Chronicles of Riddick, The

Chronicles of Riddick, The

15.10.2013 10:50:25

* *
* I M P O R T A N T N O T E *
* *
* Due to lack of time and motivation, the author *
* has officially ceased all work on the FAQ, *
* meaning it will no longer be updated. If you *
* think you have the dedication and English *
* skills needed to finish the FAQ, please mail *
* the author at the address provided in section *
* 3b. You might be given co-authership rights *
* over the FAQ, allowing you to finish it. *
* Previous experience with FAQs is a plus. *
* *


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D E V E L O P E R ' S C U T

FAQ / Walkthrough

Written by Deadmeat X

For PC / Windows

Version 1.9


I - Table Of Contents



I Table Of Contents (1TOC)

II Introduction (2INT)

III FAQ Information (3FAQ)
a. About the Author (3AUT)
b. Contact Information (3CON)
c. Update History (3UPD)
d. The Legal Stuff (3LEG)

IV Frequentially Asked Questions (4FAQ)

V Game Basics (5GAM)
a. Controls (5CON)
b. Moving Around (5MOV)
c. Health (5HEA)
d. Hand-To-Hand Combat (5HAN)
e. Ranged Combat (5RAN)
f. Stealth (5STE)
g. Weapons (5WEA)
h. Enemies (5ENE)
i. Characters (5CHA)

VI Walkthrough (6WAL)
00. Introduction (60IN)
01. Escape (61ES)
02. The Arrival (62AR)
03. Prison Yard (63PR)
04. Aquilas Territory (64AQ)
05. Infirmary (65IN)
06. Mainframe (66MA)
07. Prison Yard Riot (67PR)
08. The Pit (68PI)
09. Pope Joe's Den (69PO)
10. Dark Tunnels (610D)
11. Showers (611S)
12. Guard Quarters (612G)
13. Abbott (613A)
14. Tower 17 (614T)
15. Tower 17 Base (615T)
16. Recreation Area (616R)
17. Feed Ward (617F)
18. Work Pass (618W)
19. Mine Entrance (619M)
20. Security Checkpoint (620S)
21. Upper Mines (621U)
22. Cargo Transport (622C)
23. Mining Core (623M)
24. Security Research 1 (624S)
25. Security Research 2 (625S)
26. Tower 19 (626T)
27. Container Router (627C)
28. Crash Site (628C)

VII Cigarettes (7CIG)
a. Single Max (7SIN)
b. Double Max (7DOU)

VIII Extras & Secrets (8EXT)
a. Secret Areas (8SEC)
b. Easter Eggs (8EAS)
c. Trivia (8TRI)
d. Cheats (8CHE)

IX Closing Time (9CLT)

Quick-Search Codes: In plain text, hyperlinks are not supported. If you
don't feel like scrolling down this whole chunk of text to find the
chapter you need, Quick Search Codes are the way to go. Simply press
[CTRL] + [F] to summon a Search window (supported in all browsers). In
the Search field, enter the code next to the chapter you want to go to,
without the brackets. Press [Enter] twice, and you should be exactly
where you want to be.


II - Introduction



In GameSpot's Best Of 2004 Awards, one game stood out. Not just because the
game was nominated in almost every possible category, and won a couple of
times too, no, the main reason this game stood out, was because of the fact
that at the start of 2004, no one had even heard of this game. While every
critic focused on upcoming giants like Half-Life 2 and Halo 2, a small and
relatively unknown studio worked hard to complete a masterpiece. The result
was Chronicles Of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay.

Even more surprising than the game's sudden release was its quality. First
of all, the game was developed by a small, unknown company, that had only
released one game before CoR, which had been pretty awful. Second, and most
important, the game was based on a movie license. It is a prelude to the
Riddick trilogy, which consists of cult-classic Pitch Black, anime short
Dark fury, and the 2004 Chronicles Of Riddick. But, while most games based
on movie licenses are just cheap attempts to cash in on the popularity of a
movie, CoR is a great, well-built adventure, more than worth your 50 bucks.

Some knowledge of the Riddick background story is required for you to
follow this game, so I will give it here. In this game, you'll play Richard
B. Riddick, one of the most famous and feared criminals of the futuristic
world this game is set in. Riddick, who is played by Vin Diesel, is
extremely skilled in hand-to-hand combat, stealth, and shooting. He'll
kill a man without even blinking, and has done so many times. This makes
our man one of the most wanted criminals of the universe. One bounty hunter
by the name of Johns is especially determined to capture Riddick. At the
start of the story of this game, Johns has succeeded; he's transporting
Riddick to Butcher Bay, a triple-max security prison.

Your goal is to escape. Using Riddick's stealth, fists, and firepower, you
must battle your way out of a prison that is said to be 100% escape-proof.
This mission will take you about 10 hours to complete on the first run.
After that, you can try again on a harder difficulty, or you can choose
the commentary function, to learn more about the game from the developers
themselves. Either way, you'll get more than enough value for your buck.

This FAQ / Walkthrough was started on January 23th. I basically started
writing it because, a month after release, there was still no FAQ or
Walkthrough available for the PC version. This document will contain all
the information you need to complete the game, and to find all the extras.
Note that I do not own the XBox version, and thus am unaware of any
differences between the XBox and PC version.

Have fun,

Evert "Deadmeat X" van Aart


III - FAQ Information



a. About the Author

Once upon a time, in a far-away land called The Netherlands, there lived
a man called Evert van Aart. On a good day, he decided to make the digital
world a better place by writing walkthroughs for video game. One and a half
year and 8 FAQs later, he finally decides to stop talking about himself in
the third person.

So, that's me. Don't worry, I won't bore you with an autobiography.
Instead, I'll bore you with a list of other work by me, myself and I:

<<< >>>

b. Contact Information

You can contact me by e-mail, but there's a couple of rules.

Things I want:
- Love mail
- Corrections
- Suggestions
- Additions
- Money

Things I can do without:
- Hate mail
- Death threats
- Poorly spelled e-mails
- Questions that are answered in the FAQ

And a couple more notes:
- I don't always reply to e-mails, out of sheer laziness. I read every
e-mail that I get, but sometimes, I'm too lazy or in too much of a hurry
to reply. If you don't get a reply, don't send me the mail again.
- This document contain an FAQ section, in which I answer all the questions
that readers sent in (plus a couple that I came up with myself). Before you
send me a question, make sure this question isn't already answered in
chapter 4, the FAQ. I will remove any emails asking me something that is
answered in the FAQ.
- Please don't add this address to MSN. From experience, I know that I never
talk to any of my readers, and they usually only talk to me once. After
that, all they do is fill up my list. I'll remove anyone who adds me after
reading this anyway.

Alright then, here's my address:

<<< evert.vanaart (at) gmail (dot) com >>>

c. Update Information

<<< 26-03-2005 - Version 1.9 >>>

Finally had some time to update, mainly because my WoW account has been
frozen because I didn't pay. Sucks for me, good for you, because I now had
time to write the Container Router. The end is getting closer...

d. The Legal Stuff

This FAQ has been designed, written, produced and directed by Evert
"Deadmeat X" van Aart. Since it is solely his work - with credits going out
to whomever he mentions in the 'Credits' section at the bottom of this
document - it is forbidden to copy and / or republish any part of this
document without the written permission of the author. Violation of this
can and will result into legal actions against the perpetrator. Copyright
violation and plagiarism are serious offenses, and will be treated as such.
Use of this document, including the printing of it, is allowed for personal
use only.

Copyright by Evert van Aart, 2005

The only sites that can host this document are and Webmasters of other sites must have the author's permission
before publishing this document. The author's a nice dude though, just mail
him and it'll probably be okay. Unless your site is really, really ugly.


IV - Frequentially Asked Questions



Here, I will list several questions sent in a by readers, and a couple of
questions that I wrote myself. Please, read this chapter before sending me
an e-mail, to make sure that your question isn't answered here already.

<<< What are the differences between the XBox and the PC version? >>>

There are a couple of differences. From what I've gathered, there's one
extra level (in which you get to walk around as one of those armored guards)
and there's one extra pack of smokes. Also, I think the commentary function
is available for PC only. Last, but not least, I think the Quick Save / Load
function is only supported on PC.

<<< Is the game difficult? How long will it take to complete? >>>

CoR is a pretty challenging game. Of course, it depends on the difficulty
level you pick, but it can be quite though at times. Which is a god thing,
otherwise no one would read this walkthrough. On the first run, you can
complete it in about 10 hours, if you do all the sidequests.

<<< What kind of monster PC do I need to run this? >>>

The system requirements are pretty high, but you'll get some beautiful
graphics and realistic physics in return. The official site states the
following requirements:

- Microsoft Windows 2000/XP
- Intel Pentium 4 1.8 GHz or AMD equivalent
- 256 MB RAM
- 64 MB AGP DirectX 9-compatible video card (ATI Radeon 8500 or NVIDIA
GeForce 3 and above - except GeForce 4 MX) supporting Hardware T&L
- DirectX 9-compatible sound card
- 3.2 GB of uncompressed hard disc space (recommend 4.0)
- 16x CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive
- Microsoft compatible mouse and keyboard

Well, actually, it's not that bad. I play this game on my laptop all
the time, and it runs very smoothly.

<<< I can't find pack of smokes ##, where is it? >>>

Look in the 'Cigarettes' chapter.

<<< What do you get for finding all the smokes? >>>

You'll unlock a bunch of neat features, including concept art of the game,
and screens from the third Riddick movie, Chronicles Of Riddick.

<<< Eyeshine doesn't work! I press [Q], but nothing happens! >>>

You don't have Eyeshine (a sort of night vision) from the start. Just play
the game. Near the end of the first part, after jumping into the Pit, you'll
get the Eyeshine feauture. You'll automatically know when you get it,
because it is accompanied by a pretty cool movie.

<<< I can't pick up the Assault Rifles in the shower's locker room! >>>

Open one of the two lockers with a rifle. Now, look down at your feet.
You should see the gray box with 'Assault Rifle' now. Press [E] to pick it
up. This is one of the few bugs in the game, but it's easily solved by
looking down.

<<< A secret involving flushing toilets? What the hell? >>>

Read the Easter Eggs chapter.


V - Game Basics



You won't get far if you don't know the basics. Much of the information
listed here is also in the manual, and much of it will be told during the
game's first levels, but I've decided to include it anyway, just to be
complete (and for those suckers who have, umm, 'lost' their manual).

a. Controls

Although all the controls are editable, I found that I didn't need to,
because the lay-out of the controls is pretty standard. any FPS fan will
pick it up within seconds, and even 'n00bs' will get used to it soon. Here's
my controls lay-out, which is 99% similar to the default settings.

<<< Movement >>>

Move Forward [W]
Move Backward [S]
Strafe Left [A]
Strafe Right [D]
Jump [Space]
Crouch Toggle [C]
Walk [Shift]
Lean [Ctrl]

<<< Look >>>

Eyeshine [Q]
Flashlight [F]
Zoom [Z]
Journal [J]
Use [E]

<<< Combat >>>

Primary Fire [MB1]
Secondary Fire [MB2]
Reload [R]
Cycle Weapons [TAB]
Hands [1]
Shiv [2]
Club [3]
Pistol [4]
Shotgun [5]
Assault Rifle [6]
Tranq Gun [7]
Grenade [8]

<<< Misc >>>

Quick Save [F5]
Quick Load [F9]
Take Screenshot [F12]

b. Moving Around

The following is only for the people that are really new to FPS games
in general. If you've already got experience, please skip this.

So, how do you move around? The standard way is with the WASD keys, in
the top left corner of your keyboard. [W] will be for moving forward, [S]
is for moving backward. So far so good. Now, the [A] and [D] keys are for
strafing left and right, respectively. Strafing is walking sideways. The
advantage of strafing is that you can move around, without loosing sight
of the enemy, allowing you to dodge, shoot and take cover with ease.

Then there's the Spacebar. In CoR, it is used for jumping. If you press
it, Riddick will jump straight up, about a meter high. If you face a low
obstacle, move towards it and press [Space] to climb onto it. You can also
climb onto higher obstacles, of about 2 to 2.5 meters tall. Stand next to
it, press [W] towards the obstacle, and jump. Riddick will grab the ledge,
and you can press [W] again to climb onto the obstacle. While hanging from
the edge of an obstacle, Riddick can also shimmy to the left and right, by
pressing [A] and [D], respectively.

Alright, what's left? You can crouch by pressing [C], Riddick will then
stay crouched until you press [C] again. Press [Shift] while moving to walk
instead of run. Both crouching and walking are considerably slower than
running. Press and hold [Ctrl] to access the lean function. You can then
lean to the left and right by pressing [A] and [D], respectively. If you're
leaning to one side while carrying a ranged weapon, you click the [MB1] to
step out. Useful when you're leaning from behind a corner. Press [E] near
a ladder to get on it, you'll automatically get off when you reach the top
or bottom. Last and least, if you see a grid or horizontal ladder above you,
you can grab it by pressing [E]. If there's an enemy below you when you're
hanging on one of these bars, press [E] to drop down and instantly kill him.

c. Health

Riddick's health is represented by a couple of white squares in the top
left corner of the screen. When you take damage, the right-most square will
begin to shrink. When it's gone, the next square will start shrinking. If
you loose all squares, it's game over.

If you don't take any damage for a few seconds, the right-most square will
refill itself. For example, because of a fierce firefight, you're left with
just 2 and a half squares. If you wait a couple of seconds, the last square
will fill up, so that you'll now have three squares. This is really useful,
it allows you to get through most firefights unscratched. Just take cover
whenever the right-most square is almost empty. Wait until it fills up
again, then attack again. Keep repeating this, and you can get through
most fights without loosing a square.

To regain to squares you've lost, find a NanoMed Station. These wall-panels
will be found throughout the game. approach one, and press [E] to fill up
all your blocks. There are four green lights near the center of the station
that tell you how many charges are left. So, if only one of the four lights
is burning, it means that you can 'repair' only one more square. Once all
lights are off, the NanoMed station becomes useless. You can find NanoMed
Cartridges here and there, these will fully recharge a depleted Station.

You start off with 4 squares as maximum health. During the game, you will
find a couple of big Health Stations. these things look somewhat like those
old arcade machines: a futuristic chair, and some sort of machine in front
of it. In fact, in the commentary mode the Art Director of the game admits
that these arcade machines were the main inspiration for the design.Trust
me, you'll recognize them when you see them. Use these things
to boost your maximum health with one square. There are four of these
machines in the game, so you can have a maximum of 8 squares.

d. Hand-To-Hand Combat

Melee combat plays a big role in CoR. You'll have to use your first several
times to get through some parts of the levels. So, you'd better learn how to
use your fists, eh? By the way, the following explanation applies to all
melee combat, so it's basically the same when you're fighting with a Shiv
or a Club equipped.

The basics are simple: equip your fists or a melee weapon, and press [MB1]
(the left mouse button) to perform a basic attack. Pressing [MB2] (right
mouse button) will cause Riddick to defend. While defending, you won't take
any damage from melee attacks. You can perform different movies by pressing
a directional key when you click the [MB1]. These are the known combinations:

[MB1] Standard punch
[MB1] + [W] Heavy Punch
[MB1] + [S] Uppercut
[MB1] + [A] Left Jab
[MB1] + [D] Right Jab

Now, how do you win a melee fight? First of all, remember to block. If you
rush in button-bashing, you're probably going to get your arse whooped. So,
defend with [MB2], and wait until the opponent attacks. After you've
blocked his attack, quickly counter with an attack. Try different attacks
each time. Also, circling around your opponent (by strafing) will help you
to break through his defenses. Here's a pretty weak but effective strategy
to win a fight: shower your enemy with attacks. He'll probably get to hit
you a couple of times. Watch your health bar at the top. When the last
block is almost empty, start blocking. After a couple of seconds, the last
block (the most right one) will fill back up, so you're at full health
again. Repeat until the enemy is down.

At a couple of points in the game, you'll find yourself fighting an armed
enemy, while you are unarmed. for these occasions, there's a special move
you can perform. Get close to the enemy, and start fighting him with your
fists. He will probably try to hit you with the butt of his gun. When he
tries this, quickly press [MB1]. If you time it right, Riddick will grab
the gun, point it at the enemy, and pull the trigger. I'll refer to this
move as the 'reversal move' from now on. This move can also be performed
while fighting unarmed enemies. Like before, you'll have to press [MB1]
right when he starts an attack. However, timing this is really difficult
in melee fights, so it's not really worth the try.

e. Ranged Combat

Of course, you won't have to make all your frags with your bare hands. CoR
features a simple but effective arsenal of 5 different guns, including an
Assault Rifle, a shotgun, and a standard hand gun. CoR doesn't have
crosshairs like most FPS do. Instead, all guns are equipped with a
laser-beam that you can use to aim with. The Assault rifle and shotgun
come equipped with a flashlight, that you can switch on and off with [F].
When equipped with a gun, press [MB2], the right mouse-button, to perform
a melee attack with the gun (hit an enemy with the butt of your weapon).

