Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts

15.10.2013 21:46:53
JC DentonDX's Unofficial Kingdom Hearts Walkthrough

Created - 10-7-02
Version - 2.0
Last Updated - 11-1--2

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JC DentonDx's Kingdom Hearts Walkthrough

/ Table of Contents \
\ ____________________________________ /

Section 1 - FAQ Information

I. Introduction
II. Legal Agreement
III. Contacting Me
IV. About This FAQ and Myself
V. Controls
VI. Primary Charactor's

Section 2 - Walkthrough

I. The Training
II. The Destiny Islands
III. Traverse Town 1st Visit
IV. Wonderland
V. Traverse Town 2nd Visit
VI. Coliseum
VII. Deep Jungle
VIII. Locking Traverse Town
IX. Coliseum--The Phil Cup
X. Agrabah
XI. Monstro
XII. Atlantica
XIII. Halloween Town
XIV. Neverland
XV. Hollow Bastion 1st Visit
XVI. Traverse Town--New Gummi Block
XVII. Hollow Bastion 2nd Visit
XVIII. The End of the World

Section 3 - Game Information

Part 1 : The Secret Ending
I. The 99 Dalmation Puppies
II. The Coliseum
III. The 100 Acre Wood

Part 2 : Weapons & Spells
IV. Sora's Weapons
V. Donald's Weapons
VI. Goofy's Weapons
VII. Abilities & Spells

/ Section 1 - FAQ Information \
\ ____________________________________ /


This FAQ was made using WordPad. It is a short, yet explinational FAQ,
on the hit Playstation 2 title Kingdom Hearts. This FAQ's goal is to
explain things that people commonly get stuck on, so you can get through
the game without any major trouble. It's not very in depth, and most of
the things like abilities, optional bosses, and in general secret
weapons/ spells/ items are all mentioned in my secrets FAQ, not in this
one. I strongly suggest that you check out my secrets FAQ if you are
wanting to know how to get "Ultima Weapon"..or the 99 puppies...or thr
10 Traverse Post Cards. I'll include them once I get done with the whole

Secrets FAQ:

II. Legal Agreement
The game Kingdom Hearts is copyright 2002 Square Electronic Arts,
L.L.C., all Disney Charactor's, locations, and themes are Copyright
Disney. Tarzan is copyright 2002 Edgar Rice Burroughs,Inc. Permission
used from Disney Interprises. All rights reserved. This FAQ is copyright
2002 by Jack Bock. This FAQ is to only be used on , and/or
any other site with my permission.

III. Contacting Me
Submit anything you like, or just post your questions, comments, ect. I
do not accept people offering to help make the FAQ, but I do accept
additional information. You will receive full credit for any information
you provide in this FAQ.

IV. About This FAQ and Myself
My GameFAQs username is JC DentonDX, and I am 15. I live in Georgia, and
I enjoy to write FAQs. My hobbies are baseketball, and martial arts.
This is version 2 of the FAQ, and more versions will come in the future.
The only things included in thie FAQ are things nessessary to complete
the game.

V. Controls
Source: Kingdom Hearts Instructional Manual

X -Confirm/Cast spell holding L1

Triangle -Command party to attack/Cast spell
Holding L1

Square -Use special Abilities/Descend when
flying or swimming/Cast spell
holding L1

Circle -Cancel/Let go/jump/swim fast/acsend
Start -Display main menu/pause/special menu
Select -None
Select -Toggle First Person View on and Off
R1 -Lock on Target
R2 -Rotating Camera Angle
R3 -Confirm(disabled in Menu's)
L1 -Display Maguc Shortcut menu
L2 -Rotating Camera Angle
L3 -Nothing
Left Analog -Movement
Digital Control -Move Select Cursor
Right Analog -Select

Press L1,L2,R1,R2,Start, and Select to reset your game and loose all
unsaved progress.

VI.Primary Charactor's

You play as this guy, the main character, who is 14 years of age. He
has strong compassion for his friends and beleifs, and does not change
his mind easily.

Sort of, Sora's rival. These two have been fighting over Kairi for a
long time. Age 15, and very serious.
He wants to see new things.

Sora and Riku both like this girl. She is 14, and moved to thier Island
a few years ago. She is cool. Not much to say about her, either.

Sora meets him in Traverse Town, and agrees to help Goofy find King
Mickey. He is a Shield-weilding knight who doesen't like weapons.

Wizard and servant to King Mickey. He goes along with Goofy and Sora on
their quest throughout the worlds.

These monsters are heartless indeed, and plan on stopping those who have
hearts and taking them for their own!

Calling himself the seeker of darkness, there is not much I can say
about him without spoiling the game.

/ Section 2 - Walkthrough \
\ ____________________________________ /

I. Training
This is where you will really learn how to use and apply the basic
rules on how to play. You will be asked a series of questions, and you
will have to make some sacrifices. There's not much to explain about the
Training, since really it explains itself. For the mini boss, when he
has his hand on the ground, you can climb up his arm and whack him with
the weapon to get TECH POINTS and more damage.

II. Destiny Islands
Destiny Islands are the home of Riku, Kairi, and Sora. When you can
move, Kairi will tell you she needs items. You need to give her:

A.Two Logs
-One log is on the beacg
-One log is on the island where Riku is
B.One Cloth
-Cloth in a treehouse accessible by climbing a ladder
C.One Rope
-On the boat where Tidus is

Once you have gotten everything, she will ask you if you want to call it
a day. Doing this will disable you from fighting Riku, for the next day
he is on the other side of the island. It is wise to gain at least 6 or
7 levels before "Calling it a Day".

When you do "Call it a Day", Kairi needs more things for the raft after
the scenes. She needs:

A.Segull Egg
-A tree near the Seaside Shack

B.three Mushrooms
-Behind a rock near raft
-In grass neat the bridge
-In the secret war

C.Two Coconuts
-Tree's near the raft(yellow coconuts only)

D.Three Fish
-Beach where you fight Tidus/Selphie/Wakka

E.Drinking Water
-Waterfall near Seaside Shack

After getting all of these things, talk to Kairi. You then have the
option to go home. When you decide to, it will be night time and a storm
will come. You will go back to the island.Monsters will be there, being
the first real heartless you battle. But, you can't kill them until you
have the....

Go to the island whee you fight Riku. There you will speak to him and
get the KEYBLADE. Now, you can take on the heartless. Go to the door,
and in the cave. You'll see Kairi, and end up fight a boss.

EXP: 10

Strike his hands with air strikes, and when his hand is on the ground,
walk up his arm and hit his face more damamge and tech points. You can
kill heartless that this guy spawns for 1P each.

III. Traverse Town 1st Visit
Traverse Town is sort of the refuge of Kingdom Hearts. For those who
have had their worlds abolished or destroyed, they seem to end up

You wake up in Traverse Town. In the accessory shop is Cid(FF7). Go to
the Item Shop to meet Huey, Duey, and Louie. There's a door at the back
of Traverse Town, labled "Second District". Go there. Heartless appear,
so kill them. Go in the door marked "Alleyway", then Donald and Goofy
will come out of "Hotel". The goal is to finally catch them. Go to the
door at the far end labeled "Dalmation House" to learn of the 99 missing
puppies. Go back out to the second District. When you go into the
"Hotel", Goofy and Donald will come out of the 1st District, trying to
find Leon. Go back to the 1st District, and then go to the accessory
shop. Come back out, and you will fight Squall(FF8).

