Legend of Heroes 6 Second Chapter

Legend of Heroes 6 Second Chapter

15.10.2013 01:14:21
Legend of Heroes VI Second Chapter (PC) Guide by Grawl
grawler (@t) gmail (d0t) com
03/15/06 - Version 0.4


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Table of Contents [SC.00.00]

* Table of Contents.................................................[SC.00.00]
* History & Next Version............................................[SC.01.01]
* Introduction......................................................[SC.02.01]
* Characters........................................................[SC.03.01]
* Walkthrough.......................................................[SC.04.01]
* Prologue........................................................[SC.04.02]
* Chapter 1.......................................................[SC.04.03]
* Chapter 2.......................................................[SC.04.04]
* Side-Quests.......................................................[SC.05.01]
* Gambling Teacher Books..........................................[SC.05.02]
* Chapter 1.......................................................[SC.05.03]
* Chapter 2.......................................................[SC.05.04]
* FAQ...............................................................[SC.06.01]
* Conclusion........................................................[SC.17.01]

History & Next Version [SC.01.01]

Version 0.1 (03/13/06) - First version, everything is new. (23.5KB)
Version 0.2 (03/14/06) - Updated the walkthrough, added Side-Quests section,
added more general hints and info. (37,7KB)
Version 0.3 (03/14/06) - Updated the walkthrough and side-quests. (48,0KB)
Version 0.4 (03/15/06) - Updated the walkthrough and side-quests. (59,2KB)

What I want to update in the next version(s):
* Walkthrough finished.
* Side-Quests section finished.

Introduction [SC.02.01]

Legend of Heroes VI Second Chapter (LoH6SC for the lazy ones, like me) is a
sequel to the original Legend of Heroes VI. This means you can use a savegame
of LoH6, or just start over again. It's all up to you.

The story is pretty easy - Estelle (Ester if you want to use an English name)
wants to look for Joshua. That's all there is to it =p

Characters [SC.03.01]

Note: Created using http://www.falcom.co.jp/ed6_sc/character/character.html
and http://www.falcom.co.jp/ed6/character/index.html. I know the descriptions
are awfully boring, but my Japanese isn't good enough to translate it all
properly. If yours is, let me know.

Main Characters
Estelle Bright (16) - The main character of the story.
Joshua Astray (16) - The boy Estelle is looking for.

First Chapter - These character also appeared in the first part.
Cassius Bright (45) - The father of both Estelle and Joshua.
Scherazard Harvey (23) - Not direct connected to the Bright-family, but she
acts like the old sister of Estelle.
Agate Crosner (24) - A friend of Estelle.
Klose Rinz (16) - A schoolgirl that attends a royal school. The granddaughter
of the queen. A friend of Estelle.
Tita Russell (12) - What? A 12-year old on an adventure?
Olivier Lenheim (25) - A friend of Estelle.
Zin Vathek (30) - Zin is very good at martial arts.

New Characters - These characters will be new for Estelle.
Kevin Graham (21) - A priest.
Renne (11) - By accident Estelle will meet this girl.

Related to First Chapter - These characters somehow relate to the First
Kurz Nardin (29) - A young samurai.
Anelace Alfead (18) - A good friend of Estelle.

Thieves - A gang of thieves...
Josette Capua (16) - The youngest of the gang.
Keer Capua (23) - Quartermaster of the gang.
Doln Capua (30) - The eldest of the sibling and the leader.

Family Bodyguards - These are bodyguards of leaders.
Julia Schwarz (27) - A young woman.
Muller Vander (28) - Military officer of the Empire.

Weismann "The Faceless" - A professor.
Leonhardt "The Sword Emperor" - Number 2 of the gang. Knows how to handle a
Blblanc "The Phantom Thief" - Number 10 of the gang. Expert at martial arts.
Walter "The Lanky Wolf" - Number 8 of the gang. Good art martial arts too.
Lucciola "The Enchanting Bell" - Number 6 of the gang. A witch that uses a
Campanella "The Fool" - Number 0 of the gang.

Walkthrough [SC.04.01]

In this walkthrough I'll also try to explain the basic concepts of the game,
so don't worry too much about it. Also, some notes:

* The bosses are listed as following:
Name, yellow orbment level, blue orbment level, red orbment level, green
orbment level, HP. The higher the level, the more damage an orbment of that
kind will do.
* Avoid using items for healing and EP. Try to find a healing-station, bed
or something else that restores your HP and EP. This way, you can always use
something when you're in trouble.
* This walkthrough will also cover the side-quests, but in case you want a
quick view, visit the Side-Quests section.
* In case you use your old Legend of Heroes VI savegames, depending on the
level of your characters there, you'll start at a certain level:

- Below 35 and 35 - You start at level 25
- Between 36 and 39 - You start at that level
- 40 or higher - You start at level 40

You'll also receive an item if you got all the BP in the previous game.
* This guide also features a list on the "Gambling Teacher" books you can
collect. They are listed in the Side-Quests section too.

Prologue [SC.04.02]

* Grancel Castle
You (Estelle) wakes up in bed, and rushes outside. Scherazard greets you, but
Estelle is angry/sad/confused and rushes out. Head up the stairs and head
southwest to find your father (Cassius). After a short talk Estelle rushes
away again and eventually mounts a flying ship.

* The Airliner 'Cecilla'
Estelle meets Kevin here, and after a short while they arrive in...

* Rolent City
This is a big city, and it won't hurt for you to look around, talk to people
and memorize the locations of shops, houses etc. Once you are done, head
south to leave the city. Then head south until you find a fork, and head
north to find your house.

* The Bright House
Estelle rushes in, but doesn't find Joshua. Kevin, Scherazard and Cassius
walk in and the intro-movie still start to play.

