Sims, The

Sims, The

17.10.2013 08:15:33
Complete NPC Guide
| The Sims : Complete NPC Guide |
|Written by : AC Chua ( |
|Last Update : August 26, 2004 |
|Version 2.5 |

>>>>> Version History <<<<<

Version 1.1 - (May 14, 2002) First Version.
Version 1.11 - (May 15, 2002) Fixed up some minor errors in grammar and word
Version 1.2 - (May 16, 2002) Fixed the format of this FAQ for better viewing.
Version 1.3 - (May 17, 2002) Added a new Review Section.
Version 1.4 - (May 18, 2002) Made some minor corrections with character
Version 1.5 - (May 19, 2002) Added more info for the Headless Ghost,
Entertainer, Mime, the Violinist, Janitor Sonya
Claire The Bear, Genie, Drew Carey and Servo.
Added 2 new NPC's (Space Aliens and Evil Clone)
as well as a new section, (Miscellaneous Info).
Edited the title's format.
Version 1.6 - (May 23, 2002) Corrected the description for the Pizza Delivery
Version 1.7 - (May 25, 2002) Added more new links where my FAQ can be found.
Version 1.8 - (May 27, 2002) Added more info for the Cashiers/Shopkeepers,
Evil Clone, and Police Woman.
Added 2 new NPC's, the Clown Catcher, which is
available thru the official Sim website,
( and SimGhosts.
Version 1.9 - (June 3, 2002) Made a correction, removed the Braided Cowgirl
from the list since she's not an NPC. My mistake!
Added a new NPC, Santa Claus. Edited the
description of the fireman to make more sense.
Version 2.0 - (June 4, 2002) Made corrections on the descriptions of some
Version 2.1 - (June 16, 2002) Added some contributor's tips. Check the credits
section for more details.
Version 2.2 - (June 30, 2002) Made some corrections with the Santa Claus. Added
more info for the caterer, Drew Carey and
Headless Ghost.
Version 2.3 - (Sept. 30, 2002) Added a new NPC, the DJ.
Version 2.4 – (Nov. 16, 2002) Added the NPC's from Unleashed
Version 2.5 - (Aug. 26, 2004) Added the NPC’s from Superstar and Makin’ Magic,
as well as Unleashed characters who were missing,

>>>>> Table Of Contents <<<<<

1. Introduction
2. Contact
3. Review
4. NPC's
a. The Sims
b. The Sims : Livin' Large
c. The Sims : House Party
d. The Sims : Hot Date
e. The Sims : Vacation
f. The Sims : Unleashed
g. The Sims : Superstar
h. The Sims : Makin’ Magic
i. Extras
5. Miscellaneous Info
6. Credits
7. Copyright Info

>>>>> Intro <<<<<

Part of the excitement of playing "The Sims" are the several Non-
Playable Characters that appear during certain situations. If you're like me
and had some problems looking for a certain character in the game, then I hope
that this FAQ will be able to guide you into the right way. This FAQ will try
to name all NPC's, and on what expansions they appear in. I don't want to ruin
the excitement for everyone so I'll just give a brief description for each NPC.

>>>>> Contact Me <<<<<

Corrections, Additions, Clarifications, Comments and Suggestions are
all welcome. I know that there are still many characters and descriptions
lacking from this FAQ. If you know any extra info and would like to contact me
regarding this FAQ, you can email me at Also feel
free to visit my site, - a site which
features interesting links, gaming news and more. You may also contact me
through the message boards I'm administering at

I will, of course, give you full credit for your contribution. If
you email me, please put Sims in your subject and indicate the version
you read and the site where you found my guide. Do not ask me about serial
numbers or technical problems 'coz most probably, I wouldn't know how to solve

>>>>> Review <<<<<

Around 2 years ago, I was addicted to this new game everyone was
talking about called "The Sims". I've been a fan of SimCity 2000 and I kept
wondering if the new game was just as good so I decided to try it out. At
first, I discovered that my computer's specs weren't good enough for "The Sims".
After hearing all the good things about the game, I just couldn't wait anymore.
I was so eager that I bought a new PC right away. And then IT started; many days
and nights were spent with "The Sims". "Mania" was the word to describe my
fixation. I don't know exactly why I was so obsessed with the game. After all,
there's nothing special about being able to control people's bladder and
hygiene. The real world is already full of such problems.

The obsession didn't stay for long. By the time, "Livin' Large" was
released, I was already sick of the game. Not even a new expansion pack could
renew my interest. But then, 2 years and 3 expansion packs later, I decided to
give it another shot. And so I bought "Vacation" in addition to the "Hot Date
and "House Party" expansions that I borrowed from a friend.

