Diablo II: Lord of Destruction 1.11

Diablo 2 - Lord of Destruction 1.11

15.10.2013 23:26:02
Vindi/Smiter Guide
-Diablo 2 PvM Vindi/Smiter Guide (1.11)
-V2.0 (07/20/06)

This is property of KIRBIX (Sean D'Hoostelaere). This may be not be
reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not
be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance
written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any
public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.
In plain English, this means that it is against the law for you to copy this
guide. If you want to print it out, that's fine, but I do not permit its use
anywhere on the web or for it to be used for anything profitable.

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|Table of Contents|

I. Version History
II. What this guide is for
III. Overview of the paladin (Why Smiter?)
IV. Skills
a. Combat skills
b. Offensive Auras
c. Defensive Auras

V. Skill allocation
VI. Stat distribution
VII. Equipment
a. Helmet
b. Armor
c. Gloves
d. Belt
e. Boots
f. Weapon
g. Shield
h. Jewelery
j. Final listing
VIII. Leveling up
IX. Chaos Tristram
X. Contact Me
XI. Credits

1.0- first version; I'm tired of smiter topics, so let's make a guide!

1.01- Ashnod provided some much needed criticism.

1.1- It was a mess; it needed some fixing, so I fixed it!

2.0- Yuck; the entire guide was just awful. Tons of remodeling has been done
to bring it properly up to speed.
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Chaos Tristram is an awesome task, but it can be easily done with a Vindicator.
Utilizing the skill smite, you can beat them with ease. I'm going to show you
where to put your points and how to equip it to beat them into the ground with
little effort.

This guide's sole purpose is to show you how to use a smiter to beat Chaos
Tristram; a PvP guide is on the way, but this is not that guide.
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The paladin is a unique blend of character. Generally speaking, he's a melee
character, having attacks that utilize attacking up close. However, the paladin
is unique from a barbarian, assassin or amazon in that he has auras. These auras
give him magical properties to defeat his foes. Abilities such as automatic
healing, boosts to attack and defense, raising/lowering resistances of those
around you.

The Smiter utilizes the ability Smite- using smite, a paladin swings his shield
at the foe and deals damage with his shield. Smite is useful because it is very
fast and cannot be blocked. Against bosses, it can be invaluable due to the fact
that you will never miss, meaning that abilities such as crushing blow can be
activated with relative ease.

While never being quite as powerful as the hammerdin, the smiter is perfect for
one-on-one battling. Holy shield, an ability designed to add damage to smite,
also adds blocking ability and defense. Therefore, Smiters will have very high
defense by default, and seeing as paladin is designed to be defensive, it is
fairly simple to create a smiter that will attack fast and hard while having
ridiculous defense and block. Smiters are, simply put, unstoppable tanks.

You don't have to be rich to beat Chaos Tristram, but you do need some access
to a few things. You can get by with a high rune's value in stuff, though.
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There are only a dozen or so skills that you will put any points into, and most
of them are prerequisite skills.

If the skills (most of the auras) don't have any remote application to this
build except prerequisite, I will be skipping them entirely.
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A. Combat skills
Combat skills are what they sound like. These are the abilities that are used
as attacks. The auras are designed to supplement these attacks. From the smite
of your shield to calling a bolt from heaven, the combat skills are the core
to the attacks of the paladin.

Required level: 1
Effect: smash your foe with your shield, stunning them

This baby is the core of your build. You will want to max this early. You see,
smite gives good bonuses with each level, can be obtained early, and the Mana
cost NEVER GOES UP. It will always cost 2 mana to use it, no matter how
powerful you have made it. Max it ASAP

< attention:>>
~~Smite is a weapon skill and thus is affected by Attack Speed
(e.g. 'Fanaticism') and is not affected by Cast Rate (e.g. -of the
Apprentice). Smite works with any "X% Chance to cast level Y (spell) upon
striking ability on your weapon.
~~Smite does not receive added damage vs. undead with the Sanctuary aura.
~~The Fire/Cold/Lightning damage added to attacks with the Holy-Fire,
Holy-Freeze, and Holy-Shock auras do not add onto Smite damage.
~~Smite does not work with Life/Mana % Steal, but the lifetap curse DOES
~~Smite can also deal crushing blow and open wounds damage, but not deadly
strike and elemental damages.