Tech Points - 2 for blocking his strike
EXP - 30
To beat Squall, you just need to keep your distance. When he stirkes and
is done, you strike and hit him. Blocking his hit is worth 2 Tech
Points, and you don't HAVE to beat him.

After you beat/loss Squall, he will reveal that he is Leon that Donald
and Goofy are looking for. Yuffie appears(FF7) and then they take you
back to their home in the 3rd District. A battle breaks out. Go to the
Second District. Defeat some heartless, and then in the alley, go to the
3rd district. Donald and Goofy will join you.When the battle is over,
you will fight a boss.

|Guard Armor|
Tech points -2 for blocking spin strike
EXP -60
To beat this guy, you have to take out the segments of his body. He's
not that hard, just take out the body first, hands second, feet third
and head last.

After the battle you team up with Donald and Goofy.
Then you will learn a magic spell, and be able to fly the Gummi ship.
You can go and explore around Traverse Town. In the 3rd District,
there's a door with fire on it. Cast fire on it to see the wizard,
Merlin. When you are done, go to the World Exit in the 1st District, and
its off to...

IV. Wonderland
When you reach Wonderland, go into the door that the rabbit went out.
When you go out, talk to the door, and he will tell you to drink the
potion to become small. Before you do this, move the bed revealing a
small hole. Drink the potion and go through the door.

When you enter here, the Queen will wrongfully accuse Alice of trying to
steal her heart. You must try to find evidence that the heartless are
the ones who did it. Go into the hole marked "Lotust Forest".You'll see
Cheshire Cat. Near the Blue Trinity is a pink box and in it are
FOOTPRINTS. Theres a yellow flower that says "Give me a potion and I'll
makde you bigger". Give him a potion. Step on the log to raise the
lily-pad. And to the tree, a voice will say "Strike to Spin!". Get the
fruit ontop first, then whack the tree. Eat the fruit. Now that your
small again, go through where the tree moved and climb onto the lily pad
and theres a pink box that has "Antenna" inside of it. Go to the
mushrooms on the otherside and climb up, and theres a hole in the tree
that says "Bizarre Room" go inside there.

You will land on some more evidence called "STENCH". Go back in the
Queen's Castle, and in the Lotust Forrest. Then, climb the lily pad
where you went to the Bizzare Room, and go the other way to another
hole in the wall, but it's green. It also says Bizzare Room but you
land in another location. You land on a water spicket. Jump to Sora's
right and more evidence is there, "CLAWMARKS". Cheshire cat will appear.

You will learn Blizzard. In the Queen's Castle, talk to one of the
Guards, and he will ask if you are ready to present evidence. When you
are, say yes. Choose a box, and then you will have to fight, no matter

|Battle of the Cards|
EXP - 100
Tech points - N/A
Basic strikes and blows will kill the cards. Go over to the tower and
hit the wheels. When the wheels are gone, destroy the tower, and you

Alice is gone. Go back into the Lotust Forrest. The rock in front of the
hole will be gone, and Cheshire Cat will hint at a boss. Now you can go
to the Tea Party Garden, but you do not need to.There's a door to the
Bizzare Room. Go there and you'll seee Cheshire Cat.Jump on the tables
and light the candles. You will now need to get in the Bizzare Room in
another enterance. Release the switch, and go into the Queen's Castle
and SAVE. Go to the enterance of the Bizzare Room nearby, and talk to
the cat. Then you will have to fight a boss.

Tech Points -

Attack him until he fall, and then attack some more. Repeat this to beat
him. Watch out for when he does his attacks. He isn't too hard unless
your not careful. Roll around and dodge if you have Dodge Roll.
Sometimes he is too high to hit. Get on the table to do aerial strikes.
When you use the table too mch, he will make it spin, making it hard to
do this process.

After you beat him, you will 'LOCK' Wonderland. There is nothing more
for you to do here. Head back to the save point and go to Gummi Ship.
Then, go to Traverse Town.

V. Traverse Town 2nd Visit
Here, you will need to do several things. First, stock up on items,
especially potions, and get some new accessories. You can get new
weapons for Donald and Goofy, and some expensive Ethers. At the
accessory shop, there are some new itmes to buy. You can always, of
course, gain a few levels here.

If you found any Dalmations in Wonderland, you can go to the Dalmation
house in the 2nd District and the Alleyway to get a prize. Also, you can
find the postcards in town, which are in my secrets
, and receive some items for them.

The thing about the second visit to Traverse Town is that you don't HAVE
to come here, but it is a wise choice to stock up on item's, so I
thought I should include it.When your done, go to the World Exit in the
First District to the next world...

VI. Olympus Coliseum
When you come here, go straight into the Lobby. There, Phil(Hercules)
wil tell you what to do.
Go to the block, and press on the box. Then talk to Phil. Then he will
ask you want to go to the Trials for the Games.

|The Trials|
The rules are simple. Just destroy all of the barrels in the time limit.
The first set is simple. Do regualr strikes on the first 3, then aerial
strikes on the next 4, then do the rest however you see fit.

On the next set of barrels, try to get the ones on ground level first.
Then, when you get to the top, use fire on the one thats hard to reach.

"Two words: you guys aint' heroes!"
Phil will give you the spell Thunder. Train for the games as you see
fit, then leave to the Coliseum Gates and talk to Hades. He will give
you an ENTRY PASS. Take this pass to Phil.

|The Preliminaries|
Fight the first set of monsters, and then you will see Cloud(FF7) walk
by. After the second set, you will fight the 3rd and so on. After match
5, you'll see a scene with Cloud, and then you'll hear a hint of a boss.
Then when you beat the 6th Match, you have to fight Cloud.

Tech Points -1 slide strike,2 parrying strike
Cloud is tricky. Keep a good lock on him, and when he stops doing the
slide strike, he will usually jump into the air and lunge his blade
down, being the best time to attack him. Keep an eye on your HP gauge,
he goes some hefty damage.

If you win or loose to Cloud, another boss will come, but Hercules stops
it. Use this time to stock up on itmes you bought at Traverse Town, and
save. Then go to the Arena to fight...

"Kid, I got two words of advice for you--ATTACK!"

EXP - 200
Tech Points - N/A
Cerberus is moderately hard. The best way to deal damage and not get
hurt is to stick to one side of his 3 heads(left or right) and keep
attacking it. It's not very smart to attack the middle head.Be
constantly moving because of energy he throws at you. When he rears his
head up, immediately move before he bites you. To make the energy balls
and ground energy easy to dodge, just roll with Dodge Roll if you have
it(you may not do to the choices you made at the beggining of the game,
see my secrets FAQ for more
. Again, common sense is what beats this guy, along with most in the

After you beat him, you geta Hero Liscense, allowing you to fight in the
games. There's nothing more to do here for awhile, so go to the World
Exit. Sitting on the steps os Cloud. You learn Sonic Blade. Go out. If
you need to, go to Traverse Town and buy some supplies. Then, its off
to the new world of...

