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This Game Script FAQ is created for personal use only. You MUST not use it for anything that -gains profit-. You’re also not allowed to rip off part/s of this FAQ and put it on your own FAQ or use it. This is called “plagiarism”, the act of stealing and passing off of ideas and words of another as one’s own without crediting the source.
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Versions and Updates
Version 1.0 –=- (Started: September 28, 2001)
This is the very first version.
- Script Update:
Finished the Disc 1 script.
FINAL FANTASY VIII: Complete Game Script
Full Motion Video: A view of an ocean. The camera zooms in and sails through the ocean.
I’ll be here...
I’ll be ‘waiting’ ...here...
The view changes into cracked grounds. The camera changes to a man’s face and then to a girl. The girl is standing in a flower field.
For what?
The camera changes back to the cracked grounds.
I’ll be waiting...for you...so...
The camera shifts back to a flower field.
If you come here...
You’ll find me.
I promise.
A girl grabs a flower. As she lets go, a feather flies away from her hand. The feather ventures high to the sky and into a thunderous clouds. A thunder claps above, a gunblade comes revolving down. The blade hits the ground and sticks. Raindrops starts to pour down. A picture of a sorceress is seen next to the blade.
A man’s face is seen.
+- Final Fantasy -+
The man’s necklace is shown.
A man with black hair and dressed in black grabs the gunblade. Another man with blonde hair and dressed in white coat points the same blade at the man. The man with black hair rushes forward with his gunblade sword in his grasp.
The man dressed in black swings, feathers surrounds the blade. The view changes back to the girl earlier. A sorceress with a long dark hair is seen. The girl grabs the ring she’s wearing around her neck.
The white coat man runs at the other man with full speed. He turns around and swings a hard one. The man with black hair blocks the hit with his gunblade. The man dressed in black strikes for a hit. The man with blonde hair dodges the blow. The man tries to strike again but the white coat man deflects his sword. The white coat man takes his stance and fingers the man to come and get him. The two fights erratically. Swinging, dodging, blocking, swinging, blocking and striking. The man dressed in black rushes in and strikes. The white coat man barely deflects his blow with his sword. The man strikes another. The white coat man swings his sword upwards and knocks the man’s sword upward. The man dressed in black reels back and stops. He runs at the man again. The white coat man forms a ball of fire in his left hand and releases it. The ball of fire strikes the man. The man blocks it with his sword but gets thrown backwards because of the force. The man tries to stand up. The white coat man raises his sword to strike. The man looks up. The sword goes down. The strike barely misses his left eye by an inch and scars his forehead down to his lower left nose. A pool of blood drips down from his face on the ground. The man looks up in anger. He grabs his sword tightly and strikes upwards. The blow connects, scaring the man’s lower right nose upwards to his forehead.
The screen changes into the different views of people. The girl who grabbed the flower earlier drops down unto the man’s hands, who got scared earlier by the white coat man.]
Final Fantasy VIII
-- Balamb --
Balamb Garden/Infirmary
[The man dressed in black is seen lying on the bed. A doctor stands beside his bed. The man wakes up.]
Dr. Kadowaki: How are you feeling?
1. (Ok, I guess)
2. (My forehead hurts)
Dr. Kadowaki: No kidding. Looks like your eyes are focusing. You should be fine. Say your name for me.
Squall: Squall.
Dr. Kadowaki: Why don’t you take it easy in training? Next time you might not be so lucky.
Squall: Tell that to Seifer.
Dr. Kadowaki: That Seifer... Won’t listen to anyone. Why don’t you ignore him?
Squall: I can’t just run away.
Dr. Kadowaki: You wanna be cool, huh? Well, don’t get hurt in the process. Let’s see, your instructor is...
[The doctor thinks.]
Dr. Kadowaki: Quistis! I’ll call her now. Just wait here a minute.
[The doctor walks down and dials.]
Dr. Kadowaki: Quistis? Come get your student. Yes, yes... His injury’s not serious. It’ll probably leave a scar. ......Right. Now please come by.
[Squall lies down and relaxes. A girl comes up and sees Squall through the windows.]
A girl: Squall...so we meet again.
[Squall turns his head to look. The girl leaves.]
Full Motion Video: A blonde girl with glasses comes in. The girl sees Squall. The blonde girl sighs and simply shakes her head.]
[The blonde girl walks over beside Squall’s bed and examines him.]
Quistis: I knew it’d be either you or Seifer!
[Squall leans up from the bed.]
Quistis: Come on, let’s go. Today’s the field exam.
[The two steps out of the Infirmary.]
Quistis: Squall. Is there something on your mind?
[The two walks down the hall.]
Squall and Quistis: ...Not really.
[Squall walks down. Quistis stops and starts to laugh.]
Quistis: Hahaha!
[Squall stops and looks back.]
Squall: What’s so funny?
Quistis: Funny? No, no, it’s not that! I’m just happy. I feel like I’m beginning to understand my student a little. That’s all.
Squall: I’m more complex than you think.
Quistis: Then tell me. Tell me more about yourself.
[Squall starts to walk down. Quistis follows.]
Squall: It’s none of your...
Quistis: ...Business!
[Quistis laughs and walks down. Squall follows.]
Full Motion Video: The camera zooms up, showing many girls and boys. The screen changes showing the whole building.]
2F Classroom
[Squall walks in. Quistis walks in.]
Quistis: Good morning, class. Let’s start with today’s schedule.
[Quistis walks up to her desk.]
Quistis: There seem to have been some rumors flying around since yesterday... Yes, the field exam for SeeD candidates will begin later this afternoon.
[The students starts to freak out.]
Quistis: Those not participating and those who failed last week’s written test are to remain here in study hall. Field exam participants will have free time until the exam. Just be sure you’re in top condition. Meet in hall at 1600 hours. I’ll announce the team assignments there. Any questions? Oh, and Seifer! Do NOT injure your partner while training. Be careful from now on.
[Seifer looks at Squall. Squall keeps his head down.]
Quistis: Field exam participants, I will see you all later.
[The students stands up and leaves.]
Quistis: And Squall, I need to talk to you.
[Squall stands up and walks over to Quistis.]
Quistis: You haven’t been to the [Fire Cavern] yet, have you? You won’t be able to take part in today’s SeeD exam if you don’t pass this prerequisite.
Squall: (...I was gonna go this morning, but Seifer...)
Quistis: Hm? Do you have a good excuse?
Squall: ...Not really.
Quistis: Then let’s get going. If you’re not too confident yet, you can review your studies at the [study panel]. I’ll be waiting at the [front gate], so come down when you’re ready. You can access the [study panel] from [your seat].
[Quistis walks out. Squall also steps out.]
2F Hallway
[Squall walks down the hallway.]
Voice: I’m late, I’m late, I’M LATE!!!
[A girl comes in running and bumps Squall and falls down.]
Female Student: Woo...Oh, nooo... This place is soooo much bigger than my last Garden! Oh, hey, hey. I just transferred here. Do you think you could give me a quick tour of this Garden?
Squall: We’ll take the elevator to the 1F lobby and I’ll show you the [directory].
Squall: That’s the directory.
[Squall points down to the directory. The two makes their way in front of the directory.]
Side A | Dormitory | Side B
| Cafeteria | | Parking |
|------------| |-----------------|
| Quad | | Training Center |
|------------| |-----------------|
| Infirmary |-----------| Library |
I------------| Front |-----------------I
| Gate |
Squall: Well, this is it. Balamb Garden is pretty big. It’s a good idea to check where you want to go, and select it here.
Female Student: I have a question! How do you use this?
Squall: Move the cursor and press X to select. Next, I’ll give a quick explanation of the various facilities.
Female Student: Yes, sir!
Squall: You’ll find the dormitory to the north. A majority of the students live in the dorms. There aren’t too many students who commute.
Female Student: Yeah, I’m in the dorms, too!
Squall: You can rest and change in there. West of the North Block is the cafeteria. There’s always a big rush for the hot dogs. You better get used to waiting in line.
Female Student: Got it!
Squall: East of the North Block is the parking lot. We usually take the Garden car when a mission comes up. The front gate is located to the south... (That’s right... I have to go meet Instructor Trepe at the front gate.)
Female Student: Hm? What’s the matter?
Squall: Nothing... Next, we have the quad, located in the West Block. There’s an event being planned there...
Female Student: I know! I know! It’s the Garden Festival. It’s going to be great! I’m planning to be on the committee. You wanna help out, too!?
Squall: Let’s just continue. South of the West Block is the infirmary. This is where you get treated for your injuries, but a lot of students just come here for advice.
Female Student: What’s the doctor’s name?
Squall: Doctor Kadowaki. Now the East Block. This is the training center. It’s the only facility open at night. It’s used for training, and they have real monsters running loose here. If you don’t take it seriously, you may end up dead. Just be careful.
Female Students: (gulp)...Okay. South of the East Block is the library. There’s a lot of material you can look up here, but the terminals in the classroom are a lot more efficient. And you already know about the classroom on the 2F, right?
Female Student: Yup, I remember that one.
Squall: By the way, the headmaster’s office is located on the 3F. You need permission to get in.
Female Student: Another question. What’s the headmaster’s name?
Squall: Headmaster Cid. That’s about it. Anything else?
Female Student: Got it! Heeey, um... are you taking today’s SeeD exam?
Squall: Yeah.
Female Student: Then maybe I’ll see you again, later. I’ve already finished my training at my previous Garden. I’m taking the SeeD exam today, too. Good luck to both of us, huh! Thanks a lot!
[The girl leaves. Squall walks out and meets up with Quistis at the Front Gate.]
Quistis: I have a few things to explain before we head off. GF gives us strength. The stronger the GF, the stronger we become. ...So, here’s a brief explanation on junctioning a GF.
[Quistis explains how to junction a GF to Squall.]
Quistis: Everything ok up till now? You can always check back by accessing [Tutorial] from the [Menu]. Once we get to the [Fire Cavern], I’ll explain how to junction magic. Use the command ‘Draw’ during battle and stock magic from your enemies. Be sure to have some stocked! Ready to go? The [Fire Cavern] used for the test is located [east of here].
[The two leaves the Garden and makes their way outside of the Fire Cavern.]
Quistis: Ok... Junctioning magic. Now pay attention. I’ll be explaining how to utilize the magic you have stocked.
[Quistis explains how to junction magic to Squall.]
Quistis: When you draw a new magic, try experimenting with it when you junction. This is how you become stronger. Ok, ready to go? Oh! You know how to use your gunblade...?
1. (...I guess I’ll review it.)
2. (...I already know.)
[Two Garden Faculty blocks the entrance to the Fire Cavern.]
Garden Faculty: Objective: To obtain a low-level GF. A SeeD member must support. Are you ready?
Squall: I’m ready.
Quistis: I’m his support. Instructor No. 14, Quistis Trepe.
Garden Faculty: Select a time limit. Choose one suited to your abilities. Challenging yet reasonable.
[Squall chooses the time limit.
Garden Faculty: Very well. Good luck.
[The two Garden faculty makes way. Squall and Quistis enters the Fire Cavern.]
Fire Cavern
Quistis: My job is to support you in battle. Everything else is up to you.
Squall: Fine.
[The two proceeds further.]
Quistis: You know, the boys often choke on this test when I come with them. I guess my charm makes them nervous.
[Squall turns around and looks at Quistis.]
Squall: (...Whatever.)
Quistis: I’m just kidding! Trying to keep you relaxed, that’s all.
[Squall and Quistis fights the monsters inside the cavern.]
Quistis: Bomb... An elemental monster. Use an ice attack for these. Check the monster’s weakness with Scan.
[With Quistis’s help, the two defeats the monsters and makes their way deeper inside the cavern.]
Quistis: I guess I was right. You and Seifer are in a class of your own. You both have amazing strength and potential.
[The two finally arrives at the place.]
Quistis: Ok, this is it. Are you ready?
[Squall raises his thumb.]
Quistis: You seem confident enough.
[Smoke comes out from the pit. A large bull-like monster comes out.]
- Squall (Quistis) Vs Ifrit -
Quistis: Squall, you still remember? The L1 is the trigger. Pull it just as you strike. Same for the Renzokuken!
[Squall rushes in and strikes. Ifrit dodges the blow.
Ifrit: Impudent humans.
Ifrit jumps up and comes down trying to hit Squall. Squall rolls away. Quistis draws her whip and hits Ifrit. Ifrit turns to look at Quistis. Squall releases his junctioned GF, Shiva. Shiva comes up and sends a bulk of ice at Ifrit. Ifrit takes a painful hit.
Ifrit: They have Shiva!?
Quistis pummels Ifrit with her whip.
Ifrit: Hm? Not bad for a human.
Squall slashes with his blade. Just as the blade connects, Squall pulls his trigger, sending a bullet through Ifrit. Ifrit falls down on his knee.
Ifrit: For me to lose to a human... Very well, I will join you.]
[Ifrit joins.]
Quistis: There isn’t much time, but let me go over this real quick. Good, you got yourself a GF. If you junction that GF, you’ll be able to use the Elem-J ability. Here’s an explanation on Elements.
[Quistis explains the Elements to Squall.]
Quistis: There’s a lot of Fire elemental monsters here, so junction Blizzard to your Elem-Atk. You’ll have an easier time with Fire elemental enemies.
[Squall and Quistis exits the cavern and returns to Balamb Garden.]
Balamb Garden/Front Gate
Quistis: Well done. Let’s see... I thought there was something else I needed to go over with you before you take the SeeD exam... Oh yes! Taking care of your GF. This is something you have to watch out for.
[Quistis tells Squall that the GF will level up and learn different abilities.]
Quistis: Now change into your uniform and assemble at the [1F Lobby].
[Squalls heads to the dormitory and steps into his room. Squall changes into his military outfit and heads to the lobby.]
Quistis: Squall! Over here!
[Squall walks up.]
Quistis: I’ll be announcing the squad assignments for the exam now. Let’s see... You’ll be with... Zell Dincht. Quiet a lively fellow.
Squall: Lively? He’s just loud. Can’t I switch members?
Quistis: I’m afraid that’s not possible.
[Quistis sees Zell.]
Quistis: Over here, Zell!
Full Motion Video: A blonde guy practices. The guy swings a couple of fists. He does a roundhouse kick. Punches some more and flips around. The guy gives a thumbs up and smiles.]
Zell: Whoa! I’m with you!?
[Zell gives his hand for a shake. Squall simply crosses his arms and ignores him.]
Zell: You don’t get along with Seifer, do you? Heard he whooped you pretty bad this morning.
Squall: We weren’t fighting. We were training.
Zell: I bet you he doesn’t think so. Look, Seifer’s just being a pain in the ass. All you have to do is ignore him.
Squall: That’s
Squall and Quistis: None of your business.
Quistis: Ahem... Excuse me, but... That Seifer you’re talking about... He’s your squad leader.
[Zell gets shocked.]
Zell: SAY WHAT!?
Quistis: It can’t be changed. Seifer! Are you here?
[Seifer walks up. A girl and a guy follows Seifer.]
Squall: (Fujin and Raijin tagging along as usual... Guess that makes up the whole disciplinary committee.)
Quistis: You’re the squad leader. Good luck to you.
Seifer: ...Instructor. I hate it when people wish me luck. Save those words for a bad student that needs them, eh?
Quistis: Ok then. Good luck, Seifer.
Seifer: Add Instructor Trepe to the list.
Squall: (The list...? What is it?)
Quistis: Well then. You’re all assigned to Squad B. I’ll be the instructor in charge. Teamwork is of the utmost importance. Let’s get through this exam, everyone!
Seifer: Listen up! Teamwork means staying out of my way. It’s a Squad B rule. Don’t you forget it!
Headmaster Cid: Everyone here?
[The headmaster walks up.]
Headmaster Cid: It’s been a while, everyone. How’s everyone doing? This exam will involve 12 members from Squads A through D... You will be proceeding to a real battlefield. Obviously, the battles are for real. Life and death, victory and defeat, honor and disgrace... Each of these go hand in hand. There’s only one way or the other. How ‘bout it? Are you still up for it? You will be accompanied by 9 SeeD members. Should you fail, these members shall get the job done. They always do. Well, that’s one less worry on your mind. The pride of Balamb Garden! The elite mercenary force, SeeD! Learn from them, obey their commands and accomplish the mission. Prove yourself worthy of becoming a member of SeeD. Best of luck.
[Seifer, Zell and Squall proceeds to the parking garage and gets on a car. The car takes off from Garden.]
Garden Car
[Squall is seen sitting beside Zell. Seifer is sitting beside Quistis. Squall keeps his head down.]
Zell: Yo, Squall. Show me your gunblade, will ya?
Squall: .........
Zell: C’mon, man!
Squall: .........
Zell: Just a peek!
Squall: .........
Zell: Tch, fine... Yeah, yeah... Why you bein’ so selfish!? Scrooooge!
Squall: .........
Zell: Say somethin’, will ya!? W-What’s on your mind?
Squall and Quistis: ...Nothing.
[Quistis chuckles. Squall looks at Quistis and then down. Everybody is silent.]
Zell: .........
[Zell stands up and does his three punch combo in front of Seifer.]
Seifer: Stop that... It’s annoying.
[Zell stops.]
Seifer: ...Chicken-wuss.
[Zell gets mad.]
Seifer: Hehehe...
[Quistis stands up.]
Quistis: Knock it off!
[Zell sits down. Quistis sits down. The room is silent for a while. Squall looks at Quistis.]
Squall: ...Instructor...
[Quistis looks at Squall.]
Squall: Who was that girl in the infirmary this morning?
Quistis: Was someone there? I didn’t notice anybody. Is there a problem?
[Squall looks down.]
Squall: No...not really...
Seifer: This is great... I have Chicken-wuss and a guy who just reached puberty in my squad...
[Zell shakes his fist in anger. Quistis holds her head in disappointment. The car arrives at Balamb Town and stops at the Port. Seifer and Squall steps out. Squall sees the vessel.]
Squall: So that’s the vessel...?
Seifer: Ain’t no turning back now.
[Seifer turns around and looks at Squall.]
Seifer: Huh? You scared, too?
Garden Staff: Hey! You guys are the last! Hurry up and get in!
Seifer: Don’t disappoint me now.
[Quistis steps out of the car.]
Quistis: Come on, move it!
[Seifer and Squall runs up. Zell comes out and follows. Squall stops.]
Quistis: Hurry, Squall!
[Seifer, Squall, Zell and Quistis enters the submarine.]
Balamb Port
[The submarine sails off. Inside the submarine, a girl comes in. Quistis and Zell stands up.]
Xu: Hi, Quistis.
Quistis: Well, these are the members of Squad B.
[Squall stands up. Zell does the Garden shake.]