~~Holy Bolt~~
Required level: 6
Effect: sends a bolt of holy light outwards, healing friends and damaging
undead foes.

Holy bolt can do good damage to the undead, and it can heal your party.
...while that's kind of nice when you're level 7 or 8, it REALLY doesn't have
any place in your build whatsoever. However, it's on the path to holy shield.
A point prerequisite.

Required level: 12
Effect: run super-fast at your opponent and strike them.

Not a bad skill, but Smite is better. You get leftover points when you're done
maxing required skills, and people often use their leftover points in this

~~Blessed Hammer~~
Required level: 18
Effect: sends a hammer spiraling around you at your foes.

Hammerdins love this spell- Yea, it really is AWESOME, but that's not what
you're about. 1 point into it as a prereq and forget about it altogether.

~~Holy Shield~~
Required level: 24
Effect: Magically enhances shield to give defense bonuses

Holy shield has three uses- it raises your defense, it raises your block, and
it increases your smite damage. As a character that needs high defense, block
and smite damage, holy shield is an absolute MUST.
Because the Mana cost doesn't raise, you can max it whenever you want.
However, you'll definitely want to max your attacks first.
20 points, for sure.
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B.Offensive Auras
Offensive auras surround your paladin, giving him boosts to his attack. Some of
them add elemental damage, some of them simply up your damage. One of them
simply lowers the elemental resistance of your enemies.

Required level: 1
Effect: enhances your damage

This is the first aura, and it's a good one. Adding 40% to your damage
immediately, might adds damage.. what more could you want? The more the
better! However, of the attack auras, it is the weakest- one point as a prereq
and don't bother again- concentration and fanaticism are better.

~~Blessed Aim~~
Required level: 12
Effect: enhances your attack rating

Useless aura for you- you don't bother with Attack Rating.
1 point as a prereq.

Required level: 18
Effect: greatly enhances your damage

A better version of Might. However, it's not as good as fanaticism. One point
there and use it until level 30, and forget it.

Required level: 30
Effect: Greatly boosts damage, attack speed and attack rating

Fanaticism has two bonuses:
1) The damage bonus it gives you is UNREAL
2) Increased Attack Speed

While the bonus to damage given to the rest of your party is nowhere near that
of concentration, this thing gives incredible bonuses to your damage. The IAS
is invaluable for triggering the mods on your equipment, too- hitting the right
breakpoint? Very important.
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C. Defensive Auras
The defensive auras serve the same purpose as the offensive auras, but they
instead increase your defense properties.

Required level: 1
Effect: heals all within range of it

It heals VERY SLOWLY, for a VERY HIGH mp amount. Don't ever use it.
Still, it's a prereq. 1 point

Required level: 6
Effect: Greatly boosts defense

Defiance is, as an aura, very good. However, fanaticism is a better aura- you
will never use defiance.
HOWEVER, it synergizes with holy shield for a nice defense bonus. This is very
important later on, and you're going to want this skill maxed in the end. I
do mean in the end- this is the last skill you'll max.

Required level: 12
Effect: reduces poison and curse time

Useful in act 2 normal- after that, totally useless.
1 point as a prereq.

Required level: 18
Effect: increases speed and stamina

An EXCELLENT aura. When you're not fighting, this is a great way to get around
the map.
With the leftover points you have, people either pump vigor or charge. It's
your call- +skills will give you good vigor regardless.

Required level: 24
Effect: Raises your mana

Unlike prayer, this spell costs nothing and will quickly recharge your mana.
When you don't have bodies to redeem, this spell is invaluable.
Put a point into it, and let +skills do the rest.

Required level: 30
Effect: increases all resistances

This is a crowd-pleaser, and in some cases, a necessary action to take.
1 point. With +skills, you'll have maxed out resistances without trouble; a
necessity when in hell. Basically, use it when in parties, but don't make it
your crutch.

Required level: 30
Effect: Gain life and mana off of nearby corpses

When you've finished destroying a group of enemies, you're often missing
some health and mana. One point into redemption and you'll fill your mana and
life very quickly, making you ready for the next group of baddies.
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Smite is available from square one. Dump your points into smite. Place your
points into prerequisites from time to time, as well. You can place a couple of
points into defiance if you want, but there's no reason to this early. You
should have smite maxed by level 30.

