Jack Orlando

Jack Orlando

16.10.2013 18:29:58
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Published by: Developed by:

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+-+-+-+-+-+-+ / /| |_| |> < > <| _| / /

-------------------------------------------------------------FULL GUIDE

* An FAQ *
- by -
* Steve Taylor *
- Began: 17/September/05 -
* Finished: 18/September/05 *
- Updated: 25/September/05 -
* E-Mail: jimfish@gmail.com *

To cut down on massive lists and TOCs, I've just made simple Ctrl +F strings
for you. Want to visit the actual Walkthrough? Just type W-T in the search
function. The guide's not that hard to navigate either way, but just a small
feature to make it a little easier.

Table of Contents:

(I-I) Introduction (I-I)
(C-M) Contact Me (C-M)
(V-H) Version (V-H)
(S-T) Story (S-T)
(C-H) Characters (C-H)
(CON) Controls (CON)
-1.b. Keyboard Shortcuts
(W-T) Walkthrough (W-T)
2a.) Day One
2b.) Day One; Night time
2c.) Day One; Night time - HARBOUR
(T-K) Thanks to... (T-K)
(C-R) Copyrights (C-R)




Jack Orlando - A Cinematic Adventure is the absorbing story of a scruffy but
shrewd private investigator who, through most unfortunate circumstances,
becomes the prime suspect in a murder case mystery.

Jack now has only 48 hours to slip the noose and find the real offender.
Time is rapidly running out for Jack, who needs to unravel the mysterious plot
he now finds himself caught up in...

The features of this re-release:

-Painstakingly hand-drawn animated 2D graphics
-Featuring 100 characters
-Over 200 scenes in four enthralling episodes
-Thousands of lines of dialogue unravel the plot
-Two difficulty levels with different events featured in each
-Professionally synchronized
-Playable in Cinematic mode or Full Screen
-Two years in the making
-Smooth scrolling and light sourcing

Dear Player,

Thank you for choosing Jack Orlando Director's Cut. This game has been in the
making for more than two years. An adventure which we're really proud of - high
resolution graphics with 65,000 colours, smooth scrolling, flowing animation,
many active characters, lavish dialouge and above all, a gripping and extensive

Experienced art cartoonists have designed every scene, using air-brush
techniques to scan, touch-up, and blend into the hand-drawn foreground
animation. Every individual animated image was drawn by hand, then coloured by

To give our game the music it deserves, we asked one of the best; Harold
Faltermayer, who soundtracks for Beverly Hils Cop and Top Gun, to name just a
few, brought him fame the world over.
So get ready for detailed graphics, a high quality soundtrack and dramatic
action combined to give you an unique game experience.

Have a great time.

-Your Jack Orlando Team



Yes. It's official. I love the attention. Gimme your e-mails. Make my head

To send me mail that I will read, please set it up with the following fields:

E-Mail: jimfish@gmail.com
Subject Line: Jack Orlando Guide

Now that you've got my interest, you must abide by the rules below, or else it
won't be read and instead, ignored. Please, if you want your voice to be heard,
follow the rules/guidelins.


- Inform me of errors that I've made. Either constant grammar or factual info.
- Pass on strategies and solutions on how to solve parts of the game which I
have not mentioned.
- Ask for help about things not mentioned in the guide.
- Write in words. Not internet short cuts.
- I like to read e-mails with proper formatting and grammar. Please do be sure
to write your e-mail like so.
- And please, read through the guide before even thinking about contacting me.
I've had many e-mails in the past about my other guides where they ask me
questions which were answered, or not answered in some cases, since some were
about the demo guides I had wrote.


- Send me chain letters or spam. That's one big no-no.
- Send attachments. In some cases, I do accept them, but usually for pictures
- Call me names/Insult me/Threaten me/yadda yadda yadda...
- Use child like e-mails with crap colours. I don't want size 32 bright yellow
font on top of a lime green background.
- Type in alterNaTiNg CaPs LiKe ThIs or just in ALL CAPS AND STUFF.
- No stupid 1337 speaking. If I see it, it's deleted in a flash.
- Ask irelevent questions which I answered in my guide. It irritates me to have
that done.

See those rules? Well...they're more like guidelines anyway...but it doesn't
matter either way! OBEY THEM OR DIE!





1.00 ~ 18th September 2005.

Guide completed. Ready to be uploaded. Contains full-walkthrough, nothing else.

2.00 ~ 25th October 2005.

Guide re-worked. Taken down yesterday because I just didn't like the way it was
left incomplete. So, I added some control information, characters, story and
introduction. Nothing in the way of actual changes to the walkthrough.

Til the next update.




1933 will go down in the history books as the year America passed the 21th
Amendment to the Constitution - Prohibition is over.