VII. Deep Jungle
**This is my favorite world**
When you get here, your all all by yourself. Right when you enter,
you'll have to fight this leopard. Just be careful, I don't think he can
hurt you because of...Well, after the scenes, you get to have Tarzan.

Tarzan will be the same level as your Goofy, and he is a good fighter.
If you wish to have him on your team , switch him out with Goofy later,
since Goofy usually has more levels than you.

When in control again, go down to CLIMBING TREES. Then theres a hole
labled VINES 2. If you just fall down in the vines, you will end up in
HIPPOS LAGOON. Jump across the hippos and water until you are at a place
called CAMP. Enter the nearby TENT to regroup with Donald and Goofy.
Talk to Jane. There are missing slides outside of the tent(6), and when
you find them all give them to her.

Now, go to the Hippo's Lagoon and to the left, there is a climbable
vine. Learn how to use the vines, and get to Vines 2. When in Vines 2,
get to a vine stuck on a tree that takes you to Climbing Trees. Go into
the Tree House to trigger a cutscene. Now jump down, off the nets, and
into a new hole. You get to slide on the vines. You'll end up at the
camp. Go to the Tent to another cutscene.

Go out and into the rocky place called BAMBOO THICKET. Go to the next
few screens and get pieces of GUMMI(Fire-G,Protect-G..ect). After you
have them, go to the Hippo's Lagoon. Go up the vine at the right(Vines),
and then go to Vines 2. Then, get to climbing Trees. Kill all of the
Heartless to get another Gummi Piece. Then, go to the Tree House, and
kill the heartless to get the last Gummi Piece. Jump down into the
sliding place, and go to the Camp.

Go and save at the Tent, then go to Bamboo Thicket, where you hear a
gunshot. You will fight the leopard. After you beat the leopard, you
will receive a WHITE FANG. After the fight, go to the Tent. Go back to
Hippo's Lagoon, then Vines, and then Vines 2, and Climbing Trees. To
beat this part, hit the big black thing. Then, go down the hole and
slide the vine thing, and go to the Camp(or you should end up in the
Camp). Head to Bamboo Thicket. When you arrive at the Cliff, you will
have to fight Clayon

EXP - N/A, other than the Heartless
Tech Points - N/A, other than the Heartless.
Kill the heartless first, then go after him. Move around alot, because
he will shoot you. He's not really a boss. After you kill him, you will

|Clayton and Stealth Sneak|
EXP - 30 for Lizard, 240 for Clayton
Tech Points - N/A( im not sure on this )
Keep locked onto him, because he is partially invisible. When the lock-
on cursor moves up, move out of the way, he's trying to hit you. After
you deal some damage, he will appear, and he leaps around. Try to keep
up with him. He will make his hands glow and clasp them together, so
watch out for that. After all of this, he will become diabled for a few
seconds, whack him hard. Clayton will no longer be on his back, either.
He will then spit out this white stuff that can be dodged easily. He
will soon die, and then you will have to defeat Clayton, who is easy.

Kerchak will throw you over a wall. Go into Waterfall Cavern, and form
here, jump form ledge to ledge until you reach a place called ???. Ah,
yes. You just completed Deep Jungle. Find a save point and get to the
Gummi Ship. Fly back all the way to reach...

VIII. Locking Traverse Town(3rd visit)
This is what stumped me...

When you get here, stock up on item's and suck, and then head to the
second district. After defeatign the heartless, go to the Alleyway. Then
after defeating more heartless, go to the part with bars and water that
you walk on. There's a RED TRINITY that you can now use.

When you use it, go inside to see Leon and Aerith(Aeris,FF7). You will
talk to Leon automatically, and when your done, talk to him again. Go
back to the 1st District, in the accessory shop and talk to Cid. No,w go
to the 3rd District, and theres a door in an alley with fire on it. Use
FIRE to open it. The rocks move, so be careful. The enterance is around
to the side.

When you enter, it will be empty. Merlin will come and fill the house
with his magic. Talk to him when the scenes are over and then talk to
Fairy Godmother to get a new summon spell, Simba. Now, leave and go to
the third district to see Riku. Then go up the stairs to the small

Go over to the power wire that is loose in the 3rd District. Hit it with
lightning,and go to the 2nd District, and go to the Gizmo shop. Go out
of the Gizmo Shop on the other side, and to the left, climb the ladder.
After fighting the Requeims, use the Red Trinity on the blocked off way.
Ring the bell 3 times. Now, if you are not stocker up on items, go
through to the 1st District at the door in the 3rd district, NOT the
second, or you will have to confront a boss. If you are ready, jump down
and go
to the rotating picture to fight...

|Opposite Armor|
EXP - (not sure)
Tech Points - 19 for blocking
To beat this guy, take out his hands first, feet second, and then his
body/head last. It really dosent matter. Whn he does not have feet, he
will use a cannon-like blast that can be easilt dodged with "Dodge
Roll". If you can't beat this guy, then you should just go level up.

Congradulations, you just locked Traverse Town. Go to the World Exit.
Now, you can WARP DRIVE to the Coliseum, where the Phil Cup is taking

IX. Coliseum--The Phil Cup
Go in and talk to Phil to enter in the PHIL CUP.

This Section will be updated soon with all Seeds, since you don't fight
in some when you restart the Phil Cup.

10th Seed: Jungle Vice
Powerwild x4
Soldier x3
You should have no trouble with this seed.

9th Seed : Monkey & Magic
Powerwild x1
Green Reqiem x2
Red Nocturne x2
Yellow opera x5
Kill the monkey first, then attack the cluster of heartless mages.

8th Seed : Big Feet
Hammerlegs x1
Powerwild x4
Take out the 4 monkeys first, then the feet. Watch put for when the feet
raise up.

7th Seed : 6th Mage
Red Nocturne x5
Yellow Opera x5
Using Blizzard will not heal any of them, so thats a good attack to use
agaisnt them.

5th Seed : Nightwalkers
Large Body x1
Powerwild x5
Take out the monkeys, then the big blob guy.

4th Seed : Hard Hitters
Gauntlets x1
Blue Rhapsody x3
Shadow x4
Kill the normal heartles, then the blue guys, and then those hands.

3rd Seed : Indomitable
Large Body x2
Green Requiem x6
Kill the green things,because they heal the blobs then kill the 2 blob
guys. To easily get behind a blob guy, use dodge roll if you have it.

2nd Seed : Wild Corps
Gauntlets x1
Hammerlegs x1
Powerwild x4
Kill the monkeys, then the hands, and the feet. The order for the hands
and feet really doesent matter, just get rid of the monkeys first.

1st Seed : Shadow Battalion
Armored Torso x1
Yellow Opera x4
Blue Rapsody X4
Kill the Torso guy first, and then take out the rest of those annoying
freaky flyers.

