Diablo II: Lord of Destruction

Diablo 2 - Lord of Destruction

16.10.2013 18:25:07
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ASCII Art by osrevad

| Game: Diablo II: Lord of Destruction |
| Platform: PC |
| Genre: RPG/Adventure |
| Creator/Developer: Blizzard Entertainment |
| Author of this FAQ: A.K.A |
| E-mail: arminjewell[at]yahoo[dot]com |
| Version of this FAQ: 2.8 |


1.0 Copyright Information
2.0 Revision History
3.0 Introduction
4.0 Story
5.0 Walkthrough
6.0 Characters
7.0 Bestiary
8.0 Items Lists
9.0 Magic Prefixes/Suffixes
10.0 Shrines
11.0 Secrets/Tips/Cheats
12.0 Credits


1.0 Copyright Information
2.0 Revision History
3.0 Introduction
4.0 Story
5.0 Walkthrough
5.1 Act I - The Sightless Eye
5.1.1 Den of Evil
5.1.2 Sisters' Burial Ground
5.1.3 The Cairn Stones
5.1.4 The Forgotten Tower
5.1.5 Tools of the Trade
5.1.6 Sisters of the Slaughter
5.2 Act II - The Secret of the Vizjerei
5.2.1 Radament's Lair
5.2.2 The Horadric Staff
5.2.3 The Tainted Sun
5.2.4 The Arcane Sanctuary
5.2.5 The Summoner
5.2.6 The Seven Tombs
5.3 Act III - The Infernal Gate
5.3.1 The Golden Bird
5.3.2 Blade of the Old Religion
5.3.3 Khalim's Will
5.3.4 Lam Esen's Tomb
5.3.5 The Blackened Temple
5.3.6 The Guardian
5.4 Act IV - The Harrowing
5.4.1 The Fallen Angel
5.4.2 The Hellforge
5.4.3 Terror's End
5.5 Act V - The Expansion Pack
5.5.1 Siege on Harrogath
5.5.2 Rescue on Mount Arreat
5.5.3 Prison of Ice
5.5.4 Betrayal of Harrogath
5.5.5 Rite of Passage
5.5.6 Eve of Destruction
6.0 Characters
6.1 Sorceress
6.1.1 Description
6.1.2 Skill Chart
6.1.3 Skill Information/Tables
6.1.4 Stat/Skill Distributions
6.1.5 Overall Character Ranking
6.2 Barbarian
6.2.1 Description
6.2.2 Skill Chart
6.2.3 Skill Information/Tables
6.2.4 Stat/Skill Distributions
6.2.5 Overall Character Ranking
6.3. Necromancer
6.3.1 Description
6.3.2 Skill Chart
6.3.3 Skill Information/Tables
6.3.4 Stat/Skill Distributions
6.3.5 Overall Character Ranking
6.4 Amazon
6.4.1 Description
6.4.2 Skill Chart
6.4.3 Skill Information/Tables
6.4.4 Stat/Skill Distributions
6.4.5 Overall Character Ranking
6.5 Paladin
6.5.1 Description
6.5.2 Skill Chart
6.5.3 Skill Information/Tables
6.5.4 Stat/Skill Distributions
6.5.5 Overall Character Ranking
6.6 Assassin
6.6.1 Description
6.6.2 Skill Chart
6.6.3 Skill Information/Tables
6.6.4 Stat/Skill Distributions
6.6.5 Overall Character Ranking
6.7. Druid
6.7.1 Description
6.7.2 Skill Chart
6.7.3 Skill Information/Tables
6.7.4 Stat/Skill Distributions
6.7.5 Overall Character Ranking
6.8 Non-Player Characters (NPCs)
6.9 Mercenaries
7.0 Bestiary
7.1 Regular Monsters
7.2 Unique Monsters
8.0 Item Lists
8.1 Weapons
8.1.1 Amazon Weapons
8.1.2 Axes
8.1.3 Bows
8.1.4 Crossbows
8.1.5 Daggers
8.1.6 Javelins
8.1.7 Katars
8.1.8 Maces
8.1.9 Orbs
8.1.10 Polearms
8.1.11 Scepters
8.1.12 Spears
8.1.13 Staves
8.1.14 Swords
8.1.15 Throwing Items
8.1.16 Wands
8.2 Equipment
8.2.1 Armor
8.2.2 Barbarian Helmets
8.2.3 Belts
8.2.4 Boots
8.2.5 Circlets
8.2.6 Gloves
8.2.7 Helmets
8.2.8 Paladin Shields
8.2.9 Pelts
8.2.10 Shields
8.2.11 Shrunken Heads
8.3 Set Items
8.4 Unique Items
8.5 Crafted Items
8.6 Horadric Cube Recipes
9.0 Magic Prefixes/Suffixes
9.1 Charms
9.2 Runes
9.3 Gems
9.3.1 Amethyst
9.3.2 Diamond
9.3.3 Emerald
9.3.4 Ruby
9.3.5 Sapphire
9.3.6 Skull
9.3.7 Topaz
9.4 Magical Items
10.0 Shrines
11.0 Secrets/Tips/Cheats
12.0 Credits

To find a certain section, highlight the number in front of the section and
press CTRL + C, CTRL + F, CTRL + V, and Enter to get to that section.


< < < 1.0 Copyright Information > > >


This document is protected by US Copyright Law, and the Berne Copyright
Convention of 1976. It is for private and personal use only--it cannot be
reprinted in part or in whole, or reproduced in any way or in any form (written
or otherwise). It is a free document that cannot be used in any sort of
commercial transaction, including selling it or giving it away as a gift. This
FAQ cannot be referenced, altered, or used by anybody (including webmasters,
publishers, and magazine staff) without my expressed written permission. This
FAQ was created and is owned by me, Armin Jewell com>. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are
not specifically mentioned herein. This document is copyrighted 2002-2003 by
Armin Jewell.


< < < 2.0 Revision History > > >


2.8 – July 21, 2004 – That was a long break from this. I'm starting this up
again and I finished up the set thanks to BCD. The rest is coming along
steadily. Now I just need to double check...everything...with the new patch,
which might not even happen, but that would be the last update if I got around
to it.

2.7 - October 19, 2003 - I got the weapons and equipment of section 8 done and
the horadric cube stuff done. I also finished the skill descriptions of the
Paladin. The only things left are to finish up the character stuff, add the
rest of the tables I have, and finish the rest of section 8.

2.6 - October 5, 2003 - Reformatted a little, I changed the headers a little
bit to be more noticeable, and I added in a shorter table of contents. I also
finished section 9.

2.5 - October 1, 2003 - I added a mercenaries table, I got halfway through
section 9, man that was big. More tables coming soon along with section 8.
After section 8,9, and tables will be the finishing of the characters.

2.4 - September 22, 2003 - I just basically worked on it some more, man this
FAQ is the death of me. I did pretty much the rest of the runes and the gems,
now I need to finish the characters and section 8 and 9. I updated the Format
as well. I also added a search engine, as the FAQ is getting quite big.

2.3 - August 6, 2003 - I finished up the Charms section, sorry it takes a
while. I also made a correction or two.

2.2 - July 9, 2003 - Worked some more on items, I finished the bows, crossbows,
and daggers. I also made some corrections with e-mails that I had forgotten.
I have an idea about making a walkthrough for each character, but I am not sure
there is enough difference between each character to write a walkthrough for
each one. I'll think on it.

2.1 - July 2, 2003 - I changed the ASCII art to something much better, thanks
to TwistidSoul.

2.0 - June 24, 2003 - The big 2.0! Well, I'm trying to do as much as I can. I
finished the all of the unique monsters for act V. I also did the elite axes.

1.9 - June 20, 2003 - Finished the unique monsters up to act IV, a pretty small

1.8 - June 19, 2003 - Did the regular expansion monsters along with a little
bit more character work. I also finished with the Act I unique monsters.

1.7 - June 18, 2003 - Did some more character work, created and finished a
section on shrines, as requested by a few for this FAQ. I am working as hard
as I can, so bear with me.

1.6 - June 17, 2003 - Worked more on the characters, put some more
distributions in, some ratings, and that kind of stuff. They are getting done,
slowly but surely. I am definitely back into this FAQ until completion.

1.5 - June 11, 2003 - I worked a lot on the characters. I will finish them
soon, I just haven't updated in a VERY long time and I wanted to do that.

1.4 - January 2, 2003 - Wow, it has been a while. Sorry, I've been working on
another FAQ that has many demands, so now that I'm pretty much finished with
that, I can go back to this FAQ. Finished up the Barbarian and Necromancer.

1.3 - October 28, 2002 - Changed part of the copyright, and finished the
barbarian! Sort of. I only did the stats for level 1,5,10,15,20 and I will
fill in the rest later, but you can get the general idea by looking at that. I
will do that for all characters and go back after I finish the rest of the FAQ.
Sorry for the lack of updates, I have lots of school crap.

1.2 - September 6, 2002 - Haven't updated in several weeks, school is starting
and football is here. Anyway, I updated a little in each section. I will
continue with this FAQ for a while.

1.1 - July 27, 2002 - Big update. Worked on the Axes. Worked on Act 2.
Fixed some formats. Finished the sorceress except for all of the different
skill distributions I want to have, but I did do the lightning/ice sorceress,
my favorite. That is what I will do, first complete all characters with my
favorite way of distributing skill points, then I will take e-mails and I will
create my own ideas about other ways. Finished most Regular monsters, except I
want to add more information about each monster. By doing that, I will have to
change the format. The format will be as it is shown in the example. It will
take a while so be patient. Changed the title.

1.0 - July 20, 2002 - Started the FAQ. Created the basic shell.
Completed the introduction and story. Started all areas.


< < < 3.0 Introduction > > >


Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction is one of the best expansion packs to one of the
best games for the PC. This is only my second FAQ so I would greatly
appreciate any help or constructive criticism about this FAQ.
Also, contributions to this FAQ are greatly supported and the contributor will
receive full credit for their work. You can e-mail me at
arminjewell@yahoo.com. I will accept any questions, praise, recommendations,
or corrections to my FAQ. Any hate mail will be deleted immediately.

This guide was made to help all readers in any section of the game. I will try
to cover all areas of the game, but if I miss any (which I am bound to do)
please e-mail me and tell me, not move on to another FAQ.


< < < 4.0 Story > > >


This is the story taken from the handbook of Diablo 2 - Lord Of Destruction, as
it covers the story of Diablo, Diablo 2 and the expansion pack.

"I once believed.

Others looked up to me for strength, for my faith was a pillar in the house of
the Elders. I once believed in something greater than myself;
I believed that the faithful would be rewarded and the evil would be punished.

I believed the Prophecies of the Final Day to be mere superstitions - and that
even if they had any credence at all, as our ancestors believed, the events
they spoke of would never come to fruition in our time.

I was a fool.

The gods have not revealed their divine plan to me, nor have they blessed me
with their countenance. But I am certain of one terrible fact - At long last,
the prophecies have begun to fulfill themselves.

First, there was Tristram...

Diablo, Lord of Terror, cast his shadow over the quiet hamlet and set his
demonic minions loose across the countryside. A number of valiant heroes rose
up to challenge Diablo's wrath and hunted the demonlord into the bowels of the
earth itself. Only by the grace of the Light did they vanquish Diablo's mortal
host and put an end to his nefarious schemes.

It seemed that the Lord of Terror had been defeated, and my heart took solace
in this affirmation of my faith...but alas, the nightmare was only beginning.

Somehow, Diablo's terrible spirit survived and took root within the very hero
who struck him down. Wearing the guise of the mysterious Wanderer, Diablo set
out to free his brothers, Baal and Mephisto, from their imprisonment in the

Just as before, a new band of heroes arose to put a halt to Diablo's dark
quest. Though the Lord of Terror succeeded in freeing his brothers from
bondage, their reunion would be short-lived. The mortal heroes managed to
vanquish Mephisto and even hunted Diablo into the depths of hell. Only Baal,
the Lord of Destruction, was left unaccounted for.

Once again, it seemed justice had been served. Blind as I was, I clung to the
path of the righteous - believing that perhaps, finally, all was well...that
the nightmare had given way to a dream of peace.

But the plague of evil persists, and I...grow weary.

For now, the nightmare has started once again.

Baal has resurfaced, and behind him marches the vast Army of
Destruction. He has gathered a legion of demons that revel in mayhem and
wanton chaos - and they are headed right towards us...right toward the holy
mountain our ancestors swore to protect. It is obvious Baal comes to assail
Arreat, seeking the Heart of the World. And my faith, once unwavering, is now
shaken to the very core.

The prophecies that spoke of this day have at last come true. Doom has come to
our world.

As I have said, my brothers, I grow weary. I have no doubt that evil exists.
I have seen it with my own eyes; I have seen its cruelty. But it is not cruel
for the gods to give hope, only to dash that hope again and again?

In my youth, I tried as best I could to prepare for such an event. It was, at
one time, the very reason for my existence. But now that the moment is in
hand, I feel old. I fell afraid. I fell that I have lost my strength.

I confess that my faith no longer guides my path. It is with a heavy heart
that I take my leave of you my brothers. I would say that I will pray for you,
but I fear my prayers would fall on deaf ears.

May you someday find the truth, and may truth finally give you freedom.

Yours in sorrow,
Ord Rekar
Elder of Harrogath"


< < < 5.0 Walkthrough > > >


This walkthrough is a guide to how you should complete each of the quests,
along with some helpful hints as necessary. I will cover all Acts I-V in
Normal mode; so if you have any questions on the harder modes, feel free to e-
mail me. There are certain things that I won't mention throughout the
walkthrough that you should do. You must always discover all of every level in
the game. Even in the long Act 3. There are a couple reasons. The first is to
gain experience. The second reason doesn't apply if you are reading this FAQ,
because the second reason is to find all the places you need to go in the game.
The third reason is for items/money. You are always looking for magical or
good items. If they aren't of use to you, SELL THEM. BTW, never pick up bolts
or arrows to sell them. Now, without further ado, here we go. *NOTE* - This
contains spoilers so read on at your own risk.

5.1 Act I - The Sightless Eye

In act 1, your "base" is called the Rogue Encampment. The NPCs are covered in
the NPC section. There are mercenaries in this act, but they come later in the
act after you complete a quest from Kashya.

5.1.1 Quest 1: Den of Evil

This quest could not be simpler. For beginners, it is a way to try out the
controls of the game and get a feel for how they work. Talk to Akara to start
the quest. She will have a few words for you.

"There is a place of great evil in the wilderness. Kashya's rogue scouts have
informed me that a cave nearby is filled with shadowy creatures and horrors
from beyond the grave.

I fear that these creatures are massing for an attack against our encampment.
If you are sincere about helping us, find the dark labyrinth and destroy the
foul beasts. May the Great Eye watch over you."

The Den of Evil is located in the Blood Moor just outside of the Rogue
Encampment. Before going into the Den of Evil, I suggest gaining a level or
two in the Blood Moor. After you accomplish that, look around for the Den of
Evil. If there is a bridge, don't worry; it won't go into the next level.
Search throughout the whole level, as it is random, and enter it when you find
it. Whenever your inventory gets full, sell the stuff in town, and the first
thing you should buy is a town portal and identify tomb.

Anyway, once you enter the den, you will get an update from your quest log,
saying that you need to destroy all monsters in the den. Go ahead and do so.
There is one guy that is always there, it is a unique zombie that might pose
some problems, but it should not be too much of a problem. The quest log will
again update you when you have only 5 monsters left and it will count down from
there. Once you destroy all the monsters, the darkness will go away and the
sun will shine through the cave (?) along with a music change. Return to Akara
to get your reward of a rare extra skill point.

5.1.2 Quest 2 - Sisters' Burial Grounds

This is where it starts to get a little challenging. You will fight your first
mini-boss here, and it is a corrupted rogue named Blood Raven. To start the
mission you talk to Kashya. She has a few words to say.

"My Rogue scouts have reported an abomination in the Monastery graveyard.
Apparently, Andariel is not content on taking only our living. Blood Raven,
one of the finest captains in the battle against Diablo in Tristram, was also
one of the first to be corrupted by Andariel. Now you'll find her in the
Monastery graveyard raising our dead as zombies! We cannot abide this
defilement! If you are truly our ally you will help us destroy her."

Blood Raven is located in the Burial Grounds, which is located off of the Cold
Plains. Make sure you get the waypoint. When you face Blood Raven, you should
be at about level 5 or ideally level 6. When you get to the burial grounds,
find a way through the gates to meet her. To find out information on how to
beat her, see the Bestiary. When she is killed, see Kashya for your reward of
a free mercenary. Here are the stats of the mercenaries in this act. To see a
complete list of the mercenaries from all acts, see the mercenaries section.

Level: 3-10
Cost: 150-490
Damage: 1-3 or 2-4
Life: 30-60
Defense: 15-45
Special Attack: None/Cold Attack/Fire Arrow

Also, even though this isn't part of the quest, you should DEFINITELY explore
the mausoleum and the crypt for good items and experience. There are some tough
monsters and some unique monsters that are random in here, so it isn't a
cakewalk, but easy nonetheless.

5.1.3 Quest 3 - The Cairn Stones

Once you beat Blood Raven, talk to Akara to start the longest quest in the
first Act. You should be around levels 7-8. Again, Akara has some things to

"It is clear that we are facing an Evil difficult to comprehend, let alone
combat. There is only one Horadrim Sage, schooled in the most arcane history
and lore, who could help us... his name is Deckard Cain.
You must travel to Tristram. I pray that he still lives."

First what you have to do is find the Tree of Inifuss and get the
Scroll of Inifuss from it. It is located in the Dark Wood, which is past the
Cold Plains, past the Stony Field and through the Underground Passage. Make
note of where there are five pillars in Stony Field, because when you leave and
come back to them they won't be on the map. Whenever you think that the
monsters are killing you easily and you aren't killing them in one hit or two
hits, you should go back and train yourself until you can. When you get close
to the Tree of Inifuss, there will be a unique monster called Treehead
Woodfist, and he is extremely strong and fast. He is a Gargantuan beast.
After you defeat him, click on the tree to get the scroll. Picking it up will
result in an update in your quest log to see Akara. Do so, and she will
translate the scroll into a pattern to use to open a portal to Tristram in the
Stony Field.

Remember I told you to remember where the five pillars where? Now go there and
you will find a unique monster named Rakanishu, who is a unique Carver, who is
lightning enchanted. Once you kill him, touch the stones as said in the scroll
(it is random) to open a portal to Tristram.

There are several things to do here. First and foremost, you must free Deckard
Cain, who is towards the middle of town. He is in a cage, and can be freed by
simply clicking on the cage. He will create a town portal and teleport himself
there. I am not sure if the monsters can kill him, and if anyone knows, e-mail
me and I will give them credit. Once he is gone, you will have many monsters on
your hands. There are two noteworthy things to do here. One is to kill
Griswold, the blacksmith from the original Diablo who is corrupted. He is
super strong but super slow. See the Bestiary if you are having trouble with
him. Also, there is Wirt's body, another character from Diablo who sold you
items at ridiculous prices. If you click on his body, you will get his leg,
and lots of gold, symbolizing what he got from you in Diablo. The leg is also
important to go to a secret level. To find out how, look in the
Secrets/Tips/Cheats section. After you complete looking through Tristram, go
back to town and talk to Akara and Cain. Cain will now identify your items for
free, and Akara will give you a random magical ring.

5.1.4 Quest 4: The Forgotten Tower

This quest is activated when you read the Moldy Tomb located in Stony Field.
You should be around levels 8-10 to start the quest. It will "say" these
things to you.

"...And so it came to pass that the Countess, who once bathed in the
rejuvenating blood of a hundred virgins, was burned alive. And her castle in
which so many cruel deeds took place fell rapidly to ruin. Rising over the
buried dungeons in that god-forsaken wilderness, a solitary tower, like some
monument to Evil, is all that remains.

The Countess's fortune was believed to be divided among the clergy, although
some say that more remains unfound, still buried alongside the rotting skulls
that bear mute witness to the inhumanity of the human creature."

The Forgotten Tower is in the Black Marsh, past the Dark Wood. It has five
levels for your enjoyment, all of which should be searched thoroughly. On the
fifth level, you will get an update from your quest log saying that you should
kill the Countess. This floor is not random. She is in the topmost part of
the room, and you can only get in from the sides. For information on how to
beat her, see the Bestiary. Once you beat her, you will get a rare or magical
item depending on how many times you hit her, as well as lots of gold. That is
your reward for this quest.

5.1.5 Quest 5 - Tools of the Trade

This quest is enabled after you complete the Forgotten Tower quest, and you
must talk to Charsi to activate the quest. You should be around level 12-15 to
do this quest. She has a couple things to say.

"When I fled the Monastery, I left behind my Horadric Malus, an enchanted
smithing hammer. If you can retrieve it for me, I will use its magic to
strengthen your equipment."

To get to the place where it has the Horadric Malus, or the Barracks, you must
travel through the Black Marsh to the Tamoe Highlands, through the Outer
Cloister and into the Barracks. You might not see it at first, but if you have
your map up, you will see the symbol of a small hammer if you are in the right
room. You will be in a fairly large room with plenty of guys and the Smith, a
unique monster very similar to Griswold in that he is very slow and very
strong. For information on how to beat him, see the Bestiary. After you beat
him and every one else in the room, look around for the Malus. It will be on a
rack, and clicking on it will free it, enabling you to pick it up. When you do
pick it up, you will get an update from your quest log saying you must give the
hammer to Charsi. Do so.

After you give Charsi the hammer, she will imbue one of your items with magical
powers, or turn it into a rare item. It has to be a normal item, or it has to
be a non-magical, non-socketed, non-thrown, and non- jewelry item. A good
strategy is to wait until you find an item you really like later on in the
game, and come back and imbue it later.
Whatever you choose to do, you must imbue an item to complete the quest.

5.1.6 Quest 6: Sisters to the Slaughter

Deckard Cain gives this quest to you after you complete the five other acts in
the game. You should be between levels 14-16 when you start the quest. He
also gives you some words of wisdom.

"It is certain we face the demon queen Andariel, who has corrupted the rogue
sisterhood and defiled their ancestral monastery. This does not bode well for
us, my friend.

Ancient Horadric texts record that Andariel and the other lesser evils once
overthrew the three prime evils - Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal - banishing them
from Hell to our world.

Here, they caused mankind untold anguish and suffering before they were finally
bound within the Soulstones.

Andariel's presence here could mean that the forces of Hell are once again
aligned behind Diablo and his brothers. If this is true, then I fear for us
all. You must kill her before the Monastery becomes a permanent outpost of
Hell and the way east forever."

You got a big job to do here. You need to face your first Act-ending boss.
You need to travel through the Barracks, through three levels in the Jail,
through the Inner Cloister, through the Cathedral, and three levels of the
Catacombs to get to Andariel. It is a huge feat. But easily done if you are
trained and have high enough levels. Once you get to the fourth level of the
Catacombs, your quest log will update you saying you need to kill Andariel.

On the fourth level, you will get to a smaller room with double doors on the
left side of your screen. Open that to a big room with many guys, but not
Andariel yet. In that room, open the very fancy double doors at the top of the
room to get to Andariel's chamber. She also has some minion there, and kill
them before she sees you. For information on how to kill Andariel, see the
Bestiary section. Once you defeat her, she will drop some good gems and
magical items. You will get a town portal back, and you have completed the
quest and the
Act!! Congratulations! To get to Act 2, talk to Warriv, and choose to go east
to go into Act 2. Sit back and enjoy the movie.

5.2 Act II - The Secret of the Vizjerei

In Act 2, your base is called Lut Golein. Check the NPCs for information on
the ones in Lut Golein. Again there are 6 quests. Here we go again :).

5.2.1 Quest 1: Radament's Lair

Anya gives you this quest as soon as you get into Lut Golein and talk to her.
She has some words of wisdom like all others seem to have. You should be
around Level 16 when you start the quest.

"In the sewers below our city, there lurks a horrid creature that hungers for
human flesh. The creature had killed many, including my son and my husband.
If you destroy it, I will reward you. Please be careful though, that beast has
taken enough from us already. The sewer entrance is through the trap door just
up the street."

There are actually two entrances to the sewers. One is a trap door located in
between Drognan and Griez, and the other is located near the docks. Either way
you go, you will get to the sewers. There are three levels to the sewers. The
first two should be thoroughly searched out to gain experience; hopefully one
level is gained when you do that. When you get to the third level, search
around until you see your quest log update you saying you should kill Radament.
See the Bestiary for information on how to kill him. He will drop a book of
skill, which can be used to gain one skill point. Once you do, talk to Anya,
and she will give you discounts with all of the people in Lut Golein. Also,
right by where you kill Radament, is the Horadric Scroll. Be sure to pick that
up, as it is part of the next quest.

5.2.2 Quest 2: The Horadric Staff

Deckard Cain gives you this huge-ass quest that basically is what you are going
to do in Act II. It starts when you get the Horadric Scroll and talk to him.
He has a lot of words for you this time.

"Ahh...The Lost Horadric Scroll! What a fortunate turn of events...

As the last living Horadrim, I alone have the knowledge of its meaning. Now, to
read the Horadric runes it bears...Hmmmm...

The Horadric Mages, after binding Baal within Tal Rasha, magically sealed off
his burial chamber from the mortal realm. Those same mages also crafted
fearsome Horadric Staves and imbued them with the special power to open the
Chamber's hidden door.

After nearly losing one to thievery of a rogue sorcerer, they divided all
staves into two parts-wooden shaft and metal headpiece-hiding them separately
to safeguard them.

The Horadrim foresaw our current plight and designed hiding places to reveal
themselves to worthy heroes like you.

Collect both parts of a Horadric Staff and unite them using a Horadric Cube.
Then, you may enter Tal Rasha's Burial Chamber."

This quest takes a long time. Basically, after you get this quest, your quest
log will tell you where to go to find these things. The three things you need
are the Horadric Cube, Horadric Shaft, and the Viper Amulet. The Horadric Cube
is located in the Halls of the Dead.
You must look in the Dry Hills for the Halls of the Dead. You must look
through all levels of every place before you get there to gain as much
experience as possible for all the places you have to go to.

The Cube is in the third level of the Halls of the Dead. You must fight a
super unique monster (he is always there) who is a Saber Cat. Once you defeat
it, there is a chest with a Horadric Cube in it for your transmuting needs. :)
This is an item that you want in your inventory all the time. Not only does it
transmute items, it expands your inventory by a couple of spaces.

The next item you want to get is the Horadric Shaft. It is located in the Sand
Maggot Lair, which is located in the Far Oasis. These guys are poison shooting
bugs, so be sure you have some resistance to poison. There are again three
levels to this place. In the room with the Horadric Shaft, there is a HUGE bug
called Cold Worm the Devourer. He is immune to cold, so ice sorcs might be in a
little trouble. He is really not that difficult though, as his size is
deceiving. Once it is defeated, collect the Shaft and get out. Remember to
search all the levels.

The last item is located past the Lost City and through the Far Oasis to get to
the Claw Viper Temple. It is the Viper Amulet that you need to find. It is
guarded on the second floor of the Claw Viper Temple by a unique viper called
Fang Skin. Once you defeat him, look for the chest with the Amulet in it.
Also, if you activate the altar, you will complete the third quest. Take the
parts to Deckard Cain, who tells you to transmute the shaft and the amulet to
get the Horadric Staff. But wait, the quest isn't over yet. Later on in the
act, the quest will say it is completed after you put the shaft in the altar to
get to Tal Rasha's Chamber. Then the quest will be completed.

5.2.3 Quest 3: The Tainted Sun

This quest activated when you enter the Lost City. This quest kind of overlaps
with the quest before it, so you will complete this quest if you follow the
instructions above. The sky will turn dark and your quest log will tell you to
talk to Drognan. Go ahead and do so.

Go to the Valley of the Snakes and enter the Claw Viper Temple. Go through the
Temple until you get to Level 2. The snakes are definitely not easy, so be
prepared. Once you get to the second floor, search for the Altar. Fang Skin,
a unique snake that is hard to defeat, guards it. Once you defeat it, click on
the Altar to "unlock" the sun. Your reward is the Viper Amulet, a key part of
the Horadric Staff quest. The quest is now complete.

5.2.4 Quest 4: The Arcane Sanctuary

You should be at about level 21 when you start this quest. You must talk to
Drognan to start this quest. You must first activate the Seven Tombs quest
from Jerhyn before you can get this quest from Drognan. He has some things to

"I've been researching the old records, trying to find the location of Tal
Rasha's Tomb. Though I haven't found the Tomb itself, I may have a good lead
for you.

The great Vizjerei Summoner, Horazon, built his Arcane Sanctuary somewhere
around here. He was a great spellcaster and kept demons as slaves within the
Sanctuary. He kept a close eye on great events, too - such as the imprisonment
of Baal within Tal Rasha's Tomb.

If you could find Horazon's Sanctuary, I'm sure that it would hold some clue as
to the Tomb's location. Though I doubt Horazon is still alive, you must
proceed with caution. There's no telling what could be waiting inside.

When I spoke of this to Lord Jerhyn, he asked that I send you to him. Perhaps
he knows of a secret entrance or the like."

So go talk to Jerhyn, and he tells you that you can enter the castle. Go ahead
and do so, and travel your way though the Palace Cellar levels and the Harem
levels to get to the portal to the Arcane Sanctuary. These places are chock
full of monsters, so be ready. You must defeat a Unique Sand Raider called
Fire Eye, who is guarding the portal. For information on how to beat him, look
in the Bestiary.

Once you get to the Arcane Sanctuary, make sure you go down and get the
waypoint. From the waypoint, there are four different paths to choose from. I
don't know if the game made it this way (probably not), but every time I do
this quest the exit is in the last place I look. Anyhow, once you do find the
exit or get close, your quest log will light up for Quest 5, that means you are
close. Check the Bestiary for how to beat the Summoner, who guards the place.
Once you defeat him, look at the book to see the true symbol of Tal Rasha's
chamber. If you have started the Seven Tombs quest, the true symbol will
appear in that quest box. If not, make sure you write down the six symbols
that are there after you beat the Summoner. The quest ends after you read the
Journal of Horazon, which tells you the true symbol.

5.2.5 Quest 5 - The Summoner

You should start this quest at level 21-22. This quest starts when you get
close to the Summoner, the quest log will tell you. He is a tough opponent,
and I will tell you how to beat him...in the Bestiary of course. The quest
ends when you defeat him.

5.2.6 Quest 6 - The Seven Tombs

You can start this quest as soon as you beat Radament in the first quest. You
get it from Jerhyn, and he has some things to say.

"I have heard of your many deeds of skill and bravery. I feel I can trust you
with something I have been hesitant to speak of...

Drognan and I have concluded that the Dark Wanderer who passed through here
recently was Diablo, himself! Drognan believes that Diablo is searching the
desert for the secret tomb where the great Horadrim, Tal Rasha, keep Baal

You must find Diablo and put an end to the terrible evil that has fallen upon
our city! Drognan is wise and is sure to have some helpful advice for you as
to how Tal Rasha's tomb may be found.

It may take you some time to find The Tomb. May you be ready when you do."

What you need to do is find the Tomb of Tal Rasha and kill the monster waiting
there. You will need to go to the Canyon of the Magi, where you will find
Seven Tombs of Tal Rasha, hence the name of the quest. Six of them are fake,
one of them is real. I suggest you go through all of them anyway, for the

You will know the true symbol after you complete the fourth quest in this act,
and it will tell you in the quest log for this quest. To get to the Tomb of
Tal Rasha, you will get to the Altar and you must place the Horadric Staff in
it to open a hole into the Tomb of Tal Rasha. Inside waiting for you is the
boss of this act, Duriel. See the Bestiary on how to beat him. Once you beat
him, talk to Tyrael to complete the mission and to create a free town portal.
Talk to Meshif when you are ready to go to Act 3.

5.3 Act III - The Infernal Gate

Your hometown is now called Kurast. The NPCs in Kurast will again help you out
and I have covered them in the NPC section. There are six quests.

5.3.1 Quest 1 - The Golden Bird

This quest, I think, was put in only to make it so there were six quests like
the other acts. It is an easy one. The act starts when you meet the first
unique monster outside of town. Your quest log will activate as well. After
you kill the monster, it will drop a Jade Figurine. You must give that to
Meshif, who will give you the Golden bird. Then give the golden bird to Alkor.
He will take it. Leave him and talk to him again to get the potion of life,
which gives you +20 to your life permanently. That's it. The quest is done,
and it was a cinch to complete.

5.3.2 Quest 2 - Blade of the Old Religion

This quest should be taken on at level 24-25. It starts after you find the
Pygmy village, which is hidden in the Flayer jungle. It can get confusing, but
look through all of the places anyway to get experience. When you find it, talk
to Hralti. He has some things to say.

"As I told you before, I placed an enchantment upon the dockside in order to
keep the demons at bay. But lately, the enchantment seems to be weakening. If
memory serves me correctly, there is a holy Skatsimi blade that could
revitalize the enchantment. The blade is called
Gidbinn. Find it, and our sanctuary will remain safe here."

When you find the Pygmy Village, you must first kill a Unique Pygmy before you
can release the blade. When you do that, take the Gidbinn back to town and
talk to Ormus, who will give you a random rare magical ring! Sweet! Also, talk
to Asheara, who will make the hiring of her Iron Wolves free. The quest is now

5.3.3 Quest 3 - Khalim's Will

This is a huge quest, much like the Horadric Staff quest in Act 2. It takes up
much of the Act, and a lot of quests overlap this quest. When you talk to
Deckard Cain he has a lot to say.

"Never forget that your ultimate purpose here in Kurast is to destroy Mephisto.
The ancient Horadrim imprisoned the Lord of Hatred inside the Guardian Tower
that is located within the Temple City of Travincal.

Know this friend-the only way to gain entry to Mephisto's prison is to destroy
the artifact known as the Compelling Orb. Mephisto used this device to control
the Zakarum priests and their followers. The Orb can only be destroyed with an
ancient flail imbued with the spirit of the one incorruptible priest.

Soon after his imprisonment, Mephisto worked his evil corruption on the Zakarum
priesthood. All were turned to his dark ways, save one-Khalim, the Que-Hegan
of the High Council.

Mephsito directed the other Council priests to slay and dismember Khalim and
then to scatter his remains across the Kingdom. The Priest Sankekur succeeded
Khalim as Que-Hegan, eventually becoming the embodiment of Mephisto here on the
mortal plane.

The corrupted High Council fashioned an Orb to control the rest of the
Zakarum faithful and used their powers to hide the lair of their master
from mortals.

Your task is to collect the scattered remains of Khalim-his Heart, his Brain,
and his Eye. Then, using the Horadric Cube, transmute Khalim's flail with his
relics. Once this is accomplished, you must destroy the Compelling Orb with
Khalim's Will to open the way into the corrupt sanctum of Mephisto."

Whew! After all of that mumbo-jumbo, all you need to know is the last
paragraph. Throughout Act 3, you will need to find his heart, brain, eye, and
his flail. The Eye can be found in the Spider Cavern, which is located in the
middle of the Spider Forest, and it is guarded by a Unique Fire Spinner called
Sszark. (See Bestiary for more info) After you defeat him, you can open a
chest with the eye and some other good items.

His Brain can be found in the third level of the Flayer Dungeon, which is
located in the Flayer Jungle. You must defeat a Flayer Shaman called the Witch
Doctor Endugu. (See Bestiary for more info) Once you defeat him, the brain is
in a chest with other good items for the taking.

His Heart is located in the Sewers. It isn't guarded by anybody, but the first
level of the sewers is pretty big, and it is in a small area in there. It is
again located in a chest. The only thing is that it is usually guarded on the
outside by a unique or champion monster, and the heart is located in a small
room by them, so it is guarded technically. Once you find it, make sure you
look through all of the sewers' second level as well for lots of experience for
this huge level.

Last but not least is the Flail. It is guarded by the members of the High
Council located in Travincal. Make sure you kill them all; it is part of
another quest. Once you defeat all of them, get their good items and get the
Flail. The Flail should be found after a random council member, so be aware of
that. Now, transmute the eye, heart, brain, and flail into Khalim's Will. The
Compelling Orb is located right by where you fought the High Council, where you
can use Khalim's Will to smash it and open the way to the Durance of Hate
(Thanks to 2 corrections from JinXuan Tan)

5.3.4 Quest 4 - Lam Esen's Tomb

This quest should be started when you are level 26 or so. It starts out when
you talk to Alkor. He quickly tells you what to do.

"It pains me to waste time with you, so I'll get right to the point. There is a
very special book, which you must find for me. It was written long ago by a
sage known as Lam Esen, who studied Skatsimi magic and the effects of the Prime
Evils on the mortal world. The Black Book was lost when the Children of
Zakarum took over this land. Now, you must reclaim it without delay! Its
knowledge may aid us in this dark time ahead."

There are three staircases in Upper Kurast, the Bazaar, and the
Causeway. Go into all of them, but one of them is a ruined temple. Go in
there for sure anyway, and look for the Tomb of Lam Esen. It is guarded by a
unique monster called Battlemaid Sarina, who is a Flesh Hunter. You must
defeat her, as she is guarding book. The book will be resting on a tomb, so
pick it up. Head back to town and give the book to Alkor, and his reward to
you is five attribute points. The quest is now done.
(Thanks to 2 corrections from JinXuan Tan)

5.3.5 Quest 5 - The Blackened Temple

This quest overlaps with the Khalim's Will quest. You must find the Temple
City of Travincal and kill the High Council there. After that, you must use
Khalim's Will to smash the Compelling Orb. You have to talk to Ormus to get
the quest. He has some things to say.

"You have done well, my friend. Your courage and valor are an inspiration to
us all. But now the time has come to face those responsible for the evil that
has stifled our land. You must destroy the High Council of Zakarum! Long ago,
these elders were charged with the stewardship of Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred,
who was imprisoned within the Guardian Tower. Through the generations, these
pious men slowly fell more and more under the sway of Mephisto's malevolent
power and the Council became an evil mockery of its former glory.

It is Mephisto's Hatred that has corrupted Zakarum and turned its devout
followers into paranoid fanatics. That is why you must travel to the Temple
City of Travincal and slay the Council. Once they are gone, Mephisto's hold
over this land and its people will be broken!"

So go to Travincal and it is in the Northern part of Travincal where the
council hides. Take them out; they are all unique monsters with minions. Good
luck, my advice is to take them on one at a time. They usually drop some good
items. Once you defeat them, smash the Compelling Orb with Khalim's Will to
open the way to the Durance of Hate levels. The quest is now done.

5.3.6 Quest 6 - The Guardian

This quest is also given by Ormus after you complete the fifth quest.
Basically, you must kill Mephisto. He has only a few things to say this time.

"Diablo and Baal have surely found the Temple City by now. They seek to free
their brother, Mephisto, who was imprisoned by the Horadrim in the Temple's
Guardian Tower. You must reach him before his brothers do and prevent them
from releasing Hatred upon this world."

Mephisto is located on level four of the Durance of Hate. He is a challenge,
and information about him can be found in the Bestiary. Once you defeat him,
you get some good items and a portal back to town. The quest is then done.
Talk to Tyrael then to open a portal to Act IV.

5.4 Act IV - The Harrowing

Your base is now called the Pandemonium Fortress. There are no mercenaries,
but Tyrael can resurrect any mercenary that has died. See the NPS section for
info on those. There are only three quests this time! Yay! Let's begin.

5.4.1 Quest 1 - The Fallen Angel

You should be at around level 28 when you start this quest. You must talk to
Tyrael to start this quest. He has lots to say.

"There is a dark, tortured soul who was trapped within this forsaken realm long
ago. He was called Izual by mortal men, and in ages past he was my most
trusted Lieutenant. Yet against my wishes he led an ill- fated assault upon
the fiery Hellforge itself.

Despite his valor and strength, Izual was captured by the Prime Evils and
twisted by their perverse power. They forced him to betray his own kind and
give up Heaven's most guarded secrets. He became a corrupt shadow of his
former self: a fallen angel trusted neither by Heaven nor

For his transgressions, Izual's spirit was bound within the form of a terrible
creature, which was summoned from the Abyss. His maddened spirit has resided
within that tortured husk for many ages now.

It seems to me that he has suffered long enough. I implore you hero, find
Izual and release him from his cruel imprisonment. Pt an end to his guilt and

You must kill Izual. He is located in the Plains of Despair. He is randomly
in the place, so you have to look for him. Make sure you go to all of the side
places to get experience. When you get close to him, your quest log alerts you
of it. He has a nasty melee attack.
Read more in the Bestiary. Once you defeat him, talk to the spirit to find
some shocking news. Then talk to Tyrael to get two free skill points!!

5.4.2 Quest 2 - The Hellforge

You should start this quest when you are level 29 or 30. You must talk to
Deckard Cain who tells you that it is time to destroy Mephsito's Soulstone.
You must travel through the Plains of Despair, through the City of the Damned
and into the River of Flame. You must travel quite a ways through the River of
Flame to get to the Hellforge.

When you do get there, there are lots of monsters to face, and they are lead by
Hephasto, the Smith's big brother. He looks exactly like him, but he is
tougher. See the Bestairy for more information. You must defeat him, because
he drops the Hellforge Hammer. Once all the monsters are done with, put the
Soulstone on the forge and smash it with the hammer. You will then be done
with the quest, and your reward is many high-quality gems come out of the forge
after you smash the Soulstone.

5.4.3 Quest 3 - Terror's End

After you smash the Soulstone, Tyrael gives you the final quest of
Diablo 2. You should start this at level 31 or 32. He again has some things
to say.

"The time has come to hunt down and destroy Diablo himself. But beware, the
Lord of Terror is not to be underestimated. He single- handedly destroyed the
town of Tristram and corrupted the last noble hero that tried to stop him.
This time, you must defeat him for good.
Only by destroying the Soulstone, which he carries, will his spirit be banished
forever. Good luck. Though this might be our darkest hour, it may yet be your
greatest moment!"

Lots of encouragement from Tyrael to start this quest. Travel through the
River of Flame to get to the Chaos Sanctum. This place is full of tough
monsters so be prepared. In there, there are five seals that need to be
opened. But when you open them, three of them randomly will spawn a Unique
monster and minions. These monsters are The Grand Vizier of Chaos, which is a
Burning Soul. There is Lord de Seis, who is an Oblivion Knight. The last one
is the Infector of Souls, and it is a Venom Lord. Once you unlock all the
seals and defeat all the monsters, the screen will start shaking, signifying
that Diablo has arrived. He is one tough cookie. See the Bestiary for
information. Once you have defeated him, you have completed the quest and
completed Diablo 2! Congratulations!! All you have left now is the expansion
pack. See the great ending of Act IV and good beginning of Act V.

5.5 Act V - The Expansion Pack

Your hometown is called Harrogath. You can hire Barbarians for your
mercenaries after you complete Quest 2. See the NPC section for info on those.
Well here we go with the final act!!

5.5.1 Act 1 - Siege on Harrogath

This quest should be started at level 32. You get it from Larzuk who has some
things to say.

"If you are here to defeat Baal... you must prove it! As we speak, Harrogath
is under siege by Baal's demons. Catapults rain death just outside the town
walls. Baal himself travels up the sacred mountain, having left in charge here
one of his most vicious generals, Shenk the Overseer. A ruthless taskmaster,
he lashes his own minions into suicidal frenzies on the battlefield. If you
wish to prove yourself to us, destroy the monster, Shenk, which commands those
infernal catapults outside Harrogath. If you manage to do this, return to me."

Ooooh, a test. You should be able to pass easily though. The Bloody
Foothills are freaking HUGE!! You will have to travel a long way to find
Shenk. About halfway through, when you get to the narrow part, you will find a
Unique Imp called Dac Farren. He is easy, but he is unique so I had to note
him. BTW, in Act V, you will find these little imps that shoot fireballs at
you and teleport everywhere really fast. They are going to get super annoying,
so be calm and patient, the fireballs don't really hurt you that much.

Anyway, once you do find Shenk, watch out. See the Bestiary for an extremely
easy way to kill this sucker. Once you do kill him, then return to Larzuk, who
will socket one of your items. Below, you will find how many sockets you will
get for each item.

Normal (White) items - The most sockets possible in the item. Cannot go above
6, and cannot go above 4 in normal difficulty.
Magical (Blue) items - One or two sockets. A 50% chance of either one.
Rare (Yellow) items - One socket.
Set (Green) items - One socket.
Unique (Gold) items - One socket.

Sockets can't be added to already socketed items, throwing items, and jewelry.
After you do that, the quest is completed.

5.5.2 Quest 2 - Rescue on Mount Arreat

You should start this quest at about level 33 or 34. You get this quest from
Qual-Kehk. There are some Barbarians trapped in the Frigid Highlands, and you
need to save some of them. He has a couple things to say.

"My concerns have turned to my men taken prisoner on the battlefield by Baal's
demons. I hate to think what's happened to them. As you journey up the
mountain, keep your eyes open for my soldiers and bring them back to me if you

Travel to the Frigid Highlands, and look through the place for a fenced in area
with Barbarians. There are many Super Unique monsters in the Frigid Highlands
such as Thresh Socke, Eyeback the Unleashed, and Sharptooth Slayer. While they
are in the "pen" they are safe, but when you open the door, the monsters can
kill them, so make sure the area is relatively clear before you release them.
Once you open the door, a town portal will open in front of the pen so they can
go through it. When you rescue 15 of them then return to Qual-Kehk, who will
then sell you his barbarians. Make sure you venture into Abaddon and all
places like it from now on to get experience. The quest is now complete.

5.5.3 Quest 3 - Prison of Ice

This quest should be started at around level 35 or 36. You get this quest from
Malah, who fears that something bad has happened to Anya, as she is missing.
She has some things to say.

"There is a matter which I hesitate to share, but I believe you are the only
one who can help me now. Anya, the young alchemist and daughter to one of our
slain Elders, has been missing for some time. She is a strong, crafty woman
with a spirit like no other. One night, just before your arrival, I overheard
her and Nihlathak arguing about her father's death. The next morning she was
gone. Nihlathak has his own talk as to where she went and why. Don't believe
him! I fear he is at the root of her disappearance. Please, if you can,
search for Anya and bring her back to us. She'll know what to do about

Oooh, sounds like trouble. Oh well. Anyways, you should go through levels and
their side levels until you get to the Crystalline Passage.
Once you get there, you must fight your way through a vast area until you find
the Frozen River. BTW, you will see evil urns starting here. These are like
chests, except when you open it, 99 times out of 100 a unique monster and its
minions will appear. Usually, there aren't any good items in it, but I do it
for experience. Anyway, when you find the Frozen River, enter it, Anya is in

When you enter the place you will need to do a little searching, but you will
know you are close once you find the Super Unique monster Frozenstein. He is
an Abominable. Once you defeat him and his army, you will find Anya frozen
solid. You will need to go back to town and get a potion from Malah. Then
return to Anya and thaw her, and talk to her back in town. She will tell you
to see Larzuk for your reward of a rare class-specific item. The quest is
done! Once you talk to Anya, she will give you the next quest also.

5.5.4 Quest 4 - Betrayal of Harrogath

This quest should be started at about level 37. This quest begins as soon as
you talk to Anya at the end of Quest 3. Nihlathak is the bad guy! He has been
revealing information to Baal so the town would be safe. See what Anya has to
say about this.

"Nihlathak told me he struck a deal with Baal to protect Harrogath. In
exchange for the demon's mercy, the misguided fool plans to give Baal the Relic
of the Ancients, our most holy Totem! Doing so will allow Baal to enter Mount
Arreat unchallenged by the Ancients. I tried to stop Nihlathak, but he
imprisoned me in that icy tomb. Nihlathak must be stopped before he dooms the
whole world. As much as I would like to go strangle the life out of him, I'm
afraid I haven't the strength.
You must go to his lair through this portal I've opened, kill him, and then
bring back the Relic of the Ancients. Stop Nihlathak from destroying what we
have striven for eons to protect."

When you go through her portal, you will face some opposition. First of all,
you can never kill all of the zombies outside of the area you walk into. They
will keep on regenerating. The same goes with the ones inside the place,
except if you kill them enough times they will eventually rest in pieces. :-)
Anyway, go through the Halls of Pain and Anguish to get to the Halls of Vaught.
Make sure you go through those levels completely as they provide good
experience. Once you get to the Halls of Vaught, Nihlathak is in one of the
four passages. The only problem you will come to against him, will be talked
about in the Bestiary. Once you defeat him you will have finished the quest.

5.5.5 Quest 5 - Rite of Passage

You should start this quest at about level 38. You will get this quest from
Qual-Kehk after you defeat Nihlathak. You will have to fight some tough guys
here so watch out. He has some things to say.

"Every time I hear of you warrior, your deeds become more legendary.
But take heed. You are approaching the very summit of Mount Arreat. I have
never dared venture there. It is sacred-our most holy place. The legends say
it is guarded by the Ancient Ones, who block the oath of all who are unworthy.
Your reputation here does not matter... It will be the Ancients who determine
your worthiness. Good luck."

You must travel through the Glacial Trail through the Frozen Tundra to the
Ancient's Way. You will have to fight some TOUGH guys, and there are a lot of
them, so be careful. But if you have been following my level and character
plans you should be just dandy. When you get to the Ancient's Way, you will
realize it is much like the Glacial Trail. Find the waypoint here for sure.
Once you get to the Arreat Summit, don't go in there until you know you are
ready. Once you go in there you can't get back out. Once in the Arreat
Summit, go towards the Altar of Heavens and click on it if you are ready. It
will say this.

"We are the spirits of the Nephalem, the Ancient Ones. We have been chosen to
guard sacred Mount Arreat, wherein the Worldstone rests. Few are worthy to
stand in its presence; fewer still can comprehend its true purpose. Before you
enter you must defeat us."

And we are off to the races! You will have to fight three barbarian type guys,
_without_ going to town. If you go to town, they will reset themselves to full
health. The three use Barbarian skills also. One uses Whirlwind, one uses
Leap Attack, and the other uses Double Throw with Shout. See the Bestiary for
more information on that. Once you defeat all three, you will automatically
get a TON of experience and get a level up automatically. The quest is then

5.5.6 Quest 6 - Eve of Destruction

You should start this quest at level 39. When you defeat the Ancients, they
will give you your sixth and final quest of the whole game!!!!! Yes!! But
don't get excited yet, you have a tough boss to beat still. If you don't know
whom I am talking about you should turn off the game and give it to someone
else. Anyway, here is what the Barbarians say.

"You are a worthy hero! We augment your skill and grant you entry to the
interior of Mount Arreat, wherein lies the Worldstone. Beware. You will not
be alone. Baal, the Lord of Destruction, is already inside. The Archangel
Tyrael has always been our benefactor, but even he cannot help us now. For
Baal blocks Tyrael's spiritual presence from entering the chamber of the
Worldstone. Only you, mortal, have the power to defeat Baal now. Baal
threatens the Worldstone-and through it, the mortal realm, itself. You must
stop him before he gains full control of the sacred stone. With it under his
control, Baal could shatter the boundaries between this world and the Burning
Hells, thus allowing the hordes of the Prime Evils to pour forth into the
mortal realm like an unstoppable tide! If you are weak, the world as you know
it could be lost forever. You must NOT fail!"

Getting a little emotional are we? So, you have to go kill Baal. Fun! Here is
how you get to him. From Arreat Summit, the doors will open after you click on
them and you can go to the Worldstone Keep levels. Lots of hard monsters down
there, but very few Uniques. Interesting. Anyway, there are three levels of
the Worldstone Keep, and by the end of those you should be at around level 40.
After those three levels, you will enter...the Throne of Destruction. Oh no!
It is actually pretty similar to the other levels. There are mostly Death
Lords and Vile Witches. Once you get to the middle of the Throne, you will
find Baal! But you can't attack him...yet. He will stand there and laugh at
you for a little while, and then he will summon some monsters for you to
tackle. They are:

-Warped Shamans led by Colenzo the Annihilator.
-Death Mages and Unravelers led by Achmel the Cursed.
-Council Members led by Bartuc the Bloody
-Venom Lords led by Ventar the Unholy
-Minions of Destruction led by Lister the Tormentor
(See the Bestiary for more information)

After you have defeated all of those monsters and their minions, Baal will
enter the Worldstone Chamber. Go back to town and heal or whatever before you
fight Baal. Go in and fight Baal. See the Bestiary on how to defeat this
awesome final boss. Once you finally do defeat him, you will have completed
Quest 6 and completed the expansion pack!! Congratulations! See
the...interesting...ending movie and relax.


< < < 6.0 Characters > > >


Before we get to the characters, I want to give some information to guide you
through the levels. To be successful in this game, you must level up your
character every so often to be able to beat some of the tough monsters and
bosses you encounter during the game. I will give you a guideline on what
levels you should be at certain points of the game. Keep in mind that they are
a little high, but if you can reach those high levels, you will be able to beat
the bosses much easier.

-End of Act 1: Level 18
-End of Act 2: Level 24
-End of Act 3: Level 28
-End of Act 4: Level 32
-End of Act 5: Level 40
-End of Nightmare: Level 60
-End of Hell: Level 80

6.1 Sorceress


The sorceress is back from the original Diablo and even better than ever. With
the skill tree, you don't have to use the spell books that you happen to come
across during the game, as such in Diablo, but you can choose what to
specialize in. There are three categories in the skill tree to choose from,
Fire, Cold, and Lightning. Each element has its ups and downs.

-Strengths: Causing slow with its freeze, can sometimes stop the opponent. Can
cause lots of damage.

-Weaknesses: As you go along in the game, many monsters become immune to ice.

-Strengths: LOTS of damage, a lot more than any other element.

-Weaknesses: As you go along in the game, many monsters become immune to fire.

-Strengths: Can cause lots of damage, also has the teleport/telekinesis

-Weaknesses: Always a minimum damage of 1, and monsters become immune.

6.1.2 Sorceress Skill Tree


Ice Bolt (Lv.1) Frozen Armor (Lv.1)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ / | |
Frost Nova (LV.6) Ice Blast (Lv.6) | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | \ /
| | | | Shiver Armor (Lv.12)
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | \ / | |
| | Glacial Spike (Lv.18) | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ / \ /
Blizzard (Lv.24) Chilling Armor (Lv.24)
| |
| |
| |
\ /
Frozen Orb (Lv.30) Cold Mastery (Lv.30)


Charged Bolt (Lv.1)
| |
| |
| |
Static Field (Lv.6) | | Telekinesis (Lv.6)
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / \ / | |
Nova (Lv. 12) Lightning (Lv.12) | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | \ / \ /
| | Chain Lightning (Lv.18) Teleport (Lv.18)
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / \ / \ /
Thunder Storm (Lv.24) Energy Shield (Lv.24)

Lightning Mastery (Lv.30)


Fire Bolt (Lv.1) Warmth (Lv.6)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
Inferno (Lv.6) | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / \ / | |
Blaze (Lv.12) Fire Ball (Lv.12) | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / | | \ /
Fire Wall (Lv.18) | | Enchant (Lv.18)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ / | |
Meteor (Lv.24) | |
| |
| |
| |
\ /
Fire Mastery (Lv.30) Hydra (Lv.30)

6.1.3 Sorceress Skill Information

For the sorceress' skill information as well as all others, the format will be
as follows. Obviously, if it has duration it is in seconds. If it has radius
or distance it is in yards unless noted.

Skill Name

Required Level:
Damage Type:
Notes: I will tell you what doesn't change when you add skill points to the
Decaying or Not:
Grade: A-D, A being the best, D being the worst
How Many Points In It:

Skill Level


Ice Bolt

Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Cold
Description: Shoots a bolt of ice that damages and slows your victim.
Notes: Mana cost stays the same at 3.
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C
How Many Points In It: One point, as a prerequisite.

Skill Level Cold Damage Duration in Seconds
1 3-5 6
2 4-6 7.4
3 5-7 8.8
4 6-8 10.2
5 7-9 11.6
6 8-10 13
7 9-11 14.4
8 10-12 15.8
9 12-14 17.2
10 14-16 18.6
11 16-18 20
12 18-20 21.4
13 20-22 22.8
14 22-24 24.2
15 24-26 25.6
16 26-28 27
17 29-31 28.4
18 32-34 29.8
19 35-37 31.2
20 38-40 32.6

Frozen Armor

Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Gives you a defensive bonus and freezes any melee attacker that
hits you.
Notes: Mana Cost stays the same at 7.
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: D
How Many Points In It: No points. Horrible skill and the skills after it are
not needed. If you really want to use the other armors, put one in it, but I
advise against that.

Skill Level +% Defense Bonus Armor Duration Freeze Duration
1 30 120 1.2
2 35 132 1.3
3 40 144 1.4
4 45 156 1.5
5 50 168 1.6
6 55 180 1.8
7 60 192 1.9
8 65 204 2.0
9 70 216 2.1
10 75 228 2.2
11 80 240 2.4
12 85 252 2.5
13 90 264 2.6
14 95 276 2.7
15 100 288 2.8
16 105 300 3.0
17 110 312 3.1
18 115 324 3.2
19 120 336 3.3
20 125 348 3.4

Frost Nova

Required Level: Level 6
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Cold
Description: Creates an expanding rind of ice and frost that damages
and slows enemies.
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: It is a good skill, but not damaging enough in the later
stages of the game. Put one in for a prerequisite.

Skill Level Mana Cold Damage Cold Length
1 9 2-4 8
2 10 4-6 9
3 11 6-8 10
4 12 8-10 11
5 13 10-12 12
6 14 12-14 13
7 15 14-16 14
8 16 16-18 15
9 17 19-21 16
10 18 22-24 17
11 19 25-27 18
12 20 28-30 19
13 21 31-33 20
14 22 34-36 21
15 23 37-39 22
16 24 40-42 23
17 25 44-46 24
18 26 48-52 25
19 27 52-54 26
20 28 56-58 27

Ice Blast

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: Ice Bolt
Damage Type: Cold
Description: Creates a bolt of ice that completely freezes the target.
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It: Better than Ice Bolt, but not good enough. Put one as
a prerequisite.

Skill Level Mana Cold Damage Freezing Duration
1 6 10 3
2 6.5 17 3.2
3 7 24 3.4
4 7.5 31 3.6
5 8 38 3.8
6 8.5 45 4
7 9 52 4.2
8 9.5 59 4.4
9 10 66 4.6
10 10.5 73 4.8
11 11 80 5
12 11.5 87 5.2
13 12 94 5.4
14 12 101 5.6
15 13 108 5.8
16 13 115 6
17 14 122 6.2
18 14 129 6.4
19 15 136 6.6
20 15 143 6.8

Shiver Armor

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Frozen Armor
Damage Type: Cold
Description: Gives you a defense bonus, plus any melee attacker that
hits you will be damaged and slowed.
Notes: The mana and cold length stay the same when you add skill points
to this.
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: D+
How Many Points In It: Again, it is not worth it unless you decide to become a
melee sorceress, which would be kind of stupid. But if you do, then this is a
good skill to invest in.

Skill Level Duration +% Defense Bonus Cold Damage
1 120 45 6-8
2 132 51 8-10
3 144 57 10-12
4 156 63 12-14
5 168 69 14-16
6 180 75 16-18
7 192 81 18-20
8 204 87 20-22
9 216 93 23-25
10 228 99 26-28
11 240 105 29-31
12 252 111 32-34
13 264 117 35-37
14 276 123 38-40
15 288 129 41-43
16 300 135 44-46
17 312 141 48-50
18 324 148 52-54
19 336 153 56-58
20 348 159 60-62

Glacial Spike

Required Level: Level 18
Prerequisites: Ice Blast
Damage Type: Cold
Description: A shard of ice that inflicts massive cold damage and
explodes to freeze nearby enemies.
Notes: Radius of freezing is always 2.6 yards.
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: If you are serious about using the cold skills, this is
very important on your way to Frozen Orb and Blizzard. I would suggest around
5-6 points in this category, so you have an attack you can depend on in the
lower levels.

Skill Level Mana Cold Damage Freeze Duration
1 10 16-24 2
2 10.5 23-31 2.1
3 11 30-38 2.2
4 11.5 37-45 2.3
5 12 44-52 2.4
6 12 51-59 2.6
7 13 58-66 2.7
8 13 65-73 2.8
9 14 72-80 2.9
10 14 79-87 3
11 15 86-94 3.2
12 15 93-101 3.3
13 16 100-108 3.4
14 16 107-115 3.5
15 17 114-122 3.6
16 17 121-129 3.8
17 18 128-136 3.9
18 18 135-143 4
19 19 142-150 4.1
20 19 149-157 4.2


Required Level: Level 24
Prerequisites: Frost Nova and Glacial Spike
Damage Type: Cold
Description: Summons an ice storm to rain cold death upon your enemies
Notes: Cold duration stays the same at 3 seconds. You must wait a couple
seconds after you cast it before you can cast it again.
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A
How Many Points In It: Put 20 points into it. It is a very good skill, and it
is rewarding to put 20 points into it. I would put 20 into it because it looks
cool and kicks the monster's butts really bad; around 500 damage without Cold
Mastery! Awesome skill.

Skill Level Mana Cold Damage
1 23 30-50
2 24 42-62
3 25 54-74
4 26 66-86
5 27 78-98
6 28 90-110
7 29 102-122
8 30 114-134
9 31 139-159
10 32 164-184
11 33 189-209
12 34 214-234
13 35 239-259
14 36 264-284
15 37 289-309
16 38 314-334
17 39 354-374
18 40 394-414
19 41 434-454
20 42 474-494

Chilling Armor

Required Level: Level 24
Prerequisites: Shiver Armor
Damage Type: Cold
Description: Confers a defense bonus and launches an ice bolt against ranged
attackers when hit by a projectile weapon or spell.
Notes: Mana is the same at 17.
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C-
How Many Points In It: If you are serious about becoming a melee sorceress,
then this and Shiver Armor are very important to be able to survive. But
otherwise, don't even bother putting one point in it.

Skill Level Defense % Bonus Duration Cold Damage
1 45 144 4-6
2 50 150 5-7
3 55 156 6-8
4 60 162 7-9
5 65 168 8-10
6 70 174 9-11
7 75 180 10-12
8 80 186 11-13
9 85 192 13-15
10 90 198 15-17
11 95 204 17-19
12 100 210 19-21
13 105 216 21-23
14 110 222 23-25
15 115 228 25-27
16 120 234 27-29
17 125 240 30-32
18 130 246 33-35
19 135 252 36-38
20 140 258 39-41

Frozen Orb

Required Level: Level 30
Prerequisites: Blizzard
Damage Type: Cold
Description: A pulsating orb of cold that shreds an area with ice bolts
Notes: There is always a little bit of time where you have to wait to use it
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A+
How Many Points In It: The best ice skill by far. No doubt about it, put 20
points into this one. It is an awesome skill.

Skill Level Mana Cold Damage Cold Length
1 25 35-40 8
2 25 41-46 9
3 26 47-52 10
4 26 53-58 11
5 27 59-64 12
6 27 65-70 13
7 28 71-76 14
8 28 77-82 15
9 29 87-92 16
10 29 97-102 17
11 30 107-112 18
12 30 117-122 19
13 31 127-132 20
14 31 137-142 21
15 32 147-152 22
16 32 157-162 23
17 33 171-176 24
18 33 185-190 25
19 34 199-204 26
20 34 213-218 27

Cold Mastery

Required Level: Level 30
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Pierces the cold resistance of your enemies
Notes: Passive skill.
Decaying or Not: Yes, unfortunately
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: This would be a very good skill, and it is, but
it decays. Decaying is where the "bonuses" you get for adding a skill
point into a skill get lower and lower as the skill level increases.
For example with Cold Mastery, from level 1 to 2 it is a bonus of 11
percent. From 19-20, it is a bonus of only 1.

Skill Level % Bonus
1 23
2 34
3 42
4 49
5 55
6 59
7 63
8 65
9 69
10 71
11 73
12 75
13 77
14 79
15 80
16 81
17 82
18 83
19 84
20 85


Charged Bolt

Required Level: Level 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Lightning
Description: Fires multiple, jumping bolts of electricity that go out randomly.
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: D
How Many Points In It: One as a prerequisite. Other than that, the damage is
really bad, and if you put 20 points into this, sure it looks cool, but it does
jack squat for damage.

Skill Level Mana Lightning Damage Number of Bolts
1 3 2-4 3
2 3.5 2-4 4
3 4 3-5 5
4 4.5 3-5 6
5 5 4-6 7
6 5.5 4-6 8
7 6 5-7 9
8 6.5 5-7 10
9 7 6-8 11
10 7.5 6-8 12
11 8 7-9 13
12 8.5 7-9 14
13 9 8-10 15
14 9.5 8-10 16
15 10 9-11 17
16 10.5 9-11 18
17 11 10-12 19
18 11.5 11-13 20
19 12 12-14 21
20 12 13-15 22

Static Field

Required Level: Level 6
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Lightning
Description: Every enemy in radius around you loses a quarter of their health.
Notes: Always weakens enemies by 25%, and mana cost stays at 9.
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It: It can only be a good skill against high-level monsters
or bosses. Otherwise, against easy guys, it is very impractical. I personally
don't like this skill, but many people do.
My advice is put in, at the most, 5 points in it.

Skill Level Range In Yards
1 3.3
2 4
3 4.6
4 5.3
5 6
6 6.6
7 7.3
8 8
9 8.6
10 9.3
11 10
12 10.6
13 11.3
14 12
15 12.6
16 13.3
17 14
18 14.6
19 15.3
20 16


Required Level: Level 6
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Lightning
Description: Allows you to pick up items, trigger objects, and attack others
from a distance.
Notes: Mana stays the same at 7
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C
How Many Points In It: Kind of useful, but definitely NOT for damage.
If you want to pick up something in the middle of a pack of monsters and don't
want to fight them, use this. Put one in as a prerequisite and that's it.

Skill Level Lightning Damage
1 1-2
2 2-3
3 3-4
4 4-5
5 5-6
6 6-7
7 7-8
8 8-9
9 9-10
10 10-11
11 11-12
12 12-13
13 13-14
14 14-15
15 15-16
16 16-17
17 17-18
18 18-19
19 19-20
20 20-21


Required Level: Level 12
Prerequisites: Static Field
Damage Type: Lightning
Description: Creates an expanding ring of electricity that does massive damage.
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A
How Many Points In It: If you are serious about using lightning, then this
skill is very important. If you use only lightning (I highly recommend not
doing that), it is a good combination with Thunder Storm.
If you do lightning, put 20 points into it.

Skill Level Mana Lightning Damage
1 15 1-20
2 16 8-27
3 17 15-34
4 18 22-41
5 19 29-48
6 20 39-55
7 21 43-62
8 22 50-69
9 23 57-76
10 24 64-83
11 25 71-90
12 26 78-97
13 27 85-104
14 28 92-111
15 29 99-118
16 30 106-125
17 31 113-132
18 32 120-139
19 33 127-146
20 34 134-153


Required Level: Level 12
Prerequisites: Charged Bolt
Damage Type: Lightning
Description: Casts a bolt of lightning.
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: A good skill if you want lightning. Obviously a
prerequisite, but can be used for your regular skill if for some reason you
don't want to use Nova, until you get chain lightning of course.
Since there is Nova and Chain Lightning, only put one as a prerequisite. Also,
it has that nasty minimum damage of 1.

