave in time. Push Ring only has one wave.

> Question : Where do you find characters' ultimate weapons and armors ?
< Answer : I will tell you their locations. About the names of the
equipments, please refer to my "Equipment List".
+ Yuri's Ultimate Weapon : Got from Roger Bacon. Read Sidequest section.
+ Yuri's Ultimate Armor : Beat Seraphic Radiance, then get back to the
area of Yuri's childhood in the Graveyard. Examine around the tree to
find it.
+ Alice's Ultimate Weapon : Beat Orb Chaos (Sidequest)
+ Alice's Ultimate Armor : Ancient Ruins
+ Zhuzhen's Ultimate Armor : Beat Cherubim (Sidequest)
+ Zhuzhen's Ultimate Armor : From Qinhua (Read Sidequest section -
Kawashima's Death)
+ Margarete's Ultimate Weapon : Play Lottery game in Rouen after she
gives you the Pearl Ring (Read Sidequest section)
+ Margarete's Ultimate Weapon : Try to obtain 10000 Pedometer steps and
meet the Silent Peddler with Margarete in your party.
+ Keith's Ultimate Weapon : Read Sidequest section "Keith's Subquest".
+ Keith's Ultimate Armor : Cave Temple
+ Halley's Ultimate Weapon : Beat Seraphim (Sidequest)
+ Halley's Ultimate Armor : Win Pit Fight 2 as Halley.

> Question : I still can't get Seraphic Radiance ?
< Answer : This is the most frequent questions I get from readers.
Actually, I myself can't make sure about all the standards to get Seraphic
Radiance. But the truth was that, I played the game and got Seraphic
Radiance at the first time though. In many questions, the readers have
shown that they have done all the things as my guide was written, but they
couldn't get it though. And in the end, I couldn't find out why you can't
get it. But the standards which I can make sure now, are all written in
"Ability List" - Yuri's section. You should refer to and read it. About the
others, I'm not sure. But here is my advice for you. My guide has been
written as I played the game the first time. The more I played, the more
complete the guide was. Simply, this guide was the correct reflection of my
first time playing through the game, also the first time I succeeded
getting Seraphic Radiance. So then if you desire to obtain it, you can
replay the whole game like the whole of my walkthrough, even sidequests and
even getting the good ending. Please do as the guide correctly at each


Intro - General
I was a big fan of Koudelka game, created by Sacnoth some years ago. And
Shadow Hearts was expected because of that. Koudelka has attracted me at
the first time I played : being a RPG mixed with survival horror hidden in
the haunted monastery mansion and the dark background. I did give Koudelka
6/10 rating, which is also equal to Shadow Hearts. But that doesn't mean
Koudelka is "bad". The "bad" here consists of hard graphic, simple battle
system and low reading-data speed. But that can be justified when the
gameplay and storyline of Koudelka were incredible and the best ever. After
playing the game, it still left some impressive mystery in me, and the
replayability is really high, that I want to replay it more and more. I
have always hoped Koudelka should have been longer and longer than it was.
The game was too damn short about episodes, just because the low speed in
battle took most of the play time.
Now back to the main topic : Shadow Hearts. I bought this game,
completely because of the great impression of Koudelka. A sequel of
Koudelka... Yeah, it sounded very cool and interesting for me. I did hope
to see the Sacnoth mystery again, the survival horror in haunted houses and
the great storyline which will be continued. My hope was so big, and it did
turn into a... fairly big disappointment when I started Shadow Hearts. What
is this ? Some style from The Legend of Dragoon ? Shadow Hearts was
completely separated from Koudelka about gameplay and battle system. It has
changed a lot, no sense from the great Koudelka before. My hope about a
second impressive Koudelka game has all been lost, remaining some critics
which are not very good about Shadow Hearts.

Gameplay 4/10
Gameplay ? This word is really pale in Shadow Hearts. The time it takes
to complete the game is so much. You may ask me why I say that, when I did
hope Koudelka should have been longer ? Yes, I agree that Shadow Hearts
takes the right time of a Role-playing game. But a long game with nothing
truly interesting does no good. The episodes in Shadow Hearts are really
boring, honestly to say. I can't explain why, but that's what I felt while
playing the game. Each event of the game has neither certain cause nor
certain end. Besides, the game is most taken by the damn CONVERSATIONS !!!
I don't know why I didn't feel this while playing Final Fantasy X or Legend
of Dragoon. But I'm sure that the conversations in Shadow Hearts is the
longest ever of mine. They are made like Legend of Dragoon or old Final
Fantasy games, which you have to press the action button to pass by the
dialogues. I understand that conversations are necessary to make the game
story. But too long and useless talks should be deleted. With this thought,
I think that this game should have been done with voice actors and
actresses like Koudelka had been done, and you could skip the talks either.
The battle system of this game has nothing much to say, I'll write later.
But generally, there's nothing remarkable in the game which can make the
gameplay better than this score.