* The Le-Locle Canyon
Now the real game starts. You and Anelace are training, and Estelle is
clearly better ;) After a good fight, they head inside and have a cup of tea.
When they are done talking, head up the stairs and enter the last room at the
top. Your equipment is here, which is good. Not just that, but you'll also
get 1000 mira. Head downstairs, and sit down at the table with Anelace and
Kurz. Kurz leaves and Anelace joins your party. Not just that, but you'll
also get an orbment-container (I just gave it that name, do you like it?).
The idea of orbments is to give you extra strength, abilities and power.
Talk with the man behind the counter, and cancel the conversation. Talk with
him again, and pick the second option to buy orbments or the third option to
but various items.

Let's buy some orbments. You don't pay them with mira, but with emeralds. You
get these emeralds from chests or by fighting monsters. Each orbment has a
special power, but might also come with a downside (for example, STR up but
DEF down). They also allow you to use magic. Buy as many orbments as you can
and then equip them through the "orbment" menu. You should know be able to
do all kinds of damage and even heal. This magic costs 10EP, and you have
100. You'll need to use EP-potions or rest to regain EP, just like HP.
Well enough about orbments. Talk with the lady behind the counter to get a
recipe book and an ingredient.

That's all here. Head outside and walk south. Once you had a chat with Kurz,
he'll take to you the first dungeon.

* Balstar Channel
Before you'll be on your own, you'll fight a bunch of monsters with some help
of the game. In short you can attack, move, use magic (because you have
orbments equipped), use abilities and leave a battle. As I said, the magic
costs EP. You can use abilities when the lowest bar is getting filled. It'll
fill by every attack you do or receive. I suggest not to use magic in here,
and just save it for bosses. That way you won't waste EP-potions. Abilities
can and should be used. One more note there - once your ability-bar reached
100, you can use a special attack that'll do quite a lot of damage.

Just follow the path and battle the various monsters. You'll eventually reach
a door. If you're low on health, simply return to Kurz and use the
healing-station next to him. You can use these whenever you want. The
monsters in the first room won't respawn, but the other monsters will respawn
as soon as you leave a room. Keep this in mind when you want to go back and
heal yourself.

Once you entered the door, the real dungeon starts. Head straight ahead and
pull the level to the right (first option). Then walk back and take the path
on the right and enter the next room.

Here, head to the right and pull the lever to lower the water-level. This
allows you to walk through the water. Head up and pull this level to make the
bridge appear. Head back to the beginning of the room and follow the path
north to find a few treasures (orbment, EP-potion).

Back in the first room, pull the lever, but this time make it go the left.
Take the left path, but don't walk up. Go left instead and pull this lever
too to create another bridge. Follow the path and take the path down to find
a couple of treasures. The other way will lead to the next room.

On the right is another lever. Pull it to create a bridge and cross that
bridge to find a chest with a red orbment. Head back to the beginning of the
room and go up, then the first path right to find a lever (yes, pull it). Go
back and take the upper path on the right to find a chest with an amulet.
You'll notice one path heads into the water, and the water is too high. Only
one path left which'll lead to... indeed, a lever that'll lower the water.
Enter the water, but don't go up yet. Instead head left and down to find
three chests (emeralds, STR-potion, EP-potion). You'll find a chest too if
you head up after heading left, but it contains a truckload of monsters (not
recommended). Once you did this, head back the where you entered the water
and head north. The left path will lead to a treasure with an EP-potion. The
other one will lead to a lever that'll create a bridge. Use this to enter the
final room.

Kurz will be here, and wants to fight you. Fun stuff.

*** BOSS: Kurz, 100, 100, 100, 100, 3750 ***

He's not really hard, but can do quite some damage. Only use magic, and let
your ability-level reach 100, so you can use a super-ability. With this in
mind he'll be down soon enough. He'll use an ability that'll toughen his
DEF, so finish this as soon as possible.

* The Le-Locle Canyon
After the fight it's time too head back. It's night and nights are used to
sleep. Head to your room and get some rest.

You'll wake because of all the noise outside. Anelace will rush in and tell
you something is wrong. Get dressed and go down. Kurz walks in, but is
wounded. Then a knight in armor will jump straight through the window and
you'll have to battle it (don't worry, since you had a rest you are
completely healed and your EP is restored too).

*** BOSS: Knight in Armor, 100, 100, 100, 100, 4058 ***

This boss has some nasty attack, and he can do about 800 damage each round.
If he's able to stun one of your character, that can mean he'll deal 1600
damage without you being able to counter. Make sure the character that can
heal never lets both of you have a HP lower than 800. Just use the magic you
know and the super-ability if possible until the fight is over.

Another knight with a crossbow will jump in and they'll drop "grenades". A
lot of smoke is being produced and you suddenly wake up somewhere else...

* Saint-Croix Forest
If you checked the map properly, you'll notice the forest is a bit further
from the canyon than the dungeon you entered not too long ago. Once Anelace
woke up, check the tent to find 5 healing potions and 2 EP-potions.

All your equipment is gone, but don't worry - you can find it all back in
the forest. Follow the path until you find a fork (as in - two paths that go
each another way, don't go looking for a real fork :p). The enemies here
won't attempt to attack you, so you can skip a lot of battles here. Since
there is no way to heal without the use of magic and/or potions, I suggest to
avoid fights.

Anyway, at the fork, take the lower path to find a jacket (+100 DEF) back. It
doesn't matter who equips it, since you'll find two in the forest. Take the
other path and head to the right. Don't leave the screen yet, but take the
lower path to find a chest with shoes (+30 DEF, +1 MOV). You may need to
adjust the camera to see it (Z or X). Head back and take the upper path.

Head to the far right, and take both paths to find another pair of shoes, and
a sword that Anelace can use (+120 STR). Look further to also find a staff,
which Estelle can use. The remaining path will take you further into the
forest. Walk into the water, and head to the side where you can enter the
land again. Don't go there yet, but follow the stream to find a chest with an
ingredient. Walk back and leave the water. You'll find a chest behind a tree
with an EP-potion. Search for the sign that says "exit". Don't go there yet.
Take the other way instead to find a chest with a jacket. Equip it and then
leave the forest. A knight with a gun will appear, who wants to fight you.
Accept this using the second option.