Now, I don't play "The Sims" as often as I did before. While new
expansion packs like "Vacation", "Superstar" and "Making Magic" couldn't bring
back that "mania", these expansion packs can still be considered as deserving
additions to the best-selling "Sims". The 6.3 million selling game is not just
a game anymore, it has also been embedded into popular culture. And now, two
years later as I update this FAQ, a new Sims will be released, with just less
than a month to go.

Here’s to more NPC’s in the new installment!

>>>>> NPC's <<<<<

This section is divided into 9 parts. I placed each NPC in the
order of which they appear at the 7 different expansions plus the original game.

>>>>> The Sims <<<<< (Original Game without expansions)

1. Newspaper Delivery Person - Probably the most common NPC in the game.
Appears everyday at around 9am to deliver the

2. The Maid - For $10 an hour, the maid will clean up dirty
dishes, toilets, wet floors, etc. All it takes
is a phone call to avail of her services.

3. The Gardener - Appears every 3 days to water your plants.
Similar with the maid, service costs $10/hr.

4. Postal Woman - She appears every 3 days to give you your
bills. You'll find them inside the mailbox
where she placed them.

5. Repairman - Fixes everything from broken TV's to overused
computers. The charge is a bit high ($50/hr). I
suggest you let your sims handle the
repair provided that they have mechanical
points or else they might get electrocuted.

6. Fireman - When your house is on fire, you can always call
the trusty fireman for help. If you have the fire
alarm installed in the room that is burning,
he'll come automatically. If not, you can call
him by phone but it takes more time for him to
come that way.

7. Police Woman - In charge of the neighborhood's welfare, there
are a few "rules" you must remember.
Be careful having your parties late at night.
The policewoman will come and charge you $$$
for parties 11:00PM and beyond. But she'll
warn you first. Also, having a burglar alarm
around the house is an advantage since it
automatically calls the police whenever a
burglar robs your house. If your burglar is
caught, you'll be given $$$$$ to compensate
for the stolen items. For Livin' Large : the
police will come if you use the chemistry set
while having 2 or less logic points and she'll
complain about the stench of the chemicals.
Again, she'll fine you ($500 this time).

8. Pizza Delivery Guy - Tired of having to cook the same meal all the
time? You can call your nearest pizza place
for a delivery right at your doorstep. Pizza
costs $40 each.

9. Burglar - (See Police Woman) Creeps into your sims'
house in the middle of the night.

10. Repo Man - Looks like someone from Pest Control. His
reporizing gun will absorb your house objects
if you don't have the money to pay your bills.

11. Social Worker - Take good care of your SimBabies or they just
might be taken away by the Social Worker. Pay
attention to their warning, 'coz it is the last
and only one.

12. SimGhosts - Ever wonder what happens to your sims when they
die? Well, they're not OVER yet! They still come
back from the dead once in a while to haunt the
living. Done in random, the dead sims do their
haunting at around midnight. You must have the
dead sim's urn or tombstone in order to have them
appear as ghosts.

>>>>> The Sims : Livin' Large <<<<<

1. Servo - The robot maid costs a whopping $15,000. Servo's
an all-in-one maid, repairman, gardener and cook.
Works anytime (24 hours) as long as there's
something that needs to be done. Click on his pod
to get him going.

2. Grim Reaper - The Grim Reaper is a cool addition to the Sims
game. This time, you're allowed to plead and
play a Rock, Papers, Scissors game to decide
the fate of your dying Sims. If you win, your
Sims will live but if you lose, he might turn
them into zombies. Then again, he might just let
them die if he feels like it.

3. Genie - Comes with the Antique Lamp. Just clean the
lamp and he'll appear. Be careful! For every
two good wishes there are 3 bad ones. The Genie
can be used only once a day.

4. Tragic Clown - He'll appear if you have the Tragic Clown
Painting. As the name says, the clown will
bring nothing but misery to your Sims and
lower their overall mood. (Read Miscellaneous

5. Male and Female Monster - Your Sims may turn into monsters through the
chemistry set. You have to make a chemical of
purple color to do the trick. Your sim will
remain that way for a few hours during which
he/she will throw a fit and destroy whatever
object crosses its path. Everything except the
art easel! Yes, the monster loves to paint!
What's more, the painting can be sold for a
LOT of money!

6. Space Aliens - They are the only NPCs that can't be seen. They
appear through a purple light to abduct your
Sim. This happens only if your sim is using
the telescope. After a short time, the abducted
Sim reappears, albeit with a small difference.
His/her personality has been changed.

