Tex Murphy - Overseer

Tex Murphy - Overseer

09.10.2013 03:36:23
Tex Murphy Overseer (PC) Walkthrough v1.0
Copyright (C) 2003 by OutRider

WARNING: This walkthrough (like the others) contains spoilers. Please use at
your own risk, and don’t say I didn’t warn you.

To see the other guides that I have written, please check out this link:

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I think that the Tex Murphy games made one of the greatest adventure series of all time. Since Chris
Jones stepped in to play the role of Tex in Under a Killing Moon, the games have been nothing but
funny. Tex Murphy Overseer is a remake of the first Tex Murphy game, Mean Streets. Access
Software has set many firsts for the gaming industry. They were one of the first companies to use
the CD-ROM format as well as the DVD-ROM format. I also believe that they were one of the first
companies to use live action in their games. Since Microsoft bought out Access Software, I hoped
that the Tex Murphy games would continue on after Overseer. While there have been three more
games mentioned, like Tex Murphy: Polarity, I haven’t seen anything come out yet, so is the series
gone for good or will Microsoft kick it into high gear and continue on with the series? Email
Microsoft and voice your protests!

With all that being said, here’s the walkthrough:

I’m playing this game in Entertainment mode, so there may be differences if you choose the other
difficulty. Also, whenever you pick up a new item, be sure to examine it unless noted otherwise,
because you never know what you might learn.

While watching the opening sequences, you may be presented with three choices. There are times
when your decision may not affect the game in any way; but there are others that will. To get the
game off to a good start, here are the choices that I chose as they presented themselves:

1) Give fair warning
2) Chuck Heston humor
3) Show Chelsee the goods
4) Sibling revelry
5) Apologize
6) Real Beatlemanic
7) Lover’s Lanes?

After the opening sequence, you’ll find yourself in Tex’s office. Moving around is quite easy. You
can use the arrow keys to move, or you can use the mouse (by holding the right mouse button). If
you want to run, hold Shift while moving around. Looking up is done with the Home key, while
looking down is done with the End key. There may be times when you have to lower yourself all of
the way down to the floor, and that is controlled with the Page Down key. Raising yourself is done
with the Page Up key.

There are three different panels that you may notice when you move your cursor around. The panel
at the top of the screen is the system panel. It’s where you can save, load, exit, configure your game,
etc. The right panel is your inventory panel. This is where you’ll find all of the items that you pick up.
The left panel is the travel panel. It’s here that you can choose to travel to any of the locations you
need to visit or have already visited.

Now, with that little tutorial out of the way, let’s get on with the game. Go over to Tex’s desk and pick
up the little red book. This book is the Little PI’s Red Book of Rules, the book Tex was looking at
during the introduction. Go into your inventory and examine it further by clicking on the book and
then clicking it on the magnifying glass. You can’t open it, so don’t bother trying. After you’re done,
go over to the filing cabinet closest to Tex’s desk and open up the bottom drawer. Inside, you’ll find
a wind up mouse. Take it and then cross to the other side of the room and open the bottom drawer
on the single filing cabinet. You’ll find a note from the Colonel, so pick it up and read it by examining
it in the inventory. Look at the bookshelf next to the cabinet and take the tape measure that you find
there. If you go to the front door, you’ll see a magazine on the floor. Pick it up and look at it and then
go over to Tex’s desk. Turn on his Videophone and call the AID, or American Information Database.
Tell it to search for information on Tex Murphy, and when you’re done, take the fax that just came.
It’s the search results from your AID query. Look at it in the inventory and then go into Tex’s
bedroom, which is through the door between the bookshelf and filing cabinet. There’s not much you
can do in here, so pick up the Parcheesi board game off of his cot to trigger a sequence in which Tex
gets a client. Afterwards, go to the travel panel and go to the police station to meet with Eve
Clements (the police station is the one with the picture of the woman).

When you talk to Eve, here’s what you need to choose:

1) A lesson in good form
2) A quick change of subject
3) Make an offer she can’t refuse
4) Resort to the Good Book

Now ask Eve about all available topics and then leave the station. Travel to Carl Linsky’s house (the
one above the police station). You’ll see that Sylvia is here. Talk to her about all available topics and
then she’ll leave, but she’ll allow Tex access to the house. Go over to the coffee table and pick up
the note. Read it to see that it’s a clue to something. Take the domino set and look at it to start your
first puzzle of the game. That paper you picked up tells you how you need to solve the puzzle. You
need to make it so that each row equals 21; diagonally, horizontally, and vertically. To solve it, put
the dominoes that equal 4, 11, and 6 in the top row, 9, 7, and 5 in the middle row, and finally, 8, 3, and
10 in the bottom row. Remember the numbers that light up after the puzzle has been solved, which
are 4, 9, and 8. Go into the kitchen and open up the briefcase to the left of the refrigerator to find a
drug of some sort inside. Open the refrigerator and take the bunch of bananas. Do a 180 and go into
the bedroom on the other side of the room. Read the note on the desk and open up the middle
drawer on the right side. Read the note inside and then look at the chess set on the table to the right
of the bed. Look in the nightstand on the other side to find an address book. If you look inside,
you’ll end up earning a new place on the travel panel. Leave the house and travel to the new
location, Delores Lightbody’s house.

