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"The Surrealistic Adventure That Will Become Your World"
Frequently Asked Questions (with Answers)
Unofficial Version 0.05
June 25 1996
Loke Teng Yan <93202707@np.ac.sg>
Copyright (c) 1995-6 Loke Teng Yan
All Rights Reserved
Subject: [1] Introduction
Date: 02/02/96
This is the unofficial Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list for the game
Myst, by Cyan, Inc. It also contains information about the sequel to Myst,
which has not been released yet.
Please refer to the Table of Contents and section 3 (Introduction and Intent)
thoroughly for details.
Subject: !2! Table of Contents
Date: 06/25/96
[1] Introduction
!2! Table of Contents
[3] Introduction and Intent
[3-1] Legal Stuff
[3-2] Obtaining this FAQ
[3-3] Integrity of FAQ file
[3-4] Format of Documentation
[3-5] Foreword
[4] Game Information
[4-1] Pre-Game
[4-1-1] What is Myst?
[4-1-2] How did I get into Myst?
[4-1-3] Will I meet people in Myst?
[4-1-4] What is the goal of Myst?
[4-1-5] What is the history of Myst and its universe?
[4-1-6] What makes Myst so special?
[4-1-7] Who created Myst?
[4-1-8] What is the cast list?
[4-1-9] Myst is known to have a poor ending. Should I worry?
[4-1-10] How much does Myst cost?
[4-1-11] What do I get when I buy Myst?
[4-1-12] How was the game created?
[4-1-13] Can I capture the sceneries?
[4-1-14] Strategies
!4-2! Post-Game (SPOILERS! Please Read the Warning Therein)
[5] Technical Information
[5-1] System Requirements
[5-1-1] MPC/Windows
[5-1-2] Macintosh
[5-2] Troubleshooting
[5-2-1] General Guide for MPC/Windows
[5-2-2] General Guide for Macintosh
[5-2-3] Will Myst run under Windows 3.11?
[5-2-4] What does "invalid call to dynamic link" mean?
[5-2-5] Where can I get a newer version of QuickTime?
[5-2-6] What are the savegame filenames?
[5-2-7] Why do voices of people in the game stutter?
[5-2-8] How do I get technical support from Broderbund?
[5-2-9] Can I play Myst in more than 256 colors?
[5-3] Playing Myst Under Alternate Operating Systems
!5-3-1! OS/2
[5-3-2] Windows 95
[6] Myst-Related Products
[6-1] Myst Paraphernalia
[6-2] Books
[6-3] Myst Audio Soundtrack
[6-4] Myst Calendar 1996
[7] Resources on the Internet
[7-1] Commercial Sites
[7-2] Reviews
[7-3] Hints
[7-4] Walkthroughs
!7-5! Miscellaneous
[7-6] Usenet
[8] The Future of Myst: "Myst II"
[9] Other Similar Games
[9-1] Entombed
[9-2] Gadget
[9-3] Jewels of the Oracle
[9-4] Journeyman Project
[9-5] Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time
[9-6] Phantasmagoria
[9-7] Return to Zork
[9-8] Shivers
[9-9] The 7th Guest
[9-10] The 11th Hour: The sequel to The 7th Guest
[9-11] The Dark Eye
[9-12] Under a Killing Moon
[9-13] Zork Nemesis
[10] Wishlist
[11] Credits
!12! Document Revision History
[13] Conclusion
Subject: [3] Introduction and Intent
Date: 01/15/96
The intent of this FAQ is to provide adequate information about the game
Myst, as well as preserving the many wonderful aspects of the game. Features
and highlights that will be in this FAQ should serve to remind us of the
detail and reality of our exploration into the magnificent environments of
Myst, which can only be accessed through a man-made machine.
This document also attempts to provide as much information as possible
regarding "Myst II", which is the sequel to Myst.
Comments, corrections and contributions can be sent to the author at the
following Internet e-mail address:
Loke Teng Yan <93202707@np.ac.sg>
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)-encrypted e-mail is preferred, so please obtain my
PGP public key using any of these methods:
(1) Un*x finger
Finger my e-mail account by invoking this command in your Un*x prompt:
finger 93202707@comet.np.ac.sg |more
(2) World Wide Web
Access my web page using your web browser at:
As you can see, much information is still needed, especially where sections
are marked "(Empty)" or "(Quite empty)" (without the quotes).
Subject: [3-1] Legal Stuff
Date: 05/21/96
This FAQ document is copyright (c) 1995-6 by Loke Teng Yan ("I"). All rights
reserved. Permission is granted for the following types of distribution of
this FAQ, provided that the FAQ is distributed in its entire and original
form, including the copyright notice:
(1) non-commercial distribution;
(2) distribution to Internet archives, BBSs and online services and
(3) inclusion on CD-ROM and other electronic storage media.
Product names and specific phrases are trademarks and registered trademarks
of their respective companies:
Apple, Broderbund, c|net, Channelwood, Cyan, Entombed, Gadget, IBM, INFOCOM,
Jewels of the Oracle, Journeyman Project,
Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time, Macintosh, MacOS, Microsoft, MPC,
MS-DOS, Myst, OS/2, PC-DOS, PGP, Phantasmagoria, PKZip, PMView,
Pretty Good Privacy, Program Manager, QuickTime, QuickTime for Windows,
Return to Zork, Rezsolution, Shivers, Silicon Graphics Inc., SoftImage,
Tandy, The 11th Hour: The sequel to the 7th Guest, The 7th Guest,
The Dark Eye, Trilobyte, Under a Killing Moon,
Virgin Interactive Entertainment, Windows, Windows 95, Zork Nemesis.
All other trademarks and companies not mentioned in this document and in this
section are acknowledged.
I disclaim from everything within this FAQ, whether written or implied. For
example, please do not blame me if you find that that this document has
lessened your enjoyment and satisfaction gained from the game. Views
expressed in this document are not necessarily those of Cyan, Inc. Broderbund
Software, Inc., or anyone else.
Subject: [3-2] Obtaining this FAQ
Date: 04/29/96
To get the latest version of the Unofficial Myst and "Myst II" FAQ, use one
of the following methods:
(1) E-mail
Send an e-mail with the subject, "Myst FAQ [text] please", to the address:
Loke Teng Yan <93202707@np.ac.sg>
and a human operator will process your request, where "text" is optional. If
you prefer to receive the package as ASCII text, then add "text" as
indicated. You should receive the FAQ in a PKZip-compressed or ASCII text
package as an attachment on the e-mail reply soon.