Zell: Nice to meet ya!
[Squall does the Garden shake.]
Squall: Pleased to meet you...
Xu: Seifer, how many times has it been now?
Seifer: Oh, I just love these exams...
Xu: I’ll explain the current situation and the mission.
[Xu walks over to a screen.]
Xu: Be seated!
[Quistis, Squall and Zell sits down.]
Xu: Our client for this mission is the Dollet Dukedom Parliament. A request for SeeD was made 18 hours ago.
[The screen shows the Dollet city.]
Xu: Dollet has been under attack by the G-Army since about 72 hours ago. 49 hours into the battle, Dollet abandoned their position in the inner city.
[The screen shows the spots on the city where they abandoned.]
Xu: Currently, they have retreated into the nearby mountains and are reorganizing their troops.
[Spots appears on the upper part of the city.]
Xu: That’s the current status. Now onto the mission objective. According to our reports, the G-Army is mopping up the Dollet troops in the mountain region.
[The screen shows the destination from Balamb Town to Lapin Shore.]
Xu: We’re to make a landing at Lapin Beach.
[An arrow points up from below the city on the screen.]
Xu: We’re to eliminate the remaining G-Army within the city and liberate it A.S.A.P.
[Three arrow points down from the mountain region on the screen.]
Xu: Afterwards, SeeD members will intercept any G-Army forces trying to make their way into the city from the mountain region.
Seifer: So, what are WE supposed to do?
Xu: SeeD candidates are to eliminate the G-Army inside the city.
Zell: Sounds important!
Seifer: Sounds boring. So what you’re saying is, we do all the little, dirty work...
Xu: ......... Oh, it hardly needs to be said, but... The order to withdraw takes priority. Do not forget. We’re almost there. We anticipate a battle as soon as we disembark. Just be prepared. That’s all. Any questions, talk to Quistis.
1. Talk to Quistis
2. Talk to Seifer
3. Talk to Zell
Do nothing
2. Seifer: Listen up. Our goal for this mission is to mop up all the Galbadian soldiers still left in Dollet. All you boys have to do is take orders from me, the captain.
Full Motion Video: A moon reflects on the ocean surface. Ships comes out from bellow and sails through the ocean in full speed and cuts down the moon’s reflection on the ocean. The camera changes into a close up view in on one of the ships. The leading vessel comes to view. The camera pans in to Squall’s face. Squall stands on top looking straight ahead. Squall’s hair sways in the wind. Squall sees a map of Dollet. Squall sees Dollet. Fire and gunshots echoes. Soldiers runs down on the beach, bombs drops everywhere. Squall heads down. The ships continues to charge forward towards the beach and one of them takes a dazzling jump over a barrier wall. The vessels arrives at Lapin Beach. Seifer, Squall and Zell comes out. Quistis walks out.]
Quistis: Ok, you are to secure the [Central Square]! Be sure to equip your GF before you head into battle!
Seifer: Let’s move out.
[The trio heads up and engages into two soldiers.]
Soldier: They’re Dollet reinforcements?
[Seifer and Squall quickly disposes the soldiers. The trio heads deeper inside the town. Two soldier attacks the three. The first soldier moves in. Seifer quickly dodges.]
Soldier: Look out, it’s SeeD!
[Seifer slashes and hits the soldier. Zell runs in, punches the second soldier and kicks him on the face. The soldier falls down.]
Seifer: The [Central Square] is up ahead. Hey! All you Galbadian cowards out there! Come out’n show your faces! Don’t leave me hangin’ now!
[Seifer runs up.]
Zell: ...What an idiot.
[Zell and Squall follows. The trio finally arrives at the Central Square. A soldier attacks. Zell runs at the inexperienced soldier and swings a fist. The soldier reels back. Zell punches the guy on stomach. The soldier holds his stomach just in time to see the hit from Zell’s knee. The soldier goes down cold.]
Central Square
Squall: There may be more...
Seifer: All right, I want you guys to scout the area for enemies.
[Squall heads up and spots an enemy. Squall strikes down the enemy down.]
Squall: I think that’s all of them.
[Squall regroups with the two.]
Seifer: Well then, we’re on standby ‘til the enemy comes.
[Seifer walks down.]
Seifer: Standby... How boring...
[The three hears the sounds of battle.]
Squall: Sounds like it’s starting.
Seifer: Bring it on!
[A dog comes near to Seifer and whines.]
Seifer: Get outta here!
[Seifer swaps his hand.]
Seifer: Scram!
[Seifer runs up.]
Seifer: Hey! Galbadian Soldiers! What are you waiting for!? Come show me what you got!
[The dog barks. The three stands around, waiting.]
Squall: ...Nothing.
Zell: ...The HELL! Man... Now this is what I call boring. This ain’t right, man!
Seifer: Still keeping us waiting...? That’s it...! I can’t take it anymore! What is this, some kind of dog training!?
[Seifer swings his sword around. The dog whines. The dog runs down and starts to howl. A soldier appears. The trio hides beside a wall. The soldier looks around and runs forward. Six soldier follows.]
Squall: It’s the enemy...
Zell: Where the hell they goin’?
[The three looks up at the direction they went and sees a tower.]
Zell: Hey? What is that up there?
Seifer: Our next destination.
[Zell steps forward.]
Zell: But that’s against orders!
Seifer: Weren’t you just saying how bored you were?
Zell: Squall!
[Squall turns his back.]
Squall: I stand by the captain’s desicion.
[Seifer turns around to look at Squall.]
Seifer: ...Captain’s decision?
[Seifer walks up to Squall and puts his hand on Squall’s shoulder.]
Seifer: You want to wreak some havoc too, don’t you?
[Squall knocks Seifer’s hand away.]
Squall: It’s a good opportunity to test out my training. Thanks to you, I feel like I can take on anyone. Even if they do fight dirty, like you.
Seifer: You’ll thank me when the time comes.
Zell: What the hell... I thought you guys didn’t get along? You’re like, all buddy-buddy now. Listen. This ain’t no ordinary battle. It’s an exam, an important one. I’m telling ya, we have to stick to orders.
Seifer: Then you stay here. I don’t need any boy scouts.
[Zell takes his stance. The dog barks.]
Zell: What was that!!!?
Squall: Don’t take him seriously, Zell. Seifer, if we’re gonna go, let’s hurry.
Seifer: The enemy is headed for the [facility]. We, Squad B, are to secure the summit. Move out!
Squall: Alright.
Zell: Tch... Fine.
[The trio heads out to the facility. The three comes to a long stairs. A man comes crawling out.]
Dollet Soldier: Ahhh! W-W-Who are you!?
Squall: Don’t worry. We’re SeeD candidates. We’ve been dispatched by Garden.
Seifer: So what’s going on up there?
Dollet Soldier: The Galbadian soldiers have entered the [Communication Tower]. On top of that...that place has always been a nesting ground for monsters. If you guys are goin’ up there, be caref... H-HELP!!!
[A monster grabs the soldier and attacks the trio.]
Seifer: Listen up! The finishing blow determines the EXP. Save it for me!
[Squall draws his gunblade and sweeps it, cutting the monster down. The monster swings his tail for a strike. Squall gets hit and falls down. Zell meditates and releases Ice. A bulk of ice hits the monster. Seifer draws his gunblade and plunges it on the monster. The monster hits Seifer. Seifer stands up and releases fire from his hand. The monster gets knocked down. Seifer swirls his gunblade around and forms a great energy in his gunblade. Seifer slashes, the energy sails through the air and hits the monster. The monster dies. The three rescues the soldier.]
Squall: Monsters, huh?
Zell: That sucks.
Seifer: More fun for us. Come on....
[Seifer runs up.]
Zell: ...Fun? Pu-lease...
[The party heads up and arrives in front of the communication tower. The three ducks down and watches.]
Communication Tower
[Two soldiers guards the entrance to the communication tower. A Galbadian soldier comes out from inside.]
Galbadian Soldier1: The generator is up and running!
Seifer: Who cares. This must be your first real battle. You scared?
Squall: ...I don’t know. I try not to think about it.
Seifer: I love battles. I fear nothing. The way I look at it, as long as you make it out of a battle alive, you’re one step closer to fulfilling your dream.
Squall: What!? Your dream?
Seifer: You have one too, don’t you?
Squall: ...Sorry, but I’m gonna pass on that subject.
[Zell steps forward.]
Zell: Yo! Let me in on it, too!
Seifer: Mind your own business.
[Zell takes his stance and starts punching in front of Seifer.]
Zell: Frickin’ hell...
[Seifer crosses his arms.]
Seifer: What’s the matter, Zell? Swatting flies?
[Seifer walks down.]
Zell: Damn you...!
Voice: There you are!
Full Motion Video: A girl comes running. The girl slides and falls down from a short cliff. She looks up and puts her tongue out at the two.]
Female Student: Are you...Squad B?
[Squall nods.]
Female Student: I’m...a messenger. Name’s Selphie, from Squad A. The squad captain’s Seifer, right? Where is he?
[Squall sees Seifer running down to enter the communication tower. Squall points at Seifer. Selphie looks.]
Seifer: One of these days, I’m gonna tell ya ‘bout my ROMANTIC dream!
[Seifer enters the communication tower.]
Selphie: (sigh) This sure is tough...
[The girl jumps down from the cliff.]
Selphie: Captain! Wait up...!!!
[Selphie runs up and stops to look at Squall and Zell.]
Selphie: What are you waiting for!? Come on! Come on!
Zell: Squall... You’re not gonna... It’s a cliff, man... You’re not gonna jump off...?
1. That’s the plan
2. No way...
Selphie: Well, let’s get goin’. Has everyone equipped a GF? You haven’t forgotten... Have you...?
[The trio comes in front of the communication tower and looks up.]
Zell: So this is the [Communication Tower]...?
Selphie: Sure is big...
Galbadian Soldier: Ah...AHHHH!
[Two soldiers comes out running from the entrance. Seifer runs out slashes his gunblade everywhere.]
Seifer: Cowards.
Selphie: HEEEY!
[Seifer ignores Selphie and steps inside.]
Selphie: The captain’s getting away.
[The three runs inside. A lift comes down.]
Squall: ...Did he go up?
Selphie: Heeey! Squad B captain!!!
[The three gets on the lift.]
Squall: I think we can take this lift up...
Selphie: Wanna go up?
1. Go up
2. Stay
1: [The three decides to take the lift up.]
Selphie: Wow, this lift is pretty cool!
Zell: Don’t get too excited, or you’ll fall!
Selphie: Like I’m really going to!
[On top of the tower. A soldier steps forward and salutes to another soldier who is working on the tower.]
Wedge: Major Biggs! There has been a report of a monster-shaped shadow on top of the tower.
[The major ignores.]
Wedge: Major Biggs!
Biggs: Be quiet! I’m busy. This goes like this...and... Geez, what’s with these crappy old tools? And...and... Why do I have to make all the reparis!? AHHH!!!
Wedge: Sir, I’ll check around while the repairs are being done.
[The soldier leaves.]
Biggs: Let’s see... Hmmm... Put this here...and... This goes here...and...
[The trio comes out from the lift.]
Biggs: There, it’s complete!
Full Motion Video: The tower starts to quake. Squall, Zell and Selphie stumbles around, looking up and trying to figure out what’s going on. The camera zooms in on a bag of tools, a small wrench shakes along the deck. The wrench falls over the deck and plummets down the length of the tower and into the ocean below. The engines begins to power up. A large column begins to extend from the center of the platform. Squall looks up. The tower transforms into a giant satellite dish.]
[The three stands behind the soldier.]
Squall: What do you think you’re doing!?
[The major turns around to look.]
Biggs: Huhhhh? Likewise, MISTER! What do you think you’re doing!? H-HEY! What happened to all the soldiers down below!? WEDGE! Take care of these twerps!!!
[Biggs points at the three. Wedge doesn’t show up.]
Biggs: W...Wedge?
[Biggs looks around.]
Biggs: I...ah... Well...ah...I seem to be done here, so I’ll just be on my... I-I’m leaving... Move it! Move! Move!
[Seifer comes up on the lift. Biggs tries to sneak past the three. Seifer runs up.]
Seifer: Sorry to crash the party.
[Seifer swings his gunblade and knocks the controller from Biggs’s grasp.]
Biggs: Ah...AHH...AHHHHH! Are you CRAZY!!!
Seifer: Just shut UP!
[Biggs prepares to fight.]
Biggs: Prepare for the worst, you brats!
[Zell runs up and gives Biggs a high kick. The soldier goes down. Wedge arrives at the scene.]
Wedge: Major Biggs... Have you finished the repairs, sir? What is the enemy doing here!?
Biggs: Wedge! Where were you!? No pay for you this month!
Wedge: ...Should’ve stayed home!
[The two prepares to fight. A wind gashes down and blows the two soldiers away. A giant, wind-blowing, bat-winged demon monster appears from the above.]
Biggs: What the...!?
Wedge: Ahhhhh!
Zell: What the hell is it?
[The monster blows Selphie and Zell. Squall goes up and starts to slash with his gunblade like a madman. The monster gets knocked down. Squall shouts Rough Divide and slashes upwards. The hit kills the monster. Selphie and Zell stands up. Selphie walks over to Seifer.]
Selphie: Squad B captain? S’cuse me? I have new orders! All SeeD members and SeeD candidates are to withdraw at 19:00 hours. Assemble at the [shore]!
Seifer: Withdraw!? There are still enemies around!
Selphie: I know, but I’m just a messenger.
Squall: An order to withdraw takes priority. I don’t want to miss the vessel.
Seifer: What time d’you say?
Selphie: Like I said...! All SeeD members and SeeD candidates are to withdraw at 19:00 hours. Assemble at the [shore]!
Seifer: 19:00 hours... We only have 30 mins! You got 30 minutes to get down to the [shore]! Better run!
[Seifer runs and takes the lift down.]
Selphie: Heeey! Wait for us!
Zell: Who the hell does he think he is!?
Squall: Why don’t you ask him. Let’s go.
[The three takes the lift down. With his last ounce of energy, Biggs crawls to the controller and activates something.]
Biggs: Those little twerps are the targets! Now GO!!! Go and DESTROY them!!!
[Biggs faints. Squall, Zell and Selphie steps outside the tower and hears a screeching sound. The three looks up and sees a giant spider-like robot. The robot jumps down and lands in front of them.]
Zell: Let’s get the hell outta here!
[The three runs, the robot chases the trio and engages into battle. Zell releases Quezacotl, the Aztec thunder god assists the party with his thunder. The robot goes down. The three leaves the robot and proceeds downwards. The robot chases the party again.]
Zell: I thought we already busted that thing up!?
Squall: Forget it! Let’s go!
[The trio runs through the bridge and makes it to the Garden Square. The robot still gives a chase.]
Man: Squad C, withdraw...!
Man: Roger!
Full Motion Video: Squall runs far behind Selphie and Zell. The robot crashes into buildings and comes out to the beach. Selphie and Zell makes it to the ship. Squall dives down and lands on the ground. The robot sees Squall. Squall stands up and makes a dash. Selphie and Zell looks at Squall. The robot tries to chase Squall but falls down from the edge. The giant spider-like robot stands up and chases Squall. Zell waves to Squall to hurry. The ship starts to leave. Squall jumps, the robot catches up and prepares to strike. All of a sudden Quistis fires bullets from a machine gun at the robot. Squall dives into the ship. The robot goes down. Squall glares back at the robot just as the door closes in front of him. The ship pulls away from the beach and the spider-like robot explodes and goes up in flames.]
[The ship arrives at Balamb Port. Seifer comes out.]
Balamb Port
Voice: SEIFER!
[Fujin and Raijin comes out running.]
Raijin: How’d it go?
Seifer: Man... all they did was get in my way. Being a leader ain’t easy.
Fujin: SAFE?
[Seifer leaves with his two friends. Quistis steps out of the ship.]
Quistis: Good job!
[Walks beside Squall, Zell and Selphie.]
Quistis: Where’s Seifer?
[Squall points at Seifer.]
Quistis: Just be back at Garden by sundown. You’re free ‘til then. Ok, dismissed!
[Seifer and crew steals the car and drives. Zell runs after them.]
Zell: H-Hey!!! Not again, man! There goes Mr. Ego...
Squall: Might as well walk it.
[After exploring the town, Squall, Selphie and Zell makes their way to Balamb Garden.]
Balamb Garden/Front Gate
Zell: Huuuwahaah!
[Zell stretches.]
Zell: Finally made it back...
Selphie: Seriously...
Zell: Well, I guess we just wait for the test results. Til then. See ya, Squall.
[Zell leaves.]
Selphie: See ya!
[Selphie waves and leaves. Squall sees Cid, Quistis, and Xu talking in the lobby.]
Xu: Mission complete! I think we did a pretty good job. The candidates are back safely, right? Although we didn’t realize the Galbadian Army was after the abandoned communication tower...
Headmaster Cid: We’ve just received word from the Dollet Dukedom. The Galbadian Army has agreed to withdraw as long as the communication tower is repaired and the uplink remains operational.
Xu: Well, in any case, Galbadia is out of there. We could’ve made more money if they’d stayed and caused more ruckus.
[Squall heads right and meets up with Seifer.]
1F Hallway
Seifer: D’you hear about the communication tower in Dollet? We would’ve been heroes if it weren’t for that withdraw order.
Quistis: You were only looking for a fight.
[Quistis and Xu walks up.]
Seifer: My dear instructor, I’m hurt. Those are rather cruel words for an inspiring student. A mediocre instructor like you will never understand.
Xu: Seifer, don’t be so stuck on yourself. You’ll take all responsibility for leaving the designated area.
Seifer: Isn’t it the captain’s duty to take the best possible action?
Xu: Seifer, you’ll never be a SeeD. Calling yourself a captain is a joke.
[Seifer puts his head down in shame. Xu turns around, waves and leaves. The headmaster walks up and says something to Quistis. Quistis bows down and leaves.]
Headmaster Cid: Seifer. You will be disciplined for your irresponsible behavior. You must follow orders exactly during combat. But I’m not entirely without sympathy for you. I don’t want you all to become machines. I want you all to be able to think and act for yourselves. I am...
[A garden faculty walks in.]
Garden Faculty: Headmaster Cid, you have some business in your office...
Headmaster Cid: There are so many issues at hand here.
[The headmaster leaves.]
Announcement: All students who participated in today’s field exam, report to the [2nd floor hallway]. I repeat. All students who took the field exam, report to the [2nd floor hallway].
[Squall takes the elevator up to the 2nd floor.]
2F Hallway
[Squall comes to the hallway and sees the students waiting for their results.]
Zell: S’up. Said they’re gonna call out names, one at a time...
