

12.12.2014 21:20:33


Walkthrough by ThunderDragon (
V 1.30 - 2005-06-28

Table of Contents

01: Introduction
02: Version History
03: General Information
04: Demo Walkthrough
05: Walkthrough
06: 2nd Ending Walkthrough
07: FAQ
08: Weapon List
09: Item List
10: Key List
11: Music List
12: Cheat List
13: Enemy List
14: Area/Location List
15: Area Information
16: Contact Information
17: Legal Information

01: Introduction

Well, I was checking the message board for Strife and while I was at it checked
the FAQ page and noticed that this game lacked a proper walkthrough. Since I
own this game and has completed it a couple of times I decided to write a
walkthrough for it. So, here it is. Since this is my first walkthrough there
probably will be some confusing points, apart from the usual spelling errors/
grammatical errors. Anyway, I hope that it will help everyone who gets stuck at
some point in the game. Otherwise just contact me and I'll see what I can do...

02: Version History

V 1.00 - 2003-09-02 - First Release
Full walkthrough for all endings written.
Weapon/Item/Key/Enemy/Area/Cheat lists added.

V 1.20 - 2004-05-20 - Larger Update
Added demo walkthrough.
Fixed some spelling errors.
Rewritten a couple of the boss strategies.
FAQ/Version History sections added.
Updated Area list with Location list.
Added incomplete Music list.

V 1.30 - 2005-06-28 - Larger Update
Fixed Music list.
Added demo cheats.
Reformatted all lists.
Changed the Enemy list to Character list.
Added boss strategies to Character list.
Added Area Information section.
Fixed Weapon list.
Added difficulty information.

03: General Information

System Requirements

486DX-66 Processor
VGA Graphics Card
CD-ROM drive
70 MB HD space + up to 18 MB additional for savegames
Pentium Processor and a Sound Card is recommended.
Multiplayer requires a 9600-baud or faster modem, IPX-compatible network or a
serial cable connection.

Strife runs under DOS 5.0 or higher and is Windows 95 compatible.

Strife supports the following soundcards: Sound Blaster, Gravis Ultrasound, Pro
Audio Spectrum. For music, Strife supports General MIDI, Sound Blaster AWE,
Wave Blaster and Roland Sound Canvas.

(Partially taken from manual and slightly edited.)


You are a wandering mercenary, led to the small town of Tarnhill by rumors of
conflict between The Order, a well-equipped religious dictatorship, and The
Front, the rag tag resistance movement. While searching for The Front you
decided to take a brief rest somewhere that you thought was safe. The Order
acolytes have been rounding up all suspicious characters in the area. Yes, you
happen to be one of them. What they didn't expect, though, is the knife you
keep concealed for situations just like this one...

(Taken from manual.)


Easy difficulty. Enemies are weak and doesn't do much damage. They are also
very easy to kill and drops lots of ammo.

Normal difficulty. Enemies have normal strength.

Hard difficulty. Enemies takes some time to kill and they do more damage. They
do not drop a lot of ammo, either.

Very Hard difficulty. Enemies are very strong. Also, at least some enemies
respawn. I do not know that much more, though.

Completely impossible. Enemies are insanely strong and make tonnes of damage.
They also attack often. All enemies respawn, including Inquisitors. Do not even
expect to get out of the Interrogation Chamber alive...

04: Demo Walkthrough

You start in the Interrogation Area. Kill the guard and pick up his Passcard,
then pick up the health and open the door. Go out and then left into the room.
Pick up the health and talk to Harris. Accept his mission and then continue
down the path. Turn left and go over the yard. Go down all the stairs and turn
right. Drop down into the river and go to the small pier. Go up the stairs and
turn left to enter the Sanctuary.

Open the door and shoot the acolyte on the platform. Turn right and go uo the
elevator. Follow the path to the end and press the button. Go back and turn
right into the now open path to end up on the platform. Press the button and
drop down. Go up to the now raised platform and use the lever to lower it. Get
on and go up. Turn right and follow the path. Go up the elevator and continue
walking until the room with the guard. Kill him and pick up the Silver Key.
Take everything in the room and then exit. Go back to the room with the yellow
glass. Open the door across that room and go in. Flip the switch to lower the
forcefield and then pick up the Chalice. Now go out of the Sanctuary.

When outside, go up the stairs and into the Tavern. When nearing the staircase
the alarm will sound. Kill the acolyte then go up the stairs and into the room.
Talk to Harris, but choose the 2nd choice. Then kill Harris and the two
acolytes teleporting in and press the button. Go down the secret passage and
pick up everything in that room. Drop the Chalice and then get out. Go out of
the Tavern, drop down the ledge and go left to enter the Governor's Mansion. Go
right for some health and then left and open the door. Go down the stairs and
pick up everything in that room. Then go out of the Mansion. Kill the Crusader,
then run over the bridge, turn right, go past the shops, turn left into the
small room at the end and go into the teleporter.

Here turn right and then left and then go up to the guy in the middle. Talk to
him, then turn around and go forward. Flip the switch at the end and you will
have completed the demo!

05: Walkthrough

You start in an interrogation room. In this room, there are some health packs,
ammo and a couple of acolytes. (Depending on difficulty.) First, kill the
acolytes in the interrogation room, pick up the helath and ammo and then kill
the guard outside the door. Go down the path and into the first room on the
left side and talk to Rowan to receive your first mission.

Mission 0: The Traitor

After accepting this mission you will receive a crossbow with some electric
bolts. Go out of the room and turn left. Go forward and then go left and then
left again, down a couple of stairs. Then turn right and you will see the
entrance to the Sanctuary. The door is locked, so jump down into the river and
you will end up on a pier. Walk up the stairs and turn left to enter the

A button on the wall will open the door. Shoot the guard up on the ledge. (The
alarm will go off when you enter the room, anyway.) Go right and go up the
elevator. There is a guard to your left, kill him, then continue through the
door. Continue down the corridor and up the staircase. There is a guard during
the way. In the room at the top of the staircase there is a button. Press it
and head back down the stairs. Turn right and walk into the newly opened
corridor and you will end up on the platform with the guard that was shot
earlier. Press the button and turn around. Drop down on the left side of the
stairs for some ammo and the walk away to the platform that you raised. Flip
the switch and the platform will be lowered. Stay on it to get back up and then
head right. Go though the door and up the elevator. Go though the door on your
left and you will end up in Beldin's cell. Talk to him if you want to and then
kill him and pick up his ring. There is some money on the table. Then go out
the door and continue left around the corner and go through the door. Kill the
guard and pick up the stuff you can find in the room. Flipping the switch is
optional. It will lower the forcefield in the room with yellow glasses, but it
isn't recommended going back there to pick up the chalice. It will only cause
problems later. When done, head out from the room and walk to the pillar and
press the button to lower a staircase. Go up it and out through the door to end
up in town again.

When out, walk straight across the field and into the passage. Go right and
then right again to end up where Rowan is. Talk to him to receive some gold and
a Com Unit. Mission Accomplished.

Now that you have started working for the Front it is time to find their HQ. Go
out from Rowan's room and head towards the sanctuary, but instead of going
right after the stairs, go over the bridge and into the partially demolished
Town Hall. During the walk you will get some instructions from your new guide,
Blackbird. Go through the door on your left and then the one on your right and
talk to Geoff. Hopefully Blackbird will have told you the code so that Geoff
will open the door. Go inside and press the button and then head down the
stairs to end up in the Front base. Walk across the storage room and straight
down the corridor and you will meet Macil.

Mission 1: Freeing the Prisoners

Walk out of the Front base and out of the Town Hall and then down the corridor
with the shops. Then turn left and go through the door. Talk to Irale, but
don't buy anything. Instead, walk out and go towards the water. You will see
some kind of "platform" with a hole in it. Run towards the water, jump, and go
down the hole. Pick up the stuff, go up the working elevator, pick up some more
stuff, destroy the window and jump out. Go across the bridge and turn right and
you will end up in the Governor's mansion. Go through the door, head right,
pick up the health and go up the elevator. In the middle of the wall there is a
secret door. Open it to reveal a secret room. Pick up the stuff and then
continue to go through the door to get into the Governor's office. You will get
a choice between two chores. One is messy, the other bloody.

Chore 1: The Messy One

Go out from the mansion and head back towards Rowan's room, but instead of
going into it, turn around and go down the small staircase and talk to
MacGuffin. Choice #2 will reveal the location of of the illegal tap, but it
doesn't matter which one you take. Flip the switch to lower the sewage level.
Jump down into the sewage and walk straight across to get to a hidden door.
Walk inside to find the tap, but don't destroy it. Instead, continue into the
corridor to end up in a room with a broken power coupling. Pick it up and then
take the elevator up. Go right to reveal the passageway out. Now you are back
in the Interrogation room from the beginning of the game. Now head back to the
Governor to complete the chore. (If you destroy the power coupling you have to
fight some blue acolytes and will probably set off the alarm while doing it.)

Chore 2: The Bloody One

Go out from the mansion and head towards Irale. Past his shop the entrance to
the Power Station is. Go inside and down the long corridor and down the
elevator. Turn right to end up in the Warehouse. Turn left and then right into
a room. Press the button to open the door to the lower part of the warehouse.
Go down the stairs. In the first crossing go right. The path will then turn to
the left. Then go left and follow the path down towards the elevator. Turn left
to walk down a path between boxes. On the right side you will spot Derwin. If
you talk to him he will set off the alarm, so just kill him. Then head back to
the Governor.

Chore Completed!

After the conversation you will have a prison pass. Now get out of the mansion,
walk across the bridge and up the stairs. The Prison is on the right side. Get
in and talk to the Door Guard. He will open the door for you. After that walk
up the stairs and talk to Warden Montag. The Warden will sound the alarm. After
the conversation has ended, pick up the Assault Rifle and kill the Warden and
the guards. Be sure to pick up the Prison Key and then go down the stairs and
through the large door. (The keyhole is on the left side of the door.) Now it
is only to walk through the long corridors, killing spiders and guards until
you reach a large elevator. Use it to reach the lower floors. Go into the
corridor without a door. To the left is a room with supplies. After taking what
you need, go down the corridor and then go left. You will get to a room with an
altar, a couple of large staircases and some guards. On the backside of the
altar is a switch. Use it to open a secret passageway in one of the alcoves in
the corridor on the opposite sides of the room. Go into it to get some ammo and
such and then head up the stairs. Go through the door and kill the sentiel.
Behind the large computer there is a room with some supplies. Pick them up and
then walk up the stairs and talk to Judge Wolenick. Kill him, pick up his hand
and then head back to the Main Control room you passed earlier. Go in and
activate all the Hand Scanners to free the prisoners. If you need some health
and ammo, go up the elevator and look inside the towers, which were opened
while freeing the prisoners. The ammo is next to the elevator from the yard to
the entrance. Otherwise, just unlock the door to the large cells and head down
the corridor to find a teleporter. Go into it to get back to the base and then
talk to Macil.