(2) World Wide Web
Yes, the FAQ is now available on the Web! However, it is not optimized for
viewing, because it has not been fully converted to organized HTML pages.
Any suggestions for other methods of retrieving this document are
appreciated. Much appreciated if someone can loan some disk space to
distribute the FAQ.
Subject: [3-3] Integrity of FAQ file
Date: 05/01/96
You may want to make sure that this text file has not been tampered by using
PGP software. Before you can do this, please add my PGP public key to your
public key ring. If you do not know how to do that, refer to the
documentation included in the PGP software package.
Included in this package should be a PGP transport armor file named
"MYST.ASC". If you do not have this file, you can either request from me
through e-mail or view it at this World Wide Web location:
Assuming that the PGP program, transport armor file, and the FAQ
file are in the same directory on your drive, type the following command:
pgp.exe myst.asc myst.faq
If the FAQ file has not been tampered with, you should be able to see at
least this following section of text (question marks denote date and time):
File has signature. Public key is required to check signature.
File 'myst.$00' has signature, but with no text.
Text is assumed to be in file 'myst.faq'.
Good signature from user "Teng Yan Loke".
Signature made ????/??/?? ??:?? GMT
Signature and text are seperate. No output file produced.
Subject: [3-4] Format of Documentation
Date: 01/06/96
I have been trying to follow the format which is a simplification of RFC1153
digest format, so that this FAQ may be compatible with common newsreader
digest handling functionalities. In some newsreaders, pressing "^g" (without
the quotes) will get you to the next section.
Changes from the previous version of the FAQ are marked with the character
"!" (without the quotes), while new portions are marked with the character
"*" (without the quotes), in the first column. Section numbers which are
enclosed in the square brackets, that is "[]" (without the quotes), mean that
the information therein has not been updated since the previous version.
Subject: [3-5] Foreword
Date: 02/02/96
Welcome to the Unofficial Myst and "Myst II" FAQ, adventurer!
I know this FAQ has little substance, but I hope to get as much information
as possible, to aid anyone in need. I enjoyed Myst alot, and I don't want to
forget the fun of it. Even if this document shall prove to be a failure, at
least I would have collected enough. Oh whatever....
If you are looking for solutions to the gameplay, they are not here. But if
there is an adequate number of readers suggesting such a section, I will look
into it. Meanwhile, I am trying out a section on things you would like to
know about after finishing the game. This is a warning that there may be
spoilers in that section, so ample warning messages are included to help you
avoid it. Please read the warning in the beginning of that section carefully.
Rest assured that there are safety blank spaces prior and after that section.
Many thanks goes to Mark, who first provided invaluable feedback and
contribution to this FAQ.
Now, let us begin.
Subject: [4] Game Information
Date: 12/21/95
This section relates to the game itself. Please contribute freely!
Subject: [4-1] Pre-Game
Date: 05/01/96
This section gives you an introduction before you buy or start the game.
Personal recommendation suggests that you skip this part completely and just
fire up the game. :-)
Subject: [4-1-1] What is Myst?
Date: 01/12/96
Myst is a mystical island place which holds alot of history, mystery, and
fantasy. You will be involved in a non-linear story with beautiful and
impressive scenes to explore. Puzzles are highly related, and sounds and
music are professionally created and blended in.
From the WWW site :
This hauntingly beautiful game features stunning 3D photorealistic graphics,
a compelling storyline and mind-bending puzzles. The non-linear gameplay lets
players go anywhere, at any time. Unlike other adventure games, there is no
inventory, and players never die.
Incredibly detailed, Myst offers more depth than any CD-ROM game to date.
From Mark H. DeForest:
Anything you do can be undone. Even though there is a save game feature,
there is no need to do a save/restore cycle to solve puzzles.
Any better descriptions?
Subject: [4-1-2] How did I get into Myst?
Date: 01/12/96
(Quite empty)
By clicking on the Myst icon? :-)
From Mark H. DeForest:
Local software stores, some department stores and software mail order.
Subject: [4-1-3] Will I meet people in Myst?
Date: 01/07/96
Yes, you will. Even though there is limited interaction, they will tell you an
interesting story that will help you discover how to complete the game. The
actors are also the creators of Myst.
As they are talking, you can click on your mouse button to stop them from
Subject: [4-1-4] What is the goal of Myst?
Date: 02/01/95
(Quite empty)
When you enter Myst, you will not know what is happening. And this is why
your preliminary goal is to find out about the situation. As you begin to
examine objects and readable material, you should be able to understand.
As you explore Myst, it should be obvious to you that the fact that you
hardly have a clue as to what is going on is what makes it an enjoyable
From Mark H. DeForest:
Initially, you will have no idea what is happening in Myst. Explore! Go every
where you can. Try to manipulate as many objects as you can. Read the books
in the library (you might want to print them, if you can) and the note left
by Atrus for Catherine. This is part of the game, to figure out what to do.
Subject: [4-1-5] What is the history of Myst and its universe?
Date: 02/02/96
(Quite empty)
If you have finished the game, please refer to the section
"Post-Game (Spoilers! Please Read the Warning Therein)" below.
Subject: [4-1-6] What makes Myst so special?
Date: 01/12/96
Unlike many modern computer games, Myst is not being advertised as much as
others. Even so, Myst has acclaimed great success in sales, reviews and
recognition. It is believed that Myst has sold more copies than any other
PC game.
Myst's interface is very unique, though this can be partly caused by
technical limitations. There are no full-screen animation when you navigate
in the game, but you will see beautiful and detailed scenery. Since your
movement is not entirely continuous, this encourages you to think more and
appreciate the environment. That is why classic text-adventure INFOCOM games
often leave deep impressions on people who have played them.
From Mark H. DeForest (edited):
This will be different depending on the person. To me, it is:
(1) the attention to detail which are graphics, sound and user interface;
(2) puzzles that interact with or are a part of the environment;
(3) tries to promote exploration, that is, does not hurt to try things, no
need for save/restore cycles (except for the end);
(4) tries to stay within the storyline.
Subject: [4-1-7] Who created Myst?