7. Evil Clone - You have to make a Dark Green chemical through
the chemistry set to create a clone. Since it is
an NPC, you cannot control it. The clone is an
exact opposite of your Sim (personality-wise).
They fade away in a matter of hours.

>>>>> The Sims : House Party <<<<<

* This expansion features a lot of NEW NPC's (for your party needs)

1. Headless Ghost - During the party, have a Sim with six or more
charisma & creativity points "tell a story" while
gathered around the bonfire. There's no telling
when a headless ghost might just appear......

2. Drew Carey - Throw an especially good party and he might
just drop by along w/ his limo. Like all party
guests, he will mingle and have fun, especially
with female guests.

3. Male and Female Strippers - Err...I mean "Entertainers". Buy the large
cake under Miscellaneous and click on the
command, "Hire Male/Female Entertainer",
depending on what you choose. Be careful though
'coz the entertainer might stir some jealousy
with the other people in the party.

4. The Mime - Bore your guests to death and the Mime will
surely come. While he will try to raise the
mood by a bit, the mime is also known to steal
objects in the house! So keep a close eye. He'll
leave only if the party mood gets better.

5. Pink Gorilla - Sometimes, the Pink Gorilla appears as
replacement for the Female Entertainer. The
gorilla will entertain the kids, too. (Read
Miscellaneous Section).

6. Caterer - Call him when you're throwing a party. For an
all-you-can-eat fee, he'll replenish your buffet
table & punch bowl whenever they run out. But be
careful, he's known to forget his work during
the party. He likes to stroll around & chat with
guests and his bad social skills will ruin their
social ratings. He will also rummage through the
costume trunk so keep a watchful eye.

7. Party Crasher - These rowdy crashers come during mediocre to
(Guy w/ bandanas) fairly good parties. They tend to destroy

8. Party Crasher - Can be easily spotted from the crowd by their
(Euro Punk) outrageous outfits and dyed hair. You can't
find them in your neighborhood and they appear
only during parties.

9. Boxers - When you hire a male entertainer through the
large cake, there is a small chance that a fit,
nerdy or tragic clown (if you have Livin'
Large) boxer will appear instead of the usual
male stripper. He will do the same things the
stripper does. (Read Miscellaneous section)

10. Santa Claus - Yes, there is a Santa Claus in The Sims! Buy the
plate of cookies just a little before midnight
& place it on a table beside the fireplace.
Make sure you have a Christmas Tree nearby and
he'll appear while your sims are asleep. He'll
leave a gift for each of your sims plus an extra
special present! The "present" is randomly chosen
but I got a stereo once.

>>>>> The Sims : Hot Date <<<<<

1. Mrs. Crumplebottom - Perhaps the most interesting NPC in Hot Date,
Mrs. Crumplebottom guards Downtown from any
"improper acts". Just don't have her in the
same room while your sims kiss, hug and make-out.
As the Old Prude would say, "Why don't you get
a room?"

2. Rental Shack Person - He comes as Jack if you have Gimme Gamble's
rental shack or Zack if you have the Rental Shed
au Naturel instead. Your sims will need to
approach him if they need to rent anything
Downtown or in Vacation Island (Note: for the
latter, Sims : Vacation is required)

3. Waiters/Busboys/Cooks - They are required if you want a smooth-running
restaurant. Podiums automatically hire
waiters, Dishwashers = Busboys, Stove = Cooks.

4. Janitor Sonya - Responsible for keeping the Downtown area
clean and working, you can often see her mumbling
to herself or dancing with her mop.

5. Cashiers/Shopkeepers - Each type of cash register hires corresponding
Bartenders/Barmaids sets of shopkeepers. Required when building
shops. The Ice Cream and Hot Dog stands
automatically hire store clerks as well. The same
trend follows for future expansions, where new
shops (such as Sushi Bar, Coffee Shop) are

6. Pianist - Just place a piano in Downtown and she'll
appear during play mode.

7. Violinist (Carlo) - Not sure how you get him to appear but my guess
is that you need to build a posh restaurant,
meaning the most expensive amenities. Your sims
can interact with him by requesting a song or by
tipping him with $20. Don't tip him and you might
just end up with a cheesy mini-puppet show.

8. Claire the Bear - Often seen in the front yard digging for
scraps in the garbage can. If you have a teddy
outside, she will talk to it. She also appears in
Downtown to disrupt picnics by raiding the picnic
baskets. With Sims Unleashed, Claire the Bear
will be able to enter your house and do much

9. DJ - The DJ will only appear if you have the turntable
from House Party. He'll make sure the audience
gets into the groove. You can interact with him
by requesting a song and he'll put the record on
for you.

