Moment of Silence

Moment of Silence

13.10.2013 22:28:06

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
2.1. September 29, 2044
2.2. September 30, 2044
2.3. October 1, 2044
2.4. October 2, 2044
2.5. October 3, 2044
2.6. October 4, 2044
2.7. October 5, 2044
2.8. October 6, 2044
2.9. October 7, 2044
2.10. October 8, 2044
2.11. October 9, 2044
2.12. October 10, 2044
3. Item List
4. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 15th Jun, 2005 (First version)


1. Introduction


The Moment of Silence is an adventure game based in the year 2044. The main
character is Peter Wright, a communications designer who is trying to discover
why his seemingly innocent neighbour was dragged off by police in the middle of
the night. He contacts the police and finds no answer. He talks to the man's
wife and she seems equally puzzled. Telling her that he will help, Peter sets
out to investigate the matter. Unknown to him, the authorities are already
making plans to stop him from solving the mystery.


2. Walkthrough


2.1. September 29, 2044


The game starts in the hall outside Peter's apartment. Get the teddy bear on
the floor. Look at the bell nameplate to learn that the family name is Oswald.
Enter Peter's apartment. Walk to the left side of the entrance hall and open
the left drawer at the bottom of the blue cupboard. Get the action figure. Open
the bedside table and get the messenger. Exit the apartment to return to the
hall. Use the messenger and select the up arrow to view the number for the
Info-Center. Press the green button to call the number.

Say "I need the messenger number of a family named Oswald." to get the number
on the messenger. Say "Thanks anyway." to end the call to the Info-Center. Call
Mrs. Oswald and say "Mrs. Oswald, your son has lost his teddy in the hall.".
Exit the messenger. Walk through the damaged door and then press the red button
to enter Mrs. Oswald's apartment. Peter says that he will try and find out what
happened with her husband. Use the messenger and call the Info-Center. Say "I
need the number of the New York Police Department.". Say "Thanks anyway.". Call
the police and say "I need some information, please." to find out that there
were no police operations in Brooklyn earlier in the day. Call Mrs. Oswald to
tell her about the news. Enter Peter's apartment to complete the day.

2.2. September 30, 2044


Open the top drawer and get the business card. Exit the apartment. Walk south
to the end of the hall and press the touch switch to use the elevator. Outside
the residential building, walk south across the road and enter Brooklyn Park.
Cross the bridge and walk north to the park exit. Walk to the place to sleep
behind the guru and get the wire below the skull. Walk west to the park
entrance and continue west to return to Tillary Street.

Walk to the kiosk and talk to Bob. Say "How long did you stay open last
night?". Say "Did you hear or see anything that was unusual?". Say "Was anybody
else on the street beside you, of course?". Say "In what direction did the cops
drive off?". Say "I gotta run, Bob. See you later.". Walk north across the road
and enter the residential building. Enter the Oswald apartment. Talk to Deborah
and say "Do you have a recent picture of him that I could have?": Tommy has a
picture. Say "Can I see it?". Say "May I ask you one more thing?". Say "What
line of work is your husband in?": He was an online journalist. Say "What was
he working on most recently?". Say "May I ask you one more thing?". Say "Would
it be okay if I talked to Tommy for a moment?". Say "I have to get going now.".

Talk to Tommy and say "Would you like to tell me a little bit about your dad?":
His dad is a journalist and gives him presents. Say "Was it your dad who gave
you the teddy?". Say "What was the last gift from your dad?": An alien. Say
"Could I maybe borrow this figure for a little bit?". Say "And if we trade?":
He will trade for a Mr. Nuke. Say "I'll have to take care of something first.".
Give the action figure to Tommy to receive the alien doll. Talk to Tommy and
say "About your dad's picture..." to get the photograph. Exit the residential
building, walk across the road and show the alien doll to Bob in the kiosk: He
mentions Lower East Side. Walk east from the kiosk. Use the SatCar on the left
side of the road and select the destination input.