When you beat this, you will receive GRAVITY as a magic spell. Go to the
World Exit, there's nothing more to do here.

When you get in the Gummi Ship, there is a warp hole to the right. Go to
it, revealing the new world...

X. Agrabah
After the scenes and the fight, go to the door marked STORAGE and save
your game. Leave the storage, and go to MAIN STREET. After fighting the
heartless, climb the nearby pole marked as ALADDIN'S HOUSE. There's a
moving carpet, but he's stuck under a case. Move the case to set him
free. Now, go back to MAIN STREET and go to ALLEY. There you will meet
Jasmine and Jafar.

After you do that, go back to Aladdin's House and there is a small
keyhole that the Keyblade fits in. You must move a case that looks like
the one that was on the Flying Carpet. Now, go to ALLEY, and fight the
monsters until they are gone. Jump onto the higher level and theres
another small keyhole. Jump across the window sills and go through the
now opened door. Now, there is nothing to do here at all, so do what
Donald said, and follow the Carpet to the Desert( enterance is at the
frotn of this town, its not the world exit it's the Desert). Also, it
would be wise to save before you go.

After flying here,you'll see Aladdin trapped under the sand. After you
defeat the heartless, a cool scene will appear and you will go back to
the town. Climb up the boxes to the right and jump from on side to the
other and go to the Alley. Go across the windows sills, and go to MAIN
STREET. Then, go to Aladdin's house.Jump back down onto the Main Street.
Jump onto the pot with a board on it adnd onto all of the levels, and
jump to the open door labled "BAZAAR". Then after battling(don't fall
off) go across the window sills and onto the boxes. Jump acorss and
release the small keyhole. Now, go back to Main Street.

Go to the pot with a board on it and then cimb up and jump directly
across and go through this door labled "PALACE GATES". Then , a Mini-
Boss battle will occur.

|Spider Connector|
Tech Points - 4
To beat this thing, keep all of the spider pots away from it. If any of
them connect, you must destroy them before it takes any damage. Then
when there are no spider pots connecting it, whack it to defeat it.

Save your game, and go to the Desert. When you get here, you'll have to
fight another boss who is hard...

|Cave Head|
EXP - 400
Tech Points - 8
To defeat this, you should get ontop of its head and whack the eyes from
there. If you don't have any item's, you can get health from the
heartless he spits out of his mouth.

Go inside the CAVE OF WONDERS. Save yourself the trouble, and drop down
the hole to the side. You need to have Aladdin in your party to do this.
Go around in the water, and activate all of the gems. There's one in the
Dark Chamber, one in the Silnt Chamber, and one that opens a wall up.
There's a Blue Trinity herem also. In the room called HIDDEN ROOM, hit
the pillar with FIRE. Go back up to the HALL. There's a door nearby
makred as "Bottomless Hall". When you enter here, jump up to the left so
you don't get washed down in the hole. Get to the other side, called

Now that the pillar is moved, go through the door. You now have to fight
Jafar and Genie(he is under Jafar's rule).

|Jafar & Genie|
EXP - 500
Tech Points - 11
Stay away form Genie, and keep a lock-on to Jafar. When he does the ICE
attack, remain in the circle or outside of it, or it will kill you.
Genie will warn you before he hits you, so that should be a good way to
know when he's near you.

After you beat him, go back to the Treasure Room and save.Now go back
and go straight to see Jasmine. Jump down and fight the final Jafar...

EXP - 730
Tech Points - N/A
Just hit the bird and make sure you don't get hit by Jafar's attacks.
There's really nothing to this battle.

After the scene, you have to escape on the carpet. When you are out,
find a save point, and you have completed Agrabah. Genie is now a
summon, and go find a save point and head back to Traverse Town if you
need to. Otherwise, going to the next World, you'll run into...

XI. Monstro
Monstro really isn't a world, and Monstro does not have a keyhole. He
can't have a keyohole because he's a Whale, haha. When's the last time
you saw a whale with a keyhole. So, I expect no emails concerning "HOW
DO I LOCK MONSTRO". I already got that email 50 million times in my

When you enter, swim over to the settlement. Then after the scene go
into the hole marked as CHAMBER 1. This is quite confusing. Here's a
list of chambers tp visit and the order you visit them:

Chamber 1 - Near Geppetto's settlement
Chamber 2 - On the ledge in Chamber 1
Chamber 3 - Straight ahead in Chamber 2
Chamber 2 - Adjacent to Chamber 3 door( not the C2
you just came from )
Chamber 5 - Left in Chamber 2(the one your in)
Chamber 6 - Jump down from C5 to here
Chamber 5 - Door is straight
Chamber 4 - Door is in Chamber 5

I got this info from a friend. The order is right, but I don't know
about the directions. Somone inform me on this.

After the scene(when you enter chamber 4) go to the Bowels, you will
have to fight...

|Parasite Cage|
EXP - 500
Tech Points - 9
Really not a stradegy for this guy unless you call whack, get whacked,
heal, a stradegy. Blocking his tentacle will give you 9 points, and then
you get 500 for killing this thing.

After the battle, jump down into the hole for a cutscene. You learn High
Jump when you talk to Gepetto, which is vital to getting all of the
puppies. From Gepetto's Ship, jump over to the other side of the mouth,
and jump up and onto the ledge. You should now be able to jump into the
section of Monstro called THROAT. Get all the way up to the STOMACH and
now you have to fight...

|Parasite Cage 2|
EXP - 700
Tech Points - 19
The stradegy is the same. Whack, get whacked, heal. Repeat. If you have
trouble with this thing its because

A. You're an idiot
B. You need to level up
C. Your under the influence of drugs
The only thing different about him is his HP. Also, you might be dying
from stepping on the yellow stuff, which you should not do.

After you beat him, Geppetto leaves with Pinocchio, and they now live in
Traverse Town. If you need to, go there to stock up on supplies and talk
to him in the 3rd District. You may have gotten the Summon Stone here in
Monstro. Take it to Fairy Godmother and you will have Dumbo.

There's a tournament at the Coliseum, the Hercules Cup.

XII. Atlantica
After the scenes, find Flounder easily by locking onto things. After the
tutorial, the search, the fight and the scene, you have to find to King

Go to the Undersea Valley. Follow the Trident markers and you will end
up at a place called Calm Depths. Hold down right on the analog to get
to the Undersea Cave. Go up to the Undersea Gorge. Then you will finally
see a whole that says "Triton's Palace". Go straight to Triton's Throne.

After the scene, go to the Undersea Gorge and Ariel will show you her
Grotto. Go to it to trigger a cutscene. Leave and hear of Ursula's
Genious plan. Go to Undersea Cave, and then get to Calm Depths. Notice
the dolphin. Get sucked into the Undersea Valley, and gra onto the
dolphin. He'll take you to a sunken ship. Go into the ship and a shark
will attack you ::has a Deep Blue Sea flashback::. I hate sharks, guys,
they are spooky.

Go to the outside of the ship and you can fight the shark. Go back out
to Undersea Gorge. Hit the jet and you will smash up the treasure chest.
Now, go into Ariel's Grotto, about 5 feet away. Go to the Trident.

