Heretic 2

Heretic 2

16.10.2013 19:38:36
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walkthrough by pietjepuk (


1) Version History
2) Introduction
3) Story
4) Controls
5) Book of spells
Offensive magic (5.1)
Defensive magic (5.2)
6) Weapons
7) The shrines
8) Walkthrough
Silverspring docks...............(8.1)
Silverspring warehouses..........(8.2)
The town of silverspring.........(8.3)
Silverspring palace..............(8.4)
Darkmire swamps..................(8.5)
Andoria healer tower.............(8.6)
Andoria plaza....................(8.7)
Andoria academic quarters........(8.8)
Andoria plaza part 2.............(8.9)
Andoria slums....................(8.10)
Andoria plaza part 3.............(8.11)
Andoria healer tower part 2......(8.12)
Kell caves.......................(8.13)
Katlit'k Canyon..................(8.14)
K'chekrik hive...................(8.15)
K'chekrik hive 2.................(8.16)
K'chekrik hive part 2............(8.17)
The gauntlet.....................(8.18)
The trail pit....................(8.19)
Lair of the mothers..............(8.20)
Ogle mines.......................(8.21)
Ogle mines 2.....................(8.22)
Morcalavin's dungeon.............(8.23)
Cloud fortress...................(8.24)
Morcalavin's inner sanctum.......(8.25)
Cloud fortress labs..............(8.26)
Cloud fortress part 2............(8.27)
Cloud living quarters............(8.28)
Cloud fortress part 3............(8.29)
Morcalavin's inner sanctum part 2(8.30)
9) Enemies
10) Cheats
11) Copyright
12) Credits

1) Version history

V 1.00 (09-27-2004)

The walkthrough is totally done from begining to end, I've added the last
enemies in the enemies section. Maybe I'll add some things in the future but
for now its completed.

V 0.80 (09-24-2004)

Changed the layout from the weapons and magic sections, added some more levels
and the enemies discriptions.

V 0.70 (09-18-2004)

Fixed some errors and added two levels, still haven't started with the enemy dis
criptions though, but I will get to that later. The next update will take a bit
longer because I installed the enhancement pack and now my save games don't work
anymore so I'll have to start all over again :(.

V 0.66 (09-12-2004)

First release, the walkthrough itself is halfway done. Going to start working
on enemy descriptions for the next update.

2) Introduction

Heretic 2 is the sequel to the first person shooter heretic 1, when it first
was announced that it was going to be a third person game I was a bit sceptical
about it. But when I played the game I immediately loved it, its still is one
of my favourite third person games to this day and that’s why I decided to write
a faq about it. If you played the first part than you will recognise some of the
old weapons and magic, like the hellstaf, tome of power and Morph Ovum, but
that's the only thing that is still left of the game.

3) Story

The story starts where the first Heretic stopped, D'sparil puts a curse on
Corvus right after his defeat and Corvus strands in an endless dimension. After
a long time Corvus can escape using his Tome of power. But when he comes back
in Silverspring he finds out that everyone has gone sick.

4) Controls

Simple actions

Action Key

Walk Forward Up Arrow or Mouse 2
Walk Backward Down Arrow or Mouse 3
Run Shift
Jump /
Action/Grab Ledge/use switch/ Spacebar
use item
Creep '
Step Left ,
Step Right .
Sidestep Alt
Crouch Z
Attack Ctrl or Mouse 1

Complex actions

Action Key

Forward Roll Walk Forward while Crouched
Backward Roll Walk Backward while Crouched
Forward Flip Run Forward while Jumping
Backward Flip Walk Backward while Jumping
Backward Handspring Run Backward
Left Flip Sidestep Left while Jumping
Right Flip Sidestep Right while Jumping
Ledge Grab Move/Jump up to ledge and use A key
Rope Swing Jump up on rope and use A key
Pole Vault With Staff selected, Run Forward while Jumping
Whirling Staff-Attack Attack while Running Forward

Control Layout

Action Key

Defensive spell Enter
Look Up Delete
Look Down PgDn
Centre View End
Look Around Tab
Keyboard Look Ins
Mouse Look L
Next Weapon K
Previous Weapon J
Next Defence ]
Previous Defence [

Shortcut Keys

Action Key

Help Screen F1
Tome of Power Q
Ring of Repulsion W
Meteor Swarm E
Morph Ovum R
Teleport ***
Lightning Shield Y
Inventory I
Objectives O
Parthoris Map P
City Map U
Say S
Frags Backspace


Action Key

Sword Staff 1
Fireball 2
Hellstaff 3
Thunder Blast 4
Storm Bow 5
Firewall 6
Phoenix Bow 7
Sphere of Annihilation 8
Iron Doom 9

Function Keys

Action Key

Help F1
Save Game F5
Load Game F6
Normal Camera F9
Camera Lock F10
Quit F12

5) Book of spells

Offensive magic (5.1)


DISCRIPTION: the fireball is the first offensive magic that you get and it
isn't very strong. This spell fires a ball of fire at the enemy and explodes on
impact, because its so very weak you'll have to use on enemies that stand far
away from you, like enemies standing on rooftops, once you have the hellstaff
you won't be needing it anymore.
AMMO: offensive mana.
TOME OF POWER: the tome of power makes the fireball a bit stronger.

Thunder Blast

DISCRIPTION: the thunder blast is the second spell that you get and its a lot
more stronger than the hellstaff and fireball, it also only uses a little bit
more mana then the fireball. The thunder blast can be really good on big groups
of enemies when your shooting from a big distance and on one enemy when your
standing close by it.
AMMO: offensive mana.
TOME OF POWER: the thunder blast changes from spreading to a few thunderballs
who follow eachother up in a fast rate.

Sphere of Annihilation

DISCRIPTION: you get the sphere of annihilation somewhere in the middle of the
game, and you can charge it up to get a bigger radius. It deals out a lot of
damage but it also uses a lot of mana. Use this only when you have enough mana
or when your arrows for your phoenix bow have run out.
AMMO: offensive mana
TOME OF POWER: instead of going straight at the enemy it now goes to the left
and right.


DISCRIPTION: the firewall is a bit of a disappointing spell, the range is really
wide and you'll hit a lot of enemies with it but its pretty weak, use it on big
groups or to get annoying rats out of the way.
AMMO: offensive mana
TOME OF POWER: the firewall will change into a lava like attack

Iron Doom

DISCRIPTION: the iron doom spell is the strongest spell in the entire game, but
it also uses a lot of mana, only use this on strong enemies like the T'chekrik.
AMMO: offensive mana
TOME OF POWER: when you use the tome of power on this spell, the spell becomes
a huge bouncing ball which does some really huge damage.

Defensive magic (5.2)

-discriptions taken from manual-

Tome of Power

The native ability of all of the Tomes of Power is the ability to increase the
power of any spell or magic item. When used, the Tome of Power will dramatically
increase the power of any offensive magic or weapon that the user has. The
effect is only temporary, and when used, the Tome requires a large amount of
blue mana in order to achieve this effect. The Tome is best used when you're
getting overwhelmed by enemies or by bosses.