[Squall and the students awaits. A garden faculty walks in. The students starts to freak out.]
Garden Faculty: Dincht... Zell Dincht.
Zell: OHHHHH YEAHHHHHH!!! See ya!!!
[Zell jumps in excitement and runs out.]
Garden Faculty: Squall... Squall from Squad B. Please step forward.
[Squall steps out.]
Garden Faculty: That is all. Dismissed.
[The other students who didn’t make, grabs their head.]
Headmaster’s Office
[Four students stands in front of the headmaster.]
Garden Faculty: These are the 4 students that passed today’s exam.
[The headmaster stands up from his chair.]
Headmaster Cid: First of all, congratulations. However... From now on, as a member of SeeD, you will be dispatched all over the world. We are proud to introduce SeeD, Balamb Garden’s mercenary soldiers. SeeD soldiers are combat specialists. BUT... That is only one aspect of SeeD. When the time comes...
Garden Faculty: Headmaster... It’s almost time for the meeting. Please make this short.
[The garden faculty steps forward.]
Garden Faculty: SeeD is a valuable asset to Garden. It’s reputation is solely dependant on each one of you. Handle your mission with care. Is that what you wanted to say, sir? Here is your SeeD rank report!
[The headmaster steps forward to Selphie and gives her the SeeD rank report. The headmaster whispers.]
Headmaster Cid: Psst...Psst... (I’m looking forward to the Garden Festival.)
[Cid walks up to the guy beside Selphie and hands him his report. Cid whispers.]
Headmaster Cid: Psst...Psst... (Do your best, even if you don’t stand out.)
[Cid walks over to Zell and gives him the rank report. Cid whispers to Zell.]
Headmaster Cid: Psst...Psst... (Try to control your emotions a little.)
[Cid walks up to the last student, Squall. Cid hands him the SeeD rank report.]
Headmaster Cid: Psst...Psst... (Finally... A gunblade specialist.)
[The headmaster walks over to his seat.]
Garden Faculty: This ends the SeeD inauguration. Dismissed!
[The four comes down and sees the students. Seifer walks up and starts to clap. Fujin joins in. Everybody starts clapping.]
| Conduct 50 Pt. |
| |
| Judgement 50 Pt. |
| |
| Attack 50 Pt. |
| |
| Spirit 50 Pt. |
| |
| Attitude 50 Pt. |
| |
| SeeD Rank 5 |
| As a SeeD member, you will |
| be paid a salary at regular |
| intervals. |
| |
| The salary is determined by |
| SeeD rank. |
| |
| SeeD rank goes up according |
| to your actions in battle. |
| |
| Some actions will cause |
| your rank to go down. |
Later that evening...
[Squall arrives at his dormitory. Selphie, all dressed up, greets Squall.]
Selphie: HAH! Found you! Well, well!? What do you think? My SeeD uniform!
[Squall walks into his room and gets changed to his ceremonial uniform. After getting changed, Squall comes out.]
Selphie: Heeey! Lookin’ good! Alright! Let’s hit that PAAH-TAY!
Party Hall
[Squall leans on a wall. A waitress comes and hands him a drink. Squall takes it and drinks.]
Zell: Yo!
[Zell comes running.]
Zell: S’up, Squall? Heh-heh, I guess we’re both SeeDs now, huh? Put it there, man.
[Zell gives a hand to shake. Squall drinks from his glass and ignores Zell.]
Zell: Hah, even as a SeeD, you’re still the same. Well, that’s typical of you. See ya.
[Zell walks away.]
Selphie: Oh...hey, Zell. Wanna join the Garden Festival committee and...
Zell: Sorry, I...ahh... Just remembered something! G-Gotta go. See ya!
Selphie: Hmmmm...
[Selphie sees Squall.]
Selphie: Squall! Hi!
[Selphie runs over to Squall.]
Selphie: Wanna join the Garden Festival committee? You can help out whenever you have time. Please?
1. Yeah, I guess so
2. .........
Full Motion Video: Squall looks up at the starts and the moon. Squall sees a shooting star. Squall sees a girl. The girl is also watching the stars. The girl looks at Squall and points up at the shooting star they saw. Squall gives her a confused look. The girl walks to Squall’s direction.
[The girl walks up to Squall and examines his face.]
Girl: You’re the best looking guy here. Dance with me?
[Squall drinks from his glass and ignores her.]
Girl: Let me guess... You’ll only dance with someone you like. Ok then... Look into my eyes... You’re-going-to-like-me... You’re-going-to-like-me... Did it work?
Squall: ...I can’t dance.
Girl: You’ll be fine. Come on. I’m looking for someone. I can’t be on the dance floor alone.
Full Motion Video: The girl takes Squall’s hand and pulls him. The girl teaches Squall how to dance. Squall stumbles around and bumps the girl. Squall tries to leave. The girl quickly holds his hand and pulls him back. The two bumps into a couple. The girl gives them her tongue and smiles at Squall. Squall quickly learns the dance. The two dances around some more without missing a step. Firework shoots up at the sky. The girl and Squall looks up. The girl looks at Squall and then sees somebody else. Squall looks at the girl. The girl leaves.]
[Squall stands on the balcony. Quistis walks out.]
Quistis: You really are an excellent student. Even that dance was perfect.
Squall: Thank you.
[The terrace is silent for a while.]
Squall: Yes?
Quistis: So you’ll dance with someone you don’t even know, but you can’t stand being around me?
Squall: ...Whatever. You’re an instructor, and I’m your student. It’s kind of awkward when you don’t say anything.
[Quistis chuckles.]
Quistis: That’s true. I was like that myself. ...Oh, I completely forgot. I wonder what’s to become of me? I’ve come to give you an order. You and I are to go to the ‘secret area’. It’s where students secretly meet up and talk after curfew. It’s inside the [training center].
Squall: What do you want to do there? Are we going there to tell everyone they’re violating curfew? If that’s the case, forget it. Leave that for the disciplinary committee.
[Quistis chuckles some more.]
Quistis: Go get changed and meet me in front of the [training center]. This will be my last order.
[Squall heads to his dormitory.]
(Get changed and meet at
the training center?
What’s this all about...?)
[Squall changes back to his regular outfit and meets up with Quistis at the entrance of the training center.]
Quistis: Squall, I was just wondering... Have you fought T-Rexaur in the training center?
Squall: I’m not sure...
Quistis: You can defeat it quite easily by using [Status-J].
[Quistis explains Squall about Status-J.]
Quistis: Well? Use a Sleep attack against T-Rexaur. Just junction ‘Sleep’ onto your ST Atk-J and attack. Come on, let’s go to the ‘secret area’. It’s just inside the training center.
[The two comes at the secret area.]
Secret area
Quistis: I haven’t been here for a while.
[Squall and Quistis sees a beautiful view of Balamb Garden.]
Quistis: What time is it?
Squall: It’s after midnight.
Quistis: Oh well... I, Quistis Trepe, am no longer an instructor as of now! I’m a member of SeeD now, just like you. Who knows, maybe we’ll end up working together.
Squall: ...Oh really?
Quistis: Is that all you’re going to say?
Squall: If that’s how it was decided, you have to abide by it.
Quistis: They told me that I failed as an instructor. Basically, that I lacked leadership qualities. I was a SeeD by the age of 15, got my instructor license at 17... It’s only been a year since I got it... I wonder where I went wrong... I did my best... Are you listening?
Squall: Are you done yet...? I don’t wanna talk about it. What am I supposed to say about other people’s problems?
Quistis: I’m not asking you to say anything. I just want you to listen.
Squall: Then go talk to a wall.
Quistis: Aren’t there times when you want to share your feelings with someone?
Squall: Everyone has to take care of themselves. I don’t want to carry anyone’s burden.
[Quistis and Squall runs and sees a woman (whom Squall saw the girl early in the infirmary) being attacked by a large insect.]
Woman: Squall!!! Squall! Quisty?
[Squall brings out his gunblade. The monster attacks. Squall does his Renzokuken. Squall goes in and slashes up and right. The monster goes down. The woman falls down on her knees. Two man comes up.]
Man in White Uniform: It is not safe here. Please, let’s go.
Woman: ...Alright.
[The two men helps her get up and leaves.]
Quistis: Who was that...?
[Quistis and Squall comes out.]
Passageway to Training Center
Quistis: Squall. It’s not like everyone can get by on their own, you know?
[Quistis leaves.]
Squall: ...Says who?
[Squall walks to his dorm and meets up with Zell on the way.]
Passageway to Dormitory
Zell: Finally! There you are! Where the hell were you? I was lookin’ all over the place. We’re both now members of SeeD, right? Well, guess what!? We got our own rooms, baby! Your new room’s right across the hall from your old one. That’s what I was asked to tell you. Man, it took me forever!
[Squall walks over to his new room and observes.]
Squall’s room
Squall: I’ll just go to sleep...
[Squall goes to sleep.]
- The next morning...
Selphie: Squall, it’s our first SeeD mission! Looks like we’re going to [Timber]. Meet [by the front gate]. Hurry!
[Squall wakes up and heads to the main gate.]
Front Gate
[Squall meets up with Selphie, the headmaster and the garden faculty.]
Garden Faculty: ...One more minute...
[Zell arrives on a air flying board.]
Zell: Made it!
Garden Faculty: T-Boards are prohibited within Garden. Have you forgotten?
Zell: Oops, sorry! But this is really cool. It may come in handy on a SeeD mission, someday.
Garden Faculty: We’ll be the judges of that.
[The garden faculty takes the T-board away from Zell.]
Garden Faculty: Confiscate it.
[Another faculty comes in and takes the T-board away.]
Garden Faculty: All of you are members of SeeD, but... Nevertheless, you’re still students at this Garden. Furthermore, because you are SeeDs, you must set an example to all others and abide by the Garden’s rules. Understood!?
[The headmaster steps forward.]
Headmaster Cid: Well, about your first mission... You are to go to Timber. There, you will be supporting a resistance faction. That is your mission. A member of the faction will contact you at Timber Station.
Garden Faculty: This person will talk to you and say, ‘The forests of Timber sure have changed.’ At this time, you must reply, ‘But the owls are still around’. That is the password.
Headmaster Cid: Just follow the faction’s orders.
Zell: Uh... Just us 3?
Garden Faculty: Correct. We have agreed to do this mission for very little money. Normally, we would never accept such requests, but...
Headmaster Cid: Enough talk about that. Well then, Squall, you are the squad leader. Use your best judgement based on the situation. Zell and Selphie, you are to support Squall and give your all to carry out the faction’s plans.
[The three heads to Balamb Town’s train depot.]
Station Staff: The train to Timber is here. Please purchase a train ticket.
1. 3000 Gil
2. Don’t purchase
[The three buys a ticket.]
Station Staff: Please go inside right away. The train to Timber will be leaving shortly.
[The trio boards the train. The train moves.]
[Selphie looks out the window.]
Selphie: This train is awesome!
Zell: A transcontinental railroad, baby! It even runs through an underwater tunnel to get to Timber! Pretty cool, huh?
Squall: Sure is...
Zell: Guess you’re not interested. By the way, Squall... You have to use the ticket to get inside.
[Squall walks up to the control panel and uses the ticket.]
Squall: Ok, we can go inside now.
ID Check
Confirming... Access granted...
Selphie: I’m gonna go check out the front. Tee-hee! Thanks!
[Selphie runs inside.]
Zell: Let’s go check it out, Squall!
[Zell walks inside. Squall follows.]
Zell: Yo, check it out! So this is SeeD’s private cabin...!
[Zell goes inside the cabin and freaks out.]
[Squall heads inside the cabin and sees Zell jumping onthe couch.]
Zell: Heh-heh. This is sooo cool!
Squall: ...I’m glad you’re so excited!
[Zell stops.]
Zell: They even have magazines here.
[Zell hands the [Pet Pals Vol.1]. Squall sits down on the couch.]
Zell: This is pretty damn amazing. It pays to be a member of SeeD! Squall, y’know anything about Timber?
1. I don’t care
2. Not too much
Zell: Timber used to be a country surrounded by deep forests. But 18 years ago, Galbadia invaded. Timber fell quite easily to Galbadia. So now Timber is under Galbadian occupation. It’s said there’s a whole bunch of resistance factions, big and small.
Squall: ...And?
Zell: Nope, that’s it.
Squall: ......... ...Thank you, Mr. Know-It-All-Zell.
Zell: Hey, no prob!
[Selphie enters the cabin.]
Selphie: I’m not...feeling well...
[Squall stands up.]
Squall: You should get some rest if you’re tired.
Selphie: I’m really sleepy...
Squall: You ok?
Zell: Hey...? Huh?
[Zell gets up and yawns.]
Zell: What the...!? Something’s wrong with me, too... I...feel...sleepy...
[Selphie climbs on the couch and sleeps. Zell sits down and sleeps.]
Squall: What’s going on?
[Squall hears a screeching sound in his head.]
Squall: Ugh!?
[Squall grabs his head.]
Squall: ...What is this?
[Squall falls down on the ground.]
-- Laguna #1 --
[Three Galbadian soldier runs through a forest.]
Kiros: Uhh, Laguna, are you sure this is the right way?
(What the...!?)
[The three runs through a burning fields.]
(Where am I?)
Ward: Hoo-boy, not again...
[The three soldier runs and runs through the forest.]
(?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?)
[The fat soldier stops.]
Ward: Hey, aren’t we here to fight a war? You know, against the almighty Timber army?
Kiros: Yeah, so why are we wasting our time messin’ with these animals?
Laguna: Well, you see... It’s just that, uhh...
Kiros: Don’t tell me we’re lost again.
Laguna: Anyway... We’re goin’ home. Deling City, here we come!
[Laguna runs up.]
Ward: W-Wait! Laguna!
[The two soldiers follows Laguna. The three finally comes to their truck and boards. The trio drives the truck and arrives at Deling City. Laguna parks the truck in the middle of the street.]
Deling City
Ward: H-Hey! You can’t park in the middle of the street!
Laguna: Chill man, it’s cool.
[The three comes out from the vehicle.]
Laguna: Alright then! How’s about a drink!?
Kiros: We’re not just here for the booze, are we? We’ve got a war to fight.
Ward: So we’ll get smashed, and then we’ll CHAAARGE!
Laguna: Kiros, Ward... You two seem to misunderstand. I just want to have a friendly drink with you two.
[The three soldier heads to the Galbadia Hotel and walks inside the Bar.]
Hotel Bar
Waitress: Welcome! Your usual table is ready.
1. (I’ll walk around a bit first.)
2. (Alright, I’m there!)
[Squall: (Huh? Excuse me?)]
(Laguna’s pretty cute!) (What’s goin’ on!?
W-What’s happening to me!?)
Laguna: At ease, men.
[The three sits down. Laguna stands up.]
Laguna: We’re goin’ all out tonight, right boys!?
[Laguna takes a seat. A waitress walks near.]
Waitress: May I take your order?
Laguna: The usual!
Kiros: Me, too.
Ward: Keep ‘em coming!
[The waitress leaves.]
Ward: So, Laguna... Julia should be making her appearance soon. You goin’ for it tonight?
[A woman comes down and plays the paino.]
Kiros: Yeah, go for it!
Laguna: What-ever, man! Can’t you see she’s working?
Kiros: Don’t go back on your words. C’mon, go wave to her.
Laguna: Give me a break...
Ward: So you say, but we know you’ll do it!
[Laguna walks over to the stage and stands beside her piano.]
Laguna: (Ah... To be this close to Julia...)
(Is this guy serious...?)
Laguna: (...Uh-oh...)
[The pianist looks at Laguna.]
Laguna: (My leg’s cramping up...!)
[Laguna’s leg cramps.]
Laguna: (Argh...)
[Laguna holds his cramped leg and walks down the stage. Laguna goes over to his friends.]
Kiros: Good work, Laguna.
Ward: Mission successful.
Kiros: Here, have a seat.
[Laguna sits down.]
Ward: I didn’t think you’d actually do it. Our popularity rating’s gone up a point.
Kiros: Yeah, but you cut a pretty pitiful figure up there. I’d say you’re about a –3 on the manliness scale.
Laguna: Say what you want! (sigh...) Julia sure is pretty...
Kiros: Aaa...
Ward: Hunhhh...?
Kiros: Laguna, we’re takin’ off.
[Kiros and Ward stands up.]
Laguna: H-Hey! What’s the rush?
Ward: It’s on us tonight. Relax and stay awhile, Laguna.
[The two takes off to pay the bill. Laguna looks at the two. Julia, the female pianist comes behind Laguna.]
Julia: May I?
[Laguna turns around and looks at Julia. Laguna freaks out.]
Laguna: Aaaaa...
[Laguna makes a way.]
Julia: Did I interrupt anything?
Laguna: N-N-N-Not at all. P-Please, s-sit down.
[Laguna sits down with his head down.]
Laguna: (Oh man, oh man, it’s really HER! What do I do!? Kiros? Ward? HELP! What do I say!? But man, she is pretty...)
(What’s this guy thinking...?)
[Julia chuckles and sits down.]
Julia: You ok now?
Laguna: Kind of...
Julia: How’s your leg?
Laguna: L-Leg? Oh, this!? Y-Yeah, it’s fine. Happens all the time when I get nervous.(cough)
Julia: Were you nervous?
Laguna: Oh, yeah. I’m still kinda...
Julia: You can relax. You don’t have to get nervous around me.
Laguna: Oh, sorry.
Julia: Say... (Would you like to talk somewhere private? I have a room here...)
[Laguna stands up in shock.]
Laguna: I-In your room!?
Julia: Well... (It’s pretty hard to talk freely here. Everyone’s listening in.)
[The camera changes view. All the soldiers is surrounding the two and listening.]
Julia: If you’d like to, please come by. I’ve been wanting to talk to you. You don’t want to?
Laguna: Of course I do!
Julia: Then I’ll go ahead and wait for you. Ask for my room at the front desk, ok?
[Laguna thinks.]
Laguna: (Am I dreaming?
...This is a dream...This is a dream...)
Laguna: (No, this can’t be a dream!
This is too weird to be a dream...)
Laguna: Julia...? Wants to talk to me...?
...He talks to himself too much...)
[Laguna crosses his arms and looks proud.]
Laguna: (And just the two of us! Get it together Laguna...
Laguna: (I always screw up by talking about myself too much. It’s always been like that. But not tonight! I’m all ears for Julia!) (Ahh, time to use my manly charm, and help Julia with her problem.)
[Laguna walks up to the front desk.]
Front Desk
Receptionist: Welcome! Checking in?
1. Which is Julia’s room?
2. Ahh...nothing
Receptionist: ...Aah, Mr. Laguna Loire? I’ve been expecting you. Let me show you to Ms. Julia’s room.
