Resident Evil 3

Resident Evil 3

17.10.2013 16:48:48
Hex Editing Guide

~ Shockproof JAMO presents ~

-=* A guide to Resident Evil 3: Nemesis hex editing *=-

Target platform: Resident Evil 3 for PC CD-ROM
(running under Microsoft Windows 9$/98)

Version: Public release 1.0
April 19th 2005

Copyright 2005, "Shockproof" Jamo Koivisto.
All imaginable and UNimaginable rights reserved.

You may not modify this document or use it
commercially. No exceptions to this rule.

Verbatim copies of this work may be distributed freely
in electronic form, provided that the distribution
method is not in violation against the "no modifying
or commercial usage" rule above, and provided that
I'm credited for this work. Public distribution in
printed form (ie. on pages of a PC games magazine)
is not allowed, sorry.

If you're a fellow FAQ author who wishes to borrow
something from this document, tell me about it first,
and credit me for all the stuff you take from here.

Failure to comply with these rules can be considered
grounds for me to start legal action against the
offending party.

Some elements of this document were borrowed from
3rd party sources. These sources retain their
copyrights to their work and they have been
credited in section 8. of this document.

Resident Evil is a copyrighted trademark of Capcom.
Capcom retains all rights to the Resident Evil
trademark, including the right to demand that this
document to be removed from circulation if they find
the contents of this document offending their copyrights.
No copyright infringement is intented or implied.

Oh, and Capcom did not support me with this guide.
Don't send them questions about it.

(Whew, I think this is the first time I've ever written this much
legal text, let's hope it's enough to clear all legal matters :) ).

Do you have something that fits into this guide perfectly and is
actually useful (addresses, values?)? Or maybe some constructive
criticism? Send it in then. Don't send me attachments and remember
that I usually don't respond to people's e-mails. If you send me
something that actually makes it into future revisions of this
guide, and I won't promise there will be any, you will naturally
be credited.

Contact info:

@ .

(If you don't know how to turn that into a valid e-mail address,
you shouldn't be anywhere near computers, let alone try hex
editing a binary data file. Doesn't spam make life difficult
or what?)

Developement history:

April 4th-18th of 2005.
First draft, an in-house developement prototype. Never released
to public. This was 2 weeks of rigorous byte patching, saving and
loading, and doing binary compares with the FC.EXE-command of the
DOS-prompt. I do wonder how many people even know what FC.EXE does?

April 19th of 2005.
Public release 1.0 finalized. I did the final formatting to make it
look pretty (yeah, right) and finalized the legal text. This is the
current latest version.

Notice, for simplicity's sake, updates, if I release any, will
be posted to WWW.GAMEFAQS.COM only.

Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. Tools of the trade + a side note
3. What am I supposed to edit?
The structure of BU00.SAV
4. Item Id values in hexadecimal
5. Item attributes
6. The structure of a single savegame

6.01 Time
6.02 Difficulty
6.03 XY-coordinates
6.04 Health
6.05 Epilogues
6.06 Saves
6.07 Savegame names
6.08 Play area
6.09 Room/event
6.10 Player character
6.11 Maps
6.12 Files
6.13 Jill's inventory
6.14 Jill's itembox
6.15 Jill's weapon
6.16 Jill's sidepack
6.17 Carlos' inventory
6.18 Carlos' itembox
6.19 Carlos' weapon
6.20 Carlos' sidepack
6.21 Jill's outfits

7. EXE-editing
8. Acknowledgements

1. Introduction
Hi, and welcome to my 1st ever gameguide, and quite possibly the
only 1 I'll ever write (but who knows). The purpose of this
document is to teach people how to cheat in Resident Evil 3 by
Capcom, by showing them how to patch savegames with a tool that
is commonly known as the hex editor. Notice, that the information
in this guide will only apply to the PC CD-ROM version (running
under MS Windows) of the Resident Evil 3 game. While it might be
possible to hack the savegames of other versions (PSX, Dreamcast,
GameCube) as well, it would require you to somehow be able to read
the contents of your console's memorycard to your PC's harddrive,
something most of us can't do because it requires some special
save game transferring hardware which many of us are not in
possession of, so those versions are beyond the scope of this guide.
Everything in this guide was found, tested and verified with the
english language version of Resident Evil 3, distributed in Europe
by Eidos Interactive (I live in Finland where I purchased my copy).
I have no reason to believe that there are any differences in the
save game format between different language versions. But if there
are, let me know, altough I doubt it'll do any good, I have no way
of accessing any other versions of RE3 for PC.

