Shadow Hearts

Shadow Hearts

14.10.2013 21:38:18
Plot Guide
This Plot Guide is Copyright 2002 by Phan Nguyen Khanh Dan


GENRE : Traditional RPG
RELEASED : December 2001

FAQ NAME : Shadow Hearts Plot Guide
FAQ AUTHOR : Phan Nguyen Khanh Dan "Mysticcat"
FAQ version : 1.5
DATE : June 27th 2002


1. Introduction...............................................Complete
2. Legal Junks................................................Complete
3. Updates/Revision History...................................Complete
4. Main Parts.................................................Complete
4.1. Koudelka - the prequel
4.2. Characters
4.3. Events & Analysis
4.4. Some mistakes throughout the game
5. Other stories..............................................Complete
5.1. Charlotte - the wandering ghost
5.2. Valna & Vigna
5.3. The Secret Creature in Nemeton Monastery
5.4. Li Li and Sea Dragon's curse
5.5. Dr. Jack and his mother
5.6. Story in Dollhouse
6. Related Documents..........................................Complete
6.1. Guard's Diary
6.2. Sophia's Letters
6.3. Research Notes
6.4. Guest's Diary
6.5. Master's Diary
6.6. Kid's Diary
6.7. Father Doyle's letter
7. End of Plot Guide..........................................Complete
+ Remaining puzzling problems
+ Contact Info
+ Credits




Hi everybody !
I have just made a decision which doesn't seem very good : Making a Plot
Guide for "Shadow Hearts" game. Hm... I know that making plot FAQs is not my
favourite work; moreover, I'm pretty bad at analyzing plots. But sometimes, I
also want to test myself at other works than writing FAQs/Walkthroughs only.
My last Plot Guide was for "The Legend of Dragoon". This Plot Guide was not
very popular, maybe because of its being bad, or maybe because the plots in
"The Legend of Dragoon" are not difficult to understand. One day, I visit a
message board and I saw a membem suggest that there should have been a Plot
Guide for Koudelka, as well as Shadow Hearts. I suddenly thought... Why don't
I do a Plot Guide ? Although I'm not good at this, I have been trying to refer
to other players' ideas and theories through the message boards. And I have
learnt a lot. This game itself still has something mysterious with no answer.
And I hope that I could rearrange the events in this game, at least I could
analyze a few sticking episodes which have been puzzling me and some other
players. This guide, in any respect, may need many of readers' and players'
ideas and suggestions to become better. If you send me good ideas and
theories, I'll try to update them into this guide and make it more perfect.
All your contributions will be appreciate. Besides, needless to say, being a
Plot Guide, this FAQ contains tons of spoilers. So if you don't want your game
spoiled, especially you are new to the game, you had better not read this FAQ
until you beat the game at least once.

What is the purpose for me to make this plot guide ?

- To rearrange the events in the whole series, to rebuild its full story. This
use is for those who want to recall the whole story of the two games.
- For those who intend to play either game and want to know the story first.
- For those who have just played either Shadow Hearts or Koudelka and want to
know about the story of the other.

Thank you.




This guide is Copyright and owned by the author Phan Nguyen Khanh Dan
"Mysticcat". As a guide posted on Websites, you may easily download it from
the click name, use it on your sites, or sell, publish it in many ways. As
the author of this guide, I just have some Disclaimer if you want to do
anything with my property :

- This guide can't be copied, altered or anything like that without having
the author's permission. If you want to use it in your websites or doing
anything on the guide, just email me at and wait for my
answer. I'm not a very mean guy, and I'm willing to let you use it if you
can obey this rule.

- Furthermore, this guide ABSOLUTELY CANNOT be sold, be repbulished as your
guide, gift, magazine and so on. The author has made this guide for NON-
PROFIT only, and so do you.

Available sites, and only these sites can host my FAQ :

- GameFAQs : Http://
This is a very popular gaming site of the huge community of gamers. If
you want to find cheats and guides, this site ABSOLUTELY has all what you

- Neoseeker : Http://
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- Playstation Cheats : Http://
An Europian gaming site about PSX/PS2 games.

*NOTES* ----------------------------------------------------------------
Anybody or any sites who have used the guide with my permission, please
frequently check and get the latest updates at I don't
have time to give the updates to all of you each time. Besides, GameFAQs is
the site which put the best display of my FAQ. So please check there and
get it. If you feel that you can't do this work, so you shouldn't ask to
use the guide.
Thank you.

Thank you for reading this. I really do not want to rude. But I myself
have ever had my guide plagiarized or used illegally at least once. And I
don't want it to happen again.




- Version 1.5 (July 15th 2002)
"Characters" section added.
I added this section, in case if some readers don't know about either game
as well as the characters, making it easier for you to read the Plot Guide.

- Version 1.2 (July 7th 2002)
Added reader's contribution.
Changed some of FAQ formats.
A reader has contributed me a funny mistake of Shadow Hearts. Although it's
not a serious "mistake", I still appreciate his contribution and added to the
mistake section, fixing the FAQ's format simultaneously.

- Version 1.1 (June 29th 2002)
"Related Files" completed.
More plots added.
Added new section about mistakes of the game.
I have brought the mistakes I found to discuss with my friends and GameFAQs
members. And I have got their general agreement.
I have also replayed some important parts of Koudelka to fix its plots.

- Version 1.0 (June 28th 2002)
Plot Guide - Main Parts basically completed.
I have been replaying Shadow Hearts. But this time, I bring a notebook and
a pen with me, to copy down the events happening or mentioned in the game. I
attempt to the time and the dates of events, then copy down the related
documents though.

- Version 0.5 (June 27th 2002)
Plot Guide started...
I have finished Shadow Hearts once. So this time is pretty suitable to make
the plot guide.





It would be a big lack if there were nothing reported about Shadow Hearts'
former event "Koudelka". Although the original game Koudelka did not take so
many relations with Shadow Hearts, it also took an important role to clear out
some little episodes remaining in Shadow Hearts, like the tragedy of Dr. Jack
and his mother, or the mysterious stolen book called "Emigre File" etc.
Generally, Koudelka prequel partly notices the events which may be able to
happen in Shadow Hearts, before we started to play this game.

This is the general story of Koudelka :

"A rich mason who had had his wife lost in a miserable accident, bought a
monastery in Wales to do a strange experiment. That was Nemeton Monastery,
and the man was Patrick Heyworth. He bought something strange from some
street vendor - called the Emigre Document, known as one of the forbidden
secret books of the Vatican. The Emigre Document, due to some popular hints,
said about some ritual of the Celt tribe, which had been used to take the dead
back to life. And Patrick used it to revive his dead wife Elaine Heyworth. In
order to do the experiment, he had to choose a deserted and isolated location
like Nemeton Monastery and did secretly. He did the experiment with the help
of two helpers. Within a short time, Patrick had kidnapped and sacrificed more
than two hundred innocent people to the Cauldron of Life - which was used to
revive his wife. Patrick was living in fear as he had touched blood. Finally,
his experiment was successful, and as a result, his wife was truly taken back
to life. But... it wasn't his beloved Elaine. It was a demon. All hope had
been lost. Patrick knew that he had been punished by the God, for his crazy
love. He suicided to go to see his real wife. But it's not over yet, as the
whole monastery became a hideout of blood-thirsty demons.

It was about 1898...
There was no many info known about Koudelka Iasant. But I can tell you
that Koudelka had got the special mystical power since she was born, as if
she was given by the God. Because of this unwashed power, the villagers got
rid of her. She lived by herself and grew to be a powerful witch, within
her power. Being a witch, she heard the calling of the dead souls in
Nemeton Monastery. And she came there to see what was happening. In her
exploration, Koudelka teamed up with Edward Brancket, an American traveller
and James O'Flaherty - a Welsh vicar who was sent to explore the place
either. On the way, she also met the mysterious alchemist called Roger
Bacon, who has been hundreds of years old. All of them has finally found
the origin of the demons in monastery, which was Elaine's cauldron, and
they finished it up..."

Well, that was the whole general story of the prequel Koudelka. I'll analyze
those episodes in details in later sections.


CHARACTERS IN "KOUDELKA" \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She is known as a powerful witch whose mystical power was given by
the God since she was born. Because of this power, the villager got
rid of her. She has grown up by herself and become stronger with her
supernatural magic power. In "Koudelka", she came to Nemeton Monastery by the
calling of the dead souls in the haunted mansion. Koudelka found out the
origin of the demons and got rid of them by killing the ultimate demon Elaine
After the event in "Koudelka", she got married with Edward Brancket and gave
birth to Halley Brancket. Edward had to return to America, Koudelka stayed in
England and take care of little Halley. But some years later, Koudelka was
kidnapped by the group of Friar Knights - the remaining witch hunters of the
13th centure, led by Viscount Rausan. Halley became an orphan.

Edward Brancket is an American traveller who got lost in Nemeton
Monastery. The reason why he got lost here is still unknown. He joined
Koudelka in the exploration in Nemeton Monastery, along with Father James
O'Flaherty. He did fight Elaine Heyworth alongside with Koudelka in Nemeton
After getting married with Koudelka, he left her and his son to return to
America. The reason is still unknown.

The three secret books of the forbidden arts kepth the Vatican was stolen,
causing a big panic onto the Pope. James O'Flaherty is a Welsh vicar who was
sent to look for the secret books. By some hints, he
found out that Patrick Heyworth - the owner of Nemeton Monastery - had own one
of the books, the Emigre Document somehow. So James decided to explore this
place himself. He got attacked by the monsters and was saved by Koudelka. So
then he joined Koudelka and fought alongside with her.
Due to the real ending of Koudelka, it seemed that James has known a lot
about Elaine Heyworth. There was rumour saying that he loved her though. When
Elaine died, James did cry for her. And when he died, his tombstone was made
in front of Nemeton ruins though, due to the remains we saw in Shadow Hearts.