Listen to the conversation and each time you are presented with choices, here’s what you should

1) Get back on track
2) Get down to business
3) A show of good form
4) The circumstances?
5) Who gets the cash?
6) Get the skinny on Sylvia
7) Refuse to speculate

Interrogate Delores using all available topics, and then go to Carl Linsky’s house.

Sylvia will give you Carl’s personal effects, which consists of a note, two keys, and a wallet. Open up
the envelope and look at the note and wallet. Open the closet, which is to the left of the bedroom and
climb up the ladder to the attic. Follow the path and go through the door. Go over to the filing
cabinet and open up the third drawer on the right hand side. Take the note and read it. Open the roll-
top desk and get the credit report and look at it. Turn around and go over to the table near the door.
Turn on the tape recorder to hear someone babbling about something. Use the round key on the
lock on the dresser near the filing cabinet and take the lease. Look at it more closely to get a new
location on the travel panel. Leave here and go to Carl Linsky’s warehouse.

As soon as you arrive, go to the filing cabinet and open the middle drawer. Take the fax you find
inside and look at it. Open the bottom drawer and take the project note. Go over to the drafting table
and open the top drawer. You’ll find a newspaper article inside, so after that, open the middle drawer
to find a couple transaction slips. Look at the bulletin board on the wall near the table and move it
out of the way to uncover a note. Take it and then go over to the desk that’s to the right of the
bulletin board. Take the note you find sitting in the box and then move the pillow to find a bottle of
sleeping pills. Take those and if you go over to the forklift near the entrance, you’ll find a box. Open
up the box and take the circuit kit that you find inside. Turn around and to the right of the ladder,
you’ll see a first aid box on the wall. Open it and take the Heal-Aid can you find inside. If you look at
it more closely, you’ll discover pieces of a security card. Make a note that one piece is missing.
Climb the ladder and move the box and the calendar behind it out of the way to find a safe. Do you
remember those three numbers from the first puzzle? Anyway, enter those numbers in to unlock the
safe and take the contents to learn that it’s a passcard reader and an insurance policy. We’re all
done here for now, so go to Delores Lightbody’s house.

When you’re presented with choices, choose ‘Sort of grateful’ and then ask her about all available
topics. When you’re finished, go back to the office.

You should now have a message waiting for you on the videophone, so check it out to see a
message from Sylvia Linsky. You’ll eventually wind up talking to Arnold Sternwood at the North Hill

1) Good natured bureaucracy
2) Get right to the point
3) Loosen him up
4) Linsky’s work?

Ask him about all available topics and then travel to C.A.P.R.I.C.O.R.N.

You’ll get to meet the lovely Wanda Peck here, so when presented with choices, here’s what you
should choose:

1) A flattering question
2) A heart-felt proposal
3) Love bug
4) Clever word play
5) Refer to your client’s father
6) Looking for a lead

Ask her about all available topics and then travel to the police station.

Slightly exaggerate and then ask Eve about all available topics. Leave here and go back to the office.
Turn on the videophone and access AID. Do a search on Sonny Fletcher, the Law and Order Party,
C.A.P.R.I.C.O.R.N., Rona Morgan, North Hill Clinic, and Delores Lightbody. Turn off the videophone
and take the faxes out of the fax machine and look at each one. Travel to the police station and ask
Eve about Sonny Fletcher and his criminal record. Leave and go to Sonny Fletcher’s apartment.

1) On a hunt for clues
2) Make a reasonable deal
3) Fraternize

Watch the video sequence and then go to the warehouse.

Examine the bishop piece that you got from Sonny to find the missing piece of the security card.
Combine it with the other pieces and then examine them to get the next puzzle.

In order to solve this puzzle, you need to arrange the pieces so that the black stripe is either at the
top or bottom of the puzzle field. You may need to rotate some pieces, which can be done by holding
the mouse button on a piece and using the left or right arrow keys. After you’ve solved the puzzle,
you’ll now have a completed security card. Go over to the computer and attach the passcard reader
to it. Scan the passcard and enter the password Bishop. After you’re done, travel to the Fresno

Near the door you will find a day planner sitting atop a box. Take it and look at it to learn a clue to an
upcoming puzzle. Look down at the floor near the door to find an electric bill. Take that as well and
then go over and move the bookcase. Notice that the safe is connected to plate display above it.
Take a closer look at the display to get the next puzzle. To solve this, just point each plate at the
correct times and then push Set Time. If you are correct, a green light will show. There are three
different sets of times you need to enter to unlock the safe, and it just so happens that I have the

1st Settings:

San Francisco – 6 PM Paris – 3 AM Sidney – 12 PM

2nd Settings:

San Francisco – 5 AM Paris – 2 PM Sidney – 11 PM

3rd Settings:

San Francisco – 3 PM Paris – 12 AM Sidney – 9 AM

By entering these times, you should have unlocked the safe, so take and look at the photo you find
inside. Leave here and go to Linsky’s house. Ask Sylvia about the photo to learn that the man in the
picture with her father is John Klaus. Ask her about the rest of the topics and then go to

Stick to business and ask Wanda about all topics and when you ask her about the photo, she’ll keep
it with her. Leave here and go to North Hill Clinic.