[The receptionist shows Laguna her room. Laguna knocks on the door and walks inside.]
Julia’s room
Julia: Thanks for coming.
Laguna: No... Not at all, uh... Thank you for inviting me.
Julia: Have a seat.
[Laguna walks over to her bed and sits down. Getting nervous Laguna stands up and sits down on one of the chairs. Julia chuckles. Laguna stands up and tries to leave.]
Julia: Going so soon? We haven’t even talked yet.
Laguna: No, it’s not that. It’s just that I’m a big fan of yours, so I’m really kinda nervous, y-know?
Julia: So that’s why you come to hear me play so often.
Laguna: You... You saw me?
[Laguna runs up and nervously walks back and forth.]
Julia: You were always smiling while listening, right? You have beautiful eyes. Though they look a bit scared now. Don’t worry, I’m not going to pluck’em and eat’em. I just want to talk, gazing into those eyes. Would you like a drink? Wine perhaps?
Laguna: I must be dreamin’...
[After a while... Lagune is talking and Julia is sitting down on the bed listening.]
Laguna: Yeah, I don’t like fightin’ too much, but you get to travel, y’know? Seeing new places n’ stuff. And it’s fun, ‘cause Kiros and Ward are always with me. Hey, we should all go out drinkin’ sometime! Whaddya say? And, uh... What was I talkin’ about? Oh yeah, so I want to quit the army and become a journalist! So I can tell people ‘bout all the things I’ve seen on my travels.
(He’s already loosened up...)
Lagune: So, like, the other day, one of my articles made the reader’s column. Pretty cool, huh? Yeah, that was way cool...
Julia: I’m happy for you.
Laguna: Oh yeah, and then...
[After a while...]
Laguna: Yikes... I’m talkin’ too much again.
Julia: Yes?
Laguna: Tell me about yourself. Like...your dreams for the future.
[Julia stands up and walks over to the window.]
Julia: I...I want to sing. Not just play the piano, but sing, too.
Laguna: Oh, I’d really love to hear it.
Julia: But I can’t. I’m no good at writing lyrics...
Laguna: Hmm... That must be tough.
Julia: But, thanks to you, I think I can come up with something.
Laguna: Thanks to me...?
Julia: Yes... The many faces you’ve shown me. Times when you were hurt, worried... Or felt pain deep inside you... Your smile, your face, your eyes...
[Julia walks over to Laguna.]
Julia: You’ve shown me something... I think I can come up with a song.
Laguna: Wow... I must be dreamin’...
[Julia holds Laguna’s hand.]
Julia: It’s not a dream, is it?
[Julia pinches Laguna’s hand. Somebody knocks on the door.]
Kiros: Laguna! New orders! Meet by the Presidential Residence, on the double!
Julia: Can we meet again?
Laguna: Of course! I have to come hear you sing!
[The screen fades. Back at the train...]
Train Announcement:
Next stop,
Next stop,
[Zell and Quistis wakes up. Squall regains consciousness and stands up from the ground.]
Squall: Were we...all asleep?
Zell: Maybe someone released some sleeping gas? There’s lots of people who resent SeeD.
Squall: (...Maybe. Better be careful.)
Selphie: Am I missing anything? Anyone hurt?
[Squall looks around.]
Squall: ...I don’t think so.
Selphie: What a relief! Everything’s cool with me! Hee! I had such a nice dream!
(I had a dream, too. It wasn’t nice though...)
[Squall walks a little.]
(I dreamt I was a moron...)
Train Announcement:
We will be arriving in Timber shortly.
For those getting off, please be sure
you have all your belongings.
Selphie: But seriously, Sir Laguna was sooo cool!
[Zell and Squall freaks out.]
Zell: Hey! There was a Laguna in my dream, too! He’s a Galbadian soldier, right!?
Squall: Laguna, Kiros, and Ward...
Zell: Huh!?
[The three gives each other a confused look.]
Zell: That’s it!
Squall: That’s what...?
Selphie: There’s no way we can understand this... Let’s just concentrate on our first mission!
(...I guess you’re right.)
Squall: We’ll put this incident on hold. I’ll report it to the headmaster once we get back to Garden
[Zell and Selphie nods.]
Zell: We should be there soon, eh?
[Zell stands up.]
Zell: Here we go... Psyche yourself up, baby!
[Zell exits the cabin. Selphie stands up.]
Selphie: Whew... Still sleepy.
[Selphie walks out.]
Squall: .........
[Squall exits. The train arrives at Timber station.]
A Girl and Resistance
-- Timber --
Timber Station
[The three exits the train ands walks down the stairs. A man confronts the three.]
Man: Oh, the forest of Timber sure has changed!
1. But the Moogles are still here
2. But the Chocobos are still here
3. But the Owls are still around
Squall: I’m the squad leader, Squall. This is Zell,
[Squall points to his right at Zell.]
Squall: and Selphie.
[Squall points to his left at Selphie.]
Zone: Nice to meet ya. I’m the leader of the Forest Owls.
[Zone gives his hand for a shake. Squall simply nods. Zone walks over to Selphie and shakes hands.]
Squall: So, let’s get on with it. What do we do?
[Zell gives his hand to Zone for a shake. Zone ignores.]
Zone: Just take it easy. Here, let me introduce you. Looks like you already met Watts.
[Zell walks down and takes his stance. Zell practices his punches. Watts salutes at Squall.]
Zone: I guess it’s just our princess then.
[Zell sits down on the stairs. Selphie walks over to the window and gazes outside.]
Watts: It’s the princess’ nap time, sir.
Zone: Ahh, man...
[Zone sits down and shakes his head. Zone gets up and walks over to Squall.]
Zone: Hey Squall, sorry, but could you go get the princess? She’s in the [last room], up those stairs. Some of our other guys are in the room on the way. Ask’em if you get lost.
[Squall crosses his arms in disappointed.]
Squall: ...Where we hired to run errands? Well?
[Zone back away.]
Zone: A-Are you angry!?
[Squall holds his head.]
(We’re not gophers... We’re SeeD...special forces.)
Squall: This is the last time for this kinda thing.
Zone: OwOwOuccchhh.
[Zone grabs his stomach. Squall heads inside the last room.]
Princess’ Room
[The train stops with a screeching sound. The girl who danced with Squall wakes.]
Girl: Hey... You’re..! You know, from the party... So...does that mean... You’re a SeeD!?
[Squall nods and steps forward.]
Squall: I’m Squall, the squad leader. There’s 2 others with me.
[The girl jumps up on top of Squall.]
Girl: YEEESSSS! SeeD is here!
Squall: Take it easy.
Girl: It’s just that, I’m so happy! I’ve been sending request to Garden forever, but nothing... I’m so glad I spoke to Cid directly!
Squall: Oh... So you were looking for the headmaster at the party?
Girl: You know Seifer?
[Squall crosses his arms.]
Squall: ...Yeah.
Girl: Well, he’s the one who introduced me to Cid. Cid is such a nice man. I really didn’t think SeeD would come out to help a measly little group like us. But after explaining our situation to him, Cid gave the go ahead right away!
[The girl chuckles.]
Girl: Now that you guys are here, we’ll be able to carry out all kinds of plans!
[The girls walks up to her desk. Squall walks over to her.]
Girl: Yes?
Squall: I’m goin’ back to the others.
Girl: Ok, let’s go!
[The two walks down. The girl stops.]
Girl: Um, Squall. Is ‘he’ here?
Girl: Seifer.
Squall: ...... No, he’s not a SeeD.
Girl: ...Oh.
[The girl exits the room and comes running back.]
Girl: Oh yeah, my name’s... Rinoa. Very pleased to meet you, Squall.
[Squall and Rinoa shakes hands.]
Rinoa: SeeD members dance quite well, don’t they?
Squall: Approach your target inconspicuously at a dance party... There may be missions requiring this sort of subterfuge. It’s expected of SeeD to learn various skills.
Rinoa: Ohhh... So it’s work related. That’s too bad...
[A dog walks in.]
Rinoa: Here, let me introduce you. This is my partner... Angelo. Angelo is really smart! Here, let me tell you...
[Rinoa tells Squall about what tricks can Angelo do.]
Rinoa: Smart, huh?
[Rinoa turns to Angelo.]
Rinoa: I have some important work to do now. Be good, Angelo.
[Angelo whines.]
Rinoa: Ok, I’ll meet you there.
[Rinoa runs out. Squall and Rinoa comes at the room where the others are.]
Squall: This is Zell...
[Squall points to Zell, who’s sitting on the stairs. The two walks down the stairs.]
Squall: ...And Selphie.
[Squall points to Selphie.]
Rinoa: Hi everyone! This way.
[Everyone walks inside the briefing room.]
Briefing Room
Zone: Just stand anywhere you want. This is a full-scale operation. Our resistance, ‘The Forest Owls’, will be forever known in the pages of Timber’s independence! Exciting, huh? It all started when we got a hold of top-secret info from Galbadia.
Watts: I got the info, sir!
Zone: There’s a VIP from Galbadia coming to Timber.
Watts: Super V-I-P!!!
Zone: The guy’s name is Vinzer Deling! Our archenemy, and the President of Galbadia.
Watts: Vinzer Deling is a scoundrel!!! He’s a dictator, not a president. Not even popular in Galbadia, sir!
Rinoa: President Deling is taking a private train from the Galbadian capital.
Zone: Our plan is to...
Selphie: ...Blow it to smithereens with a rocket launcher!?
[Zone and Watts backs away.]
Zone: Ahh...not quite...
Zell: So get to the point! Just tell us what to do!
Rinoa: Shall we begin?
[The camera changes to the model.]
Rinoa: First, I’ll go over the model. The yellow train on the top right is our ‘base’. We’re riding in it right now. Right next to it is the ‘dummy car’. We made it to look just like the president’s car. Their train has three cars. First, there’s the ‘locomotive’ followed by the ‘1st escort’. The red car is the ‘president’s’ car. Deling should be inside. The last car is the ‘2nd escort’. Once we get on this one, we begin the operation. Our ultimate goal is to seize the president in his car using our ‘base’. That means, we’ll have to switch our ‘dummy car’ with their ‘president’s car’. We’ll use the 2 switch points leading up to Timber to carry out this operation. Ok, now I’m going to explain the procedures in seven steps.
5) Have the ‘dummy car’ and our ‘base’ move in after uncoupling.
Rinoa: After the car is uncoupled... We’ll have the ‘dummy car’ and our ‘base’ move in. At this point, our train and their train will be linked and be moving together.
/ -- /
Dummy Base / -- /
----------I====I====I-I=======I======I-I=======I====I-/ -- /--
| | | | | I | I-I | I-I | I | | | |
6) Uncouple the ‘2nd escort’ car.
Rinoa: This is the last uncoupling. The process will probably be similar to the first one.
2nd escort
I | I-I | | | | | | | I I-I | I | |
-I====I====I-I=======I----/ -- /---I======I-I=======I====I----
/ -- /
7) Escape with the ‘president’s car’ and our ‘base’.
Rinoa: If all goes well, we should be able to escape with the ‘president’s car’. After that, we’ll return to our base and prepare to confront Deling.
I | I-I Dummy I-I I | |
-I====I====I-I=======I-I====I /--
/ -- /
-I======I-I=======I-----/ -- /----
I Base I-I PC I | | | | | | |
1) Get on the ‘2nd escort’.
2) Proceed across the ‘2nd escort’.
3) Proceed across the ‘president’s car’.
4) Uncouple the ‘1st escort’ car.
5) The ‘dummy car’ and our ‘base’ move in.
6) Uncouple the ‘2nd escort’ car.
7) Escape with the ‘president’s car’.
Rinoa: We have exactly 5 minutes to complete the 7 procedures. If we fail, our train will collide with theirs at the switch point and it’ll be all over. Don’t forget that.
Zell: 5 minutes...? You sure that’s enough? According to the simulation that we ran, it should take only 3 minutes to complete the operation. Piece of cake for SeeDs, right?
Selphie: Of course! Too easy!
Squall: ......
Rinoa: Ok, now let’s talk about how to avoid the sensors on the ‘2nd escort’. ......Go ahead, Watts.
Watts: The guards have a ‘sound sensor’ and a ‘temperature sensor’, sir. Any sound will trigger the ‘sound sensor’ so move across very quietly, sir! The blue guard is carrying this sensor. The ‘temperature sensor’ will go off if you remain stationary, sir! The guard in red is carrying this one, sir. When a guard opens the blind, that means he is checking the sensor, so be careful! The range on these sensors is equal to the length of one window. So keep an eye on the window below, sir.
Zell: ...So exactly how do you avoid ’em?
STOP if there is a blue guard below you.
Run if there is a red guard below you.
Watts: Umm...basically, run or stop, depending on which guard is below.
Rinoa: That’s about it for the sensors. Next, let’s talk about how to uncouple the escort cars.
Selphie: Question...! How can you uncouple the cars from a moving train?
Rinoa: Umm...we can’t uncouple the cars directly.
Zone: Instead, we’ll have to tamper with the control system that manages the coupling. If we temporarily disable the circuit for the connection, the car will uncouple automatically. To disable it, we have to enter several codes.
Watts: ...And we have the codes. Rinoa has them, sir!
Rinoa: I’ll be in charge of relaying the codes to Squall. Squall, you’ll slide down on the side of the train using a cable and enter the codes into the system. Now, I need you to listen carefully. Each code is made up of numbers between 1-4 and has 4 digits: 2341 is an example. But the keypad won’t have numbers. Instead, it’ll have four buttons. X, Circle, Triangle, Square. For instance, if I relay the code 3124, you’ll push Square, Triangle, X, Circle, in that order. You’ll have to be quick and precise. You’ll have about 5 seconds to enter each code. Otherwise, the code will change and the past entries will become invalid. So like we said, we have to enter all the codes to disable the connections. After we uncouple the cars, we’ll wait for the others to operate the rail switch. Remember, we only have 5 minutes to do everything, so make sure that you’re prepared. Ok, let’s try practicing entering the code. Enter 3 codes and you’ll be finished. If you want to quit, hold down the R1 button.
[Squall enters the codes.]
Rinoa: You got it? In the real thing, there’s a strict time limit leading up to the switch point. Don’t forget that. Umm...that’s all.
Selphie: By the way...this model’s nice but the president’s car looks kinda shabby. ......Why is that?
Watts: Yeah, Rinoa made it. That’s why. We bought everything else at the gift shop.
Zell: Oh... I thought some kid made it. The paint job sucks, too.
Squall: (......? Yeah...it kind of does.)
Rinoa: Oh, shut up! I made it look like that on purpose. It represents my hatred towards Deling!
Zell: Hatred, eh...? Yeah...right.
Selphie: It’s one of the...ugliest things that I’ve ever seen in my life. You must really hate him.
Squall: ......
Rinoa: Are you guys finished!? Enough about the model! Can we get on with it now!?
[The screen shifts back to the characters.]
Rinoa: Do you understand?
1. Yes
2. Explain it again
Squall: Yes.
Rinoa: Let’s decide on the party!
[Watts backs away.]
Watts: Gathering information is my specialty, sir!
[Watts runs out of the room.]
Zone: OuuuucHHHHH...... My stomach!
[Zone holds his stomach in pain. Rinoa shakes her head in disappointment. The train starts to move.]
Rinoa: We’re moving again... I’ll go take a look. Talk to Watts when you’re ready. The sooner the better.
Watts: Have you seen the dummy of the president, sir? If you haven’t, please take a look-see! It’s like a piece of art! I know the kidnapping plan must be tough, but best of luck to you, sir! Are you ready, sir!?
1. Not yet
2. Yeah
Squall: Yeah.
[Squall and the rest begins the kidnapping mission. Rinoa and Squall’s squad climbs up on their train.]
Train Roof
Rinoa: Squall, over here!
[Squall and squad runs over to Rinoa.]
Rinoa: We’ll catch up with the [2nd escort] soon. Let’s get ready. We should time our jumps well after we catch up to them to save some time. From now we have exactly......5 minutes to complete the operation. Let’s try to use every second.
[The trains catches up with each other. Rinoa jumps up on the train, followed by Zell and Selphie. Squall jumps on the train. Rinoa, Zell, and Selphie carefully crosses the ‘2nd escort’ without being detected by the sound and the temperature sensors.]
2nd escort
Rinoa: Squall, over here!
Galbadian Soldier: Activating sound sensor.
Galbadian Officer: Activating temperature sensor.
Galbadian Soldier: (...Huh...?)
Galbadian Officer: (What the...?)
Galbadian Soldier: (It’s not working!)
Galbadian Officer: (What’s wrong!?)
Galbadian Soldier: (Maybe it’s defective.)
Galbadian Officer: (It can’t be broken!)
Galbadian Soldier: (But the sarge made it.)
Galbadian Officer: (Impossible!)
Galbadian Soldier: (If I tell him...)
Galbadian Officer: (I made it.)
Galbadian Soldier: (I’ll be fired.)
Galbadian Officer: (I never fail!)
Galbadian Soldier: (Over a stinkin’ sensor? No way!)
Galbadian Officer: Activation confirmed.
[With that the officer walks up to the soldier.]
Galbadian Soldier: Activation confirmed.
[Squall, hearing this, runs over the train and makes it to the president’s car.]
President’s Car
Rinoa: This is the president’s car. After we get across, we’ll proceed with the first uncoupling.
[Inside the president’s car. A soldier walks and salutes.]
Galbadian Soldier: Sir, everything is in order, sir!
President Deling: You again... That’s 27 times now. How many more times do you plan to disturb me with that meaningless report?
Galbadian Soldier: Sir, I’m sorry sir. ...But it is my duty, sir!
President Deling: ...... It’s hard to believe that anyone would put up with this nonsense. I guess it’s none of my business. Dismissed.
Galbadian Soldier: ......! Sir, yes, sir!
[The soldier walks down.]
Galbadian Soldier: (There goes next month’s paycheck.) (How am I gonna propose to her now? I’m gonna have to put it off again...)
[The soldier exits. Back at the train roof.]
1st escort
[Squall’s squad and Rinoa comes at 1st escort.]
Rinoa: This is the [1st escort]. We’re gonna uncouple this first. Like Watts said, there should be 2 guards on this one. Selphie and Zell, you guys keep an eye on the guards. Let us know early if you see them coming.
Zell: Alright. I’ll watch the blue guard.
Selphie: I’ll take red.
Rinoa: The red guard is closer. Squall, you might wanna keep an eye on him, too. Hold down R1 to look to your left, and release it to go back. Ok, are you ready to enter the codes? You remember everything, right?
1. Yeah
2. ...I forgot
Squall: Yeah.
Rinoa: We’ll have to enter 3 codes to disable the circuit for this uncoupling. Ok, Squall. Get the cable ready.