The rest of the shooting is pretty straightforward: [MB1] to fire, [R] to
reload, [TAB] to cycle through the available weapons. Note that ammunition
in CoR is measured in clips. So, if you equip the shotgun, and the number
under the gun's image says 12, it means that you've got 12 clips of 8
rounds each left. If you reload before your clip is empty, you'll loose
all the unused bullets.

The strategies for firefights are rather standard too. Find and use cover
as much as you can, you'll die very quickly if you just storm in
guns-blazing. Use every weapon well. In other words, use the shotgun for
close quarters only, the handgun only for headshots, and fire in bursts
when you're using the rifle. More of these general weapon strategies are
listed in the Weapons chapter below.

f. Stealth

Chronicles Of Riddick is one of the few action-based games that successfully
manages to add a stealth element to the gameplay. Using stealth can be
really useful on a couple of occasions, so you'd better learn how to
sneak. I'll list the basics here.

First of all, you need to be crouched to be in Stealth Mode. When you
crouch, your field of vision will become slightly wider, and some of the
colors can change. You're now in stealth mode, which means you've got access
to three different new moves: hiding, moving bodies, and silent kills.

We'll start with the most important one: hiding. CoR is a pretty dark game,
filled with shadowy corners. If you crouch in one of these shadow-spots,
you'll notice that your screen will turn slightly blue. This indicates that
you're now hidden. Enemies can not see you until they practically bump into
you. Remember, this only works if you see the blue effect. Be warned though:
if a room has a lot of shadows, guards will most likely turn on their
flashlight, and you will be revealed. If you've got a ranged weapon, you
can blast out pretty much every light you can see.

Next up is hiding bodies. This skill is really important if you want to be
as stealthy as possible throughout the whole game. While crouching next to
an enemy you've killed, press [E] to grab the body. You can then move
around, and Riddick will drag the body behind him. Press [E] again to let
go. This way, you can hide downed enemies in the shadows, where they won't
be found. And even if you don't care if the guards find their dead comrades
or not, dragging a body around is still a very cool thing to see :) It
really shows what the physics engine can do.

Last but not least, the silent kills. Crouch again to enter Stealth Mode.
Now, sneak up to an unsuspecting enemy from behind, equip your firsts or
a Shiv, and press [MB1] to silently kill him. When using your fists, for
example, Riddick will break the enemy's neck. It's quick, it's silent,
it's safe. One note though: the foe needs to unsuspecting. Meaning, he
can't know you're there at all. If he is, in one way or another, aware if
your presence, it won't work, not even if you manage to get behind him.

g. Weapons

The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butchet Bay features a modest but
effective arsenal. Here, I'll go over all the weapons, and talk a bit about
the pros and cons of each one.

<<< Fists >>>
Hotkey 1
Where Throughout the game
Description Simple but lethal, these two babies will save your skin on
multiple occassions. For more information on how to use them,
read the 'Hand-To-Hand Combat' chapter above.

<<< Knuckleduster >>>
Hotkey 1
Where Aquilas Territory, Tower 17 Base
Description A Knuckleduster is a piece of metal that fits on your hand.
Because of the weight of the metal, your punches will do more
damage if you use a Knuckleduster. Riddick can only use one
'duster at a time, even though he has two hands. The fighting
works the same as with the fists.

<<< Shiv >>>
Hotkey 2
Where Aquilas Teritory, Tower 17 Base, Recreation Area, Feed Ward
Description Hand-made prison knife. Small, but very deadly. Fighting works
the same as with any other melee weapon. If your opponent has a
Shiv or something similar of his own, you'll need to equip a
Shiv, because you won't be able to block his attacks with our
bare fists. All Shivs do the same damage. A guy named Cricket
will sell you a 'very sharp' Shiv. Despite the name, it doesn't
do more damage than the normal Shiv, it's just more expensive.
However, you'll still want to buy this Shiv from Cricket, as it
triggers some events that allow you to get some packs of smokes.

<<< Scalpel >>>
Hotkey 2
Where Infirmary
Description Doctor's knife, made for operations. Works just the same as a
Shiv, but does more damage. Can only be found in the 'secret'
operating room in the Infirmary. To get in, you'll need to
waste Molina in the Prison courtyard. then, talk to Shabby near
the gate to the Infirmary, he'll give you a code. Enter the
Infirmary, and, after killing both guards, enter the first door
on your left. The Scalpel's on the operating chair. It doesn't
do more damage than a normal Shiv, but it looks really cool.

<<< Screwdriver >>>
Hotkey 2
Where Work Pass, Mining Core
Description Your basic screwdriver. Used for driving in screws, and poking
out eyes. Actually, you can't do anything with the screws in
this game, so it's just for poking out eyes / hurting your
opponent in other nasty ways. Carried by most mechanics.

<<< Club >>>
Hotkey 3
Where Feed Ward
Description Big, heavy, good for crushing skulls. The downside is that it's
pretty slow, so not very useful against a fast opponent. The
damage's good though. You can either buy one from Monster, or
get one for free after the boss-fight in this area.

<<< Gun >>>
Hotkey 4
Where Escape, Mainframe
Description A basic pistol. The clip size is 14 rounds. Because of it's slow
rate of fire and rather low damage, it's not good for shootouts.
The ammunition for this gun is also pretty rare. It's best used
as a sniper rifle. Zoom in on an unsuspecting enemy, and hit him
in the head. He'll never knew what hit him. Also useful for
shooting out lights to create shadows. The Gun's not silenced
though, so firing it close to enemies may get you some
unwanted attention.

<<< Shotgun >>>
Hotkey 5
Where Escape, Mainframe, Crash Site
Description Standard shotgun with a clip size of 8 shells. Like all
shotguns, it's best used in close quarters. Does a lot of
damage when used up close, as it can kill most enemies with
one shot. But, because of the large spread of the weapon, it's
useless for distances greater than 5 meter. In the end, you'll
use it mainly for blasting monsters, not humans.

h. Enemies

*** Coming Soon! ***

i. Characters

*** Coming Soon! ***


VI - Walkthrough



00. Introduction

Finally, we come to the main meat of this document: the Walkthrough. I'll
walk you through the game step by step. Note that I won't keep a separate
list of Side Missions, I'll include them in the walkthrough. The walkthrough
is divided into the same chapters as in the game. Another important note:
although I will not describe cut-scenes and conversations to you, this
walkthrough still contains some spoilers. Be aware that reading too much
of it might spoil the surprise, and maybe even the fun. Don't say I didn't
warn you. Now, let's get it started!

01. Escape

The story starts with the ship of bounty hunter Johns descending towards
Butcher Bay, a triple-max security on a desert planet. He has finally
caught the famous Riddick, one of the most wanted criminals in the
universe. Watch the cut-scene. You'll be able to control Riddick when you
set foot on the planet. Johns is standing in front of you. Talk to him
using [E]. You'll get to choose what you say to him, but it doesn't matter
at all. After you've talked to him, Johns will turn around to scold another
inmate. This is your chance. Sneak up behind Johns, and press [MB1] to end
your captor's life with one quick snap. When Johns is dead, the inmate he
was talking to (Pixie) will try to pick up the gun, but he'll get
electrified, because the gun is DNA encoded. Meanwhile, the other convict
will open up a hatch in the center of the landing platform. A gun turret
near the door will start firing, so quickly drop down the hatch.

Use [Space] to jump over the rubble, and then press [E] near the ladder to
climb down. At the bottom, look around for a pack of cigarettes (pack
#35). Now, drop off the machinery you're standing on, and approach the guy
who is working near the door. Time for your first melee fight! Use [MB1] to
punch, and [MB2] to block. You shouldn't have much problem killing this guy.
When he's dead, check near the gun on the ground to find a Security Guard.
Don't touch the gun. It's DNA encoded, so you can't use it. Now, with this
Security Card, you can open the door in this room. Behind it is a narrow
and dark corridor. A guard is patrolling in the next corridor. Crouch in
these shadows, and wait for the guard to pass. When he does, quickly sneak
up behind him. Press [MB1] when near his back to silently kill him. You can
also kill him in a melee fight, but this is easier. Grab the Vent Tool
that he drops.

The game will now suggest that you hide the body. Crouch, and press [E] to
grab the body. Drag it back to the dark corridor you came from, and press
[E] again to drop the body. Now, continue through the corridor. There's a
vent tool, which is a basic melee weapon, in the corridor here, but you
don't really need it. In the next room, you'll see a bunch of boxes in one
corner. You'll need to climb them to proceed, but before you do so, first
walk into the narrow passageway right of these boxes. Follow the path
through the boxes. At the end, crouch, and drop down the hole. You'll now be
in the room next to the corridor with the guard you just killed. Check an
alcove to the right to find 10 UD (money) and Cigarette Pack #1. Now, make
your way back to the room with the boxes.

Climb these boxes. You'll have to pull yourself up to reach the top. Now,
jump to grab the beams above you. Move along this horizontal ladder, towards
the other side of the room. After some meters, a guard will come from the
door below. Wait until he's underneath you, then press [E] to drop down.
This will instantly kill the enemy. If you miss, just kill him with your
fists. When he's dead, climb back up the boxes and grab the bars. This
time, move all the way to the ventilation hatch on the other side. Open it
with [E]. Follow this vent until you get to a room with a NanoMed Station.
It's currently empty, so you'll need to recharge it. Check the ground next
to the station to find a NanoMed Cartridge. Pick it up, and then activate
the Station with [E]. Now heal yourself if needed, and continue through
the next door.

There's an armed guard standing in front of the table to the left.
Approach him, and he'll attack you. Now, you can use his weapon
against him. Press [MB1] when he tries to hit you with the butt of his gun,
and Riddick will kill the man with his own weapon. His shotgun isn't DNA
protected, so you can pick it up. A gun, I rule! Not yet, the gun doesn't
have any ammunition, so it's useless. Pick up the pack of smokes (#6)
on the table). Now climb the stack of boxes to the right. At the top, face
the yellow rail above you, and press [E] to grab it. Press and hold [D] to
shimmy to the right. Once you're past the fence, pull yourself up onto the
ledge above. Exit through the door to the left, and ride the elevator.

There's a single guard here, armed with a shotgun. You can just storm him
and take his weapon if you want, but you can also go for the silent kill.
There's plenty of shadow to hide in on the platform, so just hide until
he's turned his back on you, and then kill him. Finally, you've got a gun
with ammo! Climb down the ladder on the right of this walkway. You'll come
to a door with a blue lock on it. Shoot the lock, and enter the door.
You'll be in a tunnel filled with guards. Time to test that shotgun you
stole. The barrels in this corridor are all explosive, so you can shoot
the barrel next to a guard for a quick frag. All in all, there are five
guards here. Two of them are carrying an Assault Rifle, the others shotguns.
You can't pick up the rifle, as it's DNA encoded, but you can get extra
ammo from the shotguns. One guard also drops some UD money. This corridor
is pretty straightforward. Just remember that the shotgun is useless at
long distance, so try to get as close to your victims as possible. At the
end, walk into the fog to end the mission.

02. The Arrival

Rise and shine, jackass. This is reality, and it ain't so pretty. This
'chapter' is basically just an introduction to Butcher Bay, Hoxie, and
Abbott. You'll be escorted to your cell by Abott (or X To Tha Z). He'll
tell you a bit about the prison. Meanwhile, the opening credits are
rolling. You can look around, but you can't walk. Take your time to marvel
at the amazing shadows: if you look straight at the ground, your shadow
will have two ears, but if you look sideways, you'll only see one ear!
It's those little things that show that you're playing something
special. Anyway, just before you get thrown in your cell for a good
cleaning, a guy named Barber tells you to come talk to him later. After
this, the chapter will end.

03. Prison Yard

<<< Talk To Mattson >>>

Wait until Riddick is done talking to himself (weirdo). The door of your
cell will open up, and can walk around in the prison. First, talk to Barber,
the man just outside your cell. He'll tell you that a guy named Mattson
wants to talk to you. We'll get to him later. First, turn left, and walk
back towards the gate you entered through. In front of it is a man named
Shabby. Talk to him, and he'll ask you to kill a guy named Molina. Agree
to do this. Walk back, past your cell, and around the corner. Enter the
first cell on the left, where two guys, Girish and Waman, are talking
about escaping. Although Waman thinks Girish is crazy, the black man does
have a point: if you get your DNA into the databank, you'd be able to fire
guns...Hmmm...Well, that's of later concern. Talk to Waman, and he too will
ask you to waste Molina. Boy, he sure is popular. Anyway, you can't waste
him yet. Exit the cell, turn left, and then right. The two prisoners here
will tell you go talk to Haley. Walk past them, and you'll get to the

There are four men in this courtyard. Ignore the psychopath (the one
who's talking about his bird). Talk to Red, the man sitting on the bench.
He tells you that he wants to see Rust dead. Rust is the leader of a local
gang, the Aquilas, should you wonder. Haley is walking around nearby. Talk
to him, and he'll tell you that he'll help you...if you kill Rust. Sheesh,
that's the fourth person that wants me to kill someone. What do I look like,
a hitman? Anyway, talk to Mattson, the guy standing near the wall. According
to him, you need a Shiv (a prison-made knife) to survive, and you can get
one from his cell. Well, alright, head back into the cellblock. Don't forget
to take a look at the Pit in the center of the yard. Looks like way out...?

<<< The Trap >>>

When back in the cellblock, turn right when you get back to the cells. Cell
A40, on the right, will now be opened. This is Mattson's cell. Enter it. Two
men will rush in with a welcome-present from Rust: four fists. Fighting two
men at once can be quite difficult. Try to take one man out first. Whatever
you do, don't let one of them get behind you, he'll be impossible to block.
Anyway, these goons don't block a lot, making them pretty easy prey.
Remember to block when one of your squares (top left of the screen) is
almost empty, and then block until it fills up again. When both men are
dead, go back to Mattson in the courtyard. He'll apologize, saying that
he'll bring a Shiv to your cell. Go to your cell. A cut-scene involving
Rust and Abbott will start.

<<< Waste Molina >>>

After the scene, leave your cell. Barber is standing here. He will tell
you that Rust is waiting for you, and that you need a weapon if you're
going to face him. Turn right, and go around the corner. Cell A38, opposite
of Waman's cell, is now opened. Go inside to find Molina. Ah, so this is
the bastard everyone wants dead. Don't waste your breath on pointless
conversation - kick his arse. He's not tough, but he does have a
Knuckleduster, so he'll do more damage. Once he's dead, get his Duster,
and go talk to Waman across the hallway. Waman will reward you with a
pack of smokes, #25. Go back to Shabby near the gate, and talk to him to
claim your reward for wasting Molina: a security code for a door in the
Infirmary. Now, head to the yard. The gate on the other side will now
be opened. Go through it to enter Aquilas Territory.

04. Aquilas Territory

Walk through the corridor until you see man beating up another prisoner.
When he's done with his victim, he'll go for you. Equip your Knuckleduster,
and beat him down. The enemies here are slightly more difficult than the
idiots you've faced so far, so block and time your moves well to get through
this unscratched. Another Aquilas is waiting for you just down the hall.
Charge in and kill him too. Don't forget to grab his UD card when he's down.
There's an open cell to the left, A28. Enter, and pick up cigarette pack #58.
There's also a NanoMed Station here, should you need it. Now continue
through the corridor. Around the next corner, a guy will kick a fire
extinguisher at you. This actually hurts, so stand back. Now, you have to
kill the guy up ahead. Be warned though: this guy has got a Shiv! you
can't block his attacks with your bare hands either. Luckily, he hardly
ever blocks, so you can just shower him with punches until he's dead. Get
his Shiv. Finally, a real weapon!

In the next corridor, a guy will try to stop you with a home-made bomb.
When he's about to light the 'fuse', just step back and watch the cool
explosion from a safe distance. Now charge in and kill the two guys at the
end of the corridor. Again, fighting two enemies at once can be tough. But,
as long as you don't let one get behind you, you'll manage. Remember to
block often, to allow your health to fill back up. When they're done, return
to cell A28 if you need some healing. Now continue around the next corner to
find Rust. He can be pretty tough if you don't know how to tackle him. Equip
your Shiv - without it, you can't block his Shiv. Now just block all the
time. From time to time, quickly press [MB1] to attack him. If you time
this right after he's attacked, you'll damage him, but he'll also damage
you. So, block again, wait for your health to repair, and repeat it. This
way, it will take about a minute to kill him.

When Rust's dead, Abbott will show up. Watch the cut-scene. Afterwards,
your Shiv and Knuckleduster will be gone. Don't make the mistake of picking
up Rust's Shiv: the guards that have appeared won't like it, and you don't
really need it. Head into cell A11 in the area where you fought Rust, and
talk to Moondog to get another pack of smokes, #59. Make your way back to
the courtyard. Talk to Blueboy on the way for Pack #57. In the courtyard,
first talk to Red for some UD. Also, talk to Booger, behind the closed gate,
to buy Pack #26 for 20 UD. Now, go talk to Haley. He'll tell you that you
need to get to the Mainframe through the Infirmary. Go back into your own
cellblock. Walk to the gate with the guard. Talk to this guard. If
you've talked to Haley, this guard will now open the gate. Enter, and
turn left. Enter the door that leads to the Infirmary.

