Thief 3: Deadly Shadows

Thief 3 - Deadly Shadows

15.10.2013 21:49:12
Weapons FAQ
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Game : Thief Deadly Shadows
Platform : PC
Author : a_heavenly_body
Version : Final
FAQ Type : Weapons FAQ
E-Mail :

Copyrite 2005 a_heavenly_body


Table Of Contents

2-Copyrite Notice
3-Version History
4-Weapons FAQ
I.Weaponry Controls
1.Black Jack
3.Broadhead Arrow
4.Fire Arrow
5.Gas Arrow
6.Moss Arrow
7.Noise-Maker Arrow
8.Water Arrow
9.Flash Bomb
10.Explosive Mine
11.Holy Water
12.Oil Flask
13.Gas Bomb



Hi there,this is my FAQ for all the weapons in this game.Hope you find this
faq informative and please rate it.


2-Copyrite Notice

This document is copyrite 2005 a_heavenly_body It cannot be altered reproduced
or published under any circumstances without my permission. The only websites
currently allowed to host it are
Thats it. If i find it on any other website without my permission then the
web master will be in one heck of a trouble as i will immediately take legal
action. If you spot it on an un authorized website inform me via e-mail as
soon as you can(see contacts section). If you want it on your website then me
an e-mail asking permission and we will discuss things(see contacts section)


3-Version History

8th August 2005...v 1.0 done.I have listed every weapon and item in this game.
This FAQ won't have any more updates.


4-Weapons FAQ

I.Weaponry Controls

These are the default cconfigurations.



1.Scroll through your weapons

Use the mouse wheel to scroll through your current set of weapons.



The left mouse button is the attack button,use it to attack with your selected



1.Black Jack

Press the 1 button on the keyboard.It equips the black jack.



Press the 2 button on the keyboard.It equips the dagger.


3.Broadhead Arrow

Press the 3 button on the keyboard.It equips the bow with the broadhead arrow.


4.Fire Arrow

Press the 4 button on the keyboard.It equips the bow with the fire arrow.


5.Gas Arrow

Press the 5 button on the keyboard.It equips the bow with the gas arrow.


6.Moss Arrow

Press the 6 button on the keyboard.It equips the bow with the moss arrow.


7.Noise Maker Arrow

Press the 7 button on the keyboard.It equips the bow with the noise maker arrow


8.Water Arrow

Press the 8 button on the keyboard.It equips the bow with the water arrow.



Press the Z button while an arrow is nocked to zoom in and out.


10-Unequip Arrow

Press the ESC button or space bar to unequip the nocked bow if you donot want
to release it.


11-Put Weapon Away

Press the = button to put your current weapon away.


12.Scroll through Items

Press [ and ] to scroll through your available items.


13.Use Item

Press I to use the selected item.


14.Unequip Item

Press - to unequip your current item.


15.Flash Bomb

Press F1 to equip flash bombs.


16.Explosive Mine

Press F2 to equip explosive mines.


17.Holy Water

Press F4 to equip holy water.


18.Oil Flask

Press F5 to equip oil flask.


19.Gas Bomb

Press F6 to equip gas bombs.



This part is the ACTUAL faq,it gives you details about all weapons.


1.Black Jack

A.What is it?

It is a standard club.This is your short range non-lethal weapon.

B.Whats its Use?

It is used to knock out unsuspecting enemies,the unconsious enemies will not
bother you for the rest of that level.It can also be used in normal combat.

C.How is it used?

In order to use the black jack for a stealth take down sneak up on an unsusp-
ecting enemy with this weapon selected and get close to him until garrett
raises his arm.Now press the attack button to preform a stealth take down.
In normal combat,just keep pressing the attack button in the direction of the


In order to use the black jack for a stealth take down,the enemy must not be
aware of your prescence in any way i-e they must not be searching for you with
their weapons drawn.Secondly,although this weapon can also be used in normal
combat,i strictly recommend against it as it causes VERY less damage.

E.Where is It Found?

It is with you all the time.



A.What is It?

Dagger is your short range lethal weapon.

B.Whats Its use?

It is used to stealthly take out the enemies,in a more bloody fashion.It can
also be used for close range open combat as it does a decent amount of damage
to most enemies.

C.How is it used?