To the delight of millions, alcohol can now flow freely across this thirsty
land. Two days before this official proclamation announcing this historic
change; clubs ands bars across the land are stocking up on quality whiskey.
Even Jack Orlando, private investigator and well-known bootlegger enemy is
drawn to the golden liquid.
Jack, however, is not sharing in the excitement accompanying the new law, for
his life has become a monotonous journey, marked these days mostly by cheap
whiskey and late nights in dive bars and run-down neighbour hoods. Until one

Jack Orlando - a cinematic adventure is the story of a scruffy but shrewd
private investigator, called Jack Orlando who becomes involuntarily involved
in a mysterious case of murder. He has only 48 hours to slip the noose and find
the real offender. And as if this was not enough, he quite unexpectedly finds
himself caught in a web of intrigue...

Who is the guilty party? How can he get rid of the suspicion pointing directly
at him?

Shady figures, crafty gangsters, explosive situations and tricky riddles
characterize the game from the beginning to the end.

YOU are JACK ORLANDO and YOU determine the protagonist's destiny...





Some game characters are described below. Their descriptions should help you
to better understand the game and its goal.


Jack Orlando is a 39 year old private detective with life experience and the
main character of the game. He is a balanced person who can sometimes, however,
react arresively. He's now a walking Film Noir cliche; drinking cheapened
whisky in run-down neighbourhood gin palaces, late with the rent and its been
years since his last case. After one eventful night, he's thrust back into
the world of crime, but sadly, he's the one being hounded.


The first policeman who arrests Jack at the begnning of the game is Alex Rauer.
He is 35 years old, inexperienced and reckless. He only does his job, and tries
to do it as well as possible. He shows no sign of compassion with the people
he works with, as shown when the once great detective Orlando is brought in.


Tom Rogers, 46, Inspector at the local police department. A very quiet and
mysterious person. He leads the murder inquiries in the Pete Reynolds case in
which Jack is involved. He's been a friend to Jack for a long time when they
both started out in the crime-solving business, rising through the ranks. He's
a good cop...


Another policeman - Steven Johnson, 37, is an experienced and balanced person.
He arrests Jack and conducts him to his cell. He is not as impulsive as his
colleague. He's some what emotionless, but there is a heart in there somewhere.


Alice Stone is Jack's neighbour. She is a 32 year old housewife and a good
friend of Jack.
Jack can speak to her about nearly all his problems. She's usually in her
apartment dusting or drinking tea....


Joe Astor, a 14 year old shoeshine boy. He is a nice guy who pays attention
to what happens in his neighbourhood and what his customers talk about. He's
a nice useful source of information, too, and can be very helpful. He's related
to the Bellboy who works inside the Hotel Paradise.


Daisy Simour, 67, flower shop assistant - an old woman, who has missed the
changing times. She sits in front of the Cotton Club and sells flowers. She's
a kind old lady, but you can't help but feel she's lost the plot. To Jack,
she's what the world used to be like, before all the crime and hoodlums...


Arnold Johnson is 27 years old. He is a porter, indifferent, very disiplined
and polite. He stands in front of the Hotel Paradise. He knows all of the
guests who come and go. He also enjoys a quick cigarette break and a cool beer
at the end of his shift.


Leone Detteli, 34, grass. He is a very mysterious sly fox. He is a born
braggart. He stands at the corner next to the Cotton Club in the city. He knows
what goes on in the city and everything in between, and would gladly squeal
to anybody like a little rat....Violence works especially well...


Simply known as Gabriel around the city. Gabriel is the local call girl at the
O' Granis Night Club. She is young at the age of 24 years old. She's very
boisterous, impudent and regards herself as the beauty of the city. She has a
high set of standards and knows her customers...she might even provide a little
information if some money comes her way...


The owner of the Cotton Club. He likes sticking his big nose into other
people's affairs. He thinks he is very important and that everybody must
believe what he says. Highly infuriating and arrogant.


Ella Wilson is a 21 year old women. She is a guest staying at the Hotel
Paradise. She's young and childish. She searchs for young men and the meaing
of life...


This good-looking man is August Bellinger. He is 35 years old, quiet and
generous, however he is unscrupulous and very rude when facing strangers. He
is connected in the murder case of Pete Reynolds, and might just be the true
killer. It's down to Jack to find out...


This strong man is Biff Baracus. He is 27 years old and lives in Jack's
neighbourhood. He does not want to be disturbed by anybody, and does not like
strangers, and especially those who want to steal from him. He'll defend his
property with force if needs be...


Clara Polock - a 76 year old woman who's curious and slightly naive. She is
Biff's neighbour and a very good friend of his. Nice lady, but don't think
she hasn't got a mean side...


Okahara Ming To is the local street vendor out front of the Chinese laundry.
His age is 32. He is a very mysterious person who seems to have many secrets.
He's known to speak in weird riddles and enigmas, so be prepared to have your
brain taxed if you approach...


A destitute - one of the many homeless people on the streets in the thirties.
He is insidious, vindictive and very violent. There is no chance of trading,
let alone bartering, with this guy. Stay away.


This young girl's name is Elizabeth. She is 27 years old and a quiet and
sensitive and a very romantic person. She is daughter to the local crime-lord,
Don Scalletti. She is currently engaged to the great August Bellinger and are
soon to be married.