Now that you're level 30, you have fanaticism and holy shield to max. Three
points into holy shield, and then max fanaticism. From there, finish off holy
shield. You're now *about* level 60. Start maxing defiance. By level 75 (just
as you're about to enter hell mode) you should have great defense AND attack,
even without good equipment.

When you've maxed defiance, you get to pick where you put the rest of your
skills. I prefer dumping into vigor, as it's awesome for between battles (and
it also is a decent substitute for teleport in baal runs).

Alternately, you could put your points into resist fire, lightning and cold.
Every 2 hard points gives you an extra point to your max resists. Your setup
will have lots of resists available, so make full use of them if you want to.
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As you well know, there are 4 statistics that you can allocate points to:
Strength, Dexterity, Vitality and Energy.

STRENGTH- Strength is what allows you to equip things. Strength requirements
vary from person to person. A person with an Enigma runeword in their armor
won't need as much strength as everyone else. Just take into account the +str
that you'll get from your equipment.

DEXTERITY- Dexterity determines your attack rating and your chance to block.
Attack rating is useless as a smiter; your attack ignores it. However, with
a paladin, 75% block (max block) is easily obtainable. With maxed holy shield,
you can expect somewhere around 100 dexterity will be quite enough.
It varies by person and your +skill charms. Shoot for 100-110.

VITALITY- Every extra point will go into vitality. More health decreases the
odds that you'll die; it's that simple.

ENERGY- NO POINTS WHATSOEVER. I mean, it's 2 MP that we're talking about. By
level 30, it's a joke to use it.
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This used to be an area of debate. However, it's now an exclusively PvM guide.
So now we can give you the right equipment for PvM, no debate.

Chaos Tristram isn't really that hard for a smiter. All you need are some

-Crushing Blow
-Life Tap

Resistances are what stand between you and a quick death. Mephisto loves to use
magic attacks; so do many of the minions. He's got a conviction aura that rips
your resistances apart. Now, you could use a salvation aura to counter it, I
suppose, but you'd lose your attack speed and your damage, and that's just
not a good idea. So instead you need to get high resists through your equipment.

Crushing Blow is a far more useful tool than the raw damage on a smiter. When
Crushing blow is activated, it takes a percentage off of the monster's remaining
HP. In the case of the prime evils, that number is 12.5%, or 1/8. Smite hits
often (never misses) and it hits fast. With a 50% crushing blow, you'll be
dealing 12.5% of their remaining HP over and over and over and over again.
Very quickly you bring their HP down to almost nothing.

Now, crushing blow works with your weapons. That means that when Crushing Blow
activates, you do damage alongside activating crushing blow. So, having 100%
is not a bad thing- you'd inflict CB and do damage with every attack.
So, when their HP is almost gone, the raw damage will eventually take them

Lastly, Life tap keeps you alive. Smite doesn't leech, and the monsters do
tons of damage; far more than your potions can cover. So, use life tap. It
gives back 50% of the damage you do, so if you're doing 2000 damage per hit,
you get 1000 health back, and it's not very likely they'll take you down if
you regenerate health that quickly.

There's really only one helm you should use. Kira's Guardian is cheap and gives
you a ton of resistance. You could use a Shako if you wanted the life, but you
really would be better served to have the Kiras. It also provides the CBF mod,
saving you the need to use RF unless you need the dexterity (and with this
build, you don't)

\Kira's Guardian (Unique Tiara)
/Defense: 90-170
\+50-120 Defense
/+20% Faster Hit Recovery
\Cannot Be Frozen
/All Resistances +50-70

Socket it with an um for even more resists (the idea is to have maxed resists
even after conviction: this will do that for you.)

Chains of Honor is an awesome piece of armor. It's not cheap, but the runes are
not incredibly difficult to obtain, either. The bonuses are perfect for your
smiter, too- the +skill, the resists, the damage reduction... Use it.

\Chains of Honor (4 Socket Body Armor)- Dol + Um + Ber + Ist
/+2 To All Skills
\+200% Damage To Demons
/+100% Damage To Undead
\8% Life Stolen Per Hit
/+70% Enhanced Defense
\+20 To Strength
/Replenish Life +7
\All Resistances +65
/Damage Reduced By 8%
\25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

For gloves, there's only one choice- you need Dracul's Grasp. The chance to
cast life tap allows you to fight and not die.