After the scene, go to King Triton's palace. Go to his Throne. After the
scene, you will see that Ursula now has his Trident. There's a save
point behind his throne inside of a clam. Go to the Undersea Gorge.
Beside Ariel's Groto is the hole you popped out of. Go down in that
hole. Then go to Sunken Ship. Examine part of the boat outside of the
big ship, and Sebastian will get to see the enterance of Ursula's Lair.
Go to the place marked DEN OF TIDES in the Sunken Ship Area.

Go to Cavern Nook if you need to save. A Save point is inside a clam.
Note, you should get you items ready, and use a tent, because this is
where the boss's start to get hard in the game, so to speak. Now leave
and go to the place called
Tidal Abyssys. Then after you fight, go to Ursula's Lair to fight...

|Ursula Form 1|
EXP - 1000
Tech Points - N/A
Form 1 isn't very hard. You do not need to hit her at all at first. At
the bottom, the cauldron is reacting and doing all sorts of things. For
example, if the pot is...

Red - Use Blizzard on the cauldron
Blue - Use Fire on the Cauldron

Repeat this process a few times, and it will stun Ursula. Then, you
should go and hit her. Repeat this process 3 or 4 times to kill her.
To regain MP, you need to fight the Eels. Sometimes, yellow sparks come
out of the cauldron, and she will sometimes make the cauldron do a wind
attack that can be easily avoided if you stay away from the cauldron.
They recover soon after you kill her.

Then, go to Tidal Abyssys, and then go to Den of Tides. Go from here to
Sunken Ship, and then go from Sunken Ship to Calm Depths. Swim up the
Current with Mermaid Kick. Now you will go to an area called ???, and

|Ursula Form 2|
Tech Points - NOT SURE
Ursula is huge, hard, and really ugly. Keep on the move constantly for
the lightning, and don't get in front of her face or she will bite you.
This takes off a LOT of energy. I found it easy to sneak behind her neck
and whack her from there. But, she will eventually turn around, and she
will sometimes use a attack and she will suck you into her mouth. Use
Mermaid kick to get out of the suction waves. Just be patient and kill
her. She will also yell, "Now I'm angry. Time to teach you some
respect!" when she says this get away from her as FAR AS YOU CAN. You
may notice it is very hard to get behind her neck with mermaid kick, and
taking it off will make her easier.

After you beat her, you will go to the palace, and Triton will tell you
that the keyhole is in Ariel's Grotto. Go there to complete Atlantica.
Then you will get the crab claw and your on your way to...

XIII. Halloween Town
This movie(The Nightmare Before Christmas) is the only thing that
violates just about every single one of the 10 Commandments, lol. Maybe
not, but it's the only thing I see as evil and completely sick. I'd
rather watch Hannibal Lector than play this level. And what I really
hate is that the main charactor jas the same name as me(Jack).

When you enter Halloween Town, go out into Guillotine Square. Go to the
Pumpkin light and a cutscene will trigger. Go to the nearby door marked
LAB ENTRYWAY. Then, up the stairs and into Research Lab. You'll need to
find Sally.

"That good for nothing girl! 'Don't know why I bothered creating her..."

See why it's evil? Haha..anyways, go to the Guillitine Square. The mayor
is going nuts, and Sally is in the Graveyard. Graveyard is beside a
building and up some stairs. When you kill all of the heartless, Sally
and Zero appear. Go back to the Lab, which is in the Guillotine Square.
Talk to Dr. Finklestein, and a cut-scene will appear.

Now, you need to get SURPRISE. Go to the Graveyard and fight the
heartless. Then, examine the coffin to go to another screen. Talk to
Mayor, and he will have you do a sort of mini game. Go up to the
toombstones in the order that the ghosts appear. The pumpkin will burst
open, revealing a chest with JACK-IN-THE-BOX i it.Go back into the door
and back to the Guilotine Square, and back to the research Lab.

When you talk to Dr. Finklestein, Shock, Lock, and Barrel steal the
heart. They have taken it to Oogie Boogie. Go back into the graveyard
and examine the coffin. Then when you are in this next screen, examine
the pumpkin statue. There's a stone sticking out of the hill. Examining
it will lead you to the next screen.Go to the gate, marked OOGIE'S

If you go down to the bottom, and fight off the heartless, you can get
in the bathtub, taking you up the the enterance of Oogie's manor. When
you enter, make the platform rise by casting fire on it. Follow the
stairs and the wood until you reach a door called EVIL PLAYROOM. You'll
have to fight Lock, Shock, and Barrel. They aren't hard. Save your game,
and go almost to the bottom to a green door titled TORTURE ROOM. Here,
you will face...

|Oogie Boogie|
EXP - 2500
Tech Points - Don't Know

Oogie Boogie is tough. Not because he will kill you, but because he will
trick you. Keep locked onto Oogie Boogie at all times. When the buttons
turn bright, step on one of them when you are very closely lined with
Oogie Boogie(why you need to lock onto him). Then you will go into a
cage-like area and you get to hit him. Repeat this.

Now you must find all of the black bubbles from which Oogie Boogie is
drawing power. They can be tough to find, so just look hard. There are 7
total. After you find them, you seal the keyhole, get Pumpkinhead(Sora
Weapon), and a spell upgrade. You are now ready to move on to...

XIV. Neverland
This is by far the shortest world, and the easiest to beat, too.

A world labled as Battle Level 7 is on the Gummi Ship map. When you go
here, you will end up on Captain Hook's ship. Go out the door that
Tinkerbell unlocked. You' encounter heartless here. After the battles,
take the ladder up and go into the door to the right. Kill all of the
heartless in here, and jump down into the hole in the corner of the
room. It will take you to the very bottom of the ship. Take the ladder
in the middle of the room up, then get onto the table and jump in the
hole in the celing.

Leave this room through the door, and open the door across to the right.
There's a green trinity in this room. To use it you must have Goofy,
Donald, and Sora in your party. Head up the stairs. Jump on the table,
onto the shelf, and into the hole in the roof. Open the door to the
right, and use the green trinity to bring the ladder down. Climb to
fight a boss...

|Sora's Shadow|
EXP - 2000
Tech Points - (DONT KNOW)
This guy is a real pain. Go up to him and hit some combos, and then run
away. As you progress in the battle, he will split into 3 Shadows. If
you run around and lock onto the one with the most energy(equip SCAN),
thats the one you must hit. After hitting him, he will go underground
and come up and hit you. This can be a real pain. To avoid it,
constantly roll around. I wasen't paying attention when I beat him, and
I didn't get the tech points and the experience, so if you would, submit
it to me please!

In this room, there's a hatch at the bottom of the floor. Go down to
find Wendy, and Peter will leave. No, go back to where you fought Sora's
Shadow to save. Go to the door at the other end of the room to trigger a
cutscene. You learn to fly, and then you have to fight...

|Captain Hook|
Tech Points -
This guy isn't(to me) as hard as Sora's Shadow. He makes heartless
appear constantly, and you can get good experience for killing them. You
should always be moving around flying. When the time is right, fly up to
him, whack him, and then fly away. After you beat him, you learn "Ars
Arcanum", my favorite ability.

