Die By The Sword

Die By The Sword

14.10.2013 07:37:33

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Die by the Sword FAQ/Walkthrough


By: Xiamut
Version: 1.02
Last Revision: 12/12/05
Copyright: 2005 Michael Monette
E-mail: xiamut@gmail.com

Table of Contents

[I] - Introduction

[II] - The Controls

[III] - The Walkthrough
- The Levels
Kobold caverns
River Run
Warren Crawl
Orc Stronghold
Lost Temple
Dwarven Mines
The Master's Castle
The Final Battle

[IV] - Cheats/Codes

[V] - Revision Information

[VI] - Credits

[VII] - Contact Information

[VIII] - Copyright Information

[I] Introduction

Hello, welcome to my FAQ! This FAQ will give you instructions on how to make it
through the 8 levels in Die by the Sword.

Die by the Sword follows the adventures of Enric, who is on a quest to find his
lost love, Maya who was captured by a group of Kobolds. I doubt anyone still
plays this game... but hopefully someone can get some use out of it.

[II] The Controls

The controls in Die by the Sword are definitely... unique. I suggest playing
through the tutorial, maybe a couple of times until you can get the hang of
them. This list of controls was taken from the instruction booklet, so if
for some reason you don't have one... well this section will help you out.


Body Movement:
W - Move forward (double tap for quicker movement)
S - Move back (double tap for quicker movement)
A - Turn left
D - Turn Right
Q - Sidestep to the left (double tap for quicker movement)
E - Sidestep to the right (double tap for quicker movement)
C - Climb a ledge
Caps lock - Crouch
Spacebar - Press and hold to crouch, release to jump, press again in mid-air
to flip
Keypad * - The action key (Picks up items, opens doors, pull levers, search
bodies, and more!)

Sword Movement (Arcade Mode)
Keypad 6 - High Swing
Keypad 5 - Middle Swing
Keypad 4 - Downward Slash
Keypad 3 - Block High
Keypad 2 - Block Middle
Keypad 1 - Block Low
Keypad / - Sheath/Unsheathe sword
Ins - Special Move
Home - Special Move
Page Up - Special Move
Delete - Special Move

Sword Movement (VSIM Mode)
Keypad 1 - Sword down and left
Keypad 2 - Sword down
Keypad 3 - Sword down and right
Keypad 4 - Sword left
Keypad 5 - Sword down
Keypad 6 - Sword right
Keypad 7 - Sword up and left
Keypad 8 - Sword up
Keypad 9 - Sword up and right
Keypad 0 - Extends sword arm
Keypad / - Sheath/unsheathe sword
Keypad Enter - Block mode

Keypad+ - Toggles damage sensor
Keypad(-) - Toggles Compass
F3 - Shows all health bars
F4 - Turns on "Damage Sensor" permanently


Body Movement:
Use the keyboard body movement controls.

Mouse Buttons:
Right Click Sheath/unsheathe sword
Left Click Block mode (when sword is unsheathed)
Left Click Performs action, like the * key (when sword is sheathed)

Sword Movement:
Controlled by moving the mouse back and forth.


Arcade Mode:
Stick - Move forward, backwards, sidestep left and right.
Twist - Rotate left and right
Trigger - Launch arcade attack
POV HAT - Modifies trigger
Thumb Button - Crouch/jump
Right Top - Action
Right Bottom - Climb
Keypad / - Sheath/unsheathe sword

VSIM Mode:
Stick - VSIM Control of sword
POV HAT - Move forward, backward, turn right and left
Trigger - Crouch/jump
Thumb Button - Sheath/unsheathe sword
Right Top - Action
Right Bottom - Climb


Pad - Move Forward, backwards, spin left and right
Left trigger - Crouch/Jump
Right trigger + pad - Sidestep to the left and right

With Sword Unsheathed:
A,B,C - Primary arcade attacks
X,Y,Z - Blocks low, mid, high
X,Y,Z (double tap) - Special Attacks
M - Sheath/unsheathe sword

With sword sheathed:
B - Action
C - Climb


3rd Person View:
R - Raises camera, lowers when pressed again.
F - Toggles between fixed and floating camera

Scout Cam:
2 - Toggles first person scout cam
1 - Gets you out of scout cam
W - Turns camera up
S - Turns camera down
A - Turns camera left
D - Turns camera right
R - Zooms in
F - Zooms out

Look-Around Cam:
Keypad . - Activates look-around cam, keypad numbers move the camera.

That's it. Let's move on.

[III] The Walkthrough

Before we get to the levels, let's just get some things out of the way.

| - Characters - |

Hey, it's Enric! Enric is the main character in the story, the hero.
You have to control Enric and move him through the levels while avoiding
getting him killed. Enric is on this quest searching for his lost love who
was captured by a band of kobolds. He also has the ability to trigger random
rockslides which usually seal him in caves he just recently dived into, as seen
in the opening video.

Maya is Enric's girlfriend, the one he is trying to rescue. For some reason
she couldn't avoid being captured by a few kobolds even though she is twice
the size of them. Well, whatever if you really still feel like playing this
game after watching the opening video you'll just have to go through with it
and rescue her.