Become a fashion detective and ask Arnold about all topics. When you’re finished, go to the police
station. Ask Eve about Val Davis and then go to Sonny’s apartment. You’ll find a note taped to the
door, so go to Tex’s office and read it. Access AID and ask about John Klaus, Bosworth Clark, and
Val Davis. Read the faxes and then go to the Anasazi ruins.

When you arrive, go straight and then up the steps that you see to your left. Go through the door
and if you look down, you’ll notice a brick hiding among some vases. Pick it up and then head back
out and down the steps. Turn to your left and look at the cogwheel puzzle on the wall. The idea is to
get the red dots on the cogs to line up with the red dots on the wall. Push the left lever up once and
the middle one up three times to solve the puzzle and take the brick from the newly opened

Turn around and go forward to the opening and turn left. Open the door near the wall and go
through. To the left of the door lying against the wall is a couple of poles. Take them and go behind
the partition nearby. Take the crate and take the brick that’s lying behind the next partition. Turn to
the right and go through the door. Look down and to the right to find a small piece of pipe. Make
your way around to the left and click on the pot to find another brick. Continue along the way and
you’ll eventually find a vine on a stick. Make your way back out and then go to your left. About
halfway to the end, you’ll see a No Trespassing sign to your left. Look near it and get the next brick.
Go over to the tree and take the guidebook lying on the ground. Examine it to see the diagram for a
future puzzle. Before going up the stairs, go around behind them to find another brick and then go
up the stairs and through the door. Go around to find some sticks, so pick those up and on the
opposite wall, you’ll see a rope hanging down from one of the windows. Take it and if you were
paying attention when you first came in, you may have noticed a rattling sound.

If you look in the alcove to your left, you’ll see a snake guarding yet another brick. Combine the vine
on a stick with the crate and then combine it with the toy mouse. Go down into the pit and lower (or
raise) yourself until you’re just peeking over the edge looking at the snake. Use the trap on the
snake and then take the brick that it was guarding. Leave here and go back to where you first
entered the ruins.

You’ll notice a well near the entrance, and if you look into it, you’ll see a brick sitting in a bucket. Use
the pipe with the rope and use that contraption to get the next brick. Leave here and go back to
where you got the vine on a stick. Continue down that path and you’ll soon find the brick altar on a
wall, which just so happens to be the next puzzle. Use a brick on the altar to bring up the interface
and to solve it, here’s the answer:

I’m putting the answers in X, Y format, so X is how many horizontal spaces over you need to go to
the right (the first column would be 1, the second 2, etc.) and Y is how many vertical spaces you
need to go down (1 would be the very top spot, and 8 would be the bottom). All eight bricks are on
the left side of the puzzle, and you want to work with the top brick to the bottom brick.

Brick #1 (1,4)
Brick #2 (2,1)
Brick #3 (3,5)
Brick #4 (4,8)
Brick #5 (5,2)
Brick #6 (6,7)
Brick #7 (7,3)
Brick #8 (8,6)

If you’ve managed to solve the puzzle, the door at the top of the stairs will open up. Go through it
and follow the hallway until you get to an open circular area. Look to your right and you’ll notice
some leather strips on the ground. Take them and go up the next set of stairs. Tex will come to the
edge of an abyss, and realize that there’s no way for him to cross it right now. Combine the long and
short poles and then combine those with the leather strips to create a ladder. Use the ladder on the
area above the stairs and Tex will cross, but not before the ladder breaks and he goes crashing
through a wall.

You’re at an entrance to a secret lab, so on the floor to the right, and you’ll notice a dime. Pick it up
and then go to the opposite side of the room and get the pocket watch. You’ll also notice a pair of
glasses on the floor, so pick those up as well. Examine the watch to get a spring and the glasses to
get a piece of tape. Use the dime on the flat head screws on the panel near the door to open it up
and then use the spring on the broken connection. Use the tape to insulate the wire and the door will
open. Go inside.