Louis DeLare is 32 years old and works as a receptionist at the Hotel Paradise.
He is the typically arrogant type, who thinks of himself as being better than
the rest. On meeting with him, you'd presume he was the brother to the Cotton
Club Owner...


Rosemarie Gorman is one of the Hotel Paradise's many guests. Her age is 31.
She is an unfriendly woman, who believes, that the whole world revolves around
her existance. One of "thoses"...


Old Bill Kowalsky is 55 years old. He is the local care-taker who works through
out the whole city. He's a very friendly chap, but is not the most talkative


Jerry "The Bottle" Cooper is 49 and a full-blown alcoholic and destitute. He is
a quiet and kind person, who is glad once he has found somebody to talk with.
He has known Jack for a very long time, but their exact relationship is unknown
other than old friends. Cooper sleeps rough out on the streets...


Gioseppe Elgardo is a 52 year old man. He is one of the guests staying in the
Hotel Paradise, and is an energetic and hardworking business man. He's always
bad mannered and discontent.





Controlling the Game:

The whole game is controlled with the mouse solely. There are six different
mouse icons which you can use for different operations. Two methods of how to
call up the desired functions are at your choice:

By pressing the right mouse button, you can change the cursor directly to call
different actions or by pressing the right mouse button calls up the "bullet"
from which you can choose the desired action.

Both methods have the same effect. They change the cursor and cause an action.
The following commands are at your disposal:

ARROW -- Walk and Talk

You will always see the mouse arrow on your screen
at the start. In other words, that is the standard, or default.

Use this icon to get Jack to move or start a conversation. Click the left
mouse button on the location to which you want Jack to go to.

If he's allowed to go to that location he will make his own way there. And if
you want Jack to start up a conversation with someone, just click on that
character with your left mouse button.

If you have the arrow pointing to an alley which Jack can walk into, or a door
through which he can go, the arrow changes into a live direction pointer. Click
on your left hand mouse button and Jack will go there.

MAGNIFIER -- Look and Examine


If you can place this icon over an object through which you can get some
information, the magnifier pulsates. If you click on your left hand mouse
button, Jack will describe the object and a written description will appear
on your screen.


HAND -- Take an Object


Using this tool, you can take objects, add objects which you already have to
others, or you can combine one object with another. To take an object, place
the hand over it and press your left mouse button. Jack will go to the object
and take it. You will see that the object replaces the hand on your screen.
Yuo can now combine that object with another, which will then behave just like
the magnifier.

When you place an object over another, with which it can be combined, its
corners will glow white.

To take the object, open the inventory and deposist it there.

When you move any mouse icon to the top of your screen, the inventory appears
and the icon changes into the Hand, with which you can take one of the objects
out of your inventory.

You will also see the name of the object over which the icon is placed. To
combine two objects, like a hook and a roop, for example, life one of them with
the hand and lay it on the other with a left mouse lcick. On your screen you
will see Jack in close up, combining the two objectsl but only if these objects
are compatiable with each other.

You can also use the hand to give an object ot another character in the game.
As soon as you have got an object in the hand just click your left mouse button
on the character to whom you want Jack to give the object to. However, that
character may not always accept the object.


FIST -- Punch


Use this to threaten, punch someone, or to break something. Remember, this is
the last resort. First, try other methods to get what you want. Inmost cases,
you will find that a well placed conversation is the better solution. Use the
fist just like any other icon: place it on your target character or object and
press your left mouse button.


COLT - Shoot


Jack uses his Colt ot either to shoot people or to scare them. Similar to the
Fist, it is again to be used as a last resort. You will probably get what you
want with a clever conversation. Use the Colt just like the Fist, but first,
you must find it...




Optionally, you can also use your keyboard to execute the most frequent game
options like Load, Save, Exit. The key functions are listed below:


____ F1 opens your inventory (Jack's
||F1|| trench coat)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

||__|| F2 saves your current game.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

||__|| F3 loads an existing game.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
||__|| F4 Opens the Main Menu "Option Menu)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
||__|| F5 is the Quick Save feature.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
||__|| F6 is the Quick Load feature.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
||___|| F10 quits the current game.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
||M ||
||__|| M shows the map. This is only
|/__\| avaliable in the City.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
||__|| F3 loads an existing game.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
||<------ ||
||________|| The enter key leaves the current
|/________\| building or location.




2a.) DAY ONE.

The Murder Scene and the Jailhouse :

The game begins down an alley, after a night of murder, booze and betrayal.
Watch the cutscene and be scocked as to how you can ever be accused of such an
evil crime!

When given the options, choose the follow lines of dialouge:

"You don't think I killed him."
"Why the Precinct?! I'm innocent!"

The Police will then take you away to the Precinct's holding cells for the time
being. When your cellmate, Bernado, gets up, choose the following lines of

"What'd you do this time, Bernado?"
"I just don't know."
"And I know even less. What can you tell me about the murder."

Go over to the table and collect the spoon, and then walk back over to Bernado
and use the Punch option to rough him up a bit. After he finishes talking, wait
until you are escorted to the Inspector's office.