[Squall ties the cable.]
Rinoa: The system to enter the code is down there. You can’t miss it. Press [down] on the directional button to go down. To come back up, press [up]. You won’t be able to come up while you’re entering the codes so be careful. Ok, let’s do it. We have 4 minutes left! Good luck Squall!
[Squall hops down with the cable.]
The code is... 3221.
[Squall enters the code.]
Code 1 confirmed.
The code is... 2131
Zell: Yo, the blue!
[Squall quickly enters the code.]
Code 2 confirmed.
Selphie: And red!
[Squall climbs up just in time. The blue and the red soldier walks up and looks out the door window and heads back. Squall climbs down.]
The code is... 3234
[Squall enters the code.]
Code 3 confirmed.
Rinoa: Squall, this way!
[Zell, Selphie, and Rinoa runs up on top of the president’s car. Squall climbs up and follows the three.]
Full Motion Video: The car uncouples. The ‘dummy car’ and the ‘base’ moves in just in time. The car connects with each other just as they planned.]
Dummy Car
[The dummy president is sitting down with a newspaper. The Galbadian soldier walks in.]
Galbadian Soldier: (What should I do...? I know he’s not gonna like it. But it’s my job.) S-Sir...... Everything is in order, sir!
[The dummy president doesn’t reply.]
Galbadian Soldier: (Huh...... He’s not angry. Phew. That’s strange. Oh, he’s reading the paper. I wonder where he got it?)
[An officer runs inside the room and stands near the dummy president.]
Galbadian Officer: What!? Is there a problem!?
[The dummy is programmed to only reply the same message over and over if something is near him.]
Dummy President: I’m in a bad mood right now! If there is nothing in particular, I order you to leave immediately!
Galbadian Officer: S-S-Sir aye aye... YESSIR!
[The officer looks at the soldier.]
Galbadian Officer: YOU! Don’t just stand there! Get back to your station!
Galbadian Soldier: S-Sir, yessir! (There goes another paycheck. That’s two in one day.
[The officer runs inside the Forest Owl’s base, thinking it’s their 2nd escort. The officer comes back.]
Galbadian Officer: W-W-What the HECK!? Is this the right train? (The interior looks different. Looks shabbier. Maybe not.)
[The officer goes back to his 1st escort. The soldier walks down.]
Galbadian Soldier: (What am I gonna do? No ring, and now no more candlelight dinner. I’m never gonna be able to get married.)
2nd escort
Rinoa: This is the [2nd escort]. After this, we’re home free. I think there are 2 guards on this car, too. Zell and Selphie are up ahead, working on uncoupling our train from theirs. So you’re on your own this time. Watch your right side. To do this, hold down L1. Let’s get this over with. You know how to enter the codes, right?
Squall: Yeah.
Rinoa; We’ll have to enter 5 codes to disable the circuit for this connection.
[Squall ties the cable.]
Rinoa: Are you ready, Squall? We have 3 minutes left! Good luck, Squall!
[Squall jumps down and enters the 5 codes while looking out for the guards.]
Rinoa: Squall, this way!
[Squall climbs up and follows Rinoa.]
Full Motion Video: Squall, Zell, and Selphie successfully uncouples their cars. The base takes off with the president’s car. While the enemy takes off with the dummy car.]
Zone: Finally... We’ve waited so long for this encounter with Vinzer.
Watts: Was that perfect, sir!? Amazing, sir! You’re the best, sir!
[Squall’s SeeD rank went up!]
Rinoa: Well then...
Watts: Leave the intelligence up to me, sir!
Zone: OwOwOuccchhh.
[Zone holds his stomach and runs inside the briefing room. Rinoa puts her hands on her waist and shakes her head.]
Rinoa: You 3! Tell me when you’re ready to go. As soon as you’re ready, I’ll begin ‘serious negotiations’ with the president!
[Squall thinks.]
(‘Serious negotiations’... Better make sure my GF’s
Rinoa: ...Ready?
Squall: Yeah.
President’s Car
[Rinoa and Squall’s squad walks inside the president’s car.]
Rinoa: ...President Deling! As long as you...don’t resist, you won’t get hurt...
President Deling: And if I do resist... What would you do...? Young lady?
[The president turns his head to look at Rinoa.]
Rinoa: !!!
[Rinoa steps back.]
Squall: What’s wrong?
President Deling: Boo-hoo... Too bad...
[The president stands up.]
President Deling: I’m not the president. I’m what they call...a double body.
[The president walks up.]
Fake President Deling: All these rumors about the many resistance groups in Timber... You pass along a little false information and they fall for it... How pathetic... Seems like there are only amateurs around here.
Rinoa: Ama...teurs...!?
Fake President Deling: Ahh... My butt hurts from all this sitting... Young...LADY...
[Rinoa steps back.]
Fake President Deling: Ahh... So what did you have in stORE for me had I resiSTED...? Why doN’T you teLL mE... QuiTE aMUsing thouGH... For beINg such amAtEurs...!!! HoW daRe YOU InSUlt tHe presIDent!!!
[Rinoa and Selphie sits down and cowers. Zell shivers.]
Fake President Delin: YOu...fEll...FOr...iT
[Squall runs up and slashes the fake president.]
Fake President Deling: AMUsing... THIis Is aMUsing!
[The president hits Squall away. The president tries to bite Squall but gets a hard whip from Selphie’s nunchaku. The president turns around at Selphie. Squall stands up and stabs his gunblade through the president and pulls the trigger. The bullet goes straight through the fake president’s body. The president forms into a devilish skeleton.]
Squall: What the...?
Gregogero: Brrawghh!
[Zell runs up and punches the monster. The monster looks at Zell and throws him across the room. Squall runs up and slashes the monster 4 times. The monster dies.]
Briefing Room
Zone: Man, I can’t believe the president was a fake!
Rinoa: I can’t believe we fell for it!
Watts: Info, sir! New info!
[Watts runs in.]
Watts: It’s big news! I found out the real reason why the president’s here, sir! The president’s going to the [TV Station]! Security’s super tight, sir!
Rinoa: ...The [TV Station]? Why in Timber? They can broadcast just as easily from Galbadia.
Selphie: Do you think the Dollet communication tower has anything to do with this?
Zone: What’s that?
Squall: Dollet has a communication tower that can transmit and receive radio waves. It had been abandoned for a long time, but the Galbadian Army got it up and running yesterday.
Zone: Ohhhh...I get it... The only TV station that can handle broadcasts over the air is in Timber. Other stations use HD cable, which only supports online broadcasting.
Rinoa: So, what’s that supposed to mean?
Zone: They’re planning on using radio waves. This way, they can transmit images to regions without using cable.
Rinoa: I know that...! What I want to know is, what is the president going to broadcast!? Why use radio waves? There must be something they want to say to the whole world. What can it be?
Selphie: Everybody! Love! And Peace!
Zone: If I remember correctly, radio waves haven’t been used in 17 years.
Rinoa: It’s been that long? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the first broadcast could be the declaration of Timber’s independence!?
Zone: Hey! That might be possible.
Rinoa: Let’s come up with a plan then!
[Watts and Zone nods.]
Rinoa: Can you guys give us a minute?
[Watts, Zone, and Rinoa huddles around and whispers. Squall walks up to Rinoa.]
Rinoa: Oh, good timing! We’ve come up with a plan!
Squall: Before we get into that, can I see your contract with our Garden?
Rinoa: Oh, sure.
[Rinoa brings out the contract and gives it to Squall. Zell and Selphie runs up to Squall.]
Zell: What’s it say?
Squall: ...... ‘Balamb Garden’ (hereafter referred to as ‘Party A’) acknowledges ‘The Forest Owls’ (hereafter referred to as ‘Party B’) as the hiring party. ‘SeeD (hereafter referred to as ‘Party C’) shall be dispatched upon signing of this contract. Party C shall operate under the supervision...
Zell: ...The hell......?
Selphie: I don’t get it.
Rinoa: Oh yeah, that one’s pretty confusing. When I told him I didn’t understand, he gave me a different one.
[Rinoa takes the other contract and brings out a different one. Squall takes it.]
Rinoa: Cid is such a nice man.
Selphie: What’s it say this time?
Squall: ......
To the Forest Owls,
This SeeD deployment contract will last
until Timber achieves independence.
Please make good use of each SeeD member.
I wish you the best with your objective.
Please understand that this contract is an
exception, and no replacement of any SeeD
members can be made.
Balamb Garden Headmaster Cid Kramer.
Zell: Until Timber’s independence!?
Selphie: That is soooo vague!
Rinoa: Hey, you’re paid professionals. No complaining! Ok, let’s decide on the parties!
Watts: Gathering information is my specialty, sir!
[Watts runs out.]
Zone: OuuuucHHHHH...... My stomach!
[Rinoa shakes her head.]
Rinoa: So, of the 4 of us, the ones who’ll be heading to the [TV Station] will be...
[Squall forms a group and talks with Watts.]
Watts: The [TV Station], sir!? It’s quite close if you take the local train... But the local and transcontinental trains have stopped running, sir... Nothing to worry about, sir! There must be someone in town who knows. Are you ready, sir!?
Squall: Yeah.
Watts: Best of luck, sir!? I’ll be keeping watch here!
[The train stops.]
Timber Downtown
Galbadian Soldier #1: A guy dressed as a cadet... Gathering information?
[The soldier beside him salutes.]
Galbadian Soldier #2: He was asking about the president’s stay! I found it strange that a cadet would keep asking about the president. He was very polite and kept addressing me as ‘sir’.
[Another soldier salutes.]
Galbadian Soldier #3: I think I know who you’re talking about! He was taking care of 3 suspicious looking characters from Balamb! I’ll go question every teenager in the area!!!
[The soldier runs off.]
Galbadian Soldier #1: No! We can’t just go up to anybody and...
[He looks around and finds out that the soldier already left.]
Galbadian Soldier #1: Ahem. These are citizens. We can’t inflict any...
Galbadian Soldier #4: How dare they try to kidnap the president! Not only is it disrespectful to the president, but also to us Galbadian soldiers as well! I’ll be sure to find ‘em and throw their sad be-hinds in jail!!!
[The two soldier leaves.]
Galbadian Soldier #1: ...Please... Hear me out...to the very end...
Timber Station
[Rinoa’s train arrives at the station. Squall and crew walks out.]
Watts: ...Say! I remember now, sir! I think the [TV Station] is located behind a building called [Timber Maniacs]! Please head in that direction, sir! I hope you find it!
Zone: WaaaaaaTTTS!!! C’MON! The Galbadian soldiers are comin’!!!
Watts: Lot’s of guards patrolling the city now! Please be careful, sir! Seems like the hotel’s not available, either!
[The train leaves.]
Watts: Should you need to recover, use the [Owl’s Tear], sir! Heard it works wonders! I believe you can find it at the old man’s house... ...I guess you won’t be needing it anyway. You’re all SeeDs, you’ll be fine, right, sir!? Hey...!!!?
[Watts notices the train is gone.]
Watts: Don’t leave me, sirrrr!
[Watts runs after the train. The crew arrives at Timber downtown.]
Timber Downtown
Rinoa: Looks like the trains have stopped running... Usually, the local trains would be running here. A lot of hustle and bustle...
[The crew comes at the gate.]
Galbadian Soldier #1: Better keep your eyes peeled. If you let one resistance member in here, you dear kids are...well, dead meat. Heh heh heh.
Security Guard #1: ......
Rinoa: We have to get to the [TV Station] fast. I can’t bear to watch them suffer like this.
Galbadian Soldier #2: So I heard everyone here supports the resistance. You guys are such fools. Just imagine how much this place would thrive if you were loyal to us. This place is gonna be stuck in the backwoods forever.
Security Guard #2: ...And you? Are you happy with your life? Blindly following orders everyday, doing things you probably don’t believe in?
Security Guard #1: So what if we’re undeveloped. We’re not looking to thrive. All we want is to be able to stand on our own feet; to be independent and live according to what we believe.
Security Guard #2: You guys will probably never understand, having thrown away your pride and dignity. We’re not the fools. You are.
Galbadian Soldier #1: You’re both DEAD!
Rinoa: No!
[The soldier tries to shoot the guards. Squall runs in and knocks the gun away. The two soldier turns around. Selphie knocks the soldier with her nunchaku. Zell punches the other soldier and knocks him down.]
Security Guard #2: Thank you for your help. I got a little carried away.
Security Guard #1: We appreciate your help... But we can’t let you through here. I’m sorry.
[After rescuing the guards, the crew asks for information.]
Timber’s Residence
Girl: What? You’re walking to the [TV Station]?
Squall: We have no choice. The trains aren’t running.
Girl: Let’s see... There used to be a way through the [back alley] of this house... The [Pub] was built around the time they stopped broadcasting. We haven’t used the [back alley] too much since then. Why don’t you look through the [2F window]? You should be able to see the [back alley]. If you want to go through the [back alley], why don’t you talk to the owner of the [Pub]? He’s scary lookin’, but... ........................... ........................... Well, I guess he ain’t so nice, either. Just go talk to him anyway.
Selphie: What? What’s that supposed to mean?
Outside of Pub
Galbadian Soldier #1: That was too easy, man. Heh heh...for a country pumpkin he sure had some good stuff.
Galbadian Soldier #2: Yo, better ease off a little. These Timber hicks hate us enough as it is.
[One of the soldiers sees Squall and his crew.]
Galbadian Soldier #1: ......!
[The other soldier also sees them.]
Galbadian Soldier #2: !!! Let’s get ‘em!
[Squall’s crew easily dispatches the soldiers. One of the soldier drops a [Blue Card]. The crew takes it and walks inside the Pub.]
Drifter: I’ve had enough of this city! I came from Dollet to have me a good time. And now... Trains are no longer running... Can’t even stay in a hotel because of some stupid official...! Harrassed by Galbadian soldiers... Had my precious card stolen... This hasn’t been my day...
Bartender: Those jerks... They think they can use brute force to get anything they want. Hell... This town’s a good example.
Drifter: Yeah. Everything’s jacked up because the resistance tried to kidnap the president. Thanks to them, the trains have stopped... There’s Galbadian soldiers all over the place... ......All because of them!!! Don’t they understand I’m the one suffering from their reckless actions!? Stupid, bone-headed, good-for-nothing, resistance! You can just kiss my...
Rinoa: Hey!
Another man: You don’t understand anything! The resistance is fighting for Timber’s future! They’re all doing the best they can. It’s the Galbadian soldiers and their leader who are at fault!
Drifter: Pshhh...
[Squall and his crew walks up to the drifter.]
Rinoa: What should we do?
1. Observe
2. Talk to him
Drifter: Geez, and now I’m getting dissed by some punk...!? Owner, gimme another drink!
Squall: ......
1. Buy him a drink
2. Tell him about the card.
Do nothing.
1. [Squall buys him a Tantal.]
Drifter: Hey, punk, you got good manners! I ain’t the rude type, either. Here, take some o’ this! Ha ha ha...(hic)
[Squall receives the [Forbidden Card] from the drifter.]
2. Squall: ...... Is this your card?
Drifter: Huh? ...It is! Why do you have it!?
Squall: ......Found it outside.
Drifter: Are you serious? ......Okay. Thanks. Know what? I’m feelin’ generous! So you can keep that card. And also...this one! I’ll move out of the way now.
[Squall receives the [Tonberry Card] from the drifter.]
Drifter: Hey, owner. I can’t stand up. Can ya help me?
[The owner helps the drifter stand up. Squall and crew heads out the back door to the back alley. The crew leaves through the back alley and climbs up to the top of the station.]
Squall: This noise is broadcast over most of the frequencies. Something has to be done about this before they can broadcast it over the air.
Selphie: Right on!
Zell: Oh, really? Actually, I was wondering myself.
[Watts comes running.]
Watts: The president’s in the studio now, sir. Too many guards now, so we won’t be able to storm the place, sir!
[Watts leaves.]
Rinoa: So we can’t just rush in... We’ve gotta come up with a new plan now! If the president leaves, maybe the guards will be gone, too? That’s when we do OUR broadcast. It might not be as influential but it’s better than nothing, right? We don’t stand a chance if we take ‘em head on, right?
Squall: Don’t worry about us. We’ll fight your enemies based on your decision. That’s our duty.
Zell: You tell us to go, we go. Even if it is a losing battle.
Selphie: Heeey, I’m a SeeD, too. Just want you to know, I’m ready for anything.
Rinoa: How sad... Act on my decision? That’s your duty? Oh, what an easy life it must be, just to follow orders...
Squall: Call it what you want. All we want is for you to achieve your goal using our help. I find it hard to believe that you can do it, though...
[Squall turns his back on Rinoa.]
Rinoa: W-What did you say!? If you have something to say, just say it!
1. Yeah, I’ll tell you
2. Forget it
1. Squall: Yeah, I’ll tell you. How serious are you...? Really...? The 3 of you plop down on the floor to discuss strategy? On top of that, you can’t make a decision without our input, right? How do you think we feel, working for such an organization?
Rinoa: You started it. The least you can do is finish it. Come on, what’s on your mind?
Squall: ...Just forget it.
Rinoa: ...Tell me. This is an order. An order from your client!
Squall: How serious are you...? Really...? The 3 of you plop down on the floor to discuss strategy? On top of that, you can’t make a decision without our input, right? How do you think we feel, working for such an organization?
Rinoa: You know... Maybe this was all a big mistake. I thought everything would work out fine since SeeD came to help us. But, I guess it’s not that easy. You were all hired. It’s not like you’re one of us. Um, let’s see... We’ll cancel the plan, and we’ll disperse for now. We don’t stand a chance if we take ‘em head on, right? So...you guys probably think this is all a game to us. ...Well, it’s not! We’re serious. So serious...it hurts.
[Rinoa runs away down the stairs.]
Zell: ...Huh?
Selphie: ...Heeey?
[The TV starts.]
Selphie: Are they starting?
Zell: They starting?
Inside the TV Station
[The announcer walks up to the mic.]
[Announcer: T-Testing...1...2... Testing... Testing... Ohhhh! P-People of the world! Can you see me!? Can you hear me!? Oh, this is incredible! Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a recording! This is an actual broadcast over the air! Yes, it’s been 17 years since a live broadcast has been possible! Oh, please excuse me... I seem to have lost my composure. We would like to present to you today a message from the lifelong President of Galbadia, Vinzer Deling. Ladies and gentlemen, President Deling.]
[The announcer walks down and the president walks up.]
[President Deling: Greetings. I am Vinzer Deling, lifelong president of Galbadia. Today, I stand before you to make the following proposition. We the people of this world have the power to end all wars.]