05. Infirmary

Go through the door. You'll be in a room with two guards, one armed, one
unarmed. You'll have to dispose of them both. Stand near the armed guard.
If you come too close, he'll try to hit you with the butt of his rifle.
Now, quickly clock the [MB1] to counter-attack. If you time it right,
Riddick will blast the fool with his own rifle. If you don't succeed in
this reversal move, I suggest you load, because the guard will probably
open fire on you. When the reversal move succeeds, the other guard will
attack. He's not much of a problem, especially if you brought your Shiv.
Once he's dead, grab his Security Card, and take a look around. There are
four doors here: the one you came through, a locked one, and two with a
keypad. Go to the door with the '1' above it. If you helped Shabby out
by killing Molina, you'll have the code you need to open this door. Inside,
you'll find a Scalpel, and pack of smokes, #12. Now, open door number 2
with the Security Card. There's a guard just behind it. Luckily, he's
unarmed, so just beat the living daylight out of him.

In the corridor behind the door, you'll find your first NanoMed Health
Station of the game. It's the thing that looks like an old arcade racing
machine. Use it, and it will boost your maximum health to five squares.
Alright then, climb the ladder. In the next room, walk towards the box
ahead of you. When you're near it, the door on the other end will open
and a guard will come through. Quickly hide behind the box, crouch, and
wait for the guard to pass. Then sneak up behind him, and snap his neck.
You can also try another reversal move on him. You know, use his own
weapon against him, that stuff. Alright, that was the last time I'm going
to explain what reversal is. Go through the door your last victim came
through, and look to the right to find a service hatch. You'll come to the
lower part of a room. A guard is patrolling the upper part. You can't reach
him, so the best thing is to not let him see you. Use the pillars between
the low and upper part for cover, and move when the guard is looking away.
On the other side, duck and enter the tunnel. After two corners, you'll see
a grate above you. A guard is standing on it. Patience is a virtue, so just
wait until he leaves, and then move to the other side.

Abbott will now come over the intercom, talking about a riot. Climb the
ladder, and look through the grate to the right to see some quite brutal
scenes in the cellblock. Continue through the door. There's an armed guard
patrolling here. You can just run up to him and try a reversal.
Alternatively, you can wait until he's walking away from you, and then
sneak up to him and snap his neck. Another guard might come in, so watch
out. There's some shadow to the right of those boxes, if you really want to
do it the sneaky way. Anyway, once these guards are dealt with, go through
the door on the right. You're now outside. Crawl up the guard ahead, and
perform a silent kill. Take his Security Card, and use it on the next door.
There's one more armed guard in this next area. since there's nowhere to
hide, you'd best do this with a reversal. Once he's down, continue through
the only open door, towards the Mainframe.

06. Mainframe

Enter the door in front of you. You'll be in a big room, on a catwalk high
above the floor. There's a technician working below you, but he can't see
you (dogs can't look up, right?). Walk around the catwalk, until you can't
go any further. Then, jump over the rail, and drop down onto the stack of
boxes in the corner. Then, drop down onto the ground. Kill the technician -
he's a total wuss, so it's easy. You'll see a machine in the center of the
room. Stand in front of it and press [E] to use it. Your DNA is now added to
the databank, allowing you to pick up and use weapons. And well, guess what,
there's a Rifle right next to the machine. Pick it up. After a couple of
seconds, guards will come storming through the door. Show them that you're
even more deadly with a gun than you are with your bare hands. More enemies
will come through the corridor behind the door. Most will stay in the
corridor, they won't enter the room. So, approach the door to open it,
empty a clip on the enemies, and then retreat to make the door close. This
will give you all the cover you need to reload and let your health recharge.
When all the guards are dead, enter the corridor, and collect all weapons,
including a handgun.

Go around the corner. A door ahead will open, and a guard throws a grenade
at you. Quickly step back. The grenade will blow a hole in the wall to the
right. Use the NanoMed Station if you need to, and then go to the hole.
'Use' the two pieces of loose debris to create a bigger opening. Head
through it. There's one guard in this next room, carrying a shotgun. When
he's dead, look for a service panel on the left. Use it to shut off the fan
above. Climb the stack of boxes behind you, and then jump to the fan. Go
past it. This next part is pretty tough. You'll see some grates in front
of you. Two guards are standing below it. They'll start firing as soon as
you show yourself. Use [Ctrl] to lean over the grates, and remember where
the guards are standing. Then quickly shoot them both down. The advantage
of this high position is that you've got a bigger chance to make a headshot.
When they're both dead, drop down, and collect their weapons. Turn left -
the other side leads to a dead end.

When you reach the corner, another guard will come walking towards you.
Kill him, and then enter the next room. Two guards will start firing at you
from the catwalk to the left. You can shoot the barrels below them to hurt
them, then finish it with the Rifle. Now use the NanoMed Station if you need
to. Use the boxes to climb up onto the catwalk. Collect the guns from the
dead guards. A new guard will come from the corridor you came from. Shoot
him down. Walk around the catwalk until you see a pack of smokes, #13. When
you've got it, drop down to the floor, and go towards the shadowy hallway.
Switch on your flashlight. Walk towards the service hatch with the green
light above it. When you're near, a guard will appear from behind a box.
Kill him, and go through the hatch. Use the valve here to shut off the gas.
After that, a guard will throw a grenade, so quickly back up. Then you'll
need to kill two guards. This can be pretty tough, since it's so dark:
it'll be hard to the laser dot, so aiming is pretty hard. Get cover by
going back through the hatch.

When both guards are dead, go through the hole in the wall they've made.
Walk through the next room. When you're near the end, a guard with a shotgun
will appear. Back up, and shoot the barrels to the left when the guard's
near. That takes cares of that little problem. Another shotgun guard will
appear pretty soon after that. Kill him too, and continue to a NanoMed
Station. When you're back at full health, go through the open door. The
door will close behind you, and 4 or 5 guards will open fire on you. In two
of the corners in this room there's a little catwalk, you can get some good
cover in the passageway beneath this catwalk. Use this cover to kill all
guards that attack. It's pretty easy, as long as you stay in the passageway.
When they're all dead, a Riot Guard will come down with the elevator. His
robot-like suit has got only one weak spot: a red panel on his back. You
can avoid his minigun pretty easy if you keep moving. Try to get behind
him, and then shoot at the panel. This might take some tries. Your best shot
is to lure him into one of the passageway I just mentioned, then quickly
walk around and shoot him in the back. Once you did enough damage to the
panel, the riot guard will fall down. You'll get pack of smokes #27 as a
reward. Use the elevator, and head through the door at the top to end the

07. Prison Yard Riot

You're back in the cellblock where you first started. A riot has broken
out, and the guards are killing every inmate they see. Go through the door
ahead of you. There's some stairs to the right, but ignore them for now.
Walk past them, and turn right to find a valve. This will open the gate
below. Now go back, down the dark stairs. Crouch to hide in the shadows.
When you look around the corner, you'll see two guards. If you're crouching,
they won't see you, so you can easily snipe them. Just equip your Gun, zoom
in on the head of one of the guards, and kill him with one headshot. The
other guard will now probably start firing at you, so switch back to the
Assault Rifle and take him out. During this fight, you will hear an
announcement saying that the turrets are now in hostile mode. When the
guard is dead, stay crouched on the stairs. Equip your Gun, and zoom in.
There's a speaker on the wall in front of you. Just left of that, you
should be able to see a gun turret. Shoot it to destroy it. If you have
trouble seeing it, just shoot your Gun once. The turret will fire a few
rounds, and the muzzle flash will show you its location.

Once you've taken care of that turret, equip your Rifle and exit the
staircase. Immediately turn right, you'll see another turret on the left
wall, pretty close to your position. Destroy it. Another turret's in the
corridor to the right, a bit further away, along the right side wall. Use
your Gun to snipe it out. Walk down this corridor, past your former cell.
When you approach the corner, a guard will come around it. Kill him with
your Assault Rifle. Now, hide in the shadowy part just before the corner.
Two guards will appear, chasing down and killing an inmate. Equip your Gun,
and take them both out with a headshot. Or, if you want to take them out in
a really cool way, shoot the fan above them. Before you go around the corner,
check the wall on the right for another turret. Now, head towards the
narrow corridor that leads to the yard. A guard is waiting for you here.
Shoot him, and head down the corridor. As you enter the small room where
the guard was, look right to see a turret right above your head. Quickly
shoot it out - these things do a lot of damage up close. The way towards
the courtyard is blocked by a gate. You'll have to trick the guards into
opening it.

So, head back the way you came. When you go around the corner near Waman's
cell, a guard armed with a shotgun and an inmate will appear. When the
guard is done with the inmate, he'll turn his attention to you. Take him
out, and continue down the cellblock, past your own cell. When you approach
the next corner, a guard will throw a grenade at you. Quickly back up, then
go around the corner and shoot the guard near the gate. Another one will
appear, and he'll open the gate. Kill him too. He'll drop a radio - just
what we need. Use the radio, and Riddick will tell the guards to open the
gate. Right, head towards the courtyard. One last shotgun guard will appear
just before you reach the now opened gate. On the way to the yard, you'll
see an inmate named Thor on the ground. He'll beg you to put him out of
his misery. You can shoot him if you want to, but it doesn't really matter.
Continue towards the courtyard, towards the Pit, towards freedom...

08. The Pit

You're now at the bottom of the Pit, but it's still a long way towards
freedom. You're equipped with one shotgun. A woman's voice will tell you
that the shotgun's light is malfunctioning, and that it'll go out in 6
minutes. Don't let this freak you out too much though; you've got bigger
things to worry about. Now, the area ahead of you, the Pit, is a maze of
dark corridors filled with a new kind of enemies: Dwellers. These mutated
creatures are really weak, you'll kill them with one shot from a close
distance. However, what they lack in strength, they make up in quantity. I
think there's an unlimited number of them, but I never stayed around long
enough to confirm this. You'll want to be quick in this next section. Don't
waste your time trying to take every Dweller out. Just rush through,
blasting away any creep that gets in your way. This part can be hard if
you don't know where to go. Luckily, you've got this walkthrough. Ready?
Then let's roll.

Start by heading through the doorway in front of you, next to the barrel.
Turn right, and follow the corridor until you get to a larger one. This is
where the Dwellers will appear. There's a hole in the grating in front of you,
but don't jump down. Instead, look for a doorway on the opposite side of the
hall. Run through it, blasting at the Dwellers that appear. You'll come
to a ramp that leads down. At the end of this ramp, turn left. Run through
the tunnel - don't pay too much attention to the Dwellers that follow -
and turn right at the junction. Turn left at the next junction. Now,
follow this tunnel, around a corner, to a dead end. You'll hear someone
talking above you. At this dead end, you'll find a valve. Pick it up,
and prepare to run back the way you came.

There will be a lot of Dwellers behind you right now, so you'll have to
shoot your way through them. Just remember to aim slightly down, otherwise
you'll miss most of the time. So, start running back the way you came,
around the corridor. At the first junction, turn right, and then immediately
left. You'll come to a ramp that leads back to the higher level. At the
top, go through a doorway on the left, and then turn left again. Walk
straight through this corridor. Most Dwellers should have lost your tracks
by now. At the end of the tunnel, turn left. You'll come to a closed gate.
Use the valve you found on the gate control to the right, and then open it.
Before doing so, make sure that no Dwellers have followed you here - you
don't want to get surprised while opening the gate. When it's open,
continue past it. A few more Dwellers will appear, but the worst is behind
you. After about 20 meters, you'll see a flare on the ground. Turn left
just before this flare, into a short tunnel. At the end, near a closed
gate, you'll find a pack of smokes, number 15. Now, go past the flare you
saw, into the doorway on the right. Follow the tunnel to complete the level.

09. Pope Joe's Den

You'll finally catch up with the mysterious stranger that helped you out
by throwing flares. Follow him to an elevator. You'll ride it up, to safety.
At the top, get out and follow this guy, named Pope Joe. When you get to
his 'home', he'll tell you that your coming was foretold by 'him'. However,
if you want him to trust you (and stitch you up), you're going to have to
find his Blessed Voicebox. So, you'll have to get back down to the Pit.
First, get some Flares from the box. You can carry a total of 12 flares.
You'll also get a bit more ammo for the shotgun. Go back to the elevator,
and ride it back down. There's a good chance that the light of your shotgun
will by now be broken, so you'll have to make your way through the darkness.
You can use the flares to illuminate your path, but I feel it's best to just
rush in, grab the goods, and run back to the elevator. If you follow my
directions, you won't really need the light either. Plus, switching to the
flares, throwing one, and switching back to your weapon requires time,
something you don't have when you're being assaulted by a dozen of Dwellers.

So, from the elevator, turn left. Run to the barrels of radioactive waste
and turn left when you reach them. You'll go through a doorway, into another
tunnel. Turn right, and run to the end of the tunnel. Turn right again.
Through the doorway in front of you, you'll see the first Dwellers of this
level. Fire at the barrels next to them to take quick care of them. More
might rush at you, so keep your shotgun ready. Enter the room the Dwellers
were in, and immediately turn right, through a hole in the wall. In this
little room, you'll find a NanoMed Cartridge, and a pack of smokes (#16).
Run back into the bigger room the Dwellers and barrels were in, and turn
right. There's a lit doorway ahead of you. Enter it, and look to the right
to see the Blessed Voicebox - an old radio. Pick it up. It's now time to
head back to the elevator. You'll probably have to blast your way through
a crowd of Dwellers. Don't slow down though - the Dwellers are respawning,
so it's useless to stop to kill them. Simply rush towards the elevator,
blasting any mutated fools that jump in front of your gun. Ride the
elevator back to the safety of Joe's Den. Here, use the NanoMed Station
if you want, and then talk to Joe to start the cut-scene in which Riddick
gets his famous eyeshine ability.

10. Dark Tunnels

Whoa, good joerb on the visual effect Starbreeze! You can switch off this
cool new eyeshine ability with [Q], but I don't recommend it, since these
tunnels are frigging dark. Another level filled with Dwellers, but don't
worry, it's a short one, you'll be fighting guards again in a couple of
minutes. Rush forward, and take the first path on the right. This will bring
you to a pretty large room with some Dwellers. A gate blocks off the rest of
the room to the left. Run forward. When you leave the room, take the first
left and immediately turn left again. You'll now be back in the big room,
but on the other side of the gate. There's a ladder to the right, you can
use it to climb out of this Dweller-infested rat hole. Before you do so,
turn left, and immediately left again. At the end of this small alcove,
you'll find pack of smokes #28 lying on the ground. Now go to the ladder,
and climb it up to Narcville.

11. Showers

You'll be in the living quarters of the prison guards. This level can be
completed using stealth. Since this is the toughest method, I'll describe
it here. Don't worry, you don't have to use stealth. If you want, you can
just use your shotgun and other weapons to blast away any opposition. This
works pretty much the same as in levels 06 and 07, and there isn't much of
a tactic for it. The walkthrough below only applies for those that want to
sneak. However, the part about the armory (fourth paragraph) should be
read by everyone, since it will get you some good armor and a pack of smokes.

When you're ready, leave the showers. Around the corner, you'll see a
toilet, and you'll hear the guard inside (nasty). If you want, you can
press the switch next to his toilet. This will make him open his door, and
you can rush in to kill him in a fistfight. He's got a Gun, but as long
as you stay near him, he won't fire. Kill him in the toilet, and take his
gun. Now, ahead you'll see the locker room. There are two guards inside,
one with a gun and one with an Assault Rifle. To the left of the entrance
to the locker room is a light switch. Flip it to turn off all the lights.
Crouch, and switch on your eyeshine using [Q]. Now, one of the guards might
come in and switch on the lights again. When he does, sneak up to him and
snap his neck. Turn off the lights again, and then sneak into the locker
room and waste the other guard. If they don't come out to switch on the
lights, enter the locker room. Chances are that the guards are standing next
to each other, just staring at the wall. You can easily snap both their
necks, they won't notice because of the dark.

When both guards are dead, it's time to search the lockers. You can find
some UD money, and pack of smokes #29. There are also two Assault Rifles.
These are kind of hard to pick up. when looking at a rifle, look down to
your feet, and you should see the box that says 'Assault Rifle'. You can
then pick it up. One of the lockers also contains a guard suit. Put it on
to disguise yourself as a civil guard. While in disguise, guards won't
attack you, unless you attack them first. Also, if you've already had a
big firefight that drew the attention of several other guards, chances are
low that the other guards will fall for the disguise. Anyway, exit the
locker room. You'll be in a corridor with one guard. Wait until he passes
you, then crouch behind him and snap his neck. Grab his money. now turn
right, towards the NanoMed Station. In the hallway to your left, you'll
see a single guard. Kill him with a sneak attack. In each of the corners
of this hallway, there's a little rail around a grate. In the back left
corner, the grate's missing. Jump down the hole. You'll be in a hallway
similar to the one you were in. Grab the Vent Tool near the tool box. Now,
to get out of this room, open up the ventilation hatch, and climb the ladder
in the vent. You're back in the previous hallway. Yes, you went down there
just to get the Vent Tool. Don't worry, it'll serve you well later on.