He was a rich mason in England. His wife Elaine Heyworth got killed by the
bandits in a robbery. Patrick loved his wife and he couldn't accept her death.
So he decided to something to get her back to life. By some occasion, Patrick
bought the Emigre Document from someone. After a long time of researching the
book, he found out that this was a book about the black arts, containing some
ritual of the Celt tribe, used to get the dead back to life. He chose the
isolated Nemeton Monastery as the hideout to do the experiment about the
ritual, with the help of Ogden and Bessy. In order to do the ritual, Patrick
had to make a Cauldron of Life, and sacrificed hundreds of lives of innocent
people, as he did commit an unforgivable sin. Finally, his ritual did succeed.
And Elaine was really taken back to life... but no... it was a dispirited
demon. It cast demons cursing the whole mansion. Patrick knew that he had been
punished by the God, so he suicided to meet his real beloved wife.

She was Patrick's dead wife. Due to Patrick's mind and Koudelka's special
spiritual recalling, Elaine was a very beautiful woman. But she did get the
death after being killed by the robbers. Patrick found all the ways to get her
back to life. But the real Elaine couldn't be taken back, instead, a demon in
her flesh.

They were the keepers of Nemeton Monastery. They had been also the two
helpers who had helped Patrick to do his evil experiment.

She was the wandering ghost who went after Koudelka during her exploration.
Due to the given information, Charlotte had ever lived and grown up in Nemeton
Monastery for a long time, before Patrick came to this place to do the
experiment. But a miserable accident in the sea had taken away her life. Then
she existed in the monastery as a wandering ghost, as if she had got an
unclean death.
Though Charlotte had already died, her anger of life still existed. She
hated her mother Sophia D'Lota, for abandoning her to live in a royal family.
She kept existing as a ghost because of that reason.

CHARACTERS IN "SHADOW HEARTS" \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He is the son of a Japanese man and a Russian woman. His father was lost
when he went to the army. Yuri witnessed the demons took his mother away.
Being a Harmonixer like his father, Yuri has got some special ability,
especially the mysterious Fusion Art. He can transform into a monster with
strong power and unique skills. During his journey, he has been controlled by
a mysterious voice who orders him to do this and that. Very that voice orders
him to accompany Alice Elliot.

Being the key to world domination, Alice Elliot is the target of all
ambitious evil, including Albert Simon. Her father was killed miserably by
Albert to protect his daughter. Then Alice was sent off and accompanied by the
Japanese Army to escape. But Albert was always after her. Then she was saved
by Yuri Hyuga. Alice holds some special power of Light that Albert Simon needs
her to become the ultimate Lord of this world.

He is a famous sorcerer who is sent to get rid of demons. 15 years ago, he
was with Colonel Ben Hyuga and Zhen who came to destroy the Demon's Gate
Invocation of Dehuai. Now he still keeps preserving the harmony with Ben's son
- Yuri Hyuga.

She was a spy sent to stop the crazy action of Japanese Army. In the game,
she is expert of collecting information and investigation. Her code name in
missions is Malkovich.

Blonde-haired Keith Valentine is a vampire who may be thousand of years old.
He lives in the scary Blue Castle located near Bistritz village, Europe.
People only knew about him as a monster who was the mysterous master of the
castle. Nobody saw him. Being a vampire, he spends such long life that he feel
bored. So then he has slept for 200 years, until Yuri came to "wake" him up.

He is the son of the powerful witch Koudelka Iasant and American traveller
Edward Brancket. Being a witch, his mother was kidnapped by Friar Knights when
he was little. He soon became an orphan. But somehow, he inherited his
mother's unwashed power. But he is too young to control it. Halley now is the
leader of London Rats - the group of wandering orphans in London. But he still
desires to find and reunite with his mother. Halley joins your party, mainly
because of storyline more than certain reasons. It seems that Halley is a
connecting character between the prequel Koudelka and Shadow Hearts.

The true Roger Bacon of the story did appear in both Shadow Hearts in
Koudelka : a 400-year-old man who has been living somewhere around Nemeton
Monastery. Actually, he was a famous alchemist. It seems that his talent of
scholary has helped to get such a long life. But being an eminent individual,
Roger has spent his life in hardship, among all kinds of people's judgments.
So maybe he wanted to avoid the life, coming to Nemeton Monastery and lived as
a hermit.

This guy was one of Roger Bacon's pupil who did accuse his teacher to plan
his own desire. Roger Bacon did trust him so much, and taught him everything
he knew. But Albert himself was not indeed honest as he seemed. He fought
against the society, as well as the world full of injustice and pains. He
desired to remake the world. Within the talent he received from Roger, he
became the ultimate evil individual. He borrowed the name of his teacher to
travel, and found all the way to dominate the world. He was in search of Alice
Elliot - who was holding the special power, the key to domination.
There was also info saying that Albert Simon was truly a demon who has been
1000 years old, and he is unwashed.


I think this may be the most interesting section of the whole guide. Now
I'll try to arrange the important events following the timeline, when they
happened, and analyze them as my knowledge about this series. Of course, I
have told in the "Introduction", analyzing is not my advantage, or I'm pretty
bad at it. But because I'd like to test myself, so your contributions and
corrections must be very important. If this timeline section contains any
mistakes, or some lacks of events which you want inform me, please email me at
In this timeline, I get a standard time which is 1913 - when Shadow Hearts
begins to happen. I will count the time ago and later from this standard.
During the analysis, I'll extract some passages from the files and info
which are related to the events. To read the whole information of them, you
can refer to Section 6. The extracted parts will be framed in "..."

---> 1000 YEARS AGO...

I'm not sure about this episode. But the characters in the game have ever
said : "Roger Bacon" is an 1000-year-old demon. And this "Roger Bacon" was
truly Cardinal Albert Simon.


Roger Bacon - the talented alchemist who has been hundred of years olf until
now. Here I mean the true Roger Bacon whom you met in Nemeton Monastery, the
heckling little old man. It seems that Roger Bacon has got a pretty exciting
life. And maybe because of his talent of alchemy, he has kept himself alive
during hundreds of years, unlike ordinary human beings. Due to Margarete's
report :

"The first person recorded in history by the name Roger Bacon appeared in
England in 13th century. As a priest in Franciscan Order, his scholary
training was at Oxford and Paris universities. His skills as an alchemist and
warlock were superb, and his name was known throughout Europe. At that time,
he was branded as a revolutionary, but there were also many who felt he was
persecuted. It seems he was very critical of the church and was ever
imprisoned for it... Roger Bacon may be a peculiar fellow, but in many ways,
he seems like a very upright individual. It seems that for years he has also
aided leading scholar in the fields of medicine and chemistry.

---> IN 1540
In Nuremberg, something happened that completely changed Roger's life. At
that time, all of Europe was caught up in the mass insanity of the witch
hunts... Bacon was accused by one of his pupils.
A pupil warned the tribunal that Bacon's research has gone too far,
threatening to corrupt society. It finally ended in his exile..."

That pupil... must be Albert Simon. By the story of Roger Bacon, Albert
Simon did get a suggestion for society which was unacceptable. He was so
extreme, and he raised his revenge. He was the best pupil of Roger Bacon, and
Bacon did teach him everything.

---> IN 1613

Well, Roger had got a life of hardship. And perhaps because of that, he
chose to live as a hermit. We found him sleeping in the coffin in Nemeton
Monastery, like an eternal sleep. But... he was alive :)

About the second event, this is just a small event in the game which I paid
attention, since the Blue Castle in the east of Bistritz village appeared, it
has been deserted during this time. One thing I wonder, was Keith Valentine
born in this year ? Somebody says he is hundreds of years old, but some other
says he has been thousands of years old ??? No info was given about that. But
let's give the theory that Keith was born in this year, that means he slept
more than he lived. Hm... this theory is not good though !

---> IN 1713
The bored vampire in Blue Castle - Keith Valentine, must have got bored at
his long life. He travelled, and then he made an eternal sleep to pass by his

1716 was the year mentioned in "Guard's Diary" . You can refer to Section 6
to read it and learn about the history of Nemeton. Before, this place was a
prison. In 1898, when Koudelka's storyline happened, it was a great monastery.
The remains of a prison were still preserved in monastery dungeons, with piles
of corpses have been accumulated like hells.

The owner of the diary began to work in Nemeton Prison as a warden, and he
was the witness of all tragedies throughout his destiny. The diary was being
written until his last breathe. Due to the diary, we could imagine how many
pains had been caused, in a place of torturing and punishments for the
prisoners. But here, I want to remark an event which happened in August 31st :

"...The mad woman in solitary confinement has died. If there is such as
thing as fate, she must have been born under an unlucky star. She was a
merchant's daughter whose hand had been promised to the heir of a
wealthy family, but he had a change of heart and abandoned her.
He eventually married a nobleman's daughter, and was adopted into the
family, which had no heir.
She was brought here to keep her out of the public eye. She kept the
wedding dress as she never got to wear until the day she died. I wonder -
who is more insane, her or us ?..."

Hm... what a hapless woman ! The woman kept the wedding dress until she died
? For those who have played Koudelka, we all know that there's a light room
behind the dark dungeon. In there, we found some remains of the fashion of 30
years ago. And if you still remember, when we open the wardrobe, we fight a
woman boss which is called "Mira". "Mira" was an undead mummy, and the
speciality on her is that she wears a wedding dress. I couldn't believe that
she died inside the wardrobe, or she was placed there. I think that "Mira"
must be the "mad woman" who was mentioned in the Guard's Diary.