Selphie: See, see! It’s a peace proposal to the world. I knew it!
[President Deling: Unfortunately, there are some trifling problems standing between Galbadia and other nations, and they must be resolved.]
[A crashing noise is heard.]
[President Deling: I plan to convene with other nations’ leaders immediately to resolve these problems. At this time, allow me to introduce the ambassador who will be my representative for the conference.]
Zell: Man! All this just to introduce an ambassador.
[President Deling: The ambassador is the Sorceress...]
Squall: ...The Sorceress?
[Another crashing sound is heard. All of a sudden, Seifer comes out.]
[Seifer: Heeey!]
Zell: Seifer!
[A soldier runs up. Seifer sends the soldier away with two blows from his gunblade. Two soldiers catches Seifer by the arms. The camera moves down horizontally. Seifer knocks the soldier down. Seifer runs up, grabs the president and puts his gunblade to his head. Quistis comes in rushing.]
Selphie: What’s he doin’!?
Zell: Instructor Trepe!?
[Quistis: Stay back!]
[Quistis tells the soldiers to stay back.]
Zell: Squall, what are we gonna do!?
[Another Galbadian soldier rushes in.]
[Quistis: For the last time, stay back! You’re only going to provoke him.]
Squall: ...Nothing. Our job is to assist the Owls. It’s none of our business.
[Quistis: Timber Team, are you watching? Get over here right now! You HAVE permission! I need your help! The monitor blacks out.]
Selphie: Squad leader!
Zell: Squall!?
[The crew runs inside the TV Station and sees Seifer, Quistis and the president.]
Quistis: We need to restrain him!
Squall: What do you think you’re doing?
Seifer: It’s obvious, ain’t it!? What are you planning to do with this guy?
Squall: ...Planning to do? (That’s right... He knows Rinoa. Is that why he’s here?)
Zell: I get it! You’re Rinoa’s...
Seifer: Shut your damn mouth! Chicken-wuss!
Quistis: He broke out of the disciplinary room, injuring many in the process.
Squall: (Zell, please.)
Squall: Be quiet!
Zell: Instructor, I know! You’re gonna take this stupid idiot back to Garden, right!?
Squall: Shut up! NO!
President Deling: I see... So you’re all from Garden. Should anything happen to me, the entire Galbadian military will undoubtedly crush Garden. You can let go of me now.
Seifer: Nice going, Chicken-wuss! You and your stupid big mouth! Take care of this mess! Instructor and Mr. Leader!
[Seifer takes the president into a different room. Quistis and Squall’s crew follows.]
Seifer: !?
Voice: ...Poor, poor boy...
[A woman appears.]
Seifer: Stay away from me!
Sorceress: Such a confused little boy. Are you going to step forward? Retreat? You have to decide.
Seifer: Stay back!
[Quistis appears. The sorceress casts a ball of light. Quistis sits down.]
Sorceress: The boy in you is telling you to come. The adult in you is telling you to back off. You can’t make up your mind. You don’t know the right answer. You want help, don’t you? You want to be saved from this predicament.
Seifer: Shut up!
Sorceress: Don’t be ashamed to ask for help. Besides, you’re only a little boy.
Seifer: I’m not... Stop calling me a boy.
Sorceress: You don’t want to be a boy anymore?
Seifer: I’m not a BOY!
Sorceress: Come with me to a place of no return. Bid farewell to your childhood.
[Seifer lowers his gunblade. The president runs. Squall and his crew arrives. The sorceress casts a weird light. The light wards the crew off. Seifer and the sorceress disappears. Quistis and the crew regains conscious. Rinoa shows up.]
Rinoa: Hey guys!
[Rinoa steps forward.]
Rinoa: Where’s Seifer?
Squall: We don’t know.
Rinoa: ...He’ll be ok, right?
[The party exits the TV Station.]
Rinoa: They found our base. It’s completely destroyed.
Selphie: And everyone else?
Rinoa: They’re fine. They’re good at escaping.
[Rinoa runs down the stairs. The crew follows.]
Rinoa: We have to stay away from Timber for a while.
[Rinoa turns around to face Squall.]
Rinoa: Is there a safe place you can take me?
[Squall holds his head.]
Rinoa: This is an order, an order from your client, remember?
Squall: ...Alright.
[The party walks inside the pub.]
Woman: Rinoa! I heard your base is in serious trouble. Come over to my place until things settle down.
Rinoa: I appreciate it. Thank you...
Quistis: What are you waiting for Squall? Come on!
[Rinoa and Quistis runs up.]
Rinoa: This way!
[The party arrives at the chief’s house.]
Rinoa: This is it!
[Rinoa and Quistis runs inside. Squall and his crew follows them in.]
Residence of Forest Fox’s Chief
Woman: I’ll let you know if anything changes. ‘Til then, make yourself at home.
Rinoa: Thanks, chief.
Squall: Chief?
Rinoa: She’s the leader of the ‘Forest Fox’. Almost everyone’s a resistance member in this town. But right now, we’re the only ones that are really active. Let’s stay here for a while.
[The group talks for a while.]
Selphie: I still don’t get it. What did Seifer come here for?
[Rinoa steps forward.]
Rinoa: I think...he came to help us, the ‘Forest Owls’. I talked about it a lot with him. So please...don’t think too badly of him.
[Someone knocks on the door.]
Galbadian Soldier: Anybody in here!?
Chief: What is this!? I have 2 small children in here. Don’t do anything to frighten them!
[A girl runs down the stairs.]
Girl: Upstairs... Hurry!
[Quistis and Zell runs up.]
Rinoa: Will she be ok?
Girl: She’ll be fine. The legend goes...that my mother took down many soldiers with her strength, cooking, and beauty.
Selphie: That ‘beauty’ part sure makes it sound like a legend.
[The three runs up the stairs.]
[Squall walks up to Quistis and talks.]
Quistis: He was so angry when he found out it was only the 3 of you dispatched to Timber. ‘What!? They might end up fightin’ the whole Galbadian force!’ ‘And all they dispatched are 3 rookie SeeD members!?’ ‘Dammit! I’m going to Timber!’ I never would have guessed he was serious about it.
(That guy’s always serious. You should know that by now...)
Quistis: What’s going to happen to Seifer?
Squall: He may already be dead.
Rinoa: How can you be so casual? I feel...sorry for him.
(...Feel sorry? Seifer would hate to hear that.)
[Squall starts to laugh.]
Rinoa: What’s so funny!? You’re terrible!
Selphie: So...why do you think Seifer may already be dead?
Squall: The president of Galbadia and the sorceress joined forces. Seifer attacked the president. It’s no surprise that Seifer may have been killed because of it.
[Rinoa runs up to Squall.]
Rinoa: Even so! I still hope he’s alive.
[Squall turns around.]
(Think what you want.)
(...Reality isn’t so kind. Everything doesn’t work out the way
you want it to. That’s why...)
Squall: As long as you don’t get your hopes up, you can take anything... You feel less pain.
[Squall turns around to Rinoa.]
Squall: Anyway, whatever wish you have is none of my business.
Rinoa: ...You’re mean.
[Rinoa walks down.]
Rinoa: MEANY!!!
(What’s with her...?)
Squall: ...Sorry.
[The chief walks inside.]
Chief: The Galbadian forces are withdrawing. Only the soldiers normally stationed here will stick around. If you’re gonna leave town, now’s your chance! You know how persistent those soldiers can be!
[Everybody goes downstairs to the first floor.]
Quistis: Squall, any thoughts on where to go?
(We have to get out of here first...)
Quistis: Getting out of here is only the first step.
Squall: What do you mean?
Quistis: Garden Code, Article 8, line 7.
(In the event that returning to the assigned Garden is not
possible, report to the nearest Garden......)
Squall: Head for the nearest Garden...
Quistis: Very good! From here, that would be [Galbadia Garden].
Rinoa: We can take the train from here and get off at a station called [East Academy].
Quistis: From there, we have to go through the [forest west of the station] to get to [Galbadia Garden]. I’ve been there several times. We should be ok. We should be ok. We should be ok.
Squall: ...Ok then... We’ll escape from Timber and head to [Galbadia Garden]. The party will be...
[Squall decides on the party.]
Squall: Let’s go!
Chief: You be careful, now! Take this with you.
[Squall receives a [Potion], a [Phoenix Down], a [Soft], an [Antidote], and a [Remedy] from the Chief. The party heads right and meets up with a man.]
Mystery Man: Rinoa, Squall! It’s me!
Rinoa: Zone!
Zone: You need to go to [East Academy], right? There’s no more tickets left.
Selphie: Super-Duper-Mega-Bummer!
Squall: We’ll do whatever it takes to get on that train.
Zone: You won’t have to do that. Looky here! I have everyone’s ticket right here!
[Zone steps up to Rinoa and gives a ticket.]
Zone: One for you.
[Zone walks up to Squall and hands him the tickets.]
Zone: 3 for you SeeD people. Here, I’ll give them to the leader. And the last one is for me......
[Zone sees Quistis. Zone gives his ticket to Quistis.]
Zone: Go on. Take it.
Quistis: I can’t take that. It’s yours!
Zone: Ouch!
[Zone gives his ticket to her and sits down.]
Zone: OuuuuuuucH! My stomach hurts! Ouch! Just get going! The train’s elaving!
Quistis: Thank you.
Rinoa: Zone...... We’re gonna see each other again, ok? No matter what, you have to survive. We have to liberate Timber together, remember?
Zone: I know, I know. I’ll go hide in a bathroom or something. Now get going.
[The party arrives at the Train Station.]
Timber Station
Announcement: This train is bound for Dollet, stopping at [East Academy]. This is the last train for today. Please hurry on board.
Squall: The last train... Let me double check... Get off at [East Academy] and go through the [forest, west of the station]. [Galbadia Garden] is located up ahead... Is that correct?
Quistis: Indeed. Glad we have a leader with a good memory.
[The party gets on the train.]
Train Announcement: This train, bound for East Academy, will depart shortly.
[The train departs.]
Squall: Well...
[Selphie walks over to the door.]
Selphie: Open, Open, OPEN!
Squall: ...Make it.
Selphie: Please... Open up!
(...Better let her have her way.)
[Squall goes over to the control panel and uses the ticket.]
ID Check
Confirming... Access granted...
Selphie: Tee-hee! Thanks!
[Selphie runs inside.]
Quistis: We should get there shortly, so we’ll be all right out here.
Rinoa: Weren’t you just saying something?
1. It’s nothing important, but...
2. Forget it... It’s not important
1. Squall: It’s nothing important, but... Well... We made it.
Quistis: I have to thank Zone for that.
Rinoa: He’s into naughty magazines.
Quistis: I’ll keep that in mind...
[Squall walks over to Zell.]
Zell: .........
1. (Leave him alone)
2. (Stay put)
[Squall leaves Zell alone. The train arrives at East Academy Station and the party gets off. The party wanders west inside the forest.]
Forest West of East Academy
Quistis: We’re not too far from Galbadia Garden now!
Selphie: Heeey! I was just thinking... There might be some bad news from the Galbadian government. What if we get caught and then get broadcast to the whole world...!?
Zell: Whatever happens, happens! Now come on! Let’s just keep going! I, I’m worried about Balamb Garden. If anything happens to Garden, it’s all my fault. I’m the one who said we were all from Garden...
[Zell runs up to Squall.]
Zell: You think the president will retaliate on Garden?
[Squall turns his face away.]
Squall: Maybe.
[Zell shamefully drops his head down.]
Zell: ...Figures...
[Zell grabs Squall.]
Zell: B-B-But, we have a whole bunch of SeeDs at Balamb Garden! They wouldn’t lose to the Galbadian army, would they?
Squall: Depends how strong the army is.
Zell: I know, but...
[Squall pushes Zell aside.]
Rinoa: Oh, you’re just a great leader, aren’t you...
[Rinoa walks up to Squall.]
Rinoa: Do you actually have fun acting so callous towards your comrades?
(...Not again.)
Rinoa: Zell wants your support.
(I knew it was gonna be something like that...)
Rinoa: Any kind of encouragement will make...
(That’s just to ease your mind.
Am I the only one who thinks that?
No, I’m sure Seifer...)
Rinoa: Don’t you ever worry about or even think about the well-being of your comrades!?
(I don’t believe in relying on others.)
Rinoa: Don’t you understand!?
Rinoa: Are you listening, Squall?
[Squall holds his head.]
(...What the!?) (...This sensation...)
[Squall falls down on the ground. Rinoa and the other panics. Rinoa checks on Squall.]
Quistis: Uhh...
[Quistis goes down cold. Zell runs to Quistis.]
Selphie: M...Me, too...
[Selphie faints. Zell runs over to Selphie and checks on her.]
Rinoa: What’s going on!?
Zell: I think... they went to the ‘dream world’.
-- Laguna #2 --
Ward: Kiros, you sure this is the place?
[Kiros appears.]
Kiros: Positive.
Ward: I don’t wanna be patrolling the wrong place, like last time.
Laguna: Ahh, sorry... This ain’t the place.
Kiros: This is it. Let’s go, commander.
Laguna: ?
[Laguna brings out a map and then puts it back.]
Laguna: I brought the wrong map.
[Ward puts his hand on his head. Kiros shakes his head.]
Laguna: Somehow, I have a bad feeling about this...
1. Nah, just my imagination
2. Yeah, a bad feeling...
[The three Galbadian soldiers moves on. The three walks over a bridge and sees pile of rocks being transported down.]
Laguna: But seriously... This place sure is strange... What the heck is this big pile of rocks? You think these are natural rocks used for carving tombstones?
Kiros: Who knows...or cares?
Ward: Speaking of strange... Why have you been... running around so strange?
Laguna: Strange...? What do you mean strange? ...Just bein’ cautious. That’s the basic rule of thu...
[The three hears a noise.]
Laguna: ...Hey?
[A soldier with flashy uniform appears.]
Laguna: Looks like we’ve got company. Esthar soldiers. Still wearin’ those flashy uniforms.
[Three esthar soldiers appears from below.]
Kiros: ...?
Ward: Laguna...!!!
Laguna: Don’t be such a weenie!
[Laguna looks at the two and sees the three soldiers.]
Laguna: What the...!?
[The soldier in front makes a move. Laguna quickly takes the soldier down. The three soldiers prepares to attack.]
Kiros: Wasn’t our mission just to patrol...?
Ward: Why does it have to turn out like this?
Laguna: Seriously...! I wasn’t expecting this at all!
[The three soldiers attacks. The three jumps out of the way. Laguna shoots one of them down while dodging their fires. Kiros goes in and slices another soldier from the back. Ward takes out the last soldier.]
Ward: There’s more coming...?
Kiros: There’s no end to this!
Laguna: Better make a run for it!
[The three makes a run for and comes across a ladder.]
Laguna: Huh...? A ladder. Guys, it’s a ladder. Looks like it leads down.
[The three soldiers heads down.]
Laguna: Ooou...cH!
Ward: What’s wrong?
Laguna: My...leg...cramped up!!!
Kiros: ......
Laguna: Phew... It’s fine now! I’m so out of shape. Gotta stretch before I exercise...
Ward: That last battle we had doesn’t really count as exercise.
Laguna: ...What? D’ya say something?
Kiros: ...Ahh, no.
[The trio comes across three hatches. Laguna examines the middle hatch.]
Laguna: Hmm...? The lever on the hatch is loose... ......!!! I know! If we use this... Some stubborn Esthar fool won’t be able to come after us!
Kiros: What the heck are you up to?
Ward: Somethin’ stupid again, I bet.
Laguna: You guys... You’re gonna regret sayin’ that. They say, one who makes fun of a genius will end up cryin’ in the end.
Kiros: ?
Ward: ...So who’s the ...genius...?
Laguna: Erghhhhhh! Just shut up! ANYWAY! The lever for this hatch is broken. So if we just loosen it a bit more...
Kiros: When they come after us from that side and...
Laguna: YES! Youuu guessed it! They’ll walk over it without expecting a thing! Then, all of a sudden, WHOOPS! ...They will go down. I have to admit... I really am a genius.
Ward: Hah. ...Like the Esthar soldiers are really gonna fall for this trap.
Laguna: We won’t know until we try! And those who never try will never know! So... I’m gonna do it! Just remember, if we tamper with the lever, we won’t be able to make it back to the other side. It’d be idiotic to fall for our own trap... So, here it goes. You guys, stand back.
[Laguna loosens the lever.]
Laguna: There!
[The three escapes from the area. An Esthar soldier comes across the hatch and falls down, just like Laguna planned. The trio comes across a torpedo and a boulder. Laguna examines the torpedo.]
Laguna: The heck’s this? A blue and red switch, and 2 fuses...?
Kiros: A detonator...? You know.
Laguna: Ohhh, I get it. The short blue fuse is for that boulder... And the long red fuse is for the boulder further down?
Ward: Hey, man...! Are you crazy!? You don’t even know how powerful that thing will be!
Laguna: Ahh, I bet it’s not all that. The detonator’s right here, so as long as we stay behind it, we’ll be all right.
Ward: Well..., I guess so...
Laguna: Let’s see... What to do...
1. Press blue switch (Nearest boulder)
2. Press red switch (Furthest boulder)
Forget it
[Laguna touches the boulder. The boulder rolls down.]
Laguna: Hghh...!?
Esthar Soldier: ......!?
[The boulder hits the esthar soldier on its way.]
Laguna: Phew, that was close...
Ward: Geez... You have to go around touching everything like a little kid, don’t you?
Kiros: Chill out a little, will ya?
Laguna: WHATEVER-MAN! Thanks to ME, those Esthar soldiers and that rock are history. It’s like killing two pigs with one stone. I am just so awesome... Genius, I tell you...
Ward: Pigs...?
Kiros: Don’t you mean...birds?
[The three escapes from the area and finally comes outside a dead end on a high cliff. Esthar soldiers surrounds the three.]
Laguna: Don’t tell me...
Kiros: Of all the worst possible...
Ward: ...Predicaments?
[One of the esthar soldiers moves in. Kiros quickly rushes in and slices the soldier down.]
Laguna: Ahhhh! I have to go to the bathroom!
[Another esthar soldier takes a hard one from Ward’s anchor.]
Laguna: Uhhhh! The tip o’my nose itchessss!
[Ethar soldiers starts to shoot at the three. The three barely dodges the bullets. A bullet misses Kiros by an inch and brushes by Kiros’s arm. Kiros painfully holds his arm and prepares to do his special move, the Blood Pain. Kiros runs at the soldiers and slices them badly with his Katal.]
Laguna: Uhhhh! The tip o’my nose itchessss!