Mission 2: The Power Crystal

Go visit the Medic and the Weapons Trainer to get more life and better accuracy
and then get out of the base. Walk down past the shops to end up at the Power

Walk down the long corridor and go right after the elevator to get to the
Warehouse. Go right and then left into a room and press the button to open the
door leading into the warehouse. Go down the stairs right outside the room and
then walk down the path. Turn right twice and you will find Warner. (He is
standing in a dark section of the room.) Talk to him to receive an ID to get
into the Power Station. If you look around in the Warehouse you will find some
health and other stuff, if you're lucky. Then kill all the guards and go to the
Power Station entrance. (Walk out of the Warehouse and straight forward.) Talk
to the guard and then kill him. Walk into his room to receive the Mini Missile
Launcher. Then get out and turn left. Walk into the narrow corridor and flip
the switch to raise a passageway. Walk across it and into the corridor on your
left. Turn left and open the door. walk through this room, killing guards on
your way and you will end up at an elevator. Use it to get to the upper floor.
turn left and walk through the corridor. After the staircase turn left and talk
to the technician to get a new ID. Watch out for spiders. Walk across the room
and use the elevator going downwards. You will now end up in a room with three
corridors and a computer tech. Take the right corridor, walk across the room,
press the button and save. Now walk back across the ledge and watch out for the
ceiling. The black and yellow parts of the ledge is safe to stand on. When back
in the large room, take the newly opened left corridor. In the middle of the
room is a large hole with a structure sticking up. In the structure is a hole.
Jump over the fence and into the hole to receive some energy pods. Then jump
back out of it, go back to the large room and take the middle corridor to get
back to the main room. Jump down into the water, walk across it and then turn
left and walk up to the large door. Then turn right and walk through the
corridor. Press the button and then continue through the door. Go right, down
the stairs, kill the sentiel behind you and then talk to the technician. Kill
him to receive the Gold Key and then walk up the stairs. Pick up the health/
ammo where the sentiel was and the walk right down the corridor to find some
health and an environmental suits. Walk back and open the locked bars for some
health/ammo and then go back to the large door. Enter it, pick up the
Environmental Suits, use one of them and then continue through the next large
door. If the screen starts flashing green, just use another Environmental Suit.
Go right and kill the guard, then go into the room with colorful things going
up and down and use the elevator. Talk to Sammis and then activate the
switches. Go back to the large door and across the newly raised walkway and
then use the elevator. Talk to Ketrick and then kill him. Then press the button
on the wall to reveal the power crystal. Take out the Mini Missile Launcher,
walk up to the ledge, fire and then back off. Hopefully the guards will be
killed by the explosion. Otherwise, just kill them if you need any
Environmental Suits. When finished, go back to the Warehouse. Go right and
follow the path until you see a red line on your left side. Walking across it
will trigger the alarm, although with the guards dead that doesn't matter. Walk
across it and press the button to get into the armory. Pick whatever you need
and then exit the Power Station. You will get a message from Blackbird telling
you to visit Irale and the medic (in town). Do so.

Mission 3: Blowing Up The Gates

After exiting the medic, continue along the river past the Town Hall to find
the Sewer Overflow Gate. On the backside of the pillar is a switch opening the
gate. Then flip the other switch and jump down the hole.

Go forward and then left. Take the elevator down and walk across the room. Go
up the stairs, kill the guards, press the button and go down again. Whenever
you are flashing green, use an Environmental Suit. Take the left corridor and
then go left up the stairs. After the stairs there is a door with a sign saying
Storage. Walk in and go through the storage to find the Grenade Launcher. Then
go back down the stairs and through the corridor to get back to the elevator
room. Now take the right corridor and then head right up the "stairs". When you
get up, go into the door straight across the room and take the elevator up. Go
into the room, kill the guard and take his ID. Flip the switch, go out and go
right. Then turn right again to end up where the beggars live. Walk across
their home and through the door to find Weran. Talk to him. Then go out from
the beggars home and straight forward, falling down. Then continue forward and
turn left a couple of times. That should bring you back to the room with the
elevator to the guard. Turn right to find another door with an elevator behind
it. Use it to get up to another corridor. Follow it to get to a large room with
some sentiels. Kill them and press the button, then head down the corridor
leading downwards. Press the other button to open the door and then walk across
the bridge. Turn right when you get into the room and follow the path to get
back into town. Kill the guard with a poison arrow, pick up his uniform and
then go back into the sewers through the overflow gate. Go down the elevator,
through the right corridor, turn right and go up the forward elevator, go left
and then right to get back to Weran. Talk to him and then exit his chamber,
going straight forward through a newly opened staircase. When you get down,
head right to go up another staircase and then go through the corridor, killing
sentiels. After that, open the door on your left, kill the guard and press the
button. The go up the stairs to get into the Castle.

Continue along the corridors until you get outside. Then continue along the
path to get to a room with a person. Flip the switch and then go back up the
stairs and head right to get to the Reclamation Tank. Walk over to the pipe and
turn the valve to purge the Reclamation Tank. Jump down to re-enter the sewers.

Go left through the long corridor until you find a staircase on your left. Go
up it and enter the door. Kill the guard and take the stuff in the room. Then
exit and continue walking through the corridor to find an door on your right.
Open it and go up the stairs on your right. Go into the hole in the wall, jump
up on the pipe and follow it until you can drop down on its left side. Turn the
valve and exit the room. Then head left, going back through the corridor until
you get back into the room where you entered. Go left and open the door. Kill
the sentiels and press the button to open a door which leads to an elevator.
Use it and then flip the switch, revealing the gate mechanism. Back off and use
the grenade launcher to blow it up. (Save first, in case you miss...) Then walk
past it, go down the elevator and exit. Now go back and go down the long
corridor. Watch out for sentiels. Walk along the corridor until you get back to
where you entered the castle. Go into the room with the guard and use the
teleporter in there. Open the door in front of you, walk out and turn around.
Go down the corridor and down the elevator. Exit, turn left, open the door and
use the elevator. Follow the path to get back into town. Now go to Irale to get
a Flamethrower. Then head back to the Front base and talk to Macil.

Mission 4: The Programmer

After talking to Macil, talk to the Medic and the Weapons Trainer for more
health/better accuracy, then exit the base. Walk over the bridge and up the
stairs and then straight forward to find the Castle.

When you enter, head left through the door and go up the staircase. Remember
not to shoot the brown soldiers. They are your allies. Continue left and
follow the ledge to a locked door. Drop down and enter the door and go straight
forward to find a programmer. However, he is not the real programmer, so exit
and go out the same way you entered. Head left over the large yard, continue
going left and go under the large arch and you will notice a large building on
your right. Walk around the corner and enter the building to find the long
hallway. (Blackbird will tell you if you're right.) Follow it to reach a
staircase. Go up and go down the elevator.

Side Mission: Training Facility

Although doing this mission is optional, I recommend it. You will get a stamina
and accuracy upgrade for completing it. First, enter the door and go straight
forward down the staircase. Enter the armory and grab whatever you need, the go
back up the staircase and go right to find another programmer. Talk to him,
then continue down the corridor to find a large sign saying Guard Training
Facility. Enter. The first part consists of jumping from platform to platform
without being squashed. When getting to the other side, you will be ambused.
Defeat the enemies and then press all buttons in the area. Then jump back
across the platforms and through the newly opened door. Press the button to
reveal a crusader and an ammo box. Defeat it, then press the other button to
lower a staircase. Go up the staircase and press the two buttons and then walk
down again. Walk into the teleporter and press the button. Then walk into the
other teleporter and press the other button. That will open a gate. Go inside
and you will be teleported to another room. Turn to your right and go down the
corridor. Turn right, then right again and go forward to find an elevator on
your left. Use it and press the button. Then jump down. Go right and then right
again. Continue down the corridor and at the end turn left and then left again
to get to a large room. Cross it to find a gap in the path. Run towards it and
jump over it. Continue down the corridor. On the left side you will find a
staircase. Go up and press the button, then head back to the large room. On the
other side there is an elevator. Use it to get up, follow the corridor and
press the button. Then go back to the gap, jump across and follow the corridor
until you get to a button. Press it and a message will come up saying that you
have completed the training area. You will also get your health refilled. Now
exit the training area.

Side Mission Completed!

Now walk through the long hallway to exit the building. Turn right, cross the
river and go to the building on your left side. Go down into it to end up in
the Audience Chamber.

Run straight across the rooms, ignoring the acolytes and then enter the door om
the left side of the throne. When turning the corner, the floor will be
lowered. Just wait until it has been lowered and then press the button on your
right to raise it again. Go down the corridor and go into the room on your left
and talk with the programmer to get a key. Now exit back to the throne room.
The throne is a hidden door. Enter to get some supplies an an ammo satchel.
This little device will double the amount of ammo you can carry. Then exit the
Audience Chamber. Just run out, or kill the guards if you want some extra ammo.

Then walk across the yard and enter the hospital. Check the rooms on your left
and right when you enter for some health and then exit through the back door.
Go left and then drop down on your left and enter the small door on your right.
Go left and press the button to lower the walkway and then drop down and head
right to enter the Programmer's Keep.

The room straight ahead is a trap. Go down either of the corridors and you will
end up in a large room with acolytes. Kill them and then press the switch on
the backside of the altar. Shoot down a couple of HE grenades to kill the
acolytes at the bottom of the staircase and then walk down. To the left and
right are a couple of rooms with ammo/health. Then continue into the large
room. There are some acolytes in the pool and walking up any of the stairs will
release a couple of crusaders, so watch out. Kill the crusaders and then search
for a third one. When all of them are dead the wall to the Programmer will be
lowered. Go up the stairs until you find the pyramid.

