Incredibles, The

Incredibles, The

14.10.2013 17:32:50


Start game as usual, during gameplay press [Esc], go to the "Secrets"
menu and use the following codes, some codes only work on certain

GazerBeam - Shoot beams temporarily
SmartBomb - Destroy all nearby enemies and items
SpringBreak - Level select
SassMode - Faster game
Uuddlrlrbas - Refill 25% health
PinkSlip - Health remains constant
Showtime - Temporary unlimited Incredi-points
DashLikes - Temporary unlimited Incredi-power while playing as Dash
DanielTheFlash - Press Right Mouse Button for Superspeed Incredipower while running
McTravis - Press Right Mouse Button for Fast Running and Ramming Incredi-power
Kronos - Findtrails and Superpunch
AthletesFoot - Fire Trail
Flexible - Unlimited Elastigirl powers
Gilgendash - Dash not hurt when running into objects
TonyLoaf - Temporary unlimited Incredi-power while playing as Violet
Einsteinium - Big head mode
DeEvolve - Small head mode
BoaPlace - Easier game
Dandruff - Henchmen always launch death shrapnel
Labombe - Beat levels with Bombvoyage

BWTheMovie - Slow motion player
InvertCameraX - Mouse horizontal camera control switched
InvertCameraY - Mouse vertical camera control switched
bHUD - Toggle HUD
InvertTurret - Reverse movement with Nomansian Island turret
DiscoRules - Some objects flash different colors
EMode - Brightness/bright colors
Hi - Introduction sequence
YourNameInLights - Credits sequence
RotAIDalg - Battle mode

TheDudeAbides - Deactivate all active codes

Unlock All Missions
Open your "in.ini" file (from the Incredibles""Game folder) with
Notepad. On a new line, add "AllowMasterCheats = 1" and save the file.
Then, go to the secrets menu in the game and enter the code "UNLOCK".

Unlimited Health
Open your "in.ini" file (from the Incredibles""Game folder) with
Notepad. On a new line, add "g.TakeDamage = 0" and save the file.

Tsvetomir Bogdanov,


Gebt folgende Codes im Secrets-Menü ein:

GazerBeam - Vorübergehend Strahlen schießen
SmartBomb - Alle Gegner und Gegenstände in der Nähe zerstören
SpringBreak - Level select
SassMode - Schnelles Spiel
Uuddlrlrbas - Lebensenergie um 25% erhöhen
PinkSlip - God-Modus
Showtime - Kurzzeitig unbegrenzte Incredi-Power
DashLikes - Kurzzeitig unbegrenzte Incredi-Power als Dash
DanielTheFlash - Superspeed Incredipower (rechte Maustase drücken)
McTravis - Schnelles Laufen und Ramm-Incredi-power
Kronos - Ein Treffer tötet
AthletesFoot - Feuerspur
Flexible - Unbegrenzte Elastigirlkräfte
TonyLoaf - Kurzzeitig mehr Lebensenergie als Violet
Einsteinium - Große Köpfe
DeEvolve - kleine Köpfe
BoaPlace - Easier game
BWTheMovie - Zeitlupe
DiscoRules - Discolichter

InvertCameraX - Horizontale Kamerakontrolle vertauschen
InvertCameraY - Vertikale Kamerakontrolle vertauschen
EMode - Hellere Darstellung
Hi - Vorspann
YourNameInLights - Abspann
RotAIDalg - Battle mode

TheDudeAbides - Alle Cheats wieder aus

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