*** BOSS: Knight with a Gun, 100, 100, 100, 100, 3455 ***

Using magic will save your life here. Why? Because the knight likes to use an
attack to cancel your magic-attack. This'll cause some damage, but the other
attack will hurt about 4 times more. So, keep using magic, heal if needed and
the fight is yours.

Do you think you won? Think again. They'll create some more smoke and escape.
How lame. Anyway, you can leave the forest now. Head back to the lodge.

* The Le-Locle Canyon
Walk inside, and you'll notice everybody's gone. Head upstairs and enter the
room you couldn't enter before (lowest row, closest to the stairs). Inside
you'll find a Gambling Jacket book. Get some sleep and then walk downstairs.
Examine the swords and the blood. The man that used to be behind the counter
will walk in. This is good, because you can now by more orbs. I suggest at
least a healing orb for Anelace. When you are done, head to the fortress.

* Grimsel Fortress
The enemies here mostly won't attempt to attack you, and will even give you
plenty of opportunities to attack them from the back (which will allow you to
start the battle). Be sure to not waste any potions. It's better to avoid a
fight and miss some experience, than to waste a potion because you got
reckless. For the boss, try to save 200 ability points (yes, 200). This'll
make the fight easier for you.

Anyway, enter the building and enter the next room. You can go left or right
here. Go left first, and enter both rooms. One will hold an EP-potion, while
the other holds an EP orb. Take the other way and follow it until you find a
big gate that blocks your way. Enter the room on your left to find a machine
that'll open it.

Continue, and you'll find another gate. Go right and turn the power on. Then
enter the room that's in the upperleft part and open the gate. Be sure not to
miss the other room on the left side for a HP-potion. Continue until you get
into a fight (you can't avoid it). Use magic and abilities here if needed.
When you are done playing, find the stairs and go up.

Follow the path until you enter a big dark room. Head to the right and down
until you find a door. Enter it to find an amulet. Equip it, because it's a
magical night-vision amulet. How cool is that? Return to the dark room (which
is now green ;p) and find the room on the left side for an EP-potion. Return
and find a path that goes down. Watch out, because you can't adjust the
camera, but enemies are all around the place. You'll find a stairs when you
keep going. Go up using them.

Simply follow the path to find another set of stairs. Open the chest for a
"hand"-item and go up. Follow the path again until you enter a room with a
machine and a locked door. Look at the machine, and then use the "hand"-item
on it to open the door. Enter the next room and heal yourself. Time for a

*** BOSS: Knight with Rapier (Kurz), 100, 100, 100, 100, 8330 ***

This can be a tricky fight. As I said, make sure you have 200 ability points
for this battle. It's ok if you don't have them yet, just make sure you do
have them when the HP of the boss is 1500 or lower. You'll probably have to
use a few EP-potions for this battle, since it's a matter of constantly
healing yourself. The attack he does do 500 to 1200 damage, so it's important
to not let your health get too low. Let both the characters go to a different
side of the room. This way the knight will sometimes decide to attack the
other character, and wastes 2 turns on walking. Those 2 turns allow you to
heal and/or drink the EP-potion. Normal attacks won't have much effect on
this boss, so only use magic. Once his HP is near 1500, let both your
characters attack him with magic, and immediately follow those attacks by
your super-ability attacks (which do quite some damage because you got it to
200 points). This should finish him off. If it didn't, you better hurry up
with that, because he can heal himself for 1000 HP.

Soon after this fight, you'll notice that it's all fake. The knight is Kurz,
and some new characters walk in. On top of the fortress, different things
happen. A ship lands and Campanella walks out. He has a chat with Leonhardt
and Weismann.

The view changes to a destroyed land, and you see some blue-haired people.
Not just that, but you'll also see Joshua! He has a chat with the blue-haired
people, which are Josette, Keer and Doln.

* The Sealed Area
Kevin goes down an elevator together with Julia. They walk around and inspect
the robots and machines. Is it me, or does this really look like the area
where you fought one of the last bosses in Ys: the Oath in Felghana?

Chapter 1 [SC.04.03]

Ah, the first chapter can start.

* Grancel
You and Anelace leave the ship and you enter the Bracers Guild. After a short
chat, Scherazard and Agate walk in. Anelace and Agate leave the town with a
ship, but don't worry - Scherazard will join your party. She has better
equipment too. She has a sword with STR +130 RNG +2, a jacket with DEF +25
and a pair of shoes with DEF +40 MOV +1.

Head down the stairs and enter the building (there only is one you can enter,
so that's not too hard). Inside a bunch of people have a conflict. Talk with
the lady behind the counter (the right one) to get two tickets. The lady on
the left sells some kind of booklet for 100 Mira, if you're interested.

Outside you'll find a lady behind a kiosk. Talk with her and select the
second option to enter the ship.

* The Airliner "Linde"
Scherazard heads inside, and you roam around. Do what you want, but make sure
you head up. If you talk with the man that's looking out of the window, he'll
give you a book about fishing and a fishing rod. How nice of him :) Talk with
Scherazard and head down to leave the ship.

* Ruan City
You'll leave the ship and enter the Bracers Guild again. Look on the boards
to get four side-quests. Enter the hotel and talk with the man in the room
at the first floor to start the "Blue Tower" side-quest. We'll get back to
that later.

If you want to get the second volume of the Gambling Teacher book, head to
the casino and get 200 medals by gambling and/or buying them. You can
exchange them for the book.

Be sure to buy some new equipment for Estelle too, and then leave to the
south. If you go southwest, you'll meet the man who gave you the fishing rod.
This time he'll also teach you how to fish ;) The idea is too click on the
water and as soon as the "!" bubble appears, click again. If you see "HIT!"
on your screen you got a fish.