BOSS: Programmer

The programmer is a guy sitting in a mini-UFO-thingie. He is resting on the
staircase leading up the pyramid. The programmer will wake up either when you
get close to him or when you shoot him. When he has awakened he will cause
lightnings to rain from the sky, so you have to move around pretty much. If you
get close to him, he will cut you with the spikes on his mini-UFO-thingie. To
defeat him, shoot him with mini missiles. Or if you're lucky you can kill him
rather easily using WP grenades. He also becomes a bit easier if you can get to
the top of the pyramid since it is easier to take cover there. There are health
along the walls on the bottom level and on top of the pyramid. When he dies you
will receive your first piece of the Sigil! Now you also can cause lightnings
to rain from the sky, although it will drain some of your life. You will also
faint after defeating him. When you wake up you will stand in front of Macil.
Talk to him.

Mission 5: The Oracle

After Macil's briefing, turn around and exit the building. You will notice
thatyou are in the Castle. Well, considering that the assault was a success,
the Front has now moved there. Cross the yard and enter the Hospital. Talk to
the Medic and the Weapons Trainer and then exit the castle. As you exit, the
path to your right will be opened. (If you want to you can now skip to after
the Chalice side mission, but if you want free supplies you should continue
reading.) Ignore that for now and head back to the old Front base in the Town

First go to where the Medic was to find some health, then go back out and up
the staircase. The wall where the banner was is a secret door. (It has a
different color that the ordinary walls.) Open it to find a corridor with
supplies. The go back to the storage room. Right next to the red boxes is
another secret door. Follow the corridor to find some more supplies. Along the
right-hand wall is yet another secret door. (Check map for loaction.) Enter to
find a Shadow Armor and an Ammo Satchel. Now exit and to the Tavern if you want
another side mission. Otherwise, just skip that section and go directly to the
path I told you to ignore earlier to enter the Borderlands.

Side Mission: The Golden Chalice

*Note: This mission can be accepted as early as when you start the game, but it
isn't recommended due to the fact that the alarm will be sounded in Town and
that isn't good. It also might prevent completion of the Governor's chores. It
isn't necessary to complete this mission, either. Do it if you want to...*
Enter the Tavern and go up the stairs and enter the room on your right. Talk to
Harris to receive the mission. After that, exit the Tavern and enter the
Sanctuary. If you lowered the forcefield earlier, just go right and go up the
Elevator to find the room with the Chalice. Otherwise, head left and go all the
way to the other end to find the switch lowering the forcefield. When you have
the Chalice, just go back to Harris. As you enter the Tavern, the alarm will be
sounded. Take out the guards using poison arrows and then talk to Harris. Take
choice #2 in the conversation and then kill Harris to reveal a secret button.
Use it to lower the staircase. A couple of guards will be teleported in. Kill
them (Use poison arrows.), then go down the staircase to find a hidden stash.
Take it all, then go to the Borderlands.

Side Mission Completed!

Continue down the path, killing acolytes and sentiels on your way. Along and in
the river there is some ammo and health. There also is some health to the
rightmost and leftmost sides of the wall. When finished, go through to portal
in the wall to enter a courtyard. Following the left wall will get you to a
guard booth with some supplies. Take it and then enter the cave next to the
booth. If you look at the left side of the cave you will see a small ledge on
the other side of some water. Jump to it to find a secret elevator. Board it to
get some gold and ammo. Then continue down the cave and you will get to a door.
Kill the guard in the booth on your left to receive a key. USe it on the
colorful stone block in front of the door to open the door and then walk inside
to reach The Temple Of The Oracle.

Walk through the corridor until you reach a room with water. Here you can
chhose between a path with no guards or a path with guards. I actually
recommaned the path with guards, since it doesn't involve jumping from platform
to platform on high altitudes. The alternate path is in the water to the right.
I wont cover it in this walkthrough, unless there is a demand for it. So, go
through the door and through the corridor. In the next room, go through the
door on your left and then head left down the corridor. A guard will come out
of a pillar. Kill it and continue past it. Flip the switch to open the door and
then take everything in the next room. Then go back and take the elevator up.
Kill the guards and go through one of the large door. This will release some
sentiels in the room. Kill them and then go up the stairs and press the button.
Then exit and take the left elevator down. An enemy will come out of the pillar
to you left. Kill it, then flip the switch. Take everything in the room, then
go out and take to path going forward. Go down the corridor and press the
button. Take the elevator up and continue forward. Flip the switch. This will
release some spiders behind you. Kill them and drop down into the room below.
Flip the switch in the middle of the room, turn left and go up the stairs. Go
forward until you find 3 staircases. Take the middle one and press the button.
Then go back and go up any of the other staircases. Check the ledges for ammo
and health, then go through the door. The enemies in here wont shoot you, so
just go right through and through the next door to find the Oracle. Talk to him
to receive a new mission.

Mission 6: The Bishop

Turn around and take the teleporter behind you go get back to Borderlands. Exit
the cave and walk across the courtyard until you get to a house with a sign
saying Commons. Here, take the small door to the left of the large door to find
the Keymaster. Exit through the door you didn't enter from to find some
supplies, then exit and go to the huge door on the north side of the courtyard.
Walk across the other courtyards and enter the door on the other side. Go left
through the corridor and destroy the 2nd computer on the left side. Jump up and
walk through it to find some supplies. Destroy the computer at the other end
and head right, then turn left. Press the button next to the machine and then
continue forward. Walk into the room with lots of computers and kill the
acolytes, then pick up the Officer's Uniform. Some guards will teleport in.
Kill them and then turn around and go back. Turn left and then left again to
find the Armory. Pick up the ammo and armor and then exit and go left and then
right. Continue until you reach the wall and then turn left and follow the path
until you reach a door on your right. Enter it and continue to enter the

Talk to the guard in front of you, then turn right and take the elevator up. Go
through the door and across the yard to find a fountain. Next to it is the
Hospital. Enter it and talk to the doctor. Search the hospital for health and
ammo, then exit.

Side Mission: The Mauler

The nice doctor mentioned this weapon in the conversation. The Mauler is a
powerful weapon, so lets go get one. From the Hospital, turn right and you will
see some door protected by orange forcefields. Follow the wall to the left to
find the Security Complex. Enter here if you just want to kill the Bishop as
quickly as possible, otherwise walk up the stairs and through the door on your
right. Use the switch to lower the forcefield and then exit. Go through the
door in front of you and go up the elevator. In front of you is a staircase. Go
down to find the Warehouse.

Take the corridor on your left, then follow it for as long as it is possible.
Press the button on your right to raise the platform, then talk to the
Warehosue Guard. Kill him with poison bolts to get a key, the go back. Raise
the platform and follow the corridor until you get to a round elevator. Use it
to get down into one of the storerooms. Go across the storeroom to find a door
with the number 1 in front of it. But instead of going in, turn around and
enter the door behind you. Walk up to the button and press it, then go back to
the door with the number 1 and go through it. Kill the enemy and go through the
door with a green border. Go around the boxes and crouch under the steel door
to get into a room with an elevator in to other end. USe it to get up, the go
down the other elevator to find some Maulers. Go back up the elevator and go
out in the corridor. Run left to get back to the exit. Try out the Mauler on
the guards along the way, if you feel like it. When back in The Bailey, go up
the stairs and turn right. Go down the elevator and exit.

Side Mission Completed!

Now when you have exited the warehouse, go forward to find the Security
Complex. Enter it and go through the door in front of you. Go up the elevator
and go forward until you find a switch. Use it and then go back. Take the
staircase on your left and then turn left to find another switch. Use it and
then go right, right, forward to the wall and then turn right again to drop
down into a hole with a black door. Go through it to find a teleporter. Use it
to get back to the large corridor where you entered. Go forward until you get
out into the large room. Kill the enemies, then place yourself in the middle of
the zone marked with black and yellow to open a couple of staircases. Go up the
left one and turn right to find a secret room behind a computer. When exiting,
to left and follow the path to a room with a switch. Use it and then continue
down the path to find another secret room behind a computer. When exiting it,
go right and follow the path back to the first secret room. Here, go out into
the corridor and go right and you should find a large elevator, but don't use
it. Instead, use the staircase. Go down and then turn right and follow the
corridor. Watch out for guards along the way. At the end, there is a room with
a lot of computers and a map. Take the map and pull the switch. Then go up one
of the staircases and enter a room with a teleporter. Use it to get to

The guards will ignore you in here, until you activate the alarm, so try to be
stealthy as long as possible. Here, exit the first room through the oddly
shaped door on the right side of the room. Follow the corridor until you find a
room with many computers. Here, take the staircase to the right and go up the
elevator in the end of the corridor. USe the button to open the door´s. Go back
and go through the left door. Go down the stairs and a switch will be lowered
from the ceiling. Use it, then exit the room and head left, then left again. Go
through the unblocked corridor until it turns. Here, jump over the gap and
press the button. Jump back and continue down the corridor. Take the elevator
down and go right. Take the staircase leading downwards to find a button. Press
it and wait for the walkway to rise. Then walk across it and enter a room with
a button. Press it and then go back to the elevator and use it to get up. When
up, go left and take the other elevator down. Continue along the corridor. Go
up the large elevator and then head right. This will take you down a corridor.
Take the next elevator down and follow the corridor on the left. Go through the
door and turn right. Use the switch to lower then forcefield and then turn
around. Go through the door on your right and continue to the room with water.
Follow the path on your right and then turn left to find a switch. USe it to
lower the water and then jump down into it. Go through the black door and press
the button. When exiting, use the switch to lower the staircase and go up.
Follow the path all the way to the other end to find a key. Pick it up and go
back to the large door. Open it and go through the next room. After the next
door, turn left and follow the path all the way down and you will reach the
Computer Core. Press the button to reveal it. Blow it up using grenades, then
go back. In the next room, go down the path marked with a "1". Go forward to
reach the room with lots of computers and go down the large staircase. Exit
through the door to get back to The Bailey.

Walk past the fountain and the hospital and up the stairs and you will see a
door with a couple of "crimson and obsidian" banners next to it. Enter it and
you will get to the Bishop's Tower.