Storyline 7/10
One of the things make me disappointed of this game is the storyline. The
storyline in Shadow Hearts may happen ten years later after Koudelka. I did
like the scary mystery of Koudelka so much, and that's why I dislike Shadow
Hearts story. "A hero with mysterious past, a girl holding the key to
domination, a villain who will stop at nothing to unlock the path to
unlimited power...". It's as old as the hill for me. I'd like something
scary, something mysterious and simple like Koudelka or Devil May Cry. I
don't care much about something so "big" !

Battle System 8/10
Well, I should write this part like I often do my conclusions when
writing reviews :

*Advantages :
- Advanced battle system from Koudelka with new stuffs.
- There are more good status abnormalities and more skills (Special
- The characters can be put back or front. Good !
- Judgment Ring system to make combos. Why not ?

*Disadvantages :
- There's no short animation. It takes long time for characters to perform
complex spells.
- Battlefield design doesn't look good and impressive.
- Characters' actions are still hard and solid, for a PS2 game. I'll write
about this in "Graphic" critic.
- Judgment Rings appear everywhere besides battle. Is that annoying and
stupid ? When you get a key under water or a letter from a shelf, why don't
you get it directly instead of doing the damn rings ? I understand that the
creator wants to put more difficulties in the game. But difficulties should
be right and suitable, not stupid.
- SP (Sanity Point) system, is that necessary ? Or just stupid ? The SP
(Spirit points) in Legend of Dragoon gives you Dragoon power. The SP
(Spirit Points) in Tsugunai gives you Limit Break. And the SPs in Shadow
Hearts gives you... troubles. I'd like my troubles are abnormalities more
than this thing.

Character's designs 7/10
They look good ? No !
They look bad ? No !
How do they look ? - Average, neither good nor bad. That's what I think.
It seems that Sacnoth needs a better fashion designer. I'm really surprised
when someone says Yuri is the cooler than Squall in Final Fantasy VIII.
About what makes the characters not good, I'll discuss in "Graphic" part.

Enemies 10/10
The enemies are even better than our heroes. Honestly, I really admire
Sacnoth about their imaginations for the horrible, disgusting and even
frustrating monsters. The enemies in Koudelka are really scary and
outlandish than ever. In Shadow Hearts, some enemies are kept, but there
are new ones. No other games can have better than monsters than this, about
frustrating and scary level. But besides, Sacnoth doesn't forget the funny
factor for the monsters though. Their scary figures sometimes give you
laughters. I'm so satisfied about the monsters !

Sound & Music 8/10
One of Koudelka's disadvantage was having no background music. And Shadow
Hearts has fixed this. The background music is all right and welcomed.
Generally, music in RPGs are rarely bad, so I have nothing much to
criticize. The sounds of impacting objects have been better and more
lively, about foot sounds and others. But they should be more various. The
ending song is good.

Graphic 7/10
Now it's time to deal with the most disappointed thing of Shadow Hearts :
the graphic. "7" rating is the highest I could give, because its FMVs are
great. In fact, I think it's even worse. Maybe it's justified for me and
the "7" rating, but it's the worst graphic for a Playstation2 game. Looking
at the hair of characters makes me disappointed. I was attracted by the
sharp hair of Tidus and Rikku in Final Fantasy X, the realistic and gentle
hair of Dante in Devil May Cry 2 trailer, but Shadow Hearts couldn't do
that. The hair of characters look like huge porcupines on their heads, with
big and unsharp thorns (Yuri and Halley's hair). With Margarete's hair, I
can clearly see it was combined by drawing pieces. Not only hair, but the
general graphic isn't good too, as if I was playing a PSX game. Except the
impressive FMVs, Shadow Hearts graphic is even worse than Legend of
Dragoon, which is only a PSX game. I'm really disappointed with characters'
actions. They are so poor. There aren't many actions to express different
ideas. PS2 graphic is powerful enough to deal direct conversations like
Final Fantasy X or Devil May Cry, etc, with various actions (You can see
characters' faces and they act like real movies), instead of poor dialogues
and poor actions. The graphic is one of the big reason making the
characters not good.

Secrets and Sidequests 9/10
It should have something better than disadvantages. And it's "Secret &
Sidequests"... You can find more quests to know about their stories, or
look for cool stuffs and ultimate weapons, or even different endings. Of
course, those things MUST BE HAD for a RPG. Nothing to discuss.