Head back to where you met the man and find a door that opens. It'll lead
to a bunch of scum, who are willing to fight you.

*** BOSS: Pirates, 3x 100, 100, 100, 100, 4649 ***

This isn't really too hard. The pirates will heal, resurrect and boost each
other. This obviously takes turns and they love it to do this instead of
fighting. Focus on one pirate first and kill him. In case they resurrect him,
attack him straight away. Eventually you'll get them all down.

Now that those guys are down, head outside and go northeast but stay in the
same area. Find the house on the eastern side of the screen and enter it.
Go upstairs and talk with the man. From now on you can leave Ruan. Head
outside and leave the city in the south. Look around to find a chest with a
HP-potion. Check the sings and head to Air-Letten.

* Air-Letten
Enter the building and find the captain at the same floor. Go up the stairs
and talk with the soldier next to the gate. Downstairs you'll meet Renne and
her parents.

If you feel like getting an EP-orb, head to the tower. Don't go inside, but
look for a chest outside the tower. Head back to Ruan. On your way you'll
find another chest with a HP-potion.

Leave Ruan through the north this time. You can start the "Demon Hunting"
quest now, but it's better to wait for Kevin to be in your party. It'll make
life much easier. That, and the battles.

Follow the path north, but go to the left when you can to find a HP-potion.
You can also walk onto the beach and find an ingredient by heading north
through the sea. You'll have to battle a monster for this though (but you can
escape from the battle without a problem).

On the next screen, on the beach, you'll find the wolf-demon. It's better,
as I said, to wait for Kevin to join your party. However, next to the demon
is a chest with a HP-potion. South of the demon is a chest with bait. Feel
like fishing? To the west is a place where you can fish.

When you continue you can go north and west. North heads to the orphanage and
west heads to Magnolia Village. Head to the orphanage first.

* Mercia Orphanage
Talk with the woman outside the orphanage and then head to the village.

* Magnolia Village
In case you want to get a rest, sleep at the inn. You'll need to be at the
top floor of the inn anyway for the "Food Hunt" quest. Talk with the man
there, and he'll give you a list of food he likes. Finding this items can be
quite time consuming, so it may take a while. If anyone knows the locations
of the items, let me know. When you're done, find the mill and check the door
It's open, and the two of you walk in. And look who's there! Kevin (and a
bunch of children)! You'll all bring the children back to the orphanage and
Kevin will join your party. Also, if you want to learn a new recipe, check
the village for that.

He has great healing spells, which are even better for fighting the demons
for the "Demon Hunting" side-quests. As soon as you reach Ruan, Kevin will
leave your party again, but both side-quests are north of Ruan.

Go after the wolf-demon first. You know his location.

*** Optional BOSS: Demon Wolves, 3x 100, 80, 120, 100, 2250 ***

The wolves are able to poison you by hitting you and you probably don't have
anti-poison items. I defeated them without the use of them, and you should
be able to do that too. Just make sure your health never drops below 1000
and it's fine. All your characters should be able to heal themselves and
others, but keep in mind Kevin has the best skills. He can heal up to 3000
HP! Defeat the wolves using magic and abilities. Once a wolf dies, the
others will gain STR and DEF. Be sure to check the chest behind the wolves
for shoes with DEF +45, MOV +2, SPD +2 and AGL +2.

If you got wounded badly and are out of EP too, you may want to return to the
inn in Magnolia Village to rest. If you think you're fine, it's time for the
second demon. Walk (or run) south until you find a sign that points east
and a path that goes to the Royal School (it's one screen north of Ruan).
Head that way until the path splits, and then take the right path to find
a snake.

*** Optional BOSS: Demon Snakes, 2x 80, 80, 120, 120, 3768 ***

These snakes can poison you too, but Scherazard and Kevin seems much more
vulnerable to these attacks. Once again, keep your HP around 1000 or higher
and it won't be too hard.

Once you won, it's time to head back to Ruan. Kevin will leave you here and
you'll all head to the Bracers Guild. Two new persons walk in (Nanoria and
Doroshi). It seems the next goal is the Royal School. Head south, towards the

There seems to be problem at the bridge, but it's soon solved when Oliver
joins the scene in a boat and sings a song. The people leave and Doroshi
starts to make pictures.

Back in the Bracers Guild Oliver and Doroshi join your party. However,
Doroshi is a NPC and you can't control her. She'll use an ability though,
which'll blind enemies. This is pretty useful. Get the new side-quests from
the Bracers Guild and then head towards the church (east, in the same
area). Talk with the nun, and you'll have to answer a series of questions.
The correct answer is 2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3.

Leave the town south and head towards the tower and enter it. You should
avoid fights, because when the NPC dies, it's game over.

This tower contains a truckload of treasures, which is always nice to have.
Head up the stairs and take the right stairs. Walk all the way to the end and
note the big number of stairs. Take the one at the end, and follow is to find
a HP-potion. Take the one you saw before the stairs you came from to find
a recipe. The next stairs should be avoided, because it's only filled with
a huge amount of enemies. Instead take the next one to find some bait. Head
back and find the stairs with a bridge connected to it. Don't use the stairs,
but cross the bridge for 2 HP-potions. Take the remaining stairs (it's next
to the one you came from in the beginning) to find a jacket (DEF +125, ADF
+5, SPD +5, AGL +5).

Now walk all the way back to the room you came from (where I told you to take
the right stairs). Take the other pair of stairs here towards 3F. Take the
stairs to 4F here. The stairs on the right lead to an amulet, while the
stairs on the left lead to 5F, a staff (STR +136, RNG +1), shoes (DEF +40,
MOV +1) and the exit that goes outside.

You need to take a picture of the teleporter. Stand on the middle of the
path, where the grass "meets" the stone. Use the hand-item here to take out
your camera. Select the first option, the second option and the second
option to take a perfect picture (well, Doroshi will take it). Head back to
Ruan (we'll do the demon-quest later) and hand the camera in You'll even
get to see the picture. Not just that, you'll also get an amulet.