In order to use the dagger for a stealth take down sneak up on an unsuspecting
enemy with this weapon selected and get close to him until garrett raises his
arm.Now press the attack button to preform a stealth take down.In normal combat,
just keep pressing the attack button in the direction of the enemy.


In order to use the dagger for a stealth take down,the enemy must not be aware
of your prescence in any way i-e they must not be searching for you with their
weapons drawn.Secondly,the dagger leaves bloody spots on floor when ever it is
used,whether for a stealth take down or normal combat.These bloody spots,if not
cleaned up using a water arrow,will cause you trouble if a guard or a normal
person happens to notice them.I only recommend the dagger for normal combat.

E.Where is it Found?

It is with you all the time.


3.Broadhead Arrow

Maximum Capacity: 30 Arrows

A.What is it?

It is your long range lethal arrow.This is sort of the sniper rifle of that

B.Whats Its Use?

The broadhead arrow is used to take out your enemies from a distance without
them knowing.It can also be used to divert the enemies attention by releasing
it very near to the enemy to create a minor noise.

C.How is it used?

In order to use the broadhead arrow for a stealth take down,the enemy must not
be aware of your prescence in any way i-e they must not be searching for you
with their weapons drawn.Press the attack button to prepare your arrow and use
the sight on the bow to aim for the enemy's chest or head.You can use the zoom
function for more accuracy.Release the arrow by letting go of the attack button
and if the arrow hit the enemy on the head or chest,it will immediately die.
If you want to divert the enemy's attention then target an area close to the
enemy and release the arrow.
This arrow can be retrieved if it ends up in some sort of woodwork.


If the arrow hits any other region except the head or chest,then the enemy will
become aware of your prescence and will charge at you.It will also alert nearby
enemies.The stealth take down results in a bloody spot,which if not cleaned,
will land you into trouble.

E.Where is it found?

You have to buy these from shops.Other then that,they are found in very
specific locations.


4.Fire Arrow

Maximum Capacity: 15 Arrows

A.What is it?

It is your long range EXTREMELY lethal arrow.This is like the rocket launcher
of the that era.

B.Whats Its Use?

You will generally be using this weapon to take out your STRONGER foes,from a
distance.There is no point of a stealth take down as this weapon creates a
bright light when nocked plus a very loud sound when released.You will use it
to take out the inhumanly creatures and the undead most of the time.It can also
be used to lighten up unlit torches or candles.

C.How is it used?

Very simple,just aim for the enemy and let go.This arrow will take out even the
most toughest of enemies in a couple of hits.To light up a torch or candle,aim
roughly at it and let go.


You are at a big risk of exposing yourself when using this arrow as it creates
a bright light when it is nocked,plus it causes a very loud sound when it is
released.Not to mention the sound it produces when it hits an object.

E.Where is it found?

You can generally find the orangish-yellowish fire crystal near small fires,
hot coal and other HOT places.Also available in shops.


5.Gas Arrow

Maximum Capacity: 5 Arrows

A.What is it?

This arrow is your long range non-lethal weapon.

B.Whats its use?

It is used to knock out an enemy from a distance.It can also be used to extin-
guish torches and candles etc.

C.How is it used?

Just aim for the specified person and let go.It is better if you aim for the
head region.If you want to extinguish flames,then aim for the flame and let go.


You can only carry five arrows.Plus the gas range is NOT very big so you have
to aim accurately.

E.Where is it found?

Generally near air-vents or high places.Also available in shops.


6-Moss Arrows

Maximum Capacity: 20

A.What is it?

It is sort of like cover,so that you dont make noise while moving.

B.Whats its use?

It is used to create an area of moss,on which if you walk,you will produce NO
sound at all no matter how fast you run.It is also used to temporarily handy-
cap guards.

C.How is it used?

Just aim at any solid peice of ground and let go.It will completely grow in a
couple of seconds.If you want to temporarily handicap an enemy,then aim for
the FACE and not anything else.


Very rarely used.

E.Where is it found?

It is very common.You can spot it near bushes and other greenery.It is also
available in shops.


7-Noise-Maker Arrow

Maximum Capacity: 5 Arrows

A.What is it?

It is sort of like a decoy.

B.Whats its use?

It is used to divert the enemy's attention.

C.How is it used?

Just aim and fire the arrow some where near the enemy.It will start to make all
sorts of noises which will immediately grab the enemy's attention and will go
towards the general area to investigate the sound,giving you time to sneak by.
You can pick up the used noise-maker arrow again,most of the time.