Once there, say the following:

"I know nothin'. A shot rang out and then my lights went out."
"But I ain't no murderer, you know that."
"And the police won't lift a finger, huh?"

From here, you'll be given 48 hours to clear your name. The police will drop
you off at your house.


Pick up your doormat to reveal your door key. Use it on the door. As you're
about to go in, Alice, your neighbour will pop her head out of the door,
curious about what the hell's going on.

Choose the following lines:

"Believe me, Alice, this is the worst day since a whole..."
"I ran into the some bad trouble."

She'll go back into her room. Whilst you are here, pick up the broom from the
corner. Now go into your apartment.


Grab the feather duster next door to the globe, as well as the purse of money
on the couch. Once you have both, go into the bathroom to splash some water on
your face.

After you've finished, go to the bookcase and open the drawers at the bottom to
recieve a key and a notebook. Now that you have the key, go over to the corner
by your desk and open up the drawer with the whiskey on top with the key you've
just aquired. Inside is your Long Colt Revolver, pick it up.



Once here, knock on Alice's door and enter.


Select the following lines of dialouge:

"You know I like visitin' you."
"It does me good, listening to some nice conversation for a change."
"Oh, Alice, spare me."

Then give Alice the duster, and then the spoon from the prison. Alice will get
up and go dust her kitchen. Whilst she is away, pick up the Golden Gloves award
from off the wall and then leave.


Go outside.


Once outside, go gown the alleyway where the murder took place. (It's the one
furthest away from Jack's apartment.)


Pick up the cigar that was dropped by the killer from the floor and pocket it.
Also, pick up the newspaper from the corner with all of the trashcans.



Cross the road and then down the side-street.


Use your broom on the horse shoe which is on the ground under the horses to
pick it up. Combine your golden boxing gloves with the horse shoe and then go
back to the street.


Cross the road again and down the alleyway which you haven't yet visited.


Ignore the spur of useless objects, (Some people picked up the rotten apple and
banana for some reason...) and continue into the next scene.


Go over to the car and try to pick up the crank handle. Biff, the big scary man
who owns the car, will come over and threaten you to lay off his handle.


"Is this yours?"
"I only wanted to borrow the crankin' handle."
"You're a real hard guy."

He'll get really angry and raise his fists for a quick punch-out. Jack, always
prepared, will automatically get out his armoured gloves. Ouch! Once Biff is
down, leave the alley way with the crank in toe.


Continue out to the street.


Now you're going to head to the Murder Alley.


Get out the cranking handle and use it on the previously unreachable fire
escape. Now climb up to the roof.


Walk over to the little roof entrance hatch and pick up the small box of
matches. Night O' Granis, eh? Leave via the ladder.


As Jack makes his descent, Tom'll be arriving at the scene. Once you have the
chance, choose the line of dialouge:

"I'm just lookin' for a hot clue."

Tom'll return your lost car keys which you dropped the other night. Take them
and head back out to the street.


Uh, oh! Angry Biff Alert! He's awoken and he's really pissed. He grabs you and
pulls you down the alleyway...


...and then throws you against the wall where Jack'll be knocked out. Jack will
stay out cold for the rest of the day and awake once the nightlife kicks in.
Get up and return to the street.



Use the carkeys on your parcked car and drive to the DOWNTOWN Marker.


Round the corner into the next street.


Talk to the strange looking and suspiscious man leaning against the club's
entrance. Choose the following lines:

"I don't think we know each other."
"How interestin'."

He knows something alright, so use the tactic you learnt with Bernard and slap
him about a bit. He'll spill the beans. A casino, eh? Well, for now, head back
to your car...


...keep going down the street...


...and keep going...


Kick the plank of wood that block the doorway and pick up the broken board for
later. Go inside the building.


Go into the first room on the right...


..and collect the baseball bat resting on the wall.


Then enter the second room on the left.

= DERELICT ROOM *2nd Left* =

Try to pick up the rope on the floor, but the bum will wake up and yell at you,
so argue back with all the mean responses. The hobo will get mad and come
out swinging with a knife. Thanks to the bat, Jack'll clobber him. Pick
up the rope from the corner and leave.


Now go back outside.


Go up one screen to the Hotel.


Go inside.


Go and make Jack pick up the Lucky Charms cigarettes by the counter and then
go over to the Elevator Bellboy and hand him the old newspaper from yesterday
(The one from the crime scene alley) He'll get all excited and then he'll tell
you about the local Chinese laurdrymats opening in the area. Now that you've
talked with him, the Chinese Vendor will now appear outside the Chinee Laundry.



Give the packet of cigarettes you found inside to the doorman outside and he'll
inform you of a nice small bar in the area where he goes after work sometimes.
(Like before, talking to this guy will now let you enter "Small Talk")
Now cross the street.


Go up one screen.


And go up once more.


Go inside.


Go all the way over to the Piano Player and pick up the flower vase which is
just next to him. Pocket it and leave.


Go up one screen.


And another.


And go up just one more street.


Cross the street.