Time to finish the side-quests north of Ruan. Walk to Mangolia Village and
leave it through the north side. Find the fork and head towards the
lighthouse (check the signs). Inside talk with the man and accept the
brand new side-quest. The light is broken and he wants you to fix it. A bit
strange, because he should know the thing better, right? There are four
machines here. Labelled closest to the stairs to furthest away, 1, 2, 3
and... 4.

2 - Low, 3 - Low, 1 - On, 2 - Medium, 3 - Medium, 2 - High, 3 - High, 4 - On.

You'll finish the quest and get 2 kind of baits, of each 5. Leave the
lighthouse and go further north, following the road. On the next screen,
after you passed the fork, you'll find a HP-potion. Keep going until you see
the demon on your right. Take the road left first to find a hidden chest with
an ingredient. After that it's time for a demon.

*** Optional BOSS: Demon Scorpions, 2x 100, 100, 100, 100, 4307 ***

These are not all that hard. They can poison you, but it doesn't happen too
often. Make sure your NPC doesn't die. Healing her is more important than
healing your party members! With a party member less you can still finish
the fight.

After the right head to the right and enter the building. There is a
healing-station here, which you can probably use. You can't continue further
down the road, so you guessed it... time to get back to Ruan... on foot =p

Only one demon left, so let's go for that. Head south towards the tower.
Don't even go near the path of the tower, but walk towards Air-Leffen. You'll
see the demon waiting for you.

*** Optional BOSS: Demon Wolves, 3x 100, 120, 80, 3440 ***

These aren't the same wolves as before, as these guys can stun you. Once
again, make sure the NPC gets healed first. I won the battle with Oliver
down. The best tactic is to start with an attack of 3 Special-Abilities of
all the characters. This should take out one of the wolves, making it all
a bit easier. However, just like their brothers, they'll make sure to boost
each other when they die. This is probably the hardest demon-battle out of
the four you did.

Return to Ruan and head north. Remembered where you fought the demon snakes?
Head that way and follow it to reach the Royal School.

* Jenis Royal School
A bird shows up, which belongs to Klose. Talking about her, she'll show up.
After some talking the rest leaves your party, leaving only you and Klose.
A good thing too, since Klose will now join your party.

Talk with everyone on this floor and head down. If you're interested in a
recipe, you can buy one for 800 Mira. Head outside and enter the main
building (the biggest one). On the second floor, have a chat with everyone
and do the same at the first floor (in that order).

Time to get a flashback. Walk to the building in the upperright corner and
walk on the stage. After the nostalgic feeling, head to the building in the
upperleft corner and find the girls on the second floor.

When you leave the building, it's getting dark. Time to get back to the
room you started. At night, your party will wake you up. Head downstairs and
a man will give you the key. Use the key to leave the school through the gate
in the east, and follow the path.

* Old School House
A card is stuck into the door, and the text on it causes a flame to show up.
Head inside and find the torch that isn't burning. Sadly enough, the card
isn't made for that purpose. Upstairs, take the path left and check the
first door to find a HP-potion. Head downstairs again and leave through the
right door.

Outside, find the hidden chest with a few emeralds. It's chilly, isn't it?
Let's head back in. Stay at the first floor, and head left. Enter the first
door and check the table. You guessed it, the table wasn't made for setting
on fire. Head upstairs and go right to end up at the balcony. Check the
broken statue (or something) to find a key. Use the key at the locked floor
downstairs, on the right. Check the statue to find the hidden underground

Heal if needed and then walk forwards to find a furry boss.

*** BOSS: Furry Leecher, 130, 50, 130, 0, 8649 ***

With four characters, this isn't too hard. The leecher has two attacks that
are quite nasty - one will leech the life of a person away (600 to 1200 HP),
while the other will cause a big tornado. The latter will take time to
charge, and you'll see the area of influence. Try to move as much characters
away from that to avoid getting hurt. Use magic for this boss, and obviously
the magic that hurts him the most (yellow, blue).

Doroshi will leave the party for now. Head back to heal, and then continue
your journey. Head down and left first. You'll find a room with a HP-potion.
Follow the path to the left for three chests. The left one contains an
orb (ADF +30, ATS -1%), the middle one an EP-potion and the right one a few

Head back and go down for a HP-potion. If you walk just a bit further you'll
also find an EP-potion. Head all the way back to the beginning (where you
fought the boss) and go straight down to find a red orb (STR +6%, DEF -3%)
and a HP-potion.

Only one path remains, and that's by going back to where you fought the
boss, and then head down and to the right. The room you'll pass will contain
a gun (STR +130, RNG +4). Keep going down as far as possible. The two rooms
you'll see contain a HP-potion and a jacket (DEF +135, ATS +10, ADF +10).
Find the path to the left (it's the only one you didn't take) and take the
stairs down. The chest here contains a few monsters, and since there is a
boss up ahead, you better not use it (or afterwards go back to heal). If you
go further, you'll meet another furry boss.

*** BOSS: Furry Leecher, 130, 50, 130, 0, 8649 ***
2x Robots, 100, 150, 150, 100, 787
2x Storms, 100, 150, 150, 100, 787

As you can notice, this time the leecher has some friends to play with.
Frankly, this fight is a bit harder. Take care of the storms first, as they
are easy to destroy (magic works the best). The robots will boost everyone
when they die, but destroying them makes the battle easier anyway.
Klose can resurrect/heal people with her super-ability, so don't worry too
much about someone getting killed. When only the leecher remains, spread
everyone to a side of the room. This will make the boss go from one to the
other, plus making it less likely for him to hit anyone with his tornado.