Go through the doors in front of you until it doesn't work. Then turn left and
walk across the yard to find another door at the end. Go in and up the stairs
to find a button. Press it, then go down. Now the entrance will open. Kill the
guards with poison arrows, then enter. As you enter, you will be attacke by
lots of enemies. Continue forward for as long as possible until you find a room
with a button. Press it, then exit. Go up any of the stairs to your left and
right, then take the unlocked elevator to the left. Go up the stairs to a room
with some computers and acolytes. Press the button and take the elevator down.
At the bottom, press the button and get back up. Pull the chain and go back
down the stairs to the elevator. Take the elevator down, then take the other
unlocked elevator up. Same drill here, go up the stairs, press the button, take
elevator down, press button, pull chain, get back. Take the elevator down and
head right. Now a room with some computers has been unlocked. Go in and press
the skeleton. That will lower some stairs. Go up and kill the guards. They will
teleport away, but be sure to kill them. Then go up and face the Bishop.

BOSS: Bishop

The Bishop will come out of his chamber and shoot you with missiles. Use the
same tactic against him. Shoot him until he breaks down and a Spectre will come
out of his body. Spectres can only be damaged by the Sigil, so take it out and
shoot it. Many times. Watch your health, though... The Spectre will teleport
around, so be on your guard all the time. When the Spectre dissolves you will
get another part of the Sigil. Now return to the Oracle.

Here you will get to choose which path to take. One leads to a not-so-good
ending and one to a good ending. To get to the not-so-good ending, go and kill
Macil. To get to the good ending, kill the Oracle. I will continue with the
good ending. Walkthrough for the not-so-good ending can be found further down.

Mission 7: Macil, Friend or Foe?

Talk to the Oracle. If you chhose to kill the Oracle, be prepared to fight.
However, if you choose to kill Macil you can head back to the base for upgrade
of health/accuracy. I recommend going back to the base to get that. There is a
teleporter in the middle of the stone structure in the Borderlands which you
can use. Get the upgrades and then talk to Macil and you can get the order to
kill the Oracle. Then return to the Oracle to fight him.

BOSS: Oracle

First kill the Oracle, then turn around and his Spectre will teleport to that
location. Shoot it with the Sigil until it dies. His guards will attack you,
but they wont be much of a nuisance. (They might even be killed by the Spectre
...) You could shoot the guards with poison arrows before fighting with the
Oracle, though. After defeating the Spectre you will get the third piece of the
Sigil. After that, return to the base and talk to Macil.

Mission 8: Finding the Lost Keys

First, go to the Medic and the Weapons Trainer to receive upgrades, then get
back to the Borderlands. Enter the building labeled Commons to enter the Order
Commons. Exit though the right door, then go down the path on your right.
Continue until you drop down and then turn left. Enter the small door next to
the staircase and then go through the first door on your right to find Richter.
Talk to him, then exit. Continue up the stairs and go through the room. Exit
through the door in the end of the short corridor to come out on a ledge with a
couple of guards. Drop down into the water on your right. (Water is filled with
gold goins...) Enter the Tavern and go up the stairs on your left, then turn to
your right and exit through the door in the end of the corridor. Go down the
stairs on your left and then go through the open door on your left to enter the

Start by turning right and follow the wall until you can turn right again.
Follow the corridor. When the water ends, it will turn. Continue forward after
it turns. Go down the stairs and turn right. Go forward a bit and then go into
the small chamber to the left and hit the switch. Exit, and go back up the
stairs you came from. When you can, drop down into the water on your right.
Turn right again and jump across the platforms. Go throgh the corridor and then
turn left when you get to the water. Go across the room and you will see a
staircase on your left. Go past it to find a switch. Flip it to lower the
water. Turn around, go forward and then drop down into the water on your left.
Walk up the staircase to enter the Ruined Temple.

This temple is crawling with enemies, so be on your guard... A good way to get
rid of the more dangerous enemies is to stay in the part you entered and shoot
some WP Grenades into the corridor. But be careful so you don't hit yourself
instead... When the enemies are killed, proceed out into the corridor. To your
left and right, there is a couple of chambers with Health Packs/Ammo. Collect
it and then go take a look into the central courtyard. Kill the visible enemies
and then walk up to the temple in the middle.

BOSS: Spectre

In the middle of the of this temple, there is a Spectre. Well, you didn't have
to fight one after killing the programmer, so it must have hidden down here...
Just take out your sigil and shoot it. It isn't that hard to defeat, just a bit
annoying since it has the same attack as the Programmer had. There are some
enemies in there, too, but most of them will probably die during the fight,
anyway. After killing it, collect the keys and return to the Catacombs.

Mission 9: Entering the Factory

Walk along the path and use the teleporter. Drop down, turn right and go down
the stairs. Go forward and turn left up the stairs. Go forward and follow the
corridor until you get to the large room where you entered the Catacombs. Go
back up the stairs to get back to the Order Commons. Walk forward and you will
get to the entrance to the Factory. The only problem is that it is blocked by a
forcefield... To remove it, turn right and go up the small staircase. Turn left
and use the elevator to find the entrance to the Mines. With your new keycard,
you can also enter it. Do so.

Walk forward across the large, open area and go through the door on the other
side. Kill the enemies, flip the switch and then ride the elevator down. Go
forward and take the elevator straight forward to get down into the mine
itself. Continue forward and then turn right and you should see some ore. (
Yellow stones.) Pick them up and then go back to the elevator and use it to get

Side Mission: Freeing the Workers

Go forward and take the elevator up. Turn right and walk up to the forcefield.
Drop a lump of ore next to it, back off, and shoot it to disable the
forcefield. Go through the door, collect the ammo and gold, and then go up the
stairs. Flip the switch to reveal the machine controlling the drones. Shoot it
to disable it. When destroyed, you will get +10 Stamina and +10 Accuracy. A
pretty nice bonus...

Side Mission Completed!

There are two ways of entereing the Factory. One of them is through the main
entrance and the other one is through the Mines. To avoid alarming all of the
guards in the Commons, it is better to go through the Mines, IMO, so exit the
room and ride the elevator down again. Now, take the left elevator instead of
the middle one. Go forward and then right to find an elevator. Use it and then
continue. Go through the large door to enter the Factory.

Mission 10: The Conversion Chapel

When exiting the Mines, you will probably notice a cusader in standby. Destroy
it and the other crusader nearby. Continue forward and go down the stairs.
Open the door and turn left. Open this door to get out into the entrance hall.
Turn left at the middle and continue forward. After a while the path will
split. Go down either of them, kill the enemies and then destoy one of the
windows. Jump up to whereit was and look down. You should notice and alcove
next to the elevator. Use the grenade launcher to shoot a couple of HE grenades
into the alcove to kill a templar. Now go to the other side and do the same
thing, then take the elevator down. and go through the door to enter the
Conversion Chapel.

After entering, go through the first door and then through the door on your
left. Go across the room and flip the switch, then turn around and walk across
the yellow square in the middle of the room. Looking towards where you entered,
take to right staircase. Go up, turn right and then left to spot a couple of
acolytes. Kill them and walk up to the bars and they will open. Open the door
and go up the stairs to find the Chapel Key. Exit, go forward and turn left. Go
down the stairs and turn right. Enter the room and a switch will be lowered.
Flip it and exit. Go across the water and up the stair to find the Red Crystal
Key. After picking it up, return to the entrance and enter the room straight
across. Walk forward on the path and jump when it ends. Pull the chain and turn
left. Flip the switch and then jump back. (Running jump.) Continue forward and
jump over the the other alcove. Pull the chain and jump back. Turn right and
walk across the newly raised walkway and up the stairs to find the Blue Crystal
Key. Now, go back to the entrance and turn right. Flip the switches and walk
across the room and up the stairs and through the door. In this room is the
converter, converting peasants into acolytes. Walk up it and use the small
switch with a red light on its side, then shut then converter down. You will
get a small bonus for doing it... (+10 Stamina/Accuracy.)

Mission 11: Macil, Friend or Foe?

When shutting the converter down, Blackbird will tell you that Macil knowingly
sent 200 peasants to their deaths. She wants vengeance, so return to the Front
base. To get there, turn around and use the teleporter behind you. But before
doing that, you could explore around the converter to find a couple of hidden
stashes with supplies. (They will be handy in the next fight...) After
teleporting you will end up in the entrance. Exit the chapel and go back the
way you came. All the way through the Mines and Commons. When back in the base,
talk to Macil.

BOSS: Macil

Talk to Macil and he will attack you. Killing Macil isn't that hard... Just
shoot him and he'll die. The Spectre can be annoying though. Just apply the
standard avoid-attacks-while-attacking routine. As with all Spectres, only the
Sigil works. After Macil is dead, you will get another part of the Sigil.

Mission 12: The Laboratory

After this interesting plot twist, head back to the Factory. Be sure to buy any
supplies that you need, because there is no need to return during this mission.
Go back to the Commons and walk up to the factory entrance. Disable the
forcefield and then enter the factory. (All the guards in the Commons will
start attacking you, so be quick...) If you prefer to be stealth, you could go
through the mines. Your choice, really, since it doesn't really matter.

After entering the Factory, keeping going forward. (If you come from the Mines,
turn left after entering the door at the bottom of the staircase.) Take either
the left or the right door and follow the path. Flip the switches and then go
back and go through the middle door. Go forward and you will enter

Go down the elevator and continue down the corridor. Kill the enemies in the
large room and then go to the two doors. Turn right in front of them and go up
the staircase. Follow the path and go through the small door. Press the button
and exit. Go back to the two door and go through them. Kill the guards on your
left, then open the door to spot an inquisitor. It can take a lot of damage, so
be careful... When it's dead, continue across the room. USe the elevator and go
up the staircase to find a button. Press it to reveal a couple of crusades.
Kill then and then go back down to the elevator. Walk straight across it to get
to where the crusaders were. Go forward and turn left at the round elevator to
find a switch. Use it, then go back to the round elevator and use it. Go up the
stairs in front of you and continue down the path. When you come up to the
bars, they will open. In this room, kill the guards and walk up the stairs and
turn left. Go through the door and down the elevator and then turn left. Follow
the path forward and use the elevator to enter the Forge.

Explore the Forge for supplies, if you want to, then exit the same way you

Go back down the elevator and follow the path. Turn right and go down to the
end of this path. From here, jump (Run+Jump) across the platforms. Stop on the
platform with the Health Pack and use the wall to open a secret room. Use the
teleporter in there, the use the teleporter on your right. From here, go into
the corridor with the red banner and follow it to enter the Proving Grounds.