Skill Level Mana Lightning Damage
1 8 1-40
2 8.5 1-48
3 9 1-56
4 9.5 1-64
5 10 1-72
6 10.5 1-80
7 11 1-88
8 11.5 1-96
9 12 1-104
10 12 1-112
11 13 1-120
12 13 1-128
13 14 1-136
14 14 1-144
15 15 1-152
16 15 1-160
17 16 1-168
18 16 1-176
19 17 1-184
20 17 1-192

Chain Lightning

Required Level: Level 18
Prerequisites: Lightning
Damage Type: Lightning
Description: Casts a lightning bolt that jumps through multiple targets.
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: Sort of. As you increase the skill level, the number of hits
decays very slightly.
Grade: B+
How Many Points In It: This is basically better than lightning. More damage
and it branches out. It still has that minimum damage of 1 though. I would
again use Nova instead of this, but if you insist, you can use this. I would
only put a couple in until you get Thunder Storm or Nova.

Skill Level Mana Lightning Damage # of Hits
1 9 1-40 5
2 10 1-51 5
3 11 1-62 5
4 12 1-73 5
5 13 1-84 6
6 14 1-95 6
7 15 1-106 6
8 16 1-117 6
9 17 1-130 6
10 18 1-143 7
11 19 1-156 7
12 20 1-169 7
13 21 1-182 7
14 22 1-195 7
15 23 1-208 8
16 24 1-221 8
17 25 1-236 8
18 26 1-251 8
19 27 1-266 8
20 28 1-281 9


Required Level: Level 18
Prerequisites: Telekinesis
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Instantly transports you between two locations.
Notes: The only thing that changes is the mana cost.
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It: It is good, except you only need one point in it,
because 24 is not too much mana. I would never use this skill, but if you do,
only put one, because your points can be put into much better skills.

Skill Level Mana
1 24
2 23
3 22
4 21
5 20
6 19
7 18
8 17
9 16
10 15
11 14
12 13
13 12
14 11
15 10
16 9
17 8
18 7
19 6
20 5

Thunder Storm

Required Level: Level 24
Prerequisites: Chain Lightning and Nova
Damage Type: Lightning
Description: Summons a thunderstorm that periodically blasts an enemy nearby
with a bolt of lightning.
Notes: Mana cost stays the same at 19
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A-
How Many Points In It: If you like this kind of skill, then go ahead and use
it. In most skill plans, there are other skills that are need more. But it is
an awesome skill to use with Nova with good damage. I would suggest either put
none or 20 skill points in it, depending on if you want to use it.

Skill Level Lightning Damage Duration in Seconds
1 1-100 32
2 11-110 40
3 21-120 48
4 31-130 56
5 41-140 64
6 51-150 72
7 61-160 80
8 71-170 88
9 81-180 96
10 91-190 104
11 101-200 112
12 111-210 120
13 121-220 128
14 131-230 136
15 141-240 144
16 151-250 152
17 162-261 160
18 173-272 168
19 184-283 176
20 195-294 184

Energy Shield

Required Level: Level 24
Prerequisites: Teleport and Chain Lightning
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Absorbs magical and some physical damage to Mana instead of life.
Notes: Mana Cost stays the same at 5.
Decaying or Not: Yes, the damage absorbed decays.
Grade: B+
How Many Points In It: It is a pretty good skill. It can be very helpful if
you have lots of mana, which all sorceresses should have. I stay away from it
for some reason. I think I got a bad impression of it from Diablo. But I
would suggest putting about 10 points in it if you are serious about using it.

Skill Level Damage Absorbed % Duration
1 15 144
2 23 192
3 30 240
4 35 288
5 40 336
6 43 384
7 46 432
8 48 480
9 51 528
10 52 576
11 54 624
12 56 672
13 57 720
14 58 768
15 59 816
16 61 864
17 61 912
18 62 960
19 63 1008
20 63 1056

Lightning Mastery

Required Level: Level 30
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Reduces the Mana cost of lightning spells
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A-
How Many Points In It: If you have lightning, then definitely have 20 points
into this, because it increases the damage and lowers the mana cost of your
lightning spells, passively. It can't get better.

Skill Level % Bonus
1 50
2 62
3 74
4 86
5 98
6 110
7 122
8 134
9 146
10 158
11 170
12 182
13 194
14 206
15 218
16 230
17 242
18 254
19 266
20 278


Fire Bolt

Required Level: Level 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Fire
Description: Launches a bolt of fire.
Notes: Mana Cost stays at 2.5
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: D+
How Many Points In It: The beginning of the Fire skills. Put one in and forget
about it. Basically, not enough damage.

Skill Level Fire Damage
1 3-6
2 4-7
3 6-9
4 7-10
5 9-12
6 10-13
7 12-15
8 13-16
9 16-19
10 18-21
11 21-24
12 23-26
13 26-29
14 28-31
15 31-34
16 33-36
17 37-40
18 40-43
19 44-47
20 47-50


Required Level: Level 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Increases your Mana recovery rate.
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A
How Many Points In It: A very good skill. You must put points into this no
matter what element you choose. When you get to high levels, you need this so
you can cast lots of spells. Always put 20 points into this.

Skill Level % Recovery Rate
1 30
2 42
3 54
4 66
5 78
6 90
7 102
8 114
9 126
10 138
11 150
12 162
13 174
14 186
15 198
16 210
17 222
18 234
19 246
20 258


Required Level: Level 6
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Fire
Description: A spout of flame that burns the enemies.
Notes: Minimum Mana to cast is always 6.
Decaying or Not: No.
Grade: B+
How Many Points In It: Actually a pretty good skill. Very fun to use, but in
the long run won't do enough damage. But I like this skill a lot and if you
want you can use this skill. At the most, put it 10 points in this skill or
one as a prerequisite. If only you could move around with it...

Skill Level Mana Per Second Range Fire Damage
1 7 3.3 12-25
2 7 3.3 21-34
3 8 4 31-43
4 9 4.6 40-53
5 10 5.3 50-62
6 10 5.3 59-71
7 11 6 68-81
8 12 6.6 78-90
9 13 7.3 88-100
10 14 7.3 98-110
11 14 8 108-121
12 15 8.6 118-131
13 16 9.3 128-141
14 17 9.3 139-151
15 17 10 149-161
16 18 10.6 159-171
17 19 11.3 170-182
18 20 11.3 181-193
19 21 12 192-204
20 21 12.6 203-215


Required Level: Level 12
Prerequisites: Inferno
Damage Type: Fire
Description: Leaves a wall of fire in your footsteps.
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: It is also a pretty good skill. It can do some high
level damage and you can place it wherever you want to. If you like this
skill, put 15-20 points in it. If not, then put one as a prerequisite. I
would put one as a prerequisite and move on. In the end, it doesn't do as much
damage as the other fire skills.

Skill Level Mana Fire Duration Average Fire Damage/Second
1 11 4.6 18-37
2 11.5 5.6 28-46
3 12 6.6 37-56
4 12 7.6 46-65
5 13 8.6 56-75
6 13 9.6 65-84
7 14 10.6 75-93
8 14 11.6 84-103
9 15 12.6 98-117
10 15 13.6 112-131
11 16 14.6 126-145
12 16 15.6 140-159
13 17 16.6 154-173
14 17 17.6 168-187
15 18 18.6 182-201
16 18 19.6 196-215
17 19 20.6 215-234
18 19 21.6 234-253
19 20 22.6 253-271
20 20 23.6 271-290

Fire Ball

Required Level: Level 12
Prerequisites: Fire Bolt
Damage Type: Fire
Description: Launches a ball of fire that explodes on impact.
Notes: Radius is always 2 yards.
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A-
How Many Points In It: I like this skill a lot. Basically, it does that same
amount of damage of Fire Wall, except it flies at people and explodes. SOOOO
much better than Fire Bolt. I would suggest at least 15 points into this if
you want to use this skill.

Skill Level Mana Average Fire Damage/Second
1 5 65-93
2 5.5 93-121
3 6 121-150
4 6.5 150-178
5 7 178-206
6 7.5 206-234
7 8 234-262
8 8.5 262-290
9 9 295-323
10 9.5 328-356
11 10 360-389
12 10.5 393-421
13 11 426-454
14 11.5 459-487
15 12 492-520
16 12 525-553
17 13 567-595
18 13 609-637
19 14 651-679
20 14 693-721

Fire Wall

Required Level: Level 24
Prerequisites: Blaze
Damage Type: Fire
Description: Creates a wall of fire.
Notes: Duration is always 3.6 seconds.
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B+
How Many Points In It: I wouldn't put too many points into this one.
It costs more mana, is stationary, and does the same amount of damage as Fire
Ball. The only thing better is how it looks. Put one in as a prerequisite and
move on.

Skill Level Mana Average Fire Damage/Second Range
1 22 65-93 4
2 23 93-121 6
3 24 121-150 7
4 25 150-178 8
5 26 178-206 10
6 27 206-234 11
7 28 234-262 12
8 29 262-290 14
9 30 295-323 15
10 31 328-356 16
11 32 360-389 18
12 33 393-421 19
13 34 426-454 20
14 35 459-487 22
15 36 492-520 23
16 37 525-553 24
17 38 567-595 26
18 39 609-637 27
19 40 651-679 28
20 41 693-721 30


Required Level: Level 18
Prerequisites: Warmth and Fire Ball
Damage Type: Fire
Description: Temporarily adds fire damage to a weapon.
Notes: Adds one third of the fire damage to ranged weapons, and all of the fire
damage to melee weapons.
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: D
How Many Points In It: One at the most as a prerequisite. If you are using
this skill, you are in trouble. You shouldn't be using a melee sorceress
unless you want a big challenge. If you are though, put twenty into this, but
it still doesn't do enough damage. If not, put one in it only if you want to
use Hydra.

Skill Level Mana Fire Damage Duration
1 25 8-10 144
2 27 10-12 168
3 29 12-14 192
4 31 14-16 216
5 33 16-18 240
6 35 18-20 264
7 37 20-22 288
8 39 22-24 312
9 41 26-28 336
10 43 30-32 360
11 45 34-36 384
12 47 38-40 408
13 49 42-44 432
14 51 46-48 456
15 53 50-52 480
16 55 54-56 504
17 57 60-62 528
18 59 66-68 552
19 61 72-74 576
20 63 78-80 600


Required Level: Level 24
Prerequisites: Fire Wall and Fire Ball
Damage Type: Fire
Description: Draws down a meteor from the heavens to smash your enemies.
Notes: Range is always 4 yards.
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A-
How Many Points In It: An awesome looking and damaging skill. You should
definitely have this skill, along with Fire Ball of course. The only flaw
(which gave it the minus) is that the wait period is pretty long. That's why
you need Fire Ball. Put 20 into this if you want
Fire damage.

Skill Level Mana Fire Damage Fire Damage/Second
1 17 80-100 35-58
2 17 104-124 44-67
3 18 128-148 53-77
4 18 152-172 63-86
5 19 176-196 72-96
6 19 200-220 82-105
7 20 224-244 91-114
8 20 248-268 100-124
9 21 288-308 112-135
10 21 328-348 124-147
11 22 368-388 135-159
12 22 408-428 147-171
13 23 448-468 159-182
14 23 488-508 171-194
15 24 528-548 182-206
16 24 568-588 194-217
17 25 648-668 208-232
18 25 728-748 222-246
19 26 808-828 236-360
20 26 888-908 250-274


Required Level: Level 30
Prerequisites: Enchant
Damage Type: Fire
Description: Creates a multi-headed beast that shoots bolts of fire at your
Notes: Duration is always 10 seconds
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: This is an okay skill. I think I should be able to be
used at level 18 or so. It doesn't do enough damage, and it doesn't stay
around long enough to do so. Put one if any in this skill.

Skill Level Mana Fire Damage
1 20 12-17
2 20 17-22
3 21 22-27
4 21 27-32
5 22 32-37
6 22 37-42
7 23 42-47
8 23 47-52
9 24 54-59
10 24 61-66
11 25 68-73
12 25 75-80
13 26 82-87
14 26 89-94
15 27 96-101
16 27 103-108
17 28 112-117
18 28 121-126
19 29 130-135
20 29 139-144

Fire Mastery

Required Level: Level 30
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Increases the damage done by your fire spells.
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A
How Many Points In It: If you are going to do Fire skills, this is mandatory.
It can get your damage of Meteor from 900 to 2300!! It is a very good skill to
have, so put 20 into this one.

Skill Level % Damage Increase
1 30
2 37
3 44
4 51
5 58
6 65
7 72
8 79
9 86
10 93
11 100
12 107
13 114
14 121
15 128
16 135
17 142
18 149
19 156
20 163

6.1.4 Skill/Stat Distribution

There are many types of sorceresses. I will list all of the kinds I know of
and my way of doing all of them.

Ice/Lightning Sorceress

This sorceress uses Cold and Lightning skills. She also uses one skill from
Fire that is necessary for any sorceress. I will give you a guide to what you
should have for every level up and a general guide telling you how much to put
in the skills in case you don't like the way I do it. The main idea for this
sorceress is to use Nova and Frozen Orb.
Here goes.

Level 2: Ice Bolt (Ib)
Level 3: Warmth (W)
Level 4: W
Level 5: W
Level 6: Ice Blast (IB)
Level 7: Static Field (SF)
Level 8: Frost Nova (FN)
Level 9: IB
Level 10: W
Level 11: W
Level 12: Nova (N)
Level 13: W
Level 14: N
Level 15: W
Level 16: W
Level 17: W
Level 18: Glacial Spike (GS)
Level 19: W
Level 20: W
Level 21: GS
Level 22: W
Level 23: GS
Level 24: Blizzard (BL)
Level 25: W
Level 26: GS
Level 27: W
Level 28: GS
Level 29: W
Level 30: Frozen Orb (F)
Level 31: Cold Mastery (C)
Level 32: Lightning Mastery (L)
Level 33: C
Level 34: F
Level 35: C
Level 36: F
Level 37: C
Level 38: F
Level 39: C
Level 40: L--
Level 41: N | Repeat until maxed.
Level 42: F--

For the bonus skill points in normal, put them in Warmth so you can max it out
it Normal mode and forget about it.

For the stats, you need strength for armor, and you need health obviously, so
this should do. Once you get to about 120 strength, you can then add 2 to
vitality and 3 to energy. Most armor doesn't require more than 120 strength.

ST +2
DX +0
VT +1
EN +2

Oh yeah, this is what we are aiming for.

Frozen Orb: 20 Skill Points
Nova: 20 Skill Points
Lightning Mastery: 20 Skill Points
Warmth: 20 Skill Points
Cold Mastery: 5 Skill Points
Glacial Spike: 5 Skill Points
All other prerequisites: 1 point in each

Stat/Skill Distribution Rating: 8.5 out of 10. A very good character variant.
Once you get to the higher levels the fun really starts. Kind of hard to kill
at low levels, but shouldn't be too much trouble. Overall a very good character
and the best out of the sorceress' variants.

Ice Sorceress

This sorceress uses exclusively ice skills, which can be a problem in the long
run, but is definitely a fun character to use. She will focus mainly on
getting to use Frozen Orb as many other Ice sorceresses do. Hopefully if you
decide to use this then you will understand that she will not go very far in
the game past normal difficulty. Again thanks to Aydin for much help with this
one. Here it is.

Level 2: Ice Bolt (IB)
Level 3: Warmth (W)
Level 4: W
Level 5: W
Level 6: Ice Blast (I)
Level 7: Frost Nova (FN)
Level 8: W
Level 9: I
Level 10: W
Level 11: I
Level 12: W
Level 13: W
Level 14: W
Level 15: W
Level 16: W
Level 17: W
Level 18: Glacial Spike (GS)
Level 19: W
Level 20: GS
Level 21: W
Level 22: GS
Level 23: W
Level 24: Blizzard (B)
Level 25: GS
Level 26: W
Level 27: GS
Level 28: W
Level 29: ---
Level 30: Frozen Orb ---|
Cold Mastery--| Max out in that order, then whatever you want

Again for the bonus points in normal max out Warmth, then in the later
difficulties just max out your main two skills.

For the stats, you need strength for armor, and you need health obviously, so
this should do. Once you get to about 120 strength, you can then add 2 to
vitality and 3 to energy. Most armor doesn't require more than 120 strength.

ST +2
DX +0
VT +1
EN +2

For the skills totals, here is what we want.

Frozen Orb - 20 points
Cold Mastery - 20 points
Warmth - 20 points
Glacial Spike - 5 points
Ice Blast - 3 points
All prerequisites - 1 point
Whatever you choose - the rest of the points

NOTE: I left this kind of open-ended so you can variate on it to make your own
personal ice sorceress. I choose to put some more into blizzard because I
thought it was a very cool skill with some pretty hefty damage.

Stat/Skill Distribution Rating: 5 out of 10
Hmm, this character is very fun to use from the end of Normal and the first act
Nightmare, but after that it definitely isn't fun, because you can kill maybe 1
out of every 3 guys, which gets you frustrated and killed. This is an okay way
to make a sorceress, but there are better ways.

6.1.5 Overall Character Rating

Rating: 8 out of 10.
Explanation: Definitely fun to use. The spells provide lots of eye candy, but
not a lot of damage compared to other characters. Also, monsters become immune
to certain things in Hell mode, easily solved by using two elements, but it is
a problem nonetheless. These are her only flaws.

6.2 Barbarian


The Barbarian is a big strong melee guy who loves to be in the thick of things.
He is one of my favorite characters. He has three different skill tabs. They
are combat skills, warcries, and combat masteries.
The ones used mostly in single player are the combat skills and masteries tabs,
and in multiplayer, warcries can be used effectively because they affect the
whole party, much similar to a Paladin's auras.

6.2.2 Barbarian Skill Tree


Howl (Lv.1) Find Potion (Lv.2)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ / | |
Taunt (Lv.6) Shout (Lv.6) | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | \ /
| | | | Find Item (Lv.12)
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
Battlecry (Lv.18) | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | Battle Orders (Lv.24) Grim Ward (Lv.24)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ / \ /
Warcry (Lv.30) Battle Command (Lv.30)


Sword Mastery (Lv.1) Axe Mastery (Lv.1) Mace Mastery (Lv.1)

Polearm Mastery (Lv.1) Throwing Mastery (Lv.1) Spear Mastery (Lv.1)

Increased Stamina (Lv.12)
| |
| |
| |
| | Iron Skin (Lv.18)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ / | |
Increased Speed (Lv.24) | |
| |
| |
| |
\ /
Natural Resistance (Lv.30)


Bash (Lv.1)
| |
| |
| |
| |
Leap (Lv.6) | | Double Swing (Lv.6)
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | \ / \ /
| | Stun (Lv.12) Double Throw (Lv.12)
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / \ / | |
Leap Attack (Lv.18) Concentrate (Lv.18) | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | \ /
| | | | | | Frenzy (Lv.24)
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / \ / \ /
Whirlwind (Lv.30) Berserk (Lv.30)

6.2.3 Barbarian Skill Information
It is the same table format.



Required Level: Level 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Frightens monsters into retreating
Notes: Mana cost is always 4.
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: D-
How Many Points In It: None. DON'T DO WARCRIES!!! They are a waste of time.
But if you are really intent on doing warcries for some strange reason, then
put one as a prerequisite. This is a sissy-ass skill. Sorry for the language,
but if you are a barbarian, you shouldn't have to make the enemy go away. If
anything you should be chasing the enemy.

Skill Level Enemy runs away X yards Duration
1 16 3
2 19.3 4
3 22.6 5
4 26 6
5 29.3 7
6 32.6 8
7 36 9
8 39.3 10
9 42.6 11
10 46 12
11 49.3 13
12 52.6 14
13 56 15
14 59.3 16
15 62.6 17
16 66 18
17 69.3 19
18 72.6 20
19 76 21
20 79.3 22

Find Potion

Required Level: Level 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Grants a chance that a Health, Mana or Rejuvenation potion can be
derived from a corpse.
Notes: Mana Cost is always 2.
Decaying or Not: Yes
Grade: D-
How Many Points In It: Totally sucks. You should be able to find plenty of
potions anyway, and I think you should put zero into this one. Definitely not
worth it for the skill itself, and the skills that have this as a prerequisite
suck also, so don't put anything in this skill.

Skill Level Chance to Find Potion (%)
1 15
2 27
3 36
4 44
5 50
6 55
7 59
8 62
9 66
10 68
11 71
12 73
13 75
14 77
15 78
16 80
17 81
18 82
19 83
20 84


Required Level: Level 6
Prerequisites: Howl
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Taunts an enemy to attack you.
Notes: Mana cost stays at 3
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: F-
How Many Points In It: Why in hell would you want someone to attack you?
Usually, the enemy goes after you anyway, they don't need more help. This
skill is totally pointless, and only use one if you want it as a prerequisite.
Otherwise definitely leave it alone.

Skill level Damage penalty Attack rating penalty
1 5 5
2 7 7
3 9 9
4 11 11
5 13 13
6 15 15
7 17 17
8 19 19
9 21 21
10 23 23
11 25 25
12 27 27
13 29 29
14 31 31
15 33 33
16 35 35
17 37 37
18 39 39
19 41 41
20 43 43


Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: Howl
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Gives allies a defense bonus
Notes: Mana cost is 6
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: D
How Many Points In It: This is good only in multiplayer. If you are facing
someone difficult, then use this. It is basically an armor shrine. Again, I
don't like warcries so I will never use this skill, but if you are into these
things, go for it.

Skill level Defense bonus (%) Duration
1 100 16
2 110 18
3 120 20
4 130 22
5 140 24
6 150 26
7 160 28
8 170 30
9 180 32
10 190 34
11 200 36
12 210 38
13 220 40
14 230 42
15 240 44
16 250 46
17 260 48
18 270 50
19 280 52
20 290 54

Find Item

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Find Potion
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Chance to find an item on corpses
Notes: Mana cost is 7
Decaying or Not: Yes
Grade: D+
How Many Points In It: Another pretty dumb skill, better than find potion
though. Even if I was doing warcries I would still only use one point in this.
The chances are low anyway and it's decaying. The only good thing about it
(hence the plus) is that sometimes you can get some good items.

Skill level Chance to find item (%)
1 13
2 19
3 24
4 29
5 32
6 35
7 37
8 39
9 41
10 42
11 44
12 45
13 46
14 47
15 47
16 49
17 49
18 50
19 50
20 51

Battle Cry

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Howl, Taunt
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Weakens nearby enemies
Notes: Mana cost is 5
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: I think this is pretty cool. You can make the enemies
damaged without you even attacking them or them attacking you. The only problem
is the duration. Only 12 seconds? Oh well, it is the warcries. Put a couple
into this one.

Skill level Defense penalty Damage penalty Duration
1 50 25 12
2 52 26 14.4
3 54 27 16.8
4 56 28 19.2
5 58 29 21.6
6 60 30 24
7 62 31 26.4
8 64 32 28.8
9 66 33 31.2
10 68 34 33.6
11 70 35 36
12 72 36 38.4
13 74 37 40.8
14 76 38 43.2
15 78 39 45.6
16 80 40 48
17 82 41 50.4
18 84 42 52.8
19 86 43 55.2
20 88 44 57.6

Battle Orders

Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Howl, Shout
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Raises maximum life, mana and stamina of allies
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 7
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It: This is okay if you are fighting a boss or have to some
extra casting or extra running. But it really doesn't appeal to me that much
but it sounds like a decent skill. If you are into warcries, put some into
this one.

Skill level Life/mana/stamina bonus (%) Duration
1 35 30
2 38 36
3 41 42
4 44 48
5 47 54
6 50 60
7 53 66
8 56 72
9 59 78
10 62 84
11 65 90
12 68 96
13 71 102
14 74 108
15 77 114
16 80 120
17 83 126
18 86 132
19 89 138
20 92 144

Grim Ward

Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Find Potion, Find Item
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Creates a totem to ward off enemies
Notes: Mana cost is 4, fixed duration of 40 seconds. Enemy always runs
6.6 yards away for 2.4 seconds
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: F
How Many Points In It: This is basically horse crap. Sorry for the foul
language, but you are a barbarian and you are scaring people away. How about
you are supposed to go to them and kill them. That makes more sense. Skip
this skill.

Skill level Radius
1 2
2 2.6
3 3.3
4 4
5 4.6
6 5.3
7 6
8 6.6
9 7.3
10 8
11 8.6
12 9.3
13 10
14 10.6
15 11.3
16 12
17 12.6
18 13.3
19 14
20 14.6

War Cry

Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Howl, Taunt, Shout, Battle Cry, Battle Orders
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Damages and stuns surrounding enemies
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: This is a good skill, but in the long run, it doesn't do
enough damage. The mana cost gets pretty high for a
Barbarian and it isn't good enough to waste your time on.

Skill level Damage Stun length Mana cost
1 20-30 1 10
2 26-36 1.2 11
3 32-42 1.4 12
4 38-48 1.6 13
5 44-54 1.8 14
6 50-60 2 15
7 56-66 2.2 16
8 62-72 2.4 17
9 69-79 2.6 18
10 76-86 2.8 19
11 83-93 3 20
12 90-100 3.2 21
13 97-107 3.4 22
14 104-114 3.6 23
15 111-121 3.8 24
16 118-128 4 25
17 126-136 4.2 26
18 134-144 4.4 27
19 142-152 4.6 28
20 150-160 4.8 29

Battle Command

Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Howl, Shout, Battle Orders
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Raises the skill levels of allies by 1.
Notes: Mana cost is 11.
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: Pretty much exactly like a skill shrine. It raises your
skill level by one every time you use it. This is an okay skill, but takes way
too many prereqs just to get here to be a good use of your time. And the level
30 minimum is too high also. Good skill, but takes way to long to get there.

Skill level Duration
1 12
2 16
3 20
4 24
5 28
6 32
7 36
8 40
9 44
10 48
11 52
12 56
13 60
14 64
15 68
16 72
17 76
18 80
19 84
20 88

Combat Masteries

Sword/Axe/Mace Mastery

Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Passive, boosts damage and attack rating of weapon type
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: Yes, in the critical strike part
Grade: A++
How Many Points In It: I would put 100 into this one if I could.
Basically, it makes it so your attacks are stronger and hit more often, and its
passive so it is there forever. I personally favor these three rather than the
other masteries, but whatever you choose is fine. Max this one out full.

Skill level Attack rating Damage bonus (%) Critical strike chance
1 28 28 3
2 36 33 6
3 44 38 9
4 52 43 11
5 60 48 12
6 68 53 13
7 76 58 14
8 84 63 15
9 92 68 16
10 100 73 17
11 108 78 17
12 116 83 18
13 124 88 18
14 132 93 19
15 140 98 19
16 148 103 20
17 156 108 20
18 164 113 20
19 172 118 20
20 180 123 21

Polearm/Spear/Throwing Mastery

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Passive, boosts damage and attack rating of weapon type
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: Yes, in critical strike
Grade: A+
How Many Points In It: Pretty much the same as the one above it, except for
polearms, spears, and throwing weapons. I prefer the weapons on top, but these
are good as well and it is a very good skill to have if you are using these

Skill level Attack rating Damage bonus (%) Critical strike chance
1 28 28 3
2 36 33 6
3 44 38 9
4 52 43 11
5 60 48 12
6 68 53 13
7 76 58 14
8 84 63 15
9 92 68 16
10 100 73 17
11 108 78 17
12 116 83 18
13 124 88 18
14 132 93 19
15 140 98 19
16 148 103 20
17 156 108 20
18 164 113 20
19 172 118 20
20 180 123 21

Increased Stamina

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Passive, boosts stamina
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C
How Many Points In It: This is not such a good skill. As a barbarian, you
usually want a lot of health, so I'm hoping that you put points into vitality.
When you do that your stamina and life raise. That alone should be enough

Skill level Stamina bonus (%)
1 30
2 45
3 60
4 75
5 90
6 105
7 120
8 135
9 150
10 165
11 180
12 195
13 210
14 225
15 240
16 255
17 270
18 285
19 300
20 315

Increased Speed

Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Increased Stamina
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Passive, boosts run/walk speed
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: Yes
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: This is a pretty cool skill. If you can get this up to
level 20, which I wouldn't do, you will become very VERY fast. Sometimes it is
too hard to control, and you run right past the guy. But if you learn how to
use and control it, then it is a pretty cool skill.

Skill level Walk/Run speed bonus (%)
1 13
2 18
3 22
4 25
5 28
6 30
7 32
8 33
9 35
10 36
11 37
12 38
13 39
14 40
15 40
16 41
17 41
18 42
19 42
20 43

Iron Skin

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Passive, boosts defense rating
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A-
How Many Points In It: This is cool. You can up your defense passively, and
personally I think it is really a good skill. A really good skill for another
character. Usually as a barbarian, you have enough strength to put on the best
armor. Still, I would put 5 points into it, because it will help you later on
because it is a percentage.

Skill level Defense bonus (%)
1 30
2 40
3 50
4 60
5 70
6 80
7 90
8 100
9 110
10 120
11 130
12 140
13 150
14 160
15 170
16 180
17 190
18 200
19 210
20 220

Natural Resistance

Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Iron Skin
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Passive, boosts elemental resistances
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: Yes
Grade: A-
How Many Points In It: Good skill and it is much needed in nightmare and hell
difficulty. They will start coming after you with elements and you will need
this, and in hell and nightmare your resistances go into the minuses and you
will need to get them back up. The only reason I gave it a minus is that it
decays. Put about 5 into this one.

Skill level Resist bonus (%)
1 12
2 21
3 28
4 35
5 40
6 44
7 47
8 49
9 52
10 54
11 56
12 58
13 60
14 61
15 62
16 64
17 64
18 65
19 66
20 67

Combat Skills


Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Adds damage and knockback to attack
Notes: Mana cost is 2
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: D
How Many Points In It: Pointless skill. There are MUCH better skills than this
in the combat skills. It is basically a weaker version of things to come. Put
one as a prerequisite and move on.

Skill level Damage bonus Damage bonus (%) Attack Rating bonus (%)
1 +1 50 20
2 +2 55 25
3 +3 60 30
4 +4 65 35
5 +5 70 40
6 +6 75 45
7 +7 80 50
8 +8 85 55
9 +9 90 60
10 +10 95 65
11 +11 100 70
12 +12 105 75
13 +13 110 80
14 +14 115 85
15 +15 120 90
16 +16 125 95
17 +17 130 100
18 +18 135 105
19 +19 140 110
20 +20 145 115

Double Swing

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: Bash
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Quick attack with two weapons
Notes: Requires 2 weapons to be equipped. Mana cost is 2.
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: This skill is good at first and it seems like a very
good skill. It is very good in the normal difficulty, but when you get to
nightmare and hell, you won't have any defense and they will slaughter you.
Put a couple into this.

Skill level Attack Rating bonus (%)
1 15
2 20
3 25
4 30
5 35
6 40
7 45
8 50
9 55
10 60
11 65
12 70
13 75
14 80
15 85
16 90
17 95
18 100
19 105
20 110


Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Jumps and knocks back enemies on impact
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 2
Decaying or Not: Yes
Grade: C
How Many Points In It: This skill is pretty useless, and is easily surpassed by
leap attack. I don't think you should put more than 3 in this because there
are other skills that could use the points better.

Skill level Radius (yards)
1 4.6
2 7.3
3 8.6
4 10
5 11.3
6 12
7 12.6
8 13.3
9 14
10 14
11 14.6
12 14.6
13 15.3
14 16
15 16
16 16
17 16.6
18 16.6
19 16.6
20 16.6

Double Throw

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Double Swing
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Quick attack with two thrown weapons
Notes: Requires two throwing weapons to be equipped. Mana cost is 2
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It: Pretty much the same as double swing, but with a
throwing weapon. I personally don't like throwing weapons so I gave it a
minus, but otherwise if you like throwing than go for it. You don't need to
worry as much with this about lack of armor, but you don't have any damage
bonuses and those are key later on in the game.

Skill level Attack Rating bonus (%)
1 20
2 30
3 40
4 50
5 60
6 70
7 80
8 90
9 100
10 110
11 120
12 130
13 140
14 150
15 160
16 170
17 180
18 190
19 200
20 210


Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Bash
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Enemy is stunned by attack
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 2
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C+
How Many Points In It: Stun is a pretty good attack, but it doesn't come
through in the end. The idea of stun to me is kind of dumb, and I don't
recommend any points in this except for as a prerequisite. It lacks in the
third and fourth act of the game, and its horrible in Nightmare and Hell

Skill level Stun length Attack Rating bonus (%)
1 1.2 15
2 1.4 20
3 1.6 25
4 1.8 30
5 2 35
6 2.2 40
7 2.4 45
8 2.6 50
9 2.8 55
10 3 60
11 3.2 65
12 3.4 70
13 3.6 75
14 3.8 80
15 4 85
16 4.2 90
17 4.4 95
18 4.6 100
19 4.8 105
20 5 110

Leap Attack

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Leap
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Jumps and attacks target
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 9
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: This was one of the best skills in the original Diablo 2
because if you attacked them it would not miss not matter what. No, as you can
see, they put an attack rating on it, so it won't always hit and it becomes
kind of useless. If you like this skill though, you can put 20 in this but I
don't recommend it.

Skill level Damage bonus (%) Attack Rating bonus (%)
1 100 50
2 130 65
3 160 80
4 190 95
5 220 110
6 250 125
7 280 140
8 310 155
9 340 170
10 370 185
11 400 200
12 430 215
13 460 230
14 490 245
15 520 260
16 550 275
17 580 290
18 610 305
19 640 320
20 670 335


Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Bash, Stun
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Attack is uninterruptible and boosts defense
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 2
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A
How Many Points In It: This is a great attack. Not only does it increase
damage, attack rating and defense, but also it is uninterruptible. This isn't
such a big thing in the normal difficulty, but later on in higher difficulties,
being able to get your attack off is very important. Put 20 into this one
unless you are specializing in something else.

Skill level Defense bonus (%) Attack Rating (%) Damage bonus
1 100 60 70
2 110 70 75
3 120 80 80
4 130 90 85
5 140 100 90
6 150 110 95
7 160 120 100
8 170 130 105
9 180 140 110
10 190 150 115
11 200 160 120
12 210 170 125
13 220 180 130
14 230 190 135
15 240 200 140
16 250 210 145
17 260 220 150
18 270 230 155
19 280 240 160
20 290 250 165


Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Double Swing, Double Throw
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Successful attacks boost attack and run/walk speed
Notes: Bonuses in percent. Requires 2 weapons to be equipped. Fixed mana cost
of 3
Decaying or Not: Yes, in both Attack and Running/Walking Speed
Grade: B+
How Many Points In It: This is basically a better version of double swing with
some added bonuses. It is an okay attack, but it doesn't have anyway to block
attacks and that can be a huge problem against a strong melee monster. If you
want to you can invest in this, but I recommend against it.

Skill level Damage bonus Attack rating Attack speed Run/walk speed
1 90 100 7 47
2 95 107 7-13 47-68
3 100 114 7-18 47-84
4 105 121 7-22 47-99
5 110 128 7-25 47-110
6 115 135 7-27 47-119
7 120 142 7-29 47-126
8 125 149 7-31 47-131
9 130 156 7-33 47-138
10 135 163 7-34 47-142
11 140 170 7-35 47-147
12 145 177 7-36 47-151
13 150 184 7-37 47-155
14 155 191 7-38 47-158
15 160 198 7-39 47-160
16 165 205 7-40 47-164
17 170 212 7-40 47-165
18 175 219 7-41 47-167
19 180 226 7-41 47-169
20 185 233 7-42 47-171


Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Bash, Leap, Stun, Concentrate, Leap Attack
Damage Type: Physical
Description: A whirling attack that cuts through enemies
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B+
How Many Points In It: This attack was another awesome attack for the original
Diablo 2. Then the dreaded attack rating was added. Before it would always
hit, now it has an attack-rating bonus so it isn't as effective. Also, it
starts out as a negative damage bonus, so if you aren't serious about investing
in it, don't because it will lower your damage. I personally don't like this
skill as it is too mana consuming and takes many points to be effective.

Skill level Damage bonus (%) Attack Rating bonus (%) Mana cost
1 -50 0 25
2 -42 5 25
3 -34 10 26
4 -26 15 26
5 -18 20 27
6 -10 25 27
7 -2 30 28
8 6 35 28
9 14 40 29
10 22 45 29
11 30 50 30
12 38 55 30
13 46 60 31
14 54 65 31
15 62 70 32
16 70 75 32
17 78 80 33
18 86 85 33
19 94 90 34
20 102 95 34


Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Bash, Stun, Concentrate
Damage Type: Magical
Description: Powerful attack that reduces defense to 0
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 4
Decaying or Not: Yes, the duration does a tiny bit.
Grade: A+
How Many Points In It: This is a lifesaver attack. All other attacks by the
Barbarian are physical damage. Sure, that's fine until the fifth act of Hell
mode. Then some people are immune to physical damage, and what do you do then?
You pull out your trusty Berserk! It attacks with magic damage instead of
physical, and it is a strong attack. Put 20 into this one for sure.

Skill level Damage bonus (%) Attack Rating bonus Duration
1 150 100 2.7
2 165 115 2.4
3 180 130 2.2
4 195 145 2.1
5 210 160 2
6 225 175 1.9
7 240 190 1.8
8 255 205 1.7
9 270 220 1.6
10 285 235 1.6
11 300 250 1.6
12 315 265 1.5
13 330 280 1.5
14 345 295 1.4
15 360 310 1.4
16 375 325 1.4
17 390 340 1.4
18 405 355 1.3
19 420 370 1.3
20 435 385 1.3

6.2.4 Stat/Skill Distribution

Concetrate/Berserk Barbarian

My favorite stat/skill distribution is the combination of masteries plus
berserk and concentration combination. This is courtesy of Aydin Mohseni.
Here goes!

Level 2: Bash
Level 3: ______ Mastery (What ever you choose, I will use mace because it does
the most damage.)
Level 4: Mace Mastery (MM)
Level 5: MM
Level 6: MM
Level 7: MM
Level 8: MM
Level 9: MM
Level 10: MM
Level 11: MM
Level 12: Stun
Level 13: Increased Stamina
Level 14: MM
Level 15: MM
Level 16: MM
Level 17: MM
Level 18: Concentrate (CO)
Level 19: Iron Skin
Level 20: CO
Level 21: CO
Level 22: CO
Level 23: CO
Level 24: Increased Speed
Level 25: MM
Level 26: CO
Level 27: MM
Level 28: CO
Level 29: CO
Level 30: Berserk (BZ)
Level 31: Natural Resistance (NR)
Level 32: CO
Level 33: BZ
Level 34: NR
Level 35: CO
Level 36: BZ
Level 37: NR
Level 38: CO
Level 39: BZ
Level 40: NR
Level 41: CO
Level 42: BZ
Level 43: NR
Level 44: CO
Level 45: BZ -> Repeat until
Level 46: CO -> maxed out

Put all of the bonuses from Normal difficulty into your mastery to finish it
out. Then you don't have to worry about it later on in the game. Here is a
general idea of the skills you want and the number of points in each one.

Mastery of your choice - 20 points
Berserk - 20 points
Concentrate - 20 points
Natural Resistance - 10 points
Iron Skin - 5 points
Increased Speed - 5 points
Increased Stamina - 5 points
Prerequisites and others of your choice - 15 points

Okay, for stats, it is all about Strength, Dexterity and Vitality.
NEVER EVER EVER NEVER EVER put ANY points into energy. You will have plenty of
mana as your mana will rise with your levels a little bit.
Here is what we want:

Strength - 180+
Dexterity - 220+
Vitality - 220+
Energy - 10

For each level, here is what I suggest you distribute your stats in.

Levels 2-50

ST +2
DX +2
VT +1
EN +0

Levels 51-99

ST +1
DX +2
VT +2
EN +0

That should be a good set-up.

Stat/Skill Distribution Rating: 9.5 out of 10 - Extremely good character, the
only weakness is in large crowds, but very strong hits often and always, and
has two different kinds of damage so no one can be immune to his attacks.

Frenzy Barbarian

Here is another barbarian that can be pretty effective, but again I find the
last one a little more effective. This will basically put you into Frenzy non-
stop killing enemies in large crowds like nobody's business. Again, it will
focus on mastery of some weapon of your choice. Anyway, here we go.

Level 2: Bash
Level 3: ______ Mastery (What ever you choose, I will use mace because it does
the most damage.)
Level 4: Mace Mastery (MM)
Level 5: MM
Level 6: Double Strike
Level 7: MM
Level 8: MM
Level 9: MM
Level 10: MM
Level 11: MM
Level 12: Increased Stamina
Level 13: Double Throw
Level 14: MM
Level 15: MM
Level 16: MM
Level 17: MM
Level 18: Iron Skin (Isk)
Level 19: MM
Level 20: Isk
Level 21: MM
Level 22: Isk
Level 23: MM
Level 24: Frenzy (F)
Level 25: Increased Speed
Level 26: F
Level 27: F
Level 28: F
Level 29: F
Level 30: Natural Resistance (NR)
Level 31: NR
Level 32: F
Level 33: NR
Level 34: F
Level 35: NR
Level 36: F
Level 37: NR
Level 38: Alternate F and Isk

Put all of the bonuses from Normal difficulty into your mastery to finish it
out. Then you don't have to worry about it later on in the game. Here is a
general idea of the skills you want and the number of points in each one.

Mastery of your choosing: 20 points
Frenzy: 20 points
Iron Skin: 20 points
Natural Resistance: 5 points (or more if you choose)
All prerequisites: 1 point each
All other skills of your choice: The rest of the points

Okay, for stats, it is all about Strength, Dexterity and Vitality.
NEVER EVER EVER NEVER EVER put ANY points into energy. You will have plenty of
mana, as your mana will rise with your levels a little bit.
Here is what we want:

Strength - 180+
Dexterity - 220+
Vitality - 220+
Energy - 10

For each level, here is what I suggest you distribute your stats in.

Levels 2-50

ST +2
DX +2
VT +1
EN +0

Levels 51-99

ST +1
DX +2
VT +2
EN +0

That should be a good set-up.

Stat/Skill Distribution Rating: 7 out of 10
This is a very interesting distribution. It its extremely effective against
large crowds and not so hot against single opponents. This is made so you can
get hit, with skills like Iron Skin and Natural Resistance. But, it does lack
a skill other than physical skills, and it is very impractical for most
purposes, as large crowds don't appear as often as single or a couple of
opponents do.

6.2.5 Overall Character Rating

Rating: 9 out of 10
Explanation: My second favorite character, and many other people's favorite
character because of his toughness and high damage. He is fun to use and there
are many different weapons and he has many skills that can work well.

6.3 Necromancer


The Necromancer is a sorcerer except he only does certain skills. He raises
the dead and casts poisonous spells. He is a really cool character and is
really powerful, if you do it right. There are several ways to go about making
a good Necromancer, but there is one way that works best in my opinion.

6.3.2 Necromancer Skill Tree


Teeth (Lv.1) Bone Armor (Lv.1)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ / | |
Poison Dagger (Lv.6) Corpse Explosion (Lv.6) | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | \ /
| | | | | | Bone Wall (Lv.12)
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
\ / \ / \ / | |
Poison Explosion (Lv.18) Bone Spear (Lv.18) | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | \ / \ /
| | | | Bone Prison (Lv.24)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ / \ /
Poison Nova (Lv.30) Bone Spirit (Lv.30)


Skeleton Mastery (Lv.1)-------------------------->Raise Skeleton (Lv.1)
| |
| |
| |
| |
Clay Golem (Lv.6) | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / | | \ /
Golem Mastery (Lv.12) | | Raise Skeletal Mage (Lv. 12)
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | \ / | |
| | Blood Golem (Lv.18) | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / \ / | |
Summon Resist (Lv.24) Iron Golem (Lv.24) | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ / \ /
Fire Golem (Lv.30) Revive (Lv.30)


Amplify Damage (Lv.1)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | \ /
Dim Vision (Lv.6) | | Weaken (Lv.6)
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | \ / \ /
| | Iron Maiden (Lv.12) Terror (Lv.12)
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / \ / | |
Confuse (Lv.18) Life Tap (Lv.18) | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / | | \ /
Attract (Lv.24) | | Decrepify (Lv.24)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ / \ /
Lower Resist (Lv.30)

6.3.3 Necromancer Skill Information

Poison and Bone Spells:


Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Magical
Description: Multiple magic "teeth" strike enemies
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C+
How Many Points In It: This is not a very good skill. It can also be very
powerful, but only if you attack them very close, and all 21 teeth hit them.
In that case it would do 441 damage. But there are MUCH better skills out
there, and I wouldn't invest in this. Put one as a prerequisite and move on.

Skill level Damage # of teeth Mana cost
1 2-4 2 3
2 3-5 3 3.5
3 4-6 4 4
4 5-7 5 4.5
5 6-8 6 5
6 7-9 7 5.5
7 8-10 8 6
8 9-11 9 6.5
9 10-12 10 7
10 11-13 11 7.5
11 12-14 12 8
12 13-15 13 8.5
13 14-16 14 9
14 15-17 15 9.5
15 16-18 16 10
16 17-19 17 10.5
17 18-20 18 11
18 19-21 19 11.5
19 20-22 20 12
20 21-23 21 12

Bone Armor:

Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Summons a whirling barrier of bones to protect you
Notes: Only affects physical melee damage
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: D-
How Many Points In It: Don't even think about it. The skills along this line
are absolute crap. Just don't do it because it isn't worth it. Zero points
into this one. The only reason it isn't an F is because it does raise your
armor a little bit.

Skill level Damage absorbed Mana cost
1 20 11
2 30 12
3 40 13
4 50 14
5 60 15
6 70 16
7 80 17
8 90 18
9 100 19
10 110 20
11 120 21
12 130 22
13 140 23
14 150 24
15 160 25
16 170 26
17 180 27
18 190 28
19 200 29
20 210 30

Poison Dagger:

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Poison
Description: Adds poison element to a melee dagger attack
Notes: Fixed poison duration of 2 seconds
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It: This is actually not that bad of a skill; it is just
that it is limited to the dagger class, which hampers its effectiveness. I
would put a couple into this one, because it can be useful in the early levels.
I would put about 4 or 5 into this until you get better skills.

Skill level Poison damage Attack rating bonus (%) Mana cost
1 7-15 15 3
2 10-19 25 3.2
3 14-23 35 3.5
4 18-27 45 3.7
5 22-31 55 4
6 26-35 65 4.2
7 30-39 75 4.5
8 34-42 85 4.7
9 40-48 95 5
10 46-54 105 5.2
11 51-60 115 5.5
12 57-66 125 5.7
13 63-72 135 6
14 69-78 145 6.2
15 75-83 155 6.5
16 81-89 165 6.7
17 89-97 175 7
18 96-105 185 7.2
19 104-113 195 7.5
20 112-121 205 7.7

Corpse Explosion:

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: Teeth
Damage Type: Fire and physical
Description: Causes a corpse to explode violently.
Notes: Fixed damage of 60-100% of corpse life
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A
How Many Points In It: I cannot stress enough about how good this skill is.
Think about this. Usually the guys you kill are around each other's health. So
if you kill one and explode it, it will either kill them or greatly injure
them. This is definitely useful throughout the WHOLE game, and I wouldn't
suggest anything less than 20 points into this skill.

Skill level Damage radius (yards) Mana cost
1 2.6 15
2 3 16
3 3.3 17
4 3.6 18
5 4 19
6 4.3 20
7 4.6 21
8 5 22
9 5.3 23
10 5.6 24
11 6 25
12 6.3 26
13 6.6 27
14 7 28
15 7.3 29
16 7.6 30
17 8 31
18 8.3 32
19 8.6 33
20 9 34

Bone Wall:

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Bone Armor
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Summons a wall of bone to block off enemies
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 17, fixed duration of 48 seconds
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: F
How Many Points In It: Even worse. Again, don't even bother with the skills on
this side, it isn't worth it. This skill is so that you don't have to fight
the enemies. But isn't that what the game is about? This skill is not good
whatsoever, so leave it alone.

Skill level Wall life
1 19
2 23
3 28
4 33
5 38
6 42
7 47
8 52
9 57
10 61
11 66
12 71
13 76
14 80
15 85
16 90
17 95
18 99
19 104
20 109

Poison Explosion:

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Teeth, Corpse Explosion, Poison Dagger
Damage Type: Poison
Description: Creates a poison cloud from a target corpse
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 8, fixed poison duration of 2 seconds
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B+
How Many Points In It: This is a very good skill as well, but the only problem
with it is that later on in the game people become immune to poison, and this
is ineffective. Corpse Explosion however has both fire and physical damage,
which one monster can't be immune to at the same time. If you like poison
however, go with this, it is still very good. Also the damage is set, unlike
CE, and that makes it a little bit worse.

Skill level Poison damage
1 25-50
2 31-56
3 37-62
4 43-68
5 50-75
6 56-81
7 62-87
8 68-93
9 81-106
10 93-118
11 106-131
12 118-143
13 131-156
14 143-168
15 156-181
16 168-193
17 187-202
18 206-231
19 225-250
20 243-268

Bone Spear:

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Teeth, Corpse Explosion
Damage Type: Magical
Description: Fires a missile made of bone at the target
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A
How Many Points In It: Another very good skill. Its damage is kind of lacking,
but it is a ranged attack. Another plus to this is that every few monsters are
ever immune to Magical damage, so you won't have to worry about that. Another
bonus is that it can go through any monster it hits. Invest in this skill with
many points, or until you get Bone Spirit.

Skill level Damage Mana cost
1 16-24 7
2 24-32 7.2
3 32-40 7.5
4 40-48 7.7
5 48-56 8
6 56-64 8.2
7 64-72 8.5
8 72-80 8.7
9 80-88 9
10 88-96 9.2
11 96-104 9.5
12 104-112 9.7
13 112-120 10
14 120-128 10.2
15 128-136 10.5
16 136-144 10.7
17 144-152 11
18 152-160 11.2
19 160-168 11.5
20 168-176 11.7

Bone Prison:

Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Teeth, Bone Armour, and Corpse Explosion
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Summons a prison of bone that surrounds your target
Notes: Fixed duration of 48 seconds
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: F
How Many Points In It: No points in it. This is a little bit smarter than Bone
Wall, but it is available at level 24. Not worth it, don't invest any points
into this column.

Skill level Wall life Mana cost
1 19 27
5 38 23
10 61 18
15 85 13
20 109 8

Poison Nova:

Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Teeth, Poison Dagger, Corpse Explosion, and Poison
Damage Type: Poison
Description: Emits a circle of lethal poison
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 25, fixed poison duration of 2 seconds
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A-
How Many Points In It: Another very good skill, and it does massive damage.
Again, the only problem is that some monsters will get immune to poison and
then you would be screwed, but otherwise it is a very strong skill and invest
if you are going with the poison spells.

Skill level Poison damage
1 43-78
5 93-128
10 162-196
15 240-275
20 356-390

Bone Spirit:

Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Teeth, Corpse Explosion, and Bone Spear
Damage Type: Magical
Description: Summons an undead spirit who homes in on a target
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A+
How Many Points In It: This is the best skill that he has. It is a ball of
magical death that finds body heat and goes towards it. It has massive damage;
relatively low magic cost, and it is homing. Who wouldn't want this skill?
Put 20 points into this without a pause.

Skill level Damage Mana cost
1 20-30 12
5 84-94 14
10 166-176 16
15 251-261 19
20 340-350 21


Amplify Damage:

Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Lowers physical resist of target(s) by 100%
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 4, fixed 100% lower resist
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B+
How Many Points In It: This isn't a bad skill, but I still would only put two
or three points into it. Why you ask? Because the benefits of putting more
than one skill point into it isn't good, and it isn't worth it. But it is a
pretty good skill.

Skill level Radius (yards) Duration
1 2 8
5 4.6 20
10 7.3 32
15 10.6 47
20 14.6 65

Dim Vision:

Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Blinds the enemy
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 9
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: This skill is great if you are shooting or using
projectiles. It makes it so they can't see you but you can see them. It is a
good deal. Still, it can get pretty weak at times, and there are much better
places for your points than this. Put one in and move on.

Skill level Radius (yards) Duration
1 2.6 7
5 5.3 15
10 8.6 25
15 12.0 35
20 15.3 45


Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Reduces target's damage
Notes: Fixed damage penalty of 33% to target, fixed mana cost of 4
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C+
How Many Points In It: I am not a big fan of this skill. It could be helpful,
but the idea of it is not appealing to me. Usually, I would rather kill the
monster rather than lower his damage. I do see how it could be useful for
killing bigger bosses and such, but I don't think a skill is worth investing in
just for bosses.

Skill level Radius Duration
1 6 14
5 9.3 26
10 12.0 35.6
15 15.3 47.6
20 18.6 59.6

Iron Maiden:

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Amplify Damage
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Target hurts self with each successful melee attack
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 5, fixed radius of 4.6 yards
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B+
How Many Points In It: I like this skill, especially because every skill level
increases the damage returned. This coupled with a Golem works very well, and
the monsters die MUCH easier. Again, putting points into this could result in
some major damage returned. Put points into this if you are doing Summoning.

Skill level Damage returned (%) Duration
1 200 12
5 300 21.6
10 425 33.6
15 550 45.6
20 675 57.6


Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Weaken
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Target(s) flee in fear
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 7, fixed radius of 2.6 yards
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: D+
How Many Points In It: Mmm, not so good. You don't really want to make your
enemies run away, because they will eventually come back to attack you anyway.
Don't even go there, this column is not worth investing in, and leave this
skill especially alone.

Skill level Duration
1 8
5 12
10 17
15 22
20 27


Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Dim Vision
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Target(s) attack randomly
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 13
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: This skill can be pretty cool in the early stages of the
game, but eventually it won't be as effective. It can be a good skill until
you build up your Summons or your spells, but after that I would leave it

Skill level Radius (yards) Duration
1 4 10
5 6.6 18
10 10.0 28
15 13.3 38
20 16.6 48

Life Tap:

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Amplify Damage, Iron Maiden
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Target's give life when attacked
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 9, fixed life steal of 50% attack damage
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It: This skill isn't my favorite, but I have to admit it is
a pretty good skill. It basically makes it so you only take half damage, which
can be very good at times. But still, I don't like it because it involves
others hitting you, so it isn't the best skill to have.

Skill level Radius (yards) Duration
1 2.6 16
5 5.3 25.6
10 8.6 37.6
15 12.0 49.6
20 15.3 61.6


Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Dim Vision, Confuse
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Target is targeted by nearby enemies
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 17, fixed radius of 6 yards
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C+
How Many Points In It: This is a lot better than Terror, but this still is a
dumb skill. Why waste your mana, much less 17 mana to get the monsters to come
to you, that already come to you? In some cases this is okay to single out
some monsters/bosses, but it isn't in enough cases where it is a skill worth
using. Don't use this skill.

Skill level Duration
1 12.0
5 26.4
10 44.4
15 62.4
20 80.4


Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Weaken, Terror
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Slows and weakens enemy
Notes: Fixed penalty to damage, physical resistance and speed of 50%
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It: This skill is okay, but it lacks too much. If with your
skill levels the damage penalties and such changes it would be much better, but
it stays the same, at a pretty weak 50%. Don't go into this skill, or this
column much less.

Skill level Duration
1 4.0
5 6.4
10 9.4
15 12.4
20 15.4

Lower Resist:

Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Weaken, Amplify Damage, Terror, Iron Maiden, Life Tap, and
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Lowers target(s) resistance to elements, poison, and magic
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 22
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: This skill can be quite useful if you are going into the
spell version of the Necromancer, because it will in effect make your attacks
stronger against enemies where it would normally be weaker. It is a good
skill, and you might want to invest some points into this skill if you feel it
is necessary.

Skill level Radius (yards) Duration Resists lowered (%)
1 4.6 20 31
5 7.3 28 47
10 10.6 38 55
15 14.0 48 60
20 17.3 58 62

Summoning Skills:

Raise Skeleton:

Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Summons a skeleton from a target corpse to fight for you
Notes: Fixed damage of 1-2, fixed life of 21 (scales up in nightmare/hell
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C
How Many Points In It: This is a good skill, for the first two or three levels.
If you put more than three in it the game will be kind of tough for you. This
is a good skill, but it outlives its purpose very quickly. Put a two into this
and then none after that because of Skeleton Mastery and Skeleton Mages coming

Skill level # skeletons Mana cost
1 1 6
5 5 10
10 10 15
15 15 20
20 20 25

Skeleton Mastery:

Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: Raise Skeleton
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Passive, improves ability of raised skeletons, skeletal mages, and
Notes: Improves Skeletal Mage missile damage past level 2
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A
How Many Points In It: Of course it gets an A. Pretty much all masteries get
an A, because they improve how well you do in the game, while you have to do
nothing. Anyway, this skill also counts for the skill Revive, which is very
good. It can't get much better than this.
Oh, I almost forgot, put 20 into this one.

Skill level Skltn/Revive life bonus Skltn/Revive damage bonus
1 7/7% 2/2%
5 35/35% 10/10%
10 70/70% 20/20%
15 105/105% 30/30%
20 140/140% 40/40%

Clay Golem:

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Summons a Golem from the earth around you
Notes: Damage and life scale up in Nightmare/Hell difficulty
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C+
How Many Points In It: This is much like Raise Skeleton, because it is the
first of many more to come. Don't put more than a couple into this one because
you won't need this golem in a few levels. Put a couple into it and forget
about it, he is only good for about 5 levels.

Skill level Damage Life Mana cost
1 2-5 100 15
5 4-12 240 27
10 8-20 415 42
15 11-29 590 57
20 15-38 765 72

Golem Mastery:

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Clay Golem
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Passive, boosts Golems speed and life
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: Yes, for the speed bonus
Grade: A
How Many Points In It: Why an A you say? It's a mastery, so it is an automatic
A. If you want to spend your Necromancer days with Golems, put 20 into this
one without hesitation because you can't go wrong with this skill. If you
aren't using Golems, stay away because it won't help you.

Skill level Life bonus (%) Speed bonus (%)
1 20 6
5 100 20
10 200 27
15 300 31
20 400 33

Skeletal Mage:

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Raise Skeleton
Damage Type: Varies
Description: Summons a skeletal mage from a target corpse
Notes: Fixed life of 61 (scales up in nightmare/hell difficulty), random
elements for mages (fire/cold/lightning/poison)
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: This is an upgraded version of the regular skeletons,
and these guys shoot all of the elements. That is random of course, but it is
really good, and many of them at once can do some pretty sizeable damage.
Their damage doesn't seem so great later on in the game, and Revive overshadows
it. Use this until you get to Revive.

Skill level # of skeleton mages Mana cost
1 1 8
5 5 12
10 10 17
15 15 22
20 20 27

Blood Golem:

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Clay Golem
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Summons a Golem with a link to your health
Notes: As the golem hits, both he and you gain life. As he gets hit, you both
lose life. Fixed life of 201 (life and damage scale up in Nightmare/Hell
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It: Other than the Clay Golem, I think this is the worst
Golem. Sure there is the good side of where you both gain life, but the fact
that you can lose life with him is a bad, bad idea. I wouldn't go near this
Golem, except that it is a prerequisite, because it is way to risky for a

Skill level Damage Life leech (%) Mana cost
1 6-16 86 25
5 14-38 112 41
10 24-66 126 61
15 35-94 133 81
20 45-122 138 101

Summon Resist:

Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Clay Golem, Golem Mastery
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Passive, boosts elemental resists of your summons
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: Yes
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It: This skill is pretty good, but its usefulness doesn't
come much later in the game such as in Nightmare and Hell difficulties. It
only works on your summons however, not you or anyone else. I would invest in
this skill later on in the game, as many as you seem fit. I suggest 10 points.

Skill level Resist all bonus (%)
1 28
5 47
10 57
15 62
20 66

Iron Golem:

Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Clay Golem, Golem Mastery, and Blood Golem
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Summons a Golem from a metallic item
Notes: Many item properties can transfer on to the Golem. Fixed mana cost of
35, fixed damage of 7-19, fixed life of 306 (damage and life scale up in
Nightmare/Hell difficulty)
Decaying or Not: Yes
Grade: A
How Many Points In It: This is a very good skill, I think that it is the best
of the Golems. It can pack a very powerful punch, especially with the Thorns
it comes with. Also, if you use Iron Maiden along with the Thorns, it will be
very hard to stop. The part that can be good as well as bad is that it can
only be made from weapons, and the Golem takes the properties of the weapon.

Skill level Damage returned (thorns) %
1 0
5 195
10 270
15 345
20 420

Fire Golem:

Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Clay Golem, Iron Golem, Blood Golem
Damage Type: Fire/Physical
Description: Summons a Golem made entirely of Flame
Notes: Is healed by fire damage. Fixed life of 313 (scales up in
Nightmare/Hell difficulty)
Decaying or Not: Yes, for the fire absorb
Grade: A-
How Many Points In It: This Golem is required level 20 for a reason, and that
is because it can dish out some SERIOUS damage. This is a very powerful
monster, that can cost a lot of mana, but it is worth it. The main reason it is
an A- is because what are you supposed to do if the monsters are immune to
fire? Then you can't do anything to hurt them. Otherwise it is a very good
skill, and about 10 points are recommended.

Skill level Damage Fire absorb (%) Mana cost
1 20-54 36 50
5 34-91 62 90
10 51-139 76 140
15 69-186 83 190
20 86-233 88 240


Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Raise Skeleton, Clay Golem, Skeletal Mage, Blood Golem, and Iron
Damage Type: Varies
Description: Raises a slain enemy from the dead to fight for you
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 45, fixed life of 2x original creature's life, fixed
duration of 180 seconds
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A
How Many Points In It: I love this skill. I would put 20 into this no matter
if I were using Skeletons or Golems because it is a very good skill. It not
only revives them, but it makes the people you revive better with more life.
The only setback is the time limit, which can make you feel rushed to make the
monster go to a good use.

Skill level Maximum # of revives
1 1
5 5
10 10
15 15
20 20

6.3.4 Skill/Stat Distributions


As you can kind of tell by the name, this will focus mainly on spells with bone
in them, which is the same as magical. It will be combining
Bone Spear and Bone Spirit with some Corpse Explosion. We will also include
some charms to make it easier in the beginning levels. Here we go.

Lv.2-Amplify Damage (AD)
Lv.3-Teeth (T)
Lv.6-Corpse Explosion (CE), Poison Dagger (PD)
Lv.18-Bone Spear (BSp)
Lv.30-Bone Spirit (BSi)
Lv.31-BSi (Do this until maxed, then go on to the next thing)
| |
\ /

That is one way of accomplishing what you need to get. Here are a list of the
skills and how many points should be in each one.

Bone Spirit - 20 Points
Bone Spear - 20 Points
Corpse Explosion - 20 Points
Poison Dagger - 10 Points
Amplify Damage - 10 points
Lower Resist - 10 Points
Prerequisites - 1 point into each

That is what you are shooting for in this case, and it does work well.
To distribute your stats, you need a lot of energy and vitality. You also need
strength to be able to put on armor, so that is included. You don't really
need dexterity; so don't put any in there. If you feel like you aren't hitting
them when you use Poison Dagger, put a couple in dexterity maximum.

Odd levels

Even Levels

Stat/Skill Distribution Rating: 8 out of 10
This is a good skill distribution, but I know that many people, including
myself, had a tough time getting through the first 20 levels of the game. But
otherwise it is a good set-up, with good chances for the long run. Another
mini problem with this is that it is solely magical attacks, making it
extremely frustrating against a group who is immune to magical attacks.


This one will focus on using skeletons and reviving monsters to do your dirty
work. The main focus of this will be Skeleton Mastery and Revive. You will
need lots of mana for this so a lot is advised. Again, we will be using charms
to further aid or minions of destruction. Without further ado, here we go.

Lv.2-Raise Skeleton (RS)
Lv.3-Skeleton Mastery (SM)
Lv.4-Amplify Damage (AD)
Lv.6-Dim Vision
Lv.12-Skeleton Mage (MG)
Lv.30-Revive (R)
Lv.31-R (Repeat until maxed)

This is kind of a short-term way of doing things. There are other charms that
you can incorporate such as Iron Maiden and Lower Resist.
Here is an idea of what you are trying to do. Remember you can add other

Skeleton Mastery - 20 points
Revive - 20 Points
Skeleton Mage - 5 Points
Raise Skeleton - 5 Points
Dim Vision - 1 Point
Amplify Damage - 1 Point
Confuse - 1 Point
Charms Of Your Choice - 40 Points
Prerequisites - 1 Point Each

This is a rough outline of what you need to do to be successful in being a
Revive/Skeleton Summoner. The stats in this case are obviously mainly
concerned with Energy and Vitality throughout, and Strength early on for
wearing armor and such things. Do not put ANY into
Dexterity, unlike the Bone-ancer you will not need it for this type of



Stat/Skill Distribution Rating: 7.5 out of 10
This is a very good skill distribution and there are many things that are good
about it. One, you will very seldom if ever die because you will have people
doing it for you. The bad things are starting out because you need to kill
someone by yourself; hopefully you have a strong partner. This is a good way
to beat the game, and you can go very far with this distribution.

6.3.5 Overall Character Rating

Rating: 8.5 out of 10
Explanation: The best part about a Necromancer is that there are so many
varieties and different ways to be a good Necromancer. There are not very many
bad skills in his skill book, and there is a good way for everyone.

6.4 Amazon


This character reminds me of Xena. She is the big manly type of woman who is
very buff and skilled with weapons. She uses mostly bows and arrows, crossbow
and bolts, or javelins. She also uses passive magic skills to help her do more
damage or something like that to get her enemy more disadvantageous.

6.4.2 Amazon Skill Tree


Jab (Lv.1)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | \ /
| | Power Strike (Lv.6) Poison Javelin (Lv.6)
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / | | \ /
Impale (Lv.12) | | Lightning Bolt (Lv.12)
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | \ / \ / \ /
| | Charged Strike (Lv.18) Plague Javelin (Lv.18)
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / | | | |
Fend (Lv.24) | | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ / \ /
Lightning Strike (Lv.30) Lightning Fury (Lv.30)


Inner Sight (Lv.1) Critical Strike (Lv.1)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | Dodge (Lv.6) | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / \ / | |
Slow Missiles (Lv.12) Avoid (Lv.12) | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | \ /
| | | | Penetrate (Lv.18)
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / \ / | |
Decoy (Lv.24) Evade (Lv.24) | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / \ / \ /
Valkyrie (Lv.30) Pierce (Lv.30)


Magic Arrow (Lv.1) Fire Arrow (Lv.1)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ / | |
Cold Arrow (Lv.6) Multiple Shot (Lv.6) | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | \ /\ /
| | | | | | Exploding Arrow (Lv.12)
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
\ / \ / \ / | |
Ice Arrow (Lv.18) Guided Arrow (Lv.18) | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | \ / \ /
| | Strafe (Lv.24) Immolation Arrow (Lv.24)
| |
| |
| |
\ /
Freezing Arrow (Lv.30)

6.4.3 Amazon Skill Information

Bow + Crossbow Skills:

Magic Arrow:

Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Magical
Description: Fires a magical arrow made entirely of spiritual energy.
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: Yes, in mana cost
Grade: C
How Many Points In It: This is just your standard arrow skill. It is good at
the beginning, even though after the first point into it, it still adds 0
damage, which is odd in itself, but anyway, it definitely is lacking in the
damage department, and you should only put one into it as a prerequisite.