Date: 01/12/96
Here are the people involved in Myst:
Designers: Rand and Robyn Miller
Graphics and Animation: Robyn Miller and Chuck Carter
Sound: Chris Brandkamp
Musical Score: Robyn Miller
Technical Construction: Richard Watson
Producer: Laurie Strand
Assistant Product Manager: Matt O'Hara
MPC Version
Lead Programmer: Grace Kim
Programmer: Ben Ceschi
Programming Project Lead: Lance Groody
Image Processing: Wendy Johnson
Sound Processing: Tom Hays
Sound Direction: Tom Rettig
Senior Market Manager: Bruce Friedricks
Marketing Coordinators: Maia Stangeland, Dexter Chow
Quality Assurance Lead Technicians: John Crowell, Warren Yamashita
Testers: Marcus Duerod, Lisa Irwin, Dan Kelmenson
Special Thanks To: John Baker, Doug Carlston, Mickey Mantle, Glenn Axworthy,
Mike Foulger, Kent Daniels, Frankie Ford, Leo Hourvitz, Glen Rotan, Heidi
Jonk, Dave Lucas, Allan Young, Bob Gulian, Shirley Cochran, Esteban Ahn,
Stewart Apelzin, Mike Collins, Ginny Walters, Shannon Ward, Kathleen Burke,
Jessica Switzer, Joyce Anderson, Glen Coats, Kris Nuich, Guillermo Ortiz, Dan
Skeen, Kurt Short, Craig Fryar, Marcus Badgley, and the Myst Focus Group
Subject: [4-1-8] What is the cast list?
Date: 01/13/96
From Mark H. DeForest:
Achenar - Rand Miller
Sirrus - Robyn Miller
Atrus - Rand Miller
Subject: [4-1-9] Myst is known to have a poor ending. Should I worry?
Date: 01/28/96
(Quite empty)
This is a much-discussed topic in Usenet.
From Greg Ubben (edited):
That depends on whether your goal is to finish the game as quickly as
possible (you're a closure-oriented person) or if your goal is to enjoy the
game while playing it. If it is the latter, you may be a little disappointed,
but the game is so good in all other respects that this is negligible.
Subject: [4-1-10] How much does Myst cost?
Date: 01/12/96
(Quite empty)
In the United States, Myst costs $54.95.
In Singapore, Myst costs around $70.
From Mark H. DeForest (edited):
In the January, 1996 issue of CD-ROM Today, they say the average price is $47.
But I have seen a typical street price of $45.
Subject: [4-1-11] What do I get when I buy Myst?
Date: 01/12/96
(1) 1 CD-ROM, including:
(1-1) Myst
(1-2) The Making of Myst (14 minutes of QuickTime video)
(2) User's Manual
(3) Journal for taking notes
(4) Lots of Fun
Subject: [4-1-12] How was the game created?
Date: 01/08/96
(Quite empty)
If you have the CD-ROM, watching the "Making of Myst" should give you alot of
information on the development process. The software and equipment Cyan used
are listed in the credits when you exit the game.
Subject: [4-1-13] Can I capture the sceneries?
Date: 01/13/96
(Quite empty)
Yes, you can create screen captures when you are playing Myst, and save them
as graphics files.
Subject: [4-1-14] Strategies
Date: 01/08/96
(Quite empty)
(1) Think and act as if you are really in Myst. This method alone should get
you very far into Myst.
(2) Turn your monitor's brightness level higher than usual, as there are a
number of places in Myst which are quite dark. You may miss out objects.
(3) Take down notes, so that you can review puzzles and places faster and
without running the game.
(4) Examine, as well as listen, carefully to the environments and situations.
(5) Many objects have reasons for existence, and have logical mechanisms, so
ponder over them.
(6) Do not try to click aimlessly when you think you are stuck, it will not
get you anywhere.
(7) If you like, you can maintain several savegames. This method allows you
to explore more without risking undesired moves.
This section relates to discussions on various aspects of the game which
may not be suitable for adventurers who have not finished the game. Please
give me your feedback as to whether this section poses any problem with any
There have been changes and/or additions to this section.
(This space was intentionally left blank. Please read the warning above
before you proceed.)
As you might have noticed, the table of contents did not show the topics
in this section. Here is that missing portion:
[4-2-1] What are these *.MOV files in the CD-ROM?
[4-2-2] What about the objects in the Mechanical Age?
[4-2-3] What about 3-button "video player" in ChannelWood?
[4-2-4] What do I do on the third floor of the Mechanical Age?
[4-2-5] How do I turn on the lights of the ship in the Stoneship Age?
[4-2-6] What is the name of the "spaceship" Age?
[4-2-7] Was it necessary for Atrus to destroy his sons?
!4-2-8! What was Atrus talking about in the introductory monologue?
[4-2-9] Did Atrus have access to other Ages from D'ni?
[4-2-10] How did Atrus and his sons imprison each other?
[4-2-11] Why was Atrus' face on the floor of the D'ni Age?
[4-2-12] There is so much more to Myst than meets the eye!
[4-2-13] Why is the last world spelled "D'Ni", instead of "Dunny"?
Subject: [4-2-1] What are these *.MOV files in the CD-ROM?
Date: 01/16/96
These are QuickTime animation files, the ones you see when you play the game.
If you have QuickTime for Windows, you can use the player to view these
To get a QuickTime player, see the section on "Where can I get a newer
version of QuickTime?".
Subject: [4-2-2] What about the objects in the Mechanical Age?
Date: 01/16/96
(Quite empty)
There are several objects in this age which merit some explanation as their
Subject: [4-2-3] What about 3-button "video player" in ChannelWood?
Date: 01/16/96
Subject: [4-2-4] What do I do on the third floor of the Mechanical Age?
Date: 01/28/96
(Quite empty)
From Greg Ubben (edited):
Play with the elevator controls and observe what happens to the cursor in all
cases, but that's probably not the way most people think.
Subject: [4-2-5] How do I turn on the lights of the ship in the Stoneship Age?
Date: 01/28/96
(Quite empty)
From Greg Ubben:
Turn your monitor brightness up and search the tunnels more carefully.
Subject: [4-2-6] What is the name of the "spaceship" Age?
Date: 01/28/96
(Quite empty)
From Greg Ubben:
From the closing credits and various hint books, this age is apparently
called "Selenitic" age, though that name does not appear anywhere else in the
game. At least one person thinks this is really the "Osmoian" age which Atrus
mentions in the Channelwood journal, as there are strong ties between the two
journals here (leaving his two sons alone in Channelwood), and Osmoian (form
of osmosis) would be the perfect name for this rapidly-changing age.