Go to your left and crouch down near the consoles. On the side of the console, you’ll notice a note
hanging by a magnet. Take it and read the note. The scrambled words spells out ‘Checkmate’ when
unscrambled. If you look on the wall behind you, you’ll notice a smoke alarm up near the top. Take it
and examine it to learn that it’s actually a camera. You’ll find a disc inside, so make your way to the
other side of the room and turn right into the alcove. Open the cabinet with the lamp on top of it to
find a passcard reader. Take it and look at the table nearby. Take the ashtray and look at it to find a
matchbook. Crouch down as far as you can go and if you look underneath the bed, you’ll find a
videodisc player. Go over to the main console and flip the switch to turn on the monitors and then
combine the disc with the disc player to watch a video. Listen to the tones that Clark punches in and
then go over to the computer and use it. The buttons you need to push to match the tones Clark
made, and push Red, Yellow, Blue, White, Red, Yellow, and Green. A drawer will open up that
contains a STG security card. Use the passcard reader on the computer and scan the passcard.
Enter the password ‘checkmate’ and read the info. Now that we’re done here, go to

You’ll learn more about the photo that Wanda kept, so ask her about any available topics and then
go to Tex’s office. Access AID and ask about Jorge Valdez and STG. Read the faxes to find out you
need more info on Jorge Valdez. Leave here and go back to C.A.P.R.I.C.O.R.N.

Stick to business and ask about all available topics, including Gideon Enterprises. Go back to the
office to learn you have a fax waiting. Read it and then turn on the videophone and call Frank
Schimming. Make these choices, or he’ll hang up on you:

1) STG reference
2) Go easy
3) Ruggedly independent
4) Aware of the imposition

Ask him about all available topics and then go to J. Saint Gideon’s house. Watch the rather long
video and afterwards, ask Gideon about all available topics. When you’re finally finished, go to the
Rank and File Chess Shop.

1) Narrow things down
2) Play it straight
3) Refer to a new friend

Ask Jorge about all available topics and go to the office.

The videophone will be ringing, so pick it up and watch the sequence. You’ll now be at Val Davis’s
lab. Go over towards the gurney and open the cupboard that says ‘Ape Toys’ to find a toy mouse.
Take it and then go to the other side of the cupboards. Take the post-it note near the microscope
and look at it. The word is ‘Queen’ when unscrambled. Take the pole near the radiation chamber
doors and go back behind the stairs to where you see an ape in the cage. Drug the bananas with the
sleeping pills and then use the drugged bananas on the ape. Tex will automatically use the pole to
retrieve the box, in which a STG card can be found inside.

Open the radiation chamber and as soon as you enter, an alarm will go off. Hurry up and go around
the corner and use the circuit kit on the panel. The idea here is to connect the circuit with the pieces
so that the alarm will shut off. Rather than having me try to explain it and end up getting a lot of
emails about it, go here to find a solution:


After you’ve completed the circuit, the alarm will shut off and you won’t have to hurry about
anything more. Take the passcard reader from the other side of the chair and go back out to where
the microscope is, and hook up the reader to the computer on the other side. Scan the passcard and
enter the password ‘Queen’. Make note of QXD7 and go to the office.

Access AID and ask about Robert Knott and J. Saint Gideon. Read the faxes and if you look on the
floor near the door, you’ll find a telegram. Read it and go to Sonny Fletcher’s apartment. Watch the
sequence and then go to Big Surf Lodge.

You have to be very quick and careful here because if you take too long or don’t put something
back, Slade will catch on and you will be caught. Combine the tape measure with the magnet and
turn to your right. If you look on the counter, you’ll see a key. Use the contraption on the key to get it
and then use it to unlock the door. Once you’re through the door, turn around and close it.

Turn to your right and open the closet. Take Slade’s clothes and examine them in the inventory to
find a key. Put his clothes back, but leave the closet door open. Turn around and on the table near
the door, you’ll see Slade’s wallet. Take it and examine it to find a lottery ticket and a scrap of paper.
Put his wallet back on the table and then go through the door in front of you. It’ll close after you’re
through, so open it back up. Turn to your left so that you’re facing the couch. Move the pillow and
take the chart and move the pillow back.

Turn around and go into the kitchen. On the left hand set of drawers, open the second drawer and
take the Bible. Close the drawer and on the right hand set near the sink, open the top drawer and
take the vial. As soon as you take it, Slade will be ready to come out of the bathroom. Hurry up and
close the drawer, and then go into the closet and shut the door. Slade will come out of the bathroom
and answer the phone. After he leaves, you can safely exit the closet.

Go into the bathroom and open the shower curtain. Turn around and take Slade’s coat off the door.
Examine it to find another key. Slade will be on his way back now, so hurry up and put the coat back,
and hide in the bathtub. Close the shower curtain and crouch all the way down. After Slade leaves
again, come out of the bathtub and open the door. While you’re standing in the doorway, use the
handcuff key you got from Slade’s coat on the briefcase to get it. We’re finally done here now, so
travel to Tex’s office.