You are now in the Proving Grounds. The most tedious part of this game. Start
by taking one of the elevators down. Go to your left and take the elevator up.
The bars will open when you get close, so just go past it and in through the
door. Here, take the elevator down and press the button. Go back up and go
left. Take the elevator down and turn right. Drop down and go in through the
door. Take the elevator up and pick up the supplies. Exit through any of the
doors and look at the wall. You should find a small door on it. Enter and you
will find a switch. Activate it and exit. Take the elevator down and head left.
You should find a staircase of your left right after the corner. Go in there
and use the teleporter. Turn around and drop down and go left to an elevator.
Use it to go up and find a teleporter. Use it. In the next corridor, you will
find a switch. Use it and exit via the teleporter. Now go forward through the
newly opened way and head right. Follow the path until you find a room with
some large pillars. Go past the staircase and turn left at the first
opportunity. Then go right and then left again. When you get to the elevator,
turn left and go down the next elevator. Go out through the right door and head
right. Go into the left teleporter, activate the switch and go back into the
teleporter. From here, go forward to the elevator, then go left and down the
elevator. Go out the right door and head right and you will gwt back to the
teleporters. Now go into the middle teleporter, activate the switch and return.
Go forward, turn left and follow the path. Turn left at the first opportunity
and fall down. Go forward and you should see a teleporter on your left. Use it.
Now, go forward, through the door, and you should enter The Lab.

Go forward to the switch and 2 inquisitors should fly up. Kill them and pull
the switch to make the Loremaster appear.

BOSS: Loremaster

The Loremaster will fly around and shoot his chain at you. If he hits, you will
fly across the room. To defeat him, try to lure him into the storage on the
left side and shoot him. The only problem with the storage is the acolytes that
will teleport in, but those can be taken care of with some WP grenades. When
the Loremaster dies, a Spectre appears. This Spectre is very powerful, so be
careful. Kill it to receive the last part of the Sigil and a Stamina/Accuracy

Mission 13: The Comet

If you feel that you need any health, go and buy some, because after this
returning isn't possible. Go to the lowest level of the Laboratory to find a
green room. Go up to the red thingie in the middle of it and activate it. This
will open a door. Go in and go down the elevator to enter the Alien Ship. In
the first room, there are a lot of supplies on the left side. Pick whatever you
need and then go to the other side of the room and press the button. This will
release some enemies and open up the passage forward. Kill the enemies and
continue. In the next room there are A LOT of enemies, just just run across it.
(Aim for the blackened part of the wall to find a passage.) Then take the
elevator down and go through the door. Continue along the path to enter the
Entity's Lair. Go down the elevator, continue through the corridor and go
through the door at the end to face the Entity.

BOSS: The Entity

The first thing you will see is a green thing in the middle of a room. It will
release the Entities which uses all of the same attacks as the Spectres. To
defeat them run around the uppermost level of the room and shoot the Sigil in
the general direction of the Entities. Kill all five of them and the game will
end. Die during the battle and you will get to see the bad ending.

06: 2nd Ending Walkthrough
Here is the walkthrough for the second path. This path leads to the not-so-good
ending, and it is actually harder in a sense, due to the fact that you will
fight the Spectres in the wrong order. This walkthrough takes place after you
have chosen to kill Macil.

Mission O1: Macil, Friend or Foe?

Return to the Front base. There is a teleporter in the stone structure in the
middle of the courtyard in Borderlands which will take you back. When you're
back, go visit the Medic and the Weapons Trainer for upgrades, then talk to
Macil. Macil will tell you that the Oracle is the traitor, but call Macil a
traitor, anyway. Then Macil will attack you.

BOSS: Macil

Macil will attack you with an assault rifle. Just kill him with the Sigil.
When he dies a Spectre will come out of his body. This Spectre will fly around
and shoot you with lightings. Use your Sigil to shoot it. If you run low on
health you can always run to the Medic and be healed. But keep the fighting
away from the Hospital if you don't want the Medic to close, though. After
killing the Spectre, you will receive another part of the Sigil. Now, go back
to the Oracle.

Mission O2: The Loremaster

The Oracle will tell you to kill the Loremaster. To get to him, go through the
teleporter on your right to get to the Proving Grounds.

Start by walking out of the room with the teleporter. Then take one of the
elevators down. Go to yuor left and take the elevator up. The bars will open
when you get close, so just go past it and in through the door. Here, take the
elevator down and press the button. Go back up and go left. Take the elevator
down and turn right. Drop down and go in through the door. Take the elevator up
and pick up the supplies. Exit through any of the door and look at the wall.
You should find a small door on it. Enter and you will find a switch. Activate
it and exit. Take the elevator down and head left. You should find a staircase
of your left right after the corner. Go in there and use the teleporter. Turn
around and drop down and go left to an elevator. Use it to go up and find a
teleporter. Use it. In the next corridor, you will find a switch. USe it and
exit via the teleporter. Now go forward through the newly opened way and head
right. Follow the path until you find a room with some large pillars. Go past
the staircase and turn left at the first opportunity. Then go right and then
left again. When you get to the elevator, turn left and go down the next
elevator. Go out through the right door and head right. Go into the left
teleporter, activate the switch and go back into the teleporter. From here, go
forward to the elevator, then go left and down the elevator. Go out the right
door and head right and you will gwt back to the teleporters. Now go into the
middle teleporter, activate the switch and return. Go forward, turn left and
follow the path. Turn left at the firt opportunity and fall down. Go forward
and you should see a teleporter on your left. Use it. Now, go forward, through
the door, and you should enter The Lab. Go forward to the switch and 2
inquisitors should fly up. Kill them and pull the switch to make the
Loremaster appear.

BOSS: Loremaster

The Loremaster will fly around and shoot his chain at you. If he hits, you will
fly across the room. To defeat him, try to lure him into the storage on the
left side and shoot him. The only problem with the storage is the acolytes that
will teleport in, but those can be taken care of with some WP grenades. When
the Loremaster dies, a Spectre appears. This Spectre is very powerful, so be
careful. Hide in the small room at the end of the storage and open the door to
shoot it and then duck back. The Spectre is too large to get in through the
door. Kill it to receive part of the Sigil. Then, return to the Oracle.

BOSS: Oracle

After talking to the Oracle, he will attack you. Or rather, his Spectre will.
Turn around and face it. Apply standard strategy for this Spectre. Shoot it
with the Sigil until it dies. (It wont take long...) His guards will attack
you, but they wont be much of a nuisance. You could shoot the guards with
poison arrows before fighting with the Oracle, though. After defeating the
Spectre you will get the last piece of the Sigil.

Mission O3: The Comet

First, get back to the base for health and training, then go all the way back
to where the Loremaster was. On the lowest level there is a green room. Go up
to the red thingie in the middle of it and activate it. This will open a door.
Go in and go down the elevator to enter the Alien Ship.

In the first room, there are a lot of supplies on the left side. Pick whatever
you need and then go to the other side of the room and press the button. This
will release some enemies and open up the passage forward. Kill the enemies and
continue. In the next room there are A LOT of enemies, just just run across it.
(Aim for the blackened part of the wall to find a passage.) Then take the
elevator down and go through the door. Continue along the path to enter the
Entity's Lair. Go down the elevator, continue through the corridor and go
through the door at the end to face the Entity.

BOSS: The Entity

The first thing you will see is a green thing in the middle of a room. It will
release the Entities which uses all of the same attacks as the Spectres. To
defeat them run around the uppermost level of the room and shoot the Sigil in
the general direction of the Entities. Kill all five of them and the game will
end. Die during the battle and you will get to see the bad ending.

07: FAQ

1: I installed this game on my new computer, but I have problems with sound!

A: Since Strife is such an old game not all modern sound cards are compatible
with it. There are some solutions, though. You can download and install
Idpatchr ( or download and install
VDMSound ( If none of that works I
suppose that you either have to get an old computer or an old soundcard to use
for all old DOS games.

2: I have followed your walkthrough, but when I enter the Front base it is
abandoned and I cannot find Macil anywhere!

A: After getting the first piece of the Sigil a trigger activates causing the
Front base to become abandoned. If you have cheated to get the Sigil early
disable that cheat and you should be able to enter the Front base again. If it
is after defeating the Programmer, then go to the Castle instead.

08: Weapon List

This is a lits of all weapons as well as descpriptions of the ammo that they
use. The number after the ammo types is the maximum capacities for that kind of
ammo when wearing an ammo satchel.

1: Punch Dagger

This is the weapon you keep concealed for special situations. Use it to make
stealthy kills. The damage inflicted increases with your stamina making it
more useful as you progress through the game.

2: Crossbow | Electric Bolts/Poison Bolts (100/50)

The first weapon you receive. With electric bolts it is not that useful,
however with poison bolts this is the weapon to use when stealthing.

Electric Bolts
These bolts aren't that good, really. They can be used when wanting to save
ammo, though. With a faster rate of fire this might have been an alternative.

Poison Bolts
This is one of the most useful things you can have. Any acolyte or other
non-robotic target will die from only one arrow. Also, it is completely silent
so no alarm will be raised when you fire it.

3: Assault Gun | Bullets (500)

The generic weapon and the one you wil use the most. It is quite effective,
although on higher difficulties you might find yourself running out of ammo
when fighting through areas with lots of enemies.

Ammo Clip
This is dropped by most acolytes. It gives a small amount of bullets.

Ammo Box
One of these boxes contains 50 bullets. Very useful.

4: Mini-Missile Launcher | Mini-Missiles (100)

This weapon is a bit stronger than the Assault Gun. Useful against robotic
targets. Its high ammo capacity also adds to its usefulness.

Refills a small amount of missiles.

Crate of Missiles
Refills a large amount of missiles.

5: Grenade Launcher | HE-Grenades/WP-Grenades (64/32)

A highly useful weapon capable of either firing heavy-damage HE-grenades or
burning heavy-damage WP-grenades. Take in mind that it fires two grenades at a
time, though.

High-Explosive Grenades
Of of the strongest ammo types, these grenades can take out a Crusader in one
shot if fired correctly. Be careful so you don't hit yourself, though...

White-Phosphorous Grenades
Arguably the best ammo in the game. This can take out hordes of enemies with
only one round. It also kills even the strongest enemies in seconds. And even
if the enemy is flying above the flames it will die.