You can go left and right after this battle. Head left first, and you'll be
able to take three paths. Left will give you a HP-potion, down will bring
you to a room with a HP-potion and the path up will lead to two HP-potions.
Go back to where you fought the boss and go right. Keep going to the right
and you'll find a chest with shoes (DEF +45, MOV +2, SP+2, AGL +2). Go back
and head up and keep going right for a S-HP-potion. Walk back and find the
path up for an EP-potion and healing-station. Heal yourself and prepare for
a hard fight.

The "ghost" you saw at Janis Royal School isn't a real ghost, but just a
masked man, who is someone you met before (although I don't know where or
who, since I never play the original Legend of Heroes VI). You won't fight
him though, that'd be too easy for him. No, you battle a giant robot instead.

*** BOSS: Two-sworded Robot, 120, 120, 50, 0, 13777 ***
4x Robots, 100, 120, 100, 80, 1144

Once again, some friends are here to join the fun too. Take care of three of
the four robots, but let the last one live. If you destroy it, the robot
will just get another one.
After you took care of that, it's time to focus on the real boss. He has a
few attacks, but only one is really dangerous. He'll charge it, and you'll
notice that the area of influence is really big - too big too avoid. Heal
everyone and make sure has at least 1500 HP. When it attacks, it'll cause
about 1500 HP damage to every single member of your party. If Klose is able
to do the special-ability after this attack, don't hesitate to do so.
Attack with all you can, and don't hold back on the EP-potions this time.

The robot is destroyed, but the masked man isn't. He'll throw knives that'll
slow you all down. The bird of Klose flies in, but gets hit too. However, the
cure is near - the camera of Doroshi. However, the man managed to escape.
Don't worry - at least you finished the first chapter.

Chapter 2 [SC.04.04]

The phanton-man has a chat with Leonhardt, but once they head something,
they'll flee. Kevin is the one who made the noise, and he seems glad that
they didn't find him ;p

Once the talking is done, you're in Ruan. Before starting the real chapter 2,
you can still do two Bracers side-quests that belong to chapter 1 (and yet
can't be activated earlier):

* Casino Scam - Get this quest from the board in the Bracers Guild. Walk
into the casino, and save your game (because if you fail, you can't retry
it). Talk with the woman next to the stairs and accept the quest. She'll
give you 1000 tokens to bet with and beat the (cheating) man.
Upstairs, Estelle will start first. Choice the first option twice, and
Oliver will give it a spin. Choice the second option twice and he'll fold.
Scherazard will also try it. Select the second option to cheat and beat the
man. With the doubled number of tokens, talk to the woman to finish this
* Hotel Investigation - Enter the hotel and find Doroshi in the basement.
Go upstairs again to start the quest. When I tell you to talk to someone,
make sure you ask about all the options (the last one will exit, so skip that
one). Talk with the man with the red hair first, then head to the basement
and talk with the man with the blonde hair. Back to the red-haired man again.
Head downstairs and try to get up again - Oliver and Scherazard will come
down. The lady behind the reception seems to know more about this matter.
Walk down to the basement, and go outside to find a boatman. Talk with him
and head back to the woman at the reception. Go to the upper floor and have
a chat with everyone.
Back to the blonde man for some questions, and after that the boatman. The
blonde man again, and then have a chat with everyone in the hotel (not
Scherazard, Oliver, Doroshi and Nanoria). Go talk with Scherazard and
select the second option, the second to last option (it's the one above the
"exit" option) and then keep answering the second option to finish this

When you're done, head to the east and talk with the lady inside the kiosk.
Select the second option to leave Ruan and head for Zeiss. Note that all the
side-quests from chapter 1 will become invalid when you do this.

* The Airliner "Cecilia"
Talk with Oliver two times to get the third volume of the Gambling Teacher
books. Then have a chat with Scherazard and Klose and head inside again to
arrive in Zeiss.

* Zeiss City
A big amount of snow (or something) seems to block the way out of the city,
so you're bound to stay inside. Inside the Bracers Guild you can find five
new quests. Head outside and check the board that hangs there to start the
investigation about the missing board side-quest. Go back inside and talk
with the woman about it.

You probably want some new equipment now, and the store here has great
weapons for sale. When you're done, enter the house in the lowerleft corner.

* The Russell Factory
Enter the door where the voice comes from and you'll be reunited with two
characters from the original Legend of Heroes VI; Tita & Dr. Russell. They'll
go take care of the snow, which allows you to leave the town.

However, let's first do a few side-quests, shall we? Head towards the exit in
the east, but don't leave. Instead, check the back of the clock (yes, the
back) to find a card. Head towards the Research Center after this (take the
escalators up) and first head to B1.

We got two new demon hunting side-quests, and we'll take care of the first
one now. In B1, take the path to the left and follow it into the cave. At
the first fork, head left and find the normal chest for some bait. The fancy
looking chest contains monsters. Continue and go left at the next fork again
to find a pair of shoes (DEF +55, MOV +1). Head back and keep going until you
find the demon (looks like a frog).

*** Optional BOSS: Female Frog, 100, 100, 100, 80, 4300 ***
4x Male Frog, 100, 100, 100, 80, 2450

At the beginning ONLY focus at the female, because she can spawn male frogs,
and won't stop doing this until she's killed. The male frogs can spawn weak
enemies too, but those aren't a real bother. So the other - female frog,
male frogs, remaining enemies.

Head back to the Research Center and take the elevator (or stairs) to the
third level. Find the professor and he'll give you a gun. Let Oliver equip
it. The objective is to win a couple of battles somewhere outside the
facility, so just keep checking back on it and return when the journal says
it's done.

At the fifth level find the computer and check all the options to find a
clue for the investigation side-quest. Leave the Research Center and head
towards the inn. Check the four chimneys to find the final clue. On the card
is a code, which a woman on floor B1 of the Research Center can use to find
the board. Aah... two side-quests solved.

You can go east of town and do the soldier side-quest and while it may be a
bit hard, you can't do it when you go on with the main quest. So, leave to
the east and then head north until you reach the fortress. Talk with the man
twice (save before talking a second time) and then battle the wave of
soldiers. You can't heal in between, and you should use all the
super-abilities on the lieutenant.