Look at Slade’s briefcase and using the numbers from Slade’s lottery ticket, enter 613 for the first
combination, 222 for the second, and 731 for the last. The briefcase will be unlocked, so examine it
again to find a couple of items. Combine the grille with the chart and then look at it to get the next
puzzle. To solve this puzzle, you have to find the ten names that belong on Slade’s hit list. The
names you need to find are:

1) Rona Morgan
2) Val Davis
3) Bosworth Clark
4) Carl Linsky
5) Sylvia Linsky
6) Greg Call
7) Samuel Q. Jones
8) Larry Hammond
9) J. Saint Gideon
10) Tex Murphy

While it’ll take longer, the best way to go about finding each name is to find the number and move it
into each square (you may have to rotate the grille to find some of the names) on the grille until the
name shows up on the list. It doesn’t matter which order you find them in, however. After you’ve
found all ten names, look at the hit list and notice that the highlighted letters spell out ‘Mill Valley’.
Combine the Bible with the coded note and look at it to bring up another puzzle. If you click on each
section of the Bible (Job, Ps, etc.) you will read the passage from that section. With the Job quote,
you want to find the eighth word and type it into the blank. If you’re too lazy to go figuring it all out
on your own, here’s what should be in each blank.

Blank #1: Post
Blank #2: Office
Blank #3: Box
Blank #4: Number
Blank #5: 969

Look at the decoded note and then go to the Mill Valley Post Office. Tex will get the items from the
post office and after watching a long video sequence, you’ll be in the Law and Order Party

1) Easy going approach
2) Lighten the mood
3) No nonsense
4) Taking care of business

While the guard is gone, turn to your right and use the mickeys on the coffeepot. Hurry up and go
into the hallway to the right of the desk and go into the men’s restroom. The guard will come back
and drink the coffee and pass out. Back in the bathroom, go over to the lockers and open locker #11
(the 2nd one in the bottom row) and take the Law and Order Credo. Look at it in the inventory and
then open locker #5 and take the pamphlet. Combine the coded orders with the Credo and examine it
to bring up the next puzzle. To solve it, look at the number under the line and count that many letters
into the message. The solved message should say “Mr. Slade Priority Target Robert Knott His Office
Password Piranha”. Write down the password and then leave the bathroom. Go behind the desk to
where you see the passed out guard and take his key sitting on the floor. Continue forward and then
go into the alcove to your left. Take the ID badge off of the table to your left and then use the key to
get into Robert Knott’s office. As soon as you enter, an alarm will go off, so turn to your left and type
Piranha into the panel on the wall to deactivate the alarm.

Go over to the bookshelves and if you look carefully, you’ll see a photo sitting in one of them. Take it
and look at it. Go to the desk behind you and open up the left drawer and take John Klaus’s file.
Look at it in the inventory and then take the note sitting on the chair. You’ll end up getting a new
location on the travel panel. Go to the lizard painting on the wall and move it to find a safe. Ignore it
for now and move the chair in front of the desk. Underneath it is a key, which you should pick up. Go
to the men’s room and use the key on Locker #17. Take the index card and look at it. Go back to
Knott’s office and use the telephone on his desk. Dial 69835374663 and write down what appears. It
says Open Sesame, so dial the letters into the phone to learn the safe combination. Write down the
numbers and then go over to the safe and enter those numbers in. 67 36 73 72 63. Take the CD out of
the safe and look at it in inventory. Go to the Law and Order Lobby and use the ID badge on the
door. Leave here and go to the Mystery Address.

Watch the sequence and then go to C.A.P.R.I.C.O.R.N. and after that sequence, go to Robert Knott’s
cabin. Once inside, go to your left and take the log sitting in front of the fireplace. Go over to the fish
tank on the opposite side of the room, and if you look carefully, you’ll see a metal box. The only
problem is, you can’t just reach in and grab it because there’s piranhas in the tank, so we’ll have to
find other means of getting it. Go into the kitchen and open the cabinets underneath the sink to find
a mini-torch. Take it and open the cabinets on the right and take the wrench you find inside. Use the
wrench on the hose that’s connected to the sink and do a 180.

Open the far right cabinet door and take the rope hanging inside. Just so we’re prepared for later,
combine the rope with the log to get a makeshift grappling hook. Go into the bedroom to the right
and look underneath the bed to find a deflated blow-up doll. Examine it in inventory and watch as
Tex blows it up. Leave the bedroom and go back to the fish tank. Move the horse painting and take
the nail that it was hanging on. Combine the nail with the hose and use the hook on the tank to get
the metal box. Save your game now before continuing on.

Check out the box to find an ID badge and then attempt to leave the cabin by opening the door and
selecting a destination such as Tex’s office. Robert Knott will be waiting for you at the door with a

1) Innocent bearer of bad news
2) You have something in common
3) A dish called Wanda
4) A common objective

Watch the sequence and when you regain control, Knott is dead and now there are guys outside just
waiting to kill you. Stay low to the ground (and stay low for the duration of the visit) and go over to
Knott’s body and take the key lying beside him. Go back to the bedroom and use the key on his
wardrobe closet. Take the coat and hat inside and combine them with the blow-up doll. Leave the
bedroom and go over to the front door. Use the disguised doll on the front window and then flip the
switch near the door to open the skylight. Use the makeshift grappling hook on the skylight and Tex
will escape. Watch the sequence and soon you’ll be back in the safety of the office.