Ring of Repulsion

The ring of repulsion is a spell that is most useful when Corvus is being
overwhelmed by a group of enemies. When cast, the ring will send out an
expanding shock wave that will propel away everyone that is in close proximity
to Corvus. The force of the shock wave is so great that very few can resist its


Desperate situations call for desperate measures. The Teleport spell is able to
move Corvus out of harm’s way to an area that is free from danger. If used
quickly this spell can be very useful whether Corvus is about to fall to his
death or to be crushed by an opponent. It takes powerful magic to prevent Corvus
from being able to teleport to safety.

Meteor Swarm

Calling up rock from the ground he stands upon, Corvus is able to put these
large meteors into an orbital motion around him. Once summoned, the meteors will
find a target and hurl themselves at it with deadly accuracy. The meteor swarm
is excelent for killing annoying harpies.

Morph Ovum

When cast, the morph ovum will turn any inflicted targets into a chicken. When
so affected, the target is unable to do much more than run for their life. The
effect is temporary, so to take maximum advantage, the caster must harvest the
new flock before they return to their normal state. The spell might seem cool
to use but its actually pretty useless.

Lightning Shield

The Lightning Shield activates small spheres of energy that encircle the user’s
head, swirling with charged electricity. When any foe gets near, they are
shocked by bursts of pure power that fire out from the balls.

6) Weapons

Durhnwood Staff

DISCRIPTION: the staff is the first the first weapon you get in the game, its
also the only melee weapon there is. the staff can deal out really big amounts
of damage with the right combos. You'll also find shrines in the game that
upgrade your weapon to more powerful versions, after two upgrades its almost the
most powerful weapon in the game.
AMMO: none
TOME OF POWER: the staff becomes a bit more powerful.


DISCRIPTION: the hellstaff is the machinegun of the game, it fires a huge amount
projectiles at once and the projectiles explode on impact. The hellstaff is best
used on one enemy at a time and is especially good against the disease spreaders
in the beginning of the game.
AMMO: hellorbs
TOME OF POWER: the tome of power changes rate the hellorbs are fired.

Storm Bow

DISCRIPTION: when used, the stormbow fires a projectile that explodes on impact
and than releases a storm on a fixed spot. This weapon is only good on enemies
that stand still otherwise they'll just walk out of it.
AMMO: storm arrows
TOME OF POWER: the storm becomes green and it probable becomes a bit stronger.

Phoenix Bow

DISCRIPTION: the Phoenix bow will fire an arrow that will explode when it hits
the enemy, its pretty strong and has a big blast radius that can harm you as
well so be careful you don't stand too close when you fire it.
AMMO: phoenix arrows
TOME OF POWER: the blast becomes wider.

7) Shrines

Shrine Effect
------ ------

Spirit Shrine | Gives you your health back (150 max)
Mana shrine | Gives you all of your mana back
Lungs of the Ssithra shrine | Doubles your air when your under water
Reflective shrine | Makes you deflect all projectiles
Armor shrine | Gives you armor that reduces damage
Blade shrine | Makes your weapon more powerful
Ghost shrine | The enemies can't see you clearly
Chaos shrine | Random effect
Light of the seraph shrine | A bright light surrounds you

8) Walkthrough

Note: if your new to this game than it is recommended that you do the tutorial

|Silverspring docks (8.1)|

After you got out of the portal ready your staff and run over the rat to kill
it. Go to the right and walk over another rat to kill it, go in the building and
kill the two diseased people, get the small offensive mana and go back outside.
If you need some health there is a health potion in the water in a chest right
underneath the spot where you got out of the portal. Than go left and kill the
two diseased people waiting by the door, there is another door there but you
can't go trough that one yet. Go further and destroy the barrel, get the health
vial and walk further, kill the rat and jump up the higher path. Kill the rat
and destroy the barrel, get the health vial and go down. Kill the guy that is
running at you and than kill the other two who are standing near the guy that is
getting barbecued :P. Destroy the barrels and watch out for the barrel with the
sign on it, it will explode. There is some small offensive mana and a health
vial on top of the crates. Go to the right and push the switch next to the door
to open it.

Go trough the door and it will close, prepare your fireball and shoot the guy
standing on the platform, than kill the rats and jump to the place where the
diseased guy was standing. Get the offensive mana and push the button,
than go down and break open the wall underneath the place where the diseased
guy was standing. Get the health and go trough the door that you just opened up
by pressing the button. Kill the rats that are falling down from the ceiling and
walk further, kill the two diseased guys, destroy the barrels and get the combo
mana. You'll need a key for the door, pull the switch to open the door, kill
the two diseased guys and than kill the five rats by the death body. Go trough
the gate and kill the two diseased guys, get the key, smash open the lid and go
down. Walk trough the water until you come in a big area with some energy laying
around. Kill the three rats and get the mana and energy if you need it. Go to
the door and it will close, a door will open up a bit to the right and two
diseased guys will come out, kill them and get some more energy if you need it.
Use the switch and go trough the door that opened up. Swim trough the water and
kill the two guys when you reach the end, if you still need more mana or energy,
there is some laying on top of the platform. You can reach it by using your
staff technique. After that get out of there and your back at the beginning of
the level by the door that wouldn't open up. Go back to the locked door and open
it with your key.

Go in and kill the two diseased guys after the little sequence, get the mana and
go trough the door. Than get the Ring of repulsion and kill the guy standing a
little bit under the rooftop with your fireball, kill the other guy that walks
around there and use the crates to reach the place where that guy was standing
and go trough the door located at the other side. Kill the diseased guy who is
walking on the ledge and the other diseased guy. Walk over the rat and load up
your energy at the shrine. Go back to the door where you came from and go trough
the other door where the lamp is shining above it. Kill the diseased guy, if you
need energy than go to the right otherwise take the stairs and go down. Kill the
guy down there and go in the elevator, go trough the hallway and get the combo
mana from the barrel, destroy the lid and go down, kill the guy behind you and
go behind the star symbol and a sequence will start, after it stops an disease
spreader will break trough the wall, the best way to kill it is going to the
part where the rope is and then shooting him from a distance with your fireball.
After you killed him get the energy and load up your mana by the shrine, than go
down the rope.

|Silverspring warehouses (8.2)|

Go forward and break the barrels, get the health vial and kill the two diseased
guys that are coming at you. Go to the left and go forward until you see some
diseased guys running to the right. Prepare your fireball and shoot the guy on
the roof behind you. After you killed him the other guys will come at you, kill
them. Go to the right if you need some energy, after that go to the left,
destroy the barrel for some small offensive mana, than go around the corner and
climb up. Get the hellstaff and kill the guy running around there. Jump trough
the window , get the defensive mana and kill the two diseased guys. Open the
barrels in the house where the guy came from and get some energy. Go out of the
house and get some defensive mana out of the barrel by the barrel with the sign.
Get the Hell orbs and go trough the door, kill the diseased guy, rat and the
disease spreader with the hell staff. Open the barrel and get the health potion.
Get the armor by the shrine and go trough the door, go around the corner and go
down, kill the three guys and get two hell orbs and two health vials. Go trough
the door that isn't jammed and kill the diseased guy, get the defensive mana and
go trough the door, kill the rats. Kill the diseased guy coming at you and get
the offensive mana.