You meet Grub in the Orc Stronghold. He's chained up and he's some kind of
mutated freak. You have to rescue him in order for him to show you a secret

| - Enemies - |

Here are the various enemies that you will encounter on your adventure.

Kobolds, stupid kobolds. They are small blue canine-like humanoids. They follow
orders from the orcs for some odd reason. These guys are really easy to kill,
they are the weakest enemies in the game in fact. You will see them pretty
much in every level.

Orcs! The masters of the kobolds. They are pigmen and they are quite easy to
kill. Just swing towards their heads and they come off easily. In later levels
the orcs are even wearing some stylish headgear! You'll also run into an orc

I hate them. They are strong and stupid and swing around their clubs blindly.
If a hit connects Enric will most likely be sent flying across the room. In
some parts you have to fight not one, but two! And at the same time you're also
fighting the awful camera.

You only see them in one level. They enjoy long walks on the beach and jumping
out of the water to catch unsuspecting kobold. Fish man type-things... yeah.

Giant black mantises. They can be quite hard to kill but shouldn't be too much
trouble. They really don't like orcs and can often be seen fighting them, if
you encounter this just sit back and watch, then pick off the weakened winner.

They are more powerful versions of the Ogres. You only run into one of them in
the entire game however.

Invisible Monsters:
They're invisible...! When you are fighting them hold down + on the number pad
so you can see their life bar and at the same time exposing their current
position. Awesome!

A hack and slash/adventure game isn't complete without skeleton warriors! This
don't really require an explanation; their skeletons, with swords.

Essentially just a stronger version of the Kobold, same height but a lot more

| - Items - |

Healing: (From weakest to strongest)
1 - Bread Stick
2 - Fish
3 - Piece of Meat
4 - Healing/Herb
5 - Potion of Minor healing
6 - Potion of Full healing

| Item | Effect |
| Ring of Shielding | Increases armor permanently |
| Gauntlet of Might | Increases damage permanently |
| Amulet of Shielding | Increases defense versus missiles permanently |
| Berserk Potion | Grows larger, attacks do more damage. |

| - The Levels - |

Here is a walkthrough for all of the levels. Select "Quest" from the main menu
to get started.

- Level 1 - Kobold Caverns

Enric and his girlfriend are hanging out in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly a
scrawny little thing comes up and disturbs them. Well Enric, obviously wanting
to show off for his hot, pixilated girlfriend, springs into action. Wait, Enric
should you really be leaving her unattended? Wait! ENRIC GO BACK! THEY SET YOU
UP! MAAAAAAAAAYAAAAA!!! Enric realizes what has happened and dashes back to
rescue her. The little blue monsters drag her into a cave. Enric somehow
triggers a rock slide for added style, and springs into the cave after them,
the falling rocks sealing him in! It's time to kick some kobold ass!

"Behind the Rockslide"

Sorry about that. When you enter the cave you will see a couple of kobolds
sitting around the fire, when they spot you one of them runs while the other
stays to fight you. Take him out by... um... swinging your sword at him. The
kobolds are very easy to take care of, they shouldn't cause you too much
trouble. Pick up a breadstick from the kobold's body by pressing the * button
on the keypad. Once he is dead head down through the level and press the
switch using the * on the keypad. The * is the action key, it refers to many
different things including searching bodies, pulling switches and opening
doors. So if my instructions tell you to do one of those things, it's using
the * key on the keypad.

"Past first gate"

When you move through the now lifted gate, you will run into three more
kobolds, dispose of them. When they are dead search their bodies, you will
obtain a breadstick and an iron key. Use the iron key to open the gate and
move into the next area. Be cautious when entering the next area. IT'S A TRAP!
Well, you don't have a choice you will just have to move through it. When you
walk in a rope will somehow tie itself around Enric’s leg and hurl him up into
the air. An orc and a kobold will be in the room with you. Tap 1 on the keypad
rapidly to free yourself and once free, beat the tar out of your attackers.

"Survived Kobold Ambush"

When they are both dead, search their bodies to receive items. A steel key from
the orc and a... dead rat from the kobold. Ok then... Once you are finished
looting their bodies, use the steel key to progress into the next area.

"Past third gate"

Move through the tunnel and you should see a spider web on the side
of the wall. Slash it with your sword and retrieve the potion of minor healing.
Move into the next room and you will be forced to fight a couple of kobolds
and an orc. Kill them, loot their bodies and break the boxes around the area
for additional items.

"Dock Secured"

Once you are done kicking ass and breaking boxes, head towards the small raft
type thing. Use your sword to break the rope that is attaching it the dock
and then you are off to the second level!

- Level 2 - River Run

The kobolds are dragging Enric's now unconscious girlfriend somewhere, they
drag her onto a lift and take her up somewhere. Some kobolds are hanging out
on the lower level when suddenly a huge green... blob thing... or something
grabs one and drags it into the water! Meanwhile, Enric is drifting quietly
on his raft, heading towards the kobolds. Wait, what's that in the distance?
It's that damn giant green blob thing! It will jump onto the raft and you will
have to battle him. PIKACHU, I CHOOSE YOU!