6: Flamethrower | Energy (800)

The same as used in Crusaders. It makes lots of damage on single enemies and
transforms acolytes into piles of ashes. Do not use in crowds.

Energy Pod
Gives a small amount of energy. Dropped by Crusaders and Templars.

Energy Pack
Gives 100 Energy. Highly useful.

7: Mauler |Energy (800)

The Templars favorite weapons. It can vaporize attackers and comes with two
modes of fire. it also uses the same ammo as the flamethrower.

Scatter Mode
The standard mode of fire fires lots of smaller energy balls. Takes out most
enemies in 1-2 shots.

Torpedo Mode
Fires a ball of energy that on impact splits into lots of balls clearing out
entire rooms in a couple of shots. Uses lots of energy, though.

8: Sigil | Life Force

The Sigil of The One God is a very powerful weapon. It fires lightnings that
make massive damage. However, it drains life from the wielder. Depening on the
number of pieces you have collected you get different attacks.

1 Piece (4 HP)
Causes lightnings to rain from the sky. If used on an enemy the lightnings will
rain on it, if no enemy is targeted the lightnings will rain on yourself. It
wont damage you, though.

2 Pieces (8 HP)
In this form the Sigil fires a single lightning bolt that makes massive damage.

3 Pieces (12 HP)
This form shoots out lightning bolts in a circle around the player. Useful for
crowd control.

4 Pieces (16 HP)
This form shoots a single lightning bolt. The difference is that now it homes
in on targets

5 Pieces (20 HP)
The final Sigil is very impressive. It fires a lightning that shoots out
lightning bolts as it progresses. It causes huge damage to lots of enemies.

Ammo Satchel

The Ammo Satchel doubles the ammo capacity for all kinds of ammo. Although only
one can be carried picking up another one will replenish all kinds of ammo.

09: Item List

This is a list of all items in the game. The number shows the maximum inventory


Leather Armor | 5 | Reduces damage by 1/3.
Metal Armor | 3 | Reduces damage by 1/2.
Environmental Suit | 5 | Immunity from radiation and poison gas.
Shadow Armor | 2 | Invisibility: Makes you harder to hit.


Med Patch | 20 | Restores 10 Health Points.
Med Kit | 15 | Restores 25 Health Points.
Surgery Kit | 5 | Restores all Health.


Degnin Ore | 10 | Magnetic ore that explodes when shot. Disables
| | forcefields.
Teleporter Beacon | 3 | Will bring Front soldiers to help you.
Targeter | 5 | Helps aiming.
Coin | 100000+ | Usually defined as Gold. Used to buy stuff.
Toughness | 100 | Give to Medic to get +10 Stamina.
Accuracy | 100 | Give to Weapons Trainer to get +10 Accuracy.
Map | -- | Will show full map for the areas it has stored.
Scanner | 1 | If you have a map this will show you all enemies,
items and other sprites on the map.

Quest Items

Com Unit | Given to you by Rowan. Receives messages from
| Blackbird.
Offering Chalice | Found in the Sanctuary.
Ring | Dropped by Beldin. Use it to complete Rowan's quest.
Broken Power Coupling | Found in a room in the sewage plant. Use it to get a
| prison pass.
Ear | Dropped by Derwin. Use it to get a prison pass.
Prison Pass | Given to you by the Governor after you complete his
| chores. Use to get into the prison.
Guard Uniform | Dropped by the acolyte guarding the sewers entrance.
Flame Thrower Parts | Given to you by Weran. Take it to Irale to get a
| flamethrower.
Oracle Pass | Given to you by the Oracle. Give it to the Keymaster
| to get a Military ID.
Officer's Uniform | Found in Borderlands. Use it to infiltrate Order bases.

10: Key List

Page 1:

Base Key | Received from Rowan, upon completion of his mission.
Govs Key | Received from Macil, after accepting his first mission.
Passcard | Received either from Macil or the Governor
ID Badge | Kill the Door Guard in the prison to get it.
Prison Key | Kill Warden Montag to get it.
Severed Hand | Kill Judge Wolenick to get it.
Power1 Key | Received from Warner in the Warehouse.
Power2 Key | Received from a Technician in the Power Plant.
Power3 Key | Received from Sammis in the Power Plant.
Gold Key | Kill the Tech logging the weapons in the Power Plant.

Page 2:

ID Card | Kill a guard in the Sewers to get it.
Silver Key | Received from the fake Programmer in the Audience Chamber.
Oracle Key | Kill guard right outside of the Oracle's Temple to receive.
Military ID | Received from the Keymaster.
Order Key | Kill a guard in the room with the Officer's Uniform.
Warehouse Key | Currently Unknown...
Brass Key | Received from Macil after killing the Oracle.
Red Crystal Key | Found in the Conversion Chapel.
Blue Crystal Key | Found in the Conversion Chapel.
Chapel Key | Found in the Conversion Chapel.

Page 3:

Catacomb Key | Given to you by Richter.
Security Key | Currently Unknown...
Core Key | Found in the Security Complex.
Mauler Key | Kill the Warehouse Guard in Fortress: Stores to receive it.
Factory Key | Found where the Spectre is in Catacombs: Ruined Temple.
Mine Key | Found where the Spectre is in Catacombs: Ruined Temple.
New Keys | Probably a template for key creation.

Demo Keys:

Passcard | Dropped by acolyte in Interrogation Chamber.
ID_Badge | Found in the secret room when you kill Harris.
Gold_Key | Given to you by Harris if you don't kill him.
Silver_Key | Dropped by the Sanctuary chief.

Key Ring

11: Music List

Here is a listing of the music in the game. Change with SPIN## cheat. For demo
version use IDMUS## cheat.

00: No Change
01: Logo Screens
02: Sanctuary - Alien Ship
03: Town
04: Front Base
05: Power Station
06: Prison - Intro
07: Sewers - Mines
08: Castle - Fortress: Security Complex
09: Fortress: Stores - Factory: Forge
10: Programmer's Keep
11: New Front Base
12: Borderlands
13: The Temple Of The Oracle
14: Catacombs
15: Sewers - Mines
16: Sanctuary - Alien Ship
17: Fortress: Bishop's Tower - Training Facility
18: Fortress: The Bailey
19: Fortress: Stores - Factory: Forge
20: Castle - Fortress: Security Complex
21: Factory: Receiving
22: Programmer's Keep
23: Fortress: Stores - Factory: Forge
24: Order Commons - Abandoned Front Base
25: Factory: Conversion Chapel
26: Catacombs: Ruined Temple
27: Proving Grounds - Entity's Lair
28: The Lab - Factory: Manufacturing
29: Sanctuary - Alien Ship
30: Proving Grounds - Entity's Lair
31: Order Commons - Abandoned Front Base
32: Entity's Lair (With background noise)
33: Good Ending
34: Bad Ending
35: No Change

Demo Music:

00: No Change
01: Demo Complete (Order Commons)
02: Intro
03: Intro
04: Borderlands (Not used)
05: Ordering Screens (Power Plant)
06: Sanctuary (Power Plant Remix)
07: Demo Complete (Order Commons)
08: Sanctuary (Power Plant Remix)
10: Bad Ending? (Not used)
11-35: No Music

12: Cheat List

Just type these while playing to activate. Type again to deactivate. (Wont work
on some cheats.)

OMNIPOTENT = Invincibility
BOOMSTIX = All weapons and full ammo. Type again to get full ammo.
LEGO = Gives one part of the Sigil. Repeat for more parts.
JIMMY = Keys. Enter once to get 16 of the keys. Enter again to get the
rest of the keys. Enter a third time to remove all keys.
TOPO = Use on map screen. Once for full map, twice for scanner mode.
RIFT## = Teleport to area ## (Refer to Area List for numbers.)
SCOOT# = Changes location (Refer to Location List for locations.)
ELVIS = No Clipping Mode
STONECOLD = Kills everyone in the area
DONNYTRUMP = Gold and Stats
PUMPUP# = Get power-up. Type first letter of power-up to receive.
(Bzrk[Berserk Mode], Inviso[Shadow Armor], Mask[Environmental
Suit], Health[Health Packs], Pack[Ammo Satchel],
Stats[More Health/Accuracy])
GRIPPER = Stealth Boots
SPIN## = Changes music
GPS = Displays location
DOTS = Displays FPS (FPS = 70/Dots+1)

Demo Cheats:

IBGOD = Invincibility
GUNS = All weapons, Full ammo, Armor
OPEN = All keys
GOTO## = Change map. (Refer to Map List for numbers.)
SPIRIT = No Clipping Mode.
KILLEM = Kills everyone on the map
LISTIT# = Get power-up. Type first letter of power-up to receive. (Bzrk[Berserk
Mode], Inviso[Shadow Armor], Mask[Environmental Suit], Health[Health
Packs], Pack[Ammo Satchel], Stats[More Health/Accuracy])
STIC = Stealth Boots
IDMUS## = Changes music. (Refer to Music List for numbers.)
IDMYPOS = Displays location
TIC = Displays FPS (FPS = 70/Dots+1)
STUFF = Invincibility, All weapons, Full ammo, Armor, Stats, Teleporter

13: Character List

This is a list of all characters in the game. Some characters and all enemies
has some other info added like this: Name | Health | Speed | Weapons
Here you can also find boss strategies.


A wandering mercenary led to the town of Tarnhill. Name and background
currently unknown.

After you get the com unit she will monitor your progress and guide you through
your quest. As all other women she is hiding somewhere underground.

Rebel | 60 | Slow | Assault Gun
The generic Front soldier. Are found in Front bases. They use Assault Guns
stolen from the Order.

Macil | 95 | Fast | Assault Gun
Macil is the leader of the Front. He directs all attacks on the Order in hope
of one day freeing the planet. Or..?

A businessman who makes business with the Front. He is residing outside the
Interrogation Area in Town.

Irale fixes all weapons used by the Front. Mostly assault guns, but if he would
get the parts he can build a flamethrower.

Geoff guards the entrance to the Front base. Tell him you need gold.

The front's spy in the Warehouse. A very lazy person.

The Front's spy within the Fortress. Works as a doctor in the Hospital.

Second-in-command in the Front. Is currently on a mission to gather information
in the Order Commons.


He knows a lot about the town and might help you in your quest. He resides next
to the sewage plant.

Can give you info. For a price... Is found outside the Prison.

Ex-Front soldier. Captured by the Order and held in their Sanctuary.