\Dracul's Grasp (Unique Vampirebone Gloves)
/Defense: 125-145
\+90-120% Enhanced Defense
/+10-15 To Strength
\+5-10 Life After Each Kill
/25% Chance of Open Wounds
\7-10% Life Stolen Per Hit
/5% Chance To Cast Level 10 Life Tap On Striking

Verdungo's Hearty Coil provides more damage reduction for you. The more you've
got, the better off you are.

\Verdungo's Hearty Cord (Unique Mithril Coil)
/Defense: 125-158
\+90-140% Enhanced Defense
/10% Faster Hit Recovery
\+30-40 To Vitality
/Replenish Life +10-13
\+100-120 Maximum Stamina
/Damage Reduced By 10-15%

The Gore Riders are the best melee option. Faster run/walk, with open wounds
and crushing blow. Definitely the best choice, especially if you up them.

\Gore Rider (Unique War Boots)
/Defense: 140-162
\+160-200% Enhanced Defense
/30% Faster Run/Walk
\10% Chance Of Open Wounds
/15% Chance Of Crushing Blow
\15% Deadly Strike
/Requirements -25%
\+20 Maximum Stamina

When it comes to weapons, there are three options: the VERY rich option (and you
really don't need it) is a weapon with Last Wish- it has all the mods you could
ever want for a vindicator: life tap, crushing blow, a might aura... nothing
tops it.

\Last Wish (6 Socket Swords/Hammers/Axes)- Jah + Mal + Jah + Sur + Jah + Ber
/6% Chance To Cast Level 11 Fade When Struck
\10% Chance To Cast Level 18 Life Tap On Striking
/20% Chance To Cast Level 20 Charged Bolt On Attack
\Level 17 Might Aura When Equipped
/+330-375% Enhanced Damage
\Ignore Target's Defense
/60-70% Chance of Crushing Blow
\Prevent Monster Heal
/Hit Blinds Target
\+0.5-49.5% Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based on Character Level)

A more practical weapon is Heaven's light. With two ber runes, you've got almost
50% crushing blow, and you frankly don't need two bers: one or none will do with
the innate 33%. The bonus to paladin skills isn't bad, either.

\Heaven's Light (Unique Mighty Scepter)
/+250-300% Enhanced Damage
\+50% Damage To Undead
/-33% Target Defense
\+20% Increased Attack Speed
/33% Chance of Crushing Blow
\+15-20 Life After Each Demon Kill
/+2-3 To Paladin Skill Levels
\+3 To Light Radius
/Socketed (1-2)

The poor man's option is the black runeword, which provides an excellent chance
for crushing blow.

\Black (3 Socket Clubs/Hammers/Maces)- Thul + Io + Nef
/+120% Enhanced Damage
\40% Chance Of Crushing Blow
/+200 To Attack Rating
\Adds 3-14 Cold Damage - Cold Duration 3 Seconds
/+10 To Vitality
\15% Increased Attack Speed
\Magic Damage Reduced By 2
/Level 4 Corpse Explosion (12 Charges)

Your shield is your life force- it is the source of your damage, and it is how
you will block all of your attacks. While Holy Shield should ALWAYS be active
on your smiter, your shield type does still matter.
Now, Exile provides an excellent source of LifeTap, and that's always good.
However, if you're using Dracul's (or better yet, last wish), you've got life
tap covered. Herald of Zakarum gives tons of resists, a great block rate and
some killer all-round bonuses. If you up the shield, it only gets better.
An upped HoZ is the best shield you could choose, but exile does give you
more life tap, and that can't be overlooked.

\Herald of Zakarum (Unique Gilded Shield)
/Defense: 422-507
\Chance To Block: 82%
/+150-200% Enhanced Defense
\30% Increased Chance Of Blocking
/30% Faster Block Rate
\20% Bonus To Attack Rating
/+20 To Strength
\+20 To Vitality
/All Resistances +50
\+2 To Paladin Skill Levels
/+2 To Combat Skills

Socket it with an um.

\Exile (4-socket Paladin Shields)-Vex + Ohm + Ist + Dol
/15% Chance To Cast Level 5 Life Tap On Striking
\Level 13-16 Defiance Aura When Equipped
/+2 To Offensive Auras
\+30% Faster Block Rate
/Freezes Target
\+220-260% Enhanced Defense
/Replenish Life +7
\+5% To Maximum Cold Resist
/+5% To Maximum Fire Resist
\25% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
/Repairs 1 Durability in 4 Seconds


Bul-Kathos is an awesome ring and there's really no other one you ought use.
If you can get a good rare ring with mods that you like, use that, but BK is
best; RavenFrost gives CBF, but if you're using Kiras, that won't matter.

\Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band
/+1 To All Skill Levels
\+ 0-49 To Life (Based On Character Level)
/3-5% Life Stolen Per Hit
\+50 Maximum Stamina

No other amulet springs to mind- use Maras.

Mara's Kaleidoscope
+2 To All Skill Levels
All Resistances +20-30
+5 To All Attributes


Kira's Guardian with an um rune
Chains of Honor (archon plate works best- good resale value, too)
Dracul's Grasp
Gore Riders
Verdungo's Hearty Cord
Heaven's Light with a Ber Rune (figure 1 instead of 2)
HoZ with an Um
BK x2

Total Resists: 222-252 (that's without Anya's scrolls... You're covered when
Meph uses conviction)
Total Crushing Blow: 56%
Chance to Cast Life Tap: 5%

With exile instead of HoZ, it looks like this:
Resists: 150-180
CB: 56%
CtC Life Tap: 20%

With Last Wish (assume you won't use exile- you shouldn't; you won't need it)
Resists: 222-252 (plus the CtC fade)
CB: 75-85%
CtC Life Tap: 15%
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The great part about a vindicator is the fact that you get smite immediately.
However, smite is... rather useless early on. With a sceptre of any type, you
can deal 20-30 damage with might, whereas your shield will not be likely to top
10 damage. Therefore, you probably will not use your shield until around level
20, or possibly even later than that.

In the first act, just use normal attacks to kill everything- you should find
that it's not a very difficult task whatsoever to finish the act with your eyes

Act 2 brings lots of new ugly baddies. For a smiter, this act can be a REAL
challenge, as the enemies all use either poison or lightning to damage you.
Without decent defense and resists, you'll be fighting for your life at every
turn. Its recommended that you stick with a group when finishing Act 2- joining
forces with a summoner is always a surefire way to stay alive.

Come Act 3, you should be in the low to mid 20s, which means you will have a
decent smite. Find a good paladin shield and begin using smite as your primary
attack. Due to the overwhelming number of flayers and fetishes that you
encounter, it's advisable that you join a party all the same.

With Act 4, you should have holy shield, which means smite is only getting
better. Start aiming for max block, and stock up on LOTS of fire resist. If your
resist and block are both high, you should be capable of taking the act solo.
If you're having problems, join a group.

You might as well get an Act 5 rush, as there's no good reason to do the Act 5
quests. Get your rush through act 5 and Baal run for a while. You can tank
fairly well, and as long as you've got some sorceress backup, you should do
perfectly fine.

Come nightmare, your smite and fanatisicm should be maxed and you should be
doing fairly powerful smite attacks. From here on out, just take everything
however you choose- If you have problems, join groups of people who are doing
the same thing as you are.
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Check out the other FAQ for questions about how to get there and what to do to
get everything in place.

Once you've done that, be ready. The big thing to remember is to take them on
one at a time. Lure one away and take him down by himself. Smite until he dies.
Quite simple, really. Now, there is one difficulty, and that's if you're not
using exile or last wish. Dracul's doesn't give a high chance to cast, and
therefore there can be some difficulty getting lifetap activated before you
die. Simply solved, though- go talk to Akara and buy a wand with charges of
lifetap. Put it on switch, cast it and then switch back to your weapon and
thwack away.

...Kind of anti-climactic. It's so easy to beat them that there isn't much
else to say.
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This ought to cover all of the basics, but maybe it won't. If I'm missing some
information, or you'd like to add some comments, or maybe you have a question
about the vindicator, don't hesistate to E-Mail me. My Email address is
Kirbix@gmail.com. If you have advice to add and I feel it is useful information,
I will add it to the guide and your name will pop up in my credits.
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St0rm 46- Provided me with a bit of background info for the smite skill.

Arreat Summit - The best Diablo 2 website on the
<> internet; many thanks for the info!

GameFAQs and CjayC- The number one gaming site. Period. I appreciate being
allowed to write for you and to help others with their
gaming; you made it possible.

Copyright 2005 © Sean D'Hoostelaere
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