Look at the terminal at the top of the steps. Use the messenger on it to enter
the building. Walk to the middle of the lobby and talk to Claire. Say "Wright,
Peter. 73rd floor, Greenberg & Winter.": She will ask for the password. Say
"The password... Dammit...". Say "Any other way to identify myself?". Say "OK,
agreed." to get the password. Talk to Claire and Say "Wright, Peter. 73rd
floor, Greenberg & Winter.". Say "Of course... give me a second...". Say
"pl56f9olp4r". Press the elevator button at the left side of the room to use
the elevator. Look at the steel notice board on the desk at the right side of
the room. Get the magnet. Walk up the steps to the management floor.

Talk to Mr. Greenberg twice and say "I just have a few business related
questions.". Say "There's something I would like to address - about my job?".
Say "Next Friday?". Say "I'll go and take care of my life.". Say "I still got
things to do.". Return to the office floor. Walk to the right side of the floor
and talk to Bill. Say "Could we go over some job related things real quick?".
Say "How's it going on your end?". Say "How's it going with the slogans.". Say
"By the way, there is something else...". Say "I need to use the upload
terminal for a moment.". Say "OK, I gotta go now.". Walk to the middle of the
room and talk to Brian. Say "Can I talk to you very quick... It's personal." to
go to the kitchen. Say "Yesterday the police was at my apartment building.".
Say "OK, thanks a lot man.". Walk to the reception area and use the elevator to
return to the lobby. Use the SatCar.


Walk to the car wreck and talk to Juan. Say "Would you like to help me out with
something?". Say "OK, guys. It's all cool.". Say "Either you stop the crap...
or...": Juan will steal the messenger. Walk north up the road and knock on the
door of the Nuclear Cafe. Talk to Rita on the other side of the road and say
"Did you just see this guy with the tattoos going into that cafe?". Say "How
did this guy get into the cafe, would you know?". Say "I've also tried that.".
Say "OK, I have to get going.".

Walk to the other side of the road and knock on the door to enter the Nuclear
Cafe. Say "Do I get my messenger now?". Say "I have to go. See you later.". Get
the messenger in front of the red monitor on the table. Give the photograph to
Lou: He tells Peter to ask Cypher. Walk to the right side of the cafe and enter
the back room. Say "I have a couple of questions about your work.". Say "Your
buddy mentioned that you can analyse photos?". Say "What did you have in
mind?". Say "Alright then... What is it you want me to do?": He wants the
slogan changed on the telescreen outside the Nuclear cafe and gives Peter a CD.
Exit the Nuclear Cafe and return to the SatCar.


Use the messenger on the terminal at the top of the steps to enter the
building. Use the elevator to return to the office floor. Talk to Bill and say
"I'm gonna get us something to eat, alright?": He wants a Litelife meal. Say
"OK, I gotta go now.". Exit the building. Enter the Satcar.


Talk to Bob in the kiosk and say "I was at the agency.". Say "Tell me, Bob: You
sell these Litelife products, right?" to get the Litelife meal. Say "I gotta
run, Bob. See you later.". Enter the SatCar.


Use the terminal on the messenger at the top of the steps to enter the
building. Use the elevator to return to the office floor. Look at the fuse box
in the reception area and press the fourth safety switch to turn it on. Walk
into the office and then enter the office kitchen. Look at the plug at the
right side of the door. Get the plug to put it in the plug socket. Look at the
microwave and put the Litelife meal in it. Set the time to 2:00 and press the
start button. Exit the kitchen and talk to Bill. Say "Your lunch is ready,
Bill.". Look at the upload terminal and use Cypher's CD on the disk slot. Exit
the building and use the SatCar.


Walk north up the road and enter the Nuclear Cafe. Enter the back room and talk
to Cypher. Say "About our deal...". Say "OK, I did it.". Say "I have another
question.". Say "About the picture...". Say "So, what about the photo?": The
picture shows a parabolic dish in the facility of SETI in Arecibo. Exit the
Nuclear Cafe. Use the messenger and call Oswald. Say "Your husband was at the
SETI.". Say "I still have some questions for you.". Say "It's about your
husband.". Say "What did he possibly want at the SETI?". Return to the SatCar.


Use the messenger on the terminal at the top of the steps to enter the
building. Use the elevator to return to the office floor. Walk up to the
management floor and look at the desk. Move the corner of the rubber pad and
get the key. Use the key on the drawer keyhole. Get the flight checkbook and
then exit the building. Use the SatCar.