Why write a guide like this?:

Well, Resident Evil 3 for PC has been out since late 2000 and it's
savegames are pretty easy to dig into, so I was kinda surprised to
see that no one has written a decent hex editing guide for it. I've
only seen some simple "how to get all weapons" type of guides
floating around the Internet, and one good savegame editor, but
real "do it yourself" types don't use ready-made editors, unless
they offer some real advantages over the process of editing by hand
with a hex editor, like checksum fixing. So that's one reason why
I wrote this. Also, ever since I discovered Gamefaqs in the year
2000, I've wanted to contribute them something, just as a reward
for being nothing short of the greatest in their field. As for this
guide, will it turn out to be a horrible piece of wannabe work, or
a great and appreciated masterpiece on at least some level, only
time will tell, but if you read these words now, then that means
something went right and Gamefaqs accepted my donation.

2. Tools of the trade:
Any hex editor that can do jumping to a specific address, overwrite
bytes via keyboard input... basic stuff like that, is more than
capable of handling the edits shown in this document. Hell, even the
DEBUG.EXE-command of the DOS-prompt will do if you have the mental
insanity and, more importantly, the skills to use it. The choice is
yours my friend, but I personally highly recommend FRHed, the FRee
Hex EDitor by Raihan Kibria. It's an open source product (meaning
free to all to both use and modify, under the GNU General Public
License of course) and it has everything needed in binary file
editing. FRHed can be found from: The latest
version of FRHed at the time of this writing is 1.1.0.

As a side note, this guide assumes that you already have a working
knowledge of the hexadecimal system and how to use hex editors. I
don't feel like explaining the base-16 vs. base-10 numbering system
differences simply because I royally suck at explaining all this
math stuff to people. There are many good hex editing for beginners-
type of guides floating around the I-net, use them for your
advantage if you're a total beginner. In fact, if you go with FRHed,
check it's helpfile. Hidden somewhere inside it is a pretty good
explanation about bits and bytes. All I can say about hex editing is
that using a modern hex editor is not that different from using a
text editor. It's just that you'll be entering numeric values into
the file instead of text most of the time. And you'll be using the
overwrite mode more than the insert mode with hex editors, since
most binary data files don't like it when you alter their size,
executables and game saves being very good examples. And always
remember the golden rule of hex editing: backup your files or face
the consequenses of editing errors. If you wreck something
precious to you, don't blame me. I never forced you into this.

3. What am I supposed to edit?
The structure of BU00.SAV
Resident Evil 3 stores it's savegames into a file called BU00.SAV.
This file can be found from the folder where Resident Evil 3 was
installed to (see the save game directory path in the game's autorun
menu if you're unsure). Since ALL savegames are stored into this one
file, I'll need to explain how to separate the different savegames
from each other in order to prevent you from editing the wrong save.
The savegame slots are separated as follows:

Address in
hexadecimal Description

0000-1FFF: Table of contents (or something). No savedata here.
2000-3FFF: Slot 1. Savedata of the 1st slot will be stored here.
4000-5FFF: Slot 2. Savedata of the 2nd slot will be stored here.
6000-7FFF: Slot 3. Savedata of the 3rd slot will be stored here.
8000-9FFF: Slot 4. Savedata of the 4th slot will be stored here.
A000-BFFF: Slot 5. Savedata of the 5th slot will be stored here.
C000-DFFF: Slot 6. Savedata of the 6th slot will be stored here.
E000-FFFF: Slot 7. Savedata of the 7th slot will be stored here.
10000-11FFF: Slot 8. Savedata of the 8th slot will be stored here.
12000-13FFF: Slot 9. Savedata of the 9th slot will be stored here.
14000-15FFF: Slot 10. Savedata of the 10th slot will be stored here.
16000-17FFF: Slot 11. Savedata of the 11th slot will be stored here.
18000-19FFF: Slot 12. Savedata of the 12th slot will be stored here.
1A000-1BFFF: Slot 13. Savedata of the 13th slot will be stored here.
1C000-1DFFF: Slot 14. Savedata of the 14th slot will be stored here.
1E000-1FFFF: Slot 15. Savedata of the 15th slot will be stored here.

Address 1FFFF is also the end of the file, so there are 15 savegame-
slots in total. This guide assumes that you mostly edit the first
savegameslot (hex address 2000-3FFF), so henceforth all given
addresses will point to the data in slot 1 by default. However, if
you must edit data in other slots, simply replace the first "2" from
the address with the beginning value of the other slot. An example:
If you wish to find Jill's 1st inventory slot in saveslot 6, that's
C40C instead of 240C. If you wish to edit Jill's health in saveslot
12, that's 18214 instead of 2214.

A question. What is the file called BU10.SAV?

The answer. I dont know. It appears to be similar in structure with
the BU00.SAV file, but as far as I can tell, it's never actually
used to hold saves. Renaming it to BU00.SAV seems to be the only way
to make it usable.

4. Item Id values in hexadecimal
All inventory slots each occupy 4 bytes of space. The first byte is
always the item's Id-value.