---> SEPTEMBER 26TH, 1716

"A strange rumour is making its sounds amongst the prisoners. The
number of people who say they have seen a sign from God in the night
sky is growing.
None of the other guards believe there is such a thing, but such
rumours are often a sign of trouble. I hope nothing happens..."

A sign from God... that must be God's reply for what was happening to the
damn prison. Those who caused pains and hates would receive worth endings. It
seems that God did not lie. The wardens of the prison, including the guard who
wrote the diary, and those related guests, got killed, as the diary seemed to
be ended very suddenly.

---> NOVEMBER 1ST 1716
"Que sera sera !"
The related guys in the prison seemed to get their results, by being killed
by some armed band. But I myself still wonder, is this the time Nemeton got
its change ?

---> IN 1874
I believe this was the year Dr. Jack was born. Due to a picture in Guest's
room :

"5 March 75. With my dearest Jack, one year old.
Mary "

---> IN 1888
Due to Father Doyle's letter, maybe this was the first time Hans Doyle knew
Cardinal Albert Simon.

---> IN 1889
Yuri Hyuga was born.

---> IN 1890
Due to Father Doyle's report, this is the event of this year :

Three secret books of magic were stolen from the Vatican. The books
contained forbidden secrets of sorcery and alchemy... long held under the lock
and key by the Pope. The disappearance of the books caused the Vatican to
panic. They immediately called in two of the finest exorcists to find and
recover the secret books. One of them was Father Morris Elliot. And the other
was his friend, Father James O'Flaherty. The two of them wandered through
Europe for many years in search of the missing volumes. They was travelling

This must be the work of Albert Simon. After being protested by the society,
Albert kept his revenge and was willing to plot everything to do what he
wanted : remake a new world with no pain, no injustice like the current world
he was living in. He had attempted to study the forbidden black arts and found
all the way to steal the three secret books.


Due to Research Notes (refer to Section 6), this might be the time when
Patrick Heyworth found the Emigre File - "...Contained in it are countless
descriptions of the source of the energy that is the secret to life's
existence-the Druids's cryptic experiment taken from the ancient Celts and
recorded by Alexander the Great hundreds of years before Christ. Branded a
forbidden enterprise, it was kept hidden by the Vatican's cardinals in the
depths of the Pope's quarters for a very long time..."

I think this Emigre File must be the Emigre Manuscript, one of the three
stolen books found in Shadow Hearts. We got it from a child in the orphanage,
and the child had found it in the Cauldron of Life made by Dr. Jack (Refer to
Section 5.5). Dr. Jack and Patrick both spent the same experience, and it
makes sense that the two Emigre files found in two games may be the same.

Due to what Roger Bacon said, Patrick did buy the Emigre Document from
Albert Simon - his extreme student.

---> IN 1893
Alice Elliot - the daughter of Father Elliot, was born.
This time, Father Elliot and Father O'Flaherty travelled in the search

---> SEPTEMBER 10TH, 1895

Around this time, Patrick found Nemeton Monastery in Wales - an isolated
location to do his experiment : getting his wife back from the death. Elaine
Heyworth got killed by the bandits from a robbery, and Patrick couldn't accept
her death. Moreover, he loved her to death. And he did not hesitate to do
anything to get her back.

It seemed that Nemeton had been deserted before he came. With the help of
two supporters - Odgen and Bessy, Patrick step-by-step did his experiment
secretly during a long time, from 1895 to 1896 just to revive his beloved wife
Elaine Heyworth.

I don't know when and what made the change of the Nemeton. But from a prison
full of pains and deaths, it has become great monastery built by Saint Daniel
Scotus. At this time, we could find St. Daniel's grave in the monastery
graveyard. But... another thing still surprises me : The Daniel's Arm. This
must be the arm got from St. Daniel's corpse. In the monastery, Koudelka and
her group spotted a thief named Alias who was running from them. He shot down
to reply, destroying the chandelier along. From the collapsing chandelier, the
Daniel's Arm was dropped out. Was the arm already hidden on the chandelier, or
brought by the thief ? It is said to have a holy power. When Koudelka dropped
it to the Cauldron of Life, it did react powerfully, causing an explosion and
burnt the monastery. All of these things... are still some kinds of

Okay, let's get back to our topic now. We are talking about 1895. So just go

---> From NOVEMBER 16TH 1895 to APRIL 3RD 1896

During this time, Patrick just attempted to his insane experiment. Nemeton
was chosen to be the place of experiment, partly because of its terrible
history of being a prison :

"...The more I learn about this monstery, the more eerie the structure
appears to me.
Ogden mentioned that the hospice had been full of coprses at one time
a few hundred years ago, and I have become aware of an oppressing sense
of mortal sin as I walk through the underground passageways.
I can feel haunting spirits everywhere. But according to the Emigre
File, the power of such resentful spirits are considered the driving
force behind reviving the Druid's cryptic experiment. I plan to fill
this place with the all-consuming ire of three spirits.
Even though I may burn in hell for these sins, If Elaine can be
brought back to life, I shall have no regrets..."

He found a cauldron which had been old for years. No hesitation, he began to
do the insane work, set up an altar and held ceremonies.

"...320 chickens and 43 pigs were purchased through a supplier in town...
Animal offerings are an integral part of the Druid's experiment. The cauldron
must be filled with the freshest blood and fresh. This is where it begins..."

How terrible ! Only to revive a life, he had to sacrifice tons of other
lives in order to satisfy his crazy love. He was all insane.

There was no result when the sacrifices were animals, Patrick again
researched the Emigre File, and decided to give up sacrifices who are... human
beings... He did everything, he kidnapped people and locked them in the
monastery, letting them wait for their miserable deaths of being sacrificed.
Although he was kind to the victims, could those be enough to compensate his
crime ?

"...I have three women in the baskets in the back.
I lured some victims out of an alley in the east end, had them sniff
some chemicals and pull them into the carriage. But, since I was not
used to my new role as an abductor, it took me more time than I had

Read the "Research Notes" carefully, you may pay attention that Patrick did
not forget to write the weather of the days. It was always rainy. He also
believed in Gods and Christ, and he thought that Gods knew what he was doing.
Rains... did it mean that the Gods were becoming angry at what Patrick was
doing ? And until April 3rd 1896, Patrick was really frightened of that :

Dear Lord, I have without a doubt committed a crime no human should
have committed. I conducted the Druid experiment using the flesh and
blood of the victims.
I sensed the incredible energy of the spirits culminate into one when
I poured the women's remains into the cauldron.
As I had thought before, this is human flesh that needs to be offered
up to fully release the effects of the procedures.
What a frightening, arcane process this is.
The sounds of fury in the women's death screams have not left my
But I must go on.
There is no turning back now..."

---> From APRIL 3RD 1896 to NOVEMBER 7TH 1896

Just read the Research Notes and learn about what Patrick has done. Nothing
could be forgivable now. He has committed a great crime and he must be
punished because of it : He has sacrificed two hundred of innocent people to
the "goddamn" Cauldron of Life. Patrick must receive the most worst ending for
what he had done : Elaine was really got back to life, as a dispirited demon.

"...But to my horror, the image of my resurrected wife displayed in a
flower petal looked just as she did before, yet it lacked a human soul.
It was a monster.
Dear God, is this the punishment you have chosen for me ?
What have I accomplished by victimizing nearly two hundred innocent
people ?
My only hope in life lay in believing that resurrection was possible
and dreaming of the day when my wife Elaine would join me here on earth
once again.
Now I have nothing but a cauldron full of blood and hexed spirits,
and a soulless monster.
Is this the end that has been awaiting me ?
Dear Lord, have you no mercy ?
I only have one path left to follow.
I have lost too much.
I cannot even find words to apologize to Ogden who has lent me his
strength along the way.
Now I only long to sleep in peace with my wife..."

Patrick did suicide, but his death couldn't clear out the demons covering
the monastery.

---> IN 1898

- This time, Koudelka Iasant, the powerful witch, has heard the dreadful
calling of the dead souls from Nemeton Monastery in Wales. In October, she has
come to that place by all the way. During the exploration, she teamed up with
Edward Brancket, a traveller from America. They also met Father James
O'Flaherty, the vicar who was being in search of the three secret books. James
came to this place, maybe because he found out that the Emigre File - one of
the book had been owned by Patrick. This time, Koudelka's storyline happened,
as we play through the game itself. On the way, we also met Roger Bacon - the
old alchemist who seemed to know everything about the monastery, and Patrick.
We found him sleeping in a coffin like a corpse, but then he suddenly woke up
as any living creature. Maybe Roger Bacon did also make a long sleep
throughout his great life. Koudelka's group found out the secrets of the
monastery, and ended them up by the final fight with Elaine Heyworth - the
revived demon. Roger Bacon was the only witness of the unforgotten event.
After this event, it seems that Koudelka Iasant and Edward Brancket got to
love each other and got married. My theory is that this was also the year
Halley Brancket was born. Looking at him in Shadow Hearts, I guess he is about
his 15. And I think it's a right theory. But... if you've got any better
theory, why don't you email me ?

- Also within this year, another event was happening in China - The Demon's
Gate Invocation, made by a sorcerer named Dehuai. The Demon's Gate Invocation
- known as the Valorization, was used as a research to summon gods. Dehuai was
known as protector of Shanghai. At that time, the Japanese Army also got
ambition to take over Shanghai. The reason for Demon's Gate Invocation was
still pretty mysterious. But it seemed that Dehuai wanted to become the rule
of Shanghai and China ? He wanted to clean out Shanghai to remake it ? I still
wonder if Dehuai was in the same side with the Japanese Army, cuz they wanted
to take over Shanghai. The answer may be yes or no.