Enter the airport and walk to the top of the steps. Use the check book on
terminal B to complete the day.

2.3. October 1, 2044


Enter the research center and talk to Dr. Price. Say "I would like to ask a
question about a visitor you had here.": Oswald said his name was Drake. Say
"What did he want here? Do you know?": He wanted to visit the computer room.
Say "What else did you notice about him?": He left his bag at the souvenir
shop. Say "I'm gonna look around some more.". Exit the research center. Walk
north to the big pillar and then walk north-west to the souvenir shop. Open the
door and get the bag that is thrown out. Return to the entrance of the resarch
center and use the SatCar.


Peter will open the bag to find a knife, thread and video camera. Exit the
airport and use the SatCar.


Enter the residential building. Look at the knife and the thread in the
inventory. Enter the Oswald apartment. Talk to Deborah and say "Was your
husband shooting magnetic tape videos in his spare time?". Say "Do you recall
the last time your husband was at the airport?": He had a safe deposit box at
the airport. Say "Here is something I wanted to show you.". Say "I found this
thread in the bag.": The thread was used to fix Tommy's teddy bear. Say "I have
to get going now.". Talk to Tommy to get the teddy bear. Combine the knife with
the teddy bear in the inventory to find a video tape. Talk to Deborah and say
"Here is something I wanted to show you.". Say "I found this tape in Tommy's
teddy.". Say "I have to get going now.". Get the locker key on the table and
then exit the residential building. Use the SatCar.


Use the terminal on the messenger at the top of the steps to enter the
building. Use the elevator to return to the office floor. Talk to Bill and say
"I found some sort of magnetic tape.": He mentions an antique shop in Greenwich
Village. Say "OK, I gotta go now.". Exit the building and use the SatCar.


Combine the wire with the thread in the inventory to make a fishing rod.
Combine the magnet with the fishing rod in the inventory. Walk to the entrance
of the shop at the right side of the road. Use the fishing rod on the mailbox
to get the sign. Look at the sign in the inventory to read a messenger number.
Use the messenger and call Huntington Antiques to enter the shop. Talk to Mr.
Huntington and say "I'm looking for a certain device...". Say "I have to go.".
Look at the electronic devices at the right side of the shop and get the VCR.
Walk to the other side of the shop and look at the shelf on the bookcase. Get
the War of the Worlds radio play. Exit the shop and use the SatCar.


Walk north up the road and enter the Nuclear Cafe. Enter the back room and give
the radio play to Cypher. Look at the work bench at the back of the room and
get the video cable. Exit the Nuclear Cafe and use the SatCar.


Enter the residential building. Enter Peter's apartment. Put the VCR on the
living room table. Use the video cable on the telescreen. Put the video tape in
the VCR to watch the video. Exit the residential building and use the SatCar.


Enter the airport and walk to the top of the steps. Use the check-in book on
terminal B to return to Arecibo.


Walk north to the big pillar and then walk north-east to the observatory. Use
the virtual telescope. Enter 8227.9347 and print the photograph. Get the
photograph. Enter 2234.6621 and print the photograph. Get the second
photograph. Exit the observatory and use the SatCar.


Exit the airport and use the SatCar.


Walk north up the road and enter the Nuclear Cafe. Enter the back room and show
the satellite photo to Cypher. Exit the Nuclear Cafe and use the SatCar.


Use the messenger and call Huntington Antiques to enter the antiques shop. Talk
to Huntington to tell him about the satellite photos. Enter the back room of
the shop and press the light switch and look at the magazine articles on the
wall. Read the mysterious article. Talk to Huntington and say "What kind of
photo is this... this platform there?". Say "I have to go.". Exit the back
room. Look at the pigeon cage near the window and get the pigeon. Exit the shop
and use the SatCar.


Enter the residential building. Enter Peter's apartment to complete the day.

2.4. October 2, 2044


Exit the residential building and use the SatCar.


Enter the airport. Enter the information center at the top-left corner of the
airport and talk to Evans. Say "I need some information about the flights out
of Terminal C.". Say "When do zeppelins leave from Terminal C?". Say "That's it
right now. Thank you very much.". Look at the window at the right side of the
exit and Evans will leave the room. Use the surveillance system behind the
counter to see the combination for the locker. Return to the airport terminal
and walk to the locker area at the right side of the room. Look at the safety
deposit box. Use the locker key in the keyhole and then enter 2543 to open the
locker. Get the diary. Exit the airport and use the SatCar.