00 = Empty slot
01 = Combat Knife
02 = Sigpro SP 2009 handgun
03 = Beretta M92F handgun, custom S.T.A.R.S edition
04 = Shotgun Benelli M3S
05 = Smith & Wesson M629C .44-caliber magnum revolver
06 = Hk-p Grenade launcher with burst rounds
07 = Hk-p Grenade launcher with flame rounds
08 = Hk-p Grenade launcher with acid rounds
09 = Hk-p Grenade launcher with freeze rounds
0A = M66 Rocket launcher
0B = Gatling gun
(The gatling gun is hardcoded to always have infinite ammo,
regardless of what it's attributes in the savegame are.)
0C = Mine thrower
0D = STI Eagle 6.0
0E = M4A1 Assault rifle set to manual mode
0F = M4A1 Assault rifle set to auto mode
10 = Western Custom M37 lever action shotgun
(Terminator 2 - Judgement day, anyone?)
11 = Sigpro SP 2009 with enhanced ammo loaded
12 = Beretta M92F custom with enhanced ammo loaded
13 = Shotgun Benelli M3S with enhanced ammo loaded
14 = Mine thrower with enhanced ammo loaded
15 = Handgun bullets (9x19 parabellum)
16 = Magnum bullets (.44-caliber)
17 = Shotgun shells
18 = Grenade rounds
19 = Flame rounds
1A = Acid rounds
1B = Freeze rounds
1C = Minethrower rounds
1D = Assault rifle clip (5.56 NATO rounds)
1E = Enhanced handgun bullets
1F = Enhanced shotgun shells
20 = First aid spray
21 = Green herb
22 = Blue herb
23 = Red herb
24 = 2x Green herb mix
25 = Green + blue herb mix
26 = Green + red herb mix
27 = 3x Green herb mix
28 = 2x Green herb + blue herb mix
29 = Green + Red + Blue herb mix
2A = First aid spray box
(This cannot be hacked to contain infinite sprays
2B = Square crank
2C = Unknown red medal
2D = Unknown blue medal
2E = Unknown golden medal
2F = Jill's S.T.A.R.S card
30 = Unknown oil can labeled "Giga Oil"
31 = Battery
32 = Fire hook
33 = Power cable
34 = Fuse
35 = Unknown broken fire hose
36 = Oil Additive
37 = Brad Vickers' card case
38 = Brad Vickers' S.T.A.R.S card
39 = Machine oil
3A = Mixed oil
3B = Unknown steel chain
3C = Wrench
3D = Iron pipe
3E = Unknown cylinder
3F = Fire hose
40 = Tape recorder
41 = Lighter oil
42 = Lighter (lid closed, no oil)
43 = Lighter (lid open, has oil)
44 = Green gem
45 = Blue gem
46 = Amber ball
47 = Obsidian ball
48 = Crystal ball
49 = Unknown remote control without batteries
4A = Unknown remote control with batteries
4B = Unknown AA-batteries
4C = Gold gear
4D = Silver gear
4E = Chronos gear
4F = Bronze book
50 = Bronze compass
51 = Vaccine medium
52 = Vaccine base
53 = Unknown Sigpro SP 2009 handgun
(Cannot be used as a weapon, puzzle item perhaps?)
54 = Unknown Sigpro SP 2009 handgun
(Cannot be used as a weapon, puzzle item perhaps?)
55 = Vaccine
56 = Unknown Sigpro SP 2009 handgun
(Cannot be used as a weapon, puzzle item perhaps?)
57 = Unknown Sigpro SP 2009 handgun
(Cannot be used as a weapon, puzzle item perhaps?)
58 = Medium base
59 = Eagle parts A
5A = Eagle parts B
5B = M37 parts A
5C = M37 parts B
5D = Unknown Sigpro SP 2009 handgun
(Cannot be used as a weapon, puzzle item perhaps?)
5E = Chronos chain
5F = Rusted crank
60 = Card key
61 = Gun powder A
62 = Gun powder B
63 = Gun powder C
64 = Gun powder AA
65 = Gun powder BB
66 = Gun powder AC
67 = Gun powder BC
68 = Gun powder CC
69 = Gun powder AAA
6A = Gun powder AAB
6B = Gun powder BBA
6C = Gun powder BBB
6D = Gun powder CCC
6E = Infinite bullets
6F = Water sample
70 = System disk
71 = Dummy key
(This is the spade shaped precint key from RE2)
72 = Lockpick
73 = Warehouse (backdoor) key
74 = Sickroom key (room 402)
75 = Emblem (S.T.A.R.S) key
76 = Unknown keyring with 4 unknown keys
77 = Clock tower (bezel) key
78 = Clock tower (winder) key
79 = Chronos key
7A = Unknown Sigpro SP 2009 handgun
(Cannot be used as a weapon, puzzle item perhaps?)
7B = Park (main gate) key
7C = Park (graveyard) key
7D = Park (rear gate) key
7E = Facility key (no barcode)
7F = Facility key (with barcode)
80 = Boutique key
81 = Ink ribbon
82 = Reloading tool
83 = Game inst. A
84 = Game inst. B
85 = Game instructions A
(Not a book exactly, but a glass vial with blue chemical
86-FF = Don't bother trying these values. Using them only results
to a crash to the Windows desktop with an error message
when you access the inventory.

A question. What are the unknown items?

The answer. The unknown items are most likely key puzzle items in
puzzles that got axed from the final game. These items have no
names nor descriptions, there's just the word BOTU where the name
/description should be. These discarded items also cannot be used
anywhere, they're just there to be found by some hackers :). Well,
maybe not, but sometimes gamemakers simply forget to remove
rejected stuff like this and leave it littering the game's database.

5. Item attributes
These values enable/disable the remaining ammo/uses display, or,
is the weapon/item infinite or not. All inventory slots each occupy
4 bytes of space. The third byte always indicates the item's

00 = Use this for (puzzle) items that don't have the
ammo display.
01 = Ammo remaining display (Green)
02 = % (percentage) of ammo remaining display (Green)
03 = Infinite ammo (Green)
05 = Ammo remaining display (Red)
06 = % of ammo remaining display (Red)
07 = Infinite ammo (Red)
0D = Ammo remaining display (Blue)
0E = % of ammo remaining display (Blue)
0F = Infinite ammo (Blue)

6. The structure of a single savegame:

When entering 16/32-bit values, remember that the PC-version
of RE3 uses Little Endian (least signifigant byte first) byte
ordering. And remember, all addresses point to data in slot 1.
by default.