Be careful when you walk into the building because there is trap that can do a
lot of damage, its a big mace that swings at you when you walk by. Just walk in
slowly so that it doesn't hit you. When you're in kill the two guys and the
rats. To the left by the water is some health, behind the wood is some defensive
mana. When you got that go around the corner and kill the guy, open the barrel
for defensive mana. Walk totally forward and kill the guys, get the combo mana
and walk a back, go around the corner and watch out for a falling crate. Get
some combo mana and kill the rats that appear. Walk forward and turn around,
kill the guy that is standing on the crates and kill the other guys that come
at you, go around the corner and kill another two diseased guys, get the small
offensive mana from the crate and get the health potion from the other side.
Than push the button located on the other side from where the offensive mana was
and wait until the crate comes down. Stand on the crate and wait until it goes
up, kill the two guys there, get the offensive and defensive mana and health
laying on the crates. Go further and kill the two guys who are walking around
there and get the hell orb from the barrel in the corner, load up your energy
at the spirit shrine. Kill the guy that comes at you and another one standing
between the crates, get the offensive mana laying by the crates and push the
button nearby, than push the button located above the place where the offensive
mana was. Go out and load up by the mana shrine, go down and go trough the now
open door.

Go up the stairs and kill the three guys, get the offensive mana and hell orb.
Jump down into the water so that you don't lose any energy. Get a health vial
and hell orb, search for the part where a piece of wood is hanging down so that
you can use it to go up. Kill the disease spreader and push the button. A door
in the water will open up, go in and swim forward, go to the right somewhere at
the end and go up there. Go further and open the barrel, get the hell orbs and
kill the rats. Jump over the crates and kill the guys there and some more rats,
get the health vial that is next to the crate and go trough the door. Jump on
the crate to get some hell orbs, pull the switch to make the elevator come down
and go up. Kill the two guys and press the button by the lamp. The crate will
fall down creating a passageway, jump down into the water and go trough the
newly created hole.

|The town of silverspring (8.3)|

The first thing to do is getting the hell orbs, healing potions and some
offensive mana from the barrel. Than go forward and around the corner, kill the
diseased guy and than go to the right and forward again. Kill the guy that came
up behind you and the guy before you. Than kill the rats who are around the
death body and the rats who are coming at you. Get the health potion and
offensive mana by the barrels and go further. Go up the stairs and kill the
diseased guy, get the heath vials and go up another stairs. Kill the three rats,
when you walk a bit further a door will open up, kill the diseased guy that is
coming out of it and go inside, there is some offensive mana in there, get it
and go out. Go further past the gate and trough a hallway, go in and kill two
guys. Get the thunder blast spell and the door will open, a disease spreader
will come out, kill it with your hellstaff and get the health from the spot
where the disease spreader came from, hit the switch and the gate will open.
Kill the three guys that come out of the door and go back to the gate. Kill the
rats and go up the stairs, skip the other stairs and go to the door, a diseased
guy will break the door open, kill him and go further. Go trough the other door.
Kill the two diseased guys there and get the health, hell orbs and the key. Go
through the door and trough the hallway and kill the guys in the other room, get
some mana from the barrels and then take the elevator up. Go to the right and
use the key in the door. Get some defensive mana and hell orbs and kill the
three guys, go forward and load up your energy at the shrine. Get some defensive
mana and kill everyone that is walking around there. Go up the stairs and get
the two hell orbs, then go down and turn around. Go back and go under the
stairs. Kill the rats and get some silver armor at the shrine, then jump down
the hole into the water go with the stream.

|Silverspring palace (8.4)|

Get out of the water, break the barrels and get the health, press the button
next to the door to make a big block a wood break open the door, press the
button three times to fully destroy the door and go in, kill the two guys that
are there and go around the corner, kill the guy standing on a crate and pull
the switch to open the door. There will three Gorgons and another diseased guy,
kill them and then go to the left side of the room, blow up the barrel and a
few rats will come out of the wall, kill them and go to the right side of the
room, there will be some Gorgons. Kill them and go further, step in the elevator
, push the button and step out of it when you reach the top, go trough the door
and kill the two diseased guys there, there are two invisible ones as well kill
them also and load up your mana. Go trough the door and kill the guy standing on
the stairs, go up a bit more and kill the guys over there, go around a corner
and around another one, go up some more stairs and get the combo mana, go trough
the door and then go to the right and trough another door. Kill the invisible
guy there. Prepare your staff and use it to make a huge jump to the other side.
Get the health potion and the cog piece, go back to the bridge and get the hell

Go back to the hall and go trough the door, kill the guys there and go to the
right, climb in the rope but don't go down totally, go to somewhere in the
middle and go trough the tunnel, jump up and go around the corner. Get all the
stuff there and go up the stairs to come out a bit before the ropes. In the big
room by the fire is some more health if you need it. Go trough the door and kill
the invisible guys. Go trough another door and go to the statue they made of
you. Then two diseased guys will come at you and a disease spreader will jump
down, kill them all and get the mana and the health by the statue. Go trough the
door that is on the other side of the statue and kill all the invisible guys,
get the health and go in the door nearby, kill the disease spreader and get the
health behind the chair, go up the stairs and get some health from the bleu
chest, then jump over to the other side with your stick and get the gold armor
by the shrine. Then go back and place the cog piece on its place and the bridge
will open. Go trough the door and two guys will come at you, kill them and go
forward, go trough one of the doors and kill the two guys and the disease
spreader. Go up the stairs and don't touch the green door. Kill the guy standing
on the bridge and get the health, go a bit forward and a bit to the right. A
secret door will open, go in and press the three buttons in any order to make
the green door disappear. Load up your mana and go to the other shrine, watch
out that you don't walk over the trap and load up your energy. Go down the hatch
and to the place where the green door was, then you come in a planetarium with
three doors , go trough the two doors where you can get into and go up the
stairs, press the two buttons and the big door in the middle will open. Go in
and kill the three diseased guys there and go up the stairs, get some combo mana
and health potion and the meteor swarm defence. Go trough the other door and you
will meet your first boss.