>>>>> The Sims : Vacation <<<<<

1. Vacation Director - A familiar sight during family excursions, she’s
in charge of coordinating with the Vacation
Island Staff in order to make your sims enjoy
their stay. Ask her all that you need to know
about Vacation Island.

2. The Beach Shark - Found in the Beach Portion of Vacation Island.
These wandering entertainers help keep kids
(and their parents) in a good mood.

3. Archie Archer - Found in the Forest Portion of Vacation
Island. These wandering entertainers help keep
kids (and their parents) in a good mood.

4. The Yeti - Found in the Snow Covered Portion of Vacation
Island. These wandering entertainers help keep
kids (and their parents) in a good mood.

5. Hotel Staff - They range from the Front Desk Clerks where
your Sims check-in to the Janitors that keep
watch for any mess 24 hours a day.

>>>>> The Sims : Unleashed <<<<<

1. Miss Lucille - Found in the old town, she can read the palm of
your sims and turn any zombie sims back to human.

2. Pet Judges - The name says it all. They give out first, second
and third prizes to deserving pets. They also
give out special awards if your pet is not
yet exactly in the show quality range.

3. Animal Control - Had enough of those skunks and raccoons? You can
call animal control to get rid of your pests.
It'll cost you however, a mere $20.

4. El Bandito - Creeps into your sims’ lots in the middle of the
night to scavenge for scraps. They can sometimes
cause a considerable amount of noise to wake your
sims up.

5. Skunk - Another midnight visitor, courtesy of Unleashed.
Aside from decreasing the room bar, they don’t
Possess any harmful effect except when you try to
pet them, thus decreasing your sim’s hygiene bar
to zero.

6. Pet Trainer - Are you sick of having your pets peeing all over
the place? Think they need some training? Then
don’t fret! For a small fee, all you need to do
is to engage the services of the Pet Trainers in
Old Town. Just go to the nearest pet shop and
you’ll be sure of finding them there.

7. Sax Player - His function is similar to the Violinist, if
you have Hot Date. The only interaction allowed
however, is “Listen.”

8. Gardeners - They sell their produce over at the Old Town.
Ask them all you need to know about growing
your own vegetable garden.

>>>>> The Sims : Superstar <<<<<

1. The Superstars - With the Superstar expansion pack, your sims get
to have that chance to rub elbows with big names
like Marilyn Monroe and Avril Lavigne. The only
interaction available is “Ask for Autograph.”

2. Obsessed Fan - With 3 stars and up, your sims get to have their
very own stalker hounding them! They’ll follow
you everywhere! At work or at home, they also
leave ‘special presents’ (black roses) to your
superstar sims. Having them in the same room as
your sims can also decrease overall mood.

3. Butler - For $500 a day, the butler can perform all the
tedious work such as making phone calls to the
maid or gardener and repelling stalkers. They
even take care of your sims’ babies! The best
part is that they stay until night, thus saving
your sims a lot of precious time.

4. Paparazzo - Monitor your sims’ actions well for there are
paparazzi wandering about Studio Town. They tend
to be picky so it’s best to use them for your own
advantage with controversy stunts and photo ops.

5. Directors/Photographers - These are the people whom your sims have to turn
Fashion Designers to in order to land jobs in Studio Town. Whether
it’s a modeling career you choose or a tiny bit
for a soap, it’s best to choose your combinations
wisely, else your sims might have their stars

6. Masseuse - Her services are open to anyone who visits
Studio Town. Your sims don’t need to be
celebrities to enjoy her massage, which comes in
three different intensities.

7. Lana - New in Studio Town? Haven’t got a clue about
stardom? There’s no reason to worry at all for
Lana will be glad to help! Ask her anything you
need to know about Tinseltown’s ins-and-outs.

>>>>> The Sims : Makin’ Magic <<<<<

1. Apothecaries/ Vampires - These beings have their own world in Magic Town,
Gypsy Clerks where they reside. Your sims may opt to barter
or sell products to them. They’re not exactly
willing to make small talk since they believe it’s
bad for business.

2. Mystery Man - Who exactly is the man in the pink suit? His
origins remains a mystery but his purpose is
obvious – to market the products of Magic Co.
to the residents to Sim City. He’ll present you
with a sample of Magic Co.’s product upon your
move to a lot. You can also choose to inquire
about Magic Co. products from him in Magic Town.