6.01 Time
0x2200 = Time elapsed since the beginning of the game. I haven't
figured out how the time is calculated, but this definately
works: set the bytes here to 00 00 00 00 to reset the clock
to zero.

6.02 Difficulty
0x2208 = Switch between difficulties
01 = Easy mode
00 = Hard mode
This 1 is nice if you want to start the game with the Easy mode
inventory and have the sidepack enabled from the beginning, and
still be able to get the item Nemesis drops when you kill him
(or it, or maybe even her. Nah, not with that voice).

6.03 XY-coordinates
0x220E = Character X-coordinates, range 0000-FFFF
0x2212 = Character Y-coordinates, range 0000-FFFF
These 16-bit values represent Jill's/Carlos' location in the room
they are in. They're mostly useful if you use the hacks further down
that allow you to select the place where the loaded game begins.

6.04 Health
0x2214 = Jill's/Carlos' health, 16-bit, range 0000-FF7F
Jill's normal max. health is 200 (hex C800), but it can be set as
high as 32767 (hex FF7F), which is enough to make Jill almost
invulnerable (you can even survive a dynamite/gas barrel explosion).
Beware, values higher than 32767 (hex 0080 and beyond) are treated
as signed values (negative, below 0). If Jill's health is a
negative, below zero value, Jill will be considered dead, and
altough you can move around, you cannot manipulate your environment,
and thus cannot proceed in the game until you change the value here
to something acceptable.

6.05 Epilogues
0x2216 = Epilogues unlocked so far. Set to 08 to unlock all,
but you are still required to finish the game once.

6.06 Saves
0x2218 = Number of times you have saved, range 00-FF (0-255)

6.07 Savegame names
0x221B = Name of savegame (ie. Warehouse, Alley, Resting room, etc.)
I never bothered to figure out what value shows what name, since
manipulating this doesn't actually do anything useful and I also
wanted to keep the size of this guide within acceptable limits, but
do experiment with this. This is an 8-bit (range 00-FF) value.

6.08 Play area
0x224E = The area you currently play.
00 = Uptown (including the RPD-building)
01 = Downtown
02 = Clock tower/park before the hospital explosion
03 = Clock tower/park after the hospital explosion
04 = Dead factory
05 = Shows first the Mercenaries-minigame ending, then the
ending video of the main game (the one without Barry
Burton, assuming 0x2250 has been set to 00. If not,
then it only crashes).
06 = Downtown again. I have no idea what's different here.
This may be after the scene where Jill falls trough
the parking lot floor.

6.09 Room/event
0x2250 = The room/event being loaded.
This one determines the actual room/event that is loaded. Using this
together with address 0x224E, and also with the XY-coordinates
(0x220E and 0x2212) allows you to basically place Jill into any
room/scene in the game you would like to go to. However, due to the
sheer number of rooms and events in this game, I'm not going to list
the room/event values, I will only include an example of how to jump
to specific places/scenes in the game.

The example: Visit the clothes boutique:

Once you have created a savegame, set the XY-coordinates (addresses
0x220E & 0x2212) to:

Y: 29CD

Then set the value at address 0x224E to 00 (if it already isn't) and
then, at this address, 0x2250, give the byte a value of 0F. Once you
load the savegame with this modification done to it, you land
smack-dab right in the middle of the clothes boutique.

What values are accepted at 0x2250, and what they do, depends mostly
on the value at address 0x224E. Values 00-20 at 0x2250 generally
mostly work, but you should still prepare to expect some whacky
results, like game crashes or Jill being able to walk trough walls,
if you choose to mess with addresses 0x224E and 0x2250.