Replayability 6/10
Shadow Hearts has many sidequests, along with ultimate equipments and
Fusion Monsters, and they may be worth for you to replay the game to
collect them. The mini-games like Pit Fights or Lottery are not very good,
but all right. About the rest, it's up to you : If you are patient enough
to replay the whole game and sit to hear they talk and talk, you can give
it a higher replay value.

Well, Shadow Hearts is a game which is covered by Judgment Ring system.
So this is my last "Judgment" for it :

- Advanced battle system and cool stuffs.
- There are "Help" section which are useful for new players.
- "Library" section is very cool, allowing the players to find out more
about their enemies.
- Enemies' design is the best ever.

- Bad graphic, involving the characters' design and actions to be bad
- Stupid Judgment Rings out of battles.
- Worse storyline (in my opinion).
- Low replay value.
- Low gameplay.
- Long conversations - the reason of all things.

Maybe some Shadow Hearts fans will want to kill me now if they read this.
But please, reviews are what the players can say honestly about the games
they play. So let me have my honest opinions.

Gameplay : 4
Storyline : 7
Battle System : 8
Characters' design : 7
Enemies : 10
Sound & Music : 8
Graphic : 7
Secrets & Sidequests : 9
Replayability : 6
Overall score : 6/10 (This is the highest score I can give to this game).


If you have anything needed to talk to me, just email me at

*Things you can do :
- Send emails to ask questions about the game that are not answered clearly
in the FAQ. The questions must be : Not answered in the guide, or at least
not answered CLEARLY in the guide. Why do I have to remark this point ?
Recently, I've got an email from a reader, blaming me that my guide didn't
mention about an important episode in the game. But I did write that part
in another section which it truly belongs to. Then he was sorry that he
hadn't checked that section, he had attempted to the walkthrough only. So
that's it. I remind you should check the guide carefully for what you need,
before emailing me.
- Send me questions about the prequel Koudelka - the prequel of this game.
In order to become a good FAQ maker who will answer your problems, I have
tried complete both games in a series so that I can answer what you ask me,
not only about Shadow Hearts, but its prequel as well.
- Chat with me politely.
- Need help on playing game.
- If you can, please drop a line saying how good my guide is. I really need
your critics (^_^)

*Things you SHOULDN'T do :
- Send me emails written in foreign languages which are not English or
Vietnamese. Sorry that I don't know any more languages besides English. I
can write smoothly in English or Vietnamese. I have received many emails
that asked me in other languages that I can't answer. I really apologize
for those I haven't replied because of this reason, and notice about this.
Thank you for your sympathizing.
- Ask me about Game Shark Codes. For me, using Game Shark Codes is not any
fair. I never use Game Shark Codes to play games. You can ask me about the
cheats of the game ITSELF. But restrict asking me about Game Shark Codes or
codes accessed by extra hardware. I know nothing about them.

*Things you MUSTN'T do :
- Send flaming, hate emails, or advertisements.
- Talk about stupid topics. I hate those.

I thank you very much if you can do those rules. Please sympathize me if
I have made you unpleasant.

Well, you can refer to other works of mine at :

Mysticcat Contributor Page

Related FAQs of mine :

- Koudelka FAQ/Walkthrough
Walkthrough for the prequel of Shadow Hearts - Koudelka.

- Shadow Hearts Plot Guide
Contains plots, events throughout Shadow Hearts and Koudelka, along with
subordinate stories and my analysis.




I'd like to send my thanks to those who have helped me to make this
guide. My thanks are for :

- Sacnoth, Aruze and Midway - for creating and publishing Shadow Hearts.

- Dannyboy and Mizura - your guides have helped me a lot to get through the
game and eve major sidequests. Big thanks to you very much !!!

- Jeff "CJayC" Veasay - for creating a great gaming site and posting my
guides on your site. Thank you for accepting to post my continuous updates
although I have bothered you a lot. Big big thanks to you, CJayC.

- All webmasters who have published my guides legally - for giving up my
guide to gamers.

- GameFAQs message board members - for helping me to play the game and
replying my problems. They are all very cool !

- All readers who have read this guide and have ideas about my guide - for
sparing your time to take a look at my FAQ and having ideas/contributions
to make it better, especially :

+ Vincent Tan - for contributing the sea turtle secret and having
opinions for me to make guide.

+ Poganin and Sanji Todoro - for emailing me about correcting the first
step to get the good ending.

Again, thanks everybody.

This is "Shadow Hearts" FAQ/Walkthrough
owned by Phan Nguyen Khanh Dan "Mysticcat".
(c) 2002 All Right Reserved.

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14.Oktober 2013
Plot Guide

14.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
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30.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
22.Oktober 2014
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11.Februar 2016
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24.März 2020