The article which describes the argument for "Osmoian" is not included here
Subject: [4-2-7] Was it necessary for Atrus to destroy his sons?
Date: 02/02/96
From Mark H. DeForest:
But the sons didn't die! Just the books that allowed them to link to other
worlds. They are imprisoned there...kind of like we were imprisoned here on
Earth until we found the Myst Linking Book ;-)
Subject: !4-2-8! What was Atrus talking about in the introductory monologue?
Date: 06/25/96
Jake's web site contains the exact narrative of what Atrus was talking about.
Please refer to item (11) in the section "Miscellaneous".
From Mark H. DeForest (edited):
The story of Myst, D'ni, etc. is much larger than 'Myst' the game. The intro
monologue is Atrus speaking 40 years before 'Myst' the game takes place. It
refers to events that will be more involved in the sequel to Myst. Read the
(real) book "Myst: The Book of Atrus" for more details.
Subject: [4-2-9] Did Atrus have access to other Ages from D'ni?
Date: 02/02/96
From Mark H. DeForest (edited):
He had access to other Ages, but couldn't get back to Myst until he got the
white page from you. The Age he did have access to was a food age.
Subject: [4-2-10] How did Atrus and his sons imprison each other?
Date: 02/02/96
From Mark H. DeForest:
Atrus had layed the 'trapping' red and blue books for any greedy adventurer
before his sons 'tricked' Cathrine and him in D'ni. He did not think it would
be one of his own sons.
Subject: [4-2-11] Why was Atrus' face on the floor of the D'ni Age?
Date: 02/02/96
From Mark H. DeForest (edited):
That's not Atrus on the floor, it is an old D'ni writers guild master, named
Ri'Neref. D'ni was not designed by Atrus, but where his ancestry came from.
(Actually, the face in the mosaic is Chuck Carter (a real person) who worked
on Myst. Look again and compare with the "Making of Myst".)
Subject: [4-2-12] There is so much more to Myst than meets the eye!
Date: 02/02/96
From Mark H. DeForest (edited):
I think you have found that there is a larger story behind the game, but
can't wait for the story to unfold. Besides "Myst: The Book of Atrus" there
are two more books planned in the series and, of course, there is the sequel
to Myst.
Subject: Why is the last world spelled "D'Ni", instead of "Dunny"?
Date: 04/29/96
People say that the last world in the game, with Atrus, is called D'Ni. Then
why is it spelled as "Dunny" in the credits for Myst?
From Mark H. DeForest (edited):
Because it wasn't thought of until the novel was being written (and the fact
that a dunny in Australia is an outhouse, Doh!)
(This space was intentionally left blank. Please read the warning below
before you proceed.)
Subject: [5] Technical Information
Date: 12/20/95
This section relates to topics dealing with hardware and software issues.
Subject: [5-1] System Requirements
Date: 12/20/95
Make sure that your computer system fulfills the hardware requirements listed
below before you decide to buy the game.
However, it is always known that someone can install and run the game with
little or without difficulty on a machine which is below the requirements. If
you are one of these people, please share with us your experience by
e-mailling me.
Subject: [5-1-1] MPC/Windows
Date: 01/12/96
From the "Getting Started" -> "System Requirements:" section of the User's
Manual (edited):
(1) IBM/Tandy Personal Computer or 100% Compatible
(2) 386DX 33MHz processor or higher (486 recommended)
(3) 4MB RAM (8MB recommend if running Windows 95)
(4) Windows 3.1; MS-DOS/PC-DOS 5.0 or higher
(5) Super VGA Graphics Card (640 x 480, 256 Colors)
(6) MPC compliant sound card
(7) Mouse
(8) Hard Disk with 4 megabytes of free space
(9) Double speed or faster CD-ROM drive
Subject: [5-1-2] Macintosh
Date: 01/12/96
From Mark H. DeForest (edited):
(1) Double speed or faster CD-ROM drive
(2) 256 colors
(3) System 7.0.1 or higher
(4) 4MB RAM (8MB recommended if running System 7.5 or higher)
Subject: [5-2] Troubleshooting
Date: 12/21/95
This section relates to technical questions and problems commonly asked about
the game.
Subject: [5-2-1] General Guide for MPC/Windows
Date: 01/12/96
From Mark H. DeForest (edited):
(1) Make sure that you get all the latest drivers for your video board, sound
card and CD-ROM drive.
(2) Disable SmartDrive by placing a "REM" (without the quotes) in front of
the line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file or a semi-colon (";") in front of the
line in your CONFIG.SYS file, which contains "SMARTDRV.EXE" and reboot
your computer.
(3) Edit the QTW.INI file in your \MYST directory to add or change the
"OPTIMIZE=" line. If there is no "[video]" line then add it to the end of
the file. If there is no "OPTIMIZE=" line then add the following lines
after the "[video]" section.
If "driver" doesn't work, then try "BMP", "RAW", and "DIB".
(4) Make sure that you have a Virtual Memory space of at least 10,000.
Subject: [5-2-2] General Guide for Macintosh
Date: 03/11/96
Please also refer to the section with the question, "How do I get technical
support from Broderbund?".
From Mark H. DeForest (edited):
(1) On an 8MB (RAM) PowerMac the only "inits" needed are the Apple CD-ROM,
QuickTime and the QuickTime PowerPlug. The Sound Manager is not needed.
On Macs other than PowerMacs, the only "inits" needed are Apple CD-ROM,
QuickTime and Sound Manager.
(2) The Modern Memory Manger in the Memory control panel should be ON if you
are using System 7.5 or later, and OFF if you're using System 7.1.2.
(3) Beyond the minimum memory requirements for the game, you should leave an
additional 400-800L allocated to handle the processing of sound and other
system functions. You can control the memory requirements for the game by
selecting "File/Get Info" after selecting the Myst icon from your Desktop.
(4) You should not be using any sort of auto-doubling or compression software
with Myst.
(5) Use the latest version QuickTime, as it generally works better than
earlier ones.
Subject: [5-2-3] Will Myst run under Windows 3.11?
Date: 12/21/95
(Quite empty)
In short, it does.