The Japanese Colonel Ben Hyuga - Yuri's father - was known by Liu Zhuzhen :
A person who could do anything for the good of people, even fighting against
his own country. So it was possible that Dehuai was in the same side with the
Japanese Army in that Invocation. And Ben Hyuga rose to fight against them.

In order to stop Dehuai's plan, the three people : Colonel Ben Hyuga, The
Adept of Nine Heavens Liu Zhuzhen, and Zhongyun Zhen teamed up with one
another and fought Dehuai. Dehuai did summon the gods, in order to wipe out
everything. Being a Harmonixer, Colonel Ben Hyuga did try to fuse with them.
But the monsters' consciousness made him lose. And Zhuzhen had to kill Hyuga,
destroyed half his body to prevent him from going berserk and evil. Along with
Hyuga's sacrifice, the Demon's Gate Invocation was made to failure. And no one
has seen Dehuai since then.

This time also begins a destiny for Hyuga's child - Yuri Hyuga. Yuri at that
time was nine. He stayed home with his mother Anne Hyuga. Due to what he said,
his father was always away from home like this. And they had get used to it.
That day, the weather was stormy. Anne and Yuri stayed in a hideout. After
that, Yuri heard the knock of the neighbours. When he opened the door, those
people got in as dispirited demons. They had no sense, and they darted in to
attack mother and child. Anne protected her child, and the demons killed her
in front of little Yuri. Bringing the blood of Harmonixer, along with fear,
Yuri exports his true power out like an insane child. After that, he did not
realize what had happened. Around him there were dead bodies of those demons,
and his mother. Yuri became an orphan...

---> IN 1909

This time, the old owner of the mansion across the Thames river left the
place. Jack and his mother were moved to here, and Jack began his schedule as
a doctor.

About the old owner, I'm sure that was Cardinal Albert Simon, who was
calling himself "Roger Bacon".

At first, mother and son were living very happily. But as the time passed,
Jack's mother became more ill, partly because of the change of climates, and
an unknown reason.

On November 2nd, Jack's mother died, a terrible death of a mummy. Jack loved
his mother very much, and it was such a shock. He decided to find out about
the main cause of her death.

---> IN 1910

Jack entered to study black arts, known as the forbidden magic. The more he
studied, the more he found out about the cause of his mother's disease. But it
was not enough, and he wondered what he would have after doing this.

One day, he ran into someone in town. That person was "Roger Bacon", whose
real name must be Albert Simon. By somehow, Albert has found the Emigre
Document, which Patrick had used to revive his wife before. Albert told Jack
that his mother's disease lied in the secret arts practiced by the ancient
Druid monks. And the Emigre Document was the solution to get back his mother.
It was all written in Greek, and it took Jack a long time to decipher it.

Jack succeeded with time in decoding the Emigre Document. He has entered the
same mistake Patrick Heyworth, just because of his crazy love, just to see his
mother's smile again... He sold himself to the devils.

- Also about this time, Koudelka Iasant, who had been living happily with his
son Halley Brancket, was kidnapped by the Friar Knights, led by Viscount
Rausan. Viscount Rausan has been one of the remaining captain of Temple Knight
which already disappeared since the end of 13th century. But they still
survived and continued the witch hunt. They kidnapped Koudelka, first because
she was a witch. If Koudelka did not follow them, Halley would be killed. And
the witch had to obey to protect her son. Halley became orphan...

---> IN 1913

This is when Shadow Hearts' storyline happens. The first event we see, is
that Father Morris Elliot got killed miserably.

Morris Elliot got killed to protect his daughter Alice Elliot. Alice escaped
in safety.

The truth behind this murder has been opened throughout the game : Father
Elliot and Father Doyle were best friends of each other. But there was a
secret that Hans Doyle had known Cardinal Albert Simon - the guy who woke up
from revenge before. In order to catch up Alice Elliot - the girl with special
power, holding the key to domination and to execute his own desire of remaking
the world, Albert had to make a chance to get rid of Morris Elliot and
contacted Alice. Maybe Doyle's life was treatened by Albert Simon, and was
forced to obey him. There was no choice, and Doyle had to choose his life, by
selling his best friend Elliot to evil Albert. In the meantime, Albert Simon
was living under the name of his teacher Roger Bacon , and Elliot didn't know
anything about that. This "Roger Bacon" was the suspicious guy in Elliot's
search of the person who had stolen the secret books. So then Elliot had to
get rid of this guy. Being a warlock, "Roger Bacon" was very powerful. And
Doyle introduced Cardinal Albert Simon, as a warlock who was capable to kill
"Roger Bacon", and arranged the appointment between Morris/Alice and Albert
Simon. Of course, Cardinal Albert Simon, under the name of Roger Bacon, could
come and kill Elliot without any hardship.

One month later, Alice was escorted by Japanese Army to China, but the
purpose was unknown. But then, Albert Simon got in the train to kidnap Alice
for his own plan. But then she was saved by Yuri Hyuga who was on the same
train. Yuri himself was controlled by some Mysterious Voice. It ordered him to
accompany Alice in safety. And Yuri accepted to protect Alice by his life
during the journey.

Along their journey, Yuri and Alice have been joined by different
characters. One of them was Liu Zhuzhen - one of the insiders in Dehuai's
Valorization 15 years ago. They met Dehuai again. This time, the guy was
attempting to the next Demon's Gate Invocation. This time, the plan will be
bigger and more impressive. Dehuai also got some connection with Albert Simon.
Both Dehuai and Albert wants Alice : Dehuai needs her to emerge the energy to
Demon's Gate Invocation, summoning the Seraphic Radiance to wipe out Shanghai;
Albert needs her for a bigger plan : summoning the "Float" as a base to summon
the gods, cleaning the whole earth.

Finally, Alice was caught by Dehuai. And when he began to execute his plan,
Yuri's party came to rescue her and stopped him as soon as possible. Dehuai
was defeated, but Albert has come and continued the Valorization. The Seraphic
Radiance was summoned, and wiped out Shanghai. Like Ben Hyuga did, Yuri dashed
to the monster and tried to fuse with it. But he was too weak to do that. Yuri
himself was absorbed and controlled by Seraphic Radiance's consciousness. He
nearly got the same end as Ben Hyuga 15 years ago...

Six months later, Alice, Margarete and Zhuzhen have got a successful
exorcist service in Prague. By a special chance of meeting the bored vampire
Keith Valentine in Blue Castle, they teamed up with Yuri. What has happened to
Yuri during the last six months ?

Yuri did fail to conquer the Seraphic Radiance. He let it destroy Shanghai.
But in fact, in the deep side in Yuri's heart, he was afraid that one day he
would be controlled by the monsters he fused with. And it nearly happened to
him with Seraphic Radiance - the ultimate being. His fear came to its peak :
Yuri wanted to end his life. Once he died, every problem will be freed, and he
would become a free soul. By some way, Alice engaged in the graveyard in
Yuri's mind. She offered her life to God of Death and saved Yuri. In his mind,
Yuri was digging the grave for himself, with the encourage of Fox Face.

So who was this Fox Face ? At first, Yuri always thought that was his
father's soul. But the truth is that : Fox Face is just a half of Yuri. In the
other hand, he is made from Yuri's fears gathered. So then, in order to
continue living, Yuri must defeat Fox Face, as he must win the fear in very
himself. Alice encouraged him to defeat it. And finally, the two halves became
one : our brave and strong Yuri.

But another question is given up : How could Yuri escape alive after being
absorbed by Seraphic Radiance ? The answer will be given soon.

During the journey, they had a chance to meet a heckling brat in London
named Halley Brancket. Through this child, they found out about Albert Simon
and Koudelka Iasant - Halley's mother. Halley inheritted the natural special
power from his witch mother. Being a witch, Koudelka Iasant was kidnapped by
the remaining Friar Knights of 13th century, led by Viscount Rausan. But in
fact, it was all in Albert Simon's plan.

Koudelka Iasant finally was taken to Albert Simon. Just like Alice, Koudelka
has the natural mystical power given by the God. Alice's power is Light and
pure, but Koudelka's power belongs to darkness and mystic. Generally, Albert
Simon could have Koudelka in his plan instead of Alice, and he doesn't need
her anymore.

By a chance, Yuri's party came to Nemeton Monastery, which was now, a ruin,
and they finally met the true Roger Bacon - the old talented alchemist. So
everything was given to light : Albert Simon was very the judas pupil who
accused his teacher Roger to change his life. Then he borrowed his teacher's
name to ease his plan. Roger Bacon showed them the way to Albert's "Float"
under Nemeton ruins. Although Koudelka has been saved, they couldn't stop the
"Float" being completed.

After all the events, Yuri has known that the Mysterious Voice which
followed his mind was very Koudelka's. Koudelka did a great job to combine
them to the destiny to stop Albert Simon's plan. And then Koudelka told Yuri
and that he has been being protected by greater power than her. So who was
that ?

Anyone who has conquered Seraphic Radiance, would have the answer : That
greater power is Ben Hyuga. Although he has died, Ben Hyuga's soul still
followed his son into Yuri's mind. In the event in Shanghai, when Yuri was
absorbed and controlled by the Seraphic Radiance, Ben Hyuga did take the
monster and possessed into himself to save Yuri from being killed like him 15
years ago. That means... Seraphic Radiance has been preserved in Ben Hyuga's
soul, in Yuri's mind.

Anyway, it's time for the party to end up Albert Simon. Roger Bacon's
invention has helped them to climb up the "Float" and fight Albert Simon.
Albert's true ambition was so big : He wanted to wipe and clean the whole
world, in order to remake a new world, where every creature was equal to one
another. That will never happen, and he must pay for what he did. He lost, and
what he can do now is taking Yuri's party to the outer space to fight a "god"
summoned by the float : Meta God. And the victory of Yuri's party was the end
of Shadow Hearts./.