Now give the vase you just aquired to the lady selling flowers, and in exchange
she'll give you the Chinese Manuscript. The book's useless by itself, so you
will need to exchange it for something else.

Cross the street again.


Go down one screen the Chinese Laundry.


You need to go down the back alley for a second.


Pick up the small Chinese fan that lies on the floor below the steps and then
go back out to the front.


You will notice a Chinese vendor on the street, so he might be able to read
the book you recieved in the exchange, but first give the Vendor the fan that
you just found and he'll tell you about the doorman at the Night O' Granis.
Apparently. $5 cam get you information and an admission into the club. And now
give the Vendor the book that you've got so that Jack will then be given "The
Book of Wisdom." Keep it, and then cross the street.


Go down once more to get to the derelict building.


Go inside.


Now you are going to go to the parts we haven't explored yet, which, for some
reason, ended up in Jack Orlando. Puzzling...

Anyway, go to the stairs and take the flight down.


A large vault of steps, eh? Climbing all the way up and around? What the Hell
is this place? Use the Night 'O' Granis matches you found earlier on the roof
with the torch on the wall to light up ahead.

Keep going up.


This entire collection of scenes don't belong in Jack Orlando, since when do
large underground fountains, murals and irrelevant chambers fit into an crime
detective game? They just don't belong...

Anyway, enjoy the scene and then scurry onto the next room.


You'll need to push the little brick which protrudes slightly out from the
wall, just under the burning torch. This will activate the steps so you can
climb down them, do so, and into the next room.


Cross this very large and completely useless room to the other side, where the
small doorway is. Go over and push the little stone under the torch (On the
LEFT of the archway), just like in the last scene.

Go through to the next room.


Wow. A very old and ancient library. If you look closely, you will see that
there is a secret stone door beside the Sphinx, that's just a tiny bit open.
Your goal lies beyond that. Look at the bookcase that's in front of the door to
notice that there is a single book missing.

Try using your Book of Wisdom to fill the gap. SUCCESS! The door will slide
open, so go through.


As you enter, the stone door will close behind you, trapping you in. In this
room is practically the most important item in the game; the casino chip. So
pick it up.

Now how to get out of here? Pick up the other object in the room that is the
skull and place it on one of the stones on the left of the stairwell. This will
re-open the door, so leave now.


Go in to the next room on the right.


Now there's dead people?! What the Hell is this place? My guess is that the
developers might be taking a poke at the Broken Sword triolgy, as judging by
the room, it's scattered with sacred symbols and resting, fallen knights. Just
like one of the many tombs that George and Nico discover in their time....

Leave the room by going one room to the right.


Continuing your journey right, and into the next room.


Leave this bizarre place by means of the front door.


Whilst you are here, go and pop into Charles' shop, since he might have some
clues about the Davidoff cigar that was left by the killer. So head down the
street and into his store.


Wait for the lady to be served and then go up and talk to Charlie behind the
counter. Once you're in coversation, choose the following lines of dialouge:

"How's it going, Charles?"
"Terrible. That's why I'm here..."
"Can we talk?"
"Who bought Davidoff cigars last at your place?"
"No new customer, somebody you don't know?"
"Like always, you're irreplaceable."
"To tell you the truth, I don't have much money."

Charlie, out of the goodness of his heart, will give you the takings for the
day to help you out. Be sure to pick up a newspaper and then leave.


Go right one screen.


And once more.


Cross over to get to the Night O' Granis. Talk to the Taxi Driver and choose
the following lines of dialouge:

"Maybe another time."
"Then you won't have to get your car repaired as often."

Now talk to him again and choose the following:

"I have a car of my own."
"Give me his address."

Now go over to the bouncer and talk with him. The dialouge options to choose
from here are:

"Just to talk, only to talk."
"I'm looking for information."
"You could help me. You've probably heard or seen somethin'."

Mmmmmm...money, eh? Pass the bouncer $5 to hear that a girl inside the club
might just know something to help you, he'll also let you inside to go and
talk with her.


Talk to the prostitute sitting at the bar and choose the folllowing lines:

"What's your name, babe?"
"I'll give you five dollars and you won't even have to open your legs."
"I'm lookin' for a well-dressed guy who carries a cane - golden handle."
"What else?"

She wants her money now, so give her the five dollars you promised and relish
in all the information. Go outside the front door.


You need to head to the Hotel, so go up one screen.


Go up to the next screen to get to the Hotel.


You can talk to the hotel doorman to get some information on Bellinger, but you
already have enough, so go inside.

If you do want to talk to him, choose:

"Is a Mr Bellinger staing here?"
"Good-lookin', an expensive suit and a walkin' stick with a gold handle."


Now you're inside, go over to the main desk on the right side of the screen and
talk to the clerk.

Choose the following lines of converastion:

"Which is August Bellinger's room?"
"I'm his brother and I'd like to surprise him."
"D'you know where he was goin'?"

You now need to get yourself the key. Go one room to the right, which is the
cleaner's store room.


You'll see that a bunch of keys were left in the door of the store cupboard, so
walk over and pick out the key to Room 101. Once you have it, leave.