Go back, past the locker room. You'll emerge in a big room, with several
doors, and a walkway around the second floor. There are two heavy guards
and one civil guard in this room, and you can't kill one without the others
noticing. So, don't bother. As you enter, turn right, and walk into the
next corridor. You'll pass two guards in front of a door. These two aren't
worth the trouble either, so just continue past them, into the next room.
There are two guards here, and one of them is patrolling. You can kill him
when he's furthest away from the stationary guard, and then you can kill
the other one. You don't have, but it's nice to have the extra ammo. Go
into the next corridor. There's another stationary guard here, plus a
patrolling one. Ignore them both, and continue through the corridor.
After some time, you'll see a hangar door to the right. Don't go there just
yet - turn left, and you'll see a really dark area beyond a rail. Jump over
the rail, and down into the shadows. Activate your eyeshine to look around
you. To the left, there's a ventilation hatch. If you've remembered to pick
up the Vent Tool at the start of the level, you can now open it. Follow the
vent behind it to get to the armory.

At the end, kick down the grate, and drop down. enter the armory. There's a
pack of smokes, number 31, on the ground to the left. Pick up the Assault
Rifles. On the wall, you'll see the Light Guard Armor. This is really useful
if you're doing this level guns-blazing: it's a decent piece of armor that
will block a lot of damage. Don't worry if you're doing it the stealth way -
the Armor is a good disguise too. When you've got it, open the door (you need
the armor to do so). You'll emerge behind the stationary guard you saw
earlier. Wait until the patrolling guard is gone, and then kill the guard.
Hide his body in the dark room behind the armory. Now, you can safely take
out the patrolling guard too. He'll probably be pretty suspicious after
you've killed his buddy, but as long as you don't get seen with the body,
he won't fire at you. When he's gone too, go back to the hangar door you
saw earlier.

Walk into the corridor past this hangar door, and you'll come to a dead
end. So, back to the hangar door. There's a civil guard sitting near the
door. You can take him out any way you like, either with a gun or with
your hands. Most guards in this area are dead by now, so no-one will hear
him scream. There's an eye-scanner next to the door. Before you use it
though, use your gun to shoot out the lights overhead - both the TL tubes
above you, and the two hanging lamps in the corridor. Now, use the
eye-scanner. Of course, your eyes aren't in the database, so you'll need
to lend some other eyes. Abbott's the man you want. After the little
cut-scene, a new guard will come walking towards the door. Crouch - since
you've shot out the lights, there's plenty of shadow to hide in - , and
activate eyeshine. Wait for the guard to come, and then quickly sneak up
behind him. Make sure not to get caught in his flashlight beam. When he's
dead, go into the corridor near the hangar door, the one that lead to a
dead end. The door at the end is now unlocked, allowing you to enter the...

12. Guard Quarters

Good news my readers: since you're still in disguise, you can just waltz
through this whole level without having to kill a single guard. Hey,
you can shoot if you want to, but it'll only make things more difficult,
and you'll miss out on two packs of smokes if you blow your cover. So,
holster your guns, and pretend you're one of the guards. Walk through the
door ahead, and into the market square. Find the guard named Jenkins. He'll
give you a bottle of liquor. There's a guard named Bondo at the far end of
the square. Ask him about Abbott. He'll reveal that he only opens his door
for gun shipments. Now look around for a shop. Talk to the shopkeeper, Yu.
Ask him about Abbott. You'll get a package that you need to deliver to
Abbott. You can also buy a pack of smokes from him, #33. When you've got the
smokes and the package, you're done on this square. Leave through one of the
doors opposite of the one you entered through. Use the elevator button, and
take the elevator up to the second floor. You'll emerge in a room with two
guards. Ignore them, and turn right. You'll enter a small corridor with a
locked door at the end. In this corridor, you'll find a guard named
Chancellor. Talk to him, and he'll ask you to trade a bottle of liquor for
50 UDs. Sounds like a fair deal. Sell the bottle you got from Jenkins
for 50 UDs, and you'll get a complimentary pack of smokes, #31.

Now that you've got both packs of smokes, you can start killing guards if
you want, but I recommend against it. Staying in disguise will make the rest
of the level a piece of cake, so why blow your cover? Walk oast the elevator,
through the other door. You'll emerge on a walkway above the square. Continue
through the next door, into the guard quarters. this is where Abbott lives.
Follow the corridor to a juction. Take the path to the right for a NanoMed
Station. Further in this corridor, you'll also find a service panel that
you can use to turn off all lights. However, unless you've already blown
your cover, there's no reason to do so. Walk back to the junction. If you
did turn off the lights, a new guard will come from a door. Walk into the
corridor opposite of the one you just from. There's a long and winding
corridor ahead, with a bunch of guards. You can just walk past all of them,
to the end of the path. When you reach the dead, look to the left for the
door to Abbott's apartement (look at the nameplates). If you didn't get the
package from Yu, it'll be lying next to the door. Pick it up, then use the
buzzer. Use the third option - trick him into opening the door. Enter the
now opened door.

13. Abbott

As soon as you walk through the door, Abbott will open fire. Equip your
Assault Rifle. It doesn't matter if you haven't picked up a lot of ammo on
the way here - you'll only need around 3 or 4 clips to
| | defeat him. Now, there's a good place for cover at the door.
|__ __| Stand just outside the apartement, near the door, and
__| |__ press into the little corner made by the wall and
| X| the doorframe, on the right. It's the spot marked
| | with an X on the little ASCII map I made. Here,
Abbott won't be able to see you. If you use this cover, this
fight becomes a piece of cake. Exit the cover, locate Abbott, and start
emptying your gun on him. Keep an eye on your health. When one white square
is almost empty, or when your clip is empty, retreat into the cover,
reload, and wait for your health to recover. Repeat this until you defeat
him. Watch the cut-scene.

14. Tower 17

Damn, you're now even further away from freedom than when you started.
You're in a big tower, and your cell is nothing but a big container shoved
into the wall. Well, what are you waiting for? You need to get out of this
damn place. Exit your cell, and turn right. Enter the cell next to yours.
Here, flip up the bunk. Under it, you'll find a pack of smokes, number 5.
Leave this cell, and turn right again. go through the door, and you'll come
to an elevator with two other prisoners. Wait and watch as the elevator goes
down, to the base of Tower 17.

15. Tower 17 Base

When you get out of the elevator, a prisoner named Rael will approach you.
He'll tell you that you want to get down to the mines, and that a guy named
Jagger Valance runs the show around here. He'll tell you that a guy named
Dogbone can help you get down to the mines. Walk through the door, and go
down the stairs to get to the base of the tower. Turn left as you enter to
find this Dogbone character Rael mentioned. He'll tell you that there are
two ways to get down to the mines - either get caught with drugs, or fight
in the ring. I'll discuss both paths in the Recreation Area chapter. Now,
find Centurion near the ring in the center. To get out of this courtyard,
he tells you, you need to kill a blueskin in the ring. After the conversation,
walk twoards the big doors. There's a guard named Ropes who'll let you use
a NanoMed Station for 10 UD. Near him is a guy named Harman, standing in
front of a big door. Talk to him to challenge him. Now, head back to
Centurion. The fight will start. The rules are simple: stay in the rings,
and kill your opponent. Harman's a piece of cake though - just use the same
melee fighting tactics as in the Aquilas Territory, and he'll go down in no
time. After the fight, you can go through the door Harman was guarding,
into the Recreation Area.

16. Recreation Area

*** Important! Please Read! ***

Now things get complicated. Not necessarily for you - if you don't want all
the smokes, you'll be through this part of the game in about 10 minutes or
so. No, it gets complicated for me, since I now have to split the walkthrough
in two parts. See, there's now two routes you can follow - you can either get
caught with drugs, or kill the guard Bam in the ring. The first one is
slightly easier, the second one gives you more smokes. If you want to get
as much smokes as possible, you've got to do them both. Alright, here's how
I'll do this chapter. First, I'll talk you through the Recreation Area and
the Feed Ward, who and what there is to see / do, and what side-quests you
can activate, plus how you can finish these. This will take up the next three
paragraphs. In the next paragraph, the fifth one from the start, I'll tell
you how to get caught with drugs by dealing with Two-Tongue. If you want to
get through this section as quickly as possible, read only the fifth and sixth
paragraph. The last one describes the fights. So, once again, if you want
to get as many unlockables as possible, read this whole chapter, if you
want to blaze through it, skip to paragraph 5.

<<< Recreation Area >>>

So, let's start with a short tour through the public areas of Tower 17. Go
through the door, and approach the big door to the left to open it. You're
now in the Recreation Yard. It's a big circular room, divided by four walls
into four identical parts. You're now in part A. Here, you'll see two
guards. They'll search you if you come close, but that's only a problem if
you're carrying drugs on you. There are two prisoners in part A. Talk to the
old man, Cricket. He'll sell you a very sharp Shiv for 30 UD. It's really
useful if you're planning to do some ring fights, so you might as well buy
it. Continue to the door to the left, into part B. Here, look for a guy
named Jameel-Udeen. You'll usually find him near the praying mats (what
direction is Mecca when you're on a different planet?). He wants you to
kill all Blueskins. Agree to help him, although you can't complete this quest
in this level. Pink, the ugly mofo on the bench, will sell you some smokes
for 10 UD (pack #56). Continue through the door, into part C of the Yard. A
guy named Gulag asks you to recover a red tube from some PPP guys. Agree to
help him - we'll complete this quest in the next paragraphs. Another
prisoner, Wilkins, asks you to check if Jagger Valance is still alive. Near
the center of the room is The Nurse, who wants you to poison Binks in the
diner. For fucks sake, what does Diesel look like, some messenger boy? Do
your own dirty work suckers.

<<< Feed Ward >>>

Anyway, return to section A of the Yard - Section D is of no interest to us
yet. Enter the door labeled Feed Ward. You'll arrive in a courtyard that
looks a lot like the Recreation Yard. There's a small gang here, the Soreños.
Listen to the conversation, it's pretty funny. Afterwards, talk to Cuellas.
He'll ask you to recover a snitch list for him. Agree, and continue through
the next door. You're in a corridor, and you can go either left or right. It
doesn't really matter, both paths lead to the diner. When you're near the
diner, you'll get attacked by a Blueskin for killing Harman. Retreat into
the corridor (make sure you're outside of the view of the security cameras),
and kill him. He'll drop some poison, you need that to help The Nurse out.
Now, wait near the body of this Blueskin. Soon, a black man named Asif will
enter the corridor. This is one of the members of a small gang called the
PPP's. If you want to help Gulag out with his red tube, you'll need to kill
him. When he's outside of the turret's view, sneak up behind him and break
his neck. He'll drop a map to a secret cache. By the way, it seems Asif
will only enter this corridor of the Feed Ward if you've bought the Shiv
from Cricket in section A of the Recreation Yard.

Enter the diner. There are a couple of prisoners here, but none of them is
of any interest to you right now. On the second table to the left, you'll find
Bink's food. If you've got the poison from the Blueskin, use it on the food
to poison Binks, thus completing The Nurse's quest. In the back of the diner,
you'll find Monster. He'll sell you some items, but you don't really need
any of them right now. The club's useful for the ring fights, but it's also
too expensive. Anyway, standing near Monster, walk towards the closed diner.
When you're near the buffet, look for a panel on the wall on the left. If
you've killed Asif and got his map (see above), you can open it, to find
some UD, an Injector, and Gulag's Red Tube. Walk back to the corridor where
you killed Asif and the Blueskin. There'll now be man named Gomer standing
on the left (seen from the diner). You can buy no less than 5 packs of smokes
from him, for 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 UD, respectively. The packs are numbers 7
to 11. If you don't have the money, do some ring fights first before
returning to him. Alright, you're done here. Return to the Recreation Yard.
Talk to Gulag in section C to get your reward for finding his tube - pack
of smokes #3. The Nurse in the same section will reward you with pack #32
if you've poisoned Binks. He'll also 'lend' you money. If you do lend some,
you'll be attacked by some thugs later on (since there's no way to repay the
man), but it's worth it.

By the way, there's a second way to get into the cache with the red tube
and the Injector. Buy the Shiv from Cricket, and enter the diner. Instead
of wasting Asif in the connecting, wait near Monster. Eventually, Asif will
appear, and open up the panel in the wall. Wait for him to leave. You can
now simply plunder the hole for all the items you need. This way, you won't
even need to kill Asif. Thanks to Stefan Ennöckl for pointing this out.

<<< Dealing with Two-Tongue >>>

Alright then, enter section D of the Recreation Area. You'll see three men
here, but the small, shaking one is the one you want. This is Two-Tongue a
small-time drugs dealer. Talk to him. He'll only help you if you kill Baasim
in the ring. Note, he might also ask you to find his Injector. You can find
it in the same hole where you found Gulag's Red Tube. If you haven't got it
yet, go to section A and buy the Shiv from Cricket. Now enter the Feed Ward,
into the corridor where you got attacked by a Blueskin. Asif will enter this
corridor. Kill him, take his map, and open the panel near Monster in the
diner. Got all that? Refer to the previous paragraphs if that went too fast
for you. Now, you should have the Injector. Let's take out Baasim. Return to
Centurion in Tower 17, and pay him 5 UD to learn who your next opponent will
be. Why, it's Baasim. What mind-blowing coincidence. Return to the
Recreation Yard, and head to section B. Talk to Baasim here to confirm the
challenge. Time for a fight! Go back to the ring, and talk to Centurion to
start. Baasim's pretty easy, standard melee tactics will work fine on him.
Plus, you've probably got the Shiv from Cricket, so you've got an

When he's dead, you'll get 20 UD plus a pack of smokes, #18. Return to
Two-Tongue. He'll give you another pack of smokes, number 55. Before you can
buy some drugs from the guy, he asks you to catch a moth for him. The moths
are those flying creatures you can see everywhere in the Recreation Area.
Wait for one to come flying low (within arm's reach), and then press [E]
to catch it. Return to Two-Tongue. Finally, you can buy drugs from him for
10 UD. You can also buy a pack of smokes for 10 moths. Catching moths is
easy. Just walk around the Yard until you see one, then wait for it to come
low. There are 16 moths in this area in total. I recommend that you catch
them all. Return to Two-Tongue, and trade 10 moths for pack #22. You can buy
another pack for 20 moths, but the Recreation Yard doesn't hold that many
moths, so you'll have to return later to buy it. Anyway, if you want, you
can now end this part of the game. After buying the drugs, go to section A,
and approach the two guards here. They'll search you, and find the drugs.
You'll then enter the next chapter. If you want to get as much smokes as
possible, you'll want to do the ring fights first though.

<<< Ring Fights >>>

The second way to get through Tower 17 is by fighting in the ring. If you've
followed the path described above, you've already killed Baasim. If not, do
so now. Return to Centurion, and let him suggest a new victim. A guy named
Sawtooth is the chosen one. Go see him in the diner (in the Feed Ward area).
Talk to him to initiate the challenge, then return to Centurion to start
the fight. Sawtooth uses a Shiv, so make sure to bring your own. Although
Sawtooth is pretty heavy, he's also very slow, making him a pretty target.
Just rush towards him, make a couple of quick stabs, and run away before he
can counter. You should be fine. You'll get 20 UD and pack of smokes #19.
Now, talk to Centurion again. He'll recommend you Cusa, so go to the
Recreation Yard, section D, and challenge him. Talk to Centurion to start
the fight. Cusa's pretty tough, he's fast and can break through your
defenses, so simply blocking and countering doesn't really work here.
I found that it works best to just slash at him like a maniac. You'll
loose some health, but you can repair it by paying the guard near the
ring. Alternatively, you can use the attack-and-retreat method mentioned
above, but it doesn't work as well as with Sawtooth.

When you bring the big sucker down, you'll get some smokes - number 20.
Heal yourself, and then talk to Centurion to start the fight with the last
enemy - Bam, one of the guards. If you want, take a look at the wall behind
Centurion. Your score and Bam's are noted on the wall. Riddick 3, Bam
twenty something. Hmm, sounds like a tough customer. Well, he is. When the
fight starts, switch to your trustworthy Shiv. Bam swings hard, and his
punches can't really be blocked. Fast attacks are the way to go. He doesn't
move very fast, so run towards him, slash once or twice, and run back to the
other side of the ring (don't step out of it) before he's got a chance to
retaliate. Keep following this pattern, and you should eventually bring him
down. You'll now be dragged off by the guards - apparently, killing one of
their men is 'not done'. Prepare yourself for a cool cut-scene.

17. Feed Ward

This chapter only covers the fight with Abbott and the events after that.
If you want to know about the side-quest done in the Feed Ward, check out
the previous chapter.

Alright, now that those stupid readers are gone, it's time to fight Abbott!
He's got a club, and it does a lot of damage. The good part is that the club
is also very slow, so you can use your speed to your advantage. There are a
couple of approaches to this fight, depending on the weapons you have. The
easiest (non-cheating) way is with a Shiv, so I'll talk about this first.
With a Shiv, you can just run up to Abbott, slash, and run back, and he'll
never have a chance to strike back. This works really great for me. When
you slash him, he'll be too busy 'being hurt' to strike back, giving you
enough time to run back, outside his reach. Repeat it about 20 times, and
you'll bring him down.