"Trog Waterway"

This guy is kind of tough, he can push you off the raft and once you are off
you may drown. If you get pushed off, swim towards the raft and press the
spacebar rapidly. It is a real pain trying to get back on so try your best not
to get knocked off. You should remain stationary, don't move forward or
backward unless you are teetering dangerously on the edge. Once the fish
man is dead loot his body for a fish bone and wait patiently until the raft
arrives at its destination.

"Trog Lair"

When it arrives there will be more trogs waiting for you, get off of the raft
and take care of them. Once they are dead loot their bodies for more fishbones.
Once you are finished with task, search for an entrance in the wall which will
lead you into the next area.

"Trog Hatchery"

Move through the tunnel and once you arrive you will see a discolored trog
and several eggs surrounding him. He is a stronger version
of the other trogs so be cautious and remember to block. Once he is dead
continue until you see a small indent in the wall. You will see a dead Kobold
here. Search his remains and you will receive a Ring of Shielding (+30% to
armor).Once you have the turn around and leave the room. If you break the eggs
a smaller version of a minor trog will come out of the egg, kill it. Head back
to the main room and look around for a hole in the wall. Use the spacebar to
jump onto the hill and then move through this tunnel.


Head right until you reach a room full of ferns, you will be greeted by yet
another trog. Take him out and continue through this room and into a tunnel.


You will reach a waterfall, a word of caution: Enric can apparently die from
standing knee deep in water! Try your best to avoid this vicious oxygen sucking
water at all costs! Ok... there are several rocks with flat surfaces sticking
out of the water, how convenient. Be careful because as I mentioned before,
Enric doesn't like water. Hold down the spacebar and the W key and jump
forward and when you land let go of the keys. Then ready yourself again and
jump over to the next one to the right. Then finally make your way completely

Be careful, as you move through this tunnel the floor will fall in and you will
be forced to fight a trog. Once he is dead jump up and continue on you way. But
wait, it isn't that easy, this is a tunnel of traps after all. Somehow large
arrows will shoot out of the wall and pummel poor Enric. The only thing you can
do really is jump around and crouch to try and avoid them. Once the arrows
are over, move on.

"Past the traps"

When you make your way across you are awaited by two orcs. Dispose of them and
then loot their bodies and smash the boxes around the area for some additional
items. You can find a few pieces of raw meat around. Once you are done hoarding
move towards the lift, give the rope hanging next to it a tug and run onto the
lift. The lift will take you up to the next level. Yay!

- Level 3 - Warren Crawl

Two orcs are carrying Maya somewhere when suddenly some weird giant mutant
insect... bug things which slightly resemble the aliens from AVP jump into
the room and attack the orcs. The orc carrying Maya walks calmly through
the tunnel way, now trigger a random rock slide which seals the other orc and
the insects in!

"Up the Elevator"

The elevator lifts Enric up to the top. Get off of the lift quickly! It's got
a mind of its own! If you wait to long Enric will die. Once you are off the
elevator you will be confronted by a couple of kobolds and an orc. Slash
at them like a crazy man and once they are dead search their remains. The
two kobolds hold a breadstick and a dead rat, while the orc holds a brass key.
You can jump up on the steel boxes and smash the wooden crate to obtain some
meat if you are low on health. Use the brass key to open the... uh... keyhole
lacking door found in this room

"Cargo Area"

Move through the doorway and you will enter a room with a tack in the middle.
There are a couple of orcs around, kill them and then loot their bodies. One
of them is holding a piece of cheese. One of the boxes also contains a piece
of meat if you are low on health.

"Killed Orcs"

Enter through the tunnel facing directly forward of the tunnel that you used to
enter the room. Head into the room and break the box, the one in the middle
contains a potion of minor healing. Head through the room and through the
tunnel facing directly in front of the tunnel that you entered the room from.
As you reach the end of the tunnel Enric will look through the doorway. You
will see a short video of two orcs beating the crap out of a kobold swinging
from a rope hanging by the ceiling. Tough luck.

"Saw Punishment Room"

Enter the room through the door, attack the orc closest to you quickly while
the other one is distracted by the hanging kobold. Kill the orcs and search
their bodies for a piece of meat and an Iron key. If you are really twisted
you can smack around the hanging kobold and cut off all of his limbs...
you sadistic freak! Open the locked door using the Iron Key and proceed
through the tunnel.

"Leaving Punishment Room"

Move through the tunnel, you will see a couple of orcs and a mantis fighting.
Don't enter the room yet, just sit back and watch the fight and hope at the
orcs win. The most likely won't, but you will still only be facing a weakened
Mantis as opposed to one at full health. The mantis are quite tough, I suggest
healing if needed before fighting it. Once they are all dead search the orcs
to gather a piece of cheese and a piece of meat, you'll most likely need to
heal after that battle. The path leads to a dead end. Look for a ledge and
use the spacebar to jump and then press C to grab onto the ledge and climb up.
Once Enric has pulled himself up repeat again until you are at the top of the
hill and go through the tunnel entrance.