Skill level Magical damage Mana cost
1 +0 1.5
5 +4 1
10 +9 0.3
15 +14 0
20 +19 0

Fire Arrow:

Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Fire
Description: Adds Fire damage to an arrow
Notes: Has a 100% Hit Rate
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C+
How Many Points In It: This is pretty much the next step up from a magic arrow,
and the reason it got a plus is because it does more damage. Don't put any
into this because no good skills follow it and if you really want to have one
of the later skills, put one in at the maximum.

Skill level Fire damage Mana cost
1 1-4 3
5 9-12 4
10 19-22 5.2
15 29-32 6.5
20 39-42 7.7

Cold Arrow:

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Cold, Physical
Description: Adds Cold damage to an arrow, slows enemies
Notes: Has a 100% Hit Rate
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It: This is now a little better than the fire arrow. You
might say, it does less damage so how is it better? Because it slows your
opponent, making it so you can hit them again, hence killing them. Again, the
damage and the weakness of this skill is not good enough in the long run, don't
invest more than one point into it.

Skill level Cold damage Cold length Mana cost
1 3 4 3
5 11 8.8 4
10 21 14.8 5.2
15 31 20.8 6.5
20 41 26.8 7.7

Multiple Shot:

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: Magic Arrow
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Splits one arrow into several
Notes: Only hits for 75% of standard attack damage
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B+
How Many Points In It: This is a cool skill, but there are a couple of
drawbacks. One, you can only hit a target once with these arrows; the rest
will not hit them. Also another drawback is that each arrow hits the target
for 75% of the original damage, as noted in the notes. That said, it is a very
good skill for big crowds and it will eventually build to a lot of arrows. If
you want, which I advise against, you can invest as much as you want in this
skill, but I would only put a couple because I prefer some of the other skills
to this one.

Skill level # of arrows Mana cost
1 2 4
5 6 8
10 11 13
15 16 18
20 21 23

Exploding Arrow:

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Magic Arrow, Fire Arrow, and Multiple Shot
Damage Type: Fire
Description: Causes an arrow to explode on impact
Notes: 100% Hit Rate, fixed radius of splash damage
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It: This is an upgraded version of fire arrow, and upgraded
it is indeed. It does twice the damage eventually, and it explodes to hit
others around it. My only question is what to do if they are immune to fire?
I think there are better skills than this, if you want fire skills, go for the
immolation arrow, so hold off on this skill to one or maybe two.

Skill level Fire Damage Mana cost
1 2-4 5
5 22-24 7
10 47-49 9.5
15 72-74 12
20 97-99 14

Ice Arrow:

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Cold Arrow
Damage Type: Cold
Description: Arrow freezes target
Notes: 100% Hit Rate
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B+
How Many Points In It: I am a big fan of freezing. It not only renders them
easy to kill, it also is a HUGE help when you are killing guys that can be
regenerated. I.E. Fallens with a Shaman. It makes it so they can't be
regenerated if they shatter from ice. That said, freezing arrow is better than
this, so put one and wait for that skill.

Skill level Cold damage Freeze duration Mana cost
1 6-10 2 4
5 30-34 2.8 5
10 72-76 3.8 6.2
15 132-136 4.8 7.5
20 216-220 5.8 8.7

Guided Arrow:

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Magic Arrow, Cold Arrow, Multiple Shot
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Arrow seeks your target, or finds one of its own
Notes: 100% Hit Rate
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A
How Many Points In It: This is debatably the best arrow skill that the Amazon
has. It can literally make a 180 degree turn to find its target, if nothing is
in the way however. Once it starts going in the right direction though, it
will maneuver through all of the walls and doors of a dungeon. That is so
amazing, and it will help out extremely if you are an Amazon player. No matter
what kind of Amazon you are, this skill will definitely come in handy. Also,
it is even better, because it gives you a damage bonus. Definitely put 20
points into this skill.

Skill level Damage bonus Mana cost
1 0 8
5 20 7
10 45 5.7
15 70 4.5
20 95 3.2


Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Magic Arrow, Multiple Shot, Cold Arrow, Guided Arrow
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Splits one arrow into a barrage of several.
Notes: Mana cost fixed at 11
Decaying or Not: Yes, # of targets
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: This is a good skill to have, and many people really
like this skill because of the amount of arrows you can fire at one time, but
in my opinion the Amazon is good enough that she can fire arrows fast enough
were this won't really be necessary. Especially with Guided Arrow, this skill
isn't really needed. Of course, there are many reasons why you could use this.
I would put maybe a couple points into this to see if you like it or not.

Skill level Maximum # of targets Damage bonus
1 5 5
5 9 25
10 10 50
15 10 75
20 10 100

Immolation Arrow:

Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Magic Arrow, Fire Arrow, Multiple Shot, Exploding Arrow
Damage Type: Fire
Description: Arrows explode on impact and set the ground alight.
Notes: 100% Hit Rate, fixed fire duration of 3 seconds, 1 second casting delay
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A-
How Many Points In It: This is a very good skill that has only one problem. It
does a great amount of damage, it hits all the time, and everything about it is
great except for one thing. Later on in Hell or even Nightmare difficulty,
there are some guys who are immune to fire, rendering this skill harmless.
Otherwise, this skill is very good because it does a lot of damage. Put some
into this and Freezing Arrow, to complement this skill. (Note: when they are
immune, it will still do the physical damage, just not the majority of the
damage with the fire. Thanks to Steven for this.)

Skill level Explosion damage Avg. fire damage Mana cost
1 10-20 8-10 6
5 50-60 31-33 10
10 120-130 60-62 15
15 223-230 90-92 20
20 360-370 110-121 25

Freezing Arrow:

Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Cold Arrow, Ice Arrow
Damage Type: Cold
Description: Arrows do splash cold damage, and freeze enemies
Notes: 100% Hit Rate, fixed freeze duration of 2 seconds, fixed radius of 3.3
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A-
How Many Points In It: This is a whole lot like immolation arrow as it has
great damage, it freezes the opponent, creating a more strategic shot than a
damaging shot, and it again hits every time it gets shot. The only problem is
enemies being immune to cold and this not affecting them at all. Put some into
this one as well as immolation arrow to complement this skill. (Note: when
they are immune, it will still do the physical damage, just not the majority of
the damage with the ice. Thanks to Steven for this.)

Skill level Cold damage Mana cost
1 40-50 9
5 80-90 13
10 140-150 18
15 215-225 23
20 310-320 28

Javelin + Spear skills:


Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Multiple rapid thrusting attacks
Notes: Hits an enemy 3 times
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: D+
How Many Points In It: This skill is one that I hate almost the most in the
entire game. I don't know why I have such a prejudice against it but I really
don't like it. I really hope you don't put more than one point into this
skill, for prerequisites anyway. It starts out in the negatives for damage
bonus, and that makes it even worse. I advise to stay away from this skill.

Skill level Attack rating bonus Damage bonus Mana cost
1 10 -15 2
5 30 -3 3
10 55 12 4.2
15 80 27 5.5
20 105 42 6.7

Power Strike:

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: Jab
Damage Type: Lightning
Description: Adds Lightning damage to attacks
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C+
How Many Points In It: This skill is okay and can do some okay damage at the
beginning of the game, but it isn't worth it to put many points into this
because there are MUCH better skills than this that she can learn and you
wouldn't want to waste your time on this skill. Maybe at the most put 3 into
it and leave it alone.

Skill level Attack rating bonus Lightning damage Mana cost
1 10 1-16 2
5 30 25-40 3
10 55 59-74 4.2
15 80 99-114 5.5
20 105 147-162 6.7

Poison Javelin:

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Poison
Description: Thrown Javelins leave a trail of poison clouds and adds poison
damage to attack
Notes: Fixed poison duration of 3 seconds
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It: This is a good skill, but again it gets outmatched later
on very easily, so its worth goes down. A good skill that you can put 4 maybe
5 into, but don't invest anymore than that, because the damage just isn't high
enough to last you through the game.

Skill level Poison damage Mana cost
1 9-14 4
5 28-32 5
10 51-56 6.2
15 75-79 7.5
20 98-103 8.7


Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Jab
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Attack damage is increased, but at the cost of durability loss
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 3
Decaying or Not: Yes, in chance to lose durability
Grade: C
How Many Points In It: I would advise against this skill. Sure you get a
higher damage and attack rating, but the loss of durability is not something I
would be risking to take. If you use this maybe once or twice to get out of a
sticky situation I would also use it to do that if this is all that would help.
But otherwise, put one into this and move on.

Skill level Damage bonus Attack rating Chance to lose durability
1 300 25 46
5 320 53 35
10 345 88 30
15 370 123 27
20 395 158 25

Lightning Bolt:

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Poison Javelin
Damage Type: Lightning
Description: Thrown Javelin becomes a Lightning Bolt
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It: There really isn't much to be said about this skill. It
is good, but again not good enough to be a staple skill. If you want
lightning, then this is definitely on the way, but it isn't something I would
invest a lot of points in. Put maybe a couple to help you survive, then move

Skill level Lightning damage Mana cost
1 1-40 6
5 1-72 7
10 1-112 8.2
15 1-152 9.5
20 1-192 10.7

Charged Strike:

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Jab, Poison Javelin, Power Strike, Lightning Bolt
Damage Type: Lightning
Description: Adds Lightning damage to attack and releases Charged Bolts on
Notes: 3 charged bolts released
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: This is skill is basically an upgraded version of
Lightning Bolt. It does more damage, and as an added bonus it releases three
relatively weak charged bolts to added some more damage. Again, I don't know
what else to say, except that if you are into the lightning, do it. If not,
then avoid it. It is your decision. I personally prefer the poison side, but
that's strictly my opinion.

Skill level Lightning damage Mana cost
1 1-30 4
5 41-70 5
10 95-124 6.2
15 155-184 7.5
20 223-252 8.7

Plague Javelin:

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Poison Javelin, Lightning Bolt
Damage Type: Poison
Description: Upon impact, a javelin explodes into a huge poison cloud
Notes: 4 second casting delay, fixed 3 second poison duration, poison cloud
gets larger as skill level goes up.
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B+
How Many Points In It: This in my opinion is a pretty good skill. It is a very
good skill and is important to have something like this skill on the way to the
higher skills. I would put a couple of points into this to last you until the
better skills.

Skill level Poison damage Mana cost
1 23-37 7
5 51-65 11
10 96-110 16
15 154-168 21
20 241-255 26


Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Jab, Impale
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Attacks multiple close targets with a speed bonus
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 5
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It: I personally don't agree with this side of the tree. It
promotes melee attacking and throwing is so much safer, more damaging, and
there are better skills tied with it. Again I would stay away, but if you are
doing a melee Amazon then this will be your staple skill.

Skill level Attack rating bonus Damage bonus
1 40 70
5 80 110
10 130 160
15 190 220
20 230 260

Lightning Strike:

Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Jab, Poison Javelin, Power Strike, Lightning Bolt, Charged
Damage Type: Lightning
Description: Adds Lightning damage to attack and releases Chain Lightning on
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 9
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: This, again, is a melee skill, which I discourage people
from doing with an Amazon, because they are meant for throwing or shooting in
my opinion. But, again, if you are a melee Amazon, this will definitely be
your best skill along with Fend. It all depends on what you are into.

Skill level Lightning damage Maximum possible hits
1 5-25 2
5 45-65 6
10 95-115 11
15 145-165 16
20 195-215 21

Lightning Fury:

Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Poison Javelin, Lightning Bolt, Plague Javelin
Damage Type: Lightning
Description: Thrown Javelin turns into a Lightning Bolt and releases multiple
bolts on impact.
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A
How Many Points In It: This is definitely a very good skill. At level 20 this
skill will be clearing rooms for your character very, very easily. It will
release 21 extra bolts along with the attack. That is very good, and if you
are into throwing javelins, I would suggest maxing this out for obvious

Skill level Lightning damage Bolts released Mana cost
1 1-40 2 10
5 41-80 6 12
10 97-136 11 14
15 162-201 16 17
20 239-278 21 19

Passive and Magic Skills:

Inner Sight:

Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Makes monsters easier to see and hit
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 5, fixed radius of 13.3 yards around character.
Decaying or Not: Yes, in enemy defense penalty
Grade: F
How Many Points In It: I am going to officially declare this one of the worst
skills ever created. All this skill does is show where they are and lower
their defense a little. Not only is this bad, but the enemy defense penalty
decays!! Stay away from this skill no matter what, it is really completely

Skill level Duration Enemy defense penalty
1 8 -46
5 24 -60
10 44 -67
15 64 -71
20 84 -73

Critical Strike:

Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Passive, attacks have a chance to do double (physical) damage
Notes: Doesn't affect elemental damage.
Decaying or Not: Yes
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It: The reason this got such a high rating is because it is
a very good skill for when you can get it. It is a level one skill with much
more potential than that. The chance to do double is always something good to
have, even if it is miniscule. Normally I would have graded this a B, but it
does decay. I usually put 10 into this, so that would be my recommendation.

Skill level Chance to do double damage
1 16
5 42
10 56
15 63
20 68


Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Passive, gives a chance to dodge melee attacks while not moving
Notes: Works while attacking although animation isn't shown
Decaying or Not: Yes
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It: This is the first skill in a row of skills that all have
the same purpose; dodging, avoiding, or evading attacks from enemies. They all
seem to decay, lowering their grade a little. This is a good skill, but
generally you won't be going melee against anyone, so this is the least
effective of the three. Still, I would put 4 or 5 points into this for those
hairy situations.

Skill level Chance to dodge
1 18
5 37
10 47
15 52
20 56

Slow Missiles:

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: Inner Sight
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Slows enemies ranged attacks
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 5, fixed radius of 13.3 yards around character,
missiles slowed by 33%, works with magical projectiles as well as arrows/bolts.
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C
How Many Points In It: Ugh, this continues down the same row as (shudder) Inner
Sight. I guess this helps, but this really isn't a skill worth investing in.
I think that there are many, many better skills than this and you can invest
your points in a better place. Don't put any in here unless it is a

Skill level Duration
1 12
5 36
10 66
15 96
20 126


Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Dodge
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Passive, gives a chance to dodge missile attacks
Notes: Doesn't work against elemental or magical missiles
Decaying or Not: Yes
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: This is another good skill in the row of skills that
have sort of the same affects. This one is for flying things, and avoiding
those. This is again a good skill to have because it generally keeps you alive
longer. I would put 4 or 5 into this because it decays again.

Skill level Chance to dodge
1 24
5 45
10 55
15 61
20 65


Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Critical Strike
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Passive, gives bonus to attack rating
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A
How Many Points In It: Hands down the best passive skill for the Amazon. The
Amazon is all about hitting people, and from far away it is even worse. Make
sure you max this out no matter what kind of Amazon you are because it is
essential for your survival.

Skill level Attack rating bonus
1 35
5 75
10 125
15 175
20 225


Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Inner Sight, Slow Missiles
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Summons a duplicate of yourself to distract enemies
Notes: Decoy has same life as your Amazon
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C
How Many Points In It: Meh, I'm not really a fan of this skill. All together
I'm not a fan of deceiving too much. This gets too complicated and, in my
opinion, worthless. I don't know many people who use this either. I wouldn't
invest in this skill at all, if you don't have to.

Skill level Duration Mana cost
1 10 19
5 30 16
10 55 12
15 80 8.5
20 105 4.7


Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Dodge, Avoid
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Passive, grants a chance to dodge an attack while moving
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: Yes
Grade: B+
How Many Points In It: This is a very good skill, because it counteracts your
biggest weakness. Surprisingly and strangely, you are most vulnerable while
you are moving to be hit harder than when you are standing still. This
generally only applies to melee attacks; obviously it is harder to shoot
someone who is moving. I would put maybe 5 or 6 into this because it decays so

Skill level Chance to dodge
1 18
5 37
10 47
15 52
20 56


Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Inner Sight, Dodge, Slow Missiles, Avoid, Decoy, Evade
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Summons a Valkyrie warrior
Notes: Valkyrie life scales up with more players in a game, and her life also
scales up with difficulty level (her base life is higher in Hell difficulty
than Nightmare difficulty, for example). Also, all of the stats except life
and mana are bonuses.
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: Now I don't know how much e-mail I have gotten about
this rating but it is too many to count. Many people absolutely LOVE this
skill and cherish it beyond belief. Heck, you might be one of those people. I
personally think there are better skills than this one for the Amazon and I
don't think that it is that great of a skill. Personally I wouldn't put any
points into this, but you might want to try it yourself and see for yourself.

Skill level Life Damage Attack rating Defense Mana
1 362 0 0 0 25
5 604 80 20 20 41
10 906 180 45 45 61
15 1208 280 70 70 81
20 1510 380 95 95 101


Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Critical Strike, Penetrate
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Passive, chance for missile attack to travel through target
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: Yes
Grade: A-
How Many Points In It: This would be an A skill, except for that it decays.
But otherwise, the idea of this skill is very good, because it will generally
decrease the amount of arrows that you have to fire. I would generally max
this out unless you aren't doing any kind of shooting or throwing. Even though
it decays like crazy, it is too good of a skill to pass up.

Skill level Chance to pierce
1 23
5 55
10 71
15 80
20 85

6.4.4 Stat/Skill Distributions

Javelin Amazon

This skill distribution is designed to maximize the powers of the Amazon
throwing those Javelins. The main goal will be to use Lightning Fury
constantly along with a little help from the Passive and Magic Skills section
of her skills. In this one we will stay away from Bow and Arrow skills. Here
we go!

Level 2: Critical Strike (CS)
Level 3: CS
Level 4: CS
Level 5: CS
Level 6: Poison Javelin
Level 7: Dodge (DG)
Level 8: DG
Level 9: DG
Level 10: CS
Level 11: CS
Level 12: Lightning Bolt
Level 13: Avoid (AD)
Level 14: AD
Level 15: AD
Level 16: AD
Level 17: -----
Level 18: Plague Javelin (PJ), Penetrate (PT)
Level 19: PJ
Level 20: PJ
Level 21: PT
Level 22: PT
Level 23: PT
Level 24: Evade (EV)
Level 25: EV
Level 26: EV
Level 27: EV
Level 28: EV
Level 29: EV
Level 30: Lightning Fury (LF)
Level 31: Pierce
Level 32: LF-| Repeat until maxed out, then
Level 32: PT-| invest in Pierce lastly.

That should pretty much cover everything with the skills of the Amazon in this
skill chart. This should be a good way to make an Amazon, especially for a new
player. All bonuses for Normal difficulty should go into critical strike to
get about 10 or 11 points into it. Here are our totals.

Lightning Fury: 20 points
Penetrate: 20 points
Pierce: 20 points
Critical Strike: 10 points
Evade: 5 points
Avoid: 4 points
Plague Javelin: 3 points
Dodge: 3 points
All prerequisites: 1 point each
Any other things you want: The rest of the points

That should be a good total to shoot for the Amazon. Now the stats are very
similar to a Barbarian, except that every once in a while we do need some
boosts in the mana category. Consequently here it is.

Multiples of 5

All other levels

That should work and be enough of a mana boost as well as getting all of the
essential stats for her. Make sure you remember to do this, or you will often
find yourself short of mana very quickly.

Stat/Skill Distribution Rating: 8.5 out of 10
This is a very good skill distribution; it covers all of the basics like groups
and single enemies. It has two different types of attacks for countering
immunities, but it is mainly lightning, making killing lightning-immune people
do-able, but very difficult. Overall a very good way to make an Amazon.


This is supposed to be a mix of all the sections of being an Amazon into one
big, powerful Amazon. This does eventually work, but it takes a lot of time
and patience and open-mindedness. The main skills will me Lightning Fury,
Penetrate, Guided Arrow, and Pierce. So without further ado, here it is.

Level 2: Critical Strike (CS)
Level 3: Magic Arrow
Level 4: CS
Level 5: CS
Level 6: Poison Javelin
Level 7: Multiple Shot
Level 8: Dodge (DG)
Level 9: DG
Level 10: DG
Level 11: DG
Level 12: Lightning Bolt
Level 13: Avoid (AV)
Level 14: AV
Level 15: AV
Level 16: AV
Level 17: -----
Level 18: Guided Arrow (GA), Plague Javelin (PJ)
Level 19: Penetrate (PT)
Level 20: GA
Level 21: PJ
Level 22: GA
Level 23: PJ
Level 24: Evade (EV)
Level 25: EV
Level 26: EV
Level 27: EV
Level 28: EV
Level 29: CS
Level 30: Lightning Fury (LF)
Level 31: Pierce (P)
Level 32: LF-|Max out, then see next item.
Level 33: PT-|

Level ?: GA--|Repeat until maxed out
Level ?+1: P-|

Whew! That was a tough ride for sure. But if you made it you will for sure
know the potential for this powerful warrior. I have beaten the game with this
set-up many times. Again, put as many bonuses as needed until you get 10
points into Critical Strike. Anyway, here are the totals you are shooting for.

Lightning Fury: 20 points
Guided Arrow: 20 points
Penetrate: 20 points
Pierce: 20 points
Critical Strike: 10 points
Evade: 5 points
Dodge: 4 points
Avoid: 4 points
All prerequisites: 1 point each

This is pretty packed, and doesn't leave for much other skills, but it is worth
the struggle. It will work and has been tested and proven to work. Now the
stats are very similar to a Barbarian, except that every once in a while we do
need some boosts in the mana category. Consequently here it is.

Multiples of 5

All other levels

That should work and be enough of a mana boost as well as getting all of the
essential stats for her. Make sure you remember to do this, or you will often
find yourself short of mana very quickly.

Stat/Skill Distribution Rating: 9.5 out of 10
Not much more to say here. Everything you want is here, and it is one of the
best skill distributions ever created for a character. If you can sit through
the painfully long process of creating this character, it will be worth it.

6.4.5 Overall Character Rating

Rating: 8 out of 10
Explanation: There is a lot of potential for this character to be very great.
It is pretty user-friendly and generally pretty responsive. But, there are
cases where it can be very frustrating and very tedious to get good with this

6.5 Paladin


This is the holy fighter guy. He combines a powerful sword and shield
combination with a use of some holy powers. He is arguably the most difficult
character to be successful with throughout the game for a beginner, and he can
be tiring. For extreme experts at this game, this guy can be one of the most
powerful and deadly guys to be. His auras are most useful in multiplayer as
most of them have effects on all members of the multiplayer party.

6.5.2 Paladin Skill Tree


Prayer (Lv.1) Resist Fire (Lv.1)
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Defiance (Lv.6) Resist Cold (Lv.1)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ / | |
Cleansing (Lv.12) | | Resist Lightning (Lv.12)
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | \ / \ /
| | Vigor (Lv.18)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ / | |
Meditation (Lv.24) | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
\ /
Redemption (Lv.30) Salvation (Lv.30)


Might (Lv.1)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | \ /
| | Holy Fire (Lv.6) Thorns (Lv.6)
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / | | | |
Blessed Aim (Lv.12) | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / \ / | |
Concentration (Lv.18) Holy Freeze (Lv.18) | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | \ / \ /\ /
| | Holy Shock (Lv.24) Sanctuary (Lv.24)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ / \ /
Fanaticism (Lv.30) Conviction (Lv.30)


Sacrifice (Lv.1) Smite (Lv.1)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | Holy Bolt (Lv.6) | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / | | \ /
Zeal (Lv.12) | | Charge (Lv.12)
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / \ / | |
Vengence (Lv.18) Blessed Hammer (Lv.18) | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / | | \ /
Conversion (Lv.24) | | Holy Shield (Lv.24)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ /\ /
Fist of the Heavens (Lv.30)

6.5.3 Paladin Skill Information

Defensive Auras:


Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Heals all allies within radius
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C+
How Many Points In It: This is not a bad skill, really. But it really isn't
worth investing heavily into this skill. It only replenishes by a little bit,
and even that isn't worth it, you will replenish your health fast enough. Put
one point into this and move on.

Skill level Radius Replenish life Mana cost
1 7.3 +2 1
5 12.6 +6 1.7
10 19.3 +11 2.6
15 26.0 +16 3.6
20 32.6 +21 4.5

Resist Fire:

Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Increases fire resistance of nearby allies
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C
How Many Points In It: This is pretty pointless. You don't really need any
more resistance then you have in the game, and if you need it you can put it on
for a second while you get hit with the attack, then switch back. There are
much better skills than this, and this is very bad compared to some of the
other auras you can obtain. Put one and move on.

Skill level Radius Fire resist
1 7.3 52
5 12.6 92
10 19.3 113
15 26.0 124
20 32.6 131

Resist Cold:

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Increases cold resistance of nearby allies
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C
How Many Points In It: This is pretty pointless. You don't really need any
more resistance then you have in the game, and if you need it you can put it on
for a second while you get hit with the attack, then switch back. There are
much better skills than this, and this is very bad compared to some of the
other auras you can obtain. Put one and move on.

Skill level Radius Cold resist
1 7.3 52
5 12.6 92
10 19.3 113
15 26.0 124
20 32.6 131

Resist Lightning:

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Increases lightning resistance of nearby allies
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C
How Many Points In It: This is pretty pointless. You don't really need any
more resistance then you have in the game, and if you need it you can put it on
for a second while you get hit with the attack, then switch back. There are
much better skills than this, and this is very bad compared to some of the
other auras you can obtain. Put one and move on.

Skill level Radius Lightning resist
1 7.3 52
5 12.6 92
10 19.3 113
15 26.0 124
20 32.6 131


Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Raises the defense of nearby allies
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C+
How Many Points In It: Again, this isn't so bad of a skill, but the other auras
are much better still. This is a bit of an improvement, but it is still very
much worse than the rest of the auras. I would put one into this as a
prerequisite if needed, then move on.

Skill level Radius Defense bonus
1 7.3 70
5 12.6 110
10 19.3 160
15 26.0 210
20 32.6 260


Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Prayer
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Reduces curse/poison duration for all nearby allies
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: Yes
Grade: F
How Many Points In It: This skill is one of the worst for the Paladin. The
curse/poison duration isn't stopped, it is reduced. That is just plain awful.
I would definitely not waste your skill points on this, you can just buy an
antidote potion for minimal amounts of gold and you wouldn't have to waste your
time with this awful skill. Not only all of that, it also decays! Don't put
any into this unless you need it as a prerequisite.

Skill level Radius Curse/Poison duration
1 7.3 39
5 12.6 60
10 19.3 70
15 26.0 76
20 32.6 80


Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Prayer, Cleansing, Defiance
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Boosts speed and stamina of nearby allies
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: Yes
Grade: C-
How Many Points In It: This is a bit like Burst of Speed for the Assassin,
except it is a worse version. In the Assassin's skill, her speed and quickness
are greatly improved along with attack speed. This doesn't include attack
speed, and it is decaying. Put one into this and move on.

Skill level Radius Walk/Run speed bonus Stamina bonus
1 10 13 50
5 18 28 150
10 28 36 275
15 38 40 400
20 48 43 525


Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Prayer, Cleansing
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Increases mana regeneration rate for all nearby allies
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: F+
How Many Points In It: Wow, is this skill bad. You are a Paladin and you need
to have mana regeneration? What kind of a Paladin needs that? This skill
should not be done and it is in the bad row of skills for defensive auras.
Totally ignore this skill and all others in the row.

Skill level Radius Mana regeneration
1 7.3 300
5 12.6 400
10 19.3 525
15 26.0 650
20 32.6 775


Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Prayer, Cleansing, Defiance, Vigor
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Redeems enemy corpses, boosting your mana and life
Notes: Only works on the player, not on any allies. Fixed radius of 7.3 yards
Decaying or Not: Yes
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: I like this idea. This skill gives you the chance to
get back some of the health you lost from battling. Especially in a large
fight, gaining your health back might even save you a trip back to town. There
are a couple flaws however. It does decay in the redemption chance, and the
redemption never raises past 85%, lower than the usually 95% that is the
maximum for most other things that would be unfair at 100%. You can put as
many as you want, but I think about 5-10 is enough.

Skill level Redeem chance Life/Mana recovery
1 23 25
5 55 45
10 71 70
15 80 95
20 85 120


Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Boosts all elemental resists of nearby allies
Notes: Doesn't raise poison resistance
Decaying or Not: Yes
Grade: B+
How Many Points In It: This is why I didn't like the resists from before. You
can d the same thing except in one skill by itself. This is a great skill,
but, unfortunately, it does decay. It is a good skill however, and 5-10, maybe
even 20 isn't a bad idea.

Skill level Radius Elemental resists
1 7.3 60
5 12.6 85
10 19.3 97
15 26.0 104
20 32.6 108

Offensive Auras:


Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Increases the damage done by nearby allies
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: D+
How Many Points In It: This skill is not too bad, but it is definitely worse
than everything else in this tree. This is a beginning skill; now don't waste
your points on this because it isn't worth it at all. Put one as a
prerequisite as you will need to for almost all of the other auras in this
tree, but then don't put anymore.

Skill level Radius Damage bonus
1 7.3 40
5 12.6 80
10 19.3 130
15 26.0 180
20 32.6 230

Holy Fire:

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Fire
Description: Does fire damage to nearby enemies
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: D-
How Many Points In It: This skill is awful. It not only is a short radius in
general, but the damage is absolutely horrid with a maximum damage of 21 at
level 20!! This skill is really bad and I would stay away from this skill and
put one only as a prerequisite.

Skill level Radius Fire damage
1 4.0 1-3
5 6.6 4-6
10 10.0 8.5-10.5
15 13.3 13-15
20 16.6 19-21


Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Enemies who hit you will receive damage
Notes: 1/10th effectiveness in Person versus Person
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A-
How Many Points In It: This is a good skill. It ends up doing much more damage
to the enemy, most of the time more than enough to kill the enemy. The reason
it got a minus is very obvious. The opponent has to hit you for it to work!
But the incredible 1010% damage returned is too good to pass up and this is a
very good skill. If you like, you can put just 1, or 5, 10, or even 20 points
into it.

Skill level Radius Damage returned
1 7.3 250
5 12.6 410
10 19.3 610
15 26.0 810
20 32.6 1010

Blessed Aim:

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Might
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Increases attack rating of nearby allies
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It: Now is where the auras start, keyword start, to improve
in quality. This is a good skill, but again inferior to later skills. It is
much better than those level 1 skills because it is actually useful in the
game. Still, I would only put one into this and then move on to get ready for

Skill level Radius Attack rating
1 7.3 75
5 12.6 135
10 19.3 210
15 26.0 285
20 32.6 360


Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Might, Blessed Aim
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Attack gains a chance to become uninterruptible. Adds to damage
Notes: Fixed chance of 20% for uninterruptible attack
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It: This skill is very similar to the concentration skill by
the Barbarian, except worse. This is a good skill, but again inferior to later
skills. It is much better than those level 1 skills because it is actually
useful in the game. Still, I would only put one into this and then move on to
get ready for Fanaticism.

Skill level Radius Damage bonus
1 7.3 60
5 12.6 120
10 19.3 195
15 26.0 270
20 32.6 345

Holy Freeze:

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Might, Holy Fire
Damage Type: Chills, but does no actual damage
Description: Slows all nearby enemies
Notes: Will slow cold immune monsters
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C+
How Many Points In It: This skill is interesting. It definitely gives you the
upper hand, but also might not be worth the time you put into using it. The
best part about this skill is that nobody is immune to it, even cold monsters.
I might put some into this depending on what you are doing for your skill
distribution plan, but it really all depends. All in all, I wouldn't put more
than 10 into this.

Skill level Radius -Enemy speed
1 4.0 30
5 6.6 42
10 10.0 48
15 13.3 52
20 16.6 54

Holy Shock:

Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Might, Holy Fire, Holy Freeze
Damage Type: Lightning
Description: Does lightning damage to nearby enemies and adds lightning damage
to physical attacks
Notes: Fixed radius of 7.3 yards
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: This is by far the best of the three holy skills in this
tree. It not only does lightning damage to enemies spontaneously, it also adds
an even larger amount of damage to your physical attacks, getting up to a
whopping maximum of 715 damage. Of course, specializing in this will limit
your flexibility, especially when a lightning immune monster shows up. Still
it is a good skill, and you can put anywhere from 5 to 20 points into it.

Skill level +Ltng damage-Physical attacks Ltng damage to enemies
1 1-50 1-10
5 1-190 13-22
10 1-365 30-39
15 1-540 54-63
20 1-715 74-83


Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Might, Thorns, Holy Fire, Holy Freeze
Damage Type: Magic
Description: Damages and repels nearby undead enemies
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C-
How Many Points In It: I am very surprised about this skill. It is a level 24
skill, and it only does damage to undead. I don't know what they were thinking
with this one, but it is definitely much worse than any of the other skills
even close to this. I would definitely ignore this skill, because you are
pretty much screwed if there isn't an undead monster.

Skill level Radius Damage to undead Damage bonus-undead(melee)
1 3.3 8-16 150
5 6.0 24-32 270
10 9.3 44-52 420
15 12.6 64-72 570
20 16.0 84-92 720


Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Might, Blessed Aim, Concentration
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Boosts attack damage and attack speed of nearby allies
Notes: Fixed radius of 7.3 yards
Decaying or Not: Yes, in attack speed
Grade: A+
How Many Points In It: Now look at this little gem of a skill. This is what we
have all been waiting for in a Paladin. I love this skill so much that I still
gave it a plus with the decaying attack speed. The idea that it increases
attack speed anyway is phenomenal. The damage and attack rating bonuses
combine the best of Blessed Aim and Might, but better. I would definitely put
20 points into this if you are considering doing any kind of physical damage to
your opponents.

Skill level Damage bonus Attack rating Attack speed
1 50 40 14
5 118 60 25
10 203 85 30
15 288 110 33
20 373 130 35


Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Might, Thorns, Holy Fire, Holy Freeze, Sanctuary
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Lowers resistances and defense of nearby enemies
Notes: Fixed radius of 13.3 yards
Decaying or Not: Yes
Grade: A
How Many Points In It: This is a very important skill in becoming very powerful
and strong especially in Nightmare and Hell difficulty when the resists of
enemies go up substantially and yours decreases, it is important to level the
playing field. This has some good potential. I didn't give this skill a plus
because it decays, but at least it doesn't decay in the resists, which is the
most important part of this skill. Especially with Vengeance, this skill
really is important in your survival. I would put either 20 points or 0 points
depending on what kind of Paladin you are going to be.

Skill level -Enemy defense -Enemy resists
1 49 30
5 70 50
10 80 75
15 86 100
20 90 125

Combat Skills:


Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Boosts damage but reduces your life with each hit you make
Notes: Fixed damage/hit to self of 8% physical damage
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: F+
How Many Points In It: This is a pretty bad skill if I may say so myself. It
gives you more damage by in essence killing yourself slowly. Now this would be
okay if you had an 8% health leech, but those are very rare. I would suggest
just staying away and putting only one in it for a prerequisite.

Skill level Attack rating Damage
1 20 180
5 40 228
10 65 288
15 90 348
20 115 408


Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Hits enemy with your shield, causing knock back and stun
Notes: Always hits, smite speed is dependent on weapon speed, doesn't leech
life/mana. Fixed mana cost of 2. Smite damage is displayed on shields.
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: D
How Many Points In It: This skill is not that bad, but I personally am not a
big fan of it. The damage bonus isn't that great and the stun length could be
better. There are much better skills than this anyway, so don't waste your
time with this one. Either put one as a prerequisite or just move on.

Skill level Damage bonus Stun length
1 15 0.6
5 75 1.4
10 150 2.4
15 225 3.4
20 300 4.4

Holy Bolt:

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Magical
Description: Invokes a bolt of energy that damages the undead and heals party
Notes: Heals party members and most friendly summons. Damages undead enemies.
Has no effect on undead friendly summons and non-undead enemies.
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C
How Many Points In It: This skill is okay, but the huge problem with it is the
obvious problem that it only affects the undead. Now that just won't do,
because it isn't worth it to put many into this and specialize in this skill
when you can't use it half of the time. I would say put one as a prerequisite
and move on.

Skill level Damage Heals Mana cost
1 8-16 1-6 4
5 32-40 9-14 5
10 62-70 19-24 6.2
15 92-100 29-34 7.5
20 122-130 39-44 8.7


Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Sacrifice
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Several quick successive attacks to nearby enemies
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 2
Decaying or Not: Yes, sort of in maximum hits
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: This skill is one of the useful skills for the Paladin
for actual damage. He uses multiple hits in one click of the button, with a
maximum of 5 hits. For this reason, I would suggest not putting 20 into this,
because the only benefit is attack rating, which can be gotten later after the
more important skills are taken care of. I would put 10 into it if you are
serious about using it, otherwise I would put 5.

Skill level Attack rating Maximum hits
1 10 2
5 50 5
10 100 5
15 150 5
20 200 5


Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Smite
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Runs up to enemy and delivers a powerful blow
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 9
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It: This is an interesting attack. This would be okay, but
from my experience when you are running you are most vulnerable. So this skill
is only good if there is one guy, and that unfortunately isn't very common. So
that is the main weakness of this skill, and the prerequisite is very bad, so I
wouldn't really touch this one.

Skill level Attack rating Damage
1 50 100
5 110 200
10 185 325
15 260 450
20 335 575


Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Sacrifice, Zeal
Damage Type: Fire, Cold, Lightning
Description: Adds all elements to your standard attack
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It: This is the other skill that is good for the Paladin in
actual physical damage. This is the best way for the Paladin to avoid hitting
guys with resistances and immunities to anything. It will attack with every
element, so that there is not way it won't hit the enemy. I would suggest 20
if you are serious about using it, otherwise just a couple so you can use it
when you are in a bind.

Skill level Elemental Attack rating Cold length Mana cost
1 70 20 1.2 4
5 94 60 3.6 5
10 124 110 6.6 6.2
15 154 160 9.6 7.5
20 184 210 12.6 8.7

Blessed Hammer:

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Holy Bolt
Damage Type: Magical
Description: Summons a magical hammer that spirals away from you, damaging
Notes: Does 150% damage to undead enemies
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C+
How Many Points In It: This is good skill for damaging a large group of
enemies, but the damage isn't very good. It would help if all enemies were
undead, but they aren't so this skill isn't that great. I would put one, maybe
two into it at best.

Skill level Damage Mana cost
1 12-16 5
5 44-48 6
10 84-88 7.2
15 124-128 8.5
20 164-168 9.7


Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Sacrifice, Zeal, and Vengeance
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Each hit has a chance to convert the enemy to your side
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 4. Fixed conversion duration of 16 seconds
Decaying or Not: Yes
Grade: C-
How Many Points In It: This skill is a good idea, but they did it wrong. The
chance to convert starting at 7% and maxing out a 42%? Not good, I would maybe
consider it if it got to 75%, but then it also decays. Stay away from this

Skill level Chance to convert
1 7
5 25
10 34
15 39
20 42

Holy Shield:

Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Smite, Holy Bolt, Charge, Blessed Hammer
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Boost shield defense and block % along with Smite damage
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 35
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C+
How Many Points In It: Well, what can I say? This is the best of the worst
really. It improves the beginning skill and improves your blocking. I don't
know why they though they should add the smite damage, but whatever. The worst
part is that it has duration. Just stay away, and you'll be glad you did.

Skill level Duration Defense Blocking Smite damage
1 30 25 14 +3-6
5 70 85 25 +11-14
10 120 160 30 +23-26
15 170 235 33 +38-41
20 220 310 35 +57-60

Fist of the Heavens:

Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Sacrifice, Holy Bolt, Zeal, Vengeance, Blessed Hammer, and
Damage Type: Lightning and Magical
Description: Summons a lightning bolt that splits into Holy Bolts on impact
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 25. Holy bolts only damage undead, and don't heal
party members. Casting timer of 1 second.
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A
How Many Points In It: This is the cream of the crop for the Paladin. This is
where all the damage is done and should be used no matter what kind of Paladin
you intend on creating. The holy bolt is an added effect that is good if
against undead enemies. I would suggest at least putting 10 into this because
you can't go wrong.

Skill level Lightning damage Holy Bolt damage
1 150-200 40-50
5 210-260 64-74
10 315-365 102-112
15 465-515 152-162
20 675-725 226-236

6.5.4 Stat/Skill Distributions


This skill distribution comes from a combination of the two most famous Paladin
forms, the Zealot and the Avenger. It is much like the Hybridzon and combines
the best of both worlds. The main idea of this will be to combine Vengeance
and Fanaticism (like the Avenger) along with the combination of Zeal and
Conviction (like the Zealot). Here we go!

Level 2: Smite
Level 3: Might
Level 4: Sacrifice
Level 5: -----
Level 6: Thorns (T), Holy Fire
Level 7: Holy Fire
Level 8: -----
Level 9: T
Level 10: -----
Level 11: T
Level 12: Zeal (Z), Charge, Blessed Aim
Level 13: Z
Level 14: Z
Level 15: Z
Level 16: Z
Level 17: -----
Level 18: Vengeance (V), Concentration
Level 19: Holy Freeze
Level 20: V
Level 21: Holy Freeze
Level 22: V
Level 23: V
Level 24: Sanctuary
Level 25: Holy Shield (HS)
Level 26: T
Level 27: HS
Level 28: V
Level 29: HS
Level 30: Fanaticism (F)
Level 31: Conviction (C)
Level 32: F-|Invest until maxed out, then see next item
Level 33: V-|

Level ?: Z
Level ?+1: C

That should do it for that skill chart. The bonuses should go into Thorns so
you have some reliable aura until you get to Fanaticism and Conviction. Now
here are your totals.

Zeal: 20 points
Conviction: 20 points
Vengeance: 20 points
Fanaticism: 20 points
Thorns: 5 points
Holy Shield: 3 points
Holy Freeze: 2 points
Holy Fire: 2 points
Blessed Aim (?): ? points
All prerequisites: 1 point each
Anything else you want: The rest of the points

The question mark next to Blessed Aim is for those who have run out of skills,
then add some more into that to increase your attack rating every once in a
while. Now for stats, it is the exact same as needed for the Amazon. So here
it is again for your enjoyment.

Multiples of 5

All other levels

That should be good enough for him and enough mana for his auras and attacks.

Stat/Skill Distribution Rating: 7 out of 10
This is a good idea and it can really make a good Paladin, but I think that it
is too complicated and can confuse a person. Personally I would stick with
either the Avenger or the Zealot.

6.5.5 Overall Character Rating

Rating: 5 out of 10
Explanation: This is my least favorite character in the game. He doesn't have
enough good skills to make him a flexible character; he is basically one thing
or the other. Also, the whole aura thing in my opinion is a bad idea, and it
really makes it much more difficult to have fun with this character unless you
really put a lot of time into it. Overall, an okay character, but all the
other characters are better.

6.6 Assassin


The Assassin is definitely my favorite character in the entire game. She can
have lots of speed and versatility and she can also have brute strength and
powerful weapons and armor. Whatever your style, she has something for you.
She also introduces a new class of weapons called the claw class, which is
quite damaging, generally fast, and very suitable for her. Now without further
ado here it is.

6.6.2 Assassin Skill Tree


Tiger Strike (Lv.1) Dragon Talon (Lv.1)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | \ /
Fists of Fire (Lv.6) | | Dragon Claw (Lv.6)
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | \ / | |
| | Cobra Strike (Lv.12) | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / | | \ /
Claws of Thunder (Lv.18) | | Dragon Tail (Lv.18)
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / | | \ /
Blades of Ice (Lv.24) | | Dragon Flight (Lv.24)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ /\ /
Phoenix Strike (Lv.30)


Claw Mastery (Lv.1) Psychic Hammer (Lv.1)
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / | | | |
Burst of Speed (Lv.6) | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | \ / \ /
| | Weapon Block (Lv.12) Cloak of Shadows (Lv.12)
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / \ / | |
Fade (Lv.18) Shadow Warrior (Lv.18) | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | \ /
| | | | Mind Blast (Lv.24)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ / \ /
Venom (Lv.30) Shadow Master (Lv.30)


Fire Blast (Lv.1)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ / | |
Shock Web (Lv.6) | | Blade Sentinel (Lv.6)
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / \ / | |
Charged Bolt Sentry (Lv.12) Wake of Fire (Lv.12) | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | || |
| | | | \ /
| | | | Blade Fury (Lv.18)
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
\ / \ / | |
Lightning Sentry (Lv.24) Wake of Inferno (Lv.24) | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ / \ /
Death Sentry (Lv.30) Blade Shield (Lv.30)

6.6.3 Assassin Skill Information

Martial Arts:

Tiger Strike:

Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Give a damage bonus to finishing moves
Notes: Charge 2 damage bonus = Charge 1 damage bonus x 2, Charge 3 damage bonus
= Charge 1 damage bonus x 3. Fixed mana cost of 1
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Charge 1 damage bonus Attack rating bonus
1 100 40
5 180 80
10 280 130
15 380 180
20 480 230

Dragon Talon:

Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Kicks the enemy
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 6
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Kick damage bonus Attack rating bonus # of kicks
1 0 40 1
5 28 88 1
10 63 148 2
15 98 208 3
20 133 268 3

Fists of Fire:

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Fire
Description: Adds fire damage to finishing moves
Notes: Charge 2 adds fire damage radius of 2 yards, Charge 3 adds burning
duration of 2.5 seconds. Fixed mana cost of 2
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C+
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Fire damage Attack rating bonus
1 6-10 50
5 26-30 90
10 61-65 140
15 111-115 190
20 201-205 240

Dragon Claw:

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: Dragon Talon
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Quick double-claw attack
Notes: Two claws must be equipped. Fixed mana cost of 2
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C+
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage bonus Attack rating bonus
1 50 50
5 70 90
10 95 140
15 120 190
20 145 240

Cobra Strike:

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Tiger Strike
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Finishing moves leech life and mana
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 2. LS-Life Steal. L/MS-Life and Mana Steal
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Charge 1-LS Charge 2-L/MS Charge 3-L/MS Attack Rating
1 40 40 80 60
5 60 60 120 120
10 85 85 170 195
15 110 110 220 270
20 135 135 270 345

Claws of Thunder:

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Fists of Fire
Damage Type: Lightning
Description: Adds lightning damage to finishing moves
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 2. Charge 2 releases Nova, Charge 3 releases
Charged Bolts. Charge 1 damage is included in Charges 2 and 3
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Charge 1 dmg Charge 2 dmg Charge 3 dmg Attack rating
1 1-80 1-20 1-40 80
5 41-120 1-80 1-120 140
10 111-190 1-175 1-260 215
15 211-290 1-300 1-460 290
20 351-430 1-465 1-740 365

Dragon Tail:

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Dragon Talon, Dragon Claw
Damage Type: Physical to target, Fire to area
Description: An explosive kick
Notes: Fixed Fire damage radius of 4 yards, fixed mana cost of 10
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Fire damage bonus Attack rating bonus
1 50 40
5 90 68
10 140 103
15 190 138
20 240 173

Blades of Ice:

Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Fists of Fire, Claws of Thunder
Damage Type: Cold
Description: Adds cold damage to finishing move
Notes: Charge 2 adds cold damage radius of 3.3 yards, Charge 3 adds freeze
duration of 4 seconds. Fixed mana cost of 3
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B+
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Cold damage Attack rating bonus
1 15-35 70
5 47-67 110
10 91-111 160
15 141-161 210
20 231-251 260

Dragon Flight:

Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Dragon Talon, Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Teleports to target and kicks it
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 15
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A-
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Kick damage bonus Attack rating bonus
1 100 100
5 200 180
10 325 280
15 450 380
20 575 480

Phoenix Strike:

Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Tiger Strike, Fists of Fire, Cobra Strike, Claws of Thunder,
Blades of Ice
Damage Type: Fire (Charge 1), Lightning (Charge 2), Cold (Charge 3)
Description: Adds elemntal area attacks to finishing moves.
Notes: Charge 1 is a Meteor, Charge 2 is 4 bolts of Chain Lightning, Charge 3
is not dissimilar to Frozen Orb, and freezes enemies for a few seconds. Fixed
mana cost of 4
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Charge 1 dmg Charge 2 dmg Charge 3 dmg Attack rating
1 20-40 1-40 16-32 70
5 60-80 1-84 32-48 140
10 130-150 1-151 60-76 205
15 230-250 1-236 100-116 280
20 370-390 1-353 156-172 355


Fire Blast:

Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Fire
Description: Throws a bomb at enemies
Notes: Fixed radius of 4.6 yards
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: F
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Fire damage Mana cost
1 3-4 3
5 11-12 3.5
10 25-26 4.1
15 45-46 4.7
20 69-70 5.3

Shock Web:

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: Fire Blast
Damage Type: Lightning
Description: Sets a trap which electrocutes enemies
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 6
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: D-
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Lightning damage # of spikes
1 5-6 6
5 9-10 7
10 17-18 8
15 29-30 9
20 46-47 10

Blade Sentinel:

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Throws a sharp device that travels between yourself and target,
damaging anything in its path
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 7, fixed duration of 4 seconds. Casting delay of 2
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C-
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage
1 6-10
5 18-22
10 35-39
15 55-59
20 79-83

Charged Bolt Sentry:

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Fire Blast, Shock Web
Damage Type: Lightning
Description: Sets a trap that releases Charged Bolts
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 13, 5 charged bolts released
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage (per bolt)
1 1-7
5 7-13
10 15-21
15 25-31
20 39-45

Wake of Fire:

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Fire Blast
Damage Type: Fire
Description: Sets a trap that emits waves of fire
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 13, shoots 5 times
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: D
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Fire damage
1 5-10
5 13-18
10 25-30
15 40-45
20 59-64

Blade Fury:

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Fire Blast, Blade Sentinel, Wake of Fire
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Throws small blades at target
Notes: Need 3 mana to cast
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C+
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage/Blade Mana cost/Blade
1 8-10 1
5 20-22 3
10 39-41 5
15 64-66 7
20 101-103 8

Lightning Sentry:

Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Fire Blast, Shock Web, Charged Bolt Sentry
Damage Type: Lightning
Description: Sets a trap that releases Lightning Bolts
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 20, shoots 10 times
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C+
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Lightning damage
1 10-20
5 30-40
10 59-69
15 94-104
20 141-151

Wake of Inferno:

Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Fire Blast, Wake of Fire
Damage Type: Fire
Description: Sets a trap that emits a barrage of flame
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 20, shoots 10 times
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Fire damage
1 8-21
5 40-53
10 83-96
15 131-144
20 189-203

Death Sentry:

Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Fire Blast, Shock Web, Charged Bolt Sentry, Lightning Sentry
Damage Type: Lightning, Fire, Physical
Description: Sets a trap that explodes nearby corpses as well as emitting
Lightning Bolts
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 20. Corpse Explosion damage is 40-80% of corpse life,
shoots 5 times
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Lightning damage Corpse Explosion radius
1 20-30 3.3
5 36-46 4.6
10 58-68 6.3
15 83-93 8
20 120-130 9.6

Shadow Disciplines:

Claw Mastery:

Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Adds damage and attack rating to claw attacks
Notes: Passive
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage bonus Attack rating bonus
1 30 35
5 70 51
10 110 67
15 170 91
20 220 111

Psychic Hammer:

Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: none
Damage Type: Magic
Description: Knocks back and damages target
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: F+
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage Mana cost
1 2-5 4
5 6-9 5
10 12-15 6.2
15 19-22 7.5
20 29-32 8.7

Burst of Speed:

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: Claw Mastery
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Increases attack and movement speed for a short period of time
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 10
Decaying or Not: Yes, in all except duration
Grade: B
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Attack speed bonus Run/Walk speed bonus Duration
1 21 23 120
5 37 42 168
10 45 52 228
15 51 57 288
20 52 61 348

Cloak of Shadows:

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Psychic Hammer
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Blinds nearby enemies and lowers their defense
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 13, fixed range of 20 yards, fixed duration of 8
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Enemy defense penalty
1 21
5 37
10 45
15 50
20 52

Weapon Block:

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Claw Mastery
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Grants a blocking % to dual-claw wielding Assassins
Notes: Passive
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C+
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Blocking bonus
1 26
5 42
10 50
15 55
20 57


Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Claw Mastery, Burst of Speed
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Raises elemental resists and lowers curse duration for a short
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 10
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: D
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Resists bonus Curse duration reduction Duration
1 19 47 120
5 42 65 168
10 54 74 228
15 60 79 288
20 64 82 348

Shadow Warrior:

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Claw Mastery, Psychic Hammer, Weapon Block, Cloak of Shadows
Damage Type: Various, primarily physical
Description: Summons a duplicate of yourself who uses your selected skills
Notes: Shadow Warrior life scales up with difficulty level and number of
players in the game
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Life Attack rating Defense bonus Mana
1 124 0 0 27
5 183 60 48 35
10 257 135 108 45
15 332 210 168 55
20 406 285 228 65

Mind Blast:

Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Psychic Hammer, Cloak of Shadows
Damage Type: Magical
Description: Damages enemies and grants a chance to stun and convert enemies
for a while
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 15
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage Chance to convert
1 10-20 18
5 18-28 27
10 34-44 32
15 59-69 34
20 96-106 36


Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Claw Mastery, Burst of Speed, Fade
Damage Type: Poison
Description: Adds poison damage to attack
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 12, fixed poison duration of 2 seconds
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B+
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Poison damage Duration
1 37-78 120
5 87-128 136
10 162-203 156
15 256-296 176
20 375-415 196

Shadow Master:

Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Claw Mastery, Psychic Hammer, Weapon Block, Cloak of Shadows,
Shadow Warrior
Damage Type: Various
Description: Summons a duplicate of yourself who has access to use all
Assassin skills
Notes: Shadow Master life scales up with difficulty level and number of players
in the game, fixed mana cost of 40
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A-
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Life Attack rating bonus Resist bonus
1 186 0 15
5 300 60 38
10 441 135 54
15 582 210 62
20 723 285 67

6.6.4 Stat/Skill Distributions

Charge/Finish Assassin

Kind of a crappy name, but I couldn't think of anything else. Basically, this
is the best of the Assassin's Martial Arts with a Charge and Finish
combination. The two main skills will end up being Phoenix Strike to charge
up, and Dragon Flight to finish off. Off course, the lovely shadow disciples
will add a nice kick (...get it?) to your martial arts with claw mastery, burst
of speed, and weapon block. Here we go!!

Level 2: Tiger Strike
Level 3: Dragon Talon
Level 4: Claw Mastery (CM)
Level 5: CM
Level 6: Burst of Speed (BS)
Level 7: Fists of Fire
Level 8: Dragon Claw
Level 9: BS
Level 10: CM
Level 11: BS
Level 12: Cobra Strike
Level 13: Weapon Block (WB)
Level 14: WB
Level 15: WB
Level 16: CM
Level 17: BS
Level 18: Claws of Thunder
Level 19: Dragon Tail
Level 20: CM
Level 21: BS
Level 22: CM
Level 23: BS
Level 24: Blades of Ice
Level 25: Dragon Flight (DF)
Level 26: BS
Level 27: CM
Level 28: BS
Level 29: CM
Level 30: Phoenix Strike (PS)--|Invest in these back and forth,
Level 31: CM-------------------|then invest in the next segment.

Level ? and on: DF

That should pretty much cover it for the Assassin's skills. For the bonuses,
put them into Claw Mastery so you can max that out as soon as possible so you
can start investing in Dragon Flight. Here are the totals we are looking for.

Phoenix Strike: 20 points
Dragon Flight: 20 points
Claw Mastery: 20 points
Burst of Speed: 8-10 points
Weapon Block: 3-5 points
All prerequisites: 1 point each
Anything else you want: The rest of the points

That is what we are looking for in totals. This should definitely last you
throughout the game and beyond, if possible. Here is what we are looking at
for stats. We want lots of dexterity and strength, and some vitality, and even
less energy. Here is what we are looking at.

Multiples of 5

All other levels

Again, if you don't need any more strength, you can put it into whatever you
want, hopefully vitality and maybe some more dexterity. This should definitely
get you through the game easier than you imagined.

Stat/Skill Distribution Rating: 9.5 out of 10
This is one of the best distributions ever created. This is thanks to Aydin
once again for his brilliant work. The only flaw that I can possibly see is
that there might be some weaknesses in single opponents because it is difficult
to charge and whatnot. Otherwise a simply awesome way to create an Assassin.

6.6.5 Overall Character Rating

Rating: 10 out of 10
Explanation: I simply love this character and obviously it is my favorite. She
has the magic along with the power as well as some speed to have anything you
would ever want in a character. Not much more can be said except that she is a
great character.

6.7 Druid


The Druid is the most unique of the characters in this expansion, and I commend
Blizzard on their creativity on this character. This character has three types
of ways to go about using this character, as does most characters. What is
unique is that they are not similar at all to each other. One is summoning
other monsters similar to a Necromancer, another is turning the character into
a stronger or faster animal, and the last is casting spells like the Sorceress.
The shape-shifting idea is very cool and should be used in my opinion.
Anyways, here we go.

6.7.2 Druid Skill Tree


Firestorm (Lv.1)
| |
| |
| |
\ /
Molten Boulder (Lv.6) Arctic Blast (Lv.6)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ / \ /
Fissure (Lv.12) Cyclone Armor (Lv.12)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | \ /
| | Twister (Lv.18)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ / \ /
Volcano (Lv.24) Tornado (Lv.24)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ / \ /
Armageddon (Lv.30)====================================Hurricane (Lv.30)


Werewolf (Lv.1)==============Lycanthropy (Lv.1)
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Werebear (Lv.6)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ / \ /
Feral Rage (Lv.12) Maul (Lv.12)
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
\ / \ / | |
Rabies (Lv.18) Fire Claws (Lv.18) | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | \ / \ /
| | Hunger (Lv.24) Shock Wave (Lv.24)
| |
| |
| |
\ /
Fury (Lv.30)


Raven (Lv.1) Poison Creeper (Lv.1)
| |
| |
| |
| |
Oak Sage (Lv.6) Summon Spirit Wolf (Lv.6) | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | \ /
| | | | | | Carrion Vine (Lv.12)
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
\ / \ / \ / | |
Heart of Wolverine (Lv.18) Summon Dire Wolf (Lv.18) | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | \ /
| | | | Solar Creeper (Lv.24)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\ / \ /
Spirit of Barbs (Lv.30) Summon Grizzly (Lv.30)

6.7.3 Druid Skill Information

Summoning Skills:


Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Summons a raven
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 6
Decaying or Not: Yes, in ravens
Grade: D
How Many Points In It:

Skill level # of ravens Damage Hits
1 1 2-4 12
5 5 6-8 16
10 5 11-13 21
15 5 16-18 26
20 5 21-23 31

Poison Creeper:

Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Poison
Description: Summons a vine that poisons enemies
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 8. Life scales up in Nightmare/Hell difficulty
levels. Poison damage is done over 4 seconds
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage Life
1 4-6 15
5 15-17 27
10 33-34 42
15 56-58 57
20 84-86 72

Oak Sage:

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Summons a spirit that boosts life of allies
Notes: Life scales up in Nightmare/Hell difficulty, fixed area of effect of 20
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Life Life bonus Mana cost
1 30 30 15
5 66 50 19
10 111 75 24
15 156 100 29
20 201 125 34

Summon Spirit Wolf:

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: Raven
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Summons a wolf to fight by your side
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 15, attack rating and defense bonuses are passive and
apply only to that Druid's summons.
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C+
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Wolves Damage Attack rating/defense bonus
1 1 2-6 50
5 5 7-10 90
10 5 15-19 140
15 5 27-31 190
20 5 49-52 240

Carrion Vine:

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Poison Creeper
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Summons a vine that eats enemy corpses to boost your life
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 10, life scales up in Nightmare/Hell difficulty
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C+
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Healing per corpse Life
1 4 47
5 7 84
10 9 131
15 10 178
20 10 225

Heart of Wolverine:

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Oak Sage
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Summons a spirit that boosts attack ability of allies
Notes: Life scales up in Nightmare/Hell difficulty, fixed area of effect of 20
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage bonus Attack rating Life Mana cost
1 20 25 68 20
5 48 53 122 24
10 83 88 190 29
15 118 123 258 34
20 153 158 326 39

Summon Dire Wolf:

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Raven, Oak Sage, Summon Spirit Wolf
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Summons a more powerful wolf ally
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 20, life bonus is passive and applies only to that
Druid's summons
Decaying or Not: Yes, I guess it does for maximum wolves
Grade: B+
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Maximum wolves Life Life bonus Damage
1 1 85 50 8-14
5 3 108 90 18-24
10 3 136 140 32-38
15 3 165 190 50-56
20 3 193 240 82-88

Solar Creeper:

Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Poison Creeper, Carrion Vine
Damage Type: N/A
Description. Summons a vine that eats corpses for a mana bonus
Notes: Life scales up in Nightmare/Hell difficulty
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Life Mana regeneration bonus Mana cost
1 82 2 14
5 147 4 18
10 229 5 23
15 311 6 28
20 393 6 33

Spirit of Barbs:

Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Oak Sage, Heart of Wolverine
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Summons a spirit that returns damage to enemies who attack allies
Notes: Life scales up in Nightmare/Hell difficulty, fixed area of effect of 20
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Life Damage returned Mana cost
1 106 50 25
5 190 90 29
10 296 140 34
15 402 190 39
20 508 240 44

Summon Grizzly:

Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Raven, Oak Sage, Summon Spirit Wolf, Summon Dire Wolf
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Summons a powerful grizzly bear to fight with you
Notes: Damage bonus is passive and applies only to that Druid's summons. Fixed
mana cost of 40, fixed base life of 213, casting timer of 1 second
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage Damage bonus
1 37-75 25
5 101-145 45
10 221-272 70
15 399-458 95
20 660-726 120

Elemental Skills:


Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Fire
Description: Releases waves of flames
Notes: Casting delay of 0.6 seconds, fixed mana cost of 4
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage/second
1 3-7
5 17-21
10 37-41
15 60-64
20 89-92

Molten Boulder:

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: Firestorm
Damage Type: Fire
Description: Releases a huge magma ball
Notes: Casting delay of 2 seconds
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C+
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage/second Mana cost
1 11-16 10
5 44-49 12
10 90-94 14
15 142-147 17
20 205-209 19

Arctic Blast:

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Cold
Description: Releases a jet of ice
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C+
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage/sec Chill length Range Mana cost
1 8-15 4 5.3 4
5 33-40 6.6 6.6 7
10 65-72 7.6 8.6 11
15 98-105 9.6 10 15
20 133-140 11.6 12 19


Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Firestorm, Molten Boulder
Damage Type: Fire
Description: Causes the earth to open up, releasing jets of heat
Notes: Casting delay of 2 seconds, fixed mana cost of 15, fixed duration of 3.2
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage
1 15-21
5 39-49
10 81-91
15 141-151
20 217-227

Cyclone Armor:

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Arctic Blast
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Creates a barrier that absorbs elemental attacks.
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage absorbed Mana cost
1 40 5
5 88 9
10 148 14
15 196 18
20 268 24


Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Arctic Blast, Cyclone Armor
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Creates several small whirlwinds that can stun enemies
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 7, fixed stun length of 0.4 seconds
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: C-
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage
1 6-8
5 14-16
10 27-29
15 44-46
20 66-68


Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Firestorm, Molten Boulder, Fissure
Damage Type: Fire
Description: Creates a volcano which releases balls of lava
Notes: Casting delay of 4 seconds, fixed mana cost of 25
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage
1 15-20
5 31-36
10 59-64
15 99-104
20 155-160


Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Arctic Blast, Cyclone Armor, Twister
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Suumons a large, unpredictable tornado.
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 10
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B+
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage
1 25-35
5 57-67
10 109-119
15 179-189
20 273-283


Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Arctic Blast, Cyclon Armor, Twister, Tornado
Damage Type: Cold
Description: Druid surrounds himself with chilling winds
Notes: Casting delay of 6 seconds, fixed mana cost of 30, fixed radius of 5.3
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A-
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage
1 25-50
5 53-78
10 94-119
15 144-169
20 202-227


Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Firestorm, Molten Boulder, Arctic Blast, Fissure, Cyclone Armor,
Twister, Tornado, Volcano, Hurricane
Damage Type: Fire
Description: Rains chaotic fire around the Druid
Notes: Casting timer of 6 seconds, fixed mana cost of 35, fixed duration of 10
seconds, fixed radius of 5.3 yards
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage
1 25-75
5 85-135
10 170-220
15 270-320
20 390-440

Shapeshifting Skills:


Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Shift into Werewolf form
Notes: Casting delay of 1 second, fixed mana cost of 15, fixed duration of 40
seconds, fixed life/stamina bonus of 25%
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Attack speed bonus Attack rating bonus
1 20 50
5 45 110
10 57 185
15 64 260
20 68 335


Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: Werewolf
Damage Type: N/A
Description: Passive, adds life and duration to Were-forms
Notes: None
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A-
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Life bonus Duration bonus
1 20 40
5 40 120
10 65 220
15 90 320
20 115 420


Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Shifts into a huge Werebear
Notes: Casting delay of 1 second, fixed mana cost of 15, fixed life bonus of
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: A
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage bonus Defense bonus
1 50 25
5 78 45
10 113 70
15 148 95
20 183 120


Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Werebear
Damage Type: Physical
Description: A concentrated, powerful attack on an enemy
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 3, fixed duration of 20 seconds
Decaying or Not: Yes
Grade: C+
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage bonus Attack rating Stun length
1 20-60 20 0.9-1.6
5 20-100 60 0.9-2.2
10 20-160 110 0.9-2.6
15 20-200 160 0.9-2.8
20 20-260 210 0.9-3.0

Feral Rage:

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Werewolf
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Adds run/walk and attack bonuses to Werewolf attack
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 3, fixed duration of 20 seconds.
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B+
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage bonus Attack rating Life steal Walk/run
1 50 20 4-12 19-31
5 70 60 4-20 19-40
10 95 110 4-32 19-47
15 120 160 4-40 19-50
20 145 210 4-52 19-55

Fire Claws:

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Werewolf, Werebear, Feral Rage, Maul
Damage Type: Fire
Description: Adds fire damage to were-form attack
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 4
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage Attack rating bonus
1 15-20 50
5 39-44 110
10 81-86 185
15 141-146 260
20 233-238 335


Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Werewolf, Feral Rage
Damage Type: Poison
Description: Adds spread-able poison element to Werewolf attacks
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 10, fixed poison duration of 4 seconds
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage Attack rating bonus
1 18-43 50
5 68-93 78
10 121-146 106
15 215-240 148
20 306-331 183

Shock Wave:

Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Werebear, Maul
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Stuns nearby enemies with huge roar in Werebear form
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 7
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Damage Stun duration
1 10-20 1.6
5 22-32 4.0
10 41-51 7.0
15 66-76 10.0
20 99-109 13.0


Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Werewolf, Werebear, Feral Rage, Maul, Fire Claws
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Leeches life and mana in wereform, but at the cost of lower damage
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 3, fixed damage penalty of 75%
Decaying or Not: No
Grade: B-
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Life/Mana Steal Attack rating bonus
1 72 50
5 125 90
10 152 140
15 167 190
20 176 240


Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Werewolf, Feral Rage, Rabies
Damage Type: Physical
Description: Rapid, multiple attacks on nearby enemies while in Werewolf form
Notes: Fixed mana cost of 4
Decaying or Not: Yes, in hits
Grade: A-
How Many Points In It:

Skill level Attack rating bonus Damage bonus # of hits
1 50 100 2
5 78 168 5
10 113 253 5
15 148 338 5
20 183 423 5

6.7.4 Stat/Skill Distributions


Obviously, if you haven't guessed, this is about a Druid shape-shifting into a
Werewolf and utilizing its powers to defeat enemies. We will use the main two
skills of Werewolf and Lycanthropy to help your becoming of a werewolf, and
then add some attacks into it such as Feral Rage, Rabies, and Fury to further
increase how dangerous you will be.