Pick up the ringing videophone and then you’ll arrive at the police station. Slide some information to
Eve and ask her about Greg Call and his autopsy. Leave here and go back to the office. Access AID
and ask about Jim Slade, Larry Hammond, Samuel Q. Jones, and Greg Call. Read the faxes and go to
Gideon’s house.

Ask him about Sam Q. Jones and then go to C.A.P.R.I.C.O.R.N. Ask Wanda about all available topics
and then go to the Fresno office. Turn around and get the UPEX package off the floor and open it to
find an STG note and a Braille alphabet. Look at the note and then combine the alphabet with the
plastic tag. Check it out and enter the word NEXUS into the blanks. Leave here and go back to
Gideon’s house.

He’s about ready to leave, so ask him ‘where to?’ and then ask him about NEXUS. Leave here and go
to Nexus. As soon as you arrive, turn to your right and take the passcard reader off of the counter
near the autoclaves. On the opposite side of the room, you’ll see a computer. Go over there and take
the newspaper clipping out from underneath the keyboard. If you look at the other side of the chair
behind you, you’ll find a clipboard. Take the note and passcard off of it and examine them in the
inventory. Take the syringe off the table near the chair and then go over to the autoclaves. To the
right is a passcard scanner. Scan the passcard and the autoclaves will open up. Take the saline
solution out of autoclave N216 and load it into the syringe. Go over to the Implant Removal Station at
the back of the room and use the syringe. Tex will inject himself with it, and then turn on the station
to get your next puzzle.

I will try to explain this puzzle as best as I can. In front of you, you’ll see a network of blood vessels.
The glowing dot is the implant that you want to deactivate. You’ll also see a syringe icon, which you
want to move and inject in any of the blood vessels. After you’ve injected the syringe, a blue cross
will appear, signifying the Kamikaze thing that will deactivate the implant. After a while, you may see
moving dots in the network. You’ll want to avoid these, because they’re antibodies and every time
you come in contact with them, you’ll lose power more quickly than usual.

I’m sure there’s more than one solution to this puzzle, but a good starting point is the blood vessel
closest to the power bar. Guide the Kamikaze through the path (be aware that some areas have
branches) until you manage to work it over to the implant. If you want a better solution, go here:


After deactivating the implant, you’ll get to see a sequence in which Tex finally meets his mystery
informant, Larry Hammond face-to-face. Go into the inventory and check out the envelope that Larry
gave you. Read the notes and go back to the entrance. Flip the switch to the right of the door to turn
on a light panel. If you get in front of the panel and look at the lower-right corner, you’ll notice a
squarish shadow. Take the cover off to discover a passcard. Take it and then attach the passcard
reader to the computer and scan the passcard. By examining Greg Call’s letter and the STG note,
you’ll learn that the password is ‘Gambit’. Enter it in and watch the sequence. You’ll soon be at the
Law and Order Party Headquarters.

The guard is nowhere to be seen, but that doesn’t mean he’s not around. Go through the door
behind the desk to enter the reception hall. Go to the buffet table in the back and take the chopsticks
out of the food. Go to the patio doors and take the music stand sitting nearby. Look at the stand to
raise it and then combine it with the pamphlet. Use it on the security camera near the doors to fool
the guard. After that, go over to where you see what appears to be a Law and Order Party curtain
and look at it to have Tex comment that it looks like a beach towel. Move it aside and use the
chopsticks on the ozonator to the right of the door to open it up. Use the top level ID badge on it and
go through the door to enter John Klaus’s office.

Take the photo off of the desk and look at it. Take the note from John Klaus off of the floor near the
desk and read it. Go to the other side of the room and turn on the tape player on the desk. Listen to it
for a bit and then turn it back off. Open the right drawer of the desk and take the cat picture. Look at
the cat picture to take the cat out and examine the cat to find out that it’s pieces of a passcard.
Reassemble them (it’s not hard enough to require a solution) and then leave Klaus’s office. Go to the
table to the left of the door that has the telephone on it and dial 107 to distract the guard. Go out to
the lobby and use the top level ID badge to get out of there. Go to Tex’s office.

Check the messages on the videophone and then go to the Rank and File Chess Shop to find out
about what Jorge had to say. Watch the sequence and you’ll wind up at the San Tomas Mission.
Once you’re inside, turn around and look down until you see a rock sitting in a dust pile by a broom.
Take the rock and turn until you see a large red toolbox resting on one of the bottom shelves. Open
it and take the penknife you find inside. Go into the small area to the right of the elevator and move
the boxes to uncover an electrical panel. Open the panel and push the switch to get the elevator
moving again. Before heading up, however, save your game. Now push the button and get into the

Watch the sequence, and in order to survive, this what you should choose:

1) Make a last request
2) Ask for one last kiss
3) Give penknife to Sylvia
4) Challenge Slade
5) Go for the light switch – then hide
6) Use the rock as a diversion
7) Grab shield – run for the landing
8) Buy some time
9) Toss STG passcard into the clock gears

Continue to watch the sequence and you’ll eventually end up in Gideon’s bedroom.