**I have referred to ideas of many people : What the heck is Meta God ? And
the most answer I received was that Meta God is just an alien from other
world. No one is sure what it is. Or it could be from a nebula ?**


Besides the interesting various episodes with dates in Shadow Hearts game,
there are also some mistakes. Of course, I had to discuss about the mistakes
with my fellows in messsage boards before writing them officially here. And
many of them have agreed they can be mistakes.

I think that everybody has to agree that Shadow Hearts took place in 1913.
We all see this date in the beginning of the game : when Morris Elliot got
killed. And the real game happened one month later. Maybe you still remember
that the last Demon's Gate Invocation of Dehuai had happened 15 years ago. So
that means it did happen in : 1913-15=1898... Yes, in 1898. But when you first
come to Shanghai and see the cutscene 15 years ago (the cutscene with Zhuzhen
and Ben Hyuga), it did write : 1889 Shanghai. Whow, A mistake between 1898 and
1889 ? I have brought this to discuss with GameFAQs message board, and they
have agreed that this is a mistake of typo. Thanks to them.

This is not sure to be a mistake. I just suspect it. Let's see : The true
Roger Bacon has been recorded in 13th century, but his age written in Library
is just about 400 years old. From 13th century to 1913, his age could be more
than that. Then I begin to wonder : the Bacon in 13th century, was Roger Bacon
or Albert Simon ?

Anyway, I don't mean to call this "a mistake". It can be accepted in some
respect. A character in the game has said "Roger Bacon is a 1000-year-old
demon." And this "demon" could be Albert Simon. That means he has been 1000
years old, older than his teacher Roger Bacon. Roger Bacon's age, as I
discussed above, could be about from 400 to 613 years old. Both were less than
1000 years of Albert. But anyway, this mistake is acceptable, if we agree the
fact that Albert Simon is a "demon", that he is "completely NOT human".

Well, this is NOT completely a mistake though. But this is contributed by a
reader from, which seems funny too. I really appreciate
your idea, and this is it : Margarete's Special Skills include such modern
things like cell phones, which hadn't been really invented in 1913. This is a
funny mistake. But I don't completely suppose that. You should accept it,
because it's a game, a game of fantasy. I know that most of us have played
Final Fantasy series, and we couldn't know that when those games takes place,
but there were always such modern things like elaborate elevators, teleport
devices, etc in even ancient castles. Yeah, you should accept them, cuz they
are games.





Charlotte - the strange ghost Koudelka saw in Nemeton Monastery, had ever
lived in Nemeton Monastery. The strongest proof for this theory was that
there's a small room in the monastery called "Charlotte's cell". About
Charlotte herself, she got killed after a tough sea accident. By the painting
of the accident hung in Keeper's Room, Koudelka herself could recall the whole
event in her mind. It was an extremely terrible accident, and mostly none was

About Sophia D'Lota herself, reading these below letters will make you
understand. It seems this woman hadn't got a nice experience, and she had
Charlotte with a man named Phillip Christopher, although she had already got
married. Both of them were born as royalists, grew together and loved each
other. But life did separate them. She thought it was all her fault. But she
missed her dear Charlotte very much, and she wrote tons of letters to her.
Perhaps... in order to avoid bad rumours, Sophia had to send off Charlotte and
others of her children to Wales, to this monastery. But... so how could her
letters be found in the monastery ?

About Charlotte herself, she hates her mother to death. She thinks that her
mother has abandoned to follow the royal life, leaving her alone. Even after
she died, her ghost still wandered in the monastery to haunt the place where
she has grown up.

If you are hardcore player of Koudelka, you'll all know that Charlotte has
two endings.

+ The good ending : You must have got Sophia's Letters before meeting
Charlotte in her cell. When she appeared, Koudelka used her power to deliver
the letters to Charlotte. Through these letters, Charlotte realizes the love
of her mother to her. And she knows that she wasn't lonely, that her mother
always loves her. Charlotte has gone in peace, with no more loneliness and
hapless. After this ending, she remains the Flare Brooch to you : "A woman's
accessory with a multi-faceted ruby centered in a gold setting ; meant to
represent the sun."

+ The bad ending : You don't get "Sophia's Letters" and go to see Charlotte
directly. Charlotte casts monsters to fight you, then she herself kills you.
At that time, we all witness that Charlotte turns into a disgusting monster.
The unhappiness and loneliness will never disappear, as she will bring them to
the death even you kill her. This ending, is pretty similar to Li Li's story
in Shadow Hearts. Li Li's angers and pains were gathered, making her turn into
an evil. The same with Charlotte. Her hates for life has altered her into a
monster, and the only way you can do to rescue her is killing her. After this
ending, you'll get the Star Brooch :"A woman's accessory with a golden
statuette of the Holy Mother embedded in a topaz ; the shape of the brooch in
meant to suggest a star."

I wonder if the Flare Brooch and the Star Brooch have any meanings here. One
represents the sun, one represents the star... What do you think ?


Valna and Vigna are some strange guests in Koudelka game. I wonder where
were these children from ? And who were their parents ? My theory is that
Valna and Vigna were children of the prisoners in Nemeton's history. Due to
Guard's Diary, there were women and children who were also tortured miserably
in the prison. Clearly, Valna and Vigna have got an unclean deaths. They
couldn't rest in peace without their dolls. I also wonder why their dolls are
put in different places : Valna's Doll was in Keeper's Room, and Vigna's Doll
was placed in the Graveyard, beside St. Daniel's grave. And another suspicious
episode is : The two mummies hold the key to Charlotte's cell. But however, I
don't think if there was any relation between these girls and Charlotte. And
you, what do you think ?


This creature can be considered as a sidequest in Koudelka game. He was some
kind of strange creature, with unshape figure. He knew everything about
Nemeton Monastery, about what was the hell happening to the place with time.
The creature can say. Each of his sentences seems confusing...

- "Patrick... how could you do this to me ?"

At first, after this sentence, I thought that this creature might have been
another wrong result of Patrick's experiment. But after thinking again, I
thought this theory is completely unacceptable. This creature seems to be
knowledgeable about everything, even the events which happened before Patrick
came to this place. He knew Saint Daniel Scotus, he knew Charlotte and Sophia,
and even the old man Roger Bacon, and the Emigre Document etc.

- "The grave... St Daniel's grave... grave of the girl..."

- "Vigna and Valna... just want their dolls..."

- "Daniel's arm... holy strength... "

- "That woman...wrote many letters for children... but never

- "Must stop... that Star Charlotte leaves behind... or the Flare..."

Generally, I can't think of any better theory about this creature. Have you
got any theory ? Then it'll be very appreciate if you send it to me.


The tragedy in Dalian was one of the little stories during Shadow Hearts
game. The victim of the tragedy was a beautiful woman named Li Li. The tragedy
happened about 1 month ago.

Li Li was the daughter of a fisherman. One day, when the storm was about to
rage, her father went to the sea and did not return. Li Li worried about her
father, so she prayed to the Sea Dragon - the blessing God of Dalian people to
bring back her father.

The next day, Li Li's father did really return. But the God was cruel. In
pay of this, Li Li's and her father's voice were switched to each other : Li
Li had to get the hoarse and rude voice of a fisherman, and her sweet and
gentle voice belonged to her father. Li Li was very sad about that. But the
tragedy did not stop at that.

One day, a travelling theatre troop embarked at Dalian Port. Li Li fell in
love with an actor in the troop. But she did not express that, because of her
switched voice. In order to have the person she loved, she had to get back her
voice. She came to ask Sea Mother how to do that. And Sea Mother said that the
only way was to kill her father. Sea Mother gave her a dagger. And Li Li
promised to herself that she had to do that.

Every night, she creepily came to her father's bed, holding the dagger and
prepared to kill him. But she couldn't. She still hesitated. And she left. All
nights were the same : Li Li couldn't make decision to kill her father. In
fact, the father had already known Li Li's decision. He just pretended to
sleep, and waited for his daughter's action every night. He did also feel hurt
about that.

One day, Li Li made choice to kill. This time she wouldn't hesitate. But
when she went to her father's room, he had gone. People said he had set out to
the far sea. The theatre troop left, and Li Li lost all her hopes.

But then, some days later, Li Li's father did return... as a dispirited
zombie. What a tragedy ! This time, Li Li could kill her father without any
problem. But instead, he and she suicided, drowning in the sea...

**My theory : Although Sea Mother said that Li Li could kill her father
without hesitating. But I think she did not do that. When you fought Li Li on
Smuggler's Boat, we still heard her voice when being damaged : the hoarse and
crude voice of a man. Poor Li Li !

In addition to this, Dehuai did not let her rest in peace. He gathered Li
Li's pains and hates and made her become a monster, to get revenge with
Zhuzhen and the party. At last, Li Li was defeated, and Sea Mother used her
last strength to take her to the Nirvana to rest in peace.


This story has been analyzed pretty carefully in Section 4, and there were
some related files which are very clear in Section 6. You can refer to those
sections to know details. Here is the general story.

Jack and his mother were moved to London and lived happily. But his mother
got killed because of a magical curse. Jack must be some guy of "Oedipus
Complex" (in my opinion). He sold himself to the evil to get back his mother,
like Patrick Heyworth did with his wife. He met Albert Simon, who introduced
to be "Roger Bacon". By some way, Jack received the Emigre Document which had
been used by Patrick with the same purpose from Albert. Luckily, he was
stopped by Yuri's party.

It seems that he has got a lighter end than Patrick. He was dead before
seeing his mother being got back as a monster.

But generally, again Albert Simon was the maker of all these. If Jack did
not get the Emigre Document from him, there would be no such tragedy.


The story in Dollhouse is still pretty mysterious for me, as I couldn't
determine some characters.