Level 2: Werewolf (W)
Level 3: Lycanthropy (L)
Level 4: W
Level 5: L
Level 6: W
Level 7: L
Level 8: W
Level 9: L
Level 10: W
Level 11: L
Level 12: Feral Rage (FR)
Level 13: W
Level 14: L
Level 15: FR
Level 16: W
Level 17: L
Level 18: Rabies (R)
Level 19: W
Level 20: L
Level 21: FR
Level 22: W
Level 23: L
Level 24: FR
Level 25: W
Level 26: L
Level 27: FR
Level 28: W
Level 29: L
Level 30: Fury (F)
Level 31: F
Level 32: F
Level 33: F
Level 34: F
Level 35: W---|
Level 36: L---|--Repeat this until completed, then invest in Rabies
Level 37: FR--|

This is kind of an interesting distribution. This doesn't look like much, but
it is still fairly effective. For the bonus points, the first one put it into
either Werewolf or Lycanthropy, then the other 4, put them into Rabies. Here
are the totals.

Werewolf: 20 points
Lycanthropy: 20 points
Feral Rage: 20 points
Rabies: 20 points
Fury: 5 points
All prerequisites: 1 point each
Whatever you want: The rest of the points

That should so it for the skills. For stats, you want it exactly the same way
as you have for the past, I don't know, three characters about. You want lots
of strength, dexterity, vitality, and very minimal energy. In fact there are
two ways to do this, or two options.

All levels

Multiples of five

All other levels

The advantage of option one is that you can really focus on the other stats and
the energy might lack a little bit, but it will still be enough because your
mana increases by itself a little bit without increasing energy. The
advantages of option 2 is that you will usually never run out of mana, and you
will have a good amount of health along with your strength and dexterity. It
can be either way.

Stat/Skill Distribution Rating: 8 out of 10
This is a good skill distribution with a lot of potential, but not a lot of
breathing room. It leaves no room for any other things that you may want to
include that would fit this style of play with the Druid. All in all, a good
distribution with a limited eyesight.

6.7.5 Overall Character Rating

Rating: 7 out of 10
Explanation: I like this character because it is a very good idea by Blizzard
to make a shape0shifting character. Blizzard also made sure that you could do
other things with the character as well, so all Druids aren't the same. I
think it is a good character, but there are some better and some worse, and
this is pretty much an average character.

6.8 Non-Player Characters
These are the people throughout the game that you meet throughout the Acts.
Obviously, you can't be them, since they are non-playable. I will refer to
them from now on as NPCs. I will list the NPCs by Acts and I will give a brief
description of them. If they are in the same act twice or more, and they do
the same thing, I will say see the other acts for his/her information, or the
same as before.

Act 1

-Warriv: A caravan master that will take you to the second act.
-Charsi: She buys/sells Armor, Weapons, and Arrows/Bolts. She loves
Barbarians. She also repairs your items.
-Akara: Give you much information for many quests and sells you Scrolls, Tomes,
Wands, Staves, and Scepters. She also fully replenishes your Health and Mana
when you talk to her.
-Kashya: The leader of the Rogues who sells you mercenaries.
-Deckard Cain: Coming after the third quest when you save him, he will identify
your items for free after that.
-Gheed: He buys/sells Armor, Weapons, and Magical Items. You can also gamble
from him.

Act 2

-Warriv: Same as Act I, except here he will return you to Act I from
Act II.
-Lysander: An alchemist that sells potions and keys.
-Fara: The blacksmith in town, a former Paladin, repairs your items,
replenishes your Health and Mana, and buys/sells Weapons and Armor.
-Deckard Cain: Identifies your items.
-Atma: All she does is give you and reward you for doing Quest 1.
-Geglash: Basically no point in him completing the game wise, but he there to
offer his perspective on your quests.
-Drognan: The sorcerer you buys/sells Staves, Scepters, Wands, Scrolls, Tomes,
Health Potions, and Bone armor.
-Griez: He hires out his mercenaries.
-Elzix: A renowned bandit now running an Inn, he buys/sells Weapons and Armor,
and also lets you gamble for items.
-Jerhyn: The leader of Lut Golein that gives you some quests.
-Kaelan: A guard of the palace. Tells you if you can enter or not.
-Meshif: He is the captain of a ship that eventually will take you to
Act 3.

Act 3

-Meshif: Takes you back to Act 2.
-Deckard Cain: Same as always.
-Ormus: The person who always talks about himself in the third person, he
replenishes Health and Mana, and sells/buys Masks, Scepters, Wands, Staves,
Scrolls and Tomes.
-Alkor: He buys and sells potions, and he also lets you gamble for items.
-Hratli: He buys/sells Armor and Weapons. He also repairs your equipment.
-Asheara: Lends you her mercenaries, the Iron Wolves.
-Natalya: An assassin that gives her perspective on the quests.

Act 4

-Deckard Cain: Same as always
-Tyrael: He is an archangel that has withered from battling Diablo and Baal.
He will regenerate any mercenary you have after it dies.
-Jamella: The magic lady. She buys/sells Weapons, Armor, Potions, Scrolls,
Wands, Staves, Scepters, and Tomes. She will also let you gamble for items.
-Halbu: Brother in arms to Jamella, he buys and sells Weapons and
Armor. He also repairs your equipment.

Act 5

-Deckard Cain: Same as always.
-Anya: After rescuing Anya in a quest, she becomes the peron to gamble from.
-Nihlathak: He will sell you items and let you gamble for items at the
beginning of the Act.
-Qual-Kehk: He has the mercenaries of this act, but you must complete a quest
-Larzuk: The blacksmith that repairs your items, and buys/sells armor and
-Malah: She is the magic lady like Jamella, except she doesn't let you gamble.
She replenishes Health and Mana, and sells Wands, Staves, Scepters, Scrolls,
Potions, and Tomes.

6.9 Mercenaries

These helpers can be hired, or in some cases be rewards for completing quests.
In the expansion set, you can now equip them with items and heal them. You can
also train them to become high-level killing machines, and it adds a whole new
dimension to the game. If you see that there is one I missed e-mail me and
tell me. Here it goes.

Act 1

In Act 1, they are Rogue scouts that you can hire. They can only be equipped
with a bow and armor and a helmet. You have a choice of fire, cold, or regular
arrows. They are hired from Kashya after you defeat Blood Raven. She will
give you one free, but you can also hire them from her if you want a better (or
worse) one. Keep in mind that their damage is if you don't equip them with a
bow. BTW, this is for Normal difficulty. If someone wants to e-mail me the
stats in Nightmare and
Hell, my e-mail is arminjewell@yahoo.com

Level: 3-10
Cost (Gold): 150-490
Damage: 1-3 or 2-4
Life: 30-60
Defense: 15-45
Special Attack: None/Fire Arrow/Cold Arrow

Act II

In Act II, you hire Barbarian/Paladin type people. Let's just say they are
hand-to-hand. They only use weapons in the spear class and in the polearm
class. You hire them from Griez at anytime. (Thanks to Sean Das for the

Level: 9-17
Cost (Gold): 300-700
Damage: 2-6 or 3-8
Life: 120-180
Defense: 25-60
Special Attack: None/Jab Attack/Poison Resistance Ability


In Act III, you can hire Iron Wolves. They are basically sorcerers that shoot
one of the elements. They are also equipped with a sword and shield for some
odd reason because they never use them. But you can equip them with a shield
for sure to block some things when they get into melee. You can hire them from
Asheara, and after one quest you can hire one for free.

Level: 15-26
Cost (Gold): 600-1285
Damage: 3-8 or 4-10
Life: 240-400
Defense: 80-150
Special Attack: None/Cold Spells/Lightning Spells/Fire Spells/Fast Cast

Act V

In Act V, you can hire Barbarians. You can't hire anyone from Act IV, so don't
e-mail me about it. They are hired from Qual-Kehk after you complete Quest 2
in Act V. I need someone to e-mail me the stats for Act V mercenaries please.

Here is some raw hireling data straight from the game thanks to Serg, and this
is for version 1.9.

Hireling SubType Id Class Act Dfclty Level Seller NameFirst
Rogue Scout Fire - Normal 0 271 1 1 3 150 merc01
Rogue Scout Fire - Normal 0 271 1 1 25 150 merc01
Rogue Scout Fire - Normal 0 271 1 1 49 150 merc01
Rogue Scout Ice - Normal 1 271 1 1 3 150 merc01
Rogue Scout Ice - Normal 1 271 1 1 25 150 merc01
Rogue Scout Ice - Normal 1 271 1 1 49 150 merc01
Rogue Scout Fire - Nightmare 2 271 1 2 25 150 merc01
Rogue Scout Fire - Nightmare 2 271 1 2 49 150 merc01
Rogue Scout Ice - Nightmare 3 271 1 2 25 150 merc01
Rogue Scout Ice - Nightmare 3 271 1 2 49 150 merc01
Rogue Scout Fire - Hell 4 271 1 3 49 150 merc01
Rogue Scout Ice - Hell 5 271 1 3 49 150 merc01
Desert Mercenary Comb-Normal 6 338 2 1 9 198 merca201
Desert Mercenary Comb-Normal 6 338 2 1 31 198 merca201
Desert Mercenary Comb-Normal 6 338 2 1 55 198 merca201
Desert Mercenary Def-Normal 7 338 2 1 9 198 merca201
Desert Mercenary Def-Normal 7 338 2 1 31 198 merca201
Desert Mercenary Def-Normal 7 338 2 1 55 198 merca201
Desert Mercenary Off-Normal 8 338 2 1 9 198 merca201
Desert Mercenary Off-Normal 8 338 2 1 31 198 merca201
Desert Mercenary Off-Normal 8 338 2 1 55 198 merca201
Desert Mercenary Comb-Nightmare 9 338 2 2 31 198 merca201
Desert Mercenary Comb-Nightmare 9 338 2 2 55 198 merca201
Desert Mercenary Def-Nightmare 10 338 2 2 31 198 merca201
Desert Mercenary Def-Nightmare 10 338 2 2 55 198 merca201
Desert Mercenary Off-Nightmare 11 338 2 2 31 198 merca201
Desert Mercenary Off-Nightmare 11 338 2 2 55 198 merca201
Desert Mercenary Comb-Hell 12 338 2 3 55 198 merca201
Desert Mercenary Def-Hell 13 338 2 3 55 198 merca201
Desert Mercenary Off-Hell 14 338 2 3 55 198 merca201
Eastern Sorceror Fire-Normal 15 359 3 1 15 252 merca222
Eastern Sorceror Fire-Normal 15 359 3 1 37 252 merca222
Eastern Sorceror Fire-Normal 15 359 3 1 61 252 merca222
Eastern Sorceror Cold-Normal 16 359 3 1 15 252 merca222
Eastern Sorceror Cold-Normal 16 359 3 1 37 252 merca222
Eastern Sorceror Cold-Normal 16 359 3 1 61 252 merca222
Eastern Sorceror Ltng-Normal 17 359 3 1 15 252 merca222
Eastern Sorceror Ltng-Normal 17 359 3 1 37 252 merca222
Eastern Sorceror Ltng-Normal 17 359 3 1 61 252 merca222
Eastern Sorceror Fire-Nightmare 18 359 3 2 37 252 merca222
Eastern Sorceror Fire-Nightmare 18 359 3 2 61 252 merca222
Eastern Sorceror Cold-Nightmare 19 359 3 2 37 252 merca222
Eastern Sorceror Cold-Nightmare 19 359 3 2 61 252 merca222
Eastern Sorceror Ltng-Nightmare 20 359 3 2 37 252 merca222
Eastern Sorceror Ltng-Nightmare 20 359 3 2 61 252 merca222
Eastern Sorceror Fire-Hell 21 359 3 3 61 252 merca222
Eastern Sorceror Cold-Hell 22 359 3 3 61 252 merca222
Eastern Sorceror Ltng-Hell 23 359 3 3 61 252 merca222
Barbarian 1hs-Normal 24 561 5 1 28 515 MercX101
Barbarian 1hs-Normal 24 561 5 1 42 515 MercX101
Barbarian 1hs-Normal 24 561 5 1 75 515 MercX101
Barbarian 1hs-Normal 25 561 5 1 28 515 MercX101
Barbarian 1hs-Normal 25 561 5 1 42 515 MercX101
Barbarian 1hs-Normal 25 561 5 1 75 515 MercX101
Barbarian 1hs-Nightmare 26 561 5 2 42 515 MercX101
Barbarian 1hs-Nightmare 26 561 5 2 75 515 MercX101
Barbarian 1hs-Nightmare 27 561 5 2 42 515 MercX101
Barbarian 1hs-Nightmare 27 561 5 2 75 515 MercX101
Barbarian 1hs-Hell 28 561 5 3 75 515 MercX101
Barbarian 1hs-Hell 29 561 5 3 75 515 MercX101

NameLast Gld Exp/Lvl HP HP/Lvl Defense Def/Lv Str Str/Lv Dex Dex/Lvl AR AR/Lvl
merc41 100 100 45 8 15 6 35 10 45 16 0 0
merc41 100 100 221 8 147 6 63 10 89 16 0 0
merc41 100 100 413 8 291 6 93 10 137 16 0 0
merc41 150 105 45 8 15 6 35 10 45 16 0 0
merc41 150 105 221 8 147 6 63 10 89 16 0 0
merc41 150 105 413 8 291 6 93 10 137 16 0 0
merc41 6000 110 185 8 130 6 60 10 84 16 0 0
merc41 6000 110 385 8 274 6 90 10 132 16 0 0
merc41 7500 115 185 8 130 6 60 10 84 16 0 0
merc41 7500 115 385 8 274 6 90 10 132 16 0 0
merc41 #### 120 369 8 257 6 87 10 127 16 0 0
merc41 #### 125 369 8 257 6 87 10 127 16 0 0
merca221 350 110 120 10 45 9 57 14 40 12 20 4
merca221 350 110 340 10 243 9 96 14 73 12 108 8
merca221 350 110 580 10 459 9 138 14 109 12 300 12
merca221 350 110 120 10 45 9 57 14 40 12 20 4
merca221 350 110 340 10 243 9 96 14 73 12 108 8
merca221 350 110 580 10 459 9 138 14 109 12 300 12
merca221 350 110 120 10 45 9 57 14 40 12 20 4
merca221 350 110 340 10 243 9 96 14 73 12 108 8
merca221 350 110 580 10 459 9 138 14 109 12 300 12
merca221 7900 120 302 10 201 9 92 14 69 12 98 8
merca221 7900 120 542 10 417 9 134 14 105 12 290 12
merca221 7900 120 302 10 201 9 92 14 69 12 98 6
merca221 7900 120 542 10 417 9 134 14 105 12 242 12
merca221 7900 120 302 10 201 9 92 14 69 12 98 8
merca221 7900 120 542 10 417 9 134 14 105 12 290 12
merca221 #### 130 504 10 375 9 130 14 101 12 280 12
merca221 #### 130 504 10 375 9 130 14 101 12 232 12
merca221 #### 130 504 10 375 9 130 14 101 12 280 12
merca241 1000 110 160 6 80 4 49 10 40 8 0 0
merca241 1000 110 292 6 168 4 77 10 62 8 0 0
merca241 1000 110 436 6 264 4 107 10 86 8 0 0
merca241 1500 120 160 6 80 4 49 10 40 8 0 0
merca241 1500 120 292 6 168 4 77 10 62 8 0 0
merca241 1500 120 436 6 264 4 107 10 86 8 0 0
merca241 1000 110 160 6 80 4 49 10 40 8 0 0
merca241 1000 110 292 6 168 4 77 10 62 8 0 0
merca241 1000 110 436 6 264 4 107 10 86 8 0 0
merca241 9500 120 273 6 151 4 73 10 58 8 0 0
merca241 9500 120 417 6 244 4 103 10 82 8 0 0
merca241 #### 130 273 6 151 4 73 10 58 8 0 0
merca241 #### 130 417 6 244 4 103 10 82 8 0 0
merca241 #### 120 273 6 151 4 73 10 58 8 0 0
merca241 #### 120 417 6 244 4 103 10 82 8 0 0
merca241 #### 130 398 6 227 4 99 10 78 8 0 0
merca241 #### 140 398 6 227 4 99 10 78 8 0 0
merca241 #### 130 398 6 227 4 99 10 78 8 0 0
MercX167 9000 120 288 12 180 7 101 15 63 10 150 6
MercX167 9000 120 456 12 278 7 128 15 81 10 234 6
MercX167 9000 120 852 12 509 7 190 15 123 10 432 9
MercX167 9000 120 288 12 180 7 101 15 63 10 150 6
MercX167 9000 120 456 12 278 7 128 15 81 10 234 6
MercX167 9000 120 852 12 509 7 190 15 123 10 432 9
MercX167 #### 130 421 12 263 7 125 15 76 10 214 6
MercX167 #### 130 817 12 494 7 187 15 118 10 412 9
MercX167 #### 130 421 12 263 7 125 15 76 10 214 6
MercX167 #### 130 817 12 494 7 187 15 118 10 412 9
MercX167 #### 140 788 12 479 7 184 15 113 10 392 9
MercX167 #### 140 788 12 479 7 184 15 113 10 392 9

Share Dmg-Min Dmg-Max Dmg/Lvl Resist Resist/Lv WType1 WType2 HireDesc DefaultCh
1 3 2 0 8 0 bow farw 75
1 7 9 4 44 7 bow farw 75
2 19 21 6 86 5 bow farw 75
1 2 3 0 8 0 bow carw 75
1 7 9 4 44 7 bow carw 75
2 19 21 6 86 5 bow carw 75
1 6 8 4 41 7 bow farw 75
2 18 20 6 83 5 bow farw 75
1 6 8 4 41 7 bow carw 75
2 18 20 6 83 5 bow carw 75
2 17 19 6 80 5 bow farw 75
2 17 19 6 80 5 bow carw 75
1 7 14 4 18 8 pole spear comb 30
3 18 25 6 62 7 pole spear comb 30
4 36 43 8 104 4 pole spear comb 30
1 7 14 4 18 8 pole spear def 30
3 18 25 6 62 7 pole spear def 30
4 36 43 8 104 4 pole spear def 30
1 7 14 4 18 8 pole spear off 30
3 18 25 6 62 7 pole spear off 30
4 36 43 8 104 4 pole spear off 30
3 16 23 6 59 7 pole spear comb 30
4 34 41 8 101 4 pole spear comb 30
3 16 23 6 59 7 pole spear def 30
4 34 41 8 101 4 pole spear def 30
3 16 23 6 59 7 pole spear off 30
4 34 41 8 101 4 pole spear off 30
4 32 39 8 98 4 pole spear comb 30
4 32 39 8 98 4 pole spear def 30
4 32 39 8 98 4 pole spear off 30
1 7 4 25 7 0 sword shield fire 10
3 12 18 4 64 7 sword shield fire 10
5 24 30 4 106 6 sword shield fire 10
1 7 4 25 7 0 sword shield cold 10
3 12 18 4 64 7 sword shield cold 10
5 24 30 4 106 4 sword shield cold 10
1 7 4 25 7 0 sword shield ltng 10
3 12 18 4 64 7 sword shield ltng 10
5 24 30 4 106 4 sword shield ltng 10
3 10 16 4 61 7 sword shield fire 10
5 22 28 4 103 4 sword shield fire 10
3 10 16 4 61 7 sword shield cold 10
5 22 28 4 103 4 sword shield cold 10
3 10 16 4 61 7 sword shield ltng 10
5 22 28 4 103 4 sword shield ltng 10
5 20 26 4 100 4 sword shield fire 10
5 20 26 4 100 4 sword shield cold 10
5 20 27 4 100 4 sword shield ltng 10
1 16 20 6 56 7 sword 50
1 27 31 8 81 7 sword 50
1 60 64 8 139 4 sword 50
1 16 20 6 56 7 sword 50
1 27 31 8 81 7 sword 50
1 60 64 8 139 4 sword 50
4 25 29 8 78 7 sword 50
4 58 62 8 136 4 sword 50
4 25 29 8 78 7 sword 50
4 58 62 8 136 4 sword 50
6 56 60 8 133 4 sword 50
6 56 60 8 133 4 sword 50

Skill1 Mode1 Chance1 Chance Level1 LvlPer Skill2 Mode2 Chance ChancePer
Inner Sight 4 10 1 10 Fire Arrow 4 25 2
Inner Sight 4 10 7 10 Fire Arrow 4 69 0
Inner Sight 4 10 14 10 Fire Arrow 4 69 0
Inner Sight 4 10 1 10 Cold Arrow 4 25 2
Inner Sight 4 10 7 10 Cold Arrow 4 69 0
Inner Sight 4 10 14 10 Cold Arrow 4 69 0
Inner Sight 4 10 6 10 Fire Arrow 4 69 0
Inner Sight 4 10 13 10 Fire Arrow 4 69 0
Inner Sight 4 10 6 10 Cold Arrow 4 69 0
Inner Sight 4 10 13 10 Cold Arrow 4 69 0
Inner Sight 4 10 12 10 Fire Arrow 4 69 0
Inner Sight 4 10 12 10 Cold Arrow 4 69 0
Jab 14 70 3 10 Prayer 1 10 0
Jab 14 136 10 10 Prayer 1 10 0
Jab 14 208 17 0 Prayer 1 10 0
Jab 14 70 3 10 Defiance 1 10 0
Jab 14 136 10 10 Defiance 1 10 0
Jab 14 208 17 0 Defiance 1 10 0
Jab 14 70 3 10 Blessed Aim 1 10 0
Jab 14 136 10 10 Blessed Aim 1 10 0
Jab 14 208 17 0 Blessed Aim 1 10 0
Jab 14 120 9 10 Thorns 1 10 0
Jab 14 192 16 0 Thorns 1 10 0
Jab 14 120 9 10 Holy Freeze 1 10 0
Jab 14 192 16 0 Holy Freeze 1 10 0
Jab 14 120 9 10 Might 1 30 0
Jab 14 192 16 0 Might 1 30 0
Jab 14 104 15 0 Prayer 1 20 0
Jab 14 104 15 0 Defiance 1 20 0
Jab 14 104 15 0 Blessed Aim 1 20 0
Inferno 7 60 6 10 Fire Ball 7 30 0
Inferno 7 60 13 10 Fire Ball 7 30 0
Inferno 7 60 20 0 Fire Ball 7 30 0
Glacial Spke 7 60 1 5 Frozen Armor 7 1000 0
Glacial Spke 7 60 5 5 Frozen Armor 7 1000 0
Glacial Spke 7 60 9 0 Frozen Armor 7 1000 0
Charged Bolt 7 60 4 5 Lightning 7 30 0
Charged Bolt 7 60 8 5 Lightning 7 30 0
Charged Bolt 7 60 12 0 Lightning 7 30 0
Inferno 7 60 12 10 Fire Ball 7 30 0
Inferno 7 60 19 0 Fire Ball 7 30 0
Glacial Spke 7 60 4 5 Frozen Armor 7 1000 0
Glacial Spke 7 60 8 0 Frozen Armor 7 1000 0
Charged Bolt 7 60 7 5 Lightning 7 30 0
Charged Bolt 7 60 11 0 Lightning 7 30 0
Inferno 7 60 18 0 Fire Ball 7 30 0
Glacial Spke 7 60 7 0 Frozen Armor 7 1000 0
Charged Bolt 7 60 10 0 Lightning 7 30 0
Bash 5 15 4 10 Stun 5 15 0
Bash 5 50 9 10 Stun 5 50 0
Bash 5 75 20 0 Stun 5 75 0
Bash 5 15 4 10 Stun 5 15 0
Bash 5 50 9 10 Stun 5 50 0
Bash 5 75 20 0 Stun 5 75 0
Bash 5 50 8 10 Stun 5 50 0
Bash 5 75 19 0 Stun 5 75 0
Bash 5 50 8 10 Stun 5 50 0
Bash 5 75 19 0 Stun 5 75 0
Bash 5 70 18 0 Stun 5 70 0
Bash 5 70 18 0 Stun 5 70 0

Level2 LvlPerLvl Skill3 Mode3 Chance3 ChancePer Level3 LvlPerLvl
1 10
7 10
14 10
1 10
7 10
14 10
6 10
13 10
6 10
13 10
12 10
12 10
3 10
10 10
18 0
3 10
10 10
18 0
3 10
10 10
18 0
9 10
17 0
9 10
17 0
8 10
16 10
16 0
16 0
15 0
4 10
11 10
18 10
2 10 Ice Blast 7 240 0 6 10
9 10 Ice Blast 7 240 0 13 10
16 0 Ice Blast 7 240 0 20 0
3 10
10 10
17 10
10 10
17 10
8 10 Ice Blast 7 240 0 12 10
15 0 Ice Blast 7 240 0 19 0
9 10
16 10
16 0
15 0 Ice Blast 7 240 0 18 0
15 10
3 8
7 8
16 0
3 8
7 8
16 0
6 8
15 0
6 8
15 0
14 0
14 0

Head Torso Weapon Shield
2 1 2 0
2 1 2 0
2 1 2 0
2 1 2 0
2 1 2 0
2 1 2 0
2 1 2 0
2 1 2 0
2 1 2 0
2 1 2 0
2 1 2 0
2 1 2 0
2 2 2 0
2 2 2 0
2 2 2 0
2 2 2 0
2 2 2 0
2 2 2 0
2 2 2 0
2 2 2 0
2 2 2 0
2 2 2 0
2 2 2 0
2 2 2 0
2 2 2 0
2 2 2 0
2 2 2 0
2 2 2 0
2 2 2 0
2 2 2 0
2 2 2 1
2 2 2 1
2 2 2 1
2 2 2 1
2 2 2 1
2 2 2 1
2 2 2 1
2 2 2 1
2 2 2 1
2 2 2 1
2 2 2 1
2 2 2 1
2 2 2 1
2 2 2 1
2 2 2 1
2 2 2 1
2 2 2 1
2 2 2 1
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0


< < < 7.0 Bestiary > > >


Here is a list of all of the monsters in the game. Thanks to the Brady Games
strategy guide for most of this information. If I missed any monsters or there
is incorrect information, please e-mail me with them and I will give you

7.1 Regular Monsters
These are the ones you see all the time in the game. I will give you a table
to show their stats. The format will be as follows. You read the table
across. (BTW - I probably won't get around to doing this for a while, but this
is what I am aiming for.

Monster Name

Special Attacks:
Hit Point Range:
Found In
Attack Damage
Attack Rating
% to Block
Damage Resistance
Fire Resistance
Lightning Resistance
Cold Resistance
Poison Resistance
Magic Resistance

Variants are the different types of that monster like the skeleton has variants
called Returned and Horror, which are different types of skeletons. Everything
else is pretty much self-explanatory and if you don't get it after the first
few ones then you can e-mail me and I will try to clarify things up for you.
BTW, in the resistances, it got to be too long to fit, so I made some
abbreviations. Also in the special attacks, those also got kind of long, so if
they are kind of long and you see an abbreviation, look underneath the name of
the monster to see what it stands for. The stats for the variants are
corresponding to their place in their listing. Obviously, Norm stands for
normal and
Night stands for Nightmare.


Diablo 2 Monsters

In other words, the expansion monsters have their own section. Lucky them.


Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Skeleton P None 6-9 Act I/II
Returned P None 9-21 Act I/II
Bone Warrior C/P None 9-30 Act I/II
Burning Dead F/P/PH None 11-30 Act II
Horror M/L/P None 30-45 Act II/III

General Strategy: Super easy. If you have trouble with these guys, go back and
train your character. Either go up and hit them or shoot them. Only
difficulty is that they can dodge your ranged attacks if they are moving.

Difficulty Rating: 1.1


Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Zombie P None 5-9 Act I
Hungry Dead P None 7-13 Act I
Ghoul C/P None 28-51 Act I
Drowned Carcass F/P/D None 47-58 Act III
Plague Bearer M/P Poison 39-69 Act II

General Strategy: Again very easy. A little tougher in hand to hand with it,
but still it is too easy. For ranged attacks, even if they are moving, it will
hit them since they are so slow. A cinch to defeat.

Difficulty Rating: 1.5

SLG=Shoots Lightning Globe

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Afflicted L SLG 28-40 Act I
Tainted L SLG 26-37 Act I
Misshapen L SLG 13-19 Act I
Disfigured L SLG 20-28 Act II
Damned L SLG 60-84 Act IV

General Strategy: Not too tough, can be a problem if they gang up on you
though. The main thing is that you want to go hand to hand with them. Their
lightning packs a powerful punch and it is MUCH easier hand to hand. They are
sort of like baboon demons with lightning.

Difficulty Rating: 4

Blood Hawk

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Foul Crow None None 2-5 Act I
Blood Hawk None None 3-6 Act I
Black Raptor P None 7-15 Act II
Cloud Stalker F/L None 8-18 Act III

General Strategy: These little critters would be super easy if they didn't have
their charge attack. But they are still easy. They can be annoying because
they charge at you and it hurts quite a bit, and they run away before you can
hit them. Then they charge, and run away.
But, if you are ranged, you won't have this problem :).

Difficulty Rating: 2


Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Fallen None None 1-3 Act I
Carver None None 3-7 Act I
Devilkin None None 3-9 Act I
Dark One None None 5-12 Act I
Warped One All None 10-25 Act III

General Strategy: Another easy opponent. They also gets very annoying,
especially in the Den of Evil quest. Whenever they "see" you kill someone,
they run away in fear. Chasing one can be very tiresome, and one could be
lying in the shadows in the Den of Evil and make you search for it. But still,
low health and weak attacks make this guy easy in hand to hand, and very easy
with ranged attacks.

Difficulty Rating: 2


Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Gargantuan Beast None None 9-15 Act I
Brute None None 18-29 Act I
Yeti C None 29-47 Act I
Crusher M None 57-92 Act II
Wailing Beast M/F None 42-87 Act III

General Strategy: These guys are big and strong...and super slow. If you are
ranged, then these guys are super easy. If not, then you might want to be kind
of fast, so it doesn't get a chance to attack you. Its attacks however, are
weak and don't complement his slowness very well.
Easy as pie.

Difficulty Rating: 2.5

Baboon Demon

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Dune Beast None None 41-57 Act II
Jungle Hunter None None 45-63 Act III
Doom Ape None None 49-69 Act III
Temple Guard None None 53-75 Act III

General Strategy: These guys are sort of strong and sort of fast.
They, essentially, are mediocre. They only become a problem when there is a 7
or 8 of them, and there is usually only 4 or 5 of them. Just attack them
normally and move on. Don't use any specific strategy. You can use ranged
attacks, melee attacks, magic spells, anything, just kill them. But remember,
don't take these guys TOO lightly, or you will be sorry.

Difficulty Rating: 4

Sand Raider
FSH=Flaming Sword Hits

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Sand Raider None FSH 38-59 Act II
Marauder None Cold Charge 48-76 Act II
Invader None FSH 51-80 Act II
Infidel None Cold Charge 61-96 Act III
Assailent None FSH 72-113 Act III

These guys are again mediocre; just don't get surrounded by them. Just attack
them with your strongest attack or your regular attack and move on. Not much
else can be said except to watch out for their cold and fire attacks. Again,
they can be a problem so don't take them too lightly.

Difficulty Rating: 4.5


Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Ghost M/P/Ph Drains Mana 14-28 Act I
Wraith M/P/Ph Drains Mana 19-38 Act I
Specter P/Ph Drains Mana 34-69 Act II
Apparation P/Ph Drains Mana 36-72 Act II
Dark Shape P/Ph Drains Mana 41-82 Act III

General Strategy: Can be a real pain in the butt. They have two attacks. One
is a pretty damaging attack that does damage to your health. Second of all,
they have an attack that is red. It hooks on to you if it hits you and drains
your mana. It drains a lot of mana. Try to fight them one at a time because
they can get nasty. They also have lots of resistances, which makes it even

Difficulty Rating: 7

Corrupt Rogue

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Dark Hunter None None 4-7 Act I
Vile Hunter None None 8-13 Act I
Dark Stalker None None 12-20 Act I
Black Rogue None None 13-22 Act I
Flesh Hunter Ph None 26-43 Act III
Dark Spear Woman None None 6-9 Act I
Vile Lancer None None 11-16 Act I
Dark Lancer None None 16-24 Act I
Black Lancer None None 16-24 Act I
Flesh Lancer None None 34-52 Act III

General Strategy: Not hard at all. Let them charge after you so you can kill
them easily that way. They are only a problem if there are at least 8 of them,
and then their combined damage can be quite a lot.
Otherwise, you should be fine.

Difficulty Rating: 2


Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Moon Clan None None 12-17 Act I
Night Clan None None 17-21 Act I
Blood Clan None None 19-23 Act I
Death Clan M/F None 26-32 Act I
Hell Clan F None 46-57 Act II

General Strategy: Pretty hard actually. If you are ranged they are so much
easier since they have pretty strong melee attacks. They also have pretty good
range since they have long poleaxes. But you should be able to take them out
if you are a strong melee person.

Difficulty Rating: 5

Fallen Shaman
FB=Fire Bolt

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Fallen Shaman F Raises Fallen/FB 4-7 Act I
Carver Shaman F Raises Carver/FB 9-15 Act I
Devilkin Shaman F Raises Devilkin/FB 13-22 Act I
Dark Shaman F Raises Dark/FB 16-26 Act I
Warped Shaman F/M Raises Warped/FB 32-45 Act III

General Strategy: Kill them first. They always come with a group of some type
of Fallen. Kill the Shaman first so he can't raise the Fallen that you kill.
There are two exceptions. One is if you kill the Fallen by freezing them so
they shatter, they can't be regenerated.
Also if you are a Necromancer, when you raise their corpse, and they are
killed, then the Shamans cannot raise them either. Their fire bolts are very
easy to dodge by the way.

Difficulty Rating: 2.5

Spike Fiend

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Quill Rat None None 1-4 Act I
Spike Fiend None None 3-11 Act I
Thorn Beast None None 4-16 Act I
Razor Spine None None 4-17 Act I
Jungle Urchin None None 8-33 Act III

General Strategy: A very easy opponent. The spikes that they shoot out barely
ever hit you. They also have very low health, so anything can beat them. Just
kill them. They are not hard.

Difficulty Rating: 1

Sand Maggot
LE/SP=Lays Eggs/Spits Poison

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Sand Maggot None LE/SP 49-59 Act II
Rock Worm None LE/SP 50-62 Act II
Devourer None LE/SP 56-69 Act II
Giant Lamprey None LE/SP 61-75 Act III
Blood Maggot None LE/SP 78-96 Act IV

General Strategy: These guys can be annoying. They shoot poison at you and
even if you have resistances or poison length reducers, it stays there forever.
But it doesn't hurt you much. They are pretty easy to kill otherwise, their
physical attacks are weak, and they have high hit points.

Difficulty Rating: 5

Claw Viper
FCA=Freezing Charge Attack

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Tomb Viper None FCA 16-26 Act II
Claw Viper C FCA 21-34 Act II
Salamander C FCA 25-41 Act II
Pit Viper C/P FCA 27-45 Act II
Serpent Magus M/C/P FCA 30-49 Act III

General Strategy: These guys are good. They have a devastating charge that can
actually freeze you so you cannot move. Luckily I had a mercenary there when
that happened. They have very strong attacks, and move pretty quickly. Their
only weakness is ranged attacks.

Difficulty Rating: 7.5

Sand Leaper

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Sand Leaper None None 20-58 Act II
Cave Leaper None None 21-62 Act II
Tomb Creeper F None 23-69 Act II
Tree Lurker L/F None 28-85 Act III
Cliff Lurker L/F/Ph None 37-111 Act IV

General Strategy: These guys are very annoying. They are fast and hard to hit.
They can leap over you and hit you on the otherside as soon as they land. What
I try to do if I am melee is hit them when they land.
Usually you have a little bit of poison damage from charms or whatnot.
So they leap in the air poisoned and they die in mid-air because of the poison.
If you are ranged, do the same thing except shoot them.

Difficulty Rating: 4

Panther Woman

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Huntress None None 17-29 Act II
Sabre Cat None None 18-31 Act II
Night Tiger None None 21-34 Act II
Hell Cat None None 23-38 Act II
Slinger None None 15-25 Act II
Spear Cat None None 17-29 Act II
Night Slinger None None 20-33 Act II
Hell Slinger None None 21-34 Act II

General Strategy: The melee panther women are very easy because they are like
corrupt rogues. The slingers however get very annoying. They either throw
poison clouds or spears, and they can both hurt you plenty. Try to find them
and kill them first.

Difficulty Rating: 5

*=The reason there are two itchies is that one has a resistance to physical
attacks and the other one doesn't.

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Itchies None Drains Stamina 7-15 Act II
Itchies* Ph Drains Stamina 7-15 Act II
Black Locust Ph Drains Stamina 8-16 Act II
Plague Bugs Ph Drains Stamina 9-19 Act II

General Strategy: Pretty easy. They don't do much damage, and their hit points
are low. They are resistant to physical attacks, which makes it a little
harder. They always come in packs. Usually, after you kill a pack that
surrounded you, you find yourself with barely any health lost and half your
stamina gone which is okay.

Difficulty Rating: 2.5

Scarab Demon

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Dung Soldier None Defend with Sparks 20-33 Act II
Death Beetle None Defend with Sparks 23-38 Act II
Scarab None Defend with Sparks 24-40 Act II
Steel Scarab None Defend with Sparks 27-44 Act II
Bone Scarab None Defend with Sparks 32-53 Act III

General Strategy: These guys can be a pain in the ass. Whenever you attack
them, charged bolts fly out of them like they are lightning enchanted, but they
don't have the resistances. This can be real trouble. Beware of these guys.

Difficulty Rating: 6


Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Dried Corpse P Poison 19-44 Act II
Decayed P Poison 22-50 Act II
Embalmed P Poison 26-59 Act II
Preserved Dead P Poison 29-65 Act II/III
Cadaver P Poison 30-68 Act III

General Strategy: These guys are basically like zombies, but when they die they
leave behind a harmful cloud of poison. That's the only difference. So

Overall Difficulty Rating: 1.5

Greater Mummy
PC/UB=Poison Cloud/Unholy Bolt

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Hollow One P PC/UB 62-75 Act II
Guardian P PC/UB 69-85 Act II
Unraveller P PC/UB 74-92 Act II
Horadrum Ancient P PC/UB 82-120 Act II/III

General Strategy: Do the same thing as for a shaman. It raises skeletons, so
kill it first so it can't raise skeletons. It has some pretty good attacks
otherwise, but nothing to worry about. They are Act II's version of a fallen

Difficulty Rating: 5

Vulture Demon

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Carrion Bird None None 20-32 Act II
Undead Scavenger None None 21-34 Act II
Hell Buzzard None None 26-43 Act III
Winged Nightmare None None 31-51 Act III

General Strategy: These guys can be annoying. They are actually pretty strong.
If they were smart enough they would fly away as soon as the hit you, but they
don't they wait so you can hit them. What you should do is try to dodge them
as they land. You can't hit them in the air. They are the most vulnerable
after they try to hit you and miss. So hit them then.

Difficulty Rating: 5.5

Mosquito Demon
DM&S=Drains Mana and Stamina

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Sucker None DM&S 8-41 Act III
Feeder None DM&S 9-45 Act III

General Strategy: Real easy. They could be a challenge, but there is usually
only one or two of them at a time, so it isn't difficult and overwhelming, like
the Wraiths. Just kill them with any attacks.

Difficulty Rating: 2


Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Gloom L/Ph Drains Mana 19-38 Act III
Swamp Ghost L/Ph Drains Mana 21-41 Act III
Burning Soul L/Ph Drains Mana 24-46 Act IV
Black Soul L/Ph Drains Mana 25-50 Act IV

General Strategy: These guys can get annoying. They can attack youfrom off the
screen with a lightning spell. Their weakness is that if you move towards
them, they teleport right to you to drain your mana.
Keep in mind that you can hit them when they are invisible. You can kind of
see their shadow when they do that also, so it will be easy from there. It is
especially damaging when there are a lot of them.

Difficulty Rating: 6.5

Evil Spiders

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Arach None Spins Web 37-46 Act I
Poison Spinner None Spins Web 66-84 Act III
Flame Spider None Spins Web 69-88 Act III
Spider Magus None Spins Web 75-95 Act III

General Strategy: These guys are pretty mediocre. They have pretty damaging
attacks, but it is held back by how slow they are. I have never actually seen
them spin a web, so I don't know what it does.
They are mediocre.

Difficulty Rating: 5

Thorned Hulk

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Thorned Hulk None Stun 67-109 Act III
Bramble Hulk None Stun 70-114 Act III
Thrasher None Stun 73-119 Act III
Spike Fist None Stun 85-138 Act IV

General Strategy: Exactly like Wendigos except they have a stun attack.
They are slow, with lots of health, and a strong attack. Pick them off, or
kill them fast in hand-to-hand.

Difficulty Rating: 4

SL/C/F=Steals Life/Cold/Fire

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Banished C/Ph SL/C/F 40-55 Act I
Ghoul Lord C/Ph SL/C/F 61-84 Act II
Night Lord C/Ph SL/C/F 64-88 Act III
Dark Lord C/Ph SL/C/F 70-96 Act III
Blood Lord C/Ph SL/C/F 76-105 Act III

General Strategy: These guys can be hard. Usually they come with a bunch of
other guys, and they stand in the back shooting at you or casting Fire Wall at
your feet. They have a good amount of health at the beginning acts, but it
evens out later. They are difficult to defeat and can kill you fast.

Difficulty Rating: 8

Bat Demon

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Desert Wing None Shocking Hit 14-48 Act I
Fiend None Shocking Hit 18-56 Act III
Gloom Bat None Shocking Hit 19-66 Act III
Blood Diver None Shocking Hit 21-72 Act III
Dark Familiar None Shocking Hit 24-84 Act III

General Strategy: These guys are okay. It helps tremendously if you are ranged
because they perch up on the "ceiling" so you can't hit them with any attacks,
but they come down periodically by themselves, or if you come up to them they
usually come down to attack you. They also have an extremely short viewing
range, so you can attack them from far away without them noticing. The only
hard part is that they have a very strong shocking attack, and if there is a
bunch of them, your health will fall quickly.

Difficulty Rating: 3.5


Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Rat Man None Blow Darts 14-24 Act I
Fetish None Blow Darts 28-47 Act III
Flayer None Blow Darts 30-49 Act III
Soul Killer None Blow Darts 31-51 Act III
Stygian Doll None Blow Darts 32-53 Act III

General Strategy: These guys are good for how little they are. They can hurt
you a lot in melee, and their darts hurt a lot also. There is no good way to
kill them, just use good attacks and kill them. They are very annoying.

Difficulty Rating: 6

Corrupt Archer

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Dark Ranger None None 10-14 Act I
Vile Archer None None 12-17 Act I
Dark Archer None None 16-23 Act I
Black Archer None None 21-31 Act I
Flesh Archer Ph None 40-58 Act III

General Strategy: Pretty easy, just when there are a lot of them itgets
annoying. Especially in caves, they bunch up, and you can't see them, but you
see arrows flying at you. That sucks. But really low health and damage make
it easy.

Difficulty Rating: 3.5

Skeleton Archer

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Skeleton Archer P None 9-19 Act I
Corpse Archer P None 14-28 Act I
Bone Archer P/C None 14-28 Act I
Burning Dead Archer F/P Fire Arrows 21-42 Act II
Horror Archer L/M/P Lightning Arrows 28-57 Act II

General Strategy: A little easier than the rogue archers, but the higher-level
variants shoot elemental arrows, so they sting a little more. But their health
is so low, they can't pose too much of a challenge.

Difficulty Rating: 2.5

Sand Maggot Young

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Sand Maggot Young None None 7-22 Act II
Rock Worm Young None None 8-23 Act II
Devourer Young None None 8-26 Act II
Giant Lamprey Young None None 9-28 Act III
Blood Maggot Young None None 12-36 Act IV

General Strategy: The easiest things ever. But they do come in numbers that
grow quickly, and their attacks are a force to reckon with. But their health
is soooo low it doesn't matter. I mean, Act IV with 12 health? They are too

Difficulty Rating: 2


Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Blunderbore None Knockback Attack 41-73 Act II
Gorbelly None Knockback Attack 45-81 Act II
Mauler None Knockback Attack 45-81 Act II
Urdar All Knockback Attack 62-111 Act IV

General Strategy: They are big, tough strong, knock you back, and can kill you
in a couple of hits kind of people. But they are sooo slow they can't hit you.
They are like the Wendigos but upgraded and with knockback.

Difficulty Rating: 5


Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Zakarumite None None 52-69 Act III
Faithful None None 57-75 Act III
Zealot None None 62-82 Act III

General Strategy: These guys are basically warriors. They are mediocre. They
have mediocre attacks, speed, defense, health etc.
Just attack them with whatever.

Difficulty Rating: 6


Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Swamp Dweller None Spits Fireballs 57-75 Act III
Bog Creature None Spits Fireballs 60-79 Act III
Slime Prince None Spits Fireballs 62-82 Act III

General Strategy: Just kill them. They aren't that tough and their fireballs
don't do much damage at all. They have considerably health, but that nothing
to worry about. They are too easy to kill, and they look cool when they die.

Difficulty Rating: 4

CL/M/T/B=Chain Lightning/Meteor/Teleport/Blizzard

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Sexton None CL/M/T/B 54-72 Act III
Cantor None CL/M/T/B 60-79 Act III
Heirophant None CL/M/T/B 65-86 Act III

General Strategy: These guys are a real pain-in-the-ass. They have some strong
attacks and they can cast them from where you can't see them. This doesn't
bode well, especially with Blizzard. You can be standing around looking at
your inventory, when you all of a sudden die from a blizzard attack. They are
very dangerous. They make a certain noise when you come close to them, and
that's how you can beat them.
But once you hear it, you must look around for that guy or he will tear you
apart. He is so weak in hand to hand, he is easy to kill after you find him.
Proceed with caution.

Difficulty Rating: 8


Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Water Watcher None None 49-65 Act III
River Stalker None None 54-72 Act III
Stygian Watcher None None 60-79 Act III

General Strategy: These guys are real easy. They don't attack and you should
bother attacking them. You should not that they only appear in swamps and you
can attack these usually by projectile attacks but sometimes hand to hand.
Don't even attack these guys since if you kill the tentacle head the tentacles
will die as well.

Difficulty Rating: 1


Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Water Watcher None Spits Poison 49-65 Act III
River Stalker None Spits Poison 54-72 Act III
Stygian Watcher None Spits Poison 60-79 Act III

General Strategy: These guys can get annoying especially if you can't shoot any
attacks. That is the only way you can attack them. Also, they spit some
pretty strong poison that can hurt you pretty bad. Beware of these guys. The
worst part is that if you have many guys attacking you and this guy is shooting
poison at you at the same time, it gets ugly.

Difficulty Rating: 6.5

Skeleton Mage

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Returned Mage None Poison 10-15 Act II
Bone Mage None Cold 12-16 Act II
Burning Dead Mage None Lightning 14-20 Act II
Horror Mage None All 17-23 Act II

General Strategy: These guys are easy, but they usually bring strength in
numbers. In other words, one bolt is easy to dodge, 30 is pretty hard to
dodge. But if you can single them out, they become much easier and then you
can kill them easily.

Difficulty Rating: 4

Fetish Shaman

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Fetish Shaman None Raises Fetish/I 30-49 Act III
Flayer Shaman None Raises Flayer/I 31-51 Act III
Soul Killer Shaman None Raises Soul Killer/I 32-52 Act III

General Strategy: These guys can get annoying and they can cause some serious
damage. Do not get close without killing them; they will hurt you BADLY with
their inferno. Once you think you kill them, they just become another Fetish.
Easily solved by clicking twice on the guy instead of once. But be careful
around these guys cause you can die pretty easy if you aren't careful.

Difficulty Rating: 7

Finger Mage
HM/DM=Homing Missiles/Drains Mana

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Doom Caster F/L HM/DM 57-81 Act IV
Strangler F/L HM/DM 60-84 Act IV
Storm Caster F/L HM/DM 62-87 Act IV

General Strategy: These guys are your average tough guys. They have pretty
high health and pretty strong attacks and such, but I don't have much to say
for them. Just kill them anyway possible. Just try not to use fire or
lightning (hence the resistances).

Difficulty Rating: 6.5


Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Corpulent None Eats and spits corpses 57-81 Act IV
Corpse Spitter None Eats and spits corpses 60-84 Act IV
Maw Fiend None Eats and Spits corpses 62-87 Act IV

General Strategy: These guys are pretty tough, but their main idea is that they
will find a dead anything, eat it and spit it back at you in a fireball type
attack. It has HUGE damage. They rarely spit them at you, but when they do
they hurt. Otherwise they are a cinch.

Difficulty Rating: 7

Undead Horror

Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Doom Knight All None 57-81 Act IV
Abyss Knight All All 60-84 Act IV
Oblivion Knight All Bone Spirit/Curses 62-87 Act IV

General Strategy: These are the hardest guys, I think, in the game.
They are the hugest pain in the ass and they can make you die in a couple of
seconds. They have so many curses and they can give you amplify damage and hit
you with a bone spirit and you are dead. My advice is run away whenever you
get a curse, even if you don't know what it is. Then when it is gone, try to
kill the other guys first, then the knights, and you will have more success
beating them.

Difficulty Rating: 10!


Variants Resistance Special Attacks Hit Point Range Found In
-------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------
Balrog Fire Inferno 57-81 Act IV
Pit Lord Fire Inferno 60-84 Act IV
Venom Lord F/P Inferno 62-87 Act IV

General Strategy: These guys are tough; they usually have high health and are
fast and strong. Only thing that I don't get is why they don't use their
inferno more often. Oh well! That puts you at an advantage, so quickly kill
them before they have a chance to use their inferno.

Difficulty Rating: 8.5

7.2 Diablo 2 Super Unique Monsters

These are really the bosses and mini-bosses of the game for just acts 1-4. The
format will be a little different, because I don't know their hit points and
resistances. They obviously don't have a variant. But otherwise the table is
the same. Also, the unique monsters have special qualities.
I will show you a table of those qualities and what it does to the monsters.

Attribute Effect
--------- ------
EXTRA STRONG | Min. Damage x3, Max. Damage x3, To Hit Plus 25%
EXTRA FAST | Unique & Pack get Velocity increase; Attack Rate x2
MAGIC RESISTANCE | Resist All 75% (Fire, Cold, Lightning, and Poison)
CURSE | 50% hits, an Amplify Damage curse on attacker
FIRE ENCHANTED | Fire Min. + (Min. Damage), Fire Max. +
| (Max. Damage), x2 To Hit, Fire Resist 75%
COLD ENCHANTED | Cold Min. + (Min. Damage), Cold Max. + (Max.
| Damage), To Hit x2, Cold Resist 75%
LTNG. ENCHANTED | Ltng. Min. + (Min. Damage), Ltng. Max + (Max.
| Damage), To Hit x2, Ltng. Resist 75%
MANA BURN | Mana Min. + (Min. Damage x4), Mana Max.
| + (Max Damage x4), To Hit x2, Magic Resist 75%
SPECTRAL HIT | Fire, Ltng., & Cold Resist 20%; To Hit x2 (Random
| Fire, Cold, Ltng., Magic & Poison do element hit) +
| (Min. Damage) + (Max. Damage)
STONE SKIN | Damage Resist 80%, AC x3
MULTI-SHOT | Two more missiles of the same type are shot
TELEPORT | (Health <33%) or (Ranged monster & someone is
| close); Teleport if (Health <33%) add +25% of Max.
| Hit Points to Health
AURA ENCHANTED | At level 2 (Holy Fire or Holy Freeze or Holy
| Shock); at level 4 (Might or Thorns, or Conviction
| or Fanaticism)
THEIVING | Monster steals potions out of the Belt (potions
| drop down to proper slot)
POISON STRIKE | Hit poisons target
POISON CLOUD | Damages and poisons like the Poison Javelin skill
FIRE ARROW | Damages like the Fire Arrow skill

Whew. Okay, now here are those bosses!!


Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Poison Strike, Poison Cloud Act I, Monastery

General Strategy: Okay, first of all you should be around level 16 when you
fight her. When you enter the room she is in, there are two small alcoves to
the side that have guys in them. Kill them FIRST. Andariel won't see you until
you start walking up the carpet. Make sure you have plenty of potions and
antidotes. Equip the antidotes to the third slot. Now, if you are a melee
attacker, it will be MUCH MUCH simpler to defeat her. Basically just attack
her. A good way to attack her without her attacking you is to lure her towards
your mercenary. Sure, it was going to die anyway so at least you can get a few
hits on it. Once the mercenary dies, keep on attacking and using those
potions. For ranged attackers, you will have to use the hit and run technique.
She will always charge after you so attack her until she gets close, then run
away. It will take longer, but you will not get hurt if you do it right.
Eventually she will die, she has a lot of hit points so prepare for a long

Difficulty Rating: 7 out of 10

Bishibosh (Fallen Shaman)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Magic Resistance, Fire Enchanted Act I, The Cold Plains

General Strategy: He would be easy if he was alone, but can be a problem
because of all the other fireballs from the minion Shamans. He can raise dead
Shamans, so your best bet is to try to kill him first.
Try to go around the outside of the little encampment around to him, so you can
kill him quickly without all his other buddies realizing it.

Difficulty Rating: 3.5 out of 10

Bonebreak (Skeleton)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Extra Strong, Magic Resistant Act I, The Crypt

General Strategy: Basically just kill him like any other guy, he might take 3
hits instead of one like the other skeletons, and be is nothing special, just
kill him.

Difficulty Rating: 2 out of 10

Blood Raven (Corrupt Rogue Archer)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Fire Arrow Act I, The Burial Grounds

General Strategy: The first mini-boss of the game. She really wakes you up
from what is an easier first part of the game. She is pretty hard if you
aren't strong enough. You must ignore all of the zombies and skeletons that
are surrounding her, because she just raises more. But, I haven't tried this
out yet, but if you kill her minions, while she is in the motion of raising her
new minions, you could attack her. You need fast reflexes for this and you
almost MUST be ranged. It would be very hard to do it when you attack melee.
Anyway, if you are melee, the easiest way is to lead her into a corner and just
beat on her while she stands there helplessly. If you are ranged, you need to
attack her at the same time that she attacks you. When she attacks you she
stands still, so attack her with several clicks then dodge her attacks. She
will die in no time.

Difficulty Rating: 4 out of 10

Coldcrow (Dark Ranger)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Cold Enchanted Act I, The Cave

General Strategy: This shouldn't be too difficult. Just kill everyone like you
would a normal guy. It shouldn't take more than 2 or 3 hits to kill her;
usually it only takes one good hit.

Difficulty Rating: 2 out of 10

Rakanishu (Carver)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Lightning Enchanted, Extra Fast Act I, The Stony Field

General Strategy: Just kill him. This would be one of the easiest unique
monsters, but he is lightning enchanted so it is a little bit more difficult.
Hopefully you can kill him in one hit, if not you need help.

Difficulty Rating: 1.5 out of 10

Treehead Woodfist (Brute)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Extra Strong, Extra Fast Act I, The Dark Woods

General Strategy: This guy can get a little tough. With him and his minions,
the easiest way is to single them out, because otherwise they can gang up on
you can really lay it one the line. So just force them one by one and you
should be fine.

Difficulty Rating: 3 out of 10

Griswold (From Diablo)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Cursed Act I, Tristram

General Strategy: It doesn't get much simpler than this. He is the slowest
monster in the entire game, no understatement. Just use your speed and range
to take care of him fast. The only problem is his large amount of hit points.

Difficulty Rating: 1.5 out of 10

The Countess (Dark Stalker)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Fire Enchanted Act I, Forgotten Tower-Level 5

General Strategy: She can get pretty tough if you kind of take it too
carefully. She has a mean Fire Wall, and she is definitely not afraid to use
it. If you are ranged, this can get tough, but if you are melee she is toast.
The best thing to do is keep moving so she can't plant that firewall right
under you.

Difficulty Rating: 5 out of 10

Pitspawn Fouldog (Tainted)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Cursed, Cold Enchanted Act I, Jail Level 2

General Strategy: This guy has just some minions with him. They are in general
not the easiest monsters, so beware and be careful not to take them too
lightly, because they can kill you. If you find yourself dying, take cover and
have them chase you one by one.

Difficulty Rating: 3.5 out of 10

Flamespike the Crawler (Razor Spine)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Cursed, Fire Enchanted Act I, Inner Cloister

General Strategy: This is just a regular monster with minions, so just go ahead
and kill him. Just kill the monster and his minions, and you should be fine.
It should only take a couple of hits.

Difficulty Rating: 2 out of 10

Bone Ash (Burning Dead Mage)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Extra Strong, Cold Enchanted, Act I, Cathedral
Magic Resistant

General Strategy: This guy can be annoying. By cold enchanted he is also
immune to cold, so tough luck if you are a sorceress that is into that. He
shoots poison at you, something new for this act, and it should be taken with
caution. Beware, but he isn't that hard to kill with maybe 3 or 4 hits.

Difficulty Rating: 4 out of 10

The Smith (Special Type of Monster)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Extra Strong Act I, Barracks

General Strategy: This is basically an over exaggerated form of Griswold. He
is extremely strong and slow, and he also has tons and tons of hit points. I
would suggest killing the other guys around him first before you kill him,
because they can easily get in the way. He shouldn't be that much trouble, but
make sure you run away if things get messy.

Difficulty Rating: 4 out of 10

Corpsefire (Zombie)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Spectral Hit Act I, The Den of Evil

General Strategy: This is the first unique monster in the entire game!! He
usually acts like the first one as well. He is very easy and might be little
trouble killing him because he has a fair amount of health points for your
lower levels that you are when you kill him. He can put on a little bit more
speed as well, but that shouldn't cause you that much trouble.

Difficulty Rating: 2 out of 10

Radament (Greater Mummy)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Extra Fast Act II, The Sewers Level 3

General Strategy: This should be the first "boss" of this new act, and he isn't
one to take lightly. He can definitely pack a punch so beware. He has all the
same properties of a Greater Mummy, so he will revive his massive army. What
you have to do, like when fighting Blood Raven, sift through all the guys and
get to him, and kill him as fast as possible so the other guys will die. When
he dies, he sends out a force that kills all the guys in the area. This
shouldn't be too difficult, but still be cautious.

Difficulty Rating: 4 out of 10

Bloodwitch the Wild (Huntress)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Extra Strong, Cursed Act II, Halls of the Dead Level 3

General Strategy: This is just like any unique monster, except it appears all
the time. Nothing much can be said about this except that you should just
attack her like you would normally a monster.

Difficulty Rating: 3 out of 10

Fangskin (Salamander)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Lightning Enchanted, Extra Fast Act II, Claw Viper Temple Level 2

General Strategy: Now even though this guy is not a "boss" per say, but it is a
pretty difficult enemy. He has all of the properties of a Salamander with the
Freezing attack, and it is Lightning Enchanted. This can get messy, but stick
with him and chip away until he is dead.

Difficulty Rating: 4 out of 10

Beetleburst (Sand Warrior)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Magic Resistant Act II, Far Oasis

General Strategy: This is just a regular unique monster that appears every
time, but he is not very easy to me. Especially for melee attackers, it might
take a couple potions to heal your self from the constant lightning hitting
you. Just be carefully, and you should bea this guy in no time.

Difficulty Rating: 3.5 out of 10

Coldworm the Burrower (Sand Maggot Queen)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Cold Enchanted, Magic Resistant Act II, Maggot Lair Level 3

General Strategy: This is not your every day Sand Maggot. As it says, it is a
Queen, making her a little bit bigger. No, it makes her a lot bigger. This
thing is humongous. It has some pretty hefty attacks as well, but it doesn't
attack that often anyway. It is immune to cold as well, as be aware of that.
Just keep pounding away at her health points and eventually she will die.

Difficulty Rating: 4 out of 10

Fire Eye (Invader)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Fire Enchanted, Extra Fast Act II, Palace Cellar Level 3

General Strategy: This guy shouldn't be too difficult; he is just a regular
invader with a little more health. The best way to kill him is to do whatever
you usually do and kill him. Not much else to it.

Difficulty Rating: 2.5 out of 10

Dark Elder (Plague Bearer)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Extra Fast, Magic Resistant Act II, Lost City

General Strategy: This is another monster that is just a little bit harder than
usual, about 3 times as hard. Beware of the poison that they leave behind
after you kill them, because it usually stays with you for a while.

Difficulty Rating: 3 out of 10

The Summoner (Special Enemy Type)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Extra Strong, Extra Fast Act II, Arcane Sanctuary

General Strategy: This is a one-of-a-kind monster, and he is one of the hardest
enemies to face if you are ranged, and relatively one of the easiest for melee
attackers. The only thing he can do is cast spells, and he has fairly low
health. Usually with a good melee attacker you should kill him in one solid
hit. For ranged attackers keep moving nd shooting at him until he dies.

Difficulty Rating: 4.5 out of 10

Ancient Kaa the Soulless (Unraveler)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Magic Resistant, Extra Strong, Act II, Tal Rasha's Tomb
Lightning Enchanted

General Strategy: This guy can get a little bit tough. If he was alone with
his minions it would be easier, but since he also has his minions, it gets even
tougher. Oh, did I mention the Lightning Enchanted part of this argument?
This guy is tough, just keeping chipping away, until he is dead. I believe you
have to kill him first also because I think he can revive his minions.

Difficulty Rating: 4.5 out of 10

Creeping Feature (Decayed)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Extra Strong, Cold Enchanted Act II, Stony Tomb Level 2

General Strategy: This is just a regular guy to kill. He definitely isn't
difficult at all; just beware of his posthumous poison. Kill him like any
other decayed you see.

Difficulty Rating: 3 out of 10

Duriel (Durance of Hate)

Special Attacks Found In
--------------- --------
Stun, Knockback, Demonic Chill Act II, Tal Rasha's Chamber

General Strategy: Well we are halfway to the big papa! This guy provides a
slight relief for ranged attackers, and a big challenge for melee attackers.
For ranged attackers, hit and run once again. You will find that for a big guy
he has incredible closing speed, especially in this small area. Keep running
all the time (maybe some stamina potions?) and once in a while lay a hit on
him. He has a tremendous amount of hit points, so this is going to take a
while, but you will survive. With the melee attackers, you better bring some
potions. :) This will test your character fully and hard. When he attacks you,
you will get slowed down, making it even harder to survive. Even though cold
resistance won't work (Demonic chill, not cold chill) thawing potions will
still work, so invest in some of those to gain the upper hand again. Tough it
out, don't be afraid to use Town Portals to save your self. Eventually you
will prevail.

Difficulty Rating: 7 out of 10

Witch Doctor Endugu (Soul Killer Shaman)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Magic Resistant, Fire Enchanted Act III, Flayer Dungeon Level 3

General Strategy: This guy can get a little tough. He is fire immune, just
though you should know. Since he is unique his flame does more damage, and his
minions also do more damage. This can get tough, especially if they surround
you. You will die faster than you can say "That hurts." The best way again is
to use normal strategy but pick them apart and beat them one by one.

Difficulty Rating: 5.5 out of 10

Stormtree (Thrasher)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Extra Fast, Lightning Enchanted Act III, Lower Kurast

General Strategy: This normally wouldn't be hard, and it really isn't, but it
is lightning enchanted. Blizzard isn't going easy on you are they? Just
defeat him like you normally would and if you find yourself in trouble then
just back off and regain your health and go back at it.

Difficulty Rating: 4.5 out of 10

Battlemaid Sarina (Flesh Hunter)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Extra Fast, Spectral Hit Act III, Ruined Temple

General Strategy: This is just your average, run-of-the-mill unique monster, if
that isn't an oxymoron. Anyway, all you do is just beat her like any other
enemy, she just has more health, speed, and strength.

Difficulty Rating: 4 out of 10

Icehawk Riftwing (Gloom Bat)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Cold Enchanted, Teleportation Act III, Sewers Level 1

General Strategy: This is definitely not hard, and should be one of the easiest
you will fast in this act, second easiest to be exact. Beware of his lightning
attack, which can get pretty strong, but he should be dead before he has a
chance to attack you with it. He will teleport, so be aware of that as well.

Difficulty Rating: 3.5 out of 10

Sszark the Burning (Flame Spider)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Extra Strong, Cursed Act III, Spider Cavern

General Strategy: To put it simply, this is the easies unique monster in Act
III, so take advantage of that and just cream him. Seriously, just beat him
like any other monster and he will dead flat in no time at all.

Difficulty Rating: 3 out of 10

Ismail Vilehand (Council Member)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Extra Fast, Cursed Act III, Travincal

General Strategy: For all the Council Members, the strategy is really the same.
Single them out and destroy them. They cannot cast spells, I believe, but they
can pack a punch, and it takes a while to kill them. If you take them one at a
time, they should be all dead in no time, with you victorious and living.

Difficulty Rating: 5 out of 10

Geleb Flamefinger (Council Member)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Extra Strong, Fire Enchanted Act III, Travincal

General Strategy: For all the Council Members, the strategy is really the same.
Single them out and destroy them. They cannot cast spells, I believe, but they
can pack a punch, and it takes a while to kill them. If you take them one at a
time, they should be all dead in no time, with you victorious and living.

Difficulty Rating: 5 out of 10

Toorc Icefist (Council Member)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Cold Enchanted, Stone Skin Act III, Travincal

General Strategy: For all the Council Members, the strategy is really the same.
Single them out and destroy them. They cannot cast spells, I believe, but they
can pack a punch, and it takes a while to kill them. If you take them one at a
time, they should be all dead in no time, with you victorious and living.