Enter the residential building. Enter the Oswald apartment. Talk to Deborah and
say "Did you know that your husband kept a diary?". Say "I gotta run.". Exit
the Oswald apartment and enter Peter's apartment. Wait until the doorbell
rings. Use the computer and select the chat message to talk to Christine. "I
have to go now.". Use the computer again and chat with Christine. Say "I want
to apologise." to hear the doorbell. Open the apartment door to get a ticket to
Lunar 5. Exit the residential building and use the SatCar.


Enter the airport. Use the Lunar 5 ticket on terminal A at the left side of the
airport to complete the day.

2.5. October 3, 2044


Talk to Linda to enter the cabin. Look at the washing facility and get the
towel and the toothbrush glass. Exit the cabin. South. South. South. West to
the entrance area. Cross the bridge and continue north to the recreation area.
Exit the recreation area and return until Jenkins is standing at the side of
the pool. Walk to the bar at the other end of the pool and look at the tray.
Get the cocktail. Return to the cabin. Look at the table. Put the toothbrush
glass on the table. Put the towel on the glass. Put the cocktail on the towel
and glass to make the capsules. Get the capsules. Get the towel and glass and
then exit the cabin. Return to the recreation area. Exit the recreation area
and return until Jenkins is standing at the side of the pool.

Return to the bar at the other side of the recreation area and walk to the
right side of the bar. Look at Dr. Jenkins's favourite place on the bar to see
a coffee cup. Combine the knife with the capsules in the inventory and then use
the capsules on the coffee cup. Exit the recreation area and return until
Jenkins is sitting at the bar. After he leaves, look at Dr. Jenkins's favourite
place on the bar and get the radio transmitter. Exit the recreation area and
walk to the other side of the entrance area to see the door to the cabins. Walk
to the engine room door at the right side of the cabin door entrance. Use the
radio transmitter on the cover at the right side of the door and then press the
touch switch to enter the engine room. Look at the blue display. Set the
bottom-left controller to 21, the top-left controller to 78 and the top-right
controller to 1. Press the green button to open the elevator door. Enter the
elevator to travel to Sector B.


Walk south and look at the discarded object at the right side of the walkway.
Get the energy stick and the tool from the top of the object. Walk south to the
bottom of the walkway and then walk between the rails on the left to get a
closer view of the conveyer belt. Use the energy stick on the object ready to
take off. Walk north to the top of the walkway and use the elevator to return
to sector A.


Open the door and enter the entrance area to complete the day.

2.6. October 4, 2044


Walk west and talk to Lou. Enter the air lounge. Talk to Gerald twice and say
"Tell me something about yourself.". Say "And where are you off to next?". Say
"When is your flight leaving?": His ID card was stolen. Say "OK, Gerald. See
you later.". Exit the airport and use the SatCar.


Walk north up the road and talk to Rita. Say "Tell me, do you know a certain
Gerald?" to get his ID card. Use the SatCar.


Enter the airport and walk to the locker area. Use the safe deposit box to put
various items in it. Combine the locker key with the pigeon in the inventory.
Exit the airport to let the pigeon fly away. Enter the airport. Walk to the
right side of the airport and use the ID card on check-in terminal C to
complete the day.

2.7. October 5, 2044


Walk up the steps and look at the elevator at the back of the platform. Look at
the control unit and press the touch switch. Press the top-left arrow five
times and the bottom-right arrow ten times. Climb down the ladder and enter the
boat. Look at the left pillar and get the mine to return to the platform.
Return to the back elevator and go down again. Enter the code on the control
unit and then press the outside yellow touch switch at the right side of the
elevator to make the elevator go up. Look at the elevator shaft to see the
mechanism. Look in the opening at the left side of the mechanism and get the
dive gear. Return to the boat and select the top pillar.