|Boss (Celestial watcher)|

This boss is easy if you have the gold armor and enough defensive mana to use
the tome of power. The boss floats in the air the whole time so you have to have
a projectile, select the thunder blast and the tome of power and start shooting
at him, walk forwards and backward to away his projectiles and keep on shooting.
When he is almost death, he'll fire a devastating ray of light, the best thing
to do then is to start running, after he stopped start shooting again and he's

|Darkmire Swamps (8.5)|

After the sequence get all the stuff in the room and go outside, if you need
some more energy there are some health vials on the left. Watch out that you
don't stand to long on the quicksand otherwise you'll drown. Get on the log and
jump over the rocks, jump in the rope and swing to the other side. Kill the two
G'Krokon that are there and walk a bit further, go around the corner and go to
the place by the sign with andoria spelled on it. There are two tunnels there
that both have some good stuff in it. Go further, there is more energy behind
you if you need it. After that jump in the rope and swing to the other side,
kill the harpie and walk further until you reach a broken bridge, jump into the
water and swim down to get some silver armor, health and some mana. Get out on
the other side and kill the G'Krokons, walk further again until you reach more
quicksand. Take the right harder way to get some hell orbs or take the left way
if you want it easier. Go further and get some defensive mana, kill the G’krokon
and get a health potion, jump form platform to platform until you reach dry
land, go further until you reach a temple, get some hell orbs and health potion
and go trough the right path. Kill the G'krokons and take your staff. Jump to
and get some hell orbs, go trough the gate and there get some health in the
wrecked house. Go out and go a bit further, than go down the stairs to finish
this level.

|Andoria healer tower (8.6)|

The door before you will need a shield to open up so lets get that first, kill
the rats that come out of the hole and follow the path until you see a disease
spreader on a platform. Kill him and kill the disease spreader that is coming
up the stairs. Get the hellorbs and stand on the platform, the platform will go
down and you have to push the button on the wall. The platform will be locked on
to the ground and it will go up creating a path. Before you go down get the
health vials on the left and right if you need them, after that go down and kill
the three rats, walk forward but don't stand on the death body because a deathly
spinning wheel will come down and kill you instantly. Load up your health by the
spirit shrine and walk further until some rats and Gorgons pop out of the wall,
kill them all (using the tome of power here wouldn’t be such a bad idea) and get
some energy by the place where they came from, turn around and walk to the wall
where the sea shell is, press the button to open the wall and get the shield. If
you still need some health than break open the chest and get the offensive mana
and health potion. Go back to the beginning and use the shield to open the door.

Go in and kill the disease spreader, get the storm bow and the walls will open
up. Go to the left side and go down slowly, get the arrows and jump into the
water. Get the health and the hellorbs in the water and swim to the door, there
is a button under it that will open the door. Push it and go in. You will be
welcomed by some Ssithra, kill them all and go into the water and swim trough
the hole, when you’re at the other side get some silver armor at the shrine and
get some offensive mana. Go back in and out of the water and walk further, there
is some defensive mana in the chest, load up your mana by the mana shrine but be
careful because when you do that a wall will open up and some enemies will
appear, kill them and get some hellorbs and offensive mana. Walk further, there
will be more Ssithra coming out of the water, kill them and get some health
laying in the water. Go further and pull the two switches, after that walk to
the middle and just touch the valve to activate it. The water will come up, swim
into the pipe and get the arrows. Follow the way until you're outside.

Go up and kill the Ssithra, stand on the button and wait until the switch
appears, pull it and do the same with the switch on the other side. The door
will open up, go in and get the hellorbs, walk further and get the health vial
and hellorbs, go further to the back and kill the Ssithra and get the health
potion, go further and kill the enemies, load up your mana at the mana shrine to
the right and get all the hellorbs laying around. Continue going further and
watch out for the blocks on the wall, they’ll shoot flames at you when you get
near and you won't survive it if you get hit by it. Just roll underneath them.
After the sequence get some combo mana, go up the elevator and load up your
energy by the spirit shrine. Climb in the ropes and get the arrows laying there.
Go back down and take the right path, go outside and kill all the enemies there.
Get some hellorbs and some health vials and go to the other side, go up the
stairs if you want to finish this level or walk a bit further if you need some

|Andoria plaza (8.7)|

Get the arrows, get the Morph ovum and the platform will collapse, you'll fall
into the water, swim down and forward and kill Ssithra's, after that pull the
switch that is located on the pillar on the opposite side of the door to open
the door. Go in and when you reach the other door, it will close before you
and a place behind you will open, kill the Ssithra that come out of it and press
the button hidden down there to open the door again. Go trough the door and kill
the enemies, get the mana, hellorbs and health if needed and go trough the
other door, kill the harpies and walk forward, get the hellorbs and walk further
some more, get the combo mana and kill the rats and Ssithra that jump of the
roof. Walk further and go trough the door, get the health potion and arrows and
go out the other door, then walk down the hallway, kill the Ssithra and go into
the room in the middle, get the combo mana and kill all the Ssihtra that come
out of the water and get some silver armor from the shrine. The water will lead
back to the beginning so you don't have to go in there. Get out of the room and
further, get the health potion from the chest and walk to the open space. Kill
the three Ssithra, the door on the right doesn't open, watch out for the blocks
in the middle, they shoot fire. Get the health vials and go trough the door
behind the fire and swim trough the water, kill all the Ssithra and break open
the vase for some combo mana, get the health vial and go into the water. Swim up
and get out of the water, kill all the enemies and go out where you see the
combo mana, follow that way and get a health potion. Kill the harpies and jump
into the water in the pillar, swim down to the lowest part and exit there.

|Andoria Academic quarters (8.8)|

Get out of the water and kill the disease spreaders that are coming at you,
exit left or right and break the vases to get some mana and some health. Kill
the disease spreader down there and get some health laying on both the snakes
heads. Now you can go left, right or into the water, first go in the right
room and kill the Ssithra, than open some vases and get some health. Than go
back and go to the left, break open the wall and jump from platform to platform
to reach the other side, also if you need some armor the jump into the water
and touch the shrine. When you went trough the wall, kill the enemies there and
crack open some vases to find some health. Go into the water by the place where
the fountain is and press the button. Than go out and stand on the button by the
door to open it, go in and press the button in the middle behind the door and go
trough another one, kill the two Ssithra's that come out of the water and press
the button in the water by the fountain. Than go trough the door that just
opened up and kill all the enemies, crack open the vases for some mana and get
the rest of the stuff laying around. Go trough one of the two doors and kill all
the Ssithra's, go up the stairs and get the two health potions, pull the switch
and the thing where the bow is laying in will open. Go down and get the phoenix
bow, test the bow on the enemies that appear but don't stand to close to it
otherwise you could get burned.