Difficulty Rating: 5 out of 10

Wyland Voidfinger (Council Member)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Mana Burn, Teleportation Act III, Durance of Hate Level 3

General Strategy: For all the Council Members, the strategy is really the same.
Single them out and destroy them. They cannot cast spells, I believe, but they
can pack a punch, and it takes a while to kill them. If you take them one at a
time, they should be all dead in no time, with you victorious and living.

Difficulty Rating: 5 out of 10

Maffer Dragonhand (Council Member)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Extra Fast, Teleportation, Act III, Durance of Hate Level 3
Extra Strong

General Strategy: For all the Council Members, the strategy is really the same.
Single them out and destroy them. They cannot cast spells, I believe, but they
can pack a punch, and it takes a while to kill them. If you take them one at a
time, they should be all dead in no time, with you victorious and living.

Difficulty Rating: 5 out of 10

Bremm Sparkfist (Council Member)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Aura Enchanted, Lightning Enchanted Act III, Durance of Hate Level 3

General Strategy: For all the Council Members, the strategy is really the same.
Single them out and destroy them. They cannot cast spells, I believe, but they
can pack a punch, and it takes a while to kill them. If you take them one at a
time, they should be all dead in no time, with you victorious and living.

Difficulty Rating: 5.5 out of 10

Mephisto (Lord of Hate)

Special Attacks Found In
--------------- --------
Lightning Bolts, Poison, Act III, Durance of Hate Level 3
Charged Bolts

General Strategy: Okay, one more before you get to the big cheese! When you
first enter the room, you will notice that there are many guys to kill. I
would definitely advise in killing off the three council members and their
minions, otherwise fighting Mephisto would be even harder. Once they are all
dead, go ahead and attack Mephisto. For ranged-based characters, this is going
to be a lot like fighting Andariel. You will have much more trouble with this
guy than lets say Duriel. Try to dodge as many of his attacks as you can and
employ the hit and run method to stay alive and eventually beat him. Don't be
afraid to use Town Portals. For melee attackers, this guy is actually easy for
an Act finishing boss. Mephisto is weak in this category and he usually
doesn't run away, so he is at your mercy. I hope I haven't done this, but
don't take him for granted, if anything be over prepared for your battle. He
should go down in no time.

Difficulty Rating: 8.5 out of 10

Helphasto The Armorer (Overlord)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Aura Enchanted, Extra Strong, Act IV, River of Flame
Cursed, Magic Resistant

General Strategy: This is basically like the Smith's big brother. He
definitely packs a punch, but what makes him even harder is the countless
enemies surrounding him that will beat on you. This makes it a little bit more
difficult, so keep your focus and I would suggest killing the guys around him
first, then concentrate on the big prize.

Difficulty Rating: 6 out of 10

Infector of Souls (Venom Lord)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Extra Fast, Spectral Hit Act IV, Chaos Sanctuary (sealed)

General Strategy: It's getting down to the last few monsters. This is one of
the seal monsters, so obviously it is going to be a test for you. Just stay
calm and fight; this is the easiest one of the three sealed monsters.
Eventually you will prevail just by your good character with the good attacks
finishing them all off.

Difficulty Rating: 7 out of 10

Grand Vizier of Chaos (Storm Caster)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Extra Fast, Thieving, Aura Enchanted Act IV, Chaos Sanctuary (sealed)

General Strategy: This guy got a rare .25 rating because he was right in
between the other two sealed monsters. This guy doesn't raise too many
eyebrows, but he is certainly a force to be dealt with. Be carefully
especially of his thieving ability, so kill him before he gets the chance.
These guys are difficult, but they are just appetizers for what is coming up.
Defeat them like you would any monster, but still be careful and don't under
estimate them.

Difficulty Rating: 7.25 out of 10

Lord De Seis (Oblivion Knight)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Extra Fast, Thieving, Aura Enchanted Act IV, Chaos Sanctuary (sealed)

General Strategy: This guy can be a real big pain in the ass. (Sorry for the
language!) He is most definitely the most difficult of the three sealed
monsters. He can really send you back crying if you are not careful. Like all
Oblivion knights, their main objective is to attack you with spells like
Amplify Damage, then come at you with spells like Bone Spirit. Be extremely
cautious, and pick of his minions one by one until he is done.

Difficulty Rating: 7.5 out of 10

Diablo (Lord of Terror)

Special Attacks Found In
--------------- --------
Lightning Inferno, Flame Circle, Act IV, Chaos Sanctuary
Cold Tough, Fire Wall,
Bone Prison, Charge Attack

General Strategy: Well, this is it!! Well, almost it anyway. There isn't
anything that Diablo is bad at. Absolutely nothing. He is strong in ranged
and melee attacking, and he will definitely drive your character to the limit.
One thing to note for all characters is that if you Town Portal, we will NOT
gain health back. Only if you die and try again with out saving and quitting,
will he be restored to full health. There is so much strategy to cover, that I
need to put it into sections. I will put it into characters, so you have
specific strategy for each character. I will generalize and put the most
common way that the character is used for the strategy. If you need individual
help on a special kind of character, e-mail me and I will do my best. Anyway,
with out further ado here it is!

ASSASSIN: For all hand to hand characters, you must do what you normally do,
but with a lot of potions. I would suggest either Super healing, or
rejuvenation potions. Keep in mind that rejuvenation potions heal you
instantly, while the regular healing potions take a little while. Keep hacking
away at him; it will be hard to hit him, until he does this special ritual
every time before he launches Lightning Inferno. Now usually it is okay to
take it, but this attack HURTS, and it hurts bad, so back off when he does
that. Otherwise, just keeping hacking away and dodging the magic and
eventually he will fall. For the Assassin, make use of the charge and
finishing technique well, it will kill Diablo much faster. I don't think I
would bring any mana potions, just rejuvenation potions will do the trick.
Good luck!

AMAZON: For all ranged attackers, this will be another hit and run session.
You also need many potions and for many of the ranged attacker, mana is
important. Still, I would bring solely rejuvenation potions, cause ultimately
your health will be lower than 100% almost 100% of the time you fight him.
Just dodge most of his attacks and keep firing away, slowly but surely he will
fall. For the Amazon, keep launching those javelins, arrows, or bolts at him,
and make sure you dodge his biggest attacks. Eventually, like all other
opponents, he will die. Good luck!

BARBARIAN: For all hand to hand characters, you must do what you normally do,
but with a lot of potions. I would suggest either Super healing, or
rejuvenation potions. Keep in mind that rejuvenation potions heal you
instantly, while the regular healing potions take a little while. Keep hacking
away at him; it will be hard to hit him, until he does this special ritual
every time before he launches Lightning Inferno. Now usually it is okay to
take it, but this attack HURTS, and it hurts bad, so back off when he does
that. Otherwise, just keeping hacking away and dodging the magic and
eventually he will fall. For the Barbarian, this will be an all out hack fest.
Just keep hacking away and using potions when needed. Make sure that you have
your standard attack as your best attack, and keep at least one row of
rejuvenation potions to replenish your mana if needed, until he falls. Good

DRUID: For all hand to hand characters, you must do what you normally do, but
with a lot of potions. I would suggest either Super healing, or rejuvenation
potions. Keep in mind that rejuvenation potions heal you instantly, while the
regular healing potions take a little while. Keep hacking away at him; it will
be hard to hit him, until he does this special ritual every time before he
launches Lightning Inferno. Now usually it is okay to take it, but this attack
HURTS, and it hurts bad, so back off when he does that. Otherwise, just
keeping hacking away and dodging the magic and eventually he will fall. For
the druid, make sure you have enough mana to keep your werewolf/werebear up and
enough to run your specialized attacks. Just keep hacking away with your
specialized power or strength until he falls. Good luck!

NECROMANCER: For all ranged attackers, this will be another hit and run
session. You also need many potions and for many of the ranged attacker, mana
is important. Still, I would bring solely rejuvenation potions, cause
ultimately your health will be lower than 100% almost 100% of the time you
fight him. Just dodge most of his attacks and keep firing away, slowly but
surely he will fall. For the Necromancer either keep enough mana up for your
minions or for your spells. This should be easier than the sorceress because
he isn't resistant to magic as much as fire and lightning. Good luck!

PALADIN: For all hand to hand characters, you must do what you normally do, but
with a lot of potions. I would suggest either Super healing, or rejuvenation
potions. Keep in mind that rejuvenation potions heal you instantly, while the
regular healing potions take a little while. Keep hacking away at him; it will
be hard to hit him, until he does this special ritual every time before he
launches Lightning Inferno. Now usually it is okay to take it, but this attack
HURTS, and it hurts bad, so back off when he does that. Otherwise, just
keeping hacking away and dodging the magic and eventually he will fall. For
the Paladin, make sure you have enough mana to keep your auras up and to run
your attacks, and you should do just fine. Good luck!

SORCERESS: For all ranged attackers, this will be another hit and run session.
You also need many potions and for many of the ranged attacker, mana is
important. Still, I would bring solely rejuvenation potions, cause ultimately
your health will be lower than 100% almost 100% of the time you fight him.
Just dodge most of his attacks and keep firing away, slowly but surely he will
fall. For the sorceress, turning on your Thunder Storm will supply good damage
to him as well as your normal attack. He will eventually go down so stick with
it and don't be afraid to duck out if you are in trouble. There really isn't
much else needed to say here, but good luck!

Difficulty Rating: 10 out of 10

7.1 Expansion Pack Regular Monsters

These are monsters that only appear in Act V.

Baal's Minion Type

Variants Resistance Hit Point Range
-------- ---------- ---------------
Enslaved None 805-1006
Ice Boar None 855-1069
Slayer None 830-1038
Fire Boar None 868-1084
Hell Spawn None 880-1100
Ice Spawn None 880-1100
Greater Hell Spawn None 880-1100
Greater Ice Spawn None 880-1100

General Strategy: These are the standard guys that you will see throughout the
Act. They are the main minions in Baal's army, so he didn't make them too
easy. For their small size they are actually pretty difficult, but these guys
should be a test to you. If you are having trouble killing these guys, you
shouldn't be in Act V.

Difficulty Rating: 6.5 out of 10

Baal's Minion Type #2

Variants Resistance Hit Point Range
-------- ---------- ---------------
Minion of Destruction None ?????

General Strategy: These guys are big, strong and pretty darn mean. Their
attacks do come down slow, but they definitely come down HARD. Beware with
these guys, the best way to defeat them is to shoot them from far away as they
are pretty slow, or to use speed against them so they are not able to attack.
They only appear in the Throne of Destruction.

Difficulty Rating: 9 out of 10

Demon Imp

Variants Resistance Hit Point Range
-------- ---------- ---------------
Demon Gremlin None 274-451
Demon Imp None 282-465
Demon Trickster None 286-472
Demon Rascal None 295-486
Demon Rogue None 299-493

General Strategy: I really hate these little buggers. These are little guys
who teleport around shooting firebolts at you. Now granted, the firebolts are
weak, but when there is enough of them, which there usually are, they can
seriously hurt you. They are pretty intelligent and they know when to
teleport, but the key to beating them is to beat them to their teleportation
spot. Be patient with these guys, it can get frustrating, but in the end you
should prevail.

Difficulty Rating: Alone: 2 out of 10
Groups: 8 out of 10

Reanimated Horde

Variants Resistance Hit Point Range
-------- ---------- ---------------
Reanimated Horde Poison 498-747
Rat Walker Poison 483-725
Prowling Dead Poison 513-770
Unholy Corpse D/F/P 528-792
Defiled Warrior M/P 528-792

General Strategy: These guys are basically the skeletons of Act V. Although,
they are a little bit different. They carry, actually drag, these humongous
swords to hit you with. They become slower and easier as a result, but if you
do get hit by their sword, it does hurt. Just don't take them too lightly and
you should be fine.

Difficulty Rating: 6.5 out of 10

Siege Beast

Variants Resistance Hit Point Range
-------- ---------- ---------------
Siege Beast None 1760
Crush Beast None 1760
Blood Bringer None 1760

General Strategy: These guys don't attack. Seriously they don't. Funny thing
is, is that they can only attack with Demon Imp's on them, literally, and
breathing huge flames of fire. So in essence I will only rate these guys with
Demon Imps on their head. What you want to do is prevent the Demon Imps from
getting on the Siege Beasts by killing them before they can get on them. That
is the easiest way to kill them.

Difficulty Rating: Alone: 0 out of 10
W/Demon Imp: 7.5 out of 10


Variants Resistance Hit Point Range
-------- ---------- ---------------
Overseer None 1660
Lasher None 1685
Overlord None 1735
Blood Boss None 1760
Hell Whip None 1760

General Strategy: These guys are basically like Shamans, they resurrect undead
enemies. They also have some poison attacks of their own. All in all, it is
fair to say that you need to kill all of these guys before you deal with the
rest of the crowd. They can get a little annoying with their poison, but it
isn't too bad.

Difficulty Rating: 8 out of 10


Variants Resistance Hit Point Range
-------- ---------- ---------------
Catapult-Fire None N/A
Catapult-Poison None N/A
Catapult-Cold None N/A

General Strategy: I decided to put these in here to at least let you know about
them. There are three different kinds of catapults. They are ones that shoot
cold, fire, and poison. The only way to defeat them is to go up to them and
attack them. The difficult part is to figure out where they are.

Difficulty Rating: 5 out of 10

Putrid Defiler

Variants Resistance Hit Point Range
-------- ---------- ---------------
Putrid Defiler F/L/C/P 513-855
Retched Defiler F/L/C/P 528-880
Fetid Defiler F/L/C/P 528-880
Rancid Defiler F/L/C/P 528-880
Rank Defiler F/L/C/P 528-880

General Strategy: These guys are easy as pie. I'm not quite sure what they do
to tell you the truth. They usually end up running away, but I think that they
are some sorts of regeneration monster. Anyway, they are easy to defeat and
that is all there is too it.

Difficulty Rating: 4 out of 10


Variants Resistance Hit Point Range
-------- ---------- ---------------
Succubus None 409-654
Vile Temptress None 421-674
Stygian Harlot None 428-684
Hell Temptress None 440-704
Blood Temptress None 440-704

General Strategy: These guys are the true definition of strength in numbers. I
don't think I have ever seen one of these by itself. Many times, it comes in
clumps from all around the room. They shoot magic attacks at you, which are
generally not too damaging but they can add up. These guys aren't really that
hard but a lot of hem can overwhelm you a bit, so be careful.

Difficulty Rating: 7.5 out of 10

Stygian Fury

Variants Resistance Hit Point Range
-------- ---------- ---------------
Siren None 409-654
Vile Witch None 421-674
Stygian Fury None 428-684
Blood Witch None 440-704
Hell Witch None 440-704

General Strategy: These guys are a lot like the Succubus, except that these
guys come up and physically attack you. Again, I don't think that I have ever
seen these guys alone, so they always come in numbers. These guys' attacks can
be fairly damaging. So be aware, and just attack them to their demise.

Difficulty Rating: 8 out of 10


Variants Resistance Hit Point Range
-------- ---------- ---------------
Snow Drifter M/C 880-1056
Abominable Cold 880-1056
Chilled Froth Cold 880-1056
Frozen Abyss Cold 880-1056

General Strategy: These guys are much like the big guys from every act. They
are extremely slow, they hit hard, and they are relatively easy to defeat.
They are now snow...things so be aware of their resistances. Otherwise, speed
or distance should do the trick in defeating these guys the easiest.

Difficulty Rating: 7 out of 10

Suicide Minion

Variants Resistance Hit Point Range
-------- ---------- ---------------
Fanatic Enslaved Fire 161-242
Berserker Slayer Fire 166-249
Consumed Fire Boar Fire 171-257
Consumed Ice Boar Fire 174-260
Frenzied Hell Spawn Fire 176-264
Frenzied Ice Spawn M/F 176-264
Insane Hell Spawn M/F 176-264
Insane Ice Spawn Fire 176-264

General Strategy: These guys are suicide bombers in a sense. They run up to
you stop and explode, creating some hefty damage to you. The best and easiest
way to defeat them is to either attack them from far away, or let them come up
to you and wait a second, then run so that they are situated and ready to
explode where you left them.

Difficulty Rating: 6 out of 10

Frozen Horror

Variants Resistance Hit Point Range
-------- ---------- ---------------
Frozen Creeper Cold 1320-1760
Frozen Terror Cold 1320-1760
Frozen Scourge Cold 1320-1760
Frozen Horror Cold 1320-1760
Frozen Scorch Cold 1320-1760

General Strategy: There are now two guys that are big and attack with a lot of
force. These guys are harder however, because they can breathe ice breath,
slowing you down, and making it harder for you to kill them. These guys can be
pains in the butt, but they aren't that tough. Kill them before they unleash
their breath and you will be fine.

Difficulty Rating: 8 out of 10

Blood Lord

Variants Resistance Hit Point Range
-------- ---------- ---------------
Moon Lord None 1245-1660
Night Lord None 1283-1710
Blood Lord None 1301-1735
Hell Lord None 1320-1760
Death Lord None 1320-1760

General Strategy: These guys are not fun. They are the ones that cast those
nasty spells on you like in the previous act. They cast spells like Amplify
Damage, then they go to work on you or the people with them go to work on you.
Just kill these guys as soon as possible, to make the rest of the battle

Difficulty Rating: 8.5 out of 10

Death Mauler

Variants Resistance Hit Point Range
-------- ---------- ---------------
Death Mauler None 531-654
Death Brawler None 556-684
Death Slasher None 572-704
Death Berserker None 572-704
Death Brigadier None 572-704

General Strategy: These guys appear pretty easy from the outset. All they do
is go up to and slash, as it would appear. The worst part is that they can
attack you from far away, and it is far more deadly as well. They stick their
claws into the ground and they come up and attack you from underground. It is
very damaging, and killing them first or second is recommended to stay alive.
Not to be messed around with.

Difficulty Rating: 8 out of 10

Pain Worm

Variants Resistance Hit Point Range
-------- ---------- ---------------
Pain Worm None 286-472
Torment Worm None 291-479
Agony Worm None 295-486
Menace Worm None 299-493
Anguish Worm None 299-493

General Strategy: These guys are not that hard, they appear after you kill an
enemy and a Putrid Defiler revives them into these, they are just the remnants
of monsters and they are super easy to defeat, just remember that they do

Difficulty Rating: 3 out of 10

7.2 Diablo 2 Expansion Super Unique Monsters

These are really the bosses and mini-bosses of the game for just act 5. The
format will be a little different, because I don't know their hit points and
resistances. They obviously don't have a variant. But otherwise the table is
the same. Also, the unique monsters have special qualities.
I will show you a table of those qualities and what it does to the monsters.

Attribute Effect
--------- ------
EXTRA STRONG | Min. Damage x3, Max. Damage x3, To Hit Plus 25%
EXTRA FAST | Unique & Pack get Velocity increase; Attack Rate x2
MAGIC RESISTANCE | Resist All 75% (Fire, Cold, Lightning, and Poison)
CURSE | 50% hits, an Amplify Damage curse on attacker
FIRE ENCHANTED | Fire Min. + (Min. Damage), Fire Max. +
| (Max. Damage), x2 To Hit, Fire Resist 75%
COLD ENCHANTED | Cold Min. + (Min. Damage), Cold Max. + (Max.
| Damage), To Hit x2, Cold Resist 75%
LTNG. ENCHANTED | Ltng. Min. + (Min. Damage), Ltng. Max + (Max.
| Damage), To Hit x2, Ltng. Resist 75%
MANA BURN | Mana Min. + (Min. Damage x4), Mana Max.
| + (Max Damage x4), To Hit x2, Magic Resist 75%
SPECTRAL HIT | Fire, Ltng., & Cold Resist 20%; To Hit x2 (Random
| Fire, Cold, Ltng., Magic & Poison do element hit) +
| (Min. Damage) + (Max. Damage)
STONE SKIN | Damage Resist 80%, AC x3
MULTI-SHOT | Two more missiles of the same type are shot
TELEPORT | (Health <33%) or (Ranged monster & someone is
| close); Teleport if (Health <33%) add +25% of Max.
| Hit Points to Health
AURA ENCHANTED | At level 2 (Holy Fire or Holy Freeze or Holy
| Shock); at level 4 (Might or Thorns, or Conviction
| or Fanaticism)
THEIVING | Monster steals potions out of the Belt (potions
| drop down to proper slot)
POISON STRIKE | Hit poisons target
POISON CLOUD | Damages and poisons like the Poison Javelin skill
FIRE ARROW | Damages like the Fire Arrow skill

Whew. Okay, now here are those bosses!!

* = Act V final monsters

Dac Farren (Demon Imp)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Cold Enchanted Bloody Foothills (middle)

General Strategy: This is your first unique monster of the expansion, and they
start you out nice and slow. This guy definitely isn't tough at all, well
compared to other enemies of the same kind. Just kill all of them like you
normally would. It might get a little more frustrating because it should take
more than one hit, but stick with it and he will die.

Difficulty Rating: 6 out of 10

Shenk the Overseer (Overseer)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Extra Strong Blood Foothills (end)

General Strategy: This is a unique monster that you need to kill for a quest,
the first quest naturally. He can get a little difficult, especially because
he is surrounded by what looks like hundreds of guys (but really isn't) and he
can be hard to get to. What's worse is that he is surrounded by mostly Suicide
Minions. Just try to get as close to him as possible and defeat him. The
easiest thing to do, which is kind of weird, is to let your mercenary do all of
the work. He is on a little bit of an upslope and you should have a shooting
mercenary. He can just fire away, and you too if you are ranged, until you
kill Shenk.

Difficulty Rating: 7 out of 10

Eldritch the Rectifier (Baal's Minion)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Extra Fast Frigid Highlands (beginning)

General Strategy: This guy is very easy. All you have to do is kill him like
the countless other minions that you have killed. The only difference is that
he might take 2 instead of 1, or 3 instead of 2. Just use your normal strategy
and he will die.

Difficulty Rating: 7 out of 10

Thresh Socket (Siege Beast)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Cursed Frigid Highlands (middle)

General Strategy: Be careful with these guys. He alone wouldn't be that tough,
but with a bunch of them around you blowing fire at you, it can get pretty darn
dangerous, so watch yourself. Just try to isolate them, as they are pretty
slow, and take them out then. So you know, their flame can only last a certain
amount of time before the imp has to take a break, and that is your chance to

Difficulty Rating: 7.5 out of 10

Eyeback the Unleashed (Death Mauler)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Extra Strong, Extra Fast Frigid Highlands (end)

General Strategy: This guy is pretty difficult, but all in all he is just a
little bit more tough than the average Death Mauler. Remember that his attacks
include one that hurts you from far away, and especially with him being extra
strong, they will hurt extra badly. Just don't take him for granted.

Difficulty Rating: 7.5 out of 10

Sharptooth Slayer (Overseer)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Extra Fast Arreat Plateau by Crystalline Passage

General Strategy: This shouldn't be too difficult. All you need to do is make
sure you kill him before he makes too many frenzied or suicide minions. He has
some friends, but he shouldn't pose too much of a threat. If the difficulty
seems a little high, I'm comparing them to Act I and Act II monsters.

Difficulty Rating: 7.5 out of 10

Frozenstein (Abominable)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Cold Enchanted, Mana Burn Frozen River

General Strategy: First off, he is immune to cold. He is basically like the
big oaf in all the acts that is slow, big, and hurts a lot. In the case he
hurts even more, especially with his minions with him. Be careful and don't
get in too deep, back out often and hurt them one by one till they all drop
including Mr. Frozenstein.

Difficulty Rating: 8 out of 10

Bonesaw Breaker (Reanimated Horde)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Undead, Extra Strong, Glacial Trail
Magic Resistant

General Strategy: This is too easy. This can't get much easier for a super
unique monster in the final act of the game, can it? Again, just kill him like
you would any monster, and you will be just fine. It might take another hit,
but you will survive.

Difficulty Rating: 7 out of 10

Snapchip Shatter (Frozen Horror)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Extra Strong Ice Cellar

General Strategy: This guy is much like Frozenstein, he does a lot of damage,
and is pretty slow, but what makes him 0.25 harder is that he breathes out a
chilling air that slows you down and hurts you, which levels the playing field
a little too much. These guys can get tough, and guerilla tactics are not out
of the question here. Do what you can and defeat him, the best advice I have
is to isolate them one by one and kill them that way.

Difficulty Rating: 8.25 out of 10

Pindleskin (Reanimated Horde)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Undead, Fire Enchanted Entrance to Nihlathak's Temple

General Strategy: This guy is another easy Reanimated Horde super unique
monster. Just kill him like you normally would, and his minions are even
easier to boot. Just destroy this monster like you would any other monster,
but with a few extra hits.

Difficulty Rating: 7 out of 10

Nihlathak (Special)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Teleport, Corpse Explosion, Halls of Vaught
Arctic Blast, Summon Baal's Minions

General Strategy: This is a boss that many people have trouble with. He is a
Necromancer, so that is why he is able to do so many things. To start off,
there are two options. Either ignore the minions that he raises, and just go
after him, or you can kill all of the minions, then go after him quick enough
that he won't raise any minions. I have had success both ways, so you decide
that. The advantage of ignoring the minions is that it will totally take the
Corpse Explosion out of his arsenal, making him far less deadly. That is
really his only strength, but it is a huge one. Once you pick your strategy
stick with it and attack him like you normally would. Be patient, and
eventually he will fall.

Difficulty Rating: 8.5 out of 10

Talic (Barbarian)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Whirlwind Arreat Summit

General Strategy: I will write a general strategy for all three of these guys,
then a sentence or two about each one. The difficulty rating is for all three
of them together, because that is how you have to fight them. This is also the
only battle in the entire game where you have to stay there for the whole
fight; otherwise they regain their health. The best way again is to take them
one by one. Use your strengths to take them down. The best way is to bind
them up, making them just try to get an attack on you. Do the best you can and
definitely have your mercenary help you out. For Talic, just back away when he
does the Whirlwind, then attack right after, because he is vulnerable at that

Difficulty Rating: 9 out of 10

Madawc (Barbarian)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Shout, Double Throw Arreat Summit

General Strategy: I will write a general strategy for all three of these guys,
then a sentence or two about each one. The difficulty rating is for all three
of them together, because that is how you have to fight them. This is also the
only battle in the entire game where you have to stay there for the whole
fight; otherwise they regain their health. The best way again is to take them
one by one. Use your strengths to take them down. The best way is to bind
them up, making them just try to get an attack on you. Do the best you can and
definitely have your mercenary help you out. For Madawc, let him throw, but
attack right after to catch him at a bad time. The same goes for Shout, and
you can even attack him while he is shouting I think.

Difficulty Rating: 9 out of 10

Korlic (Barbarian)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Leap Attack Arreat Summit

General Strategy: I will write a general strategy for all three of these guys,
then a sentence or two about each one. The difficulty rating is for all three
of them together, because that is how you have to fight them. This is also the
only battle in the entire game where you have to stay there for the whole
fight; otherwise they regain their health. The best way again is to take them
one by one. Use your strengths to take them down. The best way is to bind
them up, making them just try to get an attack on you. Do the best you can and
definitely have your mercenary help you out. For Korlic, just try to avoid the
Leap Attack by moving around a lot, but it is still hard to dodge. I would
focus on killing him first, because Leap Attack can really get in the way. The
best time to attack is right after he does a Leap Attack, because he is
vulnerable for a second afterwards.

Difficulty Rating: 9 out of 10

Colenzo the Annihilator (Fallen Shaman)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Fire Enchanted Throne of Destruction

General Strategy: This first set of minions that Baal summons are obviously the
easiest of the five. The order changes around a little bit but for now it is
in order. These are just like normal, except it comes with a bunch of other
Shamans, and no Fallen. So basically, they are toast, just pick them off one
by one until they all die.

Difficulty Rating: 6 out of 10

Achmel the Cursed (Greater Mummy)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
None Throne of Destruction

General Strategy: Even though there aren't any special attributes, it is still
immune to poison. I have to believe that almost all people use poison damage
in some way, whether it is the main attack or a charm in your inventory. That
is the only difficult part, otherwise be careful like normal, and pick them off
one by one until they are all dead.

Difficulty Rating: 7 out of 10

Bartuc the Bloody (Council Member)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Lightning Enchanted Throne of Destruction

General Strategy: Ooh, now Baal starts to pour on the hurt. These guys are
fast, hurtful, and dangerous. Definitely start with guerilla warfare tactics
in this one, because they could kill you fast. I would take out all of the
other monsters before you deal with Bartuc, because he is a pain in the butt.
Once they are all dead, deal with Bartuc in a hit then run kind of attack until
he dies. Eventually they will all die.

Difficulty Rating: 8.5 out of 10

Ventar the Unholy (Venom Lord)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Extra Fast Throne of Destruction

General Strategy: Baal kind of eases up in-between the two harder groups of
enemies. The Venom Lords are even easier than in the fourth Act, so take
advantage of this break and whoop their butts. Again, don't get surrounded by
more than two or you will be in for a world of hurt. Kill one at a time and
the unique monster last and this should be easy as pie.

Difficulty Rating: 8 out of 10

Lister the Tormentor (Minion of Destruction)

Special Attributes Found In
------------------ --------
Spectral Hit Throne of Destruction

General Strategy: The final test before you get to see Baal. Uh oh. Test is
right! These are going to be the most difficult regular monster you will face,
along with the unique monster that is tough as hell. You definitely must run
when he summons them and slowly defeat them one by one. Defeating one might
mean half your hit points gone but so be it. Eventually, after countless
potions, trips back to town, whatever is needed, you will be victorious, I
promise you. Just be patient and defeat them the wuss' way and you will win
this battle. Now there is one more battle before you can win the war.

Difficulty Rating: 9.5 out of 10

Baal (Lord of Destruction)

Special Attacks Special Attributes Found In
--------------- ------------------ --------
Incineration Nova, Hoarfrost, Duplication Worldstone Chamber
Mana Rift, Destructive Strike,
Festering Appendage, Vile Effigy,
Teleport, Decrepify, Blood Mana

General Strategy: Oh boy. Well, here is the last boss in the entire game! If
you beat him give yourself a pat on the back because you will need to work for
this victory. He has a huge arsenal of attacks and ways to kill you. Now if
you peeked at the attributes, you are probably thinking, DUPLICATION!!?!? But
don't worry yourselves because I will show you the way to beat him. First
let's go over his special attacks.

INCINERATION NOVA: I wish I could use this. This is basically like the Nova
that the Sorceress uses, but it uses fireballs instead of lightning. It is
very deadly and hurts. If you are close and doing melee attacks he generally
won't attack you with this, but you never know, and he might do it every once
in a while.

HOARFROST: This is an icy wedge of cold that he sends right at you. It
actually isn't too damaging, all things considered, but it does slow you down
making it more difficult to face Baal. Be careful of this by either bringing
some thawing potions or town portals scrolls to heal yourself.

MANA RIFT: This spell is very simple, and can either devastate you or do
absolutely nothing to you at all. It simply takes away half of your CURRENT
mana, not total mana. By current I mean if starting from full, you will have
1/2, then 1/4, and so on.

DESTRUCTIVE STRIKE: This is basically just his main melee attack, fittingly
called destructive. He basically just uses one of his tail like things or arms
and attacks you with them.

FESTERING APPENDAGE: You will come across this when you first enter the
Worldstone Chamber. Baal has the ability to make little parts of himself
appear all around the place, making it much more difficult, not impossible to
leave. They look like tentacles sticking out of the ground.

VILE EFFIGY: This is just the fancy way of saying duplication. You might be
thinking of how you can tell the difference between the real one and the fake
one. There are two ways that I can think off. The first way is to attack
both. The duplicate doesn't have as much health and you will see it dropping
faster than if you attack Baal himself. The other way is a trick that you
would only know by reading the FAQ. In Baal's name, when you highlight the
real one, it looks like this:



The fake one's would look like this:



See the difference? In the real one, the word Demon is slightly off-center to
the right, while the fake one has the D and the B lined up perfectly.

TELEPORT: He can teleport, plain and simple. He usually does it when he is in
trouble, or when he wants to duplicate himself.

DECREPIFY: This is just like the Necromancer skill; he can cast this spell to
slow you down without using hoarfrost. He will use it willingly, and there
isn't much you can do about it except wait until it wears off.

BLOOD MANA: This attack by Baal is pretty rare, because it has certain
requirements from you. For this to be cast on you, or mana has to be equal to
or greater than your health. This usually applies mostly to Sorceresses. It
will make it so that whenever you use mana, a little bit of your health is
taken away.

Now that we are through with that, there really isn't much else to say. Be
cautious and don't push your luck, because his luck is generally better. Also
be patient and use Town Portals, there isn't any problem with doing that if you
need to. Also don't be afraid to use potions. Just use your normal strategy
of doing the most damage you can to a single opponent, and you will prevail.
Good luck and most likely you will come out on top.

Difficulty Rating: 10 out of 10


< < < 8.0 Item Lists > > >


I will try to cover all of the different kinds of items, including exceptional
and elite items. The armor will NOT include crude or broken or anything else
like that. Thanks to battle.net for some information on these items.

8.1 Weapons

The way to beat the game, and one of the best parts about the game is the
variety of weapons you can choose from. Here is a list of all the weapons you
can get in the game except for rare and unique weapons.

8.1.1 Amazon Weapons

These are bows, spears and javelins that can only be used by Amazons. They
usually give a skill bonus to Amazons as well. If you are an Amazon, I would
use these as much as possible.

Normal Amazon Weapons

These usually appear in Normal difficulty.

Two-Handed Damage: 7-12
Level Requirement: Level 14
Minimum Strength: 30
Minimum Dexterity: 45
Sockets: 5
Class: Bow
Speed for Amazon: Fast
Two-Handed Damage: 9-19
Level Requirement: Level 20
Minimum Strength: 35
Minimum Dexterity: 60
Sockets: 5
Class: Bow
Speed for Amazon: Fast
Two-Handed Damage: 18-24
Level Requirement: Level 14
Minimum Strength: 54
Minimum Dexterity: 50
Range: 5
Durability: 28
Sockets: 6
Class: Spear
Speed for Amazon: Normal
Two-Handed Damage: 23-55
Level Requirement: Level 20
Minimum Strength: 63
Minimum Dexterity: 52
Range: 5
Durability: 25
Sockets: 6
Class: Spear
Speed for Amazon: Normal
Throwing Damage: 6-22
One-Handed Damage: 8-14
Level Requirement: Level 17
Minimum Strength: 33
Minimum Dexterity: 47
Melee Range: 3
Maximum Stack: 80
Class: Javelin
Speed for Amazon: Very Fast

That's all for normal Amazon weapons.

Exceptional Amazon Weapons

These usually appear in Nightmare difficulty.

Two-Handed Damage: 16-29
Level Requirement: Level 29
Minimum Strength: 56
Minimum Dexterity: 77
Sockets: 5
Class: Bow
Speed for Amazon: Fast
Two-Handed Damage: 19-41
Level Requirement: Level 35
Minimum Strength: 73
Minimum Dexterity: 110
Sockets: 5
Class: Bow
Speed for Amazon: Fast
Two-Handed Damage: 34-51
Level Requirement: Level 32
Minimum Strength: 101
Minimum Dexterity: 80
Range: 5
Durability: 28
Sockets: 6
Class: Spear
Speed for Amazon: Normal
Two-Handed Damage: 42-101
Level Requirement: Level 38
Minimum Strength: 115
Minimum Dexterity: 98
Range: 5
Durability: 25
Sockets: 6
Class: Spear
Speed for Amazon: Normal
Throwing Damage: 18-54
One-Handed Damage: 18-35
Level Requirement: Level 26
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: 109
Melee Range: 3
Maximum Stack: 80
Class: Javelin
Speed for Amazon: Very Fast

That's all for exceptional Amazon weapons.

Elite Amazon Weapons

These usually appear in Hell difficulty.

Two-Handed Damage: 20-47
Level Requirement: Level 39
Minimum Strength: 87
Minimum Dexterity: 187
Sockets: 5
Class: Bow
Speed for Amazon: Fast
Two-Handed Damage: 14-72
Level Requirement: Level 58
Minimum Strength: 108
Minimum Dexterity: 152
Sockets: 5
Class: Bow
Speed for Amazon: Fast
Two-Handed Damage: 65-95
Level Requirement: Level 45
Minimum Strength: 114
Minimum Dexterity: 142
Range: 5
Durability: 28
Sockets: 6
Class: Spear
Speed for Amazon: Normal
Two-Handed Damage: 37-153
Level Requirement: Level 60
Minimum Strength: 132
Minimum Dexterity: 149
Range: 5
Durability: 25
Sockets: 6
Class: Spear
Speed for Amazon: Normal
Throwing Damage: 35-66
One-Handed Damage: 30-54
Level Requirement: Level 48
Minimum Strength: 107
Minimum Dexterity: 151
Melee Range: 3
Maximum Stack: 80
Class: Javelin
Speed for Amazon: Very Fast

That's it for elite Amazon weapons.

8.1.2 Normal Axes

Axes are big strong hand-to-hand weapons that can be one or two handed.
I personally stay away from axes, because I like the other classes better. But
it is your decision.

Minimum/Maximum One Handed Damage: 3-6
Minimum Strength: None
Minimum Dexterity: None
Range: 1
Durability: 28
Sockets: 2
Speed by Class: Fast - Amazon, Assassin, Barbarian, Druid, Necromancer,
and Paladin. Normal - Sorceress
Name: AXE
Minimum/Maximum One Handed Damage: 4-11
Minimum Strength: 32
Minimum Dexterity: None
Range: 2
Durability: 24
Sockets: 4
Speed by Class: Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Normal - Barbarian,
Druid, Necromancer, Sorceress.
Minimum/Maximum One Handed Damage: 5-13
Minimum Strength: 43
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 24
Sockets: 5
Speed by Class: Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Normal - All Others
Minimum/Maximum One Handed Damage: 7-11
Minimum Strength: 49
Minimum Dexterity: 33
Range: 2
Durability: 26
Sockets: 6
Speed by Class: Very Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Fast - All Others
Minimum/Maximum One Handed Damage: 10-18
Minimum Strength: 67
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 3
Durability: 26
Sockets: 6
Speed by Class: Very Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Fast - All Others
Minimum/Maximum Two Handed Damage: 6-13
Minimum Strength: 35
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 30
Sockets: 4
Speed by Class: Very Fast - Druid. Fast - Necromancer, Paladin, and
Sorceress. Normal - Amazon, Assassin, and Barbarian.
Minimum/Maximum Damage: 10-18
Minimum Strength: 48
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 35
Sockets: 5
Speed by Class: Fast - Druid, Paladin, and Sorceress. Normal - Amazon,
Assassin, Barbarian, and Necromancer.
Minimum/Maximum Damage: 12-32
Minimum Strength: 54
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 40
Sockets: 5
Speed by Class: Fast - Druid. Normal - Necromancer and Sorceress.
Slow - Amazon, Assassin, Barbarian, and Paladin.
Minimum/Maximum Damage: 9-30
Minimum Strength: 63
Minimum Dexterity: 39
Range: 3
Durability: 50
Sockets: 6
Speed by Class: Very Fast - Druid. Fast - Necromancer, Paladin, and
Druid. Normal - Barbarian, Assassin, Amazon.
Minimum/Maximum Damage: 22-45
Minimum Strength: 70
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 4
Durability: 50
Sockets: 6
Speed by Class: Fast - Druid. Normal - Necromancer and Sorceress.
Slow - Amazon, Assassin, Barbarian, and Paladin.

That's all for normal axes.

Exceptional Axes
They are usually found in Nightmare.

Minimum/Maximum One Handed Damage: 10-21
Level Requirement: Level 19
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: 25
Range: 1
Durability: 28
Sockets: 2
Speed by Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All Others
Minimum/Maximum One Handed Damage: 10-33
Level Requirement: Level 22
Minimum Strength: 68
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 24
Sockets: 4
Speed by Class: Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Normal - All Others
Minimum/Maximum One Handed Damage: 13-38
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 85
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 24
Sockets: 5
Speed by Class: Fast - Assassin, Paladin. Normal - All Others.
Minimum/Maximum One Handed Damage: 14-34
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 94
Minimum Dexterity: 70
Range: 2
Durability: 26
Sockets: 6
Speed by Class: Very Fast - Assassin, Paladin. Fast - All Others.
Name: NAGA
Minimum/Maximum One Handed Damage: 16-45
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 121
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 3
Durability: 26
Sockets: 6
Speed by Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All Others
Minimum/Maximum Two Handed Damage: 14-34
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 73
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 3
Durability: 26
Sockets: 6
Speed by Class: Very Fast - Druid. Fast - Necromancer, Paladin,
Sorceress. Normal - Amazon, Assassin, Barbarian.
Minimum/Maximum Two Handed Damage: 21-49
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 92
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 35
Sockets: 5
Speed by Class: Fast - Druid, Paladin, Sorceress. Normal - All Others.
Minimum/Maximum Two Handed Damage: 24-77
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 101
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 40
Sockets: 5
Speed by Class: Fast - Druid. Slow - Paladin. Normal - All Others.
Minimum/Maximum Two Handed Damage: 18-70
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 115
Minimum Dexterity: 79
Range: 3
Durability: 50
Sockets: 6
Speed by Class: Very Fast - Druid. Fast - Necromancer, Paladin,
Sorceress. Normal - Amazon, Assassin, Barbarian.
Minimum/Maximum Two Handed Damage: 43-85
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 125
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 4
Durability: 50
Sockets: 6
Speed by Class: Fast - Druid. Normal - Necromancer, Sorceress. Slow -
Amazon, Assassin, Barbarian.

That's all for exceptional axes.

Elite Axes
These are most often found in Hell difficulty.

Minimum/Maximum One Handed Damage: 33-58
Level Requirement: Level 40
Minimum Strength: 125
Minimum Dexterity: 67
Range: 1
Durability: 28
Sockets: 2
Speed by Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All others.
Minimum/Maximum One Handed Damage: 38-60
Level Requirement: Level 45
Minimum Strength: 115
Minimum Dexterity: 83
Range: 2
Durability: 24
Sockets: 4
Speed by Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All Others.
Minimum/Maximum One Handed Damage: 33-66
Level Requirement: Level 52
Minimum Strength: 145
Minimum Dexterity: 45
Range: 2
Durability: 24
Sockets: 5
Speed by Class: Very Fast - Assassin, Paladin. Fast - All the others.
Minimum/Maximum One Handed Damage: 30-48
Level Requirement: Level 59
Minimum Strength: 133
Minimum Dexterity: 54
Range: 2
Durability: 26
Sockets: 6
Speed by Class: Very Fast - Assassin, Paladin. Fast - All others.
Minimum/Maximum One Handed Damage: 24-71
Level Requirement: Level 64
Minimum Strength: 138
Minimum Dexterity: 59
Range: 3
Durability: 26
Sockets: 6
Speed by Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All others.
Minimum/Maximum Two Handed Damage: 25-123
Level Requirement: Level 42
Minimum Strength: 196
Minimum Dexterity: 0
Range: 3
Durability: 30
Sockets: 4
Speed by Class: Very Fast - Druid, Sorceress. Fast - Necromancer,
Paladin. Normal - All others.
Minimum/Maximum Two Handed Damage: 62-110
Level Requirement: Level 48
Minimum Strength: 166
Minimum Dexterity: 65
Range: 3
Durability: 35
Sockets: 5
Speed by Class: Fast - Druid, Paladin, Sorceress. Normal - All others.
Minimum/Maximum Two Handed Damage: 49-137
Level Requirement: Level 54
Minimum Strength: 189
Minimum Dexterity: 33
Range: 3
Durability: 40
Sockets: 5
Speed by Class: Fast - Druid. Normal - Necromancer, Sorceress. Slow -
All Others.
Minimum/Maximum Two Handed Damage: 59-94
Level Requirement: Level 61
Minimum Strength: 167
Minimum Dexterity: 59
Range: 3
Durability: 50
Sockets: 6
Speed by Class: Very Fast - Druid. Necromancer, Paladin, Sorceress -
Fast. Normal - All others.
Minimum/Maximum Two Handed Damage: 60-124
Level Requirement: Level 66
Minimum Strength: 164
Minimum Dexterity: 55
Range: 4
Durability: 50
Sockets: 6
Speed by Class: Fast - Druid. Normal - Necromancer, Sorceress. Slow -
All Others.

That's all for elite axes.

8.1.3 Bows

Bows are your standard ranged attacking weapon, besides magic. Obviously they
are good, and there are several different types of them. Unlike the first
Diablo, you do need arrows for this weapon, and you need to replenish them.
Arrows are sold everywhere and many monsters drop them, so it isn't a big deal.
Another interesting thing about bows is that they do not have durability. I
personally think that bows are okay, not the greatest.

Normal Bows

These are bows that are found in regular difficulty.

Two Hand Damage: 1-4
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: 15
Sockets: 3
Speed by Class: Normal - Necromancer. Fast - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 2-6
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: 28
Sockets: 4
Speed by Class: Normal - Necromancer. Fast - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 3-10
Minimum Strength: 22
Minimum Dexterity: 19
Sockets: 5
Speed by Class: Normal - Necromancer. Fast - All othes.
Two Hand Damage: 4-8
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: 35
Sockets: 4
Speed by Class: Very Fast - Amazon, Barbarian, Druid. Fast - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 5-11
Minimum Strength: 30
Minimum Dexterity: 40
Sockets: 5
Speed by Class: Necromancer - Normal. Fast - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 3-18
Minimum Strength: 40
Minimum Dexterity: 50
Sockets: 6
Speed by Class: Very Fast - Amazon, Barbarian, Druid. Fast - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 6-14
Minimum Strength: 35
Minimum Dexterity: 55
Sockets: 5
Speed by Class: Normal - Necromancer. Fast - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 3-23
Minimum Strength: 50
Minimum Dexterity: 65
Sockets: 6
Speed by Class: Very Fast - Amazon, Barbarian, Druid. Fast - All others.

That's all for normal bows.

Exceptional Bows

These bows are usually found in Nightmare difficulty.

Two Hand Damage: 6-19
Level Requirement: Level 18
Minimum Strength: 35
Minimum Dexterity: 43
Sockets: 3
Speed by Class: Normal - Necromancer. Fast - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 8-22
Level Requirement: Level 21
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: 62
Sockets: 4
Speed by Class: Very Fast - Amazon, Barbarian, Druid. Fast - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 10-29
Level Requirement: Level 23
Minimum Strength: 53
Minimum Dexterity: 49
Sockets: 5
Speed by Class: Normal - Necromancer. Fast - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 11-26
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 58
Minimum Dexterity: 73
Sockets: 4
Speed by Class: Very Fast - Amazon, Barbarian, Druid.
Two Hand Damage: 13-30
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 65
Minimum Dexterity: 80
Sockets: 5
Speed by Class: Normal - Necromancer. Fast - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 10-42
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 80
Minimum Dexterity: 95
Sockets: 6
Speed by Class: Fast - Amazon, Barbarian, Druid. Normal - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 14-35
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 73
Minimum Dexterity: 103
Sockets: 5
Speed by Class: Normal - Necromancer. Fast - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 10-50
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 95
Minimum Dexterity: 118
Sockets: 6
Speed by Class: Fast - Amazon, Barbarian, Druid. Normal - All others.

That's all for exceptional bows.

Elite Bows

These bows are usually found in Hell difficulty.

Two Hand Damage: 23-50
Level Requirement: Level 41
Minimum Strength: 64
Minimum Dexterity: 143
Sockets: 3
Speed by Class: Normal - Necromancer. Fast - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 21-41
Level Requirement: Level 45
Minimum Strength: 76
Minimum Dexterity: 119
Sockets: 4
Speed by Class: Very Fast - Amazon, Barbarian, Druid. Fast - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 15-59
Level Requirement: Level 47
Minimum Strength: 52
Minimum Dexterity: 188
Sockets: 5
Speed by Class: Normal - Necromancer. Fast - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 12-52
Level Requirement: Level 51
Minimum Strength: 127
Minimum Dexterity: 107
Sockets: 4
Speed by Class: Very Fast - Amazon, Barbarian, Druid. Fast - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 33-40
Level Requirement: Level 54
Minimum Strength: 89
Minimum Dexterity: 132
Sockets: 5
Speed by Class: Normal - Necromancer. Fast - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 15-63
Level Requirement: Level 57
Minimum Strength: 97
Minimum Dexterity: 121
Sockets: 6
Speed by Class: Fast - Amazon, Barbarian, Druid. Normal - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 20-53
Level Requirement: Level 60
Minimum Strength: 72
Minimum Dexterity: 146
Sockets: 5
Speed by Class: Normal - Necromancer. Fast - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 10-68
Level Requirement: Level 63
Minimum Strength: 134
Minimum Dexterity: 167
Sockets: 6
Speed by Class: Fast - Amazon, Barbarian, Druid. Normal - All others.

That's it for elite bows.

8.1.4 Crossbows

These are basically the difference between swords and axes, except for ranged
attacks. This is the generally slower and more damaging type of ranged attack,
and it required bolts instead of arrows. Again it doesn't have durability. I
like these better than the bows because of damage and the speed isn't too bad

Normal Crossbows

These are crossbows found usually in Normal difficulty.

Two Hand Damage: 6-9
Minimum Strength: 21
Minimum Dexterity: 27
Sockets: 3
Speed by Class: Normal - All characters.
Two Hand Damage: 9-16
Minimum Strength: 40
Minimum Dexterity: 33
Sockets: 4
Speed by Class: Normal - Druid, Necromancer, Sorceress. Slow - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 14-26
Minimum Strength: 60
Minimum Dexterity: 40
Sockets: 6
Speed by Class: Very Slow - Amazon, Assassin. Slow - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 6-12
Minimum Strength: 40
Minimum Dexterity: 50
Sockets: 5
Speed by Class: Very Fast - Druid, Necromancer, Sorceress. Fast - All others.

That's it for normal crossbows.

Exceptional Crossbows

These usually appear in nightmare difficulty.

Two Hand Damage: 14-27
Level Requirement: Level 22
Minimum Strength: 52
Minimum Dexterity: 62
Sockets: 3
Speed by Class: Normal - All Characters.
Two Hand Damage: 20-42
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 80
Minimum Dexterity: 70
Sockets: 4
Speed by Class: Normal - Druid, Necromancer, Sorceress. Slow - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 33-55
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 110
Minimum Dexterity: 80
Sockets: 6
Speed by Class: Very Slow - Amazon, Assassin. Slow - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 14-32
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 80
Minimum Dexterity: 95
Sockets: 5
Speed by Class: Very Fast - All Characters.

That's all for exceptional crossbows.

Elite Crossbows

These are crossbows that are usually found in Hell difficulty.

Two Hand Damage: 28-73
Level Requirement: Level 42
Minimum Strength: 83
Minimum Dexterity: 155
Sockets: 3
Speed by Class: Normal - All characters.
Two Hand Damage: 25-87
Level Requirement: Level 50
Minimum Strength: 117
Minimum Dexterity: 105
Sockets: 4
Speed by Class: Normal - Druid, Necromancer, Sorceress. Slow - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 32-91
Level Requirement: Level 56
Minimum Strength: 163
Minimum Dexterity: 77
Sockets: 6
Speed by Class: Very Slow - Amazon, Assassin. Slow - All others.
Two Hand Damage: 26-40
Level Requirement: Level 63
Minimum Strength: 141
Minimum Dexterity: 98
Sockets: 5
Speed by Class: Very Fast - All characters.

That's it for elite crossbows.

8.1.5 Daggers

Daggers are a short-bladed sword that can do some decent damage for its small
size. I am not particularly fond of Daggers, but some characters have skills
that even incorporate daggers as well, which surprised me. While I am not fond
of them, they are useful to many characters.

Normal Daggers

These are daggers that can usually be found in Normal difficulty.

Dagger Damage: 2-4
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 16
Sockets: 1
Speed by Class: Fast - Paladin. Very Fast - All others.
Name: DIRK
Dagger Damage: 3-9
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: 25
Range: 1
Durability: 20
Sockets: 1
Speed by Class: Normal - Paladin. Fast - All others.
Name: KRIS
Dagger Damage: 2-11
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: 45
Range: 1
Durability: 24
Sockets: 3
Speed by Class: Fast - Paladin. Very Fast - All others.
Dagger Damage: 4-15
Minimum Strength: 35
Minimum Dexterity: 51
Range: 1
Durability: 24
Sockets: 2
Speed by Class: Very Fast - Amazon, Assassin. Fast - All others.

That's all of the normal daggers.

Exceptional Daggers

These are daggers that can usually be found in Nightmare difficulty.

Dagger Damage: 6-18
Level Requirement: Level 19
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 16
Sockets: 1
Speed by Class: Fast - Paladin. Very Fast - All others.
Dagger Damage: 10-26
Level Requirement: Level 24
Minimum Strength: 35
Minimum Dexterity: 58
Range: 1
Durability: 20
Sockets: 1
Speed by Class: Normal - Paladin. Very Fast - All others.
Dagger Damage: 15-31
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: 88
Range: 1
Durability: 24
Sockets: 3
Speed by Class: Fast - Paladin. Very Fast - All others.
Dagger Damage: 19-36
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 73
Minimum Dexterity: 97
Range: 1
Durability: 24
Sockets: 2
Speed by Class: Very Fast - Amazon, Assassin. Fast - All others.

That's all for exceptional daggers.

Elite Daggers

These are daggers that are usually found in Hell difficulty.

Dagger Damage: 23-49
Level Requirement: Level 43
Minimum Strength: 38
Minimum Dexterity: 75
Range: 1
Durability: 16
Sockets: 1
Speed by Class: Fast - Paladin. Very Fast - All others.
Dagger Damage: 37-53
Level Requirement: Level 52
Minimum Strength: 55
Minimum Dexterity: 98
Range: 1
Durability: 20
Sockets: 1
Speed by Class: Normal - Paladin. Fast - All others.
Dagger Damage: 15-57
Level Requirement: Level 62
Minimum Strength: 42
Minimum Dexterity: 86
Range: 1
Durability: 24
Sockets: 3
Speed by Class: Fast - Paladin. Very Fast - All others.
Dagger Damage: 31-47
Level Requirement: Level 66
Minimum Strength: 65
Minimum Dexterity: 67
Range: 1
Durability: 24
Sockets: 2
Speed by Class: Very Fast - Amazon, Assassin. Fast - All others

That's all for elite daggers.

8.1.6 Javelins

These are, in my opinion, the best weapons that you can throw. The Amazon is
particularly good at handling these things, as she has a whole skill tab for it
and spears. Anyway, here it is.

Normal Javelins

These are usually found in Normal difficulty.

Throwing Damage: 6-14
Melee Damage: 1-5
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Melee Range: 3
Maximum Stack: 60
Speed By Class: Very Fast- Amazon and Assassin. Fast - All others.
Throwing Damage: 7-20
Melee Damage: 4-9
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: 45
Melee Range: 3
Maximum Stack: 50
Speed By Class: Normal - Paladin. Fast - All others.
Throwing Damage: 10-22
Melee Damage: 2-13
Minimum Strength: 40
Minimum Dexterity: 40
Melee Range: 3
Maximum Stack: 40
Speed By Class: Fast - Amazon and Assassin. Normal - All others.
Throwing Damage: 16-22
Melee Damage: 5-17
Minimum Strength: 52
Minimum Dexterity: 35
Melee Range: 3
Maximum Stack: 40
Speed By Class: Normal - Amazon and Assassin. Slow - All others.
Throwing Damage: 12-30
Melee Damage: 5-15
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: 65
Melee Range: 3
Maximum Stack: 80
Speed By Class: Very Fast - Amazon and Assassin. Normal - All others.

That's it for normal javelins.

Exceptional Javelins

These are usually found in Nightmare difficulty.

Throwing Damage: 14-32
Melee Damage: 6-19
Level Requirement: Level 18
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: 25
Melee Range: 3
Maximum Stack: 60
Speed By Class: Very Fast - Amazon and Assassin. Fast - All others.
Throwing Damage: 16-42
Melee Damage: 11-26
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: 88
Melee Range: 3
Maximum Stack: 50
Speed By Class: Normal - Paladin. Fast - All others.
Throwing Damage: 27-50
Melee Damage: 8-32
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 80
Minimum Dexterity: 80
Melee Range: 3
Maximum Stack: 40
Speed By Class: Fast - Amazon and Assassin. Normal - All others.
Throwing Damage: 32-60
Melee Damage: 13-38
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 93
Minimum Dexterity: 73
Melee Range: 3
Maximum Stack: 20
Speed By Class: Normal - Amazon and Assassin. Slow - All others.
Throwing Damage: 18-54
Melee Damage: 13-35
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: 118
Melee Range: 3
Maximum Stack: 80
Speed By Class: Very Fast - Amazon and Assassin. Fast - All others.

That's it for exceptional javelins.

Elite Javelins

These are usually found in Hell difficulty.

Throwing Damage: 28-55
Melee Damage: 21-57
Level Requirement: Level 40
Minimum Strength: 98
Minimum Dexterity: 123
Melee Range: 3
Maximum Stack: 60
Speed By Class: Very Fast - Amazon and Assassin. Fast - All others.
Throwing Damage: 21-75
Melee Damage: 14-64
Level Requirement: Level 46
Minimum Strength: 118
Minimum Dexterity: 112
Melee Range: 3
Maximum Stack: 50
Speed By Class: Normal - Paladin. Fast - All others.
Throwing Damage: 40-62
Melee Damage: 33-63
Level Requirement: Level 53
Minimum Strength: 127
Minimum Dexterity: 95
Melee Range: 3
Maximum Stack: 40
Speed By Class: Fast - Amazon and Assassin. Normal - All others.
Throwing Damage: 30-85
Melee Damage: 19-60
Level Requirement: Level 59
Minimum Strength: 89
Minimum Dexterity: 137
Melee Range: 3
Maximum Stack: 75
Speed By Class: Normal - Amazon and Assassin. Slow - All others.
Throwing Damage: 11-77
Melee Damage: 27-35
Level Requirement: Level 65
Minimum Strength: 76
Minimum Dexterity: 145
Melee Range: 3
Maximum Stack: 80
Speed By Class: Very Fast - Amazon and Assassin. Fast - All others.

That's it for elite javelins.

8.1.7 Katars

These are the weapons of choice for Assassins. Many skills that she can learn
involve using claw-class weapons, and that is what Katars are all about.
Anyway, let's get started.

Normal Katars

These usually appear in Normal difficulty.

One-Handed Damage: 4-7
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 20
Minimum Dexterity: 20
Range: 1
Durability: 48
Sockets: 2
Skill Bonus: No
Speed for Assassin: Very Fast
One-Handed Damage: 5-9
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 33
Minimum Dexterity: 33
Range: 1
Durability: 52
Sockets: 2
Skill Bonus: No
Speed for Assassin: Very Fast
One-Handed Damage: 2-15
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 37
Minimum Dexterity: 37
Range: 1
Durability: 56
Sockets: 2
Skill Bonus: No
Speed for Assassin: Fast
One-Handed Damage: 7-15
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 42
Minimum Dexterity: 42
Range: 1
Durability: 72
Sockets: 2
Skill Bonus: No
Speed for Assassin: Very Fast
One-Handed Damage: 8-15
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 46
Minimum Dexterity: 46
Range: 1
Durability: 64
Sockets: 3
Skill Bonus: No
Speed for Assassin: Very Fast
One-Handed Damage: 10-14
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 50
Minimum Dexterity: 50
Range: 1
Durability: 69
Sockets: 3
Skill Bonus: No
Speed for Assassin: Very Fast
One-Handed Damage: 9-17
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 55
Minimum Dexterity: 55
Range: 1
Durability: 68
Sockets: 3
Skill Bonus: Yes
Speed for Assassin: Very Fast

That's all for normal katars.

Exceptional Katars

These usually appear in Nightmare difficulty.

One-Handed Damage: 11-24
Level Requirement: Level 21
Minimum Strength: 57
Minimum Dexterity: 57
Range: 1
Durability: 48
Sockets: 3
Skill Bonus: No
Speed for Assassin: Very Fast
One-Handed Damage: 13-27
Level Requirement: Level 24
Minimum Strength: 66
Minimum Dexterity: 66
Range: 1
Durability: 56
Sockets: 2
Skill Bonus: No
Speed for Assassin: Very Fast
One-Handed Damage: 8-37
Level Requirement: Level 27
Minimum Strength: 69
Minimum Dexterity: 69
Range: 1
Durability: 64
Sockets: 2
Skill Bonus: No
Speed for Assassin: Fast
One-Handed Damage: 16-37
Level Requirement: Level 30
Minimum Strength: 73
Minimum Dexterity: 73
Range: 1
Durability: 72
Sockets: 2
Skill Bonus: Yes
Speed for Assassin: Very Fast
One-Handed Damage: 18-37
Level Requirement: Level 33
Minimum Strength: 76
Minimum Dexterity: 76
Range: 1
Durability: 52
Sockets: 3
Skill Bonus: Yes
Speed for Assassin: Very Fast
One-Handed Damage: 21-35
Level Requirement: Level 37
Minimum Strength: 79
Minimum Dexterity: 79
Range: 1
Durability: 69
Sockets: 3
Skill Bonus: Yes
Speed for Assassin: Very Fast
One-Handed Damage: 19-40
Level Requirement: Level 40
Minimum Strength: 82
Minimum Dexterity: 82
Range: 1
Durability: 68
Sockets: 3
Skill Bonus: Yes
Speed for Assassin: Very Fast

That's all for exceptional katars.

Elite Katars

These usually appear in Hell difficulty.

One-Handed Damage: 39-52
Level Requirement: Level 44
Minimum Strength: 99
Minimum Dexterity: 99
Range: 1
Durability: 48
Sockets: 3
Skill Bonus: Yes
Speed for Assassin: Very Fast
One-Handed Damage: 34-45
Level Requirement: Level 46
Minimum Strength: 105
Minimum Dexterity: 105
Range: 1
Durability: 56
Sockets: 3
Skill Bonus: Yes
Speed for Assassin: Very Fast
One-Handed Damage: 44-53
Level Requirement: Level 51
Minimum Strength: 108
Minimum Dexterity: 108
Range: 1
Durability: 64
Sockets: 2
Skill Bonus: Yes
Speed for Assassin: Fast
One-Handed Damage: 36-42
Level Requirement: Level 54
Minimum Strength: 110
Minimum Dexterity: 110
Range: 1
Durability: 72
Sockets: 2
Skill Bonus: Yes
Speed for Assassin: Very Fast
One-Handed Damage: 22-53
Level Requirement: Level 58
Minimum Strength: 113
Minimum Dexterity: 113
Range: 1
Durability: 52
Sockets: 3
Skill Bonus: Yes
Speed for Assassin: Very Fast
One-Handed Damage: 24-44
Level Requirement: Level 60
Minimum Strength: 115
Minimum Dexterity: 115
Range: 1
Durability: 69
Sockets: 3
Skill Bonus: Yes
Speed for Assassin: Very Fast
One-Handed Damage: 40-51
Level Requirement: Level 64
Minimum Strength: 118
Minimum Dexterity: 118
Range: 1
Durability: 68
Sockets: 3
Skill Bonus: Yes
Speed for Assassin: Very Fast

That's all for elite katars.

8.1.8 Maces

These are not my favorite weapons, but time and time again they prove to be the
strongest and quickest of the melee weapons. They are basically a wood handle
with a blunt object of some sort on the end of it. Anyway, here are the maces.

Normal Maces

These are usually found in Normal difficulty.

Name: CLUB
One-Handed Damage: 1-6
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 24
Sockets: 2
Speed By Class: Very Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 5-8
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 36
Sockets: 2
Speed By Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All others.
Name: MACE
One-Handed Damage: 3-10
Minimum Strength: 27
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 60
Sockets: 2
Speed By Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 7-16
Minimum Strength: 36
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 72
Sockets: 3
Speed By Class: Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Normal - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 1-24
Minimum Strength: 41
Minimum Dexterity: 35
Range: 3
Durability: 30
Sockets: 5
Speed By Class: Very Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 19-29
Minimum Strength: 53
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 55
Sockets: 4
Speed By Class: Normal - Assassin and Paladin. Slow - All others.
Name: MAUL
Two-Handed Damage: 30-43
Minimum Strength: 69
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 60
Sockets: 6
Speed By Class: Fast - Druid. Normal - Necromancer and Sorceress. Slow - All
Two-Handed Damage: 38-58
Minimum Strength: 99
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 3
Durability: 60
Sockets: 6
Speed By Class: Normal - Druid and Sorceress. Slow - Necromancer and Paladin.
Very Slow - All others.

That's it for normal maces.

Exceptional Maces

These usually appear in Nightmare difficulty.

One-Handed Damage: 6-21
Level Requirement: Level 18
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 24
Sockets: 2
Speed By Class: Very Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 13-25
Level Requirement: Level 20
Minimum Strength: 20
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 36
Sockets: 2
Speed By Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 15-23
Level Requirement: Level 23
Minimum Strength: 61
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 60
Sockets: 2
Speed By Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 20-31
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 74
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 72
Sockets: 3
Speed By Class: Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Normal - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 13-35
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 82
Minimum Dexterity: 73
Range: 3
Durability: 30
Sockets: 5
Speed By Class: Very Fast - Assassin and Paladin
One-Handed Damage: 35-56
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 100
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 55
Sockets: 4
Speed By Class: Normal - Assassin and Paladin. Slow - All others.
Two-Handed Damage: 53-78
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 124
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 60
Sockets: 6
Speed By Class: Fast - Druid. Slow - Necromancer and Sorceress. Normal - All
Two-Handed Damage: 61-99
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 169
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 3
Durability: 60
Sockets: 6
Speed By Class: Normal - Druid and Sorceress. Slow - Necromancer and Paladin.
Very Slow - Amazon, Assassin, and Barbarian.

That's it for exceptional maces.

Elite Maces

These usually appear in Hell difficulty.

One-Handed Damage: 35-43
Level Requirement: Level 39
Minimum Strength: 88
Minimum Dexterity: 43
Range: 1
Durability: 29
Sockets: 2
Speed By Class: Very Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 32-58
Level Requirement: Level 42
Minimum Strength: 133
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 45
Sockets: 3
Speed By Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 41-49
Level Requirement: Level 47
Minimum Strength: 145
Minimum Dexterity: 46
Range: 1
Durability: 60
Sockets: 2
Speed By Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 43-53
Level Requirement: Level 52
Minimum Strength: 153
Minimum Dexterity: 44
Range: 2
Durability: 72
Sockets: 3
Speed By Class: Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Normal - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 3-80
Level Requirement: Level 57
Minimum Strength: 125
Minimum Dexterity: 77
Range: 3
Durability: 65
Sockets: 5
Speed By Class: Very Fast - Assassin. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 50-61
Level Requirement: Level 61
Minimum Strength: 189
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 65
Sockets: 4
Speed By Class: Normal - Assassin and Paladin. Slow - All others.
Two-Handed Damage: 77-106
Level Requirement: Level 51
Minimum Strength: 225
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 60
Sockets: 6
Speed By Class: Fast - Druid. Normal - Necromancer and Sorceress. Slow -
Amazon, Assassin, Barbarian, and Paladin.
Two-Handed Damage: 33-180
Level Requirement: Level 65
Minimum Strength: 253
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 3
Durability: 60
Sockets: 6
Speed By Class: Normal - Druid and Sorceress. Slow - Necromancer and Paladin.
Very Slow - Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian.