Apparently he hasn't given the Governor his cut. Oh, well...

Works in the Power Plant.

Another worker in the Power Plant.

Weran/The Rat King
Leader of the beggars. Lives in the sewers.

Oracle | 31
Has his own temple in the Borderlands. Not much is known about this being.

Works for the Oracle. Can apprently fix keys to anything. Lives in the

A worker in the Mines. Has had his implant removed and now works with other
stuff than mining.

Peasant | 31 | Slow | Punch
The standard NPCs. You can talk to them in hope of hearing something
intellingent, but most probably you wont. Will fight back if attacked.

Beggar | 20 | Slow | Stab
Most of the beggars live in the sewers, however some can be found above ground.


Although he says that he works for the rebels, in fact he is just a thief. Do
not trust him, especially when it comes to payment.

Governor Mourel
The Order's face outwards. He is controlled by them and is responsible for
keeping the peace.

Warden Montag
He is the chief of the Prison. Decides who gets to enter the Prison itself.

Judge Wolenick
He "judges" the prisoners and also is the only one that can unlock the cells.

Order Soldiers:

Acolyte | 70 | Slow | Assault Gun

Acolytes are the standard soldier that the Order uses. These bio-mechanical
soldiers seem to come from an endless supply. Most of them drop ammo clips
when killed. Only attacks when alarm is active.

Acolyte Colors:

Tan: Standard Trooper
Blue: Scanner Trooper
Brown: Guard
Yellow: Elite Guard
Green: Overseer
Red: Low-rank officer
Black: High-rank officer

Turret | 125 | Stationary | Gun

Ceiling-mounted defense turrent. Will only attack if alarm is active. A couple
of mini-missiles usually takes care of them.

Sentinel | 100 | Slow | Laser

Flying robot that attacks on sight. They can be difficult in groups, but should
not be much of a problem, really.

Stalker | 80 | Medium | Bite

Spider robot. It crawls around on ceilings to drop down on unsuspecting
victims. Not that hard to kill, but still a very annoying enemy. Attacks on

Reaver | 150 | Fast | Laser/Blade

A fast enemy. Usually tries to run up to victims, but can also shoot them with
laser. Attacks even if alarm isn't active. Not that hard to kill with a good
aim, though...

Crusader | 400 | Medium | Flamethrower/Missiles

Large robot equipped with flamethrower and tri-missile launcher. On long
distances it shoots missiles and on short it uses its flamethrower.
A couple of well-aimed grenades usually takes them out. Otherwise, flamethrower
works very well.

Templar | 300 | Medium | Mauler/Blade

Another Order soldier. Has better armor and weapon than acolytes. It comes
equipped with a mauler. Since it is resistant to ordinary bullets, use stronger
weapons like flamethrower or mauler to defeat it. It wont attack unless alarm
is active.

Inquisitor | 1000 | Medium | HE-Grenades

HUGE robot. It can fly and it comes equipped with a grenade launcher. It can
take A LOT of damage, so be careful if you encounter one of these...


Programmer | 1100 | Medium | Sigil 1/Spikes

A guy flying around in a mini-UFO. He resides in the Programmer's Lair in the
Castle. He is the one who has created the AI which controls the Acolytes. He
also holds the first part of the Sigil.

How to defeat:

The easiest way to kill him is to shoot WP-Grenades and make him fly into the
flames. If done correctly he should go down within seconds.

Bishop | 500 | Medium | Missiles

The Order's religious and military leader. He is partially a robot. He has long
legs and a mini-missile lanuncher mounted on his shoulder. He resides in the
Bishop's Tower in the Fortress.

How to defeat:

Use same tactic as with Programmer. Only difference is that the Bishop dies
a bit faster.

Loremaster | 800 | Slow | Grappling Hook

Creator of all of the Order's robots/troops/weapons and such. He is a
formidable enemy with his factory and laboratory built right over the comet's
impact site.

How to defeat:

First of all try to get him into a confined space. Then WP-Grenades should work
as usual.


These beings contain pieces of the Sigil. They look like some sort of clouds
with an eye and a lot of spines sticking out from it. They can take over the
bodies of people. Those who are taken over will continually search for Sigil
pieces in hope of becoming the ruler of the planet. There are five of them
scattered throughout the land.

1 - Catacombs: Ruined Temple | 1000 | Slow | Sigil 1/Spines
2 - Fortress: Bishop's Tower | 1200 | Slow | Sigil 2/Spines
3 - The Temple of the Oracle | 1500 | Slow | Sigil 3/Spines
4 - New Front Base | 1700 | Slow | Sigil 4/Spines
5 - The Lab | 2000 | Slow | Sigil 5/Spines

How to defeat:

The only weapon that works on them is the Sigil, so take that out. Then shoot
at the Spectre. For the higher-level spectres you should try to take cover
between attacks.


A being travelling from world to world, draining them of their energies. Not
much is know about this creature, although this is what the Order refers to as
The One God. Probably the Sigil was used to lock this in its ship.

Entity | 2500 | Slow | Sigil
Sub-Entity | 990 | Slow | Sigil

How to defeat:

Strafe from side to side while shooting with the Sigil constantly towards the
Entities. When you have killed the larger two Entities three sub-Entities will
appear. Just continue using the same tactic and they will eventually die. If
you killed Macil first you only get to fight one large Entity, though, I think.

14: Area/Location List

This is a complete list of all areas and their scoot points. Use in combination
with RIFT## and SCOOT# cheats. Scooting to numbers not in scoot list will put
you outside of the map. Rifting to area 10 will give you the first part of the
Sigil. While having the Sigil, rifting to area 03 is impossible. Then you will
end up in area 30 instead. Rifting to the demo levels is possible, but talking
to certain characters will crash the game. In demo use GOTO## cheat. However,
only maps 32-34 will work. No scooting in demo.

01: Sanctuary
0: Upper area to the right of the lower entrance
1: Lower entrance.
3: River entrance
4: Upper entrance

02: Town
0: Power Station entrance
1: Power Station entrance
2: Prison entrance
3: Front Base entrance
4: Castle entrance
5: Sewers entrance
6: Lower Sanctuary entrance
8: Borderlands
9: Sanctuary river entrance

03: Front Base
0: Barracks area
1: Entrance
2: Teleporter pad

04: Power Station
0: Coolant pit
1: Entrance
3: Water area outside Warehouse
4: Water area outside Warehouse (Not same as #3)
6: Water area outside Warehouse (Near #3)

05: Prison
0: In the middle of a corridor
1: Entrance

06: Sewers
0: Weran's room
1: Owerflow Gate entrance
2: Castle entrance
3: Reclamation Tank entrance
4: Town entrance

07: Castle
0: Guard tower to the right of the Town entrance
1: Sewer entrance
2: Training Facility entrance
3: Programmer's Keep entrance
4: Town entrance
5: Audience Chamber entrance

08: Audience Chamber
2: Entrance

09: Programmer's Keep
1: Entrance
4: Behind entrance (Unescapable)
5: Next to the pool

10: New Front Base
0: Small room in Reclamation Tank area
1: Sewer entrance
2: Borderlands teleporter
3: Programmer's Keep entrance
4: Town entrance
8: Behind Hospital

11: Borderlands
0: The Temple Of The Oracle entrance (Outside)
1: Town entrance
2: The Temple Of The Oracle entrance (Inside)
3: The Temple Of The Oracle entrance (Water tunnel)
4: The Temple Of The Oracle teleporter
5: Order Commons entrance
6: New Front Base teleporter
7: Fortress: The Bailey entrance
9: Water area near Fortress entrance

12: The Temple Of The Oracle
0: Next to an elevator
1: Borderlands entrance (Stairs)
2: Borderlands entrance (Water tunnel)
3: Borderlands teleporter
4: Proving Grounds teleporter

13: Catacombs
0: Next to a switch
1: Order Commons entrance
2: Fortress: The Bailey entrance
3: Catacombs: Ruined Temple entrance
4: Factory: Conversion Chapel entrance
5: Factory: Manufacturing entrance

14: Mines
0: Next to Reaver
1: Order Commons entrance
2: Factory: Receiving entrance

15: Fortress: Administration
0: Near Central Computer
1: Teleporter pad
2: Fortress: The Bailey entrance

16: Fortress: Bishop's Tower
0: West side room with computers and Acolytes
1: Entrance
2: West side corridor
3: Middle hall
6: West side room

17: Fortress: The Bailey
0: Borderlands entrance area
1: Borderlands entrance
2: Fortress: Bishop's Tower entrance
3: Fortress: Administration entrance
4: Fortress: Security Complex entrance
5: Fortress: Stores entrance
6: Catacombs entrance

18: Fortress: Stores
1: Entrance
3: In the middle of storage area 3
4: Stuck in a wall in storgae area 1

19: Fortress: Security Complex
0: In the huge room
1: Fortress: The Bailey entrance
2: No respawn
3: Stuck in a wall near huge room
4: Room near entrance

20: Factory: Receiving
0: Near Factory: Conversion Chapel entrance
1: Order Commons entrance
2: Factory: Manufacturing entrance
3: Mines entrance
4: Factory: Conversion Chapel entrance

21: Factory: Manufacturing
1: Factory: Receiving entrance
3: Factory: Forge entrance
4: Proving Grounds entrance
5: Catacombs entrance

22: Factory: Forge
1: Entrance

23: Order Commons
0: Near waterfall
1: Borderlands entrance
2: Mines entrance
4: Factory: Receiving entrance
5: Catacombs entrance

24: Factory: Conversion Chapel
1: Factory: Receiving entrance
3: Catacombs entrance
5: Ammo cache behind Converter
6: Room somewhere in the middle

25: Catacombs: Ruined Temple
1: Entrance
5: Middle area
6: No respawn
7: No respawn

26: Proving Grounds
0: Large room with Stalker
1: Factory: Manufacturing entrance
2: The Lab entrance
3: The Temple Of The Oracle teleporter
5: Upper platform

27: The Lab
1: Proving Grounds entrance
2: Alien Ship entrance
3: Near the storage room
5: Outside Alien Ship entrance

28: Alien Ship
1: The Lab entrance
2: Entity's Lair entrance

29: Entity's Lair
1: Entrance

30: Abandoned Front Base
1: Town entrance
2: Teleporter pad

31: Training Facility
1: Entrance
3: Ambush area
5: Staircase to armory

32: Sanctuary (Demo)
0: No change
1: Town entrance
3: River entrance
4: Upper Town entrance
5: In water area
6: Behind Town entrance next to a non-working teleporter
9: Town entrance

33: Town (Demo)
2: In the Warehouse docks (Unescapable)
3: At Movement Base entrance (Unescapable, possible to enter Movement Base and
get stuck outside of map.)
5: Next to the Sanctuary river entrance (Unescapable)
6: Sanctuary entrance
7: In the river outside of the Governor's Mansion
8: In the Warehouse docks area (Unescapable)
9: Sanctuary river entrance

34: Movement Base (Demo)
2: In teleporter exit
7: In Barracks water area

15: Area Information

01: Sanctuary

This building is owned by the Order. It contains a sacrifice altar and a cell.
It has three entrances. The lower, upper and river entrances.