You can also beat him with your bare hands if you want, but it's more
difficult, since you do less damage, and punching doesn't trigger Abbott's
'pain' move like the Shiv does, making it a lot harder to use the
attack-and-retreat method. However, if you shower him with punches, you
might be able to drive Abbott up against a wall, or into a corner. If you
can manage this, and keep punching, Abbott can't counter you at all. Keep
bashing him for 2 minutes, and you'll kill him. A third option is to use
the club that you can buy from Monster. If you can time your swings well,
you can use the attack-and-retreat method of the Shiv, described above.
It's harder to pull off with the club, but it's also a lot faster.

In the XBox version, there was a nifty trick. It involved going into the
room with the NanoMed Health Station, making sure Abbott didn't follow, and
then using the Station. After the cut-scene, Abbott would be standing with
his back to the door, making him an easy target for a sneak attack. However,
this bird doesn't fly in the PC version. Starbreeze has fixed this glitch by
making sure that the door, which would be used to seperate you from Abbott,
shutting him out of the Health room, now never closes. So, it's now
impossible to pull this trick off. If you're playing the XBox version,
check out Rarusk's FAQ for a really in-depth description of the trick.

When Abbott's dead, take his keycard and his club, and leave the room. Turn
left to find a NanoMed Health Station, one of those big arcade-racer-like
machines. Use it to boost your maximum health to 6 squares. You can talk to
Georgie, who's standing on the other side of the bars, in the corridor near
the diner. You'll propose to distract the guards for you. It costs 50 UD,
and it's not really worth the trouble, so feel free to refuse. Turn back,
and use the keypad near the door to enter the Feed Ward, the area where the
Soreños gang hangs out. Return to the Recreation Area. Now, make your way to
section D, where Two-Tongue is. There's another door here, head through to
go to the Work Pass.

18. Work Pass

There's a Riot Guard to the left in this area. It won't attack you, but
then, it also won't let you enter the elevator to the mines. Don't worry,
you've got Abbott's pass, so you can get to the mines via another route.
There's a prisoner here named Shurik. He'll ask you to find his glasses.
You can do so if you want to, but the reward isn't that great (he'll only
distract the Riot Guard for you - no money or cigarettes). Plus, if things
get ugly in this area (I'll be disappointed if they don't), there's large
chance Shurik will get killed in the cross-fire. Anyway, Shurik will walk
towards a door. Use the keypad next to this door to enter it. Inside, you'll
find a NanoMed Cartridge and a pack of smokes, #34. The Riot Guard outside
won't appreciate you going into restricted areas, and when you enter the
room, he will open fire. Quickly turn left, and start running. The Riot
Guard will fire at you (probably killing Shurik), but he shouldn't do much
damage. Keep running, at the back of the room is another door with a keypad.
Use it (the Riot Guard will politely wait for you to crack the security
system before resuming firing), and enter the door.

Immediately crouch. Behind the box at the door are two guards and one
mechanic. The lights in this room will go on and off, with intervals of
around 20 seconds. To your right is a crawling space under the raised floor.
This is a great place to hide when the lights are on. When they go off,
quickly sneak kill the enemies. Since they move through the room, it's
impossible to give an exact tactic for this. Just wait for one of the armed
guards to get further away from the other one, and out of his flashlight beam,
then sneak up behind him and slit his throat. Repeat this for the other
armed guard. You can take the mechanic out with a normal melee fight, he's
not so dangerous. When they're all dead, pick up the Vent Tool and find the
NanoMed Station to replenish your health. Facing the NanoMed, turn right,
and follow the wall, behind a stack of crates, and around the corner. On the
wall, you should now see a loose panel. Behind it is some money and a part
of the snitch-list Cuellas want. When you've got it, go to the raised floor
on the opposite side of the room from the NanoMed Station. Here, you'll see
two grating. Kick out the one on the right first, there's some money in the
short vent behind. Kick out the other grating, and follow the vent behind it.
You'll emerge on top of an elevator, which will immediately go down, into the

19. Mine Entrance

There will be two guards in the corridor below. You can actually jump down
and try to take them out, but it's really difficult and not really worth it.
If you take another route, you won't ever have to bother with these two
guards. So, instead of dropping down into the elevator after them, look
around for a ventilation hatch. If you remembered to bring a Vent Tool, you
can open it. Once you're inside, turn right and climb up the ladder. Continue
to the end of the vent. Look through the grating - you'll see a guard walking
around. You can try to sneak him, but since it's a pretty narrow corridor, I
found that it also works great to just storm him, and do the disarm trick on
him. Anyway, if you're going to kill him, do it near the vent exit. Further
down in the corridor, there's another guard, and you don't want to get him
involved in your little fight. When the guard is dead, turn left. Continue
down the corridor, hugging the right wall (otherwise the guard at the end
will see you). You'll reach a ventilation hatch. Enter it. Follow the vent
around the corner, and you'll come to a junction. Turn left - back to the
corridor you came from - and you'll find a pack of smokes, number 38, near
the grating.

Head back to the junction in the vent, and turn left. You'll be in a new
room. Drop down from these boxes. There's a guard standing with his back to
you. Sneak up behind him, and break his neck. Other FAQs say that the guard
will fall down through the fan he was standing at, but this has never
happened to me, he just drops down onto the grating he was standing on.
Anyway, when he's dead, check behind one of the boxes for some UD money.
Use the service hatch, it'll shut off the fans. Go to the pit the guard was
standing at, and look down. You'll see two fans, and a guard patrolling way
down. Drop down onto one of the blades of the first fan, then onto the
second fan. Now wait for the patrolling guard to stand right underneath
you. Drop down. If you aim right, you'll land right on top of him, killing
him right away. Should you miss, you'll have to beat him with your hands (or
Shiv). Now, you're near a big door. The path that leads away from the door
leads back to the elevator, and those two guards we chose to ignore. No
reason to try to kill those two now, so enter the big green door. The
corridor behind it will bring you to the...

20. Security Checkpoint

Ah, the infamous Security Checkpoint. Yes, the rumors are true - this can
be one of the hardest parts in the game. Can be, if you don't know what to
do. Here's my path through this area, which works pretty well for me. I tried
to do it like this a couple of times, and it worked pretty much every time.
So, let's start. Crouch, and follow the path, sticking to the left. Don't
walk on the metal, it makes too much noise. Stay on the stone. When you
reach the stairs, duck into the shadows behind the boxes on the left. You
should be able to do this undetected. If you are detected, I suggest you
try again. Alright, let's assume you've made it safely into the shadows
behind those boxes. Let's look at the room. Here's a crude drawing of the
room you're in.

__________| |__________________ You're currently at point A.
|B _____ | C | | There's a Riot Guard facing
| | | G | | | A at point R, and there's a
| | | |_____| |_________ stationary guard at G, facing
| |_____|_ | southwest. A third guard is
| | | R | patrolling between G, R and
| |____| | S, which is your starting
| | | _________| point. Your goals is to
| |____|_ ____ ____ | either enter the door behind
| | | | | | | the Riot Guard, or the door up on the
| A |____| |____|____| | walkway around the room. The higher
\ / door is harder to reach, but it'll make
\________ _________ ____________/ the chapter that follows a lot easier,
|=========| so I'll go with that route. Now, first
|=========| move to the shadowy corner at B. The patrolling guard
| | will first talk to the Riot Guard, and then to the
| S | stationary guard at G. After he's talked to the
'G-Man' (if Starbreeze can make Half-Life references,
I can do so too), sneak up behind the G-Man and sneak kill him. You should
be able to do this without being detected. the Riot Guard's too far away,
and the patrolling guy should be walking away from mista G when you waste him.
Note: sometimes, the second guard doesn't want to enter the shadows, and
just walks away. If this happens, you can either reload, or just continue
reading, and try to sneak by him.

Did that work? Than leave the corpse of the guard in G, so don't drag it
back to the shadows. You should hide in the shadows though, at corner B
preferably. The patrolling guard will see the body, and come to investigate.
Now, after he's concluded that his comrade is dead, he'll walk towards B to
investigate. Thing is, he doesn't turn on his searchlight. So, in these
shadows, he'll be an easy prey for you. I've tried this a bunch of times,
and he never turned on his light. When he's in the shadow, drop him too.
Now, quick save. From B, walk towards point C, hugging the left wall. The
Riot Guard should not see you. If it does, run back to the shadows. The Riot
Guard will try to follow, but he doesn't fir behind the boxes. When he's
looking at the shadows, quickly sneak out behind the boxes at A and run to
C. When you reach the box at C, climb up onto it, and the onto the next box.
From there, climb onto the rail. You'll see the door I talked about to the
right, it's the one with the green light. Before you go through, jump over
the rail to the right of this door. You'll land on a really narrow ledge -
and I do mean narrow, like 10 centimeters or so. Continue forward. When the
ledge becomes broader, turn left, and press [E] to climb up onto a higher
ledge. Turn on your eyeshine, and you should see a pack of smokes, #39.
Return to the door, and head through it, down the stairs.

21. Upper Mines

If you went through the upper door in the Security Checkpoint (something I
greatly recommend), you'll now be on a balcony. Crouch down. On the right,
past the lower part of this area, there's another walkway. Here, a guard is
patrolling back and forth. The walkway is L shaped - on the short part of
the L, pretty far away right now, is another guard. To make things even more
interesting, there's a balcony on the wall ahead. From time to time, a guard
will step onto balcony to overlook the area you're in. Your goal is to sneak
from shadow to shadow without being seen. when in the shadows, use [Ctrl]
and [A] or [S] to look at the guard's movement without being seen. Time your
movement well, and quick-save every time you want to make a run for it.
Although this part is part skill, it's also part luck, because sometimes
the guards see you, and sometimes they don't. Anyway, at the end, go around
the corner (there's plenty of shadow here, so you won't have to worry about
being seen now). Continue down the path until you come to opening on the
right. Before you head through, allow me to draw you a map of the area
you're about to enter.

| A | | There's a single guard in this area, patrolling from A
| |__| to B and back. You're at W, the 'window' in the
| | walkway. When the guard is walking towards A, drop
____|_ |__________ onto the big box in front of you, and then
| E| | quickly drop into the shadows to the left,
| |__| spot marked 'D'. Now, you can use [Ctrl] +
| |_| B [W] to look over the boxes. When the guard
| C is walking from A to B, he'll pause in C,
| _____ _______ looking towards B. This is your chance: sneak
| | | || | up behind him, and break his neck. Hide his
| |__|__|| | body in D. Now go into the shadows at E.
| D | | Get into the corner marked E, and you should
|_________________|___W___|_____ hear a door open. Another guard will appear,
and he'll always walk straight to D, where
you've hidden the body of his buddy. When he goes to D, follow him, and
sneak kill him too. That takes care of that. Don't worry about the guards in
the previous area, you're too far away from them, they can't see you. If you
want a hard-to-get pack of smokes later on, collect the moths that fly around
here. Then, go into the direction the second guard came from. Enter the door,
and climb up the stairs.

At the top, go over the balcony, and enter the door. You'll hear a guard
talking to a prisoner. Turn around the corner, and you'll see this guard,
his back turned to you. This is too easy. Sneak up to him, and break his
neck. Now, talk to the prisoner. He'll tell you a bit about the mines. This
guy is a Blueskin, as you can see, so if you've decided to do the 'Kill all
Blueskins' side-quest, you can kill this guy after talking to him. Now, go
to the door opposite of the one you entered through. As you go through the
door, immediately duck into the shadowy corner to the right. Remember that
guard on the balcony at the start of the area? well, he patrols down this
corridor, onto the balcony to the right, and back. When he's walking away
from you, follow him and sneak kill him. Grab the keycard he drops. If you
want a pack of smokes, go onto the balcony the guard was standing on, and
turn right. You'll see pack #40 on the ground. The two guards on the
L-shaped walkway might see you and open fire, but if you're fast, you'll be
off the balcony again before they can even pull the trigger. Return to the
room where the Blueskin was, and enter the door with the keypad next to it.

22. Cargo Transport

In front of you is a NanoMed Station. Facing it, turn around, and look for
pack of smokes #42 on the ground. Face one of the two shafts on either side
of the NanoMed Station. From time to time (with intervals of 20 to 30
seconds), a steel platform will move down the right part of the shaft. When
it does, jump on top of it, and let it carry you down to the lowest level.
Here, get off, and talk to the prisoner, Armadaro. He'll sell you a Tranq
Gun for 30 UD. Trust me, you really want to buy this weapon, it makes the
upcoming section ten times easier. You can't get it if you kill him, you
have to buy it. Here's a bit of info on the Tranq Gun. First of all, it
doesn't require ammunition. Second, the range is pretty good, but the
electrical charge travels rather slowly, so if you're aiming at a moving
target, you'll have to aim slightly before it. Anyway, if you hit an
organic target with the Tranq Gun, he'll fall down, stunned. He's not
dead though, he'll get up in about 10 seconds. You can permanently take him
out if you walk up to his body, and press [MB2], the right mouse button.
Riddick will then 'stomp' the enemy, killing. You have to stand to do this,
it doesn't work in Stealth Mode. You can also shoot out lights with this
Gun. If you want to practice, shoot down Armadaro. He'll actually say
something like 'I know you would do that' before he goes down. Roffles.
Anyway, enter the big door to enter the Mining Core.

23. Mining Core

<<< Meeting Jagger Valance >>>

This is another hard level, mainly because of the Riot Guard you have to
take out. Anyway, we'll get to that. First, go through the door. Quickly get
onto the stairs to the right. Turn around, so that you're facing the NanoMed
Station, and then press against the wall on the right. After about 20
seconds, a guard will come walking from the right. As soon as he comes, zap
him with the Tranq Gun, and then stomp him. Use the NanoMed Station - you'll
want to be at full health for the next bit. Facing the Station, turn right,
and walk to the end of this corridor. Here, jump over the rail, into the
shadows behind the boxes. You should be able to do so unnoticed. Crouch to
hide in the shadows. Now, you're looking at a forklift truck. Behind it, a
mechanic is working and humming incessantly. An armed guard will patrol the
area. He'll come from the left, walk behind the forklift, then walk back to
the left in front of it. When he is walking in front of the forklift, going
left, zap him. Stay in the shadows. The mechanic will come to investigate.
When he's near, zap him too. Now, stomp them both. You may need to zap the
guard again, or else he might get up. While stomping them, there's a good
chance an alarm will go off. This is because of the security cameras that are
moving on the rails above you. As soon as you're done stomping, quickly run
to the service panel behind the forklift - where the mechanic was working -
and use it to turn off those cameras.

Alright, you're safe, for now. There's a big elevator to the right of the
forklift, but we'll get to that later. For now, jump over the rail behind
the forklift, into the dark area. Turn on your eyeshine, and head left. At
the end of this tunnel you'll find a pack of smokes, number 4. There are
also lots of moths flying around here. If you want to get a special pack
of smokes later on, take some time to catch them all. Use the crate to
climb back over the railing (you'll have to press [E] to climb onto the
crate and over the rail). Now, turn right, into the big corridor. At the
corner, notice the valve on the wall. Don't turn it just yet - we'll get to
it later. Shoot out all the hanging lights in the corridor with the valve
using your Tranq Gun. Also shoot out the lights on the wall in the previous
corridor to create total darkness. Soon, a guard will come to investigate.
Stay clear of his flashlight, and zap / stomp him as soon as he enters the
shadows. Drag his body back to the forklift. Now, go past the valve, and
look around the next corner. You'll see a really big area. In the distance
you might see a guard patrolling, but there's also a Riot Guard in this
area. Unless you're really keen on sneaking, you want to take this sucker
out. The valve you saw earlier will help.

When the Riot Guard is walking towards you, leave the shadows so that he can
see you. When he does, quickly run back into the shadows, back to the valve.
Make sure all lights here are broken, and then crouch in the shadows. Now,
you need to lure the Riot Guard towards the valve. Often, he won't get that
far: after exploring a bit of the corridor, he'll tend to turn back. When he
does, quickly zap him, and stand up. He'll turn around again, 'see' you
(even though is completely dark now), and start walking towards you. As soon
as you think he's seen you, crouch again, or else he'll open fire. Now, keep
luring him until he's next to the valve. He needs to stand near to those two
explosive barrels you see here for this to work. Now, other FAQs suggest
different ways to do this, but after trying them, I found that they don't
work very well because of the Guard's shabby AI (no offense Starbreeze).
This method is painful, but it works for me all the time. So, when the guard
is near the valve and the barrels, zap him. It'll stun him for a couple of
seconds. Quickly run up to the valve, and open it. It'll probably explode
in your face, taking away three to four health units. But, since the Riot
Guard is so close to the valve and the barrels when everything explodes,
you'll probably take him down too. If not, try moving him closer to the valve
and the barrels next time.