That's all for elite maces.

8.1.9 Orbs

These are the sorceress' weapons of choice. It will many times give a skill
bonus, and always, it will have one of the following. These are automatically
placed on the weapons no matter what. Thanks a bunch to battle.net. So first
there are the automatic bonuses.

Effect: +1-5 to Life
Level Requirement: Level 1
Bonus: FOX
Effect: +6-10 to Life
Level Requirement: Level 11
Bonus: WOLF
Effect: +11-20 to Life
Level Requirement: Level 27
Bonus: TIGER
Effect: +21-30 to Life
Level Requirement: Level 43
Effect: +31-40 to Life
Level Requirement: Level 59
Effect: +41-60 to Life
Level Requirement: Level 75
Effect: +1-5 to Mana
Level Requirement: Level 3
Bonus: SNAKE'S
Effect: +6-10 to Mana
Level Requirement: Level 12
Effect: +11-20 to Mana
Level Requirement: Level 23
Bonus: DRAKE'S
Effect: +21-30 to Mana
Level Requirement: Level 34
Effect: +31-40 to Mana
Level Requirement: Level 45
Bonus: WYRM'S
Effect: +41-60 to Mana
Level Requirement: Level 56
Effect: +61-80 to Mana
Level Requirement: Level 67

Now, here is the real weapon information.

Normal Orbs

These usually appear in Normal difficulty.

One-Handed Damage: 2-5
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 20
Sockets: 3
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Fast
One-Handed Damage: 3-8
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 30
Sockets: 3
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Fast
One-Handed Damage: 4-10
Level Requirement: Level 8
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 35
Sockets: 3
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Normal
One-Handed Damage: 5-12
Level Requirement: Level 13
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 40
Sockets: 3
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Normal
One-Handed Damage: 8-18
Level Requirement: Level 18
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 50
Sockets: 3
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Normal

That's it for normal orbs.

Exceptional Orbs

These usually appear in Nightmare difficulty.

One-Handed Damage: 8-21
Level Requirement: Level 24
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 20
Sockets: 3
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Fast
One-Handed Damage: 10-26
Level Requirement: Level 27
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 30
Sockets: 3
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Fast
One-Handed Damage: 11-29
Level Requirement: Level 30
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 35
Sockets: 3
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Normal
One-Handed Damage: 13-32
Level Requirement: Level 34
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 40
Sockets: 3
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Normal
One-Handed Damage: 18-42
Level Requirement: Level 37
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 50
Sockets: 3
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Normal

That's all for exceptional orbs.

Elite Orbs

These usually appear in Hell difficulty.

One-Handed Damage: 21-46
Level Requirement: Level 44
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 20
Sockets: 3
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Fast
One-Handed Damage: 18-50
Level Requirement: Level 50
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 30
Sockets: 3
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Fast
One-Handed Damage: 23-55
Level Requirement: Level 56
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 35
Sockets: 3
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Normal
One-Handed Damage: 12-66
Level Requirement: Level 63
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 40
Sockets: 3
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Normal
One-Handed Damage: 30-53
Level Requirement: Level 66
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 50
Sockets: 3
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Normal

That's all for elite orbs.

8.1.10 Polearms

I personally think these weapons are the worst in the entire game. I
personally think they are worthless, and their damages don't work well for the
weapon type. I think they look cool, but that is really about all, I would
just stick with axes. Anyway, after that rant of mine, here is the

Normal Polearms

These usually appear in Normal difficulty.

Two-Handed Damage: 1-27
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 40
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 3
Durability: 50
Sockets: 3
Speed By Class: Fast - Druid. Normal - Necromancer and Sorceress. Slow: Others.
Two-Handed Damage: 6-21
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 50
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 3
Durability: 50
Sockets: 4
Speed By Class: Fast - Druid and Sorceress. Slow - Amazon. Normal - Others.
Two-Handed Damage: 8-20
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 41
Minimum Dexterity: 41
Range: 2
Durability: 65
Sockets: 5
Speed By Class:Very Fast: Druid. Fast: Necromancer and Sorceress. Slow: Others.
Two-Handed Damage: 18-39
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 62
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 4
Durability: 65
Sockets: 5
Speed By Class: Fast - Druid. Normal - Necromancer and Sorceress. Slow: Others.
Two-Handed Damage: 12-45
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 75
Minimum Dexterity: 45
Range: 5
Durability: 55
Sockets: 6
Speed By Class: Fast - Druid and Sorceress. Slow - Amazon. Fast - All others.
Two-Handed Damage: 15-36
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 80
Minimum Dexterity: 80
Range: 5
Durability: 55
Sockets: 6
Speed By Class: Very Fast: Druid. Fast: Necromancer, Paladin, and Sorceress.
Normal: All others.

That's all for normal polearms.

Exceptional Polarms

These usually appear in Nightmare difficulty.

Two-Handed Damage: 6-58
Level Requirement: Level 21
Minimum Strength: 80
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 3
Durability: 50
Sockets: 3
Speed By Class: Fast: Druid. Normal: Necromancer and Sorceress. Slow: Others.
Name: BILL
Two-Handed Damage: 14-53
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 95
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 3
Durability: 50
Sockets: 4
Speed By Class: Fast: Druid and Sorceress. Amazon: Slow. Normal: All Others.
Two-Handed Damage: 18-45
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 82
Minimum Dexterity: 82
Range: 2
Durability: 65
Sockets: 5
Speed By Class: Very Fast: Druid. Fast: Necromancer, Paladin, and Sorceress.
Normal: All others.
Two-Handed Damage: 34-75
Level Requirement: Level 23
Minimum Strength: 113
Minimum Dexterity: 67
Range: 4
Durability: 65
Sockets: 5
Speed By Class: Fast: Druid. Normal: Necromancer and Sorceress. Slow: Others.
Two-Handed Damage: 13-85
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 133
Minimum Dexterity: 91
Range: 5
Durability: 55
Sockets: 6
Speed By Class: Fast: Druid and Sorceress. Slow: Amazon. Normal: All Others.
Two-Handed Damage: 30-70
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 140
Minimum Dexterity: 140
Range: 5
Durability: 55
Sockets: 6
Speed By Class: Very Fast: Druid. Fast: Necromancer, Paladin, and Sorceress.
Normal: All others.

That's it for exceptional polearms.

Elite Polearms

These usually appear in Hell difficulty.

Two-Handed Damage: 28-145
Level Requirement: Level 45
Minimum Strength: 195
Minimum Dexterity: 75
Range: 3
Durability: 50
Sockets: 3
Speed By Class: Fast: Druid. Normal: Necromancer and Sorceress. Slow: Others.
Two-Handed Damage: 17-165
Level Requirement: Level 53
Minimum Strength: 210
Minimum Dexterity: 55
Range: 3
Durability: 50
Sockets: 4
Speed By Class: Fast: Druid and Sorceress. Slow: Amazon. Normal: All others.
Two-Handed Damage: 12-141
Level Requirement: Level 53
Minimum Strength: 152
Minimum Dexterity: 118
Range: 2
Durability: 65
Sockets: 5
Speed By Class: Very Fast: Druid. Normal: Amazon, Assassin, and Barbarian.
Fast - All others.
Two-Handed Damage: 33-150
Level Requirement: Level 59
Minimum Strength: 165
Minimum Dexterity: 103
Range: 4
Durability: 65
Sockets: 5
Speed By Class: Fast: Druid. Normal: Necromancer and Sorceress. Slow: Others.
Two-Handed Damage: 46-127
Level Requirement: Level 63
Minimum Strength: 179
Minimum Dexterity: 99
Range: 5
Durability: 55
Sockets: 6
Speed By Class: Fast: Druid and Sorceress. Slow: Amazon. Normal: All others.
Two-Handed Damage: 40-114
Level Requirement: Level 66
Minimum Strength: 188
Minimum Dexterity: 140
Range: 5
Durability: 55
Sockets: 6
Speed By Class: Very Fast: Druid. Fast: Necromancer, Paladin, and Sorceress.
Normal: All others.

That's all for elite polearms.

8.1.11 Scepters

These are in the class of maces, but they are in a class by themselves. They
are magic sticks that usually apply to Paladins with skill bonuses for them.
They also give good damage, so I would recommend them to people who use maces.

Normal Scepters

These are usually found in Normal difficulty.

One-Handed Damage: 6-11
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 50
Sockets: 2
Speed For Paladin: Fast
One-Handed Damage: 8-18
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 37
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 60
Sockets: 3
Speed For Paladin: Fast
One-Handed Damage: 10-17
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 55
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 70
Sockets: 5
Speed For Paladin: Very Fast

That's all for normal scepters.

Exceptional Scepters

These are found usually in Nightmare difficulty.

One-Handed Damage: 13-24
Level Requirement: Level 19
Minimum Strength: 58
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 50
Sockets: 2
Speed For Paladin: Fast
One-Handed Damage: 14-36
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 76
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 60
Sockets: 3
Speed For Paladin: Fast
One-Handed Damage: 16-38
Level Requirement: Level 28
Minimum Strength: 103
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 70
Sockets: 5
Speed For Paladin: Very Fast

That's all for exceptional scepters.

Elite Scepters

These are found in Hell difficulty.

One-Handed Damage: 40-52
Level Requirement: Level 46
Minimum Strength: 125
Minimum Dexterity: 65
Range: 1
Durability: 50
Sockets: 2
Speed For Paladin: Fast
One-Handed Damage: 45-54
Level Requirement: Level 57
Minimum Strength: 108
Minimum Dexterity: 69
Range: 2
Durability: 60
Sockets: 3
Speed For Paladin: Fast
One-Handed Damage: 37-43
Level Requirement: Level 66
Minimum Strength: 97
Minimum Dexterity: 70
Range: 2
Durability: 70
Sockets: 5
Speed For Paladin: Very Fast

That's it for elite scepters.

8.1.12 Spears

These are the better version of polearms in my opinion. They are more useful
and more people are better at using them. The best part of this is the range
you get. Anyway, there really isn't much more to say here, so here it is.

Two-Handed Damage: 3-15
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 4
Durability: 30
Sockets: 3
Speed By Class: Fast - Amazon. Slow - Assassin. Normal - All others.
Two-Handed Damage: 9-15
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 38
Minimum Dexterity: 24
Range: 4
Durability: 35
Sockets: 4
Speed By Class: Normal - Amazon and Barbarian. Very Slow - Assassin. Slow -
All others.
Two-Handed Damage: 7-17
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 40
Minimum Dexterity: 50
Range: 5
Durability: 28
Sockets: 5
Speed By Class: Normal - Assassin and Necromancer. Fast - All others.
Two-Handed Damage: 15-23
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 54
Minimum Dexterity: 35
Range: 5
Durability: 28
Sockets: 6
Speed By Class: Normal - Amazon and Barbarian. Very Slow - Assassin. Slow -
All others.
Name: PIKE
Two-Handed Damage: 14-63
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 60
Minimum Dexterity: 45
Range: 5
Durability: 25
Sockets: 6
Speed By Class: Slow - Amazon. Very Slow - All others.

That's all for normal spears.

Exceptional Spears

These are usually found in Nightmare difficulty.

Two-Handed Damage: 10-37
Level Requirement: Level 21
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: 25
Range: 4
Durability: 30
Sockets: 3
Speed By Class: Fast - Amazon. Slow - Assassin. Normal - All others.
Two-Handed Damage: 19-37
Level Requirement: Level 24
Minimum Strength: 77
Minimum Dexterity: 25
Range: 4
Durability: 35
Sockets: 4
Speed By Class: Normal - Amazon and Barbarian. Very Slow - Assassin. Slow -
All others.
Two-Handed Damage: 16-40
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 80
Minimum Dexterity: 95
Range: 5
Durability: 28
Sockets: 5
Speed By Class: Normal - Assassin and Necromancer. Fast - All others.
Name: YARI
Two-Handed Damage: 29-59
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 101
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 5
Durability: 28
Sockets: 6
Speed By Class: Normal - Amazon and Barbarian. Very Slow - Assassin. Slow -
All others.
Two-Handed Damage: 27-114
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 110
Minimum Dexterity: 88
Range: 5
Durability: 25
Sockets: 6
Speed By Class: Slow - Amazon. Very Slow - All others.

That's all for exceptional spears.

Elite Spears

These are usually in Hell difficulty.

Two-Handed Damage: 35-119
Level Requirement: Level 43
Minimum Strength: 155
Minimum Dexterity: 120
Range: 4
Durability: 30
Sockets: 3
Speed By Class: Fast - Amazon. Slow - Assassin. Normal - All others.
Two-Handed Damage: 29-144
Level Requirement: Level 49
Minimum Strength: 168
Minimum Dexterity: 97
Range: 4
Durability: 35
Sockets: 4
Speed By Class: Normal - Amazon and Barbarian. Very Slow - Assassin. Normal -
All others.
Two-Handed Damage: 42-92
Level Requirement: Level 55
Minimum Strength: 132
Minimum Dexterity: 134
Range: 5
Durability: 28
Sockets: 5
Speed By Class: Normal - Assassin and Necromancer. Fast - All others.
Two-Handed Damage: 18-155
Level Requirement: Level 62
Minimum Strength: 122
Minimum Dexterity: 163
Range: 5
Durability: 28
Sockets: 6
Speed By Class: Normal - Amazon and Barbarian. Very Slow - Assassin. Slow -
All others.
Two-Handed Damage: 33-178
Level Requirement: Level 66
Minimum Strength: 165
Minimum Dexterity: 106
Range: 5
Durability: 25
Sockets: 6
Speed By Class: Slow - Amazon. Very Slow - All others.

That's all for elite spears.

8.1.13 Staves

These are most commonly used only by sorceresses and for magical purposes, but
they can still be used as weapons, though they aren't that strong. Well
anyway, here is the information.

Normal Staves

These usually appear in Normal difficulty.

Two-Handed Damage: 1-5
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 20
Sockets: 2
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Fast
Two-Handed Damage: 2-8
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 30
Sockets: 3
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Fast
Two-Handed Damage: 4-12
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 35
Sockets: 4
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Normal
Two-Handed Damage: 6-13
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 40
Sockets: 4
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Fast
Two-Handed Damage: 12-28
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 50
Sockets: 6
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Normal

That's all for normal staves.

Exceptional Staves

These usually appear in Nightmare difficulty.

Two-Handed Damage: 6-21
Level Requirement: Level 18
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 20
Sockets: 2
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Fast
Two-Handed Damage: 8-26
Level Requirement: Level 23
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 30
Sockets: 3
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Fast
Two-Handed Damage: 11-32
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 35
Sockets: 4
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Normal
Two-Handed Damage: 14-34
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 40
Sockets: 4
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Fast
Two-Handed Damage: 24-58
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 50
Sockets: 6
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Normal

That's all for exceptional staves.

Elite Staves

These usually appear in Hell difficulty.

Two-Handed Damage: 69-85
Level Requirement: Level 43
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 20
Sockets: 2
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Fast
Two-Handed Damage: 75-107
Level Requirement: Level 49
Minimum Strength: 34
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 30
Sockets: 3
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Fast
Two-Handed Damage: 80-93
Level Requirement: Level 55
Minimum Strength: 44
Minimum Dexterity: 37
Range: 2
Durability: 35
Sockets: 4
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Normal
Two-Handed Damage: 65-108
Level Requirement: Level 62
Minimum Strength: 52
Minimum Dexterity: 27
Range: 2
Durability: 40
Sockets: 4
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Fast
Two-Handed Damage: 83-99
Level Requirement: Level 66
Minimum Strength: 63
Minimum Dexterity: 35
Range: 2
Durability: 50
Sockets: 6
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Sorceress: Normal

That's it for elite staves.

8.1.14 Swords

My favorite weapons in the game. There are so many different kinds, and this
section is going to be pretty large. These are two-handed swords and regular
one-handed swords.

*NOTE* For the two-handed swords, the Barbarian can equip them with only one
hand with reduced damage, so that is the one-handed damage that will be on two
handed swords. Here we go.

Normal Swords

These usually appear in Normal difficulty.

One-Handed Damage: 2-7
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 24
Sockets: 2
Speed By Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 2-6
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: 21
Range: 1
Durability: 22
Sockets: 2
Speed By Class: Fast - Sorceress. Very Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 3-8
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: 25
Range: 1
Durability: 32
Sockets: 2
Speed By Class: Very Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 9-18
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 33
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 32
Sockets: 2
Speed By Class: Normal - Assassin and Paladin. Slow - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 5-15
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 43
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 20
Sockets: 6
Speed By Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 7-14
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 48
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 32
Sockets: 4
Speed By Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 3-19
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 55
Minimum Dexterity: 39
Range: 1
Durability: 44
Sockets: 4
Speed By Class: Very Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 8-20
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 71
Minimum Dexterity: 45
Range: 1
Durability: 44
Sockets: 3
Speed By Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 2-9
Two-Handed Damage: 8-17
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 35
Minimum Dexterity: 27
Range: 3
Durability: 44
Sockets: 3
Speed By Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 5-12
Two-Handed Damage: 13-30
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 47
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 3
Durability: 50
Sockets: 4
Speed By Class: Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Normal - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 3-16
Two-Handed Damage: 9-28
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 56
Minimum Dexterity: 34
Range: 3
Durability: 50
Sockets: 4
Speed By Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 7-19
Two-Handed Damage: 20-28
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 62
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 2
Durability: 40
Sockets: 4
Speed By Class: Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Normal - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 9-15
Two-Handed Damage: 13-26
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 70
Minimum Dexterity: 49
Range: 3
Durability: 50
Sockets: 5
Speed By Class: Very Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 12-20
Two-Handed Damage: 25-42
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 100
Minimum Dexterity: 60
Range: 3
Durability: 50
Sockets: 6
Speed By Class: Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Normal - All others.

That's it for normal swords.

Exceptional Swords

These usually appear in Nightmare difficulty.

One-Handed Damage: 8-22
Level Requirement: Level 18
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 24
Sockets: 2
Speed By Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 8-21
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: 52
Range: 1
Durability: 22
Sockets: 2
Speed By Class: Fast - Sorceress. Very Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 10-24
Level Requirement: Level 23
Minimum Strength: 58
Minimum Dexterity: 58
Range: 1
Durability: 32
Sockets: 2
Speed By Class: Very Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 16-35
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 70
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 32
Sockets: 2
Speed By Class: Normal - Assassin and Paladin. Slow - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 13-35
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 85
Minimum Dexterity: 60
Range: 1
Durability: 20
Sockets: 6
Speed By Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 16-34
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 92
Minimum Dexterity: 43
Range: 1
Durability: 32
Sockets: 4
Speed By Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 10-42
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 103
Minimum Dexterity: 79
Range: 1
Durability: 44
Sockets: 4
Speed By Class: Very Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 18-43
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 127
Minimum Dexterity: 88
Range: 1
Durability: 44
Sockets: 3
Speed By Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 8-26
Two-Handed Damage: 18-40
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 73
Minimum Dexterity: 61
Range: 3
Durability: 44
Sockets: 3
Speed By Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 13-30
Two-Handed Damage: 26-61
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 91
Minimum Dexterity: 20
Range: 3
Durability: 50
Sockets: 4
Speed By Class: Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Normal - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 10-37
Two-Handed Damage: 19-58
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 104
Minimum Dexterity: 71
Range: 3
Durability: 50
Sockets: 4
Speed By Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 14-40
Two-Handed Damage: 39-60
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 113
Minimum Dexterity: 20
Range: 2
Durability: 40
Sockets: 4
Speed By Class: Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Normal - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 19-35
Two-Handed Damage: 29-54
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 125
Minimum Dexterity: 94
Range: 3
Durability: 50
Sockets: 5
Speed By Class: Very Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 24-40
Two-Handed Damage: 47-80
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 170
Minimum Dexterity: 110
Range: 3
Durability: 50
Sockets: 6
Speed By Class: Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Normal - All others.

That's all for exceptional swords.

Elite Swords

These usually appear in Hell difficulty.

One-Handed Damage: 31-59
Level Requirement: Level 42
Minimum Strength: 150
Minimum Dexterity: 88
Range: 1
Durability: 24
Sockets: 2
Speed By Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 26-46
Level Requirement: Level 45
Minimum Strength: 136
Minimum Dexterity: 95
Range: 1
Durability: 22
Sockets: 2
Speed By Class: Fast - Sorceress. Very Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 33-45
Level Requirement: Level 47
Minimum Strength: 109
Minimum Dexterity: 122
Range: 1
Durability: 32
Sockets: 2
Speed By Class: Very Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 28-68
Level Requirement: Level 51
Minimum Strength: 142
Minimum Dexterity: 105
Range: 1
Durability: 32
Sockets: 2
Speed By Class: Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Normal - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 31-35
Level Requirement: Level 54
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: 136
Range: 2
Durability: Indestructible
Sockets: 6
Speed By Class: Fast - Sorceress. Very Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 37-53
Level Requirement: Level 58
Minimum Strength: 142
Minimum Dexterity: 112
Range: 1
Durability: 32
Sockets: 4
Speed By Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 5-77
Level Requirement: Level 61
Minimum Strength: 99
Minimum Dexterity: 109
Range: 2
Durability: 44
Sockets: 4
Speed By Class: Very Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 40-52
Level Requirement: Level 66
Minimum Strength: 147
Minimum Dexterity: 124
Range: 2
Durability: 44
Sockets: 3
Speed By Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 20-56
Two-Handed Damage: 50-94
Level Requirement: Level 44
Minimum Strength: 175
Minimum Dexterity: 100
Range: 3
Durability: 44
Sockets: 3
Speed By Class: Fast - Druid, Necromancer, Sorceress. Very Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 22-62
Two-Handed Damage: 67-96
Level Requirement: Level 49
Minimum Strength: 171
Minimum Dexterity: 104
Range: 3
Durability: 100
Sockets: 4
Speed By Class: Fast - All Character Classes.
One-Handed Damage: 15-75
Two-Handed Damage: 55-118
Level Requirement: Level 53
Minimum Strength: 185
Minimum Dexterity: 87
Range: 3
Durability: 50
Sockets: 4
Speed By Class: Normal - Sorceress. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 24-54
Two-Handed Damage: 71-83
Level Requirement: Level 57
Minimum Strength: 163
Minimum Dexterity: 103
Range: 3
Durability: 40
Sockets: 4
Speed By Class: Very Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Fast - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 26-70
Two-Handed Damage: 61-121
Level Requirement: Level 60
Minimum Strength: 182
Minimum Dexterity: 95
Range: 3
Durability: 50
Sockets: 5
Speed By Class: Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Normal - All others.
One-Handed Damage: 25-65
Two-Handed Damage: 58-115
Level Requirement: Level 63
Minimum Strength: 189
Minimum Dexterity: 110
Range: 3
Durability: 50
Sockets: 6
Speed By Class: Normal - Druid, Necromancer, and Sorceress. Fast - All others.

That's it for elite swords.

8.1.15 Throwing Items

This is a rather small category compared to the last one, but still important
nonetheless. These throwing items include the ones that haven't been included
already, which are throwing knifes and throwing axes. These don't have any
durability or sockets. Here it is!

Normal Throwing Weapons

These usually appear in Normal difficulty.

Throwing Damage: 4-9
One-Handed Damage: 2-3
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: 21
Melee Range: 1
Maximum Stack: 160
Class: Dagger
Speed By Class: Normal - Paladin. Fast - All others.
Throwing Damage: 6-11
One-Handed Damage: 1-8
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: 51
Melee Range: 1
Maximum Stack: 160
Class: Dagger
Speed By Class: Fast - Paladin. Very Fast - All others.
Throwing Damage: 8-12
One-Handed Damage: 4-7
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: 40
Melee Range: 1
Maximum Stack: 130
Class: Axe
Speed By Class: Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Normal - All others.
Throwing Damage: 12-15
One-Handed Damage: 5-10
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: 57
Melee Range: 1
Maximum Stack: 130
Class: Axe
Speed By Class: Very Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Fast - All others.

That's it for normal throwing weapons.

Exceptional Throwing Weapons

These usually appear in Nightmare difficulty.

Throwing Damage: 11-24
One-Handed Damage: 8-16
Level Requirement: Level 19
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: 52
Melee Range: 1
Maximum Stack: 160
Class: Dagger
Speed By Class: Normal - Paladin. Fast - All others.
Throwing Damage: 14-27
One-Handed Damage: 6-24
Level Requirement: Level 22
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: 97
Melee Range: 1
Maximum Stack: 160
Class: Dagger
Speed By Class: Fast - Paladin. Very Fast - All others.
Throwing Damage: 18-33
One-Handed Damage: 11-22
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: 80
Melee Range: 1
Maximum Stack: 130
Class: Axe
Speed By Class: Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Normal - All others.
Throwing Damage: 24-34
One-Handed Damage: 13-27
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: 106
Melee Range: 1
Maximum Stack: 130
Class: Axe
Speed By Class: Very Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Fast - All others.

That's all for exceptional throwing weapons.

Elite Throwing Weapons

These usually appear in Hell difficulty.

Throwing Damage: 23-54
One-Handed Damage: 23-54
Level Requirement: Level 48
Minimum Strength: 48
Minimum Dexterity: 141
Melee Range: 1
Maximum Stack: 200
Class: Dagger
Speed By Class: Normal - Paladin. Fast - All others.
Throwing Damage: 23-39
One-Handed Damage: 27-35
Level Requirement: Level 57
Minimum Strength: 45
Minimum Dexterity: 142
Melee Range: 1
Maximum Stack: 200
Class: Dagger
Speed By Class: Fast - Paladin. Very Fast - All others.
Throwing Damage: 15-66
One-Handed Damage: 17-65
Level Requirement: Level 42
Minimum Strength: 88
Minimum Dexterity: 108
Melee Range: 1
Maximum Stack: 180
Class: Axe
Speed By Class: Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Normal - All others.
Throwing Damage: 7-60
One-Handed Damage: 11-56
Level Requirement: Level 60
Minimum Strength: 96
Minimum Dexterity: 122
Melee Range: 1
Maximum Stack: 180
Class: Axe
Speed By Class: Very Fast - Assassin and Paladin. Fast - All others.

That's all for elite throwing weapons.

8.1.16 Wands

These are the necromancer's weapons of choice. Like staves are for sorceress,
they are used mainly to give skill bonuses to the holder, but they can every
once in a while be used in melee attacking if you are in a pickle. Here they

Normal Wands

These usually appear in Normal difficulty.

Name: WAND
One-Handed Damage: 2-4
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 15
Sockets: 1
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Necromancer: Fast
One-Handed Damage: 2-8
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 15
Sockets: 1
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Necromancer: Normal
One-Handed Damage: 3-7
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 15
Sockets: 2
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Necromancer: Very Fast
One-Handed Damage: 5-11
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: -
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 15
Sockets: 2
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Necromancer: Fast

That's all for normal wands.

Exceptional Wands

These usually appear in Nightmare difficulty.

One-Handed Damage: 8-18
Level Requirement: Level 19
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 15
Sockets: 1
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Necromancer: Fast
One-Handed Damage: 8-24
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 15
Sockets: 2
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Necromancer: Normal
One-Handed Damage: 10-22
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 15
Sockets: 2
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Necromancer: Very Fast
One-Handed Damage: 13-29
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 15
Sockets: 2
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Necromancer: Fast

That's it for exceptional wands.

Elite Wands

These usually appear in Hell difficulty.

One-Handed Damage: 18-33
Level Requirement: Level 41
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 15
Sockets: 2
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Necromancer: Fast
One-Handed Damage: 20-42
Level Requirement: Level 48
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 15
Sockets: 2
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Necromancer: Normal
One-Handed Damage: 10-31
Level Requirement: Level 56
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 15
Sockets: 2
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Necromancer: Fast
One-Handed Damage: 22-28
Level Requirement: Level 64
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: -
Range: 1
Durability: 15
Sockets: 2
Magic Level: 1
Speed for Necromancer: Fast

That's all for elite wands.

8.2 Equipment

Here is a list of you will defend yourself from enemy attack, and the best way
to do it. There is another large variety of ways to defend yourself, more than
the previous Diablo, with the addition of boots and gloves. Here it is.

8.2.1 Armor

These are the main part of your defense, and there are many different kinds of
body armor. They are absolutely vital to your survival, and can absorb many
hits. Here is the list, and it is much shorter than the weapons.

Normal Armor

These are usually found in Normal difficulty.

Defense: 8-11
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 12
Durability: 20
Sockets: 2
Type: Light
Defense: 14-17
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 15
Durability: 24
Sockets: 2
Type: Light
Defense: 21-24
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 20
Durability: 28
Sockets: 2
Type: Light
Defense: 32-35
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 27
Durability: 32
Sockets: 2
Type: Light
Defense: 45-48
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 36
Durability: 26
Sockets: 3
Type: Medium
Defense: 57-60
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 44
Durability: 36
Sockets: 2
Type: Heavy
Defense: 65-68
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 30
Durability: 50
Sockets: 3
Type: Light
Defense: 72-75
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 48
Durability: 45
Sockets: 2
Type: Medium
Defense: 90-95
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 51
Durability: 30
Sockets: 2
Type: Medium
Defense: 90-107
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 41
Durability: 60
Sockets: 3
Type: Light
Defense: 101-105
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 55
Durability: 48
Sockets: 2
Type: Medium
Defense: 108-116
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 65
Durability: 60
Sockets: 2
Type: Heavy
Defense: 128-135
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 70
Durability: 55
Sockets: 4
Type: Medium
Defense: 150-161
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 80
Durability: 70
Sockets: 4
Type: Heavy
Defense: 218-233
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 100
Durability: 60
Sockets: 4
Type: Medium

That's all for normal armor.

Exceptional Armor

These usually appear in Nightmare difficulty.

Defense: 102-117
Level Requirement: Level 22
Minimum Strength: 38
Durability: 20
Sockets: 2
Type: Light
Defense: 111-126
Level Requirement: Level 24
Minimum Strength: 43
Durability: 24
Sockets: 2
Type: Light
Defense: 122-136
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 50
Durability: 28
Sockets: 2
Type: Light
Defense: 138-153
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 61
Durability: 32
Sockets: 2
Type: Light
Defense: 158-172
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 74
Durability: 26
Sockets: 3
Type: Medium
Defense: 176-190
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 86
Durability: 36
Sockets: 3
Type: Heavy
Defense: 188-202
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 65
Durability: 50
Sockets: 3
Type: Light
Defense: 198-213
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 92
Durability: 45
Sockets: 3
Type: Medium
Defense: 225-243
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 97
Durability: 30
Sockets: 3
Type: Medium
Defense: 225-261
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 55
Durability: 60
Sockets: 3
Type: Light
Defense: 252-274
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 118
Durability: 60
Sockets: 3
Type: Heavy
Defense: 242-258
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 103
Durability: 48
Sockets: 3
Type: Medium
Defense: 282-303
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 125
Durability: 55
Sockets: 4
Type: Medium
Defense: 315-342
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 140
Durability: 70
Sockets: 4
Type: Heavy
Defense: 417-450
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 170
Durability: 60
Sockets: 4
Type: Medium

That's all for exceptional armor.

Elite Armor

These usually appear in Hell difficulty.

Defense: 361-467
Level Requirement: Level 49
Minimum Strength: 77
Durability: 20
Sockets: 4
Type: Light
Defense: 364-470
Level Requirement: Level 50
Minimum Strength: 84
Durability: 24
Sockets: 4
Type: Light
Defense: 375-481
Level Requirement: Level 53
Minimum Strength: 111
Durability: 32
Sockets: 4
Type: Light
Defense: 383-489
Level Requirement: Level 54
Minimum Strength: 131
Durability: 26
Sockets: 4
Type: Medium
Defense: 390-496
Level Requirement: Level 55
Minimum Strength: 149
Durability: 36
Sockets: 4
Type: Heavy
Defense: 395-501
Level Requirement: Level 56
Minimum Strength: 118
Durability: 50
Sockets: 4
Type: Light
Defense: 399-505
Level Requirement: Level 47
Minimum Strength: 158
Durability: 45
Sockets: 4
Type: Medium
Defense: 410-517
Level Requirement: Level 57
Minimum Strength: 165
Durability: 30
Sockets: 4
Type: Medium
Defense: 410-524
Level Requirement: Level 63
Minimum Strength: 103
Durability: 60
Sockets: 4
Type: Light
Defense: 421-530
Level Requirement: Level 59
Minimum Strength: 196
Durability: 60
Sockets: 4
Type: Heavy
Defense: 417-523
Level Requirement: Level 61
Minimum Strength: 174
Durability: 48
Sockets: 4
Type: Medium
Defense: 433-541
Level Requirement: Level 62
Minimum Strength: 208
Durability: 55
Sockets: 4
Type: Medium
Defense: 446-557
Level Requirement: Level 64
Minimum Strength: 230
Durability: 70
Sockets: 4
Type: Heavy
Defense: 487-600
Level Requirement: Level 66
Minimum Strength: 232
Durability: 60
Sockets: 4
Type: Medium

That's all for elite armor.

8.2.2 Barbarian Helmets

These are very cool looking helmets, I think, that are made especially for
Barbarians. They are class-specific, so only Barbarians can wear it. They
usually some sort of bonus to skills.

Normal Barbarian Helmets

These are usually found in Normal difficulty.

Defense: 10-15
Level Requirement: Level 3
Minimum Strength: 25
Durability: 25
Sockets: 3
Defense: 15-20
Level Requirement: Level 6
Minimum Strength: 35
Durability: 35
Sockets: 3
Defense: 25-30
Level Requirement: Level 12
Minimum Strength: 45
Durability: 45
Sockets: 3
Defense: 30-35
Level Requirement: Level 15
Minimum Strength: 55
Durability: 50
Sockets: 3
Defense: 35-50
Level Requirement: Level 18
Minimum Strength: 65
Durability: 55
Sockets: 3

That's all for normal barbarian helmets.

Exceptional Barbarian Helmets

These are usually found in Nightmare difficulty.

Defense: 55-68
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 58
Durability: 25
Sockets: 3
Defense: 63-75
Level Requirement: Level 29
Minimum Strength: 73
Durability: 35
Sockets: 3
Defense: 78-90
Level Requirement: Level 29
Minimum Strength: 88
Durability: 45
Sockets: 3
Defense: 85-98
Level Requirement: Level 32
Minimum Strength: 103
Durability: 50
Sockets: 3
Defense: 93-120
Level Requirement: Level 40
Minimum Strength: 118
Durability: 55
Sockets: 3

That's all for exceptional barbarian helmets.

Elite Barbarian Helmets

These can be found usually in Hell difficulty.

Defense: 102-147
Level Requirement: Level 45
Minimum Strength: 106
Durability: 25
Sockets: 3
Defense: 105-150
Level Requirement: Level 49
Minimum Strength: 129
Durability: 35
Sockets: 3
Defense: 111-156
Level Requirement: Level 54
Minimum Strength: 151
Durability: 45
Sockets: 3
Defense: 114-159
Level Requirement: Level 60
Minimum Strength: 174
Durability: 50
Sockets: 3
Defense: 117-168
Level Requirement: Level 65
Minimum Strength: 196
Durability: 55
Sockets: 3

That's all for elite barbarian helmets.

8.2.3 Belts

These are vital to your survival. The defense on these aren't great and won't
help you out a lot, but the most important thing is your belt storage. Storing
potions during a boss fight or any other fight really is very important, and
the more slots you have the better. Without a belt, you have four slots, and
the maximum you can get is 16 slots.

Normal Belts

These usually appear in Normal difficulty.

Name: SASH
Defense: 2
Level Requirement:
Minimum Strength: -
Durability: 12
Slots: 8
Defense: 3
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: -
Durability: 14
Slots: 8
Name: BELT
Defense: 5
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 25
Durability: 16
Slots: 12
Defense: 6
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 45
Durability: 18
Slots: 12
Defense: 8-11
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 60
Durability: 24
Slots: 16

That's it for normal belts.

Exceptional Belts

These are usually found in Nightmare difficulty.

Defense: 29-34
Level Requirement: Level 24
Minimum Strength: 20
Durability: 12
Slots: 16
Defense: 21-36
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 20
Durability: 14
Slots: 16
Defense: 35-40
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 58
Durability: 16
Slots: 16
Defense: 37-42
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 88
Durability: 18
Slots: 16
Defense: 41-52
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 110
Durability: 24
Slots: 16

That's all for exceptional belts.

Elite Belts

These usually appear in Hell difficulty.

Defense: 55-62
Level Requirement: Level 46
Minimum Strength: 50
Durability: 12
Slots: 16
Defense: 56-63
Level Requirement: Level 51
Minimum Strength: 50
Durability: 14
Slots: 16
Defense: 58-65
Level Requirement: Level 56
Minimum Strength: 106
Durability: 16
Slots: 16
Defense: 59-66
Level Requirement: Level 62
Minimum Strength: 151
Durability: 18
Slots: 16
Defense: 61-71
Level Requirement: Level 67
Minimum Strength: 185
Durability: 24
Slots: 16

That's all for elite belts.

8.2.4 Boots

These are another one of the additions to the equipment category. This doesn't
really have a purpose, just another way to increase your defense and maybe
other stats with a rare or magical pair of boots. Other than that, they are
just extra.

Normal Boots

These usually appear in Normal difficulty.

Defense: 2-3
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: -
Durability: 12
Defense: 5-6
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 18
Durability: 14
Defense: 8-9
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 30
Durability: 16
Defense: 9-11
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 50
Durability: 18
Defense: 12-15
Level Requirement:
Minimum Strength: 70
Durability: 24

That's all for normal boots.

Exceptional Boots

These usually appear in Nightmare difficulty.

Defense: 28-35
Level Requirement: Level 24
Minimum Strength: 20
Durability: 12
Defense: 33-39
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 47
Durability: 14
Defense: 37-44
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 65
Durability: 16
Defense: 39-47
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 95
Durability: 18
Defense: 43-53
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 125
Durability: 24

That's all for exceptional boots.

Elite Boots

These usually appear in Hell difficulty.

Defense: 54-62
Level Requirement: Level 45
Minimum Strength: 50
Durability: 12
Defense: 56-65
Level Requirement: Level 49
Minimum Strength: 91
Durability: 14
Defense: 59-67
Level Requirement: Level 54
Minimum Strength: 118
Durability: 16
Defense: 59-68
Level Requirement: Level 60
Minimum Strength: 163
Durability: 18
Defense: 62-71
Level Requirement: Level 65
Minimum Strength: 208
Durability: 24

That's all for elite boots.

8.2.5 Circlets

These are like amulets that you can put on your head. They don't have very
good defense, but they have many magical abilities. There are only four
throughout the entire game, so here they are.

Defense: 20-30
Level Requirement: Level 16
Durability: 35
Sockets: 1
Magic Level: 3
Defense: 30-40
Level Requirement: Level 39
Durability: 30
Sockets: 1
Magic Level: 8
Defense: 40-50
Level Requirement: Level 52
Durability: 25
Sockets: 1
Magic Level: 13
Defense: 50-60
Level Requirement: Level 64
Durability: 20
Sockets: 1
Magic Level: 18

That's all for circlets.

8.2.6 Gloves

These are like boots, except for the hands. This is another addition by
Blizzard that is kind of worthless; all they do is add defense and magical
abilities if they are as such.

Normal Gloves

These are usually found in Normal difficulty.

Defense: 2-3
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: -
Durability: 12
Defense: 5-6
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: -
Durability: 14
Defense: 8-9
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 26
Durability: 16
Defense: 9-11
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 45
Durability: 18
Defense: 12-15
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 60
Durability: 24

That's all for normal gloves.

Exceptional Gloves

These usually appear in Nightmare difficulty.

Defense: 28-35
Level Requirement: Level 24
Minimum Strength: 20
Durability: 12
Defense: 33-39
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 20
Durability: 14
Defense: 37-44
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 58
Durability: 16
Defense: 39-47
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 88
Durability: 18
Defense: 43-53
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 110
Durability: 24

That's all for exceptional gloves.

Elite Gloves

These usually appear in Hell difficulty.

Defense: 54-62
Level Requirement: Level 42
Minimum Strength: 50
Durability: 12
Defense: 56-65
Level Requirement: Level 47
Minimum Strength: 50
Durability: 14
Defense: 59-67
Level Requirement: Level 51
Minimum Strength: 106
Durability: 16
Defense: 59-69
Level Requirement: Level 57
Minimum Strength: 151
Durability: 18
Defense: 62-71
Level Requirement: Level 64
Minimum Strength: 185
Durability: 24

That's all for elite gloves.

8.2.7 Helmets

These are a little more useful in reality, but they serve the same purpose as
the last couple. All it does is add defense, but in reality, it can save a big
blow to the head.

Normal Helmets

These are usually found in Normal difficulty.

Name: CAP
Defense: 3-5
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: -
Durability: 12
Sockets: 2
Defense: 8-11
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 15
Durability: 18
Sockets: 2
Name: HELM
Defense: 15-18
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 26
Durability: 24
Sockets: 2
Defense: 23-26
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 41
Durability: 30
Sockets: 2
Defense: 30-35
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 63
Durability: 40
Sockets: 3
Name: MASK
Defense: 9-27
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 23
Durability: 20
Sockets: 3
Defense: 25-45
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 55
Durability: 50
Sockets: 3
Defense: 33-36
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 25
Durability: 40
Sockets: 2

That's all for normal helmets.

Exceptional Helmets

These usually appear in Nightmare difficulty.

Defense: 45-63
Level Requirement: Level 22
Minimum Strength: 20
Durability: 12
Sockets: 2
Defense: 52-62
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 43
Durability: 18
Sockets: 2
Defense: 63-72
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 59
Durability: 24
Sockets: 2
Defense: 75-84
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 82
Durability: 30
Sockets: 2
Defense: 85-98
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 115
Durability: 40
Sockets: 3
Defense: 54-86
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 55
Durability: 20
Sockets: 3
Defense: 78-113
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 103
Durability: 50
Sockets: 3
Defense: 60-125
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 58
Durability: 40
Sockets: 2

That's all for exceptional helmets.

Elite Helmets

These usually appear in Hell difficulty.

Defense: 98-141
Level Requirement: Level 43
Minimum Strength: 50
Durability: 12
Sockets: 2
Defense: 101-145
Level Requirement: Level 47
Minimum Strength: 84
Durability: 18
Sockets: 2
Defense: 105-149
Level Requirement: Level 51
Minimum Strength: 109
Durability: 24
Sockets: 2
Defense: 110-154
Level Requirement: Level 40
Minimum Strength:
Durability: 142
Sockets: 30
Defense: 114-159
Level Requirement: Level 59
Minimum Strength: 192
Durability: 40
Sockets: 3
Defense: 101-154
Level Requirement: Level 55
Minimum Strength: 102
Durability: 20
Sockets: 3
Defense: 111-165
Level Requirement: Level 66
Minimum Strength: 174
Durability: 50
Sockets: 3
Defense: 100-157
Level Requirement: Level 63
Minimum Strength: 106
Durability: 40
Sockets: 3

That's all for elite helmets.

8.2.8 Paladin Shields

These are shields that are only for Paladins. They are very awesome looking,
and they come in many shapes and sizes. They will always have a certain effect
on them, and I will give you a table of the effects.

Effect: +5-10 All Resistances
Level Requirement: Level 1
Effect: +8-15 All Resistances
Level Requirement: Level 18
Effect: +16-30 All Resistances
Level Requirement: Level 28
Effect: +25-25 All Resistances
Level Requirement: Level 39
Effect: +35-35 All Resistances
Level Requirement: Level 50
Effect: +15-30 AR, +10-20% Damage
Level Requirement: Level 10
Name: FINE
Effect: +31-60 AR, +21-30% Damage
Level Requirement: Level 18
Effect: +61-80 AR, +31-40% Damage
Level Requirement: Level 30
Effect: +81-100 AR, +41-50% Damage
Level Requirement: Level 42
Effect: +101-120 AR, +51-65% Damage
Level Requirement: Level 50

That's the stats no matter what for each of the paladin shields.

Normal Paladin Shields

These usually appear in Normal difficulty.

Defense: 8-12
Level Requirement: Level 3
Minimum Strength: 16
Durability: 20
Chance to Block (%): 40
Sockets: 4
Smite Damage: 2-6
Type: Light
Defense: 10-18
Level Requirement: Level 6
Minimum Strength: 26
Durability: 30
Chance to Block (%): 45
Sockets: 4
Smite Damage: 2-8
Type: Light
Defense: 16-26
Level Requirement: Level 12
Minimum Strength: 40
Durability: 40
Chance to Block (%): 50%
Sockets: 4
Smite Damage: 3-9
Type: Light
Defense: 26-36
Level Requirement: Level 15
Minimum Strength: 50
Durability: 50
Chance to Block (%): 52%
Sockets: 4
Smite Damage: 4-10
Type: Light
Defense: 30-40
Level Requirement: Level 18
Minimum Strength: 65
Durability: 60
Chance to Block (%): 55%
Sockets: 4
Smite Damage: 4-12
Type: Light

That's all for normal paladin shields.

Exceptional Paladin Shields

These usually appear in Nightmare difficulty.

Defense: 101-125
Level Requirement: Level 26
Minimum Strength: 44
Durability: 20
Chance to Block (%): 40
Sockets: 4
Smite Damage: 12-16
Type: Light
Defense: 113-137
Level Requirement: Level 30
Minimum Strength: 59
Durability: 30
Chance to Block (%): 45
Sockets: 4
Smite Damage: 15-20
Type: Light
Defense: 129-153
Level Requirement: Level 34
Minimum Strength: 69
Durability: 40
Chance to Block (%): 50
Sockets: 4
Smite Damage: 18-24
Type: Light
Defense: 144-168
Level Requirement: Level 38
Minimum Strength: 89
Durability: 50
Chance to Block (%): 52
Sockets: 4
Smite Damage: 20-28
Type: Light
Defense: 156-181
Level Requirement: Level 41
Minimum Strength: 114
Durability: 60
Chance to Block (%): 55
Sockets: 4
Smite Damage: 24-32
Type: Light

That's all for exceptional paladin shields.

Elite Paladin Shields

These usually appear in Hell difficulty.

Defense: 126-158
Level Requirement: Level 47
Minimum Strength: 86
Durability: 45
Chance to Block (%): 60
Sockets: 4
Smite Damage: 22-70
Type: Light
Defense: 138-154
Level Requirement: Level 52
Minimum Strength: 109
Durability: 68
Chance to Block (%): 58
Sockets: 4
Smite Damage: 35-58
Type: Light
Defense: 154-172
Level Requirement: Level 55
Minimum Strength: 124
Durability: 55
Chance to Block (%): 55
Sockets: 4
Smite Damage: 10-82
Type: Light
Defense: 169-193
Level Requirement: Level 61
Minimum Strength: 142
Durability: 65
Chance to Block (%): 52
Sockets: 4
Smite Damage: 46-76
Type: Light
Defense: 182-225
Level Requirement: Level 66
Minimum Strength: 148
Durability: 90
Chance to Block (%): 51
Sockets: 4
Smite Damage: 5-87
Type: Light

That's all for elite paladin shields.

8.2.9 Pelts

These would have been under Druid pelts, but there weren't any other kind of
pelts so I decided on that. These are helmets, but they are the head of
another animal. It sounds disgusting and probably is, but that's the way the
game goes.

Normal Pelts

These usually appear in Normal difficulty.

Defense: 8-11
Level Requirement: Level 3
Minimum Strength: 16
Durability: 20
Sockets: 3
Defense: 4-15
Level Requirement: Level 6
Minimum Strength: 20
Durability: 20
Sockets: 3
Defense: 18-24
Level Requirement: Level 12
Minimum Strength: 24
Durability: 20
Sockets: 3
Defense: 12-28
Level Requirement: Level 15
Minimum Strength: 28
Durability: 20
Sockets: 3
Defense: 22-35
Level Requirement: Level 18
Minimum Strength: 30
Durability: 20
Sockets: 3

That's all for normal pelts.

Exceptional Pelts

These usually appear in Nightmare difficulty.

Defense: 52-62
Level Requirement: Level 26
Minimum Strength: 44
Durability: 20
Sockets: 3
Defense: 46-68
Level Requirement: Level 30
Minimum Strength: 50
Durability: 20
Sockets: 3
Defense: 67-81
Level Requirement: Level 29
Minimum Strength: 56
Durability: 20
Sockets: 3
Defense: 58-87
Level Requirement: Level 32
Minimum Strength: 62
Durability: 20
Sockets: 3
Defense: 73-96
Level Requirement: Level 41
Minimum Strength: 65
Durability: 20
Sockets: 3

That's all for exceptional pelts.

Elite Pelts

These are usually found in Hell difficulty.

Defense: 101-145
Level Requirement: Level 46
Minimum Strength: 86
Durability: 20
Sockets: 3
Defense: 98-147
Level Requirement: Level 51
Minimum Strength: 95
Durability: 20
Sockets: 3
Defense: 107-152
Level Requirement: Level 57
Minimum Strength: 104
Durability: 20
Sockets: 3
Defense: 103-155
Level Requirement: Level 62
Minimum Strength: 113
Durability: 20
Sockets: 3
Defense: 109-159
Level Requirement: Level 66
Minimum Strength: 118
Durability: 20
Sockets: 3

That's all for elite pelts.

8.2.10 Shields

These are a very vital part of the game if you are going melee attacking.
Having a shield is very, very helpful because of the amount of blocks that you
can get from them. They also add defense and quite nice bonuses.

Normal Shields

These usually appear in Normal difficulty.

Defense: 4-6
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 12
Durability: 12
Sockets: 1
Smite Damage: 1-3
Type: Light
Chance to Block By Class: Paladin: 30%. Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian: 25%.
All others: 20%
Defense: 8-10
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 22
Durability: 16
Sockets: 2
Smite Damage: 2-3
Type: Light
Chance to Block By Class: Paladin: 35%. Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian: 30%.
All others: 25%.
Defense: 12-14
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 34
Durability: 24
Sockets: 3
Smite Damage: 2-4
Type: Medium
Chance to Block By Class: Paladin: 42%. Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian: 33%.
All others: 32%
Defense: 16-18
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 47
Durability: 30
Sockets: 3
Smite Damage: 2-5
Type: Light
Chance to Block By Class: Paladin: 38%. Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian: 33%.
All others: 28%.
Defense: 15-25
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 30
Durability: 40
Sockets: 2
Smite Damage: 5-9
Type: Light
Chance to Block By Class: Paladin: 40%. Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian: 35%.
All others: 30%.
Defense: 22-24
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 75
Durability: 60
Sockets: 3
Smite Damage: 1-5
Type: Heavy
Chance to Block By Class: Paladin: 54%. Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian: 49%.
All others: 44%.
Defense: 10-30
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 25
Durability: 40
Sockets: 2
Smite Damage: 3-6
Type: Light
Chance to Block By Class: Paladin: 50%. Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian: 45%.
All others: 40%.
Defense: 30-35
Level Requirement: -
Minimum Strength: 60
Durability: 40
Sockets: 3
Smite Damage: 2-6
Type: Medium
Chance to Block By Class: Paladin: 46%. Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian: 41%.
All others: 36%.

That's all for normal shields.

Exceptional Shields

These usually appear in Nightmare difficulty.

Defense: 41-49
Level Requirement: Level 22
Minimum Strength: 38
Durability: 12
Sockets: 1
Smite Damage: 8-12
Type: Light
Chance to Block by Class: Paladin: 30%. Amazon, Assassin, and Barbarian: 25%.
All others: 20%
Defense: 47-55
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 53
Durability: 16
Sockets: 2
Smite Damage: 7-14
Type: Light
Chance to Block by Class: Paladin: 35%. Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian: 30%.
All others: 25%.
Defense: 53-61
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 71
Durability: 24
Sockets: 3
Smite Damage: 11-15
Type: Medium
Chance to Block by Class: Paladin: 42%. Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian: 37%.
All others: 32%.
Defense: 59-67
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 91
Durability: 30
Sockets: 3
Smite Damage: 15-24
Type: Light
Chance to Block by Class: Paladin: 38%. Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian: 33%.
All others: 28%.
Defense: 68-78
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 65
Durability: 40
Sockets: 2
Smite Damage: 18-35
Type: Light
Chance to Block by Class: Paladin: 40%. Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian: 35%.
All others: 30%.
Defense: 68-78
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 133
Durability: 60
Sockets: 3
Smite Damage: 10-17
Type: Heavy
Chance to Block by Class: Paladin: 54%. Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian: 49%.
All others: 44%.
Defense: 50-151
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 58
Durability: 40
Sockets: 2
Smite Damage: 14-20
Type: Light
Chance to Block by Class: Paladin: 50%. Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian: 45%.
All others: 40%.
Defense: 80-93
Level Requirement: Level 25
Minimum Strength: 110
Durability: 40
Sockets: 3
Smite Damage: 12-16
Type: Medium
Chance to Block by Class: Paladin: 46%. Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian: 41%.
All others: 36%.

That's all for exceptional shields.

Elite Shields

These usually appear in Hell difficulty.

Defense: 95-110
Level Requirement: Level 43
Minimum Strength: 77
Durability: 88
Sockets: 2
Smite Damage: 16-30
Type: Light
Chance to Block by Class: Paladin: 52%. Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian: 47%.
All others: 42%.
Name: LUNA
Defense: 108-123
Level Requirement: Level 45
Minimum Strength: 100
Durability: 84
Sockets: 2
Smite Damage: 17-29
Type: Light
Chance to Block by Class: Paladin: 50%. Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian: 45%.
All others: 40%.
Defense: 119-135
Level Requirement: Level 48
Minimum Strength: 127
Durability: 82
Sockets: 3
Smite Damage: 14-32
Type: Medium
Chance to Block by Class: Paladin: 54%. Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian: 49%.
All others: 44%.
Defense: 133-148
Level Requirement: Level 54
Minimum Strength: 156
Durability: 86
Sockets: 4
Smite Damage: 12-34
Type: Light
Chance to Block by Class: Paladin: 52%. Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian: 47%.
All others: 42%.
Defense: 147-163
Level Requirement: Level 51
Minimum Strength: 118
Durability: 83
Sockets: 3
Smite Damage: 26-40
Type: Light
Chance to Block by Class: Paladin: 50%. Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian: 45%.
All others: 40%.
Defense: 145-161
Level Requirement: Level 59
Minimum Strength: 219
Durability: 92
Sockets: 4
Smite Damage: 18-28
Type: Heavy
Chance to Block by Class: Paladin: 54%. Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian: 49%.
All others: 44%.
Defense: 158-173
Level Requirement: Level 57
Minimum Strength: 106
Durability: 74
Sockets: 3
Smite Damage: 24-38
Type: Light
Chance to Block by Class: Paladin: 50%. Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian: 45%.
All others: 40%.
Name: WARD
Defense: 153-170
Level Requirement: Level 63
Minimum Strength: 185
Durability: 100
Sockets: 4
Smite Damage: 11-35
Type: Medium
Chance to Block by Class: Paladin: 54%. Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian: 49%.
All others: 44%.

That's all for elite shields.

8.2.11 Shrunken Heads

These are specialized shields for Necromancers. They use small heads for their
shields, kinda weird if you ask me. But anyway, there skill bonuses on them
usually for Necromancers, so these are good to use if you are a Necromancer.

Normal Shrunken Heads

These usually appear in Normal difficulty.

Defense: 2-5
Level Requirement: Level 3
Minimum Strength: 12
Durability: 20
Sockets: 2
Type: Light
Chance to Block: 23%
Defense: 4-8
Level Requirement: Level 6
Minimum Strength: 14
Durability: 20
Sockets: 2
Type: Light
Chance to Block: 25%
Defense: 6-10
Level Requirement: Level 12
Minimum Strength: 18
Durability: 20
Sockets: 2
Type: Light
Chance to Block: 28%
Defense: 10-16
Level Requirement: Level 15
Minimum Strength: 20
Durability: 20
Sockets: 2
Type: Light
Chance to Block: 30%
Defense: 15-20
Level Requirement: Level 18
Minimum Strength: 25
Durability: 20
Sockets: 2
Type: Light
Chance to Block: 32%

That's all for normal shrunken heads.

Exceptional Shrunken Heads

These usually appear in Nightmare difficulty.

Defense: 38-48
Level Requirement: Level 24
Minimum Strength: 38
Durability: 20
Sockets: 2
Type: Light
Chance to Block: 23%
Defense: 41-52
Level Requirement: Level 29
Minimum Strength: 41
Durability: 20
Sockets: 25%
Type: 2
Chance to Block: Light
Defense: 44-55
Level Requirement: Level 33
Minimum Strength: 47
Durability: 20
Sockets: 2
Type: Light
Chance to Block: 28%
Defense: 50-64
Level Requirement: Level 33
Minimum Strength: 47
Durability: 20
Sockets: 2
Type: Light
Chance to Block: 30%
Defense: 58-70
Level Requirement: Level 40
Minimum Strength: 58
Durability: 20
Sockets: 2
Type: Light
Chance to Block: 32%

That's all for exceptional shrunken heads.

Elite Shrunken Heads

These usually appear in Hell difficulty.

Defense: 95-139
Level Requirement: Level 44
Minimum Strength: 77
Durability: 20
Sockets: 2
Type: Light
Chance to Block: 23%
Defense: 96-141
Level Requirement: Level 50
Minimum Strength: 82
Durability: 20
Sockets: 2
Type: Light
Chance to Block: 25%
Defense: 98-142
Level Requirement: Level 49
Minimum Strength: 91
Durability: 20
Sockets: 2
Type: Light
Chance to Block: 28%
Defense: 100-146
Level Requirement: Level 60
Minimum Strength: 95
Durability: 20
Sockets: 2
Type: Light
Chance to Block: 30%
Defense: 103-148
Level Requirement: Level 65
Minimum Strength: 106
Durability: 20
Sockets: 2
Type: Light
Chance to Block: 32%

That's all for elite shrunken heads.