Walk trough the door that just opened up and load up your energy by the spirit
shrine, jump into the water but be careful for the fire. Then go out of the
water and kill all the enemies, walk forward and walk to the water, Ssithra's
will jump out of the water, kill them and jump into the water yourself to get
some combo mana. Get out and go further, get some health potion and hellorbs and
watch out that you don't get burned when you go into the next door. Kill the
Ssithra and get the health on the right, go furhter and kill the cauthorian, go
up to the sea crystal and get the piece behind it, a wall will open up behind
you, get the health potion and step into the blade shrine to upgrade your staff.
Than go to the path on the left and kill all the Ssithra's there. Go further and
walk to the water, kill the disease spreader and go further into the room, kill
all the Ssithra's that come out of the water. Than go into the water on the
right and swim to the other side for some arrows and health potion, than go back
and go into the other water, kill the Ssithra and get the health potion, pull
the switch to open the door and go back to the water where you came from. Go
back to the plaza.

|Andoria Plaza part 2 (8.9)|

Swim up and get out in the middle, load up your mana and go trough the door,
walk to the middle and kill the Ssithra. Go trough the door behind the
flamethrowers and than take the other path (the one that isn't leading outside).
Go to the right and go trough the door, follow the path to the other side and go
trough another door, kill the Ssithra and go further, get the health vial and go
to the left, kill the Ssithra that jumps down. Take the right path first, get
some combo mana and load up your health by the spirit shrine. Now go to the left
and push the button, a door in the water below will open up but you don't have
to go there yet. Go trough the door on the right and kill the two Ssithra's and
disease spreader. Get the hellorbs and some combo mana, go into the water. When
you come out kill the rats and get some defensive mana and arrows. Go out and
kill the harpies with your storm bow, get some offensive mana and arrows and
thango trough the door and kill all the enemies. Grab all the stuff inside but
be careful for the place with the hellorbs, there are some Gorgons hiding there.
Climb up on the left side where the combo mana is laying and press the button to
open the wall and reveal the container. Get the container and press the button
behind it to open another door and go trough that one. Kill the rats and Ssithra
and get the health vial if needed. Go trough the door and kill the disease
spreader, kill the rats and go outside again, get the mana laying around and go
trough the door to exit this level and go to the slums.

|Andoria's slums (8.10)|

Loading up your air by the lungs of the Ssithra shrine first, than jump into
the water and swim totally forward, go to the left and than go to the left
again and again and than get out. Kill the Ssithra and break open the vases
to get some stuff. Go further and get some silver armor by the shrine, go
further, go to the left and get some combo mana from the chest, than get the
hellorbs and go to the open ground and kill all the Ssithras there, get the
storm bow arrows near the pool and go back to where you got the hellorbs, go in
the building, break the vases for a health vial and climb into the rope for some
arrows and defensive mana. Go trough the hole in the wall and get the firewall
spell. After you got it the wall behind you will open up behind you, use the
spell on the Ssithra and use your meteor spell to kill the harpies, after that
jump form platform to platform to get the hellorbs and health potion, jump down
and kill the rats, underneath the place where you entered this room are some
vases with health potion in them. There is a mana shrine in the middle of the
room, load up your mana and go trough the door, there is a health potion in the
vase, go further and go trough the water, when your back outside a huge Ssithra
will await you.

Boss (big Sshitra)

Hopefully you still have a lot of stormbow arrows left because its the best
weapon against this boss. The Sshitra will just stand on one place the whole
time shooting at you with his arrows, you can hide behind the walls to take
cover but be aware that the walls aren't indestructible. To kill the boss, shoot
a stormbow arrow at him and then quickly take cover, do this for a while and he

After you killed him get the arrows and health, go trough the door that opened
up and get the health potion, go further and the roof will collapse, kill the
two Sshitra and break open the vases and get the health. Go up and kill the
Ssithra, walk a bit further and kill another one, than go to the right and kill
all the Sshitras there and jump up in the right corner and get the two health
potions. Than load up your lungs by the shrine and swim trough the water, use
your container by the by the earthblood and go out and go into another room.
Kill the two Sshitra and load up your lungs and get the arrows. Than go into
the water and hit the switch to open the door, swim to the left and follow the
way to the beginning, kill the disease spreader and exit the slums.

|Andoria plaza part 3 (8.11)|
Kill all the enemies and go trough the door, go trough the other one and kill
the Sshitra, get the health vial and go trough the other door. than just follow
the way until you reach the water tube. go up and get the combo mana, when you
reach the room with the water jump into it and kill the two Sshitra's, then swim
back to the other side and get some arrows and health potion if you need them,
then exit.

|Andoria healer tower part 2(8.12)|

Go down the stairs, kill all the enemies, go to the other side and kill the
Sshitra, kill the rest of the enemies and a sequence will start. After the
sequence take the elevator up and put the items in there place by the tubes,
than get the potion and go down again, give the potion to the healer and than
after the sequence go up and go trough the portal.

|Kell caves (8.13)|

Jump into the water if you need some health, if your done with that go further
and kill the G'krokon. Walk further and go to the left, the bridge will be
destroyed a bit but you can still walk over it. After you reached the other side
you can go to two places, right or left. Go to the right first and get the
health vial from the vases and go to the other side, walk forward but watch out
for the spikes coming out of the wall. Go around the corner and use the storm
bow to kill all the G'Korkon, than go down and get some offensive mana and
health potion, walk down the broken stairs and go into the water. Under the
stairs is a health potion. Go further until you reach a dead end and a door, go
to the right side where you can stand and jump to the switch, pull it to open
up the door. Get your staff and jump to the platform where the health potion and
offensive mana are laying on it. Go trough the door that opened up and get some
more air by the lung shrine. Get out of the water at the end and go back in, the
roof will collapse, and you can go up there if you need some energy or air
otherwise just continue. Go further and jump out to get some combo mana, than go
up and a swarm of Gorgons will come at you. kill them all and get some mana and
health potion. Than go further and load up your health by the shrine, walk
further and crouch trough the low part. After that the place behind you will
collapse and you've finished the level.

|Katlita'k Canyon (8.14)|

Go outside and kill the G'Krokon, kill all the harpies using the meteor swarm
and climb up the mountain. Get the health vial and combo mana and jump to the
other side. Kill the G'Krokon and get the health potion, than go down and go
into the cave, get the combo mana and the hellorbs, then kill all the G'Krokon
and go outside. Kill all the harpies and climb up the mountain, get the
offensive mana and get the health potion in a nest. Climb up a bit more and get
a health vial, ready your staff and jump to the other side. Walk foward and get
the health potion, kill the caurthorian and go further. Climb up the mountain
and a sequence will start. Go into the cave and kill the Gorgon, jump over the
gap with the help of your staff and kill the harpie. Then get health potion and
jump to the other side again, walk further and kill the harpies, then walk over
the bridge (there is a health potion on the other side) and get the sphere of
annihilation. Get some light by the light of the seraph shrine and walk further
, test your new spell on the gorgons and climb up, then get the combo mana and
go trough the cave, get some defensive mana and a Gorgon will jump behind
you. Kill it and go further, kill the Caurthorian and go into the left mountain
and get a health vial. Go further and get some offensive mana, go into the open
field and kill the harpies and Gorgon. Get a health potion and arrows and go
down, get the two health vials and go into the cave. When you reach the water
area kill all the Gorgons and get some defensive mana. Load up your energy and
go into the water, follow the way until your outside again. Kill the harpies
and caurthorian and jump into the water, get a health potion and offensive mana
if needed. Go into the cave where the sign is standing in front of it. When you
get out kill all the enemies and get all the stuff, don't forget the hive key
laying in the corner to the left and than go into the door.