*** Optional BOSS: 4x Soldier, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1550 ***
*** Optional BOSS: 3x Soldier, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1550 ***
1x Vice-Captain, 100, 100, 100, 100, 3111
*** Optional BOSS: 2x Soldier, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1550 ***
1x Vice-Captain, 100, 100, 100, 100, 3111
1x Lieutenant, 100, 100, 100, 100, 9743

If you won the battle, you'll get yourself a ring. Head back to town, and
this time head south. As soon as you find a fork, head east. You'll pass a
chest with a fishing rod. If you keep going east, you'll end up at a big
field. Don't leave the screen, but try to look for a big plant. It's a
demon you need to defeat.

*** Optional BOSS: 3x Demon Plant, 100, 100, 120, 120, 3451 ***

This fight isn't all that hard. The most annoying of these guys is that they
can leech (although they keep the damage low) and hurt a few of your
characters with one attack. Keep the health up and the fight is yours.

Head back to the main path and follow it to find the fort you need to be
at for the main quest. Note that at this point you are NOT able to finish the
Soldier Training side-quest anymore. Also it's suggested that you finish the
Gun Experimental side-quest as well.

* The Wolf Fort
Enter the building on the left and find the captain. Talk with everyone at
the fort and then return to the captain again. Nothing seems to work, so just
leave the screen.

* Sanktheim Gate
Look for the warehouse (second room, main floor, upper row) and talk with the
soldier. Select the second option and then head to the roof. Have a chat with
the soldier here, and then head down to the kitchen and talk with the woman.

Time to head back to Zeiss. Inside the Bracers Guild the Russell family
will greet you. Not just that, but the 12 year-old girl, Tita, will join your
party. However, this means one member will have to leave your party - Oliver
or Klose. Since Klose is great at healing, and Oliver doesn't do too much
damage (not to mention Tita has a ranged weapon too), I suggest to select
Klose. Be sure to check the billboard for a few new side-quests, and then
leave the building. Note that if you don't pick Oliver for the party, you'll
not be able to finish the Experimental Gun side-quest.

Enter the Research Center, and talk with the man that sells orbs (when you
enter, on the right side behind a desk). He has a quest for you, which is
for you to search for parts. Talk with the man who gave you the gun-quest a
bit earlier. In this room, check these locations using the hand-item you got:
1. Right from the door are some shelves with a ladder. Stand in front of the
2. The desk with the blueprint (which is white) on it.
3. At the upperright corner is a machine, with a railing in front of it.
Stand between there.
Head to the fourth floor, and enter the medical room. Check the cat using the
hand-item. There is one other room on this floor, go there and check these
1. Walk into the greenhouse as far as possible.
2. The bottom left corner of the left table.
3. On the right side is a grey cabinet of some sort. Stand on the right side
of it.
4. On the right table stands an Erlenmeyer. Stand on the right of it.
With all these items, return to the man to get your reward. Because you got
all the parts, he'll give you an amulet as bonus.

Remember where you fought the demon frog? Head back in that direction again
until you got to the bridge (if you forget - head down to B1 and go inside
the cave and follow it). Select the first option to install the device.
Anelace and Agate will show up for a second, but disappear soon enough (I
like Anelace :( ).

That's all for now. A quick note - you need to head to the Leiston Fortress
(where you perhaps did the Soldier Training side-quest) for the second part
of the main quest. You'll also meet a new demon there. Finally head to the
direction where you had a fight with the demon plant. More detailed
information coming soon.

Side-Quests [SC.05.01]

Finished the quests the Bracers Guild gives, will earn you BP (Bracers Points)
which will improve your rank. Each time your rank increases, you'll get a free
item. Not only that, but you'll also get money and most important - experience
by doing it. A list of items will come later.

Gambling Teacher Books [SC.05.02]

I don't know what the benefit is of collecting these books, but it's always
fun, right?

01 - In the prologue, after you got back from the Saint-Croix forest and no
one is in the lodge, enter the room that was locked before. On the bed
you'll find the first volume.
02 - In the first chapter, enter the casino. For 200 medals (5 Mira for every
medal, or just win them) you can get the second volume.
03 - When inside the floating ship when heading from Ruan to Zeiss (after
chapter one), talk with Oliver two times to get the third volume.

More to follow.

Chapter 1 [SC.05.03]

Name: Food Hunter
Where: Bracers Guild in Ruan
How: Head to Magnolia Village. Enter the inn and talk with the man on the top
floor. He'll give you a list of food he wants. This takes quite a while to
collect, so if anyone knows the exact locations, let me know.
Reward: 1500 Mira, ? BP

Name: Blue Tower
Where: Bracers Guild in Ruan
How: Talk with the man in the top floor of the hotel in Ruan. He'll give you
a hand-item. Once Doroshi joined your party (although not required) head
towards the tower south of Ruan and head to the top. Use the hand-item on
the path where the grass touches the stone and select the second, second (if
Doroshi came along) and second option. Head back to Ruan and hand in the
Reward: 2500 Mira, 2 BP, Amulet

Name: Demon Hunting 1
Where: Bracers Guild in Ruan
How: Head north of Ruan until you can go east towards the Royal School. Go
there until you find a path that splits. Take the right path to find two
snakes. Defeat them to finish this quest.
Reward: 1500 Mira, 2 BP

Name: Demon Hunting 2
Where: Bracers Guild in Ruan
How: Head north of Ruan until you get to the second screen with a beach. Walk
onto the beach until you find a wolf. Defeat the three wolves to finish this
Reward: 2500 Mira, 3 BP

Name: Church Lecture
Where: Bracers Guild in Ruan
How: Head to the church in Ruan and talk with the nun. Answer these questions
with these answers - 2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3..
Reward: 1000 Mira, ? BP

