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..ee$$$$$$$ AN EARLY USER'S GUIDE $$$$$$bee... AMAZING ASCII
zd$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P*" ART BY Gilo94'
""**$$$|$$$ TO STARCHIP USAGE $$$$$$$$$*""
^"**$$$$$ VERSION 1.0 $$$$$$P*"
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13th JULY 2003
copyright 2003 chris b
a) Intro
b) Never Spend Starchips
c) Duplicating (My EXCLUSIVE method)
The reason im writing this guide is because, basically, i myself
needed it. I wanted to know what the best card i could get in a
certain type catagory, for a certain number of starchips.
To discover this, i had to sweep through other FAQs, which consumed
both time and effort (not to put anyone down -- i base my entire game
strategy by some of the FAQs out there). This i did not like, for
obvious reasons. So, i built this guide, so that i could progress
through the game, purchasing only the best cards as i earnt my starchips.
Well, say you wanted to know how to create a Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon
with only 290 starhips, without lowering the standard of your deck.
You can search through here, find the best Dragon type depending on
your starchips, then find the best Thunder type, quickly and easily
and without any fuss. By the way, those cards would be a Parrot Dragon
(2000/1300) and Kaminari Attack (1900/1400).
Then, you'd use the starchip trick to purchase both cards, followed by
my (excusive) card duplicating trick to create another two of each type
(see below, "THE EASY WAY")
You have two semi-powerful cards, at a pretty cheap price, which fuse
together to make one of the best (or at least favourable) monsters!
Or, if you just want to know what the best redeemable fairy type
card is, you can search through here (with a quick Ctrl+F) for 'FAIRY',
and discover that it's Gyakutenno Megami (1800/2000), for 500 chips.
The best possible card you can purchase has to be Jurai Gumo. If you do
not own him by the time you get to 100 Starchips, theN buddy, you're really
missing out!! This monster has 2200 ATK points! However, he does only have
100 DEF points. But, he only costs 80 Starchips! Yes, that's 2200 ATK points
for 80 Chips! His password is 94773007, by the way. Oh, and he's an insect type,
so he won't fuse with anything. This card is just, really, a good beginner-deck
card. It'll take you 16 duels on S Rank to get him, so why not?
The next best cards are the two given in my example above, the Parrot Dragon
and Kaminari Attack, as they can be bought relatively easily, have good ATK
points, and as mentioned, fuse to make Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon, an awesome
beast to use throughout virtually the entire game.
Other than these three, there aren't too many other major bargains.
The Dark Elf (2000/800 PWD=21417692) is a nice one at 160, but most other great
cards are far too expensive, at 400 and above.
a) Intro
I'm sure you've all read about the method of purchasing cards without losing
your starchips. Well, for those of you who have, you're gonna hear it again.
For those of you who haven't, here's a quick demonstration. Oh, you'll need
3 memory cards. Yeah, sorry. But trusts me, it's worth it to buy a third
(PS1 cards are very cheap nowadays) just for this trick.
For those of you who have, you've probably heard the duplication trick too.
Well, below (c) is a fresh new, quick way to duplicate (this also requires
three mem cards).
The memory cards will be refered to as A, B and C. Memory card A is your main
save card. B is your temporary storage card, and must have a different
User ID to save A. It can be a new game save. Finally, C is your slave card.
It has a duplicate save file from card A. This card will be used for acquiring
cards and tricking the game system. It will have the same User ID as A.
b) Never Spend Starchips
First, make a duplicate of A onto card C (you should've already done it).
Then, use your new C save to purchase your desired card.
Next, save, then trade from C to B (you can't trade from C to A, as the codes
are the same).
Now, all ya gotta do is trade from B to A!
Congratulations, you've just cheated the system.
c) Duplicating (My EXCLUSIVE method)
If you haven't already duplicated A onto C, do it now.
If you've just used the above trick, there's no need to make a new duplicate
save file of A. Just use card C as it is.
Now, go onto TRADE, and load up cards A and B.
Once both cards have loaded, remove card A from it's slot, and replace it with
card C, the duplicate.
Now, simply trade across the card(s) you wish to duplicate, to card B.
This process will create the card data on B, and delete the data off of C.
The trick is, the system deletes the data from card C, if there's anything
to actually delete, instead of deleting it from card A.
Exit TRADE mode.
Switch cards C and A (put A back in).
Now you can trade the card(s) from B to A.
Repeat the process as many times as desired.
This process is actually A LOT simpler than it looks, and a lot better at
duplicating cards faster.
For thos of you who don't care how it works, or don't understand all that
mumbjo-jumbo above, here's a rough ASCII guide. The diagrams represent the
console, with it's slots ! and A, B and C represent the corresponding memory
| |
|___ 1 ___ 2 ___|
1) Load the data in TRADE mode.
| |
|___ 1 ___ 2 ___|
2) Whene the data's loaded, switch cards A and C.
| |
|___ 1 ___ 2 ___|
3) Trade the desired card(s) from P1 (A's file) to P2 (B's file).
4) Exit TRADE mode.
| |
|___ 1 ___ 2 ___|
4) Re-insert A, re-load TRADE mode, and trade the card(s) from B to A.
5) Repeat if nesseccary.
The list below is organised in catagories, by the card types, in
alphabetical order. The cards are also in order of strongest to
weakest attack points. I've tryed to make this list useful to anybody,
regardless of their starchip number -- what i mean is, i've listed
monsters from 999,999 chips to the highest below 500.
The types are (for cut-and-paste search):
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use.
It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance
written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public
display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.
If you wish to publish any part of this guide, please contact me, and i dont i wont
I would like to thank the following people for inspiring me to write this, or
just for helping me throughout the game. I couldn't have done it without you!
Credit to DuelMasterNG especially, as i based the 'best cards' section on his list.
Thank you!!!
And all you other guys and girls who've created these brilliant FAQs!!!
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.