The boss in Dollhouse - the Orb Chaos, may be a living doll. It has human
sense and it realizes what loneliness is. When Alice first meets, it expresses
the loneliness of losing Lillith who has already died. Maybe Lillith always
played with it in the past, and became a close friend of the doll. Since
Lillith left her life, it lost its closest friend and it became a "chaos". In
my theory, Ewan couldn't replace the position of Lillith. Ewan was forced to
make a friend of it. But Ewan couldn't do that. Just like any dead souls, the
doll's loneliness has been gathered and it became "Orb Chaos". In the doll's
room, you saw a terrible mess. The teddy bear and the pillows were torn. There
were some notes "Help me", written in blood around the wall and the papers. It
seems that was made by Ewan, who got killed by the cursed doll because of its
accumulated loneliness.

Ewan got an unclean death. His ghost tried wander in the earth and found
Alice's exorcist service. Why did Ewan have to do this when he has already
died ? I guess... Ewan wanted to rescue the doll's heart. He was once a friend
of a Lillith and maybe even the doll itself. When Alice finished her work,
Ewan disappeared, leaving a note written in blood on the floor: "Thank you".




FOUND : Nemeton Monastery, Dungeon 2nd floor
GAME : Koudelka
EXPLANATION : This file seems to have no use with the events in both
Koudelka and Shadow Hearts. But it must have something that the creator had to
place it as a very secret file in Koudelka. Let's read it carefully. You'll
learn more about the history of Nemeton Monastery in 17th century : a damn
hell of deaths, under the era which people had to live for themselves because
of different situations. The diary was written by a warden who, because of
situation, had to work in Nemeton Prison - the dungeon prison. His name was
not given in the diary. But when reading the diary, we all know Nemeton in the
past was a prison of criminals. But let's see how the prisoners were treated :
Torturing and torturing. They did never stop. Even the warden himself couldn't
suffer. And in the end of the diary, we all saw the warden stopped writing in
a very terrible situation. It seemed that he got killed as soon as he wrote
it, by the armed band. It was justified, because this place did contain so
many pains, angers, screams and even deaths.

1st June 1716
It's been two month since I left Canterbury, owing to my stay at St.
Claire's. Lord Webster had said that the weather would be warm at this
time of the year, but it's still brisk in the fishing village lining
the coast.
After days of being knocked about in a carriage, I have finally
arrived at Nemeton Prison - an evil-looking place, leering down on a
barrel plain from atop a cliff battered by the chill sea breezes.
Lord Webster told me to keep the strictest confidence. I cannot say
what lies within this old, lonely building ; only that while I'm yet
young, I have been a guard many years, but I have never seen nor heard
of a gaol built in a place such as this.
While Lord Webster didn't tell me much about the prison's history, it
is easy to imagine the part this foreboding place played in quieting
conspiracies and political struggles... Although I do not look forward to
spending my days here,
I have no choice.
My family depends on it.

2nd June 1716
Nemeton Prison... A hell on earth. While conditions here are no worse
than Newgate, they are no better. I had imagined it would be so, but
imagining a thing and actually experiencing it are different.
I shudder to think of the countless souls imprisoned here over the
There are people from all walks of life here-from members of the Pale
removed from contention for an inheritance to simple barbers locked away
to prevent them from repeating what they innocently heard while
performing their jobs.
Locked away... and tortured, and killed. My research into the prison's
records show the only a select few of those sent here were ever
convicted of a crime.
This is not the simple prison it claims to be. It is rather simply a
dungeon, where those in power seal away those without it who stood in
their way.
How ironic that this place, built as a house of God, should become a
house of horrors, forsaken by Him !

3rd June 1716
I have discovered something nearly impossible to believe - because I
do not wish to. According to the prison's records, from 1632 last year,
over 8200 people have met their maker within the walls.
And these are only those for whom they are records... How many more
hapless souls have died locked away here, with no one ever caring ?

4th June 1716
Today, I was ordered by the warden to watch over the prisoners in the
west wing. Although this is my first assignment since arriving, I do not
look forward to it. This is different from punishment some simple
beggars. What sort of man could take pleasure in beating women and
children ?
Received a letter from Mum in Southampton today. She complains that I
wasn't able to attend my sister's wedding. Apparently, she married a
Gibbs boy-one of the wealthier land-owning families in the area. I'm
sure she'll be happy; she's been brought up well and should have no
problem fitting into even a gentry family.
It seems like just yesterday she was a baby, following me around
clutching her favourite little doll. I'm fiercely proud of her, though,
even though I worry she may have been pampered a bit too much.
I wish her the best of luck as she now starts her own family.

5th June 1716
We began the "questioning" of Prisoner 27 today. The warden tells us
he was instructed to do so by one of the nobles currently in favour
with the Crown. He looks to have been a man of good learning and some
He broke down and cried like a baby after the iron was pressed into
his chest. Knowing he will never be released, we need not take care to
leave him whole.
I am used to using water or a rack - something that would not leave a
mark - for such things, but there is no purpose, no design to convert a
heathen or bring about repentance.
Here, the punishment is only meant to cause as much pain as possible
until death.
A job is a job, and while I have no intention of taking it up with
the warden, I still have reservations what we do here - after all, we
are still nominally employees of the Crown. Getting paid to inflict
pain on others - are we no different than common ruffians ?

6th June 1716
Torturing people has become a daily routine. And there is no shortage
of tools here - whips, chains, Iron Maidens, Spanish Boots, cages,
spiders... Even some I had never seen or heard before coming here.
I must admit I am impressed at the ingenuity of the human mind, and
the way that it can create such a myriad of ways to inflict pain upon
another living being. But which is worse - those who think of such
devices, or those who use them ?
All those we torture beg us to kill them, but we instead keep them
alive that they may suffere more. There is no rest for them - not now,
not ever.

14th August 1716
Received a letter from Mum today. She says my brother is wanting to
go to some fanct school in the east and needs money. Why he would want
to go to such a place is beyond me. Imagine - a university graduate in
our family !
I wonder what Pa would think...
I know she gets some money from my sister's family, but I'm sure she
doesn't want to always be asking for handouts from her daughter.
I want to help ; I want to do as much as I can for my family.

31st August
The mad woman in solitary confinement has died. If there is such as
thing as fate, she must have been born under an unlucky star. She was a
merchant's daughter whose hand had been promised to the heir of a
wealthy family, but he had a change of heart and abandoned her.
He eventually married a nobleman's daughter, and was adopted into the
family, which had no heir.
She was brought here to keep her out of the public eye. She kept the
wedding dress she never got to wear until the day she died. I wonder -
who is more insane, her or us ?

26th September 1716
A strange rumour is making its sounds amongst the prisoners. The
number of people who say they have seen a sign from God in the night
sky is growing.
None of the other guards believe there is such a thing, but such
rumours are often a sign of trouble. I hope nothing happens...

3rd October 1716
Torture, pain and death. These fill the days of all who live here. I
have come to envy those who quit living. Dear God, have mercy on my
soul. I did not come here to become an executioner.
I have pleaded with the warden to have pity at least on those
suffering from illness, but he turned a deaf ear upon my please. In the
end, there are only two things people care about : Power and Money. They
who have it use it, they who do not only suffer.

13th October 1716
I feel as if I'm losing my mind. I can no longer bear to hear the
screams of those trapped here. Could I help them would, but since I
cannot, I do not wish to share their confinement a moment longer.
Were it my choice, I would quit this place at once, but my family
looks to me for support. I cannot let Lord Webster, who found me this
job, down - I must repay his confidence in me.
The other guards say that I will grow used to it soon enough, that I
should not let myself be affected by trivialities.
Trivialities !
Can they not hear the screams ! I understand now... They are as mad as
any of the prisoners... That, then, is my fate - I, too, shall end up
mad, just like them.

29th October 1716
Woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord !
To what end is it for you ? The day of the Lord is darkness, and not
like. As if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear met him, or went
into the house, and leaned his hard on the wall, and serpent bit him.
Shall not the day of Lord be darkness, and not light ? Even very
dark, and no brightness in it.
( Book of Amos, Chapter 5 )

1st November 1716
I am writing this after having awakened by gunshots in the middle of
the night.
There are screams of joy and anger throughout the building ; we are
being attacked by an armed band.
Apparently, the "sign of God" the prisoners had been discussing was
actually a signal from people outside the prison plotting to aid their
incarcerated friends.
The freed prisoners are going mad, killing the guards and other
staff. Their positions reserved, they flee for their lives but are
hunted down, beaten, killed, even burned alive.
I fins a strange satisfaction in watching them, they who were so
drunk on power and wealth, dying like insects at the hand of those they
brought they were masters of.
The mob is sure to make its way here in time. The time of our-my-
judgement is upon us.
Do not grieve for me, dear sister. I will welcome them with open
arms, as a fellow suffer and sinner. Even now, I gear footsteps. They
are just outside my door...they...

FOUND : Nemeton Monastery
GAME : Koudelka
EXPLANATION : The truth is that, I do not know anything about this woman
whose name is Sophia D'Lota. But my theory is she had lived in Nemeton
Monastery for a time, before the place was deserted and was chosen by Patrick
Heyworth to do his experiment. But this theory doesn't seem good though. The
secret Creature in Nemeton Monastery, the eternal witness of this place, said
"That woman... wrote many letters for children... but never delivered...". I
guess he implied Sophia D'Lota. I don't know how many "children" Sophia had,
but the clearliest one we could see is Charlotte - the wandering ghost. Please
refer to Section 5 to know more about this girl.
Here we could only read three letters which seem to be the most important
among tons of letters.