You'll now be taken to a huge clock called Big Ben. Talk to Wendy more
than once and she will tell you that the clock is wrong. To fix the
clock, go the one that is different than all the other times. Lock onto
it and whack it. Then when the time is correct, it will reveal the
keyhole and you have already completed Neverland. You learn the
extremely useful GLIDE and now you are ready to go to...

XV. Hollow Bastion
This world is BY FAR the most confusing aspect of the game, period. It's
long, and again, very, very confusing. This is why 50% of you people
have come to read my FAQ, lol. There are actually 2 parts to Hollow

Riku has stolen the keyblade from you, Donald and Goofy think that Riku
is Mr. Almighty, and now, your all alone. But wait, you get to have
BEAST on your team. Climb up the white platforms up to the CASTLE GATES.
Be sure not to fall. To the right there is an elevator. Take it down.
There are alot of heartless to deal with, and since you have a wooden
sword, it's best to let beast kill them all. There's a bubble to right
taking you to a waterway. Take the next few bubbles you see, and you
will pass a not-usable BLUE TRINITY, but will be later...

Hit the switch, and it says that the 'CASTLE GATES HAVE OPENED'. Go back
the way you came, and take the elevator back up. Now you can go into the
castle. When you enter, Sora get's the keyblade back, and then you have
to fight...

EXP - 2000
Tech Points - 17
He's fast and he has alot of HP, but he's not hard. His attacks barely
even hurt you. Keep Goofy and Donald healed, for they contribute in the
battle. He will soon be defeated

Now you have Donald and Goofy back. Go to the door in here and find the
heartless symbol marked on it. Here you need to find 4 emblems. Go in
here, and into the libray at the left up the stairs. Now, you must solve
the library puzzle, but not hard.

In here ther are sets of books on the shelves, missing 1 volume out of
each set. You must find the volumes to each set to complete the puzzle.
Just go around and look for the books and put them back in their correct
places, usually according to color. When yuou are done, you will come
across a red button. Pressing it will unlock the door to the second
floor of the main hall.

On this floor there are 4 emblem pieces. They are as follows:

-Use Fire on the candles
-Red Trinity beside the box(Donald and Goofy in party)
-Break pots next to statues
-Pushing a statue to reveal a chest

Jump down and go to the door in the center to insert all of the pieces,
thus unlocking the door.

Take the other door on the other side back to the outside of the castle.
Examine the orbs to see various things. There is one that takes you up
to the next level. Go now to the Castle Gates, then the Great Crest, and
then into the High Tower. Hit the two red orbs near the top, making the
two huge blocks fall, taking you to the final area. Then, go into the
great Chapel to fight...

EXP - 6500
Tech Points - 119
Moving constantly is a great idea, and you can't get her when she is on
the platform. So, lock on to the platform and hit it, reducing it's HP.
As you hit it, the platform will lower, thus giving you a chance to hit
her. She does an attack that is powerful but easily avoided. Just go
behind one of the pillars against the wall, hahaha. After this battle
you will then fight...

|Dragon Malificent|
EXP - someone submit this
Tech Points - 17, 34
This battle is as tough as you make it. She has alot of HP, and fly
around constanly. She does an attack which green fire comes out, and you
should start rolling or flying to avoid it. Just hit her when she is
calming down and thats how I killed her.

Go through the warp thing and talk with all of the princesses from all
of the different worlds. Use the save point and get items from the
princesses. Now, go through the new door. Run up there and then you will

|Possesed Riku|
Tech Points
This is one of the most difficult battles in the game, I'm serious. Riku
has deadly speed and agility, and he has powers given to him by ansem.
Not a good combination for an opponent, eh? When he strikes, be careful
and roll behind him and then hit him with a combo. Soon after repeating
this process, he should turn into a state where he is glowing with
lightning. It's a very good idea to be in the air, and while in air,
select heal just in case he hits you. Fly around until he stops. He will
then do a move where he says, "Heal This!", and when he does that, go
and whack him. Towards the end of the battle, he will constantly stay in
the state, and its a good idea to fly, and sort of "zoom in on him". and
hit him like so. He will eventually fall, and if you can't beat him,
don't feel bad.

Aftert the cutscene, you are turned into a heartless. Run down to
followe Kairi, Goofy, and Donald. Go back down to the first area(just
keep going back to the beggining) and you will find Kairi. She will give
you back your heart and then you will automatically go to...

XVI. Traverse Town--The New Gummi Block
You will talk to everyone in the 3rd District House. After you talk to
them, Leon(Squall) says you should talk to Cid about going back to
Hollow Bastion.

Go to the 1st District via the big door in the 3rd District. Cid will
tell you that the Gummi Piece is in the secret waterway. Go down here
and Kairi will be there, then you should examine the picture to get the
last Gummi Block. You get the Oathkeeper, and when you take the Guumi to
Cid, he will install it. After the scene, go back to Hollow Bastion.

XVII. Hollow Bastion--2nd Visit
In the Rising Falls, you will see Beast and have the option to have him
in your party. Make your way back into the Great Chapel and talk to the
Princesses. Then go save at the save point, and go back into the room
with the keyhole. You will then have to fight the infamous Final Fantasy
feind, Behemoth!

Tech Points
Although not the hardest boss, he does have a bit of HP. The simple
strategy is: climb on his back, and slash at his horn. Try to stay on
when he tries to throw you off. His attacks are mostly in front of him,
and if you get on his back, taking damage is not a factor.

Leave here, and go back into the Great Chapel, where you will learn
Firaga. Go to the Library, and talk to Belle to receive the Divine Rose
keyblade. Aeris will give you some Ansem Reports. Return to a save point
and go to the gummi ship, entering the final world...

XVIII. End of the World
This world isn't long, it's just full of battles. I really dislike this
world because it is simply too boring. Head towards the glowing light at
the end of the area. The walls are sort of "invisible", and walking
along them will allow you to see where they are. Chests will spawn
battles, but also show you where the walls are. You'll fight easier
versions of Behemoth, and very strange heartless who are the most
powerfull you have faced so far. When you get to the light at the end,
you will be taken to a strange place.

In this valley, jump down all the platforms. Get some chests, too.
You'll end up in an area where you go back to all the worlds. Just go up
to the purple light and hit it, then fight the monsters here, then go
straight to the green light when it takes you back. This can take a

You will arrive in the 100 Acre Wood, where you can save which is very
wise. Go foward into the next world. In the room, examine the computer-
like object. After the battle, go back to the portal hole...

Tech Points -
Ohh, man, I lovvve Fantasia. It was the only Disney Movie that kept me
interested! It had the most awesome music ever, and this tune is thought
to be one of the scarriest ever written in history(and you thought Walt
Disney was kiddy).

Although the spooky music seems to foreshadow the difficulty, he is not
that hard. Just hit him in the face.

After the battle jump down into the fire. Notice the heartless sign on
the wall. As you defeat more heartless, the heartless seal will fade.
This takes forever.