|K'chekrik hive (8.15)|

Walk forward until you reach a big hall, kill the T'chekriks on top of the
platforms with the storm bow and then get all the stuff laying around. After
that go to the right and kill the G'Krokons, than load up your health by the
shrine and go to the left, go around the corner and kill the G'Krokon, now
you'll see some hellorbs. Before the hellorbs is a flamethrower, jump over it
and get the hellorbs, after that roll underneath the next flamethrower. Go
forward and kill the T'chekrik. The two doors won't open from this side, push
the button on the right and a door will open up in the big hall. Now go back to
the big hall and two T'chekrik will come out of a secret place behind the wall
after the flametrowers, kill them, get some health and get the gold armor from
the shrine. Then go further and go trough the door that you just opened up,
kill all the enemies and then go out of the tunnel. Now your in another hall,
kill the two T'chekriks behind you standing on the platforms with the storm bow
and than go to the right. Go trough the tunnel and take the left path by the
split (the one leading to the water). Kill the enemies and jump into the water
and get all the mana laying around there. Than go into the tunnel and load up
your lungs by the lung shrine. Go down and get out of the water, kill the
caurthrian and go into the door, kill the T'chekrik and get the health vial and
combo mana. Press the button and kill the two T'chekriks that suddenly appear.
Go back to the water and swim totally up, load up your health by the shrine. The
T'chekrik don't really appreciate that though so kill them and get the lighting
shield defence, after that go into the door.

|K'chekrik hive 2 (8.16)|

Walk out of the tunnel and kill the T'cherkriks standing on the other side of
the bridge, then go to the left and get the health vial and arrows. Walk over
the bridge to the other side and go trough the door. Get some combo mana
and go furhter, kill the T'chekriks in the big room and go up the stairs, there
is a button on the pillar by the stairs, shoot it and a platform will come down
behind you, use it to go up and get the stuff. Than walk over to the flames but
don't pass them, turn to the left and shoot the button on the wall, now the
flames will be out and you can walk there safely. Get the defensive mana on the
right and some offensive mana on the left, after that jump down by the left
side and kill the G'Krokon. Go trough the tunnel and load up your mana by the
shrine. Kill the T'chekrik that all of a sudden appears and open the vases for
some stuff, after that a bunch of enemies will pop up from all sides, kill them
and go forward. Climb up and follow the way, skip the tunnel and walk a bit
further, than turn around and shoot at the crack in the wall. Jump to it and get
all the stuff. Than go further and kill all the T'cherkriks. There are three
buttons in the room that will open up a door behind it, behind the first one is
some combo mana, behind the second one is a health potion and behind the last
one is the T'chekrik heart gem. Beware though that the first two will give you
an electrical shock that will cost you 10 hp each.

After that use the rope to go down and go trough the door, kill the caurthorian
and go further. Kill the T'chekrik and the door behind you will close, kill the
caurthorian and the T'chekrik that appear and go to the right. Get the health
potion and the gold armor from the shrine, go trough the door in the middle and
get some combo mana. Now your in a room with some flamethrowers, roll
underneath the lower ones and jump over the higher ones (saving is recommended
here). If you survived that than go on the elevator and go up, get the health
potion, but watch out for the flamethrower. Than go stand on the button
to open the door and get the stuff laying there, go trough the door on the
right and kill the T'chekrik, get the hellorbs and go further. Load up your
health by the spirit shrine and go up the tiny stairs, the thing will open up
and reveal the Spear of warrior. Now a huge group of T'chekrik will appear,
using your shield or tome of power is recommended. After you killed them all
get all the stuff and go trough one of the ways that opened up, kill the
T'chekrik and stand on the button, a elevator will come down, stand on it to go
up. Walk trough the tunnel, get the health potion and mana and than jump to the
other side, now head back to the beginning where you had to shoot the button to
put out the flames. Go to the statues and place the shield on the right statue.
After that place the weapon on the death body and the door will open up. Get all
the stuff and the amulet and go down the hole. Kill the G'Krokon and get the
health potion, than walk a bit forward and go to the left, jump up onto the
bridge and kill the T'chekrik, than go back to the K'chekrik hive.

|K'chekrik hive part 2 (8.17)|

Walk forward and kill the T'chekrik, than jump into the water and go out in the
middle and kill all the T'chekriks. Go trough the tunnel and walk totally to the
end, kill everybody in the room and walk to other side of the room. Press the
button by the door and go in it, place the amulet on its place and and a
sequence will begin.

|The gauntlet (8.18)|

Go forward and quickly run over the bridge before it collapses, get the health
vial and combo mana if you need them and go further until you come across
a room with some lights and a trap. Jump over the trap and a bunch of enemies
will appear, kill them and jump over the next trap. Than go further until you
reach a place with a sign on the ground, if you miss any of the signs than
you'll fall into the gap and respawn back at the beginning without losing
health. Go to the left first and touch the shrine to get your health back, than
go back three signs and turn around a bit. Jump forward and jump again, than
run so you don't get squished and jump again, than jump one more time and
you're there. Go into the tunnel and get the health potions (although you
probable don't need them anyway). Go further and get the hellorbs and combo
mana, go up the elevator and kill all the enemies when you reach the top, than
get some health and mana and go up one of the rocks, use them to go on the
platform above it and press the button. Go trough the door and go further until
you reach a room with spikes on the ground, turn to the left and shoot the
button. The bridge will start rotating, jump on it and jump of when you reach
the other side, go further and go up another elevator. Get the mana and go
further, jump over the flamethrowers and jump on the moving platform, get the
health potions and go further, get the combo mana and go down the hole.

Quickly run away from the spikes otherwise the place will collapse and you'll
fall right into them. You don't have to go down, just go to the right and walk
quickly away from the spikes, than jump over the gap and stay on the left to
avoid the swinging obstacle. Than go to the right to avoid the other and jump
over the last one. Now comes a bit of a harder part, you have to go from
platform to platform, the best way to do this is not to jump but to walk to the
next platform when you're on the right height. Once you've reached the other
side you have to run because the platform goes back into the wall. After that go
quickly underneath the crusher and avoid the next two. The next two obstacles
will be the same from the beginning although a bit easier, just take your time
and you'll survive, after that go into the tunnel and go to the right to load up
your energy by the shrine, than go further and go into the hole.

|The trail pit (8.19)|

Walk foward and go trough the door, go to the left and get the arrows and
hellorbs, than go trough one of the doors and a sequence will begin.

|Boss (gaurdian)|

Although the boss might seem a bit hard when you first see him, he's not.
There are two ways to kill him, the first way is attack him so long until he
dies and the second one is letting the platform fall on him. When you're going
to do it the first way than just stay around the pillar and keep attacking him
with magic (you can load up your mana by the shrine). The second one is also
pretty easy, just stay around the pillars and wait until he attacks, than jump
away and he'll slowly destroy the pillars until they fall down on him.