Anyway, that's my tactic to kill the guard. Painful, but effective. I might
try some other tactics later on, but for now, I'll stick with this one. You
can mail me about this, but only if you're 100% sure that your tactic is
better and works at least 90% of all times. Also, if you really don't like
my way, I suggest reading Rarusks FAQ, for the XBox version of Riddick. It
covers about 5 possible approaches to this problem. The Guard will drop a
NanoMed Cartridge. Pick it up, and return to the NanoMed Station at the
start. Use it to get back to full health. Then, go through the corridor
again, and enter the big area. Turn right as soon as you do, and go through
the small space between the wall and the container. In the space behind this
container, you'll finally meet the legendary Jagger Valance everyone keeps
talking about. Talk to him. He can help you escape, but you'll need to get
his package back for him first. It's in a gas-filled room. He'll give you
the code to the door of this room.

<<< Get Jagger's Package >>>

Facing Jagger, turn right, and sneak past the big container here. You'll
see two drilling prisoners, talking about some kind of monster. From time to
time, a patrolling guard will walk near these prisoners, in front of the big
drilling machine you can see here. When he's close to you, zap the sucker,
and stomp him. The prisoner's won't really mind, but I usually zap them
anyway. I just don't trust criminals with such large drills. Anyway, ahead
of you, you should see some machinery that's constantly moving around
containers. From time to time, it'll drop a red container near the
prisoners. When it does, sneak up to the container, and go past it on the
right side. Stick to the right side, and sneak behind the next container,
into the shadows. At the end, turn left. From your small space between the
containers, you should be able to see a ramp, leading up to a slightly
higher area. In this higher area, there's a guard patrolling. There may also
be a guard patrolling the lower area in front of the ramp. I say 'may',
because of the five times I went trough this level, I've only seen this
guard three times. The other two times, he just wasn't there. Anyway, if
there is a guard in the lower area, he'll pause right in front of you, so
you can't miss him.

If there's a guard in the lower area, zap him when he comes near, and then
zap the guard in the higher area. Otherwise, you'll only have to zap the
second guard, making life even easier. When both guards are down, stomp
them. Now, standing on the ramp, face the containers you were hiding
behind just seconds ago. Enter the space to the left of the leftmost
container. Check the ground here to find a pack of smokes, number 41. Now,
go up the ramp, and enter the door on the right. There are two guards in
this corridor. You can easily zap them both. It gets even easier if you
break the lights above the small set of stairs near the door. You should
have no problem zapping and stomping them. When they're dead, use the keypad
next to the boarded up door. Duck to enter the room. Now, you'll need
to be somewhat fast, staying in a gas-filled room for too long isn't
exactly healthy. So, quickly jump on top of the crate in front of you.
Duck, and go through the hole in the wall. In the next room, crawl through
a hole in the wall ahead. You're now in a bigger area. Near the back,
you'll see a dead body. Next to it is the package you need. Grab it, and
then quickly leave this room, back to the corridor. Return to Jagger
Valance, he'll now tell you his crazy plan. To pull it off, you're going
to need a bomb. A guy named Jupiter in Tower 19 can help you. To get
there, you'll first need to leave the mines, and head back to the Work
Pass area.

<<< Returning to the Mine Entrance >>>

Head back to the forklift. There's a big elevator near it. Enter it, and
ride it back up to the Upper Mines. As you exit, climb the crates on the
left to find Shurik's glasses. To the right is a ladder. Before climbing it,
check how many moths you have. If you've got 20 or more, you're good to go.
If you've got 18 or 19, you can collect some more moths on this tunnel. Be
careful of the guards in this walkway. If you've got less than 18 moths,
and you want a very special pack of smokes, I suggest you go back to the
Mining Core and try to grab all moths there. If you've got 20 moths or more
(or if you don't care about smokes), climb the ladder. You'll be back in the
corridor where you killed the 'Sharpshooter' guard. Continue past his
balcony, into the room where you met the Blueskin. If you killed that
Blueskin, there will now be two other Blueskins that will attack you on
sight. Zap and stomp them both. One of them will drop the second part of
the snitch-list Cuellas wanted you to get. The first part was in the Work
Pass area, should you have missed it. Anyway, when the Blueskins are dead,
enter the door with the keypad next to it, it will lead to the Cargo
Transport. Remember these shafts? Last time, you rode down on one of these
platforms. However, this time, you have to ride a box up to the third
level. So, wait for a box to appear in the left part of a shaft, jump on
top of it when it's near, and jump off when you reach the next floor. Go
through the door to enter a new part of the Mine Entrance area.

<<< The Secret Room >>>

As you go through the next door, look up. You should see that a part of the
vent above has collapsed. Go to the right, until you see a ventilation
hatch. Don't enter it though. Climb the two big boxes nearby. From the top
of the second box, jump onto the ventilation shaft that runs around the
room. Turn right when you're on the shaft, and creep over it until you come
to the collapsed part. At the end, you can get into the shaft by pressing
[E]. Climb down the really short ladder, and follow the vent to the end.
Climb out, and turn right. You'll come to a small room with some boxes, a
guard, and a prisoner. The guard will have his back turned to you, so you
can easily take him out. Now talk to the prisoner, 'king' Valya. He'll tell
you about his secret room, and he'll give you the door code.

Alright, return to the ventilation shaft, and follow it back to the first
room. Now enter the ventilation hatch on the wall here. You'll eventually
come to a really big room with a bridge. As you stand on the small platform
at the end of the vent, it will break down, and you'll fall onto another
ventilation shaft. Enter it, and follow it until you see a ventilation
hatch above you. Enter it, you're back on top of the elevator. Drop down
into the elevator, and go through the door. You'll be at the start of the
bridge you saw earlier. If you look to your left, you'll see the room where
you met Valya. On the other side of the bridge, a guard is standing. Zap him
from a distance, and run up to him. A second guard will probably come to
investigate. Zap him too, and then kill them both. Now, ahead of you,
there's a keypad. You'll need Valya's code to use it. When you use it, the
platform you're on will rise, and a door above will open. Enter this door.
Inside, you'll find the third NanoMed Health Station of the game. Use it to
increase your health to 7 squares. In the back of the room, there are some
boxes. check on top of the small red box to find pack of smokes #37. Now,
return to the elevator, and ride it up.

<<< Complete the Side-Quests >>>

Exit the elevator when it stops. You'll be in an area with an electrified
fence. Turn left as you exit the elevator. You'll see a grating on the wall
ahead of you. Walk up to it, and use it to kick it out. In the short
ventilation shaft behind it, you'll find a pack of smokes, number 36. Next
to this vent are a bunch of boxes. Climb them, and then use [E] to grab the
top of the wall next to it. Shimmy all the way left, then pull yourself up.
There's a Riot Guard in the area below you. Look up to find a hangrail. You
may need to turn on eyeshine to see it. Jump up to grab it, and then use it
to cross the room with the Riot Guard. At the end, drop down on the wall.
You'll see the Work Pass area you were in earlier. To the right is another
Riot Guard. He's pretty pissed at you, so he'll open fire as soon as you
drop down. Now, there are two things you can do. Either you can rush
through the door on your left, it leads to the room with the broken lights,
where you fought two guards and a mechanic. This is the fastest way to
proceed. However, if you want to get all packs of smokes, and you've
completed some side-quests while down in the mines, you want to go back to
the Recreation Area and Feed Ward to claim your just rewards. If you don't
care about the side-quests, run through the door on your left, then skip to
the next sub-chapter. If you've decided to go back into the Recreation Area,
first unequip your Tranq Gun - remember, the gun turrets will shoot you if
you're carrying a weapon.

So, drop down and rush for the Recreation Area door. The Riot Guard will
probably open fire, but you'll be gone before he can really hurt you. You'll
now be back in Section D of the courtyard. Find Two-Tongue nearby. Now, if
you're a good boy, and you've listened to everything I said, you'll now have
20 moths. You can trade them for pack of smokes #23. Go to section C.
Wilkins, the guy who wanted you to check if Jagger Valance was still
around, will give you some UD for your trouble. Continue to Section B.
Here, talk to Jamal-Udeen. If you've killed all three Blueskins in the
mines (in one of the upper rooms of the Upper Mines, near the Cargo
Transport), he'll reward you with pack of smokes #24. Now head to the
Feed Ward. In the first area of the Ward, talk to Cuellas. If you've managed
to get both piece of the snitch-list (one from the Blueskins in the mines,
one behind a loose panel in the Work Pass area), he will give you pack of
smokes #17 as a reward. Alright, that's it, you've now probably completed all
side-quests of the game. Nothing more to do here, so return to the Work Pass
area. As you enter, quickly turn right, and make a run for the door here.

<<< Getting to Tower 19 >>>

So, whether or not you've been back to the Feed Ward, you're now in the
room where you encountered two guards and a mechanic, just before heading
down into the mines. In the back right corner of this room is a door with
a kaypad. It is now guarded by a lone guard. Duck, and crwl under the raised
floor to your right. From this hiding spot, you should be able to see the
legs of the guard I mentioned, standing in front of the door. Zap them,
them run up to the guard and stomp him. Now, enter the door, and climb into
the ventilation shaft. Follow it to a big fan. Here, turn left, and press [E]
to climb into the next ventilation shaft. If you're playing the PC Version,
you will now enter the PC-only area, the Security Research. If you're an
XBox gamer, you won't see these levels, so you'll have to skip to the 'Back
in the Feed Ward' sub-chapter of Security Research 2.

24. Security Research 1

Welcome to the PC-only level! This level features some really explosive
action. Basically, you can ride one of those badass Riot Guards, and blast
every foe to hell with ease. First, you've got to find an empty Riot Guard
though. Kick out the panel at the end of the vent. You're in the lower part
of a medium-sized room. Up on the catwalk above, a lone guard will comment
on the sound the panel makes. Continue straight ahead from the panel,
sticking to the catwalk on the right to avoid being seen by the guard. At
the end, look to your right to find a ladder. Press [E] to grab it. The
third person view will allow you to check on the guard without being seen.
When he's walking away from you, climb onto the catwalk, and zap + stomp him.
Enter the door to your left. In this next room, you can see a Riot Guard suit
to your right. Don't worry, it's empty. Shoot and stomp the mechanic that's
working on the panel to your left. Now, jump over the rail near this
mechanic. Turn right, and you should soon see a small ladder. Use it to
climb up to the Riot Guard suit behind glass. Time to wreck some havoc!
Press [E] to climb into the suit, and then shoot the glass in front of you
to set off the alarm.

Right away, two guards will come rushing in. You'll see that they are no
match against your awesome armor: you'll kill them in seconds, and their
puny rifles can't even take one scratch of the suit's health (displayed in
the top left corner). You've only got to be careful of the grenades they
sometimes throw, and the explosive barrels scattered around the place.
Anyway, killing these two goons should be a breeze. Enter the door through
which they came. In the next corridor, you'll be attacked by three guards,
one of which is standing in a small alcove, behind glass. Slaughter them
all, and continue through the door, into the next corridor. Here, walk
straight ahead. When you approach the glassed-off alcove to the left, the
guard inside will push a button, releasing another Riot Guard. Though these
Riot Guards are harder to kill and do more damage than the guards, they're
still pretty easy, as long as you fire at it constantly. If you shower the
Riot Guard with bullets, he'll hardly have time to fire back, and you'll
kill him in about 5 seconds. Once he's down, kill the guard in the alcove,
and then return to a door you passed on your right, the door of the
Briefing Room.

As you enter, two guards in a room to the right will open fire. Pump them
full of lead - watch how your bullets completely destroy the room they're
in. Now, press [E] to leave the suit. Don't worry, it's safe. Enter the
room where those two guards were. In a small room behind this one, you'll
find a PC-only pack of smokes, number 60. Return to your Riot Guard armor,
and enter it. Now, go through the door opposite of the one you entered
through. There will be a Riot Guard to your left, and one to your right. If
you stay near the door, you should be able to take one of them out without
the other one seeing you. After that, move out of the doorway, and kill
the second Riot Guard. Head through the door labeled E12, to the left.

25. Security Research 2

As you enter the next room, the guards will shut down the power, because
they think you won't be able to see anything in the dark. Stupid mistake.
Your Eyeshine works in the suit too, so turn it on as soon as the light goes
out. The only enemies in this room are normal guards, so you shouldn't have
much of a problem against their weak rifles. They do have grenades
though, and these can hurt you pretty badly. Best is to walk around all the
time, to avoid getting blasted by a grenade. When the three guards on the
floor are dead, look up to find one last guard on a balcony high above you.
Kill him too. This might take some time, since the Riot Guard's gun isn't
very accurate. But, if you just keep firing in his general direction,
you'll take him out eventually. When all guards are dead, the combat music
will end. Now, park your Riot Guard under the balcony, and get out. Climb
the pile of boxes on side of the room. From the highest box, you'll be able
to grab a hangrail, that leads across the ceiling, towards the balcony
where the guard was standing. When you make it to the balcony, turn right.
To your right is a glass door. Equip your Tranq Gun - there's one guard in
the small room behind this door. It's easiest to just storm in and zap +
stomp him before he gets a chance to shoot. When he's dead, press the red
button. This will turn on the power.

Return to the balcony, you'll hear a guard walking around on the floor
below, checking out all the corpses you've left. The best way to do the
next part is to just jump down, rush to your Riot Guard, enter it, and kill
the guard. As soon as you touch the floor, another Riot Guard will appear,
so you'll have to destroy him too once you're back in the suit. If you're
fast, it shouldn't take more than one block of your Riot Guard's health.
Enter the door the Riot Guard came through. You'll be in a small corridor.
To your right is a glass window. Break the glass, then get out of your Riot
Guard, and enter the room behind the glass. Equip your Tranq Gun, and climb
the stack of boxes. On the other side is a lone guard, you can take him out
without any trouble. In this room, you'll see another window with some pipes
in front of it. Check beneath these pipes to find another pack of smokes,
number 61. Alright, return to the Riot Guard, enter it, and then go through
the next door. Turn right, and get ready to fight a couple of Riot Guards.
Remember, as long as you constantly fire at them, they won't have much
chance to fire back. Go through the door to the right. You'll emerge in a
room not unlike the one where they shut down the power. There's a Riot
Guard dead ahead, some 50 meters away, and another one to the right,
accompanied by a guard. By now, you should be able to defeat these Riot
Guards without any problem.

In the area where the second Riot Guard was, look for an unlocked door
(a small door, not one of those big hangar things). The narrow corridor
behind this door has three guards in it. Go through the door at the end. In
this room, you'll be attacked by two flamingos, big robots with two guns.
They look impressive, but they've got piss-poor accuracy. Seriously, I've
went through this level many times, and they never even dented me. Just
stand near the entrance, blasting at them until they're both down. There
are also two normal guards on the balconies above the room. When you've
defeated them, exit your Riot Guard. Give him a kiss goodbye, you're near
the end of the Riot Guard section. You'll see a bunch of boxes on the wall.
Climb onto the leftmost crate, then duck and enter the narrow space between
the boxes and the wall, to your right. Follow this to the end to find a pack
of smokes, number 62. Now, climb the boxes up to the top, and then climb
onto the balcony. Use the hangrail to get to the other side. There, enter
the ventilation hatch. Follow the vent, until you're on the other side of
the fan you saw earlier. You can press a button in this areas, this will shut
down the fan, giving you one final chance to get back to the courtyard. If
you don't want to go there, simply enter the vent to your left. This will
lead to a new part of the Feed Ward. This also concludes the PC-only part.

<<< Back in the Feed Ward >>>

Time for some sneaking! Drop down, out of the vent, and equip your Tranq
Gun. You're now on the walkway above the Feed Ward. Start shooting out
lights. There's one guard patrolling on this walkway, you can easily zap
and stomp him. Try to stay in the darkness as much as possible, because the
gun turrets in the area below can still see you and shoot at you up here.
Enter the only door here. Start shooting out the lights here too, you can
also use the service panel to the right to create more darkness. Soon, a
guard will enter this narrow corridor from the left. Zap and stomp him,
and then hide in the shadows. A second guard will come. Zap him when he's
inspecting the body of his friend. Now, go in the direction both guards
came from. After just a couple of meters, you'll see a ventilation panel
on your left. Kick it out, and enter the vent behind it. It will lead to a
small room behind a broken door. You can find pack of smokes #43 near this
door. There's also an elevator in this room. You can use it to head back
down to the room where you killed Abbott. However, you can't leave the area,
so it's useless to go down, unless you haven't used the Health Machine down
there yet. Anyway, head back through the vent, and continue along the
walkway. When you come to a junction, take the path to the right. This will
lead you to an area with two guards. You can zap them both, or you can just
enter the ventilation hatch when no-one's looking. Once you've entered this
hatch, follow the vent, and you'll finally get to...

26. Tower 19

You'll come to a vertical portion of the vent. Crouch at the edge, and look
down. There's a guard patrolling the room below. Wait until he's standing
right below the vent, and then drop down. If you timed it right, Riddick
will drop down on the guard's head, instantly killing him. If not, you'll
have to kill him with your Tranq Gun. Anyway, grab his keycard, and use the
computer to open the cell doors. Use the NanoMed Station if you need to, and
then head through the door with the keypad next to it. You'll now be in a
tower much like Tower 17. There's one guy on the ledge ahead. This is the
infamous Jupiter. Talk to him, and he'll give you a bomb. However, as soon
as you've got the bomb, guards will appear, killing Jupiter. The cut-scene
will end there, and the guards will now open fire at you. Quickly duck into
one of the cells. The guards won't follow you there. Now, turn around and
look at the center of the tower. From time to time, a home box (one of these
big cell-containers) will be moved down by a big crane. When you see a
home box coming down, quickly run out of the cell, onto the ledge, and then
jump to the home box. If you make the jump, a cut-scene will start, showing
how Riddick safely escapes from the guards. You don't actually need to land
on the box, just jump towards it and the cut-scene should start, unless the
box is too high or low.