Use the dive gear on Peter. Dive into the water and look at the switch box.
Open the flap and pull the switch to open the door on top of the tower. Swim to
the surface. Climb up the ladder and press the switch to call the elevator.
Enter the elevator to return to the platform. Use the control unit on the
yellow elevator. Enter the code and then use the yellow elevator to travel to
the top of the tower. Open the door and look at the coordinates display twice.
Get the rope on the floor near the door. Exit the room and use the elevator to
return to the platform. Walk west to the start point of the area and then use
the rope on the mine and the zeppelin to enter the zeppelin. Look at the flap
in the ceiling and open it. Enter the cavity to complete the day.

2.8. October 6, 2044


Peter arrives outside his apartment but sees guards waiting outside. He decides
to travel to Greenwich Village to talk to Huntington. Walk to the antiques shop
at the right side of the road to complete the day. Guards exit the shop to take
Peter to Governor's Island.

2.9. October 7, 2044


After the guard opens the door, walk to the cell wing and talk to Brett. Say
"Can you tell me something about yourself?". Say "What's gonna happen to you
here?": He mentions that he was given ketchup. Say "OK, thanks again. See ya.".
Enter the yard. Return to the cell wing and enter Peter's cell to get the bread
on the table. Use the bed. Walk west and enter Brett's cell. Look at the table
and get the ketchup. Return to Peter's cell and use the bed. When the guard
enters, use the ketchup on his hat. Exit the cell wing and search Smith to find
a key. Run to the left side of the walkway and use the key on the trilised gate
and enter the guard room.

Look at the window and then look at Mr. Longneck. Get Mr. Longneck. Return to
the cell wing and close the trelised gate. Use the key on Smith. Return to
Peter's cell and use the bed. Use the string on the door bars to remove the
tooth. Return to the yard give the bread to the magpie to get the magpie.
Combine the magpie with the tooth in the inventory. Return to Peter's cell and
wait for the door to open. Return to the yard and give the bread to the magpie
again. Combine the magpie with the tooth in the inventory. Use the magpie on
the night sky. Use the tree at the corner of the yard to complete the day.

2.10. October 8, 2044


Talk to Bob in the kiosk to get a MagTrain ticket. Use the ticket on the
MagTrain behind the SatCars.


Enter the antiques shop and look at the crystal chandelier to find the locker
key. Exit the shop.


Enter the airport and walk to the locker area. Use the locker key on the safe
deposit box to discover a voicemail from Huntington. Exit the airport and use
the SatCar.


Walk south and enter Brooklyn Park. Show the messenger to the guitar player to
complete the day.

2.11. October 9, 2044


North. Cross the bridge. North. South to the corner. North to the end of the
passage and west at the junction. Walk down the steps and open the door. Press
the switch at the right side of the door to turn the light on. Look at the
showcase at the other end of the platform and get the subway map. Return to the
other end of the platform and open the door. Walk up the steps. Walk west to
the junction. West at the next junction and follow the passage south to the
corner. Turn east and then walk north up to the passage. Cross the bridge and
enter the passage. Get the shoe on the floor. Continue south and walk down the
steps to the next passage. Continue down both the steps and open the door to
exit the sewer system.


Walk north up the platform and enter the train. Talk to the professor twice and
say "I have a question regarding this subway station.". Say "You mentioned
several other men being down here?". Say "Thank you, professor.". Walk north to
the passage in coach and talk to Oswald. Exit the train. Combine the shoe with
the thread in the inventory. Give the shoe to Juri to return to the sewer


Get the plank on the wall. Use the plank and then use the grill on the ceiling.
Enter the air shaft to climb up to the toilet in the residential building.


Open the door to talk to Tommy. As Mrs. Oswald, use the computer to print the
map. Enter Tommy's room and look at the table at the left side of the room. Get
the jelly beans. Return to the living room and enter the bathroom. Use the
jelly beans on the toilet to block it and then press the toilet flush button.
Return to the living room and talk to the agent. Say "Alright. That's it for
now.". Talk to the agent again and say "There is a little... problem.". Say
"Alright. That's it for now.". Exit the apartment to complete the day.

2.12. October 10, 2044


Walk west and to see a plank pile in the background. Look at the plank pile and
use the planks to throw one into the river. Walk west and enter the Ice Lake
Inn. Look at the key box on the shelf behind the counter. Open it and get the
key. Exit the Ice Lake Inn and use the key on the jet sleigh. Look at the jet
sleigh and open the cover. Get the gas canister and the rag. Walk to the left
side of the dome to see entrance A. Use the gas canister on the snow field. Use
the rag on the gas canister. Use the lighter on the gas canister to burn the
snow in front of the entrance. Walk to the entrance and look at the camera to
enter the building.