[Another group of esthar soldiers appears. Laguna takes few of them down with his machine gun. Ward takes the other soldiers down with his anchor. With his last ounce of energy, one of the esthar soldiers goes up and hits a hard one on Ward’s throat, using the Soul Crush move and dies. After the gruesome battle, the three looks down the cliff and sees the ocean.]
Laguna: Look, the ocean... We’re saved! Lady Luck is on our side! We can escape to Galbadia!!!
Kiros: One would say we’ve been run down... That’s what they’d normally say...
Laguna: Don’t say that. It might come true. Didn’t your grandmother tell you that?
Kiros: ...If you say something bad... It will come true... Yeah, I think she did.
Ward: Ggghh...rrrhhh...
Laguna: What’d you say?
Kiros: I think...his throat...was injured... He lost...his voice.
Laguna: Ward, that’s way uncool. It’s not cool to say things like that. Just for that, you’re gettin’ the Cuchi-Cuchi treatment! How’s that, huh!? Want more!? Well!?
Ward: ......
Laguna: ......
[Laguna walks over to the edge and sees some boats.]
Laguna: WHOA!!! Check it out, a boat! We’re gettin’ on!
Laguna: Boat, vessel, whatever. We’re going back to Galbadia!
[Laguna throws Kiros and Ward down the cliff and into the ocean.]
Laguna: You guys...sure have guts. You know how high this cliff is...!?
[Laguna carefully climbs down the cliff. Laguna slips and falls down into the ocean.]
Laguna: Oh...sh...! ...No way... AHHHH!!!
[The camera changes back to Squall and crew. Rinoa and Zell anxiously waits for Squall, Selphie, and Quistis to regain consciousness.]
Forest West of East Academy
[The three wakes up.]
Zell: Was it Laguna again...?
Selphie: Sir Laguna’s in BIG TROUBLE! I hope he’ll be ok...!!!
Quistis: Doesn’t seem like the first time for you all. What is this?
[Squall thinks.]
(If it were just me, I could tell the others
it was only a crazy dream...)
Squall: We’ll just be wasting our time trying to figure it out. Let’s keep going.
Zell: Yeah, let’s go! I think we’re almost there.
[Quistis, Selphie, and Zell leaves the area. Rinoa walks over to Squall.]
Rinoa: Umm...Squall... I think I may have said too much. I’m sorry.
(Forget about it.)
-- Galbadia --
Galbadia Garden
Full Motion Video: Shows the Galbadia Garden.]
Selphie: Wow... Completely different...
Zell: Sure is quiet.
Squall: ...I like it.
[Rinoa chuckles after hearing Squall. Quistis steps forward.]
Quistis: Could you leave this one up to me? I’ve been here several times, and I know the headmaster pretty well.
[Quistis steps further.]
Quistis: I’ll go and explain our situation.
[Quistis steps inside Galbadia Garden. Squall and crew follows.]
Announcement: Attention, SeeD party from Balamb Garden: Please wait in the [2F reception room].
[Squall and crew makes their way inside the reception room.]
Reception Room
Selphie: I wonder if they have a Garden Festival here, too?
Rinoa: So Quistis attended classes here?
Zell: How long are they gonna make us wait...?
[Quistis comes in.]
Squall: How’d it go?
Quistis: They understand our situation.
[Quistis walks over to Zell.]
Quistis: And Balamb Garden is safe. The attack on the president in Timber was classified as an independent action. There was an official notice from the Galbadian government saying that Balamb Garden is not being held responsible.
Zell: So, Seifer’s taking all the blame?
Quistis: The trial’s over, and the sentence has been carried out...
[Everybody is shocked. Rinoa sits down in shock.]
Rinoa...He was executed? ...Of course he was. He attacked the president. He sacrificed himself for the ‘Forest Owls’...
[Quistis walks over to Rinoa.]
Quistis: It was your group that got Seifer involved in all this. You’re a resistant faction, right? You must have been prepared for the worst. I’m sure Seifer was prepared, too. So don’t think of it as Seifer sacrificing himself for you.
[Quistis sits down on the couch.]
Quistis: I’m sorry. I guess that wasn’t much consolation.
Zell: I didn’t like the guy, but executed...?
Selphie: You really hated Seifer, didn’t you, Zell!?
Zell: Yeah, but... He was from Garden... He was one of us. If I can, I wanna get revenge.
Quistis: I don’t have any good memories of him. I’ve seen some
troubled children, but he was beyond troubled. Well, he wasn’t really a bad guy.
Rinoa: I...really liked him. He was always full of confidence, smart... Just by talking to him, I felt like I could take on the world.
Selphie: Your boyfriend?
Rinoa: I don’t really know. I... I think I was in love. I wonder how he felt...?
[Rinoa sits down on the couch beside Quistis.]
Selphie: Do you still like him?
Rinoa: If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be talking about it. It was last summer... I was 16. Lots of fond memories...
(I liked him... wasn’t really a bad guy...
He was one of us...)
(Seifer... You’ve become just a memory)
(Will they...Will they talk about me
this way if I die, too?)
(Squall was this and that. Using past
tense, saying whatever they want?)
(So this is what death is all about...)
(...Not for me.) (I won’t have it!!!)
[Quistis stands up.]
Quistis: What’s wrong, Squall?
Squall: I won’t have it!
[Everybody looks at Squall in surprise.]
Zell: W-What?
[Selphie runs up to Squall.]
Selphie: Are you MAD!?
[Squall runs up to the door.]
Squall: I’m not having anyone talk about me in the past tense!
[Squall runs out of the room. Squall makes his way to the 1F Hallway. Raijin calls Squall from the 2F.]
1F Hallway
Raijin: Yo! Squall!
[Raijin and Fujin comes down and meets up with Squall.]
Squall: What are you doing here?
Raijin: What am I doin’? I’m a messenger, ya know? Brought you a new order from Headmaster Cid, ya know?
Squall: What kind of order?
Raijin: I dunno. Gave it to the head honcho here. Just did what Headmaster Cid wanted, ya know?
Raijin: We were suppose’ta go to Timber. But the trains have stopped, so we had no other choice but to come here. Kinda relived to see you guys here.
Fujin: SEIFER?
Raijin: Oh yeah! Wasn’t Seifer with you?
Squall: I believe Seifer may be dead... I heard he was tried in Galbadia and then executed...
Fujin: LIES!
Raijin: BWAHAAHAAHAA! That’s gotta be a lie, ya know!? There’s no way he’d put up with a trial, ya know!? Or an execution for that matter! It’s just so not Seifer, ya know!?
Fujin: FIND!
Rajin: O’What...! We’re gonna meet up with Seifer! Well, see ya, Squall. We’re gonna head off to Galbadia to look for Seifer.
[Raijin and Fujin leaves.]
Announcement: Attention, SeeD party from Balamb Garden: Please assemble at the [front gate].
[Squall meets up with Quistis.]
Quistis: Ok, it’s time to meet. Let’s go.
Front Gate
[Squall and crew assembles at the front gate. A car is see coming.]
Rinoa: Oh! I think that’s him. Just pretend I’m a SeeD, too. It’ll be less complicated that way.
[The car arrives and the headmaster comes out. Selphie, Zell, Quistis, and Squall does the Garden salute. Rinoa mimics.]
Martine: Good day. I have official orders from Headmaster Cid addressed to you. Following regulations, I have gone over these orders. After careful consideration of our options, we have decided to fully assist and cooperate with Headmaster Cid. Actually, we too, have been planning for this for quite some time now. In order to stress the importance of this mission, I must first brief you on the current situation. At ease. You all know about the sorceress being appointed as the peace ambassador for the Galbadian government. However, this ambassador thing is just a cover up. There will be no peace talks, only threats. The sorceress creates fear among people. Therefore, peace talks are impossible. Galbadia is planning to use this fear to negotiate favorable conditions for itself. It is clear that Galbadia’s ultimate goal is world domination. Garden is no exception, either. It is a fact that the sorceress is planning to use this Garden as her base. ...We have very few options available to us. We entrust world peace, and the future to you.
[Squall and crew salutes.]
Martine: Details of the mission are enclosed in these official orders.
[Martine gives the official orders to Squall. Squall reads the orders.]
Martine: Any questions?
Squall: The orders say by means of ‘a sniper’. We have no one with that skill.
Martine: Don’t worry about it. Let me introduce an elite sharpshooter from Galbadia Garden. Kinneas! Irvine Kinneas!
Full Motion Video: A man with a cowboy hat and a ponytail is lying on the ground. A butterfly sits on the man’s finger. The man stands up and grabs his shotgun. The man has a tan coat.]
[The man joins the group.]
Martine: This is Irvine Kinneas. He will be your sharpshooter.
[The man walks back and forth, examining the party.]
Martine: Leave whenever you’re ready.
[Martine walks up to his car.]
Martine: Failure is not an option.
Irvine: BANG!
[Martine leaves with his car.]
Rinoa: What kind of orders did we get?
Squall: Our next mission... This is no ordinary mission. It’s a direct order from both Balamb and Galbadia Garden. We’re to... ...assassinate the sorceress. We’re to shoot her from afar. Kinneas will be our sharpshooter. We’re to support Kinneas to our fullest. Should the sniper fail, we are to attack head on.
Irvine: Thanks for the support, but I never miss my target.
Squall: Eliminate the sorceress. That’s our order. We’re going to head to the capital of Galbadia, Deling City. There, we’ll meet up with General Caraway to go over the details for the plan. Let’s get going.
Irvine: Well then... We’ll need to choose a party for the trip to Deling City.
[Irvine tries to take Selphie and Rinoa.]
Irvine: How’s this?
Squall: I’ll decide.
[Squall chooses Selphie and Rinoa.]
Squall: There.
Irvine: What!? Are you serious...?
Squall: I’ve balanced out the party.
Zell: So you want me to take care of this guy, eh?
[Zell turns around to Irvine.]
Zell: I’ll teach ya some SeeD manners!
Irvine: Catch ya later, alligator!
[Irvine leaves.]
Zell: Hey!
[The party boards the train.]
Squall: .........
[Rinoa and Selphie walks in. Squall uses the ticket on the control panel.]
ID Check
Confirming... Access granted...
Selphie: Hee! You caught on!
[Selphie runs inside the room. Zell enters the train.]
Irvine: Selphie, Rinoa, Quistis... I don’t know which one to choose...
[Quistis and Irvine walks in.]
Train Announcement: The train, bound for Deling City, will be departing shortly.
[The train departs.]
Rinoa: This is the only train bound for Deling City anyway.
Irvine: Hmm... Perhaps it’s fate?
[Irvine walks inside the room.]
Zell: So, what do we do about HIM?
[Squall follows Irvine.]
Irvine: Selphie... We’re destined to be together!
Selphie: Y-Yeah right...!
Irvine: A sigh of love?
Selphie: N-No...
[Irvine tries to go back. Squall makes way.]
Irvine: Pardon me...
[Irvine goes back to the room where Zell, Rinoa, and Quistis are.]
Selphie: My heart’s pounding... What is this I’m feeling?
Squall: It’s an important mission. Get used to handling pressure while you still can.
Selphie: ...(sigh).
[Squall heads back.]
Irvine: Rinoa...
[Rinoa runs over to Quistis.]
Quistis: Irvine Kinneas! You’re playing a major role in this mission. Now behave yourself!
Irvine: No one understands me... Sharpshooters are loners by nature... We hone our instincts, pour our whole being into a single bullet. The pressure of the moment... An instant of tension... That’s what... I have to face alone... ...It’s not easy. So like... Just do me a favor, and let me be! You get my drift?
[Zell hits the floor with his fist. The train trembles.]
Train Announcement: Err, there was no damage to the train from that, err, minor vibration... I, uh... repeat... Err, there was no damage to the train from that, err, minor vibration...
[The train arrives at Deling City.]
Deling City Station
[The party comes out.]
Announcement: The train bound for the desert will be departing from platform 1. The train bound for Garden, heading west will be departing from platform 2. The train bound for Timber is currently out of service. Please stand behind the white line.
Deling City
Rinoa: We’re going to Caraway’s mansion, right? Just take bus 08.
Selphie: We’re going there already...? You don’t wanna check out the city?
(...That might be good. Maybe Laguna’s back from his duties.)
(But what do I do if I see him?)
Squall: We should go see General Caraway first.
(So this is where Laguna’s from..?)
[The party takes the bus 08 and comes to Caraway’s mansion.]
Caraway’s Mansion
(Caraway is the head of the Galbadian Army...
Could this be a coup d’etat?)
(No... I don’t think he’s out
to overthrow the president...)
[Squall walks up to the guard.]
Caraway’s Guard: General Caraway’s mansion is right through this gate, but... I can’t just let you walk in.
Squall: I believe he’s been informed of our arrival.
Caraway’s Guard: Yes indeed, but... I was ordered not to let you through until your skills have been tested.
Rinoa: He’s still so skeptical of people.
Squall: Test our skills? What does he want us to do?
Caraway’s Guard: The [Tomb of the Unknown King] to the northeast. All you have to do is go there. It’s real simple, but... You have to bring back proof that you were there. A code number.
Squall: A code number?
Rinoa: All the way out here for a test of courage?
Caraway’s Guard: There are many students like yourself who wish to call on General Caraway. There was a student from Galbadia Garden yesterday, who has yet to return from the test at the [Tomb of the Unknown King]. The [Tomb of the Unknown King] is located [northeast] of the city. Your objective is to go to the [Tomb of the Unknown King], look for traces of this lost student, and return with his ID number. You should be able to find what you’re looking for shortly after you go in. The ID number should be written on it. I don’t recommend going any further than you have to. You may never make it back alive. Anyway, here’s a map for you. Press the Select button while inside the [Tomb of the Unknown King] to bring it up. Press O again while the map is displayed to escape from the dungeon. But just remember, your SeeD rank will go down.
[The party rents a car and arrives in front of the tomb. Two girls wearing Galbadian Garden’s uniform runs out from the tomb.]
Girl: F-Float!
[The two girls leaves the area in a hurry.]
Tomb of the Unknown King
[The party enters the tomb and finds the student’s ID number. The crew exits the tomb and drives back to the city.]
Caraway’s Guard: That’s correct! Please, right this way.
[Squall and crew walks up. Squall stops in front of Caraway’s mansion.]
(Both Balamb and Galbadia Garden are joining forces with the
general from the Galbadian Army. ...Why?)
(...No point in me thinking about it.)
(‘SeeDs aren’t meant to questions why.’)
Rinoa: Umm... Is my contract... still in effect?
(...What is it this time?)
Rinoa: Don’t leave me in this house, ok? Want me to explain why?
(This might take a while...)
Squall: You should know by now. Just tell us what to do and we’ll do it.
Rinoa: Okay, then. Thanks.
[The party enters the mansion. Night begins to fall and the party waits in a room for General Caraway to show up.]
Caraway’s Mansion
Quistis: He’s making us wait quite a bit.
Selphie: What’s taking so long...!?
Zell: Erghh...
Rinoa: Hmph... He always does this! So discourteous...making people wait.
[Rinoa stands up from her chair.]
Rinoa: I’m gonna go complain.
Squall: I’ll go.
Rinoa: Oh, don’t worry about it. It’s my house. Everyone just wait here.
(...Hope it doesn’t lead to any trouble.)
Zell: What the hell’s goin’ on!?
[The general walks inside.]
Squall: Where’s Rinoa?
General Caraway: She has not received the type of training you all have, and may become a burden. It’s for the best that she stays out of this operation.
Selphie: So you’re Rinoa’s father?
General Caraway: I can’t remember the last time she called me that.
Zell: So the father’s a top military officer, and the daughter’s a member of an anti-government faction!? That’s bad... Really BAD!
General Caraway: Yes, indeed. It’s a serious problem.
[The general walks over to the window..]
General Caraway: But it doesn’t concern you. It’s our problem.
(That’s not the case...)
General Caraway: Besides, we have far more important things to worry about.
(Garden’s directive and Rinoa’s orders
have the same value to us.)
Squall: Once our mission is accomplished here, we’re working for Rinoa, as per our contract. I don’t know what your situation is, but please don’t interfere when the time comes.
General Caraway: And if I do?
(What’s his problem?)
Squall: We’re all SeeDs here. We’ll act accordingly.
Irvine: Hey, hey, hey... Fellas... We’re here to knock off the sorceress, right? So let’s get down to business.
General Caraway: ......
[The general walks down.]
General Caraway: Ok, let me explain the plan.
[The general steps outside. The crew follows.]
General Caraway: I’m sure you know about the Galbadian government reaching an agreement with Sorceress Edea.
(So the sorceress’ name is Edea...)
General Caraway: There’s going to be a ceremony tonight to commemorate the event.
[The general and the crew steps out of Caraway’s mansion area.]
General Caraway: It’ll be held at the Presidential Residence.
[General Caraway moves on through the streets of Deling. The others follows.]
General Caraway: During the ceremony, you will split up into two teams and get in position. The [gateway team] will enter the gateway and stand by. The [sniper team] will stand by at the front of the Presidential Residence until the ceremony is over.
Central Square
[The general and the crew arrives at the central square where the parade will take place. The crew stands in a three-way road and in front of the Presidential Residence.]
General Caraway: This is where the [sniper team] will wait, right here, where I am standing.
(So, we’re gonna divide into 2 teams:
the [sniper team] and the [gateway team].)
[General points at the Presidential Residence.]
General Caraway: That’s the Presidential Residence. Once the ceremony ends, a parade for the sorceress will begin. That’s when the gate will open. Lay low until then. The parade may be cancelled if there is any commotion. We must avoid that at all costs. Once the gate opens, the [sniper team] will move out. With the parade drawing the crowd and the guards’ attention, it should be rather easy to move about.
[The camera shifts to a corridor.]
General Carway: The [sniper team] will head for the roof of the residence. In the [corridor] by the sorceress’ room, there is a [hatch] that leads to the clocktower.
[The camera shifts to the clocktower. A sniper lies on the floor.]
General Caraway: There’s a clock tower there housing a carousel clock. You’ll find the sniper rifle there. Stand by in the clock tower until exactly 20:00. The parade will begin by the gate. The sorceress will be riding on the parade vehicle.
[The general walks over in front of the Presidential Residence gate.]
General Caraway: After it leaves the gate, the vehicle will turn left.
[The general runs left to the left side road.]
General Caraway: Like this. This way.
[The general stops and runs right to the right side road.]
General Caraway: The parade will circle once around the city along the outer road and return to this space. It will return on this side. Then it will turn right... and head this way.
[The general runs up to the north road.]
General Caraway: Here’s where the [gateway team] comes into play.
[The general and the crew walks up and comes across a big gateway.]
General Caraway: At exactly 20:00, the parade will pass under the gateway.
[The party comes under the gateway.]