"Mantis Hole"

Go through the tunnel, before you go though completely heal. The next room
contains two mantises. Not good, they are pretty tough It's quite difficult to
fight them in such a confined space. Once they are dead continue and pick up
the shrinking potion in the middle of the room. You probably noticed some of
the small holes that can be found throughout the level. Yeah well, you guessed
it, you can now fit through them!

"Killed Mantises"

Now this is where it gets pretty confusing, this will most likely be incredibly
hard for me to explain so please bear with me. Head back through the tunnel and
into the room with the dead orcs/mantis. Head through here and back to the
punishment room. Go through the tunnel facing directly opposite to the door
which you used to first enter the room. You will find yourself in a room with
several torches and some gold jars. You can seriously get lost in here, if you
feel that you are stuck just reload from the nearest save.

This room contains four small holes which Enric can now fit through. Go
through the third hole that you see as you enter the room. You will appear in
small room, go through the room and enter the tunnel located across from it.
You will come to a room holding two kobolds, kill them. It is quite hard to
connect a hit with the kobolds due to Enric's current height. An effective
slash to use against them is the attack triggered by pressing the 4 on the

Once they are dead head across the room and through the hole across from the
hole that you used to enter the room. Go through the overly long tunnel until
you come to another empty room. Head through the only other hole and go
through this tunnel.

You will come to another room with two more kobolds, dispose of them and pick
up the potion. You'll probably require healing at this point. Head through the
only other hole in the room and go through another long tunnel. When you reach
the end you will see a little cart. Sheath your sword and use the action key
to pull the lever, Enric will then jump on the cart, seems pretty eager doesn't

The cart will follow the track and pass through several gates. You will then be
shot into a room where the shrinking potion will then wear off. What perfect
can be kind of tough, but shouldn't give you too much trouble but due to the
horrible camera it makes this battle a lot tougher then it needs to be.

Just try and get behind him and strafe around him while swinging your sword.
He will continually throw Enric across the room with his clumsy swings. He also
has a lot of health but don't worry, he'll go down eventually, they always do.
Make sure to keep an eye on your health by holding down the + key on the keypad
if you are low on health heal (if you have any healing items). There is a crate
in the room that contains a potion, if it is needed.

Once the brute is dead search him and you will obtain a spigot(haha... spigot).
Go to the three barrels in the room and use the spigot you obtained from the
ogre on the middle barrel. It will open a path out of the level. Pat yourself
on the back!

- Level 4 - Orc Stronghold

It looks like those crazy orcs are up to something. They appear to be
performing some kind of sick ritual with Maya. Hey, she's floating! No strings!
Anyway, as the level begins you will see a mantis and an orc fighting. Enric
walks into the room ready to kick ass. Don't fight just yet, let the two
baddies duke it out and finish off whoever is left.

"Through the Secret Passage"

Once you have killed the remaining bad guy, or both if they spotted you, search
the orc for a brass key. Before you search him though, make sure that you are
healed, because when you search him another mantis drops down from the wall.
Kill this mantis and then head through the tunnel outlined by the silver frame.

"Tapestry Room"

AS you go through the tunnel you will come to a room with two doors both
outlined with a silver frame. Take the one on the left and you will come
to another room. This room holds not only another orc, but also another OGRE!
This can't be good. Try to pick off the orc first and then use the same
strategy that you used to edge out the last ogre. This battle can be quite
hard, and yet again you have the horrendous camera to thank for that. Search
this room for many healing items, including a piece of meat, minor healing
potion and a FULL healing potion. Good thing, too because you'll sure as hell
need them. See the next section for why.

"Cleared Storage Room"

Someone's at the door... It's another damned ogre! Poor old Enric just never
gets a rest. Deal with this ogre the same way you took out the last two. Once
he is dead go through the door that the second ogre entered from and follow the
tunnel. You will reach another door outlined with a silver frame. Open the door
and you will find yourself in a room with two sleeping orcs.

Attack the one on the right first, the one on the left is wearing some
stylish head gear which makes him stronger. The other will wake up and help
his buddy out. Fight them both and once they are dead loot the bodies for a
piece of meat and an Iron key. Try to finish the first one off quickly, press
the 6 key on the keypad to aim Enric's slashes at the orc's head, this kills
him off faster. Go through the door located across from the door used to enter
the room, using the key to unlock it. Follow the tunnel until you reach another
silver door.

"Hacking Through The Barracks"

This room contains three orcs, fight them off as best you can and once they are
dead search them for a piece of meat. Heal if needed. There is another silver
door in this room but it's locked, backtrack to the tapestry room and instead
enter the room on the right (the crooked door).

"Tentacle Room"

Wait, Autosave: Tentacle Room? What exactly are they trying to- WHOAMG! Poor
Enric is plucked off of the ground and is now dangling upside down. You have to
find some way across this room. If you are lucky like I was, the tentacles will
grab Enric and fling him across to the other side. Just keep trying to pass
through them and they will probably eventually throw him across. Once you get
across go through the small tunnel.