The enemy is suspicious after investigating the sound.If you accidently fire
the arrow near yourself,you will be in big trouble.

E.Where is it found?

It is VERY RARELY found out in the open.Very easily available from shops.


8.Water Arrow

Maximum Capacity: 25 Arrows

A.What is it?

It is like a balloon filled with water.

B.Whats its use?

It is used to extinguish all sorts of natural flames.It is also used to wipe
out bloody spots on the floor.

c.How is it used?

Just aim for the flame and let go.It will immediately extinguish it.If you
want to wipe out bloody spots,aim for the spot and let go.The whole spot will
be cleaned in a matter of seconds.


If you extinguish a flame and an enemy is nearby,then he will become slightly

E.Where is it found?

Any place where there is water.Also available in shops.


9.Flash Bomb

Maximum Capacity: 20 Bombs

A.What is it?

It is plan B if plan A fails.

B.Whats its use?

If an enemy spots you and you have to get away,then drop a flash bomb to tempo-
rarily blind it.It will give you time to escape.Most of time you will be using
it to take out undead as it is VERY effective against them and takes out most
undead in 2-4 bombs.

C.How is it used?

Since you cannot aim with it,roughly face the enemy and press the I button to
throw it.


No proper aiming.

E.Where is it found?

Only in shops.


10.Explosive Mine

Maximum Capacity: 5 mines

A.What is it?

It is a tactical lethal weapon.

B.Whats its use?

The enemy doesnt know what hit them.When an enemy moves over this mine,it
explodes dealing the enemy huge amounts of damage.

C.How is it used?

You need a tactical mind to use it.Watch the enemy's patrol and place the mine
roughly in that area.It will explode when the enemy moves over it.Since you
DONT have proper aiming you have to aim roughly.
It has a red light on it which reminds you it's there incase you forget.


No proper aiming.Very tactical.Can be damaging to YOU as well if you move over

E.Where is it found?

Only in shops.


11.Holy Water

Maximum Capacity: 5 Flasks

A.What is it?

It is water blessed with holy properties.

B.Whats its use?

It is only used to take out undead as it is EXTREMELY powerful against them.

C.How is it used?

Aim roughly near an undead and throw it.The flask,on impact will create a
puddle of water.Any undead who steps on that water will be INSTANTLY destroyed.
The puddle will also prevent undead from chasing you as well.The puddle lasts
for approximately 20-25 seconds.


No proper aiming.VERY RARELY FOUND.

E.Where is it found?

It is not available in any shop nor in normal areas.Your best chance of finding
it will be in fort ironwood.


12.Oil Flask

Maximum Capacity: 5 Flasks

A.What is it?

What do you expect it to be...

B.Whats it use?

It can be used as a booby trap since enemy's slip on it.It can also be used to
create fire.

C.How is it used?

This is a very tactical weapon.Since enemies slip on it,it can be used to guide
enemies off cliffs or a staircase etc.If there is no dangerous place nearby,
then a normal enemy will slip on it and slide some distance.If an enemy is
searching for you with weapons drawn,he will only fall down.It can also be used
to avoid tailing enemies.Shoot a fire arrow into a puddle of oil to instantly
create a fire.Most enemy's wil not follow you through it and if they do,they
will be badly damaged if they make it across.


Very tactical.No proper aiming.

E.Where is it found?

Only in shops.


13.Gas Bomb

Maximum Capacity: 5 Bombs

A.What is it?

It is your short range non-lethal weapon.

B.Whats its use?

It is used to knock out enemies.It can also be used to extinuish flames.

C.How is it used?

Aim roughly for an enemy/group of enemies and let go.Since it has a big area of
gas,it can usually take out a couple of enemies in one bomb.Do the same for
extinguishing flames.


No proper aiming.

E.WHere is it found?

Only in shops.


This takes care of all the weapons,hope you found the faq informative.



Contact me if you

noticed an error etc i made

Want to make a contribution

Want to appreciate my walkthrough

Want permission to host it on your web site

DONOT contact me If you

want to send Hate Mails and viruses

want to just spam my inbox

E-mail Address:



Me..For making a great faq.
You..For Reading it.
[Your name here]..For sending a great addition in my FAQ.
yada yada yada yada......................

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