3. Snake Charmer - The name says it all. He also barters products on
the side.


>>>>> Extras <<<<<

* This section features NPC's that are not applicable for any of the other
sections above but are nonetheless, official NPC's of The Sims. There are many
websites that feature new NPC's or NPC replacements. Those user-created
NPC's/alternatives shall not be included. Only official Maxis/The Sims releases
will be included here.

1. Clown Catcher - When all else fails, these experts can take care
of your little "clown problem" in a friendly,
professional manner. This NPC is available for
download from the official The Sims website, It is included in this FAQ
since it is an official NPC of Maxis, creator of
The Sims. Livin' Large is required.

This FAQ currently covers 62 NPC's. There could be more. Again, if you know any
additional info or if you wish to make corrections, please see the Contact
section for more details.

>>>>> Miscellaneous Info <<<<<

Killing your NPC's
I tried to burn, drown and confine my NPC's but none of these strategies seem to
work. Thus, I have come to the conclusion that you cannot kill NPC's. They may
disappear after a long time of "solitary confinement" and they might get stuck
during a fire but they will not die.

Get rid of that Clown !
The Tragic Clown can be a nuisance to your sims. Here are some ways to get rid
of that pest.

1. Don't buy the Tragic Clown Painting.
2. Put the painting on top of the fireplace and let the painting burn. The
clown will burn as well.
3. Keep your Sims happy and he will leave.
4. Download the Clown Catchers from

Surprise Cake Dancers ! (by Joseph Grabko)
Buy two cake dancing cakes. Then, hire a male cake dancer. Then, try to hire
another male dancer with the other cake. The message "You've already hired that
cake dancer!" will appear. Ignore this, and click "OK". Keep trying to hire
another male cake dancer, and sooner or later you will either get the Tragic
Clown or Elvis. The same can be done with hiring two females, but you will get
someone in a pink gorilla suit.

Submissions of other strategies/miscellaneous info dealing with NPC's are

>>>>> Credits <<<<<

Maxis : Creator of The Sims and all expansions.
Chris Edric Tan : For lending me "House Party" and "Hot Date".
Christopher Manson ( : For pointing out that Claire the Bear
appears in Hot Date.
Glynnys Chua ( : For pointing out that each order of Pizza
costs $40 instead of the $30 that was previously stated.
Alyssa ( : For pointing out an NPC I missed, Santa Claus.
Si ( : For supplying info regarding the Boxer.
Catania Tami ( : Made some corrections regarding the Grim
Reaper, Monster, Boxer, Pink Gorilla, Mrs. Crumplebottom and Rental
Shack Person.
Joseph Grabko ( : For pointing out corrections
regarding the party crashers and extra info about the monsters,
pink gorilla, caterer, headless ghost, Drew Carey and boxers.
Contributed one tip under Miscellaneous info section.
Anders Aughy ( : For pointing out that the Santa Claus
appears in House Party instead of Livin' Large.
Ryan Seney ( : DJ NPC contribution.


Copyright 2002 A.C. Chua ( Albino C. Chua )

This FAQ is meant for personal use. You may distribute it to other people who
might find this FAQ useful provided that you do it for free and no money is
generated from this FAQ.

If you wish to put this FAQ on any other site, please email me first !

This FAQ can be found at : <- The most recent version of my FAQ can always be found here.

Shameless Self-Promotion: Please visit my site at and join my message boards at (Gaming, music, general discussion and more!)
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Item Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Sehr umfangreicher Guide für alle Sims-Versionen
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Complete NPC Guide
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

06.Oktober 2013

03.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Did You Know? FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Trainer für v1.1

17.Oktober 2013
Trainer für v1.0

11.Oktober 2013
Rosebud-Cheat leicht gemacht

17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Geldtrainer (getestet mit WinXP)

11.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Geldtrainer

14.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Gegenstände und Karrieren
Engl. Hinweise

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Geldtrainer (und alle Einkäufe gratis)

14.Oktober 2013
Modul für den GameHack

18.Oktober 2013
Hinweise für die Karrieren als Journalist, Faulenzer, Musiker, Hacker und Paranormal - alle als Word-Datei

16.Oktober 2013
Geldtrainer (für v1.1)

04.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Entzerrt die "privaten" Szenen

04.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

08.Oktober 2013
Benötigt GameWiz32, zu finden auf unserer Networkseite
GameWiz32 Table

13.Oktober 2013
Die DLH-Crew als Family :))))

04.Oktober 2013

10.Oktober 2008
Engl. FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Endlich - ein Trainer für die dt. Versionen 1.0 und 1.1

07.Oktober 2013
Geld bis zum Umfallen

14.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
13.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020