"Survived Tentacles"

Great, you made it. Continue following the tunnel, you will then find yourself
in a room with a statue in it. You will be attacked by another mantis, kill it.
There is a health potion on the left of the statue if you need healing. There
are two tunnels in this room, go through the one on the right.

"Entering Dark Tunnel"

Follow the tunnel until you reach a room that contains two mantises. Dispose of
them and pick up the Amulet of Shielding (+200 defense vs. missile). There
is also a potion of full healing if you need to heal after that battle.

"Found the Amulet of Shielding"

Now head back to the room with the statue. You may need to crouch to head back
through the dark tunnel, just hold space to get through it. Once you are back
in the room with the statue, instead of heading through the right tunnel head
through the left one. When you reach the end of the tunnel Enric will look
through a crack in the wall and see the Orc shaman doing something to Maya.
Something strange happens and she disappears. :-(

"Too Late?"

Apparently not, the game isn't over yet. Head through the tunnel to the left
of you.

"Hallway to the Altar Room"

Head forward to the Altar room and open the door. There is an orc and an orc
shaman in this room, the shaman will shoot fireballs at you and run away when
you try to strike him. What a pest. Try to corner him and kill the orc.

"Cleared Altar Room"

Search the orc for the master key and search the shaman for the Shaman Mask,
which strangely transforms Enric into a shaman himself. Head behind the alter
and you will find a pathway leading behind the flag, which leads to a small
room. The room contains to ledges, one holds a minor healing potion and
the other contains... well I can't really describe him, see for yourself.
Answer his pleas and climb onto the ledge, use the master key to free him.

Mr. Freak tells you that his name is Grub. Once he is done talking he will run
out of the room, follow him. As you run through the tunnel Grub will jump up
and disappear. You can't follow him so instead head through to the tunnel in
the opposite direction. You will enter a room with three doors, use the master
key to unlock one of them.

Go through the door and follow the tunnel, you will see an orc and another ogre
but since you are wearing the shaman mask they won't hurt you, phew. Pass
through the room via the doorway ahead of you. You will come to a room with
three orcs who will also not attack you, just pass through this room by
entering the door surrounded by two flags. You will then be in another room.
Grab the two pieces of meat on the table and head through the door with the
flag over it.

Follow this tunnel and enter the door that it leads you to. Use the master key
to open it. There are two ogres in this room who also won't attack you (thank
God!). Open the door on the far side of this room and head through the
tunnel until you reach another door, open it.

"Shaman Mask's Power Wore Off"

As you enter this room the shaman mask's power wears off. The two orcs in the
room will then attack you. Take them out and then loot their bodies for a
copper key and a healing herb. Head towards the end of the room and use the
copper key to open the door. Follow the tunnel and when you reach the end
of it, you will hear a growling noise. It’s an Ogre! Wait, don't stand to close
to the door, somehow the Ogre's club is able to go through the door without it
actually being open! Great job, Tantrum.

Wait until the ogre gives you some space to open the door, and then walk on
through. There are not one but TWO ogres in this room, great. Fortunately there
is a certain item in this room that can help with this litt... BIG problem.

"Disturbed Ogres"

Immediately run to the left side of the room and grab the potion on the ground
by the flag. This is the berserker potion which allows Enric to deal massive
damage! +300% damage! Just use the 6 on the keypad to swing your sword and
decapitate the suckers. Once they have been dealt with, look for the
FULL healing potion in the room, an ogre also has a piece of cheese if you
loot him.

Head towards the door which is next to the flag and head through, following
the tunnel. When you enter the room you will see the dead orcs you killed
before. Now it's time to head back to the tentacle room, darn. Backtrack to
the tapestry room and enter the crooked door.

"Tentacles Again"

Again, the best thing you can really hope for is getting lucky and simply being
flung across to the other side. Though it appears to be much easier to get back
then it was to get over.

Once you successfully make it to the other side enter the statue room and see
Grub. He will help you push over the statue follow up the statue and head
through the entrance. Onto level 5!

- Level 5 - Lost Temple

It's Maya! She's alive! But some strange pale man is standing over her, and
she's lying in the middle of a magic circle. This can't be good. A kobold is
forced into a room he obviously doesn't want to be in, some giant green thing
mutilates him. Poor little guy...

"Lost Temple"

You start off in a rather confined space. Look for a hole in the wall and head
to it. Climb up the ledge using C and get up into the hall. Turn around and
follow the hallway until you can see some moving blocks.

"Before Stompers"

By the looks of this, I really don't think you want to get Enric in-between the
wall and those moving blocks. When you’re ready move yourself past the two
stompers. Move yourself to the far right of the wall and when you see an
opening go for it. You will then be in a small secluded area, with two stompers
moving up and down.

Wait for the first stomper to go up and then jump on the other stomper as it is
low. Be careful, you may fall in the pit of lava, and watch out for the first
stomper which can come back down and kill you. Once you have made it across
jump onto the ledge and make your way to an opening in the wall. You will find
yourself in another hallway. Make your way through the hallway until you
find yourself in a room with rotating blades.