6.10 Player character
0x225E = The character you play as (Jill, Carlos, Nicholai...)
00 = Jill normal clothes
01 = Jill normal clothes + sidepack
02 = Jill in biker leathers
03 = Jill S.T.A.R.S uniform
04 = Jill in disco inferno
05 = Jill miniskirt cop
06 = Jill as Regina from Dino Crisis
07 = Jill normal clothes
08 = Carlos
09 = Mikhail
0A = Nicholai
0B = Brad Vickers
0C = Dario
0F = Tofu
Notice that when you play as Carlos, you use his inventory.
Others use Jill's inventory. The address 28D4 is propably
more reliable in setting Jill's outfit, since the value
at 28D4 appears to sometimes override values 00-06 here.
If you're wondering about Tofu, yes it is THE Tofu from
that Resident Evil 2 minigame, only this time, hacking is
the only way to make it playable.

6.11 Maps
0x23FF = FF Have all
0x2403 = FF maps

6.12 Files
0x2404 = FF Files (diaries, notes, etc.) you have
0x2405 = FF collected so far. Fill offsets 0x2404 - 0x2409
0x2406 = FF with hex byte FF to unlock all.
0x2407 = FF
0x2408 = FF I've yet to figure out is it possible
0x2409 = FF to make Jill's diary appear as well.

6.13 Jill's inventory
0x240C = Jill Inventory slot 1
0x2410 = Jill Inventory slot 2
0x2414 = Jill Inventory slot 3
0x2418 = Jill Inventory slot 4
0x241C = Jill Inventory slot 5
0x2420 = Jill Inventory slot 6
0x2424 = Jill Inventory slot 7
0x2428 = Jill Inventory slot 8
0x242C = Jill Inventory slot 9 (must enable sidepack)
0x2430 = Jill Inventory slot 10 (must enable sidepack)

All inventory slots occupy 4 bytes each. This is the same with both
Jill and Carlos and also applies to the slots in the item box. A
string of 4 zero bytes (00 00 00 00) would mean and empty slot.
See the hex dump below to get a good understanding of what the
memory area for the inventory looks like.

?? = Item Id value, 00-85 (See section 4. Item Id-values)
## = Remaining ammo/uses for the item, 00-FF
!! = Item attribute (See section 5. Item attributes)
The 4th byte should always be 00.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F ASCII field
2400h¦ 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF ?? ## !! 00 ¦ ¤a+
2410h¦ 0B FF 07 00 83 01 00 00 84 01 00 00 2A 03 01 00 ¦ é· â ä *
2420h¦ 73 01 00 00 81 FA 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ¦ s ü·¤
2430h¦ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ¦

As you can see on line 2400h, address 0x240C is the beginning of
Jill's inventory. If you look at the beginning of line 2410h, you
see the hex string 0B FF 07 00. That means Jill has the infinite
ammo gatling gun in slot 2 of her inventory.

6.14 Jill's itembox
0x2434 = Top end of Jill's item box inventory
The next slot is at 0x2438, the one after that is at 0x243C,
then 0x2440, and so on, all the way to 0x2530.

0x2530 = Bottom end of Jill's item box inventory

6.15 Jill's weapon
0x2535 = The weapon Jill has equipped
See section 5. Item Id values to select a weapon

6.16 Jill's sidepack
0x2536 = Have Jill's sidepack enabled, 0A
Have Jill's sidepack disabled, 08

6.17 Carlos' inventory
0x254C = Carlos inventory slot 1
0x2550 = Carlos inventory slot 2
0x2554 = Carlos inventory slot 3
0x2558 = Carlos inventory slot 4
0x255c = Carlos inventory slot 5
0x2560 = Carlos inventory slot 6
0x2564 = Carlos inventory slot 7
0x2568 = Carlos inventory slot 8
0x256C = Carlos inventory slot 9 (must enable sidepack)
0x2570 = Carlos inventory slot 10 (must enable sidepack)

6.18 Carlos' itembox
0x2574 = Top end of Carlos' item box inventory
The next slot is at 0x2578, the one after that is at 0x257C,
then 0x2580, and so on, all the way to 0x2670.