8.3 Set Items

Here is where all of the set items in the game will be listed. This section,
unlike the other parts of section 8, are all up to date with patch 1.10. They
will be done in alphabetical order, no matter what version they were in.
_________/ALDUR'S WATCHTOWER\__________________________________________________

(Thanks to BCD for this set information)

Type: Hunter's Guise
Defense: 157-171 (varies)(Base Defense: 67-81)
Required Level: 36
Required Strength: 56
Durability: 20
(Druid Only)
Attributes: +90 Defense
25% Faster Hit Recovery
Regenerate Mana 17%
Cold Resist +40-50% (varies)
Socketed (2)
+5 To Light Radius
+15 To Energy (2 Items)
Another +15 To Energy (+30 total) (3 Items)
Another +15 To Energy (+45 total) (Completed Set)

Type: Battle Boots
Defense: 39-47 (varies)
Required Level: 45
Required Strength: 95
Assassin Kick Damage: 37-64
Attributes: Indestructible
40% Faster Run/Walk
+180 Maximum Stamina
10% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
Heal Stamina Plus +32%
+50 To Life
Fire Resist +40-50% (varies)
+15 To Dexterity (2 Items)
Another +15 To Dexterity (+30 total) (3 Items)
Another +15 To Dexterity (+45 total) (Completed Set)

Type: Shadow Plate
Defense: 746-857 (varies)(Base Defense: 446-557)
Required Level: 76
Required Strength: 115
Durability: 70
Attributes: +300 Defense
Requirements -50%
Lightning Resist +40-50% (varies)
+15 To Dexterity
+20 To Strength
+1 To Elemental Skills (Druid Only)
+1 To Shape Shifting Skills (Druid Only)
+15 To Vitality (2 Items)
Another +15 To Vitality (+30 total) (3 Items)
Another +15 To Vitality (+45 total) (Completed Set)

Type: Jagged Star
Damage: 60 To 93 (76.5 Avg) (Base Damage: 20-31)
Required Level: 42
Required Strength: 74
Durability: 72
Base Weapon Speed: [10]
Attributes: +200% Damage To Demons
+50% Damage To Undead
Adds 40-62 Damage
Adds 50-75 Lightning Damage
30% Increased Attack Speed
10% Life Stolen Per Hit
5% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Socketed (2-3) (varies)
+15 To Strength (2 Items)
Another +15 To Strength (+30 total) (3 Items)
Another +15 To Strength (+45 total) (Completed Set)

PARTIAL SET BONUS : 150% Bonus To Attack Rating (2 Items)
50% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items (3 Items)

COMPLETE SET BONUS: +3 To Druid Skills
+350% Enhanced Damage
150% Bonus To Attack Rating
50% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
10% Mana Stolen Per Hit
All Resistances +50
+150 Defense
+150 To Mana
Displays Aura that makes your character look unique
_________/ANGELIC RAIMENT\_____________________________________________________

Type: Ring Mail
Defense: 68/218
Level Requirement: Level 12
Minimum Strength: 36
Durability: 26
Attributes: +40% Enhanced Defense
Damage Reduced by 3
+150 Defense (2 Set Items)
Fire Resist +50% (3 Set Items)
Type: Sabre
One-Handed Damage: 3-8/5-14
Level Requirement: Level 12
Minimum Strength: 25
Minimum Dexterity: 25
Durability: 32
Weapon Speed: Fast
Attributes: +250% Damage to Undead
+75 to Attack Rating
+75% Enhanced Damage (2 Set Items)
+30% Increased Attack Speed (3 Set Items)
Type: Ring
Level Requirement: Level 12
Attributes: Replenish Life +6
+20 to Life
+144-1188 Attack Rating (2 Set Items)
+50% Better Chance of Finding Magic Items (3 Set Items)
Type: Amulet
Level Requirement: Level 12
Attributes: 20% Damage Goes to Mana
+3 to Light Radius
+75 to Life (2 Set Items)
+1 to All Skills (3 Set Items)
2 ITEM SET BONUS : +10 Dexterity

3 ITEM SET BONUS : +50 Mana

COMPLETE SET BONUS: Half Freeze Duration
All Resistances +25
40% Better Chance of Finding Magic Item
Regenerate Mana +8%
+10 Dexterity
+50 Mana
_________/ARCANNA'S TRICKS\____________________________________________________

Type: Skull Cap
Defense: 8-11/11-308
Required Level: Level 15
Required Strength: 15
Durability: 18
Attributes: Replenish Life +4
Attacker Takes Damage of 2
+3-297 Defense (2 Set Items)
Lightning Resist +15% (3 Set Items)
Type: Light Plate
Defense: 90-107/190-207
Required Level: Level 15
Required Strength: 41
Durability: 60
Attributes: +2 to Light Radius
Damage Reduced by 3
+100 Defense (2 Set Items)
+10 Energy (3 Set Items)
Type: War Staff
Two-Handed Damage: 12-28
Required Level: Level 15
Durability: 50
Weapon Speed: Slow
Attributes: +1 to Sorceress Skill Levels
+25% Deadly Strike
+50% Damage to Undead
+50 Mana (2 Set Items)
Regenerate Mana +5% (3 Set Items)
Type: Amulet
Required Level: Level 15
Attributes: Regenerate Mana +20%
+15 to Mana
+50% Better Chance of Finding Magic Item (2 Set Items)
Fire Resist +20% (3 Set Items)
2 SET ITEM BONUS : +25 Mana

3 SET ITEM BONUS : +50 Life

+50 Life
+20% Faster Cast Rate
+5% Mana Stolen Per Hit
_________/ARCTIC GEAR\_________________________________________________________

Type: Quilted Armor
Defense: 45-51/48-348
Required Level: Level 2
Required Strength: 12
Durability: 20
Attributes: +275-325% Enhanced Defense
All Resistances +10
+3-297 Defense (2 Set Items)
Cold Resist +15% (3 Set Items)
Type: Light Belt
Defense: 33
Required Level: Level 2
Durability: 14
Attributes: Cold Resist +40%
+30 Defense
+40% Better Chance of Finding Magic Item (2 Set Items)
Cold Resist +10% (3 Set Items)
Type: Light Gauntlets
Defense: 9-11
Required Level: Level 2
Required Strength: 45
Durability: 18
Attributes: +20 to Life
+10% Increased Attack Speed
+50 to Attack Rating (2 Set Items)
+10 to Dexterity (3 Set Items)
Type: Short War Bow
Two-Handed Damage: 9-21
Required Level: Level 2
Required Strength: 35
Required Dexterity: 55
Weapon Speed: Normal
Attributes: +50% Enhanced Damage
+20% Bonus to Attack Rating
+72-792 to Attack Rating (2 Set Items)
+20-30 Cold Damage, 3 Second Duration (3 Set Items)
2 SET ITEM BONUS : +5 Strength

3 SET ITEM BONUS : +50 Life

+50 Life
Cannot be Frozen
+6-14 Cold Damage
Cold Duration of 4 Seconds
_________/BERSERKER'S ARSENAL\_________________________________________________

Type: Helm
Defense: 30-33
Required Level: Level 3
Required Strength: 26
Durability: 24
Attributes: +15 Defense
Fire Resist +25%
+48-792 to Attack Rating (Partial Set)
Type: Splint Mail
Defense: 90-95/93-392
Required Level: Level 3
Required Strength: 51
Durability: 30
Attributes: +1 to Barbarian Skill Levels
Magic Damage Reduced by 2
+3-297 Defense (Partial Set)
Type: Double Axe
One-Handed Damage: 5-13/7-19
Required Level: Level 3
Required Strength: 43
Durability: 24
Weapon Speed: Slow
Attributes: +30% Bonus to Attack Rating
+5% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+50% Enhanced Damage (Partial Set)

+75 Defense
Poison Length Reduced by 75%
+5-9 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds
_________/BUL-KATHOS' CHILDREN\________________________________________________

Type: Colossus Blade
One-Handed Damage: 75-195
Two-Handed Damage: 174-345
Required Level: Level 63
Required Strength: 189
Required Dexterity: 110
Durability: 50
Weapon Speed: Normal
Attributes: +200% Enhanced Damage
+35% Chance of Crushing Blow
All Resistances +20
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Type: Mythical Sword
One-Handed Damage: 120-150
Required Level: Level 66
Required Strength: 147
Required Dexterity: 124
Durability: 44
Weapon Speed: Normal
Attributes: +200% Enhanced Damage
+50 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds
Fire Resist +50%
+20 Strength
+20% Increased Attack Speed
COMPLETE SET BONUS: +2 to All Skill Levels
+200 to Attack Rating
+200% Damage to Undead
+200% Damage to Demons
+20 Fire Damage
+25 Defense

*NOTE* - This set can be worn by anyone, but can only get the complete set
bonus if it is worn by a Barbarian.
_________/CATHAN'S TRAPS\______________________________________________________

Type: Mask
Defense: 9-27/11-225
Required Level: Level 11
Required Strength: 23
Durability: 20
Attributes: Cold Resist +20%
+20 Mana
+2-198 Defense (2 Set Items)
Type: Chain Mail
Defense: 87-90
Required Level: Level 11
Required Strength: 24
Durability: 45
Attributes: +15 Defense
-50% Requirements
Attacker Takes Damage of 5 (2 Set Items)
Fire Resist +30% (3 Set Items)
Type: Battle Staff
Two-Handed Damage: 6-13
Required Level: Level 11
Weapon Speed: Normal
Attributes: +1 to Fire Skills
+10 Maximum Fire Damage
+50% Damage to Undead
+50 Mana (2 Set Items)
+10 All Resistances (3 Set Items)
Type: Amulet
Required Level: Level 11
Attributes: Attacker Takes Damage of 5
+10% Faster Hit Recovery
+50 to Attack Rating (2 Set Items)
+25% Better Chance of Finding Magic Item (3 Set Items)
Type: Ring
Required Level: Level 11
Attributes: +6% Life Stolen Per Hit
Damage Reduced by 2
+10 Strength (2 Set Items)
2 SET ITEM BONUS : +15-20 Fire Damage

3 SET ITEM BONUS : Resist Lightning +25%

COMPLETE SET BONUS: +15-20 Fire Damage
Resist Lightning +25%
10% Faster Cast Rate
Magic Damage Reduced by 3
All Resistances +25
+60 to Attack Rating
+20 Mana
_________/CIVERB'S VESTMENTS\__________________________________________________

Type: Grand Scepter
One-Handed Damage: 8-140
Required Level: Level 9
Required Strength: 37
Durability: 60
Weapon Speed: Slow
Attributes: +1-99 Maximum Damage
+17-23 Maximum Damage
+50% Damage to Undead
+75 to Attack Rating
Type: Amulet
Required Level: Level 9
Attributes: Replenish Life +4
Regenerate Mana +40%
Cold Resist +25% (Partial Set)
+25 Defense (Complete Set)
Type: Large Shield
Defense: 27-29
Required Level: Level 9
Required Strength: 34
Durability: 24
Chance to Block: Paladin: 57%, Amazon/Assassin/Barbarian: 52%, All Others: 47%.
Paladin Smite Damage: 2-4
Attributes: +15 Defense
+15% Increased Chance to Block
+21-22 Mana (Civerb's Icon)
Poison Resist +25-28% (Civerb's Cudgel)
PARTIAL SET BONUS : Fire Resist +15%

COMPLETE SET BONUS: Fire Resist +15%
Lightning Resist +25%
+15 Strength
+200% Damage to Undead
_________/CLEGLAW'S BRACE\_____________________________________________________

Type: Long Sword
One-Handed Damage: 3-19/3-142
Required Level: Level 4
Required Strength: 55
Required Dexterity: 39
Durability: 44
Weapon Speed: Fast
Attributes: +50% Deadly Strike
+30% Bonus to Attack Rating
+1-123 Maximum Damage (Partial Set)
Type: Chain Gloves
Defense: 8-9
Required Level: Level 4
Required Strength: 25
Durability: 16
Attributes: Slows Target by 25%
+10-990 to Attack Rating (Partial Set)
Type: Small Shield
Defense: 25-27
Required Level: Level 4
Required Strength: 22
Durability: 16
Chance to Block: Paladin: 35%, Amazon/Assassin/Barbarian: 30%, All Others: 25%.
Paladin Smite Damage: 2-3
Attributes: Poison Length Reduced by 75%
+17 Defense
All Resistances +15 (Partial Set)

+35% Chance of Crushing Blow
+6% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+20% Increased Attack Speed
_________/COW KING'S LEATHERS\_________________________________________________

Type: War Hat
Defense: 120-128
Required Level: Level 25
Required Strength: 20
Durability: 12
Attributes: +75 Defense
Half Freeze Duration
Attacker Takes Damage of 10
35% Damage Taken Goes to Mana
Type: Studded Leather
Defense: 57
Required Level: Level 18
Required Strength: 27
Durability: 32
Attributes: +60% Enhanced Defense
18% Chance to Cast Level 5 Chain Lightning When Struck
All Resistances +18
+30 Life
Type: Heavy Boots
Defense: 30-41
Required Level: Level 13
Required Strength: 18
Durability: 14
Attributes: +25-35 Defense
+30% Faster Walk/Run
+25-35 Fire Damage
+20 Dexterity
+25% Better Chance of Finding Magic Item
PARTIAL SET BONUS : Poison Resist +25%

COMPLETE SET BONUS: Poison Resist +25%
25% Chance to Cast Level 5 Static Field When Struck
+100 Maximum Stamina
+20 Strength
+30% Increased Attack Speed
100% Better Chance of Finding Magic Item
100% Extra Gold from Monsters
_________/DEATH'S DISGUISE\____________________________________________________

Type: War Sword
One-Handed Damage: 10-25
Required Level: Level 6
Required Strength: 71
Required Dexterity: 45
Durability: 44
Weapon Speed: Normal
Attributes: +25% Enhanced Defense
+4% Life Stolen Per Hit
+25-75 Cold Damage for 3 Seconds (Partial Set)
Type: Leather Gloves
Defense: 2-3
Required Level: Level 6
Durability: 12
Attributes: Poison Length Reduced by 75%
Poison Resist 50%
+30% Increased Attack Speed (Partial Set)
Type: Sash
Defense: 22
Required Level: Level 6
Durability: 12
Attributes: 8 Boxes
Cannot be Frozen
+20 Defense
All Resistances +15 (Partial Set)
PARTIAL SET BONUS : +8% Life Steal

+40% Bonus to Attack Rating
All Resistances +25
+10 Minimum Damage
_________/THE DISCIPLE\________________________________________________________

Type: Amulet
Required Level: Level 30
Attributes: +1 to All Skills
Poison Resist +35-50%
Cold Resist +18%
Attacker Takes Damage of 8-10
Type: Bramble Mitts
Defense: 79-87
Required Level: Level 63
Required Strength: 50
Durability: 12
Attributes: +25 Defense
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+350% Damage to Demons
Fire Resist +50%
10% Chance to Cast Level 3 Holy Bolt When Struck
Type: Dusk Shroud
Defense: 666-882
Required Level: Level 49
Required Strength: 77
Durability: 20
Attributes: +305-415 Defense
Fire Resist +24%
25% Chance to Cast Level 3 Nova When Struck
+24-34 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds
Type: Demonic Boots
Defense: 53-60
Required Level: Level 29
Required Strength: 20
Durability: 12
Assassin Kick Damage: 26-46
Attributes: +25 Defense
+30% Faster Walk/Run
+15-25 Maximum Stamina
Half Freeze Duration
Type: Mithril Coil
Defense: 108-115
Required Level: Level 65
Required Strength: 106
Durability: 16
Attributes: 16 Boxes
+50 Defense
All Resistances +15
+10 Dexterity
+10 Strength
2 SET ITEM BONUS : +150 Defense

3 SET ITEM BONUS : +22 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds

4 SET ITEM BONUS : +10 Strength

+22 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds
+10 Strength
+2 to All Skills
All Resistances +50
+100 Mana
_________/GRISWOLD'S LEGACY\___________________________________________________

(Thanks to BCD for this set as well)

Type: Ornate Plate
Defense: 917-950 (varies) (Base Defense 417-450)
Required Level: 45
Required Strength: 102
Durability: 60
Attributes: +500 Defense
Requirements -40%
+20 To Strength
+2 To Defensive Aura Skills (Paladin Only)
Socketed (3)

Type: Corona
Defense: 249-290 (varies)(Base Defense: 111-165)
Required Level: 69
Required Strength: 105
Durability: 50
Attributes: +50-70% Enhanced Defense
All Resistances +5
20-30% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
Requirements -40%
+ 0.25-24.75 Absorbs Cold Damage
Socketed (2)
+2 To Offensive Auras (Paladin Only) (2 Items)

Type: Caduceus
Damage: (111-125) To (129-146) (120-135.5 Avg)
Damage: (121-135) To (149-166) (135-150.5 Avg) (with 3 items)
Damage: (131-145) To (169-186) (150-165.5 Avg) (with Complete Set)
Required Level: 53
Required Strength: 78
Required Dexterity: 56
Durability: 70
Base Weapon Speed: [-10]
Attributes: +200-240% Enhanced Damage (varies)
+250% Damage To Undead
Requirements -20%
40% Increased Attack Speed
Socketed (3-4) (varies)
+2 To Combat Skills (Paladin Only) (2 Items)
Adds 10-20 Damage (3 Items)
Adds another 10-20 Damage (20-40 total) (Complete Set)

Type: Vortex Shield
Defense: 290-333 (varies)(Base Defense: 182-225)
Required Level: 68
Required Strength: 148
Durability: 90
Chance to Block: [25] 69%
Paladin Smite Damage: 5 To 87
Attributes: Paladin Only
65% Faster Block Rate
20% Increased Chance of Blocking
+108 Defense
All Resistances +45
Socketed (3)

2 SET ITEM BONUS : +20 Strength

3 SET ITEM BONUS : +30 Dexterity

COMPLETE SET BONUS: +3 To Paladin Skill Levels
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
+200 To Attack Rating
+20 To Strength
+30 To Dexterity
+150 To Life
All Resistances +50
Displays Aura that makes your character look unique
_________/HEAVEN'S BRETHREN\___________________________________________________

Type: Cuirass
Defense: 688-702
Required Level: Level 44
Required Strength: 52
Durability: 50
Attributes: +500 Defense
+40 Defense vs. Melee
+35 Defense vs. Missile
Requirements –20%
+75 Life
Type: Reinforced Mace
One-Handed Damage: 41-197
Required Level: Level 68
Required Strength: 145
Required Dexterity: 60
Durability: 60
Weapon Speed: Normal
Attributes: +1-148 Maximum Damage
+50% Damage to Undead
+40% Increased Attack Speed
+10% Chance to Cast Level 3 Frost Nova When Struck
+20-30 Fire Damage
Type: Ward
Defense: 203-220
Required Level: Level 81
Required Strength: 185
Chance to Block: Paladin: 79%, Amazon/Assassin/Barbarian: 74%, All Others: 69%.
Paladin Smite Damage: 11-35
Attributes: +50 Defense
+25% Increased Chance of Blocking
Lightning Resist +30%
+30% Faster Block Rate
+100 Mana
Attacker Takes Damage of 30
Type: Spiraled Helm
Defense: 164-209
Required Level: Level 69
Required Strength: 116
Durability: 40
Attributes: 10% Chance to Cast Level 3 Weaken When Attacking
+24% Faster Hit Recovery
Requirements –40%
+50 Defense
+15 Dexterity
+10 Strength
2 SET ITEM BONUS : Heal Stamina +50%

3 SET ITEM BONUS : Replenish Life +20

COMPLETE SET BONUS: Heal Stamina +50%
Replenish Life +20
+2 to All Skills
All Resistances +50
Cannot be Frozen
+5 to Light Radius
_________/HSARU'S DEFENSE\_____________________________________________________

Type: Buckler
Defense: 4-6/6-253
Required Level: Level 3
Required Strength: 12
Durability: 12
Chance to Block: Paladin: 30%, Amazon/Assassin/Barbarian: 25%, All Others: 20%.
Paladin Smite Damage: 1-3
Attributes: Damage Reduced by 2
+10 Strength
+2-247 Defense (Partial Set)
Type: Belt
Defense: 5/7-252
Required Level: Level 3
Required Strength: 25
Durability: 16
Attributes: 12 Boxes
Cold Resist +20%
+20 Life
+2-247 Defense (Partial Set)
Type: Chain Boots
Defense: 8-9
Required Level: Level 3
Required Strength: 25
Durability: 16
Attributes: +20% Faster Run/Walk
Fire Resist +25%
+10-990 to Attack Rating (Partial Set)
PARTIAL SET BONUS : Attacker Takes Damage of 5

COMPLETE SET BONUS: Attacker Takes Damage of 5
Cannot be Frozen
Lightning Resist +25%
+5 to Maximum Damage
_________/HWANIN'S MAJESTY\____________________________________________________

Type: Grand Crown
Defense: 228
Required Level: Level 45
Required Strength: 103
Durability: 50
Attributes: +100% Enhanced Defense
Replenish Life +20
Magic Damage Reduced by 20
Cold Resist +37%
Type: Bill
Two-Handed Damage: 42-159
Required Level: Level 28
Required Strength: 95
Weapon Speed: Normal
Attributes: +200% Enhanced Damage
+5-25 Lightning Damage
+40% Increased Attack Speed
+330 to Attack Rating
10% Chance to Cast Level 3 Ice Bolt When Attacking
Type: Tigulated Mail
Defense: 376-390
Required Level: Level 30
Required Strength: 86
Durability: 36
Attributes: +200 Defense
10% Chance to Cast Level 3 Static Field When Struck
Poison Resist +27%
+100 Life
Type: Belt
Defense: 6-153
Required Level: Level 35
Required Strength: 25
Durability: 16
Attributes: +1-148 Defense
+3-33 Lightning Damage
Prevent Monster Heal
12% Damage Taken Goes to Mana
2 SET ITEM BONUS : +100 Defense

3 SET ITEM BONUS : +200 Defense

COMPLETE SET BONUS: +2 to All Skills
+30% Faster Walk/Run
20% Life Stolen Per Hit
+300 Defense
All Resistances +30
_________/IMMORTAL KING\_______________________________________________________

(Thanks to BCD for this set)

Type: Avenger Guard
Defense: 160-175 (Base Defense: 35-50)
Required Level: 47
Required Strength: 65
Durability: 55
Attributes: Barbarian Only
+4 To Light Radius
+125 Defense
37% Extra Gold From Monsters
25-40% Better Chance Of Finding Magic Items
+2 To Warcries Skills (Barbarian Only)
Socketed (2)

Type: Ogre Maul
Damage: 231 To 318 (274.5 Avg) (Base Damage: 77-106)
Required Level: 76
Required Strength: 225
Base Weapon Speed: [10]
Attributes: +200% Enhanced Damage
+200% Damage To Demons
+250% Damage To Undead
40% Increased Attack Speed
35-40% Chance Of Crushing Blow
Socketed (2)
Adds 211-397 Fire Damage (2 items)
Adds 7-477 Lightning Damage (3 Items)
Adds 127-364 Cold Damage (4 Items)
+204 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds (5 Items)
Adds 250-361 Magic Damage (Complete Set)

Type: Sacred Armor
Defense: 887-1000 (varies)(Base Defense: 487-600)
Defense: 1132-1300 (varies)(Complete Set)
Required Level: 76
Required Strength: 232
Durability: 60
Attributes: +400 Defense
5% Chance To Cast Level 5 Enchant When Struck
Poison Resist +50%
+2 To Combat Skills (Barbarian Only)
+25% Faster Hit Recovery (2 Items)
Lightning Resist +40% (3 Items)
Fire Resist +40% (4 Items)
Cold Resist +40% (5 Items)
+50% Enhanced Defense (Complete Set)

Type: War Belt
Defense: 77-89 (varies)(Base Defense: 41-52)
Defense: 182-194 (vaires) (with 2 items)
Defense: 223-247 (varies) (with 4 items)
Required Level: 29
Required Strength: 110
Durability: 24
Attributes: 16 Boxes
+36 Defense
Lightning Resist +31%
Fire Resist +28%
+25 To Strength
+105 Defense (2 items)
+25% Faster Hit Recovery (3 Items)
+100% Enhanced Defense (4 Items)
Damage Reduced By 20% (5 Items)
+2 To Masteries (Barbarian Only) (Complete Set)

War Gauntlets

Defense: 108-118 (varies)(Base Defense: 43-53)
Defense: 228-238 (varies) (with 3 items)
Required Level: 30
Required Strength: 110
Durability: 24
Attributes: +65 Defense
12% Chance To Cast Level 4 Charged Bolt When Struck
+20 To Dexterity
+20 To Strength
+25% Increased Attack Speed (2 Items)
+120 Defense (3 Items)
10% Life Stolen Per Hit (4 Items)
10% Mana Stolen Per Hit (5 Items)
Freezes Target +2 (Complete Set)

Type: War Boots
Defense: 118-128 (varies)(Base Defense: 43-53)
Defense: 278-288 (varies) (with 4 items)
Required Level: 31
Required Strength: 125
Durability: 24
Assassin Kick Damage: 39-80
Attributes: +75 Defense
40% Faster Run/Walk
+110 To Attack Rating
+44 To Life
25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (2 items)
+2 To Combat Skills (Barbarian) (3 Items)
+160 Defense (4 Items)
Half Freeze Duration (5 Items)

2 SET ITEM BONUS : +50 To Attack Rating

3 SET ITEM BONUS : Additional +75 To Attack Rating

4 SET ITEM BONUS : Additional +125 To Attack Rating

5 SET ITEM BONUS : Additional +200 To Attack Rating

COMPLETE SET BONUS: +3 To Barbarian Skill Levels
+450 To Attack Rating
+150 To Life
All Resistances +50
Magic Damage Reduced By 10
Displays Aura that makes your character look unique
_________/INFERNAL TOOLS\______________________________________________________

Type: Cap
Defense: 3-5/5-203
Required Level: Level 5
Durability: 12
Attributes: +20% Damage Taken Goes to Mana
All Resistances +10
+2-198 Defense (Partial Set)
Type: Heavy Belt
Defense: 31
Required Level: Level 5
Required Strength: 45
Durability: 18
Attributes: +25 Defense
+20 Life
Poison Resist +25% (Partial Set)
Half Freeze Duration (Complete Set)
Type: Grim Wand
One-Handed Damage: 13-14
Required Level: Level 5
Durability: 15
Weapon Speed: Normal
Attributes: +1 to Necromancer Skill Levels
+8 to Minimum Damage
+150% Damage to Undead
+10-990 to Attack Rating (Partial Set)
PARTIAL SET BONUS : +8 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds

COMPLETE SET BONUS: +8 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds
+20% Chance of Open Wounds
+1 to Necromancer Skill Levels
+20% Bonus to Attack Rating
+6% Mana Stolen Per Hit
_________/IRATHA'S FINERY\_____________________________________________________

Type: Crown
Defense: 25-45/27-243
Required Level: Level 15
Required Strength: 55
Durability: 50
Attributes: Lightning Resist +30%
Fire Resist +30%
+2-198 Defense (2 Items)
Type: Amulet
Required Level: Level 15
Attributes: Poison Length Reduced by 75%
Poison Resist +30%
All Resistances +15 (2 Items)
Type: Heavy Belt
Defense: 31
Required Level: Level 15
Required Strength: 45
Durability: 18
Attributes: 12 Boxes
+25 Defense
+5 to Minimum Damage
+10 Dexterity (2 Items)
Type: Light Gauntlets
Defense: 9-11
Required Level: Level 15
Required Strength: 45
Durability: 18
Attributes: Half Freeze Duration
Cold Resist +30%
+20% Increased Attack Speed (2 Items)
2 SET ITEM BONUS : +50 Defense

3 SET ITEM BONUS : +20% Faster Run/Walk

+20% Faster Run/Walk
+15 Dexterity
+10% Maximum Cold Resist
+10% Maximum Fire Resist
+10% Maximum Lightning Resist
+10% Maximum Poison Resist
All Resistances +20
_________/ISENHART'S ARMORY\___________________________________________________

Type: Broad Sword
One-Handed Damage: 17-18
Required Level: Level 8
Required Strength: 48
Durability: 32
Weapon Speed: Normal
Attributes: +10 Minimum Damage
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+5-495 to Attack Rating (2 Items)
Type: Full Helm
Defense: 23-26
Required Level: Level 8
Required Strength: 41
Durability: 30
Attributes: Damage Reduced by 2
+6 Dexterity
All Resistances +8% (2 Items)
Type: Breast Plate
Defense: 105-108/107-306
Required Level: Level 8
Required Strength: 30
Durability: 50
Attributes: Magic Damage Reduced by 2
+40 Defense
+2-198 Defense (2 Items)
Type: Gothic Shield
Defense: 70-75
Required Level: Level 8
Required Strength: 60
Durability: 40
Chance to Block: Paladin: 46%, Amazon/Assassin/Barbarian: 41%, All Others: 36%.
Paladin Smite Damage: 2-6
Attributes: Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 4
+40 Defense
All Resistances +8 (2 Items)
2 SET ITEM BONUS : +10 Strength

3 SET ITEM BONUS : +10 Dexterity

+10 Dexterity
+20% Faster Run/Walk
+30% Increased Chance of Blocking
+35% Bonus to Attack Rating
5% Life Stolen Per Hit
All Resistances +10
_________/M'AVINA'S BATTLE HYMN\_______________________________________________

(Thanks to BCD for this set)

Type: Diadem
Defense: 200-210 (varies) (Base Defense: 50-60)
Required Level: 64
Durability: 20
Attributes: +150 Defense
Replenish Life +10
+25 To Mana
+30% Increased Attack Speed
+1 To All Skills (2 Items)
50% Bonus To Attack Rating (3 Items)
All Resistances +25 (4 Items)

Type: Grand Matron Bow
Damage: 40 To 207 (123.5 Avg) (Base Damage: 14 To 72)
Required Level: 70
Required Strength: 108
Required Dexterity: 152
Base Weapon Speed: [10] (Fast)
Attributes: Amazon Only
+188% Enhanced Damage
+40% Increased Attack Speed
+50 To Attack Rating
Fires Magic Arrows [Level 1]
Adds 114-377 Magic Damage (2 Items)
10% Chance To Cast Level 15 Nova On Striking (3 Items)
+2 To Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only) (4 Items)

Type: Kraken Shell
Defense: (771-1163) To (887-1269) (varies)(Base Defense: 417-523)
Required Level: 70
Required Strength: 122
Durability: 48
Attributes: Requirements -30%
10% Chance To Cast Level 3 Glacial Spike When Struck
Magic Damage Reduced By 5-12
+ (4 Per Character Level) 4-396 Defense (Based On Character Level)
+2 To Passive And Magic Skills (Amazon Only)
+350 Defense
+30% Faster Hit Recovery (3 Items)

Type: Battle Gauntlets
Defense: 85-98 (varies)(Base Defense: 39-47)
Required Level: 32
Required Strength: 88
Durability: 18
Attributes: +45-50 Defense
Half Freeze Duration
6-18 Cold Damage
56% Extra Gold From Monsters
+10 To Strength
+15 To Dexterity
Adds 131-252 Cold Damage (4 Items)
+20% To Cold Skill Damage (Complete Set)

Type: Sharkskin Belt
Defense: 81-86 (varies)(Base Defense: 31-36)
Required Level: 45
Required Strength: 20
Durability: 14
Attributes: 16 Boxes
+50 Defense
+20% Faster Run/Walk
+5 To Light Radius
5% Mana Stolen Per Hit
All Resistances +25 (4 Items)

2 SET ITEM BONUS : +20 To Strength (2 Items)

3 SET ITEM BONUS : +30 To Dexterity (3 Items)

COMPLETE SET BONUS: +3 To Amazon Skill Levels
+20 To Strength
+30 To Dexterity
All Resistances +50
+100 Defense
+100 To Attack Rating
100% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
Displays Aura that makes your character look unique
_________/MILABREGA'S REGALIA\_________________________________________________

Type: Crown
Defense: 25-45
Required Level: Level 17
Required Strength: 55
Durability: 50
Attributes: +15 Mana
+15 Life
Cold Resist +40% (2 Items)
Type: Ancient Armor
Defense: 234/468
Required Level: Level 17
Required Strength: 100
Durability: 60
Attributes: Damage Reduced by 2
Attacker Takes Damage of 3
+100% Enhanced Damage (2 Items)
Type: Kite Shield
Defense: 44/53
Required Level: Level 17
Required Strength: 47
Durability: 30
Chance to Block: Paladin: 38%, Amazon/Assassin/Barbarian: 33%, All Others: 28%.
Paladin Smite Damage: 2-5
Attributes: +25 Defense
+20% Better Chance of Finding Magic Item
+50 Life (2 Items)
+50% Enhanced Defense (3 Items)
Type: War Scepter
Damage: 15-25
Required Level: Level 17
Required Strength: 55
Durability: 70
Weapon Speed: Slow
Attributes: +50% Enhanced Damage
+50% Damage to Undead
+1 to Paladin Skills
+2 to Light Radius
2 SET ITEM BONUS : +75 to Attack Rating

3 SET ITEM BONUS : +125 to Attack Rating

COMPLETE SET BONUS: +200 to Attack Rating
+2 to Paladin Skill Levels
+8% Life Stolen Per Hit
+10% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Poison Resist +15%
_________/NATALYA'S ODIUM\_____________________________________________________

(Thanks to BCD for this set)

Type: Grim Helm
Defense: 195-300(varies) (Base Defense: 60-125)
Required Level: 59
Required Strength: 58
Durability: 40
Attributes: +135-175 Defense (varies)
All Resistances +10-20 (varies)
+20-30 To Dexterity (varies)
+10-20 To Strength (varies)
Magic Damage Reduced By 3

Type: Scissors Suwayyah
Damage: 120 To 153 (136.5 Avg) (Base Damage: 40 To 51)
Required Level: 79
Required Strength: 118
Required Dexterity: 118
Durability: 68
Base Weapon Speed: [0] (Very Fast)
Attributes: Assassin Only
+200% Enhanced Damage
+200% Damage To Undead
+200% Damage To Demons
Adds 12-17 Fire Damage
Ignores Target's Defense
40% Increased Attack Speed
+50 Cold Damage

Type: Loricated Mail
Defense: 540-721 (varies)(Base Defense: 390-496)
Required Level: 73
Required Strength: 149
Durability: 36
Attributes: +150-225 Defense (varies)
+ (1 Per Character Level) 1-99 To Life (Based On Character Level)
Poison Length Reduced By 75%
Poison Resist +25%
+2 To Shadow Disciplines Skills (Assassin Only)
Socketed (1-3) (varies)

Type: Mesh Boots
Defense: 112-169 (varies)(Base Defense: 37-44)
Required Level: 25
Required Strength: 65
Durability: 66
Assassin Kick Damage: 23-52
Attributes: +75-125 Defense (varies)
+40% Faster Run/Walk
Heal Stamina Plus 0.25-24.75%
Cold Resist +15-25% (varies)
Lightning Resist +15-25% (varies)

2 SET ITEM BONUS : Magic Damage Reduced By 15

3 SET ITEM BONUS : +200 Defense

COMPLETE SET BONUS: +3 To Assassin Skill Levels
+350 Defense
14% Life Stolen Per Hit
14% Mana Stolen Per Hit
All Resistances +50
Damage Reduced by 30%
Magic Damage Reduced By 15
Character appears ethereal
_________/NAJ'S ANCIENT VESTIGE\_______________________________________________

Type: Circlet
Defense: 95-105
Required Level: Level 28
Durability: 35
Attributes: +75 Defense
+25-35 Fire Damage
12% Chance to Cast Level 5 Chain Lightning When Struck
+15 Strength
+5 to Light Radius
Type: Hellforge Plate
Defense: 721-830
Required Level: Level 71
Required Strength: 79
Durability: 60
Attributes: +300 Defense
Requirements –60%
45% Damage Taken Goes to Mana
+1 to All Skills
All Resistances +25
+65 Life
Type: Elder Staff
Damage: 202-232
Required Level: Level 78
Required Strength: 44
Required Dexterity: 37
Durability: 35
Weapon Speed: Normal
Attributes: +150% Enhanced Damage
+50% Damage to Undead
+6-45 Lightning Damage
+30% Faster Cast Rate
+1 to All Skills
+70 Mana
+35 Energy
Level 11 Teleport (69/69 Charges)
PARTIAL SET BONUS : +175 Defense

+15 Dexterity
All Resistances +50
+20 Strength
+100 Mana
+1 to All Skills
Replenish Life +10
_________/ORPHAN'S CALL\_______________________________________________________

Type: Winged Helm
Defense: 217
Required Level: Level 34
Required Strength: 115
Durability: 40
Attributes: +120% Enhanced Defense
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
+15% Deadly Strike
+35% Chance of Crushing Blow
+15 Strength
Type: Round Shield
Defense: 154
Required Level: Level 29
Required Strength: 53
Durability: 64
Chance to Block: Paladin: 97%, Amazon/Assassin/Barbarian: 92%, All Others: 87%.
Paladin Smite Damage: 7-14
Attributes: +175% Enhanced Defense
Half Freeze Duration
+40% Faster Block Rate
+55% Increased Chance to Block
+5 to Light Radius
Type: Sharkskin Gloves
Defense: 60
Required Level: Level 37
Required Strength: 20
Durability: 14
Attributes: +50% Enhanced Defense
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+100 to Attack Rating
+3 to Light Radius
Fire Resist +15%
Type: Battle Belt
Defense: 75
Required Level: Level 42
Required Strength: 88
Durability: 18
Attributes: 16 Boxes
+75% Enhanced Defense
+5% Life Stolen Per Hit
+5% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Cold Resist +10%
2 SET ITEM BONUS : +35 Life

3 SET ITEM BONUS : Attacker Takes Damage of 5

Attacker Takes Damage of 5
All Resistances +15
+100 Defense
+10 Dexterity
+20 Strength
+80% Better Chance of Finding a Magic Item
_________/SANDER'S FOLLY\______________________________________________________

Type: Cap
Defense: 4-102/6-104
Required Level: Level 25
Durability: 12
Attributes: +1-99 Defense
Attacker Takes Damage of 8
+35% Better Chance of Finding Magic Items
Type: Bone Wand
One-Handed Damage: 5-12
Required Level: Level 25
Durability: 15
Weapon Speed: Very Fast
Attributes: +75% Enhanced Damage
+50% Damage to Undead
+20% Faster Cast Rate
+25 Mana
+8% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+25-75 Cold Damage, 2 Second Duration
Type: Heavy Gloves
Defense: 25-31
Required Level: Level 28
Durability: 14
Attributes: +9-11 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds
+20-25 Defense
+40 Life
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Type: Heavy Boots
Defense: 5-6
Required Level: Level 20
Required Strength: 18
Durability: 14
Assassin Kick Damage: 4-10
Attributes: +40% Faster Walk/Run
+100 to Attack Rating
+10 Dexterity
+5 Strength
2 SET ITEM BONUS : +50 Defense

3 SET ITEM BONUS : +75 to Attack Rating

+75 to Attack Rating
+1 to All Skills
+4% Life Stolen Per Hit
+50 Mana
+50% Better Chance of Finding Magic Items
_________/SAZABI'S GRAND TRIBUTE\______________________________________________

Type: Basinet
Defense: 175-184
Required Level: Level 43
Required Strength: 82
Durability: 30
Attributes: +1 to All Skills
+15-20% Lightning Resist
+15-20% Fire Resist
+100 Defense
Type: Cryptic Sword
Damage: 12-192
Required Level: Level 73
Required Strength: 99
Required Dexterity: 109
Weapon Speed: Fast
Attributes: +150% Enhanced Damage
+318% Damage to Demons
+25-35 Cold Damage, 2 Second Duration
+40% Increased Attack Speed
+15 Dexterity
+5 Strength
Type: Balrog Skin
Defense: 810-917
Required Level: Level 67
Required Strength: 165
Durability: 30
Attributes: +400 Defense
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
+300 to Attack Rating Vs. Demons
+50-75 Life
+25 Strength
PARTIAL SET BONUS : +40% Faster Run/Walk

COMPLETE SET BONUS: +40% Faster Run/Walk
+15% Life Stolen Per Hit
Increase Maximum Life 27%
All Resistances +30
_________/SIGON'S COMPLETE STEEL\______________________________________________

Type: Great Helm
Defense: 55-60
Required Level: Level 6
Required Strength: 63
Durability: 40
Attributes: +25 Defense
+30 Mana
+8-792 to Attack Rating (2 Items)
Type: Gothic Plate
Defense: 170
Required Level: Level 6
Required Strength: 70
Durability: 55
Attributes: +25% Enhanced Defense
Lightning Resist +30%
Attacker Takes Damage of 20 (2 Items)
Type: Greaves
Defense: 12-15
Required Level: Level 6
Required Strength: 70
Durability: 24
Assassin Kick Damage: 10-20
Attributes: +20% Faster Walk/Run
Cold Resist +40%
+50 to Attack Rating (2 Items)
+50% Better Chance of Finding a Magic Item (3 Items)
Type: Tower Shield
Defense: 22-25
Required Level: Level 6
Required Strength: 75
Durability: 60
Chance to Block: Paladin: 74%, Amazon/Assassin/Barbarian: 69%, All Others: 64%.
Paladin Smite Damage: 1-5
Attributes: +1 to All Skills
+20% Increased Chance to Block
Type: Plated Belt
Defense: 8-11/10-209
Required Level: Level 6
Required Strength: 60
Durability: 24
Attributes: 16 Boxes
Fire Resist +20%
+20 Life
+2-198 Defense (2 Items)
Type: Gauntlets
Defense: 12-15
Required Level: Level 6
Required Strength: 60
Durability: 24
Attributes: +20 to Attack Rating
+10 Strength
+30% Increased Attack Speed (2 Items)
2 SET ITEM BONUS : +10% Life Stolen Per Hit

3 SET ITEM BONUS : +100 Defense

COMPLETE SET BONUS: +10% Life Stolen Per Hit
+100 Defense
+20 Mana
Fire Resist +12%
+24 to Maximum Fire Damage
Attacker Takes Damage of 12
Damage Reduced by 7
_________/TAL RASHA'S WRAPPINGS\_______________________________________________

(Thanks to BCD for this set)

Type: Swirling Crystal
Damage: 18 To 42 (30 Avg)
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: None
Required Dexterity: None
Durability: 50
Base Weapon Speed: [10] (Normal)
Attributes: Sorceress Only
20% Faster Cast Rate
+77 To Mana
+57 To Life
+10 To Energy
+1-2 To Lightning Mastery (Sorceress Only) (varies)
+1-2 To Fire Mastery (Sorceress Only) (varies)
+1-2 To Cold Mastery (Sorceress Only) (varies)
+1 To Sorceress Skill Levels (2 Items)
-15% To Enemy Fire Resistance (3 Items)
-15% To Enemy Lightning Resistance (4 Items)
+15% To Cold Skills Damage (Complete Set)

Type: Death Mask
Defense: 99-131 (varies)(Base Defense: 54-86)
Required Level: 66
Required Strength: 55
Durability: 20
Attributes: 10% Life Stolen Per Hit
10% Mana Stolen Per Hit
All Resistances +15
+45 Defense
+30 To Mana
+60 To Life

Type: Lacquered Plate
Defense: 833-941 (varies)(Base Defense: 433-541)
Required Level: 71
Required Strength: 84
Durability: 55
Attributes: +400 Defense
Requirements -60%
Magic Damage Reduced By 15
Cold Resist +40%
Lightning Resist +40%
Fire Resist +40%
88% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
+10% Faster Cast Rate (2 Items)

Type: Mesh Belt
Defense: 35-40
Defense: 95-100 (With 2 Items)
Required Level: 53
Required Strength: 47
Durability: 16
Attributes: 16 Boxes
Requirements -20%
37% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
+30 To Mana
+20 To Dexterity
10-15% Better Chance Of Magic Items
+60 Defense (2 Items)
+10% Faster Cast Rate (3 Items)

Type: Amulet
Required Level: 67
Attributes: +2 To Sorceress Skill Levels
Lightning Resist +33%
Adds 3-32 Lightning Damage
+42 To Mana
+50 To Life
+10% Faster Cast Rate (4 Items)

2 SET ITEM BONUS : Replenish Life +10

3 SET ITEM BONUS : 65% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items (3 Items)

4 SET ITEM BONUS : 24% Faster Hit Recovery (4 Items)

COMPLETE SET BONUS: +3 To Sorceress Skill Levels
Replenish Life +10
65% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
25% Faster Hit Recovery
+150 To Life
All Resistances +50
+50 Defense vs. Missile
+150 Defense
Displays Aura that makes your character look unique
_________/TANCRED'S BATTLEGEAR\________________________________________________

Type: Bone Helm
Defense: 33-36
Required Level: Level 20
Required Strength: 25
Durability: 40
Attributes: +10% Enhanced Damage
+40 to Attack Rating
All Resistances +10 (2 Items)
Type: Full Plate Mail
Defense: 150-161/152-359
Required Level: Level 20
Required Strength: 80
Durability: 70
Attributes: +40 Life
+15 Strength
+2-198 Defense (2 Items)
Type: Boots
Defense: 2-3
Required Level: Level 20
Durability: 12
Assassin Kick Damage: 3-8
Attributes: Heal Stamina +25%
+10 Dexterity
+30% Faster Walk/Run (2 Items)
+10 Strength (3 Items)
Type: Military Pick
One-Handed Damage: 12-19
Required Level: Level 20
Required Strength: 49
Required Dexterity: 33
Durability: 20
Weapon Speed: Slow
Attributes: +80% Enhanced Damage
+75 to Attack Rating
+20 Mana (2 Items)
+20% Increased Attack Speed (3 Items)
Type: Amulet
Required Level: Level 20
Attributes: Damage Reduced by 2
Magic Damage Reduced by 1
+78% Better Chance of Finding Magic Item (2 Items)
+60 to Attack Rating (3 Items)
2 SET ITEM BONUS : +15 Lightning Damage

3 SET ITEM BONUS : +5% Life Stolen Per Hit

COMPLETE SET BONUS: +15 Lightning Damage
+5% Life Stolen Per Hit
Slows Target +35%
+5% Mana Stolen Per Hit
All Resistances +10
75% Extra Gold From Monsters
_________/TRANG-OUL'S AVATAR\__________________________________________________

(Thanks to BCD for this set)

Type: Bone Visage
Defense: 180-257 (varies)(Base Defense: 100-157)
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 106
Durability: 40
Attributes: 24% Faster Hit Recovery
Replenish Life +5
+80-100 Defense
+150 To Mana
Attacker Takes Damage of 20

Type: Chaos Armor
Defense: 787-857 (varies)(Base Defense: 315-343)
Required Level: 49
Required Strength: 84
Durability: 70
Attributes: +150% Enhanced Defense
Requirements -40%
40% Faster Run/Walk
Poison Resist +40%
+100 Defense vs. Missile
+2 To Summoning Skills (Necromancer Only)
Lightning Resist +50% (3 Items)
Damage Reduced By 25% (Complete Set)

Type: Cantor Trophy
Defense: 175-189 (varies)(Base Defense: 50-64)
Required Level: 54
Required Strength: 50
Durability: 20
Chance to Block: 60%
Attributes: Necromancer Only
+125 Defense
+30% Increased Chance Of Blocking
Poison Resist +40%
Fire Resist +38-45%
+15 To Dexterity
+25 To Strength
+2 To Poison And Bone Skills (Necromancer Only)
-25% To Enemy Poison Resistance (3 Items)
Replenish Life +15 (4 Items)

Type: Troll Belt
Defense: 134-166 (varies)(Base Defense: 59-66)
Required Level: 62
Required Strength: 91
Durability: 18
Attributes: 16 Boxes
+75-100 Defense (varies)
Requirements -40%
Cannot Be Frozen
Replenish Life +5
+25-50 To Mana
+30 Maximum Stamina
+66 To Life
Cold Resist +40% (3 Items)

Type: Heavy Bracers
Defense: 67-74 (varies)(Base Defense: 37-44)
Required Level: 45
Required Strength: 58
Durability: 16
Attributes: +20% Faster Cast Rate
Cold Resist +30%
+30 Defense
+25% Poison Skill Damage
+2 To Curses (Necromancer Only)

2 SET ITEM BONUS : +18 To Fire Ball**
Regenerate Mana 15%
3 SET ITEM BONUS : +13 To Fire Wall**
Additional Regenerate Mana 15% (30% total)
4 SET ITEM BONUS : +10 to Meteor**
Additional Regenerate Mana 15% (45% total)

COMPLETE SET BONUS: +3 To Necromancer Levels
20% Life Stolen Per Hit
+3 To Fire Mastery**
+10 To Meteor**
+13 To Fire Wall**
+18 To Fire Ball**
+200 Defense
+100 To Mana
Regenerate Mana 60%
Replenish Life +5
All Resistances +50
Transforms into Vampire*

*NOTE*: With the full set, a Necromancer will transform into a vampire and have
the ability to cast Meteor, Fire Ball and Fire Wall. But watch out
there is a bug that slows down your caster rate as a vampire.

**ADDITIONAL NOTE**: The + skills to Fireball, Fire Wall, and Meteor, will only
give the Sorceress up to +3 for those skills. For everyone
else it will be as displayed.
_________/VIDALA'S RIG\________________________________________________________

Type: Long Battle Bow
Two-Handed Damage: 3-18
Required Level: Level 14
Required Strength: 40
Required Dexterity: 50
Weapon Speed: Fast
Attributes: +1-20 Lightning Damage
+8-792 to Attack Rating (2 Items)
Type: Leather Armor
Defense: 64-67/66-314
Required Level: Level 14
Required Strength: 15
Durability: 24
Attributes: +50 Defense
+11 Dexterity
+24% Fire Resist (2 Items)
+2-247 Defense (3 Items)
Type: Light Plated Boots
Defense: 9-11
Required Level: Level 14
Required Strength: 50
Durability: 18
Assassin Kick Damage: 8-16
Attributes: +30% Faster Run/Walk
+150 to Maximum Stamina
All Resistances +8 (2 Items)
Type: Amulet
Required Level: Level 14
Attributes: Cold Resist +20%
+15 Life
+50% Better Chance of Finding Magic Item (2 Items)
2 SET ITEM BONUS : +75 to Attack Rating

3 SET ITEM BONUS : +15 Dexterity

COMPLETE SET BONUS: +75 to Attack Rating
+15 Dexterity
+10 Strength
+15-20 Cold Damage Over 2 Seconds
Piercing Attack [50]
Freezes Target

That's all for the Set Items.

8.4 Unique Items


8.6 Horadric Cube Recipes

The Horadric Cube has many purposes, and one is to make items from other items.
Thanks to Serg, he has complied a list of them straight from the Diablo 2 CD,
and here it is. Of course I organized it. :)

* = Magical

| Beginning Materials End Results |
| Staff of Kings + Viper amulet Horadric Staff |
| Khalim Flail + Heart + Eye + Brain Super Khalim Flail |
| 1 Wirt's leg + 1 town portal book Cow Level |
| 3 health potions + 3 mana potions + 1 gem Full Rejuvenation |
| 3 health potions + 3 mana potions Rejuvenate potion |
| 3 small rejuvenations Full Rejuvenation |
| 1 perfect gem of each type + 1 amulet Prismatic Amulet |
| 1 ring + 1 perfect ruby + 1 exploding potions Garnet Ring |
| 1 ring + 1 perfect sapphire + 1 thawing potions Cobalt Ring |
| 1 ring + 1 perfect topaz + 1 rejuvenation Coral Ring |
| 1 ring + 1 emerald + 1 antidote potions Jade Ring |
| 1 axe + 1 dagger Throwing axe |
| 1 spear + 1 arrow quiver Javelins |
| 3 rings of the same type Amulet |
| 3 amulets of the same type Ring |
| 3 chipped gems + 1 sword Magic Socketable sword |
| 1 magic small shield + 1 spiked club + 2 skulls Shield of Spikes |
| 4 health potion + 1 ruby + 1 magic sword Sword of the leech |
| 1 diamond + 1 kriss + 1 staff + 1 belt Brutal Polearm |
| 1 strangling gas potion + 1 health potion Antidote potion |
| 2 arrows Bolts |
| 2 bolts Arrows |
| 3 chipped amethysts Flawed Amethyst |
| 3 flawed amethysts Standard Amethyst |
| 3 standard amethysts Flawless Amethyst |
| 3 flawless amethysts Perfect Amethyst |
| 3 chipped rubies Flawed Ruby |
| 3 flawed rubies Standard Ruby |
| 3 standard rubies Flawless Ruby |
| 3 flawless rubies Perfect Ruby |
| 3 chipped sapphires Flawed Sapphire |
| 3 flawed sapphires Standard Sapphire |
| 3 standard sapphires Flawless Sapphire |
| 3 flawless sapphires Perfect Sapphire |
| 3 chipped topazes Flawed Topaz |
| 3 flawed topazes Standard Topaz |
| 3 standard topazes Flawless Topaz |
| 3 flawless topazes Perfect Topaz |
| 3 chipped emeralds Flawed Emerald |
| 3 flawed emeralds Standard Emerald |
| 3 standard emeralds Flawless Emerald |
| 3 flawless emeralds Perfect Emerald |
| 3 chipped diamonds Flawed Diamond |
| 3 flawed diamonds Standard Diamond |
| 3 standard diamonds Flawless Diamond |
| 3 flawless diamonds Perfect Diamond |
| 3 chipped skulls Flawed Skull |
| 3 flawed skulls Standard Skull |
| 3 standard skulls Flawless Skull |
| 3 flawless skulls Perfect Skull |
| 3 El Runes Eld Rune |
| 3 Eld Runes Tir Rune |
| 3 Tir Runes Nef Rune |
| 3 Nef Runes Eth Rune |
| 3 Eth Runes Ith Rune |
| 3 Ith Runes Tal Rune |
| 3 Tal Runes Ral Rune |
| 3 Ral Runes Ort Rune |
| 3 Ort Runes Thul Rune |
| 3 perfect gems + 1 magic item Magic Item |
| 6 perfect skulls + 1 rare item 1 Low Level Rare Item |
| 1 perfect skull + 1 rare item + Stone of Jordan 1 High Level Rare Item |
| 3 perfect skulls + 1 rare item + Stone of Jordan Add 1 Socket to Rare |
| *full helm + jewel + ith rune + perfect sapphire Hitpower Helmet |
| *chain boots + jewel + ral rune + perfect sapphire Hitpower Boots |
| *chain gloves + jewel + ort rune + perfect sapphire Hitpower Gloves |
| *heavy belt + jewel + tal rune + perfect sapphire Hitpower Belt |
| *gothic shield + jewel + eth rune + perfect sapphire Hitpower Shield |
| *field plate + jewel + nef rune + perfect sapphire Hitpower Body |
| *amulet + jewel + thul rune + perfect sapphire Hitpower Amulet |
| *ring + jewel + amn rune + perfect sapphire Hitpower Ring |
| *blunt + jewel + tir rune + perfect sapphire Hitpower Weapon |
| *helm + jewel + ral rune + perfect ruby Blood Helmet |
| *light boots + jewel + eth rune + perfect ruby Blood Boots |
| *heavy gloves + jewel + nef rune + perfect ruby Blood Gloves |
| *belt + jewel + tal rune + perfect ruby Blood Belt |
| *spiked shield + jewel + ith rune + perfect ruby Blood Shield |
| *plate mail + jewel + thul rune + perfect ruby Blood Body |
| *amulet + jewel + amn rune + perfect ruby Blood Amulet |
| *ring + jewel + sol rune + perfect ruby Blood Ring |
| *axe + jewel + ort rune + perfect ruby Blood Weapon |
| *mask + jewel + nef rune + perfect amethyst Caster Helm |
| *boots + jewel + thul rune + perfect amethyst Caster Boots |
| *leather gloves + jewel + ort rune +perfect amethyst Caster Gloves |
| *light belt + jewel + ith rune + perfect amethyst Caster Belt |
| *small shield + jewel + eth rune + perfect amethyst Caster Shield |
| *light plate + jewel + tal rune + perfect amethyst Caster Body |
| *amulet + jewel + ral rune + perfect amethyst Caster Amulet |
| *ring + jewel + amn rune + perfect amethyst Caster Ring |
| *rod + jewel + tir rune + perfect amethyst Caster Weapon |
| *crown + jewel + ith rune + perfect emerald Safety Helmet |
| *plate boots + jewel + ort rune + perfect emerald Safety Boots |
| *gauntlets + jewel + ral rune + perfect emerald Safety Gloves |
| *sash + jewel + tal rune + perfect emerald Safety Belt (haha) |
| *kite shield + jewel + nef rune + perfect emerald Safety Shield |
| *breastplate + jewel + eth rune + perfect emerald Safety Body |
| *amulet + jewel + thul rune + perfect emerald Safety Amulet |
| *ring + jewel + amn rune + perfect emerald Safety Ring |
| *spear + jewel + sol rune + perfect emerald Safety Weapon |

Hope you enjoyed this!!!


< < < 9.0 Magic Prefixes/Suffixes > > >


I will analyze the names of all the magical items in the game. It will be a
table-like format. Here we go!!

9.1 Charms

These are new expansion set additions that give you an added effect, just by
being in your inventory. The name tells you what the effect is, and here I
will list those names and what they do. The names mean different things if it
is a small, large, or grand charm so it might get a little long, but bare with
it. Here we go.

Small Charms

These are charms that take up only one square in your inventory.


Name Bonus Min Max Level Requirement
---- ----- --- --- -----------------
Stout Defense 1 1 1
Stout Defense 4 8 15
Burly Defense 15 20 28
Stalwart Defense 20 30 40
Red Minimum Damage 1 1 16
Sanguinary Minimum Damage 2 2 33
Bloody Minimum Damage 3 3 50
Jagged Maximum Damage 1 2 17
Forked Maximum Damage 3 4 30
Serrated Maximum Damage 5 6 45
Rugged Stamina 4 8 1
Rugged Stamina 9 16 15
Bronze Attack Rating 2 4 1
Bronze Attack Rating 6 12 15
Iron Attack Rating 13 24 31
Steel Attack Rating 25 36 49
Fine* Attack Rating 10 20 21
Lizard's Mana 1 2 12
Lizard's Mana 3 7 12
Snake's Mana 8 12 24
Serpent's Mana 13 17 40
Shimmering % Resist All 3 6 25
Azure % Resist Cold 3 5 1
Lapis % Resist Cold 6 7 10
Cobalt % Resist Cold 8 9 20
Sapphire % Resist Cold 10 12 32
Russet % Resist Fire 3 5 1
Garnet % Resist Fire 6 7 10
Ruby % Resist Fire 8 9 20
Crimson % Resist Fire 10 12 32
Tangerine % Resist Lightning 3 5 1
Ocher % Resist Lightning 6 7 10
Coral % Resist Lightning 8 9 20
Amber % Resist Lightning 10 12 32
Beryl % Resist Poison 3 5 1
Viridian % Resist Poison 6 7 10
Jade % Resist Poison 8 9 20
Emerald % Resist Poison 10 12 32

*Bonus 2: Max Damage Min 1 Max 3


Name Bonus Min Max Level Requirement
---- ----- --- --- -----------------
of Craftsmanship Max Damage 1 2 15
of Quality Max Damage 3 4 28
of Maiming Max Damage 5 6 43
of Dexterity Dexterity 1 1 5
of Dexterity Dexterity 2 2 16
of Balance Fast Hit Recovery 5 5 29
of Greed % More Gold 5 10 15
of Fortune % Magic Find 2 2 18
of Good Luck % Magic Find 3 4 33
of Life Life 5 10 14
of Sustenance Life 11 15 17
of Vita Life 16 20 39
of Strength Strength 1 1 5
of Strength Strength 2 2 16
of Inertia Fast Run/Walk 3 3 27

Medium Charms

These are charms that take up two spaces in your inventory.


Name Bonus Min Max Level Requirement
---- ----- --- --- -----------------
Stout Defense 2 3 1
Stout Defense 4 6 10
Stout Defense 8 12 15
Burly Defense 13 18 19
Burly Defense 20 30 24
Stalwart Defense 30 40 30
Stalwart Defense 45 60 37
Red Minimum Damage 1 2 8
Sanguinary Minimum Damage 3 4 25
Bloody Minimum Damage 5 7 47
Jagged Maximum Damage 1 2 7
Jagged Maximum Damage 3 4 15
Forked Maximum Damage 5 7 22
Forked Maximum Damage 8 9 32
Serrated Maximum Damage 10 12 42
Rugged Stamina 8 16 1
Rugged Stamina 17 25 5
Rugged Stamina 26 32 15
Bronze Attack Rating 4 8 1
Bronze Attack Rating 6 12 5
Bronze Attack Rating 13 25 12
Iron Attack Rating 26 38 18
Iron Attack Rating 39 51 26
Steel Attack Rating 52 64 36
Steel Attack Rating 65 77 44
Fine* Attack Rating 10 20 14
Sharp** Attack Rating 21 48 21
Lucky % Magic Find 1 1 1
Lucky % Magic Find 2 2 1
Lucky % Magic Find 3 4 1
Lizard's Mana 2 4 1
Lizard's Mana 5 7 6
Lizard's Mana 8 12 12
Snake's Mana 13 18 18
Snake's Mana 19 23 25
Serpent's Mana 24 29 33
Serpent's Mana 30 34 41
Shimmering % Resist All 3 6 12
Shimmering % Resist All 7 13 26
Azure % Resist Cold 5 10 1
Lapis % Resist Cold 11 15 12
Cobalt % Resist Cold 16 19 18
Sapphire % Resist Cold 20 24 27
Russet % Resist Fire 5 10 1
Garnet % Resist Fire 11 15 12
Ruby % Resist Fire 16 19 18
Crimson % Resist Fire 20 24 27
Tangerine % Resist Lightning 5 10 1
Ocher % Resist Lightning 11 15 12
Coral % Resist Lightning 16 19 18
Amber % Resist Lightning 20 24 27
Beryl % Resist Poison 5 10 1
Viridian % Resist Poison 11 16 12
Jade % Resist Poison 16 19 18
Emerald % Resist Poison 20 24 27

* = Maximum Damage Bonus; Minimum=1 Maximum=3
** = Maximum Damage Bonus; Minimum=4 Maximum=6


Name Bonus Min Max Level Requirement
---- ----- --- --- -----------------
of Craftsmanship Maximum Damage 1 2 6
of Craftsmanship Maximum Damage 3 4 13
of Quality Maximum Damage 5 7 21
of Quality Maximum Damage 8 9 30
of Maiming Maximum Damage 10 12 40
of Dexterity Dexterity 2 3 2
of Dexterity Dexterity 4 5 13
of Balance Fast Hit Recovery 8 8 14
of Greed % More Gold 5 10 5
of Greed % More Gold 11 22 15
of Life Life 6 15 9
of Sustenance Life 16 20 19
of Sustenance Life 21 25 34
of Vita Life 26 30 50
of Vita Life 31 35 66
of Strength Strength 2 3 2
of Strength Strength 4 5 13
of Inertia Fast Run/Walk 5 5 18

Large Charms

These Charms take up three spaces.


Name Bonus Min Max Level Requirement
---- ----- --- --- -----------------
Stout Defense 3 5 1
Stout Defense 6 9 5
Stout Defense 10 12 9
Burly Defense 13 15 12
Burly Defense 16 22 16
Burly Defense 23 30 20
Stalwart Defense 33 40 24
Stalwart Defense 44 50 29
Stalwart Defense 60 100 34
Red Minimum Damage 1 2 3
Red Minimum Damage 3 4 12
Sanguinary Minimum Damage 5 6 21
Sanguinary Minimum Damage 7 8 32
Bloody Minimum Damage 9 11 46
Jagged Maximum Damage 1 2 2
Jagged Maximum Damage 3 5 7
Jagged Maximum Damage 6 8 12
Forked Maximum Damage 9 11 18
Forked Maximum Damage 12 14 24
Serrated Maximum Damage 15 17 31
Serrated Maximum Damage 18 20 39
Rugged Stamina 12 24 1
Rugged Stamina 25 36 5
Rugged Stamina 37 50 15
Bronze Attack Rating 6 12 1
Bronze Attack Rating 13 27 5
Bronze Attack Rating 28 42 9
Iron Attack Rating 43 57 14
Iron Attack Rating 58 72 18
Iron Attack Rating 73 87 23
Steel Attack Rating 88 102 29
Steel Attack Rating 103 117 35
Steel Attack Rating 118 132 41
Fine* Attack Rating 10 20 11
Fine** Attack Rating 21 48 16
Sharp*** Attack Rating 49 76 21
Lucky % Magic Find 1 1 1
Lucky % Magic Find 2 2 1
Lucky % Magic Find 3 4 1
Lizard's Mana 3 7 1
Lizard's Mana 8 13 5
Lizard's Mana 14 20 9
Snake's Mana 21 26 14
Snake's Mana 27 33 18
Snake's Mana 34 39 23
Serpent's Mana 40 46 29
Serpent's Mana 47 52 35
Serpent's Mana 53 59 41
Shimmering % Resist All 3 6 6
Shimmering % Resist All 8 13 10
Shimmering % Resist All 14 20 27
Azure % Resist Cold 7 15 1
Lapis % Resist Cold 16 22 7
Cobalt % Resist Cold 23 29 15
Sapphire % Resist Cold 30 36 22
Crimson % Resist Fire 7 15 1
Russet % Resist Fire 16 22 7
Garnet % Resist Fire 23 29 15
Ruby % Resist Fire 30 36 22
Tangerine % Resist Lightning 7 15 1
Ocher % Resist Lightning 16 22 7
Coral % Resist Lightning 23 29 15
Amber % Resist Lightning 30 36 22
Beryl % Resist Poison 7 15 1
Viridian % Resist Poison 16 22 7
Jade % Resist Poison 23 29 15
Emerald % Resist Poison 30 36 22
Fletcher's Bow and Crossbow Skills 1 1 42
Acrobatic Passive Skills 1 1 42
Harpoonist's Javelin and Spear Skills 1 1 42
Burning Fire Skills 1 1 42
Sparking Lightning Skills 1 1 42
Chilling Cold Skills 1 1 42
Hexing Curse Spells 1 1 42
Fungal Poison and Bone Spells 1 1 42
Graverobber's Summoning Spells(N) 1 1 42
Lion Branded Combat Skills 1 1 42
Captain's Offensive Auras 1 1 42
Preserver's Defensive Auras 1 1 42
Sounding Combat Skills 1 1 42
Fanatic Combat Masteries 1 1 42
Expert's Warcries 1 1 42
Trainer's Summoning Spells(D) 1 1 42
Spiritual Shape Shifting Spells 1 1 42
Nature's Elemental Spells 1 1 42
Entrapping Traps 1 1 42
Mentalist's Shadow Disciplines 1 1 42
Shogukusha's Martial Arts 1 1 42


Name Bonus Min Max Level Requirement
---- ----- --- --- -----------------
of Craftsmanship Maximum Damage 1 2 1
of Craftsmanship Maximum Damage 3 5 6
of Craftsmanship Maximum Damage 6 8 11
of Quality Maximum Damage 9 11 17
of Quality Maximum Damage 12 14 22
of Maiming Maximum Damage 15 17 29
of Maiming Maximum Damage 18 20 37
of Dexterity Dexterity 3 4 1
of Dexterity Dexterity 5 6 10
of Balance Fast Hit Recovery 12 12 1
of Greed % More Gold 5 10 1
of Greed % More Gold 11 21 5
of Greed % More Gold 22 33 14
of Life Life 5 10 1
of Life Life 11 15 6
of Life Life 16 20 14
of Sustenance Life 21 25 23
of Sustenance Life 26 30 37
of Sustenance Life 31 35 53
of Vita Life 36 40 69
of Vita Life 41 45 86
of Vita Life 46 50 97
of Strength Strength 3 4 1
of Strength Strength 5 6 10
of Inertia Fast Run/Walk 7 7 15

9.2 Runes

Runes are a new addition to the expansion set, and they are much like Gems were
from Diablo II. There are many different runes however, and many of them have
a level restriction. Most of the time, if you are playing legitimately, you
won't need to wait more than a couple levels to be able to use it. They are
like Gems in that you put them in a socket and the effect of the rune goes into
the item you just put it in. The difference with Runes is that if you put them
in the right order with the right amount of sockets, you can make a whole new
item, or Crafted Items. Without further ado, here is the table of Runes. I
will sort them by the level requirement; hence it will mostly sort them by how
good they are as well. I would do it in a table format, but it would take a
while, so I am going to have to have each one individual. I will give it
several things; I will give it a rating and a rarity factor. The rating will
be out of 10. For some of the a/h/s effects there will be two numbers, the
first one will be a/h and the second will be s. Heh, I said BS. Anyway, maybe
comments will come later, but I doubt it.

Name: HEL
Number: 01
Rarity: Uncommon
Weapon Effect: Requirements -20%
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: Requirements -15%
Level Requirement: None
Rating: 1
Name: EL
Number: 02
Rarity: Common
Weapon Effect: +50 to Attack Rating, +1 to Light Radius
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: +15 to Defense, +1 to Light Radius
Level Requirement: Level 11
Rating: 2
Name: ELD
Number: 03
Rarity: Common
Weapon Effect: +75% Damage to Undead, +50 Attack Rating against Undead
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: 15% Slower Stamina, 7% Increased Chance of Blocking
Level Requirement: Level 11
Rating: 1
Name: TIR
Number: 04
Rarity: Common
Weapon Effect: +2 to Mana After Each Kill
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: +2 to Mana After Each Kill
Level Requirement: Level 13
Rating: 3.5
Name: NEF
Number: 05
Rarity: Common
Weapon Effect: Knockback
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: +30 to Defense versus Missile
Level Requirement: Level 13
Rating: 2.5
Name: ETH
Number: 06
Rarity: Common
Weapon Effect: -25% to Target Defense
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: Regenerate Mana 15%
Level Requirement: Level 15
Rating: 3.5
Name: ITH
Number: 07
Rarity: Common
Weapon Effect: +9 to Maximum Damage
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: 15% Damage Taken is from Mana
Level Requirement: Level 15
Rating: 3.5
Name: TAL
Number: 08
Rarity: Uncommon
Weapon Effect: +75 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: Poison Resist 30%/Poison Resist 35%
Level Requirement: Level 17
Rating: 4
Name: RAL
Number: 09
Rarity: Uncommon
Weapon Effect: +5-30 Fire Damage
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: Fire Resist 30%/Fire Resist 35%
Level Requirement: Level 19
Rating: 4
Name: ORT
Number: 10
Rarity: Uncommon
Weapon Effect: +1-50 Lightning Damage
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: Lightning Resist 30%/ Lightning Resist 35%
Level Requirement: Level 21
Rating: 4
Name: THUL
Number: 11
Rarity: Common
Weapon Effect: +3-14 Cold Damage for a 3 Second Duration
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: Cold Resist 30%/Cold Resist 35%
Level Requirement: Level 23
Rating: 4
Name: AMN
Number: 12
Rarity: Common
Weapon Effect: 7% Life Stolen per Hit
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: Attacker Takes Damage of 14
Level Requirement: Level 25
Rating: 4.5
Name: SOL
Number: 13
Rarity: Uncommon
Weapon Effect: +9 to Minimum Damage
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: Damaged Reduced by 7
Level Requirement: Level 27
Rating: 5
Number: 14
Rarity: Common
Weapon Effect: 20% Increased Attack Speed
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: 20% Faster Hit Recovery/20% Faster Block Rate
Level Requirement: Level 29
Rating: 5.5
Name: DOL
Number: 15
Rarity: Rare
Weapon Effect: Hit Causes Monster to Flee 25%
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: Replenish Life +7
Level Requirement: Level 31
Rating: 5.5
Name: IO
Number: 16
Rarity: Rare
Weapon Effect: +10 to Vitality
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: +10 to Vitality
Level Requirement: Level 35
Rating: 6
Name: LUM
Number: 17
Rarity: Rare
Weapon Effect: +10 to Energy
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: +10 to Energy
Level Requirement: Level 37
Rating: 6
Name: KO
Number: 18
Rarity: Rare
Weapon Effect: +10 to Dexterity
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: +10 to Dexterity
Level Requirement: Level 39
Rating: 6
Name: FAL
Number: 19
Rarity: Rare
Weapon Effect: +10 to Strength
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: +10 to Strength
Level Requirement: Level 41
Rating: 6
Name: LEM
Number: 20
Rarity: Rare
Weapon Effect: 75% Extra Gold From Monsters
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: 50% Extra Gold From Monsters
Level Requirement: Level 43
Rating: 5
Name: PUL
Number: 21
Rarity: Rare
Weapon Effect: +75% Damage to Demons and +100 Attack Rating Against Demons
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: +30% Enhanced Defense
Level Requirement: Level 45
Rating: 6
Name: UM
Number: 22
Rarity: Rare
Weapon Effect: +25% Chance of Open Wounds
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: All Resistances +15/All Resistances +25
Level Requirement: Level 47
Rating: 7
Name: MAL
Number: 23
Rarity: Rare
Weapon Effect: Prevent Monster Heal
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: Magic Damage Reduced by 7
Level Requirement: Level 49
Rating: 7
Name: IST
Number: 24
Rarity: Rare
Weapon Effect: 30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Level Requirement: Level 51
Rating: 6.5
Name: GUL
Number: 25
Rarity: Very Rare
Weapon Effect: 20% Bonus to Attack Rating
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: +5% Maximum Poison Resist
Level Requirement: Level 53
Rating: 7.5
Name: VEX
Number: 26
Rarity: Very Rare
Weapon Effect: 7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: +5% Maximum Fire Resist
Level Requirement: Level 55
Rating: 7.5
Name: OHM
Number: 27
Rarity: Very Rare
Weapon Effect: +50% Enhanced Damage
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: +5% Maximum Cold Resist
Level Requirement: Level 57
Rating: 7.5
Name: LO
Number: 28
Rarity: Very Rare
Weapon Effect: 20% Deadly Strike
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: 5% Maximum Lightning Resist
Level Requirement: Level 59
Rating: 7.5
Name: SUR
Number: 29
Rarity: Very Rare
Weapon Effect: Hit Blinds Target
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: Maximum Mana +5%/+50 Mana
Level Requirement: Level 61
Rating: 8
Name: BER
Number: 30
Rarity: Very Rare
Weapon Effect: +20% Chance of Crushing Blow
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: Damaged Reduced by 8%
Level Requirement: Level 63
Rating: 8.5
Name: JAH
Number: 31
Rarity: Very Rare
Weapon Effect: Ignore Target's Defense
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: Increase Maximum Life 5%/+50 Life
Level Requirement: Level 65
Rating: 9
Name: CHAM
Number: 32
Rarity: Extremely Rare
Weapon Effect: Freeze Target +3
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: Cannot be Frozen
Level Requirement: Level 67
Rating: 9.5
Name: ZOD
Number: 33
Rarity: Extremely Rare
Weapon Effect: Indestructible
Armor/Helmet/Shield Effect: Indestructible
Level Requirement: Level 69
Rating: 10

Hope you enjoyed this!

9.3 Gems

Here are the little stones straight out from Diablo II unchanged, one of the
few things that are unchanged. These little buggers are but into sockets, one
of the three things that can be put into sockets. There are seven different
kinds of gems with five different classes. I will again put it into list form
because it would be too cluttered in table form, and my tables I admit aren't
the best. Anyway, here are the gems! The form is pretty much going to be the
same as with the runes.