General Caraway: At this point, the [gateway team] will operate the console to drop the gates. The sorceress will be trapped inside the gateway.
[The camera shifts to show the roof where the carousel clock will rise.]
General Caraway: At 20:00, the carousel clock will rise out of the roof, carrying the [sniper team] up as well.
[The camera shifts up on the roof and shows a clean view at the gateway.]
General Caraway: There will be no obstruction between the [sniper team] and the sorceress. Take the open shot............ BANG!
[The camera shifts back to Squall’s crew and the general.]
That is all. Now we wait. You’re free to go anywhere. Go check out the city if you wish. Just one thing. Stay out of trouble.
(Who do you think we are? ...We’re not like your daughter.)
Squall: We are SeeDs.
General Caraway: ...... Report to my [residence] when you’re ready. We’ll hold a final meeting then. After that, we’ll proceed with the operation.
[After exploring the city, Squall and party returns to Caraway’s mansion.]
Caraway’s Mansion
[The group holds a meeting in one of the rooms.]
General Caraway: It’s time to form the teams. The sniper and the leader of this operation will form the [sniper team]. The leader’s role is vital.
(...What does he mean?)
General Caraway: If the plan fails for some reason... ...or should the sniper miss... ...the leader must carry out a direct assault against the sorceress. The plan was devised carefully, because we intend this to be a covert operation. But our ultimate goal is to eliminate the sorceress, and we must achieve this at all cost. Even if they uncover our identities. So, who’s going to lead the operation?
[Zell, Irvine, Selphie, and Quistis looks at Squall.]
Squall: I will.
General Caraway: Fine. I’ll leave the rest up to you.
(...The [sniper team] is decided.)
Squall: Irvine and I will make up the [sniper team]. The [gateway team] will be...
Selphie: Whoo-hoo!
Quistis: Roger.
Zell: Let’s DO IT!!!
Selphie: So who’s gonna be the leader for the [gateway team]?
[Zell takes his stance and starts to punch.]
(Sorry, Zell.)
Squall: Instructor Trepe. ...Quistis Trepe, you’re in charge.
[Zell gets disappointed.]
Quistis: Ok! Leave it to me.
General Caraway: Ok. Let’s begin.
[Squall and Irvine leaves the room along with the general. Quistis walks over to the door. Rinoa comes in rushing and bumps Quistis.]
Rinoa: Hi! Finally got out of there! Did that man say something?
Zell: No, not really.
Rinoa: Where’s Squall?
Quistis: I’m sorry Rinoa, but we have to get going.
Rinoa: Hold on a sec.
[Rinoa brings out a bangle.]
Rinoa: Take a look at this!!! This is called an Odine Bangle. I found it in that man’s room.
Zell: Odine!?
Selphie: Whatcha gonna do with it?
Rinoa: It’s suppose to suppress the sorceress’ powers. But, its effects are still unknown. So I don’t think they’re going to use it for this mission.
Zell: If it’s Odine brand, it should be pretty effective! They’re NO.1 when it comes to magical goods.
Rinoa: Right! Right!
Quistis: So what exactly do you want to do with it!? Are you planning to have the sorceress put it on!? Who? When? How?
Rinoa: That’s what we’re going to discuss!
Quistis: We don’t have time for that. Squall and Irvine are already standing by. We have an operation to carry out, too. You understand, don’t you? This isn’t a father-daughter quarrel. This isn’t a game.
[Quistis walks out the room in anger. Selphie and Zell silently follows.]
Rinoa: Who said this was a game...?
[Rinoa sits down on the floor.]
Rinoa: I understand what’s going on...
[Rinoa grabs her legs.]
Rinoa: It’s not like I don’t have a plan...
[Outside the mansion, the [sniper team] follows General Garaway. The [gateway team] also follows.]
Squall: I’ll make the first charge when we make the full-on attack. I’ll try to buy some time.
Irvine: That won’t be necessary... I’ll get the job done.
[The party comes on the streets.]
Irvine: So like... Is it true that SeeDs aren’t supposed to question their mission?
(There are times I'd like to know myself.
Like...now for example.
Squall: What do you care?
Irvine: So like...if you knew that your enemies were pure evil, you’d get more fired up to fight them, right?
(...An enemy that is pure evil?)
(Right and wrong are not what
separate us and our enemies.
It's our different standpoints,
our perspectives that separate us.)
[The crew comes at the central square. Many people stands on the central square waiting for the ceremony to begin.]
(Both sides blame one another. There's no good or bad side.
Just 2 sides holding different views.)
[The crew carefully makes their way to the gate.]
General Caraway: The [gateway team] will wait inside the gate until 20:00. You can enter through this door. The sorceress will pass through the gateway at exactly 20:00. In that instant, lower the gates using the control console located on the top floor and trap her inside the gateway.
[The [gateway team] enters the door. The [sniper team] follows Caraway to the Presidential Residence.]
Presidential Residence
General Caraway: You two will wait here.
Squall: General, why has the sorceress decided to have such an extravagant parade?
General Caraway: She wants to establish her place in Galbadia Garden, since she has chosen it to serve as her base.
(So that’s why Galbadia Garden wants her out...)
General Caraway: It’s starting. I’m returning to my residence. Good luck.
[General Caraway heads back.]
Zell: Instructor, what’s up?
Quistis: Maybe I was too hard on her...
Zell: Too hard?
Quistis: I’m going to go apologize...
Zell: You mean...Rinoa?
Selphie: But...but... We can’t just leave our post!
Quistis: We still have time until 20:00. You two wait here.
Zell: We can’t just...
[Quistis leaves the area.]
Zell: Hey, wait up!
[Selphie and Zell runs after Quistis. Meanwhile, back at the Caraway’s Mansion.]
Caraway’s Mansion
[Caraway walks inside the room where Rinoa is sitting on the floor. Rinoa sees her father. Rinoa puts her head down on her legs and shoos him away with her hand.]
General Caraway: It’ll be chaos out there soon. You’ll be safe here.
[Rinoa shoos him again with her hand. Caraway crosses his arms and then leaves the room. Caraway activates the auto lock mode on the door. Rinoa stands up.]
Rinoa: Oh no! He’s gonna lock me in!
[Rinoa runs up to the door. Rinoa holds her necklace.]
Rinoa: I... I can do it...
[Rinoa exits the room. Quistis, Selphie, and Zell arrives at the room.]
Quistis: Rinoa, I’m sorry I...
[The door closes and locks in.]
Selphie: !
Quistis: !
Zell: !
[Quistis tries to open the door.]
Quistis: ??? Did we get... locked in?
Selphie: ...That Caraway guy!?
Zell: We’re smack dab in the middle of a family quarrel here!
Quistis: This is bad. I’m worried about Rinoa, too.
Zell: What do you mean?
Quistis: Rinoa’s probably on her way to see the sorceress as we speak. She wanted to help us...
[Rinoa sneaks her way inside the Presidential Residence.]
Presidential Residence
[Rinoa sees a car with boxes on top of it. Rinoa climbs a box beside the car.]
Rinoa: I’m not a SeeD, but...
[Rinoa climbs on top of the car.]
Rinoa: I can do this...
[Rinoa climbs the boxes on top of the car.]
Rinoa: This isn’t some kind of game...
[Rinoa jumps to a platform from the box. Rinoa climbs up a ladder leading to the building’s roof. Rinoa comes inside a room located on top of the building’s roof.]
Sorceress’ Chamber
[A woman is sitting on a chair. Rinoa has her hands on her back, holding the Odine’s Bangle.]
Rinoa: Umm... Excuse me... I’m...the daughter of, um...Galbadian Army’s, umm...General Caraway. I...thought I’d...come pay my respects... You know...‘cause of my father and all...’ So, I...um...brought you a small gift. Please...
[Rinoa carefully walks up behind her. A force of energy knocks Rinoa away. The Odine’s Bangle starts to react and floats up along with Rinoa.]
Rinoa: Ugh.
[A force knocks Rinoa unconscious. Rinoa falls down.]
Full Motion Video: A woman with a mask is sitting down on a chair. Her dark long hair sways around the room. The woman’s hair shortens and her mask disappears, revealing the sorceress. Rinoa regains consciousness and stands up. The sorceress walks through the door and comes outside. People starts to cheer and shout. Deling waits for the sorceress beside the microphone.]
Outside the Presidential Residence
[Squall and Irvine waits for the sorceress to show up among the crowd of people.]
Irvine: Here she comes.
Full Motion Video: The sorceress steps in front of the microphone, Rinoa by her side.]
Irvine: H...Hey... That girl...!
Squall: Rinoa...?
Edea: ...Lowlifes. ...Shameless filthy wretches. How you celebrate my ascension with such joy. Hailing the very one whom you have condemned for generations. Have you no shame? What happened to the evil, ruthless sorceress from your fantasies? The cold-blooded tyrant that slaughtered countless men and destroyed many nations. Where is she now? She stands before your very eyes to become your new ruler. HAHAHAHAHA.
Edea: A new era has just begun.
President Deling: E-Edea... Are you alright...? Edea...!
[The sorceress strikes her razor sharp nails through the president’s chest.]
Edea: This is reality.
[The sorceress lifts the president up.]
Edea: No one can help you. Sit back and enjoy the show.
[The camera pans up and shows the crowds of people cheering for the sorceress. The camera closes in. The sorceress throws the president aside.]
Edea: Rest assured, you fools. Your time will come. This is only the beginning. Let us start a new reign of terror. I will let you live a fantasy beyond your imagination.
[The sorceress steps down and walks down to through a hall to her chamber. On her way to her room, the sorceress stops.]
Edea: Let us end this ceremony with a sacrifice.
[The sorceress meditates.]
Full Motion Video: Two lizard-lion beast stones comes to life. The two beast jumps down and runs through the crowd of people. Rinoa regains consciousness. The two beasts makes their way in front of the presidential residence and jumps in front of Rinoa.]
Irvine: Hey, hey, hey, she’s in trouble big-time! We’ve gotta go help Rinoa!
[Irvine grabs Squall by his shoulder. Squall flicks Irvine off.]
Squall: The parade’s hasn’t started yet. The gate’s not open.
Irvine: You’ve gotta be kidding!
[Meanwhile at Caraway’s Mansion...]
Caraway’s Mansion
[Quistis gazes through one of the windows in the room.]
Quistis: Oh no! It’s starting! We need to get out of here, quick.
[Quistis finds a secret passageway in the room.]
Zell: NO WAY!
Selphie: Pretty sneak-y!
Quistis: Let’s go.
Selphie: But we don’t even know where it leads!
Zell: No use stayin’ here!
[The secret passage leads the three inside the sewers. The three hears the parade beginning.]
Zell: It’s starting...
Full Motion Video: The camera pans up on top of the sewer. Irvine and Squall stands in the middle of the crowd. The presidential residence’s gate opens. A car comes out with the sorceress on top, sitting down. People starts to dance in front of the car. Fireworks starts to fly up everywhere. The crowd waves at the new ruler, the sorceress.]
Irvine: Now’s our chance. Come on!
[Irvine runs up.]
Irvine: What are you waiting for!? Rinoa might die!
[Irvine and Squall runs through the crowd of people.]
Full Motion Video: The parade car turns left. Dancers dances around and fireworks flies everywhere.]
[Irvine and Squall runs through the crowd.]
Full Motion Video: Seifer stands beside the sorceress. The camera pans in front of Seifer. Seifer smiles and holds his gunblade. The car begins to move away from the presidential residence. Irvine and Squall sneaks around the car and runs inside the building where Rinoa is.]
[Irvine and Squall comes to the sorceress chambers. Irvine and Squall sees Rinoa laying on the floor unconscious and the two lizards like beasts preparing to shred her.]
Sorceress’ Chamber
Squall: Rinoa!!!
[The two beasts turns around.]
Irvine: Oh, I forgot to tell you... For my Limit Break, Shot, pull the trigger with the R1. Got it?
Battle: Squall and Irvine Vs. Two Iguion
[One of them jumps at Irvine. Irvine quickly pulls out his shotgun and fires a hard one. The bullet sends the beast away. The other creature fires magma from his mouth. Squall bolts out of the way and slashes. The beast screams painfully and knocks Squall’s gunblade away. Irvine runs up to save Squall and fires at the beast. The beast goes down. Irvine brings out his Normal Ammo and slips it down to his shotgun. The two beast recovers from the shot and jumps at Irvine. Irvine strikes one of them down on the head. The other closes and barely grabs Irvine but gets his throat slashed by Squall’s gunblade.]
[Squall runs up to Rinoa.]
Rinoa: I was scared...
[Rinoa grabs Squall’s hand.]
Rinoa: ...Really scared.
Squall: It’s over now.
Rinoa: I was scared... I was really, really scared.
Squall: You’re used to battles, aren’t you?
Rinoa: I couldn’t...I just couldn’t. I couldn’t fight alone...
(...You’re not ready for all this.)
[Squall throws Rinoa’s hands away from his hand.]
Squall: Better get going.
[Squall tries to walk away. Rinoa stands up and grabs Squall’s left arm.]
Squall: I haven’t forgotten your order. Just stay close to me.
[The three comes at the Clock Room. Squall takes the sniper rifle from the ground and gives it to Irvine.]
Squall: Irvine Kinneas, it’s in your hands now.
[Irvine slowly takes the sniper. Irvine walks up, leans a wall and sits down quietly, his rifle in his hand.]
(Huh...? Why’d he get all quiet?)
(Oh, he must be concentrating.)
(Loneliness of the sharpshooter... I guess he has a point.)
(Can’t hear anything from in here.
...What’s going on with the parade, I wonder?)
(Seifer... So he’s alive.)
Squall: Rinoa. Seifer’s alive. He was in the parade with the sorceress.
Rinoa: ...What does it mean?
Squall: Who knows.
(If I were to face the sorceress directly...)
(Would I have to go through Seifer?)
(...That’s the way it goes as a SeeD.
You can’t choose your enemies...)
Squall: I may end up killing Seifer.
Rinoa: You’re both...prepared, right? That’s the kind of world you live in. You’ve had a lot of emotional training. But... Of course, I’d rather it not happen...
Squall: It’s all up to Irvine.
[Squall walks over to Irvine and sits down beside him.]
(Huh...?) (Is he freakin’ out!?)
Squall: Don’t tell me you’re getting the jitter...
Irvine: I...I can’t do it.
[Squall holds his head and shakes. The [gateway team] roams around the sewers and finally comes to the gateway. The three climbs up and arrives at their destination.]
Zell: Phew! We just made it.
Full Motion Video: The time reaches to 20:00:00. The carousel clock rises out of the roof, carrying the [sniper team] up as well. The parade car passes under the gateway carrying the sorceress.]
Zell: Instructor, now! Hit the switch!
[Quistis hits the switch.]
Full Motion Video: The front gate drops down. The sorceress stands up and looks back. The back gate drops down and traps the car.]
Clock Room
Squall: Irvine Kinneas!!!
Irvine: I...I can’t... I’m sorry, I can’t do it. I always choke like this... I try to act all cool, joke around, but I just can’t handle the pressure...
Squall: Forget it. Just shoot.
Irvine: My bullet... The sorceress... I’ll go down in history. I’d change the history of Galbadia... Of the world! It’s all too much...
Squall: Enough! Just shoot!
Irvine: I can’t, dammit!
Squall: Irvine, calm down. Everyone’s waiting on you. I don’t care if you miss. Whatever happens, just leave the rest to us. Just think of it as a signal. A sign for us to make our move.
Irvine: Just a signal...
(That’s it.)
Squall: Please.
[Irvine takes his position and aims at the sorceress.]
Irvine: ...Just a sign.
[Irvine’s heart begans to beat. Irvine loads his sniper and shoots.]
Full Motion Video: The bullet sails through the air. The sorceress raises her hand just in time to ward of the bullet with a force field.]
[Irvine falls backwards in disbelieve.]
Irvine: ...I’m sorry.
Squall: It’s ok. Your aim was perfect. Just leave the rest up to me. I’m goin’ in for the sorceress. Irvine, Rinoa, just be ready to back me up. Take care of Rinoa.
[Squall jumps down from the carousal clock and runs down. Squall draws out his gunblade.]
Full Motion Video: The angry crowd fights the Galbadian soldiers. One of the Galbadian soldier looks up and sees Squall with his gunblade on top of him. Squall slashes the guard down and runs for the nearby car. Squall hops on the car and drives through the street. The car crashes at the gate where the sorceress is. Seifer stands beside the sorceress and smiles. The camera shifts to the sorceress, the sorceress also smiles.]
[Squall stands in front of Seifer and the sorceress.]
Seifer: Well, this is how it turned out.
Squall: So you’ve become the sorceress’ lap dog?
Seifer: I prefer to be called her knight. This has always been my dream.
Battle: Squall Vs. Seifer
Seifer: Squall, you’re mine!
[Squall and Seifer strikes at each other. Their gunblade connects and sends the two reeling back.]
Seifer: Thought I was dead, eh? Not until I fulfill my dream!
[Seifer runs towards Squall and swings his gunblade. Squall dodges the blow and nails Seifer with a punch. Seifer falls down.]
Seifer: Ugh, not bad...
[Seifer stands up and casts Fira at Squall. Squall takes a nasty blow from the spell and recovers. Squall waits for Seifer to move. Seifer finally moves and so does Squall. With lightning speed Squall gets Seifer. Squall’s gunblade sways through Seifer’s arm and lances his skin deeply.]
Seifer: I...lost...!?
[Seifer falls down on his legs.]
Squall: You’re losing it, Seifer.
Sorceress Edea: ...A SeeD. ...Planted in a run-down Garden.
Battle: Squall Vs. Sorceress Edea
[Rinoa and Irvine arrives and stands beside Squall.]
Rinoa: I can fight if I’m with you! That’s why I’m here!
Irvine: I have to redeem myself.
Edea: ...The accursed SeeD.
[Irvine loads his shotgun and fires at Edea. A force field blocks the bullet away. Edea casts Firaga at Irvine and knocks him down.]
Edea: Impudent SeeDs!
Full Motion Video: Energy quivers around Edea. The sorceress forms the energy in her hand and prepares to strike. The energy turns into a big bulk of sharp ice. The sorceress unleashes the ice at Squall. The bulk of ice swings past Rinoa and hits Squall on his right chest. Rinoa looks at Squall in shock. The camera pans up as the crowd roars. The camera shifts back to the sorceress. Edea’s fingers moves. The sorceress looks at Squall. Squall slowly faints and falls down from the edge of the parade car. Rinoa jumps and tries to catch Squall but misses. As Squall falls down, he sees Rinoa. Rinoa stretches her hand to Squall. Squall’s eyes slowly closes. The screen fades.]
- Special Thanks to Square for creating Final Fantasy VIII.