"Rotating Blades"

Those look dangerous, and they are. They deal a lot of damage and if you get
hit by one Enric is most likely dead. Did I mention how much I hate this level?
Notice the blade right in front of you, see how it lowers and raises as it
spins around? Yeah, well when you see it get higher crouch under it, be careful
because it will just swing back around and smack Enric in the back of the head.
This is trial and error game play at its worst.

Do the same thing with the other ones until you have maneuvered yourself to the
far part of the room with the two pillars. Jump atop the pillars and onto the
ledge. Cross the bridge and hit the switch on the wall. A block will fall down
and the blades will stop. Jump down and head for the block, climb it then jump
onto the ledge. Hit the skeleton switch.

"Sealed Dragon Head One"

Believe me this is a good thing, if you ventured out into the room with the
dragon heads you will know what I mean. Now you're going to have to go back to
the room with those stompers. Remember to be careful not to fall into the lava.

"Stompers Again"

Jump down off the ledge and onto the rising stomper. Don't jump too far!
When you see the crushing stomper rise jump across and wait in the secluded
area. Wait until you see an opening between the two stompers and make your way
past them.

"Back out Past Stompers"

Head down the hall until you reach the split in the road, head to the left.
You still need to disable those other dragon heads so don't head to the right
just yet.

"Lava Room"

A room, full of lava. It may appear to be so but it's not empty. When you jump
down a Magmar will come out of the lava! This guy is pretty tough, and there
aren't any healing items in this level, but you should have some with you. Note
that shouting "You shall not pass" while fighting the Magmar is completely
optional. Please be considerate of the neighbors.

Once the lava golem is dead move toward the far end of the room and jump across
the lava, move down and you should see another skeleton switch. Press it.

"Sealed Dragon Head Three"

Three? But what about two? Head back to the split and instead head through the
hallway in front of you.

"Pendulum Room"

As if you didn't already have enough problems. With the swinging blades and
all. There is also an invisible enemy in this room. He can be annoying because
he jumps around a lot. Use his shadow as a reference and just slash madly at
him. Also, you can hold down the "+" key on the keypad to see his life bar,
which can also reveal his current position.

Once he is dead attempt to move past the swinging blades. There is a safe spot
between each of them so use these wisely, one hit from these blades can be an
instant death. This really isn't as hard as it looks, just what until you see
a good opening and move through, wait for an opening and move through. Repeat
until you are on the other side. If you die you'll have to battle the invisible
monster over again.

Once you have made it past head through the hallway to the right.

"Block Puzzle"

"What! a puzzle in my hack and slash game? You mean I actually have to think?"
No you don't, I'll do it for you. There are three switches on the wall behind
and to the right of the blocks. Your objective is to set up the blocks in such
a way that it allows you to jump to the tunnel to the left.

Walk up to the switches and press the first one on the left. After press the
middle one. Head to the left side of the blocks. One of the green blocks
contain a hidden switch inside of it, press it and move out of the block.

Head back to the switched on the wall. Once you are there press the switch on
the left again. Walk to the left side of the blocks and climb up onto the
yellow block. Jump across to the blue block next. Then climb up onto the green
block. You now need to jump across and climb onto the blue one. This may take
you a few tries but you will get it eventually. To get to it you will need to
run and then crouch and jump then climb up onto it. It's possible.

Once you manage to get past this part, jump across and climb up onto the ledge.
Next, head through the tunnel.

"Solved Block Puzzle"

Run down the tunnel until you appear on the ledge overlooking the pendulum
room. Grab the Full health potion and hit the switch on the right.

"Activated Staircase"

This part may take a few tries. What you have to do is get to the little
crevice on the far side of the room. You need to jump on the swinging blades
and use them to make your way towards it.

If you fall just reload your data via the Autosave "Activated Staircase" which
is much quicker than climbing back up. Take your time, this can be quite
frustrating. When you make it on the blades wait awhile and get used to the
movement of the blades, don't jump do late or you will miss the blade and
overshoot into the lava. Once you have made it to the fifth and final blade,
wait until it rises to your right and jump into the crevice.

There is another skeleton switch here, press it.

"Sealed Dragon Head Two"

Well, there's all of the dragon heads. Backtrack to the room with the statue
and head out to the split in the hallway. Go through the one to the right and
follow the twisted hallway until you come to another room. As you run through
the hall you will meet up with another invisible monster, just kill him the
same way you did the other one.

When you emerge from the hallway you will find yourself in a large room. The
one with the dragon heads, It's now safe to come in here.

"Past the Dragon Heads"

Go to the far end of the room. Move to the right and follow the small hallway
to a room with four pillars. Kill the invisible monster and a new path will
be opened for you. Go through it.

"Gear Room"

As you enter the room you will see pieces of dead warriors. Lovely. Do not
press the black statue, if you do Enric will meet the same fate that these
warriors did.

Head to the left and you will be in a room with a large, spinning gear. Time
your jump and jump onto one of the platforms. This can be kind of hard but
like everything else in this level, you'll get it eventually.