Take the schematics off of the bench in front of you and look at them. These will come in handy later
on. Go to the left side of the bed and open the box on the floor. Take the chess pieces and go to the
other side and take the barbell. Go over to the chessboard near the foot of the bed and use the
chess pieces on them. You have to arrange the pieces so that they’re in the same location as the
larger ones surrounding you, and by doing so, you’ll unlock the door hidden behind the painting.
Keep in mind that a chessboard is an 8x8 grid, so I’m using the coordinate format again. X is how
many spaces to the right (1 being the very first square in the first row and 8 being the last) and Y is
how many squares down:

King – (1,6)
Knight – (2,2)
Pawn – (2,8)
Bishop – (5,1)
Rook – (8,3)
Queen – (8,6)

After you’ve put the pieces in their correct spots, the door hidden behind the painting will open. Go
through it to enter Gideon’s gallery. Look out over the balcony and see the chandeliers hanging
overhead? We need to lower them, so turn right and push the button on the wall to lower them. Go
over to the staircases and before going down; take the top part of the brass railing off of both of
them. Combine both railings with the barbell and then use the long rail on the chandeliers.

Go to the far right corner and look down until you find a panel hiding behind one of the middle
sections. Once you’ve found it, save your game and then open it up and push the button. Jump
down to the floor, and rather having trying to explain it, either bypass it by pressing Alt + F (I don’t
know if this’ll cost you any points or not) or using one of the solutions available at:


(Don’t ask me on how to decipher the solution, as I chose the coward’s way out)

Anyway, get through the exit to enter Gideon’s hallway. Turn right and go down the hall. When you
see a bench to your left, go over to it and take the CD off of it. Continue down the hall and enter
Gideon’s study. Go to the far-left corner and find the fake bookshelf and move it. Take the metal
cross and use it on the stained glass window on the opposite side of the room and use it in the
lower left corner. When the shape pops up, put the cross into the outline and a compartment will
open up. Take the blue card and then go behind Gideon’s desk.

Use the dime on the dinosaur and take the key that comes out. Leave the study and go down the
hall. When you see a hallway extending off to the left, follow it and use the key on the door to enter
the game room. If you want to feel a sense of nostalgia, go to the far right corner and play Mean
Streets, the first game in the Tex Murphy series (Overseer is seen as the fifth game in the series, but
is a remake of Mean Streets). It’s not necessary to play the game, but it gives you a break from the
main game.

Go over to the pool table and take seven solid balls and one striped ball. Look at the balls in
inventory to realize that they’re incorrectly numbered. Go towards the fireplace, but notice that there
some puzzle pieces sitting on a table. Take them and examine them in inventory to get the next
puzzle. I won’t explain this puzzle because it’s not very hard to figure out. You just need to
reassemble the jigsaw pieces. After it’s completed, you’ll get a picture of Alcatraz and if you examine
the completed puzzle, you’ll get the passwords to each of the STG passcards. Exit the game room
and go back out into the hallway. Go back to where you first entered the hallway from the gallery and
continue past the door. At the end of the hallway, you’ll find a door with an access panel to the left of
it. Look at the access panel and enter the code, using the pool balls as a guide.

Red – 1
Blue – 6
Orange – 4
Purple – 7
Black (it looked more grayish to me, though) – 3
Yellow – 8
Magenta – 5
Green – 2

You’ll have deactivated the alarm, so go through the doors into Gideon’s control room. Take the CD
off the top of the computer monitor and then open the CD drive underneath it. Put in both of the CDs
and read what displays. Before you leave, use the blue security card on the override panel next to
the door and you won’t have to worry about the gallery floor re-activating on you.

Go back into the gallery and go upstairs. Go into the elevator and watch the sequence. You’ll wind
up in a cell in Alcatraz.

Move the left cot out of the way and look for some movable bricks on the wall, and once you find
them, examine them closely to get the next puzzle. You want to make a hole big enough for Tex to
get through, without causing a cave-in or something. You’ll notice an outline of a square in the
middle. This is the square that Tex will be able to fit through once you’ve completed the puzzle. To
get the solution, go here:


There’s a graphic that goes along with it, so you’ll know what they’re talking about.

Once you’re through to the other cell, take the brick off the floor and then take the right chain off of
the cot. Go over to the cell door and do you see the shelf off to the left? Use the brick to knock it
down and then use the chain to drag the tarp over. Grab the laser torch and electrical tape and then
use the laser torch on the cell door to break free.

While you’re in the cellblocks, you’ll have to be very stealthy to keep from being caught by the
security droids. You should also save your game whenever you’ve accomplished anything that
seems important to you. When you arrive in Cellblock A, immediately go to the left and go into the
open cell. Look on the left wall of the cell and you’ll see a roll of barbed wire. Examine it in inventory
to unroll it and then wait. When you see the droid pass your cell from the right going to the left, wait
a little bit and then follow it, but a respectful distance. After you follow it around the corner, go to the
opposite side of the room and look through the door. You should see a key on the floor, so use the
barbed wire to get it. Use the key to unlock the door and go on through to Cellblock B.