Alright, through this door is the final save point, the FINAL REST. Go
to the door and you will end up in the Destiny Islands. Go to the cave
with the drawings.

|The Ansem Battles|
1- EXP
Tech Points
2. EXP
Tech Points

Ansem is not that hard depending on what level you are. If you want a
challenge try level 40-50, and if you just want to murder him, level 60
and above. He does an attack where his heartless sheilds him. Roll
behind him when you are close, and you can get back to him. He will
sometimes get the heartless thing to possses your party. When he does,
press 'X' when the attack bar switches to "FREEZE" or this possesion
will hurt you. Other than

This battle is exactly the same as the one above, except for:
A. Donald and Goofy do not join you
B. He has a new attack

His new attack is like a homing missle. It can be hard to dodge. To
avoid this attack, set a pattern that I cannot explain to Dodge Roll out
of the way.

After the battle you will be taken somewhere. Ansem will get huge and he
will use this huge sword thing. When he attacks he will pause and thats
your time to attack. He should not be any trouble. After this, you will
then go into a portal hole that leads to a dark room. Then come out and
then in the next portal hole you will go into a dark room with Goofy.
Then fight the monster thing outside and then you will get Donald.

When you come out, this is it. The last battle with Ansem. He is pretty
much the same as the one above. Just be careful.


/ Section 3 - Game Information \
\ ____________________________________ /

Part 1 - The Secret Ending
First things first--you do NOT need the Ansem Reports. Monstro is not a
world, but you must have High Jump to get all of the Dalmations( you
obtain this in Monstro ), and the Dalmations are required for the secret
endings. The secret ending is worth the wait. **NOTE** most of this info
is copied straight from MY SECRETS FAQ.

I. 99 Dalmations
Traverse Town:

1,2, and 3 - The hard to reach Island across from
Merlin's House, get there after you
have obtained Glide in Neverland
4,5, and 6 - Behind the Red Trinity in the 1st
District Alley. You must have the Red
Trinity to get them
7,8, and 9 - In the Item Synthesis Shop, after
getting the Green Trinity they are
10,11, and 12- Hidden in the Secret Waterway, use Red
Trinity when you have it.


13,14, and 15- On a high platform in the Queen's
Castle, reachable via a hidden
Exit in the Lotus Forrest.
16,17, and 18- On one of the High plarforms in the
Lotus Forrest
19,20, and 21- In the Tea Party Garden. Sora needs
the High Jump ability, obtained after
completing the 'Monstro' level.

Olympus Coliseum:

22,23, and 24- In the blue Trinity beside the main

Deep Jungle:

25,26, and 27- On the far end of the Hippo Lagoon
28,29, and 30- In the Vines 2 area, reachable by
climbing the Ivy in the Hippos Lagoon
and swinging over to the far platform
31,32, and 33- Blue Trinity in the Climbing Trees
34,35, and 36- Blue Trinity in the Camp area


37,38, and 39- Chest in Aladdin's house
46,47, and 48- On a high point in the Palace Gates
area, reachable with the High Jump
49,50, and 51- Near the enterance of Cave of Wonders
52,53, and 54- Aladdin must be in party, bounce up
atop a treasure mound in the Cave of

Halloween Town:

40,41, and 42- Bridge area, near the enterance of
Oogie's Manor
64,65, and 66- After you defeat Oogie Booige, and his
mansion, go to Moonlight Hill.Go in a
newly accessible door, and theres a
chest. Open it.
67,68, and 69- Pull the bellrope at Jack's front door
and look below the front stairs
70,71, and 72- Guillotine Square, use Glide atop grey


55,56, and 57- In Chamber 3
73,74, and 75- When water level drops, on a stack of
76,77, and 78- Chamber 3, check all enterances
79,80, and 81- In Chamber 5


43,44, and 45- In a corner of the clock tower
82,83, and 84- When flying, on a beam in the ships
85,86, and 87- Yellow Trinity in the ships hold
88,89, and 90- Chest in the Captains Cabin, after
Shadow battle

Hollow Bastion:

61,62, and 63- Grand Hall on second visit
91,92, and 93- Bottom of the Rising Falls
94,95, and 96- Cast Gravity on the floating chest at
the castle gates
97,98, and 99- Cast Gravity on the chest in High

Check back to the Dalmation House when you have some.
12 Puppies : Curaga-G gummi block
21 Puppies : Firaga-G gummi block
30 Puppies : Thundara-G gummi block
42 Puppies : Mythril Shard(
51 Puppies : Torn Page and Mythil(now we're talkin)
60 Puppies : Megalixir
72 Puppies : Orichalum
81 Puppies : Ultima-G gummi block
90 Puppies : Ribbon
99 Puppies : Every gummi and an improved Aero spell

II. The Coliseum
For the secret ending, you must complete the Hades Cup, the Platinum and
Gold matches are not required. Just the big, huge, Hades Cup. Soon to
come, I will have the complete stradegy I'm working on for the whole
Hades Cup(some of these bosses are hard!).

III. The 100 Acre Wood
This place is fun. It's not required to beat the game, but it's required
to get the secret ending(it has a keyhole).

To go to other parts of the 100 Acre Wood, you need the Torn Pages. All
of them are required to lock the 100 Acre Wood. The 100 Acre Wood isn't
hard, it's mini games.

Traverse Town : Rescue 51 Dalmations and go to
Dalmation House
Agrabah : Dark Chamber in the Cave of Wonders
Monstro : Chamber 6
Halloween Town : The bookcase in the Doctor's Lab
Atlantica : Ariel's Grotto

|Empty Meadow|
Talk to Pooh on the log, then when he leaves go back to his house.

|Pooh's House|
Pooh will leave and then go back to the Hunny Tree. Then, go talk to
Owl. He will tell you about the Torn Pages. From now on, you will need a
Torn Page(all listed above) to move into newer area's of the 100 Acre

|Pooh's Hunny Tree|
Piglet will be beside the bush. When he see's you, he will run away. Go
around to the other side of the tree and sneak up on him, and talk to
him. Pooh comes. To complete this, just smack the bee's and make sure
they don't pop Pooh's Balloon.

|Rabbit's House|
Follow Pooh in. Pooh gets stuck. Leave and go around and talk to Pooh.
Rabbit tells you to make Pooh some carrot juice, but Tigger has came and
bounced all over the garden. Just try to get to where you think Tigger
is going to land before he lands there.

|The Swing|
Jump into the stream to get Eeyore. Help Eeyore find his tail. Lock onto
Pooh, and make him follow you onto of the hill and onto the slide. This
may take a few times, but when you get it, you will know because he will
land on Eeyore's house.

|Tigger's Bouncing Spot|
Tigger will teach you how the real Tigga'z play. Just follow what path
he goes on. After you get this, Tigger will make you play hit pot game.
Just lock onto the nuts he throws. After this you can leave and you are
done here, or talk to Tigger and Roo to get sone rare nuts for Owl. Why
can't he get the nuts, he can fly.

|Muddy Path|
Find Pooh's Friends:

Eeyore - He's in the center of the mud hole.
Roo - Bouncing on a tree in the muddy part.
Rabbit - Bring Pooh to the holes in the wall, and
Rabbit will come out of these holes
randomly, so then talk to him.
Tigger - Lead Pooh to the Flowers and he will go up.
Jump on the stump with wind coming out, and
then lock onto the spider web in the log. Go
across to talk to Tigger.
Owl - Lead Pooh across the log, and make him get
on the flower. Owl will land next to the
Piglet - In the tree hole up where Owl. When you talk
to him with Pooh, he will go down to another
hole. Jump down and talk to him

100 Acre Wood Status : Complete

Part 2 : Weapons and Spells

IV. Sora's Weapons
Jungle Key, Three Wishes, Crabclaw,Pumpkin Head and Fairy Harp are
already gotten once you lock Deep Jungle,Agrabah, Atlantica, Halloween
Town and Neverland.