When you are on the first gear, you can't wait to long to jump to the second or
Enric will be crushed. It is very easy to get disoriented by if you do you
should just go with it. Just continue jumping and climbing and you will
eventually end up on the third gear. When you are on the third gear look to the
right of you and leap onto the ground below.

"Navigated Gears"

Head through the yellow tunnel and you will eventually come to a room. You will
meet a dwarf in here. He isn't a friendly dwarf, so kick the crap out of him.

He shouldn't give you too much trouble, but he does have a lot of health.

"Killed Dwarven Miner"

Hit the switch on the wall and, go through the opening and head to level 6.
Three more levels you're almost done!

- Level 6 - Dwarven Mines

Killed 6 of 5 enemies, nice math there. Anyway, the level begins with a couple
of dwarves moving some sort of crystal thing. Hey! It's that pale guy in the
loincloth! Apparently he hasn't been paying the dwarves and they want their
cash post-haste! Well the sorcerer isn't paying up.


Avoid the crushers by standing back and running under them as they lift. Once
you get off of the rails a dwarf will attack you, once he is dead loot his body
for a steel key.

Leave the room and head for the steel gate, use the steel key to open it.

"Opened First Gate"

Head through the narrow path and to the machine. The dwarf will lock himself in
there. Take the path leading to the left. Don't cross the bridge or poor Enric
is dead meat. Follow the path to the right of this bridge and go through the
small tunnel. A dwarf will attack you, kill him. Cross the bridge and pick
up the copper key and the potion behind the machine.

"Got Key from Blacksmith"

Backtrack to the first gate that you opened and pass through it. You will see
another dwarf who will attack you. Once he is dead look around for a tunnel
in the wall, follow it and it will lead you to some locked doors. Use the
copper key to open it.

"Opening Double Doors"

Follow the straight forward path and go through the tunnel at the other end. a
couple of dwarves will attack you in this room. Once they have been dealt with
search their bodies for an Iron key and pick up the healing potion if healing
is needed.

"Got key from Warrior"

Head back to the room where you killed the blacksmith and got the copper key.
Follow the stone path leading up and go through the tunnel. Use the Iron key
on the iron gate that you find at the end.

You are now standing on a ledge, hit the switch on the side.

"Lowered Drawbridge"

Now backtrack to the room with the big machine. Go across the drawbridge
and into the tunnel on the other side. At the end of the tunnel you will come
to a blue room. You will be attacked by a dwarf with a cudgel as you enter
so be ready. Once he is dead search him for a minor healing potion.

Cross the bridge and hit the switch, Enric will smash it to pieces.

"Broke Water Pump"

Head back to the room with the big machine and press * on the keypad by the
red crystals on the ground a few times. Run out of the room, anywhere, it
doesn't matter! The thing's going to blow!

"Blew up Machine"

Now is the time to cross that bridge that I told you to ignore before. Head
up the bridge and through the tunnel to the end of the level.

- Level 7 - The Master's Castle

"In the Master's Castle"

Why did I think that it was possible that a hack and slash title wouldn't
include skeleton warriors? Well this one does, move through the gate and
you will be ambushed by some skeleton warriors. But these aren't just any
old skeleton warriors, these ones can do back flips with one leg!

Once they have been dealt with, jump into the little space in the wall.

"First Hall"

Enric appears in a large hall. You have to move through this room quickly! As
you enter move to the right and a wall should open. The floor is electrified or
something and Enric takes damage from it.

"First Spiral Ramp"

Run through the tunnel until you reach a seemingly dead end. The wall in front
will open and you will appear in a large open room. A skeleton will jump out
and Enric will crack a lame one-liner, than the battle is on! Once the skeleton
is dead another one will pop out. Kill him to and jump into the chest to grab
a minor healing potion. Once they are dead, go towards some upraised tiles.

You will notice that if you jump on them, they well change. Jump on one until
it changes to its brown front, then jump from that one onto another blue one
and so on until all of them are brown. When you hit the last one you will be
transported to a different room.

In this room you will be attacked by a skeleton, kill him and then smash the
red crystal thing in the middle of the room.

"First Power Room"

Head back to the room with the electrocuted floor. Move through the door
opposite of the doorway that you entered to enter the room. You will see a gate
lift, move in and you will have to fight more skeletons. Once they are dead the
gate obstructing your path will open. Go through it.

"Second Hall"

Move through the series of rooms and battle the skeletons that pop out.
Be careful, in the first room some large spears will shoot out of the wall.
Crouch while you are moving through here and then deal with the skeletons.

Continue moving through until you reach the third hall.

"Third Hall"

The first room you move through you will encounter a skeleton. When he is dead
IMMEDIETLY move Enric and jump into the wall that the skeleton jumped out from.
If not then, well you'll have an Enric sandwich. Pull the switch in the room
that you appear in and jump back into the indent. Move through the room and
out the gate.

"Second Fountain Room"

Move through the room and go to the far right corner, a wall will open. Move
down the spiral.

"Second Spiral Ramp"

You should heal if you need to before you enter this room completely. You will
have to fight three skeletons. Once they are dead go over to the raised tiles
and jump from them on to the others until the one on the far left is brown.