Go to your left and open the door to the cell. Go through the visiting station and turn around. If you
move the overturned chair, you’ll find a gas mask that you should pick up. Continue on through and
go to your right. Go to the end of the cell and through the door. Turn right again and use the key to
unlock the cell door. If you look at the floor, you’ll find a security card. Pick it up and then turn
around and go to the opposite side of the room. Open the double doors and you’ll be in Cellblock C.

As soon as you enter, turn to your right and go all the way down to the corner. If you turn around
and watch, you’ll see a guard droid sweep by, and if you had stood near the door any longer, you
would have been caught. Wait for the droid to go down the cellblock and follow it from a respective
distance. Your goal for right now is to get into an open cell with a key hanging on the wall. It’s on
your left and pretty close to the end of the cellblock. If you don’t think you’ll make it there without
being caught, just duck into an open cell and wait for the droid to pass and then continue on to the

Once you make it to the cell, take the Cellblock D key off of the wall and wait for the droid to pass
again (if he’s already past your cell, it should be okay to follow him down, but be careful) and go
back to the cellblock entrance. Turn to your left and you’ll see a gray door. Go over to it and use the
Cellblock D key on it to unlock it and go through to Cellblock D.

You’re safe from the droids here, so stealth is no longer required for right now. Open the panel on
the wall to the left of the door and move the right handle down to 10. This will open one of the cells,
so go down to cell #7, where’ll you find a supply room full of barrels and explosives. Go in and open
the small explosives crate and take the timer/detonator you find inside. Leave here and go down the
flight of stairs that you passed and through the door to enter the dungeon.

Turn to your right and click on the door and Tex will smell something foul, so open it up and take the
garbage bag you find. Open the bag to find a dirty air filter, and then turn to your left and go down
the first hall that branches off to the right. Go all the way down to the ominous door and open it to
find a broken droid. Take the small air filter removal tool and then go back down the hall. Turn to
your right and you’ll see several air filtration systems. Look at the nearest air filtration unit and you’ll
see a video of a maintenance droid replacing the air filter. Go down the hallway while hugging the
right side of the wall and when you get to the crates, crouch down and move them out of the way. Go
around the exposed corner and when you get to the end, raise until you can see a screwdriver on
top of one of the crates and take it. Travel to Cellblock C and when you arrive, hide from the droid
like you did the first time. When it goes back down the block, follow it and hide if needed. You want
to get the other end of the block.

Once you’ve gotten there, do you see that small cylinder hanging above you? Use the screwdriver
on it to get a gas canister. You can wait underneath the ledge for the droid to pass (the droid was
sweeping the second level when I got the canister, and he passed where I was at and he didn’t catch
me). If the droid is on the first level, it may be wise to hide in the nearest open cell. Work your way
back to the other side and go to Cellblock D. Travel to the dungeon and save your game.

Go over to the air filtration unit and combine the timer/detonator with the electrical tape. Combine
that with the gas canister and then combine with the dirty air filter. Use the filter removal tool on the
unit to open it up and then use the air filter bomb on the clean air filter. Watch the sequence and go
down the hall and into the security office. Go behind the desk and take the hairbrush. Examine it in
inventory to get some of Gideon’s hair. Use the guard’s passcard on the reader near the door to
unlock the door and go down to the DNA scanning station. Use Gideon’s hair on the station and
watch the sequence.

You’ll now have to deactivate Overlord by inserting all eight passcards and entering in the
passwords for each one. Start with Card A and finish with Card H. you’ll have to rotate them so
they’ll fit into the slot. Here are the passwords you need to enter for each card:

Card A – Queen
Card B – Draw
Card C – Castle
Card D – Gambit
Card E – Bishop
Card F – Resign
Card G – Checkmate
Card H – Knight

Watch the next sequence and you’ll be pitted in a chess match with J. Saint Gideon. You have to
make the following moves in order to win so just click the green select button to the right of each

Move #1 – RD1
Move #2 – RXE7
Move #3 – QXD7
Move #4 – BF5
Move #5 – BD7
Move #6 – BXE7

You’ll put Gideon in checkmate and Overlord will be deactivated. Watch the ending sequences and
you’ll have completed Tex Murphy: Overseer. Now if Microsoft would stop being sticklers, we might
be able to see a sequel to this and find out what happened after Tex and Chelsee’s unfortunate
incident. I know I said this at the beginning of the guide, but I’m repeating it again. Email Microsoft,
call Microsoft, or do whatever to get Microsoft to listen to the Tex Murphy fans and get them to make
a sequel to Overseer! They just can’t leave the players hanging on by a thread like this!


P. Hart – While I couldn’t find his email address, his guide was used to create the one you see before

Access Software – Even though they’re now defunct, they’re responsible for creating one of the best
adventure/mystery series I’ve ever played.

The Unofficial Tex Murphy Website – For providing my daily dose of Tex Murphy until Microsoft or
someone creates a sequel to Overseer.
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