Subject: [5-2-4] What does "invalid call to dynamic link" mean?
Date: 03/11/96
This error message appears when you have more than one version of QuickTime
installed in your hard disk. If you have a newer version of QuickTime already
installed, you should delete the QT*.* files from your \MYST directory.
Also, look at the section with the question, "How do I get technical support
from Broderbund?".
Here are some comments from other people:
(1) (Edited) Article: 73820 of comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.adventure
From: vivian_yap@nt.com (Vivian Yap)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.adventure,comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.misc
Subject: Re: Problems with Myst 1.1 in Win 95
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 1995 14:27:07 -0500
In article <4b9g4v$hnj@crcnis3.unl.edu>, aaf@unlinfo.unl.edu (Andy
Frederick) wrote:
> I can't even get that far. I run the game, the screen goes black,
> then a dialog box comes up telling me "invalid call to dymnamic link"
> or something like that, and that's the end of that. (And this
> apparently causes some "harm" to Windows 95, for when I finally give
> up and try to restart or shut down my computer, the "please wait"
> screen comes up, but the "you may now turn off your computer" screen
> never follows.) The same thing happens when I try to run the
> "Making of" movie, which makes me think that my computer is having
> trouble playing the QuickTime movies.
Yes, you are right. This is a QuickTime problem. It happens when you have
more than one version of QuickTime on your system. When you loaded in Myst,
it installed some QuickTime files in the Myst directory. If you have another
copy of QuickTime in your system, remove the QT files from your Myst
directory and try running Myst again. It should work.
(2) Article: 73937 of comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.adventure
From: dmcanady@aol.com (DMCanady)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.adventure
Subject: Re: Problems with Myst 1.1 in Win 95
Date: 20 Dec 1995 22:46:44 -0500
Yes, the version of Myst you have is using an older version of QuickTime
for Windows than you have installed in your system. Look at the QT*.*
files in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory and compare them to the files in
your \MYST directory. Back up any duplicates from your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM
directory, then nuke the duplicates. Myst should then run. After
finishing the game, remember to restore the files to your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM
Subject: [5-2-5] Where can I get a newer version of QuickTime?
Date: 02/22/96
I have QuickTime for Windows version 2.0.1 installed for Myst and it runs
smoothly without crashing in one of my computers. The files date is
Apple does provide QuickTime from a web site, and the latest version is 2.1.1
beta. Here are the URLs:
(1) Ordering QuickTime 2.0
There is a ftp site which contains QuickTime:
(1) Apple's Update and Information Server (WWW pointer)
(2) Apple's Update and Information Server (actual ftp site)
From Mark H. DeForest (edited):
The current version of QuickTime for Windows is 2.0.3 and the current version
for QuickTime for the Mac is 2.1.
Both of these versions can be downloaded from Apple for free. You can do one
of the following:
(1) Apple QuickTime Web Site
(2) Apple FTP
(3) Download from Compuserve, eWorld and soon from AOL
Subject: [5-2-6] What are the savegame filenames?
Date: 12/21/95
They are in your \MYST directory, filenames are: *.MYS .
Subject: [5-2-7] Why do voices of people in the game stutter?
Date: 01/08/96
(Quite empty)
This problem can occur when you play the game, or when you watch the "Making
of Myst" video. The voices you hear are stuttering, sometimes the voices can
be so bad that you cannot comprehend what they are saying. This can affect
the music when you watch the "Making of Myst" video too.
If you are running Myst under Windows, there are several causes:
(1) Your CD-ROM drive is connected to the proprietary interface on the sound
card. As opposed to having a IDE or SCSI connection, your CD-ROM
interface is causing a bottleneck in performance. Data transfer is
affected by this interface, thus causes the voices to be affected as well.
If you change the interface to IDE or SCSI, the video or animation
quality should improve.
(2) Your CD-ROM drive is slow, or its buffer size is small. If your drive is
a single or double speed one, then this is a possible cause. Change your
CD-ROM drive if you have tried all other suggested solutions.
(3) You are running Windows programs other than Program Manager and Myst.
Close all other applications while you play Myst, so that more processing
power can be used for the game.
Subject: [5-2-8] How do I get technical support from Broderbund?
Date: 03/11/96
Try this web site at Broderbund's homepage:
(1) Myst Technical FAQ and Troubleshooint Guide
From Mark H. DeForest (edited):
If possible, you can look at the Broderbund home page and follow the path to
the technical support page. There is a problem report form that you can fill
(1) Broderbund Software, Inc.
Otherwise, please call the Broderbund technical support at (415) 382-4700.
Subject: [5-2-9] Can I play Myst in more than 256 colors?
Date: 02/22/96
From Mark H. DeForest (edited):
There is no patch to make Myst run in millions of colors.
However, take a look at:
You can download "QuickRes" for Windows 95 that will allow you to change
the number of colors without re-booting.
Subject: [5-3] Playing Myst Under Alternate Operating Systems
Date: 02/22/96
Though Myst is available for Windows (assumed to be Windows 3.1 as stated in
the User's Manual), some adventurers would like to run the game under other
"compatible" operating systems.
QuickTime software technology is used for the animation in Myst. Sometimes,
playback problems can be solved by editing the initialisation file, QTW.INI.
Here is an excerpt of the document from README.EXE of QuickTime for Windows:
NOTE: Modification of the QTW.INI file should be done at your own risk.
Typically one does not need to make any modifications to this file. For some
compatibility issues, modifying the file will make video or audio cards work
properly, but with reduced preformance. Be sure to make a backup of the
QTW.INI file before modifying it.
The most common modification to the QTW.INI is to change the [Video] setting
to Optimize = Driver. This may resolve severe compatibility problems with a
specific video card but will also reduce the performance of Movie playback.
Once, again modify at your own risk.