Name: Demon Hunting 3
Where: Bracers Guild in Ruan
How: Head north of Ruan, through Mangolia Village, past the lighthouse until
you reach a scorpion. Fight the two scorpions to finish this quest.
Reward: 2000 Mira, 2 BP

Name: Demon Hunting 4
Where: Bracers Guild in Ruan
How: Head south of Ruan, towards the signs that indicate where the tower and
Air-Leffen is. You'll find a wolf near. Fight the three wolves to finish
this quest.
Reward: 3000 Mira, 3 BP

Name: Casino Scam
Where: Bracers Guild in Ruan, after beating the first chapter
How: Head into the casino and talk with the woman next to the stairs. Then
for Estelle pick the first two options, for Oliver the second two option
and the second option for Scherazard.
Reward: 2000 Mira, ? BP

Name: Lighthouse
Where: Lighthouse
How: Head towards the lighthouse (north of Mangolia Village, then find the
sign and follow it) and enter it. Talk with the man and put the machines
in these positions (closest to the stairs is 1):
2 - Low, 3 - Low, 1 - On, 2 - Medium, 3 - Medium, 2 - High, 3 - High, 4 - On.
Reward: 1500 Mira, 2 BP

Name: Hotel Investigation
Where: Hotel in Ruan, after beating the first chapter
How: Enter the hotel and find Doroshi in the basement. Go upstairs again to
start the quest. When I tell you to talk to someone, make sure you ask about
all the options (the last one will exit, so skip that one). Talk with the man
with the red hair first, then head to the basement and talk with the man with
the blonde hair. Back to the red-haired man again.
Head downstairs and try to get up again - Oliver and Scherazard will come
down. The lady behind the reception seems to know more about this matter.
Walk down to the basement, and go outside to find a boatman. Talk with him
and head back to the woman at the reception. Go to the upper floor and have
a chat with everyone.
Back to the blonde man for some questions, and after that the boatman. The
blonde man again, and then have a chat with everyone in the hotel (not
Scherazard, Oliver, Doroshi and Nanoria). Go talk with Scherazard and
select the second option, the second to last option (it's the one above the
"exit" option) and then keep answering the second option to finish this
Reward: 5000 Mira, 5 BP

Chapter 2 [SC.05.04]

Name: Signboard Investigation
Where: Bracers Guild in Zeiss
How: Walk outside and check the missing board (well... where it should be).
Check the back of the clock in the eastern part of town, and then check all
the options of the computer at level 5 of the Research Center. After that,
check the chimneys of the inn and give the card to the woman at level B1 of
the Research Center.
Reward: 2000 Mira, 4 BP

Name: Soldier Training
Where: Bracers Guild in Zeiss
How: Leave Zeiss from the east and when you get to the fork, follow the road
to the north. Talk with the man at the gate two times to get into the battle.
Survive three waves of soldiers to win.
Reward: 2500 Mira, 3 BP

Name: Experimental Gun
Where: Bracers Guild in Zeiss
How: Talk with the professor at floor 3 of the Research Center and let Oliver
equip the gun. Keep checking your journal and return when the test is done.
Reward: 2500 Mira, 2 BP

Name: Demon Hunting 5
Where: Bracers Guild in Zeiss
How: Head to floor B1 of the Research Center and enter the cave. Follow it
until you are very close to Air-Letten to find this demon - it looks like a
frog. Defeat the female frog first, then the male frogs and last the
remaining enemies.
Reward: 3000 Mira, 3 BP

Name: Demon Hunting 6
Where: Bracers Guild in Zeiss
How: Head south of Zeiss, and go east at the fork. When you reach a big field,
search for a big plant. Defeat the three plants to finish this quest.
Reward: 3500 Mira, ? BP

Name: Part Detection
Where: Bracers Guild in Zeiss after visiting Sanktheim Gate.
How: Enter the Research Center, and talk with the man that sells orbs (when
you enter, on the right side behind a desk). He has a quest for you, which is
for you to search for parts. Talk with the man who gave you the gun-quest a
bit earlier. In this room, check these locations using the hand-item you got:
1. Right from the door are some shelves with a ladder. Stand in front of the
2. The desk with the blueprint (which is white) on it.
3. At the upperright corner is a machine, with a railing in front of it.
Stand between there.
Head to the fourth floor, and enter the medical room. Check the cat using the
hand-item. There is one other room on this floor, go there and check these
1. Walk into the greenhouse as far as possible.
2. The bottom left corner of the left table.
3. On the right side is a grey cabinet of some sort. Stand on the right side
of it.
4. On the right table stands an Erlenmeyer. Stand on the right of it.
With all these items, return to the man to get your reward. Because you got
all the parts, he'll give you an amulet as bonus.
Reward: 2000 Mira, 2 BP

Name: Peeping Pervert
Where: Bracers Guild in Zeiss after visiting Sanktheim Gate.
How: Coming soon.
Reward: 2500 Mira, 3 BP

Name: Demon Hunting 7
Where: Bracers Guild in Zeiss after visiting Sanktheim Gate.
How: Coming soon.
Reward: 3500 Mira, ? BP

Name: Demon Hunting 8
Where: Bracers Guild in Zeiss after visiting Sanktheim Gate.
How: Coming soon.
Reward: 4500 Mira, 5 BP

More coming soon.

FAQ [SC.06.01]

Q: What does the item do you can get at the beginning if you use your old
savegames of Legend of Heroes VI?
A: This is currently unknown.

Q: How do I know where everything is? The map is in Japanese!
A: Check my site (www.grawl.nl) for a translated world map.

Conclusion [SC.07.01]

I hope you enjoyed my guide, since I put a lot of work in it. If you encounter
problems, feel free to mail me. Also suggestions, feedback, comment etc. are
accepted, the mail addy is on top of this file.

Thanks-list: Temporal, Teioh

And especially you, for reading this.

For other guides, you can check this link:

Copyright (c) 2006 by Grawl. All rights reserved.
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