Walk over to the bellboy by the elevator and ask him where Room 101 actually
is, and he'll tell you that it's opposite the elevator one floor up. Use the
elevator control panel and when it arrives, use it to go up to the next floor.


Get out your key and use it on the door and go in.


Now, you must be quick, or else Bellinger will return to his room, find you and
shoot you. Quickly examine the suitcase under the bed to discover what
Bellinger is, and then quickly flick through the notebook upon the bedside
cabinet. Night O' Granis is a meeting point for Bellinger and a guy named Mr.
Smith at 8:15, and apparently, you'll need to bring a Today's News newspaper
along as a way of identifying youself.

You now need to quickly use the window to escape and climb down into the alley,
or else Bellinger'll come in.


You'll notice that there's a vagrant tramp in the alley with his bottle. Talk
to him with the following:

"How's the liver, Cooper?"
"We could all do with a holiday."

He'll now tell you that you can sneak into the whiskey distillary and grab a
couple of bottles but it has to be at night time. Talking to Jerry (the tramp)
allows you to enter the distillary now.

Go one screen along and into the second half of the yard.


Walk over to the far corner of the yard to see a ladder parked up against the
fence. USe it to get into the back of Night O' Granis.


Go through the open back door.


Now go into the large door with the massive STAR sign on it.


Now go through the next door to get into the club via the stage doors.


As you enter, you'll notice a new guy sitting by himself at a table in a brown
suit. It is your meet, Mr. Smith. Go over and drop him the paper to show who
you are.

Select the lines:

"You're very punctual, Smith."
"He who comes late..."
"Smooth as ever."

Smith will suggest that they should go somewhere more private to exchange and
finish the deal. He'll take you out back of the club.


Smith will begin to count the money and so'll turn away. As soon as you get
control of Jack again, select and use the Gun option on Smith to knock him
out cold, otherwise he would of pulled out his own gun from that briefcase,
which believe it or not, had no money in it.

Now Smith's out of it, use the rope you picked up from the derelict building
to bind Smith's hands. He's not going to go squeal in you now...


Now go back in to the dressing room...


...and then into the club.


What's this? Another new guy at the table? This is Bellinger, waiting for Smith
but we know he's out of it. Since Smith is gone, why don't you fill in for him?

Use the same greeting method by placing down the newspaper. Choose the line:

"The Boss sends his compliments for some great work."

Follow the dialouge through and then Jack'll suggest switching clubs. Bellinger
agrees and they set out for the Cotton Club. Just as they reach the club, a
mobster car rolls on by and empties his whole Tommy Gun magazine at both you
and Bellinger, killing him instantly.


At this point the Police will arrive and once again, accuse Jack of yet another
murder. Choose the lines:

"Just an unfortunate coincidence again, my friends."
"Of course I fired back! In a situation like that it's understandable."
"Hey, maybe I've got something to say about this, too."

The inspector is on his way and the policeman will tell you to wait for
him to arrive, but if you do wait, you'll be going down for both of those
crimes. So get out of there by going left.


Cross over.


Go down the street, to the distillary.


Go down the long road leading away from this area.


Ignore the drinking alcoholic outside the haulage building and keep following
the street along.


Go through the main gates and into the drive way.


In the parking lot, go over to the car draped with a large black canvas tarp.
Pull it off to reveal it to be the trigger-men's fancy blue car! Nice car...
Use the Pick Up action to search the car. You'll find The Casino Admission
Pass in the glove box. Take it and head into the garage itself.


Go over to the mechanic in his little office and choose the following lines:

Line 1.
Line 2.
Line 1.

Go over to the tyre by your car and pocket the little monkey wrench, now you
can leave.


Go out of the front gates.


And down this long, empty road.


Go down the street. You're heading for the restaurant at the end of the street.


Keep going right.


Keep going right.


And going.


Head inside the open doors to the restaurant.


You'll notice a big, scary looking henchman standing by a wooden door at the
back of the place. Beyond that door is the casino. Flash the Casino Admission
at him and he'll let you through to the gambling floor.


Now that you are inside the place, walk around the entire floor, asking every
one if they know about Scaletti. Eventually, after asking quite a few people,
the Henchman over by the other door'll come over and demand why you're so
curious about Scaletti's business. Talk your way through and then he'll then
take away your gun and take you away into Don Scaletti's office.

Or, alternativly, you can talk to the girl on the right of the screen again and
again until she calls the guard over. To do this, talk to her and choose:

Line 3
Line 1

And then talk with her with these lines:

Line 3
Line 2

And finally, the last time:

Line 3
Line 3


Talk to the Don Boss himself and choose the following lines of dialouge from
the list:

Line 1.
Line 3.
Line 1.

The guard will talk about Scaletti's meeting at the harbour pier. Scaletti's
daughter will be over come with grief during the conversation once Jack talks
about Bellinger's murder, and so will run out of the room.
Scaletti has to leave, and tells his guard to go and lock you downstairs until
they come back to deal with him the right way.