(all possible variables, values, and explanation follow)
Subject: !5-3-1! OS/2
Date: 06/21/96
There is a World Wide Web site which contains alot of information about
running diskette and CD-ROM games under OS/2, mainly from feedback of OS/2
users. The particular page you should be interested in is:
When I was playing Myst, I used to Dual Boot or use Boot Manager to boot to
pure DOS. Even though I miss out on the multitasking advantage of OS/2, I had
no problems running the game. If you insist on playing Myst under OS/2, there
seems to be a general procedure. Please refer to the comment article (1)
Here are some settings you might like to try in the Settings notebook:
These are the changes you need to make to get Myst to work well in Win-OS/2:
1. Install QuickTime 2.0 or newer;
2. Get the file timer.drv from OS/2 2.11;
3. Change TimerMax286Res value to 20 in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI file;
4. In the QTW.INI file, change the "optimize=" line to:
Hardware is the default
driver smooths things a little (2 sec before freeze)
BMP (about the same as driver)
RAW (about 3 sec before freeze)
DIB (goes 30 sec or so; but in 16 colors)
I have mine set to "optimize=RAW". This list is taken from a QuickTime
readme file.
I believe the problem lies with QuickTime itself. Now I can get the first
"blue" video to play all the way through with some mouse movement (as
stated in previous posts). If anybody else has other ideas on improving Myst,
post it or e-mail me.
(2) (Edited) Article: 25366 of comp.os.os2.games
From: bryanw@inland.net (Bryan Whitehead)
Newsgroups: comp.os.os2.games
Subject: Re: MYST and Error 10200 under OS/2
Date: 19 Jun 1996 16:28:00 GMT
OS/2 writes a Readme file to your root directory. Depending on the file
system (HPFS or FAT) it's called OS!2 Readme-. It has a
detailed description of getting Myst working under OS/2. Here it is:
o Myst and The Making of Myst - Do the following:
1. Edit the SYSTEM.INI file located in the
\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2 directory and change the
following statements from:
SET TIMERMax386Res=10
SET TIMERMax286Res=10
SET TIMERMax386Res=x
SET TIMERMax286Res=x
x is a variable between 8 and 20 depending on your hardware
2. Save the file. Then shut down and restart your
3. Get Quicktime 2.0, which is located on CompuServe,
as follows (refer to the section "Where can I get a newer
version of QuickTime?"):
a. Log on to CompuServe.
c. Follow the instructions menu to download
Quicktime 2.0.
If you have a partition with native Windows,
you will need to take out references in the
AUTOEXEC.BAT file to the Windows directories on
other drives. For example, D:WINDOWS;D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.
After you install Quicktime** 2.0, you can put the
statements back in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
4. Install Quicktime 2.0 for Myst and the Making of
To enable sound for Myst and The Making of Myst, you
must enable the Windows sound drivers. For more
information, see "Adding Windows Audio Support" in
the Multimedia online book, which is located in the
Information folder on your OS/2 Desktop.
To ensure The Making of Myst will work correctly under
OS/2, do the following:
1. Set up a WIN-OS/2 session with the same settings
as Myst.
2. Run The Making of Myst in a WIN-OS/2 full-screen
Subject: [5-3-2] Windows 95
Date: 01/12/96
(Quite empty)
Broderbund is offering a Windows 95-friendly version of Myst for about $20.
The following text is from Broderbund on America OnLine:
Myst and UNDEFINED DYNALINK using Windows 95
This error usually occurs if you install another Quicktime program onto your
system which changes the PATH= statement for the Myst Quicktime. The most
common programs that do this is the Power Ranger program, the Star Trek
Technical Manual, and the E-Drive Movie Viewer from CompuServe.
We are aware of this issue and it has been addressed in the Windows 95
friendly version of the program. Please contact Customer Service at
415-382-4700 to order the Windows 95 friendly version of the program.
In the meantime, a quick remedy to this problem currently is to delete ALL
"Q*.*" files from the Myst directory. This is necessary because the third
party programs installed overwrite the Myst Quicktime files thus causing the
error. By deleting the Q*.* files, it will force Myst to use QT 2.0.
After you receive the updated version of Myst, please allow the Myst
installation program to overwrite the current version(s) of Quicktime and
install it's new version.
Transmitted: 95-09-20 12:47:33 EDT (brod416)
From Mark H. DeForest (edited):
There is a QuickTime optimization file on the Windows 95 CD-ROM. Look at the
directory \Drivers\Other\Qtwfix on the Windows 95 CD-ROM, and follow the
instructions in the Readme.txt file.
(1) Article: 73820 of comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.adventure
From: vivian_yap@nt.com (Vivian Yap)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.adventure,comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.misc
Subject: Re: Problems with Myst 1.1 in Win 95
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 1995 14:27:07 -0500
Myst does work under Windows 95. I have played Myst under Windows 95
and it works just fine. My copy of Myst is pre-Windows 95.
Subject: [6] Myst-Related Products
Date: 12/21/95
This section relates to products which carry the Myst theme. Adventurers
would not want to miss this.
Subject: [6-1] Myst Paraphernalia
Date: 01/12/96
There is a color Myst products catalog available.
Here are the items you can order:
(1) Myst Calendar 1996
(2) Printed T-Shirt
(3) Embroidered T-Shirt
(4) Embroidered Sweatshirt
(5) Coffee Mugs
(6) Channelwood Poster
(7) Myst Images Poster
(8) Twill Cap
(9) Audio Soundtrack
(10) Nylon Duffle Bag
(11) Mouse Pads
(12) Myst Strategy Guide
(13) Myst: The Book of Atrus
Order Information:
Telephone/Fax Order:
1-800-219-4119 (Within the U.S.)
1-508-282-4297 (Outside the U.S.)
M-F 8:30am to 6:30pm EST
Fax: 1-508-283-2532 (24 hours)
Payment Options:
Credit Card - Visa and MasterCard
Check/MO (U.S. orders/shipments only)
payable to CYRK/MYST Paraphernalia. Mail to:
CYRK Customer Service Department
P.O. Box 1700
Gloucester, MA 01930-1834
Prices and items good through December 1996.
To get a catalog, please send your snail mail address to this e-mail address:
Here is a WWW site which contains almost the same information:
Subject: [6-2] Books
Date: 05/01/96
(1) From the WWW site :
There is a book called "Myst Official Game Secrets Hint Book" from Broderbund
Software. It contains hints, tips and strategies to solve puzzles, and
includes maps, screen shots, a walkthrough, exclusive overhead views, and
background on the story.
Check out the web site for ordering information.
(2) Myst: The Book of Atrus
Doug Ingram has a review of this excellent reading material, please refer to
the section on "Hints".
(Edited) From: zachws@ids.net
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.adventure
Subject: Re: Myst: A 5th World? More info!
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 96 09:14:15 +500
First off, any Myst fan should really check out the Book of Atrus novel.