Jump on it to be transported to another location, the next power room. Fight
the skeleton and then smash the red crystal.

"Second Power Room"

Head back to the fountain room and head through the gates located directly
across from the door you used to get in the room. Head through and fight the
skeleton. You will come to another spear trap room, crouch and when they shoot
jump up and over them.

You will reach another fountain room. Go towards the top right corner and a
wall will open. Head down the spiral.

"Third Spiral Ramp"

Go through the spiral ramp and you guessed it, more skeletons. This is another
one of those rooms that lead to the power rooms. Once the skeletons are dead go
on the raised tiles and transport to the power room.

Kill the skeleton and destroy the red crystal.

"Third Power Room"

Once the crystal is gone move back to the fountain room that led you to this
room. Go through the doorway facing the gate that you used to enter the room.
You will walk through another spear trap room. Just run through this room
quickly, most of the spears will most likely miss. Once you’re done this room
head into the main keep.

"Main Keep"

There are two skeletons in this room, run up the ramp to fight them. Once they
are dead head through the hall until you reach a door. You will see the
sorcerer again. IT'S A TRAP!


You will find yourself in a room with three kobolds hanging from the ceiling.
Yes, you can hit them while they're down... Move through the room and past the
two iron gates. You will find yourself in a large room and remember that giant
green guy with the metal arm that was seen in one of the videos? Yeah well,
guess what? You have to fight him now!

He actually isn't that tough, he is pretty stupid just like the ogres. A small
cubical drops down from the ceiling which you can use to separate yourself
from him. Just try and get behind him and slash him until he is dead.

"Defeated Changa"

Once Changa is dead, head to the small cubicle and step inside, it will bring
you back up to the surface. Head back to the room that you last saw the
sorcerer in and jump through the glass in the back.

- Level 8 - The Final Battle

This is it! The final battle! There's no turning back now.

"The Final Battle"

This guy can be quite tough and very annoying. You start off on a floating
platform where the sorcerer is on the opposite end. Run and jump from platform
to platform and don't stay too long on one of them, they will fall if you do.
The sorcerer will sometimes shoot electricity at you while you are jumping,
knocking you off the platform and into the lava below.

As you reach the last platform, wait for him to shoot a blast of lightning.
Strafe to the side to dodge it and then immediately jump towards the big
platform. Hit C to climb while in mid air.

Maya is in the middle of the platform, you have to break the ice that is
surrounding her. Ignore the sorcerer, if you try to hit him he will just vanish
and strike you with more lightning. Try your hardest not to fall off the edge
and into the lava. While you are smashing the ice dodge the sorcerers shots.
Don't stand to close to the edge of the platform, a giant lava tentacle will
grab Enric and chuck him into the lava!

Once the ice surrounding Maya is broken, you will see a little scene and once
you gain control of Enric, slash at the sorcerer rapidly until his head pops

That's it, you've completed the game! Good job!

Now wasn't that a wonderful game? ...Well... the cover sure did look cool!

[IV] Cheats/Codes

Here are all of the cheats for this game. This game is quite tough so don't
be surprised if you need them... These are the only ones that I am sure that
they work.

During the game, hold down F1 and enter these codes for the effects:

| Code | Effect |
| mukor | God mode |
| dedly | Special weapon |
| btiny | Small character |
| golrg | Large character |

[VI] Revision Information

GameFAQs will always have the latest version of this document.

Version #.# (mm/dd/yy)

Version 1.00 (07/21/05)
- The first completed version of the FAQ.

Version 1.01 (08/31/05)
- Corrected random spelling mistakes.
- Corrected some errors in the intro.
- Edited the section headers.
- Fixed the ToC.

Version 1.02 (12/12/05)
- Changed level headers.
- Changed Walkthrough section headers.
- Changed Tables.
- Fixed random spelling and grammar mistakes.
- Refixed the ToC.
- Wondered why I was even bothering to update this.

[VII] Credits

- Tantrum for the control list, and of course for making this grea... uh...
this game.

- CJayC for accepting this FAQ.

- You, for reading this FAQ.

- For the ASCII art.

[VIII] Contact Information

If you wish to contact me you can do so via e-mail at:


If you have anything to add to the FAQ please send it to me, of course
proper credit will be given for all submissions. If you do have something
to contribute please provide me with either your real name or an online name
that I can credit you by. Please, if you notice that I have made an error, let
me know about it.

If you have any questions/comments/suggestions/corrections and you choose to
e-mail me please include something like "Die By the Sword FAQ" in the subject
field. This way I won't mistake it for spam and delete it. Feedback of any kind
is appreciated, just please keep any criticism constructive.

[IX] Copyright Information

This document may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise
distributed publicly without advance written permission from me. Use
of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is
strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Plagiarism is bad, very
bad. Don't take credit for someone else's hard work, give credit where credit
is due.

All names, places, items and everything else contained in Die By the Sword
are are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.

List of sites with permission to host or link to this FAQ:
- http://www.gamefaqs.com and all of its affiliates.
- http://www.neoseeker.com
- http://dlh.net

Copyright 2005 Michael Monette
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