Damn. The slammer...again. Just wait down here for a couple of moments until
Scaletti's daughter shows up. She's still heartbroken about Bellinger being
murdered by her father, and so wants to help you. She's brought a crowbar along
and she'll slip it to you.

Pick it up and use it on the door to the cell to wrench it open. Go up the


...and into the first room on the right, which leads to Scaletti's office.


On the left side of Scaletti's desk lies your trusted Long Colt Revolver, so
pick it up and pocket it. Also on the desk is another very important piece
of information which you can't complete the game without; Scaletti's files.
Once you have all the things, leave via the door you just came through.


Go down this hallway and out the door at the very end which leads to the back.


Jack's stuck here at the moment until he can think of a way to get past the
machine-gun weilding thug on the fire-escape just above where Jack is.

There will be a valve to the left side of the door, so use it to knock the
guard off the balcony. After he's fell, pick up the bullets which he's got and
then head down the alley to the gate at then end. It's padlocked. So using the
bullets that you just got, combine them with your Colt to load it. Now shoot
the padlock off from the door and then out onto the street.


Go up the street.


Keep going.


And going.


And going...


Turn right to get to the Distillary.


Since you've talked to Jerry, click on the green door to go into the distillary


Go over to the large crate in the foreground and pick up the crank that's on
top of it. Now, using the crank with the engine block, start up the truck. The
guys loading the back up will presume the driver's back early and so call it
quitting time. They'll leave, so go inside the building via the double doors
down the side.

Once inside, pick up the bottle that was being drunk by the two men and pocket
it. Leave the building, and then leave the alley to the street.


And down this long, empty road.


Go back through the gates to see your car has been mended and ready for you to
drive away with. Enter through the gates.


Leave your car and then go inside the garage.


Talk to Frank in his office again and then give him the whiskey. He'll tell you
that your keys are in the car. Go outside.


Use your car and then click on the HARBOUR Marker to drive over there.


*Note: I've included the this entire act as one big area, as it is
too small and barren to keep writing headers. Don't worry, you won't get lost.*

Head into the alley behind Jack and pick up the small coin that's by the large
gate. Once you have it, you can leave again. Head to the screen on your right
and then again, to the Golden Fish. Head down the alley and then talk to the
homeless vagrant down there. Choose the following lines:

Line 3.
Line 1.
Line 2.
Line 1.

Exit the alley and then head left twice again, and then left once more to reach
the Bloody Shark. Go inside and talk to the barkeep and give him the coin you
found earlier. In exchange, he'll give you a beer. Walk over to the sailor who
is tucking into a sausage and give him the beverage. To say thanks, he'll let
you have his sausage (No innuendo here), so do so and leave again.

Head back to the alleyway by going right twice and to the end of the alley,
where you will meet a very large dog. Toss him the sausage to enjoy, whilst
you grab the wire-cutters. Leave the alley and head back to the gate by going
left three times after coming out of the alley.

Once back at the gate, use your wire/metal cutters on the large, thick padlock
in order to break it off. Try pushing on the door to reveal that it's stuck
fast and won't open. Phew...back to the alley you go.

There will be a can of grease opposite the homeless man now, so pick it up
and return it to the gate. Apply it to the hinges and open the gate. Walk on
through. After you go through the gate, the homeless man will have passed out
so sneak back over there and grab his bottle of Rum. Go back through the gate.


There's a guard walking around the warehouse, armed with a deadly gun. 1Avoid

*NOTE: The best way to do so is to save and watch his movements closely. *

When it's safe, rush out and go to a couple of screens along. Once you spot a
crane, go down the gap between the shipping crates on the far left, then go
down the crates to the right of you.

Walk over to the centre of this area and you'll then be swarmed by a bunch of
thugs. Choose the dialouge:

Line 1.
Line 1.

You have 10 seconds to get your gun out and use it on the thugs to scare 'em
right away. In the haste to get away, one of the losers will drop his weapon...
his crowbar. Pick it up and wrench off the board from the crate. Once you have
it, go one screen to the left. Now, take the left gap in the maze of crates to
come out at a small fisher's boat.

In order to board the boat, get out your plank and use it on the boat to make
a gangplank. Climb in. Using your monkey wrench, unscrew the anchor and take
it from off the wall. Leave.

On dry land, take the exit left, and then right and then left twice in order
to reach a jolly fisherman. This is a true fisherman and he'll want some rum,
so give him the bottle you stole from the tramp and then once he's happy, take
the rope from beside him.

Using your anchor and the rope, combine them togeather to make an excellent
climbing device.

Now get back to that warehouse door that you passed earlier, it's two rights
away from your current area. Open the door to the warehouse quickly, or else
you might get shot dead by the patrolman. Once it's open, head inside.

Pick up the little hammer that's lying around on the floor and then climb up
the ladder. Go one screen to the right to learn some horryfing truths about
Tom, Scaletti and a couple of other guys...The mystery is slowing coming

Once the conversation is over below, pull the large level in the centre of
the screen to make a steel girder next door come crashing down from it's
support. The guards below will go to investiage, so slip along the catwalk
and climb the ladder at the end.