Very well written, great story, and it fills in a lot of the background to
what happens in the game, as well as offering many a tantalizing hint to the
plot of "Myst II".
You'll also find out all about the 5th World of Ghen (seen in the calendar).
As someone noted in c.s.i.p.g.a., this redbook audio compact disc (CD) is a
good souvenir for those who have played Myst. This section aims to list out
the soundtracks' titles and descriptions.
I would love to purchase one myself, but I don't have a credit card to order
from my place of residence.
Subject: [6-4] Myst Calendar 1996
Date: 02/17/96
From Mark H. DeForest (edited):
Actually, a number of the images in the calendar are "custom made". Because
all the screen shots for Myst are rendered from 3-D models, it's *real* easy
to change the position of the camera, change the position of the sun and
re-render a new image. (My personal favorite is looking down at Stoneship
from above the telescope.)
Subject: [7] Resources on the Internet
Date: 12/20/95
Most resources that you can find on-line are available through the World Wide
Subject: [7-1] Commercial Sites
Date: 04/29/96
(1) Broderbund Software, Inc.
There is not much on Myst or "Myst II", but just the ordering information for
(2) Cyan, Inc.
This site is under construction, so keep a watch! It contains links to Myst-
related pages, product information, and a frequently asked questions list.
To get general company information send e-mail to:
Subject: [7-2] Reviews
Date: 04/29/95
(1) Myst Review by David Pipes
(2) In the World of Myst by Alan Levine
(3) Myst Evaluation by David Gorman (among others)
An interesting site which evaluates the educational value of playing Myst,
among other game also mentioned there.
(4) C|Net CD-ROM Reviews - Myst
Myst is among the C|Net top 100 CDs for a dream collection over here.
(5) Through the Myst - Another World
In addition to descriptions on the game and the book, the reviewer also had
the opportunity to interview Rand Miller.
(6) Myst Review by Big Blue & Cousins
Quite a long and detailed review of the game.
Subject: [7-3] Hints
Date: 01/12/96
(Quite empty)
(1) The Myst Hint Guide by Doug Ingram
This is the WWW site to go to when you want good hints to the game, as they
are discerningly placed to avoid careless eyes. Doug also has a review of the
book, "Myst: The Book of Atrus", and will be a beta tester for "Myst II".
(2) Mysthints 1.0
This helpful system allows you to view hints and solutions in a subtle way,
using a certain software called Universal Hint System. Follow any of these
Subject: [7-4] Walkthroughs
Date: 05/02/96
(1) Myst Walkthrough Plus! by Mike Maxim
There is alot of information, including: screenshots, sounds, and the
(2) The Ammended Myst Walkthrough Version 2.01 by Phil Gross and Noj Beskin
(Original by E. Conty)
Well-structured site with clear procedures.
(3) The Gamer's Hole - Broderbund - Myst
A very staightforward article which gives you the exact steps to finish the
(4) A Walkthrough for Myst
This page has well-written paragraphs which describes the steps to success.
(5) Islensk Myst Heimasida
The pictures are placed in nice positions, but the language may be difficult
for some readers.
(6) Hints and Tips for Myst
Broderbund has put a page with three levels of hints, so you will have to be
careful with how much you read.
(7) Myst Help, Hints and Information
This site includes downloads like saved games, a walkthrough, Windows
wallpapers, and an animated cursor.
(8) Raaid's Myst Page
Visit this page if you are looking for complete walkthroughs and solutions,
whether you want to read them on or off-line.
Subject: !7-5! Miscellaneous
Date: 06/21/96
(1) Yahoo - Recreation:Games:Computer Games:Myst
An incomplete index to WWW sites related to Myst.
(2) Alex's Myst Page by Alex Pukinskis
Contains some pictures and an introduction to Myst.
Something's wrong here... it wasn't like this the previous time I visited.
(4) The Myst Journals
A short story based on Christopher Josephes's playing of Myst. It is from the
point of view of the adventurer. Be warned that there are spoilers.
(5) Myst Gets in My Eyes
Amazingly unique and fresh!
(6) Myst Help, Hints and Information
Nice webpage with some downloadable material and up-to-date news.
(7) Frequently Asked Questions on Myst and Myst II
This is the official Cyan site which has some very interesting questions and
(8) MYSTIQUE: The Myst Fan Club
Superbly done web site which has won some recognition. A must-see site.
(9) Myst 2 Unofficial Home Page
Nicely-presented page with easy-to-read and latest information.
(10) Myst Infopage
My own site :-). I hope to make it as pretty as the rest, and include
"Myst II" information soon.
(11) D'Ni Revisited: The Worlds of MYST
My neighbour's Myst page, containing (at last!) the narration of the
introduction movie with the Myst book falling, and pictures, among others.
Subject: [7-6] Usenet
Date: 01/12/96
If you have any comments or questions you want to voice out, you can post
your message to the following newsgroups:
Subject: [8] The Future of Myst: "Myst II"
Date: 05/21/96
(Quite empty)
Sources say that the sequel to Myst, "Myst II", will be out by next Christmas
in 1996. However, this is a tentative date, so please be patient. Note that
"Myst II" is not the official title of the sequel.
However, it is later known that Cyan plans to release "Myst II" next year, in
the summer of 1997. Refer to this web site for the full report:
Likewise, according to the "Myst 2 Unofficial Home Page" (refer to the
section "Miscellaneous"), "Myst II" will feature: Macintosh and PC versions
will ship simultaneously, bigger environment, full-screen animation, less
like a sequel and more like a whole new game, more interaction with game
characters, 5 new islands with more than 5000 views, game will take place
in "Equiquay" or "Riven" (among other islands), game will start off where
Myst ended. Also, Cyan plans to spend about $2 million on the sequel, where
$500,000 has already been spent on Silicon Graphics Inc. Indigo 2 Extreme
workstations and SoftImage software.
It has been confirmed that at least one of the pictures, the one entitled
"Hallway to the Cavern, 5th Age of Gehn", in the Myst Paraphernalia is from
"Myst II". Zach suggests that there are actually two
pictures which are from the 5th Age. He also mentions that "5th Age" does not
mean "the number of worlds that appeared in the game" (which game?).
Broderbund has a web site which confirms the fact that "Myst II" is in the
works. One good thing to note is: since Myst took two years to create, it is
no wonder that "Myst II" will take as long or longer. Here is the URL:
Please be reminded that everything that is mentioned here is unofficial.