Run down the hall and look at the body in the entrance at the right side. Get
the disk from his hand and the note from his pocket. Continue north up the hall
and enter the bulkhead. Exit the room to return to the hall. Walk to opposite
entrance from the body to see a switch panel. Press North America, Europe,
Africa, Australia, South America to open the door. Walk to the corridor. There
are five satellites in this huge area. To find the other satellites, walk down
the steps and follow the halls to find them.

To change the direction that a satellite is pointing, use the switch panels.
Change satellite 1 to 006, satellite 3 to 210, satellite 4 to 282 and satellite
5 to 294. Next move satellite 1 to 000 and satellite 3 to 216 to set off the
alarm. Walk to the corridor and run down to the body to see that a doorway has
opened. Enter the evacuation units area. Cross the bridge and continue north to
the evacuation area. Pull the lever outside unit 3. Enter the evacuation
capsule. Look at the rocket control and put the disk in the disk slot. Pull the
lever and press the touch switch to complete the game.


3. Item List


Found in the left drawer of the blue cupboard in Peter's apartment. It is
given to Tommy to get the alien doll.

Found by giving the action figure to Tommy in the Oswald apartment. It is
shown to Bob in the kiosk in Brooklyn.

Found outside the souvenir shop in Arecibo after talking to Dr. Price in the
research center. It is opened to get the knife, thread and video camera.

Found in the table in Peter's cell on the governor's island. It is given to
the magpie in the yard.

Found by opening the top desk drawer in Peter's apartment. It is not used.

Found by using the cocktail on the towel and glass in the cabin on Lunar 5.
It is combined with the knife in the inventory. They are used on the glass at
Dr. Jenkins's favourite place on the bar.

Found by talking to Cypher about the slogan in the Nuclear Cafe. It is used
on the disk slot in the terminal on the office floor in Downtown Manhattan.

Found on the tray in the recreation area on Lunar 5. It is used on the towel
on the glass in the cabin.

Found in the locker at JFK airport. It is looked at in the inventory to
reveal the code for the elevators on the Bermuda platform.

Found on the hand of the body in the dome in Alaska. It is used on the disk
slot in the evacuation capsule.

Found in the opening in the elevator shaft on the Bermuda platform. It is
used on Peter near the top pillar.

Found on top of the object in sector B on Lunar 5. It is used on the object
ready to take off in sector B.

Found by combining the wire with the thread in the inventory. It is combined
with the magnet in the inventory. It is used on the mailbox of the shop at
Greenwich Village.

Found by using the key on the drawer keyhole on Greenberg's desk in Downtown

Found in the cover of the jet sleigh outside the Ice Lake Inn in Alaska. It
is used on the snow field in front of the dome.

After talking to Gerald in the JFK airport about his card, the ID card is
found by talking to Rita on the Lower East Side. It is used on check-in
terminal C in JKF airport.

Found in Tommy's room in the Oswald apartment. They are used on the toilet in
the bathroom of the Oswald apartment.

After talking to Brett about ketchup on the governor's island, the ketchup is
found in Brett's cell after Brett leaves. It is used on the hat of the guard
that searches Peter's cell.

After talking to Mrs. Oswald about SETI, the key is found under the rubber
pad on Greenberg's desk in Downtown Manhattan.

Found by searching Smith after he faints in Peter's cell on the governor's
island. It is used on the trilised gate.

Found in the key box in the Ice Lake Inn in Alaska. It is used on the jet
sleigh outside the Ice Lake Inn.

Found in the bag. It is looked at in the inventory. It is combined with the
teddy bear in the inventory to get the video tape. It is combined with the
capsules in the inventory.

Available at the start of the game. It is used on the gas canister in front
of the dome in Alaska. It can be used on the note to reveal the names of
continents that are used to open the door in the dome.

After talking to Bill about food on the office floor in Downtown Manhattan,
the meal is found by talking to Bob in the kiosk in Brooklyn. It is used on
the microwave in the kitchen in Downtown Manhattan.