On the roof, pull out your gun and use it on the guard to knock him out. Now
using the climbing device you made earlier, attach it to the roof and begin
climbing down. Once on the truck, get ready for it to move.

2.d) DAY TWO - The Military Base

Hop down from the truck and open the small toolbox on the truck to pull out an
axe. Using the axe, walk over to the door and smash off the padlock. Now go


Go one screen to the left.


You'll notice that there is a small piece of wire, just lying on the ground in
this scene. Walk over there and pick it up. Go back to the starting warehouse.


Now go back inside.


Walk over to the small workbench in the corner. Get out your wire and use it on
the vice here. Jack'll start making a little key out of it with the hammer from
the docks. Now you have your key, leave the warehouse again.


Go one screen to the left.


Using your homebrew key, unlock the door to the warehouse behind you and go on


There will be a uniform lying on a nearby crate, and funnily enough, it's
Jack's size. Pick it up and put it on. Leave to then be locked out.


Head right.


And right again.


As you walk past, there will be, for some odd reason, a soup ladel just lying
on the ground out here. Pick it up and go to the canteen to return it.


Go up to the window and talk to the cook. Choose:

Line 1.

He needs to make soup but he's lost his ladel! Just as well it was found lying
around outside then. Give it to him, and in exchange, the Cook will give you
the keys to the uniform supply building. Leave.


Go left.


And left.


Now using the key, open up the locked door and re-enter the storehouse.


Go to the right side of the screen to pick up all of your belongings, as well
as the dogtags that are lying on top of the crate to the left side of the
screen. Once you have both, leave the building.


Go right and then across the street. There will be an soldier watching over
the gate. Talk to him and choose the following lines of dialouge:

Line 3.
Line 3.
Line 2.

So it was Major Stewart who signed the orders for the trucks to go to the
warehouse, eh? That must mean he's our man behind this all! Thank the soldier
and then go right to the Officer's Canteen. Go over to the respectable looking
soldier at the table and give him the dogtags, in which you will recieve a
Military Pass. This military pass can now get you inside the main HQ of the


Go left four times in order to reach the Head Quarters. Flash the pass at the
soldier on guard duty and he'll let you inside.

Now, you must catch both of the true culprits, Tom and Stewart. The only way to
do that is to catch them red-handed. Enter the door to your left to the COMMs

Talk to the soldier using the following lines:

Line 2.
Line 1.
Line 1.

Now connect the telephone wire to the switchboard and call out to reach Tom.
Jack will then remember he doesn't know Tom's number. So pick up the telephone
directory on the shelf above and then try re-dialing. Once he answers, choose
the lines:

Line 4.
Line 2.

This will get him over to the base, so whilst he is on his way, leave the COMMs

Major Stewart is the next person you need to see, so take the door right at the
end of the hall in order to get there.

Talk to Major Stewart with these choices:

Line 2.
Line 1.
Line 1.

Once he's finished, leave.

Now enter the last door on the left.

Talk to the women in here with the following:

Line 4.
Line 1.
Line 2.

Now leave and go back into the Major's office, where Stewart has vanished. Go
through to the Colonel and talk with him:


Line 2.
Line 2.
Line 1.
Line 3.

At this point, Tom and Major Stewart will come bursting into the room, holding
Jack and the Colonel up. After a while of revelations, two Military Police
officers show up to disarm and arrest the two of them for all the crimes and

Well done, Jack. You've solved the case! Now enjoy your new, fresh life with
Elizabeth who awaits for you at your apartment...



(T-K) THANKS TO... (T-K)


There are people who deserve credit, and they are as follows:

Thanks to:

-GameFAQs: Because they just belong on here.
-My picky mind for making me take the guide down and re-work it.
-http://www.network-science.de/ascii/'s wonderful ASCII generator!
-Yams, Spring Rubber, SoftReset, MetalGearREXDude, Hello2ucat, Falcor, Bass X,
iamtheprodigy, BannedAccount, KageShinobi, PSXer, RoarMonkey, Lollybomb,
Agonized Flyer, Tomba42, monker, derrate, Red Snake, DeathStalka2, GigaRaver,
TwistedCrow, NeoChaosPerfect, RedLight, Spiderman23JII, autoIoad, Moth366,
monster master, K1NGCAL, Pigwater, eeyoreluv, jedi zero, Bob the Cow V,
VisionofImmortality, trickery...and a whole bunch of RI'ers who are badass
and stuff and also...just for being...well, people.


(C-R) Copyright Information (C-R)


This text file, "Jack Orlando FAQ" may not be republished and reprinted for
any charges and/or profits. This includes being reproduced in books,
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guide, I bare the right to require any reproduced copies of
this guides to be removed from any source of media that may
use this guide.

You are free to save it for later reference, and you may
also print it if you wish.

The latest version of this guide can always be found on the GameFAQs.com
gaming website.

Pfft...that's a lot of legal mumbo-jumbo, ain't it?
Copyright 2005 Steve 'Jimfish' Taylor. <(o_q)>TM
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