27. Container Router

The guards will stop your container. You're in a big room, with a second
rail track to your right. On the floor beneath you, two guards are patrolling.
Get close to the edge of the container you're on, and wait until one of them
walks into view. When he does, zap him. Now quickly drop down, locate the
second guard, and zap him before he can shoot. When both guards are down,
stomp them. Look for a ladder underneath the container you rode in on. Head
down the ladder. In this basement, you'll see a bunch of moths, but there's
no reason to collect them now. Turn on your Eyeshine, and head down the
corridor. There's a single guard patrolling this small basement, but he
shouldn't be a problem. There are also three ladders leading out of the
basement: one that leads back to your container (this is the one you just
went down), a short one in the middle of the basement, and a very high one
at the end. Head up the middle ladder. This will take you to the other rail
track. There's nothing to do here, but you can find a pack of smokes on the
ground next to the rail (#44). When you've got it, head back into the
basement, and approach the tall ladder in the back. Before you head up,
turn off your eyeshine. Now climb up, but pause two steps from the top.
You'll see a well-lit ledge (that's why you turned off your Eyeshine) with
a guard patrolling near your ladder. When he walks past the ladder-hole,
climb up the last steps, and quickly zap and stomp the guard. Timing is
everything, you should time it so that the guard is looking away from you
when you climb onto the ledge.

When the guard is dead, look around. There are two doors here, but they're
both locked, and you'd need a keycard to open them. So, approach the tall
ladder that you see on the wall nearby, and climb onto it. Now, you can go
either up or down. We'll start by going down. At the bottom, crawl away
from the ladder. At the junction, go straight ahead, and then turn left.
You'll come to a dead end, where you can find a pack of smokes on the ground,
number 45. Head back to the ladder. The other branch of the crawl-space
leads back to the basement under the rail tracks. Climb the tall ladder all
the way to the top, and enter the vent. At the end of the vent, kick out
the grating. In the little cut-scene, you'll see a guard in the room below
you. Crouch at the end of the vent, and wait until the guard heads into the
adjacent room. Now, drop down onto the box below the vent's end. This box
is in the shadows, so you can just crouch and wait for the guard to return.
When he does, zap him, and then stomp him. There's a locked door on one
side of this corridor, and an elevator shaft on the other side. Enter the
elevator shaft, and use the ladder to climb to the top. Here, kick out the
grating, and enter the vent. When you get to the end of the vent, you'll be
able to see a guard patrolling the corridor through the grating. When he's
looking away, kick out the grating, and quickly zap him.

Walk through the narrow corridor, to a room with a NanoMed Station. Before
you use it, take out the mechanic that's patrolling to the right. He's
carrying a red security card, which you need to progress through the level.
Now use the NanoMed Station if you want to. Also, look around to see a
turret on the wall near the corridor you came from. There's a box in front
of it. Climb on it, and then look up to see another platform. Climb onto
it, you'll find a well-hidden pack of smokes on it, number 46. Walk towards
the computer the mechanic was standing at. This is your goal, you can use it
to switch the rail track back on. Do so now, and watch the crash. Hmm,
that's not going to work. Head back to where you killed the last guard.
You'll notice the elevator with the keypad next to it. If you've got the
red security card, you can now use this elevator. Alright people, listen
up. Just above you is a shortcut that allows you to skip the rest of this
level. It's really simple to reach, and will save you a lot of time, but
you'll also miss out on two packs of smokes. It's your choice. If you want
to take the shortcut, do this: use the keypad to send the elevator down,
but don't enter it (stay near the keypad). When the elevator is down, use
the keypad again. The elevator will now come back up again. When it's near
you, drop down onto it. When the elevator stops, you'll be stuck in the
small space above it. Look up, and you'll see a ventilation hatch. Use it,
and crawl to a small vent to go back to the Mining Core. If you took this
shortcut, skip to the end of this chapter now ('Planting the Bomb'),
otherwise, continue on reading.

So, you're still here eh? That means you didn't take the shortcut, for
whatever reason. Alright, take the elevator down. You can now open the locked
door here. It opens to the small ledge you were on earlier. There's a second
locked door just in front of you. Use the keypad next to it to open it. Now,
don't enter yet, but wait a couple of seconds. An armed guard will come
around the corner. Zap him as soon as he does, and stomp him. Alright,
enter the corridor, but pause at the first corner. To your right is a
gun turret, and below it, across the corridor, is a yellow beam. You may
have to turn on your Eyeshine to see. Hmm, a yellow beam and a gun turret...
can you spell 'Danger'? Yep, you're going to have to jump over the beam,
and touching it will activate the turret. Before you attempt the jump,
first shoot out all the lights around you - if you fail the jump, the
turret won't be able to see you. Now, the jump itself is pretty easy if
you know when to jump. Run towards the beam, and jump at the very last
moment. It may take a bit of practice, but it is possible. Anyway, whether
or not you made to the jump, continue down the corridor. Zap and stomp the
other guard that's patrolling here, and jump over another yellow beam. At
the end, you'll come to a big room, with another guard. Kill him too, and
climb the ladder on one side of the room. At the top, enter the vent, and
follow the vent to a pack of smokes, number 48.

The vent leads back to a previous corridor. You can either follow it to the
end, or head back the way you came. Either way, get back to the bigger room
where you climbed the ladder to the vent. There's a locked door here, with a
sign that says 'Backup Generator' near it. Enter a narrow corridor just to
the left of this door. You'll come to a computer with a mechanic next to it.
Kill the mechanic. The computer can't activate the rail-track yet, because
it doesn't have sufficient power. Alright then, return to the door in the
previous room, and open it. There's another yellow beam just in front of
you, and to make things worse, a guard is patrolling the corridor behind it.
I suggest to quickly jump over the beam, and then take the guard out. When
you succeed, shoot out all the lights, and continue to a next yellow beam.
Before you attempt to jump over it, look up. You'll see a pack of smokes on
a grate above you. use the nearby box to climb up to it. Near this pack (#47)
is also some UD Money. Now, jump over the next beam, and take out the guard
in the next section of the corridor. Use the NanoMed machine on the wall if
you want to.

At the end of the corridor, there's a locked use the keypad next to it to
open it. Behind it are two guards in a dark and pretty big room. First zap
the nearest one, and then the other one. Then run in, and stomp them both
before they can get up. To your left is another rail. Jump down onto it,
and look for a ladder. It's near a bright red light, so you should have no
problem finding it. In the small room at the bottom of the ladder, there's
a switch. Pull it to activate the back-up generator. Now, you need to return
to the second computer. So, head back through the last corridor with the
yellow beams, and turn right into the narrow corridor at the end. Use the
computer to activate the rail-track. The rail system will now start moving
boxes over the rail you were at just now. So, return to this rail once more
(it's the rail with the generator switch under it, in case my vague
description confuses you). Wait for a box to move to the hole to the left.
When it is lowered into this hole, wait until it's at the right height, and
then jump onto it. The box will move down, but it will stop when you're
detected. If you look over one of the short sides of the container when it
stops, you should be able to see a ledge just under the container. Jump onto
it, and enter the vent.

<<< Planting the Bomb >>>

Whether or not you took the shortcut, you'll now be back in the Mining Core.
If you didn't take the shortcut, you'll be in the corridor with the valve,
that connects the Forklift room with the main room. If you did, you're right
in front of the gas-filled room. Go into the main room, and back to where
you met Jagger Valance. He's now gone, and there's an inmate where Jagger
was. He tells you to plant the bomb in the gas-filled cave. So, once again
make your way to the gas-filled room. Enter it, and follow the same path you
follow earlier to get to the cave. As you enter the cave, a cut-scene will
start, showing how Riddick plants the bomb. When the cut-scene ends,
quickly get out of the gas-filled room before your breath runs out. When
you exit the room, another scene will start, showing how Riddick finally
gets caught by the guards. He is transported back to Tower 17 in a homebox,
but on the way there, all hell breaks loose when the bomb goes off. The
homebox crashes, and you'll now have to make your way past a lot of angry
aliens in the Abandoned Equipment Center.

28. Crash Site

*** Coming Soon! ***


VII - Cigarettes



In total, you can find 62 packs of smokes in the game. Finding a pack will
unlock some of the special features accessible through the main menu. The
packs are scattered throughout the levels. Some are in plain view, others
are hard to find, and some other need to be bought from inmates.. Sometimes,
you'll also get smokes for completing certain events, like winning a pit
fight. In this next chapter, I've listed every pack of smokes, including
the location and the things it unlocks. I've listed them in chronological
order, in the order you can find them in the game.

The level behind 'Level' doesn't have to be the actual area where you can
find it, 'Level' refers to the chapter of the walkthrough in which I
describe this pack. If the actual area is different from this Level,
it'll be behind the chapter name, in brackets.

If you're interested, here's a quick reference list. It shows in which
chapter you can find which pack. Note that the chapter I mention is the
chapter of the walkthrough, this doesn't necessarily have to be to same as
area in the game. The list is complete at the moment, since the walkthrough
is incomplete too. Please, don't email me about the locations of the blank
spots - I'll get to those in due time.

O--------O---------------------------O O--------O----------------------------O
| Pack # | Level | | Pack # | Level |
O--------O---------------------------O O--------O----------------------------O
| 01 | 01. Escape | | 32 | 16. Recreation Area |
| 02 | | | 33 | 12. Guard Quarters |
| 03 | 16. Recreation Area | | 34 | 18. Work Pass |
| 04 | 23. Mining Core | | 35 | 01. Escape |
| 05 | 14. Tower 17 | | | |
| | | | 36 | 23. Mining Core |
| 06 | 01. Escape | | 37 | 23. Mining Core |
| 07 | 16. Recreation Area | | 38 | 19. Mine Entrance |
| 08 | 16. Recreation Area | | 39 | 20. Security Checkpoint |
| 09 | 16. Recreation Area | | 40 | 21. Upper Mines |
| 10 | 16. Recreation Area | | | |
| | | | 41 | 23. Mining Core |
| 11 | 16. Recreation Area | | 42 | 22. Cargo Transport |
| 12 | 05. Infirmary | | 43 | 25. Security Research 2 |
| 13 | 06. Mainframe | | 44 | 27. Container Router |
| 14 | | | 45 | 27. Container Router |
| 15 | 08. The Pit | | | |
| | | | 46 | 27. Container Router |
| 16 | 09. Pope Joe's Den | | 47 | 27. Container Router |
| 17 | 23. Mining core | | 48 | 27. Container Router |
| 18 | 16. Recreation Area | | 49 | |
| 19 | 16. Recreation Area | | 50 | |
| 20 | 16. Recreation Area | | | |
| | | | 51 | |
| 21 | | | 52 | |
| 22 | 16. Recreation Area | | 53 | |
| 23 | 23. Mining Core | | 54 | |
| 24 | 23. Mining core | | 55 | 16. Recreation Area |
| 25 | 03. Prsion Yard | | | |
| | | | 56 | 16. Recreation Area |
| 26 | 04. Aquilas Territory | | 57 | 04. Aquilas Territory |
| 27 | 06. Mainframe | | 58 | 04. Aquilas Territory |
| 28 | 10. Dark Tunnels | | 59 | 04. Aquilas Territory |
| 29 | | | 60 | 24. Security Research 1 |
| 30 | 11. Showers | | | |
| | | | 61 | 25. Security Research 2 |
| 31 | 12. Guard Quarters | | 62 | 25. Security Research 2 |
O--------O---------------------------O O--------O----------------------------O

a. Single Max

<<< Pack #35 >>>
Level 01. Escape
Location After entering the hatch the convict opens for you, jump over
the rubble and climb down the ladder. You'll find the first
pack of the game at the bottom of this ladder.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 32

<<< Pack #1 >>>
Level 01. Escape
Location After a while, you'll come to a room where you'll have to reach
a ventilation hatch above a closed door, by traveling along
a hangrail above you. You'll have to climb some boxes to get
to the hangrail. Facing those boxes, enter the narrow passage
to the right of them. follow the path between the boxes until
you see a hole in the ground ahead. Crouch, and drop down the
hole. Now, enter the new area, and turn right. Search the
alcove here for 10 UD and a pack of smokes.
Unlocks TCoR Combo Trailer

<<< Pack #6 >>>
Level 01. Escape
Location After crawling through a vent and finding a NanoMed Station,
you'll come to a room with a single guard standing in front
of a table. Once you've taken the guard out (the game suggests
using his own weapon against him), search the table for a pack
of smokes.
Unlocks Movie Still 01

<<< Pack #25 >>>
Level 03. Prison Yard
Location Go to the cell with Girish and Waman. Talk to Waman, he'll ask
you to waste Molina for him. After the cut-scene in which you
first meet Rust, go to cell A38,opposite the hall from Waman's
cell. Molina's inside. Kill him, and then return to Waman for
your reward - a pack of cigarettes.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 24

<<< Pack #58 >>>
Level 04. Aquilas Territory
Location After killing your first enemies in the Aquilas territory,
look for an open cell on the left. Inside is a NanoMed Station,
and a pack of smokes on the bunk.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 35

<<< Pack #59 >>>
Level 04. Aquilas Territory
Location After killing Rust, go into cell A11, in the same area you
fought Rust in. Inside is a coward named Moondog (what kind of
horrible nick is that?). When you talk to him, he'll tell you
to leave him alone, but he'll also give you a pack of smokes.
Unlocks Movie Concept Art 04

<<< Pack #57 >>>
Level 04. Aquilas Territory
Location After killing Rust, head back to the courtyard. On the way
there, you'll come across a guy named Blueboy. Talk to him.
He'll compliment you on the fight, and he'll give you a pack
of smokes.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 36

<<< Pack #26 >>>
Level 04. Aquilas Territory (Prison Courtyard)
Location After killing Rust, head back to the courtyard. Now, go to the
locked gate here. A guy named Booger is standing behind it. Talk
to him, and he'll sell you this pack for the sum of 20 UD.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 25
Riddick Prototype 01

<<< Pack #12 >>>
Level 05. Infirmary
Location In level 03 (Prison Yard), find a man named Shabby near the
gate with the guard, in your cellblock. Talk to him, he'll ask
you to waste Molina for him. After the cut-scene in which you
first meet Rust, go to cell A38, opposite the hall from Waman's
cell. Molina's inside. Kill him, and then return to Shabby for
your reward - a door code. Continue with the game until you're
in the first room of the Infirmary. Now, with the code Shabby
gave you, you can open a door to the left, with a '1' above
it. The pack is inside, on the operating chair.
Unlocks Movie Set 06

<<< Pack #13 >>>
Level 06. Mainframe
Location You'll eventually come to room where two guards will open fire
at you from a catwalk. Use the boxes to climb up to the
catwalk when they're dead. Pack #13 is lying here, on the
catwalk, on the opposite side of where those guards
were standing.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 22
G4TechTV - The Making Of TCoR:EfBB

<<< Pack #27 >>>
Level 06. Mainframe
Location At the end of the level, you'll have to defeat a Riot Guard
(the one in the big robot suit with the minigun). You'll get
this pack as a reward for beating the Riot Guard.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 01
Riddick Prototype 02

<<< Pack #15 >>>
Level 08. The Pit
Location After opening the closed gate with the valve, continue down the
path until you see a flare in front of a doorway. Turn left
just in front of this flare, and go to the end of this short
tunnel. You'll find this pack on the ground, in front of
a locked gate.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 17
TCoR Novelization

<<< Pack #16 >>>
Level 09. Pope Joe's Den
Location From the elevator, turn left. At the end, turn left, and then
right. At the end of this tunnel, turn right again, into a room
with some Dwellers and some barrels. As soon as you go through
the door, turn right, and go through a hole in the wall, into
a little alcove. The cigs are lying on the ground here, next
to a NanoMed Cartridge.
Unlocks Movie Concept Art 02

<<< Pack #28 >>>
Level 10. Dark Tunnels
Location At the end of the level, you'll reach a ladder. From this
ladder, walk towards the center of the room you're in, where
a gate divides the room in two. Turn left when you reach the
gate. You'll see the smokes on the ground to the left of
the gate, near the wall.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 03

<<< Pack #30 >>>
Level 11. Showers
Locations Near the end of the level, you'll come to a hanger door with an
eye scanner. Opposite of the door is a rail, and behind that
is a really dark corridor. Jump over the rail, and down into
the corridor. Use eyeshine to see a ventilation hatch to your
left. Using the Vent Tool you found near the start of the
level (read the walkthrough if you haven't got it), open the
vent and crawl through. You'll emerge in the armory, the smokes
are lying on the ground here, next to the stack of crates.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 31