Spellbinder - Get all first level spells and talk
to Merlin

Wishing Star - When you can go to Gepetto's house,
you will get it.

Metal Chocobo - Defeat Cloud in Hercules cup

Olympia - Win the Phil, Pegasus, and Hercules

Lionheart - Defeat Squall and Cloud in the Hades

Lady Luck - Use the White Trinity in Wonderland

Divine Rose - Talk to Belle in the Hollow Bastion

Oathkeeper - Talk to Kairi in the secret waterway
of Traverse town later in the game.

Oblivion-Open the chest in Hollow Bastion Grand Hall

Ultima Weapon - Synthesis all 24 items in the
synthesis shop.

V. Donald's Weapons
Mage's Staff - Default

Morning Star -For Sale at the Item Shop in Traverse

Warhammer -For Sale at the Item Shop in Traverse

Shooting Star-For Sale at the Item Shop in Traverse

Magus Staff -For Sale at the Item Shop in Traverse

Silver Mallet-For Sale at the Item Shop in Traverse

Grand Mallet -For Sale at the Item Shop in Traverse

Wisdom Staff -For Sale at the Item Shop in Traverse

Lord Fortune -Get every summon and visit the Fairy
God Mother where Merlin is.

Violetta -White Trinity in Olympus Stadium

Wizard Relic -Rare Item dropped by Wizards in Hollow

Dream Rod -Aquire every spell and visit Merlin

Save the Queen-Beat the Hades cup with only Sora

VI. Goofy's Sheilds
Knight's Sheild- Default

Stout Sheild - For Sale at Item Shop in Traverse

Smasher - For Sale at the Item shop in Traverse

Mythril -For Sale at the Item shop in Traverse

Gigas Fist -For Sale at the Item shop in Traverse

Golem Shield -For Sale at the Item shop in Traverse

Onyx Shield -For Sale at the Item shop in Traverse

Adamant Shield-For Sale at the Item shop in Traverse

Herc's Shield- Beat the Hercules Cup

Genji Shield - Beat Yuffie in the Hades Cup

Defender - Rare item dropped by Defenders in
Hollow Bastion

Save the King- Beat the Hades Cup time attack

Dream Shield - When you beat a white mushroom with 3
fire spells, you get the fire arts,
and with 3 thunder spells, you get the
Thunder arts, and so on. If you get
all arts for all the spells and bring
them to Merlin, he gives you this.
White Mushrooms can be found in the
Deep Jungle later in the game. From
the camp, to where you fight Clayton,
and run back to the camp, they appear

VII. Abilities & Spells
Basically, what this chart means is if you picked 1 of the 3(sword,
staff, or sheild), then these are the levels you receive abilities and
what the abilities are.

Lv. Sword | Staff | Shield |

9 |Combo Plus (1) |Scan |Guard |
12 |Vortex |Treasure Magnet [1]|Scan |
15 |Scan |MP Haste |Lucky Strike |
18 |Blitz |Counterattack |Second Chance |
21 |Berserk |Critical Plus [1] |Counterattack |
24 |Counterattack |Guard |Jackpot |
27 |Air Combo Plus [1] |Aerial Sweep |Treasure Magnet [1] |
30 |Aerial Sweep |Treasure Magnet [2]|N/A |
33 |Treasure Magnet [1]|MP Range [1] |Blitz |
36 |Guard |Berserk |MP Range [1] |
39 |N/A |Lucky Strike |Treasure Magnet [2] |
42 |N/A |N/A |Combo Plus [1] |
45 |MP Haste |N/A |Vortex |
48 |Critical Plus [1] |Second Chance |Berserk |
51 |Second Chance |MP Rage [2] |Critical Plus [1] |
54 |N/A |Jackpot |N/A |
57 |MP Rage [1] |Vortex |Air Combo Plus [1] |
60 |Treasure Magnet [2]|Air Combo Plus [1] |Aerial Sweep |
63 |Jackpot |Blitz |MP Haste |
66 |MP Rage [2] |Combo Plus [1] |MP Rage [2] |
69 |Lucky Strike |Critical Plus [2] |Critical Plus [2] |
72 |Combo Plus [2] |N/A |N/A |

|Sora's Abilities|
Dodge Roll:
After defeating the guard armor in traverse town.

fulfill the requirements for defeating each of the mini games in hundred
acre wood.

Sonic Blade:
After defeating cerberus in the coliseum.

Ars Arcanum:
After defeating captain hook in neverland.

Stirke Raid:
Win the pegasus cup in the coliseum

Defeat Riku at hollow bastion the second time.

Trinity Limit:
complete the hades cup, after defeating rock titan.

10: Berserk
15: MP Haste
20: MP Rage(1)
25: Second Chance
30: Treasure Magnet(1)
35: Second Wind
40: MP Rage(2)
45: Treasure Magnet(2)
50: Jackpot
55: Lucky Strike
Donalds cheer ability is received after you defeat malificent.

9: Rocket
12: Jackpot
15: Charge
18: Treasure Magnet(1)
21: Tornado
27: Lucky Strike
30: MP Gift
33: Second Wind
36: Second Chance
39: MP Rage(1)
42: Treasure Magnet(2)
45: MP Rage(2)
51: MP Haste
54: Berserk
Goofys Cheer ability is receieved after you defeat the parasite cage the
first time.

At the beggining of the game, when you keep certain things, and
sacrifice others, and your stats affected.

Keep Sacrifice HP MP AP STR DEF

Sword Shield 18 2 3 6 1
Sword Staff 18 2 1 6 2
Shield Staff 18 2 1 5 4
Shield Sword 18 2 3 4 4
Staff Shield 18 3 3 5 1
Staff Sword 18 3 3 3 3
To make this simply, when Wakka, Tidus, and Selphie ask you the
questions, it determines how fast you level up. Theres a mulitude of
availiable answers but to keep it simple heres what you say for
what.Answer all the questions with the first answer and you will level
up fast.Answer all the questions with the second answer and you will
have a normal level up pace.Answer all the questions with the third
answer and you will level up at a slower pace.

Thank's to the people who gave me any needed information. You know who
you are! More versions will come in the future.

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Dt. FAQ im Word-Format

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