My dearest Daughter Charlotte
As I sit in silence struggling to write this letter to you in
English, I sense the arrival of winter is near at Arden Castle.
I feel it makes me a bad mother since I am unable to make you happy.
I cannot lament enough how my selfish affair has entangled so many
people, including you, my dear, who were sent to Wales to encounter
many sorrowful experiences.
I probably will never see you, nor your brother nor your sister
But one thing that will not change is that you are my beloved
You are the daughter of the man whom I loved from the bottom of my
heart, Phillip Christopher.
I am sure you must resemble him greatly. You were blessed when you
were born, and that you are still alive is testament to that fact.
I often wonder what the color of your eyes is, and how it would feel
to run my hands through your hair.
I can't help but to dream about the day I meet you, although deep
down inside I know that day will never come.
We might be far away from distance, but we are always together in my
Please take good care of yourself.
Your mother
Sophia D'Lota

My dearest Daughter Charlotte
Five summers have already passed since you entered this world. I
think I must have written over 20 letters now. Despite my poor
penmanship, how happy it makes me to know that my feelings are being
conveyed to you.
I wonder what I should tell you today. I think I will talk about your
father. Your father, Phillip Christopher, is a son of Count Von
Koenismark, Sweden's Artillery Inspector General. Your father was a
childhood friend of mine, and I am the daughter of a Duke.
Unfortunately, Phillip and I eventually had to part. Due to the
inevitable circumstances of our country, an arrangement was made so
that I was to marry and be queen to Count Hannover and spend days
filled with hardship. It was your father who came into my life again
and saved me.
Your father and I spent many years loving each other. It's a fact
that I fell in love with somebody, although I was already married. Some
would that a secretive affair, but our love is genuine and pure,
especially when compared with the marriage arrangement with Count
Hannover which was stained with politics and power.
Please forgive your foolish mother.
Your mother
Sophia D'Lota

My dearest Daughter Charlotte
Please allow me to celebrate your 12th birthday with you. May God's
blessings and grace be with you.
What would you like for your birthday ?
Would you like a raspberry cake ?
I should like to get you a beautiful dress along with a golden hair
ornament and brooch. I want to braid happiness into each loop of your
Then you could dance in the Court like a precious jewel.
My dear Charlotte, are you well ?
I hope you haven't become sick.
I only wish to make you happy even if I have to sacrifice my own
Is that a wish that cannot be granted ?
I would like very much to get to know you. Even if it's only a
glance, I want to see how you've grown up.
There isn't a day that goes by that I do not pray for your well-being
I try not to lament, but...

I love you from the bottom of my heart.

Your mother
Sophia D'Lota

FOUND : Nemeton Monastery, secret music disc
GAME : Koudelka
EXPLANATION : Well, some kind of diary, whose writer was Patrick Heyworth -
the person who made up the fears and curses in Nemeton Monastery. Let's see
how he explained for his action is the Research Notes. The Emigre Manuscript
was one of three forbidden books stolen from the Vatican. I wonder where
Patrick did procure it.

September 10th, 1895
With the monastery renovation completed, I have finally moved in with
Ogden and Bessy.
It's been a long road since I first procured the Emigre File.
Even after referencing literature of all ages, the rendering of the
text still remains a difficult task. Though it has been four years
since I first laid eyes on it, never once has its enigma left the
recesses of my mind.
Contained in it are countless descriptions of the source of the
energy that is the secret to life's existence-the Druids's cryptic
experiment taken from the ancient Celts and recorded by Alexander the
Great hundreds of years before Christ.
Branded a forbidden enterprise, it was kept hidden by the Vatican's
cardinals in the depths of the Pope's quarters for a very long time.
And now, I have it in my hands. I have reached Wales, the land referred
to in the text.
I will fulfill my wife Elaine's resurrection at this monastery, built
by Saint Daniel Scotus. Of course, I am aware that my act could prove
insolent in the eyes of the Lord. And however people may censure my
actions, the love I have for my wife will never cease. I ask for you
Lord, to turn your eyes away for a short while.

November 16th 1895
The more I learn about this monstery, the more eerie the structure
appears to me.
Ogden mentioned that the hospice had been full of coprses at one time
a few hundred years ago, and I have become aware of an oppressing sense
of mortal sin as I walk through the underground passageways.
I can feel haunting spirits everywhere. But according to the Emigre
File, the power of such resentful spirits are considered the driving
force behind reviving the Druid's cryptic experiment. I plan to fill
this place with the all-consuming ire of three spirits.
Even though I may burn in hell for these sins, If Elaine can be
brought back to life, I shall have no regrets.

December 5th 1895
I found out what the cauldron hidden in the basement held the key to
the secret. Even though the book had mentioned it, the well-positioned
trick door kept us from locating its whereabouts.
The cauldron looks as if it is made of gold, but upon closer
examination, the surface is so old that one cannot determine how long
it has been in existence. I would guess that it is a prehistoric
artifact made a few thousand, or maybe even tens of thousands of years
ago and left to sit. We must quickly set up an altar and begin
preparation for our ceremony.

December 16th 1895
I ordered Ogden to acquire some livestock. 320 chickens and 43 pigs
were purchased through a supplier in town.
I arranged for ground transportation but the fog did not help expedit
the undertaking.
I expect to be busy as soon as the delivery arrives. Animal offerings
are an integral part of the Druid's experiment. The cauldron must be
filled with the freshest blood and fresh. This is where it begins.

February 24th, 1896
The third experiment. Still no response. Even though I follow
directions and offer thee proper prayers, there are no signs of the
spirits gaining any strength. I must return to the book and reread some
part since I cannot proceed if there has been more misunderstanding of
the text.
Is there a problem with the way I conducted the experiment or are the
offerings insufficient ? Regardless, I need to think this over. Even
though I may arrive at a terrifying realization, it is too late to fear
anything now. I have come to far to be impeded by fear. I am sure Ogden
will understand.

March 19th, 1896
Return from London.
The specially - ordered carriage seems to be working very well.
I have three women in the baskets in the back.
I lured some victims out of an alley in the east end, had them sniff
some chemicals and pull them into the carriage. But, since I was not
used to my new role as an abductor, it took me more time than I had
I could not have done this without Ogden's help. I'm deeply grateful
to him.

March 25th 1896
I am still at a loss. I can't make up my mind.
Even if I can bring Elaine back to life, are my actions forgivable ?
I balk when presented with this dilemma.
Bessy has been taking care of the women I've kidnapped; it's better
than them freezing in some corner of London.
I hope this small gesture of kindness will be considered as a priori
act of repentance. I wonder if my small kindness will have any
significance when help up to the horrendous act I am about to commit.

March 31st 1896
I must my mind up. I must.

April 3rd 1896
Dear Lord, I have without a doubt committed a crime no human should
have committed. I conducted the Druid experiment using the flesh and
blood of the victims.
I sensed the incredible energy of the spirits culminate into one when
I poured the women's remains into the cauldron.
As I had thought before, this is human flesh that needs to be offered
up to fully release the effects of the procedures.
What a frightening, arcane process this is.
The sounds of fury in the women's death screams have not left my
But I must go on.
There is no turning back now.

April 12th 1896
Once again, I perform the procedures. I once again round up four
victims from London. Even though they are all old with barely a thing
to live for, when I contemplate taking their lives, it leaves me sick
to my stomach. It may be due to my doubts that the spirits did not rise
to such a powerful strength as before.
I may have to use a younger, more vibrate source of energy. The book
says to fill the cauldron with energy of haunted spirits. I wonder how
many victims the cauldron must swallow to be satisfied.

June 15th 1896
I do not have enough victims. The saintly presence of Daniel Scotus
inhibits us from claiming authoritative power.
I have concluded that it will be necessary for us to offer many more
lives before we are finished here.
I have since found 35 more victims for seven separate experiments,
but the spirits have not responded with much strength. For me to
accomplish the resurrection, I am in dire need of the culminated
strength of the spirits.
I must come up with a way.
I must come up with a more efficient way to procuce my victims.

July 15th 1896
I finally received the first shipment of my victims. Ogden was right
when he suggested that we should offer the lord of the slave trade an
enormous amount of money for this matter.
He has no compassion for human life.
The victims are not given much information and arrive at the
monastery expecting a routine night's work.
It is not necessary for us to go hunting for prey in town. With a few
sugar-coated lies, there are plenty of people that climb right into the
carriage. There is no one that will dark speak of what is to become of

September 9th 1896
Poured the remains into the cauldron. The energy levels in the
cauldron have clearly increased which makes me happy since it proves
that I am heading in the right direction.
It seems that lately I have become more efficient at performing the
tasks required for the procedures.
However, Ogden and I cannot expect to become much more productive as
it is impossible for us to hire help since we must keep this matter
purely clandestine.
I have decided to place an order for a laboratory table from an
equipment manufacturer in Manchester.
It will take about a month to make but once we receive this, we will
be able to manage many more experiments.

October 3rd 1896
Butchered three bodies since morning. After lunch, we made repairs to
the bell tower of the main church. After dinner with Bessy and Ogden, I
butchered three more bodies. The lab table has proven its worth.
The spirits have certainly increased in strength. At this rate, I may
finish preparing for Elaine's resurrection before All Saint Day.

October 14th 1896
Six bodies butchered in the morning. Five in the afternoon.
One after dinner.

November 1st 1896
How I have been awaiting this day. The day to conduct Elaine's
resurrection ceremony has finally arrived.
The cauldron is brimming with the remains of my victims.
This monastery is now consumed by the energies of the preternatural
spirits. Even a saint could not hold his ground against the powerful
energy of these hexed spirits. I took Elaine's body, which had been
preserved in chemicals for this very day, and placed it on the altar.
I then began reciting the ceremonial chant.
Elaine, you are still as beautiful as ever. I love you so much.
Please forgive me for calling back from the land of the dead.