<<< Pack #33 >>>
Level 12. Guard Quarters
Location Enter the market square at the start. You need to be in
disguise to pull this off. Don't initiate a fight with the
guards. Instead, find the store to the right, and talk to the
shopkeeper, Yu. He'll sell you this pack for 5 UDs.
Unlocks Movie Set 07

<<< Pack #31 >>>
Level 12. Guard Quarters
Location While in disguise, enter the market square at the start.
Find a guard named Jenkins. Talk to him, he'll give you a
bottle of liquor. Now, take the elevator at the back of square
up to the second floor. Exit the elevator, and turn right,
through the door. In this short corridor, you'll find a guard
named Chancellor. He'll give you 50 UDs plus a pack of smokes
for the bottle of liquor you're carrying.
Unlocks Movie Prop 01
Riddick Prototype 03

b. Double Max

<<< Pack #5 >>>
Level 14. Tower 17
Location At the start, leave your cell, and enter the cell to the right
of it. Flip up the bunk at the back. You'll find this pack
under the bunk.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 19

<<< Pack #56 >>>
Level 16. Recreation Area
Location Find Pink in section B of the courtyard. He'll sell you his
smokes for 10 UD.
Unlocks Movie Set 05

<<< Pack #7 >>>
Level 16. Recreation Area (Feed Ward)
Location After talking with Monster in the diner, return to the corridor
where you got attacked by a Blueskin. You'll now see a guy named
Gomer there, he'll sell you a total of 5 packs. The first one,
#7, costs 10 UD, and after that, the price increases with 5 UD
for each pack, so the last one (#11) will cost you 30 UD.
Here's a trick: reload the 'Feed Ward' checkpoint after buying
all packs. You'll keep your money, and the stuff will still
be unlocked.
Unlocks Movie Set 01

<<< Pack #8 >>>
Level 16. Recreation Area (Feed Ward)
Location Buy from Gomer. Read the description for #7 for details.
Unlocks Movie Set 02

<<< Pack #9 >>>
Level 16. Recreation Area (Feed Ward)
Location Buy from Gomer. Read the description for #7 for details.
Unlocks Movie Set 03

<<< Pack #10 >>>
Level 16. Recreation Area (Feed Ward)
Location Buy from Gomer. Read the description for #7 for details.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 11

<<< Pack #11 >>>
Level 16. Recreation Area (Feed Ward)
Location Buy from Gomer. Read the description for #7 for details.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 37

<<< Pack #3 >>>
Level 16. Recreation Area
Location In section C, talk to Gulag. He wants you to return his red
tube. Now, if you haven't done so already, talk to Cricket in
section A and buy a Shiv from him. Enter the Feed Ward, and go
to the corridor past the Soreños gang, where the Blueskin
attacked you. Wait for a while, and Asif, the black man that
hangs around near Cricket, will show up. Snap his neck when
he's outside of the camera's view. He'll drop a map. Enter the
diner, and look for a loose panel on the wall near Monster. You
can only open it if you've got the map. Pick up the red tube
from the hole behind it. Return to Gulag for your reward: this
pack of smokes.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 05

<<< Pack #32 >>>
Level 16. Recreation Area
Location Talk to The Nurse in section C of the Yard. He'll ask you to
poison Binks. Go to the Feed Ward. As you approach the diner,
you'll get attacked by a Blueskin. Kill him, and pick up the
poison he drops. If, for some reason, you can't find this
poison, you can also buy some from Two-Tongue. Enter the diner,
and approach the second table on the left. Use the poison on
Bink's food tray. Return to the Nurse for your reward, a pack
of smokes.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 28

<<< Pack #18 >>>
Level 16. Recreation Area (Tower 17 Base)
Location After killing the Blueskin, Harman, talk to Centurion again. He
suggests Baasim as a new victim. Talk to him in Section B of
the Recreation Area, and then return to the ring. Defeat
Baasim, and you'll get these smokes.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 20

<<< Pack #55 >>>
Level 16. Recreation Area
Location Talk to Two-Tongue in section D of the yard. Get his Injector
back from the hole in the Feed Ward (see pack #3 for details)
and kill Baasim in the ring, and then return to him. Two-Tongue
will give you a pack of smokes as a token of his appreciation.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 33

<<< Pack #22 >>>
Level 16. Recreation Area
Location After getting pack #55, catch one moth for Two-Tongue. He'll
now trade with you. Catch every moth in the Recreation Area.
This is pretty easy, just wait for one to come flying low, then
run up to it, and snatch it with [E]. Once you've got 10 of the
15 moths, return to Two-Twongue, and trade them for a pack of
Unlocks Movie Set 09

<<< Pack #19 >>>
Level 16. Recreation Area (Tower 17 Base)
Location Defeat Sawtooth in the ring. You can only fight him after
killing Harman and Baasim.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 39

<<< Pack #20 >>>
Level 16. Recreation Area (Tower 17 Base)
Location Defeat Cusa in the ring. You'll have to kill Harman, Baasim
and Sawtooth before you can challenge him.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 06

<<< Pack #34 >>>
Level 18. Work Pass
Location After getting Abbott's pass, go to the Work Pass area, beyond
the Recreation Yard. To the right of the Riot Guard is a locked
door with a keypad. It's the door that the prisoner, Shurik,
will stand next to. Enter it with Abbott's pass. Inside,
you'll find the pack of smokes lying on the desk.
Unlocks Movie Set 04

<<< Pack #38 >>>
Level 19. Mine Entrance
Location At the start of the level, you're on top of an elevator. Look
around for a ventilation shaft. If you've got a Vent Tool, you
can open up the hatch on top of this shaft. Enter it, and turn
right. Continue to the end of the vent. In this next corridor,
kill the patrolling gurd, then turn left, and enter another
ventilation hatch, about halfway down the corridor. Follow this
vent until you come to a junction. Turn left, you'll be heading
back to the previous corridor. At the end, pick up the smokes.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 21

<<< Pack #39 >>>
Level 20. Security Checkpoint
Location Follow the walkthrough to get to the upper door, high up on the
walkway. Standing in front of this door, turn right, and jump
over the rail, onto the really narrow ledge along the wall.
After two meters, the ledge will become slightly bigger. When it
does, turn left, and press [E] to climb into a really dark
alcove. Turn on your eyeshine, and you should be able to find
this pack of smokes.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 30

<<< Pack #40 >>>
Level 21. Upper Mines
Location After taking out the 'Sharpshooter Guard' (the one that drop
the keycard), head out onto the balcony that the guard used
to stand on. Turn right, you should see this pack lying on the
floor. The other two guards in this area might see you, but if
you're fast, they won't be able to hurt you.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 23

<<< Pack #42 >>>
Level 22. Cargo Transport
Location At the start, you'll see a NanoMed Station. Face it, and then
turn around. You'll see the pack on the ground, near the wall.
Unlocks Movie Set 10

<<< Pack #4 >>>
Level 23. Mining Core
Location At the fork-lift truck, jump over the rail, into the dark
tunnel. Turn left, and continue through the darkness until you
reach a dead end. The smokes will be on the ground near the
Unlocks Game Concept Art 16

<<< Pack #41 >>>
Level 23. Mining Core
Location Continue through the level until you reach the crane that is
constantly moving big containers around. Facing this crane,
enter the space behind the left-most container, near the tunnel
wall. In the dark space behind it, you'll find a pack of smokes
on the ground.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 27
Riddick First Playable 3

<<< Pack #37 >>>
Level 23. Mining Core (Mine Entrance)
Location Inside Valya's Secret Room. You should read the walkthrough if
you want to know how to find it. First, ride one of the boxes
in the Cargo Transport up to the third floor, and from there,
follow the walkthrough under the header 'The Secret Room'.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 38

<<< Pack #36 >>>
Level 23. Mining Core (Work Pass)
Location Ride the elevator back up from the mines. Turn left as soon as
you exit the elevator, and continue to the back wall. Here,
kick out the grating. you'll find these smokes in the short
vent behind this grating.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 26

<<< Pack #23 >>>
Level 23. Mining Core (Recreation Area)
Location Trade it with Two-Tongue for the stunning amount of 20 moths.
You can find tese critters in the Mining core area.
Unlocks Game concept Art 02
Starbreeze Motion Capture

<<< Pack #24 >>>
Level 23. Mining Core (Recreation Area)
Location Jamal-Udeen in section B of the courtyard will ask you to kill
all Blueskins. You can find 'all' three Blueskins in the Upper
Mines, in the room near the Cargo Transport. The first time you
come through this room, a guard will interrogate a Blueskin. Kill
the guard and the 'skin. When you come through this room again
after visiting the Mining Core, two more Blueskins will be
waiting for you. Zap and stomp them with your Tranq Gun. Now,
when you return to the Work Pass area, head to the courtyard
and talk to Jamal for your reward - this pack.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 10

<<< Pack #17 >>>
Level 23. Mining Core (Feed Ward)
Location Cuellas, in the small courtyard of the Feed Ward, wants you
to find a snitch-list. There are two pieces. The first is in
the Work Pass area, in the room with the mechanic and the two
guards. Look for a loose panel on the wall to the right of the
door. The other piece is dropped by one of the Blueskins who
attack you in the Upper Mines - read the description for the
previous pack to find out more about them. When you've got them
both, return to Cuellas in the Feed Ward, and claim your reward.
Unlocks TCoR Movie Teaser

<<< Pack #60 >>>
Level 24. Security Research 1
Location Enter the door labeled 'Briefing Room'. You're in a small
corridor, with a glassed-off conference room to your right.
Blast the two guards in this room with your Riot Guard guns.
Then, leave the Guard, and enter the conference room. In a
small room behind it, you'll find the smokes, lying on a
table under some video screens.
Unlocks The Riddick Team

<<< Pack #61 >>>
Level 25. Security Research 2
Location After you've left your Riot Guard to turn the power back on,
enter the next door, and destroy the glass on the right side
of this short corridor. Leave your suit, and enter the area
behind the glass. Climb over the boxes to find a sole guard
in a dark room. Once you've taken the guard out with your
Tranq Gun, check under the pipes near the room's only window
to find these smokes.
Unlocks DVD Trailer

<<< Pack #62 >>>
Level 25. Security Research 2
Location Continue through the level until you come to a room with two
'Flamingos' (walking robots with big guns). Once you've killed
every enemy in the room, turn to the boxes that are stacked on
one side of the room. Climb onto the leftmost box. Now crouch,
and enter the narrow and dark space between the boxes and the
wall, to your right. Follow this narrow space to the end to find
a pack of smokes. You may have to turn on Eyeshine to see it.
Unlocks First Person Fighting Test

<<< Pack #43 >>>
Level 25. Security Research 2 (Feed Ward)
Location At the start, kill the first guard, then go through the only
door on this walkway. In the next corridor, turn left, and
then immediately look to your left to find a grating. Kick it
out, and crawl through the vent behind it. At the end, climb
out, into a small room. You'll find this pack near the broken
door in this room.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 15
Riddick First Playable 1

<<< Pack #44 >>>
Level 27. Container Router
Location At the start, go down the ladder underneath the container you're
on. Walk through the basement, and climb up the first ladder
you see to your right. This will take you up to another rail
track, where you can find the smokes lying next to the rail.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 08

<<< Pack #45 >>>
Level 27. Container Router
Location At the start, go don the ladder underneath the container you're
on. Walk through the basement, all the way to the ladder at the
end. Behind this ladder is a ventilation hatch. Go through this
hatch, and turn right at the junction in the crawl space. You'll
come to a dead end, where you'll find the smokes on the ground
to the left.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 04

<<< Pack #46 >>>
Level 27. Container Router
Location Continue through the level until you get to the computer that
turns the rail back on (resulting in a crash). In the previous
room, there's a NanoMed Station, plus a turret on the wall near
the corridor that leads to the elevator. Climb onto the box in
front of this turret, look up, and climb onto the ledge above
you. Here you'll find pack #46.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 09
Riddick First Playable 4

<<< Pack #47 >>>
Level 27. Container Router
Location Near the end of the level, you'll come to a computer that needs
to be powered up first. The room with the computer looks out
over a part of the rail track. A corridor with yellow beams,
starting near this computer, leads to this rail track. Enter
this corridor, and jump over the first yellow beam. Just in
front of the second beam, climb onto a crate, and look up.
You'll see the smokes lying on a grate above you. Press [E] to
climb onto this grate, and pick up the smokes.
Unlocks Movie Set 08

<<< Pack #48 >>>
Level 27. Container Router
Location Head to the second computer, the one that needs to be powered
on. It is connected to a bigger room by a narrow corridor. In
this bigger room, you'll see a ladder on one of the walls.
Climb up the ladder, and enter the vent at the top. Simply
follow this vent until you see the smokes.
Unlocks Game Concept Art 07


VIII - Extras & Secrets



a. Secret Areas

There are a couple of areas in the game that are hard to find / get into.
Of course, they're all in the walkthrough, but I've listed them here too.

<<< Pack #1 Alcove >>>

This one's in the first level. At some point, you'll have to climb some
crates and then travel across some bars to a ventilation hatch. Facing these
boxes, enter the dark area to the right of them. Follow this really dark
path through the boxes. Use the glow on the boxes to find your way. When
you can't go any further, duck, and continue to a hole in the ground. Drop
down, and follow the tunnel to a new area. In an alcove to the right,
you'll find a pack of smokes and some UD.

<<< Operating Room >>>

In the Prison Courtyard, talk to Shabby near the gate with the guard.
He'll ask you to waste Molina for him. Agree, and continue with the normal
walkthrough until after the cut-scene where you first meet Rust. After this
scene, the cell opposite of the one with Waman and Girish will be opened.
Inside is molina. Kill him with your fists. Now, return to Shabby, he'll
give you a doorcode as a reward. Now, continue with the walkthrough until
you enter the Infirmary. After killing the two guards, enter the first door
on your left, you'll need Shabby's code to do so. Inside is an operating
table with a pack of smokes and a scalpel.

<<< Armory >>>

This one's in the Shower level. Turn right as you leave the locker room. In
the next room, look for a hole in the ground in the back left corner, behind
a rail. Drop down through this hole. You'll be in a hallway similar to the
one you were in just now. In front of you is a toolbox with a Vent Tool next
to it. Grab the tool, and use it to open the ventilation hatch. Follow the
vent to the previous hallway. Now, continue through the level until you
reachthe hangar door with the eye scanner. Facing the door, turn around,
and jump over the rail, into the dark area. Drop down into a lower part,
and then turn left. You'll see a ventilation hatch. Use the Vent Tool you
got earlier to open it. Follow it to arrive in the armory, where you can get
some new armor, a lot of Rifles, and some smokes.

<<< Mine Entrance - Alternative Path >>>

Ride the elevator down to the mines. When you stop, don't exit through the
door. Instead, climb on top of the elevator (if you weren't there already),
and look around for a ventilation hatch. Open it, and turn right once in the
vent. This will lead you to a set of rooms that provide an alternative,
easier route to the Security Checkpoint. You can also get a pack of smokes
in these rooms. Read the walkthrough on how to get through this area.

b. Easter Eggs

There's one known Easter Egg in the game. You can get it in the Prison
Courtyard, one of the first levels. To get this Easter Eggs, you'll need
to flush every toilet in your cellblock five times. It only counts if you
hear the flushing sound. The cells that you need to flush in are:

- Your own cell
- Waman & Girish's cell
- Molina's cell
- Mattson's cell

The last one is the toughest to get, since it will close up after you've
visited it. Molina's cell will only open up after the first cut-scene with
Rust. When you've flushed these four toilets five times, head to the
courtyard. If you did it right, you should now see a picture on one of the
walls of the guys (probably developers), with the writing 'Los Tres Amigos'
underneath it. That means 'The Three Friends', if your Spanish is really bad.

c. Trivia

*** Coming Soon! ***

d. Cheats

*** Coming Soon! ***


IX - Closing Time



Well, that's it, you've reached the bottom of this document. Time to say
goodbye. I hope you liked my work, and see you another time. Deadmeat out.

Credits & Thanks go out to the following people:

- Lars from Starbreeze, for supplying me with valuable information about
DiMaggio, Abbott and of course the toilet Easter Egg.

- Stefan Ennöckl, for pointing out another way to enter the PPP's hole.

- Ieatdirttoo & Rarusk, for comprehensive guides on CoR that helped me out on
several occasions.

- Myself. Hey, I wrote this stuff!

- CJayC and Ng for hosting this file.

- You, the reader. Without you, this FAQ would have been pointless.

- Myself. Oh no, wait, already got that one.

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"Johns sid you were ugly up close, and for once, I agree with him."
"Ah, nice try!"
"I do what I can."
"Already trying to get under my skin, eh, mister Riddick?"
"It'd be easier if I had something sharp."

- Hoxie & Riddick, CoR:EfBB-DC
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13.Oktober 2013
Dt. Megatrainer

14.Oktober 2013

07.Oktober 2013
Alle Savegames bis zum bitteren Ende

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

15.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Durchgespielt-Savegame (für dt. Version)

17.Oktober 2013
Alles freischalten

16.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Gesundheit und Munition

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
22.Oktober 2014
13.Dezember 2013
24.Juli 2014
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020