02: Town

The town of Tarnhill is home to both the Order and the Front. The Front is
hiding in the old Town Hall, while the Order resides in the Castle. You can
also find some shops and a tavern here.


On the Power Station side of the shops there is a small platform with a hole on
the side of the armory. Jump over to it and you can go down into the armory.
Down there you can find some supplies, like gold and a leather armor.

The wall outside the Governor's office is a secret door. Behind are some
supplies. Can be entered even if guard is standing there.

03: Front Base

Home of the Front. From here all attacks and raids on the Order are planned.
The only exit leads to the Town.


In the Barracks elevator there is a false wall. Go through it and down the
elevator behind it to find some health, gold and poison bolts.

In the storage area there is two secret doors that will get you into a secret
area. In here are some supplies. Note that a silver key is required to enter
all of the rooms. Another entrance is behind the large mark on the wall when
going towards the medic/armory.

04: Power Station

The Order's power station gives power to the Order's shields. Destroy it and
the shields goes down. It also has docks and a warehouse.


If you get into the computer core there are some enegery pods hidden in the
structure in the middle.

If you go past the technician logging the weapons there is a secret door on the
right wall at the end of the corridor. Go through it to find a corridor with

05: Prison

The Order's prison is where all prisoners are kept. Although the only prisoners
in there at the moment are Front soldiers.


Behind the altar-like thing is a switch. Use it to open a secret passage in one
of the alcoves. In there are more supplies.

If you need health you can get in in the guard towers in the courtyard after
you have the severed hand. Just activate all of the hand scanners and they will

06: Sewers

The sewers are home to the beggars. Although by going through it you will reach
the Castle. Down here are the gate controls for the Castle gates, too.


If you enter the sewers via the overflow gate there is a secret door behind
where you fall down. Enter for some health.

In the large room outside of where you find the Grenade Launcher there is a
surgery Kit in the pillar in the middle.

In the large machine near the manual gate control is a secret door.

From the bridge near the locked vents you can jump over to the platforms behind
the vents. There are a couple of secret rooms there, one on each side.

07: Castle

The Order's castle is where the Programmer resides. It also holds a training
facility and acts as a main base of operations. It si heavily guarded, though.

08: Audience Chamber

In here the Programmer receives all visits. It has some guards and supplies,


In the bedroom, get on top of the box and jump to the bed. If done correctly a
secret passage in the bed will open.

In the room with computers press on the left side of the console in the middle.
This will open a secret door.

The Programmer's throne is a secret door. Can be opened with the silver key
which you get from the fake programmer. Behind there is an ammo satchel.

09: Programmer's Keep

It is in this part of the Castle where the Programmer resides. Take care of the
guards and you will get to fight him.


In the pit with dead Front soldiers there is a secret door with a surgery kit
and some missiles inside.

Get on top of the Programmer's temple and take the right path. The first alcove
on the back wall is a secret door.

10: New Front Base

After defeating the Programmer the Front will take over the Castle. From this
new base stronger attacks can be launched.

11: Borderlands

Right outside of Tarnhill you will find this area. Here the Order has its other
main bases and also the Oracle resides here.


To the right when you have entered the courtyard are a couple of explosive
barrels. Jump up on one of them and into the hole to get a surgery kit.

To the left when you have entered the cave is a secret elevator. Get onto it to
find a stash of supplies.

In the entrance area to the fortress is a secret passage behing a computer of
the leftmost wall.

Where you press the button to raise the entrace to the Fortress is a secret
ledge behind the wall. Just jump over it.

On top of the waterfall is a hidden stash. There is a passage in, but I don't
know how to open it yet. It is possible to jump up the waterfall, but that
requires a lot of luck.

12: The Temple of the Oracle

In here you will find the Oracle. For some reason it is swarming with Order
troops, though. Either fight your way through or sneak through the caves to
reach the Oracle.


After opening the large door in the room with four doors, go up the stairs and
to the room on the right. In here a secret door should open.

A locked door can be found in the cave part, although I do not know how to open
it yet...

13: Catacombs

These tunnels run under the Fortress and Order Commons. Down here it is rumored
that there is an ancient temple...

14: Mines

This is where the Order mines for Degnin Ore. The workers here are controlled
with a transmitter. Destroy that and they will be free.


In the guard tower there is a secret door on the opposite side of the room from
where you enter.

15: Fortress: Administration

This is where the Order has its central computer. Destroy that to destroy the
Tower shields.

16: Fortress: Bishop's Tower

In here the Bishop resides. He is the spiritual and military leader in the
Order. However, this place is crawling with strong guards.


Smash the computer screens behind the Bishop for a hidden stash.

17: Fortress: The Bailey

This is the inner courtyard. Here you will find the Hospital as well as
entrances to all areas of the Fortress.


In the Hospital there is a secret door in the staircase.

Going behind the left pillar outside the entrance to the Bishop's Tower will
reveal a teleporter.

Behind the pipes behind the Security Complex is a door with an elevator inside.
When on the roof there is a secret door in the wall.

To the left of that door is a pipe. Go inside and drain the water. Then go down
and you will find a teleporter.

18: Fortress: Stores

A large storage area. In here there are lots of supplies. However, the most
interesting thing that can be found here is the mauler.

19: Fortress: Security Complex

A large building full of guards. Fight through it and you will receive a map of
the Fortress and access to Administartion.


In the room to the right at the beginning (with lots of sentinels and some
templars) is a secret elevator to the rightmost under one of the sentinel

In the back part of the level are a couple of secret passages behind computers.

On the sides of the back parts are a couple of secret rooms that can be
accessed by elevators. Just step on them to go down to the rooms. In the room
on the right side is a secret door leading to a teleporter.

20: Factory: Receiving

This is the entrance area to the Factory. It has access to most parts of the
Factory and also to the Order Commons and Mines.

21: Factory: Manufacturing

This is where they build all of the robots used by the Order. It also is
guarded by those robots. Watch out...


In the guard tower overlooking the reactor there is a secret door. Also there
are some supplies on the reactor itself.

22: Factory: Forge

In here there are some supplies and enemies. It is not a large area, though...

23: Order Commons

This is where most acolytes and personnel lives. Here you can find the Mines
and Factory.


In the guard tower near the Factory entrance is a secret passage. Go down the
stairs and you will find a scanner.

24: Factory: Conversion Chapel

In here the large machine converting people into acolytes is. Shut it down and
you will shut down the Order's supply of soldiers.


On the right side of the converter is an alcove with a switch. Use it, the go
out of the alcove and immediatley to the left a passage has opened. Use the
switch in that area to open a secret door to a room with health and gold. Then
on the left side of the converter another secret path has opened. The large
stone is a secret door. Behind it is a stash of ammo.

25: Catacombs: Ruined Temple

This ancient temple serves as a sacrificial place for the Order. There also is
a spectre here, so watch out.


In the eastern part of the temple step on the raised stone behind the pillar to
reveal some HE-grenades.

In the northern part there is a secret door in the middle alcove on the left
side. In there is a surgery kit and some missiles. Watch out for traps,

26: Proving Grounds

This area is just a huge labyrinth with tonnes of enemies. However you have to
go through it to reach the Lab.


In the large room with lots of supplies go down the stairs and go off the ledge
to find a teleporter. Go into it, then turn around to find a hidden room with
supplies. Remember to jump to get into the room, though.

27: The Lab

Here you will find the Loremaster, creator of the Order's troops. There also is
an entrance to the Alien Ship here.


Behind the large computer where the person is is a hidden stash.

28: Alien Ship

This is the meteor that crashed on the planet. In here you will find The One


When you get to the large elevator going down, wait on it till it goes up again
to find some supplies.

When you get to the large room after the elevator get over to the left side to
find another hidden stash behind the green doors.

29: Entity's Lair

Here it is. The final enemy responsible for the Order and the spectres. Kill it
to free the planet.


After entering to to the room on the right and go between the pillars to reveal
some energy packs. (Pretty unnecessary at this point, though...)

30: Abandoned Front Base

After the front moved in to the castle this is what happened to the old base.
Now it only serves as a place for rats to live.


In the Barracks elevator there is a false wall. Go through it and down the
elevator behind it.

In the storage area there is two secret doors that will get you into a secret
area. In here are some supplies. Note that a silver key is required to enter
all of the rooms. Another entrance is behind the large mark on the wall when
going towards the medic/armory.

31: Training Facility

The Guard Training Facility is the hardest test that acolytes can go through.
Why don't you try it, too?

32: Sanctuary (Demo)

The demo version of the Sanctuary contains some architectural changes.
Otherwise not much is different.

33: Town (Demo)

The town also contains some changes. The most notable is that the Town Hall
hasn't been destroyed.


On the Power Station side of the shops there is a small platform with a hole on
the side of the armory. Jump over to it and you can go down into the armory.
Down there you can find some supplies, like gold and a leather armor.

The wall outside the Governor's office is a secret door. Behind are some
supplies. Can be entered even is guard is standing there.

34: Movement Base (Demo)

Same thing, different name.


In the Barracks elevator there is a false wall. Go through it and down the
elevator behind it.

16: Contact Information

For any questions, suggestions, complaints, requests, or whatever, feel free to
contact me. I can usually be reached using the following means:

ICQ: 50372769 (Not used often)
MSN: (Preferred IM)
AIM: Atazhaia
IRC: HidoiMidoriRyuu (

17: Legal Information

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
of copyright.

Sites allowed to host this FAQ are currently:
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Copyright 2003-2005 by Ulf Stromberg
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