November 7th 1896
What is going on ?
I have lost all hope,
All my efforts and dreams have been only an illusion.
The tree of life that grew upwards out of the corpse, as if wrapping
Elaine's body, was certainly the manifestation of the Druid's cryptic
experiment that I had been seeking.
If God is capable of creating beings out of nothingness, then this
indeed is a man-made example of His work.
But to my horror, the image of my resurrected wife displayed in a
flower petal looked just as she did before, yet it lacked a human soul.
It was a monster.
Dear God, is this the punishment you have chosen for me ?
What have I accomplished by victimizing nearly two hundred innocent
people ?
My only hope in life lay in believing that resurrection was possible
and dreaming of the day when my wife Elaine would join me here on earth
once again.
Now I have nothing but a cauldron full of blood and hexed spirits,
and a soulless monster.
Is this the end that has been awaiting me ?
Dear Lord, have you no mercy ?
I only have one path left to follow.
I have lost too much.
I cannot even find words to apologize to Ogden who has lent me his
strength along the way.
Now I only long to sleep in peace with my wife.

FOUND : London Orphanage, Guestroom.
GAME : Shadow Hearts
EXPLANATION : I don't know really about this guest. But this could be one of
the orphans sent here. Due to how he wrote the diary, it seemed that he must
be at least teenager, or at least a child who was old enough to realize what
was happening around him. I guess that he was one of the innocents Dr. Jack
sacrificed to the Cauldron of Life to get back his mother. In the end, he said
that he had a chance to have the most delicious dinner of his life. And the
next day he would "help" Dr. Jack with his experiment...

4 February, 13
It's been two weeks since I was moved into this room all by myself. Every
night the doctor comes to talk about his dead mother. He sounds just like a
little child... He always becomes so emotional. He starts to cry. He even gets
up and screams all of sudden. At first, I was scared, but I got used to it. If
I just listen, I get to have warm soup and bread. Every night I listen to the
sobs of the new kids here. But then again, I'm usually crying too. I hope I
can find new parents soon and get out of this place... Isn't God listening to
my prayers ?

February, 13, '21
The doctor seems so excited. He smiled and started talking as soon as he saw
me. He was happy because his experiment went well and some book was going to
make his dreams a reality. Sometimes I shiver when I hear about his research.
It sounds like the story of Frankeinstein to me. I can't hear the crying of
the children tonight. Even though it's definitely time for it.

22 February, 13
I had a great dinner tonight. I've never eaten so much delicious food at
once. The teacher was all smiles too. It seems it's going to be my turn to
help his experiment tomorrow...

FOUND : Orphanage
GAME : Shadow Hearts
EXPLANATION : The master here was Dr. Jack. Read this diary to know what
happened to him and why he committed the same crime as Patrick Heyworth did.
The "Roger Bacon" mentioned in the diary, must be Albert Simon. Somehow, he
had collected the Emigre File and gave it to Dr. Jack. Jack, I thought he must
be some kind of "Oedipus Complex" !

April 18, 09
We finally finished the move. My mother seems to like mansion too. I was
worried when I first came, but I don't believe the ghost of the old owner will
return here. Tomorrow is my first day as a doctor. It will be difficult, but
my mother and I will make it.

27 May 09
It's been a month since I started working as a doctor. So far so good. But a
change in climates has given Mother a chill. She is always tired and I'm

11 October 09
What is going on ?! I have no idea what is making my mother so ill. Each day
her illness worsens. It's unbearable watching her appearance change so
rapidly... She used to be so beautiful, but now her body is changing, drying
out as if she were becoming a mummy. Please give me the power to help Mother !
I would do anything to return the smile to her slips...

2 November 09
It rained hard all night long. My mother passed away before dawn. The mummy
in front of me will not move again. I tried to halt her illness, but in the
end I failed. My mother screamed like a beast, went to convulsions, and died
with an agonized look on her face. She never failed to grace me with her
smile, and was rewarded for it by God with a torturous end. Tell me "God", why
did my mother deserve this ? We honored you, prayed to you as we were
taught... Why have you forsaken us ? It is something I simply cannot fathom...

8 January 10
As I suspected previously, my mother was killed by some kind of curse. The
more I study the black arts, the more I am certain. If I can but unpuzzle
their arcane logic, perhaps I can solve the enigma of my mother's death. But
why am I doing this ? Even if I uncover what caused the strange disease, I
cannot bring the dead back to life.

13 February 10
I ran into someone in town today. His name was Roger Bacon. He told me my
mother's disease lies in the secret arts practiced by the ancient Druid monks.
What an unsettling person ! He told me he knew everything about me, although
we had never met before. He has given me an old book. The text is all in
Greek, so it will take some time to decipher it.

30 February 10
What have I done ? Have I come face to face with God ? A week has passed
since last I slept, yet my excitement and curiosity build all the more !
Decoding the Emigre Document shouldn't take much longer. Then a whole new
world will open to me.

2 March 10
It was already dark outside when I finally awoke. My relief at finishing
decoding the document must have lulled me into a deep sleep. But I shan't
hesitate anymore. I have discovered the path that I must take. I can bring the
dead to life with the Emigre Document ! I can see my mother smile once again !
I'm going to be quite a busy man...

FOUND : Dollhouse
GAME : Shadow Hearts
EXPLANATION : The "kid" here, I think, is very Orb Chaos - the cursed doll
in Dollhouse. In fact, this was a very short passage in the diary.

Ewan took a picture of Laura and Lillith to celebrate the anniversary of
their first meeting. Lillith kindly spoke to me. Perhaps this will ease my
loneliness somewhat. Nice meeting you, Lillith !

FOUND : Church, Rouen
GAME : Shadow Hearts
EXPLANATION : Through this letter, we know that Father Morris Elliot was
killed partly because of his cowardly partner Hans Doyle. And this letter has
explained the reason why Doyle was living in fear inside the confessional room
all the time.

I have committed a terrible, heinous act... I sold my best friend, Elliot,
and his daughter to demons to protect my own life... I will never be able to
purge this sin, no matter if I burn myself a thousand times... All I can do
now is repent my sins alone to God every day... But I know who Roger Bacon
really is. How long is he going to leave me alone ? I'm going to be next...

(There is a picture between the papers)

1888 Revival Festival. With Father Hans Doyle and Cardinal Albert Simon.





Huff... we have already passed by the main parts of this plot guide. After a
long document of analysis, here I rearrange some puzzling problems remaining
after the analysis. Read this section, and if you have your own theories or
ideas, feel free to email me about them.

1. The Secret Creature in Nemeton Monastery ? Who was he really ?

2. The two endings of Charlotte and the Brooches she left behind, do they have
any meanings ? Why does the Secret Creature have to mention about them in his
words ?

3. Valna and Vigna ? Who were they really, and why were they in Nemeton
Monastery ? Why did they get such unclean deaths ? Why did they hold the key
to Charlotte's room ?

Wow, these are the puzzling episodes which I myself still have neither
answer nor theory. But these are not all. You can read the main parts and my
analysis, and feel free to submit your own analysis and theories if you don't
agree with mine. This section just contains the ones which I myself don't
know. You can freely have your own ideas about what I have already analyzed in
the main parts.


If you have anything needed to talk to me, just email me at

*Things you can do :
- Send emails to contribute your ideas about the plots, or submit missing plot
events. You can also express your own analysis about the events, or fix my
analysis if they were wrong. All your suggestions will be appreciate very
much. And you'll be listed in my credits.
- Chat with me politely.
- Need help on playing game.

*Things you SHOULDN'T do :
- Send me emails written in foreign languages which are not English or
Vietnamese. Sorry that I don't know any more languages besides English. I
can write smoothly in English or Vietnamese. I have received many emails
that asked me in other languages that I can't answer. I really apologize
for those I haven't replied because of this reason, and notice about this.
Thank you for your sympathizing.

*Things you MUSTN'T do :
- Send flaming, hate emails, or advertisements.
- Send blank emails. No matter what you really mean, I can't understand these
- Talk about stupid topics. I hate those.

I thank you very much if you can do those rules. Please sympathize me if
I have made you unpleasant.

Well, you can refer to other works of mine at :

Mysticcat's Contributor Page

Other related FAQs of mine :

- Koudelka FAQ/Walkthrough
A full guide made for "Koudelka" game, including walkthrough, strategies and
many extra information.

- Shadow Hearts FAQ/Walkthrough
A full guide made for "Shadow Hearts" game, including walkthrough,
strategies and many extra information.


I'd like give my thanks to those who have helped me to make this guide, and
who have contributed to it :

- Sacnoth and SNK - for giving births to Koudelka and Shadow Hearts.

- Infogrames - for publishing Koudelka game.

- Aruze and Midway - for publishing Shadow Hearts game.

- This game "Shadow Hearts" and "Koudelka" - for giving the most information
about the plots and events.

- Jeff "CJayC" Veasay - for creating a great gaming site and posting my
guides on your site. Thank you for accepting to post my continuous updates
although I have bothered you a lot. Big big thanks to you, CJayC.

- All webmasters who have published my guides legally - for giving up my
guide to gamers.

- GameFAQs message board members, in Shadow Hearts and Koudelka boards - for
helping me to play the game and answer my questions about the plots.
Especially I give my thanks to Crimson Tears, Super NovaXL, DwarstarMG, Yellow
Desert Scream, Gutterfiend, Gonads, Enigma01 for answering my questions about
the "goddamn" plots.

- All readers who have read this guide and have ideas about my guide - for
sparing your time to take a look at my FAQ and having ideas/contributions to
make it better.

This is "Shadow Hearts" Plot Guide
owned by Phan Nguyen Khanh Dan "Mysticcat"
(c) 2002 All Right Reserved.

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