From Mark H. DeForest (edited):
Even though Cyan has been calling the sequel to Myst as Myst II, that will
probably not be it's name. It hasn't been named, yet.
Subject: [9] Other Similar Games
Date: 12/20/95
The following are some games which are quite similar to Myst in certain ways.
Maybe you can spend your time playing with these before "Myst II" arrives!
Any reviews are greatly appreciated.
Subject: [9-1] Entombed
Date: 12/20/95
Subject: [9-2] Gadget
Date: 01/07/96
(Quite empty)
My brother just bought it, but I have yet to go over to examine it. From what
I have read, this game is designed by a Japanese, and the graphics are
comparable to Myst. There are some good reviews in computer gaming magazines,
and I will try to find them on-line.
The story is about helping a group of scientists to prevent a disaster from
occurring. There are strange people and places to explore: a train, a
suitcase, and a gentleman.
Gadget first came out for the MacOS, and later was available for the PC.
Subject: [9-3] Jewels of the Oracle
Date: 12/21/95
(Quite empty)
Here are some web sites you can go to for information:
Subject: [9-4] Journeyman Project
Date: 12/20/95
Subject: [9-5] Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time
Date: 01/07/96
(Quite empty)
My brother just bought it, but I have yet to go over to examine it.
Fortunately, he left the game box behind.
I have tried Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time (BIT) at my retailer's
shop. The actual viewing screen is very small, but it provides full
animation, much like The 11th Hour. This is because, as the main character in
BIT, you are wearing a time-travel suit, and you will see controls and
indicators around your viewing screen. The storyline and graphics are nice,
but there are just too many items and controls to fiddle with, compared to
Myst, in my opinion.
Here are some web sites you can go to for information:
Subject: [9-6] Phantasmagoria
Date: 12/21/95
(Quite empty)
Just like alot of people over the world, Phantasmagoria is a game I would
never miss noticing.
The amazing fact about the game is, apart from the horror scenes, that it is
on seven (7) CD-ROMs. It has the shortest playing time of all the games
mentioned in this section.
You play the role of a lady, whose husband is badly possessed by an evil
spirit. So around the big and old house you go, trying to avoid being hacked
and mugged.
Please note that this is a highly violent game, be warned. Or do you want to
know what you will see?
Here are some web sites you can go to for information:
(2) Multimedia World Online Entertainment Titles
Subject: [9-7] Return to Zork
Date: 01/08/96
(Quite empty)
My brother has Return to Zork (RTZ), but I have yet to go over to examine it.
It is definately different from the earlier Zork games.
Here are some web sites you can go to for information:
(1) Activision Return to Zork Home Page
Subject: [9-8] Shivers
Date: 12/20/95
(Quite empty)
I have seen the game box before, and the graphics are very detailed and well-
The story, according to a good review from c.s.i.p.g.a., is about you being
locked into a museum for the night by your teenage friends as a dare. Then,
you will have to explore the many objects and places in the game. The music
is reportedly good, compared to Myst.
The object of the game is... does anyone want to know?
Subject: [9-9] The 7th Guest
Date: 12/21/95
(Quite empty)
Here are some web sites you can go to for information:
Subject: [9-10] The 11th Hour: The sequel to The 7th Guest
Date: 12/21/95
I personally have The 11th Hour (11H), and have been playing it for a while.
More of the The 7th Guest, Under a Killing Moon and Phantasmagoria genre,
this game is different from Myst in several ways: more animation cut-scenes,
individual hardly-related puzzles, fuller animation when moving, much of the
storyline is known initially, and higher hardware requirements (!). The
puzzles are more difficult, but as with Myst, some of the objects that you
can examine are not imperative to the game. As a former Infocom gamer, I find
this distressful.
According to the back of the CD-ROM jewel case, this game is "suitable only
for persons of 18 years and over".
Here are some web sites you can go to for information:
(1) Trilobyte Inc.
(2) Virgin Interactive Entertainment Inc.
Subject: [9-11] The Dark Eye
Date: 01/08/95
(Quite empty)
This CD-ROM game has very unique characters, their heads are pale and large.
Other than the feature that there are many people to interact with, that is
all I know about The Dark Eye for the moment.
Subject: [9-12] Under a Killing Moon
Date: 12/20/95
Subject: [9-13] Zork Nemesis
Date: 05/21/96
(Quite empty)
The next and latest game in the Zork Legacy, this adventure game boasts alot
of new features. It is available for Windows 95, and has been one of the
popular topics in Usenet newsgroups, like comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.adventure.
(1) Activision Zork Nemesis Home Page
Subject: [10] Wishlist
Date: 12/20/95
What would you like to see and experience in the sequel to Myst? Please
e-mail me, and I will put your wishes in this section. However, I cannot
grant them :-).
Subject: [11] Credits
Date: 01/28/96
I would like to acknowledge the following for their whatever and what-not:
Cyan, Inc.
Broderbund, Inc.
Atrus and Family
Mark H. DeForest
Wong Bee Tin
Vivian Yap
Loke Teng See
Loke Teng Chung
Greg Ubben
For the rest who are not mentioned above, I beg your forgiveness. Please
e-mail me so that I can add your name in.
By the way, should I include your e-mail addresses?
Subject: !12! Document Revision History
Date: 06/25/95
0.01 12/25/95 First release of the FAQ.
0.02 02/01/96 Major changes and additions, mainly contributed by
a Cyan staff, Mark H. DeForest. Most significant is
the link to the Cyan Home Page.
0.03 03/14/96 Special section which should be read by gamers who
have finished the game updated.
0.04 05/21/96 Added link to Cyan's FAQ list, new web sites,
including this FAQ on the WWW.
0.05 06/25/96 Added new OS/2 help, a web site.
Subject: [13] Conclusion
Date: 01/09/96
We have come to the end of the FAQ. Please continue to read newer versions of
this FAQ when available, as I need your support and audience. Of course,
without your feedback and comments, the FAQ will be stagnant. Please chip in!
Let's make this FAQ one that we will love to treasure, because it will serve
to remind us of the beautifully fantastic worlds that Atrus and the others
are adventuring in.
Can you imagine whose pages you are going to fetch next Christmas?
(End of The Unofficial Myst and "Myst II" FAQ document)