Found by talking to Mrs. Oswald about the video tape. It is later found by
looking at the crystal chandelier in the shop at Greenwich Village after
leaving the governor's island. It is used on the safe deposit box in JFK

Found on the steel notice board on the office floor in Downtown Manhattan. It
is combined with the fishing rod in the inventory.

Found by giving the bread to the magpie in the yard on the governor's island.
It is combined with the tooth in the inventory. It is used on the night sky
in the yard.

While playing as As Mrs. Oswald, the map is found by using the computer in
the Oswald apartment. It is not used.

Found in the bedside table drawer in Peter's apartment. It is used to call
various people. After the messenger is stolen in Lower East Side, it is found
in front of the red monitor in the Nuclear Cafe. After leaving the governor's
island, it is found in the safety deposit box in JFK airport. It is used on
the terminal at Downtown Manhattan to enter the building. It is shown to the
guitar player in Brooklyn Park after exiting the sewers.

Found near the left pillar in the water at the Bermuda platform. It is put on
the platform.

Found near the window in the guard room on the governor's island. It is not

Found in the pocket of the body. It can be lit with the lighter to reveal the
names of continents that are used to open the door in the dome.

Found by talking to Tommy about the picture after giving him the action
figure. It is given to Lou in the Nuclear Cafe.

Found by printing both photographs of the correct coordinates in the Arecibo
observatory. They are shown to Cypher in the Nuclear Cafe.

After talking to Huntington about the Bermuda platform, the pigeon is found
in the cage in the shop. It is combined with the locker key in the inventory
at JFK airport before leaving for Bermuda.

Found on the shelf in the shop at Greenwich Village. It is given to Cypher in
the Nuclear Cafe.

After Jenkins drinks the coffee with the capsules on Lunar 5, the radio
transmitter is found at Dr. Jenkins's favourite place on the bar. It is used
on the cover near the entrance to the cabin area.

Found in the cover of the jet sleigh outside the Ice Lake Inn in Alaska. It
is used on the gas canister on the snow field in front of the dome.

Found on the floor in the room at the top of the Bermuda platform. It is used
on the mine on the platform.

Found on the floor in the sewer system. It is given to Juri on Lafayette

Found by using the fishing rod on the shop mailbox at Greenwich Village. It
is looked at in the inventory.

Found after getting Mr. Longneck from the guard room on the governor's
island. It is used on the door bars in Peter's cell to get the tooth.

Found on the showcase in the sewer system. It is automatically used to exit
the sewer after giving the shoe to Juri on Lafayette Avenue.

Found on the floor outside Peter's apartment. It is found by talking to Tommy
in the Oswald apartment after returning from Arecibo. It is combined with the
knife in the inventory to get the video tape. It is later Found by talking to
Tommy in the Oswald apartment after finding the thread. It is combined with
the knife in the inventory to get the video tape.

Found in the bag. It is looked at in the inventory. It is combined with the
wire in the inventory to get the fishing rod. It is combined with the shoe in
the inventory.

After talking to Christine in Peter's apartment before Lunar 5, the ticket is
found by opening the apartment door. It is used on terminal A in JFK airport.

Found by talking to Bob in the kiosk in Brooklyn after leaving the governor's
island. It is used on the MagTrain in Brooklyn.

Found on top of the object in sector B on Lunar 5. It is not used.

Found by using the string on the door bars in Peter's cell on the governor's
island. It is combined with the magpie in the inventory.

Found on the washing facility in the cabin on Lunar 5. It is used on the
table in the cabin.

Found on the washing facility in the cabin on Lunar 5. It is used on the
glass on the table in the cabin.

Found in the shop at Greenwich Village. It is used on the living room table
in Peter's apartment. It is used to play the video tape.

After giving the radio play to Cypher in the Nuclear Cafe, the video cable is
found on the work bench in the back room at the Nuclear Cafe. It is used on
the telescreen in Peter's apartment.

Found in the bag. It is not used.

Found by combining the knife with the teddy bear in the inventory. It is used
on the VCR on the living room table in Peter's apartment.

Found on the place to sleep behind the guru in Brooklyn Park. It is combined
with the thread in the inventory to get the fishing rod.


4. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2005-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at
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