*NOTE* When you put the same kind of Gem (class doesn't matter) into the same
item, they results are cumulative, so they will add up if you put three of the
same kind of gem into one item. For example, if you put three chipped
amethysts into a sword, you will have +120 to attack rating.

9.3.1 Amethyst

These are the purple stones, and probably the most cut and dry of the effects.
This is my second favorite kind of gem anyway, so use them wisely. Here are
the amethysts. I will put the effects of the amethyst here, to save myself
some typing in the lists. So if you see that a amethyst with weapons adds
attack rating, you know that just what just a number means.

Weapons: Adds Attack Rating
Shields: Adds Defense
Armor and Helmets: Adds Strength

Weapon Effect: +40
Shield Effect: +8
Helmet and Armor Effect: +3
Level Requirement: Level 1
Weapon Effect: +60
Shield Effect: +12
Helmet and Armor Effect: +4
Level Requirement: Level 5
Weapon Effect: +80
Shield Effect: +18
Helmet and Armor Effect: +6
Level Requirement: Level 12
Weapon Effect: +100
Shield Effect: +24
Helmet and Armor Effect: +8
Level Requirement: Level 15
Weapon Effect: +150
Shield Effect: +30
Helmet and Armor Effect: +10
Level Requirement: Level 18

That's all for the Amethysts.

9.3.2 Diamond

Diamonds are probably one of the best gems, and they are also usually the
rarest or second rarest as one other one comes to mind. They are okay in
weapons and armor, but with shields it is very important. Here are the stats
for diamonds.

Weapons: Adds to Damage vs. Undead
Shields: Adds to all Resistances
Armor and Helmets: Adds to Attack Rating

Weapon Effect: +28%
Shield Effect: +6%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +20
Level Requirement: Level 1
Weapon Effect: +34%
Shield Effect: +8%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +40
Level Requirement: Level 5
Weapon Effect: +44%
Shield Effect: +11%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +60
Level Requirement: Level 12
Weapon Effect: +54%
Shield Effect: +14%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +80
Level Requirement: Level 15
Weapon Effect: +68%
Shield Effect: +19%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +100
Level Requirement: Level 18

That's all for the Diamonds.

9.3.3 Emerald

These are the emeralds, and they are very good gems for weapons. They mainly
inflict poison, which hurts enemies over time. These are pretty bountiful, as
much as gems can be I guess, and they are green and shiny! Here is the
information about the Emeralds.

Weapon: Adds Poison Damage
Shields: Adds Resistance to Poison
Armor and Helmets: Adds to Dexterity

Weapon Effect: +10 over 3 seconds
Shield Effect: +12%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +3
Level Requirement: Level 1
Weapon Effect: +20 over 4 seconds
Shield Effect: +16%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +4
Level Requirement: Level 5
Weapon Effect: +42 over 5 seconds
Shield Effect: +22%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +6
Level Requirement: Level 12
Weapon Effect: +60 Over 6 seconds
Shield Effect: +28%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +8
Level Requirement: Level 15
Weapon Effect: +100 over 7 seconds
Shield Effect: +40%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +10
Level Requirement: Level 18

That's all for Emeralds.

9.3.4 Ruby

Rubies are the red and shiny ones. They mostly add to fire damage.
Personally, I don't like these as much because I'm not a big fan of fire and
the other bonus is maximum life, blech. Anyway, here is the lovely information
for the Ruby.

Weapon: Adds Fire Damage
Shield: Adds Resistance to Fire
Armor and Helmet: Adds to Maximum Life

Weapon Effect: +3-4
Shield Effect: +12%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +10
Level Requirement: Level 1
Weapon Effect: +5-8
Shield Effect: +16%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +17
Level Requirement: Level 5
Name: RUBY
Weapon Effect: +8-12
Shield Effect: +22%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +24
Level Requirement: Level 12
Weapon Effect: +10-16
Shield Effect: +28%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +31
Level Requirement: Level 15
Weapon Effect: +15-20
Shield Effect: +40%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +38
Level Requirement: Level 18

That's all for the Rubies.

9.3.5 Sapphire

Here are the Sapphires, one of my favorites, as it usually adds cold damage.
Cold is my favorite element in the game for obvious reasons of freezing and
such. These ones are light blue and shiny. The only bad thing about it is
that it adds maximum mana, even worse than rubies. So anyway, here is the
information for Sapphires.

Weapons: Adds Cold Damage
Shields: Adds Cold Resistance
Armor and Helmets: Adds Maximum Mana

Weapon Effect: +1-3 for 1.0 second
Shield Effect: +12%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +10
Level Requirement: Level 1
Weapon Effect: +3-5 for 1.4 seconds
Shield Effect: +16%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +17
Level Requirement: Level 5
Weapon Effect: +4-7 for 2.0 seconds
Shield Effect: +22%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +24
Level Requirement: Level 12
Weapon Effect: +6-10 for 2.4 seconds
Shield Effect: +28%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +31
Level Requirement: Level 15
Weapon Effect: +10-14 for 3.0 seconds
Shield Effect: +40%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +38
Level Requirement: Level 18

That's all for the sapphires.

9.3.6 Skull

These are my favorite "gems" of all of them. For some reason these are still
called gems, even though they are just mini skulls. The main point of the
skulls is regeneration oddly enough, and that is oh so important in this game.
Anyways, here is the information about skulls.

Weapon: Adds Life and Mana Steal (in that order)
Shields: Attacker Takes Damage is added
Armor and Helmets: Adds Life and Mana Regeneration (in that order)

Weapon Effect: 2%, 1%
Shield Effect: +4
Armor and Helmet Effect: +2, 8%
Level Requirement: Level 1
Weapon Effect: 2%, 2%
Shield Effect: +8
Armor and Helmet Effect: +3, 8%
Level Requirement: Level 5
Weapon Effect: 3%, 2%
Shield Effect: +12
Armor and Helmet Effect: +3, 12%
Level Requirement: Level 12
Weapon Effect: 3%, 3%
Shield Effect: +16
Armor and Helmet Effect: +4, 12%
Level Requirement: Level 15
Weapon Effect: 4%, 3%
Shield Effect: +20
Armor and Helmet Effect: +5, 19%
Level Requirement: Level 18

Hope this wasn't too confusing, and that's all for skulls.

9.3.7 Topaz

Topaz is personally my least favorite, but technically it is pretty handy. The
worst part to me is the increased chance to find magic items, that is such a
waste for a slot. The topaz is the one that is yellow or gold and is shiny.
Here is the information for Topaz.

Weapon: Adds Lightning Damage
Shield: Adds Lightning Resistance
Armor and Helmet: Adds Chance to Find Magic Items

Weapon Effect: +1-8
Shield Effect: +12%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +9%
Level Requirement: Level 1
Weapon Effect: +1-14
Shield Effect: +16%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +13%
Level Requirement: Level 5
Weapon Effect: +1-22
Shield Effect: +22%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +16%
Level Requirement: Level 12
Weapon Effect: +1-30
Shield Effect: +28%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +20%
Level Requirement: Level 15
Weapon Effect: +1-40
Shield Effect: +40%
Armor and Helmet Effect: +24%
Level Requirement: Level 18

That's all for the Topaz.

9.4 Magical and Rare Items

Well, well, well. I hope you enjoy this section because it is pretty gigantic.
It will contain the prefixes and suffixes are every magical item and rare item.
It will be quite a long list, so I divided it into different categories in the


I will sort these out by what they are bonuses for. I will also put whether or
not they are for rare and magical or just rare, or just magical. I will also
put the level requirement and for what items they are available on. If you
have any question about it, don't hesitate to e-mail me. Anyway, here it is!
BTW, thanks to battle.net for some help with this information.

*Note - BoCL=Based on Character Level

Attack Rating

Attack rating is basically the percentage that you will hit an enemy.

Prefix: BRONZE
Effect: +10-20
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Gloves, Rings, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: NICKEL
Effect: +10-20
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Jewels
Prefix: IRON
Effect: +21-40
Level Requirement: Level 4
Items Available: Circlets, Rings, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: STEEL
Effect: +41-60
Level Requirement: Level 8
Items Available: Circlets, Rings, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: TIN
Effect: +21-40
Level Requirement: Level 8
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: SILVER
Effect: +61-80
Level Requirement: Level 12
Items Available: Circlets, Rings, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: GOLD
Effect: +81-100
Level Requirement: Level 17
Items Available: Circlets, Rings, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +101-120
Level Requirement: Level 22
Items Available: Circlets, Rings, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: SILVER
Effect: +41-60
Level Requirement: Level 25
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +121-150
Level Requirement: Level 27
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +151-300
Level Requirement: Level 32
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +6-594 (Based on Character Level)
Level Requirement: Level 35
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +1 per Character Level and 1-99% Based on Character Level
Level Requirement: Level 35
Items Available: Helmets and Missile Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: WEIRD
Effect: +301-450
Level Requirement: Level 37
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Prefix: ARGENT
Effect: +61-100
Level Requirement: Level 44
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Magical

That's it for attack ratings only.

Attack Rating and Damage

This is for bonuses that affect both attack ratings and damage, or just damage.
For all, the first number will be attack rating, the second damage.


Effect: +25-75 vs. U, +25-75% to U
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +25-50 vs. U, +25-50% to U
Level Requirement: Level 2
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: LUNAR
Effect: +25-50 vs. D, +10-25% to D
Level Requirement: Level 3
Items Available: Circlets and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: SHARP
Effect: +10-20, +10-20%
Level Requirement: Level 5
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: FINE
Effect: +21-40, +21-30%
Level Requirement: Level 12
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: PURE
Effect: +76-175 vs. U, +76-125% to U
Level Requirement: Level 15
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +51-100 vs. D, +26-50% to D
Level Requirement: Level 15
Items Available: Circlets and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +41-60, +31-40%
Level Requirement: Level 19
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: SACRED
Effect: +175-250 vs. U, +126-200% to U
Level Requirement: Level 25
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: ASTRAL
Effect: +151-200 vs. D, +51-100% to D
Level Requirement: Level 25
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: PEARL
Effect: +25-50 vs. D, +25-50% to D
Level Requirement: Level 26
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +61-80, +41-50%
Level Requirement: Level 27
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +251-325 vs. U, +201-275% to U
Level Requirement: Level 35
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +201-300 vs. D, +101-150% to D
Level Requirement: Level 35
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: KNIGHT'S
Effect: +81-100, +51-65%
Level Requirement: Level 38
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: LORD'S
Effect: +101-120, +66-80%
Level Requirement: Level 47
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: FOOL'S
Effect: +16.5-1633.5 to Attack Rating and 0.5-49.5 to Maximum Damage (BoCL)
Level Requirement: Level 50
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +0.75-74.25 to Maximum Damage (BoCL)
Level Requirement: Level 50
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: DIVINE
Effect: +326-450 vs. U, +276-350% to U
Level Requirement: Level 55
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +300-400 vs. D, +201-300% to D
Level Requirement: Level 55
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Prefix: KING'S
Effect: +121-150, +81-100%
Level Requirement: Level 56
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: MASTER'S
Effect: +151-250, +101-150%
Level Requirement: Level 56
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +251-300, +151-200%
Level Requirement: Level 69
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical

Whew! That's it for attack rating.


Here are the ones for straight up damage.

Prefix: JAGGED
Effect: +10-20%
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Circlets and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +5-10%
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: DEADLY
Effect: +21-30%
Level Requirement: Level 5
Items Available: Circlets and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +31-40%
Level Requirement: Level 8
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +1-4 Minimum
Level Requirement: Level 8
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +1-5 Maximum
Level Requirement: Level 12
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: RUSTY
Effect: +11-20%
Level Requirement: Level 13
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: BRUTAL
Effect: +41-50%
Level Requirement: Level 14
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +51-65%
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: SAVAGE
Effect: +66-80%
Level Requirement: Level 26
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +81-100%
Level Requirement: Level 32
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +6-9 Maximum
Level Requirement: Level 35
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +5-8 Minimum
Level Requirement: Level 38
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +101-200%
Level Requirement: Level 41
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +21-30%
Level Requirement: Level 45
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: CRUEL
Effect: +201-300%
Level Requirement: Level 51
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +11-15 Maximum
Level Requirement: Level 55
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Magical
Prefix: RUBY
Effect: +31-40%
Level Requirement: Level 66
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Magical

That's it for damage.


Basically, how much damage is done to you, and how often it hits.

Prefix: STURDY
Effect: +10-20%
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Armor
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +5-8
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: STURDY (2)
Effect: +21-30%
Level Requirement: Level 4
Items Available: Armor
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: STRONG
Effect: +31-40%
Level Requirement: Level 9
Items Available: Armor
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: EBURIN
Effect: +9-20
Level Requirement: Level 16
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +41-50%
Level Requirement: Level 19
Items Available: Armor
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +51-65%
Level Requirement: Level 25
Items Available: Armor
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +3-297
Level Requirement: Level 30
Items Available: Belts, Body Armor, Boots, Gloves, and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +66-80%
Level Requirement: Level 31
Items Available: Armor
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: BONE
Effect: +21-40
Level Requirement: Level 32
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: HOLY
Effect: +81-100%
Level Requirement: Level 36
Items Available: Armor
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: GODLY
Effect: +101-200%
Level Requirement: Level 45
Items Available: Armor
Rare/Magical: Magical
Prefix: IVORY
Effect: +41-64
Level Requirement: Level 64
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Magical

Mana and Light Radius

Mana is your spell power, and light radius is how far around you will be
illuminated. I put them together because Light Radius is too small for its own
section, and they are often associated. Only the last three are Light Radius.

Prefix: LIZARD'S (1)
Effect: +1-2
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Amulets, Armor, Orbs, Rings, and Rods
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: LIZARD'S (2)
Effect: +1-5
Level Requirement: Level 3
Items Available: Amulets, Armor, Orbs, Rings, and Rods
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: ZIRCON
Effect: +5-10
Level Requirement: Level 3
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: SNAKE'S
Effect: +5-10
Level Requirement: Level 6
Items Available: Amulets, Belts, Circlets, Rings, Rods, and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: SERPENT'S (1)
Effect: +11-20
Level Requirement: Level 14
Items Available: Amulets, Belts, Circlets, Rings, Rods, and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +11-15
Level Requirement: Level 17
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: DRAKE'S
Effect: +21-30
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Orbs, Rings, and Rods
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: DRAGON'S (1)
Effect: +31-40
Level Requirement: Level 24
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Orbs, Rings, and Rods
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +16-20
Level Requirement: Level 34
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Magical
Prefix: WYRM'S
Effect: +41-60
Level Requirement: Level 30
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Orbs, Rings, and Rods
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: SERPENT'S (2)
Effect: +11-20
Level Requirement: Level 37
Items Available: Body Armor, Boots, Gloves, Orbs, Rods, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +61-90
Level Requirement: Level 37
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Orbs, Rings, and Rods
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +91-120
Level Requirement: Level 45
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Orbs, Rings, and Rods
Rare/Magical: Magical
Prefix: DRAGON'S (2)
Effect: +31-40
Level Requirement: Level 52
Items Available: Body Armor, Boots, and Gloves
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +1 to Light Radius
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Amulets, Armor, Orbs, Rings, Staves, and Wands
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: BRIGHT
Effect: +1 to Light Radius
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +2 to Light Radius
Level Requirement: Level 6
Items Available: Amulets, Armor, Orbs, Rings, Staves, and Wands
Rare/Magical: Both

That's all for mana and light radius.

Cold Damage

This is basically added damage with the element of cold. There will be three
numbers. The first will be minimum damage, the second is maximum damage, and
the third is duration in seconds.

Prefix: SNOWY
Effect: +6-9, +19-30, 1
Level Requirement: Level 25
Items Available: Circlets and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +10-15, +31-45, 2
Level Requirement: Level 35
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Prefix: BOREAL
Effect: +16-23, +46-90, 3
Level Requirement: Level 50
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +24-45, +91-140, 4
Level Requirement: Level 70
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical

That's all for cold damage.

Fire Damage

This is damage done with the element of fire. The first number is minimum
damage, the second is maximum damage.

Prefix: FIERY
Effect: +16-25, +31-60
Level Requirement: Level 25
Items Available: Circlets and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +26-50, +61-90
Level Requirement: Level 35
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +51-80, +91-130
Level Requirement: Level 47
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +81-120, +131-180
Level Requirement: Level 61
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +121-170, +181-240
Level Requirement: Level 77
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical

That's it for fire damage.

Lightning Damage

This is damage added with the element of lightning. The first number is
minimum damage and it is always one damage, the second number is maximum

Prefix: STATIC
Effect: +1, +49-120
Level Requirement: Level 25
Items Available: Circlets and Weapon
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +1, +121-180
Level Requirement: Level 34
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +1, +181-260
Level Requirement: Level 46
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Prefix: ARCING
Effect: +1, +261-360
Level Requirement: Level 60
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +1, +361-480
Level Requirement: Level 76
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical

That's it for Lightning damage.

Poison Damage

This is damage done with an added boost of poison damage. The first number is
the damage done, the second number is the duration in seconds.

Prefix: SEPTIC
Effect: +6, 2
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Circlets and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Prefix: FOUL
Effect: +12, 3
Level Requirement: Level 10
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +80, 4
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Prefix: TOXIC
Effect: +150, 5
Level Requirement: Level 35
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +275, 6
Level Requirement: Level 50
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical

That's it for poison damage.

Fire Resist

This is how much resistance you have to the element of fire.

Prefix: CRIMSON (1)
Effect: +5%
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Amulets, Armor, Circlets, Orbs, Rings, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: GARNET (1)
Effect: +5-15%
Level Requirement: Level 3
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: CRIMSON (2)
Effect: +5-10%
Level Requirement: Level 5
Items Available: Amulets, Armor, Circlets, Orbs, Rings, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: RUSSET
Effect: +11-20%
Level Requirement: Level 12
Items Available: Amulets, Armor, Circlets, Orbs, Rings, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: GARNET (2)
Effect: +21-30%
Level Requirement: Level 18
Items Available: Amulets, Armor, Circlets, Orbs, Rings, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: RUBY (1)
Effect: +16-30%
Level Requirement: Level 19
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: RUBY (2)
Effect: +31-40%
Level Requirement: Level 25
Items Available: Amulets, Armor, Boots, Circlets, Orbs, and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both

That's all for Fire Resistance.

Cold Resist

This is your defense against the element of cold.

Prefix: AZURE (1)
Effect: +5%
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Amulets, Armor, Circlets, Orbs, Rings, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +5-15%
Level Requirement: Level 2
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: AZURE (2)
Effect: +5-10%
Level Requirement: Level 5
Items Available: Amulets, Armor, Circlets, Orbs, Rings, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: LAPIS
Effect: +11-20%
Level Requirement: Level 12
Items Available: Amulets, Armor, Circlets, Orbs, Rings, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: COBALT
Effect: +21-30%
Level Requirement: Level 18
Items Available: Amulets, Armor, Circlets, Orbs, Rings, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: SAPPHIRE (1)
Effect: +16-30%
Level Requirement: Level 19
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: SAPPHIRE (2)
Effect: +31-40%
Level Requirement: Level 25
Items Available: Amulets, Boots, Circlets, Orbs, and Rods
Rare/Magical: Both

That's all for Cold Resistance.

Lightning Resist

This is how well you defense against the element of lightning.

Prefix: TANGERINE (1)
Effect: +5%
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Amulets, Armor, Circlets, Orbs, Rings, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +5-15%
Level Requirement: Level 2
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: TANGERINE (2)
Effect: +5-10%
Level Requirement: Level 5
Items Available: Amulets, Armor, Circlets, Orbs, Rings, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: OCHER
Effect: +11-20%
Level Requirement: Level 12
Items Available: Amulets, Armor, Circlets, Orbs, Rings, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: CORAL
Effect: +21-30%
Level Requirement: Level 18
Items Available: Amulets, Armor, Circlets, Orbs, Rings, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +16-20%
Level Requirement: Level 19
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: AMBER
Effect: +31-40%
Level Requirement: Level 25
Items Available: Amulets, Boots, Circlets, Orbs, and Rods
Rare/Magical: Both

That's it for Lightning Resistance.

Poison Resist

This is how much defense against the element of poison you have.

Prefix: BERYL (1)
Effect: +5%
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Amulets, Armor, Circlets, Orbs, Rings, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: BERYL (2)
Effect: +5-15%
Level Requirement: Level 2
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: BERYL (3)
Effect: +5-10%
Level Requirement: Level 5
Items Available: Amulets, Armor, Circlets, Orbs, Rings, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +11-20%
Level Requirement: Level 12
Items Available: Amulets, Armor, Circlets, Orbs, Rings, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: JADE (1)
Effect: +21-30%
Level Requirement: Level 18
Items Available: Amulets, Armor, Circlets, Orbs, Rings, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: JADE (2)
Effect: +16-30%
Level Requirement: Level 19
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +31-40%
Level Requirement: Level 25
Items Available: Amulets, Boots, Circlets, Orbs, and Rods
Rare/Magical: Both

That's it for Poison Resistance.

All Resistance

This is your defense against all elements.

Prefix: SHIMMERING (1)
Effect: +3-7%
Level Requirement: Level 6
Items Available: Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: SHIMMERING (2)
Effect: +3-7%
Level Requirement: Level 8
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: SHIMMERING (3)
Effect: +5-10
Level Requirement: Level 16
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: RAINBOW (1)
Effect: +8-11%
Level Requirement: Level 18
Items Available: Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: RAINBOW (2)
Effect: +8-11%
Level Requirement: Level 21
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +12-15%
Level Requirement: Level 28
Items Available: Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +12-15%
Level Requirement: Level 34
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +11-15
Level Requirement: Level 34
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Magical
Prefix: PRISMATIC (1)
Effect: +16-20%
Level Requirement: Level 39
Items Available: Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: PRISMATIC (2)
Effect: +16-20%
Level Requirement: Level 42
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: SHIMMERING (3)
Effect: +3-7%
Level Requirement: Level 45
Items Available: Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: CHROMATIC (1)
Effect: +21-30%
Level Requirement: Level 50
Items Available: Shields
Rare/Magical: Magical
Prefix: CHROMATIC (2)
Effect: +21-30%
Level Requirement: Level 55
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Magical
Prefix: RAINBOW (3)
Effect: +8-11%
Level Requirement: Level 56
Items Available: Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +11-20%
Level Requirement: Level 67
Items Available: Rings
Rare/Magical: Both

That's all for all the resistances.

Skill Levels

This is a section where the bonus will be adding skill points to certain
classes. This section however, will not be sorted by level requirement as all
the other ones have; it will be sorted by the character's class.

Prefix: MAIDEN'S (1)
Effect: +1 to Amazon
Level Requirement: Level 30
Items Available: Bows, Crossbows, Javelins, and Spears
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: MAIDEN'S (2)
Effect: +1 to Amazon
Level Requirement: Level 36
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: VALKYRIE'S (1)
Effect: +2 to Amazon
Level Requirement: Level 50
Items Available: Bows, Crossbows, Javelins, and Spears
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: VALKYRIE'S (2)
Effect: +2 to Amazon
Level Requirement: Level 90
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: MAGEKILLER'S (1)
Effect: +1 to Assassin
Level Requirement: Level 30
Items Available: Katars
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: MAGEKILLER'S (2)
Effect: +1 to Assassin
Level Requirement: Level 36
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: WITCH-HUNTER'S (1)
Effect: +2 to Assassin
Level Requirement: Level 50
Items Available: Katars
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: WITCH-HUNTER'S (2)
Effect: +2 to Assassin
Level Requirement: Level 90
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: SLAYER (1)
Effect: +1 to Barbarian
Level Requirement: Level 30
Items Available: Axes, Barbarian Helms, Clubs, Hammers, Javelins, Daggers,
Maces, Throwing Weapons, Spears, Swords
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: SLAYER (2)
Effect: +1 to Barbarian
Level Requirement: Level 36
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: BERSERKER (1)
Effect: +2 to Barbarian
Level Requirement: Level 50
Items Available: Axes, Barbarian Helms, Clubs, Hammers, Javelins, Daggers,
Maces, Throwing Weapons, Spears, Swords
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: BERSERKER (2)
Effect: +2 to Barbarian
Level Requirement: Level 90
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: SHAMAN'S (1)
Effect: +1 to Druid
Level Requirement: Level 30
Items Available: Clubs and Druid Pelts
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: SHAMAN'S (2)
Effect: +1 to Druid
Level Requirement: Level 36
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: HIEROPHANT'S (1)
Effect: +2 to Druid
Level Requirement: Level 50
Items Available: Clubs and Druid Pelts
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: HIEROPHANT'S (2)
Effect: +2 to Druid
Level Requirement: Level 90
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: SUMMONER'S (1)
Effect: +1 to Necromancer
Level Requirement: Level 30
Items Available: Heads, Daggers, and Wands
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: SUMMONER'S (2)
Effect: +1 to Necromancer
Level Requirement: Level 36
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +2 to Necromancer
Level Requirement: Level 50
Items Available: Heads, Daggers, and Wands
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +2 to Necromancer
Level Requirement: Level 90
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: MONK'S (1)
Effect: +1 to Paladin
Level Requirement: Level 30
Items Available: Paladin Shields and Sceptors
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: MONK'S (2)
Effect: +1 to Paladin
Level Requirement: Level 35
Items Available: Hammers, Maces, Shields, and Swords
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: MONK'S (3)
Effect: +1 to Paladin
Level Requirement: Level 36
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: PRIEST'S (1)
Effect: +2 to Paladin
Level Requirement: Level 50
Items Available: Paladin Shields and Sceptors
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: PRIEST'S (2)
Effect: +2 to Paladin
Level Requirement: Level 60
Items Available: Hammers, Maces, Shields, and Swords
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: PRIEST'S (3)
Effect: +2 to Paladin
Level Requirement: Level 90
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: ANGEL'S (1)
Effect: +1 to Sorceress
Level Requirement: Level 30
Items Available: Orbs and Staves
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: ANGEL'S (2)
Effect: +1 to Sorceress
Level Requirement: Level 36
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: ARCH-ANGEL'S (1)
Effect: +2 to Sorceress
Level Requirement: Level 50
Items Available: Orbs and Staves
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: ARCH-ANGELS (2)
Effect: +2 to Sorceress
Level Requirement: Level 90
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both

Man, it just keeps getting longer! Well that's all for all of the skill

Amazon Skills

This is how much bonus will be added to Amazon Skill Tabs. I will sort these
and the rest from here on out by what tab, and further by how many/level

Effect: +1 to Bow and Crossbow
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Bows, Crossbows, and Gloves
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: BOWYER'S
Effect: +2 to Bow and Crossbow
Level Requirement: Level 40
Items Available: Bows, Crossbows, and Gloves
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: ARCHER'S
Effect: +3 to Bow and Crossbow
Level Requirement: Level 60
Items Available: Bows, Crossbows, and Gloves
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +1 to Passive
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, and Gloves
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +2 to Passive
Level Requirement: Level 40
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, and Gloves
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +3 to Passive
Level Requirement: Level 60
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, and Gloves
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +1 to Javelin and Spear
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Gloves and Spears
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +2 to Javelin and Spear
Level Requirement: Level 40
Items Available: Gloves and Spears
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: LANCER'S
Effect: +2 to Javelin and Spear
Level Requirement: Level 60
Items Available: Gloves and Spears
Rare/Magical: Magical

That's it for Amazon Skills.

Assassin Skills

These are skill bonuses for the Assassin's skill tabs.

Effect: +1 to Traps
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, and Katars
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +2 to Traps
Level Requirement: Level 40
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, and Katars
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +3 to Traps
Level Requirement: Level 60
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, and Katars
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +1 to Shadow Disciples
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Helmets, and Katars
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +2 to Shadow Disciples
Level Requirement: Level 40
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Helmets, and Katars
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: SHADOW
Effect: +3 to Shadow Disciples
Level Requirement: Level 60
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Helmets, and Katars
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +1 to Martial Arts
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Gloves, and Katars
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: SENSEI'S
Effect: +2 to Martial Arts
Level Requirement: Level 40
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Gloves, and Katars
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: KENSHI'S
Effect: +2 to Martial Arts
Level Requirement: Level 60
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Gloves, and Katars
Rare/Magical: Magical

That's it for Assassin Skills.

Barbarian Skills

This is the bonus for the barbarian's skill tabs.

Prefix: EXPERT'S
Effect: +1 to Combat Skills
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Barbarian Helmets, Regular Helmets, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +2 to Combat Skills
Level Requirement: Level 40
Items Available: Barbarian Helmets, Regular Helmets, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: MASTER'S
Effect: +2 to Combat Skills
Level Requirement: Level 60
Items Available: Barbarian Helmets, Regular Helmets, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +1 to Combat Masteries
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Amulets, Barbarian Helmets, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: RAGING
Effect: +2 to Combat Masteries
Level Requirement: Level 40
Items Available: Amulets, Barbarian Helmets, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +3 to Combat Masteries
Level Requirement: Level 60
Items Available: Amulets, Barbarian Helmets, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +1 to Warcries
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Amulets, Barbarian Helmets, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +2 to Warcries
Level Requirement: Level 40
Items Available: Amulets, Barbarian Helmets, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +2 to Warcries
Level Requirement: Level 60
Items Available: Amulets, Barbarian Helmets, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical

That's all for Barbarian Skills.

Druid Skills

These are bonuses for Druid skill tabs.

Effect: +1 to Summoning
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Clubs, and Druid Pelts
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +2 to Summoning
Level Requirement: Level 40
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Clubs, and Druid Pelts
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: KEEPER'S
Effect: +3 to Summoning
Level Requirement: Level 60
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Clubs, and Druid Pelts
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +1 to Shapeshifting
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Clubs, and Druid Pelts
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: FERAL
Effect: +2 to Shapeshifting
Level Requirement: Level 40
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Clubs, and Druid Pelts
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +3 to Shapeshifting
Level Requirement: Level 60
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Clubs, and Druid Pelts
Rare/Magical: Magical
Prefix: NATURE'S
Effect: +1 to Elemental
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Clubs and Druid Pelts
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: TERRA'S
Effect: +2 to Elemental
Level Requirement: Level 40
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Clubs, and Druid Pelts
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: GAEA'S
Effect: +3 to Elemental
Level Requirement: Level 60
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Clubs, and Druid Pelts
Rare/Magical: Magical

That's all for the Druid Skills.

Necromancer Skills

These are bonuses just for the Necromancer's Skill tabs.

Prefix: HEXING
Effect: +1 to Curses
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Heads, and Wands
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +2 to Curses
Level Requirement: Level 40
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Heads, and Wands
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +3 to Curses
Level Requirement: Level 60
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Heads, and Wands
Rare/Magical: Magical
Prefix: FUNGAL
Effect: +1 to Poison and Bone
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Heads, Daggers, and Wands
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +2 to Poison and Bone
Level Requirement: Level 40
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Heads, Daggers, and Wands
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +3 to Poison and Bone
Level Requirement: Level 60
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Heads, Daggers, and Wands
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +1 to Summoning
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Heads, and Wands
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: MOJO
Effect: +2 to Summoning
Level Requirement: Level 40
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Heads, and Wands
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +3 to Summoning
Level Requirement: Level 60
Items Available: Amulet, Circlets, Heads, and Wands
Rare/Magical: Magical

That's all for Necromancer Skills.

Paladin Skills

These are skill bonuses for the Paladin's skill tabs.

Effect: +1 to Combat Skills
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Maces, Paladin Shields, Scepters, Shields,
and Swords
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +2 to Combat Skills
Level Requirement: Level 40
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Maces, Paladin Shields, Scepters, Shields,
and Swords
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +3 to Combat Skills
Level Requirement: Level 60
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Maces, Paladin Shields, Scepters, Shields,
and Swords
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +1 to Offensive Auras
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Maces, Paladin Shields, Scepters, Shields,
and Swords
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +2 to Offensive Auras
Level Requirement: Level 40
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Maces, Paladin Shields, Scepters, Shields,
and Swords
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +3 to Offensive Auras
Level Requirement: Level 60
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Maces, Paladin Shields, Scepters, Shields,
and Swords
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +1 to Defensive Auras
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Paladin Shields, and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: WARDER'S
Effect: +2 to Defensive Auras
Level Requirement: Level 40
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Paladin Shields, and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +3 to Defensive Auras
Level Requirement: Level 60
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Paladin Shields, and Shields
Rare/Magical: Magical

That's it for Paladin Skills.

Sorceress Skills

These are skill bonuses for Sorceress skill tabs.

Effect: +1 to Fire
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Orbs, and Staves
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +2 to Fire
Level Requirement: Level 40
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Orbs, and Staves
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +3 to Fire
Level Requirement: Level 60
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Orbs, and Staves
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +1 to Lightning
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Orbs, and Staves
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +2 to Lightning
Level Requirement: Level 40
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Orbs, and Staves
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +3 to Lightning
Level Requirement: Level 60
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Orbs, and Staves
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +1 to Cold
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Orbs, and Staves
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +2 to Cold
Level Requirement: Level 40
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Orbs, and Staves
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +3 to Cold
Level Requirement: Level 60
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Orbs, and Staves
Rare/Magical: Magical

That's it for Sorceress Skills.

Magic and Mana

These are bonuses that have to do with mana and finding magical items. They
will be sorted by level.

Effect: +1 to Mana After Kill
Level Requirement: Level 3
Items Available: Circlets, Rings, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +5-10% Chance of Getting Magic Item
Level Requirement: Level 5
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: DUN
Effect: +7-12% Damage Goes to Mana
Level Requirement: Level 7
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +7-12% Damage Taken to Mana
Level Requirement: Level 9
Items Available: Amulets, Orbs, Shields, and Staves
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +11-15% Chance of Getting Magic Item
Level Requirement: Level 12
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, and Rings
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +2-5 to Mana After Kill
Level Requirement: Level 17
Items Available: Circlets and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +1-3 to Mana after Kill
Level Requirement: Level 22
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +3-7% Chance of Getting Magic Item
Level Requirement: Level 25
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both

That's it for magic and mana.


These are stamina related bonuses, sorted by level.

Prefix: RUGGED (1)
Effect: +5-10 Maximum
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Amulets, Belts, Boots, Circlets, Gloves, and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +10-15 Maximum
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: TIRELESS (1)
Effect: +10% Heal
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Boots
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: TIRELESS (2)
Effect: +25% Heal
Level Requirement: Level 6
Items Available: Boots
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: RUGGED (2)
Effect: +11-20 Maximum
Level Requirement: Level 8
Items Available: Amulets, Belts, Boots, Circlets, Gloves, and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: TIRELESS (3)
Effect: +50 Heal
Level Requirement: Level 14
Items Available: Boots
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +21-30 Maximum
Level Requirement: Level 16
Items Available: Belts and Boots
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: MAROON
Effect: +16-25 Maximum
Level Requirement: Level 17
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: BROWN
Effect: Heal Stamina +10-15%
Level Requirement: Level 39
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both


These are all other bonuses that don't fit anywhere else very well. They will
be sorted by type to prevent too much confusion.

Prefix: SCREAMING (1)
Effect: +12-25% Monsters Flee on Hit
Level Requirement: Level 10
Items Available: Bows and Crossbows
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: SCREAMING (2)
Effect: +16-32% Monsters Flee on Hit
Level Requirement: Level 10
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: HOWLING (1)
Effect: +18-50% Monsters Flee on Hit
Level Requirement: Level 16
Items Available: Bows and Crossbows
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: HOWLING (2)
Effect: +24-64% Monsters Flee on Hit
Level Requirement: Level 16
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: WAILING (1)
Effect: +25-100% Monsters Flee on Hit
Level Requirement: Level 24
Items Available: Bows and Crossbows
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: WAILING (2)
Effect: +32-128% Monsters Flee on Hit
Level Requirement: Level 24
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: Add 1 Socket
Level Requirement: Level 10
Items Available: Body Armor, Circlets, Helmets, Shields, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: Add 3 Sockets
Level Requirement: Level 33
Items Available: Body Armor, Helmets, Shields, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: Add 4 Sockets
Level Requirement: Level 55
Items Available: Body Armor, Helmets, Shields, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +20-40 Quantity to Throwing Items
Level Requirement: Level 2
Items Available: Throwing Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: THIN
Effect: +41-80 Quantity to Throwing Items
Level Requirement: Level 17
Items Available: Throwing Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Prefix: DENSE
Effect: +81-120 Quantity to Throwing Items
Level Requirement: Level 38
Items Available: Throwing Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both

That's it for prefixes!!


These are the bonuses that come after the name of the item, as the prefixes
were the ones that come before the item. There are slightly less suffixes, but
there are plenty, so enjoy! It will be the same format.


These are suffixes that add to your overall strength statistic.

Suffix: STRENGTH (1)
Effect: +1-2
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Amulets, Belts, Circlets, Clubs, Gloves, Hammers, and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: STRENGTH (2)
Effect: +1-2
Level Requirement: Level 5
Items Available: Body Armor, Maces, and Scepters
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: MIGHT (1)
Effect: +3-5
Level Requirement: Level 10
Items Available: Amulets, Belts, Circlets, Clubs, and Hammers
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: STRENGTH (3)
Effect: +1-2
Level Requirement: Level 12
Items Available: Melee Weapons and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: MIGHT (2)
Effect: +3-5
Level Requirement: Level 21
Items Available: Body Armor, Maces, Rings, and Scepters
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: OX (1)
Effect: +6-9
Level Requirement: Level 26
Items Available: Amulets, Belts, Circlets, Clubs, and Hammers
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: MIGHT (3)
Effect: +3-5
Level Requirement: Level 33
Items Available: Gloves, Melee Weapons, and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: VIRILITY (1)
Effect: +5-6
Level Requirement: Level 33
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: OX (2)
Effect: +6-9
Level Requirement: Level 38
Items Available: Body Armor, Maces, Rings, and Scepters
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: GIANT (1)
Effect: +10-15
Level Requirement: Level 42
Items Available: Amulets, Belts, Circlets, Clubs, and Hammers
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: OX (3)
Effect: +6-9
Level Requirement: Level 45
Items Available: Gloves, Melee Weapons, and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: VIRILITY (2)
Effect: +7-9
Level Requirement: Level 50
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: GIANT (2)
Effect: +10-15
Level Requirement: Level 55
Items Available: Body Armor, Maces, Rings, and Scepters
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: TITAN (1)
Effect: +16-20
Level Requirement: Level 58
Items Available: Amulets, Belts, Circlets, Clubs, and Hammers
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: GIANT (3)
Effect: +10-15
Level Requirement: Level 59
Items Available: Gloves and Melee Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Suffix: ATLAS
Effect: +21-30
Level Requirement: Level 71
Items Available: Amulets, Belts, Circlets, Clubs, and Hammers
Rare/Magical: Magical
Suffix: TITAN (2)
Effect: +16-20
Level Requirement: Level 74
Items Available: Body Armor, Maces, Rings, and Scepters
Rare/Magical: Magical

That's it for Strength.


These are bonuses for dexterity.

Suffix: DEXTERITY (1)
Effect: +1
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Boots, Gloves, and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: DEXTERITY (2)
Effect: +1-2
Level Requirement: Level 2
Items Available: Amulets, Bows, Circlets, and Crossbows
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: DEXTERITY (3)
Effect: +1-2
Level Requirement: Level 6
Items Available: Gloves
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: SKILL (1)
Effect: +3-4
Level Requirement: Level 11
Items Available: Amulets, Bows, Circlets, and Crossbows
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: DEXTERITY (4)
Effect: +1-2
Level Requirement: Level 13
Items Available: Body Armor and Boots
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: DARING (1)
Effect: +4-6
Level Requirement: Level 19
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: SKILL (2)
Effect: +3-4
Level Requirement: Level 22
Items Available: Gloves and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: ACCURACY (1)
Effect: +6-9
Level Requirement: Level 27
Items Available: Amulets, Bows, Circlets, and Crossbows
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: SKILL (3)
Effect: +3-4
Level Requirement: Level 34
Items Available: Body Armor and Boots
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: DARING (2)
Effect: +7-9
Level Requirement: Level 36
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: ACCURACY (2)
Effect: +6-9
Level Requirement: Level 39
Items Available: Gloves and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: PRECISION (1)
Effect: +10-15
Level Requirement: Level 43
Items Available: Amulets, Bows, Circlets, and Crossbows
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: ACCURACY (3)
Effect: +6-9
Level Requirement: Level 46
Items Available: Body Armor and Boots
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: PRECISION (2)
Effect: +10-15
Level Requirement: Level 56
Items Available: Gloves and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: PERFECTION (1)
Effect: +16-20
Level Requirement: Level 59
Items Available: Amulets, Bows, Circlets, and Crossbows
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: PRECISION (3)
Effect: +10-15
Level Requirement: Level 60
Items Available: Body Armor and Boots
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +21-30
Level Requirement: Level 72
Items Available: Amulets, Bows, Circlets, and Crossbows
Rare/Magical: Magical
Suffix: PERFECTION (2)
Effect: +16-20
Level Requirement: Level 75
Items Available: Gloves and Rings
Rare/Magical: Magical

That's it for dexterity.


These are bonuses for the statistic of energy.

Suffix: ENERGY (1)
Effect: +1-3
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Orbs, Staves, and Wands
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: ENERGY (2)
Effect: +1-3
Level Requirement: Level 4
Items Available: Helmets and Scepters
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: ENERGY (3)
Effect: +1-3
Level Requirement: Level 7
Items Available: Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: MIND (1)
Effect: +4-6
Level Requirement: Level 7
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Orbs, Staves, and Wands
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: MIND (2)
Effect: +4-6
Level Requirement: Level 10
Items Available: Helmets and Scepters
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: MIND (3)
Effect: +4-6
Level Requirement: Level 13
Items Available: Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: BRILLIANCE (1)
Effect: +7-10
Level Requirement: Level 13
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Orbs, Staves, and Wands
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: BRILLIANCE (2)
Effect: +7-10
Level Requirement: Level 16
Items Available: Helmets and Scepters
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: BRILLIANCE (3)
Effect: +7-10
Level Requirement: Level 21
Items Available: Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: SORCERY (1)
Effect: +11-15
Level Requirement: Level 21
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Orbs, Staves, and Wands
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: KNOWLEDGE (1)
Effect: +4-6
Level Requirement: Level 24
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: SORCERY (2)
Effect: +11-15
Level Requirement: Level 26
Items Available: Helmets and Scepters
Rare/Magical: Magical
Suffix: SORCERY (3)
Effect: +11-15
Level Requirement: Level 31
Items Available: Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +16-20
Level Requirement: Level 31
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Orbs, Rings, Staves, and Wands
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: KNOWLEDGE (2)
Effect: +7-9
Level Requirement: Level 41
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +21-30
Level Requirement: Level 41
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Orbs, Staves, and Wands
Rare/Magical: Magical

That's it for energy.

Vitality (Life)

These are bonuses for the statistic of vitality, but what they really do is
just increase your health. The numbers in the effects are for life, not
vitality bonuses.

Suffix: JACKAL (1)
Effect: +1-5
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Amulets, Barbarian Helmets, Belts, Body Armor, and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: SPIRIT
Effect: +3-8
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: JACKAL (2)
Effect: +1-5
Level Requirement: Level 4
Items Available: Druid Pelts and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: FOX (1)
Effect: +6-10
Level Requirement: Level 7
Items Available: Amulets, Barbarian Helmets, Belts, Body Armor, and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: JACKAL (3)
Effect: +1-5
Level Requirement: Level 8
Items Available: Clubs, Hammers, Helmets, Maces, and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: FOX (2)
Effect: +6-10
Level Requirement: Level 11
Items Available: Druid Pelts and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: WOLF (1)
Effect: +11-20
Level Requirement: Level 11
Items Available: Druid Pelts and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: WOLF (2)
Effect: +11-20
Level Requirement: Level 15
Items Available: Amulets, Barbarian Helmets, Belts, Body Armor, and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: FOX (3)
Effect: +6-10
Level Requirement: Level 17
Items Available: Clubs, Hammers, Helmets, Maces, and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: WOLF (3)
Effect: +11-20
Level Requirement: Level 17
Items Available: Clubs, Hammers, Helmets, Maces, and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: TIGER (1)
Effect: +21-30
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Amulets, Barbarian Helmets, Belts, Body Armor, and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: MAMMOTH (1)
Effect: +31-40
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Amulets, Barbarian Helmets, Belts, Body Armor, and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: GARGANTUAN (1)
Effect: +41-60
Level Requirement: Level 30
Items Available: Amulets, Barbarian Helmets, Belts, Body Armor, and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: SQUID
Effect: +61-80
Level Requirement: Level 40
Items Available: Amulets, Barbarian Helmets, Belts, Body Armor, and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Magical
Suffix: TIGER (2)
Effect: +21-30
Level Requirement: Level 43
Items Available: Druid Pelts and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: HOPE
Effect: +9-20
Level Requirement: Level 45
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Magical
Suffix: WHALE
Effect: +81-100
Level Requirement: Level 50
Items Available: Amulets, Barbarian Helmets, Belts, Body Armor, and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Magical
Suffix: TIGER (3)
Effect: +21-30
Level Requirement: Level 51
Items Available: Clubs, Hammers, Helmets, Maces, and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: MAMMOTH (2)
Effect: +31-40
Level Requirement: Level 59
Items Available: Druid Pelts and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: MAMMOTH (3)
Effect: +31-40
Level Requirement: Level 68
Items Available: Clubs, Hammers, Helmets, Maces, and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: GARGANTUAN (2)
Effect: +41-60
Level Requirement: Level 75
Items Available: Druid Pelts and Shields
Rare/Magical: Magical

That's all for life/vitality.

Light Radius/Attack Rating

Yep, this time the bonuses will combine for light radius and attack rating.
The first number will be light radius, the second number is the attack rating.

Suffix: LIGHT (1)
Effect: +1, +10
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Amulets and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: LIGHT (2)
Effect: +1, +15
Level Requirement: Level 6
Items Available: Amulets, Body Armor, Rings, and Rods
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +3, +30
Level Requirement: Level 15
Items Available: Amulets, Bows, Crossbows, Helmets, Rings, and Rods
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: SUN
Effect: +5, +5%
Level Requirement: Level 17
Items Available: Amulets, Bows, Crossbows, Gloves, Helmets, Rings, and Rods
Rare/Magical: Both

That's it for bonuses in light radius and attack rating.

Minimum Damage

These are bonuses for minimum damage.

Suffix: WORTH (1)
Effect: +1-2
Level Requirement: Level 2
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +1-4
Level Requirement: Level 5
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: MEASURE (1)
Effect: +3-4
Level Requirement: Level 12
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: WORTH (2)
Effect: +1-2
Level Requirement: Level 15
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: EXCELLENCE (1)
Effect: +5-8
Level Requirement: Level 24
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: MEASURE (2)
Effect: +3-4
Level Requirement: Level 37
Items Available: Amulets, Rings, and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: BLISS
Effect: +5-10
Level Requirement: Level 43
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +9-14
Level Requirement: Level 48
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: EXCELLENCE (2)
Effect: +5-8
Level Requirement: Level 59
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +15-20
Level Requirement: Level 76
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +9-14
Level Requirement: Level 81
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, and Rings
Rare/Magical: Magical

That's it for minimum damage.

Maximum Damage

These are bonuses only for maximum damage.

Effect: +1
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Amulets, Rings, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +2
Level Requirement: Level 4
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: IRE
Effect: +2-5
Level Requirement: Level 4
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: MAIMING (1)
Effect: +3-4
Level Requirement: Level 7
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +5-7
Level Requirement: Level 11
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: WRATH
Effect: +6-9
Level Requirement: Level 11
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: GORE
Effect: +8-10
Level Requirement: Level 14
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +11-14
Level Requirement: Level 19
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +15-20
Level Requirement: Level 25
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +11-15
Level Requirement: Level 25
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +21-40
Level Requirement: Level 35
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Suffix: MAIMING (2)
Effect: +3-4
Level Requirement: Level 42
Items Available: Amulets, Rings, and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +41-63
Level Requirement: Level 45
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical

That's it for maximum damage.

Elemental Damage

These are bonuses for damages with the element of fire. The first number is
minimum damage and the second number is maximum damage.

Suffix: FLAME (1)
Effect: +1-2
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: FLAME (2)
Effect: +1, +2-6
Level Requirement: Level 4
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: FIRE (1)
Effect: +1-4, +6-11
Level Requirement: Level 15
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +1-3, +6-10
Level Requirement: Level 15
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: BURNING (1)
Effect: +5-9, +10-20
Level Requirement: Level 25
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +10-15, +21-75
Level Requirement: Level 32
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Suffix: FIRE (2)
Effect: +4-10, +11-30
Level Requirement: Level 36
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: FLAME (3)
Effect: +1, +2-6
Level Requirement: Level 40
Items Available: Amulets, Gloves, and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: BURNING (2)
Effect: +11-25, +35-50
Level Requirement: Level 57
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both

That's it for fire damage.

Cold Damage

These are damage bonuses for the element of cold. The first number is minimum
damage, the second number is maximum damage, and the third number is duration
in seconds (except for the first one, where the first is minimum damage and the
second is duration).

Suffix: FROST (1)
Effect: +1, 2
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: FROST (2)
Effect: +1, +1-2, 2
Level Requirement: Level 4
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: ICICLE (1)
Effect: +1, +3-4, 3
Level Requirement: Level 13
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +1-5, 2
Level Requirement: Level 16
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: GLACIER (1)
Effect: +2-4, +4-15, 4
Level Requirement: Level 27
Items Available: Melee Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: WINTER
Effect: +5-9, +16-50, 5
Level Requirement: Level 30
Items Available: Melee Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Suffix: ICICLE (2)
Effect: +2-3, +6-10, 3
Level Requirement: Level 37
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: FROST (3)
Effect: +1, +1-2, 2
Level Requirement: Level 55
Items Available: Amulets and Belts
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: GLACIER (2)
Effect: +4-5, +11-15, 4
Level Requirement: Level 58
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Magical

That's it for cold damage.

Lightning Damage

This is damage bonus for the element of lightning. The first number is minimum
damage and the second number is maximum damage.

Suffix: SHOCK (1)
Effect: +1-3
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: SHOCK (2)
Effect: +1, +6-8
Level Requirement: Level 4
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: LIGHTNING (1)
Effect: +1, +9-16
Level Requirement: Level 15
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: ENNUL
Effect: +1, +10-20
Level Requirement: Level 15
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: THUNDER (1)
Effect: +1, +17-40
Level Requirement: Level 25
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: STORMS
Effect: +1-6, +40-120
Level Requirement: Level 34
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: LIGHTNING (2)
Effect: +1. +21-60
Level Requirement: Level 36
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: SHOCK (3)
Effect: +1, +6-8
Level Requirement: Level 50
Items Available: Amulets, Boots, and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: THUNDER (2)
Effect: +1, +61-100
Level Requirement: Level 57
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both

That's it for lightning damage.

Poison Damage and Length Reduction

These are bonuses for damage with the element of poison. The first number is
the damage, and the second number is the duration in seconds.

Suffix: ENVY (1)
Effect: +9, +26
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: ENVY (2)
Effect: +48, +48-144
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: BLIGHT (1)
Effect: +7, 3
Level Requirement: Level 5
Items Available: Circlets and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: VENOM
Effect: +21, 4
Level Requirement: Level 15
Items Available: Circlets and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +50, 5
Level Requirement: Level 25
Items Available: Circlets and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +100, 6
Level Requirement: Level 33
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: BLIGHT (2)
Effect: +50, 3
Level Requirement: Level 45
Items Available: Amulets and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: REMEDY
Effect: Poison Length Reduced by 25%
Level Requirement: Level 7
Items Available: Amulets, Armor, Circlets, and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: Poison Length Reduced by 50%
Level Requirement: Level 18
Items Available: Amulets, Body Armor, Circlets, and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: Poison Length Reduced by 75%
Level Requirement: Level 25
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Rings, and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both

That's it for poison damage and length reduction.

Life and Mana Stealing

These are bonuses for when you steal life or mana from your enemy. It will be
in the order, life then mana, and further organized by level requirement as
usual. The numbers mean the amount stolen per hit.

Suffix: LEECH (1)
Effect: +4-5%
Level Requirement: Level 6
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: LEECH (2)
Effect: +3-5%
Level Requirement: Level 14
Items Available: Circlets and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: LOCUST (1)
Effect: +6-7%
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Melee Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: LEECH (3)
Effect: +3%
Level Requirement: Level 34
Items Available: Gloves
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: LOCUST (2)
Effect: +5-6%
Level Requirement: Level 47
Items Available: Circlets and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: LAMPREY (1)
Effect: +8-9%
Level Requirement: Level 55
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: LAMPREY (2)
Effect: +7-8%
Level Requirement: Level 77
Items Available: Circlets and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: BAT (1)
Effect: +4-5%
Level Requirement: Level 7
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: BAT (2)
Effect: +3-4%
Level Requirement: Level 15
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: WRAITH (1)
Effect: +6-7%
Level Requirement: Level 21
Items Available: Melee Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: BAT (3)
Effect: +3%
Level Requirement: Level 35
Items Available: Gloves
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: VAMPIRE (1)
Effect: +8-9%
Level Requirement: Level 56
Items Available: Melee Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: WRAITH (2)
Effect: +5-6%
Level Requirement: Level 58
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: VAMPIRE (2)
Effect: +7-8%
Level Requirement: Level 78
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both

That's it for life and mana leeching.

Life Regeneration

These are bonuses for life regenerating more quickly

Effect: +2
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +3-5
Level Requirement: Level 10
Items Available: Amulets, Belts, Circlets, Rings, and Scepters
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: REGROWTH (1)
Effect: +6-10
Level Requirement: Level 17
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, and Scepters
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +11-15
Level Requirement: Level 38
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, and Specters
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +3-5
Level Requirement: Level 40
Items Available: Gloves and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: HONOR
Effect: +1-4
Level Requirement: Level 47
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: REGROWTH (2)
Effect: +6-9
Level Requirement: Level 55
Items Available: Belts and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +3-5
Level Requirement: Level 70
Items Available: Body Armor, Boots, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both

That's it for life regeneration.

Weapon Speeds

These are bonuses that will increase the attack speed of the weapon you are

Suffix: READINESS (1)
Effect: +10%
Level Requirement: Level 5
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: READINESS (2)
Effect: +10%
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Gloves
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: ALACRITY (1)
Effect: +20%
Level Requirement: Level 25
Items Available: Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +30%
Level Requirement: Level 34
Items Available: Melee Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: FERVOR
Effect: +15%
Level Requirement: Level 39
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Magical
Suffix: ALACRITY (2)
Effect: +20%
Level Requirement: Level 43
Items Available: Gloves
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +40%
Level Requirement: Level 46
Items Available: Melee Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both

That's all for weapon speeds.


These are bonuses that affect how well your armor block and how quickly you

Effect: +10% Increased Blocking, +15% Faster Block Rate
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +10% Faster Hit Recovery
Level Requirement: Level 5
Items Available: Armor
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +17% Faster Hit Recovery
Level Requirement: Level 9
Items Available: Belts, Body Armor, and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +20% Increased Blocking, +30% Faster Block Rate
Level Requirement: Level 11
Items Available: Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +24% Faster Hit Recovery
Level Requirement: Level 18
Items Available: Belts and Body Armor
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: TRUTH
Effect: +7% Faster Hit Recovery
Level Requirement: Level 44
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both

That's all the bonuses for armor.

Damage Reduction

These are bonuses for reducing both physical and magical damage. The first set
of numbers will be for damage reduction, and I will put the magic reduction
after. I will also put a noticeable divider.

Suffix: HEALTH
Effect: -1
Level Requirement: Level 7
Items Available: Amulets, Body Armor, Circlets, Rings, and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: PROTECTION (1)
Effect: -2
Level Requirement: Level 18
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: PROTECTION (2)
Effect: -2
Level Requirement: Level 24
Items Available: Body Armor and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: ABSORBTION (1)
Effect: -3
Level Requirement: Level 26
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: ABSORBTION (2)
Effect: -3
Level Requirement: Level 32
Items Available: Body Armor and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: LIFE (1)
Effect: -4
Level Requirement: Level 35
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: LIFE (2)
Effect: -4-7
Level Requirement: Level 41
Items Available: Body Armor, Circlets, and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: -10-25
Level Requirement: Level 45
Items Available: Amulets and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Magical
Suffix: ANIMA
Effect: -8-15
Level Requirement: Level 51
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, and Shields
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: -1
Level Requirement: Level 7
Items Available: Amulets, Body Armor, Circlets, Orbs, Rings, and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: SENTINEL (1)
Effect: -2
Level Requirement: Level 18
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Orbs, and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: SENTINEL (2)
Effect: -2
Level Requirement: Level 24
Items Available: Body Armor and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: GUARDING (1)
Effect: -3
Level Requirement: Level 26
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, and Orbs
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: GUARDING (2)
Effect: -3
Level Requirement: Level 32
Items Available: Body Armor and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: NEGATION (1)
Effect: -4-6
Level Requirement: Level 41
Items Available: Body Armor, Circlets, and Shields
Rare/Magical: Magical
Suffix: NEGATION (2)
Effect: -4-6
Level Requirement: Level 42
Items Available: Amulets and Orbs
Rare/Magical: Magical

That's it for damage reduction.

Attacker Takes Damage

These bonuses are for when an enemy attacks, how much is given back

Suffix: THORNS (1)
Effect: +1
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Belts, Body Armor, and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: THORNS (2)
Effect: +1-3
Level Requirement: Level 14
Items Available: Belts, Body Armor, Circlets, and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: SPIKES
Effect: +4-6
Level Requirement: Level 21
Items Available: Belts, Body Armor, Circlets, and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: RAZORS
Effect: +7-9
Level Requirement: Level 34
Items Available: Body Armor, Circlets, and Shields.
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: MALICE
Effect: +1-5
Level Requirement: Level 37
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: SWORDS
Effect: +10-20
Level Requirement: Level 47
Items Available: Body Armor, Circlets and Shields
Rare/Magical: Magical

That's it for attackers taking damage.

Walking/Running Speed

These are bonuses for faster walking/running speed.

Suffix: PACING
Effect: +10%
Level Requirement: Level 2
Items Available: Boots and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: HASTE
Effect: +20%
Level Requirement: Level 22
Items Available: Boots and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: SPEED
Effect: +30%
Level Requirement: Level 37
Items Available: Boots and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +40%
Level Requirement: Level 51
Items Available: Boots
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +30% Faster Run/Walk, Heal Stamina +80-90%
Level Requirement: Level 65
Items Available: Boots
Rare/Magical: Magical

That's it for walking/running speed.


If you couldn't find them anywhere else, they are here. These are the ones not
big enough for their own category. I will organize them by effect and further
by level requirement.

Effect: +10-30% More Gold
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: GREED
Effect: +25-40% More Gold
Level Requirement: Level 2
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: WEALTH
Effect: +41-80% More Gold
Level Requirement: Level 17
Items Available: Amulets, Belts, Boots, Circlets, and Gloves
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: CHANCE
Effect: +5-15% Better Chance of Getting a Magical Item
Level Requirement: Level 12
Items Available: Amulets, Boots, Circlets, Gloves, and Rings
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: FORTUNE (1)
Effect: +16-25% Better Chance of Getting a Magical Item
Level Requirement: Level 16
Items Available: Amulets, Boots, Circlets, and Gloves
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: LUCK
Effect: +26-35% Better Chance of Getting a Magical Item
Level Requirement: Level 26
Items Available: Amulets, Boots, and Circlets
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +5-10% Better Chance of Getting a Magical Item
Level Requirement: Level 26
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: FORTUNE (2)
Effect: +16-25% Better Chance of Getting a Magical Item
Level Requirement: Level 42
Items Available: Rings
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +10% Faster Cast Rate
Level Requirement: Level 5
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, Orbs, Rings, and Rods
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: MAGUS
Effect: +20% Faster Cast Rate
Level Requirement: Level 17
Items Available: Circlets, Orbs, and Rods
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: Requirements -15%
Level Requirement: Level 1
Items Available: Jewels
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: EASE
Effect: Requirements -20%
Level Requirement: Level 15
Items Available: Body Armor, Shields, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: Requirements -30%
Level Requirement: Level 25
Items Available: Body Armor, Shields, and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: BEAR
Effect: Knockback
Level Requirement: Level 8
Items Available: Melee Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: Ignore Target's Defense
Level Requirement: Level 25
Items Available: Katars, Daggers, and Rods
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: Prevent Monster Heal
Level Requirement: Level 9
Items Available: Melee Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: WARMTH
Effect: Half Freeze Length Duration
Level Requirement: Level 10
Items Available: Amulets, Boots, Circlets, Gloves, Orbs, Rings, and Shields
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: Repairs 3 Durability
Level Requirement: Level 3
Items Available: Armor and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: Repairs 5 Durability
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Armor and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Suffix: AGES
Effect: Indestructible
Level Requirement: Level 50
Items Available: Armor and Weapons
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: Replenish Quantity by 2
Level Requirement: Level 5
Items Available: Throwing Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: Replenish Quantity by 24
Level Requirement: Level 24
Items Available: Throwing Weapons
Rare/Magical: Both
Effect: +0.75-74.25 to Life
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Amulets, Barbarian Helmets, Body Armor and Druid Pelts
Rare/Magical: Magical
Suffix: MEMORY
Effect: +0.5-49.5 to Mana
Level Requirement: Level 20
Items Available: Amulets, Circlets, and Druid Pelts
Rare/Magical: Magical
Effect: +0.25-24.75 to Life (and) +0.25-24.75 to Mana
Level Requirement: Level 37
Items Available: Circlets and Druid Pelts
Rare/Magical: Magical

That's it for suffixes! I hope you enjoyed this section! Thanks again to
battle.net for a lot of help with these.


< < < 10.0 Shrines > > >


As requested, there are shrines just like in the original Diablo, with pretty
much the same effects. There hasn't been any other people with this in their
FAQ, but most people know what the Shrines in this game do. Anyway, without
anymore introduction, here is a table of Shrines. I will also put an asterisk
next to the shrine if it regenerates, and two if it doesn't, like this. By
regeneration, I mean that it will replenish its effects for you to use them
again after time has passed in the game. Hope this helps!!

**=Doesn't Regenerate

Shrine Effects
====== =======
ARMOR* Boosts your armor by 100%
------ --------------------------------------
COMBAT* Temporarily increases your attack by 200%
------ --------------------------------------
EXPERIENCE** Temporarily add extra experience bonus/each kill
------ --------------------------------------
EXPLODING** Make a harmful explosion, drop exploding potions
------ --------------------------------------
FIRE** Releases ring of firebolts
------ --------------------------------------
GEM** Upgrades gem in inventory, or a chipped gem
------ --------------------------------------
HEALTH* Fully replenishes your health
------ --------------------------------------
MANA* Fully regenerates your mana
------ --------------------------------------
MANA RECHARGE* Temporarily increases rate of mana regeneration
------ --------------------------------------
MONSTER** Creates a unique monster from nearest monster(s)
------ --------------------------------------
POISON** Creates poisonous gas, drops poison potion
------ --------------------------------------
PORTAL* Creates an unlimited two-way town portal
------ --------------------------------------
REFILL* Fully replenishes your health and mana
------ --------------------------------------
RESIST FIRE* Temporarily increases your resistance to fire
------ --------------------------------------
RESIST COLD* Temporarily increases your resistance to cold
------ --------------------------------------
RESIST LIGHTNING* Temporarily increases resistance to lightning
------ --------------------------------------
RESIST POISON* Temporarily increases your resistance to poison
------ --------------------------------------
SKILL* Temporarily increases all skill levels by 2
------ --------------------------------------
STAMINA* Temporarily gives you unlimited stamina
------ --------------------------------------
WELL*** Increases your health, mana, and stamina

***=This does replenish, and this is a special case. The well really isn't a
shrine, but it acts as one. When a well is full, three "drinks" can be made
from it at one time until it runs out, then you must wait until it regenerates.


< < < 11.0 Secrets/Tips/Cheats/Bugs > > >


Here is basically some miscellaneous information that didn't fit anywhere else
in the FAQ. Big thanks to Chris for this information!
So here we go.

-To get to the Cow Level, you must have beaten the game on any difficulty, and
you must put Wirt's leg along with a Tome of Town Portal and transmute them
using the Horadric Cube to create a portal to the Cow Level. It is difficult,
and good luck.

-The gambling odds are as follows. Your chance of gambling an exceptional or
elite item increases as your level increases. Any item with the ability to
find Magical Items more does NOT affect gambling odds.

Magical Item: 90% (9 in 10)
Rare Item: 9.989% (~1 in 10)
Set Item: .01% (1 in 10,000)
Unique Item: .001% (1 in 100,000)

-In both single and open BNet games, typing in "Players x", where x is a number
from 1-8, sets the simulated number of players in that game.
For example, if you type in "players 7" then the monster's life, experience,
gold, and weapons will follow accordingly. It doesn't work though if you put a
number lower than the number of players in the game. For example, if there are
5 players in the game and you type in players 2, it won't lower the monsters'

-All monsters in Hell automatically have a 50% resistance to physical attacks.
Also, almost all monsters are immune to one thing, which means they won't be
damaged by it.

-Your chance to hit and chance to be hit is capped at 95%. For chance to block
and Elemental resistances, the cap is 75%. But, with some items, you can raise
the cap of elemental resistances to 95%. Physical damage reduction is also
capped at 75%.

-Life and Mana leeching is cut in half in Nightmare, and in half again in Hell
difficulty. You cannot leech from skeletons, or inanimate objects such as
catapults or lightning spires.


< < < 12.0 Credits > > >


-Thanks to Aydin Mohseni for helping me out TREMENDOUSLY in this game until I
got good at it. Some of the skill/stat distribution is his work, and I am
sharing this FAQ on his behalf, with his consent.

-Thanks to Blizzard Entertainment for outstanding games such as this.

-Thanks to CJayC, the creator of www.gameFAQs.com, for hosting such an awesome
site and for posting my FAQs.

-Thanks to Chris, for some miscellaneous information with the character skill
ideas and bugs.

-Thanks to Entity, at www.neoseeker.com, also for posting my FAQs.

-Thanks to Brady Games, for an excellent strategy guide and for some of the
information on the monsters.

-Thanks to Jeff Lantz for a correction under cold spells

-Thanks to Steven for some corrections

-Thanks to TwistidSoul for the ASCII art

-Thanks to Sean Das for a correction.

-Thanks to me, for writing this FAQ.

-Thanks to battle.net for some information on items

-Thanks to osverad for a great ASCII art at the top. Here is his AIM(nahuwe)
and Email(omohas(SPAM)iosrevad@hotmail.com) and that if anyone wants him to do
some ascii for them, just ask him.

-Thanks to BCD for helping me out with some parts of the item lists, as I got
too tired to do them. :p

Copyright Armin Jewell 2002-2004

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Beliebte Cheats
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