After that get recharge by the shrines if you haven't already and get the iron
doom spell, go further and go trough the door.

|Lair of the mothers(8.20)|

Get the mana and health if you need it and walk further, kill the G'krokons that
came out of the secret place and get the stuff that is laying in there. Go
trough the door and kill the two T'chekriks, walk over the bridge and turn
around, kill the caurthorian standing on the platform and go further. Go trough
another door and kill the two T'cherkirks, go further and go trough another one,
kill the T'chekrik and walk furhter. When you walk towards the hellorbs you'll
be ambushed by a bunch of enemies, kill them and get the stuff. Go a bit further
and a courtion will jump behind you, kill him and go trough the door. Now you're
in a room with a creepy beast in the middle, you can kill it if you want but
when you hurt him two T'chekriks will spawn out of nowhere. Anyhow, climb in
the rope and go up, walk to the other side and go trough the door, kill the
T'chekriks, walk further and kill another T'chekrik that jumped from the ceiling
. Than walk further until you're in a big room, kill the T'chekrik behind you
and than destroy the thing in the middle of the room to make the stuff

Go down and go to the place underneath where you entered the room,
there is an entrance to a secret room, get the stuff and go out, than climb
into the rope and go into the tunnel, go a bit further and kill the T'chekrik
on the right. Get the health and the gold armor and go out of the tunnel, kill
all the T'chekriks and G'krokons, than turn around and climb over the wall. Get
the key and a wall on the other side will open, kill the T'chekriks and get some
health if you need it. Walk over the small bridge and go furhter, kill the two
T'chekriks and load up your health, go down the hole and walk back to the room
with the big beast in the middle, use the key to open the door and kill the
G'krokons, when you reach the room climb up and go further, kill all the
T'chekriks and load up your mana and health by the shrines. Go further, kill
all the G'krokons who are in your path and go into the room with some creepy
monsters and the idol, get it and two T'chekriks will appear, kill them and
go down the elevators. Go all the way back to the hole where you went in(sadly
most of the enemies are back). When you're there again go around the corner
and kill the two T'chekriks, go further and kill the T'chekrik standing by the
mana shrine, load up your mana and kill another T'chekrik. Go trough the door
and kill another T'chekrik, after that put the idol on its place and a portal
will open, save your game and go in. A sequence will start.

Boss (priestress)

I don't really have an strategy for this boss, but your phoenix bow along with
your tome of power would be the best thing to use. Just keep running around and
keep on firing those arrows.

|Ogle mines (8.21)|

Get the teleport spell and go down using the ropes, walk over the bridge but
watch out for the gas in the middle, just roll underneath it. Kill the guards
and watch the ogles dance, get the mana from the barrels and load up your health
by the shrine. After that climb up the platform and go further, get the hellorbs
and go over the bridge, kill the caurthorian and go to the right, follow the way
and kill all the guards on your way. When you reach the elevator, take it down
and kill the guard that jumps from the ceiling, go furhter and kill the
caurthorian at the end of the bridge. Open some barrels for a health vial and
some defensive mana, than take the right path and go trough the door, kill the
caurthorian and the guard and go down the elevator. Kill the guards and get
all the stuff laying around, than crouch under the platform to the left and kill
all the guard there. Get all the stuff and destroy the pipe, go up using the
broken pipe and go further, kill the caurthorian and get the gold armor. Follow
the way, kill all the guards and the caurthorian than get up the platform and
pull the switch, go to the place where the railway went up a bit and go into the
room, get the mine cart wheel and go back to the switch. Go trough the door and
get the combo mana, go up and take the left path, put the wheel back on its
place to reach the second part of the mine.

|Ogle mines 2 (8.22)|

Kill the rats and go forward, kill the caurthorian and go down, than kill the
two guards and go trough the hole in the wall, roll underneath the gas and walk
over the bridge to the other side, kill the guards and go trough the door. Open
the barrels for some combo mana and load up your health by the shrine, than pull
the switch to open the door. Go back to the door that just opened and go trough
it, turn the valve to stop the gasses and get some combo mana, walk further and
kill the caurthorian. Go down and be careful not to get squished, go to the
right and kill the guards and caurthorian. Enter the room with all the lava and
jump to the platform with the two health vials on it, than jump further and get
the ore. Climb into the rope and go up, get the hellorbs and storm arrows and
load up your mana by the shrine. Than go down again and go to the side where the
bridge is, take the left path to the refinery and put the ore in the machine,
wait until the ore is down and pick it up again, than go to the right and go up
the elevator, kill the two guards and go through the door. Kill the rats and
get the arrows, than go trough another door and out the ore back on its place.
Pull the switch and go on the platform to go to the other side, kill the
caurthorian and go further, kill the guard and upgrade your staff by the blade
shrine, than go trough the door and get the combo mana and health potion. Take
the elevator up to finish the level.

|Morcalavin's dungeon(8.23)|

Kill the guard that is coming at you and go forward, than get the combo mana
and kill another guard and two guards in the big room. Go further and kill the
disease spreader, kill another guard and go to the left. Follow the way until
you see a caurthorian, kill it and skip the elevator if you need some health.
Otherwise go on the elevator and go up, kill the guard once you're up and get
the combo mana, go further and kill the two guards, get the arrows and load up
your health and mana by the shrines, go on the elevator next to the to mana
shrine and quickly kill the disease spreaders before they do too much damage.
Get the arrows and pull the switch, than go down and go trough the door that
opened up, roll underneath the flamethrowers and kill the two guards, get the
hellorbs and health vials and kill the caurthorian. Go up the elevator and kill
the disease spreaders, get some light by the shrine and push the button, wait
for the cage to come up and stand on it, wait for it to go up again and kill the
guards, now pull the switches to open the doors and go down. Go into one of the
rooms and a sequence will begin, get the key and go trough the hole in the wall,
get rid of all the guards and get some combo mana. After that go to the back and
go up, run past the crushing rocks and enter the door, kill the two guards and
enter the other door to end the level.

|Cloud fortress (8.24)|

First get the combo mana laying on both sides and kill the guard, than look up
and you'll see a button, shoot it and a secret spot will open up revealing a
health potion. Go furhter, when you enter the room a Caurthorian will jump down,
kill him and get the stuff on the left and right side including a light shrine.
Go trough the door and kill the guards and disease spreader, go out of the caves
and kill the two gaurds and another disease spreader, get a health potion in the
corner and go trough the door. Get the mana and kill the two guards, go trough
the door and get rid of all the guards, than walk further and go trough another
door, kill some more guards and go up the stairs, follow the way and kill the
two caurthorians. Than get the gold armor in the corner and go furhter, kill the
last few guards and get the health and the mana, than open the door with your
key and go in.

|Morcalavin's inner sanctum (8.25)|

Go trough the door and kill the guards, get the health potions on both sides and
go to the left, get the rrows by the windows and go up the stairs. Kill all the
guards and go trough the door, a sequence will begin, after that go out again
and go furhter, a gaurd will come out of the statue, kill him and go trough the
door, kill some more guards. Get the health potion in the corner and go trough
the other door.