0x2670 = Bottom end of Carlos' item box inventory

6.19 Carlos' weapon
0x2675 = The weapon Carlos has equipped

6.20 Carlos' sidepack
0x2676 = Have Carlos' sidepack enabled, 0A
Have Carlos' sidepack disabled, 08

6.21 Jill's outfits
0x28D4 = Jill's outfits
00 = Normal clothes
01 = Biker leathers
02 = S.T.A.R.S uniform
03 = Disco inferno (ungh, disgusting)
04 = Miniskirt cop
05 = Jill as Regina from Dino Crisis
06 = Blue miniskirt with black top and boots
07 = Office worker (or something)

You should select Jill's outfit here instead of address 0x225E.
The value here might override Jill's appearance at address

7. EXE-editing
The following information was not found by me and I claim no rights
or credit for it. I never even thought it would be possible to cheat
RE3 this way, but I decided to include this information to this
guide because it fits in superbly. I saw this at and it was submitted there by Ivan
Solihin, so kudos to them. The text is copied verbatim from
Cheat Channel, so possible spelling/grammatical errors/typos here
are not my fault. And also, just to be sure, the information here
has nothing to do with cracking copy protections. This info is for
cheating purposes only.

---Beginning of borrowed stuff----

Cheat mercenary mode:
Edit the file "RE3_MERCE.exe", go to address 12A0E4 for Carlos's
items, 12A100 for Nikolai's items and 12A11C for Mikael's items.
Change it with weapon or item which you want.

Cheat Resident Evil 3:
Actually you can also cheat the items at the beginning of the
game. You must edit the file "ResidentEvil3.exe" and go to
address 12A08C for hard mode Jill's items, 12A0A0 for hard
mode Carlos's items, 12A0B4 for easy mode Jill's items, and
12A0CC for easy mode Carlos's items.

---End of borrowed stuff-----

8. Acknowledgements

Well, that was it, people. I hope this gives you a whole new
perspective on playing Resident Evil 3 on PC. All that is left now
is to credit certain individuals. A few people contributed to the
birth of this document you see, but they all did it without knowing
it, so I'll mention their names here, so that they would know they
made a difference in a place they probably quite weren't expecting
to make a difference, should they ever come across this humble guide
of mine.

Capcom, for giving us the Resident Evil series. Arigatou gozaimasu.

WWW.CHEATCHANNEL.COM and Ivan Solihin ( for
the information about editing the executables of RE3.

Raihan Kibria, author of FRHed, the FRee Hex editor.
His editor was my tool of choice during the process of figuring out
the structure of RE3 savegames. Danke schön.

Tom Kostiainen, author of mdiNotepad (website:, the text editor that I used to type
this document which you, the reader, now read. This one's so good
I just had to mention it here. Suurkiitos sinulle, maanmies.

WWW.GAMEFAQS.COM, for being there for the videogaming community.

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Hex Editing Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Mega-Trainer für den Mercenaries-Modus

16.Oktober 2013
Ziemlich mächtiger dt. Savegame-Editor (Achtung: 2,7 mb)

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

08.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Oktober 2013
Diverse Spielstände

15.Oktober 2013
Mega-Trainer - kann 11 Variationen vornehmen (für v1.0 UK)

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

10.Oktober 2008
God-Modus- und Munitonstrainer

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Dt. Lösung im Word-Format

14.Oktober 2013
Dt. Itemtrainer

14.Oktober 2013
Dt. Mega-Trainer

17.Oktober 2013
Trainer für den Mercenaries-Mode

18.Oktober 2013
Mega-Trainer für 97(!) Änderungsmöglichkeiten

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Geldtrainer (für dt. und US-Version)

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Zeit-Trainer (für dt. und US-Version)

16.Oktober 2013
Dt. Munitions- und Gegenständetrainer (für dt. und US-Version)

16.Oktober 2013
Dt. Waffen- und Munitionstrainer

16.Oktober 2013
Ressourcen-Trainer (für US-Version)

15.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
13.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020