|Cloud fortress labs (8.26)|

Get the combo mana and hellorbs behind the machine and take the left path,
kill the caurthorians and go down, pull the switch and go up using the elevator.
Load up your health by the shrine and press the button to deactivate the first
tome, you'll be attacked by an Caurthorian, kill him and go down. Go trough the
door and enter the room, kill al the enemies and get the arrows and combo mana,
go further and kill the disease spreader. Walk into the room and get some health
potion, pull the switch and go back to the door that just opened up, get the
gold armor and go to the left. Kill the guards when you reach the end of the
stairs and pull the switch, stand on the button that just appeared to deactivate
the second tome, than jump into the water and take the left path, kill the
caurthorian and climb up the machine to get some stuff, than go down by the
right wall and kill the guard. Go up the elevator and kill all the guards, go up
the stairs and kill the disease spreader, than push the button to remove the
fires and go back to where they were, push the button to deactivate the third
tome and go back to the beginning of the level, go trough the door that opened
to reach the cloud fortress again.

|Cloud fortress part 2 (8.27)|

Quickly go trough the door and kill the caurthorian, get the reflection at the
shrine and go further, go underneath the flametrohwer and go trough the door,
kill the caurthorian and go trough the other door. Wlak a bit forward and jump
over the flametrhower, load up your health by the shrine and go further, go
trough the door, kill the caurthorian and go trough the other door.

|Cloud living quarters(8.28)|

Get the health potion and kill the disease spreaders, take the left path and
kill the guards, go further and take the left path again and go trough the door.
Kill the caurthorian that comes out of the wall and the disease spreaders in the
room, get the health potion and kill the guards that just appeared, go trough
the door on the right and go down the stairs. Kill the rats and the caurthorian
and walk over to the shrine, a guard will come out of the wall, kill him and get
the silver armor by the shrine, step on the elevator and go up. Kill all the
enemies in the room and get some energy from the barrels, than pull the switch
located between the crates to open the door and release the button, push it to
deactivate the fourth tome. Go back and go down the hole, go forward and
follow the way, kill the caurthorians and the disease spreader, jump out of the
window for a health potion and combo mana and jump to the other side for a
spirit shrine. Than walk to the other side and get the key, go back to the
place where you dropped down from the hole and go the other way.

Use the key to open the door, kill the guard and go into the little room for
some health and mana, than go up the stairs and kill another guard. Go trough
the door and kill the two guards and disease spreader, go up the stairs and
follow the path, killtwo more guards and go into the room they where guarding.
Stand on the bed to go into a secret place and get all the stuff there. Go back
and go up the stairs, go up the elevator and kill the caurthorians, go up the
stairs and push the button to deactivate the fifth tome, now go to the right
and kill the disease spreader. Go up the bookcase where the disease spreader
stood and jump to the other platform, pull the switch and kill the disease
spreader that appeared, go down and get the mana. Go into the big room and kill
the enemies, than go up the elevator and push the button to deactivate the last
tome. Than go down and get some gold armor from the shrine, kill the guards and
go down the stairs, kill the cauthorian and than go into the room. Shoot the ice
to get a health potion and go down, kill the caurthorian that jumped down from
the ceiling and get the hellorbs, go trough the door and walk further.
Now you're back at the beginning again, go trough the door.

|Cloud fortress part 3 (8.29)|

Jump down and head back to the end of the level.

|Morcalavin's inner sanctum part 2 (8.30)|

Follow the way until you reach the spot where the green door was, get all the
ammo and than touch all the shrines, after that two switches will appear, pull
them and stand in the teleport for the final battle with Morcalavin.

Boss (Morcalavin)

The final boss isn't hard at all seeing that you should have all your energy and
mana, plus you can reload your mana the whole time. After the sequence the fight
will begin, first locate Morcalavin and shoot him, than his healthbar will
become visble. After that search for the tome that is still open (you can see
the beam), and than use your tome and start shooting phoenix arrows at him, when
he's almost at his last energy stand close to the tome and take of his last
energy, the shield will dissapear and you'll have to jump over the tome and
place your own tome on it. After that a movie will begin and you've freed the
world from the plague, congratulations.

9) Enemies


Rats are the first enemies you come across in the game, they're usually in big
groups. When they see you they'll run at you and start biting your heels, there
very annoying because sometimes you hardly even notice them. The best way to
kill them is to just walk over them one time, or using the fireball.


You'll first encounter G'Krokons in the Darkmire swamps, they look a bit like
the pit drones from half-life. They can attack you by spitting poison at you
which doesn't do much damage. Use the thunder blast when you stand close to
them for an easy kill.


You can only find these animals in the water and there pretty harmless. Just
swim away from them and they probable won't even attack you.


By far one of the most annoying enemies you'll encounter in the game, they'll
fly in the air around you for a while and then they'll fly down and try to ram
into you. When they succeed it will cost you a lot of health ranging from 15 to
sometimes 40. Luckily you already have the meteor swarm when you first encounter
them because its the best magic against them.


Gorgons look like big rats and they act the same way as rats, kill them with
your thunder blast or hellstaff.


The Sidhe people are the diseased enemies you encounter in Silverspring, some
of them have weapons others have magic, there are also some invisible ones.
You can take them all on with your staff, but beware that they can still attack
you when one of there arms have been cut of.


These creatures manoeuvre as good on land as in the water, they fire arrows at
you from the bows on there arms and some other will fire fireballs at you.
Use your thunder blast when close or hellstaff when far away.

Disease spreader

The disease spreaders can kill you in no time, there gas works like a
flamethrower, just standing in the gas for a short time will take half your
energy away, the best way to attack them is from a distance with your hellstaff,
don't try to kill him with your staff.


The t'chekrik are the more powerful enemies in the game, most of them only have
magic, ranging from hellstaff-like projectiles to big balls of energy.
I recommend using the more powerfull magics against them like sphere of
annihilation or even the iron doom spell.


You don't come across them a lot, they throw stars at you and sometimes they
disappear into smoke. The best thing to do when they disappear is looking behind
you because they usually show up there. Try to kill them quick otherwise they
can become annoying, use your sphere of annihilation or thunder blast to kill


The guards are usally around the the ogles, when they see you they'll run at you
and start hitting you with there axes, kill them with the thunder blast or
phoenix bow.

10) Cheats
To activate the cheat mode, press ~ and type in one of the following codes for
the desired effect.

angermonsters |All Monsters Get Angry
weapnext |Go to Next Weapon
weapprev |Go to Previous Weapon
playbetter |God Mode
victor |Kill all Monsters and Bosses
meatwagon |Kill All Monsters but No Bosses
crazymonsters |Make Monsters Go Crazy
kiwi |No-Clip Mode
twoweeks |Power-Ups
showcoords |Show Coordinates
suckitdown lungs |Refills time bar for staying under water
suckitdown armor |Silver Armor (x2 to get gold armor)
suckitdown powerup |Tome of Power power-up
suckitdown chicken |Turn into a chicken
suckitdown mana |Max Offensive, defensive mana and ammo
suckitdown health |Max Health
suckitdown all |Get all useful items
suckitdown weapons |Get all weapons and magic

11) Credits

Raven, for making this great game.

CJayC, for running GameFAQs.

Id software for making the quake 2 engine.

12) Copyright

This file is Copyright (c) 2004 Pietjepuk. All rights reserved. This file
was entirely written by me. You may not take it in whole or in part and
claim it as your own. You may not alter it in any way.
All associated characters are copyright (c) Raven

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